#lance is a shithead
autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
Lance groans loudly, forgoing smacking his face in his hands and going straight for banging his head repeatedly against the elevator doors, which Keith thinks is a touch dramatic. But regardless he crosses his arms over his chest and stubbornly refuses to budge from his position.
“Keith. For the love of God.”
“God is dead and I’m not climbing out of a goddamn ten thousand foot elevator hatch with you.”
Keith admittedly puts a tad too much emphasis on the ‘with you’ part of the sentence. It’s obvious in the way Lance stops and lifts his head up and glares at Keith so icily he doesn’t need to squint to make out Lance’s expression in the low emergency lights; his eyes practically burn a hole through Keith’s forehead. Keith winces but doesn’t say anything.
“You have gone toe to toe with a goddamn zombie dictator,” Lance grinds out, “but you’re too much of a pussy to climb an elevator shaft?”
Keith stiffens. “I’m not — shut up!”
Smirking, now, visibly delighted that he’s managed to press Keith’s buttons (God Keith wants to punch him), Lance leans against the elevator wall, hip cocked, feigning nonchalance.
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” he says, inspecting his nails like it doesn’t matter. “I just never would have thought that the best pilot out of the Garrison and literal pilot of the Red Lion is, you know, a chicken.”
Keith clenches his fists. Lance is frustrated and bored and pushing Keith’s buttons because there’s fuck else to do. He is. Keith knows this.
But he is so goddamn good at it.
“I’m not a fucking chicken, Cargo Pilot.”
‘Cargo Pilot’ is usually a hole-in-one insult that’s guaranteed to make Lance bristle, sure to make him bare his teeth and go bright red and generally lose his absolute shit. Keith is even sparing in his use of the term, careful not to let it lose its potency.
But because the universe hates him and also Lance is the most annoying motherfucker alive, his smirk only widens, and he flexes his fingers, still fucking casual, still not even bothering to look up in Keith’s direction.
I hate you, Keith thinks, with feeling.
“Sure,” Lance says, without. He shrugs. “Prove it.”
For a second Keith thinks he’s so mad that he might. But then he imagines it fully, pictures his bare back pressed against Lance’s, feet planted on the slippery castle walls, lights probably still out, struggling to put one foot in front of the other and drag each other upright. He thinks of how much effort that would take and how easily he would start to sweat, how easily every shift of their muscles would loosen the friction-borne grip between them, how easily his foot could slip. He thinks of how long a ten thousand foot drop would take, how long he would have to accept that he’s going to die before he splats on the pristine floor.
His stomach turns. His face goes green.
Lance’s jaw drops.
“Oh my God, you’re afraid of heights!”
“I am not!” Keith snaps, because he isn’t, he just has a fucking brain. “It’s just — it’s ten thousand fucking feet, Lance!”
“A pilot!” Lance screeches. “A pilot afraid of heights!”
“You are so goddamn extra!” Keith cries.
Lance makes more vague screeching noises. He gestures furiously at Keith, then pauses, then makes a sound in the back of his throat akin to a loudly dying whale, then gestures back at Keith, then at the ceiling, then at the elevator as a whole. Then he lets out one loud, long, final yell, completely wordless and directed at what Keith can only assume is the heavens, and stops, closes his eyes, breathes deeply, and very calmly crawls onto the floor, belly first, and lays perfectly flat with his face pressed to the tiles.
“I hate it here,” he says serenely. He pauses for a minute, thoughtful. “Also, I hate you.”
“Ditto,” Keith mutters, finally giving up and joining him on the floor. He tips his head back until it thumps on the elevator wall and sighs, loud and long, wondering vaguely if this is punishment for the hundreds of times he mocked Shiro for his fear of squirrels. He truly thinks it might be.
All he wanted was twenty goddamn minutes in the pool. That’s all. He’d have even taken ten. He just wanted to swim a few laps, maybe float for a bit, and pretend he was in a lake somewhere without pressing problems such as saving the universe and the fate of every single soul in it.
Eight minutes, really. Seven.
The lights flicker back on. Lance lifts his head, hopeful, then stretches out one ridiculously long leg (seriously what is the deal with that he’s basically a giraffe, it’s too much, Keith should talk to someone about it because since when were legs allowed to be that — long and shapely, or whatever, it’s weird) and presses the closest button with his toe.
It does nothing. Lance stares at it for a few minutes, as if attempting to bring the elevator alive by manifestation alone, but no life is forthcoming. Lance huffs sadly and returns his face to the floor.
“That’s really disgusting,” Keith says, although he has his fair share of Floor Time. “People walk on this floor all the time.”
Lance doesn’t bother looking up, groaning loudly for several minutes before simply rolling away to the opposite side of the elevator.
“Shut up,” he says finally, after so long Keith almost forgets his original comment. “You just —”
Abruptly he straightens up, pulling the towel off his neck and crawling forward to place it in the middle of the elevator. Keith rolls his eyes so hard it actually hurts, a little.
“You and your commentary stay on the loser stinky mullet half of the elevator,” Lance says. “The pretty half that’s not infected with your rancid vibes belongs to me.”
“Were you trained to be this annoying?” Keith ponders, half out of genuine curiosity. “Like, do you do this on purpose?”
“Ignoring you now,” Lance says primly.
Keith scowls. He’s not — Keith isn’t the one who’s too irritating to be around without going insane.
“I’m ignoring you, asshole.”
Lance doesn’t respond. Keith closes one eye and holds up his thumb and forefinger to the approximate shape of Lance’s face, pretending he’s squishing his head. It brings him great peace.
After a while, though, he starts to get restless. His legs starts bouncing, up and down so fast it’s blurry, and then his fingers start to tap, but the feeling of rustling under his skin only gets worse, spinning faster and faster and coil tightening more and more in his stomach until he just — implodes, really, until his brain goes boom and says if you don’t get moving right this second, and Keith says in response to it, believe me I’m on it. He’s scrambling to his feet before he has the conscious thought to do so, hands moving before he tells them to and pushing him upright, bare feet padding rapidly on the floor as he paces, three steps until he hits the wall then pivot then three steps then pivot then three steps again. Over and over and over. His fingers stop tapping but his shoulders get twitchy; itchy under his skin and on it, sweaty because there’s no airflow and this goddamn elevator is sweltering. Or he’s just hot. He usually runs hot. He’s not sure and he doesn’t care to know, because the pool would have been refreshing but instead he’s stuck in a ten by ten by ten cube stuck somewhere on a ten thousand foot tube and to his right his rival-slash-teammate keeps huffing and rubbing his hands on his arms and muttering to himself.
“Could you maybe cut that out,” Keith snaps, which is entirely unfair because his pacing isn’t quiet, but Keith is three seconds away from attempting to climb the walls and it’s Lance, anyway, when are they not arguing, so it doesn’t matter.
Maybe when you’re having a crisis-brought bonding moment, says a voice in his brain. Stuck elevators are kind of a crisis.
Shut up or I’m going to give myself a concussion, Keith responds to it.
“Not my fault it’s goddamn freezing in here,” Lance snaps.
Keith pauses. He looks down at Lance. He frowns.
“Your lips are blue,” he observes, bewildered.
“Eat shit,” Lance responds, predictably. He’s fucking — he’s shivering.
Keith is made astutely aware of the cooling sweat on his back and grimaces.
“Lance,” he says slowly, “it is not cold in here.”
Lance blows out a breath like the goddamn weight of the world is on his shoulders. He flicks his eyes up to meet Keith’s, who is standing behind his head and leaning down, and somehow manages to seem like the more put-together person between them, which is bonkers.
“I’m anaemic, stupid.”
Keith blinks. Suddenly the air feels very solemn, and he shifts uncomfortably, unsure of what to say.
“I didn’t know you had an eating disorder,” he manages eventually.
Lance’s faces scrunches up in confusion for seven whole seconds before it clears, and he looks at Keith like he is the dumbest man alive and then bursts out laughing.
“That’s — anorexic, you idiot! I don’t have enough blood!”
“Oh,” Keith says, face heating. He scowls as Lance continues to laugh way harder than what was called for, clutching his stomach with tears rolling down his face. He pokes Lance aggressively with his toe, and by that he means his kicks him. “Will you stop — it’s not that funny, dickhead!”
“It really is,” Lance wheezes.
Keith scowls harder. His face is as red as his shorts and the flush is starting to spread down his chest and Lance notices and it only makes him laugh more, because he’s a shithead of the worst kind. “I hope you choke.”
Keith flicks his towel over his head and yanks, embarrassed, stomping to the other side of the elevator as if that will somehow make Lance shut up faster. It doesn’t, obviously, and he hears Lance laugh for several minutes until he finally winds down to giggling, then eventually nothing.
