#honorable mention to hondo
justmilkplease · 2 years
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battle of the Navy regulated mustache
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Legends of the Lasat"
Kevin Kiner please take all my money forever.
Right, attempt two at this. Seriously Tumblr what is the point of having an auto-save feature for posts if it doesn't actually save a decent previous version of the post?
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I'm glad we got to visit this moon space base location again, I think it's such an interesting design.
Another tightly-written opening dialogue exposition scene here, in a few short sentences we learn what they Spectres are here for and why, and that the mission is urgent.
Lol Ezra being evasive about Hondo being his contact. I do wonder how exactly Hondo got that transmitter to Ezra. Did they reconnect sometime offscreen? Did Ezra swipe it during "Brothers of the Broken Horn"? Did Hondo surreptitiously leave it in Ezra's pocket?
However it happened, it's adorable that this once-ruthless bloodthirsty greedy pirate basically decided, "I MUST BEFRIEND THE BABY JEDI, HE'S MY FRIEND NOW I CLAIM HIM."
The camerawork in this scene is phenomenal. This first shot that tracks the Spectres and then dollies just around the corner, as if we are also peeking around it with the characters? This fast almost 270 rotating pan across the Spectres as they make short work of the troopers? Stellar.
(You can also tell they had budget to spare for this episode because the Imperial officer has a face. Lol.)
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Love it when they let Ezra be casually awesome.
Hera sounds so aggrieved that Hondo is Ezra's contact lol.
And here we get the reveal, Zeb was captain of the High Honor Guard of Lasan. A bit later in the episode we learn this consists of being a bodyguard protector of the royal family specifically and all citizens of Lasan in general. Sooooo yeah, quite a bit of heavy personal guilt for Zeb here, feeling like he, specifically, personally, failed his entire world. Ouch.
"Hondo could use a little help." <3
Zeb's expressions this scene are painful. :(
Hondo being so dang fond of Ezra aww.
Though not so fond that he doesn't immediately screw everyone over, greedy bastard.
I saw Zeb rolling his eyes there, animators.
So Zeb's interactions with Chava and Grond are very much a Spiritualist vs Skeptic plot, with the expected tragic personal reason for the skeptic's doubt and disbelief. It's also heavily implied that the loss of Lasan, that trauma, made Zeb regress in maturity, made him snippier and more petulant and churlish. As Ezra says later Zeb does act "like a child", so perhaps his being cast as the Child archetype in the Prophecy of the Three was not so off base lol.
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Ezra has such cute smiles this episode. <3
LOL Hondo's chipper little "Hello!" at the Stormtroopers.
"Well. This must look... incriminating." This man is a delight in every scene.
I mentioned the camerawork right? This is another nice shot here, this pan down from the cockpit to the nose gun turret to meet Zeb.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The smoke coming from the chimney top of the station.
...Is this Stormtrooper also voiced by David Oyelowo?
Ezra immediately noticing Zeb's scoffing like the empath he is. <3
Love love love seeing the unique cultural way that Lasat interact with the Force, the "Ashla" as they call it, mixed ritual and magitek, prophecies that revolve around certain narrative archetypes and symbolic figures. It's just so cool.
I haven't been talking much about the music yet (oh but believe me we will have much to say on that) but this cue here starts easing just slightly into the mysticism of the Lasat ritual. It's almost Stravinsky-esque in nature, carefully stepping flutes and clarinets, discordant strings. We incorporate just a very soft snippet of the Force theme.
Zeb auto-assuming Ezra is the child.
Lol Hondo putting his arm around that one Stormtrooper's shoulder.
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He's so cute asjkhfkajsh. Look at him. He's all like, "Please Dad, can I chant with the weird purple people too?"
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The score takes a bit of an exotic turn, a mellow arabic flute and possibly a sitar adding to the texture of the melody.
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The lighting in this scene egads.
I love this scene I love it so much. Ezra acting as counselor, with his mere presence and curiosity getting Zeb to open up about his past and fears and insecurities. There's so much hurt in Zeb's slumped posture, guilt and grief compete for space in his voice, and I don't think we see him this distraught again until after Kanan's death.
But with Ezra's encouragement, he pulls himself together.
Once again showing off the cool magitek with Chava's staff and Zeb's bo-rifle here and I just love the concept, I love the whole aesthetic of hearing whispers of destiny through the Ashla and then channeling the energy of the universe through arcane, almost magical technology to navigate the stars, like some kind of arcane mariners. And we all thought the bo-rifle was just some kind of standard ordinary weapon, SURPRISE, it's also an ancient Force-magic navicomputer.
And oh wow the parallels with the purrgil next episode and the Chiss sky-walkers in the Thrawn novels.
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This is soooooo pretty. The animation here is gorgeous.
After the commercial cut we're in hyperspace and the Ghost is making an almost blind jump out into Wild Space. Hera doesn't seem terribly worried. (Behind the scenes material says she apparently does this all the time.) But the ship's safety protocols flip out when they sense the imploded star cluster and Hera quickly drops them into realspace and one of the most gorgeous moments of the series.
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This whole sequence is stunning. Some of the best animation of the show, accompanied by one of the best tracks in the score, the star cluster looking like a watercolor spectacle.
And the Stravinsky influenced instrumentation brings the strings front and center; a haunting choir whispers in the background.
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Kanan putting one hand on the back of Hera's chair and the other on her shoulder, aww.
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Just tell me you wouldn't want this as a wall painting. <3
Chava gives some inspiring words about not pidegonholing oneself into a single role in their prophecy and this motivates Zeb to find a well of inner courage and open himself up to the will of the Ashla.
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What I wouldn't give for more on ancient Lasan tech, how their ships must have been designed to integrate with the bo-rifle staffs. It functions as pilot and navigator and also apparently encases the Ghost with a protective shield that keeps it from being crushed by the gravity.
Let that sink in a moment, the staff, when channeling the Force, can literally bend gravity around the ship.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The sparks that pop from a wall panel on the cruiser as Kallus attempts to have it follow the Ghost.
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Whew! And what a rush! The absolute quiet in the score right afterwards gives us a moment to inhale and catch our breath.
Chopper of course chooses to be a pest, releasing the tension.
Lira San being the ancient lost homeworld of the Lasat fits right in with the whole arcane vibe of their culture, like they were connected to a place and people that time forgot.
And tada, we leave with a character arc complete, a new hyperspace route plotted and everything bathed in an aura of serenity.
This episode is one of the best of Season Two, if not the whole series. Everything comes together beautifully in the third act and the story has a feel of both spiritual transformation and wonder. I've already gushed about how interesting and unique the Lasat culture is, how it's presented as a mix of mysticism and technology, with prophecies and wise women, royal families and warriors, and navigators that explored the stars, guided by the Ashla.
Zeb gets more character growth in one episode than some characters get in a season, and he's largely "finished" after this, his issues with his past resolved. (Which isn't to say I wouldn't have loved more character focus on him, just that this is so phenomenal.) His heart-to-heart with Ezra is touching and illustrates just how close they've grown.
And did I mention this episode was pretty? This episode is super pretty and the music is straight fire.
10/10 no complaints. Would give Kiner my money again.
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Vacation Days
Note: Ice Lives and has been Mav’s Husband!AU
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39793119
Slightly NSFW
Summary: Maverick and Ice walk in on Rooster and Hangman. 
After the mission, Maverick had to admit he wasn’t as young as he used to be. On the tarmac, he felt the rush of adrenaline; he had just pulled off the impossible with his godson, who he had become a pilot he was proud to fly with. He was excited to see the rest of the class, he was excited to get back to Fightertown and see Ice. Being married to the COMPACFLT meant that for a mission like this, where only Maverick could pull it off, Ice stayed Stateside. The Navy and Ice knew that being that close for Maverick and Ice would be a death wish.
But over the course of the next day, he began to feel the weight of the mission - not just the mental weight of almost dying multiple times, along with losing his godson, but the physical weight as well. He was feeling dizzy, his hands still had small tremors and even a full meal wasn’t a guarantee without him feeling mildly queasy. All the kids around him were celebrating - hell, Mav had never seen Rooster smile quite this much. The entire crew couldn’t stop wishing everyone congratulations and saying how honored they were to work a mission with him. Even Cyclone managed to share a couple of beers in the mess with the Lieutenants and himself. They felt like a team, a family.
But Maverick felt weakened.
And, Maverick being Maverick meant he had no intentions of mentioning this to anyone, not Cyclone, not Warlock, not Hondo, not Rooster, and definitely not Ice.
But Ice took one look at his husband on the dock, in all his returned home glory, and declared he was being put on leave for at least a month. Maverick wanted to argue, but he knew when it came to his health, Ice wasn’t afraid to pull his rank. Ice could see the exhaustion behind his eyes, the tremors in his hands and Mav had lost weight since Ice had last seen him. Having survived cancer twice, Ice was never one to feel lightly about health, especially when it came to his loved ones.
So an impromptu leave was how Maverick found himself packing away his civilian clothes, prepared to go on a ‘relaxing’ vacation. After the leave orders had gone through, Ice had said they would be going somewhere, warm and sunny (which Mav argued was where they lived) and to pack a bag. But it had been years since Mav and Ice had been able to leisurely roll around in bed and just take each other in, so Mav entertained his husband’s vacation plans and got a hanger/house sitter.
He knew Rooster had been enjoying plane maintenance as a part of his own mission coping, so it seemed only natural to ask his godson to watch the hanger. He knew and trusted Rooster and told him to make himself right at home.
