#idk what I'm talking about just ignore me :p
msnihilist · 4 months
ahh pleaseee share that essay about bevin and gwevin with us 🥲we won't be bored we love those kind of things we would love to read it !
This is mostly just going to be me vomiting up various thoughts, but here we go.
Ben and Gwen, I think, represent Kevin's past and future, respectively. Through UAF, Ben is consistently the one who calls Kevin out on his bullshit — most notably in "In Charm's Way," when Ben and Kevin talk on the beach at the end of the episode...
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KEVIN: Where's Gwen?
BEN: Went home. You hurt her pretty bad.
KEVIN: I hurt her? I'm the one who looks like this, and she hasn't done a thing about it.
BEN: You are a giant, rock-faced jerk!
KEVIN: Yeah, whatever.
BEN: Not "whatever." She's spending every spare moment going through every magic book she can find to try and help you. She's been doing it since the accident.
KEVIN: She... She never told me.
BEN: Should she have had to?
...and again when (past) Ben snaps at Ultimate Kevin in "The Forge of Creation."
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ULTIMATE KEVIN: I deserve that power. I'm the one who gets turned into a monster. I'm the one nobody ever trusts or cares about!
GWEN: That's not true!
ULTIMATE KEVIN: Face it, Gwen... Whatever I look like, I'm a freak!
YOUNG BEN: You're a jerk. You've always been a jerk. People try to be nice to you, but you can't ever see it. You're too busy feeling sorry for yourself.
Ben is consistently the only character to hold Kevin accountable like this. (Granted, Kevin doesn't have a wide circle of friends, but still.) Gwen and Kevin don't fight much (when they do, Gwen usually leaves the situation), and she tends to be the softer voice, encouraging Kevin and reassuring him. ("You know I don't care what you look like," etc.)
Ben has been calling Kevin out since they were kids, since the day that they met — quickly clocking Kevin as a bad person and saying as much. He continues to do this through the OG, like in "Grudge Match."
MUTATED KEVIN: It's payback time, for turning me into a freak!
BEN (as Diamondhead): You were always a freak, Kevin. It's just now the ugly's also on the outside.
And, later...
MUTATED KEVIN: This is all your fault!
BEN: How can this be my fault?
MUTATED KEVIN: I don't know... It just is!
In this episode, Kevin blames Ben for them getting stuck in the ship. He blames Ben for his mutation. He attacks Ben for going against him even though Ben literally saved both of their lives not a minute before.
Kevin isn't in his right mind, sure, but he continues to display this trait in UAF: refusing to accept accountability.
Nothing is ever his fault — it's always someone else's. Kevin is emotionally immature and he struggles with self-hatred. He lashes out and blames others because if he didn't, he would have to look inside of himself and recognize that maybe something is wrong with him.
And that's a hard thing to do. It's hard for most adults, let alone a child who's struggling with powers he doesn't understand — powers that alter his mental state.
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If Kevin is a boat being tossed around in a wild ocean, then Ben is like an anchor. He forces Kevin to look inward and to reflect on his behavior.
... Which is where Gwen comes in.
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(Admittedly, I have less to analyze here, since Gwen and Kevin are rather straightforward, comparatively.)
Without Ben around, Gwen and Kevin's relationship would not work. Gwen is reactionary. She was as a child, and she still is as a teenager. Her first instinct when she and Kevin argue isn't to problem-solve, it's to get defensive. Their relationship wouldn't go anywhere with both of their attitudes like that.
Ben gets Gwen away to destress and take her mind off of Kevin. Ben is honest with Kevin in a way that Gwen can't (or won't) be.
He's not a third wheel. He's their counterweight. Their balance.
What does this have to do with past/future?
Well, Kevin spells it out in "Perplexahedron."
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KEVIN: I like the Kevin that Gwen sees when she looks at me. And I like that you gave me another chance, even after I messed up all those other ones. I guess I'm saying I owe you guys for changing my life.
He refers to "the Kevin that Gwen sees" — someone he could be. And he thanks Ben for giving him another chance, referencing his past mistakes.
Ben helps Kevin look back and learn from his mistakes. Gwen gives Kevin something to look forward to, and a goal to strive towards.
Gwen and Kevin wouldn't work without Ben, but Ben and Kevin would be shaky without Gwen, too. Gwen is motivation. She's an incentive. She's the light at the end of the tunnel.
Without her, I think Kevin would have a hard time knowing what, exactly, he's trying to work towards. He would have a harder time opening up to Ben.
Ben is the medicine, and Gwen is the spoonful of sugar.
Kevin needs both of them to be the person he's always wanted to be. And they need him, too.
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After all, 'Ben and Gwen' by themselves don't look nearly as cool <3
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wookgerine · 5 months
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Love that they take Bella with the gym with them all the time
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dollfacefantasy · 8 months
Just Like the Movies
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend dons the ghostface mask to let you live out a fantasy
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, fingering, cnc, praise/degradation, knife play, predator/prey dynamic (he chases her idk what to call it), dacryphilia, voyeurism mentions
word count: 3.4k
a/n: i wanted to write at least one spooky thing for halloween and i love scream so here you go. i'm working on requests i promise, i just wanted to get this out before october ends. as always, thank you for the comments and reblogs <3
tags: @sleepyluxe @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis @pupthepokemonenthusiast @bizzarethirst @death-paint @petitecolibri @iron-toxinz ghostface photo used in the header is from @/oikizumi on pinterest!
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An old scary movie plays on the television as you relax on the couch after a hard week. You had a soft blanket draped over you and a bowl of popcorn in your lap. The missing piece was your boyfriend. You were just waiting for him to come home and join you for your little makeshift marathon.
You casually watch the movie while lifting handfuls of popcorn to your mouth. You had seen this one before so it wasn’t scaring you, but it was entertaining enough to pass the time with until Leon returned to you.
It was getting to be that time of evening when he usually came marching through the door, tired from work but still with open arms for you to slide into. He hadn’t come home yet though. As you’re wondering where your lover could be, your phone begins to ring.
You sit up and grab it from the table in front of you.
No caller ID.
You raise your eyebrows at the strange nature of that. Assuming it’s a scam call though, you leave it be. However, the phone rings again. You actively decline the call this time. You place your phone down again, hoping that would be the end.
It wasn’t though because not even a minute later, your phone vibrates again.
You reach for the device and see a text message pop up on your lock screen.
‘Don’t ignore me, pretty girl.’
That piques your curiosity. When the phone rings again, you click the answer button and bring it to your ear.
“Hello?” you say.
“Finally, she answers the phone,” a smooth, predatory voice teases.
“Who is this?” you ask.
“Oh c’mon, you don’t wanna ruin the fun already, do you babydoll?” he purrs.
“Well, what do you want?” you ask. The cadence of the voice was familiar, but the actual sound of it, you couldn’t place. It didn’t sound like anyone you knew in real life.
“To talk to you. I guess you could say I’m kind of lonely,” he says with mock sadness.
“Aw, well I’m not, so bye,” you say and hang up the phone. As you begin to place that voice and the cadence behind it, Leon’s late arrival makes sense. You had disclosed this little fantasy to him recently. And it seemed like he had got the modulator to sound just like the movie for you.
Not even ten seconds go by before the phone rings again. An excited chill comes over you as you lift it and accept the call.
“Why’d you hang up on me, angel? That’s not very nice of you,” he taunts, “You doing something better right now?”
“Mhm,” you hum.
“Yeah? What’s so important that you can’t spare a few moments of your precious time?”
“I’m about to watch some scary movies,” you say, a smile spreading on your face. You sit up on the couch more as you feel where this conversation is going.
“Scary movies? I like scary movies,” he says, “Tell me, do you have a favorite?”
“I like Scream. You ever seen that one?” you say teasingly.
“I’m familiar,” he says, “That one’s not really scary though. I bet I could give you more of a thrill.”
“Mm, maybe. But sadly for you, my boyfriend will be home soon.”
“Boyfriend? That’s a shame,” he says, his voice becoming a hint darker.
“I’m sure it is. Anyways, I should be going…” you trail off knowingly.
“C’mon, blondie can wait a few more minutes.”
“Blonde,” you repeat slowly, feigning fear, “How do you know he’s blonde?”
“I’ve been watching you for a while, baby. Had to make sure everything would be perfect tonight,” he says with a low laugh, “Let’s just say that we have plenty of time now.”
“Why are you doing this? Who are you?” you say, cranking up the fear in your voice. You stand up from the couch and walk to a window to see if you can spot him outside.
“That doesn’t matter, sweetheart. Plus, I thought girls liked the whole man of mystery thing,” he chuckles, “You’re honestly telling me this doesn’t turn you on?”
“It doesn’t!” you say defensively.
“Are you sure about that?” he breathes, “When I cut those slutty little shorts off you, I’m not gonna find a messy cunt crying for me to fill her?”
“No…” you say, your cheeks heating up while arousal pools in your belly.
“You don’t sound so sure,” he teases, “Y’know, I think I can see your nipples getting hard under that thin shirt all the way from here.”
You quickly step away from the window, a shiver shooting up your spine. You bite your lip. “Please don’t hurt me,” you whimper.
His cruel laugh crackles through the phone. “I wanna hear you cry like that when you’re cumming all over my cock.”
Every word tumbling from his lips stoked the flames of desire within you. Your veins were coursing with a primal need at this point.
“I’m gonna call the police,” you say. Your voice was breathy in what could be interpreted as terror, but in reality, it was pure lust.
“Do you think that would stop me?” he rasps into the phone, “Because, we both know I would get to you before the operator could even take your address. But let’s say you did get through. I can be quick, doll. Take what’s mine and have that tight pussy full of my cum with time to spare.”
You shift your thighs and look for the smallest semblance of friction as he lays this out to you.
“By the time any cop did get here, all they would find is a pathetic little mess, lying on the ground all fucked out and bred, a dumb smile on that pretty face.”
The tiniest whine escapes your throat from that mental image. You wonder if he heard it, but the throaty chuckle on the other end answers your question.
“You dirty fucking whore. You love this. You wanna be pinned down and used until your sweet mind is broken and completely cock drunk.”
“No, I don’t,” you say, trying to keep up the act of defiance even though your desire was palpable in your voice.
“Well, too bad. But I’ll be generous, little one. I’m telling you that I’m coming in now. A little head start if you’re smart,” he says, “You better not waste my fucking time. Give me a good chase, or I’m not gonna be nice when I catch you. Find out if your insides are as pretty as the outside.”
You hang up the phone. Your body was on fire with a mix of adrenaline and arousal. You scamper through the house into another room, wondering what to even start with. Your thoughts are cut off when you hear the back door slide open.
Your pulse thunders in your ears. You move quietly across the room you’re in, peering through the doorway back into the living room. You see him. That tall and fit body donned in a tight black t-shirt and pants. He wears black leather boots on his feet. A large hunting knife is strapped to his belt. His head is covered, and when he turns, your heart seizes at the sight of the ghostface mask.
He catches a glimpse of you through the cracked door and starts toward you. You zoom through the other door in the room, maneuvering quickly around furniture and stray clutter. Then, you loop back to the open back door. You can hear him clambering through the hall behind you. Primal fear courses through you, instinctually telling every cell in your body to run.
“Where do you think you’re going, sugar?” you hear the voice modulator crackle.
Moving through the sliding door, you dart across the backyard. The grass was wet against your feet since you didn’t have the time to grab a pair of shoes. You fumble with the gate, your hands shaking from the adrenaline coursing through you. You try to shut it behind you to delay him, but he’s already so close.
You continue sprinting into the woods behind your home. The area surrounding you was dark. It was cold out too. Your skin had broken out into goosebumps, your thin shirt and shorts not providing much warmth, and your bare feet only exacerbating the feeling.
There were trees everywhere, and it felt like there were things hiding within the dense woodland. The whole time you focused on not running into a tree, you could hear him behind you. His breathing was heavier, but it was clear he was exerting minimal effort.
You jump over overgrown roots and duck under stray branches. Despite running for a bit, you still weren’t too deep in the woods. You shoot a look behind you, trying to see if you were any closer to losing him than before. He’s just as close, and in the midst of your attempted glance, your foot catches on a rock. You cry out and tumble to the ground. Skin scrapes against the dirt and rocks beneath you.
He slows his pace to a simple walk, pulling the hunting knife from the sheath. The wide blade shimmers in the pale moonlight. He holds it up and drags a gloved fist over the silver, just like in the movies. Another, low laugh breaks through the speaker of the modulator.
“Too easy, princess,” he taunts, “Get up and keep running.”
Your eyes widen and blood rushes to the lower region of your body at the command. You stumble to your feet and stagger away. Your foot aches a little from the rock and the fall, but you continue in earnest.
He lets you go on for a while longer. Occasionally, he would intentionally fall behind, giving you the illusion that you could outrun him. But also filling you with the dread that you would be out in those woods alone.
Soon enough, he’s had enough of the chase. He speeds up and hooks his arms around your waist. He pulls you to the ground in a swift motion, whipping around your body so quickly that you could barely see it. He’s got one of his knees holding your dominant arm down while a hand holds the knife to your throat. You squirm and whimper under him, causing him to shake his head and make a noise of mock disappointment.
“Poor baby. You did all you could, didn’t you?” he coos menacingly, leaning down closer to your face, “Look at you. Out of breath, heart beating out of your chest. You tried so hard.”
He brings the knife up to your cheek and drags the tip across, not cutting you but letting you feel the cool metal on your soft skin. You whine and scrunch your face in discomfort, eliciting a cruel laugh from him. He drops the knife nearby and shakes his head.
“Not a fan of knives, sweet thing? Too scary?”
Next, you try recoiling from his touch, but he’s caging your body on the ground. The damp dirt presses against your back and smears on his clothing as he wrestles with you to keep you in place. Again, you can see how little effort it takes for him to keep you down. The display of strength has your heart beating harder with lust.
“Keep fighting me, little one. It’s my favorite part,” he breathes before shifting on top of you and roughly flipping you over.
Now, squirming only rubs your face into the soil beneath you. In this position, you can feel his hard cock against your ass. He reaches over for the knife again and brings it to the base of your spine. He uses his knee to hold down your arm again, so he can pull your skimpy top taut and slice through it with ease.
He handles you like a ragdoll and yanks it off. The knife falls to the ground again as he reaches around your body with both gloved hands to knead your breasts. You whimper at the harsh squeezes and rolls of his fingers. His face is right next to your head, and you can hear his ragged breathing under the mask.
He pinches and teases your nipples, your noises now becoming obviously pleasurable. A hand slides into your hair and grips the roots as he shoves your face to the ground. Your cheek is smooshed on the cool surface, and your lips part as your own breathing picks up. Your hips are still squirming, but now only to try and feel some friction with his dick.
“There we go. Such a little slut. Didn’t take much for you to give in. You know this is where you belong. Beneath me, stuffed full of my cock,” he groans.
His hands glide down your body, pulling your hips into place. He tugs your shorts and panties down to your knees, humming in satisfaction when he sees your dripping cunt. Two leather-covered fingers slide through your slick. They circle your puffy clit, drawing mewls from your throat. The fingers then dip inside you and pump in and out a few times. Your body shudders at the sensation.
“So fucking wet. You like this even more than I thought. So sick baby. My twisted little doll,” he teases.
He plants his free hand on the back of your neck and digs his fingers into the side of your throat. His other hand continues working your aching pussy, adding in another finger to your needy hole. You choke out a few moans as your breathing becomes more like panting.
“All this for just my fingers? Can’t imagine how you’re gonna cry on my cock. Maybe scream for me a few times,” he purrs.
After a bit more, he pulls his fingers out of your pussy, shushing you when you whine in protest. You hear the sound of a zipper and the rustle of fabric being adjusted. It isn’t long before you feel the heat of his cock prodding your entrance. You shift your hips back, taking the tip in.
He grunts and his breath hitches as you clamp down on the sensitive head. Once he regains his composure, he slams his hips forward, sheathing himself fully inside you with one thrust. You cry out and claw the dirt beneath you.
“You wanna be an impatient little bitch, I’m not gonna be gentle with you. If you’re so fucking needy that you can’t wait two seconds for my dick, I’ll treat you like the cockslut you are, sweetheart,” he says before beginning to rock his hips back and forth.
He finds a rhythm with ease. One of his hands gives your ass a few firm smacks while his other hand returns to your head to pull on your hair. The noise of your skin connecting sounds through the woods along with your whining. His grip on your hair is like a vise. The mild sting of the pull mixed with the rush of pleasure from him drilling into you brings some tears to your eyes.
“That’s right, fucking take it. This is what you were made for, sweet girl. Your body knows it,” he grunts as your walls flutter around him.
He smacks your ass again while getting more erratic with his thrusts. The hand in your hair returns to your hip to give him more leverage. His digits dig into your skin to the point of potential bruises. You whimper and moan, your head becoming cloudy while he stretches you out.
His quiet moans hit your ears and make your stomach erupt with butterflies. You tighten around his shaft. You were starting to work up a sweat despite the cool temperature of the air around you. You shudder and twitch, only causing him to hold you tighter.
Your back arches as more sinful noises pour from your lips. A particular thrust snaps something in you and breaks the dam that was holding in your tears. It felt like he was stroking deeper than ever before, and you just couldn’t hold it in. Warm drops stream from your eyes while your whimpering grows louder and less controlled.
“Are you crying, little love?” he coos, but you can hear the smirk in his voice. He starts rubbing your back with even, soothing strokes without stopping his thrusts, “Cry it out, sweetheart. It just feels too good, doesn’t it?”
“Y-yeah,” you whimper with a weak nod.
“Yes it does. I know, baby,” he says condescendingly. His gloved hand continues caressing your back while he snaps in and out. You grow louder still, whining and moaning through tears.
“Someone’s gonna hear you, doll,” he teases. Your cheeks warm with embarrassment, but you’re past the point of being able to control your volume. “You’d probably get off on that though, you little freak.”
“N-no,” you stutter out in an attempt to defend yourself, but you’re cut off by your own gasps of pleasure.
“No? You wouldn’t cum on the spot if someone saw you like this? Taking my cock like the good little whore you are. Crying cause it’s just too much for you.”
You shake your head as best you can while being pressed against the ground. Your pussy clenches around him though from the description alone.
“Sure,” he chuckles before grunting, “Someone could be watching right now. It’s so fucking dark out here you wouldn’t even know.”
You can’t hide the thrill that gives you. A loud cry tears through you and your hips squirm within his grasp, trying to get you to that peak.
“Yeah, I know you like that,” he growls, leaning down and encasing you with his arms. The new angle lets him piston himself even deeper within you.
He keeps grinding himself into you as you both feel the coils of release getting closer to snapping. One of his arms snakes around your head, his bicep curling around your neck. The plastic front of the ghostface mask presses into the side of your head. He’s grunting and moaning into your ear, bringing you right to the edge.
“I feel it coming, honey. Let it go. Cream on my cock, baby girl. Give it all to me,” he mumbles.
With no reason to hold back, you let your release explode. You writhe in his hold, gasping and crying as euphoria floods your being. You bite your lip and tilt your head back to nuzzle and sloppily kiss at the mask.
He’s not far behind you. A few thrusts later, he’s draining himself in you, filling your insides with hot and sticky cum. His hips sputter and the mask becomes misaligned on his head as the two of you press against each other.
You’re both panting in the end. Leon pulls out and rolls off of you, landing on the ground next to you. You don’t move from your place in the dirt and just look over at him. He tugs off the mask and drops it near the knife. For the first time tonight, you see his charming smile and sweet eyes, a sharp contrast to the performance he just put on. He leans over and gives you a soft kiss as he adjusts the rest of his clothing.
You still don’t move from your position. He sits up and rubs your back again. His hands massage the muscles there for a moment before trailing down your leg. He gently lifts your foot and kisses your ankle.
“Your foot ok, baby?” he asks while rubbing your thigh. Even after all that, he hadn’t forgotten your fall earlier.
“Mhm,” you hum with a nod.
“Ok, good,” he says. 
He starts to help you roll over so you can get up. He smiles at you, brushing some dirt off your cheek.
“Let’s get you home so we can shower,” he says and helps you pull your shorts back on as you sit up. He kisses your temple a few times and strokes your hair, “Then we can cuddle and watch some scary movies.”
That makes you crack a smile, and you kiss his lips.
“Let’s get home quick. It’s cold out here, and I don’t have a shirt anymore thanks to you,” you tease.
You rise to your feet and lean on him for support. He picks up the knife and mask as well as the scrap of cloth that was once your top. He offers it to you with a sheepish smile. You roll your eyes and shake your head.
“Guess, you’ll just have to stay close then,” he says and tucks you under his arm. He kisses the crown of your head before you two start walking back through the woods to your home together.
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lolapiastri · 3 months
his sinful secret | p. gasly
warnings: smut, heavy religious imagery and themes, a sinful amount of dirty talk, like pierre cannot stfu, heavy degredation, everyone gets head, choking, a some praise, spitting, this is like actual filth maybe being ill makes me horny idk
author's note: i'm blaming this filth on the fact that i'm under the weather rn but jesus christ be fucking warned, she's a roller coaster
pierre prided himself in his religion. it was important to him, that belief in a higher power was the faith he needed to live the life he did. it seemed the driver life was one full of jealousy, gluttony and lust, but he was determined not to fall victim to the sins like so many before him.
so he payed his dues. he went to church whenever he had a free sunday, said a silent prayer for his friends and family every night, gave thanks to the lord before every meal as a token of appreciation.
his religion wasn’t a joke to him, it never would be. it was a belief that kept him sane, kept him in order, kept some sense of purpose and responsibility in his life. it wasn’t something that he would pick and choose whether to follow or not. he was all or nothing with his belief, and he chose all.
until he met you.
you were his sin personified, his dirty little secret. whenever you two were together all thoughts of his religion left his mind, as he now existed to serve you, to worship in between your thighs, listen to your moans as if they were gospel. it was like any holy thought left his mind the second your skin brushed over his.
he never wanted to give into the temptation. he saw you as a challenge, a sign to resist sin and stay thinking holy thoughts. but when you showed up at the club in a tight white dress, hair tumbling over your shoulders as your hips swayed provocatively to the music, he knew that nothing could stop him taking you home that night, and many a night after that.
which is how he ended up knocking on your flat at 9pm on a monday evening, the day after a tough race where he just felt useless. a double dnf for alpine followed by a race without points. he felt horrible, felt like a failure, and all the comfort that his producers and members could give him could never make him feel as good as you could.
the warm orange hues of a southern french sunset lit up your apartment as you swung open the door, the golden hour glow accenting the faint highlights in your hair. you were underdressed for pierre's standards, normally revealing yourself to him in a lacy set he bought for you, or sometimes even nothing, looking like a greek statue as you left nothing to the imagination.
today was different. you weren’t expecting him; you had no warning to any chain of events about to follow. so you opened the door to show yourself in a white linen shirt, almost certainly his, that was so large on you it was practically a dress, that you had been lounging around your flat in.
pierre didn’t care, however, thinking you were still as stunning as ever. the white made your tanned skin seem darker, and with a few buttons undone your cleavage was truly out on display, a teaser at what he would truly see later. a pair of large hoops hung in each ear, with a small chain around your neck with ‘10’ engraved on it finishing the look. he loved that necklace, a sign that you and him had some kind of connection, even if it was only through a piece of jewellery.
