#i just felt so normal around him today not like super giggly and butterflies and like just general giddiness
hightowres · 4 months
guys i’m actually kind of sad i think i’m kind of over my crush :((((
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
Daylight and Dark Ch. 1 - First Night
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Photo by Joe Waranont
Read the full fan fiction HERE
This is an excerpt.  Due to Tumblr’s regulations, the second half of this chapter is only available on AO3.  The full fiction is not child-friendly!
Summary: Months after Titan's defeat, Roxanne faces concerns as she and Megamind's relationship grows more serious. Soon, however, she learns that may be the least of her problems. Metro City's new hero has a dangerous past, and loving him comes with as many perils as benefits. Mystery, drama, romance, and humor.  RATING: Explicit.  WARNINGS: violence, sex, language, references to prior domestic abuse, and rock n’ roll!
f I should labor through daylight and dark, Consecrate, valorous, serious, true, Then on the world I may blazon my mark; And what if I don't, and what if I do?
                —Dorothy Parker
Roxanne Ritchi stared at her reflection without really seeing it.
Tonight. It was going to be tonight. She had waited, fretted, but no more. It had to be tonight.
Perhaps this moment had been too long in coming. It wasn't as if she didn't want it to—she adored him, she was undeniably attracted to him, and she was completely unbothered by their physical differences—but there was a part of Roxanne that had been affected more than she liked to admit by past disappointments.  She described her approach to relationships as "circumspect" and "judicious," but, if she was honest, she was, in reality, a coward.  Not that she was afraid of Megamind, of course; that would have been ridiculous.  Her concerns were harder to define than that.  What she feared was, she supposed, perfection, or rather the relentless feeling that anything this perfect had to be inevitably doomed.  After all, past experiences with men had all ended in disaster—she was either too aloof or too intense, depending on which of her exes you asked— and it seemed that the better relationships were in the beginning, the more spectacularly they failed in the end.  In fact, the reporter had already resigned herself to a single life, throwing herself completely into her work, when along came a certain blue alien.  Now, deep down, she was afraid that something would go wrong—especially when their relationship was already complicated by its very nature.  Perhaps that was the real heart of the issue: her love affair with Megamind was complex in so many ways, even more than the expected difficulties entailed in dating any Defender, and some of those issues revolved around things neither she nor her blue boyfriend could control.
Even so, she had made her decision, and she wasn't going to back down.  It was going to be tonight.
A knock snapped Roxanne's eyes back into focus, and she frowned at her incomplete makeup. Hurriedly finishing her mascara and applying some russet red, long-wear lipstick, she swept all her cosmetics back into a drawer.  An extra spray of perfume for good measure, and that would have to do. Fanning her mouth with her hands to dry the lip color, Roxanne walked briskly through the living room to her apartment's front door.
Megamind was standing in the hall, eyes fixed pensively off into the distance. It was a look she was growing to expect whenever she left him waiting too long; the double-edge sword of his massive intellect was that he was always thinking, always wondering, his thoughts never still. The sound of the door brought him back to attention, and he smiled. She threw her arms around him— their usual greeting— and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Nerves sang and sparked. She hated that she was as fidgety as a maiden bride.  While she believed that, like alcohol and tobacco, sex should be "enjoyed responsibly," Roxanne had slept with a respectable number of men.  It had been years since the idea of it had made her jittery.  Until now.  Maybe it was her long hiatus from the dating pool—very few men were willing to move on a woman supposedly dating someone with lasers in his eyes—or maybe it was Megamind's charm coupled with the intensity of her feelings for him, but, whatever the reason, something about the city's hero made her feel like she was in high school once more: heart fluttering and stomach slightly queasy.  If only that were the sole reason for the butterflies beneath her skin.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," she smiled again, looking into eyes so green they glowed.
His expression was tender as he turned his gaze down to her's— something that, at only two inches taller than Roxanne, he only managed to do when they were this close. And when she was wearing flats. For a moment Roxanne silently praised the work-sore feet that had prompted her to opt for more comfortable shoes this evening.
Clearly, the blue alien had been on duty today as he was dressed in his familiar dark leathers. For a short time, Megamind had tried wearing white— had even gone as far as to build a new super suit that imitated Metro Man's powers— but thankfully Minion had convinced him that it was better to be his own brand of hero. And he'd been right. Not only did Roxanne prefer her boyfriend's bad boy look for reasons of her own, but even the most hardened criminals had grown to fear the black-clad Defender of Metro City while citizens had grown to accept Megamind for himself.
Will that continue after tonight, if people find out? Or will the same public that praises him today turn against him tomorrow?
"Don't worry, it's alright," the blue hero assured her. Roxanne startled for a moment— how did he know what she was thinking?— before she realized that he'd been referring to the wait. "I was just considering how I might turn one of your windows into a transparent glass monitor," he continued. "It would require some creative engineering, but I think it could be done. Then I could build you a smaller version of the supercomputer in my lair, and ta-da! It could function as a window until activated, and then you could use it to communicate with me in my workroom, or research, or to—" seeing her quizzically amused expression, he caught himself in mid-thought and cleared his throat. He and Roxanne had agreed to just have a normal, relaxing date, and it seemed to occur to him that this might not fit the description. "Erm, these are for you," he finished sheepishly, proffering a bouquet of yellow daisies, orange and gold cosmos, gardenias, and red and white roses.
He always brought her daisies, ever since she had mentioned once in passing how much she loved the ones in Hill Top Park.  Bouquets turned up at her office every Thursday like clockwork.  She didn't even mind that some of the interns got all girlish and giggly about it.
Roxanne accepted the flowers, inhaling the blossoms' sweet scents before saying: "They're beautiful. Come on inside." She pulled him in, leaning up to give him another kiss as she reached around him to shut the door. "I've always wondered: what are these?" she continued, touching tiny white clustered flowers with one hand. "It seems like they're in every single bouquet I've ever seen, but no one ever mentions what they're called."
"Ah, yes, that's Gypsophila, Baby's Breath. And you're right, it is a common addition to bouquets... I think for artistic reasons. What's wrong? Do you dislike it?"
"What? No, not at all..."
"What is it? You look like you just smelled something horrible. I can take the Gypsophila out."
"Oh, no, that's not necessary. It's nothing... just..."
Baby's breath.  Oh God.   Roxanne tried to ignore the skittering tightness in her heart.
What if she got pregnant?  What would the world say to the first half-human child?  She was a responsible adult, of course, and she wasn't rushing into this unprepared, but even so... Sex was designed to make babies, and no matter how careful a girl was, sometimes it did just that.  Her cousin Theresa, who had conceived her third child while she and her husband were using both pills and condoms, was living proof.
Realizing she'd been quiet too long, Roxanne thought quickly. "It's just that that's an odd name for a flower, isn't it? I mean, it doesn't really look like breath."
"No stranger than Forget-Me-Nots or Grandmother's Lace." He shrugged. "Flower names are just weird."
"At least Grandmother's Lace sort of looks like lace," she laughed, more at herself than anything else. "But you're probably right. Either way, these really are gorgeous," Roxanne smiled again. "I love them."
"I'm glad," he grinned. "I've been studying Floriography."
"The language of flowers."
"I didn't know flowers talked," she joked.
"Very funny. You've read enough classic literature to know what I mean."
"I do, and you're very sweet," she answered, retrieving a vase from the small china hutch in her living room, and leading him into the kitchen. "Let's see… Roses are for love, right?"
"Love and affection, depending on the color."
"And these colors are?" She asked, setting the vase on the counter and turning to face him.
His cheeks flushed a little, the expression of shy pleasure at odds with his tough-guy persona. It was unreasonably adorable. "The red ones mean: 'my love for you is passionate,'" he explained. "And the white ones mean: 'my love for you is pure.'"
She felt her heart do a happy, ridiculous little flip, and turned her head to give him a smile that felt embarrassingly shy and girlish. "Oh."
This was always his way: thoughtful, charming, romantic, foolishly sentimental… Yet he never begrudged her her independence; never complained when she had to break a date for a hot news story or an overdue deadline. He just told her to stop by the Lair on the way home if she had the time, and sent over a packed dinner via brainbot with a note saying something like: "You won't forget to eat, will you? Love, MM." And then there was the way he fully embraced her for who she was, skipping typical dates in favor of afternoons in bookshops, long days in the park, weekends exploring quirky little-known museums, and dinners at hidden gems serving unexpectedly excellent cuisine or wonderfully authentic international dishes.
"Are you sure you're not telepathic?" she asked, only half in jest.  It was something she'd questioned him about before.
"I think I would notice if I were."  His expression turned teasing.  "Perhaps, Miss Ritchi, you are simply too... Predictable."
"Jerk," she laughed, trimming the edges of the flowers under the running tap.  
"Villain," he corrected, gesturing to himself.  "One of the good guys, now, but still a villain," he moved close.  "And a devilishly handsome one at that."
"Hmm.  I can't argue with the last part."
"That's because you have excellent taste."  God, why did his smirk have to look like dark secrets and wanton promises?  "Really, though, Sweetheart," he added, his smile gentling.  "I know you because I love you."
"I love you, too."
She truly did, and the fact that someone as brilliant and charming as Megamind loved her back sometimes still filled her with soft surprise.  More than that, however, he respected her.  He trusted her.  Following their defeat of Titan, Megamind had not only granted her nearly unfettered access to his secret Lair— something unheard of in the past— but, keenly aware that the sudden cessation of her regular kidnappings could affect her career, he had also allowed her to join him in some of his more noteworthy heroic battles.  While her blue beau insisted that she steer clear of the dangerous Doom Syndicate, together they had taken down two minor would-be villains: the first an ex-model with a scarred face and a terrible idea of revenge, the second a balding science teacher with an insane plan to make the pigeons in the park emulate Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.  That last had been a monumental failure even by Megamind's standards.  The chemical compound the man had fed the birds had only succeeded in giving them explosive diarrhea.  It had been an incredible mess.
Thank God for brainbot cleanup crews!
"And just what are you snickering about?" Megamind asked her, cocking one eyebrow, green eyes shining with curious mirth.  "It's mean not to share," he added, adopting his best Hero-Giving-a-Life-Lesson voice.  Roxanne laughed harder.  That particular part of his new persona was definitely a work in progress.
"I was just thinking about the bird guy," she answered, turning to fill the vase from the faucet.
"The bird—Oh!  Ravenous!" he gave the word an odd inflection, putting an emphasis on "raven," just as the aspiring villain had.
"That was it!" she chortled.  "God, even his name sucked!  He got so mad at you for pronouncing it wrong, too."
"Excuse me," he grinned, leaning back against the counter to catch her eye. "I was pronouncing the word ravenous correctly.  It's not my fault he had an unnatural obsession with avians.  And, as I recall, it was you, my Dear Miss Ritchi, who insisted on pronouncing his name wrong—or rather right— on air, until you had the whole city doing it.
"Me?" she couldn't hide her smile.  "Look at this innocent face.  Would I do something like that?"
His laugh rang through the kitchen.  "Oh, yes, you would.  I always said you would have made an excellent Evil Queen!"
It was absurd how much her heart sped up when he said that.  "When did you decide to learn floriography?  I mean, it can't have been just for this," she asked, arranging the bouquet with more care and concentration than was really necessary.  "I can't imagine you taking an interest in it before."
"Yes and no.  I did learn for you, Roxanne, but," he seemed to swallow his sheepishness, "I've studied the language of flowers for years.  I... I used to imagine what I would say to you if I only had the courage to leave a tower of blossoms on your table after a kidnapping.  I never did.  I didn't want you to feel... uncomfortable, frightened, but...  Roxanne, I revolve around you.  Your smiles have been my drug for a long time."
She swallowed turned her head back quickly.  Her face felt like fire and she knew she was losing the battle for suave composure.  Damn it, I'm supposed to be the one seducing him!  
How could she not love him when he said things like that—said them and actually meant them?  Surely that was too much for any reasonable world to expect? And if others might not like it, well, so what?  She'd endured criticism of everything from her political stances to her hair, and God knew Megamind was no stranger to animosity.  Whatever storms this might brew, they would weather them together.
"The Gypsophila represent purity, too," Megamind informed her.  She could hear him grinning at her blush. "The cosmos are joy and harmony," he added, moving closer again. "Yellow daisies are for both true love, because each flower is actually two joined as one, and for new beginnings. Gardenias, now those are interesting. They represent feminine beauty, and can refer to a secret love, but," Roxanne nearly dropped the vase as he leaned against her back to breathe the last words against her ear. "Gardenias also mean: 'I will always protect you.'"
