#he’s just glad they find Raph he just smiles when Mikey tells him he loves him he never mentions defending Donnie
turtleblogatlast · 17 days
I think a lot about Leo standing up for his brothers in the things that really matter to them.
Like- Leo is the one who immediately pushes Mikey and Donnie into finding Raph the second it’s clear that their oldest brother is missing because he knows Raph can’t handle being separated like that.
Leo is the one who stands up for Mikey when Mikey wants to go on a solo mission, actively vouching for him and being the one to convince Raph into letting Mikey go, because being independent and proving himself just as capable of standing on his own two feet as everyone else means so much to Mikey.
And Leo defends Donnie’s honor in particular when his brothers’ intelligence is insulted because Leo is well aware of how important Donnie’s smarts are to him - and how important having those smarts valued and acknowledged is as well.
All this goes right into just how well Leo knows his brothers. For as much as he’ll tease or fight with them, he knows them, and he loves them.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#listen Leo loves his family SO MUCH#and like it’s no accident that Leo is consistently the one to give pep talks that#very notably#are less ‘everyone as a group’ and more ‘all of you individually’#it’s heartening to see honestly and like#it works with how he is as both a person and as a fighter#he knows people he knows them so well he knows how they work what they’re like#which is SO USEFUL for subterfuge AND portal/teleportation strategy#my guy is charming his charisma comes from his understanding of people at an individual level#when he wants to be he is very very good at that#he’s still a teen who is too cocky for his own good at times but that does not negate his stellar other moments#he can be selfish he can be mean he can be rude but when push comes to shove he is so quick to stand up for his family#Mikey’s statement at the end of the movie about how Leo NEVER gave up on THEM is so important because it’s not JUST about the movie!!#that’s Leo as a whole he will never give up on his bros#portal jacked is telling of this too because although it has a lot of comedic moments#never once does Leo stop looking for a way to get his bros back#they’re everything to him#he’s the face man he’s a people person and he’s the number 1 pet turtle which I will discuss the implications of in this essay-#Will also say that when Leo does these moments of standing up for his bros he’s never expecting praise for it#he’s just glad they find Raph he just smiles when Mikey tells him he loves him he never mentions defending Donnie#leo has a tendency to show off fancy glittery moves but his real actions and feelings are sooo much more lowkey#that you have to be actively looking for them to catch them all#and I really really like that about him it’s so interesting HE is so interesting
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notjustdragonspages · 10 months
Cool can i please request rottmnt fluff hc of 4 brothers (separately) with girlfriend reader (unless you only do GN).
The plot about Reader who loves spoiling her boyfriend with well... EVERYTHING; hugs, kisses, cuddle, presents...etc.
She's completely smitten with her boyfriend.
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This was so fun to write X3 apologies if it's a bit short.
Loves it. All if it.
Just.... gets a little nervous around the cuddles cuz spiky
But otherwise he's great!
If he goes too long without giving some affection in return, he'll feel a bit guilty
Very fond of the kisses
On his forehead and palms
You're just so small.....
He's surprised he hasn't accidentally hurt you already
Big bear hugs
Teddy bear
His plastron is a cozy place to just nap on.
Absolutely lives for your gifts.
He'll feel inclined to give one back, but still-
He likes head rubs and just scritches all around
Glad you're willing to give them
He just loves you so much
• oh my god he's insufferable
Just non stop gushing about your gifts
His brothers hate it
The first time you just showered him with hugs and kisses he was a big mushy ball of emotions
But now?
He's used to it (no he's not)
Loves your presents.
Sweater? He'll wear it for days
Comics? Those are going in cases
If you sit down, Leo will appear
Ready for affection
Kisses on his snoot are highly appreciated
And gently rubs on his face crescents never fail to make him sleepy
happy churrs!
Chin scratches too
If you're an artist, he'd love you to paint on his shell
Just pretty designs
Just a big sucker for physical affection
Giggles whenever you kiss his snout
Loves it
Tracing your nails on the spots on his arms has him churring happily in no time
You decide to spoil him with cuddles?
Great, he just finished drawing!
Must build a pillow fort every time
When you buy him gifts, art supplies or new bedding
He'll find a way to work it into that day
He's sweet
Morning hugs are probably his favorite thing
When he's cooking breakfast hug him from behind
Sleepy morning stuff
It makes him so happy
If he's tired, he'll usually curl up on you if you're on the couch, or in his room
And he'll just sleep.
Drag your nails along his shell and he might churr in his sleep
He has a reputation to uphold
But it will break...
For you
Just don't go make out with him in front of his brothers
Kisses on his forehead and the stripes on his shoulders
You'll get a shy smile
Very excited when you give him gifts.
Especially if it's something he can display
Like a sweater or some decor piece
Usually late night cuddles
Under his weighted blanket
He's surprisingly warm
Prefers to be the little spoon (don't tell his brothers!)
His shell is sensitive, but not as much as some think
It's a tough leathery surface, that's like thick skin
So he's okay with you touching it
Just ask first
His spines are fun to feel
Sensory thing
Just overall a happy turtle when you pet his shell
He just gets to relax and you get to explore
If you rub sort of where his shoulder blades would be
He'll probably just fall asleep
Likes when you hug him from behind
As long as he's not doing something dangerous
He loves you
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torturedblue · 11 months
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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Ima keep talking about coraline au
Mikey dealing with all the emotions post movie and just. It’s like. Everything has changed in such the worst way even though they got their happy ending.
Donnie is snappy and Raph is sad and Leo is in a coma
Meanwhile, it’s like Splinter is pulling away again when they need him the most
AND Mikey can’t even relax in the comfort of his home cause this place is still so new and different and
there’s a little door?
Never noticed it before. But. There’s still a bunch of this place that they haven’t really explored yet.
It’s too small to be something like a maintenance door. And it was really hidden away behind a thick layer of dust.
And, it’s locked.
But. Not too far away. Mikey finds a black iron key. Bout a stone throw away.
The thing is absolutely covered in spiderwebs. Which is. Also odd.
Mikey doesn’t even know how he found this black key that was so perfectly hidden away here.
Or if it will even open—aaaand it opens the door.
Mikey wonders if he should tell his brothers.
He doesn’t want to talk to them right now.
The key unlocks the door and Mikey crawls in. And on the other side of a long tunnel is… he’s back home???
It was a straight tunnel Mikey crawled through. How’d he get turned around like this and wind up back home?
And with a “HEADS UP!” Raph speeds past him on his skateboard.
Going after Raph, Mikey has a moment to actually look around. And. This place really is Mikey’s dream place. Yeah it’s the new lair, but it feels like home now. It looks brighter, and more lived in. Like it had been their home from the start.
And Raph falls off his skateboard and wipes out, but hops back up immediately with a laugh about how his face takes damage like a boss
Raph sees him and looks so happy and tells Mikey he’s so glad he’s here and he has big black buttons for eyes.
Mikey freaks and this confuses Raph. The sound brings out Donnie, who is carrying a bunch of games and also has buttons for eyes where did Mikey leave the exit—
He finally spots the little door across the way and runs to it before running into
“Woah! Leaving so soon, Miguel?”
It’s Leo. Awake and healthy.
And yeah. He has button eyes as well. But. He’s whole. And talking and smiling and—
“Hey, Mikey. Hey, what’s wrong bud? Oh… Mikey.”
Mikey cries and hugs this Leo. And he knows that this isn’t really his Leo. And that Leo has never been good at comforting others. He’s sometimes worse than Donnie. But he
“Oh, everything’s okay Mikey. We’re all okay. You did such a good job! Hey. Hey. I’m really proud of you.”
Mikey finds himself in the middle of a group hug with all his brothers.
It’s what he really really needed. That. And the good cry he’s having now.
When everything winds down, Mikey asks who they are.
They all look confused. They say that they’re Mikey’s brothers.
And Mikey… doesn’t want to be rude cause they do look like his brothers (for the most part. Like. 95% of them) and they act way better than his brothers.
“Uh. No. I got that. But. You’re not though. My brothers don’t have… uh… have…”
“You’re brothers don’t have button eyes?”
“Pffft Duh! We’re your Other Brothers!”
Mikey: … huh?
Other Donnie: Didn’t they tell you about us? Pretty much all the Hamatos have them. I can’t believe you didn’t know until now!
Mikey: I…no. They didn’t tell me.
Brushing past that. All of Mikey’s other brothers say that it sounds like they need to do a Mikey Day!
A day where they all get to be happy doing the things that make Mikey happy! And Other Splinter will join them! He smashed his tv long ago, and he loves being out of his room and playing with them!
Other Donnie is so happy and relaxed. He only runs into his lab to run out just as quickly with another invention for them to play with.
It’s so cool how Other Donnie is able to run into his lab and almost immediately run back out with a new fun invention.
Other Raph trusts Mikey to do anything! Never worries about Mikey injuring himself, and completely believes in him.
Other Leo is so open! There was a point during the day when Other Leo said he needed to take a break because he was tired. All the Other Brothers got worried, but Other Leo just needed a moment.
He talked to Mikey and it felt so so good to hear how Other Leo was doing. And! He wasn’t doing bad! Just needed Mikey to listen.
It felt so good to have his Other Brothers talk to him like this. And to talk to them so openly in return.
It’s so easy to look past the weird button eyes. If Mikey thinks about them, yeah they give him the shivers. But, between skateboarding and arts and crafts and so much more, it’s just more fun not to think about them.
Also. Other Leo and Other Raph never fight.
During the whole Mikey Day, all of his Other Brothers worked together in sync in the way Mikey missed doing with his brothers.
The end of Mikey day had his other brothers asking him for a snack from the kitchen, and that’s where Mikey finds.
Other Karai. Alive and well.
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
TMNT request!
Reader who has a crush on them and it’s kind of obvious so they tease her about it, she gets flustered/embarrassed and they find it cute!
