#lgbt communit
So I was raised in a non-reform, pretty strict community, meaning that homophobia is very much present. (My dad freely uses the f slur in the community and the rabbi has said he would hesitate to let LGBT folk into services.) I would like help on reconciling my lesbian identity with my Jewish one, since the way I've been raised the two don't really seem to mesh. Thank you.
I was raised in a Chassidic Orthodox community, and so I feel your pain and conflict. It's a really hard journey, and ultimately it's yours alone. For me, I reconciled my trans and bi identity (originally I identified as lesbian, too) with learning about non-cis heteronormative figures in the Tanakh and in Jewish history. I read Jewish homoerotic poetry from the middle ages, and I connected with other LGBTQ+ people with similar backgrounds to mine.
I highly suggest connecting with Jewish Queer Youth (JQY), an organization advocating for community and acceptance for LGBTQ+ youth and parents in Orthodox, Chassidic, and more observant communities.
Another great organization is Eshel, which works on creating inclusion for LGBTQ+ people within Orthodox communities, and also has resources with Halakhic values on including LGBTQ+ people.
Yet another organization is Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network (SMQN) which focuses on creating acceptence and pride for LGBTQ+ people within Sephardi and Mizrachi communities.
Finally, there's also Keshet, which works on fostering equality and community for all LGBTQ+ Jews.
JQY and Eshel are tailored specifically for LGBTQ+ people from Orthodox, Chassidic, Chareidi, and other more socially conservative and observant communites, and there are so many resources they have that you can use. They have Zoom session, in-person meet-ups for some cities, and places to ask questions and talk with other LGBTQ+ people, Rabbis, and mental health professionals.
I am sending so many solidarity hugs your way, I know it can be so difficult trying to reconcile two seemingly opposing identities, and I wish you so so much luck and love on your journey.
May this new year bring you love, acceptence, and community, my friend. Shana Tova U'Metukah.
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nerdygaymormon · 7 months
Do you know anything about the church's history on Asexuality and/or Aromantisism? I've found that because I don't experience same-sex attraction I don't have the same struggles those who are Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Pan, and other of similar orientations. However, at the same time, marriage is something that the church regards highly, even society in many cases, and whenever the topic comes up I feel like I'm being pressured into doing something I will ultimately be unhappy with.
It feels odd because while my actions won't end up going against the church, there are also the times where it feels like it does because I'm expected to be married and to have children when I know it would make me unhappy.
Sorry if this is a little rambly, I've been struggling with how to word these thoughts for a while.
The history of the church in regards to asexuality and/or aromanticism is there is no history. I don't believe the church or its top leaders have ever acknowledged ace/aro members exist.
Occasionally statements are made in General Conference that God gave all people romantic/sexual desires, which reflects the lack of awareness of ace/aro members who may be hearing the talk.
Of course ace/aro people have always been members of the church throughout its history. We have ace & aro members who are part of our queerstake on Tumblr.
It is only very recent that the church acknowledged any sexual or gender minority other than homosexual.
The church used to conflate all queer people as being homosexual. Leaders have suggested that wearing the clothes for the wrong gender may cause someone to become gay, and also saying that having gender confusion is why someone would be attracted to the wrong gender.
In 1980, the General Handbook of Instructions introduced prohibitions on “transsexual operations,” mandating that “members who have undergone transsexual operations must be excommunicated.” While this may seem directed at trans members, the LDS Church seems to have made this rule as part of its effort to emphasize there differences of gender performance and behavior, which the church was concerned about because of homosexuals.
I'm not sure when the Church leadership became aware that being trans is different from being gay. The 1995 Family Proclamation has a statement about gender being eternal, but I don't know that they included this in regards to transgender folks. I think it was part of an attempt to say gender roles are important and eternal, which means gay couples can't be eternal because they aren't being true to their gender roles.
In 2015, Elder Oaks said, "while we have been acquainted with lesbians and homosexuals for some time, being acquainted with the unique problems of a transgender situation is something we have not had so much experience with, and we have some unfinished business in teaching on that."