"Megamind," she breathed, gently setting the vase on the counter and turning to bury herself in him. He smelled like hot metal— he'd probably been welding something earlier— and expensive cologne, but beneath that was his familiar musk of leather, spices, and something warm and woody.
He began kissing along her ear and down toward her shoulder— something he had become extremely good at in the last few months. His goatee, warm breath, and gentle teeth were sweet torture against her sensitive skin. Clever fingers tickled up the nape of her neck and slid around to gently tangle in her short hair, making her shiver. She sighed his name again, tasting the syllables like a prayer.
Megamind. This was Megamind: fiercely loyal and endlessly affectionate. Of course, he would always protect her. Let the whole entire city, or even the entire planet, turn against them, and he would remain steadfastly at her side, determined and immovable as stone.  Certainly, they had had their share of arguments—what couple didn't?—but, in the end, he always had her back. He'd probably even do his best to shield her from the worst of people's biases.  Because that was the sort of man he was.
To hell with what people might think. I want this, now and always.
Roxanne leaned back just enough to kiss him with thorough passion, giving his mouth the full and undivided attention it deserved.  He matched her passion, tongue gliding past her lips to tempt and tumble against her own.  Almost of their own accord, her arms wrapped about his slender neck, pulling him closer, urging him on...
And her stupid phone timer went off, shattering the moment with an annoyingly jaunty little tune.
"I… um… I have dinner in the oven," she stumbled over her own words. "It should be... ready… almost... almost ready."
Mercifully, he took his cue. "Oh-ho!" he laughed, giving her one last peck on the lips. "Home cooking twice in one week! Just what are you up to, Miss Ritchi?"
Although Roxanne had learned to cook at her grandmother's elbow, she'd rarely felt it worth her time when she was single, preferring quick frozen meals she could leave in the crockpot or even pop into the microwave.  Since she had started dating Megamind, however, she'd dusted off the old cookbooks she'd inherited and started making meals from scratch once a week.  True, the hero had Minion to cook for him— and her skills were nowhere near the henchman's gourmet standards— but this was one of the ways she could show her affection, and it always seemed to please the blue alien.  Things like that had become important to the reporter as Megamind took up residence in her heart, which is why she found herself constantly making little gestures like buying him a blue teddy bear in a black leather jacket, or texting him funny pictures and thoughts she knew would make him smile.  So she had gotten into the habit of planning one special dinner each week.  But, up until now, it had always been only one.
I'd hoped he wouldn't notice.  I should have known better.  
She gave him her best calm reporter stare. It was ruined by the fact that her face still felt like it was glowing red. "Why should I be up to anything?" she asked coyly.
He lifted an eyebrow, his grin playful.  "Your wiles won't work on me."
That earned him a sultry look. "I was under the impression they were working pretty well just now."
"Wicked girl," he teased. Following Roxanne across the small kitchen, Megamind opened the oven and sniffed eagerly. "Mmmm... Lasag-na. My favorite. Now I'm definitely suspicious."
"It's lasagna, silly," Roxanne corrected fondly, moving past him to set her bouquet on the dinette table. "And can't a girl make her favorite hero a nice dinner without him getting into conspiracy theories?"
He only grinned at her again. "La. Sag. Na." That was one of the things Roxanne loved most about Megamind. He never let himself be embarrassed. Most people would have been mortified by constant mispronunciations, but he brushed them off with a smile.
Giggling, Roxanne swatted him playfully out of her way and found two oven mitts in a drawer before retrieving the dish from the oven. "Maybe I'll make you learn to say it correctly before I let you have any."
"Oh, you could never be so cruel!" he answered over his shoulder as he selected plates from the cabinet. "I should have brought a bottle of wine."
"I still have two from the last time you came over," laughed Roxanne. "I think we'll be okay."
"You make me sound like an alcoholic," Megamind complained, but he couldn't quite tame his playful expression as he began setting the table. "I simply couldn't decide what would compliment the dish best. Besides, I wanted to make sure I had something to eat my breakfast cereal with in the morning."
Roxanne loved Megamind's laugh. He was the city's hero now, but his rolling chortle still had a dark ring in it, and something about it sent delicious shivers down her spine.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" he assured her.
"I know, but... Ewww!"
He laughed again and motioned her to her chair. "Alright, okay," he said, helping her into her seat. "Whenever I stay here overnight, I solemnly promise that I will not eat cereal and wine for breakfast."
Roxanne tried to giggle but found her throat suddenly tight. Funny how that comment brought the conversation to the matter at hand.
Come on, Roxanne.  For God's sake.  Just ask.
She looked up at him, his face still glowing with humor, and gently placed her hand on his.
"Megamind, I was thinking, what about tonight?"
He looked confused. "What about tonight?"
"For that. For you to stay over. I mean..." she sighed.  Ugh... Why is this so hard?   "Will you stay here with me tonight?"
"Of course!" his easy tone implied he still didn't get her meaning. It wasn't as if he had never stayed over, after all... It was simply that they had never done any more than cuddle.
"No, I mean, will you—" Oh, God, I'm going to have to be specific, aren't I?— "Will you sleep with me? Will you spend the night here as my lover?"
That finally did it. His eyes widened in surprise, and then he glanced quickly down, trying unsuccessfully to hide his little up-to-no-good grin.
When he lifted his gaze again, however, his expression turned serious. "Are you... sure? I want you to be sure, Roxanne. Absolutely certain." He lifted his free hand to push a strand of her short hair tenderly back from her face. "No regrets between us. Ever."
She smiled. Doesn't he understand that that's what makes me so certain?  He's always ready to put me first.
Yes, he was an alien. Yes, she was going to be the first known human to sleep with someone from a different planet. Yes, in a society where too many still objected to relationships between different races and same genders, sharing her bed with an extraterrestrial was sure to stir up trouble. But it didn't matter. She had given him her whole heart, and after five months of dating— more if you counted the dates with "Bernard"— she wanted to give him her body, too. The time had come. Their relationship couldn't continue in this state of limbo. Either she stopped holding back or she broke things off, and she couldn't bear the thought of the latter. No matter what happened, no matter who judged them, no matter how many snide comments she had to hear about Stockholm Syndrome and tentacle porn, she would not—could not—let him go.
Fully meeting his look, Roxanne let her emotions— love, desire, trust, longing— fill her blue eyes. Her hands caressed the sides of his face as she pulled him down for another slow-burn kiss.
"I'm sure," she breathed when they parted for air. "I'm very, very sure."
He smiled and leaned back in, kissing her again, letting years of contained passion spill over her.  The chair skittered back as she rose, tangling her arms around him.  Clutching her, Megamind ran eager hands over her back, cupped her hips, and pressed her close to feel the proof of his desire. His kisses were hot, desperate, as if he were drowning and her lips held his only salvation.
Panting and flushed, the hero was the first to pull back. "I'm sorry," he said, motioning to the cooling meal on the table. "I don't mean to let all your hard work go to waste, but—"
"I have a microwave. We can heat it up."
He grinned. "Well, in that case..." he purred. Scooping her up in his deceptively thin arms, Metro City's blue hero carried Roxanne to the bedroom.
Tonight. It was going to be tonight.
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Quickly, Swiftly
Been a while...sorry! Hope you enjoy. This one was a request from @smallmarvel
Pairing: Quicksilver/Reader
Warnings: Angst a lil but there’s fluff (:
I'm so obsessed with your writing! Could I request an X Men Quicksilver (Peter Maximoff) x reader where they both have super speed and like to mess around with Charles and just overall create a bit of chaos? Best friends to lovers make me WEAK. If not Quicksilver then Peter Parker is good too :) 
Small chuckles escaped you as you saw Peter zoom around Charles. 
“Can you catch me?” Peter taunted Charles.
“Don’t make me.” He retorted, before stopping and turning to you.
“I can hear you, just come out.”
“But Charles, that’s no fuuuun.” You whined in your mind before you came around the corner, leaning against it, eyeing Peter. His hair was always a mess from the constant running. It’s not that he likes to annoy people, he loves to annoy them. Before he came around, you were very reserved with your power. As much as you liked dashing around fields just to get your energy out, you usually kept your super speed under wraps. Until you met Peter. Something in you sparked when you saw him, like something was unlocked.
“C’mon, just a little bit. We’ll stop after a few seconds!” Peter begged, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“...fine. But, only because you gave me your chocolate yesterday.”  With a roll of his eyes, he grabbed your hand, speeding off with you through the halls of Charles’ school. 
And that’s when you felt it. Such a close connection with someone who understood exactly what you’ve dealt with all your life. The need to feel the air in your lungs, the messy hair, the dry eyes because you forget eye protection sometimes. Peter even leant you his goggles once. His eyes were tearing up by the time you stopped running. As bad as you felt about it, you were so thankful for not having dry eyes for once. 
The memory flashed in your mind.
Although he’s your best friend, you can’t help but feel like there’s something more between you two. You might be overthinking it though. Who knows?
“I know.” Charles thought, making you snap your eyes to him. He chuckled at you, like you were a deer in headlights. 
“If you tell him, that wheelchair will no longer work.” You growled at him before looking back at Peter with a smile.
“Stop running in my halls then.” Charles whispered under his breath.
“Not a chance!” Peter had overheard his comment, dashing in front of Charles, then coming back to you.
“What’d’ya say, take a good run around here?” Peter crossed his arms, leaning against the stairwell.
Charles spun around to stare at you, a mischievous spark in his eyes.
“Yeah, why don’t you do that?”
“U-um, I’m a little tired today, I don’t know if I’m up for that today.” You lied straight to Peter’s face, making your stomach turn. Lying to your best friend? Is that okay? It’s to keep Charles from telling Peter, so it was okay...right?
You turned around, heading up the staircase normally, looking for a place to lay down to think about what you should do. If anyone were to tell him about how you feel, it should be you. But, do you have the courage? The bravery? Are you willing to possibly ruin everything you’ve built up with Peter, just because you get butterflies when you see him?
They’re not even butterflies anymore. When he grabs your hand to run around the halls, only to make Charles’ paperwork fly everywhere. When he takes his hands and tries to fix your hair, even though he manages to make it worse. When you take popcorn and toss it at each others’ mouths, full well knowing you have other important tasks to complete. When you two just sit there in comfortable silences, sometimes sneaking glances at each other. It’s not butterflies, it’s love.
Love. You’re scared of it. Scared to admit that you might be in love with your best friend. 
“I wasn’t serious about what I said.” You heard Charles speak from behind you, while you were staring out a large window.
“Weren’t you though?” It was a small whisper, with a voice crack.
Charles didn’t answer. He sat there a moment, thinking. He would usually have a clever answer, but this time, he had none. Before he opened his mouth to comfort you, or give you advice, Peter was suddenly beside him. 
“Hey, you okay?” With raised eyebrows, he pushed past Charles, who began wheeling away. 
“I’m...I don’t know.” You didn’t want to lie again and say you’re fine, because you most certainly weren’t. Even if you did say you were, Peter would coax whatever was bothering you out of your heart.
Your heart. It’s pounding wildly when he stands next to you. It’s almost breaking because he’s so close yet so far away. You want him to mend whatever is happening to it, but you know he can’t unless you tell him.
“Well, then what’s happenin’?” The table he hopped onto and got comfortable on creaked. 
You were silent for several moments. You were never quiet around him. Always bubbly and giggly. Now he was concerned. So he got up, and pulled you by the shoulder, forcing you to look at him. Your body shivered at his touch, as you almost bursted into tears. 
“We’re best friends, right Peter?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be? Who else would I have to annoy Charles?”
“And nothing could tear us apart?” You whimpered a little.
“Are you okay?”
“Just a yes or no, please Pete.”
“Yes, then” Peter still didn’t let go of your shoulder.
With a deep breath, you looked him in his eyes. Now or never.
“Iloveyou.” That came out faster than expected.
Peter stood there for a moment, eyes blinking for a few times before he finally registers what the hell you just said. He pulled you into a hug by the hand.
“There was no need for the dramatics, jeez. You could’ve just said that.” 
“Wait, what?” Your head laid on his shoulder, squeezing his hand.
“Why’d you make a big deal about it? I love you too.” He gave you a tight squeeze, before pulling back but still holding your hand.
“But, I love you like love love you too.” 
“Me too?” Peter gave you a confused look, like you didn’t understand him.
“Oh? That’s all you have for someone who made something soooo simple like it’s a play.” Peter gave you a large eye roll, making you smack his arm.
