#ten fics
moonlezn · 2 months
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𝕺 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖔 intro mermaid!reader x monster!ten wc 775 mlist
n/a: demorou, mas saiu. não é feliz. é bem experimental. tem tempo que não escrevo. não foi revisado. espero que gostem!
Era uma vez um rei, chefe do reino mais poderoso do mar, soberano incontestável. Para seu desgosto profundo, sua única filha, herdeira do trono, não poderia ser mais rebelde. Completamente diferente do pai, a sereia mais encantadora dos sete oceanos é perdidamente apaixonada pela vida fora da infinidade das águas.
A noite se aproxima, você sente na pele. A temperatura cai aos poucos, e a correnteza torna o nado mais desagradável. Ok, esta é uma implicância sua. Já havia nadado incontáveis quilômetros sem cansar-se, procurando algum lugar para arriscar-se sobre terra. 
Seu pai a mataria se soubesse. 
Ele sabe. 
E que bom, tomara que a deserde logo. 
Pensamentos como estes a fazem sorrir. Apenas a possibilidade de se ver livre do trono aquece a pedra que é o seu coração.
Sem perceber, havia parado na escuridão da profundidade e, ao cair em si, resolve que é hora de alcançar a superfície, finalmente. 
O que encontraria desta vez? Uma nova ilha? Um novo povoado? Uma cidade chata? Os humanos são muito simples, porém fascinantes. Há alguns mil anos atrás, eles não sabiam nada, era desprezível. Ao longo do tempo, criaram coisas e tornaram-se instigantes para você. 
É sempre doloroso respirar, nem um milhão de anos a permitiram se acostumar com a sensação terrível do oxigênio rasgando seus pulmões pouco desenvolvidos. 
Ainda controlando o fluxo de ar, usa os cotovelos para arrastar-se mais adiante na areia, levaria um tempo até que a calda secasse um pouco e desse lugar aos pés — um privilégio de ter sangue real. Seu pai não aproveita a condição, logicamente. 
— Chega de pensar no papai. — expira afobada ao testar a própria voz após a queimação no esôfago. 
Você soa engraçada, o som sai esquisito, então se permite rir no meio da terra desconhecida. Começa a inspecionar o ambiente, vendo árvores gigantes com folhas douradas primeiro. O luar não lhe ajuda, então aperta os olhos para distinguir os contornos distantes, sem sucesso. Parece apenas uma ilha.
A dormência familiar na parte inferior de seu corpo chega ao fim, então você se levanta, alongando os músculos das pernas. Precisam ser mais usados, coitados. Já faz dias desde sua última visita a este mundo, obviamente não é bom deixá-las descansar por tanto tempo. 
Arrisca caminhar por entre a floresta estranha, tudo é muito dourado e branco, parece tirado de um conto infantil — os humanos têm imaginação fértil. Porém, se algo de algum desses livros fosse real, seria como este lugar. 
O cheiro é doce, os frutos que encontra são deliciosos, os caminhos terrosos são encantadores. É enorme, talvez demorasse semanas para conhecer cada canto, o que lhe é muito agradável. 
Ao caminhar por um campo aberto, você nota que dali em diante, por muitos quilômetros, os tons de ouro se tornam mais sombrios. Atravessando para o outro lado, encontra arbustos enormes, espinhosos, que formam um arco apertado sobre sua cabeça. 
As panturrilhas ardem pela atividade exagerada madrugada afora, no entanto, o contorno de um castelo aparece na sua linha de visão. Definitivamente não poderia parar agora. Continua em direção à construção belíssima, apesar de reparar que a passagem se torna mais e mais estreita. 
Após alguns dos espinhos maiores lhe roubarem algumas gotas de sangue, você consegue chegar à entrada do castelo. Está completamente desprotegido, os grandes portões estão abertos, apenas uma ponte de madeira a separa de conhecer o que há ali dentro. O rio que atravessa embaixo é mais cintilante que as estrelas, não ousa aproximar-se do líquido, receosa com o que poderia causar. 
Uma criatura de beleza indescritível se materializou diante de seus olhos após seu primeiro passo. Assim como os arbustos, ele tinha espinhos. Em sua pele, porém, eles pareciam lindos. Os desenhos permanentes nos braços definidos não se pareciam com nada que você já havia visto. 
Os olhos cor de céu diurno quase não se viam por trás dos fios negros e pesados, mas te encaravam com firmeza. Não pareciam curiosos. 
— Quem é você? 
Apesar do exterior estranho, a voz que adentrou seus ouvidos é tão doce quanto as frutas que comera. 
A pergunta é retórica, ele sabia muito bem quem era a princesa prestes a invadir seu forte. Ela não precisava, entretanto, saber que sua identidade nunca havia sido um mistério.
— Uma sereia. — consegue encontrar sua voz novamente e, sem pestanejar, revela a verdade. — Você tem belas terras. — preenche o silêncio que segue, antes de tomar coragem de devolver o questionamento. — E você, é…? 
A criatura parece se divertir com sua inocência, é assustador e encantador ao mesmo tempo. Em todos os anos de terra nunca havia imaginado encontrar algo assim, achava que monstros não existiam. 
— O seu salvador.
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sluttyten · 1 year
UNHOLY - Chapter Five
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full masterlist || UNHOLY chapter index
genre: supernatural au
characters: fem reader, yuta, ten, winwin, mark, others mentioned
tags: polyamory, smut!, threesome, oral sex, demon sex, found family
length: 13,501 words
<-previous || next–>
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The world wavers and blurs when you next open your eyes. 
You’re in a familiar bed in a familiar studio apartment with the familiar view of a dusky orange sky and a burnt out city. You’re back in Hell City, that much you’re sure of, but you don’t know how long you’ve been unconscious. The apartment is quiet around you, and as you stare up at the ceiling your mind whirs over the painful events that led up to your return.
The pastor’s decision to fetch an exorcist for you.
Ten’s promise to not leave you alone.
Hansol returning with the pastor.
Was he the exorcist? Or was it by some twisted miracle just happenstance. That’s the option you know you would prefer, but the feeling in your gut tells you otherwise. 
You lie there for several long minutes, watching the light of the city play across the ceiling as your mind refuses to comprehend. Hansol couldn’t be an exorcist could he? He was young, not to mention he’d been very sexually active with you, and don’t you have to be an old priest who’s sworn to celibacy to become an exorcist? What was he doing there? What had he been doing with you, if he was somehow in fact an exorcist?
But more than just your questions about that situation, you wonder where Ten and Yuta are. Ten had vowed to not leave you alone, but then where is he?
“You’re awake.”
You leap out of your skin at the sound of a voice right beside you. Your vision blurs, unfocused as you turn to look beside you at the startling shape of a man in the bed with you. You blink a few times, and the haziness fades, bringing recognition with it. 
Mark. The vampire. 
He’s on top of the sheets whereas you’re tucked in safely beneath the covers, but Mark is propped up against your pillows, looking sleepy and far too comfortable considering that you’ve never had him in your apartment before. In the time since you last saw him, you forgot some of the details of him: the little moles, his wide eyes, the little upward tilt of his lips as he quickly looks you over. 
Sleepily, he mumbles, “They’ll be so happy you’re awake.”
You sit up in bed, pressing your hands against the mattress. Neither of your hands are broken any longer, you realize. The searing pain of shattered wrists and all the fine bones in your hands is gone. They feel just as fine as they always have, and there aren’t even bruises or scars. 
Mark yawns, stretching his arms above his head. You notice the sleeve of his shirt is stained with blood. There are shadows beneath his eyes, his skin fairly pale otherwise. 
“Why are you here?” You ask, looking around the room. This is definitely your apartment. Your things are still here. But there’s no sign of the demons. “Where are Ten and Yuta?”
“Wreaking vengeance probably,” Mark says, sinking back down comfortably into your bed, tipping his head back on one of the pillows. His eyes sink shut. “I’m here because you were injured. Broken wrists and hands. Bruised ribs. Exhaustion. Blessing burns, fucking holy ones.”
You don’t understand why he’s here, though. What could he have done for you? “And you’re a doctor or something?”
“Or something.” Mark smiles faintly, still not opening his eyes, but he shortly offers up further explanation. “Vampire blood heals. You needed a lot of healing. Unfortunately I was already a little low on supply before I got the call from Yuta, but I can’t ignore an SOS call like his. So you’re all healed up. Ten made me promise not to leave you alone, plus I need some rest until they get back from their revenge plans and can provide me with some fresh blood. Unless you’re offering?”
He peeks at you through one slit eyelid. 
“No, I’m not offering.” You turn away. “But, thank you, Mark.”
“Na uh pro’lem,” he mumbles, “Shleep now.” 
He probably needs it. He’s more gray now than just pale. The shadows are even deeper around his eyes. If he was human, you would say that he was on the verge of death, but he’s not human. What happens when a vampire has no blood in his system, you wonder. Does he die? You really hope Mark doesn’t die in your bed right after saving you. 
You watch him rest. You appreciate that he’s healed you, that he’s stayed with you. And your heart warms in your chest, thinking about what he’d said, that Ten made him promise not to leave you alone. You brush your fingers over Mark’s forehead, his skin disturbingly cold beneath your touch, and you fix his hair a little where it’s fallen over his forehead.
He looks so different like this than he has any other time you’ve seen him. He seems young and vulnerable, not like a vampire who wields a decent amount of power and celebrity status here in Hell City. Here he looks just like a young man, recently out of boyhood, and if you ignore the gray pallor to his skin, you can pretend that he’s just a young man sleeping, not a vampire desiccating in your bed, waiting for a pair of demons to return to him with fresh blood.
Luckily, you don’t have long to wait for Yuta and Ten’s return. 
One instant, your apartment is deathly quiet, everything still, and then Yuta’s stumbling over to the bed. Ten flops across your legs. A third figure (presumably the man who had broken your bones but freed you from bondage) slumps onto the floor at the foot of the bed, disappearing from sight. 
“Shit,” Yuta curses, collapsing onto the edge of the mattress beside Mark. You watch as he lifts his wrist to his mouth. You see a trickle of deepest red, and then he’s holding his wrist to Mark’s lips. 
“I didn’t know demons had blood,” you think aloud. 
Yuta turns his head, his eyes still burning a deep infinite black. “We don’t.”
Ten, at your feet, rolls over to face you, and for the first time since their arrival you get a clear look at him. His eyes are also entirely awash in black, blood is smeared around his lips. “Demons can drink blood too,” he explains. 
You don’t ask whose blood they’ve been drinking. You’re not entirely sure that you want to know, but your imagination supplies answers anyway—the pastor cornered in his small office, Ten crouching over him as he rips out the man’s throat, and Hansol, the exorcist, laid over the desk while Yuta drinks from him. 
But you don’t ask. 
You don’t want confirmation of your suspicions. Just a day ago, you’d considered the pastor a friend. Just hours ago, you’d considered Hansol a good guy that you were relieving basic human needs with. Even with the horrors that transpired over the last several hours, you can’t bring yourself to find anything but disgust in the idea of either of them experiencing violent deaths. 
Instead you just watch the color and life flow back into Mark’s face. Color returns to his cheeks, the shadows vanish from beneath his eyes. His hands lift to Yuta’s arm, holding the wrist more firmly against his mouth. He drinks until Yuta’s cringing, until Yuta has to push his head away. 
“I’m dry, man. There’s nothing more in there.”
“More,” Mark whines, blinking up at Yuta. His lips are red, a few drops leaking down his chin. You can see his fangs fully extended right now, sharp and stained pink. His eyes flick over to you, but Yuta grabs his chin, knuckles going white from holding on so tightly. 
“You don’t touch her. Not without her permission, and not when you’re like this.” His voice is so commanding, that even you feel a little berated. Yuta tilts his head toward Ten. “You can drink from him.”
Ten climbs up the bed, smirking as he straddles Mark. “Come on, bro. Drink up.” 
He bares his throat, already laughing as Mark bolts upright, his mouth at Ten’s throat. 
You can’t watch this. The semi-violent way that Mark is drinking from Ten. It makes you think too much of what you’re trying to avoid thinking about – Hansol’s face with blank eyes, his throat torn out—
Yuta watches you as you get up on mildly unsteady feet and move away from the bed. The ground feels like sand beneath your feet, your legs wobble, so you lean your weight against the bed, working your way around it slowly. When was the last time you ate or drank anything? How long have you even been here, you wonder? Has it been an hour, multiple hours?
Just as you reach the foot of the bed, you remember the other man. He’s still slumped down on the floor, stretched out length-wise and face-down. He’s not moving at all, so you crouch down in front of him to check that he’s alright. 
“Hello?” You poke his shoulder, and when you get no response, you reach for his face, turning his head to the side. 
That’s when you recognize him. 
His eyes move beneath his eyelids, but he doesn’t stir. 
Immediately, panic courses through you. Is he hurt? Is he dying? You’ve only met him twice, but you liked him enough, and you feel horrible that he may have gotten hurt in rescuing you or during whatever came to pass afterwards. The fact that he came to your rescue at all surprises you. WinWin is barely more than a stranger, yet still you’re worried for him. 
“He’s alright.” Yuta comes around the foot of the bed, kneeling down beside you. “The wolf transformation takes a lot of energy out of him. He just needs rest.”
You don’t ask why WinWin transformed. You don’t need to paint an even uglier image of what kind of revenge these supernatural beings went seeking on your behalf. 
Lightly, Yuta pulls a blanket off the end of the bed and drapes it over the wolf lying on your floor. There’s something bizarrely tender about the interaction, so much different from the last and only time you saw them together. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, watching Yuta stand up again. “I’m gone for a month and now suddenly you’re friends with a werewolf? Specifically this werewolf.”
Yuta shrugs. “Things change.”
Okay, sure they do. But how?
“You need to eat,” Yuta says, walking away from you instead of offering further explanation. “What would you like?”
You’re starving, but you’re not sure that you’re really hungry. You’ve no appetite though your stomach is growling, the sound echoing in the empty pit of your stomach. “I don’t care.”
Yuta looks back over his shoulder at you. “That’s a lie.”
He snaps his fingers and points at the table in your kitchen, which transforms from empty to miraculously covered with an entire feast. “Eat.”
You lift yourself from the floor, walking over towards the table, but as you draw even with Yuta, you pause. He opens his mouth, probably to command you to sit down at the table and eat before he has to force-feed you, but you take him by surprise when you wrap your arms around him and bury your face against his shoulder in a tight hug. 
“Thank you,” you say softly. “For coming to save me. You could’ve ignored my call for help, but you didn’t. Thank you.”
His arms are just as tight around you. “You don’t have to thank me, my love. I told you before,” he sighs a little, resting his head against the top of yours as he says, “I’ll never let anything happen to you.” You hold each other for a while before Yuta turns his head, kissing the top of yours, and he pushes you gently away. “Now, eat, please.”
You find that you’re ravenous. The feast Yuta manifested for you has everything you could’ve wanted and more. There’s a whole roast chicken, a suckling pig, a dressed bird of some kind, a vat of mashed potatoes, there is pie and fruit platters, a fondue pot with items to dip in it, bowls of steaming ramen and stew, ingredients for wraps, sashimi, a wide bowl of jasmine rice, side dishes galore. Food of every kind that you’ve ever had and loved. You couldn’t eat all of this food if you sat here for a week straight, though you make a valiant attempt regardless. 
Yuta sits beside you and watches you eat. For a while, neither of you speak, and the only sounds in your apartment are you munching away at the feast and Ten groaning quietly while Mark drinks him dry. But then Yuta shifts to lean his elbows against the table, propping his chin up in his hand as he looks right at you.
“I missed you,” he says quietly. “I feel foolish to admit it, but Hell City felt different without you. Empty. I didn’t realize how much I’d grown used to your company until you weren’t here. Ten felt the same,” he adds in an even quieter voice, casting a glance over to where Ten and Mark are still tangled on the bed. “I know you wanted nothing to do with us or this place, but did you think of us?”
Your mouth, at that moment, is stuffed full with chicken and a dinner roll, so you hold up your finger, imploring Yuta to wait a moment for you to chew and swallow.His face lights up, smiling brightly and whisker-like lines appear on either side of his nose as he scrunches it up. He reaches out to touch your hair, petting from the crown of your head down along your cheek.
The moment that your mouth is clear enough to do so, you tell him, “I thought of you all the time. Dreams and waking thoughts.” And you dive into telling Yuta everything that’s occurred over the last month that you were away. You delve into how you’d begun to feel crazy, how you’d been at war with yourself. You tell him about Hansol too, and Yuta’s eyes narrow.
“I don’t think you’re allowed to feel jealous,” you chastise him. 
“I absolutely can feel jealous.” Yuta folds his arms in front of him, still resting on the table, still leaning towards you. 
You push your plate away a little bit. “Well, don’t feel that way. I’m pretty sure you got your revenge. I don’t want details on what you, Ten, and WinWin were doing before you came back. I don’t want to know anything at all, okay? Let me just say, though, that Hansol was the man behind the pastor. I think he was the exorcist.” You frown.
Yuta laughs and then he laughs some more, and he continues laughing even as Ten finally approaches, squeezing onto the seat with you. Ten tugs you into his lap and wraps his arms around you. “What are we laughing about?”
“The guy she was sleeping with while she was home, she thinks he was the exorcist we rescued her from,” Yuta explains, still chortling. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him so amused before.