In 2019, Elder Oaks clarified that the "gender" in the Family Proclamation means "biological sex at birth." This is 24 years after the proclamation was issued
In 2020, the Church issued a new Handbook with new policies specifically about trans members. Not only is there punishment for transitional surgeries, but even “social transitioning” would be grounds for membership restrictions
So the church addressing transgender people is very recent.
The 2020 General Handbook included a section on individuals born intersex. Prior to this, the LDS Church had no publicly available policy or statements on intersex persons.
In a 2019 BYU devotional, President Nelson used the term LGBT, and the words lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, which if I remember correctly is the first time one of the Q15 used these words in public.
I have not heard them go beyond these letters in public, although when I met privately with Elder Renlund in Sept 2023 he adds the Q at the end of "LGBTQ."
It's embarrassing how slowly the church is moving on queer topics and in acknowledging the entirety of the queer community. There is progress and I believe they'll eventually get to the "A" in LGBTQIA+, and then hopefully they can get to the "+"
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waywardsou2 · 3 months
New master post because the old one is broken
About me!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Wayward (not irl obviously. Though I wish) Just some basic information *ahem* I'm transmasc, androgenous (masc leaning), omniflux (but mostly mlm). Kinda complicated, yeah, but aren't we all. My pronouns are He/Him (main) Xe/Xir (trialing neos) They/Them (for my more 'who cares about gender' mood). I haven an extensive list here 👉: Pronoun card.
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Other random info about me :) I'm an aspiring author (my ao3 here 👈) and self-taught artist.
I have an TMNT AU I'm currently writing/designing. Find that here 👈
I'm also a Punk (in clothing and in ideologies and less so in music. yk just deal with it, it's the spirit that counts)
I'm also a monster fucker -I mean what? Who said that?
My beliefs are centered in Nordic Witchcraft, so no hate or I will bring down the might of Thor on your head. You've been warned. But if you are gonna play nice you can find me here 👈.
I'm quite odd so if that bothers you then don't stick around. I'm never in the mood to fight so don't even try it. Oh also, I'm an undiagnosed neurodivergent (probably autistic) and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Although I'm pretty good now-a-days.
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This blog is mainly for my shit posting, doom scrolling, fandom shenanigans, hyper fixations and it's my main. Everything else I do branches off into its own blog. Kinda like blog children. Bloglins you could even call them. (I'm coining that term. Mine now) My current hyper fixations are TMNT and HTTYD.
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I LOVE GETTING ASKS. I have a few ask games I'm happy to do so I'll link them 👈. I usually answer within a day or two so please send them in. They are so much fun and I love interacting with communites . My DM's are also open if you just wanna chat in general or have any questions you want to ask not publically (for reasons).
If you are an alter/non human follow me here
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As I'm sure most of you can relate to this I really dont see why I need to say it but it's the internet so you can never be too careful. But I'm really attached to a lot of fictional characters from many franchises and if I ever post about them please be nice. Even if you dont like them or the potential discourse around them. Just be decent ok? They can be found here 👈
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Now that I've told you about me there are some ground rules to go over for my corner of the internet.
No harassment, bullying, discourse or anything of that nature belongs here. This is a Peaceful blog alright? I dont want none of that shit 🫵
No terfs, no homophobes, no transphobes, no zoophiles, no pedofiles (you are not MAPS ok, fuck off), no incest shippers, no anti-lgbt of any kind, no bigots, no conservative Christians, no religion haters (there is a balance), or anti-alter humanity of any kind. I think you get the idea but if I get even a hint that any of you people are lurking you will get tossed out like the trash you are. IMMIDEITLEY 🖕
No dark jokes or snides at mental health, it's tough shit and people dont need any more negativity to deal with. I will fucking report you if you ever do anything of the sort on my blog.
