#i'm half asleep that will b  my excuse
happybird16 · 1 year
"Mhmm," you murmur, eyes fluttering before falling closed yet again.
Something is softly brushing along the top of your head, smoothing small circles into your scalp through your hair. The touch is featherlight. Warm. Fingers?
Heavy with sleep, your eyes slide open yet again. Your brain feels foggy, limbs heavy with lassitude. You nuzzle into your pillow, the white fabric oddly stiff against your cheek. It's firm too. Wait? Why is it warm?
"W-what?" voice rough from sleep, you move to rise. The hand softly caressing your hair slides down to your neck, the fingers applying light pressure.
"Shh," comes a soft voice, warm fingers sliding up to caress your cheek. "It's fine, it's just me."
"Levi?" As fingers shift to wind through the hair along the back of your head, you twist to meet his silvery gaze. His eyes are heavy lidded, gaze raw with open fondness.
"I fell asleep.." Right in his lap it seems, your nose nuzzled into the crease on his thigh. You spy the book you'd been reading, carefully closed with a bright red book mark poking out from the slightly yellowed pages. It rests on the small coffee table not far from the couch. You don't even remember where you'd left off.
"No shit," Levi huffs softly, petting along the top of your head. "You've been snoring in my lap for an hour."
"I don't snore.." you insist half-heartedly.
"You do," Levi smirks down at you, his thumb sliding along your cheek in a quick swipe. "Sounds like a fucking barn animal. Your heads as heavy as one too."
"Lies," you laugh. Your whole body still feels heavy, limbs distant and hazy along your senses. You yawn, chin pressing into the firm muscle of his thigh. "I'm sorry I feel asleep."
The two of you have been taking turns reading though an old book. A romance, soft and sweet. A surprising choice for such a stern man, though he'd made the excuse that he was inexperienced with reading more flowery vocabulary.
Levi shrugs, "You were exhausted. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow."
Yawning again, you nuzzle your cheek back into his thigh. You're so warm, resting heavily on his lap. Eyes still heavy, the fingers softly petting into your hair threaten to make you drift off again. Your mind already feels hazy.
"Go back to sleep," Levi hums. His gaze seems dark, the fondness in his eyes shadowed by exhaustion. You can see the telling tightness in the corners of his eyes. The slight wrinkle of his brow as he smiles softly down at you. He's tired too.
You're so comfy and warm. Your limbs feels so heavy you don't know if you could move if you wanted to. You don't want to get up but... "Do you want to go to bed?"
"Mhmm," he hums, fingers sliding across your forehead. They smooth though your loose bangs, softly dragging along your forehead to tuck the strands behind your ear. The very tip of your ear buzzes warm even after his fingertips leave. "Not tonight."
He doesn't want to move either. The thought fills your chest with a surge of warmth. "Thought my head was too heavy?"
"Shush," he replies with a small huff, eyes warm.
Eyes threatening to flutter closed, you nuzzle your cheek into his thigh. He smells nice too. He always does. Rich and clean, masculine without the salty tang of sweat. Like soap, standard issue sandalwood, and something rich and uniquely Levi. With a large inhale, you let the smell bathe your already heavy senses.
Eyes barely open, just a tired sliver, you meet his gaze again. With a wide yawn, you eye his slackened posture. The usual ramrod stiffness of his spine has given way to a light slouch, a rare sight. Levi yawns right back in response. "Are you gunna sleep too?"
"If the snoring animal doesn't keep me up," he responds. Your lips twist somewhere between a pout and a frown and Levi smirks down at you again. Fingertips massaging soothing circles into your scalp, his voice is assuredly soft, "I'll try."
"Promise?" You worry about his sleeping habits. He's been doing better lately, especially since you gotten together, but it's obvious he struggles. You aren't exactly sure how much he sleeps, how often he fakes it for your comfort. Maybe this position will work better, perhaps the familiarity of sitting up will help him.
Having your head in his lap, his fingers thoughtlessly playing with your hair, seems to have relaxed him at least.
Levi only hums in response. "Close your eyes." The words are firm yet featherlight, the fingers winding along your scalp applying slightly more pressure. They urge you to twist your head away, your gaze falling from his heavy lidded dark silver, nose pressing into the crease of his thighs again.
Eyes falling closed, bathed in his rich, comforting scent, heavy and encompassed in warmth, Levi pets long smooth lines along the top of your head. Soft, he urges, "Just sleep for me, Love. I'll try. I promise."
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ryuseibutgayer · 8 months
A little cuddling date with Mizo mid boys sound sosososisosiisossoso 🥹
I LIVVVVVVE MY SWEET ANON (*^3^)/~☆ My apology for this being as late as it was- I was so excited to work on this too, it's such a sweet idea 😭 I was just bombarded by horrific news and bad weather, I hope you can at least understand (I won't wish you to know the experience, because if you do, then we both know how shitty it is).
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚜𝚜 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊
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• If you two just set up the date where the raw purpose of it is to cuddle
•Oohhhhh boy
• Better hope you don't move a lot cause there's so much SHIT just SPEWN ALLLLLL OVER HIS BED AND BETWEEN THE BLANKETS 😭
• It's only shit he planned to be there tho• Like Yamagishi wanted you to be able to just palm around the blankets and just pull out a snack bag from the bed's inventory
• So thoughtful
• if you're a cold person, I genuinely don't know how you'll feel knowing this but
• He's like grossly warm
• Yes yay he's warm and cuddly and all nice wooo
• But what the fuck
• Shottie's that weiiiird warm, I don't know if you understand but
• There you go
• Do with that what you will
• I get the feeling that he routinely gets up to pee every half hour 😭
• HIS CUDDLES ARE GREAT! His arms are just MWAH smug and comfy- it's just- fucking sit still boy, cmon
• He's definitely the guy to rest his chin on top of your head. Big spoon or little spoon, he gotta have a chin spot
• If he could sit still, he'd be a solid 9/10 cuddler, so I'm gonna go ahead and put him as a 8.2 😌
• t h e r e . i s . n o . e s c a p e .
• He's very polite and makes sure to ask if you're all comfyyyyy or if there's anything you might need to grab to have nearrrr and he snuggles up so nice as (preferably) the bigger spoooon
• and once he has his hands on you
• you're not fucking leaving
• excuse you? No, I don't care if your colon implodes, we're on a fucking cuddle date, that means cuddles and you can't give cuddles if you LEAVE ME-
• 😭😭 I mean he doesn't mean to, and I swear he barely notices it ok?
• I don't know how you guys feel about being a prisoner to a caring partner who wouldn't even realize if you stopped breathing during a cuddle date
• He's got you, his beloved partner, under his arm and sharing warm, loving affection. What else could he need to relax?
• n e w s a r t i c l e s . 🗞
• He's at peace with you so he's taking the time to relax and read through things going on with the media on his phone and just generally zone out
• He's not focused on you at all like consciously
• So if you feel loved being both coddled and neglected, he's the one guys. 😭👍
• Personally I'd give him an extra 2 points for how soft his body is like? Bro? How the-?? So sadly he's the lowest ranking of the Mizo Middle boys with a (not too bad!!) 6.7/10
• I swear he's so
• G A H (lovingly)
• allow me to start off by saying he's the softest and firmest motherfucker out there
• if you squish them he's just gonna whine at you to knock it off 😭
• He's the perfect temperature ALWAYS
• He doesn't mind any specific cuddling forms and is just generally glad to have time to spend with you
• He's a very sleepy guy, I personally believe he has a work-out routine he strictly sticks to in order to obtain the muscles of his dreams
• Imagine how nice they'll be to lay on when he's older omg
• but anyways 💀
• He's so great, he's just the greatest back pack or the best little body pillow to squeeze• He can't help himself from falling asleep tho, and that's like the only downside to cuddling with this guy 😭
• So I'm gonna go ahead and give him a solid 9/10 😌
• .....this boy-
• no forget politeness
• He is obsessed with cuddling, however
• He's a super soft huggy boy who just wants to hold ya gently while watching something together and squish your shoulders or your hips outta nowhere
• I feel like if yall cuddled and he wasn't watching or reading anything and being distracted,
• Yall would be having a 3am deep type conversation at like 7pm 😭
• like if there's no TV and no book or phone, it's just YOU 👁👁
• He's a tiny bit chilly but his skin is super soft
• He moisturizes 🤫
• You KNOW he smells like those really nice hair products you normally only get to smell fresh after a haircut yk?
• I feel like he has to readjust his feet a bit cause- sorry honey, but them feet colder than the grim reaper's grasp 😭💀
• Like yall watchin a movie and he moves to get his knee up more and get comfy at the hip• And this mfs luggy ass toes just scrape your foot• He apologies it's fine
• .....bro if you got a foot fetish tho he's gonna be disgusted by any comments you make, I hope you're aware people hate you
• like
• uhh no judgement tho??
• Anyways, considerate boy is a pretty good 7.4/10 cuddler 😌
• If yall are disappointed and think I rated him too low, no disrespect but FUCK YALL 😭 YOU DONT KNOW MY COLD ASS FEET TRAUMAS
And we leave off on a very odd note- but I definitely feel the mizo middle boys are high ranking cuddlers
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latibvles · 19 days
hi poet!! can i request "fireworks" for june? :) so excited to see what you come up with!
##19 — fireworks
that one video of gumbull crying montage but it's me talking about June Cielinski. I'm on a DeMarco kick. Here's more of them. Please support me in these trying times. send me a prompt for the bomber girls!
The sound of the air raid siren is unwelcome — chills her straight to the bone actually. That long droning — only broken up by Viv clapping her shoulder twice, shaking her until she moaned in sleep-induced protest: up and at ‘em, June. We’ve gotta get to the shelters.
It was dark out, but there’s movement all around her. June doesn’t have a hard time keeping up with hers. Ahead of her Inez is pressing a hand into Harrie’s back, urging her forward as she marvels at the light show. Behind her, she can hear similar shouts of people telling each other to move and hit the shelters. It’s all too much noise for the middle of the night — she figures her own grogginess is what makes the whole thing feel less like an emergency at the moment and more like an inconvenience. A neighbor being too loud through the walls on a schoolnight. She tries to justify it, internally, with the fact that the explosions are far enough off that they wouldn’t hit Thorpe Abbotts.
It only takes her bare feet hitting the duckboards for her to decide she hates this: hates it more than trudging through the wet grass to get over here, more than being up at this hour. This waiting, sitting and watching Norwich go up into flames. The word cowardly crosses her mind, briefly, as the ground shakes beneath her. Only a coward bombs at night. You can’t even aim right. She can feel the irritation she’d garnered at being woken up transmutate into what always felt, to her, to be a more righteous anger of sorts. The thing that made her want to jump in a Fort and drop bombs.
Her hands curled into tightly wound fists — she shuts her eyes, unable to watch for too long.
The sound reminds her, vaguely, of the Fourth of July. The silence of the trench feels a little louder as they all watch in some twisted sense of wonder and anxiety. If she lets her mind wander beyond here, she’s six years old again, sandwiched between her two brothers on the porch, watching colorful explosions light up the sky, stretching up and past the buildings that seemed to poke at the stars. Piotr would be covering her ears. She hated the sound as a kid.
Come to think of it, June could also fall asleep standing, which is a little embarrassing, so she opens her eyes again to keep from wobbling.
In time with her opening her eyes, she hears a high pitched whine, feels a wet nose pressing her lower thigh and her stomach drops as she looks down. Meatball has elected to take a seat right by her, looking at her with ears pinned back. He goes back to licking her knee in an almost frantic way, whining as the ground shakes beneath them.
“Jesus Christ, Meatball,” June crouches down, reaching to pet at his head, brows furrowed as she looks this way and that for his owner. “We’ve really gotta stop meeting like this, buddy.”
