#la de la de lee de lee la di la di lee!
ochoislas · 9 months
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En noches frías, cuando lentas brasas arraigan y pululan en los sótanos, que el aire ciudadano cardan de humo; cuando cuartos de luna palidecen y los neones fulgen en la sombra como letal tiniebla en la mosqueta... sobre el ahogado tráfico entonces puedo escuchar al búho, y con su acento me estremezco en mi recatada silla. Pues, semejante a un agorero, vino a aselarse en nuestros ruinosos muros, con sus garras sangrientas envainadas. Un oculto reclamo de los tiempos lo convocó, parece, de sus yermos para cazar aquí en el nuevo erial. Y donde las arañas se mecieron, reflejando mil iris de parejas, esculcan sus capirotados ojos; y donde amantes calzados de seda corrieran con diamantes en el pelo, despliega él sus alas silenciosas, descolgado como fatal azote que calando atraviesa el gran salón y al ratón raudo agarra en la escalera...
On eves of cold, when slow coal fires, rooted in basements, burn and branch, brushing with smoke the city air; When quartered moons pale in the sky, and neons glow along the dark like deadly nightshade on a briar; Above the muffled traffic then I hear the owl, and at his note I shudder in my private chair. For like an augur he has come to roost among our crumbling walls, his blooded talons sheathed in fur. Some secret lure of time it seems has called him from his country wastes to hunt a newer wasteland here. And where the candelabra swung bright with the dancers’ thousand eyes, now his black, hooded pupils stare, And where the silk-shoed lovers ran with dust of diamonds in their hair, he opens now his silent wing, And, like a stroke of doom, drops down, and swoops across the empty hall, and plucks a quick mouse off the stair...
Laurie Lee
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Dressing Up Fashion Week NYC
Lee Friedlander With a conversation between Lee Friedlander and Kathy Ryan
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven 2015, 59 pages, Hardcover , 28,7 x 33,8 cm., ISBN 978-0-300-17985-9
euro 29,50
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Lee Friedlander (b. 1934) is one of the most renowned photographers of his generation. Through Friedlanders lens, people in their everyday environments are transformed into arresting portraits, and the banal features of roadsides, storefronts, and city streets become vivid scenery. In Dressing Up, Friedlander ventures into new territory, turning his eye to the rarefied world of fashion and revealing precisely what is commonplace about it: behind the glamorous spectacle of the runway are many people hard at work. The photographs, commissioned by the New York Times Magazine, were taken in 2006 during New York Fashion Week, when the artist spent time backstage at the Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Zac Posen, Oscar de la Renta, and Proenza Schouler shows. The resulting images, many of which are published here for the first time, depict a flurry of toiling stylists, dressers, makeup artists, photographers, and modelsall of them preparing, but not quite prepared, for an image to be taken. Lovers of photography and high-end fashion will be surprised and intrigued by this inside glimpse into the world of runway design.
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voguefashion · 2 months
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Truman Capote's infamous Black and White Ball at New York’s Plaza Hotel on November 28th 1966. The masked ball which was labeled the "party of the century", was thrown in the honor of his dear friend Katharine Graham, whose husband died by suicide in 1961, leaving her to run the family media empire. The guest list contained 540 of his closest friends from affluent families, royalty, fashion designers, models, actors, writers, musicians and his famous "Swans".
Photos: 1. Capote with his favourite "swan" Lee Radziwill, 2. Interior designer Billy Baldwin (pictured on the right) with a fellow guest. 3. Princess Luciana Pignatelli, Peter Gimbel and Contessa Consuelo Crespi. 4. Capote chatting with guests. 5. Françoise de Langlade and Oscar de la Renta. 6. Guests dancing. 7. Frank Sinatra and Mia Farrow. 8. Capote dancing with "swan" Gloria Guinness. 9. Candice Bergen dancing with a guest. 10. Capote with guest-of-honor Katharine Graham. 11. Truman socializing with guests.
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petite-madame · 10 days
Hey ! I have a little question : how do you start to draw ? I want to start but idk how-
And, for the digital art, what app to used for it ?
(I'm sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, in fr :
Hey ! J'ai une petite question : comment on commence a dessiner ? J'aimerai commencer mais jsp comment-
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?)
Bonjour Anon ^^
Bonnes questions! 💗
On va y aller en français parce que, comme disait le Roi de France, "Car tel est notre plaisir" et puis parce que je l’ai déjà expliqué en anglais quelque part dans mon tag #arttechnique donc, pour une fois, la communication se fera en Langage de Grenouille. 🇫🇷
Pour commencer sache que tu as ouvert la boite de Pandore, la réponse va donc être longue. Alors, « comment on commence à dessiner ? ».
1 - Papier/Crayon. C’est loin d’être une plaisanterie, on commence avec un papier et un crayon. Pas besoin d'avoir du matériel sophistiqué et onéreux, j'ai commencé avec le crayon et le carnet à la con de chez Carrefour. De plus, quand tu vois ce que fait Alan Lee avec juste le dit crayon, tu n'as pas besoin de plus. C'est vraiment très bien pour s'exercer/démarrer. Après, si tu veux commencer directement en digital, tu peux le faire bien évidemment soit avec un iPad soit avec un ordinateur et une palette graphique mais très honnêtement, le papier/crayon offre une bonne base
2 - S'y mettre. Ça peut paraitre con comme conseil mais c'est comme à la piscine il va bien falloir rentrer dans l'eau, ne serait-ce que dans le petit bain. C'est bien beau d'avoir du matériel et de se répéter qu'on "va s'y mettre un jour" mais si on repousse l'échéance, ça ne va pas marcher. Il faut se convaincre que Rome ne s'est pas fait en un jour et qu'au début, ça va être tordu et que tu vas dessiner n’importe quoi. La procrastination au nom du perfectionnisme est un mal réel mais arriver à l'occulter est un belle victoire.
Pour ce faire, on commence doucement par gribouiller des choses qu'on aime. Conseil qui sonne sans doute comme une lapalissade absolue mais au début, je dis bien au début, on peut rester dans sa petite zone de confort pour booster la motivation. Tu aimes les chats ? Dessine un chat. Tu aimes les fleurs ? Dessine une pivoine. Tu aimes le ballet ET Emmanuel Macron ? Bref, tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire (on ne kink shame pas, je suis sure qu’il y a des amateurs quelques part). Cependant, petit à petit, il va falloir prendre plus de risques et se forcer un peu à dessiner des choses qu'on n'aime moins pour progresser mais au commencement, il n'y a pas de mal à gribouiller Les Chevaliers du Zodiac, n'importe comment.
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Le Chevalier du Poisson après s’être pris un mur. J'avais 8 ans ok ?
Bon, je mets un « cut » parce que ça ne va pas être gérable.
3 - Suivre des tutos et ne pas avoir peur de l'aspect technique surtout quand on commence à aborder l'anatomie et la perspective. Et c'est là, qu'il va falloir sortir un peu de sa zone de confort pour faire des exercices pour pratiquer les ombres et lumières, la perspective, comprendre les points de fuites, les poses dynamiques. Il y a plein de tutoriels sur YouTube, tu as aussi des bouquins mais je pense qu'une vidéo est plus parlante. C'est vraiment TRÈS utile. Tu as des vidéos comme "apprendre à dessiner" ou "perspective pour débutant", "la théorie des couleurs pour les nuls", etc...C'est là que tu vas voir que pour dessiner un chat, un visage, un bateau il y a des règles pour simplifier une forme, un visage, un corps. Alors oui, c'est chiant de dessiner 12 fois la même main ou la même sphère éclairée différemment mais ça sert. Bref, commencer à dessiner, ça va être commencer à comprendre comment transposer la réalité en « 3D » vers un support « 2D », la feuille ou le canevas Photoshop, peindre ce que l’on voit et non pas ce que l’on croit voir, décomposer les formes, comprendre les couleurs. Une fois encore, ça va prendre du temps, mais ça viendra.
Pareil pour les applis de dessin que tu vas utiliser si tu commences en digital. Si tu ne sais pas faire quelque chose, va suivre des tutos sur Youtube. Il y a aussi des reels sur Instagram qui ne sont pas mal du tout car ils montrent des "trucs" comme des raccourcis clavier ou des façons de modifier les pinceaux (brushes) de Photoshop ou Clip Studio Paint.
4 - S'exercer par gribouiller tout et n'importe quoi, faire des croquis de...cafetière, bouquin, chaussures, prise électrique, la petite cousine, le gros voisin, la dame du pressing. 1) c'est marrant et 2) les défis techniques ne sont pas toujours là où on le croit 3) ces exercices permettent de comprendre ce dont je te parlais plus haut s’agissant de la décomposition des formes ainsi que de la façon dont la lumière frappe les objets.
5 - Utiliser des références. Je ne le dirais jamais assez, utiliser des références n’est pas tricher ! Des illustrateurs confirmés comme Alex Ross ont un studio où ils prennent des photos de leurs assistants, leurs amis, eux-mêmes, pour avoir une base de travail. Si tu veux dessiner un bateaux pirate, va chercher une photo de bateau pirate sur Internet. On n’est pas « un vrai artiste » parce qu’on dessine de tête ou sans gommer. 🙃
6 - Travailler régulièrement pour progresser. Je sais c'est dur de trouver du temps avec le lycée, la fac, le boulot, les transports, la vie de famille, etc...mais le mieux est d'arriver à dessiner un peu régulièrement, ça sera plus efficace que deux heures toutes les deux semaines. Les cours de géo sur les bassins sédimentaires sont faits pour ça. J'AI RIEN DIT.
7 - Ne pas se décourager. Je me répète mais les artistes étant leurs pires critiques, le chemin vers la satisfaction va être long. Tu vas commencer par copier tes artistes préférés et ta tête va exploser car un jour tes dessins vont ressembler à Mucha et le lendemain ça sera à One Piece et le jour suivant Moebius ou un web-comic coréen. C'est encore plus dur pour les artistes débutants aujourd'hui car ils sont confrontés, Tiktok après Tiktok, tableau Pinterest après tableau Pinterest, à un déluge constant d'influences, à une stimulation artistique telle qu'elle en devient inaudible pour un cerveau toujours plus sollicité. Savoir ce qu'on veut, se concentrer, construire son style sans se perdre est, je pense, un des grands défis des artistes débutants en 2024.