And finally no drama or discourse. seriously no one has the time or energy for that esspecially me. Just dont ok? 👎
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I have a few personal tags and may add more when need arises but if your looking for something in particular you may find them with these tags
#wayward rants
# wayward rambles
#wayward asks
#wayward rambles
# helpful reblogs
# waywards wallflower AU
#waywards art
@neonleons-posts @small-spiderpunkboy @fireflysquidsoup @ghosts-in-the-outfield @promiscuousbarnes @waywardsarah @corrupt-touch @dissapointedcreeper @regulusblackisamermaid
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I have another Master Post type post so anything that isn't here will be there. It's kinda like a less detailed pt 2 to this post. You can find that here 👈. And if for some reason you want to see the old Master Post, I am gonna keep it up so you can find that here 👈
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That's all for now folks hope you have fun whilst visiting my blog.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
You know about the whole queer discourse about whatever it is a slur or not, I stumble upon a post that is so very anti that term and the OP is basically insulting everyone who are okay with the queer term and telling others to not use it. Calling people 'homophobe' and 'waste of air' for using the queer label etc etc
I tried to be compassionate and understand their perspective and I said that I feel sorry they have bad experiences with the label but one's personal experience cannot be applied to others who are okay with that term and hence why the backlash on the notes
I also said that if someone doesn't want to be called queer then it should be respected and if someone okay with it then that should be respected as well, don't let this debate tear the community apart and trust me I think this whole intense debate and drama about the queer term are mostly only happen on internet
I'm not saying the internet doesn't affect the world outside of internet, but the discourse and drama wouldn't be this intense outside of net
What did I got? Blocked and...
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Some people need to log off from internet for a bit so their world wouldn't revolve around Tumblr discourse 24/7. I'm not angry or anything just a bit baffled? Also I'm literally gayer than the rainbow itself lmao
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lonelyassassin96 · 2 years
Just your daily reminder that LGBT communitities and spaces are actively hostile to people who want to diddle kids and animals.
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thestingerblog · 2 years
Taika Waititi and the LGBT Audience
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Read this conversation on our site
The Stinger Conversation is a series in which the co-creators of the site (Sam and Aero) discuss a series of topics that are often the center of internet discourse. This conversation has been edited to be more concise.
Sam: Our first topic for this series is Taika Waititi and his relationship with his queer audience. So, a little bit of background: Taika Waititi is a filmmaker who was born in New Zealand. He has made a lot of films, and the most notable one is Thor Ragnarok, which is the one that brought him to fame around 2016. And since then, he has been involved in a bunch of different projects, such as the show Our Flag Means Death. He also created a project called What We Do in the Shadows, which was a movie that was released in 2014. In 2019, a spin-off show was created and named the same as the movie. This show is currently airing. Because of this, Our Flag Means Death, and Thor Love and Thunder, Taika has gotten very popular with the queer audience because of the fact that the two shows I mentioned have a lot of queer characters. He also made claims that there was a lot of LGBT content in Thor Love and Thunder.
Before we start really digging into it, I just want to clarify that we’re not trying to cancel him. Our purpose is just to contribute to the conversation and add our two cents on what we think about this topic.
Aero: This is going to be a new format on the site. It’s going to be a little bit like a podcast, but it’s going to be in written form. We are both huge fans of his work, and it’s difficult to talk about this, not just because we love his work and we have an inherent bias to praise the people whose work we like, but also, not to say that we’re scared, and we do have conviction in what we say, but we know there’s going to be a lot of rebuttals when people discover what we’re saying, and we just don’t want any conflict. That’s not the purpose of this. We want a conversation – we’re not trying to wage war on people.
Sam: Exactly. And I think also the comments we’re making today aren’t on his filmmaking or storytelling skills because he’s obviously an incredible director and writer and all these things, but we’re discussing the way that he has interacted with his LGBT fans.
Aero: We’re trying to analyze his relationship with the LGBT community, especially his fans, and how that informs the way he markets his work – not pander, but tailor his work and use his skills to try to mobilize his audience.
Sam: With all those disclaimers put out there, we can start by talking about how he has been in a bunch of different interviews where he started talking about how he’s perceived by LGBT fans. One of the most known instances of him talking about his gay audience was the London screening where a fan had asked how gay Thor Love and Thunder is. Taika then told Natalia Portman to answer the question. Natalie Portman has said it was “so gay” and Taika reaffirmed it. It was implied in the way that he handed Natalie the question that he wanted Natalie to answer in the way she did. He said in an interview with Wired that “I come off as very gay.” He also said in an interview with Out magazine that he called himself a “little gay icon” when he was talking with his friends about himself. Aero, what are your thoughts on this?
