#ive made eggs twice and now i want to get up and roll up a mushroom omelet friend
witchblade · 1 year
i keep getting up all feverish and making eggs in various configurations
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cheapcheapfaker · 7 months
all i have been craving are the foods of my childhood but a lot of those are very difficult to acquire at this point. for example, as an after school snack one of my favorite things to eat were these twice baked mashed potato boats in these little blue paper sleeve cups. you got 2 in one package at the dollar store from the frozen section and the cheese ones were my favorite. but ive gone to all the dollar stores and even that cursed dollar general where most things are not a dollar and god even the dollar store is a dollar twenty-five nowadays and they’re nowhere to be found. I want buttered noodles but specifically the leftover dollar store egg noodles from last nights dinner sprayed with gobs of ‘i can’t believe its not butter’ and doctored up with the Italian spices, red pepper flakes and parm packets from the local pizza place and i wanna watch is spin slowly in the microwave in a red-tinged tupperware. I want a Celeste pizza on a metal round disc which i can still find but they got rid of the metal disc so the crust isn’t the same and instead of sixty-four cents they’re like, fuckin two bucks for the tiniest pizza in the world, and I ain’t payin that. I want a Wawa breakfast sandwich which i can get but would it be the same if it’s not the ones bought by my grandfather, who used to get up early to grab the paper and drive over in the crown vic to clear out the entire Wawa hot sandwich section by getting five hash browns and at least one of every type of sandwich like some sort of south jersey noah’s ark, even though only three people were eating? he’s gone now and I’m no longer eleven, twelve, thirteen waking up at ten am to “good morning, morning glory,” with the comics picked out and laid next to my plate and the shmorgasboard of pork roll and sausage and scrapple sandwiches. they don’t even have the small wawas anymore. i just made a bowl of cereal today. i’m still hungry.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: I'm currently going through a Harry Potter fever ('tis the damn season), so I thought I'll write something. I might write more of this story, (maybe turn it into a multipart) we'll see. If you'd like to be tagged in this, let me know.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I had always supposed that reaching the sixth year at Hogwarts meant subjects would get way more demanding and complex, and I to be proven right, only two weeks in were needed.
Added to the usual difficulties, we would be hosting The Triwizard Tournament. Having the castle be almost twice as crowded as the other years, when all you crave is a quiet spot to study, wasn't ideal.
As I said, the first two weeks were already hard enough.
During the third week though, believe it or not, things got even worse —and our guests hadn't even arrived yet.
The Slytherin common room was quieter than the library these days, that's the sole reason why, at 3:35 pm, my best friend and I were already making our way there.
To our luck, we arrived just in time to see the two redheaded troublemakers par excellence high-fiving each other besides my common room's entrance.
"What on Merlin's beard are you two doing here?!" Both of them jumped at the sight of two Slytherins.
"The question is what are YOU doing here?" One of them questioned back, probably attempting to distract us. "You two should be in the library."
"What did you do?" I squinted my eyes at them and, while one raised his hands in surrender, the other just shrugged.
"Nothing." He motioned at our door nonchalantly. "If you don't believe me, check it yourself."
My friend and I shared a reluctant look, and before I could say anything, she was heading to the door.
"Mathilda wait—" I gasped when she sunk into what appeared to be the stone floor.
"Okay now, I wasn't expecting her to actually do it." When I attempted to step forward, a hand on my forearm prevented me from it.
"Don't step further." He warned. "Just in case."
"I'm not stupid." I hissed before grabbing my wand, which made the tall redhead back off. "Revelio." Slowly, a swamp was revealed to be where the entrance hall to the Slytherin common room was supposed to.
Now that it was visible, both twins hurried to get my friend out of their giant prank.
"Get rid of this." I ordered as they pulled her up, her bottom half covered in mud.
"Pffft... no?" One of them scoffed, walking away from Mathilda and stepping closer to me. "It's a masterpiece. It stays."
"If it stays, I will throw you into your masterpiece." I threatened, putting my wand back in my pocket.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try."
I glared at him, partially because I hated that cocky attitude these two —specially him— always exhibited, but also because I had to look up in order to make eye contact.
"Listen Weasley,"
"It's Fred." Oh what would I give to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
"I don't care." Refusing to step back as he clearly wanted to achieve by towering me, I stepped forward, lightly pushing him back with one hand. "You will remove this from here or I will walk right now to the Potions Classroom and split on you."
The twins seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes only. After a moment of silence, the one with my friend spoke. "We'll get rid of it right now and you won't say anything." I nodded, my eyes still fixed on Fred's. "Just so we're clear, this was not set up for you."
"The next one will be, though." Fred assured me with an almost wicked smile. "I'll make sure you can't use the revelio on it."
"Is that a promise, Weasley?" I asked in an unconsciously defying tone.
"You can be sure of it, Y/l/n."
"It's Y/n." I retorted, mocking him.
"I don't care." I rolled my eyes when he did the same, finally breaking eye contact with him.
"C'mon Thilda," I held out my hand to her "let's see if someone can sneak us into the Ravenclaw common room."
"You think Fred meant it?" Mathilda inquired, the worry slipping through her words as she played with her breakfast.
"I doubt so." Angelina, who was sitting in front of us, replied without even looking up from her quidditch history book. "They seem more trouble than they are, really." I scoffed; it was easier for her to say that; she was a Griffindor after all. "Deep down they're nice sort, Y/n. They won't pick up on you for ruining a prank."
"I don't trust them."
"I'm not saying you have to—" Angelina jumped slightly when a wad of paper hit my face.
"You were saying?" I grunted, making eye contact with the red haired boy waving at me from the Griffindor table.
When I opened the wad, it read:
'miss me? —Fred ;)'.
"Look at his smug face." I hissed. "I'm gonna-"
"Ignore him. You're gonna ignore him." Angelina finished, fairly unconcerned. "I assure you he'll get bored in less then two days if he can't get a reaction out of you."
For the sake of having breakfast in peace, I only dedicated him a fake smile and did as my friend said. It seemed to work, until it was time to leave for class.
"We should get moving." Mathilda spoke, putting her plate aside and picking up her things as I did the same.
"I have a free period now." Angelina informed us. "Or as free as it can be. You?"
"Divination. Y/n?"
"Charms— Fuck." I whined as something dawned on me. "Those gits are in my class." I spared them a glare. "If they ruin my favorite subject I'm gonna—" a sudden splash of water on my face left my shirt soaked for at least the next hour. "You got the nerve—!" I yelled at the guy who was already making eye contact with me.
"I do, indeed!" He cut me off, winking at me from across the table, his chin resting on the palm of his hand with a teasing grin dancing on his lips as he asked, "what are you gonna do now, Y/l/n?" His twin brother, though I could only see his back, was clearly not enjoying this behavior.
Mathilda checked my gaze, dreading the worst. "Y/n, don't. You're gonna make Slytherin lose points." She knew the warning wouldn't do much, but at least she had tried.
Angelina, instead of backing our friend and try to calm me down, got up and walked to the table where the Weasleys sat.
"I hope you know you're dead." Angie stood in front of me, before using her book to tap my brother's arm. "George, move."
The three of us spared a look at Y/n, who had, ignoring McGonagall yells, stepped over her table to get to us.
"Move. Now."
"Ssshit." My brother moved just in time for Y/n to repeat the same forward move on our table.
It's not as if I didn't have the time to move and run away, she hadn't rushed; on the contrary, she walked calmed and composed, and still I did not move an inch.
I guess a part of me wanted to know what she'd do to me.
"Look at you." I began to wind her up again when she climbed off the table on my side, sitting down on its surface with her shoes over the bench. "Doing the impossible to be near me, how romant—"
My sentence died off abruptly as a handful of scrambled eggs was mashed against my face.
I heard a burst of laughs around me. "Blimey! I'm sorry, Fred," she feigned worry, smearing what I assumed were the remaining rests of my breakfast all over my chest. "I hope you're not late to Charms because of this." She whispered near my ear, making a shiver go down my spine when her breath hit my neck. "See you there, yeah?"
Her hand squeezed my shoulder and her fingers ran over my shoulder blades as she walked away.
I felt a napkin placed in my hand and I was quick to remove as much scrambled eggs as possible from my face, just in time to see Y/n exiting the Great Hall with McGonagall jogging after her.
"You know?" Lee asked, drawing my attention. "Picking up on the girl you fancy is kind of a toddler strategy."
"Yeah, Fred," my brother agreed. "you're not an eighth year-old anymore."
"And you chose the wrong girl to nag" Angie added," if you keep it up, she will surely kill you." She held back a teasing smile. "And you should be careful" she nudged George. "I don't think she can tell you both apart, you can end up as collateral damage."
"But you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" I rolled my eyes when George scooted closer to our quidditch chaser.
"Depends on how annoying you are." She faked indifference as my brother searched for her eyes.
"I don't fancy her." I not-so-randomly stated. "But I can't stop pranking her now that she ruined my breakfast."
"You can and you will, Weasley." I jolted at McGonagall's voice behind me. "Twenty points from Gryffindor." At least I'm not grounded, I thought. "And you're grounded for the rest of the week."
"But Y/n— Ouch!" my brother kicked me under the table so I would shut it.
"Y/l/n has received her fair share of punishment, too, Weasley." The professor gave me a poorly masked, disgusted look. "Go and..." She waved her hand "Clean yourself up, Y/l/n will inform professor Flitwick about this incident. And Weasley," She stared at my brother. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to Charms too?"
"Yes ma'am." He replied, throwing everything into his bag, getting up and rushing out of there, not before grabbing his robe.
"The day's promising." I groaned, handing my things over to Angelina so I could go to the bathroom.
"You made the day promising by messing with a Slytherin, you twit." She pointed out, putting my things over hers. "Now go clean those eggs from your shirt."
"Aye, mother!" I headed off before Angie could add anything else to the conversation, loosening my tie as I moved forward.
As I cleaned off everything I could in the nearest bathroom, a random thought slipped into my mind.
Had Y/n been punished too? And if so, would we fullfil the punishment together? It seemed logical that if one of us got grounded, the other one would get grounded too; consequently, it would only make sense for us to—
Shut it. I mumbled to my own mind.
I didn't care. I did not care if she was punished or not. It was none of my business.
I don't fancy her, I thought to myself once again.
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Actually, here is an alternative thing for you to occupy your time with, and a question I have been meaning to ask you for a while. I have finished 911 finally! So I'm ready for the new season. And I wonder, realistically, what do you think the roadmap would be for a buddie endgame?
I absolutely see how their story has been framed and filmed in a lot of parallels to how a romantic storyline would be set out. But there has been no outright mention of either of them being bi - although the conversation about Maddy setting Buck up with whassisface was very casual and could very easily have been an example of canonically bi Buck - and they are both at the end of season 4 in 'relationships' with women.
So, in your estimation, what's the timeline? What's the transition? How do they go about this and how long does it take? I wanna know your thoughts 👀
okay yes i have lots of thoughts on this and it's actually one of my fave questions i get asked. I've always watched a lot of tv shows so I'm just estimating on what I've seen before and what I would personally do. IMO this love story is a slow burn. We only have four seasons so far and only three of those seasons have Eddie in them. This unsurprisingly got long so ill put it under the cut.
So I'll go by seasons bc to me its important to look at everything that has happened so far by seasons and by love interests and not as a whole. Its the best way i can form a timeline that I think would make the most sense and why
S1: So we don't get any hints at Buck being anything other than straight and I think this is because he was supposed to be. They hadn't planned for Eddie yet and they definitely hadn't planned for the chemistry Oliver and Ryan were gonna have. S1 Buck was this reckless kid who didn't take anything serious. He was definitely super immature. Then he meets Abby and he starts to get serious about his job and his love life. I'm not gonna say "Abby changed him" because she didnt. He saw the person he was and the person he was becoming and decided on that change himself.
S2: Eddie!!!! So we get introduced to this army medic turned firefighter in the least heterosexual way. Then Buck is angry because Eddie is hot and really good at his job. they work together and Eddie compliments Buck and now they're smiley bffs. Seriously wtf was all that? Anyway this is all sus bc from what ive seen before in other shows when a main love interest leaves and a new main character replaces them, that means something. JLH replaced Connie Britton as far as big name actress but i really believe Eddie replaced Abby as far as importance in Buck's life. Do i think they brought him in with the intentions of turning him into a LI? No but they sure fueled the narrative from the get go. I think they saw fans reactions and started testing the waters.
Moving on to LIs in this season. We find out Eddie has a kid and the mother is not in the picture (eddie made sure buck knew that right away). Then later on we find out he's technically still married. shannon comes back and we get Eddie finally getting to confront this head on. He tries to get his family back together for the sake of his son. Its big for Eddie's character bc all he does and all he's ever done is for his son. Then Shannon asks for a divorce then she dies bringing this arc to an abrupt end and leaving eddie heartbroken.
meanwhile Buck is still waiting for Abby. Then he finally accepts that shes not coming back and decides to move on. He goes right back to being "Buck 1.0" with Taylor and feels bad about himself because that really isnt him anymore. He wants a real relationship. So then Ali calls and asks him on an actual date and he agrees. This is his first try at a relationship after a heartbreak. in tv these don't usually work out but are used to develop the main character's growth. We don't really see much of her but she breaks up with him so.
S3: This is Eddie finally dealing with his feelings/guilt season. This is also the season I think we really see how important Buck is to the Diaz boys. S2 had cute buckley-diaz family moments but those could still be interpreted as a best friend and his best friend's kid. This season though... after the tsunamic episode was when i really started to fully believe buddie was going canon. This season is solidifying their bond not only as Buck and Eddie but as Buck Eddie and Christpher. As I'm writing this I realized neither of them really has a love interest in this season do they? Ana is introduced but then is clearly presented as definitely NOT the right choice for eddie and especially for Chris. Then they counter that with Buck helping Eddie build a skateboard for Chris that he can use as opposed to Ana's ablest remarks about how he can't do it so just move on to something else. Then we get Buck's reaction in Eddie Begins. Buck has seen his team his friends his family get hurt on the job before but he has never reacted the way he did when it was Eddie in danger. Again solidifying just how much these two mean to each other. Don't even get me started on this season being when Eddie changes his will offscreen. Anyway we get Abby back and Buck finally gets the closure from that relationship that he needs to move forward into a serious relationship.
Now S4: jfc s4....IMO this is the only logical season to get the ball rolling on Buddie and they sure did that with 4x14 despite everything else. So i never thought they would be the first serious relationship for each other after the heart break theyve both experienced. It wouldn't be fair to their character developments. Buck tries dating Veronica and that clearly doesnt work but we know hes now open to dating again. We get Buck Begins where we see why Buck is the dare devil he is. The only way he got his parents attention as a kid was to put himself in danger. They bring back taylor and how to they ultimately get together after she friendzones him? She thinks hes in danger and suddenly wants him. As much as i hate it this is really gonna be a relationship where Buck finally stands up for himself and sees his own worth and realizes he deserves more. He deserves someone who sees him and loves him for who he is. He deserves to be chosen, something Abby Ali his parents dont do and what i think taylor wont end up doing. I feel like shes gonna choose her career over him. Maybe not in a "I'm breaking up with you" way but maybe she takes a new job and want to do LD (hes tried that twice and it didnt work for him. hes not gonna want that) or she could ask him to go with her but he wont. His family is in LA. His job is in LA. Eddie and Chris are in LA and he won't leave them. Then we have Eddie finally deciding to move on and try dating again so they bring back ana. To me it's not gonna work out so I'm not bothered at all lmao. It's interesting that they'd choose her though. Someone we already know Eddie doesn't trust with his son. There's also more buckley-diaz family scenes of them being coparents. The hildy episode, Chris running to Buck when hes mad at eddie, Buck being the one to tell Chris Eddie got hurt, then Buck staying with Chris and taking on the guardian role without him even knowing just how much that role really does belong to him. He didn't do it out of obligation. He didn't do it because he was asked to. He did it because he thought it would be best for Chris. Finally to 4x14. This is by far the biggest "Oh shit this is it. This is the beginning of buddie". We find out Eddie changed his will a year ago and has just been sitting on this info. I think Eddie knew back then what it meant but he wasn't in the right mindset to accept what it means so he kept it to himself. I think he finally started allowing himself to go there during treasure hunt. The man was jealous yall. Carla coming back and her comment about doing whats best for him and not chris is his oh shit moment. I think he wouldve broken up with Ana a few days after that if he had the time lol. He gets caught up in the mother/son sl then this poor mf gets shot by a sniper. The way that whole scene was filmed btw was not in a bff way. That was a lover watching his beloved almost die in front of him. Buck again puts himself down and Eddie decides this is the moment. He needs Buck to see how important he is. He wants buck to know how loved he is. So he sits there talking himself up to it and finally lets Buck know just how big of a part he is in Eddie's family. Buck's previous scene is him saying he wants someone who wants him back then here is Eddie saying he needs him...Chris needs him. wtf.
So with S5: I think Eddie knows and Buck has a feeling but he's not sure so what i would do is spend s5 with Eddie basically showing Buck his feelings but not exactly getting in the way of Buck's new relationship because Buck has to be the one to make that choice. Id also have chris feeling the different shift with buck having a gf like he did with Eddie. This newfound info wasnt just dropped on us for a "Aww so sweet" moment. This will business is gonna be a part of a bigger storyline. I'm hoping its with Eddie's family during maybe 5b.
So what I think would be the best timeline for canon buddie is 5a eddie already having either broken up with ana or is gonna break up with her, Buck choosing himself and ending things with Taylor by midseason finale, them bringing in Eddie's family in 5b and maybe then being when Eddie confesses his feelings for Buck. Then 6a we could get them walking on egg shells around each other not really knowing what to do bc this is all so new for both of them. This could bring just the right amount of comedy and angst especially them awkward and flustered around each other at work. A big blowup can happen between them for added angst (maybe an arguement before one of them or both of them is put in danger) then a midseason finale kiss. Then trying to find the balance between their personal relationship and their work relationship during 6b.
I don't know how long Fox shows last but procedurals can last a long time. I'm not sure thats gonna be the case for 911 especially with all the main cast staying that long so i think this would give us at least a whole season (S7) of canon buddie.
As far as then being presented as straight, there's been more seeds planted about buck being bi. A few i can remember off the top of my head: all of 2x1 lmao, maddie's comment about bucks boy crush on eddie, buck hinting at thinking eddie is cute when he thinks maddie is talking about him, the christmas elf, the comments on the instagram livestream, idk if youve watched it or not but TK's comment to Buck in the crossover episode, and like you mentioned Maddie's casual comment about setting him up with Josh. All we really know about Eddie's love life is he married Shannon when they were young and is trying with Ana so it could turn into a whole storyline for him.
I'm so sorry this is so long and took forever but i I hope i actually answered your question and didnt just get lost in rambles lmao.
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blingywitch · 3 years
The First Step - Chapter IV
Omg hi! I am so sorry this took so long to get out. It took me a lot longer than expected to write but anyways, it’s here now!
This chapter is a lot longer than the others I’ve written in this mini series. I had a lot that I wanted to include and didn’t realize how much it was until I re-read this so I hope you like this huge chapter of pure fluff. :)
Finally, this is the last chapter of this story. I had so much fun writing it and it makes me very happy to see that you guys enjoyed it as much as you did. (I may write a mini Sequel with one or two parts. Maybe write the wedding I don’t know yet.) but moving on, as I’ve said before, thank you for all the love, and enjoy. <3
The First Step Masterlist & Full Masterlist
Characters and universe belong to, @lumosinlove
CW: mentions of food.
The team had finished practice and were now skating off the ice, tired, sweaty and ready to cool down in the gym and head to the showers. Well, maybe just the Cubs planned on doing that. The rest of the team however, unbeknownst to them, had other things in mind.