The start of the vacation was nice, but it definitely didn’t feel unique enough from Fightertown. They drank tropical drinks, walked along the beach, and took resort classes. All-in-all, it was fun…for four days. Four days in, Mav felt as though they had done everything, and just desperately missed home. He could concede that he was more relaxed and keeping food down, but he also missed his and Ice’s bed. He missed the smell of the crappy coffee maker in the morning. But Ice seemed to be enjoying the vacation, so Mav was prepared to strap in for the rest of it.
And then, six days into what was supposed to be a two-week vacation, Ice turned to Mav with a grimace on his face.
“My love…” Ice started, which is how Mav knew this was about to be bad news.
“What is it? What happened?” Maverick couldn’t help the way his heartbeat sped up, or the panicked look that took over his eyes. Instantly Mav was on his feet, running through all the scenarios of what could’ve happened. Was it Rooster? Was it Penny? Was it Phoenix? Was it Ice?
Was the cancer back?
Immediately, Ice rushed to reassure Mav. “No! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have started that way. It’s nothing too bad, I promise.” Ice grimaced, massaging Maverick’s hands, pulling him closer until he was seated in his lap. “My confession is…I am bored of being on vacation.” Ice finished, his cheeks lightly pinked and eyes downturned from admitting he was wrong.
Maverick huffed out a laugh, rubbing his husband’s jaw. “Me too. Wanna head home early?” Ice smiled and nodded, and they shared a chaste kiss before starting to repack their bags.
So that’s how they ended up back at the hanger, 7 days earlier than they had told Rooster they’d be back.
Which is how they found Rooster, with his knees hiked up around Hangman’s hips, as Rooster had sex on Maverick’s workbench.
At first, all Mav and Ice can do is gape in shock.
Of course, they knew Rooster had sex, he was in his thirties. What they weren’t expecting was his interest in men and more importantly, his interest in this man.
Eventually, Mav drops his duffle bag, which is loud enough to alert Rooster that someone is here. Immediately, Rooster��s eyes fly open, landing on his godfather and Ice. He gasps in shock, which sounds close enough to a moan because Hangman still has not realized Mav and Ice are standing behind them. Rooster shoves Hangman off, grabbing an oil rag off the bench, covering himself, and darting to the back of the hanger. During his trip, Rooster just keeps repeating “Oh my god, this can’t be happening”
“Baby, what the hell? What’s going on?” Hangman looked after him confused before turning around. At the sight of Mav, Hangman’s face colors completely red. At the sight of Ice, Hangman immediately stands at attention, entirely from muscle memory.
From the second level of the bunker, Rooster yells down. “What are you even doing here?!”
For a moment, Mav is incredulous at the situation and yells back “I live here!”
Hangman is still frozen and so is Ice. The absurdity of the situation hits Maverick and for the first time since the mission, he feels like himself again. He doesn’t feel so old. And he can’t stop the laughter as it begins to bubble in his throat. Eventually, it progresses to full-on hysterically laughing; he’s doubled over and his sides hurt from laughing so hard.
Mav’s reaction finally seems to wake up Ice, but all he can do is shake his head at the absurdity himself. He remembers Hangman, who’s still locked in place, and tells him “At ease Lieutenant. And put on some damn pants.”
So that’s how Maverick and Ice found out that their godson, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw had a special friend, who happened to be Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin.
Rooster wishes he could explain how near-death makes a person ridiculously horny, but he can’t. All he knows, is ever since night one he returned to that tarmac, he has been absolutely randy, and more importantly, he was ready to be honest.
The entire time he’s known him, Rooster thought Hangman was hot. He was a cocky fucking asshole, but even that did something for Rooster. And after realizing the Hangman gave at least a partial fuck about him and saved his life, there was no stopping Rooster. The hallway was empty and though it was a very stupid idea, Rooster knew the Navy firmly abided by ‘what happens on the water, stays on the water’. So he made the executive decision to kiss Hangman on the way back from the celebration in the mess hall.
And what a kiss it was. Clearly, all the tension and rivalry made for excellent chemistry, because instantly, it felt like Rooster was high. Hangman’s hands were all over him, grabbing his ass, his thighs, his neck. They were clawing at each other like they were dying any second. They made their way into one of their rooms, and instantly, Hangman had Rooster pressed into the door, stripping him out of his flight suit and dropping to his knees. The talent Hangman had as he blew Rooster, nearly made his knees buckle and eyes blackout.
This was nothing compared to when Hangman finally got his fingers inside Rooster or even once he fitted himself inside Rooster. Rooster knew he wasn’t dainty and he was taller than Hangman but Hangman still showed him who was in charge. His mouth was filthy, telling Rooster how badly he had always wanted to fuck Rooster, how much his biceps and long legs ran through his mind on a constant loop. How on the beach, Hangman started believing in God for the simple sight of Rooster’s body and his ass. At this point, Rooster did think he was dying because the orgasm that was building felt cosmic. They came together, and they weren’t sure why but they called each other “Jake” and “Bradley”.
And it was the best sex either of them had ever had.
Something about dying nearly turned them into exhibitionists. They always wanted to fuck and wanted to fuck wherever. They still had their wits about themselves, but it was almost a sure thing that they wanted to be on top of each other; they could feel in the way their hands brushed during reports, at lunch, during game night. The buzz of sex was always vibrating lowly under their skin.
Which is why, once their mandated leave started and Rooster had the hanger to himself, he couldn’t resist having Hangman over. Somewhere along the way (which was the dozens of times they had sex at this point), they had become “Baby” and “Honey” and all sorts of other sweet pet names that shouldn’t have been involved in the pure debauchery they were doing.
Hangman had Rooster's legs hiked around his waist, while he drilled into him on the workbench. The open-air doors of the hanger satisfied their desire to touch in places more taboo - which in hindsight was a mistake. Rooster really thought he had at least seven more days before Mav and Ice returned.
Which is how he was mortified that his godfathers had caught him having sex.
What was more mortifying, was this was how his kinda-boyfriend got to meet one of his heroes, Admiral Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky.
But at least family dinner would be interesting next week.
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priortoallthoughts · 1 year
Man I love the Armorer
Giant alligator thing is not what I was expecting, to be honest
Not Din rolling up fifteen minutes late with Starbucks… and by Starbucks I mean his kid
Purrgils!! In hyperspace!
IG-11 has a statue in his honor😭
I, too, would be spinning in the chair endlessly
The only pirate I care about in Star Wars is Hondo
The pirate king’s name is Gol D. Roger excuse you
Ahh, there’s the vague Cara Dune mention to write her off, check that off your bingo card
Mando trusts IG-11 and IG-11 only to help him on Mandalore 😭
OKAY, not gonna lie, that was HIGHLY disturbing
Ahh, those little mechanics!
Grogu using Mando’s ammo belt as a seatbelt is so cute what
Love a good firefight in an asteroid belt. Classic
Oohhhhh, so this scene wasn’t on Mandalore, gotcha
Din is calling Bo-Katan out on her shit and I love it
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
notes & observations from watching Top Gun: Maverick a stupid number of times
The plaque that Maverick takes his aviators off of in the opening scene mentions the 412th Test Wing, an Air Force wing based out of Edwards Air Force Base in California (not to far from the Mojave desert). I was a bit confused since Mav is obviously still in the Navy, but after some googling I did find out Edwards AFB does host VX-9 Detachment Edwards, which is a part of the Navy's Operational Test and Evaluation Force (the rest of VX - 9 is stationed at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake at China Lake, California). So maybe Mav is a part of VX - 9 at the beginning of the movie.
I also finally noticed that during the Darkstar test flight sequence, there is a map tracking exactly where Maverick is as he's flying Darkstar. Assuming he took off from Edwards, this is the flight path the map shows and where Maverick crashes (some where over southwest Idaho). Just looking at where he crashed, I highly doubt it was just a helicopter ride back the next day so that's another example of the movie not understanding how time & distance work in the real world (I'm looking at you, scene that makes it look like Rooster & Mav get to the F-14 in just minutes instead of the at least 2hrs it more likely took).
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Going by the quick glances we get of how they're all sitting together when Warlock is introducing Maverick, combined with the quick glances inside the cockpits during the dogfight training montage I can say with a good amount of confidence that Fritz is a single seater and that Harvard is Yale's WSO and Halo is Omaha's WSO.
A random thing about Cyclone - in the scene where he's chewing Mav out for breaking the hard deck, you can see a bag of golf clubs leaning against the wall behind Warlock.
Iceman has two multi-line phones sitting on his desk in his home office. Man is in charge of the entire Pacific fleet so there is no doubt he has to make a lot of phone calls. I also bet that one of those phones has direct access to the White House and/or the Pentagon.
Rooster & Bob are both wearing the 1st Navy Jack Shoulder Patch on their left shoulders instead of the American Flag. Not sure if they're allowed to wear this patch instead of the American Flag or if it was just a mistake by the movie's wardrobe department.
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You can see Hondo wearing a version of it when he's sitting in the back of the classroom when Cyclone is telling them Maverick has been pulled from the mission. His looks like this and he has a green/black American flag on the other shoulder.
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The honor guard at Ice's funeral is comprised entirely of Marines. I know the Marines are a part of the Navy, but I would have thought the honor guard for someone like Ice would have been all sailors instead.
I just really want to know how in the heck Penny already knew about Maverick getting pulled from the mission/grounded after Ice's funeral before he got to her. I know she's an admiral's daughter so what kind of connections does she still have that news like that got to her that fast???
For anyone wondering, the enemy 5th Gen fighters shown in the movie are Russian made Sukhoi Su-57s.