Aero: Despite my grievances towards how he markets himself, I’ve seen all these interviews and videos, and, yeah, it does seem a little pandery. Like, the London screening video is super uncomfortable because, one, you shouldn’t just be asking that to people. Screenings and Q and A’s should offer constructive questions – questions about filmmaking, questions about the plot, questions about acting, and like, the things that actually make up the movie. It felt like the person who asked that was just not self-aware enough. So, I think that Natalie Portman and Taika Waititi were both put on the spot to answer. Natalie knew the reputation that Taika has with the LGBTQ community, so she answered the way she did.
It just seemed a little awkward, and most people on the Internet who saw that clip thought it was awkward as well and did not receive it well. Because it was cringe, it became viral. Also, it bothers me that he, as a straight man, finds so much pride in being a queer icon. That title has been so diluted and so many people have been called queer icons. I just think that straight people shouldn’t be parading around using a title that a handful of people call him.
Sam: How Taika uses his label as a “gay icon” is different than the way some other “gay icons” who are straight use that label. He uses it to try to explicitly market his products. This idea of a cishet person being a “gay icon” and using this to their advantage has been a discussion in the past before. I’ve seen it in regards to Dan and Phil. Before they came out, people would say that it was problematic that they were trying to pander to their LGBT audience, even though we didn’t know at the time that they were also queer. It’s a little different in this case in that this is a huge franchise movie with such a big budget and an incredible global impact.
Aero: I feel like this is a bit different in that with Dan and Phil; at the time, it felt like they had to play up their “gayness” to appeal to their target audience, gay teenagers, in the mid-2010s. In this case, however, it’s a Marvel movie. It has a $185 million budget. The target audience is the entire world.
Sam: The way he marketed this Thor movie really bothered me. He claimed it was super queer, but (spoilers for Thor by the way) one of the queerest things we got was Valkyrie mentioning her dead ex-girlfriend and kissing a girl’s hand, and Korg and another rock guy holding hands, which isn’t revolutionary. But the way Taika marketed it seemed like it was going to be. Eternals had a gay Black character who had a husband and a son. Chloé Zhao, the director, didn’t market the movie as a gay movie. She just marketed it as a movie. It’s weird that Taika would try to bank on these small moments and try to make it seem like it was a huge thing.
Aero: I kind of sympathize because I know that making a $185 million movie obviously puts a lot of pressure on you to make sure that the movie does well, but this is the wrong way to promote a movie, especially when people can think critically and know what he’s doing. We know his motive, and it was just to make bank.
Sam: It’s strange that he uses his bond with his queer audience to try to convince them to use their wallets to show support for the LGBT community by implying that this movie is super gay so everyone should pay to go see it.
Aero: It’s pretty disturbing as a person who’s just seeing the marketing that he’s doing and not the strategy behind it because I want to know what his reasons are. Is he planning all these interviews out where he’s trying to slowly cement himself as a gay icon? I personally don’t see it like a thing he should be admitting himself. You don’t just give yourself a nickname, you know?
Sam: What’s even more worrying is that some people genuinely believe that Taika himself is queer based on the fact that he played a gay character in Our Flag Means Death and called himself a gay icon in all these interviews. I don’t think anybody should be speculating on people’s private lives in general. They should have the opportunity to tell us stuff about their personal life by themselves because that’s none of our business and we have no right to make judgments based on what characters they play or what they say.
Aero: I’ve seen it on Twitter. People keep commenting on how he dresses. The man’s just wearing patterned shirts. Have you not seen a patterned shirt in real life? Uncles wear patterned shirts and you’re not calling these people gay. I don’t understand the obsession with trying to “queer code” him because he’s a real person. He has the right to his own privacy. Even if he is queer, we don’t need to know.