Keith harrumphs quietly to himself. He resolves to sticking in his corner like he should have from the very beginning, until the elevator starts moving again or someone on the team comes to save them. At this point he’s so done he wouldn’t even care if it was Shiro, wouldn’t even care if Shiro gloated about it for eternity (Keith saved his ass from government experimentation, anyway, so he wins by default for the rest of time). He faces his corner and pulls his knees to his chest and starts picking at a loose thread in the seam of his shorts to amuse himself.
Several minutes later, he hears Lance shifting. He ignores it. He pulls at the thread until it comes loose, then busies himself with tying the thread into the most complicated and random knot he can.
A few more minutes later, and there’s the sound of fabric rustling and draping, then quiet cursing. Keith untangles and retangles his knot for the fourth time.
After what must be a half hour, Keith hears the sound of teeth chattering.
He sighs. He looks forlornly at his knot.
“I could just ignore him,” he mutters to himself. “He probably won’t die.”
He thinks of how short Lance’s shorts are. He pinches his own towel in his fingertips, so thin he can practically feel his fingerprints. He remembers blue lips and a clenched jaw and raised gooseflesh.
He sighs loudly, more of a groan, and flicks his ball of thread away.
It takes Lance a few seconds to respond to Keith looming over him, which is worrying. But eventually he cracks open one brown eye and flares up at Keith.
“What,” he mutters. His teeth are chattering so bad it sounds like two words.
“You’re freezing,” Keith says. His voice is softer than he expected it to be.
Lance huffs, closing his eye again and curling further into himself. “No shit.”
Keith frowns. “I’m not.”
“Well, rub it in, why dontcha.”
Keith frowns. “You’re not understanding.”
Lance ignores him. Keith has a sudden and vivid memory of the year Shiro and Adam drove him up to Seattle in the winter so he could be more cultured, or whatever (or less of a desert menace, Adam had argued, and perhaps more inclined to stop biting people), and spent the whole car ride lecturing him about hypothermia.
“It doesn’t take very long to set in,” Shiro had said.
“And once you have it you need to warm up or your heart can stop,” Adam had finished, very serious.
Suddenly Keith starts to feel very panicked.
Lukewarm tea, warm blankets, skin to skin contact with someone who’s warm, were Shiro’s instructions. And then possibly hospital.
Well. Keith has one of those things.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he wraps a gentle hand around Lance’s shoulder, tugging him upright, then pulls him forward so his cradled hands are pressed against Keith’s chest and his head is tucked into the junction of Keith’s neck.
Worryingly, it takes Lance almost thirty seconds to start complaining.
“You smell like mullet,” he whines. But he doesn’t move away. In fact, he burrows closer.
Keith swallows down his worry. “Mullets don’t smell like anything, dumbass.” He brings his hands up to press against Lance’s back. Lance groans, curling deeper into Keith’s hold. His nose is icy and burns a trail across Keith’s shoulder, down his collarbone. Keith’s flush from earlier makes an enthusiastic return, because nothing good still exists in the world.
“I still think you’re annoying,” Lance mumbles. Every move of his lip brushes against Keith’s skin.
“Shut up and focus on not freezing to death,” Keith snaps.
Lance snorts. “I’m not gonna freeze to death, doofus. It’s just a dead elevator. Once I fell asleep on the Garrison rooftop in January and only had to spend three days in urgent care, so basically I can withstand anything.”
Keith pauses. He tries to reconcile the Lance who just said that to the Lance who came up with a life saving plan in thirty seconds on the Balmera to the Lance who threatened to stick Keith in a wormhole to the Lance who smiled and said they made a good team before passing out in Keith’s arms.
“You are a very confusing person,” he says when all the reconciling does absolutely nothing.
“Thank you,” Lance says, sounding pleased.
Keith snorts and tightens his hold. Lance sighs and sags a little. Slowly his fingers stop feeling so much like ice blocks, and his breathing doesn’t sound so erratic. Keith doesn’t know how long it’s been. He stopped trying to count somewhere between when Lance’s cheek squished against his chest and his fingers started tracing featherlight patterns across his skin.
Lance yawns. Keith tries to fight his but ends up yawning anyway.
“Is it bad to let a person with hypothermia sleep?” he mumbles, half-slurring his words.
Lance hums. “‘M not hypothermic.”
“Dunno. Could be.”
He sighs again, a puff of air against Keith’s neck, and spreads his palms against Keith’s chest, flat. “‘M not. You’re too warm.” He pauses. “Freak.”
His tone is fond. The corners of Keith’s lips quirk up. “Weirdo.”
He falls asleep trying to count Lance’s breaths. It’s — groundbreaking, somehow.
(“Oh, my God.”
Keith cracks open bleary eyes, lifting a hand to rub his face. Lance groans from his place on Keith’s chest — in a puddle of drool, why is that not nearly as revolting as it should be — and snatches Keith’s wrist way faster than he should be able to as groggy as he is, placing it back around his waist.
“Oh, my God,” the voice repeats, gleeful.
“Shut up, Shiro,” Keith mutters. “Fuck.”
It takes him a minute.
His eyes fly open at the same time as Lance’s, and they look at each other, and then Keith is being shoved and kicked at the same time somehow and Lance is scrambling backwards at the speed of light, screeching. A loud bang makes Keith look over and he discovers his brother, who is dead to him, collapsed on the floor, laughing so loud Zarkon can probably hear him.
“What — Shiro — go — stop fucking laughing, you piece of shit!”
Lance continues to screech. Keith whips a towel at him.
“You gay pining loser!” Shiro shrieks. “I’m going to tell literally everyone!”
Keith puts his head in his hands and wishes he’d fallen down the goddamn elevator shaft.)
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1337wtfomgbbq · 10 months
Richard: So... Have you got any enemies?
Lance: No, I am universally popular and well-liked! Why would anyone wanna kill me?
Tyler: I can think of a few reasons.
Kevin: Definitely.
George: Shitloads.
Jan: You annoy people.
Richard: Yeah, I don't even know why I asked this😅
Lance: 😶
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arkhammaid · 2 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the grid reacts to the news!
content warnings. some drivers are acting like assholes, some cursewords, 23!grid
notes. have another reaction chapter hehe
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daniel ricciardo Guys
Guys wake up
lando norris ???
daniel it's 5am, why are you spamming rn
carlos sainz It's summer break, why can't you all shut up for once
daniel ricciardo Did no one see the news? Stark is coming to F1
carlos sainz To a race?
daniel ricciardo No you shithead, he's making a team
charles leclerc !!!!
lando norris at this point you'll never win monaco (because once stark joins, there no longer will BE monaco) charles leclerc Fuck you, nowins
daniel ricciardo This is serious... Tony fucking Stark wants to create an F1 team for the next season. @/max verstappen your winning streak will be over
charles leclerc Next season??? I thought for 26?
lewis hamilton Of course he would do that
charles leclerc Lewis, explain?? daniel ricciardo Yeah Lewis, please explain?
lewis hamilton Did any of you ever meet Tony? He will probably see the next season as test for the 2026 season. To train his mechanics and engineers and go all out. I bet many are saying it's a waste of money
carlos sainz It is a waste of money.
daniel ricciardo Yeah, they do. Reactions vary but 'experts' are saying that Tony is just wasting his time and should properly prepare for 26
lewis hamilton Knowing him, he already has a fully built car for 2026 and it's a beast.
fernando alonso Only the best for his daughter!
charles leclerc What. lando norris wdym his daughter??
george russell Why are you all awake at this bloody hour?
kevin magnussen Read the room. Everyone is in schock.
sergio perez Stupid. She will fail like every woman in motorsport with a rich father. Too dramatic.
lando norris i'm still confused???
oscar piastri Tony Stark has three children. Harley Keener-Stark, Y/n L/n-Stark, Peter Parker-Stark. Y/n is his only biological child and currently racing in Formula 3. She won Formula 4 last year.
charles leclerc I thought he only had sons?? When did Y/n appear? oscar piastri She 'appeared' the first time in January this year as Tony's daughter, no one knew before. lando norris how did you know? oscar piastri Google exists.
carlos sainz So daddy's money... great.
max verstappen I swear to god I will leave this chat the next time you all decide to fucking gossip at 6am like old women
daniel ricciardo It's important news!
max verstappen No it's not. Stark will be in F1 for a few years maximum and then leave again. It will pass
daniel ricciardo @/lewis hamilton you here? Don't you have anything else to add??
Fine, I'll guess I just ask the rest of the grid, you fucking bore.
