#inflight scene
huariqueje · 11 months
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Inflight  - Joakim Allgulander
Swedish , b. 1965 -
Printed in a limited edition of 50
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vintagepascal · 1 year
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AN - the poll I put up the other day won out with fluffy pedro/reader and I'm working on a request I got for it but it's taking me a hot sec, so have this one that I already have written to hold you over :) hope you enjoy!
word count - 2,900+
rating - teen
content warnings - no warnings, just fluff!
summary - you decide to surprise pedro for his birthday on set with some help from bella (ao3 link if you prefer, it's titled pedrito over there :) )
you worry too much
You hit send, tucking your phone quickly between your thighs as you tried to relax, eyes trained on the window outside as the plane started to pull back from the jetbridge. You were never much of a liar, but you hoped desperately that you could pull this one off somehow. 
Your phone buzzed. A text from Pedro, no doubt.
Mi amor, that’ll be four shifts this week. You need a break :( 
You couldn’t help the smile that it brought to your face, knowing that he had no idea that you’d be seeing him so soon. 
I’ll survive. Busy is good. Now go film some cool shit, tell Bella I said hi. I’ll text when I can. I love you
Love you more. and no hi for Bella, they ate all my bday cookies. 
You chuckled to yourself and quickly clicked your phone over to airplane mode. You’d paid for the inflight wifi so he wouldn’t suspect anything if he happened to have enough breaks in filming to text you - he was a worrier at heart, especially when it came to those he loved, and an undelivered text would be enough to put him into a panic. 
With everything set into motion, you settled back into your seat and reviewed the plan.
You’d had it in the works for a month. All behind the scenes of course, but you’d gotten everyone in on it that you could. Neil, Craig, Bella, Gabriel - anyone who would be around set. The filming schedule was insane, but you knew that they’d want Pedro’s birthday to be special, especially since he wasn’t able to come home and spend it with you.
In the years that you’d been dating, you had learned he loved a good surprise, though he would never admit it. And even more so, he would never, ever , let anyone make a big deal out of things for him. Even if he played it off for the press about loving the attention, when it came to those close to him he would much rather celebrate those around him than be the one in the spotlight. 
It was no surprise that they were one hundred percent on board with throwing a bit of a surprise party, with you being the main surprise. The next part of the plan was simple - getting a few days off work had been easy enough, considering Pedro had insisted that you went part time and only worked when you wanted to once he landed another job. It was a luxury that you allowed, considering it meant you got to spend so much more time with him when he was off filming, and even go on the occasional press tour with him. 
Once the flight was booked and everything else had been arranged, the hard part came - keeping the love of your life in the dark. Pedro was the type of person that you wanted to tell everything to. From the simple things, like the dog in the rain boots that you’d seen on 2nd avenue that morning, to how much you wished you could be together all the time - any thought you had flowed off your tongue so easily to him. He was your safe space, and you were his, which was a cornerstone of your relationship from day one. 
Thank god you’d only finalized your plan a few weeks ago, or you weren’t sure you would have made it. 
As a cover up, you found a highly rated South American bakery in Vancouver to send some of his favorite cookies and sweets to set, just like the ones his mom used to make when he was young. You sent some flowers too - hydrangeas, spray roses, gerberas - something to warm up the cold Vancouver set he’d been dealing with. He’d called you that morning from hair and makeup, so grateful and excited. You’d promised him there was more to come when you could see him in person, which he thought was in three long weeks when there was a small break in scheduling for something Bella needed to do back in London. That seemed to be enough of a birthday present from afar to satisfy him.
You hoped he was still in the dark as you watched the small plane flit across your screen, taking you mile by mile closer to him. 
It was a long flight from New York to Vancouver. You spent the majority of the time doing something you didn’t get to do often on flights - watch something Pedro was in. Majority of the time, if you were on a long haul, Pedro was right beside you and in his true almost 50 year old fashion, he’d break out his headphone splitter and want to watch something with you. You’d only recently got him to agree to airpods. Obviously, that meant anything he had been in was off limits, so you took the rare chance to go back and watch Narcos - you were only in season two, and you were loving how much screen time Pena was getting. 
It made you smile hearing Pedro getting to show off in both Spanish and English - he’d taught you quite a bit in your relationship, and you caught quite a few words throughout the episodes that you recognized, though most of the time you were too busy watching him to pay much attention to anything else. God, you would never understand how you’d gotten so lucky. 
Halfway through an episode, a text popped up on your phone.
This is gonna be so good dude, he is proper clueless. 
You laughed as you read it in Bella’s voice. A picture came through next of them holding a small cookie and running away, with a blur that you assumed was Pedro in the back.
Also, pls send more alfajores before he kills me
By the looks of the photo, they were shooting outside of the city still, which was what you had planned for. Pedro had begun a habit of sending you a picture each morning of the set for the day, a way of keeping you involved from afar. It seemed to be the same beautiful landscape as earlier - you hoped he had been having a good day so far.
The rest of the flight went off without a hitch. You texted Pedro once, feigning that you were on break at work, unsurprised that he wasn’t able to answer right away, as you knew he was busy. 
The excitement really started to set in when you touched down in Vancouver. You shot a text to Craig once you landed - it was 7pm local time, and you had about an hour and a half drive to get to set. To your surprise, the crew had insisted that you got the celebrity treatment by association, and had sent you a driver who met you outside of the airport and immediately got you on your way. 
You made small talk with her until the first and only hiccup of the plan appeared - Pedro’s face popped up on your phone, an adorable picture of him from last summer on your vacation to Hawaii - an incoming facetime call. Of course. He usually called you in the evenings, but it wasn’t always a facetime. As much as it killed you, you let it ring through, waiting about five minutes until you returned it with a regular call.
“Hi mi amor , everything okay? You off work?” He picked up on the first ring.
“Yeah yeah, I’m good! I’ve got a headache so I took a shower and got straight in bed, sorry I didn’t pick up.” It felt so wrong to lie, but you knew it would pay off. 
“Oh no cariño, did you take some medicine? Did the shower help? There’s some of that tea I made you last time in the cabinet still, in the purple box.”
“I’m fine love, just need some sleep is all. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not there to put a damper on your birthday fun,” you teased, grinning to yourself. Your driver let out a tiny chuckle that you caught in the rearview mirror. 
“Wish you were here, headache or no headache,” he sighed. “I miss you.”
“Miss you more.”
“ Mentiras. ” He said. “Lies,” he translated when you didn’t contradict him. “I won’t keep you, just wanted to see your pretty face. We can talk in the morning when you feel better, okay? Call me if you need me. I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy birthday Pedro, I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Bye amor.”
You hung up, letting your head rest back and your heart flutter as the city began to fade away behind you. 
One hour later, and you were frantically texting with Bella, attempting to find the best way to surprise Pedro as you arrived on set.
Have your driver drop you off by my trailer, and I’ll sneak you into production stage. Meet you there in five.
You relayed the message and sure enough, Bella came scurrying around the corner, practically tackling you in a hug once they found you. You’d met them the first time you came to set with Pedro, back in the beginning stages of production during some team bonding time, and you knew how important their relationship was to the both of them.
“Do you think he has any idea that I’m here?” You asked, following Bella as they led you around the back of a large temporary structure that you assumed was production stage. 
“Not a single fucking clue. Craig and I have been playing it off all day long, talking about how fun it would be if you were here,” Bella grinned. “I think Neil is bringing out a cake, c’mon, we gotta hurry. He’s probably in his chair, just hang back and sneak up behind him.”
As you rounded the corner, you heard the hum of voices inside and noticed the chairs. Bella gave you a quick thumbs up and hurried around so they didn’t draw any attention to you, coming in from a different angle and taking their chair next to Pedro. You spotted Neil first, walking very carefully with a large chocolate cake alit with candles in the general direction of the chairs. 
Crew began to gather around and you swung to the right so you could blend in but still see Pedro’s face as he realized what was happening. They all began to sing and you watched the adorable blush spread across his cheeks. Bella was filming beside him as he smiled and blew out his candles to the applause of all of the cast and crew - it warmed your heart to see so many people celebrating the man you loved.
They took the cake to a nearby table and began to cut it, passing Pedro his piece first. In all the noise, you seized your opportunity to sneak up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing gently. 
“Can I have a bite?” 
His eyes blew wide as he craned his neck to try and see who was behind him. You leaned back to help him out, laughing at the pure shock on his face.
“What!? What the fuck are you doing here!? You’re in New York!” He discarded his cake to the side, roughly pushing his chair out of the way to get to you as he stood up all in one move, wrapping you up in his arms. You could vaguely hear applause somewhere behind you but you didn’t care. It felt too good to be in his arms after so many weeks, your brain didn’t have much space to process anything else. 
When he finally loosened up it was only to kiss you softly twice on the lips, then once on the forehead before he leaned back and grinned at you.
“You sneaky little thing.”
“Guess I’m not in New York,” you teased, popping up on your tiptoes to kiss him one more time before you disentangled from him, leaning over to give Bella a fist bump. 
“Oh you knew about this? Huh?” Pedro asked.
“Of course I knew about it, I’ve known for a month man!” Bella grinned. 
“Oh you see if you make it through a single take tomorrow kid,” he threatened, but they were both laughing. 
“Actually, as a birthday gift, tomorrow is a rest day. Everybody can thank Y/N for that one!” Craig announced, which was met with whooping and cheers from everyone, with a few yells of your name. Pedro pulled you up against his side. 
“I assume that means you’re spending the night then, eh?”
“Nah, figured I’d just pop in for five minutes and then catch the next flight out,” you grinned, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m here for three days, two nights.”
“Not long enough. Never long enough, but I’ll take what I can get,” Pedro sighed, kissing your hair. “Now get some cake so we can go home.”
Home in Vancouver was a nice apartment that Pedro was renting downtown. After cake was had, final birthday wishes were given and hugs were distributed, Pedro changed back into his own clothes and led you to his rental - an Audi, of course. He opened the passenger door for you and climbed into the driver’s seat, holding your hand as he sped off of set and back towards the city.
It didn’t matter that you had just done this drive - he held the back of your hand up to his lips, pressing soft kisses there as he drove down the highway and you couldn’t have been more content.
“I cannot believe you’re here right now. I thought I wasn’t going to see you for weeks,” he said, shaking his head. He hadn’t stopped smiling since you had appeared behind him. 
“I couldn’t leave you alone on your birthday,” you sighed, leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder. It was late New York time, and the adrenaline of the day was beginning to wear off now that you were with your man. 
“You can sleep cariño, I’ll wake you up when we get there,” he murmured to you.
“No, no I'm okay,” you reassured him, but it was already garbled. 
The next thing you felt were soft lips on your forehead. 
“We’re here mi amor. C’mon, let's get you upstairs.”
He helped you out of the car, the lobby lights of the building helping to wake you up a bit as you made it to the elevator. The driver from earlier had put your suitcase in Pedro’s car, and he managed it with ease as well. You stayed tucked up to his side as you headed up to the top floor. He unlocked the door easily, keeping one arm wrapped around you even as you walked through the door, rolling your suitcase into the corner. He kicked off his boots and tossed his keys somewhere, and then he was scooping you up, making you squeal a bit when your feet left the floor. 
“God you don’t know how many times I’ve thought about you being here lately. I’ve missed you like crazy baby.” He carried you down the hallway and into the kitchen, sitting you down onto the counter. Without asking, he turned and made you a glass of ice water. “Drink. You’ve been on a plane all day.”
You listened to him, grateful for the cool liquid on your dry throat. 
“I need to go get all this makeup off, but I’ll be ready for bed in five minutes. Meet you there?” 
“I could go with you,” you offered, but your words were garbled by the long yawn that immediately followed. Pedro chuckled, kissing your nose. 
“I don’t think I can hold you upright and wash all this grime off at the same time love. Go climb in bed. Stay awake for me, I’ll be there in just a minute,” he instructed, taking you by the hips and placing you on your feet. He didn’t let go until he was sure you were steady, and then he disappeared to the bathroom. 
You didn’t even bother going for your suitcase. Instead, you moved to your boyfriend’s drawers, finding his old Lakers shirt. It smelled so much like him that it made you smile as you stripped out of everything but your underwear and pulled it on. 
You climbed into bed, making yourself sit up so you wouldn’t fall back asleep as you listened to the water run in the bathroom, then turn off. Pedro was humming a song as he got ready, and you couldn’t help but grin when he emerged only a few minutes later in just his boxers, hair damp and a matching smile on his face. 
He wasted no time in climbing into bed next to you, immediately reaching over and pulling you right up against him. His hands splayed out underneath your shirt, finding skin as he sighed, pressing his nose up to your neck and breathing you in.
“Ahh, mi deseo,” he breathed.
“Translate,” you whispered, eyes closed as you melted into him, trying to get your skin onto his everywhere that you could. It lit a familiar fire in you that began to burn deep.
“My wish,” he said. “I wished for you. Today, but also for so long.”
“I’m here. Right here,” you breathed, hands slotting into his hair. His fingers found purchase against your hips, pulling you over and on top of him. 
“Happy birthday Pedrito.”
“Happy birthday to me,” he grinned, and got to work.
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bentosandbox · 26 days
Ambience Synesthesia tutorial blog
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rambled this out because I didn't have inflight wifi otw home and the turbulence was too crazy to draw
Buying the ticket
erm so they only dropped the tickets like slightly less than a month before lol kinda insane
The concert tickets were sold on Damai so you need a CN number or know/pay someone with one who'd buy it for you which is what I did by recommendation (A tier 1280 + 400 'service fee' [apparently it would have been cheaper if they only helped you half way or something but i wasnt gonna risk running into a payment hiccup so]) Iirc they sold it in two batches but I don't remember the ratio split between first and second wave…
I got a ticket for 5/5's afternoon show (so the second last performance), I DID meet an oomf who said they managed to snag a ticket for themselves on their own (without a Professional Ticket Snatcher) so its not too impossible to attain on your own I think??? (I didn't get a CN number until like 2 days before I flew back home soo)
Professional Ticket what?? Uhhh apparently there's a whole industry/scene for this you look for listings on xianyu/taobao etc for people to buy on your behalf, you have to give them your real name and identification number (so for foreigners it'd be your passport number) for verification purposes during entry so yknow yea
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getting there
You could cab directly to the venue but my friend signed us up for the free shuttle bus (they had freebies last year but not this time) and before we boarded they gave us like free water and bread (apparently free raincoats too on rainy days) which was nice of them but also insane because. the venue doesn't allow you to bring food/drinks in so a lot of people were leaving A LOT of unopened bottles near the gate and I saw a venue staff just throwing them all into the bin (HOPEFULLY JUST TO CARRY THEM AWAY IN ONE GO AND NOT FOR STRAIGHT DISPOSAL….) They drop you off near the venue but you don't go in directly, there's a 'Doctor break room' where most people are seated waiting to be ushered in batches into the venue, but also a lot of people standing around on one side of the room swapping/offering merch
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merch swap
ive been told this is a very concert culture thing but i feel like its kind of different because a lot of these are so high quality ike…you could sell them at Artist Alleys but here they are just distributing for free if you have a E2 60 blorbo lmao or whatever (there seems to be a tiny…? minority that prints official art but most of them seem to be handdrawn/made)
i was too unprepared for this lol i did exchange some of my old stickers (missed out on a collapsal plastic fan bc my brain lagged when the guy asked me and i went to my auto 'sorry i dont have any merch' response' :( regretted this bc the room got a little hot from the amount of people in there and i was wearing like 3 layers with that fan on my mind)
from people watching a lot of trades are arranged beforehand on weibo/other sites unless you're willing to yell WHO WANTS TO TRADEEE/anyone wants freebies (a lot of people were also wearing 'Feel Free to Swap Merch/Ask for Freebies' tags) which i was definitely not brave enough to do lol… met up with an oomf i got to know from last dec when i attended an arknights only and they gave me some birbs and charms (bottom of post), there was someone who got a free LGD zine and charm from me bc i posted on wb that id give a free copy to anyone with a Mod 3 swire/swummer LMFAO
I had 2 more people to meet but, uhhh so I bought an esim for mobile data and it would intermittently lose signal here and there which was a little annoying when getting coffee but it just died entirely when i reached the venue and it was kind of Dire because i was waiting for one more friend who was coming over from the fes and i couldn't contact them lmao. told the friend i came with to go in first because I thought if my food got confiscated at least my oomf could see it beforehand LOL
waited outside in a light drizzle for an hour trying to trouble shoot my data to no avail and ended up borrowing a staff's wifi hotspot to get my entry qr code (I actually bought a second data roaming plan on my local sim but i quite stupidly did not check the country coverage and only learned later that night that 'Asia' doesn't cover China kuxiao) she was so nice i was (bow emoji) so sorry to trouble you im a stupid gaijin and she was like no its ok enjoy shanghai!! pien
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spent a good 30min next to this board praying for data to no avail
the show
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erm anyway because of that clownery above i more or less missed the first piece (the one w the goated hoho) but at least i wasnt the guy next to me who went for a bathroom break right before starset came up
The live singing this year was definitely an improvement I think… I can't really remember the setlist off the top of my head but I'm sure someone else has already listed it out, there were a couple of new pieces that weren't related to the concert groups like a Babel/Kazdel?? one sung in Latin, a Victoria…? one (in victorian ofc) also an Amiya (? just remembering by the visuals they used lol) one in Japanese
ohh yeah so almost every track would start with like a faction logo transitioning in from 3d to 2d which was cool but also amusing because it was honestly bringing quite the 'I will Make Your Company Logo Into 3D Fiverr' vibes
Since I missed the first piece idk if any of The Dreamer(s) got 3D models but The Pilgrim(s why are they all singular) had Kaltsit playing on that piano (there was also a replica of that piano on stage the white one complete with 'Arknights' text on it lmao) and Siege being cool running around in 3D (and ofc Eureka during her denpa number) it was very cool but man... its a pity the other characters in the group just get their live2d png during the beginning and effectively get sidelined lool compared to say Phenomenal Agents idk if i like this tradeoff but that eureka bit was so good sheesh #NOVAFIVE⭐ULTRALIVESWEEP
The other stuff was really great too looking at you Lone Trail medley…!!!!! I might be wrong but I... assume... you're encouraged to karaoke bc they always show the lyrics on screen… I couldn't even hear myself anyway but it was very fun singing songs you can't get on joysound/etc with a whole crowd going at it too (even if most of them would only sing 1-2 lines of the chorus)
Mary Clare did Radiant (they had the lyrics scrolling on the sides very cool) and iirc the Throne group's song...? Radiant was so fun live
Starset did Monster > Telescope and when the latter ended they were like Bye! and we(?) started yelling ENCORE--awkwardly because idk how they do it here (I was half expecting it to be JP style 'an-call-roo' but a bunch of us just yelled en-core en-core here and there until they returned to perform Infected) speaking of yelling.. between every piece when they had to switch sets people would just yell memes or skill names (like Dage's) to pass the time or sth i barely caught half of whatever they were memeing about
did i forget to mention anything else uhhh originium rock turntable for Guide Ahead's boss theme/Dossoles Lobby and they had IS4 medley live throat singing very cool also the dancers they got for silbenherze's boss theme good stuff...
iirc after starset was like a behind the scenes video of how HG prepared for AS and a recorded lowlight video saying some stuff that i forgot LOL just some thank you message basically. 9.5/10 bc no missy/shu EP live
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i just realised i forgot to display all the merch from the A tier ticket but w/e. light stick photo ft. merch swaps/gifts from friends and strangers 🥹 (the iffy lenticular card was literally dropped into my bag by an iffy coser (wearing the LT outfit..?!) while waiting for the cab LMAO)
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poi3104 · 2 months
When TGM in Japanese dub was more interesting than any entertainment on your flight. 😌
※ 🇯🇵 sub was likely directing translated from English script while 🇯🇵 dub was more naturally speaking.
