#i thought his design was a fan character at first. and i was PISSED they were trying to add a new hedgehog
carmenpeach · 10 months
thinking about how i didnt really know who silver was until i got back into sonic and my first intro to him was from tails gets trolled years ago and im sitting there baffled like "what the hell is this guy like for this to be the parody depiction of" and it all makes sense now
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showtoonzfan · 5 months
Okay so I saw S1E2 of HH “Video killed the radio Star” so here’s my thoughts on that, ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️
- So once again, the pacing is all over the place. In the span of 2 episodes we have to deal with introducing Adam and Lute, the main characters of the hotel, the three V’s and Sir Pen, and I don’t like how the three V’s are introduced in the second episode of season 1. Like…can we just let the characters we know breathe and get to know them before you introduce new ones?? Told you this was going to be like Helluva lol.
- So hell is freaking out that the extermination got moved to 6 months later, but Charlie of course isn’t the focus of this episode. It’s mainly the three V’s + Angel/Al/Sir Pen. It still bothers me that the reason behind redeeming sinners is not because Charlie is sick of Hell being a damnation but because she doesn’t want them to be exterminated. It’s such a drastic change from the pilot and the character motivation that it still throws me off sorry.
- So, I actually like Vox. I take back bitching about Christian Borle playing him because while his suave voice may not fit the twink design, he does a fantastic job either way as expected, making Vox an intimidating person. I had thought before that Vox was going to just be this dumb henchman, but I actually like how he’s the runner of things. He’d be so cool if he didn’t curse and talk like every other character in the show though.
- Good GOD Valentino. I already shared how I felt about him when the dialogue leaks came out, but I HATE how his character is just this idiot man baby who throws temper tantrums and legit needs to be “calmed down” by Vox because he’s such an idiot. Like…Velvette calls him a piss baby and Vox legit had to talk to him as if he was one, that’s how dumb this guy is. There’s a scene where Vox asks what they should do about the hotel and Val says “just put something inside, that’s how I get the bitches”- like…kill me. The fan interpretations were better. He was actually someone you didn’t want to mess with and had an intimidating voice, here he’s a whiny baby that you have to remind yourself is the same guy who forces himself on Angel. The Addict and comic version of this character is not the same as the one we have now. His voice is too high pitch, it sucks and his accent goes on and off constantly. Viv can’t write abusers for shit, she sees everything as a joke. Again, how are we supposed to take abuse seriously if this is how you portray your abuser. Crimson is more intimidating than this joke of a cockroach.
- Alastor has been gone for seven years, yeah that “Lilith is Rosie and Al is working for her”- allegation is 100% true like it perfectly lines up together since Lilith has also been gone for seven years. Only for Alastor, it makes no sense. Like…wdym he’s been gone for seven years. The pilot is canon and they state he’s been at the hotel for a week. Alastor was literally walking around town when Charlie was on the news. Do they mean that it’s been years since he’s done his radio show? Viv, when you retcon shit you need to specify. You’re just confusing everyone again.
- They need to explain why exactly it’s dangerous to make a deal with Alastor because all this vagueness isn’t helping the story. The whole reason Vox sends Sir Pen out to be a spy was to make sure Charlie didn’t make a deal with him, yet you literally have Vaggie making a deal with him like it was nothing in the last episode. I also fail to see why exactly Vox cares about Charlie making a deal with Alastor in the first place. Is it because he doesn’t want Al to have more power? Is it because he doesn’t want Charlie to have power? EXPLAIN.
- Yay more retconning and woobifying. So Angel Dust is a whiny wimpy bitch in this episode, he’s very out of character. When Sir Pen comes to the hotel, he’s extra pressed about that, when in the pilot he couldn’t even take Sir Pen seriously and was acting nonchalant towards him. Then when Charlie starts getting all giddy and complimenting Pen, Angel gets sad and jealous??? This is the second fucking episode of season 1. I thought the whole point about Angel and the hotel was that he didn’t trust Charlie nor take the redemption stuff seriously. Now apparently he wants her approval? And then when he finds Pen out, Pen insults him and that causes Angel to just fucking lunge at him and start punching. When did Angel get this goddamn sensitive. Why did the wimpy snake character who’s supposed to be a loser get under his skin THAT much? It’s even more jarring because the last episode Angel was literally saying he loves being exploited and in the pilot he’s presented as someone who could give less of a shit of what other people think, now a simple jab at him being a slut made him go off. Remember when Travis called him a slut in the pilot and Angel just laughed it off? What happened to that Angel lol.
- Vaggie has a line that flat out calls Angel a sexual harasser. And yet we’re supposed to feel bad for him and root for HuskerDust. Makes perfect sense Viv, fuck you. She has no idea what sexual harassment even is because she sees actual harassment as quirky funny jokes and paints it as genuine love. Pick a side. Is Angel an asshole who sexually harasses people or is he an uwu baby who deserves to be with Husk. Clearly Viv chose the second option.
- I liked Vox and Al’s song, tho I wish it was more singing instead of talking. Charlie’s song in the end was boring but at least it was short. I still don’t know how to feel about Pen being at the hotel tho. Like I get he’s a loser and not a big threat but him happily joining the hotel now is way too structurally fast. There’s a lot of things that feel like Viv changed at the last minute compared to the pilot and it shows. Pilot was better.
That’s it, not looking forward to the third one which is HuskerDust focused (female centric show my ass)
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aroaceleovaldez · 9 months
You have no idea how surprised I was to see you in Alabaster tag. I guess I'm just used to see you with meta (which are always a delight to read btw)
What are your opinions about Nico/Al and Percy/Al
Do not let my meta fool you I am a rogue demigods fan first and person second. I love Alabaster. I do not interact enough with the rogue demigods/Titan Army side of the fandom for the amount of thoughts I have about them 😔
As for Alabaster ships - I have heard much about Nico/Alabaster and I think it's very fun and cute. In my Nico Ship Survey it by far swept for most popular Nico/Minor Character ship. I generally think Nico/Minor Character ships tend to be very fun and interesting, I love the minor characters, I love the rogues, and throwing Nico with another rogue and/or another chthonic demigod is always very [chef's kiss] for me.
As for Percy/Al, well. I did fully intentionally make my Alabaster design mirror my Percy design.
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(My main reason for doing so was cause I thought it'd be funny for Al to hate Percy and then to learn that Percy also has a streak in his hair in the exact same spot and get SO pissed that Percy not only ruined his life but is also stealing his brand.)
But yeah I think it's very interesting! I love Percy getting to interact with demigods outside of the camps and I am always down for more rogue and/or Alabaster content. And again, nudge the chthonic demigods together, hell yes. No pun intended.
I just think Alabaster is neat. Let him do whatever he wants forever.
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snackugaki · 9 months
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... just make an iteration* for fun, I said
a universe where they've made it into their late 30s-early 40s and they chill and can be serene in the company of friends and family for once. maybe a flashback or two for the action moments
"fix" your childhood turtles so they can have a reprieve and some shenanigans, i reasoned with myself--
my tmnt au iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9
tmnt au iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
is this actually new ramblings for the iteration or like one new lore bit and just a rerererererehashing of lore i sprinkled across the other posts.
first though, with my sorta-outsider-not-active-participant-in-fandom history I realized "au" isn't the proper term for what I've been doing, the more suitable term is "iteration".
and we're gonna sit with the fact that even someone at my old-ass age recognized my previous understanding of a term was, for all intents and purposes, not entirely correct and that I acknowledged it, rectified when I could, and that's it, it can be that easy.
okay back to the bullshit.
so my Mondo was introduced in the Archie run, a funky guy with a metal band called Merciless Slaughter, dressed like a punk Hulk, all around good peoples, hung out with the Mutanimals.