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daniel ricciardo @/everyone wakey wakey, it's time to wake up and talk!
mick schumacher Daniel? What's up?
george russell Ignore him. He has been annoying us because Tony Stark is coming to F1 and no one really cares. charles leclerc Lies and slander! I care!! lando norris yeah! me as well, idk what you're yapping abt
carlos sainz It's bullshit.
arthur leclerc Why do I have a bad feeling about Monaco...
ollie bearman THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING bianca bustamante It will be something for sure
lance stroll Well, I'm just happy to see another friendly face at the paddock :)
carlos sainz Of course you know Stark.
lance stroll You're just jealous esteban ocon As am I??? I'm your best friend AND MY BEST FRIEND HAS THE POTENTIAL OF KNOWING SPIDER-MAN???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???????
daniel ricciardo I want everyone who knows anything related to Stark to immediately share with us because Lewis is ignoring me and I need to know. The only info we have right now, is that Stark will make a F1 team and that's it. I refuse to believe that's it. So, @/mick schumacher @/lance stroll spill the beans.
mick schumacher He didn't say anything last time I saw him, so I can't help you much.
lance stroll I know nothing, ask my dad.
daniel ricciardo I don't believe you.
pato o'ward If they say they don't know anything, then they don't? I don't know what's the problem, just wait for the next press release
max verstappen Do you even know Daniel. He's unable to wait for gossip. And he classifies this as gossip
daniel ricciardo Gee, thanks, feeling the love here
nico hülkenberg I wake up to 100+ notifications, why are you all like this?
kevin magnussen They're all idiots.
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kevin magnussen @/tony stark could you please speed up with the press release? Daniel is setting all grid chats on fire and it's not funny anymore.
y/n stark ha, weak ass bitch kevin magnussen Watch your mouth missy
tony stark Should I tag Seb in a Tweet to announce it?
peter stark do it y/n stark do it harley stark do it
pepper potts-stark Don't do it. We will proceed with the plan. No matter how annoying the people in your private life are.
kevin magnussen Yes, ma'am, sorry for asking.
sebastian vettel I deserve more than a Tweet at 10am.
y/n stark speak your truth king peter stark sorry for suggesting otherwise (@/yn stark stop being such an attention seeker, we all know seb loves charles the most) y/n stark but charles is not here rn is he?
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daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen EXPLAIN YOURSELF?!
carlos sainz What is going on now...
charles leclerc KMAG FOR STARK???? I didn't put this on my bingo card, now I lost 100 bucks. Fuck you Kevin
arthur leclerc Pay up bitch
oscar piastri Well done, man
nico hülkenberg And so he leaves he burning, ever sinking ship... the true hero- sorry, I meant coward
daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen I KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE YOU COWARD, COME HERE
I just want to talk to you
kevin magnussen No.
*kevin magnussen has left the chat*
fernando alonso There is your answer
several people are typing...
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel, @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles, @fangirl-dot-com , @nichmeddar , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikfigueiredo , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora, @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 @greeneyesandsunshine , @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @woozarts , @leclucklerc , @yl90
crossed off tags mean i can't tag you!
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE SERIES TAGLIST? please leave a comment on this post or send a non anonymous ask!
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artbyblastweave · 8 months
As a game mechanic, Karma was disadvantageous because it injected obtrusive level of awareness of authorial intent into every situation that raised or lowered your Karma (and in doing so frequently demonstrated deranged moral reasoning in how the points are allocated.) In New Vegas specifically, though, I found Karma advantageous in conjunction with the reputation system, because it tracks your character’s long-term behavior on an axis that the reputation system isn’t measuring. “Principled Person Despised by Authority” and “Omnimalevolent Weasel with A Great Eye For PR” are both well-worn archetypes that a dual Karma/Reputation system is able to model to some extent. It also provides another fun axis on which to engage with your companions- Boone leaves you if you piss off the NCR, Veronica leaves if you piss off the Brotherhood, but Cass leaves if you're just generally, generically a shithead- which is an incomplete venn diagram with those other two, and the contrast can serve as an interesting characterization vehicle IMO.
There are ways in which the affinity system in Fallout 4 was a step forward, primarily in how it lanced the obtrusive authorial judgements and more-or-less coherently tied it into the values of whichever companion you're currently travelling with. It also smoothly got around one failure mode of New Vegas- the incredibly specific, poorly telegraphed and thus frequently inorganic sequence in which you had to bring followers to places in order to trigger their affinity points. However, I've always had the vibe that the intended dynamic for Fallout 4 was that you'd pick and stick with a companion that would mesh with your intended playstyle- but I get the impression that what happens in practice is that players instead alter their playstyle for as long as it takes to juice up each companion's affinity meter, which can result in some pretty wild behavioral swings that you have to put some legwork into justifying from a roleplay perspective. And this compounds with the fact that the game isn't really tracking much else about who you are as a person. Your special stats are way less rigid. Nuanced faction reputation is out the window because factions themselves are sort of sidelined as a relevant mechanic outside the big four, and with the big four it's kinda all-or-nothing as to whether you're in their good books. Side quests tend to be fairly siloed in their impact, and Karma's gone. My decision to open fire on a population center, or lack thereof, feels more acknowledged in New Vegas than in 4. I guess If I were made Fallout Czar I'd probably do a tripartite system- Companion Affinity AND the New Vegas 4x4 faction reputation system AND some re-implementation of Karma, or some analogous system of tracking in which direction you break when asked to make a decision. Deontological vs. Utilitarian. Authoritarian vs Libertarian. Practical vs. Sadistic. Track everything. Break out the quadrants. Make the engine weep blood
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windtooweem · 1 year
Voltron characters when your on your period
Female at birth reader but still They/Them reader
Romantic 💘
Tw! Blood, female anatomy, cussing, Violence, yelling, talking about reproduction, pads
A/n I will be calling Pidge by she/they pronouns so please don’t get confused when I call them both. Inspired by my own period. I didn’t do Shiro because I don’t really understand his character well
I’m always taking requests for this fandom! And many others!
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As a fellow female at birth as well they understand the pain of a period
Both of you rant about how shitty periods are
If someone says “Periods aren’t That painful” She will punch them with no hesitation
Their mom taught them that
Shiro did yell at her but it was worth it
Not very good at comforting you but good at getting Hunk to make comfort foods and her cuddling you
If you get angry at someone she will calm you down but will get them back later
If you get sad over a little thing she will awkwardly comfort you 
This will get her to start a project to still be to reproduce but without having to bleed every month and without being pregnant (God knows how much we need this)
“OH TALK ABOUT PAINFUL! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE BEING IN AGONY EVERY MONTH BLEEDING WITHOUT DIEING! Did you know that a persons cramps on their period feels like a heart attack!”
☼ Keith 𐦐
This man is very uneducated about this stuff
I bet Shiro told him and I bet Shiro didn't explain correctly
When he saw your pad in the bathroom and saw the blood he thought you were dying
He is very awkward when you explain it but also gets red for the reason why you bleed
Hates seeing you in pain but doesn’t know what to do
Once you tell him what you need he goes off and gets it immediately
You have this man gripping on your finger
Still very confused about periods but gets the just
He finds it oddly attractive when you get mad about a little thing
“And that’s why we have periods. Any questions?”
You cannot tell me that this man dose not know what a period is
He is at your beck and call
This man fears you
Supports you but keeps his distance
His mom was scary on hers so he’s learned to fear a person on their period
When he found a pad in the bathroom he went to get everything that you need then kept his distance from you
When you get sad over something he comforts you but runs when your better
“Can you come here!”
“No! I’m good!”
He baby's you on your period
Will scream at you if you stand up for one second
Basically that grandma that wants you to eat more when your full
He makes sure your always comfy
Pillows, blankets, anything you need you got
When you get really angry he scoops you up in his arms
Big bear hugs
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jxcotts · 9 months
what's your honest opinion about the love interests? (both mcl and eldarya)
for example, no matter how handsome some of them are, I just can't like them (in fact, most of them are annoying to me)
ugh no yall gonna hate me forever lmao- ANYWAYS🥹
nath & nevra: they are so similar, their story, behavior so its pretty easy to love them both (i mean if they r your type lol), they can do no wrong😎 i cant really express my love for them, but yall know how much they mean to me so WHATEVER, just stan them !
armin: ahh he's such a cutie but also was very thoughtless, he did some bad shit in high school, but idk i just love him so much, best friends brother AND the gamer boyfriend trope are VERY entertaining💋
kentin: yeah well im not that okay w going from good boy to bad boy bc why???? and he was pretty rude to candy, when they were childhood friends and she did nothing wrong to him so i didnt understand it, but when he changed he was such a cutie. alternate life kentin is just ughhh THE CUTEST.
castiel: the good girl x bad boy trope is awesome, but sometimes he's an asshole, especially when he teases nath (high school), hate him for that, but his character development was cool and tbh i really REALLY like him w amber so... i have to say that she would've been the better choice, not candy. DON'T HATE ME. they were just more interesting TO ME. he and candy r lovely as friends tho <3
priya & hyun: they are cute and good friends! priya deserves everything and more <3
rayan: unpopolar opinion: hes ugly. and what the fuck. a teacher? lol.
