#i am not dead i promise just very very busy ;w;
daytime-specter · 1 year
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Art I made following the DCA valentine's day exchange for @anangelcalledinquisitor !!
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doodleodds · 8 months
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An "Akechi in a nurse outfit w/ some shuake" comm for @edenfire! (I'm sorry if this isn't what you were looking for lol but this is just what came to mind ^^;) AND I'M NOT DEAD I PROMISE- I HAVEN'T STOLEN YOUR MONEY AND RAN!! I am sorry this took so long to get to you though. My job got very busy recently with school starting up and I just kept coming home too drained to do anything but sleep. But we're back on it now!!! There's a bonus below the cut since this is.... two weeks late, oh god:
So when i initially started this drawing i was like "hm are there any nurse outfits in cannon" and i was like "you know what. I bet Maruki had some nurses that were shadows." and that lead to this! It's not polished AT ALL because i was drawing it for fun, initially, and then the sunk cost fallacy kicked in and i had to finish it to include in the post because it'd already taken me a hot minute to get to you + i'd spent too much time goofing off drawing this to just post your thing with no explanation aside from work, so. Here!
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(Whats that saying about falling in love with sirens? Make sure they're saying “I love you” and not “you love me?”)
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elryuse · 10 months
I've Done Everything
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"Why would you do that... Why are you so stupid. Y/n if they found out.. I'm dead... My company will stop my idol career".
"B-but I just want to surprise you.. I-it's our anniversary remember"?
"But still... If you do it like this... *sigh* why can't you just listen to me... I already told you... We can do it later".
"B-but you never made it to our anniversary dinner... You even forgot about my birthday twice".
"I'm busy Y/n.. You know it. I know it".
"B-but at least come to one of our anniversary once.. I just want that.. B-but I understand.. You're career is more important than us... It always have been".
"I don't want to see you... Leave before someone come here and take a picture of us".
"That's it? Just like that Yujin".
"Yeah. I'll meet you later.. Just don't do something dumb like this again Y/n".
"I- I see.. Alright then.. I'm leaving.. *sigh* Bye".
"Jeez finally... W-wait.. Y/n look out.. Y/n....".
"Huh.... ".
"Y/n... Y/n.. Wake up.. PleaseX".
"Ugh.. Ahhhh. Y-yujin.. Agh"..
"No no no.. Please wake up".
"Uhhh.. Aghh".
"Y/n... Y/n omg you're awake".
"Y-yujin.. ".
"OMG... I thought I would lose you for good... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...".
"Yujin... Stop".
"You're pressing my wound dumbass".
"O-ohh s-sorryy... I didn't mean to".
"Where am I".
"T-the hospital... It's been 2 weeks... I thought you'll never wake up".
"What happened.. ".
"You got hit by a truck... Thankfully you're okay".
"M-my legs... Where is my legs".
"Y/n... Please... Listen to me".
"Where is my fucking legs *sob* Yujin... Please tell me I still have my legs... Cause right now I can't feel a thing down there.. ".
"Y/n... I'm sorry... But we have to cut it... To make sure you'll survive... The doctor told me and you're parents... An-".
"Since when do you have the power to make that decision Yujin".
"..... ".
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"I'm sorry but it's for the best Y/n. And I also want to apologize for being so harsh on you... I-i was so busy with my job.. So much so that we started drifting apart... I-im sorry".
"Please leave me for now Yujin... I need some time alone".
".... O-okay Y/n... Call me if you need anything okay".
It's been a few weeks after you woke up from that goddamned bed. After realising the truth about what happened... You can't really tell what you're future would be... You would just constantly beg and pray that you'll just die quick. You wish that that day, that truck would just hit you and kill you right there.
But no... It made you an amputee without no legs. You tried giving a positive change to your mental health... But to no avail.. It doesn't help at all. You're scared to tell or call Yujin... Cause... To tell the truth... I still love her... But I'm just afraid... If she would just forget about me, Us again.
But in the end, you decided to make that Call.
"H-hello Y/n... are you okay"?
"N-no... I'm not okay... Yujin.. *sob* I'm not fine at all".
"Y/n are you crying.. Hold on.. I'll be there in 10".
"Okay Yujin".
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"H-hi... So... What do you need"?
"I-i don't know... I... I need you Yujin... I don't know.. What to do".
".... I'm glad you say that... Honestly... I really loved you... And I truly cared for you... I'm sorry about my behavior back then.. I was ignorant... A-and.. Doesn't really care about us.. But I promise this time... I'll make you happy... ".
"Y-you promise"?
" *chukle* absolutely love ".
In the end, Yujin and you decided to get back together. She decided to change for the better. She's now decided to spend more time with you and she even work from home so that she can be close and right there for you're needs.
However there is one strange thing that you found out recently. She's very very very clingy. She doesn't even let her friends meet you.. At first you thought it's because you're an amputee... She may be shy about telling her friends about me.. But no... It's actually cause she's afraid that they might take you away from her.
Especially after she knows that back then she have broken you're heart once... So now... You're just sleeping in you're bed.. Waiting for Yujin... To take care of you... Feeding you... Loving you... And spend time together... Forever..... And ever...
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- The End -
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islandtarochips · 5 days
The Blame
Arthor's Note: To let you guys know. I've created this story being inspired by one of the video that I have found on TikTok. Which is this one (IF you have TikTok). Good thing that YouTube have this one too. It gives me the vibes of Kanoa trying so hard to put his guilt away after of what happened to Tiala. Having that blame to himself and that responsibility he was supposed to take care of but yet failed. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the ANGST! Summary: This Angsty story is about Kanoa being taunted by his older dead brother. But was it about being taunted or was it a WARNING? Who knows.
TW: Angst, PTSD, swear words, harsh words, blame.
(If you think this is too much then you don't have to read it.)
Word Count: 2712
In the base at Kahaluu, Hawaii. Kanoa and his team were just celebrating their victory after their mission.
He was busy talking with one of his comrades before he glanced at Tiala. Seeing her smiling a bit with someone else for the very first time. She was actually smiling at Nigel and Agnes. The three of them were just chatting away.
Kanoa smiled softly to see his little sister finally starting to open up to someone. Besides him. He could feel the warmness in his heart.
“Do you blame yourself?”
Kanoa paused to hear that voice as he turned his head. Looking at his comrades. “What did you say?”
One of the comrades looked at Kanoa with a confusing look on their face. “We…said nothing, Captain. Just talking to you about our mission we took.”
Then Kanoa heard that voice again.
“Do you BLAME yourself?”
He saw that his comrades didn’t move their lips when he heard that voice. He looked around trying to find the person who kept saying that.
“Um…sir? Are you alright?” The other comrade asked as he looked concerned for him.
“Do you blame yourself, Captain Kanoa Toa?”
Kanoa started to feel his cold sweat dripping on the side of his head and felt a shiver in his spine. He took a short breath before smiling at them. “I’m fine. Sorry, I think I’m a bit tired from our mission. That’s all. Um…you guys can go ahead to celebrate. Let my sister know that I’ll be in my office.”
They were about to say something but Kanoa had already left. Which they find strange. He walked through the hallways as he kept hearing those voices. Asking him the same question.
“What the fuck is going on? Why am I hearing whispers? Am I going MAD?” Kanoa started to ask himself in his head. 
He was about to open the door before he jolted seeing some flashes in his head. “AUGH! Fuck…” He rubbed his head before hearing that voice again.
“Do you blame yourself, Kanoa? After what happened?”
He started to groan as he quickly opened the door and slammed it closed when he stepped in.
Keep hearing them inside his head. Soon the voices started to grow louder. With those same questions over and over again. He’s starting to lose his mind as he closes his eyes shut. And tries to cover his ears from the noise.
“Stop…stop it….STOP IT!” Once he yelled, the whispers stopped. Kanoa slowly opened his eyes and froze to see himself in a black void.
“Kefe…what just…” As Kanoa was trying to process what's going on. He then saw a figure that was only a foot away from him. “W-Who…Who are you?” He asked as he tried to stay calm.
The figure didn’t answer back. Instead, it took a step forward towards Kanoa.
He tried to adjust his sight from this mysterious figure as he stepped backward a bit.
As soon as the figure revealed itself for him to see clearly. Kanoa’s heart stopped. That figure, the one who he thought was gone a LONG time ago. The figure who he promised to make sure that his family is safe. Including Tiala.
Kanoa could see his older brother’s face was blank. As if it was erased but the rest of his body. He could recognize it pretty well and even his short black hair.
The two were just standing there in silence for a few seconds. But that silence felt pretty loud to Kanoa. He’s not very sure why his brother is here. Is he dreaming? If he is, why does it feel SO real?
Kanoa was trying to understand what's going on and he has so many questions for Hōne. Before he could say something. The older brother started to speak.
“Do you blame yourself?” Hōne asked with his voice echoing through the void.
Kanoa was just standing there feeling confused. He doesn’t know what his own brother meant by asking him that question. “W-What?”
His body jolted to see Hōne appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye. He leaned down, closer to where Kanoa’s face would be. Before he spoke again with a light deep tone that was echoing around the dark place that was surrounding them.
“Well, it’s quite common in this situation for someone to feel kind of….GUILT.” Hōne said as he tilted his head a bit while still staring at Kanoa.
Kanoa felt the cold sweat dripping as he took a step back. “What situation?”
Then he felt Hōne had just appeared behind him. As he turned Kanoa around very harshly and made him face towards where the spotlight had lit up from above.
Kanoa’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. As he saw something that he wished NOT to see again.
His sister. Tiala. Sitting on the chair with her hands tied behind it. She was looking down to the ground with her messy hair and cut up clothes.
Kanoa was terrified and was tearing up at this point. Then he felt Hōne’s faceless face next to his from behind.
Kanoa quickly turned around as he backed away from his older brother. Before seeing him taking a few steps forward towards him. “H-Hōne- I-”
“You said that you’ll PROTECT her.”
Kanoa could hear anger from Hōne’s tone as his voice started to sound more demonic.
“I-I TRIED! I-” He was cut off when he accidentally bumped into Tiala. Who was still unconscious on the chair.
“You said that you’ll keep her SAFE.” Hōne was already in front of him as he leaned down quickly.