“Shut up, please.”
“Please, huh? I didn’t know you know what that word is.” A large smirk crossed his face as he taunts you, getting into a position to run after he kisses you quickly, leaving you stunned.
“Oh, you little!” You outstretched your arm to grab him but he was too fast. He was already gone with a loud laugh, one that made your heart flutter.
Well, that was quick.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 16 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Hello pumpkins! Thank you so much for all the love, we adore you! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Sutan was smitten with a mysterious new girl, and Fame finally approved the Fashion Week designs.  
This Chapter: A mystery, a flea market, an apology,  a high society gathering, and a bedtime story.
“Come in!”
Katya pushed open Pearl’s door, then stood there, arms crossed, a deeply unhappy look on her face. Katya didn’t get mad very often, so when she did, people took it very seriously. Pearl took one look at her and scrambled up into a seated position on her bed.
“What’s wrong?” Pearl asked, a little worried.
“What did you do to Violet?”
“What…” Pearl scoffed, slightly offended. “What makes you think I did something?”
“Well, this is the third week in a row that she’s turned down our brunch invite. So naturally I assume you broke her poor heart. Didn’t you?!”
“No!” Pearl exclaimed. “In fact, if anyone broke anyone’s heart, it’s her! She completely ditched me at the Vogue party and now she’s acting like I don’t even exist.”
Katya narrowed her eyes, contemplating this claim. Pearl’s eyes were wide and innocent and she looked like she was telling the truth, but Katya wasn’t buying it. Something didn’t smell right.
“Huh.” Katya sat down beside Pearl on the bed. “Walk me through the party. Everything you remember.”
“Okay, so it started out great. She looked super hot; I looked super hot.”
“Naturally,” Katya chuckled.
“She didn’t want to do the whole step and repeat thing, but of course I have to, so she kind of stood to the side while I took some pictures, and I was like, clowning and flirting with her, and she seemed really into it. Real giggly and adorable.”
“Okay...” Katya raised an eyebrow.
“And then we went in, and she just...disappeared.” Pearl groaned. “I couldn’t find her anywhere. And the next thing I knew, she was sitting at the bar, flirting with some dude, having the time of her life-”
“Go back,” Katya said. “When you went into the party, you’re saying that she disappeared without saying one word to you?”
“Well, no, she said that she was going to get us drinks.”
“And what were you doing while she was getting drinks, Pearl?” Katya asked.
“I was dancing. Waiting for her! And...oh, shit.” Realization dawned in Pearl’s eyes. “Do you think she saw that girl kiss me?”
Katya covered her face with her hands, moaning, “Peeeearl, for fuck’s sake!”
“Well it was only like a second! A few seconds, tops! And I pushed her away!” Pearl defended herself. “And anyway, why wouldn’t she have said anything?!”
“Does she strike you as the type who enjoys confrontation?” Katya asked pointedly.
“No. No, definitely not. Ugh, fuck.”
“And anyway, what did you say when you saw her at the bar?”
“Uhhh...I kinda just...left.”
“Pearl!” Katya admonished.
“I was pissed! And I don’t like confrontation either.” Pearl crossed her arms sullenly.
“You need to talk to her.”
“Well, I’ve tried, Katya, but she doesn’t want to!”
Katya placed a hand on Pearl’s shoulder and said, “Try again.”
Pearl nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”  
“Patrick! Patrick, come here!”
Patrick looked around, trying to locate the face of his wife in the crowd of poorly-dressed shoppers who were surrounding them.
Fame had come home last night, fully drained after a long week at the office. When her mood and her energy levels hadn’t recovered after a long bath, Patrick had made a decision.
The Grand Market Place in New Jersey was one of Fame’s favorite places on Earth. Honestly, any flea market where Fame could walk around in peace was her happy place. Patrick had gotten their car out nice and early, not telling Fame where they were going until they were well on their way to the Lincoln tunnel, where she figured it out.
Patrick finally located Fame, waving at her as he made his way towards his wife, two strawberry melon coolers in his hand, one for each of them.
“Look! Look!” Fame smiled, her entire face lighting up as she held up a small porcelain figurine of a chicken.
“It’s a Royal Copley! See! The stamp is still there!” Fame turned the chicken upside down and showed him the bottom and the brand of the figurine. “It’s an original, I have to have this! It’s an Araucana, my favorite breed!”
Patrick laughed, basking in the joy Fame was radiating. He had sworn on his life that he would never tell anyone that Fame was an avid collector of porcelain animals, but chickens in particular. Her private collection had nearly 100 small chickens meticulously on display in one of Fame’s workrooms.
“I know it is, baby.” Patrick traded the drink and held his hand out for the figurine. Fame took a sip and smiled, not a single complaint falling from her lips over the sweetness of the drink as she turned around and started to argue with the woman in the stall over the price.
Patrick smiled to himself, thankful for the dork of a woman he had chosen to marry. Fame had grown up on a farm, her dad specializing in the breeding of rare chicken breeds for competitions all over the country and he loved seeing the side of her she normally kept so carefully hidden from the rest of the world.
Patrick took a sip of his drink, watching his woman. Spending some time outside of New York where literally no one knew either Fame or himself had been the right decision for today. It was liberating in the best of ways and just what they both needed, a Saturday away from the city in the early September sun.
Violet would have never opened the door if it wasn’t for the insistent knocking. She had tried to ignore it, had even made a cup of tea while desperately attempting to tune it out, but as the kettle whistled, Violet’s nerves had finally broken down.
She opened the door, only to be greeted by the sight of Pearl’s face, her hand raised to knock for the hundredth time.
“Go away.”
Violet tried to close the door, but Pearl shoved her foot forward, her heavy leather boot the only thing saving it from getting crushed.
“Please-” Pearl groaned, her hand grabbing the door and prying it open. “I brought you a housewarming gift.”
Pearl tilted her hip, and Violet saw that she was carrying a basket of what had to be top shelf liquor.
“You can keep it.”
Violet tried to close the door again, but Pearl’s grip was too strong.
“Listen, I’m sorry about the whole mess-”
Violet paused. Pearl never apologized. Ever. Sure, the blonde pleaded and played cute, knowing just how to say sorry without the words ever leaving her mouth, but she had just said them, and from what Violet could see, she actually meant them too.
“Can I come in, please?” Pearl sighed. “I really need to talk to you.”
“Fine.” Violet took a step back. “Two minutes.”
Violet had intended to be in control, but it wasn’t until she had let Pearl in that she realized the blonde hadn’t been in her apartment yet.
“Nice decorating.”
Violet felt a flush of shame wash over her. She hadn’t gotten anything done with her place, the apartment just as empty as it had been when she had just moved in, but with Courtney taking all her time at work, and Sutan getting what little she could spare outside of it, she hadn’t had time to get anything done.
“You wanted to talk-” Violet leaned against the wall. “Talk.”
It was clear that Pearl wasn’t used to being put on the spot, but she recovered quickly.
“First of all, I thought you were a real bitch when you randomly ditched me to flirt with some guy.”
Violet’s eyes widened. “Wha-” Pearl was being wildy unfair. “That’s not what happen-”
“And it really fucking bothered me. Especially because that didn’t seem like you. Ditching someone I mean-”
“I didn’t-”
”And I might have realized earlier today that you possibly saw me on the dance floor.”
Pearl’s admission felt like a slap to the face all over again. Violet had tried to forget Pearl kissing the redhead, she really had, but it seemed like the world was intent on reminding her of it every chance it got.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“But it does. Vivi, I swear, she’s just someone I used to mess around with. I pushed her away right after she kissed me. The only person I wanted that night was you. Pinky swear.”
“Pearl…” Violet wanted to accept the pinky swear, wanted to forgive Pearl so badly, the woman was one of the few people she considered friends, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t hurting.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
It was true. Violet missed Pearl, missed their friendship, missed having fun and feeling young and stupid and so very alive.
“Can we please just be friends again?”
A part of Violet wanted to say no, wanted to do what she always did which was run away, but for once, she knew it was worth the risk.
“Of course.”
Hugging Pearl felt amazing, and Violet clung to her friend, her fingers buried in her blonde locks.
Violet hurried down the stairs, fumbling with her earring as she took them two at a time. She hated herself, but she was almost late to be picked up, the clock in the lobby telling her she only had two minutes before she was supposed to be out on the street.
Violet hadn’t meant to take so long, hadn’t wanted to be almost late, but she had changed her clothes one too many times, her stomach filled with fluttering butterflies of nervousness.
Sutan had invited her out over text two days ago, and while Violet had agreed right away, it was driving her up the wall that she had no idea what they were doing and where they were going.
He had only told her to dress up, and that he had their tickets already booked, which wasn’t really much to go on.
Violet had agonised over what to wear for hours, but had ended up settling on a red evening gown, overdressed seeming like a much better option than underdressed.
She closed the lock on her earring, but as she reached out to grab the door, she felt her phone start to buzz away in her clutch. She could see Sutan through the glass in the door, a phone to his ear.
“I’m here!”
Sutan turned around, a smile breaking out on his face as he recognised her. He tapped on his phone, and Violet’s clutch finally stopped buzzing.
“Hello lovely eyes.”
Violet was just about to open her mouth to return his greeting, when she realised that he was holding a half smoked cigarette.
“I didn’t know you smoked.” Violet bit her lip. This was the first time she had seen a cigarette in Sutan’s hand, his apartment not smelling of smoke at all.
“I don’t.”
Violet raised an eyebrow, and Sutan laughed.
“Okay, so, I guess I’m obviously smoking right now.” Sutan dropped the cigarette, and stepped on it, Violet barely holding in a groan as she couldn’t help but worry about the Gucci sole. “Raja has me by the ball with the whole new models thing.”
“Ah…” Violet was well aware, too aware, that Fame had already rejected over half of the girls Elite had suggested. “I’m sorry.”
“Let’s not talk about work.” Sutan held a hand out, and Violet took it. She had expected him to pull her in for a kiss or a hug, but instead, he spun her around.
“Suta-” Violet wanted to protest, but her muscle memory had already taken over, her body following his lead as she twirled once, twice, before Sutan stopped her again.
“You look gorgeous.” Sutan smiled, her hand still in his . “Is it Valentino?”
Violet nodded. “2011.”
“It suits you.” Sutan pulled her in, and Violet followed, the man clearly going for a hello kiss, but Violet turned her head to the side, his lips hitting her cheek, clearly indicating to him that she wasn’t going to kiss someone who had just smoked.
“Mmh.” Sutan hummed against her cheek, and Violet barely contained a shiver, the scent of cigarettes and his aftershave overwhelming her.
“How long does it take to get there?”
Violet leaned back against the seat, her black hair spilling over her long and slender arms. Sutan had been absolutely serious when he had complimented Violet’s outfit, the red dress spectacular. The chest was what drew his attention though,  her delicate collarbones standing out, flounces flanking the bare skin, Violet’s small breasts half covered by the fabric.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sutan smirked, his driver pulling out from the sidewalk.
“You’re not even going to pretend to want to know?” When he had told Violet he was keeping the evening date a surprise, he had expected a pointed reply, some nagging or at least a few texts, but Violet had simply accepted it, the woman he was sharing his car with once again so different from everyone else he would normally date.
“I can be patient.” Violet smiled, a teasing glimt in her eyes.
“It’s no fun if you’re not fighting to find out.” Sutan flicked Violet’s earring, which made her yelp and laugh, his move earning him a slap on the thigh. “We’re going to the reception for the new Ralph Pucci exhibition.”
“Wha-” Violet turned towards him. “Are you kidding me? Ralph Pucci, the Ralph Pucci?  Are you taking me to the reception of ‘The Art of the Mannequin’ exhibition at the MET?”
“The one and only.”
Violet was filled with glee.
She was at an actual reception at the MET as a proper guest. It was something she had longed for as a fashion student, and something she missed from her younger days, the atmosphere of a cultural premiere always something special.
They had already watched the opening talk and Sutan had gotten them glasses of champagne, the man offering his arm to her without question.
Violet had scanned the room when they had arrived, but there was no one there that she knew, no one who could potentially recognise her for who she used to be.
It was wonderful to walk through the exhibition with Sutan, the man saying quick hellos left and right, but he never strayed from Violet’s side. They each emptied two more glasses of champagne, sharing a few pieces of fruit from the platters the waiters carried around the museum halls.
“Oh.” Sutan leaned down, his breath hot as he whispered into Violet’s ear. “I just spotted Cory Bautista.”