eric: 😆 you dont want me to talk about this shithead, worst """love interest""" ever. please, you cant even call him as it lmao
lysander: well... ah please dont exile me, but hes a colorless character. the whole person is boring as hell to me.
ezarel: MAN I MISS HIM SM... hes such a silly character, im mad beemoov didnt bring him back in s2 and that nevra never talks abt him when they were like brothers. id love to see him and miiko in ep 20 (im a delulu<3).
leiftan: idk i just love his demonic side and his obsession with erika in s1🤭🤭 he's so supportive, but in s2 his story is so sad lol, he deserves better. he's not even that happy anymore-,, i love the tension between him and nevra lmaoo
valkyon: :) i love him as a friend and he def deserves so much better. i wish they could bring him back:/
uhh... help. ill be short.
the traitors: so... lance in s1 was EVERYTHING. i loved how cute he was with erika once or twice lol, but still, as the enemy its something. i just dont understand why beemoov didnt see the potential in season ONE ; the enemies to lovers trope would have been the greatest. seriously. uhm... no comment for season 2. i hate him as much as i can, lets be honest he looks like an annoying rat (SORRY) and im sorry beemoov, but i will NOT accept the enemies to lovers NOW after he killed his brother. erika had every opportunity to kill him, but ofc beemoov, keep him.
yeah about mathieu, hes as colorless as lysander, but even more.
manifesting an execution for both <3 (still a delulu😘)
if you still like me after all this, i love u:')
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simaddix · 11 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @treason-and-plot! I rarely do these but I'll indulge(:
Are you named after anyone? Yes. But we're gonna leave that alone.
When was the last time you cried? A couple of weekends ago, our favorite duck got picked up by an owl and the shithead dropped her by the pond near our house. I looked like I'd gone a full round in the ring when I was done. Nature is beautiful but can be cruel, too.
Do you have kids? Yes, we have a 7 year old boy and a 3 year old little girl. They're my world(:
Do you use sarcasm a lot? It's a large part of my personality in most cases, lol
What sports do you play/have you played? I was a swimmer, loved riding horses and had a brief stint in boxing/self defense.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their eyes. People don't realize how much they say through their eyes without speaking a word. Second is stature/handshake. A good handshake can say a lot about you, too.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings - I'm not a fan of horror. I've had horror in my life, I don't care to relive the feeling on a screen. I do like psychology, though, so I'm more inclined to watch a run on serial killers rather than a fictional story that's meant to simply scare you.
Any special talents? I have a deep joy in feeding people - my baking skills are subpar (I once made a loaf of bread that could have been used as a murder weapon, but that's another story lol) but I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. Design / I've found that I really love design and bringing something new out of the old. If I may be so bold, 3D design. I love this field and thoroughly enjoy creating aspects for digital creations that people can use to create realistic atmospheres.
Where were you born? Texas.
What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, history. Painting, 3D design, architectural design. Gardening (rudimentary at best, but it's therapeutic), caring and working with animals - especially horses. I also like nature, hiking, snowboarding (though it's been years), and wakeboarding - spending time at the lake. Also, exploring architectural sites/archives/museums.
Do you have any pets? Yes, though our situation has changed drastically over the last year. We still have our old man, Lance - who is a 9 year old shepherd mix. We lost Ellie, our hound last year of Cancer. And we had to sell the rest of our ducks as we will be moving later this year.
How Tall Are You: 5'4''
Fave subject in school? English/History.
Dream job? 3D world design.
Eye colour? Gold.
I would like to tag - @murfeelee @omedapixel @nonsimsical @modestpixels @desiree-uk @technicallyswagpizza @katsujiiccfinds @dhalsims @danjaley @bbcopperdaisy @silvakristiina (Sorry if y'all have already done one - or have zero interest!)
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selestialsprout · 6 months
hey shitheads. to make up for my recent lack of posting- im dropping some of my VLD spotify playlists. im starting with lance’s playlist!! if yall want the full experience when listening to it (if u do), dont put the playlist on shuffle & turn ur crossfade on a bit. d(>_・ ) enjoyyy
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merloksdigitaltoes · 8 months
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said lance richmond’s parents are waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with either cuthbert richmond or goldie richmond speaking one word in person in a book in the show not only will i close the tab i will delete tubi out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when they are mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate them so much. actually i do fuck them fuck the copy pasta format i am RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY
cuthbert specifically better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of those fucked up “AITA” posts and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a person with a career in acting make him kill a man cuz if they didnt Im going to make them
clip’s not even about them. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be them crushing their son’s dreams just because and I lost it
You were so passionate about this, you sent it to me twice
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takaraphoenix · 5 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers
Tagged by @blairwaldcrf ! Thank you, dear! <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
As of right now, 1214 works! Damn, I've been busy :D"
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
Currently at 9,167,371 words, slowly inching toward the 10 million mark!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh gosh, the total list is so long at this point, with various one-off kind of deals, or fandoms I've moved on from.
I am currently considering myself an active writer in these fandoms though: Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, DC Comics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sorted by kudos, my top 5 fics are:
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Marvel, Loki/Tony), with 7,945
My College Boyfriend (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 6,353
The Lion's Pride (Voltron, Shiro/Keith/Lance), with 6,163
The Ghost King of Summers High (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 5,600
Percy Jackson, Ambassador of Hades (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 4,985
Which actually looked really fucked up because yeah sure there's four super popular multi-chapter fics of mine. And then there is My College Boyfriend, which isn't just a oneshot, it is a oneshot with under 3k words. What. What.
And the, quite frankly frustrating, part here is that this oneshot only has 24 comments. Not even every 100th reader felt the need to leave a comment. That's just... so sad. Like. Genuinely, I think the kudos system broke commenting because the convenience of pressing a button beat actually expressing yourself genuinely through words and from the bottom of my heart, I find that depressing as fuck.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Every single one of them. Because comments mean something. Someone took the time to tell you, with words, that they liked your work and maybe even what they liked about it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooof, multiple contestants from back in my day when I wrote German fics for the Beyblade fandom and wrote about... darker themes. Not all fics used to have happy endings. I wrote some fics that ended in a suicide, so I guess those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Impossible to answer, because for as long as I've been active in English writing, all my fics have had happy endings. The guy gets the guy, the girl gets the girl, and they live happily ever after. The world is saved or the evil defeated, maybe there's even an epilogue of a next gen in there. That's my standard, it ends happily. So that makes it impossible to pick one that somehow ends happier than the rest. xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Right. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Funnily enough, never on the things you would assume attract hatred - the incest, the explicitly non-con stuff.
Nah, I got death threats and words that were somehow worse than death threats on my Oliver/Felicity fics in the DC fandom... a... straight canon ship... but not the canon ship from the multiverse that these vile assholes liked, so, ya know. Threaten the fans who love a ship you hate.
Also over the years, lotta nasty general homophobia for Nico/Percy in the PJO fandom - I have been writing in this fandom since 2010, and yes, there were really a lot of people especially in the earlier years who just hated the idea of making either Percy or Nico gay.
And the dumbasses who declare Jace/Alec incest and thus hate and threaten this ships fans in the Shadowhunters fandom. But still, inexplicably, like Alec. Even though, in canon, he's the one who was in love with Jace. I don't know, but if you claim the nasty, nasty incest is The Bad Thing, I think you should hate the character with the nasty, nasty incestuous feelings, instead of the fans who write perfectly tagged and filterable fics. But that's just me, I guess.
So yeah, top three of hatred I got over the years - but if you wanna read a highlight reel of bullshit hate mail I got, feel free to go and check out my Dear Anonymous Shitheads tag!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds of smut? I don't know how to answer this question, to be honest. xD
I've written oral, anal, vaginal, mlm, wlw, m/m/f, rare m/f ships but usually either she pegs or it's ABOverse and she's an alpha, I generally pepper in some flavors of BDSM into it, I've written dub-con and non-con before, bestiality, double penetrations. I have written a lot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Oh, that is absolutely going to my first ever crossover. Because my usual crossovers are, ya know, that Big Four animated movie crossover verse (Tangled/Brave/HTTYD/RotG), or "I like these two fandoms, how would A's characters fit into B's world/how would B's characters fit into A's world?" for... essentially all my fandoms, and I wouldn't call any of these crazy - because the Big Four crossover is a beast of an own fandom so it's not really "original" or far out there to write for it, and in all my other crossovers, I do pride myself on making it work, like, not just throwing characters together but fitting their backstories and special powers into how the other world works.
