#it's really not that deep tho lmao dw. dw dw; it's all fun and games. but yeah <3 (Or Is It? >;3c)
so i finished the rough draft of ch 66, started in on 67 while i had Ideas Going™️, and Realized:
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tell me, my dear silent hill GOOMT readers: does this strike fear into ur hearts or do i have to work harder on that <3
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
1. from now on i will just start thinking that sandrone is actually the name of the ruin guard lol he is indeed a big guy
and speaking of xiao! baby's name actually doesn't mean small (it's written with a different character), according to the liyue archon quest i think his name means swiftness, but it sounds homophone to the word that actually means small (which still reads xiao) so ye xiao smol bby uwu
1.1. not to thirst on main but new dottore can do with me as he pleases LMAO
is he evil? oh yes. but like, as a scara simp, can i really judge? of course i can't. and he is so damn hot so, yeah.
pantalone pantalone i can't wait to know his real name so i can stop calling him that and laugh. but i agree, slimy bastards with a oh so clear evil personal agendas make my heart go all soft :'
also funny story about my pulls!!! in my quest to c6 heizou i did like 20 extra pulls to get him, failed to get him, and got qiqi instead. which, i mean, i was happy about because yay!!! early guaranteed for the sumeru boys!!! but then i did an extra 20 pulls and oh well, i got kazuha. so now i have a c2 kazuha and c6 heizou is still not home lol. hopefully he'll come home soon sigh (but if i get an early 50/50 lost again i mean i won't complain)
2. ohohoh soft pastel blue so cute!!! <3
i'm more of an intense blue kind of shade, like that deep greenish blue colour the sea gets on a sunny day, so it's perfect! we can actually be irl xingqiun :33
and speaking of irl, i mean, if you ever happen to come to italy you're more than welcome to say hi and get your full course italian dinner (with gelato, our gelato is like the best in the world i take no criticism) like we do with friends on nights we have an empty house lol
2.1. oooh snow, snow!! i like snow, when it snows here (like once every five years :')) i always get excited like a child. tho like, what i like most about snowy days is staying at home with hot chocolate and a book ahah
also dw, we can be equally bad at taking compliments together, i don't fare much better :'
3. giant strawberry! and also by quoting that movie you like unlocked my childhood :' hhh although i am rather smol so like, i'd be a rather lil giant strawberry :33
speaking of strawberries, i will now go and fetch my cold strawberry tea, as it's starting to be late and i want to go sleep with something sweetish
here it's so freaking hot so i'll hope you're not succumbing to heat as well :' in any case, remember to always drink a lot! summer is a season where you can have all sorts of delicious cold drinks, so that's good :3
buonanotte bunny, have a great every hour of the next days :33
lots of hugs,
- 🍓
1. Swift, small lil baby that I will give kisses to. Squish his cheeks and pet his hair mwah mwah sweet baby of mine <3
1.1. I so get it. Like yeah he did bad things and he’s a bad guy but isn’t that his appeal in the first place,,, evil geniuses own my heart I guess,,, corrupted albedo <33
1.2. Heizou has just been avoiding me like the plague, I’m trying to get cons for him and he just,,, won’t come,,, I’m gonna get Kazuha again at this point before he comes. Not complaining,,, but still. Tbh, little ramble time, and some context
I have three servers I play on and they’re all very different. Europe is my main one with Kazuha, Albedo and others (these two are my main units and never leave the team, I literally can’t function without Albedo’s flower sometimes,,,)
The second server, american one, I have Hu Tao, Ayaka and now Itto as the main units (ayaka is kind of interchangeable but itto has become kind of permanent) and I really, REALLY, want Heizou cons for this server. I don’t mind not getting Kazuha because I play these servers for different experiences, different comps and characters that make the game more interesting and fun so I’m not doing the same thing, but I swear I’ll just get Kazuha again before that stupid detective gives me just ONE of his cons OTL
2. I would love that, the fact you offered something like that means a lot to me, and maybe one day if I’m in Italy and I don’t feel too awkward, I may take your offer up on that if you’re comfortable with it <3 (btw that intense sea blue is still a very beautiful colour, you still have good taste !!) Xingyun supremacy :,)
2.1. I actually had to read back my last ask to see the context behind this lmfao but anyway snow is my favourite weather, I love watching it from my window and love being out in it when it first falls. And making fresh footprints in the snow is the most satisfying thing on this planet I take no criticism.
3. I’ll just imagine the strawberry from the movie, and I’ll carry you around while you ramble about Scara and tea and your au ideas and all the other things you find interesting, I’ll be happy to just listen <3
4. Good fucking lord no I’m not doing well at all with this heat but I’ll be okay I think. Strawberry cold tea sounds so refreshing, I hope it cooled you down and I’ll get a drink of my own now :,)
ti voglio bene, mio dolci amico <33
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ bokuto, tendō, matsukawa & suna
tw ♡ gn! reader, timeskip! bokuto (all sfw tho), swearing, reader wears makeup (matsukawa), swearing, mentions of death & food 
cred ♡ thanks to anon for this request <3
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♡ he was literally counting down the days to your birthday, he even took the day off practise to celebrate it with you so imagine his surprise when the special day finally rolls around and he wakes up to an empty bed
♡ at first, he thought that perhaps you were just around the house somewhere but nope, the place was completely empty and even worse, all signs pointed to his theory that you had gone to work/school on your birthday 
♡ outraged. he was absolutely outraged. 
♡ firstly, he tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up, even after his many attempts so his next resort to call your place of work/school reception 
♡ obviously he managed to get a hold of you then-
♡ he was originally gonna yell about how you lied to him about taking the day off on your birthday but there was no way he could be angry at you — almost ever — so instead, he made the quick decision of telling you to have a nice day before hanging up 
♡ you were kinda pissed that he wasted your time like that but how could you stay mad at him? he’s fkn adorable! he blew you audible kisses over the phone for good luck!
♡ you laboured your way through the day, putting in great effort yet through it all, the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted to just pass out on the couch with bokuto as soon as you got home. you weren’t even sure if you had the energy to change into your pjyamas.
♡ however, when you finally did arrive home, there was no need to put yourself through the onerous task of changing clothes as the first thing you were greeted by when you stepped foot in your own home was a chorus of cheers of ‘surprise!’ followed by people spilling out into the foyer from the kitchen and living room 
♡ then there was bokuto, the loudest of them all leading the crowd, blowing into the party horn while dashing up to, throwing his arms around your shoulders to pull you into a tight hug, ‘happy birthday, sweetie!’
♡ a light gasp escaped your lips at the sudden hoots, and the unfamiliar — and frankly uncomfortable — sight of many friends swarm towards you had you on edge but when you felt bokuto wrap you in his warm embrace, you knew you were home
♡ he held you close until you were forced apart by many guests tearing you away to personally wish you a happy birthday
♡ now that the initial shock had died down, you noticed that there wasn’t as many people present as you thought, it was a humble gathering of all your closest friends 
♡ there was a massive pile of bright-colored gifts lying on the stairs, and it was hard not to immediately acknowledge them as the sheer mass and number of the presents scattered across the steps prevented anyone from being able to go upstairs
♡ the following day, you were made aware of the fact 90% of those presents were addressed from ‘your best ace husband ;)’ which was pretty straight-forward considering you only have one husband; kiyoomi sakusa. 