I feel like Raph would be super cocky and kind of a lovable jerk about it.
Donnie wouldn’t do it on purpose but he’d put you on the spot and embarrasse the shit out of you, he’s a blunt dude😭. Or maybe he’d be super sweet about it!
I think leo and mikey would be so sweet😭🧡💙
But anyways yeah.
Reader with a crush, the guys find out and tease her about it
TMNT reaction to finding out s/o is crushing on them
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting!
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He had a feeling he liked you and it was confirmed when he overheard Mikey talking about it
But oh boy was he so happy
I mean you liked him back!
But he definitely had to tease you a bit first.
Inviting you to "help" him work out.
Really he just wanted you to watch. He knew it would make you flustered.
And he loved joking about it. You were so cute when you got all flustered and embarrassed.
But he could only drag on his antics for so long before he caved.
He didn't even say anything..just kissed you.
Boy was he glad he did. You were perfect..but don't think the teasing would stop.
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He knew..he didn't need to ask he knew by the way you looked at him
Bc it was the way he looked at you.
And you know what he couldn't tease you.. couldn't joke with you.
But he also didn't know how to tell you
He wanted to, but he wanted it to be special
And private he didn't want any prying eyes around him.
So he made sure you were both alone when he told you.
It was sweet he read you a small poem he wrote you
And gave you some roses and just he wanted to see you smile.
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I hope your cool with being embarrassed bc he definitely embarrassed you
It didn't mean too, but it's Donnie.
He just he overheard that you liked him and his heart began to race and he had the butterflies
Bc you like him?
So he went and found you snd you were talking to his brothers and he just
"I heard that you had a crush on me..do you?"
Pfft he didn't even think about it and he felt so bad when he saw that he embarrassed you 😭
So he just kissed you hoping it would make up for it and tbh he embarrassed himself too.
But he was glad he did bc be really, really liked you.
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It's Mikey time all the time the moment he finds out.
He definitely makes sure your attention is on him.
He loves that you get a little flustered it's adorable
But he can only do small touches and jokes for so long
Before your sitting and playing a video game and when you turn to pout about losing
He just kisses you and it's so sweet and he melts into you.
And he doesn't want it to stop.
He definitely liked you..a lot.
You were barely able to breathe you had to remind him oxygen was a necessity.
Oh yeah he was all over you.
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Hey! I love your writing style! :D I was wondering if you could do a Michelangelo, Raph, Leo and Donatello with an Italian reader, with them trying to speak a little bit of Italian to impress the reader. And see how all of them are :) Sorry for bothering, have a great day! ^^
A/n: Your not bothering me. Thank you for requesting. And sorry if anything is wrong I used Google translate.
Summary:the boys have a Italian s/o and they try and speak Italian to impress you
It's no surprise he wanted to impress you but no one expected him to go this far
One day while you came to the lair you said hi to mikey and turned in his chair(I'm imagining he's sitting in the kitchen) and said
"Ciao amore mio"(hi, my love)
You stood their shocked before giggling and hugging him
You found it adorable he did this
And mikey was silently cheering while hugging you
He was walking out of the dojo and thinking about something
He was gonna ask you a question but couldn't find you In the lair
So he went to your place and tapped on the window
You opened it and instead of a hello it was
"cara, domanda veloce"(darling, quick question)
You sat their shocked before letting him in and smiling
You were glad he did this for you
And yes you answered his question
Just a little shocked he said that in Italian
Donnie was at your place waiting on you
You guys were going on a date and he was nervous especially since it was a fancy date and you wanted to set the mood
But you were their to help him out
So when you came out in your outfit he was shocked
You asked him how you looked and he smiled saying
"sei stupenda come sempre"(you look stunning as always)
You blushed a little before giggling
You hugged him before giving him a small kiss
Then you pulled him away from your room to your guys date area
He was glad you didn't laugh and enjoyed your smile when he said that
He wanted to buy you flowers so he was getting Casey to do it
But he didn't know what your favorite flower was
So he looked around the lair and found you in the kitchen
He shouted form across the room
"quali sono i tuoi fiori preferiti"(what are your favorite flowers)
You quickly looked over shocked before smiling and shouting back in Italian to see if he would get it
He didn't
So you had to tell him in English while giggling
He just thought 'mission success'
A/n:sorry this took awhile and if anything in Italian is wrong I don't know Italian I just hope Google translate is correct. I hope you enjoyed
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mythica0 · 1 year
I cant whait for you to come back!! I LOVE UR posts and its makes me feels so glad beacuse this is on my " happy things to do when ur sad" list anyways IF u dont have an idea on a rottmnt fic heres one! The turtles are bored and then they remember that they were playing hide and tickle game soo they decided to play it beacuse of boringness! Btw write this when u come back beacuse u deserve a small break!
A Memory
🧁: Leo, Donnie, Raph
🍫: Mikey
Summary: it’s one boring day and the turtles don’t know what to do, until Mikey gets a memory of a game they used to play that’s sure to cure the boredom right up…
A/N: thanks for the request! Sorry about the delay and enjoy!
Tw: a single cus word
A Memory
Nothing was happening. Nothing bad, but nothing good either. And the group of mutant turtles in the sewer were bored.
They were kinda slumped over eachother, Donnie was zoned out and Mikey softly humming to himself.
Leo finally broke the silence by saying what they were all thinking. “Ugh, I’m so booooreed” he groaned out.
“Me too.” The others chorused in a deadpan.
“Maybe we could think of something to do?”
The four thought about it, trying to come up with anything to get rid of this boredom.
Mikey suddenly had a memory come to him, from long ago.
It was early, and Mikey was hiding. They were playing hide-and-seek(with a twist) and Raph was the seeker.
He heard the oldest brother approach and started to giggle, covering his mouth so he wouldn’t be heard.
But, it was for not, as Raph heard the muffled sounds.
“Aha! Found ya’!” His young voice echoed.
“C’mere!” The Snapped called, pulling the still-giggling Mikey in and scratching his sides.
“Ehee! Rahahahahaphie!! Stahahap!”
“But this is my reward for finding ya~!”
Those were always fun.
Mikey felt a smirk grow on his face. “What if we play hide-and seek like we used to as tots?”
Leo, Donnie and Raph all nodded, but the ladder quickly whipped his head around to face the youngest with a questioning look.
“With or without the twist?”
Mikey’s smirk grew and it was all the answer they needed. “You guys have 20 seconds. Use it wisely.”
They all scattered in different directions and Mikey started counting down loudly.
He could tell he was growing a ler mood as he counted. Like a yawning hunger only the laughter of his family could satisfy. (A/N: is this at all accurate to ler moods? I have no idea)
As soon as he yelled out, “ONE! Ready or not here I come~!” He eagerly went out on his search.
He searched throughout the lair, looking(and listening) for any signs of his brothers.
And eventually, he heard something. Quiet muffled giggles coming from underneath Leo’s bed.
Ah, such a classic downfall. Mikey snickered and dropped down the the floor, spotting Leo underneath his bed.
“Really, Leon? Under the bed? You’re smarter than that!”
“Shuhuhut ihit tihihiny!” The slider giggled out.
“Oo~ name calling?~ I hope you know you just made this so much worse for yourself.”
Mikey smiled as he spoke, pulling Leo from under the bed and grabbing his knees.
He got cut off by his own laughter as Mikey moved down ti squeeze at his thighs.
“Oh~ can you not handle the tiickless~ Tough luck!”
Mikey halted his attack and stood up. “You’re lucky I have two other turtles to find!” He called with a boop to Leo’s snoot.
Leo stood and walked to the common area to wait, giggling quietly. Both from leftover phantom tickles, and at the knowledge that his older brothers were about to suffer the same fate.
Mikey continued his search, and it didn’t take much longer till he found Raph in the bathtub with the curtains closed.
It was one of the only hiding places that could fit the poor guy! Could you blame him!
“Found another one! Man you guys are dropping like flys!”
Raph sighed light-heartedly as he climbed out. “Just get it over with.”
“Whatever ya say big guy!” And without another word the youngest started to scribble against Raph’s spikes.
The snapper burst into loud laughter at the feeling, squirming slightly.
“Aww~ your spikes always were so ticklish Raphie~”
The oldest’s face dusted red at the words, but he didn’t respond.
“Nothing to say~ that’s okay!(A/N: Rhyming!:D)
I’ll let you go now~”
Raph stood up all the way and chuckled to himself before going to join Leo in the common area.
Now Mikey only had one victim remaining, and he had a feeling he knew where he was.
Y’see, Donnie had this.. habit… of hiding in his lab under the table. Why? Mikey didn’t know. Maybe the comfort of familiarity? Maybe because he knew they wouldn’t forget to look for him if they knew where he was? It didn’t matter.
What did matter was that Mikey was heading to check there now. He didn’t sooner because Donnie doesn’t always hide there, sometimes he spices it up. But, Mikey hadn’t seen him yet so he just knew that was where the soft shell was.
Mikey walked into the lab with a call, “Donnie~ I know you’re in here~”
He perked under the lab table and saw a familiar face underneath it.
“There you are~ get out of there!”
The boxer dragged Donnie out of his hiding spot, The soft shell fighting him the whole time.
This left an opening that Mikey took advantage of, shoving his hands under the genius’ arms.
Donnie barked out a laugh before falling into fast giggles.
“Tickle tickle tickle~”
“SHIHIT!- Dohont sahahay thahahat wohohord!”
“And you don’t say that word, mister.”
Despite the situation he was in, Donnie couldn’t help but be snarky. “Thahahahat wohohord!”
Mikey giggled at the sentiment, moving his hands down a bit to Donnie’s ribs.
“Silly goose.”
Donnie’s giggles died down a bit, and eventually stopped entirely as Mikey ceased his fingers.
“All done! You get to seek next! Too the common area!”
