secondlife · 7 months
Experience the warmth of connections at Ku’Lani while you indulge in an inclusive, adult-only community with MyStory-enabled spaces, breathtaking beach views, and a variety of activities.
Teleport now: https://secondlife.com/destination/kulani
Video by Draxtor Despres: https://youtu.be/GvgSWbgEi0k
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recklxssabandon · 2 years
Thread of Longing//Kulani&(Him)
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(Mild NSFW below cut)
The Red House was hewn from the rock of the tallest mountain on the southern hemisphere of S’ruthan Liar. Mount Ai. The interior of the palace itself could only be reached by traversing the ancient and labyrinthine halls that had been constructed by the first emperors and their builders. The builders had been sounders – a very specific application of the S’ruthan gift of foresight, or ‘reach’ as the people sometimes called it; they could lay their hands or tools on a wall of rock, and know all of its secrets.
Kulani Kerai, The Great Seer, The Lone Empress, The Witch of the Mountain as some now called her in the north, stood at her balcony and thought about secrets. Her long pale fingers traced the stone of the broad railing and she closed her eyes, absorbing the warmth of the rock. How strange to think a secret was a human thing, everything held secrets. Behind everything, there was more.
Her lips parted and she opened her eyes, sending her gaze out over the heathland of white blossom trees and heather that extended from the The Red House to the narrow pass between the Ai’ture mountain range. It was not quite enough. She reached out in a gesture of bargaining with the universe, out toward the great landmasses. The arid breeze lifted her white hair slightly from her shoulders.
A sigh of relief pressed itself out of her chest. Yes, there he was. He, among others that had been sent to ascertain the nature of the uprising in the north. Kulani stood that way for several minutes, letting the thread of his essence coil gradually like a spool of delicate thread back into her chest. Her eyelids fluttered. His was only a short reconnaissance mission, no military action was yet to be taken. But she would do this every morning for the next ten days, or until he returned.
A synthetic chime sounding through her chambers broke her concentration, she sighed and withdrew her hand, pacing barefoot into the solar.
“Enter.” She uttered.
A door hissed open hydraulically and Evun, her advisor on affairs of state stepped into the room. He bowed low at the waist.
“Peace to the Great Seer.”
Her fingers fluttered to signal him to stand straight.
“There’s news from Dagilach your Highness. The Empress Orlain has been detained. They say she is to be sentenced to death.”
Kulani drifted to the small natural spring that trickled down the side of the rock and parted the solar like a miniature stream. She placed her hands in the sweet water and swept them over her face. Drops fell from her nose and chin and soaked into the white robe that tied at her waist.
“The Dagal Empire will not be finished until it has killed every woman on its world, I fear. I appreciate being informed, but there’s little we can do. What of the reconnaissance?” There was a tinge of impatience in her voice.
Evun nodded. “The drones are picking up a large military force massing in the Drey City. We don’t know the identity of the leader as yet, he does not seem to show himself. But rumours are he is of mixed S’ruthan and Dagal extraction. He tells the people the old ways are dead.”
A mirthless exhalation left Kulani. “Perhaps those two pieces of news nest into one another more than I expected.” She placed her hand on the wall of the spring and let the water flow over it, absorbing its song. “For now we continue to watch. But we need to find this man, this would-be emperor.” She paused.
“And the men sent ahead? Before the drones?”
“They were undetected, and will be back two days earlier than expected your highness.”
Kulani felt her old heart lift in her chest. The water ran over the back of her hand, rivulets tracing her arm and wetting her sleeve.
I miss you. She spoke with her fingertips into the water.
“That’s some good news at least.” She replied, more lightly. “Please inform me of their movements, kindly, leave me be for now.”
Evun bowed low again and turned to leave. The door hissing shut behind him once again. The quiet of the wind at the balcony and the soft trickle of water suffused the room once more. The Empress pulled her hand from the water and parting her robe at the collar drew a circular rune on the skin of her breastbone, pressed her hand to it; a silent prayer for the Lady of Dagilach. She had never actually visited her sister world. Her mother, the previous Great Seer had warned her away before her death.
‘Don’t ever set foot on that land. Not while the palaces stand. Malice flows through the earth like water through ours. Maybe one day, when the ruins are reclaimed by the vines.’
Kulani stepped softly over the stream and walked through the solar to her bedchamber. A platform of soft green silk and pillows, these recent days she had found herself falling asleep on the stone floor by the water. Her knees and shoulder had the yellow bruises to show it. The earth was starting to speak, even if in only a faltering whisper, she was trying to hear the words.
The silk felt altogether too soft beneath her skin. She sprawled face down on the bed, one knee hitching up, her fingers sliding over her head to brush against the exquisitely carved wall at the head of the bed. She could recall the smell of him standing close to her in the briefing rooms, in the hearing chamber. He was always close by and yet just too far away. She had taken to reaching out for him, letting that intangible coil of thread flow from herself into him. He could feel it, but so far he had said nothing.