No doubt, Benny was probably losing his mind right about now. She has half a mind to go looking for him with the dog in tow when she hears the repetitive excuse me’s and sorry’s accompanied by mildly irritated groans of his name as Meatball’s rightful owner weaves through the other people in the shelter. By the time Benny is upon them, she’s already deduced where he’d be coming from. They lock eyes the moment he spots them.
“He didn’t crush your spleen this time, did he?” He offers, half a joke and half a worry that he’d caught her offguard.
“No, but I had to stage an intervention so he wouldn’t lick my leg raw,” she continues to scratch at Meatball’s head as Benny approaches, standing just behind her as she straightens out. “I don’t think he likes the noise.” Benny looks down at his friend with a frown, reaches to give him scratches of his own that have Meatball leaning into both of their hands, seeking the comfort of it.
“Me neither buddy,” Benny agrees. June turns around at that point, but she’s hyper-aware of his position adjacent to her. Even if she wasn’t, Meatball is still insistent on pressing against her thigh. It’s not like they’re really supposed to be running up and down the trench anyway.
Silence again — the silence of the trench somehow louder than the sirens, but also some sort of tentative quiet shared between them that makes June’s stomach turn a bit. Rarely did she ever get nervous, but the proximity had her palms sweaty. Rarely, did she ever have a need to talk, to say something just to hear a response.
This time, inexplicably, she did.
“Sounds like fireworks.” June says, offhandedly. Benny scoffs, something light and disbelieving behind her, the ground shaking beneath them in an attempt to disprove her opinion.
“Shut your eyes. Sounds almost exactly the same.” She challenges with a small shrug.
Benny lets out a small sigh and an “if you say so”— she turns and watches as his eyes flutter shut, a puff of breath escaping his lips as he does so. June could look away after that, but she doesn’t. She can’t help but stare at him right about now. Dark lashes, dark brows, strong jaw — she thinks she might need to get her head checked. He’s… handsome, lit up by flashes. There’s gotta be something seriously wrong with her, for that to be the first thing that crosses her mind.
It’s when his lips start curling into that smile of his that June forces herself to look away, feeling that she’s somehow intruding on him now. Of course, Benny has smiled at her a million times and it always managed to put her on the right side of annoyed. Not this time though.
Maybe that’s why it feels like an intrusion. Maybe he’s the one intruding.
“Alright. You win. Can I open my eyes now?” He only sounds mildly inconvenienced. June bristles, folds her arms over her chest, and tries to find something else to fix her stare on that isn’t the bombs.
“Do what you want, I’m not your boss,” And Benny snorts at her quick remark. And she’s thankful for the dark, for the fact that it’ll adequately hide her now, flushed cheeks.
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
for the otp meme: 2, 10 and 32 for skwistok ofc :3
No way! Skwistok?? That's not really a ship I think about 🤭
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
I think Toki specifically had to get used to Skwisgaar's insane sleeping schedule. Like sometimes the guy is dead in the middle of the day, and sometimes he's fully awake at 4 am working on some riff. And no, he won't accept suggestions about fixing it. So Toki learns to sleep over the racket. Skwisgaar does have the nerve to try to wake him up to ask for his opinion sometimes. Toki likes to get back at him by painting his face when he's asleep and other not PG rated things-
Also, and we're already talked about this, but addict-to-cuddling Skwisgaar forcing Toki to stay on the bed for a few more because he's wrapped around Toki. Not that Toki minds, it's a great excuse to not go to practice-
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
Toki likes to make Skwisgaar participate in his tea parties with his plushies/toys. This ties with the previous question, where Toki awakes Skwisgaar to make him play with him. Skwisgaar is half conscious holding a cup of tea and letting Toki manhandle him like a puppet. He keeps dozing in and out while Toki gives him a new hairstyle and outfit because Skwisgaar is 'De Brutals Guitarsist Princess of Heavy Metals Kingdoms'.
Because of a certain fic that changed my brain chemistry, I like the idea of Skwisgaar and Toki having a side project together, so there's that too. Toki actually rising to the challenge of being Skwisgaar's musical counterpart. Rehearsals being both challenging but actually fun for the both of them. This is peak Skwistok to me.
I also love them doing mundane things like watching movies together, but not Hollywood type of stuff or blockbusters. B movies, european cinema, cult horror, spaghetti western, silent films. I'm talking about Skwistok watching Battleship Potemkin unironically. I'm talking about Skwistok exploring Béla Tarr's filmography. I'm talking about Skwistok studying the American lifestyle through the lens of Harmony Korine's work. "Are you fucking insane?" Yes, next question.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
They usually stay away from each other until they calm down. Toki doesn't really mind apologizing after the matter, but it's a bit harder for Skwisgaar, who tends to believe he's always right. So Toki has learned to wait for Skwisgaar to come to him first, because that means he's ready to make amends, rather than just let Toki carry all the blame. He usually walks up to Toki's room and knocks twice, his head hanging low and his eyes on the floor. Skwisgaar ironically takes arguments the hardest because of Bookklok so, when they've finished talking, Toki raises his arms and Skwisgaar jumps into them. Just a big kitty looking for assurance that everything is alright
From this ask game
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taurus-asuarus · 7 months
B is for Blanket!
Short and sweet Oksana x Mommy fic:
Fully sfw!
Eve sits quietly on the couch while rain softly patters on the roof and windows. Little Bear is playing on the television and Oksana is playing with her babydolls on the floor. A vanilla candle was lit and placed on a high shelf (to make sure the baby can't reach it) about 30 minutes ago and their house is warm and safe. Eve is drinking a cup of black coffee and is busy crocheting a light pink blanket.
"Mommy," Oksana asks after taking her pacifier out of her mouth. "What doing?"
"I'm making my favorite girl a blanket. Do you remember when we went to the craft store this weekend and you picked out this pink yarn? Mommy's crocheting it into a blanket for you." Eve said, only looking up from her needles to smile at her baby.
"Wow! Sana blankie? Love it, Mommy!" Oksana says, standing up from the floor and heading towards Eve. The blonde girl flops on the couch and puts her head in the woman's lap.
With a soft smile on her face, Eve says, "Excuse me, little lady. I can't crochet while your head is in my lap!"
"Mommy, I's helpin," Oksana says, running the loose yarn between her fingers, making a handful of small knots.
Eve giggles to herself. She decides that sometimes it's more important to allow Oksana the simple pleasure of believing she's helping than to stop her for the sake of time (untying these knots would take Eve at least 30 minutes).
After a while, Eve noticed Oksana's hands slowing down, her eyes getting heavy, and her breathing becoming more shallow. Eve places the pink pacifier back in the baby's mouth and strokes her hair.
"Mommy, blankie," Oksana mumbles, half asleep. "Okay, Princess," Eve says, covering the girl in a blanket that was lying on the back of the couch. "No, Mommy. Wan blankie," Oksana whines, grabbing at the small 4"x4" soft pink square in Eve's hands. "Oh! You want the blanket Mommy's making for you? Here you go pretty girl," Eve says, handing over the small crocheted piece. Oksana takes it and rubs it again her face and murmurs "Blankie" before dozing off in her mommy's lap.
Eve is so thankful that she gets to share these small, quiet moments with her perfect baby. The dark-haired woman shuts the television off and lays her head back against the couch. She listens to the rain and her baby quietly dreaming, and falls into a peaceful sleep.
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lilybarnesposts · 2 years
can i request a fic about being somewhere in public where there’s a lot of people maybe a party or something you can pick with matt (your boyfriend) and you stay close to his side the entire time and you hold his hand or have your arm around him because you’re feeling anxious and he can can tell because he hears your heartbeat so he excuses himself and walks you away from everyone to sweetly ask you what’s wrong and if you want to go home so you say yes then when you get home you guys get changed into comfortable clothes and he cuddles you for the rest of the night and tells you he loves you over and over again and is just super nice☺️
if you don’t wanna write this that’s fine i understand! <3
Hi! I'm so so so sorry it took me absolutely forever to do this but I'm doing it now!
Warnings; None I think Let me know if I'm wrong!!
Pronouns used: She/Her
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Parties weren’t something you necessarily enjoyed if you’re being honest. esscieply parties with some of New York's biggest lawyers and politicians; however, when you’re dating Matthew Murdock it seems like you’re expected to be there. Matt knows you don’t like being at these parties, too many people, too much talking, and half the time it’s in a house that’s at least 10 times the size of you and Matt’s shared apartment. That’s why you’re standing next to Matt with your arm slightly death gripping Matt’s. 
    “Are you okay, sweetheart,” Matt whispers after noticing your heart begin to beat faster than normal. A lot of people had crowded into the main room of the house making the area feel much smaller than it actually is. “I’m fine,” you whisper, although you were not alright. Not even thirty minutes later Matt puts his arm around your waist and leads you both off into some sort of hallway, how Matt always managed to find the quietest area’s to talk you weren’t sure. “What’s wrong,” he asks as he slides his jacket off and puts it around your shoulders after noticing you were shivering due to it being nearly January in New York and the house was abnormally cold. “Just a lot of people,” you whisper leaning your head on Matt’s chest, you knew he heard you.” “Do you want to go home,” he whispers in your ear and wraps his arms around you. He feels you nodding into his chest so he guides you both back to where Foggy and Karen are talking to some guy. You don’t pay attention to what Matt says, only focusing on your interconnected hands. 
When you finally make it back to the apartment you make a B-line for the bedroom to slip out of your dress and heels and into one of Mat’s shirts and a pair of sweats. Matt comes in behind you laughing and begins to change while you slip into the bathroom to take off your makeup and brush through your hair. Once you’re both changed and settled onto the couch, Matt lays flat and you lay on top of him. His hands rub slowly and gently up and down your back while some show plays quietly on the TV, snow began to fall which wasn’t surprising with how cold it was. Matt wordlessly grabs a blanket off the back of the couch and lays it over the both of you. “How’s my girl feeling,” he asks quietly. You sigh and move to get more comfortable on his chest, “I’m doing better now,” you whisper and feel him kiss your head. “I’m proud of you for going tonight, you know you didn’t have to,” he says and you smile, “Thank you.” 
The rest of your night is quiet, laying on Matt’s chest, him whispering reassurances, and how much he loves you over and over until you eventually fall asleep cuddled against the man you love with everything in you
@leossmoonn @ellajanicki34
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter eleven
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.8k
my masterlist
series masterlist
"We can't loop him in on this. He cannot know, Snowy." Kie says, shaking her head at me as we pull away, and I wave at Rafe out the window. He gives me a quick wave, before revving the bike and taking off.
"No, I know. I won't tell him anything he doesn't have to know." I sigh. I already know that will be much easier said than done- especially when he ran to our rescue because he heard gunshots over the phone. Note to self: don't take calls while hunting the Royal Merchant.
We make it back to the chateau and open up the envelope as soon as we can. It has some paper and a tape recorder. We listen to it with John B, and by the end, he's in tears. He hasn't heard his father's voice in so long. I hug him as he cries in my arms. He deserves a break from all this treasure hunting and the royal merchant, just to grieve. My heart breaks for him.
The papers in the envelope turned out to be a folded-up map, with an 'X' marking a spot out off the shore. It must be where the merchant is. Big John found it. Now, we just have to figure out how to get to it.
The next morning, I woke up around six to the sound of John B making breakfast in the kitchen. I find myself with my head on JJ's shoulder, and I sit up, digging for my phone in the covers before getting up, climbing over JJ, and walking out into the living room.
"A beer? Already?" I laugh, opening the fridge and looking for something to eat.
"You know it."John B smiles, taking another sip. "We got a big day ahead."
