#i don't read Those old will posts of mine bc it makes me think of the anons i would get and continued to get every time i would
bylertruther · 10 months
why is it okay for other people to point out canon things about will and how he's perceived in hawkins as well as the differences between him and the other boys on the show etc etc and everyone claps and cheers and agrees with them publicly now, but when i do it i'm told that i'm trying to turn will into a girl, that i'm rude, that i'm homophobic, get accused of killing people's grandmothers, and get vagued, etc etc. like i know why but Why . . ....
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vaspider · 3 months
Friend of mine from RL reached out like "hey I logged into Tumblr and went to try to find you so I searched vaspider and uhhh are you okay" and I'm just like, yeah, man, I have no idea what you're talking about.
So I'm gonna say this bc I have to say it every so often: Yeah, I know there are a bunch of people on here who have me living rent-free in the haterade brew of their brains.
No, I don't care.
It doesn't actually matter. Please understand that. It doesn't affect my actual life in any way. Every so often, people make me aware of someone who is stirring up a particularly noxious batch of haterade. And then?
I block them. I block their buddies who piled in on the post. I block the people who mindlessly reblog posts calling me whatever words are supposed to incite Tumblr's favorite current moral panic. I block all of them. This process takes maybe five minutes. At most. Usually, it takes a lot less.
And then - and this is the key part - I never think about any of those people ever again.
Nobody is required to like me, or to read what I write, or anything of the sort, and I'm not required to recognize that they exist. One of those two things happens, and it isn't me recognizing or remembering any of the people who spend so many thought cycles thinking about how I'm a [current scary word here].
I recommend this method for dealing with people who have nothing better going on in their lives than running around sending I SAW VASPIDER DANCING AT THE DEVIL'S MASS asks to anyone who reblogs a post with me in it or whatever. Try it. Genuinely. Just block anybody where the vibes are even slightly off - including me, sure. I assure you that if I ever notice - which is highly unlikely - I will not care. The only way I'd ever notice is if I try to like one of your posts and can't, in which case... I block you, bc if you don't want to talk to me, then cool, I'll respect that and make sure it's mutual.
And I move on with my life, and I never think about that person again.
So like, who wins in this situation? Some old dyke just minding his own business, or the people investing lots of time and energy and emotion in hating someone who doesn't remember that they exist?
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lavend-ler · 8 months
tips on how to write cane user Neuvillette from a crutch user
Neuvillette uses a cane - and that's amazing! but increasingly I got worried that the portrayal of him being a cane user could be based on harmful stereotypes. hence I wanted to make a list on tips I can give as an irl crutch user
DISCLAIMER - this is in no way exhaustive list and I am no end all be all authority on this. I'm just a disabled person in fandom who is tired of ableism. of course this list can be used for other disabled characters but I esp wanna focus on Neuvillette (cause I love him)
Neuvillette is an occasional cane user (just like me) and that's totally fine. he doesn't have to use it all the time to be "disabled enough". he probably uses it during the days he feels worse
he holds cane in his right hand - that means it's his left leg which needs support (again, just like mine!)
a lot of disabled ppl are prone to the changes in the weather. I think it'd be interesting to keep in mind esp in Neuvillette's case
as long as we don't have the canon confirmation on what is Neuvillette's disability, all hcs are fair game. personally bc I relate to him I hc him with my own disability - arthritis
don't be afraid to portray him using his cane in combat. mobility aids are often used by disabled ppl not only as a support in walking but also in every day things. for example, he could be pushing buttons with it or helping himself while walking the stairs
bend the ableist stereotypes - make him use his cane and be badass with it. esp since he proudly uses it during his burst
canes make ppl more visible. don't fall into ableism and make characters only care abt Neuvillette when they notice him using the cane. if u choose to do so, make Neuvillette remark back, noticing how ppl treat him differently and unfairly
do not make jokes abt his cane. I have already seen ppl make jokes that he's an old man who needs to use the cane. it's disrespectful and unnecessary. don't bring up him being a cane user only when u talk how he's old
canes are very personal. even if others offer help or to hold it, Neuvillette would be against it
on that note DO NOT MAKE OTHERS CHARACTERS TAKE HIS CANE esp if u want to treat this as silly fun or even worse, romantic. Neuvillette's cane is his business and any character taking his cane from him would be extremally disrespectful
Neuvillette might have to take breaks between longer strolls to sit down and regenerate. again, sth that happens to me a lot
tho every character in Genshin has to be quite active, remember to portray Neuvillette to be relaxing too! he can be badass, active and strong and that won't make him any less when he's relaxing. I absolutely suggest u portray how he relaxes after the day and how he takes care of himself. maybe a calming tea or some ice packs - those are definitely great options for chief justice to relax and ease his aches after an eventful day
HERE is another post that focuses on more on experiences of mobility aid users. I find it very relatable and useful, it's a fantastic further read
hope these will be helpful for u! ablebodies please don't derail. other mobility aid users, feel free to add more things to the list <3
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
A little update to → this ← post!
I've decided to recycle/ upscale a really old plush friend of mine, and turn him into my Tummy-Puppy!! (Or Tuppy for short)
This little fella has been by my side since I was about 6 or 7 years old <3
The former best friend of my big sister gifted him to me, as an apology, because she made me cry when we had a sleepover.
╰→ she told a spookie story and put on a horror movie :(
I forgave her immediately, I've always been obsessed with floppy stuffiest, like this one! And he also has beads in all four of his paws, which make him kinda heavy. So, he's basically weighted!! <3
I've uploaded a YouTube video on how I made him, but if you don't feel like watching that, this post has all the same information and pictures as the video.
So, without further ado..
Here is how I made him my Tummy-Puppy:
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First, I removed the eyes! I always preferred button eyes over those beadie ones.
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Then, I un-did the stitches along the belly, to take out the - very lumped up - filling, re-fluffed it and stuffed him back up.
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Afterwards, I sew in lining, aswell as a zipper. This is where the heating cushion will go!
╰→ I bought → this ← lavender scented one (Amazon Germany).
It can also be used as a cooling aid, by simply putting it in the freezer (minimum of 60 minutes), instead of the microwave (ca. 1-2 minutes).
Here is a video of me showing how the finished Tummy-Puppy turned out!!
Basically showing all angles, taking out the cushion & putting it back in lol..)
╰→ [Music: "first date" by frad]
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This chonker is about:
44cm long (17.32 in)
18cm wide (7.09 in)
10cm thicc (3.94 in)
& weights 803 g (1.77 lbs)
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He can sit on his own, or be all floppy!!
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He smells so nice, like lavender, bc of the lavender scented heating cushion I bought!
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I'll take him with me to the hospital, when I get my top surgery!! <3
.. and probably everywhere else I go, aswell.
If my post inspired you to make your own Tummy-Buddy, I'd love to see them!! <3
Thank you for reading!
Bye bye!!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse <3
Tagging @babybulbasaur, @numblittlebug02, @sparklesglittermuffin, @softchonk, @ravensmitth and @little-n-middle-agere because I like them and I think they might enjoy this post. <3
Feel free to let me know if you don't want to be added to or removed from the tags! <3
A quick heads-up for everyone:
Please, please, PLEASE take out the heating cushion, to warm it!!
