#it’s anti annoying fans who don’t appreciate other characters
rubydubydoo122 · 3 months
I’m just gonna say this, the main reason people don’t like Damian Wayne as a character is the same reason people didn’t like Jason Todd back in the 80s
People don’t like either of them because their favorite Robin (Tim Drake and Dick Grayson) got replaced by them.
Damian and Jason are both really interesting and complex character, objectively more complex than both Tim and Dick, but some people (cough, obnoxious Tim fans, cough, and Dick fans who over sexualize him, cough) don’t see that and just want their little blorbos to never grow into their own character apart from Batman.
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
Petty post?
Alright here we go…
I wanna preface this by saying I literally don’t care what people ship and don’t ship (even though all the hate in the main tag is annoying) but I would really appreciate it if the huntlow antis could come up with a better reason for them not to be canon than to “stick it to the straights.”
Because here’s the thing. The vast majority of huntlow bloggers on this site are bisexuals, pansexuals, and aspecs, including myself. But we’re just Straight Lite to them aren’t we?
On top of that, Willow has been hinted at to be pan, Hunter has been hinted at to be bi, and there is also the possibility of one or both of them being trans and or aspec. There is more than one way to be queer and it’s very annoying to see people on here every day acting like those ways are invalid.
And guess what? Even on the off chance that huntlow is a completely allo cis het couple they are still an interracial ship with a plus-sized girl and the sensitive-bad-boy fan-favorite who is head over heels for her. How often do we see that in media? Other forms of representation matter too.
TL;DR: it doesn’t matter if you ship Hunter and Willow or not, but to say they should not be canon to “stick it to the straights” does a disservice to both the characters and the community at large.
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shipcestuous · 2 days
There has been some ongoing discussion about Chris and Cathy’s relationship in the books. (All posts with commentary about their relationship are in this tag.) The relationship is controversial and we’re not all going to agree and that’s OK. I don’t want to participate in or facilitate a debate because that’s not what I want to focus on, but I recognize there aren’t really any other great places for that to happen, so I apologize that I can’t be a better host for that. I appreciate the interest and the participation. I’m going to answer the most recent asks I received on the topic, and if anything else comes in, it will be added to this post instead of posted as a new post. Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts.
Anon:  No hate to the anti-chris anon, i also appreciate the respectful way they disagreed, and i have no dog in the fight personally, but i thought it brings up a bit of a funny concept to me that an incestuous pairing needs to be declared as toxic when most people would consider the fact it is incestuous to be toxic enough, like, we kind of have to grade on a curve here, lol. In most cases, especially with canon incestuous couples, it is going to have some aspect of their relationship be "toxic", because the people that are making this content are afraid to show a loving, happy and healthy romantic relationship between relatives, that doesnt have a tragic backstory, like being abused and neglected, that as a result, encourages their forbidden love. Or at least it makes normies feel better about the fact that it could never happen in real life, except in these super specific dysfunctional situations. Its very rare for these characters not to have toxic traits, such as being controlling, jealous, violent, or straight up criminals if the pairing is canon and not just imagined, but we take what we can get in that department. And i personally enjoy some angst, its part of the appeal to me, but the darker parts (i.e m*rder and r*pe) i am able to dissect from a pairing i like and just pretend it doesnt exist in my head canon, especially in the cases where there is a tragic ending, because otherwise it'd hamper my enjoyment severely. Not to mention, these are fictional characters, i dont necessarily think we need to apply real life judgement on them, yes they are toxic by real world standards, but thats why they end up together, if they werent abused and neglected, they probably would have ended up with "normal" lives, and the ship wouldnt even exist, its just the nature of how incest shipping goes. 
You’re very right that most content creators are afraid to show loving, happy, and healthy romantic relationship between relatives. Even independent content creators are reluctant. Even if they’re not afraid of backlash, it’s like there’s this fear that it’s inferior because it’s unrealistic or something like that. Ironically, it’s the edgiest thing you could do. 
There are going to be two different kinds of fans - those who are willing to “grade on a curve” (I like that analogy a lot) and those who aren’t. I have nothing against those who have to approach it objectively, but as someone who has suffered through so many ships that have gone sour or ended in ways beyond saving, I’m definitely prone towards being forgiving to the few that aren’t as bad as the others or taking what I can get. 
I also think it’s OK to ship something as if some event or whatever had never happened. It’s basically just an AU fanfic in your head. 
@sassybisquit:  So, I have to say something in response to the anti-Chris anon. These books are not romances. They are, all the way through the fourth book, primarily about how victims become villains (while still remaining victims) and various consequences of that and trying to work off the bad you've done and not pass on the bad way you've been treated. And still failing. That's the plainest way I can say it, and I'm annoyed I have to. That's all I'm going to say, besides the fact that I don't think Chris was bad for Cathy or treated her badly (besides the very important plot-wise, but not romantic, rape). But everybody can have different opinions, which is great.
FITA gets marketed as a romance sometimes, but in my mind, it’s in the horror genre. 
I do think that VC Andrews - and as a result, Cathy - puts the blame for the sexual assault on what was done to Chris and not as much on Chris himself. And readers are going to approach that differently. Authorial intent is a whole debate unto itself. 
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fandomsoda · 1 month
what are your thoughts on vriska? I don’t follow many homestuck fans so I was hoping to talk to you about it ^w^
Oh, I personally despise her. She is The Worst and did everything wrong. She started off as a prick and then way overstayed her welcome. I wanna preface this with- this is going to be a very negative ramble, but I am not upset with you for asking this at all anon. I’m very glad you’re curious and I appreciate someone being genuinely interested in my Homestuck opinions, and you’re totally welcome to disagree with me. Just because I dislike this character doesn’t mean I dislike talking about her and the story’s flaws, since critique is often how I show my appreciation for the more chaotic media that I enjoy and my wish for it to improve or be better, even if HS is long over and done with and not changing. Either way- Vriska lovers proceed with caution, spoilers ahead, here’s my honest opinion on her.
She was the most repulsive person in the story so far when she was first properly introduced, the way she talked to and treated Tavros in Hivebent (act 5 act 1) literally made me physically ill and scared the shit out of me, and there is absolutely no excuse for her behavior. Vague explanations, but no actual excuses and the explanations don’t directly link to her obnoxiously vile actions.
Even then, she was a good villain figure for a while, and her arc was pretty good up until her death, with that whole scene not only feeling like a justified end to her story but also being a great landmark in Terezi’s character arc as well.
But then she came back.
And that’s where she started to just become fucking annoying.
Because it is so painfully obvious that the only reason she stuck around in the story is because she was the author’s favorite, and a lot of weird shit happened along the way. Her return and subsequent attention got in the way of the opportunities we had to see other characters get more development, and she was basically just a total limelight hog and had no traits that were worthy of that.
Her redemption ““arc”” was half-assed and forced and completely skipped the ARC part of it. She doesn’t feel bad for her actions, she doesn’t apologize, she doesn’t try to fix anything, she’s just like “I’m just gonna keep fighting in the only way I know how” pretending to be some sort of anti-hero when she has NEVER stood for ANYTHING other than her own gain.