Like this scene, dub was マッハ10か、やってやろう (M10? Let's do it!) but sub was very direct from the script.
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Hangman called Mav old timer and Bradley called Mav old man, both translate to おじさん (old man/uncle) in Japanese. It's quite impolite for calling someone older than them.
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Pretending it was conversation between the husbands
アイス: 会いたい
Ice: I miss you
※会いたい (ai-tai) can be "I miss you" in some context.
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While sub was これは頼みじゃない (This is not a request) but dub was これは命令 (This is an order), it's quite more aggressive 🤭
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And nothing happened here 🙈🙉🙊
#Tom "Iceman" Kazansky Lives
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※ As per JAL information, this version was edited only for their inflight entertainment. It's quite not same with the recent NF release if anyone wants to check it out.
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Bloom (Chapter 7)
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Chapter 6
Official Bloom Playlist
Warnings: Fluff, Smut. 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI
A/N: Please make sure to check out the playlist above for the full effect while reading this chapter. As always, thanks for reading!
“It’s always and ever, only you.” - Butterflies Rising
Flying with famous musicians is an experience, to put it lightly. The recognition of the guys ebbing and flowing throughout the day. Every once in a while a group of girls would quietly and nervously approach and ask for a photo with them, you offering to take it, and the girls walking away absolutely giddy. Josh, Sam, and Danny doing most of the talking throughout the interaction, Jake saying as little as possible but still happy to take a photo. Somehow you all ended up on the exact same flight into Flint. I guess that’s what happens when they are all from one of the smallest towns in Michigan. 
You had never been to Frankenmuth, Josh has been telling you all about its endearing qualities leaving out the part about freezing temperatures of course. You had packed and repacked probably 10 times, you were so nervous about having the perfect outfit for Thanksgiving. You would be staying with Josh, Jake and Sam, at their childhood home for the weekend. You could tell the guys were already relaxing and looking forward to it with all of the horsing around and jokes they cracked the entire plane ride from Nashville to Flint. You and Josh sat in front of Jake and his girlfriend, Sam and Danny sitting next to each other across from you and Josh.  They talked through the seats and across the aisle the entire hour and 45 minute flight. After telling the guys to calm down approximately 37 times during the flight, and waiting 30 minutes to find your suitcases on the carousel, you were finally stepping out the doors of the airport and walking to find your rental car. Jake offered to drive since there was snow on the ground and Sam had one too many inflight beverages. Danny left you all at baggage claim when his family arrived to pick him up. You, Josh, and Jakes girlfriend, all climb into the backseat, Sam in shotgun of course, claiming that his ‘legs were too long for the backseat’. You head down the road, with the car full of rowdy yelling guys, thanking the lord its only at 30 minute drive to Frankenmuth. You are speechless at the beautiful snowy landscape you see from the windows. It almost looks like a scene from a Hallmark movie. No one in the car understanding your surprise since they all grew up here. This is just normal to them. 
Josh places his hand on your leg and leans into you to whisper into your ear, as you continue to stare out the window, “isn’t its beautiful here?”
You turn to him and reply, “its gorgeous, I can’t believe you grew up here.”
He smiles and pats your thigh, “I am so glad you got to come with me, this is going to be a great weekend.”
A few minutes later you all pull up to the Kiszka house, Jake stating “Ahhh yep just how we left it huh boys?”
“Yeah, let’s wreck some shit!” Sam jokes. 
After collecting your suitcases from the trunk you all trek through the front yard up to the front door, where Josh’s mom is bursting through the door, “My babies are hooomeeee!” she squeals.
Josh releasing an exaggerated sigh “Mother, must you do this every time? You saw us three weeks ago!”
“Yes, I must do it!! You’re my babies!” She says hugging Sammy’s neck. His face making a playful choking expression behind her back.
You make eye contact with her nervously and you clam up not knowing what to say, but thankfully she says it first. 
“Hi! You must be Joshy’s girl! I’m Karen!” She says pulling you into a hug, you’re so glad she is overly friendly. 
“Hi, yeah I guess you could say that!” you say laughing and introducing yourself. She turns to Jake’s girlfriend pulling her in for a hug as well, “Hi sweetheart so glad to see you!”
“Mom we just came from Nashville, I know you probably think we are still sporting our thick Michigan skin but we aren’t and it’s 27 degrees out here, can you please let us in?!” Josh jokes.
She ushers you all inside the house which is much warmer than the front porch. The house is homey and smells like baked goods. There are photos adorning every wall of the home of Josh, Jake, Sam and a girl you haven’t met yet, through various stages of life. One in particular catching your eye of Josh and Jake probably around the age of 3. Jake holding a plastic guitar, and Josh holding a pretend microphone. Smiling to yourself knowing that photo was a small glimpse into the future. 
Karen leads you around the house giving you the grand tour, pointing out where each of you would be sleeping during your stay. You all drop your bags in your respective rooms and the guys immediately bolt leaving you and Jakes girlfriend with Karen. You are a bundle of nerves being alone with them without the guys as a buffer. You all walk into the kitchen and Karen hands you each a cup of coffee. “This should warm you right up!” She says.
Both of you thanking her for inviting you for Thanksgiving and letting you stay in her home. 
All of the sudden you hear a loud crashing noise from what you’re assuming is the basement. “Ope, here we go! Haven't been home 5 minutes!” Karen says. You decide to make your way down the basement steps to see if you can catch a peek at what is transpiring. The boys are physically wrestling each other on the floor. Sam and Jake are going at it as hard as they can. Jake may be smaller than Sam but he is totally kicking his ass. Josh is standing off to the side egging them on. You meet his eyes across the room and he winks before yelling “Rip his leg off Sammy boy!” In a macho sounding voice. 
After a minute or two more they both stop and sit back on their haunches. You playfully ask, “Are you two trying to kill each other or…”
“Well Josh has his ear thing, so he can’t participate but loser has to shovel the driveway.” Sam says. “Currently... it’s a draw.” Eyes squinting at Jake.
As the words leave his mouth Jake tackles him to the ground and sits on his head and counts to three. “That’ll do it boys.” He says standing up and running up the stairs.
“Ugh, every time!” Sam says before storming up the stairs to find the shovel, leaving you and Josh alone in the basement. You begin to walk around exploring the many curiosities in the room. You spot a section on the wall where each child has been measured over their lifetime and rub your finger over the carved panel. “Awww you were so little…” you say smiling over to Josh. 
“Some would say I still am!” He jokes, walking over to meet you. Clutching your coffee mug in your hand you take another sip of the perfectly warm liquid and hear a female voice ring out from upstairs, “Oh brotherrrrr…” 
“Oh, looks like my sister made it home.” Josh smiles at you.
“Your sister?! You have a sister?!” You ask shocked.
“Yeah, Ronnie, well Veronica but don’t call her that, she’ll get mad.” He says jokingly.
“Oh gosh I was not prepared!” You say.
“You’ll do fine angel, just be yourself. Everyone can’t help but to love you. I would know.” He says interlacing his fingers with yours.
Ronnie makes her way down to the basement and down the stairs, practically leaping into Josh’s arms. “Hello Ronnie…” Josh says.
“Hi Josh! I am so happy to see you! How are you feeling? Is your ear okay? Is this your girlfriend?!” She spouts off.
“I am feeling fine, my ear is… well its been better, and yes this is my girlfriend.” He smiles proudly at you. 
“Cute, nice to meet you!!!” She says excitedly.
“Nice to meet you too!” You reply before she bounds up the stairs.
“She is energetic…” you say.
“Yeah, and that is her as an adult…” he laughs.
“Thanks for bringing me here Josh, its really nice to meet your family and spend time with them.” You say shyly.
“Angel, I wanted nothing more than for you to be here with me.” He says bringing his lips to yours. You realize you have hardly kissed him today because of all the traveling and the proximity to his brothers. This makes you kiss him back a little harder to make up for it. Your hand finds its way up to his face your fingers sliding into his hair. He has shaved the sides of his head down again and the little hairs feel like velvet. As your tongues make their way into each others mouths you are quickly reminded that his mother is upstairs probably wondering where you two are. You pull away before diving back for one small quick kiss.
“I’m not done with you angel.” He says seductively pulling you closer to him.
“Well it will have to wait because there is no way we are doing this in your parents basement.” You reply.
“Fine, come on I want to show you something.” He says.
Taking your hand he leads you up the stairs and down a hallway lined with photos. At the end of the hallway on the right you step into a small bedroom. You know instantly this is Josh’s room. The walls are blue with movie posters stuck into the wall with thumbtacks, and various photos from high school taped together in a collage. His wooden queen size bed sits against a wall adorned with freshly washed blue plaid flannel sheets. Across the room is his matching desk with an outdated laptop sitting proudly atop, a handheld camera and a stack of notebooks. Josh walks over to the desk, sits down in the chair and flips through a notebook until he finds what he is looking for. 
“Ah ha, here it is, in all her glory, the first logo for Greta Van Fleet” he laughs.
You look at the scribbled drawing of a ‘GVF’ melded together into a hieroglyph style drawing. 
“You guys have really come a long way since that huh.” You smile up at him.
“Yeah, it’s crazy it all started right here too. Jake sat on that bed right there, guitar in hand and said ‘we should start a band’. That’s it, that’s all it took. He had just started really getting good at guitar and he had always helped me with my film projects so what skin was it off my back to help him with his dream? I dragged Sam along, and then came Danny. What I didn’t know then is that it would turn into this. His dream coming true and me getting to experience it along with him. All this. Its’s always been for him. I know he would have done the same for me so I never questioned it.” He says emotionally. You can tell that the emotions of being home and back in his childhood bedroom have taken ahold of him.
“Well, he’s your brother baby. Your twin actually. Your natural response is to care for him, he’s partly you, and you, him.” You reply sitting down on his lap. 
He kisses your neck and whispers “How did I get so lucky?”
Your heads snap up as you hear Karen’s voice from the hallway “Joshy! Jake! Sammy! Ron...Lets go!” 
You make your way to the kitchen and it smells divine, Karen has made dinner and this time when you see her, a man is attached to her side, who you know to be Josh’s dad Kelly. You had seen a video of him once that Josh showed you on his phone. After introductions you all are handed a plate of food and guided to the dining room table. You spend the rest of the evening laughing, chatting and getting to know each other around the Kiszka family table. You offer to help Kelly and Ronnie clean up the dishes and Josh puts a record on the record player. 
The sounds of Yes’ ‘I’ve Seen All Good People’ ring through the sound system filling the house. 
Jake and his girlfriend begin to dance, Jake twirling her around the room, her dress spinning in the air. Sam and Karen following suit, Sam dipping her in an exaggerated fashion. Everyone is laughing, smiling, and enjoying the moment. It seems like time is moving in slow motion around you. Josh makes his way up behind you, as you're drying dishes at the sink as Kelly hands them to you. Josh slides his hands around your waist hooking his fingers through your belt loops and kissing your neck. You throw your head back on top of his shoulder laughing and squirming and you wonder if this is how it’s always supposed to have been. You and Josh, here in this moment, together.
Sipping wine out of solo cups in the basement, the crew has gotten restless. Jake and Sam are in a heated game of Mario Kart and Ronnie and Jakes girlfriend are talking about where they want to go Black Friday shopping. Josh is laid out on the couch with his legs lazily draped over you. You feel his eyes burning into your skin. Looking over at him, his gaze locked in on you. A lot of alcohol and a little bit of freedom from his everyday life has sent him into a drunken spiral of lust, and it's directed at you. 
“We are going to head up for the night, we will have a long day of shenanigans tomorrow.” Josh announces. 
He stands up offering you his hand to help you up. He takes his red plastic cup and places it under yours, stacking them together before throwing them away in the trashcan. Leading you up the stairs and down the hall, you both make pit stops in the bathroom before walking to his bedroom. He quietly opens the door, letting you walk in before just as quietly shutting it. “We can’t be too loud, my parents are across the hall from me, of course.” He whispers.
“Okay.” you whisper motioning you zipping your mouth shut.
“I like that, I can work with that…” he says suggestively.
Rolling your eyes you pull your pajamas out of your suitcase. A pair of grey flannel pants with a matching button up top.
Josh has stripped down naked, and pulls on a pair of sweatpants. Turning off the overhead light, he flips to switch on the lamp on his bedside table. 
“Better...” he says quietly.
You begin to take off your clothes, the cool air causing your skin to cover with goosebumps. You quickly pull on your pajamas, relieved at the warmth of the fabric.
Josh pulls the comforter back and crawls in, you can tell he has always slept in the same spot as the bed slightly dips on the left side. He lets out a sigh of comfort and you turn off the lamp and crawl in next to him, aligning your body with his as the little spoon. 
“Just like I remember it.” He says, “but with one new addition.” he adds as he kisses the back of your head. 
“Do you get to come home very often?” You ask.
“No. Not nearly as much as I want to. I can usually make it home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and a week or so around the middle of summer, if we aren’t touring.” He replies sadly. 
“But when I do get to come home, all of the stress in my life just melts away. It’s something about the air here. It’s clearer and calmer. Having you here with me just makes it that much better.” He says softly.
Turning over to your back you roll to face him and reach your hand to his face. You rub your thumb over his lips before gently pressing a kiss to them and whispering “I love you.”
“I love you too angel.” He says kissing you back with just as much love care and tenderness as you felt in his words. His left hand finds the skin of your stomach and slides up to cup your breast, massaging your supple skin. 
Your hand migrates down to the hem of his sweatpants, slowly dipping below the surface and grazing the smattering of hair right above his base. You grab his length wrapping your hand around and squeezing gently, a silent plea that you want this to progress.
His hand makes its way to your center, feeling your warmth through the fabric of your pajama pants. His fingers gently untie the bow at your waist and begin to slide the pants down your legs. Once they are successfully off, his follow.
“Turn over baby, gonna have you like this...” He whispers in your ear.
You are back in a spooning position, the tip of his dick resting on the crotch of your panties. 
“You have to be quiet, silent actually. Im going to fuck you, slow and deep and you’re not gonna make a sound. Okay?” He says.
“Okay.” you reply breathlessly.
His fingers find the crotch of your panties and two fingers dip underneath the fabric and graze through your wetness before sliding up to circle your clit a few times. A small whimper escaping your mouth. 
“Hush baby or i’ll spank you next time.” He says into your ear with a bite.
His fingers pull your panties further to the side and he aligns the tip with your core. Thrusting his hips forward his dick slides into you easily with a little more tightness than usual from your side laying position. “Fuck angel, you are so tight like this.” Hey says.
“Hush baby...” you mock back at him.
He pumps into you hard one good time “oh angel are you mocking me?” He says thrusting again.
“Mmmm” you respond.
His hips begin to move slightly faster, and you feel your orgasm growing in your belly. 
“Never did I think I would be fucking the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen in this bed.” He grunts out.
“Shhhhh…” you reply.
“Oh baby you’re asking for it now.” He replies. His hand reaching around, fingers diving into the front of your panties pushing your hips back and holding you there as he continues to thrust into you. His fingers circling your clit.
“Josh I’m close, I’m gonna…” you breath out.
“Another sound and you're over my knee at the next opportunity baby, make your choice.”
One more hard thrust and you throw your head to the side, your mouth connecting with his as your orgasm runs its course inside of you. Your soft moan echoing into Josh’s open mouth. 
He pulls you into him harder and pumps twice more before a grunt leaves his chest and you feel his cum wash over your insides. 
“Tomorrow, while my family is in the house enjoying the lovely day, I am going to spank your ass and then I am going to fuck you over the amps in the garage. Bet on it angel.” He says pulling out of you. 
He smoothes the hair away from your neck giving you a gentle kiss, before saying “also, love you so much and goodnight.”
Shaking your head smiling, you say “can’t wait and I love you too you, goodnight Josh.”
Pies. Waking up you smell pie. You realize Karen must already be up and started on cooking for Thanksgiving Dinner. You open your eyes and roll over and are greeted with the beautiful sight of Josh sleeping soundly next to you. The sun from the window splaying perfect yellow rays on his angelic face. His lips are slightly parted, and you silently think to yourself how unfair it is that his lips are so naturally plump and pink. You can see his eyes moving beneath the lid and realize that he is dreaming. The corners of his mouth begin to turn upward almost like he is trying to smile. You lay your head further into the pillow and just watch him for a few minutes. He is easily one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen and you can’t believe he is yours. You also think about how the identical, darker, broodier copy of him is in the next room over. Lighting struck twice. You make it a point to try to get to know Jake better this weekend. You have only had a few exchanges with him, but he is Josh’s twin, and his best friend and that makes him just as important to you. As you sit in your thoughts, a commotion from the kitchen rings through the house followed by a ‘sorry’. 
Josh’s eyes slowly open and he smiles sleepily at you, stretching out his legs before pulling you over on top of him. “Good morning my beautiful *kiss* beautiful *kiss* girl.” he says affectionately. “How did you sleep?” He asks.
“I sleep like a log, I was exhausted.” You reply. 
“Have you been up long?” He asks.
“Maybe 15 minutes?” You respond.
“You were just laying here waiting for me to wake up?” He asks.
“Kind of, I was watching you sleep and daydreaming. You were dreaming and smiling.” You say.
“What were you day dreaming about?” He asks.
“I was thinking about how beautiful you are and how I can’t believe that you chose me.” You reply.
“I would always choose you angel. And I always will. In a crowd of people the only face I see is yours.” He says with a kiss.
Smiling at him you roll off of him and stand up, starting to dig through your suitcase for your toiletries and the outfit you have carefully selected for the day.
A camel brown vintage style corduroy skirt, a cream colored cable knit sweater and knee high riding boots, finishing off with a cream and maroon plaid knotted headband.
You collect your items, blow Josh a kiss and head for the bathroom in the hallway. 
After your shower you’re feeling immensely better. A quick curled blow out and simple makeup and you’re ready to socialize. 
As you pass Josh in the hallway he has showered and is walking around in a towel heading for his bedroom. 
As you enter the living room, you see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade playing on the TV over the fireplace. Kelly, Karen, and Ronnie are in the kitchen elbow deep in a turkey, who is about to meet its fate in the oven. Sam opting to sit this one out on the couch. You grab a cup of coffee and join him on the couch. Josh, Jake, and his girlfriend slowly filter out one by one until all of you are in the living room together, commenting about the performers and the gigantic balloons floating by. You spend much of the day with the group of siblings playing games in the basement, singing along to songs with Kelly in the kitchen and and chatting about shopping with Karen and Ronnie. Around 4 o’clock Karen announces that it is time to eat and you all collect in the kitchen to watch Jake cut the turkey. Apparently this is his thing, and he has done it for years. You all plate your food and select a seat at the beautifully set dining table.
 Everyone is mostly done with their plates and just chatting with each other when Karen suggest going around the table and talking about the highs and lows of everyones year.  Each family member taking their turn, discussing the hurt and pain and the joys and triumphs of their past year. As Josh begins on his turn his hand finds yours under the table squeezing it for support.
“It has been one of the hardest years of my life. I have had a few unthinkable things happen to me throughout the course of this year, jeopardizing what all of us here have worked so hard for and sacrificed so much for. I can truly say that I am immensely grateful for the love and support that you all, my family, have shown me this year. I wouldn’t have made it with out you…” he turns towards you “and If it weren’t for this girl right here, bringing me out of a fairly dark place when things were tough, I would have surely thrown it all away. The best decision I have ever made is sitting right here at this table with us, and I hope that she will continue by my side for years to come. Anyways, I love you all very much, and Happy Thanksgiving.” He finishes. Your eyes welling up with prideful tears for your love. You feel so lucky to be sitting at his side, and you too hope that you’ll be sitting here for years to come. 