And while the movie obviously never names a specific country as 'the enemy', based on what the target is, the terrain, and the fact that 'the enemy' still has old F-14s, it's obviously Iran. They're also the only country in the world still flying F-14s.
While the movie makes it look like it took just a few minutes for Mav to find Rooster and for the two of them to steal the F-14, the time between Mav going down and Rooster turning his eSat on is (like I mentioned earlier) more like 2-3 hours, minimum. It probably took Mav a minimum of 20mins to get to Rooster and then it definitely took them at least an hour to get to the ridge over looking the bombed out air field and then another 30-45mins of sneaking down said ridge without getting caught.
That crazy maneuver the enemy fighter does is called Kvochur's Bell Maneuver. You can see a video of a plane doing it here. (the Cobra maneuver Mav does in the dogfight training montage is also a real thing and you can watch an F-18 do one here)
Going with the assumption the target is in Iran, the carrier they launch from is in the Persian Gulf. So it probably took a good 48hrs to get everyone out there and on the ship and then another 48hrs to get everyone home. There for it is also physically impossible for the carrier to make it back to San Diego the next day after the mission. Honestly, between how long it would take to get back and all of the debriefing, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a week post-mission before Maverick walked into the bar looking for Penny.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
tbh, part of me always felt like he was just showing off in front of his crew-i think him going that far would've ruined the frenemy relationship with the jedi he seems to enjoy. and then there's the "sold into slavery as a child by his own parents" thing mentioned in one of the tie-in books....
Really? @queenevac is that true about Hondo being sold into slavery? I was under the impression he loved his mother. This is news to me, but very interesting indeed.
I mean, it perhaps was just him showing off, though he is rather a scoundrel. He has his own motivations, money/profit being one of them. He wasn't always friends with the Jedi. He wound up respecting Kenobi after they released him. At that point he thought him honorable.
He was much darker in the beginning of the Clone Wars series, I felt, and later on seemed to lighten up a bit, and helped the Jedi younglings, etc. I can't remember exactly where this part happens in the series, but for God's sake he was joking about fucking Aurra right in front of little Boba Fett, so idk.
I do consider him a sort of anti-hero in a way. Sure, as he got older and worked with Ezra he seemed to calm down a bit, but I do not really care for Rebels version of Hondo. I am not entirely convinced it was a ruse, but I also think later he perhaps had a change of heart.
If anything, maybe he did have a hard life, and seeing someone like the Jedi showing him mercy and respect made him feel differently from then on. That the galaxy wasn't such a cruel and heartless place.
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badgerhuan · 2 years
I remember you mentioning you liked Mav and Hondo’s relationship and I was so happy to see Hondo be very supportive of Mav and never condescending. When Mav tells him if he never sees him again, it’s been an honor serving with him, you can see a ton of emotion on Hondo’s face before they say their goodbyes. GooseMav and HondoMav were truly validated canonically and I’m just living for it.
god I KNOW. Hondo is so good and I'm glad Mav has such a good friend in him. tho what Mav says is that if he doesn't see Hondo again, then thank you. and then Hondo says it's been an honor serving with him. you get the sense that Hondo has been there with Mav through a lot, and Mav does not ever take it for granted. and the main thing he wants Hondo to know is how grateful he is to have Hondo in his life. and Hondo letting him know that it's an honor, all of it, all the things they've been through and all the things Hondo was there for him for, that it was all an honor, and god, that must mean so much to Mav.
when Mav gets shot down, Hondo is visibly shaken, and then he cries when Rooster gets shot down, too. it's like he was holding back his emotions and then hearing that they lost Rooster too makes him break. godd i just. love Hondo so much. SO much.
Hondo is the first person Mav hugs after returning. he's the only person other than Rooster that Mav hugs. they both care about each other so much. i love them.
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jedipoodoo · 3 years
Pirate's Honor (Echo x Reader)
Warnings: None
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This was a very sticky situation you found yourselves in. Echo had your back, of course, and you had his, but there was only so much the two of you could do against fourteen pirates.
You leaped at the pirate in front of you, wrenching the blaster from his grasp. You smacked the butt of the weapon against the Weequay’s head, and he crumpled to the ground. You took one more in the arm, and another in the foot before Echo called out your name. As you looked up to see what he was warning you of, another pirate grabbed you from behind and held your stolen blaster against your head. Another two pirates held Echo by the arms, preventing him from helping you.
That didn’t keep you from resisting. You bit down on your captor’s hand. You tasted the putrid Weequay blood as he cried out and released you to nurse his wound. You took back the blaster easily enough and spun around for a target.
“My friend! My friend!” The Pirate’s captain, the infamous Hondo Ohnaka, leaped in front of you, his arms held high, “I propose a compromise: We allow you to go free, and keep ahold of your friend here until we receive a ransom. Deal?” He held out his hand with a sly smile.
“That’s the stupidest deal I ever heard!” You exclaimed, aiming the blaster at him.
“Hey,” Echo’s voice called you back from the verge of rage, “You should take it. Go back to the others, I’ll be fine.” He attempted a smile to reassure you.
You sighed, caught in the conflict. Echo had been captured once before, and you definitely were not ready to leave him behind again. Not to mention that the Batch had almost no money to spare for any kind of lucrative ransom. You’d have to get a loan from Cid, and she wouldn’t be happy about that.
But there were still eleven perfectly healthy pirates eying you hungrily, and you couldn’t take them all on your own. Even if you came in to rescue Echo blasters-a-blazing, you’d need the rest of the batch to help.
You rolled your shoulders back to stand a bit taller and handed the blaster back to the pirate captain.
“I’ll need a ship to get to my friends if you want that ransom.” You warned him.
Hondo chuckled. “My dear friend, you may have anything you can carry!”
An idea struck you, and you quickly glanced at Echo before looking the Pirate in the eye.
“May I have your word on that?”
Hondo held his hand over his heart. “On my honor as a pirate! Anything you can carry!” He bowed to you as if you were an important sort of dignitary.
You bit your bottom lip, and slowly walked towards Echo. The pirate’s hold on him was a little looser now, and they looked at you in confusion as you approached. Everyone watched you carefully, braced for any funny business.
“What are you doing?” Echo asked. You took his droid arm from the pirate.
“Trust me.”
You grinned and bent down, pulling Echo’s arm over your shoulder as you wrapped your other arm around one of his legs. Slowly, you stood up, Echo draped across your back. He wasn’t that heavy, but the cybernetic parts were clunky and awkward and dug into your side.
The pirates burst into laughter, and you nodded to Captain Ohnaka as you carefully started off. Echo shrugged and waved goodbye.
Hondo laughed too, even applauding your clever ruse.
“My friends, come back, I’ll give you ship-” He stopped, unable to continue for the laughter.
You grinned, and carefully set Echo back down.
"Thanks." He gasped.
"Don't mention it," You said, as Hondo called for one of his men to get their swoop bike.
"No, really, I should," Echo gripped your hand in his flesh one, pulling you back to him.
"Thank you."
Echo couldn't look you in the eyes for some reason, so you carefully tilted his chin up to look at you, placing a quick kiss on the cheek while the pirates weren't looking.
"Of course, Echo."
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kanansdume · 2 years
I can’t say that I would PERSONALLY have put either Cobb Vanth OR Cad Bane into The Book of Boba Fett, just because 1) I don’t like Cad Bane at all and am not really attached to Cobb and 2) I don’t think they are (the way it’s currently being done) adding anything to the story in general and CERTAINLY not to Boba as a character.
I think had they chosen to include the whole idea from the apparently deleted Clone Wars arc that showed that Cad Bane had become a mentor to Boba, you could have really done something with this that massively helped develop Boba as a character and still had him be part of the plot by having him teamed up with the Pykes. For one, one of Boba’s big things as a character since AOTC is family and father figures in particular. We see this theme continued in BOBF to... some degree of success via his relationship to the Tuskens and his choice to create a crime “family”/’house” with Fennec after the Tuskens are no longer in his life. In TCW, we see it primarily in the Season 2 arc where he is seen working with Aurra Singh (someone he knows was associated with Jango) and then the way he interacts with Hondo and even Plo Koon later and the way Hondo as a quasi father figure who knew Hondo and Plo Koon as a very fatherly figure both impact his final decision to help the Jedi over Aurra Singh after she betrays him and leaves him to die.
Had we actually seen the arc with Cad Bane mentoring a younger Boba, he EASILY would’ve fallen into this same character trait of Boba’s, to look for a father figure to replace Jango’s presence in his life, predominantly among other bounty hunters.
And so including Cad Bane as a RECURRING theme in TBOBF (not with him necessarily physically present, just a couple of mentions of him and his influence on Boba here and there would’ve worked) could’ve easily ended up doing so much for Boba. By having Boba face the person he used to be, the person he could have become, the ghost of his father and what his father was to him as well as what his father was to the galaxy at large, and then choose to RISE ABOVE ALL OF THAT, ending with having to physically face Cad Bane and defeat him in order to protect the Tuskens, the people of Tatooine, the family and people he has chosen to protect and who now respect him as a leader? Oof. Man, that could’ve been BEAUTIFUL. Cad Bane as the representation of everything Boba has been but is choosing to leave behind because the Tuskens who took him in showed him a different way to be a warrior, a more honorable way. It kind-of feels like what they did with Ezra during the first episode in which he meets Hondo where at the end of it, he tells Kanan that he feels sympathy for Hondo because he knows that he so easily could’ve BEEN Hondo, irresponsible, alone, left behind. But as much sympathy as he does have for Hondo, he never ever wants to BE Hondo, he never wants to be the kind of person who could BECOME Hondo again.