She just suddenly starts getting written more likably, and even if she does become more likable because of that, her change is not gradual or meaningful or caused by anything specific or in any way an “arc”. She doesn’t become more likable over time, she just kinda gets a 90° change in how she’s written out of almost nowhere. She is not an asshole with a heart of gold, she was a standard asshole character that got retconned into having a heart of gold. And it was only an excuse to keep including her in the story.
Vriska is a classic example of “angsty edgy character had a perfectly good and complete arc but was brought back for no reason and has no reason to be here anymore”. My dislike for this trope actually started in my time in the Sonic fandom, with how I feel about Shadow. I share the same sentiment with both Vriska and Shadow: they should have stayed dead/not come back. Because now they’ve become botched, overused, annoying limelight hogs that steal development and time away from other secondary characters that deserve it more.
If we had seen more of Vriska’s “good side” earlier on and her arc had ended at her first proper “just” death, I would say she was a pretty good character. But she didn’t, and that’s what upsets me.
it’s not just “ew, she’s a bad person!”, it’s “she’s a bad person who had her arc botched and was poorly retconned into being “good”.”
I do want to note that it has been a while since I refreshed myself on HS and I’ve not finished it in it’s entirety, but this is my recollection so far and what I understand.
thank you for asking! Hope this wasn’t too negative or spoiler-laden for you.
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elisamaza · 2 years
"I can't annoy a demon by talking about how much shadow the hedgehog character has been butchered"
That's not annoying, please do! I would like to hear some opinions on it
OwO (i’ll include context for those who don’t know a thing about him)
Shadow the Hedgehog was created by Gerald Robotnik for the purpose of finding a cure for a deadly illness that Maria Robotnik suffered from, Gerald’s granddaughter. But he became more than a science experiment and was a companion of Maria’s, more like family. Together on the space colony ARK, they dreamed of what it would be like to someday live on earth.
There was not much shown on how Shadow behaved with Maria, we were only given the context that he loved her deeply, and was shattered when Maria was murdered.
Our first impression of him however is that he looks down on others, especially humans. He was the Ultimate Life Form. And he wanted to avenge Maria. However, we learn those were never his true intentions, his memories were altered by Gerald Robotnik so that Shadow could act as a vessel for Gerald’s revenge.
A detail I find is often looked over is that Shadow cries when he learns the truth—after Amy helped him remember the real memory he had of Maria. She asked him to protect the people on the planet. That drives him to work with Sonic and even sacrifice himself. Hell, he is even humble to say that he believes Sonic is the Ultimate Life Form because of his selfless heroism and impressive abilities.
Then when it turns out Shadow did not perish, he…lost his memory. This makes him put his walls up again, making his attitude guarded, but he does not look down on Rouge and Omega, they become his friends that he appreciates. In fact, he appreciated them so much, that at the end of Sonic Heroes, he no longer cared about finding out if he was the real Shadow or just a copy. He had what he needed: a family. Right?
It opens with him lamenting about his memories again, and questioning where he came from. He also suddenly doesn’t care about others and turns his back on the city when a fucking assload of aliens are unleashed. I don’t wanna talk about the aliens. I think it’s fine that he was made from partial alien DNA, whatever. But I think this was a shitty way to handle it, especially since it resulted in undoing his arc in Heroes. (Apparently, the reason this game was made was because fans were like “Sonic should have a gun!!!” HUH?) So in order for it to make sense for Shadow to have a gun was to make him this edgy anti-hero who plays by his own rules and fuck everyone else.
*heavy sigh* Even at the end when he regains the truth about his past, he says “Goodbye, Shadow the Hedgehog”, quite literally trying to erase the personality he had before.
Ironically, in one of the most notoriously hated games, Sonic 06…it acts as a soft reboot, and they get Shadow’s character RIGHT. He loves Rouge and Omega, and he wants to fight on the side of justice and principle. When a bad guy shows up, he doesn’t turn away—in fact, he jumps in to Sonic’s defense when Silver is attacking! Then, Shadow quickly pieces it together that Silver has been misled and he’s not an enemy—that he in fact needs help. And Shadow does help him!
Fuuuuck, even when he’s told that humans will betray him and imprison him, his integrity does not waver even a little bit! He still says he will fight to protect them even if it means it will be his downfall. He would never betray his friends, and he is fulfilled as long as they’re fighting beside him.
But then it was all for nothing because at the end, all those events are undone so they never happened. I’m sensing a pattern here…
Ever since then, for the most part, Shadow has been given the role of the edgelord that is always butting heads with the main protag and thinks having friends is for babies. This is apparently contractual in terms of writing him, which is BULLSHIT. HE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER THAN TO BE REDUCED TO A GODDAMN “OPPOSITE OF THE PROTAG” TROPE.
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This is why upon hearing the news that he won’t be in Sonic Frontiers, I was actually relieved. I didn’t want to have to hate the game if they got his character wrong again.
I fear for him in Sonic Prime, but fingers crossed that they take it easy on the edgelord stuff. Since Rouge is a part of it, I am at least hoping they are friends.
ANYWAY if you want relatively new content that gets his character RIGHT, have a listen to Sonic and Tails R. It’s so underrated and SO GOOD. Great character arc for Tails.
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Choose violence game.
You know what. I'm very curious about your opinion about ALL OF THE NUMBERS
Wow, you chose violence, my friend. And I appreciate it!
These answers are mostly exclusively for Marvel/X-Men fandom. Be warned, I blab on forever. I cut out questions I already answered.
the character everyone gets wrong
I would love it if writers and fans stopped treating Sebastian Shaw as a sexist strawman.  I think the most ridiculous recent example was Shaw arguing against Curse’s resurrection in X-Men Green, and Kitty accusing him of having problems with powerful women he can’t control, and name-dropping Jean “Fire and life incarnate” like that’s supposed to intimidate Sebastian.  Give me a break, are we really girlbossing Curse?  I think Sebastian opposes Curse’s resurrection because she went a killing spree that makes her a liability to Krakoa.
It's also…..interesting to me that Sebastian is treated like the epitome of rich white male privilege.  I mean, I get it, he is rich and white and male, and he acts like he spends all his free time swimming in the money bin, but he also grew up in poverty.  There are plenty of rich characters born into wealth who don’t get this treatment.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
All my faves do both.