Sam: A lot of this comes from the Internet because social media is so accessible to the point that Taika now can see that this is what people are saying about him and that his audience is composed of people like this. It’s kind of like a double-edged sword because he can use social media to gain insight into what his audience is like and he can take advantage of that which is good for him and bad for us. But people also have the chance to express their thoughts on him and share their godawful takes and he also has to see that, which could be bad for him because seeing people speculate about your personal life on social media can take a lot out of you.
Aero: Yeah. I don't wanna say that celebrities have become too accessible, but he definitely encouraged people to interact with him. That was him catalyzing his own downfall because people are interacting with him, but they're also like doing it in such a terrible way. As in they're psychoanalyzing him and saying inappropriate things. Not just about him, but about his family and looking into his perceived "queerness". And of course, it's because he opened up the gates and shared a lot with us, but it's also the fans' fault. You need to respect people's boundaries. Regardless if they're a celebrity, you wouldn't look into your friend’s personal life if they're not sharing it with you.
Sam: Taika benefits from having a gay audience but he’s straight so he doesn’t have to face the discrimination LGBT people face. He gets to use LGBT people the way he wants to and just walks away at the end of the day without any personal injury other than the weirdos who speculate on his sexuality.
Aero: He takes the good without taking the bad. It feels a bit, for a lack of a better word, exploitative in the way that he markets his work towards an audience and very clearly profits off of it, but it’s not like he’s actually queer. He’s just benefiting monetarily from it and it’s keeping him relevant. He doesn’t understand the struggles or hardships of being LGBT, especially considering that there are countries where gay marriage isn’t legal or even extremely stigmatized. Allyship is fine but open your wallet!
Sam: I would feel better about watching Thor Love and Thunder and having him market it as a gay movie and then donating profits from the movie to LGBT organizations. I would get that. But then again, there’s just an iffy fine balance in terms of the trust between the audience and creator, you know? Because Taika’s just built such a huge amount of trust with his audience and now he has it in his hand so he’s trying to take advantage of it, which is clear. So, it’s a weird thing for the audience where we like his work so much, but we also don’t like the feeling of being used for money and not being appreciated as people or viewers who just want to see good content or content that’s not just overly hyped up for the sake of being hyped up.
Aero: The people who are excited about his work are maybe a little frustrated because the focus is on him as a person instead of his work and what his future plans are, and I think that people who are excited about his work have been falling out of favor with him because of that. The solution to that would be him toning it down with the “queer icon” performance. Also, if he wanted to show actual allyship and be a good ambassador to the people, he should genuinely donate and promote other projects because I know he’s getting paid a lot to make these movies. He’s an actor, a writer, and a director of Marvel movies. If he’s not getting paid well, I don’t know who is.
Sam: We’re not saying he doesn’t donate, but he just doesn’t seem to publicly endorse it. It’s not to say that you can only be charitable if you’re public about it, but it’s good to be public about being charitable if you’re a celebrity figure because you can draw more attention to smaller organizations and bring more awareness and visibility.
Also, in the projects that Taika’s done, in terms of queerness, the representation he includes doesn’t necessarily encapsulate the entire LGBT community. We are Asian non-binary sapphics of color, and the amount of representation we have in media is so small so it’s easy for us to be critical of it. But I think a lot of Taika’s queer representation is more geared towards mainstream ideas about queerness. Like how he presents the image of two guys holding hands and even though they’re both made of rock, the general idea is that that’s the traditional image of queerness we see in media, so when people see stuff like that they think, “Oh, Taika’s a gay icon because he knows how to show queerness on the big screen like that. This is how queerness should be shown.”
But then, for us, we’re wondering, “Who’s going to show us on the screen?” We need to elevate queer and trans creators of color. We shouldn’t be hailing Taika as the go-to person for queer content.
Aero: Yeah, our sentiment is that a straight person should not set the standard on how queer cinema should look.
Sam: Exactly. Seek out queer and trans creators of color to support. Because of the internet, there’s so much more accessible content made by us, and there’s a lot of great stuff out there. I promise that supporting these creators is probably more impactful in terms of supporting the LGBT community than it is supporting Taika.