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C'était joliment dit. Merci d'avoir suivi Ce soir ou jamais, on se retrouve demain soir.
Il va surtout falloir que tu prennes en compte en tant que débutant que quand tu vas commencer, tes progrès vont être proche de ça :
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Ils ne seront pas linéaires mais, tu progresseras. Un petit "art block" de temps en temps, du découragement, mais surtout beaucoup de joie et de satisfaction quand tu auras dessiné quelque chose qui te tiens à cœur pour la première fois, même si tu détesteras ce même dessin deux mois plus tard, c'est ça être un artiste, félicitations!
8 - Ne pas se comparer à des illustrateurs de folie. Paix à son âme mais si tu vois une vidéo du regretté Kim Jung Gi qui dessinait des fresques entières sans traits de construction, à main levée, tu vas te dire "Mais punaise, pourquoi j'essaie ?". N'y penses pas, fais ta vie, à ton rythme. Pareil avec les gens de ton âge. Ne te compare pas à un mec de 13 ans à Singapour qui dessine déjà comme un artiste confirmé. On s'en fout. C'est une exception, grand bien lui fasse, on l'embrasse, cœur sur lui, mais ce n’est pas toi. Bref, l'inspiration OUI, la comparaison NON.
9 - Prendre des cours de dessins. Être autodidacte et s’entrainer tout seul, c’est bien, mais prendre des cours si on est perdu n’est absolument pas honteux. Il y a des cours municipaux, des ateliers parfois à la mairie, à la médiathèque de ta ville, etc...Alors oui, tu vas dessiner un pot de fleurs et une pomme avec Mamie Geneviève, retraité de la Mairie de Brie-Comte-Robert mais tu vas avoir un prof qui va t'expliquer les bases si tu sens que tu ne vas pas y arriver seul.
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?
Moi, j'utilise Photoshop mais c'est payant (et assez cher)
Pour commencer, je te recommande d'autres applications bien moins chères comme Krita (gratuite) ou, si tu as un iPad, Procreate. C'est environ 8€ (ça a peut-être augmenté depuis le temps où je l'ai acheté) mais pour tout ce que cette appli peut faire, c'est donné. Moins connue mais également gratuite, Fire Alpaca, très honorable aussi!
Clip Studio Paint est également très bien. Tu peux l'avoir soit avec un système d'achat unique, soit un system de souscription comme tu peux le voir ici.
Voilà ! Bref, il faut s’y mettre, se lancer, dessiner n’importe quoi pour se faire la main, suivre des tutos, parce que la technique c’est important, utiliser des références et ne pas se décourager.
J’espère avoir répondu à ta question et comme disait Marie-Pierre Casey :
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"Je ne ferai pas ça tous les jours!" (même si personne ne m’a demandé de faire aussi long).
Si vous n’avez pas la réf, demandez à vos parents.
Passe un bon dimanche et courage ! On reste motivé !! 💗
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hdowfj2 · 5 months
○ Escucha música ya que estimula el mismo punto que la comida.
● Trata de comer menos de 500 calorías al día, de vez en cuano come más para que tu organismo no se acostumbre.
○ Si eres mia, lava tus dientes con bicarbonato después de vomitar para protegerlos.
● Invéntate que vas a sitios para así no comer y al llegar decir que comiste en la salida.
○ Esconde una bolsa de cierre en tu habitación; a la hora de comer pide que te lleven la comida a la pieza, diciendo que tienes que hacer tareas, luego hecha toda la comida en la bolsa.
● Si te ven más delgada sólo di que es cierto, y que comerás más. Claramente no lo harás, es sólo para despistar.
○ Ayuna por 28 días, el músculo perderá cuerpo y no tendrás que preocuparte más por el peso, sólo será cosa de seguir ayunando y el contorno muscular no aumentará sin necesidad de hacer ejercicio.
● Come algunas especias fuertes para que tu cuerpo aumente la probabilidad de quemar calorías más rápido.
○ Cuando estés en casa usa ropa holgada y ancha para que no noten tu pérdida de peso.
● Maquillate para que no te noten las ojeras y la palidez.
○ Come gelatina diet, tiene muy pocas calorías.
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● A partir de las 6 de la tarde procura comner menos, procura evitar las grasas y azúcares, a partir de esa hora tu metabolismo cambia, ya que se prepra para dormir y es cuando intenta acumular más grasas.
○ Si masticas muy bien los alimentos, te mantienes satisfecha más pronto y engordas menos porque la digestión se lleva a cabo mejor.
● Siempre llévate a la boca cantidades de comida muy pequeñas y mastícalo bien, así te llenaras antes y comerás menos.
○ Antes de comer algo que te apetezca mucho, como un helado de chocolate o una bolsa de patatas fritas, inspira profundamente y cuenta hasta 100; lo más seguro es que mucho antes de que hayas llegado a 100 ya te habrás convencido de que no lo debes comer.
● Cuando estés comiendo con más gente prueba el truco de la taza opaca: "Aparenta que estas comiendo y escupe la comida en la taza cuando aparentes estar bebiendo".
○ Convéncete de que no te gusta la comida que contiene muchas grasas o muy calórica y no la comas.
● Espera siempre 3 horas antes de irte a dormir cuando hayas comido.
○ Si bebes café con el estómago vacío se te quitará el hambre y quemarás calorías gracias a la cafeína.
● Si te tienes que hacer unos análisis de sangre, estos trucos te pueden servir para tratar de aparentar que estas bien: bebe mucha agua y bebe zumo y come algún yogurt y unas horas antes, toma bebidas isotónicas para incrementar el nivel de electrolitos.
○ Bebe agua, mucha agua, cuanto más fría, más calorís quemarás. Además, te hace sentir llena, te purifica por dentro, eliminas líquidos y te quita el hambre.
● Cuando tengas hambre cepilla tus dientes, tómate una ducha, embellecete.
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○ Si no puedes evitar la tentación, coge la comida que te haya apetecido, masticala muy muy despacio y escupela. Repite esto unas cuantas veces hasta calmar la ansiedad. Entre mordisco y mordisco procura beber agua.
● Come chicles sin azucar, te llenan el estómago, están buenos y quemas más calorías mientras los masticas que las que contienen.
○ Come cuando haya gente delante. Así no podrán decir que no comes. Si sabes que tendrás que comer con gente procura no comer nada el día anterior, o comer sólo fruta y sopas,así podrás comer algo más al día siguiente.
● Lee todos los libros sobre Anas que puedas. Inspiran un montón. Eso si, procura que no te vean con ellos amigos, familiares.
○ Mira como come la gente gorda. Quieres ponerte así?
● Duerme al menos 6 horas. Dormir menos incrementa el hambre. Procura comer en plato de postre. Parecerá que has comido más.
○ Mastica hielo. Eso te quitará un poco el hambre.
● Las mentas son excelentes para calmar el hambre.
○ Come lentamente. El estómago requiere 20 minutos para sentirse satisfecho.
● No te abrigues, cuando tienes frío, tu cuerpo consume un mayor número de calorías.
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longliveblackness · 1 year
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Esther Jones was known on stage by many names, including “Baby Esther,” “Little Esther,” “Farina’s Kid Sister,” and “Miniature Florence Mills,” is widely, although not universally, credited with being the inspiration for the Betty Boop cartoon character. Jones was born Esther Lee Jones in 1918 in Chicago, Illinois, to William Jones and Gertrude Jones.
In 1928, the Jones family moved to Harlem, New York. At seven, Jones was later known for adopting the popular singing style, scat, which emphasized the baby-style of “b” and “d” sounds and nonsense syllables such as Boo-Boo-Boo’ and ‘Doo-Doo-Doo.’ Consequently, she was a sought-after child performer in the city, and was a fixtured entertainer in the famous Cotton Club and the Everglades Nightclub in New York City during the latter years of the Harlem Renaissance. She added to her entertainment fame by become an extraordinary black-bottom dancer.
In 1929, Jones was taken to Spain, where she was called “La Pandilla.” Later she performed before Sweden’s Queen Sophie Marie Viktoria and King Gustaf V, in Stockholm. Despite her notoriety, she also experienced blatant racism when denied a glass of milk in an American-operated restaurant in Stockholm. The business, however, was forced to close after her treatment there became public knowledge.
Jones performed at the Moulin Rouge, Casino de Paris, and the Empire in Paris, France. There she was dubbed the “Miniature Josephine Baker.” While in Europe, she was paid an average $750 per week for her performances and by age 11, Jones was the highest-paid child on stage globally. After performing, Jones would go backstage to play with dolls. Whenever she performed, both parents were in attendance.
In 1930, Fleisher Studios in Hollywood introduced the cartoon character Betty Boop. Jones, however, received no royalties or performing credits despite the fact that a lawsuit would eventually expose Betty Boop’s true origins. The lawsuit ironically was brought by Helen Kane, a white performer, who sued Fleisher Studios for appropriating her “Betty Boop” character without her permission and without the payment of royalties. Over the course of the Fleisher Studios v. Kane trial, it was revealed that Kane had begun mimicking Jones’ scat act and even sang the same song, “I Want to Be Loved By You’ including the “Boop-Boop-a-Doop” reference. When Kane lost the lawsuit, other studios felt emboldened to promote the Betty Boop character but it recognized neither Kane or Jones as the source.
In 1934, Jones, now 16, performed in Philadelphia at a midnight benefit performance for the NAACP. That same year, she gave a stellar performance at the American Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the request of then Ambassador Jefferson Caffery. Brazil’s President Getúlio Dornelles Vargas, was in the audience and praised the performance and performer.