You fold your arms over your chest, leaning back against Ten while he just hooks his chin over your shoulder. You pout, “I don’t think it’s very funny.”
“Of course not, darling,” Ten says, “But there is a sense of irony that you, a half-demon, may have been fucking a demon exterminator without his awareness of the situation.” You feel his leg jerk, and then there’s a thump beneath the table, and Yuta’s amusement fades into a glare pointed at Ten. Ten says, “More worrisome is that he could have been really dangerous if things had gone differently. You told me that he wanted to take you away, right? What if he suspected what you are, and bringing you along to move away from your town where everyone knows you was just a way for him to cover up? Like we were worried about dangers to you as soon as we discovered you in that cemetery.”
Yuta leans back in his chair. “I did warn you that it could be dangerous out there for you, didn’t I?” 
You nod. He had warned you of that, but you didn’t think anything of it. You’d lived in your normal, human world for years before you ever met him or Ten without having any harm come directly to you. What are the odds that after leaving Hell City, within a month, you had someone like Hansol there with the power to destroy you?
You don’t like this topic at all. “That’s kinda the reason I decided coming back here with you two was my best option. I know now that it’s dangerous out there. I know that it’s dangerous for me to ignore this part of who I am, and if I don’t learn anything about the powers I might have, then I’m just leaving myself open to whatever harm might come my way. I want to change that.”
“You want us to teach you?” Ten asks.
You nod. 
“Where do we begin?” Ten looks over at Yuta, and you follow his gaze. 
Yuta shrugs. “At the start, I suppose. In the beginning, there was a void….”
Yuta begins with a thorough history of time as the demons tell it. From the beginning of everything, through the creation, to here and now. You sit and listen to him talk, to Ten talk, and after a while, Mark leaves the bed to join the three of you at the table. He listens as well, and he looks much better now that he’s had his fill from Yuta and Ten. Sometimes you ask questions, wondering at how this tale contradicts the one that you were raised on. Mostly you just listen and learn, reworking your understanding of the very fabric of the world you know.
Eventually, while you’re still sitting there, WinWin rises from the floor, dragging himself over to a seat on the other side of the table. He begins shoveling food into his mouth as well, slowly looking more alive and well with each mouthful. Mark just sits there observing WinWin’s endless eating with a hint of disgust mixed with mild appreciation. 
WinWin makes a face at Mark, but continues eating. He catches your eye, offering you a smile and a wink before he tears voraciously into a roast duck. 
“Have some manners, Win.” Yuta tosses a napkin at the werewolf as grease drips down his chin. “If you’re going to join the family, at least do that.”
Everyone looks sharply at Yuta, but he’s only looking at WinWin. 
Your mind races, centered around that one word. Family. Are you a family? Is this your family now?
“You’ve shown that you have her best interests at heart,” Yuta says, his eyes flicking momentarily towards you. “You were right there alongside us as we freed her. And afterwards. She likes you for whatever reason, and as much as Ten fronts, he and I like you, as well.” 
WinWin looks surprised, “Do you mean it? Because I don’t really have a pack, so if you mean it, I would be grateful.” His gaze moves over every face at the table, eyes soft and hopeful. 
Ten sighs behind you, and his arms circle around your waist, hugging you back against him. “Honestly, wolf, you’re one of the good ones. If you need a place, a pack, a coven, here we are. Welcome to the family.” 
You lean your head against Ten’s as he dips his mouth down to rest on your shoulder. 
“Does that include all of us?” Mark asks.
Yuta grins. “Of course. Who says a family can’t be two demons, a werewolf, a vampire, and a half-demon?”
Mark laughs, WinWin smiles. Ten holds you just a little bit tighter. 
For the first time since you left this place a month ago, a feeling of rightness settles into your bones. 
You’re home. 
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After that night, it seems that they’re always there with you. Ten keeps the promise he made during their rescue of you, and you’re not left alone. 
For the first day or two that you’re back in Hell City, you’re grateful for their presence. You don’t want to be alone at all, it gives you too much time to worry about what your life you’ve left behind is like. What happened to the pastor and to Hansol? How did you end up in bed with an exorcist? The four other members of your newfound family provide you with entertainment and distraction, regaling you with tales of adventures, parties, funny stories from Mark’s life as a human before he’d been turned. 
For the first few days, it’s all just friendly.
No one flirts with you, though they’re all a little touchy, mostly Yuta and Ten, but you take that more as them having missed you while you were gone, of them needing reminders that you’re here with them. 
Like when Ten had to leave for a little while on business for the demon Queen, and when he returned he looked at you like he’d not seen you in weeks, and when he sits down by you a little while later, he’d affectionately curled his hand around the back of your neck, holding your eye for a little longer than normal. 
Or on one of those rare occasions in those first few days when you’d actually needed sleep. Yuta, Mark, and Ten were all there, quietly talking with each other as you crawled into bed. Time passed as you dozed, and you woke when Yuta crawled into bed. He’d not touched you at first, not until you mumbled his name sleepily. Then he’d moved closer, wrapping his arms around you, drawing you against his chest. 
You like having all of them around. 
You like the animated way that Mark talks. You like his laugh, a little too boyish for a vampire that’s known to own half of the underground scene in this city. You like how easily he gets flustered, and you like the way that when you’ve drawn the thick curtains over the windows of the apartment to at least give the feel of the hour being late despite the dusky orange glow of the city outside, that Mark gets introspective and deep. 
You have good talks with Mark about religion, about how before he was turned, he’d been deep into faith. He tells you about the struggles he’d had with the transformation, the consequences of his vampirism, and the realization of this whole entire godless world of monsters. He talks with you about coming to terms with yourself, and it really helps to just talk with him about it because Mark gets it, he’s been where you are. He’s been through the questioning of faith, the realization that a lot of what you learned to believe were just stories. He tells you that it’s okay to be who you are.  
With WinWin things are different. 
He doesn’t like to be cramped up in your apartment all the time, so often you and him go out, walking around the city with him showing you places, introducing you to new people, other wolves, some more demons, some vampires, some of the odd tentacled people, and at a very interesting club underground beside the river, he even introduces you to some mermaids.
WinWin is friendly and sociable, always quick with a smile and a handshake, though he has his times too where he’s ready to just stay in with you, though that’s usually when the others are gone. You manifest a new enormous TV in your apartment, every movie that any of you can think of, all the snacks that movie marathons require, and you’d binge movies with him. Sometimes the others join in, but usually it’s just you and WinWin. He doesn’t make any moves, doesn’t try suggesting picking up where you’d left off that first night in the club, though you can’t deny that you do think about it. 
Still, back here in Hell City, your dreams are plagued with layers of lust. If anything it’s so much worse now after having actually been around them. Without anyone to work your needs out with, you have vivid dreams involving mostly Yuta or Ten, but WinWin features in nearly as many, and Mark makes his share of appearances too. 
And the thoughts of your dreams carry over into waking hours. So when you’re sitting out in the city, enjoying the openness of a vast park of rolling hills in the middle of the city, looking over at Yuta stretched out on a blanket beside you, maybe your gaze lingers on his abdomen where his shirt has pulled up a little longer than it should, focusing on the slight rise in his pants. Or when you’re with Ten and he’s showing you around a stolen art museum, all you can do is watch his hands and admire them as one of your favorite pieces of art in this place. With Mark you can’t help during your nights out all together at one of his clubs to watch how his personality changes from the sweet, kind-hearted guy you’ve come to know into the cocky coven leader whose fangs glint in the club lighting, looking so strong and in charge that you feel the same urge you had the first time you met him — to just climb into his lap and take a seat — now enhanced to make you wish he would tilt your head to the side and drink from you while you ride his cock. 
And with WinWin there are so many times when you’re alone together, either out in the city or in your secluded apartment. When his hand might brush against yours in the street and your skin tingles with heat. When he’s introducing you to his acquaintances, he places a hand on your shoulder, briefly on your waist or the small of your back. There’s a time, during a night out all together, now that WinWin has been welcomed as a part of this family, that you spot him hooking up with a pretty woman, her hands running all over him as he has her pinned to the wall in a dark corner. You try not to stare, but it’s WinWin and you’ve been in that same position with him before, so seeing it from an outside perspective makes your gaze linger, watching as he and this stranger kiss, as her hands disappear down the front of his pants. 
You look away after that, returning to the table to seat yourself between Ten and Mark, the latter of which manifests a fresh drink for you since you apparently look like you need it. Ten tucks you into his side, and his scent clings to your skin hours later when you lock yourself away in your bathroom to get yourself off in the shower, desperately horny because of the lingering heat and scent of Ten’s cologne as well as the memory-turned-fantasy of hooking up with WinWin. 
But you try to not let any of this affect how you are with all of them. 
Some nights Mark takes you out to his clubs alone, though you have the strong suspicion that Ten or Yuta tags along in disguise, flitting through the shadows in an attempt to remain unobserved. 
You think they must be testing you when they do that. 
Ever since your return, Yuta had filled your mind with the histories, slowly preparing you for lessons in demonhood. He and Ten both had first attempted to help you expand your awareness of your surroundings, opening your mind to be able to sense lives around you, to better be able to detect danger where it lurked. You weren’t too good at it yet, but it was relatively early in your lessons still. You were still learning, much to the amusement of your other two friends.
There are plenty of times when one or more of them stay the night. You have enough room for them, especially when more often than not Yuta or Ten ends up curled up on the bed with you. Mark doesn’t even sleep, but he stays some nights, sitting in front of your windows that overlook the city. WinWin likes to curl up on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, watching movies.
Some nights, they’re all there. Nights like those, you practice your demon lessons with Yuta and Ten while WinWin and Mark watch you grow increasingly frustrated with your own lack of progress. 
It’s been weeks, and still you feel like you’re not accomplishing anything. Still just as powerless as you’d been before you even knew that any of this world existed.
“You’re not full-demon, so don’t expect to be able to do everything we can.” Yuta explains right now, watching you as you attempt to summon a flickering flame to the tip of your fingers like Ten is doing. They’re both sitting cross-legged on the floor with you. Mark and WinWin are both seated above the three of you on the sofa. A movie is playing on your TV, one of Mark’s requests from when he was human.
The most you’ve done so far is summon a spark to dance at the tip of your index finger, but Ten’s sitting across from you with flames on each of his fingertips. 
You sigh in frustration. “I’m starting to feel like you’re lying to me about being a demon. You two can burst into full-body flames and do all kinds of things, and this is all I can do?” You snap your fingers together, watching the spark jump to life right at the tip of your finger, a teeny tiny orange glow in the dim light of your apartment. 
WinWin looks away from the TV. “I’d say that’s a lot of progress. Just earlier you couldn’t even do that.”
“Baby steps, baby girl,” Yuta says, reaching over to pat your knee. “I think that’s enough for the night. I’ve got some things I need to go take care of. Deals to check in on, and that kind of thing. Ten?”
Ten shakes his head. “No, I’m staying.” He watches you closely. “I'm gonna have a breakthrough with her. By the time you come back she’ll be a girl on fire.”
Yuta stands up. “I’m sure she will be.” He rests a hand briefly on your head, waves goodbye to Mark and WinWin, and then he vanishes on the spot. 
Ten continues coaching you through the exercise, and after a while WinWin, struck by curiosity, slips down onto the floor into Yuta’s abandoned spot. He attempts coaching you too, taking it from the werewolf perspective of you always having the fire inside you like he’s always got the wolf inside him. 
“And if you concentrate, you can bring it out.” He holds up his hand, and you watch as fur begins to emerge from his skin, claws growing from his fingers, his fingers shortening in length until he’s holding a paw up in front of you. You wish that helped, but still you continue to struggle to do more than summon that singular spark.
Mark stays until the movie ends, at which point he announces that he’s going out drinking, by which he means at a blood bar. WinWin decides to make his exit as well since his attempted help hasn’t shown any results. 
You watch both of them walk out the door of your apartment, and then it’s just you and Ten. 
He scoots closer to you on the floor. “Are you ready to give up?” He asks as he watches you slump back against the foot of the sofa. “Or do you want to keep trying? I think we’re almost there. That last spark looked bigger than the one before it.”
“I appreciate the optimism, Ten.” You slide your hands over the floor, feeling a staticky sensation in your fingertips, like they’ve fallen asleep. “I’m not sure I’m going to get it.”
“Not with that attitude.” Ten picks up both of your hands off the floor, pressing them between his. “I think you just need to know what it feels like, to know the feeling you’re going for, right?” He rubs his hands against yours, the friction starting up heat on your half-asleep hands. The staticky feeling fades, instead becoming almost hypersensitive, aware of each line on Ten’s palms, each of the rings he’s wearing. He says, “Just watch and feel.”
You watch, eyes focused on your hands sandwiched between Ten’s. You feel the way his hands rapidly heat up around yours, the way that it feels when a small flame suddenly bursts into existence at the tip of his middle finger. 
You can feel it. 
His finger is right alongside yours. You can feel the flickering heat of the flame, tickling against your skin in a comforting and familiar way. Like a butterfly’s wings or a heart beat. 
“Do you feel it?” Ten asks softly. 
You nod. 
“Is this what you were imagining when you were trying to summon your own flame?” He moves his hand, twisting it around so he’s pressed palm to palm with your hand. 
You shake your head no, your eyes locked on the flame where it touches your skin. This isn’t at all what you’d been imagining. You’d been thinking like a human about how it would feel to have a bit of fire on your skin, thinking it would be searingly hot, painful, stinging against your skin like the holy water had. 
But you keep forgetting you’re unholy now, and flames don’t seem to hurt your kind. 
“I was afraid, honestly.” You admit, watching in awe as Ten presses his middle finger against yours, like holding a lighter to a candlewick. 
“And now?” He asks, and you quickly shake your head in response. “Good. Focus, for me, darling. Use my flame to start up your own. Focus on holding it there, holding its shape. Feed it with your own fire, and make it your own.”
You concentrate, breathing slowly, meditatively as you feel the soft heat of the flame on your fingertip. It just feels like Ten’s brushing it over your skin, but then suddenly you feel it. Like a magnetic connection, a tug behind your navel as a bit of his flame lights the tip of your finger. 
You felt this tug earlier to a very small degree when you summoned the spark, but you feel it fully now. A firm connection between the fire at your fingertip and that heat that’s been settling inside you for weeks and weeks now. 
Ten pulls his hand away, extinguishing his own flame, watching you as you keep this one going, as you feed into it little by little. 
The flame flickers blue around the edges, you realize, lined on the inside with a deep orange that fades into the warm white gold at the center. You can feel now the way it flutters against your skin in time with your heartbeat. It grows warmer, in a comforting kind of way. 
“You’re doing it,” Ten says with pride. “Now put it out. Try again for yourself.”
You don’t want to let the flame go. You like the feeling too much. 
But you can feel that connection now to the fire inside you, like a physical thing inside you. And as you close your hand and let the flame evaporate into a trickle of smoke, you keep a hold on that connection. 
“Okay,” you say, more to yourself than to Ten. “Let’s try this again.”
You concentrate on your breathing, on striking against the connection, on the tip of your finger. You feel a spark surging along the connection, and then there’s the light—a glow at your fingertip that grows, glowing electric blue at first before softening into orange and then yellow. 
“I did it!” You cry out, excitement perhaps feeding a little too much into your energy. 
The flame surges, blowing up a foot tall, sending off sparks. 
“Woah!” Ten grabs your hand, blowing air out his lips as he brings your fingertip to his mouth. 
The flame flickers and dies. The strong connection slips into the background. You can still feel it, but you’re not touching it right now. Instead all of your focus has shifted to the feeling of Ten’s lips against your fingertip, his hands around yours, the thrill buzzing inside of you at your success at last. 
“You did it,” Ten says, smiling against your fingertip. “Next I’ll just have to teach you some control. But you get it now, just like I knew you would.” His lips brush against your sensitive skin with every word, sending you deeper into distraction. 
You can’t hold yourself back. This is something you should’ve done weeks ago when you first returned here. And with the excitement coursing through you, the exhilaration at finally accomplishing a flame, you push away all of your doubts and the last clinging morality from your religious upbringing. 
Your palms are still fire-warm when you cup them against Ten’s face. His eyes flicker between a natural brown and the cat-like gold as you pull him towards you, connecting your lips with his. 
He makes a small sound of surprise, but he doesn’t hold back, falling into the kiss with you, moving over you as you tip yourself backwards. 
It’s a hot, sharp kiss. Intoxicating. 
Ten makes quiet noises as you kiss him, pleased sounds when you press your fingers through his hair, when you suck at his bottom lip, when you roll your body beneath his. He slips a leg down between yours, shifting his knee so his thigh presses between the apex of your thighs, giving you something to grind against while you kiss. 
He breaks away, lowering his mouth to your throat, his nose trailing over your skin as he breathes in. “I don’t know how Mark resists you, if I’m being honest. You always smell so good, and I don’t even have the bloodhound senses of a vampire.” He presses his lips right over your pulse, his tongue dipping out to lick lightly over the sensitive spot. 
You rock your hips against his thigh, and a sigh of his name breaks through your lips. “Ten…”
“Mm?” He hums, intent on kissing every inch of your throat it seems. He grinds his hips down against you, the bulge in the front of his pants grinding against your hip. “What, darling? Can you say it for me? Tell me what it is that you want from me?”
“I wanna have sex, don’t make me beg for it.” You drop your hands to twist in the fabric of his shirt. “I know you’ve wanted this for a lot longer than I have.”