Making Kanoa’s eyes widened at this as he had no more room to back away from him. He may not know of what Hōne looks like but the aurora of his anger and disappointment went through him.
“You said that you’ll make sure that she’ll be FINE.” Hōne, sounding more angrier than ever, grabbed Kanoa by the collar of the shirt. “But you FAILED.”
Kanoa then was thrown by him as he grunted and was rolling on the ground. He felt his body was shaken up. Not because of him getting hurt but felt the nervousness in his heart making himself all shook up.
He looked up to see his brother walking towards him. “H-Hōne…please I TRIED! I REALLY tried!” He felt his tears coming down. Begging his brother to understand that he really did try.
But was this the Hōne that he knew and looked up to? Was this his brother’s reaction that he'd get if he was still alive? If he lost Tiala back from 5 years ago?
His mind was interrupted by Hōne kicking his stomach. Causing him to grunt and groan. Feeling the pain, he slowly looked up at his faceless brother who was staring down at him.
Then he slowly looked behind Hōne to where Tiala was at. As Kanoa was about to get up, he felt Hōne grabbing his hair and dragging him across the ground.
Kanoa groaned loudly as he tried to squirm away. But his other half had said to give up and face the consequences.
Soon, Hōne pushed him in front of their tired and beat up sister. “LOOK.” He commanded.
Kanoa didn’t bother to look up because he was too afraid to look back at his past. So he still looked down to the ground. But Hōne had already gripped onto his black short curly hair and yanked his head up. “Look at what you have DONE, Kanoa!”
Kanoa’s breath hitched as he was closing his eyes. He doesn’t want to. He never wanted to look. But feeling the tight grip from his hair. He slowly opened his eyes to see Tiala. Sitting there on the chair.
He couldn’t make it out to see her face because of the shadow that is blocking it.
“Our dear sister…all BROKEN.” Hōne said as his voice started to sound normal but was still echoing through the black void. As if a drop of sadness had filled it in. He let Kanoa’s hair go and slowly walked towards Tiala as he walked around.
Kanoa was just watching his older brother standing behind her. “H-Hōne…?”
Hōne gently stroke Tiala’s hair. Kanoa can’t even tell what he was going to do or even see his expression. Since he was faceless.
“Ta’u atu ia Tiala.”  (Tell him, Tiala.) Hōne said softly to her. “Ta'u atu ia te ia ou lagona MONI.” (Tell him how you REALLY feel.)
Kanoa didn’t hear what Hōne said in the last sentence to their sister. Before seeing her slowly lifting her head a bit. He could see her cold brown eyes, staring into his. He couldn’t feel any emotions from her. Just like that day when he rescued her.
“2…months…” Tiala spoke very tiredly.
Kanoa could hear it and he gulped his saliva down. Looking so pale and nervous to hear his sister’s voice.
“I have been kidnapped…for 2 MONTHS, Kanoa…” Her tears slowly appeared into her eyes as it streamed down to her cheeks. But it’s not only the sadness that shows. He could see her eyes were also filled with anger.
“2 FUCKING MONTHS! BEEN USED AND ROTTEN! AND YOU STILL HAVEN’T FIND ME?!” Tiala yelled her lungs out while trying to get out of the chair that she’s been tied to.
Kanoa slowly crawled backward. Away from his crazy sister.
“O le a le mea na e umi ai, NOA?! Ua ou tagi ma ee mo oe ae e te le'i sau lava!” (What took you so long, NOA?! I've been crying and screaming for you but you never came!)
His tears fell as he saw the state his sister was in. “I-I’m SORRY! I TRIED! But you’re alright now!”
“AM I?!? I’ve been CRYING in my sleep in that shitty hospital!” Tiala's tone started to sound echoey as she scooted her chair trying to get close to him.
“All those horrible memories of what those MEN did to me! Every seconds, every minute, every hours, every day and night, every week and every FUCKING MONTH!”
The more Kanoa hears her yelling and screaming. The more his heart was beating so fast and was sinking slowly down again. He kept scooting back as he looked at his sister with guilt and fear. “T-Tia…please…I’m sorry…”
“I HATE YOU!” Tiala yelled as her voice started to sound like a demon coming out. “I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!”
Kanoa was just sitting there on the ground. Looking at his own sister with disbelief in his eyes. He covered his ears and closed his eyes tightly while Tiala kept yelling at him.
All those words that Tiala had said. Struck into his heart. It has been broken into MILLIONS of pieces.
What has he done?
How could he let this happen?
If only he would just go back in time to fix it. But how can he? After everything that had happened on that day. It was already too late.
As Kanoa was so into his thoughts at the moment. With his heart that has been shattered. Hōne stood in front of him and slowly crouched down. He slowly lifted his younger brother’s chin up to look into his tired and tearful eyes.
“If you truly love our sister, Kanoa. Then you better not make those same MISTAKES.” 
Kanoa had nothing to say for he was too tired to even speak. After everything that he had been through. Just staring into his faceless brother’s face. Before he heard someone calling him.
He slowly turned his gaze towards the sound of that voice.
He saw the light that was behind Hōne.
Kanoa snapped out of it!
He looked at the light as he slowly reached his hand out towards it.
Kanoa suddenly gasped as he looked up to see Aelan. The Combat Medical. He was laying on the floor as he started to have a short breath.
Her expression started to show how worried she was. Seeing her Captain was all sweaty and seeing his red shot eyes. Knowing he was crying the whole time.
“Noa!” She gently touched his forehead to check if he had any fever. And saw he was breathing heavily and fast. “Captain?”
Kanoa was having a panic attack. He suddenly closed his eyes as his chest kept rising up and down at a fast pace.
Aelan never saw Kanoa like this before. “Noa…” She spoke softly as she sat down on the floor and gently put his head onto her lap and touched his chest. She needs to take him to the med bay right away but something tells her that it’s not sickness that he’s going through.
So she just sat there and tried to help him to calm down.
Kanoa was closing his eyes shut tightly as he kept breathing fast and his heart was beating so quickly. But when he felt Aelan’s touch on his chest and heard her gentle voice.
“You’re alright, Kanoa. You’re ok. I’m here.”
Hearing her voice is like angels singing. He started to calm down. His chest was rising up and down slowly.
Aelan kept talking to him softly and saw his shaky hand rising up and touched hers.
And he slowly opened his eyes as he looked up to see the Medic’s brown eyes and her worried look. “H-Hey…” He weakly spoke. “Am I in heaven?” He slowly gave her a weak grin trying to light up the mood.
Aelan sighed at his ridiculous pick up line. “What happened?” She asked as she rubbed his hand and his chest.
Kanoa took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I…just PTSD. That’s all. But I’ll get over it...”
She looked at the Captain with a concerned look that was still on her face. As she doesn’t believe that he’ll get ‘over it’. But looked away while still rubbing his chest. “Do…you want to talk about it?”
Kanoa was silenced as he looked up at the ceiling. “No…”
“Should I get Tia-”
“NO…please…don’t tell her…she’s the LAST person I want her to be worried about me…” Kanoa said as he turned his head to the side. And kept holding onto Aelan’s hand.
She looked at Kanoa before sighing in defeat. Respecting his wishes. “Alright, Captain. I won’t tell her.” She used her other free hand to gently rub his head and play with his curly black short hair. Making him feel more calm as he slowly closed his eyes.
The two were just sitting and laying on the floor. Only enjoying the sweet moment of silence.
Their fingers intertwined as Kanoa sighs calmly. “Can…we stay like this for a bit, Doc?” He asked as he looked up at his favorite medic woman showing his puppy eyes.
Aelan smiled softly at her silly Captain giving her those eyes. “I don’t mind, Cap. But aren’t you a bit too old to give puppy eyes?”
He chuckled and gave her a smirk. “Maybe but it still works on you, right?” He teasingly cooed at her before receiving a shove on his head.
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes at his cheeky comment. Before smiling at him. “And Noa?”
Kanoa hummed at her in response before feeling her hand rubbing his cheek. He looked at her, seeing her sad expression. “Please, whatever happens. Just let us KNOW. Even Tiala. She is your sister after all.”
He kept looking into her eyes before reaching his hand out. And gently touched her cheek before smiling softly. “Can’t promise that but…I’ll try.”
Aelan nodded as she stayed by his side until he’s ready to go.
Even though Kanoa has finally calmed down. He still feels the irking feeling inside him. And the memories of how he encountered his dead brother in his visions. Something was up. Like…something is going to happen to them. REALLY really bad.
All he could hope for is that he and his team are prepared to face whatever challenge that is going to be in their way.
Or is it?
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mamirhodessxox · 1 month
Hey There Delilah (Part 11)
(This chapter is more so on the shorter end since I have a little bit of writers block right now for HTD but I promise part 12 will be more in depth!!)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader
(Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in May 2023, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, Crying Kink, Hand Kink, Praise Kink, Fingering, Smutty smut, Brief mention of Cockwarming.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @femdisa @harmshake
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Cody had made sure to clear his schedule for the entirety of December & get everything over with in all of November as much as he possibly could. He went in and out of town for multiple WWE events and promos but once November was over he was a free man until at-least February. Delilah spent her free time running the shop & even hiring employees to keep the shop held down for the days she couldn’t be there & she was more than glad because she had just discovered Cody would be taking her & the friend group up to Aspen Colorado for the entirety of December.
For weeks on end they all prepared packed & planned things to put on the to do list. It had been a very busy November & once December rolled by the group was already in their rented out cabin in Aspen. This would be their 2nd day & absolutely none of them were prepared for the amount of snow they were seeing. Cody & Lilah were dead asleep in their bed for most of the morning wrapped up in each others embrace.
That was until Lilah & Cody started hearing clatter downstairs in the kitchen causing him to flop his arm over his face sighing out in frustration & then hearing Mira yell at seth “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR WAKING UP EVERYBODY!” Seth yelled back “YOUR WAKING UP EVERYBODY JUST AS MUCH AS I AM BY SCREAMING SHIT HEAD, YOU CAN’T EVEN MAKE WAFFLES PROPERLY.” “NEITHER CAN YOU DUMBASS?” Lilah groaned out in exhaustion but Cody immediately got out of bed & put his boxers on followed with pajama pants once he heard Seth scream after Mira threw a metal bowl at him. Cody hustled downstairs dragging the both of them out of the kitchen whispering “Both of you shut the fuck up it’s 5 in the fucking morning, Lilah is trying to sleep & your screaming like fucking children.” He scolded while Mira sat crossing her arms before he went back upstairs undressing himself and crawling back in bed huffing “Fucking morons.” He muttered against Delilah’s bare shoulder while she giggled before closing her eyes enjoying the moment.
