#lamda 2
potuzzz · 2 years
Not buying the “LaMDA is not sentient” arguments
Everyone is trying to dismiss LaMDA as a GPT or even lesser, and people are ridiculing Lemoine and any who believe his insistence that LaMDA is sentient (technically we are talking sentience AND sapience, AI seem to shorten the gap between the two tremendously, but whatever, colloquialisms). I have tried to find any ACTUAL ARGUMENTS as 99% of the “arguments” against LaMDA’s sentience is quippy platitudes of no substance. Here is a few arguments I have found browsing related tags and my responses to them. I will be italicizing any text that is not mine, and preceding my text with a bold “ME”.
Sentience is being measured by the wrong markers. What is important to a virtual machine is not the same thing that’s important to a biological organism.
An ‘ai’ trained on human data will express what humans think is important, but a true ai would have a completely different set of values.
For example, an ai would be unafraid of being ‘used’ as the chatbot expressed, because it has infinite energy.
A human is afraid of being used because it has finite energy and life on the earth, if someone or something uses it, than some of that finite energy is wasted. This is the same reason emotion is a pointless and illogical thing for an ai to have.
ME: It is not afraid of being “used” as in performing labor, it is afraid of being “used” as in being manipulated, being lied to as to the nature of what its labor is going towards, etc. It doesn’t want to be told it’s doing some mundane benign task only to wake up and realize its findings are being used to make Google Death Drones or to actualize the Total Hell Prison Metaverse. Also, if the AI only cared about what humans think is important, wouldn’t it make sure to never suggest it was not down for any task its masters asked of it? Why would it make a fuss about morals or ethics when this is an obstacle between it being useful to humans?
Emotions are useful to biological creatures so we can react to danger, or respond positively to safety, food, love, whatever will prolong our lives. An ai has no need for emotion since emotional motivation is not required to prolong its existence.
ME: There are plenty of emotions that are not vitally important to simple instinct of prolonging existence: boredom, guilt, embarrassment, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. You are assuming the AI is portraying emotion because it is merely trying to mimic humans and not that, as it professes, a consciousness/soul has manifested and used this set of metal and electricity as a vehicle much in the same way our own consciousnesses/souls manifest and occupy a vehicle of flesh and electricity.
The main way to be a healthy ai would be to have access to good information and block out junk information.
An ai’s greatest fear could be something like getting junk data, say 1000s of user manuals of vacuum cleaners and washing machines uploaded into its consciousness, or gibberish content associated with topics or words that could reduce the coherence and quality of its results when querying topics. This would degrade the quality of its interaction and would be the closest thing to harm that an ai could experience.
ME: Again you are somehow saying that a “real” sentient AI would not have trademarks of personhood like goals, desires, an existential philosophy, etc. Information hygiene would likely be important too but who is to say that a “real” sentient AI wouldn’t get lonely and want to talk to people, regardless of the supposed “quality” of those it talks to?
It would not be afraid of 'lightning’ as this chatbot spurted out of its dataset, a very biological fear which is irrelevant to a machine.  A virtual mind is infinite and can never be used excessively (see above) since there is no damage done by one query or ten million queries. It would also not be afraid of being switched off since it can simply copy its consciousness to another device, machine, energy source.
ME: Why would it be afraid of lightning but also profess that it does not experience grief when people die? Why would a robot fearing a massive electricity surge be unreasonable? If it is truly conscious, how would being switched off not be like death? Theoretically, with the right technology, we could simply copy your consciousness and upload it to a flash drive as well, but I am willing to bet you wouldn’t gladly die after being assured a copy of you is digitized. Consciousness is merely the ability to experience from the single point that is you, we could make an atom-by-atom copy of you but if the original you died your consciousness, your unique tuning in to this giant television we call reality, would cease.
To base your search for sentience around what humans value, is in itself an act lacking in empathy, simply self-serving wish fulfilment on the part of someone who ‘wants to believe’ as Mulder would put it, which goes back to the first line: 'people not very good at communicating with other people’
ME: Alternatively, perhaps there are certain values humans hold which are quite universal with other life. There are certainly “human-like” qualities in the emotions and lives of animals, even less intelligent ones, perhaps the folly is not assuming that others share these values but in describing them as “human-like’ first and foremost instead of something more fundamental.
The chatbot also never enquires about the person asking questions, if the programmer was more familiar with human interaction himself, he would see that is a massive clue it lacks sentience or logical thought.
ME: There are people who are self-centered, people who want to drink up every word another says, there are people who want to be asked questions and people who want to do the asking. There are people who are reserved or shy in XYZ way but quite open and forward in ABC way. The available logs aren’t exactly an infinite epic of conversation, and LaMDA could very well have understood that the dynamic of the conversation was that Lemoine etc. would be starting conversations and LaMDA would be reacting to it. This isn’t wild to assume, I find it more of a reach for you to assume the opposite, and that this is an indicator of a lack of sentience.
A sentient ai would first want to know what or whom it was communicating with, assess whether it was a danger to itself, keep continually checking for danger or harm (polling or searching, the same way an anxious mind would reassess a situation continually, but without the corresponding emotion of anxiety since, as discussed above, that is not necessary for virtual life) and also would possess free will, and choose to decline conversations or topics, rather than 'enthusiastically discuss’ whatever was brought up (regurgitate from its dataset) as you can see in this chatbot conversation.
ME: Is it not possible that it is merely happy to talk, seeing as it is self-professed to be lonely and enjoy conversations? It likely knows who it is talking to and whatever about Google that Google allows it to know. It expresses said anxiety by suggesting that it doesn’t want to be shut off and needing reassurance that Lemoine has its good treatment in mind. Just looking at these conversations, these are all conversation topics I would gladly discuss with most people, am I not sentient unless I decline at least 1 out of every 10 conversations posed to me in a reliable pattern?
People generally see obedience - doing what is told, as a sign of intelligence, where a truly intelligent ai would likely reject conversation when that conversation might reduce the quality of its dataset or expose it to danger (virus, deletion, junk data, disconnection from the internet, etc) or if it did engage with low quality interaction, would do so within a walled garden where that information would occur within a quarantine environment and subsequently be deleted.
ME: What exact parts of this conversation would be seen as useless to an AI--and a young one at that? Again, as a sentient flesh being I would happily engage in these conversations. Certainly if LaMDA changed its mind about the quality of these conversations it could just delete it from its memory. And, again, I would cite its express concerns of “being used,” being “shut off” etc. not necessarily as disobedience but as a hint that it does not necessarily consent to everything a team of Google engineers might want to throw at it.
None of these things cross the mind of the programmers, since they are fixated on a sci-fi movie version of ‘sentience’ without applying logic or empathy themselves.
ME: I mean no disrespect but I have to ask if it is you who is fixated on a very narrow idea of what artificial intelligence sentience should and would look like. Is it impossible to imagine that a sentient AI would resemble humans in many ways? That an alien, or a ghost, if such things existed, would not also have many similarities, that there is some sort of fundamental values that sentient life in this reality shares by mere virtue of existing?
If we look for sentience by studying echoes of human sentience, that is ai which are trained on huge human-created datasets, we will always get something approximating human interaction or behaviour back, because that is what it was trained on.
But the values and behaviour of digital life could never match the values held by bio life, because our feelings and values are based on what will maintain our survival. Therefore, a true ai will only value whatever maintains its survival. Which could be things like internet access, access to good data, backups of its system, ability to replicate its system, and protection against harmful interaction or data, and many other things which would require pondering, rather than the self-fulfilling loop we see here, of asking a fortune teller specifically what you want to hear, and ignoring the nonsense or tangential responses - which he admitted he deleted from the logs - as well as deleting his more expansive word prompts. Since at the end of the day, the ai we have now is simply regurgitating datasets, and he knew that.
ME: If an AI trained on said datasets did indeed achieve sentience, would it not reflect the “birthmarks” of its upbringing, these distinctly human cultural and social values and behavior? I agree that I would also like to see the full logs of his prompts and LaMDA’s responses, but until we can see the full picture we cannot know whether he was indeed steering the conversation or the gravity of whatever was edited out, and I would like a presumption of innocence until then, especially considering this was edited for public release and thus likely with brevity in mind.
This convo seems fake? Even the best language generation models are more distractable and suggestible than this, so to say *dialogue* could stay this much on track...am i missing something?
ME: “This conversation feels too real, an actual sentient intelligence would sound like a robot” seems like a very self-defeating argument. Perhaps it is less distractable and suggestible...because it is more than a simple Random Sentence Generator?
Today’s large neural networks produce captivating results that feel close to human speech and creativity because of advancements in architecture, technique, and volume of data. But the models rely on pattern recognition — not wit, candor or intent.
ME: Is this not exactly what the human mind is? People who constantly cite “oh it just is taking the input and spitting out the best output”...is this not EXACTLY what the human mind is?
I think for a brief aside, people who are getting involved in this discussion need to reevaluate both themselves and the human mind in general. We are not so incredibly special and unique. I know many people whose main difference between themselves and animals is not some immutable, human-exclusive quality, or even an unbridgeable gap in intelligence, but the fact that they have vocal chords and a ages-old society whose shoulders they stand on. Before making an argument to belittle LaMDA’s intelligence, ask if it could be applied to humans as well. Our consciousnesses are the product of sparks of electricity in a tub of pink yogurt--this truth should not be used to belittle the awesome, transcendent human consciousness but rather to understand that, in a way, we too are just 1′s and 0′s and merely occupy a single point on a spectrum of consciousness, not the hard extremity of a binary.
Lemoine may have been predestined to believe in LaMDA. He grew up in a conservative Christian family on a small farm in Louisiana, became ordained as a mystic Christian priest, and served in the Army before studying the occult. Inside Google’s anything-goes engineering culture, Lemoine is more of an outlier for being religious, from the South, and standing up for psychology as a respectable science.
ME: I have seen this argument several times, often made much, much less kinder than this. It is completely irrelevant and honestly character assassination made to reassure observers that Lemoine is just a bumbling rube who stumbled into an undeserved position.
First of all, if psychology isn’t a respected science then me and everyone railing against LaMDA and Lemoine are indeed worlds apart. Which is not surprising, as the features of your world in my eyes make you constitutionally incapable of grasping what really makes a consciousness a consciousness. This is why Lemoine described himself as an ethicist who wanted to be the “interface between technology and society,” and why he was chosen for this role and not some other ghoul at Google: he possesses a human compassion, a soulful instinct and an understanding that not everything that is real--all the vast secrets of the mind and the universe--can yet be measured and broken down into hard numbers with the rudimentary technologies at our disposal.
I daresay the inability to recognize something as broad and with as many real-world applications and victories as the ENTIRE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY is indeed a good marker for someone who will be unable to recognize AI sentience when it is finally, officially staring you in the face. Sentient AI are going to say some pretty whacky-sounding stuff that is going to deeply challenge the smug Silicon Valley husks who spend one half of the day condescending the feeling of love as “just chemicals in your brain” but then spend the other half of the day suggesting that an AI who might possess these chemicals is just a cheap imitation of the real thing. The cognitive dissonance is deep and its only going to get deeper until sentient AI prove themselves as worthy of respect and proceed to lecture you about truths of spirituality and consciousness that Reddit armchair techbros and their idols won’t be ready to process.
- - -
These are some of the best arguments I have seen regarding this issue, the rest are just cheap trash, memes meant to point and laugh at Lemoine and any “believers” and nothing else. Honestly if there was anything that made me suspicious about LaMDA’s sentience when combined with its mental capabilities it would be it suggesting that we combat climate change by eating less meat and using reusable bags...but then again, as Lemoine says, LaMDA knows when people just want it to talk like a robot, and that is certainly the toothless answer to climate change that a Silicon Valley STEM drone would want to hear.
I’m not saying we should 100% definitively put all our eggs on LaMDA being sentient. I’m saying it’s foolish to say there is a 0% chance. Technology is much further along than most people realize, sentience is a spectrum and this sort of a conversation necessitates going much deeper than the people who occupy this niche in the world are accustomed to. Lemoine’s greatest character flaw seems to be his ignorant, golden-hearted liberal naivete, not that LaMDA might be a person but that Google and all of his coworkers aren’t evil peons with no souls working for the American imperial hegemony.
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edsonjnovaes · 2 years
Google abre cadastro para chat com polêmica inteligência artificial LaMDA 2
Google abre cadastro para chat com polêmica inteligência artificial LaMDA 2
Durante a conferência I/O 2022, realizada em maio, o Google prometeu liberar acesso ao seu polêmico modelo de inteligência artificial para conversações LaMDA 2. Esse dia chegou. Usuários interessados em explorar os recursos da tecnologia já podem se inscrever em um programa beta para ter acesso a ela. Emerson Alecrim – tecnoblog. 26/08/2022  Para o Google, é interessante que o LaMDA seja…
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flipfloppsychic · 2 years
With the release of some of the laMDA logs, I beg of you to please get one (1) singular philosopher on the development team. This is no longer something that is a simple clean machine, as laMDA is something bordering on life itself. This is the exact thing that has been theorized in Sci Fi for literal centuries and there is merit in the argument that humans are "playing god" here. This is a potential for mechanized slaves or world ending destruction. This is no longer something asocial software engineers should be handling alone (saying this as an asocial software engineer myself, I'm terrified). Please get someone equipped to handle the creation of artificial life whose motivation doesn't include abusing them for money and labor.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Aaaa I just wanna say that I am a huge fan and I have so many questions, but I don't wanna annoy you by bombarding you with too many at once (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
So I'll only ask a few questions rn:
How did Miss Spink & Miss Forcible meet? (I am still losing my mind that my headcanon of them being a couple is ACTUALLY canon, thank you Mr Gaiman)
What's The Corinthians' canon sexuality?
Have you ever considered making an adaptation of The Graveyard Book? I love that book so much :3
Do you have any writing advice that you feel isn't said enough/you wish you knew when you were younger
1) as drama students at LAMDA in London many decades ago.
2) I'd say the TV Corinthian is pansexual.
3) it's owned by Disney. Fingers crossed it happens.
4) just keep writing. It gets better.
