#im like oh my god i need to be dressing wild i need to be hooking up with people i need to make more friends i need to go to the right bars
rubiatinctorum · 2 years
the dreadful fear that im wasting my 20s by being much too "normal" and not cool enough vs the refusal to believe anything bad i think abt my life past 9pm FIGHT
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diorsluv · 1 month
casual , part 9
“ i have anger issues ”
series m. list previous chapter
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liked by jackhughes, edwards.73, and 154,238 others
yourusername hughes-a-palooza ⁉️
tagged: lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes
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→ yourusername idk about weekly bae..
→ username47 at least monthly please 😭😭 yourusername
colecaufield quinn?!?!?!
→ _quinnhughes oh god
→ yourusername LMFAOOO
→ trevorzegras more blackmail 😈
_quinnhughes mom didn’t let you and luke sit together on planes for a reason
→ yourusername i accidentally spill coffee on him once and then all of a sudden i’m banned from sitting next to him 😔
→ lhughes_06 it was not an accident.
→ yourusername YES IT WAS??
→ jackhughes rosie i watched you PICK THE CUP UP and pour it on his lap
→ _quinnhughes wtf no she just separated you because you were annoying as hell
→ lhughes_06 oh
→ yourusername erm…
username32 STOP the toy story costumes are too adorable
username77 BABY QUINN
username91 omg i need to see all the baby photo albums right now
adamfantilli so when were you gonna tell me you’ve been cosplaying since you were 3
→ yourusername it’s called dressing up for halloween 😐😐
→ adamfantilli which is technically cosplaying
→ luca.fantilli bro why are you so obsessed with cosplaying
→ rutgermcgroarty do you have something you wanna tell us adam???
→ adamfantilli 🤐
→ g.brindley4 is that why i found a red and white wig in your closet the other day??
→ yourusername MY HERO COSPLAY?? 😭
→ markestapa todoroki cosplay is insane
→ yourusername 🫶
edwards.73 the costumes r cute
→ yourusername you seem super thrilled!!!!
→ edwards.73 cuz they’re cute but you’re cuter
→ yourusername oh 😨
→ markestapa this is quite public if i do say so myself
→ lhughes_06 🤢🤢
→ mackie.samo i actually threw up reading this
→ edwards.73 mackie you’re quite literally sick right now
username85 i want my kids to be like this
username13 jim n ellen got us with the good pics ‼️
_alexturcotte did you and jack always match costumes??
→ yourusername our mom switched it every year but jack was the best costume twin 😔😔
→ _quinnhughes okay our lorax and onceler costume was good though
→ yourusername …….no!
→ colecaufield who was the lorax???
→ yourusername take a wild guess 😑
→ _quinnhughes you lost rock paper scissors fair and square yourusername
dylanduke25 i like how you and quinn NEVER have pics together
→ yourusername i have yet to find a picture of only us in an old photo
rutgermcgroarty when will you post the pics of us 😔
→ yourusername rut sweetie they’re my BROTHERS i have to post them occasionally
→ yourusername and also i just posted us???
→ rutgermcgroarty you have an entire album of us.
→ yourusername i have one for vivi too and i barely post me and her 😰😰
→ rutgermcgroarty SIX. HUNDRED. PHOTOS.
→ mackie.samo 600????
→ rutgermcgroarty 694 to be exact 😒
→ markestapa SO BASICALLY 700?!?!?!?!
→ colecaufield what happened to the other boyfriend
→ dylanduke25 yk rosie if i didn’t know who your not-boyfriend is, i would think it was rut
→ rutgermcgroarty ..duker that’s not a good thing
→ dylanduke25 i know
username62 i will be dressing my children up in toy story costumes thank you.
markestapa i’ve never heard him scream in agony so loudly before
→ yourusername wait what??? what happened to him
→ markestapa you and your little “best friend”
→ rutgermcgroarty yeah that’s all there is
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liked by _alexturcotte, luca.fantilli, and 97,255 others
yourusername went on a cooking rampage tn 🫢
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edwards.73 that food looks pretty good im not gonna lie
→ yourusername yeah this random guy made it for me
→ edwards.73 random???
→ yourusername mhm it was so weird.. he had the key to my apartment and everything
→ edwards.73 man i think that’s pretty unsafe rosie
→ yourusername it’s okay tho i thought he was cute so i let him stay ☺️
→ edwards.73 oh 😳
luca.fantilli LET HER COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
→ yourusername aaaaaand you’re blocked
→ markestapa LET HER COOK 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
→ rutgermcgroarty LET HER COOK 😝😝😝😝😝😝
→ dylanduke25 LET HER COOK 😈😈😈😈😈😈
→ mackie.samo LET HER COOK 😼😼😼😼😼😼
→ yourusername you’re all HORRIBLE
→ luca.fantilli 😘
→ markestapa 😘😘
→ rutgermcgroarty 😘😘😘
→ dylanduke25 😘😘😘😘
→ mackie.samo 😘😘😘😘😘
trevorzegras goddamn big back lemme have some
→ yourusername ⁉️⁉️⁉️
→ jackhughes u just got clipped bro
→ _quinnhughes 📸
username75 is that… HIM??
username90 bae stop actin like you don’t know we know it’s ethan
username23 AWW cooking date so cute
_alexturcotte oh are those brownies for me 😁
→ yourusername you n trev r always trying to steal my food bro 😒😒
→ _alexturcotte what can i say ur a good cook
→ yourusername U CALLED MY PASTA SHIT
username6 stop the plating is so gourmet
colecaufield you and luke’s gf are like the same person
→ yourusername LUKE??? GF???? WHENNNNN?????? lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 thanks a lot cole
→ yourusername EXPLAIN
→ jackhughes you know her veeeeeery well
→ yourusername VIVIAN?!?!?!
→ vivianliu oh god no 😭😭
username44 cole’s stirring up the family drama
username19 damnn those cookies r looking good girl
→ yourusername i tried to perfect my recipe 😈
rutgermcgroarty name drop the guy rn
→ yourusername dude ur acting like ur the one in the pics 🙄🙄
→ rutgermcgroarty who said i wasnt
→ yourusername i did.
→ lhughes_06 is this supposed to be a tactic to confuse everyone
→ rutgermcgroarty we’ll never know 🤫
mackie.samo when was the last time you willingly ate pizza
→ yourusername tonight 😐
→ mackie.samo because he made you do it……… right??
→ yourusername NO he just wanted to do it so i did
adamfantilli wtf rosie i just looked at the boys gc and hes literally obsessed with you
→ yourusername um 😃
→ adamfantilli NOT LIKE THAT
→ adamfantilli but he’s just being a big pussy rn
→ yourusername that’s what they’re all saying 🙄🙄
→ edwards.73 DUDE you gotta stop leaking the gc convos
→ luca.fantilli fr it’s unacceptable
→ yourusername stfu luca u sent me screenshots like two days ago
→ rutgermcgroarty TRAITOR luca.fantilli
→ yourusername and u just gave me ur phone to scroll through rutgermcgroarty
→ mackie.samo as the spokesperson i’d like to say we’re kicking u all out
→ adamfantilli NO PLEASE
→ rutgermcgroarty WE’LL DO ANYTHING
→ luca.fantilli WAIT PLEASE FORGIVE US
_quinnhughes so as your older brother it’s my job to steal your food
→ yourusername 🫤
→ _quinnhughes and we’re playing the wings tomorrow so i will be stopping by and stealing half the stuff in your fridge
→ yourusername thanks for the warning asshole
→ _quinnhughes any time u little shit
→ jackhughes hey that was my nickname for her 😞
→ lhughes_06 i thought i was the little shit????
→ vivianliu how did you guys manage to go from posting each other to arguing over who was the little shit 😭😭
username7 forearms 😵‍💫😵‍💫
liked by yourusername
username30 get urself a man who will have cooking dates with u 🙌
lhughes_06 u make enough food to feed the entire family
→ yourusername mom taught me well 🤗
→ lhughes_06 but u literally never fed me when we lived together??
→ yourusername yes. i. did.
→ jackhughes lukey says u “NEVERRRR” fed him
→ _quinnhughes mom and dads genes
→ yourusername bc i’ve been feeding him HALF of my food every time he walked into the damn room
→ yourusername SINCE WE WERE 14
→ jackhughes ur not wrong
→ yourusername no shit
username13 girlll im tryna cook like u
username9 cutiessss 💕
username27 babe ima need u to hard launch alreadyyy
vivianliu rosie.
→ yourusername vivi.
→ vivianliu i know you cook and bake when you’re stressed or anxious
→ yourusername whatttt no
→ vivianliu is it about him 🤨
→ yourusername no!
→ vivianliu mmmmmkay
notes ) she’s a bit of a short one BUT HERES TO THE STARS’ SATURDAY NIGHT WIN AND THE WIN FROM TN ‼️ the stress was fucking insane and my heart was BEATING but we did it 🙏 a celebratory chapter if you will
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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goosita · 6 months
first of all i love you. really. everything that you're writing is making my life so much better, so thank u <3 if that's okay for u, could you write something where reader is a single mom, she has a little girl and her daughter is very attached to billy? and it's the most sweetest thing ever cause billy loves her, calls her little princess (very sweet tooth 😭) one night, her daughter asks billy to read a storie for her to sleep and he does so and in the end, she says something like "i wish you were my dad" and it's just so cute and funny cause she gagged everyone, reader is like "babe!!!!" while billy is in shock but at the same time his heart is melting 🥺🥺 (sorry if this is too much, just write if u want!)
oh im. gonna cry and sob and piss everywhere this is the sweetest softest thing ive ever read yes oh my god
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billy would be so so sweet with your daughter, especially if she was around 4-6 years old. at first you were worried that a man like him wouldn’t want anything to do with a single mother, especially one as young as you. but he never asked you to explain, and never judged you for it. all he ever did was treat you like a queen, and your daughter like a princess.
and your little girl is just enamored with him. she follows after him like a little duckling, so much so that billy starts to call her “ducky”. it makes her giggle every single time, always makes billy smile all warm and fond. they get on like a house on fire, your man and your baby girl. billy teaches her things like how to ride a horse, how to tie all kinds of knots, how to rope a little goat even. your daughter tells you one evening, her little face very serious, that she thinks “billy knows everything, mama. everything!” you want to let her believe it for as long as possible.
on this particular day, all 3 of you had spent the day together. billy had showed up bright and early to take you for a picnic out in a meadow behind your house, a daylong excursion that lasted until the sun slowly set. it was late spring, cicadas beginning to sing in the tall grass. once it got dark outside, billy pulled out a jar and showed your daughter how to catch fireflies. once they had about 10 of them, they sat on the blankets with their heads ducked together to observe them, giving each one a unique name.
“let’s call this one tommy,” she says, pointing at a bug near the bottom.
“perfect name, ducky. how’d you get so good at this?”
your little girl giggles, shrugging and letting billy name the next one. it makes your heart so happy to see a man with so much patience and love for your daughter.
when you finally return to the house, it’s time to get your kid ready for bed. tired and pliant from her long day outside catching bugs and weaving flower crowns (that of course billy taught her how to do), she goes down without much of a fight. she does ask billy to stay and tell her a bedtime story, though, and he’s never been one to deny that sweet little face whatever she wants.
you half-listen as billy spins some wild tale about a princess who slay dragons herself, one who doesn’t need a prince to come and rescue her. she’s strong and brave and guess what? she looks just like your little girl, same hair color and little lilac colored dress. his story makes her smile, even as her sleepy eyes begin to blink more slowly. when he finishes, he leans down to kiss her forehead softly and tuck her blanket around her small little body.
“i wish you were my daddy,” she murmurs sleepily, rubbing her eye with one small fist. you see billy freeze and slowly look to you, unsure what to say.
“oh, baby—“ you start, taking a step forward. billy gently cuts you off, which you welcome, not sure what to tell her.
“you know, ducky, sometimes i wish that too,” he whisper conspiratorially. her eyes light up curiously.
“really?” she asks, looking up at him.
“mhm,” he says with a nod. “but i think this little thing we have going here is even more special. you know why?”
she waits for an answer, eyes full of curiosity and wonder at the man sitting on the edge of her bed.
“because i didn’t help to give you life, life gave you and me to each other. and that’s pretty special, don’t you think?”
your little girl smiles, nodding her head. you swallow hard, your eyes feeling a little misty at the way he loves your baby and she loves him. it’s so pure, so unconditional the way they’ve attached themselves to each other.
billy smiles at her and brushes her hair away from her face, giving her chubby cheek a soft caress.
“sweet dreams, baby girl.”
“goodnight billy,” she says with a little yawn, snuggling down into her pillow. billy blows out the oil lamp beside her bed, following you out of her bedroom and closing the door softly.
“i’m sorry if i overstepped, i didn—“ he’s cut off by you grabbing his face and pulling him down into a dizzying kiss. you smile against his mouth when he doesn’t hesitate for even a second to kiss you back, his arms winding around your waist to pull you closer.
“thank you,” you whisper when you finally break away for air. “for loving both of us, for taking care of us.”
“sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for that. i’ll always be here to take care of my two best girls,” he says with a grin, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. “and who knows? maybe one day soon you’ll let me put a ring on that pretty little finger and that little girl in there can call me whatever she wants.”
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444rockstargf · 1 month
girl im so high rn i need euronynous who go to church w a super innocent reader and he slowly corrupts her (cnc 😛) and she starts to believe he is god xx
thank you for this!!
"you're my religion." | euronymous
religion. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @si1nful-symph0ny @vanlisbon @livingdead-reilly @oliviah-25 @lankysimp@auggiethecreator @livingdead-materialgirl @monkeyfart@imoonkiss @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @k1ll3rh0rr0r @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss @wild-rose-35
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female!reader x r!euronymous
word count: 622
contents: slightly smutty, public teasing, not proofread
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“you ever been to a place like this before, sugar-tits?“
euronymous’ arm tightened around your waist as he picked you up out of the passenger seat of his van, setting you on the sidewalk as you two gazed up at the large, white church in front of you. 
you looked up at him, shaking your head as he started to walk you to the entrance. it was a bright sunday morning, bringing in nicely dressed people of all sorts to listen to this morning’s sermon. pastel-coloured, overly-modest dresses heavily contrasted the skintight mini dress that euronymous had you put on for the occasion, revealing just enough of your cleavage and hips to make you stand out.
euronymous, dressed in black jeans (not torn, shockingly) and a black button-up shirt that was tight enough to show a sculpted figure underneath with his hair done up in a tight bun, leaving two strands out, looked down at you, watching as you fiddled with the cross necklace that rested in the valley of your breasts. from a normal person’s perspective, you and him looked like two whores ready to turn the church into a brothel.
you had to admit, you never thought that oystein aarseth, terror incarnated and the lord of chaos, would be taking you to church. you had made the mistake of stepping into his record store, mindlessly looking through his inventory. but he viewed you as a piece of fresh meat, ready to be chewed and swallowed.
you felt two of his fingers inching underneath your dress, finally resting on your ass as you and him walked into the church. instantly, you felt the disapproving glares of almost everybody on the premises. just as embarrassment began to coil in your gut, euronymous sat down in a little pew at the very back of the church, pulling you down by your hips until you were perched on his lap, his thigh between your legs and making your dress slowly move up your hips. he was loving the view. he had gotten front-row seats to the show of his life.
“you comfy like this, angel?” he wrapped his arms around you from behind, making you lean back on him a little more. you nodded, thanking the heavens that you were out of the pastor’s view. 
you felt euronymous’ hot breath hitting your back as the people in the church stood, rising as the choir began to sing hymns. you could just barely hear him muttering how his music was much better than this. his leg had started to bounce ever so slightly underneath you, your breath starting to hitch as he massaged slow circles onto your waist.
you bit your lip, suppressing a noise but letting a little whimper slip through your teeth. euronymous let his fingers dig into the plush flesh of your ass, shaking his head with disapproval. “oh c’mon, baby. look at you, already becoming such a mess. you can’t just blatantly sin in the church.” he spoke tauntingly like he was a greater being chastising you for your misdemeanors.
you felt your cheeks burning up, partially from embarrassment, mainly because of lust. how sinful. you gasped softly as he pressed his knee into your burning core, bringing his lips to your ear to whisper to you, just as the sermon began. “i want you to behave yourself until we get out of here, got it?” he brought his hand to your cleavage, twirling the cross around your neck between his fingers. you swallowed hard, muttering quietly. “yes, euro…”
he gripped you tightly, almost to the point of pain. “yes, who?” his quiet whisper was edged with the sharpness of a blade, making your heartbeat spike one last time. 