Walking into the locker room Finn, Logan and Leo were all grabbed by the shoulders and sat down in whoever’s stall was closest.
“Alright boys, sit the fuck down and tells us how this happened. Details. Go.” James prodded.
“You just sat us down” Logan deadpanned, smirk playing at his lips.
Finn huffed, though he was smiling—still. “Can we at least get out of our gear first? Get a shower-“
“No!” The entire team shouted back.
Finn put his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay we’ll tell you.” He then looked to Logan. “Lo?”
Logan stood up and walked over to join Leo; who had been sat down at the other side of the room— in, from what Logan could see, looked like kuny’s stall— sitting down next to him and intertwining their fingers. Finn wasn’t long joining the two and then Logan took a deep breath, “It wasn’t anything special-“
He was cut off by Leo smacking his arm. Logan rolled his eyes playfully and continued, “Fine. It wasn’t anything big and fancy.”
One week earlier
The sun was streaming trough the blinds of their bedroom window when Logan woke up, sandwiched between his boys. Opening his eyes, squinting slightly from both sleep and the brightness of the room, he looked at Leo and Finn. In the morning sun he could see every little detail of them— every little detail that he loved. Hundreds of freckles adorned Finn’s face, fanning over his cheekbones and nose going all the way down to his shoulders; resembling the thousands of stars in the sky. Careful not to wake him Logan turned over to get a better look at Leo, who had his arm loosely around his waist. He noticed that, in the sun, the younger boy’s hair looked more like the sun than the sun itself. The blonde and white strands glistening and glowing in the light. Logan had to hold himself back from running his fingers through it. He loved these boys so so much and today was the day they would learn just how much.
Today was the day.
Logan peeked over Leo’s shoulder to look at the clock on the nightstand, it read ‘6:15 am’. That was good. Leo and Finn wouldn’t be up for at least another three hours, four if he was lucky— it was Saturday after all and they had nothing they needed to do today. Logan had gotten unbelievably lucky by coach giving them the day off.— he had time.
Sighing to himself he removed Leo’s arm, carefully climbed over Finn and got out off bed. He padded around the house for a little, toothbrush in one hand phone in the other, sending texts and making preparations for the day. After he was finally dressed and ready to go he gave his boys one last kiss on the cheek and he was gone.
“Thank you, Celeste, for doing this on such short notice,” Logan said as he sat down at the Dumais’ kitchen island.
“De rien, Logan. You know I don’t mind. But are you going to tell me why I had to cook all this food last night?”
“Well... I can... but you can’t tell anyone, not even Dumo.”
Celeste furrowed her eyebrows but motioned for him to continue.
“...I’m proposing today.” Logan said, his voice barely above a whisper. The rest of the Dumais’ were still asleep but he couldn’t risk anything.
Though his efforts were probably in vain because Celeste let out a very loud gasp at that, quickly covering her mouth and looking towards the stairs, listening for any sign someone had woken up. After the house stayed quiet she looked back at Logan.
“Logan... that’s amazing.” Celeste walked over to Logan and placed a kiss to the top of his head. “I’m so happy to hear that.”
Hearing those words come out of his mouth, Logan couldn’t describe how it made him feel. But he decided on happy for the time being. He was proposing today. “Moi aussi....”
Celeste stepped back and Logan met her eyes, “My lips are sealed.” She said, he just smiled at her.
“Now. You should get going, I don’t know when those boys of yours will be up but I know mine will be soon, so” Celeste pushed the dishes of food towards Logan and poked him in the arm. “Go. Get.”
Logan chuckled. “d'accord, d'accord I’m going.”
On second thought maybe Logan had gotten up to early.
He’d wanted to make sure he had enough time to do everything it was he needed get done. And he had gotten everything done, which was good. But it was still only 8:30 am, and Logan was just standing in his kitchen unsure of what to do next. He could wake them up... but he didn’t wanna do that, it was their day off. But at the same time, being here alone and just waiting for them to wake up was driving him crazy.
So Logan decided he wouldn’t wait alone. Taking one last look at the array of food before him, he set off for the bedroom.
Finn and Leo were exactly where they were when Logan left a few hours before, except now Finn was rolled over onto his back and had his arm thrown over his face, Leo laying a bit closer to him than before.
He smiled at how cute they looked and tiptoed over to the bed, dropping himself down beside Leo and waited. Letting his mind run wild with what was about to happen.
Leo woke up about an hour later, after rubbing his eyes and stretching he felt a hand on his back and a kiss to his shoulder. Leo smiled softly and turned over. “Hmm, morning.” He said, nuzzling into Logan’s chest.
“Bon matin, mon amour.” Logan greeted him, just as Finn started to stir. He groaned and his eyes meet Logan’s as they opened.
“I’m the sleepyhead s’morning I see.” He said, upon seeing his boyfriends next to him already awake.
Logan huffed out a laugh. “Morning to you too, Harz.”
Finn just smiled and got up on an elbow, leaning over Leo he gave Logan a quick kiss on the lips. “Morning.” He said, pulling away.
He then moved from Logan to Leo, bending down and kissing his jaw, the only part of the boy’s face that was exposed. “Morning Peanut.”
“Hmm.” Was the only response he got.
Finn laughed into Leo’s neck. “You awake yet?”
“Mm’no” Leo replied, word muffled my Logan’s chest.
“Well you can go back to sleep for a little bit, okay?”
“M’kay” Leo mumbled, Finn did not have to tell him twice.
They stayed quiet for another few minutes, enjoying each other’s company before Finn asked, “So what’s on the schedule for today?”
“Nothing.” Leo, who had finally decided to wake up said, rolling onto his back. “I’m staying here. All day.”
“Well as much as I’d love to do that mon chéri, I have something planned.” Logan chimed in.
“And what would that be?” Finn challenged, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll see.” Logan smirked. “C’mon.” He said, standing up and grabbing one of their hands each.
“Ugh fine.” Leo groaned though he was now curious as to what Logan had in store for them.
“So moody in the morning, Peanut.” Finn said teasingly.
“Oh hush you.” Leo playfully smacked his arm.
That only made Finn smile.
“C’mon,” Logan singsonged, pulling them forward. “you’re so slow.”
Despite all his previous nerves about this day, now that it was here Logan was surprised to find out that those feelings had miraculously disappeared and he felt completely fine. The only emotion flowing through him being pure euphoria. He was everything but nervous and he thanked whatever was responsible for that.
Finn and Leo were finally up and smiling brightly, Logan immediately stared dragging them out of the bedroom, walking backwards so he could catch their reactions.
They had just reached the living room when Leo and Finn froze. From here they could see the arrangement of food that sat in the kitchen. There were trays of cinnamon rolls, fruits and berries and well, anything you could thing of. Logan might have gone overboard, but he really didn’t care at the moment.
“Oh.” Leo broke the silence, staring over Logan’s shoulder.
“What’s the occasion?” Finn asked.
“No occasion.” Logan replied. “I just love you.”
Logan dropped their hands and walked the rest of the way to the kitchen. “Hello? Are you just going to stand there all day or do you want some breakfast?”
The two other boys were moving again and in no time had two plates of food in front of them.
“So, Lo” Leo started, after three had been eating in silence for a while. “Where did all this food come from? Because you certainly didn’t cook it.”
Logan let out a mock gasp at that. “How dare you underestimate my cooking skills!”
“What!? Am I lying?”
“No.” Finn said around a mouthful of eggs.
Logan flicked a blueberry at him.
Next to them, Leo laughed, “Alright, alright don’t waste the food.”
Finn jerked his head at Leo, “The chef in that one is coming out.” He said to Logan, who laughed.
Finn got another blueberry flicked at him, this time by Leo.
Logan had to get the rings.
After the three had eaten breakfast they had all made their way to the couch and were now tangled around each other, relaxing and watching a movie. It was the perfect moment. But of course, Logan didn’t have the rings on him. They were at the end of the hallway, stashed in the back of a closet. The only place Logan could think of where they wouldn’t be found accidentally. He had to get them.
“Finn?” Logan tried to get Finns attention.
Finn hummed showing he was listening, though his eyes were fixed on the tv.
“Can you let me up for a second?” Logan asked. Like always, he was squished between the two of them.
“Mhmm.” Finn replied and stood up to let Logan go.
“Wait!” Leo said Suddenly, arms outstretched. “where are you going? Come back.”
“I’ll be back Knutty, don’t worry.” Logan laughed, walking away. “I’m just getting blankets.”
And in no time Logan was back, with a blanket in one hand and two rings in his back pocket.
“You’re the best.” Finn said as Logan handed him the blanket.
Leo sat up, taking the blanket from Finn and putting his feet in his lap. He motioned for Logan to sit next to him and then put the blanket over them.
“Je t’aime.” Logan whispered pecking Leo on the lips, he reached out and grabbed Finn’s hand. “You too, Fish.”
‘Here goes nothing’ Logan thought. He picked up the remote and turned the tv off.
“Lo, what are you doing?” Confusion laced Finn’s voice
“Do you know how much I love you?Both of you?” Logan was now gripping both of their hands like his life depended on it. The next thing that came out of his mouth even surprised him, “épouse-moi?”
Leo froze.
“W- what?” Finn asked, heart rate picking up.
Logan reached into his back pocket; when his hand reappeared he was holding three identical sliver bands in his palm. “Marry me?” He said again, firmer this time.
When no one said anything Logan continued, “I could get started on all that, ‘oh we’re to young and I don’t know if we’re ready’ shit, but I won’t. If you’re ready I’m ready. And if you’re not, then I’ll be here when you are; Because I love you both so much and I’d wait eternity for you. So... marry me?”
Logan looked back and forth between the two. Leo was first to break the silence, “Yes.” He breathed and Logan finally let his smile show.
He turned to Finn who was still staring at the rings in his hand. “Fish?”
Finn finally tore his eyes away from the rings and when he looked up Logan noticed a tear making it’s way down his face. Logan smiled softly at him.
“Yes. Oh my god, yes!” He beamed and tackled Logan in a hug, only breaking away to pull Leo in as well.
They fell into the couch again, in a puddle of happy tears, kisses and whispered I love you’s. Fully ready to start the next chapter of their lives, being with each other every step of the way.
As Logan placed the rings on their fingers the last thing Finn said before he was tacked by two boys and a bunch of pillows was, “Fuck, I love my life.”
Present day
Logan finished his story and looked around at his teammates, Dumo spoke up first. “Wait. Celeste knew and I didn’t!? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Because I wanted it to be a surp- hmff” Logan was hit Square in the stomach by a hockey glove— thrown by Dumo of course.
“Rude.” Logan mumbled.
Leo looked to his left, hoping to find Finn. Instead, something else caught his eye and he burst out laughing, “Potts are you crying?” He asked.
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mauserfrau · 4 years
Bordertober - Time For Two, Part 1
Tyreen’s view of waking up at Dr. Black’s.  Contains medical/injury material, Tyreen being gross and some vaguely hinted at Troyreen.  Note that Part 2 is shaping up to be more obvious about this.  Probably nothing graphic, since I’m planning to recut all of the Dr. Black shorts into a single story.  Oh, and I put her H/C post at the bottom.
Waking up at Dr. Black’s had been embarrassing more than anything else.  She’d had no idea where she was the first few times she came around.  There were now two holes in her torso and two in her right arms.  She couldn’t do anything for herself. Ugh-- that part was the worst.  Troy gave her a bath with fucking people wipes.  She got sacks full of doped up skag pups and chickens for food.  She did not get to toilet herself.  Nope, stuck in bed except for leg stretches twice a day, no complaints, ring the bell if you need anything. 
And then that woman, leaning over her, poking her with clamps and sounds because she couldn’t use her hands.  Well, it took the fever rolling off of her for Tyreen to take notice of it, but Dr. Black seems to keep all of her dexterity in those fingers of hers.  The rest of her had some mild form of dyskinesia, probably an old injury pretty far down her spine.  It happened to make her look like easy prey, but Tyreen figurds not devouring the person who procured her pain meds might work out better in the long run.
Meds meaning she slept a lot.  Actually, Tyreen wasn’t sure that she’d ever slept so much in her whole life.  She spent most of the days under for a few restless hours at dawn or dusk spent ticking over a third-hand ECHO and feeling her guts lurch at random as the moon smirked down the operating theater skylight.  She made it to the bottom of a music swapping forum she’d been eyeing and listened to old school synth jazz while reading Vonnegut or something called “Pirate AU Fanfiction” which she didn’t realize was derivative until she found the one starring Arthur Gordon Pym of all characters.
So it wasn’t like she was bored.  Hell, the weird thrum of her body knitting back together could have kept her occupied.
The stillness in her bones though ached worse than her bullet wound.
Tyreen sighed.  She ran her hand down her torso to the sore, bruised place trailing off from her entry wound.  She pressed ever so lightly until her belly twinged and her toes curled.
This didn’t so much remind her of the fact she was going to be wearing a lovely S&S Munitions bullet for the rest of her life.  It reminded her of that other itch she couldn’t scratch, the one that was going to take talking instead of prowling to fix.
Dr. Black at least took hints.  Tyreen bitched at her about being woken up closer to noon than not exactly once.  Next time? Dawn hadn’t even cracked
She got her vitals taken and her bandages changed.  The IV came out and that was the only blood that leaked out of her that day.  Her wrappings still got all sticky and rheumy, but they weren’t brown anymore in that way that kind of made her want to suck on them.
So, a lot of next times later, it finally happened: “Well, you’re healing up nicely if I do say so myself.  What do you want to do first?”
Weird.  Tyreen never asked Troy what he wanted to do when he started improving after a spell or a fall.  She squinted at Dr. Black.  “Is that a trick question?”
“Well, I don’t recommend BASE jumping for obvious reasons, but no?” Not that Dr. Black sounded sure of this.
“I need my hair washed.  That dry shampoo made it all sandy and shit.  Then I wanna go outside and, you know.”
“I’m out of chickens, sorry.”
Tyreen rolled her eyes.  She’d actually meant piss on a fence post and scope out the best vantages for ambushes, but she was getting hungry too, so of course the woman had to mention.  “Whatever.  Hair first.”
“Well, your brother and me already figured out how to do that since you’re still not cleared to shower because germ transfer.  Get ready.”
The two of them maneuvered her onto one of the rolling stools and pushed her into the kitchen rather than any of the bathrooms-- for a woman living alone, Dr. Black had at least three according to her hallway.
Tyreen’s impression of the kitchen was what it smelled of some unfamiliar grassy-brown spice and eggs.  Most food didn’t tempt her anymore, but there was something about the whiff of a runny yolk that got her tongue to stir.  Anyway, the stainless steel sink had been scrubbed out and Tyreen knew where this was going.  She groaned.
She’d been all of four the last time anybody washed her hair for her, let alone in a sink.  Sink salons were for babies.
Troy’s hand rested on her shoulder.  “It’s just for a couple of times.  What else have I been doing for you? And did the world end, Ty?”
“Fine.  I want two washes and extra gooey stuff.” She meant conditioner, but she flicked her tongue over her lips pronouncing it gooey stuff like a drunk her.
Troy blinked way too hard, but he nodded and finished wheeling her over.
So much for innuendo getting her anyplace today.  He was probably stuck in his own head for a change.  Contemplating caring for her.  Like it was… like it was that big of a deal after all the trash that had happened.   
Just like when they worked on her, Dr. Black handed over the equipment and he used it, though this time, easy on the instructions.  
Troy bundled her up in a towel, wet her and worked the first round of shampoo in slow, scratching over the residue on her scalp and using the dish sprayer to double rinse.  The whole time he leaned over her, face tight with concentration.  He wouldn’t look her in the eyes and Tyreen couldn’t say she wanted him too, not even when he went for the wet/dry trimmer and neatened up her unintentional undercut.
“You want anymore off?” he asked the window and not her.
“Just get the really messed up part in the back.”
“OK, turn.”
The hum of the trimmer felt kind of nice on her damp skin; that and the way he combed his fingers over her fuzz after, even though the next spritz got her free of snibbles, would have without his intervention.
For the conditioner, he let that set and combed her out, streaking the remains of her bangs down her forehead, then rubbing them away from her eyebrows when they got too close.   
Tyreen sighed up at him.
Since she caught his eyes, he did manage something resembling a smile and his fingers dragged against her for the last round of rinsing.
With him and her both patted dry, she finally got hoisted back to a sitting position, her hair dropping once more down her cheeks before she reached up, scruffing it out and sneezing by some coincidence.
Dr. Black stifled a laugh.
Dr. Black
Dr. Black was a small, fat woman with a crooked jaw and a crooked smile and a penchant for wearing hoop skirts with no panties underneath. 
-Says her full name is Calvin Decker Black
-Has at least one ex-husband and is possibly using his name???
-Probably not a doctor, but close enough
-Good at working with what she has; absolute kludge queen
--Has an affection for out-of-date equipment, but can run almost any test off of her ECHO.  Somehow.  Don’t ask. ---Speaking of which, carries the Twin’s genomes around on hers and has heavily notated them.  Heaven forbid that got into the wrong hands.
---Recognizable ECHO device with a formal Delft print
--Sometimes uses medical equipment for secondary purposes, i.e. pointing with a sound, employing that nice steel vomit tray as a casserole
-Cheerful, enthusiastic, curious, bit of a spazz, insensible to gore.
--It’s possible to get her and Mouthpiece going at the same time.  Mind your eardrums.  
-Loves food.  Pretty good cook.  Rather more fond of food other people have prepared.
-No, she doesn’t eat her patients! Any human flesh stored in her fridge is from other people, you silly.
--Yeah, I can’t in good conscience recommend her ‘famous breakfast scramble’.
-What’s she doing in the CoV? She’s the person who walked Troy through patching up Tyreen after Satellite.  They couldn’t leave her running around after that.  Apparently joined their caravan without complaint and has been riding around with them ever since.  
-Has been known to dress up and give sermons or go out in the field for negotiations.  
--Ugh.  Torture takes so long.  Don’t make her do that.  We could have steak instead.  
-Is mostly still around for Troy mending purposes nowadays.
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Fidget Spinners IV
           Once they were aboard the Ferry of the Dead, riding down the River Styx with Charon in his proper creepy and grim black robe, Alabaster stopped vomiting. The ship was an old Greek vessel, something Matthias could have identified immediately. They sat as far from the stern as possible. Apparently this boat was usually brimming with ghosts, but Charon had shoved the three of them aboard in such a hurry, less ghosts had flooded the space.
         This gave them the room to sit on the edge of the boat so Pax, Lou Ellen, and Alabaster could stare off at the inky, polluted river. They wanted to be as far from the ferryman as possible. Charon was cursing under his breath, something about children being electrocuted in bathtubs and getting into car accidents.
         Maybe, in a normal tour, Pax might have been excited by the black stalactites and terrifying horror movie set. For now, all he could do was rub Alabaster’s back. Lou Ellen sat on his other side, pulling one finger off and putting it back in a different one’s place, frequently messing it up. This was her way of acting concerned.
         After he was certain Charon couldn’t overhear them, Pax whispered, “You died coming after us?!”
         Before now, he couldn’t process what was happening enough to ask. The sight of Alabaster with his intestines dragging on the floor and blood spewing out of his mouth—it was enough to make Pax tremble more. And he was already trembling pretty hard in this cold cavern.
         “Of course I died!” Alabaster’s voice rose, making Pax and Lou Ellen flinch. “How else would I be in the Underworld?!”
         Tears threatened to spill down Pax’s cheeks. He could hear Lou Ellen sniffling. Crying would really make her missing-eye illusion less believable.
         Alabaster sighed. Pax thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
         Alabaster wasn’t. He grabbed the end of his intestines. Casually, the child of Hecate wound them up around one wrist. Once he got towards the end, he ripped off a chunk.
         Pax shrieked.
