#idk y'all tell me
odetodilfs · 1 year
I already finished the Frankie fic I was halfway through, but please don't expect this consistency from me lmfao
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legendsofentity · 2 years
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now that i've finished s3, looking back, it may not be a good thing that for jayme her personality is part of what attracted me to her lmao
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absolute-snzaster · 1 year
🌹? 👀
And then their rough, broad hands are on August's face, at their back, in their hair, and they're kissing them urgently, kissing them vehemently, kissing them with the intensity of someone who knows that life can be taken from them at any moment and means to wring every drop of joy from what moments are left to them. August can feel the fire in their veins, the heart within that burns like a dying star.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Ngl I'm a big fan of those episodes where Rose, Nine, and Jack were in a low-key poly relationship
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idk-bruh-20 · 10 months
Irondad fic ideas #154
CW: this one's pretty gruesome. read at your own risk 
Peter is a young child who's been kidnapped. His parents and/or his aunt and uncle were killed and he was taken. Along with a bunch of other little kids, he's been held captive and experimented on.
When the Avengers suddenly bust the kidnapping operation, the kidnappers try at the last second to destroy their research. They gas the small room where the kids are being held.
It's Iron Man who ends up blasting through. What he finds is horrifying. All but one of the children are dead.
The one who's left is just sitting among the bodies, crying, shocked, terrified. Iron Man carries him out of there, then once they're safe from the gas Tony steps out of the suit to comfort the kid while he's given oxygen.
Little 5-year-old Peter Parker imprints on his savior hard.
He just went through an unimaginable amount of trauma, then Iron Man burst through like an avenging angel. This is the first time he's ever felt protected in his memory. Tony holds the crying kid, and the kid can tolerate no one else near him.
This becomes a slight problem when they get back to base. But Tony can't find it in him to let SHIELD take the kid away, let them strip him of this one tiny bit of comfort. He keeps seeing all those other kids when he closes his eyes.
This one needs him right now. And if "right now" eventually becomes "this is my son," well. Who could've predicted that.
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nathilustra · 3 months
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stylization study p2 feat. THE DUNMESHI FWIENDS!!!
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dailyloopdeloop · 10 days
1 day until loop pregnancy
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iersei · 9 months
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emo teen hen’ry oak you will always be famous to me
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rogersstevie · 3 months
really and truly unless it's a discussion about why peggy/steggy fans shouldn't like endgame, at this point idk why people feel the need to continually make the argument about her having a family as if that's the biggest problem about the ending especially when i figure most people are of the belief that it was another timeline or whatever idk what the current consensus on that is in the mcu and i don't care
but what about the fact that it destroyed steve's family? does that not matter because it's not the standard spouse and children but is instead a family he built for himself with sam and nat and bucky? because it's easier to decide steve is a selfish asshole and always has been instead of acknowledging that that storyline did more of a disservice to him than to anyone else? like oh maybe peggy's family was erased and that's horrible but it doesn't matter that steve's family was abandoned in the midst of the kind of trauma he knows very well?
i've said it before but it makes me so sad that so many people just turned on steve and decided a decade of movies don't matter in the face of one shitty desperate attempt of a movie to make him look like a pathetic creep just so they could justify their heterosexual nonsense ending
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houseofborgia · 2 months
hot take but the borgia apocalypse script was actually pretty good, and the characterizations were spot on. it's mindboggling how some fans hated on it solely because they expected a sunshine and rainbows ending between cesare and lucrezia. the truth is, they were never meant to be a pure fairytale couple. the most compelling aspect of their relationship is their intense toxic codependency and destructive dynamic. their obsession with each other consumed the energy, love, affection, and innocence of those around them, leading to tragic outcomes for anyone who got close to them. neil jordan stayed true to the plot with the apocalypse script, unlike what we saw in the s3 finale. despite cesare proclaiming his devotion to lucrezia and claiming to prioritize her happiness, he hurt her by killing alfonso and betraying her, alongside rodrigo, while keeping her in the dark about their plan. cesare ultimately turned out to be just like his father—his mirror image, his favorite chess piece, and a future king and pope. it was captivating to watch both rodrigo and cesare spiral into ambition and murder, becoming sociopaths. personally, i'm fascinated with the idea of cesare and lucrezia's relationship growing darker and cesare prioritizing his political gain, which terrifies lucrezia. this is the direction cesare's character would have headed if the show hadn't been canceled and if showtime had allowed neil jordan to film the script. 'world of wonders' should have been the episode that made the audience realize cesare was a manipulative, self-contradicting psychopath but alas! anyway, in the apocalypse script, he reaches the last stage of becoming a complete monster (for example, *spoilers* when he cuts off catrina's lips and poisons naples' water, killing half the city). this transformation occurs as he loses the remaining traces of humanity that were present in the first three seasons. valid criticism of the rushed nature of the script is understandable. jordan didn't have time to edit it and only released it to console devastated fans. i'm confident that his final draft would have been 100% better than what we have. in short, there's no way someone as genius as him would ruin the show he created with a disappointing ending or ooc moments. so if there's an opportunity for him to adapt it for the screen, it would be a serve as i enjoyed the overall conclusion of the story
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The thing about assigned sex labels (AFAB/AMAB) is that a lot of its usefulness comes from discussions around medicine (though there are still issues with this). In a social sense, AFAB/AMAB isn't very useful to describe peoples' lived experience.
Assigned sex happens to people as babies, and "AFAB" and "AMAB" describe very broadly sex categories. Assigned sex acknowledges past assignment, not current reality with regards to one's sex and/or gender.
I find that when people try to apply sex assignment to social settings (e.g., "all AFABs experience this!"), it comes very close not only to misgendering, but also to sex essentialism in many cases.
I simply think there are too many assumptions made about what every person AMAB has (such as a certain body, a certain gender, and certain lived experiences) and what every person AFAB has. We cannot make sweeping generalizations about people, and I think a lot of people seem to forget this especially with regards to transition and/or "rare" sexes.
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pocketgalaxies · 4 months
essek: i'll be the one who decides if you get to take yeza with you
jester: essek you're so handsome and cool and i want to be friends
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hjartasalt · 8 months
So by virtue of running a semi popular blog as a trans man I will occasionally get unprompted messages of support reminding me that I am a real man and shouldn't ever doubt it and so on and so forth and ok while it is kind of sweet and I can see it's clearly well intentioned some of us just kind of... Don't have internalised transphobia??? Like. I don't really live my life seeing myself as any sort of lesser man or feel insecure in my identity so ultimately these messages are very much unneeded and kind of just serve as a reminder that there are people out there who don't see me as a "real" man and I'm kind of rambling at this point but can we stop assuming every trans person is battling with internalised transphobia and is just waiting for some ally to come along to validate their identity
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drbatsponge · 5 months
Idk, maybe fans of her can create a compelling argument for her, but like what is the point of Helena Wayne? Just to be the BatCat kid? Like what does she accomplish that Helena Bertinelli doesn't?
Also if you want the novelty of Batman having a daughter, Cass is right there.
Her not being biological doesn't make much difference imo.
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snackugaki · 5 months
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i'm alive i just keep forgetting that posting WIPs is fun, easy, and valid
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fxrehawk · 10 months
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i yell about weird horses a lot for someone that never draws weird horses
just playing around with some Ideas and one of red dead mercy's other horses; this one's tarot, her bay frame criollo
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