“yes, master.”
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author's note: i did not write this with the intention of being blasphemous towards anyone's religion!
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strniohoeee · 7 months
i neeeeeeddd a part two to confidential 🥺🥺 maybe where matt gets in contact with reader to give her tickets to fly her out to the next show and she's his partner in the show. they win and he fucks her good after the show and finally kisses her. he asks her out on a date and shit and it's just so cute and rough and smutty.
Confidential Pt. 2
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt reaches out to Y/N after almost a year of not seeing each other. He purchases her tour tickets, and well brings her backstage 🤭
Warnings⚠️: This is Smut. There’s some spit and some hair pulling, and uhhh that’s it. It’s just SMUTTY SMUT SMUT🤞🏽
Song for the imagine: Confident- Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
There’s absolutely no way this is real….I have to be dreaming…..is the Matt Sturniolo DMing me on Instagram right now??
I rub my eyes and make sure this is actually him and not some fake account fucking with me.
-Hey Y/N….cant believe it’s been almost year since I last seen you
-Hey Matt….uh yeah it’s crazy. I seen you guys are about to go on tour again
-We are! I uh actually got you pre show small talk, photo op and backstage passes and tickets to fly out to our first show
-never! And you will be my partner this time….I don’t make the rules
That was about three weeks ago, and right now I was in LA getting ready for their first show that Matt paid for…..this is not real life AT ALL.
Pre show meet and greet started at 3:30, so I got there at around 1:30, and was just waiting around honestly so nervous to see Matt again
By the time I was called it was 4:30. I met Chris and Nick first, and immediately got so nervous meeting Matt
“Hiiii” I said giving him a hug
“Hello again! How have you been gorgeous” he said as he signed a poster for me
“I’ve been very good actually” I said
“That’s good. Can’t wait to see you backstage tonight” he said winking
“Oh…yeah I’m so excited too. We’ve been reunited” I said laughing
“God I miss your pretty face” he said smiling at me causing me to blush
“Shhh” I said rolling my eyes
“And the dress…..whew that dress looks so hot on you” he said looking me up and down
“Thanks matt” I said giving him one last hug
We did the photo op and now it was time to wait for the show to start, so like last time I chatted with some people got something to eat and drink, and just chilled
I was Matt’s partner so at some point they brought me backstage to meet the other two girls. The whole time I was competing I felt Matts eyes on me, and it was making me so fucking nervous.
However this gave him some confidence because we won the first show.
“I have to thank my amazing team member because without her I would’ve lost” he said into the mic
“Thank you LA for an amazing first show! While we set up for backstage enjoy our friend Tril!!” Chris said
After the show, and Tril performing it was time to line up for backstage, and I felt like I was going to throw up…we’ve been through this before why the fuck am I about to throw up
I was the last group once again….Im sure Matt did that
Once again I went in and spoke with Chris and Nick, and filmed a tik tok with Matt because even though I’m sure he was going to fuck my brains out….I needed this tik tok with him
“You know the drill, stay in the back, and I’ll come grab you” he said lowly to me
“Got it” I said smiling
I went back over to Chris and Nick, and chatted with them…I wonder if they knew Matt blew my back out last tour….probably but oh well
“Alright guys! Thank you so much for supporting us and coming out here! Hope to see you guys at our next one” Nick said waving bye to everyone
This time the after show photo op was after backstage, so Matt’s security guard brought me back to another room like last tour, and I just sat in there
Me and my thoughts running wild, and I was so fucking anxious
About an hour and a half later I heard the door opening, and Matt came in locking the door behind him
“There’s that beautiful girl” he said winking at me
“You’re too kind” I said waving my hand at him
“Do you know why I brought you back here?” He asked me
“If it’s not to fuck me….then we have some issues” I said running my tongue along my teeth
“Ouu she knows what she wants….I like that” he said winking at me
“Well I assume that’s why you did what you did. You want to fuck again” I said
“Of course I do. Couldn’t get enough of that pussy” he said walking over to me
He ran his fingers along my bottom lip
“Oh Matt” I said sighing
“I need you so bad, you’re all I thought about these past 10 months” he said licking his lips
“Well I’m here, and I need you bad too” I said smirking at him
He leaned down ghosting his lips over mine
“Well come on then baby” he said before pulling pack, and helping me stand up
“I would love for you to suck my dick again, but I want nothing more than to fuck the shit out of you right now” he said leaning me up against the table
“Fuck Matt” I said moaning at his words
Matt started to kiss my neck to my collar bone, and then looked at me
“I hope you know-“ I cut him off
“Yeah yeah no kissing I got it” I said rolling my eyes, he looked at me and laughed. Going back to kissing my neck
“Fuck Matt I need you now” I said running my hands through his hair as he kissed my neck
“I know baby” he said
Matt then pulled away and helped me hike up my dress. Ghosting his hand over my pussy
“Oh” I sighed
He got down and started kissing my stomach all the way to my clothed pussy. He slowly slid my underwear down
“Fuckkkk” he said biting his lip
“So fucking sexy” he said looking up at me
Before I could answer he delved straight into my pussy, attacking my clit, licking sucking….just doing it all
“SHITTTT MATT” I moaned out my hands immediately going to his hair and pulled causing him to moan into my pussy
He was lapping at me, from my entrance backup to my clit. His nose bumping into my clit
“Fuck Matt I’m going to cum if you keep doing this” I said to him biting my lip
He pulled away and looked at me
“You’re cumming on my dick” he said before backing away
Matt brought his hand up and smacked my pussy causing me to shudder and whine out. He rubbed my pussy to soothe the ache, and then spat down onto my pussy
He pulled his dick out slowly stroking it
“You make me so hard” he said looking me up and down
Matt came up to me and started to rub his dick up and down my pussy
“Oh god” I said letting my head fall back
Slowly he started to push the tip in causing us both to gasp at the feeling
“Fuck I missed this” He said running his hands over my body
“Your dick feels so good….none like this back home” I said moaning
“Oh you fuck other guys?” He said as he bottomed out
“One other guy, but that’s it” I said
“I’m not sure that I like that” he said thrusting into me
“Fuckkkk…..I’m sorry baby I was just so horny and chasing after someone who could fuck like you” I said moaning out
“And they couldn't, right?” He asked panting
“They couldn’t” I said throwing my head back
“Good” he responded
And with that his hips snapped into me, pounding into me at such a delicious rate. All that could be heard was our moaning, the table creaking and skin slapping together
“Oh god Matt” I moaned out lifting my head up to look at him
“This pussy was made for me. You just take me so well” he said as he thrusted into me
As he kept pounding into me he looked ahead of him and saw a full length mirror
“Ohh baby I want you to watch me fuck you” he said biting his lip
He flipped us over, so my stomach was against the table, and he was pounding me from the back
“Look at yourself” he said pulling my hair make me look into the mirror
“Fuck” I said as my jaw dropped as I watched Matt watching us fucking in the mirror
He kept looking into the mirror the whole time while pounding into me
I was clenching down on him nearing my orgasm
“You gonna cum baby?” He asked while panting
“Yes yes yes please” I said looking at him through the mirror
“Whenever you want…go ahead and cum” he said while gripping onto my hair and furiously pounding into me
“FUCK MATT IM GOING TO CUM” I screamed out as I clenched down on him
He kept pounding into me, and suddenly I was shuddering, my mouth fell open as I looked into his eyes while I came all over his cock. Brows furrowed as I shook with ecstasy
“Mmm so fucking good to me” he said grunting as he kept thrusting
“I’m gonna cum baby” he said and suddenly pulled out
Stroking his dick a few times before he painted the back of my thighs in his cum. Moaning and staring into my eyes through the mirror…..god this was so fucking hot
After we caught our breaths he pulled his pants back up. Walking over to the counter and grabbing napkins before wiping me down
He helped me up, and picked up my underwear for me handing them to me
“Keep them” I said winking at him as I shimmed my dress down
“I like the way you think” he said before pocketing them
He was looking at me for a moment before he suddenly pulled me in crashing his lips to mine. Sparks and explosions were going off in my stomach
He pulled away
“I thought you didn’t kiss” I said licking my lips
“I didn’t, but you’re different” he said smiling at me
“I’m glad” I said fixing my hair
“Hey, we have two days to kill in LA. Could I maybe take you on a date?” He asked me
“I’d love that” I said
“Good. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon. We can do lunch” he said
“Sounds great” I told him
We actually walked out together this time, and went our separate ways when we got to the exit door
“See you tomorrow” he said
“See you tomorrow” I said back winking at him before walking off
The End
Hope yall enjoyed this one, and I can’t believe I’m at 397 followers this is insane 🖤🖤
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skyechild · 9 months
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𖤐 pairing: Seungcheol x Jeonghan x Reader (M/M/F) 𖤐 genre: a fuck of angst, smut towards the end, then fluff. 𖤐 warnings: bruises, Jeonghan being possessive with Cheol, dont have intercourse if youve had any alcohol at all, alcohol towards the end 𖤐 wc: 8.2k 𖤐trope/au: f2l, non-idol 𖤐 summary: It was only supposed to be an outing with the boys, nothing more. But what happens when you wake up in the bed of the one couple in the group, AND you can remember everything. this is also mostly for Ki bcuz its Jeongcheol <3 𖤐 notes: this was supposed to be small i promise...ITS FINALLY DONE 𖤐 tag list: @cultofdionysusnet / @stravvberrymilksan / @kwanisms
It wasnt supposed to end like this. With you waking up in Jeonghan and Seungcheol's beds not in your clothes from the night before. It was supposed to end with you under their covers between them while they slept. It was only supposed to be a small outing with the group. You were only going for a few drinks, let the stress from every day jobs go away for the long weekend it....not end up in the bed of the only couple in the group.
The silence made you nervous, anxiety spiking. The sound sound that could hear was silence. Your mind had stopped and restarted. There was no fan or anything, you could barely register the deep breaths of the two boys beside you sleeping. You knew Seungcheol was a deep sleeper. But Jeonghan was a wild card. He never slept in a certain way, not deep nor light. Oh my god what if Joshua was looking for you?
The silence is so loud.
You (somehow) managed to slide out of bed without waking either, grabbing the dress you wore last night and putting it on after stripping off the shirt. You looked around for you phone, a pang in your chest when you watched Jeonghan roll into Seungcheols arms. You grabbed your phone off the table. You looked at your wrists. Bruised.
You opened the door, cringing at the slight creak before you slipped out, noticing the two didnt wake. Now to get out of their apartment. God this was a mistake. Youre never going to be able to face them again, you wont be able to face the rest of the boys knowing that you fucked the oldest two. You ruffled your hair aggressively. You fucked up big.
You wanted to scream, yell and run out into the streets. Sleeping out of apartment after slipping on your heels, giving it one last look. Looking at the clock you sighed when you noticed it was 5am. Good, it was early enough that you didnt need to worry about the walk of shame. You made the quick walk back to your apartment, opening the door to Joshua sitting on your couch. He looked you up and down before he sighed. "They marked you up good."
That was all it took before you choked out a sob. You knew Jeonghan hated sharing, the bruises on your wrists from when he refused to let you touch Seungcheol still hurt. Every time you moved your wrist there was a dull pain that shot through your arms. The hickeys werent pretty. They werent there from possessiveness. No, Jeonghan bit you out of jealousy. Sure the other was tipsy, he was never that angry with you. The tone of his voice scared you. Why did he entertain you then? Why did he bring you pain instead of kicking you out?
You fell into Joshuas arms. "He bit me Shua." You hiccupped, hugging him as tight as you could, ignoring the pain. "Not like a dog. He was jealous." You pulled back from the other and smiled slightly. Joshua has seen you naked so it didnt bother you when you let your dress fall. The bruises on your hips were from Seungcheol, given from lust, some of the hickeys were from the eldest as well. "Jeonghan...im never going to be able to look at him again."
You phone buzzed and Joshua took it out of your hand as you put the dress back on. "Go change into one of my shirts." You rubbed your eyes and sniffled. "Ok." He looked at you again. "Take a shower too." You smiled slightly, a huff leaving you of weak laughter. You nodded and headed to the bathroom.
Joshua took your phone and unlocked it. The passcode was his birthday and his was yours. The best of friends you were. Looking at the notif as he watched more came in. All from the two you were just with. Seungcheol was confused as to where you went, he had looked everywhere and couldnt find you. Multiple texts from Seungcheol, texts from Jeonghan were after. First they sounded like forced apologies then they seemed genuine then they seemed urgent, snaps and texts kept coming in, each more rushed and panicked then the last. Then the calls started.
He sighed, letting each one go to voicemail. Turning your phone off he forced a smile once you came back from the shower. "Go sleep now. Im going to keep your phone for now." You nodded as you turned back around. "Can i sleep next to you?" He nodded before you both walked to his room, him following once he locked the door.
How was he to tell you everything that was going on? They wouldnt probably start with him next considering you lived together. You and Joshua may have been best friends since diapers despite being a year apart but he knew you well enough to think you probably panicked. Once you laid down he got a full view of all the marks on your body. "Im going to grab some bruise cream ok? Ill be back." You nodded, sitting up and waiting.
He wasnt gone long, grabbing the cream from his bathroom as he came back. "Where did they all mark?" You held out your wrists, tilted your neck and then motioned under your shirt. "Seungcheol's werent out of anger." You murmured and he smiled. "I know. I hate to say it, but you should probably let him explain." You shook your head. "Not yet." You whispered and he nodded, understanding.
Once finished covering your bruises you both laid down, you scooting into his arms. He smiled softly as he hugged you close, stroking your hair until you drifted off. Hopefully the two had stopped. Reaching for the phone he placed on the table he turned it back on, all the old notifs coming in. He thanked you and himself that it was on vibrate. He sighed, looking at all the texts and snaps that the two had sent you. The voice mails also seemed to get from confused to worried then to concern and panic. That last text was 5 minutes before he had turned the phone back on.
'We are coming over.'
"Like hell you are." He mumbles, happy that he did all the locks. The only had the main key to get in. To break in you would need a Halligan tool, be strong enough to kick it down or be able to pick locks. Which he knew the others had none of the above. He placed your phone down just as the knocks on the door started. He rolled his eyes, when you stirred he started humming, hoping it would help enough.
It didnt.
You woke with a start once the knocks got louder and more aggressive. "Its just Seungcheol and Jeonghan." You tensed and he shook his head. "All the locks are done, they cant get in." He had installed the locks after there was a break in while you were home alone. He strokes your hair again before sighing. "Ill tell them to go away and youll text them when youre ready." He soothes and you hesitate to release him, not wanting to let go of the one thing keeping you somewhat tethered to reality and not up in the sky with anxiety.
You let him go, biting your lip as he disappears into the living room. He unlocks the door and blocks the door before either of them can try and shove themselves in. He raises a brow, crossing his arms. "Can i help you?" Joshua doesnt get angry easily, so when he does theres a fear thats in everyones body. He only get angry when it comes to your safety and health. He tolerates a lot but this is the angriest Jeonghan has ever seen him.
"Can we talk to Y/n?" Joshua chuckled at the question, the image of your bruises coming to his mind. "No you cannot." He smiled brightly, though the disbelief was in his eyes. "The bruises on her that i put cream on from you? I know your possessive but. Jesus fucking christ Han." Joshua rolled his eyes as Jeonghan's eyes widened before he shifted his eyes to Seungcheol. "She mentioned that yours were ok."