         “Be quiet,” Alabaster snarled. Softer, he grumbled, “And Mercedes thinks you can keep it cool in enemy territory.”
         Pax wanted to point out that enemies (hopefully) wouldn’t be ripping off pieces of their organs. Was that a thing they did in Camp Half-Blood? Did Percy Jackson, in fact, an organ-eating zombie?
         Before Pax could withdraw his hand, Alabaster shoved the chunk into Pax’s palm.
         Pax almost screamed again. Maybe this was an experience he should have smiled upon—after all, it isn’t every day that your crush tries to hand you an organ, granted, a heart might be better.
         “I knew you idiots wouldn’t bring enough snacks,” Alabaster hissed, shoving another chunk into Lou Ellen’s hands.
         “Oh my mother…” Lou Ellen whispered.
         Pax didn’t want to watch as she held up the chunk for investigation. Then he saw what she saw. The scent of iron vanished like it had been a whiff from a distant breeze. That chunk had some kind of label covered in blood—not blood.
         Pax sniffed.
         The scent of barbeque sauce became overwhelming.
         He rubbed his own chunk with his thumb. The sauce smeared to reveal a packaged sausage, like the kind you’d have on a cheese platter. There was even a bright label on the protective packaging.
         Pax stared at his hand. The spell had been so convincing.
         Lou Ellen made a low whistle. “You’re good,” she said, “Titans, can you teach me how to do that?”
         “When you have enough discipline to pull off your nose instead of your chin,” Alabaster scolded.
         Pax couldn’t think about the spell or the sausage.
         He threw his arms around Alabaster.
         Alabaster made a grunt of annoyance.
         Slowly and firmly, as though not to draw attention to them, Alabaster removed Pax’s arms. There was an embarrassed hue to his pale cheeks as he scowled from Pax to Lou Ellen. “You didn’t come to me to devise this plan?” he demanded.
         “We thought you’d be mad,” Lou Ellen meeped. She sheepishly poked at the fake dent in her head. By comparison to Alabaster’s effects, hers looked like something out of a D-rate horror movie.
         “Oh, I am mad. When we get back, I’m killing you, and then you’ll have to march right back in there and explain to Charon how you’ve shown up twice, then you’ll have to see what he does with you,” Alabaster said.
         Pax couldn’t help but grin. Threats aside, he couldn’t handle looking at this very-much-alive Alabaster. It was cute thinking about it: Alabaster finding their, “Went to Underworld. Will bring back souvenirs,” note and stuffing a bunch of sausage links into his shirt, cussing at the confused centaur that could swear he just took Alabaster and Lou Ellen off the ship. He really cared. At least about Lou Ellen.
         “Are you making us go back?” she whispered, shuffling away from a wandering soul and closer to her brother. Pax understood. Everything here was cold. Touching another warm person was a nice reminder of the above world.
         “How, pray tell, am I to make you go back in our current situation?” Alabaster closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. “Mercedes warned me you’d want to go after Axel. I didn’t think the two of you would be stupid enough to throw away your life chasing him or smart enough to get off the boat undetected.”
         Lou Ellen and Pax exchanged a glance over Alabaster’s shoulders. Neither could decide if the comment was more compliment or insult.  
         “So, we’re going after Axel?” Pax clarified.
         “We’re certainly not going back the way we came. I have no interest in angering Charon on his own boat,” Alabaster said.
         That meant that Alabaster had come down here with his own plan. Even if he didn’t have one when he left, trying to catch them before they went into DOA Recording Studios, he would have come up with one by now. Before Pax could hear any awesome details, their ship pulled up along black sand.
         Pax guessed that Hades hadn’t heard the memo—that pink was the new black. If Pax ever got scared while he was down here, he would have to remember to visualize the Underworld in various shades of Easter egg with magenta stalactites meeting a sparkling, rose floor. His stomach dropped about what shade of pink the river would be with its thick eddies. That went too Mayan in his head.
         Alabaster tossed the plastic-wrapped suit backwards into the boat, quickly shuffling the younger two off. They didn’t wait to hear what Charon thought of the contents.
         They walked towards the airport-like security with ghoulish attendants separating people into various lines. There were signs above the lines, ones that Pax couldn’t read since the letters jumbled into incomprehension.
         A low whine, like that of an injured puppy, echoed around the chamber. Yea, there were wails too, but those were human wails. Pax was way less interested in those. He couldn’t find the source of the animal noises until Lou Ellen tugged furiously on his jacket.
         Pax didn’t know how he missed the view before. Unlike Alabaster, Lou Ellen, and Axel, he struggled to see through the Mist. Even so, the Mist deserved a pay raise.
         A few yards ahead of them was a massive Rottweiler with three heads. Maybe the truck-sized dog would have normally been intimidating; Pax had heard some intimidating stories about Cerberus. Instead, the dog just looked pathetic, curled up and nursing a paw. Pax could see why.
         There was a sword imbedded between two toes.
         “He’s hurt!” Pax cried.
         “Ajax, no,” Alabaster growled.
         Lou Ellen joined in the cry, “We have to help him.”
         “What part of—”
         “Please!” Pax and Lou Ellen said together.
         “Grant me the patience of the Furies,” Alabaster said under his breath.
         One of the heads must have caught their scent. It perked up and glanced in their direction, growling.
         The other two were licking at the injured paw still. He looked cute, the way a monster truck might if painted with bambis and rabbits.
         Alabaster stopped in his tracks. He fumbled with his intestines—sausages. Pax really needed to stop thinking of sausage as intestines. “Who do you think stabbed him?” he asked in his you’re stupid if you can’t answer this question and I know you too well to let you play dumb. “See many stray demigods wandering down here with blades?”
         “It wasn’t Axel,” Pax said. Axel was obsessed with mythical creature rights and would have known Cerberus was just doing his job. One caged animal to another—Axel would have likely tried to play-wrestle with the beast. “I’ll bet it was Luke.”
         “Yea, Luke’s an asshole,” Lou Ellen said.
         The two of them vigorously nodded their heads towards Alabaster.
         “Lou Ellen,” Alabaster chided, “I expect more creative insults than vulgarity. And you aren’t going to win me over by insulting Castellan.”
         Despite him saying that, the corner of his lips twitched into a smile. Until then, Pax hadn’t realized how glad he was to have Alabaster along. The Witch Boy would know his way around the Underworld, or Pax guessed he would. Alabaster held that easy calm, even amongst the dead.
         Pax and Lou Ellen would have feigned calm confidence. But, uh, that would have only lasted so long as they got closer to the line’s attendants.
         Another of Cerberus’ heads noticed their movement. It raised and joined in the low growl.
         The noise didn’t seem to bother Alabaster. “How were you planning on getting past?” he asked, gathering the rest of the sausages from his waist—he must have wrapped them under his shirt, and withdrawing them like a towel around a hand wound.
“We brought a chew toy,” Lou Ellen said. Pax could tell that she wanted to sound proud, but had realized a flaw in their plan. There were three heads and only one chew toy.
“Seriously?” Alabaster’s growl chimed in with Cerberus’.
“I heard it worked for Annabeth,” Pax said.
         Although Pax couldn’t see it, he could feel Alabaster roll his eyes. “The amount of inconvenience that girl has caused,” he said under his breath.
         Pax hesitated. Cerberus’ growls were making his body vibrate. This dog was massive, the size of a truck. Pax didn’t even come up to Cerberus’ chest and Cerberus was half-laying down. One of his heads still licked the sword hilt imbedded in his paw. Focus on that, Pax thought, and not on how his teeth are about as long as that sword.
         “We have a treat for you!” Alabaster called. His voice was way too cold for dealing with a ball of cute fluffiness and death. Pax had a feeling that Alabaster had never been allowed pets as a child. Other than Axel and Pax. Pax was fairly certain that they were pets to Alabaster.
         Cerberus stood up. When he applied pressure to his front paw, all three heads whimpered. They pulled the paw up slightly, to alleviate the pressure.
         “Go fix his paw if you wish. I can only hold him for a few moments with this,” Alabaster said. “If you take too long or are sloppy, you’ll get yourself killed.”
         For an instant, Pax wondered if Alabaster was nervous. The Witch Boy unwrapped a link of sausage and tossed it into the air towards Cerberus.
         The two heads less affected by the wound snapped at it, nipping at each other to bite it to pieces, probably the same way they would do with Pax’s limbs if he was caught.  
         Its breath flooded over them, almost as bad as Pax’s little brother’s, Hiro’s breath.
         “You suck at this,” Lou Ellen said, pulling a link from Alabaster. “You heard him, Pax. Have fun getting that sword out. Hey puppers! Look what I got for you puppers!”
         Her voice raised in pitch and excitement. The sentiment worked. Cerberus sat upright, letting his butt drop back onto the ground. From what Pax had heard of Annabeth’s interactions with this dog, he thought their red ball plan might have worked with Lou Ellen’s charm. Uh—natural charm. No witchy charm required.
         Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, realizing Lou Ellen had volunteered him for the harder job. His heartbeat pounded in his head. It’s just a cute, injured puppy, he told himself, It just so happens that it wouldn’t need to chew to swallow you.
         Alabaster gave Lou Ellen a look that might have been reproachful or approving. He handed her the rest of the sausage as Cerberus’ short tail thumped against the black sand, echoing around the chamber. Pax thought it was weird that interacting with this dog wasn’t a red flag for the Underworld Security. What dead person wanted to poke at the landowner’s attack dog?
         Alabaster made a few signs in the air around Pax’s head, muttering in Latin. Was he making him invisible? Or at least making him blend in with the stone? Or smell less like a delicious treat? Pax hoped all of the above. When Pax glanced down at his hands, they still looked visible and potentially delicious to a monster.
         “We don’t have enough sausages for you to hesitate,” Lou Ellen said.
         Pax swallowed. He thought about Juana, Axel’s jaguar. Their father bought it for him a few months after they were forced back “home.” Axel warned his siblings not to go near Juana without him, since she could tear them to shreds. Juana was a tenth the size of Cerberus.
         From what he knew of Juana, there was no point in trying to sneak up. He approached Cerberus’ injured paw, hands outstretched in attempt to look non-threatening. Not that a 4’7 rail of cuteness could look threatening.
The other two heads were locked on Lou Ellen, or fighting over bits of sausage she threw.
         The last head faced him. The eyes didn’t quite focus on Pax, showing Alabaster’s spell must have done something. Pax heartbeat thudded in his head as he took the last few steps to Cerberus’ foot. The dog hadn’t batted him out of existence yet.
         The head whimpered and pulled its paw closer to its body.
         “It’s okay,” Pax said, the way he did when his littlest brother had a nightmare. “I just want to help. It’ll be quick, like ripping off a Band Aid.”
         That felt like a threat to Pax. Just gonna take that sharp, pointy thing in your paw and move it around a bit.
         “Pax,” Alabaster said in warning.
         Pax didn’t look over to see why. He figured it had to do with how the middle head had turned to sniff furiously in his direction.
         Now or to Xibalba, Pax thought. He wrapped his fingers around the cold metal of the hilt and pulled up, trying not to twist the blade or yank at an angle.
         It slid out easily.
         Pax wanted to gloat about the Sword in the Paw and how he’d be king of the Cerberi.
         His mouth went dry instead.
         When he wretched the blade out, dark liquid splattered up from the paw. Something clear and goopy dropped on his head from above—saliva.
Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, looking up. The other two heads glowered down at him. Their teeth were barred within inches of his face. Their low growl rattled his skull.
He trembled, thinking at least one good thing would come out of this: if he died in the Underworld, he didn’t need to worry about going through Charon’s Waiting Room again.  
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe!
Stay tuned next week for part X!
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ajoy3fanfics · 5 years
Missing Pt. IV
Also found on FF :)
Regrettably, he let her go; As he released his hold on Kagome, he immediately mourned, feeling uneasy, like she would bolt the second flesh left flesh. He knew her better than that, his judgement told him that she would keep her word; That did little, however, to ease the panic rising in his gut that made him want to grab hold of her and press her tighter. Taking a deep breath and leaning back, she straightened her spine, sitting in the chair by his side, close enough to seem friendly, but far enough that he would be ripping wires to reach her. Not that that would stop him.
“So…” she started, drawing out the word; perhaps an attempt to make the situation less awkward and tense, but it just made Inuyasha feel antsy. He had been adamant that she stick around for a conversation, but now that he was faced with the reality of it, he was running short on ideas. How was he going to make her stay, to make her understand when she clearly had one foot out the door? No, it was worse than that.
She was gone.
She cut her hair, must have a new life. Was she seeing anyone? She certainly wasn’t seeing him. Did she still live in the apartment, or did she move? Come to think of it, where did heeven live?
“Kagome…” He swallowed hard, her name sticking in his throat. “I don’t- I-I cant wrap my head around this.” He couldn’t bring himself to look at her, choosing instead to fix his gaze on the crisp white sheets of his bed.
“I know.” She replied sadly. “Well, I mean, I can imagine. This must be so confusing for you. From your stand point, I must be coming off as really cold.” She bit her bottom lip before continuing. “I did try to see you. I’m really glad you’re okay. Gods, I must sound like a broken record.” She smiled a bit, not enough, not a true smile.
“Its just good to hear you.” He returned her smile, small and gentle. “I woke up and I couldn’t find you. I kept calling for you but…” Inuyasha shrugged, finally meeting her eyes. “I think they’ve got riot gear ready at the nurses station.” He ran his right hand through his short locks, surprised once again at the choppy buzz cut. “I kind of had a meltdown.”
“You? Lost your temper? That doesn’t sound like you at all.” She teased.
“Heh, well if you ever wake up with Miroku’s face staring you down I think you’d lose it too.” This evoked a laugh from her and he felt pride in that. It was a small victory, but one none the less. “Fair point.” She conceded. He had asked her to stay, and it wasn’t to talk about his perverted best friend. It was weighing on his chest, this unspoken weight. He needed to get through to her.
Inuyasha looked at her, amber eyes burning seriously. “I want to come home, Kagome.”  He could hear her breath hitch, his predator senses caught the way her mouth twitched.
“I-I can’t- You can’t.” She started, clearly startled by his request. “We, we don’t live together anymore.” She managed. “You moved out… I think you might even live with Kikyo, I’m not sure.” Kagome took a deep steadying breath then pouted her lips. “I think this is a conversation you need to have with her.”
Inuyasha sat quietly for a minute, letting the silence settle over them. Closing his eyes, he shook his head, as if trying to piece together the broken pieces in his mind, a jumble of jigsaw pieces he couldn’t make heads or tails of.
“You know, the last thing I remember… is apple picking.” He smiled, watching Kagome carefully. Fall must have been quite some time ago. “Christ, how long ago was that? We made the plans like, a month in advance, you were so excited to make a damn pie and get cider. But then it- it rained and- fuck.” The dog demon frowned, his last memory did not have the happiest ending, although according to the rest of the fucking world, there were worst stories he could remember. At least they were together in this one.
“Yeah, I was really disappointed.” She nodded, confirming his story. “But then you got our umbrellas, and dug out our left over ponchos from when we visited Niagra Falls, those really gaudy neon green ones.” She laughed a little, remembering for him. “We went apple picking in the rain, and got like, 3 huge bags of them. The owner thought we were crazy. And when we got back to the car the roads were so bad-“
“That we couldn’t drive.” He finished for her, a cocky smile revealing his sharp fangs. “I thought it would be fine, but you were nervous. Fuck, you went down on me just to make me just to make me pull over and park the car. That was very sneaky, Higurashi.”
Kagome raised her brows, jaw slightly slack. “It was dangerous.” She said.
“Keh, I’m not complaining.” He smiled, and Kagome hated that she felt her stomach flutter, that he still had this effect on her. “The car really amplified your screams when you-“
“Shh!” Kagome jumped up from her seat, covering the hanyous mouth with her hands, nervously looking around to see if any nurses were ease dropping. With lightning speed, he licked her palm, causing her to yelp and move away. She hissed his name, although she wasn’t angry, not really. It felt so natural, to play with her like this, to egg her on.
“I don’t believe we broke up.” He said, each word ruining the spell of their previous moment. Inuyasha shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t.” He swallowed hard. “I love you, so damn much.”
“I don’t know what you expect me to say to that.” She said angrily. “I know time went in reverse for you, but Inuyasha, you moved on. You made a new life with Kikyo.”
“My life is with you!” He yelled, causing the machine to beep once more. “Fuck!” He cursed, glancing in its direction, then back at her. He needed to calm down; Kagome was a patient woman, Gods knows more patient than he deserved, but flipping out now would only drive her away, he knew that much. He apologized, feeling embarrassed, torn between wanting to crawl under his bed and rip his hair out “I’ll be leaving in two days if I keep this piece of shit from reacting.” He motioned to the monitor. “I want to come home. Please, let me come home.”
For a moment, she just looked at him, the man who was once so strong that he would lift her up without exerting the slightest bit of effort. He looked so desperate, and small even, wearing the hospital johnny in the railed bed. The last time she had seen him between the sheets he had looked invincible, like a warrior, his body pure sin, chiseled like some Greek statue, almost too good to actually exist. She wished she could go back, like he had, and crawl in with him, drink him in a little longer, love him one more time. But that wasn’t reality, not anymore. It was tempting, Gods knew it was testing her will to not give in; but the man before her was a relic of the past, and as soon as he was caught up to speed, he would be gone.  
And that was something she couldn’t go through, not a second time.
Kagome shook her head, the salt from her tears blurring her vision. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“So, how did your meeting with Kagome go?” Mirkoku asked, pulling the arm chair close to the hospital bed. He reached over, handing his best friend a large brown paper bag, a container of hot ramen steaming inside. Inuyasha grunted his thanks, eagerly opening his prize. Hospital food was shit, and Myoga’s Ramen House had no rivals; the smell alone had his stomach rumbling, a deeper hunger than he realized he had.
“Fucking depressing.” He replied between slurps. “And confusing. But, alright, I guess, considering.” He sighed, closing his eyes. “I don’t know.”  Miroku raised his brows. “Alright, eh? That must mean there’s some hope. I was surprised she even came at all.”  
“I didn’t even know I needed hope, until you blissfully informed me that my life was over.” He eyed Miroku, like it was somehow his fault that his life was in shambles. “Her just showing up was great.” He swallowed. “The rest…”  Inuyasha waived his hands at a loss for words. How could he sum up this fucked up situation? “I asked her if I could come home.”
“Which, of course, she said no to.” He scoffed, truly making Inuyasha feel like he was crazy for even asking. “You-“
“-Don’t live together. Yeah, I fuckin’ got it.” Inuyasha covered his face with his hand, rubbing his temples as he did so. Miroku always brought a certain element of stress to his life, but this was the first time ramen was losing its flavor because of him.
“Maybe it’s time to let her go.” He said sympathetically. “She has her own life, you know? Since you broke up she-“
Inuyasha spread his fingers, peeking at Miroku as he spoke. “Do you want me to beat the crap out of you?” He asked. Miroku rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue.
“Such harsh words for the man who is taking you in. Are you sure you want to threaten your care giver, Inuyasha?”
“Its only temporary.” He said, sitting up straighter. “I’ll get her back.”
Miroku laughed in disbelief. “No offense, but you don’t even remember how you lost her. You don’t have her number, or know where she lives or-“
“Feh, I’ll find her.” He tapped his nose. “She won’t be hard to track down. She can’t get away from me that easily.”
Miroku blinked once, twice before he narrowed his eyes. “Are you- Are you openly admitting that you’re going to stalk your ex-girlfriend?”
“Fiancé.” He corrected. “and as far as I’m concerned, there’s no ‘ex’. We’re just… postponing wedding plans right now.”
“You are truly delusional, my friend. But you know- I’ve never seen you more optimistic.” Miroku rested his palm against the hanyous forehead, as if checking his temperature.  “Do they need to check your head again? Are you sure you’re okay to come home with me?” Inuyasha pushed away Miroku’s hand and scoffed.