♡ jokes, you married bokuto but sakusa was also at the party. he originally just wanted to drop off his gift then leave but bokuto persuaded him to stay, though he seemed to be regretting it now as almost everyone at the party now shared an unspoken goal to slam sakusa’s face into one of the cupcakes that decorated the circumference of your cake
♡ speaking of the cake, bokuto remembered what type of cake was your favorite from the wedding planning and he was so chuffed with himself. in fact, he was so confident in his cake picking ability that he ordered a massive 3-tier monster of a dessert 
♡ neither of you would be able to finish it before it goes bad so you ended up cutting it up into pieces  and sending each guest away with a little goody-bag with a slice of cake inside lmao 
♡ once you had finished your goodbyes and everyone had filed out of your home, you flopped onto the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. well, it was only a sigh for a few moment as it became a wheeze when bokuto laid down on top of you 
♡ ‘happy birthday, (y/n). i’m sorry if i tired you out.’ he hummed, fiddling with your fingers as his lips curled into a shaky smile
♡ ‘i’m a bit sleepy but i had an amazing time. thank you so much, kō.’
♡ bokuto smiled, his heavy lid falling shut as he finally rested his neck, being able to fall asleep comfortably now that you’ve told him that you had fun
♡ unlike bokuto, he’ll actually mention your birthday a few weeks prior to the celebration so he can plan the perfect date :3
♡ ‘so do you wanna go to the aquarium or the theme park? because i know we’ve went to the park before but they remodelled it apparently. plus, maybe the aquarium is a bit underwhelming for such a special day, but it’s up to yo--’
♡ ‘we won’t really get to spend much time in either. if you consider the time school finishes, the train ride and the time the aquarium and park closes so maybe we could just chill at my house instead.’
♡ tendō deadpanned for a moment, the most unamused look taking over his features until he suddenly burst out laughing, cackling as if you just told the joke of the century, ‘seriously, (y/n)? you’re gonna go to school on your birthday.’
♡ ‘yes, of course.’ you replied in all seriousness, resulting in tendō awkwardly beginning to stifle his chuckles.
♡ he frowned, slumping back into the seat beside you, ‘c’mon, it’s your birthday, though! you deserve the day off.’
♡ you shook your head, kindly declining his suggestion, ‘i have a test on that day.’
♡ ‘all the more reason to ditch!’
♡ now it was your turn to deadpan
♡ tendō tossed his head back while letting out a sigh  of defeat, draping his arm around your shoulder to lovingly pull you to his chest, ‘alright, then. whatever you want, dear.’
♡ you smiled, glad that you didn’t need to disagree with him any longer — and you were even happier on the day. even though you insisted that he keeps things small on your birthday, he still managed to find a way to make things extra asf by getting you a massive plush that was about half the size of your stature and a hamper of homemade chocolates ><
♡ honestly, he’s never been the best at giving gifts but he tries extra hard for you 
♡ like if you off-handedly say that you are cold during class, he’ll buy you a bunch of new jackets, jumpers and gloves
♡ or if you say you need more mascara, he’ll buy you exact same one you usually wear 
♡ he’s observant enough to notice and remember the exact shade and brands of all your cosmetic products but he’s not observant enough to pick up on the subtle hints you drop as to what you want for your birthday 
♡ you can never guess what he’s gonna get you and that adds to your anticipation for the day 
♡ if your birthday is on a school day, he’ll bring in a batch of homemade cupcakes (which hanamaki helped him with) and stick a candle in one of them for you to blow out 
♡ he offers you one but they are all pretty stale- just smile and nod while your teeth feel like they are being shattered trying to bite down on the cupcake 
♡ it might set off the fire alarm but oh well, just count that as another present
♡ oikawa will probably get you something like a bouquet and try flirt with you so at that point, matsukawa and hanamaki begin using the cupcakes as weapons 
♡ they are a two for one deal so you’re going to be spending the day with both of them tailing you like lost puppies
♡ (requester specified) your birthday is on the same day as his so ofc he’s going to be a little salty abt it 
♡ you both created a game to see who receives the most birthday wishes and whoever won gets ¥1500 from the loser’s birthday money
♡ for the past few years, he’s usually been the winner by just a few but this year, you made it a point to befriend all him teammates in order to ensure victory 
♡ having to pretend to be friendly with atsumu — who wasn’t very good at hiding his massive crush —was definitely a challenge but you powered through 
♡ in fact, you may have played the role too well as both the miya twins gave you a gift 
♡ osamu gave both you and suna a plastic bag filled with some food he made and water bottles
♡ as for atsumu, his gift to you was a massive hamper filled with an assortment of many different luxury confectionary which didn’t look cheap at all but it didn’t feel appropriate to question the price so you simply took it from him with a bright smile
♡ of course, suna was excited (and very hungry) as he expected the same gift but he was more than disappointed when all he received was a bag of chips and a slap on the back
♡ he goes out of his way to tell every teacher it’s your birthday in hopes that they’ll make the class sing happy birthday to you 
♡ but it pisses him off to no end when you add that it’s his birthday too so he ends up getting roped into your misery 
♡ also your thumbs are going to be sore at night swiping through all the various candid pics that suna took of you throughout the day (in less than flattering poses) which he uplaoded to almost all of his social media stories with stupid ass captions 
♡ but dw bc he’ll eventually post a nice photo of you with a sweet message
♡ ‘happy birthday to @(y/n) . i would die for you, bitch (even though you annoy the hell out of me every single day 🤠).’ 
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skzfairies · 3 years
sooyoung’s relationship with nct dream!
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✿ mark
he was actually the first one to introduce himself to her in the dreamies
he was really sweet towards her but wasn’t like, over the top, he was kinda chill yk
and that just made her feel so comfortable because she had so many worries about joining nct dream as a girl, she knew monique would also be there, but they weren’t in the same unit so it was very nerve racking for sooyoung
and this girl was like, 15 and she was being thrown into debut suddenly with a bunch of boys, and it was very overwhelming
but mark assured her that it was all okay, and that everyone wanted her there, and that she deserved to be here
if she was ever having any problems with anything, he would always try his best to help her out, or direct her to someone he knew would help her
and now they are the bestest friends, sooyoung admitted that out of the members he feels like an older brother the most to her :D
their always goofing off or messing around, but not like bouncing off the walls together, they just make jokes to each other and burst out laughing
they have so so many inside jokes omg
and whenever they randomly make eye contact, they would always burst out laughing, they literally can NOT be serious around each other ....
mark is basically the reason she knows so much english 😭 she literally just repeats whatever he says and then studies it later....that’s basically how she learned lmaooooo
✿ renjun
renjun ALWAYS clowns her, like she could just be breathing and he would make fun of her (all jokes ok he loves her)
and she’s just like .... did i ask
but she always gets him back :D
she doesn’t roast him, but rather she EMBARRASSES him
if renjun teased her a lot in a video that was uploaded fhat day, she would go on vlive and tell a VERY embarrassing story of renjun and go in COMPLETE detail and then she’s done she’s like “how are you guyssss?”