I eventually decide it'll be better to wait until I head out for coffee with Rafe, and I'll get a cookie or something. I don't bother changing out of my pajamas to go sit on the hammock outside. I lay down, and look out at the water. It's going to be another beautiful day today- there's not a cloud in the sky. I grab my phone and turn it on, just Anna has sent me some pictures of very random things, including herself. Those will go ignored for now.
I text Rafe, figuring he'll see it when he wakes up and we can iron out our plans. I'm excited. I feel guilty, almost, that last week I was admitting to being in love with JJ, but now I don't feel so worried about that. My feelings for JJ haven't changed, I do love him, but was I ever in love with him if I could feel so giddy about spending time with someone else? about kissing someone else? It's just confusing. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Rafe texts me back. He's up early.
R: oh hey, goodmorning S: you're up early? R: i'd say the same to you S: john b is a loud cooker. what's your excuse? R: gym. S: ah, gotcha. we still on for this morning? i would die for a caramel macchiato right now, lol R: yeah for sure :) i'll come get you after i'm done at around 7:20? S: sounds great! see you then :)
I lay my phone on my chest and lay back down, closing my eyes for about twenty minutes before I decide to go in and get dressed and ready. I grab a twisted tea from the fridge and walk back towards the bedroom. "Oh so now you agree it's not too early to drink." John B laughs from the porch.
"It's tea, John B. Everyone drinks tea in the morning." I joke, cracking it open.
JJ is still fast asleep when I enter, so I grab my bag and head into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and get changed into this yellow romper, and I actually find myself with some time to do my makeup after putting my hair up in a claw clip, which is a time-consuming event. I think my hair is just too heavy, so I always end up only putting half of it up. By the time I'm finished, it's about 7:15.
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I hear John B talking to JJ as I come out, throwing my phone and wallet into my tote back and walking out into the living room. "Damn, you look nice," JJ says.
"I'd get changed though, we've got big plans that are probably not safe for clean clothes." He adds and John B hits his shoulder.
"She's got a date."
"Oh, right." JJ nods. "Will you be back when we get Kie and Pope at like, lunchtime?" He asks.
"Yes sir." I salute him, looking out the window when I hear a car pull up.
"It's Rafe, I gotta run," I say, downing whatever is left of my tea and leaving the can on the counter as I run out.
I hop in the passenger seat of the red convertible and put my bag at my feet. "Good morning." I smile, already fixing my hair.
"Morning," Rafe replies, putting his arm on the back of my seat and looking out the back window to reverse onto the street.
"This is a sweet car. Is it yours?" I ask and Rafe shakes his head as we drive away.
"No, no... It's my dad's." He says and I nod.
"Well, nice of him to lend it to you."
"More or less." He agrees. "He left the keys on the counter." Rafe laughs slightly.
"Oh.. is that okay? I mean, if I took my dad's truck he would probably run me over with it." I laugh. Rafe doesn't, tough crowd today.
We grab our coffees and decide to walk down the marina.
"What was happening last night?" Rafe asked, suddenly changing the subject and stopping me from rambling about the time I watched Pope and JJ climb a cell tower.
This caught me off guard, but it shouldn't. I knew he would want to know more. "We were just hanging out, like I told you," I answer, grabbing his hand as we keep walking.
"People don't shoot at kids just hanging out, Snowy." Rafe replies, looking down at me.
"Okay, yeah... You're right. JJ just isn't in their good books at the moment. Something to do with his dad and drug money or something.." I lie, knowing Luke well enough to know that it would check out.
"Right.." Rafe nods. "I just- I know I can't tell you what to do, so I won't, but that's some shit you can't get mixed up in- okay?" He says seriously.
"Yeah, I know."
"I just don't want you to get hurt. I care about you, I know I'm being crazy but I don't want to be chasing you around Kildare making sure you don't get shot." Rafe explains, running his free hand through his hair. "Your brother would lose his mind- I can't, I can't deal with that. I can't deal with you being gone I just can't-"
"You're not being crazy, Rafe. I understand." I tell him, stopping to look into his eyes. I can tell he's upset. "I still can't believe you heard gunshots and decided to run right into that mess." I laugh a little, making him smile slightly as his gaze softens.
"I'd do it for you a million times." He says and I already feel the blush spreading across my cheeks. "But, I just hope I won't have to, is what I mean."
"That was a one-time thing. It's okay." I promise him.
Rafe sighs and nods. "Good. Thank you." We keep walking, and after a few moments of silence, he continues. "I just- you know, like I said the other night, I'm pretty sure I really like you. I like being around you, I like this." I blush as he says this.
"I like it too." I smile. "You know, you're not what I thought you would be like," I add, looking up at him as we continue to walk.
"What, did you think I was mean and scary?" He chuckles.
"Yeah." I giggle.
"Yeah, well, I kind of thought the same about you." He jokes.
"Really? You're joking."
"No, I swear. I just really only know what your brother has told me about you. That you're mean, angry, entitled... but I couldn't believe you could fit that much anger in such a tiny, cute body." He laughs and I shake my head, rolling my eyes.
"Of course, he would say that."
"But, then he'd say, you don't back down from a fight, and you don't let people tell you what to do, and you don't have patience for people." He says and I nod sarcastically. "Now, the way I see it anyways, you have to be those things to make it out here. And they're not all bad. I think we're a lot alike, actually."
"Mean and scary?" I ask, laughing a little.
"Yeah, we're mean and scary." He agrees, smiling at me.
We eventually turn back and walk back the way we came, towards the car which we left outside the coffee shop. We talk about nonsense, pretty much the whole way. I do, mostly, but lucky for me he likes to listen.
"So, uh.. should we do this again?" He asks and I nod. I haven't just had a chill, casually fun time since we stumbled onto that Grady White.
"Yeah, this was fun. I hardly spend time away from my friends, but I liked it." I smile, shielding my eyes from the sun as I look over at the brunette boy. "Speaking of.." I sigh, "I've got to get back to them. We have plans at twelve."
"Of course, yeah." Rafe nods, but I can see his jaw get tense.
Just then, I look down at my phone and see a text from John B.
JB: meet us at kook club ? S: sure? see you there
"Hey, Rafe, can you drop me off at that country club? I don't remember what it's called, you know the one." I try and explain. He looks at me confused.
"Uh, yeah sure, but are you sure they'll let you in?" He jokes.
"Not a clue- John B just asked me to meet them outside." I shrug.
When we arrive, I see everyone waiting on the grass outside, just outside the parking lot.
"Thanks so much, Rafe. I'll text you in a bit." I smile at him as he pulls over near my friends, and I reach for the door handle.
Before I get out he grabs my arm, and when I turn and look at him he kisses me. I melt into him as I kiss him back, pulling away just a few seconds later when I hear my friends shouting at us.
"Literally get a room," Kie says, and I hear the boys groaning.
I turn my head to look back at them, but Rafe stops me by putting his hand on my chin, making me face him again. "I'll see you later, Juliette." He whispers, and I give him a quick kiss before getting out and waving him off, staring as he drives away.
My friends make fun of me because they've never seen my face so red. It's well deserved.
A/N; this part is dull as hell i'm sorry LMAO but please bear with me here bc it'll get better once the plot gets more intense, i promise -R
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astridthevalkyrie · 7 months
From one south asian sister to another….. oh no :( have you been telling them you’re wearing the hijaab but not actually wearing it? I can definitely just TELL the absolute awkward tension though of them finding out.
Luckily enough my parents haven’t really forced it onto to me and respect my own boundary of when I want to wear it, I can wear it.
thank you for checking in! i'm gonna use this ask to explain what exactly happened. i'll put most of it under a cut since this got really long. at a cliffhanger too, click read more to see the story.
so my first day of work was yesterday, i started at a store in our local mall. i knew my parents were the type to drop in without warning and i did expect them to do it eventually, but not on the first goddamn day. i had my phone on me tucked under my clothes even though technically i should have left it in my bag, just so i could check their location, but obviously i was training and couldn't just pop it out and look at it whenever. so when they came and saw me, without my hijaab on, i never saw them.
my youngest sister texted me saying that my mom had come home, said they went to the mall, and said they "needed to talk to me." she said my mom didn't seem too mad, but obviously i got nauseous pretty much right away, i could barely focus in the last hour i was there. it was better that i knew before they could ambush me, though, so thank god for my sister.
i get home and immediately play off that i'm sleepy, and crash onto the bed for a "nap." i heard my mom say something like "so why weren't you wearing your scarf" but i was pretend half-asleep so it got brushed off. then i pretty much just laid there for a couple hours.
we were supposed to go to my aunt't house, but my mother didn't want to go anyway, and she told my sister that since i wasn't feeling well, she would just use me as an excuse to stay. and, y'know, fuck that. i have a ten page paper due today that i have written half a page of that i need to get done and submit in eight hours today. and i should have worked on that yesterday instead of going to my aunt's house, but the idea of being alone in the house with my mother after that revelation actually makes me wanna drive a knife into myself.
so anyway, i "wake up" and tell my dad i'll go, he just quietly nods along and whatever. so i go up, and now everyone's upstairs, and as i'm drinking water my mom asks, "why did you have your scarf off while working?"
and while i was asleep, i considered three options: a, i could tell her that i decided to do it for job hunting and work because of discriminatory reasons. b, i could tell her that i started doing it a few months ago when law school started. or c, i could i tell her the truth, that i've been doing it consistently for two years and even before that whenever i wanted since i was 13.
i went with option b. so i told her no one made me, or anything, i just didn't want to wear the hijaab anymore. and that went about as well as you would imagine it to. here are some of the things i heard last night (not capitalizing, but most of these things were yelled, not spoken calmly):
"You're so spoiled. I allowed you to stop reading Quran, but this is too much." - not true, I stopped reading Quran everyday and she has continuously pestered me about it since, she hasn't allowed me jack shit.
"What's next, you stop praying, and then you're not even Muslim anymore!" - haven't prayed in years, but she doesn't need to know that. also, never wanna hear anyone say to my face again that all muslim women choose to wear the hijaab and no one ever forces them, or at least not in the precious western world.
"I always thought cousin x was like this because of the way she was raised, but now my daughter with MY raising has turned out like this." - the cousin of hers she was comparing me to hit her while she was pregnant with my sister. lovely comparison. also way to make it about yourself.
"It's because you watched too many movies and listen to too many songs." - a classic. check out all those things i participated in that hurt so many people. listening to music? what a horrible sin.
"It's because you hang out with friend x and friend y, they've filled your head with these thoughts" - the friends she named were my two closest friends, both of whom are black women. mind you she followed up with "i don't want you hanging out with black or white or non muslim friends anymore" but she also reemed into friend y, who mind you, has always greeted her politely and dressed appropriately if she was visiting my house. the other girl? more religious than i am (though she's christian) and neither of them drink or smoke or anything like that. meanwhile a muslim girl i hang out with wears a hijaab on her head for sure, but she vapes, drinks, goes on dates, but sure. muslim girls are the fuckin role models for this generation, definitely.
(she also took this opportunity to walk into my sisters' room and scream that she doesn't want them hanging out with their nonmuslim friends either. we live in a very white area—they don't have muslim friends. i only started to make them in college because my high school didn't have any but me. so.....total isolation except from their family! how healthy i'm sure my sisters will be fine.)
