#i have a crush on megatron. this is established
swervesbar · 1 year
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First episode impressions: I want to join Dot and Megatron's polycule so fucking bad
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Thoughts on a Decepticon Hotlock Established couple deciding to woo Ratchet across the battlefield after Deadlock confesses to a long-term crush and Hot Rod decides to get injured to vet Ratchet and spends the entire time flirting with him while getting the best medical treatment of his life only to speed off back to Deadlock and go "Babe I approve, let's do this."
Now, Ratchet (and the Autobots) have to deal with Megatron’s top two assassins and known favorites chasing after Ratchet.
Pure chaos and a blend of things!
I love this!
Deadlock breaks in often claiming he has an incurable disease that only Ratchet’s time, love & affection can cure. He melts the door panels so no one can get out or in and spends his time bothering Ratchet with jokes, touches, flirty gestures and coy words while actually getting Ratchet to eat and take care of himself since medics are shit at doing that for themselves.
Ratchet has and will continue to break something on Deadlocks frame to fix an injury the con didn’t get checked or needs more attention. He will complain about this while also being so tender in his care.
Ratchet may or may not have found it easier to connect with Deadlock since they’re both older and express their emotions in a similar fashion.
Deadlock claimed Ratchet with a typical decepticon mating claim in the form of a vicious bite and claw marks while Hot rod used his flames.
Ratchet was a little more sly in courting Deadlock. He gifted the mech crystals, something he learned Deadlock loved because of Hot Rod. Hot rod could tell Ratchet wanted to display his own courting and so he told him one of Deadlocks secret joys.
Ratchet gifted Deadlock a space in his home for crystals and Hot rod enjoyed watching them seal their courting.
Now Deadlock and Hot rod already claimed each other with claw marks and bites and Hot rod’s flames but Hot rod and Ratchet have yet to go beyond the surface and this was due to Ratchet not believing someone as young and so full of energy like Hot Rod could want him.
It was Deadlock who put in perspective for Ratchet that Hot Rod was very much in fact interested in him. It was Hot rod who motivated deadlock to open up and be vulnerable with Ratchet and helped move things along its just Hot Rod wasn’t good at doing the same.
For all Hot rod’s charisma and cheer and personality he wasn’t a very happy mech deep down. It wasn’t something he liked to share with even Deadlock who he was closest to and learning that it was indeed Hot Rod who destroyed his own planet so Zeta could not make them weapons, at the acceptance of Hot Rods own people who shared the same sentiment as him, Ratchet found himself seeing the younger in a new light.
Especially when he learned Hot Rod was willing at one point to become an autobot before being rejected and almost offlined.
Ratchet started to notice then that Deadlock was correct and Hot rod did keep him at arms length while making him feel welcome.
He noticed the lower class mannerisms Hot rod couldn’t always hide and how the bot wasn’t always present not out need to move as he played off but because of insecurity and fear.
So Ratchet took a different approach and cornered the little speedster by trapping him in a blanket under his weight and keeping the little mech wrapped between his legs and arms.
Ratchet did it often enough that Hot Rod just came with his own blanket and sat on the medics lap who nodded with a smug appreciative smirk.
The three spent a lot of time like that and learned Hot Rod’s love language was touch just like theirs.
Ratchet made his courting gift to Hot Rod something personal. A knitted blanket with the courting dance of Nyon etched throughout the entire space.
Hot Rod cried for the first time in front of both Ratchet and Deadlock, the latter admitted to never seeing Hot Rod cry not even after his planets demise by his own servos, and Hot Rod immediately accepted the courting the same joor.
Making their union complete with a spark merge.
I hope this was to your liking. I love this ask, feel free to ask or rant about any transformers ships if you like. 💞🌙
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jazzy-man13 · 8 months
Pt2 of WFC Megatron x GN Titan cybertronian reader
Pt 2 (Also I forgot to mention, this fic was meant to be platonic- you can totally interpret it as romantic though if you'd like)
As the war went on, you had been a very useful ally. Every time it seemed as though the autobots had the upper hand, you would show up and crush them, along with any chances of them winning.
You thought back to the first time you had truly been used in battle.Megatron let out a sinister laugh. "Look at these cowards flee!" You looked at him. He was standing on your shoulder, making fun of the autobots so far below as they ran off the battlefield. He looked excited, like a sparkling getting their first alt mode. You figured that the decepticons had been struggling to gain the upper hand for quite some time if he was this excited over one victory.
Megatron looked up, noticing you observing him. "Is something of interest to you?" He had asked with a sneer, though his words didn't sound unkind. You paused, unsure of what to say next. Megatron let out a laugh, amused by your sudden shyness. Such a big bot with so little to say was certainly an entertaining sight.
You snapped back to the present as Megatron shouted your name. "What are you doing? Make yourself useful and finish moving th-" Megatron's sentence was cut short by a loud explosion.
You glanced up from Megatron to see none other than Metroplex standing before you. You instinctively grabbed your null ray and prepared to fire at him. To your surprise, he raised his cupped hands and revealed Optimus in them. Optimus looked you in the optics and said, "I did not come to fight." You gave him a quizzical look, but did not lower your weapon.
Before you could question him, he spoke. "I came for answers. Are you aware of what you are doing? You've sided yourself with the decepticons, but do you know their true motives? They have waged war upon our planet, out home, and you continue to assist them. I came to make an offer. You can stay with the decepticons if you wish, or you can learn the true meaning of freedom and fight for it. I bear no ill intentions, but if you stay sided with the decepticons we will have no choice but to take you offline."
Finishing his speech, he stood expectantly, waiting for an answer. It's true that you had not known of the decepticons' intentions when you had first joined them. You don't approve of merciless slaughter, but did that matter now? You had already established yourself as a con, and you had no intentions of betraying your loyalty to Megatron.
You were prepared to give your answer, but someone spoke up before you did.
"HOW DARE YOU, PRIME!" Megatron roared up at him. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TRY AND PUT MY SOLDIER'S LOYALTY INTO QUESTION!" You looked down at the tyrant you had grown close to over the past few months. Reaching one arm down, you let him hop onto your sevro before lifing him up to the Prime's level. Shifting uncomfortably, the Prime questioned you once again. "Have you come to a decision?"
"Yes. I will not abandon my leader. Megatron shall bring glory to Cybertron, and together we will crush whoever stands in our way." Megatron grinned up at you, and Optimus sighed. Metroplex gave you a funny look, like you had insulted him. You supposed that made sense- considering that as far as anyone knew, you two were the the last functional Titans.
It can't feel good knowing you'll have to destroy the only other one of your kind, you thought to yourself. Wait, what? You were startled out of your thoughts by the cannon aimed directly at your face and Megatron shouting at you. "(Y/N), MOVE!"
You brought Megatron closer to your chassis to protect him as Optimus aimed his weapons. Finally gathering your senses, you moved. You booked it out of there, sprinting as fast as a titan can while being shot at. You finally gained some distance from the two chasing you and sat down, venting hard. Megatron laughed. A long, genuine, hearty laugh. Confused, you looked down at the warlord, moving your hands away from your chassis and toward your face.
"What's so funny?" You asked. Megatron looked up at you and smiled. "You're rather loyal to me." he said. "Of course I am, you saved me. I vowed to follow you from the day we met. I have no desire to stop now. Were you expecting a different outcome?" you questioned. "I'm not sure what I had been expecting, but the devotion of such an excellent warrior such as yourself is most welcome."