DO NOT put the whole plushie in the microwave, it will most definitely catch fire!!
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fluxweeed · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
i've had so much fun reading other answers to these questions over the last few weeks!! thank you @nv-md and @sweet-s0rr0w for mentioning me in your posts!! i fear my answers drifted much too far into self-indulgence, but what's new for this blog eh??
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22, but one of them is 11 separate drabbles/microfics in a 2k-word jacket
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i'll only ever write hp on this username!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
all drarry:
the four doors (legilimency healer draco + memory loss)
adventures in truth and texting (advent texting fic)
all i have to do (draco thinks harry is a magical fantasy but whoops he's real)
eight o'clock, tomorrow evening (four doors sequel)
two to lie and one to listen (8th year fake dating, sort of)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i respond to everything on the final chapter of a fic! sometimes very kind commenters will say something at the end of every single chapter, which is SUCH a joy to receive, but i haven't yet figured out a way of saying "thank you!" 26 times over without sounding insincere
(i also don't usually respond to comments on fics i've co-written bc i don't feel like i have? the right? feels like i'm taking credit for something i did not really do!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
also drarry: for lack of wanting, wherein harry thinks it's sexy when draco acts like an evil dick again, and draco is too in love with harry to tell him that makes him feel weird
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
man i think all the rest are pretty happy, all things considered? tho i guess two to lie and wrapped are the only ones that end with explicit i-love-yous?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've been quite lucky, actually! i've had the occasional demand to change an angsty ending, or comments that have been quite mean about a character who isn't supportive of drarry. oh and i've had a couple of people get suuuper mad when draco malfoy, death eater and snotty spoilt brat, makes mildly immoral decisions. i've found all of those quite funny tho, which i'm sure i wouldn't if they were legitimate hate, so i don't think they count!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yep! the vibe of two characters wanting to fuck but knowing they shouldn't for some reason (uneven dynamic, magic stuff, they simply haven't had a fucking conversation about it) is my absolute favourite. will read it every time, will write it pretty much every time too 😅
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
the closest i've come to writing a crossover is say no to this, a fic vaguely based off the storyline of the song from hamilton. it was the first drarry fic i'd written in about 10 years!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yep! not any under this username (that i know of), but someone re-uploaded an old drarry fic of mine to wattpad – and honestly, i don't mind at all. i don't think the fic is very good lmao, if someone else wants to take the blame for it, that's totally fine by me
(the wildest thing about it is the combined ff.net + wattpad views of that fic now top 2 million i think?! but despite that u have almost definitely not heard of it!! i've only seen it mentioned, like, maybe 3 times since i properly re-joined fandom spaces in 2020)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!!! it's SUCH an honour!!! the four doors is in german, chinese, russian and spanish; thirst (drarry vampire fic) is in chinese; and all i have to do (the not-fantasy-harry fic) is in russian 🥰
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!!! well, sort of – officially, i co-wrote per my last letter (i hope you choke on it) with @lastontheboat, but i really do think i was more like an alpha reader with knobs on. the workload split was at least 25/75, with j shouldering a great deal of the burden (and all of the brilliance)!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
this is going to sound silly given that i'm definitely a drarry writer and only really hang out in the drarry sphere – but i don't have one! for hp, i gravitate towards ships with harry in them, but even that isn't a hard and fast rule for me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
nothing that i've posted! but i have tons that are never going to see the light of day. three recent-ish hp ones i've written the most for:
a fic i call The Opus, which is a drarry auror partners fic – i have 16k words written; it was going to end up a solid 100k. i love the concept i have for this fic so, so dearly, but a 100k casefic is not happening.
a harry/ginny established relationship smutty oneshot that is really nothing more than ginny being fun and sexy and harry being horny but, like, self-deprecating about it.
a drarry little mermaid au that i wrote for nanowrimo in 2019. like i MIGHT come back to this one day? but it's unlikely. pros: i do have 50k of it written already and the first draft isn't too far off being complete. cons: i have almost exactly 50k words of it written bc i hit the nano goal and stopped in the middle of a sentence bc writing it was SO stressful (that november i had two jobs + one volunteering role, and also i was moving house, so. a lot going on.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
god knows. dialogue and characters come easiest to me, ig? and i tend to cut a lot in editing, so i don't think my stuff is? overly wordy? so it doesn't require much brainpower to read? that could be a positive or a negative, depending on how you look at it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at caring about anything other than character dynamics, so my fics never have plot outside of something vague to put the main pairing in the same room
similarly, i'm not very good at describing locations – describing anything, really
bc i tend to focus on the "oh we want to but we shouldn't!" moment, i'm pretty bad at actually developing feelings in longer fics – that part always feels too rushed to me, but fuck if i know a way of fixing it that isn't just, like, write another 20k
i think my endings usually feel like a bit of an afterthought and often quite forced
the more i write, the more i realise i know, like, 5 ways of phrasing anything, and i just repeat the same things over and over
i'm trying to fix my lack of skills with plotting + pacing by planning extensively before i start drafting, but i think that takes a bit of the spark out of the final version? it becomes a bit predictable and samey?
em dashes every tenth word
i'm convinced ppl i respect are in group chats talking abt how annoying and bad at writing i am, and also lowkey (…highkey) i agree with them – so actually getting myself to write anything is super hard!!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
yeah man! i mean, i personally am not sufficiently confident in my skills in any other language to do it without help (and i'm not sufficiently confident in my skills in asking for help to do that), but it's fun to read imo
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i've dabbled in a few over the years, but the first was hp – it was a marauders era snape/lily/james love triangle fic that i posted on a forum on a hp roleplaying site – this was before deathly hallows came out, so i was very smug when my pairing theory (that i undoubtedly stole from someone cleverer than me, because i was 13 years old) turned out to be true
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god. @decaflondonfog recently told me that drabbles don't really count, so i? don't know? perhaps still the pine-woods scent the moon (guilty remus/harry) or taste of țuică (established drarry bringing ron in as a third) are the ones i like best, but i don't love either of them enough to be able to confidently declare them my favourite!
u know the drill: i got too sad and anxious and unfollowed everyone so i have no idea who to tag. if u made it this far please know i do love you very much, i want to kiss u on the cheek at LEAST, and would love to know any thoughts u have about the things u make ❤️
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ichorblossoms · 11 days
i only remember the day i made grimm and yarrow bc it was 4/20 and i thought it was funny anyways happy one year to these two fuckers eating away at my brain and here's to them continuing to do that for...the foreseeable future
since i have created So much about them in this year, i wanna recap what the fuck i've done bc i have never had this happen before. it's definitely new to hyperfixate on some ocs so intensely but i'm having a good time with everything so! i can't say i'm upset that these two kicked my ass into gear with drawing so much !!