once renjun saw that she was doing that and he went to where ever she was and complained about it and she just laughed at him while he was begging her to stop 😭
they love each other i promise
they also play fight a lot, like they could just randomly be hanging out in the living room and they would just randomly start fighting each other until they called a truce
sooyoung always wins ☺️, you gotta learn a few tricks if you spend the majority of your time with seven boys
also, when sooyoung got confindent and comfortable with speaking some mandarin, she randomly started speaking it renjun
and he was SO touched like 🤞 he was in shock he was like “when did you- how- what?” and she was just like “ i wanted to learn some so i can talk to you and chenle, i don’t know much but it’s a start!”
and renjun just hugged her, he didn’t know what to say and he was like I LOVE THIS GIRL SO MUCH
no bcuz sooyoung literally deserves the world okay shes so sweet
and renjun would teach her and help her practice when he saw her studying and they just have little conversations with each other in mandarin, and it’s so cute hehe
oh yeah stargazing is a thing for them heeh, when neither of them can sleep because their stressed or it’s just not happening, they both go outside and attempt to watch the stars, even if you can barely see them since their in the city :/
✿ jeno
they stay up so late playing games whenever they are off and always regret it in the mornings 😭
when she first started playing games w him she was rlly bad and jeno would always beat her and he was SO SMUG ABOUT IT and he was like “haha loser💪”
and sooyoung being the hard worker she is, she practiced her gaming skills for a few months and watched a ton of vids and jeno would ask her to game and she was like “no, not yet.” “i’m kidding your not a loser!” “i’m not playing w u until i can beat ur ass!”
and then a few months later she finally asked him to play
and jeno was like YAY ☺️☺️
and he kept on hyping himself up,,, and then sooyoung beat him
she ended up beating him 4/6 times they played 🤞
and sooyoung was just like :))) it’s okay jeno, maybe next time!” and she skipped out of his room happily while jeno was still like :0
he sat there in shock for awhile...
song writing besties 🤞
he actually helped her a lot when she was first learning, and when she completed her lyrics she had him check them over
same for him, she would always read over his lyrics he written, and sometimes she recorded a guide for him !
they always bounce ideas off of each other whenever their stuck, and then their like “damn we rlly are big brain 🤞”
she fell in love with them, and his cats were instantly drawn to her
jeno has like 100 pictures of her w his cats he’s like :)) my childern
after meeting them sooyoung wont stop asking for asking for pictures of them or asking if their okay 😭
jenos like “do you love my cats more than me?“ and shes like “YUP:D”
✿ haechan
oh my gosh someone seperate them
these two are so chaotic omg
they are always coming at everyone’s throats omg
they roast the shit out of everyone 😭😭
whenever they are together there’s always loud laughing, BECAUSE HAECHAN IS JUST SO FUNNY OK
completly random but they look so cute and pretty sitting next to each other :D
haechan does tease her, but it’s not as much as the other members and she’s like :) “i’m special”
he’s always hugging on her and she either has two reactions:
if she’s sleepy and haechan throws himself on her she’s like ??? who tf is on me ??? and she looks so confused while haechan is moving around on her to get comfy and hes lowkey screaming and shes like 😳 i just woke up, and then she just goes back to sleep
if she’s wide awake she will scream and laugh and jokingly push haechan off of her until she gives up and just hugs back onto him, and she pats his head and goes “haechannie, your so cute :) i love you!“
its kinda a suprise that he’s older than her because he acts SO CUTE AROUND HER
and normally sooyoung would judge tf iut of u if you acted cute around her but wirh haechan she gets SO SOFT
like internally screams with haechan looks at her with a soft expression on his face because HE IS JUST SO CUTE AWH
another gaming duo <3
although it’s harder to beat haechan for her 😭😭
she’s only beat him like 5 times of the 6 years she’s known him 🤞
they also stay up late together, like they’ll be facetiming and they will litwrally just talk about ANYTHING and laugh their asses off
he lets her ramble about the random facts that she knows or the show she has been watching and jes just like :D your so cute, even if she repeated the same thing 2828 times or is not making any sense at all
haechan and sooyoung are so soft for each other 🤞
but they also arent afraid to roast tf out of each other 💪
✿ jaemin
these two are the sweetest omg
like they are SO CLOSE
and they are always together omg
like they always hang out in either one of their rooms and chill, it’s mostly her room tho because she complains about jaemins bed 😳
jisung feels like jaemin is his roomie too because he’s in there so much :0
dw sooyoung and jaemin are considerate 🤞
if jisung is sleeping and they wanna have a deep ass talk then jaemin will drags her to his room, because lets say jeno is a heavy sleeper (idk if he is but lets just say he is ☺️)
they are ALWAYS cuddling, like whenever she walked infront of his and he is sitting down, he’ll pull her to either sit next to him or his lap, it depends if cameras are around 🤞 and then once she’s sitting he’ll wrap his arms around her and just cuddle until they get uncomfortable lmao 😭
sooyoung will not fall asleep on any other member but jaemin, it’s just a thing idk, not that she’s not comfortable with the other members she just prefers to cuddle w jaemin since they cuddle so much hehehehe
whenever they are out walking in the streets and she’s tired she’ll grab onto jaemin’s shirt and he just down at her like :0 oh my god your so cute i just wanna protect ☺️, and he just puts his arm around her shoulder while she holds onto him :( i love them their relationship is so soft
ohhhhh jaemin made her go bike riding w him one day and she felt like she was going to DIE, her legs were so sore afterwards but jaemin was semi fine, and she was just like 😡i hate you.
she always asks jaemin to edit her photos for her, cuz she doesn’t know how hmph, and jaemin offered to teach her so she was like ☺️ okay so she sat in a chair next to him, and she ended up falling asleep.... whoops
jaemin was like “so you just do this to remove any- sooyoung?” and he looked down and sooyoung had her head against her knees, and she was OUT, like jaemin tried everything to wake her, so he ended up having to pick her up and put her on his bed while he finished editing her pictures 🤞
best boy jaemin YUP
i could write for AGES about them because i just love their relationship so so so much but all you guys need to know in summary is that they are such a soft friendship, they can always be seen cuddling together, they talk about almost everything, and their just besties :D
✿ chenle
01 liner babe’s yup !
they were close before debuting because they were close in age, and when they found out they were debuting they were like YESSS I KNOW YOU 😟😟
they call themselves twins hehe, even if they aren’t even born in the same month 😭
if they say they are twins, they are twins.
sooyoung also has a higher pitched laughed, so whenever they laugh, it’s VERY high pitched
also they love to randomly harmonize?
like they could just be sitting in the waiting room and then they would just sing in harmony and then go back to whatever they were doing :0
ohhhh and they LOVE doing tik toks together
they will do covers of dances together or those silly duo ones and it’s so FUNNY because they are both so chaotic and it’s so cute
they really killing everyone w their cuteness 😭😭😭
he was also so shocked when she spoke mandarin to him, even if it was just a little bit and kinda awkward because she had just been studying to for a few months (she started studying it in january 2021!) and he was like 😟😄😄
he also gave her a big hug but he was way more entergetic than renjun, he shook her back and forth and yelled in her ear, NOT ON OURPOSE
he was just excited 🤞🤞
ohhhh they also post lil duets together :D and it’s so CUTE
like their both bare faced in a dim lit vocal room and one of them is playing the piano, and they just sing, and it’s so raw and beautiful, OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM
vocal icons
✿ jisung
at first he was kinda shy around her, since hes normally shy around new people
and sooyoung was like, i understand, but shes an extrovert so she tried her hardest to be friends with everyone and talk to everyone, and jisung was like ???? how are you so talkative ???