The two walked in the common area, where Leo and Raph were idly chatting as they waited.
“Oh! Welcome back!” Leo called.
“It’s my turn to seek.” Donnie spoke in a slightly threatening monotone. “Better start running.”
The three ran off again, and as they did so Leo whispered to Mikey, Donnie’s counting echoing over them as they spoke.
“What made you think of this game anyway?”
“Oh, nothing much, just a memory.”
Mikey ushered off Leo to a different spot as he hid, giggling quietly.
Now they were making a memory.
———THE END————————————————
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vixenninjaturtle · 1 year
VAMPIRIC LOVE pt. 3. (Final)
TMNT RAPH (2016) x Fem Reader
For @ashleighclark98
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Three weeks have passed since you were attacked. Raphael was so worried that he ended up calling his brothers for some assistance. Donatello was in charge of monitoring your health and the progress of your change. Leonardo was asked to help with meetings with guests, while Michelangelo is in charge of the cooking and cleaning. Raph needless to say was by your side every day since, praying that you would soon wake up. He just couldn't imagine his life without you.
And as much as he tried to keep up this facade of being a tough grumpy cold-hearted vampire, deep down he was really growing fond of you despite your feisty personality. You could even say that he's falling in love with you. Which is why he hopes that you would wake up pretty soon so he can say it to your face.
One evening Raph decided to end his last meeting early. Knowing that you were still unconscious he just couldn't seem to concentrate on his work. He wanted nothing more than to hear your voice and hold you in his arms. He couldn't even bring himself to eat let alone sleep due to the fact that he was so worried about you.
"Raph please you got to eat something. You got to keep your strength up. " Leo encouraged his brother.
"Yeah yeah I know Leo I know! But I just... Don't have much of an appetite." Raph sighed with his hands covering his face.
"We can't understand that bro, and we all know you're really worried about y/n but still you'll need your strength when she wakes up." Mikey followed up bringing his brother a pouch of blood.
"Mikey's right Raph if you don't do it for anybody else... Please do it for y / n. She's going to need you to get her in this journey and becoming a vampire."
"Yes I know and I get that but what if she hates me for turning her into a vampire? I mean I try so hard to keep her out of this life to keep her human forever. But seeing her Motionless... I couldn't just let her life in like that. I just... hope she's not angry with me for taking that choice away from her."
"And who said I was mad at you? If anything I'm glad it was you who turned me and not anyone else."
Raphael's head immediately shot up from his hands and whipped around so fast you thought he'd give himself whiplash just to see you standing at the entrance of his office awake and moving around.
"Y/n?... Y-you're awake?... but when? And for how long?" Raph stammered as he made his way towards you.
"She actually woke up a few hours ago. And after explaining everything to her making sure her wound has fully healed Plus checking her over she insisted on coming to see you and surprise you." Don explained walking in from behind her.
"I'm just happy that you're okay, I was seriously losing my mind with worry and y/n, I'm really sorry for putting you in that situation. If I had known he was going to react like that----"
Raphs' words were suddenly cut off as you pressed your finger to his lips. "Shhhh it's ok Raph but that's all over now. All that matters now is that I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." You smiled caressing his cheek
Raphael stared into your beautiful e/c is before wrapping his arms around you embracing you and a hug.
"Come on guys, we should leave them alone and give them their privacy." Donnie suggested to his brothers.
Both Leo and Mikey looked at each other then look between Raphael and Y/N before smiling agreeing to Donnie's suggestion. As they were leaving they each patted their brother on the back of his shell basically encouraging him to tell you about his feelings. Once everyone was gone, you and Raph finally released each other from your embrace.
"Again y/n I'm really sorry, I never meant to put you in danger nor did I ever want you to find out that I was a vampire... or at least not like this."
"Raph you don't have to apologize for anything. I assumed anyway you being a millionaire you're prone to having some enemies. Plus I already figured that you were a vampire from the get-go." You smirked at that last statement.
Raphs' I grew wide after hearing you already knew about him being a vampire. But then again, he kind I've had a feeling that you knew already because you were a lot smarter than you looked. And despite him trying so hard to keep that side of his life hidden it seems like he did a pretty poor job.
"Hehe, why am I not surprised you are always so feisty and always sticking your nose into things you had no business knowing. Nonetheless that's what I love about you." Raph smirked as he leaned in closer pressing his lips on yours.
You were shot to hear that Raphael the grumpy turtle and your employer who always said that you two will never be friends said that he loved you. However you are even more shocked that he kissed you without hesitation. He then pulled away from you allowing you to catch a breath as you both stared into each other's eyes.
"I love you too Raph." You whispered before leaning in for another kiss.
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jing-yuans-wife · 2 years
Headcanons: When S/o gifts turtles
* You were nervous as you enter the lair with Leo's gift
* You made a set of beaded charms to attach to his katana handles
* You find him in the dojo meditating
* "You practicing to sneak in quietly?" He opened his eyes giving you his signature smile
* You promptly shake your head smiling,"Nah, you got that covered already" you told him
* He seemed more curious now watching as you take something out your jacket pocket
* It was set of small silver charms, The one had S/o name while the other had Leo's name on
* Leo immediately put them on his Katana handles then hugged you
* "This is such a lovely gift Y/n"
* "Well i made it for you. Now you can see we the perfect pair"
* He then nuzzled into your neck just really happy at that time, maybe a little emotional from such a lovely gift as its handmade
* You come to the lair holding a gift for Raph
* Eventually you find him working out in the weight room
* "Like what you see Doll?~"
* "Babe! Yes and yes, but im here actually to give you something-"
* Raph put the weights down instantly, now giving you his undivided attention
* You blushed a bit handing him a wrapped package,"Uhh hope you like it. I made it."
* Raph takes it and ripped the wrapping paper off revealing a biker's sleeveless jacket and it had custom tattered edging. There was also S/o and Raphs initials on the pocket
* "Babe...you made this...for me?."
* You nod slightly nervous if he liked it or not
* He instantly put it on and it fitted him so perfectly!
* He pulled you into a bonecrushing hug for a moment then kissed your forehead
* "Then this means you get to ride my new bike with me that I been working on."
* You squealed in excitement hugging him
* however he decided to pick you up throwing you over his shoulder taking you to his room to give you a much needed "Thank you" for the gift
* You were busy threading some beads together
* Your computer chimed with a message that you instantly checked
* It was Donnie checking in on you.
* You mail him back telling him you will be right over
* Arriving with the gift in your pocket a bit nervous of his reaction, you check to see where he is
* You find him in his lab reading some science theory
* " Oh hey babe, I was just catching up on new theories online. What you got there?."
* "Something I made you."
* You hold it up showing a purple turtle charm that had S/o name engraved behind it
* He was so thrilled with it that he put it on right away
* He then pulls you onto his lap and kisses you all over your face
* You are in a fit of giggles from this affection, but glad he likes the gift
* You knew exactly what he would like, so you were spending hours to make it
* After an unknown amount of time your phone rings
* "Hello?."
*"Baaaabe!! I miss you!!."
* You chuckle at his affectionate behavior
* "Hey im coming over now so be prepared for a surprise!."
* "You already mine babe, but sure! Looking forward to it!."
* You laugh a little hanging up the call packing his gift
* Arriving at the lair, it wasnt long before you were swept off your feet by Mikey
* "Baaaaaabe! Im so happy you here!."
* You take out his gift, a friendship bracelet with S/o and his initials. It was in his colour too!
* He immediately sets you down taking the bracelet and puts it on,"Babe this is awesome!."
* He goes over to his brothers to show it off leaving Y/n blushing and giggling
* He after a moment picks her up and hugged her, then proceeded to kiss her cheeks while whispering sweet nothings to her
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iheartchv · 2 years
Hello! How're you doing? 🥰 I've got an idea: Their S/O can draw very well, and the boys didn't know about that. How would the boys react if they find their S/O's notebook and see her/his art, including a drawing of them?
Thank you 💜
Im okay ^^ hope everythings been alright for you as well, and hope this is alright♡♡♡
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He sees your notebook sitting on the couch
But he doesnt remember seeing you come in or leave
He figured you left it accidently
Hes wondered what made you smile whenever he seen your pencil move across the paper
Plenty of times when he was in the dojo training/improving a technique, he saw you sitting with the book in your lap
He knew he shouldnt without your permission (whether youd let him or not), but he wanted to see what artwork his angel has done
Opening the cover he finds sketches of people, Japanese inspired designs, and stops when he sees himself
The way you payed attention to the details of his muscles, scars, the design, dips and curves of his shell was impressive
It looked like he was looking at a black and white picture of himself
A smile spread on his face and warmth spread through his body
"Youre so talented, my love"
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The notebook was sitting randomly in the lair
He saw it and figured it was Donnie's or Mikey's
He sighed, a bit annoyed
He knew Splinter or Leo would probably wonder whose it was
So he decided to go put it in one of their rooms
However when he opened the book he saw your name inside
He didnt know whether to just put the notebook down or look through it
Hed be lying if he said he wasnt interested
He had always been wondering what you were doing
He opened the book and turned the pages
He was amazed at the amazing art before him
He never knew you were such an amazing artist
However his heart stopped when he saw a picture you sketched of him
It was pretty detailed
He saw how much effort you put into these, into every piece of art
He couldn't stop smiling
"What did I do to deserve someone as awesome like you, babe?"
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He found your notebook sitting on top of his
He opened the book absent-mindedly looking for a page to write down some formulas/ coding for new computer programs
He was confused for a second
Like "who erased my equations/codes"?