“I’m not delusional. I love her- welove each other. It’ll work out.”
Miroku squinted at the silver haired dog demon. “Who even are you?”
“Hey, I need you to do me a favor.” Inuyasha stated, more of a demand and less of an request.
“Ah, there’s my pushy best friend. Back to normal.” Miroku leaned back in his chair. “Me taking you into my humble home isn’t enough?”
“I need you to go to Kikyo’s house and get my shit.” He answered.
“Excuse me?” The dark haired man balked. “Hell no. That’s your drama.”
“Listen,” He started, “I’m going to need my stuff. The nurses told me that I don’t even have an outfit to go home in, and as much as I know you admire my ass, I doubt everyone on the street is going be as appreciative.” The hanyou rubbed the back of his neck, feeling more than irritated.
“Fine, I’ll bring you some clothes.” He answered snappily. “Why don’t you just ask Kikyo yourself? Didn’t she say she was coming in today?”
Inuyasha waved him off. “I put her on the no entry list.”
“You what?” He questioned.
“No entry. As in ‘Crazy life ruining ex-girlfriends from high school are not welcome within 50 feet of my hospital room. The last thing I need is Kagome thinking I’m talking to her. Besides, she makes my blood pressure spike.”
“So you had her banned? Without even talking to her? Inuyasha she’s your girlfriend.”
“The last time I can remember having a conversation with her was fucking high school.” Inuyasha grunted. “I don’t need to explain my decisions to her. And shes not my damn girlfriend.”
“Right. You doknow you live with her?” Miroku folded his arms across his chest.
“Which is exactly why I need you to get my shit. I can’t give Kagome the wrong impression.” Miroku leaned back in shock. Inuyasha was so sure of himself that his nonsense almost sounded sane.
“This is an enormously bad idea.” He argued. “You’ve been dating Kikyo for months.”
Inuyasha eyed him cautiously, then leaned forward with a whisper. “But was I happy?” The hanyou asked, his voice low, afraid. “Did I seemhappy?” Even though his gut told him the answer, that there was no possible way that he could have found peace with anyone but his fiancé, he had to ask.
Miroku pressed his lips together in a tight line before answering, blue eyes searching amber. He was cautious when he spoke. “Honestly, I don’t know. I didn’t see you much. I figured it was new love bliss.” He shrugged. “But anytime I tried to talk to you about it, you shut down the topic real quick.” He looked down, letting his unconfirmed theories of his best friends unhappiness settle. “You really think you can get her back?” He asked.
“I haveto.” He said seriously. “She’s the most important thing in my life. Its like…” He breathed deeply before finishing. “Its like I was born to be with her.” He looked away at his admission, a slight blush gracing his cheeks.
Miroku screwed up his nose at Inuyasha’s tender confession, a side of him he had never seen before, and honestly, could do without. But maybe it was just that he had never seen his best friend desperate. They had always been a good couple, a great one actually, the right mix of playful and loving, the kind of relationship that seemed steady, too sure to crack. Apparently, the loss of Kagome was enough to make him sink. “Fine,” He said, throwing up his hands in surrender. “I’ll get your things.” Inuyasha gave a quick nod of appreciation.
“This is going to be epically awkward.” Miroku sighed. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I’m basically breaking up with Kikyo for you.” He eyed Inuyasha crossly. “How did I get sucked in to doing your dirty work?”
Inuyasha tapped his head. “Brain damage, remember?” He gave his friend a slick smile.
“Ohhh, that excuse is already getting old.”
This chapter took foreveeeer for me to write. I wasn’t super happy with how it turned out, but I couldn’t seem to make it better. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks as always for reading! <3
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femslash february strikes again and i finally updated that one cornirma fic that ive been meaning to get back to for literally an entire year
Title: The Frying Pan Conversation Pairing: Cornelia/Irma Chapter: 2 - funny how we run around Summary: “You're awake...” “Great detective work, Sherlock, want a medal?” “It's too early in the morning for you to be sassing me,” grumbled Cornelia, half-heartedly throwing her phone onto the blankets and scooting closer to Irma. “Good thing you're way too cute for me to be sassing you with intent to kill,” Irma teased, pulling her in closer for a hug. She was overly warm from sleep and Cornelia happily melted into it. Irma's boobs made for an excellent pillow. (Cornelia and Irma spend Christmas with the Hales.)
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13743063/chapters/42144206
Cornelia loved watching Irma sleep. While she usually ran her mouth during the day, when she slept she had some sort of serenity around her, a tranquillity one wouldn't expect from someone who spent half the night tossing and turning, hogging the blankets and drooling all over her pillow. Yet, when morning came and Cornelia returned to wakefulness, Irma was at peace with herself in the land of dreams, hair framing her face like a halo. It took all restraint not to kiss her, but Cornelia had never been a fan of kissing before one had brushed their teeth.
Instead, she continued to watch. It was quiet and dim, the early morning sun casting strange light and shadows throughout the main room where they were set up. Without her family milling around, it felt peaceful. She wondered if this was how it would be all the time, if she and Irma moved in together some day. Sure, it wouldn't be some luxury cabin, but the world would be quiet like this. There would be no eyes on her. The whole room would be theirs to lie in silence and watch each other and feel cosy and secure. While Cornelia did want lavish things for herself someday, when she was older and things like throw pillows and vases mattered greatly in the grand scheme of things, it amazed her how easily she would sacrifice that just to be able to wake up next to Irma each morning and take on the day, regardless of whether they were in a plush king-sized bed or squashed together on a pull-out.
Geez. She really was picturing the rest of her life with Irma, like the hopeless romantic she was.
She rolled over to reach for her phone in the semi-dark. Too early to start messaging the group chat, but she hedged her bets with someone who did have a tendency to be up at this hour.
Will, you awake?
Not three minutes later, she received a reply.
ofc?? no rest for an athlete, corny. how did telling the parents go?
It didn't. Turns out I'm a bit of a coward.
nah it's tough. i only told my mom about being genderfluid a month ago, and i had no idea if she'd even CARE about it
Well, she cares about YOU. And from what you've told me, she's taken it well?
The speech bubble indicating a reply stayed for a while, and Cornelia repositioned herself so that she could watch Irma doze while waiting on Will to get back to her. After a few minutes, her phone finally pinged, and she hastily lowered the volume as Irma stirred slightly.
yeah, turns out dean being our teacher way back in the day finally paid off bc sheffield has diversity training or smth. he sat down w me and my mom and talked over all this stuff she was confused about. and she still doesn't totally get it, but she said she just wants me to be happy. guess that's all i really needed. stuff like if she comes to pride and w/e doesn't matter to me tbh, just knowing she's there for me is enough
Cornelia chewed her lip wistfully. If only it worked out that simply for everybody...
That's great. Really, I'm so happy it all worked out for you. I'm just worried about my parents, I guess. They're not bad people, but sometimes they can be so backwards with things. Really, I just want them to accept that this is a part of me so I can stop lying about a college guy just to keep them from overanalysing the way I am around Irma.
hey i get it! you're both just so darn cute together!
Indeed we are.
They shared some quick, casual conversation (Will, as usual, had some funny story to tell her about life as Taranee's roommate, and Cornelia caught them up on the bullshit that was her and Irma's road trip to the cabin) before Will had to leave to start their morning swim practice.
“Psst. Blondie.”
Cornelia dropped her phone in surprise, catching sight of rich green eyes watching her intently.
“You're awake...”
“Great detective work, Sherlock, want a medal?”
“It's too early in the morning for you to be sassing me,” grumbled Cornelia, half-heartedly throwing her phone onto the blankets and scooting closer to Irma.
“Good thing you're way too cute for me to be sassing you with intent to kill,” Irma teased, pulling her in closer for a hug. She was overly warm from sleep and Cornelia happily melted into it. Irma's boobs made for an excellent pillow.
“You're comfy,” she mumbled.
“Yup, cushy tits run in the family,” Irma remarked, relishing in the way Cornelia shuddered with an implosion of laughter. “You know this is the first time in months we've woken up together?”
“Feels like it too,” Cornelia sighed. “I've missed this. You should really come visit me more often, you know.”
“Oh yeah? I visited you twice last term. It's your turn to visit me just as soon as daddy dearest hands over your fucking prius.”
“Well, no offence, but your college campus is like a 30 minute drive away from Heatherfield,” pointed out Cornelia. “I'd sooner you visit me than risk bumping into Uriah of all people at a house party.”
Irma scoffed. “Thanks a lot! It may not be ivy-league or State U or anything, but there's still a ton of stuff to do! Besides, pretty sure Uriah's at Sheffield Community College, Anna works with his mom.” She paused. “Though, I did run into our dear old chum Nigel at a Halloween party this year.”
“Oh? And how did that go down?”
“How do you think? He followed me around half the night asking about Tara until I finally snapped and was like, 'you missed the boat, honey, our girl is gay as the day is long'. Haven't seen him since. Reckon he dropped out when he heard how swimmingly Taranee's life is going without him.”
“I doubt he flunked out because of a girl he was dumped by five years ago,” Cornelia deadpanned.
“Uh, hello? Our girl is a catch. He's lucky to have even walked the Earth in the same lifetime as her.”
“A bit dramatic, but I get the sentiment.”
Cornelia fell quiet, listening intently to Irma's heartbeat, her breathing.
“D'you think today's gonna be the day?” Irma asked softly.
Cornelia let out a noise, somewhere between laughter and a sigh.
“How do you always know what I'm thinking?”
“Because you have the antithesis of a poker face, darlin'. I've been reading you like a book since I was thirteen.”
She tangled her fingers up in Cornelia's hair, gently combing through, careful to avoid knots.
“I don't know if it'll be today,” sighed Cornelia. “Does it make me a hypocrite? I was so certain I wanted to do it this time.”
“Look. You need to stop putting this pressure on yourself to do everything exactly how you imagined,” Irma said firmly. “You don't have to tell them I'm your girlfriend. You don't even have to tell them you're pan if you aren't ready for it. We can call this off, you can spend the rest of Christmas break not having to worry about their reactions, and we can make out and cuddle and all that good stuff the second we set foot in my house. Would that make you feel better?”
“No?” Cornelia reached up to pull Irma into a proper hug. “I want them to know how happy you make me. I want them to know that I'm happy being myself. But the part where I actually tell them? Opening up like that, it... it's a very emotional process.”
“I know. I know it is. But I promise you, once it's out in the open... never mind their reaction, you will feel worlds better with it off your chest.”
“Ugh, why does my girlfriend have to be so wise?” Cornelia wondered aloud. Irma formed a fist and lightly knocked her on the head.
“If I'm going to be a teacher some day, I gotta be wise. I'm meant to be some sort of inspiring prophet, if your dad's stirring speech at dinner last night was anything to go by.”
“He's a passionate guy,” Cornelia shrugged.
“Sounds like someone else I know.”
A sudden creak from down the hall disrupted them, and they sprung apart, Cornelia sitting upright and reaching for her phone while Irma pretended to go back to sleep. A moment later, Harold's face poked around the door.
“Morning, darling!” he uttered in a stage-whisper, before stepping into the room clad in his robe and slippers. “Does Irma take coffee? I was thinking of brewing a pot to wake your mother up.”
“Only with six million sugars in,” Cornelia said, rolling her eyes fondly. “Don't worry, I'll take over. I know how to make it so she doesn't spit it out.”
Harold laughed, and moved over to start on breakfast as Cornelia set up the coffee maker.
“You two are as thick as thieves.”
Cornelia's hand froze.
“...Well, we're still good friends, but...”
“I drifted apart from my school friends when I went away to college, you know,” Harold mused. “I regret it now. The rift grew so big, and by the time I saw them again they were married, had families... and although we could still talk with ease about these kinds of things, the bond we shared at school – the books we liked to read, the movies we saw together, the pranks we would play on our teachers – all of that was gone. It was something we could look back upon and laugh at, but it's not the same.”
“I didn't know that.”
Harold offered her a kind smile, and reached over to crack some eggs into a bowl, dusting the mixture with pepper.
“Well, I think it's important to keep in touch with those you love. I was actually quite worried when I heard that you were going to your college alone. I know how close you are to the girls you met at Sheffield. I'm... glad that you were able to keep a close bond with them despite the distance.”
Oh, if only he knew how close.
Cornelia set out some cups on the side, hoping her face wasn't burning. If she really was as easy to read as Irma said...
“Well, they're my friends. They're important to me.” She glanced over at him. “Dad, I'm... I'm really happy with my life right now. With the person I am, and the person I'm with.”
Harold stopped whisking, and moved over to pull Cornelia into a tight hug.
“I'm so glad to hear that, darling. I really am.”
They worked in a pleasant silence after that, and when Irma next rolled over, Cornelia was nudging her, cup of overly sweetened coffee in her hand.
“Rise and shine.”
Harold was whistling away as Irma took her first sip, his back to them as he began tossing some bacon and eggs in the pan.
“Mmm. You made it just how I like it.”
“Well, you're picky. If my dad made it you'd choke it down and feel awful the rest of the day,” Cornelia teased. Irma stuck her tongue out.
“Jerk.” After another sip, she added coyly, “I heard the conversation between you two. It was sweet. Are you thinking today might be the day after all?”
“Maybe,” Cornelia said, a flame of confidence ignited in her heart. “He really wants me to be happy, so... maybe when I tell him, he'll understand.”
“Look, Harold Hale might not be leading a revolution, but he's always seemed like a chill guy to me,” Irma said quietly. “If you keep dropping hints, he might figure the rest out on his own.”
Cornelia glanced back at her father, still blissfully unaware of their conversation, and she leaned down to press a kiss to Irma's forehead.
“Now, drink up. We have a big day ahead of us.”
Breakfast was uneventful, with Lillian dominating the conversation with talk of some dream inspired by a zombie TV show she'd been binge-watching over Christmas break. Irma munched on French toast and bacon and watched in amusement as Harold became disgustingly sweet with Elizabeth, pressing kisses to her head whenever he went to refill drinks, even reaching down to pinch her behind when he was sure his daughters and his oldest's girlfriend weren't looking. Elizabeth swatted his hand away, pretending to be mortified at his brazen display in front of Irma, but the rouge on her cheeks and the affectionate eyeroll told another story. All the while, Cornelia quietly ate and drank, keeping a straight face while prodding Irma's foot playfully with her own under the table.
Oh, Irma could get used to mornings like these.
They took turns showering and dressing, and did the usual routine of wrestling for more mirror space as they brushed their teeth and put on make-up.
“So what's the plan for today?” Irma asked, rubbing some kind of moisturiser into her cheeks. Cornelia leaned in closer and inhaled with a happy sigh. Mango. Irma took the opportunity to turn and press a kiss to the tip of her nose, and Cornelia pulled away with a grin.
“Oh, well now we're all together, today will definitely be a decorating day. I mean, it's Christmas eve tomorrow, so it'd be a little sad if we didn't have the decorations ready by then,” she explained with a shrug, uncapping her mascara beginning to apply it to her upper lashes. “It really shouldn't take too long though. We'll have some time to get away, don't worry. And I think tonight my parents reserved dinner for us at a restaurant in town. I have to warn you, the waiter we had last time was super obnoxious...”
Irma stared at her reflection in the mirror, zoning out of Cornelia's anecdote about the wait staff at said restaurant, before glancing over at her girlfriend. In their teen years, she'd always envied how immaculate Cornelia's appearance was. She'd always seemed flawless somehow, even though Irma knew better and would never ever admit that much. Then, those feelings started to mix with something else, and attraction, jealousy and self-consciousness melted into an ugly soup of insecurity in her psyche. Even now, when she knew better than anyone that Cornelia was smitten with her, doubt crept in, especially in situations like these when they had to stand beside one another and pretend like they belonged in the same league.
“You're beautiful,” she sighed, interrupting Cornelia's spontaneous yelp review. Cornelia's hand jerked at the suddenness of Irma's statement and she hurriedly reached to blot away a clump of mascara stuck to the end of her eyelashes.
“Oh. Well, I do my best, and when it comes to make-up practice always makes perfect, you know.”
“I'm not talking about make-up, though yeah, you should consider dropping out of college and becoming a beauty guru on youtube instead.”
“Well, I think you're gorgeous too,” Cornelia replied with a smile, moving onto her lips. First a layer of balm to soften them, a waiting period of three minutes, and then the application of gloss or lipstick. It was her routine every time, and the waiting drove Irma mad in the mornings they'd spent together over the years. Cornelia's lip balm always smelled so damn good that fighting the temptation to kiss it clean off was a rare torture.
“Have you seen me?” muttered Irma, frowning at her reflection. “Eyebags for days. Messy brows. My lips are chapped to fuck and my skin has been kind of red lately...”
“Every time I see you I want to kiss you all over,” Cornelia said in the kind of factual tone that had Irma raising an eyebrow in disbelief. Still, she didn't protest as Cornelia wound her arms around her, and Irma caught a whiff of coconut lip balm. God damn it, she wanted Corny-kisses so bad. “You still get insecure, huh?”
“Hard not to when my girlfriend could pass for a fucking supermodel.”
“While I'm flattered that you hold me in such high regard, you're a far cry from the disaster you're making yourself out to be,” Cornelia laughed. “Besides, if you're really worrying about stuff, just talk to me, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Irma muttered. Cornelia rifled through her make-up bag for a few moments, before bringing out a small bottle.
“Come here, dope. Let me help you.”
“Why pay big bucks for a beautician when you can get one for free in the form of a generous girlfriend?” Irma deadpanned, but a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Cornelia grinned back and started to apply the liquid to her cheeks and brow with some kind of blender sponge thing shaped like an egg.
“The trick to combating redness and dark circles is to have a good, strong base that neutralises any discolouration in your skin. In your case, green tones kind of cancel out reds, and yellows are good against dark circles, so it just leaves your skin looking healthier, see?”
She switched over quickly to one with a yellower hue, and Irma hummed in agreement, staying put as Cornelia began tending to her eyebags.
“I think I get where you're coming from. Hay Lin calls me up all the time to gush about colour theory, the importance of colour wheels is stuck in my brain for life.”
“Oh, you and Hay Lin call each other all the time? More than me?” Cornelia teased. She put down the sponge and reached back over to her make-up bag, retrieved something that Irma could only describe as the world's tiniest broom, and began to tame Irma's unruly eyebrows. “Don't tell me the two of you are having a sordid affair behind my back.”
“Our torrid love affair is about as real as yours with mystery botanist man,” Irma responded. Without breaking eye contact with Cornelia, she reached over for her own chapstick and began to apply it. Cornelia's tongue poked out slightly in concentration as she smoothed down Irma's brows.
“It's bad enough my parents keep going on about him, don't you start.”
“Well, he is my alter-ego,” Irma pointed out. “Seems a little rude to silence my opinions on him.”
“I hate when you make a good point.”
Cornelia leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Irma's brow, breathing in the smell of her mango moisturiser one more time and sighing deeply. Irma, in a similar moment of pure, unfiltered lesbianism, caught the scent of Cornelia's lip balm and damn went out of her mind. She tilted Cornelia's head down and what transpired for the next few minutes were a combination of kisses, hugs, and several attempts to escape Irma's python-like grip.
“It's lipstick time,” Cornelia complained, a playful glint in her eye as she finally pried Irma's arms off of her waist. “My lips will dry out.”
“Honey, we're both balmed up, if anything, now we have a double coating. You'll be fine.”
“Still, the sooner my make-up is done, the sooner we can get decorating out of the way, and the sooner we can chill out watching crappy holiday movies.”
“The temptation to stay in this bathroom where no one's watching and we can keep kissing forever, though...”
“Aren't we saving 'kissing forever' for the week at your place?” Cornelia asked innocently, perfectly pencilled eyebrows raised.