After the emotional experience that was Thanksgiving dinner, you again help out the girls with the dishes. The guys going down to the basement to have their ‘shenanigans’ as they keep calling it. As you finish the dishes, the girls decide to watch a Christmas movie, already excited about the impending holiday. You decide to go down to see what the guys are up to. As you reach the bottom of the stairs the smell of weed hits you like a ton of bricks. 
“Ah, I see now what shenanigans are...” You laugh.
“Babyyyy” Josh exaggerates, “come take it hit, it will be fun.” He implores.
You decide what the hell, and sit down on the carpet with them, “alright, let me have it Sammy.” You say reaching your hand out.
“Alright, good girl isn’t so good…” Jake says with glazed eyes and a smile.
You take a small pull from the diminishing joint and inhale it into your lungs before slowly letting it leave your lips.
“Oh Jesus, that was hotter than I expected it to be.” Josh says. “everyday you surprise me.”
Shaking your head laughing you pass it over to Jake. The circle continues until the joint is dead. All of you absolutely gone when all is said and done. 
Jake and Sam head upstairs to find out what leftovers there are to eat and you and Josh are left in the basement. 
“I think I am ready to make good on my promise pretty girl.” Josh says swiping his thumb across your lips. 
“And what promise is that?” You ask.
Your head floating you stare directly into his eyes and you swear you can see his brain at work.
“Lets go.” He says standing up and pulling your arm with him. You walk up the stairs, through the kitchen and out the side door. The garage is detached and sits slightly away from the house. You walk down a gravel path that leads to a door on the front of the garage. Josh grabs a key from over the door jam and unlocks the door before placing the key back. Stepping inside he flicks a light switch and an old fluorescent light audibly flickers on. This isn’t just a garage, this was their music space. There is a rug in the middle of the garage, a small black drum kit, and two sets of stacked amps on either side of it. Josh shuts the door behind you pushing out the cold air. He pushes you up against the door, his mouth desperately finding yours. Your hands grabbing at the tiny curls at the back of his neck, you arch your neck giving him access to your throat. He pulls your skirt up around your waist and slides your panties off, shoving them into his pocket. His hand returns and his fingers slide through your slick. The moan that escapes you is louder than usual, and you aren’t sure if it is the weed causing this but you’re fairly positive it is. Your senses are heightened and you are feeling things more intensely than before. Spreading your legs with his knee he squats down and wraps his arms around your thighs, his mouth connecting to your core. His tongue ricocheting in continuous motions against your clit. A scream crying out of you as the assault continues. A “mmmm” vibrates again your center as Josh says “you taste even better now than you normally do.” This sends your head spiraling and you are loosing yourself to the beautiful kaleidoscopic patterns forming in your closed eyelids. “Josh fuck me now before I cum.” you beg.
He stands up and leads you over the stack of amps. “Im going to make good on that promise angel. Remember, you made this choice last night.” Bending you over the front of the amplifier, he positions him self behind you and with a crash a slap rings out on your ass. “Count” he says.
“One.” You say.
“Good angel, again.” He breathes before delivering another harsh blow.
“Two.” You cry. 
“Ahh so beautiful pretty girl.” Another blow lands on the red welting skin.
“Three.” A tear forms at your eye.
“One more baby.” He says delivering the final blow to the bright red skin. 
“Four.” You choke back a sob of pleasure. 
Leaning down kissing the throbbing skin Josh says “You did so good, baby. I love the way your body responds for me.”
Suddenly you feel Josh’s dick sliding into your dripping wet center. “You love it don't you baby... You are soaking wet for me.” He says. “We have to be quick, they will be coming to find us any minute.” You agree nodding your head. 
Placing his hand firmly on your shoulder he begins to thrust into you pounding away at that sensitive collection of nerves inside of you. Your brain foggy from the weed begins to notice that your orgasm is already quickly approaching, “Josh I’m close. Please harder.” You beg. 
He begins to drill into you harder your skin connecting and echoing off the garage walls. He moves his hands to either side of your hips pulling you to him and thrusting hard into you, his moan setting off your orgasm as you scream loudly into the cluttered garage. “God damn it angel, that was so fucking good” he says with a few more deep thrusts. “Im going to cum inside of you. Make you mine.” He says  “Im cumming, god i’m cumming, fuck” with an explosive jolt you feel him fill you. 
Hearing voices faintly outside, Josh quickly pulls out and pulls his pants on, tucking his sensitive dick in the waistband of his pants. He quickly throws you your panties and you slide them on and pull your skirt down just as the door knob rattles, feeling his cum dripping out of you. 
Jake, his girlfriend and Sam and Ronnie step into the garage and stare at you. 
“Oh god were you fucking?” Jake says in a grossed out voice. “On my amp, dude??” he says placing his hands over his head and walking out. 
You and Josh smirking but not responding. 
“Gross.” Ronnie says.
“Anyways… we were coming to find you to see if you wanted to jam in the basement for a while, Danny is heading over.” Sam says. 
“What do you think angel, shall we?” Josh asks.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” You reply.
You all make your way out of the garage and lock it up before making the walk back to the house and into the basement. 
The guys have been playing and messing around with new sounds for well over two hours. Everyone is a little bit drunk off hard seltzers, causing the giggles. The guys have played through some new music they are working on, no words written yet of course. Jake leans over to Josh and holds his hand up to cover his lips moving, and whispers in his ear. A smile erupting across Josh’s face as he nods his head. They telephone the secret message to each other until all of the guys are aware of the situation. Suddenly Jake starts playing his guitar, a soft and sweet melody ringing through the room. The rest of the guys come in and complete the sound.
Josh relaxes into the chair, and starts to softly sing playfully staring right into your eyes with a smile. As he makes it to the chorus you are feeling your smile in your cheeks. You are smiling so hard, and you notice that Josh’s eyes haven’t left yours this whole time as he continues to sing.
‘You’re the one I have, so come on back to me…’
As they wrap up the song Jake looks at the rest of the guys and says “Been a while for that one.”
“Too long, but now it’s right.” Josh says reaching his hand towards yours, lacing his fingers with yours he stands up and pulls you to stand with him. 
“Goodnight.” He says tipping his head at everyone, you shrugging your shoulders smiling towards them.
Making the way to his bedroom he throws his arm over your shoulders pulling you into his side to walk side by side. Passing Karen in the living room she shoots you a soft smile and you can see the joy on her face, seeing her son so happy.
You enter the bedroom, softly lit by the side table lamp. You both change into your pajamas and you crawl into bed and turn off the light. The relaxed feeling from the weed, sex, and alcohol has turned your body into a useless collection of limbs. Josh throws his arm over you pulling you in tightly to his chest. “I meant every single thing I said today. You are so important to me, and I care about you so much. I hope you’re here with me for everything from now on.” he says “You fit in perfectly with everyone. They all love you. They told me.” He says in your ear. 
“Who told you that?” You ask.
“Jake…” He replies, “My mom, Ronnie, Sam…” they have all pulled me aside today to tell me how wonderful they think you are. I can’t help but agree.” He says kissing your head. 
“What did Jake say?” You question further. You have been the most nervous about him accepting you. He is Josh’s better half and his voice of reason, his guiding light, and Josh his. 
“I cant tell you exactly what he said, that’s between us. Just know that he wants you to stay as much as I do.” He says. 
Content with that answer you let it be. “I love you Josh, I am so glad I found you.” You say with a drowsy voice.
“Ahh angel, I love you too. So much. A place in my heart will forever belong to you.” He says with another kiss snuggling his head into his pillow. The next thing you hear is the even breaths from his perfect lips.
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shrimpscream · 1 year
Rise of the beasts rant!
Just got home from watching rise of the beasts and I love that movie so much.
The parallels to the netflix series were interesting (op‘s character, his dynamic with primal, the multiple skorponoks who looked a lot like their bayverse counterpart)
That whole warehouse scene just screamed tfa op sari bee interaction at the start of the show
Nightbirds design being an interesting interpretation of her g1 counterpart
The whole scourge/unicron paralels to g1 movie galvatron/unicron
My girl arcee
And there’s also that weird frenzy and rumble thing (they used the basic design from the bayverse movies and made it creepier)
Stratospheres design reminded me a lot of anode (idw comics) -probably her grandfather or something lol
Mirage was very interesting with all the mass shifting, the brief scene with his g1 altmode and the whole omni-former whatever thing going on that I only remember happening once in idw as well as the armour part that reminded me of last stand of the wreckers where verity had an armour
The whole bumblebee situation reminded me a lot of the final battle in tfp and we got to see primes axe again
And I almost cried at the airazor scene
And then there’s pablo… I don’t know if he sounds anything better in the inflight version but in German he is just terrible
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 2 years
Rhys Darby returns for NZ Comedy Festival
The first time Rhys Darby was praised for his humour was in primary school, when two little girls told him he should be a comedian.
He thought that meant a lizard.
Darby didn't know there was such vocation as a comedian, and got mixed up with chameleon.
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It might not have been for him, but Rhys Darby doesn't regret joining the army, it's given a lot of material over the years.
He rushed home to tell his mum that the kids at school thought he should be a lizard, and took it upon himself to start doing lizard impressions.
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David Farrier, Rhys Darby and Buttons' radio show The Cryptid Factor is dedicated to the weird and the wonderful, and in particular, cryptozoology.
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Rhys Darby and wife Rosie, at the Wellington premiere of What We Do in the Shadows, in which Darby who plays a werewolf.
His repertoire extended to Scooby Doocharacters, people in soup commercials and anyone else he saw on television.
Darby entertained his friends with drawings too. They would look forward to the next instalment of a cartoon he sketched at the bottom of his book.
The entertaining has not stopped since.
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Rhys Darby starred alongside Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Eric Stonestreet in Modern Family.
After making a name for himself on the live comedy circuit, the actor has gone on to become one of New Zealand's top comedy exports.
His big break was starring inFlight of the Conchords, as the hopeless band manager Murray Hewitt, alongside Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie.
Now based in Los Angeles with his wife, Rosie, and sons Finn (10), and Theo (6), Darby's CV is looking pretty impressive.
It includes his own mockumentary series Short Poppies, the lead in the romantic comedy Love Birds, starring alongside Jim Carrey in Yes Man, a scene-stealer in What We do in the Shadows, guest starring in Modern Family and The X-Files reboot, and most recently, playing Psycho Sam in The Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
Even the drawing has served Darby, who is currently writing and illustrating a (currently top secret) children's book.
Darby heads back to New Zealand this month for the NZ International Comedy Festival, to perform as his old duo Rhysently Granted, with Grant Lobban.
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Rhys Darby and Grant Lobban as the comedy duo Rhysently Granted, 1996
The two last performed together more than 20 years ago.
Darby's humour was nurtured from a young age, it was a trait he particularly shared with his mother, Barbara.
After Barbara had three girls and a boy, there was a nine-year gap before she had Darby.
"I was very much this mistake at the wrong end," Darby says, whose parents split shortly after he was born.
"So it was just really me and Mum, my brother was with us for a while until he hit his early 20s, but I guess I felt like an only child a lot.
"Mum was a bit older by then and so she got through every day by really just having a wonderful sense of humour. The two of us had such fun, laughter was really the main thing that we kind of enjoyed every day."
He joined the air training corps when he turned 12, before switching over the the army cadets.
When Darby hit adolescence, Barbara  began dropping hints that her son might like to join the army or look at boarding schools, he says.
"It was going to be harder having another child and putting him through his teenage years.
"I think she was thinking I was going to be this teenage tyrant, probably getting onto the wrong side of the tracks and stuff, but of course I was the nicest boy you'd ever meet.
"I guess it was just kind of in my nature to be nice and geeky. I didn't really do any parties or anything like that, I played with my action-figures right up until I joined the army at 17."
In the army, he would often got lost in the bush and get into trouble for impersonating officers.
Darby says he would not send his own sons there, but he does not regret joining. He is only glad he got asked to leave before he saw any combat service.
"You'd probably be better off being a clown or something, rather than a soldier, Darby," he was told.
"I mean you're good for morale here, but we worry once you actually get into combat whether you'll shoot our own people by mistake or something."
Darby couldn't see the humour at the time, but the army has sure been worth it's value in comedy material since.
"I've since gone back and seen that a lot of old British comedians have spent time back in the day in military, and there's a lot of humour that I've got from it.
"It made me who I am, it gave me some self-discipline and made me care about the way I look and do things, and have a responsibility to complete tasks, turn up on time, and I think all that got ingrained into me".
Conchords was Darby's ticket to America.
When the show took off, Darby would often get mistaken for his character in real life.
He and Murray have some similarities – Darby tends to be the one to make the decisions among his friends – "But as far as being an absolute naive idiot, definitely not," he says.
The odd person will still call him Murray, but does not care, because the character was so loved.
"I'm a big fan of him as well, because he's just a sweetheart and optimistically naive and it's the blind leading the blind because he's got no idea what he's doing as a band manager. Luckily his band are even thicker than he is, so it's just a sweet romance between those three."
Having always been obsessed with the paranormal, landing the X-Files gig was the ultimate role.
It is a hobby that has seen him travel the world in search for mythical creatures, like when he traveled to Puerto Rico with David Farrier in pursuit of the chupacabra.
Darby has reached an extraordinary point in his career where casting directors already know who he is and what he can do.
The tables have turned from crossing fingers for an audition, to being asked to attend.
One of the best career decisions Darby says he has made is choosing his manager.
"Ultimately my wife manages everything, so it had to be somebody that could work with Rosie.
"We selected a really cool manager, a guy that I very much love by the name of Tucker, and it's these decisions that continue to lead to great things."
But keeping his Kiwi accent is the career decision he is most proud of.
"That's really important to me, because so many actors when they come over to  America just drop their accent straight away and Americanise themselves, and I didn't want to be like that. I wanted to be able to use my own voice in all the stories I tell, because there are plenty of New Zealanders on the planet and you don't often get to hear them."
"So I'm very lucky, not just as an actor, but a comical actor, that is in a sort of smaller pool of people who are picked for various things in which I can be myself more, and that seems to be working."
As well as Rhysently Granted, Darby performs in three other Comedy Festival shows.
"I'm looking forward to going back and doing that and actually having fun again, because I kind of lost my way a bit in the last few years with it all being such a big money-making enterprise.
"You kind of lose what it was in the first place that made you want to laugh, and it was just that having fun with friends."
Source: Stuff NZ
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 1 year
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Scene aboard an Air Asia flight from Jakarta to Singapore earlier this month after a passenger panicked and tried to open the Airbus doors inflight. He was restrained, subdued and tied up by the female crew, who kept him bound and blindfolded in the aisle until the stewardesses were able to hand him over to the authorities in Singapore.
Sources: Pinterest and Daily Mail
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ov105 · 4 years
After some delay, and a bit of coincidence. I have reached another summit. It is only appropriate I finish this exactly on Juri’s birthday (10-3-97). 
8,483 words of Takahashi Juri.
In case I don’t see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
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"Last call for Flight 62, last call for Flight 62." 
Damn me. 
If that was what an unjust sentence sounded like, there it is. Running around Narita's terminal with a suitcase in hand and a jacket in hand as I ran to the gate. Barely cutting it to the gate, breathing a sigh of relief as I handed the ticket to the gate agent, calming myself and taking a swig of sanity back as I turned into the tube and almost found it like walking to a conference. It's all quiet until you turn at the last corner, with the flight attendants, all caked up and primly dressed, greeted me as I stepped into the plane, with everybody settling down into their seats.  
Being in a first-class suite for a transpacific crossing was something I would usually never think of even when sitting in the large office chair. But here I was, a week after selection and flying off to my first international assignment in months. 
"Anything you'd like to have before takeoff, sir?" A charming young flight attendant said. Breaking the silence as the ground vehicles whirred outside as they pulled away before pushback. 
"A cola, please, thank you," I replied, still regaining my words as I tried to give my best PR smile to the young lady who just asked me. 
To be fair, she was the prettiest looking among the flight attendants. Probably one of the shorter ones as well, judging by even how her heels didn't hide her petite frame. Another thing was that she seemed to be hiding a voluptuous body behind all those tight clothes. 
The rest of the flight went on as usual, with the Triple Seven pushed back, started engines, and took us 10 minutes taxiing towards the runway. Being holed up in an airplane flying at thirty-four thousand feet, and almost being unbothered by sleepy seatmates. The opportunity that I couldn't be hijacked in my SNS accounts and watch the backlog of movies I downloaded months ago seemed the most practical choice. The in-flight entertainment wasn't bad, but I had my fish to fry.  
It was only about 20 minutes after the opening credits when somebody knocked on the sliding door of the suite I was in. It fussed me, but then I had to see who it was for myself first. 
"Good afternoon, what would you like to have for dinner?" said the same flight attendant that had led me to my seat just an hour and a half ago. Standing on the aisle but just speaking audible enough for me to hear. Sticking to the business script, I asked one thing.
"Is there a menu?"
She did so by her reaching into the cart, out of view from my perspective. My fingers took in the leather-bound menu and opening it. The laptop was to my right, earphones plugged in, but the display itself was connected to the screen before my seat. The attendant must've noticed it when she snuck some of her personality into my little world.
"Ah, this one gets exciting," she said, making me look to the screen and how her eyes were on it, connecting two-and-two.
"Already is, actually," I said, briefly closing the menu and looking up at the pretty egg-faced lady standing on my doorway, "You like these too?" 
"Ah, yes,  I think they're the best type of movies to watch," she replied. I just smiled and agreed, looking down on the menu again. However, I felt the need to put a name on the pretty face that I now just broke the ice with. 
"Hey, if it isn't too rude, what's your name?" I asked, an arm out as she returned the gesture and replied. 
"Juri," she managed to say, telling me that she was a bit shocked. A charming young passenger often doesn't reach out like this. 
"Then, Juri, I'd like this for dinner," I said as I turned the menu facing her and pointing on the set I'd want. She wouldn't know, but that small talk I had with her made me want to get something different for that one moment. I was giving the menu back to her once she jotted it down.
"I'll see you later then, Juri," I replied with my best business smile as she had her hand on the door. She blushed slightly and returned my greeting. Closing the door as she left and found myself settling down again. 
What kind of luck did I just get to do that? I thought as I pressed the spacebar and took a large swig off the cola bottle. The hours passed. The movie had entered into the third act by the time the dinner service came knocking. As expected, it was Juri who knocked on the door and gave me my meal. It was a complete surprise they had improved with the inflight meal. Though maybe it was just me being sulky and all too used to the economy class meals. 
Speaking of relationships with women, it had been a while since I had one. She was just a sex freak who just wanted to fuck so she wouldn't drink herself into a hangover. Being the bearer of her incorrect way of coping with stress, I learned some despite me telling her to see a therapist. We practically fucked almost anywhere; on the beach, in the car, or the mall fitting room - you name it, I probably fucked my ex there. She also liked it when I didn't pull out, provided she ordered it, of course - something about filling a woman up just made me crave it more.
I finished supper thinking about my past, and almost entirely sexual relationship. Last I heard, my ex was slutting up to her new boyfriend too. However, I washed that over as I took another sip to seal the meal. After that, I had all the plates already taken away. I found myself a glass of liquor, with two bottles in the fridge, and pudding to eat as I binged on my laptop. I checked my watch to see it was 11:00 pm, with a small plate of what used to be the bittersweet pudding lying beside me. That was the day's meal for me, so I pressed the call button to see who'd, if there ever would, come to pick it up this time. 
