#house of visconti
illustratus · 2 years
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Valentine of Milan weeping for the death of her husband Louis of Orléans
by Fleury François Richard
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glitchphotography · 1 year
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Department of Ludopoetics (Arcade) <<< The Synthesis Academy (5032)
[Scene created in “The Life Stage: Virtual House” (1993) for 3DO, Onscreen Video Art by @skygoodman ]
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spilladabalia · 3 months
David Bowie - Boys Keep Swinging
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venicepearl · 13 days
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Viridis Visconti (1354–1414) was an Italian noblewoman. Her marriage to Leopold III, Duke of Austria, Viridis was Duchess consort of Austria, Styria and Carinthia, she was also Countess consort of Tyrol.
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chika-nyan · 1 year
Otome day is on Tuesday this week! May Gilbert Redford, our dearest, iconic bestie, adopt Lili and Orlok into his home and us as well by extension because the Visconti house is truly where it’s at 8’U
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mitjalovse · 3 months
David Bowie's work from the middle of the 70's on is cherished, yet some parts of that time are not. For instance, Lodger remains one of the most underappreciated efforts from the period. I personally believe one of the reasons for that might lie in the eclectic eccentricity of the LP. To continue with a Star Wars comparison – this is Return Of The Jedi of Berlin trilogy, though the disc might be better than that movie. I mean, the tune on the link might be one of the most boneheaded decisions Bowie made during the 70's, but I admire his audacity to do this track. Sure, some other musicians – Frank Zappa, for instance – would've done much more with the conceit, yet the mere fact Bowie attempted to do a Turkish sounding reggae together with a faux accent? Hilarious.
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histoireettralala · 1 year
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1001soundtracks · 2 years
Ludwig (1973) Richard Wagner
Luis II fue más excéntrico de todos los Wittelsbach, esa neurótica dinastía que gobernó durante siglos los destinos de Baviera. Excéntrica fue su infancia transcurrida entre los muros de los castillos y palacios de Múnich y la Selva Negra, con profesores de francés que le enseñaban la lengua del Rey Sol. Castillos de escaso mobiliario en los que pinturas murales de un romanticismo exacerbado relataban escenas de los nibelungos y otras antiguas leyendas germánicas. Educado con mucha rigurosidad, sin entrar en contacto con otros niños excepto su hermano menor, desarrolló una fuerte imaginación, tendencia al aislamiento y un pronunciado sentido de la soberanía absoluta del monarca, más propia del Antiguo Régimen que de un siglo donde los privilegios reales desaparecían con cada nueva revolución. 
En su adolescencia asistió a una representación del Lohengrin de Richard Wagner en la Ópera de Múnich, y se convirtió de la noche a la mañana en el admirador más febril e incondicional del músico, cuyos dramas líricos basados en la mitología germana lo entusiasmaban por su romanticismo y por el heroísmo de sus personajes, con los que se sentía identificado.  A los 18 años, después de la repentina muerte de su padre, subió al trono sin experiencia ni de la vida ni de la política. Educado en un catolicismo cerrado, Luis II creía firmemente que la monarquía era una condición recibida por la gracia de Dios. En realidad, era un monarca constitucional, un dirigente estatal con derechos y deberes y poca libertad de movimientos. Por ello construyó su universo personal paralelo, un fantástico mundo alejado de la realidad, donde podía sentirse como un verdadero rey. La otra pasión de Luis II fue la edificación de castillos colosales. Para su diseño contrató los servicios del pintor y escenógrafo Christian Jank, fascinado por las ambientaciones que había hecho para óperas de Wagner.  
A principios de los 70, Luchino Visconti llevaba mucho tiempo soñando con realizar una película sobre la dinastía maldita de los Wittelsbach. Le interesaba desarrollar la relación entre el trono, el escenario artístico, la razón y la locura. Y, sobre todo, quería recuperar para el cine la figura de la emperatriz Isabel de Austria, la mítica Sissi, y hacerlo con la misma actriz que la había encarnado en esa edulcorada trilogía de películas alemanas de los años 50: Romy Schneider. Visconti dejó de lado la preparación de su adaptación de En busca del tiempo perdido, pero no se alejó del universo proustiano. La reconstrucción de época de su Ludwig iguala en su minuciosidad a la de El Gatopardo. Leyó todos los documentos y testimonios que existen sobre el rey. Los descendientes de los Habsburgo le prestaron muebles, trofeos de caza, platería, grabados, cuadros. Visconti decidió filmar el 90% de las escenas a la hora del crepúsculo, durante la noche o al alba, que eran las horas en las que el rey permanecía despierto. Contó con el permiso para rodar en los castillos de Baviera, donde le parecía que la bruma, la niebla y la lluvia nunca eran suficientes. La exquisitez de Visconti para recrear ambientes y perfiles aristocráticos no tiene parangón en la historia del cine. Su obsesión por los detalles, su reconstrucción de un determinado período es algo que siempre se agradece. Lo suyo no es un “cine de qualite” sino un verdadero trabajo antropológico. 