His design cobbling isn't too deep, I don't think. Just thought it'd be more rad if he looked more like a guy who fronts a band called Merciless Slaughter while remaining the same ol' Mondo inside, post mutation.
Kept some of his original color palette around in his hat, his pants, his NYHC logo (links) knockoff, and his little dyed leather cord bracelets.
the letters for the logo are for, Skate or Die (across), and Merciless Slaughter (down)
hmm still waffling on if I'm more tickled by him being taller than Mikey or the same height (5'4")
and now for the rererererehash rambling because none of this design progression is coming out linear for me. so super quick, am an original 90s turtlemania survivor, Rise brought me back, gorged Rise then Bay then 2007 movie then rererererewatching of Next Mutation and the 90s trilogy for fun then hacking my way back through the Archie and Mirage runs then caught up with IDW and then just... slogging through 2003 and 2012 which honestly I feel like I got the gists of through gif sets alone.
one hand I can see why old fans (90s turtlemania) didn't seem to like the Rise designs, ours really were just the same li'l green dude but in different colors and hit sticks looks-wise. But here comes Rise with all the character design classics: different shapes! different sizes! exaggeration! and that's on top of all the nudges and twists made to the usual lore; Raphael is now the oldest, Leo and Donnie are now twins, they're different species of turtles, they're tools for war, brand new antagonists etc.
idk, to me when I was watching that shit, it was fun and refreshing so... ionno, built different cope maybe to the other oldheads pissing their pantaloons still ig whatevs
what tickles me most, personally, is the utter fuckton of Rise AUs, and a few Rise-driven iterations, and also some of the other non canon media iterations. so tickled that I got hit by the makeaniterationigitis itllbefunoccocal virus too. UnU (i'm kidding, i'm having so much fucking fun) just I'm addressing the flowers I wanna give to the kids who took Rise's take on tmnt and just RAN with the "different turtle species" from full out coloring their turtles the same as the species they picked to mimicking Rise's design language with different markings.
God, the markings thing just really nestled into my heart, it's such a simple thing and yet it took Rise to just try it, not even a lot, just a little for flavorrrrr. It's just enjoyable as fuck to me tbh and I'm sharpening my teeth when I revisit my coloring choices for the 8th time... fuck where was I?
right, mine are mistakes. wrongright place at the wrongright time, mutagen was there and now they can swing swords around and eat pizza.
someone(s) was high tailing it outta a TGRI lab with some mutagen barrels, driving recklessly while a bunch of eco-vigilantes had broken out of a pet shop that was the face of a black market pet trade/medicine/exotic food racket of endangered species. hence where their bit of human pre-mutagenic contact comes from (the strike team of people who freed them from their cages because all of them were endangered species & destined for a tank, a cutting board or a pill box); including a sea turtle Venus, Leatherhead, Tokka, Rahzar, Man-Ray some others etc etc. Jennika keeping her origin because it was dope as fuck. splinter was just there watching this symphony of human fuckery happen and decided to adopt some kids with no one asking (it was tang shen's onryo that is rooted in Splinter's mind that was asking, shh)
and ever since it clicked when I was gathering ref shots, ✨sea turtle Venus just makes sense✨ to me, it's taken my brain stem and rung it like a bell for new year's nonstop and i am not mad
... fuck, I am but also am not looking forward to when I start delving into ninjutsu, ninpo, Venus' whole schtick and how the supernatural fits into this world that I definitely don't need to be fleshing out this much just to draw them chilling on April's couch.
i've got like over 70 refs, holy shit
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lvkaxq · 3 months
Ok do I’ve rewatched s5 e1 a couple times and here are my thoughts (spoilers duh)
- The quality of the animation is incredible!!! I’m especially loving the little sound effects and little lines they do for movement!
- in my opinion, there should’ve been more to the episode, I know it’s the first ep of the season or wtvr but it still seemed like there was something missing
- CJ is such an insane character, blud is anti vaccine, doesn’t belive in climate change, doesn’t use sunscreen, and has LIZARD eye drops?? the one thing is his character design, it’s so bad dawg like what, but he is funny as hell
- GWEN!!!! I’m so glad my girl is back you guys don’t understand. I’m not the biggest fan of her outfit but it looks good!! I’m very excited to see the dynamic between her and CJ, as he is her replacement
- I honestly though we were gonna see a lot more David and dadvid content, but I guess I’ll have to wait for the next eps to come out
- when David finds out CJ is Cameron’s son, I really want him to get pissed at him for it and to see David be angry as fuck whenever he sees him, I think id be funny
Not exactly related but I am really pissed off that we have to PAY to see the next episodes. And it’s not like non paying watchers can view the eps after paying ones as far as I know, real stupid fucking decision rt.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 10 days
Danganronpa Manga Rant- Leon and Sayaka:
@yukiteruakari told me about a Danganronpa Manga edition, and OH MY GOD!!! Thankyou so much for this bro omg.
I'm only up to "Junkos" impaling, but it's so much better than the one I have.
I'll put some screenshots below, and the link too because so far it's translated to English.
Why the Manga is better, what it could do for the fandom:
It gives Sayaka and Leon so much more development as characters and seeing as Mondos case is next we might get to see what they talked about in the sauna. (<- there are so many fan theories for that one, and I'm excited to finally get more lore.)
It's hard to be a Danganronpa fan in 2024 because it all happened 14, 12, and 7 years ago. So like... Spike aren't going to just start explaining more lore on twitter randomly because they feel like it, Danganronpa is done, but this manga helps us understand the killers motive.
If ALL of the fandom read it I'd probably assume the "Mondo Brother Killer >:(" cliche that some of the fandom define him as would be gone, because it has his POV instead of a Monokuma flashback and a shitty animated clip of him doing it "for no reason" other than being "strong-strong-strong-strong-strong" (from the canon game and animation 2014.)
LeoXSaya Rant, Manga>>>Animation:
And yes, Sayaka was revealed to be a bit more of a "snake" (she isn't btw) but her motives were humane and we only thought she wasn't because Makoto is the protagonist and wouldn't think bad about any of his friends.
It also gives Leon haters a reason to stfu and enjoy his character design and small role while it lasts, and it's better than playing his FTEs because he's just gloating about picking up chicks and being better than everybody at Baseball despite hating in from what I've seen.
Also, the art is just BETTER.
The dialogue is just BETTER!
They gave Sayaka a reason to invite Leon over. Because in the anime and game yes it's "wow Sayaka is so hot" on Leons part, but wouldn't that mean Leon would've been the person to invite her to HIS room instead?
But in the Manga they explain her thought process, anybody who hasn't read it will probably just go "Sayaka's dumb for inviting a STAR ATHLETE to try and kill!" but she's smart because if she had killed him she already had an alibi. "We were friends! We bonded over music and drank tea together!" or something... saying that, Sayaka couldn't WIN because Makoto knew about the room swapping ofc. And she'd leave evidence and whatnot.
*Sighs* The Animation Butchered Our Boys...:
I hate the anime alot, but the thing that PISSED ME OFF THE MOST (about 1-1 of the animation) WAS LEON'S REACTION. He was having a mental breakdown, which was fine and accurate... probably good as well instead of him screaming "stupid" then losing it halfway through the word and realising his fate quietly.
They give him a moment of remorse.