“The co-owner of Model Management?”
“Of course you know who he is,” Sutan chuckled. “I have to go talk to him. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Afraid I can’t take care of myself?” Violet reached out, gently adjusting Sutan’s suit jacket.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Sutan placed a quick kiss on her lips before he walked away, allowing Violet to wander around the exhibition. She had no idea if Sutan had just been lucky when he picked the night's activity, but for Violet it was an absolute joy to get to look at and read about the history and evolution of the fashion mannequin and it’s creator.
Violet was just reading a sign, when she heard a voice besides her.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” It was a soft female voice, her tone almost melodical. “An artist who is actually appreciated in his own time.”
“It is…” Violet smiled to herself. She didn’t turn around, the art in front of her too exciting. “Can you believe they’re actually showing the original 1979 action mannequins? And look, they even have some of Michael Everts prototypes. Isn’t it fascinating? I love how you can clearly see the evolution.”
“Oh wow,” The voice chuckled. “You’re a real expert, huh?”
“Hardly.” Violet shook her head, “but I graduated from Parsons two years ago.”
“And what do you do now then? Do you work for the museum?”
“No, I actually-” Violet turned around, surprised to find an unmistakably familiar face. A face she’d seen splashed across tabloid covers while standing in line for the checkout as a child, the cheerful looking redhead providing some of the most colorful stories during the late 90s and early 2000s.
“Ms. Monsoon.”
“Jinkx.” The woman smiled warmly and held out her hand. She seemed charming and sweet, nothing like the irresponsible, brazen party girl the tabloids had painted her as years back. “And you are?”
“Violet. My name is Violet. I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect to see you…” Violet trailed off uncertainly.
“Standing upright and speaking in coherent sentences?” Jinkx guessed with a chuckle.
“Well, no, I just-”
“It’s fine, sweetie. It’s always nice to surpass people’s expectations, even if they’re rock bottom.” Jinkx gave another crooked smile, the mischievous glint in her brown eyes telling Violet that she was in no way offended.
“I like your dress.”
Jinkx was wearing a bright scarlet gown. It was clearly custom made, the cut telling its own story of a competent tailor, but Violet wasn’t sure she would have ever paired it with Jinkx’s copper hair and red lipstick. The colors should be clashing horribly, but somehow, it was working
“Thank you! Coming from a Parsons alum, that’s quite the compliment,” Jinkx said. “You never told me where you work these days.”
“Oh, I’m at Galac-”
“Hey-” Violet turned around as Sutan walked up behind her, pressing a quick kiss against her temple. “Sorry I was gone for so-”
It was then that Sutan looked up, his entire body stiffening as he recognized who Violet was talking to.
“Sutan, well well well. I’m not going to say I didn’t expect to see you here, but I certainly didn’t expect to see you in such excellent company.”
Violet couldn’t help but notice how quickly Jinkx’s demeanor had changed. She glanced from Sutan to Violet and then briefly at the ceiling, her face unreadable. She leveled her gaze back at Sutan, looking straight into his eyes, making Violet feel more than a little uncomfortable as Sutan responded to Jinkx’s stare.
“You’re looking very… radiant tonight.”
Violet could hear a sour, mocking note in Sutan’s silky voice. She had no idea what was going on, had never seen Sutan like this before and she couldn’t recognize the man who had whispered into her ear merely minutes before, the energy he was giving off now reminding her of Raja on her worst days.
“Whoaaa… Alert the presses,” a voice called out. “Since when are you two allowed in the same room?”
Violet turned to see none other than Bianca Del Rio approaching the group.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Violet couldn’t be sure that Bianca actually knew who she was, or would recognize her out of the context of the office, but she wasn’t prepared to stay and find out. She began to back away, doing her best to obscure her face from Bianca, her heart hammering away in her chest.
“Heya, red.” Bianca slipped an arm around Jinkx’s waist. “Is this asshole harassing you?”
“Shut up, B,” Sutan said. “Actually, I was just about to take my date and-” He glanced around for Violet, who was by now standing by one of the mannequins on the other side of the room. “Um…”
“Uh oh. Boy wonder got ditched?” Bianca joked.
“I knew she had good taste,” Jinkx replied, and both of them cackled gleefully.
“I’m glad you’re well, Jinkx,” Sutan said, sounding like he had to muster all of his strength to get out the sentence. “I’ll leave you to it.” He managed a smile, “Also, Bianca? Kiss my ass.”
Bianca laughed uproariously, raising her glass to him as he took his leave.
“Love you too, Tan!”
Sutan spotted Violet and took her hand, guiding her quickly to the far side of the room.
“What was that about?” inquired Violet as soon as they were at a safe distance away.
Sutan took a deep breath. “Jinkx and I used to be…” he groaned, wincing, before finishing, “...involved.”
“Seriously?” Violet couldn’t imagine Sutan and Jinkx together if her life depended on it; they seemed too different, like night and day.
“Yes. It didn’t end well, to say the least. But...that was a long time ago. It doesn’t matter now.”
“Okay,” Violet said simply. If there was one thing she understood, it was the desire to forget your past, and who was she to probe, when there was so much she’d never want to share herself.
“Are you comfortable, baby?”
Katya and Trixie were together in bed, both of them wearing their matching fluffy pajamas.
Trixie nodded, a smile on his face as he snuggled into Katya’s side. Trixie came home from his bar night with Pearl pretty drunk, so Katya had brushed his teeth and tucked him into bed.
“Good.” Katya smiled and leaned down, placing a sweet kiss on Trixie’s forehead before she picked her book up. She had learned through countless nights in Trixie’s bed that there was nothing that put him to sleep easier than a book he found utterly boring.
“In 2008, a study from the University of Texas at Austin found that, ‘There are many inadequate high school facilities in Texas, and unfortunately many of these are found in areas of low socioeconomic status and high minority percentages.’ The researchers also determined that inadequate high school facilities and poor classroom conditions had a negative impact on students’ academic performance.”
Katya stopped her reading, completely horrified with what she had just read.
Trixie looked up at Katya, a sad look on his face.
“Keep reading baby… Keep reading.”
Katya smiled a little.
“The researchers found that high school students perform better on tests if the classroom has a view of a green landscape, rather than a windowless room, or a room with a view of another building or a parking lot.”
“You’re my green landscape, baby.”
Katya leaned down and kissed Trixie’s little bald spot. “You’re my green landscape too, baby.”
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Request: First “I love you” - Lumax
Before i get into it I just want to say that @thezoomermax wrote a drabble for this that is completely perfect and super accurate. So accurate that I had a really hard time coming up with anything because I honestly think that what she wrote was 100% how it would go down. So this is (in my mind) what a more serious Lumax ‘I Love you” interaction would be like, maybe after they had already broken the tension with what Rachel wrote. 
Hope you enjoy!
Being ‘in love’ was never something that Max cared about. Her parents had been in love at some point, and that turned out like shit. Her mom and her new husband said they loved each other, but she didn't believe anyone could actually love a man like that, and she seemed more complacent then actually happy. Maybe love is only for people in movies, and regular people just find someone that they can put up with, and that's who they end up marrying. Maybe some people do fall in love, but only for a little while. Maybe love is just something that people make up to feel less lonely then they actually are. Either way she knew she didn't care about.
Her and Lucas had been together for a few months, and it was practically perfect. He was the most fun person she had ever met, even if he was a dork. He was genuine, and always listened, and actually cared about her feelings and what she had to say. Some of the things that she opened up to him about, she had never told anyone in her entire life. They clicked in every way. She liked him, and loved spending time with him, she liked going on ‘dates’, and adventures, and having long talks, and kissing him, and even holding his hand at school. She didn't need some word to tell her what he feelings meant, and she didn't want dumb labels making everything weird and confusing.
They were Lucas and Max, Stalker and Zoomer, best friends and partners in crime and that was good enough for her.
As the months progressed to did her feelings for him. It became less of this silly little crush, where they held hands until the D&D table, and kissed quickly when he walked her home. Now she found herself becoming jealous when other girls would flirt with him, and she started wanting to kiss him longer, and in public. She would kick herself for feeling so weird and clingy, but she just couldn't help it. He had sort of dropped an ‘I love you’ bomb before, but it was just sweet and harmless. It made her just as giddy as it did nervous.
She really liked him! And it was going to be the death of her, because she was finally going to realize how much.
It was a balmy summer day, and El was finally allowed out of the house, so the party was taking advantage on the break from school and spending as much time together as possible. They had spent all day at the lake, and even though it was no beach, it was still pretty fun. After all of the excitement wore off and everyone was ready to go home, Steve dropped them all off at Mikes house. Lucas volunteered to walk Max home, because it was sort of a novelty for them so spend any time alone together.
Lucas had been trying his best to stay clear of Max’s house, and more specifically her step-brother, but they had had such a good day he didn't want it to end. Max assured him that after Billy’s near brush with a crushed pelvis, he had left her alone and that if he tried anything she would pull out the bat that Steve had given her for just such an occasion.
They walked hand in hand down the street. The sun was sitting low in the sky, casting long orange streams of light across the road. Max had shocked everyone today by wearing a floral sundress over her swimsuit. She threatened to punch anyone who mentioned it, but Lucas thought he looked lovely. The little yellow flower patterns complimented her ivory skin, and fiery-hair, and he marveled over the orange freckles that dotted her legs. Her hair was wavy and stiff from the water, and Lucas imagined how pretty she must have looked when she lived near the ocean.
They talked idly about their day while the walked. They recounted the way Dustin had belly flopped while trying to jump from the rope swing, and how Will had won the breath holding contest. Max teased him for screaming like a little girl when he jumped off the tiny cliff, and he teased her being scared of the bass in the water. Eventually their conversation steered towards Mike and El, as it often did, and about how painfully lovesick they both were.
“God I know, Mike spent basically all day making puppy eyes at El. It was ridiculous.” Lucas scoffed, chuckling heartily.
“Ugh I know, El was even worse. Did you notice the way she was like always touching him? Like she couldn't be away from him for even a second.” She giggled. “Kill me if I ever act that way.”
“Gladly. Same here.” Lucas teased. They continued their strole, shoulders bumping against each other as they walked. “It is nice to see Mike back to his normal self though.” Lucas added after awhile.
“Yeah, he seems pretty happy.” Max sighed. “I'm just glad he isn't a jerk to me anymore.”
“I guess being in love has that effect on you.” Lucas laughed. Max laughed too, but then reeled for a moment. It was painfully obvious that Mike and El were in fact ‘in love’ but she wondered if they had actually said it or not. Max wasn't exactly the best at ‘girl talk’ but her and El told each other most things. It wasn't like it really mattered, if they had said it or not, but she wondered what that must mean for their relationship. She wondered if that really was what made them so sappy all the time.
After a few minutes of walking, the reached the road that Max lived on. They stood just down the hill from her house, out of sight from her family. This had become a bit a routine for them. Standing here in the sunset, holding hands and lingering a few minutes longer each time, not yet wanting to part ways, but not really having anything to say.
“I had a lot of fun with you today, Madmax.” Lucas grinned shyly. Max giggled, he always looked so dopey when he flirted, it was cute.
“I had fun today with you too, stalker. Thanks for inviting me.” She felt her face blush just slightly, and she wondered if this fluttery feeling would ever go away.
“It wouldn't have been the same with you.” Lucas smirked, wanting to make the conversation as long as possible.
“That's, true. I'm pretty great huh?” She teased, punched him lightly in the shoulder.
“Yeah really great!” Lucas said a little to quickly, either missing her sarcasm or failing at his own.
She laughed and shook her head at him. “You are just as bad as Mike.” She teased.
Lucas looked just slightly offended for a moment, but then he looked more embarrassed than anything else. He looked down at his feet and shrugged.
“Can you blame me?” He grinned crookedly, looking up at her while still facing the ground.
Max’s usual response would have been some sort of playful jab, or to poke fun at him for being such a sap, but all she could think about was her heart racing and her face growing warmer. She felt like a giddy school girl, all giggly and dumb, and she figured she would have plenty of time to make fun of him later. So she kissed him.
“Wha... what was that for?” He asked, eyes wide and bewildered.
“Because I have to kill you now.” Her face was serious and unreadable, and for a split second Lucas was worried that she was serious. He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off with a hearty laugh. “Because you totally love me!”
Lucas blinked at her in surprise. He was speechless, but he tried to argue anyway, mumbling some sort of disagreement but mostly just turning deep red and babbling incoherent nonsense.