His stomach fluttered
He respects your privacy and closed it
However, he was curious and quickly opened it back up
He hoped curiosity wouldn't get him killed, as the saying goes
He was met with all the sketches and drawings youve done till recently
He admired how you saw the beauty in everything
He felt his heart leap when he saw a drawn portrait of himself
The lines, the colors, everything was mesmerizing
He'd apologize later
But hes glad to have seen your artwork
You are so talented, and your art showed how you was as a person
It made him fall in love with you all over again
With a smile on his face he said:
"My dove, I love you so much, more than you'll ever know"
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He saw it sitting on the kitchen table
You said you needed to use the restroom and hurried
He waited till you were gone and sat down to look inside
He had seen you with that notebook of yours, pencil making light scratching noises
He always asked what you were drawing
It made him feel left out when you didnt tell him or said,"Nothing."
He opened the cover and saw a world of color and shapes
Flowers, dogs, many different kinds of skies
He loved everything he saw
What he saw next made him stop for a second
He saw a picture of himself
He way you drew and colored his eyes, face, scales, everything was flawless
Absolutely beautiful...
It was like he was looking at a reflection of himself
He saw some sketches and studies of different parts of his body
He felt happy to be your muse
"Aw, baby cakes. Your art is beautiful, just like you are"
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Tell All (Donatello x Reader)
Synopsis: Don and the Reader had been hiding their relationship from his family but they decide its finally time to come clean.
Genre: Fluff mostly, some crack, literally one sex pun
Word count: 1946
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So soft.
Wasn't his skin supposed to be rougher all together? How were his lips so soft and smooth then? Just another mystery.
Your mouths split with a tiny wet sound, but neither of you was in a rush to go anywhere.
But you should have been.
"Dinner's ready!" came Mikey's energetic shout from somewhere withing the lair. Probably the kitchen.
A soft longing sigh left your lips, and you felt a warm current of air hit your face - Don felt the same.
"We should go." you state, convincing yourself as much as him.
"Do we have to?" he whined breathlessly.
Yes, yes, you did. And he knew that. You both did. Otherwise his brothers and his very observant father will notice you're acting suspicious. They'll probably figure out he wasn't just helping you study for that AP Statistics exam. That is, if they hadn't already.
Your hands slid down his shoulders in an attempt to separate you two but instead they fell onto the top of his plastron, thumbs running softly over the last uncovered skin there, where you knew he was sensitive.
"Hmmm..." it came out as a low growl and it surrounded you on all sides. "You're not helping."
"Am I ever?"
"DONNIE! (Y/N)! DINNER!" at least Mikey stuck to the strict "No entering during study-sessions" rules. That's good to know that he can be intimidated into compliance. Or blackmailed... Point is, it worked.
Donnie's head falls in defeat, forehead leaning on yours for support.
So glad he took those goggles off. You can see more of him this way.
He sighed again, defeated - he was too smart to not figure out that at some point your behavior will raise suspicion. His head lifted back, and turned to the door.
And your cheeky ass giggled at that.
"Oh, Donnie." you teased, "I haven't even started."
"Pfft. " chuckle, and a snort.
He really did like your dirty puns.
The man took your hand into his cool giant one, somehow providing comfort like no other, as he pulled you to the lab entrance. But once at the door you had to split. It's part of the arrangement.
His family shouldn't know about you.
You two decided at the early stage of your budding romance that keeping the whole thing on the down-low for a while was the smartest choice. It would prevent his brother's jealousy, it won't incite any fights, it won't change their relationship with you and you'll get to feel things out at your own pace - no pressure or prying eyes.
Just you.
But there was a list of downsides too. For one, neither of you was a great actor, Don was even shit at lying, so you'd had to take extra steps to remain as friendly-looking as possible. Then there was the trying-to-set-you-up-with-Vern thing that April was doing and every time the topic came up you could act regular-disgusted but not in-a-happy-relationship disgusted, and so would your favourite turtle. And then there was the hiding, coveting each other in the lab or in small stolen moments in the lair, and the lying about going topside to do recon or install something somewhere, the covering up - no, of course Donnie wasn't with you at your place, he must have gone somewhere else.
You were quite honestly sick of it. You were ready to tell his brothers. You were ready to tell the world.
"We should tell them." his voice was once again low, quiet as if to preserve the last few moments of the secret to yourselves.
Once again you were entirely in sync despite being vastly different.
He was a genius, you, decidedly, weren't.
He was really into sports, you weren't.
He was a 6'8 ninja turtle raised underground by a rat dad, and you obviously were not.
And yet somehow, you clicked.
"I agree."
At that point you knew that your approval would kick into gear the most destructive process in Donnie's mind - overthinking.
Your hand immediately darted out and grabbed one of his pulling it up to your lips and kissing the knuckles in reassurance.
"We'll figure it out."
But still, you had to split. Even if you did plan to tell them, there would be a time and a place for that.
"What took you so long? The lasagna got cold." Mikey was positively outraged - as much as he could be - by your lack of interest in his usually excellent cooking.
"Sorry, Mikey." you butted in, trying to save the day, "There's just something about Inferential Statistical Analysis that I can't wrap my head around." Bullshit, you knew exactly what it was and how it worked - it's part of the basics but he didn't need to know that.
"Still smells great though!" Don sounds cheerful enough even though you'd just agreed to break the fragile peace in your relationship just a minute prior. He was getting really good at the lying part. Too bad it won't be needed for much longer.
Dinner was as uneventful as it can be around five mutant ninjas. Master Splinter asked about your day, you told him about the nearing finals season and he offered some comforting words after which the conversation bounced around the rest of the family in a natural progression.
Once you were full, and once all of Mikey's delicious food had been virtually inhaled by the four giant men around you, you got up to get the dishes to the kitchen and help clean up. It was only fair, after all.
Apparently it was Ralph's turn to wash dishes and there was no wiggling out of that because Splinter said so. Well, at least you can dry them.
And dry them you did, meanwhile casual conversation about whatever kept flowing and you figured you won't be able to go back to the lab and do some more 'Statistics'.
You were just drying and putting away the last plate when a thiqq arm stretched over your head to reach a cupboard you couldn't even get to in your dreams.
Your head whipped back, eyes landing straight on some hard looking chest plates under a pair of suspenders. And then you looked up and saw Donatello, the cheeky shit, with a pop tart in his mouth and a shit-eating grin around it.
"Oops, sorry, (Y/N), didn't see you there."
Oh, I'll give you Oops, didn't see me, my ass. You'll see.
He was being unusually open about his closeness to you and that was less then an hour after you'd decided to come clean.
He was ready then.
"I was planning on checking out the meatpacking District tomorrow." Leo was going on about that idea he had to check out some building or another, Mikey was wiping down the table, and Raph was finishing up the dishes, and for once Don was just there chilling.
His treat was gone, meaning he ate it all, he seemed relaxed, his shoulders loose and shell leaning on the wall.
No time like the present.
"You guys, I'm gonna head out. I've got work tomorrow and after that I've got a study group to attend so, I should head to bed."
"You need us to walk you home?" Leo asked more out of courtesy, he knew you lived close and would usually decline.
"No, no, that's okay." you replied, looking for your bag and jacket where you'd left them near the kitchen table.
"Aaaw, you're leaving already? Well, at least you ate." Mikey quickly swept you into a hug goodbye and turned back to sorting his ingredients in the cupboards.
"Thanks to you, Mikey Steward." to which he giggled in response.
"See you tomorrow, shorty." Raph waved as he turned to get a beer from the fridge.
"Stay safe out there, okay?" Leo always the guardian, warned you for the hundredth time, again just out of courtesy.
And then you walked to where Don was leaning on the wall, took his chin in your hand and pulled him down.
Oh, shit, am I actually gonna do this!?
Your lips met, your heart pounded, the room became super hot and that wasn't just because of the brilliant piece of man-candy in your hands. You could feel their eyes but then again that was the whole point.
A loud dramatic intake of air was heard, a drop of something metallic and then silence.
Your face pulled away from him, eyes opening slightly to look at him, as your weight fell back onto your heels from standing on your tiptoes. His face had that same dazed, satisfied-yet-hungry look that he usually had whenever you'd had to break apart.
He tasted so sweet, you just had to lick your lips at the memory.
"I'll see you tomorrow." you whispered, that was all you could force out in that moment.
"See you tomorrow." his voice was as soft as yours even though his brothers could probably hear.
You fully pulled away from your man, now certain that there'd be no secrets between you and the ninja clan.
You were not an actor, you quickly got embarrassed with your performance, however brilliant it may have been, and speedily scammed to pick up your belongings and jogged outta there.
You turned one last time, because something in you said you should and what you saw was truly a sight.
All three of Don's bothers with their mouths hanging open and Splinter peeking out of the door to the dojo with his eyes like saucers and then there's Donnie - the image of peace, hands in his pockets, a soft smile on his lips, now shiny from your lip gloss, and looking you straight in the eye as you retreated.
"Bye." you shout to no one in particular and scramble for the exit.
Phone - charging
Alarm - set
Pajamas - on
What's missing then?
Your phone notified you that someone was requesting your attention and you were more than happy to find out it was your man.
'Hey, Laika' Oh lord it so got you giggling like a schoolgirl when he called you that.
'Hey, Tyson' and then he told you that he loved to be compared with the biggest name in astrophysics today.
'How did it go?' you felt super bad for bailing on him but at the same time there was this relief that came with the cat being out of the bag.
'Surprisingly well. No one was mad that we kept it a secret.' well, that's good. You won't have to jeopardize your relationship with the boys. 'Dad still wants to talk to you tho'
Ah, well, that's to be expected. Even though Donnie is an adult, the were still a very tightly knit family unit so, you supposed that something like that would be a pretty big deal.
'That's fine, I'd do whatever'
'I wish I could kiss you rn'
It honestly shocked you how chill about it he was. Probably because he wasn't being grilled for information anymore, neither of you would have to lie anymore, and because he could now tell Vern to fuck right off, with no worry about how it would look.
You were so looking forward to being solely and entirely his.
'Tomorrow we start anew'
He had a point, things would change. But hopefully not between you.