"I didn't want to... I mean she... she was tring to... kill me... right? I just... didn't know what else to do... okay...?" (quote end)
but then he gets mad.
I don't know about you, but on first watch this ruined it for me. "He's just screaming now..." like... it makes me mad for almost no reason.
He was about to have a very humane moment of "I didn't have a choice..." he's looking down at the pedestal thingy in the court, he's defeated, he's sad, he's been caught. He's in despair.
Then he yells at the others "you would've done the same thing in my shoes!"
And you know what the writers did instead of making him cry after that? Anything... would've been better, but this is the dam animation we're talking about...
He did have a choice...
The manga gave him a choice, he tried to save Sayaka. Then he ended up killing her, ON ACCIDENT. That line alone contradicts the fact of any of that happening, he and Sayaka had just bonded hours earlier.
Like, this is my opinion and I've never heard anybody talk about this before, BUT THE WRITERS NEEDED TO WRITE LEON BETTER!!! The game wrote Leon fine, but the animation was a second chance at giving him development!
I liked him trying to escape the court room though. That was a nice touch that I don't think was in the game.
Like, the scene made me so mad on re-watch and I can't pinpoint why!
Like instead of this: https://youtu.be/CbQ6McYz7U0?t=59
(Good animation though imo, the closeup expressed his emotions nicely-)
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Anyway, that's my rant of the day because why not.
The game itself had issues, but compared to the animation it was just so much better, and makes me want to give it a 7/10 instead of a 6...
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atomic-crusader · 6 months
Godzilla Minus One thoughts (SPOILERS)
TLDW: Godzilla Minus One is easily one of the all time best films in the franchise so far. While it isn't my personal favorite, it absolutely deserves the praise fans and critics seem to be giving it. Outside from some personal nitpicks, I'd say this entry is worthy of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the best.
Boy does this movies come in swinging! Koichi setting up the main conflict of feeling like he is a coward (he's not, as the movie goes on to point out) and then the whiplash of GODZILLASAURUS
I know its just an unmutated Godzilla but HOLY FUCK the similarities are there and I love the design.
Personal nitpick #1: was hoping the movies would go more in depth with the origin of its Godzilla but the movies isn't really about what Godzilla is but rather what he does and represents to the story. As a result they don't really say what he is other than he is known to Odo Island's folklore. I like that, it gives him a mysterious vibe.
I gasped because I thought he ate a guy be then he yeeted him
Poor Koichi Can't Catch a Break the Movie
Noriko was great. It's clear she isn't used to being looked after and it shows.
Speaking of which, ALL the characters are wonderful. The Reiwa era looks like it is being defined by stronger human characters and stories and I am all here for that!
I'm actually surprised that the trailers (or at least the 2 I watched) didn't show to much Godzilla action. Or at least the final battle.
Godzilla REALLY has it out for folks in this movie. That lack of a clear origin helps actually. His attacks are sudden and brutal. He is REALLY visibly pissed off too.
SPEAKING OF BRUTAL HOLY FUCK!!! For as much damage Godzilla does to everyone, he gets FUCKED UP! Half his face blasted off! It's cool the see his regeneration ability realized in CG
Personal Nitpick #2: I do wish they had made Godzilla a more obviously tragic character. He is just as much a victim of war as he is a symbol of it. Again though, that isn't what this movie is about, and the ending does at least suggest a sequel isn't completely out of the question, so maybe we can still see why Godzilla decided that All Humans Are Bad.
His atomic breath is wild man. Creating mushroom clouds and massive creators is some nightmare fuel shit.
(dont worry she lives)
The plan to kill Godzilla was interesting. Explosive decompression is not really the first thing I would have thought up for a sea monster that brings up deep sea fish but the speed at which it happens is important.
KOICHI NOOOOOO (its okay he ejected)
Personal Nitpick #3:... I don't really like how they defeated Godzilla. I thought it was overkill. Like, yeah I get that Koichi needs to have is moment and all but blowing his head up I thought was a little much. and then he crumbles away? I guess he was frozen? Cool visual though. I imagine it was hell to convince Toho to have Godzilla die that way.
I heard Yamazaki was a big GMK fan, and the last scene really makes it obvious. I wonder if he isn't available for a sequel, Yamazaki would request Kaneko to direct...
Hey Noriko is alive!!!! Hey what's that on her neck? Why does it look like Godzilla's dorsal plate? Oh God Please Let Koichi Be Happy He Has Been Through Too Much.
The overall message of the movie is so goddamn moving, Live. That isn't a request, that's an order, a demand. Live, you should be happy to be alive. You may not think it, but people love you. People can forgive you. You don't deserve to die. Live and fight for the next generation so they don't make our mistakes. It is tough but you and people around you can make it better. You. Will. Live.
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Writing Advice #?: Choose your descriptive details wisely.
To start, I’d like to share my favorite phrase in the entire English language:
Coffee the temperature of piss
I know it’s no “cellar door.”  But it’s wonderfully evocative on several different levels.  First of all, the obvious: the temperature of piss is also known as... perfect drinking temperature. Coffee slightly less warm than human body temperature is coffee optimal for drinking.  But the choice of comparison has immediately put us off that coffee.
Second, the phrase is viscerally gross: it’s comparing a beverage to a bodily fluid.  And it’s crude: “piss” is rude slang, not childish like “pee” or technical like “urine.”  Third, it’s a great metaphor: pee is acidic and has a strong smell; bad coffee is acidic and has a strong smell.  But the narration didn’t come out and say “the coffee had a strong acidic odor similar to the smell of piss”; it simply evoked that comparison indirectly.
Fourth: I first encountered the phrase in a since-deleted fan fic, in which the narrator was sitting in a hospital room waiting for his son to wake up from surgery.  (A fic about John Winchester on a Supernatural LJ, if anyone cares.) So the phrase worked on several other levels.
We’re in a hospital setting, you’re comparing something to pee: ick, we can guess why that’s on the character’s mind.
The narrator is former military, so the use of profanity fits.
The narrator knows that his son is in this situation because of his own decisions; the self-disgust is evident in comfort (hot coffee) being turned to contamination (urine).
Hospital coffee is famously bad, so anyone who has ever tasted it will get to feel their gorge rise at the image that evokes it so well.
The thinness of the paper cup and the sickly warmth of the liquid within also come through, to readers who know hospitals.
However, like I said: coffee that temperature is good coffee.  But the writer has managed to thoroughly put us off it with the extremely specific word choice for that scene.  “Piss” is about the grossest thing you can compare a beverage to except maybe blood, and drinking blood comes with a whole other set of implications that the author obviously doesn’t want.
Another example done right: Homecoming describes an overpass where cars “hurtled over that bridge as if the devil himself was chasing them. He’d be chasing them from both directions then; he’d catch you either way.” Why?  It’s a bridge that the main characters, on foot, have no way to cross to safety.  This description comes at the narrator’s lowest moment of despair.  It’s just a bridge, with traffic moving at normal speed, but it’s also not.  The circular nature of the description, the sense of fleeing but being unable to get away, are exactly the right details to be evoking then.
An example done wrong: Vampire Academy opens on a sequence where the guy kidnapping the main characters is described as “He was older than us, maybe mid-twenties, and as tall as I’d figured, probably six-six or six-seven. And under different circumstances—say, when he wasn’t holding up our desperate escape—I would have thought he was hot. Shoulder-length brown hair, tied back in a short ponytail. Dark brown eyes. A long brown coat—a duster, I thought it was called.  But his hotness was irrelevant now.”  This paragraph brings the story to a screeching halt.  Instead of the action advancing, it’s dwelling on the “irrelevant” “hotness” of a character’s face.  Why would the narrator notice the physical attractiveness of this person right now?  Why would she wonder whether she has the name of a designer coat correct?  It’s distracting, it’s confusing, and it verbally moves the scene from a desperate shaky cam to a sparkly slow-mo long enough to get a very long pan over this character’s hair and outfit.