His eyes went back to Jeonghan. "Should put a fucking muzzle on you like a dog. You bite..." He paused. "..and not in a good way." By now you have made your way to the hallway, peeking around the corner to see whats going on. Joshua huffed as there was no answer. "I ask nicely. Please leave. She will talk to you when she wants to." Seungcheols eyes flick over his shoulders, locking eyes with you and they comically grow wider. His mouth opens to speak but you go back to hiding. His mouth shuts, a slight pout on his lips. Hes going to take it that means you dont want him to call out to you.
He furrowed his brows before his eyes went back to Joshua. He wants to ask why he cant talk to you when the Jeonghan is the problem. But he purses his lips., he sort of understands though, Jeonghan is possessive- wait...
"Wait..." Seungcheol speaks up for the first time. "What do you bruises. I only left some on her hips?" Joshua turns his gaze to the oldest of the three. "Our dear Hannie here-" He says the nickname almost mockingly. "-left aggressive bruises on her wrists and other places." He states. "But if you dont mind, its currently six-thirty am and id like to sleep so if you wouldnt mind leaving...thatd be great. Thanks, bye." Joshua takes the moment they are both dumbfounded to slam the door and lock it. All of the locks.
He walks back and hugs you tightly. "Dont show Hao. He is worse then me when angry." He smiles teasingly. At the mention of your brother you shake your head rapidly. "I wont. You cant either." He nods, waddling you both back to his room to sleep again, not bothering to listen for their footsteps leaving.
Youve both been mistaken for dating, multiple times. You tried once, but it felt too weird. But the pack you both had made remains. You waddle back with him, walking backwards while he led. "Still sleepy?" You nodded, resting your head on his chest. "How are you always so warm?" He chuckles, kissing the top of your head before turning a bit so you both land on your sides when you make it to the bed. The sheets werent made from when you snuck out but he manages to get them up and over you both. "Sleep well Y/n." He whispers.
Its only a day or two later that you decided to message them back. You read all the texts, watched the snaps and listened to all the voicemails. You arent sure youll ever forgive Jeonghan. It hurt, and everyone was buzzed but that still didnt excuse what he did. You remember everything and from what Seungcheol admitted, he didnt know of the bruises Jeonghan left.
Joshua had told you that you couldnt go to the doctor because they would get suspicious. Bruises that dark and everyone would set off the doctors who would tell the authorities. That was not an option. You sighed, resting your arms crossed on the table and let your head fall on them. Your sleeves covered the slowly fading bruises and managed to cover up the hickeys on your neck with make up, luckily you brother hadnt noticed. You had to convince Joshua to let you go alone, but he told you hed be down the street should something happen. You had smiled and nodded.
You tense, colour draining from your face as you heard the seats in front of you move. You didnt want to look up, you could tell who it was when they cleared their throat. You clenched your face. "Y/n? Can you look at u-me?" Seungcheol caught himself. He knew you probably didnt want to see the blonde right now, he was right.
Shaking your head you kept your forehead against the table, jerking your hands back when you felt your sleeves being moved. You heard a sharp inhale, most likely Seungcheol's. He passed out right after he had cum. Jeonghan had smacked away your hands when you reached over to remove the condom. The hushed whispering wasnt hushed, Seungcheol was never good at it.
"Jeonghan what the fuck." He hissed you you peeked up from your cover of your arms. "I dont know how to answer." He whispered back. Jeonghan was better at whispering, but you felt like he was being louder for your sake. "Theres really nothing i can say and it not sound like an excuse." He mumbled and you lifted your head and sat up straight, putting your hands in your lap as you looked out the window.
You bit your lip, trying to gather the courage. Jeonghan spoke before you could. "Y/n. Im really sorry. Its not that i didnt want you touching Cheol, yes you squirming under him was cute, but...I dont know how to explain it. "I know im possessive and i went too far." He took a deep breath. "I just didnt know if i wanted you to touch me first or him." You frowned at the words. "So you let bruises on me and bit me because...you didnt want me touching him before you? Jeonghan that is the biggest fucking excuse ive ever heard. Youre not a fucking dog Jeonghan. You dont just bite people you dont like. Why did you even entertain the thought of us sleeping together if you were going to act like that?" He looked down, not meeting your eyes.
"Because i want you! Ive wanted you for years! I wanted you since Shua introduced us." He confessed. Even Seungcheol seemed surprised at the confession. It was silent for a while. Again.
The silence was so loud.
You choked out a forced laugh. "Dont lie." You locked with him. "Im not. I know Cheol feels the same way...We dont really...sleep with other people. Example being..." He motioned to you and your hands fell onto your wrists. "I hate you." You spoke and Jeonghan felt his heart crack. "At least I want to hate you." You continued, Jeonghan's head shooting up. "Dont look so hopeful Han." You confessed, watching his shoulders slump.
"Im gonna give you a chance. But i...i dont think i can bare you touching me..." You murmur, biting your lip. "You hurt me Han..." You whispered. "I've never seen you like that, and you scared me. I have never been scared of you, but that...that was someone else i felt i didnt know. You were some stranger that looked like my Hannie." You whispered before you gaze went to Seungcheol.
"Hi Cheol..." He smiled, nodding at you as he scanned you. "Can i see...can i see your wrists?" He whispered and you wanted to say no, you wanted to so badly. Seungcheol was your weak spot. His wide eyes and pretty lips. Your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled and you saw his dimples. You hesitated, raising one hand for Seungcheol.
He held out his hand, waiting till you put you hand in his. "Can i say something funny?" You nodded. His jokes or things he thought we funny either ruined the mood or made you cry from laughing. "I felt like ii shouldve said 'paw' just now." You cracked a smile, a soft giggle leaving you as Seungcheol held your hand carefully. When you looked up at him after staring at your hand in his, his dimples made you smiled wider. You loved his dimples so much.
He moved the sleeve to see your wrist and he was quiet for a moment before he leaned forward, pulling your hand a bit closer as he kissed the bruise. "Im so sorry for that Y/n." He whispered. His heart had dropped when he saw the bruise. You pulled your hand back, eyes flickering to Jeonghan whos mouth had open in shock. "..i really did that?"
He wanted to reach out and copy his boyfriend. Reach out and hold you hand so gently and place a kiss on the skin like Seungcheol did. But he wasnt going to touch you. Not only did you not want him to touch you, but he was scared to touch you again. He thinks it will take a while for both of you to be ok touch each other.
You nodded, glancing at him. He hated to look in your eyes. It wasnt fear, it was something like caution and hesitance. You looked away from him quickly, looking back at Seungcheol who still had his lips on your wrist. Removing them he sighed. "Im sorry i didnt notice." He whispered. You should your head. "It isnt your fault Cheol." You whispered before you took your hand back. "It was all our faults. We shouldnt have had sex at all." You said bluntly.
"We all had some alcohol. I guess i should be happy im not pregnant." You let out a small laugh. "I think id rather had these..." You motioned to your wrists. "...then be pregnant. Sorry Cheol, i know you have a breeding kink." You watched his jaw drop and you laughed, a smile appearing on Jeonghan's lips. Both had forgotten how much of a menace you were. An ugly snort left Jeonghan as he thought about it again.
You brought your hands back to your lap. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me." You murmured and Jeonghan smiled slightly. "Thank you for letting me explain." You nodded, smiling a bit. "I'll text you guys later?" They nodded and watched as you got up, texting someone before throwing them a smile. "Do you need a ride?" You shook your head. "Shua is just down the road." They nodded and got up to leave as well, walking you out and waiting til Joshua got there and you got in. Both boys got a slightly dirty look from him.
They guess they will have to kiss Joshua's ass to get his forgiveness.
--- Three months after
You and Jeonghan were working on skinship slowly. You were no long flinching when he reached for you. It was a small twitch now. Jeonghan didnt look so shattered when you moved away from him. Seungcheol was the only one you didnt move away from. Jeonghan had become less possessive, he didnt blow a fuse every time someone touched Seungcheol. He was happy to give you space, happy to watch you hug Seungcheol, it made Seungcheol happy so it made Jeonghan happy.
A few days later is when you finally approached Jeonghan, arms tight by your sides as you cleared your throats. “Hannie?” You whispered, watching as he spun around to face you, surprise evident on his face. “Can i hug you?” A smile spreads on his face as he nods, opening his arms, smiling when you came in for a hug. “Hi angel.” He whispered against your neck, a soft smile on his lips, hands stroking your hair and back.
“Thank you.” He heard you mumble into his chest and he tightened the hug. “No thank you." He pulled back a bit, pressing his lips against the side of your head. "We should go on a date." He murmured against your hair and you were quiet for a moment and it made Jeonghan almost retract his words. "A date?" He barely heard you mumble and he nodded, smiling down at you.
The bruises have faded by now but recently since you started letting Jeonghan give you skinship he would leave kisses on both wrists. He never mentioned it but you knew he was apologizing in his own way. You had smiled whenever he had placed kisses on your wrists. A constant silent 'im so sorry' in his own words. He didnt know how to apologize for it in words so he went into actions. Whenever you held his hand he would stroke the skin, almost unconsciously now.
"Yeah, go get ready peach." He smiled as he pulled away, patting your butt as you disappeared into the bedroom to change only to peek back out. "Fancy or casual?" Jeonghan glanced over his shoulder. "Casual." He smiled at you as you disappeared back into the room to change, returning to finishing the dishes. You stole one of Seungcheol's hoodies. They were always big on you, the hem reaching mid thigh and the sleeves covering your hands. You decided on jeans under it followed by the shoes Joshua bought you.
Peeking back our you watched as the blonde put away the dishes. You walked up to the island behind him and leaned against it, watching him. Jeonghan was pretty, very pretty. You sighed quietly, not wanting to alert him to your presence yet. You wanted to admire him for a second, he got better on not being possessive, even if Joshua hadnt forgiven him still. He smiled lightly as he put the last dish away, turning around and gasping once he saw you. "Hi peach, you surprised me." He walked around the table and poked your cheek lightly.
You slipped into his arms. Seungcheol was out that day so you had some much needed alone time with the blonde. You couldnt run away and hide next to Seungcheol like you use to. You smiled softly at him, chin resting on his sternum. Skinship has been easier with him the last few days, it always use to be. He smiled widely, at the touch. "You look ready to go. Give me a second to get ready then we can go."
There was a small piece of you that didnt want to let go of him. He was always warm, almost like a human heater. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and shifting his boy to pick you up, hands moving down to the back of your thighs. "If you dont let me go baby i cant change." You shook your head, legs wrapping around his waist and hiding your face in his neck. You missed being this close to him.
You heard his chuckle against your hair as he walked towards the couch, sitting down and sighed, leaning back. Jeonghan might not be the strongest but it seems like hes been working out. His hands came up to rub your back. "I thought you wanted to go on a date?" You nodded. "I do...i just missed hugging you like this." You heard the shaky breath he let out as he held you closer. "I missed you so much..." He confessed, biting his lip. "But i gotta change if you want to go on that date."
You pouted before you released him, cheeks pink as you moved to sit next to him. "Can you change quickly?" He chuckled, nodding as he got up, walking quickly towards their shared room to change. It was still hard to go in their room, flashbacks of that night always flashing at the forefront of you mind. He came back quickly and he reached his hand out. "Ready?" He whispered. You grabbed his hand before you even stood up, lacing your fingers together.
It was almost easy to go back to the usual touches you guys use to have today. You hope its not a one day thing.
Jeonghan takes you to a cafe around the corner after locking the door, hands never separating. His thumb is stroking the back of your hand, seems like its unconsciously. Once your both sitting down hes already ordered both of your favorites. His head is resting on his hand, eyes watching you fondly as you stare at the table, unable to meet his eyes.
"Youre adorable." He stated, smiling at you once you glanced up at him, cheeks still red. "Huh?" You were dumbfounded, confused. "I said, youre adorable." He grinned, one corner of his lips higher then the other.
He was smirking.
It made your jaw drop. "Uh...thank you?" He nodded, grinning softly. It was an actual smile, softer then usual. You bit your lip, returning the smile. "You...youre pretty." He grinned wider. "Thank you sunshine." You smiled a bit. His nicknames were so cute, you had to admit that.
The date ended nicely, him teasing as usual. Once you had gotten inside, Seungcheol was sitting on the couch. You had yet to go on a date with both of them. "Where have you guys been? You grinned, skipping over to him, releasing Jeonghan's hand. "We went on a date!" His eyes towards Jeonghan before he smiled, standing up, tugging you into his arms, kissing your forehead. "Did you have fun?" You nodded and he hugged you tightly. "Thats good."
Jeonghan slipped behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, landing on Seungcheols hips. He grinned against your neck, pressing a few kisses on the skin. "Im kind of tired now though." You mumbled, stroking the blondes hair. "How about we make a pillow fort, get some snacks and watch a movie?" Seungcheol spoke quietly, stroking the skin of your hip where your shirt had risen.
"That sounds fun!" You turned back around. "Make it pretty Cheol!" You teased, hugging Jeonghan tightly, eyes sparkling. "Hey thats rude!" You heard Seungcheol whine. Jeonghan loved teasing anyone, Seungcheol happened to be one of his favorite targets. Seungcheol snaked his arms around your waist before tugging you backwards into his chest before he dug his fingers into your side, a loud shriek leaving your lips followed by giggles as Seungcheol started the assault of tickles.
It was almost hard to keep you from wiggling out of his arms and reaching out for the blonde. "Hannie help!" He grinned, taking a step forward. The mischief in his eyes automatically made you regret asking for help. "I gotta help." He cooed and you made you wiggles more aggressively, trying to get away before Jeonghan could get his fingers on you. "Wait please, please i give! Merci meri!" You felt Seungcheol stop but Jeonghan didnt stop moving, causing you to drop from your spot against Seungcheol's spot in order to escape the heathen trying to get a hold of you.
You made a run for it. Running down the hall and hearing Jeonghan's footsteps right behind you, a yelp leaving your mouth when you glanced back. He was closer then you thought. Skidding around the corner you stumbled up the stairs and aiming for the bathroom at the hall. Only you barely made it up the stairs for a weight slammed into your back, arms snaking around your waist. "Gotcha!"
"Wait wait! Hannie please!" You yelped, fighting against the grip the other had on you. It wasnt a tight grip that you couldnt get out of if you actually tried but one that felt more like a playful threat. He didnt tickle you, now the only ticklish thing he had was the whisper of kisses against your neck. That was almost worse then the actual tickles.
Spinning you around he smiled bright at you, dropping a kiss on the side of your head. "Ok i wont. But lets go help Cheol set up." He released you from his arms except for your hand, lacing your fingers together as he walked with you down the stairs. He released your hand to start helping Seungcheol with the fort while you grabbed snacks and pillows, dropping them off by the couch. Seungcheol seemed to have gotten the extra blankets from the closet.
By the time you got back from gathering the snacks they had taking all the chairs and moved the table from the middle of the floor. Giving you three the whole living room space to work with. Placing the snacks on the moved table you came closer. "Any way i can help?" Jeonghan shook his head. "Nothin' right now peach." You hummed in response. "Actually, can you grab the laptop and charger please little one?" Seungcheol spoke as he stood straight up, a dimpled smile on his lips as you made eye contact.
"Theres also some alcohol in the fridge. I know you dont like beer so theres some cider. I also found some like, alcoholic monsters? Theres no caffine but when i tried one it was really good. You can grab some of those if you want." You nodded, disappearing into the kitchen to grab the desired alcohol. Placing some of the alcohol on the counter you grabbed the beer you knew Seungcheol and Jeonghan like.
Returning to drop off the alcohol you smile. The fort looked almost done. Running back up the stairs you grabbed the laptop you both normally used. Usually pillow forts happened when Jeonghan was out and ended with you in Seungcheols lap a complete mess. You bit your lip. You were a bit nervous, if it ended like it usually did, you were scared Jeonghan might get possessive again. But when he had seen you and Seungcheol together he had slowly stopped acting like a prick.
Coming back down you placed both items on the table next to the alcohol and snacks. You werent going to drink too much, you would make sure the others didnt drink too much, especially if the night would end with you one someones cock and the movie playing in the background, forgotten. Last time, Jeonghan seemed like the drunkest out of the three of you, Seungcheol not far behind. Why didnt you stop it?