Tras largas dificultades, emergió finalmente ese personaje complejo, excepcional, soñador, nostálgico de su pasado; constructor de grandiosos castillos que no termina de habitar nunca. Su Ludwig es una figura romántica que se rebela contra la época sórdida y materialista que le toca vivir. Un rey que no se resigna a ser un funcionario más dentro de un sistema burgués, y que añora los tiempos en los que el rey era caudillo de su pueblo y mecenas del arte. Su modelo pudo ser Lorenzo de Médicis o Luis XIV, pero eso ya no era posible en la Alemania de Bismarck y de la Revolución Industrial. Desde ese punto de vista se comprende el interés de Visconti en su personalidad: Ludwig es otro más de los "desplazados" que no comprenden su propia época. Como Thomas Mann, como Proust, como el propio Visconti.
Además del protagonista, interpretado maravillosamente por Helmut Berger (que no era buen actor, pero Visconti obraba milagros), el otro personaje central de la película es su prima Isabel. Ya dijimos que el director estaba muy interesado en destruir el mito cinematográfico que había convertido en una estrella a Romy Schneider, y ella aceptó el juego encantada. La figura emperatriz se revela como una mujer desilusionada con su matrimonio, independiente, con fuerte personalidad, que desprecia sus deberes de madre, el juego social y las rutinas de la corte vienesa. Cercana a su primo Ludwig en su búsqueda de la belleza, conserva sin embargo la cabeza. El de Isabel se va revelando finalmente como una gran manipuladora, incluso para con los miembros de su familia.
Aunque en su momento la productora no le permitió hacer el montaje que pretendía y fue reducida en su metraje (la versión disponible actualmente es de 4 horas), y aunque esté plagada de eufemismos para evitar referirse abiertamente a la homosexualidad del rey, Ludwig sigue siendo un film extraordinario.
Franco Maninno arregló composiciones de Wagner y él mismo ejecutó el piano acompañado de la orquesta de Santa Cecilia.
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dailyniallnews · 7 months
Interview with Niall Horan, ex frontman of One Direction
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If the global success with One Direction is now far behind, the fortune that Niall Horan is enjoying as a solo artists is very current. His third album was just released. Emblematic title: The Show, and the show could not get better than this. Article by Leonardo Clausi
Precisely because this is the new age of anxiety (from the title of the poem by W. H. Auden The Age of Anxiety, 1947, and from Symphony n. 2 by Leonard Bernstein inspired by it, 1949), Public Health around the world should prescribe listening to Niall Horan. As anti-anxiety medicine, tonic for the psyche, emotionally restorative medicine. Really, who else in the modern soft rock world is as capable of tuning in for ten tracks on an equally balmy wavelength, without ever straying into drama or comedy, as Horan does on The Show, third album since he went solo after the dissolution of One Direction, the (boy)band who competed with the Beatles in music sales? Not even the much more wanted colleague Harry Styles, with his unapologetic Bowie-ism that annoyed Tony Visconti so much.
30-year-old Horan doesn't have the same ambitions. We could easily ask him to go and pick out our daughter from school because he is so.. fragrant? Since 2016 - without stopping except from when forced by the pandemic - he's been writing music and bringing it on tour. A constant motion of three albums, the feverish craftsmanship of a diligent entertainer devoted to the career that he was raised in thanks to the shortcut, sometimes a brutal one, with which talent shows have short-circuited the discography and industry of A&R (Artists and Repertoire). We intercept him as he drives, always busy as a bee. "I just came back from America yesterday. Today I am in Liverpool. It's constant travelling, I spend most of my time jetlagged". He is understandably satisfied with his latest discographic effort, which will become the center of the homonymous The Show Live on Tour, with the Italian stop on 21st March 2024 at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan: "I spent a lot of time writing and producing it during the pandemic and the year after. I’m happy, the response has been very, very interesting around the world". Not surprising, considering the melodic quality of the tracks, touched by the Californian light of the Laurel Canyon, with vocal harmonies reminiscent of the Beach Boys, and references to the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac. "I trusted that I could write a song. I knew I had the ability to do it. I just needed to trust that I could get a guitar, or sit at a piano, and something good would come out of it. It's out, but you never know. I need to keep my head down, work hard and see".