I quite dislike Cad Bane as a character in TCW, I think he was quite often overpowered and kind-of boring as a villain, but I think he REALLY could’ve added something to Boba’s storyline here if they’d chosen to actually utilize it. Sadly, even if they DO decide to canonize a mentorship between Boba and Cad in tonight’s finale, it’s not going to have any emotional impact because it hasn’t been brought up before and we don’t have enough of a connection to Boba as a character, his growth as a person, and time to create any of it anymore after two completely wasted episodes diverting off to go look at someone else’s story and have THEM grow as a person instead.
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kyberconfessions · 3 years
No Matter Where You Go, I Will Find You. Part 2
Here it is everyone! Part 2! You all make me so happy, it’s been so long since I wrote something and so much longer since I shared it. All your reblogs and likes have made me so happy.
As always:
This will eventually be a 18+ older fic and will deal with anxiety, death, sex,  PTSD, murder, loss, found family, Order 66, and coming to terms. This is not just a fluff fic. It will very much be dealing with very dark and hard themes, so please, if that is something that can be too hard for you, don’t read.
Pairings: Rex x Reader x Cody (polyamory)
Rating: 18+
TW: Death, Murder, infanticide, death of the Jedi, PTSD, Loss, Anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, Order 66. I will add other things as I think about them
Part 2: Utterly Alone
     You couldn't believe Hondo. Making you come to him for that information. It was just like him to hold out on you right when he was getting to the good stuff. Of course he wanted you to meet these ‘clients’ of his before he would offer up whatever he had. Honestly, if he weren’t Hondo Ohnaka, you probably would have killed him long ago, which is why he knew he could pull these stunts.  You shook your head and finished putting on your gear: black pants with pockets and clips, a black shirt covered in darkly painted duriplast armor, twin blasters on your hip and thighs, a large vibroblade on your belt, a few droid poppers in a pouch, thermal detonators in another, and various other tools of your trade. 
A far cry from your sand colored robes and saber hilt on your hip. What would your Master say if he saw you now? He would probably be ashamed. No, that's not true. Obi-Wan Kenobi would never have felt shame when it came to you, he would have been so proud of you for surviving. 
You shook your head free of those thoughts and went to stand in front of the closet next to your bunk. Your hand slowly grazed the lockpad, letting the door whoosh open. 
Your life's work was in that closet.
Half of everything that was ever important to you was in there. You looked up, gazing at the old and scratched armor, the golden paint fading from it. It had taken you nearly 16 years, but you had almost every piece of Cody's armor. You had killed for some pieces, you had purchased others, and the rest you had found scattered across the stars. It was the only thing you had left of him. The only thing you had left of your home. All you were missing was his helmet. 
One day you hoped to find that as well. If you couldn't hold him in your arms again, you would honor his memory this way.
The closet across from Cody's hurt more, though. That closet you had set aside for Rex. But search high and low, you never found anything of his. Not a whisper, not a glove, not even a mention of his name. It was like he was wiped off the galaxy after Mandalore. 
You had gone back there, scoured the planet for any sign. All you had found was ash and bone. A dead, rotting planet, filled to the brim with ghosts and monsters. You heaved a sigh and touched Cody's glove, holding it up to your cheek.
"I wish you were both with me right now. You'd know what to do. You always did."
You sighed and closed your eyes, thinking of their faces.
"I miss you both so much. I'm not sleeping well anymore. But, I always did sleep better sandwiched between you two. Kriff. I know Hondo is going to worry, he always does. Nosey nerf herder. I just....I keep seeing your faces. And I keep hearing your voices and I just can't... I can't do this anymore without you. If you're out there, if you're watching over me, please know I am so sorry. I'm just so sorry."
Your tears cut you off while you choked on a breath.
You looked up to the headless suit, touching his cuirass and gently letting go of the glove. Your hands left the armor and rubbed your eyes free of tears. You had to steel yourself, who knows what kind of people Hondo would want you to meet with. 
You stepped back and closed the door, hiding away your most prized possession. Only Hondo knew about what you had. He had helped you find every piece of your prized armor. He tracked every lead, every serial number, every black market arms dealer selling Clone Era tech. As cunning and double crossing as he was, he cared for you. He cared for Kenobi more, but your connection to the Jedi Master was what compelled him to watch over you. He's who saved you and gave you shelter in the beginning, anyways.
You were curled up in a ball on the bench across from him, head resting on the transparisteel, watching as hyperspace went by. Your face was colorless, your eyes were red, and your lower lip was swollen from where you kept chewing on it. You hadn't spoken a word since Padmé died. It seemed the last 24 hours had taken its toll on you and he knew it.
Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at you as Luke whimpered in his arms. 
Gently he reached out to you through the Force, caressing your signature with his. You turned to him, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"My sweet Padawan, please, talk to me. I can feel your emotions, even without the Force." He shifted the newborn in his arms and stood to sit next to you.
With one free arm, he gently wrapped it around you. It took you less than a second before you felt all your walls crumble and the metaphorical dam break. Obi-Wan would always have that power over you. You covered your mouth with your hand as a sobbed wracked your body, trying to keep quiet for the sleeping baby. He pulled you closer, shifting to hold you against him. You pushed your face into his neck, tears quickly dampening his robes.
"Shhh, little one. It's alright. Let it out. I'm here. You're here. We are alive. I know it seems like nothing will ever be the same, but we must trust in the Force."
He let his Force signature envelop you, warming you. After a few moments, when you felt as if you couldn't cry anymore, you lifted your head from his shoulder.
"Do...do you think they're dead, Master?"
He looked at you with a question on his face, but he waited for you to elaborate.
"Do...do you think they made it? Ahsoka and...and Jesse....and...." You swallowed thickly, trying to force his name from your lips.
"And Rex. Do you think they killed her? Do...do you think she killed him?"
Obi-Wan was no fool. He knew how you, his young Padawan, felt for the Clone Captain of the 501st. He also knew how you felt for the brave Marshall Commander Cody. He knew it because he felt the same about another. He knew what it was like to hold a love so deep in your heart, you felt them in your entire being.
"He shot at us, Master. Cody....shot at us. He tried to kill us. He tried to kill me..." your breath stuttered and you hiccuped a few times.
He placed his hand on your head and stroked your hair lovingly, trying to calm you down.
"I know, little one. I don't know what happened or why they turned."
"What if..this was their plan all along?! What if they never were our men?! What if," you stopped as new tears fell at your revelation, "what if Cody and Rex never...never loved me?", you whimpered out in a soft whisper.
He shushed you, gently pushing his forehead against yours, and whispered your name to get your attention. "No, dear one, no. Cody loved you. Rex as well. I have seen that look in a man's eye before. That utter devotion to someone. Devotion much stronger than that of a commanding officer."
More tears fell from your eyes as you realized your Master knew your deepest kept secret.
"You knew?"
"I knew."
"Then why? Why not say anything? Why not report us? You...you are a sitting member of the High Council? I have shamed you! I broke our code!" You rambled. 
He hesitated for a few moments, looking around at the dim area of Organa's ship. They would be arriving to Tatooine soon. And then after he knew not. He knew he had to make his words comfort his Padawan, because this would be his last lesson.
"Sometimes when you find something so profound in a dark time like this, you have to hold onto it. If there is something worth moving on for, if there is something to keep fighting for, you must let it guide you. The Force has always worked in ways we can not explain. 
"I saw how they looked at you, how they would have done anything for you. How you would have done anything for them. I saw because I know those same feelings. I too know what it was like to love someone so desperately. To want to give them the world. I know what it's like to want to leave the Order if they only asked."
He took a moment for his words to sink in and grabbed a hold of your hand to caress the flesh of your knuckles.
"My dear Padawan, I am so proud of you. I have watched you grow from far off in the temple. I have heard the reports of you from your old Master. And I have seen your strength and kindness with my own eyes. You will be not just a great Jedi, but a great person. I only have one last lesson to teach you."
He let go of your hand and moved to hold your cheek, making you look him in the eye.
"This will be the most important thing I will ever impart on you. Live. Live on. Do not let the events of today control you. Do not let the guilt you have in your heart guide you. Live and be strong. Survive. Find whatever makes you happy and hold onto it with all your strength. Be mindful of the Living Force and what it has to teach you. It will guide you."
You leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his, letting your Force signatures mingle. 
You wanted to tell him that you loved him, that he was everything you ever wanted to be. That all you ever wanted was to honor the memory of your former Master and to honor him. You wanted to throw your arms around him and hold tight. You wanted to tell him that when you thought of a father, you saw him.
But, before you could say anything C-3PO walked up.
"Master Kenobi, Commander, we have arrived at Tatooine."
You both bid your farewells to Senator Organa and the two droids and left. You had never been to Tatooine and you hoped you never would have to return again. You hoped that you and Obi-Wan would make your way through the Galaxy, Master and Padawan, father and daughter, saving those left behind.
But, that wasn't to be.
It was a short ride on a speeder bike to the Lars farm. A young man and who you guessed was his wife stood waiting, as if they knew you were coming. 
Obi-Wan motioned for you to stay back, which you did, not having the strength to be around people. 
  Your hood was up, protecting your hair and face from the harsh winds whipping up sand.
  It was strange, almost cathartic, watching your Master hand the small baby to the young man. It was almost as if you knew this wasn't the end. But, at the same time, you knew this chapter of your life had closed.