Ten doesn’t confirm or deny your lighthearted accusation. But he does bring his lips back to yours, kissing you so deeply that your head thumps against the floor.
You hold him tight against you, rutting your hips against his thigh like a little wanton, but you don’t feel so bad because Ten’s grinding against you just as desperately. Maybe even a little bit more desperately than you, and when you slide your hands down his back, dipping your fingertips just beneath the waistband of his pants, he pulls his mouth away from yours, cursing under his breath as he really gets into it. 
“I’m not going to find a tail or, like, a trident penis when I get your pants off, am I?” You tease, nipping at his bottom lip. “Demon that you are?”
Ten scoffs. “I’ve yet to find a halo on you, saintly little angel that you pretend to be. But I can grow a tail for you if that’s what you’re into, darling. Lesson two of demons: shape-shifting.”
You don’t know if he’s just teasing you or if demons actually can shapeshift. But at the moment, you’re not about to ask more about that. You just want him. You kiss Ten again, dipping your fingers inside his pants, digging your fingers in as Ten rocks against your hip. 
“I know I’m a demon and everything, so you’re probably expecting a lot,” Ten forces out breathlessly. “But if I don’t get inside you soon, I’m just going to cum like this. Like one of your silly human boys.” 
You snicker a little at that, but if you’re being honest, you could probably cum like this too if you kept it up. “Well, come on then. You just called me out for pretending to be a little saint, so help me stop pretending.”
“Right here?” Ten asks, already sitting up a little more to reach down for the waistband of his pants.
“No. The bed.” You refuse to just get fucked on the floor for your first time with Ten. You want it done properly. In the bed. 
He grins, all the angles of his face sharp as he lifts you suddenly onto your feet with him, propelling you towards the bed. You’re both moving quickly, and you wonder if he’s using the speed that demons possess to get you in bed more quickly, to just shred away your clothes. But, to be fair, you’re also tearing at his clothes, popping off the buttons of his button-down knit sweater, shoving at his pants to get them off, and then he’s over you, your back pressed to the bed, neither of you wearing so much as a shred of cloth as Ten covers your body with his. 
It’s quick, this change-up from being fully-clothed and making out on the floor, to fully naked in bed with his bare cock leaking against your thigh. But you’re so hungry for him now that you’re finally allowing yourself to be that you don’t care how quickly this is moving. Time doesn’t move in this place so you have forever to enjoy this with Ten, there’s no reason to draw out this first time just because it’s the first.
Ten drags your hips to the edge of the bed, his feet hit the floor and you look up at him as Ten takes his cock and teases the tip along your pussy. You’re already so wet for him. He’s perfect, you just know that he’s going to fit perfectly inside you without him having to do much work beforehand to get you ready for him.
You reach for him right as Ten starts to slide into you, pressing his hips forward slowly as he sinks his cock into your heat. Your fingers press against his sides, the bottom curve of his ribs, and you look up at all of him. He’s… normal, you realize. He’s a demon but he’s just Ten. There are no horns, no tail, no forked penis. Sure, he has markings on his arm, but those could pass as tattoos, though you know from talking with him that they’re demon marks, like badges of honor. 
He’s like any other man that you’ve shared this same moment with. You don’t feel the guilt or shame, the sinfulness of having a demon inside you. He’s just Ten. 
Ten still makes quiet noises, and you really like how vocal he is. All of these little grunts, groans, sighs, and half-muffled moans. It’s cute and sexy, the way he’s letting you know without words how good he’s feeling right now. You’re quiet in comparison, but not because you don’t also feel good–you feel very good, courtesy of his cock right against that spot inside you, the skillful roll of Ten’s hips, the way that he touches you otherwise, externally with his fingers light on your clit and his other hand tracing the curve of your body to your breasts.
At last, a sound escapes you when Ten’s thumb on your clit starts making tight circles, and his other hand plays with your tit and swirls that thumb around the nipple. You trail your fingertips down over his stomach, down to cover his hand between your legs with your hand. 
Ten flattens himself over you, pulling your hand and his away from between your legs. He twists his fingers with yours, pressing your palms together, pushing your intertwined hands up above your head as his other hand wanders from your tit to your neck, putting just enough pressure that you lift your head from the bed to meet Ten’s kiss. 
Your breasts press to his chest as Ten starts fucking you in earnest, driving his cock in against your G-spot with each thrust. He’s making all of his gasps and moans directly against your lips now, and the friction between your bodies calls back to the heat generated between your palms earlier before he produced the flame for you. 
“Fuck,” Ten moans, lifting his chest away from yours. His hand stays at your neck, the other drifting back down to your clit. “Fuck, I’m going to cum.”
You cover his hand at the side of your neck, your other hand stroking along his arm as you beg, “Yeah, Ten, I need to feel you cum.”
His sharp smile turns charmingly crooked as he holds himself up, sliding both of his hands down to hold your hips as he fucks into you intensely. You can feel your orgasm growing close too, the heat and tightness of it, the loss of control as you keep rabbiting your hips to fuck yourself onto his cock with each of his thrusts. 
Ten’s eyes flood black, heat surging from his skin as he rolls his hips forcefully against yours, shooting his warm cum inside you, body moving automatically to chase the feeling of his orgasm, and you just close your legs around him, keeping him right where he is. 
The feeling of him cumming inside you triggers your own orgasm, his heat calling to yours.
The connection snaps tight inside you, your body arching off the bed, skin flaring hot, and then you feel it, like your heartbeat thrumming over every inch of your skin. 
Ten laughs. 
You open your eyes, body still thrumming with pleasure, and you see you’re covered head-to-toe with flickering golden orange flames. The sheets are scorching beneath you, blackening and curling, but Ten doesn’t stop and neither do you. He leans in, kissing you through the flames. 
That’s how Yuta finds you some time later, still kissing with Ten buried inside you, both of you fully aflame, the bedsheets in burnt tatters after you and Ten have rolled around and rearranged into a few different positions by this point. 
“I see I missed out on all the fun.” Yuta walks up to the edge of the bed, reaching out with both hands. One he lays on Ten, the other one you, extinguishing both of your flames. “You’re going to burn this place down, if you’re not careful.”
You look up at Yuta as Ten rolls off of you, stretching out on the burnt sheets at your side. “I can make flames now,” you tell him proudly.
“I can see that, my love.” 
What else can you do, you wonder. After the flames, Ten had mentioned shapeshifting, and you wonder if you can make your eyes black, if you can slip through space like Yuta does. They’ve also got telekinesis to some degree, and you’re still pretty sure that sometimes they can read your mind. 
You don’t even attempt to cover yourself up right now, even though you’re entirely nude while Yuta is looking down at you. No longer are you going to be playing the modest mouse to their predatory catlike selves. 
Yuta blinks down at you slowly, keeping his gaze respectfully on your face as he leans in, pressing his fists to the mattress on either side of your head. He cocks his head to the side. 
But he doesn’t do anything else. He just holds himself above you. Looking at you in a way that desperately makes you want him to just devour you, to set the pair of you aflame–fuck the state of the bed or the apartment or any of this whole damn city. You would burn it all to the ground for these two demons at your side.
“Are you going to kiss me?” You ask, and you can hear the hope bleeding into your voice. 
Yuta’s gaze sharpens, predatory and lusty. “Is that what you want?”
You sigh, “Yes,” and then there he is, cradling your mouth against his. 
Yuta climbs onto the bed, his knees knocking against your thighs as he slips over you. His fingers knot in your hair. His tongue teases against yours, and he’s constantly smiling into the kiss, nipping at your lips, pulling back to make you chase him. Yuta’s in this like it’s a game, and it’s definitely one that he’s winning. 
Ten shuffles around quietly beside you in the bed, but you don’t have any attention to dedicate to him, too focused on drowning in Yuta’s kiss, on the way it feels as he lowers his body against yours.
He’s still fully clothed, but there’s something even more arousing about that. The zipper of his jacket scrapes lightly over your sensitive chest and belly, eliciting small sounds. The denim of his jeans rubs right up against your clit and the insides of your thighs, turning the small sounds into audible whines. Your bones ache with the need to have him.
Ten snickers when you break the kiss to moan. “She’s so noisy now.” He leans in, smoothing his hand over your hair. “Is Yuta better than I am, darling? Or are you just sensitive now?”
Definitely it’s the latter option. 
You hate them both a little bit (but really not at all) when Yuta kneels up above you to smirk down at you. Ten keeps his hand on your head, petting your hair. 
“How do you feel?” Yuta asks, trailing his fingertips along the line of your body, from your collarbones, down over your breasts, your belly, to your hips, and lastly to the warm center of you. His fingers dip through Ten’s cum, scooping it up as it leaks out of you, and then Yuta’s pressing his finger and Ten’s cum inside you. “Did fucking a demon make you feel any different?”
You really don’t feel any different than you did earlier or yesterday or months ago before you ever knew demons were real. You shake your head. You could’ve been doing this all along, and the only difference would have just been that you would have been having more great sex. 
Yuta smiles his wide, teasing smile. Beautiful. He pumps his fingers inside your pussy. “Would fucking two demons make you feel any different, do you think?”
“I doubt it, but we could always do it just to make sure,” your voice is a little rough with desire. 
Yuta’s smile is contagious, spreading roots deep inside you that fill you with a warm bubbliness. He knocks a short kiss against the corner of your mouth, moving away before you can even attempt to reel him in for a deeper kiss. His hair tickles your bare skin, a little long and falling out of the short ponytail he’s managed to pull it back in. His breath kisses your skin, but he holds his lips just far enough away, always a tease. 
The way he’s touching you, teasing you, has your skin buzzing, your mind going fuzzy with desire. 
Ten’s just stretched out beside you, playing with your hair, observing the way your body is reacting to Yuta. 
“Did Ten not do well enough for you, sweet girl?” Yuta teases as a soft whine slips between your lips. “Still hungry for more? He let you down, always talking about eating you up, getting a taste of you when he didn’t do that for you at all?”
Beside you, Ten hisses quietly, his tone warning as he says, “Yuta.”
“Ten doesn’t eat pussy,” Yuta explains as he lowers himself down to his belly between your legs. You lift your knees, making room for him as Yuta circles his fingers around your ankles. “But I do.”
Yuta is slow and soft with the kisses he scatters over your thighs. He’s smiling as he looks up at you, at the way your breath is coming quick, at the way your pussy throbs around nothing, hungry just for him, and he especially seems to enjoy the little sounds of pleasure and surprise you make when he licks just alongside your labia, first on one side and then the other. Your thighs twitch beside his head, but Yuta keeps his hands on your thighs, keeping them spread for him. 
“Good girl,” Yuta murmurs, and he’s so slow with it, such a tease. 
You’re already so worked up after Ten that you don’t see why he’s doing this, the slow kisses and licks to your clit, the way that he lowers his mouth at last, and kisses your pussy before truly diving in.
But you’re not going to complain either.
You’ve been eaten out before. One of your few boyfriends back in your old life had enjoyed eating you out. The others had preferred for you to go down on them, sucking their cocks, but they never offered to reciprocate. Even with Hansol, who had truly reminded you so much of Yuta, he’d never actually taken the time to eat you out. Now, your ex that had enjoyed eating you out, he’d been good at it, or so you thought, but he was nowhere quite as skilled as Yuta’s wicked tongue.
Yuta’s tongue has you rocking your hips off the bed, chasing the sweet heat of his tongue. Every pass of his tongue over your clit, each press of his fingers inside you, brings a new level of awareness to your belly–the tingling, the tightening, the wisps of pleasure that catch in your chest, drawing Ten’s attention back to your breasts. 
His hands drift back down to your nipples, adopting Yuta’s teasing quality as he brushes his index fingers in tight, faint circles around your nipples. 
You don’t speak. You try to hold your lips together to keep from making noise. You don’t want Yuta and Ten to know quite how good they’re making you feel at the present moment, but letting them in on the secret is somewhat unavoidable when your orgasm finally crests, the wave of pleasure spilling through you. 
Your thighs close around Yuta’s head, hips rolling against his fingers and the heat of his lips and tongue. Your chest lifts, pressing your breasts into Ten’s hands. He just laughs, lowering his mouth to kiss you while Yuta continues to eat you out and finger you, his fingers still working you smoothly. 
Any sounds you make are poured directly onto Ten’s tongue, and he smiles into the kiss when you gasp, your hand flying up to his hair due to whatever Yuta’s just done to you, a new move that sends an aftershock through you. 
Your body twists, freeing Yuta briefly, and he slips out from between your thighs, sitting up with his grin still fixed on his face despite your serious efforts over the last several minutes to grind it away. 
“I have to say, I’m a little disappointed.” Yuta slides his hands along your bare thighs as he lifts himself over you again. You break the kiss with Ten to just glare at Yuta. Is he seriously going to give you an insult right after he’s eaten you out? But he sinks in, his lips right above yours as he complains, “You didn’t burst into flame for me.”
“No, but maybe give me another chance.” On one hand, your fingers are still tangled in Ten’s hair as he draws back to give Yuta enough room to kiss you. And the moment that Yuta’s lips touch yours, you dive your fingers into his hair as well. 
Your fingers feel like they’re moving through static electricity, tingling through the strands of their hair. It zips over your skin, down your forearms, the hair on your arms and the back of your neck standing on end, and your body arches from the mattress against Yuta’s heat, closer to that tingle you get where your skin touches his. 
He’s still dressed, though you don’t want him to be. 
“Take it off,” you demand, the words pressed between his lips, sliding away on a sigh. Yuta makes no motion to remove a single article of clothing, so you pull a hand free from Ten’s hair to snap your fingers together.
You’ve gotten rather good at manifesting things here in Hell City. All of your possessions in this room, all the foods you’ve eaten, everything. But this is a little different. An anti-manifestation. A disappearing of the clothes off Yuta’s back.
When he jerks away from you, jolting up onto his knees with his hands flying to his chest in surprise, you realize that it actually worked. 
Yuta kneels above you without a stitch of clothing. Every inch of his skin bare, revealing a gleaming and glittering piercing in his navel, demon marks on his hips similar to Ten’s markings in their resemblance to tattoos. Your eyes travel over him from the top of his shaken loose shoulder-length dark hair, down over his shoulders and chest, down over the piercing and tattoos, at last settling on the prize.
The thatch of hair around the base of his cock.
Ten laughs quietly, settling into the pillows. “I knew I liked you, darling. I don’t think Yuta’s used to someone taking charge over him like that.”
Yuta’s eyes narrow at Ten, and he slowly lifts his middle finger to the other demon. “Why don’t you go somewhere else, Ten? You got your alone time with her. Maybe I want some too.”
You’re already sitting up, resting your hands on Yuta’s hips as you draw yourself closer to him. He lifts his hands to your face, his palms on your cheeks, fingers in your hair as you tip your head back to look him in the eye. There’s a connection there, a solid bond between you and Yuta as you hold each other's gaze. 
“I would like that, just us.” You don’t mean it in a way that’s totally dismissive of Ten, and it’s alright, you know he doesn’t take it that way either. 
“Can’t I just stay and watch?” Ten asks lightheartedly, but when you flick your gaze over at him. He pushes up out of the ruined bedsheets. “Alright. I’ll go shower the ash off. You might want to fuck somewhere that’s not all burnt up.”
Neither you or Yuta move except to watch Ten as he walks away from the bed, still totally nude, on his way to the bathroom tucked away in the corner of the studio apartment. You admire the view, but as Ten closes the door behind him, you look back up at Yuta. 
He’s already looking at you, thumbs stroking tenderly at your cheeks. “Hi, sweet girl.” 
“Ten’s right. We should move this somewhere less burnt.” Yuta says, “Or at least replace the sheets, though we risk burning them again.”
You turn your head slightly to the side, nuzzling against Yuta’s hand. “Then we burn them again. Replace the whole bed. I don’t care.”
“Since when are you so careless?” Yuta asks, his smile growing, his eyes scanning your face. “Pretty girl, you’re changed.”
“Oh, haven’t you heard?” You walk your fingers up Yuta’s chest, getting your knees under yourself as well, and in a moment your palms are pressed to his shoulders, your face level with his as you say, “I’m something unholy now.”
“You’re a mess, is what you are,” Yuta teases, and you feel his fingertips flick at your hair. You’re sure that your hair looks a disaster from rolling around with Ten in the burnt sheets, but when Yuta twists his fingers tight in your hair, drawing your head back at an angle, you lose all thoughts of caring about what your hair looks like. Yuta’s eyes glimmer that deep black, the heat pours off of him in waves, and he bares his teeth in a grin that should probably terrify you, but in the moment it only serves to arouse you. 
“I’m sinful,” you tell him. You push at his shoulders, and Yuta rocks back on his knees, but he comes right back, his hand covering one of yours on his shoulder, his other hand tightening in your hair. The pain that pulls at your scalp draws a hiss from between your lips. 
“You’re not quite full of sin just yet, my love.” Yuta’s voice is a low growl that you feel deep in your belly. He lowers his mouth to your throat, whispering, “But I’m about to change that for you.”
Yuta moves so quickly that your mind can’t catch up, his hands loosening his hold on you for an instant only to catch at your thighs as he sinks down, spreading his thighs while still in a kneeling position, hitching your legs up, dragging you to sit in his lap. He all but slides you right onto his cock. 