It was Juri. 
"I see you've enjoyed your dinner," She said warmly. I often get referred to by my pronouns like it was in the office, but I let Juri slide for me. 
"And I see you've been dropping the honorifics," I replied as I looked out to the night sky and took a swig. 
"I-I'm sorry..," the Japanese girl stammered out, trying to look me in the eye, but looked down once I put my gaze on her. She looked dejected. Almost like she'd been caught in her tracks being too friendly to her passengers. 
"It's fine, Juri. I didn't mean to sound like that. Trust me, it's alright," I said, trying to reassure her, and in my years of managing, the kinaesthetic element kicked in. Next thing I knew, my free hand was tapping on her right wrist. 
Looking up, I saw Juri was very much surprised at the sudden contact. I shared the same sentiment, my fingers abruptly letting go of her as I retracted it, rubbed my hands together, and took a swig from the glass to try and distract myself from how awkward every second was at that moment. 
"Sorry for that," I said as I fussed on my seat, clearly trying to distance myself as much as possible from the flight attendant, remembering the professional boundary between us. 
"It's okay," Juri replied. Feeling a hand tap my left shoulder while I looked away. I laid my hand on hers and just nodded. I told her that it was okay, though I did find it awkward. 
"I mean come on, I'm not trying to come off as awkward," she began, "I'm assuming we're just the same age, right? Besides, we don't have the purser now. She won't be awake until morning." Juri finished. A purser would be the head flight attendant, so I assumed it was a more youthful cabin crew for the red-eye.
"Hey, it's just us 20 somethings right here," She began, a million scenarios and a million tons of doubt formed in my head as my eyebrow raised a bit. She either wanted to swindle or be true to me.
"Don't tell me you've done this before and scammed the first-class passengers. I'm not falling for it," I shot back, my executive in play. Juri was shocked by the stand-off tone I dropped that in. 
"But okay, continue." 
"I'm not scamming you... can't I just watch a movie with you?" She managed to stammer out, clearly trying to get around my authoritative tone. I've done my fair bit of asking and being asked out by girls as far back as middle school, and being in that generation, if it wasn't a convenience store, and there was nothing big due tomorrow, it was always the movies. I just gulped down - I wasn't expecting it inside an airliner. I moved her aside and peered my head out, checking if somebody may come in.
"You sure nobody will suspect you here?" I asked.
"Not a soul," Juri replied.
I took her by hand and pulled her in, making sure she put her shoes inside to hide. It was a much smaller space than I had imagined, the dainty Japanese lady only having enough room with both of us inside. I moved a bit to make some space, but that wasn't her idea. She unbuttoned her jacket and hung it on the door rack, besides mine. She was crawling up beside me just as the episode started. She laid next to me, now putting into perspective how short she was. But it was not helping me keep away as she crossed her arms, her strapless dark colored bra made her tits bunched up, looking large and soft under the white cloth.
I may have attempted to brush it aside because the movie we were watching was the only one with a gratuitous sex scene in the entire trilogy. I had it spoiled to me by a friend of mine months before when it was the talk of the town and how everybody got their tissue after the credits rolled. 
During the beginning of the sex scene, I noticed she was glancing at me, catching her eyeing me and looking away, keeping to herself. I still looked straight ahead, trying not to think about the tight circumstances we were into.
"You're thinking of something?" I asked, alluding to the obvious.
"Maybe I am." Juri replied - What the fuck. 
I looked at her, and before I knew it, Juri was glancing at my lips, and her hand was below my cheek. Pushing down at her as our lips met, with her moving forward as a simple kiss became a lustful one. The sound of smooching lips soon being replaced by our tongues as I gently pushed her down. Soft hands were moving from my cheeks, past my neck, and onto my collar, feeling her unbutton my shirt as I kissed her deeper. Feeling her soft body up through the fabric like it was dough, hearing her moan ever so slightly while my fingers danced up and squeezed her dainty, yet fleshy frame. 
"Relax, it's not like they'll come looking for me," Juri said as my hand got closer to her chest, now exposed from her playful fingers.
"You've already said that I've just been thinking about this since I saw it," I said as I pressed down the third button on her shirt and popped it open, quickly moving up to the second and doing the same. Juri kept looking at me with those tempting dark brown eyes that told me to slip myself in as her hands pulled me closer. Feeling my way through the crevice and feeling that soft, milky skin, then traveling up to the hem of her bra. Smiling a bit like I just found treasure, before I slipped from below and heard her moan when she felt my fingers brush her nipples.
Stopping a bit as she felt my fingers wrap around her tits, she removed one hand around my cheek and wrapped it around my left forearm and pushed it forward, as if to squeeze her tits. I bit my lip at the feeling of the soft flesh, rightfully firm but just as fluffy as I made them out to be. I kissed Juri again to try and suppress her moans, which grew louder the harder I squeezed. I decided that her bra wasn't helping and slipped my hand out, finding my way up and making quick work of the first, then the last button.
"Let's just get rid of everything," I said as I straightened my back and removed my shirt. Juri was mirroring me as she took hers off. But before she could reach for her bra, my hands slipped under her and moved ourselves to sit against the cabin wall. Now, Juri was sitting on me, her thighs providing enough cushion that it felt warm as her weight sat on me. 
"You're quick," Juri said, talking about how we were watching one moment, and now, she was sitting, half-undressed on me. 
I just continued kissing her, now biting on her lip as our bodies warmed up, both in heat and atop one another. Slipping my hand up her back and inside her bra, unclipping it and hearing her lightly gasp as it came off. Her hands quickly moved to ease herself out, looking like a Greek maiden as she moved temptingly, watching it fall to the pillow before both of our eyes met. Juri then kept an iron gaze now, but I could tell she was just trying not to be shy. She just felt completely naked. 
With a glance on my lips, she moved forward and then had us making out again, sliding my hand up and below her tits, forming a handful and cupping one of her, then lightly squeezing the soft flesh and hearing the slightest hint of a moan as she kissed deeper. I just squeezed harder, my other thumb moving up to flick her nipple. Juri's hands were closing tighter around my neck, almost as if she was trying to deny me her tits for the moment. Moving my tongue against hers now, we've become sloppy, the sound of our lips kissing while our tongues spoke for us made me careless to how precarious our situation was. I could even sense her warmth when she grinded herself a bit. 
"You practiced?" I asked, being surprised she was such a pretty kisser.
"Must be the adult films," Juri replied as she blushed a little, myself chuckling as she avoided my gaze.
Seeing her guard down, I dived down to her tits. Quickly licking her nipple and wrapping my mouth around it, tugging as I rounded my tongue, the little bud. Juri bit her lip and moaned behind it, her hand wrapping around my neck to push me closer. I kept attacking that single nipple for what seemed to be forever. It was almost like I had missed having sex. 
Juri was bearing the brunt of that gated lust as I felt her stick herself ever closer to me. Almost like she was forcing her weight against the wall, My suckling lips and lashing tongue sandwiched between it. I can feel her shudder when I flicked my tongue hard against her nipple, pinching the other between my thumb and index finger. A few times, sucking the soft flesh and tugging it forward, almost making Juri yell as it had overwhelmed her, and giving us away. 
She gave a bit more before pulling back, watching as her nipples became coated with my saliva. Juri herself looked much different from how she did just earlier, her lips wet from how many times she bit and slid her tongue across them, her hair already somewhat messy from when I laid her down. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact she was so close to me now. 
"Still don't want me to-"I said before being cut off.
"-to eat me out? Be my guest." Juri said as she slipped back from me, her hands traveling down her body and into the hem of her skirt, pushing them down and past her thick, stubby legs. She was taking her panties with that tight dress that had covered her ass for so long. Her pussy was shaved and hidden between those smooth thighs. 
Admittedly, I was not too fond of that bold tone. Then I'd instead make Juri yell when I'm eating her out. 
Pushing her off, she took the cue and slid a pillow under her head. Sliding her skirt up and showing me the bow of her panties. I slid my hands up her soft thighs, hooked her by the hem, and pulled it down, almost like I was forcing it off of her. Once I had it out of the way, I hovered over her, my shadow above, slipping my hand between her thighs, quickly sliding my finger against her folds, placing two and rubbing again, pulling it up to see my fingertips glistening, looking at her as if she failed me.
"So much for being daring," I stated, taking control of our situation back to me.
Stepping back on my knees, Juri lifted herself against the wall, just giving me enough space to still be on the bed. Then pulled her back slightly as I put my hands behind her knees and pushed them up, before wrapping my hands around her thighs and almost leaped headfirst into her. She then had a hard time keeping quiet at the sudden warmth that jolted from inside her. Her body jerked at once as I licked her clit. Excitedly smiling, I repeated it. She bit down on her lip as she moaned at the quick, electrifying pressure that came from her. Hands-on my hair as her head dropped to one side and gritted her teeth. She wasn't expecting me to go this fast. 
I quickly turned it up to eleven by engulfing her clit in my mouth, licking away at it. Juri put her fingers around her mouth, hearing her muffled whimpers and moans as her hips rolled. Grabbing her tits and squeezing them just tripled her pleasure as she shook at the relentless pressure on her clit. Looking up to see her eyebrows furrowed as she slowly got a hold of herself and her moans. Her legs closed in, as if she didn't want me to pull back. 
Slowing down for Juri a bit, I move down and begin licking her folds, feeling some of her juices right on my palate as I coursed my tongue upwards just below her clit. Closing my eyes and focusing solely on how my tongue glided into her entrance, almost like prodding a cave. Hearing her muffled moans ever so often as her hand slowly came back around my nape and pulled me closer, with her pushing herself slightly against me. Making her weak when I suckled around her clit, as if I was kissing it. Bucking her hips every so often as breathless moans left the petite flight attendant under my mercy.
"You go any faster, I'd have to replace the sheets," Juri warned as I lifted off her, catching my breath.
"Come on. It's not like I'm going to make you sleep in here, you know," I replied, slowly sliding my hand into position before her pussy, my two fingers looking like two Sidewinders poised to enter. Her folds moist but pristine, a sure sign of her innocence. 
"Besides, it shouldn't be that hard for us to replace, right?" I continued, just as she must've felt her nerves sliding against my fingers. Averting my gaze as I pushed two in, making Juri gasp and bite her lip, hands holding on to the sheets when I combined it with my tongue on her clit. Pressing my fingers made her hips buck again, cutting out the work of having to crane my neck down as Juri ever slowly pushed herself against the wall, her petite frame playing into an advantage for me. She can't keep backing off forever, having to fall prey to my fingers inside her and my tongue as often. 
I dove back down onto her. Focused on the split flesh that had both of my fingers stuck inside it, pushing it deep as I pouted my lips out to meet her clit. Giving it a while as I fingered Juri and listened to her try and stifle her moans. Her hands were sliding back around my neck and pushing me into her. Me pressing my fingers upward while looking for her spot, pressing when she moaned the loudest, knowing I had found her spot as Juri writhed, feeling the soft skin rub ever so often against my sides. 
I guess with how thick Juri is. She bore her shaking better. Feeling her slightly jolt and rock as she hummed and moaned. The whole burning sensation came down to her thighs as she slowly closed them around me, pleading for me to go faster as I intensified the pressure against her. Making Juri slowly put her head back against the bulkhead, barely maintaining awareness whether or not some other passenger was in the suite behind us. Looking up after a bit, Juri saw my lip, all wet from my saliva, and of course, her juices. 
"I told you I'd have to change the sheets," Juri replied, tsk tsk, as she put her fingers under my chin, "Plus, your lips are dirty," she continued as she wiped her thumb over my lower lip, "You've got such a good tongue," she finished with a compliment as she licked her thumb.
"We're pretty much in a rush."
"What do you mean?" I said, an eyebrow raised. 
"How about you let me play with you?" Juri replied. How aggressive of her. I just chuckled before moving forward to kiss her. Both of us moved back with Juri's hand hooked on my belt the moment I was on my knees. Looking up at me as she pulled, it was an unwritten signal to stop before averting her gaze downward and undoing the belt, making quick work of me as I suddenly felt cold, now being more than just half-naked. 
Juri didn't say anything, apart from that sly smile once she saw what she had to play with. Quickly grabbing hold of me as her fingers wrapped around my cock, stroking it, and just as I was quick to get down on her clit, her tongue was already making circles around my head. Sending chills up my spine as she rounded it one, two, three times. Before she pulled back and let me sit down, my legs apart and Juri coming close, she said.
"Been a while for me, but I'll try and be quick," Juri said.
Without using her hands this time as she bowed her head down as her neck craned forward, turned a bit to the side as a glint of breath brushed over the head. Her lips captured me quickly as her mouth formed around my tip, pushing herself down as the warmth of her tongue slid under it. Though she did prefer to wrap her lips around the head, making circles around it until I was hard enough before she went down on my shaft. 
She took a few inches of me and bobbed her head around the shaft, being more used to quick, flame-like licks of her tongue flashing up against my head. Perhaps she wasn't one for deepthroating or getting too dirty now. She just teased a lick before taking half of me in, her cheeks hollowing out as she pulled back. 
I let out a long, low exhale as she took me in slowly. Taking a few inches in and back, and settling at that pace, looking up at me as I had my hands balled up in fists and holding back moans as Juri had her way with me. She popped off and giggled a bit at my seeming misfortune before wrapping her lips around me again and pulling me back in as her tongue danced around my tip. 
She must've guessed me correctly, seeing her eyes glance and feel that my thighs shook and felt limp whether she hit that spot. Juri had seen through me, going deep down my length, then lingering around it before dropping her neck down again. I felt her throat constrict as it reached the end of her mouth, making her pull back and lightly gasp. 
"Fuck, that was a surprise," Juri said, breaking the tension a little as she stuck her tongue out and made rounds with my cock. Before long, she was going as deep as she could, making me hit the back of her mouth, coupled with how she moved her tongue and cheek around me. It was an exercise of patience by itself. She bobbed down five more times before she couldn't hold herself back any longer.
"Don't you just wanna fuck me now?" The Japanese stewardess shot at me. I just beckoned her to come closer as she turned around and showed her ass to me. She sat down with her legs folded back, bending over just a bit to display her plump ass and lips that were begging to be parted. Pulling her back to me, Juri wipes her lips on her wrists before whispering to me, 
"Don't hold back. I wanna feel you." 
Feeling my cock poke against her entrance. I pull both of us back a bit in a position where I could enter my whole length without a problem. She held her ass open, now seeing how truly plump they were, my gaze moving up from her pristine back to see her anticipating stare. Our instincts took over as she pushed back against me, without using our hands, my cock nestled in between her lips. She moaned, biting her lip as she felt it poking against her entrance. Sliding it as I felt the tip become wet, and my impatience greater as Juri smiled a bit between her small moans. 
Suddenly, Juri sat down on me. My cock hardening as it broke through her folds and instantly filled her up. Her walls immediately squeezed as her ass smacked against my groin. Making me throb and throw my head back at the sudden tightness, with her prior orgasm having made her slick. Juri let out a shrill cry, biting her lip as her brain blanked out, reducing both of us to a whimper as she looked back at me, eyebrows furrowed and lip on her teeth. I would've paid greatly to see that. Very much proud of her handiwork as I looked, and was completely vulnerable, my elbows almost failing me as her grip scalded my shaft. Even then, I was beaten to the punch as the feeling in my groin shut me up, weak at first penetration.
"Fuck, I feel so full right now. That kinda hurt," Juri said, almost as if she enjoyed that tinge of such girth surprising her. Her pussy was still squeezing, making her whimper as she began to ride me, her grip unbelievably tight, both of us feeling each other up with my dick snugly being strangled inside her. I was gritting my teeth together, my head throwing back when she rose to the tip and sunk. 
She put her hands behind her back, laying them on my thighs as she supported herself, keeping her back as straight as she could as her ass slowly picked up the pace. Going slowly as she was trying to feel me first, watching her face as it turned sideways, seeing her trying not to lose it as my cock speared into her. Feeling her squeeze, with myself throbbing while her pussy lubricated my shaft, seeing it becoming wetter and wetter as her pace relaxed. 
"I'm going to take a while getting used to this," Juri said as she went halfway up and began to fuck herself on my cock. Beginning to moan as discreetly as she could as she made a metronome for herself, taking it neither too fast nor too slowly. My cock is enjoying every single bit of the tightest pussy and the plumpest ass I've had. Her mouth stuck open as her moans became a bit of a mess. Still not wanting to moan loudly despite our suite being soundproof. 
"If you want to be loud and ride me. Ride me," I ordered. Seeing her stop as she smiled a bit.
Turning her pace up a bit as her moans picked up, sounding like a sweet schoolgirl just as I had thought. Hearing her begin to call out my name and swear to herself in between as she felt herself become so full. I began to feel my toes tiring out from curling so much because of the pleasure she gave to my cock, having never felt this rock hard fucking a woman. Because of that, she was becoming horny enough to go fast with how hard I was, with myself beginning to moan. Almost wanting to take her by the hips and fuck her rough. But I thought it would be a waste to ruin the meal.
"You like that?" I asked as she seemed to get comfortable with her pace, making her snap out of her moaning a bit and breaking her stride.
Juri just nodded through her whimpers. I damn well knew then her stride wasn't going to stop. She's determined to make me feel her at her tightest as she grew slicker as the seconds ticked by. Feeling her constrict ever so often when my cock slid up against her walls, seeing her toes curl in tune with her walls. She wanted to cum on me. She whimpered and shook, her pace increasing immensely as her confidence grew out of that shell.
I've had one night stands with girls before. Often talking about the most mundane things you could think of, with every last one of them pinning me against the door as soon as I closed it. They missed and didn't dare ask what I wanted the most, to take it slow. Yes, it's a bit of a stretch to say Juri rushed me, yet she took her time to know at least a tiny bit of myself, aside from the cock that's inside her, that is. I just thought about it to distract myself. My eyes shut a bit to take in that choking tightness and those sweet little moans that left her mouth. 
Juri then squeezed, leaned forward with her hands down on the bed. Showing even more of our connection as my cock nicely parted her folds open. Juri then pushed back and didn't stop until she hit my groin, herself moaning at the depth. I only followed when she squeezed, pulled, and went back, almost like my cock was getting sucked as her walls formed around it. She gradually picked up her pace, her ass beginning to bounce as it hit me, with her beginning to groan and whimper as she got to speed. I didn't notice she was becoming tighter and tighter by the second as she straightened her back and kept her pace. 
She looked back at me with that look in her eyes as she put her hands back and braced on my knees, her strokes becoming shorter, all while I was deep inside her. She wanted to fuck herself hard and didn't want me to. She wanted to use me to make herself cum as hard as she could. I was feeling myself throb ever so slightly, but while I enjoyed the view of the plump girl, with her ass bouncing, and me spearing into her. I was far from my release, having done my fair share of trying to be beaten to it. Often, girls rushing themselves too much and dragging me, but not Juri. I genuinely enjoyed her.
Though I wanted to have a piece of the pie myself, despite being deep inside it already. I grabbed Juri's hips, my cock slipping out as I pulled my legs back and stood on my knees. Not giving her a second to react as she looked back with furrowed eyes, visibly annoyed as her hip suddenly felt empty. I pulled her arms up to me, and soon she was facing me. Her pretty egg-shaped face with her messy hair a far cry from her prim and proper look earlier, pecking forward to kiss her. As our lips broke away, I glanced down to see my cock wetter than ever before, then slipping it inside her walls. I gave myself a taste of doing it as I felt that tight sensation all over again. 