'Can't wait to meet you for the first time again lol' you didn't know if you were being funny or just cheesy but it felt right.
Despite your smile, your eyes started drooping, your breaths slowing and you felt the exhaustion of the day slowly hug you like a blanket.
'Goodnight, (Y/N)'
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emerald-x-green · 3 years
hey hey lovely, how are you today?♡
would it be okay if i requested headcanons for the brothers (seperate) with a reader that's grumpy in the morning?
my idea was that it's morning, and the reader is all cuddled up to him. he wants to get up, but they just grumble a bit and cuddle even closer.
i just thought of this when i woke up a few minutes ago haha ^-^
I’m doing… well enough for how hectic things have been lately. Also, I want to apologize to you and the other ask I haven’t answered yet for taking so long. I won’t give any specific reasons, but school just started again and the workload is much bigger this year, along with marching band, and more personal things, so I’ve been surviving by the skin of my teeth, so to speak. It’s a lot. I haven’t forgotten either of your asks over the past few months, don’t worry. (I literally thought of them every day and felt so guilty…)
He knew you were not a morning person even before you got together, just seeing how different you acted between the morning and the evening
But he had no clue just how bad it was
When you cuddled for the first time, you two actually fell asleep
Leo woke up first
He was super hungry, so he decided he’d let you sleep and cook you something too
But when he went to put your arms back on the couch, you just held on tighter and grumbled something he couldn’t understand
He paused for a bit, smiling, before trying to pry you off again
Still, you didn’t budge
Leo sighed, realizing he had to actually wake you up
He shook you a bit, and you opened your eyes, glaring daggers at him
“Hm…? Why’d you wake me up… I don’t want to be … *yawn* … fucking awake.”
It caught him by surprise
Ever since then, he’s learned to just roll with it, and that your mood will lift in an hour or two
He told you he had a lot to work on in his lab, so you decided to pull an all-nighter with him in sympathy
Thing is, you didn’t make it
You were asleep by 2 in the morning
Donnie didn’t have the heart to wake you up
He was glad, honestly, because you had school the next day and he was against you staying up in the first place
He finished his work early, and decided he’d join you
Donnie had set an alarm set for 7 so he’d stop working
But it actually woke him up
He was surprised you could sleep through it
He went to push you away so he could turn it off, but you wouldn’t let go
The alarm was slowly driving him insane, so he forced his way away from you
Which woke you up
And you were pissssssed
“You… *yawn* … What the fuck is that noise?”
When I say he was surprised
Once you realized it was an alarm, you calmed down
Ever since then, he’s always treated you like a feral dog in the mornings
For both your safeties
You two were up playing videos games and reading comics, of course
You hadn’t fallen asleep before, but you’d had a tiring day
Suddenly in the middle of a racing game your car just stopped
At first Mikey was like ‘???? You good???”
But then he looked over and he saw you slumped, the controller on the ground in front of you
It wouldn’t be any fun if he played alone, so he decided to bring you two some blanket and pillows
In the morning, the sounds of his brothers doing their daily routines woke Mikey up
He looked over, expecting you to be awake as well, but you weren’t
In fact, you were curled around him like a koala
He thought it was cute, but if Splinter saw you two he’d put the pieces together and figure out you’d stayed up late again
He didn’t want that to happen, so he decided to wake you up
You were absolutely not having it
“…Mikey… *yawn* … c’mon… it’s too damn early to be up…”
He just stared for like ten seconds
You were usually so sweet?
Did he do something?
After an hour or two you told him you were always like that and he was relieved
He finds it kinda funny how grumpy you are in the mornings now
He was out with his brothers on a mission while you stayed back at the lair
So you had free reign
You just chilled for a while, until an idea came to you
You’d wait in Raph’s room and scare the shit out of him
Thing is, you were way too tired and fell asleep seconds after you went in his room
You didn’t mean to, it just happened
Raph knew you were most likely staying up and decided to bring you back some coffee
How’d he get it? He’ll never tell-
When he came back and couldn’t find you, he started to freak out
Then he decided to check his room and there you were
He sighed, gently shaking you
“Hey. We’re back.”
When you woke up, you stared at him with so much rage
It was a little scary, even if he’d never admit it
“Why the fuck did you wake me up… *yawn*… this early in the damn morning…?”
He laughed a bit and mentioned that he brought you some coffee
You instantly perked up and ran with the speed and grace of a newborn deer to the kitchen where he put it
Ever since then, he made a mental note to not mess with you until you’ve been awake for at least two hours
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Leonardo x Reader- Oneshot (TMNT 2014/2016)
So in honor of black history month, I decided to write this Fanfiction. 
As a black woman, it is important to recognize and be proud of who I am. And to all the beautiful black women out there, be proud and thankful for all we’ve achieved. I hope my readers will enjoy this little fiction as much as I liked writing it. There is also a little information about my hometown in this.
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"Hey Leo did I leave my.."
"Right here."
Leo was holding your pack of hair ties in his hand. He smiled, and you flushed, taking it with a small thanks.
"You saved my life, I always lose these. Just bought them too." You were so excited for the movie night yesterday that you came right from the store with everything that you shop for that evening. So of course when you got home and couldn't find them, you assumed you left it with the turtles.
"Alright guys quit flirting." Raph buzzed passed, and at that moment you were thankful for your dark skin, because it would be that more embarrassing if Leo could see you blush. Leo brushed off the comment, just shrugging his brother off.
"Don't mind him, he's just mad cause Mikey beat him again in Mario Kart." you giggle, following Leo to the living room.
Easy days like this were nice. Saturdays were what you looked forward to. Friday nights you'd all get together and watch a movie, and Saturdays were reserved for pure relaxation. You moved over taking a seat next to Mikey, and his grin grew wide as he looked at you. You smiled, despite your slight confusion. "Do I have something on my face?" you chuckle.
"Nah brah, it's just your hair." your eyes widened, and you reached over wondering if maybe it was getting unruly again. "Oh crap is it crazy!" you asked, self consciously. You had it loose today, curls falling at the sides. It was puffy and curly at the same time. Almost like a kinky afro. Generally you'd pull your hair back in a high bun, or even a side one. But you couldn't find your ties earlier, and you were really not feeling it to comb through it today.
"Are you kidding! Your hair is amazing, everytime you come it's like in a different style." This time, you were surely blushing. "O-Oh..thank you..." It was no secret that you had untamed hair. You loved it though. Growing up there were people that made you feel a bit insecure about it. Most of the kids at your school had such tamed and straight hair, while you had curly kinky locks. At times it was a challenge styling it, and it did take a while on most days just to get it under control, but it's what made you, you. Your hair was your heritage, your strength.
Leo was watching you from his spot, and he couldn't help but agree with Mikey. It wasn't just your hair that was different, it was everything. He remembered the first time he asked Master Splinter about the differences in humans. He was a kid, probably nine or ten. He didn't know much but what he'd seen Donnie show him when they'd sneak to the surface to peek through the drains.
Looking back he realized just how everyone varied. Hair, skin, eyes. It was so fascinating to him. He loved it all. The diversity, to him it was incredible. As sad as humanity was sometimes, there were occasions that they would surprise him. The world was far from perfect, but there were moments where unity just inspired him to fight harder for the citizens.
You were a clear example of that. Meeting you was not just eye opening but also educational. He'd forever be willing to learn new cultures. So whenever you gave him or his brothers a small history lesson when they questioned something you did or said, he found that he was that more intrigued by you. They'd known you for just a few months, yet it felt like years of friendship. They were still learning more about you, everyday. Now that he thought about it, you weren't born in New York.
"(Y/N), you said you were born in the Caribbean right?"
The way your face spark to life never fails to make his heart pick up.
"That's right, I'm surprised you remembered that. Think I told Mikey the second time we met. He wanted to know why I talked so funny."
"Yeah, what was the name of your country again." Raph questioned from across the room. He was presently doing pull ups on the metal bar.
"Trinidad and Tobago. That's where I was raised, I moved here with my parents four years ago."
"Dude say that thing you did last time." Mikey called excitedly. You rolled your eyes.
"What thing?" Leo asked curiously.
"The way they say what's up is so cool. (Y/N) says it's english but it sounds completely different."
Now Leo really wanted to hear. His sapphire gaze turned on you, and you nibbled on your lip.
"I-It's isn't anything great it's just a greeting."
"I'd like to hear, if you don't mind of course."
You didn't mind at all. Leo was your weakness.
"Wais de scene."
"Seee!! You can't tell me that's english!"
Mikey was jumping up off the chair laughing and now so were you.
"You sounded different too." Leo notes. Your accent was different from the New York drawl he used too. It was nice.
"Can you tell us more." He really did love to learn, and maybe just between him, he kind of liked your native tongue.
The boys were on patrol, so you figured you'd have more time to yourself. You opted for taking a shower. You'd gotten out a few minutes ago and now you were spraying your hair with olive oil as you ran your fingers through the curls. Your hand shifted to the small container of hair food, dipping in and placing it on your scalp, making sure to get it through the roots. You were glad Leo placed this mirror in his room. You had no idea why though. He didn't seem like the self absorbed type.
"I knew it would come in handy." His voice startled you a little. He closed the door on entry, and you dropped your hands. "H-Hey, I'm sorry I didn't think you guys would be back yet. I wasnt messing with your stuff or anything I just need to use the mirror and yours is so big so I thought why not and I-"
"You don't have to explain yourself, I asked Donnie to set it up here for you." you raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah, you're here a lot, and I know girls like styling their hair. I was hoping I'd finally get to see you actually doing it. I've always been curious about how you get it to look so beautiful."
He really did know what to say to make your heart flutter.
Damn that smooth talker.
"Gosh, are you guys on a mission to embarrass me today, you've been complimenting me since this morning and it isn't even my birthday. " you pulled your hair up into a high bun, reaching for a hair tie to keep it in place.