The 70s were his first introduction to music through records (or vinyls, as hipsters say), which were floating around the house; the real love however started "when I realised how lucky I was to have grown up with music that stayed with me to this day. My parents had a large album collection. I still listen to a lot of them now. When I’m in the studio I often use analogue mixing desks, it’s an important part of the sound I’m looking for". Speaking of the search for the 'organic' sound that digital audio is not able to embody all the way, what does he think of artificial intelligence, now that creators in the entertainment industry are taking the streets as well to protest against forcibly becoming obsolete? "Artificial intelligence can really do a lot, but it can’t give you that feeling that I call the human touch. It couldn’t write 'Hey Jude' or any other masterpiece. Humans will always have the upper hand".
Horan's Irishness is a prominent element of his personality, that proud affability that made his country a cultural superpower despite its size. And that was worth the warm reception of none other than the POTUS, who is also a descendent of the Celtic diaspora. "For how small the nation is, the relevance we have worldwide is amazing. Only five million inhabitants, and yet our culture of drinking, night life, musical or literary traditions are known everywhere. It's something I always keep in mind and want to show off as much as possible. And yes, I was invited at Washington to meet Joe Biden". Understandably, the fact excites him: "It was crazy that someone from a small town like mine (Mullingar, northwest of Ireland, ed.) ended up playing for the President of the United States at the White House. I still can't believe it". Not to mention the fact that, from a particularly bigot and conservative society that it once was, Ireland is now one of the most advanced and liberal ones of the West. "I'm not sure how it happened, but I am very proud of it. It was great to see it become one of the first countries to have gay marriage, for example. And I’m proud that it’s acting as a catalyst for change in other countries".
And does he know U2, this compatriot up and coming group? Would he collaborate with them? "Some of my all time favourite songs are by U2, their shows are some of the best I’ve ever been to. It would be great to do something with them if they ever ask". Coming from one of the best selling bands meant that there was a challenging precedent to compete with. But Niall Horan is doing great. It's impossible to refrain from asking about a 1D reunion. "It’s a busy time for everyone, so no, not that I know of. We keep in touch but everyone’s doing their own thing. Louis is touring in America, Liam is working on his music, Harry’s busy on the biggest world tour... In fact, if you hear about a reunion, please let me know".
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livesunique · 2 years
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The Nymphaeum, Lainate, Italy. 
Built 1580-1590, by Pirro I of the Borromeo-Visconti family to house his treasures. 
Designed by the architect Martino Bassi
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Austrian actor Helmut Berger photographed in Mykonos in the early 1960s (photo credit: the German publishing house of Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag).
Helmut Berger (born 1944) was openly bisexual and was the lover of his director and mentor Luchino Visconti from 1964 until Visconti’s death in 1976.
Berger is probably best remembered for his work with Visconti, particularly for his performance in Visconti’s 1973 film “Ludwig” in which Berger played the title role of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. For his performance Berger won a special David di Donatello Award. 
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
can i smooch capo!mc on the cheek and like the tightest hug i think they need it
and also to have bragging rights like omfg i kissed the capo!!! and you didn't!!!!!
i get targetted by every love interest ever and am found dead in a ditch the next morning
😋 anon
Main Four:
Inquisitor Cyno: probably won't kill you, but will give you a long lecture as to why stealing kisses is a sin and you shouldn't even DARE hold hands with his blessing. He understands that "human impulses can betray their morals" but he still can't cope with the fact that other people have tainted his beloved.
Professor Tighnari: Embodiment of pure seething jealousy. Cannot comprehend as to how you managed to pull such a feat and regrets not making more moves when he used to be in the Innamorati Familia. You'll find an arrow buried deep just beside your head the next day with a warning sign. "Stay away. Don't think I don't know what you've done. I hear EVERYTHING."
Underboss Alhaitham: "You think that's something to brag about? Cute." This man is confident that his shared and forgotten history with capo!reader is enough to win their heart. Eventually. You may have stolen a kiss from them for now but he'll be the capo's last kiss. So what if you kissed them? Are you brave enough to confess your feelings? Because my dear friend, he already did. (Y/n) just doesn't realize it yet.