Warmth spread through your frame as Megatron turned his attention from you to call Soundwave. You were certain that the next time you faced Metroplex and Optimus, you'd be ready. All hail Megatron.
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searchingforatrail · 2 months
Rodimus comes off as someone who would completely disassociate with Megatron after getting back to Cybertron (in an AU where he survived), either because he has some unresolved feelings towards him (both negative and positive) or because he thinks its something he should do as a Prime and an autobot.
Megatron would be respectful of Rodimus if ever he wanted nothing to do with him, and he'd move on with his own life while occasionally being saddened by what they could have been, but remembering that he played a very negative role in Rodimus's life prior to the Lost Light.
He would never hate or dislike Rodimus for establishing his boundaries. He would never hate Rodimus for Rodimus hating him.
And while he moves on, I totally see Rodimus being stuck on him. Even if he shows on the outside that he doesn't care, or that he's better off without him, or that Megatron was bad for him, he is always crushed by the distance he's put between them.
Shame and pride prevent him from ever speaking to or bridging the gap between them.
And when Megaton truly moves on, with someone else or minimus or optimus does it truly, truly ruin Rodimus.
He wanted Megatron to fight, to prove that the boundaries were worth setting. To prove that he was the danger that Rodimus made himself believe he was. To prove that Megatron never changed.
Megatron simply moved on. Rodimus was the one who didn't.
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
It is set in the G1 Cartoon. Unfortunately, it has grown more character analysis then I intend. I know have much more planned for the MegaShock / MoonShock.
MegaShock is like a childhood romance in this as I am going with the Megatron Was Made and Raised to Lead the Decepticons to Overthrow the Autobots backstory from the cartoon. Except I am applying seriousness to this. Also drawing from the G1 character notes of Soundwave being a blackmailer and feared in his faction and fully willing to overthrow Megaton if needed. They both are aware he's more loyal to the Cause and his Cassettes and have a friendly working relationship as a result of understanding fully where the other stands.
Shockwave in this is the more devoted one and he and Megatron have known each other since they were young as they were both made for Decepticon war effort. Shockwave was left behind while Megatron left with Soundwave and Starscream in the same way historically a king leaves with his generals and their spouse is left behind to "hold the kingdom" and Shockwave was Guardian of Cybertron. It is known that Shockwave is the Conjunx to be and that's part of why there is absolute confidence that he won't betray Megatron and why Shockwave clung to the belief he would return.
There's going to be some deeply emotional moments previously when Shockwave discovered he was carrying and it crushed him because Megatron should have been here. During a attack from Elita's squad to steal supplies due to the recent developments, Shockwave is slower and Moonracer realizes the symptoms in her or the same in him. They get stuck together when she pushes him out of the way and have a bonding moment trapped together while Elita and Shockwave's Seekers worked to get them out. Moonracer comforts him and Shockwave has an emotional moment of weakness. This is what leads to the peace.
Moonracer as the one who saw his moment of weakness supports Shockwave throughout his carrying while everyone else is still wary of the hostile and cool attitude he gives to everyone. She barreled passed this, but respected it when he established a need for space. This led to both of them growing tender feelings as Moonracer admits her lover Powerglide too. The bond over their shared loss and Shockwave's focus switches more and more to focusing on the Decepticons left behind and the future with a child as Moonracer was encouraging.
They finally admitted to having feelings for each other after "Progeny" and Mirage were born.
And then the Earth called and it turns out both their lovers are alive.
The concept of Megs having been made to lead the decepticons has interesting implications to it
OWO on that characterization of Soundwave, I think a lot about that one
Damn, that makes sense (the leaving Shockwave being compared to a king leaving the spouse behind for their own noble duty thing)
Fascinating how Moon and Shockers got together, I'm voting Moonracer noticed first
Which, this love story gets wrenched in another direction as Earth calls and they Learn Some Shit
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comicaurora · 2 years
Are there any romance stories or romantic subplots that specifically worked really well for you? Maybe because they were "good friends being good friends" plots first and "romance" plots second?
it is very depressing to me that for a while I could only give a conditional "yes" to this one. There are romantic subplots I liked up to a point that the writers made decisions about them I thought were weird and dumb, or that I liked in hindsight but didn't really appreciate at the time. And despite having watched a not inconsiderable amount of live-action media, every single halfway good example I could conjure up was from a cartoon.
Catra and Adora have a fascinatingly tumultuous arc to me, but I spent the entire show genuinely believing we'd never get a payoff, and when we actually got the big kiss I was too busy being shocked to really process the ramifications. In my head I'd filed them right next to Charles Xavier/Magneto and Optimus Prime/Megatron, enemies so clearly soulmates with each other but in that special murdery way. I've been planning a full rewatch, so I might get to fully appreciate it this time!
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When I watched through Ben 10: Alien Force I remember being genuinely surprised at how much I liked the romantic subplot between Kevin and Gwen. I think because they were both kinda assholes about it, but in very synergistic ways. He's the platonic ideal of an Edgy Emotionally Repressed Lancer but he's kind of too blunt and straightforward to remember to be emotionally repressed all the time, and she's a smart snarky ass-kicker who figures out that they're clearly into each other immediately and bluntly asks him when he's gonna ask her out in like episode three, which completely throws him off his game. It was very cute, and Kevin got in a few good "take the bullet for the love interest to save her" moments that I'm always a fan of, but after the first couple seasons something shifted in the writer's room and Kevin got shunted back down the "actually a dickhead" route and the characters stopped acting like they cared about each other so much. It was a bummer, and since the characters stopped acting consistently in-character I kind of disengaged. But I did like how they handled it early on!
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I am, obviously, broadly a big fan of the romantic subplots in ReBoot, as I am with all other major parts of that show. The main one that got focused on was between protagonists Bob and Dot, which was kind of standard background will-they-won't-they fare for the first three seasons - some miscommunications and arguments and daring rescues - until they get in a big kiss in the finale. The problem, as ever, is in season four, when they start doing some really weird sitcom telenovela twists, including a second Bob popping out of a portal and claiming to be the real Bob, and everyone in the show spontaneously sheds 90% of their braincells to forget the fact that their Bob is the one who saved the day over and over again since getting fished out of the Web, so everyone ignores our best boy who actually did the heroics to play favorites with Other Bob. Obviously Other Bob turns out to be a bad guy in disguise, but this is revealed at his wedding to Dot, and it's just fuckin stupid that it would get to that point at all. This is a big part of why I mentally carve season 4 off the canon timeline and just let it end at the season 3 finale.
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The other romantic subplot is between Matrix and AndrAIa, who meet as children in season 2 and have a cute kind of mutual crush thing going on before they get lost in the games in the season 3 timeskip and, offscreen, grow up together and enter a fully-established and completely solid relationship. Aside from a brief "matrix gets jealous" subplot in the back half of season 3 that really just serves to reflect his fascinating cocktail of trauma-induced self-loathing issues, they're remarkably stable and play off each other well. I think the fact that we skipped all the romantic will-they-won't-they drama and went straight to "they did, they have, and they're totally good" did it a lot of favors - and despite Matrix being, by any metric, an asshole, it never feels like AndrAIa is settling or putting up with him or tasked with fixing him. It's more like they're each the only person the other truly feels safe and whole around, so Matrix is truly an asshole to everyone but AndrAIa (and later Bob and Dot, his other loved ones) and AndrAIa is not guarded or defensive around Matrix.