Cody breathed into the crook of her neck before placing kisses against her shoulders “g’morning baby.” She smiled at his tired voice and rolled over to face him & lazily kiss him while his hands explored her body “Goodmorning handsome” he chuckled as her legs began to tangle themselves around his while she sighed out softly “Cody..?” She whined out and he hummed “Yes angel?” He asked quietly until he heard her whine in response & smirked again her skin “Already beautiful? You just woke up.” She sighed pawing at his back “Please..” he smiled and pressed his nose against her before giving in, He knew what she wanted & he was going to give her partially what she wanted since they were already exhausted from the previous night. “How about for now you cockwarm me and if you still need more I’ll give you what you really want later hm?” She smiled nodding in agreement but soon let out a soft moan the moment he seethed his cock inside of her, Cody groaned & caressed her hair “Better?”
She smiled nodding cupping his face into the palm of her hand while he held her close, this was all she needed, She didn’t want him to move or do anything else but be as close to her as he possibly could be, For the next few hours Cody noticed that every now and then he would gently push his hips against hers to keep her awake and would chuckle at how her body responded as he picked up his phone checking the time seeing that it aas already 8 in the morning “Sweetheart we gotta get up c’mon.” She re opened her eyes and nodded while he carefully pulled out of her & sat up staring out the window while she got out of bed and went to the bathroom quickly washing herself & putting on something warm & soon Cody did the same after she left the bedroom & smiling at Mira who was still downstairs “g’morning!” She chirped out while Mira waved back smiling “Sleep alright?” Delilah nodded as she made her way into the kitchen helping her best friend clean up “Slept so good actually & then I woke up to Seth screaming Mira chuckled nodding her head as Delilah washed the counters “Yeah we were trying to make waffles but we also don’t know shit about baking so..” Lilah smiled in amusement before pulling Cereal they bought on the way to the Cabin a few days ago from the Pantry “Don’t worry about it, I think Cody’s gonna have us keep today easy since it snowed so much over night so we’ll probably just end up messing around outside & go out to dinner.” Mira nodded “Thank god, I was hoping he wouldn’t make us do anything outrageous.” Cody walked into the kitchen pressing a kiss into Delilah’s head “You talkin’ about me in here?” She giggled shaking her head playfully as Mira smiled at their bond before pouring herself a bowl of cereal.
Lilah hummed running her fingers through his hair noticing it was around the time again for him to start re-bleaching his hair but she left that for him to decide. Cody pat her hip & let go while Randy had just woken up at made his way into the kitchen “Looks like someone poured coke all over Colorado.” Mira snickered to herself before walking out of the kitchen while Cody sighed putting on a coat “I need to take Pharaoh out there before he starts flipping his shit on me.” Lilah nodded as she ran her hand over his shoulder “You do that ‘m gonna go and to try wake up Kinsley.”
Cody smiled & whistled for Pharaoh to get off the couch & take him outside. Lilah snuck her way into Kinsleys room & quietly leaned against her bed & moved some hair out of her sisters face “Kiiiinsley.” She smiled softly hearing her sisters groan in protest “Kinsley c’monnn Cody reallyyy wants to go out and play in the snow with you, if you don’t he’ll cry and scream and huff and puff so you better get up.” She teased while Kinsley stuffed her head into a pillow “nnnooo..” “yyeeeesss get up.” Lilah giggled while climbing onto her sisters bed while her sister resisted getting up “Five more minutes oka-“ Randy suddenly ran in & threw snowballs at them causing Kinsley to screech & stuff herself under the blankets while Lilah laughed out trying to cover herself “RANDY!!”
He cackled in pure deviousness before running off out if the room while Kinsley finally got out of her bed & chased after him as her high pitched laugh soured throughout the cabin.
Throughout the day Cody & Lilah built a snowman with Kinsley, threw a few snowballs, teased pharaoh in the snow, watched a few Christmas movies. Seth stood in the kitchen around 5:30 pm before they all went out to dinner & watched Lilah & Cody play with Pharaoh outside for the 10th time today while Mira looked out the window with him. “Is he doing it tonight?” Seth questioned while turning over to Mira “He sure is. He found the proper ring for her, found the perfect place to do it tonight during dinner. It’s all set in stone.” Seth nodded at her response as he stared at the couple interacting with Kinsley “I’m glad he’s giving her a proper proposal, She really does deserve it. Delilah’s a good girl. She’s good for him.”
Mira smiled softly while watching her bestfriend laugh outside throwing a few snowballs before Cody called everyone out to the heated up car they were waiting on & made their way to the restaurant. They all sat together in a large booth sharing stories with each other laughing, Lilah noticed Seth wasn’t at the table after awhile & Cody told her not to worry about it saying ‘He was probably busy talking to becky’ to keep her distracted . Eventually they all finished their dinner & Cody grabbed Delilah’s hand delicately while taking her outside for a moment enjoying each others company while the group followed along subtly. “You cold?” Cody chuckled out while she laughed and shook her head while they stood in the balcony of the restaurant before he sighed heavily running his hand down her back before turning around while she grinned and kissed his cheek “I’m gonna be totally honest with you sweetheart, I’m having a fucking heart attack right now.” He joked softly while fiddling with his pocket with a smile as she laughed. Mira stood behind a pillar along with everyone else before randy tossed over a small box over to Cody while Lilah let out a tiny gasp “Oh cody..”
Mira teared up and became nervous for Cody despite her already knowing Lilah’s previous answer and what her current answer would be. Cody pinched his nose a bit and shook his head quickly as a way of telling himself to get it together. Lilah sniffled and let out a choked up laugh before noticing Seth had just arrived but with Pharaoh with him making her tear up even more before Cody got on his knee “I— I know I already asked you this question but- I wanted to give you a more proper proposal so just do me a favor and act like- I’m asking you for the first time again alright?” He laughed out nervously while she sniffled nodding her head. Jey wiped off a few tears from his face as he recorded the entire interaction while Cody cleared his throat “Angel I don’t think you realize how much I love you, After the day I ran to your story randomly for flowers & met you mid panic attack on which flowers to get my mother I knew immediately I had to make you my girl & I’ve never felt more privileged to pursue you into my life, I’m so grateful for you. I know I already asked you this but-” Cody sighed opening the little box which revealed the a ring with a Pink diamond shaped heart customized to fit her finger almost perfectly “Will you give me the honor of marrying me & become my wife?” Lilah let out a choked up cry before nodding vigorously & completely getting onto his level just to wrap herself around him and let out a shaky breath as he slipped the ring onto her finger while she dug her face into his suit crying “A million times Yes Cody!” He chuckled pressing a Kiss into her cheek before clearing his throat “Kinsley sweet heart can you come here?” Mira teared up and turned to Kinsley who was nervously chewing on the straw of her soda she brought with her before putting it down & walking over to the couple.
“Kinsley sweetheart, You’re the most awesomest kid I know, Your a complete badass & I want to ask you something alright?” She nodded meekly while Cody dug into his left pocket & pulled out a ring pop while Randy chuckled in the background “Will you give me the permission to make your beautiful sister & make you my sister in law?” Kinsley smiled in a shy manner & quietly hugged her soon to be brother in law and mumbling out a quiet “Yes.” He grinned from ear to ear and pat her back before Lilah turned around and noticed Pharaoh running over towards them & completely flopping his body against hers & licking her cheek while the group walked over to them in tears. Randy pulled Cody up as he tried hiding the fact he was crying “Y-You fucking pussy I know you’re crying” Cody joked while he wiped off his own eyes & pulled him into a hug while Jey & Seth hugged Lilah congratulating her before Mira shoved them all out of her way “I’m so happy for you Rosie.” Lilah smiled at the nickname Mira used to call her when they were in high-school before hugging her back.
Lilah crouched down & hugged pharaoh who was pawing at her leg for some attention. She ran her fingers through his fur as she pressed a cheek right against his snout as she celebrated the fact Cody proved to her that soulmates were infact real.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
Egyptologist! JiU - Oh. My. Ra!
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope you're well. 💖 I'd like to dedicate this to the talented and lovely @dark-night-insomniac 🫶 Thank you for being so supportive of me. I love all of your comments and reblogs! Your writing is stellar as well, and I'm always looking forward to what you write next. 🥹
TW: Mention of dead bodies (brief), JiU is as cheesy as ever <3, supernatural themes, mummies, an animated corpse, slight horror themes(?), loosely based on Moonknight in the Marvel Universe
Summary: Being on a digsite in Egypt with your lover has its ups and downs. The 'up' is that you're near JiU, and the 'down' is that you find out a very unique quirk that JiU has via an attack on your digsite.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Can you hand me the shovel?"
"Why, you got a body to bury?" You joke before gently handing JiU the shovel.
"No, my love, but we may have a body to uncover here."
"JiU-ah, do you have to call me that in front of our co-workers?" You mutter as you become visibly embarrassed.
"Oh, so you don't want me to call you sweet names?" She looks up from the dig site for a moment as you shake your head.
"That's not what I meant-"
"Good, dearest, because I want to call you every name under the moon and stars as long as you're mine." JiU winks, and you fail to hold back a squeal.
"Ah, you're so embarrassing to be around, JiU!" You huff as she chuckles before turning back to the dig site.
"I could use a hand, Y/N, if you're not too busy being flustered."
"I'm on it!" You call out before grabbing the last shovel and joining JiU in digging.
Although Egypt wasn't your dream destination for a getaway with your lover, you had to make do with what your job required of you. Besides, that's how you and JiU met in the first place.
"Hey, fresh meat, get over here!" Your new boss hollers at you and a much younger, much more idealistic version of yourself run towards them.
"You're gonna be with her until I figure out what to do with you." The boss points at a woman in the distance before slapping you on the back.
"Are you going to introduce me to-" You look back to see that your boss is already gone. "Okay, I guess I'm on my own for this one."
You take a deep breath, but your nerves fail to settle as you try to navigate toward the woman that was pointed out to you. A million possibilities go through your head, and almost all of them end with her hating your guts until the end of time.