It would be easy to describe him as “menacingly large” with “a long dark coat” and keep going.  Then the focus of the narration matches the focus of the characters.  If it’s important for the reader to know that he’s attractive and long-haired and wears leather, then add those details later when the narrator has already been kidnapped and has time to sit around and study him.
So, yeah.  If you have a self-loathing former Marine waiting in a hospital room with a hot drink, “coffee the temperature of piss” evokes worlds of implication in just five words.  If you have an upbeat kid eagerly caffeinating, that same cup can be “coffee with the warm zing of a hug.”  If a third-grade teacher is sucking it down to stay alert, it’s “coffee as tepid as my soul.”  If you’re writing a doctor who sprints past the coffee because their patient is going tachycardic in that same room, don’t mention the coffee at all.
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heliza24 · 1 year
I just stumbled onto your page and I love reading your insights and analysis of Young Royals. I’d like to hear your take on this if you don’t mind ofc.
When Simon tried to tell Marcus that he was not ready for a relationship, Marcus ignored him and said that they could take things slow with no stress and that he can wait. And when you wait for someone, there are two outcomes, either they’ll get together or they won’t. And in this situation where Simon said that he’ll never be ready, it was obviously not going to happen. They never had a mutual discussion about them being exclusive (boyfriends) and Simon made no promises to Marcus. So what was Marcus expecting?
My question is why was Marcus pissed at Simon in the end? Marcus was the one who said that he could wait for someone who would never be ready. Ig the only thing that Marcus can be angry about is Simon using him at the ball. But he barely talked about it and instead insults Simon with assumptions about who Simon is even though Marcus knows nothing about him.
Thanks anon! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my analysis!
So I’ve already written a bit about the breakup scene. I think Marcus is exhibiting some subtle classism and racism in his reaction to the breakup, and I also think Marcus is operating on a very heteronormative relationship timeline which impacts how annoyed he gets with Simon.
But I thought your question might be a good excuse to talk about character and scene writing in a more technical way, since people still have questions about Marcus’s motivations.  I am a playwright and I like thinking and talking about this stuff a lot.
So, when we design a character in playwriting and screenwriting, we always think about their goals. These are big desires that help motivate a character over the course of the whole script. (Or in this case, season of television).  But in any specific scene, a character isn’t usually thinking about their big, defining goal. They’re dealing with the small piece of that desire that is right in front of them. Usually they’re interacting with another character, and they want something from that other character that is going to get them closer to their big goal. That little want is their objective, and the way they go about getting it drives the scene. A character usually doesn’t try just one method for reaching their objective; they’ll try different techniques, rephrase their words, etc. All of those methods are called actions.
(By the way, when people say that scripts require conflict to work, this is what they mean. Characters always have objectives and want something from each other. It doesn’t mean they have to be fighting; their objective could be to make friends. But that exchange is necessary to make a scene work).
This is pretty abstract, so let’s do a silly example to make things clearer. Meet John, my made-up character. John’s overarching goal is to have a closer relationship with his dad, who is a chef. In the scene I’m writing, John wants his dad to try the brownies he just baked because he thinks they will impress his dad. That’s his objective. He might try different actions to get that to happen. First he might set up a fan so the delicious smell wafts over to his dad. He might eat one in front of his dad and remark upon how delicious they are. If neither of those things work, he might resort to begging his dad directly to just try one!
But what if John’s dad still refuses to try his brownies? He’s probably not going to keep trying. After a certain point, trying more and more actions against an unresponsive scene partner feels unrealistic. So John’s objective might change. He might say to his dad: “Mom will eat these and tell me how great they. She’s a better parent than you.” Boom. New objective: make Dad jealous. It still connects to John’s overarching goal. If Dad gets jealous of John’s connection with Mom, he might invest more in his own relationship with John. It’s not a smart or emotionally healthy or reasonable tactic! But you can see how someone who is upset might resort to it.
Scenes can be broken down into smaller units called beats. A new beat starts whenever a character switches to a new action (so using the fan, remarking upon the brownies, and begging would all be distinct beats). Switching to a new objective would also create a new beat. You can think of a beat as the smallest unit of dramatic writing.
 (This is not to be confused with the stage direction “he takes a beat” which is sometimes just used interchangeably with “he pauses before speaking”. Confusing but true).
Thank you for hanging with me through that extremely goofy example I just made up.  Now let’s use these concepts and see if they can help us understand Marcus as a character and the way that his relationship with Simon unfolds.
I would say that Marcus’s goal across season 2 of YR is to make Simon his boyfriend.  Marcus is a pretty minor character, all things considered, so I don’t think his goal needs to be very complex. (If we were talking about Wilhelm or Simon’s goal in the season, it would probably be a lot harder to summarize so succinctly.)
We don’t know a ton about Marcus’s backstory, but we know a few things that might point to character motivation that would make this goal make sense. He’s an older kid, with his own apartment and car. He’s at the point in his life where he might really want a partner to fit in with this grownup conception of himself. And he likes Simon!
So how does he accomplish his goal? In early scenes his objective is to get Simon to like him. He offers to drive him to campus, he asks him to karaoke, he invites him over. Those are all pretty simple actions. And they are at least partially successful! Simon agrees to go out with him.
In that first awkward hookup scene, his and Simon’s objectives are in conflict. Simon is there to hookup and forget his problems. Marcus is there to make Simon his very serious, very committed boyfriend, which to him means no sex yet. So it makes sense that Simon makes a move and that Marcus shuts him down. Those conflicting actions are a good example of how conflict drives a scene forward.
Ok, now let’s look at the scene in 2.3 where Simon first tries to break up with Marcus. Now Marcus’ objective has changed a little bit. Instead of trying to create the relationship with Simon, he’s trying to prevent Simon from ending it. (Simon’s objective in this scene is to breakup with Marcus). There are a few different beats in this scene where Marcus tries different actions to get Simon to stay. First, he offers Simon time. He’ll wait until Simon is ready. When Simon says that he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be ready, then Marcus compares himself to Wilhelm. He tries to make himself seem a safer and better person than Wilhelm (“I won’t hurt you like he did”). When Simon acknowledges his goodness (“I think you’re like, perfect”) but that doesn’t change his mind, Marcus brings up Simon’s family. Marcus asserts that Simon must not recognize how lucky he is to be dating Marcus because Simon’s parents didn’t model a healthy relationship. Marcus ends up “winning” this scene; after those three beats Simon agrees to keep dating him.