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I’m assuming this means just fandom related, not real world issues.  But if I can veer away from X-Men fandom for a second, I really, really hate the way English-speaking manga fans have picked up the word fujoshi and turned it into “those awful women who fetishize MLM”  The original meaning of fujoshi, or “rotten women,” was misogynistic and homophobic male manga fans insulting any woman who was a big fan of anime/manga, and especially women who shipped M/M.  Japanese female fans embraced and reclaimed the term as a kind of badge of honor.  And now English-speaking, mostly Western fans on Tumblr have snatched up the term, which they don’t fully understand, as a way to differentiate themselves, the “good” M/M fans, from those awful fujoshi, the “bad” M/M fans.  I honestly think it’s racist to use the word that way.  You don’t get to enjoy Japanese BL/yaoi manga (or ship characters from manga) and also steal a word from Japanese fandom and use it incorrectly to bash on other fans.  If you want to talk about female fans fetishizing gay men, that’s a conversation we can have without taking a word out of context from another culture.  Personally, I think the main thing that really matters is how people treat actual, real life LGBTQ people.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Aside from those friendly pornbots, the main people I block are random strangers that I see having shitty opinions on threads reblogged by people I follow (the people I follow are generally reblogging a refutation of the shitty opinion).  So anyone posting, say, anti-trans stuff gets a block immediately. 
I’ve never blocked a mutual or someone that I previously followed, it would take a lot to get me to do that.  There was one blog that I had bookmarked and frequently read back before I had a tumblr account, because they mostly posted about a character I like.  Their posting got gradually more and more red-pilled – they started posting Jordan Peterson videos, then it was pro-Trump stuff.  I don’t know what the hell happened, they had seemed like an intelligent and empathetic person.  I never officially followed them on tumblr, but last time I checked their blog, they were whining about SJW.  Blocked.
5. worst discord server and why
I’m barely on Discord, aside from talking to a couple of IRL friends.  I prefer this Discord. 
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And this one.
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6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I think it all comes down to the individual fans.  Any ship can be annoying if it gets large enough that it sort of dominates fandom, but I still don’t mind if the fans are well-behaved.  Ship wars in general annoy me – ship and let ship, as far as I’m concerned.  I probably get more annoyed with people who make a big deal about hating a particular ship.  I don’t mean just disliking it, or making a few posts venting about the ship or fans being annoying, I totally understand that. I mean constantly posting about how much they hate the ship, like it’s their own personal crusade.
9. worst part of canon
That Pyro and Avalanche have not kissed yet.
10. worst part of fanon
That not enough people have written about or drawn Pyro and Avalanche kissing.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
None.  I don’t really bother.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Morph from TAS.  Look, here’s this upbeat and cheerful mutant (who is also kind of annoying, admittedly), who is “killed” while trying to protect their friend, and then goes through absolute hell being manipulated and tortured and turned against their own team and having to confront their own dark side because they did terrible things, that’s an interesting character right there.  And Exiles Morph shows that TAS Morph has a ton of untapped potential in their powers.  Not to mention, we know so little about the character and their background, you can project whatever fanon you want onto them.  (Slaps roof) This bad boy can fit so many headcanons into them!
While I’m at it, I’ll also give a shout-out to Spyke from Evolution, a cute and likable kid with very cool powers, who also goes through an interesting arc with his powers visibly mutating his body, and he goes underground to live with the Morlocks and becomes their protector (which is nice, given that the X-Men mostly ignore the Morlocks).  And unlike Morph, Spyke was actually a main cast member on the show.  No offense to X-23, but how is it she got imported into the comics as a major character, despite only appearing in two episodes, and Spyke never really did?  (I know the answer – it’s because she’s a Wolverine.)
13. worst blorboficiation
Leah Williams completely re-writing Blob’s personality.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a more thoughtful, sensitive Blob, I like chill bartender Blob living his best life on Krakoa, I don’t like a personality change that barely resembles the old character.  I like Blob’s big and loud personality, even when he was often an obnoxious jerk, and I think there are ways to write him more sympathetically without completely losing that.
To be honest a lot of Leah Williams writing is just…..a little too Tumblr for me?  (Outside of other issues)  Like I totally love and appreciate the jokes and memes people make on here, but I can’t stand Jubilee using the phrase “juicy dumper” to describe having a nice ass.  Not because Jubilee can’t talk about sex or her body, or be vulgar, she’s a grown adult mother.  Just that “juicy dumper” sounds so fucking stupid, even for Jubilee, who is a slang queen.  It’s speech that works online, but people shouldn’t actually say it.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
If we’re talking about things that annoy me, the obvious influence of TV or movie versions of characters when people are supposedly writing the comics version.  Or people tagging all possible adaptations, even though those have wildly different versions of the characters.  I don’t mind people being creative and adapting various versions of the characters, I do mind people claiming they’re writing the comics character, and it’s obviously the movie/cartoon version.  Or going into a fic not knowing at all which versions of the character I’m going to get.  That’s probably my most petty, gate-keeping fandom opinion.
15, that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I really don’t have a problem with most fanart. I do get tired of Madelyne Pryor fanart being all evil-sexy-boobs-out Goblin Queen, but in fairness, that’s how the comics have been depicting her for years.  And unless you tag it as Maddy, or put her in her flight suit or Anodyne costume, it’s hard to know it’s her otherwise.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The Wolverine/Jean/Scott “love triangle,” I’m so tired of it, but Wolverine writers will never let the whole Jean thing go.  I think fandom is actually pretty divided on it at this point, but there are plenty of people that still seem to love it, or want some kind of poly thing between them.  (I don’t have an issue with a poly relationship in comics, I just have an issue with Jean/Wolverine.)  I hate it because it feels forced, because Wolverine has had many partners and it seems like writers just want him to be the cool guy who gets all the women, and because they want some of the conflict between Wolverine and Scott to revolve around Jean, even though it’s already an obvious conflict between team leader and Guy Who Hates Authority.  I have never read any kind of attraction on Jean’s part that has convinced me, it just feels like Wolverine either pining for or chasing after a woman who is not interested, and who is already with someone else.  I’d much rather see Wolverine/Storm, or Wolverine/Storm/Nightcrawler if people want a poly ship.  That’s actually a romance growing naturally out of friendship and mutual respect, not “The cool rebel guy likes The Girl, and therefore he should have her.”
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Pyro and Avalanche kissing, obviously.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Shinobi Shaw.  He’s a hot bad boy with a history of being abused, he’s the son of a prominent villain, he’s bisexual and has an amazing fashion sense (when he’s not in Marauders).  He’s a poor little meow meow.  He has all the qualities that should make Tumblr latch onto him, but for some reason people haven’t.  Maybe because he hasn’t had much to do in the Krakoa era outside of Marauders, and he didn’t really get to do much in Marauders, either.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’ve been trying to read some of the original X-Men issues, like the stuff from way back in the 60’s, and wow is it a slog.  I’m honestly mostly bored with the original five, I like Jean and Bobby, but I think the book gets way more interesting when the Giant Size X-Men show up.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Big comics events, editors please stop making writers interrupt their stories every few months for the latest “event.”
But the recent specific thing is Mr. Sinister.  He’s a fun and entertaining character, but he or one of his clones have played SUCH a big role in the Krakoa books, and we just had an entire event about him taking over, and it seems like his story still isn’t over, I’m honestly just tired of him.  I’m glad classic Sinister went into the Pit, but there are still three clones running around to fill the void, and they’re not that interesting either.  I don’t want Sinister to leave the books entirely, I just want him and his variants to GO AWAY for a little while.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Phantazia.  Where are you, Eileen?