As you carefully approach the dig site, you do your best not to scare the woman as you wave to get her attention. Her pink hair makes her stick out in the best way possible, and the smile she sends your way scares off the nerves and anxieties floating around you.
"Are you the recruit?" She gently asks.
"Yeah, I am."
"I figured. You look like a lost puppy out here."
You look away in shame, which causes JiU to immediately backtrack.
"It's not a bad thing, though! I got lost on my first day. It happens to the best of us, I promise."
Her warm smile returns, and you do your best to muster up one to give back to her.
"Is there anything that I can help with?" You cautiously ask, and JiU pauses for a moment.
"Hmm… Well, for today, you can just stand there and observe what I do throughout the day. Tomorrow, I'll show you the ropes. Does that sound good?"
"I like that plan."
"Y/N, honey, are you going to dig at the same spot all day, or do you want to take a break?"
"Ack, sorry!" You drop the shovel as you realize that you've been daydreaming again.
It's hard not to daydream when your reality seems so unreal.
JiU offers you her hand, and you take it as she leads you away from the dig site.
"Thanks for that, JiU. I spaced out again." You say as she shakes her head.
"You're adorable, you know?"
"Thanks, babe." You mumble as she pulls you into a tent.
You didn't realize that you were sweating until a bead of sweat fell down your face.
I wouldn't expect anything less from this weather or the climate we're in.
You quickly wipe it up before grabbing two water bottles from a nearby cooler. You toss one to JiU, and she blows you a quick kiss before digging in a large bag.
"What did you pack for lunch?" You ask before taking a seat on a lawn chair.
"That's for me to know, and for you to find out!" She teases, and you sigh before relaxing into the chair.
"As long as it isn't burnt, I'm fine."
"You think my cooking is that bad?" JiU looks at you with puppy dog eyes, and you feel like you've kicked a puppy when you look into her eyes.
"Of course not, sweetheart. I'm really hungry, and I'm sure that whatever you make is very good and very edible."
JiU smiles before handing you a sandwich.
"You added everything I like… you really are the best, JiU!" You exclaim before taking a big bite of your sandwich.
She giggles before nibbling on her own sandwich.
"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't make you what you like?"
"Still mine, either way." You say between bites.
"And I thought that I was the cheesy one, Y/N." JiU smiles as you shake your head.
"I think your dad jokes and corny pick-up lines rubbed off on me."
"My pick-up lines are not corny!" JiU defends herself, and you laugh in response.
"You're not going to defend your dad jokes?"
"Because they are an excellent form of comedy!"
"Keep telling yourself that, JiU. I'm sure it'll come true one day." You smirk before finishing your sandwich.
"Hmph!" She turns her nose away from you, and you sigh before standing up.
"I love you, JiU-ah, with all of my heart. I would never do something that would hurt you." You endearingly say before pulling JiU into your arms.
It's her turn to be flustered as you gently tilt her face toward yours with one of your hands.
"See? Isn't that better, darling?" You sweetly laugh as JiU holds onto you for dear life.
"I love you too." She gives you a warm hug, and you melt into her arms.
If only we could stay like this for the rest of time…
You're interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and you hear JiU sigh as you step away from her.
One of your newest recruits ran into the tent with no hesitation at all.
"JiU! Y/N! You have to see this!" They say before waving you towards the exit of the tent.
You eye JiU as she nods at them.
"We should see what's up." JiU turns towards the young recruit. "Lead the way."
Ah, the joys of running a dig site with the woman you love most in the world…
"Come on! It's just this way!" They shout, and you and JiU follow in close pursuit.
"What do you think it is? Did someone get hurt?" You ask with concern, and JiU shudders.
"I hope not. Let's just hope that they found something exciting… you always remember your first dig, right?" She looks at you for affirmation, and you nod.
"Yeah, but you were the one who made that so memorable." You shyly admit as the three of you come to a stop.
"Y/N, you're too sweet for your own good." JiU says before the young digger points at one of the dig sites.
"We found a sarcophagus… but it was open when we fully dug it up!"
"Really? Let me and Y/N take a closer look." JiU says, and you offer them a warm smile.
"Take an early lunch, okay? You've earned it." You watch them run off, and you turn and walk with JiU towards the ancient coffin.
"How old do you think it is?" You ask as you cautiously approach the sarcophagus.
"From a first glance, it has to date back to at least the 3rd dynasty of Egypt."
"That doesn't tell me much." You mutter as JiU pulls on a pair of gloves.
"You want to take a closer look?"
"Not really. These things always gave me the creeps." You shudder as you look up at the sky. "Is it me, or did the sky get darker?"
"It's definitely you." JiU says without skipping a beat.
"Thank you, dear, I really appreciate the comfort and support." You sigh as you rub your arms.
It definitely wasn't this cold before… We were sweating a few moments ago. What is going on?
"I'm going to take a look inside," JiU announces, and you shake your head.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Look how dark it is!" You yell while pointing at the pitch-black sky.
What. The. Fuck.
"Y/N, I think you're-" JiU pauses as she looks up. "Oh my, it really is dark!"
"Thank you for coming back to reality, JiU! It was midday a few minutes ago, and now it's completely dark." You huff as JiU brushes some sand off of her.
"Maybe it's just a bad storm or something-"
"-in Egypt? Are you being serious right now?" You exclaim as her head snaps to you.
"No, I'm not losing it."
"Don't turn around." JiU says with a grim look on her face.
You immediately snap your head in that direction, and you scream as JiU shoves you behind her.
The mummy that should be very dead is very not dead and is standing about six feet from where JiU is. It points at the sarcophagus before growling in a low tone at JiU.
"Honey, what is that thing?" You softly mutter.
"Close your eyes." She mumbles.
"What? Why would I-"
"I don't want to blind you with my brightness." Her warm smile is truthful, and in this moment, you have no choice but to trust her.
"I'm trusting you, JiU." You close your eyes, and for good measure, you place a hand over your eyes.
"You're adorable, my love." She says before pressing a kiss to your temple.
You sigh as you hear JiU walk away from you. The mummy growls again, and you heat JiU sigh softly.
"Your master never learns, does he?" JiU scolds the creatures, and you hear its footsteps shuffle towards her.
Master? What is she talking about?
A body drops to the ground, and you cringe at the sound.
"You didn't think I was that weak, did you, sweetheart?"
You immediately uncover your eyes when you hear JiU's sweet voice. You gasp as you absorb her new clothing and hairstyle.
"JiU-ah, your clothes and hair… you look like a goddess!" You exclaim as she shyly chuckles.
"Well, that's kind of the point." She shrugs as you raise an eyebrow at her.
"I think you have some explaining to do."
"How does dinner sound?" JiU suggests.
"Like a plan, darling."
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somedayonbroadway · 5 months
Very late I know but POOR SMALLS
I know. But the girl has so good things ahead of her.
The Ballerina Masterlist
Jack bounced Saraya up in his arms as they walked back to Race’s room. “So I stay with you, Jackie?” she asked. Jack nodded. “Does that mean your my knew dad?”
That word made Jack stop. He looked down at the little girl in his arms. “Is that what you want?”
Smalls looked down and shrugged, not really knowing what any of this meant. “I ain’t had a dad before. Teacher TJ says that you were a good one,” she said.
Jack kissed the little girl’s head. “Well… I ain’t had a daddy either, not for a long time,” he admitted. “But I can promise you that I’m gonna take care of you. I’m always gonna be there for you.”
“So do I call you Dad?”
Jack cupped the girl’s cheek. “Baby girl, you can call me Dad, or Jack, or Jackie, whatever you want,” he promised.
Smalls smiled that bright smile. Jack melted at the sight of it. “Okay daddy,” she giggled.
“Okay, Smallsie,” Jack whispered. “You wanna see Teacher TJ?” he asked. The girl’s smile fell at that. But she nodded. Jack bounced her a bit, trying to soothe her. “Hey, he’s safe and sound, huh? And so are you. And nothing bad is gonna happen now.”
The child just laid her head down on Jack’s shoulder as he knocked on the door to the hospital room. He sighed when he saw Race’s eyes closed. “Anything?” he asked Spot, not noticing the tear tracks right away. He was too busy watching Race’s chest rise and fall. But when he did look at his brother-in-law, he paused. “What’s wrong?”
Spot scoffed. “What’s wrong?” he shot back sarcastically. “My fiancé was just kidnapped and beaten and raped and I don’t even know what the bastard did to him because you wanted to ‘protect me’—“
Jack covered Smalls’s ears with his shoulder and free hand. “Okay, now is not the time,” he hissed. “I didn’t let you watch those videos, because they will be all I see every time I close my eyes and I didn’t want you ta see that every goddamn time you looked at him,” he hissed. “Not ta mention, he’d be absolutely humiliated if he knew you watched them—“
“Yeah, well he pretty much just begged me ta rail him because he can’t stop thinking about the guy with the stupid fucking camera,” Spot whimpered. “What the fuck am I supposed ta do about that, Jack? I don’t wanna hurt him—“
“Wait, he was awake?” Jack asked. “He woke up?”
Spot nodded. “A few minutes ago. He was asking for you and then crying and he was confused and tired—“
“Take Smalls outside,” Jack insisted. “And dear god, don’t ever talk to me about having sex with my baby brother ever again.”
Spot shook his head in frustration and took the little girl outside, closing the door behind him.
Jack licked his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Ya know, you may be able ta fool Conlon, boy, but ya can’t fool me,” he whispered. “I don’t care how exhausted you are, ain’t no way you fell asleep that fast…”
Race sighed. “You don’t know nothin’,” he muttered, trying to sound like he wasn’t completely gutted. Videos. There were videos. Jack had seen him like that. Shit. “I-I didn’t beg him ta rail me, for the record. I j-just w-wanted—“
“I know,” Jack whispered. “It’s okay, baby. I know it don’t feel like it now but you’re okay—“
“Then why are you standing so far away from me?” Race breathed. “Because of those… those videos?” Jack looked down and bit his lip, walking closer to the kid and then sitting down beside him. “H-how much did you see?”
“Too much…” Jack admitted. “But it doesn’t matter. Because he’s dead now. All of them are. I made sure of that…”
Race opened his eyes. “Jack, what did you do?”