“you alright?” you asked, eyes scanning from head to toe. it was rare for pierre to show up without telling you, if he ever had. there was a silent agreement that he would let you know when he needed to release energy, to be in your presence, to succumb to the sinful energy you supposedly emitted.
he shook his head. “fucked the race yesterday. now wanna fuck you.”
and there it was. the switch that flicked where pierre ignored his religion, ignored the purity and goodness he was supposed to uphold, and you became the deity he worshipped.
his hands grabbed your face as he pulled you into a needy kiss, calloused fingertips rough against your smooth skin. the kiss held a thousand emotions: anger, upset, disappointment, lust, love, and enough passion to knock you back on your feet, needing the stability of pierre's hands to stay upright.
he always kissed you like it was his last on earth, like he may never get to do this again so he was going to savour every second of it. and he was so passionate - maybe because he was annoyed, maybe because he was stressed, or maybe because you were the only person who got to see this pierre. this raw, untamed, animalistic pierre who you adored seeing so much.
he slowly edged you back into your room, hips pushing against yours ever so slightly, enough to encourage your hips up against his, creating the tiniest bit of friction to ease the growing need between your thighs. you heard him shut the door behind you, never once taking his lips off of yours, befor his hands slid from your face to your neck.
you let out a quick gasp as he squeezed into your skin, feeling him smirk into the kiss as your breathing got shallower and shallower. he often did this. pushed your boundaries as far as he could push them. watched as your slowly cracked under the euphoric torture he performed on you.
he pulled back from you, letting out a chuckle as you chased his lips. he looked down, easily towering over you, a look of fake-pity etched all over his face.
“look so pretty with my hands wrapped around your neck, huh?” he asked, almost certainly a rhetorical question as he squeezed that slight bit harder, looking down at your thighs rubbing against each other, determined to find some relief from the ache in your core. “and you love it as well, love it when i choke you, when i treat you like a slut.”
his words went straight to your core, and you couldn’t rebute them without the lie showing all over your face. pierre eased up on your neck, hands now trailing down your body, over your rib cage, counting down with such an intent focus you would think it’s the first time he’s ever seen your body.
“wearing my shirt, must have missed me?” he asked, tone nonchalant but undertone the opposite. the agreement is that you don’t miss each other. you don’t have feeling for one another. you fuck. that’s it.
you took in a deep breath as one hand crawled under the white linen and felt the material of your underwear. lace, of course. pierre's favourite. you were aware of how his race went yesterday, and you were planning on sending him some photos to ease the pain. you did that often, when things weren’t going so well for him in the f1 world, a little pick me up in the form of barely lit lingerie pictures and videos of you moaning his name.
“never,” you teased, your hands rising over his shirt, pulling it off his body and exposing him in all his glory.
my god, was he stunning. you had never seen another man like him, one so broad and muscly yet slim and defined. his skin had grown darker in the past few weeks, undertone becoming more and more golden as his hair lightened under the european sun. he’d been keeping his hair long lately, and though you weren’t a fan at first, when you gripped it while he was your legs it was safe to say it grew on you. his eyes had a chill behind them, one only you were lucky enough to see, which told you that he had one hundred wonderful and wicked ideas to try out with you.
“white lace?” he questioned, having a peek under the shirt, the colour not normal for you. pierre liked navy, so that was what you normally wore, as well as black and red. he didn’t even know you owned a white set, and he had seen a lot of lingerie on you.
you hummed. “you like it?”
he loved it. loved the way the white material contrasted your skin, the way the quickly fading light bounced off it making you glow, the way he could already see the wetness collecting from your arousal. and most of all, he loved the way you looked angelic in it, look like the heavens yourself had sent you, because nothing you ever did was angelic. you were never angelic when you sucked him off, let him fuck you into oblivion, enjoyed being degraded and teased, and when you dressed the part, it somehow made everything more dirty for him.
“would love it more if you got on your knees.” the suggestion was an order, and of course you obeyed, sinking into the cold wooden floor of your bedroom and looking up at him with blinking eyes.
he looked majestic, light pouring out from the window behind him. and when he went to unbuckle his belt, your mouth already starting salivating in preparation, knowing what was coming. pierre must have been able to sense your eagerness, as he let out a wry chuckle looking down on you.
“always so fucking desperate for it, aren’t you?” all you could do was nod in response, leaning forward as mark slid his trousers down to pull his dick out from his boxers.
you were still in awe every time you saw his cock. sure, you’d been big dicks before, but pierre's was something in of itself. it was as majestic as his body was, and taken care of the same way.
you went to take it in your mouth, but pierre quickly tangled a hand in your hair and pulled you back, letting out a soft chuckle as a pout appeared on your lips.
“honestly, i don’t fuck you for two weeks and you forget all your manners. you think you just get to suck my cock? you think you’re worthy of that? dumb little girl.” his degrading words went straight to your core, you having to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs together as you looked up at him pleadingly.
“please, pierre,” his hand tilted your head up, nothing stopping your eyes from baring into his, seeing the devilish glint in his eye, “please.”
“please what? come on, good girls know how to beg properly,” he teased, watching down evilly as you whined at his harsh words.
you took in a deep breath. “please let me suck your cock, pierre.”
he nodded. “keep going.”
“please, just wanna make you feel good. please let me suck it, all i wanna do,” you were unravelling, slowly losing any previous willpower you had to resist his charm, diving headfirst into the depths of hell you two created together. it was a beautiful chaos, a place the two of you could completely unravel and just be morsels of sex and passion. “please, pierre, just want your cock in my mouth.”
“fuck, your such a whore for me. never seen such a lovely girl want cock so bad. but you’re not a lovely girl, are you?” you nodded, so desperate for him. “that’s right, baby, you’re a desperate little slut who’s only thought is dick, so why don’t you show me how much you love this one, yeah?”
his words would be the death of you. they were your bible, you would have done anything he asked you do when he was speaking in that deep, honey tone, french accent getting thicker and thicker as he lost himself in the moment. whatever he preached in church, said as he prayed, these were the opposite of that. these were the thoughts that hid in the back of his mind until he was around you, and then they were an unstoppable spew of sin and lust and as many other unholy emotions he could think of.
you sunk down on his cock as soon as you had permission, taking as much in as possible before starting to bob your head, swirling your tongue when you rose to the tip of his dick. he let out a deep groan when you choked around him, his length still too big even after a few months of sucking him off. his hand tightened around your scalp, guiding you up and down and up and down.
you pulled back to catch a breath, a string of saliva still attached to his dick, creating a link between you. pierre watched as you licked it up, before replacing your mouth his your hand, throwing his head back as your thumb rubbed over his tip.
“tell me how much you love this cock, baby,” he grunted, his words not surprising to you. when everything seemed to be going wrong in his life, pierre thrived on the praise of others. his parents, his mechanics, his engineers, and in this state you. any words that made him feel appreciated, needed, loved, he thrived on.
“love it so much, baby,” you panted, “so so much.”
and with that you started sucking again, still using your hand on everything you struggled to fit. his breaths got shallower and shallower as you kept going, feeling the muscles in his chest tensing as he got closer and closer to his high.
“look at you on your knees for me,” the hand in the back of your hair tilted your head towards the mirror you had in your bedroom, and the sight was one you were sure would be engraved in your memory for years to come.
it was like a renaissance pairing, the way the two of you looked. both glowing in the sunset light, sweating clinging loose strand of hair to your foreheads. pierre's mouth was hung open, defined abs clenched, looking completely gone with pleasure. your back was arched while on your knees, thighs clenched together as your mouth swallowed pierre down, tears slowly building in your eyes, threatening to break loose and paint your cheeks with mascara stained water.
“want me to finish in your mouth?” he groaned, obviously so near to the edge. but he always asked. no matter how intense anything was, pierre always asked.
you hummed in agreement around his cock, sending vibrations through the sensitive skin and bringing his orgasm that little bit closer. he took complete control now, fucking your face with sporadic, wild thrusts, before pulling back and waiting for the orgasm, your hand guiding him through it.
“open your mouth, baby,” he grunted, on the brink of the most sinful euphoria he could feel, “stick your tongue out for me- there you go. pretty little slut on her knees for me. never seen such a beautiful girl act like such a whore-”
and with that he came, covering your tongue and lips with his cum, groaning as he finally got the high he’d craved after the last two weeks. you carried him through it, keeping your mouth open until he’d completely finished.
“show me your tongue, baby,” he panted, a maniacal laugh appearing when you eagerly showed him your face. “god, you’re so good for me, you look so pretty covered in my cum, huh? go on, look at how messy you are for me.”
you turned you back to the mirror, and you got a proper look at how gone you were. your tongue was still out, eyes dazed over, nose to chin covered in pierre's cum, with your cheeks stained with mascara tears.
he pulled your head back, forcing you to look back up at him, before he leant over and spat in your mouth, the most sinful action of the night.
“swallow it up, yeah, there you go,” he almost whispered, and you did as he said, taking everything he had given you and the rest that he swiped in from your cheeks. “god, you’re always such a good girl for me.”
he was always softer after an orgasm, like he suddenly became aware of how harsh his words were, how you could easily take them the wrong way. you never did, but you appreciated the effort, and you appreciated him.
wait. no you didn’t.
“up you get, baby,” he cooed, helping you stand up and immediately wrapping your legs around his waist, carrying your through your flat like it was his own. he had spent so much time here it might as well have been.
he placed you down on the bed, letting you lean against the frame as he dimmed down the lights, leaving the room in a small, romantic glow. he finished undressing himself, before finally turning all of his attention to you.
this is where it became a sin.
see, pierre didn’t believe that pre-marital sex was a sin. well, whether or not it was he was more than happy to partake in it. what was a sin, however, was worshiping false deities. yet that’s exactly what he did to you.
after the agression you had just experienced, pierre knew it was time to turn his attention to in between your thighs, somewhere he could sit for hours and never get bored. it was a form of worship, how he treated you, one that he could never admit to the universe, a secret shared between the two of you.
his hands ran up your bare thighs, kneading them as his mouth followed, leaving a trail of wet, sloppy kisses along your skin. your legs spread automatically, a sigh of pleasure already coming from your mouth, just the motivation pierre needed to keep going.
"fuck, baby," he gasped, as one of his fingers stroked over your panties, feeling your sticky wetness caused from pierre's dirty words earlier, "fucking soaked for me, huh?"
"yes," you sighed as one of his fingers found your clit, making ever so light circles over the lace, "only for you, pierre."
"i know, baby, god you look so beautiful like this."
and he wasn't lying. with your back arched, a thin layer of sweat coating your skin, his shirt bunched up around your ribcage so he could see the rise of fall of your stomach as your breathing got shallower. he thought you were majestic, undenyable beauty, something to be worshipped.
so that's what he did.
he pulled your panties off and dived straight into your pussy, nose hitting your clit as his tongue worked wonders, lapping up the wetness and causing pornographic sounds to emit from your throat. god, was he good at eating you out, and when he added to fingers and curled them against that spot inside of you, you knew you were not lasting long.
"baby- oh my god, pierre- i'm gonna cum," you whined, hips bucking so much pierre had to use one of his arms to hold you in place.
pierre chuckled against your clit, the vibrations just bringing you closer to the edge. "yeah, i'm making you feel good."
"so good, pierre, so so so good."
and that was enough for him. sometimes he would make you beg, have you crying from the edging he would put you through, but he knew he was harsh earlier, and you had been so good your deserved to come.
"come for me then, baby," he grunted, fingers speeding up their pace, "come all over my fingers, make a mess of me, baby."
he words tipped you over the edge, the feeling of euphoria washing over you as pierre carried you through your high, breathing finally slowing down as pierre abandoned your pussy and staring leaving open mouthed kisses against the soft flesh of your thighs.
"think you can go once more for me?" he asked between kisses, and however tired you were you always wanted to please him, always wanted to make him feel good.
so you pulled him over you and braced yourself as he pushed inside of you, the stretch making you hear colours as his lips finally connected with yours for the second time that night, tongue exploring your mouth until he was fully inside of you.
"never gonna get over how good you feel wrapped around me, baby," he mumbled against your lips, pleasure evident on his face, "so fucking warm and wet, this pussy was made for me, wasn't it?"
you couldn't even respond, mouth stuck in an o-shape as he began to thrust in and out, his tip hitting your cervix as he picked up the pace.
"don't know what i would do without this cunt, think i would go insane not knowing this is always here for me, because it is, isn't it? this is my pussy."
pierre told himself he would hold back but he just couldn't help it, the feeling of being inside of you driving him crazy as his hips snapped against yours. only pierre's sinful words and the sound of skin against skin filled the room now, the feeling ever so dirty and sinful, just the way you both liked it.
"my fucking pussy to do whatever i want with, my playtoy, that's what you are, yeah?" he teased, and all you could do was whine in response as you grew closer and closer to your second orgasm.
"just a set of holes for me to use, aren't you? can't even speak because i'm fucking you so good, huh? just a cumdump for me, a slutty, pretty, cumdump. you want my cum, my pretty little whore?"
all you could do was nod, hoping that was enough for pierre right now. he chuckled, but you could tell he was close by the way his thrusts were growing irregular. and he could tell you were close by the way you clenched around him.
"you wanna cum? tell me who's making you feel this good."
you mustered up all the energy you had left to speak, hoping the words came out of your mouth. "you, pierre, only you can make me feel this good."
"tell me you belong to me," pierre didn't even know what he was saying at this point, the words leaving unconciously, his sinful desires becoming more and more evident in the world.
"i'm yours, pierre. every part of me is yours, i belong to you. god-"
"yeah, that's right, i'm your fucking god," he grunted, and that word, even though it's not what you meant, made both of you come undone together, a moan leaving both of your mouths as pierre collapsed against your chest, chests rising and falling as you attempted to calm down.
pierre pulled out, ever so gently, and knelt on the floor at the end of the bed, watching as some of his cum escaped from your swollen pussy. gently, he used his finger to scoop it up, and push it back into your cunt, before leaning back over to meet your lips in a kiss.
"thank you," he muttered, "for this. hope i wasn't too harsh."
you chuckled. "a little, but you know i like it. shit, though, i would have called you god sooner if i knew it would get that reaction."
with those words, pierre froze. those words should have never been said, should have never been put into the universe. it reminded pierre of his sin, of everything you tempted him towards. with no other option, he chose to escape your lustful allure, and made a mental note to pray tonight.
"gotta get back to the office, usami will be expecting me," pierre left one final kiss on your cheek before leaving.
you pouted, so many unspoken words floating on your tongue. stay. be mine. i love you. yet none of them were said, instead sending him a sad smile before grabbing your phone from your bedside table, just hoping deep down he felt the same way.
if only you knew you were just his sinful secret.
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Hi Roro, hope you’re doing well! Let me start by saying your Sunday stuff is MAGNIFICENT, oh my gosh this MAN-
I’ve come with a request for you…
Dr. Veritas Ratio x fem or gn reader. Bathtub. Sex. Like most of the time he’s only interested in reading in the tub, rejecting reader’s advances. But one day, idk, he’s in a MOOD but he doesn’t want to admit it, so he lets reader go a little further than normal with her advances, but he’s still being petty about it, kinda denying and still trying to read his book or whatever and it just Escalates eventually…
Aaaa thank you so much if you decide to do my request! Remember to take breaks and stay hydrated!
I'm ILL over this man jfc-
Dr. Ratio here to prescribe you with a dose of vitamin D-//SHOT
Veri, my love, please just one chance I'm begging just a crumb oisego-
But yesssss gimme the bathtube sex I want it- I wanna do all kinds of wild things to or with this man. Crazy.
But hehehe I know what you are. 👁️👁️
A s i m p . 🫵 (Like I'm any better.)
And thank you!!! This took a While, but I did it. I had lots of fun with it so feel free to request again~
CW and writing under the cut:
CW: vagina and cock (gasp), PIV sex, cockwarming, rough sex, hair pulling, choking (+some breath play), cumming inside (wrap it before you tap it folks), spanking, degradation+praise, objectification, kinda sorta human furniture thing???, name calling (ex:slut), use of words like "cunt" (wow that feels weird writing here-), marking, ignoring you during cockwarming, doggy position(?), cum play, holding your hands behind your back, discussion of safe wording (check-ins), kinda cum as lube?, funishment, d/s aspects to the relationship (though you are dating for romantic reasons as well), slight pussy slapping, talking to your pussy (I know this man a freak <333), crying during sex (+dacryphilia), dumbification (ofc this was gonna be here), ruined orgasm, edging, slight cum eating, a liiiiittle bit of gagging (w/ fingers), usage of "pet" exactly once
Reader gender: fem (I talked with anon separately and they decided on this when I asked for preference- I also only have one fem reader ask. If people want, I can write another version tweaked to be gn or AMAB/male reader~)
>>>Dr. Ratio will be referred to as Veritas here since reader is dating him.
>>>This was written and almost finished before 1.6 release.
Bathtub sex, surprisingly, probably isn't the norm for you two. After all, Veritas (oml it feels weird calling him that after so long of calling him Ratio-) enjoys his down time in the bath where he can relax with you and read his books. I like to think that it's one of the few times when his ever racing mind is a bit quieter. So when you are finally pent up enough at just the right time to want to pounce on him in the tub, he's a bit surpised at first. But the surprise would soon melt into mild annoyance. "Can't you just stay still? Quit it- I'm trying to read."
Of course he says it in that ever dramatic way of his while not even glancing up from his book. Speaking of said book- "You're going to get my book wet, darling-" (Yes, he's a "darling" kind of guy. It's sophisticated as he is. And you know he'd say it with that drawl of his and drag the word out. Sometimes in those more intimate moments, it sounds almost like a sultry purr with the way he says it, commanding all your attention.) "And if you do that, you know I'm going to have to punish you, hm?" You almost want it if it means he'd touch you where you want him, but you know that his punishments aren't necessarily fun. Yet still you like them all the same.
(They're more of funishments than punishments in this case- Please do know that funishments and punishments aren't the same, my dear little kinksters~ Since the reader actually enjoys these "punishments" a lot and they are done for their and Veritas' mutual gratification, it's a funishment. These are normally for bratting behavior while actual punishments are for serious things and are meant to actually discourage the behavior that earned you the punishment. Hopefully I explanied it well, lololol-)
But of course you continue to try and rouse his interest, touching him here and there. It reaches the point where you manage to wiggle your way between his arms, in front of his book. Not only does this block his view, but you're dripping water all over his book! (It was all of one or two droplets.) If you listened close enough, you'd probably have heard the sound of his reason breaking in that moment. Like you had poked a sleeping bear one too many times. (And some little part of himself that knew it was also partly because he also was getting into a mood was squashed. Of course it was just because you needed to be disciplined.)
"That's it. You want my attention, darling? Well now you have it.” There was something dark in his voice that sent a shiver down your back and made your nethers tingle in anticipation. He snapped the book closed and set it on the table by the bathtub almost gently, a stark contrast between how his voice sounded and how he was looking at you. He'd tilt his head and consider you, seemingly thinking about how best to punish you for your transgressions. "Hands on my shoulders and do not move them. Color?" Veritas was launching right into it, huh? "Green." "Good."
With hands on his strong shoulders, you watched him with eyes darting around his form to try and figure out what he'd do. Your question was answered by a hand gripping your hip and another dragging down between your breasts, then over your belly, then stopping on your mound. He didn't move any lower, fingers thrumming there just above where you wanted him. Teasing. "I can see your cunt drooling from here. Was she just so hungry that you couldn't be good and hold it until we were out of the tub?" Heat bloomed in your cheeks as he spoke. "Should I punish her? Hm?" Veritas gave your wetness a few light slaps, just enough to make you jolt but not enough to do more than just barely sting. "No- It isn't her fault she's so empty and wanting. But it is your fault that you couldn't be obedient and wait. Isn't that right, my cute little slut?" He whispered in your ear, leaned forward to curl possessively over you while his fingers slipped down to trace around your twitching hole as it tried to suck his finger in.
"Mmmmm..." he hummed lowly, the sound vibrating against you where your chests were pressed together. He kissed the spot beneath your ear before his lips marked a path down your neck, sucking and nipping marks into the tender flesh there. Just as he reached the junction between your neck and shoulder, he suddenly sunk his teeth in and thrusted two fingers into you at the same time. Veritas had sneakily wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you still right before so you weren't able to squirm away from his teeth or his fingers that now plunged in and out of you, agonizingly slow after that fast, rough entry.
The man pressed a kiss to your new bitemark before sliding the hand of the arm around your waist up your back to latch onto your nape and hold you still for a kiss. He chuckled into it as you attempted to fight him for dominance, your tongues clashing. Ultimately, he won and was now devouring your mouth, licking into it with fervor.
At some point, his fingers began to speed up. Veritas was fingerfucking you with his palm slapping against your throbbing clit. And right as you felt yourself begin that climb- He slowed down, his thrusts going back to a leisurely rhythm. He swallowed the whine that left your throat, smirking into the kiss you were still locked in. As he pulled away, he looked incredibly smug. "Thought it would be that easy? Of course not. This is a punishment.”
He did this another time, bringing you close to the rise of pleasure (not at all that close to your peak, though) before going frustratingly slowing. The third time, however... It didn't seem that he was going to stop, and you felt it build and build inside you like a white hot flame. And right as you were reaching the end... He spanked you and ripped his fingers out, sending you over the edge but ruining your orgasm. It had tears beading in your eyes. Fuck did that make him want to fuck you absolutely stupid, but he had more control than that. Your punishment was far from over.
He soothingly ran his hand over your back as you leaned into him, body shivering. "Color?" Through your panting breaths, you managed a weak, "Green." "Good girl." He didn't let you rest any longer, manhandling you into a new position. Now you were leaned over the edge of the tub with your hands keeping you from falling out, Veritas behind you. "I'm going to fuck you now, and you're going to take it all like a good girl, right?" At first you thought he was talking to you, but then he caressed your slit and cooed at it. That mixed sense of shame and arousal shot through you and had you clenching around nothing, making Veritas laugh condescendingly. "So honest..."
Again he started out slow, the sensual slide of his cock inside of your pussy making you close your eyes to focus on the pleasure he was giving you. But he was faster to ramp things up now that he'd already edged you and ruined one of your orgasms. It may or may not have also been because he was quite ready to slake his own lust with your body.
The only reason you didn't slam your face into the tub's edge or fall out was Veritas' grip on you when he grabbed both of your wrists and pulled your arms behind your back. You felt a hand slide into your hair and then he was thrusting into you hard, the slap of his hips slamming into your ass loud in the confined space of the bathroom. It was obscene the way you could even hear the wet sound of his cock going in and out of you amplified by the natural acoustics of said bathroom. "You like hearing how well you take me, slut? I certainly do. It's filthy. Fitting-"
Your hips are bruising from them being pressed onto the edge of the tub, bumping into it with almost every thrust. It hurt but fuck did it all feel so good because he was pressing against your sweet spot every time he fucked into your wet hole.
The hand pulling your head back by your hair let go only to wrap around your throat and pull you up so your back pressed against his chest. "Fuck you sound like such a whore right now. Are you my good little whore? Just for me?" Of course you couldn't answer because your mind was blank from his hand pressing just right to cut off some of that blood flow. Oh and because he had also just tilted his hand to cut off your air. He held for a bit, waiting until your vision was a bit fuzzy at the edges before letting you breathe, the feeling of the air rushing back into your lungs making you dizzy. You felt so close you could scream- And then you nearly did when he pulled out and stopped your orgasm.
His hands let go of you and you nearly keeled over, but he caught you. With an arm around your waist, you couldn't tell what he was doing behind you until you heard the slick sound of him fisting his cock. Right as he began cumming, he slammed back into you to fill you with it while biting down hard on the back of your neck. Another bite to mark you as his.