Also, why has no one put Pyro and Fabian Cortez together as a musical duo when they both can canonically play instruments.  (Or at last, Fabian says he can…..)
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I can’t think of any ship I actively dislike that I’ve been convinced to like.  But I have been introduced to ships that I hadn’t thought about before, like Maximus/Namor, or Gambit/Quicksilver, or Unus/Blob.  I was already into Sam/Bucky, but fans have got me liking it even more.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Things aren’t so bad on Tumblr, but on other social media like Reddit, any time a character in super-hero comics is LGBTQ.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a pre-established character coming out, or a completely new character, all the assholes come crawling out of the woodwork to explain why they totally don’t have a problem with gay characters, they just don’t like the way this particular one is written.  Every time.  There is no winning with these fans.  If it’s an established character coming out, then we get “Just make a new character, don’t change an established one!”  Even though comics are full of other types of character retcons.  Even though creators were restricted in depicting gay characters for decades (and to some extent probably still are), and a lot of meant-to-be-queer characters got straightwashed.  Even if it’s a minor recurring character whose sexuality was never previously established.  If it’s a completely new character, then they are an example of comics going “woke” and caring more about agendas than storytelling.  If the character’s sexuality is not a major part of their storyline, then they’re a token, if it is a major part of their storyline, then the character’s whole personality is about being gay.  There is no “right way” to write LGBTQ characters for these fans, because they really just don’t want gay characters in their super-hero comics.
This also applies to just about anytime a character is something other than a straight white dude or a conventionally hot woman.  “I just want good storytelling, not forced diversity!” people say about Kamala Khan, a popular and well-written character who has carried her own book with a great supporting cast for years.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Anything negative about the inclusive nature of A03.  Use the damn tags, or else go construct your morally pure fandom archive somewhere else.
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666-666-gh0stf4ce · 2 years
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Do you want to watch scary movies together? <3
Hi, hello! My name’s Dylan, but you can refer to me as Dyl. I grew up on ‘80s / 90s movies and I’m a huge horror movie nerd.
I’m 18 years old and I’ve had a hyper-fixation on FNaF that has lasted eight years.
Writing is my true love, besides my girlfriend, Hope. I’m starting college classes to be an English teacher.
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Who && What I WILL write ;
Scream (I don’t count the fifth movie as a part of canon as I didn’t like it)
Characters include, but aren’t limited to ; Randy Meeks, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Sidney Prescott, Tatum Riley, Dewey Riley, etc., I will write characters from the other three movies as well as the TV series (Noah, Emma, Brooke, Jake, Audrey, Kieran, etc.,) if you request them.
Brahms Heelshire (I really liked The Boy even though I’m not usually a fan of newer horror movies)
Beetlejuice (this movie has been a part of my childhood just as much as Scream has been)
Characters include but aren’t limited to ; Lydia, Beetleman himself, etc.,
Tiffany (Bride of Chucky; ugh I’m a slut for this woman)
Death Note (Currently reading the manga as I heard that the anime doesn’t end the same way and omfg why’s Misa so fucking annoying though???)
Characters include but aren’t limited to ; Light Yagami, Misa Amane, L. Lawliet, etc., (I might write for Ryuk too if I make the reader a Shinigami kind of character— I can’t exclude him when he’s so fucking hilarious)
Harry Potter
Characters include but aren’t limited to ; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Fred, George, Ginny, Remus, etc.,
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Characters include but aren’t limited to ; Michael Afton, Henry Emily, William Afton/Dave Miller, any of the book characters as long as Charlie!Bot is excluded.
Characters from the mangas ; Attack on Titan, Haikyuu, Boku No My Hero Academia, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. are okay as long as you specify who!
Who && What I WILL NOT write ;
Elizabeth Afton ; She’s a child. It’s as simple as that. Shipping her with anyone would be weird as fuck.
Crying Child Afton ; he’s also a child, just like Elizabeth, also… how the fuck would you write for him??
Beetlejuice x Lydia ; idc, aged up or not… it’s fucking weird— he’s literally a dead corpse mother fucker.
Any of the Missing Children, Charlotte Emily included ; I don’t know how many times I’ve got to say it before people understand… they’re dead fucking children. They don’t age, it’s not okay.
Snape ; I don’t like him, but I appreciate him as a character— he and James *Marauders included* were jackasses who took things too far.
Draco Malfoy ; I’m as anti-Malfoy as Ron is. He’s gross and I don’t like him as much as I don’t like Snape.
Pro–shipping of any kind
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Justice for Shelley Conn!!! The writers did her and Mary so dirty and even so she was so so good. I know that every one has a grieving time but it would be so much more realistic to have Kate's father dying like a year prior, it would explain better Mary's emotional absence and why Kate had to take charge. Also I think Edwina should have known about the deal with the Sheffields since the begging, it would have made her character more likeable if she was willing to marry someone to take care of Kate and Mary and would explain the urgency of her wanting to get married so fast, the feeling that she failed her family when Anthony didn't propose and the fear she was not going to be seen as marrying material anymore after he didn't. She could have said to kate that she wanted to marry anthony and be his viscountess because she knew for what she saw that he was going take care her family if the Sheffields backed down and Kate could have understood her distress was because Edwina was in love with him. In the wedding scene her mortification would have been because she almost married a man who was in love with her sister and who loved him back all because sometimes people who love us try to proctect us instead of seeing us as adults who can handle the truth, then she would reveal to kate she knew about the deal with the sheffields and the rest of the season would be pretty much the same since it would be a big scandal for anthony to marry one sister after the other ran away from their wedding. Hire me netflix i fixed season 2
Anyways I’m done with my anti-Polio triade and we’re back to doing S2 Asks!
Also there’s a point/complaint I’ll be making in this post about post-S2 fics that came up again as a discourse on my dash last night - I really thought we put Edwina discourse to bed yall, why are yall like this T.T
Anon first off I am SO sorry to keep you waiting - this is a VERY old ask from like months ago?? I think it was prompted by my posts appreciating Book Mary and Edwina after the show butchered their characters? 
JUSTICE FOR SHELLEY CONN INDEED!! God she was SO robbed of scenes and while I love my moots who dislike the Sharmas in the show because of the writing I get very annoyed when they get anons that put it all on Mary, calling her neglectful and emotionally abusive like literally it’s not that deep yall, the writers just ignored her!! But yeah I do hate that they made her Violet 2.0 just so Kate can be more like Anthony which is such a tired take. 
Kathony in the books worked because while they were very similar, they did have differences that made them their own people! 