starting off with the first sketches of them i scribbled down before i had to get back to work on other stuff bc i don't think i posted these
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they've evolved a bit but....not by much really. esp in regards to yarrow i had what is more or less his current design nailed down within a day. not to mention that these two both had names within 24 hours? that usually does NOT happen for me
in terms of all the other art, th galleries aren't the absolute best metric to measure how much i've drawn my ocs bc it doesn't account for all the sketches and wips i have lying around and i upload gift art so it's not all mine in there NONETHELESS it's wild comparing their th gallery stats to the main trio of ttw bc those three literally have a decade of existence on them
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(also grimm has five more standalone pieces of fanart than yarrow, so the gap between how much i've drawn the two of them is even smaller)
within a year, these two have, give or take, half the amount of stuff as i've managed to make for my other mains that have been around over a decade. ofc with ttw being around so long there are a lot of unfinished things, paper drawings i have stashed away, things that're retconned, and so many more sketchbook doodles of them that just never got posted so it's not as comparable to honeybee bc it's a more constant slowburn in my brain. but still. still
that's also not to mention the 16 or so full comic pages i've drawn for them?? (most of those are under toyhouse's literature bc it's easier to post them that way) which doesn't sound like a lot, but bc i've never done that before with any of my ocs it's. wild to me. i'm still figuring out a method that makes making comics as painless as possible bc i have ideas! but it still feels like i'm like pulling teeth sometimes! i can say it feels a bit easier to make comics now but i still have a lot to figure out :,,D
also i've been writing. i don't consider myself a writer. i said "fuck it we ball" and started writing. i guess i am on technicality, and it's not as if i haven't written anything at all (hi ttw and the old peartree draft), but definitely haven't written extensive prose before this. anyways i've got a 10k-word outline and am approximately 35k words into the first draft so it's not nothing! in fact that's a lot for me, esp bc i'm constantly battling the urge to edit things over and over and also the awareness of the skill gap between me and all of the writers i am constantly reading so it's overall just a...really slow process OTL
because i'm deranged and refuse to make things easy on myself, i envision honeybee as an illustrated novel, but not necessarily illustrated like fantasy novels are i'm talking like....a novel with comic panels in it. i have a vision. (also i had a dream where i read a book like this i can See it in my mind). it's fine. i'm normal. <if this comes to be for realsies i will have to learn how to do so much typesetting bullshit
i don't have any special art to commemorate my Year of Brainrot, but i guess i'll post some writing below the cut. heads up this is First Draft Shit, even though these are the parts i'm currently more fond of i am...not confident in my skills as a writer yet so please offer me some lenience hgfklhgld
anything in [these brackets] is going to be drawn either as a standalone illustration or a small series of comic panels so just hold my hand and imagine with me.
ordered chronologically but missing a Lot of context partially bc i'm not writing any of this in order. i try to keep grimm (they/it) and yarrow's (he/they) pronouns consistent, but excuse any flips bc again, this hasn't been through any external editing, in fact y'all are the first to see any of these words.
part 1 (years 0 to ~1)- least written-for part atm but i re-outlined it semi-recently so i know where to take it
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*grimm is misgendered here intentionally, yarrow doesn't know The Pronouns yet
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part 2 (years ~6 to ~8)- currently the most-written
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part 3 (years ~9 to ~10)
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does a little dance and makes jazz hands before faceplanting. thank you if you read any of that hkgdslfhlfk
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achubbydumpling · 2 months
I love your writing, especially when it comes to fat Bucky and/or Steve!!
What are some of your favorite weight gain tropes with them? And what's the biggest you like to see them? Bc I LOVE when they get to the point of mobility struggles and talking seriously about accommodating for immobility 🥵 so any thoughts on that, feel free to share 👀👀👀
hi! thank you so much, as slow as I am at answering them I really really really love getting asks like this (I mean who doesn't love compliments haha)
speaking of (im)mobility I gotta link two posts, one by me and one by @mylevisdontfitanymore with lots of fics about immobility:
Now, to your questions:
What are some of your favorite weight gain tropes with them?
what isn't a favourite of mine? 😂 hm if I had to narrow it down to three probably
weight gain as a metaphor for healing from past trauma
old men finally getting to live the life of their kinkiest dreams
accidental kink discovery
(are those even weight gain tropes? 🤔)
and I usually prefer Bucky to gain (more) weight, I don't really have an explanation for this, it's just what I prefer (feel free to psychoanalyse that 😂)
And what's the biggest you like to see them?
any size at all really, fat, overweight, underweight, morbidly obese, the brain rot is in the stucky 😌😂
no I mean I don't mind as long as it's somewhat "realistic", i.e. a person of that weight has lived on earth before, idk I'm just not really into the thousands of pounds weights? I feel like at some point you can't really escalate anymore in terms of writing the experience, how does 3000lbs feel different from 1000lbs? it can be done, I've read some excellent stories before
but generally I'd say anything below 1000lbs is like a soft limit for me while reading and especially when I'm writing the story
that being said hnnng mobility struggles 🥵🥵🥵
Bc I LOVE when they get to the point of mobility struggles and talking seriously about accommodating for immobility 🥵 so any thoughts on that, feel free to share 👀👀👀
is there anything better than constantly being out of breath, being painfully aware of how fat and out of shape they are when they're just walking to the kitchen or when they're just too big to fit somewhere
I love it when immobility is constantly on the horizon, threatening to take over but for right now they can still get around, right now it's exhausting and annoying and so so so hot just to do the simplest things because of their weight and their size.
and then with Bucky and Steve I think mobility aids and accomodations would come relatively late into the process, not because Bucky doesn't want them, but because he 1) has the/a supersoldier serum so that eases some of the intense discomfort and pain and mostly reduces it to an annoyance or some things just take him longer and 2) he has a super soldier around to help out
I think some accomodations would creep in without them even noticing, like
when Bucky first moves into Steve's apartment it's still a bachelor pad, mostly Steve's decor and some furnishings SHIELD put in for Steve, one of the things they replace is the low futon style bed
they aren't even really thinking about accomodating Bucky's weight yet, but they both gravitate towards a higher bed, maybe a really nice box-spring bed?
(I honestly don't know much about beds 😅 but I like the ones that go all the way to the bottom and don't have feet or short ones because I feel like those would be less likely to break due to weight or.. shenanigans)
something that's around hip-height, that makes it easier for Bucky to get up since he doesn't have to heave himself up from such a low position
also something with a high weight limit just because hey, they're big guys even when they aren't actively gaining and getting heavier and when they're having fun in bed (feeding, stuffing, sex (in that or any order haha)) they don't want to have to worry about accidentally breaking anything
heavy-duty chairs obviously no arm rests, as hot as it is to try and squeeze his fat ass in, Bucky doesn't need that at every meal, I feel like they'd have a huge sofa, not just a three seater or something but the full thing with like ottomans and pull-out sections
heavy duty everything really though I feel like SHIELD would've added that just because they know Captain America has super strength and would probably appreciate some sturdy furniture in his apartment, someone had to furnish that apartment for Steve, I can't imagine him thawing out of the ice and heading straight to bed, bath and beyond 😂
that's furniture, what about behavioural accomodations?