Now we’re at the final breakup scene in 2.6. Things have really changed when this scene opens. Marcus already knows that he has failed at his goal. Simon hasn’t been talking to him, and he knows that he hooked up with Wilhelm in some capacity. So Marcus goes through a pretty dramatic shift here. Instead of trying to win over Simon, I think his main goal is now to try to preserve his own feelings. That’s pretty relatable if you’ve ever been broken up with. You’re just trying to get out of there with your heart as intact as possible. A great way to do this is to make it very clear that the breakup was not your fault. That way you don’t have to accept any blame or feel guilty. I would say that this is Marcus’s objective in this scene: make it very clear that the breakup is Simon’s fault, not his. The first action that he tries to accomplish this is to blame Wilhelm. Marcus is a great guy, but how was he supposed to compete with a prince, especially when Simon is clearly just starstruck by Wilhelm’s status? (This is not true of Simon, I would say, but remember that we’re just in Marcus’s head trying to think of ways to deflect blame right now). Here's where the scene shifts in a really interesting way. Instead of just accepting this, Simon pushes back with a new action of his own. He directly points out the ways that Marcus is at fault for their breakup: Marcus didn’t listen to Simon when he said he didn’t want a serious relationship. That’s a new beat in the scene, and I can almost physically see Simon lob the blame back over the fence onto Marcus (good for him tbh). So now Marcus is on the back foot. He’s about to totally fail to reach his objective in this scene. No more Mr. Nice Guy, time to play dirty. So he reaches for the most effective action he can think of, insulting Simon directly.  More specifically, he accuses Simon of the thing that he himself is doing: deflecting blame. He even says to Simon “everything just happens, and it’s never your fault”. Simon plays the victim, he’s turned on by drama, so this breakup MUST be Simon’s fault. And then he tells Simon to get lost, effectively ending the scene on that final, very strong action. He makes sure he gets the last word.
I hope that helps explain why Marcus reacts so angrily, even if his anger doesn’t seem reasonable to an outside, neutral observer. Everything Marcus does is motivated by his larger goal. Every action he takes, even the ways in which he insults Simon, are tactics he uses to try to meet his objectives in each scene. If you’re living inside of Marcus’s head, all of those steps make perfect sense.
This is a good technique to use in general when you’re trying to understand and evaluate a dramatic text (Play, movie, tv show, etc). Does each character have a goal? Does each scene have distinct objectives for all of its characters? Do the actions they take align with those objectives? Asking these questions will help you understand characters but also help you evaluate the overall strength of the writing. Obviously I think Young Royals does a great job with this generally, and I had a good time breaking down Marcus into his component parts so to speak.
Thanks for the ask!
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whitelotusherald · 7 months
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I said I may or may not write my opinion about Blue Eye Samurai and guess who finished the first season and felt like sharing some stupid thoughts! (Gonna use they/them pronouns for Mizu - I think the creators' been using she/her but they just have that vibe, sorry.)
First of all, I'm NOT gonna praise it and say this is the best animated series I've ever seen in the samurai genre - this show is at most an okay copy/retelling of the classic Japanese revenge stories, however, it is still captivating.
For me, it felt like a mixture of two of my fav stories, namely Kaze Hikaru and Bakumatsu Kikansetsu. Mizu is pretty much like Kaze Hikaru's Sei (though a hundred times stronger and a million times more bloodthirsty with just an ounce of mercy) with a though start in life thanks to links to the Western world, losing family and wanting revenge so much that both of them end up leading the life of a man, often encountering how much better they are off in this role. On the other hand the whole show's vibe and Mizu's design remind me of Bakumatsu Kikansetsu's more serious tones and its hero, Akizuki - mysterious dude with unconventional clothing, blue eyes, a badass special sword, with the occasional rampage. Maybe my nostalgia towards both stories made me watch this one within a day.
The mix of Japanese and American storytelling was fun, although I must say that the baddies lacking complexity whatsoever made me itch sometimes. (Except for one dude, who really managed to fool me for so long.) Fowler is plain and boring, the most typical big brute Western guy they could depict, though it's fun to think this was an intentional copying of similar anime archetypes of Western characters. Taigen felt like a cheap imitation of Zuko being honor-bound but getting his ass constantly kicked, but who, by the end of the day, seemed to learn nothing. Ringo was fun and proved to be a million times useful indeed, though he just went and followed his heart in the twenty-fourth hour instead of his common sense, not helping those who would've needed it after all (though in the end it seemed like his help was not even needed lol).
Ah yes, this was my big problem with the show. Sometimes people just went to do stuff that... resulted in nothing. Like. Okay, go, warn people of imminent danger but what is the use when they can just...spot the danger like five minutes later without the warning and those minutes make zero difference? Ringo almost abandoned Mizu several times just to go after them eventually, for what?
But the series also offered some very clever ideas. For example, I truly thought that "oh my god are we going to get a two floors/episode fight or what? getting to Fowler will be like a stupid video game" just to have some pleasant surprise instead. Mizu's weapon... I'm not gonna go into that because I'm so in love with it! The red-light district and Madame Kaji and her girls were also A+ content.
This is again, something the show handled tastefully. Since anime can't show nudity without censorship (I think that law still exists?), I don't think there's any show, hentai or not where they could've got away with these sex scenes, but in an American animation on Netflix? No problem. I'm really not a fan of hentai or this type of mature content (I'd choose the most disgusting gore over it any time) but didn't bother me that we had a sex scene in every episode. (Maybe except in the last one.)
As for Mizu. Their whole aesthetics is so badass. You cannot not fall in love with them, ruthlessness or not. I know their whole character is built upon the fact that women couldn't get their revenge in the shogunate's era thanks to the strict patriarchy, and really, the most a women could achieve was rather Akemi's path. However, there are a few instances where it's not that easy to decide whether they are just pissed to be looked down upon as a woman, want to keep their secret, or there's more than that. They might be considered an unconventional woman who could never be satisfied with the traditional roles of women. One, who is forced to take on the role of a boy and does not know how to forget that when they can return to their womanhood. But that womanhood also feels forced. As if they're just simply outside of this whole shit that dudes are honorable samurai (or artisans / farmers / merchants), women are cooking and raising kids. That's part of the reason why I loved the idea that their sword is actually multifunctional and can be used as a naginata. Naginata became the weapon of women in the Edo era, so even though we're not there yet, it seems to have more feminine connotations than a katana. This double-shape of their weapon seems to reflect their soul. This is further emphasized by their outcast half-breed status, which, again, means they're not entirely one, not entirely the other.
Go watch the show.
It's worth it. Mizu is like some cockroach that refuses to die and kills at least a hundred people and just wants to be left alone to kill their enemies.
Please, watch it, otherwise we may never get to know how the fuck will white dudes die by the hands of a lowly half-breed who has the most crazy and determined eyes you've ever seen.