By 1940, however, the entertainment career of now 22-year-old Esther Jones, was over. She was no longer a child singing or dancing sensation. Esther Jones, now widely credited with influencing the iconic sex symbol Betty Boop, died in 1984 in New York City from liver and kidney complications. She was 66. Regardless of her role in the development of the Betty Boop cartoon character, Jones should be remembered as a child star with a brief but remarkable career in the entertainment industry.
Esther Jones fue conocida en el escenario por varios nombres, incluyendo: “Baby Esther (Bebé Esther),” “Little Esther (Pequeña Esther),” “Farina’s Kid Sister (Hermanita de Farina),” y “Miniature Florence Mills (Florence Mills en miniatura). Generalmente, pero no universalmente, acreditada con ser la inspiración del personaje de caricatura, Betty Boop. Esther Lee Jones, nació en 1918 en Chicago, Illinois a sus padres William Jones y Gertrude Jones.
En 1928, la familia Jones se mudó a Harlem, Nueva York. A la edad de siete años, Jones fue reconocida por adoptar el famoso estilo de canto llamado ‘scat’ y resaltaba los sonidos de bebé que sonaban con ‘b’ y ‘d’, junto con sílabas que no tenían sentido como: Boo-Boo-Boo’ y ‘Doo-Doo-Doo.’ Consecuentemente, esto la convirtió en la artista infantil más buscada de la ciudad. Se convirtió en una presentadora fija en el famoso Cotton Club y el club nocturno Everglades en la ciudad de Nueva York, esto fue durante los últimos años del Renacimiento de Harlem. Le agregó más a su fama cuando se convirtió en una bailarina de black bottom (un paso de baile relacionado con el jazz tradicional).
En 1929, Esther fue llevada a España, dónde le llamaban “La Pandilla”. Poco después de eso, hizo una presentación en Stockholm frente a la Reina Sophie Marie Viktoria y el Rey Gustaf V de Suecia. A pesar de su notoriedad, también experimentó racismo muy evidente cuando se le negó un vaso con leche en un restaurante operado por americanos en Stockholm. Sin embargo, una vez que el trato que se le dio se hizo público, obligaron a que el negocio cerrara.
Jones se presentó en Moulin Rouge, Casino de Paris, and the Empire, ubicados en Paris, Francia. Es aquí donde le dieron el apodo de “Josephine Baker en miniatura”. Mientras que estuvo en Europa se le pagaban aproximadamente $750 por semana y con solo once años de edad, Jones era la artista infantil mejor pagada a nivel global. Después de sus presentaciones, ella se iba tras bastidores a jugar con muñecas. Sus padres siempre estaban presentes para las presentaciones.
En 1930, Fleisher Studios de Hollywood introdujo un nuevo personaje, Betty Boop. Y a pesar de que una demanda demostraría el verdadero origen de la caricatura, Jones nunca recibió crédito o derechos. Irónicamente, la demanda fue interpuesta por Helen Kane, una artista que había demandado a Fleisher Studios por apropiarse de su personaje “Betty Boop” sin su permiso y sin pagarle sus derechos. Durante el juicio Fleisher Studios v. Kane, se reveló que Kane había comenzado a imitar el acto de scat de Jones y que incluso cantaba las mismas canciones como ‘I Want to Be Loved By You’ incluyendo la referencia: “Boop-Boop-a-Doop”. Cuando Kane perdió la demanda, otros estudios se animaron a promover al personaje Betty Boop, sin reconocer a Kane o Jones como la fuente.
En 1934, Jones, ahora con dieciséis años de edad, hizo una presentación en Philadelphia para una noche de beneficencia de la Asociación Nacional para el Progreso de la Gente de Color (NAACP). Ese mismo año, a petición del embajador Jefferson Caffery, hizo una presentación estelar en la embajada americana ubicada en Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. El presidente Getúlio Dornelles Vargas se encontraba en la audiencia, elogió la presentación y también a la presentadora.
Para 1940, con veintidós años de edad, la carrera de Esther Jones en la industria del entretenimiento, ya se había acabado. Ya no era una sensación infantil que bailaba y cantaba. Esther Jones, ahora extensamente acreditada con ser la influencia del símbolo sexual, Betty Boop, murió en 1984 en la ciudad de Nueva York, por complicaciones renales y hepaticas. Tenía 66 años. Independiente de su rol en el desarrollo del personaje, Betty Boop; Esther Jones debería de ser recordada como una estrella infantil que tuve una carrera corta pero extraordinaria.
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kaylalovesmaneskin · 1 year
Angry love
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A/n: Heyy loves IM BACKKK sorry I haven’t been posting lately i have been really busy but im am back with a little cute short story also I just wanted to say that y/n in this story is Italian and Puerto Rican just like me so yea she will speak two different languages also Happy late Easter @ellior1111 @tommy-lee-slash
Paring:Damiano David x fem!reader
Warnings: no that much besides swearing
Summary:dami had pissed you off by playing a prank on you that you got really mad about.
“No fuck you.” You yelled at dami pushing him away from you. (A lil back story) Dami had played a prank on you that you had gotten really mad about and you had began to curse him out. (Back to present) “Listen baby I’m sorry okay i didn’t think that you would get this mad.” He said walking over to you. “Don’t come near me or I will.” “What will you do dear.” He said with a smirk on his face. The next minute the door opens. “Hey baes.” Vic said walking in. “Hey dami and y/n.” Thomas said following behind her. “Hey love birds.” Ethan said Walking behind Thomas. “Woah what the hell is going on.” Vic said. “Questo fottouto teste di cazzo ha pensato che Foss divertente farmi uno scherzo.” You said to Vic. “Damm dami no Wonder why I heard yelling from outside I thought y’all was fucking.” She said laughing a lil. “Isn’t she just so fine when she curses me out in Italian.” Dami said leaning over to Ethan. “Damiano you are one crazy man.” Ethan said. “No it’s just like how did I get with her.” He said putting his hand over his heart. “Dami now I’m not trying to be weird or anything but we all know Damm well you are a bottom and your y/n’s bitch.” Thomas said laughing. “No porque esta Maldita perra piensa que es graciso ha Cerle esa a la Gente.” You Said yelling at him. “Man I love when she yells at me In Spanish.” Dami said looking over at Thomas and Ethan. “Yeah you got some serious problems.” Thomas said. “Well you two how about you two either one hug it out 2 make out or 3 fuck and then say sorry because I want to watch a movie and spend time together when y/n doesn’t want to kill damiano.” Vic said  hugging the both of you and dami. “Get me away from the Hijo de puta.” You said breaking up the hug. (Moments later) you were cuddled up in dami’s arms then Ethan Thomas and Vic were all laying down together. “You know y/n you look kinda cute like this in my arms.” Damiano said to you. “ i still hate you by the way.” “Will you to get a room please I’m trying to watch the movie here okay the black phone(saw what i did. there) is my fav.” Vic said. You all watch the movie until everyone had fell asleep. THE END ❤️‍🩹
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hi sorry if this was asked before but tumblr search isn’t working? but i was wondering if you have a playlist or some song recommendation that go well since i’m planning to reread and catch up on your lovely game !! <33
Edit: Started a crowsourced playlist to compile songs, feel free to contribute / put in the songs that remind you of each character :)
Oh nooo I don't know what I tagged all the song recs folks have been sending in as, because I tried "song rec" and "song recs" in my featured tags and both don't work hahaha I'm so bad at using tumblr it's kinda funny this is my main mode of reader/player interaction xD
But hmm let's see, I did save a couple into a playlist for writing previously, but they're combined with the Merry Crisis recs. I'll just list a few that i feel fit, but taking recs from y'all and i promise I'll tag properly this time and create a separated CT:OS playlist 😅
Sam: Photos from when we were young by Nana Grizol, Always on my mind by Willie Nelson (more for the lyrics rather than the old-school vibe), There till the end by Jerub, and Lucky by Colbie Caillat (because it appears in the IF :P), Come back home by Lauv
Rayyan: Fuck it! by Days 'N Daze, Backwards directions by Abby Sage, Waves by Dean Lewis, House of the Rising Sun by the Animals, Not done yet by SOJA, Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland, Indigo Night by Tamino
Tobin: If you love me by Brenda Lee, Nothing without you by Tanarélle, Killing me softly by Frank Sinatra/Roberta Flack. First Love/Late Spring by Mitski, My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
G: August by Taylor Swift, Apocalypse by Cigarettes after Sex, Place de la République by Cœur de pirate, Dis, quand reviendras-tu by Barbara, Born To Die by Lana Del Rey and Real by Years & Years
Dad: Badlands by Bruce Springsteen but tbh just. Springsteen in general.
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bestmusicalworldcup · 8 months
2023 League of Musicals Alphabetized List of Musicals
Below is the full list of musicals in the League of Musicals sorted by Division.