the first thing he ever said to her was “your shirt’s cool, i like shinee subaenim too!” and it was really quiet and sooyoung was like “thanks ☺️”.
she was wearing a shinee tshirt btw, she’s a big shawol 🤭
they eventually got close though, i mean your bound to be when your with them all day yk
but sooyoung was so soft and gentle w him and reassuring him that it’s okay that hes a lil shy and he just felt comfortable around her, even if it was kinda hard to have conversations
now their inseparable!
she always laughs whenever he breaks something, but she always grabs it and sees if she can fix it for him, while laughing
for the first few years of their debut jisung was like her lil bro, she would always tease him or fool around him
and now its the reverse 😭
jisung always roast her or teases her, and it’s so subtle she would just laugh whenever he said something and then after awhile she realizes what he just said so she’s like ... ☺️😟😳😕
jisung always pats her head when she has her mouth open after he teases her, and is like “hehe, love u”
“sure you do jisung, sure you do.”
she gets him back by blasting twice or shinee and dancing on her bed until jisung gets out of bed and turns it off 😭
she never does that when he’s sleeping because she doesn’t actually wanna make him mad 😭
they have never fought and she’s not willing to loose that streak
jisung compared their hand size once and it litteraly made sooyoungs hands look like a baby hand and she was like ... i hate it here
now he always asks for a high five and then he laughs because of the size difference
and she gets SO MAD
“stop falling for it 🤷‍♂️”
jaemin actually had to hold her back from running after him after he teased her
not that she would hurt jisung....she would just hit him a few times
jaemin scolds her for fighting the members he’s like “we do not condone violence in this household!”
then she goes “condone violence my ass! just let me flick him.”
jaemin doesn’t let her flick him 😭😭
she does it before jisung goes to sleep tho 💪
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kvgehiras · 3 years
can i request sleepover hcs with trickstar (separate)? i feel like they would be so much fun to be with... the new shuffle unit really woke up my inner trickstarP 🥺 (hope it's not too much to request all 😭)
HELLO !!! nd no it's ok !!!! it took me some time bcs i didnt . rlly know how to start out hokuto's part BUT IT'S DONE NOW !!!!!!! (also i hope u meant it in a setting where y/n nd the members r in a relationship (separately ofc) bcs that's how i wrote it so ye) hope yall like it ~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• he probably brought up the idea while u were accompanying him on a walk w daikichi
• u were talking abt how u brought these glow-in-the-dark stickers nd they remind u of him
• "it would b so nice if u could see it omg!!! but .... it's the best when u watch it right before u go to sleep.....nd ur probably busy :(("
• nd ur just like :0 bcs u cant believe this dumbass . he has a live to perform in day after tomorrow but he's gonna have a sleepover........what
• "dw abt my live !!!!!!! ill tell hokke nd the others that i can't come today but i'll practice extra hard tomorrow !! they'll understand dw (*・∀-)☆"
• they didn't.....actually...but he cut the call on hokuto before they could get him to attend so uh-
• "anyways!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^"
• yall bring daikichi over too. it's not even a question daikichi is literally yalls child at this point but anyways
• he probably looks for board games for a good hour or two while u get some food for daikichi nd then get some food for subaru nd urself
• (he doesn't find it)
• u peek at the doorframe bcs for a while u keep feeling like someone has been watching u for a while now nd then boom . u see the other baby (read : subaru . main baby is daikichi, ofc!) pouting at u
• u laugh nd wipe ur hands on ur apron before ruffling his hair nd he goes
• "i can't find the board games :((((( y/n :(((((("
• surprise guessing game : whos the actual puppy? akehoshi subaru or his actual dog daikichi??????? it remains a mystery
• anyways u help him look for them nd after u hand him over the thing u get food for the both of u nd force him to eat atleast a bite bcs this bitch is too busy trying to win against u in snakes & ladders 😭😭😭
• "subaru.....pls....the food is getting cold....."
• "no i Know im gonna win!!! the sparkly stars r my good luck!!!! i know it!!!!!!"
• he.... doesn't win .....for the 5th time....
• so manz just gives up, noms all the sandwiches visible (aka his portion bcs u alrdy finished urs an hour ago JDJDKDN)
• nd then sleeps, still sulking
• yes it ends up in u guys cuddling under the glowy stars
• nd subaru thinks that mayb losing against u isn't that bad after all (´꒳`)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike subaru, this was actually a planned one
• u both had homework to do, u especially had a test tomorrow nd subaru just ditched the rest of trickstar to go hang out w someone else instead of their practice so ┐(´∀`)┌
• hokuto appears at ur doorstep around 6:30pm, as discussed earlier
• "right on time!!!!!! so true hokke (´∀`)b"
• he chuckles a lil as he closes the door behind him nd takes off his shoes
• "(y/n) u keep sounding like that masked pervert whenever u say smthg like that pls"
• u laugh it off nd then get him to the living room, where u two get ur books out nd then start studying
• hokuto asks if uve studied any material before to which u quietly reply no nd hokuto just goes
• "oh, that's ok… i think it will be good practice for me too if i taught u all this, right? so let's start, hm?"
• HOKKEEEEEEE ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
• sasuga hokuto kyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• anyways !! u guys (finally) start studying now!
• except…..except ur alrdy falling asleep……
• hokuto doesn't even realise this till he looks over to his shoulder bcs wow it suddenly feels heavy! wonder why!
• nd then boom ur face is an inch away from his
• poor hokuto his face gets all red and his ears r burning nd when he realises that ur sleeping he just . freezes
• doesnt even move fucking muscle
• mentally too manz just checks out NDNDNDJDJKS
• poor guy he can feel how hard his heart is beating nd hes praying that u dont hear it nd wake up
• thank goodness ur a heavy sleeper……..nothing, nd i mean not even if boulder is dropped on u, can wake u up
• sasuga…..y/n……?
• anyways !!!!!
• u wake up at like . 2 or 3 am nd u find hokuto just closing his eyes shut, cheeks still bright red nd. WHYS HE SO CLOSE-
• o u fell asleep on his shoulder lol-
• u jerk back up nd apologise a million times for falling asleep even tho hes so desperately trying to teach u nd hokuto just tries to hard to explain that it's ok !!!!!!! (bcs he actually kinda . liked it . aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA)
• after much thought u guys just decided to go to sleep bcs ur too tired anyways so it's not like u would retain this info anyways
• nd it was a good decision bcs after waking up in the morning nd going thru his notes instead u actually aced the test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so true y/n !!!!!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• this one….. it's like . neither planned or accidental?????
• it just happened????? yk?????
• he called u suddenly in the evening bcs he went to this new game shop that opened near his place right
• nd hes just like !!!!!!! y/n!!!!!!! uve got to check this game out !!!!!!