As for your fixed version of S2: It’s an interesting take and definitely better writing than S2 - then again ANYTHING is a step up from S2 (well other than the weirdos writing S2 fics they’re either fetishising Kate or making The Sharmas out to be as abusive as the Penwoods and making Anthony Kate’s white knight which ew please fucking stop) 
More Under The Cut [The Viscountess Essay Things]: 
I do love that the first part is essentially what happened in the books. I’m not sure if you have read the book but for those of my anons/moots/followers who are show only fans here’s some context: So in The Viscount Who Loved Me the Sharmas (well Sheffields in the books not to be confused with Mary’s parents in the show because they don’t exist in the book thank god so HC that Mary’s REAL parents were fucking angels) were all aware of their financial status, including Eddie and knew they had to have Edwina marry well to secure a better future for her. I’m sure Mary and Eddie wanted that for Kate too but it was a mix of her being overlooked/intimidated by the men and her not really wanting to be married either that they just focus on giving Edwina the full season treatment. So Edwina herself is well aware of the responsibility she has to her family. 
This is what made the sisters SO compelling in the books, they both had their burdens to bear and different responsibilities. Edwina wasn’t this ‘never been scarred by life and clueless’ naive deb the show made her out to be. In the books yes she is naive about marriage and what comes with it so in a way the full weight of her responsibility doesn’t really quite hit her. And who can blame her, she was 17. And it was a really good move of JQ to use their ‘courtship’ to illustrate how fucked up society was back then with the age gaps and essentially child brides. I especially loved that scene where Anthony sees El and Eddie together and Eddie is being a cheeky little sister and it hits him how young she is and how close he came to basically marrying someone like his sister.
I just loved how everyone was aware of who they are and where they stood in the books. The only clowning that happened was when Kate and Anthony were around each other - it’s like all their brain cells got yeeted from the horniness. It was funny af.
That being said, the book arc Edwina got about being the perfect deb and feeling the pressure and responsibility to marry well for her family was what I thought they were going to do after the coconut oil scene in Ep 3 but they just had to FUCK IT UP with having Eddie have a crush on him. 
I do see how you fixed the mess of a plot after Ep 4 but personally I would have just YEETED the engagement and Edwina’s romantic feelings all together because come onnn Edwina and Anthony’s utter lack of connection and chemistry before they became in laws WAS FUNNY AF. Look at this shit: 
I’m not sure if you want my rewrite of the season but here’s what I would have done: 
- Adapted the book more close lmao but keep the horse riding motif; would have still loved for a funner version of Colin - well I guess that’s Ben in the show to have introduced them and they pretend to not know each other from the horse ride and we still get their book intro just with more layers 
- Keep the new bee scene and maybe have them be caught by one of their parents - listen I just want these clowns together in an official capacity before the halfway mark of the season because WE DESERVED MORE MARRIED KATHONY IN THEIR OWN SEASON
- But instead of getting married right away, they have a longer engagement instead so we have one ep dedicated to them still struggling to accept their feelings so they use the engagement time to figure shit out. Then after a montage of hate fucking fuck buddies Kathony - we get the confession scene after the new accident scene which was just a normal riding accident she wasn’t running away but like the accident puts shit in perspective for both of them. 
- Maybe not a week long coma but like a couple days and Anthony is losing his shit, Kate wakes up and is like Life is too fucking short I love you, you fucking idiot. The confession a mix of the one from the book and the show WITHOUT KATHANI. HER NAME IS KATHARINE. [Before anyone sends me asks about this bit please read my Kate Name Discourse tag on this I have talked about it to death]
- In this version just like in the books, Edwina feels n o t h i n g and their ‘courtship’ conversations are boring af. She quickly sees through him presenting the performative version of himself for her. She gleans this from how he is with Kate and also after her convo with Daphne going “Anthony, even tempered???” She’s like Something isn’t right here?? And calls him out for it and he sheepishly admits he wasn’t being himself (actually the “Let’s stop playing our roles” speech could be directed at Anthony here instead tbh) and they start to get along more as friends/future siblings in law. 
- Also what pushes Eddie to call him out and stop their courting is her falling for Dorset who is a mix of Bagwell and Dorset in this. We’re yeeting his “I went to India once and made it my whole personality” trait. He can still have visited and not always bring it up in convos. So replace that Edwina and Anthony scene talking the drawing room with Dorset. Basically they have the Edwell romance that was in the books. 
Spicy Alternative that could have avoided the Straight Mess™ that was The Engagement Plot and stupid fucking triangle: Edwina is a lesbian. Girlie has read definitely Sappho she knows what’s up. But because of her own burden and responsibility to the family, there’s a bit of hetcomp at play. That’s also why Eddie feels nothing for him lmao. I can also see her being bi to be honest. But yeah Lesbian!Edwina would have been fun to see with El, replacing Theo (love him but YEET the man teaching a woman about feminism) and this way there’s no stupid rebels plot that the Queen can threaten El with and Pen can go off and ruin someone else’s life (Cressida maybe who actually deserves it??) 
- I don’t care if this picks apart the other plots cos fuck all the Featherflops and LW storylines, Cousin Hack doesn’t exist in this season, all his screentime goes to developing the Sharmas and giving Kate the backstory SHE ALWAYS DESERVED! GIMME ALL THE SHARMA SCENES FROM THE BOOKS. WE NEEDED THE MILK SCENE. MARY TELLING KATE SHE VISITS HER MOTHER'S GRAVE TO UPDATE HER ABOUT KATE. A L L THE KATE/EDWINA/MARY BONDING SCENES
So many fucking good book scenes and lines and we got n o t h i n g.
- Also!!! Anthony should have had sex dreams. Like if they didn't want to have them having sex until after the engagement plot, fine - could have offset it with more scenes pre-confession with his sex dreams dammit.
Anyways that's my take, hope yall enjoyed it and thanks for reading this all the way through if you did!
[ Ik yall can tell how much I hate S2 sometimes it honestly makes me tear up at times I feel stupid]
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desi-pluto · 2 years
Just got back to the Naruto fandom a few month ago and saw that there are the same discussions like years before. I don’t have anything against fans of other ships who don’t like the canon pairings and just enjoy their ships in peace. But the very vocal antis are still annoying till this day with their false claims (especially on twitter). The huge bashing in Sasuke, Sakura and Sasusaku makes me upset. I hate the false claims about the characters and the ship like „Sasuke hates Sakura and his own daughter,“ „he was forced into marriage“ „he loves Naruto or Karin and has an affair with both of them“, „Sasuke didn’t deserve redemption“ and all that stuff. It makes it hard for me to interact with other Sasuke fans and Sakura fans, because they hate Sasusaku so much and support all these false claims about them. I am sorry for the rant but I really loved your two years ago before I went on hiatus and I was happy to see you are still here and love Sasuke, Sakura and Sasusaku.
Right back at you anon my beloved 😘 I appreciate you finding comfort here on my blog.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i want to do a post of all my asoiaf theories just so i, personally, have them all in one place akskskdj instead of me screaming in the tags of like 8 different posts lmao. there’s like three sides to the fans - ones who take the ending of the show as gospel (usually they’re more casual watchers/readers and i think it’s Fine they feel this way, not everyone wants to nerd out and pour over the same 3 lines 80 times looking for clues), the asoiaf university brigade (who are annoying as shit and believe they’re 100% right and refuse to entertain the idea they might be wrong), and the anti-targ group (who are annoying to me personally bc they dislike and/or completely handwave off the importance of a lot of the more anti hero/anti villain characters, which is a mistake because grrm very clearly loves his anti-characters lol). there’s a large faction of jxb shippers who are sort of separate as well because all three groups are dumb as FUCK about brienne, despite a near decade of gwendoline christie talking about how her and grrm described them as a batb story).