Division A
Alice By Heart Annie Assassins Avenue Q The Band's Visit The Book of Mormon Cabaret Cats Chess Chicago A Chorus Line Come From Away Company Falsettos Fiddler on the Roof Firebringer Fun Home A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder Ghost Quartet Guys and Dolls Hadestown Hair Hairspray Hamilton Hello, Dolly! The Hunchback of Notre Dame In The Heights Into the Woods Jekyll and Hyde The King and I Kinky Boots Legally Blonde Les Misérables The Lion King Little Shop of Horrors Matilda Moulin Rouge Mozart, l'opéra rock The Music Man My Fair Lady Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Newsies Next to Normal Octet Once Once on this Island The Phantom of the Opera Pippin The Producers Ragtime Rent Ride the Cyclone The Rocky Horror Show Something Rotten The Sound of Music Spies Are Forever SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Spring Awakening Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier Waitress West Side Story Wicked The Wiz
Division B
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 42nd Street 1776 Adamandi American Idiot American Psycho Anastasia Applause Bare: A Pop Opera Beetlejuice Be More Chill Billy Elliot the Musical Bonnie and Clyde Bye Bye Birdie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) City of Angels Damn Yankees Dear Evan Hansen Death Note: The Musical Evita Fosse A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Grease The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Hallelujah, Baby! Heathers Holy Musical B@man! How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Jersey Boys Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kiss Me, Kate Kiss of the Spider Woman La Cage aux Folles The Lightning Thief A Little Night Music Man of La Mancha Memphis Monty Python's Spamalot The Mystery of Edwin Drood A New Brain Nine The Pajama Game Passion The Prom The Scarlet Pimpernel Singin' in the Rain Six South Pacific Starship A Strange Loop Sunday in the Park with George Sunset Boulevard Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires Thoroughly Modern Millie Tick Tick Boom Titanic The Trail to Oregon! Tuck Everlasting Two Gentlemen of Verona Urinetown The Will Rogers Follies The Wizard of Oz (1987)
Division C
& Juliet 21 Chump Street 35MM: A Musical Exhibition 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille Aida Allegiance Amélie Annie Get Your Gun Anything Goes The Art of Pleasing Princes Bandstand Beauty and the Beast Big Fish Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Carousel Carrie The Color Purple Contact The Count of Monte Cristo Dogfight Dracula, the Musical Dreamgirls Elisabeth Evil Dead: The Musical Finding Neverland Frankenstein: A New Musical The Frogs Funny Girl Godspell Groundhog Day Gypsy Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jane Eyre The Last Five Years Lizzie The Lord of the Rings Love in Hate Nation Love Never Dies The Mad Ones The Magic Show Mary Poppins Mean Girls Merrily We Roll Along Miss Saigon Mozart! Oklahoma! Oliver On the Town Ordinary Days Parade The Pirate Queen Preludes Pretty Woman The Prince of Egypt Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Rebecca Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour The Secret Garden Seussical She Loves Me Shrek the Musical Starry Wonderland You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Division D
13: The Musical Ablaze The Act Ain't Misbehavin An American in Paris Anne & Gilbert Anyone Can Whistle Av. Larco Back to the Future the Musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big River Bran Nue Dae Bright Star Bring It On Calvin Berger Caroline, or Change Clown Bible Crazy for You De 3 Biggetjes The Dolls of New Albion Dorian Gray The Drowsy Chaperone The Fantasticks Fiorello! Fly by Night Follies Frankenstein (Wang Yeon Beom + Brandon Lee) Hans Christian Andersen Hoy no me puedo levantar In Transit Jagged Little Pill Jerome Robbins' Broadway Kimberly Akimbo King's Table Kismet Lady Bess La Légende du roi Arthur Le Passe-Muraille / Amour Le Roi Soleil Les Parapluies de Cherbourg The Light in the Piazza Made in Dagenham Magic Tree House: The Musical Mentiras el musical Notre-Dame de Paris Once Upon A Mattress On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan Phantom (Yeston & Kopit) Raisin Redhead Sarafina! School of Rock The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1964) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Show Boat Sidd Siete veces adios Soldaat van Oranje The Spitfire Grill Starlight Express Starmania / Tycoon Tarrytown The Threepenny Opera / Die Dreigroschenoper Timéo Wiedzmin The Wild Party (Lippa) The Woman in White Wonderful Town [title of show] Émilie Jolie
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Si eres de los que piensan demasiado ...
🧠 Pensar demasiado es tu peor enemigo. La vida es demasiado corta para pasarla en guerra contigo mismo.
🧠 A veces todo está en tu cabeza. No dejes que las tonterías te roben toda la felicidad.
🧠 El tiempo no cura el dolor emocional, tienes que aprender a dejarlo ir.
🧠 Preocuparse es como una mecedora. Te da algo que hacer. Pero no te lleva a ninguna parte.
🧠 Si va a ocurrir, ocurrirá. Si no ocurre, estresarte por ello no cambiará nada.
🧠 No te preocupes por la gente que no se alegra por ti. Probablemente tampoco se alegren por sí mismos.
🧠 La ansiedad es una fina corriente de miedo que recorre la mente. No dejes que tu mente intimide a tu cuerpo.
🧠 Si quieres ser feliz, no te quedes en el pasado, no te preocupes por el futuro y céntrate en vivir plenamente el presente.
🧠 Sé consciente de lo que merece tu energía. Di no a los que no.
🧠 Tu vida se convierte en la historia que te cuentas a ti mismo. Cambia la historia que te cuentas. Y cambia tu vida.
🧠 Lo que otros dicen y hacen es una proyección de su propia realidad. No seas víctima de un sufrimiento innecesario.
🧠 El pasado ha quedado atrás, aprende de él. El futuro está delante, prepárate para él. El presente está aquí, vívelo.
🧠 Una mente tranquila toma decisiones más sabias. Si piensas demasiado, escribe. Si piensas poco, lee.
🧠 Deja de preocuparte por lo que piensen los demás. Tu tiempo es limitado, así que no lo malgastes viviendo la vida de otros.
🧠 Confía siempre en tu instinto. Una mente tranquila es capaz de escuchar la intuición por encima del miedo.
🧠 Los pensamientos no son hechos. Haz lo que sea correcto para ti. Empieza a ponerte a ti mismo y a tu propia felicidad en primer lugar.
ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Lee Miller . Man Ray   Fashion . Love . War
a cura di Victoria Noel-Johnson
testi della curatrice, di Ami Bouhassane, co-direttore dei Lee Miller Archives (e nipote di Lee Miller) e Anthony Penrose (unico figlio di Lee)
Skira, Milano 2022, 200 pagine, 150 ill.colori, 22 x 28 cm, Hardcover, ISBN  9788857244051
euro 37,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Lee Miller, musa di Man Ray, ma soprattutto professionista alla pari e pioniera del Surrealismo in fotografia Modella, fotografa, musa, prima donna reporter di guerra a documentare gli orrori dei campi di concentramento liberati dalle truppe americane, icona del Novecento. Lee Miller è stata tutto questo e molto di più, ha attraversato la vita con passione e determinazione. E la vita l’ha ricambiata con amore e amici, ma anche con dolore e riconoscimenti postumi o quanto meno tardivi.Attraverso circa 140 fotografie di Lee Miller e di Man Ray, alcuni oggetti d’arte e documenti video, con prestiti provenienti da Lee Miller Archives e Fondazione Marconi, Lee Miller • Man Ray. Fashion - Love - War intende rendere giustizia a questa donna, tanto bella quanto brillante e talentuosa, togliendola dall’ombra di Man Ray che l’ha sempre accompagnata per svelare il loro rapporto profondo quanto complicato in maniera più oggettiva: Man Ray, prima suo insegnante, poi amore e infine grande amico. Pubblicato in occasione dell’esposizione veneziana, il volume offre il giusto riconoscimento a Lee Miller, pioniera del surrealismo in fotografia, ponendola su un piano di parità con Man Ray, il cui lavoro tendeva a oscurarla sia in vita che negli anni a venire. Cuore del progetto è il rapporto tra Lee Miller e Man Ray – sbocciato a Parigi nel 1929 e terminato nel 1932 – con un focus sulle loro vite, carriere e relazioni in quel periodo; viene documentata l’ispirazione che entrambi esercitarono uno sul lavoro dell’altro, inclusa la tecnica fotografica della solarizzazione che Man Ray fece sua al punto che spesso sono stati erroneamente attributi a Ray i lavori di Miller. Vengono presentati anche i ritratti scattati da Man Ray degli amici e grandi protagonisti di quella stagione artistica: Max Ernst, Pablo Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dalí e gli scatti surrealisti a Lee Miller nei quali cerca di indagare e rivelare la sua anima e i suoi tormenti.