• nd so u go to his place to play the game nd u see that he just has everything prepared so u get the snacks that u got for both of u on a plate nd get some juice from his fridge nd start playing the game
• nd the game is rlly good !!!!!
• from the graphics to the boss music, makoto rlly knows ur taste
• (he blushes nd thanks u all flustered too hehe)
• nd after switching consoles nd playing the game for over 3 hrs, yes it's a pretty huge game, u finally reach the boss battle!!!!
• nd this . this scares u
• uve seen ppl on the net say that this battle will absolutely End u . periodt
• u never rlly understood why but holy shit u now do
• uve been trying to win against this bitch for AN HOUR at this point . why cant he just die
• poor makoto is just cheering u on in the bg bcs u refuse to let him help
• "y/n….(;´Д`)...... it's ok bb…...i'll finish this up for u…. it's like 4am we have class tomorrow- wait no it's actually today-"
• "makoto No u always help me in games let me finally win smthg for u !!!!!!"
• nd u point at his forehead nd poke it several times as u make ur point
• "ill win for u !!!!! ok!!!!! this stupid boss can never be as strong as my love for u !!!!!! (*`へ´*) 彡3"
• nd hes just . looking at u all worried but he . he trusts u . so he lets u do it urself
• yes u lost even more times nd cried a lil out of frustration
• so at one point, instead of directly helping u, he just starts giving u directions nd at this point ur too tired nd exhausted to say anything so u just follow him
• (u also have ur head on his lap nd hes combing thru ur hair nd looking down at u like :') lmao what a lovebird)
• but when u actually beat the boss, finally, nd the screen says "win!" in huge yellow letters ur eyes go O.O
• nd u jump out of his lap, while he's still spaced out, combing ur hair nd hug him v tightly
• nd hes like ????? huh ???? wh wh wh ?????????
• nd u explain that u finally won nd u guys just rejoice lol
• then immediately fall asleep. both of u
• (u guys were late to school next day . sigh)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other three, this man was actually dragged to ur place
• why? u might ask
• so after u guys r done w school, nd when u check in w his fam too that hes gonna stay at ur place (nd also that he has almost no work today, ofc) u drag him to an arcade nd hes like ???
• "today is a rest day!!!!!! so no work at all!!!!!!"
• u said this while pouting a bit so mao mostly thought u were joking
• but even after going to the arcade, going to the shopping mall nd getting snacks, going to the fast food place u guys visit alot nd getting food from there, his brain doesnt catch on that ur indeed not joking
• until it's been 3 hours at ur place, ur having the dinner that u guys had bought from the fast food place while watching a random movie that was airing on some channel that his brain suddenly went
• 'i know they were saying that this is a rest day nd ur not allowed to work probably as a joke but bro…. i dont think it's a joke anymore'
• this is so sad f in the chat for mao lol
• but also he doesnt bring it up bcs ur forcing him to watch musicals w u (some of ur favs) nd he... actyally likes it?
• he hasn't felt so ….relaxed in a very long time now that he thinks abt it
• nd he has to thank u for it yk
• nd so after the musical marathon ends, as he thanks u, he kind of just goes on a rant yk
• abt how he's feeling
• he never expected for this to happen but u tell him it's ok yk
• nd while he shouldn't burden himself w so much work, ur always open to listen to his thoughts, opinions, random bs, anything !!!!!!
• for hours u guys just have a very deep talk abt how guys have been doing nd mao feels like hes so so glad that u did smthg like this for him
• yall also go to bed early bcs mao alrdy has a bad sleeping schedule (so let's not make it worse!!!!)
• nd in conclusion, it was a v good day! now yall do this whenever either of u r feeling down or get burnt out lol
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okayoonoh · 4 years
a/n: i honestly can’t believe i’ve gotten this far! i’m so happy that i’ve been keeping up with these and i hope you guys have been liking them so far!
here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! go and check it out! i have so many other parts written already :)
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he has three kids, all daughters. kim jia is the oldest, 3 years later, kim jieun was born, and 3 years after that, kim jiyoung was born.
(when jiyoung was born, jia was 6 years old while jieun was 3 years old)
KIM JIA: >> as a baby <<
she comes runner up in the position as calmest
she was so freaking chill like?
when jia was born, jungwoo saw his entire universe the second she opened her eyes and looked at her appa
you know how when jungwoo smiles, he looks like the little dumpling ?
that’s jia
she looks more like the dumpling then jungwoo does lol
jia was also pretty small when she was born
but that didn’t stop her!
when she gained weight, she mostly gained it in her belly and her face
she like was fine proportionally, but her belly was just so big lol
it honestly was the cutest
jungwoo nicknamed her mandu bc she was honestly just the sweetest little dumpling
she wasn’t shy when it came to her smiles
she was a little wary around strangers but that’s okay
jungwoo was honestly a really anxious dad
like he just would think that anything and everything can go wrong and he was just so nervous
but like jia took it easy on him dw
like if you had to leave for something for like a couple days
jungwoo would be so anxious about taking care of jia by himself
but then jia would just give her appa a pretty little reassuring smile
and he knew that he got it
jungwoo is honestly a really good dad
like naturally
he read a couple books and such
but a lot of his skills come naturally
he knew all of the things jia liked
he knew how to calm her down
she was honestly the worst with strangers
like if jungwoo or you had to leave the room
she would cry as if you left her forever
jia slowly learned that you guys still exist even if you leave the room haha
she was just so loving with her parents
>> as a child <<
she’s still just so chill dude
like obvi she’s a kid and when she gets excited, she’ll get excited
but she’s not like the “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” kind of kid
she’s more of a “woo”
she’s best friends with jeno’s oldest, lee juwon
juwon is a lot like his dad
he thinks that it’s so cool that jia is so smart
she’s kinda panicky lol
but juwon is just like weird with his humor and stuff
they still vibe together well tho
they both have the greatest smiles
like it’s one of those situations that they don’t have that much in common
but they just vibe so well together
she’s. so. smart.
jia is one of those people that school comes easy to them
like learning is just so easy for her
she was already learning really complex topics for her age
and she just kept wanting to learn more
she’s not super competitive with being top of the class tho
jia will tutor anyone who asks
even tho she’s smart
when she’s with juwon, they don’t make the best decisions
like if you send them to the store to buy more soy sauce or something
they’ll forget the soy sauce
but they’ll buy you like a pan or something
they once clogged the drain and turned the shower into a vertical bath tub
no one knows
it was HE double hockey sticks to drain tho lol
when juwon and jia play, they play hard
like jia is the type of girl to be covered bruises
and she won’t care
she’s a really good sister to all of her siblings
she doesn’t really boss them around
but she will use her older sister powers if one of them steps out of line
like if one of them annoys her while she’s studying or something
she’ll use her older sister voice
she rarely uses it tho lol
>> as a teen/adult <<
she’s so heckin smart dude
honestly, probably the smartest person in the entire group
she decides that she really enjoys helping people when they’re at their worst
and she becomes a orthopedic surgeon
like she achieves to be head of surgery in her hospital
even tho she’s a doctor, she still believes in all the medical myths lol
for example
if it’s really cold outside
and jiyoung is going out for a run
jia will make jiyoung where like 500 layers
jiyoung: “you literally just told me how that was a myth whY -- UNNIE I’LL BE OUT FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES I DON’T NEED TO WEAR MY SNOW COAT AND YOUR’S! IT’S NOT EVEN SNOWING.”