She was without a consort or heirs. This had not always been the way in her family, but she had taken the decision even before her coronation; under her rule there would be no kings on S’ruthan Liar, and the next ruler would be chosen, not born. But that could be a hundred years from now, perhaps more. Her people were known for their longevity, and traditionally her mother’s line had seen their four hundredth year.
It was going to be a very long life. Or, if this ‘Dagal Emperor’ had anything to do with it, a short life. Either way she was running out of time.
Her ribs felt heavy as she breathed into the silk, turning her cheek to rest against it. Her hands opened out and slid down over the silk like a breast stroke through water and hitched her gown up around her hips.
Shortly before he’d left she’d seen him and two of his lieutenants in the briefing room. She’d unravelled herself toward him as the other men laid out the maps and discussed the method of approach. But this time he’d looked to her, his gaze pinioning her. It froze her in place. His own reach pressed into the small of her back. There was a heat in it. When he blinked the other men were talking about squadrons and she was back in the room again.
Her hand flexed around to press into the small of her back, the other moving beneath her to the heat between her legs. When her mouth gaped, fishlike, as though starving for air his face flared in her mind. A brilliant star, it engulfed her and she forgot the boundaries of her body.
Only then did she speak his name, quietly, like a holy word.
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always-1981 · 1 year
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Back to my normal life with love of my life #Kulani ❤ (at The Brightwater Commons) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdXY35thQU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rodder-rodder · 11 months
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Alyssa Kulani
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tammishouse · 1 year
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ss396chevelle1968 · 1 year
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Alyssa Kulani
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recklxssabandon · 2 years
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“Our world, it’s gone/ Did we ever grieve or cry?/No/I came for help”
AGE: ?? (200+)
BIO: THE SEER EMPRESS OF S’RUTHAN LIAR, The year 4452, while on Dagilach the Oirsolise empire thrives it’s sister planet S’ruthan Liar is torn by civil war. The Lonely Empress, The Great Seer, Kerai struggles to hold her people together. 
DESIRED SHIP/PAIRING: I rewatched a bunch of game of thrones for a thread I started a while back, and then I saw Dune (which totally and obviously went to my head here) and I only really just figured out that Jason Momoa is attractive? Anyway... Shunning marriage and heredity unlike Dagilach, Kulani seeks a secret solace in the love of one of her most loyal generals. She is cursed to know they will lose the war ...and I’m keeping the Momoa facelaim for this because I can.
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always-1981 · 1 year
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I love you #Kulani ❤💋 (at The Brightwater Commons) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpGBdkztD7U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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celebsspam · 7 months
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Alyssa Kulani
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m00nz-artpad · 2 months
My favorite kind of dynamic!!!
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Melanie is 5'8" and Olivia is 5'2".
I made Olivia tiny because Wolverine is supposed to be tiny as well, so I wanted her to take after her dad in more ways than one.
And yes, Olivia is older than Melanie. Liv is 6 years older than Mel. For anyone who doesn't know; Logan and Melanie's mother Kamea Palakiko are married. So no, Olivia and Melanie aren't blood related. But they're sisters nonetheless.
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tammishouse · 2 months
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m00nz-writes · 3 months
I try not to ramble too much on my art blog, so instead I will ramble here about my new X-Men oc!!!
(this entire post is just me being the mayor of yappersville over my silly little oc fyi)
Meet X-14 - Olivia Hope Howlett
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Olivia exists in a mashup between the XMCU and X-Men Evolution (because I love to mash them together) and is also paired with NBC's Heroes because fuck them for fucking it up so bad, I will rewrite it with my bare fucking hands.
Anyways; X-14 is the biological daughter of Wolverine and when her mother, Kaitlyn Grove, realized that she was pregnant from a one night stand with a mutant, she willing gave the baby over to the Weapon X program basically right after she was born.
X-14 was raised in the Weapon X program and was forced to be injected with adamantium in order to "recreate" the original Weapon X when she was only 5. She was saved by Charles Xavier and he became her surrogate father, teaching her the tools she'd need to keep her feelings and anger regulated and even helping her out of that mistrust she had of others.
Xavier renamed X-14 to Olivia Hope. And when she was old enough, she was enrolled in the institute and was put in a room with her soon-to-be best friend, Rebecca Hudson.
By 1998, Liv and Becca graduated from the institute and they moved out into the city. Around this time, college courses had been implemented at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Becca attended a "normal" college instead.
In 2000, Olivia meets her upstairs neighbor; Peter Petrelli.
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(Peter, Rebecca, and Olivia)
Olivia and Peter begin a friendship after they meet on the fire escape while she's out smoking, and it becomes a routine for them. Every single day after school and work, Peter sits on the fire escape in wait for Olivia to get back so they can just talk for hours on end. Unsurprisingly, this prompts Liv to become VERY attached to him.
But due to the fact that Olivia wants to keep her hero life and civilian life separate, she doesn't tell him what she is or what she does. Plus, she's terrified that if he finds out, then he'll abandon her.