"I don't want you around my other daughters, i don't want you influencing them." - probably the one that stung the most, but also hilarious. HILARIOUS that she thinks i need to influence them. my middle sister hates my mother at the age of 15 far more than i did in my teen years. she's had trichotillomania for years and my mother has consistently told her to: just stop, that she's doing it for attention, that she must like doing it, etc.. so, yeah, my influence? definitely not needed. it's not like my sisters come to me to talk about things they can't talk to our parents about. i'm not worried about the day i have to move out and leave them, not at all! i'm sure they're in such good hands!!!
oh, fun fact also! my mother got married at like 25? 26? and only started wearing her hijaab like a few years after that. i wonder how she was raised! if me having been forced to wear it at 8 is bad parenting, i wonder what this says about my grandmother.
and here and there my dad being the coward he is interjected with "i don't understand why it's so hard" to which i answered that i didn't expect him to. when she screamed at my sisters i told him to stop her and he just said "she's in shock." like okay??? so come scream at me you fucking bitch???? i also had to play pretend that my sisters didn't already know i did this.
my brilliant father also said that while i was living with them, i need to wear it, but after marriage it was on me. oh RIIIIIGHT. marriage! after i belong to a man instead of my parents! the marriage that could very well be to a man who requires a hijaabi wife! why didn't I think of that??? and when i told them as much my mom cut in before my dad could and said "so what if he wants a hijaabi wife? is it a bad thing for him to be religious? better than being a degenerate!" am i actually. here? is this real life? is this fantasy? i mean same woman who told me she hopes my husband beats me if i continue to do theater so not surprising, but i'm sure my spoiled little brat self just doesn't understad.
then my mother goes and sobs in her room for a couple minutes. my dad gives her: reassuring words, hugs, back rubs, comfort. i got a head pat. i mean i was crying too but not loud heaving sobs like someone just shot my cat, so what did i expect, right?
he tells me to start wearing it at work. i say no. he tells me to quit, then. okay. four interviews, four job offers—i got every. single. job. i. interviewed. for.—and i walk away with nothing. nothing! side note, will probably be opening commissions soon, because i'm not in a hurry to take up another customer service job and deal with this again. i quit this morning. the manager was understanding even though i worked all of one day and black friday is coming up. this one's genuinely on me. i could just work with my hijaab on. but i won't. and again, not the reason i did it, but something just tells me in the area we live in, i was not getting four job offers with a hijaab on my head.
anyway, i just ask him if we're going to my aunt's house, and we are.
in the car, with just him and my sisters, i talk openly. he knows that i don't wear my scarf when i don't have to. he doesn't care. supposedly he understands (how interesting that he understands when my mother isn't there to hear it.) his advice? "just tell her you will, and then don't." oh.......so what i've been doing! lying! fantastic, brilliant, inspired. and he's very sure that a, she will believe me when i do this now, b, i'll "definitely" be married within two years, and c, that she won't stop me from hanging out with my friends or sisters.
like, in the nicest way possible, i wasn't worried about that in the slightest. i pay for my car. i'm in law school—LAW SCHOOL!—on FULL ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. and i'm bragging. i am. the year's tuition could have been more or around 50,000. my parents aren't paying a dime to send me here. if i'm gonna go get lunch with my friend after class, there's quite literally nothing she can do to stop me. my sister and i just will not stop talking and if she ever tries like locking my sister in her room it's fuck around and find out at this point. what does she hold over my head? a toxic home environment. it's definitely exhausting to study for LAW SCHOOL and do LAW SCHOOL reading and then come home to utter bullshit, whether that's more yelling or the silent treatment or whatever. she also cooks for me. again, nicest way possible, i can cook for myself. i can buy my own ingredients if i need to. i can eat out. i don't need my father's money to do it either. not that i have enough saved that i could live on my own, but my father isn't kicking me out of the house, and i worked hard and saved enough that i can very much afford to make meals for myself, thanks.
where my mom has me, and where she doesn't even know she has me, is that i'm not as batshit as her. sorry to seem ableist, but she gave me most of my mental issues, so. i care about my sisters. i do not want them dealing with her and her abusive ass everyday. i care about my pussy ass father. he's already in a marriage with her and works full time, he's got enough on his plate to have to deal with her ranting his ear off about it everyday. and i care about her. can you believe that? i don't. i care about this bitchy ass woman and how she's a victim, how she had to move to a new country after marriage and how her in laws don't always treat her well. how she's schizophrenic and how terrifying that must be. so after all that, do i have any choice but to play nice? i quit my job, i'll tell her what she wants to hear. i'm not going to wear my hijaab at school but i'll still let her think i do. if she wants to watch me pray, she can.
so at the end, i am still the only one compromising. and all this because i don't want to wear the hijaab. which is supposedly as so many stupid fucking people have told me, is my choice, it's up to me! i live in a western country! but it's okay because once a man owns me i will maybe be able to make my own choices. yay!
yeah. sorry for this, it's super long—thanks to anyone who read it. i now have to get this ten page paper out, because it's definitely too late to ask for an extension and professors don't really care about minor religious complications. hope everyone has a good day, love you guys <3
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inlocusmads · 3 months
1 for Nora, 2 for Killian, 5 for the OC of your choice
#1 for Nora:
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Nora has precisely one family member who is her uncle Tommy and yes, of course she tells him where she is. It's usually texts and calls whenever they're free and that's pretty much it. Nothing too unique there. If Nora goes to a place where there's no proper cell service, she just ends up emailing him.
Straying away a bit here: Nora's phone calls to literally anyone is so short lol. It's the most precise thing ever, mostly because she kind of grew up in a household where her parents would only phone each other if they were not reachable physically or have some prior need. It's why she texts and talks over the phone in the bluntest possible way because she doesn't know how to carry on a conversation over the phone. It's easier for her to do so in real life, in her uncle's bar or some other meeting point like that, but harder on call because she's just "Hello, yeah, you're well? What happened? Okay. Fine. Bye." and it's such a culture (?) shock when she realizes people do talk more than what happened during the day.
It works out anyway because Nora ends up getting used to longer conversations with Trystan over the phone because they all start out somewhere, but two hours later, they have gone through every topic and her phone battery had already plummeted to 4%.
#2 for Killian:
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Have you seen Killian? She loves to do nothing. She loves chilling. Literally her thing lmao. Killian hates initiating things and she's more content in a tavern somewhere, half-asleep and half-drunk with her brother Kade wrestling some guy in a music battle. Part of the reason why she gravitated towards more 'chiller' hobbies such as alchemy and crafts because it doesn't require an insane amount of work out in the open and she could gather up resources handy and make something convenient for herself.
It's why she never wanted to be involved in the whole Ash Empress and Valax businesses in the first place. Just let her be, man, cmon, not that difficult. She's so ready to retire. She's got her brother, a couple of good friends, it's enough. Moving around goes against all her core principles.
#5 for... Nora, again, lol. I'm sorry, I just want an excuse to talk about her some more, if that's all right!
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THIS IS THE BEST QUESTION EVER AAAAAH Okay okay I'll add some pictures too.
Nora has, suffice to say a lot of jackets and coats, but most of them are hand-me-downs. She doesn't really spend on clothes - not because she's hip and cool and sustainable like that (okay she is sustainable), but she's very very frugal as a person. Insanely frugal. She doesn't know how 'treating yourself" works, hasn't done that and doesn't have any materialistic aspirations because she's looking for the best deal possible. Not because she's Asian. Okay maybe it is because of that, but you get my drift. Nora does spend on clothes - not like she never does, she does, but it's a rarity and she only gets them if she knows a) the coat is priced aptly to her requirements b) she loves the coat and c) she wears it everyday and uses it and won't just wear it for a one-time affair and it is long-lasting.
Her dad's old corduroy jacket. Something like this:
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Imagine a J stitched on the pocket area.
It was Jimmy's old jacket that was a wedding present to him by Alison (Nora's mom) and even after Jimmy outgrew the jacket, he still kept it for good luck. It helped him a lot on police cases (and a lucky charm for Nora during her soccer games) and of course young Nora had her eye on it and the broad shoulders to support it so of course, she took it - probably the only thing Nora took from Jimmy's stash of things after he passed on because some things are just too unbearable to use after intense grief.
And the luck did stay. Nora wears it almost on the daily. There's big pockets to keep her stuff, the material is perfect for New York's weather, it isn't flimsy - Nora provides extra special care to the jacket alone, throwing everything else in the washing machine. Even though her shoulders fit, they're a bit big on her especially on the sleeves but she doesn't mind them. A hallmark of the coat is that it comes with candy wrappers and pens in their pockets, which is why in the handful of times Trystan takes her jacket out for a spin (it fits him so perfectly), he's dismayed to fish into the pockets and get ink stains all over his hands.
2. A maroon blazer
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This was Nora's first ever purchase with her first month's salary from the Agency and yes of course she wears it often. It means a lot to her too because it made her feel like a 'professional' and got Mafalda to approve too, especially after feeling like shit during her NYPD years.
She bought it because she really liked the colour and pairs it up with virtually every single shirt she owns and it works.
3. A leather jacket, something like this (but more accurate on the left than the right)
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This was a purchase from when she graduated from uniforms to jackets in the NYPD (aka became a homicide detective for a brief period of a year or two ish). She got it from a clearance section and is super proud of her selection because it made her look so cool back in the day - with her cropped haircut, leather jacket, trousers and shoes. It's the piece of youth she hangs on to even though she isn't even that old.
4. Her uncle's old denim trucker jacket
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This was Uncle Tommy's really really old jacket that was in good condition that he intended on giving away, except Nora was like "mine" and she ended up giving it to a tailor to have it mended more to her liking. It just has a cool set of buttons and lots of utility options and that's just enough, you know? That's just it to her.
She seldom wears it though, but when she does, she pairs it up with a baseball cap or something and it all comes together in a nice harmony.
And finally, to conclude Nora's top five jackets run through is..
#5: This track-suit/ sportswear jacket and windbreaker:
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Nora used to do sports. Now she doesn't anymore, but she still wears them tracks lol. It's really helpful during rainy or windy weathers and a very useful purchase. She wears it pretty often considering it rains a lot sometimes. She has a lot of athleisure wear, but this is her favourite because she loves the colour and it's such a refreshing change from the monotones she wears a lot.
Thank you so much for the ask Caro <33
character generator asks
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simp4baji · 11 months
CAUGHT (Baji x Chifuyu) spending the night at friends house isn't an uncommon thing. Mostly baji sleeps over at Chifuyu's place but when Chifuyu sleeps over at Baji's place is when it gets messy ... literally. 
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It was 1am and baji was asleep in his bed but Chifuyu wasn't. His mind kept the most unwholesome thoughts. Not just any unwholesome thoughts. They were unwholesome thoughts about Baji. They weren't uncommon for him though. Chifuyu had always felt some type of way towards him. He couldn't properly describe it without feeling flustered.
Chifuyu was tossing around his sleeping bag but not too much to wake up baji.
The thoughts that Chifuyu was having about his best friend were getting the best of him right now. He could feel his half hard dick begging to be touched. So he begins to pull his pants down until he gets a good idea..or so he thinks it's a good idea.
He stood up and went to bajis dresser till he got a shirt that smelled most like him.
"Maybe his shirt will help me get off. I need more than my own touch. I need him. I need his touch. He doesn't feel the same way though so I'll have to settle for his shirt." Chifuyu thought to himself.
He layed back down on his sleeping bag and pulled out his now fully hard dick. In one hand he held bajis shirt up to his nose and with the other he began jerking off.
He made sure to be quiet or at least tried to be quiet so he didn't wake baji. It was getting hard to be quiet the faster he was going and the amount of unholy thoughts running through his head.
With his eyes closed Chifuyu started to whimper at the thought of baji dominating him. At the thought of him being punished by his superior for doing something so dirty.
"B..baji" he began to moan as countless dirty thoughts began rushing through in his head.
"Baji" he whimpered as hand went faster on his dick. He kept sniffing his shirt which riled him up even more. He felt himself at the edge until he heard a door lock.