Architect Kaveh: He doesn't believe you. Kaveh thinks you're lying and he'll probably laugh at your face and call you delusional. If you insist on talking about it he'll sew your eyes and mouth shut with needle and thread. "Shut it. If I asked the disciples and find out you're lying you'll find yourself in big danger, you wench."
(Some of the) Secret Routes:
Visconti Diluc: In absolute agony. The best he got was when he kissed the ring on your finger as a sign of respect– how does someone like you have that opportunity?! It doesn't matter. That's what he'll tell himself. It doesn't matter, what maters is you should focus on getting (Y/n) to quit the syndicate. What matters most is their safety.
Musician Venti: He would be the most impressed one. Venti would think this is song worthy– he'd whip up a song about this in no time. It would sound joyous but the lyrics are grim and questionable. "A kiss in the cheek would make any man sweep– a sneaky rival down Starsnatch's steep~"
???: "You're acting awfully cocky, worm." You'll find that he's already inside your house– correction: dilapidated house. You don't understand what's going on, or why he's holding a small piece between his fingers– all you know is that whatever you say next might just be your last message on earth.
???: "I heard you've been spreading rumors about the 8th capo. Your mortal desires might just put you in danger." The least disturbed one, at least, on the surface. It's not like he knows capo!reader that much. "Still, why do you persist on bothering them? Isn't it already obvious that they're destined to die? When the day comes that they'll be consumed by darkness– I'll be the one to reap their soul. I advise you to not get attached."
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Harry Styles might be one of the defining artists of his generation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s qualified to outshine, say, David Bowie. Tony Visconti, the producer who worked closely with Ziggy Stardust himself, had a harsh response to someone who suggested the former One Direction member is on Bowie’s caliber: “He’s not worthy of shining his shoes.”
The rant stemmed from a since-hidden Facebook post Visconti made during last night’s Grammys: “What’s the difference between the Grammys and Las Vegas? Nothing!” he wrote. He then took to the comments to air his further grievances: “Someone just told me that Harry Styles is the new Bowie? From what I saw tonight he’s not worthy of shining his shoes.” Oof.
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Reminder that not everyone buys the hype, especially people who worked with the great ones.
This video on the heavy plagiarism of musical ideas on Harry’s House was reposted yesterday.
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David Bowie employed his artistic endeavours as a means to delve into the depths of his profound interests, among which was his enduring fascination with Buddhism and broader Eastern philosophy. His exploration of these themes became a distinctive thread woven into the rich tapestry of his creative expression.
Bowie was introduced to the power of Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies by his older half-brother, Terry Burns, who had a tremendous impact on how his life and career would turn out. Burns also opened Bowie’s mind up to total creativity with the works of Beat Generation writers such as William S. Burroughs, modern jazz, and even the occult. Many of what would become his artistic hallmarks can be traced back to these formative influences.
In the early years, when Bowie was still trying to find his feet as an artist, his fascination with Buddhism made its way into his work. The first song to contain his interest in religion is ‘Silly Boy Blue’ from 1967’s self-titled debut album. Years later, Bowie would claim that he wrote the song ‘Karma Man’ about the ongoing strife between Tibet, the home of the Dalai Lama, the leader of ‘Yellow Hat’ Tibetan Buddhism, and China, who annexed it in 1951.
Bowie developed his interest in Tibetan Buddhism in 1965. In addition to what his brother showed him, this materialised after reading Nazi SS Sergeant Heinrich Harrer’s 1952 memoir Seven Years in Tibet. It retold his experiences in the country between 1944 and the Chinese annexation.
Speaking to Melody Maker in 1966, Bowie outlined his love for Tibet, stating: “I want to go to Tibet. It’s a fascinating place, y’know. I’d like to take a holiday and have a look inside the monasteries. The Tibetan monks, Lamas, bury themselves inside mountains for weeks and only eat every three days. They’re ridiculous – and it’s said they live for centuries.”
Although Eastern philosophy and Buddhism greatly influenced the counterculture of the 1960s, Bowie was serious in his dedication to the faith, and it would remain for decades after the zeitgeist changed. In 1966, he visited the North London Buddhist Centre, Tibet House, and spoke to one of its teachers, Chime Yong Dong Rinpoche, with whom he would become lifelong friends.
Introducing ‘Silly Boy Blue’ at the Tibet House Benefit in 2001, Bowie explained: “I stumbled into the Buddhist Society in London when I was about seventeen. Sitting in front of me at the desk was a Tibetan lama, and he looked up and he said, ‘Are you looking for me?’ He had a bad grasp of English and, in fact, was saying, ‘Who are you looking for?’ But I needed him to say, ‘You’re looking for me.’ It’s absolutely true!”