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clouseninjago · 7 months
Hey besties. Heresmy uh Ratings of the NINJA 🤯🤯🤯 Except i love them all
Lloyd - 8/10 HHGOOOHHJHJG my gosh i love him . He is so so silly and so so yaes. Yass. Genuinely like i would protect him with my life HES NOT MY FAVOURITE but i still love him. how can you NOT love him
Kai - 9/10 and I'm gonna be completely honest when I say that the only reason he's my third favourite ninja over cole is because he's red (my favourite colour) and he has fire powers (my favourite element) but otherwise i like the two equally. Anyway HE's SO COOL like genuinely . Funny as hell too. Not a big fan of his haircut HOWEVER i am a zane fan so i choose not to make a big deal out of that
Jay - 7/10 yeeeshhhhhh ERM i am going to preface this by saying I AM NOT A JAY HATER and i am not even a jay disliker. He is funny and he is silly and there have been many occasions upon which I have looked at him and thought 'hes just likw me fr'. HOWEVer there were certain occasions. Certain seasons even. Maybe a specific season that came after possession and before hands of time. In which he ticked me off quite a large amount that may have negatively affected my opinion. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM hes just jever been a favourite and #that season didnt do much to help
Cole - 8.5/10 like I said he's basically joint with kai apart from the fact he isn't red. But i fenuinely love so much about cole i love his design (he was basically the only ninja to have a good haircut before the redesigns icl) and i love his personality and just everything about him is Awesome. And one thing i found really interesting is when he was a ghost. And i wish that got more focus cause i would have really liked it
Zane - 13/10 HOOOOO BOY i will be brief. I could genuinely go on for days on end about how much i love zane ninjago but I Will Be Brief. Everything about his character just makes me so SO happy. His personality and his design (his haircut is cute i swear) and his story and EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM and i said that for cole as well but this is TEN TIMES MORE INTENSE every time i think about him it feels like an actual electric SHOCK through my entire body I'm so so serious. I also find him to be like INCREDIBLY relatable. There have been occasions where i literally Cried because he was Just Like Me and i couldnt TAKE it anymore. And it's not even funny and it will never even be funny and the season 3 finale left me in shambles for weeks. And to be honest i think the show needs to be nicer to him because why is he always going through something. This little guy cannot have one normal day i swear. Let zane be happy challenge imPOSSIBLE. And i know a lot of people don't like how robotic he is after season 3 and I totally get that but for me personally that doesn't really change how much i still love him as a character even if there are some changes i want to be made with his writing. Just realised i said i would be brief and then wrote a whole paragraph Um im gonna move on,
Nya 10/10 I LOVE HER!!!! Genuinely cannot think of one negative thing to say about her apart from it took the show a good few seasons to get the hang of actually writing her (as much as i adore rebooted it pisses me off how dirty they did her in that season). But she is just SO cool and i love her and i loved her in skybound and she was probably one of the only things i loved about skyboukd other than echo zane. Good lord i love nya she makes me malfunction in the brain. Whenever i drink water i think of her
garmadon 5/10. And i dont mean that in a negative way i mean genuinely true neutral. I actually loved him in the movie he made me cry a lot but when we're talking just the actual show? Euuiwuuajajgghj. In the first couple aeasons i was really mixed on him like i think he was a really interesting character and he was silly but i had proper BEEF with him too like he made me MAD. And then seasons 3 and 4 came around and . And. Sensei Garmadon. fun fact about sensei garmadon i didnt Particularly Like him but thats ok!!!!! That is ok!!!!! I did like garmadons backstory with clouse that was very interesting i really.Really liked it. Idont know if you could tell but um tumblr user clouseninjago quite likes clouse ninjago so that made me happy tbh. Ok im actually done fr now and i would tag more people to share their opinions but i have no friends so @colesstar Hi
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Oh god this is Salt-bug, I deleted my account cause I didn’t want anything to do with Vivziepop at all cause it’s been keeping me down but man I can’t help it when there’s a new Helluva…from what I’m hearing about it, I can tell Viv was the writer. Doesn’t sound as awful as Adam’s episodes but still bland, with out of place moments and fanfic drama that probs won’t be addressed til another year or two…I just have a few things I wanna say.
1. Bet that Stolas is gonna be all better the next time we see him with no physical injuries, bringing the status quo back immediately. Or if anything, he’ll just have an arm sling and acting the same woe is me horny rich man.
2. I have a feeling the texts about Ozzie’s was a last minute add-in just so critics and fans will shut up about it not being addressed in Seeing Stars, but it just made it worse cause it was blink and you’ll miss it but what did we expect from writers that think addressing plot points and details through Twitter or Patreon only Q&As will solve all their writing problems…
3. Why is MOXXIE the one stabbing and actively fighting those guys, wasn’t the point of M&M’s dynamic that Moxxie was ranged combat while Millie’s close range? I even complimented the parallel of Moxxie’s lack of scars and clothing tears and Millie’s abundance of them in their designs cause of that, if they wanna give Millie moments outside of being a badass assassin then make it in character. I can’t imagine how their character notes or lack there of read…
4. I didn’t think I’d hate Andrealphus as much I did before but he sounds too…no when it comes to Stella. Judging by fanart Viv liked of Andrealphus insulting Stella, she’s most likely to become the fifth character in this show with familial abuse, will she be humanized thanks to it? Doubt it cause she hates Viv’s golden child Stolas.
Hey Salt-Bug! Glad to here from you. Yeah, you’re pretty much right about the episode, it’s nowhere near as bad as the previous two, it’s clear that both Viv and Adam can’t write for shit, but I honestly have to admit that Adam is worse than Viv if you compare them. Adam’s episodes are the ones that piss me off, where as Vivzie’s are so underwhelming, feel like no effort was put into them, and more importantly feel empty, cause whenever Viv is the lead on an episode, I always feel like I sat through nothing, because most of her writing isn’t satisfying or leads to something big for how much she hypes her stuff up. Like…when I first saw Ozzie’s, I felt the same way I felt when I saw Western Energy, because shit barely happens. Western Energy’s core focus was Stolas being tortured for a bit, and everything else around it was pointless fluff and filler, and Ozzie’s core focus was the House of Asmodeous song, everything else also being pointless filler or fluff. Like..it’s so obvious that Viv comes up with core episode ideas, but has to find a way to write AROUND it and that’s where she’s not good at it.
I agree with your thoughts here, my prediction is that as much as I hate to say it, the Barbie episode will probably be next, with the show taking a break from Stolas and the drama, to go to Blitz. While Stolas is in the hospital, judging by the trailer it seems it’ll be a Moxxie focused episode, until he comes across across Barbie, and it turns into a Blitz episode I guess. I have the heavy feeling it’ll be exactly like Spring Broken where Barbie and Blitz just throw insults at each other until we realize that she was genuinely hurt by him and then tease her for a future episode, especially if you’ve seen the episode leak where that ghost dude is taunting Blitz for how he treated her. No doubt the show will go back to the status quo, wether Stolas is in the hospital or not.
As for Stella? I don’t think we need to be worried about her and Andre, for now at least. If you’ve seen the finale leak, they seemed to be just fine, laughing together on the couch. I guess their goal is just to make Stolas poor? Like..strip his power away I guess. I have no idea. I also have no idea wether they want to make Stella sympathetic or not, but again, judging by the leak, I don’t think they’re going to do much with her this season, which is a bummer. Other than that, hope you’re doing well Salt-Bug!
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curdled-blood · 2 months
Ur fav chars in general? (or comfort)
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I'm so happy you asked anon !! Here's how I'm gonna do this. I'm just gonna name my favs and comforts from the fandoms I'm in + some honorable mentions :3 (no particular order btw)
First things first!!
Creepypasta !!
• Ok obviously Jeff the killer but tbh idk if he's my favorite per say, but he is DEFINITELY a source of comfort for me ever since I was like 10 😭 i even have an oc to ship eith him LOLL her name is Ashley King and tbh i should post abt her more i think yall would like her
• Idk why but I think my tippy top favorites gotta be the slender family. I just always been specifically obsessed with their aspects of the creepypasta... Ness. I've also become like super attached to my little versions of them eeehehehh. It fucking makes me mad that ppl r still attached to the gross version of Fen and won't MOVE THE FUCK ON FROM IT and get pissed when ppl make their own versions 😡
• LAUGHING JACK !!!!! HES SO SILLY AND DEVIOUS I LOVE HIM SM. I kinda go back and forth on sinking for him tbh, but this dude was a massive source of comfort to me in middle school
• Nurse Ann is my wife btw. We're literally married ong
• I always thought that Bloody Painter was pretty fucking neat and I liked how his story wasn't written like total DOG SHIT like most creepypastas. Tho I fucking hate his creator (BOOOO DOOODOOCAT U SUCK. SAME WITH LJ. BOOOOOOO 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻)
My little pony
• Dear God ok I don't have a single favorite mlp character because I love so many of them that if I started naming my favorites, I'd end up naming every character in the fucking show 😭
• "But Lie!! Isn't it Fluttershy? Your pfp is her!!" ok I rlly like Fluttershy but idk if she's my favorite tho lol.