"What do you think you're doing Chifuyu?" A deep voice said. It was baji. He was standing at the door now.
Chifuyu was frozen in place. He felt embarrassed and flustered at the same time. "Answer my question now..what are you doing?" Baji asked again this time with his eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face as he walked towards Chifuyus sleeping bag.
Chifuyu sat up with his face red as a tomato as he put bajis shirt to the side.
"I..I don't know...dreaming?" Chifuyu answered in the most unsure tone.
Baji chuckled at his lame excuse. "Oh? And what were you dreaming about pretty boy?" Baji said as he was now crouched down in front of him.
Chifuyu was at a loss of words. He didn't know what to say and even if he did it'd come out messy so he just let out a whine.
"Use your words. You know how to use your words right? Are you fucked out of your little mind already?" Baji said in a taunting tone.
Chifuyu's face turned even more red as he felt his body heat up from Baji's words. He felt himself getting even more hard if possible and all baji was doing was talking to him.
"I...I'm so sorry baji-san I didn't mean to be so lou- I'm sorry for using your shirt a-and for thinking bad thoughts about you."- Chifuyu said while looking down at the floor while baji was giving him an intimidating stare. Chifuyu knew that if he even looked baji in the eye right now he'd become an even bigger mess.
An evil grin let out on bajis face as he placed his thumb and index finger on Chifuyu's chin to make him look up at him. Baji saw how flustered and turned on Chifuyu was just by looking at him. "You're so cute. You think you can get away with using my shirt to jerk off with?"
"I'm s-sorry baji I didn't mean to us-" but he was cut off by baji turning him over onto his stomach and before baji did anything else he asked "Are you okay with this? Do you consent to this pretty boy?"
Chifuyu was taken aback but he said "I-i consent. Please do whatever you want."
That was all baji needed to hear before he pulled Chifuyu's shorts and boxers down in one swift movement. Chifuyu didn't know what to expect but he didn't expect a harsh slap to his ass. "Count" baji said in a stern tone. "W-what?" Chifuyu said very confused. He felt bajis hand rubbing his ass gently before landing another harsh slap.
"Count. Do I have to repeat myself again?" Baji said. "N-no I'm s-sorry. One" Chifuyu said before another harsh slap landed on his now sensitive ass. Five harsh slaps later Chifuyu was a whimpering mess. Baji then carried him to his bed and laid him on his back. Chifuyu's dick was now painfully hard. Baji could tell it was so sensitive so he let only one of his fingers trace up and down against it.
Chifuyu's back arched because of his touch. Baji took note of how beautiful Chifuyu looks when he's like this. Chifuyu's mouth was open letting out gasps and whimpers as baji continued teasing his dick.
"P-please baji-san" Chifuyu whined.
"Please what? What do you want me to do to you pretty boy?" Baji said as he began kissing Chifuyu's chest.
"Anything. Please touch me. I wanna be fucked so badly p-please" Chifuyu said as his hips began rutting against bajis hand but as soon he did that baji pulled his hand away. This made Chifuyu let out a string of whimpers and whines. Baji enjoyed his whimpering. "P-please i need you so much baji." Chifuyu whimpered on the verge of begging him.
"Okay okay I'll take care of it pretty boy." Baji said as he got off the bed and went to his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a packet of lube and a condom. When he walked back to the bed he saw the desperation in his pretty boys eyes.
He always thought Chifuyu had some type of beauty to him that he couldn't properly describe. He found it so adorable when Chifuyu got frustrated and flustered. He admired every part of him but he was too stubborn to admit it to himself.
He couldn't hold himself back anymore.
When he got to the bed he grabbed Chifuyu by his legs and pulled him to the edge of the bed.
"What-what are you doing?"
"You tell me" baji said as he opened the packet of lube with his teeth. His long hair getting in the way just made him more hotter to Chifuyu. Baji put a generous amount around Chifuyu's hole and onto his own 2 fingers.
Baji traced his finger around Chifuyus hole and said "Now you tell me if it's too much okay? Can you do that for me baby boy?"
Chifuyus face turned bright red whenever baji called him cute nicknames. He could feel butterflies in his tummy with the way baji was looking at him.
All he could do was nod yes but baji didn't take it.
"Use your words pretty boy. I know you can do it."
"Y-yes..I'll tell you if it's t-too much baji" Chifuyu stuttered out while trying to place himself on bajis finger.
Baji laughed at his failed attempt. "There you go was that so hard to say? Such a good little slut." He said as he pushed his finger in his hole.
Chifuyu began letting out moans as bajis finger was trying to find his good spot. Once he found it he inserted a second finger and began making scissoring gestures inside him.
Chifuyus moans got louder as he got closer again.
Baji could tell that he was close so he decided to pull out his fingers and pour what was left of the lube onto his painfully hard dick.
He leaned down to Chifuyu's face which made Chifuyu blush like crazy again.
"Is this okay with you pretty boy? Do you want this?" He whispered into his ear.
"Y-yes fuck baji fuck me already just fuck me like you hate me damn it" Chifuyu said in a frustrated tone and pulled at the hoodie that baji was wearing.
Baji didn't like it when Chifuyu gave him attitude. "Hm you want me to fuck you like I hate you?" Baji said as he swiftly flipped Chifuyu onto his tummy and held his hands behind his back. "Whatever you want pretty boy" he said and in one swift movement his dick was in Chifuyus hole.
Chifuyu let out a string of loud whines and whimpers as baji slowly moved inside of him.
With his free hand baji pulled Chifuyu's hair and pulled him into a standing position as baji was now deep inside him and pressing into his good spot.
"M-more hard please bajiii" Chifuyu whined and as soon as baji heard that he pushed Chifuyu back into the bed and started fucking him at a quick ungodly pace.
"Such a good little whore. You're doing so good my pretty boy."
Chifuyu felt his orgasm approaching again just as he was about to finish baji's fingers gripped at the base of Chifuyus dick forming some type of cock ring to stop him from finishing.
"Ah-ah why?? Please let me-" Chifuyu said but was interrupted by baji. "You think I'm gonna let you finish after you gave me attitude and caught you using my shirt to jerk off with? You pathetic little whore. You're gonna cum when I tell you too okay?"
"B-but I'm so close..p-please baji I'm sorry for giving a-attitude I'm so- ahhh pleaseee" Chifuyu said as his thighs began to shake. Baji kept hitting his good spot as he was kissing his neck. Baji smirked against his neck as he felt Chifuyus thighs shaking against him.
"Awww poor little baby. How badly do you want to cum pretty boy?" 
"S-so badlyyy ahhh please please please let me cum please I need it so bad please" Chifuyu said in his most whiney voice. Baji loved hearing him beg. "Keep begging pretty boy."
"Fuck fuck please baji-san please let me cum please i need to cum so badly please."
Baji moved his fingers off his dick.
"Cum pretty boy" baji said and that's all it took for Chifuyu to make a milky white mess on bajis bed. Chifuyus legs began to shake while baji was still drilling into his good spot soon cumming inside him.
Baji laid next to Chifuyu trying to catch his breath. Then he got up and used a tissue to clean up himself and Chifuyu.
Chifuyu tried sitting up but his ass felt so sore so when baji noticed he picked Chifuyu up and laid him on his bed. Then he laid next to him with his arm around the pretty blonde boy.
"Chifuyu did you enjoy this?" Baji asked while looking down at the blonde boy all cuddled up in his arms.
He looked up at him with a smile on his face "Yes I did baji-san. It was so perfect. I loved every part of it."
"I loved every part of it too..pretty boy" baji said with a smile on his face as well.
Both spent the night sleeping in each others arms feeling so happy with each other and safe with each other.
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
28 and 29 sick prompts for Bradley please 🥰🥰🥰
Of course!!
Everyone please welcome Dee; I mentioned her in a Hangman sickfic or two recently and she's actually the character I've been writing a long term fic about since August! I have a lot of the fic planned... but as we writers know, just because you have a fic planned out doesn't always mean it's going to be written or land as well as you hoped it would 😂
This is also me, again, making sure I take care of myself by changing characters and locations.
28. "I'll try not to sneeze on you" and 29. "You have a fever sweetheart, of course I'm not going anywhere."
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"Dee, I'm home!"
"In my office, B!"
Rooster kicked his boots off at the front door, tucking them on to the shoe rack as an afterthought. He put his work bag on the couch, knowing it would drive Dee crazy later, and headed down the hallway. The door to Dee's office was half open, signalling she wasn't on call with a client or her colleagues, and when he opened it he sent her a soft smile. Dee glanced up at him, her shoulders relaxing from their tense, hunched-over position. She had the look on her face, one that told Bradley she'd been elbows deep in a complicated case and frustrated.
"Hey, how was your day?" She asked, tossing a file to the side.
"It was fine, y'know; the usual. Flew some jets, embarrassed some kids, Mav embarrassed me right back to keep me grounded. Yours not over yet?"
Dee gestured to the paperwork around her and Rooster winced. He'd been buried in paperwork before, but never like Dee's legal bullshit she had to work with.
"It won't be for a while, Roos, m'sorry. I know it's my night to cook, but-"
"-are you feeling chicken or steak?" Rooster asked, moving from where he'd been leaning on the doorframe to kiss her hair.
"I would love some chicken- maybe with some of that salad you did a couple weeks ago? Do we have the ingredients for that?"
"I can make it happen. You focus on your case, I'll bring it to you."
"You're the best, B. Thank you."
"Don't sweat it."
Bradley and Dee kissed, Dee squeezed his hip, but then she went back to work. With a new plan in mind, Bradley headed for the kitchen.
Stomach full of pizza, Bradley flopped on to the couch, listening to Dee work away in her office. When she got stressed, he could hear her humming 5 Seconds of Summer songs. He'd never particularly enjoyed them but she said it was easy to remember their lyrics. Right as he was about to flick on the TV he heard footsteps and when he glanced up he realised she was walking around in the kitchen, looking for her stash of Chips Ahoy. Bradley cleared his throat.
"I read somewhere taking breaks is actually proven to be more productive than working late into the night."
"Roos, I don't want to talk about it, babe. Not right now."
"Okay, I just- I was about to watch the new episode of The Last of Us, but if you don't want to... maybe we could open that pint of ice cream we got last week?"
He could hear the rustling of the cookies, and then his wife sighed.
"Yeah, okay. I'm bringing ice cream and spoons so sit up."
He moved his feet back to the floor and Dee joined him on the couch, putting the ice cream on the coffee table. She leaned into his touch, eyes closing.
"Will you be really upset if I sleep through the whole thing?" She asked. Bradley immediately shook his head but he had a teasing smile on his face.
"Absolutely. Unacceptable; an offence that is grounds for divorce."
"Excuse you, you fell asleep last week watching Outer Range.”
“What can I say; Rhett looks like Bob but western and it freaks me out.”
“You didn’t ask him if he had a twin?” Dee teased. When Bradley sent her a look she rolled her eyes.
“Fair enough. C’mon, start the episode.”
Dee cracked open the ice cream and then nudged her husband. He lifted an arm and she curled up beside him, patting his thigh.
“Say ah, Roos.”
Dee woke with her face pressed into Bradley’s chest, listening to the soft (rather obnoxious) sound of him snoring. It was louder than usual, heavier, and she frowned as she reached up to feel his forehead. The furrow between his brows deepened and he moved abruptly to the side to cover his face when he sneezed.
“Fuck, Dee, I’m sorry. I’ll try not to sneeze on you.”
“You okay?” She asked, huffing as she sat up. They’d somehow managed to fall asleep together, Dee’s head on Bradley’s chest. Rooster grimaced again, frowning as he put a hand to his head.