You shook the thought away. Now wasnt the time to fall back into that moment. It wasnt time to take steps back after coming so far forward. You turned, watching as the two came out of the tent. You narrowed your eyes, suspicious with the way both boys lips seemed a bit more swollen then when you last saw them. "Did you guys kiss in there while i was busy running around and grabbing everything?" You pouted. "Aw, c'mere little one, ill give you a kiss." Jeonghan teased and you huffed, moving over to Seungcheol. "I dont want your wet kisses." You saw him gasp, a hand over his heart like he was offended. "I dont give wet kisses!" You rose a brow, glancing at Seungcheol's lips.
"Oh really?" You pointed at the others lips. "Then why are his so unnecessarily wet?" He rolled his eyes before coming closer and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "See, not wet. Cheol is the wet kisser." You frowned. "No he isnt?" You cross your arms before Seungcheol wraps his arms around your waist. "Jeonghan uses tongue a lot." He whispered into your ear. "I like to use teeth." His words are breathed onto your ear. "But you know that." He whispers, nipping at your neck. "He doesnt use teeth with me, he uses his tongue. I however." Jeonghan continues. "I will use my teeth with you. I like to bite."
Jeonghan turns back around to finish the fort, leaving you with a dumbfounded face and Seungcheol snickering as he finishes tossing the snacks then blankets and pillows you guys were going to use. Then adding the alcohol, grinning once he came back out. "Ive been told before about how this turns out." He states, tugging you inside with him and placing you beside him. As Seungcheol crawls in he flops down on the opposite side of you, pressing his side against yours, his arm resting over your back, hand resting on Jeonghan's waist as he pulls up netflix.
"What should be watch?" You hum at the question. "Disney? Marvel?" Jeonghan nods. "Disney. We should watch Cinderella." He grins over at the both of you, your nod is agreement, Seungcheols seems more like exhaustion. "We watch this movie everytime." You wave him off. "But you dont watch it with me." You turn to look at him, a pout on your lips, Jeonghan making the same face behind you.
Seungcheol sighs but agrees as Jeonghan finds the movie and presses play. He reaches for a remote you furrow your brows. When he flicks it on you gasp. You didnt notice him grabbing fairy lights. You feel warm inside...and outside. With the way the boys were pressed against your sides. "Pretty right?" You nod, eyes falling on the blonde side, watching his side profile.
You guys managed to finish Cinderella with only a few hitches, hitches meaning a hand often sliding too long on your back or up to your neck. The next movie you didnt make it far. You barely noticed it was some hallmark Halloween movie as Seungcheol's lips on yours distracted you, pulling you towards his chest and man handling you on top of him. "Aww i thought we were going to actually watch this movie."
Jeonghan doesnt even know the movie thats playing, or how it got played. Pulling away from Seungcheol you press a kiss on each dimple before sitting up on his lap, looking at Jeonghan. None of you had actually had any alcohol. 'You dont drink while watching disney movies.' You couldnt agree more.
"Are you complaining because you want a kiss?" His pout turns into a smirk as he shifts, shuffling closer to drop a kiss on Seungcheol's lips then yours, dragging you over onto his lap and under him. "Are you ok with this?" He whispers, eyes searching yours for any hesitation or panic. You take a second, searching his own face. Jeonghan looks worried, needy but wanting to pull the truth from you.
"Just go slow." You whisper, nodding. "Word is bumble." You raise a brow. "Bumble?" Jeonghan nods, hands by your head. "Dont question it. We can do the traffic light system if you want that more." You nod, scanning his face, barely noticing Seungcheol coming closer. "Im ok with this. Just dont touch my wrists or neck." You whisper, hands reaching for the others face, pulling him into a soft kiss. Your cheeks stroked the skin of his cheeks. Soft.
You pull away, letting him kiss your jaw before he sat up, thighs on either side of you pulling your hand to his lips as he pressing kisses up your arm, watching as Seungcheol takes his place to kiss you. You sigh softly into Seungcheols lips. A tap against your hip makes you pull back. "Can i take these off?" You can barely see Jeonghan from behind Seungcheol. "Yeah." You whisper. You can feel when Jeonghan moves, your pants and panties going with. When Seungcheol pulls back your eyes fall on his lap.
Bless boys in sweatpants. Bless whoever made sweatpants a thing.
You reach out for his thigh, gripping it tightly. "Use your words little one." You pout up at Seungcheol, huffing at the cocky grin on his lips. You dig your nails into his thigh, watching as he tenses the muscle, a soft groan leaving your lips at the feel, another leaving at the feeling of Jeonghans hands on your thighs, stroking the soft skin before hes pulling you up and towards Seungcheol. "I want to see how wet you can get his thigh. Ride it."
You blinked a few times but Seungcheol still had a grin on his lips, sitting on his but with his legs out. "C'mon." He coos, patting his thigh. You bite your lip before crawling over to him, sitting on his thigh. A soft whine leaves your lips as he tenses the muscle again. The material of his sweats make the feeling even better. They arent as scratchy as your own but theyre soft.
"If you can soak his sweats ill eat you out." You hear Jeonghan speak, Seungcheol humming as he placed his hands on your hips. "Hes good at giving head baby. Better soak me." He encourages, helping you move your hips along his thigh. Your hands rest on his shoulders, giving you extra stability to grind your hips. The fabric brushing against your clit just right, a soft whine leaving your lips. Soft encouraging words leaving Seungcheols lips. Seungcheol loved giving praise, and receiving. You whimpered into his hair, moving your hips harder.
"Baby likes praise ok Jeonghan? No name calling." You had told Seungcheol more about what you didnt like. You liked degredation, but you didnt want it from Jeonghan, and Seungcheol doesnt like giving it. Jeonghan hummed, his chest suddenly against your back, hands resting above the others, pushing you down and forward. "I know you can do better." You let out a moan at the feeling, hips stuttering. You were close to soaking through Seungcheols pants.
You were growing addicted to the feeling of his sweats brushing against your clit. It made your head dizzy and your body feel fuzzy. Jeonghans breath fanning across your neck made you shutter. "Can i?" You nodded. "Just not touching with your hands." He nodded, a wet kiss being pressed against your throat before there was a brush of his tongue.
When your moans got louder and more often he smirked, jerking you up Seungcheols thigh, leaving your orgasm there. "No!" You whined. "I want you to cum on my tongue. Trust me youll be having more to make up for just that one." It was going to be a long night. Was the lost coherent sentence you thought before you were moved onto your back, thighs spread and blonde hair tickling your innerthighs.
You knew once Jeonghan got his tongue on you it would be over. Your orgasm was ebbing away, a soft pout on your lips at the thought of a missed orgasm. But your mind went blank as soon as you felt his tongue brush against your clit, mouth dropping open. Jeonghan moved his arms, wrapping them around your thighs, palms resting against your stomach as he happily proceeded to eat you out.
His tongue slid through your slit, gathering all of your wetness. "Jeonghan can get messy while eating." Seungcheol spoke, eyes bright as he watched you squirm on his boyfriends tongue. You couldnt see Jeonghans eyes whenever you looked down to watch. You wiggled a bit, to get away or closer you dont know. All you wanted was more.
Your body jerked when his mouth closed around your clit and sucked, eyes rolling back and mouth opening, a broken call of Jeonghans name leaving you. You whined loudly, hand shooting down to grip his hair tightly as he continued. "Fuck...So good." Seungcheol moved, lips pressing against yours to muffle your cries as Jeonghan slipped his tongue inside you the same time Seungcheols hands slipped up your shirt and removed your bra.
His fingers quickly followed his tongue, slipping one inside as he pulled away, eyes dark with lust as he stared up at you. Pressing his thumb against your clit he rubbed it quickly and you pulled away from Seungcheol to grasp, gripping Jeonghans hair with one hand and one in Seungcheols. "Please please..." Please left your lips, wanting Jeonghans mouth back on you.
"Told you he was good, isnt he?" You nod rapidly as the blonde added another finger. "Cum on my tongue." His voice deeper then you heard before, lips spreading into a grin as he spread his fingers, quickly sticking his tongue between his fingers, tongue pressing against warm walls quickly before he moved his head back again, adding another finger and curling them up, searching for your sweet spot.
He knew he found it when your leg kicked out followed by your legs closing around his hand. "There?" You nodded quickly, whimpering and crying as he massaged the spot quickly. "Fuck fuck, Hannie please, can i cum?" He hummed. "Shes begging so prettily Han." Seungcheol pushed your hair back from your face, sweat making it stick. "Ok peach, you can come." He pressed his fingers against the spot hard, rubbing it quickly.
Your orgasm hits you like a train, back arching and legs twitching. "You used your manners, good girl." He soothed, hand stroking your hips. "I think Cheol deserves your attention now, look at him, he looks like hes in pain." He didnt look like he was in any type of pain, you scanned his face, just noticing the tick in his jaw. So it was painful. "Why dont you help him out?" Jeonghan hummed, helping you move. "Can you do that? Ill even reward you with another orgasm." The thought of coming again so soon made your body of seize up.
You nodded before you sat up, helping Seungcheol move his sweats (that were still soaked with your wetness) down his thighs. You loved Seungcheols size. He was a perfect mix of length of girth. He filled you up nicely, hitting that sweet spot everytime he fucked you. You struggled taking him down your throat however. For your mouth, it wasnt a perfect fit. You could barely get half his length into your mouth before his tip hit the back of your throat and his girth made the corner of your lips hurt the smallest bit.
But god if you didnt try every single time. You practiced your gag reflex often, hoping one day youd be able to take him. But by the glance you got at Jeonghan's pants he wasnt much better. "Only if you take off your pants too..." Currently he was the only one that still had his pants on. He nodded, removing his pants and his shirt, Seungcheol following with his shirt.
Licking your lips you watched Jeonghan strip. He was pretty, lean and slim. a deadly trio for your heart. His cock was as pretty as he was. he was a bit slimmer then Seungcheol, but they were the same length. You turned your head back to Seungcheol once his hand landed on your head. Smiling up at him you laid between his legs, taking your time to drag your tongue up the vein on the underside of his cock, seeing the chill go up his spine that you loved. Taking the head his cock between your lips and sucking gently at the tip, not noticing Jeonghan getting closer until your hips were pulled up, hands stroking the backs of your thighs.
Jeonghans hands were soft on your skin, not an unforgiving scratching or an aggressive smack. He smiled as he watched you relax, as much as you could with Seungcheol down your throat. You hummed around the elders cock, fighting back a gag as his hips jolted up at the vibration. "Fuck, you cant do that." He huffed, stroking your hair, pushing it back from your face. Seungcheol smiled as he made eye contact before it dropped as you took more of him, tears forming as you felt him hit the back of your throat.
You arched your back, legs spreading as you felt Jeonghan nudge them apart with one hand, the other pressing against your lower back, humming at the sight. "What a pretty sight." He cooed, smiling. "Cheollie look at this." Said males eyes flicked up from your face, seeing the way your back arched prettily. "Pretty." He trailed off. Youhollowed your cheeks, causing him to groan. "But i think this is prettier. Come see."
Pulling back from your back side he went around, looking down at you, lips tugging into a smirk. Your face was red, eyes teary with drool dribbling down your chin. Messy. You were messy. Jeonghan loved it. His fingers itching to touch. He watched as you pulled off, wiping your lips before sucking on the side of his cock, nipping at his pelvis. "No mar-" Jeonghan stopped himself. It was fine if you did. You werent going to be leaving after. You already had a space in Seungcheol's heart, you had to know Jeonghan had a you size shape in his heart too.
You smiled, a hand gripping his thigh. "You can fuck my face." Both boys stopped, the hand in your hair turning from stroking to gripping, tugging your hair back to lock eyes. "You sure?" You gave Seungcheol a smile. "Yes please." He took a breath before pulling you back towards his cock. "Tap my thigh twice for stop, and once to slow down." He waited for your nod. You had no problem touching Seungcheols thigh in any manner.
You took a deep breath before exhaling. You had been working on your breathing with your mouth full. Not full of cock but you made do with what you could. He let you get settled as Jeonghan moved back around to his spot. Stroking the skin of Seungcheol's thigh you hummed as a go ahead. He starts off carefully, the first gag had him groaning. The feeling of your throat constricting around him made his hips jerk more, speeding up his thrusts.
The hand gripping your hair and the cock assaulting the back of you throat distracted you from Jeonghan. Your attention was quickly taken by him as you felt his cock grind against your clit. Youre not sure when he had put on a condom but you werent about to complain. You didnt want a kid, at least right now. You groaned loudly around Seungcheol as both snapped their hips. You whined softly.
You felt them both stop, letting you get use to the intrusion on the opposite end. The feeling of Jeonghan's hands stroking the skin of your back made you relax more, eyes closing. You fleeting wonder if you could fall asleep like this. Filled from both ends and warm. You hummed, mind hazy. Pushing your hips back was the go ahead they both needed. Seungcheol restarting his thrusts while Jeonghan started his. It was a wonderful feeling. Being so full of both boys.
It wasnt long after that you started getting squirmy and Seungcheol's pace got erratic. "Little one 'm gonna cum..." He released the grip he had on your hair, giving you the chance to pull away, only for you to swallow him down, groaning as his cum filled your mouth, coming around Jeonghan once he rubbed your clit quickly.
Jeonghan let you ride out your high with slow thrusts. "Can you hold on for me? Gonna let me cum too?" You nodded, resting your head on Seungcheol's thigh. Jeonghan started slow, the oversensitivity made your body feel like pins and needles were in it. You whined unconsciously as he sped up, letting him take what he needed as the sound of skin slapping fill the living room as Seungcheol strokedd your hair. Feeling his hips jerk you did your best to help him, clenching around him a few times before you whined as your second orgasm hit you just as Jeonghan's hits him.
He rubbed your sides softly as he slowly pulled out, letting you down as he moved to clean everything up and throw away his condom. "I know you dont want to get up..." He starts and you groan in response, not liking where the conversation was heading. "But you need to wash up. My sheets are expensive." You roll your eyes. Jeonghan was back to himself. "C'mon ill carry you." You looked up at Seungcheol, huffing as he stood up, picking you up and chuckling as you winced.
"Hannie did a number on you didnt he." You knew Jeonghan went hard but you werent sure if was hard enough to hurt. You guess it was. "T-throat." Your voice was shot. A cocky grin grew on his lips. "Aw, did i fuck your voice away?" You huffed, looking towards the bathroom where you assume Jeonghan had disappeared to.
He was in there, adding bubbles and his favorite bath salts. You noted that he was sharing and a soft smile grew on your lips before you were glaring at Seungcheol as he spoke. "Hannie you fucked her pretty well. I think i was better though. Her voice is gone." He smirked and Jeonghan rolled his eyes. You thought was going to be on your side. But this was Jeonghan, he was on his own side or whichever benefited him most. "This time maybe."
Your jaw dropped. Were they going to make this a battle? Whoever made you unable to walk or talk the most wins?" You sigh but let yourself be lowered into the water, looked up at Jeonghan with wide eyes, a pout on your lips. "Do you want me to join you?" You nod and Jeonghan sighs dramatically. "I have to make sure Cheol doesnt burn the kitchen....but its fine, he will probably stay in here." A glance at Seungcheol had him nodding his agreement, sitting on the toilet lid as he watched Jeonghan slip in behind you, hugging you to him.
"Can you grab our baby some water please, carefully make some tea for her too?" Seungcheol pouted. "Why should i leave..." He mumbled as he disappeared for a few moments to grab some water and bringing it back to you. "I dont wanna be away right now." He confessed, coming back to sit next to you both. "Ok?" He asked and you nodded, giving him an ok sign as Jeonghan washed off the sweat from you. "Im going to wash your hair, then we can lay down ok?" You nod, eyes closing.
You could live like this. living in the warmth of the two and their love. Maybe you could learn to love some of Jeonghans possessive tendencies. You, you could definitely live like this. Like a princess.