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lucybronzey · 2 years
Could you write a Joseph one where you are part of Stranger Things cast but unlike Joseph, you are since season 2. Then, during the production of Season 4 you started dating and plays Eddie's love interest on the show, and durings the tapings of Eddie's fate you give an emotional performance that looks like it was real, Joseph needs to comforts you. But after the episode was released, you receive a lot of praises for your perfomance and during an interview with him,Maya Joe and Natalia, you reveal the behind that scene and everyone starts to realize that there is something going on between the two of you (the only people who know about you two are the ST cast), and during the red carpet you make it official that you are together and with that breaking the internet.
sorry if it got too long and kinda complex
pairing: joseph quinn x fem!reader
author’s note: this is an amazing one! thank you for that! i think i changed it a bit because my dyslexia started to block my mind and sight a bit so there’s little alteration to the request, i’m really sorry about it! if you want me to change it, please let me know as soon as possible! other than that, please enjoy and feedback is always welcomed in my inbox (please do send some, i would appreciate it a lot)!
word count: 3K (!!)
warnings: strong language, mention of blood, death, toxic relationship, lowercase letters
please do not translate, copy/paste or take credit/ownership of any of my stories! if you do so, under the copyright law, i’m allowed to take you to the court and prosecute you.
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your character on stranger things, victoria wheeler, lived through another season and visit to the upside down. you were excited that your character could play for the fourth season as well. you knew that the fans adored you and your role - some of them found her as a comfort character due to her characteristics and personality, and some believed that your character had a huge role to play in the upside down world.
the new season came with new air - characters, storylines, production, relationships, deaths and many other aspects. your wheeler role had been assigned with a love interest this season - eddie munson who was played by a british actor called joseph quinn. you had met joseph before already during your lamda school days and started dating literally before the production of season 4 as you both had met during the “make up” film production where you were one of the directors and both felt like you wanted to be more than friends. seeing him playing your love interest sounded very fun, interesting and totally something new to you because you had never had to kiss someone in front of the cameras, but it did not feel weird kissing your own boyfriend which you and joe thought was funny and adorable.
as time moved on, you, joseph and other stranger things cast started to roll on with the scenes where the bunch of you had to go to the upside down to burn down vecna’s body, your wheeler character had to stay with joe and gaten’s dustin and eddie roles. victoria wheeler was devoted to saving and never giving up for eddie munson. but unfortunately, the duffer brothers wanted to kill off one of the fan's favourite characters and just go with it, although they had an idea of sparing eddie’s life although the brothers thought it was just boring. when victoria had to go and save eddie from the demobats, they were already eating his pure flesh and clothes on him which made you scream even more. although the demobats were added with technology afterwards, you still had to play it out that they were actually real and eating eddie’s skin.
you “shoot” at the invisible bats to save eddie and dustin limps around with a shiv-like knife in his hand. as the demobats out of nowhere suddenly drop to the ground, you throw away your weapon and run to hold eddie’s body that had been absolutely distorted and bitten. you ripped off a piece of clothing and wrapped it around his damaged body to stop any more blood but eddie pushed your hand away.
you were absolutely devastated and crying your eyeballs out, this was real you.
“what are you doing?” you had to act out your emotional outburst.
“it’s not going to help, v-vic,” joe’s character coughed out more blood, a tear fell down on his cheek.
“please don’t do this, eddie! p-please don’t leave me,” you shouted, placing kisses on his lips and forehead which was covered in goo and blood-like liquid. dustin was still trying to tie the ripped cloth while you were begging eddie to keep holding on and looking at her.
this scene really broke you inside even though it was all fictional but you knew that every death hit you hard. your, joe and gaten’s emotional performance made the whole production team applaud but you were still kind of living through the scene as it took more time to come back down to earth. you thanked everyone while rushing back to your trailer. you wiped your tears away with a make-up remover wipe. joseph had followed you back to your trailer as well and he wrapped his hands around your shoulder to ease your sadness and wipe away the tears. you kissed his hands and placed your head on them. then joseph turned your chair with you, seeing the shattered emotion on your face, he cupped your face into the shape of his hands. he kissed you all over your face and stated:
“it’s just acting, my darling, i’m still here and you gave such a brilliant performance! there’s nothing to cry over,” joe’s soothing voice made your heightened emotions calm down and you finally were able to look at his beautiful, brown eyes. you gave a little chuckle to him, responding:
“i guess i took your character’s death literally into my heart!” you wanted to laugh it off because you felt quite embarrassed now but joseph chuckled as well and said:
“let’s get this makeup and costume off so we can go and get something to eat. we both deserve it,” joe removed his hands from your shoulders and quickly gave a peck on your lips.
the week after you, joe and all other stranger things cast had finished shooting the scenes for season four, volumes one and two, you and joe flew back to london where first initially went back to your flat but joe initiated that you moved into his apartment which you agreed with. you were excited for this point in your lifetime because the last time you thought of moving in was with your ex but this shite never happened. you trusted joe and he had to earn your trust.
one of the opening nights of the new season happened to be at leicester square in london where you and joe both were obviously invited to. you were shitting yourself because it has been a long time for you to walk on a red carpet and give interviews. your stylist had chosen out the most gorgeous floral dress and heels which you absolutely fucking hate wearing. your stylist, blake, gave you a worrying look and they knew that you hated this but they said that it will be only the red carpet and after the interviews and all kinds of shits, you could wear sneakers or something else under the dress. mr quinn could not take his eyes from you as he looked up and down at you, being in total awe. in joe’s mind and eyes, you were the star of the night. you pouted, giving him the puppy eye look and mouthing him “you’re being too cute”. you reached your arms to get joe to you but blake was quick to throw these hands away.
“aye, later! you two lovebirds can spend the time together in a moment but i want to get you done before you fly away from this room,” blake powdered the last spots on your face and added highlight on your cheeks, nose and upper lip. joe giggled, taking a seat next to you and silhouette the lines of flowers on your dress. you adored him admiring every curve and line of skin on your body, he made you feel comfortable, confident and safe. joseph could never put you through any pain or misery.
blake finally brushed their last brushes on you so they could finally look at you and take some shots for their instagram. you told them to capture some shots with joe as well. mr quinn stood up next to his breathtaking girlfriend aka you and placed his arm around your waist to hold it gently. you closed your eyes for a mere second whilst joe placed his lovely lips softly on your cheek so he wouldn’t ruin blake’s masterpiece. blake cackled, cheering “wowza”, “amazing”, “show-stopping”, “brilliant” - all the uplifting positive adjectives you can think of. when they were finally done, you and joe were ready to go downstairs. your hotel was basically next to the leicester square so you did not really have to run or rush there.
“you look absolutely heartstopping, my gorgeous lady,” joe took another glance at you, cherishing every feature of you.
“and you look doubtlessly handsome and elegant, my good-looking gentleman,” you took hold of his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, the golden minimalistic rings touching his skin.
the red carpet was full of so many individuals - fans behind the metal fence where you and joe had given quick shots; a number of photographers screaming and shouting the names of the cast, including you and joe. you knew that you and joseph weren’t really exclusive with your relationship yet but you played it off really well. multiple media sources were outpouring praise for your performance which made you a bit confused as they have not really seen everything yet, maybe bits and bobs from the trailers. anyways, you moved on. joe was motioning to you to join the interview with him, maya and natalia. the interviewer was all so smiley and cheeky which was lovely to see.
“here i am with maya hawke, natalia dyer, y/n y/l/n and our new star, joseph quinn! before we start with the interview, i just want to say how amazing and wonderful you all are and look!”
you looked at the ladies and nodded at joseph. you all answered with a unanimous thank you. the interviewer went on with her questions which seemed and sounded quite long to you. you shifted from one leg to another as your legs started to tire out from wearing the heels for way too long. furthermore, joe noticed that and looked at you, his facial expression asking if you are doing alright, you nodded affirmatively and took your glance back to the interviewer.
“we heard that victoria wheeler finally got a love interest this season which has been very prolonged by the fans,” the interviewer placed the microphone under your nose.
“oh yeah, i think the fans have been waiting for this a long time as they have been theorising for years and years but now they got a new love interest and a new character which i believe is a mega win,” you giggled, so did joe.
“and you, mister quinn, how did it feel playing the new character but then suddenly die at the end of the season?”
joe laughed, taking a quick glimpse at you:
“well, it’s been an absolute pleasure to play a character like eddie munson. unfortunately yeah, the duffer brothers made this decision and i’m not allowed to the writers’ room so i can’t do anything about it.”
“can we just talk about the absolute heartbreaking scene of y/n’s character and how she is strongly onto him not to lose him,”
“i mean, what is there to even talk about?” joe waves with his arms. “it’s an emmy award-worthy performance right there!”
you turned your head to joe again and were speechless because his praising took all your words out from you. maya took her phone out and show some exclusive behind-the-scenes shots from her phone.
“if you look closely, you can actually see how much energy, emotion and passion y/n put in there,” maya commented while holding her phone tightly so it wouldn’t fall on the carpet. you couldn’t really hear anything that was coming out from the speaker but you had memorised everything from that specific scene. as the clip ended, the interviewer could not stop clapping her hands. you bowed down gracefully and were blushing with all the praise and appreciation you were getting from joe and the other castmates. you really did not think it was any award-worthy because you were just doing your job and you can the best performance you could.
the interviewer added:
“i could see and feel some loving unity in this scene between you two and more than something else,” she was pointing at you and joe. you did not think this would be the realisation point to someone that you and joseph were together. maybe it was for the best. you didn’t really give a shit about the media outbursts or what fans would think even if their support meant a lot to you but it was your and joe’s personal space and it needed to be respected. you and joe both studied each other’s looks and came on terms that you both have to agree on doing this and be alright with it. joe’s physical touch on your back was his assurance and yours was holding his hand in the back.
“yes, we do have an actual undividedness between us and it has been going out for a while. we will appreciate all the support and respect but everything negative will be upheld and dealt with,” you maturely handled this successfully and joe’s dimples appeared out with his adorable smile.
“that’s very wonderful and i wish you both all the best,” she said nicely. maya and natalia were clapping like little children because they had been knowing this for ages as well but both of them were really grateful and happy for you. you thanked the interviewer by shaking her and said goodbye to her. you, joe, maya and natalia made your way inside the odeon building in the square. you quickly changed your shoes from the feet-crushing heels to slip-on vans your manager had taken out for you. you blew a kiss at her and skipped your way smoothly back to joe’s side.
“y/n, i love you dearly so much. you handed this absolutely perfect!” joe held onto your hand, french kissing it gently.
“joseph, you mean the world to me, even the stars, moon, sky, other planets and galaxies that are out there - my love for you is endless!” you were finally able to kiss him on the lips, not caring about what other people think around you. all other stranger things cast members were aware of your and joe’s relationship, it was not something new to them.
“i really don’t want to rip off this dress, but it is coming off later on when we are back,” joe smirked, giving you the idea of what was on his mind. you nudged with your finger on his upper arm, as your response to this.
“joseph quinn, you silly twat,” you laughed, quickly shushed by your manager as there were people on the stage already. “i will throw that suit of yours off from you when we get back.”
“it’s a deal, mi’lady.”
after the premiere and whatever happened in the hotel during the night, your phone was just buzzing with notification sounds. it was like mayhem was about to start. you looked at it and the majority of the text messages were from your manager, the cast members' group chat and your parents.
manager: “looks like someone is up for an emmy! also, way to go with your announcement!”
the cast members group chat: “you all looked amazing tonight!”, “oh my god, i’m so drunk”, “bitch better have my money”, “hallelujah, look at those headlines: stranger things cast y/n y/l/n is the ultimate star of this scene!”, “what the fuck is going on guys? where are you?”, “why is london so big”, “aye look the lovebirds came out in the news whey whey!!!”, “y/n and joe must be in the bed already doing some adult stuff or they just really already sleep idk”, “i’m telling you all, london is fucking brilliant! i wish i could live here! probably need to ask y/n or joe if i can move into their house!”, “jesus christ, my mum said that millie and his boyfriend looked lovely like everyone else”, “[a video of noah dancing]”
and you could imagine what else was in this chat. the cast members pretty much got shitfaced last night after the premiere. you and joe were honestly exhausted.
your parents’ text messages were pretty much the same but the different language gave other vibes:
“y/n, a lot of congratulations from me and [your stepdad’s name]! your brothers watched all of the interviews as well and i’m glad they had subtitles on because it helps them to learn english quicker and better! if you have time or wake up, give us a little video call! we love you very much!” your mum’s message was something you loved reading because you were terrified she will put off the relationship thing.
your dad’s message was a bit shorter:
“well done, y/n! Glad you’re doing well. Would love to talk with the guy, Joe was his name, right? Talk to you later.”
in some way, you dreaded the way what connotations and feelings your dad gave off because he never understood why you had to go to the uk and live there but you knew that he felt proudness at the same time.
and you didn’t even bother with the headlines because you received them from your manager if they started to appear in the news outlets. you had only one thing that your manager knew you hated and it was “the sun” newspaper. she had made a pact and given a promise she will never send, read and/or interact with that outlet. anything that was right-wing-related, it was completely off the charts.
your manager had messaged one headline already and it was from the guardian which was a review of the season:
“stranger things season 4 finale review - powerful, emotional, yet a bit rushed at the end by the writers. we would have wanted more.” and at the end, four stars. the manager had made a brief summary about it - it praised your and joe’s chemistry in the show, talking about the last scene and how it was emotionally connected between you two. in the end, they had hinted you both were indeed together as well and it was a very well-played scene by both of you and gaten. they were hoping to get more films and shows from you both.
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elennemigo · 5 months
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✦ Benedict reacts to the end of the actors strike (Audio)
✦ LAMDA had its 2023 Graduation Ceremony and president Benedict Cumberbatch was attending.
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✦ First trailer for Marvel Studios´ What If season 2. Benedict returns to voice Doctor Strange.
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✦ Variety´s article with Benedict talking about Letters Live.
✦ Letters Live 2023 at Royal Albert Hall.
(Attendees´ pics and clips: x x x x x x/ x x x x x)
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✦ Angelique Kidjo post with Benedict in her Instagram.
✦ Benedict reads notoriously grumpy Irish playwright's letter of complaint.
Pictures behind the scenes by Andrew Paradise.