Steve definitely gets Bucky whatever he asks for, no need to get up when Steve is already on his way, I love the headcanon that the serum gave Steve a serious energy boost, like he can barely sit still and even if he does his thoughts are racing instead, so yeah most of the time he's puttering around the apartment anyway and he's more than happy to get Bucky whatever he wants
whenever they go out they're quick to order an uber or use public transport, they don't walk much when they're together, Steve enjoys running, even when he gains weight I think it's a good outlet for his pent up energy, and if they want to enjoy the city, they'd rather sit in a café or on a shaded bench in a park, than walking around aimlessly just for the sake of it
(this is like 80 million head canons stacked on top of each other 😂)
Bucky with a cane enough said, actually not enough said
his joints, bones, muscles, tendons are probably a mess of scar tissue after 70 years of being the winter soldier, so I 100% support the headcanon that he struggles with chronic pain from that
his prosthesis looks heavy af which could lead to some one-sided overuse and when he takes it off, he's leaning to the other side, a cane could help with balance and
imagine he's so heavy and his thighs are so thick that he has a heavy waddle that makes him sway side to side and the cane helps him stabilize his body during every step he takes 😩😩😩
it's a clichée at this point but riding a mobility scooter while buying a shitton of food, Bucky is already pretty big at this point, like "worrying about the weight limit on those scooters"-big, even with the arm rests pushed up Bucky is squeezed in, he's definitely wider than the seat and you can see his hips and thighs hanging over the seat of the scooter from the back (Steve loves letting Bucky lead the way just to get a view of that backside 😏😂)
this is also the point where they're like "ok, we gotta seriously talk about mobility aids now" I imagine Bucky's been using the cane at least since he was below 300lbs (ooh braces too maybe to support his knee?) and the first time he used the mobility scooter was a novelty and a "I wanna feel fat"-moment, you know what I mean?
but then Bucky notices how much less exhausted he is after grocery shopping, usually he takes a short nap after and he used to think it was just mostly because of all the lights and sounds and people, just a sensory thing, but now it's like "no, carrying around all this weight is definitly a big part of it"
idk if they'd go straight for a personal mobility scooter, I feel like Bucky would maybe add a walking frame first? not a lot of moving parts and it's similar to his cane, so there's some familiarity there, it's helpful around the house but outside it's usually more of an annoyance because people won't move out of his way and the uneven pavements make it feel less stable than inside
next he might start thinking about a wheelchair, the jump to a mobility scooter feels huge, something manual feels easier to think about, he'd still have to push himself
but after trying it out Bucky has to admit that it takes a lot of strength and endurance to push himself around and he doesn't want Steve to constantly be pushing him, not because he thinks Steve wouldn't want to do it but because he also wants to look at Steve's face while they're out and about and just chatting about everything and nothing, and he'd give up a lot of freedom if he went with a manual wheelchair right now
so a mobility scooter it is
it takes Bucky another few months to actually decide, the reason it feels like such a huge step is partially because of what other people will think, Bucky has a slight exibitionist streak, but getting around in a mobility scooter will draw even more attention than he already gets
it's almost a self-proclaimed, "I'm too fat to walk", which isn't true, he can and does still walk around fine, maybe not that far or that often, but he can still do it and hell, he gets off to the thought, Steve gets off on it too, it's not like what people assume is going to be wrong
but this big investment is almost like a final nail in the coffin of his mobility, is it giving up or giving in? finally permission to stop worrying, to stop scoping restaurants and cafés for chairs that'll hold him, to start demanding people make space for him instead of jostling his walking frame or bumping into his cane
in the end Bucky doesn't regret his decision, even for a second, he gets to visit his favourite places in the city without pain, without wheezing from exhaustion, without feeling embarassed by how much space he takes up (as delicious as that shame could sometimes be when Steve talks about those moments afterwards in the bedroom)
and maybe they finally cycle back around to replacing their current bed, not because it's broken but because they're dangerously quickly approaching that heavy weight limit and maybe a bariatric bed is the next step in Bucky's journey
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chain-draws-stuff · 5 months
Hello hello! Before you start reading this chapter I want to thank you to @caldraws for giving me the idea for this part! This story may be a little long so I had to cut it into 2 parts so it's not too long bc I don't want you guys to read something that's that long.
This story will be taking place in Questions and Answers to Watching lies. It's sort of a prolog but at the same time it's kind of not at the same time. So to make it simple for you guys It's like a back perspective of what or what was happening to the other half part of the 2 chapters so...enjoy! :D
And sorry if I was away for like a day long so uhh...here's the next chapter I guess? Also if you're wondering on what the end looks like when I wrote in one of my chapters "a blue mushroom area" I am actually using the updated end mod in minecraft! So uhhh yeah!
now...with that's said let's get to the story!
Chapter 7
Part 1/2
??? pov:
After centuries of spending my immortal lives banished in that barren wasteland he sent me to...I can finally...finally be free for once...but my fine time ended shortly when I wondered around the end until I passed by an opend ancient portal. It was covered in orange vines and some of those thalasium crystals 'this one must had been fixed by those other kings before him' I went into the lit portal heading on to the overworld. I wanted to see what the mortals we're doing in there mortal lives and see what there up to...
As I got through the portal I was thinking what the humans were planning to take over the end?, kill every single living thing that breathes, walk and crawl? Enslaving others? Or even better planning to destroy the nether...but unfortunately none of those ideas of mine were true but instead they built a civilization with tall houses and weird village's 'how long have I been banished for? Ive never seen mortals build something like this...' I thought to myself as i existed my mind scape and returned back to reality noticing a few humans near the stronghold seeing strange thigs they use for transportation 'i wonder what there up to..' I say to myself as a approach the huma not seen because apparently I'm still stuck on my ghost form I'm still free but not fully...I still needed my body back which is going to be a huge struggle since I have to drag that boy with me along the way I can't go through 3 dimensions in this form sure I am a God who can travel between universe's and worlds but my abilities somehow don't work in this form He  cursed me to, for almost an eternity...so I went closer what were the humans investigating...'the stronghold? What could they possibly want with this old structure?' I asked myself as I see the endstone slowly growing. As I slowly and carefully reached out to the endstone it started to create cracks the closer my hand(sort of claws, as you saw in one of my post about this) i came closer and closer revealing more cracks as I started to get closer with the endstone.
And as my hand(claws) interact with he endstone, a spike peirced through the cracks impailing one of he humans behind me causing him to pour out blood from his mouth leading himself to die....I was left in shock on how I have the ability to help the infection spread. This was a huge advantage for me to take over the overworld and defeat he nether and His upcoming armies.
As I was doing more of the infestation on the land I decided it was enough as Ieft taking pity on the humans and leaving the rest flee the scene Alive.
As I was following a random man (which is Shaw in Questions and Answers) for some little reason...I was finding more information about what were the human Really Planning because I wasn't convinced on that the mortals weren't planning something unexpected...as I was 'Stalking' this mortal named Shaw heading back home but first had to head to Steve's house 'huh...a human whi is looking for my Mortal Vessel? ' As I was observing him I noticed that Steve was more like a son to him. Once Shaw entered Steve's house only to come to witness his house looking like a ruin everything was broken down, shattered into small pieces. He was left in shock and wory he was then left running out of the house riding his so called 'car' he drove off leaving me in the middle of nowhere in front of someone's house.