“You do! You totally love me!” She giggled, pulling him in closer by wrapping her arms around his neck. “But don't worry, Stalker. You have to kill me now too. Because I love you back.”
She pulled his head forward and kissed him tenderly, for longer than any kiss they had ever shared before. He wrapped his arms around her waist and when they broke apart, they learned their foreheads against one another. Max felt like she was full of swarming butterflies, and like she could just melt into the sunset, like a total waistoid. Lucas, based on the look on his face and the dopey glint in his eyes, was feeling the same. Like he could stand here forever.
“I love you, Max.” He whispered, his tone suddenly serious and intense, and full of emotion. He meant it, he meant every part of it, and for the first time Max understood that this is what love feels like. It's not the way they show it on TV. It can be simple, and easy, and fun, and an adventure, if its with the right person. And based on the way she felt, on the way she wanted to scream from the rooftops and sing and act like an idiot, Lucas was the most right for her a person could be.
“I love you too, Lucas.” She whispered back, her voice full of heartfelt adoration. She kissed him again, and hugged him tightly. And as the sun set around them, making her damp hair feel like ice on her shoulders, she was incredibly warm and content. She never wanted to leave this moment, and she finally understood why El looked like such a moron all the time.
Because being in love makes you feel stupid. Completely, wonderfully, positively, dreadfully stupid. And it's the best feeling in the world.
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mothersunray · 3 years
What's up tumblr, bruh I need to type some long shit out and I couldn't figure out where to do it so HERE I AM AGAIN ITS BEEN A SPICY HOT MINUTE
Okay so it's not a big deal but for me it is because I'm kind of dying?? Not really but mentally. So I've had the worst luck at romance and love since Connor and I broke up like three years ago and ever since I've felt like I just can't connect with people right, I feel dull and I feel like life is just a bit less colorful than it used to be. It's like I have feelings but they're empty and I just couldn't really care less about anything anymore. BUT a couple weeks ago I was out with my friends and my mom and we were playing darts and these three guys came over and asked if they could play with us, so we all teamed up and played and it was a good time. One of the boys, Jacob, was really cute and very funny and was just vibing with his pals and it was a fun time, got my snapchat before we left and it was exciting. Fast forward to the next weekend and we all meet up and hang out and eventually him and I cuddle in his bed and make out and I really really like kissing him, I can tell he's passionate and sweet and gentle but also aggressive and it matches my energy so well. He laughs at my stupid jokes and we always giggle about everything. He doesn't out on a front, he's just himself in every situation. We've been talking every day for a couple weeks now and he's so down to earth and fun and artistic and deep and it's really something to learn things about him, I like him a lot and I'm excited to see if things will go anywhere.
Ok. Here's the thing. So, at my place of employment, there's this guy. He doesn't work in my department but hell come and talk to me throughout the day because I work at my counter alone and it gets lonely. He's INSANELY attractive and very nice and easy to talk to, a real stand up gentleman. It felt like he was flirting with me and obviously I would flirt with him, and it all felt like middle school crushes and shit all over again. I had butterflies, silly cute dreams about him, giggly times talking about him with my friends, the whole deal. I wanted to tell him I liked him but something made it not happen and I decided it wasn't meant to happen so I never did. And then, I was hanging with a co-worker and asked her about him, and she said he has a girlfriend. That was the tricky part because he has NO social media so I can't do my normal stalking to find anything out, it's super annoying. But anyway, within the last week we had a silly conversation about awful Christmas music and it was an all day conversation type thing, it was fun. Well, I get home and I'm just straight chillin on my couch when I get a notification that he added me on snapchat and I LOST MY FUCKING MARBLES. My heart was racing, I was freaking out and texting my roommate like "I'm so confused and I don't know how to feel and the butterflies are back and what the fuck is going on" and we messaged each other all night long. That was three days ago, and we've been messaging every day so far..... I don't know if he still has a girlfriend but today we were talking about golfing and he invited me to go with him and his friends sometimes. My thing is, I'm down to be friends! He's hot as fuck and we never run out of things to talk about, we have the same humor and I feel like I can be myself around him, so being friends would be easy! But I don't know what his intentions are and I don't want to be weird or anything, it just feels like if he did have a girlfriend, why would he be messaging me every day constantly? I'm just confused.
So the other thing is, I'm lost. Like, if it came down to it where Talyn was actually into me (I literally have had the fattest crush on him for SO LONG. SINCE THE PANDEMIC STARTED OK) and obviously Jacob is into me I just don't know. I really like Jacob and he's different from almost every guy I've met and usually my thing is, I focus on things that I know will end up annoying me or causing me to lose any sort of feelings I could potentially have for someone, even just something stupid like a sound they make or things they say, whatever. But everything he does I just find endearing and I adore him already without there really being anything there, it's different and I haven't felt something like this for anyone since Connor. We sat in my car when I was dropping him off at home and made out and talked for an hour before he went inside, and that hasn't happened since Connor. It feels like a good opportunity and a door opening, but at the same time I feel like it could be like that with Talyn too, once I get to know him more and if it comes down to that. And obviously I'm not in any position at this point in time to be thinking like this because it's ALL new with both of them and there's nothing solid happening, but I'm nervous there's gonna have to be a decision between two people that could be the next big thing in my life. Fuck. And the other thing is that Talyn makes me feel these crazy good nervous things and I haven't felt those for anyone since Connor either, but I could easily just be so enamoured by him and his attractiveness that I could be overlooking other things that normally I'd notice right off the bat. So at my current place I want to pursue Jacob, because I can picture myself being very happy with him, but I don't want Talyn to pursue anything with me then because I KNOW it'll fuck with my head too much. Idk. Like I said, it's early and I'm just worrying about nothing for no reason I'm just being a virgo but fuck dude, I've never had to deal with two people being into me and me being into both of them! Ugh.
Ok I'm done ranting or whatever the fuck the point of this post was but it feels good to get it out somewhere even if no one is reading. I miss this app y'all. Maybe I'll be a tumblr bitch again. I do need somewhere to share my phat ass pics lol
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seriestrash · 7 years
You Me Her
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Chapter Sixteen: Prom 
Word Count: 6,375
↠ ♥ ↞
After Riley’s conversation with Lucas at the rooftop party, the brunette is left with a confusing empty feeling. She knew this all had to end but just how that was going to happen she had no clue. 
Riley decides to confide in Kai. She begins sharing how she might be crushing on CJ. Excitedly, Kai supports this possible development. Riley anxiously frets sharing the rest of her woes but manages to tell Kai that she’s even more confused about Lucas stepping back and honestly a little upset by it.
“Lucas is an idiot.” Kai rolls his eyes. 
“Kai,” Riley frowns thinking this was going to turn into another ‘Wonder Boy’ rant. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Kai shakes his head. “Well- I do think he’s an idiot but right now I think he’s stupid for stepping back.” 
“Are you feeling okay?” Riley gives her best friend a dubious gaze. 
“I don’t have to like Lucas to admit that bowing out of the fight for you is stupid.” Kai shrugs a shoulder nonchalantly. 
“I can’t be fought over.” Riley folds her arms. 
“I know.” Kai nods. “But not fighting for you, not even a little. That’s idiotic.”
In the week after Riley’s play all of her friends would be accepted into colleges. Kai nearly passed out when his Notre Dame letter arrived in the mail but it’s no surprise to Riley that he’s accepted. Caitlin plays the cool cucumber as her dream of attending The California Institute of the Arts becomes a reality but on the inside she’s exploding with all kinds of happiness and Harper is happy to be accepted into NYU. Although Riley doesn’t hear it directly from the horses mouth, she does learn that Lucas and Zay both got accepted into UT Austin. News also reaches Riley about Isadora’s and Farkle’s acceptance into Princeton. 
Things settle after the college acceptance roll out and Riley tries to put her confusion regarding the way Lucas’ absence makes her feel to the back of her mind. Riley tries to not think about it too much in the weeks leading up to prom. She actually avoids all together. Lucas had kept his promise and stayed away. Riley found herself unknowingly looking for him at the bakery and in the halls at school but he wasn’t there. He’d smile and be polite if they crossed paths but he was really trying to give Riley time to work out her feelings for CJ. 
Riley works out these feelings by ignoring them. Sure, the piano player gave her  butterflies every time they talked at school but there was always the thought of Lucas in the back of her mind, this thought always stopped her from fully giving her attention to CJ. Although the Riley and CJ don’t actually date during this time, nor even talk about their clear feelings for one another, the two do share some sweet, innocent moments.
 Although there were sweet moments with one boy and feelings for another that Riley tried to suppress she deals with the confusion by putting all her energy towards deciding which college to attend.
Noah Pearson had earned himself the tittle of ‘the worst secret keeper ever’ amongst those whom love him most but this early college admission recipient managed to keep the biggest secret ever and surprised those closest to him when he showed up in New York two days before prom. 
What should have been a happy reunion somehow turned into an upsetting ordeal. Riley and Kai were at the bakery when Noah showed up casually. At first Kai was bursting with excitement as the two had been separated the past month. The boy in glasses coo the question, “What are you doing here?” 
“I came back for prom.” Noah answers honestly. Riley stands one step behind Kai trying to keep her smile unwavering. Of course she was happy Noah was home but she’d be lying if she didn’t think about how this effected ‘the perfect prom’ Kai had promised they’d have. Although, Riley did know that Kai talking up their perfect prom was just a way for him to deal with the fact that he was super disappointed that Noah was going to miss it. 
Kai’s immediate excitement quickly turns to anguish once it clicks in his brain what that means for Riley. Kai works himself up into a teary mess as he’s genuinely upset about shifting Riley’s plans around. Of course he was happy to have Noah home for prom but now there was a stronger sense of guilt weighing on him that he was ruining the perfect prom for Riley. The prom he thought she deserved. After the happy reunion flipped the three moved outside for a little privacy.
Noah stands beside Kai, chewing on his bottom lip and he shrinks into himself nervously. In that moment Riley’s heart ached and not for selfish reasons like losing her prom date but for her now college friend. In these past few months Riley had felt upset for Kai, she watched him miss Noah and be sad about him missing prom but what Riley didn’t think about was how Noah felt about this all. Sure she knew he’d be missing home and his boyfriend but what hadn’t registered until just now was the fact that Noah wouldn’t have just been upset about missing prom with Kai but missing his prom all together. Sure, the early acceptance was a huge deal for him but that doesn’t erase the fact that he’s missing out on senior experiences.
Riley’s mouth curls into a soft but genuine smile. “Why would either of you think for a single second that I’d be upset Noah came home for prom? I am so happy he’s here.”
“You are?” Noah asks sheepishly. “I should have told you first, I’m sorry. I never really thought me coming would impact your plans.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Riley squeezes his hand lovingly.
“But your perfect prom?” Kai’s voice wavers as he wipes at his damp cheeks.
“Hey, my prom never would have been perfect without my two closest friends there.” Riley takes Kai’s hand in hers too. 
“We could all go together?” Noah suggests positively. 
Kai perks up at the idea. “Yeah, like winter formal. The three of us, just like always.”
Riley coaxes her head with a sweet smile at his comment, softly she says, “No.” 
“But Riley-” Kai was very close to working himself up again. 
“No. This is prom.” Riley stresses. “Had Noah never left I would never have agreed to third wheeling.” 
“But you’re not the third wheel, Sunshine.” Noah says. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Riley says genuinely. “This is prom, you two are supposed to have the perfect night together. I promise you that I’m happy you’re going together.” 
“I could find you a date?” Kai frowns, still wanting to make things right. 
Riley knew he probably could find her a date by the time she went to bed. Kai had that many social ties she didn’t doubt it but something inside her felt the need to reject his offer. Maybe it was because of how upset Kai got at the thought of Riley being alone. Riley didn’t think Kai thought of her as codependent but his reaction to her possibly going alone made Riley think of herself that way and she didn’t like it. 
“No thank you.” Riley says simply. 
“But, Ri-” Kai starts but Riley holds a palm out in the air to stop him. 
“You two have been looking after me for years now.” Riley says. “I’m always going to need you but I also need you to know that I am okay.” 
The conversation went back and forth for a little while longer but ultimately it was decided that Noah and Kai would be each others dates and Riley planned to be independent for the evening. 
The following day at school Riley goes about her business as normal. After final bell she makes her way to her locker. As Riley opens it a note slips out onto the floor. Riley picks it up and smiles as she read it. 