"Wait!" you froze, looking at him.
"S-Sorry I just...I like the way it looks when you leave it down. It's so puffy, kind of cute..." his words trailed off, and you slowly dropped your hand.
"W-Well I guess if you like it then I don't mind. " you couldn't maintain eye contact, so you turned to the items in front of you. Closing the lids of both hair products, you shift over to the sink you wash your hands from the oily substance. When you were done, you reached for the hand cloth, before you could grab it, Leo was behind you, and his hand rested gently over your palm. Your body stilled, pulse increasing.
"Leo.." it was said with so much uncertainty. You weren't sure how things got to this, heck, you weren't expecting it, but you weren't complaining. His hands ran down your arms slowly. With your back still facing him, there wasn't much you could do but hope your breathing wasn't too labored. You'd spent so long trying to keep your feelings for him under wraps. If nothing but to ensure you didn't risk your friendship. Right now though, friendship was far from your thoughts.
"I wasn't being completely forward earlier, it isn't just your hair that's beautiful. " Your heart gave a thump, and when he urged you around slowly, you couldn't bring yourself to look away from him. "Your hair, skin, eyes, lips.." the last word was said longingly, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. "It's a challenge for me sometimes, I envy Mikey's ability to just say what's on his mind. I can barely look at you for too long, otherwise I'm afraid how much harder it'll be for me to hold back." So he was holding back too, geez, and here you thought this attraction was purely one sided.
"What if I..don't want you to hold back Leo.." His blue eyes glimmered, and you swore your knees would buckle just from the intensity of his stare. His hand raised to your cheek, and you released a sigh. How many times did you imagine this scenario in your head. Hundreds? Maybe thousands.
"Then I won't." he closed the space with those three words, and you leaned into it. Leo's arms were secured around your waist as his soft lips covered your own. Your hands gripped at his shoulders, and you tried to keep them from venturing. If they strayed, you weren't sure you'd be able to trust yourself not to grope every inch of his taunt muscular body. The kiss started off slow, innocent even. It was your first one together. You were both trying to savor it. Having longed for this, it felt like a dream.
After a few moments, that tentative demeanor changed to one of dominance and hunger, one that needed to be satisfied. Leo backed you up, not breaking the kiss for even a mere second. Leo's hand around your waist moved to the small of your back, and you gasped when it landed on your butt. He heard the sound, pulling back.
"Should..I..stop.." he forced out between pants. You shook your head, diving back in. Leo groaned, giving your cheek an appreciative squeeze. The action made you open your mouth, and his tongue slipped in. You moaned, and Leo took another step forward, this time he turned, and you let out a soft sound when he fell back in the bed, pulling you with him. He barely seemed affected, taken by the sensations.
You straddled his body, parting to admire his hazed look. Your chest was still heaving, and you wanted nothing more than to join your lips again, but you just liked looking at him. Those azure orbs that were almost penetrating you. His hand ran up your thigh, and he smirked at the way you bit down on your lip.
"Did I mention that I like chocolate?"
You giggle, "I sort of figured it out hotshot." you snark back. You squeaked when he suddenly switched positions. You were now bound to the bed, literally. He pinned both your wrists, that confident smile never leaving.
"I also like being in control." That comment did wild things to your body. You didn't mind at all. He pressed into you, and you whimpered needy. "L-Leo.." you wanted him, needed him now.
"Don't worry, I'd never leave you all hot and bothered, no matter how arousing it is to watch."
"Stop talking and kiss me!"
"So bossy." He taunted.
He leaned down, giving your neck a soft kiss.
"Save your voice, you're gonna need it."
You gulped, and Leo took your breath away before you could fully think about it.
You were in store for a very...busy night.
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7spaceace7 · 3 years
Secrets (A Donatello x Reader)
This is incredibly self-indulgent and was really just a fic for me to obsess over tesla coils, but my girlfriend convinced me to post it- so here it is! It got kind of long too, but I hope you enjoy! 
Word Count: 3236
Reader is given feminine terms in this one
Mild cursing (thank you Raph)
Absolute fluff attack, the sweetness will rot your teeth
Singing was your greatest passion. From a young age, you had been roped into music, the emotions it could represent with just a few notes and some relatable lyrics. It was happiness, it was sadness, it was anger and excitement, and it was everything you couldn’t express well enough with just words. Being a writer, sometimes that would get frustrating, but music helped you overcome the most challenging spots in a new piece or story. This is why you would constantly have earbuds in as you sang along to every song you’d memorized on your Spotify shuffle. 
And Donnie noticed this. Every time you would enter the turtles’ lair, he would see you unplug and pack-up your headphones. Hell, he was even able to detect your singing from the sounds of the sewer tunnels echoing with every step you took closer. He’d hear you talk about the music or soundtracks of your favorite games and movies, analyzing what every slight twinge or reprise would allude to. And he loved every part of it. He loved getting to see those moments where music was all you could focus on. Your heart rate rose exponentially in anticipation and excitement. Your eyes would screw shut while you broke into a grin. Your hands would mimic motions to the beat as you played on invisible drums, or strummed a nonexistent guitar. 
It was adorable to him, to say the least. But he never told you so. He never said a word, in case this might scare you off for coming across as “creepy” or weird. He knew most people probably didn’t pay this close attention to little things like that, but then again, he also knew that most people weren’t madly in love with you. 
Which Donatello was. 
He couldn’t tell you, because once he started rambling about you, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. And if he didn’t stop, then he’d run the 89.07% chance risk of telling you how he’d been in love with you since the day they met you. That was way too high for him to be comfortable. No, he couldn’t tell you, no matter how badly he wanted you to know.
“Okay, so what if you just show ‘er you’re interested instead?” Raph asked, half paying attention to his brother’s predicament, half pounding the punching bag before him into the ground. Leo was in the dojo meditating, and Mikey was playing video games in the living room, which left the two middle brothers to their own devices. For Donnie, this was literally. His three-fingered hands fiddled with his latest electrical circuit. It was bound for sending the right amount of voltage into his inventions without needing four power strips and a generator all on their own. Unfortunately, he was too distracted to actually delve into its components, and settled for breaking and piecing it back together again.
“Show her? How would I do that?” Donnie’s voice trembled at the thought.
“I dunno, you’re the genius here,” Raph huffed, “There’s gotta be somethin’ in this place that you think she’d find cool. She loves music, right?”
“Yeah, like a lot, she even-”
“Rhetorical question, Don, heard the rant plenty,” His brother cut him off. Pausing his violent onslaught of the dummy, he turned to face him. “You’re nervous ‘cause you ain’t ever done somethin’ for a pretty girl before, I get it. So do somethin’ you know you’re good at. That’ll take the nerves off, your plan works, and then I won’ have to listen to you babbling about whatever new fuckin’ thing she did today. Win win.”
The younger turtle paused. “That was...actually pretty sound advice, thank you, Raph.”
“Anytime,” Raph nodded, a smug smile tugging at his lips from being able to help. Problem was, now he was invested. He’d listened to his brother’s rants and rambles and failed plans of possibly confessing for weeks now, what was gonna happen once he finally did it? Raph plopped onto one of Donnie’s bean bag chairs. He didn’t bother to pick up the training dummy. “So what ya gonna do, smart guy?”
Donnie blinked a few times, glasses twitching on his nose as he pushed them up. He didn’t know it, but you coined this his “brainstorming face”. He fiddled with the circuits once again.
“Uh...I’m not sure,” His tongue went dry. A million ideas fly through his brain each minute, and this decides to be the time that he can’t think of a single one good enough. Figures. “I could build her something? Maybe a new stereo, or upgrade the one she has.”
Raph made a noise of disapproval. “You can do better, any old fix-it guy could do that.”
“Fair. Maybe I could- ow!”
A short buzz of the air cut him off as his fiddling paid off. To the world’s great irony, a light bulb several inches away lit up.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good, I…” Donnie trailed off. The purple-clad turtle’s eyes widened as he registered what happened. “I’m better than good, I just had an epiphany!”
“An epiphany, sudden realization, an idea!” Donnie flicked his goggles back down, enhancing his vision with the magnifier on it. Wires were tugged in and out, and a transmitter was displaced. With a snort of triumph, he raised it to the air for his brother to see. “This is the answer!” 
“A tiny board thing. Just what she’s always wanted,” Raph rolled his eyes, but Donnie was prepared for this.
“Not just a tiny board, a tiny board with this!-” With great haste, Donnie was next to Raph, holding the board out properly. “My side-side project, this little thing, look at the coil here, this is it! This is a tesla coil, capable of transmitting thousands and thousands of volts of energy surging through the air, powering anything within its radius, which is perfect and exactly why I needed to reconfigure it to power my lab and this one new machine I’m working on, but that’s not why this is the perfect idea!”
“Wow, please continue, professor, I’m dyin’ to know.”
“Glad you asked! Watch this!” One aux cord, T-Phone connection, and light-dimming later, the lab went dark in anticipation. And suddenly, with the press of a play button on Donnie’s shuffle, music started to fill the air. But it wasn’t coming from his phone. It was coming from the coils, surging and creating not only electric energy that was visible to the human eye as it sparked, but music. Sound. The beats and notes of the song playing sprouted out in the form of electricity.
Raph’s green eyes became transfixed on the sparks flying out. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit is right!” Came the squeals of utter nerding out, “This is only a tabletop version of an SGTC circuit, my own type of it anyway based on Tesla’s original designs, but if I reworked it, made it bigger, made it lifelike and maybe four or five of them, I could create the most advanced musical performance this city has ever seen!”
“I’m gonna pretend I know everything you just said because clearly this is your nerd thing,” Raph started, utterly confused. Even still, a reassuring smile framed his features. “But this looks pretty damn cool. This right here? Exactly what ‘m sayin’, Don.  This is you.”