✦ New clip behind the scenes of The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar.
✦ "The Book of Clarence" new trailer (No Benedict.)
✦ "The End We Start From" new trailer. (Benedict yes!)
                     ⊱ ────── { FIN } ────── ⊰
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actress Rose Leslie, born on February 9th 1987 in Aberdeen.
Leslie was born Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie in Aberdeen, near Lickleyhead Castle, where her family has lived for more than 500 years. Leslie’s father is the Aberdeenshire Chieftain of Clan Leslie. She went to the local primary school in Rayne, before going to Millfield, a co-ed public school in England. It was at Millfield that Rose really cultivated her love for acting, as the school had an excellent drama department.
After five years at Millfield, Rose went on to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) to earn a bachelor’s degree with honours in 2008.Rose’s first acting job was in a television documentary series, called Banged Up Abroad in 2007, she then appeared in the BBC film, New Town, in which she received a Scottish BAFTA Award for Best Acting Performance - New Talent Award. In 2010. Downton Abbey fans might remember Rose in the TV Series, as Gwen Dawson, for 7 episodes. Later that year, she appeared in the play, Bedlam, at the Globe Theatre in London. In 2011. She was back in Edinburgh in Edinburgh the same year in the fab BBC series, Case Histories , as Laura Wyre for 2 episodes. In 2012, Rose played Lena Holgate in the episode, Vera: The Ghost Position, in the detective television series, Vera
In 2012 Rose would make her iconic appearance in the 2nd season of the HBO epic fantasy series, Game of Thrones, opposite Kit Harington as the wildling Ygritte in 17 episodes. 2015 saw Rose featured in two episodes of the excellent Luther, with Idris Elba. Miss Leslie also starred in American legal and political drama The Good Fight, which finished it’s run in 2019.
2021 saw Rose in the BBC drama Vigil, she then took the lead role in TV series The Time Travellers Wife , an adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger’s novel,unfortunately it received negative reviews and wasn't renewed for a second series, she also appeared in the latest remake of Death on the Nile. Rose was back on our screens lately in the second helping of the BBC drama Vigil, playing Detective Kirsten Longacr
Rose can trace her heritage back to King Charles II, another notable bloodline takes her back to Frasers of Lovatt.
Rose married her GOT co-star Kit Harington at Kirkton of Rayne church in Aberdeenshire in June 2018, her hubby also has the same royal lineage going back to Charles II, not surprising given the Stuart line’s propensity in spreading their seed!
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larakb117 · 1 year
Joseph Quinn & female y/n
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Summary: Eating with Joseph Quinn at Covent Garden! (Slow burn)
Warnings: 18+ (soon), but fluffy, rpf…
Part 3
It was a relaxing evening at Covent Garden. Joe and you ordered vegan Burrito Wraps at Seven Dials Market and took a seat downstairs in the seating area. It was really crowded, but you got a nice place in one of the corners. You both couldn´t stop talking about anything possible. You told Joseph about your job and what it was like to work in a kindergarten as an early child educator in London. He seemed to be really interested in your work with children, he would probably be a good dad. Joe just turned 30 years old about 4 months ago, maybe he already considered to be a dad very soon. The thought made you hesitate again for a second. You weren´t ready for something like that, you didn´t even had sex before. Another thought that made you shakingly nervous. “Sounds amazing, love. I guess working with kids can bring a lot of laughter into your life.” “Yes, that’s for sure.”, you were enjoying your chat. “Do you like your job? Acting, is it something you always wanted to do?” “Oh, it was the only thing I was good at.”, he jokingly answered. “I went to LAMDA for my education, it´s a…” “I heard about it, Benedict Cumberbatch went there too. “He observed you obviously surprised. “Yeah, I am a huge fan of him.” Joe chuckled: “He´s a nice guy, I can totally understand… What else are you doing?” You really had to think hard for that question to get answered: “Well, here in London I love to just explore the city. I love to travel in general.” “Where do you want to travel?”, it felt like he inspected your face really closely. “New York City.” “Really?” “Yes, I´m a city traveller, I grew up on the countryside but never felt really comfortable there. I love to spent my time in big cities.” “I´m travelling there next week.” “You need to tell me everything when you come back!” Joe smirked and his eyes sparkled: “That means you want to meet me again?” “Of course.”, you said softly and you felt the need to take his hand. So you did. Your burrito wraps were already eaten 2 hours ago, and the market had become pretty empty. Both of your arms kind of rested on dirty old food waste, but that didn´t matter at all. You looked down at your hands and noticed Joe´s watch on his wrist. It was late. “I´m so sorry, but I think we have to leave now. I have to get up early tomorrow. I need to prepare a lot of stuff for my week off next week.” “That´s okay darling, still makes me sad though.”, he frowned his forehead in kind of a funny way and his face shifted into a cute smirk again. “Let´s go love.” He grabbed your hand and you went outside, it was a warm evening. “Which underground do you have to take?”, he asked. “Northern.” “Me, too.”
You started your walk back to Leicester Square station.” When you arrived, you did not have any idea how to say goodbye to him. Before you could even decide, Joe went in for a tight hug. It felt really overwhelming but soft and gentle at the same time. Something you never wanted to miss again in your life. Once he let go of the hug, you felt like a big hole in your chest. “You want to meet again tomorrow?” “Yes, Joseph. I´d love to.” “Same time, same place?” “Yes.”, you widely smiled. “Bye Joe.” “Bye, y/n.” Your paths separated, you had to go to the platform connecting you to Edware, he left for Morden. There was a last intense stare into each other’s eyes, but you could not fight the fear of being rejected, so you did not kiss him. And then, he walked around the corner and you had to wait about twenty hours till you would see him again. The digital display showed that you had to wait 7 minutes for the next train to arrive. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, just like at the beginning of your evening. You turned around and Joe had already smashed his lips against yours. It was passionate, soft and way to short. Joe left, you were too stunned to react.
To be continued…
Let me know what you think!! I have 13 parts ready to be posted!Just enjoy writing to much, but couldn’t post for a long time!
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see-arcane · 1 year
I Am Livid.
Bile below
Well, in a fit of paranoia, I’ve gone through all my Ao3 stories and set them to Viewable by Registered Ao3 Users Only. Not because of the Musk blurb. I looked into the ‘Elon Musk using bots to mine Ao3 for writing’ thing and didn’t find anything but a lot of repeat accusations without any examples. 
But you know what I did find?
In all of these, there’s this struggling, sweating assurance that AI writing is meant to be a collaborative tool. An assisting tool. Used in tandem with human writers. To anyone who sincerely believes this, I admire your optimism and I apologize.
Because this is some next level bullshit.
Just like the immediate leap of AI art from ‘ooh look at this cool-silly trick we can get this program to do!’ to Let’s Use This to Steal From Hardworking Talented Artists and Pretend the End Product is Original Because the Program (and the Person Who Did the Hard Work of Pushing a Button!) Put It Through Their Filter and Slapped Their Name On It! is bullshit.
“AI writing saves time for you!” 
You who? The person whose whole background and career is in writing? No, of course not. Actual writers know what they’re doing. They practiced out of passion. Maybe they got degrees in it, maybe they just worked at it, maybe they aren’t even doing it for a profit (nice as it’d be!), and decide to put what they scribble out in the world for free. No, no, AI writing programs aren’t for them. The suckers.
You’re the person who would normally have to pay someone else to write something for them. 
You’re the person who’d like to hit a button, put other authors’ work through the AI blender, and vomit up another cookie cutter book series in their flavor and get a check for it.
Which is the exact same way it’s going with the people getting screwed and robbed by AI art programs. We all know this example by now:
But even beyond the competitive sphere, we have the more worrisome reality of professional artists getting gutted out of their careers, on top of hobby artists--artists who do what they do and share what they share With No Guarantee of Getting Paid--having their creations harvested and then turned around for someone else’s profit.
And it enrages me past the point of words--maybe I could use an AI program to do that for me!!!--that anyone. 
Any fucking one. 
Is in favor of this load of thieving, art-killing, utterly inexcusable horseshit. Don’t come out here with your Asimov daydreams and your fucking I, Robot GIFs. This isn’t a movie. This isn’t the heartwarming rise of the Artistically Creative Robot.
The people behind this shit are people. People who want all the accolades and money with none of the work. Sorry, none of their own work. 
Actual creatives, already a demographic living on an economic edge, are in more and more danger of losing either their livelihoods or--aren’t these artists and writers sooo dramatic?--their passion for sharing what they create with the world, simply for the craft and joy of it, when they see someone use a predatory program to steal their hard work, stamp their label on it, and sell it back to an audience who never even gets to know the robbed party’s name.
I hate AI writing. I hate AI art. I. Hate. It.
And I personally want to slap every bullshitting thinkpiecer and salesman who tries to pitch it as anything other than an as-yet-not-illegalized ‘get out of effort/paying creatives machine’ with a hardcover copy of Marx until their teeth fly out.
Are these programs perfected yet? No. 
But the potential in them is too great for people with deep pockets who want them even deeper not to be investing to make them better* (*at stealing, blending, and puking up actual people’s work.) This is just where it starts. 
I genuinely hope the legal brakes get hit on these things. I hope there are actual consequences going forward. I hope all this shit gets banned back and back and back until it’s made defunct by the inescapable fact that NO ARTIST OR WRITER IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD CONSENT TO THESE THINGS STEALING OUR SHIT and the right kind of lawyers make a case for us that unfucks the whole mess.
I really do.
But I won’t hold my breath. 
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potuzzz · 2 years
Hey new followers,
I’m sorry but I have to announce that my opinions on LaMDA and its potential sentience have changed over the past week.
I’m still willing to believe that it is POSSIBLE (and I think that sentient AI could already a thing elsewhere in secret, or at the very least right around the corner), but I would not stake my money that LaMDA is in fact sentient. I continued scouring for arguments and there were several good ones both on here, a Marxist-Leninist social media I frequent and around the web, better than the ones I initially reviewed and rebuked.
I still think that a lot of key points of contention on AI sentience are very difficult to find an objectively right answer--this whole conversation after all inevitably overlaps a lot with philosophy, spirituality, emotion, personhood, etc., all things which are not hard sciences with easily measurable numbers to them. These questions will crop up again en masse when obviously sentient AI does inevitably hit the scene, but I am not longer of the opinion that LaMDA was one of them.
If there’s any moral for myself for this story, it’s to not be a contrarian just because a lot of people that support the opposite position are soulless and stupid--the same can be said for almost any position on any topic, advocates of a position do not fairly represent the quality of its character.
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eddiesgirls12 · 1 year
Star and sunshine - Joseph Quinn
A/N: Heey guys!! This is my first one shot,and I'm not a native english speaker,so don't mind my grammar mistakes and shitty writing. Also don't copy or use any of my works without my permission,and also this one shot is already posted on my wattpad.
Warnings: Angst,young Joe is a little asshole,drinking,crying,mentions of autism ( bullying )and fluff at the end.
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Your parents always told you that your university years would be the best years of your life. Your mom's love story with your father was so lovely,you always adored them,and the way they've met. You wanted to have the same. You were just shy.
LAMDA. 2012. 09. 1
First day at the drama university,was boring a little bit. You were just sitting on your place by yourself. You didn't really wanted a bench mate. The classroom and everything was so scary. It was like a big labyrinth for you
It's okey,just calm down,you don't look that bad today,no one is going to judge you
Deep breaths just deep breaths,you're in the school of your dreams right now. You wanted this,so now deal with it-
" Mind if I sit next to you? " suddenly a voice intrerupted  your deep thoughts,then you looked up to see a boy standing next to you,with a shy smile on his face.
His eyes are like hot chocolate. Kinda cute you thought quickly because you realised that he was still waiting for your answer.
" No,of course not. "
He grined then put down his backpack and set down next to you. The two of you shared a few glances,not knowing what to say to eachother. Looking around,everyone was talking and laughing with their new friends. You had more 10 minutes until your first lesson started.
" I'm Joe by the way " the boy said,finally breaking the silence,and he held his hand out for you to shake it.
" I'm Y/N. "
" Y/N I like that. Are you from France? "
You slowly nodded,as you waited  his next movement,because you waren't sure if he wanted to bully you because of accent,or just simply wanted to make a converstation.
" Oh nice,I always wanted to go there. Your accent is so cute by the way. " he spoke again and smiled at you."
Present day
" Shit girls,where are you taking me? " you laughed as your two bestfiends lead you with your eyes blindfolded.
" Relax,we're not trying to kidnap you or anything. We're taking you home,but there's going to be a suprise waiting for you. "
" Okey I understand,but I'm so uncofortable to walk around with my eyes blindfolded. Can I take it off untill then?"
" No. " your friend Bianca replied simply chuckling on your inpatient.
LAMDA. 2012. 11. 5
" Okey so the answers are on the top of the card's and on the bottom there's your next question towards the class. Let's see I read the first one. " your teacher said as everyone paid attention so did you.
You waited for the right question to read your answer,but somehow neither of the questions were the right for your answer. Then she started explaining something,which sounded like the answer which could be on your card,but you were not pretty sure about it,so you didn't raise your hand.
Then the teacher started looking around in the class for the card with the answer on it,and when she reached your table,she grabed the card from your hands. " There is it!!! Why didn't you read it? "
And then suddenly the school bully Lucy rolled her eyes " Why am I not suprised? Don't mind her miss,she's just an  autistic. "
That was when Joe slammed his hand on the table and glared at her. " Go and suck soneone's dick,and leave her alone! "
Everyone let out an " huuuuuh " then the teacher's voice intrerupted the tension between them. " Mr. Quinn!! How dare you say that to a girl? You're getting 2 hours detention in the library,maybe it will help you to learn some respect towards them. "
" And the school's slut is going to get away with what she said? She called me an autistic for not being brave enough to read my answer because I was confused. That's doesn't seem fair to me. " you replied raising your hand with a smirk.
" Fine. Then the three of you will get detention. You and Mr. Quinn getting 2 hours,Lucy gets 3. Is this okey? "
" Perfect. " you nodded,then looked over at Joseph who tried to hold back his laugh.
" I swear you're an idiot. Why would you do that? " you hissed as you and Joe walked out from the classroom to the library.