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Gargoyles also had two different romantic subplots I liked - one between heroes, one with villains. Goliath and Elisa have a great dynamic that's a little less will-they-won't-they and a little more of an unspoken agreement, "we're both really into each other but we also don't really think this can happen on account of being fully different species and we're too mature to get dramatic about it." Since they're basically on the same page about it, they don't have much in the way of drama or miscommunication, it's just all that good "rescuing each other from peril" content I like.
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On the villain side, David Xanatos and Fox had a surprisingly wholesome relationship considering they're full-blown villains for the first couple seasons. It's a case where their romantic subplot made them both better people in the long run as they developed priorities that weren't selfish. They ALSO skipped all the will-they-won't-they and went straight into a wholesome, committed, mutually supportive relationship.
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I do also recall being genuinely surprised how much I liked the romantic subplot between Trevor Belmont and Sypha. I think what made it work for me was the tendency for them to clearly and honestly communicate with each other - about more than just their romantic subplot. There's a great bit in season 4 where they just sit down and are like "everything's been happening a LOT lately, let's talk about how we feel about that", and I appreciated the moment I think is in season 3 where they're like "hey… maybe… leaving Alucard alone in his dead parents' castle ten minutes after helping him kill his dad… was bad for him?" It's a romantic subplot that doesn't feel like it eclipses the rest of their characterization and it doesn't mean they stop caring about anything other than each other. And it also skipped over the will-they-won't-they, so honestly no wonder I liked it.
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I know there's more, but I genuinely had to google lists of shows to remind myself of the one-in-a-million examples I actually liked, so let's leave it here for now.
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president-alpine · 2 years
The Decepticons are park rangers
This is the same idea with "The Decepticons run a library together" but now the Decepticons are tasked to care for a park.
I'm sorry, I just like the idea of "Decepticons do parole but things go horribly wrong" XD
Anyway, the war has ended and now the Autobots try to give the Decepticons a simple task of caring for a park together to redeem themselves.
We can pick the Helix Gardens for this since it's a place with blue crystals floating in the air and resonating with sounds. (Plus, it sounds pretty)
It's supposed to be a simple task, keep an eye on the park and maintain it.
The Autobots believe that there is no way for them to screw this up.
But, knowing the Decepticons Something has to go wrong.
First of all, they're tasked with giving histories of the park and a rundown safety regulations. Shockwave is unfortunately the most... thorough.
Shockwave: "So this is what happens if you get crushed by a crystal, and we can't find you."
He shows the picture to his group of mechs and half of them faint.
Shockwave: "Now we've established that, let's do a rundown on what happens if you fall into a ravine."
Next stop of their duties is to protect the park from any troublemakers. However, many troublemakers find out that the Decepticons are far more willing to use force.
Found to be littering in the park? Lugnut has full permission to give a beatdown for daring to litter in his glorious leader's park!
Trying to do some shady deals in a park? Swindle and the Combaticons want to have a cut of that deal, and they're not going to take no for an answer.
Being annoying? There's nothing stopping them from yeeting you.
The Decepticons know everything that is happening in the park, Soundwave is always watching.
The biggest regret comes when the Autobots let them have some creative liberties with decorating the park.
The Autobots thought, "It's a park, how can the Decepticons mess this up?"
And it goes like this,
Soundwave: "Job: Decorate the park."
Starscream: "I want a castle! A big one with a statue of me in front of it!"
Megatron: "Make it a fortress, with weapons lining the walls!"
Soundwave: "Frotress-Castle: Not part of the plan."
Starscream: "Does it tell us not to build it?"
Soundwave: "No: Simply 'Decorate the park'."
Megatron: "Perfect!"
Thus, the giant Decepticon castle-fortress thing is built. Yes, purple, a throne room, with Decepticon banners, a moat, and even a statue of the Decepticons logo in front.
It has a greenhouse inside that has rare Cybertronian Fauna, the library (Yes, the SAME ONE they ran with Griffons), and yes, the Griffons are there too.
They manage to make it work with the park's setting and everything, it looks downright beautiful.
It is a marvel of architecture, beauty, and how the hell they managed to pull this off.
The Autobots are less than pleased.
Prowl: "Why did you think it was a good idea to build that?!"
Starscream: "It said decorate the park, and we did!"
Prowl: "WHAT?!"
Though, now the park is way more popular than before with mechs visiting to see the castle-fortress and take tours. As well as being super safe, no doubt to the Decpetion's far more lethal measures.
Much to the Autobot's dismay.
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forgedcold · 2 years
By now, he should have learned that peace is only temporary, and something always rises to shatter the illusion. Perhaps there was a little victory in that the quietude had managed to last a few months this time, until Hubble inevitably sent a ping that someone had warped aboard the ship without proper clearance. 
Alas, he’d been bored anyway, and with a half a guess as to who it is, Megatron rises from the captain’s chair to confront their unexpected guest.
Nine sublevels down in one of the observatories, his suspicions are confirmed, and Megatron pauses near the collapsed frame of his alternate. From a distance, he looks almost regal, starlight twinkling from his multi-hued armor in a way that makes him glisten, in a way that suggests he is the god he proclaims himself to be. But, the old tyrant hasn’t come to gawk at the imbecile who shares his name, and rather moves to kneel beside him, rolling the bulky mech onto his back.
“What sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?” he asks into the silence of the room, checking him over for any apparent injuries. Finding none, he looks up to catch deep-set teal optics flicker online, albeit dim. “So you are awake.”
The other acknowledges him with a groan, one that might suffice as a death rattle. Megatron deliberates if the triple changer is coherent enough to respond to his questions, and considers momentarily before two data cables extend from his side. He thinks little of it as the heads of the cables bite into the complimentary ports located on the other’s side. His alternate noticeably flinches but relents as the hardline connection is established, and Megatron immediately accesses his diagnostics.
“You are drugged out of your damn mind,” he scoffs. “Did you do this to yourself?”
“If I say yes, you’ll want to know why.” His voice is strained, as though he has to fight to piece the words together, and scarcely above a whisper. 
“If you want to extinguish your spark, I would be happy to do it for you.” Megatron expects to be met with a smirk, with some egoistic retort, but it doesn’t come, and he watches as shadows seem to cast across the other’s pale face. The silence is unnerving, a sign of his gutting despair, and hardly one to offer comfort, Megatron prepares another barbed quip only for it to die in his throat.
Sadness, loneliness, agonizing worthlessness all bleed through the hardline at once, a torrent of an open, unhealable wound. Megatron stiffens, recognizing the pain, the strut-deep ache of it. He has an urge to grab the cables, to rip them out and jerk away.
“I’ve never been quite as eloquent with my words as you, but you seem to know the language of pain as well as I.”
Megatron narrows his optics, bleeding the crushing weight of his guilt through the line. “The difference between you and me is I feel guilty, you feel grief. I surrendered my cause because I was wrong, but that’s not your case. What in God’s name happened to you?”
Teal optics bore into the Autobot symbol on his chest before looking up to meet his gaze. “Exactly what would have happened to you if you never had anyone to show you a better way.”
Something nauseating rises from his tanks, but Megatron hesitates to call it pity - perhaps fear, perhaps disdain that he knows the other is right, and he doesn’t want to acknowledge the fate he knows he deserved. Instead, he severs the hardline, the cables retracting into his side. He changes the subject entirely. “I need to get you to the med bay. Can you walk?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
With a resigned sigh, Megatron lifts the other in his arms, the sharp edges scratching against his armor. He raises and optical ridge, surprised, when his alternate rests his head against his chest. He shakes his helm. “Comfortable?”