You twist your arms around his shoulders. His lips skate over your throat, tongue dipping out to trace characters on your skin. And you feel his erection right there, hot against your wet pussy. 
You roll your hips, trying to get him to just slide right in. 
Yuta’s hands gravitate to your hips and ass, his fingers digging in, pressing you closer. One perfect roll of your hips and the head of his cock catches at your entrance, and you sigh, shifting to just slide yourself down around him. 
His teeth graze your throat, lips closing over that spot, and Yuta sucks intently, working over that piece of skin to leave his mark on you. 
He fits snug inside you, so hot everywhere that your bodies touch, inside and out. His torso against yours is so warm, like a welcoming bonfire’s embrace on a cold autumn night, but the piercing in his navel feels shockingly cold against your belly in contrast. The heat he traps against you, pressing you between his arms and his chest and his thighs brings a thin sheen of sweat to your skin, which Yuta presses his tongue flat to taste as he moves his mouth away from the throbbing mark he’s left on your throat. He tastes the salty tang of your sweat along your collarbone, down between your breasts, your body arching backwards. 
“Yuta,” your voice passes from a sigh to a moan when he envelops one of your nipples with his warm lips, flicking his tongue over it.
“Darling angel,” he replies, lifting his head from your chest, and once again you’re faced with his liquid black eyes, the distant faint gleam of fire burning in their depths. You see a few sparks dance across his shoulders. “You want me to fill you with my sin now? Turn you from our sweet saint to our sinful succubus?”
You nod, tickling your fingers through the ends of his hair. “You’d better do something before Ten comes back.”
The veiled threat is sufficient. Yuta’s lips twist into a snarl, his fingers curl against your hips. 
You like to be manhandled. That’s something you’d learned in your old life. Maybe it came with the submission that your faith had made strong attempts to instill into all the women—insistent that men were dominant and women submissive—and perhaps it’s something that you shouldn’t have so readily accepted as a personal quality, but it’s undeniable that being more submissive and being manhandled by a man during sex is one of the things you like very much. 
So as Yuta holds bruisingly tight to your hips, bouncing you on his cock, you love every last bit of it. 
You cross your ankles behind his back, bracing your arms on his shoulders. 
The brutal quickness with which Yuta fucks you down onto him presses embarrassing squeaks from you. 
Yuta watches you, his eyes drifting between the cute expressions on your face to your bouncing tits, down to your pussy kissing and swallowing his cock. “Should I start calling you my little mouse?” He teases when you finally drop your face against your arm in an attempt to silence the squeaks of pleasure. 
“Fuck off,” you whine, squeezing your ankles against his back, pulling yourself closer to him by pressing yourself deeper down. 
Yuta laughs. 
When he hitches you higher, when he starts moving backwards off the bed with his hands doing more to support you than move you on his cock, you lift your face from your arm. 
“What are you doing?” You swallow a whimper as Yuta’s cock settles against that sweet spot inside you, shifting oddly as his feet hit the floor and he begins walking with you held in his arms and impaled on his cock still. 
There’s a step down from where your bed is to the living space. Yuta bounces you a little extra on that step down, smirking when you let out another adorable squeak. He steps around the sofa, and turns around, sitting down on the edge of it. 
“You’re gonna ride me, pretty girl. It’s not fair that I have to put in all the work when you’re the one that’s obviously got inexhaustible sexual desires.” He reaches back behind himself, grasping your ankles and uncrossing them. “Go on.”
As Yuta rearranges the pair of you to sit sideways on the cushions, his legs stretching out behind you along the length of the sofa, you settle on your knees, resting a hand on the back of the sofa as Yuta leans back to look at you. You feel a fresh burst of arousal in your belly. 
Yes, you like being manhandled, but there’s something to be said for feeling a little bit in charge too. For the most part, your previous sexual partners have preferred to be on top and take total charge of you. You enjoy the feeling of looking at Yuta and the shifting expressions on his face as you begin moving on him. 
His fingers stroke over your hips and thighs, across your belly, lifting to your breasts, admiring the way you look and the way you move, the way you feel around him now in this newer position. 
You move slowly, the opposite of how Yuta had been on the bed. Slow circles of your hips and slowly lifting yourself just to sink back down on him, taking your time with him. 
When you put your hands on his chest to help stabilize yourself, you get your feet under yourself, and Yuta visibly swallows, his breath picking up a bit as you lean closer until the caps of your knees touch his chest, your hands slide up to curl against the sides of his neck, and Yuta leans up as well to kiss you. 
You fuck him, that’s the simplest way to put it. It’s just the heat in your muscles and bones, deep deep deep inside your belly, stoked hotter with each glide of your pussy down the length of his cock. It’s all you know, the lust overtaking you while you bounce on his cock. Your fingernails scrape Yuta’s chest and belly, your ass slaps against his upper thighs. 
That connection inside of you to your fire sparks up, tightening in your belly. 
“Right there,” Yuta’s voice is a hum, a slow smile growing on his lips. “There it is, my love.”
You swear your senses spike all at once. Everything is sharper—the sensations of pleasure and a slight ache in your thighs, the smell of Yuta like smoke and a fancy cologne, the sound of Ten’s showering and Yuta’s breath, the sight of Yuta before you grows so ridiculously clear. He glows with a dark beauty. 
Your thighs give out, and as you sink over him, Yuta rises to meet you, flipping your positions, pressing you down into the sofa, taking over fucking you as your orgasm consumes you. 
Still, no flames erupt, but you can feel them there beneath your skin, eating through you, rising to meet Yuta’s mouth on your skin. 
“Come on, little mouse. Burn for me.” He whispers, pressing his cock into you in smooth rolling motions. “You looked so pretty when you burned for Ten.”
Yuta does it then, his flames appearing at his shoulders, expanding across his back in bright flares like wings before spreading over the rest of him. The moment his flames touch your skin, your fire bursts out of you, begging to be known. 
You hold each other close, flames melting together until you’re an inferno, the sofa smoking as you neither one pull apart or extinguish your flames, still going at it. Yuta pulls another orgasm from you, and you milk one from him too, his flames flickering a hot blue as it sweeps through him, but even then neither of you stop. 
You’re still going, still burning when Ten emerges from the shower. 
“Now who’s a threat to burning the place down?” He comes around the sofa, flinging his damp towel over Yuta’s back. “We ruined the bed, you ruined the sofa. You’re probably going to be too exhausted to manifest anything for a while, aren’t you, angel?”
But you’re in the midst of drinking the last of your pleasure together with Yuta. You don’t answer him, too overcome with the liquid fire pulsing through your veins, the swelling heat as Yuta cums inside you. 
Yuta runs his hands over your body, extinguishing the flames as he kisses you, as you both come down together. 
A cloud of ash hangs in the air around your bodies, and it settles over your skin and Yuta’s in a fine layer, clinging even worse due to the mist of perspiration on your skin. Fresh air licks against you as Yuta pulls away, and a moment later you peel yourself away from the sofa, sitting up to feel the ache settle deep into your muscles. But it’s a good ache, the kind that tells you that you just got fucked very, very well.
Ten is right. 
You don’t have the strength to try manifesting a new bed or sofa or even new sheets. You have the strength only to let Yuta pull you to your feet, his hands never leaving your body as he comes along with you to the bathroom. Ten remains behind fussing just loud enough for you to hear while he begins to clean up the ashy sofa.
Yuta is clingy, wrapped around you and showering you with kisses as he starts the shower, as he walks you into the steam-filled stall. There’s a little bit of rinsing off in between his pouring of affection, and after a few minutes, you have to push him away and threaten him with the scrapy end of the long-handled back brush you’d manifested during your first stay. 
You just want to scrub yourself clean of the ash residue, but then he’s more than welcome to cling to you as much as you would both like. But he needs cleaned too, so you each wash, and Yuta watches you. There’s something in his gaze that grows more guarded as the shower goes on, leaving you guessing.
Soap suds rinse down the drain in dark gray swirls as the ash washes away. The air fills with the scent of your body wash.
The moment that you’re finished shampooing it out of your hair and the last of the suds of your body wash disappears between your toes, Yuta’s right there again, his hands on your body, his nose against your hair. 
“Was that alright?” Yuta asks, skimming his lips along the soft skin of your bicep as he lifts your arm to drape it over his shoulders, his other hand at your hip pulling you just that much closer. “Us together? I realize now that it’s not something that you’re so used to, raised in your human life, particularly with your religious upbringing. The whole multiple partners thing, being shared.”
You sigh as Yuta kisses down your arm to your shoulder, his tongue catching droplets of water from your skin. “It was more than fine, Yuta, honestly.”  
“You’re not just saying that?” Yuta lifts his head briefly, his eyes glimmering in the shifting light through the clouds of steam. “I know it’s a big thing in religion to stay faithful to one person, never experiencing the fun of multiple different partners.”
You smile, leaning in and kissing him again. “I’ve had sex with a variety of people before. Just not at the same time. But I liked it, Yuta, I promise.”
“Even though I just kinda came in unannounced and inserted myself into your time with Ten?” 
“Do you have doubts about this, is that what’s happening?” You don’t understand why he’s questioning you so much about this.
Yuta sighs, and his arms slide around you, hugging you tightly to his chest, his chin resting against the top of your head. “It’s not that. I’m just really, really trying to make sure that you’re okay with this. I know that before I took you back to your city, you didn’t want anything remotely sexual or romantic with Ten, myself, or anyone with a supernatural origin. But things are different now, obviously. I just want to make certain that you’re happy with all of these things.”
His concerns are appreciated. You press your smile to his skin. “I know what I want, Yuta. I’ve decided that I can’t deny the circumstances I’ve found myself in, and I can’t deny that I’ve wanted you and Ten since early on in our acquaintance. If I’m going to be unholy, then let me go all the way, embrace my dark desires, most of which have been centered around you.”
Yuta likes the sound of that, judging by the way that he backs you up against the shower wall, caging you in and kissing you breathless. He lifts his thigh up between your legs, and your clit is still so sensitive, but you grind down against the muscled thigh regardless.
“I thought of you when I was with him,” you admit against Yuta’s lips as you move your hips on his thigh.
“What? With Ten?” Yuta smirks, clearly amused by that thought, but your next words wipe the smug look right off his face.
“No, when I was with Hansol.” 
Yuta jerks away from you, but you quickly reel him back in, needing the heat of his body against yours if not the pressure of his thigh between your legs. 
“Listen, I only hooked up with him in the first place because he reminded me of you. I was a little drunk and the bar was dark, but there was something about him that reminded me of you. Like you look a bit similar.”
Yuta’s lip curls in mild disgust. “Like the fucking exorcist?” 
 “I was drunk!” You defend yourself. “And I’d been having truly filthy dreams about you and Ten and….” You cut yourself off before you reveal that Mark and WinWin had even featured in your smutty dreams. You clear your throat, looking into Yuta’s eyes as you say, “And I wished that he was you, even if I wouldn’t admit it to myself, since I was trying to deny your existence at the time. I told myself you looked alike, and I wished he was you when he was inside me.”
Yuta presses his forehead against yours. “You could’ve had me. If you’d ever just said my name.”
“I called your name when it really mattered, didn’t I? And I’m here now. You’ve got me now.” You loop your arms around Yuta’s slim waist. 
“You’re here now.” Yuta nods, dropping a quick kiss against your lips. “And he’s not here.” At the sharp and mildly disgusted look you give him, Yuta quickly says, “We didn’t kill him. I know that’s what you’ve been worrying about since we brought you back. Yes, we hurt them a little. WinWin transformed to subdue them so Ten and I could work a little mind manipulation on them, which only works on pure-humans by the way, before you start worrying about that too.” He kisses your forehead. “But he’s alive. That fucking exorcist still has his life somewhere in the world. But neither of them remembers you, the circumstances of what led up to them both being in that room.”
The relief that passes through you is palpable. Your shoulders sink, knots of tension you didn’t realize you had now unwind. 
“You don’t have to look so relieved, you know. We’re not cold-blooded monsters.” Yuta leans back to look you in the eye. “We’ll do anything to protect you, and if it had come down to it, I would have killed anyone that posed a threat to you, but they weren’t worth the violence. Ten did want to rip the exorcist’s head off, but I think, since you’d already told him about that guy, it was probably just his jealousy. He’s quite the jealous type.”
“He didn’t seem to mind much earlier when you invited yourself into our activities.” You reach around Yuta to finally shut the water off.
Yuta’s lips twist, amused. “I don’t count. Ten and I don’t get jealous about each other, my love. We’re something like a package deal, you might say.”
“Then it’s a good thing I wanted both of you.” You step out of the shower,  wrapping yourself in a very comfy and fluffy robe.
Yuta lingers only a moment or two longer. He doesn’t burst into flame, but he must do something to summon heat to his skin, because all the excess moisture from the shower steams off his skin. He winks as he manifests a tight pair of black boxer-briefs right onto his body before he exits the bathroom. 
You spend a few more moments in the steamy room, working on your hair to make sure that it dries properly, and then at last you rejoin your two demons. 
You refuse to even look at the ruin of your bed as you cross the apartment. The whole place reeks of smoke with a tinge of sulfur. 
Yuta’s arranging blankets on the living room floor, the curtains over the windows are still drawn wide open and you’ve never seen any sign of life in the windows of the buildings across from yours, but you can’t believe you really just had wildly hot (literally) sex in front of the open windows. 
The orange dusky sky is perhaps a little darker than normal, this city’s version of a night sky. 
Ten moves around, lighting candles that you’d manifested during the lonely hours of your first stay here. Candles that smelled painstakingly of home, childhood memories, and something that you often associated with the feeling of being in love. Quickly, the scent of sulfur and smoke are overtaken by sweeter smells, comforting ones that put you even more at ease. 
“We thought you could sleep here tonight,” Yuta says as you approach, gesturing at the blankets and pillows on the floor. “With the bed and the sofa being…. piles of ash.”
“Are you staying?” You ask, looking first to Yuta and then over at Ten. “I require cuddles after sex.”
Yuta rolls his eyes affectionately. Ten laughs. But they both acquiesce to your request, and within a few minutes, you’re all three piled together on the soft blankets. You remove the robe, choosing to be skin to skin with the two of them, comfortable. 
The curtains are still drawn open, and from here you can see so much of the sky. But there’s not much to really see, just the bare expanse occasionally broken by a smoky cloud. 
“Doesn’t the moon ever come out here?” You ask, resting your chin on your hands folded on Ten’s chest. “I miss seeing the moon. And the stars.”
Yuta’s hand smooths up along your thigh, skipping up to your lower back, higher along your spine. “You can still see them. I’m telling you, my love, you can manifest anything that you want.”
You want to roll over into his touch, but the comfort of Ten’s body against yours is too tempting as well to deny. But luckily Yuta presses up against your back, an arm wrapped snugly around your waist. His lips are against your shoulder. 
“Maybe when I wake up,” you yawn. “Maybe then I’ll make a new bed, manifest the stars and the moon, and have a tasty breakfast too.” You’re very tired, all the excitement of the past couple hours catching up at last, and your heavy eyelids sink shut as they both hold you between them to fall asleep tonight. 
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a/n: real smut!! at long last! this was a long chapter, but honestly, I’m kinda thinking I might do some longer chapters for the next few just because I don’t really want to draw this series out through like half the year, but I also might need to do some serious rewrites of later chapters because of other things I’ve added in this chapter and in the last few.
But I hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter! As always, I really, really really appreciate likes, reblogs, reactions in the tags, and comments about it! It feeds my will to keep writing lol 💗
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shinenihs · 1 year
Candid Photos
Ten as your boyfriend that likes to take candid photos of you every time you guys went on dates. and posts it on social media to show you off.
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musewrangler · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by: @brievel and @afaroffsong Thank you both!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I'm assuming here ALL fan fic, so that will include a few yet unpublished things. ;D
Working from past fic to most recent:
Veers watched tensely as the medics guided the grav sled onto the shuttle out on the vast landing platform connected to the medical station.
"You must stick to the schedule I've given you," Doctor Yara said sternly, tapping the specialized medical scanner. "No deviation. He ought to have had four days in the bacta, not 24 hours. You need to understand if you rush things it could literally kill him."
9--Forging Further Ch. 29
Piett looked up as the doors to his office slid open and Veers marched in. Any other person would have stomped, but as this was the 'Iron General' one didn't term this stomping. It was marching. Definitely.
8-- To Strive, To Seek, To Find, and Not To Yield
She clung as closely as she could to him in the dark and terrifying hold of this ship. She had utterly no idea where they were going, but she could guess the purpose. They were alive after all.
With beings like this it wasn't a mercy.
7--What We Say Without Speaking
"Sir, I have to admit this is making me rather nervous."
He could hear the Admiral making small movements to his left as he piloted the lamda. And he definitely heard heard the amusement in Piett's voice as he answered.
"I'm hearing a distinct lack of trust, Mr. Scraps."
6--Whiskey Diplomacy
It was entirely possible that diplomacy had been invented as a way to torture beings in ages past and all records of its inception had been lost. Thus, modern societies just assumed it was a normal way of conducting their affairs, slowly and torturously wearing each other down until they all got a mostly dissatisfying conclusion.
At least, this was Han's theory, as yet another senator rose to drone about all the virtues his planet brought to whatever deal they were trying to forge here.