‘Meet me in the music room, CJ’
CJ could have easily texted Riley but she found the fact that he put it in a note rather endearing as it had a sweet innocence about it. The brunette packs her bag and makes her way to the music room as instructed. CJ is already there sitting at the piano. Riley slips in the space beside him on the stool with a smile. 
The conversation begins light and giggly as Riley was too nervous to press about why he actually asked to meet. CJ shows how to play a few of the keys and Riley proceeds to butcher the tune completely. 
Riley stops playing, the smile on her face fades when she thinks she sees the back of Lucas walking away from the door. CJ notices her off mood and clears his throat. 
“I guess you’re probably wondering why I asked you here.” CJ nervously wipes his palms on his jeans. 
“The thought had crossed my mind.” Riley turns her attention back to the music man and attempts to bury that longing feeling seeing Lucas pass by gave her. 
“I heard some chatter today that Noah’s back in town.” CJ says. 
“Yes, he surprised Kai yesterday.” Riley nods. 
“I also hear you’re dateless for prom.” CJ shifts anxiously in place. 
“Technically yes.” Riley’s heart picks up pace. She suspects he’s about to ask her and the brunette is unsure if her nerves come from wanting CJ to ask or not wanting him to.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go together?” CJ finally asks. 
Riley freezes, at a loss for words even though she anticipated the question. “You don’t already have a date?” Riley stalls for time. 
“No. The person I wanted to ask was already going with her best friend.” CJ says. 
“You wanted to ask me?” Riley is quiet. 
“I only thought I’d have to get in before Lucas but then Kai asked me about playing piano for his big promposal.” CJ nervously adds. 
Riley deflates at the mention of Lucas. 
“Okay, talking about the other guy.. dumb move.” CJ mumbles. 
Riley reacts impulsively and kisses CJ. He doesn’t stop her. Riley pulls away with a frown. “I’m sorry.” She slides back on the stool putting some space between them.
“I’m not.” CJ smiles. 
“That was selfish of me.” Riley shakes her head. “I kissed you for the wrong reasons.” 
“Riley, it’s okay.” CJ tries to soothe her. 
“No it’s not okay.” Riley frowns. She had kissed CJ because she didn’t want to think of Lucas as being ‘the other guy’ he wasn’t supposed to be a guy for her at all. 
“I have eyes, Riley. I know about you and Lucas.” CJ says. 
“But there is nothing going on with me and Lucas.” Riley states firmly. 
“Only because you won’t let there be anything.” CJ nudges Riley gently with his arm. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Riley laughs nervously. 
“I might not know the full story of you two but I do know there’s history.” 
“But that’s not entirely true.” Riley shakes her head. “Lucas and I have never officially dated.” 
“And yet you’re still not over him.” CJ says simply. 
“I am over him.” Riley folds her arms defensively. 
“I’m not trying to upset you.” CJ is apologetic. 
“I like you CJ.” Riley says. “Like I really like you.” 
“I like you too.” CJ smiles. “But you like Lucas more.” 
“I don’t.” Riley shakes her head. 
“Riley.” CJ coaxes his head to look at her knowingly. 
“I don’t want to like him.” Riley says. 
“Why not?” CJ asks. “Because of the history you don’t have with him?”
Riley frowns. ‘Because he didn’t choose me and that made me feel like I wasn’t enough and even if his intentions were to really save our connection he still let me go.’ Riley thinks to herself but aloud she says, “Because I don’t know if he’s worth it anymore.”
“I cant pretend like I know the exact circumstances between you and Lucas but what I do know is that you’re kind, strong, smart and brave. You already know in your heart if he’s worth it.” CJ smiles sweetly. “And you do like him, so I can’t imagine he’s not worth it.” 
Riley smiles at CJ. A sweet boy that she knows she genuinely likes and she hates herself for not being able to surrender to those feelings. 
“So you were willing to escort me to prom even though you thought I might like someone else?” Riley questions. 
“I had to take a chance.” CJ smiles. “Any guy who didn’t would be an idiot.” 
Riley leans forward and gives CJ another sweet kiss. 
“What was that one for?” CJ asks with a smile. 
“That one was for me.” Riley smiles.
Riley leaves the music room still content about being dateless for prom. She had kissed CJ for real but they both knew her heart wasn’t fully in it. What was strange was that Riley knew she could get over Lucas and be happy with CJ or someone else but she was reluctant to cut ties with him for whatever reason she wasn’t willing to accept.
The following day is prom. Riley spends the preparation period with her mother. Cory and Topanga were willing to pay for the works for Riley. They both were so proud about their daughters achievements this year and wanted to do something special for her but Riley was actually just excited to spend that time with her mom. In Riley’s eyes, Topanga is as beautiful as they come so if she was in charge of Riley’s hair and makeup that made the brunette feel more special than any professional could. 
Since it’s a Saturday they had the whole day before prom that evening. In the morning, Topanga takes Riley out to breakfast and then they spend sometime shopping around the mall. Topanga keeps asking Riley if she was really sure about not wanting the professional pamper treatment. Of course Riley insists she doesn’t want the fuss. 
Also throughout the day Riley receives numerous texts from Kai. The boy in glasses kept checking that Riley was alright going to prom on her own, he offered up potential dates and also tried to trick Riley into going in a group thing with him and Noah. The brunette girl loves that he cares so much but she didn’t like feeling that she was not independent enough to go without question. If it was Caitlin and she didn’t have Harper, no one would have batted an eyelash if she said she was going solo. Riley sighs with every reply and finally she firmly tells Kai that she’ll see him at prom after she arrives alone and with no regrets.
Riley had been so caught up with her phone, Topanga had to wave her hand in front of Riley’s face to catch her attention. 
“Sorry.” Riley laughs nervously. “What did you say?” 
“I said, I know you don’t want the whole fancy treatment but did you want to at least see if they can fit you in for a hair wash?” Topanga motions to the hairdressers in front of them. 
Riley looks at it for a moment with this ‘no regrets’ mantra in the forefront of her mind. She turns to face her mom with an almost devilish smile, “Actually do you think we could see if they have time to cut it?” Riley fiddles with the end of her long brown locks. 
“Like a trim?” Topanga questions. 
“Something like that…” Riley smirks as she’s already taking the initiative to walk into the store. 
That evening Riley sits at the end of her bed dressed in a beautiful mid length frock. The bodice fits tightly around her chest with a lovely sweetheart neckline. It’s white in colour but embellished with gold swirly embroidery. Two thin spaghetti straps support the dress on Riley’s frame. The skirt of the dress flares out with an ethereal looking white tulle. Riley was drawn to this dress the moment she spotted it in the store. The gold embellishment and tulle skirt made Riley think of her braver alter ego, Jexica.  
Riley is nervously fiddling with the ends of her hair as Topanga crouches down to secure the thin buckle on Riley’s gold Mary-Jane style shoes. “Do you think I made the right decision?” Riley asks. 
“I think your hair looks beautiful.” Topanga looks up her daughter with a smile. Riley’s hair now curled beautifully and with the new cut it sits just above her shoulders. A drastic change from Riley’s long brown locks, the ones she had been growing since she first cut her hair freshman year.  
“Thank you.” Riley grins. “But I meant about Yale.” 
“Oh.” Topanga says. She straightens up before sitting beside Riley on the bed. “You sent in your acceptance a couple weeks ago… Are you doubting it now?”
“No. Yes… I don’t know.” Riley huffily places her hands in her lap. 
“Yale has great English and screenwriting programs.” Topanga says positively. 
“You also got accepted there.” Riley says. 
“Oh, Honey,” Topanga coaxes her head. “You didn’t choose Yale because you think that it’s what I wanted?” 
“No. You really helped me choose the best school for me.” Riley smiles genuinely. She had spent hours with her parents researching potential study paths and weighing up the pros and cons of each school. “I know Yale is right for me.” 
“Then what’s got you stressed?” Topanga asks. 
“Yale is about an hour and a half away.” Riley states. 
“I know that but you don’t have to worry about us being close and cramping your college style.” Topanga laughs lightly. 
“I’m not worried about that at all.” Riley frowns. “Yale is so close to home and I’m still worried about being too far away. If a measly hour makes me nervous how am I going to survive Europe for two months on my own? I know you and daddy worry about be because of my panic attacks and Kai seems to think I need a prom date. What if you’re all right? What if I need you all too much?”
Instead of answering right away Topanga simply reaches behind her neck and unclips her necklace, the gold double heart she wears everyday.
“Your necklace?” Riley grins as Topanga secures it around her neck.
“A very sweet little girl picked out a single heart necklace for me one mothers day.” Topanga faces Riley with a loving smile.
“Daddy told you the story?” Riley smiles.
Topanga nods. “That morning at breakfast we told you that you were going to be a big sister. You were happy but then quickly panicked, you made your father go back to the store and exchange it for the double heart you saw in the window.”
“One for me and one for the new baby.” Riley finishes.
“I have had the pleasure of watching you grow up a kind, caring and sweet girl. I have watched you mature, I have watched you be driven, I have witnessed your heartbreak and I have seen you pick up the pieces and grow because of it.” Topanga gently rubs Riley’s arm. “Those anxiety driven months were the scariest few months of my life, watching and not being the person who could help fix things for you.”
“You did help.” Riley says, “You were there for me and you took me to someone who taught me how to cope better with things.” 
Topanga smiles at Riley trying to make her feel better when it’s supposed to be the other way around. “I watched you pick yourself up out of the toughest of times and you’ve come out the other end just as sweet as the little girl who chose that necklace. You are smart, kind and strong. I am anything but worried about you taking on the world after graduation.” 
Riley smile is small but sweet. “You know..” Riley is sheepish. “If you and Daddy and Auggie did want to crap my college style a little, that would be okay too...” 
Topanga’s grin widens and she pulls Riley in for an embrace. When the part Topanga has to stop herself from crying so she clears her throat. “I think you’re ready, go on, give me a twirl.” 
Riley stands up in the free floorspace of her room and puts her weight on the toes of her gold heels, with arms out at her side she spins around a few times. The white tulle of her skirt dances around as she does. Riley giggles softly as she wobbles after stopping. 
Riley notices her father standing in the doorway, awe written on his smiley face as he watched his grown up daughter. 
"Do you like it?" Riley nervously pats at the skirt of her dress. 
"You look beautiful." Cory says with a wide grin. He takes a step towards Riley, one arm suspiciously hidden behind his back. "Now I know you're happy going on your own but I still wanted to get you this." Cory revels the small plastic container, inside it is a beautiful corsage with white flowers and small gold details around the band that matches Riley's dress. "I hope you don't think it's too lame that your old man bought you a corsage." 
Riley smiles sweetly and holds her wrist out. "Thanks Daddy." 
Topanga takes a few photos but Riley insists her and her father get going, especially since Cory was supposed to be one of the teachers shaparoning the prom. 
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Once at the venue holding the dance, Riley waits outside the function room. Cory offers to walk her in but she politely declines. There wasn't a single part of Riley that was embarrassed by her father but more so a strong need to prove that she could go in alone. Cory understands and leaves Riley to have her moment. 
The brunettes phone buzzes and it's yet another text from Kai saying she should message him when she's there and he could walk her in. Riley lets out a heavy sigh but keeps her mothers encouraging words in mind. Riley slips her phone back into her gold clutch without responding. She takes a deep breath, straightens her shoulders and walks inside. Riley stops in the doorway, it was like something out of a movie where all eyes seemed to fall on her.
Riley is frozen with nerves under the gaze of her peers. Riley subconsciously pats at the tulle of her dress and mentally reminds herself that she’s got the power of Jexica on her side. Then, Riley's concerned expression cracks with a wide smile. She is Jexica. With a soft laugh Riley veers left towards the photo area set up. Riley stands in front of the white backdrop and under the balloon arch. She links her hands in front of herself and smiles as the camera flashes. 
Once Riley's done with a few silly poses on her own she steps away from the photo area and is met by a smiley Noah and Kai whose mouth is slightly agape. 
Riley approaches with a playfully smug grin. "So you spend years telling me I should let my light shine and you're surprised when I finally listen?" 
“You certainly know how to light up a room, Sunshine.” Noah grins. 
Kai embraces Riley and when the part he starts fiddling with her noticeably shorter hair, all the while squeaking compliments about how amazing it and Riley as a whole looks. After Kai's finished cooing kind remarks he drops his hand from Riley's locks and softens. "I'm really sorry I've been bugging you all day." He's now realising how wasted his attempts were and how they could have been misinterpreted. "I just didn't want you to think that I don't think you're important." 