  The two men you had ever loved were gone, dead probably. Your family was shattered. And you were about to say goodbye to the only other person who ever truly saw you.
Obi-Wan walked back to you, fingers grabbing at his mustache and beard, his old habit for when he was deep in thought.
     You rode for a few hours to a small town, Mos Eisley, the terrain passing you by quickly, but you paid no attention. You just held onto your Master as tightly as you could; the last time you held onto him like this, Cody made the order to shoot you down.
He looked to you, his lips set in a firm line, and nodded away, motioning for you to follow him.
You did, without question. You would always follow Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You shook your head of those thoughts against his back, a move not lost on your Master.
He yelled to you, trying to be heard over the sound of wind whipping by.
He nodded and let it go, him just as tired as you.
When you finally arrived at the small Smugglers town, you went to secure the bike while Obi-Wan went into a Cantina to make a call.
You didn't know to whom or what for, but you were too exhausted to care. Everything was crashing down on you and all you wanted was just to sleep. But you knew you had to keep going.
After a while, Obi-Wan stepped back outside and motioned for you to follow him in. The twin suns were beginning to set and you had just started feeling the cool air on your face.
Oh well.
Without a word you entered the noisy cantina, the sounds of people and creatures a harsh register to your ears.  There was music coming from somewhere, but you didn't bother to look, too focused on Obi-Wan's back.
It wasn't until he sat you at a table did you bother to look around. Everyone was carrying on, as if the war wasn't over. As if the Clones didn't betray their commanders and friends. As if the temple on Coruscant wasn't burning.. As if the Jedi weren't being systematically hunted down and killed.
Cody would have been disappointed in you.
You had ignored every possible exit, had failed to count the blasters you could see, and had failed to get the seat closest to the wall so you could face the door. But you couldn't be too angry at that one, Obi-Wan was locked on, watching every single person coming in and out.
But above all, you had failed to make a contingency plan to kill every person in the room. 
"Always plan, Mesh'la. Be polite, be courteous, never start a fight, show professionalism. But always have a plan to kill everyone in the room. Always plan to protect you and your own. Smile, but know how you will take everyone out if need be."
At the time you had called him cynical to think that way, but you understood now. You understood all of his lessons were to prepare you for moments like this.
After a while a server brought two bowls of bone broth and two cups of some sort of liquid; you didn't question. 
You waited for Obi-Wan to start eating, before tentatively spooning from the bowl. You ate in silence, neither of you in the mood for conversation. 
   When you were done, you waited for him to move to leave, but he just sat there, staring at the table.
   He looked at you then, his eyes were bloodshot and the bags under them made him look older than he was. Or perhaps they showed his true age, his normal boyish charm and good looks fallen away for a moment.
You quickly grabbed his hand in your own and squeezed it, before pulling away and tucking your hand back into your sleeve.   
"We will wait here for a few more hours. Then we will head to the outskirts to meet an acquaintance of mine. From there we will make our next move."
You nodded, sighed, and sat deeper into the rock bench.
A few hours later you were once again wrapped around Obi-Wan's waist, riding out into the desert. It was pitch black, the only light coming from the dim bulb on the front of the speeder. This time, at least, you were smart enough to tear away your robe and use the fabric to make a makeshift wrap for your face and his. This time, you didn't have to have your face pressed against his back. But, it didn't stop you from doing it a few times, hugging him tightly. You both knew that these would be the last moments you spent together. No one said it out right, but you could feel it all the same.
After a while you came upon a ridge, a small ship having landed in the canyon below. You didn't recognize it, but Obi-Wan made for it, which settled the anxiety growing in your chest.
It was larger up close, once you pulled up next to it.
Obi-Wan dismounted and helped you off, your legs slightly jelly from the long ride.
You both stood there, next to the bike, staring up into the hull. You shifted from foot to foot, your anxiety getting the better if you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and a gentle squeeze before he went to hold your hand.
Even after everything, he still put you first. You were going to miss him so much.
The ramp opened up and a lone figure emerged, wearing a rather strange outfit.
"Master Kenobi! I was so worried. I had heard...rumors"
A strange Weequay man addressed your Master as he joined you on the ground.
"Hondo, it is good to see you, old friend." 
They grasped forearms in greeting before standing apart.
"Is it true, Master Jedi? Are they...."
Obi-Wan heaved a deep, bone weary sigh and nodded solemnly.
"Forgive me, my friend. I did not know. A thorn in my side, your Order may be, but I would never wish this on anyone."
It was then he noticed you, standing next to Obi-Wan just as tired and broken.
"Is this who you contacted me about?"
Your eyebrow raised as you turned to look at your Master, confused.
"Yes. Hondo, meet my Padawan Learner. LIttle one, meet Hondo Ohnaka."
You stepped forward and bowed slightly before returning back to your spot behind Obi-Wan.
"Hello there, Pretty Lady. I am Hondo, Pirate King and best friend to one Obi-Wan Kenobi."
He bowed with a flourish which caused Obi-Wan to roll his eyes.
You giggled though, and that sound had Obi-Wan smile slightly.
"It's nice to meet you, Hondo. Master? What does he mean?" You glanced over to Obi-Wan. You knew, in your heart, that this was it, but it still hurt, still clenched your chest. 
"Ahh, I will be...on the ship. Yes. Don't mind me, just going to do some routine maintenance before take off, have very important business to do...on the ship…" Hondo excused himself in a very Hondo way and walked back up the ramp, before disappearing into the hull.
Obi-wan turned to you and cleared his throat. You could see the anxiety welling up in his eyes, the fear that if he left you and you died, it would be his fault. Just like how Anikan was his fault. And Padme. He couldn't bear the thought of you dying when he could protect you, but, he had to stay. He knew he did. He had to watch over Luke and protect him. It was his new path in the Force.
Before he could speak, you cut him off trying to save him from his guilt. 
"So, this is it. This is where we part ways."
Obi-Wan released the deep sigh he didn't know he was holding and nodded.
"I have to stay. I have to watch over Luke. I can not let…"
"I know, Master." You gave him a tight lipped smile, eyes glassy with fat tears. You could feel your heart breaking, but you weren't sad. 
"Master, I need to tell you something. I don't want this to go unsaid between us," You paused, trying to collect your thoughts. How were you going to say what was on your heart? How were you going to reassure him of everything while being so scared yourself?
Obi-Wan waited patiently, only moving to once again hold your hands in his. There was so much he wanted to say as well, but he was just so tired. He was so very tired and everything pulled down on him more.
You took another deep breath, it was now or never…
"Master? I love you. You are the father I never had. When I think of family, I see you. And Ashoka. And," you choked, "Anakin." Your voice was small, almost lost in the howling winds of the canyon. But still you spoke, letting everything out. 
"All I have ever wanted was to make you proud. I wanted to be the best, not because I should strive to be a better Jedi, but because I wanted to honor you. When I lost my Master, I thought I was going to be forgotten, put aside until after the war, but then you came. You sat there in your chair in the Council Chamber and you saw me. You saw me. Being your Padawan was the greatest honor I could ever have had. I was being swallowed by this darkness in my heart, I was so lost and scared and confused. I lost myself when I lost my Master, but then you were there. You were this light that reached out for me. You pulled me out of that darkness. You anchored me in the present and the Light Side of the Force. Please don't think you've failed me. You haven't. You could never fail me. Obi-Wan Kenobi, you saved me. Everything I will ever strive to be is because of you. You are my father, Obi-Wan. And I love you."
You could feel the tightening in your chest, that anxious squeeze pulling at your insides as you waited for his response. Tears were falling down your face, making muddy tracks on your skin. Obi-Wan, for all his charm and quick wit, was speechless. He just stared at you with big, glazed, blue eyes. You were about to apologize for everything you said, hoping you didn't ruin the last moments with him you had, but then he pulled you to him.
He held you tight, crushing a bit of air out of your lungs. You felt him kiss the crown of your head before you wrapped your arms around him as well. 
You both stood there, holding on for dear life.  You could feel his tears in your hair, from where his cheek was pressed against your head. You could feel his heartbeat against your ear, where your face was against his chest. And you could feel his Force Signature mixed with yours, wrapping tightly around the both of you.
"Wherever you go in this world, whatever you decide to do, please know that I will always be with you. You are so strong, dear one. Don't ever think that I have never been proud of you. Look for me in the Force and you will find me. I will never abandon you."
You squeezed him harder and he held you tighter. You wanted to remember everything about him at this moment. His smell, like ozone and linen, the warmth of his chest, the scratch of his beard on your head, every little tactile sense you had was busy cataloging this exact moment, never to be forgotten. 
You didn't know, but he was doing the exact same thing.
"I will always love you, my brave Padawan."
"I will always love you, Master."
Slowly you both let go of each other, standing still.
There was a noise behind you, someone clearing their throat.
"I hate to break up this beautiful display of fatherly devotion, but, I am sorry, Master Jedi, if I am to take her with me, we must leave now. There is chatter on the com-waves."
Obi-Wan looked over your head at the man above you and nodded once.
"Yes, of course. Thank you Hondo. For everything."
"It is my honor, Master Jedi."
He looked back at you and reached out to squeeze your shoulders, before pulling you into one last hug. 
"May the Force be with you." 
"May the Force be with you, Master."
Slowly he let you go, heartbreak in his eyes. You turned and walked up the ramp, meeting Hondo at the hull opening. 
"We will leave soon, Pretty Lady. Please don't worry, I will keep you safe. I promise."