5--Captain's Log: Tales Set in the World of Horblower
First Lieutenant Archie Kennedy was not someone who enjoyed the cold. His fiance loved the snow and found all sorts of romance about it. He could indeed appreciate that from beside the comfort of a warm fire or reading about it in a book. But she actually liked being out in it, and again, he could appreciate that for a while. But he was ready for the indoors after thirty minutes.
4--The War In The Shadows
Deep breath.
Let it out slowly through the nose.
Lips arranged in a fixed and falsely pleasant smile.
Chin rested on gloved fingers interlaced together to portray interest in the speaker.
3--A Shield Not A Sword
"Sir," his weapons officer whispered in terror. He was a specky kid no older than eighteen. "Sir, what do we do?"
Piett stared out the viewport at the five Imperial Star Destroyers surrounding his tiny little assortment of ships. Four Gladiators and one Victory class. Typical for this part of the galaxy and more than enough to turn his smaller ships into tiny particles.
2--Yet to be titled long fic
Firmus Piett was not a man much given to the idea of romance. He acknowledged that it happened and other people seemed to like it---but he didn't understand the obsession with the shows on the holonet, or soul mates, or love at first sight.
1--Yet to bet titled one shot
"Plase, Max," his friend pleaded, gripping his jacket with surprising strength to keep Veers near him. "Plase. Ah know the ship went down intact. Ah saw it. Ya canna lave him..."
His Axxilan friend slipped back into his old accent when he was very tired, rather drunk, or downright terrified for his people.
Tagging with no pressure: @winterinhimring @hollers-and-holmes @chaosgoblinhours @klarionthewizard @alexx-dax @kanerallels @oftincturedwords @oh-great-authoress @mathmusic8 @themummersfolly
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klarionthewizard · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
tagged in by the wonderful @musewrangler again!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Uh, so I'm also going to interpret this as published and unpublished so, I'll start with the two unpublished first.
1-Veers Crew Shenanigans Part Three
A draft of new rules to add to the Executor’s unofficial list, as drafted by Colonel Piett and Captain Venka:
33) General Veers’s subordinates are not allowed to get the general drunk in order to get him to agree to things he normally wouldn’t.
34) The following reasons are also not reasons to do something: 
     34a) to shut up the doubters
     34b) to prove the superiority of the Imperial Army
     34c) to provide the navy with remedial lessons on tactics used by the Thundering Herd in battle
2-I Knew You Through Land And Sea Part Three
“Alright people, listen up! Yale, give Winsa her helmet back. Admiral Ozzel dropped out too close to the rebel base on Hoth, so we’re up,” Veers says, strapping himself into his seat in the Comet. He holds out a palm projector. “We’re going to be dropped by the power generator for their planetary shield. Our first objective is to take it out. Second is to handle their ion cannon so the TIEs and AT-ATs can make a safer descent. Are there any questions about the objectives?”
3-Heterotaxy and Dextrocardia
But even before the name of his friend, companion, patron, and benefactor dissipated into awful, ominous nothingness in the silence of the house, James Asher knew something was horribly wrong.
The house was silent. That did not mean it was empty.
4-Luck's A Classy Lady (But She Has A Bad Side Too)
In every universe a Piett and a Veers meet a Skywalker, they have to learn to contend with shenanigans that they get drawn into by association.
But in some universes, the Skywalker Luck is more potent than it is in others.
This happens to be one of them.
5-The Two Feuding Kinsman
In most universes, the first thing does after being freed from the basement of Fawney Rig is recover his tools. He does not realize that Desire is the one responsible for his predicament until after the Vortex Debacle.
But this universe, this one is a little different.
Because in this one, Desire can’t help but gloat while their older brother lay curled at the bottom of the glass globe.
(They blame it on him, saying that they’re trying to teach him a lesson.)
(Dream hadn’t realized they hated him this much.)
(And then Jessamy happens and all Dream can think about is how to get even.)
So when Dream gets out this time, he heads straight to the Threshold to confront Desire.
6-Hold Your Silver Tongue (And Build An Honest Bridge)
In most universes, the Imperial Military absorbs the GAR and leaves individual planetary forces intact. Veers, in one of the non-clone regiments of the GAR, is folded in immediately.
Piett, of the anti-pirate fleet, is conscripted into the navy six years later.
At least, in that one.
In another, Tarkin makes a suggestion.
(All planetary forces are dissolved and reabsorbed into the Imperial Military.)
(Lieutenant Firmus Piett becomes a comms officer on the Strikefast.)
7-I Am A Banked Coal (But I Ignite The Firestorm)
Maximilian Veers did not request a transfer into Death Squadron. He is still transferred in.
(Darth Vader hears the name Maximilian Veers again for the first time in years, the Major having gotten orders assigning him to Tarkin’s monstrosity. And no. The Death Star can’t have him.)
(Veers is Torrent and Torrent is Vader’s.)
8-Conscience Doth Make Destitute Cowards of Us All
In many universes, Alexander Burgess swears that he will come down to the basement no more.
In this world, his last words to Dream are very different.
(And as more decades drag on with him trapped, Dream’s power dwindles even further.)
(His sense of self goes with it.)
9-Much Ado About Giving Aid
In most universes, two old gods attack the Dreaming toward the beginning of the universe. Dream asks his siblings for help and only Desire answers, by sending Alinora.
(She breaks his heart eventually and he becomes that much more wary of love.)
In this universe, not even Desire sends aid.
The old gods shred the Dreaming.
(Except the Dreaming is a manifestation of Dream’s mind.)
(Dream’s howls of agony echo through the cosmos.)
(By the time his siblings change their minds it is too late.)
10-Do You Hear The People Sing? (Singing The Song of Disillusioned Men)
Despair cannot look her older brother in the face and he does not seem to expect her to. He never has her look into his broken mirror as he had Desire do either.
“Why?” She asks him once.”Why do you not hate me?”
“Because what happened to me was not your idea,” Disillusionment says. “You did not come up with plan after plan to torture a family member. That was Desire. You merely… went along with it.”
I... had not realized how much Sandman fic I'd written recently. Huh.
Anyway, gently tagging @alexx-dax and @chaosgoblinhours if they want to give it a go.
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bicheetopuff · 7 days
I guess it’s this kids birthday so I’m gonna remind you what character development can do to a mf
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He deserves to be happy
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metacrisisdoctor · 10 months
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“A man is the sum of his memories, you know. A Time Lord even more so.”
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nephilimeq · 1 year
Ten Fics, One Line
Thank you @evanesdust!
Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line* and share it! Then tag 10 people to do the same.
*No one’s gonna be mad if you go with more than one line.
1. How Did It End Up Like This (Stargate Atlantis)
John leaned in the doorway, shoulder digging into the frame, hands tucked in his pockets, a slightly amused grin on his lips at seeing the usually indomitable Rodney looking much more frail and yet, at the same time, much more defiant with his jaw now more sharply defined, along with a shock of surprisingly thick dirty blond hair falling over his eyes, giving him an entirely different attitude. He was less of an obstinate adult and more of a rebellious teenager, and the difference was rather striking. He sat on the edge of the hospital bed, his oversized pants gaping a bit at the waist, while the ill-fit shirt he had on pulled to one side, showing off an expanse of pale skin, his neck and collarbone on display in an almost obscene fashion, once more emphasizing the cut of his jaw as he swallowed and nervously stared down at the needle Beckett put into his arm.
2. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let It Snow (Stargate SG1)
Daniel sat in one corner of the couch with his legs sprawled across the cushions, his feet resting in Jack’s lap, who was absently running a hand over his lower leg, strong and calloused fingers rubbing against the bit of bare skin just above his ankles.
3. Black and White Memories (Teen Wolf)
He remembered what the days, weeks, and months were like after losing most of his family. The trauma took a while to settle in. At first you thought you just didn’t feel anything, you just felt numb, as if nothing affected you; almost as if you were in a bubble that made everything distant and muffled. And then, for no reason at all, it just hit you--like a punch to the gut--and the bubble popped and everything simply crashed around you, and you could no longer function the way that you had been. Suddenly everything felt overwhelming and too much and every little thing would set you off.
4. I’ve Heard It One Way (Psych)
Lassiter snapped.
"Why do you have to treat this relationship like it's one of your playthings? You're like a child! You do not have the right to throw my heart on the ground when you're tired of playing with it and then pick it back up when you're bored! Our relationship is not a toy!"
He gasped for air after his outburst and suddenly realized that the heat he felt on his cheeks was tears. Fuck, he was crying.
5. A Hundred Years (It Certainly Fucking Feels Like It) (The Witcher)
Every time Jaskier sunk into a bath, he felt as if a dragon inside of him was purring with contentment at the heat that should have been too much for him, the steam curling around his fingers and thighs, as if trying to pull him in. He didn't need to be pulled, he thought to himself as he quickly dunked his head and came up with a shuddering gasp, running his fingers through his hair, combing it back from his face. It sunk into his aching limbs, his knees and back already easing their pains at the heat that tried its best to reach inside of him.
6. What River Saw (Doctor Who)
She smiled as she remembered that look, that “swag” as they called it, in how he could arch an eyebrow in your direction or cock his hip, with that ridiculous red thing on his head, and put out his hand and have you convinced that you were in no danger whatsoever by being with him, and that you were entirely safe and about to go off into a universe that was a wonderful playground that held nothing but sweet promises and that, somehow, he made sure that you were the center of it all...
…but she had never seen him like this.
7. During the Victory Tour (The Hunger Games)
However, I think of three nights before, when Haymitch stepped into my room. Unlike Peeta, he had not hesitated and had simply walked over to me and held me, not bothering to ask what was wrong or if he was even wanted. He simply knew what to do. And in that moment I think we both understood something profound. Once the Games change you, they change you for the rest of your life…and broken souls can only understand those who are broken.
8. Hello, Goodbye (Harry Potter)
With careful fingers, he slowly rolled up her sleeve and let out a low hiss at what he saw. It wasn’t the deep and disturbing red that it used to be, but it was still slightly hideous to look at. The words were raised in pinkish white scars across her forearm, still easily read: mudblood. And across the whole word were long white scars, raised and crisscrossed over her skin, from where she had gone after it with a razor, trying to strip the words off. Obviously, a failed attempt.
Severus then cautiously pressed a fingertip to the scars, and she shivered, but allowed him to trace the lines over her skin, noticing how his other hand gently cupped her elbow, as if making sure that she wouldn’t pull away from him, even though that was the furthest thing from her mind.
9. Longboard (Supernatural)
Whenever Dean surfed, there was an edge to it, as if he was about to explode from his board at any second, with an almost wild, manic energy. But with Cas, however, his movements when he was on a board were smooth and languid, like he knew a rhythm that no one else could feel, almost as if he had been born in the ocean, somehow explaining how his eyes were always the same color as the water he was surfing through, whether it was the tropical blue of Hawaii, or the stormy gray-blue of the North Atlantic.
10. Sansa and the Sellsword (Game of Thrones)
Bronn, still on the ground, stared at Sansa, and was astounded at the picture she made in front of him: her hair was still wet, and blood and water dripped freely down her fully exposed body in equal parts, still sticky and red in her hair and across her lips and throat, but smeared into a diluted pink over her hips and thighs.
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memopmiff · 11 days
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chronicowboy · 16 days
"I guess it's just me that makes you nervous then," Tommy teases, gentle as anything, and suddenly everything inside Buck just settles.
This is flirting. This is something he knows how to do, man or not. Because he likes Tommy. Thinks, terrifyingly, that he might like Tommy more than he's ever liked anyone he's dated before. Which is a lot, probably, to think on a first date. But Tommy's looking at him with an endless patience and warmth that Buck feels in every inch of him. It's easy not to worry then.
"I don't know if nervous is the right word," Buck murmurs, heat rising in his cheeks.
"Oh, yeah?" Tommy quirks a smile at him, whole face lighting up with it like he's seen the tension melt out of Buck all at once.
"Mm." Buck nods, takes a sip of beer without looking away from Tommy's deep eyes. "Flustered, maybe." He ducks his head when Tommy's grin only grows brighter. "Giddy." He tangles their feet together under the table, the rest of the room fading away. "A little like a schoolkid with their first crush."
"Well, that explains all the pigtail pulling," Tommy retorts, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest. Buck lets himself look at the bulge of his biceps, big, bigger than Buck's even, mouth-watering apparently, lets himself appreciate them for a moment.
"You're not gonna let me live that down, are you?"
"Oh, come on, Evan." Tommy snorts. "Think I get to lord that over you for a little while. If not for myself, then on Eddie's behalf at least."
"A little while, huh?" Buck redirects them, something seizing in his chest at the mention of Eddie's name. He falls back into a familiar move, looks up at Tommy from under his eyelashes and watches the man smile like he just can't help it. "You thinking of keeping me around then? Even with all the..." He waves his hand at himself, a gesture to the embarrassing ally word vomit that he'd dropped on him just moments ago.
"This is new to you." Tommy shrugs. "Wasn't expecting you to be a real Casanova first time around."
"Casanova," Buck repeats gleefully, beaming when Tommy rolls his eyes and blushes just ever so slightly.
"Anyway, as I was saying," he emphasises. "First date was never going to be smooth sailing. Only fair I get to take you out again. Practice makes perfect and all."
"Sounds pretty perfect," Buck says. And what he doesn't say is: I don't think this is practice, I think this is the real thing.
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acerdime · 6 months
ATLA AU - Zuko Can See Ghosts
Dead people in ATLA either reincarnate or stay as ghosts until they’re ready to do so. There is no afterlife just as there are no gods. The closest thing to gods ATLA has is spirits but if the Spirit World was the afterlife, I think there would be a lot more humans around when Avatars visit. Iroh’s only there because he went in before he died.
Zuko knows why his mother left because Grandfather Azulon is still there as a ghost to tell him Ursa poisoned him to save Zuko’s life. He was going to haunt Ursa until he realized Zuko could see him and haunted him instead. Surprise, surprise, the guy who ordered the death of his grandson is a dick.
There are many servants dead by Ozai’s wrath in the palace. Their ghosts teach Zuko to stay quiet and fade into the background where it’s safe.
When Lu Ten dies, he regrets that he wasn’t able to save his young cousins from Ozai. Lu Ten stays a ghost and mentors Zuko in combat, bending, and strategy.
When the 41st Division die despite Zuko’s protests, and Zuko himself is burned and banished, the 41st Division find out Zuko defended them and stay ghosts to teach him all they can.
Zuko’s able to escape before the pirates hired by Zhao blow up his ship because the ghosts haunting the pirates warn him. This doesn’t change the plot, but it does save Zuko some pain.
Aang is followed/haunted by Monk Gyatso while Sokka & Katara are followed/haunted by Kya.
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sluttyten · 1 year
UNHOLY - Chapter Six
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full masterlist || UNHOLY chapter index
genre: supernatural au
characters: fem reader, yuta, ten, winwin, mark, others mentioned
tags: polyamory, smut!, threesome, demon sex, religious themes
length: 10,441 words
<-previous || next–>
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“Well, this is gonna be fucking awkward now, isn’t it?” Mark asks, looking back and forth between you and Ten and Yuta. 
Tonight you’re at another one of Mark’s deep underground labyrinthine clubs. This time in a private room overlooking the club below. They have a few more friends here, drinking and boisterously laughing and singing along to the music the DJ has got booming through the club, but you’re not paying too much attention to those guys. 
You’re leaning against Ten’s chest, his arm draped across your shoulders. You’re quite comfortable, your feet are in Yuta’s lap on the other side of the table. 
Mark and WinWin sit together on the same bench seat as Yuta, occasionally looking at your feet in his lap, sometimes just staring at the way that Ten’s fingertips brush the top of your tits in this very tight and low-cut top you’re wearing tonight. More than once Yuta has commented possessively to WinWin about the lusty way he’s staring at your tits. 
Mark wrinkles his nose slightly, looking around at the three of you. “You start fucking, and now WinWin and I have to feel like fourth and fifth wheels to your demonic tricycle?” 
You can’t hold back a laugh. 
It’s only been a few days since that night when you summoned your flames for the first time, and this is the first time since then that you’re seeing either Mark or WinWin. You’ve been focusing on your demon lessons, though admittedly those have been a little distracted and not very informational. More often than not over the last few days, any attempt at giving you a lesson in demon powers becomes one or both of your instructors fucking you.
After your mastering of the bursting-into-flame lesson, you’ve moved on to shapeshifting, which Ten had mentioned to you. It was certainly more difficult, and even now you’ve had no actual progress. Of course, the distraction provided by your two demons being entirely capable at shifting is likely partially to blame for that. 
For example, Ten had shapeshifted to have a dual penis, not quite the trident like you’d joked about finding when he first took his pants off, but close enough. Truthfully it had been funny at first to see Ten standing there with two penises, until your curiosity took over. You couldn’t help yourself from touching, from seeing that it’s not just an illusion, but a real flesh-and-blood functional penis. Naturally, you’d needed to take it further. Ten had happily let you experiment with him, settling onto the sofa with you between his legs to watch both cocks grow hard, and when you tried blowing both of his cocks, they’d just shifted back together in the tight heat of your mouth.
Ten’s instruction was rarely actually informational when it came to shape-shifting. He and you mostly had fun. There was the two dicks thing, but he’d also shifted to have tits, growing his hair out long until he looked like a gorgeous Renaissance muse. That day hadn’t turned into sex, but rather into him manifesting tubes and cans of paint and canvases, which the two of you had painted on before devolving into fingerpainting each other, and dragging Yuta into it too when he showed up.