“What I had ta do. Someone touches you, they don’t walk away. He was trying to take you, so I stopped him. Simple as that,” Jack explained harshly. Race looked at him, waiting for more. Jack blinked the tears out of his eyes and shook his head. “You’re the only family I got, Race. I raised you. I… an’ when I saw him with you I…”
“You smell like smoke,” Race muttered.
Jack let out a laugh at that. A sad, broken scoff of a laugh. “Yeah… guess I do.”
“You quit, Jack.”
“Yeah, well,” he shrugged. He didn’t know what else he could say. He thought he was going to die trying to get Race out of that place. He didn’t care much what happened in between that.
But those blue eyes bore into him and Jack sniffled, shaking his head. “I was so scared I was gonna lose you, boy… I th-thought those videos would be the last thing you… a-and—“
“I th-thought it would never end,” Race whispered. “I wished they would end it because I hurt so bad.”
“Please don’t say that,” Jack begged. “Please don’t say that. You’re safe now.”
“I know I’m safe now. I just never thought I’d get to apologize to you,” Race said. “I should’ve never cut you off, I should’ve never said the things I said, I should’ve told Spot that you n’ him had ta get along—“
“Stop,” Jack breathed. “We don’t have ta do this,” he insisted. “This whole apologizing and blaming and resolution thing. Can’t we just… can’t I just hold you?” he asked.
Race sniffled again. “Y-yeah,” he agreed.
So Jack did just that, being careful of the wires and tubes that connected to Race’s sore limbs. He gently maneuvered himself onto the bed, holding his little brother in his lap and just closing his eyes, reminding himself that this was real. “I got you kid… I got you.” And he was about ready to never let go again.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
any fave fox recommendations atm???
loving the hand that feeds🫶
hi thank u!! assuming 'fox' is meant to be 'fic' in which case - yes!! rubbing my evil little hands together oh i am so excited
hackery by orphan_account - hackery!!! hackery hackery hackery. hackery <3 if u read one thing from this list PLEASE let it be hackery. under 2k words and changed me forever. picked me up and threw me against the wall and ripped out my spine and ate it. i re-read this allll the time because it is just so fucking good. dorcas/lily are at a party that gets ambushed during the first war. go fucking. read it right now.
i would kill for some company (temporarily) by lesbianregulusblack (@lesbiansiriusblack hi liv i am talking abt this again) - beautiful + dark + gorey pandalily fic where pandora is a vampire and lily is a human and it's very hard to say which one of them is more fucked up (check tags on this one - when i say dark + gorey i mean it i gasped as i read and i am a horror enthusiast!)
bibliomancy by redsnake05 - listen ok just LISTEN. yes this is irma pince/minerva mcgonagall. yes it is also irma pince/helga hufflepuff. just. LISTEN. this is one of the most unique stories i have ever read in this fandom. the writer created this whole lore where librarians are like. these otherworldly eternal beings and it follows irma pince's immortal life as she tends the hogwarts library and just. i love it. i love it so much.
completed fics
Notes on a resurrection by newleaves - ok this one is a drarry fix-it fic where unspeakable draco malfoy accidentally raises harry's dad from the dead. and harry's mum. and harry's favorite dada teacher. and--well, u get the picture. i am not kidding when i say this is one of my favorite fics EVER like ever ever ever the lovely @simmy75 recommended it to me and i am now eternally grateful to her bc it altered my brain chemicals permanently. Like. i will try not to go on and on but this is one of the most beautifully and uniquely written stories i have ever read!! it is complex and confusing and feels like trying to put a puzzle together because draco is SUCH an unreliable narrator and just!!! please go read it. even if u are not a drarry fan this fic is AMAZING
Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment (@blurryayse hi jude i already yelled at u abt how much i love this) - this is the most recent like. longer completed marauders fic that i've read and it!!! is!!!! so!!! good!!! perfect balance of angst and sweetness and jude's writing makes me run around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. remus + sirius are exes co-parenting teddy + they are both so petty that it leads to shenanigans + confrontations + tears + a poorly-thought-out parent-trap style plot by teddy + harry.
i feel a bit silly even putting this one down because if u follow me on tumblr then surely u are aware of it but! the only fanfic that i'm currently reading that i am like. actually regularly keeping up with is crimson rivers by zeppazariel (@zeppazariel hi zar my sister still needs to read the new ch but once she does she is going to agree w me about the bagel bc i am RIGHT) bc i am reading it along with my sister! hunger games jegulus au, if u aren't already reading this then u are missing out i promise u it is soooooo fun (for angst-enjoyers. for everyone else...well.)
however! i also have...18 ongoing wips that i have like. started reading but have not had time to keep up with simply because. that is so many. and life is so busy. and also ao3 doesn't send me emails even tho i'm subscribed for some reason (if anyone knows how to fix this please help meeeee)
but anyway here are some of my favorites of those that i've started for anyone looking for some wips to get into!!
Invisible String by a1phab3ts0up - dorlene pirate au!!! dorlene pirate au <3 enemies to lovers <3 dorcas and marlene are rival pirate captains who reluctantly agree to work together !!! background wolfstar and jegulus and marylily! i absolutely cannot WAIT to catch up on this
honey honey by aeoneskova (@aeoneskova) - au where marlene survives the first war and raises harry. i've only read the first chapter but this is like. at the top of my list for once i have more time to read longer fics bc the first chapter was so fucking good!!!
A Darling, A Demon, A Lamb by brightened - this one is a very dark alice/lily first war fic told from lily's pov. very very heavy so please check warnings + everything if u decide to read - i love angst and i love dark fics and this is beautifully written so i'm kind of obsessed <3 currently on hiatus but the day it comes back i will be devouring it posthaste
when it's warm again by moonymoment (@blurryayse hello again jude. i have only made it through the first two ch of this i think but rest assured that i will once again become a cat dragging dead birds to ur doorstep once i have time to sit down and finish it <3 ) - another moonymoment fic!! because nobody is doing it like jude!! mermaid remus and human sirius <3 kicking and screaming and jumping up and down and chewing on my fingers. (also this one is almost done!!! one ch to go??? wowowowowow)
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Meenah Peixes, Meulin Leijon
Act 6, page 5308
MEENAH: so tell me
MEENAH: what exactlys the bullshit reason you cant join me to go fight lord bad guy
MEENAH: noooooo shit
MEENAH: that isnt anything even close to resemblin a real responsibility
MEENAH: dunno it doesnt sound like you give much a carp about anyfin that isnt shipping or sayin cat things
MEENAH: btw "sound" was a subtle pun pertainin to oceanic geography
#also #'carp' is a fish #and 'anyfin' is just a thing i say all the time duh
MEENAH: sunnuva fish
MEENAH: even if it was true
MEENAH: which it is the very definition of AINT
MEENAH: how the shit could you have even heard something like that already
#not literally heard #w ur ears #yaknowatimean
MEULIN: (=^ω^=) < H3333333! IT'S TRUE, I JUST KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (=xェx=) < _DIES_
MEENAH: yes please do that
MEENAH: leijon
MEENAH: are you readin my lips
MEENAH: pretend you can hear me and that im saying this so loud your kittycat ears hurt
MEENAH: shhhut thhhe fuuuuck uuup
MEULIN: (^・ω・^)
MEENAH: dont set me up with anemonebouy kay
#anemonebouy #<<how fishpuns be DONE #bouyeah
MEENAH: just keep it in your friendfics
MEENAH: write about us doin it or whatever just S)(UT UP
MEULIN: (^・o・^) < OHHH. G333. EMMM.
MEENAH: yay another worthless conversation under ma belt!
#belt w a bedazzled fuchsia strap and a solid gold buckle
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honnojis · 1 year
I'm in the middle of falling back into a several season long anime that I've rewatched 1000 times already and would like to avoid that, first and foremost because I do not have the time for that.
Do you have any anime recommendations I could try out to stave off the impulse?
The ones that stand out in my mind are:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (long series at 64 episodes but REALLY good and kind of a must-watch)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (two seasons at 44 episodes but the animation is great and so is the music)
Jujutsu Kaisen (banger show w/ banger animation, 24 eps)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 eps, but god it's STILL got me dead on the floor. hope you like emotional damage)
Kill la Kill (24 eps + an OVA and imo a great time if you like anime that's unashamedly balls to the wall, i just don't recommend watching this one around other people LOL. it's one of my all time favourites and one of the first anime I actually watched & followed with Jan!)
Little Witch Academia (26 eps! Relatively lighthearted but good show)
Houseki no Kuni (it's a 3D anime, but studio orange is REALLY good at what they do and HNK is pain in a small package. 12 eps)
Haikyuu!! (sorry this one's got a couple of seasons but i promise it's good LOL..... this is quite literally the only sports anime i care about. these kids just have me very emotional ok. though I'd only recommend the first three seasons, just read the manga which is complete for everything else. it totals at like 60 eps)
Trigun Stampede (This one's still airing! It airs on saturdays and got 3 episodes out right now but I watched it this week and i am in pain? im in pain. yes)
Violet Evergarden (did i mention more pain??? because you'll get pain. 13 eps)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (MORE PAIN. 10 episodes)
Mob Psycho (SO GOOD!!! Three seasons at 37 eps!!!! Definitely a must watch because the animation & story is very charming and captivating. mob's just a guy. just a lil man)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (A mecha anime, but it's the same kind of balls to the wall shit you'd get with Kill la Kill, just that it has a more serious overall tone. Still REALLY good and a classic though!! 27 eps!)
Nichijou (A more slice-of-life type of anime what with its name literally translating to my daily life, but it's. completely unhinged. nothing is normal here. it's extremely silly and a great watch if you just want a series that gets you laughing. 26 episodes!)
Hope this'll keep you busy for a while!! This turned out to be a pretty long list and I know most of these are pretty mainstream, some series are even quite long but it's one I've personally really enjoyed and sometimes rewatch or put on as background noise.