I came into the house to check the place more looking at the cabinets, shelves, tables then I saw something...a book...I picked up the book and opened the first page...
Dear diary
Today was kind of weird...I was left in the middle of nowhere it was about to rain so I looked for shelter and found an open cave in the forest...
As I step deeper into the cave my clothes were soggy wet, like very wet I saw a dead person wearing a red cape, blue clothing and some other stuff I kind of don't remember...
I got deeper into the cavern finding a robot? I began chasing it while traveling through weird places and weird things until we stopped to a room filled with portals they call the checkpoint.
I was arguing with the small green round robot fighting about he fact they thought I was Stalking them
(Yes I watched the video U-U)
After a lady? Oh yes a lady popped out of nowhere.
- Steven #####
(Don't ask why i didn't finish it I was very lazy at the time rn bc I was writing this jn the middle of the night)
???: Steve's diary? Well...better keep it for better uses...
I checked the other parts of the house, talked to myself for a while and left to go follow the Shaw guy going somewhere. Looks like he was heading to another mortals home I got closer to see the people. As I can now see everyone on my view I saw a mortal dragging another mortal behind him
Chris: what is it sarge?
The mortal asked
Shaw:...umm...why are you dragging Austin?
Shaw said with confusion and seriousness
Chris:here trying to avoid going to bed. Now what are you doing here at the middle of he night?
He answered and followed by another question needed to be answered
Shaw: I came here to ask you something...
Shaw answered
Chris: what does that have to do with me or Austin?
He followed by answering with confusion
The human(chris) was shock on what Shaw had just explained the mortal was thinking on how or when did it happen as a few seconds passed the human thought before coming back to reality.
Chris:*sigh* all this thinking is giving me a headache...but I can assure you, we can go ahead and investigate Steve's house and the portal tomorrow if you want
The human(Chris) says with confidence as Shaw thanked him that he would help him during the investigation
Shaw: thanks kid...I also might interrogate you 3 tomorrow
Shaw added
Chris:wait who's the third?
He asked
Shaw:oh its his robot
Shaw answered
Shaw:we also need to start the investigation early in the morning tomorrow so we can get this mystery solved in no time
Shaw added, and with that the human(Chris) nodded his head then gently closed the door while Shaw left and headed home
I was left alone behind a bush as I watched everything what they said
????: hehe this is going to be fun~
I left the house and searched around for a place to camp for now.
As the sky goes dark and night had fallen everyone was now asleep...my eyes felt heavy and I closed my eyes as I slowly drifted away from reality
Part 1 out of 2
First chapter/previous/next
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thatonebabybat · 1 year
Okay. Long rant ahead, but... I'm bothered by those ppl who use "SaYiNG GoTH IS A MUsIc SuBCULtUrE IS ABLEISt BC DEaF PeOpLE CaN'T LIStEN TO It--" as a reason for why they think they can call it an aesthetic or a fashion style. Like.
1. Blind people can't see aesthetics so what are you getting at here exactly?? Is liking aesthetics bad because some people can't see them? Your own logic is working against you here tbh..
2. The people saying this generally aren't deaf and therefore probably shouldn't be speaking for the deaf community. (I don't intend to either, so if you're deaf and reading this and there's something you'd like for me to correct or work on, please feel free.)
3. I'm sure most goths would be chill w a deaf person hanging out w them as long as they understand the history and are participating in the community in some meaningful way. Like, they might not be able to hear the music, but they may still be able to read/appreciate the written lyrics, or maybe they can't hear the music but they still enjoy clubbing and like participating in goth nights… And there are still deaf music artists so that's always an option too- Plus, some deaf people can still like music on occasion bc hearing aids have gotten really advanced, so to lump them all together as being completely unable to enjoy it at all is strange… There's a lot of ways a deaf person could still be able to chill in a music subculture. I don't think anyone is intentionally excluding deaf people from the scene. I would like to think most people would be understanding in that specific scenario.
..Doesn't explain why an able-bodied person with access to as much music as they could ever possibly want through the internet gets to totally ignore it though. I think it says a lot that these people are aware of their privilege to be able to listen to music and participate in the community in that way, but instead decide to use disabled people as a shield for why they shouldn't have to put in even a tiny bit of effort before claiming a 40+ year old subculture for themselves. They don't actually care about making goth more accessible, if they did they'd be subtitling music videos, or posting the lyrics and translations of goth songs to lyric sites, or making more efforts to make goth events more comfortable for disabled people… But no. It's just about them.
4. Even if someone decided being goth wasn't for them because they were deaf and couldn't hear the music, no one is saying you're a lesser person or "bad" somehow for not being a goth. Like. Deaf people can be goth. But becoming a goth isn't a requirement. If it's not your thing it's not your thing, but it does mean a lot to the people who have been in the subculture for a long time. If you like the fashion and not the music, just use another word for it (alt/darkalt is a personal favorite of mine, but there's other tags you can use too) and call it a day, no one's judging you for that. It's not like people who don't like goth music can't express themselves with fashion or moodboards, I'm fine with that. I like doing that myself. Just don't call it goth if it doesn't have anything to do with goth music. Don't flood a music tag with completely unrelated content. It's rlly not that hard. Idk why people get so hung up on NEEDING to use this one word for things that have nothing to do with that word. It's absurd the lengths people will go just to take over someone else's label when it's totally unnecessary.
I'd love to hear thoughts from the actual disabled community on the topic though. What do you think goths could do to make the space more accessible? How do you feel about these kinds of arguments?? I'd like to get to know more about the subject.
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maiverie · 11 months
HI DO U HAVE ANY TIPS ON STARTING A TUMBLR BLOG? like how you format your links and everything i'm new and want to start a blog but don't know how 😭😭
hi anon!!! omg sure yes I dooo!!! when I started I didn't have anyone to help me so it was literally such a shitshow lmfao so I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
— (long post below)
disclaimer: this is all based on my experience and im sure there are other users with better tips than me so DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR GOSPEL BAHAHA
(also I'm going to assume you reached out to me because you want to start a kpop writing blog and not smth else, so all these tips are obv specific to writing blogs. I also don't know how experienced u are w Tumblr so I might say some obvious things,, sorry if you already know most of these things!!)
anyway tumblr is actually really intuitive and after about two days I honestly think you'll get it (probably even within a day tbh). here are some quick steps I feel like make sense in my mind:
find a url (if you're starting a kpop writing blog,, most people seem to include the name/a reference to their bias but in my case i kinda just went w my name and played around w it until I liked it 😭 you can also search for "url ideas" in tumblr if you're having trouble!!) keep in mind you can literally change it at any point in time so don't worry about choosing the -perfect- one
set up your blog! most of the time, people have a navigation post (the pinned post where everything is linked so readers can navigate ur blog easily), a masterlist (a post that shows everything you've ever written), a wip list (a post that lists all your works in progress, so fics you're currently writing and want to publish in the near future). additionally, people have a post about themselves (like an about me section with blog rules and stuff. this is my old old one). personally, i have a carrd right now (this is mine here) and you'll find other users have one or the other!