"Kai you orchestrated a whole five minute promposal in front for an auditorium full of people for me." Riley laughs. 
"Yeah but then I ditched you two days before prom. I wanted to give you a date because I thought you deserved one not because I thought you needed one." Kai frowns. "I realise if should have just celebrated you for being your own person." 
“I told you Kai, I got this.” Riley smiles. “You both have made sure I’m capable of that.” 
“I love this independence look on you but we can still take cheesy prom photos together right?” Kai asks sheepishly. 
“We can take a hundred cheesy prom pictures together.” Riley bounces on her toes. The three of them step back towards the photo area and pose goofily for some prom shots. 
A  while after the prom is in full swing and Riley’s on the dance floor with Caitlin and Harper. The three of them are bouncing around to an upbeat tune. Riley’s face hurts from smiling so much but that doesn’t stop the brunette from happily twirling around with her friends. 
Meanwhile Kai and Noah approach Lucas whom is sat alone at one of the tables. Kai places Riley’s gold clutch - which he was holding for her - down on the table and takes the seat beside Lucas. Noah sits on the other side of Kai. 
“Hey.” Lucas greets them nervously. 
“What are you doing?” Kai asks. 
“Taking a break. Zay likes dancing way too much.” Lucas jokes. 
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Kai gives Lucas a mild glare. “There’s only about an hour left of prom and you still haven't spoken to Riley.” 
“I’m giving her space.” Lucas shrugs. “Which I thought you of all people would be happy about.”
“I’m never not going to look out for Riley. I’m never not going to try and protect her or try give her all the great things she deserves in life but I do have to let her decide on her own what makes her happy, without the judgement.” Kai says. 
“Are you giving me your blessing?” Lucas does his squinty eye face.
Kai smiles over towards Riley on the dance floor, at this point she’s just dancing goofily with herself. “Do you really think she needs my approval to let herself be happy?” 
“I’m sure it helps.” Lucas is smiling after Riley too. “But what about CJ.” Lucas turns his attention back to Kai. “I saw them together in the music room yesterday..”
“I respect what you’re trying to do with giving Riley space but it’s like you've stared in the whole play but skipped curtain call.” 
Lucas is staring blankly at Kai. The boy in glasses sighs. “Noah, sport analogy please?” He waves his hand. 
Noah smiles and offers up a baseball comparison. “The score is tied, bases are loaded, you step up to the base and you don’t swing.”
“You don’t swing.” Kai parrots and Noah chuckles quietly.
“So you guys think I have a chance?” Lucas asks hopefully. 
“I’m not saying that.” Kai says and he gets a little too much pleasure out of watching Lucas deflate. “But letting Riley go without a fight will be the second greatest mistake you’ve ever made. Right after letting her go the first time.” 
“Okay.” Lucas nods, stands to his feet and looks to the two guys for a moment. “Wish me luck?”
“Don’t push your luck.” Kai jokingly scoffs. 
Lucas makes his way towards the dance floor. with a hopeful smile. The music is louder over there so he has to shout. Riley’s surprised when she sees him and honestly a little nervous. She continues her bouncy dancing. 
“Do you want to dance?” Lucas shouts over the music. 
“I can’t stop you from dancing.” Riley nervously shouts back and continues her bouncing. Lucas joins in too making for an awkward few seconds before the song fades out. 
Then the DJ announces they’re going to slow things down for a minute and Riley and Lucas are awkwardly standing amongst people as they couple off for the slow dance. 
"We don't have to if you don't want." Lucas lets out a nervous breath. 
"Well standing here like two angsty teens is making me nervous." Riley holds her arms out awkwardly. Lucas steps closer and Riley slowly wraps her arms around his neck. Lucas gently places his hands on either side of Riley’s waist. The pair are tense and Riley looks around anxiously to see if they were drawing any attention but it seemed as though no one was looking. Riley flicks her gaze back to Lucas and they slowly sway to the song. 
“You cut your hair.” Lucas says quietly as he didn’t have to shout anymore.
“Yeah. I wanted to cut it this short back in freshman year but I was too scared.” Riley admits. 
“What made you do it now?” Lucas questions. 
“I’m trying to graduate with no regrets.” Riley smiles. 
“I think it looks really pretty.” Lucas smiles. “You looks really pretty tonight.” 
“Thanks.” Riley bashfully lowers her gaze. 
“I saw you with CJ yesterday.” Lucas says and immediately regrets. 
Riley’s head snaps up in surprise, maybe she really had seen Lucas pass the music room the previous afternoon. 
“I didn’t mean for that to sound weird.” Lucas shakes his head. “I know I told you I wasn’t giving up. I just realise that it might have felt like I was...” 
“I kissed him.” Riley admits. 
Lucas nods trying not to show the hurt on his face. “If you’re happy I’m happy.” 
“I kissed him,” Riley restates, “And yet I’m here at prom, dancing with you.” 
Lucas’ smile is slight and by now they’ve both loosened up into the dance a little. “So I heard from Smackle that you decided to go to Yale.” Lucas tries to keep the conversation flowing and dig them out of the awkward lull. 
“Yep.” Riley nods. She had told the genius girl in passing when she congratulated her on Princeton. 
"That's still nice and close to New York. You'll be able to go home on the weekends." Lucas says positively. 
"Approximately 79 miles..." Riley laughs. "I may have done a little research about distances." 
"Just a little?" Lucas smirks. 
"Well I might know that there's 774 miles to Notre dame and that Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania is exactly half way between the two... And I know that there's a scary 46 hours between Yale and Cali Institute of the Arts.” Riley lists distances between her friends. 
“That makes a measly 27 hours look like nothing.” Lucas says bravely. 
Riley coaxes her head as they sway. 
“I might have don't a little research too.” Lucas shrugs with a smile. 
“Lucas..” Riley says like she doesn’t want him to venture down that avenue but her smile contradicts it. 
“I’m just saying.” Lucas laughs innocently. “1,800 miles isn't that far away.” 
“Do you hear yourself right now?” Riley laughs. “That’s very far away. Even for friends.” 
Even if she didn’t mean it any other way the phrasing made Lucas giddy that she could think of it being a distance for them romantically. 
“I do hear myself,” Lucas laughs too, “And I’m not seeing a problem.” 
“There’s barely a month till graduation then I leave that very night for Europe. Then there’s two months before I come home and then there’s what? A week before you go back to Texas to get ready for college if you haven't already?” Riley rambles. 
“I’ll take a month and then a week.” Lucas shrugs happily. 
“No.” Riley says through a smile. “Then we go to college 1,800 miles apart. I’m just getting used to us being friends again. I want us to be friends. If we keep things as they are right now then if 1,800 miles proves to be too far then no one gets hurt.” 
“I could come to Europe?” Lucas raises his brows. 
“No.” Riley laughs. 
“I could transfer schools?” Lucas smiles. 
“No!” Riley scoffs. 
“You could transfer schools?” Lucas jokes with a squinted eyes. 
“Lucas!” Riley coaxes her head with a jokingly whiney voice. “I’m being serious. It can’t work.” 
“I’m being serious too, Riley.” Lucas states. “The only thing that doesn’t work is us as friends. We’re not friends. You know it, I know it. We tried and look where that got us?” 
“No. I don’t know it.” Riley lowers her gaze and shakes her head. 
“Can you look me in the eyes and honestly tell me that you don’t like me, not even a little?” Lucas softens. “And not just a part of you that liked me back in middle school but you now.”
Riley lifts her head back up and her eyes find Lucas’. The brunette bites down on her smiley bottom lip and she doesn’t say anything. Lucas can’t help but be smirky as he gives her a challenging look like, “Well?” 
The music fades as the song comes to an end. Tapping noises on the microphone pulls their attention towards the stage. Riley and Lucas drop their arms from each other and Cory announces it’s time to crown their prom King and Queen.
“And this years Prom King is…” Cory pauses for dramatic effect, “Mr. Lucas Friar.”
Claps come from the crowd and suddenly Riley feels all eyes pointing in her direction as Lucas stands by her side in a state of shock.
“I didn’t even campaign for this.” Lucas looks to Riley for answers.
“Since when does our school care about things like that?” Riley laughs. “They decide what they want.”
“Your majesty, your crown awaits.” Cory hurries up the Texan.
Riley playfully curtseys and Lucas gives her a small smile before taking to the stage. Riley claps softly as she watches Lucas have the crown placed on his head. Cory steps up to the microphone again. “And now for your Queen.” He waves the envelope in hand. “This years prom queen is…” Cory pauses but not for dramatic effect, he nervously looks around for his daughter before announcing, “Maya Hart-Hunter.” 
Just like that it felt as if the wind had been knocked of the brunette. Riley can barely clap her hands together once as she watches Maya drag her feet onto stage. Lucas looks to be shocked too but Riley isn’t processing anyones emotions but her own.
Every bit of happiness she let herself feel these past few months with Lucas hanging around had been tainted by this very moment. Every single insecurity she’s felt in the past six years comes to the surface. Every doubt in the triangle, the moment Lucas said he chose Maya, the first time she saw them kiss. For the first time in a long time Riley felt like she was downing again. This was like hearing Maya and Lucas has been voted cutest couple all over again but more intense. All Riley wanted to do was get out of there.
On the other side of the room Kai stands with Noah, the boy in glasses tries to stretch up and look over the crowd for Riley sensing she needs her best friend but he can’t find her.
“And now if everyone could make some room for the King and Queen to have their first dance..” Cory addresses the room.
Maya stands awkwardly by Lucas as he pays no attention to her. Lucas looks off to the spot he left Riley at, the crowd is making a path for the couple and Lucas cant find the brunette anywhere. Then he spots a glimpse of her white tulle dress as she pushes her way out the door. Lucas looks to Maya with an apologetic expression.
“I’m sorry, Maya.” Lucas says genuinely as he shakes his head.
“Go get her.” Maya wears a small smile and gives him an understanding nod.
Lucas jumps off the stage and bypasses through the crowd. Lucas makes his way into the hall where he spots Riley a small distance ahead.
“Riley, wait!” Lucas calls out and she turns around to face him.
Riley spots Lucas breathing heavily, he’s not out of breath from running but he’s in a panic and a few feet behind Lucas is Noah and Kai as they spotted Riley moments after Lucas did.
“I had no idea that was happening, I don’t even know why anyone would vote for us-“ Lucas speaks quickly as he makes his way up to Riley.
“This is how everyone sees you two.” Riley says with a lump in her throat. “Cutest couple. King and Queen. I don’t know why I ever thought it could be different.”
“It can be- It is different.” Lucas says desperately. “It doesn’t matter what a bunch of our classmates think. I don’t see me and Maya that way. I never have.” Lucas stresses and he reaches out to touch Riley’s arm but she takes a step back.
“It does matter.” Riley shakes her head. “I can’t do this.”
“But what about you and me?” Lucas questions. “What about our dance and everything we talked about?”
“Maybe in a parallel universe you chose me at the ski lodge and we lived some crazy stupid fairytale.” Riley wipes away a fallen tear with the back of her hand. “But in this life there is never going to be a you and me without her.”
“Riley, please-“
“No, Lucas.” Riley blinks out a few more tears. “This is it. This is moment where the chasing has to stop. Please?” She’s pleading with him to let her go.
Lucas literally takes a step back, his heart shattering at the situation and from seeing Riley so upset. “Okay.” He says softly. Riley nods, almost thanking Lucas for not putting up a fight, she wipes at her cheeks, takes a deep breath and turns around. She continues down the hall and doesn’t look back.
Lucas feels a hand on his shoulder, he’s surprised to see it’s Kai.
“I had no idea that was going to happen.” Lucas is desperate as he turns around to face Riley’s two male friends.
“I know.” Kai says and he’s even teary from watching Riley be so upset. He doesn’t stick around to say anything more because his number one priority was catching up with Riley to comfort her should she want it.
End Notes: Yes. Yes I did really write in Rowans real life haircut bc I was shoooook. And she looks so darn pretty. 
So, yeah, this happened. Don’t hate me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next Chapter ‘The third side’. 
Chapter after: GRadUation. And I’m not even sure if there’s going to be an epilogue for this story... 
As always, reviews etc are SO welcomed!! 
Stay tuned for more :))))))))))))
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mrsbarnesomg · 7 years
Gorgeous (Bucky x Reader) Part 2
Request: I got a few requests for a part 2! 