“No, that's 'sex forever', silly,” Irma said cheerfully, clapping her on the back.
She glanced back at her reflection. While the foundation and tiny grooming hadn't done much besides tidying her reflection up some, her eyes twinkled with something she could only describe as 'the Cornelia effect', and she found her appearance didn't really bug her so much by this point. As they stood side by side, Irma came to the realisation that she and Cornelia really did fit together, but more like a pair of odd socks that compliment each other in all their contrasting glory.
Maybe someone else would call that love.
Christmas with the Hales was turning out to be pretty fun.
Irma and Lillian fought bitterly over control of the spotify playlist that morning, while Elizabeth and Cornelia decorated the tree and Harold cheerfully filmed the entire ordeal. Lillian was stubbornly obsessed with the classics, while Irma kept switching them out for lesser appreciated cover versions, partly because rooting for the underdogs was how she rolled, and partly because she got immense glee out of pissing Lillian off (and for that, Cornelia saluted her for her heroism). When Karmilla's edition of 'All I Want For Christmas' came on instead of Mariah Carey, Lillian threatened to throw Irma's phone out of the window, which had Elizabeth swooping in and putting an end to their temporary rivalry.
They called a truce when the parents set out to buy icing and other edible decorations for the Christmas cookies, leaving the girls to prep them for baking. Lillian greased the baking tray while Cornelia mixed eggs and flour and sugar and cinnamon together in a big red bowl. Irma, meanwhile, sat herself on the island and, in compromise with Lillian, put on a playlist of nineties nostalgia, singing along to Re-feel-it and pretending to drum with a pair of wooden spoons against the countertop.
“Funnyyyyy, how we run around,” she belted. “And see what we got, we don't even know what it is we found...”
“And honey, take a look around,” Cornelia chimed in, using the whisk as a microphone. She spun on her heels, her eyes meeting Irma's as she lifted the whisk up to her lips. “By the time we get there we won't even know where it is we're bound!”
The two of them burst out laughing, and Lillian rolled her eyes. “Dorks.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Cornelia sighed dramatically, smirking at Irma before turning back to the mixing bowl and continuing to whisk the mixture. “I forgot we were in your divine presence, Lillian. I hope you can forgive us for entering the realm of uncool nostalgia for two seconds.”
Irma snorted.
“You know, she always gets more sarcastic when you're around, Irma,” Lillian accused.
“Yeah, I rub off on her. I'm a baaaad influence.”
“Is that any way to talk to our renowned guest?” Cornelia chastised. “What would Dad say?”
“He'd probably tell you not to sing into the whisk. You know how many germs you could be putting into the cookies by breathing on the mixture? You've built up an immunity living among students, but have some consideration for those of us who haven't stepped foot in a sweaty student union hall.”
“You're actually mad,” Irma cackled. “What kind of diseases could Cornelia have besides a bad case of the cooties? Unless... Corny, please don't tell me your parents are anti-vaxxers, or I might have to end this friendship for good.”
“Hell no, they're fine. Since when did you become such a germophobe, Lillian?” Cornelia teased.
“I play zombie games,” Lillian responded sagely. “I know how infection spreads.”
“They really don't paint as accurate a picture as you've been led to believe.”
As the mixture began to thicken into a dough, Lillian joined Irma on sitting on the island counter.
“So what's college like?”
“Classes are boring, my roommate sucks, and I'm drowning in student loans. But the parties are fun, and the people are cool when they aren't being pretentious tools.”
Lillian hummed.
“I can't wait until I go to college. Community's one of my favourite shows.”
“Heh, well, Community is an exaggeration for the sake of comedy, but...”
“Cornelia, what's your college like?”
“You saw it when you and Mom and Dad helped me move in,” Cornelia pointed out, distracted as she began to knead the dough.
“Yeah, but it's not the same! Your dorm is nice, sure, but what about the classes? The parties? The boys?”
“Hmm, I don't know about that. Boys aren't my area of expertise.”
“Well that's gay.”
Irma raised her eyebrows.
“Using 'gay' as an insult? Very 2004 of you.”
Lillian rolled her eyes. “Sorry. So you don't have a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” Irma said shortly.
Cornelia began to knead a little harder.
“I bet you know stuff about Cornelia's boyfriend though,” Lillian said to Irma, arms folded. “Why doesn't she talk about him? Is he secretly ugly?”
Irma snorted.
“Ha. I know a thing or two, but he's actually... probably the most handsome person I've ever known. Aside from your sister!” She playfully punched Lillian on the arm, who looked unimpressed by the statement. Cornelia made a strangled sound.
“Lillian, pass me the cookie cutters, please,” she choked.
Lillian raised her eyebrows and hopped off the counter top, retrieving ones shaped like pine trees and angels and bells, handing them to Cornelia.
“Here they are, weirdo. Anyway, you can't blame me for being curious! We had to pry it out of you that you were seeing anyone at all, and you're always so twitchy when we bring him up. Irma, is he a junkie or a biker or something?”
“Nope, just a loser who lies around watching cartoons all day,” Irma responded with a lazy grin.
“So you have a thing in common.”
“Lillian!” Cornelia admonished, slamming a cookie cutter into the dough with enough force to make the other shapes jump. “Also, Irma, I don't appreciate you calling my partner a loser.”
Lillian pulled a face.
“Partner? What are you, old timers?”
“Cowboys,” Irma chimed in.
“Oh, stop teasing me,” Cornelia huffed. “I'm just trying to be more inclusive. The world could do with more of that, you know.”
Lillian shrugged. “Whatever. So you're liberal now?”
“I reckon I've always been, yes.”
“And you, Irma?”
“Socialist, through and through.”
“Of course you are.”
“Just wait until college, Lillian,” Irma chided with a smile, as Cornelia began setting out the Christmas cookies on the tray. “There's a whole wide world out there.”
The Italian restaurant Harold took them to that night was fucking fancy, to say the least. The kind of fancy where there were lemon-scented wipes in little packets on every table and complimentary garlic dough balls and everyone was in suits and dresses. The Hales looked like they fit right in, and Irma was some vagrant they'd picked up off of the streets and were treating to dinner in a commendable act of charity.
“I don't even know what half the stuff on this menu is,” Irma hissed to Cornelia as they took their seats.
“It's good food,” Cornelia promised. “They just use posh names to scare people into thinking its worth the money they're paying. Come on, you watch enough Hell's Kitchen to know what filet mignon is.”
Irma ended up ordering something that she was pretty sure was some kind of beef thing, and Cornelia ordered the one pasta dish on the menu that used aubergines instead of pancetta. The wine was decent at least, and Irma found it easier to sneak glances at Cornelia's cleavage in the scoop neck dress she was wearing with the large flower centrepiece obscuring them from her parents. Lillian, while looking the part in a simple white turtle neck dress, was very obviously playing on her phone under the table.
The sweet onion soup starters arrived swiftly, and Irma was dragged back into a light grilling about her teaching degree from Harold, while Elizabeth began to catch Cornelia up with the latest family drama.
“Why, I just think it's so inspiring that you're choosing to act as a beacon for young people, and pave their futures-”
“-And your uncle, of course, is still coming around asking for money, as if your grandparents don't have enough to worry about-”
“-And you know, teaching qualifications open up the whole world to you! You could teach in international schools, or you could teach English in schools where it's a secondary language-”
“-It's not like their health is getting any better, you know! I keep telling him it's time to stand on his own two feet, he's certainly old enough-”
The moment that their waiter came to take the dishes away, Irma hurriedly excused herself.
In the bathroom (one of those spotless white ones with tiny shell-shaped soaps and embossed toilet paper because of course, rich people) Irma took a few moments to collect herself, staring at her reflection in dismay. She'd done her best to look presentable, but she still stuck out like a sore thumb in this kind of environment. Her dress was a little tight since the last time she'd worn it was for graduation, and her choker was crooked. Her bun was already starting to look lopsided, the redness of her cheeks was starting to show through the base Cornelia had applied that morning...
“Why am I not as perfect as the folks out there?” she muttered to herself, eyes narrowing as she glared at her reflection. She reached for one of the shell-shaped hand soaps and began to pick it with the edge of her fingernail. Absently, the faucet turned and water began to gush out, thrumming to the beat of her frustration.
After a few minutes of self-loathing and contemplation, she heard the sound of the door open behind her, and saw a flash of Irish green fabric, before Cornelia came up behind her, a vision of concern. She startled as the small army of water gushing from the faucet turned on her, almost letting out a hiss of steam, before Irma quickly called it off, allowing it to taper down the drain and out of sight.
“Irma, are you okay? My parents thought I should check on you in case the wine didn't agree with you, but...”
“Yeah, it isn't the wine,” Irma sighed. “It's this whole place. I can't fucking believe your dad called this place rustic on the way here.”
“He doesn't know the meaning of the word,” Cornelia agreed with a giggle. She wrapped her arms around Irma, leaning down to rest her chin on her shoulder. “You look amazing tonight.”
“Really?” Irma sighed. “I don't feel it. Or is this a classic 'lying to your girlfriend's face so she doesn't start crying in a stupidly fancy bathroom' tactic?”
“Well, it wouldn't be a great start to the meal.” Cornelia pressed a kiss to her jaw. “But I'm serious. You look great.”
“I'm practically bursting out of this dress. My tits are fighting for freedom. And my hair is coming undone and my stupid face is getting stupid red!”
“Of course it is, you've been drinking,” Cornelia said, rolling her eyes fondly. “And your face is the furthest thing from stupid, so don't even start.”
“I'm past the point of starting, Corny, I'm waist-fucking-deep in it. Look at this damn soap.” She gestured aggressively towards a shrivelled pebble in the basin. “That was shaped like a fucking seashell when I came in here and I picked and picked at it and now it looks like, I don't know, a really tiny golf ball?”
“Wow. Okay, let's take a step back from the soap.” Cornelia spun her around and rested her hands on her shoulders. “Irma, you look wonderful tonight. Seriously, you do, and I hate that going to this stupid dinner has made you so worked up.”
“It's not just the dinner.” Irma frowned up at her so-tall-it-was-unfair girlfriend. “Look at us. I mean, really look. We're like chalk and cheese, except, you're too pretty to be chalk. We're like – I don't know! An oil painting and cheese! I don't belong here eating food so fancy I can't pronounce it with wine I'm too weak to drink and in a dress that's too tiny for my damn good. You might fit into this magazine-spread life where everything is minimalist and perfect and velvet but I just don't. I saw it in the mirror this morning and I saw it in the mirror again just now. Are you honestly okay with that?”
“Why are you asking me this?” Cornelia asked, the smile gone from her face. “I love you. I love having you in my life. Sure, I like the nice material stuff sometimes, but if you think for one second that I'd put that stuff before you – before us – then the wine has definitely gone to your head.”
Irma huffed. After a beat, she muttered, “Rich people wine is ridiculous.”
“Agreed. Now, listen to me. We're too deep into this relationship to be hitting insecurities over stuff like this, got it? You know I come from money. You wanted to come on this trip with me. Unfortunately, that means seeing the way my family lives up close and personal. I just want you to remember that doesn't define me, or how I feel about you. I want you here. Okay?”
“I hate when you're being reasonable,” Irma groaned. She hugged Cornelia tight.
“Oof. Heh, don't tell me you're drunk already, we have the rest of a dinner to get through.”
“Are you gonna tell your parents tonight?” Irma mumbled into Cornelia's waist.
Cornelia hummed uncertainly. “Maybe. I don't know.”
“Well, remember I still love you. If you don't wanna come out here in this stupid fancy restaurant, no pressure. We'll make it happen some other time.”
“Hey, no need to comfort me, you're the one feeling insecure,” Cornelia teased. Irma lifted her head up to protest, and was met with Cornelia's lips pressing against her forehead.
“Ugh, you're too cute,” whined Irma. “If I weren't wearing heels I would go on my tiptoes and kiss you. And if you weren't wearing heels, we might actually be fucking level for once.”
“Thanks for clarifying that,” Cornelia quipped. “Not to worry, I can accommodate you.”
She leaned down and cupped Irma's cheeks, pulling her into a kiss.
The sound of the bathroom door abruptly shutting ended the sickeningly sweet moment, and they jolted apart. Lillian stood there, wide-eyed.
“Uhhh. Mom told me to come get you two, the main courses are out...” She blinked a few times. “Are you guys... lesbians?”
“Lillian,” Cornelia started, voice strained.
“I'm a lesbian,” Irma said with a shrug and an awkward chuckle.
“So you called me ignorant earlier even though you really are gay?”
“Ignorance is ignorance, sis.”
“Lillian, please don't tell Mom and Dad about this,” Cornelia pleaded. “I'm going to tell them myself, I just haven't had time to yet.”
Lillian folded her arms and huffed.
“I can't believe your mystery guy is just Irma.”
“Oh, ouch?”
Cornelia let go of Irma and approached Lillian.
“I'm serious. Can you please promise me you won't say anything?”
Lillian shrugged.
“I guess. I mean, I don't care about it. Not like they'd believe me anyway.” Seeing Cornelia's pinched expression, she sighed loudly. “All right, no. No, I won't say anything. So you can stop looking at me like that! Now come on, or Mom will be next to find us in here.”
As she pushed open the door to leave, she turned back.
“Also, Irma, you've got lipstick on your face. Hard to play dumb when the evidence is right there on your forehead.”
“When did she become such a smartass?” Irma muttered as Cornelia fished around in her clutch, bringing out a make-up wipe. “Look, don't panic. Lillian might be a pain, but she respects your business. Probably. I mean, I don't know her that well, but it's none of her business right? She knows that.”
“How did she seem to you?” Cornelia asked, chewing her lip. “Uncomfortable? Freaked out? D-Disgusted?”
“None. It was the same kind of grossed out she got when she caught you making out with Peter for the first time, I reckon. It was sibling disgust, not, y'know, her being a phobe.”
“Are you sure?” Cornelia fretted.
“Super sure. Now come on, you heard what she said. Lets go back before your mom drags us back by the ears.”
Irma reached over to squeeze her hand and didn't let go until they were out of the bathroom and in sight of the Hales. Elizabeth turned and shot them a disapproving look, motioning them back over, and Harold's face lit up with a delighted smile.
“I was starting to think the two of you had fallen in!” he joked, as they took their seats. “Is everything all right?”
“Oh, everything's fine,” Cornelia promised, a lie rolling effortlessly from her tongue as Irma stared down at the steak au poivre in front of her. “Irma just smudged her mascara and needed me to come to her rescue.”
“Ah, I see. Surely it shouldn't take that long though?” Elizabeth turned to Lillian. “Were they taking selfies?”
“Oh, they were having a gay old time in there,” Lillian deadpanned.
Cornelia froze. Irma dared to look up from her food to stare daggers at Lillan.
A moment passed, and Harold shrugged.
“Well, I'll never understand it, myself. But the youth of today are always finding beauty in everything! They can make moments last a lifetime! And I'm envious that an entire generation has learned to take pictures from an angle that certainly appear more flattering in post-production...”
As his speech continued, the tension melted away. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows at the two of them, as if to silently chastise them for sending Harold on a spiel about technological advancements, before tucking into her food.
Cornelia swiftly kicked Lillian under the table, but all she got back in response was an impish grin.
“Urgh, I'm full to burst.”
A now pyjama-clad Irma flopped face down on the pull-out bed, before rolling onto her side and burping softly into the back of her hand.
“I told warned you against dessert, if you recall,” Cornelia said with a grin, pulling her nightgown over her head.
“Yeah, but they had cheesecake. You know I'm weak for cheesecake, Corny.”
“That I do.” Cornelia lay down beside her. “I was a bundle of nerves the whole night.”
“Aw, come here.” Irma pulled Cornelia close, combing her fingers through her hair. “Lillian was just being a brat, that's all. She's got dirt on you, of course she's gonna poke a little fun. But she wasn't about to out you or anything.”
“I know,” Cornelia groaned. “I know. But she's on thin ice, I'm telling you now!”
“Well, the sooner you get it off your chest, the sooner she'll lose that power over you,” Irma pointed out. She yawned. “I'm pooped. Can you turn the light off? And then come spoon me?”
“Sure, your highness,” teased Cornelia, prying Irma's hands off her waist. As she wandered over to the light switch near the hallway, she caught sight of Lillian leaving the bathroom. The two stood there in silence for a few moments, before Cornelia uttered, “Hi.”
“Hi.” Lillian shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly. “Hey, Cornelia?”
“Um. I know I didn't say it at the restaurant, but... I don't like, mind or anything. About you and Irma.”
Relief washed over her.
“You don't?”
“No! And you should stop caring that somebody does, you know? Mom and Dad are whatever. I don't know if they'd care about it. But, it shouldn't matter if we mind or not, that's my point. It's about you and Irma, not about the rest of us. Although, since you're a lesbian now, I wish you had better taste in girls. I've seen her eat peanut butter out of the jar with her fingers,” Lillian pointed out, pulling a face.
Cornelia, stunned by the overload of information, leaned back against the wall.
“With her fingers?”
“Yup. It was our house peanut butter, too!”
Cornelia buried her head in her hands. “Oh my god. If I didn't love her so damn much that would for sure be a deal breaker. Also, I'm not a lesbian.”
“You're not?”
“No. I loved Peter, remember?”
Lillian pouted. “Yeah. I miss him.”
“I know you do, you remind me all the time.” Cornelia squared her shoulders. “Lillian, I'm pansexual.”
Lillian raised an eyebrow. “Pansexual?”
“Yes. Pansexual. I... fancy people regardless of whether they're a guy, a girl, or nonbinary.”
“The internet is a great place to learn about this stuff, since you're on the track to being an ally now.”
Lillian giggled.
“Yeah, I guess. Well, okay. So you're not gay, you're... what's the short of it? Pan?”
Cornelia nodded wordlessly.
“Okay. Cool. You're pan. And Irma's your girlfriend. And she's a lesbian?”
“Yes. You caught on fast.”
With a shrug, Lillian said simply, “It wasn't that hard to grasp. You're pan, Irma's gay, you're dating. That's that.”
Cornelia's mouth opened and closed a few times. At last, she uttered, “You made that seem really easy.”
“I'm a smart and socially aware kid,” Lillian said proudly, hands on her hips. Her smug expression softened. “And I'm happy you're happy. I was kinda thinking, cause you never mentioned your 'mystery uni boyfriend', that maybe you didn't really like him. I'm glad it's just a mix up.”
Cornelia's heart swelled, and she stepped towards Lillian, hugging her tight.
“You're a good sister.”
“And you're a clingy sister, god!”
They bid goodnight and Cornelia climbed into bed beside Irma, who had her back to her and was softly groaning. She yelped as Cornelia wriggled under the covers.
“Holy crap, Corny, your feet are colder than Mount fucking Thanos!”
“So warm me up.”
“Sorry, you got the wrong guardian for that party trick.”
Cornelia rolled her eyes fondly and reached around to spoon her.
“Geez, you ate too much. Your stomach feels like a rock.”
“Don't bully me, that was rich people food! How many times am I gonna get to eat like that again, huh?”
“If you'd just let me take you fancy places-” Cornelia pointed out.
“You know I hate fancy places!” whined Irma, punctuated by another burp. “Ugh. Just cuddle me to sleep, jerk.”
“Who are you calling a jerk, jerk?”
Cornelia obliged nonetheless, letting her body wrap around Irma's with a familiarity that had adapted over the years; from guardian sleepovers to family vacations to just the two of them drunkenly sprawled out in Cornelia's dorm. And now here they were, fitting together like jigsaw pieces, water and earth.
“Sweet dreams,” Cornelia whispered, pressing a kiss to the back of Irma's neck.
“Keep your lips to yourself, Corny,” mumbled Irma sleepily, snuggling closer all the same.