Bowie recalled: “So he became my friend and teacher for quite some time. His name is Chime Yong Dong Rinpoche and he now is head of [he was Curator of Ancient Tibetan Manuscripts] at the British Museum in London. This was ’65, ’66. That’s when I met him. Around that time, I wrote this next song… ‘Silly Boy Blue’.”
Bowie also introduced Rinpoche to his friend Tony Visconti, who also became his student. Looking back on their significant first meeting, Lama Chime Tulku Rinpoche told The Telegraph in 2016: “I said, ‘Come in, young man. Why did you come to see me?’ He said, ‘I want to become a monk.’ I asked him, ‘What is your talent?’ And he said music. I said, so then don’t become monk; you do the music. And from that day, that is what he did."
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isnovelman · 11 months
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Novel Side Story Chapter 1
1. Fox and Snakes
“Why? Do you have anything to say?”
“… No.”
Peleg, who was licking her lips, shook her head and turned around.
'What is it? Obviously looking intently.'
Recently, more and more people are looking at my ring finger with a face that has a lot to say.
Because I always wore the engagement ring I received from Isidor. Still, I thought I had half-opened my mind lately, but my father said every word with a trembling face.
“I think it’s bad for blood circulation.”
“It’s the ring. ring! Jewels are useless and look uncomfortable.”
Yesterday I heard that the jewels were twinkling annoyingly and it made my eyes hurt. Gradually, complaints about the ring became new and varied.
“By the way, it wasn't even a ceremony, and it's only the stage where they promised to get married, so why are they already wearing such annoying things? Maybe the Duke of Visconti is not secretly paying attention? this guy dares.”
My father, who had been quiet for a long time, was trying to catch up with Amon Isidor again, so I hurriedly opened my mouth.
“Ah, it can be. I'm going to get married anyway, but it's strange to walk around without wearing the ring you've already been given.”
In fact, there was a bigger reason for me to wear the ring all the time.
“Deborah, I'm going to put a strong adhesive on my finger. No, let's try to develop an alchemy that can connect the ring as if it were one body... .”
The day they shared the rings on board, Isidor murmured earnestly as he peered into the engagement ring that wrapped around his ring finger.
He's so serious about coupling, but I thought it would be sad if I wasn't the only one wearing it. To be honest, my fiancé, who was thrilled as if he had everything in the world, was cute and I couldn't help it.
“Anyway”! I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Think about it. Who would have imagined that you, who were last at the Academy, would become the hero who saved the Empire?”
“I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but for now, I like this ring. It's pretty.”
Also fox...
My father muttered as if moaning something, and then coughed in vain.
“Hmm! By the way, recently, the imperial family and Shin-chan are too sweet to send me letters saying they want to invite you.”
The words are annoying, but there was pride in the corners of father's eyes.
“I’m refusing to take care of myself, so don’t feel pressured and do it when you want.”
Even so, I was planning to stay away from social activities for the time being. I was waiting for the aftermath of the incident where the Great Demon appeared to calm down a bit.
' I've gotten so much attention... okay.'
Even the employees of the house treat me with respect, saying that they are the servants of goddess saint.
It was easy to pass even as it was mine, and the eyes of the people in the family who looked worn out because they could not penetrate the ring finger did not. Perhaps the more the nobles looked at the ring, the more, but not the less.
Enrique widened his wide eyes.
“The ring doesn’t run away just by staring at it like that.”
“Hey! I can't even make a cute face.”
Sheesh, I smirked while stroking Enrique, who clicked his tongue slightly. Anyway, today went by without any problems.
“Lord, there really is no end to what you can do.”
Miguel, who came to Isidore's office to receive final approval, sighed with a sullen face.
In the Duke of Visconti's office, there was always a mountain of payment documents, but recently it has been severe.
“It's not a great devil for nothing.”
teeth tremble If it wasn't for that damn devil, it's the end of the year, so it's time to take a break.
This tastes like death, but Miguel hated it when he saw the master smiling softly every day while staying up all night for a week.
Well, since I won the offer I had been desperately waiting for, I was overwhelmed with the feeling.
If you explain how the Master was prepared for propose, it is equivalent to this report of the Great Satan.
“Miguel, I heard that playing the piano when you propose is a classic without failure. How is it?”
“It's a story about playing well like Sir Thierry”
“Ha? If I practice, I can do that”
Because of Isidor's overzealous enthusiasm, Miguel's eardrums were abused for almost half a year. Rather, I felt that I was happy when I only watched the fashion show.