she’s so caring towards her siblings like it’s crazy
she’s proud of everything they do
jia watches every single one of jieun’s blogs
she watches every single one of jiyoung’s soccer games
she’s there for everything
jia doesn’t know what sleep is lol
she’s constantly studying and improving her skills as a surgeon
like even when she’s on vacation
she’s reading her books and stuff
her favorite place to study is qian fen’s cafe
she vibes so well in there
she’s honestly obsessed with her skin
lowkey a dermatologist at this point
jungwoo still occasionally calls her mandu lol
juwon is like one of the only people that knows how to get her to relax lol
she’s honestly a bit of a workaholic
jia can’t help it
she still cares so much about her entire family
she’ll get them in with the good doctors (discounts too)
whenever she’s overworked or overstressed, she goes home
being around family reenergizes her
she relates a lot with her dad
she’s honestly a mini version of jungwoo
if jungwoo can tell that she’s struggling, he’ll do the things he did to her as a baby
like seriously lol
he’ll find her plushy she had when she was a baby
and sing her the same songs 
it would make you cry every time because it was so gosh darn cute
KIM JIEUN: >> as a baby <<
also super chill
jieun was honestly so chic
like it would take a lot to make her smile
like if know rohui from return of the superman
like she had the brightest and goofiest smile
but jieun had to keep her chic aesthetic and couldn’t show emotions lol
even when jungwoo and you were jumping up and down making yourselves look ridiculous, she still won’t smile
when, and it was rare, she did smile, it was a big smile
she would give you guys the biggest smiles just so show how happy she is
she wasn’t a super playful baby lol
she was just so chic like idk what else to say lmao
when jieun was around her squad™ she would smile a bit more
but she still maintained her image
she loved to babble
jieun wanted to talk as soon as she could
she would talk even before she knew how lol
like omg imagine
so like you’re with jia for something and jungwoo wants to take a roadtrip with his little princess
she’ll babble the ENTIRE way
none of them are actual words other than “appa” and “eomma” 
and jungwoo would respond so well to everything 
like he would have actual conversations with her
jungwoo wasn’t as stressed this time around
it’s different with two kids tho
but it’s okay
he still kept those natural dad instincts 
jungwoo is so caring towards all of his children it’s just the sweetest
jieun honestly was just a chic baby 
>> as a child <<
she’s super feminine
like she loves all things pink
all things frilly and pretty
her favorite game was all games related to being a princess
she really was your family’s princess tho
jieun was so creative from an early age
and she was so artistic
like she took up drawing, sketching, etc. all from an early age
and she’s super talented with it too
jieun is in the squad of her, jaehyun’s son, jung leon, hendery’s middle son, wong liuwei, and haechan’s middle daughter, lee haeun
jieun is the calmest out of all of them
but they honestly can all be so crazy
generally, jieun is like the one who is trying to calm everyone down
but when she’s in the right mood, she’s right up there with them in crackheadedness
she speaks in tiny
she’s still super girly tho lol
she starts to get interested in makeup in this age
jieun didn’t really like playing with dolls and such
but she did enjoy playing with those makeup sets
she would do her makeup
your makeup
jia’s makeup
jungwoo’s makeup
jiyoung’s makeup
e v e r y o n e
she becomes obsessed with beauty
jieun is one of those girls who you’re like “yeah, she is a GIRL.”
and she loves it!
it’s just her aesthetic :)
>> as a teen/adult <<
she becomes a well known makeup artist
still super duper chic and artistic
she’s known for her colorful and technically perfect style
she does makeup for all of the models and celebrities of the group
like if they want to go for the aesthetic look, they go to her
and she does an amazing job
she’s so talented with all things dealing with beauty
hair, makeup, nails, e v e r y t h i n g
whenever she models for anything, she does her own makeup
her fashion sense is always trendy
jieun has a pristine self image and she tries to maintain it
guys hit on her all of the time lmao
she handles it so well tho
she looks them right in the eyes, as intimidating as possible, and takes a deep breath
she then uses words that don’t match with her image at all
but they’re so scary
like people would think she was a delinquent in her past life with all of the things she says
everyone in her squad find this kinda entertaining
she just gets annoyed because she hates creeps
even tho she cares a lot about her self-image, if someone is being weird around her friends, she’ll do the same thing she’ll do for herself
it usually shocks the dude so much
she can beat them up too lol
jieun is chic and stuff, but being in the squad, she learned how to fight
and she can take care of herself haha
jieun is pretty reliable
like if she makes an engagement, she won’t run from it
she does a really good in keeping up with everything
she gets along well with all of her siblings
jiyoung takes interest in fashion and jieun helps her out
honestly, jieun really is that girl and it’s just so cool
KIM JIYOUNG: >> as a baby <<
she’s been a soccer player from the start
she had such strong legs as a baby
like being pregnant with her was not a fun time
when she kicked, she kicked
even when she was born
her legs were just aching to start running
jiyoung was very similar to jia when she started gaining weight
except her legs were a lot more chubby than jia’s was
jiyoung was an early riser from the start
every day, you would begin by stretching out the little baby
that’s when all of her gigles were
stretching time was jiyoung’s favorite time
out of all of your kids, jiyoung was the most social
jiyoung was fine with strangers
and jiyoung would give you guys way more smiles than jieun did 
jiyoung just seemed constantly happy about life
it was a treat to see
in all physical things, she was advanced
literally the second she started walking, she was trying to run
she was just so active and wanted to explore the world
when she was a toddler oh no
you didn’t want to have to get one of those baby backpack leashes, but you had to
she was just too fast
even jungwoo couldn’t keep up with her 
she was so excited all of the time haha
nothing seemed to calm her down
she would be full of energy until she collapsed pretty much
jiyoung was such a happy baby tho it was honestly so endearing
>> as a child <<
super duper athletic
she kinda seemed intimidating if you didn’t know her
but she’s chill dw
she put all of her energy into sports and she excelled
jiyoung is so talented in all of her sports
but her favorite is soccer
mainly because her dad was so good at soccer, she loves how she can relate with him
she’s generally happiest when she’s playing sports
she enjoys being the baby of the family tho
jiyoung is pretty independent in most situations
but when she’s around her sisters, she changes lol
like a lot of people think that she’s super cool and independent and no one can hold her down
but the second jieun needs help with something, jiyoung is on her way ASAP
jiyoung wasn’t super needy or high maintenance
she would just appreciate everything you would buy for her
she had really tan skin because she was out in the sun tho
even tho it’s “against the beauty standard” to have tan skin
she embraced it
jieun, the beauty guru of the entire group, said that jiyoung and the best skin
jia is willing to fight ANYONE who makes fun of jiyoung’s skin tone
jiyoung embraced herself and loved herself from such an early age
she’s best friends with yuta’s youngest son, nakamoto itsuki
itsuki is also a soccer prodigy
they relate a lot with soccer
they honestly compliment each other so well
like itsuki is a little goofy and stuff
and so is jiyoung
they both are super tan and athletic too
they just were meant to be from such an early age
jiyoung wasn’t really into things that were super feminine tho 
she prefers “dirt over skirts”
jiyoung is such a hard worker
like she works through all of her sore muscles and everything
but she just does such a good job and maintains a positive attitude
>> as a teen/adult <<
a soccer player ™ 
she goes and plays professionally
she’s just so gosh darn athletic it’s so cool
she just genuinely enjoys playing soccer
jiyoung does have those days where she pushed herself too hard
but she just needs to see her family one more time to get back into the swing of things
whichever team she’s on, she becomes the face of the team
jiyoung honestly has the brightest smile and everyone loves it
when she speaks in any situation that’s not a soccer game, she speaks in tiny
but when she’s out on the field
she’s LOUD
she doesn’t know why she’s so quiet off the field but she just is lol
she starts to take an interest in fashion and such after establishing herself as a professional soccer player
jieun is like “dw jiyoung, i gotchu bb”
jieun knows her sister’s aesthetic and just rolls with it
jiyoung wears everything jieun tells her too
like even tho jiyoung has taken an interest in fashion, she sucks at choosing her own outfits lol
itsuki and jiyoung get together
everyone knew it was gonna happen lol
they were honestly soulmates from the second they met
athletic power couple of the century
if they have a match on the same night, they’ll wear the same color headbands and shoes
they do subtle things
like the even have customized cleats with each other’s names in them 
on their biggest game days, they wear those cleats
honestly, it’s the cutest
like ugh
i guess you can say that itsuki and jiyoung are goals *badum tssssss*
jungwoo just wants to be there for all of her matches
jiyoung makes sure that the two of you get season tickets to the best seats in the stadium
jungwoo is so happy whenever he sees all of his daughters happy and together
he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
junguwu really out here with the uwuest family of them all :,)
i hope you guys liked it! i was struggling a bit with these three because i knew how they were in my head but i just couldn’t put it to words haha
anyway, lucas’s family is next~
- amy <3
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serendipityseulgi · 6 years
soccer boy.