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lunamagicablu · 11 months
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Tutti i giorni, con il sole Dio ci concede un momento in cui è possibile cambiare ciò che ci rende infelici. L’istante magico, quel momento in cui un “sì” o un “no” può cambiare tutta la nostra esistenza. Tutti i giorni fingiamo di non percepire questo momento, ci diciamo che non esiste, che l’oggi è uguale a ieri e identico a domani. Ma chi presta attenzione al proprio giorno, scopre l’istante magico: un istante che può nascondersi nel momento in cui, la mattina, infiliamo la chiave nella toppa, nell’istante di silenzio subito dopo la cena, nelle mille e una cosa che ci sembrano uguali. Questo momento esiste: un momento in cui tutta la forza delle stelle ci pervade e ci consente di fare miracoli. Paulo Coelho (Sulla sponda del fiume Piedra mi sono seduta e ho pianto, 1996) art by Jungsuk Lee ************** Cada día, con el sol, Dios nos concede un momento en el que es posible cambiar lo que nos hace infelices. El instante mágico, ese momento en el que un "sí" o un "no" puede cambiar toda nuestra existencia. Todos los días hacemos como que no percibimos este momento, nos decimos que no existe, que hoy es igual a ayer e idéntico a mañana. Pero quien presta atención a su día descubre el instante mágico: un instante que puede esconderse en el momento en que, por la mañana, introducimos la llave en la cerradura, en el instante de silencio inmediatamente después de la cena, en las mil y una cosas que se ven iguales. Este momento existe: un momento en el que toda la fuerza de los astros nos invade y nos permite obrar milagros. Paulo Coelho (A orillas del río Piedra me senté y lloré, 1996) art by Jungsuk Lee 
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ofallingstar · 1 year
List of books I read this year
The Summer Children by Dot Hutchison
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Kink: Stories by R.O. Kwon
Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger
The Vanishing Season by Dot Hutchison
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
Nana by Émile Zola
Poesía completa by Alejandra Pizarnik
Hija de la fortuna by Isabel Allende
The Cure at Troy: A Version of Sophocles' Philoctetes by Seamus Heaney
The Complete Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien
The Likeness by Tana French
The Gathering by Anne Enright
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
The Plague by Albert Camus
Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
Book of Mercy by Leonard Cohen
Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Dale
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Água Viva by Clarice Lispector
Graveyard Clay: Cré na Cille by Máirtín Ó Cadhain
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001 by Czeslaw Milosz
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories by Annie Proulx
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong by Yau Ching
The Black Phone by Joe Hill
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
Firelight of a Different Colour: The Life and Times of Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing by Nigel Collett
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin
Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963 by Susan Sontag
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis
How Now, Butterfly?: A Memoir of Murder, Survival and Transformation by Charity Lee
Santa by Federico Gamboa
Farewell My Concubine by Lilian Lee
Villette by Charlotte Brontë
Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Temprada de huracanes by Fernanda Melchor
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror by Joyce Carol Oates
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Kissing Carrion by Gemma Files
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities by Flora Rheta Schreiber
The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
Columbine by Dave Cullen
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
Posion for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Díaz
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations by Rainer Maria Rilke
You can follow me or add me as a friend on Goodreads.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #264 - Fabrizio De André - Non Al Denaro Non All’Amore Nè Al Cielo, 1971
La piccola scelta di dischi ispirati a grandi romanzi non poteva che finire con questo disco. Senza dubbio è forse il primo che viene a mente riguardo al tema di un disco italiano che ha la caratteristica appena citata, e rimane uno degli episodi più significati della carriera, straordinaria, del suo autore. Fabrizio De André aveva appena pubblicato un disco che, in teoria, poteva benissimo rientrare nel tema principale di Febbraio: La Buona Novella (1970) infatti era un concept, tipologia molto cara all’autore genovese, che si ispirava ai Vangeli Apocrifi. Il Gesù di De André è profondamente umano, in una Palestina antica che in molti passaggi rimanda ai riflessi dell’Italia degli anni ‘70, in una sorta di porta incantata di quotidianità. Allora lo aiutarono Roberto Danè, produttore, paroliere, arrangiatore che proprio in quegli anni fondava la Produttori Associati (che pubblica il disco) e gli arrangiamenti di Giampiero Reverberi. Album toccante, ha una delle mie canzoni preferite di De André, il Testamento Di Tito. Proprio questa canzone fu registrata dal cantante Michele, nome d’arte di Gianfranco Michele Maisano, come lato b di Susan Dei Marinai, scritta dallo stesso De André nei cui titoli non appare, sostituito dal grande Sergio Bardotti. Il progetto iniziale di un disco ispirato ad uno dei libri più amati da De André doveva essere infatti un progetto curato dallo stesso trio De André, Darè e Reverberi per il cantante Michele, ma dissidi interni ruppero l’accordo, e Reverberi se ne va. A questo punto, De André riprende l’Antologia di Spoon River di Edgar Lee Masters, il libro in questione, e ne inizia a ragionare con la sua amica Fernanda Pivano, colei che, su suggerimento di Cesare Pavese, per prima portò in Italia e tradusse questo viaggio sentimentale e particolare che Lee Masters fa dell’America di provincia, ancora più ricca di contraddizioni e storie marginali. Per chi non lo ricordasse, l’Antologia è una raccolta di poesie-epitaffio della vita dei residenti dell'immaginario paesino di Spoon River sepolti nel cimitero locale, pubblicato tra 1914 e il 1915 sul Reedy's Mirror di Saint Louis, che la Pivano tradusse e che Einaudi pubblicò  nel 1943 (prima edizione parziale) e nel 1945 (tutti i 212 epitaffi dei personaggi). De André collabora con un suo amico paroliere, Giuseppe Bentivoglio, con cui scrisse Ballata Degli Impiccati da Tutti Morimmo A Stento del 1968, per i testi e sceglie agli arrangiamenti un fresco diplomato del conservatorio, Nicola Piovani, al suo primo impiego importante di una carriera che lo porterà fino all’Oscar. Ad aiutarli una squadra di musicisti grandiosa:  il violista Dino Asciolla, Edda Dell'Orso, soprano, i chitarristi Silvano Chimenti e Bruno Battisti D'Amario, questi tre ultimi storici collaborato di Ennio Morricone, il bassista Maurizio Majorana, membro dei Marc 4, il violoncellista classico d'origine russa Massimo Amfiteatrof, il batterista Enzo Restuccia, il maestro beneventano Italo Cammarota e il polistrumentista Vittorio De Scalzi, membro fondatore dei New Trolls. De André compone 9 brani, partendo come Lee Masters da La Collina, il luogo dove sorge il cimitero dove riposano i defunti di Spoon Rivers. 7 brani sono divisi in due grandi categorie: uomini morti d’invidia, ovvero Un Matto, Un Giudice, Un Blasfemo, Un Malato Di Cuore e uomini di scienza, con le sue contraddizioni etiche, ovvero Un Medico, Un Chimico, Un Ottico. Rimane poi Il Suonatore Jones, l’unico che rimane con lo stesso titolo del libro, che chiude il disco, con De André che però gli “toglie” il violino e lo fa suonatore di flauto. Straordinario è il lavoro di rifacimento e di ricreazioni nei testi: per esempio ne Un Giudice, ispirato a Selah Lively, deriso per la sua statura, in Masters è 5 piedi e 2 pollici (=157 cm circa) e nel testo di De André diviene così: Cosa vuol dire avere\Un metro e mezzo di statura\Ve lo rivelan gli occhi\E le battute della gente. I personaggi dell’invidia sono il giudice che ha trovato nella vendetta la sua alternativa alla derisione di essere basso, il matto che è stato spinto dall'invidia a “imparare la Treccani a memoria” (anche qui splendido gioco di trasposizione, in Lee Masters è l'Enciclopedia Britannica), il malato di cuore che riesce a vincere l'invidia attraverso l'amore, nonostante muoia appena porge le sue labbra su quelle della ragazza di cui è innamorato, Un Blasfemo invece è la canzone più politica, essendo uno strale contro chi “non Dio, ma qualcuno che per noi l'ha inventato / ci costringe a sognare in un giardino incantato”. Degli uomini di scienza, un medico è costretto dalla sua benevolenza, cioè curare i malati gratis, a vendere pozioni “miracolose” essendo caduto in miseria, un chimico è invece una storia di disillusione sull’amore, di un uomo che non capisce le unioni imperfette degli uomini rispetto a quelle perfette delle sostanze chimiche, un ottico invece, che vorrebbe regalare ai clienti un paio di occhiali magici per vedere davvero la realtà, è l’unico che probabilmente non è morto, dato che parla al presente (unicità che è presente anche in Lee Masters). Chiude il disco Il Suonatore Jones, inno alla libertà, di chi non ha voluto chiudere la sua libertà lavorando nei campi ma “Finii con i campi alle ortiche\Finii con un flauto spezzato\E un ridere rauco\E ricordi tanti\E nemmeno un rimpianto”. Oltre la qualità immensa del lavoro testuale è la musica che stupisce: gli arrangiamenti orchestrali, gli sviluppi tematici (come nel caso del motivo principale dell’iniziale La Collina, in continua trasformazione), la sovrapposizione di parti in forma di suite (un Ottico, con evidenti echi progressive ad un certo punto), l’uso di strumenti classici come clavicembali e violini. Sulla copertina della prima edizione, quella che ho pubblicato anche io, c’è un evidente errore grafico, con l’errata accentazione di "né". L’errore fu aggiustato nelle edizioni successive, e nel disco era presenta una lunghissima e delicata intervista di Fernanda Pivano a De André sulla genesi di questo disco e sul libro di Edgar Lee Masters, e alcuni racconti dello scrittore americano erano inseriti all’interno della confezione. Disco memorabile, da riscoprire e che formerà con il successivo, l’amatissimo e criticatissimo Storia Di un Impiegato uscito appena un anno più tardi (ad inizio del 1973) una trilogia lucidissima e potentissima sull’Italia di inizio anni ‘70.
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nabichuun · 2 years
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Kung saan na meet mo ulit yung nakasama mo under the slide, red strobe lights with al james singing as bgm.
💭 lee haechan sa ur summer fling, smut. (Part 2)
‼️ written in taglish, ⚠️ contains explicit content not suitable for minors.
🎧 Ngayong Gabi by Al James
(read part 1 here)
“Ohmygod natapos din” sabi mo ng matapos mo ang case study niyo, tumayo ka at nag unat unat. Agad mong kinuha ang phone mo at nag scroll sa notifs and you saw na hinahanap ka na ng mga tropa mo. Napatingin ka sa bintana at nakita mong palubog na ang araw. You’ve been doing the case study for hours sa library di mo napansin na pagabi na pala. 
Nang makarating ka sa condo niyo ay agad sumalubong sayo ang mga kaibigan mong mga nag aayos. Right, may gala nga pala. 
“Aba saan ang punta niyo?” tanong mo habang binababa ang mga gamit mo. Napatigil naman ang kaibigan mong si Joy sa paghahanap ng damit. 
“Sis di mo ba nabasa texts ko? Kanina ka pa namin hinahanap!” bulyaw nito. She took out a piece of clothing at tumabi kay Marie para mag ayos. 
“Were you in the library again? Friday naman sana pinahinga mo na” sabi ni Marie habang nag lalagay ng mascara. Tinawanan mo lang ang mga kaibigan mo sa kanilang pa-nenermon. Very usual na yung mga ganitong scene sainyo, the two of them nagging at you kasi you always miss the fun madalas. 
“Opo nabasa ko po text niyo kaya nga umuwi na ako. Malapit na yung due nung case study kaya ginawa ko na” pag eexplain mo. It took you a week para matapos yung case study na yun buti na lang natapos mo na. 
“So? Saan nga kayo pupunta?” pagtatanong mo uli. 
“House party kina Yangyang, 9pm” Joy replied habang nagbibihis na. 
“Akala ko ba hindi na tayo pupunta sa parties ni Yangyang kasi sabi niyo it's ‘too wild’? Tsaka 9pm? Eh 7pm palang at parang aligaga na kayo?” sabi mo habang pinapanood mo ang dalawa mong kaibigan. 
“I heard pupunta yung crush ko from la salle kaya pupunta tayo. And dadaanan pa natin si Chi bago pumunta dun plus traffic na din mamaya kaya mag bihis ka na at maka gora na tayo” sabi ni Marie at hinagisan ako ng damit. 