Personally, i think all of the groups have little bits and pieces correct, but i also don’t like making concrete guesses. i think we’ll be able to predict the general beats of the story, but we are also missing two whole and LARGE parts of the story, and making guesses for the endgame without twow is kind of pointless bc we’ll be getting development, a few answers, and a lot more questions THERE before we hit a dream for spring.
i think the curtain of light theory is stupid and i’ve always thought that lmao, but on the other hand, both sides seem convinced theon is gonna die like soon and there is just zero fucking basis for that. i don’t think jon is gonna be king (it’s bran, bran is gonna be king, it is Not my fault all of u think he’s boring bc you don’t appreciate fantasy horror) but i also don’t want to say for sure what is going to happen to jon one way or the other because, again, WE STILL NEED TWOW. we technically still don’t know lyanna is his mama yet akskdjdj alright like his story is Very behind, much like all the starks rn.
also everyone is so mad about their theories meanwhile i just like seeing how everyone else saw the clues, even if i think it’s a bad reading, bc i like seeing what people have focused in on. it’s bc germ won’t release twow and give us something to hyper focus on besides yellin at each other lmao
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
i dont like sasusaku and not even slightest naruhina, but its weird that you hate sakura as a character and not the creator himself. as much as i hate sakura, i used to love her development but all that went to trash right around the ending. honestly they should've just made narusasu a canon because that made more sense and even sakuino made more sense that some of the hetero pairings 🚮
Apart from the first line of your ask, I somehow disagree with everything, Anon.
Let me tell you why.
First off,
SNS becoming canon by holding hands or kissing or walking towards Sunset.... was never going to happen. So expecting that is kind of extremely childish. I was only unhappy because they wanted to go for this Next Gen shit. That made Kishi to marry off every other characters without any development until Chapter 699.
Second off,
I am immensely happy with what I got. That is NaruSasu became Soulmates. One can't exist without the Other, One complement the Other. Even though they have married those girls and have children, I don't think they will die for their families. And they still love each other more than their own families. Point me one popular Shounen with this kind of Development between 2 male Characters???!!! So, Kishimoto made something extra-ordinary, unusual and I must appreciate him for this from the bottom of my heart. From the way he has written their bond, he really wanted to end with an Open Ending... Like no pairs and trash.
Third off,
What even SakuIno means???? I mean, Sakura was totally going horny over Sasuke's dick and kiss. She was always touching his Body whenever she gets the chance. How can she be paired with a girl??? Same case with Ino. I am not Anti-SakuIno or anything. Probably you ship them for their aesthetics. But both the girls are filtered Heterosexual. They don't have any Lesbian Subtexts like SNS has. Sorry, that is just a crack ship just like SasuHina. They both are friends. That's all.
Fourth off,
Since when did Sakura's character had better development, Anon?? You mean that Sasori fight??? You are calling it as a development, and I am still calling it as a Selfish Obsession on her Sasuke-Kun. Sakura took that fight very seriously only after Sasori mentioned the name of Orochimaru. Sakura thought, if she manage to defeat Sasori, she could get information about Orochimaru which inturn will make it easier for her to retrieve Sasuke. She never fought for Gaara or Naruto, which is what she should've done in the first place. Tell me, how is this called as Development??? Just because she repeatedly punch stuffs???
In part 1, she was a total annoying Asshole and in the end she was even more of an Asshole.
It's not like the Author developed her as some Badass Girl and then dumped her for no reason. She was always written to be hated. At no point, I felt the Author made any conscious effort to make her likeable.
Fifth off,
You are asking me to blame the creator.... And why should I??? If Kishimoto can write amazing women characters like Tsunade, Konan, Kushina.... Why can't he do that for Sakura as well???
Let's take Tsunade
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Her body was splitted into Two Halves. It's really gory to look. I think even Danzo had a pretty nice death... I think she is the only character in Narutoverse to have her Torso separated from her Lower Body....
Even then
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She still wants to save other people with whom she had no proper connection with!! She was still thinking about saving other Kages rather than saving herself.
Tell me atleast one moment when Sakura thought about putting her life on the line to save other people??? Or tell me at what point point of the story, Sakura remotely displayed her selflessness???
You can't.
If Kishimoto can write someone like Tsunade, why can't he make Sakura, a strong person??
Let me tell you... If I am an Author and if I want to make a character likeable, the very first thing I would do is, to make that character be nicer to the Titular Character. This is an inherent and unwritten rule. That's exactly why Hinata was liked by many people.... It's funny, people really liked her a lot in Part 1 (not realizing her inherent shittiness)... But he decided to potray her in a wrong way starting from Part 2. If only Sakura was nicer towards Naruto, I repeat nicer... not to love him... people would have liked Sakura more. But all she did was behaving extremely horny towards Sasuke but showing Drainage-level care towards Naruto. And do you really think Kishimoto don't know this logic?? At no point, I've seen her being completely genuine towards Naruto. Even when she wanted to feed him Ramen, she only did it because of Naruto's devotion towards Sasuke.
Throughout part 1, she was an asshole... Towards the end of part 1, she was nice because she needs Sasuke's dick.... And in the beginning of Part 2, She totally was using him to retrieve Sasuke... She cared him here and there.. In the middle of Part 2, she shamelessly fake confessed him.... In the end of Part 2, she was begging Sasuke to like her... She didn't care about Naruto or Tsunade, who were about to be killed by Sasuke...
Where is this development you speak of, Anon???
I am Sorry, I still feel like you are a big Sakura fan and want to make an excuse by pushing the blame on the Creator. Because Hinata fans also always do this same thing... Like pushing the blame on Kishimoto for writing her that way. They never once realise that the character they like was piss poor because the author wanted it that way.
By that logic, I must criticize him for making Sasuke take certain decision which I am not OK with, too... Right???
If your favourite character don't behave in certain way like you expected, then there's only one thing to do. Blame the Author.
Sorry, I won't be doing it for any other characters in Naruto series. I accept every characters with the way the author has written.
Sakura is a pathetic character and she was meant to be. It was intentional and deliberate from Kishimoto's side. He wants this character to be hated and that's why he wrote her that way... And I know The reason for why he did it... Which is not the point of this post.
Just ask yourself, this question Anon...
If a secondary character like Ino who was very similar to Sakura, got a good development towards the end... There are so many good woman characters inside the Narutoverse. But still, in the end, why Sakura and Hinata alone was shown to have a negative and ugly development??? What makes Sakura and Hinata different from the other women??? Why particularly these two women???
Just give this question a deep thought and you will find the Answer.
People taking the wrong cue about a Character and blaming the author for the Character's shittiness... I am Sorry, I don't support this logic.