— lee jeno
・*:༅。 the one where you fall for soccer player jeno.
aka, a really cute headcanon :)
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so let’s make your best friend in this story our dearly beloved Mark Lee ™.
as your best friend he often tries to drag you to his soccer practices since soccer season has been coming up but you never rly got the chance to bc
p o i n t l e s s and b o r i n g
just kidding
you’ve just been super duper busy so you haven’t been able to attend
but AT LAST your schedule has finally freed and you get to see your bff in his element
so after school Mark’s dragging your arm onto the field and he’s all changed into his clothes and knee high socks with his new cleats that he made you buy with him
homeboi was so excited for soccer season
he’s dragging you on the field and all his teammates r giving him The Eyes ™ and the coach is all like
“Lee, is that ur girlfriend?”
and your eyes widened and he started fake gagging and you’re just about ready to scream
“no swearing, Lee.”
“sorry coach.”
but you’re literally retracting in disgust at the assumption bc
you love Mark more than anything yes, but he’s your bff and he’s just gross
anyways enough about Mark, let’s bring in Jeno.
so the moment you arrive on the field with Mark, Jeno instantly sees you
and he’s all **heart eyes**
he thinks you’re so pretty
and boom.
just like that,
he’s in love with you.
jk, not yet but he’s extremely interested in you and he's heard Mark talk about you a few times and from what he's gathered is that you’re super nice and smart and really funny and that you annoy Mark A LOT but that’s not important
so when Jeno sees you for the first time he literally loses his breath because what Mark failed to mention was that you were sO PRETTY
so you on the other hand are once again being dragged by Mark so he can introduce you to his teammates
you meet Jaemin and Donghyuck first, then Lucas, and a few other guys, but the last person you’re introduced to is Jeno
and when you meet Jeno
now YOU’RE the one in love.
and you notice his pretty eye smile, and his pretty face, and he has such a nice laugh
so there you go,
now you got a crush.
and if Mark finds out, then you’re in for hell of a shit show.
so you keep quiet and take a seat on the bleachers
now you promised Mark you’d come for him, which you did
but you couldn’t help but stare at Jeno
the whole time, might I add.
and you notice how .. freaking good he is??
see like i don’t know a lot about soccer but
this boy is scoring goals left and right
when he kicks the ball to pass it to another member it’s spot. on.
at a point he had to play in the position of the goalie and he managed to block every single damn goal???
you don't know
but what you do know is,
you're so impressed,, and it makes your heart go !!!!!
so about an hour and a half later the boys finish up and you go to meet Mark and he’s all like
“so how good was I doing?”
and you're all like “uhhhhh”
and he’s like
“you weren’t watching me were you.”
and you're like “I WAS AT FIRST.”
and he's not mad at all, because you've been to past practices before in the past many years you've been friends.
but he does question WHO you were watching because ..
if it wasn’t him then it was someone else on his team
you shrug it off and change subjects
but what you didn’t know what was that, while Jeno and Mark were taking breaks on the bench Jeno was asking so many questions about you
“Dude you didn’t tell me y/n was so pretty”
“Ew are you gross??”
“She's so ugly lmao.”
“Shut up she isn't.”
Mark is such a bitch but you know he's only teasing
anyways, he catches on to Jeno’s peaking interest in you
“You know, if you like her I can ask her about you.”
Jeno starts choking on his water as Mark starts patting his back.
“Wha- I don’t l-like her wha??t the ?? fuck ?? lmao stopnfnsns”
that’s enough indication that does in fact like you he's just too scared to admit it because he's only met you like .. half an hour ago and you guys talked for .. 30 seconds at most
on the way home Mark starts asking you questions about Jeno and you're getting hecka nervous bc ???
he wasn't supposed to know so soon ??
“Mark why do you keep asking me about him, I met him like an hour ago.”
“I’m just wondering what your opinion is on the guy, am I not allowed to ask questions?”
“well for your information, you nosy fuck, he seems really sweet and he’s really cute.”
“ah, noted.”
“noted for what??”
“lmao did i say that out loud?? lol dwbi.”
so of course you started freaking out because Mark is about to expose your ass
“Mark don’t tell him oh my god, don’t ruin my life!!”
“RELAX. i’m not.”
and so to your better judgement you trust that your best friend will do as he says.
(( spoiler alert: he doesn't ))
so for the next few days you’re forced once again by Mark to attend soccer practices
in turn, Mark gasses you up to Jeno and he gasses Jeno up to you
to Jeno:
“so as much as i want y/n dead sometimes, she’s a really good best friend. she cooks for me, she takes care of me when i’m sick, she can be kinda strict but she’s also super fun to be around, she likes to drag me to different places to explore and she loves going to new restaurants and she especially loves getting ice cream or donuts at 2 in the morning and then sitting on the roof of her car to talk. see, if you date her you’re in for a fun ass adventure ;)))))”
to you:
“Jeno is very dedicated to soccer but this boi is hecka smart, so friendly, he really likes going out and having f u n and he also enjoys volunteering at that daycare next to our school bc he likes kids, and YOU like kids and wow, he’s amazing-”
“are you sure you don’t wanna date him Mark?”