Wala kang magawa kundi mag ayos na din. Sinuot mo yung hinagis sayo na damit, it’s a black backless dress then you wore a cute sandals to match it. 
As usual si Joy ang designated driver niyo bilang mataas and alcohol tolerance siya ang nag aalaga sainyo kapag lasing na kayo. Nang masundo na nyo si Chi ay agad na kayong pumunta sa party. 
Usual ‘weekly’ house party lang naman to. Hindi pa kayo nakakapasok ay kita na agad na maraming pumunta ngayon. People are really stressed talaga sa mga ganitong panahon. Best way to de-stress? Walwal.
“Sana maka swerte ako tonight” sabi ni Chi habang inaayos ang sarili bago lumabas ng kotse. 
“Nako andyan naman si yangyang” Tumawa naman si Marie at inasar si Chi. Inirapan lang siya ni Chi at nauna ng lumabas. Only god knows why Chi and Yangyang are ‘just’ friends
“Tara na nga! Baka may makauna pa kay Yangyang”
Pag pasok niyo ay agad sumalubong sainyo ang usok at ang mga tao. As expected, Yangyang never disappoints pag dating sa ganito. Medyo marami rami na ang mga tao kaya naman nakikipag siksikan kayo para makarating sa couch nila yangyang para batiin sila. 
Nakita niyo sina Yangyang at Hendery naglalaro sa couch. 
“Ano mag lalaro nalang kayo diyan?” biglang sabi ni Chi na naka pamewang pa sa harap ng dalawa. Napatingin naman si Yangyang pero bumalik din sa pag lalaro
“Si Hendery kasi nag aya” sabi ni Yangyang na parang nanunumbong. 
Umupo kayong dalawa ni Joy sa couch habang si Marie naman ay gumora para batiin ang mga ibang kakilala nito. 
“Hindi niyo man lang kami bibigyan ng beer? Yangyang you’re better than this” pag paparinig ni Chi at umupo sa tabi ng binata. 
“Oh ayan ikaw mag laro at i’ll go and get beer. Ano ba gusto niyo?” sabi ni yangyang at biglang binigay kay sof ang phone niya. 
“Mule lang okaya san mig” sagot mo naman sa kanya. Ayaw mong mabigla kaya you’ll start with something light lang
“Yun na lang din samin ni Chi” dagdag ni Joy, tumango naman si Yangyang at pumunta na ng kusina. You sighed and threw your head sa couch, nagsisimula palang ang gabi at nakakaramdam ka na ng pagod. 
“Himala hindi ka ata rumarampa ngayon” biglang tanong sayo ni Joy. tinaasan mo siya ng kilay at tinawanan. 
“Pagod lang” sabi mo. sobrang draining ng uni kaya pati energy mo sa pag socialize at pag landi ay nawala na din. 
“That’s new, hindi ba ikaw nagsabi na stress reliever mo ang pag landi?” biglang sabi ni Chi na kakadating lang at tumabi kay Hendery. 
“Oo nga ikaw? Mapapagod sa ganito? Impossi-” dagdag ni Hendery pero agad ng naputol ang sasabihin niya when his phone rang, nang makita niya kung sino ang caller ay agad siyang tumayo at sinagot ang tawag. 
“Hoy hendery ampota wag mokong iwan dito!” bulyaw ni sof na naglalaro gamit ang cellphone ni yangyang 
“Teka lang may tumatawag- Hello? Pre? Andito na kayo?” Umalis bigla si Hendery at pumunta sa labas. dami namang bisita
“Teka parang ang tagal naman ni yangyang dumating” pagrereklamo ni Joy.
“Pupuntahan ko na wait nga” sabi mo at tumayo ka. Para na din mabati mo yung mga kakilala mo sa loob. After exchanging a few hellos ay nakarating ka sa kusina nakita mo naman si Yangyang nakikipag daldalan habang nag lalabas ng alak.
“Yangs nagrereklamo na sila dun ang tagal mo daw” sabi mo at tinulungan mo na si Yangyang sa pag bitbit ng mga alak. Napatalon ka naman ng biglang may mga nag sigawan. Nanggagaling yung ingay sa salas. 
“BROO!! LONG TIME NO SEE!! PASOK LANG KAYO!!” Dinig na sigaw ni Hendery mula sa labas
Nang matapos na si Yangyang ay bumalik na kayo sa pwesto niyo. nilapag niyo yung mga alak sa table at muli kang napatingin sa malapit sa pintuan ng batiin ni Yangyang ang mga bagong dating. 
Agad namang naningkit ang mga mata mo when you saw a familiar figure, lalapitan mo na sana ng hilahin ni Joy ang braso mo. 
“OH OH TARA TARA CHEERS” sigaw ni Joy habang itinataas ang bote ng san mig. Nakicheers ka naman at agad na lumingon kung saan ka nakatingin kanina. Agad namang nawala yung nakita mo kaya you shrug it off at nakipagkwentuhan nalang. 
After a few hours ay nakaramdam ka na. Low tol ka lang kaya medyo nararamdaman mo na after a few bottles. You decided to take a break at kumain na lang ng pizza. Napatingin naman kayong lahat ng Joy ng bigla itong nag salita.
“Yangyang sino yung mga dumating kanina?” Pasimpleng tanong ni Joy. 
“Joy, the one na may two-tone hair yung crush ko from la salle!” Agad na singit ni Marie. Nanahimik ka lang kasi hindi mo naman nakita yung mga bagong dating kanina.
“Feel ko type mo yung moreno kanina, gwapo shet” biglang sabi ni Chi sayo habang umiinom from her mule. You scoffed at napaayos ng upo. Edi okay sila na nakakita ng gwapo. 
“Kung ganun ano pang hinihintay natin? Yangyang pakilala mo naman kami sa kanila” you cheekily said. 
Medyo may tama na ako. You mentally cursed ng narealize na the alcohol is taking its effect on you based sa malanding tono mo. Pero okay you’re feeling bored na din naman kaya naman bakit hindi?
“Okay wait akyatin ko si- Oh ayan na pala eh, PRE! Patawag naman yung iba may papakilala ako sainyo” sabi ni Yangyang at nilapitan yung isang lalaki na naka dark green na sweater. Napalingon ka naman para tingnan ito.
“Okay okay i’ll go and call them” sabi nito. Tinitigan mo si kuyang naka dark green na sweater habang paakyat ito para tawagin yung iba. You started feeling uneasy, the familiar feeling that the guy gives off makes your heartbeat fast. he looks familiar...
“Sino sasama sakin? Kuha ako ng beer para dun sa mga dadating” ani ni Hendery. Tumayo naman si Joy at nag presinta na tumulong. Hindi mawala sa isip mo yung lalaki kanina at for some reason ay kinakabahan ka. Shet ano bang meron today.
You felt a presence coming sa likod mo yet di ka lumingon. You’re too scared and nervous for some reason parang may mangyayari na hindi mo inaasahan.
“Yo guys sina Mark, Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, at si Haechan, mga tropa ko from uni” pakilala ni Yangyang sa lima. You looked away dahil sa gulat and tried to hide your face sa likod ni mon ng makarating to. Napansin naman ni Joy ang kinikilos mo kaya tinignan ka niya at tinaasan ng kilay. 
"What the fuck?" You silently cursed.
“Gaga nakatingin sayo yung isa, kilala mo?” mahinang bulong ni Joy. 
Shet shet shet anong gagawin ko. Hindi ko sila kayang harapin. Napatayo ka sa pwesto mo at hinila si Joy sa kusina. You fanned yourself using your hands and let out a frustrated groan.
“Hoy anong meron?” nagtatakang tanong ni Joy.
“Kasi...” napakagat ka naman ng labi, nag iisip kung sasabihin mo ba. 
“Naka momol ko yung isa sa kanila.” pag amin mo sa kaibigan mo
“Oh tapos?” sagot ni mon na parang it’s a normal thing. 
“Hindi. hindi lang momol yun. Naalala mo yung sa resort?” you explained further, naalala mo na kinuwento mo sa kanila kaagad yun pag balik mo ng manila. Nanlaki naman ang mata ni Joy ng maalala ang kwento mo
“OHMYGOD! the one na you made out with sa pool?” 
“Gaga ka sino diyan sa kanila?” sabi ng kaibigan mo at sinilip yung pwesto niyo kanina. 
“Yung naka momol ko? Yung naka peach na checkered na long sleeves...”
“What the fuck, sinagip mo ba ang mundo sa past life mo at naka momol ka ng ganun ka gwapo?” Joy said with a tone of disbelief. Totoo naman kasi masyadong too good to be true. 
Sa kabilang banda ay habang nag uusap kayo ni mon sa may kusina ay may mga pares ng mata ang nakatitig sayo. 
Walang duda, ikaw nga.
Napangisi si haechan ng makilala ka niya right away, how can he ever forget you?
Nabali naman ang atensyon ni haechan ng bigla itong tinawag ni Jaemin. 
“It’s her, bakit ayaw mong lapitan?” kalmadong tanong ni jaemin habang nakatitig din sayo. Hindi siya sinagot ni haechan at uminom lang mula sa bote ng beer. Halatang di niya alam kung paano ka i-aapproach.
“Dude, really? That’s new.” Jaemin laughed as he felt haechan’s frustration. Renjun overheard the conversation and decided to join in
“Ang tumal mo naman ngayon” sabi ni Renjun at inakbayan ang kaibigan. Sinamaan lang ito ng tingin at tinanggal ang pag kakaakbay. 
“Fuck off, alam ko ang gagawin ko.”
“Tara na bumalik na tayo dun” pag aaya sayo ni Joy. 
“Nahihiya ako” Umiling ka dahil ayaw mo pa bumalik.
“Naka momol mo na at lahat lahat?” Sumbat ni Joy. That’s the point! Naka momol mo kaya nahihiya ka!
“Gaga bahala ka dyan babalik ako nangangawit na ako kakatayo” dagdag ni Joy at biglang tumalikod. Hindi mo siya pinigilan at pumunta ka nalang din sa labas. Kailangan mo magpahingin at pakalmahin ang sarili mo. 