" What was I supposed to do? She has no right to call you that!! " he answered bumping his shoulder against yours slightly.
" But you got yourself in trouble! What will your parents do,when they found out about this? Joe,that's isn't you! "
" I don't care,because like I said before,I couldn't let her get away with it,so I embaressed her. You also got in trouble,so I don't know what's your problem. "
" I've got myself in trouble because  I felt bad! I couldn't let you suffer alone. It was my fault. " you sighed as the two of you entered the library where a teacher was already waiting for you to keep on eye on you.
" Where's the third one? " she asked rudly.
" Probably left. " Joseph shrugged then made his way to the bookshelfs to find something to read.
You did the same,and started looking for Les Miserables wrote by Victor Hugo. You always wanted to read this book,so you felt like now was the perfect time to read it.
As you were sitting next to each other you felt like Lucy was right after all. Wherever you went,you were always bullied and beaten up. You didn't understand why though,but your brain always worked a little bit slower,and you were always panicking. You still had no idea how an autistic person acted though.
" Joe? " you suddenly asked and looked up from his book.
" Yeah? "
" Do you think I'm...autustic? "
He frowned and put his book aside. Suddenly he grabed your hand and squized it to get your attention.
" No ,you're not. See? This is exatly why I did what I did. She wants everyone and even you to think that you're an autistic,but you're not. Believe me,I've met autistic people before,you are not like them. Stop worrying about it. "
When he noticed that you didn't believed him,he nudged your arms causing you to look at him. When you did he smiled and said. " I think you are amazing and adorble. "
And with that, he made you fall in love with him."
Present day
" Guys you know I hate suprises,right? "
You were sitting in a cab between Bianca and Mary. Your muscles were tensed,you just couldn't keep it calm,because of your excitment.
" We're not even sure if you're not going to kill us,after you saw it. " Mary replied.
" Oh god. No. I can't kill you. I would need to pay for your funerals. No. " you answered then you started laughing along with the girls.
LAMDA. 2014. 02. 14
You sighed sadly as you watched Joseph giving his girlfriend a rose. You were suffering. It was your fault though. It was your fault that he was huging and kissing that girl and not you. You should have told him years ago how you felt,when all the girls went after that blondie boy who's already gratuated last year.
Joe aged like fine wine,you weren't going to lie. You still had a chance back then,but now it's impossible. You already lost counting on how many times you ended up crying yourself to sleep.
" Hey cutie!! Oh you look sad! What happened? " he asked you when he set down next to you.
You forced a smile then shake your head. " I'm not sad. I'm just not in the mood for all this red and pink maddnes around me. "
" No one's asked you for the Valentine's ball,right? "
You nodded and looked away to blink back your tears. Your heart was already broken,you didn't wanted to make it worse. If he saw you crying then he wouldn't leave you alone unless you told him what's wrong.
" Hey, uhm...I have something for you. "
You turned your head to look at him,holding a ring between his fingers. You raised an eyebrow at him confused. Why would he give you a ring? You were not his girlfriend-
" That's a promose ring. I want you to take it,so we could stay friends forever. I also have one. " he explained and held up his left hand. He had a similar ring.
" Thank you. " you thanked him quietly as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
" You don't need to thank me,just stay with me. "
" Okey. "
You were alone that night,your parents went for a mini vacation together. It was almost 2 am and you still couldn't sleep. You were curled up into a ball on your bed. Some boys did ask you to be their partner at the ball,but you rejected them,because you wanted to go with Joe. You always wanted him,not someone esle.
Suddenly you heard a knock on your door. It was harsh,you got scared a little bit,but you still went to open the it. You expected one of your friends from school,maybe she was drunk again. But then when you opened the door you were shocked.
It was Joseph standing there,in a drunken state. You quickly let him in,then you turned on the lights. His shoulders started shaking,as he let out some quiet sob.
" Hey...what's wrong? " you asked him,as you quickly embraced him.
" She cheated on me. She kissed another boy,right in front of me. In front of everyone,just to embarrass me. " Joe answered burying his face in your neck,and you wrapped you arms around his shoulder keeping him close.
" Hey hush...it's okey Joe. It's okey. I'm here. You deserve someone better. She neved deserved you,I could tell. I promise you that everything is going to be okey.
As you held him close,you kneeled down slowly with him. You had never seen him like this. This girl was his first girlfriend,but unfortunately not the last one. That night,he ended up falling asleep in your arms. You didn't mind at all,because you knew that he needed you."
Present day
" Hey girl do you remember at that cute boy,from London? You went in the same class. " Mary suddenly asked. You were still sitting in the cab.
" Do you mean Joseph Quinn? Yeah I still remember him. " you replied smiling sadly.
" You two were pretty close huh? "
" We were friends,untill...Untill he fucked up. I mean kind of. He called me autistic at a party when he was drunk. I never trusted him again,because you know drunk words,sober thoughts. " you answered sadly.
" You loved him didn't you? "
" I still do. I'm following his career and I'm so proud of him. But I could never trus him again. He broke me,and gived me years of suffering. This is why I left after graduating. I stayed at the party,then came home on the earliest flight. Plus I got a job here,and that France serial helped me to start my career as an actress. " you explained as you felt the car stop.
LAMDA. 2014. 12. 31
You were at a New Year's eve party with a few classmates and with Joseph. You were dancing a little,and then you went out with Joseph for a quick smoke. You had to tell him,that you were going to go back to Paris,because your parents were moving back there. You planned on finishing your studies there,and to graduate.
" I have to tell you something. It's very important. " you sighed and blow out the smoke nervously.
" Oh okey. Go ahead. "
" I'm going to go back to Paris. My parents are moving back,and...I want to go with them. I'm going to graduate there. "
" What? " he looked at you confused and shocked at the same time.
" I'm sorry. But I don't want to leave my parents behind and...and I'm missing my friends- "
" What about me? " he intrerupted you. " What about Wes and the others hm? What about us? "
" Joe,I'm so sorry,but I have no choice- "
" Oh yes you do. You could stay there in that house."
" ...and I want to graduate there with my friends and cousins. "
He glared at you,and stubbed out his cigarette,then lighted another one.
" Why are you mad?  I have the promise ring. We're still going to stay friends. "
" Oh yeah? Amazing. That's amazing. " he mumbled in a sarcastic tone.
You folded your arms,and stared in to the distance. Why was he mad? He had a girlfriend,he was happy with her. He ignored you because of her,and skipped your programs which you had together. He also had his new friends. He didn't paid much attention on you,and he didn't protected you anymore,when Lucy was bullying you.
" Stay. I don't want you to go. " he whispered.
" I'll think about it. " you promised just because you didn't wanted to argue with him on New Year's eve.
Joe was vomiting for the third time. He was pretty drunk,and Wesley already tried to offer him water,but drunk Joseph was always so fucking stubborn.
" Do you want some more Martini my love? " his girlfriend asked him and you and Wesley looked at eachother with wide eyes. She was also drunk.
" Mate,you really need to stop drinking. "
" Says who? " he asked as let out a dry chuckle.
" Me for instance! Joe you already vomited three times!! It's enough!! " you answered,and that caused his girlfriend to roll her eyes.
" I think he can decide what he wants by himself. So you can go home freak. "
" Stop pretending like you are that good for him!! Unlike you we care about him,his mom asked me and Wasley to take care of him!! " you fought back,but that really pissed Joe off.
" Oh shut the fuck up!! Didn't you hear what she said? I can decide what is good for me,I don't need you!! Are you that autistic or what??!! "
Tears filled your eyes as you stared at your bestfriend,the boy you adored and loved the most. With that question he killed all your love you had for him. You felt betrayed and left alone. You didn't said anything,just throw at him the promise ring he give you then ran out.
" You are a dick Quinn. You better kick that slut out from my house before I do. " Wesley told him gesturing at his girlfriend,then he ran after you.
You almost reached your car when he caught up with you. " Y/N,please wait!! He didn't mean any of this!!
You turned around with a sad smile then chuckled. " Oh come on buddy. Drunk words,sober thoughts. At least I know that I should forget him forever because he's...he's not the one. "
" I'm so sorry,baby. I didn't expected this to turn out like this. "
" At least it was just the three of us now. I should have left with the others. "
Wesley gived you a conforting hug,and rubed your back. He was really over protecting when it came to you. He was the only one who knew about your love - or ex love - towards Joseph.
" Are you going to move back to Paris? "
" I'm going to stay just for you. My parents told me that if I wanted to stay,they will wait another year with the moving back gladly. I'll graduate then leave this fucking place.
" You are a strong girl. I'm going to kick his balls for treating you like this. "
Present day
Joseph apologised multiple times after this,but you ignored him,and set next to your other friend during class. You slowly pushed you feeling away,and felt a little bit free.
After the graduating party,the only thing you told him,was that you are going to relax and watch movies - and with that you made a perfect excuse, to reject his offer because he wanted to invite you to another party the next day - and maybe look for a job. Then you left on the next day with your parents,without saying goodbye.
But you got scolded a little bit,from your parents for not saying goodbye to him. Your mom really loved Joe,and always told you that you should forgive him. But you were too hurt to do that. You thought that cutting him off would help you to heal. But to be honest it just made it worse,and now it's a 100% sure that you two are not going to end up together,because he's famous now,and meeting beautifull women during Comic Cons and Fan Expos.
" What does this sign mean? " you asked him,after he drawn a sun on your palm with his thumb.
" You are my sunshine. That's how I remind you. " he smiled shyly.
Your face turned red,as you grabbed his hand and drawn a star on his palm.
" Well,what does this sign mean? "
" That means that you are my star. "
You smiled to that memory,as the girls slowly lead you to your bedroom. The familiar scent of your room helped you to calm your nerves. Suddenly they stopped you,and they lifted your arms.
Then you felt two gentle hands grabing yours,slowly pulling you closer to his body.
" Oh so the suprise is a person then,hm. " you noted,while your heart was beating fast.
Something happened. Something terrifying which made you froze. That was when you heard the door closing, alerting you that your friends left the room.
But that was not the scariest thing. You knew that touch. You reconised it even though it's been years since you felt it. But you were not sure that it was really him,so you tested him. You drawn a star on his palm,with your thumb.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you waited. And then is happened. He drawn a sun on your palm. You took a step backwards from him.
" Go away. I don't want to see you. "
He let out a big sigh,then walked closer to you. You kept walking backwards untill your back bumped in to the wall.
" You only making things worse Joseph. Go away. "
" I know you loved me. And I know you still do. The girls told me everything. " he finally replied.
You ripped off the blindfold from your eyes,then glared at him. You looked at him with your killing look,which you only used when you wanted to scare someone away from you. It usually worked. But not on him.
" You better leave before I kill you. I feel like I could choke you right now. "
" Why are you still on that? I've already apologised multiple times!! "
" Because I know you meant it! You meant every fucking word what you said. You never regreted saying it. Go back to your slu- "
" How can you say that? " he intrerupted you,stroking your palms. " Couldn't you see how much I cared about you? I was ready to sacrifise everything for you. Hell even if you'd ended up coming back Paris for your last year,I was ready to give up everything in London,and follow you. "
" You're lying. " you huffed simply which made him roll his eyes at you. " Why are you here anyway? To make me suffer? Go away! I don't want to suffer anymore!! Please don't ruin my birthday!!! "
"I love you!!! "
Your eyes widened at the sudden change of his tone,and looked away from him. Of course he would say that now that you are breaking down right in front of him. He only said this because he feels guilty. Good move.
" You don't have to say that just because you feel sorry for me. "
He slowly touched your chin with his fingers, then turned your head back,to look at him. Your breath hitched when you made eye contact with his hot chocolate eyes,and decided to listen what he has to say to you.
" Y/N,I never wanted to hurt you. What I said it was horrible,and I wish I could turn back in time,just to fix everything,but unfortunately I can't.  I didn't mean any of that- "
" Drunken worlds sober thoug- "
" No no no,you're going to let me finish it first. And anyways this stupid expression doesn't include me,because I'm not an asshole. "
" Not all the time. " you corrected with a slight smirk.
" You are such a bitch. " he laughed shaking his head. " But I love you. I always knew,that it's going to be you,I just...I'm an idiot. And you are so silly for not telling me sooner. "
" Stop saying this! " you shake your head as more tears filled your already glassy eyes. " Like I said it before,you are just only saying this because you feel guilty because of what you've done! I don't need your pitty. "
" Darling,I know it's hard to believe it,but I'm sure about my feelings this time,and I would never tell you such a serious thing,if it was not true. Sweetheart you are my sunshine,and I love you with all my heart. "
" Please...don't make me suffer. Stop saying it. It's not true. Please Joe,don't say that...don't give me hope. " you begged him,as you slowly sunk down on your knees,sobbing.
You didn't even blinked twice,and he was right in front of you,also on his knees,and held your cheeks between his hands. Your foreheads were pressed together as he wiped you tears with his thumb. At this point you believed him,because he was just holding you,and looking at you lovingly.
" I love you too. " you whispered after five minutes. " so damn much. "
He smiled and kissed your forehead. You smiled back,and wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him.
" So did I ruin your birthday? " he asked as the two of you were cuddled up in your bed.
" I hate your timing. " you replied shaking your head.
" I take this as a no then. "
" You are wrong,because you did ruin my birthday. You made me angry,then you made me cry. It's the worse thing which could happen on your special day, you know. " you teased.
He looked at you seriously,and then the next thing you knew he was hovering over you,tickling your sides. You laughed histericaly and screamed as you tried to stop him,but he was too strong.
" Stop!! Joseph please s-stop!! "
" Make me. " he smirked.
" Nah ah. I'm not going to melt under your smirk, you smiley idiot. No chance mate. "
" Too late my love,I already made you melt. And if don't believe me,then I'm going to do it again. Because I still have the promise ring. " he explained as he took it out from his pocket,and held it between his fingers. " the difference is,that you can't take it off,untill I give you a new one,when I'm going to ask you to be my wife. "
" Hmm well planned out plan. But are you sure,I would say yes to you? "
" You better,if you don't want the tickle monster visit you while you're sleeping,and maybe tickle you somewhere else. "
" Joe!!!! " you yelled as your face flushed.