So the craziest one is absolutely A Hundred Times Over, which is a oneshot sequel to my first-ever English-written fic and was written as a celebration because it was my 100th fic back then.
The original fic was already a crossover between Detective Conan and PJO, so for the celebration I thought "okay so what if I throw in my current obsession - Doctor Who - and my first ever ship - Shere Khan/Bagheera?". So, yeah, this crossover between Detective Conan, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and Jungle Book has to be my craziest so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
So often. So, so, so, so often.
If you see my fics on watpad or any other platform that isn't AO3 or Fanfiction.net - and if you see them on those two but posted by an author that ISN'T Takara Phoenix - then please, let me know. Drop me a link wherever you can, I always greatly appreciate being told that my fics have been stolen so I can report that person and have it taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. All of the stealing of my fics has made me incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of my fics flowing around on other people's accounts or other websites, especially since the first like four or so stolen fics I had were translated.
Someone took my fics, translated them into Spanish and Russian, and posted them on other platforms, without ever asking my permission.
I don't want thieves to more easily slip through the cracks in between authorized repostings of my stories, so I have the blanket policy to not allow translations.
If you see my fics in other languages, tell me.
(There is one story that has been translated, but I'm not sure how far it counts, because I did the translating myself, and that's Lass Uns Etwas Dummes Tun/Looking For Something Dumb to Do. It is a PJO fic about Nico/Percy that I wrote in celebration for Germany legalizing gay marriage in 2017; I wrote it in German first, due to that, and then decided to translate it into English since I know my core-audience are English-speakers and not German-speakers.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeees!!! With my wonderful, amazing, lovely @kimmycup!!! ^-^
We've written a total of five fics together so far.
Three Shadowhunters fics: Hurting and Healing, a Magnus/Jace oneshot, Three Times the Boys Felt Left Out, a Jordan/Simon/Jace oneshot, A King By Any Other Name, a Alec/Jace oneshot.
A Vampire Academy oneshot about Mason/Christian: The Chance at a Happily Ever After.
And, our pride and joy, our 51k multichapter Shadowhunters/Vampire Academy crossover fic about Mason/Christian and Simon/Jace: Double Puppy Dare.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's such a hard question to answer for me as a multishipper.
But to be quite honest, I think I would have to go with Kaito/Shinichi from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito?
It's the ship I've been the most consistently been faithful to and that, whenever I see it, sparks joy. That has proven that even when the fandom's gone dormant for me for months or years, it can reignite into a wildfire, where other fandoms just fizzle out and disappear from my interests then.
These two get me, they've been getting me for one and a half decades now and I doubt they'll stop any time soon.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of my unfinished German fics over on Animexx. When the German Beyblade fandom started to die, I tried to cling on, but at one point... when all your favorite writers, all your friends, have moved on? And then I started reading fics in English and soon after, also writing them in English. I feel bad about it, but it's just been far too long now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Personally, I'd say world building. That's also my passion. I love creating elaborate worlds for my stories to take place in - I mean, damn, for the book series I'm writing, I developed my own language, religion and drew a map of the city it takes place in, among other things. A well-developed world is so important.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, fight scenes and action and other things that...
When a character is good at a thing that I am not good in or know a lot about?
Like, when a character is super quippy and funny, but I am not really a one-liners-person so now I have to come up with quippy one-liners to capture his personality?
Or fighting or science, when a character is an expert in a field that I know nothing about and would not understand jackshit about even if I tried because it's not my wheelhouse? Those things, I really struggle with.
Also, I hate action and fight scenes. Like. That's the parts when I check my phone usually to avoid that my eyes glaze over from boredom. So, naturally, writing these things? Not fun. Not good at it either, imo. But certain fics - or rather, certain characters too - require action and fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful if you have to use Google Translate. If you know the language? Yeah, go for it! If you have to resort to Google Translate? Maybe just write it in italics and note that it's in x language. It spares both, the native speakers who will die from second hand embarrassment, and the non-speakers who... won't understand it anyway.
But in the cases that I use foreign languages (and usually when I do, it's just... pet-names. Things you can't really fuck up that much and things that people would say in another language even in English-main-dialogues), I always put the translation right behind the sentence, because it's a special brand of obnoxious when you have to scroll ALL the way to the end of a chapter or fic to see what tf you just read, and then scroll back up again.
Hate doing that, so I won't do that to my readers.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Oh, that's Yu-Gi-Oh!, with a hurt/comfort Kaiba/Joey fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Can't answer that, it always depends on my current mood which of my babies I love the most ;P
Tagging @kimmycup and @justonemorechapternicercy and @fallenqueen2 for this fun! And anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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thessalian · 1 month
Thess vs Horizon: Forbidden West Prologue
So a few notes from various bits of prologue. I'm not in the eponymous Forbidden West yet, mostly because one of the things I'm finding is that the low-level anxiety of jumping puzzle hits a little different with the fibro. I get tense, and lemme tell you, I feel it these days. So this is going to be a long, long game. But here are the notes from the Horizon: Forbidden West prologue ... more or less spoiler-free.
Ah, stealth kills, I have missed you. And I've very, very nearly hit the first achievement for those already. Not to mention the "knocking components off" achievement. Not there yet, but ... getting there.
In checking whether I'd actually reached any achivements yet, I note that various friends have got a lot farther than me in this game. Fucking fibro.
See ... this whole deal where it guides you on what actions you need to take to climb or grapple or whatever could be seen as annoying? But I honest-to-gods need a reminder if I'm taking it this slow. So it is annoying but it's also really helpful, so thanks for that.
Some of the new designs on these beasties are lit. Still hate being forced into armed confrontation with these things. Just let me hide and shoot them from the next post code over, damnit!
What's this thing? Can I scavenge it? ...Oh. I was supposed to kill Big Beastie with this. Sorry; I prefer precision. kthxbai.
...Well, if that isn't commentary on tech 'geniuses' and their bullshit, and on corporate greed. Also, it's actually a real shame that so many of the effective antagonists of both games have been dead for so very, very long, because they are all so very, very punchable and apparently they haven't worked out hard light hologram technology so I can't literally punch that smirking shithead in the face.
Aloy, you were raised agnostic and found proof of atheism. Varl has not. Chill the fuck out. You're equipped to see things as they are; your people view everything through a religious filter. So long as they're not exiling people or some shit, why do you care if they worship an AI construct?
Aaaaaaaaaaand we're back to Meridian. Cool. Wait, what the fuck now?
So ... why didn't we double-check the Spire before we went heading off on wild goose chases?
SYLENS YOU DICKWAFFLE. (Sorry, Lance Reddick; you gave really, really good dickwaffle.)
Not sure what to make of this "workbench" mechanic. It'll probably be better when I can fast travel to places.
Please, please tell me I can dump some of the vendor trash while I'm in what passes for civilisation in Horizon-world. Please? I have been so good.
Somebody want to please explain to me why those neckbeard arseholes think Aloy's ugly? Okay, sometimes they do not get her best angle in cutscenes, but mostly she's, like ... a realistically beautiful woman. Ah, right - it's the realistically part they object to. They want doe-eyed skinny waifu. Well, they can get stuffed, because I'm already struggling with how she manages to get the less dreadlocked bits of her hair moving like a shampoo commercial when she has no shampoo. Plus, those neckbeards are not exactly looking at the cover of GQ themselves, y'know?
I'm kind of interested in how they've set up this prologue. Both HZD and HFW start us with where Aloy has been and what she's done, but I guess you can't really turn "killed an invasion of war machines" into an easy prologue the way you can "finding a focus and training for Big Event". Plus, the whole thing makes me wonder exactly how many friendly faces from home we're going to have as companions. I mean, I know two - hell, even if I hadn't seen both in trailers, one I've already had as a companion, and when you get that many Oseram scattered around the place, you know who's going to show up in Horizon-world eventually.
No, seriously, let me offload vendor trash I HAVE BEEN SO GOOD.
So I stopped in and around Meridian before having to tell everybody, "Hey, I'm going to the place named in the title of this game because that guy you told me to look for is a dickwaffle but he could conceivably be a helpful dickwaffle if I help him with the problem he willingly dove into head-first by ... well, being a dickwaffle". I am at least supposed to be finding a workbench and hopefully someone I can throw vendor trash at, but I more or less stopped there because I do have some shit to do today. Not much shit right away - I mean, I do have D&D later this evening and we're still running a little earlier than usual because of Daylight Savings being weird this year, but that's still way later - but some shit. Specifically I need to go out for ground cardamom. Look, I need it to make apple pie spice, and all of my cardamom is in pods. Kind of wish that the recipes for apple pie spice I have looked up specified what colour cardamom needs grinding. I guess I'll just hope I get it right. I need this because I'm baking apple bread. I got buttermilk and everything! Also I want to make more apple turnovers and the homemade filling with only cinnamon ... well, it needs something. Maybe apple pie spice instead of just cinnamon is that something. Anyway, also means I need apples. So that means a shopping trip. So I guess I'd best prep for that.