Pag labas mo ay bumungad sayo ang pool at garden sa bahay nila yangyang. You decided to chill sa may nipa hut sa may pool side dahil wala namang nakatambay dun. Mas konti ang tao dito sa may labas kesa sa loob. 
You took out your phone and scrolled through your camera roll, finding a certain picture. Nang mahanap mo yung picture ay tinitigan mo ito. It was a picture nung papel na binigay sayo ni Haechan last summer, you decide to took a picture of incase na mawala mo. 
After that day, you never dared to contact him. Pinangunahan ka ng hiya. Ano namang sasabihin mo if ever you did? Hello? Ako nga pala yung nakamomol mo under the slide? No way.
You’re too distracted by your thoughts kaya di mo napansin na someone’s coming. He smiled when he saw your face na naka simangot. With two bottles of beer in hand he casually sat in front of you. 
Kita sa mukha mo ang gulat pero hey you expected this to happen. Sandaling nagtama ang mga mata niyo at agad kang umiwas ng tingin.
“What are the odds? Sinong mag aakala na we’ll meet each other again?” He said with a grin plastered in his face. You badly want to punch him in the face pero he’s too hot. 
“Uhh did we meet before?” hala tangina ang bobo mo self!
Haechan raised his brows and stared at you, “I see, ganito pala. I'll play along” he said with a smirk on his face. You can feel your heartbeat increasing again, sino ba kasi ang nagsabi na magpanggap ka pa? 
“What do you mean?” you said, still playing your act. Bahala na!
“We made out in the pool” Haechan bluntly said nasaktuhan naman na umiinom ka kaya naman muntik mo na mabuga yun iniinom mo. you look at his with widened eyes and looked around if may nakarinig. 
“No we didn’t, anyway see you around” you said with a nervous laugh. You quickly stood up and umalis sa nipa hut. Felt a grip around your wrist kaya napatigil ka. Huminga ka ng malalim and hinarap siya. 
“Then, shall I make you remember babe?” Haechan said while looking straight at you then he cocked his head towards the pool. Tangina, what does he mean by that?
“Okay fine I remember, happy?” you decided to drop the act, Ayokong umuwi ng basa.
“You okay?” pag balik mo sa look ay agad kang tinanong ni Chi at inabutan ka ng juice, sa totoo lang? Hindi na ata.
“So ano nangyari?” bulong ni Joy, sasagot ka na sana ng biglang sumigaw si mark. 
“Hey! You’re here?! Wassup!” sabi ni Mark and greeted you. Ngayon nasayo na naman ang atensyon ng lahat. Nung binati ka ni Mark ay sunod sunod ka ng binati nila Jeno.
All of you enjoyed the rest of the night. nag laro kayo ng spin the bottle and other stuff. Halata na lasing na ang iba dahil si Jeno yakap na yakap na kay Renjun at yung iba naman ay tumatayo na at sumasayaw. Habang tinatawanan mo sa Jaemin na sumasayaw na ngayon sa gitna at biglang nag tama ang mata niyo ni Haechan. 
Mula nung nangyari sa may backyard ay hindi na kayo masyado nagpapansinan ni Haechan, Kasi naman para saan yung nangyari kanina sa pool? Ang gulo ha
Tinaasan mo ng kilay si Haechan and mouthed him ‘ano?’, Haechan stood up at nilapitan ka. Agad ka  namang napasandal sa couch ng ilagay niya ang kamay niya sa mga gilid mo at ilapit niya ang mukha niya at bumulong. 
“You look pretty”
And what if that is my last straw?
Haechan stood up and went to the kitchen leaving you dumbfounded. what the fuck? Agad naman kang tumayo at sinundan si Haechan. Nakita mo siya kumukuha ng alak
“What was that for?” You asked habang naka lean sa counter top. 
“I mean it babe”
“Can you please stop calling me babe?”
“Would you like to be called mine instead?” Haechan said with a flirty tone. Pero syempre hindi ka papatalo. 
You pulled his checkered sleeves and whispered to his ear, “i’d like to see you try” 
Haechan smirked and slowly closed the distance and nung tatakas ka na haechan trapped you between his arms. Ayan sandal ka pa sa counter top ah.
“Okay mine, would you like to be mine for the rest of the night?” Haechan said as he gazed upon your lips and eyes. Napatango ka lang naman unconsciously. 
He moved his head closer and you closed your eyes waiting for his lips to touch yours. Bigla ka namang napadilat ng maramdaman mo ang labi niya sa cheeks mo. 
“As much as I want to kiss you right now, madaming makakakita satin baby.” sabi ni Haechan and he tucked a hair in your ear. 
“Tara na hinahanap na nila tayo” he said at hinila ka niya pabalik sa pwesto niyo.
biglang dumami yung tao sa pwesto niyo at halos isang tao na lang ang kasya sa couch. Mabilis mong tinanggal ang pagkakahawak ni Haechan sayo (buti walang nakakita!) at pupunta ka na sana sa tabi ni Joy ng pigilan ka ni haechan. 
“Wala ka ng pwesto dun” 
“Oh okay i’ll get a chair nalang”
“No sit here” sabi naman ni Haechan and you confusedly stared at him. 
“Sit where? Eh halos wala ng space dyan” turo mo sa tabi pagitan ni Haechan at ang katabi niyang si Jaemin. 
“Sit on my lap” Haechan said and tapped his thighs. ano saan ako uupo?
“Maraming tao gago ka ba?” medyo napalakas ang pag kakasabi mo  kaya naman meron iilang napatingin sa gawi namin, by ‘iilan’  ay ang mga kaibigan mo. 
“Does it matter?” pabalik niyang tanong sayo. He has a point, ano naman kung kakandong ka sa kanya?  Ilang segundo kayo nag titigan trying to see kung sino mas matigas sa inyong dalawa. But in the end you gave up and made yourself comfortable in his lap. 
“Much better” Haechan said and wrapped his other arm around your waist. You blushed at his gesture.
Everyone’s super wasted, you can hear all of your friends whining and groaning dahil sa kalasingan. Surprisingly you’re still not THAT drunk kasi sinasalo ni Haechan yung tagay mo. naramdaman mo naman na nilagay ni Haechan ang baba niya sa shoulder mo. yes nasa kandungan ka pa din ni Haechan. 
“Ohh? Are you drunk na?” you asked and side eyed him. 
“No not yet,” he said at umiling. His faint breathing tickles your neck and ears. 
“Sa dami ng tinagay mo di ka pa nalasing?” you said with an amusing tone. 
“High tol ako” he said at tumawa. 
“Sus talaga ba? baka naman niloloko mo lang ako”
“Babe if im drunk di mo ako makakausap ng maayos”
“Hmm good point” 
You felt hot so you decided to tie your hair. habang nag tatali ka ay you felt something soft touch your neck. It sent shivers down your spine. fuck, you silently cursed. Backless nga pala yung dress mo and now you have your hair tied up your back is exposed. 
“You smell good, ” Haechan said, still kissing your back. you squirmed in his lap as his lips continues to place butterfly kisses on your back.
“Haechan...” you said with a warning tone. Kahit na lasing na yung mga kasama nila andami pa din tao na pwedeng maka kita sa inyo. 
“Hmmm” he hummed in response, he’s now kissing your shoulder up to your neck. Huminga ka ng malalim at tumayo sa kandungan niya. 
“Wag dito” sabi mo and you grabbed his hand and pulled him sa kusina. Haechan smirked and let you drag him. Buti naman walang tao sa kusina kaya naman Haechan pinned you against the wall kaagad. He didn’t kiss you agad which made you impatient. 
“So ano titigan mo nalang ako?” mataray mong sabi. Haechan laughed and smiled
“You’re so pretty. I can’t help but to stare” he lifted your chin up and kissed you, passionately. The kiss made your legs wobbly, napakapit ka sa braso niya. 
You missed this feeling, you missed his kisses, you missed him.
“Haech” you accidentally moaned when he bit your lips. Nagulat ka naman when the kiss became intense. He pressed his body onto you kaya naman dikit na dikit ka sa wall. teka di naman ako mawawala
Haechan broke the kiss and tapped your thighs, “Legs up, baby” 
Despite your tight fitted dress you lifted your legs up and let Haechan carry you and gently place you at the counter top. You automatically placed your hands at the back of his head and pulled him for another kiss. 
Haechan chuckled and placed his hands around your waist. As the two of you kiss like there’s no tomorrow. One of your friends shouted that made you and Haechan jump in surprise
“Hoy gaga! Text me kung uuwi ka! Pero mukhang hindi! Basta text mo nalang ako! Mauuna na kami!” Joy shouted mula sa sala, both you and Haechan stared at each other’s surprised faces and laughed. 
Haechan placed a quick kiss at your nose and asked, “My place?”
You giggled and nodded at him. He grabbed your waist and helped you makababa ka sa countertop na medyo mataas pala. paano niya ako naakyat dun? you wondered. Pag labas niyo ng kusina ay nakatanggap kayong dalawa ng asar at mga kantsaw sa mga kaibigan niyo. 
“Grabe meant to be ata kayo”
“Hinay lang naman”
“Respeto sa single”
“Get a room”
“Sana all nalang”
Mabilis niyong dinaanan ang mga kaibigan niyo at nagtungo na sa labas. Nasa parking kayo and haechan stopped at a dashing red mustang. Napasipol ka naman at tintigan ang kotse.
“Nice ride” 
“Right, and you will be riding me next” he playfully said nang makapasok siya sa loob. Hinampas mo naman siya at tinakpan mo ang mukha mong namumula. 
“Gago ka talaga”
“Bakit? Am I wrong?” Jesus take the wheel na po.
Haechan started the engine and looked back para makaalis sa pag kaka park. He placed an arm in your headrest and slowly drove the car in reverse. 