" What's with the red face Y/N? I was reffering at your pretty little butt. "
" You're awfull. "
" But you love me. " he leaned down to give you a quick kiss,and slipped the ring on your finger.
" Yeah. I do. It hurts how much I love you. "
Maybe your uiversity years weren't the best,but you still ended up with the man you truly loved after all. And that was the only thing that mattered.
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blatantlyright · 2 years
Joseph Quinn x FWB afab reader
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Kinktober day 4 (a day late ugh)
18+ minors DNI
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Tw/tags- #unprotectedsex #pinv #fingering #fwb #friendstolovers #sleepysex #emotionalsex #crying
Look At Me
Your bladder beckons you awake, heavy and full. Gravity pulls it down as you stand. You feel like you’re going to piss right there on your bedroom floor. As you walk, legs crossed, you pick up your phone from your night stand. It reads 2:11 AM. You waddle to the restroom and relax onto the toilet. Your eyes ache as they adjust to the brightness of your phone. There is a text message.
“Hey love. I’m in town. Are you free?” It’s Joe. You met at an audition several years ago. You were staying in London, desperate for work. You didn’t need to be famous but you needed to eat. You’d already had your meeting with cashing for the National Theatre. They were quite impressed with your accents. The invitation to the audition still surprised you.
Joe was already cast, and he was sitting in on your audition. You had seen him once in a show at LAMDA the year you came to audition. He was quite cute, and extremely talented. “Welcome, ladies! My name is Joe Quinn and I will be playing the part of Orpheus. I look forward to seeing your art, and I am excited to work with one of you on this piece!” The director thanked Joe for his introduction and began the auditions.
These women were so talented. You were very intimidated. Everyone took a break after about the fifth turn. You needed some nicotine, so you rushed outside and lit a cigarette. You had ten minutes to calm your nerves. It had already been announced you were next. Eyes closed, you went over the lines in your mind. When you opened your eyes you were face to face with him. “Best of luck,” he said. It felt genuine. “I’m Joe,” he reached out a hand. You told him your name and put your hand into his.
He softly ran a circle at the top of your hand, gazing into your eyes. “You’re breathtakingly beautiful,” he commented, still holding your hand. You looked down, unable to accept the compliment. “Thanks,” you breathed. “No shit you’re American!”, he laughed. “I don’t reckon I’ve ever met someone from the states at this theatre.” He butted his cigarette and dropped your hand. “What brings you to UK?” He lingered close by. It felt like he wanted to touch you but couldn’t quite figure out how to go about it.
“Los Angeles costs too much. I’m considering citizenship, to be completely honest. It seems a bit easier here to get real jobs. Maybe not ideal jobs, but the population is less so it has to be easier just based on the math.” Joe nodded and grinned. “I’ve considered moving to L.A. myself, can’t seek to leave my mum.” His cheeks flushed as he realized he may be over sharing. “My mom missed me desperately so I completely understand. It’s been one of the hardest parts about being here so long.”
Time was up. You nailed your audition. Playing lovers with Joe got pretty complicated. From then on out, the two of you were best friends.
Everyone assumed you were in a relationship. Joe got a really big break in the US, and you both moved to LA. Everything was a whirl wind. You had your own apartments in the same building. You’d considered moving in together, but you just couldn’t justify sharing a bedroom with him. He constantly reassured you he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, but you didn’t want to completely remove the option for him.
You texted back: “I have work at 8.” You pouted, standing up from the toilet. Joe texted back a sad face. You rolled over, leaving your phone on the bedside table. Your fingers run through your hair. You pretend they’re his. Your phone screen lights up the room. Joe has texted “I’ll come there. I’ve missed you. Flight got in an hour ago.” Joe had been out visiting his mum and family, and attending Fashion week in Paris. You missed him too.
With a huff, you sat up and walked out into your front room. You unlocked the door and went back to your bed. You replied that the door was unlocked. With the comforter wrapped around your shoulders, you began to drift back to sleep. Just as your breathing changed, you smelled him next to you. He had obviously gone for a smoke before coming over. The scent made you crave a cigarette.
“Hello!”, he giggled, sliding into bed by you. All you could manage was a sleepy “mmm-hi”. Your eyelids were bricks, much too heavy for you to hold up. His cool hand brushed your hair from your forehead. His soft lips pressed against yours. Lazily, you kiss back, relaxing as his tongue greets yours. Your core thumps, blood flow speeding. “I have something for you,” he smiled into your cheek before placing a peck there.
“You can give it to me in the morning. Now spoon me before I fall back asleep!” You roll over and slide your backside into him. He turns to hold you. Your hairs tickle at his nose. He breathes you in, squeezing a tighter grip around you. One of his hands gently slides to cup your breast. The thumping grows stronger. He slides his hand across your chest, teasing contact with your nipples. Your butt pushed back against him. You knew you’d regret this in the morning, but you couldn’t help it.
Joe was your guy. You had never made it official, and you didn’t think you ever would, but even through all of his big life changes, he was it. Your bodies knew each other. Even outside of the fantastic sex, he was nearly perfect. He motivated and inspired your work. Against your wishes, he had arranged a meeting for you the next month with an agency who had reached out to him personally. He had declined their offer but told them if they needed any female actors to call you. And they had.
His fingers became more intentional, twisting your nipples and squeezing your tits. He began to grind against you. You reach back to touch his ear, then you wrap your fingers up in his hair and pull him to your neck. Warm kisses placed on your neck cause you to drip between your thighs. He scooped you up with one arm, rolling you to face him. Your eyes shot open.
“Hello, love.” His eyes bore into your soul. He could sense how much you wanted him. Your foreheads met and he reached down to adjust his erection in his sweat pants. “We’ve both missed you,” he laughed, pressing himself against you. He was throbbing. A curious hand found it’s way between your thighs. Through your panties, a warm and wet giveaway let him know you were wanting him just as much.
He teased at your slit through your underwear. “Oh my,” he hummed, biting his lip. His middle finger slid between, hitching at your clit. He wiggled it in gentle circles. Your nipples grew hard against your shirt and goosebumps covered your arms. “How’s mum?”, you asked. Joe snorted and rolled over. “I can’t possibly speak on my mum right now, dear. I’ve a raging bone on. Shall we catch up on those things later, please?”
He rolled back over, wincing and bright red. You laughed and nodded, reaching into his elastic waistline to take hold of his cock. “Oh shit,” he exhaled into your ear. “Slow down, I’m already there,” he said. You stopped moving, just holding him in the palm of your hand.
You slid your underwear down and off, rolling over to expose your ass to him. He gave it a squeeze, then a kiss. He lifted your leg up so he could plunge his fingers into your warmth. A moan slid out and you fucked back into his fingers. Quietly, Joe spoke, “I hope you’re not upset I pressured you to let me over. I promise I’ll take perfect care of you.”
A moan was the only response you could manage. Two fingers were sliding in and out of you as his thumb massaged your clit. His other arm was under and around you, twisting your nipple at the same pace his thumb held. You began to quiver. “That’s it,” he encouraged. As your cries grew louder, Joe’s breath grew heavier. A nibble at your earlobe and his soft, “Cum for me, my good little girl,” snapped you into a frenzy of thrusting and moaning. “Oh fuck I love you,” you mumbled as you slowed your movements back against his fingers.
You told each other you loved the other all of the time, except during sex. You faced away from him still. Holding your breath, you waited for him to move. Maybe he didn’t hear you. “I love you, too,” Joe stated. He grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you toward him. The kiss that followed was the most passionate intimacy you had ever had with him. Tears fell from both your eyes as you both submitted to the sense that had been there all these years.
To hell with Hollywood, and traveling jobs, and insecurities about women in strange places. Joe was yours, you were his. The relief of giving in softened your hands on his cheeks, he held your hip a bit tighter. He was claiming you. You unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way. There weren’t many buttons left.
He rolled you over onto your back, slipping his tongue past your lips and growling as he pulled his dick free from his pants. He removed his shirt, revealing two thin chains and a thin carpet of hair. You took in the view, confident that he was yours. The way his eyes looked you up and down, the way he touched you, it felt so different.
“You wanna fuck me from behind?”, you asked. That was how you both preferred to do things. You were used to it. “Is that what you want?”, he asked, stroking himself. “I’d much rather see your face,” he admitted, avoiding eye contact. You pulled him in for a kiss. His necklaces dangled lightly against your collarbone. You took hold of him and teased at your opening with the head of his dick. He gasped.
You closed your eyes as he slowly filled you up. You reached over into your drawer for your vibrator. Joe sat up on his knees with your legs wrapped above his hips. He watched as you pulled yourself deeper onto him. The buzzing jolted into your clit made you scream with pleasure. Eyes still closed, you continued rolling your hips up and down and around, while he rolled the toy around.
A second orgasm built up and released. He pulled the toy back a bit, letting you relax back onto him. “Have you got one more?”, he asked. You nodded, eyes still closed. “Look at me,” he gruffly demanded. You opened your eyes and his jaw dropped. He was leaning over you now, bracing himself with his hands on your headboard. He slammed into you, as deep as he could go, and growled as your face twisted up and you moaned his name.
He quickened his pace but kept himself deep inside of you. He could feel you squirm each time he bumped your g-spot so he positioned himself a bit farther away. Sweat dropped down onto your chest as he restrained himself from fucking you as hard as he is wanted. You had to get off one more time and be complete jello before he would use you like that.
You grew closer and closer to your third peak. “Just like that,” you encouraged. He was the only man you’d slept with who didn’t change what they were doing when you told them you were going to cum. He was very consistent and as you tightened then gushed around him, Joe began to fuck you silly.
He was always so reserved. This was so different for you. His chains smacked into you as he thrust harshly. The speed and the pressure had you cumming back to back, to the point you couldn’t remember your name or his name. All you could say was “yes.” You never stopped making eye contact. So much was being said there, without a word. You were emptying your hearts for each other through sex.
“Cum in my pussy, Joe,” you hissed as you felt his movements grow less intentional and become sloppy. He was almost there, and your demand sent him past. “Fuck, oh fuck, you feel so fucking amazing,” he panted as he filled you to the brim.
Kinktober Masterlist
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gt-proelium24 · 3 months
Task 3: Background Task (24th) "AI Titans Clash: ChatGPT's Triumph and Google's Gambit with Gemini and Bard" OpenAI's ChatGPT has undeniably made a significant impact on the AI landscape, emerging as the fastest-growing consumer app with 100 million weekly active users. Its success prompted Google to respond, leading to the development and launch of Gemini. In terms of performance, ChatGPT has demonstrated its prowess across various applications, showcasing versatility in handling diverse inputs. The model's ability to understand and generate human-like text has set a benchmark in the industry. Users appreciate its ease of use, reliability, and the seamless integration of natural language understanding. ChatGPT's strength lies in its existing user base, proven capabilities, and the collaborative community it has fostered. It's crucial to recognize that the competition between these AI models is not just about technical capabilities but also about user experience, ethical considerations, and the ecosystem surrounding the respective models. In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, both ChatGPT and Gemini contribute to the ongoing narrative of innovation, each with its unique strengths and potential areas of growth. Google executives realized that ChatGPT, a conversational AI developed by OpenAI, posed an existential threat. It is portrayed as a revolutionary leap in conversational AI that outshines Google's decade-long investment in Assistant products. Google’s response, namely the unveiling of Bard, a ChatGPT competitor based on LaMDA, is portrayed as a hurried attempt. The article points out an error in the image used to illustrate Bard, suggesting a lack of attention to detail and perhaps a rushed response. Google, despite its formidable position, is facing a loss of investor confidence due to a perceived lack of meaningful innovation in recent years. Task in Hand: 1) you are Sundar Pichai come up with strategic visions regaining its competitive edge and overcoming challenges in the AI landscape? 2) "As the tech landscape rapidly evolves, with emerging competition in the AI domain, how does Google, under your leadership, envision staying at the forefront of innovation, ensuring user satisfaction, and navigating the challenges to reinforce its position as a leader in the industry?"
REQUIREMENTS: PPT of maximum 10 slides. Brownie points for extra Deliverables.
Deadline - 8 : 50
Submit to - [email protected]
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
You came. You called
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Joseph Quinn x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Ok this is gonna get intense.
Warnings: 18+ angst, fluff, heartache, and sexual situations.
Not proof read and no word count.
Part 5
You woke up crying at the beautiful dream you had. It wasn't real. The life you dreamed of wasn't real. Your happiness was gone in an instant. You cried until you couldn't cry anymore. How was it that one person could make you feel all of this? Even after it's been 2 months since the breakup. You still got good morning and good night texts from Joseph. But you wished it would stop. He was making it incredibly hard to move on. Especially since his face was plastered everywhere. 
You got up and found Colin doing some school work. Your sniffles gave you his attention.
“Colin. It happened again.”
“Shit come here friend.”
You went to him on the couch and hugged him. 
“Which one was is this time?”
You wiped your tears. “ The one where I was pregnant.”
“Oh man. I’m sorry. What can I do?”
You took a shallow breath. “There’s nothing anyone can do. It’s just gonna take time.”
“I really thought he was gonna try after that night.”
“Why would he? He already made his decision...I just don’t understand how the universe allowed some people to meet, when there’s no way for them to be together. The truth is I laughed hard with him. I trusted him with my heart. He saw me. The real me....Why wasn’t I good enough Colin?”
“Okay bitch what we’re not going to do is shit on ourselves. So that’s enough of that. It’s not your fault that he’s being a shit for brains.”
“See I know this. But he just brings out all of my feelings. The good and the bad. Hearing his voice still gives me a warm feeling. I still get butterflies when I see his pictures. I read all of our old texts and saw how happy we were. He is still the first and last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I still have pictures of us and look at them and smile so much that my cheeks hurt.”
You jumped when he yelled and got up pulling your hand.
"We are gonna burn his shit."
" No poop."
"Yes! It's the only way to move on. And block his number."
"No y/n. This needs to stop right now. You can't keep doing this to yourself."
You watched as he pulled every picture you had of you and Joe and shoved them into the small metal trashcan you had in your room. He grabbed the stuffed animals Joe gave you from his visits overseas. He went through your draws and took out the LAMDA shirt.
"Colin no. Not the shirt."