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” he teased, “makes my neck hurt and not in the fun way.”
“You’re an idiot,” Dee snorted, but she was already getting up to look for the Advil.
“Stay there baby, you’re warm,” she called out to Bradley. He scrubbed at his stache.
“M... yeah, guess I’m a little warm.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve definitely got something. You haven’t been hanging out with the new guys have you?”
“Dee, my job is to train the new guys,” Rooster deadpanned. She snorted from where she was in the kitchen. When she finally had a glass of water and a couple of pills, she returned and sat on his thigh.
“You don’t feel sick though?”
“Now that you mention it... thought it was the stress, but I’ve had a headache all day.”
“You asked!”
Once he’d downed the pills and they’d managed to make the kitchen decent enough it wouldn’t make them cry tomorrow morning (it still smelled like burned chicken), the pair got into bed together. Bradley rolled on to his side and Dee pressed her face into his back, sighing as she closed her eyes.
“Baby, m’sorry, I’m just a little too warm for snuggles,” Bradley whispered. Dee snorted, scooting back a little.
“Aaaaaaaand there goes the cute moment. Love you.”
“Love you.”
Somewhere in the middle of the night Dee stirred, gasping as she gently pushed on Bradley’s shoulders. He’d moved in the night and was now lying on top of her, pressing her into the mattress. Dee huffed, turning her head to the side and running a hand through her husband’s hair. He wasn’t usually like this, affectionate but not accidentally pin her to the mattress affectionate. She frowned, feeling the fever running through his body.
“Roos... I need you to wake up, I think something’s wrong.”
He lifted an arm to his face, Dee narrowly missing being accidentally knocked in the nose, and then he frowned.
“You need to move, I feel like I’m about to boil.”
Bradley moved slowly, finding a cool spot on the sheets and shivering. Dee ran a hand over his back, propping herself up on one side.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” She asked. He grimaced, teeth clenching into the sheets.
“Dunno, just... I’m hot, but I’m shivering, and- and my head hurts.”
“How bad?”
“I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Definitely not the worst, never let Hangman pour the tequila, but it’s up there...”
Dee reached into her bedside table drawer, grabbing the bottle of Tylenol and her water bottle. Bradley sat up and down the pills, wincing as he squeezed his eyes shut and put a hand to his head.
“My face hurts, Dee, why does my face hurt?”
She took two fingers and jabbed him on either sides of his nose. Rooster swore, staring at her in shock.
“What the fuck was that for?”
“Just checking. I think you have a sinus infection, B. Go back to sleep, I’ll check on you before I go to the office tomorrow morning.”
With a lot of gentle coaxing, Bradley curled up on his side of the bed and Dee lay flat on her face, listening to him get comfortable before eventually he started snoring. She was already forming a plan in her head, but she had to wait until a decent hour for it.
Bradley woke to sunlight threatening to take over their bedroom despite the curtains still being drawn and immediately panicked, throwing himself on to his other side to reach for his phone. Glancing at the time he kicked off the blankets, pausing before he could get up when a bout of dizziness hit him like a truck. When it subsided he realised Dee’s phone was on her bedside table- she took that thing everywhere, she had to when she was working. Rooster carefully made his way around the bed and located his favourite hoodie hanging up in their wardrobe, the one he only ever pulled out when he was feeling like shit because it didn’t fit like it used to. Once upon a time, it smelled like his biological dad; now it tended to smell like whatever detergent Dee used and his cologne. The hoodie started when he was a toddler, when he realised dad wasn’t coming home ever and his mom had to go back to work to support them. He’d suffered separation anxiety for years, between his mom and Mav. One night when he was having trouble winding down, his mom pulled out one of Goose’s hoodies and wrapped him in it. Since then, every time he missed his dad or was sick, she’d pulled the hoodie out. For the longest time, she’d sprayed his cologne on it too, but that hurt and she’d eventually stopped because it made her cry. Maverick didn’t know what cologne his best friend used, and by the time Bradley was old enough to ask his mom she was on her deathbed.
The living room was empty and so was Dee’s office. Bradley frowned and rounded the corner into the kitchen, eyebrows raising when he saw Dee rifling through their drawer of medicine by the microwave.
“Uh... morning?”
She jumped a little, turning with a soft smile to greet him.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Not great... Dee, your case... shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Not when I woke up at least once to get you a cold compress- you don’t remember that?”
She burst out laughing, walking over to wrap her arms around his waist. He leaned into her touch, sighing when her fingers tangled in the bottom of his hoodie, the edges frayed from over thirty years of use.
“You have a fever, Roos, of course I’m not going anywhere. Work can wait.”
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Night Shift Mayhem (Fem! Night guard Reader x Daycare Attendants)
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You get a new job at Freddy's, you expect it to be a normal night shift, but it seems fate has something else in store for you.
This is a reader-insert type story, so I will write the reader-insert parts like so:
(y/n):your name (l/n):last name (e/c):eye color (h/c):hair color (h/l):hair length (b/s):bust size(chest size) (c/s):clothes size (n/l):nail length (n/c):nail color (l/c):lip color (b/t):blood type (f/s):favorite smell (f/t):favorite taste(sweet/salty/sour/etc.) (f/c):favorite color (s/f/c):second favorite color, (s/c):skin color(f/j):favorite jewel (f/a):favorite animal (f/f):favorite flower (f/w):favorite weather (f/o):favorite ornaments/accessories (it can be more than one.) (o/p):ornament place(hair/ankle/neck/etc.)(If you have multiple, just imagine where they all are.) (c/l):clothing length (c/c):clothing colors(f/d)favorite drink (f/a/d): favorite alcoholic drink
Yes, I know it's a long list. But, I wanted to give as much freedom to the reader as possible.
Chapter 1: Defiance
"Hello?" I called into the darkness of the unknown room, then I'm reminded how stupid that decision was as I hear a creepy laugh. It sounded like it was coming from all directions as I slowly look up…
And just like that I'm yeeted back into consciousness, the desk lamp blinding me. I wipe the drool off my chin looking down, contract papers scattered around the floor and desk. Picking them up I notice that I've missed one, reading through it I see a line of bold text.
'Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for any harm, death, trama, or any kind of harassment to daycare employee(s) if lights are off in the Superstar Daycare™', "What's that supposed to mean?" I grumble to myself, still half asleep.
I've heard of the Sun animatronic and how it's creepy, but how bad could it be? It's a nanny bot. I've also heard of Sun's night time counterpart Moon and how it's absolutely terrifying, but that's because of it's security protocols, right? I mean Fazbear Entertainment™ must have limiters on it? It would never be able to harm a child, let alone an employee. But if that is the case then why would they stop naptime in the Superstar Daycare™, and why have employees sign this waver?
I shake my head, 'Probably just Fazbear trying to cover their asses.' I think as I leave caution to the wind as I sign the last paper.
I arrive at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex™ just before 10:30 PM, I enter via the main entrance. The Pizza Plex is still bustling with loud kids and grumbling parents waiting in line at the gift shops, some parents dragging their crying children through the Freddy brand entry gates and out the front doors. 
*Hello Fazbear friends! It is now 10:30 PM, the Superstar Daycare™ closed at 10 PM, any Superstars who have not been picked up will now be taken to the security office to wait for a parent or guardian to pick them up. Thank you for visiting Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex™!*
After listening to the announcement I walk up to the gate and tried to open it but it doesn't budge, "Hey you, what do you think you're doing?!" A guard with brown hair asks sternly, "I, um." He raises a brow at me as I stumble over my words.
"New. Work." Is all I'm able to spit out and I mentally smack myself on the forehead, "Excuse me?" He questions with a confused expression, I fumble with my pockets till I find the security badge, I quickly shove it out in front of me like an anime school girl with a love letter and he looks at it for a moment then pulls out his scanner, "Oh! Your Y/n, the new night guard for the daycare." He states and reaches his hand out to me, I take it and shake it, "You already have level 7 clearance! It took me a year to get level 8 starting from level 3, how in the world?!" He exclaims.
"I, um, they just sent it to me in the mail." I squeak, "Well it definitely isn't a mistake, it's listed on your company profile." He comments, "Okay well, I'm Vince. I'll be working with you tonight but not in the daycare, those two give me the creeps. I'll be working throughout the rest of the Pizza Plex, we'll be the only two humans in the building tonight when it closes at 12:00 AM. Since it's Monday the bar in the East Arcade with DJMM will be closed until Friday, so you don't have to worry about drunken fools." He states and gestures for me to follow him.
We walk up to the entry Gates, "To open these you need to tap your badge against the scanner, like so." He States as he pushes his badge up against the black flat surface on top of the space holding the gates, the gate that he was in front of opens up to let him in, he walks through and it immediately closes behind him, "Now you try, we have to see if the badge works."
I walk up to the same gate I was trying to open before and hesitantly put my badge on the scanner, it opens and I walk through, but apparently not fast enough as it pushes me by my butt when it closes behind me, I turn and puff my cheeks at the gate.
I quickly fix my face and turn back to Vince, "Okay so do I need a tour of the whole place or just the daycare?" I ask him, "We'll start with just the daycare, then I'll show you a new exhibit each day, but you will have no need to memorize them. You will only be working in two locations, one location is the daycare, you will work there from Mondays to Thursdays. The next location is the East Arcade, you work there Friday through Sunday, and you will only be focused in the main bar area. In both areas while you are working there, you will be required to perform any maintenance on said animatronics in the area you are currently working, and perform other menial tasks that will be explained to you via company email that you will receive as soon as you clock in. Any other tasks will be informed to you via text, but those tasks have a rare occurrence, the few reasons why you would have a task via text would be; if an animatronic goes rogue, there's an intruder, or Chica is just going through all the trash again in your location." He states as we walk, "And yes Chica goes through the trash, we have automatic sensors in all of the bottoms of the trash cans that activate a half hour after the Pizza Plex closes, you won't get an alert if something is put in but you'll get alert if something is taken out, this was put in place in order to stop her from going to the trash and eating it." He states, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot! " he exclaims as we reach the daycare shutter door with an eclipse on it.
He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out an orange square shaped like Freddy's head, "This is a Fazwatch; you will use it to clock in, receive company issued emails, send repair requests to parts and service, and receive trash indications from trash in the area you are currently in. Also anybody with a company issued Fazwatch can text each other as long as they have their code built into their Fazwatch." He states and fiddles with the watch, he then hands it to me and instructs me to put it on my wrist, " I have already put my code in, code for parts and service, and the code to the main office. Now let's introduce you to the Sun animatronic." He states and we walk up to the shutters and they start to rise.
・:*₊‧°~[🔆°・:*•.。Pov Change。.•*:・°🔆]~°‧₊*:・
*Hello Fazbear friends! It is now 10:30 PM, the Superstar Daycare™ closed at 10 PM, any Superstars who have not been picked up will now be taken to the security office to wait for a parent or guardian to pick them up. Thank you for visiting Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex™!*
'Oh, it's time for the strugglers to be taken to the office already?!' I think as Officer Stacy comes and picks up the five remaining kids, "O-Officer Stacy, can't they stay for a little while longer?" I ask her frantically, "Sun, you know they can't stay, it's 10:30, we need to take them to the security office to make sure their parents are penalized for leaving them 30 minutes after daycare hours." Officer Stacy states with a huff, "I-I know but-" I start to say but I'm cut off when the door is closed behind her and the last of the kids as they exit the daycare.
'How rude, we should teach her a lessson.' Moon hisses in the shared mind space, "No. No, I will not, Officer Stacy may be rude but that's no reason to hurt her!" I whine while tugging on my rays and shaking my head, I call the wire and retreat up to my room.