Aero: Supporting these individuals will encourage other individuals to make more works. If you’re supporting a corporation or a big creator, no individual’s gonna be like, “Oh, if a corporation can do it, I can do it.” So you have to support smaller creators so other creators can be like, “Oh, there’s an audience for this.”
Sam: It helps bring more impactful and genuine representation to media because representation is always done best when the people writing it, acting in it, and directing it are in that minority group.
Anyway, thank you for joining us for our first conversation, and we’ll see you at the next one!
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felisfella · 4 years
TOP 5 QUEER Shows on NETFLIX 2020 | Queer Pride Month Special | Felis Fella
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"A nimble mind can always uncover the politics to justify its own selfishness."
— Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
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wotsukai-archived · 4 years
One of the main points a lot of these mlm blogs give for like not wanting women is bc they don’t want cis straight women to fetishize them which is fair but like bi women also love men.... and that relationship isn’t the same as a man loving a man but it’s also complex too.... a bi woman or a straight trans woman reblogging your post is not the same as a cishet woman loving a man if that makes sense.... bc yeah of course it’s different but as a gay Man U can’t just insinuate that women who love women and also men the lgbt community reblogging ur post is the same as a straight woman reblogging it
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jinruihokankeikaku · 3 years
truth is, i don't hate myself
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hot take: a lot of lgbt tumblr fetishizes the gay culture of the 60′s, 70′s, and 80′s without ever seriously questioning whether or not its applicable to their own lives or allowing the fact that gay culture is always going to be a changing and fluid thing enter  their minds
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poisonofchoice · 6 years
not halfway into s2e1 of queer eye and i’ve cried 3 times what’s up
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foragecore · 2 years
there seems to be a growing idea among young people on the internet that gender nonconformity is entirely about fashion. im sure it comes from being isolated from irl lgbt communites. yknow how on tiktok and stuff you get however many seconds to make an impression and the easiest way to do it is with your style. flagging with clothing has always been a thing but i feel like we're in a place now where too many people think its the /only/ form of lgbt expression and gender non comformity
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solsunflora · 7 years
Do not exclude Asexuals and Aromantics from the LGBT community! They belong there! Separating them from us wont benefit EITHER community, we must stay together so we can protect each other!
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One of your posts pissed a question from me, and I swear this is genuine, Tumblr has decided not to put me on the Endo side of syscourse.
What things are the Endo community doing that makes people hate them so much? And why are a lot of people saying that endogenic systems aren't valid? I'm genuinely confused.
Also, sidenote. If it's a long post to answer this, I am very sick, and can't focus long enough to read long posts. If you could, please answer this in like a week if it's a long post, or maybe @ me in the comments/reblog and @ me so I can read it when I'm feeling better.
This is all genuine, I swear.
I'm stuck and I also didn't check for typos, so I do apologize in advance if this is hard to read.
Hey, I waited for a bit to answer this. @bruno-madrigals-child-vivienne, here you go.
Preface: I'm an endo-supporter I guess, and I also am not the brightest and do make mistakes, so have patience with me.
Endogenic Systems are systems that claim to have formed without trauma. There's a lot more nuance there, but that's the general summary version. Many people say endogenic systems are not valid because they say systems cannot form without trauma. The proof that is stated for this is the DSM and the fact that studies on DID/OSDD/DDNOS/Etc systems have been done that show how trauma has changed the brain, which Endogenics claim not to have. Numerous Endogenics shoot back that lack of proof is not the same thing as proof.
The Endo community is hated for a few reasons, but here's some off the top of my head:
* Ableism. There are a lot of ableist endogenic systems that are very vocal. I'm of the theory that they're not INTENDING to be ableist, but due to the society we live in, it happens very naturally. Things like the heavy focus of "I'm endogenic because I don't feel distress over my alters" due to the DSM thing where it says you need to have dysfunction to be a system? Which. Isn't really the full picture.
* "Sysmed" and "Traumascum". These are two words coined by Endogenics to be used against anti-endos. They're based on LGBT+ terms (particiularly from the transgender community) and refer to "system medicalists" (systems who believe you can't be a system without trauma). The usage of these terms caused many people to immediately lose their shit, because of a lot of reasons. These reasons include: It's offensive to trans people/systems, it's calling traumatized people scum, it's stolen from LGBT+ communites, and it's ableist to insult traumatized people.