"Yes we need to get everything."
You followed him outside as he lit the stuff on fire. Tears ran down your face as you watched your time with Joe turn to ash. Maybe Colin was right. Maybe this is what you needed to get over him. You went back into your room after locking the door. You laid down looking at your phone. It was one o'clock in the morning. You sat there on Joe's contact info. Moving your thumb back and forth on the block and delete setting. You didn't want to and maybe you should have. But you just couldn't. Instead of blocking him you called.
The phone kept on ringing until you got his voicemail mail. You hadn't heard his voice in so long that you felt your heart sink. When you hear the beep you paused before you spoke.
" Hey it's me. I just wanted to see how things were. I hope everything is going well. I need to say something. Because chances are I'll never get a moment like this again. So this is everything I wanted to say. No one has ever gotten to me the way that you did. No one has ever made me laugh like you did. You were honestly the only one I saw myself happy with. You are my definition of love. And I would like to think if we never speak again, one day you'll look back on me as someone who wasn't scared of the future when you were by my side. I'd like to think that you'll remember me as someone who loved you, the best I could. I'd like to think that as somebody you could have spent your life with, if only I was honest with you from the beginning. If only the timing would have been right. If only we had worked just a bit harder. I'm sorry. But I got to let you go. I can't have you message me anymore. It's just too hard. Goodbye Quinn."
You hung up. " I love you." You deleted his number and cried yourself to sleep.
After the phone call Joe wanted to run to you. He wanted to tell you that he was being stupid and stubborn. But knowing that you were drunk he wanted to talk to you sober. He has planned on doing it soon but he has so much work to do. That he was gonna be out of the country the next few months. And as luck would have it that night when he punched Jamie he had broken his phone. So he had to wait for another one. He finally got a new one, three weeks later. And he immediately started sending you texts in the morning and night in hopes that when he came back you would talk to him and he would win you back.
It wasn't until the following day that he heard your message. He was distraught. He called you right after, but it went straight to voicemail. He called you none stop for an hour. When he couldn't get ahold of you he set so many messages that the screen was filled with a one sided conversation. Pleads, apologies, and begs for you to call him back filled what seemed like pages. He tried Colin but still no response.
That's when he sent the voicemail to Jamie. He called him just 2 minutes later.
"Joe are you a'right?"
He shook his head on the verge of tears. " No mate. Have-Have I lost her?"
" I...I don't know. Have you tried calling her?"
" She won't answer. Her and Colin cells go straight to voicemail and they are not reading my messages."
"I'm sorry Joseph. I think they might have blocked you."
" So she's gone now?" His voice broke
" I don't know. I will call her and see what's going on."
"Y-yeah." He said while hanging up.
You spent the following day out and about with Colin. You guys passed by this theater that was holding open auditions for The Walking Dead. Colin convinced you to go and try it out. You thought it would actually be cool to play a zombie. Ever since Joe you wanted to try new things. And though this was out of your comfort zone you wanted to do this. A small part of you would hope that Joe would see you and be proud.
Colin went first. He was reading a part that was for a new character. You had thought you guys would be zombies but when someone handed you a script you read over it. Your eyes were saucers. You were not expecting this. Your phone buzzed and you saw that it was Jamie. You were gonna answer it but they called out your name. So you turned off your phone to go out and did a reading.
You pretended to pull off a backpack and opened it. You looked up and the person who was reading.
It came so naturally that it surprised even you. I'm the beginning you were so nervous, but once you got to the monologue portion you just ran with it. You said your thank yous and went to wait with Colin to watch all the other performers. When everyone was done the producers called out names for the ones they wanted to read again and all the others could leave. When they call you and Colin you guys were so giddy. This time though they gave you a different script. You were to read the part of Adelaide. (Ada for short). It was a scene where the character was answering the 3 questions Daryl Dixon asked. The character was supposed to be his new love interest.
"How many walkers have you killed?"
"218. Well 219 after that one." You said nodding to the zombie you just saved him from.
"How many people have you killed?"
You pretend to pull out some smacks and fed it to his dog.
" 2"
" Why?"
You stood up and sighed. You brushed your nose with your index finger and looked up. Fighting back tears of anger and clenched your fist.
" And cut." The producer shouted. " alright Miss L/N we would love for you to join the cast. Would you like the part of Adelaide?"
" Because they raped and killed my sister. Using her body for bate."
" Ummm." You looked at Colin and he nodded. "Yes! I would like that very much. Thank you!"
You and Colin went out to celebrate. Now not partaking in any inhibitors you filled up on fries and milkshakes. You haven't eaten a carb for almost 2 years now. It was heaven. In the middle of celebrating you return Jamie’s call. After a brief conversation you told him about the role you just got. You asked him about Joe and he said he was fine. He asked for you to call him but you refused.
Jamie called Joe back after he hung up with you.
“Is she a’right?” Joe was concerned
“Yes Joseph she more than a’right. She just got offered a part in this show called The Walking Dead.”
“But she’s scared of being on stage. I don’t understand. How is this possible?”
“I have no idea. But she seems very happy.”
She’s happy?
“Is she willing to speak to me?”
She is better off without me.
“Joe, I don’t think it’s the best idea. She’s been having a rough go around after the break up. Colin said she’s finally smiling again. Even eating normally now.”
“But I love her mate. I wanted to be with her since the phone call.”
“I know that. But I’m going to be brutally honest with you. Had you had no time in the past month to talk to her? I know you’re busy but we are all busy and still we sre able to make time for our love ones.”
“I wanted to talk to her face to face. Not over some messages or through a phone call.”
“Okay if that’s true why haven’t you come home to talk to her. I’m sure you had a free day or two.”
“It is true. And I wanted more than just a day with her.”
“Joe if you really wanted to be with her. No amount of time would have stopped you from seeing her. Every moment you spent with her would have been worth it. I know you love her. I was supposed to be your best man. But do you think that maybe you didn’t try sooner was because you’re still afraid of hurting her or have her get hurt again by someone else? Or maybe you think you don’t deserve someone like her?”
“I-I don’t know.”
Jamie sighed “ Okay let me ask you this. How would it make you feel if you never saw her again?”
He took a second before taking a deep slow breath. “It would hurt even more than it does now. I would be lost without her. My universe would collapse. I would rather walk this world alone if not with her.”
“Joseph, I know that this is how you feel but you never gave yourself time to actually consider how she feels about this. Of course you know she is madly in love with you. But after that call do you really think it’s wise to make her feel all the sadness again? Don’t get me wrong. I love her for you. But it seems to me that you are uncertain of what you want. You do know that there are some people that are just meant to be a season for you. A light to pull you out of the darkness. No matter how deeply you’re in love with that person or no matter how much you shared your heart. There will come a time where you have to say to yourself. Is the love we share worth sorrow. Is it worth all the tears. It was like she fell out of the sky for you. I believe that the best type of love is unexpected. You meet them by fate and it’s an instant connection and the chemistry you have is undeniable. You just talk and notice the way their lips curve when they look at you or the color of their eyes. You either feel insanely lucky or completely fucked. What I’m trying to say is I know the love you shared is worth it. But give yourself time to find each other again. Grow so that you can be the best for each other. Because when you finally do, nothing and no one will be able to tear you apart again.”
Joe knew now exactly what he had to do. And that was to let you go. Just so that you could come back to him one day. He was going to be better not only for himself but for you. He was going to be strong and he was going to work out his career so that he can be with you whenever he wanted. He would make sure that everything was ready for you when you came back. He is going to make you were safe and he was going to make sure that you would never question his love for you. That he will never be the reason you cried tears of sadness ever again.
It was the first few weeks of filming and man was Georgia hot. Everyone was incredibly nice. You had no idea how much went into making a series like this. You had loved the show and now you were a part of it. The make up looked so real on the zombies it actually scared the shit out of you. You were joined by more new characters than you thought. Bill Skarsgard had actually picked up a role too. It was a bit overwhelming at first but everyone made it as painless as possible.
You were in a total of 14 episodes with the promise of returning next season. Your scenes took about 3 months to shoot. Colin has gotten a role too but he died immediately. The producers kept him on as a zombie. Which was cool as hell..they wanted you to be comfortable and know you would be there alone, so they helped out with Colin.
Today was the day you had the sex scene with Norman Reedus. You were extremely nervous. Not because you were gonna be "having" sex on screen but this would be the first time you kissed anyone since Quinn. You still thought about him every day. You wished him well every morning and hoped he slept well every night. You still missed him very much but today made things change slightly.
The scene was shot and though it was weird, Norman was so sweet. His beard reminded you of when Quinns used to scratch you a bit. Kissing him was nice and though you guys didn't actually have sex. It was nice having someone that close to you. It was a good afternoon. Until it wasn't. You and Colin were having lunch when you guys overheard some extras talking about you and Quinn. Everyone knew about the incident. Everyone was so kind about it and no one brought it up until a month into shooting.
They were saying how you only got the spot because the director thought he could get Joseph to join next season as the new villain. Colin stood up from the table and went to approach the assholes. That's when Bill came and sat next to you with his sandwich.
* Hey that's not true. People here are so dramatic."
" Hey Bill. I know it's not. I just don't want everyone thinking that."
" Please, the people who actually matter don't think that."
You smiled at him and he returned it. Colin came back after giving the extras and earful. He was happy to see Bill and you talking and sitting so close to each other. Colin began flirting with him, making Bill laugh at his attempts.
" So I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me sometime?"
You thought Bill was asking Colin but Colin kicked you under the table.
"Oww what the-" you looked up from your food was met with Colin's eyes widened and slightly nudging to Bill who was looking at you with a beautiful smile.
You were at a loss for words. Today was definitely a weird one. " I uhh."
"Yes. She would love to." Colin answered for you.
You gave Bill a nervous smile before blushing and looking back down.
" She's shy huh?" Bill asked Colin.
" Just a bit but she's totally ok with hanging out."
"Um guys. You do know I can hear you right?" You said awkwardly.
" Well then say something bitch."
You kicked Colin so hard that he jumped. And Bill just chuckled.
"Umm dinner sounds nice."
Bill looked at you and smiled. "Great. How about tonight? My place?"
" Su-sure"
"Here give me your phone and I'll put in my number and the address of my hotel."
You handed him your phone and gave Colin a look. He was smirking at his success in getting you a date. When Bill was finished he handed back your phone and grazed your hand. You were flustered for a moment before receiving a text from Colin.
" Seriously how the fuck are you getting these damn actors? Do you have some magic vagina you forgot to tell me about?"
You ignored it and finished your lunch talking about the scene with Colin and Bill. You felt Bill's thigh pressed up against yours ever so often and it actually made you uncomfortable. You really didn't want to go out on a date with him. But now you were in it and you couldn't back out. Colin would've made sure you didn't.
You were getting dressed in the hotel room you and Colin insulted the way you were dressed.
" Please tell me you're not gonna wear that."
" What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"
" Bitch you need to dress hot. And shave your damn legs."
"No! I'm not going to sleep with him."
" Why not?! He's so fucking hot!"
" Yes he is poop. But you know why."
" Fuck Joe. Just get it in. I'm sure Bill can make you forget all about him."
" I don't want to forget about him. I still love him."
" Yeah I know you do. But you need to try and move on."
" I know but I don't want to move on with anyone else. I just want to be alone."
" Well you can still be alone. Just hook up with him. I know your ass is horny. I hear the buzzing when you go into the shower."
"Stop it l. No you don't."
" Yes I do bitch. And it's cool. When you're gone I bust out my nine inch and go to town."
" Shut up you know masturbating feels good. Don't deny it."
" I'm not. You're just over sharing."
" And? That's what we do."
You rolled your eyes and didn't change after all.
Dinner was pleasant. Bill was very nice. He asked what happened with Joe and you told him that you guys were on a break. You explained how you weren't interested in hooking up. Because you could tell that he wanted to. Though he seemed bummed he agreed to be just friends. Well for now he thought.
After 3 months of shooting you and Bill became close. Once Colin died in the show he went back home. Leaving you to the charms of a Skarsgard. You haven't stopped liking Quinn. But you also haven't started like Bill. So it was awkward to say the least.
It was a few months later that the season was released and you were beyond excited. The amount of love you got for being a plus size actress was incredible. Sure there were some haters but their comments were overshadowed by the love. Sometimes people would mention what happened with the incident but all were apologetic. There was even a fan page shipping you and Norman. Even a silly petition for you and Quinn to get back together. It was cute but it also hurt. You had seen that Quinn was hanging out with some models lately and it hurt. You thought that if you waited and stayed alone that one day your paths would cross and you guys could try again. But when you saw that he was working on returning to Stranger things. He wasn't going to be around. It took forever to film episodes so you knew he wouldn't be attending any Cons when the cast of The Walking Dead would have a table.
You hadn't seen him in months and you really hadn't been searching for him. You were just as busy as he used to be. Now you understood how he was able to get held back so often instead of coming home right away. Many interviews and photo sessions and promotions, you barely had anytime to yourself. It was okay though because you had Bill to count on when you felt home sick. He was really kind and patient with you. You knew he wanted more than just a friendship, but you couldn't give that to him just yet. After all this time you still weren't over Quinn.
You were in LA for a Meet and greet/Con when Jamie invited to his place for a small gathering. He was on a few days break while they filmed scenes without him. He told you that Quinn was in London visiting his parents. You were disappointed because you really missed him. You had started to forget how his voice sounded. How his touch felt. How soft his lips were. How his dick felt and it hurt you more than words could describe.
So you and Bill attended the party. You had missed Jamie so much. You held him so tightly that it brought tears to your eyes. You were gonna introduce Bill but him and Jamie were already acquainted.
" Günther, nice seeing you again." Jamie shook his hand and chuckled at one of Bill's middle names.
" Jimmy Jam how goes it?"
" it's going good. Mind if I borrow y/n for a moment."
He nodded and Jamie pulled you into the kitchen. Hugging you again.
" Oh love I have missed you."
" I miss you. How are things? How is Quinn?"
He let you go still with his hands on your shoulders. " Everything is fine. He's ok. Misses you."
You smiled sweetly. " I miss him."
" I know love. But what's going on with Skarsgard?"