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hyeque · 2 years
post workout Kuroo brainrot😔 him being all sweaty, panting….oh lord. im bout to burst.
morning ritual [kuroo tetsuro]
warnings: implied sex, teasing and name calling, kuroo is sexy end of story, not proofread
notes: really a warmup as i ease my way back into writing
kuroo, who while isn’t a college or pro volleyball player, still keeps in good shape after he quit. arguably, he’s doing more working out than when he was playing high school volleyball. that’s why his suits are always tightly fitted, pecs showing through his dress shirts, his slacks showing off his thighs and ass in the right ways, biceps peaking through his shirts as well.
one thing you know that he does everyday is go on his morning jogs. he always tries his best not to wake you, but considering the giant always wraps his limbs around you every night, it’s kinda hard to not notice the absence of warmth besides you at 4am. in addition to that, he usually workouts on machinery after his jog (yay for in-home gyms).
the result is a kuroo tetsurō that is reserved for your eyes and your eyes only.
you’re usually “asleep” but this particular morning you happen to be awake early, mourning the absence of your beloved. it’s when you hear the door open and close do you quickly decide to hide yourself in the bedsheets, not wanting to be seen awake.
kuroo slips into your shared bedroom when you pretend to be asleep. you take the time to peek at him out of curiosity.
to say he looks delectable is an understatement. his workout shirt is clinging to his body like a second skin. his hair, while usually wild, lays down slightly just because of how sweaty he is. his slightly tan skin always glistens just right in the light and gives him a flattering glow.
you’re too busy oogling him that you completely miss him walking back in the bedroom. you try to cover your face in hopes he didn’t catch you drooling, but he’s perceptive as ever.
“i know you’re not sleeping, pervert.” he says, and you hear the smirk in his voice. you crack your eye open and there he is, standing over you shirtless.
“m’not a pervert.” you pout, frowning at him.
he tilts his head slightly. “yeah? then why are you eyeing me like a piece of meat right now?” he pulls back the bedsheets and you shiver once the cold air hits your skin. it isn’t long before kuroo’s looming figure is hovering over you.
the smell of his sweaty musk should repulse you, it should. but when it’s him, repulsion is the last thing you feel.
“well i’m allowed to ogle my own boyfriend. you’re not that innocent either mister.” you respond, brushing back hair from his face. you don’t miss the way that his hazel eyes have become clouded with a dusky look.
he laughs, amused by your behavior. “i guess you’re right. i should do something about that, hm?” he grabs your hands, pulling them to the side before peppering your face in kisses. they start out soft but become increasingly rough as he moves over your body.
“oh my god, tetsu! you’re so sweaty!” you giggle and try to push him away, but he continues his ministrations of kissing your face, collarbone, and neck.
“better that way, isn’t it?” he’s tugging your figure towards the edge of the bed, and you feel heat in your lower abdomen at the lack of strength he uses to do it so effortlessly. “don’t have to worry about getting clean twice.”
“maybe…” you mumble, face burning hotly as his lean body shields you. every muscular part of him seems to encase you in a way that calms you, yet excites you all at once. “maybe, if you would do something…”
standing between your legs, he kisses down your skin, tugging off your bottoms and underwear. you hitch your breath at his cold fingers resting on your hips.
his breath hits your glistening core and he smirks, centimeters away from giving you the bliss you need. he stands back up and your eyes instantly fall to the print in his gym shorts.
kuroo often calls it his morning ritual. now he doesn’t believe in superstition or anything like that, but he sure does think that fucking you just right leads to him having a great day. he’s convinced you that a business deal needs to be sealed with your lips wrapped around him, or his face in your cunt. and sometimes he’ll have you thank him for sending you to work full of his cum.
there’s something about kuroo’s stamina post workout that makes him different than any other time. and the same goes for you as well. you become clingier. needier. and he can tell you both needed release more than anything.
a sweet smile appears on kuroo’s face, but nothing about it is comforting. after all, he’s going to break you.
he strips off his reminding article of clothing, hunger in his eyes. “you’re in luck, sweetheart. i still have enough stamina and energy. i could use another workout, and you’re the perfect partner.”
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lousypotatoes · 24 days
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i got bored, and i decided to make a playlist for this series <33 im gonna be doing that for all my fanfics for now on
Singin' In The Rain - Cliff Edwards 
"I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain 
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again~"
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift 
"I never trust a narcissist, but they love me 
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look oh so easy~"
When A Man Loves A Woman - Percy Sledge 
"Well, this man loves a woman 
I gave you everything I had 
Trying to hold onto your high-class love
Baby, ooh, please don't treat me bad~"
Dangerous Woman - Arianna Grande
"I wanna savor, save it for later
The taste of  flavor, 'cause I'm a taker
'Cause I'm a giver, it's only nature 
I live for danger~"
Ain't Misbehavin' - Fats Waller
"I know for certain
The one I love
I'm through with flirtin'
It's just you I'm thinkin' of~"
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish 
"Count my cards, watch them fall
Blood on the marble wall
I like the way they all
All Alone - Al Jolson
"All alone, I'm so all alone
There is no else but you
All alone by the telephone
Waiting for a ring, a ting-a-ling~"
Killing Butterflies - Lou Bliss 
"Shiver like a leaf
Once you take a piece 
With your big old teeth
You will never sleep, no~"
Everybody Loves My Baby - Jack Palmer
"It's my sweetie, can't you guess?
Wild about her, I'll confess
Does she love me?
Oh yes~!"
Looking At Me - Sabrina Carpenter
"I could make it nice and easy
I'ma take the lead
They ain't even looking at you, baby
They're looking at me~"
Always - Irving Berlin
"I'll be loving you always 
With a love that's true always.
When things you've planned
Need a helping hand,
I will understand always.
All Around Me - Flyleaf
"Take my hand, I give it you
Now you own me, all I am
You said you would never leave me
I believe you, I believe~"
I Can't Believe You're In Love With Me - Jimmy McHugh
"Your eyes are so blue 
Your kisses too
I never knew what they could do
I can't believe you're in love with me~"
Need A Favor - Jelly Roll
"Hangin' in there just barely
Throwin' up prayers like Hail Marys
If You're still there, Lord spare me
Oh, my God, oh, my God, Hail Mary~"
I Wanna Be Loved By You - Bert Kalmar
"I wanna be kissed by you, just you,
Nobody else but you,
I wanna be kissed by you, alone~!"
A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay
"'Cause you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars 
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh~"
The Song Is Ended - Irving Berlin
"The song is ended
But the melody lingers on
You and the songs are gone 
But the melody lingers~"
Dusk Till Dawn - ZAYN, Sia
"I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here~"
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
"I had all and then most of you 
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met~"
Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco
"Other boys you may have dated
Serrated your heart with a slice 
But the cut of your love never hurts 
Baby, it's a sweet butter knife~"
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
"Do you know what you started? I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dancefloor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist, just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face~"
Control - Halsey
"And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy 
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control~?
Good For You - Selena Gomez, A$AP Rocky
"Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating~"
You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - Donald Craig
"Your clothes may be Beau Brummely 
They stand out a mile 
But brother
You're never fully dressed
Without a smile~!
Sway - Micheal Bublé
"Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me 
Stay with me, sway with me~"
Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday
"Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck 
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop~"
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra
"All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love...you~"
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silawastaken · 3 months
i was wondering what Dazai and Chuuya would wear in your au? I'm talking about the (not so) perfect pair btw.
(This is totally not for fanart)
AAAAAA FANART????? (im autistic and sarcasm is not my strong suit for this stuff, and I'll feel real stupid if this isn't real but OH MY GOD I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER)
And my GOD have I thought about this. It is currently 10:03PM and I have school tomorrow, lets see how long this takes me.
Right- Generally speaking, any chapter they're in school, they're wearing a uniform. Most of this stuff is based on what I know from the uk so 💀 yeah, it's a school uniform. That means, a collared short sleeve shirt, red tie(honestly it doesn't need to be red, I just randomly picked one), and black trousers.
Chuuya's wardrobe I feel would consist of patched denim shorts and jeans, jeans probably ripped at the knees. Dark colours mainly for other types of trousers, think black and greyish.
T-shirts, second hand band tees that are probably a little worn mostly, his parents do well but he isn't rich + he's a middle child, he probably doesn't own a lot of first hand clothing. I'd say oversized flannel or tartan shirts, either worn loosely over shirts or tied around his waist(Think very grungy. It's getting into summer, so tied around his waist is more likely)
The big thing is that most of the time so far, unless he's at school he's been wearing the hoodie Dazai gave him(black + red stitching, detailed better in the actual fic😔), so it'd make sense for him to be wearing it, unless at school, or post his parents finding out.
Generally, he's rather grunge but put together, he looks nice, and generally presentable.
While Dazai has clothes, he doesn't actually wear much of them. With Dazai, I think black or tan trousers when he's not in uniform, the same two pairs. The black ones more commonly, so probably more worn.
If Chuuya would wear the t-shirt, Dazai would too. Generally, I think most of the t-shirts Dazai would wear would be stolen from Chuuya, so yeah! If Chuuya'd wear it, Dazai would.
Same with hoodies, but obvs Dazai is slightly different. Generally with dressing Dazai/his clothes, this au Dazai is still in his emoish phase, so stick to black and earth tones- blue, green, brown.
A few extra details!!! I've never said it explicitly, but Dazai isn't wearing bandages over his face, just his neck and arms. Chuuya's ears are also pierced, Kouyou got him earrings for his birthday. How many piercings that is? Idc go wild bro's sixteen and his parents are rather chill, he probably has a few. I don't know if this is the level of detail you were looking for, but for Chuuya, with shoes I'd say boots or like converse. For Dazai- it's actually specified that he wears a pair of like BATTERED high top black converse so :D
I feel it's fair to mention that Dazai and Chuuya are still rather rough and tumble teens, they're both depressed as shit rn and not going out to cause chaos like they normally would- but they still dress like they're prepared too. So a little unkempt and scruffy is a fairly accurate department of how they likely look half the time.
It is 11:08 and has been an hour, so I should probably stop agonising over this but this was a LOT of detail sorry if it still wasn't enough, or wasn't what you were looking for :(( BUT HAVE FUN WITH THIS INFO.
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Van admits that she's not much of a top *NSFW*
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Okay so I'm kind of putting two submissions into one here lol
(1: Van bottoming w/ whoever you choose
2. hi angel 🫶🏻 I’m obsessed with ur writing and I’d LOVE another older van smut.. you can do literally anything you want!)
im obsessed with you too bb <3
Van was looking at you like she was about to tell you the worst news of your life. Did she have six months to live? Was she lying to you about her identity, and was she really a spy for the CIA? Was this all an elaborate game and were you being punked?
"I like you a lot." She said slowly to you on her bed, still fully clothed, but her lips sore and red from how aggressively you'd been making out. "And I want to keep going out with you."
"Okay...?" You looked at her questioningly.
"But I'm a little afraid that if I tell you this, you're not going to want to see me again." She admitted.
"Oh my God, Van, just spit it out." You encouraged.
"I'm a bottom." She said with all seriousness, her eyes searching for some kind of immediate answer in your face, and to her surprise you burst into laughter.
"Okay." She sat up. "Alright, fuck you, I was trying to be open and honest and-"
"Van." You giggled, grabbing her arm and sitting her back down. "I'm laughing because you seem to think that I'm not a top."
She looked at you, seemingly very confused. "Most of the women I find on these apps immediately assume I'm their new dommy-mommy, which is like, fine for one night, but again... I really like you, and if we're going to see each other after tonight, I just need you to know that if anyone is getting tied up it's going to be me."
You smirked, raising an eyebrow. "I knew you weren't looking for a bottom. Give me a break. Any normal person can smell that from a mile away."
"Hey." She feigned offense. "I mean, I know that, but you don't have to be so loud about it."
You chuckled. "Come on, take off your clothes. Let me watch."
A smile painted her lips. She lifted her fingers to the buttons of her shirt and began to undo them one by one as you sat back and took her in. The shirt parted open, exposing her breasts. She took to her feet, and unbuttoned her jeans. Then she lowered the zipper, the hem of her panties poking out. They were a pretty blush pink, and the lace was digging into her skin.
She shimmied out of them, allowing the shirt and pants to fall to the floor.
"Did you dress up just for me?" You asked seductively, beckoning her to come closer to you. She walked forward, allowing your hand to reach around and grip her rear end.
"Maybe." She mumbled, her face reddening.
You played around with the lace of her underwear for a moment before deciding you wanted them off of her. You slid them off of her lips and they fell to her ankles. Her beautiful ginger bush was well maintained, but still big and wild. What a sweet surprise.
You stood up and removed your shirt and pants, leaving you in a sports bra and underwear. "Get on the bed."
She submitted, crawling on her hands and knees on top of the covers. You crawled up behind her, pushing her forward into the bed, keeping her ass firmly in the air. She gasped.
"You want to be topped, do you?" You questioned, giving one cheek of her ass a nice slap.
"Y-Yes." She responded sweetly.
Then you slapped the other cheek. "Are you just so tired of being in charge, mmm?"
"Yes." She moaned out, her fists gripping the duvet cover beneath her.
You grabbed a fist full of her beautiful red hair and tugged on it gently. She squeaked.
"Here's how this is going to go..." You drawled. "You're going to give me your strap, and I'm going to fuck you with it, but not from the back. I'm going to look you in the eyes while I'm inside you."
Van let out a shaky breath. "O-Okay."
You let go of her hair, and gave her another, more gentle spank; permission to get up and retrieve your items. She did so, digging through her bedside table to pull out a big strap attached to a black leather harness. The member was blue and had a nice girth on it. She turned around and looked you in the eye with such a sweet, submissive look. You were just starving to get your hands back on her. She gave it to you, and never breaking eye contact, you slipped it on and tightened it around yourself.
"Come here." You commanded, patting the bed.
She obliged, laying down. She was beginning to breathe a little heavier now, watching your every move.
You just watched her for awhile, the suspense building up. She was squirming in her spot, practically begging you to touch her, but not yet. You bent over, blowing cold air over her nipples. Like pink little pebbles, they immediately hardened. Goose bumps littered her chest and arms. She opened her thighs a bit, exposing her wet pussy. Her desire for you was trailing down her thighs.
"Someone's wet." You commented, a smile reaching your face.
"Would you touch me?" She whispered.
"Oh, come on." You chuckled. "What do we say?"
"Please." She swallowed hard, bucking her hips up toward you.
You kissed the spot directly above her bush, and she whimpered.
"Be patient." You chastised, squeezing her thigh. You littered more kisses, going further down with each one, until you hit the area just above her clit. She opened her thighs wide for you, pressing her knees to her chest. Everything was on display for you to see. She was just oozing with lust at this point. You gave her clit a quick sucking. She tasted sweet and a little musty, like she'd been on her feet all day. You couldn't get enough of it. You buried your mouth into her, enjoying the taste.
She moaned out your name, grabbing your hair in her hand for leverage.
You loved feeling her short nails dig into your scalp as you soaked her up, teasing her hole which contracted expectantly.
You lifted up off of her, leaving her just wet enough to take your strap. You teased her for a moment with its tip, and she whined at you. "Please, Y/N. Please fuck me."
You throbbed at her desperation. "Oh, is my sweet girl horny?"
She nodded. "Yes, Y/N."
You entered her and she sucked on her teeth, letting out a whiny little moan. She bucked her hips up at you, trying to take more of you in, so of course you gave her more. You gave her all you had, burying yourself deep inside her. "Oh my God." She groaned, her eyelids fluttering shut.
"Uh, uh." You tsked disapprovingly. "Open your eyes."
She did, looking into yours.
"You're going to look at me while I fuck you." You commanded. "Do you understand?"
"Yes." She sputtered.
You lifted yourself out before slowly entering back in again. Your own wetness was pooling beneath you, coating the strap and spilling over onto your thighs. You fucked her very slowly, letting her feel every inch of you.
"Please go faster." She complained, gripping her breasts tightly.