Veritas then pulled out so the last few spurts of cum would paint your labia in white, marking you inside and out with his spend.
You could feel the frustrated tears pouring down your face as you felt your burning arousal festering in your belly and the mix of embarrassment and thrill at his actions. Fuck this man would be the end of you. He unlatched from your neck to lean forward and lick the tears off your face with a hum. "You look so pretty like this..." He patted your ass before that same hand was sliding down to open you up using your pussy lips as he leaned back to watch as the cum he poured into you began to slip out.
Scooping up the cum that had dribbled out, he fingered it back in, purposefully tapping at your gspot a few times. He then pulled the white covered fingers out and petted your clit, playing with it a little before bringing it to your face. "Clean them off." Your tongue kitten licked some of it off before he was shoving them in your mouth. You gagged a little, drooling over his fingers while weakly sliding your tongue over them to clean them of the cum clinging to them.
"Good girl," he praised with a kiss to your jaw before he let out a sigh. "I'm going to sit you on my cock and finish my reading. Color?" "Green, fuck-" "That's a good pet."
Warming his cock while leaned forward to rest your arms on the lip of the tub while your head rested on those was hard. You desperately wanted to cum, but you now were willing to be obedient to get what you wanted. You weren't sure how much more punishment you could take. It didn't help that he had an arm resting on the back of your hips, slung over them as he leaned on you a bit while his other arm rested atop the other one. That hand was holding up his book. He wasn't touching you besides that and your ass resting in the cradle of his hips, cock deep inside your pussy which still fluttered around his thickness occasionally. Every time you squirmed he would spank you with a pointed look before going back to his book, ignoring you entirely. Any whining or talking would be met with the same treatment.
He checked in on you after a bit. "Color?" "...yellow." His demeanor changed immedately. Petting your side, he eased you back to lean against him once more. "What's wrong, baby?" He typically saved that endearment for intimate moments alone together and times like this where you might need reassurance. "I wanna see your face... wanna hold you." It seemed you might be a bit sensitive, now, after being punished for a while and needed that from him. "Of course, baby. Your punishment is almost over. I'll let you come soon and we can continue in the bedroom, hm?" You loved this man. "Okay." He kissed your forehead. "Good girl."
He slipped out, making you whine. It was met with a chuckle and he helped you turn around to slide into his lap again, this time facing him.
Veritas pulled you to rest against him, tucking you into his neck as he wrapped an arm around your waist. Once you both were settled in, he went back to reading. He still ignored you, but it wasn't so bad this time.
You knew he was done when he set his book on the table again.
He settled his grip on your hips before going straight into fucking up into you hard and fast, what cum was still left in you from his cock plugging it in you aiding the slide of dick in and out of you. He fucked you and played with you until you felt like you couldn't think straight. Even when he asked you questions, knowing you couldn't answer, you weren't quite sure what you said. Whether it was even coherent or not.
"Such a cute, dumb girl for me."
As you came around his cock again, you moaned as you felt the warmth of his cum in you. "Did so, so good for me. Such a good girl." Veritas gave you some time to come down from your high before asking. "You wanna continue in the bedroom or are you finished for the night?" "...m' done." "Alright, baby." He gave you some more time before cleaning you up and draining the tub. Another kiss was pressed to your forehead, then your cheek, then your lips. "Let's go to bed, darling. I'll take care of you."
Lololol hopefully you like it. 🙏
If there’s any typos or if it doesn’t make sense somewhere… Your honor my client claims “oopsie daisy”. It’s me. The client is me, your honor-
941 notes · View notes
My Heart Is Thrilled By The Still Of Your Hand
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: okay uh praise kink, touch starved bucky, kinda size kink, a little bit of cockwarming, creampie, unprotected p in v (wrap it UP), oral f receiving, minor overstimulation idk I think that's all but I'm probably missing something
Genre: fluff + smut
Summary: You find out your very not physical boyfriend is actually touch starved
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Your boyfriend does not like physical contact. You'd figured that out pretty soon after you'd met him. Granted he started out as your neighbor so there was really noreasonto have physical contact exactly, but when you introduced yourself to him, he didn't shake your hand. You seriously thought you messed up that first impression when he glanced at your outstretched hand and just nodded a hello. You obviously didn't because after months of friendly conversation, he eventually asked you on a date. A date on which he didn't touch you not once. Even when he was guiding you somewhere, his hand hovered at your back but never actually made contact. You thought maybe he was being overtly cautious to make sure he didn't cross any boundaries. Your second date was the same and while you tried not to think too much of it you'll admit it was a little awkward when you returned to your apartments and he rushed out a goodbye before disappearing into his place when you had stepped forward to tell him you had fun. Your third date went similarly, except you grabbed his hand while crossing a street without thinking and though he did let go after a few minutes you took it as a good thing that he didn't immediately snatch his hand back.
His lack of physicality didn't bother you really, especially because you'd met his closest friends and they don't seem to touch him either. When they visit he sits in the armchair while they're on the couch even though his couch does fit the three people. You know it does because when you hang out with all of them you usually take that third spot on the couch with your back against the armrest closest to Bucky. You know not everyone likes being touched so you allow Bucky to decide most of your physical contact. Aside from the rare occasions where you hold his arm for balance while walking in heels or grab his hand in busy places, which he tends to avoid, you let Bucky initiate things. He hardly does but your relationship is still new, a few months at this point, so you don't feel the need to rush him. You're perfectly comfortable with that choice until Sam pulls you aside one day when you're all at Bucky's apartment.
"I need to talk to you for a second y/n." Sam tells you, grabbing your arm before you can follow Steve out of the kitchen.
"What is it Sam?" You ask, tilting your head.
"What's up with you and your man?"
"I'm not sure what you mean?" Your brows knit together at his words.
"How do I put this? If I didn't know y'all were a couple I would assume you barely know each other. You don't hug, you don't kiss, you don't cuddle, you don't even sit together when we all hang. At first I thought you were just shy about affection around strangers but we're friends now I think and nothing has changed."
"I'm sorry do I need to reintroduce you to my boyfriend, one of the most physical touch adverse people I think I've ever met?"
"So it's not a you thing?" Sam asks.
"No! As far as I know Bucky pretty much hates being touched. I figured that out when I met him. I just don't push the issue." You shrug.
"I mean I know he doesn't like being touched but you're his girlfriend."
"Being his girlfriend doesn't give me permission to ignore his boundaries Sammy."
"I'm not saying ignore his boundaries, I'm saying his boundaries are probably different with you."
"Sam it took Bucky three dates to hold my hand and that was becauseIgrabbedhishand to drag him across the street. I really don't think I'm an exception."
"At this point I think you've made it seem so small that he assumes you don't like it either. If you showed him that you cared about all of that stuff I'm sure he'd show out." He says.
"Okay but Idon'tcare about all that stuff." You sigh, "I mean, I guess I do but not in the sense that I want to force him out of his comfort zone or anything like that- I'm fine Sam really."
"Are you guys coming because I will start this movie without you!" Steve shouts from the living room.
"We're coming!" You shout back. Sam grabs your arm before you leave the kitchen.
"Just give a little nudge." He says quickly. The two of you make it out to the living room and Sam nudges you as soon as you're by Bucky's seat. You trip just a little at the sudden shove and shoot a glare at him. He makes a not so subtle gesture at Bucky and you roll your eyes.
"Did you guys pick something?" You ask hesitantly placing a kiss on Bucky's cheek before taking your seat on the couch next to Sam who's in the middle. You don't notice the way Bucky touches his cheek or blushes at your sudden affection.
"Technically Sam picked this movie." Steve says.
"I did? Is itNow You See Me? Y/n you know they've never seen that?"
"I believe it." You nod.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Steve scoffs.
"You two are basically grandpas, now start the movie." You wave your hand at him, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl in Sam's lap. Sam laughs while Steve starts the movie. By the time you've finished both that and the sequel it's pretty late and everyone seems ready to wind down for the night. Steve and Sam say their goodbyes while you stick around to help Bucky clean up.
"I'll do the dishes tomorrow doll, just leave them in the sink, okay?" Bucky says when he sees you turning on the faucet.
"I don't mind doing them now-"
"It's late,andyou've already helped me straighten up. I'll take care of those." He pulls you away from the sink and turns it off. You put a hand on his cheek, your thumb gently stroking his face for a moment.
"You're sure?" You ask quietly. Bucky's eyes have fallen closed at this point and he lets out a content sigh before he replies.
"I'm sure." He says eventually.
"Alright, then I'll see you soon." You say giving him a quick kiss before going back across to your own apartment. It shouldn't, but your fingers against his skin stir something inside Bucky he hasn't felt in a long time and it makes him ache in more ways than one. For the next few weeks you take Sam's advice and test the waters in small ways. You put your arm around his when you're out together, offer hugs and kisses whenever the opportunity presents itself, you've even been finding ways to touch him while you watch TV together as opposed to sitting on opposite ends of the couch. It's all little innocent changes that you implement over time gaging Bucky for negative reactions and adjusting accordingly. He's not noticeably averse to anything you do so while there's no acknowledgment of your increased affection, you presume he's indifferent to it. Oh, how wrong you are. With each soft touch or gentle kiss, Bucky is only wound tighter over time. It takes everything in him not to react when you press yourself against him while leaving the movie theater or when you shyly kiss him before rushing into your apartment after saying goodnight. The more you do it the more he realizes how desperate he is to feel you but he can't bring himself to do anything about it. He wills himself to relish in the touches you give and not crave more. To his credit, for a while, that works. He's content with your shy kisses and gentle caresses until tonight. You're even more affectionate than you've been as of late and while Bucky loves the feeling of your hands on him, it's making the blood rush south while you're watching TV.
"Bucky are you alright?" You hum looking up at him from where your head is resting against his shoulder.
"Hm? Yeah, why?" He asks.
"Well, you've been pretty tense since I got here. I didn't wanna say anything but- I can feel your heart racing." You say patting his chest for emphasis.
"Oh is it?" He asks with forced ease that makes you chuckle.
"Babe what's going on?" You sit up to look at him.
"Nothing. You don't need to worry doll." He says grabbing your hand that's resting on his chest and squeezing reassuringly.
"Bucky, you don't have to lie to me." You frown.
"I'm not- lying." Bucky says. You look at him for a long moment before you shrug and lay your head back against his shoulder, turning your attention to the TV again absentmindedly tracing patterns on his chest with your finger. A few minutes pass before Bucky lets out a harsh breath and you sigh.
"What's going on with you? And don't say nothing this time. If you're bored or something you can just say so instead of acting all weird."
"I'm not bored, trust me."
"Then tell me what's up with your behavior."
"I'm just- on edge. I guess." He shrugs.
"Why? Did something happen today?" You ask, concern in your voice.
"No no, nothing happened. I'm sorry for being weird, I'm just- god you drive me crazy." Bucky sighs.
"What didI do?" 
"The way you touch me is maddening doll."
"Wait what? I haven't been doing-"
"I know. It's embarrassing how easily you manage to rile me up. All you've done is hug me and now I want to pin you against a wall." He grunts out. Your eyes widen at his confession.
"Pin me against a wall?" You gasp.
"I've been trying to control it so much I'm sorry I-"
"Bucky I'm not scandalized that you want to fuck me, I'm your girlfriend. I'm just- surprised because you hardly initiate contact and sometimes you shy away from it, I kind of just assumed you hated it."
"Well I, I'm not usually comfortable with it and with you, it, makes me dizzy. I can't think straight."
"So like this," you place your hand back on his chest, tracing gentle swirls against his thin t-shirt, "this makes you dizzy?" You ask curiously. Bucky's hand grabs your wrist in an attempt to keep you still.
"Yes it makes me dizzy. It's been making me dizzy for the last hour."
"I had no idea you'd be so easily excitable." You giggle.
"I'm not it's just you." Bucky says.
"If you want to pin me to a wall so bad I won't stop you."
"Y/n, don't tempt me."
"I mean you don't have to if you're not ready for that-"
"That is not the problem."
"Well what is?" You ask.
"Y/n," Bucky sighs and you shrug.
"Like I said, we don't have to. I know it's not you're thing, I'm only teasing." You tell him. Bucky lets out a grunt before pulling you into his lap so suddenly that you gasp.
"I don't think you understand how hard I'm trying to not fuck you silly doll."
"What if I want you to?" You ask and Bucky's hand tightens around your waist. He brings his other hand up to the back of your neck and sighs.
"You're going to be the death of me." He growls out before pulling you down to kiss him. The kiss is rough, Bucky's tongue claiming your mouth. When Bucky pulls away, you're panting harshly as he trails kisses down to your neck. He litters your throat with marks that have little whimpers falling from your lips. "God you sound so pretty." He mutters against your skin. Your hands slip under his shirt and you drag your nails across his abdomen, enjoying the way the muscles tense under your fingers. When you attempt to tug his shirt over his head he stops you.
"Is everything okay?" You ask breathlessly.
"Bedroom." He grunts.
"Does it matter?" You frown.
"To me yes. I'm not fucking you for the first time on my couch." He says. He tucks his hands under your thighs and stands from the couch with ease. You wrap yourself around him, leaving teasing kisses along his neck as he carries you down the hall.
"I'd let you fuck me in the back of an alley if you wanted Bucky." You tell him when he kicks the door of his room open.
"What're you trying to do doll? Gimme a heart attack?" He grumbles tossing you onto his bed.
"Never." You giggle tugging him towards you by his shirt. When Bucky's shins hit the edge of the bed he falls forward with his lips against yours, bracing himself against his hands on either side of your head.
"Hard to believe when you talk like that." He jokes as he sits back on his knees. He tugs his shirt quickly over his head and you let your eyes roam freely across his chest.
"God, you're hot." You sigh which makes him chuckle. He leans forward to kiss you and then pulls your shirt up and off of you, tossing it somewhere behind him. Bucky dips his head to your collarbone, scattering your skin with wet kisses as he tugs your bra below your breasts. With your boobs on display, Bucky is quick to take one into his mouth, his tongue and lips lavishing your nipple with attention while his fingers tug and tease the other. Your back arches against his ministrations, quiet mewls filling the space.
"I love your little noises baby." He mutters, swapping his attention.
"Your mouth feels so good." You whimper, threading your fingers gently through his hair.
"Wait til you feel it between your legs doll." He smiles, kissing down your abdomen. Bucky pulls your shorts and underwear off in one go as he shuffles down the bed. "Such a pretty pussy." Bucky mutters, his hands on your thighs hold your legs open as he stares at you.
"Bucky," you frown, squirming against his hold impatiently.
"I gotchu doll." He says licking slowly between your folds. You suck in a breath at the feeling of his tongue against you. Bucky lets out a groan at your taste before burying his face fully between your legs. He laps at your core like a man starved, his tongue sharp and unforgiving against your clit. He has you so worked up that you're writhing against him, making him wrap his arms around your thighs to keep you still enough for him. Bucky pulls an orgasm from you embarrassingly fast, that tightly wound ball of pleasure in your gut snapping so soon it even shocks you. You draw a shaky breath that turns into a shakier moan when your body registers Bucky's mouth still on you, even stronger now than before.
"B-Bucky wait." You stutter out as you twist in his hold unsure if you want more or less of him.
"Gimme another baby. Love seeing you lose control." He growls out, two metal fingers joining his mouth, gently working you open as your walls continue to spasm helplessly in the aftermath of your first orgasm.
"I- Bucky- wai- I nee- God! I can't think!" You pant out, your fingers in his hair tugging harshly.
"Good, don't. Just be good and cum for me doll." Bucky says and when he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking harshly as his fingers curl just right against that spot inside you, you have no choice but to follow the directive, cumming with a loud whine as Bucky eagerly indulges in your juices. When your breathing starts to slow, Bucky lets up, adjusting enough to shove his pants off and line himself with your entrance. "How ya doin' sweetheart? Still with me?" He asks, softly caressing your cheek. You hum in response at first, giggling as you lean into his touch. "Need you to speak for me doll. Can't give you more til you use your words." He chuckles.
"It'll take more than that to take me out baby." You wink at him, taking his dick in your hand and stroking it slowly. He's hot and hard in your grasp and you smile when Bucky's head drops to your shoulder as he groans at your touch.
"You're killing me sweetheart." He laughs breathlessly. You let out a laugh of your own and turn your head enough that your lips kiss the shell of his ear.
"It's only fair." You whisper, scraping your teeth gently against his earlobe. You can't help but delight in the way he shivers. Bucky pulls your hand from his length, trapping it under his against the bed.
"Who said anything about fair?" He manages before you feel him thrust into you. Your head snaps back at the feeling of him stretching you as he slowly rocks into you inch by inch. His size is almost overwhelming but you can't help but moan when he's finally bottomed out. Bucky's groan is strained as he sets a measured pace, clearly trying to give you time to adjust. His unhurried movements only serve to rile you up more and you're squirming against him as your hands still trapped under his clenches around it.
"Fucking hell Bucky move, please!" You finally grind out when it becomes unbearable. When your walls clench around him, any plans of leisure Bucky had in mind are tossed out. He grabs your hips tight enough that you're sure there will be bruises come morning, but you have no time to dwell on it as measured movements become unrelenting, his hips snapping against yours so hard the bed moves with each thrust. Your back arches into him as he presses into you repeatedly.
"This what you wanted doll? 'Be split open on my dick huh?" He huffs out.
"Yes- fuck, ohGodyes!" You cry out, your body overwhelmed with the feeling of him.
"That's it baby, scream for me. Let everyone know who's got you like this." His commands are breathy and gruff when they reach your ears.
"Bucky! More please! Oh my God Bucky!" You whine.
"Fuck you look so good taking my dick baby. Nice and stretched out like you should be- damn I could get used to this." Bucky's words only pull more sounds from you as another orgasm builds inside you. His fingers reach between the two of you to toy with your clit, rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves and hurdling you faster towards that third release.
"F-fuck- fuck I'm close- god I'm gonna-" it's not a full sentence, your brain is too scrambled to string together the proper thought.
"You gonna cum for me baby? Gonna make a mess all over my dick?"
"Yes, shit- yes, god yes."
"Go ahead doll, cum. Wanna feel you squeezing me." Bucky huffs out and with a few circles against your clit, you're doing just that, your third orgasm making you shake so hard Bucky has to hold you to chase his own release. His thrusts are more frantic now focused on finding his own end.
"God you fuck me so well baby, you're gonna cum in me aren't you? Want your cum leaking out me Bucky. Please- please fill me up." You whine.
"Fucking hell- you want itinyou? Want it flooding that needy little pussy?"
"Yes! Please Bucky! Please cum in me. Want it so bad." You plead breathily. Moments later his hips stutter and you feel the heat of his release as it fills you. His harsh breathing is the only sound in the room for a few minutes as you feel your heartrate slowing.
"Yeah you really are going to be the death of me." He chuckles breathlessly as he attempts to recover from his high. You giggle and wrap your arms around him, pulling his full weight onto you.
"Wait a sec babe let me-"
"Whatever it is can wait, I just wanna lay like this for a while." You tell him. Your soft voice and gentle strokes of his hair are too soothing for him to even want to argue and so you lay like that for who knows how long. Bucky's head on your chest as you play with his hair, he doesn't even attempt to take his dick out of you, just wanting to prolong your closeness.
As it turns out your boyfriend does like physical contact, but only when it comes from you.
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jinxificada · 2 months
something to relax
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dealer!jinx x fem!reader
summary: you deserve a rest, so you turn to the infamous jinx for help.
tags: modern au, porn w plot, both jinx and reader are +18, mentions of drugs and alcohol usage, cunnilingus/oral sex (j!receiving), hair pulling, squirting, fingering (both!receiving), public sex (not really), risky sex, prep school and wealthy kids need their own warning, ooc jinx?
notes: nsfw, mdni (both men and minors), wc 4039 !! long intro.., not a native! i like observations but be kind, i know shit about dealing drugs so it might be inaccurate 😭, not 100% sure if im satisfied w this but idk i hope you enjoy!!!
"i'm telling you, you're insanely overworking yourself. i don't even understand where'd you get all the time to do everything you do." your friend scolds you jokingly, though you can tell she's honestly worried for you.
"nonsense." you roll your eyes in denial, "i'm alright, we take the same classes."
"i'm not in any club doing extracurricular stuff, nor am i tutoring any dumb kid." she discusses, walking with you through the crowded hallway towards your next class.
"well i don't really have a choice, it's for the-"
"the scholarship, i know." she sighs, finally arriving. "just... please take a moment to relax."
you both take your seats almost in the middle of the classroom, by the windows. she always sat in front of you, so she would turn around and chat whenever she wanted without you being able to ignore her.
"what about we go to that party on saturday?" she proposes and you already bite your lip with an hesitant expression, "please! we don't have to stay the whole time, just an hour or two."
"i don't know... i don't have a car and it’ll be too late to take the bus." you poorly excuse, not wanting to fully reject her.
"i can drive you! or you can just stay at mine." she happily resolves and you just nod with a sigh.
it's not that you didn't like hanging out with your friend, nor she's always so insistent. she usually is very understanding and gives you space. but the exams were getting close and you needed to higher your grades in a couple of classes, so you've been paying extra attention in classes, speaking with a couple of teachers on how to improve your grades and busying yourself with the usual assignments, the extra assignments, and tutoring this one kid below your year for some extra money.
unlike most of the students here, your family isn't able to properly pay for your education. you've done your previous years in the public school your small town, your teachers were so amazed with your capabilities that they recommended your parents to send you somewhere... better. they all collaborated on writing a recommendation letter for your acceptance. and you got the full scholarship! congrats, now you have to work harder than your classmates in order to keep it.
it wasn't fair, and your friend knew it. she felt so bad that she couldn't help you with money or your studies, but she can help you to ease your mind a bit.
so, you could only frown while making a mental list of all the valuable things you could be doing instead of this, standing in a big kitchen full of intoxicated teenagers. your friend was trying to talk with you while mixing alcohol in disposable cups for each one of you.
"and tomy was sticking his tongue inside of mary's mouth in front of her father, ew! you should've seen their faces when they realized, her father was burning red, i don't know if from embarrasment or anger." she rambled with a loud laugh.
you chuckle, mostly because her laugh was contagious. "who was tomy, again?"
"shh, he's coming." she suddenly leans in to whisper before pulling back wearing her social smile, "tomyy!"
a rather scrawny tall boy comes from behind you saying your friend's name in the same way, "fancy seeing you here!" ah, he had a high pitched voice.
"i didn't want you to miss me!" she quickly jokes, "nice party!"
"i'm guessing you're having a good time." he chuckles. at this point he's set himself right next to you and still hadn't acknoledge you. "have you already found jinx?" he asks curiously with a supposedly mischeavous smile.
"damn, she's here already?"
"yeah, just bought from her in the second garden."
'what the hell is a second garden?' you thought with a weirded out glance.
they chat a bit more and you think you know the kitchen from memory after rolling your eyes around as they talked. the boy soon moves to another guest and your friend turns back to you.
"the funniest thing is that they were sent to the principal's office was for sucking their faces off in the middle of class." she continues the conversation she was having with you as if you've never been interrupted, it was a talent of hers.