set up your navigation post: hyperlink honestly everyone's different (btw don't worry about taking these tips too seriously bc honestly u should do whatever you want on your blog — it's yours after all!!) but I think most people include their name, pronouns, age (sometimes), timezone (sometimes) and hyperlinks to their masterlist + wip list.
how to hyperlink im sure you've done it before for school, but it's really easy! here's a demonstration — this link will send you to my navi, and this link will send you to one of my fics! to do it, you just need to copy the link of whatever post you're trying to hyperlink (three dots in the top right of the post -> "copy link"), typesomething, double click onto the word you're trying to link it to, tap the 🔗 button, and copy the link into that! (in this example, it'd look like this: something.)
how to make ur navi neat/pretty personally, I used to just search for moodboards (on tumblr) and pick 3 photos that I really liked (obviously give credit to whoever made the moodboard!). what I have now is just something that I designed but you can have one or the other, it doesn't really matter! other tips I think I'd suggest is to keep it as simple as possible; you can embellish it later but make sure it's easy to read and people can see all the links! I really like searching for "symbols" on Tumblr, and then there are cute lil symbols u can add to your post :) or just use emojis! or dashes! this might be a little ahead, but I have a tutorial on gradient text if you really care, but maybe focus on the base first :D just as an example, my moot @.hazyyu has a really pretty navi!
apply the same principles to your masterlist + wip list + about me just search for symbols, add whatever images you think look pretty, search for "line breaks" on Tumblr and there are pictures of links you can use to divide stuff up! making a carrd is easy but time-consuming (just search on YouTube "carrd tutorial")
there are other caveats to a writing blog, but those were just the basics! here are some other things I thought I could mention:
a permanent taglist is a list of people you tag every single time you publish a story/update it (for the purpose of them being notified every time you post) — sometimes people will ask u to "add me to your permanent taglist!" which just means tag them every time you post a story. personally, I have a google form for anyone that wants to be on the permanent taglist, but I didn't do that initially — I used to just wait until people sent in an ask asking to be on it and then I'd have a separate post with everyone who did. for example, this was my old one! doesn't matter whichever approach you do ^^
people also organise their blog via the hashtags I do this too! it's so much easier that way :)) for example, every time I get an ask, I tag it with "#ask" (umm a lot of people are much more creative w their tags but personally icb lmaoo — here's an example of my friend who used a different tag and it's really pretty!). if you want help with organising your blog w tags, here's an explanation I wrote a while back!
if you want help promoting your work, you should consider joining a few networks! these are basically big big blogs that reblog all your work so more people can see ur stuff ^^ here are some of the ones I'm a part of: kflixnet, enhanet, k-labels!
you'll meet other users along the way and call them your moots; most of the time this just means you interact w them a lot via asks/dms. personally I'm not really active and I kinda find it hard to keep track of a lot of moots so I stick to myself and interact w anyone that comes my way!! but bae u can do whatever u want!! go find blogs of people that seem rlly cool and send an ask and just see where it goes; just don't badger people, be nice and I think you'll pick up on sm things naturally!!!
ur blog is gna look great!!! let me know when you finish setting it up!!! I hope this helps 😋💖
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trackdntraild · 2 months
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yo!! i'm kieran (im 20 wsg), im gay and boyflux (he/they) and cringe culture is dead, so i'm gonna be cringe on main!!!!! this post is way too FUCKING long so feel free to read this introduction and leave it at that idrc i wrote this for me anyways (/hj), anyways feel free to look at my pronouns page if you want some other misc info abt me
yes i format my page like a 15 year old so what i like never mentally recovered past middle school anyways, and no i will not stop changing my pinned post you can't make me!!!!!!! (this will be the last time i swear, i just got really autistic at 8 am)
i post books under the pen name alvin viana so uh thats nice
im really fucking annoying just a heads up, i also swear a lot. i can store so much autism and adhd in my brain it's a miracle that i even function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i use tone indicators too much
by the way fuck the algorithm tumblr can suck my dick
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if you want to you can send me asks about any of the fandoms im into or ships i like just be wary about sending spoiler content (like endings or other paths) unless i've explicitly posted about it before
i'm not gonna bother listing all my ships bc a lot of them are pretty obvious just bc of these post dividers (saiou is a comfort ship of mine, could you tell?) but feel free to send me other ships (i will judge you harshly for them /j)
so moving on, some of my fandoms include: sonic, danganronpa, stardew valley, cotl, fnaf, vocaloid/sekai, warrior cats, pokemon, genshin impact/honkai: star rail (sorta hi3 too?), ninjago, cookie run, promare, my little pony, aphmau, yttd, undertale, space leaper, food fantasy, afterl!fe, mystic messenger
anyways below the cut is some extra misc info you can look at if you want to, mostly just links and other random shit nobody gives a fuck abt (except for me bc im just like that)
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yes im a kinnie no i don't care about doubles no i won't tell you my full kin list i'll just randomly drop the fact i kin characters sometimes
if you want a few of the characters i personally idenify with the main ones are kieran from pokemon s/v and freminet from genshin impact (call me kiki and im stabbing you by the way /hj)
some of my other major kins include albedo, wanderer, herrscher of sentience, arlan, kagamine len, ivypool, starlight glimmer, kokichi ouma, and lio fotia
i kin more characters those are just the main ones, i'm the worst combination of all your least favourite character tropes!!!!