* Coining New Terms. It's a big thing in the endogenic community to make new terms up to explain system and alter origins. These origins very often overlap with trauma system origins, and frequently cause anger in traumagen communities.
* Misinformation. This is, by far, the biggest imo. Endogenics do spread misinformation frequently about DID/OSDD/DDNOS/Etc. Many people online are greatly confused by these disorders, and sometimes, endogenics (who are not traumagenic systems and have never experienced being a traumagenic system) speak up when they probably shouldn't. They explain their situations and life, when it's really a traumagenic who should be speaking.
This is a really really brief, sleepy overview. It's probs inaccurate in places and could be better worded. But that's the fast, quick, and dirty version. Hope this helps.
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emometalhead · 2 years
Hey again. i’m the homophobia anon 👋 I don’t wanna bother you but I had like two other question. What Did u mean by evidence of the Guns guys supoorting the lgbtq+ communit? I hope im not bothering you, I’m just curious because I heard One in a million for the first time a while back and it was umm 🤔 interesting to say the least. And you know the song Same Opd Situation by Mothey Crue. It’s about lesbian, but do you think Motley meant it in a supportive or homophonic way? Sorry for all the questions
Hi anon! No worries about the questions!! I'm happy to clarify things for you 👍
One In A Million is a song that many fans do not support. I've never even listened to it, due to the offensive lyrical content. The band no longer endorses the songs. They unanimously agreed to exclude it from a modern re-release of the album. Slash has stated to have always considered the song offensive. The song also does not get performed, so the band is not defending it or promoting it in the modern era.
Slash was vocally supportive of gay marriage in 2008 when the state of California was voting on whether or not to make it legal. He spoke in interviews about how everyone should have the right to get married, and made a video with his then wife to encourage people to vote against Prop 8 (which was the proposition to make gay marriage illegal).
Steven is very comfortable with his sexuality, to say the least. There's been conversations in GN'R fan forums going as far as to suggest he is bisexual. He has talked about the attractiveness of men, and doing acts with men (though he may have been joking there) on several occasions. Since he is so comfortable putting himself in conversations like that, it seems likely that he is just generally chill with LGBT+ people. There is no evidence of him being homophobic.
Duff has stated in interviews that he is accepting of everyone. He has punk roots, and said the scene was very inclusive in his experience.
As for Izzy, there's no reason to suggest he's homophobic, but there's also no evidence toward him being supportive of LGBT+ people. He really just hasn't commented on anything.
With Mötley Crüe, based on how they described S.O.S. when it was released, I do not believe they intended for the song to be homophobic. I've never considered the song homophobic, personally. As far as Crüe's songs go, this one isn't one of the more offensive lol. There could definitely be an argument made about the fetishization of lesbians by the band, but I don't think they are homophobic. (Also worth noting that I am a lesbian, but also I don't speak for every lesbian so take what I say with a grain of salt!)
There's no evidence (to my knowledge) of the band currently being homophobic. Nikki has stated himself to be in support of the LGBT+ community. Though it doesn't mean he's supportive, he has also stated to have gay friends, and that his daughter has helped him learn more about the LGBT+ community. Though a controversial piece of literature, Tommy had a section of his book that highlighted thoughts from his lesbian friends. So, same situation as what I said with Nikki.
On the flip side, Nikki has been quoted as using the f-slur in the past, and Tommy once made a Tweet using gay as an insult. However, Nikki has also called other people out for homophobia, and Tommy clarified after his Tweet that his wording did not mean he felt negatively about actual gay people. Make of that what you will. I honestly don't have any information regarding Mick or Vince 🤷‍♀️. All I can say on Vince is that he was on an episode or Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, but again that's not substantial evidence of anything.
I know none of this is like totally concrete anything. This is the situation to my understanding though! I do not personally consider either band to be currently homophobic, but there's definitely been past instances of homophobia that I do not want to dismiss. You're entirely allowed to form your own opinions based on my response! Hope this was educational.
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