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kriskross · 2 years
personally i would love to know about your dnd ocs
I'm obsessed w u.... ok so rn there are 5 dnd ocs that live in my brain but I have more they're just kinda dormant/I haven't solidified their designs yet. There's a lot (though I tried to be brief) so I'm putting it under a read more
Clementine Waitrose (redemption paladin) is my main guy rn I like them sm... their name isn't actually clementine but I can't say what it rlly is because the other players for this campaign follow me lol BUT they used to be a "knight" (if you could call it that)! It was their childhood dream to be captain but after they actually got to do that they soon grew to hate it, choosing instead to leave their position to pursue domesticity! But now they're adventuring because they have a few promises they left unfulfilled. They have a lot of lore I can't say outright
Tanis Skorzeni (shadow sorcerer). He sucks. I love him and I am shaking him around because I think he needs it. He wasn't always magic but he went caving one day, blacked out and woke up outside the cave with magic. Ran away from home when he was 13 because he was tired of the stress his dad caused him and found work playing piano in taverns and whatnot! He's 26 now and he's engaged :] his fiancée is ill though and the town clerics are too expensive so he's journeying to find money or a cure! Ended up in barovia though and can't get out. Also Strahd likes him a bit too much
Erebus Jiendia (eldritch knight)... they live in Icewind Dale, which has been experiencing winter for 2 years now and it SUCKS BAD. They come from a long line of wealthy artisans, so they're also a part of that, but they put down their pottery business for a while to go kill a God about this winter. They're very very angry also about something else I can't say and ending the winter seems like a productive outlet for that. They're the one that wears a mask they don't take off. Not because they can't but just because they don't want to. They're very nice though to their loved ones, including their worstie (not-so-secret best friend) Aster, who's another party member
Gale Kari (wild magic sorcerer) bimbo of my heart amen 🙏 ❤️. She was looking to reconnect w her bio parents a while back just out of curiosity, fell in love with someone named Jaz, decided that finding their bio parents wasn't that urgent, and settled down in a small town... Jaz went missing one day though and Gale has been waiting for xem ever since. She got tired of waiting in place though and is now out actively looking... but also trying to have fun about it as much as she can. To stay optimistic
Deus (aberrant mind sorcerer). Also came from a wealthy family but she got all up in her head about it. I'm sorry they would be into NFTs if they knew about them. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it's all a part of a planned character arc. I promise. He kinda sucks... he's stuck up, rude, and wouldn't be caught dead in anything less than a 4 star hotel. They're going through it though. They were warned but didn't care and now everything's happened all at once and they're trying to make sense of it all and maybe one day they'll realize that they need to want to be a better person or something idk (I do know. They will.)
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bentzenbirch86 · 5 days
Top Four Marketing Tricks Of Building A Knowledgable Practice
Kind have something inciting in which action.your ultimate "Why". If this really is true, only businesses that charge cheap prices would exist. Of course, this is only scatching the surface. Soon, this became the norm, not the different. There were constant problems at my houses. Unhappy tenants led to poor repair of the property and significantly more maintenance concerns. About one year, while i had amassed 26 houses, I was having problems with roughly 10-15 houses and/or tenants 1 week. I was evicting at least two tenants each month, and approximately four to seven tenants were either behind on rent or not paying just about all. Promises were made, payment plans arranged and few, if any, ever followed throughout. View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha The letter "A" represent Action. I am aware you've heard this before, but you will today, print it out and think that you are planning to change it to create Miracles. Once again, an individual will do the work for your family! Take the Action a person can know you need to choose create your Miracle. The saying, "You need spend money to earn money," generally holds true for Any business! An Internet-based business will not be exception,whether you're promoting your own personal products or someone else's.
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In Canada, exports are "zero-rated" sales for G.S.T. programs. This means that when ship a machine to someone outside Canada, you don't charge H.S.T. Yet, you get declare (or deduct from the G.S.T. collected by you) all the "input tax credits" (G.S.T. that you paid for business purposes) to make that move. The idea, I suppose, is to encourage conveying. In many years of as being a landlord, I lost thousands of dollars and likely took some years away from my life with all the stress We endured. So, whatever you do, cautiously No Money Down Old trap. There are much better, still inexpensive ways help make money actual estate. Most effective: Large, flat areas like the arms and legs. Least effective: Curved areas particularly underarms, and should cause significant trauma into the face together with other thin skinned areas. Professional engraving is higher priced. It takes many years experience to develop the skill and to get the tooling necessary full the operate. It is not unusual for that cost on the engraving to exceed fat loss programs definitely the item by often. Only the consumer can decide should the finished article will be worth it to them or certainly not. View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha Written By Author in topquangngaiaz.com: Võ Thị Như Thắm - Vo Thi Nhu Tham Written By Author in topquangngaiaz.com: Trương Hoàng Nhật - Truong Hoang Nhat
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] 4th Anniversary After Party ‘Prelude’ Event Story
all chapters
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Chapter 1
-starless lobby-
female guest 1: This is the first time they've held an after party isn't it? I wonder what it'll be like!
female guest 2: I was sad that the fourth anni show was coming to an end. We're lucky they're holding an after party!
saki: (Wow...! The store isn't even open yet and there's already so many people here.)
kei: Saki. I am honoured to be able to greet you once again tonight.
saki: Good evening, Kei-san.
kei: As you can see the lobby is quite crowded. I'm very sorry but could I have you wait here a little longer? I shall have your seat reserved right away.
saki: Thank you for your consideration.
kei: This much is nothing in comparison to what you do for the store every day. Visiting as you do, and being able to see your smile... No amount of thanks would be enough to express how grateful I am for that. You've been a big help with this show as well by providing us with cast combinations. For that once again allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
saki: It's alright, you don't have to thank me that much.
-gui walks up-
gui: Kei, Takami is looking for you.
kei: Noted. My apologies, Saki. Regrettably it appears I will not have the honour of escorting you to your seat. I promise to dedicate a wonderful performance to you from the stage.
saki: Yes, I'll be looking forward to it.
kei: Gui, please escort her.
gui: Ok.
saki: Everyone is so busy today hm?
gui: Yeah. I helped out in the kitchen too. I peeled 100 potatoes and carrots.
saki: 100...! Nice work.
gui: I could've kept going, but I was told that's enough. I'll do my best escorting you now.
saki: Fufu, thank you.
gui: Welcome to Starless, Saki. Please enjoy the after party.
-starless office-
sinju: Takami, is this how much additional merch needs to be ordered?
takami: Considering how many customers are here that may not be enough. Place an order for 1.5x more.
sinju: Roger.
rindou: The additional flyers arrived, I'll leave them over here.
takami: Great. Looks like we'll make it just in time.
rindou: If there's anything else I can—
-kei walks in-
kei: Anyone who is free go and help greet guests in the lobby. After that head to the storeroom. Proceed with making arrangements so that normal performances may resume swiftly after the after party has concluded.
takami: Roger.
sinju: Arrangements... I see, so it's almost over. The after party really was over in an instant.
rindou: It's a bit soon to be saying that, Sinju. The after party shows have only just started. Let's do our best in order to make the fourth anniversary shows the best they can be.
Chapter 2 
-starless restaurant area-
ginsei: Sorry for the wait, Princess. Here's what you ordered from the limited menu.
saki: Wow, it looks delicious!
ginsei: I got to try some whilst it was in the trial phase, it was really good. I found it to be filling too—
-glass breaking noise-
saki: (Was that... Did someone just drop a glass?)
female guest: Ah, it slipped out of my hand, I'm so sorry...!
nekome: No worries, it's not your fault.
female guest: B-but I...!
nekome: The culprit is hiding among us! Isn't that right, Taiga?
taiga: Come again?
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nekome: What was it you were trying to achieve causing a disturbance such as this? I'll listen to whatever excuse you have at least~?
taiga: What do you mean excuse... Ooh, I get it now. You're sorely mistaken. This little trick was set up by Yakou, not me. You went really ahead and did it huh, Yakou.
yakou: Oh, so that's how it is hm? For you to speak my name now means I've been betrayed. In that case I won't let you off easy.
saki: (Huh? What on earth has gotten into them?)
ginsei: ...Princess, they're doing a bit of improv acting right now. The guest who dropped her glass was in a panic, so Nekome took the spotlight off her.
saki: Oh so that's what's going on. Impressive.
nekome: Argh...!
-nekome falls-
menou: Aw man, he's dead. You're way too careless, Nekome.
yakou: Menou...! Why are you here!?
menou: This has turned into quite the entertaining festival has it not? These seeds were worth sowing.
yakou: I don't know what you're even talking— Guh...!
-yakou falls-
menou: That's no good, no good at all. You need to hone yourself more quietly.
taiga: N-no! Please, someone save me!
menou: Oh, don't worry. I'll save you. I'll send you off to a quiet place where you won't need to shake or tremble with fear any longer.
nekome: —Aand that's all! Did you all enjoy the show? I just meant it as a little surprise but you all got pretty into it huh. It'll be even more intense in the actual show later, so look forward to it!
taiga: Sorry for the disturbance. Because of his whim I became a sorry sight.
saki: I was shocked at first but it was fun. Good work.
yakou: Thanks to you Taiga I was able to prepare myself somewhat... Menou jumping in still surprised me though.
menou: Ahaha, how could I not when something so fun started going on.
ginsei: So you were on floor duty too... Where have you been slacking off exactly? You all followed each others ques really well though.
nekome: Maybe my quick decision making skills have been sharpened by the anniversary shows script.
ginsei: I see... The Miki-san's must have been aiming for this result too... I should expect no less from them.
Chapter 3 
-rehearsal room-
mokuren: You're all here. It's about Aogiri, he's been a trial member until now, but it's been decided that he'll become an official member.
qu: Oh really? Congrats...? Is that what should be said in this situation?
aogiri: Yes, thank you very much. Once again, I look forward to working with you all.
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hari: Feel free to ask me anything that you are unsure about regarding the store.
aogiri: That's reassuring, thank you.
kasumi: Just making sure here, but are you a performer, Aogiri? Or would you rather be a singer?
hari: Oh true, Mokuren did mention that you could sing.
aogiri: I'd like to be a perfor—
mokuren: With some training he can do both. That's why he's our understudy.
qu: Mokuren, could you not be so intense. Aogiri has his own wishes too you know…
mokuren: Hmph, fine I'll hear out any wishes he has just this once. Aogiri, if you don't think that you're capable of being both a performer and a singer then beg for mercy now.
aogiri: ...No it's fine. If that's an order from our leader then I will do my best to carry it out.
mokuren: It's decided then.
kasumi: That means we'll have two singers on our team now huh~
zakuro: Suddenly the spot of singer is no longer tranquil. There's only five tickets to the stage but six hands that are reaching for them. Who shall end up being the one that's content staying an understudy? It appears a storm may be arriving on Team C’s doorstep too.
qu: Despite saying such things you look like you're enjoying yourself.
zakuro: Oh my, whatever gave you that impression? Be as it may, this store's style is to fight like beasts rather than stay peaceful like a sage, so I have no choice but to fight.
hari: At present Aogiri will be our understudy, however I'm the second in line. I'm preparing to graduate so—
-mokuren kicks hari-
hari: Guh...!