feel free to ask me about my kins if you want, or ask what kin shift im in idrc, i dont kin shift that much anymore but sometimes i do
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i do edits and moodboards sometimes??? i guess?? sometimes i'll make icons or whatever, sometimes i do fancy dividers, hell did you guys know im an artist i do that sometimes too, occasionally i do sprite edits if i feel like it but i'm not that good at replicating artstyles so shrugs, mainly just do ur classic 2018 tumblr edits here
so uh if you want some icons or whatever the fuck else i listed
✨ Feel Free To Send Requests ✨
i don't have much of a blacklist other than don't be weird about ships (so no pr*sh*p stuff) and don't ask for nsfw/gorey stuff
but i do edits pretty rarely so don't expect a lot from me lmaooo
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for some reason i also made tags for some of my bs ramblings so stuff usually tagged with .txt is miscellaneous bullshit i post (ocasionally some of my posts are funny, i think)
some, but not all of them, may include: legendary post archive.txt, the brainrot.txt, random.txt, art.txt, psa.txt, save.txt, asks.txt, fave.txt signal boost.txt, promo.txt, random.txt, textingronpa.txt
most of my personal ramblings go under random.txt but occasionally i add other stuff, so if the tumblr search function allows you to peruse the tags go ahead idrc if you do
a lot of my posts are LONG POSTS, so if you don't wanna see long posts please blacklist the 'long post tw' tag bc that's what i normally tag them as!!! yes, i mean it, ill post them a lot
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hey i have a shit ton of ✨ social media ✨ and ✨ miscellaneous bullshit websites ✨ if you wanna check em out, idk why you'd wanna do that tho all my cringeposting is already here
i've got some accs i'm only leaving up to ward off impersonators so i'm not linking them here but if you want to know what they are idrc if you just ask me through the askbox or whatever
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dogstarblues · 6 months
20 Questions
got tagged by @artemis-devotee. seemed like fun! ty botan!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 11 works and i can tell you four of those are poetry.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on ao3? used to write for the ch**tiverse, still write for Victoria Goddard's Nine Worlds. well, okay im on hiatus from participating in fan stuff bc i got too much going on and i have complicated feelings abt fandom. but. on ffnet? naruto, inuyasha, bleach, fairy tail, danny phantom. i think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we have time (love this one - much needed natural hair content in that fandom, much needed)
you can't even see how much you're mine (i'm really proud of this one)
before we have time
just for now
gazing at the sun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i respond to everyone's comments if i can remember LOL
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you can't even see how much you're mine. really exorcised my polyamory baggage with that one LMAO
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmmmm none of them end poorly but they end heavily, if that makes sense? but also they don't. like most of my fanfiction as an adult in my 30s is discussion of wants and needs in a relationship and hashing out things that need to be talked abt
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have on ffnet when i was a teen and giving every naruto character in my biopunk fanfic like 4 codenames SDKVDFLVMS
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yuh. "just for now" is smut (old man yaoi). and there's another i think. i wanted to really confront my sex repulsion and explore my own boundaries around what i write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
naur i never understood crossovers v well. i love an AU tho
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
probably not. on ffnet it was SO goth edgelord and now it's extremely poetic prose. (and when i say POETIC prose i mean it tend to be concise and abstract, not that its purple) who wants that LOL
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yes! my first fanfiction was with my childhood friend Sunshine and we posted a double-self-insert absolute MANIC fanfic set in the world of Inuyasha posted to ffnet. one of my fondest memories. i dictated, she wrote.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i don't have one these days but i shant say what it used to be only that it made me insane from the time i was 14 to the age of 25.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i had an old man yaoi urban fantasy au wherein a character who used to be the chosen one had been imprisoned and was surviving the trauma of that as a music teacher and i read a ton of prison literature for it and watched documentaries and watched interviews and spent WEEKS researching trauma from incarceration and what it means to be incarcerated (part of this was because my birth father was about to be incarcerated and i was trying to write through my understanding of what he'd be going through) and researching what town councils do. and then a (now former) friend had torn apart the fic paragraph by paragraph during beta and wrote how boring parts were and no one wanted to hear abt me talking abt poetry in the fanfic and it was my FIRST fanfic since i was in my early twenties and i basically deleted the whole thing out of embarrassment and hurt. iykyk who it was. idk if i can ever go back to that. i just don't. i want to but. even strangers in workshops aren't that cruel LOL
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm a pretty/poetic writer good at relationship shit i think. i'm good at grounding the reader in a sense of place and my writing is very tactile. it's embodied.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am a pretty/poetic writer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i know some spanish and a little french and even less russian (i'm like learning that one through osmosis) but it's not v applicable. hmmmm i wouldn't try unless i was fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
either the naruto biopunk fanfiction on ffnet (i turned that one into a fanfic from a biopunk short story i had written in high school it's v close to my heart even if edgy) or "you can't even see how much you're mine" bc i put a lot into that or "we have time" because your partner doing your natural hair IS a love language.
if yall wanna hop in i'm tagging @toopunkrockforshul @cadencekismet @markeyverse
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faithlesbian · 1 year
what do u think the negative reactions to transfem angel are? *cough* kate lockley *cough*
ah! short answer is i don't. I think (aside from being a legitimate lens through which to View The Text) for me the Trans Angel Reading is like, my little passion project and my joint imagined AU that lives in me and @titsgirlbuffy's brains so if im not doing proper analytical posting im mostly filling up that daydream with funny and heartwarming stuff, bc to be honest if i wanna see Angel suffer all i need to do is watch the show. so in short i haven't really given much thought to that side of things.
that being said now you've brought it up i do think the way the supernatural functions as a queer metaphor so often across both shows opens up interesting conversations about discrimination, very much including how Kate lockleys attitude towards demons stood in for other forms of bigotry. we see her becoming more and more hateful and distrustful of the supernatural long before we see her racially profile Gunn, and it would make sense for that to also map on to homophobia and transphobia given that's the more common metaphor. she's not in the show from s3 onwards and I wonder if that would've changed how certain plotlines that used that metaphor were handled, such as the s3 episode that old gang of mine which imo handled almost everything very poorly bc by placing demons as a (thinly veiled) stand in for queer people and putting Gunn in the middle of the conflict it basically ended up saying you can't be black and queer without betraying one of those communities?? I need to write like a proper post about that episode at some point bc they fucked that in ways.
anyway i realise i haven't like answered your question at all but i think while there would obviously be Early '00s Transphobia it wouldn't be from any of the main characters. Fred would probably have the hardest time processing I think, bc she had such a crush on Angel (handsome man who saved her from the monsters) and I don't think it's something she likely has prior experience with given her Normal Texas Upbringing, but that'd come from confusion rather than disapproval and it wouldn't take her long to get over. I think Wesley would also have the same problem given that imo Angel was basically the cause of his gay awakening in ats s1 so he's like the person who made me realise I like men... isn't actually a man... but that's Wesley's personal crisis and he wouldn't let it affect his support for angel
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answered ask under the cut, but spoilers for (idk a pla fic series that they didn't name and i've never seen), and also me being kind of a bitch. you are warned.
[ Anonymous: That is... really weird that you said that, because that fic series I mentioned *does* have two heroes, as learned by the mc via Vessa, who came after them, but it was still widely known at that point that there had been two. You've said you don't read much pla fic, so I'm pretty sure you've never read the series, which makes that a strange coincidence!
Spoilers for it, since you've said you don't mind those but for anyone who does, but Vessa says that likely the reason for there only being one hero in recent tellings, some 1000 years after the fact, was because the second hero became something of a "villain" afterward. Only she did it to send the other one, who was a faller, home. Arceus had kind of broken the world (on accident, it's implied), and when confronted by the two heroes and the ten soon-to-be nobles, it fixed things and left. But the faller hero had no way back to their own time and place, so the other hero purposefully broke things again. Not as bad as before, but it was still bad. That rift that they opened seems to have caused a bunch of other, much smaller rifts to open and close all over the place, similar to the distortion bubbles but not nearly as dramatic, which people seeking power took advantage of, once they learned they could, seeing as the second hero had done it. Which basically tore things apart and caused everyone to have to flee. Which is why the only things left of it are ruins and the two temples, and the only people are two small settlements with no apparent agriculture. Everyone else died or fled, and people only started coming back to their homeland not like recently-recently, but historically recently. The author goes kind of based on stuff from those Old Verse poems, and the small bits that Vessa gives you, as well as some other things I think, to help with their world building. ]
uh huh yeah the old verses. those things i definitely both know and care about and treat as canon and which are definitely not the most egregious example of me throwing pieces of pla canon into the trash. yep.