“Do you think she’ll like it...?” Donnie asked in a hopeful voice. He wasn’t just asking about the invention. 
“Course she will.”
A couple weeks had passed since that fateful conversation with Raph. He’d been in and out of the lab since then, but between patrols and the mandatory bathroom breaks, there was hardly a time he wasn’t working on his great new project. You weren’t even allowed to go into the lab, per his request, for all his time there.
However, he always made sure to make at least one movie whenever you’d come hang out at the lair from work.
Finally, one Friday night, the set up was complete. Pride swelled in Donnie’s chest as he looked at his creation: six symmetrically placed tesla coils sprung up from the ground and walls all around his lab space. The coilings wrapped around metal frames, spiraling into a beautiful arrangement of engineering, if he did say so himself. Mikey said it looked like the lasers out of a DC comic, which was also not a bad thing to be. He just hoped that you would like it. All of it was for you, of course, but over the weeks that he’d been preparing it, he found more beauty in the music of tesla coils than he ever had appreciated before. 
Donnie thought he might thank you for that, if he could get his nerves around it.
God, he was so nervous. Anxiety rushed through his body like the electric pulses he was perfecting. They were already done, but it was all he could do to distract himself while waiting for you to arrive. Maybe the frequencies weren’t in the right key. What if they sounded better this way? Or maybe the firing power wasn’t enough? Trajectory looked alright, maybe it just-
“Gh! Y/N, hey!” Stammered the surprised terrapin after knocking his head against the top of a coil. His goggles were on the setting of night-vision, but that didn’t account for night-spatial-awareness, it seemed.
“I got your text to come,” You tried to smile at him, but the dark laboratory proved to make that difficult. “How come it’s so dark in here?”
“Uh, well, that’s p-part of the surprise! Eheh. Gimme just a second-”
You waited patiently outside of his lab, vision still applicable, but grew concerned the more strange noises and clangs you heard coming from inside. This was definitely a whole new level of “Donnie Surprises” just by how nervous he seemed about it.
You yelped when his hand grabbed your arm and dragged you back inside the darkness.
“Okay, uh,” He started, before clapping his hands together for the lights to switch back on, “This is what I wanted to show you.”
Your gaze spun all around the lab. After adjusting to the light, you could clearly see giant mechanism after mechanism placed strategically around in a dome-like setup. Coils that protruded like round-edged spikes circled you both, and in the center was a metal cage. 
“Oh my god…” You almost whispered. A large grin broke out onto your face as you stared in quiet marvel at the scene. His plan was working, and Donnie lit up with an outstretched arm in presentation.
“These bad boys are called tesla coils-”
“Tesla coils!” You squealed in imperfect unison to what you assumed was the start of an explanation. “You made tesla coils, Donnie, holy shit!”
“You’ve heard of them?!” Donnie exclaimed, eyes widening behind his glasses.
“YES!” Your hands began to wave around excitedly, “Oh my god I used to be OBSESSED with these things! I heard about when I was a kid from that old movie, oh what was it, it was like the apprentice’s-”
“Sorcerer’s Apprentice!”
“THAT! Yes!” 
“I haven’t seen that movie in years!”
“Me neither! All I remember is that Hiccup’s voice actor totally nerded out and programmed his giant tesla coils to play music for the girl he wanted to impress, and it was the coolest thing because these giant machines were playing music, music out of nothing but sparks of electricity at different frequencies, which to be honest probably would have caused more of an energy problem than the movie suggested because goddamn do they take up a lot of power, but I was like six and didn’t care!” You laughed  in an energetic burst of word association, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet.
Donnie could have kissed you then and there for that alone. 
A grin crept onto his lips as he watched you ramble on about the movie, leaving all anxious thoughts to fall from his mind. For once, someone actually understood one of his passions. Better than that, she was explaining the process to him of all people! Sure, she was intuitive enough to know he didn’t need it, he literally had just built them after all. This was just out of pure excitement. Someone in his life was talking about science and technology like they were the most fascinating things on the planet, just as the purple-masked turtle believed it was. Well, second only to the ecstatic girl in front of him. 
“-And so, I randomly remembered it again not that long ago, so I looked it up and found so many videos on YouTube about it. I kid you not, I listened to tesla coils and tesla coils alone for a solid week.” 
You breathed heavily, a little winded after such an intense info-dump. God, he always loved when you got excited about something. 
“This is kind of surreal,” Donnie chuckled a bit, pushing up his glasses when they tumbled down his nose, “I had no idea you’d get what these were, much less have known so much about them.” Donnie’s eyes widened at his own panicked-fueled blabbering. “N-Not that I think you’re stupid! I just-- I mean it’s not-- common? It’s more of-”
“A niche interest, yeah. No worries,” You finished for him, signaling his stuttered words hadn’t fallen on offended ears. Donnie quietly sighed in relief. Time ticked by in seconds, but even that was much too fast for this martial artist to grasp. If he could have constructed a device to pause the fabrics of time, he would have long ago, simply to relish the moments with you that meant everything to him. It wasn’t your fault your eyes captivated him more than any element he’s worked with.
“So,” You began eagerly, startling him out of his thoughts, “Are we gonna listen to some zappy poles go brrr or what?”
Donnie snorted at your juvenile word choice. “Yeah, totally. Now, ah,” He walked over toward the large cage in the center, stepped inside, then poked his head out with a dorky grin. A large, green hand stood outstretched towards you. “I think you’d better step inside my cage.”
“If you keep quoting the damn movie like this, I am going to explode from excitement, and it will be your fault!” It was a wonder how you hadn’t caught onto his plan yet, honestly. You made no sense of hesitation before grabbing his offered hand (even though your hands were small enough that they hardly matched his palm’s size), and clambered into the cage in front of him. This was a great excuse for you to be close to him without it being weird. And now, with your back brushing up against his plastron, the butterflies in his chest told him it was totally a good call.
Donatello would take this secret to his grave, however.
“Put your hands on the rail here, yep just like that,” Donnie nodded after your hands found the safeguard rail. A couple buttons tapped into a laptop later, he settled his own hands next to yours. “Let the magic begin.”
Magic would have been the understatement of the year. A coil in front of you quickly shot out its first spark. Familiar music breached the sound barrier to your ears. The one behind you both caught it instantly. Spark after spark sent back and forth between the coils, soaring through the lab like the most incredible game of electric catch.
“Whoa!” You laughed when the sparks would bounce off the cage itself, pressing closer to the turtle behind you (much to his surprise every time). Your shining e/c eyes never left the electric bolts shooting out. “This is insane!”
“Heh, glad you like it!” Donnie watched you closely that entire time, more entranced by your excitement and wonderstruck self than anything he’d created. He could power up the tesla coils anytime of day, but this was a special moment he’d never be able to recreate in a controlled environment. This was no experiment, this was real and it was happening right now. 
The only thing left to do was tell you how he felt. 
“Y/N, I have to tell you something,” He began, stepping away to give you a bit of space. His heart rate was increasing by the second. The way you turned to look at him wasn’t helping, either. 
“What is it?” You spoke softly, somehow able to be heard over the music. Donnie could hardly meet your eyes, so he took your hands in his instead.
“I...I don’t know how to say this exactly,” He started, “I’ve been trying to do it for months, going over every possible conjuncture of words, something that would be heartfelt and honest, poetic even? But the truth is, words aren’t my thing, th-they never have been. I’m a science guy, I take things apart and put them back together again, I figure out what makes them work, I see life as a million tiny parts to analyze.”
He paused his quickened speech to take a breath. Your hands squeezed his larger ones as an offer to continue.
“And so, I’m...bad at feelings. I see it all as chemicals and components used by the brain to create action and reaction. But now I’m not so sure if that’s all they are, and really the only thing I am sure about is that it’s because of you that I’m questioning everything I ever thought I knew. Maybe, maybe life is more than atoms and chemicals, and instead it’s about..moments. Moments like this. Moments that...that I..that I really want to keep forever and play over and over again.”
“Donnie…” You spoke. This time he squeezed your hands.
“I know I’m rambling and I should really get to the point, so what I’m trying to say is,” He took another breath, steady this time. His gaze met yours again. “I want to live these moments with you every day. You’re special to me. You’re part of our family, but this is more than that, this feeling is-”
“Love.” You finished for him. Both of your eyes widened as you realized the other felt how you each did.  
Donatello nodded slowly, hesitant to be so certain, but knowing it was true. There were no more words to be exchanged after that, only actions, only movements so soft and gentle that the large terrapin was certain he’d break if they could fit in his hands. Your hands left his and instead reached up to grab the long ends of his mask, and tugged gently for him to reach you. He leaned down without a thought. A three-fingered hand found your waist this time. 
You kissed. Soft, human lips connected to his slightly chapped reptilian ones. The turtle had waited for this moment since he realized the attraction he felt towards you was not just powerful chemical reactions, but true feelings. It wasn’t biology, it was chance and fate and one-in-a-million all at once. As the sparks continued to (literally) fly, Donnie let his eyes close. This was the present. He was here, he was holding a great new adventure in his hands, and there was a brilliant future just around the corner. 
The song may have finished, but this is what would last forever. 
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
TMNT x Reader
How Raphael Meets You
I’ve given up on the ‘how he asks you out’ titles by now, it’s so much more fun to see how they could possibly meet le reader. Enjoy seeing how you meet Mr. Wall of Green Muscle himself!
It really was love at first sight
Well, for you it was, anyway
You had first met Raphael by complete accident during a nighttime coffee shop robbery
First of all, who even robs a coffee shop at night?