And then home and more video games. Not sure if I'm going to do my shopping / crafting in HFW or if I'm going to go back to the Shadow-Cursed Lands in BG3 so that I can earn a whole lot of easy approval with Astarion and Lae'zel by making big lumpy bag of poison explode. I'll think about it as I do errands, I guess.
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In all the love songs Keith has heard (and he’s heard many, both his Pa and Shiro were big ballad fans), he’s always heard laughter described as angelic.
That’s how it is. Over and over again. When you fall in love with someone, when cupid’s arrow strikes, their laughter will be like musical bells, like windchimes, melodic and beautiful and entrancing, and you will never want to hear anything else.
Lance sounds like a hyena on crack when he laughs.
Keith is obsessed with it.
The love ballads got one half of it right, he supposes. He does shut the fuck up and listen when Lance laughs. It is like the only sound he can hear.
It’s just not…musical.
“Your sighs get any dreamier and he’s going to hear you,” Shiro says idly, colouring his nails with Sharpie.
Keith drops his chin from his hands, turning away from where he was watching Lance laugh with Hunk and Allura and scowling at his asshole brother. “He is not.”
Shiro snickers, not even bothering to look up. Keith wonders if it’s morally acceptable to smack the shit out of someone with only one arm, or if Shiro will call foul and convince everyone that Keith is somehow the asshole here.
“Is so. You’re so besotted that even I’m embarrassed for you, and I usually just laugh when you’re being humiliating.”
Keith decides that the potential reputation tarnishing is worth it.
“Ow!” Shiro cries, clutching his flesh arm with way more drama than necessary. “My arm!” He glances over at the scattered stares he receives, from various uniformed officers, and pitches his voice louder to get more attention. “My only remaining human arm!”
“Keith, stop trying to kill your brother,” Coran admonishes. “He’s sensitive.”
Shiro shoots him the tiniest smirk before returning to his fake pout. Keith’s jaw drops in indignation. “Wh — he antagonized me — it’s not my — Coran!”
Coran only raises his eyebrows. “Is there a problem, Number Three, or shall I get your mother involved?”
Pidge makes an obnoxious oooooooooh sound, wiggling her eyebrows at him, because she and Shiro are the worst, actually, and for good measure Coran is too.
“I hate this family,” Keith mutters, sinking into his seat. “All of you suck.”
“Okay, emo boy,” Shiro says patronizingly.
Unfortunately, Iverson walks in and starts the Atlas briefing before Keith can smack him again. He settles for glaring at his dumbass brother, who sticks his tongue out at him like the toddler he is, and then vows to pay attention to the meeting. He is the black paladin, after all.
He lasts four whole minutes.
It’s not his fault. If anything it’s Iverson’s fault. The meeting is boring as hell, and a quick glance around the meeting table shows that the only person paying attention is the note-taking robot Pidge made, and that doesn’t even count ‘cause it’s a robot. Several senior officers are outright sleeping. The MFE pilots are quietly passing around a game of dots. Hunk has blatantly pulled out an engineering project of his and is working on it in full and total view of Iverson (he still hates the man for what he did to Lance when they were cadets, claiming that since Lance has forgiven him, someone needs to hold a grudge). Pidge and Matt seem to be communicating in Morse code. Allura is directing her mice in some kind of acrobatic performance, and Coran is helping her. Shiro is trying to see how many spitballs he can land on Iverson’s blind side before he notices (he’s riding the line with 34). Lance is staring at Keith.
Lance is staring at Keith?
He startles when he meets Lance’s brown eyes, but Lance only smiles, wiggling his fingers in a little wave. Keith tilts his head in confusion, trying to wordlessly ask Lance why he’s staring, and also manage to keep his rapidly creeping blush under control.
(He likes it when Lance stares at him).
Lance squeezes his eyes shut instead of answering, and a moment later Keith feels a prodding in the back of his mind; a familiar presence, hot and fiery and all-encompassing.
He lets her in, lets her familiar feeling envelop his mind. She struts primly in his mindscape, nosing at Black as if to say I was here first, so just remember who’s boss.
Black lets her prance around with fond amusement.
Before Keith can ask her why she’s pushed her way through — not that he minds, he’s happy to have her, but she hasn’t felt the need to visit him in a while so he’s curious — he feels another presence almost knock on his subconscious, request access to his mindscape.
Red has…brought someone else?
Can she do that?
Red looks at him flatly, like his doubt is a personal offence. Before she can start admonishing him, the presence pushes again; not urgent, but insistent, almost as if someone is knocking on the door of Keith’s mind and doesn’t want to be ignored.
Beyond curious, Keith lets them in.
The second Keith opens his mental door, it’s like they rush in, flowing in like the white rapids of a river, strong and fast and excited, cool and bubbly. There’s so much of them that it takes Keith a good couple of minutes to conceptualise just who exactly has followed Red into Keith’s mind. The rushing water takes shape into a person; tall, gangly, broad-shoulders with a mop of curly brown hair and bright brown eyes, freckles spotted over their nose and grin wide and sparking.
Keith gapes.
“Is everything alright, Kogane?”
Keith blinks open his eyes to find the entire meeting table staring at him, expressions ranging from confused to knowing to outright teasing. He realises all of a sudden that he’s spoken aloud, and not only spoken but called Lance’s name out, loudly, for seemingly no reason, in the middle of a crowded meeting.
His face flames.
“All is well,” he chokes out. “Please carry on.”
Iverson narrows his eyes at him for a moment, but eventually shakes himself and continues. Keith stays bright red for several minutes, staring pointedly down at the table, ignoring the various sniggers he can hear with every ounce of his effort. Unfortunately, some of the teasing laughter is inside his actual literal brain, what the fresh fuck, so it’s a fruitless endeavour.
Are you still freaking out? the Lance inside his head (???) asks.
What in the gall brained fuck is going on, Keith thinks back at it, looking at Real Lance in a decent mix of panic, confusion, and the actual phonetic sound that an exclamation point mixed with a question mark makes in your brain. Real Lance has his eyes closed, brows creased in concentration, and the tiniest of smirks pulling up at his lips.
Close your eyes and meditate, doofus, Mind Lance tells him. I’m using a lot of energy right now so I don’t have the space to try and reign you up here.
Despite the fact that Keith is so confused that a thousand professors could not explain his current situation to him in any way that makes sense, he listens, closing his eyes tightly and visualizing his physical bond with Black, like he does when he flies. It helps him sink into the semi-astral plane of existence, usually so he can meld with his lion and the rest of the team when they’re forming Voltron, but whenever he’s trying to reach his own mindscape, too. He’s still aware of his physical body, he’s not quite projected out of it, but he’s not wholly in it, either. Most of his essence is focused on seeing as his mind sees, without the constraints of the physical plane.
“Took you long enough,” Lance huffs.
“What the fuck,” Keith responds.
He packs quite a lot of questions into that what the fuck, he thinks. Like ‘what the fuck are you doing here’, for starters. Or ‘what the fuck just happened with the water and Red and everything else’, if he wants to be specific. Or, if he really just wants to cover everything, ‘what the fuck is happening’ might just do it.
“Your internal monologue fascinates me,” Lance informs him.
Keith flushes. (Does he flush in his mindscape? Does he have the blood and physical body necessary in order to flush? Or is he just embarrassed, so his perception of himself is blushing because that’s the only way he knows how to conception use the feeling? God, Voltron magic shit is so weird. Keith lowkey misses mapping energies alone in the desert and wondering if he was delusional.)
“Stop hearing my internal monologue,” he orders.
Lance pouts. “You’re no fun. I want to hear all the juicy gossip you think about me because you’re too emotionally stunted to say it.”
Lance is only joking, Keith knows he is. He’s leaned forward slightly, like he always does when he’s teasing, and his smile is close-mouthed, unserious.
But Keith of course panics anyway.
A million snapshots of Lance flash through his mind — Lance laughing, head thrown back, barely holding himself up; Lance dancing around the briefing room at two in the morning as he plans a mission; Lance with his tongue stuck out of his mouth, concentrating hard on tiny knitting needles and tiny little mouse-sweaters; Lance with tears shining in his eyes, glancing at a projection of Earth, long before they finally made it home; Lance dirty and hurt, cradled to his chest as Keith runs him too a pod after Sendak. A thousand moments of Lance when Keith was fondest of him, when just looking at him made the ballads Keith grew up with play in his head.
He hurries to shove the memories in an obscure corner of his head and prays that Lance doesn’t see them.
“Can you actually hear my thoughts,” Keith asks, a little desperately.