'is this what she thinks of a relaxing night...?' you mentally complained. you had your friend talk you ear off 5 days a week, but that didn't seem enough for her. at some point you muted her voice from your head and only listened to the loud pop music and different people talking over each other. your eyes were fixed on the next room through the kitchen's door, the flashing lights barely illuminated the crowd. blondes, brunettes and redheads, they all stay in the background when a blue head pushes through them to your way.
you physically react with a quiet sigh when you can see her face. a pretty girl, with the softest features you've ever seen, decorated with a messy dark makeup and intense eyes. curious to see how her full style looked like your gaze lowers on her body, she was wearing a white laced corset gripping her chest for life and low wasted black denim shorts, along with the biggest boots you've ever seen.
the girl who caught your eye walked into the room with loud, confident steps. people quickle recognized her, some greeted, some lowered their eyes to the floor. she only smiled briefly before grabbing two closed bottles of vodka like she owned the place and left.
"who was that?" you breath out, realizing you've been holding it the whole time.
"jinx," your friend shrugged, "local dealer, mental problems and rich daddy." she summarized, fixing her lipstick and soon changing the topic.
the night ended up being a boomer. your friend got a stoner to share his blunt with you both and that, mixed with the alcohol you had been drinking since the night started, made you both pretty tired and sleepy. luckily, your friend's house was about two streets down from the party, allowing you to arrive sound and safe while intoxicated.
you couldn't deny that you slept like a baby.
but the week started again a day after, along with your responsabilities. and it seemed that it's gonna be a shitty one.
for your extracurricular activity, you had the job to take decent pictures for the school's paper. they were all rejected by the president in charge. you scored a negative B in a practically easy test because you were too distracted noticing that the so named jinx was in the same class as you. 'she looks very pretty in the dark blue uniform.' was your constant thought. and the cherry on top, you didn't have your extra money of the week because the parents of your student were late with the payment.
they were showered in wealth, why won't they give you your 50 dollars? now they’ll have to pay $100 next week.
but for now… you had to survive with the remaining money you had left for the rest of the week. and it was only monday.
you thought you could handle this particularly difficult week, but all this tension build up only to blow up on your face. and the face of the teacher who was telling you why you had to rewrite the essay you just submitted.
you were use to cry over stress, you thought it was a healthy way of letting it out. just not in the public eye.
tears and sobs were comming out of you as you walked down the halls, feeling like millions of eyes were judging you. how embarrasing, right? but that was only your mind playing you, the only person who looked at you twice was tomy who recognized you but couldn't recall from where.
it was friday and the classes already ended, the club was about to start in ten minutes but you were debating whether test your luck and see if it can all get shittier or just call it a day and go home.
but a loud yell of your name from behind you interrupted this final decision, your friend throted her way up to you and worriedly wiped your tears.
"are you okay? what happened?"
"i'm fucked up! i'm gonna fail all my exams and get kicked out from this stupid school!" you dramatically cried in the comfort of your friend's arms. you knew she was fighting demons to not roll her eyes and say 'i told you'.
she listened to your whines for a couple more minutes until she had an idea.
"okay stop, shush." you frowned but stayed quiet anyways, "listen, i know jinx stays in club hours to sell, she must be in that shitty bathroom from the second floor. why don't you go buy some weed and relax this weekend?"
your frown deepened and even a light blush appeared on your wet cheeks, "uhm, i don't know... why don't you just stay at my house to hangout, please?"
"oh hun, i would love to but my parents are taking me to visit my grandma." who lived far far away, you nodded. "just, try what i'm telling you, okay?"
"okay..." you hesitantly say, your friend seemed in a rush because just when you were about to ask her how much it would probably cost and how many grams you should buy, she pecked both of your cheeks in goodbye and left you standing in an almost empty hallway.
you were on your own now, hoping the 15 dollars you had left from this long week would be enough, but you doubted it.
you hesitantly pushed the door of the supposedly shitty bathroom (it didn't have a mirror, nor the renovated cubicle doors the other's had, though it was perfectly functional). welcomed by the sight of jinx sitting on top of the counter sink, ciggarette in hand and an amused smile on her face while she talked with another girl.
they quickly shut up at your presence. you purse your lips awkwardly at them, you were about to greet them when this other girl just scoffed as if you ruined something and leaned to whisper in the bluehaired's ear. jinx only chuckled in what you thought was a very flirty manner and the girl left, leaving you alone with her.
it was a good moment to say something, jinx was looking at you expectantly but you were too busy checking her out.
the school uniform itself is rather conservative, but it was usual for students to fix it to their liking as long as it isn't too inappropiate. jinx seemed to be an exception, because you didn't know how was she allowed to move around with the skirt so short. you weren't complaining, not at all. with the way she crossed her legs you could easily appreciate her pale legs, noticing a few marks and bruises which fed your curiosity.
she cleared her throat, "so? you came all the way here to stare at me?"
"no- no, sorry." you quickly apologized and presented yourself, taking a few steps closer, your voices echoing in the bathroom,
"right… what can i offer you?"
though her words were friendly enough, her tone was playful and given that you had a breakdown just minutes ago, you couldn't help but feel like she was mocking you. she probably was.
"i, uh, i was wondering what's your cheapest relaxing item?" you hesitantly ask, seeing the corner of her lips rising the slightest bit in a smirk.
"are you familiar with drugs?"
"no... not really."
"then i have the perfect discount for you!" jinx smiles brightly and you get even more closer, interested. "weed is ideal for begginers, and i can give you 15g for 100 bucks, whatcha say?"
"oh." you instantly gloom. "and... h-how much for 2 or 3g?"
"3 grams? you can barely make a blunt with that." she mocks raising an eyebrow, studying you for a second before smirking again. it was hard to read her, but you could sense she had something in mind as it seemed rather mischeavous. "for 3g... 20 bucks."
you sighed, looking away in embarrasment. you heard that her prices were high, but this... what did she need so much money for, anyways?
"okay, um... i don't have enough money with me right now. thank you." you sheepeshly said, ready to turn around and go back home to keep crying.
"wait!" she suddenly says, decrossing her legs to shift in her spot, "don't give up so easily... we can arrange something..."
"arrange...?" you repeated, confused. jinx motioned with her fingers to approach her and you did, mantaining a respectable distance before she could reach your arm and pull you even closer, caresing the lenght of it along with your hand. you were stunned, feeling your ears and chest warm up. "how come?" you murmured, trying to grasp on the situation.
"i'm feelin' nice..." she hummed, "i can give you 5g... if you give me head."
"e-excuse me?" that was your first reaction, pulling the hand she was holding away and to your chest, "what...? are you serious?"
"oh don't be such a prude!" she chuckles, giving you a knowing look, "d'ya think i'm dumb? i've seen you staring, i know you want me."
her bluntness made you blush, damn, her mere presence made you blush. she was exposing you while offering her body in change of some weed. you've never been in this kind of situation before, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to think of something to say.
she kept distracting you though, with that pretty smirk of hers. since you didn't instantly ran away, jinx knew her guess was correct. reaching for your hand again and rounding your hips with her long legs to pull you closer, till your body hit the counter she was sitting on.
"i know you want me." she repeated in a low tone, "and i know you need it, toots." you unconsciously lean into her touch as she caress your cheek, right where the dried tears rested on.
"i don't want to t-take advantage of you..." you dumbly say, jinx almost pouted at how adorable you were. you thought it was you who was taking advantage of this?
"you're not, silly!" she giggled raspily, "this is business."
"i'm- i don't.... i'm not sure..." you rambled, and before you could make a point -if you were ever going to make it-, jinx pulled you into her for a kiss. a hungry, intense kiss.
and you instantly melted, your hands traveled to hug her waist as you reciprocated. she tasted like that ciggarette she was smoking a moment ago, mixed with the flavour of some candy.
you thought it was hot.
her body shifted closer, sitting by the edge of the counter to easily push her hips into you. the heated make-out was interrupted by her own heavy breaths.
"see, toots?" she rasped, "you can do it."
"okay." you hummed, leaning in to kiss her again. it was ridiculous really, how easily you gave in. specially after she dodged your attempt with an evil smirk.
"uh-uh." she pushed you by the shoulders, "i asked you to eat me out."
you almost scoffed in complain, before realizing that maybe… this was even better.
"but i have a condition." jinx called for your attention with an amused chuckle. "you have to make me squirt."
"fuck." you sighed, "really...? are you-?"
"i know i can, yeah." she nods, spreading her legs for you, "but it won't be easy..."
you certainly wouldn't mind trying, you weren't exactly up close to her pussy and you could already feel the smell of her arousal, inviting you to taste her. jinx lifted up her skirt to expose her lingerie, a furious pink with a wet spot on her center that watered your mouth.
soon enough you were kneeling down, it was a bit uncomfortable given the height of the sink. hesitantly, you licked your lips and looked up at her, in search of confirmation. in response, jinx flashed you a playful smile, leaning back to rest her weight on her hands.
satisfied, you concentrated on her pussy, carefully pressing down your thumb as if testing the waters. her hips twitched at the contact, moving towards your hand. you let out a hum, 'sensitive?'. experimentally, you sticked your tongue out to lap over her underwear, the wet spot growing as it mixed with your saliva. you were contently taking things slow, against jinx own desires.
she aggresively gripped your hair to push your head into her pussy, "don't tease me, nerd." she husked.
and you couldn't bring yourself to mind, rushing to move her panties to the side to finally taste her. you wanted to impress her, you wanted her to like you, and give her the best head she'd ever have. your lips hugged her clit, quickly working on her pussy, sucking and lapping. you were rewarded with quiet sighs and trembling legs, occasionally a moan. but it seemed that jinx was trying not to crumble, silencing her sounds by pressing her lips together, though it barely did the job. you didn't mind, not when you were making out with her pussy so fervently.
your hands gripped her plushy thighs as you put them on your shoulders, helping her to stay still. her hips twitched towards you every now and then, when you would suck particularly hard on her throbbing clit. and you? you were having the time of your life.
as busy as you always were, it’s been quite long since you had some fun like this.
jinx looked down at you with furrowed eyebrows and flushed cheeks, meowing softly as she felt herself coming undone at your enthusiastic work on her pussy. her hand pulled at your hair and you opened your eyes to meet hers, but her head was thrown back in pleasure. you didn’t stop, instead you moved your hand to furiously rub her center until she looked at you again, biting her lower lip to muffle her moan. she came against your mouth, rocking her hips lazily against you.
you licked her clean a few times before realizing you didn't accomplished your task, she didn't squirt.
"well well, toots," she said accompanied with a breathless and amused chuckle, "i told you it would be- mhm!" her mocking words were interrupted by your actions, you decided that you'll just try harder.
you went back at it, this time focusing more on her unattended hole. when your tongue explored a little more inside, your nose hit her clit sending shivers through her back as she arched. her initial surprise was overpowered with pleasure, she didn't care anymore about not showing how much she was enjoying herself.
after the previous stimulation, this time she reached her limit much quicker. you really wanted to make her squirt, so you put all your effort on your fingers, which you carefully put inside her. jinx cursed above you, letting you do whatever you wanted with your body as everything felt just so good for her.
and the reward came along her relief, her cum fell all over your lower face, though you shamelessly tried to drink all you could.
"mkay, stop-" jinx whined lowly as you kept your mouth attached to her pussy, against her own words her legs squeezed your head tightly.
you pulled back a few seconds later, wiping your chin with the back of your hand only to smudge all her fluids to your cheek, making her giggle. she motioned at you to get closer, opening the flush of water on the sink by her side.
"thanks." you smiled quietly as she cleaned your face with water, "your thighs..." you pointed out at the wet mess on her inner thighs.
"i know."
jinx took a deep breath before making an effort to get down the counter, barely struggling to make her way inside a cubicle. you shyly stayed put, fixing your hair looking to anywhere else to give her some privacy as she cleaned herself up.
"i didn't know you were that stubborn." the bluehaired girl mocked you, suddenly she was by your side again. this time cornering you.
"you- you asked me to do it."
there was something so mesmerizing in her blushed cheeks, her darkened blue eyes. your breath got caught in your throat when you felt her slim fingers sneaking under your skirt uniform to playfully pull on the edge of your underwear.
you only looked at her with little hesitance before you tried to lean in and kiss her. she dodge your attempt for the second time, not letting you time to react when she forcefully turned you around, pushing her chest on your back.
"i can give you the 15g, if you let me play a little bit." she whispered against your ear, nibbling at the earring you were wearing, "hmm? will ya let me?"
"yeah," you quickly agreed with a pleading voice, hitching up your own skirt and resting your hand on top of hers while pushing your hips, your movements were hurried and desperate, there was a pulsing desiring waiting to be attended. jinx was overly amused, rubbing your center over your underwear. "yes..." you sighed, throwing your head back to her side, leaving you neck exposed for her to keep her lips busy with.
breathless moans left your mouth, relaxing your body against her touch when loud steps startled you. it was impossible for you to ignore them because there was a chance that someone could caught you both. though jinx didn't seem to care, mindlessly biting your skin.
"did you hear that?" you mumbled, your body tensed in anticipation.
"yeah," she giggled in response, capturing your attention by getting her hands under you panties which got a squeak sound out of you. "imagine if they find us here."
"not funny-" you grumbled, unable to push her away but your eyes fixed on the closed door.
"c'mon baby, must be the janitor. he's not allowed to come here." she reassured, her other hand moving your head to her, kissing your lips messily.
you gave in, sighing into her as she pump her fingers in and out of you. you already felt so stimulated that a few minutes later you were already cumming on her hand. she doesn't stops till you ride out of your high.
jinx loudly pecks your cheek, pulling her fingers out and up to her mouth, sucking off your cum.
"god." your voice trembled at the sight.
she only smirked at you, walking to her bag which was laying on the floor. your eyes were closed while you fixed yourself again, anxious to get home and change your dirty underwear as you can uncomfortably feel the stickness.
when you opened them, jinx left on the counter a small ziploc bag.
"a deal is a deal." she shrugs, "enjoy."
you slowly reached to the bag, a bit conflicted by how the situation was ending.
“i- i’m not even sure i needed it now.”
jinx raised her eyebrows at your murmur, you came to her with those desperate and anxious eyes, only for you to not accept it?
but she knew better, with her signature mischievous smirk she approached you once again, puts the bag in your hands and let her fingers linger a bit more on top of them.
“how about this? take ‘em home, use it tonight and touch yourself thinking ‘bout me.”
your eyes open slightly, and you blush like you didn’t just fuck her a couple of minutes ago. either she always caught you out of guard, or you’re simply not used to being… so vulgar.
“so? will you do that f’me?” she stares at you expectantly with those big blue eyes, amused by your reactions.
“y-yeah, yes i’ll do it.”
“cute.” she sighs, leaning to peck your cheek once again before going to grab her bag and walk towards the exit. “i want proof! text me later!” she chuckles loudly by the door and just as loudly smacks it closed.
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umeqii · 2 months
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀but you're lowkey cool .
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fandom ; class of 09
character ; nicole
gender ; female reader (lesbian nicole real)
creator ; umeqii
QUICK A/N - so like idk i'm a nicole kinnie and so like i might (i will) self project but yk ^_^ and uh idk i js wanted to post smth abt co09 bc like all i saw was mf jeffery ones and no one likes jeffery he's a fucking wierdo anyways!!
TW - like it's co09, so mentions of pedophilia, drugs, dark humor, sh, suicide jokes, things like that :P
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okay so it's quite clear that nicole is a sociopath, and she's aware of it and she payed VERY little attention to you at first
i guess you were just like, that one girl who just sits in class n minds her business and overhears alot of weirdass drama like that one blonde bitch kelly being inlove with her cousin or something
but you had a new student, and you gotta admit, she was really pretty ≥∇≤ !!
her personality; not so much (real though)
anyways, you grew up to read people really easily from the way you were raised n shit so when you first spoke to nicole in class, you realised she was faking to smile; or just faking to be nice in general
so you kept that in mind, but didn't say anything because you were loekwy afraid :P
one time, you guys had science together n this kid jeffery kept tryna talk to nicole and it's not like you were mad at her for tryna make new friends, it was jeffery you were mad at
he didn't even acknowledge you one bit ☠️☠️
so you just end up standing next to them saying nothing and looking like a random stranger
when nicole sat in her seat, with jeffery rambling about anime girls or something, you saw how she looked REAALLLYYY pissed so you were gonna sit in your seat (which was opposite hers) and ask her
you just ended up staring at him with a slightly open mouth when he ignored your soft askings of "can you please move?"
that's when our favourite toxic lesbian said something!! (i'm delusional)
" oh my FUCKING god, next time i hear anything about your stupidass anime cat girls, i will actually hang myself from this light. like who the fuck even asked?? i know damn fuckin' well i didn't. and get your greasy and filthy ass out of y/n's seat, you bitch. "
that was jeffery's face (and lowkey yours' too)
he got out of your seat and mumbled an apology to you and sat somewhere else leaving you and an annoyed nicole sitting in silence
" oh uh...are you? "
" do you have any meth. "
" ah fuck sorry, i don't do.. uh yeah "
" you look like you do, you seem fucking crazy "
" oh. "
so like after that, and you, being the sapphic you are, ended up falling inlove with nicole !!
she was lowkey a bitch and you won't lie, toxic as fuck but she was your only friend and she stuck up for you so that's good??
she treats everyone with no respect at all, but for you, you can see the SLIGHT change in attitude
like you see her with jeffery, then people like jecka and emily, and you!!
she would always say things about you guys making out or having sex in the bathrooms and you couldn't tell if they were jokes or not
but like i lowkey cba to say how ym got together so all ik is that yu asked her out, she made out with yu and yh
so like now HEADCANONS time
nicole is an insecure girl deep, deep down so that's why she acts the way she does.
but yeah, those insecurities make her REALLY jealous 😭😭
it's sometimes concerning .
like one time you were approached by emily and she was asking you if you wanted some drugs or something, which you declined, and you ended up complimenting her hair and saying how it brings out her eyes and she ended up hugging you
then nicole stormed over and started going fucking crazy mode at emily saying how " don't you have like a 30 year old boyfriend you can give head right now? so fuck off and let me give this bitch head instead, you cokewhore!! "
something along the lines of that
like i guess showing affection makes her pretty vulnerable, so when ym are in public she's a bitch
she's really controlling or whatever the word is (toxic)
"y/n, you know how much of a fucking pathetic loser you are? just think how fucked up you would be without me, then. like no offense babe, but you're really fucking deranged in the head but i guess that's something that makes you hot."
okay that's all i can think of but yeah i also hate parental controls like why are only 5 of my apps unlocked like let me go on discord ://
you guys should add me on discord, my user is umeqii yiu bitches /affectionately /nf
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tonyspank · 1 year
A/N: Hehe…
Warnings: Silliness & Idk…
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
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It had been a week after your first date with Jenna, and you believe you couldn't be any happier.
You guys had been texting every day, 24/7. Fingering tapping on the screen every chance you got, and if you two weren't doing that then you were sitting on FaceTime with each other doing the most random things or talking about the weirdest things.
It was currently Friday afternoon and Jenna had your second date planned for tomorrow afternoon, you were very excited about it.
Thousands of scenarios ran throughout your mind. You wondered if Jenna was going to try and kiss you like she did last time, or would she wait until later, or was she going to be waiting on you?
Not knowing made you even more excited, it felt like you were at the top of a roller coaster, not knowing when you were about to drop.
Currently, you were with Jack and Mason at Mason's apartment, the three of you had been watching movies, playing board games, literally anything to pass by time.
Your cell phone began ringing, and you read the contact name, Alora.
"Hey Alora, what's up?" You ask, leaning your head on Jack's shoulder. "Hey, Y/N!"
Jack smiles, "Hey, Alora!" She lets out a dramatic gasp, "JACK?" She nearly screams in your ear, but you quickly pull the phone away with a scrunched-up face, causing Jack and Mason to giggle.
"Anyways, what's up?" You hear shifting over the phone and a long sigh, "I know you asked for tomorrow off but we're really busy and Julian can't make it, his graduation is tomorrow."
Your face drops at the information, "Is there no one else that could take my shift?" You lift your head from Jack's shoulder and stand up quickly leaving the living room.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." You sigh, scratching the back of your neck. "It's okay, Alora. I'll um, I'll be there tomorrow."
"I'm really sorry." You shake your head, "It's fine, promise." But in reality, you were a bit disappointed. You didn't wanna cancel on Jenna, you'd been looking forward to your date since your first one had ended.
Alora says goodbye before ending the call, you turn back towards Jack and Mason who look at you with a sad expression.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure Jenna will understand," Mason speaks up, and Jack nods in agreement.
You sigh out, "I know, but.." You trail off sitting back down next to Jack. "She spent an entire four days trying to plan this for me. Me if all people."
Jack places a hand on your shoulder, "Which is exactly why she'll understand. She cares about you, and she knows what it feels like when work gets in the way."
"I know. I know. I was really looking forward to that date though," You say in a joking manner, smiling. Jack nudges you, "Oh, believe us. We know!" Mason laughs, and the two of you join in right behind him.
You were going to tell Jenna later. But for now, you were going to enjoy the company of your friends. When you got home you plopped down onto your couch, dialling Jenna's number. After the third ring, she answers, "Hey! You just got home?"
You nod your head even though she can't see, "Yeah," Before you could say anything else, she speaks again. "Wait. FaceTime me, I wanna see you."
You try to ignore the fluttering mess that your stomach has become, chuckling as you began FaceTiming her. The screen loads, and you're greeted with the brunette in her bed, her freckles more prominent on her natural face.
"Hey Jen," You greet, smiling. She sits up in her bed smiling at you. "Hi. How were Jack and Mason?"
"The usual, absolutely crazy." You joke earning a laugh. Your laughter dies down, and Jenna immediately realizes something wrong.
"What's wrong?" You furrow your eyebrows, "Um? Nothings wrong?" Jenna playfully rolls her eyes, "Dude you're like such a bad liar."
You can't help but smile widely, "Bro! No, I'm not.." You try and defend yourself.
"Um? Nothings wrong?" Jenna mocks, deepening her voice. "Hey!" You say, dropping your jaw. "I do not sound like that."
"I do not sound like that." She mocks again, you raise your finger to the screen. "I'm five seconds away from hanging up." You joke, Jenna waves a hand in front of the camera, "Wait no! Don't," She laughs pleading with you.
"Now. Tell me what happened," Jenna says, calming down. She actually looked concerned, and it felt nice to know that she cared.
"You know our date tomorrow?" She nods to your words. "I might have to take a rain check— listen I really really didn't want to but my boss called me into work because my co-worker is also graduating tomorrow and—"
She cuts you off, smiling so hard her dimples show. "Y/N. It's okay, I understand."
You twist your lips a slight furrow appearing in your eyebrows, and Jenna honestly couldn't find anything more adorable. She couldn't believe you were the same girl leaning against the back of a building smoking a cigarette.
"Are you sure? I mean you spent a lot of time planning it." Jenna fixes her camera as she lies down on her side, "And you were worth every second."
You bite your bottom lip to fight off your smile but fail horribly. Jenna's huge smile turns into small bits of laughter. You playfully roll her eyes as she laughs, "What are you doing tomorrow?"
Jenna scratches her eyebrows as she thinks, and you admire her. "Ummm.. I'll probably ask Percy if he's free, but I don't know."
Your stomach turned, and not the way it turned whenever Jenna would suddenly start romanticizing you. You laugh indifferently, hoping she doesn't notice. "Oh yeah! Percy, he's in Wednesday right?"
Jenna nods a slight smile on her face, "Yes! That's him." You hum, and Jenna continues about her cast mate, Percy.
Once Jenna finishes you make an excuse to hang up the phone, not even saying goodbye.
Now. You were upset about having to work tomorrow.
When you woke up for work, all you could think about was what Percy was going to do with Jenna, and how that could've been you. You could've been spending your day with her with whatever she had planned with the two of you.
Yes, you might have been overreacting, but you just couldn't get the thought out of your mind.