He nodded at you as you turned to look back at Obi-Wan. Your heart was in your throat and you didn't care that you were sobbing hard and deep. You were leaving everything you knew behind. Everything you are. Everything you have ever been was down there with him. But you knew, if you stayed, they would know. He would know. And you couldn't put Luke in that danger.
The ship started to move, gaining altitude, but still you stayed, watching him on the ground. You wanted to jump, to stay with him, to stay with the last bit of familiar comfort you had, but you didn't. You stayed glued to the side, watching him get smaller and smaller. 
He raised his hand in farewell as you began to shut the door. The air was beginning to thin and you would be in open space in a few moments.
But still you stayed. You stayed, looking at the grey durasteel side of the ship. You stayed, watching nothing as the ship left orbit. You stayed, trying to find purchase on anything as your heart was ripped from you. Cody, Rex, Obi-Wan, Jesse, Gregor, Ashoka, Kix, Fives, Wolffe, Plo, Padmé, Anakin. Everyone you had ever cared for, every single soul you considered family and friends and lovers were gone. Your entire family, your entire order, every single person, was dead. 
You were alone. You were utterly alone. And there was nothing you could do to change it.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea (pt5)
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers dad and betrothed are asses.
“Please I am begging you, not Coruscant. Take me anywhere else, do whatever you like, just don’t send me back to him.” You ramble as you're pushed down the stairs from before and forced into a small cell.
“Sergeant's orders,” The clone shrugs. And tears fall freely, whatever awaited you as Nythons wife has now become impossibly worse as a result of your running. You try to stifle them when you see Tech again, and your hands grasp the cold bars.
“Tech!” you screech like a madwoman, “you said you would help me, you said you knew him!” You see him guilty look away, and pull a crate of medical supplies into his arms.
“Wrecker I need you on the deck, Crosshair needs a stim and you know how he gets…” He says to the larger clone, who must go by Wrecker, making the one called Crosshair presumably the one injured in your saving. Wrecker nods and follows him towards the stairs.
“P-please,” You try once more, standing in a cell, with a ruined dress, gunpowder in your hair, battered muscles and tears leaving the only trails of clean skin on your face.
Neither of them even turn to look back at you.
For whatever kind of terrible wife you may have made, you’re a decidedly worse stowaway. You groan at it all, not even having made it a full cycle hidden on the ship before being caught. And the pain from having smashed into the hull of the vessel itself hurts so much, like all of your muscles are stuck in a permanent cramp. You flop onto the wooden floor of the cage the clones have thrown you in, but refuse to cry again.
Above you, an intense argument starts.
“Wield that thing at me again Tech and you’ll lose your hand.” Someone snaps
“It is a stim Crosshair not a kriffing viroblade!” Tech’s voice is easily discernible for that of a clone. You realise it’s softer, and has less of the gritty depth and rather more of a thoughtful comforting sound. So even when he’s frustrated he still sounds kind.
“Wrecker you’re fucking terrible at stealth.” Crosshair, you presume, states.
“Just take the needle vod you need it!” a deeper set voice chimes in.
“Give it to the girl, she hit the hull hardest, not to mention the iron hold Hunt’er must have had on her.” You hear him sigh after that.
“Cross don’t start something…” Tech warns,
“It’s Volim -kriffing- Nython.” He seethes. “Maker forgive us if we give her back to him.”
“I was not aware you had suddenly become so religious…”
Tech.” Crosshair cuts in, “He used to collect Lekku for fun-”
“I know.”
“And Zabarak horns.”
“I know.”
“How many of our brothers did he kill?” “Crosshair I Know!” You hear Tech shout before everyone falls quiet. You hear mumbling next but can't make out what's being said. “Take the stim or don’t, see if I care.” You hear him slam something down before you hear and see footsteps approaching.
Tech makes his way back down into the brig, walking past your cell to put the medpack back on the furthest wall. And you let him walk by you again before saying something.
“Tech?” You croak out, thinking he will keep walking up the few steps back onto the bridge, except he stops, does not turn to you, but stops nevertheless. “I do not know much about Clones…” You admit gulping. “But at least I thought mandalorians had more honor.”
“And do we look like mandalorians to you?” He counters, not with malice but almost as a genuine question.
“Your armor did.” You say and you watch as he turns. Blocking the light that's coming in from the door, his auburn hair and curious eyes that he knows usually get the better of him. And underneath the baggy pants that are tucked into his boots, you see a flash of the under most shirt, a faded symbol on his chest beneath the white layers of loose fitting cloth.
“How do you know what clone armour looked like, and yet not know anything about clones?” He enquires earnestly.
You take a deep breath thinking about how to phrase your answer, and considering you’re on borrowed time you think it's best to keep it short.
“Lekku and Horns weren't the only things he collected.”
His face plummets before he bolts out of the brig.
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The Captain of the havoc Marauder has just about finished his first flask of whiskey when one of his soldiers comes bursting through the doors to his private rooms.
“Have you ever heard of knocking Tech?” Hunter Inquires, his heavy coat draped over his sleeping area and his hat thrown somewhere amongst his pile of clothes. Leaving him in rolled up sleeves, his red bandana and threadbare pants that desperately needed replacing. From here tech can see his traitor branding on the inner arm and the pirate sigil necklace that he’d nicked from Hondo some years back.
“Captain - Sarge…” Tech says quickly knowing his brothers are probably nosing their ways over here sooner rather than later. “I want to propose an alternate route.”
“To Coruscant?” Hunter asks with a raised eyebrow.
“The Alderaanian trading post.” He states firmly. “We’d be there in a matter of rotations, the wind and the currents are in perfect conditions. She’d be out of our hair in days…”
“I’m not harbouring a fugitive, soldier.” Hunter cuts him off glaring.
“She is not a fugitive.” Tech argues, turning around as Crosshair and Wrecker join him in the captain's quarters before turning back to his captain. “That woman has done nothing wrong.”
“He’s right.” Crosshair says agreeing with someone for once. “The Corellian Run is a straight shot to Alderaan.”
“This is not up for debate soldiers.” He grits out.
“We are not giving her to that monster sarge. We’re just not.” Everyone turns to Wrecker in shock, despite his appearance and love for all things gunpowder, Wrecker is always the one to follow orders, to do what needs to be done - never challenge the hierarchy of power.
“Is this a mutiny?” Hunter threatens,
“This is us not throwing an innocent woman into the hands of Volim Nython!” Tech exclaims and even before Hunter can respond the room erupts.
Well, Clone Force 99 was never really known for its teamwork skills anyways.
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You cast your eyes towards the boards that make up the ceiling of the brig when the yelling starts. For all the subtle differences between each Clone it becomes impossible to pick out who is yelling at whom and what they are arguing about.
Well, given your current predicament maybe it was not too hard to pick out what the crew is shouting about.
With a soft sigh you lay flat on the floor of the ship and close your eyes, rocking with the creaking of the hull and your ruined dress splayed out creating a wonderful contrast to the dark wood floor. Perhaps the sea was not as terrifying as you thought. Your fingers explored the wooden floor, gently as to not catch any splinters. Cracked nails brush over hardened wood and cascade over a cold nail. And you stay suspended in what could be your last moments of peace.
After a few moments of trying to block out the shouting your brain catches up to itself. And you roll to one side, fingers moving quicker now as they try to find that same spot. Where everything else is flush, flat barely a difference between warm wood and the cool metal circles of nails firmly embedded one stands taller than the rest.
You stop your frantic hands before they make contact with the rusty nail, it’ll be tricky to work out of the dry wood, and your likely to cut yourself or start an infection through a split fingernail. So you pivot on your bottom, put your hands behind your back for stability and give the nail a calculated kick.
Your foot does little more than bend the thing, and push your skirts up in an unladylike manner, but with this new angle you can safely work the chunk of metal out of the floorboard. And later rather than sooner you are now sitting on the floor, one rusty nail richer.
The obvious call to action is to pick the lock and you doubt your abilities before quickly realising there’s no better plan in sight. And so you push yourself against the steel bars and crock your arm at the worst angle to start working on the lock. Every large wave threatens to snap your shoulder from its socket. Your knees are bruised, your arm hurts so much, and with every fall you were reminded of the not too pleasant experience from earlier and how much your ribs still hurt. And in some combination of luck, movement of the nail, a crash of a wave and maker only knows what else, that final wave sends the nail into place and you crash through the door to the cell as it swings open.
Tags: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses @loverofclones @beizm @gunsmoke-blu
@logina6 @wondergal2001
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zara2148 · 3 years
Another idea @coldishcasecreates and I discussed was, after he said he wanted to do some sort of variation on the Honorable Ones as must be common, and also mentioned that Kallus canonically got off the ice planet through an independent trader and the Empire abandoned him.
So I said "Independent trader sounds like a fancy way of saying smuggler. Kallus gets picked up by a smuggler and decides screw it, he ain't going back to people who don't care about him. He'll become a smuggler."
Cc immediately went, "Hondo! It's Hondo who picks him up!" Ignoring the fact he's supposed to be locked at the point in canon for a greater purpose.
So yeah, Hondo picks him up. Kallus is so surprised he doesn't hold a grudge, but Hondo is never one for grudges when there is profit to be made! Besides, such a rescue is not cheap, and Hondo has costs to recoup!
Kallus, just a little bit desperate for a purpose if he's not going back to Empire and not quite ready to commit to the Rebellion: I don't suppose I could work this debt off.
Hondo: But of course! Though naturally I will have to charge for food, lodgings, the air you breathe...
So Kallus starts helping Hondo raid Imperial supplies and treasures, because f*ck the Empire. He also puts together a smuggler/pirate outfit which *must* involve a leather jacket.