Lance waves a dismissive hand. “Nah. I get emotional impressions, but that’s about it. I can’t even see anything in here expect you and Red, basically. And Black. Hi, Black!” He waves excitedly to the lion, who sits regally in the dead centre of Keith’s mindscape. She turns to the red paladin in amusement, nodding her head once. Lance beams.
Keith feels a rush of fondness for him so potent it makes his heart hurt, a little.
“Woah,” Lance says, looking at him a little wide-eyed. “I felt that, Willie Nelson. Holy softie.”
“How and why are you here,” Keith says, blatantly changing the subject and not giving even one single shit about being subtle about it. Lance is looking at him too closely.
Luckily, Lance indulges him, or is too excited about being here in general to resist talking about it.
“Isn’t it so cool?” he gushes. “I’ve been working on it with Red for ages! I figured since we all have that emotional bond with each other and the lions during Voltron, and we keep our lion bonds outside of Voltron, we should be able to communicate with each other outside of Voltron, too. Red wasn’t sure if it was possible but she helped me try, and I figured I’d try with you first because it would be the easiest, since we’re so close and all. And you’re more likely to let me in your head.”
He says it so matter-of-factly. Like it’s obvious that they are so close, and that Keith loves him so much that he wouldn’t mind Lance in his head, not really.
The worst part is that he’s right.
With anyone else, this would feel like an invasion of space. Keith would be defensive immediately, angry even, throwing them right the hell out of his head and yelling at them as he does it.
But with Lance?
He’s a little shocked, sure. And worried, that Lance is going to see all the parts of him that Keith isn’t ready yet to show him; the parts that he doesn’t yet know how to say, how to show. The parts of Keith that soften every time Lance smiles at him, the parts that light up with gleeful competition whenever Lance eggs him on, the parts that chafe and ache but smooth over when Lance sits with him quietly when he’s hurting.
Keith knows that Lance knows that he loves him. He doesn’t exactly hide it. He’s not sure he would, even if he could.
But he’s not ready to tell him. Not yet.
He takes a deep breath. (Or whatever the mindscape equivalent is).
He knows Lance won’t go looking.
“And you decided to pull this telepathy shit in the middle of a random meeting?” Keith teases, allowing some of the worry to slip away.
This is, after all, cool as shit, even if it’s weird.
“It’s not an important meeting!” Lance defends. “It’s boring, and I needed entertainment! Besides, Pidge’s bot will give us all the notes anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah. Slacker. Some right hand man you are.”
Keith spends the rest of the dead-boring meeting teasing and chatting with Lance in his mindscape, which is great because he both gets to mess with Lance, which is always a net positive, because he has the upper hand in his own head, and because he gets to look like he’s paying attention in the meeting and actually be completely checked out.
“Oh, hey, I think the meeting’s ending,” Lance says. “I can hear Iverson winding down a bit.”
“Time to get out of my head then, you squatter?”
Lance rolls his eyes, waving to Red to get her attention. She stalks over, nosing him in the head like a mother cat to her kitten. Lance bats her away. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll head out. But only because I’m not practiced enough at this thing, so if I stay in your head it’ll look like I’m frozen or something. Once I figure out how to look normal and still beam my thoughts into your head, you’re never going to be without me even once in your life.”
Lance is teasing again. Keith can tell. But still, he’s totally helpless to stop what comes out next.
“I’d be okay with that.”
He sounds so besotted he wants to smack himself. But before he can even have the space to be embarrassed, he feels a wave of emotions that aren’t his — Lance’s, from the other end of their connection, a mix of embarrassment and selfish pleasure so thick that Keith can feel it even though they’re in Keith’s mindscape.
His jaw drops.
Lance wants Keith’s undivided attention. He’s preening over it.
“I gotta go,” Lance says hastily. “Uh, meeting ending and everything.”
Before Keith can so much as stop him, he feels the same strange feeling as before, the cool, rushing water of a river, only this time it’s flowing out of of his head rather than into it. Lance has retreated hastily from his mindscape, and Red follows, much slower and much more smug, visibly laughing at her paladin.
When Keith opens his eyes again, Lance is bright red, and won’t meet his eyes.
Keith smiles. Maybe he’s not the only one who’s not quite ready to spill his guts.
part two
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omnipointmuses · 5 months
[Anna]: I require assistance
[Drean]: middle of badguy thrashing what's up?
[Anna]: I forgot that you had some demi-dragon food in the fridge and long story short I am now trapped in the doorway of our bedroom
[Drean]: right you "forgot" can't you just light-phase through it? fucking crimson lance shitheads are rolling out the big guns, I think it's gonna be some time before I can ky jelly your ass outta there
[Anna]: I could, but I find the idea of your hands firmly gripping my backside and lovehandles as you work to free my ever expanding hips much more attractive~
[Drean]: ...omw home, need me to pickup some takeout?
[Anna]: ...Very much so.
[Drean]: HA fatass~
[Anna]: >:o Rude!!!
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
Playing ANE what a joy, ep 6 p1
We start with Nevra finishing his report. Erika mentions that everyone is here, except Leiftan who has a high fever. She also notices that Nevra is spiteful about , and that everyone ignores his remarks because "the don't want to rile him up". Someone could put him in his place, because IMHO high fever is a good excuse to skip on report of organization you are not part of.
Look, I always praise background and sprites but:
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...they should be drawn in same scale. Jamon is on a mission, will it be explained what is this mission, or it's just another detail just to dry my of my maana?
FUKING familiar. Erika mentions how she missed it. Well, I didn't, the blasted shithead already costed me 12 maana. that's 4 wigs I have to put on market!!!
HH speaks that all anomalies for sure (?) mean that Earth and Eldarya are merge. Erika thinks about Blue Sacrifice, how it would lose a meaning.
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...and dragonkins, slayed by faeries. And aengels, who agreed to be sacrified. And those aengels killed by their brothers. And daemons killed by other faeries. But sure, let's mention only dragons, because Lance is here, and it is his time to shine in this episode. Instead of wasting 12 maana on my familiar, let's explain properly what BS really was for new players.
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And there are more and more portals opening everywhere.
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Could be just google translation, but my question is: cannot or should not? Because there might be a bunch of humans toddlers somewhere in Eldarya right now... and the mere thought is scary. I know, I KNOW. They do not hurt little girls in Eldarya.
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Thank you, Huang Chu for answering my question. Ewelein and Zifu are tense, they look for HH reaction and whole atmosphere is weird, like HH was hiding things from Light Guard. Huang Chu treats Mathieu like shite, refusing to explain him how unstable portals would harm anyone trying to use them. She is not a flawless person, but still, at least she is SOMETHING. Ewelein tho… is just an empty, pretty shell of herself. Love doesn't suit her.
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I am sure she is much better. Her illusions only caused chaos during battle and costed life of innocent Edgar, why should she be concerned? Nasty mumpsimus.
They discuss how portals are still not studied enough, and while I do not enjoy this part, it's not particularly bad.
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Or is he afraid that his cover would be destroyed? Nice detail. They discuss the fate of plp who could land near Vampires' lands or in Genkaku. Hints that not everything is so sweet in Eldarya, Erika. Think about it.
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But wait, they mentioned that people are well loved nowadays, thanks to Erika? What is the truth??? TBH, I like this ^ version better, it's realistic that centuries of prejudice won't be easily forgotten.
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WRONG. It happened, and ended badly for all people who were teleported into Genkaku. They all died. You have been just told. You don't know if similar tragedy didn't or won't happen in Grand Yamisse Mines or Sleepy Forest (yup, those places were mentioned in TO).
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Tell her, Nevra! It's not like she was thrown to prison just for being a human! Or like she talked to Ezarel about his people trying to harm Anne-Marie. Or...
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We are at episode 17 and I start to think there won't be right time for those things in ANE. Perhaps the message will be "let's love and live peacefully", and Erika will die to make faeries and humans accept each other but... Once again it seems to me that "love" for humans from first episodes of ANE was a myth, and that even in Eel some faeries would gladly throw us into jail.
AND OMG, Ewelen can talk. Erika made good point:
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Is it because I use google translation? Because while she calls herself the last of the aengels, and how she is not connected to Edgar or any human... here, she embrace her human part pretty clearly. Bad writing or google translator?
Chrome is still afraid, and while I agree with him- people on Eldarya will be a dangerous thing, I cannot help but repeat my doubts: are faeries super advanced in everything or are they weak and cannot defeat an army of people? can't be both, Beemoov, make up your mind. Confuuuused.