You were jealous.
And now that you knew you were jealous made the situation worse. You and Jenna weren't dating, she was her own person. She obviously has a life outside of Jack Champions' childhood friend, and you were definitely being selfish.
You never fully thought about how much Jenna had been putting aside for you, you were taking up so much of her time. Every second you texted her, or called her, you loved her company and you'd gotten so used to it that when she didn't have time for you, you felt alone.
As you got out of the car at the gas station, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. Taking it out it was no one other than Jenna, you sighed to yourself before placing it back in your pocket.
We're you acting childish? Of course, we're you going to stop? No. Because in the moment it felt like a good thing to do.
You walked up to the counter, taking out your wallet. "Hi, twenty on pump three and a pack of Marlboro reds, please?" You hand the cashier your money, he looks at you before pressing a few buttons on his cash register.
You stand there waiting for your cigarettes, awkwardly. You scratch your nose, "Um, my cigarettes?"
He looks at you before sighing, "I'm sorry, but a few days ago this girl, short... brown hair..." He describes with his hands, "She said don't sell you any cigarettes."
You furrow your eyebrows, "What?!" There's no way he's not talking about Jenna. "Is that even possible? Like, is that allowed?"
The younger boy shrugs, "Dude... I have no clue. My dad is making me work here because he's mad at for me dropping out—"
You wave your hands signalling for him to stop his speech, "It's whatever bro. Keep the change."
You quickly leave the store, pumping your gas before entering your car and driving off. You drive to another gas station in hopes of getting a cigarette, again... the same story. And then again you drive.
After a while you give up, and not only did you not have a smoke to calm yourself down, but you're late for work. And Alora gets very stressed and less friendly when the shop is busy.
So today, you're dealing with no smoke, a stressed boss, and your crush spending her day with another guy.
"You're late Y/L/N." You hear Alora say behind the counter as you walk through the double doors, you send a smile to the long line of customers, walking behind the counter yourself.
"Sorry." You mumble, "I'm going to go clock in." She nods at your words, putting a lid on the cup she just filled with coffee. You head to the back, clock in and as you're putting on your apron you hear someone softly say your name.
"Hey, Y/N." You turn around quickly, recognizing the voice. "Jenna?" You say though it sounds more like a question as it leaves your mouth.
"What are you doing here?" You ask as you finish tying your apron. She motions to her outfit, she has on a black button-up along with black slacks, and doc martens, but the main focal point of her outfit was the apron she was wearing, the same as yours.
"I'm working." She smiles at you, and you suddenly feel like a dickhead. "I tried calling you to let you know, but prrt... no answer."
You stare at her, bewildered. And your stupid mouth just can't stop. "Did you tell the gas stations near my house to stop selling me cigarettes?"
Jenna's smile fades, and she ignores the question completely. "You tried to buy cigarettes? Why?"
You do the same. "I thought you were going to be hanging out with Percy." She shrugs, "I changed my mind. I wanted to see you."
You're back to the silent staring.
Before your mouth starts again, Alora interrupts. "Hi, guys...." Your heads snap to your her, "Kinda busy out front. So..." She points behind her, awkwardly as she knows she interrupted something.
You walk out of the back, Jenna following close behind. She's having an internal battle with herself about why you even thought about buying cigarettes. Not too long ago while the two of you were on FaceTime, you told Jenna you smoked to relax, or whenever you felt uncomfortable.
So what could've made you uncomfortable, and worry so much?
Jenna walks around the café asking the guests if they're okay or if they need anything while you handle the register and orders with Alora, you can't help but glance at Jenna every now and then, not even knowing she does the same when you're not looking at her.
Minutes pass and the line seems like it barely moved, Jenna is behind the counter now with you as Alora takes an order at a table.
"Are you done ignoring me?" Jenna asks behind you, you shake your head pulling down on the lever in front of you. "I'm not ignoring you."
"If feels like it." She responds, you can practically feel her eyes burning into the back of your head. You hated admitting you were wrong, and you especially didn't want to admit to Jenna that you were jealous of Percy.
You weren't an idiot. You've seen them before, and how everyone went crazy because of their "chemistry", but back then you never knew how much of a problem it would've caused in your life.
"Jenna," You start turning around with a sigh, "Not right now, please?" You didn't want to get into it with her, mainly since this was your job, and there still was a long line of customers in front of the counter the two of you stood behind.
Jenna stares at you, then proceeds to walk away obviously upset.
Hours pass, glances are thrown, and finally, after it felt like years, you're closed and one last customer stands in the shop waiting on their drink. For some reason Alora told Jenna to make it, saying it wasn't that hard.
Alora also forgets to tell Jenna one of the machines are in fact broken, so when she presses the button water sprays everywhere, like actually everywhere.
"Shit!" You shout, the cold water hitting the back of your neck and your upper back. Your turn around and Jenna is absolutely soaked. Jenna's mouth is open in shock, she turns around not moving a muscle in her arms, facing you.
Your jaw drops at the huge puddle on her apron, and the water dripping from her face. Thankfully it wasn't hot, the machine was so broken that couldn't even produce hot water if it wanted to.
"Oh, my god. I totally forgot!" Alora says from the opposite side of the room, she places down the broom walking over to the two of you, passing the customer she mutters, "Sorry, it'll be one second."
The teenage girl laughs shaking her head, "You're totally fine, I just got to see my favourite celebrity get sprayed in the face while making my coffee." She laughs again, raising her phone.
You take a new tissue from beside you, walking closer to Jenna who drops her arms, while you begin wiping off her face. "Here you guys go in the back, I'll make the coffee and clean this up?"
"You sure?" You turn your head to Alora throwing away the tissue you just used, "Yeah, of course. Go ahead in clock out. Thank you for coming in today, and thank you Jenna for your help."
Jenna sends her a smile, "Thank you for allowing me to help." Jenna steps over the puddle as safely as possible, and you follow behind. With a soft hand on her back, you're now in the break room you get another tissue, and wiping your neck, Jenna watches you a small smile on her face.
She knew she liked you, why else would she plan these dates for you, post you after your first date, or even come into your job and serve people for multiple hours? She believed the feeling was mutual, but she didn't want to rush into anything with you and end up regretting it later on.
She also wanted you to be comfortable, being with a celebrity was a lot. She had been putting some stuff aside for you, but she knew later on her schedule would get hectic, would you mind that? Or what if she could officially tell everyone you were together, would you care?
There were many questions that needed to be asked, and no more tip-toeing around each other.
You throw away the tissue, sitting down with a long sigh. You look up at Jenna, who's already staring at you.
We're you okay? Her mind wandered back to earlier this morning. Why were you buying cigarettes, and was she the cause for it?
"Jenna?" You call out, noticing the shorter girl in a daze. She blinks a bit, humming in response.
"You okay?" Jenna nods, sitting down beside you.  "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." You nod at her words.
"Can we talk though?" You can barely hear her, her voice only a whisper. "Yeah," You respond, your voice as low as hers.
"Can we go back to this morning? Are you okay? Did I do something? You just seem so—" She motions with her hands, "Upset." She finishes with a frown, you feel yourself frowning at her words. She seemed so worked up and worried because you wanted to be the one to act childish.
"I'm sorry. I— I just, I don't know. I got jealous last night." You shamelessly admitted. "I've seen... photos of you and Percy, and I guess I got the wrong idea. And then I started to overthink and ghost you out like a child." You felt proud of yourself, getting over your small ego to not admit when you're wrong, or immature.
Jenna scoots closer mumbling out and, "Y/N." Your gaze leaves your hands, and you look into the girl's brown doe eyes, "You don't have to be jealous, okay? Percy and I are just friends. We probably wouldn't even be friends if it wasn't for Wednesday."
"What are we?" Jenna shrugs, unsure. "We're testing the waters... to see if we're capable enough for each other."
"I'm sorry." You shake your head, embarrassed about how you were acting earlier. "It's okay. We're all human." You nod at her words, not knowing what else to say.
"Y/N," She starts, a sigh leaving her lips. "I like you, I really do. I wanna see what this can become, but you have to know I come with a lot of baggage. Not only the public, but my family, and hell, even me. I just wanna know if you can handle it."
You grab her hand that's been resting on her thigh, "I can. And I know earlier doesn't make it seem like it, but I can and I will."
"You're also probably wondering about the cigarettes?" She shakes her head, "I think I figured it out." She laughs, and you join in.
"But did you actually go to every gas station and tell them not to sell me cigarettes." Yes, yes she did. "Of course not." You playfully squint your eyes at the girl. "Mm-hmm."
"Can I ask something?" You run your thumb along her hand, humming. "Does this count as another one of our dates?"
You bite on your bottom lip, holding back your smile along with your laugh, "I don't know. I'm a pretty busy person."
She smiles at you, again she stares at you inspecting every little detail of your face. Then looking at your lips, maybe a little too long.
"Does this count as another date?" She repeats, her voice sweeter and lower than last time. You lick your lips, glancing at her eyes and then her lips.
You subconsciously find yourself leaning in, Jenna tilts her head doing the same, her eyes fluttering until they were fully closed. "Oh!"
You jump apart at the sudden voice, "You guys are still here?" Jenna scoots away, smiling.
"Yeah, we're actually about to leave." Alora nods, her eyes flickering between the two of you. "Mmm... Okay...." She mumbles, leaving the room.
"Do you have a spare set of clothes?" Jenna speaks up from beside you holding up her wet apron, you nod. "I think I have a hoodie in my car."
"Actually, do you wanna come over?" You ask, shrugging. Jenna lights up beside you.
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iceinwhb · 1 month
Me, and my opinion. Last post.
Ok, I am simply amazed that there are comments on whb. Ha. When they were complaining about Levi and his new card, I thought it was because of how childish and silly it had been. I didn't expect them to give him the real P solely because Mc was younger.
So, at some points, with some posts talking about it, I thought I was going to be really rude if I got into an argument, “over nothing”, but now that I'm justified...
1.- We are adults.
And as adults that we are, we don't get to invent, or assume. We resolve ourselves with facts, and with coldness. We do not launch stupid and unverifiable accusations. If we want to point out a fact, you must demonstrate that Leviathan, as a character, is a pedophile.
2.- Do I really have to explain it?
For the people who accuse Leviathan of being a pedophile, where the hell do they get that from? Are they guided only because they wear a uniform? Mc may very well be over the legal age of consent for sexual relations in any country, not only that, Mc's nationality is Korean. In South Korea, they enter college at between 18-19 and finish between 22-23. At no time was it specified that Mc went to high school, or anything like that. Another point, are they really going to discuss the age of Mc when Leviathan biblically exists since the beginning of creation? Really? I don't know if those people will feel better if Mc is at least five thousand years old.
If don't have enough…
Well, let's say Mc was 16-17. You, player, are between 19-30. Do you know what age the game is geared towards? +18 in case we forgot the LITTLE detail. What if they know that Mc is the player's representation? Idk what they want. Especially BECAUSE THEY ARE ADULTS who know how to tell the difference, separate fact from fiction, separate a game from real life. Leviathan is not out there on the loose, looking for 18-23 year old “babes”, my god. And no one who plays the game, is going after a minor just because Leviathan likes the Mc who is probably 20 YEARS OLD. And more, of course. The story is based ON A DREAM, MADE OF MAGIC. Where do they find sense for they to want to complain about it? At this point I am indeed laughing at how absurd it sounds, because that's what it is.
Last but not least.
Okay, let's ignore all of the above. If you don't like the game, because it has certain themes, stop playing, go to Play Store, and look for the thousands of Otome games you like so much. There are millions, even those that touch only a sexual plot. There are hundreds and hundreds of different games for all tastes, but don't ruin the experience for other players just because other people think Leviathan is a pedophile. The game is PB's, and they can do whatever they wants with it as they has always done.
Really is the last.
With this point, it is where we delve into the fact that PB never gently implies when they talk about abuse, nor do they leave it implicit. They never did, they never would, they know the topics they touch on, how they use them and they never romanticize them. We are all aware of when it happens, and we are consistent enough to know that it is wrong, and that we are not going to replicate it in our daily lives, nor idealize as if we were 13 years old.
So, person who thinks they saw the worst of the worst, and you expose it as if no one has three fingers in front to understand it, question it and know it's a game, you're not helping anyone. Those of us in fandom are not idiots to not know what we are consuming. We know what whb is, we are aware of the complicated issues, and no, we are not 14, much less 16, we can think for ourselves and know what is wrong. You don't have to stress what we already know, please. If you want to complain, don't make a pointless war out of the issue, show that you have reading comprehension and do it on a reasoned basis. (Although I don't promise that anyone is going to take any notice of you for it, because no matter what you say, I repeat, we know what we are consuming).
If someone has to send this to one of those who can't even research for a minute, do it. Because it is truly fucked up to be at the expense of a daily absurd complaint.
I am not implying that no one is complaining. In fact, we should understand, learn, and tolerate all opinions, but it's one thing to say that Leviathan is an unprecedented jerk, abuser, and manipulator (and I would totally agree with the point), and quite another to accuse him of seriousness, spread him thin, and have more people, who don't know about the subject, want to play along, to the point that they get to PB.
I knew that whb had the potential to grow
And reach the public, even the wrong audience. But for certain types of people to make such a big deal over a card, especially over something as trivial as the Leviathan card it's absurdly stupid.
My prediction of all this is that Pretty Busy is going to be criticized sooner or later. We accept it, but we know it's not going to come from fandom, because we're not teenagers with attention issues.
It looks like PB is going to have to post more warnings and cautions about its content and the kind of themes they can find in it even within the game itself. I, what I fear the most, is that they will end up censoring it. (Because it's not enough for X and Play to have it labeled as C content.)
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muchosbesitos · 6 months
Daya, I'm brining a thot to your yard- it's me.
I had an idea :
khonshu avatar !Miguel o'hara or Marc Spector × chubby Hathor avatar f!reader.
You know how Hathor and Khonshu are a thing and that's in conflict with Miguel or Marc x reader because they're not fans of each other at all, they're both grumpy x grumpy dripping with sarcasm.
They end up having to spend time together because of some mission and now they're trying not to jump each other whole time Khonshu and Hathor are just veeeery encouraging so they make a plan to make it happen.
Give them that good good nsfw 🖤
hate to love you
Tumblr media
pairing: moon knight miguel o’hara x chubby hathor fem reader
contents: ex-lovers-enemies-lovers (?), use of toy, mentions of blood, oral (f receiving), riding, slapping, orgasm denial, unprotected p in v, choking, and cowgirl
a/n: idk if i’m being too self-critical or if this is acc ass but i hope y’all enjoy 😭 sorry it took me so long btw
word count: 6k
A loud knock on your front door shook you from your thoughts while you were cleaning, wiping your hands on the apron that you were wearing before walking over to the door. You opened up the door just a crack, a loud groan erupting from your throat once you saw Miguel standing there with his hands in his pocket. Once many moons ago, his presence would've filled you up with joy but it now only brought feelings of sadness and anger. "Before you close the door, just hea-" you closed the door before he got the chance to finish speaking, unable to face him again.
The last time you'd seen Miguel was last year in your shared apartment in Cairo while you were breaking up with him. He left you after the passing of your daughter for five months, effectively ignoring your calls and messages. You'd even tried to track him down but every attempt that you made just felt like you were chasing after a ghost. Though you tried to convince yourself that he was mostly likely dead to justify his prolonged absence, you couldn't help but wonder if it was just that he didn't want to be with you. When he came back though, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your shoulder like he'd never left.
"I'm sorry that I left you for so long, I just couldn't fathom the loss of our daughter," he told you after he pulled away, his eyes scanning over your body like he was trying to make sure it was you. You took a couple seconds to let his words run through your mind, looking at him blankly. "You couldn't fathom the loss of Gabriella? What about me?! I needed you!" you yelled at him, your hands forming into fists while tears ran down your cheeks. “I know, I know. But at least I'm here now," he offered, extending his hands out to embrace you in a hug once more. You stepped back from him, a dry chuckle escaping from your lips.
"For how long, Miguel? It used to me and you fighting side by side, but now something's always gotta come up. First it was Khonshu’s demands and now it's the loss of our daughter. Dating you feels like I'm dating nobody," you responded bitterly, your eyes stinging from the tears you were holding back. "You know about my debt to Khonshu. You know I can't deny him anything," his response came out monotone, like a mantra he repeated to himself to justify his actions. "I don't wanna see you anymore. Get out," your voice cracked as you spoke, cursing yourself inside for showing him that vulnerability.
"You know I can't control her," you overheard Hathor speak, certainly talking to Khonshu. "Please mami, don't do this to me. I promise I'll stick around this time," he pleaded with you, getting down on his knees as he held your hands in his. Seeing him like this almost made you want to forgive him, almost. "You said that the last couple times. Get off me and get out," you tried to muster up the same nonchalant tone he used, your voice still wavering from the tears you were withholding. Miguel stood up to his feet, his hands still holding yours as he looked down at the floor. "Alright, I'm sorry."
You ended up moving out of the apartment, unable to face the memories that the four walls held. The first time you guys inaugurated every surface, the times that you two shared a meal together, and your whispered prayers for a hope that he would be okay. While you were cleaning up the apartment, you found a wedding ring in one of Miguel’s jackets. You held it close to your chest, allowing yourself to break down since he left. Though you didn't take much with you, you ended up taking the wedding ring with you to Nueva York.
Loud pounding on the door broke you out of the memories, the door's hinges seeming to loosen with every fist that he took to it. "I'm not leaving until we have a conversation. Please!" Miguel pleaded, his pounding stopping only so you'd hear his words. "I need you," his words came out more hushed this time, his hands going back to pounding on the door afterwards. You convinced yourself that you were only opening the door to avoid any noise complaints from your neighbors despite the certain pull that you felt towards him.
"What do you want?" Your tone came out brisk and cold, the door slightly ajar as you eyed him. It didn't help your resolve at seeing his painfully handsome physique, the time apart definitely doing him good. "I need your help with something urgent. Do you mind if I come in? It's not safe to talk about out here," he responded, stepping closer to the door. You opened up the door to let him in, making some distance between the two of you by going to check up on the pot in the oven. He slid off his shoes, sitting down at the dinner table.
You poured yourself a bowl of soup, sitting down across from him as you blew on it slightly to cool it down. "You're not gonna give me any?" He asked, the words seeming to die down in his throat once he spotted your glare. "As if I would waste leftovers on you. Now get to the point and talk," you told him, bringing the spoon up to your mouth. You heard the sound of a flute playing, soft melodies filling up the house only to spot Hathor sitting down on the couch with a smile on her face. "So basically I need your help getting this ancient scroll from this collector. He's having a ball later this week and I was wondering if you'd be my partner for the mission."
The spoonful of soup that you'd taken came out of your nose when he finished speaking, and you quickly rushed to wipe up the mess you made. Miguel rushed over to the kitchen, handing you a glass of water to ease with the coughing. Hour hands brushed up against his, the same spark that you'd felt before returning before you quickly snatched the cup away from him. "And why do you need me to help you? You're very insistent on handling things yourself," you responded, not missing the opportunity to land a dig on him. "Please. Khonshu’s not exactly friends with the other gods and you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't really need you," he told you, his eyes locking straight to yours.
A scoff escaped from your throat, glancing back over at him as you folded your arms. "So you're here because I'm a last resort? Great way to seal this deal," you retorted, going back to eating your soup. A loud groan came from his throat, his hands digging into his scalp as he looked down at his feet. "As much as I need your help, I'm not gonna beg for it. I hope you choke on that damn soup," he grumbled, standing up and tossing the chair to the side before he left. Hathor’s music ceased playing once he left, appearing in front of you with a condescending look on her face. "Absolutely not."
You'd thought that Hathor would leave you alone after the way you acted in front of Miguel, wishful thinking on your part really. "Just help him out, what do you have to lose?" She told you, waking you up at four in the morning. You grabbed the pillow underneath you, covering your ears with it despite the fact you knew it wouldn't work with her. "Pleaseee. Just do me this favor and I'll give you a shortened contract than the one we have right now," she spoke up once more, appearing in the corner of your room. You were aware of the fact that she could take over your body and treat you as her marionette, so you could appreciate that she was willing to bargain. "Fine. Now please let me sleep."
The day of when the party was supposed to be, you stumbled over a box in your front step while you were heading out to get the mail. You brought the box, taking caution on opening it just in case it was one of the artifacts that you'd bid on recently. Inside the box however, laid a green ball gown with a matching pair of lingerie, a note sticking to the side of the box. Miguel’s handwriting covered the sticky note, thanking you for agreeing to do it and telling you to wear the dress since it'd match his suit. You had half the mind to defy him and end up wearing something else, but you couldn't help but feel enchanted while you tried the dress on.
"Get your damn hand off me," you snapped at Miguel when he tried to help you out the car, his hand lingering on yours. "I would but what husband would I be if I didn't help you get out," he mused, seemingly more amused by the situation than you. He placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you into the house, the same way that he used to do when you two were dating. You pushed his hand away, deciding to do something safe and place your hand on his arm. Even just from the outside, you could tell that the estate was expensive by the way that the flowers were cut and arranged.
Miguel attempted to include the two of you in others' conversations so as to not appear out of place, but you could tell that the two of you stuck out like a sore thumb. "Maybe if you got rid of that scowl on your face people would be eager to talk to us," Miguel whispered in your ear once the two of you snuck out to get a glass of champagne. You could only glare at him in response, jolting upright as you felt a vibration in your core. Your eyes could practically shot daggers at Miguel as you watched the stupid smirk on his face. "Estate calmada and maybe I'll slow it down," he whispered, turning up the level before walking away. (stay calm)
You excused yourself to the bathroom after five minutes, needing a break from the vibrations in your core. Your panties were covered in your slick when you pulled them down, a sense of relief hitting you once you took them off. You were planning on camping out in the bathroom for a couple minutes, a buzzing sound coming from your phone interrupting your thoughts.
devil spawn: Don't think you're getting out of this so easily
Shocking bastard. You let out a small grumble, taking the opportunity to wipe down the slick dripping down from your thighs before putting the panties back on. The vibrations continued to hit your clit with every movement that you made, the low volume only getting you in a worse mood than you already were. You tried to calm your expression as you walked back over to Miguel, wrapping your hand around his arm to keep up the appearance. "I was starting to think you disappeared, mi amor," he spoke up, introducing you to one of the other collectors in the party.
The vibrations intensified when you stuck your hand out to introduce yourself to the man, your smile wavering by the second. You squeezed your thighs together to help satiate the need you had in between your legs, shaking the man's hand as if nothing was bothering you. He and Miguel got into a conversation about some antiques in Egypt, the man excluding you from the conversation completely. A moan escaped from your lips when you felt the vibrations intensify, quickly covered up with a cough when the man turned to look at you. He looked at you for a couple seconds before shrugging and going back to his conversation with Miguel.
"I'm about to stick this heel up your ass, I swear," you muttered just low enough for Miguel to hear. He rolled his eyes, excusing himself to the man before grabbing your arm and pulling you to the side. "Either we get killed or you just stand there like a good girl and take what I'm giving to you. It's not like you don't deserve it," he responded, raising his hand up with a smile to salute the man despite the bitter tone that he'd used with you. "You're the last person I want to be with right now, so cool it and I might consider stopping the vibrator, hm?" His whisper came out in the most condescending tone possible, taking your arm as he led the two of you back to the man.