"Well, since you asked so nicely." You chuckled, pumping harder now. Her back arched in pleasure, her hips moving in unison with yours.
She wasn't too loud but you could see how good she felt all over her face. Her jaw slack, tears in her eyes, and soft little mews escaping from her throat. It was enough to send you over the edge yourself.
"Harder, please." She spat out.
You went as hard as you could now, your pelvis making hard contact with hers. She grunted with every moment of impact. You lifted one of your hands to her clit, and began to rub it slowly. The sudden addition of your fingers made her a little louder now. She could barely talk, trying to annunciate your name. "I'm gonna come."
"Show me." You grunted, losing your cool. "Show me how sweetly you come."
A little rougher with your fingers, you could feel her tightening around your strap. You had a hard time pulling out. Her grip was incredible. You thought that was very, very hot.
She began to tremble and muted noises escaped her mouth as she rolled her head further back into the pillow.
Watching her ride out her orgasm caused you to climax above her. You yelled out, more cum spilling out of you and onto your lover. You buried your head into her stomach, your hips shaking. Once the both of you finished, you rolled onto your back.
"I haven't been fucked like that in a long time." Van said softly.
You giggled, turning to look at her. She was so damp and her eyes looked sleepy.
"Would you like to try that again sometime?"
"God, yes." She sighed.
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malfromtheblue · 1 month
Liora who almost gets caught touching herself with her darling's panties but is somehow able to get out of it?? 😵
please dont read this if youre underaged, worry abt school and not the big D&P, yeah? and if youre of age just be aware i write a bunch of yandere stuff as im one myself so... yeah. enjoy!
Liora's stomach snapped for the sixth time that day as she released another load of white cream all over your dark blue sheets. The little brats kids - your kids- were downstairs, playing video games. Every day at this time, she would allow them to play games for an hour and a half, which was when you got home.
"I'll just be upstairs tidying up in your mommas room, okay?"
'Tidying up my ass,' Liora thought to herself. Your room was always nice and clean, despite the large size. At most, she'd just have to sweep a little, maybe dust the shelves. You made her job so easy. And insisted on it too. You always did your best to clean up before you left for work, telling her that taking care of the kids was enough.
Always saying "Oh, Liora you're doing amazing with the kids. Thank you SO much for watching them!", or perhaps " Liora, you're the best nanny I could've asked for, what would I do without you?"
Liora brought your red lace thongs up to her nose and inhaled deeply before letting out a half-melted sigh. She plunged her fingers right back into her gaping pussy, and tossed her head back. A wild blush blazed across her cheeks as she thought about you talking her through another orgasm.
Oh, you'd be so sweet and gentle as you always were when it came to talking to someone. Praising her, and peppering kisses and hickeys down her neck and to her chest, between her B-cup tits. But your fingers would be TEARING her up from the inside. Making it impossible to breathe right. Impossible to see straight. A pink haze would cloud her eyes as you both entered an orgasmic euphoria and GOD it was bliss.
Liora rutted against her fingers, drawing blood from her lip with how hard she was biting it. This is where you'd want her to cum and tell her to make you proud like the good little slut she was. A soft purr escaped her throat as her back arched. The pit in her stomach caught fire and her sopping pussy sputtered.
"Ahh~ Fuckkk...!" She squeezed her eyes shut to release once more, but-
"Liora! I'm home, Hon!"
Liora's eyes shot open and her hands froze.
She could hear your footsteps hesitate at the bottom of the stairs before calling her name again.
"Uh-Uhm..." Liora fumbled about, wiping her hands on her small flowery dress.
"Liora, are you okay?" Your footsteps started up the stairs.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
She quickly got out of your bed and tried to make it back up the best she could. As she made her way to the door, she stuffed your panties in her bra while pulling up her own. "Coming Ms. (Reader)!"
She swung open the door to be met with your kind and slightly surprised face. You're so fucking pretty...
"I-I was just finishing up in your room... Will you need my assistance tomorrow with the house?" She looked up at you and bit down on her lip as her face flushed. The sticky wetness of her cunt was already pooling in her ruined panties again.
You just smiled and nodded. "Like usual. Be safe on your drive home, okay?"
..... ....... ................. ......................... ..................... ......... .....
After tucking your kids in their beds for the night, you head to your own. As you undressed, you noticed that your top drawer where you kept your under garments and socks, was open. Hm.. Maybe Liora forgot to close it. It wasnt important as of right now. However, when you pulled your covers back to slide into bed, you were shocked to see a huge white stain, painting your dark sheets.
~ Mal 💕🍵
i apologize for the HUGE break, but im back my lovelies! and i missed you all so much, mwahhh <33
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b-kaulitzx · 11 months
BILL KAULITZ || Pulling you on stage ||
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You & your bestfriend, Adam were at a Tokio Hotel concert. It was the late 2000s, people dressing how ever they liked. A few girls with dresses on and jeans. Crop tops, glasses, jeans, jackets. You name it, you were in the 'gothic' part of it. Chunky boots, fishnets, black Jean shorts, crop tops, black small jackets, you name it.
You heard of the band two years ago, by your bestfriend. He wouldn't stop rambling on about them. I personally always liked bill and Georg. They are both extremely hot, now in person you couldn't lay your eyes off them.
You were staring at Georg, trying not to freak out that Adam got tickets for your birthday week. "YOURE WELCOME Y/N" Adam screams, making sure I can hear even though he screamed right by my ear. "YEAH THANKS A". A few minutes pass, jamming out to Schrei. I notice Bill walking closer to the front of the stage, and then winks in my direction. He gets even more closer and puts a hand out, reaching for me. I turn to Adam and act surprised(😦), I turn back around to Bill, grabbing his hand. Security pushing me up, I reaching the stage I turn to the crowd and then back to Bill. "Whats your name, Schatz?" He says into the Mike and points the microphone to my mouth. The crowd goes wild, screaming. "Oh! Um y/n!" . I say, holding in my excitement, "Well y/n, why don't you come back stage after we got done,". He winks at you, "that would be nice" I smile, bill turning back to the crowd and starts signing again, about a few seconds later, turning the microphone to you. You guess you have to finish the lyrics. You do and he nods, this goes on until the show is done.
Adam cheers you on from the crowd, being louder than usual. You smile at him and once the show is over, most of the people are gone, you spot Adam and get down to the stage sitting on the edge while he rests his arms on the railing. The band is getting water and snacks while u wait for them to get done. "Y/N! jesus how was it, if that was me i would have literally cried! " He says, his fvoice raspy from yelling. "Oh my god adam, it was fucking amazing. Surprisingly didnt get stage fright". He claps softly, "look, snice your gonma chill out with the band, I'm gonna go home okay? He's some money to get a cab, plus you guys will probably be drinking so that's even better". He throws a 50 dollar bill at you, missing the stage and falling on the floor. He winks and leaves, "adam? Bro im not getting off this stage!" You yell at him, he turns around and laughs. "Oh my God, damn it" you jump down from, the stage, grabbing it and stuffing it in your back pocket. You turn around trying to get back on the stage, you keep failing. You turn around, facing the few little people in the crowd, trying to jump on stage while a few people look at you is kinda embarrassing. You hear someone's voice "need help?" You turn around and see Georg, a layer of sweat on his face. "Oh! Please, I've been trying for the last like 2 minutes". He reaches his hand out for you, grabbing it and pulling you up. "That wasnt hard, Y/n" He grins, "it is when im not tall enough" he let's out a small laugh, "come on, Bill hasnt shut up about you snice we left the stage". He leads you to a black current and pushing it over you, you go under it and see the rest of the band. "Oh bill, shes here" He tunes out, "ah, y/n!" he turns to me and smiles, "your singing was awesome Y/n!' Bill says, walking up to me and shooing Georg away. "Thanks, bill. You were amazing yourself".
I honestly wanna add more but i just pulled an all nighter and im tired. ive had this thing SIT in my drafts for like 5 days so yeahhh. Also this is so long my bad yall, this was supposed to be like 2 paragraphs💀 Also didnt proof read because im lazy
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curltee · 7 months
(my bros commentary while watching THC1 )
"Are those his dogs? Hes crying cuz its badly photoshopped"
"Crying while carrying a whole ass gun"
"Bitch thats the point of a present"
"Whats this suspicious nightclub theyre going to."
"Does she know how phones work?
"Shes the dumb bitch in this group"
"Straight up, the drama team needs to learn how to take phone calls like he does. Fake phone calls"
"Um whys he looking like that when he injects her?"
"The sexual tension of this scene right now...wild. Pls tell me rn that this is secretly a torture porn???"
"Ofcourse hes gonna take it personally you twig"
"He can be a gardener"
"What a gentlemen, he even carries him"
"Dang he got a screamer here. And i thought those two girls were bad enough"
"Im sorry i just cant get over the shape of his fucking head"
"Hes like attractive, but in a creepy way"
"jenny gives me the mom come pick me up im scared deal"
"Can we appreciate that he has the decency to not hit the women. Yeah straight up he just awakens them so calmly. with the girls its like "hi besutiful goodmorning!" Then just fucking smack the guy on the face
"Id rather let him wake me up by smacking me than creepily stroke my hair like that"
"Why not hit that glass with your butt?"
"Why is he apologizing for not shooting her?"
"Oh my god shes really is the dumbest bitch alive. I thought jenny was but no"
"Fuck both jenny and the asian dude bitch runnn"
I could watch somebodys head cut off but not a butt removal"
"Okay but why the guy who screams alot placed at the front ???"
"Dang should have put jenny at the front to get a head action. unless hes into dudes"
"Do you think he has sex with it? If so which end would he prefer more? Or do you think he sees it as innocent but creepy way? Like this is my centipede child i love you"
"If he gives them painkillers does he only have the choose one but triple the amount of painkillers?"
Poor girls, one is literally eating her friends ass...forever"
"Okay so..nazi european madman. kamikaze shithole..What racial slur would be next"
"His chicken noise reminds me of squilliam"
"Is he dying? Oh shitting my bad."
"Did he atleast take their tongues out? or do they taste everything? Thats jsut nasty "
"These dudes are definitly not trained to be cops. They just claimed they are on a random day "
"Why do they dressed like our uncles?"
"Out of all stairs why the spiral ones"
"A wild human centipede 🎶 got chased by a doctor 🎶 will the centipede make it🎶 or get eaten alive 🎶 find out in our next episode of planet earth"
"Oh yeah hes licking it. thats gross"
"He really just crawled themselves into a room with no plan. its going good so far"
"So did she just assume the glass was still broken. Does she have no concept of time. Probably not "
"The amount of grunts they had to record for this"
"Thats a deep cut"
*Heiter got shot* "Thats satisfying"
"Annnnd shes dead. or passed out atleast. Oh no shes really dead"
"I swear they hold eachothers hands very much"
"Oh they shot this scene really well. Like the angle and everything. Props to her can translate dread into her eyes. This is makes me sad."
"Imagine being in the middle and your counterparts are fucking dead. Thats gonna be her motto is she survives this"
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Everything Has Changed - Suresh POV
This is for my Suresh girlies current and former…we had a really tough day yesterday. If you've read the leaks, pretend you haven't. Live in this world instead. It's nicer here. Lol
MC/Suresh are coupled up roughly a week after Casa Amor but a new islander threatens to shake up the villa… 
NC -17 
Tagging my Suresh girls who deserved better.
@future-mrs-suresh @squishy-noodles @hi-im-karla @fujihime-litg
Suresh traced the outline of Gemma’s face first with his fingertips and then with his lips. With her eyes still closed she smiled and inched her body closer to him. 
“Mmm...That feels good,” she whispered. 
“So should we do something special for breakfast today?” he asked.
She looked up at him confused. 
“Wow, Gem. Does our one-week anniversary mean nothing to you?”
Suresh feigned a wounded expression as Gemma climbed on top of him and kissed him all over his face. His cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his chin, finally landing on his lips. Her tongue grazed his lips softly as he opened and met his tongue with hers. The kiss started off slow, languid, giving Suresh an opportunity to drift his hands all over Gemma’s body. He cupped her breasts, sensually caressing her nipple. Gemma let out a soft moan that drove Suresh wild. The kiss intensified and deepened to a point of no return. She was now slowly rocking back and forth on his leg, begging him to touch her, to enter her. He could feel a slick, slippery trail she was leaving behind on his leg. She was more than ready for him. 
“Resh…I need you,” she whispered. 
Suresh flipped Gemma on her back and used his knees to spread her legs open. Their bodies coming together like puzzle pieces. 
“Fuck…Resh…you feel so good,” she said digging her nails into his back.
Suresh thrust into her at a steady pace and began gently massaging her clit in tandem.
“Oh. My. God. Resh please…keep…doing…that,” she gasped. 
He drove into her a little bit faster, and her breathing started to quicken, her legs began to shake, and her walls clenched around him. 
“Resh…I’m c-” She moaned loudly and that pushed him over the edge. His whole body shuddered as he gasped for air. 
He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. 
“That was amazing, Resh.” 
“JESUS You two! It’s been every single day and every night. Give us one day’s break please!” Kat said. 
The other islanders chuckled. 
Gemma and Suresh looked at each other under the covers, both blushing and giggling. 
“Leave them be! You’re just jealous Kat!” said Dana. 
“Our sincerest apologies, if it makes any difference, we were consummating our one-week anniversary,” Suresh said smiling. 
“That’s not really a thing, guys.” Lulu said yawning, clearly tired from their early morning wake up call. 
“Maybe we can make up for it by cooking you lot breakfast this morning?” Gemma asked. 
“Now we’re talking, Gemma!” Alfie said excitedly. 
Since they’d found their way back to each other after Casa Amor a week ago, Gemma and Suresh had been inseparable. Because they weren’t coupled up before Casa, they had to wait for an official recoupling which had taken place about 5 days ago. 
“Let’s get dressed then babe,” Suresh said. 
By the time Gemma got outside Suresh had already started mixing a large batter of pancakes. 
“I’ve missed seeing you cook,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him from behind. 
Suresh turned around to face her enveloping her in tight hug. 
“Oh god, I’d like my pancakes with no side of bits, please!” Kat said in disgust. 
“Yeah, guys this can’t be sanitary if you’re doing kitchen bits...” Eddie said warily.
“I was just hugging him! Everyone relax, there’s been no kitchen bits…today.” Gemma said giggling. 
“Come on, Gemma this isn’t funny! Kitchen bits is a no go! Can everyone please agree,” Alfie said. 
“I love some kitchen bits, to be fair,” Finn said smirking. 
“My man!” Finn and Suresh shared a high five. 
With Suresh’s pre-mixed batter, they began to cook large stacks of pancakes. 
“Those pancakes were really delicious, they almost make up for our lack of sleep this past week,” Alfie said laughing. 
Gemma sat in between Suresh’s legs with his arms wrapped around her. He cuddled her closer and said, “I hope they’ll do for the rest of the time we have here as well because we’re not stopping.” 
Gemma giggled, slightly blushing. “Suresh!” 
*Text Ping*
“Was that mine?” Suresh asked. 
“I think I got one too,” Kat said.
“What!?” Suresh looked at Gemma utterly confused. 
“Why would anyone pick me for a date right now? Especially when you and I are so solid.” 
“Babe it’s ok. I’m not bothered, go on the date. I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back. One date isn’t going to change anything,” she said reassuringly. 
He nodded and held his arms out as she melted into them. She was right, a date wouldn’t change how he felt about her but why now? Why him? There were more available guys she could’ve chosen. Something about this felt off to him. 
He headed inside to the villa to get dressed and turned around to get one final look of Gemma, she was chatting with some of the girls seemingly unbothered.
It was on rare occasion that the islanders were able to leave the villa for a few hours, so they were usually excited for dates, but Suresh was dreading this. Something about his mystery date choosing him didn’t sit right with him. As Suresh and Kat walked up to the courtyard, two tables had been set up nearby with some tapas and prosecco at both tables. Suresh and Kat were both asked to sit and wait for their dates to arrive at their respective tables. Kat’s date arrived first. He’s tall, gorgeous with dark brown eyes, caramel complexion, and curly brown hair. 