“I can see why Optimus might enjoy this.”
“You’re right, you’re not eloquent with your words.”
“Heh. You were the one that kept a piece of me as a souvenir last time.”
“I liked you better when you were unconscious.” Megatron feels the other merely smile against his chest, quietness fortunately settling between the two of them. It’s not a long walk to the med bay, and he distracts himself from his present company by considering treatment options. There were drugs to reverse his alternate’s symptoms, he’d start with those and see how the other responded. 
As he steps into the med bay, something feather-light suddenly trickles down his chest, startling him. Pausing in his stride, he looks down, but he can’t see his alternate’s face. He hesitates. “Megatron?”
“What?” his voice is gruff, laced with a silent warning to not pry any further. He feels tense, ready to lash out.
But he doesn’t heed the warning as he asks carefully, “Where are you right now?”
There’s a long pause. “Inside Unicron.”
“No you’re not. Follow my voice.” Megatron carefully moves to set him on a berth, but winces as the other digs in. He shifts to sit on the berth instead. “What are you doing?” he nearly growls.
“Don’t let go.”
“What is the meaning of —” but he catches a glimpse of the tears in his alternate’s optics.
“You can say it. I know you’re thinking it. We bear the same name and yet I cry.”
“It would be hypocritical of me.”
Silence falls between them once more. His alternate seems to relax in his arms, seemingly only wanting the security of his presence as his assurance of what is real. Not sure what to do with himself, Megatron sends a ping to Optimus, alerting him of their guest. After a moment, he stands, easing his alternate onto the berth. “The sooner you let me treat you, the sooner you’ll stop hallucinating.”
There’s a vacant expression on his pale face, optics elsewhere. Megatron ignores it, preparing a syringe with one of the drugs to reverse the effects. “This will help,” he says as he pricks the needle into the other’s arm. 
“Did I mean anything at all, do I...” but the question is left unfinished, his alternate drifting into recharge.
Megatron merely looks on, an empty assurance hanging on his tongue. He swallows it back. Instead, he rests a hand on the other’s shoulder, gripping it firmly. “I’m sorry you never found a better way.”
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kudosmyhero · 4 months
Transformers (vol. 1) #18: The Bridge to Nowhere
Read Date: May 10, 2023 Cover Date: July 1986 ● Writer: Bob Budiansky ● Penciler: Don Perlin ● Inker: Keith Williams ◦ Vince Colletta ● Colorist: Nel Yomtov ● Letterer: Janice Chiang ● Editor: Mike Carlin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● what is this bridge thingy? a ship? ● I’m not invested in these new Transformers. I wanna see the already established ones ● he…. he just called Megatron “Meggy”
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● guess we have some new characters in rotation thanks to the bridge ● 👏👏
Synopsis: In northern Oregon, a couple is out driving and enjoying the scenery when they spot a strange, gigantic metallic bridge that they have never seen before. Driving on it, they are horrified when a robot materializes on the bridge and suddenly explodes, sending them fleeing from the scene as the bridge suddenly vanishes. This is the first test run of the Decepticon's new Space Bridge, and it is a failure.
Lord Straxus is not impressed and sends another warrior across which leads to the same results, much to Lord Straxus' infuriation. The Decepticons continue their tests unaware that they are being spied on by Blaster who is intercepting the data transmissions until he is picked up by Powerglide. Returning to Autobase, he provides Perceptor his findings on the Decepticon Space Bridge. They all agree that they need to rescue the kidnapped scientist Spanner, who is clearly being forced to make the Space Bridge for the Decepticons and prevent them from breaching the distance between Cybertron and Earth.
On Earth, in a coal mine in Wyoming which has now become the Decepticons new base of operations, Donny Finkleberg completes another Robot Master transmission and demands to be fed. Megatron sends Ravage out and the panther returns with a vending machine full of candy bars. When Donny complains about the nutritional value of living off candy bars, Megatron angrily crushes the vending machine and warns Donny about further complaints. Just then Laserbeak and Buzzsaw return from their mission to collect Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercrack. When Megatron realizes that Shockwave has come along, he is furious. The two are then about to battle each other to determine who is fit to lead the Decepticons when they are interrupted by a holographic transmission from Lord Straxus. Straxus explains his tails with the Space Bridge. With this new revelation, Shockwave and Megatron agree to put aside their differences and come up with a means of creating Energon Cubes for the Decepticon war effort back on Cybertron. Overhearing this, Donny doesn't like what is about to happen and begins considering a way to escape to warn the Autobots.
Meanwhile, on Cybertron, the Autobots spring a two-pronged attack: While Powerglide, Perceptor, Seaspray, Cosmos, Beachcomber and Warpath tunnel under Darkmount, Blaster infiltrates it from above to plant explosives. Ambushing the Decepticon base, they are caught off guard when Darkmount is suddenly detonated. Furious, Straxus decides to take the matter into his own hand, transforming into cannon mode and entering the battle. Blaster makes it to his next target the Space Bridge where he is rigging up explosives. He is surprised when the Space Bridge transforms and to his horror realizes the Bridge is alive, and that it has been made out of Spanner himself. Blaster is hesitant to kill Spanner, however, Spanner begs him and is forced to revert to bridge mode because it's too painful to remain in robot mode.
The Space Bridge is activated and the Decepticons then begin attacking Blaster, bringing his Autobot comrades to his aid. On Earth, the reappearance of the Space Bridge brings about the police who speed toward it. As the Autobots battle on the Space Bridge, they just barely avoid being blasted by Straxus, sending them landing on the Earth side of the bridge. Battling Straux one-on-one, Blaster is on the defensive but avoids the Decepticons blows. Straxus hits the Space Bridge's fuel line before Blaster knocks him into the interdimensional energy between both points of space, causing Straxus to be completely obliterated. With the Space Bridge running out of power and closing up, the Autobots are forced to flee down the Earthside to avoid being destroyed by the remaining Decepticons. As they reach Earth the Bridge disappears, and they find themselves stranded on Earth and are greeted by police and military officials.
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Fan Art: Blaster. Agent Blaster. by MamonnA
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Transformers Chronicles - episode 16
● Transformers University - episode 57
0 notes
TFA Ratchet is, in my opinion, the most sad and complex of all the Ratchets. Disclaimer that I haven't consumed all TF media, but TFA's stands out to me the most.
Although not much is known about him pre-war, he's doesn't look super young in flashbacks, so we can assume he was probably a well established civilian doctor before the war broke out. He probably saw most of the political and social conflicts before the war began and watched Cybertron get torn apart. Then he gets plunged into war, working as a medic, trying to save as many bots as possible. He gets sent to save Arcee, only to get hunted down by Lockdown, given the codes to Omega Supreme, and then having to put Arcee in a coma. He's then told he's in charge of Omega Supreme and told that he's nothing more than a weapon of mass destruction and has been created to not have higher thinking power, which is very fucked up. But Ratchet starts to bond with Omega and tries to teach him about being an Autobot and being his own person. Only to watch Omega barely survive the finally battle and get stasis locked forever just to stay alive.
That's a lot and that's just what the show depicted. So now he thinks the war is over, he can put everything behind him, and live out the rest of his days as the medic to a space bridge repair crew. Easy job, nothing too complicated, and it keeps him away from places that might conjure up bad memories. Sure, he has to spend his time with young bots who never saw the war, didn't watch Cybertron get ripped apart, and consider Decepticons a myth, but he doesn't mind too much.