A loud clink on a glass interrupted every conversation, silence filling up the room until footsteps were heard. Ammit's avatar presented themselves, thanking everybody for showing up to the event and started to speak about some of the artifacts that would be up for auction tonight. "I’m gonna go and look for the scroll. You're responsible for appearances," you craned your neck to speak up to him, his nod being the only confirmation. You stepped off to the side while everybody was looking away, walking up the white marble stairs as quietly as you could.
You snuck into a couple of the rooms upstairs, unable to find anything before stopping in front of the bookshelf of what you assumed was the master bedroom. You touched around, applying soft pressure to the books to see if there was a trap door behind. "Try Metamorphosis by Kafka," you heard behind you, only to be met with Miguel standing in the doorway. "Right, because you would know," you grumbled to yourself, pulling the book despite your protests. The bookshelf moved to one side, allowing entry to the hidden room behind it. "I'd say I would know," Miguel responded, a cocky grin on his face as he grabbed the book from you and placed it back on the shelf.
You spent the walk down the stairs fuming to yourself, Miguel’s chuckle interrupting you from your thoughts. "For the record, I only know that since he and I used to be friends," he told you as the two of you reached another door at the bottom of the stairs. You opened up the door, gold reflecting off the surfaces as you walked in. You and Miguel separated, deciding to take the room by small sections as the two of you sought out for the scroll. After a couple minutes of searching, Miguel called out to you to tell you that he'd found the scroll.
The two of you were about to walk out of the room and head back to the party when the sound of a walkie talkie came through. "Requesting backup in the master bedroom. There appears to be some intruders," a gruff, male voice spoke into it as he attempted his best to keep his voice hushed. You looked over at Miguel panicked, his eyes darting around the room to figure out an escape plan. He grabbed onto your wrist, pulling one of the artifacts on the shelf to open up a hidden closet in the walls. The two of you clamored inside, attempting to get comfortable in the confined space.
"You're stepping on my shoe," you complained to Miguel, your voice barely above a whisper as you did. "Shut up, you're gonna get us killed," he responded, moving a bit further away from you to get his foot off. The main door opened, loud bootsteps echoing as the men stepped inside. You tried to keep your movements to a minimum, but you couldn't help the fact that you were starting to feel claustrophobic in the space. "Stop moving so much, you're making me uncomfortable," Miguel muttered from behind you, keeping his voice as quiet as he could. "Shut up. You're stressing me out," you hissed back at him, trying to calm yourself down before you ended up getting a panic attack.
Miguel held your hand throughout the process, telling you that you wouldn't be in here for much longer. Your breathing slowed down at the calmness of his words, slowly returning back to normal as you opened and closed your hands. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his auburn ones to see a sense of longing burning inside of them. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his impulsively. You were expecting him to push you away after his initial reaction of shock, but he brought his hand to your waist as he pulled you closer to him. His hand came down to your breast, kneading it to the best of his ability as he continued to engulf your mouth with his.
You pulled away after a couple seconds, seemingly coming back to your senses after listening to the boot steps retreat. You wiped your mouth to try to erase the fact that you'd kissed the man you swore to hate, but the simple fact was that he'd engraved himself into your soul since the first time you met. Miguel pressed a button, the closet door opening to reveal the guards still standing there with their arms by their sides. "Summon the damn suit!" You snapped at him, summoning your own before they got the chance to raise their guns to shoot. The shields protecting your arms managed to cover you as you reached over for one of the guard's guns, hitting him in the head with it.
Your suit was meant more to protect you rather than attack so you were left up to your own devices and agility to defend yourself against the guards. Miguel tossed over one of the moons that rested on his chest to which you used to stab a guard in the neck. Miguel had taken care of most of the guards, leaving them with severe injuries and some dead. You handed the blood stained crescent moon to him, footsteps coming down the stairs as Ammit’s current avatar presented themselves to you two. "I'll distract them and you run," Miguel whispered in your ear, your brows furrowing as you looked at him. "And what about you?" You inquired, feeling slightly worried about how'd he manage. "I'll be fine. You just get out."
The avatar charged straight for you, aware of the fact that you couldn't do much to defend yourself but Miguel tackled them to the ground before they were able to get too close. You hesitated for a moment on leaving him alone before running off back up the stairs. The suit vanished and you were clad in the green dress once more, the blood from the guards dripping down the side of your face. You wiped it away in the spare bathroom, deciding to go back to your apartment before any of the guards caught on to who you were.
"What do you think about him going back to her place?" Hathor spoke up when Miguel finished the fight, glancing over at Khonshu. "Doesn't she hate him?" The bird responded, only making himself visible to the other deity as they plan out their matchmaking. "She only hates him because the thought of loving him is so painful," Hathor mused, watching Miguel get threatened by the avatar. "If you don't kill me, I'll make sure to make your little girlfriend's life a living hell," Ammit’s avatar told Miguel, a fire burning inside of Miguel’s eyes. The pair watched as Miguel practically tore apart the body, blood spilling throughout the marble floor.
"Seems like he's still in love too," Khonshu finally responded, watching as Miguel disposed of the other guards standing in place. "Is there any way for you to delay his healing abilities? Suggest that maybe he seeks her out as a nurse," Hathor suggested, glancing over at her ex lover. "His healing capability isn't at its max tonight. It's a crescent moon, but I'll try to slow down the rate he heals at," he told her, watching as Hathor faded away into nothing. Khonshu spent a couple seconds looking into the empty space where Hathor once was, feeling conflicted about his feelings towards her. "Why am I not healing?" Miguel’s voice broke him out of the trance, giving him the perfect opportunity to strike. "I know of a good makeshift nurse who's willing to help."
A loud knock on your door surprised you, your curiosity getting the better of you as you went to go open it. "I know I said that would be the last favor but I was wondering if you'd patch me up," Miguel spoke up, half of his face covered in blood as he staggered to your front step. You opened the door to let him in, his shoes dragging blood across the welcome mat. You helped Miguel take off the shoes, placing them on the mat before helping him sit down at the dinner table. After wetting a kitchen rag, you grabbed your first aid kit and walked back over to him.
"What happened to the avatar?" You asked him as you wiped down the blood on his face. "You sure you want to know?" He responded, seeming to avoid your gaze as you cleaned him up. "You already did kill those guards so I'm not sure why you're avoiding the topic," you pointed out, grabbing a cotton pad and dipping it in rubbing alcohol. You'd been aware for a while of the fact that Miguel had a kill if necessary rule placed among himself, the lines faltering every so often with Khonshu’s interference. "I guess they found out I had a.. weakness when it came to you and basically said that as long as they were alive, they'd never leave you alone," he finally responded, your eyes widening as you tried to process the information.
"What type of weakness are you referring to?" You finally asked him, bandaging up a cut on the side of his cheek. "You know. No te hagas la tonta," he responded, a small hissing escaping from his lips as he felt the rubbing alcohol seep into the cut. (don’t act stupid) "If I knew I wouldn't be asking," you told him, sitting back down across from him. "The weakness is that I'm still so in love with you that I'm willing to kill anyone that even utters your name in the wrong tone," his answer surprised you, but what surprised you even more is the fact that you didn't feel the supposed hatred you conditioned yourself to feel for him. All you felt was concern for his well-being and maybe, just maybe, a smidge of love for him as well.
"So now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why'd you kiss me back there?" He inquired, leaning over a bit on the table as he looked straight into your eyes. "Something I did out of the moment," you responded, avoiding his gaze as you cleared your throat. "So if I kissed you right now, would you push me away?" The question came out hushed, like he wanted to keep it just for your ears only. You nibbled down on your bottom lip, unwilling to answer him since you knew that you were already starting to feel the initial attraction that you once felt towards him.
He leaned in slowly, giving you the time to back out if you wanted. When he realized that you stayed sitting still, he tilted your chin up and pressed his lips against yours. He started the kiss off slow, sensual enough to get you used to the taste of him once more before his tongue dipped into your mouth. You dug your fingers into his hair, wanting to make up for the past year that he hadn't been around. "See, you say you hate me yet you kiss like you love me. What's up with that?" he mused, pulling away from the kiss as he looked at you. "You never do shut up, huh?"
You led him into your bedroom, guiding him into your bed as you took off the heels you'd worn for the evening. He helped you unzip the dress, the gown pooling down by your feet once he'd finished. "Lemme taste you. could practically smell you dripping back there," he spoke like it physically agonized him that his head wasn't buried between your legs at the moment. You got down on the bed, watching as he made his way down in between your legs. You couldn't help but hide your upper body with the way that he was looking at you, a carnal stare in his eyes. He pushed your hands away, exposing you to him and pinned them down to the bed.
He started off slow, delivering small kisses on your inner thighs before grabbing your panties with his front teeth. His fangs poked out as he pushed down the panties, sliding them off your ankles with his hands. Your arousal from throughout the night glistened on your cunt as you awaited for him to make the next move, your hand grabbing onto his wrist. "Please," you pleaded, his tongue prodding at your hole ever so slightly. "Please what?" He mused, his eyes meeting yours as his tongue collected the slick dripping on your inner thighs. "You know what!" You grumbled, starting to get frustrated from the lack of stimulation to your cunt. “I don't think I know. Think you'll have to tell me, chula."
You let out a small groan, looking down at him to see that he wasn't going to relent without you doing so first. "Please just eat me out already," you muttered, using the lightest tone of voice you could so as to not injure your pride even more. "I don't think I heard you right. Say that again for me, will you?" He responded, a cocky grin on his face as he looked at you. "Please just eat me out!" You exclaimed, his tongue going into your hole right after you finished speaking. He thrust his tongue in and out of your cunt, his nose rubbing up against your clit every time that he moved forward.
He pulled his tongue out of your hole, licking a stripe down from your clit to your folds. You tried to wiggle your hips upward, trying to get more of what he had to give but his hands held your arms in place in what appeared to be an iron grip. "You'll take what I give you and nothing more," he simply said, going back to slurping on your cunt like a starved man. Your ankles dug into the bed as he started thrusting into you faster, his tongue brushing up against your g-spot. "Fuckkk, right there. Keep going," you moaned out, struggling to stay still the longer he kept stimulating that spot.
One of his hands released your arm, drawing lazy circles on your clit as his mouth buried itself into your cunt. The sounds he was making were obscene, slurping you up like you were the finest beverage he could've been offered. Your free hand buried itself into his hair, pushing even further into your cunt as your thighs closed on either side of his head.A loud moan erupted from your throat when the circles on your clit started to get faster, more precise. You started to pull away from him, feeling too overwhelmed by the pleasure that you were receiving but he was quick to pull you back down into his mouth. "My mouth isn't leaving your pussy until you cum all over it, understood?"
All you could do is nod as your legs shook with every movement of his fingers, his head moving from side to side as he busied himself on slurping every drop of slick that you provided. You felt your orgasm approaching you quickly, your hands digging into his hair as a warning. He continued at the same pace he was going, thrusting into the spot that he knew would have you coming all over his mouth in seconds. Your release coated his mouth and chin as he pulled away, his tongue doing quick work not to let any go to waste. He got up and leaned over, pressing his lips against yours. The taste of you and him combined was enough to intoxicate you, a little slice of heaven.
"Get up. I wanna see you on top of me," he told you, your legs seeming to work on his command since you'd already finished standing up by the time he finished speaking. He got down on the bed, his back against the bedframe as he expected for you to come over. You got on the bed, your legs on either side of his as you jerked his cock off with your hand before the two of you got started. You lined up his cock with the entrance of your pussy, your previous orgasm making it much easier for you to sink down on him.
You spread your legs open, your hands pressed against his chest for balance as you forced yourself to go up his cock. While riding was something that you usually didn't mind when it came to him, his cock was too big to the point where you needed him to help you at the end. He took your breasts into his hand, kneading them before leaning in to suck on them. You brought your hand down to his hair, your fingers practically digging into his scalp as you sunk down on his cock once more. "Miguel it hurts. It's been too big," you whined, feeling that all too familiar sting in your thighs. "You can do it, mami. I have trust in you. I'll help you out if things get too hard, okay?"
You somewhat established a rhythm, putting all the force into your thighs as you sunk down to his cock and back up again. You came back down on his cock, the sting in your thighs becoming too prominent that you couldn't ignore it anymore. You buried your head into his shoulder, not willing to admit your defeat to him. "You need my help, chula?" He asked you, his hands coming down to your hips as his feet planted onto the bed. All you could do is simply nod, his hips snapping into yours as his cock pushed itself inside of you.
You were sitting upright as his cock molded itself to your cunt, your walls feeling the stretch with every thrust that he took. Your back arched as the ridges of his cock brushed up against your walls, your cunt squeezing his cock completely. Moans escaped from your mouth as he continued with the harsh pace he was going at, his thrusts deep and unrelenting. "Do you moan for everybody you hate or just me?" He mused, his fingers digging deeper into your hips. "J-just you!" you spoke out, your hands coming up to the headboard as you gripped on. His mouth came to your breasts again, swirling your nipple with his tongue and pulling it with his teeth just the slightest bit.
"For someone who says that they hate me so much, you sure are moaning like a little slut for me," he retorted, a stupid smirk on his face as he brought your chin to look at him. You couldn't help but want to wipe that stupid look of his face, your hand making contact with his cheek as you slapped him. You expected more of a reaction out of him, but all he could do was laugh as the mark of your palm lingered onto his skin. "You're gonna regret that, sweet girl," he whispered, his cock pushing deeper into you as his thrusts sped up. His hand came up to your throat, restricting your airflow just by the right amount.
Your hands came down to his hair, gripping at the strands as he continued to fuck into you. As he thrusted into you, you felt him brush up against your g-spot resulting in a choked up moan erupting from your throat. "Right there! Right there, please don't stop," you didn't know what exactly you were babbling for at this point, only planning to keep him at the angle that he was going for. He chuckled at seeing your fucked out state, his fingers sure to leave bruises on your hips by tomorrow as he tightened his grip on them. His hips snapped up against your ass with every thrust, the room filling up with the combined sounds of your moans and the skin clapping.
His mouth replaced the hand on your neck, kissing the side of it before sucking on the skin. He was planning on leaving you marked up, claiming you as his despite the fact he knew that this wouldn't fix your relationship completely. He let out a small groan as your fingers dig deeper into his scalp, relishing in the feeling of pain mixing with pleasure. "That's it, good girl. Practically milking my cock with the way you're gripping around me," he mused, his thrusts starting to get sloppy as the two of you neared your orgasm. One of his hands came down from your hip to your clit, stimulating the nub to your liking. He rolled his thumb around it, drawing small circles.
"Please let me cum!" you pleaded, his mouth forming into a sadistic smirk while his hand worked on your clit. "I don't think so, you're gonna hold it for that little stunt you pulled. If you cum before I give you permission, just know that there'll be even bigger consequences," he responded, the circles on your clit starting to speed up to match the rhythm he was currently abusing your cunt in. Tears rolled down from your cheeks as you struggled to maintain your composure, feeling like a porcelain doll about to break at any second now. He wiped your tears away with his other hand, sticking his thumb in his mouth while your salty tears coated his tongue.
"Beg me for it and I might consider letting you cum," he spoke, your eyes watering the more that kept teasing you. "Please! I'll be good for you, I promise! Just let me cum!" You sounded pathetic even to yourself, but you couldn't think of anything more than the release he was withholding from you. "Alright, cum for me," he responded, keeping the same pace he'd been going at. Your head arched back as your mouth opened into a 'o' shape, indicating that your orgasm would be any second now. You clamped around him tightly, his cock barely moving inside of you with how hard you had a grip on him. Your arousal coated his cock as you unclenched, your slick coating the insides of your thighs and his.
Ropes of cum shot up inside your cunt a few more thrusts later, your head falling down on his shoulder as you started to come down from the euphoria of his orgasm. You didn't allow yourself to think about the fact that you were supposed to be hating him, simply just thinking about how warm his body felt while it was pressed against yours. You brushed a couple of strands away from his forehead, his cock softening up inside of you. He removed his cock from you slowly, getting up to use the bathroom and get a rag for you.
"So I went to our place back in Cairo, looking for a ring. You don't know anything about that by any chance?" He asked you, putting his pants back on as he was getting ready to leave. "Well I just thought that it would be rude to let it stay there," you responded, reaching over to your nightstand to return it to him. You extended your hand out to him, the ring resting on your palm but he shook his head. "Keep it. There's no one that ring belongs to more than you. Nobody can stand to you. I'll see you next time we have to work together," he told you, leaning over to press his lips on your forehead. All you could do is sit up in your bed and watch as he left, his kiss mark imprinting itself into your mind.
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magicalrocketships · 7 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Oh, I'm sure I've talked about this before but L U C K I L Y I retain zero information, particularly when I'm tired, so this means I get to explain it again.
SO, the plot which I won't ever write because it gets pretty dark and it also requires me to make up an injury (I got the idea from the first series of Chicago Fire, where the dude whose name I've forgotten (no, really, I retain no information anymore) has a life-changing made-up ?neck? injury where he requires surgery and it will take one year+ to recover from the surgery so he self-medicates and then it's miraculously fixed by a dazzling new surgery in one episode after making it an entire plot for an entire season):
Canon divergence somewhere along the way, maybe the pandemic doesn't happen, maybe he never really got as publicly involved in streaming, whatever, but what's key is that Max doesn't have anything really going on outside of racing and it's this year
So Daniel's left RB/Mcl, and Max is focused focused focused on racing and maybe he gets his first world championship a year earlier but whatever happens, he doesn't build that strong sense of home outside of racing (no cats, no partner, no online streaming, just what's becoming an unhealthy focus on racing and winning at all costs)
Then there's an accident. It happens off-track, so it's not a racing incident, and it's not Max's fault. His car gets hit. And Max is injured. He breaks something in his neck (I am assured this injury does not exist in the manner employed by Chicago Fire. For the purpose of this imaginary not-to-be-written fic, it 100% exists).
Max is told he can't race, maybe forever, but likely for at least a year post surgery
(and at this point I'm just going to c&p from the chat fic doc I saved months and months ago, and it's going under a cut with a content warning here for suicidal thoughts, some mention of disordered eating and childhood abuse, look after yourself, pals)
surviving to drive: the max verstappen recovery story (~3k)
Anyway max realises that he has exactly one (1) thing in his life, racing, and it's just come crashing down and he's v emotionally unhealthy as we know and has nothing else going on so when he loses racing he believes there is literally no other reason to keep going plus he's in hospital
anyway daniel ignores all of max's emotionally unhealthy bans on hospital visitors and sneaks in to see him and he's like... "something is very wrong here"
he leaves and max thinks he's chased him away but then daniel comes back later that day and he's like, "you don't have to have the surgery in this hospital, you can have it done in any of these places *presents a list* so pick a place and we'll go there instead"
so yeah they just go somewhere else and daniel rents them a house and just hangs out with a secretly suicidal max who sees precisely no reason to wake up every morning if he's not racing
and daniel has precisely zero idea that max is still here/alive/whatever just because daniel is there every night and every morning and max doesn't want daniel to have to see him like that
ANYWAY max is very clearly not in a good place and his dad sends him messages telling him how he can improve his recovery and get better faster
it becomes more difficult for max to hide the fact that he's alive mostly by virtue of not being dead right now
and he's had the surgery or whatever and he's looking at a 12 month recovery so he's definitely out for the whole of the next season so daniel's like, "It doesn't matter how long recovery takes, take your time" which of course he has precisely zero idea of how to deal with since he's been racing so long and has nothing else in his life
Something happens idk he breaks a glass and Daniel finds him with cut hands and a piece of glass idk and Daniel's like, "a new crisis! I can help with that! this is clearly not something that max has been dealing with daily for weeks now, it's a new thing!"
so he's like, IT'S THERAPY TIME BABY, no more clutching a handful of broken glass and bleeding everywhere, superdaniel is here to help
yada yada finds max a therapist and max HATES IT, HAAAAATES IT, he's uncomfortable and the therapist makes him feel worse and he still wants to like... not be here if he can't race today, he can't wait a whole year
and daniel asks him how it's going and Max lies because why wouldn't he and he's been doing miserable things his entire life that he didn't want to do so what's another thing on top of everything else
meanwhile Daniel's like... hmmmm this is scary Max looks worse
and he sits in on a therapy session and half way through he's like, "nope, we're ending this, sorry, bye, you can have the money for the whole hour but we're never speaking to you again"
points out to Max that that therapist was awful and why didn't Max just tell him how awful it was and how it made him feel
Max, who's never had a choice over anything in his entire life: "..."
anyway he gets max to try another couple of therapists and in the end there's one who is NOT monstrously awful and does not make Max feel like he wants to scratch his own skin off
so Max gets THERAPY and it becomes clear that max's childhood was weaponised beyond belief and he doesn't even know what foods he likes and doesn't like
because he never got a choice and he was always on some kind of food plan that his dad could withhold or not according to how max was doing in every other area of his life
well of course, he gets a whole year of therapy and it turns out his dad was an abusive asshole and he is BLOCKED from Max's phone
and Max has to do things like "make sure his life has more than just racing in it"
so he reads a book
the first one he's ever read
he tries food and tries to figure out if he likes it or if it's just a source of energy he has to eat anyway
he gets a PLANT
anyway whatever he gets therapy and he lives in a house with daniel and is allowed to feel some things because he never really felt anything before
and daniel goes off and does some promo stuff idk and films some shit from the house and max is maybe in the background or something and no one's heard from him in ages and in fandom it's all like MAX IS IN DANIEL'S HOUSE etc
and the drive to survive people get in touch and are like, can we interview you for the series even if you're not on the grid, do some stuff about your recovery etc etc
and max is like... i guess
he's not, like, actively suicidal any more because his life has actual pillars of stuff that isn't just racing
his life isn't just like dependent on one jenga tower of racing with the pieces falling down
like, he can't wait to get back to racing but he's like, six months in to therapy or whatever and he's been living with daniel and it's... nice to just... watch movies with him and eat stuff and play computer games (daniel banned racing games so max has had to... compromise)
and maybe there are some... warm feelings
some best friend shit when he's never had real time for a best friend
some "i could probably spend more time with daniel in a forever kind of a way and not get tired of it" you know
BUT ALSO, daniel blowing up his life for max, he saw max in that hospital room and didn't once question what it would mean to him to step back and just... fuck shit up so that max would be okay
anyway drive to survive team show up and they do a bit of interviewing and it is VERY CLEAR that this isn't a natural fit for an episode because Max has, for once, got some shit to say
so they come back with an idea for a spin off documentary that's just Max and this injury and getting back to driving
because Daniel has kind of been fielding red bull this whole time, saying "he's not racing this year, leave him alone, give him some space", and he's got to go out and talk to them or do some promo stuff with them, whatever, he's going away
Max says the timing is good because he can do the main body of the interviewing about what's come before etc, then Daniel can come back and do his bits
and then the docu team are like, "where do you think you'd be right now if you hadn't crashed" and Max looks at the camera and says, "dead, I think" and the team know they're on to a winner because Max has realised that actually, driving like you don't care if you're alive if you don't win isn't actually okay
anyway Max does the documentary interviews and Daniel comes back and Max tells him he can talk about whatever he wants, it's fine but when the team ask him about helping Max when he realised he wasn't coping, Daniel won't give any details and says it's Max's story to tell and he just wanted to make sure his best friend was okay
not realising that he looks very much in love during this idk
ANYWAY SOME TIME PASSES and they do a bit more documentary stuff and Max is preparing to race again and Daniel is doing some stuff with red bull and he flies out somewhere to do an interview and photoshoot for some magazine or other.
The first clips from the documentary are released and they're on youtube and clipped up for instagram and Max posts them but the first picture is just like, 'this contains discussion of suicidal thoughts' etc
Daniel is preparing for this photoshoot and interview
anyway the first clip is about Max in hospital and they go straight in for the kill, Max saying, "I didn't want to live if I couldn't race.