Words: 2,753
Warnings: None
Tags: i-am-mina  frolicsomefawkes thyotakukimkim happelu970 annadier Shamvictoria11 spookass pabegay1 
Cactus water and Boom Chicka Pop is your girl’s new favorite thing. Also, I witnessed a baby turtle being saved today and like yes, these are the type of people I need to associate myself with
“Oh my god! Natasha wake up!” You bolted into Natasha’s room late into the night. You had just finished watching the Victoria Secret fashion show followed by Jurassic World with Scott and Sam, and you were eager to tell someone all about the exchange you and Bucky had.
Wanda was nowhere to be found, and you assumed she must be with Vision. So of course, you went to Natasha, your other best friend. You knew very well that Natasha was exhausted from a recent mission, but you didn’t care. This was more important.
Natasha jerked her head up and squinted her eyes at the dark figure jumping on her bed. She automatically knew it was you, you were the only person beside Clint who would wake people up by jumping on their beds at odd times during the night.
“What is it, Y/n?” Her voice was groggy and confused, a part of her worried something was wrong. But then you plopped down next to her legs, curling your own legs underneath your butt and clasping your hands together. A squeal escaping your lips.
“Guess what happened?”
She groaned and fell back against her pillows, her arms spreading out beside her.
“Can’t this wait till morning.” You made a noise from the back of your throat that clearly meant no. “Please, Y/n. I love you, but I swear to God I wil-”
“Bucky told me I was gorgeous and he hugged me and I kissed his cheek.” You talked super fast, you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You tucked your clasped hands under your chin and rested them there while Natasha processed what you had said.
“How many times did he call you gorgeous….just the once?” She limply held up one finger. Her eyes closed and her head resting against her cloud-like pillows.
“He called me gorgeous twice and beautiful about three times.” Your voice was soft yet so filled with excitement.
Natasha pushed back the covers and scooted over to give you room to crawl in. Without opening her eyes she patted the spot next to her. You quickly got under the soft covers and turned on your side to face her, tucking an arm under your head. She turned on her side and slowly opened her eyes to look at your outline in the dark room.
“Okay. I’m gonna need the whole story.”
Several days passed since the occurrence with Bucky and the storytime with Natasha. You two were practically fangirling till the early hours of the morning before you finally fell asleep in her bed. You didn’t wake up till noon and didn’t see Bucky until dinnertime that night.
Much to your dismay, Bucky started to acting weird about two days ago. It was only ever around you, and your mind raced as to what you did wrong. He seemed fine around everybody else, and it honestly hurt your feelings. Was it something you did or said? You were floating on clouds until his sudden mood, now you weren't sure how to feel.
Were you overreacting? Absolutely not.
He avoided your soft gaze at dinner, and never was in the same room alone with you. If anything, you noticed him trying so desperately hard to never be alone with you. If you entered a room, he would leave. You were beyond confused, and your hurt feelings lead you to be posting a lot of Pinterest quotes during late nights.
You tried taking your mind off of him. You avoided him to make him feel more comfortable, you stayed in your room nearly all day. You already had a mini fridge hidden in your closet, not mention your laptop, ipad and phone charger available. Your TV had cable, Netflix, Hulu, Youtube and even video games on it. What more could you need?
The only time you ever came out was when you were certain Bucky was either on the complete other side of the tower, or if he was out or sleeping. You probably could have confronted him,  like a normal person would have done, but you were not normal and isolating yourself in your bedroom seemed like a much better option.
You had everything all figured out. You would simply avoid Bucky until he was over his mood, or you would forever stay in your room while he was home. You could probably sneak a microwave and coffee machine into your room, possibly a toaster if you coordinated everything properly.
All was well.
Until Wanda came bursting into your room at two in the morning while you were in the middle of binge watching The Office and eating m&m’s. You were curled at the foot of your bed, a blanket wrapped around your cold body and your hair being pushed back with a thin headband. You were wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of short shorts.
“Wan-” You began to speak but you were quickly cut off by her desperate voice.
“I know why he’s avoiding you!” She blocked your view of the TV and you simply stared up at her with a confused expression. It took you several extra moments to register who she was talking about, you had barely slept the past few nights due to your worried thoughts about Bucky.
“He thinks you're afraid.” She practically shouted it at you, but when you flinched at the sudden loud noise, she clasped a hand over her mouth and giggled softly. She spoke again, but this time in a much softer voice. “He thinks you're afraid of his arm.”
You jerked your head back in surprise. Why would Bucky ever think you were afraid of him, nevertheless afraid of his arm. If anything his arm amazed you, it made you curious but in a complete and utterly good way. You thought it was cool, you wanted to touch it but you thought that might be weird if you suddenly started petting his arm.
“What?! Wh-” You could hardly speak again before Wanda cut you off.
“Sometimes you zone out on his arm, I don’t think you even realize you’re doing it. And sometimes when you two are in the same room you’ll keep glancing over at his arm. He thinks you’re afraid of it, and if you’re afraid of it then you must be afraid of him.” Wanda explained, the more she talked the closer she got to you. Soon enough she was leaning her hands against your blanket and looking you dead in the eye.
“I’m not afraid of it though! I think it’s cool, I’m curious, I’m...ugh, I’m so stupid! Why do I do that, God, I can’t believe….ugh.” You covered your face with your arms and huffed out a sigh. Wanda tugged at your blanket which caught your attention.
“Go tell him that.” Wanda tugged at your blanket again, she kept pulling at it until it was nearly all the off of you, exposing your chilled legs. But you couldn’t care less if you were cold or not, you were jumping from your bed in an instant. “He’s in the family room near the kitchen. He’s alone too, everybody else is asleep. Now’s your chance, Y/n.”
You didn’t ask anymore questions. You didn’t ask how she found out what she did, you didn’t ask her for a pep talk and you most certainly did not check yourself in a mirror first. You adjusted your headband, tugged at your baggy shirt and pulled your short shorts down to cover more of your behind, and made your way to Bucky.
The second you caught sight of Bucky in the family room, he turned to look at you. You barely had time to process seeing him for the first time all week before his eyes went from your head all the way down your legs that were clearly covered in goosebumps. He trailed his eyes back up your legs, t-shirt and face before finally meeting your eyes.
You felt frozen in place the whole time his eyes scanned over you, you felt like you were in some sort of movie and you suddenly felt very subconscious of your clothing choice. Why didn’t you wait hardly two minutes and put on something more decent. You instantly brought your hands together in front of your stomach and clicked your nails together nervously.
He pressed his lips together and sucked in a sharp breath, he suddenly looked highly uncomfortable and it made your stomach twist into an unpleasant knot. The sudden urge to cry overcame you, your nose started twitching and you were hoping your cheeks were turning pink and your eyes were becoming red.
You breathed in a shaky breath and twisted your lips together, shifting your weight from one leg to the other.
“I-uh-I…” You pressed your lips back together and grimaced at your stumble of words. You weren’t even sure what to say. You wanted to jump into his arms and have him hold you as tightly as he did that night he called you gorgeous.
You were blocking the exit and you were honestly pretty sure that’s the only reason why he hadn’t left yet. You took another deep breath, and closed your eyes for an extra couple seconds. When you opened them again, his gaze was directed at the floor next to your feet.
“I’m not afraid of you.” Your words were shaky and uneven, you sounded as if you were fighting the urge to cry, which was exactly what was happening. Your nose tingled even more and your jaw felt tight as you clamped it together. The sob was forming in the back of your throat.
This caused him to snap his eyes back to yours. A surge of electricity ran throughout your body, you felt tingly and giggly when he looked at you. Your stomach fluttered with butterflies and your chest physically hurt with how much you wanted to be touching him. He calmed your nerves. He made you feel okay.
He narrowed his eyes, not in a glare, but in a way that showed he was trying to understand. It was as if he wasn’t sure if he believed you or not. Here you were telling him you weren't afraid but you were on the verge of tears and were clearly nervous.
You innerly cursed at yourself.
“I’m, um, I’m serious.” You slammed your teeth down on your bottom lip and you could winced at the pain it caused. He scuffed under his breath and pulled his head back slightly, observing you silently.
“Wanda told me that you think I’m afraid of you, you think I’m afraid of your arm.” He visibly flinched when you glanced quickly at his arm. He tucked his arm behind his back and narrowed his eyes once more at you. “But I’m not. I’m intrigued. I’m curious...I like it. I like it a lot. I think it’s cool, and not at all scary. I know that it can hurt me, but only if you wanted to hurt me, and I don’t think you’d want to do that.”
You paused, catching your breath from how fast you talked. You fiddled with your nails again, clicking them against each other softly, and for several moments that was the only sound that filled the room.
“I mean, look at Steve. He’s a supersoldier, if he wanted to he could hurt me. I’m just an average human, one snap and he could break me like a twig. Look at my dad, Tony, he has a suit made of iron. If he wanted to he could hurt me. Natasha is an assassin, if she wanted to, she could hurt me before I even knew what was happening. Thor’s a God, Bruce turns into the Hulk when he’s angry, Wanda can move shit with her hands, Sam can fly me in the air and drop me if he felt like it. I mean look at all these people who are my friends and family, who are capable of crushing me in an instant. Do you think I’m afraid of them just because they could hurt me.” You talked fast and somehow you subconsciously moved closer and closer to Bucky. You were only a few feet away from each other at this point. 
“You’re in control, Bucky.” Your voice dropped to a whisper and you took one step forward. “It’s all up to you, but I mean, I trust you. I trust that you won’t hurt me.” 
Bucky remained silent for moments on end, your heart pounded in your chest and your hands tugged at the bottom of your shirt nervously. Bucky let his gaze move from your head down your body and back up again, this time even more slow than before. Goosebumps still were visible on your legs and your heart beat even faster.
He slowly took a step forward. And another. And another.
Before you knew it he was standing only inches away from you, he towered over you and you inhaled his calming scent. You kept your eyes focused on his steady chest moving up and down, before you finally gained the courage to look up and meet his gaze.
It’s like the whole world around was gone, it was just you and him. You forgot where you were, you forgot how tired you were or what time it was. You forgot what you looked like or what you were doing only an hour prior. All that mattered was him. He took over your world. And suddenly it was like everything was okay.
“You trust me?” His voice was just above a whisper and you could smell his minty fresh breath. He was so perfect, every aspect about him was absolutely perfect.
“I trust you.” You didn’t even hesitate, your voice soft and low, your heart racing in your chest.
Slowly, Bucky bent his head down to yours and his lips hovered over yours. It was as if he was asking permission to kiss you, because the moment you gently nodded your head, his lips were on yours. They were unbelievably soft and gentle, electricity surged throughout your body and made your legs go weak.
His metal arm swooped around your waist gently, he pressed his fingers into your hip and you leaned back slightly into his arm. You felt secure and safe with his arm around you. You moved your hands from your stomach to one on his chest and one between his shoulder and collarbone.
You wanted to keep kissing him forever, but he pulled away moments too soon. Your lips felt numb and tingly, you sucked your bottom lip in an attempt to regain feeling. A blush obvious on your cheeks and your eyes nearly dazed. He pressed a small kiss on the corner of your lip and looked down at you with a smile spreading across his perfect features.
“I’ve been wanting to do that forever, gorgeous.” He spoke in another hushed tone, and it only made the butterflies in your stomach go even more insane.
“You still think I’m gorgeous, huh?” Your blush deepened and you cocked your head up at him.
“I’ll never stop thinking you’re gorgeous, darlin’.” He moved his flesh hand to brush a spare hair away from your face softly. Goosebumps tingled throughout when his skin touched yours, his metal arm still wrapped around your waist as you leaned back against it slightly.
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes it is.” He chuckled, scanning his eyes over your face for the millionth time. He couldn’t get enough of you. “And I’ll never stop thinking you’re beautiful, and pretty, and adorable, and cute, and amazing, and wonderful, and the list can go on and on and on.”
You laughed gently.
“In that case, I’ll never stop thinking you’re handsome, and perfect, and charming, and adorable, and awesome, and flawless, and perfect, and perfect and a million times perfect.” You giggled at his expression.
“So, I must be pretty perfect then, huh?” He teased you with a smirk, humor flashing throughout his electrifying blue eyes.
To say that is was quite possibly the best night of your entire life would be an understatement. He kissed you many more times, each one causing you goosebumps and butterflies. His arm never quite seemed to leave your side for the rest of the night, and the following day. Not that you minded in the slightest.
The butterflies never stopped kissing your stomach, and that was perfectly fine with you.
ALSO SOMEONE SHOULD MESSAGE ME BECAUSE I AM BOOOORED and i love hearing from you all! it makes me happy
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