And then they find the Allspark, encounter Megatron, and a new war could be kickstarted real soon. The overwhelming feeling that all those sacrifices were for nothing, that another war could start just like, must be crushing.
TFA Ratchet had this insane level of depth to him that I wish they had explored more. He always came off as the old experienced one who juxtaposed nicely with Optimus's by the books attitude. But I also feel like there are layers to him, like how scared he must have felt to think he'd have to watch a whole new generation go through the same hell he had gone through and how he felt like he had gone through all that for nothing. And he's also a nice grumpy yet sweet grandpa character which I always love.
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sentinelpri · 3 years
(AM Anon here) Not an official request or anything, though feel free to run with it if you want, I just think it’s funny:
Optimus upon finding out: You’re seeing MEGATRON??? He’s the ENEMY!
Minibot: I- How- That’s- Ok, but you’re the one giving free nighttime shows with STARSCREAM! So really, I’m just following your example as the leader!
Running with it because this is really funny! Love that this has become a whole ass story of its own lol, definitely my favorite headcanons/headcanon set that I’ve done. For anyone who hasn’t read it, here’s all the parts; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Headcanons below the cut; enjoy!
It’s been established in previous installments of this, but essentially, half of the Autobots are giant hypocrites- AKA everyone on your team except for Bulkhead, who’s single and wants to remain that way, and Ratchet, who’s been missing Arcee for light years. Prowl has something going on with Lockdown, unbeknownst to the rest of you, because unlike you and the others, he’s actually good at keeping his personal life a secret and doesn’t do dumb shit like interface in mid air or take his secret lover out to a public park in the same city where the rest of Team Prime is residing. Bumblebee has his thing with Blitz, Blurr with Shockwave, and Optimus with Starscream.
“Fraternizing with the other faction is bad!” the rest say to you as they hold hands with their hot Decepticon lover.
The main, uh, proprietor of this is Optimus Prime. He’s given Bumblebee plenty of lectures about merely flirting with Blitzwing during battles whilst literally turning around and doing the same thing with Starscream, though no one knows about that except for you and Megatron because of what the two of you saw that night you tried to go on a date in the mech’s vehicle mode and ran into Starscream and Optimus kissing each other’s lip plates off midair, neither of them seeming to notice you.
You also notice that the two coincidentally always end up fighting each other when you run into the Decepticons, and Starscream seems to be particularly chatty when Optimus is around, with Optimus always responding. They’re both always smirking and blushing and winking at each other and it’s painful to watch because you can’t say anything without also exposing yourself and why/how you’d seen them that night, but like... You KNOW. And it pisses you off. SO BAD. 
TBH Optimus has this complex where he thinks everyone on his team aside from Ratchet and Prowl is weaker/more naive than him and he needs to protect them in a sense, so it’s understandable that he thinks he’s immune to any consequences that could come from fucking with Starscream, and that he thinks the Decepticons would be taking advantage of his teammates in any sort of relationship. Like, he has good intentions and is really just trying to protect y’all and you know that, but it’s still super frustrating that he’s being a bitch about it. 
At this point, Ratchet knows about your relationship but hasn’t said anything, the rest know that you at least have a crush on Megatron because of how obvious you are, and Optimus just... Begrudgingly puts up with it and tries to ignore it. Overprotective dad, but he’s also scared of going too hard with his “don’t date a Decepticon” spiel and pushing you in the opposite direction that he wants you to go.
You vent to Megatron about the issue a lot, but it doesn’t do much because Megatron’s usual response is something like “he’s just a bitch, don’t listen to him” which doesn’t help because Optimus is your leader and your friend and you can’t just burn that bridge with him like Megatron could. You explain that to your lover and he’s sympathetic about it, but still rolls his optics any time you mention Optimus going on one of his tangents about the matter.
It all boils over when you and Megatron are on a date. You’re just at the park, enjoying yourself on a picnic blanket with some energon in the most secluded area you could find, only to hear-
“(y/n)? What are you doing here!?” followed by a scratchy sounding “Shut up, you dolt, Megatron’s right there! You just gave us away!”
Both you and Megatron turn around to see that Starscream and Optimus have emerged from the trees, servo in servo... They must’ve been on a walk together. All four of you are red cheeks and wide optics, caught, and of course, Optimus immediately starts lecturing you.
“You’re seeing Megatron? He’s the enemy! I knew you had a crush, and you can’t help that, but this is ridiculous!”
You can’t even bring yourself to say anything, but Megatron does it for you, simply sitting there and stammering over himself for a moment before finding the right words.
“I- How- That’s...” Megatron trails off, raising a finger (imagine; “I don’t care that you broke your elbow!” guy pose) before allowing his optical ridge to furrow. “You’re the one giving free airshows with Starscream in the middle of the night!”
Optimus loses all color in his face. Starscream bursts out laughing.
As you can imagine, this ends in Megatron and Optimus beating the shit out of each other and you and Starscream having to stop the fight after sitting there and looking at each other awkwardly for a few moments.
You drag Optimus home as Starscream does the same with Megatron, and you do have an actual, serious, open discussion about it.
“Listen... I hate to say this, but Megatron was right, and I’m sorry. It’s not fair that I get to do what I want in my personal life and you don’t get to do what you want in yours. As long as it doesn’t interfere in our work... You can do what you want. I can tell that, as terrible as he is, he really does love you- I saw it in how he stood up for you back there.”
All you can do is thank him and agree that if he doesn’t talk about your relationship with Megatron, you won’t talk about his with Starscream. You take him back to base and help Ratchet fix him up, then com Megatron to talk about everything that happened and thank him for taking up for you.
“I’m always here whenever you need me, darling. There’s no need to thank me. I’m just glad the issue was resolved.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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transfemstarscream · 2 years
Honestly I would like to see Nightbird as a character Megatron has a crush on because it would be amusing to see how he would act and everything, but she does need to be her own character and it would be odd to include Star being jealous of her still when Soundwave and Shockwave both exist and he’s never shown as much jealousy over them and their abilities and/or positions.
But back to Nightbird herself, I think she has a lot of potential as a Decepticon, man made robot, or even an Autobot. There are a lot of possibilities with her with what she already has and there’s so much that could be added to flesh her out I think writers should work with her more instead of creating new female transformers
as a comedic gag, i wouldn't mind it! in my eyes, any scene to make fun of megatron for his patheticness is O.K. by me, and the idea that he's infatuated with a woman he just met is out-of-character but also very hilarious. it would be funny to see him fawn over her still being the "ideal" despite the fact she doesn't hesitate to beat the shit out of him whenever she gets the chance. (this would be after she has a more well established personality, of course)
star being jealous of her really is odd because at the start, because it's not like she didn't want to bring nightbird? and megatron never said that nightbird would stay with them (at the start at least) so her jealousy just comes off as weird. i don't really think it's about being second-in-command either because megatron has proven favoritism over soundwave and shockwave both, and she's never jealous of either of them (in the comics that's arguable, but in the show she very visibly isn't) or under the belief her job is at risk. hell, she's not jealous of any of the seekers who have outlier abilities while she doesn't. maybe megatron just wanted to pit two queens together. typical behavior!
the interesting thing about nightbird is that since she never really got to have an established personality minus legends, the writers really could do whatever they wanted with her. is she still a stealthy, quiet badass but now she's in control herself? is she actually a very emotional, hyperactive person who lets her action speak for her? is she a calculating, cold ninja with her own agenda? who knows! and the thing is i would take any of these characterizations! nightbird is only as limited as the writers make her be. in MY ideal world, she's on her own serving her own agenda, but still has ties to the autobots as thanks for freeing her; she doesn't let either faction dictate what she does, but as a thanks for freeing her and treating her as an equal in combat, she promises never to interfere nor injure between the autobots as long as they don't get in her way. endless possibilites!