"I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to speak to anyone, I shouted at the nurses, I just wanted to get somewhere so I could figure out how not to wake up again. And then Daniel walked in.
"He didn't know how bad it was, he didn't know anything specific, but he knew something was wrong and he got me out of there and he brought me here and got my surgery moved. And he didn't know he saved my life that day. He won't know until he sees this. But he saved my life that day."
END OF CLIP ONE, start of clip two
"You were suicidal," the interviewer says
"Yes," Max says. "The only thing that stopped me was that I didn't want Daniel to find me. He'd moved me to a different hospital and he'd rented this place for us so it was close to the doctors, and every day I woke up and he never knew that he kept me alive just by being here."
"But he found out in the end."
"Not how bad it was. Just that it was bad. And he got me help. And when that help didn't work, he got me more help. He's the best friend I've ever had, and I still haven't been able to tell him how bad it got."
end of clip two, start of clip three
except this clip is DANIEL
"I snuck in to see him in hospital. he wasn't doing great. He was kind of lost, and I didn't really know what I could do, but, like, I figured he needed some space so I got him some. Different hospital, different views, nothing to remind him about racing."
"But he was struggling?"
"Yeah," Daniel says. "He struggled. It was hard to see him when he couldn't race. He's my best friend. It was hard when he wasn't doing so well. But he's doing great now."
smile smile etc Daniel being happy
then a final max clip i think
"Do I still have that drive to win? God, yes. I'm going to win. That hasn't changed. I just want to live as well. I want to wake up tomorrow, and the next day, and the one after that, and win."
then a final slide with the documentary logo on and some suicide prevention helplines, idk
ANYWAY imagine Daniel, if you will, at a photography studio about to have pictures taken, crying his eyes out in the toilets because he's just found out Max wanted to die
so Daniel, who is always very professional, entirely bails on both the photo shoot and the interview so he can go home because he needs to see max
and Max lent him his plane because that's a normal thing excessively rich world champions have so it's not a fucking nightmare getting back from... wherever the interview is, somewhere not that far away in europe
and Daniel chooses to respond to Max's documentary clips on instagram
[ASIDE, my beloved friend as I was telling her this over Telegram, in response to that above: WHY????
Me: because this is MY 4am hurt comfort fic baby]
so anyway he makes a text post that just says Max is the bravest and best person he knows, he's fought so hard to be here, and that there hasn't been a day in Daniel's whole entire life that would have been better if Max wasn't here on this planet, and he's so glad he stayed
and then another one which is like, if anyone else feels like they don't want to go on, please stay, people love you, here's some helpline numbers etc
and Max just replies to him with a blue heart
important to understand that this is my four am comfort fic so it is ENTIRELY appropriate that Daniel walks through the door and both hugs him and starts to cry
and Max hugs him back but does not cry because Max has broken through a lot of shit in therapy but he is not a crier
but he IS accidentally in love with Daniel
and Max makes some Choices in his life, as Daniel does, but this choice involves touching Daniel's cheek and glancing at his mouth and then up at Daniel and Daniel kind of nodding and then there is a KISS
which is badly timed really considering that today has been very emotional and Daniel is still crying and has been travelling etc and they've never actually addressed any of this
so Daniel needs a moment and he goes into the bathroom to stare manfully into the mirror and wash his hands and face and when he comes out Max doesn't let him say anything, just launches into a multi point in-person powerpoint about how they should be together
[my friend: maxplaining his way into a relationshippp]
which Daniel, it turns out, entirely agrees with, but he's really kind of emotionally burnt out right now and would really just like a hug and a sit down, so he tells Max yes, of course, but could they just talk about it later and hug right now
How good is Max at listening to instuctions to stop talking?
not marvellous it turns out but daniel kind of likes it when max gets enthusiastic about stuff
even if the stuff in this case is a multipoint argument in favour of them being quite gay together
OH OH OH now we skip forward a bit
to when Max is racing again
first or second race out there for red bull
and daniel is kind of tied to red bull again
anyway Max WINS
hurray etc he's a conquering hero with a recovered broken neck
so once he's out of the car idk he's done the bit with the team and he spies daniel and goes over to hug him, which the cameras in general love, and then he goes off to do some kind of next step celebratory thing, cool-down room, whatever
only partway there he's like... um
has a feeling, one or two, you know the kind of thing
max hasn't historically been very good at feelings
or healthy choices
but anyway, he decides to act on this one, which is to go back to where Daniel is, and kiss him
which is as much of a surprise to daniel as it is to the whole of the media who are still around to film him
and then Max just turns back around and heads for the podium, so there's a very nice accidental shot of Daniel, afterwards, just smiling and ducking his head and touching his thumb to his lip
which turns into a very popular gif
for reasons
Anyway!! there is a LOT of discussion about Max losing his edge now his focus is not only racing
the documentary talks a lot about Max's childhood abuse and limited food intake etc etc but doesn't mention his dad by name
Daniel races again somehow but probably not in the fic
daniel ends up losing some bet or other and has to do a computer game live stream from his living room of some cosy game idk and the whole thing is interupted by max just living his life in the background
max getting up and sleepily saying morning, max going for a run and kissing him hello, max going in and out of the sim, idk, the two of them making weird noises at each other because they still do that
OH I forgot they buy a house together like immediately after getting together
somewhere green again and it's in both their names because they've lived together for a year already and whatever
and still don't tell anyone they're together even though red bull has them residing at the same address
and ZERO people realise until after the kiss on screen
and obviously the docu clips suggest they've been staying together
and Max gets to say to Christian that they literally own a house together when he expresses some degree of surprise at kissing in public
not their fault no one noticed
Forgot to say that max and Daniel get filmed driving about and max stalls his car and doesn’t know if he likes olives and maybe they forget they’re being filmed
And also that when the documentary finally airs all its eps Netflix on Twitter are like “lol bet you can’t figure out which bits we filmed after they got together and which were before because we certainly can’t, lol”
And Daniel’s in the comments, like “do I get a prize if I get it right”
He gets 9/10 clips right but no one but max knows
Anyway when they buy their house max has zero shits to give about the decor so daniel just gets a decorator in and the only thing max wants is a fancy catio for when they’re not there and his new cats want to go outside
Daniel arranges this because he’s a sucker for max.
anyway that's general plot of surviving to drive: the max verstappen recovery story, the end.
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sidthedollface2 · 2 months
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A Crown fit for a God  (Part 5)
Part 4
Pairing: Azriel x Fem Reader
Ch Summary: Elain tries to hold on to whatever relationship she and Azriel have left. Will he submit to her desires? Or seek you out instead?
You accidentally discover what the inside of a cell looks like. 
word count: 4.3k
Ch warnings: SA (groping, not graphic and no p in v), thoughts of murder, drugging, cheating (don't worry), slight pregnancy talk. 
Series warnings: 18+ MDNI, SMUT,  mentions of SA, angst, hurt/comfort, war, murder including injuries, fighting, no use of y/n, nicknames, magic, greek mythology, pining, jealousy, soft Az with a little temper, azriel with other women (sorry), reader with another man (get it friend ; )
A/n: I had something totally different planned but decided to take this little detour. Lol. I believe after this chapter we will see more of Azriel and reader interactions. I think. Idk. maybe. I'm a daydreamer not a writer so if you see any mistakes that's how I dreamt it. Lol
The following day Lucien had gotten into a fight with Eris, what was at first a screaming match turned physical, as fists flew left and right. Both males stubborn in their decision, Lucien adamant that he already had planned to run away with you to the Spring Court and Eris tried to explain that a life on the run was no life at all. He promised Lucien you’d be well taken care of and that you’d be a wonderful High Lady when the time came. “No! I’d rather die than watch her marry you.” Lucien roared, angering his brother even more. “We will leave in two days' time and you will not seek us out.” Two days. Eris had two days to figure out how to make you stay.  
If Eris was to be the next High Lord he’d have to do dishonorable things to get what he wanted. This was the first of many. “Gods forgive me for what I'm about to do,” he whispered to himself as he mixed the sex pollen into the cake batter. He placed the round tins in the oven, just like his mother had shown him many times before. Once the cake was frosted and decorated he hand delivered it to an old friend he hadn’t seen in a long while. 
Once again Azriel watched as you walked away, a lone shadow ordered to follow and keep you  safe trailing behind you. Shame filled his guilty heart. He had never acted this way before, not with Mor or Elain or any other female he had in his bed. It was foolish to judge you when he’s had more than enough partners in the 500 plus years he’s been alive.   
Was he going to apologize by fetching you contraceptive tea from The Night Court, so you could sleep with someone else, while he pinned after you? 
Yes. Yes he was, and he certainly wasn't thrilled about it. 
The following morning you stumbled upon a small box on the front steps of your cottage; adorned in navy wrapping paper and secured with a golden bow. A small note was attached along with a violet flower, its stem carrying bulb-like flower buds waiting to bloom and berries as black as the midnight sky. You recognized the plant as Nightshade. 
My Queen of Death,
 I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive my ignorance. I'm ashamed that I've allowed my jealousy to transpire into hurtful words. Words that no female should ever hear and I truly apologize for judging your actions when my own are not very admirable. I realize that actions speak louder than words and I aim to show you just how sorry I am.  
Yours, Azriel
A small smile pulled at your lips as you unraveled the bow and looked inside the box. Three jars of finely crushed herbs, each labeled individually accompanied by a beautifully crafted infuser were neatly placed within the box. Along with healing salves for your wounds, and seeds to grow your own Nightshade. 
“What is that Fawn?” you didn’t hear as Eris winnowed to the cottage, his glare immediately finding the gift box in your hands. You had two options: lie and say it's just tea from a merchant or tell the truth and enrage the future heir. You were no coward, “It’s contraceptive tea from The Night Court,” you declared with not a hint of hesitation. Eris clenched his hands in a fist, taming the lingering flame that threatened to burst free in his rage. His nostrils flared in distaste for your actions. You knew the plan was to pretend to marry Eris and produce an heir, granting his fathers wishes. Somewhere along the way those pretend lies blurred into truth, at least for Eris. 
“Who did you get the tea from?” he asked, deeply inhaling the air around him, scenting for another male. Thank the Gods you had glamoured your scent, “My friend gifted it to me.” 
“You don’t have friends, I need a name now!” He seethed, clenching his jaw in anger.
You scowled at him, turning your back to him with the gift in your hands, heading back into the cottage. When he suddenly reached over, snatching the note from your hand. 
“My Queen?” He questions, reading over the note in a mocking tone and a furrowed brow, “your Azriel?” Eris smugly chuckles, "My Gods he really does know how to work the females doesn’t he? He doesn’t want to be your friend Fawn, he just wants to fuck you. I bet that's the reason he got jealous wasn't it?” He states, crumbling the note in his fist and setting it on fire with his magic. When he opens his fist again a small amount of ash floats to the ground. 
Eris had done what he always does. Place doubt in your mind that no one would ever want you more than a fuck buddy and no one has ever been friends with a Death God. The others were locked away in the prison, the weavers cottage, and the lake. Soon enough the other High Lords would come to know of you and your powers and lock you away like the rest. 
“You're right, but I still want the tea.” 
Eris stalks closer, taking the gift from your hands, “I’ll get you some new tea. This one probably has sex pollen in it. You can never trust the males of The Night Court. I’ve already told you, they share their females. And you're too precious to share.” 
Eris throws the box over this shoulder, setting it aflame before it even hits the ground. 
He wraps his arm around your shoulder, walking you inside the cottage, “Mother requests you at the Forest House. She wants you to wear a dress to Helion's celebration.”
Azriel thought about your last words to him and it hurt him to admit you were right. No one had ever loved him. At least not as deeply as your love for Lucien. He wondered what your love would feel like. Would it be as fierce as you were, with power surging through your veins? Were you a hopeless romantic where you’d hold his hand and kiss him in the middle of the street on the rainiest day of the year? With how he was acting, that idea seemed so far off. So far each encounter with you was met with his illyrian ways of being a territorial, possessive, jealous male. He was man enough to admit he was jealous, Lucien had a piece of your heart, if not now then before. He had no right to be jealous, he was sleeping with Elain afterall. A situation he needed to end once and for all.
His curiosity was heavy enough to seek out the male and question the depths of the relationship. Not long after he landed back in Velaris, he found himself knocking on Lucien's apartment door, hoping to catch up. 
Lucien opened the door and he immediately regretted it. He wasn’t exactly fond of the illyrian who had been sleeping with his mate. Knowing very well Azriel’s appetite for beautiful females. He’d figure once he grew bored of Elain he’d find another female to bed and another and another, leaving those poor females a shell of their former selves. Lucien had no patience for small talk and he wasn't exactly interested in what the shadowsinger had to say, “whatever it is, I don’t care.” Lucien moved to close the door in Azriel’s face, unamused with the sudden visit.
“Wait!” Azriel pleaded, hand splayed over the door that was about to close on him. “I’m not here to talk about Elain, I’m ending it with her today. I’m here to talk about Khaos.” Lucien sighed, letting the shadowsinger enter his apartment. “Is she safe?” Lucien's worried eyes scanned Azriel for any hint of deception. “Yeah, she's safe, I just wanted to know how she was with you and now Eris. More importantly, what happened between you two? ”
Azriel walked over to Lucien's couch, Mid bend to make himself comfortable, “don’t sit. I don’t plan to entertain you,” Lucien spat, crossing his arms over his chest. Azriel let the weight of his body plop down on the couch, arms stretched wide across the back cushion. His unwavering stare indicating he would get the answers to his questions. Lucien gritted his teeth in annoyance, “ I’m not telling you shit. What happened between us, remains between us.” 
Azriel nodded, understanding his hesitancy to give any details regarding a former lover, “It’s just that I’d like to get to know her bett-”
“Haven’t you had your fill?" Lucien interrupted with a scowl, “must you take every female that I love?” He scoffed. “You don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as her.” 
There it was, his opening. Exactly what he was hoping for. Azriel didn’t hesitate in prodding further. 
“If you loved her, why did you leave?” 
Lucien shook his head, running his hand through his long locks, “No, not past tense. I still do. I’ll always…” Lucien swallowed, he couldn’t finish that sentence, it hurt too much. Azriel narrowed his eyes, Gods, he still loved you he thought to himself. He knew his next words would reopen a healed wound, but he needed more.  “You love her so much you let Eris fuck her too.” Azriel internally flinched at how tasteless the statement was. 
Lucien winced at the Shadowsingers clear attempt to rile him up, those crude words grating against his heart, “Get out!” 
Azriel smirked and threw his mud covered boots on top of the coffee table, rattling the few cups that lingered. Crossing his legs at the ankle, “the faster you tell me what I want to know, the faster I'll leave.” 
Lucien rubbed the space between his brows and let out an annoyed groan. His gaze fixed on a burgundy cloak that was thrown over an armchair. A cloak that once belonged to you, after all these years he still held onto it. Lucien's eyes glazed over in sadness as he recalled the reason he left, “after my father wished for Eris to court her, I tried to take her away to The Spring Court so we could be together. I went to our friend Jesminda's house to say my goodbyes. She invited me in for cake and tea, one thing led to another and I made the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn't tell her, so I left for Spring alone. ”
“You cheated on her?” Azriel asked. 
Lucien nodded, clearing his throat from the knot of emotion that threatened to break free. 
“You’re a fucking coward,” Azriel glared as he stalked towards the door, “she thinks the world of you and you couldn’t even tell her of your betrayal.” 
He opened the door to the apartment, leaving Lucien to sulk in misery,
“You said I don't deserve her, but it’s you who doesn't deserve a place in her heart. I’ll make sure she knows of your cowardice and infidelity.” 
Azriel slammed the door behind him and as he walked away he heard the cries of a wounded fox, shattered to pieces by a guilty conscience.  
You stood in front of a full length mirror, its reflection one you didn't recognize. Your eyes lacked the stars that once circled your pupils, your once moon like orb was no longer crisp and bright. No longer did you look like a God that brought blood and gore to those who deserved a painful death. How did the Goddess of Life succumb to a female with nowhere to go but beside her betrothed. To obey his every wish with a smile on your face. Only speak when spoken to and never voice the thoughts that lingered beyond those of dresses and motherhood.
Was your life to be on your back while Eris spilled his seed inside you, producing heir after heir until your very womb decayed. “Aos? Which color would you like the dress?” you shook your head, riding yourself from your detached thoughts. You met the eyes of Auren through the mirror, a seamstress tasked with measuring you for Helion’s Celebration. “Blue would look lovely, Thank you Auren.” 
“The Prince is wearing a deep cadmium red, it be wise to match with the future heir.” Auren explained as she struggled to wrap the measuring tape around your waist, placing her finger against your body, noting the inch at which her finger fit snugly against your skin. “Make it a royal blue Auren, it reminds me of home.” 
Her heavy breathing took you out of your thoughts and your eyes widened at her swollen belly, the reason for her struggle to reach around you. “Oh Auren, I didn’t realize. It’s not polite to comment-” 
“It’s alright really, just got harder to bend and move,” she laughed, rubbing her round stomach soothingly. You beamed as she cradled the life that was growing inside her. A warmth so familiar bloomed inside you. You knew all too well the reason pregnancy was difficult in the fae lands, ever since you fell from the sky procreation had severely diminished. Not forgotten or misplaced just pointless in a cruel world. You couldn't say you had nothing to do with it, you had everything to do with creation. So it was quite a shock to see Auren pregnant, “a miracle really. Congratulations Auren, you make a wonderful mother.” 
“It’s always been a dream of mine. Thank the Gods for this fertility tea.” She took a sip from her cup and as she set it down you glanced inside, “whole nuts?” you questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Mhmm, it tastes gritty when they’re crushed down to a powder.” She grimaced as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 
Weekly dinners with the Vanserras, you were served tea.
It couldn’t be. 
It was.
You paled. 
At dinner everyone moved around you carrying their conversations like you weren’t slowly dying inside. Like you were invisible. You sat unmoving, hands clasped within your lap as you burned a hole into the mug that accompanied your dessert. How long had you been drinking that tea? How long were you going to pretend to be Eris' lover? How long were you going to put on this mask of compliance and docility, when in reality you could rip the flesh from their bones with a blink of an eye. Slaughter each and every member of the Vanserras without a single ounce of remorse.
The more you dwelled on it the more plausible it seemed. Yes, you’d remove them all at once with the snap of your finger. Each death exactly the same as the next, painful in the way they’ve caused pain to others. No, tortuous. Starting with the slow removal of each fingernail, pulled directly from the nailbed followed by severing each finger until nothing remained of their hands but a bloody useless paw. You wouldn't stop there. Next you’d remove their feet below the ankles, better yet, below the knee, so that to move they'd need to drag their meat sack of bones across all the painful textures of the land. Each and every pull against the earth would reopen thin healed skin, leaving trails of crimson blood mixed with pus and torn flesh.
The cries of a once feared family would bring their citizens out only to shriek, and gasp in horror at the sight of the disfigured thing. As a mercy you’d allow them to keep their eyes and ears so they’d hear each vulgar degradation aimed at how mutilated and disgusting they looked, visualize the moment they made someone so ill all that could be done was vomit the contents of their stomach. No one would pin it on Eris if he was among the deformed. Though you weren’t so cruel, they did help you somewhat. Provide you with shelter, food, all the means that you’ve needed to survive thus far. Asphyxiation would be painless, you smirked.
Eris placed a panicked hand to the base of his throat, glancing around the table at his family; he noticed their glossy widened eyes. Their mouths hung open in a silent scream, opening and closing like a fish out of water, gasping for a breath of air. Utensils clattered to the ground as Lord Beron attempted to stand only to stumble clenching the table cloth for fear of falling. Eris’ amber gaze landed on your morbid stare. Eyes cloudy and pale with the promise of death in their unfocused glare.
The room spun round and round although he remained seated, knuckles white from gripping the wooden table. He felt himself slowly losing consciousness, the lack of oxygen to his brain pulling him under, a swipe across his nose made him nearly pass out as he felt blood drip down, coating his lips. Eris chanced one last look into the soul of beautiful death and found your lifeless eyes already claiming his beating heart. 
With a last ditch effort to reclaim his soul he struggled through the pounding inside his head. Placing a trembling hand against your thigh, conjuring the remaining power he had into a lick of flame. Burning against your thigh brought your thoughts back to dinner. Those heterochromia eyes morphed into the vibrant colors of the galaxy with a single blink. The sharp inhale of air surrounded the table as your mind released them from the claws of death's grip. “Must be the tea,” you challenged, voice dripping with insolence as your cold eyes met those of Lord Beron. “We’ve been poisoned!” Eris's younger brother Janus reported, pouring out his cup of tea showcasing the darkened goop that splattered to the ground. Eris’ gaze traveled from the cup to you and back again. A look of shock and hurt in the way he studied your indifference. Once everyone cleared the dinner table, Lord Beron ordered the guards to sweep the halls for a breach and check the tea imports for tampering. 
You made your way to your bed chambers when a rough hand tightly gripped your arm; shoving you against the stone walls with enough force to knock the sense out of you. Lord Beron lowered his mouth to your ear so no one else could hear his vile words. “If I have to chain your legs apart and force him on you, so be it! But you will let Eris fuck a babe into your pathetic cunt!” He snarled, voice dripping with the rot that plagued his evil soul. You stared at the grip he had on your arm, a bruise in the shape of fingertips already forming around your bicep. 
“Threaten me all you want-"
The back of Lord Berons palm landed across your cheek with an audible slap, whipping your face so hard you stumbled to the floor. Your fingertips sparked with electric current, adrenaline running through you, tempting you to act, to destroy everyone that got in your way. And Lord Beron would be the first to witness your fury. Defiantly, you stood to meet his stare, chin held high with pride, “I bow to no High Lord.” 
Lord Beron didn’t bother to strike you as he signaled for a guard to escort you below. Where they kept their murderers, thieves, and those that needed a reminder of who their High Lord was. Lord Beron didn’t know how powerful you were since you kept most of your magic to yourself and those close to you, so it came as a shock when a stainless steel collar dipped in faebane was locked around your neck, made to look like a simple necklace with the only key belonging to High Lord Beron. 
You were dragged down the cold halls farther than you knew existed, down a spiral of stone steps, passed the cells that housed the criminals of Autumn and last through a hidden wall disguised as an unassuming bookcase. Your heart rate spiked as you realized this area was one you had never seen before and it worried you that maybe that was the point. You tried to summon your magic despite the collar releasing its poison onto your skin, but with nowhere to release the rage, the opposite happened. Your power turned to its host and acted like a sedative, pulling you into a sleep-like state. 
In your near-unconsciousness you didn’t feel the rough hands of a guard help himself to the curves of your body, groping your breasts and grabbing your ass before he kneeled at your feet, shackling your legs apart just as Lord Beron promised. The guards were instructed to not penetrate you but that didn’t stop them from standing around your cell to gawk and fist their needy cocks to the sight of your spread pussy. 
Azriel breathed a sigh of relief as he entered his room. A welcoming comfort no one could grant him, except perhaps you. 
He neared his four poster bed, large enough for his wings and a lover or two. Just as he was about to throw himself onto its pillowy top a sweet scent engulfed him. Too sweet for his liking and definitely not your scent.  As he looked to the illuminated light escaping the bottom of the  bathing room; Elain emerged from a cloud of steam, casting her in a hazy glow. Azriels eyes trailed the length of her nude body, drops of water tracking down her thin legs.