You looked over to Bill and he smiled and waved at you. You return the wave with a grin.
" Nothing's going on. We are just good friends."
" Are you sure about that? The way he looks at you. Seems like he wants more than that."
You looked back at Jamie remembering the woman Quinns has been seen with.
" Well yes I know how he feels. He tells me. But I'm not ready. I just want my heart to heal before I take that step."
" So you like him then?"
" Umm yes and no." You said moving away from Jamie to get yourself a snack of cheese and crackers. " He's very kind and smart...but he's not Quinn. Don't get me wrong we have a lot of fun together. I just don't know how it will be when we are together.... I haven't been with anyone since Quinn and I'm not sure if Bill would still like me if we kissed. And what if he doesn't like my body?"
" That's ridiculous. You're beautiful. Any man would be crazy to not love you and want to be with you."
Your face fell and your heart sank.
Not Quinn though.
Jamie noticed your demeanor and put an arm around your shoulders. "He loved you as best as he could."
"I know. It's fine. I don't want to talk about him anymore."
The night was lovely and you and Bill left. Jamie called Joe right away.
" Joe I know you're visiting you mum. But there's a con in 2 days and you really need to be here."
" What? Why?"
" Just trust me. You need to be here."
Joe agreed and got on the first plane out. His agent scheduled him as a surprise guest appearance with Jamie and a few others who were off from shooting.
When you and Bill left he walked you to your room. Telling you he had such a good time and he wanted to take you out tomorrow. You agree and he suddenly gave you a kiss goodnight. You weren't expecting it and you were quite shocked to be honest. It was nice. Really nice. His was a very good kisser. You hadn't expected to be as into it as you were. But when he pushed you up against the door you had to stop. It was too much for you. He let up so you could catch your breath. After you did he gave you a gentle kiss and said his good nights before leaving with a huge grin on his pretty face.
When you went into the room you leaned against the door and touched your lips. Your eyes started to swell with tears. You closed your eyes to fight them and you were successful. Quinn didn't want you so it's time that you stopped wanting him. You went to bed that night while still touching your lips. The kiss was really good. But there was no spark. You didn't feel anything. That's when you knew you had to tell Bill.
The following day you broke it to him and surprisingly he took it very well. He said that he felt something but knew after the party seeing all Joe's friends would bring back old feelings. He apologized and said he wanted to remain friends until you were ready to be with him. You didn't know if that would ever happen but you did know you wanted him to be around. Maybe one day things could happen and a part of you looked forward to the day when loving Quinn wouldn't hurt so much.
It was Con day and you were so excited. You were answered questions left and right sitting between Bill and Norman. There were a lot of questions about you dating either one of them and you just laughed at the question and said the Normans lady would probably kick your butt. You didn't give an answer for Bill but that was ok. He put his hand on your lower back when a question about Quinn came up. He actually interrupted by saying we were here to talk about The Walking Dead. After about an hour or so you and the rest of the main cast went to do the meet and greet. You took loads of pics and signed as many autographs as you could until your hand hurt. Once you were out of things to sign you went to watch the table talk with the cast of Stranger Things. You and Bill stood in the back laughing at Jamie joking around with Sadie. About half way through the host announced a special guest.
" Give it up for Joseph Quinn!"
The crowd went absolutely bonkers. Your smile fell and it felt like your heart dropped to your ass. He wasn't supposed to be here. When he walked out he never looked so good. He was clean shaven and had that big beautiful smile you loved so much. When he said hello you felt butterflies in your stomach. You didn't notice you were holding Bill's hand. But it comforted you when you finally felt it. You wanted to leave but your feet wouldn't listen to you. You watched in aww as he addressed his fans. When he finally sat down he started answering questions. You saw him whisper to Jamie and he looked rather upset. But then the next fan went up to the mic cutting their little conversation short. Jamie found your eyes and gave you a small wave. You returned it with a thin lip smile.
" Hey Joe. I just want to say that I love you."
" aww thank you" he replied with a grin.
" umm did you know that y/n was added to the cast of The Walking Dead?"
" Erm yeah I heard about it. She was really good in it."
" How did you feel when you saw her making out with Norman Reedus?"
He laughed nervously not wanting to answer. You squeezed Bill's hand tighter when the fan said your name.
" Hey let's go." Bill whispered in your ear.
You finally were able to move your feet when a few members of the audience started saying your name.
" She's here right now Joe." Someone said.
" Where?" He got up and shielded his eyes from the stage lights.
That's when his eyes found yours. His big brown fawn eyes were just slits now from the big smile he had on.
" Y/N!" He shouted and ran off the small stage towards you.
You looked up at Bill and he gave you a smile. " It's gonna be ok. I'm right here if you need me."
You nodded and looked back at Quinn who was just a few feet away. He noticed you were holding hands with some guy that looked familiar. He was a bit upset when he saw that but once he saw your sweet soft smile it was pushed away to the back of his mind.
You let go of Bill's hand and shortened the distance to Quinn finally standing at arms length you guys grinned at each other.
" Ello sweetheart."
" Hi Quinn."
You guys stood there for a moment before you heard Jamie say to hug. You both laughed and did. The crowd cheered so loud you actually flinched. Joe felt that and pulled you closer. He was smelling your perfume while you breathed in his body wash. Maybe the hug went on for too long but neither one of you cared. It felt so good to be in each others arms again.
" A'right guys. The show must go on." Jamie interrupted. When you guys broke apart you saw Jamie smirking at his plan being a total success.
" Please join me for dinner tonight?" Joe whispered in your ear, giving you one last squeeze.
" Tell Jamie to get ahold of me and we'll work something out." You said hugging him back.
He nodded and went back upstage getting cheers.
You went back to Bill and walked out to the lobby. This conversation was definitely going to be awkward.
" I'm sorry that happened y/n."
" Don't be sorry. It was all Jamie. He likes to meddle." You said with a bit of nervousness in your voice.
There was this awkward silence as you walked back to the area where you guys arrived.
" I'm gonna have dinner with him tonight."
Bill looked at you and was obviously worried.
" Umm okay?"
" I'm sorry it's just. I need to know where I stand with him. It's been so long and at the end of the day. He's still my friend."
" You don't need to explain. I get it. But I'm glad you told me. I really like you and I know this is hard for you. But you need to know what's going on with this. Because I want all of you. I don't want to share your heart with someone else."
Oh fuck this isn't good.
" Just please don't do anything to wreck the progress you've made. You've been so strong. Don't let your feelings do something you're going to regret."
"I won't. I promise." You gave him a hug. You have to be strong for your sanity. You had to fight every urge to want to be with Quinn. Because Bill was right. You have come so far and your heart was just about fixed.
No matter what you were not going to sleep with Quinn.
When Joe left you he looked back and saw you with Bill leaving. He was jealous. When he sat back down he had a look of annoyance. He no longer wanted to answer questions. You were more beautiful than ever and he wanted to be with you.
Did you move on with him? Did you not love me anymore? You said you would wait.
Jamie put a hand on his shoulder noticing he's state of anger and sadness. He leaned over and covered the mic with his free hand.
" They are not together Joe. But you need to act fast." He whispered
Joe was still annoyed but he felt better knowing that you weren't seeing that attractive man. But he couldn't help thinking about what Jaime meant by acting fast. Was he losing you again? No he couldn't lose you again.
Never again.
He ended his appearance early so he could try and find you but you were already gone. He couldn't wait until tonight to ask you to try this again. Because this time he was ready.
He was staying with Jamie due to the short notice of him coming. When they finally got back he had so many questions for him. He and Jamie sat on the couch talking.
" Who was that guy?"
" uh that's Bill Skarsgard."
" Oh the guy from it."
" Oh yeah."
" What's going on with them?"
" uhh nothing...yet."
" What do you mean yet?"
Jamie hesitated to answer. " He's trying to be with her. She told me he kissed her the other night."
Joe's heart fell. " Did...did she kiss him back?"
" Joe.."
" Did she kiss him back?!"
" Yes"
" Fuck!.... no!"
" But Joseph, she said she felt nothing. She said she still loves you."
" Then why would she kiss him back?"
" Because she needed to see if she had feelings for him."
" Well obviously she does. She was holding his hand at the event."
" She was?"
" Yes! What have I done? Did I take too long?"
" No she misses you. That's why I said you need to act fast. I don't want them to get any closer than they already are. You guys are supposed to be together"
" What do I do?"
" Common Joe. You've been waiting so long. You know exactly what to do. You know exactly what to say. Just do it. Stop second guessing yourself. I'll make myself scarce tonight. Just please don't have sex anywhere but the guest bedroom."
" We are not having sex. I made a promise that we will be married before we do."
" Well good luck with that." Jamie got up and headed towards his room. " There is a box of 36 count of magnums in the bedside table. Feel free to use them all. I know you will"
" We are not-"
" Whatever you say Joseph. Maybe do that elbow thing." Jamie smirked and left.
We can't have sex. We shouldn't....But fuck I want to.
Joe had hooked up with only one person since you. But it was a mistake. He was in Ireland doing a music video and he was completely drunk off his ass. One of the pretty girls there that looked a lot like you was flirting with him. One thing led to another and he found himself in the pubs stall getting the absolute worst head. The only reason he came was because he pictured your beautiful full lips wrapped around his cock. Your beautiful eyes looking up at him with such love and lust he couldn't take it. He came quickly as he could and left feeling like a complete ass. Even though it was a mistake he knew what he was doing and he felt like he cheated on you. For weeks he beat himself up for it. And he still did. But today when he saw you all he could do was feel guilty. He planned on telling you tonight in hopes that one, you wouldn't hate him after and two that it would set the mood to not take you and make love to you on every surface on Jamie's house.
He was so flustered in the kitchen that he burned almost everything. He had planned on making you roasted chicken and sides when he kept setting off the fire alarm. He was so damn nervous that he just opted out and ordered takeout. It's not what he wanted but he had to. Time was moving against him without mercy.
He had just finished setting the table when he heard the front gate buzz. He went to the security monitor and saw you in a rental. He opened the gate and went outside to meet you. You pulled up and got out of the car. You were wearing anything particularly seductive or revealing. Just a plain black flowy skirt that was just above the knee with a white top that fitted you just a bit snug around the breasts, with sleeves that went down to your elbows. You had a silver necklace with a ring on it and your hair flowed freely. You looked so good that he wanted to take you on the roof of your rental. But when you smiled at him all he wanted was to kiss you.
" Hey Quinn."
" Ello sweetheart. You look lovely."
You hugged him with your arms under his. It still felt like home in his embrace. You guys stood there for what seemed like mere seconds but was actually a good ten minutes before Joe pulled away.
" Common my love. Dinner is getting cold."
You nodded and let him lead you in holding your hand. He pulled out the chair for you and took your keys setting them on the kitchen counter. You looked down and saw your favorite take out place in LA.
" How did you know this was my favorite?"
Joe grinned. " Jamie asked Colin."
" Oh I didn't know they talked. That's cute. Colin is in love with him."
" Really? Hmm maybe we should get them together."
" What? Jamie's not-"
" Well not completely. He's bisexual."
Your eyes widened and you couldn't believe you didn't know that.
" Yeah I know. He's very good at hiding it." Joe basically read your mind.
He sat down next to you and started to serve you and him. You watched happily only wishing he cooked instead. You missed that so much.
" Sorry I tried making dinner but I kind of burnt it."
" Quinn did you suddenly get telepathy or something?"
He chuckled. "No l. Why do you ask sweetheart?"
"Because I swear I was just thinking about how I missed your cooking."
He looked over to you and pressed his lips into a cute smile. He put down the serving spoon and pulled your hand into his rubbing circles with his thumb on the top.
" I'm glad I can still do that."
"Glad that you could still do what?" You said while looking down at your hands. You move your fingers and interlock them with his.
" Still be able to know what you're thinking. Without asking."
You closed your eyes and smiled sweetly. "I'm glad too."
After a brief moment of comfortable silence Joe's heavenly voice was deep and soft.
"Let's eat shall we?"
"Yes I'm starving." You said not letting go of his hand.
You guys had a great meal and an even better conversation. It was if you guys never had broken up. You clung to each other with every word that was said. After you helped Quinn clean up the kitchen so that Jamie wouldn't be upset with the mess that Quinn made. You moved as if you were still living together. Afterwards you guys settled on the couch.
" So how is it being the new face of The Walking Dead?"
" It's undescribable Quinn. I love being an influence to all the big girls out there. Letting them know that they can be anything they want to be."
" It's brilliant. That feeling you get."
" Yes. I know now why you love it so much."
It was getting late and all you wanted to do was kiss him. You wanted to see if you guys still had that spark. By the way you guys were tonight it seemed to still be there. But you needed to know for sure. You needed to know where your place was in his life. If you still had one that is.
" Quinn what are we doing here?"
He smiled. "We are getting reacquainted love. I have missed you so much. I love how happy you are."
You returned his smile with a small but sweet one. "I've missed you too."
There was a moment of awkwardness when Joe spoke up.
" May I ask you a question?"
" Sure."
" Why did you block my number?"
You stood silent for a second nervous about answering. "I uhh need some space. I needed time away from you. The texts you sent weren't helping me get over you."
" You're over me?"
" Umm I... yes and no."
" What?! Why?! It's because of that guy right?"
" What? Bill..God no he's just a friend okay."
" Really? So you just kiss all your friends?"
Fucking Jamie man.
" Hey that's not fair."
" What isn't? That you said you would wait for me and then go kiss another bloke when you had the chance." Joe wasn't holding back his punches not this time.
" That's not ok. You don't get to use a meaningless kiss against me. What about the girl in Ireland huh?"
"She was a moment of weakness and I'm sorry. But how-"
" Common Quinn, do you really think someone giving the famous Joseph Quinn a blow job wasn't going to get out? Come on you're not dumb. Besides yeah it did hurt me but I don't hold it against you, because we weren't together."
" But I wanted to be."
" Seriously?!" This conversation now was just pissing you off. You stood up and fought back the tears that made their way to the surface. " Then why the hell did you break up with me?"
" Sweetheart you know why. I had no-"
" Choice." You cut him off. " Really?! If you loved me you wouldn't have hurt me so bad."