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justawayninja · 4 years
Why IDW Starscream deserved his redemption arc (Pt. 2)
Pt. 1: A small hint of ‘goodness’
Pt. 2: The different IDW Starscreams
In the last part I talked about how the original G1 cartoon left us with a hanging question about Starscream’s moral capacity for ‘goodness’, the possibility of a little ‘something more’. 
In this part, I want to talk about: actual, ‘good’ traits of Starscream. 
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Obviously, Starscream is a well-established bad guy of the franchise, whatever the continuity. 
The traits most easily associated with him are also largely, if not all, negative. Traitorous. Cowardly. Self-centred. Egotistical. Brash. Opportunistic. And that’s only what distinguishes him from the other Transformers villains. Add on the standard Decepticon ‘values’ of ‘cruel, ruthless warmonger’ and a sadistic penchant for violence and murdering people... 
Yeah. Not a good guy. Tick. 
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But just because a person has bad morals or values, does NOT invalidate any of their strengths, competences, or positive traits in general. Just because they use their strengths to further a bad cause does NOT mean those traits are now invaluable, or useless, or ‘evil’. 
Writers who are able to take this into consideration, who can recognise that not all personality traits need to be portrayed as purely ‘good’ or ‘bad’, are writers who can create interesting, perhaps even likeable bad guys - despite, or even because of their badness. 
And, here, I would argue that, for most writers of an IDW G1 Starscream, there is an acknowledgement of Starscream’s actual competences and ‘positive’ traits - even though interpretations of these ‘positive’ traits do differ somewhat between writers. 
And if we are able to build on these interpretations, we will find ourselves with an image of Starscream that feels much more hopeful, and is certainly much more nuanced and complex than... others. (*cough cough John Barber cough*)
(Spoiler alert: Transformers: All Hail Megatron, Transformers: ‘Til All Are One, The Transformers (2009))
Shane McCarthy’s Starscream (Transformers: All Hail Megatron, 2008-2009)
Without outright portraying Starscream as a character worthy of moral redemption or sympathy, Shane McCarthy’s Starscream is one of the more positive portrayals of the character. 
While this Starscream exhibits the same petty, almost childish competitiveness reminiscent of the original G1 Starscream - getting very riled up when Skywarp suggests he’s unable to inspire as much fear and destruction as Megatron could - he is also highly competent. 
Firstly, he challenges Megatron with valid, meaningful criticisms of his plans after conquering Earth. He correctly points out that Megatron has lost his sense of purpose, and his vision for the future. They are questions to which Megatron has no answers.
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And once Megatron failed to step up to the bar, Starscream organises a coup which poses an actual threat to Megatron’s position as leader of the Decepticons.
If it wasn’t for the Autobots’ arrival, I believe the Starscream VS Megatron coup could at least have a 50-50 chance of success. Not only did he manage to sway a significant number of Decepticons to his side, but he also surprised Megatron by taking over Devastator, Megatron’s then most powerful soldiers and the only Combiner team (I believe). 
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What’s more, his capabilities and power are openly acknowledged and respected by Megatron. 
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This respect for Starscream is something which very few later IDW writers choose to incorporate into their interpretations of Megatron. Many, instead, favour the more G1-esque Megatron-Starscream dynamic of bickering and insulting with a darker twist which borders abuse. (In later parts, I will also explore how re-interpretations of the G1 Megatron and Starscream dynamic affects the interpretation of both characters). 
And, indeed, there is something honourable about McCarthy’s Starscream, who, in issue 12 of All Hail Megatron, chooses to save Megatron from the Autobots so that he may earn his leadership of the Decepticons. 
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Granted, I think this happens more out of plot convenience, so that Megatron can continue as the leader of the Decepticons in later series. But still, this has important implications for our understanding of Starscream’s character - and Shane McCarthy’s Starscream is a respectable character, even if he is on the ‘wrong side’. 
Mike Costa’s Starscream (The Transformers, 2009-2011)
The first thing Mike Costa’s Starscream does is... Throw Shane McCarthy’s Starscream’s sense of honour out of the window. Almost immediately, he’s torn between keeping Megatron’s husk alive and repairing him to function, or snatching Decepticon leadership during the power vacuum and killing Megatron off in the process. Which makes you wonder why he saved Megatron in the first place. 
But despite the inconsistency, Costa’s Starscream forms an interesting, tragic character. Although his Starscream does not necessarily exhibit competence or positive strengths in the same way as McCarthy’s Starscream, he certainly experiences and goes through feelings which readers can be sympathetic towards. 
One of which is guilt. 
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This is Starscream in issue 13 of All Hail Megatron, shortly after lying to the other Decepticons that the Autobot’s Matrix of Leadership has chosen him as a leader. It’s a valid political move, using religion to aid your support.  
But here, you get the sense that this a Starscream who does not enjoy the deception. He does not blindly rejoice in power, and he feels no joy despite finally obtaining what he has desired for so many millions of years. 
Instead, he is filled with fear, paranoia, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and a horrible, horrible sense of disappointment. 
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This is a Starscream who recognises his own incompetence. 
In contrast to the original G1 Starscream, who is something of a bumbling fool too happy to self-indulge in his power for his own ego rather than actually using it to practical purpose, this is a Starscream who is finally confronted with the realisation that he cannot lead, cannot fulfil his grand ambitions in the way Megatron could. 
And it crushes him. 
This is NOT a fear that would occur to a shallower, simple-minded character who cared only about titles, egos, and their own glory. A Starscream like that would never even consider it. 
Because both McCarthy and Costa’s Starscream are legitimately, and reasonably, disappointed in Megatron’s reign. Both aspire for power not for the sake of power, but for a higher purpose. 
The Decepticon cause. 
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And if we remember that, in the IDW-verse, the Decepticons are depicted as activists responding to genuine oppression who gradually lose their way in bloodbath and war, then Starscream’s determination to remember and return to the original Decepticon ideals definitely highlights something more than ‘just’ a sadistic, self-centred, sociopath. 
(Of course, there is no guarantee that Starscream’s own visions of the Decepticon ideals haven’t been skewed by war and bloodshed. The important thing is that he still remembers that their brutality should serve a purpose, which most other Decepticons rarely ever consider). 
Costa’s Starscream is tragic - tragic because he must face the reality that he is the reason that he cannot achieve his dream. Because he is not Megatron. Because he lacks the charisma. The ability. The determination. The strength. 
And that is something readers can sympathise with. Dreams being crushed. Ideals turning to ash. Fantasy morphing into bitter reality. This is the story of Costa’s Starscream - a broken idealist, someone who could have been something better than Megatron, but ultimately wasn’t. 
Mairghread Scott’s Starscream (Transformers: ‘Til All Are One, 2016-2017)
Scott’s Starscream offers a very interesting, brave interpretation of his character - because it is her Starscream, after all, who takes the journey of redemption. 
A lot of it comes down to the mechs Starscream is mainly surrounded by, as Supreme Leader of Cybertron. Bumblebee, Windblade, Ironhide, Wheeljack, and delegates from different colonies. Autobots, or else people who never knew him as the ruthless Decepticon Second-in-Command he once was. He has a chance to start with a clean slate. 