I would really appreciate those Sakura fans who completely accept her shittiness, mistakes, flaws and still able to love her... Without blaming the author. Because I've seen such fans but they are very rare to come across.
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rubydubydoo122 · 3 months
Dare I spot a fellow Tim Drake disliker?
I'm an 'Obnoxious Tim Drake Fanbase' Disliker. I don't dislike any of the Batfam (unless it's abusive Bruce Wayne) but I just don't care for Tim Drake.
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xz1005fanblog · 2 years
Hi! I’m hoping this isn’t annoying or asking too much (please just ignore me if that’s the case 😅) but i’ve seen some screenshots going around from xz’s old weibo, like the tan lina stuff. I don’t know chinese, anything about weibo, and i feel like I can’t determine whether this is real or not. I know that lots of people have … a truly intense hatred for him, so it wouldn’t be shocking if antis were just slandering him. But it’s confusing with tan lina even acknowledging it?? I saw you say in an earlier post that antis were blowing his old posts out of proportion and making up stuff, so i was wondering if you could correct the record?? ;___; thank you for reading this confused ask
So for those who don't know about Tan Lina, she's a half-Indian, half-Chinese actress. The controversy was about this screenshot circulating on wb with XZ's old ID, where he allegedly was opposed to her playing a character and used defamatory words.
This was the alleged screenshot, when weibo shares a post to there own wall, the last person sharing the post can add their own reply to the front of what was said before. So basically in this screenshot:
Date: 2011-08-15
4th reposter: My Blake! I want to punch you! First it's Princess of the Returning Pearl (another classic character) Now it's my precious!
// (this is what is between each reposter's statements) 3rd reposter: This... Wasn't it supposed to be Feng Jie who was going to play~ Feng Jie has so much more appeal than any of them!!! //
2nd reposter: What have they changed the name to again. //
1st reposter (allegedly XZ's old ID): What! They found an Indian black girl to play s, , , //
Original poster: OMG Gossip Girl!!!! I don't want to say anything anymore...
The following screenshot is what the search bar gives when you try to search the content of that post on weibo again. We cannot find this post or any of the reposts anymore.
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So many things lead us to think that the original screenshot was fake. The first is that the number of reblogs shows up as 0, which is fairly suspicious since the screenshot itself shows at least 4 reposters.
The other suspicious thing is the space between the ID and the statements, generally weibo gives automatically a double space between the colon : and the ID, which is not consistent in this screenshot.
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This is a post by a non-fan who added a group chat to get paid to post/repost things on weibo for money. It basically says that she got pulled into another private group to repost that first screenshot and pour oil to the fire. The person refused to do this task against their conscience.
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Whether or not the first screenshot was real, you can be assured that Xiao Zhan does not discriminate against black people.
On his weibo account in 2015 he liked this post of a African-American child who got bullied for cosplaying as Elsa for Halloween. He also liked albums released by African-American singers, and took selfies with people of color. These can still be found by scrolling far enough through his "liked posts" on weibo (I have personally verified this in 2020 when all these rumors came out).
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Serena in Gossip Girls was originally characterized as a classical blond haired girl with blue eyes, I think someone who can appreciate a black-skinned child putting a costume as Elsa from Frozen would not be so scandalized with a half-Indian woman playing Serena.
I fairly suspect the actress Tan Lina to have been duped by XZ's haters and that first screenshot, and while I do sympathize with her difficulties with discrimination in her area of work (let's face it, people of color do not have it easy in any industry), I do not believe XZ personally discriminated against people of color.
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Pictures dating back to his university days (that haircut is unmistakable hahaha)
XZ's weibo
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just saw a take in the anti-rwde tag so bad i had a whole allergic reaction /hj
it was about how rewrites are NEVER good because it ignore's the writers' work, and that if you make rewrites you never actually enjoyed the content.
like okay, i guess AU writers hate the content they pull from! because AUs do technically count as rewrites, just probably not what OP was thinking of (*cough* fixing rwby *cough*). actually, technically all fanfics are rewrites to some degree! fuck it! everyone who writes fanfic is actively ignoring the writers' hard work! damn!
sorry for disagreeing, but i personally think making rewrites means you're more passionate than if you were to just passively consume the content you were given! because you're putting effort into ignored characters, dropped plot threads, unexplored worldbuilding and lore, etc.! who are you to judge if someone's way of appreciating content is wondering how things could have gone differently, expanding on what the writers' didn't pay attention to? there is NOTHING WRONG with wanting to rewrite something, whether it's because you're just curious about how things could go differently or if you're unsatisfied with what you got. hell, even the rewrites i HATE i still hold some respect for because damn, take it from someone who tried and gave up, making rewrites is HARDDDD, ESPECIALLY for a show like rwby with so many characters and other factors to take into consideration
anyway, sorry for ranting in your askbox lol, i'm just so....jesus christ that take made me MAD.
Hey anon! First off never EVER apologize for ranting in my inbox! I don’t mind, I know sometimes venting out your frustrations can help you feel better. I do that a lot on my blog when something annoys me so I get how therapeutic it can be.
Secondly I have never gone into the anti-rwde tag because I know I would die after a few posts. I will stick to the RWDE and James Ironwood tags where I belong lolZ.
Regarding the meat of this ask, holy shit I just- why just why? How can you look at a show like RWBY that regularly and actively takes things like themes and character arcs and say that someone making a rewrite doesn’t love the original subject? People don’t waste time on things they don’t care about. We have limited free time to do shit we’re not going to waste it working on a project that does absolutely nothing for us.
I have a morbid curiosity for what they think of AUs because how this person describes it, they should be even worse then rewrites because aus fundamentally completely overturn what the original work was. It’s all about taking the characters you love and plopping them in something completely different from their canon universes. It is literally about exploring the infinite possibilities that a universe holds. Personally I almost exclusively write in Aus in anything longer then a one or two shot. They’re just so much more interesting to me to explore because I love seeing how minor things change the bigger picture and what these characters do.
Hey you know everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and they literally don’t hurt anyone just like how rewrites and AU’s aren’t hurting anyone. They’re a way someone expresses their love for whatever it is the rewrite or Au is for just like fanart. Just because their are certain things one would change doesn’t mean they still don’t enjoy the base media the rewrite is for. Their is always something that we love in it what’s why we create for it.
I may not like every rewrite or au or whatever for any fandom I love but I still respect the work put into it because these fics take a lot of work and time and effort and writers do this for free. Their is no way to get any compensation for fic writing yet people do it anyways because they love the thing being written about and this is how they express that love. That whole sentiment is just insane for me and reeks of a mega fan refusing to understand that their precious show might not be perfect and that sometimes people might have a better idea for something. Or even if it isn’t it still has value and these mega fans are just wrong about it not having value. As I said it takes time and effort and people won’t waste time on something they don’t care about or enjoy it helps no one and trying to pretend otherwise is just insane to me.