Eventually Hondo and Kallus plan a score too big to pull of alone. So Hondo reaches out to the Ghost crew for help... everyone is shocked to see Kallus with Hondo.
Also, after the raid is pulled off, Kallus asks the ghost crew if they can help him pay off his remaining debt to Hondo... he's basically a well treated indentured servant. Or as Ezra asks, "You're basically Hondo's slave?"
Hondo, offended: I am not a slaver. I... am a capitalist!
Ezra: What's the difference?
Hondo falls silent as he ponders that.
So anyway, Kallus let's Hondo know it's been fun, but he wants to join the rebellion.
Hondo: After all I've done for you, you're abandoning me for a better opportunity? I'M SO PROUD OF YOU.
So basically the Ghost crew steals Kallus from Hondo. And that's all we got. Also somehow Kalluzeb comes it all this... Kallus daydreaming about Zeb between raids. Zeb admiring Kallus' pirate outfit.
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years
hi! I love your writing it brings me so much joy! anyway have you considered an AU where jango and obi-wan are captured together/break out of prison together?
(thank you so much darling that’s so sweet <3)
Obi-Wan woke up in a very familiar cell with a pounding in his head and groaned, long and low and heartfelt.
The pounding subsided somewhat. Ah, someone had been banging on the walls of the brig. How considerate of them to stop.
“Who’s Hondo got on guard duty this time?” Obi-Wan called, sitting up and rubbing at his temples, pleased to note that he hadn’t been restrained. It just wasn’t sporting, after all. “Evus? Yoro?”
“It’s me,” Carsi said smugly, strutting into view in front of the energy field at the front of his cell and striking a pose. “You’re not getting out this time, you slippery bastard, I’ve got money riding on this.”
Obi-Wan rubbed his inner canthi and vowed, as he often when he visited Hondo, to never drink again. “My dear, I might have the week off but I do need to be getting back eventually. The Temple usually gives me 5-8 business days before they shell out a ransom.”
Carsi opened her smirking mouth to respond when someone in the cell next to them growled, “The Haat Mando’ade don’t pay ransom and you’ll be paying yours in blood if you don’t give me my karking armor back right now.”
Carsi’s mouth snapped shut with a click, eyes wide, and Obi-Wan took pity on her. She was young and headstrong and reckless, which meant Obi-Wan was predisposed to like her. He still owed her for trouncing her at dejarik in front of her girlfriend, which was undoubtedly why she had volunteered to guard him in the first place.
“Now, none of that, my friend. Is this your first time enjoying Captain Ohnaka’s dubious hospitality?”
"This is the last time because once I’m through with him he’s not going to have a kriffing ship anymore,” the apparent Mandalorian growled, “Or legs.”  
Carsi edged closer to Obi-Wan’s cell.
“That will be unnecessary, I’m sure. Hondo might be a pirate but he’s a decent sort. No serious harm will come to you, at least not if you don’t deserve it. Hondo might even let you go without a ransom if he wants something else from you, though if your armor is made of beskar it might be a lost cause.”
Something that sounded like a fist slammed against the wall. Carsi jumped a foot in the air.
“Like. What,” the Mandalorian ground out eventually.
“Well, the last time I was here he wanted me to win a sabacc tournament for him, and he once kidnapped my padawan because he’s a former pod racing champion. Do you have any unexpected talents, by chance?”
“Killing people.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Well, that’s not quite unexpected, but I’m sure Hondo will have a use for that.”
Carsi visibly gulped. 
Eventually their host decided to show his face, though not before the Mandalorian detailed how he planned to break each bone in his body. Poor Carsi looked like she regretted ever taking this guard duty, no matter how much money she’d win from the pool if she managed to keep Obi-Wan there. (The current record was 3 days. A Jedi’s ransom had become something of a white space whale for Hondo.)
“Kenobi, my good friend!” Hondo crowed, throwing a companionable arm around Carsi’s shoulders, who promptly dislodged it. “And Fett, my valued associate!”
“Hondo,” Obi-Wan greeted, smiling despite himself.
“I hope you enjoyed the party last night, boys! I broke out my best liquor for it!”
“That was your best liquor?” Fett asked, almost despite himself. Hondo tended to have that effect on people. 
“Obviously not, I wouldn’t waste it on guests! Especially not Kenobi, otherwise he’d drink it all.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes but didn’t refute it. “Whatever I drank last night was quite impressive, in any case. I couldn’t even taste the drugs.”
Hondo laughed. “There weren’t any drugs, my friend! You just drank two bottles of tihaar and passed out on the table.”
“That was tihaar?” Obi-Wan asked, surprised. The New Mandalorians never made it that strong.
“You gave all my tihaar to a jetii?” Fett said at the same time, then paused. “How are you not dead, Kenobi?”
“I... have extensive experience,” Obi-Wan admitted sheepishly. “Did you brew it yourself? It really was quite good. Stronger than I’m used to.”
“The true Mandalorians make true tihaar,” Fett said, pride creeping into his voice. “None of that weak Sundari banthakark. ‘S real draluram.”
“I must admit that I agree with you, even if the taste might leave something to be desired,” Obi-Wan agreed. “Is your papuur’gal stronger, as well?”
“Of course it is, jetii. You wouldn’t believe what those aruetiise try to pass off as real alcohol...”
Hondo slipped out once the conversation got lively, congratulating himself on a job well done. It wasn’t easy--Hondo liked being the center of attention, as was his due, and normally he would be offended that his unwilling guests would be rude enough to ignore their gracious host.
But Hondo liked them both. Kenobi was his friend, and Fett was an honorable man. They would make an interesting pair, especially considering that Hondo had trapped them in the one environment that wouldn’t immediately lead to a fight (Fett’s doing) or a raunchy one-off entanglement (Kenobi had worked his way through half of Hondo’s crew, not to mention Hondo himself, at this point).
Hondo was as skilled at matchmaking as he was at piracy! Perhaps he could start a side business. Advertise it in his best man speech. Mandalorian weddings were always fun. And this way Fett might not take his anger out on Hondo’s kneecaps once Hondo traded him for beskar. 
And if he was very lucky, Kenobi would like Fett enough to stay and let Hondo finally get his hands on that Temple ransom...
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jayjaymorgan · 2 years
Shattered Past - Part III
Author’s Note : Please remember that English isn't my native language, so there might be some mistakes and stuff. I hope you all like it, have a great day/night!
TW : mention of needles, syringes, shots
Someone was watching him.
Rex slowly opened one of his eyes and saw his brother Tech, standing over him. He was standing in complete silence, staring at him. “How... how long were you watching me?” Rex asked, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “Long enough to memorize your facial features.” “That’s... disturbing.” “Breakfast’s ready, hurry before Wrecker eats your portion.” with that being said Tech turned around and left the room, giving Rex some privacy while he changed into some clean clothes. He quickly dressed up and made his way to the dining room, once again tripping over a droid and cursing loudly. “Hey, vod!” Omega greeted her brother, looking up from her plate. “Wait...” Rex stopped in his tracks, looking at the table. “Am I dreaming? Is that something else than portion bread and ration packs?” Hunter sighed loudly, hiding his face in his hands. “I cannot believe my eyes...” he continued, slowly sitting at the table, visibly happy that he can use his acting skills. “Well, you better believe ‘em!” said Wrecker, smiling wildly. “Have some space waffles!” Rex took the plate from his brother, thanking him and reaching for a jar of pear jam. “Do you want water or tea?” Crosshair asked, standing next to the stove, boiling water for the tea. “We have tarine tea, cassius tea and bantha chai.” “I’d like a cassius tea, thank you.” The sniper nodded and started preparing the tea, taking out his and Rex’s favorite mugs. After a couple of minutes the drinks were ready, Crosshair passed Rex’s his and leaned on the counter, sipping his own tea. “Let’s finish breakfast and go take care of those containers, I want to spend as little time as possible around these pirates.” said Hunter, who was already dressed in his armor and ready to go. “Alright, give us 10 minutes and we’ll meet you outside.” “Make it five.” he walked out the room and made his way towards the exit, not seeing the look his brothers gave him. Rex quickly finished his food, threw the dishes into the sink and ran to his room, not wanting to make his team wait. He also didn’t want to be around Hondo’s men, mainly because he knew how dangerous they were. They were ruthless and cold-blooded, they would often try to cheat when it came down to payment and were not afraid to use brutal force. Hondo was no different, but they knew his personally and worked together over the past few years, which guaranteed them safety. At least for now. He dressed up, grabbed his helmet and walked outside, where the rest were waiting for him and Omega. Hunter started letting her join on missions, she was almost an adult now and knew how to take care of herself. He was still a little bit overprotective, but his brothers were able to convince him into giving their sister more freedom. So far she’s been a great help, she could fit in small spaces, unlike her brothers, and learned quickly. Omega was the last one to exit the ship, dressed in a black Mandalorian armor with hints of red. In Mandalorian culture colors of the armor had special meanings, so everyone in the Bad Batch painted their gear with the colors they associated with. Omega’s armor was mostly black, which stood for justice, and red for honoring a parent, in her case her brothers. Hunter’s was completely black, Tech’s black with blue markings for reliability, Crosshair’s black with hints of gold, which stood for vengeance on the Empire for what they did to him and his family. Wrecker’s armor was also black, but with green markings, which meant duty. Rex was the only one who’s armor wasn’t black, but completely grey for the mourning of lost love. He choose this color mainly because of his long dead lover, but also his brothers and friends. They started walking towards the outpost, ignoring the glares of some of the gang’s members. “No sudden movements.” reminded quietly Hunter, glancing at his siblings. “We don’t want any problems, so keep your hands where they can see them and let me do the talking.” They reached a big warehouse, full of different types of vehicles and containers. Hunter walked up to few of the gang’s members who worked at the hangar and took off his helmet, while the rest waited a couple of meters away. “We’re here for the containers, Hondo sent us.” he said, looking up at them. “I believe he already informed you about it?” The pirates looked at him and then at each other, unsure if they can trust him with the cargo. After a brief moment one of them nodded and gave Hunter a sign to follow him. They walked towards the hangar and the pirate pointed at some of the containers, telling the clone something. He nodded in response and shook hands with the man, then turned to his team and gave them thumbs up. They breathed with a sigh of relief and walked up to him. “He said he will help us with loading the crates on our ship, he just went to get a forklift.” “But we don’t need one : we have Wrecker?” said Omega, patting the said man on the shoulder, who probably had an upset look on his face under the helmet. “The faster we load the containers, the faster we leave.” Hunter looked around, glancing nervously at the pirates. “I promise that you’ll get to carry some of the heavy ones, alright?” Wrecker immediately cheered up, he loved showing off his strength, especially during situations like this, when they were people around. “We get, you’re strong, now stop that.” Crosshair muttered angrily, rolling his eyes. “You’re just jealous.” Wrecker smirked, hitting his brother in the arm. “Of you? Please.” “Hey! You two, stop it!” Tech hissed, looking up from his datapad. “Go argue somewhere else and let me focus!” “Whatcha doin’?” Wrecker straight away lost all interest in bullying his brother and tried to look over Tech’s shoulder, but he jumped away and shot him an angry glance. “Don’t be like that, let me see...” “Stop messing around.” Hunter didn’t even have to raise his voice to get his brothers to listen. They went quiet and Wrecker moved away from Tech, giving him some personal space. “There he comes.” said Rex, motioning with his head at the approaching small vehicle. It came to a stop in front of them, the pirate stepped out and asked which ship was theirs. “That bluish CR90 corvette.” Hunter responded, pointing at the Stalker. “Alright, we don’t want to keep the boss waiting, so let’s get to work.” the pirate responded before jumping back in the forklift. “Follow me.” The Bad Batch walked into the warehouse, looking around curiously. “The red crates are the ones you have to transport.” the pirate explained. They all nodded in response and started carrying the lighter containers to the ship, while he focused on the bigger ones.