Quickly giving it to Juri with the short thrusts she was doing to me, but I had penetrated deeper this time around. Turning her annoyance to moans and whimpers as she tried suppressing herself. I could feel her shaking even more now, her tightness making me throb while I grazed over her spot. She was due. 
"Do you like me that much?" Juri asked, out of breath. I gave her another kiss.
"What do you think?" I asked back, "You were gonna cum, weren't you?" I added. She just smiled and gave me another kiss - yes. 
My grip on her hips tightened, and on a rampaging pace, I went, unpredictable, fast thrusts that made Juri lose composure and drop down on the sheets. One moment I went short, and another I was deep in her. Thinking of fucking her just enough to push her over. Biting my lip as I saw myself going fast inside Juri. My groin smacked her ass as it rippled, and I felt that familiar weight beginning to tease me. Having Juri entirely at my mercy as she dropped her head down. Myself wanting to give it to her as I fucked her like an animal, one who slowly had me wrapped around her loins, 
"I'm... I'm gonna cum!" Juri cried out between whimpers before grabbing a fistful of bedsheet in her mouth. Her hands clutched at the sheets, threatening to tear it as she held on. She tightened while I took the cue and dialed down. Moaning aloud as she tightened some more and completely squeezed me as she shook. Her legs were almost closing as she ebbed, backing up against me and sliding my whole length in her. She threw her head back as she felt the entire length of it mid-orgasm. That sudden, final grip made me groan as I did my best to hold back as she rolled her hips back against me. I tried my best to take the pleasure head-on as Juri let her juices out despite the grip she had on me. Finally, she let me hear her as she let go of the cloth in her mouth, her final moans making her breathless as she piped down. Giving her a bit before I pulled out of her, a wet shaft greeted me, with a few of her juices dripping down like honey as I glided my ass over soft, shapely ass. I slid my hand under her and leaned in.
"How was that?" I asked. Juri ran her hands through her hair, clearing her face, responding to me with a kiss.
"Never came that hard before with a guy," Juri replied, inches away from my face.
"Next time, I'm taking you with me," Juri said, both as a warning and as a dare for me to give it to her again.
"I'll remember that," I replied with confidence, chuckled, and put my lips on hers again. She then rolled over, and I lied down, now facing the in-flight TV as Juri blocked the view, being the better one of either. Taking my cock and pushing it against her lips. She moved and slid her lips over it, exploiting how wet they already were as she slid over my dick, teasing herself a bit, walls dripping wet on the underside—lubing it before she stopped and pushed it against her entrance—bucking her hips backward as I watched it disappear back into her. 
That's what came out of our mouths after I stung back inside Juri. She was much tighter, much slicker, and far better than before. I looked up at the ceiling as my cock throbbed a few times as she went. Biting her lip as she came down the entire length of my cock down to the base, squeezing a bit as she exhaled, giving me that look that she wasn't expecting me to slide so easily. Putting her hands on my chest as she propped her legs down and pulled herself up. Leaving herself on the tip before slamming herself down again, her whole upper body arching back. Taking my chances as she pushed up again, I sat upright, much to her surprise. My lips made a beeline to her tits as she just gazed at me in surprise. Quickly wrapping them and my tongue darting out as I sucked and tugged on her right tit, making her slow down a bit as she whimpered.
"Don't you want me to make you feel good?" Juri said as she pulled me away from her. Seemingly oblivious to how amazing she felt, even more so now. 
"You already are," I replied as I moved to her other tit. Juri took the cue and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and began riding at the perfect pace. Both of us let out sounds of our pleasure over each other's bodies as she did so. I held the stewardess tight in my embrace as she rolled her hips on me. My entire groin felt warm as her juices trickled down from her pussy while my shaft tightly speared inside of her, stirring ourselves for another orgasm.
Rolling and bucking her hips forward and back, in an exchange of slippery kisses and lustful glances. I found myself tugging on her nipples before finding myself on her lips again. Both places being just as right for me, being the beautiful woman she was. Hearing her small whimpers and weak moans as she rode me lovingly, our faces were inches away from one another, sometimes our foreheads together before I went down the sides of her neck, the smooth, milky surfaces all a pleasure to kiss while she rode my cock. 
"You're the first guy to do that," Juri said after I went up to her neck.
"You like it?" I asked, being a party trick I had learned from watching too many Western sitcoms in my youth. 
"It's gonna take a while, but yeah, I like it," she shyly replied. It was just apt, I suppose, with how pretty and smooth her neck was, much more the face it held up. She said, slowing herself down now in slow, deep thrusts, being more confident of herself now to slowly roll over me as she put her hands on my chest and pushed me down, keeping her gaze at me all the while. Her hands on my stomach, groaning as that all too well feeling struck me, reminding me as I throbbed in her while that weight built up. It was a scale getting ever more fragile.
With such finesse, I had a full view of Juri's body in the middle of it all. Her hair was a mess, made messier as she ran her fingers through it, and her face a bit tired like mine. Her soft, milky skin on my fingertips as I traced up from her full thighs, sat against me, to her hips that moved and squeezed around me, past her tummy, all that fat and muscle provided more than enough to hold onto as I was deep inside her. Then up to her breasts as my hands squeezed around them, grabbing the soft mounds of flesh as I felt myself throb in her. We were in that state for a while, the way Juri moved teasing me to either an orgasm as I throbbed ever so often. I was thinking of folding my legs up and charging it home, but I had to do something different. 
"You want me to fuck you?" I asked as she stopped and leaned in, her breath ragged as she gave her strength up fucking me instead. 
"I like that idea," Juri replied, forgetting she'd been doing almost everything since earlier.
"Good. I like fucking you from behind." 
"You don't want to face me?" Juri replied. Thinking I made her feel bad. Wanting to make up for that slight error, I put my hand around her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. 
"Hey, don't you wanna do this again sometime, when we have all the time?" I replied as I seemingly invited her to where I stayed.
"Well, I got all the time off after this, you?" She asked.
"I'll try finishing everything by tomorrow. Then you can come with me."
"Sounds like a plan," Juri replied as she crashed her lips hard on me. Reversing back against me as she reminded me - I was still inside her. Both of us moaning through our liplock as she slowly went back and forth on me before, before rising to a quick gallop that nearly tempted fate as she rocked me with her hips, and by extension, the bed. Before letting me go with a pop, a slick, sensitive mess. 
Juri remained on the bed, myself going around and pulling her further back to the edge of the bed. She just looked at me as she adjusted, with her legs closed and her pussy all for show. Placing a knee up with my leg extended down to the floor, with no hands to guide myself in as my tip homed in between her pussy lips, sliding it up and down carefully before pushing it in. Both of our gazes went straight ahead as I pushed deep into Juri. Pulling back a bit as she was much tighter with her legs closed, and all that slickness helping to suck me in, I couldn't deny I felt myself begin leaking a bit of precum then. 
"You should've closed your legs before," I remarked. 
"I know, fuck. It feels so good," Juri replied, letting out a long moan as I pushed back in again. With my hands on her hips and weight pushing her down, I quickly built up my pace, intending to make her pronebone. She let out all sorts of moans as gravity took its course. Not long after, I was kneeling on the bed, with her ass flared up, pulling her against me while I pushed against her. She looked back at me with a look of absolute pleasure as I kept running over her spot. Her squeezing at me as I throbbed inside her made me know it for both of us. I was close. 
Then, I was struck with the pleasure of it all. A supposedly ordinary flight, and now I'm inside one of the thicker women I've ever laid with, her moans and cries of pleasure, finding my name in then as she locked my cock in between her legs. Feeling light-headed for a second as she squeezed on me, moaning as it surged up my veins and hit me like a pitch. Taking it as a signal to go deeper, Juri clawed back on to the sheets as I fucked her, digging my knees and pushing all I had and gave it to her, the fastest I could without essentially doing her too roughly. With how loud she returned that pleasure, it was a blessing the walls were soundproofed. As I fucked her faster and dangerously tread that scale as I mind split itself whether to cum inside her now, or last as long as I could until we both came.
I chose the latter.
I slammed deep into Juri, earning a moan from her, tapped her to open her legs, and leaned in, moving her hair aside, noticing the thin sheen of sweat before kissing her nape as my hands moved down and squeezed her tits, going slow and deep as my lips moved to her earlobes.
"I think I'm close." 
Her head turned to face me, near breathless, our lips meeting each other before she said it.
"Cum in me"
I only replied with a peck on her lips as I pulled her back up. Now both of us only on our knees, and whosoever our hands found to hold, with Juri's dark brown eyes right onto mine, both of us knew full well that we were at the pearly gates. There were no more words to be said. She just whispered something in my ear before our tongues were deep in each other again. Beginning to thrust as I plunged deep every time inside Juri, herself returning the favor by pushing against me, essentially the perfect combination. The girth of my cock being sucked back in by her tight folds, that same tightness having never left from her lips, it was heavenly, and euphoric as she got slicker throughout. The feeling of her toned thickness on top of it all driving me on, going faster to a point where her cries of pleasure more or less began to echo throughout the room, prompting me to cover her with my hand as I laid my head on her shoulders, giving shy kisses to her shoulder. At the same time, I felt the weight beginning to take me over, that familiar tingle on me almost making me slip. I forced myself to go faster, deeper into her. Her moans now clawing down as her grip on my hands held on for dear life. She had wanted me to do her dirty with that gaze.
Juri began pulsating, me having fucked her hard enough to grant her one final orgasm. Feeling her body convulse as it shook against me, both of us letting out a groan as I began to crack against her. Her cum began to trickle down, with my cock parting, piercing between her flesh, it became too much to bear. I had flown too close to the sun.
The first, thick shots of cum left me with a groan. Juri let out a whimper as our orgasms matched in intensity. Both of us shook as we held each other tightly, barely being able to control ourselves as we hurtled over the edge. I found myself throbbing painfully in her walls as our juices mixed. Having her milk every last drop of me as I forced the last of my strength to keep fucking her throughout. She took me all in stride, her thick body bearing my brunt, slowing down eventually as I felt that sappy mess of lustful fluids pooled inside Juri. Both of us were barely able to keep standing on our knees as our lips found each other in a deep kiss. I held her as tight as I could as my hands moved down her body as my throbbing died out. Our grips became weak as humanity caught up to us.
"Fuck, I shook a lot, didn't I?" She said, dismissing herself. 
"That just means you made us cum a bit too hard," I replied.
"I guess I have something to look forward to then?" She asked, still thinking of earlier. 
Safe to say, I had just experienced euphoria. I didn't want to hold my peace forever for Juri.
"Be my guest." 
Juri ran a hand up my cheek, then kissed me there. Probably as a thank you for giving her such a pleasure, she was returning for when I kissed her immediately. I had too many things to be thankful for by then.
Juri then pushed herself off, quickly reaching for the tissue as my cum began to leak out. It looked deceptively more as we came simultaneously, almost at the expense of the tissue box as I looked and saw the creases, the dampness of the bed from two impatient lovers who earlier, just played on it. 
Juri just laughed at how much she had to get off from inside her, admitting then that she had never shaken that hard when she came. Me replying that I hadn't in a very long while, that's for sure. Both of us were boiling it down to just the perfect match as I reached over to the fridge and pulled out a drink for us both, a mere attempt to quench out human spirits amongst the many kisses that we shared as we talked amongst ourselves and dressed up. Juri spent a lot of time merely redoing her hair and hiding the creases of her shirt, spending another hour talking about the movie we had just missed because we had sex. At least, both of us didn't feel too old as we talked. I then had her lie down on my arm as I put it back on, skipping over the sex scene to avoid a repeat. 
It took me until the credits to notice myself near the oblivion of sleep that my muse had already slept. She looked just as perfect as she did earlier that day, not knowing what she would become in a beautiful chain of fortunate events. I could neither tell if it was a one night stand or the stars lining up by then. Knowing that she had to go back out, I nudged her awake. I saw a slight frown on her face as she rubbed her eyes, knowing what she had to do. 
"We wouldn't have to do this in LA. I could wake up beside you there instead," Juri said as she leaned in for one final kiss. 
I then opened the door for her, feeling a bit sorry that she had to leave for the crew quarters at the plane's back. I knew, however, we were looking forward to seeing each other after today, and every single day to come after. Both of us laughing as I saw her off, giving me one last goodnight kiss as the petite Japanese lady, named Takahashi Juri, walked off into the night with my heart in hand. 
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usafphantom2 · 3 years
JRM-3 Mars BuNo 76822
G. Verver
JRM-3 Mars BuNo 76822
JRM-3 Mars BuNo 76822, Marshall Mars suffered an inflight engine fire while on a test flight for a new number three engine and LCdr. Glenn E. Simmons made an emergency landing in Ke'ehi Lagoon, off Diamond Head, Oahu, HI, 05 April 1950. Crash boats on the scene were unable to put out the fire which continued to spread until it reached the fuel tanks and the aircraft exploded and sank. All crew members were able to vacate the cabin and were unhurt.
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pinencurls · 4 years
Feels Like Home
Hiii this is another one shot I had in my drafts for awhile, hope u enjoy!! 
A trip to visit Bestfriend!Harry pulls up feelings from the past.
To find places that feel like home when you're so far away from your own is always a blessing. I often find myself cooped up in train carriages for long empty hours travelling up and down the country - sometimes to nearby neighbouring countries too, with only a book and the view for company. Work in the photography and journalism industry can take you pretty much anywhere, photoshoots and research pieces usually mean I have to travel frequently. I've probably spent more weekends in hotels the past few years than I have in my small London flat, its lavender walls presenting more as a storage place these days and occasional safe haven for when I return.
Most of it is manageable - and exciting, really really exciting. A few times a year a piece will land me in the States and away from my bubble of European arts and culture. The company I work for has a New York branch outside of the London one, so in the times that I find myself flying miles away from home, I'm lucky enough to be welcomed by one of my oldest friends' open arms - and his guest room.
Harry works a lot too, splitting time between London and New York, but on this trip - as always, he's sworn an evening out of his day to pick me up from the airport. I don't get to see much of him anymore, we grew up spending every summer in each other's houses, our parents' old friends from university, but he moved away three years before me and never came back, at least not in the same way that allowed youthful abandon to drive us into the woods to build forts and swim in the river, or make us forget how old we were and fall asleep on his mum's old sofa watching questionable rom coms. I'd happily slip back into our shared holiday practises - every time I visit him there's a shadow of nostalgia when he brings two teas and a joint out to the living room, the same smirk clear on his now slightly unshaven face.
I try to focus on that moment, only a few hours away now. We'll spend tonight and tomorrow together before he can't miss any more studio sessions and I have to report to the office and start my week of work - an article on the rise of youth activists in underprivileged areas of the city. It's a heavy topic but something I've been interested in for a while - I love the music and cultural subjects I've written on before but I've wanted to branch out into a more political field for awhile now. Sandy, my editor, assigned me this a few days ago, a smirk on her face when she nonchalantly delivered it to my desk Monday morning.
. ... . .
My arms are folded up against my chest at an unnatural angle - I've spent the last hour like this in an attempt not to elbow the snoring banker to my left who is, undoubtedly, taking up more than his fair share of the three-seat row. I can't see much good coming from waking him to point this fact out so I stay settled in my awkward position. An eight-hour flight in the middle seat was never going to be comfortable anyway.
My morning had been typically rushed, I missed breakfast in favour of catching my flight before it left without me and found myself bustling through the crowds of families, business people and tourists that fill the airport as soon as I leapt out of the taxi. I didn't have to check any luggage in so sped through security straight to the gate being called overhead. I swear I've got to stop booking early flights if I'm never going to wake up in time to get a croissant from Pret en route.
I turn my focus to the phone in my hands and slip my headphones over my ears. There's only an hour left until we land, seeing no point in starting an inflight movie now, I open my "calm times" playlist and close my eyes. Soon I'll be sleeping on an unnecessarily expensive mattress bigger than this whole row.
. ... . .
"Excuse me, M'am?" The chipper voice of a flight attendant wakes me up, slightly muffled under the Adrienne Lenker song that continues to play through my headphones. The seat to my right, previously filled by a woman a few years older than me, is empty. On my other side, the suit-wearing man spreader is starting to stir. "We'll be landing shortly, please secure your seatbelts and pack away any loose items."
I stumble over a quick 'Thanks' as she leans out of our row and moves on to the next, her perfect customer service smile ready again. The missing woman makes her way down the aisle towards us and takes her seat, she seems hurried and agitated. Out the corner of my eye, I watch as she wrings her hands a few times, sighing heavily and leaning back in her seat. A nervous flyer. I lean over and pull my bag up from the small slot under the seat ahead and slide the book I'd taken out hours before, not having read a page of, back on top of my sweater and the wine gums I'd bought as a makeshift breakfast in my final flurry before boarding.
Overhead, the usual pre-landing announcements chime as people clip in their seatbelts and slip superstitious remedies between their lips. Suited man spreader has chosen a particularly eye-watering peppermint gum to finish our flight off with.
Closing my eyes I focus on the quiet music, too distant to take me out of my body as it's interrupted by the chatter of excited travellers and constant beeps around me. I don't hate flying, but I have developed a favoured fondness of trains. I've seen the ins and out of so many towns and mindlessly people watched for hours, always having the option to hop off at the next station and stretch my legs if any part of the journey is particularly unbearable or a city is too enticing to leave unexplored.
I fiddle with the two buttons along the side of my phone for a second, raising the volume a little and willing my thoughts away from the swooping plane as the familiar wary feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I'm a nervous flyer too. But, with a clunk and a slight wobble, we're back on the ground. I keep my eyes shut a little longer, knowing the gridlock of impatient passengers to come is unavoidable. The orange light above me dims and I release the seat belt that had been cutting tightly into my shoulder. The woman beside me is noticeably calmer and we share a giddy - we're strangers but we're smiling at each other - look for a second.
I call Harry when I'm through baggage claim, having packed only a rucksack and a small duffel - both fitting as hand luggage, I head straight through customs where the queues are just starting to build up. I beeline to a near-empty desk on the far right as the dial tone rings against my ear for the third time-
"Hello!" Harry greets down the phone, his voice sounds far away, most likely using the speakers in his car whilst he parks - "M' just parking, love."
"I just got to customs, I'll be ten minutes - meet you outside yeah?"
"I was gonna come in, I'll only be a second." He always pushes to meet me before I make it out the airport, obsessed over the classic reunion scene from all his favourite rom coms. It was well-intended and actually really sweet but it wasn't worth the risk of new rumours being spread across the gossip sites if photos got out of Harry Styles meeting a 'mystery girl' at the airport, as I'd previously been labelled the few times shots of us out dancing in the city or talking over lunch in L.A had gotten out. Harry's protective over his private life and I prefer to keep out of his public one.
"I'm almost through customs...I'll literally be one minute Harry, just wait in the car - wait a sec..." I hold the phone up against my shoulder when I'm beckoned towards the free customs desk, smiling politely and sliding my passport towards the teller. I reply 'work' to her question and thank her when she pushes it back to me, freshly stamped with red ink. "-Okay I'm out, are you by the taxi bit again - you know you're not actually allowed to park there?"
"Actually I'm just...oh god you really are blind aren't you?" He laughs down the line, I look up, confused and only halfway across the long white room towards the exit. Even amongst the crowds, there's an unmistakable figure waving from the benches to the side, phone in hand. "Hey."
I laugh and hang up, slinging my duffel over my shoulder and making my way over to where Harry is now standing, an infamous grin etched across his face. Before I can complain about just how close I am to the car park already, he leans down and engulfs me in a hug.