It's this same year that Logan Howlett and Marie D'Acanto come to the mansion and Olivia finally meets her father. At first she has no clue who he is until Kitty Pryde informs her of the rumors that he has "steel claws".
This prompts Olivia to properly meet him and realize that they look surprisingly similar, but definitely not the same. Their claws, however, are exactly the same. This causes Liv to want to know Logan better as she quickly realizes that he's her father, though Logan isn't too ecstatic about having a kid. Liv doesn't take any offense to this, instead giving him space and time to hopefully come around to it. After all, she's a grown woman and doesn't need a parent over her shoulder. She already has that with the professor.
When Magneto kidnaps Rogue, Olivia becomes involved and aids in the fight at Liberty Island. Olivia fights alongside Wolverine against Sabertooth, and Liv finally finds her own superhero name; Badger. She's not a female Wolverine, because that'd require her having claws on her feet. Plus she just likes the title much more.
In 2004, Olivia catches wind of a new Weapon X program and she decides to pay them a visit. Here, she meets and saves an 11 year old Laura.
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(Laura being a little shit :))
Olivia realizes that Laura is a clone of Logan, thus making the girl technically her little sister. She decides to take parental guardianship over her and becomes Laura's legal guardian. At the same time, Logan and Kamea Palakiko (Melanie's mother) reveal to Liv that they're in a relationship and Liv is forced to spend time with Melanie.
In 2005, Kamea and Logan get married, thus making Olivia and Melanie stepsisters.
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(Mel and Liv attend the wedding!!!)
By 2006, Peter begins to have visions in his dreams and starts to tell Olivia about them, making her realize he might actually have powers. Despite realizing this, she still doesn't tell him who or what she is, instead keeping him in the dark out of fear of losing him.
Liv struggles to maintain her double life while Peter is starting to realize what he can do. After being visited by future Hiro Nakamura, Peter tells Olivia about what he'd learned and Liv tells him that she'd help him. After meeting with Isaac and Peter finishing the painting, the duo goes to Odessa, Texas to try and "save the cheerleader".
After they meet her and they see Sylar for the first time, Olivia forces Peter and Claire to run while she stays behind. She fights Sylar off for a good bit and returns to the others, only for her to be attacked by Sylar. She finally reveals what she is to Peter after she enters what she calls "feral rage", attempting to kill Sylar in this blind rage, only for Peter to jump in and take Sylar down with him off the roof.
Liv and Clarie go to Peter and he heals from the deadly fall, finally asking Olivia what she is while Claire contacts the police. Liv tells him that she's a mutant and a former lab experiment, but that she wasn't dangerous. Thankfully, he's understanding of why she'd want to keep it a secret after she goes into detail about the very little she remembers of her childhood before the X-Men.
The police come and take Liv and Peter into custody. Olivia doesn't want to be involved with the police, but works with them to tell her side of the events. Olivia's and Peter's stories line up and prove to the police that they're both telling the truth, and Matt Parkman attempts to read Olivia's mind but quickly realizes she's managed to learn how to block out such powers due to Charles Xavier always using his powers to get her to talk to him when she was little.
After Nathan comes to get both Peter and Olivia released from the police station, Peter passes out from his growing health issues. Nathan tells Olivia to head home, assuring her that he'd make sure Peter would be okay and Liv reluctantly agrees, giving him her number so he can contact her if they needed anything.
Upon returning home, Laura questions Liv about why she's been on the news. Olivia is extremely confused until Laura shows her the news broadcast that had been released about Olivia and Peter having been taken into police custody after a cheerleader was found mutilated at the high school.
Liv assues Laura that they didn't do anything and not to worry, but the girl isn't fully convinced.
When Peter gets back home, Olivia checks up on him and tells him how glad she is that he's okay.
And that's all she wrote, y'all. Not actually, obvi. I just don't want this post to be way too long... which I know it already is. Oh well.
Honestly? I just LOVE the concept of forcing Heroes and X-Men together like the dumbass I am. I know I could be normal, but I'm still fucking LIVID that they fucked up so damn badly with Heroes. It had such good potential but they fumbled the ball with the storytelling AND with Peter. Maybe I'll go into more depth later about the rest of the story. Because the storyline for my version of Heroes series 2 is a mixture of retelling X-2 and Last Stand, but more intense.
As for right now, have my favorite not as pivotal arts I've made for Olivia (+ a lil bit of Peter)
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Becca 100% just handed Liv the shirt and told her to pose without letting her see what it said 😭
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Peter joked about her getting this shirt for 4th of July and she actually got it simply because she's actually Canadian and it's fucking HILARIOUS
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gothixm00nz · 4 months
the urge to draw melanie, bobby, rogue, and john as silly goofy group photos is so strong... but also i'm tired and don't have the brain capacity to do so...
why must god torture me so.
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bbdoll · 2 years
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wants to hear nothing of her mother being “out to lunch”. Mýa ’s issue with Isoefina and Nolan is a definite emergency.
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saintrowann · 1 year
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thinking of words that start with the letter “b” 🏖️🍹👙
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