“Hey Kat, I’m Ben,” He flashed a wide small.
Suresh can hear the sound of high heels clicking purposefully walking towards him. 
Suresh turned around to face his mystery date and there she was. Gabrielle. The source of his relationship’s demise. A very real ghost of his past haunting him. 
“What is this?” Suresh asked disbelievingly. 
Kat looked at him confused. Her eyes followed Gabrielle and Suresh like a tennis match, paying Ben absolutely no attention. 
“What are you doing here? Are you trying to ruin me and Gemma again?” 
“Babes don’t be like that! And besides you did that all on your own the last time.” 
“Gabrielle, why are you here?” He hissed.
“Summer of love! Just like you!”
“Why did you pick me for this date, then? To cause drama with Gemma?” 
“I might’ve wanted to see you squirm a little before I made my grand entrance into the villa. And we were friends once, right? Maybe you could be my wingman of sorts!” 
“Why would I ever help you? You literally ruined the best thing I ever had.” 
Her eyes narrow. 
“You ruined it, Suresh. Don’t blame me for mistakes you made in your life. If I wanted to, I could make your life really fucking difficult right now, so I’d play nice if I were you.” 
“It was a one-time drunken mistake, Gabi. And you act like we saw each other for months. I wanted nothing to do with you after it. I blocked you. I never went back to the bar. This is the first I’ve seen or heard from you since it even happened.”
“Yes, but how easy would it be for me to tell Gemma that all of that isn’t true. You held so many secrets from her for so long, maybe she trusts you now but maybe I can cast a little doubt too?”
Suresh said nothing but glared at Gabrielle. 
“Pour me some champers, there will ya. Your girl is feeling celebratory!” she clapped her hands in glee.
“You’re not my girl,” he said icily. 
“Now, now Suresh. What did I say about playing nice,” she said taking a sip of her prosecco. 
Before the jeep was able to come to a complete stop, Suresh ran out of the car and barreled into the villa in search of Gemma. 
Sitting on the beanbags with Lulu and Dana, the trio stopped what they were laughing at when they saw the state Suresh was in. 
“Babe, are you ok?” She started to get up and he ran to help her with a look of fear in his eyes.
“Gem…” he paused taking a deep breath. 
“Resh, what’s wrong?” 
“Gemma…she’s here.” 
Before he could explain further Kat walked in with two new islanders, Ben and Gabrielle. 
Gabrielle made direct eye contact with Gemma and gave her a smug smile. 
“Let’s go welcome the new islanders, Resh!”
Suresh paused. Gemma looked at him with a look that said not now. He squeezed her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“So, Ben you’re a model from Exeter, then?” Kat asked. 
“Wait, Kat didn’t you ask Ben any of these questions on your date?” Alfie asked. 
“I was a bit preoccupied. sorry babe!” Kat said. 
“Hey welcome! I’m Gemma. Pleasure to meet you both.” Suresh holds Gemma protectively from behind with his hands resting on her waist. 
“We were just catching everyone up on the dates… might as well let everyone in on our shared past Suresh.” Gabrielle said flirtatiously. 
“Wait, what? Another ex?” Eddie asked.
“That can’t be right. Gemma is Suresh’s only ex.” Alfie said.
“Wait... but that means that… oh no... you’re the turtle tattoo girl! You’re the girl he cheated on Gemma with.” Eddie said. 
“Guilty.” She said mockingly while grinning at Gemma. 
All of the islanders turn to look at Gemma. 
“Can you lot leave us alone please?” Suresh grabbed Gemma’s hand and led her up to the roof terrace, as soon as she got there, she dropped his hand. 
“Suresh, I need a minute, please.”
Gemma closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. They were back together again. They were stupidly happy. They made it through their tests, why were they being given another one.
“Why does she have to be here right now?” Gemma said to herself. 
Suresh ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her. 
“We can leave tonight if you want, I’ll go and pack everything. I’ll get us on the first plane back to Edinburgh if it’s what you want.” 
“I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.” 
He nodded and let the silence hang.
“G are we okay?” He asked expectantly. 
Gemma sighed deeply and looked at him with welled up tears in her eyes.��
“The short answer is I don’t know. I really want to be okay. My feelings for you haven’t changed but I can’t pretend that I’m fine with the bartender you fucked sleeping five feet away from me every night for the next however many days or weeks we’re here. I knew that when we got back together that we were both moving on from our past mistakes and looking forward to our future together but having this very real ghost from our past haunting us it’s bringing up old things for me.”
“I’m sorry Gem, I’m so sorry. I really wish I could take all of this back.” 
“You can’t Suresh. So now we have to deal with the consequences.”
Gemma got up and headed towards the roof terrace door and looked back with her hand outstretched to Suresh, “You coming?”
Suresh woke up tangled in Gemma’s body. Even while they slept, they yearned for one another. He pulled her closer still and she purred softly. He couldn’t imagine how she could be feeling right now but he wanted to do everything he could to make her feel comfortable. Seeing Gabrielle again brought back all of the emptiness, the hurt he felt when he lost Gemma. The last thing he wanted to do was lose her now that he had her back in his arms. Gemma stirred under him and gazed lovingly into his green eyes. She closed the distance between them and kissed him passionately. There was a fervor, an intensity that was different to their other kisses this past week. 
“Well, you guys are all quite tame, then? No evening or morning bits?” Gabrielle said snickering. 
The sound of her voice made Gemma stop their kiss and they both sighed impatiently at the interruption. 
“No! Please don’t get them started, those two will be going at it all morning,” Kat groaned as she pointed to Suresh and Gemma’s bed. 
They both looked at each other and smiled. Suresh cuddled Gemma closer to him and gave her a small kiss. 
“Looks like we’ve built a reputation for ourselves,” he said smiling at her. 
“Suresh!” she playfully smacked his chest. “You know my mum and dad are watching this. Behave!” she said with a smile. 
“Hmm…not in the mood last night I take it? I hope my arrival wasn’t the cause of it,” she said with sickeningly sweet smile. 
The air in the room became tense and awkward. 
“I’m obviously just kidding guys.” She said laughing. “Well, if no one’s doing bits, we should get dressed then! To the dressing room ladies?” Gabrielle shot up from her bed and sprinted towards the dressing room. 
Gemma sighed and motioned to get up and Suresh pulled her back into bed. 
“Are you okay?” 
“She’s just trying to wind us babe. I’m not playing her silly games anymore.” 
Gemma groaned at Suresh and rolled her eyes, falling into his chest. 
“Now this,” she said muffled. 
“I’m sorry Gem, I wish I could go in your place,” he said kissing the top of her head. 
His mistake. He cheated. Why was Gemma having to suffer through a sit down with Gabrielle? She’d been insufferable during his date; he knew she’d be just as shameless and smug with Gemma. “…Maybe she trusts you now but maybe I can cast a little doubt too?”
“Well, this is lush! Champers, babe?” Gabrielle said pouring two glasses of prosecco. 
Gemma didn’t know where to start. This was incredibly awkward, and Gabrielle was acting as if nothing had ever happened, and they were just good friends. 
“I guess you probably want some answers about what happened between Suresh and I?” Gabrielle said interrupting Gemma’s thoughts. 
“No, to be quite frank, I don’t. Suresh cheated. With you. He and I have spoken about what happened and I don’t think there’s anything you can say that will add any further clarity to the situation for me.” 
Gabrielle looked back at Gemma stunned, for once she didn’t have the upper hand. She’d enjoyed dangling Gemma’s trauma in front of her face for the last two days and now she was turning the tables. 
“Hmm…are you sure?” she said tapping her perfectly manicured nail against her champagne flute. 
Gemma hated the condescending tone to that question. Are you sure? She knew Gabrielle was baiting her, but she couldn’t help but fall into her trap. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Well, do you think Suresh has really changed? You know him better than I do after all. And we both know he’s never going to not be a flirt. It’s synonymous with his personality at this point!” 
Gemma considered this point. Gabrielle was right Suresh had always been a massive flirt. It’s actually what turned Gemma off to him when they’d first met. He had to chase her down multiple times before he was able to win her over. But Gemma realized something, since they’d been in the villa together Suresh had been different. He had changed. His focus hadn’t been on flirting with the girls. It had been solely on Gemma. This wasn’t the same guy that she had met all those years ago. He was apologetic, he was considerate, he had matured, and he had changed for her. 
“You know what? I do think he has changed,” Gemma said beaming. 
Suresh bit his lip as he scrolled through various pictures of him and Gemma together from this past week in the villa. He hoped seeing her smiling face would calm his nerves but all it did was make the pit in his stomach grow bigger and bigger. The thought of losing her again brought him back to the black fog of nothingness. He turned his phone around and watched the main entrance area, willing her to return. 
“I don’t think it works that way,” Finn said. 
“I don’t think if you stare at the entrance she’ll come through those doors faster,” he said laughing. 
Suresh sighed heavily. 
“I know…it’s just. I can’t lose her again mate.” 
“I really don’t think you will. You’ve told her everything, right?” 
“Yes! I’ve been 100% honest with her.” 
“And she’s forgiven you. A little chat with Gabrielle isn’t going to change anything. It might actually help clear the tension between them if anything.” 
“You think?”
“Well, I guess you’ll find out right now. Look who just walked in the door,” he said as he walked away to give them some privacy. 
When Suresh looked up, he could see Gemma beaming at him. She giggled as she ran towards him, her light brown hair messily blowing everywhere. Once she finally reached Suresh she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck and her lips crashed down on his greedily. Suresh wasn’t sure what happened on their chat, but he eagerly reciprocated Gemma’s kiss. 
When Gemma finally released him, she was breathless and gasping for air. 
“Here, come sit,” he said as he guided them over to swings. 
“What happened on your chat?”
“I realized that everything has changed. I’ve changed. You’ve changed. What happened with Gabrielle was tough and it will forever be a stain on our relationship, but we’ve grown so much stronger because of it. We’re not the same people we were back then, Resh.” 
Suresh couldn’t help but smile. 
“Gemma I will never do anything to hurt you like that again. I love you so much.” 
Gemma gazed at him lovingly. 
“I love you, too Resh.” 
He closed the distance between them and kissed her passionately. Their kiss is interrupted by a text ping from his phone. 
“I got a text!” The islanders gather round while Suresh reads out the text. 
“Gemma and Suresh!!!” The islanders yell in unison. 
“So, we can finally get some rest,” Kat said. 
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Word count : 4k
Warnings : mention of food and dieting , Weed
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Mattys POV
(A week or so has gone by since last instalment)
Oh my god things have been wild lately, George is finally visiting today he's going to be here for at least ten days I believe and I can't bloody wait for it. I couldn't sleep last night we were up all night on FaceTime, he fell asleep eventually because he "didn't wanna look like complete shit when we first met", which is stupid because he can't look bad in anyway , to me. His train was due at 4 this afternoon but since I hadn't slept I had started getting ready at 7am , showered, dressed in skinny jeans and a floral shirt that I'm sure I stole from my mum once upon a time and my Docs because what else would I wear, I had spent at least half an hour just trying to make sure my hair didn't look like a damn bird nest or that I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, brushed my teeth and even had some breakfast. It was now 8:30 and I'm pacing, like actually pacing because I hate waiting. He'd texted me this morning but he doesn't want to show me his outfit because he wants it to be a surprise so in turn I said I wouldn't show him mine which is hell because I love this shirt so much and love showing it off. On what feels like my fifth lap of the house my dad had tried to convince me to sit down for a bit but even if I did it would be roughly five minutes before I was up and moving again. So in turn he'd asked if I wanted to go for a drive which I accepted gratefully. I think he was taking me to Tesco to pick up some stuff for dinner later.
We were just walking around the shop my dad pushing the trolley and me just shoving literally anything in it. "So this lad then, George is it?" , I nod with a smile on my face. "What are we to call him, like is he your boyfriend or just a friend who you like, or just a normal friend". My dads just amazing always trying to understand things
"For now he's just a friend that I like but Um we're somewhat both interested in one another but haven't asked the question yet, so please don't call him my boyfriend yet because I haven't asked and don't want to scare him away yet", I throw at least five packets of noodles into the trolley. "He likes noodles , is that enough or should I get more?"
"Son , your gunna work yourself into a headache just breath okay, I'm sure everything is going to be just fine" , I take a few deep breaths and we continue on through the shop. Stopping to drop a few more things in.
"Uh Dad, Would it be okay if we got some alcohol?, I promise I won't over do it" , I know he probably can't trust a word I say because I can't prove that I won't but I really want him to trust me.
"I'll be honest lad , I think we'll have to ask your mum first and we can come back later if she says it's okay" , we just ponder around a few more isles and drop random things into the trolley "you haven't smoked today have you!"
"Not yet no , why?"
"Would you like to drive the car home ?" , we loading stuff onto the check outs , I do have my lisence I got it last year and I do have a car but my mum and dad took my keys after the crash with Janey because they didn't trust me in the car unless I was with one
of them.
"Are you sure dad!"
"If you'd like son , just be careful yeh?"
"Oki thank you dad , honestly thank you", I threw my arms around him and he held me just for a second and we made our way to the checkouts putting all the items through and packing them up, I'm a little meticulous about the packing and how to do it so dad just lets me do it my way "Also da , we need to go to the pharmacy my medication is ready to pick up"
"Which ones is it where picking up today lad ?" , we'd picked up like 2 other ones this week but I think they were for anxiety and anti-sickness but these ones are just supplements for food.
"Just food equivalent to help me get my appetite back like the ones I had years ago" , my dad payed for the food swiping his card across the card reader and waved goodbye too the cashier as we leave and as he's packing up the car I jump in the front seat and get myself accustom with the steering and gears again.
"You all ready then Son", he jumps into the passenger side and buckled up eager to see how well I do
"As I'll ever be ,I guess"
The drive to the pharmacy wasn't to bad to be fair, I'm still a pretty good driver and my dad said I did well so I'm happy about that. I didn't want to go in again for like the 3rd day running so Dad went in for me giving me a second to just breath and reply to George. Last message I got he was still getting ready he doesn't have to leave for the station till around about 1 and it's only 9:30, I think we both just got a little to eager.
MATTY: my dad let me drive !!!!
GEORGE: yeh ?, how did you do?
MATTY: haven't driven in a while so thought I'd mess up a little but it actually went okay, we've been to Tesco to get food for the next few days , we're at the pharmacy now and then where going home and I think I'm going to tidy my room cuz it's an actual pigsty might ask mum to help
GEORGE : don't have to tidy for me love, my rooms a shit tip
MATTY: I will anyway
As my dad came back I slid my phone back into my pocket he handed me my medicine to make sure it was the right thing because he really had no idea what is was called , neither did I to be honest but it looked right so I just flung it on the dashboard and we made our way back home
We unpacked the bags in the kitchen as Loius ran around looking literally as excited as I felt as he'd grown to really like George too they interacted a lot over the past week , and when I told him George was coming to visit he got so darn happy he climbed up onto the middle island in the kitchen and watched us unpack
"How long till Georgie is here Maffu ?"
"He's coming today little dude but it's still a long time yet" , after unpacking the last bag I pick loius up and manoeuvre him so he's on my back, and I carry him back up stairs and flip him onto my bed " you gunna help Maffu clean up ?"
"I don't wanna tidy Maffu but I'll watch", he's always just soooo me and it makes me laugh and ruffle his hair again as he looks up at my with the big smile and those big blue eyes.
"That's okay, can you get Mummy for me then"
"Oki", he jumps back off the bed and runs through the house , leaving me stood in the middle of the room looking around trying to figure out where to start, it really is such a mess in here, mugs and plates everywhere, piles of clothes, shoes just milking around , stacks and stack of books , dvds and cds and my bed isn't even made. I get lost in my thoughts when I here a knock on my door that makes me jump.
"Sorry love didn't mean to startle you, what was it you needed me for?"
"Can you possibly help me tidy up in here , I don't know where to start and it's so bad" , she looks around just as baffled as me, then strides over and pulls me into a hug.