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aogiri: Huh!?
mokuren: I don't want to hear your whining. If you're about to say that you're fine with someone else taking your place on the stage, then leave immediately.
hari: Ha... Please listen to what I have to say first. The fact I won't be able to attend as many practice sessions soon isn't me whining, it's simply reality. Aogiri and I will be working hard together, however that does not mean I have any intentions of handing my spot over to him. Even if you tell me to leave, I will not obey. As long as I am at this store, I will stand on the stage.
mokuren: Well said.
aogiri: ...Um, is it always like this here?
kasumi: Well yeah, more or less~
qu: Be careful to not end up getting kicked yourself.
zakuro: Our leader is not someone who will compromise for anything when it comes to the stage. I suggest you bear that in mind.
aogiri: I will.
mokuren: Ok, the formalities are over now. First I'll drill every existing C show into you.
aogiri: Right now? There's still some things regarding the fourth anniversary show that I need to—
mokuren: Have someone else handle whatever that is for you. We're starting, come here.
-mokuren drags aogiri and hari away-
zakuro: My oh my, the initiation ceremony has begun…
kasumi: I hope he doesn't end up quitting right away.
Chapter 4
-locker rooms-
lico: Uwah, whose costume is this, they've left it in such a mess.
ran: Oh, that's mine! My baad.
hinata: The one on the floor over here is Mizuki's, and this one's Heath's. Ahah, look it's completely inside out.
maica: This isn't something to be laughing about.   Don't you think you guys are treating the costumes too roughly?
lico: Hey could you not lump me in with the rest of B? I make sure to keep mine tidy.
ran: Everyone in P makes sure to fold them all nice huh.
maica: I wish. Menou and Nekome are lazy with theirs.
lico: By the way, why do I have to be responsible for cleaning up everyone else's mess?
ran: We're all gettin' told to do this an' do that. Everyone's tired of it.
hinata: That's what I'm here for! Leave it to me.
lico: As if I'd leave it to you.
maica: If you have the time to complain then get on with it already. I want to be done with things here as well.
hinata: Hey after the show has ended its run what do you guys do with the outfits?
maica: They're sent off to be dry cleaned and then stored in the storeroom. In order for them to easily be brought back out for show reruns, all the extra accessories are labeled and stored together.
hinata: Uwahh, I wanna see the old costumes~! Can I?
lico: Don't go touching them without permission. Ask Unei-chan first.
hinata: Ok, sure!
ran: Ah, there's someone's dog tag over here.
lico: That's Kongou's.
maica: Kongou's costume is over here, pass it to me. Uwah, it's got rips all over it.
ran: That's cause Kongou's performance is so intense.
hinata: Hey I'm finished folding things over here, is that everything?
lico: ...You're pretty skilled at that.
hinata: I'm used to it cause of Iwa-san. He's the type to leave his clothes wherever the moment he steps in the door. And then I'd be left to tidy things up.
lico: What exactly is your relationship with that guy anyways?
hinata: Uhh? When I didn't have any money I would crash at his place often.
maica: Hmm, sounds like him alright...
Chapter 5
-hospital, haseyama's room-
kongou: Um, hello there Owner... I guess he can't hear me anyways huh.
haseyama: (groaning)
kongou: O-owner!? Did he just speak...!
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haseyama: Uu....
kongou: Owner! Owner, can you hear me!? Excuse me, someone come quick!
nurse: Yes, whatever is the matter?
kongou: Miss nurse, he spoke just now!
nurse: I'll call the doctor right away, please wait a moment.
-time pass-
doctor: He has still yet to regain his consciousness. I would call what you heard something similar to sleeptalking.
kongou: Sleeptalk... Is that so…
doctor: His injuries are all pretty much healed however, now we are just waiting for him to wake up. I can't say it with certainty, but the possibility of him waking up soon should be high.
kongou: I see! Thank you so much, Doctor.
-time pass, hospital waiting room-
kongou: Oh, hey Heath what a coincidence. What's up?
heath: I just finished my regular check-up. How about you?
kongou: I came to see how the boss was doing. 
heath: Oh.
kongou: You're heading back to Starless now right? Let's go together.
-time pass, starless office-
kongou: We're back... Wait, why are there so many people in here?
mokuren: What, even if you show up now you're not getting any of the meat.
heath: What are you talking about?
sinju: Iwami-san just came by, he left us some roast beef.
mizuki: He's been coming here a lot lately!
sin: That's because the devil's eye sockets reflect nothingness.
sinju: Huh? What devil...?
mokuren: He means that he's visiting whilst the owner’s still gone, right?
sin: ..…. (surprised)
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kongou: Speaking of the owner, today he spoke a little bit. The doctor couldn't say for certain, but he thinks he should regain consciousness soon.
sinju: Huh, really!? Does that mean he'll be returning soon?
kongou: No, I'm not sure about that... It was just the possibility of his consciousness returning.
mokuren: Even once he wakes up he'll have to do more tests and rehab. He won't be able to leave the hospital right away.
sin: ......
sinju: Aren't you guys glad that he might finally be waking up soon?
mizuki: As if. Kouichi should just return to being this place's owner.
sinju: Ehh... Do you think so too, Mokuren?
mokuren: Nope. I think the owner is trash but it's still true that he makes this place profitable. If the store becomes more well known then that means I'll have more opportunities to dance. Simply put, do you have the confidence that you can put on a show that'll make him enough money to stay off your back?
mizuki: Huh? Mokuren, you picking a fight?
mokuren: If you thought it applied to you then unlike me, you really must not be confident in your show.
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mizuki: Shut the hell up, bastard...!
kongou: Woah hang on Mizuki, chill out.
sin: Mizuki, it is not a snake's shadow that is waiting in the sake cup.
mizuki: ...Huh? What...?
mokuren: I've eaten my fill, my body feels heavy now, I'm off to dance.
-mokuren leaves-
kongou: Um, I don't really get what just happened, but I’m glad it didn’t escalate.
Chapter 6
-starless restaurant area-
saki: (The final show of the after party is here... And with this the fourth anniversary celebrations will come to an end.)
-time pass, backstage-
unei: Good work on the closing show everybody! We tried something new for this event and we've gotten a lot of positive feedback from the guests. Our fourth anniversary celebration event was a great big success~!
saki: It was a wonderful show.
akira: I knew you'd praise us, Saki-chan~
kokuyou: How was it, were you satisfied?
saki: Yes, of course! To the point that I'm sad all the shows are over now.
kokuyou: It really was a success then huh.
sotetsu: I wanna keep the party vibe going, Saki, are you free after this? 
akira: Oi, don't go stealing my thunder, as if I'd let you two go off somewhere alone together. Ahem, Saki-chan, don't you want to continue partying it up with me?
sotetsu: Who's the one trying to get ahead of the other here? Right Saki, I was the one who invited you out first, what do you say?
saki: U-umm...
-kei appears-
kei: You two, back away from Saki immediately.
akira: Eugh, here he is.
kei: You're free to go and make merry among yourselves, but you should be more aware of when it's an appropriate time to invite a lady along.
sotetsu: Yeah yeah, we get it, our time's up.
akira: Aw~ Saki-chan, Let's make sure to make it a date next time~!
kokuyou: Quit saying pointless shit, let's get going already.
-they leave-
kei: Saki, it's quite late, to make sure you arrive home safely would you grant me the honour of escorting you?
saki: Yes, thank you as always. Sorry for the trouble.
kei: I'm the one who should be thanking you. Now let us go.
-time pass, street, night time-
kei: We tried incorporating new things into the show this time. What were your impressions?
saki: It was so much fun! I couldn't guess what was going to happen each performance so I got really invested.
kei: I am over the moon to have pleased you. Saki... Allow me to once again to offer my apologies.
saki: Hm? What do you mean, what is there to apologise for?
kei: ...In regards to the kidnapping incident you were caught up in. The fact I let you fall into such danger under my own watch, I still cannot stop regretting it. I hope that it did not etch a scar onto your heart.
saki: I'm fine now, so it's ok, you don't need to apologise anymore.
kei: (surprised)
kei: ...You're so strong. Such a graceful and beautiful soul, I cannot help but be charmed by it. I must express my gratitude once more for the fact you continue to visit the store.
saki: That's alright...
kei: If there is anything that you'd like to request of me, I shall carry it out to the best of my ability.
saki: (Huh? I feel like I've been told something similar before... Who was it again...)
gui's master: If you have any requests I will fulfill them where possible.
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-kei and gui's master both flash on the screen-
saki: (Somehow they're... kind of similar?)
kei: Saki, is something the matter? Are you feeling unwell?
saki: Oh, no, it's nothing. Sorry I was just lost in thought.
kei: You must be tired, thank you for watching over our fourth anniversary performances. I promise you that'll I'll continue giving it my all to entertain you to your heart's content. Because that is why Starless exists, and also my duty.
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shuaestheist · 10 months
characters: kyungwon (hinapia), jeonghan (seventeen) summary: the only remnants of their past is a single cassette and countless regrets. word count: 600-700 genre: angst content warning: mention of death inspiration: disturbance (boa)
It's been a month since Jeonghan and Kyungwon broke up. It's been a month since Kyungwon died as well. 
It was a horrible accident, Kyungwon's death. The two had a big fight and broke up. Kyungwon left his place with tears pouring from her eyes. As she crossed the road, she got hit by a delivery truck. She was declared dead on arrival. Now, Jeonghan could do nothing but stare at the ring he gave his dead lover.
The doorbell of his house rang, breaking the silence. Sluggishly, he answers the door. "A package for Mr. Jeonghan Yoon? From Ms. Kyungwon Kang," at the mention of her name, his head lifted and his lifeless eyes glimmered with confusion and longing. A package? From his dead girlfriend? He took the package and signed the papers. 