• Ok yk what I might be lying cuz I rlly do end up fixating on my hcs for her and her relationship with Discord lmaoooo. I just.. I just loved vampire!fluttershy flutterbat so fucking muuuuuch and discord with a vampire wife?!!?!??! AAAAAAAAAH.
• But discord is definitely a fav lolz. I love how he's literally just Q from star trek LMFAOOOO
• For some reason, I really really really LOOOOOOVE Spitfire's design AND name. I just love her colors, hair, and the fact that her name is Spitfire like the plane AHDHWHJAJA
• I've always been a big fan of Celstia too. I love how she's basically royal God but has this huge silly side :3
One piece
• Buggy. Buggy. Buggy. Buggy was my first favorite, as soon as I saw him I fell the fuck in love with him
• Crocodile is also so whdhajdjwiak. I love villains sm. I love when they're just evil to be evil.
• I think my favorite straw hats r Luffy, Chopper, and Nami. Nami just like me fr. I too am a red head who likes to steal money
• Ok so. This one isnt a favorite but he's a huge source of comfort because i made a whole ass oc to ship with him... It's fucking Klahadore. I've been obsessed with him lately I'm shriveling andjwjakkskdjan
Powerpuff Girls
• one of my main comfort characters is fucking Ace Copular from fucking power puff girls. YEAH. THE FUCKING GREEN POINTY GUY. it makes me wanna crumple in a ball I low-key wish he wasn't but I l9vr him sm and i wanna hit him with a hammer/aff
anyways anon thx for asking and I'm so sorry I went the fuck off
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rfurny · 1 year
Thursday thoughts - I like Serena as a character, but not as Ash's love interest. I do see why some fans cling to amourshipping because they connect with Serena's feelings. Heck, I would probably get along with Serena really well. In terms of the better built relationship, however, Pokeshipping wins the award.
I want to clarify that in my anime headcanon, they are more like older teenagers than 10 year olds. (I teach 4th grade, and them being 10 just doesn't compute in my head!)
At the start of XY, Serena leaves on her journey solely because she has a huge crush on Ash and wants to find him. Fine, like kids/teens make big decisions based on feelings. Honestly, it is a bit cringy to me, but still realistic. Of course, throughout their travels she learns a lot about herself and Pokemon because of Ash. He has inspired a lot of young trainers! He is definitely kind to her and a great friend. However, just because Serena has a crush on Ash, it doesn't mean he returns those feelings.
Okay, well yes, you can argue that Misty followed Ash because of a crush, but that formed concurrently with their strong friendship and the fact that he really did owe her a bike. I would have been pissed too if someone fried my bike. Misty's crush developed as she watched this imperfect, young boy grow and find his true niche in the Pokemon world. She saw him. She saw him for who he was then and who he is now. They are truly equals.
In terms of compatibility, I just don't find Serena and Ash to be the best fit based on the 900+ episodes and counting that I have seen of Ash. While she is pretty, good at baking, gentle, and sweet, it doesn't mean that it is what Ash needs or wants. Ash is the type of character to charge in head first. He can be stubborn and dense. He is self sacrificing and heroic. He doesn't really care about frills which I would argue is a big deal for Serena who is fashionable and detailed oriented. And while Ash is shown to be more mature in XY, this maturity is a bit out of character since he seems to backtrack in Sun and Moon. (Don't get me wrong, I like mature Ash. I just don't think it is a consistent quality for him in the show. I think he is finding a balance in MPM.)
On the other hand, Misty matches his stubbornness head to head and is self sacrificing to a lesser degree. She also isn't afraid to chase after Ash into danger. She is bold and strong. She knows what she wants. She has a goal that is the closest to Ash's compared to any of his close friends except Iris. I get it that some people find Misty to be too abrasive and abusive. Yes, at first, Misty was too aggressive, but she has some of the best character development of anyone in Pokemon. I remember poking at the boy I liked when I was a kid! And, besides, Ash definitely was no saint to her in return!
To me, Serena kissing Ash at the end of XY was a wrap to her story. She started her journey because of Ash, and kissing him was part of the conclusion. She was no longer traveling because of her crush. She had found her love of Pokemon and performing. I felt like it was Serena sort of growing up and growing out of a childish crush. I'm not saying all of her feelings for Ash disappeared, but her journey became bigger and more important than them. Without this character development, she wouldn't have left Ash. Also, amourshipping isn't canon just because Serena kissed Ash. It is still one-sided considering Ash did not really respond with more than a small smile.
When Misty left, it did not feel like an ending. She didn't want to leave, but obligations arose. She wanted to travel forever by Ash's side, and she would have too. And maybe now she will in MPM. She was also the only departure that Ash ever cried over. It is valid that Brock left then too; however, Ash didn't cry when Brock stayed behind with Professor Ivy.
I really do understand why people like amourshipping, but Pokeshipping was designed and implemented more realistically which is why I have clung so hard to it. It truly was my first ship.
I know there seems to be a lot of other Ash ships around, but over the course of 26 years I believe that the amount of Pokeshippers (quiet and outspoken) would blow any other Ash ship out of the water.
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rilu-artblog · 4 months
“Send me a character”, for any of the Broflovski’s?
My time has come
Sorry not sorry Anon, I'm doing all of the (main) Broflovski's, I may never have this chance again
Starting from oldest to youngest:
First impression First saw him in the FBW games, was wondering why this naked man was huffing cat piss and acting like a little bitch
Impression now Babygirl man, one of my faves, so underappreciated, still a little bitch tho lol
Favorite moment Sosososoooo many it's either him getting super into trolling in 20x02 or when he's cheesing and runs into the boob lady and goes "curse your rocking tits". Or the entire hot tub scene. Or when he smashes the tv playing family guy. Or-
Idea for a story I have so many, but would love anything that explores his youth or him and Sheila's relationship before marriage/having kids
Unpopular opinion Some people are too hard on him and are way more ready to declare him a bad dad instead of making him a fully rounded parent. Also I don't like when people divorce him and Sheila, I love them together. Which leads to...
Favorite relationship Love love love him with Sheila, they're my favorite parent relationship and so 3 dimensional. I also like when he's actually being a good dad to Ike or Kyle. Also also StuartxGerald is way more interesting than RandyxGerald
Favorite headcanon Genuinely have no idea, I like the idea that the reason for him being Skankhunt was because he was high on memberberry wine or something lol
First impression From the movie and the games as first impressions, she sure is a bitch I guess
Impression now She has done literally nothing wrong ever in her entire life and is so hot
Favorite moment The entire movie and the boss fight in TFBW. In show, the UPS man scene (U///U)
Idea for a story Just like with Gerald, would love to see anything showing her youth in Jersey and that transition from wildest bitch ever to overprotective mom
Unpopular opinion I don't like when people make her wildly OOC and abusive/homophobic to Kyle, but I also don't like when people imply she's the better parent compared to Gerald and that she needs to divorce him to be happy. Like, no lol
Favorite relationship Her and Gerald of course, she would find him in any universe. She does need more friendships tho, give her and Sharon more scenes together!