And this is when things get interesting. Whereas most Starscreams pretend to have compassion, and sympathy, and morality, in order to profit from the latest scandal or betrayal, Scott’s Starscream is the complete reverse. (Particularly in TAAO).
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Similar to Mike Costa, in TAAO, we see a Starscream who plots and schemes not because he necessarily enjoys behaving this way, but because when everything happens exactly the way he wants things to, when he has a chance to start completely anew with his legally established power, he realises that deception, violence, and manipulation are all he knows. 
It’s what he expects of himself, and what others expects of him. 
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Look at that expression. That is NOT the expression of someone who is proud of what he has done, or the expression of someone who feels no remorse. It’s bitter. It’s ironic. It’s a look of self-loathing. 
Scott’s Starscream has given up on himself. He carries on the despair of Costa’s Starscream, albeit with a subtle difference. Because while Costa’s Starscream despaired over the realisation that he cannot fulfil his dream as leader of the Decepticon Empire. Scott’s Starscream despaired over his inability to do good, to be a better person. 
Scott’s Starscream, in short, has a conscience. 
At some point, his plotting and scheming have become farcical. A ‘mask’, as Bumblebee puts it, which he can no longer put down. 
This can be seen most clearly when he releases Chromia from prison. Note how all his ‘official’, surface excuses for freeing her are all to do with establishing his own political power and influence. Entirely self-serving, as most people would expect. 
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And yet, when Chromia sees through all of this, and asks him for the real reason, he answers with this: 
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Unlike most other carnations, the self-serving, power-hungry Starscream had become the mask. Underneath it all, is a true Starscream who is attempting to atone, in some way, for his earlier faults (such as convicting an innocent Badgeless). 
It’s funny how things can work out sometimes. How an innocent, almost naive faith can produce the greatest change in a way which violence and power never could. 
Scott’s Starscream lives a tragedy, much like Costa’s Starscream, his story full of the could-have-beens and the sadness of someone who has lost themselves in the painful turns of war and its deceit. But it is in Scott’s Starscream where we see the greatest possibility for goodness - an awareness of right and wrong, a feeling of guilt, doubt, and conflict. And it is Scott’s Starscream who ultimately, chooses what would have been otherwise unthinkable for any other Starscream. He sacrifices himself, his ambitions, and his dreams - so that the world can do better without him. 
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To summarise, while most writers show Starscream to be manipulative, deceptive, and conniving - they rarely depict him as someone who enjoys these betrayals. What’s more, he is not usually depicted as self-centred purely for the sake of being self-centred. Self-preservation, and the need to come out on top, are certainly a large part to his motivations, but they are never his sole motivations. They are usually accompanied by a genuine ambition to fulfil a certain ideology or vision of leadership, visions which are ultimately hampered by his own insecurities and inadequacies in the face of overwhelming responsibility. From this, we can see that IDW’s Starscream is a fairly nuanced, complex character, who is much more morally grey, much more competent, with a much greater capacity for good, than the G1 counterpart from whom he is inspired. 
........ Aaaaand then John Barber came along with Robots in Disguise, smashed a sledgehammer into all those subtleties and character development, called him a ‘sociopath’, and created the least likeable, redeemable version of IDW Starscream possible. 
Which brings me on to Part 3: Barber’s Biased Starscream
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
How many ships do you have in this comunity ? l am curious.
oo uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... there’s a lot i think. these are the romantic ships, not the amica ones, which i also have a lot of. none of these are spoilers so i can share
Hot Rod/Deadlock
Red Alert/Fort Max
First Aid/Springer
Knock Out/Breakdown
Wheelie/common sense
established Lugnut/Strika/Obsidian and Chromedome/Rewind
im sure there’s more background ships and crushes that i don’t remember rn but here they be! when i say throuples are natural and normal in SNAP i really really mean it
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Ashes of Icarus chapter 12 - Am I Strong to Do What I Must?
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Chose Not to Use Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe Relationships: Megatron/Sunstreaker, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker Additional Tags: Dubcon, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mechpreg, Sticky, Talk of Abortion Words: 1726
( Previous )
It didn’t matter how many more times Sideswipe scanned it. Sunstreaker had spent enough time familiarizing himself with Megatron to recognize the remnants of his spark signature in the… Sparklet.
Because there it was, orbiting his own spark, a tiny, tiny little sparkling, small enough to barely even be visible from the glow of his larger spark.
But Sideswipe knew exactly what his spark was supposed to look like. Small as it was, the little oddity jumped right into his face with how not there it was supposed to be. 
“You can’t feel it yet.” It wasn’t a question. Sideswipe didn’t need to ask things like that. It was just a statement.
They couldn’t feel it yet. Pits, wouldn’t he have fragging noticed it otherwise? That, combined with its size… They didn’t exactly know much about carrying, but common sense said it meant it was still very, very young. 
He wished they would’ve known a bit more about how these things worked, right then. What did it mean if it was so young its emotions weren’t even leaking into him yet? Was it alright despite that?
What the pit were they going to do with it?
If it had been another Autobot’s… The question would have still remained how, but at least… It would have been another Autobot’s. Completely unplanned and unexpected, but slag, they could’ve worked with that.
How the hell were they supposed to work with this?
And how? How the pit had it even come to be when he’d had his inhibitor on the whole–
Sideswipe’s optics flicked up to meet his with a wave of horrid realization when he went to check on his inhibitor. It didn’t report as online.
It didn’t report as offline, either.
It was as if it didn’t even exist.
But that couldn’t be it. He’d had it his whole life like every damn mech out there, and he’d never turned it off. Becoming a parent had never exactly been something he was planning to do. Maybe one day, if the circumstances changed that drastically, but not in the foreseeable future.
The damn thing couldn’t have just disappeared into thin air.
“Let me have a look,” Sideswipe murmured quietly, and Sunstreaker let his spark chamber cycle closed. Sideswipe’s servo dipped into his chest cavity and cautiously pushed aside his internals until he could see the little device nestled to the side of his spark chamber.
Then he grimaced at what they saw.
Charred, black. It had gotten burned so spectacularly that it hadn’t even given a damage report or any manner of errors. 
Well. That explained that. What had burned it would’ve also been very nice to know, but for that they would’ve likely needed a medic’s opinion, and–
What? Could they just waltz into the medbay, ‘hey, I just noticed I’m carrying, how does this whole thing work?’ If the sire was an Autobot, then… Sure, what the fuck else could they have done.
But the sire was Megatron. Their whole… Relationship would have come to light if they did that—or else they would have needed to claim Megatron had forced him.
Two problems with that: one, he had too much pride to feel comfortable claiming he’d gotten fragging raped, even if it was by someone who everyone would believe had enough strength to do it, and even if he knew Ratchet would keep that information to as few mecha as possible.
And two, the greater reason… His memory files didn’t support that. He could lie, but if they wanted to have a look in his head to confirm how things had gone… It’d become damn obvious he was full of shit and had all but jumped at the opportunity to frag Megatron. He hadn’t exactly resisted. Hell, he’d very explicitly told Megatron to ‘face him, even if that was in the heat of the moment.
It was all very damning evidence against him. What would the command do if they found out about that dalliance? What would they do to him?
What would they do to the sparklet?
What would they do to the sparklet, him and Sideswipe?
“I could… Snuff it, right?” Sideswipe whispered quietly, barely audible. “It’s so small and so young. Is it even aware enough to notice?”
Kill it and pretend none of this had happened.
Sunstreaker bared his spark again and Sideswipe gently turned it until he could see the sparkling. He brushed his digit against the minuscule ball of light, infinitely gentle with the motion.