'Yeah, it's good if the results are good. '
Anyway, it was good news for Miguel that his boss was in a good mood every day.
“Duke, please sign this and be done”
“There’s no romance, isn’t the moon so beautiful tonight?”
Isidor, who gladly signed the report, muttered abruptly as he put down his pen.
“It's hard to see it because there's a lot of clouds.”
“I don't care. The ring looks good.”
Turning his body to the window, he raised his pale hand with a ring on it, not knowing whether it was the moon or the ring.
A smile resembling a pure white moon hung on Isidor's lips. The gloves he had been wearing habitually had been left unattended since the propose.
'It's nice to see it every time.'
He slowly let out a sigh as he looked at the documents he had to scan until dawn.
The reason he's been overly restricting his sleep lately is because he wanted to take a long vacation in the New Year. Since there is a public holiday in the new year, the imperial officials will also be resting, so if you work hard now, you will be able to play without doing anything for a week.
“Shall we go to a hot spring together? ”
If you can't afford to stay overnight, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on a date in the capital city.
'These days, I heard that the lake park on the outskirts of Atra is worth seeing.'
Isidore, who had even opened up a map and studied the date line in his spare time, got up to the sound of knocking on the window. It was a pigeon that brought Deborah's letter.
He spent money and quality manpower to train the pigeon and it was well prepared for delivery.
[I want to stop by Sir Isidore's house tomorrow morning. Of course, you don't have to rush and waste your time. I heard you're busy.]
Isidor smiled slightly at the letter. Currently, the number one person I want to meet the most in the empire is a princess, but such a humble letter.
As Deborah was only unaware inside Seymour Townhouse, everything from the imperial family, the temple, and even the social circles was attached to her body. At one time, he pointed his finger at it, saying it was a poisonous snake, and it wasn't even funny.
‘I think it was better back then.’
I just need to be pretty and great in my eyes.
With a somewhat selfish thought, he lightly touched the letter and wrote a reply right away.
It was a day when the light breeze fluttered and fell like a white butterfly. I, who had been idling in the house for so long, went to Isidor's townhouse.
In the distance, you can see Isidor coming to meet you through the window. Even amidst the pure white snow, his blonde hair shone like the sun without dying.
As soon as I get out of the carriage, my eyes slowly fall on his shiny hair.
“Wait inside. It's cold.”
“It’s the first snow this year. I want to walk while watching the snow with the princess.”
He gently rubbed my cheek with his smooth hand.
'You're not wearing gloves.'
With a soft touch, the cold ring did not touch her face, and she was visibly embarrassed.
"Hmm! After all these days of cold weather, today there is no wind and it's quite warm today. Isn't it?"
At that time, the wind blew by, and Isidor immediately wrapped the scarf in his hand. He buried his nose in a scarf with a familiar scent, and then slowly interlaced his hand on his outstretched hand.
The scenery of the townhouses in Visconti, where the soft snow fell, was quite charming.
"By the way, what wind brought the saint here?"
He asks in the business-like tone of Blancha. Knowingly, I hated it, so I grabbed his clasped hand as if tormenting him.
"I have an important business. I didn't come here because I wanted to see anyone."
“Then it must have been because you wanted to kiss.”
“It’s something I want to do wonders, but I’m just trying to stab it… !”
Before he could finish speaking, he quickly moved his lips together. Perhaps it was because of the soft eyes that occasionally touched his face, the place where his lips touched felt even hotter.
“How did know?”
He flexibly ran through his mouth and fell off, kissing him on the cheek, playfully.
“You are prettier today.”
"Hmm. I know. The Visconti Gardens are just as beautiful as Seymour. The snow is piled up and it looks like a picture from a fairy tale book."
For no reason, he touched the branches of the snow-covered branches with his hands and muttered gibberish.
“garden? I was saying that the princess is pretty.”
It was as if my ear was red. He smiled a little while touching my earlobe with his fingertips
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mitjalovse · 3 months
You have to admire Bowie for all his work after the middle of the 70's on. If you need a refresher on the period, Bowie's Stage might be the best places for this. I mean, he even played his songs from the early part of the decade there despite them being miles away in the style of the late 70's. For instance, a tune from The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars becomes something different. Whereas the original sounds angry, the live version finds him a bit detached from the piece. True, him healing from the addictions probably contributed to that, yet there's a sense he's also making peace with what that part of his career represented. Bowie always struggled with him meaning different things to different people, though he transcended that at times.
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