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Do I, Erika know? A girl who was sheltered, pampered and couldn't fight? Who was shocked at mere mention of battles, fights, weapons, prison or murder? Who has seen her first death during Yvoni mission? Chrome, you are making no sense. So far it's faeries who hurt me more. Suddenly our, humans' weapons are deadly, while magic of faeries is nothing. Sure, Lance, Leiftan or even kitsunes magic means nothing. Chrome speaks about bloody history of humans wars. Well, the genocide of dragonkin and aengels sounds peaceful. Death of whole Kappa tribe was peaceful. Damn, you are sitting next to person who was planning to destroy whole world, but sure, it's only humans who we should be afraid of. But ofc Erika speaks nothing of it. Words are source of misunderstanding, right? /s.
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Uh, yes. Lance, perhaps you should talk to Huang Chu, she has nice words how even leaders can err. One thing is interesting and puts Guards and how other faeries treat them in different light:
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... yes and no, Nevra. Opening portals can be crucial if something goes really wrong on Eldarya. In my story after Oracle's death faeries are preparing to be boarded back to Earth in case their world will collapse. Everything is better than staying on dying lands. And both HH and Ewelein (SHE SPEAKS!!!) have similar idea.
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We can encourage Light Guards to question us about Earth, it can boost our LoM with Zifu and HH. Sorry Zifu. I stay quiet and let Mathieu do the honors.
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... This was what I was forced to say in this game. And this is how I felt in real life:
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Erika is gushing how HH is the best, while what she did was just minimum. They want to open portals to evacuate/study them- ask Absinth to gather ingredients. They are preparing for ambush- Obsidian is told to be ready. Shadow is... suposed to do something. It's not a plan no Sun Zi level, but Erika is easily impressed.
BTW it's been 200 maana or smth, and there is no mention of my LI. Stay classy, Beemoov. I wonder will you add Erik to next Valentine Event. I know you wont, you cheap company.
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She might expect you to live a v short life tho, Erika, and what will you do with this? This is the end of our grande pow-wow, all but Nevra leave for the hall.
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... and thanks to your insubordination innocent man was killed. I am glad you are not mourning him too deeply, Koori. Would be terrible if you felt a bit guilty, you know. White animu princess can do no wrong.
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Wait, they just came back? I thought it's like another day, but no, it seems they just got back and Koori is so relaxed and not feeling guilty at all. Thanks to her wild illusion and those damned magical stones everyone could be dead. Erika was almost trapped in illussions (it was Edgar who helped her snapped of it). Mathieu was almost killed. And not one word? Writer, what the hell, what the hell?
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Sure, you can act this way if it comes to your life and death and it makes you reckless at worst. However, we are (or should be) talking about death of someone else, and that makes you heartless. That's not a cute look, Beemoov. But we are now focusing on that "surprise" that Koori is planning, and Erika cannot thing about anything but this, so I guess this is it, we won't be fussing over Edgar's death much. At least Erika admits that the mission wasn't a triumph.
+4 maana for that fuking familiar. Please tell me that Lance will stomp on it at the end of ANE. He is soooo good with animals.
We search for Ophelia, find her in Adalric's company. I must say that her head is too big, but design is pretty, will def headcanon my OC and Leif's older child looking like her.
Ophelia SPEAKS. But it doesnt change a thing, she merely repeats what everyone knows/feels. That the doom is coming. The Oracle has spoken, the world will change and we cannot help it. But it will depend on us, because why not, extra maana, doesnt have to make sense, sounds deep.
+6 maana wasted on familiar.
Adarlic admits that Ophelia is a reincarnation of the Oracle. No one is surprised, right? Why didn't Ewelein nor HH tell that to Erika at the begining? Who knows, not me.
Aldaric repeats same message in many sentences, but this is not troubling. It fits his character. It works. The problem appears when other characters act this way (Erika hem hem).
+4 maana spent on familiar. This is pretty annoying. To make myself feel better I go to watch Leiftan's statue. I wonder if they sculpted, you know. DETAILS.
Horny Erika attacks. Honestly, what would you do if you met your boss kissing their spouse? I would either go back to room and wait, or make some noise, apologise and go my way. Would you wait and WATCH like horny peeper? Well, that's Erika for you.
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@heyseihai this is this romance you were talking about.
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I do hope that Leiftan is still having fever. I do not play this game to read how Erika gets excited by seeing people make love to each other.
We have been discovered, and by their reaction I feel that HH and Ewelein weren't just kissing. They were having a quickie in the middle of common corridor, right? While Erika was observing them.
Erika wonders who is most embarrassed. Erika, it's me. It is me, reading that scene.
Ewelein is rather shy about it, while HH seems smug. We finally part and Erika goes to bed.
+8 maanas for a pet. Still better than reading how Erika stalks her friends' sex life.
She goes for a shower... and I will leave her there.
Until next time!
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 years
twd 11x17: my take
alright, you've been warned. WELCOME BACK PEOPLE!!! i am so happy to be doing this again, it's been a long wait for 11c but it's finally here. i cannot begin to explain how excited this release has made me, and i'm really excited to just enjoy these final eight episodes.
i got a solid 30 seconds into the episode and i was already bawling. it might just be finally getting a new episode, but hearing judith's voice and seeing the flashbacks made it all really reminiscent. this really is the end.
"we're here to take out shithead and the dickless brigade" MAN I LOVE NEGAN god so excited for all his lines.
aaron and gabe's friendship is so refreshing, i love watching them interact with each other, it's such an interesting dynamic.
gabriel talking about how hope is almost lost is just, character development. i love the contrast between his religious spew when he was introduced, and now how he keeps mention his hope being gone and lost.
man i love negan back in the whisperer mask he's an icon, plus he looks so badass i can't even. OH MYGOD HES GOT DARYL WITH HIM ICONIC DUO ICONIC
GET SHOT LANCE YOU MF. i love how lance has his tiny little gun hes such a coward.
"that's my job" "yet i was sent here anyways" NEGAN KNOWS HIS PLACE MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN WOOOOO
"aunt carol" sobbing so hard
i love the gracie and judith dynamic. judith acts so grown up and is talking to carol close, but gracies making innocent remarks from the table, nice contrast. sad how grown up jude has to act though.
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(love this frame)
"what are you doing here man" "well im here to save your asses" will never have enough of negan istg.
"its time to play the quiet game" "we're just gonna have a little adventure today" shes protecting the kids so hard istg i expected jerry to be playing family man but ill take carol any day
pffft carol looked so disappointed in negan when he told her he got married
GLENN GLENN GLENN "glenn would've wanted me to look after you" "you don't ever have to say sorry, not to me" crying so hard i love daryl. you can just TELL glenn's death lingers on his mind constantly and that he still blames himself. the man deserves some peace.
sewers in this show give me carl flashbacks this is traumatic. literally borderline crying this was on purpose i swear.
"do you know who i am" fuCK OFF SEBASTIAN ISTG "do you know who I am" FUCKING TELL HIMMMMM
"well this one here, she's a goddamn magician, i have seen her pull little bunnies right out of her ass with my very own two eyes" i don't rlly have anything to say about this one i just love negan's lines.
jaw on the floor that sucker just got ripped in half, worse than that whisperer chicks death i reckon.
pamela did not just disrespect my girl carol like that. bitch tf.
oh oh oh oh it's like that one 3 spidermen meme template
overall, solid episode. negan carried imo.
noticed some changes to the intro which i don't have anything to say about but thought they were cool.
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that's about it from me ! i'll be back when i watch the next episode
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miamierre · 1 year
OKAY so 17, 38, 56, 59 for lancierre now ;)
gjklsdgjdklsgjs queen of egging me on
17. Who’s more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
i think it's pierre here!!!! mostly bc i feel like of the two of them, he's absolutely the more romantic one. plus he LOVES making lance flustered and this always, always works. lance gets red in the face and stammers a little about it and pierre is just. catlike grinning at him like oh, i did this? yes, shithead, you did.
lance does this every once in a while though. again, just to get pierre off his game. sometimes pierre will even squeak a little out of shock and that is a Top Five Noise to lance.
pierre is the freak and lance is vanilla. at least, To Me. they're pretty vanilla in general abt sex mostly bc it's usually not meaningful and romantic™ but sometimes pierre wants it to hurt! and sometimes he wants to manhandle lance. lance is cool with just about everything pierre throws at him tbh. there's not much he'll say no to!
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
59. Who tops? Who bottoms?
um. i think arguing is their big thing? mostly bc they're both stupid and hotheaded in their own ways and it just clashes every single time, escalating until they HAVE to fuck about it.
also. in that sugar daddy au. i think pierre will show up at lance's office and play dumb/flirt with him in front of his employees and THAT gets both pierre (bc their kind-of-secret relationship) AND lance (bc getting to use his work power™ over pierre) off.
truly i think they switch. it depends on who wins when they wrestle? and/or whoever is angrier when they hook up. and like. i cant really extrapolate what it would be like in an actual, not-FWB relationship but i imagine it would be similar?
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