The sparklet bobbed slightly in its orbit, but remained unresponsive otherwise. 
It would be so easy. Take a hold of it, squeeze.
Crush it.
Everything would go back to normal. Or… As normal as it got after you’d repeatedly had illicit relations with the leader of the enemy faction.
Why did he… Not want that? Oh, undoing all of this, securing the relative normalcy of his life, that he wanted. 
But not at the cost of the sparkling.
Sunstreaker brought his servos to his face and groaned into them. It was his, wasn’t it? 
Why did that matter? 
He didn’t want to get rid of it. Sideswipe pulsed understanding and acceptance at him for that, even if they didn’t understand.
Didn’t understand why he didn’t want to get rid of it. Doing that, just one small act, it would have solved all of the problems the sparklet brought about. 
But no.
He wanted no harm to come to it… From any direction. Not from himself.
Not from the other Autobots.
Would they try to force him to get rid of it? Or would they try to do something to Sunstreaker that would also endanger it? 
Would they just let him keep it, even though it was of the enemy?
He had no idea. He had no fucking idea how things like this would be handled by the command, or what the damn Autobot code said to do in situations like these—and would it even be followed in this instance. This wasn’t any small infraction easily paid for with a few punishments, and not just any Decepticon involved in this mess.
The other party was Megatron.
Was there anything worse an Autobot even could do? Straight up defect, maybe.
Ratchet… Medical confidentiality was a thing, but he doubted it would cover everything. Somehow he got the feeling it wouldn’t cover this, if the identity of the sparkling’s sire became known. And it would eventually, wouldn’t it? Even if Ratchet kept it a secret at first… He couldn’t exactly forever pretend he wasn’t carrying. It would become painfully obvious even before he’d need to deliver the sparkling. 
And everyone would want to know who the fuck had sired it. What could he answer to that? Refuse to answer until the end of time?
Wouldn’t they find out eventually, one way or another? And then they’d be back at it: what would they do to him, and it.
“We can’t tell anyone,” Sunstreaker muttered into his servos, but it didn’t matter if the words were even audible or understandable when the only one meant to hear them was Sideswipe. “Can we?”
“Even if we don’t…” Sideswipe didn’t need to finish it.
Even if they didn’t, it would announce itself eventually.  
But just… Pushing that date even a bit further into the future. Maybe they’d have a better idea of what to do then. Think on it, consider their crappy options…
“What about–” Sideswipe didn’t need to finish that either.
It was Megatron’s sparkling too.
Sunstreaker growled. “He’s the damn reason for this.” Who the fuck had initiated their affair? Wasn’t Sunstreaker! He hadn’t exactly gone out of his way to prevent all of it from happening, but if it wasn’t for Megatron starting it all, he would not have fragged the damn despot.
If it wasn’t for Megatron, this very much would not have had a chance to happen.
“Should we tell him?” his brother asked next, gently brushing the sparkling again. Sunstreaker shivered at the feeling, but his face twisted into a snarl—that wasn’t aimed at Sideswipe, or the little thing.
Tell Megatron? Wouldn’t have to worry about the secrecy of their fucking on that front. Was there any reason not to do that? What would they gain by trying to keep it a secret from the tyrant too?
Oh no, “That fragger will hear a fucking load of this,” Sunstreaker growled. Hear all about how he was at fault and what Sunstreaker thought about this whole thing, get all of the fucking blame he justly deserved dumped on him. 
He had no idea where that would get him, but at least it would be satisfying.
“What if he says to get rid of it?” Sideswipe asked carefully. They’d already established they didn’t want that, so…
“He can go slagging frag himself.” Not like it burdened Megatron at all. He wasn’t the one committing treason and desperately trying to keep it a secret. Megatron set the rules for his side. He could do what he wanted, and was there even anyone who could have tried to tell him otherwise? So what if he knocked up one low ranking Autobot. Was there anyone who could have brought him to justice?
“What if he tries to force the matter?” the red twin continued. Megatron was strong enough to do that, for sure.
But really, Sunstreaker had had it up to here by this point. “Then he can fragging well kill me,” he snarled. Sure, maybe he wouldn’t be able to stop Megatron if the mech really set his mind to something. He might even pay for it with his life.
That didn’t mean he’d go down without one goddamned good fight.  
How would Megatron react to these news? He had no slagging clue, but it was Sunstreaker’s frame and Sunstreaker’s life, and as little as he expected Megatron to respect that unless he wanted to… 
Oh, that bastard would get a fucking earful before he got a chance to send Sunstreaker back to the Well.
So was that it? Tell no Autobot but tell Megatron, and see where that took them?
Sunstreaker let his servos slip from his face and met Sideswipe’s optics. His brother nodded minutely—in for it, come hell or high water. 
Their chestplates closed, hiding their newest little secret behind layers of heavy armor.
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xenargon · 3 years
Every chapter (so far) of my fanfiction Crisis Point summed up in one sentence
Reconciliation: In the opening cutscene of Metroid Echoes, Samus's ship is struck by lightning and damaged while trying to land on Aether, so now every other ship that tries to land there has to do the same thing.
Tranquil: The only way I could think of to reconcile Knockout's flirting with Starscream in TFP and the comics retroactively establishing Knockout and Breakdown as conjunx was to have their relationship be an open marriage.
Return: Ratchet uses a shotgun he got from Wheeljack's ship despite him having no reason to even have such a thing in said ship.
In Defense of Freedom: Decepticons and luminoth plan out their subsequent attack on the pirates so thoroughly that it really makes you question why the decepticons are so incompetent in every show.
Light and Dark: Arcee realizes that vehicons are people too, lightning does some magic to the big Dark Aether portal inside the giant phazon meteor, which then turns into a black hole and causes a giant cave-in because I just love writing those apparently.
Under: Arcee is almost crushed by some rocks and Starscream can't brain properly. I find it highly amusing how most of the comments on this chapter talk about how nice Starscream is, despite that only being the case because he has such a severe head injury that he doesn't speak for the entire chapter.
Peace: Arcee gets sad about Cliffjumper while Aftershock plays in some sand.
That Which Binds Us: "Emotionally constipated Shockwave," as one commenter so aptly put it.
Secrets: Starscream has a therapy session with J-Syr where he perfectly demonstrates how contradictory and baffling his relationship with Megatron is.
Aftermath: Decepticons talk to some space pirate prisoners while Dark Samus comes back from Dark Aether.
Repairs: Putting Ratchet and Wheeljack in a 'slow burn' ship ironically involves them literally setting things on fire very quickly.
The World Within: Turns out, being possessed by Unicron several times kinda tends to fuck up one's mind.
The Prisoner's Dilemma: Decepticon ethics may be depicted as heartless, but here I present a scenario where it's justifiably superior to the self-sabotaging autobot/luminoth course of action.
Downtime: A chapter introduction of decepticons chilling out just turned into the whole chapter.
Connection: Arcee and Knockout form the "sad widow club" while Soundwave and Shockwave demonstrate that, despite all their love for Aftershock, they still do not make great parents.
Damage: This fanfiction suddenly turns into Inception whilst U-Mos once again demonstrates that he's sort of a serial mind rapist at this point.
Fountains of Light: Megatron is unabashedly thirsty, Starscream is unsurprisingly vain but surprisingly supportive of local business, Ratchet's into all the drugs, and Shockwave isn't really into any drugs but he does try one. Good times were had by all but the vehicons who had to clean up afterward.
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