Azriel couldn't deny what a beautiful female she was, both inside and out. He was lucky to have been with her no matter how short their fling was about to be. What Elain assumed was lust in Azriels eyes was actually reflection. Seeing her bare before him reminded him of what she offered time and time again. Her physical body. He knew that's not all she had to offer, deep down she had goals to be met and hobbies that he didn't understand, but physical intimacy is what she offered to him.
Azriel couldn't believe he had gotten to the point where sex was no longer enough. He wanted more. He wanted it all. He wanted that body, mind and spirit love. A soul connection so deep not even death would be able to pry his heart away. He felt it in his bones that that connection was not with Elain, so he’d decided now was as good a time as any, to let her go. 
Without another glance Azriel walked to his closet, which held an assortment of her clothes. He pulled out her favorite pink robe, and draped it over her shoulders. Elain took the hint and tied the robe around her body at the waist, covering her completely. The act alone brought her to tears as his rejection flooded her with shame and embarrassment. 
“Who is she?” Elain muttered, crossing her arms over her stomach in an attempt to hold herself together. Azriel shook his head, a soft sigh leaving his lips. 
“Did you sleep with her?” 
“No. I wouldn't do that to her - to you,” he shook his head, “I wouldn't do that to you.”
“Do you want to sleep with her?” Elain asked with a wobble in her throat, not sure if she could handle his answer. 
Azriel turned his back on Elain and placed his hands on his hips. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he hung his head. Yes, he did want to bed you, but more than anything he wanted to hear the sound of your soft breathing as you slept nestled against his chest. He wanted to trace the beauty marks along your back and see how many constellations adorned your soft skin. 
“Yes! Is that what you wanted to hear? He snapped.
“NO! I want to hear that you love me, not that you want to fuck someone else!” Elain sobbed, her tears freely flowing down her cheeks. “It’s her isn't it? The one you’ve been looking for all these years? The female you said I shouldn't worry about?” Elain continued to wipe away her tears. 
“I never meant to hurt you, and for that I’m sorry. If there's a chance that she’s who's destined for me then I have to explore that. You know how much I want what my brothers have, that special someone made for me!” Azriel sat on the edge of the bed, running his hands through his wavy hair. 
“I thought I was made for you Az?” 
A scoff leaves Azriels lips, “you were made for Lucien, he's your mate Elain, not me.” 
Elains stunned silent. The truth of his words piercing her fragile heart, “but I chose you.” 
“And I’m choosing her.” 
“Azriel, she's a Death God,” she pleads, kneeling in front of him with her hands on his knees, “she’s threatened Velaris and Rhys hates her. You met her one time as a child. You don’t know her!” she yelled, hurt laced in her words as she tried to make sense of his actions.
“I want to get to know her!” Azriel yelled back, standing abruptly from his position on the bed, making Elain stumble slightly, catching herself with her palms on the floor. 
“I’m sorry, this thing between us. It was never –”
Azriels shadows interrupt him as they swarm the room, darting erratically from side to side in alarm. Goosebumps form along his arms as they whisper in his ear, ‘In trouble, hurry.’ Azriel didn't need to ask who was in trouble. Somehow he could feel your despair in the pit of his stomach. You needed him and he would go to you. However far you were, he would walk miles to reach you, fly through the toughest storms to be by your side. Risk his own life if it meant you’d survive to see another day. Without another word he raced out of the house, leaving a broken hearted Elain to pick up the pieces of her fractured heart. He couldn’t be there for her any longer, not when his heart was calling out for you. 
A/n:  I’ve had a crazy week with my daughter being sick and planning her birthday party. I expect the next ch to take me some time. As always thank you so much for reading and for your sweet comments.  
Taglist: @blackgirlmagicforever @going-through-shit @dr4g0ngirl @mybestfriendmademe @isa1b2h3 @julesofvolterra @scooobies @thisblogisaboutabook @lilah-asteria @glitterypirateduck @acourtofbatboydreams @5onedirection5
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cr--books · 11 months
What are we Natasha
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Hurt/comfort : being used, jealousy, swearing, only being used for sex, G!p natasha, clingy yelena...idk wha else
Natasha and me had been sleeping together for a while, yeah that's all sleeping together, she'd cum and then get dressed and leave, if she was mad she'd fuck me and then leave for a day or two
I was getting tired of it, I was not a fucking toy so I started ignoring her, if she came into a room I got up and left, if she tried to come to my room I'd have Jarvis tell her i was out
"Hey, дорогой" Yelena wrapped her arms around me as I cooked eggs
"Hey beautiful" I kissed her cheek, Yelena was only affectionate with me and Kate, when she gets comfortable god damn
We were in a meeting and Yelena was growing tired so she picked me up and put me on her lap, oblivious to Natasha being held back by clint everytime she touched me
It had been almost a week since I started ignoring Natasha, I spent most of my time with Yelena she taught me how to make perfect mac and cheese
Nat's POV:
Y/n had been ignoring me for a fucking week, she had spent every waking moment with my fucking sister shes probably fucking her the slag
Its not as if I give a fuck about her I just dont think my sister wants my seconds, me and y/n had been friends with benefits for a while before she just stopped talking to me, which hurt a lot I loved her and she dropped me for my sister
No fuck that I'm done with her not talking to me, I gave her enough space I want to know why she isnt talking to me anymore
"Goodnight lena" y/n whispered giggling as she left my sisters room before she walked to the elevator her floor being the same as mine just above yelenas
I was hiding in the elevator where she couldnt see me, she was wearing booty shorts and a black tshirt her hair was up in a pony tail with her bangs out
Once she walked in the elevator I grasped her waist before she could walk out, I pushed her against the wall pressing floor 9
"Why are you ignoring me, detka" she squirmed in my grasp
"Because I am not a toy for you to play with when your lonely or horny I am not an object for you to take your anger out and leave me to clean myself, when have you ever gave me after care natalia, WHEN" She screamed tears coming out of her eyes, she brought a hand to wipe her tears
"Fuck" I leaned on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her bringing her into a hug, "detka I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just thought, fuck, that you were okay I didnt even think about how you'd feel, I baby I'm sorry please give me another chance I csnt stand to be without you, I fell inlove with you it hurts watching you with Yelena" I pressed small kisses to her neck and shoulder
" shes my friend natty" she whispered back, "she's really funny and actually is nice to me instead of using my body, the only compliment you ever gave me was, "fuck I love how tight you are" that's all" she whimpered
"I'm sorry baby, you just make me feel so good and I dont know how to Express myself" I kissed her forehead, "come on let's cuddle okay" she nodded and I picked her up carrying her to my room
"Dont worry baby girl, I'll make it up to you"
Part 2
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
Hiii if it’s okay, can I request a jj x pogue!reader? Where they are in a secret relationship.. but right before a kegger they get into a fight and ignore each other, then a girl starts flirting with jj and he fake flirts back to make the Pogues not suspicious about your relationship but reader gets insecure and thinks jj is honest with his flirting and she gets upset, walks away idk, you can think of the ending haha hope this makes sense 😊
okay YES i love this so much omg.
tysm for sending this to me! i'm honoured that you trusted me with this and i hope it's what you pictured!
requests are open! send me something here.
join my taglist here
proving a point - (j.m)
pairing: jj x pogue!reader
warnings/tags: strong language, alcohol consumption/abuse, established (secret) relationship, that's p much it??
wc: 1.9k
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"Christ, JJ! Since when do you give a shit how much I drink? At an actual party?" You yell, dropping your hands from where they were rubbing the sides of your head in frustration.
"Since I had to drag you out of the driver's seat of your shitty car that's hardly drivable in the best of times! Fuck, like, I just don't want you to kill yourself or get arrested if I'm not babysitting you for five fucking seconds! I don't think I'm being crazy, here!" Your boyfriend shouts back, leaving you both staring at each other in his messy and quiet living room.
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest. "Why's it matter to you so much anyways? Not like we have any points to prove, right? God forbid we show our friends we care about each other- that we love each other. That would just be too much, wouldn't it?"
JJ rolls his eyes, taking off his hat and turning it back the way he always does when he's about to do something risky, in the way that usually makes your heart skip a beat. This time it just makes your anger spike. "You're right. Fuck it. I'll mind my business, you black out and drive into a tree. Hit another car and kill the driver. See if I give a fuck."
"I'm not gonna drive to the boneyard, JJ. You're so fucking dense sometimes- seriously! John B is driving all of us, do you actually think I'm stupid enough to steal the Twinkie?" You retort, gesturing with one arm in the general direction of where John B's house is.
"Sometimes, yeah!" JJ laughs dryly, nodding at you.
"Oh, right. Gotcha." You nod sarcastically. "Is that why we can't tell them? Are you embarrassed because your girlfriend is stupid and gets drunk at parties? Please- I'd love to know."
"That's not why and you know it, Y/N." JJ rolls his eyes, pacing the living room now.
"Whatever you say. I'll see you tonight." You mumble, heading for the door and slamming it behind you.
You trudge your way out to your car and drive off, fighting back the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. He didn't mean that. He couldn't have.
By the time John B arrives with the rest of your friends to pick you up on the way to the boneyard, you've managed to down three drinks to get a good buzz going before you have to see JJ again. Putting on your brave face as you close your front door behind you, you smile as you approach the van, and the back door slides open, revealing Pope and Kie in the back.
"Y/N!" Kie grins, moving over to give you some room.
"Hey, guys!" You smile, closing the door behind you as John B is already peeling out. You steady the drink in your hand, making very brief eye contact with JJ over his shoulder in the passenger seat. His eyes landing on the drink in your hand don't go unnoticed as Kie and Pope continue the conversation you were assuming they were having before you jumped in.
It isn't long after you arrive that there are kids from all over the island at the kegger, sharing drinks and yelling listening to distant music with a big bonfire raging on the sand. You sway a little with your arm placed over Kie's shoulder, both trying to steady yourselves as you talk with some other pogues you don't see very often between everyone's busy work schedules.
"Hey, wait, you guys are close with Maybank, right?" The blonde girl standing in front of you asks, attempting to whisper but the alcohol in all of your systems is preventing it.
"Yeah." You nod, looking around for him, spotting him by the fire.
"Is he single still?" She asks, and you try to suppress a laugh. Luckily, Kie isn't able to stop hers for a completely different reason.
"That hot mess? Of course he is." Kie laughs, reaching out and tapping the girl's shoulder playfully. "You're funny."
You bite your tongue, actively fighting against the glare you want to give her. You disguise it by laughing awkwardly along with Kie.
"Oh my god, how? He's so hot, are you kidding?" She giggles, shaking her head at you guys.
"Well, you don't know him like we do." You say, shrugging a little and hoping she doesn't pick up on the bitterness in your tone. She doesn't even have a shot- you're confident of that much. You and JJ love each other, even if you fight sometimes. You'll make up within the week, just like last time.
"Well, it's worth a shot." She laughs and Kie nods, pointing JJ out to her in the crowd.
The girl asks you to wish her luck as she walks off, adjusting her shirt and pulling it down slightly as she walks over to him. You bite your tongue to keep yourself from grinding your teeth together. "Kie, wanna go watch this trainwreck?" You ask, leaning into her like you're joking and she nods.
"Oh, god, yes." She laughs, and the both of you cling onto each other as you walk your way over, keeping enough distance so the girl JJ is now talking to doesn't catch on that you're listening. They're not alone, there's loads of people around, including John B and Pope who were already at JJ's side, just watching as the girl leans into your boyfriend and he drapes his arm over her shoulder, leaning down to listen closely to what she has to say.
"What are you drinking?" She asks him, tilting her head to look into his cup and then back up at him.
"Just beer." He shrugs. "Why, you want to try it? Might be a little strong for you." He teases her, making you tense up.
"Oh, please." She giggles, grabbing the cup from him and downing it, tossing the cup on the ground.
"Fuck the beaches, I guess." You mutter to Kie, who also looks displeased at her actions. You need Kie to know you're upset- to take your side even if she doesn't really know what's going on.
"That's gross." Kie says, a sour look on her face now.
"Damn, you're a crazy one, aint'cha?" JJ says, squeezing her shoulders before dropping his arm down her back, grabbing her by the waist. With his friends keeping a close eye on him, he doesn't want them to suspect anything. He finds it hard enough as it is to keep his hands off you in front of them in the soberest of times, forget when either of you have been drinking. He's coping by convincing himself it's you under his arm, not this random girl he's only entertaining to prove a point to any prying eyes. Which, unfortunately, happens to be yours.
"I... I've gotta go. Uh.. yeah." You say,  wiggling out from Kie's grasp and stumbling off down the beach, struggling to make distance with your shoes in the thick sand.
Maybe he did mean it when he said that he thinks you're stupid. Maybe he is embarrassed- and maybe this is his immature way of showing you that you're done. That you're not worth it anymore.
"You okay?" Kie calls after you.
"Just have to pee." You make a quick excuse, not looking back to make sure she doesn't see that you're so visibly upset. JJ saw, however.
You make it up to where John B parked the Twinkie, the back packed with sleeping bags and random blankets and pillows in case any of you couldn't bum a ride home with someone else.
You find yourself shaking as the world spins around you and you polish off your cup, collapsing back against the far side of the vehicle and sliding down, curling your knees up to your chest as your body is wracked with your sobs. You can't stop it now. You've lost the boy you knew was the love of your life- who you thought was the love of your life.
You let yourself cry, comfortable enough with your drunkenness and distance from the party that no one can hear you as you crush the plastic cup in your hands, shaking and trying to ground yourself. 
You eventually drop the cup, resigning to burying your face in your hands.
"Baby?" Your head snaps up when you hear a familiar voice, and when you open your eyes JJ is kneeling in front of you, reaching for your wrists to pull your hands away from your face. "Y/N/N, hey, c'mere..." He says, his tone soft and comforting despite what you just saw.
"I saw you, J! I saw that! You can't-" You sniffle, wiping your nose on your sleeve. "You can't come here and act like we're not done."
"What? Baby, no, it's not like that- I just, I didn't want the boys to see me shove her off they'd ask questions. You know me." JJ chuckles a little at the end, trying to cheer you up but failing miserably. "I'm sorry. Hey, look at me. I'm sorry, I took it too far. We're not done, I love you, you know that." He says seriously, locking eyes with you and rubbing your wrists with his thumbs.
You shake your head, laughing slightly. "No- this is my fault, I'm being stupid." You insist. "It's fine, JJ. I get it."
"Shit." He sighs, dropping his head defeatedly. He knows you. He knows how you internalize things and he knew as soon as he said it earlier in the day that he would regret his impulsive answer when he said he thought that sometimes you were stupid. He meant irresponsible; he meant that you don't worry about your own safety as much as he wishes you would, but in the heat of the moment he couldn't articulate that. "You're not being stupid. I was being a dick."
"A little." You admit, laughing softly. You hate fighting, you're tired of it, and you want him to not take your stupid overreactions too seriously. "I am being stupid though."
"No, you're not. You couldn't be as stupid as me if you tried." JJ insists, dropping one of your hands to reach up and brush a tear from your cheek. "I just worry about you and I'm sorry I touched her. To be honest, I'm a little pissed she stole my drink. She's annoying as shit, too."
This makes you giggle, meeting his eyes again. "There's that smile..." He whispers, brushing his thumb over your cheek again.
You lean a little into his hand. It's impossible to stay mad at him, and you know he meant what he said about her. "You know what? Fuck it. Can we tell everyone?" JJ asks suddenly, catching you off guard.
"I- well..." You ponder it. "Do you want to?" You ask.
"This is stupid, isn't it? I want everyone to know we're together. Don't you?"
You nod, smiling softly at him. "It is kind of dumb." You agree.
"Let's skip that awkward conversation and just show everyone instead." JJ nods, satisfied with himself as he lets you go to stand up, holding his hand out to you. "Come on. Let's get you another drink so I can carry you home tonight." He teases, making you laugh as you take his hand and he pulls you up.
"Do you actually think I'm stupid?" You ask with a giggle, walking hand in hand back down to the beach.
"Sometimes, yeah." JJ jokes, making you shove his shoulder with your free hand. "Never any stupider than me, though. That's why we work."
"Stupider isn't a word, I don't think." You laugh, and JJ shrugs in response.
"That's my point proven."
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thoughtsofatransboy · 3 months
Priest!Gerard x Ftm!Reader
Warning: NSFW, Dark content? Grammar mistakes I'm not a native English speaker, Probably doesn't make sense cuz i don't have a clue of what people do in a Catholic church, Religious guilty, Sin confession, Religious mention (what you expected? It's a priest), kinda of blasphemy? (Idk, you're fucking a priest inside the church, is it blasphemy?) Ftm reader, low-key dysphoria mentions. (Ignore Frank lol)
Synopsis: You're a low-key religious ftm guy, Father Way is the only one who understands you and don't judge you by your gender, but how can you confess to him when he is the one in your sinning thoughts?
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"Here i am..." You said, finally arriving the little church. Despite you being trans, you still kind of religious, anytime you think you sin, you feel a necessity to confess, but this time you went too far.
The sin of Lust. But you made it WORST. You were fucking desiring a priest, the local priest, the only one who supported you on being yourself. You were feeling horrible, but what could you do? Father Way was the hottest guy you ever seen, the way he moves, the way he talks and the way we calmly listen to you everytime you need to confess.
You see Father Way, when he looks back to you, he goes to you. "Hello Son, need to confess again?"
You nod timidly, nothing else to say. Trying to figure out how to manage through this situation, how could you confess to him when he's the reason you sinned? Well, it's not like you have time to think now, he's already leading you to the confessional.
As you sat down, he noticed you were very nervous, in an attempt to calm you down, he said "Calm down my dear... Tell me your sins, you will be forgiven... There's nothing in the world that you do that can't be forgiven. The tone he said it could make your body melt right there, it's not your fault that he's so sexy even while trying to be modest, isn't it? Oh... How could God forgive you when you are sinning inside his own house? Inside the church?
"Dear? Are you feeling nice?" Father Way's voice breaks your mental focus, now you know you need to start it or at least say something. "Sorry Father, I'm going to start..." You left out a pity and anxious sigh. "I've been lustful... Filthy thoughts... And about someone i shouldn't..."
"A married man?" It was the worst he was expecting, honestly. "No... E-even worse" Father Way raised an eyebrow... suspecting of who could be the one making you have naughty thoughts.
"Then? Who is it?" You swallow it hard, getting more and more anxious. "A...a p-priest. I-i visited another church last week and-and i met a young priest and he's...cute" Fuck! You're a horrible liar. "hmmm... I see, i see... I'm not going to lie, it is a pretty bad sin... But you can receive forgiveness, just don't do it again and pray asking God for forgiveness, He will listen to your plead, I'm sure"
"But father... i-i..." You shut your eyes down, trying to breath but you couldn't, the guilty was too much, some tears started to roll down by your face. "Father... the... priest... is..is..." You decide to tell it, if you didn't the guilty would eat you alive. "You! You're the one in my thoughts! My worst ones"
Way was impressed, the confessional was suddenly silent but after some seconds, that felt like years, he smirked a little "Oh sweet boy... What a bad, naughty boy... you've been getting all aroused because of me?" You blink three times in shock, you really hope you aren't dreaming...
"F-father... what are you saying-?" You're more nervous than before, happy that Way's teasing you but shy at the same time. "Oh... You know very well what I'm saying" He stepped off of the confessional cabin, getting closer and closer to you, the gap between you and he is very little. He started to kiss you jaw getting closer to your ear "Want this? Couldn't lie... I've been a little interested in you too... But you're probably happy with it, aren't you? Don't lie" You could only nod. "Great" without you noticing he was already with his hands all over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"I'll fuck your sins out of you, 'kay? So you get satisfied and won't do it ever again... You so shy today... Where's my brave boy?" You couldn't hold it anymore, you pull him into a kiss, a deep and lustful kiss. You guys separate it after some time, in the need to breath. "There he is! There he fucking is..." He started to kiss and suck in your neck, whispering praises to you "Such a sweet boy, so pretty, so handsome... You're very handsome, aren't you?"
You could only whine and moan while he attached your neck, but you wouldn't let it go this easily. You pushed him, making him enter the confessional cabin, once he entered it, you didn't thought twice before sitting on his lap, now your time to suck and kiss his neck, licking and holding tight on his shoulders. "Oh my God boy... You gonna kill me this way.... Argh!" Way tried to hold his moans, too proud to let them out. You grind against his lap, making friction against his bulge, the bulge you only noticed now that he sat down. You kissed him deep once again, harmoniously wrapping his tongue with yours, it was a messy and sloppy kiss, but one full of desire.
"Aaaa...Mmm.. okay boy! 'kay! Got it dude... you're in control, Kay? Kay?" You smirk, happy that he finally admitted it. "We need to be quickly, soon we'll have a mass..." You got in your knees, already pulling out his cassock. Once you removed it, you already started to kiss and tease his bulge, once you remove his cock from the boxers, you look at him, with a naughty smile, his cheeks all flushed and his breath hot.
You kiss and lick the tip of his cock, taking the opportunity to massage his balls, his cock throbbing crazily and his moans echoing around. "Yeah! T-that's my dude... A good cock sucker... Mmm... My little cock sucker, thank you... Argh! Thank you.... C-can i suck your dick too?" You stopped your sucking, glaring at him, nodding as quick as you processed the information.
Way put you on his place, crawling between your legs, unbuttoning your jeans and pushing your boxers down. The groan he left out was nothing but pure carnally desire. "What a pretty dick... What a pretty hot hole... I love it" He started licking delicately over your t-dick, kissing and sucking making you melt in pleasure. "Can i finger you? D-do you like it?" You nodded, Way inserted two fingers into your hole, not focused in being quick but in touching your sweet spots. He felt you clench hard around his fingers, he giggled silently, going back into sucking your t-dick. "Good... You're going to cum for me, huh? Gonna cum for me handsome?..." You finally reached your climax, moaning high and shameless, for a second being grateful that the church was empty today.
Your legs were a little shaking, so he put you on his lap a little, stroking your hair. "Forget that shit about being quick...my handsome...so good for me... You were incredible..." He kissed your cheek and kept stroking your hair. After some minutes you both decided to take the next step, he stroked himself a little, rubbing against your entrance. "Shh... Shh... I'll take care of you handsome, i promise" He pushed it into you slowly and delicately, like he was touching a piece of glass. His firsts thrusts were deep and slow, letting you adjust to him and afraid of hurting you. "You too tight... Oh God..." He started bucking his hips into yours, his thrusts getting faster and faster, you bucking your hips down on his too, increasing the deepness and the friction, you both left out a cracked moan. "F-Father... Oh my gosh... You're so good... So hot..."
You guys muffled each other's moans with kisses. "I love you Way! I love you..." you bucked your hips particularly harder this time. "Thanks handsome... i love you! I-i love you too....!" You're reaching your climax along with him. "Aaaa! D-dude... Gonna c-cum on my cock sweet boy? I think you really sh-should!" You clenched hard around his cock, finally cumming. He didn't lasted that long after you finished, he bucked his hips one last time before cumming inside you. He kissed your lips with a soft sigh. "You're incredible... I'm happy to have you... So pretty and hot.." you giggled a little, resting your head on his shoulder. "Forgiven" you both crack in a laugh, he stroked your hair a little more. "I'll help you to get dressed, the mass will start very, very soon... When it finishes, I'll bring you home and we'll cuddle together, okay?" You only nodded, pecking his lips while he helped you to put your boxers on again. You left the confessional cabin, taking a seat waiting for the mass to start. Smiling silly everytime you locked your eyes into his, now you're deep in sin, but really happy.
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