"Been a while, hmm?" Out of instinct, my arms wrap around him and hold tight. He's right, it's been almost five months since we last saw each other in person. I was away the last few times he came home to London and he's always jetted back to L.A for important meetings by the time I'm on my way back. "Missed you, lovie."
Pulling away to get a better look at him, I rest my hands on his shoulders, his hair's a little longer, and he looks tired but cheery - as usual.
"I missed you too." There's that weird hesitant few second feeling when neither of us breaks eye contact and for a moment it suddenly feels surreal to have each other as real people you can touch and hold.
"Now help me with this bag - the flight fucking murdered my back."
He misses a beat and my duffel hits his leg abruptly, he grunts and grumbles for a second before picking it up and draping his free hand over my shoulder, turning us to face the exit. I forget for a moment that the group of very unsubtle girls on the other side of the room will fuel the newest dating rumour by the morning with photos of Harry pulling my against his side and holding my hand casually - like every few days out of the year we get to spend in each other company, it feels like we're fifteen again and blur into the background, too caught up in our own conversations to notice anybody else.
"Come on - I reckon someone's already pissed that I'm parked in the taxi rank."
... . .
It's late in my jetlagged brain, but not late enough in the city to miss the last bit of rush hour traffic. Harry taps his ringed fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of Peter Gabriels 'Sledgehammer.' I've pulled my knees up to my chest and slouched against the passenger door staring up at the busy lights and cloudy sky. My eyelids dip momentarily, the blurred scenery lulling me out of focus.
"Don't fall asleep on me, I've got a nice dinner planned yet." Harry protests, squeezing my hand in his, eyes on the road as he lifts and moves our now intertwined hands in the air, swaying along to the final chorus playing through his iPhone."C'mon, a little bit of Peter Gabriel should wake you up."
"I hate Peter Gabriel," I mumble and pull my hand from his, poking his cheek when he lets out an exaggerated gasp. I can't help but laugh at his appalled expression, too distracted to object when he pulls my hand back into his and continues his fun as the speakers click and a new song comes on.
Our faces glow yellow against the street lights. My legs ache and my head feels heavy - I tilt it back against the window and watch as Harry sings along to an old Scott Mckenzie song. He's let our hands fall against my seat now, focusing on the busy roads as he turns closer to his apartment. I notice now, for the first time, his subtle disguise; the grey hoodie and dark shades pushed back in his hair. He looks...soft. He laughs when he slips off-key and shoots me a glance, smiling again when he takes in my half-asleep state. He squeezes my hand, his rings are cold and clunky and wake me up a little. I peer out at the road ahead - Harry lives fairly near the airport so we must be getting close, the cafes start to look familiar and I figure we're only a few minutes from home, and sleep.
I wake again at the jolt of the car stopping and the consistent white noise of the engine cutting off when Harry's keys clatter against each other. His door opens and shuts - I think I'm awake?
I must have shifted slightly in my sleep because when the passenger door swings open I stay upright against the seat. I look up to see Harry's hand stretched out towards me.
"C'mon, missing my luxury homemade dinner s'gonna be a lot more comfortable in a real bed" He teases, his smile yet to leave since I first saw him twenty minutes ago sat on that bench - sticking out despite his 'disguise'
I take his hand and tumble slightly haphazardly to stand, looking up briefly to see Harry with both my bags over one shoulder, lifting his free arm to wrap around me. We start towards his building, moving easily through the lobby and into the elevator. I look up again from where my head's resting on his shoulder, surrounded by his hoodie. Yeah, he looks...soft.
When we get inside I head straight to the guest room, nudged forwards by Harry's instructions for me to get some rest before he starts dinner - I've stayed in Harry's apartment enough times to know my way around fairly well, the guest room, where I always stay, is down the hall on the left. The bed is made and there's a fluffy white robe folded on the nightstand. Already head to toe in comfy travel wear, I clamber under the duvet and breathe in the freshly washed sheets - washing detergent with a hint of Harry's vanilla aftershave. My eyes are heavy and my thoughts wander a little. It feels like home.
... . .
When I open my eyes, it's to a darker room. Harry must have come in and closed the curtains while I was asleep, my bags have been leant up against the dresser too. I sit up and look around the room, rubbing my knuckles against my eyelids, still groggy from sleep, but hungry now, the lack of a real breakfast and unsatisfying plane food catching up to me. The alarm on the bedside table reads nine pm, I'd been asleep for almost an hour - I change out of my well-worn flight clothes and into a sweater and soft grey jogging bottoms Harry had left at my London flat last time he stayed over, although it'd been long enough ago they might as well be mine by now.
The kitchen sounds get louder as I make my way out of the guest room and down the hall, yawning into the crook of my elbow amidst pulling a soft yellow scrunchie off my wrist and taming my hair into a lazy, loose ponytail. Harry's occasional grumbles and soft singing fill my ears when I reach the end of the hall and get the full sight of him, in just a t-shirt and jeans now, leaning over a pan of spaghetti trying to twist a strand onto the fork in his hand before dangling in into his mouth with a light hum.
"How's it going, chef?" He turns to see me, eyes wide as he fingers the end of the pasta into his mouth and smirks down at me.
"S'good, was just about to come get you," He turns momentarily to fiddle with what looks like courgette and red pepper frying in a pan behind the spaghetti before looking back at me and motioning for me to bring him the plates he'd left stacked on the counter.
He mixes the courgette, pepper and a fresh-looking tomato sauce into the main pot and stirs it all together before filling my plate up and handing it back to me - all while looking incredibly pleased with himself. He nods over to the table and I set my plate down, taking two wine glasses from beside him and filling them with the wine he's just opened. After double-checking the stove's been turned off safely and our glasses are full, Harry takes the seat in front of me.
"So-" He starts, smiling up at me over the gorgeous dinner set in front of us. "How're you?"
A burst of laughter escapes my lips at the situation, We hadn't been in the same room for months and within the first hour of reuniting I'd fallen asleep, now we were sat down to dinner, ready to discuss our day like old times.
"I'm good, sorry I fell asleep before we could talk," He chuckles before taking a sip of wine, we hear about each other's lives at least once a week - usually phone calls when our jet lag causes our time zones to match up, and always texts throughout the week - this kind of small talk seems silly when I'd spoken to him just this morning before my flight. "How's your mum and Gem?"
"They're well, haven't seen Mum in a little while, every time I call she always seems more interested in you," He replies between bites of spaghetti, "Apparently you're quite the enigma these days."
"Wha-How!" Anne was like a sister to my mum so our families were always close growing up, she often acted just as motherly to me and my sister as she did her own children.
"You don't call anymore." Harry smirks, recalling a frequently used quote from Anne herself.
"That's such I lie - I saw her a few weeks ago when she came down to see Gem and I always call, it's hard you know, I have my own parents to keep track of too."
Harry laughs at this, pleased to have his mothers attention shifted from his own absence for once.
"I'm not sure, apparently she's been gossiping with your mum and you're never home anymore." He must not notice the irony of his words because he's hosting the smuggest expression, staring back at me over his glass.
"Hey - you disappeared first, I'm allowed to have my turn." I fire back, shaking my head jokily.
Harry doesn't seem to catch my light tone though, or he's not keen on my choice of words. He turns rigid opposite me and stares back, agitation brimming in his gaze.
"What's that mean?" He's not bubbly and blushing anymore, sober now with a steady assertive tone as he questions me.
"Come on Harry, m' just joking, relax," He doesn't. "You moved away years before me and never came back, it's not exactly a secret, I didn't mean anything by it."
His fork clatters when it lands on his plate. He puffs out a heavy breath of air before speaking up again, making no effort to hide is disdain this time.
"Fuck off, I came back." I look up to watch him, he hardly curses outside of mild frustration or a lighthearted voice, this is different. "That's not fair and you know it."
"I'm not blaming you Harry I was just making a joke - forget it." The remaining food on my plate is an unsuccessful distraction, nothing's enough to stop Harry when he starts.
"No, you always do this. I didn't disappear, I was working for five years and then I continued to work after that, I came home as much as I could so don't pretend I was all aloof or something." I'm used to holding his gaze through an argument, and this is an argument we've had before - "It was my job to travel for months at a time, you can't blame me for not being around every time we see each other like I just ran off and never called."
"So it's not work for me then?" I shoot back, instantly angry that he finds it so easy to offload all the blame onto me when he's the one who made a meaningless comment into a fight in the first place. "And it fucking felt like that."
Harry's quiet. I finish the last of my wine and pour a second glass.
"I came back."
"Not properly." I put my glass down and massage my fingertips over my temple, this isn't the time to unpack childhood grudges. "I'm only here for a week, can we not fight...please?"
Neither of us speaks for a few moments, my words linger in the air. We never have much longer than a few weeks together before one of us is off again, there's never going to be time to confront that stuff. The transition between only having Harry a few hours away, treating his home like mine on the weekends me and my sister, Ellie, would visit him and Gem and moaning our way through hellish GCSEs together (he was a year ahead so always had a little more to complain about) to him travelling the world and everyone knowing his name was almost nonexistent. It all happened so abruptly, Harry went to London for a few days to film his follow up audition and never came back. I didn't see him until the Christmas of that year, by which time he'd already moved into a place in London and experienced so much that it was hard to act like anything would ever be the same again.
"What did I do wrong, just tell me and I'll fix it, please," Harry begs, earnest as he finally speaks up.
"I don't blame you for anything Harry, I didn't mean it like that..."I sigh, wringing my hands out as nervously as the women beside me hours before on the plane. "Let's just have dinner, yeah? It's really nice Har."
We finish our food with a little more small talk, he asks how Ellie's doing even though he already knows from Gemma's updates that's he engaged now and thinking about moving to London, I ask after a few of his bandmates I met last time I was in L.A. Things are too quiet when we lay down on his sofa to watch the notebook for the 20th time. Neither of us recites the lines we know off by heart and always mock - the air hangs heavy with the lingering anxiety of an argument we're never going to settle, we sit apart stiffly and far too composed for film nights we've shared since we were kids before heading our separate ways to bed.
... . .
Work goes well, the young people I talk to pretty much write the article for me with how much insight they offer up. There are so many parts to the topic that deserve to be covered well that my workdays and evenings at Harry's blur together and soon I've emailing my final draft to Sandy for notes and packing for the airport.
Neither Harry or I have brought the first nights argument up and it looks like it'll be brushed under the rug before I leave tonight. There's been a definite cloud over the last week - I think a more before I speak and Harry's eyes linger on me a little longer when I do.
He stills seems frustrated by our fight, I can't blame him, I am too. He's sat on the sofa with a guitar in his lap, going unplayed as his eyes trail after my last-minute rush around the apartment to gather together all my possessions that had found themselves seeping out into his home over the past week. He watches closely, contemplating whether to speak or just let me go like nothing happened.
"Have you seen my sweater?" I call from the guest room, the wardrobe's empty and my bags are laying on the coffee table in front of Harry - my sweater missing from both.
"The one you brought with you?"
He appears in the doorway, leaning against the frame of the door and peering down at where I'm kneeling before the bed, searching through the very empty and sweaterless dresser, humming a response back at him.
"Yeah, that'd be mine." I snap my head back to look at him, he must be joking.
"Um no, it's mine," He smirks, eyes still sad but fainter now in the looseness of the moment. "I've had it for years, I bought it in Amsterdam in that little thrift store by the cafe with the really good bagels."
"No," He chastises. "I bought it in Amsterdam in that little thrift shop by the cafe with the really good bagels, and you took it home when you left."
He's definitely wrong. Sure I might not remember all of the trip I took to Amsterdam to visit him on tour, but I remember the hours we spent traipsing through thrift store on his day off munching on really good bagels.
"Wrong - please return it now, kindly." I stand and hold out my palm to him.
"No can do," He grins, nudges my hand away from him to fall limply by my side.
"Harry, come on!" I whine, letting my maturity slip slightly as my patience lessens. "I'm already running late, I've gotta finish packing and I can't miss my flight."
"Why not?" He challenges, smiling still but paired with a serious tone now.
"Because, I'm not about to swim back to London."
"No, why can't you stay?" My hand wavers slightly at my side, I'm not sure if he's joking or I can hear sincerity in his voice - it reminds me too much of his solemn begging from Saturday night. "Just stay, a little longer."
He's asked me to before in the past. He isn't afraid to try and steal another day off of me to tag along to an artist friend of his' show the next night or just to get dinner at a restaurant I 'couldn't miss'. On occasion, I've given in to his pestering and rearranged a flight for a few days later. I could, I could. I'd just handed in my work for the week and it was only Friday morning, I won't be needed again until Monday. Flight's would be ridiculously expensive to change this late though, and this 'stay a little longer' felt less for the sake of good food and his favourite spin class and more of a, we need to talk - 'stay a little longer.'
"I can't," I reply simply, closing off the conversation by brushing past him into the hall towards his own room in search of my stolen sweater.
"I'll pay for your flight back." Harrys voice trails after me. "You've worked hard all week, you can afford to take the weekend off."
"I cant." I brush off again, avoiding his gaze as I scan over the room in front of me, heading to his tall chest of draws first and pulling open the one I know is filled with jumpers.
"I want to talk," Harry says softly. He lifts one arm from where he has them crossed over his chest and motions to the chair in the far corner, I investigate and sure enough, my sweater is tucked under a small pile of t-shirts. "Love, you can't ignore me."
"M' not, we're talking aren't we?" I'm just hovering in the middle of the room now, sweater in hand but Harry's tall figure blocks my way out adamantly.
"You know what I mean,"
"Harry, I can't-"
"I'm not letting you leave like this again." He takes a few steps across the room as he talks, "You said we couldn't fight cos you're only here a week, so stay a little longer."
"I don't want to fight." I shake my head, pulling my hand away when he reaches out for it.
"Then we'll just talk."
He's got that determined, soulful look about him. He reaches for my hand again and I let him, he brushes his fingertips over my knuckles lightly. His other hand comes up to my face and guides my head to look at him, still peering down at me expectantly.
Harry and I have always been open with one another. There was never enough time to tiptoe around what was bothering us when he was only home for a few weeks before work or another tour called again. Our parents always joke that we were twins separated at birth, the way we used to huddle in the garden as little kids and whisper to each other. He's my best friend, no matter how far apart we are he never hesitates to talk through his troubles with me, sure there are times we drift with our schedules, but there's too much pulling us back together for it to last long.
"I can't," It's a whisper, but he's close enough to hear it. I pull my hand from his and turn my head to the side. Inhaling, it's far too shakey to hide my nerves and before I can control it there are tears stinging my eyes.
"Love-" Harry coos, fighting my own hand to clear the tears from my cheeks.
"-I can't, Harry I," I say again, the lump in my throat making my words sound choked. He's looking down at me with that sad soft expression again and I can't piece together how we got here. "I can't."
He pulls me into his chest. His arms rest around my shoulders and he presses his face into my neck. He mumbling something but I can't make it out anymore, everything's warm and teary and slightly distorted by heavy breaths.
"We've gotta talk....we've gotta talk," He gets louder, "Love?"
I pull back to see his face. There's a red blush over his nose and cheeks and his eyelashes shine where they're wet. I push back, creating some space between us and clearing my throat.
"I didn't mean anything, we don't have to-I shouldn't have said what I did, I'm not angry, and I have no right to be so can we just, can we please just forget it?"
He shakes his head lightly, rubbing his hands against the back of his neck and standing straighter, feeling taller and intimidating.
"It's more than that, you know," He's swallowed the wobble in his voice, continuing to talk clearly now. "It's not about that, we've needed to talk for awhile - I don't want to leave it for weeks and weeks again, I can't keep pretending like nothing's going on."
"I've got a flight to catch Harry I really can't do this." I insist, walking around him and through the clear doorway, although his footsteps chase closely behind.
"Miss the flight!" Harry shouts as we make it to the living room and I start packing away the last few things on the coffee table. "I'll get you a ticket for Sunday night, just stay."
My throat burns when I push down another round of tears and furiously shove books down the side of my bag. Harry hovers to my side, fiddling with his rings and bouncing his knee back and forth.
"I love you."
I have a flight to catch. I have a flight to catch.
"Don't say it like that- I love you, of course, I love you too" I sigh, slowing down and turning to face him. "...my car's going to be here in fifteen minutes."
"No, I love you."
I have a flight to catch. I have a flight to catch.
"I have a flight to catch."
... . .
I feel shittier on the plane. I've got the window seat this time though so at least I can mope in peace. Not much more had been said after that, my car came, I thanked Harry for having me and our hug lasted longer than usual, again.
Maybe I should have stayed. Maybe I should have talked about the feelings that he'd noticed too before I left, or better yet, the first night I arrived. I'd spent hours stuck in an unproductive thought spiral on the subject over the years, we've had moments in the past, Christmas eves when we're the last ones up and the space between us dwindles down the further we get in our confessions or catching each other in a particularly domestic act in one our homes when it feels like it all just comes naturally and why isn't it like this with any of the guys I've dated?
It doesn't go unnoticed by us that we acted like a couple more often than we did close friends. Gemma and Ellie have confronted me, and most likely Harry too, together and separately for answers on several occasions. I always say the same thing - "We're just friends, we've always been close."
This time's different though. Harry's never brought the subject up outside of the jokes comparing us to his friends in relationships, he's always been in relationships and there's no chance of me broaching the issue of any potential romantic feelings I may or may not have for him while he's seeing somebody, even when he wasn't, it's not worth the risk of it all blowing up in my face and having to spend infinite Christmases in awkward humiliation.
I'd played with the idea of us as a couple, allowed myself to daydream about what it could be like for a few moments before reminding myself how low the possibility of Harry ever feeling the same is. Even if he did, the long-distance friendship we have now would never survive as a relationship - you can't go months without the person you're trying to build a life with.
But, maybe I should have stayed.
Maybe, when he told me he loved me, I should have been braver. In the one moment, it all finally felt clear and possible, and like I wasn't completely delusional and hopeless, I should have told him I love him too.
Either way, I have eight long, back aching hours ahead of me to decide.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Playing Games (baon)
Summary: In the aftermath of Internal Disputes, Sans wasn't alone, not when his own thoughts could be haunting him.This wasn't how things were supposed to work, none of it, and there was nothing he would do but wait.
Tags:  Kustard, Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Terrorism, Major Character Injury, Hospitals, References to Collaring
Notes:  Now, I want you to know that I say this with the greatest sincerity possible, but all you people that got me shipping kustard? I hate you all.
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The hospital chairs weren’t bad when it came to comfort, especially if you ran a little shorter in the pants than average. Not that it would’ve mattered much if they weren’t, Sans was well-trained in how to get to sleep in any and all places, knew exactly how to curl up in a folding chair for maximum comfort, no matter how hot or cold the climate got around him.
Tonight, he was only too tired to sleep. That didn’t matter either, he’d been worse off plenty of times before. Only thing that mattered was that Paps was the one sleeping, and that was enough of a topsy-turvy to make Sans want to check they hadn’t missed an exit and were still in the right universe.
Probably were; from what Stretch said, when you first took a sideways step into another world, you could feel the wrongness of it in your bones. His bones felt shaky and sore, a fine litter of bruises all along his side where he’d hit the asphalt, but none of them were sending out Morse code squawking that the sky was falling, so they were all right there. Chicken Little would have to wait for another day, though maybe he’d check in with Stretch’s little flock, see how their bones were feeling--
Sans ran a weary hand down his face, smelling the lingering smoky char. Fuck, he was tired.
In the hospital bed surrounded by machines and IV’s, Papyrus was lying perfectly still, and it was so fucking wrong to see. Even when he was sleeping Paps usually twisted and turned like he was training for the next Olympics. That little quirk cost Sans plenty of his own sleep when they were kids, nights huddled together for warmth beneath a threadbare blanket and all the while his baby bones bro tried to sleepwalk a watusi up his spine.