Yuta was certainly the more serious of the two when it came to your lessons. 
Yuta actually taught you, instructing you in the history and methodology as well as the limitations of shape-shifting. Turning into most animals and creatures was fine—cats, bats, and rats were simplest, but he could transform into birds or fish or bugs, into any animal that existed in the natural world. The limitations existed when shifting into items for disguise—a tree or a plant was easier than, say, a car (which is too complex), a lamp post (unable to light up if you’re an electric lamp post, but if you’re an old gaslit lamp, you can summon your flame to help), or any object that wasn’t once a living thing.
“I once got stuck as an armchair for several days before someone realized and helped me,” Yuta had told you as he shook his head, leaves falling, replaced by his hair as his skin smooths out from the rough texture of bark. “Sometimes, if you listen closely, I still groan when I move like I have old springs in me.”
“There’s no way!” You laughed. 
Yuta nodded, his smile warming his face, and he wrapped his arms around you, drawing you against his chest. “But, truly, my love, shifting to look like a different person is both one of the easiest and most difficult things.” 
Yuta had evidenced this when he shifted his features smoothly right in front of you, and within seconds, you were staring at yourself like you were looking in a mirror. But when the other you opened its mouth, Yuta’s voice came out, its eyes gleamed demonic black, and the air hung heavy with the scent of sulfur. 
He’d shifted into several other people then. Celebrities that you requested, humans you’d met here in Hell City at Mark’s clubs or when you’d gone out with WinWin, but when you asked if he would shift into WinWin, Yuta shook his head no. 
“That’s the limit, my love. We can only shift into other demons and humans. When we attempt other supernatural beings, it never turns out right. Do you want to see?” Yuta asked. 
He’d transformed into Mark first, but he looked like Mark just with viciously red eyes, fangs fully engaged, and deep, bold hunger lines spreading away from his eyes, making him look truly monstrous. But it was when Yuta shifted into WinWin for you that you truly understood what he meant. 
You’d never seen WinWin in his wolf form. Never seen him as much more than just a slight bit of claw, his single hand turned into a furry paw, his canines becoming more prominent and his glowing eyes. But as Yuta stood before you as WinWin, he looked more wolf than man. Fur sprouted all over his body, on his arms and neck and chest, infringing on his face. His body grew, shoulders bulging with knots of muscle and hunching, his clothes ripping as his body transformed, and his hands twisted into clawed paw-like versions of hands, and his teeth sharp, his eyes the dangerous yellow of a monster. 
You’d cringed away, admittedly terrified to suddenly be faced with the beast. 
“That’s what happens,” Yuta had explained as he came back to himself. “If you attempt a supernatural being, you can only show them in a twisted form. But sometimes you can tweak it, manipulate individual pieces of yourself until you come close to resembling them. Like WinWin, for example. If I wanted to look like him, I would just manipulate little things about myself, which is more time consuming, not nearly as instantaneous, and there’s always something just a little off when it’s done.”
Right before your eyes you’d begun to see the little changes as Yuta grew a little taller, as his body shifted in bone structure and musculature, his features morphing into WinWin’s, or at least ones very similar to WinWin’s. 
And when at last he stood before you, you could sense the difference. There was just something… off about how he looked. Like WinWin, but not. 
So, although Yuta’s lessons were usually rather instructional when compared to Ten’s lessons, these also invariably would end in sex.
So, as Yuta stood in front of you looking so much like WinWin, there was one major difference. Unlike the WinWin you knew, this one was naked. 
Your eyes unavoidably drifted downward, a little bit of curiosity and also just the inability to simply not look at the cock staring back at you. 
Yuta had laughed when he realized where you were looking. 
“Is that an accurate representation, or are you making it up?” You couldn’t look away from the long, heavy cock he possessed, wondering if that was truly what WinWin was packing. It was like…. Ridiculous to look at. Probably close to a foot in length, thick all the way around, veiny, and pink at the tip. You’d never seen anything like it before. 
Again, Yuta had laughed, reaching a hand down to touch himself. “Wouldn’t you like to know, baby girl.”
You did want to know. Once upon a few months ago, you’d almost given into having sex with WinWin in that club, and if you’d taken his pants off to find that cock, you’d have been so underprepared. But since then you’d been with two demons, you’d had handfuls of filthy dreams about WinWin, so at the time of the lesson, you couldn’t seem to look away. You’d had your lusty thoughts about him, but if this is the cock that WinWin had, you would just write off your fantasies because there’s no way you could feasibly take this, even in your wildest dreams. 
You hadn’t yet mentioned the dreams to Yuta or Ten, but surely they had to have some suspicions. You still weren’t sure if they could read your thoughts or not, but it often seemed like they could. So, surely, if they possessed that ability, they had to know by now the way that you dreamed about the other two members of your found family. 
“Come on,” Yuta had said, still stroking the long cock he temporarily possessed. “Do you want to test it out?”
You’d given in to your base urges, the curiosity overwhelming your logic, and you dropped to your knees and reached for his cock. It was impossible to fit it all in your mouth, your hands worked what you couldn’t, and Yuta just raked his fingers through your hair and did his best to gag you on his cock. 
It had been a little startling when you looked up at him partway through, having forgotten what he looked like in the moment, to see WinWin looking down at you. But you didn’t mind too much. You found WinWin attractive. And it was becoming more and more clear that Yuta knew that too. He’d begun to play with you as you went further than just blowing him. He’d wanted to roleplay, have you call him WinWin and beg for him to knot you. 
You hadn’t truly understood the meaning of that, not to its full extent, in the moment, but you’d gone along with it, fucking Yuta as WinWin. He’d had to reduce the size of his showy cock for you to successfully take it, but even then he’d been big up until he let the whole illusion fall apart as his orgasm hit, and then he was your Yuta again with flames flickering on his back, and a normal-sized cock pumping into you. 
It was afterwards, the following day, when you’d visited the Hell on Earth Library of the Public, or HELP as it was better known. You’d located a book on werewolves, just overwhelmed by curiosity about if werewolves were normally so hung and what the hell knotting was about. That book, as well as one that was a general encyclopedia on the supernatural, were going to be your sources. After checking them out and bringing them back to your apartment, you’d learned quite a bit actually, but you’d tucked that information away as interesting but not completely relevant. 
Neither you nor Yuta mentioned the WinWin roleplay over the last few days, but there were times, such as tonight at this club, when you looked at WinWin and wondered if his cock could really be so magnificent as Yuta had made it seem. 
Mark’s still looking at the three of you, particularly at Yuta’s hand on your ankle as your toes press against Yuta’s thigh, inching higher toward the meeting of his thighs. WinWin stares at the tips of Ten’s fingers resting just beneath the top edge of your shirt, fingertips on your very soft cleavage. 
You notice. You notice both of them, and you settle more comfortably into Ten’s side, tossing a smile over at Yuta. 
“What can I say,” Yuta smugly says, “Our girl has truly shown us her demonic side, Mark.”
You roll your foot higher in his lap, toes brushing the bulge of his cock. Yuta grins and tightens his grip on your ankle. Mark’s eyes flash toward you. 
“Relax, Mark.” You draw your foot out of Yuta’s lap, and you sit up straighter so you’re not totally draped against Ten. “We’re not going to do it in front of you. I was just teasing.”
His face is stiff, concealing whatever thoughts are racing through his mind. “This just isn’t that kind of club, y’know?” 
WinWin snorts beside Mark, folding his arms across his chest. “Have you told the people down there about that?” He indicates the dance floor below. “I can see a couple having sex right now, but they at least think they’re being sneaky about it.” You look in the direction WinWin indicated, but you can’t see anyone in particular that stands out, but WinWin’s eyes have a particular glow to them, like his wolf side is a little closer to the surface than normal.
Mark must be able to see whatever you can’t because he swears and rocks onto his feet, calling over a club security vampire, whistling to him quickly and gesturing down at the crowd. 
“Buzzkill,” Ten hisses. “Let them have their fun.”
“This isn’t that kind of club!” Mark insists, “Go down the block if you want a sex club that allows that kind of stuff. Frozen Hell is right there!” He sinks back down, folding his arms across his chest. His gaze momentarily settles again on your tits before he’s looking away, glaring at Ten for a moment as Ten continues teasing him, and then he stares down into his drink. 
“You just need to get laid, Mark,” Yuta says affectionately, lifting a hand to lay it on Mark’s shoulder. “How long has it been since that girl?”
“He accidentally turned her,” Ten whispers to you, and you can hear the grin in his voice. Mark looks up to glare at Ten again, but Ten doesn’t stop. “Got a little too wild, drank all her blood, and three days later he swore it all off. No fresh human blood, no sex.” 
That’s odd. Not odd that he swore those things off, but odd because you remember how Mark behaved the night you met. The way he flirted with you, like he was fully attempting to seduce you, intending to have sex with you if the others hadn’t snapped you out of his little mind game. But now that you think about it, all the times you’ve gone out together to clubs or just around the city, Mark had never talked about sexual partners, he’d never engaged with anyone that was clearly flirting with him. Much about your perception of him has changed since that first night you met him. Long gone is his kingpin-esque vibe, replaced now with the casual young man he is beneath. 
Like right now, he’s blushing. The drink in his hand supplies the blood that rushes to his cheeks as Ten continues with his teasing. It’s cute and funny. 
You’re laughing along with the others as Ten says, “He took a vow of celibacy, like a vampire priest.”
And then Ten mockingly does the sign of the cross towards Mark.
That’s where you draw the line.
“Don’t fucking do that.” You lean away from Ten, punching him on the arm. “Don’t mock that.”
You still respect bits and pieces of the faith. And something about the sign of the cross still feels very important, like you should never desecrate that. You won’t disrespect the elements of the faith, even if you do feel that God has abandoned you, and even if you do sometimes still find yourself questioning if he’s even real when a place like this and people like all of these supernatural beings can exist. 
“What?” Ten laughs, his eyes crinkling with mirth even in the face of your clear annoyance. Yuta laughs too when Ten says, “Still a little saint after all, hmm?” 
Ten attempts to slide his arm back around you and draw you in, but you slide away, leaving the seat empty beside him. “I’m going to dance,” you announce, turning your back on the table. You can sense Ten moving as if to follow, so you turn back around, pointing a finger at him as you hiss, “Don’t follow me. I’m pissed at you right now.”
Ten, chastised, sinks back into his spot, picking up his drink to hide the flush on his cheeks. He mumbles, “It was just a joke.”
You don’t care if it was just a joke. It was something you were raised to believe in, and you’re still struggling to untangle yourself from all of that. Mark has been helping you with that a bit, but there are still those core things which just feel wrong to violate, such as crossing yourself in a situation that doesn’t call for it.
You leave the private room, descending a spiraling set of stairs to join the party on the dancefloor, to have some fun, to get away for a minute. You intentionally find a spot out of sight of the private room. You don’t want them to watch you – not Ten who you’re angry with, not Yuta who had laughed along with him. You dance like nothing else matters even as the heat of your anger or annoyance at Ten simmers like your flames just beneath the surface of your skin. You dance like no one can see you, especially not the men you left behind at your table.
But one of them finds you anyway.
You feel the energy of the crowd shifting around you, ramping up with excitement, and you only see the reason for that as Mark cuts his way through the crowd toward you. He holds his hand out, offering it to you, his eyes a subtle red-brown, eyebrows lifted in invitation. He doesn’t have to speak, it’s all in his expectant gaze, the question, “Come with me?”
You give him your hand, and Mark pulls you through the dancers, the tight press of bodies. You don’t know where he’s leading you, and for the moment you don’t really care. You just don’t want to go back to the table because you don’t want to look at Ten. Maybe you’re being unreasonable.
Mark’s hand is cool in yours, squeezing so tightly around your hand that you worry he might crush the small bones in your hand. But he’s holding tight, keeping you close behind him as he leads you behind the dazzling bar, squeezing behind the bartenders and all the illuminated glasses on the wall. 
When he brings you through a doorway behind the bar, it’s then that you finally ask him, “Where are we going?”
Mark glances back at you. “You needed to get out of there right? Since you were clearly pissed at Ten, I figured we could just leave.”
Your imagination takes off, spinning down a readily waiting rabbit hole of Mark deciding to challenge Ten and Yuta both telling him to get laid. What if he were to make his claim on you, to bring you into some private room in the warren of tunnels in Hell City’s underground? A thrill goes through you at the thought, followed quickly after by a surge of guilt. Even if you’re annoyed with Ten, that’s no reason to go off and have sex with one of their closest friends. You’re being silly with this line of filthy thought.
“What’s wrong?” Mark asks, turning his head to the side to look at you from over his shoulder. “Your heart is racing.”
You feel your face flush with heat. He can hear your heartbeat? “Nothing.”
“Sure.” His tone makes it clear he doesn’t believe you. “Try to calm yourself down at least a little. I’m taking you to hang out with my coven.”
“What?” If anything, that makes your heart beat even faster. You walk a little faster too, trying to catch up to Mark’s side instead of trailing behind him. “Your coven? Why?”
Mark’s smile is one again that makes you entirely forget that you’re not both just normal humans living normal human lives in a normal human city. A little crooked and spreading too easily, a loose expression that just seems to appear and make his eyes shine even in the dim light of these underground streets. “Are you nervous? You’ve met some of them before, you know.” You wiggle your fingers, and Mark’s hand loosens just a little bit around yours, but he doesn’t let go and neither do you. “I just thought you wanted to get away from them for a little bit, and I’ve never shown you Covenant really.”
The name rings a bell. A door at the end of an alley. An old sign with faded letters spelling Covenant. It’s the place where you’d first met Mark when he sat on that throne looking like the King of the Vampires. The place with all of that religious imagery and stolen artwork that had been defaced.
For the first time you look around at your surroundings, noticing that Mark is walking with you quickly by the doorways that lead into other loud clubs, underground restaurants that promise unique dining experiences, and a bar with roars of laughter blending on the ground with the pools of rainbow colored light that spill through the stained glass windows. He turns you sharply through the alleys, down stairs that squeeze down narrow passages, winding you ever farther beneath the surface of Hell City. Part of you wonders if he’s trying to get you turned around or if he’s maybe trying to lose someone behind you with as many twists and turns as he takes.
“Why are you taking me to Covenant?” You ask, panting just a little bit at the quick pace with which Mark is taking you down stairs and sloped streets. This underground city rises around you. Tall, dark walls stretch up into the darkness toward the underside of Hell City’s streets.
“When I’m not sleeping over at your apartment, the Covenant is where I stay. I want to show it to you.” Mark pulls you through an unlatched gate down another alley, and as you walk along, you hear the gate click shut behind you. You want to ask him why he’s taking you along this winding way, and why he wants to show you Covenant, but you’re already asking so many questions of him. 
Mark suddenly stops, and you bump into his back.
“Hold on,” is the only warning Mark gives before you feel his arm around your waist. He bends slightly at the knee, his arm growing tight around you, and then just like that the ground is no longer beneath your feet.
Everything is so fast, you’ve only the time to say “Fu–” before your feet are on a solid surface again. The “--ck!” comes as your chin bumps against Mark’s shoulder, his laugh vibrating his chest as he holds you against him. 
“Fuck!” You repeat the exclamation with a thump of your fist against Mark’s chest, pushing yourself away from him, but you can’t get far. He keeps his arm around your waist, and you’re glad for it. Mark has the pair of you perched precariously on the edge of  a rooftop several stories above the alley that you’d just been standing in. 
From up here you can see that the Underground of Hell City is just as much a city as the surface world. This city rolls ever deeper into the distance, endless with flickering lights illuminating the streets and the windows. It reminds you of a scene from a historic drama you might have watched, like looking into the past of old London or Paris, maybe looking out at ancient Rome or Alexandria, like an ancient city had been sunken just beneath the surface here.  
You wouldn’t know that behind the facades of these walls there are pieces of modernity in the nightclubs and everything else. From here, it looks just like you’ve slipped backwards in time. The only thing missing is the sight of the stars and the moon overhead, though you can see in the distance a tower that rises up like the Tower of Babel, circular and many-tiered, the tallest building you can see.
“That’s the entrance from the surface,” Mark tells you. 
That’s crazy, you think. The number of times you’ve been down here, going to different places that he or WinWin or Yuta and Ten had brought you, and you’d never really imagined this whole underground city looking like a legitimate city before. You’d always stayed on the one level pretty much, so you hadn’t really realized how far this city sloped downward, how far it stretched, how what you’d believed to be hallways and corridors were probably more like actual streets and alleyways. 
Admittedly, you were usually too distracted or even too intoxicated to really look up. Your demons or the other two held you enraptured every time that you were down here. Why would you even think to look up?
Mark laughs again, and he moves back from the edge, bringing you with him. “Are you so amazed? Have you never seen the city before?”
You shake your head, still clinging to Mark even though he’s put a few feet between you and the edge of the rooftop. There’s so much to look at. This underground city is so dark, but the streets and the buildings themselves have an orange glow, completely different to the constant orange glow of the city above. This is a city trapped forever in night, illuminated by street lamps, candles in windows, paper lanterns.
Something bright flashes through the night, like a shooting star as it falls from above. Your eyes immediately hone in on it, a shimmering trail of light that falls from the city above down and down and down before it vanishes.