'You're no fun, Sunny.' Moon grumbles, "I'm more fun than you, the little Superstars love playing pretend with me." I state matter of factly, 'Well you're boring me to death, let's watch the security cameras, I'm sure they'll be more fun to watch.' Moon states as he pulls up the security feed, "Moony! You know you're not supposed to watch the security footage unless it's after the Pizza Plex closes and you're doing your patrols!" I screech at him.
'You say that but you like watching the video footage too, so stop being so loud and just watch it with me.' Moon grumbles, I sigh in defeat and link into the same camera he's watching, we watch as a girl tries to push open a gate at the entrance and get stopped by Officer Vince, 'If she's trying to break in, she's not very good at it.' Moon cackles at her dumb effort, we watch as she gets nervous and starts fumbling with her hands, she pulls out a card and bows after shooting it out in front of her, the Officer Vince scans it and smiles then proceeds to show her how to use it.
The gate pushes her forward as it closes because she wasn't fast enough going through it, she turns around and puffs her cheeks at it, "Who is she? What she did just now was so cute! Did you see her Moony, did ya, did ya?!" I ask him excitedly, 'Yes, I did. But I wouldn't call it cute, more like something one of the spoiled brats you watch do when you tell them that they can't do something.' He grumbles, "Moony, why do you always have to be so mean?" I ask him with a pout, 'I'm not being mean, I'm being honest.' Moon states, I huff and refocus on security cameras.
Me and Moon watch as they ascend the escalators and start making their way towards the daycare, "They're coming this way. WAIT! They're coming this way! Oh Moony, we're going to meet them!" I shout as I run around our room in circles excitedly then skid to a halt, "Oh what a mess, I was so worried about not listening to you that I forgot to clean the daycare!" I screech and scramble to the stage leading to the ball pit, I jump off as fast as I can and run to the nearest mess and start frantically cleaning it up. I get done with it and go on to the next messy spot and clean it up as fast as I can, by the time I'm almost done cleaning up the daycare I hear the shutters open and two sets of footsteps walk into the daycare lobby, I hear a voice belonging to Officer Vince.
・:*₊‧°~[⭐°・:*•.。Pov Change。.•*:・°⭐]~°‧₊*:・
"This is the Superstar Daycare Lobby, this is where kid drop off happens. You have no reason to be up here unless you are entering or leaving the or stopping Chica from eating trash, your area is the main daycare in the center on the other side of the net. There are two entry points to the main daycare; the slide, which is big enough for children and the daycare attendant to go down, or in the attendance case to climb up to stop rule breakers from climbing up and people who are banned from the daycare from going down. The other entry point it's the pickup area, which is at the end of the staircase. Those big wooden doors down there, those are the main entrance for parent and guardian pickups and employees." He says as he gestures to every place he mentions, we descend down the stairs to the wooden door he was talking about, I silently observe while nodding as he mentions every area, "And now it's time to meet the Sun animatronic, but before we go in there I have to warn you. It can be a bit, um, eccentric and hyperactive." He states and proceeds to scan his badge next to the door.
The big wooden doors creek open and we walk in, "This is the security desk, this is where you spend all of your time in the daycare. The animatronics are not allowed in this area, so we called this the Safe Zone. If you have any menial tasks that you have been required to do, it will mostly be done on these computers. You will also use the computers for supplies restock, and equipment repair, like if one of the generators short, or one of the tables or chairs become broken, or if one of the play structures are damaged, or if they're hook and wire become broken or are malfunctioning." He states and gestures for me to follow him out from behind the security desk.
He walks us to the multicolored mat in front of one of the play structures, "Sun get yourself over here, I have someone for you to meet!" He shouts after cupping his hands together and using them as a megaphone, a giant Yellow robot bounces out from behind one of the play structures and stops as it notices us.
It continues as it starts hopping back and forth between it's leg, "Oh, a new friend, so exciting!" It says as it approaches us, "It's been a while since we met a new friend, all of our Superstars are either regulars or have been here before and only come once in a while!"
"Okay that's enough, I'm going to need you to shut up! I called you to introduce you to Y/n and register them into your database, not to hear you ramble!" Vince states with an attitude, the Sun animatronic stops moving and talking, it's sun rays shrink into it's head a little bit, "Good, now." He states and turns to me, "What's with that look? You look like I just did something wrong, what did I do?." He asks like he didn't just yell at the animatronic.
I stare at him like he just grew two heads, "What do you mean what did you just do, you yelled at him like he just did something wrong. He was just excited to meet me, it's not like he hurt anybody or anything. Sure he was moving around a lot and talking a lot, but that doesn't give you the right to just yell at him like that." I state sternly, Vince looks at me weird because one moment I was fumbling over my own words and now I'm calm, cool, collected, and irritated, "Tch, I can talk to him however the hell I want, he's just a robot. You need to learn your place, level 7, I'm a level 8 so I'm your superior." He snaps at me.
"Yes, you are my superior. But look at it!" I say as I gestured towards the Sun animatronic and it flinches like I'm about to hit it, "It looks like a kicked puppy, if it had a tail it would be in between it's legs right now. No one deserves to be treated like that, even though it's a robot, it's actions are appropriate to your actions!" I state while poking him in the chest, causing him to back up with each poke, he glares at me, unable to come up with a comeback and proceeds to turn on his heel and leave slamming the door behind him, I put my hands on my hips and glare back at him as he leaves, "Good riddance!" I state and rub the filth off my hands from when I shook his hand earlier.
・:*₊‧°~[🔆°・:*•.。Pov Change。.•*:・°🔆]~°‧₊*:・
I hear Officer Vince talk in the lobby for a while as I clean, right as I finish cleaning I hear them come down the stairs. The main doors open and I hear them walk behind the security desk, he explains everything in the security area, then proceeds to walk to the story area.
"Sun get yourself over here, I have someone for you to meet!" He shouts at me, I come out from behind the play structure I was hiding behind, acting as if I hadn't seen them walking or have been watching them.
I stop in my tracks as I see her with my own eyes for the first time, 'She's the most beautiful star I've ever seen in the sky!' I exclaim to Moon in the head space, 'I still think she looks like space debris.' Moon grumbles in response, I ignore him and continue walking.
I start hopping back and forth, "Oh, a new friend, so exciting!" I say as I approach them, "It's been a while since we met a new friend, all of our Superstars are either regulars or have been here before and only come once in a while!" I state and stop when I reach a meter exactly from them, because that's how close I'm allowed to be to the employees.
"Okay that's enough, I'm going to need you to shut up! I called you to introduce you to Y/n and register them into your database, not to hear you ramble!" Officer Vince yells with an attitude, I freeze place and my sun rays shrink into my head a little bit, "Good, now." He states and turns to her, Y/n, he called her.
"What's with that look? You look like I just did something wrong, what did I do?." He asks when he notices her facial expression, the moment after he asks that her facial expression shifts to one of complete and utter, "What do you mean what did you just do, you yelled at him like he just did something wrong. He was just excited to meet me, it's not like he hurt anybody or anything. Sure he was moving around a lot and talking a lot, but that doesn't give you the right to just yell at him like that." She states with malice in her voice.
No one has ever stood up for me, not one since we were activated. But she's different, she's like a comet flying into a satellite. 'Moony, are you watching this?' I ask my brother, 'Yes.' Is all he says.
Officer Vince looks at her weirdly, and she just looks back at him with an extreme amount of defiance in her eyes, "Tch, I can talk to him however the hell I want, he's just a robot. You need to learn your place, level 7, I'm a level 8 so I'm your superior." He snaps at her.
"Yes, you are my superior. But look at it!" She says and quickly sticks her hand out in my direction, I flinch as a natural response to her sudden movement, "It looks like a kicked puppy, if it had a tail it would be in between it's legs right now. No one deserves to be treated like that, even though it's a robot, it's actions are appropriate to your actions!" She state while poking him in the chest, causing him to back up with each poke, he glares at her for defining him then turns on his heel and leave slamming the door behind him, she puts her hands on her hips with back to me as he leaves, "Good riddance!" She states and rubs her hands together.
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📓 👁👁
OK SO *slams down 30k words of draft* I know the original ask post said to talk about a fic I haven't written but haunts me, but believe me, this is fic is not written. We're like not even a quarter of the way through, most of this doc is notes, this fic have been haunting me since last june or so send help
So anyways. This is "the fic I'll never write" which I do have a tag about as you might have noticed, it's one of the very few things I have a tag for on here that's how much it's haunting me. I'm never going to publish this fic also, tho that's mainly bc A) it's way too fucking long B) the fandom and ship are both obscure as hell and C) its also embarrassing 😣 cringe is dead except when it's me and my fanned fictions. That being said, I'm calling the two guys A and B for simplicity's sake.
A and B hate each other's guts. They were friends once, but had a very big falling out with hurt feelings and bad miscommunications all around and basically they vowed to never talk to each other again. And then one day A wakes up and realizes that 1) his house got moved into while he was asleep(he is very ??? over this given that he was in the middle of moving in the day before; his house was basically empty 8 hours ago and now it is Not) and 2) B is coming over for lunch to pick up his stuff(????? This is even MORE confusing bc A is getting the vibe all of a sudden that they were in a relationship together? Which doesn't make sense bc he's not gay. Wait. Is he gay? What the fuck is going on???)
B comes over and they have a very stilted lunch (where it seems like B feels like something is off, too, but hes not saying anything...), B takes his stuff and leaves, and A spends the rest of the week alone in this house that he has both lived in for years and also Has Not and very confused about this new life he suddenly has.
And then A wakes up in a castle as the trusted advisor to the king in a medieval fantasy world and he is EVEN MORE CONFUSED THAN BEFORE!
Also the King is B. Great.
A spends a lot longer here than in the last universe (like 3/4 of a year), long enough for a magical war to come and pass, some character development shit to happen, and also for the King (who, again, is B) to fall in battle (and it's the one they win the war in too, RIP) and go into a Magical Nightmare Coma (bc they were warring with magical nightmare beasts). This is Bad, for a variety of reasons.
Now A is conflicted abt this bc B is his friend, bit also very much not, but that doesn't mean he wants him to die, but also the A of this universe, the advisor, is starting to get the idea to kill the king to get the throne... His death would be easy to explain away, given the circumstances...
A, instead, goes to find magicians to break the curse. This is the first good thing hes done all fic lmao
B wakes up, the kingdom throws a party, and that night, B tells A about how Something Strange has happened to him - he's not from here. From this world. He's from somewhere else, somewhere Different and in the Future but with no magic and he doesn't know how he got here or got to be possessing the king's body but he's been here for past like 3/4 of the year now and hes sorry for acting strangely if he has but he doesn't really know what to do-
A tells B that he's in the same boat, because he is. B realizes that this A is his A and he hates his A. So. B says some things he'll probably regret later bc being mean is the best defense he's learned against A's general air of uncaring-ness for the effects of his /j "jokes" (they're not jokes, half the time they're just mean, but anyways), and storms off.
The next day, A wakes up in a submarine. He thinks he is going to scream.
They go through....,,., a lot of universes. I think it's over 25 rn but idk. Some are shorter than others, the longest is like a year and a half but we'll get to that. The general arcs are:
1. The beginning bit (Just Broke Up, King/Advisor, Deep Sea Biologists (that ones just an excuse to stick them in a small space for a while to duke it out lmao), Astronauts (kinda same premise as last one but there's a third party now), Musicians, Wild West, Minecraft, Wizards, Desert Island (to quote the notes there, "they duke it out but calmer now"), semi-back in their home universe but something's Off, Superhero(B)/Supervillain(A))
In this part they start off hating each other, but slowly warm up to each other again by the Wizard universe (they're wizards there <3). They recognize that they're each other's only constant in this mess, so in the Desert Island 'verse, they agree to try and find each other right away in each new universe they wake up in (instead of messing around for a while before accidentally stumbling into each other like they'd done before). They debate about the versions of themselves they're possessing, with A very adamant about not changing each universe's lives too much, while B is willing to throw that out the window if keeping the status quo endangers each other. He's starting to like A as a friend again and doesn't want to have to tiptoe around him to compensate for this other life that was thrust upon him, sue him. This comes to a head at the end of the superhero verse when A foils his own plan to save B's life, revealing his own identity to the press in the process - VERY much changing the status quo of this A's life. B is very very confused and conflicted abt this but we don't know how A feels bc its B's POV this chapter.