Sometimes Sans missed that little kid.
The fancy suit Papyrus always wore when he was playing ambassador was gone, replaced by a hospital issue gown that would give a peepshow of his pelvis when he stood. His old clothes were past the dry cleaning stage, scorched all the way up his spine and yeah, that sight was gonna haunt Sans’s dreams a coupla times in the near future, as was the bitter taste of his own soul in his throat when he crawled over to him, all the dazed moans and screams around them as he clung to his brother, frantically checking him over.
Yeah, let’s close that scene and set the memory box aside for those upcoming dreams to rifle through. No need to re-live the nightmare during the daytime, too.
Sans shifted in the chair, pulling his bare, bony feet up onto the cushion. He hadn’t changed his own clothes yet; about all he’d managed was kicking off his shoes, his filthy socks draped over them like the peels of the world’s most disgusting fruit. His travel outfit was a lil’ different than his bros, a hoodie and shorts were about as fancy as he cared to get, maybe a pair of sunglasses if he was feeling particularly feisty about it.
That getup was fine for someone on security team, something Papyrus very much was not, and Sans was planning to have a nice, long chat about that with him whenever his brother finally woke up.
He was gonna wake up and Sans was gonna be here waiting when he did, thanks.
As if magnetically drawn, a compass endlessly searching for north, Sans’s eye lights slid back to the bed towards his sleeping brother. His skull was still abnormally pale against the pillowcase, a revealing sign of magic drain despite the IV steadily dripping at his bedside. So very pale, except for the fine line of a fresh crack running down the side of his skull. Barely visible, really, someone who didn’t know any better might mistake it for a cranial suture.
Sans knew better.
It’d been a lot worse before Tori started in on it, crawling over to them through the rubble on the tarmac, ignoring shouts to stay down and her normally pristine white fur had been filthy, hands already caked with crimson marrow even as she reached out to Papyrus. The ugly wound Sans could barely stand to look at vanished beneath a thick green glow and that little crack was all that was left, a souvenir of Papyrus’s first trip to California. His brother had slumped to the ground after, those thready, pained moans fading. He’d been unconscious ever since.
He was gonna be fine; both Tori and Blue told Sans’s that over and over on the plane ride home, gonna be just fine. He was out cold was all, used up his magic down to the last dregs generating enough of a shield to cover himself and two other people besides. Right now it was nothing but a waiting game, Sans moving his pawn across the board until he landed on the ‘good morning, sunshine’ spot.
Just fine, sure, and Sans believed them. But he really wished he could roll doubles right now and speed up the process.
Most of his thoughts were either being firmly suppressed or focused the still figure laying on the bed, but Sans did manage to spare one or two leftover balls from the ones he was mentally juggling to wondered tiredly how Stretch was holding up. He’d been eating shit sandwiches himself this weekend, and now honey boy was topping it off with big ol’ slice of disaster pie. At least Sans had the luxury of being with his bro from the get-go. Trying to picture how he’d feel knowing only the bare details of what’d happened sent a cold frisson through his soul. That was enough for him to offer sending Edge out in the first ambulance; at least he was with his brother, Edge and Blue were both stuck in limbo all the way home.
Besides, he’d gotten to see plenty of the show on the flight home in the moments when Edge wavered into brief wakefulness. No wonder he never wanted to smoke weed or even drink much. They’d doped him to the gills without mercy, and now Sans was gonna have to live with an eternity of regret that the loss of his phone meant he didn’t get a chance to record Edge massacring a heartfeltly sung rendition of ‘I Want It That Way’.
Since Tori and Blue were no fun at all and refused to do it either, seemed the best option was to send Edge out and hope Stretch got a front row seat to the second act.
That show had been a helluva lot better than the inflight movie Edge’d given them on the way out. Stoic and distant since the second he’d gotten on the plane, a fuckton more so than usual. Wasn’t until Blue snuck in a whisper to Sans what was up that he got it. Anniversary tomorrow, yeah, husband back home while he got stuck playing lead babysitter with Sans as backup ‘cause Red was off saving the world or catching an early bird sale, some bullshit, anyway.
(not thinking about red, better not to, better to not)
Stretch probably pitched a bitchfit about Edge tagging along without him and Sans hadn’t registered to vote in this election, but he was gonna go with Stretch as his candidate. There was no good reason he could think of to make Stretch stay home past paperwork and pissiness, and the fact that Blue thought his Papy staying home was the better choice told him all he needed to about that.
They’d been Aboveground for a few years now and Stretch was nowhere near as bad off as he’d been back when they’d first shown up on the doorstep back in Snowdin. He’d gone the good boy route, got himself a therapist and everything. He was happy, anyone could see that, and HP issues aside, it was ‘bout time to cut the apron strings let Stretch mess up his own cooking.
Edge was better about it than Blue, but looked like he was still trying to play sous chef ‘cause Stretch wasn’t on the plane. Their fearless leader had put up a good front, but any moron could see he was upset, and Sans wasn’t just any idiot on the street. Whatever his reasoning, Edge obviously wasn’t happy about leaving his honey behind.
Welp, Sans had a feeling Edge wasn’t super eager to add Stretch to the roster now. Not after spending some quality time laying on the crumbled tarmac waiting for a stretcher, banged up and bandaged the best they could manage on the fly while the Human side of the contingency ran around squawking out orders, getting everything on lockdown. Trying to keep everything on the down-low until they could get a proper press release in order, yeah, that was the right procedure.
Sans still didn’t have a single qualm about slipping Edge that phone so he could let Stretch know he was okay. ‘Course he’d probably scared him shitless the way he started rambling on like it was his deathbed confession hour instead of just saying ‘alive and kicking’, oops, but eh, couldn’t win ‘em all.
Sans wasn’t winning a lot of ‘em lately.
The stack of blankets were tucked around Papyrus with generous care, but Sans got up and went over to him, anyway, smoothing the imaginary wrinkles in covers. His hands were beneath the blanket, the better to keep them toasty warm. Probably for the best, it was bad enough having to look at his skull, that single ragged crack. If he had to keep looking at his bro’s bruised, battered knuckles, Sans might go nuts.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was his duty to play big bro, his, he’d taken that on years ago while he was still in his own striped shirt, his very first job. He was the one in Security, he was the one who was supposed to fucking protect, and even if Sans thought maybe he’d fucked that up a time or two before, suspected that there was a memory he didn’t possess, a
past that wasn’t theirs. But he’d been keeping up their end of the bargain since his bro decided to be an Ambassador and Paps wasn’t supposed to break it, he fucking wasn’t—
The door creaking made Sans jerk, heat rushing to his fingertips in a heady blurt of magic for an attack that stopped forming the moment he saw who it was. He took a long, slow breath, shaking away his exhausted agitation the best he could, cause he was going to need every wit that hadn’t been blown away in the explosion to deal with this.
Red was standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets. The light pouring in behind him cast him in shadow except for the smoldering glow of his eye lights burning out from his sockets.
Sans only ignored his awful horror movie impression and wandered back to his chair, crawling up to settle on the cushion with a weary sigh.
"you done with skulking around trying not to talk to me?" Sans asked. He didn't mean to sound as pissy as he did, but did Red really think he wouldn't notice? On the plane, outside the ambulance, even here, Red'd been all over, watching but not getting close.
No answer came, no sardonic comeback, no angry snarl. Red stepped into the room and closed the door behind him with disturbing care. Probably only playing at kindness for Papyrus’s sake, but something about his expression was unnerving, the lines of his face laid out in a way that Sans didn’t know.
He came close to the chair without reaching, only stood there, hands visibly fisted in his pockets. Crimson eye lights resting on Sans, but more like Red was looking through, like Sans wasn’t even there and Red’s gaze was laser-focused on the wall behind him.
“came to tell you i’m taking off for a while,” Red said, every word filled with deliberate indifference, “dunno how long.”
Sans only nodded. “yeah. thought you might.”
“wanted to see if you’d keep an eye on that fucking cat of mine.” Again, nothing but cool detachment, Red speaking to the wall and expecting answers.
He made no mention of asking Edge and Sans didn’t either. “sure, why not, i could use a few more scrapes for my collection. maybe i can trip over him on the stairs, add a few broken bones to the tab.”
There, a veritable hit; Red winced visibly, the distance in his gaze wavering. It was almost fascinating, really, watching with his own detached interest as Red tried to force it back. Must be a sign of his own shaken control, all of it unraveling, snapping into its proper place as he actually looked at Sans.
Sans had a pretty good idea what Red was seeing. The force of the explosion had thrown them all to the ground in spite of any shields, leaving behind a nice collection of mottled bruises and bloody scrapes to share around. His own pain had been secondary, unnoticed until they’d been shoved back on the plane for a ride straight back home. He’d been sitting next to Paps when Tori came over, watching the metronome precision of the rise and fall of his rib cage like only the force of his will was keeping his brother breathing.
The cold wetness against his skull had stung and it was only then that he noticed his own hurts. He’d sat there and concentrated on keeping Papyrus breathing, let Tori gently clean him up the best that she could.
So he didn’t have any illusions about what kind of eye candy he was right now. Another note of interest that Red didn’t seem to be able to look away, the minute flicker of his eye lights moving as they traced over those bruises and scrapes.
“i need to go,” Red repeated, but that indifference was wavering, seeping away, leaving behind something that was almost pleading. Huh. How about that. “i gotta. this is my fault. i’ve gotta—"
“listen to the ego on you,” Sans snorted. “even you can't know everything.”
“no, you don't fucking get it.” Shattered desperation, like nothing Red ever showed. Seemed like those walls Red kept up weren’t quite as impervious as Sans always thought; words were spilling out of him, vomited out in pained rush. “i didn't have shit going on here. i didn't come along on this trip because i knew you'd go without me and i…i wanted you away. for a couple days. wanted some time to get my head on straight and i didn’t give a shit who i pissed off to get it, i—"
Yeah, Sans could believe that. Fucked over his own brother and Stretch, and why not? It was only to get out of a Security detail that would’ve left him sharing a hotel room with Sans, left them out in the open in front of everyone. Made them obvious in a way that somehow Red didn’t think they’d been before, fooling no one but himself, but it was a lie Red somehow needed.
Knowing that was a different sort of bruise, on his soul instead of his bones, and every word out of Red was giving it a rough press. It was satisfying in a strange way, to know Red was panicking over him, made him want to feel it again.
"all right,” Sans said calmly.
"no, it ain't all right!" Red snarled, his voice cracking, breaking, breathing too heavily. "if I hadn't've fucked off--"
"then you would've been there instead of edge and it would all have happened the same way." He felt oddly serene, floating in his own peculiar calm. "you're one person. even you can't be everywhere and know everything. ‘sides, if that’s your fault, this is mine.” He flung his hand out like an attack at the hospital room, towards his brother lying unconscious in front of him. “’m getting sloppy, should’ve reacted faster.”
Red twitched, stepping closer, grasping that line of thought with eager gratitude, “reacted to what? how did my brother know? toriel ain’t sure and neither was blue—"
“intent.” Sans shivered, remembering the prickle of it washing over him, virulent hate that came a bare second too late for him to react. The memory of it made him remember something else, a delirious question forgotten in the aftermath, “didn’t think edge could beat me when it came to sensing intent.”
Red waved that off. “he’s been practicing ever since andy got turned into a pincushion outside that chinese place. what else?”
Of course he was, Edge probably spent his lunch hour wandering the streets to see how much hate he could pick up, that was a filling meal. “it was coming from the driver. edge was a lot closer to the car, he must’ve felt it before i did. he yelled for everyone to get down but by then, paps already had me face first on the asphalt.” He shrugged, trying not to think too deeply of the wash of vicious heat, the sound of it, the screams, fuck, all the screams— “after that, it gets a little explody. i can still hear it a little, it’s like listening to a seashell lodged in my head. doc said it might take a day or two for the echo to fade out.”
“that it?” Red’s gaze bore into him.
“that’s all i’ve got,” Sans drawled sourly. He turned in the seat, lounging with deliberate casualness, his legs hanging over the arm. “that’s the shit, the whole shit, and nothing but the shit. so that happened and our bros got hurt, yeah, but they’re gonna be fine. so, now, you wanna take off and go headhunting? you go on ahead. play your little game, start following your clues. just remember after paps wakes up and i can see he’s okay? i’m coming to find you.”
Red had been nodding along and Sans could see the moment realization bled through, the indignant rasp as he snapped out, “the fuck you are!”
“the fuck i’m not,” Sans countered, tauntingly. He ran his tongue over his teeth, tasting his own sweat, the bitterness of smoky residue as he goaded, “how are you gonna stop me? ask edge to chase me down while he plays hop along cassidy on some crutches?” Fury was sparking in Red’s eye lights like a firecracker as Sans went on with fractured glee, “he’ll be a coupla weeks recovering, you know. even you harping on him to get up and play protector ain’t gonna change that. gonna tattle on me to asgore, gonna lock me up? tie me to your bed?” Sans tapped a finger against his cheek bone pensively, a mockery of thinking, “or maybe i won’t go after you at all. maybe i’ll see about playing a little on my own.”
Ah, that, that right there. Sans could feel the impotent fury rolling off of Red, about the only time he couldn’t get it up, hands flexing as if he wished there was something in them and for a distant moment, he thought Red might actually attack him and wouldn’t that make for an interesting problem to explain.
Then it was gone, all that anger and frustration swallowed into nothingness. Interesting how Red managed to break without so much as changing expression. Must be a gift.
“you win,” Red said abruptly.
“we playin’ something?” Sans asked lightly,
“only with our lives. ain’t like anything important.” There was a sharp prick of frustrated anger in that, wasn’t all gone, then, only banked. A point Red proved by stalking forward to take Sans’s chin in two sharp fingers, yanked it up. Crimson eye lights searched Sans’s face and he couldn’t begin to wonder what they hoped to find. “you even know what you’re getting into here?”
“i’ve been fucking you for over a year.”
“i ain’t talking about fucking.” Those searing eye lights pierced deeply into him, crawling over the depths of his soul. “do you know?”
Deliberately, Sans lifted his chin more, exposing the bones of his cervical vertebrae. Red’s gaze dropped, lingered over them with hypnotic weight, and his fingers followed, coiling around Sans’s throat like a metaphor.
“if you like it, then you shoulda put a collar on it,” Sans said, soft and singsong. “i’ve been fucking you for over a year, fucking around three times that, you think i don’t know? collar me, claim me. may as well, i ain’t going anywhere, anyways.”
Red shuddered, lurching forward another step and his fingers tightening convulsively, not quite painlessly. “collar you? like you’d be fucking obedient.”
“from what i saw of you wearing one, i always figured the obedience part was an optional add-on. besides, at least i’m housebroken.”
The thin fingers around his throat tightened again, so very close to choking and Sans only shivered, yearning into that grip even as Red whispered with low, virulent intensity, “should’ve known i couldn’t keep dodging you forever.”
Red leaned in, but not for a kiss. His mouth was suddenly hot on Sans’s collarbone, dragging over I, uncaring of the sweat and filth coating him. Sharp teeth nicked tantalizingly against bone and Sans couldn’t hold back a cry, edged with a near sob because he wasn’t supposed to get this, he wasn’t, wasn’t supposed to have this suddenly thrust into his lap like a gift. His magic gave stirring an unfortunate try, but he was thankfully too tired to demo how much his psyche was absolutely going for the sweet threat in that touch.
"i wanna to keep you," Red muttered, mostly to himself, something like desperation curling around every word. Sans answered anyway, mumbling mindlessly.
"okay. okay, yeah."
"wanna keep anyone else from touching you,” whispered against him, a promise, a threat, Sans didn’t know. Red’s tongue was winding around his clavicles, sharp fingertips tearing Sans’s t-shirt, exposing more. “wanna put my collar you, warn the whole world that you're mine."
"yeah," Sans breathed brokenly. His hands move of their own accord, not bothering to ask for permission as they clutch at Red’s shoulders, blunt fingertips digging into the leather of his coat with creaking force.
"That sounds very romantic and potentially disturbing, but may I ask if you could do that in your bedroom and not here in front of me?"
Sans came pretty fucking close to kicking Red to the floor as he jerked up to see his brother’s sockets open, blinking at them owlishly. It wasn’t even a thought to scramble down and go to him; reaching for Papyrus was as automatic as drawing a breath. His brother reached back and if his hands were shaking a little, if there was something tremulous and almost fragile in that touch, Sans didn’t care.
His brother was awake and reaching for him, pulling him up on the bed and into his arms.
“Hush, there’s no need to cry,” Papyrus scolded gently, but he held on to Sans with enough force to get his bruises singing out an Ava Maria. “I’m perfectly all right and even if I’m not, you are, so that’s fine.”
“that is so not fine, paps, it is completely the opposite of fine,” Sans wiped away embarrassing flood of tears, sniveling humiliatingly into his sleeve even as Papyrus flailed and tried to reach for the box of Kleenex on the bedside table. “me and red are the ones working in the security department, we—”
He turned back to the chair, trailing off when he found it empty.
Well, shit.
“know something, bro?” Sans sighed out, even as he settled into his brother’s arms. “that whole vanishing thing is fucking annoying when i’m not the one doing it.”
Papyrus smoothed a hand down his spine, more gentle than not, and if he had an inkling of what he just interrupted, he was kind enough not to ask. “Never fear, brother, you are always fucking annoying whether you’re trying or not.”
Probably true. Hearing his brother swear was always enough to give his soul a seizure, even if he knew Papyrus only did it to get a rise out of him. He needed to go find one of the docs, let him know Paps was awake and there were probably tests that needed to be run, x-rays maybe, who the fuck knew.
It could wait a minute. Right now, the only place his soul wanted to be was right here.
But later, he thought maybe he had some dice to roll. Some asshole in a stupid hat once said the game was afoot and now that he knew there was a chance?
Sans was playing to win.
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com 14/17
Author’s notes: we’re getting closer to the end. I’m thinking I’m just gonna post the last three chapters daily so it can end on Monday. Also I wrote two possible finales for this and I still have no clue each one to go for. Make your bets on what’s gonna happen!
Summary: Keanu and Lilah meet at the set of John Wick. Rom-com shenanigans ensues
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Wordcount: 2385
Warnings: a lot of yearning, a tiny bit of angst, but nothing too serious.
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As Keanu stepped into the airplane that would take him to Tokyo, his chest felt tight and heavy and his head was a jumble of confused thoughts. He knew he wouldn’t get a wink of sleep the entire flight. Not that he ever managed to sleep in red eyes anyway, but in any other situation he would at least be able to distract himself with the book he brought along or with inflight movies. Tonight, Keanu knew the only thing he would manage to do was think about Lilah and the fight they had.  
This was the one thing he did not miss about relationships, about letting people that close to him. The ability they gained to hurt him. Not that Keanu didn’t do his fair share of hurting. He was quite aware he had been very petty bringing Pierce into the entire mess, but Keanu just couldn’t help himself. He lashed out when he was scared and when she mentioned Oxford, terror and dread overtook him.
They had known each other for about two months. Had been dating, really dating, for not even a month properly, but the thought of losing Lilah was terrifying. Right now, just knowing that he would be away from her for a few days, especially with all the uncertainty that hung over them, made Keanu feel like he left a piece of himself behind in New York. No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake that feeling.
He let out a heavy sigh, making the person sitting next to him look over. He just flashed a quick smile of apology and went back to stare out of the window of the plane. Keanu still couldn’t believe he was this hopeless in love with her after such a short time.