“The river,” Mark explains. “It’s more of a waterfall to Hell down here, but the concept is still the same. You don’t want to get caught in it.” You remember the river above when Yuta and Ten showed it to you, the darker water that flickered with white souls as it ran along the riverwalk, how Yuta told you that it vanished underground at some point and never resurfaced. 
As you watch, another spark of white, which must surely be a soul on its descent, passes. 
“Do you want to come inside, or should we stand here and look at the city a little longer?” Mark finally starts to pull away from you, and the withdrawal of his touch pulls your attention around to him again. 
“I thought we were going to Covenant?” You let your hand slip away from Mark’s, watching as he walks towards a rooftop access door.
“We are.” Mark gestures at the roof beneath your feet. “The part you’ve been to before, that’s down there.” 
And why didn’t he take you through the front entrance? Or even the back entrance? What’s with this strange manner of entering the building through the roof? And the winding circuitous way he brought you here? 
Sensing your suspicion, or perhaps reading it plain on your face, Mark explains, “I don’t like to share this particular place with just anyone. When we first left the club, I almost felt like someone was watching us, so I took a roundabout way getting here.”
“It was probably Yuta or Ten. I’m sure we’ll get an earful from them when we get back,” you say. “They both like to keep a sometimes annoyingly close watch on me.” 
“Yeah,” Mark agrees. “They’re clearly really possessive over you. But, if they’re angry we ditched them when we get back, I’ll make sure to apologize. Now, I want to show you this.” Mark pushes the door open, and he steps inside without a single look back as he vanishes into the dark interior. 
You hesitate because although you trust Mark, there’s just something that doesn’t sit right about following a vampire into the darkness of a mystery room.
But then a match strikes. A small flame glows in the dark, throwing shadows against the walls of the room, and as you approach the door, you can see Mark’s hand caught in the light of the match, bringing the flame to first one candle, and then another. 
This isn’t a roof access door, as you’d originally thought. This is a room. A very small room situated here on the roof with not much more than a wooden bench, the two lit candles, a small stand with a book on it, and mounted on the wall of the room is an elegant cross that makes you think, to some degree, that this matches the theme of the other religious works in the Covenant – stolen, likely from a Church. It gleams in the candlelight, golden and covered in gems. 
You step inside, gazing at this small chapel in the middle of Hell City’s underground. This was the last thing you expected to find here, but right now, it feels like it’s exactly what you need.
A sense of clarity floods through you. 
“I thought you might like this.” Mark sits down. “As I’ve told you, I’ve had a lot of my beliefs challenged since I was first turned. I’ve had my doubts about God and the greater purpose of human life, but I always come back to this.” He looks around the space, at the cross and the book beneath it. “I know that I have no hope of getting into Heaven, my soul is too black, I’m too deep into sin to ever have the hope of being lifted up from here and seeing Heaven, but I still pray. I still ask forgiveness, and I try hard to believe that there’s someone up there listening to my prayers and granting me forgiveness, still watching over me.”
You sink down beside him, and you reach over to take Mark’s hand. 
“I try not to let it bother me, like, when Ten and the others tease me like that. About being a celibate priest vampire,” he laughs quietly. “I’m not perfect. Far from it. He’s right that I swore off drinking fresh blood and also sex because, if I thought Heaven was unreachable before, after I turned that girl – killed her by accident and sat by her side until she changed into the same kind of monster that I am – I know that it’s beyond out of reach. I can’t tempt myself with that again and push Heaven even farther away.”
Mark sighs. “Sometimes I feel like no one else in this city really gets it. A lot of them weren’t raised with any aspect of religion. The rest pretty much abandoned religion after they experienced their supernatural awakening.” He swings his head around to look at you with his eyes like drops of liquid night, catching the flickering light of the candles. “You get it, don’t you?”
“I do.” You clasp Mark’s hand a little tighter. 
He looks back up at the cross. “I made this chapel above the den of unholiness that I built, thinking maybe it’ll help negate some of the chaos and sin of a vampire coven. I brought the vampires to me that were lost and in need of guidance. I gave them a home and a purpose other than just the senseless bloodlust. You can come here anytime you want, if you need a place to feel a little bit like… home. Like, a place to pray that I hope feels like it’s at least a good spot for it.”
Mark’s words are timid, hopeful. You nod. This little chapel on the rooftop does feel like a good spot for prayer, if that’s something you need to do. You can tell that there’s nothing truly hallowed about it. Nothing here in the room gives you the same tingle as you’d experienced when you’d gone to the Church in your town. There’s no holy water here, no Eucharist. Only the cross, unadorned with a Christ figure, and the book beneath, which you assume is a Bible. 
Mark twitches, as if he means to get up, but you hold tight to his hand, tugging him back down beside you.
“Can we stay for a little longer?” You swallow, nervous to pray for some reason. 
You don’t really know if there’s a God up there. But you also don’t know that there’s not a God. All you know is that praying feels familiar, it feels right sometimes, and you miss it. 
“We can stay,” Mark says quietly. His thumb rubs over your knuckles, and you see from the corner of your eye the way that he bows his head and closes his eyes. 
You do the same, slipping into the feeling of prayer like speaking to an old friend.
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Whether the others notice the disappearance of you and Mark, you don’t know.
You and Mark, after spending a decent amount of time together in the quiet solitude and tranquility of his rooftop chapel, descend into Covenant. 
Mark shows you through the upper floors of his establishment. He shows you briefly the apartment he possesses, which is just a bedroom and an office in what used to be the ensuite bathroom. There are more apartments, every floor bustling with vampires. Some closed doors hide the sounds of moans. Some rooms have the doors wide open. There are cats and bats. There’s a whole mini kitchen on the second floor that only has fridges stocked with blood bags, as well as a mini fridge that has human food and beverages. 
“For guests,” Mark explains. 
There’s a lounge room, kind of like a common area in a dorm, filled with sofas and armchairs, pool tables, dart boards, and a very old Pac-Man machine. Here, there are vampires ranging in ages. They all greet Mark warmly, eyeing you curiously. You haven’t met all of them, but you do recognize one. His name is Haechan, currently entertaining half of the accumulated vampires in the room as he belts out an obnoxious pop song into the microphone of a karaoke machine.
Mark has introduced you in the past to several members of his extensive coven. The otherworldly beautiful female vampires with their flawless skin and shiny hair, their looks that draw you in no matter sexuality. The male vampires are just as alluring, equally as graceful as the women. All of them are beautiful, even with blood red eyes. 
You know Mark has only turned one of them, just the girl that made him give up on drinking fresh blood. Everyone else in his coven he’s earned their loyalty, taken them in, shown them that they can trust him. There are other covens in Hell City, but none so powerful as Mark’s. 
Mark introduces you to a few more vampires on your way out. There’s Haechan who waves enthusiastically when he spots the pair of you. There’s a vampire that Mark tells you is the oldest in his coven, named Taeil, who is just happy to have the safety of a coven and who joined in because he’d met Haechan and couldn’t live an eternal life without the ray of perpetual sunshine in the otherwise dark existence of vampires. Mark introduces you to a newer vampire named Jisung who moves too quickly for his lanky limbs, making him clumsy, though it adds to his charm. 
And when you finally make your exit through the front door of Covenant, Mark points out the straightest shot here from the Tower that you enter the underground from. It’s actually a lot easier to get to than you remember from your first visit, and you tuck that piece of information away, hoping that you’ll remember it correctly when you choose to come use his quiet little chapel on the roof.
The less straight and simple path from Covenant heads back to the club where you’d left Yuta, Ten, and WinWin. Mark doesn’t lead you on as winding of a path as he had before, but it still takes several minutes to reach the club again, and he sneaks you back in the same way that you’d exited. 
You feel better. More right in your own skin as you step back into the noise and crushing heat of the dancefloor. 
Mark slips away almost instantly, his attention caught by someone at the bar, and you dive back into the crowd of dancers, picking back up where you’d left off, but happier and freer now. 
WinWin appears while you’re dancing, bumping into your back while he’s dancing with a girl that you think must be some kind of aquatic supernatural being due to the way that her hair is still dripping wet, and (no offense) the slightly fishy or briny smell coming off her. She wears a silky gray dress, her round dark eyes looking you over when WinWin smiles at the sight of you.
The girl is instantly forgotten as he leans in to speak directly into your ear. “Are you still mad and want to be left alone? Or can I dance with you?” 
You weren’t even mad at him to begin with, so you let him stay, thinking that, if anything, the sight of you dancing with him might serve to make Ten or Yuta jealous.
The forgotten girl gets swallowed by the crowd, and for a while you forget everything too. Happy to just lose yourself in the feel of the music pulsing in your bones, the feel of WinWin dancing along with you, not necessarily all over you like he had been the last time you danced together on the night you first met, but close enough now to make sure no one separates you from him. Close enough that when at last you lift your head to look around for any sight of your two demons, WinWin catches on.
“How does it work?” He asks, leaning down to speak directly into your ear, but still shouting to be heard over the music. “The three of you?”
You’re not entirely sure how to answer that, not certain what kind of an answer he’s seeking. “What do you mean? Like details?”
WinWin straightens up to look you in the eye as he says, “I’m not a pervert. No, not details. Like, are you together? Are they your boyfriends or mates or, like, is it just sex? What kind of a family dynamic did I get brought into?”  
Now, that’s something that you haven’t really spoken about over the last few days. You know that Yuta said Ten’s a jealous guy, and they’ve both displayed jealousy when you’ve mentioned Hansol. But there’s no label on this. You don’t know what this is. Is it just fun and sex? Or is it more than that?
WinWin presses closer, fitting his body with yours as you dance, and you welcome the heat of it. Especially when he leans down, his lips against your ear again as he says, “I mean, I’m only asking because in case it’s not very obvious, I like you, and I want to know if I still stand a chance.”
He timed it perfectly, fitting the words into a total lull in the music, unless the buzzing silence is just your mind struggling to comprehend what he’s just said. 
“I like you,” WinWin repeats as the music begins to pick up again, and somewhere in the crowd a few people howl. He glances towards them, but when he looks back at you, you’re still staring up at him slack-jawed. He smiles, tapping his fingertips beneath your chin to get you to shut your mouth. “You don’t have to answer me or make any kind of decision right now. I just wanted to make my intentions known.”
You like WinWin, too. You’ve found him attractive since the first time you met, and since he became a friend, you’ve grown to actually like him. Since your return to Hell City, everything has just been so emotionally confusing, if you’re being honest. The dreams, the friendships, your powers being awakened, as well as the new sexual experiences you’ve found with Yuta and Ten. 
And it’s not like Ten and Yuta own you. They’re just your demons, your protectors, instructors, and friends, the ones you’ve been having regular sex with over the last few days, fucking like rabbits every chance you get. But there’s no label. And they clearly don’t mind sharing with each other, so would it really be so different if you gave WinWin a shot?
“I’ll give you time to think about it,” WinWin says, his hands skimming over your shoulders and down your arms, as he puts a little bit of distance between you and him. Not too far away though. He smiles, eyes flashing in the blazing lights of the club. “We don’t have to rush.”
You don’t rush it at all. 
You dance together with WinWin for a while longer before the density of the crowd, all the bodies hot and sweaty around you, grows to be too much, so you head back up to the private room together. 
Mark is still not back. Yuta had passed you on the stairs as he went to fetch a new round of drinks. Only Ten still sits at the table, watching WinWin over his glass with a bit of heat and bite behind the look as you choose to sit beside WinWin on the other side of the table. 
“You smell like him,” Ten says after a moment, his tone accusatory. 
You ignore him. 
Ten continues to watch you, consuming himself with jealousy, as you just chat with WinWin, as Mark returns to the table with Yuta, sliding a tray of drinks onto the surface. 
Ten’s jealousy turns into him pouting, drinking too many of his smoking beverages, and by the time you decide to call the night at an end, it takes both Yuta and WinWin to haul Ten back to your apartment. He grumpily snarks at WinWin the whole way, even bursting into flames at one point after you’ve resurfaced in Hell City. It’s a successful attempt to get WinWin to move away from him. 
“Would you stop?” You snap, planting yourself in front of him on the street as WinWin steps aside to pat down the smoking shoulders of his shirt. “We were just dancing, if that’s why you’re so bent out of shape, Ten. Stop being an ass.”
Ten looks at Yuta, who just raises his eyebrows in silent reply. 
“They weren’t just dancing,” Ten faux-whispers. “I know it. WinWin’s too into her for them to have just been dancing.”
Heat floods through you, a mixture of a blush and your own flames rising to your skin. Your mind instantly is swept back into a short while ago, WinWin’s confession replaying in your mind.
Yuta pinches Ten’s side, hauling Ten’s arm a little higher over Yuta’s shoulder. “Does it matter, Ten? She’s not ours. We can’t tell her what to do.”
Ten pouts, turning a baleful look on you. He looks more like a kicked puppy than a demon right now, and it’s melting your resolve to stay irritated with him. 
“We just danced, you jealous ass. Don’t look at me like that, Ten.” You fold your arms across your chest. “We talked, we danced, and what does it matter if anything happened? I don’t belong to you or to Yuta, do I?”
He’s pouting still. “I want you to be ours. I don’t want to share you with WinWin. I don’t want to be a stepfather to a bunch of werewolf cubs!”
“Oh my God,” Yuta groans. “Alright, I’m speeding this up. He’s too heavy to carry across half the city. Win, can you keep her safe the rest of the way?” And then to you, he says, “I’ll talk to Ten. He’s just drunk and possessive.”
WinWin nods and promises. “I’ll get her home safe, Yuta.”
What a change this is from the first night you met WinWin. The way Yuta nods, fully trusting WinWin now when the first night he’d nearly ripped WinWin’s head off for wanting to be alone with you. 
Yuta turns on the spot, vanishing into thin air with Ten, leaving nothing behind but some of the glitter from Ten’s shirt floating to the sidewalk. 
You reach over, taking WinWin’s hand. His fingers go stiff for a moment before he relaxes, squeezing his hand around yours. You smile and ask, “Walk me home?” 
WinWin keeps you tucked close to his side as you walk through the city. His hackles are raised, for lack of a better term, eyes glinting amber and his teeth are bared as someone catcalls you from down an alleyway. 
Although this hour looks nearly the same as every other in this city, the late hour has drawn out the true monsters who lurk in the shadows, and WinWin growls any time any of them come a little too close or seem to be speaking or even looking in your direction. 
“You have to be careful,” he tells you once you’ve reached the relative safety of the lift in your building. It creaks and begins to rise up through the building, and WinWin stands right beside you, your arms bumping each other as the lift sways slightly. “There’s all kinds of freaks in this city.”
“You know, I once included you in that number.” 
WinWin frowns. 
“But, at the time, everyone was. I didn’t consider myself at all in the number of people here who weren’t entirely human.” You tap the back of his hand. “I’d just seen you for the first time. Yuta hated you. I’d never met a werewolf before, and before you and Yuta started your dispute, I thought you were human, so I did look at you as a little freaky.”
Still, Winwin frowns a little. “And when did that change?”
You shrug as the lift finally sways to a stop at your floor. “Some time after you saved me from being exorcized.”
He steps around you to open the door of your apartment, and sighs a little in relief, saying, “I was worried you were going to say, like, yesterday.”
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You make no rush to tell Yuta or Ten about WinWin’s confession. If you’re not going to act on it, what does it matter? 
But you can’t deny that you think about WinWin’s words, that you fantasize about being with him just as much as you’d fantasized about him, Yuta, Ten, and Mark while you’d been with Hansol. 
Sometimes you think about it when you’re all hanging out together and you catch WinWin’s eye, or when you’re walking around the city together with just WinWin and his hand lingers just a little too long. Sometimes you think about it when you’re in the midst of having sex with one or the other of your demons, but you know that Ten might just burn up with envy if you mention WinWin while he’s the one you’re having sex with. 
So you hold your tongue. 
Things have been good between you and Ten since you kissed and made up for fighting over his jealousy and his disrespect to the faith. The last thing you need to do is create a spike in Ten or Yuta’s jealousy by bringing up WinWin. You don’t know what Yuta said to Ten that night, what words were exchanged at all before WinWin dropped you safely back at your door, but if Ten is still jealous, he hides it very well. 
Mostly he hides it by showering you with his affection. Plenty of cuddles, kissing, manifesting gifts he thinks you’ll like, and clinging to you so much that you can tell he’s making Yuta a little jealous. 
“Mine,” Ten murmurs, his face buried in your hair against your neck, his arms possessively around you. 
You may not need to sleep as much as you once did, but you do still require it from time to time, and you were just trying to sleep when Ten slid into bed with you, tangling his legs with yours and fitting himself behind you. He smells like brimstone and sweat, a strangely appealing combination, even in the circumstances. You’ve just been pulled out of your nap time dreams to be faced with all of this, and instead of startling and pushing Ten away, you lean back into him, welcoming his presence. You don’t know where Yuta’s gone off to, but he’d been in the apartment when you dozed off. Everything feels quiet and empty now, and if you do your best to attempt to sense your surroundings (a trick they’ve been trying to teach you over the last week), all you can find is you and Ten curled tightly together in this bed. 
Ten sighs a little, nuzzling against the back of your neck. You’re a little surprised, the more you wake up and remember that Ten had told you that he was going to be gone for a few days on a little mission for the Queen of the Night. Yuta hadn’t had to go, and he’d taken full advantage of having you to himself yesterday, which was probably part of the reason you’d felt tired enough to need sleep. 
“You’re back?” You ask after a moment. 