“stfu and listen to me bitch, he is very nice as well so I KNOW for a damn fact that he’s gonna treat u really well. and you know how protective i get when guys try to talk to you, but clearly i like Jeno enough to let him date you.”
after that, you two were instantly sold for one another.
sO, it’s thursday right, and after a practice Jeno taps you on the shoulder and is like
“s-so I heard you um, liked, ice cream,, do you maybe wannacomewithmeandgetsome?”
and you nearly combust on the spot bc JENO JUST ESSENTIALLY ASKED YOU OUT
on the inside ur like!!@$@$#%!
but on the outside ur like, “ya sure why not.”
so you go to Mark and tell him you’re going with Jeno and Mark just winks at you and tells you to have fun and aLSO “DON’T FORGET OUR FIRST GAME TOMORROW” before pushing you off to go with ur soon to be man ;)
so Jeno can drive which means he has his own car and he opens the door for you and you get in and it smells so CLEAN AND FRESH
(stan a hygienic king)
he suddenly pulls off his shirt and you're like o_o
and he’s like “oH MY GOD IM SORRY. force of habit?? I always change in my car.”
and you’re like “DW IT’S OKAY” like really, you’re not complaining
but anyways, he relaxes because the last thing he wants is to already make you uncomfortable and he's relieved he hasn't royally screwed this up
so you two drive to your local ice cream place and this boi pays for you
you told him it was okay but he refused 
so you guys go outside and the sun is starting to set and he helps you onto the hood of his car and he sits beside you
you guys start to talk
you tell him some stuff about your childhood, what subjects you liked in school, how Mark became your best friend,
all that Good Stuff
and then he begins to tell you about himself
he loves science and gym
hates math (but doesn't everyone tho lol)
he’s really close with his parents and he thanks them everyday for getting him into soccer
“My dad would play soccer with me when I was like 4, everyday he would take me out onto the backyard and set up a small net and I would play with him for hours until my mom would call us in for dinner, and then my mom noticed how good I was and she signed me up for a team and I’ve been playing ever since. They always encouraged me to get scholarships and to do my best, but only to do it so long as I was happy. And I think that’s why I love it so much is because they always made me feel confident about it and always encouraged me but they never pressured me to continue if I didn’t want to.”
you melt on the spot
and he would tell you what kinds of things he enjoyed doing other than soccer, and he, similar to you, liked going to new places and going on adventures 
“we should make a bucket list and go on adventures together”
“Mark might get a little jealous, but he’s always complaining, and I’ve spent too much of my life with him.”
Jeno laughed and your heart skipped a beat bc he has such a nice smile
“okay, we’ll make a bucket list.”
and so you do.
and now you have a whole list of things Jeno and you plan to do together.
you haven’t realized how many hours you’ve spent in the parking lot, laying beside each other on the hood of his car, your ice cream finished a long ass time ago
you check the time on your phone
it’s almost ten o’clock
you’ve spent nearly six hours with the kid, not that you’re complaining but you really need to get home bc school tomorrow
so he drives you home and you’re watching him
you realize right then and there that you’re in deep for the kid
when he drops you off you feel kinda sad but it’s okay bc he knows you’ll text him
“Thank you for tonight”
“Don’t thank me, I would do this again a million times.”
your heart? sNATCHED.
“You’re coming to the game tomorrow right?”
“Of course I am.”
he leans over and kisses you and you’re STUNNED
but you kiss back obviously and 
you’re kissing for a solid minute before he pulls away, and his eyes crinkle into that eye smile
“I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful.”
“see you tomorrow”
and you walk into your house with biggest grin on your face and you go to sleep so so so happy
sO IT’S FRIDAY the school is joining for their first soccer game
everyone’s hyped as fuck and you’re wearing your school colours.
you get front row seats bc ur special to now TWO boys on the team
before the game starts Jeno sees you
“okay, fun fact, i always do a lot better when you watch me during practice, so now you’re my good luck charm. oh and also, if we win this game, you're my girlfriend.”
and with that he runs off and you’re just O_O but again
you’re not complaining
so the game starts and
things are going rly well
but then Mark gets benched for nearly assaulting someone on the opposing side and Mark is one of the best players 
and a few of the other guys are benched to give the other players a chance in the game
you’re currently winning anyways so you don't worry too much
but then
no offence but now the sucky players are on
and now,
unfortunately, they’re losing by a lot
and you feel sad bc you know how hard these boys worked and also, Jeno’s words “if we win this game you’re my girlfriend”
they’re losing by a lot and you’re all in a slump and even tho the coach is starting to put back the better players they have a lot of catching up to do
it’s down to the last minute and you’re tied to the other team
you’re now feeling hopeless and everyone is on edge hoping for the best 
Mark is now put back on to play
he passes the ball to Jeno and Jeno iS DOING THE FUCKING MOST
and guess what??
and so you run down the bleachers and you’re screaming and you practically tackle Jeno to the ground but boi is strong as fuck so he catches you and you’re so glad he won that you just
KISS HIM in front of the whole school
and everyone’s like screaming too now
and you pull away and he’s like
“you’re my girlfriend now.”
and the last thing he cares about is how he score the winning goal, all he’s focused on is that YOU’RE HIS GIRLFRIEND NOW
so fast forward, you’re officially dating
you’re dedicated as fuck to going to every single soccer game, and as tradition, you, him and Mark will go out for ice cream or pizza
sidenote, Mark gets a girlfriend so y’all will double-date a lot but also when you and Jeno hang out alone Mark no longer complains that he’s being left out
you’re still BFFs with Mark tho,
after all, he is the reason why you and Jeno are together.
Jeno as a boyfriend is honestly the most amazing feeling. 
he is exactly how Mark described him to you, and after practices he’ll often take you to that daycare he volunteers at and you and him have a good ass time with the kids
one time he accidentally blurted out that he couldn’t wait to marry you and have kids of your own
of course he was embarrassed but you reassured him that you were perfectly fine with having that future
so he often talked about your future kids a lot
“-And our little boy or girl is going to be the next best soccer player. He or she will take after their mother’s good looks and their father’s amazing ball skills.”
you feel like your heart is going to burst
and Jeno will often take you out onto the field and try and get you to play soccer
you suck at it
but he enjoys spending time with you
and he’s so happy you’re wiling to do the things he loves
because yeah, soccer, and you (and school) are his biggest priorities
he begs his coach to make another jersey with his last name and number on it so you can wear it to his games
which you do
your coach lowkey loves you guys together so he does it
and Jeno forces you to take cute couple pictures with the jerseys and captions it something cheesy like “the two things i love” with your username and a soccer ball and heart emoji next to it
and Jeno has two soccer hoodies and he gives one to you because it smells like him and you LOVE the way he smells
and he loves the way you look in his oversized hoodie
OH and that bucket list you two made?
you complete every single one
and add more to it
every day is an adventure with him tbh
you two have so much fun
and you two have the best late night talks
you become each other’s lovers and best friends (shh don’t tell Mark)
you guys are so close
“All thanks to me fuckers” - Mark Lee, 2018.
Jeno loves you so damn much man
and you love him so much too
he makes you so happy
and you’re so glad that he came into your life
(thanks to Mark)
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