Sure, he realized his feelings had been running deeper than just infatuation that first night they argued about her father, but he didn’t really realize he was in it this deep. Not until tonight.
Keanu should have been more careful. He should have been smarter than this. He had been here before. He had given his whole heart and it had been wrenched out of his chest, smashed and torn, leaving him reeling and barely able to function.
When he picked himself up from that mess, Keanu promised he wouldn’t allow himself to fall like that again. He had been mostly successful at it; keeping his shields up and people would eventually turn away. There was always affection and care for whoever Keanu decided to date, but he never let it progress into something else. He had that pattern fine-tuned down to an art in the last decade. Sometimes it felt as natural as breathing.  
He still couldn’t quite understand how Lilah managed to break through that. It took Keanu by surprise, but not really. He saw the warning signs and had every opportunity to turn away, but he didn’t. Because Lilah had been such a breath of fresh air with her honesty and openness and earnestness. With the way that she never asked of him more than he was willing or ready to give. How she accepted him and liked him for what he was, not what she wanted him to be or something she made up in her head. Not many people did that, and Keanu found himself letting his walls down just enough for Lilah to sneak under the wire and lodged herself so deep it suddenly felt like she had always been there and he was just discovering it like a buried treasure.
And now Keanu was scared shitless because he didn’t want to lose her, but he didn’t know what to do either. Because part of him wanted to be with her no matter the cost. That hopeless dreamer that he thought he had lost so long ago didn’t care about the damn age gap or what the rest of the world would think of it. Keanu would move to New York or England or wherever the hell she wanted, if that’s what it took. Because he needed Lilah in his life.
The saner part of him, the one who had loved and lost knew it wasn’t healthy, not for himself and not for Lilah. This part of him knew that he couldn’t interfere with this choice in any way, at least not any more than he already did by offering to pay tuition and helping her through it. Keanu shouldn’t even have done that. He had hadn’t been aware of the weight her father’s wishes had on Lilah’s decision. The second he pushed her Keanu wasn’t being any better than her father was. And that was the last thing he wanted.
At the same time, the thought of Lilah giving up something that was obviously her dream broke his heart and every fiber of his being was screaming him to fix it; to make it better. Because he loved her, and it killed him to see her hurting like this. But Keanu knew that wasn’t what Lilah needed. She didn’t need a hero. Someone to fix things for her. She needed someone to be there for her, no matter what. So that was what Keanu was going to be. The supporting partner she needed, even if the uncertainty of her choice was almost driving him crazy.
With a new sigh, Keanu picked up his book from his jacket pocket, snorting at the cover. He had left home in such a hurry that he forgot the book he had separated to take with him so he stopped by at the airport bookstore to pick something else. The second he laid his eyes on this, he knew he needed to take it. It was Keanu's way to stay close to Lilah even miles apart.
He settled a little more comfortably on his seat and started reading The Shining. Keanu went through almost half before his eyes demanded a break and he put it aside again, smiling because he could almost hear her at every page; her thoughts on this or that scene. She had gone into a lengthy discussion on this book and Stephen King’s work in general, as well as her love for horror books and movies. He had never really thought about it as she did, as an exploration of the human psyche. It was an interesting take.
When he finally landed in Tokyo, Keanu fought the urge to call Lilah, check how she was doing. This was the moment to give her space, let her come up with her answer on her own. Instead, he decided for a text to let her know he arrived safely. He did the same for the rest of his family as he headed to his hotel.
Keanu was exhausted, physically and emotionally and as soon as he got to his room he pretty much passed out. He couldn’t remember the last time he slept for eight hours straight in the past few months, but he woke up to the sound of his phone, his publicist name flashing on the screen. It was time to get ready for the first round of photocall and interviews.
The thing Keanu hated the most about doing press for a movie premiere was that there were always so many things happening at once. He would come out of something and head straight into another with barely enough time to eat or have a smoke or check his phone. And that was how most of his days in Tokyo went in the time he had there. He only managed one afternoon free and he used it to buy some gifts for his friends and family.
Despite all, Keanu really enjoyed the trip. He had always been much fonder of Eastern culture and philosophy than Western. It was also quite nice to meet his fellow cast members for 47 Ronin again. As well as the director. Debuting the film in Japan, considering it was a tale of Japanese culture just felt fitting. The right kind of homage.
But as he headed to the airport at the end of his fourth day, Keanu was anxious to get back since he couldn’t get his head out of New York. Part of it was his worry about how much he was hindering John Wick’s production by being away. Even if it was just for a week. Chad and Dave assured him that they had come up with a plan, so they wouldn’t get too behind schedule and both of them understood that this was the sort of commitment that Keanu couldn’t say no, but he was still worried.
Keanu also couldn’t wait to get back to Lilah, see how she was and if she made up her mind about anything yet. Since they were in such different time zones and his schedule had been so full, they hadn’t managed to speak directly to each other. Only a few text messages throughout the day and he hated it. Apparently, he had grown used to their daily phone calls.  
He settled in one of the seats in the airport lounge, leaning his head back and closing his eyes as he heaved a long sigh as he waited for his flight to start boarding. Keanu was exhausted. All he wanted was to sleep. Fortunately, his publicist managed to book him a better flight this time, but he was probably gonna get to New York in the middle of the night. He was almost drifting off when he got a call from Karina. Doing a quick calculation on his head, Keanu winced at how early she must be up to be calling him.
“How come I had to hear from Kim that you’re dating someone?” she asked as soon as he picked up and Keanu rolled her eyes fondly at his baby sister.
“Well, hello to you too dear sister. How are you doing? I’m good, thanks for asking.”
“Oh, screw that!” she said with a huff. “Just give me the details because all Kim told me was that you met her at the set, was head over heels and being an idiot about telling how you felt.”
Keanu chuckled, pushing his hair away from his face. He really needed to call home more often. They were both a little out of the loop.
“I can’t talk much,” he said with a quick glance around. Everyone seemed to be minding their own businesses, but Keanu knew that didn’t mean anything. “So yes or no questions.”
“Fine,” Karina huffed. “She’s an aspiring actress?”
“Good. She’s probably not dating you to advance her own career,” she said, and Keanu let out a long sigh, his argument with Lilah coming to mind.
“Definitely not that.”
They went back and forth with a few questions, Keanu chuckling slightly at Karina’s growing frustration, but he wasn’t crazy to talk about his personal business in a crowded airport. Even if he was in a private area.
“I wanna see her,” Karina said, and he winced. Keanu should’ve known that was coming. “Come on. Pictures. I know you have them”.
With a sigh, he pulled his phone away from his ear to browse his gallery, trying to pick one picture of Lilah to send Karina. Keanu smiled to himself because he noticed he had quite a few. She was fond of sending random selfies, which he really appreciated.
He picked the one they took on the mirror, maybe his favorite picture of them so far and sent it to Karina.
“She’s beautiful,” Karina said after a moment’s pause. Keanu smiled and just hummed in agreement. “Way out of your league.”
“If you’re gonna be an ass I’m gonna hang up,” he threatened with a snort.
“No, no!” she said chuckling. “I liked her Matrix shirt.”
“Me too,” he admitted with a smile. Keanu had really loved to see her with that shirt. Almost as much as he liked seeing her in one of his.
“Oh, man! You’re so in love!” she teased, and Keanu could feel himself blushing. He lowered his head, letting his hair block his face from view. “I can hear it in your voice. I can see in your face in that picture.”
“Yes,” Keanu breathed out. There was no point in pretending otherwise. His family knew him too well anyway.
“She makes you happy?”
“Very,” he said with a smile and he could hear his sister smiling on the other side too, as well as his phone beeping to signal low battery.
“Good. That’s all we all care about. You know that, right?”
“I know,” Keanu said, noticing his flight was about to board. “I gotta go. Talk to you when I get home.”
The flight back went a little better. Keanu actually managed to nap a little, but every inch of him felt stiff and ached when he finally landed in New York. His phone had died mid-flight and since he didn’t really want to give the entire airport a view of his dirty laundry by digging through his carry-on for his charger, Keanu hailed a cab instead of calling the car service he usually used.
The driver was a nice guy who recognized him immediately and asked for an autograph, which he didn’t have the heart to refuse. When the man asked for his destination, Keanu hesitated, checking the time before letting his impulsive side win over. He gave the driver Lilah’s address. It was late and he should be heading home, but he spent five days without seeing her. Keanu needed this.
Jean looked really surprised when she opened the door to see Keanu standing there and he gave her a sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry about the hour. Is Lilah…”
“You didn’t get her voicemail, did you?” she asked, her expression shifting into a grimace and Keanu’s heart stopped in panic.
“My phone died. What happened? Where’s Lilah?”
“Her brother was in a car accident,” Jean explained. “She left for Miami earlier tonight.”
A lot of feelings went through Keanu at once: relief that nothing happened to Lilah herself, worry for how she must be. From what all her stories, she was really close to her brother, but the thing that was stronger was the need to get to her. Make sure she was ok.
“Can I borrow your phone?”
Go to part 15
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305krw · 5 years
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Pairing: G-Dragon, OC
Genre: Romance, angst
Summary: An American love columnist meets an old flame midflight. Blasts from the past sometimes have a tendency to bote 
“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kimberly and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of the entire crew, Welcome aboard Korea Airlines flight 888, non-stop service from Los Angeles to Incheon. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Also, make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       I leaned back into the spacious first-class seat while the attendant went over the rest of the safety instructions. I took in the wide spacious area and complimentary champagne that was still fizzing in the crystal glass. I have been in first-class countless times now, however, it was always a humbling experience for me. I closed my eyes and remembered the time when I'd peered into the aisle from my economy class seat, hoping to catch a glance of the coveted first-class section. The people in the business class looked so far away from me. Their sharp suits and designer dresses were completely contrary to my thrifted ensemble. I remember being so nervous during that flight's take off that I grabbed the hand of the boy next to me. I squeezed his hand tight causing him to look over at me and smile. He had such a wonderfully bright smile.
      I opened my eyes choosing not to remember the past, but instead take in my own sharp appearance. My navy high waist business pants were perfectly tailored and my crisp sheer white top didn't have a wrinkle in sight. Versace sunglasses sat on top of my recently straightened hair that had somehow managed to stay immaculate on the way to the airport. I had made it to first-class and I knew that young girl who just a few years ago peered out into the aisle would be proud of me.
"Because we are traveling over water there will be no wi-fi on this flight. However, all passengers are welcome to cut on electronic devices while they are on airplane mode. Thank you."
       I took that as my cue to open up my laptop. I had to finish my article " What Makes a Man Fall in Love" which would tie into my interview with Korea's golden boy G-Dragon for next month's issue. It was a load of crap, but it was what would put food on the table, so I opened up a word document and stared at the blank screen. I continued to stare at the blank white screen for a few more minutes. Nothing.  I decided to plug in my headphones for a more isolated feeling hoping that it would spark some creativity. I started to lightly hum the slow but catchy tune. Soon my hums were replaced by deep sighs as I repeated the constant cycle of typing then erasing. Letting out one last sigh I finally typed a complete sentence on the barren screen.
"What the hell is love anyway?"
      The letters were big and bold. They were taunting me as I sat with my head back against the seat in frustration. Suddenly, I heard someone plop down in the vacant space next to me. To my surprise, it was Mr. Golden boy himself.
"Article not coming along?" He asked with a cocky grin.
"Actually, It's coming along just fine." I almost snorted as I closed my laptop harshly.
"Ahh ok. 'What the hell is love anyway?'" He rubbed his chin like he was pondering the question himself, "I don't think your readers buy your magazine for one sentence articles."
My patience with my unwanted guest was running thin. "How may I help you, Mr. Kwon? I believe our interview isn't scheduled until tomorrow."
"Well, I heard all of that huffing and puffing from behind you and thought that I would come to help you out."
I could feel the heat of embarrassment rush towards my cheeks. Was I really that loud? I should have taken out my headphones! I feigned professionalism and slapped on my best corporate smile.
"Thank you for your concern Mr.Kwon. However, I think I can handle it." He made himself more comfortable in the chair next to me completely dismissing my request for him to leave.
"So, you've never been in love before?" He was still grinning at me. My last nerve had just snapped in two.
"No," I said as coldly as possible. His grin slowly fell into a subtle frown as he heard my answer.
He broke eye contact as he looked down for at his hands for a  moment. When he looked back up his signature smirk was back.
"Never?" He pressed.
"No. Never," I said as absolutely as the first time.  
"Well, what does love mean to you?" He crossed his arms as he waited for my reply.
"It means nothing. It is a term used by people to make them feel like their fleeting desire and lust is somehow deeper than it is." I was upset with myself for letting my guard down, but I hated the concept of love so much that I lost control. " People use it to make each other feel special. It gives people a faux sense of security and it does nothing more."
He went silent.
"Well, that's quite a cynical view for a love columnist."
"Its the truth. People say that they 'love' someone, but what is the one thing, men especially look for in a relationship?" I let the question hang in the air for a fraction of a second before continuing.
"Sex. And when they can't get it they don't feel like that particular relationship is fulfilling. Love is completely forgotten. Women aren't innocent either. Everyone wants something physical whether it's sex or not. When a human sees an attractive person everything else becomes void. Even an existing relationship. In the end, love is really just a bunch of hormones that either breakdown to horniness or loneliness. " I was on fire and there was no stopping my anti-love rant.
"I write articles for my readers. I give them what they want to hear. I also make people like you look like those fantastic fantasies your fans have. So, since I'm doing you a favor I'd  rather not be criticized by you." I was eager to hear how he would come back to that so I turned my body to face him mirroring his nonchalant crossed arms form.
"Oh, you aren't doing me a favor. Unlike you I actually believe in love."
That made me genuinely chuckle. "Ok, so what is love to you? I cocked my head to the side in anticipation. His face grew serious.
"Love means a lot of different things to me. In a webster dictionary type of way love is a mix of emotions ranging from affection to passion. Love is wanting to see that person when you are down, being ok with being in silence with them, having your mind wander to thoughts of them all the time, wanting to protect them.."
My chest got tighter after each explanation. But, I still waited for him to finish.
"But, it is also the small things. Like..when you get scared on a plane ride, yet you reach out to hold their hand because they make you feel safe.."
I was clenching my jaw trying to fight the stinging I felt in my eyes. Memories from our first and last vacation together began to animate in my mind. I needed to remind him of where it all fell apart.
"So, do you love Ms.Kiko? She must be all of those things for you. I mean you guys are the talk of the town."
His expression grew hard. When he didn't respond I angrily pressed the issue.
"I mean you must, right? It has been how many years now? There was even a rumor going around that you cheated on your previous girlfriend with Ms.Kiko."
      I had mentioned the rumor to get a reaction out of him, but I also felt the ache in my own chest. I remembered having to sit around as strangers murmured about his previous girlfriend who to them was, frustratingly veiled in anonymity. My own co-workers gathered to gossip about 'how heart-broken she must be' with no idea that they were inadvertently discussing my own love life.
I opened my laptop and returned to the word document ready to take notes.
"What are you doing Eva?"
I  set my hands on the keyboard like I was ready to type. "You said that you wanted to help. You can help by giving me the interview I need now. So, tell me about the love of your life. The beautiful Ms.Kiko."
"Eva stop." He sternly ordered as I ignored him. When I didn't react he reached over and shut my laptop. He accidentally pulled the headphones out of the computer which caused the soft melody of his new song "Loser" to flow out of my computer. I nearly chewed a hole through my bottom lip as I tried to get the music to stop playing. Once I did an awkward silence consumed us. That was until he delivered the final blow.
"Do you still love me, Eva?"
I tried to be stern. "Cut the shit, Ji Yong. You know what we had wasn't ever love."
"Really? I always thought that it was." His seemed sincere, but the scars from our past relationship were too deep for whatever this was.
"I'd like it if you left now Ji Yong. Why don't you just get up and leave? It shouldn't be that hard since it's exactly what you did four years ago. Oh yeah, you're waiting until you catch me off guard, maybe even vulnerable and naive like last time."
He started to cut me off, but I lifted my finger signaling him to stop. "Sorry to disappoint, but that girl is gone, Ji Yong. Now if you will excuse me."
I stood up and scooted past him. I found a flight attendant to request a seat change when I felt someone tug on my wrist.
I stage whispered for him to let go so we wouldn't cause a scene. After I realized that he was not planning on letting go I quietly followed behind him to protect both of our reputations. The last thing I needed was to be wrapped up in a scandal with G-dragon. It would undoubtedly ruin my career in Korea. I could see the headlines now- "Foreign  Vixen Seduces our Beloved Oppa!"
Finally, as we made it to the middle of the aircraft he aggressively pulled me into the restroom. He stepped closer to me, trapping me against his chest.
"What do you want Ji Yong?" I made the mistake of looking up at him. He wasn't much taller than me so his gaze seemed to look into me.
"Do you still love me, Eva?" He asked slowly. I could feel his breath on my face..tempting me.
"No. I don't." I turned my head to break out of the trance his gaze had on me.
He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes again.
I felt the tears start to weld in my eyes. However, I didn't plan on succumbing to him.
With his hand still on my chin, I asked him again. "Do you love her Ji Yong?"
"I left because I had to, Eva. You were too innocent and you weren't ready for the stress that came along with being in the spotlight. I did what I did to protect you."
I scoffed at his ridiculousness. "You expect me to believe that?"
"I do."
He encircled my waist with his arms. I tried to push him off of me.
"Ji Yong stop. What about Kiko? Don't you love her?" I  placed my hands against his chest not-so-convincingly trying to push him away, "We can't do this."
His grip got tighter causeing my hands to clench the fabric of his shirt. I kept telling myself that what we were doing was wrong, but as I stood pressed into his chest feeling the familiar embrace all rational flew out the window. I was in a daze caused by his amazing cologne, his firm chest, the desperate look in his eyes, his lips, and the memories of what it was like when we were together. When I loved him.
"I've never once said the words 'I love you' to her." He responded in a husky voice against my lips.
"And that is supposed to mean something to me Ji Yong?"
"Yes. I do not say it if I do not mean it."
He tilted his head more until his lips connected with mine. I felt so many things. Disappointment, lust, excitement, sadness, passion....love.
His right hand slowly trailed from my waist to my hair. He lightly tugged on it deeping the kiss. His lips were soft and careful.
However, a sudden realization seeped its way into my mind. He has never said the words ' I love you' to me either..
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marsder · 4 years
Here’s the behind the scenes set view of the in flight picture from a couple weeks back. And Yes I upgraded these guys to first class of the Notebook Airlines🥂 Lighting has been one of the most challenging parts in my photography process as I have increasingly been craving more and more specific lighting and moods. I throw in as many light emitting devices I have in my drawer as I can to make magic happen 💡✨ . . . #miniature #agencylife #BTS #process #lighting #behindthescenes #travel #inflight #flight #firstclass #notebook #businessclass #shotoniphone #mood #miniatureart #miniaturephotography #visualart #ミニチュア (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDg3h97BfBW/?igshid=j10qp59okwe5
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dottiep · 5 years
After facing public censure from director Olivia Wilde and others, Delta has restored same-sex love scenes to Booksmart and Rocketman on the inflight versions of its films.
“We are immediately putting a new process in place for managing content available through Delta’s in-flight entertainment," Delta spokesperson Emma Protis said to The Hollywood Reporter in a statement on Friday evening. "Studios often provide videos in two forms: a theatrical, original version and an edited version. We selected the edited version and now realize content well within our guidelines was unnecessarily excluded from both films. We are working to make sure this doesn’t happen again."
"Thank you, @delta," Wilde tweeted on Friday in response to the news.
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