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heyitslapis · 6 years
Ok let's see... its been about 3 weeks since i posted last, give or take a few days. And I'll just say its been an interesting and exhausting few weeks.
Still trying to completely get over my dumbf*ck feelings for Alex. I'm not really doing a super great job at that, and still get random depressive moments that last a varying amount of time, but usually i just push my pity party to the side after about 2 minutes.
On the 3rd of June, Alex went up to see part of her family and join them on a cruise to Columbia. She said wont be back until maybe the 3rd or 4th of July at the earliest. I kinda miss her, but I feel like spending a month physically apart from her will do me some good. Her and i still snap back and fourth to save our streak and to day good morning. Whenever she cant find wifi, she turns on her dad's personal hotspot so she can send me at least one snap to keep our streak rolling (we are the longest streak we have with anyone on our snapchats, and it stands currently at 261 days.) The day after she left the streak sorta died for the day, but she was able to save it cause she was in a different time zone.
Since she's been gone, we've hired several new people at work, many if which being new hosts (thank God tbh, cause this means after theyre all done training and get a couple weeks to get used to everything i can train as a server and hopefully make a little more money). One of them is Giovanni's sister (Gio is a guy that works there. Mostly does dish, sometimes hosts.) And apparently she likes me? About a week before she started they came in to eat with their mom and after they left Gio was like "Dude, i think my sister likes you."
Hey, some random girl actually has a crush on me for the first time in my life? That's cool! Right? It would be, if she weren't 17. If i were still 18 or 19, i wouldnt really care. But now that im 20, even though we only have a 2 year and almost 6 month age difference, i still feel like its weird. I feel like im in a whole new age threshold now that ive hit that 2 decade mark, and she just seems to me like a kid. Anyway, Sammy (thats her) is bi with a preference for girls. She's very forward about asking the girls at work about their sexuality (she'll be mid convo and just be like "wait; you straight?") She makes a hobby of flirting with the straight girls, because as she says it, she can easily flirt with straight girls bc she knows she wont have a chance. As soon as she knows theyre bi or gay, she cant even really talk to them. Sammy flirts with me in excess, has asked me 3 times if im straight, or if im sure that i am (homegirl has only been here like two weeks), and the reason why is because she would happily let me break her heart, and has said thats its too bad im not gay bc if i was she would let me crush her. Also has told me that i remind her of her ex girlfriend, and when i said idk if thats supposed to be a compliment or not, she said "well i really liked her, so..." Oh and btw all 3 times shes asked, I've told her im straight (yknow, bc im not out to the irl general public) and I'll just say that having to lie outloud about my sexuality does not feel that great. Thats not something ive ever had to verbally do before, and now i understand. Tbh i dont really lie, or at least i very rarely do, bc i dont like it, and i want to be seen as trustworthy. i have told my share of lies in my day, but i feel like that was in the top 3 worst lies ive ever told. Simply because i know thats not who i am, yet im saying it anyway.
Besides that, in these last couple weeks ive:
Gotten my computer hacked and almost got scamed out of the piddly $120 dollars total that is in my bank account for me to try to live off of until next Fridays paycheck, and almost got my brother's bank account hacked (looong f*ckin story. Short version, im a gotdang fool, and people are absolute bastards), so now i cant use my computer until i get it looked at, which means no art (sucks bc i wanted to draw myself a bi pride icon)
Put in 103 hours at work in the last 2 weeks
Had our only available car break down twice
Got about half of our kitchen painted. Still need to find time to finish it
Purchased tickets for a convention, and bought almost everything i need to finish my cosplay.
Have a sore in the back of my mouth thats been plaguing me for over a week (finally starting to heal. Its been hurting to do so much as talk, much less eat or drink)
Had to deal with everyone's attitudes at work (some sh*ts going on with the moon and everyones been a pissy ass lately, and im so over it)
The pain in the ass girl at work that we've been trying to get rid of for over a year called in and quit 15 minutes before her literal last shift (Father's day) and our proprietary manager told her "its bullshit that you just found out that your other job scheduled you to work today 15 minutes before you had to come here" and "dont try to come back to this store again". Im ecstatic about it tbqh and feel a small sense of victory about the whole thing.
One of my favorite gays from work had his last shift Saturday night and im still sad about it.
It may not seem like much but its just all around every other day something else small happened to add to the weird and crazy smorgasbord that is my life.
Also bless Sammy bc yesterday was Father's Day, and because of that, i was in the building of my work at 9:45am, started working to get set up at 10, opened around 10:50, and didnt stop until about 8:50pm, 10 minutes before we closed. Our proprietary manager bought us tons of pizza and snacks in the middle of our shift so that we could all take turns having a 10 minute breather, but other than that it was non-stop work and dedication to the customer. At 9:50am my brother went to the Duncan Donuts down the road from us to get the handful of morning people either coffee or bagels or whatever they asked for. I told my brother to get me the english muffin with egg and cheese, and if they had the option, to add sausage to it. Also to tell Sammy i said hi (because she works at that Duncan also, and was there yesterday morning). My brother comes back with breakfast, hands me my food and said that Sammy made it especially for me. (At that time i was also in a bad mood bc i was tired from working four open doubles in a row, and was stressed, so that really lifted my spirits a bit. The food, and the thought that someone made it especially for me.) And i'll just say she just earned my love for the next week at least.
Anyway i think thats all for now loves. I dont have a very eventful life, but i sure do have a busy one.
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hello-stensy-blog · 6 years
Crushable - Chapter IV
Bacon, eggs, and a good old conspiracy theory. What a perfect way to start the day! Clyde was staring into a beautiful pair of green orbs: Stensland’s eyes. While the ginger’s mouth was running in an uninterrupted flow of words, Clyde was trying to focus. By the way he was talking, he could tell that Stensland took the topic very seriously. Clyde figured anything that got so much attention from Stensland must be listened to with the highest regard. Therefore, Clyde’s brain was trying to process all the information Stensland gave him regarding Michael Jackson still being alive, and how the whole death-thing was only an elaborate, meta promotion for a future album.
-When you really think about it, it all makes sense! I’ll send you some youtube videos on Facebook. -I don’t have, err, the Facebook, Clyde said awkwardly -Really? But… How are we going to keep in touch, after this is all over?
Stensland’s eyes were filled with helplessness. Clyde wanted to make it stop, to make all sadness leave his new friend’s face. There could be nothing worse than a sad Stensland. He stuttered:
-Well, uh… I mean… Now, you’re not going anywhere, are you?
Stensland seemed caught by those words. They had never clearly discussed how things would roll for them in the aftermath of all this. They needed to figure out a way out of their current troubles, but then?
-Well, I… guess. I mean… We are meeting with your brother, right? -Right. -And… then? -Well, I mean... Until we find a solution... I mean, even after, you probably won't be safe so you can... Stick around for a while. -Really? Wouldn't that bother you? I mean... You already risked so much to rescue me. -Yeah well, y'know. Might as well.
Stensland cracked a smile.
-Thank you so much, Clyde. You are an amazing person and you deserve the best. You will not be forgotten. There you go, have more bacon!
Having said that, Stensland put an extra slice of bacon on Clyde's plate. Clyde chuckled.
-I'm honored. Beats any kind of decoration. Too bad I can't keep it.
While Clyde was eating his well-deserved bacon, his last sentence had Stensland wondering. He stared at his friend's prosthesis--still sporting the ducky band aid.
-Did you, err... How did you lose your...? -Iraq. -...Okidoki.
Stensland instantly regretted his answer. He did not want to sound like an insensitive prick. But what the hell is one to say in such a situation? Still, “Okidoki” surely wasn’t the best option he had. But Stensland always felt uncomfortable with pain and loss, and he never knew how to lighten up the mood. Plus, Clyde was a secretive guy―something Stensland struggled to understand as someone who was always very emotional and demonstrative. He internally panicked at how to continue. Oh, well. In America, do what Americans do. He started stuttering:
-I-I mean I'm so sorry for your, err... I'm sorry. Thanks foooor your service...?
Clyde was clearly trying to contain his laugh. Stensland had no idea if that was good news or not. Why do I keep being offensive about my lifesaver's lost arm, Stensland internally whined.
-You finished your drink, Stensland noted, You want more beer? I'll get you more beer!
Without giving Clyde a chance to answer, Stensland snatched Clyde's pint glass and ran to the counter.
-Lady, please! Fill up that pint for my good friend Clyde! -A'ight, the old lady mumbled.
The waitress was obviously too busy gossiping with another old lady to quickly fulfill Stensland’s demand. Looking around to distract himself, he opened his eyes wide in disbelief. Casually sitting at the counter was Grady. THE Grady, from the Grady Method for Self Love! Without thinking further, Stensland practically assaulted him.
-You’re Grady, right? From the Method?
The mustached man gave him a proud smile, nodding.
-I am. -I’m such a huuuge fan of it! That’s so inspiring!
Clyde was on his own at their table and he had finished eating. He thought of past and future events. Their situation was complicated, even to Logan family standards. But his brother would figure out a plan, he was sure of that. He always had a plan. When he saw his brother enter the diner, the tension Clyde had been storing up suddenly left his shoulders. Jimmy sat at his table.
-How are you? -I’m good. -It’s been a while, though. What’s goin’ on? -Uh… I have problems, yeah. -Clyde, tell me. Is it, like… Cauliflower big? -Uhm…. -Alright, Clyde. What’s going on?
Clyde leaned a bit, talking in a low voice.
-So I’ve got, uh...My friend over there. We are, err…
Clyde was looking for a good way to phrase this mess of a situation, but he reminded himself that no matter the words he chose, the hard facts were still right there in the form of an angry ginger nipping at their heels. So he just said freely what came to his head:
-My friend and I over there are being chased by some mafia dude. -The fuck? -Well, let’s say... we lost his money, or something. -Okay. Do I know this friend? -No. -What’s his name? -Stensland? -It doesn’t sound like a real name to me. Where did you meet this guy? -Well, it’s...it’s complicated. -I can see that. Clyde. -Wha’ ? -What’s really going on? How did you meet him? -What’s your deal, Jimmy? -I’m afraid your friend is using you. -No, no, don’t worry about that, Clyde laughed -I’m serious, Clyde. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone had taken advantage of you. You just trust people too easily. -I swear, it’s not like that. -Maybe it’s time we have that conversation again.
Clyde shook his head, answering straight away:
-No. No need to. -Clyde. -No. -Even Mellie has noticed it. You gotta know it’s alright with us, you don’t have to hide it from us. -It’s not like that. -No, listen. You don’t need to live a secret life. Find yourself a… a nice boyfriend. Introduce him to us, that’s fine. -I’m not… I’m not what you think. -If people are mean to you, y’know. You got our support, still. You know that, right? You got us. You don’t have to hang out with troublesome people.
Clyde scoffed. This was too much, coming from Jimmy.
-You’re troublesome too, when you think ‘bout it. -I haven’t been in that business for like three years! Don’t be like that. -Stensland is okay. He’s…
“Nice, cute and soft” were coming to Clyde’s head, but he did not want his brother to twist these words and bring back the previous topic. Clyde did not want to think about all that gay stuff.
Bursting into the diner at the perfect moment, a familiar ginger figure angrily thundered Stensland’s name.
Clyde turned to see Armitage Hux followed by a masked figure, and then Stensland who had just taken a selfie with a mustached man, now looking absolutely terrified.
Armitage Hux and his hound chased a fleeing Stensland around the diner. Clyde rushed after them, and his brother followed. Everything quickly dissolved into chaos: the masked man had unsheathed a sword, Armitage Hux had fired his gun twice already, the diner’s clients were screaming, and the waitress was barking out threats with her shotgun held tight. Soon, Stensland was trapped by the blackclad figure, finding himself pressed against a wall with a blade against his throat. He was also held at gunpoint by a sneering Armitage Hux, who was in-turn corned by the waitress lady with the shotgun who yelled:
-Y’ALL BETTER CALM THE FUCK DOWN! -Oh shut up, will you? Armitage snapped, We have serious issues to clear, and I couldn't care less about your opinion right now! -Woah, woah, woah―everyone keep their cool, Grady said carefully as he slowly stood up, rising his hands.
Armitage pointed his gun at Grady’s face in response:
-Don’t you DARE intervene! NOBODY is allowed to talk, except me! -What the FUCK is this! This is not Comic-con! Who carries a FUCKIN’ sword around these days? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! THIS IS A FUCKIN’ FAMILY RESTAURANT, the diner lady barked.
Armitage Hux shot at the ceiling, and the room fell into stunned silence. With order restored, both gingers were now staring into each other’s eyes. As if he didn’t get the hint that they were currently in the presence of a maniac with a gun, Jimmy asked Clyde loud enough for Armitage to hear:
-So what, this is your boyfriend’s evil twin?
He received an immediate reply from both Clyde and Armitage in perfect sync:
-He’s not my twin! -He’s not my boyfriend!
Stensland made a face, mumbling:
-Jeezus. Didn’t know it was THAT embarrassing to be related to me…
Grady was still trying to make sense of this situation:
-Okay, so what’s the story here?
But before either involved party could speak, three more intruders rushed into the diner, holding machine guns.
-ARMITAGE HUX! -What now?!, Armitage sighed, rolling his eyes. -You fuckin’ traitor, prepare to die! -WHAT?!
Grady was now rolling his eyes as well. In all of his career as a lawyer, he had never been in such a catastrophic situation.
-Okay, guys, I’m going to need you all to start from the very beginning! -Who THE FUCK ARE YOU, MUSTACHE GUY?!
One of the two newcomers spoke with a voice that sounded much too cheerful for someone holding a machine gun in a family diner:
-He’s Grady! -Yup, exactly. I’m Grady, from The Grady Method for Self Love. -Grady Method? What the fuck? Armitage said with a disgusted look on his face.
As if he momentarily forgot that he was threatened by a gun AND a sword, Stensland exclaimed:
-Exsqueeze me? You don’t know about the Grady Method for Self Love? Does your boss keep you in a cave or something? - Excuse me, STENSLAND, but if his field is Self Love, I don’t think I need his guidance! I love myself quite enough, only LOSERS like you need people to teach them how to love themselves. -I mean, Armitage, Kylo interjected, I agree that Stensland is an idiot, but that Grady is quite the famous guy actually, so… -Yeah, the cheerful machine gun man insisted, He’s got his own show, too. -And his book is a best seller, Kylo added. -Could you PLEASE tell me what’s going on? -Well Mr Grady, the boss suspects Armitage Hux to be the traitor we’ve been tracking down these past few weeks. -Lars! Why the fuck are you… -It’s fine! He’s a lawyer! He’s great, Lars insisted. -I’M NOT A TRAITOR!
The three gangsters stared at Armitage, then Stensland. They looked perplexed.
-Wait… what the fuck is that? -There are...two of them? -Which one of them is Armitage Hux? -I AM ARMITAGE HUX, growled Armitage. -Yes, yes. He’s Armitage Hux, Stensland whimpered. -Armitage Hux could say both of these things. -What?
At this point, Grady made a note to himself: I’ll never make it in time for this afternoon’s planned book signing.
Kylo Ren grunted.
-That’s fuckin’ ridiculous. Armitage is not a traitor. He can’t even talk back to the boss. -Yeah, well, maybe it’s just an elaborate scheme of his! -Elaborate scheme? Armitage huffed. -I’m surprised those words are a part of your vocabulary, Lars, scoffed the masked man. -You know what, Kylo Ren? With your smart mouth, I’m sure you’re a fuckin’ traitor as well! -At least you got something right.
Armitage Hux gave Kylo Ren a surprised look.
-You didn’t come for Armitage. He’s not a traitor. You came for me. -Oh, that’s cute, mocked one of the gangsters, He’s trying to protect his girlfriend! -Y’know what? We should just shoot the two gingers and Kylo fuckin’ Ren. -Gentlemen, please! Don’t shoot anyone, advised Grady, I feel like everyone in this diner has a freakin’ gun in their pocket. If everyone dies, what good will that do?
There were a few seconds of complete silence. Everyone was giving Grady’s words consideration.
-I suggest you ALL put your weapons down so we can figure this out. Calmly. Then, you can take your business outside and deal with it the way you please… But there are people here, including me, who had planned to eat nachos without ending up in a bloodbath. -Amen to that, Grady, Stensland said. -You shut your mouth, Armitage growled. -Please, please, Grady said with the voice of a forgiving father. All of you...put your weapons down.
Lars was the first to do so. He convinced his colleagues to imitate him. Even Kylo Ren and the waitress lady listened.
-I really need you to cooperate, son, Grady insisted, seeing that Hux hadn’t yet lowered his gun.
Hux eventually obeyed with a sigh. After this was ensured, Grady proceeded to clear the room of those uninvolved in the dispute.
-Okay Lars, we have heard your point of view already, Grady said. You think that Armitage is a traitor, but Kylo Ren here said he IS the one you’re looking for. Is that correct, Ren? -Absolutely. -So, this is cleared up. Now, Armitage, what’s your issue with Stensland?
Armitage was still staring at Kylo. His face was not tense anymore, but he was worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. He looked like he ached after Ren’s revelation.
-No, Armitage said, Let’s not glide over that fact so soon, he said, What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Ren?
The masked knight remained silent.
-ANSWER ME! -I’m sick of the First Order. I’m starting my own thing. -Your OWN thing? What do you mean, your own thing? You barely know how to iron your clothes and you’re telling me you’re trying to outsmart the BOSS? -Seriously, Hux. Look at this shit (His boyfriend pointed at the three gangsters) Your so-called boss sent these three losers to take you down, and they can’t even tell the difference between you and Stensland who is THIS close to wetting his pants. -Hey, that’s not--Stensland began to defend himself. -To be honest, Hux DID have that same look on his face when HQ was overrun last year, Lars sneered.
His two friends chuckled and approved. Armitage turned red with both anger and embarrassment.
-What I’m saying is… We’re worth more than them, Hux. We could do this. We could do this BETTER.
Armitage shivered. For a moment, he felt flattered by Kylo’s words, but then he suspected it was all some trick.
-You don’t have what it takes, Ren. You’re a child. -So you’d rather put your trust in Snoke, who constantly drags you through the dirt? You want to go on chasing fuckin’ AMATEURS around the country for a man that terrifies you instead of ruling the city with a man that loves you?
Kylo and Hux were staring at each other like everyone around them had suddenly disappeared. The others were at loss, and their eyes jumped between every other person in the room. Stensland and Clyde locked eyes for a few seconds, which was enough to inject courage in the disheveled ginger’s veins. Now’s my moment to shine , Stensland thought. His mouth ran wild again, rising above the grave silence:
-Anything that's worth anything is scary or dangerous in one way or another.
Somehow, this sentence spoke to Armitage and Clyde on a sentimental level. Meanwhile, the group of mafia thugs assumed that Stensland was sending an encrypted message against them. In response, all the members reached for their weapons at once, taking aim at their targets. Clyde jumped up then, running for Stensland and pushing him to the ground. The shooting started. His body pressed against the smaller man’s frame, closer than any shield. This was too unreal. Blindly, Stensland’s hands reached to dig into Clyde’s arms, holding tight. Both felt safe, anchoring him to sanity among the swirling commotion around them.