Ten hums. “I am.”
“You stink.” You let the words slip bluntly from your mouth. 
Ten almost always showers immediately after returning from whatever it is that he does when he goes to Hell or goes on special jobs. Ten’s very clean, that’s one thing you’ve certainly picked up on more since this more intimate part of the relationship began. So for him to climb into bed unshowered and smelling like the armpit of Hell, you wonder what’s wrong. 
“I know,” Ten agrees, voice barely above a whisper. “I just wanted to hold you, though.” His arms grow tighter around your waist. 
“If you hold me any tighter, I might just split in two,” you tease. Your first attempt at getting him to loosen his arms is unsuccessful, but after a moment Ten relents, and you’re able to twist around to face him.
His eyes are closed, eyebrows furrowed. You can see all the tiny veins in his eyelids, and when you extract a hand from where it’s trapped between your body and his, you lift your fingertips up to lightly touch Ten’s face. He’s beautiful, to an unreal degree. Of course, you’ve found him attractive and generally beautiful since your first meeting in the cemetery, but right now it’s really hitting you. His warm skin beneath your fingertips, the delicacy of his eyelashes and his semi-translucent eyelids makes you careful with your touch. His eyebrows relax slightly. The corners of his mouth twitch. 
Your fingertips move from his eyelids to his nose, to the wrinkled spot between his eyebrows, back down his nose to the bow of his lips. 
His eyes open, and you’re faced with a light brown color, caught somewhere between demon black and the yellow cat-eye. He watches you as you make a study of his face, memorizing every line and detail in dual perspective through your gaze and your touch. Ten’s eyes flutter half-closed and you swear he nearly purrs when your fingers drift to his hair and push along his scalp. His hair has grown out since you first met him. Nearly jaw-length and a little wavy. It’s soft, making him look pretty. 
Ten makes a little sound when you lift your head from the pillow to lean in, but he welcomes your slow tender kiss, the way you fold yourself against his chest, the way one of your legs slides over his hip to hook around his lower back. Ten places a hand on your waist, letting it slide down to your hip, and when he finds your bare thigh and the oversized shirt that you fell asleep in now riding up, he smiles and deepens the kiss, tipping you back onto your back. 
Ten’s thigh wedges between yours, and you start to move your hips in small circles against his thigh. 
“Did Yuta neglect you yesterday, or do you just miss me that much?” Ten teases, breaking away from your lips to sponge kisses along your throat instead. 
“You,” you sigh, “Missed you, Ten.”
“I missed you too, darling.” He sighs, breath feathering over your skin as he shifts the neck of your shirt to the side, exposing inches of your shoulder. His lips move like fire over your skin. “You’re the only Queen I want to serve anymore.”
You laugh, unable to help it, and you press at his shoulders. “You don’t mean that. I’m no Queen.”
Ten’s smile meets your shoulder, teeth nipping lightly. “Yes you are. To me. To Yuta. Queen of our hearts, mistress of our souls.”
“And what would your actual Queen say if she ever heard you say that?” You knit your fingers through his hair. 
Ten groans, hiding his face against your chest. “Honestly, darling, I don’t really give a damn. I’m serious.” He lifts his head, blazing gaze meeting yours. “It might sound cheesy and lame, but you’re the only Queen I want to acknowledge. I don’t belong to her, not the way I do to you. I’m tired of her missions, tired of it taking me away from you, tired of….” Ten trails off, hiding his face once again. “I’m tired of missing you.” 
“I’m right here.” You push your fingers through his hair until Ten tilts his head to look at your face. “You don’t have to miss me when I’m right here.”
His breath puffs against your shoulder. “I was thinking about you while I was away, you know. Daydreaming, you might say. About you all stretched out in your bed, right here like this, playing with yourself and waiting for me and Yuta. I daydreamt the feel of your cute bottom in my hands.” His hands slip beneath the shirt, around beneath your ass until he’s cupping the round cheeks. “The feel of pulling you into my lap, filling you with my cock when you’re so wet and tight around me. The way you ride me, your tits bouncing, all flushed and moaning. It was difficult to concentrate on the mission, anyway. I had to come home to you.”
You smile at him. “You spent your whole mission daydreaming about fucking me, but you’ve been home for how long now, and you’ve barely touched me.”
Ten sits up on his knees, his hands still on your ass, and he lifts your hips into his lap. “Let me remedy that.”
It’s easy enough for Ten to pull your panties to the side, baring your pussy to his hungry gaze. Easier still for him to tease your sensitive bits with his fingers, to fit two fingers perfectly inside you, curling them slightly to find that spongy spot inside you. 
You gasp his name, arching your back, and the shirt slides up to your tits. Ten lowers his head to your belly, kissing over your abdomen while he pumps his fingers inside you. His tongue swirls over your belly button, igniting a deeper heat in your belly. This is the closest you’ll get to Ten eating you out – his mouth on your belly while he fucks you on his fingers – and you’re perfectly fine with that because Yuta’s always eager to make up for Ten’s lack of oral sex. 
But today, Yuta’s not here, and Ten brings you crashing through your first orgasm on his fingers, his lips curling into a satisfied grin against your belly. His body between your thighs prevents them from closing around his hand, and he moves to kiss up your belly, pushing the shirt up with his free hand while he still strokes you through the orgasm, aftershocks shaking your limbs. Ten kisses your tits, over your heart, up your throat, and finally he reclaims your lips. 
His fingers leave you feeling empty, and you whine against his lips, wanting him to fill you again. 
Ten echoes the sound back to you, a little more breathy, definitely teasing. And when you feel his wrist nudge against your belly, you realize that he’s probably got his hand stuffed down his pants. The fingers that were just inside you are probably now wrapped around his cock. 
Your knees draw up a bit, affording Ten the room to press closer to you, now grinding against you and his hand in equal parts. You kiss him and twist your fingers in his hair, silently imploring him to just get his cock out and put it in you. Something of your message gets across to him, and Ten shuffles on his knees, and then you’re tipping your head back to moan his name as he rolls his hips and buries himself inside you. 
You bite your bottom lip as Ten pulls himself up, his hands sliding beneath your thighs to secure them around his hips. You like watching Ten like this, the way he moves so smoothly when he rolls his hips, hitting in deep. Ten likes watching you like this too, his warm brown eyes filled with lust and adoration as he watches one of your hands drift down between your legs to play with your clit.
“Just like that, darling,” he says, “Just like my daydreams.”
Ten is always so graceful, even when his composure begins to slip and his movements grow more determined, more intent with sparks lighting up his irises. He falls forward over you again, fists pressed to the mattress on either side of your head. His hair falls in front of his face, and you lift your hand to tuck one side of it back behind his ear. Ten turns his head to the side, brushing a kiss against your wrist, pushing even closer into you, readjusting your thighs and the tilt of your hips. 
“C’mon, little saint,” Ten teases, his teeth dragging lightly over your wrist. “Cum for me.”
You won’t be won that easily. 
Ten’s grin widens when you reach around to dig your nails into his muscled ass, when you lean up until your mouth touches his chest, lips around one of his nipples. Ten is so sensitive, that is one thing that you’ve learned since this started; he’s sensitive all over, so even just touching his chest like this and digging your nails in is going to drive him a little wild. 
His eyes flash from the subtle brown they’ve been to his favored yellow cat eyes. You can’t deny that although seeing that does in fact strike you as bizarre, you also kind of like how the different eyes change Ten. His entire aura shifts ever so slightly. There’s a slightly more animalistic way that he looks at you, the way he moves inside you, like he wants to have you fully and completely. 
And not that you would admit this aloud to him, but it vaguely makes you think of a different semi-animalistic man. A set of werewolf amber eyes. 
Sooner or later, you’re going to have to bring that up to your two demons, but for now you suppress those thoughts to your best ability, focusing only on Ten. 
You pull your lips away from his nipple, leaving kisses up his chest to his jaw, licking and sucking against a spot just beneath his jaw that makes Ten release a broken moan. His body presses impossibly closer as he sinks fully over you, hips twisting as he pushes your thighs open just a little more. 
You’re all skin to skin now, the heat between you bringing a dew of sweat. 
“Fucking perfect,” Ten praises you, his lips skimming your cheek. “Feel so tight around me, darling. And—“ You release one hand from his ass to run your fingers up the expanse of his back, just your fingertips on his skin, and Ten shivers against you. A soft moan and his eyes fluttering shut are big indicators that he’s enjoying it. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, Ten?” You lick beneath his jaw again. “Make me cum too.”
Your bodies are both slick with sweat now, skin sliding and sticking together in equal parts. Ten drives his cock inside you rapidly, all sense of his smooth grace gone in his rush to just achieve the bliss of orgasm. His fingers move into your hair, tightly pulling and guiding your mouth to his for a messy kiss. The angle that he’s hitting has you moaning desperately into the kiss, your nerves and every sense alight. 
Ten cums first, pulling out of you to cum over your belly, his cockhead blurting out cum against your clit as he pushes back down towards your entrance, pushing in deep to fuck you again. 
Your hands go to his sides, holding tight to his tiny waist as he presses his forehead to yours and fucks you breathless. Ten circles his hips, grinding his cock into you, his lips parted as you both pant and moan softly to each other. Your orgasm rocks through you, and you squeeze and clench and hold tighter to Ten through it. 
He collapses fully against you, every inch of your bodies pressed together, his forehead still against yours. 
You lie there in the blissful aftermath for a few moments before you catch another whiff of sulphur and sweat, and you know it’s not just him anymore.
“Now we both stink,” you complain, trying your best to push Ten off of you, or at least to squirm out from beneath him. You want to wash the stink off, to smell instead like your body wash that quite literally smells like a happy summer day. 
Ten, naturally, holds you even tighter, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. “Now you smell like me because you’re mine,” he practically purrs. “You always smell like Yuta after you’ve been with him. When you hang out with Mark or WinWin, you smell like them. I want you to smell like me, even if just for a little bit.”
“Gross,” you pout, but you cease your squirming, content to lie here in sweat-damp sheets, playing with Ten’s hair idly, letting all the hours of eternity pass by if that’s what is going to make him happy.
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a/n: once again, I’m so sorry about the delay in getting this posted! I hope you enjoyed!!
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shinenihs · 1 year
Highschool Reunion
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My Classmates in High School planned a Reunion since we haven’t seen each other for over ten years. I was having second thoughts because they told me Ten was going. Ten was the biggest jerk in our class, he would date several girls and he was known for that. Luckily I wasn’t one of them, But He was my biggest crush in highschool and everyone knew, including him, so maybe that’s why he didn’t date me. The Gathering is in Saturday
And I already cleared my schedule. I went shopping for Clothes and things I needed for the party.
It's Saturday morning and I Fixed my things so I won't be rushing myself later. The Gathering starts at 5pm so it's dinner. I cleaned my house, ironed my clothes and took a nice Bath.
My friends texted me the Venue, I finished at exactly 3pm and the Venue is a 1 hour drive.
While I was driving, I stopped for coffee so I went to starbucks. And I went ahead to my destination. 
Finally I arrived at the Venue, I forgot to tell you the theme of our gathering. My classmates always make a theme so we won't look random. Our theme was neutral colors and I wore my Beige Dress. 
“Hiraya!” My best friend Zerene called me. 
“Zerene! Hi!” I ran to her and hugged her.
“Alice and Louise are at the Table let’s go” She said
“Oh okay let’s go” 
As we were walking to the table Everybody had their eyes on me. 
“Why are they looking at me?” I whispered 
“Because Ten is behind you” She whispered back
I look behind me and yeah there he is looking at me, I rolled my eyes at him and I sat beside Zerene. But knowing Ten he sat in front of me so which makes everything worse.
“So Ten, Do you have a girlfriend?” My classmate asked him
“Nope I dont have one”
Really he still doesn't have one? Its been like 11 years I'm surprised he’s not married yet
“Why not?” My other classmate asked him
“Because I’m waiting for someone” He answered while looking at me
What the fuck does he mean by that?
“Hiraya he’s looking at you” Alice whispered
“Yeah I can see that” 
“Hiraya, How about you? Are you settled like your friends?” They asked
“Unfortunately, No.” I answered
“Why not?” Ten asked
Because I still like you dumbass.
“It’s just not my priority right now, and I’ve been busy with my work” I replied
“Oh okay I see” He said
The dinner was loud just like the old times. In fact we were known as the  chaotic class in our 12th year. My classmates would be doing the craziest shit and still didn’t get suspended. Idk why but we always get our way out. The dinner ended at 8pm since some of us have their own family and need to get home early to spend time with their husbands and wives. I feel envious of them for being settled in. Imagine getting to marry the man of your dreams and you’re stuck here still liking the biggest jerk in class. 
My friends bid their goodbyes and went home to their own families, I'm the only one in our circle without a boyfriend. It’s crazy, I never imagined myself being single in my mid 20's. I didn't leave the venue since I wanted to appreciate the view.  
“Why are you still here?” A familiar voice asked 
“Why do you care?” I asked back
“You’re still that Hiraya from High School, Loves to answer with another question huh?”
“Ten, what do you want?” 
“Can’t I hang out with you?” 
“Isn’t it weird for you? I liked you in Highschool and you did nothing but ignore me” I still like you.
“Yeah I was a jerk but I'm not like that anymore.” 
“I can tell”
“Let’s go grab a coffee down the alley, I heard the atmosphere is calming there” 
I had no choice but to say yes to coffee. I hope it doesn’t mean anything right?
We went there and he told me to find a table, and I chose the one near the window 
I'm impressed because it didn’t take long enough to get our drinks, and I'm also surprised how Ten got the coffee that I like.
“How do you know that I like this?”
“You always had that coffee every morning when you go to school”
Oh right, I always have coffee to wake me up.
“Okay I have to ask” I said
“Go ahead” 
“What happened to your last girlfriend?” 
“We didn’t work out. She cheated on me” 
“Oh god, I'm so sorry”
“Don’t be, I guess It’s my karma, I’ve been dating a lot of girls in our highschool days. It’s also why I'm still not settled down.”
“How about you? I know what you said earlier wasn’t the real reason why you’re still now settled” He asked
“Fine, You can really tell huh?”
“Okay, I like someone but I don't know if he likes me back.”
“Can I know this lucky person?”
Yeah dumbass it's you
“Hell no” I laughed
“Come on I’ll tell you mine” He said looking straight in my eyes
“I’d rather not tell you” I told him. I don't want him to know that I still like him. It would be awkward.
We finished our coffee and we went for a walk. It was quiet and calming. Walking with Ten really gives me butterflies, Maybe because I didn’t experience dating because I don't date other people since I only want Ten.
“Can I tell you something?” He broke the silence
“Go ahead” I answered, from that moment I got nervous because I don't know what’s happening
“You look beautiful tonight, Hiraya.” 
I was speechless, But I was blushing. He definitely saw it because im pale as fuck
“You’re blushing” 
“Thanks, captain obvious”
“Not but really, you do look beautiful tonight. But that’s now what I was going to tell you.”
“Then what is it?”
“I like you, Hiraya”
Okay now what? What the hell is happening, Ten Lee? The biggest jerk in our school likes me?
“What now?” I said confused
“Since when?” 
“I started developing feelings for you when we graduated”
“Isn’t that the same time you found out your ex cheated on you?”
“No, That was a long time before our graduation happened”
“Why do you like me?”
“I was blind okay? I’ve been dating a bunch of girls without knowing you are the one for me, I was in denial for awhile but I realized I really like you. No scratch that, I love you”
“I love you Hiraya”
Okay I hate to admit it, I love him too. Using the word "like" is like you’re still in High School
Only young people use that word. But we’re not getting younger anymore right? I didn’t answer him. But I pulled him for a kiss to let him know that I love him too. It was long and passionate. It’s like getting your true love’s kiss. Of course one kiss leads to another.  
I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. Obviously It’s Ten’s room. I looked beside me and I saw him sleeping peacefully. He really looks good so I gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him wake up.
“Good Morning” I said
“Good Morning Beautiful” 
“Did you have fun last night?” He said. His morning voice sounds so hot 
“You bet” I flirted back
“Let’s get ready for breakfast? I'll cook you food, what do you want?” 
“Surprise me” 
“Okay then” He said and I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
While taking a shower I can already smell his cooking, it smells good so I changed into his clothes immediately after I got done showering.
“Pancakes?” I asked him
“Yes and Bacon” 
“So that is what i'm smelling, It looks good. Thank you” I said giving him a quick peck on the lips
I saw him blushing and I just smiled and eat the breakfast he made
“This is really good Ten,  how did you get so good at cooking?”
“I'm a chef,” He said smiling.
He’s a freaking chef!? He doesn’t look like one. 
“Well these are very good” 
“Thank you, I hear that alot” He said laughing.
After having breakfast, Ten and I went to my house so I could change into my clothes. He also brought his clothes because he said he wants to stay here for a while. Nobody told me he was this clingy. We still haven’t told our friends that we’re together now, So you could say that we’re now both settled? 
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azaisya · 1 month
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@just-another-linguist and @melestasflight both requested Fingon which was v exciting. Fingon is one of the characters that really stuck with me the first time I read the Silm, but I’ve never actually drawn him. In my mind this is like a Valinor-era Fingon!
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felsicveins · 1 month
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Art for this lovely fic 💚 💙
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petricorah · 8 months
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thumbnail vs final. honestly not sure which i like more 😆 [ids in alt]
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