And second, you were so glad they did or you would never have met him
“Met” was kind of a stretch
You knew what he looked like, along with his brothers, but you didn’t know their names or what they were
You had ended up following them through the streets and alleyways until they disappeared into a manhole
You had quickly written a note and threw it down, just hoping that it wouldn’t get stuck in the rushing ‘waters’ down there
It was a week until Raphael got the courage to contact you
He honestly didn’t remember which one you were- not that all humans were the same, but he had been so focused on keeping the coffee shop intact
Why were you interested in him, anyway?
After texting back and forth (you including a picture of what you looked like to jog his memory), he finally agreed to meet you
At four in the morning on a rooftop
Was this some kind of test? Because you were terrified of heights
He kept to the shadows for the first entire ten minutes, even though you both knew that you had seen him before
You spoke highly of him saving the coffee shop, emphasizing that he had saved you as well
He brushed the compliments off quickly
He was far too insecure to believe such positive things about himself
And that was that
Or so you thought
The two of you lost contact for a good while
Meaning it was months before you saw or spoke to one another
This time, you were taking your nightly stroll in the dimly lit streets of Manhattan
It was too late and dark for most people to be comfortable doing such things, but you felt oddly safe in your neighborhood
Sadly, you were wrong to feel this way
You were five blocks from home, listening to music in your earbuds when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder
And something cool and thin at your neck
“Where’s your wallet?”
“My w-?”
“Where is it?”
Maybe it was a bad idea to walk alone at night
You could feel the blade at your neck slowly pierce your skin- not enough to be fatal, but man did that not feel pleasant
You tried to speak again
It wasn’t the same man that had cut you off before
“You should know better than to threaten civilians by now!”
Was that- was that Raphael?
How did he find you?
The man was torn away from you, you could feel his nails ripping away at your skin
You turned to see all four turtles standing behind you
Raphael was holding the man by his ankles
“Hello, Y/N”
“Hi, Raph?” You were so confused
What a coincidence that he was the one to save you
“Whoa whoa, the two of you know each other?” the turtle with an orange bandana asked
“Not now, Mikey” Raphael huffed
The turtles were quick to tie the man’s hands and ankles together before they set him down on the pavement
“The authorities should take good care of him” the purple-banded turtle said
Raphael looked at you after “gently” setting the man down
“You might need some bandaging up”
Your hands flew to your neck
When you removed your fingers, you saw red
“Oh, shit. Yeah. Probably”
Although you remembered seeing them disappear into a manhole to the sewers, it hadn’t really struck you that they might live there
You found out quickly that they indeed lived in the sewers
“This is… Wow. Nice place you got here. Kinda smelly, though”
“You get used to it” Mikey said
“Come on, Y/N, I’ll get the first aid kit” Raph said to you
The purple-banded turtle looked between the two of you, back at Raph, and shrugged
What was that about?
You followed Raphael into a different room
“Fancy running into you again” you said, trying to break the ice
“I’m surprised you remembered me”
“Oh please. Of course I’d remember someone who’s saved my life. Twice now. What a coincidence you saved me tonight, huh?”
Raphael was quiet as he tended to your neck
You closed your eyes
“You don’t have to be so stoic, you know. Smiling isn’t illegal”
That got him to smile
“Don’t tell me you were secretly following me”
“Not so secret now, huh?”
“You’re really a great conversationalist. You should write a book”
“Are you going to keep talking?”
“I’m just filling the awkward silence between us. Care to join me?”
You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you just felt comfortable when you were around him
It wasn’t like when you meet someone for the first or first few times and you had a hard time making conversation
Sure, you joked about filling the silence now, but it was to get him out of his shell a bit
So to speak ;)
“Fine, I’ve been following you”
You fake gasped
“Aw, really? That’s so sweet of you. It really makes up for you ghosting me”
Raphael scoffed and paused in his work
“I ghosted you? Excuse you? No, you ghosted me”
“No, you ghosted me. And kept an eye on me for good measure, turtle-man”
“Wrong. You ghosted me. I have proof”
Lo and behold, you were both almost right
The last message that was sent between the two of you was playful banter, and it came from you
But when Raphael showed you his message history, his last message came from him
But it had never been sent
You stuck your tongue out
“See? You ghosted me. Meanie”
“I didn’t mean to, I swear!”
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek
“No hard feelings. It’s probably hard to be a top secret warrior-man-turtle”
Raph was now at a loss for words
“Hello? Earth to Raphael?”
He shook his head quickly “Huh?”
“Did I stun you?”
“You really are somethin’ else, Y/N”
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Challenge [14/14]
Warnings: None
Incarnation: Bayverse
Extra Info: Day 14 out of 14. None of the prompts/scenarios are related. This is the last post of my Valentine’s Day Challenge- I hope you all enjoyed it.
Posting: 3:30 PM Each Day
Prompt: Their First Valentine’s Day with Their S/O
He had wanted to make you a gift
He didn’t want to have April/Casey/Vern get him a cheap card to give to you and call it a day
No, not this lad
He wrote out many drafts of a letter
Then drafted at least 4 sonnets
Then drafted at least 6 poems
He gave up, then trying to make an actual gift instead of something written
He tried to make a few different things
He borrowed some wood from Raph’s woodworking station to make a couple of carved trinkets
He borrowed some of Donnie’s vinyl mesh to make a messenger bag so you could carry your school books easier
He borrowed some spray paint and a small canvas from Mikey to try to make you a small portrait
All of these didn’t turn out as he planned, so he gave up on them
Valentine’s Day was creeping closer, and he had a blank slate
No ideas
“Useless, empty brain!” he would often tell himself
“Wow, washed up. So sad,” Donnie said to him, sipping a cup of coffee
“I’ve got nothing! I’m done!” he groaned
“Hey, you got this. Shake it up, find a new angle.”
Leo chuckled dryly
“And what does that mean?”
“Look around, use anything to your advantage. I’m not giving up on you.”
With that, Donnie left Leo’s room
Leo just scoffed
“‘Use anything to your advantage,’” he imitated. “I’ve got nothing that’s inspiring…”
He looked around his room to confirm his theory
But then, something caught his eye
He saw something on the corner of his desk, and he had a thought 
He knew right then and there what to do
Then, Valentine’s Day came 
He arrived at your apartment and was quick to join you in making dinner
You had also gotten a small cake, which you two shared after dinner
You then gave him what you had gotten
You got him a bonsai sapling and a new blade sharpener- he had mentioned recently that his current one was becoming dull
He kissed you gently
He hesitated before pulling out what he had brought for you
But then, he placed his journal in front of you
“I… I know that I have trouble opening up about my emotions, but I’ve always written them down… I trust you with my heart, Y/n.”
You saw the look in his eyes
He was nervous, and you could see how much it took for him to do this
You hugged him, placing kisses all over his face
He flustered
“Thank you for trusting me.”
This guy has everything planned out
He had never been as someone who is a romantic, but boy is he
He’s a sucker for romance 
For six months before Valentine’s Day, he found out your favorite dish
He had never told you his plan, of course
He also found a way to figure out your favorite love songs
And your favorite flowers
(Red Peruvian Lilies- image Here)
So, when he texted you to go to the roof of your apartment building, you were pretty shocked with what he pulled together
He had a speaker playing a playlist of purely love songs that he heard you say “I love this one” about
He figured out how to make your favorite dish from scratch and had it set up on a small table with two chairs
On the center of the table, he had a small bouquet of Red Peruvian Lilies
You were so flustered when you saw everything
“You really did this?”
“Well, I didn’t want to not do something,” he said a bit nervously
You couldn’t help but smile
“I cannot believe you…” you whisper
You approach him and wrap your arms around his torso
He wraps his arms around your shoulders
“I love you, Y/n.”
You just hold him a bit tighter
“I love you, too.”
He had every fine detail planned out
Every tiny thing that one normally wouldn’t find important
(he’s a perfectionist, cut him some slack)
He had turned your rooftop into a place that was equivalent to a movie set
He had his brothers help to install a “ceiling” and four “walls” that were painted to mimic a restaurant, but made sure there was still plenty of airflows
(it would get really warm in there if there wasn’t, despite the cold weather)
He made sure everything was perfect
He convinced Mikey to borrow a record player, then had Casey get your favorite albums
When you got home from work, you texted Donnie to let him know
He responded quickly, letting you know that he was already ready
You quickly got into a different outfit- one ready for a date
You made sure to grab the gift you had gotten him
It was a piece he absolutely needed for a gadget he had been talking non-stop about
When you got to the rooftop, you were shocked
Your jaw dropped, and you smiled
“Hey,” he said
His voice was shaking
“Hey,” you said, still looking around. “This is amazing, Donnie…”
He smiled.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it, Donnie. Your mind never ceases to amaze me…”
He gently took the box from your hand and put it down, then taking your hands
You look up at him
He placed one of your hands onto his shoulder, then placed his onto your waist
You two just slow danced around the “rooftop restaurant” 
(as he called it in his mind)
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.”
You place your head into his plastron
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He kissed the top of your head, grateful to have you in his arms
He is the only one of his brothers who invited you to the Lair
He was able to convince Splinter to let him use the dojo
He set up several strings of multi-colored fairy lights around the dojo
He had printed out every picture you two took together and clipped them to the fairy lights
There were hundreds, so this took him several days
His brothers were almost uncomfortable with the silence in the rest of the Lair because of how much time he spent in the dojo
(Raph would actually go in there to “train.” In actuality, he just wanted to hear Mikey’s voice as he talked to himself- and occasionally to Raph)
Not only did Mikey do that, but he also spray-painted a portrait of the first picture you two took together
And he convinced April to get him a bouquet of roses to give to you
He was actually incredibly nervous before you arrived
He started pacing
He checked your location often, just to make sure you were safe as you walked over
His brothers had never seen him so high-strung
When you arrived, his eyes turned into hearts
You were wearing orange
His color
His heart would not stop pounding
When he showed you his setup, your heart swelled
And then when you saw the portrait he made, you could have married him right there
That night, his brothers had never heard him laugh so much
Neither of you could be happier.
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