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jiminsmrs · 6 years
85 statements
tagged by @taekemeaway (thank you so much!! its fun doing these :^) ) 
rule: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
ps: im not going to expose my friends’ name(s) in case they didn’t want to be in it so it’s just the first letter of their name
1. drink - green tea milk 2. phone call - my friend (A) 3. text message - my other friend (K)  4. song you listened to - Taeyang - RINGA LINGA(링가 링가) 5. time you cried - tuesday bc of exams and stress
6. dated someone twice - no 7. kissed someone and regretted it - no 8. been cheated on - no 9. lost someone special - yeah 10. been depressed - no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no
fave colours
12. PASTEL (can that be considered a colour) 13. hues of blues 14. black
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yep! 16. fallen out of love - not really 17. laughed until you cried - yes 18. found out someone was talking about you - yeah lol  19. met someone who changed you - @awesomemakingamends ♡♡♡ 20. found out who your friends are - yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - yeah
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all 23. do you have any pets - used to 24. do you want to change your name - at one point yes but not now 25. what did you do for your last birthday - met a youtuber/author and got a book signed 26. what time did you wake up today - 8 AM 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping lol 28. what is something you cant wait for - haikyuu season 4 30. what are you listening to right now - dan and phil playing i am bread 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yeah 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - stRESS 33. most visited website - tumblr or youtube 34. hair colour - dark brown with like an ombre?? 35. long or short hair - i say it’s short but my friends think it’s long 36. do you have a crush on someone - ............yes 37. what do you like about yourself - my lips??  38. want any piercings? - not really abt that  39. blood type - im pretty sure im either A or O? idr 40. nicknames - what nicknames could you make with my name feli 41. relationship status - single 42. zodiac - aquarius 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - i dont really watch tv lol but ive been watching hwarang finally 45. tattoos - nope 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - yeah 48. piercings - none 49. sport - i used to do soccer when i was younger but now i semi-do badminton, ski, and snowboard 50. vacation - japan ♡ 51. trainers - if these are talking abt shoes, i have nike
more general
52. eating - egg rolls  53. drinking - green tea milk 54. i’m about to watch - more dan and phil 55. waiting for - me to finish my queueing on tumblr so i can game 56. want - cash for uni my friends to be happy n healthy! 57. get married - in the future 58. career - comp. science field (hopefully a game developer?)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs 60. lips or eyes - eyes 61. shorter or taller - taller 62. older or younger - older but a few months younger is fine 63. nice arms or stomach - arms 64. hookup or relationship - relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - maybe a little? 68. lost glasses - do contacts count bc i lost them once 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - no 71. broken someone’s heart - probably? 72. had your heart broken - yeah 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - yes 75. fallen for a friend - yes
do you believe in
76. yourself - im working on that!! 77. miracles - sometimes 78. love at first sight - yeah 79. santa claus - no 80. kiss on a first date - maybe?? 81. angels - yeah
82. best friend’s name - amenda 83. eye colour - a really dark brown 84. fave movie - harry potter will always have a soft spot in my heart 85. fave actor - park hyung sik currently
i dont have friends @tumbling-down-life @mygskths @175pjm @jeonjeongguke @orhchid @baeetato @hqseokjin @xseokjiin @taepott @vendettafrank @taecup @apricotmin @mochiminii @taenity @dianas-world @gentlekook @prettymochi @gukbae @safejimin @velvethoseok
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sambukasam · 7 years
Summary: Dean walks in on you and Sam
Request: Anonymous: Could you make a smut between the reader and Sam. Daddy kink. and have them be caught in the act by dean and dean teases them about it?
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: daddy kink, riding, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, spanking, reader has a mild pain kink, suit!kink i guess??
Word Count: 3505
A/N: sorry for being ia (and the disgustingly generic fic name)! dear anon, i hope this is okay for you!! im counting it as r (riding) for the abcs because ive been severely slacking on that front
ABC’s of Sex Masterlist ↔︎ Normal Masterlist
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Sam looked damn good in anything he wore.
But there was just something about him in a suit that got you going like nothing else could. Maybe it was the way the suit made him seem even more powerful than he already was, maybe it carried an aura of confidence, of dominance.
Whatever it was, the sight of Sam shrugging into the blazer jacket had your breath catching in your throat from where you were sitting at the library table. His eyes shot over to you and he smirked, already knowing how much you loved him in his suits.
"Dean and  I are going down to the police station. Think you can stay away from your pussy for an hour?"
Your eyes widened at how brazenly he used the crude word outside of the bedroom, where Dean could walk by and hear at any time. They also widened because of the heady combination of his suit, his words, his face, him.
If he thought he could get you worked up and not face any retaliation, he was wrong. You put the book you were reading face down on the table and stood up, walking over to him. You leaned up to kiss his jaw before brushing past him and going into the hall, pausing to look over your shoulder at him and to say "I'll try my best, Daddy."
You saw his jaw set and his eyes narrow before you practically ran off to your room, not wanting to be stuck near the stifling sexual tension anymore. You knew that there would be consequences for you calling him that, that one of his rules was to not call him that outside of the bedroom. Another was that you were not allowed to get him worked up in public, so you were pretty much on a roll at that point.
You had to find something to busy yourself with while you waited for Sam to get back, something that would distract you from touching yourself; because if he found out you got off while he was gone he wouldn't be very forgiving. And he always found out.
Occasionally you'd risk it, but you decided you were treading on thin ice already, and if you pushed him too far the punishment would be real, not the fun spanking you were desperately hoping you'd get when he got back.
You stopped your thinking to look at the room, noticing the state of it. You guys had been ghosting in and out of the bunker for the past few weeks and you never really had the chance to take into account how messy you and Sam's room had become.
Cleaning seemed like the best thing to do while you waited because it kept your hands busy, and judging by the clutter of the room, it was going to take a while.
What cleaning didn't keep busy was your mind, however, and you spent the next hour thinking of all the things you wanted Sam to do to you when he got back, hopefully all while he was still in that suit.
The time went by in a blur, and by the time Sam strolled into the room the place was spotless and your panties were soaked.
He leaned against the door frame and folded his arms, the image of peace and composure if it wasn't for the pure, unadulterated lust that was clearly brewing in his eyes. He cleared his throat and you dropped the last dirty shirt into the hamper before daring to speak.
"How'd it go?"
"It was a shifter. It jumped Dean on the way back to the car, we dealt with it. He's in the shower," he said softly, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "Now, onto the more important question. Were you a good girl while Daddy was gone?"
You nodded and swallowed thickly, feeling your mouth dry up. You shifted on your feet as he casually rolled the sleeves of his jacket and shirt up, and bit your lip as his strong forearms were exposed.
"Use your words, Babygirl," he prompted.
"Yes, I was, Daddy. I didn't touch myself at all," you grinned, leaving the hamper's side and sidling up to him.
You saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat after you called him Daddy. "Bet you're soaked," he commented, and you could tell he had fully sunk into his bedroom role. "Maybe if you didn't break two of my rules earlier, I might have considered letting you come."
Your eyes automatically slid down to his crotch, where the outline of his hard cock was clear against the material of his trousers. You felt your cunt throb in anticipation, and when you looked back up at his face, he was grinning. You could practically hear the cogs whirring away in his brain as he planned what he was going to do to you.
He pushed off of the door frame and ambled over to the bed, shoulders relaxed as he made his way past you. He dropped heavily on the foot of it and patted his lap. He didn't need to say anything, you knew what it meant.
You tried not to smirk as you walked over to him and bent over his lap. You weren't sure which one of you enjoyed spanking more, you or Sam. He loved the power it gave him, and how you trusted him to never go too far. There was also the added bonus of you squirming every time you sat down with his handprint on your ass for weeks afterwards. He was never gentle, he made sure you felt every inch of his hands when he struck your skin.
You loved how teasing it was, how his hands were so close to your pussy. Sometimes his fingers would run along your slit, but he never dipped them in, always keeping up the pretence of it being a punishment. You were a sucker for the pain and how it morphed into pleasure.
He hiked your dress over your hips, leaving your panty-clad ass propped out for him. You wiggled your hips a bit to get more comfortable, and he put a hand on the small of your back to keep you from squirming any more.
"Hm, I wonder how many spanks it'll take for you to finally learn that teasing me doesn't end well for you?" He mused. His big hands kneaded your ass, slipping under the barrier of your panties and slowly pulling your cheeks apart before squishing them back together.
"As many as you think I deserve," you said dutifully.
"Now, I'm at an impasse," he said conversationally. "Obviously, spanking seems like the obvious punishment route. But the more I hit you, the more you get off. Five sounds like a good number, doesn't it?"
You gritted your teeth together, and you knew he was enjoying this immensely. You could take well over fifty, and he was only giving you five? "Yes, Daddy."
"This way, you'll be wanting more of something that you won't be getting. This is a great lesson in humility," he continued.
You dropped your head between your shoulders and decided to avoid making a snarky comment to egg him on, knowing when he was in one of those teasing moods he could be mean.
His hands withdrew from your panties, and he pulled them down just under the twin globes of your butt to keep them out of the way. His hand cracked down harshly suddenly, and you yelped while he rubbed over the mark gently in an effort to calm the pain.
Of course, that soothing sensation went out the window as soon as he pinched the spot that was no doubt a dark red colour already. "Don't forget to count," he said in a sing-song voice. Bastard, you thought to yourself.
"One, sorry Daddy."
Your skin was already throbbing slightly from just the one hit, and you couldn't wait to see what it would look like when he was finished with you, even if it was only five spanks. You knew he'd make them count.
The next time his hand came down, it was on the other cheek, his hands immediately grabbing and squeezing the skin he had just hit. You hissed through your teeth, this had been a little harsher than the first swat. "Two." Your pussy twitched with interest and there was no doubt that you were completely soaked down there.
"Good girl," he praised, and he dipped one of his fingers down to run it through your folds. You whined when his fingertip bumped against your needy clit before quickly retracting.
He spanked you twice in quick succession, and you started buck your hips to attempt to get a bit more pressure on your clit. "Four," you grunted.
"Ah ah," he chastised, grabbing your hips in an inescapable hold. You hissed as the cold air of the room rushed to your ass, which felt as hot as a stove top to you at the moment. You figured the throbbing on your right cheek was in the shape of his hand, which was really fucking hot and you couldn't wait to see it when you guys were finished. "One left, you can stay still or I can make you," he warned.
You stilled immediately, not wanting him to tie you up today. You preferred having your hands free to roam across the broad expanse of his back, to card through his hair and to tug at it when he hit the right spot.
He patted your thigh in what was probably supposed to be a comforting gesture, but to you, all it did was set your nerves on fire in anticipation. He parted your thighs with one of his hands and slipped his palm down to your pussy, rubbing it up and down slowly. "Fuck," you moaned out when you realized what was about to happen.
His hand pulled back, letting the air rush to your soaked folds before it landed a slightly softer blow to your cunt, hard enough to make you shake and tingle all over without causing any actual damage.
"Five," you sighed happily. You were positive you were dripping onto the floor at this point, you were that wet. There was a loud sucking noise, and when you looked up over your shoulder at him you saw that Sam had sucked his fingers that had just been running over your cunt into his mouth in an effort to taste you.
"Think you learned your lesson?" He asked when he was done cleaning his fingers off, pulling you up. You sat on his lap facing him, wrapping both of your arms around his shoulders.
"For now," you hummed, grabbing his hands and leading them to the marked skin, sure that there would be bruises reminding you of this moment a week from now. You squeezed your hands around his, encouraging him to go back to gripping the skin like he had been earlier.
You winced at the pain but pushed down into his palms at the same time. Your pussy twitched, the pain sending sparks flying to it while your hands moved from his and to his face. You cupped his jaw, dragging his mouth to meet yours while he rocked your hips onto his.
"Please, Daddy," you whispered against his lips as your clit came into contact with his covered dick. You tugged on his tie to keep him close while his hands let go of you. He pulled your dress up over your head, flinging it in the general direction of the hamper.
"Lie on the bed," he said softly, giving you a firm slap on the ass as you crawled off of him. You sucked in a deep breath as you made your way to the pillows at the head, taking care to swivel your hips as you went.
You heard his clothes hit the floor behind you, and by the time you were settled he was naked, his hard cock bobbing against his stomach.
"Sam!" You let out a soft yell and laugh as he practically pounced on you, ripping your panties down and past your knees. You froze at the look on his face, knowing you fucked up. You barely acknowledged the dull of pain that was coming from your ass as it came into contact with the blanket, instead focusing on the irritated look he was shooting you.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"I meant Daddy, I'm sorry!"
He grinned a dark smirk and leaned over you, his arms bracing around you to hold his weight off of you while he leaned his head down to right beside your ear. "By the time Daddy's done with you, your voice is gonna be hoarse from screaming."
You shivered at the promise, craving him to prove his words.
His big hands gripped your thighs and spread them before he lowered his body so that his face was right in front of your pussy. His breath fanned against you, and you tried to wiggle your cunt close enough for his mouth to actually touch it, but his grip on your legs was strong, and you could barely move an inch.
His eyes closed as he breathed in the scent of you before he let out a low, satisfied sound. When his eyes cracked open to look up at you, there was a teasing glint to them. He made no move to put his mouth on you, and you swore if he kept up the teasing you'd give him blue balls for a week.
"Please, just do something already," you begged.
"I am doing something," he said in a 'duh' tone. "I'm holding your thighs up."
You blinked, unimpressed.
"You're gonna have to be a bit more descriptive than that, princess. And don't forget the magic word."
"Daddy, could you please eat me out?" You asked in an innocent tone, down at him. The way he grinded down onto the bed at your blunt words wasn't lost on you. He finally pressed forwards, his lips pecking your clit slightly.
You could have jumped for joy at the relief of him finally touching you with his mouth, but his hands pinning you down slightly prohibited it. Instead, you settled on tangling your hands in his hair while a smile spread across your lips.
His tongue lapped at the wetness that was coating your cunt and the crease of your thighs before he nibbled the inside of your thigh playfully. You giggled a little at that before sighing contentedly when his tongue pushed into you.
The feeling of him spearing you open after you being so on edge for hours was incredible. He released his hold on your thighs in favour of bracing his forearm against the backs of your knees, holding your legs up while he had a hand free. His tongue slid out of you and was quickly replaced by one of his fingers.
"Daddy!" You cried out while his mouth sucked your clit in. He huffed out a laugh against your sensitive skin while his finger slowly stretched you open. He added a second finger, and you shivered at the stretch. He crooked them inside of you, easily meeting your G spot like it was second nature to him.
With each push and pull of his fingers, you felt yourself draw closer and closer to an orgasm. His tongue traced circles around your clit while he pulled his two fingers out completely before pushing three in. Your walls fluttered around them,  gripping them tightly while they prepared you for his cock.
"Daddy, please can I come?" You begged, your fingers tugging his hair in a way that sent him bucking into the bed again.
"Hold it," he commanded before going back to work. His teeth nibbled your clit lightly, and you almost screamed at the feeling. He sucked it back into his mouth and rolled his tongue around it, touching you everywhere all at once.
You tried your best to hold back, not wanting to come and ruin all of the fun, but it was damn near impossible with the way he was playing your body like an instrument.
When you were right on the verge of coming, not able to hold back any longer, he withdrew. His fingers left you feeling achingly empty, and your clit pulsed in the cold air.
"Good girls come on their Daddy's cocks," he chuckled. He lay down on his back beside you, and you turned your head to face him and gave him a confused look. "I want you to ride me," he explained, and you nodded before rolling over and onto him.
You sat on his cock, slowly grinding down on it and letting it slip in between your folds. You figured he deserved a bit of torture, after what he had put you through. You jumped when both of his hands slapped onto your ass, squeezing tightly and digging his nails into the reddened flesh.
"Stop teasing," he growled lowly.
You nodded and sat up to hover over his cock. He lined himself up for you, and you let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of the head of his cock slip into you. He put both of his hands behind his head and shot a cheeky grin up at you. His muscles bulged at the angle, and you couldn't help but to reach out and wrap your hands around his biceps.
You sank down onto his cock as fast as you could, eager to have him fill you up. "Daaady," you drew out as his thick length split you open.
"I know, princess," he gritted out. His hands fell from where they were propping him up to rest on your waist, his fingers flexing as they dug into you. You swivelled your hips while you let yourself adjust to his huge shape.
He gave you a few moments to relax, and when he felt you begin to raise yourself up his grip followed you, slamming you down quickly.
"Fuck, Babygirl!" He growled while his dick twitched inside of you. Your walls fluttered around him as he guided you back up again, hugging him tightly.
You let him control the pace, eager to let him dominate you. His length was completely filling you up, touching you in places no one else could ever touch, pleasing you in ways no one else ever could.
"Daddy, please, I'm so close," you whined out, shuddering as his thumb stretched down to brush over your clit, rubbing circles. It was all so overwhelming. So much so, in fact, that it took your brain a few seconds to process the sound of the door clicking open.
It seemed that Sam noticed at the same time you did, and he rolled the pair of you over so that his body covered yours, blocking you from the intruder's line of sight while he pulled his cock out of you.
"Sorry, am I interrupting something?"
You squeaked in embarrassment at Dean's amused voice.
Your entire face was burning red as you buried it into Sam's shoulder, wanting to just curl up into a ball and disappear so that you wouldn't have to put up with the teasing Dean would obviously have no problem dishing out.
You could see Sam's eyes draining of lust fast, no doubt his brain was thinking similar thoughts like you were.
"Well, Daddy?" Dean asked with a serious face.
Sam sputtered indignantly over you, looking up over his shoulder and at Dean. "Get out, NOW!"
"You gonna go right back to nailing Y/N as soon as I leave?"
"No!" Sam exclaimed.
"We're gonna get dressed," you mumbled, peeking your head over Sam's shoulder. You decided that was a bad idea when you made eye contact with Dean. The annoying look was already written plain across his face, and you braced yourself for whatever stupid one-liner he was sure to come with.
"Alright, buckle bunny."
"Dean! Fuck off," Sam glowered.
Dean let out a small, self-satisfied chuckle before stepping back out into the hall and pulling the door shut after him.
Sam got up off of you instantly, sitting beside you. He offered you his hand and pulled you up into a sitting position beside him, running a hand through his hair before turning and shooting you a sheepish smile.
"Is he ever gonna let us live this down?" You asked, grinning without being able to help yourself.
"Doubt it," Sam shrugged, before getting up and digging through your drawers to find clothes for the pair of you.
When you guys walked into the kitchen Dean was waiting, propping himself up against the counter with a bottle of beer in one hand. "Hey cowgirl, daddy," he nodded at you both as he acknowledged your presence.
You groaned and threw the nearest thing to your hands at him, which happened to be a towel that barely sailed half the distance towards him.
"Oh, you have no idea how much fun I'm going to have with this," he chuckled.
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kittenwritesstuff · 7 years
Drunk in love
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Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Rumplestiltskin/ Mr. Gold x reader Genres: mention of alcohol, awkwardness, mild fluff Words: 1.505 Summary: Reader has a one too many drinks which gives her courage to confess her feelings for Gold. Next morning, she has to face the shame - requested by Anonymous
“Don’t do iiit, honey,” Ruby warns, her voice a bit slurred. You’ve been having a girls’ night, you and Emma deciding that after a week of various unexpected events you should finally relax and you definitely earned a drink. Or two.
So, you invited Mary Margaret and Ruby to a club and the four of you are now more or less drunk. And, given that alcohol usually makes it easier to open up, Ruby asked a question about your current love interests.
Mary Margaret only blushed and said she wasn’t interested in anyone in particular. She wasn’t a very good liar but neither of you wanted to embarrass her so you kept your mouths shut.
Ruby confessed that men were more and more boring to her, although she wouldn’t mind hooking up with that cutie sitting by the bar. He was, indeed, good-looking.
Emma mumbled that she had enough of men for the rest of her life and that Henry was her priority at the moment. You’ve never been prouder.
And you… well, tequila definitely went to your head and so, without thinking twice, you told the girl the name of your crush, instantly silencing them all.
After all, nobody would guess that you were head over heels in love with none other than Mister Gold. You can’t tell what precisely made him so irresistible and wanted by you. Maybe it’s his confidence, so close to arrogance? Maybe the way he speaks, that accent of his and smirk, ever present on his face?  