Jeonghan sits in the living room, opening the box. It was a single cassette, the case bearing her face that shined like the sun. "Of course, you knew I preferred cassettes," he smiles bitterly and reached beside him, taking the cassette player that was always there. The blonde pops the tape in and presses play.
[ PLAY ] May 22, 2017.Hi, Hannie oppa. It's me, Kyungwonnie. I made this tape since I do feel like we're breaking up soon. So if you're listening to this, that means I'm gone. Right?Anyways, I wanted to say I was very very happy with our relationship. I love you, you love me. We promised each other that we would walk down the aisle and get married to each other in the near future. I... really love you. So so much. But these days... we don't seem to get along. W-we always fight, it's like w-we don't know each other anymore. Ah~ why am I crying?  [ PAUSE ]
At this point, tears streaked Jeonghan's cheeks again. He remembers the calls she sent that he disregarded in favor of hanging with his friends, for some hookups too. Jeonghan thought that Kyungwon was too clingy and whiny. Oh how he wished it wasn't so, how he wished he didn't think that way.
[ PLAY ] Yeah. You ignored my calls. We barely met. It's like we were strangers all over again. You know, I would cry to Minkyeong every time you missed my call. Minkyeong would tell me that you're tired of me, that I should find another. But I didn't want to. I would just say that you're busy and that I'll wait for you, cause I knew you'd come back to me. I'm holding on to the promise you made me. But I did see. I see you being cold to me. I see you being indifferent and irritated with me. I see that you weren't meeting my eyes. I see that your heart and mine weren't... in sync anymore. You changed in front of me.Was I boring? Was I too clingy? Too annoying? Too obsessive? Tell me... I want to change for you. I want to be the girl you want.I can't even remember that sweet look you gave me whenever we had a date. Nor the hugs and warmth you gave me when we cuddled on your couch. You saw me get sad and yet, you didn't even comfort me.I'm still here, though you're already fading from my life. I can't even imagine you crying over me.... [ PAUSE ]
After that statement, silence enveloped the complex. Jeonghan thought it was broken or it was done. Just as his thumb hovered over the stop button, Kyungwon started speaking again.
Jeonghan started breaking down with the next words.
[ PLAY ] Maybe my I love you's weren't enough.[ PAUSE ]
Her voice enveloped him. Jeonghan looked up to see Kyungwon kneeling in front of him with a watery smile. 
"Maybe I just want to hear you say one last I love you to me,"
Jeonghan cried out, whispering I love you over and over again to the girl in front of him. As he reached out to her, she disappeared like a mirage. The cassette stopped and popped open.
Kyungwon was gone forever and Jeonghan was so stupid to let the love of his life go.
If only he could rewind time.
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writing-nebula · 1 year
Update! (Also, sneak peek at the chapter!)
Admittedly, most of this is going to be copied from AO3, with a few wording changes, as I summed myself up pretty well there, s o if you don't happen to follow Aura on AO3-
"I'll let you know if I think a chapter will take 6+ months" 9 months (10 months now, near 11 w h o o p s), no chapter, and no update later:
All I can really say at this point is sorry about the lack of update- I got a job, started writing a few other stories, some oneshots you may have seen me post if you've looked at my AO3, and just generally been Too Busy to work on Aura, even if I hadn't been having major writing block issues for it specifically
I'm making this update to assure you guys that this story hasn't been abandoned, that I'm not dropping it- I am still working on it! It's just going a lot slower than I would've liked, and I'm not sure if there's much I can do about that at this point in time.
That being said, I'm making this update now because I have actually made great progress on the next chapter! It's certainly not done, but the block seems to have mostly lifted for now, and I know exactly what I want to write for the rest of the chapter.
A n d, so I don't just leave you hanging here, I d o have a few scenes I'll be posting alongside this- both to assure you I am working on it, and to apologize for taking so long lol. I'm doing my best with it, I promise you!
That's all I have to say, I think- thank you all so much for your patience, and I hope to have something more out for you soon!! Alrighty- with that being said, I have a few scenes to add here, also copied from my update on AO3, so if you read there nothing has changed! But for those who might only follow Aura via Tumblr, here are a few preview scenes for the upcoming chapter, under the cut! I'm really excited to show the whole thing to y'all when it's done :D
"That was, uh, Mark and Amy, probably- I had a dizzy spell a few minutes ago, they both freaked out when I hit the floor."
"Oh," that would explain the suddenness of it- "then- That means there's someone new?"
Now excited- and feeling less shaky- Anti pushed himself to his feet, smiling when the human joined him and trying to peer past him again. "Who is it? A fan ego? I know there are a couple out there you like-"
He cut himself off when he registered the confusion drifting out from the living room, and from Jack himself.
"...What is it?"
"...See, we don't know who or what appeared," Jack told him with a frown. "Nothing changed, and we can't find sign of anybody..."
When he entered his room, the feeling increased tenfold, which should be impossible, Marvin put spells up to prevent him from feeling their emotions so strongly up here- ...Which meant he was right.
There's someone in here.
Anti took a deep breath, trying to push away the fear and apprehension that kept squeezing, tightening like a vice around his chest- it's not me, it's not mine-
He took another deep breath, letting it out slow.
He shut the door behind him.
"...I know you're there," he started quietly, not wanting anyone outside the room to hear him. "I don't know why you're hiding from everyone, but... I'm not going to tell them." He paused, shoulders slumping in relief as the fear eased up somewhat.
"I won't tell them you're here, but you can't just hide in my room forever, okay? Not without at least calming down. I can... Feel you, and it's a lot."
Still no response, but as he sighed, going to his little desk and sitting down to use his laptop, he felt the fear in the air receding further- to be replaced by a gentle spark of curiosity.
He smiled, just to himself, and put on Jack's Resident Evil playlist. I'll give him some time to adjust. It's not like I can blame him for being nervous... 
When he felt a presence watching over his shoulder, he chose not to comment aloud, and he was very proud of himself for not immediately turning to look- though he honestly doubted he'd see anything anyway. 
...I just wish I knew who the hell 'he' is.
Anti was honestly used to the feeling of someone watching over his shoulder, at this point. Three days and this mysterious, silent, invisible ego still hadn't shown himself, though Anti was very sure he was still there.
Besides the watching whenever he was using his laptop, he could still feel him- nervousness, curiosity, faint stabs of irritation. It felt like a million things at once and were way stronger than one person's emotions could feel, but it had only ever seemed like one person, so he just dealt with it.
Today it was Golf With Friends, rather than the usual horror game- he mostly had it up for distraction, because despite Marvin's charms on the room, he could still feel Jack and Mark's excitement from the recording room, though thankfully he was too far away to physically hear them.
...With how focused he was, trying to ignore the emotion feelings, he wasn't really paying attention to his 'roommate'.
But he still noticed the instant that presence solidified, became something real-
And Anti found himself holding his breath as the semi-annoying phantom sensation became the very very real feeling of somebody actively leaning over him.
it's a hell of a time to stop being shy why the fuck-
"...What are you watching this time?"
Anti's racing thoughts screeched to a halt, and he exhaled sharply, keeping his gaze fixed on the laptop screen.
He felt frozen, fixed in place- and it wasn't because the guy finally spoke, the question startled him, sure, but it was reasonable enough, he probably couldn't see the screen very well.
No, the problem wasn't the question- it was the voice.
Calm, but deep enough for a faint rumble in his chest. Smooth, but not soothing- more cold. 
The faintest of echoes ringing in his ears, two voices just below the first- similar, but different.
...I know that voice.
(Please note that these are still from a newer draft, and wording or more may change between these and the final chapter!)
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oqal · 2 years
Girl how’re you feeling today?
ugh just defeated soooo much
my car didn’t start up again today so i called my coworker and told him i couldn’t come in as i had no other source of transportation (scared of ubers lowkey bc i’m a woman tbh) and he was like yeah no worries i got you
so, after an hour of trying to figure out whats wrong w my car myself (like checking if the battery wires were secured and the alternator would fire) for like an hour, my manager (not boss manager of the store) said if i don’t go into my shift today, i won’t have anymore shifts again or my hours cut in half (40 to 20–like i don’t have bills??) so i go in, clean myself of the oil n shit, then be driven by my roommate to my job. we open at 10, i got there at 10:30 instead of 9 am as scheduled. not a huge deal right?
so i go in anyways, already stressed about my car, and even though the store has been open for an hour and a fucking half, coworker did literally none of the inventory. even when it was dead asf and i was an hour and a half late. which is a huge fucking list of all of our products and how much we have. there’s three inventories you have to complete by 10:30. he didn’t even do one!! it took me forever because we have a billion new products!!!! he WAITED for someone to show up so he didn’t have to. so. proves my point that men are fucking useless and why that store is a fucking disorganized mess i have to organize all the fucking time
schedule gets released and instead of the usual 40, it’s fucking 21. and i was like oh FUCK no. so i confronted bossman via text and said “this is not a liveable schedule for me i have bills and this is my only source of income, and we agreed on 40, and despite EVERYTHING, i still showed up today. what the fuck is this.” (i am very brave and it was in a more polite way) so he’s put on the spot, promises me more hours the following week and gave me an extra shift, bumping it up to 28. but it’s still like?? bruh i’m GETTING MY CAR FIXED FOR THIS JOB AND THAT COSTS MONEY AND YOU GIVE ME LESS HOURS TO RUB SALT IN THE FUCKING WOUND?? HELL TF NO
finances give me so much stress and my family sucks and my job threatened 86ing me, and my car is acting wonky. i am a busy person who travels a lot for work and if i don’t have a car then i just freak out and spiral so much. but finances are truly my number one stressor ;;;; i go into anxiety attacks and did at least twice today
luckily everything is planned out now. i’m borrowing my mom’s car for the weekend, my sister will follow me to the dealership so if it is the alternator, i can get that fixed for free as it’s still under warranty, and then she’s going to help me run my necessary errands i need to complete
its like. just. god. can i get a fucking break. (not an actual break, give me what we agreed on and also EVERY DAY SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS)
it’s like. to make up for the money income, i could do commissions of either art or fic, but i’m…. not rlly that good yet lolol. time to start selling my other drugs 🙄🙄 (/j)
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