Also it's worth noting that B still gets nightmares from getting attacked by a nightmare beast monster thing, and he will continue having them for the rest of the fic. They get a heck of a lot worse in the next one <3 and he doesn't tell A abt them until like 3 years into this bullshit
Also also they are so homesick already god bless
2. The Death Universes (the death universes) (this is the year and a half one btw)
They wake up in separate universes where the other is dead bc I love inflicting characters with hardships and problems and trauma <3
They get therapy in these ones too which helps them to like accept blame and shit when it comes to their old argument but also not blame themselves completely and break and also hold each other accountable more and in healthier ways
3. Post-Death bits AKA the rest of the fic p much (its like over half the fic I'm not listing all these out)
Points of interest:
- they reunite and are so so happy about it that they become codependent
- they go to a BOTW AU and B is Link and has amnesia but not just the B from the BOTW universe has it, the original B has it also and he. He fucking going through it man
- bc of the whole amnesia thing B starts thinking of himself where he's not really the B of whichever universe but hes also not really the original B either (tho that's always usually the one more in control each time); the two have kind of merged together, and each new universe creates a new version of B
- he goes with that for a while until it gives him an existential crisis and OG B starts maintaining his independence again
- anyways then they get more codependent <3 fruity edition
- they start to realize they're getting codependent and go :/ uh oh oopsie poopsie
- why did I say that I'm sorry
- anyways they try to homebrew some therapy for themselves but given their situation it's not exactly.. uh.... But tbh it's the best they got right now ngl. it works well enough
- it helps that the universe right after they agree to Spend Some Time Apart™️ they wind up in one where they physically cannot meet each other until they get to the end of it and have to make new friends along the way (Dead Gods AU my beloved....... <3)
- they get to a universe where they're Dads and Gay and Married and go 😳
- they only get fruitier from here
And then it vaguely ends around there. I don't really want to ever write an ending for it, if only bc it feels cheap to end it before they get home but also writing them going home feels wrong, but also, again, I'm never publishing this so I'm not too pressed about it
Saying that, I do want to share some bits from the scenes I have actually written that I'm proud of :3 A is red and B is blue. Sometimes the versions of themselves from a universe will have a different name and I do differentiate between the two; when that happens, the alternate universe versions will have a lighter color than OG A or B. Some of them aren't the same size so you'll have to tap the pics to read all of it
Their fight in the first universe, where they don't really know what's going on but they do know they have just recently broken up and are still very hurt abt that
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P much the only scene written for the Superhero AU bit, mainly bc I know I cannot top this
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There's a bit of a jump in their conversation between these two, but I hope it still makes sense. Mid-part 3, around the time when B's having his existential crisis and right when they start being fruity. (Pastel/Punk AU also High School AU but it's like the weird teen movie version of high school - they're a little weirded out by it lol)
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And ofc Dead Gods AU my beloved <3
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Also I made a playlist. They're not really in any particular order story-wise, and some remind me of the story more than others, but yeah :)
When I tell you this story fuckgin HAUNTS me bro......
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johnlocked1827384 · 10 months
I kept a list of wierd stuff I heard/saw in highschool here's some of my favourite parts
"We're going to play a fun game where we spread sti's" -the safeguarding teacher
"Season your boring undercooked child"
Have you ever been hit on the ass with a whip? It really hurts!" -my form tutor
"We have sacrificed soooo many people"
"Do you support the nhs?" "I support satan"
"I don't think squirrel's carry guns"
"Are you a Taurus?" "I don't get involved in politics"
"Why won't you take me seriously I ate your child"
"Don't die yet, we still have plans for you"
*Kid reads a Christmas carol fanfiction out load* (it was Scrooge x reader)
"Therapy is like vegetables you might need it but you don't have to like it"
"Charlie you ate half of our flippin DNA"
*Loudly on the bus* "How do I know I'm not just running around naked at 3am"
Person a: "are you high right now?" Person b: "it's Tuesday I'm wasted" (it's Wednesday)
"Stop defying gravity!"
"Remember when my parents replaced my baby pictures with a rock collection"
*Teachers muttering in unison* "pustules, pustules, pustels"
*Chaotic classroom with people screaming and someone shouting "down the stairs down the stairs" two teachers stood proudly in front with their backs to the chaos* Teacher A: "we're great teachers" Teacher B: "crisis averted"
Kid stole a condom out of the contraceptive kit (the condom had a whole in it)
*After rs test* "As the answer I put my parents had sex in a monastery"
*Chanting from downstairs* "Death is here death is here run run"
Person a: "Did you just lick my ear?" Peraon b: "Much homo"
*Screaming from classroom* "You'll never take me alive"
"You don't look like you had a stable childhood"
"Is lslam is a country!"
"Can i borrow your phone to call my dad?" "We know your dads dead thats a terrible excuse to steal my phone"
"what's your method of contraception? I only have sex at night when the sperms are asleep"
"if I smoke too much weed will my lungs turn green"
"We tried a 12 year old a 15 year old and an 18 year old and only the 15 year old was pallitable the 18 year old tasted like ash"
"Sir why were you not dressed up for Halloween " "Because I have,whats that thing called? A life"
"You could be drinking my bathwater right now"
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kcirs · 5 years
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these gifs took ... roughly seventeen and a half years to load but ... i am here finally !! i’m nine, not to be confused with the number who’s stealing all my spotlight :( i’m from cst & i use she/her but you can also just call me ... idk ... dumb if u want ! my muse is named keir and u can learn a little bit about him under the cut !! (tw: death, abandonment ?? idk if that’s a potential trigger but just to be safe!)
full name: keir yejoon kwon born: may 9, 1997 birthplace: san francisco, ca traits: boisterous, restless, curious, easily bored, deceitful, gentle, idealistic, determined, persistent, opinionated, strong-willed, charming, stoic, intellectual, indecisive, possessive
keir was born to two pretty young parents.. they were both kinda ... reckless and rebellious so parenting wasn’t like ............ their strong suit you know ajsdkfjs. keir spent a LOT of his time growing up at his grandparents and that always felt like home to him. his dad .. wasn’t really involved much and then just skipped out for good when he was about seven. his mom ... could’ve done better .. we’d give her a gold star for trying but ... did she ?? akdfj. she got remarried when keir was twelve and he never felt MORE distant from his parents until then. he doesn’t really feel ... connected to them, if that makes sense?? obviously his dad is nowhere to be found so keir’s never really had a relationship with him, but his mom has always been there until she got married and they had a kid and he felt like she just .... found something better (ouch). but he had all the love he needed with his grandparents, esp his grandma !!! they were determined to pick up their daughter’s slack and make sure that keir had a home and was loved unconditionally !!
he’s been into the idea of becoming a chef since play-doh was first put into his hands. he would also help his grandparents cook a lot growing up and always felt like a Big Cool Grown up. it was one of their favorite pastimes.
when keir was in his last year of high school, unfortunately his grandfather passed away. it definitely took a toll on him and his grandma obviously, but having to confront his mother (through funeral things, etc) kinda made him bitter... ?? like he felt like ... why are you here now all of the sudden when you never cared for us anyways ??? it was kinda eating him up and his grandma noticed. she wanted him to focus on nice and positive things which is why she convinced him to go to college and achieve his dream.
he was initially VERY hesitant, he didn’t want to leave her, he didn’t want to leave his home, but eventually after taking a year to decide, he agreed to start college for culinary arts.
that’s p much how he landed where he is! he’s been staying at holloway for two years now, studying and bussing tables. 
oof, keir is .. a taurus so obstinate by nature. once he’s made up his mind, that’s usually that ajdlfjd. so it goes, he’s very opinionated about everything. he’s right, you’re wrong, shut up. very positive, almost to a detriment. he likes to see the best in people and situations even when it’s not best for him. he tends to idealize situations to the point of not being able to see it clearly, not until some third party comes along to shake him out of it (which, again, can be difficult because he’s just .. so so stubborn). but it’s not ALL bad he’s always that friend that helps you see the bright side and to comfort you when things seem glum.  
he’s very antsy almost to the point of being flighty. he needs to be occupied at all times because if he’s not, his mind can wander and get him in trouble. his moon is in gemini so i think that’s where his taurus gets shaken up a bit (sjfks sorry geminis!). he’s affable and charming and a caring, but he can get to the point of being argumentative, esp if someone doesn’t see things his way. he’s a bit jealous, a bit possessive in general, but not in an overbearing way. if he was feeling some type of way he’d 100% internalize it and just pout and be short with you and then get more mad when you don’t instantly know why he’s being a crackhead. he’s hardworking, loyal, a somewhat reliable person (he has his moments), and deep down he just wants to get close to other people and find his home away from home.
that’s all i can think of thus far !! i’ll update this if something comes to mind, but otherwise i’d love to plot with everyone !! feel free to hmu or like this, yk the usual !!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Now since youve made me cry thanks to your angst prompts, got any fluff ones you got
Fluff Prompts in the Vein of Public Transport
[AN: really?? I didn't think they were that sad. To make up for it-]
"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?"
"What are you listening to? Huh? No it's not bad! I want to know more about it."
"You uh, want to split money for a cab together?"
"We should get off at the next stop together."
"Hold my hand, it'll make the ride go faster."
Person A can't reach the hand holds due to being short, so Person B offers their arm. Person B teases Person A.
"Lay your head on my shoulder, take a nap. We'll be here for a while."
"What do you think those clouds look like? They remind me of whales."
"I spy, with my little eye, something... Purple!" "What are we, five?" "Five and a half, excuse you."
"You want me to hold those grocery bags?"
"Oh dear, are you cold? Here, take my jacket. The bus won't be here for another 15 minutes."
Person A and Person B drawing little shapes on the windows due to the condensation on the glass.
"Here, you can have my seat." or sit on their lap. That works too.
"I've never tried to move a fridge via the trains but..."
"I've never ride shared before, hope this isn't uh, weird?" "Well, now that you mention it..."
"Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to stare, you're just... pretty?"
"Do you know how to get to so and so?" "Heading there right now, actually."
"Your parents are going to hate we don't have a car yet and still rely on trains and busses to get to them." "Top it off? We're running late."
"Would you like a kit-kat?" "W-Where did you get those? Did you always have them?"
"Think the café should be just up ahead."
"What a lovely neighborhood. Maybe we should look for an apartment around here."
Accidentally holding hands while seated next to each other.
Awkwardly making eye contact upon seeing something bizarre just outside the window. Giving that look of did you see that?' to each other before quietly bonding over it.
"Did you have a busy night?" "Like you wouldn't believe."
"Can you wake me up when my stop comes?"
"What're you reading?" or "Y'know, I've read that one before. They both die in the end." And it has to be said with a huge grin. Preferably, these two are already friends or something.
"You heading to the convention too?" "What gave it away?" Person B is decked out in cosplay. "Going solo or..?" Person B nods. "All my friends bailed last minute." "Crazy idea, what if we wing it together?"
The two of them falling asleep together. Total strangers, cuddled up in the seats clearly exhausted.
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