Rex placed a crate next to another and sighed, looking up at the pile. They already loaded almost half of the smaller crates, but still had around 7 of the bigger ones, that were 2 meters tall, 2 meters wide and almost 4 meters long. The clone could see that Wrecker was very happy about that, he had the opportunity to show off. “How about we move those somewhere else, maybe to the living area?” Hunter asked, looking up at Tech, who was standing next to him. “That way we can fit more of the bigger containers here.” “Hmm.” Tech didn’t even look away from his datapad. “Rex?” Hunter turned to his other brother, seeing that the technician was ignoring him. “That’s a good idea, leave it to me.” the clone started to move the crates to the old operations forum, that was now their living area. They renovated the room some time ago, making it more comfortable and suitable for its new purpose, but they still used it as a place where they planned their next missions and operations. It didn’t take him long to move all the crates there, he piled them against the wall and walked back outside, where he saw that Wrecker was loading the last container. A big group of pirates was standing a couple of meters away, observing the clone with both fear and respect as he carried the last one inside the Stalker and put it down next to the others. “That’s all?” he asked disappointed, walking out from the ship. “Yeah, sorry?” one of the pirates said, with a weird look on their face. “Let’s go.” Hunter ordered, passing Wrecker and entering the ship. The rest followed close behind, closing the hatch and making their way to the cockpit. Tech sat in one of the pilot’s seats, started the engine and the ship took off, raising a cloud of dust and sand. The clone maneuvered the ship as it rose higher and higher into the sky, setting the course to Vanqor. “We should arrive there the day after tomorrow, if there won’t be any obstacles along the way.” he informed when the Stalker left the planet’s atmosphere. “Let’s just hope that the Empire didn’t make any new barriers or control outposts.” Hunter muttered something in response before adjusting his seat and sitting more comfortably. “Don’t get too comfortable, you all have to take you shots today, remember?” Omega said, looking up at him. All her brothers groaned loudly in response, which made her laugh. Rex hid his face in his hands and sighed loudly, but after a moment he got up and walked to the infirmary, Tech and Omega accompanying him. Hunter took over the control of the ship, putting it on autopilot and making sure that everything was working like it was supposed to. “Take off your armor and sit on the bed.” Tech said to Rex before leaning over the medical table and pulling out a syringe. “Omega, time for a quiz. Let’s see how much you remember. Where do you inject the shots?” “Upper arm or upper thigh.” “How much is the dosage?” “100 mg/ml.” “How often should you take it?” “Every 2 to 4 weeks.” “Can you do it?” “I... think so?” “Let’s give it a try. Measure the dose, remove the air from the syringe and inject it. Just like I taught you.” Omega looked at him like he was crazy, but took the syringe from him, took of its cap and grabbed one of the small vials that was laying on the table. She bit her lip, focused on her task, as she measured the dose and pressed the air out, making sure that there were no bubbles in the liquid. “Very good.” Tech said, inspecting her work. “Now inject it.” “I didn’t volunteer to be a test rabbit, but okay.” Rex joked, but stopped after seeing the look on his sister’s face. He pulled up his sleeve and extended his arm, letting her administer the drug. Her hands were shaking a little, but after a few deep breaths she calmed down and proceeded with the treatment. Rex didn’t even blink when she stabbed his arm with the needle. The worst part about it all was the soreness that would appear in a couple of minutes and last for a couple of hours if not an entire day. But it was a sacrifice he was willing to make : the said drug was slowing down his aging from nearly twice as fast a natural-born Human to normal. It was incredibly important, mainly because the rate increased as clones grew older, especially under stress, which could dramatically shorten the clones’ life expectancy. Tech invented the drug two years after the order 66 and since then all of them felt much better. “Do you want a band aid?” Omega asked, making him snap out from his thoughts. “We have some with hearts on it.” “No, thank you.” With that he rolled his sleeve down, got up and left the infirmary, calling his brothers saying that it’s their turn. He returned to his room and didn’t leave it for almost the rest of the day, cleaning his gear and resting.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years
Rebels Things 2/4
S2:EP3: Kanan: I don’t wanna talk about it”   Ezra: *tries to leave*   Kanan: “Wait, no, kid, come back, I wanna talk about it.”
S2:EP4: Ezra gets to wear Rex’s helmet THE HONOR
S2:EP4: Mans is a Jedi Padawan. He ain’t really gonna fall over like that. He fell so Sabine would have to help him up 😂 Kid’s got game
S2:EP5: “He needs to be present.” *leaves*   “You’ll run right past them!” *runs right past them*   “Keep your head down and you won’t get hit” *gets hit*
S2:EP5: “Why won’t you tell me where they are?”   “Because, unlike you, I know how to shut up.”
S2:EP5: Do these Inquisitors only have, like, one pair of handcuffs between the two of them? Like, why not cuff the ACTUAL MANDALORIAN IN FULL MANDALORIAN ARMOR instead of just the orphan whose overglorified glowstick you confiscated?
S2:EP10: Ahsoka laughs a little and rolls her eyes when Ezra goes against what he should be doing and eavesdrops because that’s exactly what she and Anakin would have done.
S2:EP12: Why don’t we talk about how short Ezra is? He’s literally two days older than Leia, and like, quite a few inches shorter.
S2:EP13: Watching the contrasting philosophies of the Jedi and the Mandalorian has made me revel in the irony of Obitine’s dynamic.
S2:EP14: Old lady: *long speech about fool & warrior & child*   Scene: *cuts to Hondo*   Me: Oh, he’s the fool
S2:EP16: Kanan falling over himself to impress what is essentially his father in law, Zeb’s knowing look knowing Ezra’s going to catch on to what’s happening soon, and then Kanan introducing all his kids to their grandfather by the wrong names 😂 Iconic
S2:EP19: Nobody taking Chopper seriously and just making puns at him while he’s on a serious quest to regain his leg
S2:EP19: A sign that says “This side up” is backwards and it’s funny and a little ironic
S2:EP20: “Trust me, Hera. I’m excited. This is my excited face.”
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kingjasnah · 2 years
I see you're Plo posting 👀 top five swtcw story arcs?
did i rb a top five post at some time? no worries if not they are always fun and for you (and plo my friend plo) my friend........the clone wars top fives are on the house
5. the maul + savage arc that ends with them against obi wan and ventress cause literally it's three people who have not slept together but have thought about it so much it's basically happened and also savage.
4. rako hardeen! like i love the bounty hunter eps but this one stands out as a particularly good cad bane one. plus the not so subtle anakin going fucking insane b plot is always a win
3. the fucking hondo captures dooku and the immediately captures anakin and obi wan arc what the fuck lmao
2. padawan lost........i LOVE ahsoka i love watching ahsoka find freedom and lead others to freedom also plo is there for like two seconds
1. UMBARA nothing will ever touch umbara. first of all clone only stories were always the best but everything about umbara soared. krell as a villain. the struggle to be seen as people. the little bug dudes on the planet itself. chefs kiss mwah it never got any better than that
honorable mention the end of s5 ahsoka on trial arc but ive never rewatched it literally ever cause it's good but it makes me so emotionally compromised i can't look at it
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