i'm ngl this is the main reason i don't like ppl going "oh hey that fic pitch/piece of analysis you just posted was already done somewhere else" cause it's like. well now i can't use this myself without feeling like i'm stealing, or like ppl are gonna assume i'm doing that. especially annoying when it's a bit of analysis/canon extrapolation that i don't even think is hard to come up with in isolation, cause it's not even that other person's Proprietary Idea, that's like original to them, they just happen to be the first/most well known/the one known by the specific person talking to me. like i'm sure this other fic is great and all but like i said in that post, i feel like "two heroes" is just something that's arguably implied, albeit maybe unintentionally, by the existence of more nobles than can fit in a pokemon team, specifically ten, and the ongoing diamond/pearl parallelism.
like i don't think any of my ideas are particularly unique or special, if anything my only distinction is being early to the jump (gestures vaguely at dr analysis), i just would prefer to keep them Mine when i write about them. yanno. it's not like i'm gonna get fined for plagiarism now or anything it's just like, annoying to me. idk the fic sounds fine i guess, i've never read it, and probably will never read it bc it sounds fairly convoluted and like it does too much justification legwork for my tastes, but now i have to have the plot of it hanging over me if i ever write two heroes/ongoing space-time distortion/vessa involvement/etc. the last bit being especially annoying bc i'm literally doing that right now and now it doesn't feel like Mine anymore, because someone else told me about it.
idk i'm just complaining at you i guess, sorry. this just frustrates me is all. i should probably put a disclaimer or warning somewhere but it's not like people read blog descriptions, or even the description of the askbox anymore, since the new blog viewer lets you bypass that now. ugh.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
hi, i really love your writing (world forgetting and stats are two of my all-time favorite fics!!) and i was wondering if you had any advice for new(er) writers?
how did/do you improve your writing? how do you write such great character dynamics? do you have any general tips?
sorry to bother you and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to!
oh yes I always love giving advice!! if you ever want writing advice just in general you can check the carrd linked in my pinned post and I have some writing advice posted on there, but I'll also give some here
this is gonna be long bc idk how to keep things short so i'm putting it under a read more
I've said this to a lot of people before but the #1 way you improve your writing GUARANTEED is... *drumroll*
you write!
I know it sounds obvious but I think it really needs to be reiterated over and over again. if you want to improve your writing, you have to write. a lot. practice is always going to be the best way to improve your skills no matter what. even if you're not consciously trying to improve your skills as you write, you will just improve naturally the more you do it. I've been writing since I learned how to read, but I got serious about honing my writing as a skill when I was around 13 years old (I'm 22 now for reference). around that time I decided that I wanted writing to be my thing, my form of art, and I wanted to be as good as I could be at it. so I just made it a goal to try and write nearly every single day. it didn't matter what I was writing—whether or not it ever saw the light of day was irrelevant. I just wrote stuff I wanted to read. sometimes I'd only write 100 words in a day, sometimes I'd write thousands of words in a day. I just kept doing it. I got into fanfic writing when i was 15, and that was a great way for me to actually be able to post my work and get validation on it. that made it a lot easier to keep practicing, but even then I didn't post most of what I wrote. I wrote for myself first and foremost. even if it was just a half scene from an au that only lived in my head, if i wanted to put it down on paper I did. because I knew that even if I was the only person that ever saw it, just the act of putting it into words was going to improve my skills.
I know perfectionism is a huge thing a lot of writers struggle with. I know this is easier said than done, but you have to let yourself be bad. write whatever the fuck you want even if no one will ever see it. you don't have to think too hard on it. even if you think it's shit writing that you're barely trying on, guess what, it'll improve your skills! the act of putting scenes and ideas into words on paper helps ingrain things like rhythm and sentence structure and word choice into your brain so it slowly becomes more muscle memory than something you have to think really hard about. like I literally can't emphasize enough how any writing at all no matter how 'shitty' it is will improve your skills. one time we did a quick write in a creative writing class over the course of 15 minutes and then had volunteers read their segments out loud. I read mine, and my professor commented on how shockingly good my prose was for something I wrote in 15 minutes. that's because I've had so much practice that my rushed, sloppy, first attempt prose is still pretty damn good, since the base skills are just so ingrained in my head at this point.
so yeah, if you wanna improve, just write. anything and everything. write for yourself. write with no goal in mind. just put words onto paper and IT WILL HELP.
now as for character dynamics, I always have a few key things in mind about a character when I'm writing them. in my head I just keep track of a few 'core' traits they have, and make sure to incorporate those in the aus I write. like for example, when I write c!wilbur there are two major things about him that I always keep in mind: his need to be seen as more competent than he is, and the fact that he places a lot of his self worth on what others think of him. those are two of his most defining factors in my opinion, so they act as my guide when I write him, and that in turn bleeds into his dialogue and actions which affects his dynamics with others.
of course you also have to do research for character dynamics. if I'm struggling to capture someone's voice, I'll look up clips on youtube or twitch of them to be reminded of how they talk and act and things like that. also I read a lot of meta analysis on characters which helps a lot. shoutout to dsmpblr for so much meta it helps me sm
anyway I hope that helps! sorry this was so long, but I always love giving writing advice <3
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bananaquilava · 2 years
hi, I hope you're having a good day!! I've been reading the tags on my post about asexuality bc I love seeing that so many ppl be seen. I saw yours about the SAM and as someone who doesn't know much about it wanted to ask what you think my post is missing. I don't really have an ace community so am definitely still learning just how broad /nuanced it is. if you feel comfortable sharing, plz let me know! <33
Oh, sure. Though for the record I'm not in any ace community either so these are just my personal thoughts, and for all I know I'm totally alone thinking this.
I'm not sure how much you know so starting from the beginning: The Split Attraction Model (SAM) is the idea that attraction can be split between sexual and romantic attraction, basically exactly what you said about asexual and aromantic being different things.
Of course it's only good to acknowledge the difference between ace and aro, but it's also a pet peeve of mine when someone says or implies that A) the sam is exclusive to asexuality and doesn't apply to any other sexuality, and/or B) the sam is inherent to all aspec identities, including those that are both ace and aro. Even though they probably didn't intend to imply either of those things, too much emphasis on "ace and aro are COMPLETELY different and shouldn't EVER be treated as the same" makes me a little anxious.
This is partly because I'm acearo and it seems unnecessary for me to call myself "acearo" instead of just "ace" when that's not expected of any other orientation. (No gay person ever calls themself "homo/homoro" for example.)
It's also partly because I was there when the "ace isn't lgbt" discourse was big on Tumblr several years ago, so anyone implying that ace people have some sort of exception that doesn't apply to other orientations reminds me of old arguments like "ace is a modifier to other identities, not an identity on its own" and "ace is the only orientation that's inherently sexual so kids shouldn't know or talk about it." Of course I'm probably just being paranoid and no one actually still thinks that, or at least I hope so.
I think that's the gist of it, but I could probably go more in-depth on any of those things if you want.
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