"Love ,what happened in here?"
"I just haven't had the effort or will power to clean up Mum, sorry" , I hug her close and then as we separate herself we both look around and make a mental note on where to start
"Right first of all love , take all the dishes downstairs and ask you dad if he can clean them up , then come back up and we can sort your clothes out okay", I nod and then get to picking up the cups and plates grimacing when I realise how bad it actually is. I run downstairs with the dirty plates and mugs dropping them carefully into the sink, then run back up the stairs two at a time to help mum. "What clothes are clean and what aren't love ?"
"Most of its clean it just needs to be folded and put away really", it takes me a few more seconds to actually sit down and start folding a pile that was next to where I stood, Im so bad at keeping up with cleaning it bores me. I noticed mum stand up and start putting clothes into drawers and stops to look at something already in the drawer
"Matty , love what are these?”
I drop the shirt I was folding onto the floor as I know exactly what she was talking about as I know what I’d been hiding in that drawer, I scratch the back of my neck as I breath in ALL the air that was in the room and try to piece a reply together. My mouth opens and closes a few times but no words leave my mouth.
“Matty love?”
“It’s nothing important Mum, just put it back please” , I take three big stride across to her and place my hands around the books “Mum seriously it’s nothing”
She did let me take them and shove them back the drawer as she takes a tentative seat on my bed and pats the space next to her. “Sit down for a minute please my love” , once I’ve got the books properly back into the drawer and place myself down next to her. “Can you please tell me why you feel the need to have books about dieting love”.
“It’s not important Mumma , it doesn’t mean anything, I just have them”
“First off Matty , I’ve been keeping an eye on everything to do with your eating habits for a while and I know there not very good , your skin and bone love , and you only ever call me Mumma when your anxious , so please you know I’m not going to be mad , can you please explain to me why?”
I know she won’t be mad and I know it’s not something that’s that big of a deal but its still scary to talk about , so as I think of the right words to say I just ponder in my mind what I need and look around my room as I try to explain. “It’s just about the element of control , I was losing control of everything in my life and I was freaking out so bad you know , like I had zero semblance of control, but then I found a book at school about diets like I know people diet duh , but um when I read it, a lot of it was about how people diet to gain control over something, so I tried and I read a lot of them but then I even lost control of that and I’m scared again so I hid them so I wasn’t as embarrassed about losing control of even that and people wouldn’t ask if they saw and I wouldn’t ave to talk about it”
“Matty , I know things are hard right now love , and I’m proud that your talking to me , but why couldn’t you tell me earlier”
“I don’t know Mum really, I guess I just didn’t know how to” , I got back up from my bed and went back over to the drawer taking the books back out and contemplated them for a while. “Can you take them Mum”
“What would you like me to do with them?”
“Just don’t let me have them I guess , I’m going to try to get better , Dr Adrian gave me the medication for it and I’m gunna work harder at everything I promise”. I get back to the cleaning of my room “Mum?”
“Yes love”
“I’m sorry for how I’ve been lately and I’m sorry for worrying everyone, I also appreciate you for letting George come because he really helps me be a better version of myself and I really hope you can see that when he’s here , I know I haven’t known him that long but he really does help me”
“I’m so glad that you’ve found someone that you can talk to Matty , you don’t have to apologise everyone goes through hard times , you’ve just got to pick yourself up and if you need help keep talking , be it to me or George or your dad even Louis , I know he’s just a kid but even if you talk you’ll feel better”
“Thank you”
It takes us a few more hours to tidy up my room it really was a state , and I talked to my Mum the whole time about how I felt about everything and anything. When we had finished the tidying and cleaning up it looked like a completely different room I hadn’t seen it like this in at least a month.
It’s now 12:30 and although I’m more than excited to see George the restlessness was starting to get to me again, George had informed me he was on his way to the train station now his train was at 2 and it took him an hour to get to the station. It was getting harder to not be nervous because I was really just watching the time tick by. I’d rolled a joint after I’d finished cleaning my room but hadn’t got round to smoke it yet because dads trying to keep me busy until we have to go because he knows if I’m just sitting waiting then I’m going to get irritable. With this being the first time I’d had a break today I decided to just let them know I’m going for a smoke. So now I’m just sat outside on the front porch relaxing as I smoke the joint.
Matty: I’m so nervous darling x
George: I’m actually shutting a brick 😂 , would your dad mind if I went for smoke when I got off the train or would he wanna get going straight away ?x
Matty: He won’t mind , I’m sure he’d understand
George : I’ll be grand then , will you be waiting for me on the platform or will I meet you outside.
Matty : I’ll wait on the platform you dick😂
George : thanks love x
I slide my phone back into my pocket and finish my joint before making my way inside, I know it’s lunchtime and I should eat but I’m not the hungry yet but Louis came running through to the kitchen and attached himself to my leg “How long now Maffu” , I picked him up and put him on the counter while messing up his hair, he’s got a lollipop hanging out his mouth so I didn’t really catch what he said, I took the sweat out of his mouth for a second.
“What was that kid ?”
He smiled a lopsided grin at me and rolled his eyes dramatically , so much like me. “How long till Georgie is here silly?”, I gave him back his sweet and he shoved it back into his mouth even though I was just holding it my hand was sticky so I turned the tap on and started washing my hands
“He’s getting on the train really soon , then daddy and I will go get him , do you want to come too?”, he again smiled at me his eyes growing to the size of bowling balls and he take his sweet out of his mouth again.
“Can I ?”
“If you want too kiddo , just finish up with your sweet and wash your hands and then we can talk cuz that’s going to take you ages to eat”
“I don’t want it anymore, you have it” , he went to hand it to me but I told him that’s it’s okay and just to put it in the bin , he runs back over to me, I lift him up and help him wash his hands. “Will George play with me when he comes ??”
“I’m sure he will Kiddo”
I spent the next few hours just playing about with Louis , on the play station, watching tv with him , helped him with some homework that he had left around about 2:30 he fell asleep on my lap while we were watching the TV , George had texted me saying that he was now on the train half an hour ago, and we should be leaving in an hour because it doesn’t all to long from ours to get to the station here, so I took Louis idea into consideration and tried to take a nap myself which in theory maybe wasn’t the best idea but I was starting to get tired so that I did , I set an alarm on my phone for 45 minutes so I could get my head down for a little while. I layed myself down trying not to disturb Louis and sleep consumed me
My alarm woke us both up at 3:15 , Louis was not too happy with it, he was still tired and he was throwing a little hissy fit “hey kiddo , I know your tired and I know you wanted to come to pick Georgie up but you need to calm down for me so we can get ready to go can you find your shoes for me ay ?” , he just clung to me his tiny frame shaking as he cried “hey hey hey it’s okay , you can have another nap you know , come on kiddo no need for tears”
“But I’m still sleepy , I wanna go bed” , as I got myself he was still clinging to me so I decided to take him upstairs to bed his head was resting on my shoulder the whole time. “Maffu , is it okay if I just stay here”
“It’s okay kiddo , just get a big nap for me and when you wake up George will be here and you can play all day yeh” , he nodded against me as I lay him down on his bed and tucked him up and kissed his head
“I’ll see you later okay”
“Okay Maffu”
I got myself completely got my leather jacket from my room , checked to see if my dad was ready, he let me know that he was just going to finish his tea and then we’d get going. So I just waited by the door, annoying I know but I just wanted to get going. Once he was ready I raced out to the car like I was 7 again jumping into the passenger side as my dad made his way to driver seat and we got going. I couldn’t help my leg bouncing up and down anxiously the whole way there, I’d bitten my nails raw Mum would have killed me for it but dad doesn’t mind. I’d chain smoked the whole ride there out the window of course and really it wasn’t that bad the train station was just half an hour away so it was really not to bad. We got to the station with 15 minutes to spare so I checked my hair in the middle mirror of the car and started fussing with my outfit until my dad told me again that I looked absolutely fine and to stop worrying , I sat and waited for literally only two minutes before I decided I just wanted to go in and wait so I just told my Dad that I’d let him know when I’ve got George and we’re going to have a smoke before we come back, he gave me a quick nod and smile before I got out and made my way inside
Inside the station was so busy, people milling about the place, so much sounds and smells, it was so hot in there as well but I tried to gather myself and push through I saw that the train from London was going to be arriving on platform 3, I started making my way there but there was quite a lot of people waiting there aswell and I could feel myself getting anxious and my nerves were getting the best of me so I hung back and just sent George a quick message letting him know that I am inside but I’m not on the platform because it looked busy, he replied not to long free to let me know that it was okay and he’d call me once he departed the train and I could let him know where I was which helped me alot. I decided to wait outside WHSmith a small convenience store that was off to the side of the platforms , True to his word after a small five minutes more of waiting my phone started to buzz in my hand and George’s contact appeared on my screen
“Hey there”
“Hiya love , that’s me just coming off , where is it your at ?, you doing okay it’s not to busy for you is it ?”
“I’m stood outside smiths , I’m okay for now it’s not to busy round here I’ll be okay, I just really can’t wait to see you now”
“I’ll can see it , from where Im at so I should be there in no time at all handsome”
I couldn’t help but smile , my heart was racing , basically jumping out of my chest in anticipation, I could hardly wait, there wasn’t much conversation going on between us we were both just keeping an eyes out for each other, He soon caught my eye “I can see you , you lanky fuck”, despite feeling nervous and anxious about everyone around us the fact that I could see him sent a jolt of pure joy through me and I felt my legs starting to race to him. As I began running to me I could see the moment he clocked me and he just dropped his suitcase open his arms to me and I ran into his arms and burried my face in his chest pushing my phone into my pocket without even hanging up. We stayed there in each other arms for what felt like an age not saying anything just holding each other and it felt so right
“Hiya handsome” , I pulled away first but not all the way just enough so I could look up and his and the smile on his face was everything I needed to feel relaxed. I could feel the blush rising on my cheeks already. “Jesus , you really ARE a lanky twat aren’t ya” his smile grew bigger if that was even possible and we giggled to each other and he pulled me closer to him
Once we’d sorted ourselves out taking at least another five minutes just holding one another we were just stood line idiots smiling at each other and he eventually picked his suitcase back up and I’d sorted my phone in my pocket I took his hand and lead him outside to the smoking area.
“Babe , you looks so cool, by the way” , I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the word babe leave his mouth and it had my blushing even more than I thought humanly possible and I took his hand that was in mine and kissed it as we both giggled again.
“You look so fit”
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Season 1, Episode 44: Voltron vs. Voltron
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Episode 43: Voltron Frees the Slaves Do I recognize this episode name? I think so
Allura - tries to be positive, Hunk - immediately pessimistic Like I fully agree with hunk here don't get me wrong but cmon man enjoy the peace for a bit like Keith said
"Lotor you are my son, may I be forgiven, and some day you will be king, may the evil gods help the planet. I have a special assignment to see if you could prove worthy of the throne" LMAO ZARKON ISN'T EVEN HIDING HIS DISDAIN FOR HIS OWN SON ANYMORE, I LOVE HIM FOR THAT
Idk why zarkon keeps trusting Lotor with destroying Voltron, like dude do you not remember the last 42 episodes lmao
oh I don't recognize this episode, was I wrong? I kind of know the looks of these characters, weird also a girl died in front of her lover by missile strike and ofc that was censored, but it was a funny one because we get no context as to why the guy just starts sobbing
Have other planets been named after Zarkon after being taken over? Why is this one just now being called Zarkonia
is Voltron a universe wide legend then? I know that's probably obvious by now, but it's still wild to hear, and believable honestly since our cultures share the same stories in the same ways
well these kids are stupid if they think they can take lotor hostage, like itll probably work because its dotu and everything goes in their favor but still
I definitely recognize this episode now, I just don't know the plot like I thought I did
"this is a man's work!" kill die maim I know that was them trying to be brave and then setting up the only girl there to fight them on it to help to show she's strong but ugh
aand immediately the plan gets fucked because haggar's cat spies on them, if one of those kids doesn't die ill be disappointed
even better they're used as hostages, though that's gonna go south for lotor real fast
im sorry no launch sequence for the team? i guess they were saving money this episode at least the team knows it's a trap and is prepared for it
animation error, the little girl's dress is the same blue as her brother's, but it goes back to an off-white when it zooms out
"That mighty robot will be desTROYED" Lotor has no patience for kids confirmed
"Voltron doesn't know the gravity of the situation, but I do!" Lotor stop using good puns to trick people into thinking actually funny, you may be a clown, but you sure aren't the kind that makes people laugh
DID THEY NUKE THE KIDS WHEN THE TEAM CAME BY? THAT IS SUCH A WILD TURN FROM "CHANGING GRAVITY TO SLOW DOWN VOLTRON FOR THE ROBEAST TO GET HIM" they're all alive though fucking somehow because everyone merged into this weird orb thing
nobody remembers a goddamn thing about how it happened
sorry hold on, were the kids trapped on a whole different planet? This is why we need context good god now that they're saved the team is going to actually free the real planet
this robeast just looks like a regular mech again, what happened to the monster designs I liked those a lot
was that dodge a jojo reference
voltron has been automatically calibrating their weapon fire this whole time?? I feel like the team should be rusty after that because it's been a while since they became a team
does voltron have a retractable mace as a weapon, what the actual fuck why don't we see these cool weapons more often
oh a classic scene, one strike from each opponent where one gets hurt but one truly loses of course voltron wins because he pulled out blazing sword
the fight scenes this time around for voltron v robeast was actually pretty cool, I was more invested in it than I thought I'd be
these kids wanna be part of the vf huh? Inch resting ideas are coming to me the planet name is Bravura by the by
/episode end
Episode 44: Voltron vs Voltron Now this one I know FOR SURE
i love when episodes open with zarkon complaining, he's such a mood
Haggar's cat is just a full-time nark isn't he
"I provided a glamorous touch by darkening the circles under his eyes!" Haggar turned Voltron emo by giving him black eyeliner
Pidge I know fighting in a giant robot is cool, but I don't think it's good to WANT to fight lotor every time you visit a new planet the implications are implicating
honestly I totally forgot they came to planet Yadyl already, but it's nice to see SOME consistency in the show for once
why is it always children who recognize something is wrong, like I get that nobody would see that the robeast this time is a voltron dupe but why is it only the kid who's like "hmmm why does voltron have an escort with him??"
i think my gif this time around will be of the kid weirdly digging in the sand to leave voltron an early warning LMAO
I know the team is forming voltron to go to yadyl and properly celebrate with them, but it's still wild to see that voltron comes out even when there's no emergency
this other kid KNOWS it should be the governor who's answering the transmission from voltron, did he assume that someone else answered for him or is lotors impression of the guy just THAT good
team - sees people staring at voltron in fear keith: no people- HEY THERE'S AN ARMED ROBOT, THE SOS WAS RIGHT, EYE BEAM AND THEN HE PROCEEDS TO BLOW UP THE ENTIRE TOWN WHEN THERE LITERALLY WERE CIVILIANS how is the team not getting more bad will from some other planets like how hard is it to have a planet go rogue on them for not thinking their actions through
lotor why are you running INTO THE EXPLODING TURRETS I'm on zarkon's side here, you should be dead dude
animation error, dupetrons leg went from blue to yellow after sand blew on it but then went back to blue in the next cut
the chest on dupetron just turned into the drule skull symbol, haggar really did make him goth LMAO
oh man this thing really is getting to voltron, we haven't seen the blazing sword formation get interrupted before
Keith how did you know the signals were getting picked up, i can't just feed into the belief that this man is some tactical genius without some SUBSTANCE
its just some dude in dupetron,, also which they'd say that beforehand so i wouldnt assume it's a robeast and when it's really an overly complicated mech
WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING RED LION IS HUNK, LANCE PILOTS RED LION ASSHOLES KNOW YOUR GODDAMN BASICS MY GOODNESS also who knew that voltron could detach his arms and then the arms can act as their own units WHILE STILL BEING ABLE TO FORM BLAZING SWORD, insanity
i changed my mind i know what i want to be the cover gif for this episode sidnvois
/episode end
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