Age difference? Please, those trivial things never bothered you. The cane? You don’t give a damn about it. He makes your knees weak, a shiver to run down your spine and a tiny jolt of nervousness to course through you. Never before has a man succeeded in making you both intimidated and drawn to him.
Yet your shyness prevented you from showing your affection in any way. You couldn’t build up courage to even suggest that you liked him, not to mention straight up asking him out.
But now? you felt bolder than ever! Damn, you swear you can move mountains, what’s scary in texting your crush? What can possibly go wrong?
“Bullshit, Imma do it. Just one text, let me see if he’ll text me back, right?”
“Alright, but only one text,” Emma points a finger at you in what’s supposed to be threatening manner but it ends up utterly funny when she accidently bumps your nose. You giggle, taking your phone out of your jacket’s pocket.
“Here comes big nothin’”
You unlock your cell, ignoring missed calls. They’re not important now – you’re a girl on a mission, one that demands your full focus and all the creativity you can muster after having one too many drinks tonight.
You open a new message thread, choose Gold’s number and bite down at your bottom lip, trying to come up with something, anything.
“Text him something along ‘hey, I’m having a drink, wanna join?’” Ruby suggests but Mary Margaret shakes her head.
“No, that’s too straightforward. Just start with ‘hi, how are you?’”
You roll your eyes at her and start typing.
Gold, are you busy? Have a minute to spare to talk to me?
Emma hums in approval, glancing at your phone from over your shoulder.
“That’s a good one. And no typos, very good.”
“Let’s drink to that!” you call, raising your glass and girls cheer loudly, all of you downing another shot of tequila. You grimace slightly, reaching for your phone, a bit disappointed that there’s no reply yet.
“Chill, girl. C’mon, drink up,” Ruby urges with a wide grin and you smile back as she fills your glass. Gosh, you really needed it.
Ten minutes later, as Emma’s venting about Regina and her bossing around, refusing to see Henry and overall, how hard it is to be a sheriff, you check your phone. There’s still no text from Gold, so you decide to send another one.
Blinking to focus your gaze on the screen and the keyboard, you let your thumbs click on the letters.
Ive something 2 tell yuo. Gold, mssg m bakc.
After another shot of tequila you’re not 100% certain whether you sent him more texts or was it just your imagination.
“Oh, poor thing,” Granny says with a hint of amusement in her voice as you step into the diner, your pale face and pained expression telling enough about how much fun you had the previous night.
“Can I get a coffee, please? Like, a lot of it?”  you ask meekly as you slide into a booth, resting your head in your hands. Thank heavens that Emma called a day off today and that Sundays are usually very lazy. You don’t even want to imagine what a efficient cop you’d make today.
“Coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon.”
A plate is put in front of you, after it a large cup with steaming black liquid joins the party and a feeling of gratefulness rushes through you.
“Granny, you’re an angel,” you say fondly and she flashes you a soft smile before returning after the counter.
You take the cup in your hands and blow off the steam few times before taking a careful sip. You sigh with content, feeling much better and frown when your phone vibrates, notifying you about new message. You take it out of your pocket and, much to your horror, there’s a message from Gold.
“Shit,” you murmur, your eyes growing wide and your skin becoming almost white as you look through the text you sent him the previous night. And there was definitely more that those two you remember.
10:39pm - Why r u not massagin me backc, Gold? Am waitin.
10:53pm - Emma says im a fool but im only a fool for u.
10:53pm - Shit
10:55pm - I didnt mean t tell it. listen can we meeeet? I can explain/
11:12pm - Okaay, u dont wanna talk, I get it. but I need u to kno that ive a crush on u.
11:37pm - Gold, pls, say somethn.
11:41pm – dammit. key, forget it.
1:58am – goodnight, Gold.
9:14am – Did you get home safe, Y/N?
You stare at the screen as if the evidence of your shameful behavior can magically wipe itself from your phone, Gold’s phone, yours and his memory and, overly, the history of the world, but it remains there, unchanged.
You heave out a sigh, take another sip of the coffee and with pounding heart you type a response.
Are you still in a mood to talk?
Honestly, I want the Earth to swallow me rn.
That would be an unspeakable loss, dearie :)
“The hell?” you murmur, not really understanding what he meant. Is he mocking you? Having fun with you? You can easily visualize him with a smirk on his face as he toys with you, putting you in more and more misery.
But then again… he doesn’t seem to be a man who’d play with other’s feelings.
Y/N, would you mind if I joined you for a breakfast?
Your heart skyrockets as a cold shiver runs down your spine. You’re both excited and terrified but the mixture somehow makes you bolder and so you reply.
Sure, but I look like crap. Feel warned.
I’ll be there in a moment.
You barely put your phone away when the door opens, the bell rings and you will yourself from running in that instant. You lower your head and squeeze your eyes shut, when a figure takes a seat opposite you.
“You lied,” he remarks, his tone hinted with humor and you jerk your head up to look at him.
“You don’t look like crap. Quite the opposite, to be honest.”
“Damn, you’re blind? I have the worst hangover ever and I feel like dying, but that’s really nice of you, mister Gold.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Also, about those messages-“
You groan silently, hiding your face in your hands, too ashamed to even glimpse at him. You hear him sigh but he continues.
“- I’m not going to forget it, as you suggested. I’m fluttered that a girl like you harbored a crush on somebody like me but-“
“No, don’t finish it,” you whine and Gold chuckles, noting that you look absolutely adorable when embarrassed. He gently reaches for one of your hands and reveals half of your face.
“Y/N, I just want to ask if you stand by what you texted last night? You’re sober and we can act as if nothing happened, if what you said was untrue.”
“It was, errr…. It was true,” you say quietly, feeling your cheeks warm up with a blush and, much to your relief, Gold smiles brightly, his eyes wrinkling a little.
“Well then… would you do me an honor and go for a dinner with me tomorrow?”
A grin makes its way onto your lips as you fold your hands on your lap, fixating your eyes on Gold.
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sephirothmon · 7 years
83 quesitons owo
tagged by: @homo-avaruus-kasvi-e (MY BROE)
rules: answer the 83 questions and tag 20 people
im gonna put it under a cut
i dont know 20 people on here so im gonna tag less and I HAD TO LOOK UP THE ORIGINAL OF THIS CAUSE I DIDNT KNOW WHAT A LOT OF THESE WERE REFERRING TO :(
last... 1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: i dont remember, i havent called anyone in months
3. Text message: i ate half the fettuccine
4. Song you listened to: simple and clean
5. Time you cried: about an hour ago (not for a bad reason)
have you ever... 6. Dated somebody twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it:  no
8. Have been cheated on:  no
9. Lost someone special: an internet friend :(
10. Been depressed: always
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
favorite colors... 12. To wear: comfy shirts that happen to be black
13. mint or cyan
14. uhh rainbow
In the last year have you… 15. Made new friends: YEAH i made like 2
16. Fallen out of love:  no?
17. Laughed until you cried: absolutely
18. Found out somebody was talking about you: yeah..
19. Met somebody who changed you: yeah!
20. Found out who your friends are: if this means internet friends then not really.. ive never met any of them irl :(
21. Kissed somebody on your Facebook list: i dont have facebook
General 22.  How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont hAVE facebook
23. Do you have any pets: no but my grandparents’ cat is staying at my house cause theyre going to germany
24. Do you want to change your name: yes
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i dont remember cause im thinking about my new birthday which is 1 month away
26. What time did you wake up: 6:30 cause i have school
27. What were you doing at midnight: watching puyo puyo playthroughs..
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to finish this 6 and a half hour playthru of puyo 20th without any interruption and also to go to a con
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: when she picked me up from school
30. What are you listening to right now: crickets chirping outside my window and computer whirring (my room asmr)
31. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: yea i had a friend named thomas in elementary school we made fun of each other
32. Something that gets on your nerves: VERY QUIET ROOMS where i can hear myself breathe. talk you cowards. 
33. Most visited website: this place, youtube, pokefarm, and dragcave
34. Hair color: blonde
35. Long or short hair: short
36. Do you have a crush on somebody: do fictional characters count
37. What do you like about yourself: i make myself laugh
38. Piercings: none
39. Blood type: idk i havent been to a doctor in 4 years
40. Nickname: uhhhh idk
41. Relationship status: single but i only accept paypal
42. Zodiac: virgo
43. Pronouns: they/ney
44. Favorite tv shows: i dont remember atm but the first thing i thought of was chowder
45. Tattoos: nah
46. Right or left handed: right mostly but the left one does its best too
47. Surgery: nope
48. Sports: swimming but i havent touched water in like 3 years. i also like to kick a ball on the roof and watch ir roll down then hit it back up
49. Vacation: i want to go to the pokecenter in japan and also go to germany for more kinder eggs
50. Pair of trainers: a what
51. Eating: water
52. Favorite drink: stuff from starbucks and fruit smoothie. lemonade is yum too esp purple lemonade its the only reason i go to red robin
53. What are you up to: writing this stuff and thinking of what to draw my friend while also rescheduling the time i need to finish watching that 6 and half hour playthru
54. Waiting for: IDEAS and conventions and time to see my fwiends
55. Want: money, more time, megaman collection for gamecube
56. Get married: no absolutely not
57. Career: uhh game designer? Spriter? Pixel artist character design idk man I'm probly gonna work at publix tbh
58. Hugs or kisses: no
59. Lips or eyes: eyes?? What
60. Shorter or taller: idk
61. Older or younger: none? :/
62. Nice arms or stomach: what
63. Hook up or relationship: none
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: both
65. Kissed a stranger: no
66. Drank hard liquor: nah
67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: sometimes I misplace them
68. Turned someone down: this is very vague but I guess
69. Sex on the first date: no
70. Broken someone’s heart: yeah definitely
71. Had your heart broken: i think
72. Been arrested: no(t yet)
73. Cried when someone died: YES???
74. Fallen for a friend: im not sure actually
Do you believe in… 75. Yourself: no lmao
76. Miracles: yeah im a bringer of good luck
77. Love at first sight: idk i dont rly care about it
78. Santa Claus: :)
79. Kiss on the first date: ?? no?
80. Angels: YES!!
81. Current best friends names: umm bucas, caeli, chancey, and theres more but idk how much they think of me as a friend
82. Eyecolor: weird blue grey
83. Favorite movie: uhhh idk lots of movies are good
you guys dont have 2 do this but i tag @samuraipudding , @fandom-trash224 , @digivolve , @solarlunarx , @stickyghoul , @jnxi (i kno we dont rly talk but u can do this if ur bored!) and anyone else that wants to do it? i know i forgot to tag some people but you can do this and @ me i guess yea
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xofanfics · 7 years
Guilty - Part 4
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Table of Contents: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Alternate Ending I | Alternate Ending II | Alternate Ending III | Alternate Ending IV
Genre: Angst, smut
Word Count: 1,971 words
Pairing: Reader x Baekhyun / Reader x Kai
Summary: *REQUESTED* You find yourself getting more and more frustrated with Kai as he keeps hanging out with his ex-girlfriend, Krystal, against your wishes. Your solution? Hang out with Baekhyun instead.
There were plenty of things that you could complain about at this point in your life, but you couldn't complain too much about your boyfriend. He'd been so sweet to you this whole weekend. You'd spent so much time together. The two of you had cooked meals together or, at least, he'd passed you ingredients while he watched. Kai wasn't much of a cook, but you'd taught him a few things. After all, he was living alone. You'd even helped him clean up the apartment. You couldn't say that you got much homework or studying done, but Kai helped you memorize your Japanese vocabulary.
You let out a yawn. “I'm tired…”
Kai looked at you with concern. “I am, too… Do you want to stay here tonight? I could drop you off to school in the morning or I can take you home tonight.”
You shook your head. “I think I'll just go home. I already told my sister I’d be home.”
Kai smiled. “If you're tired of me, you can be honest. I won't cry or anything.”
You planted a kiss on his lips. “I'm not tired of you, babe.”
He pouted, poking his full lips out just a little. You had to admit, it made you want him. You wanted his lips touching those little forbidden places, sucking and nibbling at them softly. But you'd already had sex twice today. Would three times be pushing it?
Kai pulled into the garage of your building, parking in a random spot. He turned the car off and didn't say anything.
You said, “is something wrong?” Kai shook his head. “Did you want to come up or something?”
Again, Kai shook his head. He let out a very audible, deep sigh. What was with him?
“Kai, you're making me nervous. What is it?” you asked.
“I have a business trip that I need to go on...”
“Business trip? When? Where to?”
“Um, tomorrow… to Tokyo.”
“And you're just telling me this now?”
“I was going to tell you, Y/N. I was going to tell you on Friday but we had gotten into that fight.”
“So you thought it was a good idea to wait until I was happy? I would rather you have told me when I was mad.”
“I'm sorry… I just didn't want to upset you.”
“Upset me? So what emotion do you think I am now? You think I'm thrilled? Is Krystal going to be there?”
“I'm sorry, Y/N. Manager Cha is sending me to help with the events. It’s Fashion Week in Japan. This is a really good opportunity for me.” When you didn’t say anything, he continued. “Look, I can't just pass it up just because you don't like my ex-girlfriend.”
You couldn't help but get angry, especially at that last remark. Just because you don't like my ex-girlfriend. It was more than that. You didn't like her being around Kai. But it was mainly because Kai kept giving you reasons to suspect something. If there was nothing going on, why did Kai lie about being with her? If there was nothing going on, then why did Kai hide this “business trip” until the very last minute?
You were fed up, once again. You didn't even feel like talking to him anymore. He'd managed to ruin the whole weekend. All the time you'd spent with him meant nothing now. It had been for nothing, a waste.
You got out of the car, muttering, “Have a safe trip.”
You walked into your building, annoyed at your boyfriend. While fumbling for your keys, your sister opened up the door. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
You sighed and came inside, tossing your shoes on the floor. You plopped on the couch. Your sister had cartons of food spread out on the coffee table. She explained that she had ordered some lo mein and sweet and sour pork, going into the kitchen to get you a bowl. You ignored her and grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the plastic bag. You weren’t hungry, but maybe eating something would take your thoughts away from Kai and how upset you were with him.
Your sister placed the bowl of food in front of you even though you’d already started digging into the lo mein. She sat next to you with raised eyebrows.
“Kai is going on a business trip,” you started, mouth full of noodles and vegetables. “Of course, his ex-girlfriend is going to be there, too… Meanwhile, I’ll be here wondering what the hell is going on.”
“You sound jealous,” she said.
You looked over at her. “I’m not jealous!”
“So what’s the issue?” she asked, picking up her egg roll and taking a bite.
“He told me all of this right before he dropped me off! Just now! Even though I’m sure he knew about it all weekend.” You stuffed your face with more lo mein.
Your sister nodded. “Okay,” she said, “it makes sense now. I’d be mad too. Do you think they’re sneaking around or something?”
You sighed, slamming down your chopsticks. “I don’t know! I don’t know and it’s driving me crazy.”
You tossed and turned in your bed, but you couldn’t sleep. There weren’t any text messages or voicemails from Kai after your argument. Your inbox was empty. You looked over at the clock. It was one thirty in the morning.
You decided to text Baekhyun. Are you still awake?
Instead of texting you, he ended up calling you, taking you by surprise. “Hey,” you said, answering.
“What are you doing up so late?” he asked.
“Can’t sleep,” you said.
“Me either… What’s on your mind?”
“Kai’s getting on my nerves again…”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You were surprised by how normal Baekhyun was acting. It was as if the two of you hadn’t slept together at all, as if it hadn’t happened. You supposed that you had to find some way to act normal before suspicions began to arise. Baekhyun was your friend before you’d slept together and he was still your friend after the fact. Nothing had changed. Like Baekhyun had said, you had to pretend like it didn’t happen. The best way to do that was to not talk about it at all. If you talked about it to anyone, it would only make things worse.
But you wanted to talk about it. You wanted to talk about how amazing he made you feel, about how good a kisser he was, and about how much better the sex was. Sex with your boyfriend wasn’t bad, but sex with Baekhyun was just so much more exciting for some reason.
“He has to go on a trip to Tokyo this week. He’s leaving tomorrow and he just told me a few hours ago,” you explained. “It’s with his job and Krystal is going to be there because it’s Fashion Week. I just don’t know why he kept it from me…”
“I don’t know…” There was a short pause in the conversation. “Do you want to hang out tomorrow? It might take your mind off of things.”
Was he implying that the two of you should have sex again? You didn’t want to assume, but you didn’t want to ask him either. That might just make things awkward.
“Yeah. Let’s hang out.”
“Okay. How about we get something to eat, my treat? And then let’s go to the arcade so I can kick your ass in Tekken.”
Relief swept over you. From the sound of it, it seemed like it would be just a friendly outing. Part of you longed for him, for him to make you feel good again, but you couldn’t give in to your dirty thoughts. You couldn’t give in to temptation. You were feeling guilty enough as it was, just on the phone with him.
He said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
“Do you think about it? About what we did?” Your heart rate began to increase. Your mind flashed back to Friday night, the thoughts of Baekhyun consuming you. Your mouth suddenly felt dry and your face began to feel hot. “I keep thinking about it.”
“We’re supposed to pretend it didn’t happen,” you finally managed to get out. You rolled over on your side to make sure your bedroom door was closed. Your sister had gone to bed a long time ago, but you didn’t want to risk her overhearing the conversation.
“I know,” he said, lowering his voice into a husky tone, “but I can’t stop thinking about it… The faces you made… How loud you were moaning… You calling my name…”
Baekhyun was beginning to turn you on. You wanted to experience all of that again, honestly. You wanted him to touch you, to kiss you, and to fuck you like he did the other night. You liked being talked dirty to. You didn’t know whether or not he was talking like this on purpose. Regardless, you didn’t care. You liked it and it was making your panties damp.
You reached down inside your panties and ran your finger across your clit, starting to rub it. Pleasure quickly began to take over you, biting your lip to keep quiet.
Baekhyun kept going. “How deep inside you I was… That sexy body of yours and how you started shaking when I made you cum.”
“Oh yeah?” you asked, playing along.
“Absolutely,” he replied, just as a low whimper managed to escape from your lips. “Are you...touching yourself right now, Y/N?”
“Maybe,” you confessed. “Are you?”
“Maybe… Are you wet for me?”
“I want you to put a finger inside for me, okay?”
You did as he asked, slowly inserting a finger inside yourself. You pushed your finger in and out of yourself, moaning softly as you did.
“Are you thinking about me?” he asked. You could hear him breathing a little heavier on the other line. It was safe to assume that he was touching himself, too.
“What are you thinking about?”
“How much I want you inside me,” you answered, adding another finger inside. Your fingers were slick with your wetness. “I’m thinking about you bending me over, fucking me like that…”
“I wish you were here so we could make each other cum…”
You felt yourself getting close. If he kept talking to you like this, you’d be done for in no time.
He said, “I’d make you cum so hard. Over and over and over again. Until you can’t anymore.” You let out another moan, a more audible one this time. You couldn’t help yourself. At this point, you didn’t even care if your moans woke your sister up. “That’s it, baby. Make yourself cum.”
Your moans didn’t let up. It felt good, but not as good as when Baekhyun was inside of you. Imagining it was fun. You imagined him inside of you as you rode him. You imagined taking his cock in your mouth and making him cum in your mouth. You were imagining any and everything you could. You felt your walls closing in around your fingers, leading you to your toe-curling finish.
You heard Baekhyun groan in your ear, followed by heavy breaths. You asked, “Did you finish?”
“Yeah,” he said, letting out a sigh. “I think that was just what we needed…”
You enjoyed touching yourself to the very thought of Baekhyun. Listening to his voice and moans alone were enough to drive you crazy. You had a boyfriend already and here you were, having phone sex with another man. That other man happened to be friends with your boyfriend. This was all so wrong, but you had absolutely no regrets about it. It was so wrong of you, but you enjoyed every second of having phone sex with Baekhyun.
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