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jjuzoir · 3 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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madara-fate · 3 years
If Kishimoto really wants people to believe that Sasuke loves Sakura and that they have such a good marriage then he's doing a piss poor job at it. You don't see people arguing if Minato loved Kushina or not or if Dan loved Tsunade or not. You don't. The fact that there are so many people arguing whether Sasuke loves Sakura or not, and many people believing he doesn't is just proof that Kishimoto failed somewhere or else there wouldn't be this much controversy surrounding this matter. It's either Kishimoto implying Sasuke does not love her, either Kishimoto intending to portray his idea of a good realtionship/loving husband through SS and failing miserably. Sasuke did not look happy when he saw Sakura in Gaiden first time after 10 years of absence. He couldn't even bother to send a letter to her and Sarada to let them know he was alright and thinking about them during this period. And no, please don't come at me with that bullshit excuse that he didn't keep in contact because he wanted to keep the secrecy of his mission and did not want any private information to leak and that's why he was only keeping in contact with the Hokage or whatever. No one says that if he ever bothered to write them he had to go into details about his mission. He could've just told them he's alright, that he misses them and hopes they're fine and that would've been great too and wouldn't have compromised his mission in any way. The man has space time abilities for fuck's sake. He could've easily teleported to see them and then go back to his business. In my opinion Kishimoto wrote SS in this ambiguous way to appease both the SS haters and the SS shippers. He knew SS fans were going to be happy with whatever he threw at them even if it was the absolute bottom of the barrel and he knew the antis were gonna have a good time using Gaiden to further tear the ship apart. This man is either terrible at writing romance either a huge troll who enjoys pitying his readers against each other. Or maybe both. And I assure you, I don't even hate SS, despite what I have written so far, nor do I ship something else. And Sasuke is also my favorite character. I'm indifferent to this pairing and maybe that's why I can have a more objective opinion on it than its shippers or its haters since I'm not biased due to personal feelings of either distaste or love for it. SS can be seen in both a good and a bad light, but to be honest the balance is more inclined towards the bad light.
This is just more of the stuff that I've heard plenty of times before. I'll firstly preface this by saying that I'm very highly critical of Gaiden because it included pointless drama for the sake of pointless drama. It's execution was horrendous to say the least, but I'll always still appreciate the message that Kishi was trying to relay. However, I will always take issue with those who defend the notion that Sasuke doesn't love Sakura. Hence, the following.
You don't see people arguing if Minato loved Kushina or not or if Dan loved Tsunade or not. You don't. The fact that there are so many people arguing whether Sasuke loves Sakura or not, and many people believing he doesn't is just proof that Kishimoto failed somewhere or else there wouldn't be this much controversy surrounding this matter.
Minato wasn't drowning in hatred due to a supernatural phenomenon which cause him to push away love in favour of the darkness. Dan wasn't made to undertake a preposterously long mission while intending to keep everything about it confidential. Why on earth do people think they can just compare any random relationships to SS's and go "well look at this couple! Why couldn't SS have been more like them?". Well here's your answer - Because their situations were nothing alike. But why do people constantly believe that those relationships are the only models for what a loving relationship can be? The struggles that Sasuke and Sakura faced during Gaiden were not due to issues with each other, but rather, they were shown facing hurdles which they overcame together. They were perfectly happy with each other, and not once did their dedication to one another ever falter during Sasuke's mission. Just because the couple faced hard times does not mean their bond is any weaker. On the contrary, the fact they they faced those hard times together and came out of them just as strong if not stronger than before, is a testament to the strength of the relationship.
You wanna know what I don't see? I don't see people questioning Neji and Hinata's relationship despite Neji trying to kill her during the Chuunin Exams. I don't see people questioning Hiashi's feelings towards Hinata despite essentially disowning her because he deemed her to be a failure. I don't see people questioning Gaara being the Kazekage despite him previously being feared as a killing machine who slaughtered many innocent people, by the very same villagers who now respect him as their leader. I don't see people questioning why Kabuto was trusted to become the head of the Orphanage and taking care of the future of the village, despite being a notorious war criminal. No, but of course people will question SS right? Despite them just being another example of the same theme.
It's either Kishimoto implying Sasuke does not love her, either Kishimoto intending to portray his idea of a good relationship/loving husband through SS and failing miserably.
Kishi flat out said, that the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal. He's not implying anything, and if he truly failed at depicting this, then SS wouldn't have consistently proven to be the most popular canonised pairing for years following the manga's ending.
Sasuke did not look happy when he saw Sakura in Gaiden first time after 10 years of absence.
And you think that's indicative that he doesn't love her? Are you serious? The entire time, Sasuke was very clearly shown to be aggravated because people who weren't supposed to be at his and Naruto's secret meeting place kept showing up. He didn't look happy when first meeting Naruto either, despite not seeing him for just as long. So what? You think that means he doesn't care about Naruto either? He was aggravated that Sarada was there because she was supposed to be in the village safe from all this, he was annoyed with Naruto for allowing the kids to follow him in the first place, and yeah, he didn't jump for joy when seeing Sakura because again, she was meant to be watching over Sarada in the village. One of the biggest incentives for his secrecy was to keep Sarada safe, and everything that was happening then, was the opposite of that.
He couldn't even bother to send a letter to her and Sarada to let them know he was alright and thinking about them during this period. And no, please don't come at me with that bullshit excuse that he didn't keep in contact because he wanted to keep the secrecy of his mission and did not want any private information to leak and that's why he was only keeping in contact with the Hokage or whatever. No one says that if he ever bothered to write them he had to go into details about his mission. He could've just told them he's alright, that he misses them and hopes they're fine and that would've been great too and wouldn't have compromised his mission in any way.
You can call it a "bullshit excuse" all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that this is the reason that was given. But it's like people just refuse to acknowledge the fact that Sasuke admitted that he had made a big mistake, and refused to allow Sakura to apologise because he knew that he was the one at fault:
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I mean what? Do people think that Sasuke has to be perfect or something? Is he not a human who makes mistakes just like everyone else? Sasuke knew that he took his secrecy too far, he hadn't anticipated the adverse affects his absence would have on Sarada, and he apologised for his mistake. Why? Because he cares, for goodness sake it's not hard to comprehend. I seriously would have never thought that people would actually question whether or not he loves his family. Why would Kishi promote a loveless marriage in his manga aimed at young boys? It just boggles the mind. If Sasuke didn't care about them, he wouldn't have thought he did anything wrong by his lack of contact with his daughter. I emphasise with his daughter because Sakura was still somewhat in contact with Sasuke as she was kept informed of what he was doing.
In my opinion Kishimoto wrote SS in this ambiguous way to appease both the SS haters and the SS shippers.
Why would Kishi care about appeasing the same fans who harassed him so badly following the manga's conclusion, that his editior had to respond in broken English and basically tell those entitled children that the story doesn't belong to them? I'll reiterate that there's nothing "ambiguous" about their relationship, nor is Kishi implying anything. Gaiden made it crystal clear, that the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal, there's nothing ambiguous about that statement, there's nothing ambiguous about Sasuke giving Sakura the forehead poke, and there's nothing ambiguous about Sasuke flat out clarifying that his heart is connected to Sakura's.
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