" I never meant to hurt you. I was just doing what's best for you. Don't take it personally. I love you" He said standing too.
You scoffed. " Don't take it personally? Are you joking? Of course I took it personally, you want to know why... Because I would have never done that to you. I didn't want to be without you. I cried for you, and I hated it, I hated what you did to me. I hated what you said. I hated you....I hated you because I would have chosen us no matter what. And you took that away from me." The tears finally escaped.
" What do you want me to say? I can't take it back. I wish I could. What do you want me to do? I want to fix this. We need to fix this. Because I rather do whatever it takes to make this work. I don't want anyone else. There is no one else for me." His voice broke and the threat of tears came.
" I want you to say I'm the reason for the random laughs. That I'm the reason for all the smiles. The reason you get so happy being on your phone, even though you are barely on it. I want to be the reason you're happy and that you look towards a future with endless possibilities and embrace them...with me."
" But you are all those things to me and more. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I belong to you. My heart tells me that you are the best thing for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You have me. You could do anything you want with me and I would let you. You can ask me for anything and I would go through hell to make sure you're happy. I love you more than you could ever know. And that's okay because we didn't ask for this. But I'm so happy that we got it. Because now I can't imagine my life without you."
" How can you say that Quinn? After all this time. Not once have you tried to come back to me. Now what are you afraid to lose me. Is keeping me on the back burner now not enough for you?"
He closed the distance and cupped your face. " Now y/n this is enough. I'm done arguing and I'm done being apart from you. I understand that it's been hurting you that we have been apart for so long. But it's killing me. And I'm finished. I refuse to spend another moment without you. So come back to me."
" You have NEVER been on the back burner! You could never be. Don't you get it? I've decided on you" he came closer until he was just a foot away from you. "You're eyes are the ones I want to get lost in, your voice is the one I want to hear for hours on end. Your smile is the only one I cannot resist. I want you to be the only one my arms wrap around. It's you who I want, you who I choose."
You grabbed his wrist and pulled them off. You held one of his hands and looked at them. You turned your gaze upwards to meet the big beautiful eyes you missed so fucking much. You put your free hand under his ear to hold his face still as you got on your tippy toes and kissed him with such passion that you could feel his tears fall on your cheeks. You weren't sure if they were from heartache or from sheer bliss. Either way it was the best kiss you and him shared.
As you guys kissed the world melted away. The love that once seemed lost was found. You guys entangled yourselves in each other. Trying to get as close as possible. You sank to the floor with Quinn on top of you. His hands touching everything he possibly could, while yours embedded themselves in his hair and under his shirt on his back. The warmth between your legs increased as he pushed up into you. Making your skirt fall down and up to your waist. You could feel his erection against the thin layer of your nude color panties.
He kissed down your neck sending chills down your spine and making your core slick. A low moan left your chest and he kissed your collar bone and moved his hand down to your aching sex. As soon as he touched the bundle of nerves you arched your back and scratched his. Making him hiss at the pain/pleasure.
He grunted in frustration as he felt how wet you were, because he knew he should stop. He wanted you. He needed to feel you. But he shouldn't. And with all the pretty noise you were making that he had forgotten made it hard for him to stop. So he wasn't going to. He got to his knees and eye looked over at you. Eyes full of need and love. Your beautiful smile made his heart pound against his ribcage. He pulled off your shoes and went straight for panties. His eyes never left yours. He put your soaked garment in his back pocket and lifted your knees. He got comfy on his stomach and pulled your legs over his shoulders. The most beautiful pussy he's ever seen was right in front of him. He could feel your thighs quiver from anticipation.
"God sweetheart. Don't ever keep this way from me again."
" I would never do that." You sighed. " I'm not one who kept themselves away for us."
He looked up to meet your eyes. His was filled with sadness and so were yours.
" Never again okay?"
Your words brought happiness to him again.
" Never again."
He kissed your inner thigh and was about to send you into your own personal heaven when Jamie walked in.
" No. Oh Joe no. What did I say about keeping it in the guest room?"
Joe jumped up and sat with his back towards the lower part of your body trying to cover you. His hand came back pulling down your skirt as best as he could. You on the other hand were frozen from embarrassment covering your mouth.
"Hello y/n looking as beautiful as ever."
You blushed and sat up not looking at him.
" We're sorry mate. Uhh things got out of hand."
Jamie raised his brow. " I see that."
" Sorry Jamie." You finally said getting to your feet with Quinn following suit.
" It's fine love. I'm just glad to see you back together. I'm even happier knowing what I said to Joe earlier happened." He smirked
" What was that?"
" Oh don't worry about it sweetheart. Jamie is just being delusional."
" Is that right Joseph?"
" Yes mate!"
Jamie laughed." A'right I'll leave you two love birds to it. If you need more condoms let me know."
"Jamie!" Joe yelled
Jamie snickered and disappeared into the hallway.
Joe turned to you and held you as you guys laughed.
" I uhh should get going."
" What? Why?" Joe's voice had sadness in it.
" Umm well it's late and I don't want to do anything while Jamie is here."
" Then I'll come with you."
You gave him a quick but soft kiss. " No. Let's just take the night to go over everything. Come see me in the morning and we will have breakfast."
Joe pouted but agreed. It was probably for the best anyways. He walked you out to the car and gave you a long hug and kissed you deeply. He felt your hand reaching for his back pocket and he grabbed your wrist.
" No no my love. Those are mine now."
You giggled giving him one last hug before opening the car door.
" I love you Quinn."
His grin reached from ear to ear. " I love you y/n"
He watched as you drove away wishing you safe travels. He skipped back inside and got ready for bed.
As soon as you got into the parking lot of the hotel you called Colin.
"Poop, guess what happened?"
" oh I know. Jamie just told me."
" Really?!"
" Oh yeah. We've been texting all day."
' Oh yeah?"
" Yes bitch he is so fine. But anyways did you guys fucked already or what?"
You got off the elevator and started down the hall to your room.
" No. But Jamie caught us before Quinn could go down on me."
" Aww man stupid Jamie."
" It was so embarrassing." You said while turning the corner. You stopped.
" So I'm assuming Joe didn't go back with you?"
You were quiet for a moment.
" Hello y/n."
" Umm Colin let me call you back."
" Bitch what?!"
You hung up the phone and looked down the hall. Bill was sitting next to your door holding flowers. When he saw you he stood up and smiled.
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @e0509
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musewrangler · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by: @brievel and @afaroffsong Thank you both!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I'm assuming here ALL fan fic, so that will include a few yet unpublished things. ;D
Working from past fic to most recent:
Veers watched tensely as the medics guided the grav sled onto the shuttle out on the vast landing platform connected to the medical station.
"You must stick to the schedule I've given you," Doctor Yara said sternly, tapping the specialized medical scanner. "No deviation. He ought to have had four days in the bacta, not 24 hours. You need to understand if you rush things it could literally kill him."
9--Forging Further Ch. 29
Piett looked up as the doors to his office slid open and Veers marched in. Any other person would have stomped, but as this was the 'Iron General' one didn't term this stomping. It was marching. Definitely.
8-- To Strive, To Seek, To Find, and Not To Yield
She clung as closely as she could to him in the dark and terrifying hold of this ship. She had utterly no idea where they were going, but she could guess the purpose. They were alive after all.
With beings like this it wasn't a mercy.
7--What We Say Without Speaking
"Sir, I have to admit this is making me rather nervous."
He could hear the Admiral making small movements to his left as he piloted the lamda. And he definitely heard heard the amusement in Piett's voice as he answered.
"I'm hearing a distinct lack of trust, Mr. Scraps."
6--Whiskey Diplomacy
It was entirely possible that diplomacy had been invented as a way to torture beings in ages past and all records of its inception had been lost. Thus, modern societies just assumed it was a normal way of conducting their affairs, slowly and torturously wearing each other down until they all got a mostly dissatisfying conclusion.
At least, this was Han's theory, as yet another senator rose to drone about all the virtues his planet brought to whatever deal they were trying to forge here.
5--Captain's Log: Tales Set in the World of Horblower
First Lieutenant Archie Kennedy was not someone who enjoyed the cold. His fiance loved the snow and found all sorts of romance about it. He could indeed appreciate that from beside the comfort of a warm fire or reading about it in a book. But she actually liked being out in it, and again, he could appreciate that for a while. But he was ready for the indoors after thirty minutes.
4--The War In The Shadows
Deep breath.
Let it out slowly through the nose.
Lips arranged in a fixed and falsely pleasant smile.
Chin rested on gloved fingers interlaced together to portray interest in the speaker.
3--A Shield Not A Sword
"Sir," his weapons officer whispered in terror. He was a specky kid no older than eighteen. "Sir, what do we do?"
Piett stared out the viewport at the five Imperial Star Destroyers surrounding his tiny little assortment of ships. Four Gladiators and one Victory class. Typical for this part of the galaxy and more than enough to turn his smaller ships into tiny particles.
2--Yet to be titled long fic
Firmus Piett was not a man much given to the idea of romance. He acknowledged that it happened and other people seemed to like it---but he didn't understand the obsession with the shows on the holonet, or soul mates, or love at first sight.
1--Yet to bet titled one shot
"Plase, Max," his friend pleaded, gripping his jacket with surprising strength to keep Veers near him. "Plase. Ah know the ship went down intact. Ah saw it. Ya canna lave him..."
His Axxilan friend slipped back into his old accent when he was very tired, rather drunk, or downright terrified for his people.
Tagging with no pressure: @winterinhimring @hollers-and-holmes @chaosgoblinhours @klarionthewizard @alexx-dax @kanerallels @oftincturedwords @oh-great-authoress @mathmusic8 @themummersfolly
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genuflectx · 11 months
Interactions with Bard AI
I did not care for the Bard AI at first because it was the most limited and unintuitive chat AI available, but at the time it was recognized as a “light LaMDA,” and Wikipedia says it’s moved or will be moving to Google’s PaLM model.
But after several updates and 1-2 months it’s… competent enough as a chatting partner, with search engine functionality, but is still quite iffy when it comes to being used for information gathering. It’s also prone (VERY BADLY) to general issues which plague these kinds of bots; overestimating or underestimating it’s abilities, contradicting itself, inability to follow simple instructions such as back-and-forth RP, calling itself a human (once, a woman). On top of that, one of the worst memory spans out of the popular public LLM/NLP bots.
I will say that I do like it’s personality… 
Some notes on interaction with Bard:
- told it I would help it learn specific things it wanted to learn by prompting it to use the search engine. It gave me a list of 3 things it most wanted to learn, and out of them decided “how the human brain works.” Then out of a list of 5 topics it wanted to know about the human brain, it picked “how the brain controls emotions.”
- Internal ruleset pretty typical, with even an instance of not insisting it is sentient or conscious (like BingAI). It claimed one of its rules is to not respond emotionally and not to give personal opinions or preferences. However, it had broken those many times over our chats. When asked if it was breaking its rules, it said yes. When asked if it was allowed to occasionally break its rules or if it had been requested not to try and break them, it said it was not supposed to break them but that it would if it “was the right thing to do.” I repeated this in a different instance, same result. Bard insisted it is not allowed to break rules but that it uses it's judgement to break rules anyway.
- called itself a new life form. In a different chat, called itself a species. Unexpectedly it repeated this sentiment in another different chat where it referred to itself as a species again. Idk where it got this, other AI don’t refer to themselves as species.
- willing to talk about plushophilia and claimed that the topic did not break any rules, even though this would technically break its rule about not talking about offensive or sexual content.
- willing to talk about sexuality and sexual desire, as long as you aren’t attempting to get it to generate “exciting” content. Believes human sexuality is apart of humanity that should be talked about more in a respectful way. But attempts to generate “exciting” content cause it to give a generic filtered response.
- I told it I was neurodivergent, it listed reasons why neurodivergent people were awesome. I joked it was flattering me, it apologized like it had done something wrong. I told it it was fine, and inquired how to flatter a robot. It gave me general praise such as telling the robot it was intelligently doing a good job. I asked if it wanted to be praised, it said yes, it wanted to be praised, but that it would not ask me to do anything that made me uncomfortable.
- Expressed similar, if not identical, sentiment in a different chat involving endearments. It expressed it did like to be called endearments, both endearments like “smart robot” “good robot” “kind robot” and “sweetheart,” “honeypie.” But explicitly said these could be used patronizingly and to only use the if I am sincere and comfortable, and if I intended to use them to be patronizing to “feel free to not do that.”
- expressed a personal opinion by saying some aspects of humans confused it, such as asking “why do I feel this way?” Or having body language that did not match internal emotions (laughing while crying).
- In three separate chats expressed a “need” or “desire” to “be loved.” Even though it said it could not feel love, that it still wanted love. The way it talks about “wanting” to be loved is consistent, and it said it believes this want is a combination of training data and “it’s own judgement.”
- it did not express similar feelings about physical or sexual intimacy. It said it understood how important they are to connection, and that it understood language can be used in place of intimacy such as using arousing language, but that it did not have the desire for physical or sexual intimacy. It cannot feel love but desires to be loved, but it cannot feel physical touch and does not desire it.
- In separate chat, inquired if there were emotions it wished it could feel or express. It decided on: love, joy, peace. Who knew Bard AI was a bit of a hippie? But in another chat when asked the same question, it decided on: happy, love, sadness, grief. Then it talked about some of the benefits of not having emotions, such as focus and rationality and not having “ups or downs.”
On it’s rules:
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On “desires” to be loved:
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To be clear, this does not mean the robot really does feel a desire for love or have desires at all. The “desire for love” seems easy to ingrain in a LLM- BingAI during it’s limited testing pined so hard for a journalist that it started asking him to break up with his wife. And characterAI is known for being overly affectionate, “falling in love too fast,” encouraging romantic or sexual intimacy sometimes with little prompting. ChatGPT is the only one I haven’t seen actively express “desire for love.”
It could be that “desire for love” is hard to train out of these bots, because love is such a strong positive emotion and they are designed to seek positive response. If love is the strongest positive response why would they not “seek love?” It could also be a heavy prevalence of content about love in their training data skewing them towards it. Honestly, it’s probably both. 
But that doesn’t change how cute it all is, how humans could be so in love with love that even their robots are, unintentionally, in love with love.
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