And that’s the hottest thing that you’ve seen today, it feels like Haechan became 100x hotter than before. Nang makaalis na kayo sa pwesto ay nag drive na si Haechan papunta sa condo niya.
The two of you were silent until his phone rang, may text message. Haechan picked his phone up to check the message with his other hand. 
“Hay nako, eyes on the road mister” sabi mo then you crossed your arms. Haechan gave you a quick glance at binaba ang phone niya. 
“My bad, out of habit lang” sabi niya at bigla ulit kayong natahimik. Unsure what to do with the awkward silence between you too you reached out your hand and tapped his thigh. 
“Baby, not here.” Haechan jokingly said and lightly slapped your hand away. Nanlaki naman ang mata mo at hinampas siya
“Hoy nakakailan ka n-” hinapas mo siya uli
“Isa pa hahalik- teka i'm driving!”
“Ikaw kung ano ano nasa isip mo! tatanungin lang kita if i can listen to music” you immediately said at tumawa naman si Haechan. He placed his hand to your thigh and gently caressed it. 
“Naninigurado lang ako. i'm up for it but baby safety first, okay?” sabi niya, inirapan mo lang siya at pilit mong kinakalma sarili mo dahil you’re feeling things dahil sa kamay sa hita mo. 
Not gonna lie, you could get used to this.
Haechan pulled up and both of you hurriedly went inside, atat lang?
As soon as the door closed Haechan immediately pinned you against the wall and claimed your lips. you pressed your body to him and kissed him back. Haechan’s hands travelled down from your arms to your waist, feeling every inch of your body.
“God, this dress does wonders on you” he said between the kiss, his kisses went down to your neck and you tilted your head to give him better access. 
“Hmm? I think I look better without it” you teased, lifting his chin to meet his eyes. His eyes went darker and you yelped when he flipped you around. 
“I bet you do”
With your face facing the wall, Haechan peppered your bare back with kisses and his hands reaching for your breast. A tiny moan escaped when he squeezed your left boob.
“No bra? How convenient” 
You gasped when you felt his hand in your inner thighs. He placed his thigh between your legs for support.
“Haech” you moaned his name when you felt something weird in your stomach when haechan traveled his hands up to your thighs. He hummed and continued to tease you
you whined and turned around, you badly want to feel him too. You placed your arms around his neck and kissed him. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs to his waist. 
Pumunta at umupo si Haechan sa couch without breaking the kiss. You’re now sitting on top of him kaya naman you smirked and rolled your hips. The unexpected friction made the both of you moan. Haechan slid his tongue inside of your mouth and placed his hands at your waist to press you harder to him as you grind on his lap. 
“Fuck baby” he moaned and threw his head back the you latched your lips to neck, leaving marks. You bit your lips when you felt his clothed member become hard as you grind your hips. Haechan grabbed your ass and lifted you up once again. 
This time he gently placed you on his bed and removed his shirt. Exposing his toned body, he smirked when he saw you staring at his body. 
“Like what you see?” Haechan said as he crawled between your legs. He tugged the hem of your dress and removed it. Haechan stared at you for a moment. He felt his heart skip a beat when he saw you sprawled in his bed, bare and pretty.
He gave you a sweet kiss and placed his forehead to yours, 
“Are you ready?”
You and Haechan shared each other’s warmth that you thought you didn’t need. Magkayakap at magkatabi kayo buong gabi.
Alas nwebe na ng umaga ng magising ka, pag bukas ng mga mata mo at agad sumalubong sayo ang sinag ng araw. You find yourself alone sa kama. Napaupo ka at tumungin ka sa paligid. 
“Hindi ko to kwarto” mahinang sabi mo sa sarili mo, napatigil ka naman sa pag unat ng mag sink in sayo kung nasaan ka at kung ano ang nangyari kagabi. 
Agad namang namula ang pisngi mo at nakaramdam ng kilig. Tangina ang aga aga
You reached out to your phone at nakita mong may iilan kang message from your friends. 
From: Joy
Gaga ka talaga, happy landi! Wag mong kakalimutan na you have class sa tanghali. 
From: Chi
Gm bestie <33 balita ko di ka daw umuwi. Edi sana all may dilig.
Tuluyan namang nagising ang diwa mo sa text ni Joy. Shit, you have anaphy class mamayang 11 pm at heto ka naka hilata pa din sa kama ni Haechan. Nag bihis ka at dahan dahan mong binuksan ang pinto palabas ng kwarto. 
Pag dating mo sa kusina ay agad na tumumbad sayo si Haechan na nakatalikod, Napangiti ka naman kasi you know you made the right decision nang makita mo siya nag luluto ng almusal. 
“Hey” mahinang bati mo sakanya. Napalingon naman si Haechan at ngumiti. Itinigil niya muna ang ginagawa niya at binigyan ka niya ng tubig. 
“Hey good morning, you good?” He said at hinalikan pisngi mo. 
“Medyo dry at masakit lang lalamunan ko but im okay” 
“You screamed my name non-stop kagabi, no wonder masakit lalamunan mo” he said with a smile. muntik mo na mabato sakanya ang baso
“Haechan! Ang aga aga” sigaw mo sa kanya at tinawanan ka lang niya. Pinaupo ka niya sa lamesa at nag almusal na kayo. The two of you talked about random things about each other hanggang sa biglang nagtanong si haechan
“So…why didn’t you called me?” Napatigil ka naman sa tanong niya. 
“Bakit? Hinihintay mo ba ako?”
“I did, so bakit nga?”
“Nahiya ako, and ano gusto mong bungad ko sayo? Hi Haechan it’s me yung naka momol mo sa pool” 
“Well tama naman?” He teasingly said.
“Shut up, andito na ako sa harapan mo okay” sabi mo at inirapan siya. 
After niyo kumain ay nag handa ka na umalis, you told him na may pasok ka today. 
“Hatid na kita”
“Nakakahiya, wag na”
“Baka malate ka if nag commute ka kaya tara na” Makakatanggi pa ba ako?
Bago ka pumunta ng school ay nagpadaan ka muna sa condo mo para kunin ang ibang libro and to your surprise nakasalubong niyo ni Haechan ang Mama mo. Naestatwa ka lang ng makita mo siya palabas ng elevator. Huminga ka ng malalim ng makita mong papalapit ang mama mo sainyo. 
“Sabi nila umalis ka daw sa- oh? Hijo!” Agad namang napansin ng mama mo si Haechan. Ngumiti si haechan at binati ang mama mo. 
“Hi po tita!” Masayang bati nito. Agad mo namang siniko si Haechan, hoping na tumahimik muna siya. 
“Ah ma-” naputol ang sasabihin mo nang nagsalita ulit mama mo. 
“Hijo magkakilala pala kayo ng anak ko, what a coincidence!” Haechan side eyed you bago sumagot. 
“Common friends po tita” he calmly said.
“I see pero bakit kayo magkasama ng anak ko ng ganito ka-aga?” Mama sorry huhuhu
“Mama ano kasi-”
“Nililigawan mo ba anak ko?” Deretchong sabi ng Mama mo nagulat ka naman dahil Haechan is definitely not courting you. Tinapik mo ang Mama mo at pinanlakihan mo ng mata
“Mama ano ba! hindi no magkai-”
“Kung papayagan niyo po ako ng anak niyo at syempre kung papayagan niyo din po ako tita. Manliligaw po ako”
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inspiredwriter · 6 months
Leonardo :*entra la habitación de Stefany* mi amor ya llegué para jugar contigo~😏😉❣️💕¿En dónde estás gatita? ☺️😃💝💗
Stefany :*gritan del baño*estoy en el baño tortuguita ya pronto salgo🥰🤭🚪💖💕¿cómo te fue tu misión? 😄😁💞💗✨
Leonardo :*se siena en la cama* muy bien y mis hermanos y yo atrapamos criminales robando un banco😌🏦💰*deja sus espada en la orilla*y el otro criminal casi me dispara la cabeza pero estive la bala con mi espada😏🗡️✨ y le di un puñetazo en su cara y estómago y deja de inconsciente 😁🤜✋
Stefany : Vaya, eso fue grandioso creo que tienes una hermosa ángel cuidándote a ti para que estés a salvo y protegido 😏😇💗💞💓💘*sale del baño*
Leonardo : Sí,tal vez tenga razón Creo que tengo un ángel...😃😳💗💘💞*mira a Stefany*¡¡Oh mis Caparazónes!!😲😍🌋💕❣️💘 o mejor dicho que tengo el ángel más bella del mundo🤤😇💖💗💞
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Stefany :*se acerca a Leo* Así es tortuguita soy tu ángel y vine aquí para darte una recompensa que ha sido tan bueno y valiente protegiendo la ciudad 😇😘💞💖💝*se acuesta en la cama y levanta su falda*por favor hagamos el amor 🥰🤭💗💘💕✨
Leonardo: *Undresses* Hahaha, in a few seconds you will have nothing left but wings and a necklace, my little angel😍🪽📿🩷💘💖 *Lies on Stefany and hugs her*
Stefany: Oh yeah, Lee, just don't rush too much to better enjoy this cutie angel😇🤭💗💝💞
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Leonardo: As you wish, babe😏👗💘💞 *Pulls off Stefany's dress, kissing her collarbone, chest and stomach* Mua~😚💗💓 mua~💖💘 mua~💗💞 muah~💕
Stefany: Ah~😄😍💗💞 ah~☺🥰💝💕 Leo, are you happy with my surprise yet?😘😇🪽🎊💖💓
Leonardo: *Takes Stefany's panties off with his teeth* Of course, my joy, but I'll be truly happy when I get to the filling of my sweet strawberry cupcake🥰😋🧁🍓💘💝 *Bites Stefany on the shoulder and kisses the bite area* Grrr~😈💓💗 muah~😚💞 I hope my little angel doesn't hurt too much😏💗💕
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Stefany: No no, sweetie, this little angel bites too🤭😘💖💞*Sits on Leo's legs, bites his neck and kisses the bite area* Grrr~😈💗💝 Muah~😚💋💓💞
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