Favorite headcanon Uhh it's not a happy one but I do like the headcanon that she had miscarriages before Kyle, which is why she's so protective over him and why they adopted Ike
First impression First SP thing I saw was a SoT playthrough, was rooting for him and the elves and thought his design was cool
Impression now My fave of the main 4, probably second favorite of all the show, think it's wild he causes so much discourse in the fandom lol
Favorite moment Too many, either the entire "Willzyx" ep where he loves orcas (just like me fr) or him yelling in general
Idea for a story Idk??? More post covid stuff or stuff where he's older in general and has his kids. I want to see him be a dad
Unpopular opinion Not him directly but his fans are either super chill or superrrr insufferable. Especially if they have him as a PFP. Also don't immediately give him bad parents, at least let him be the one main kid with decentish parents lol.
Favorite relationship No surprise, really like his friendship with Stan, they should never be separated even if it hurts them or others lol. I do like K2, Nichole and him and David and him together as either friends or romantic
Favorite headcanon Is being premature a headcanon? If so then yeah, preemie Kyle. Also that he's actually a psychic/reality warper but has no time for that and ignores it lol
First impression Baby boy, baby
Impression now The baby is disconcertingly right-leaning politically, needs more screentime lol
Favorite moment So many, everything he does in the pilot or Season 20
Idea for a story Uhh nothing, I don't think of solely Ike stories, maybe something where he and Gerald hash it out after Gerald tried to throw him under the bus
Unpopular opinion Idk?? Ok why do people ship him and Firkle, is it just because of age?
Favorite relationship He and Kyle have the best sibling relationship, mostly because they're the most focused on but still. I like that he's the moral compass for the entire Broflovski family
Favorite headcanon Cool uncle Ike! That's all I've got boss.
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gatiox3 · 3 months
kung Fu panda. 4
u guys thought I forgor about my ramble? UR WRONG
so um WTFOK SO KUNG FU PANDA i freaking love kung fu panda HE IS MY FREAKING LIFE if he never existed my sister wouldnt be a furry (will not elaborate she is blocked here FOR A REASON sorry nox) I HAD HIGH HOPES !!! (FIRST MISTAKE.) the music, was breathtaking, felt like i was watching kung fu panda for the first time again (not really but u get wat im saying) the animation was FLUID! there were some stiff parts, but I hardly noticed them, theres only one part where some movement didnt make sense?? like for example po was flung to the left but was then was stopped mid air, and awkwardly moved right to the ground?? i was the only one that noticed it i think thats a me thing FUCK HALF OF MY RAMBLE GOT DELETED ANYWAYS. OK SCREW WHAT EVER I WAS GONNA SAY UMMM THE ART. THE COLORING. THE CONTRASTING COLORS. THE TRADITIONAL CHINESE ART (duh) I WAS JUST AMAZED BY IT ALL IM A FREAKING ART NERD loved it so much AND THE CHARACTER DESIGN for the villain BEAUTIFUL. other character okayish.... picked most obvious animal and made her wear clothes...! im a picky person. OK WHATEVER BUT WHEN THE MOVIE FINISHED, it felt so short?? maybe cause IT WAS SO FAST PACD??? WHY DID THEY DO THAT. the beginnning started out good ! there was that initial action, somewhat revealing the villain their motives, and then showing where po is and what his dilemma is !!! BUT JUMP CUTS EVERYWHERE. IM BEING SO SERIOUS WHEN I SAY THERES PROBABLY ONLY ONE FADE IN SCENE (done perfectly if i may say) BUT WHAT. AND SOME OF THE SCENES FELT A LOT MORE SHORTER than others. almost like they added the scene last minute because they needed it?? or sm like it cuts from one scene, characters bond for 2.2 seconds, JUMP CUT! WHAT! OK SO NOW IMA GET INTO THE STORY, I WONT GIVE MANY LIKE MANY SPECIFICS< BUT ITS UNDER THIS CUT
ok so i noticed this in kfp3, but they donot take the movie that seriously anymore! in the og kfp obv there were some funny scenes, and they fit PERFECTLY. there were serious scenes, heartwrenching ones, and they worked so good. BUT IN THIS ONE. THEY HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING A GAG. IT PISSED ME OFF???? I COULDNT LIKE FEEL FOR THE CHARACTERS??? EVEN THE VILLAIN CANT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. gags EVERYWHERE. not even to the build up when then villain finally acts on their master plan! not even when PO GETS A VISION. NOT EVEN THE FREAKING. THE HOLY SHIT THE ENDING PISSED ME OFF SO FUCKING ABD YOU HAVE NO FUKCING IDEA. WHEN THE VILLAIN GETS SENT TO THE SPIRIT REALm, GAG. OH MY FUCK. NOT EVEN LIKE WHEN MASTER SHIFU IS MEDITATING AT THE END. GGAG IM GOING TO GAG ON YOU. EVEN WHEN THERE WAS A SERIOUS SCENE BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS, OR LIKE A STORY ON THEM, i coulnt take it seriously because the story wont take itself seriously! ok ummm where am i OH DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THAT FOX GIRL WITH PO I HATE HER SO MUCH THAT I DONT EVEN KKNOW HER NAME. this might be more spoilery so BUT SHES BASICALLY JUST SOME SELF INSTERT Y/N WHOS A BRAT?? AND IS EVENLY MATCHED FOR PO AND IT FELT LIKE I JUST WATCHED A WATTPAD GET TURNED INTO A MOBVIE. I SERIOUSLY THINK ITS JUST A ME THING BUT IDK. YOU PROBABLY DONTK KNOW JWAT IM TALKING ABT BUT YEAH. i wish the whoel thing was just a lot more like! kfp u know! i might just be blinded by nostalgia ! im not even gonna lie my fave part was seeing TAI LUNG I FUKCING LOIBVE TAI LUNG HI TAI LUJNG IMM YOUR BIGGEEST FAN DID THEY GET THE OG VOICE ACTORY??? IDK BUT I LOVE U HE WAS THE MOST SERIOUS CHARACTTER IN THE WHOLE MOVIE AND IT JUST SOLIDIFIED MY LOVE HAI TAI LUNG !!! HAI !!!!!!!!!!! they also had the other villains there but werent really like used within the story but i understand, they also kinda did the same with tai lung but I LOVE TAI LUNG UGHSHWBDW. ok yep ALSO GAY DADS!!!!! but there were like 3 story lines going on, gay dads, villain, po and the other thing, it coulda worked out! but it felt rushed! idk but the betrayal was just sooooooooo obvious wdym u trusted a FOX who is a CRIMINAL who says DONT TRUST ANYONE, and I KNOW HOW TO GET YOU TO THE VILLAIN. po is kind hearted so i cant blame him for trusting her anyways i love u po big kiss. BACK TO VILLAIN, ugh she had so much potential, like the true introduction to her was merely perfect! there were gags to the side, but it didnt effect it as much! but PLEASE JUST LET HER BE A BAD PERSON SHE ISNT FUNNY !!!! WE NEED TO START TELLING PEOPLE THEY ARENT FUNNY OR IT RUINS THE WORLD!!!/j but the fight scene at the end was beautiful, it showed her true potential, but how it ended was anti climatic. a single move they couldve done at the beginnning, and a skadosh (i love skadosh btw) and when all the villains were finally leaving, there was no SERIOUS ENDING FOR HER. she just screams on the way in, gettiing one last laugh. idk i just love kfp im very passionate abt movies animation art music wat not sooo yeh i think thats it HAI TAI LUNG I LOVE UUUUU I LOVE UUUUUU AHHHHSHHAHAHAHHSSHSHAA conclusion the movie was beautiful, kinda funny, but beautiful das it the end
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