#liberal tradfem
I’m so looking forward to being a housewife, however if I have to look at another listing for a house that is a white box with grey flooring I’m going to bury myself in the yard.
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housewifediary · 4 months
Being a housewife is liberating for me, because my previous workplaces were extremely toxic, and I have never felt loved or completely safe as I do with my family 24/7, the family I chose to create and be with. ღ
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thebillyengland · 2 years
More traditional females are needed to help restore America.
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I've been hearing a lot in the church about how women "leaving the home" has had a detrimental effect on humankind. I've heard that women work because they are materialistic and value money over their children. As though the liberation of women is to blame for things that have gone wrong since the 1960s.
I would argue that there are a plethora of other reasons why the ideal family unit (where mom + dad + kids stay together and treat each other well) is becoming a thing of the past. It's not biblical to say that women shouldn't earn money if they care about their kids. Even the Proverbs 31 woman — the "ideal" woman of the Bible — earned money.
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subatomic-duck2 · 2 years
god is a liberal
unlimited power to end suffering but still doesn’t just because it’s against their arbitrary “principles”
oh and still doesn’t fix the suffering that doesn’t even require going against their rules to stop
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tradraine · 2 years
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Self-Care Ideas for Young Tradfems! ♡
In a modern age that believes in teaching young girls to be ‘girl bosses’ and ‘sexuality liberated’, it can become easy to be disillusioned/depressed and want to give up on your dream of finding your beloved husband. But, it’s very important to remember that before a girl can care for a family and spouse, she has to care for herself. As a young tradfem, here are some of the things I do to keep out of my disillusionment and to feel happy and feminine! ♡
((Also I apologize for poor English I’m not a native speaker))
Write down baby names, go to stores and look at all the adorable baby clothes and accessories
This had helped me keep my eyes on my goal of motherhood so much! It’s really nice to imagine the details of the wonderful godly family in your future.
Clean your bedroom daily and decorate it with your own feminine, aesthetic dream
This one is great for preparation to become a wife one day. Organizing up your personal space and decorating it to your liking not only shows you are ready to take care of a household, but that you have a feminine creativity.
Pray/take part in your religion
It can be anything from a rosary or a prayer before bed to volunteering at your Church. Absolutely any activity that brings you closer to God is an activity with meaning.
Bake sweets for the special people in your life
I’ve had so much fun with this one! As a tradfem, one of my duties one day will be to cook for my household, so knowing your way around the kitchen is an important skill for a woman to have! Besides, I love seeing the happy faces of my friends and family when I give them cookies or a cherry pie.
Babysit/take care of younger family members
This one is essential for a young lady wanting to become a housewife. I’m not at all an advocate for woman making money ((quite the opposite, actually)) but this is one way to make some extra money while staying true to your god-given purpose.
Take a bath or a shower at least once a day, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant/light body spray
This one may seem obvious, but it’s very important. Smelling and looking clean not only makes you more palatable to Christian men but gives your hair and skin a gentle, feminine glow.
Buy yourself one nice ((but still modest and traditional)) thing
This one can we tricky. You shouldn’t buy your self too much lest your life is filled with the sin of greed, but buying yourself a singular new necklace or that cozy sweater you’ve been wanting can make you feel really good.
Read some classic/conservative philosophy books
While I love listening to my favourite conservative podcasts and news programs, reading is a great way to relax and exercise your brain while learning about faith and tradition.
Take a walk/hike in a forest, beach, or other natural space
Not only is hiking good exercise for your body and brain, but seeing the wonderful world god created for us helps to feel closer to him.
Make a Pinterest board of your future home/dream wedding
This one is great for keeping your spirits up! It’s a great reminder of how lovely traditional aesthetics are and how a wonderful life is just around the corner.
Stop eating fast food/eat healthy/focus on weight loss
Being trim is a crucial part of being a future traditional wife. But eating healthy to stay thin, it not only shows that you have dedication to keep yourself looking well, it will help you fit into cuter clothes.
‘Honour thy mother and father’
Your parents are a gift from God; they carry the traditions and values that have shaped who you are. Honour them by cooking a meal for them, cleaning the house so they don’t have to, ect.
Make sure your wardrobe is modest and fits you well/prepare your clothes for the upcoming week
Every girl looks beautiful in a long skirt/dress. Go through your wardrobe, discard any immodest clothing and have fun making outfits for the days ahead.
Put on some light makeup
I should emphasize that you should only put on LIGHT makeup. God and your husband will love you for your natural beauty, so there’s no point in covering in up. I personally only use mascara, light eyeliner, colour-tinted chapstick and concealer, but I believe added a light blush or some naturally coloured lipstick is an ok addition.
Watch a movie that reinforces conservative values
Movies can awful when they push a radical feminist agenda, but not all movies are the same! There are still plenty of traditional tales about a princess getting swept off her feet by a traditional masculine man or someone on the wrong path who learns the importance of obeying Christ.
Knit something/sew something/croquet something/ modify your dresses using needle and thread
Not only is this hobby perfect for a traditional young lady, but it gives you a chance to show off your creativity and make wonderful gifts for the people you love or something lovely for yourself.
Make a cute rag-doll or teddy bear for a sweet little girl in your life
So many dolls in the modern day are overly sexualized, wearing tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, or look like men. Make a little girl in your life happy with a modest toy that’s a positive roll model.
Shave your legs, arms, and underarms
Modern feminism has pushed the message that body hair is ‘beautiful’, but this is blatantly untrue. No man would prefer a hairy, mannish pig over a well-groomed traditional lady, and most women feel more desirable ((because they are)) shaven.
Be early to bed, and early to rise
Getting enough rest is important for looking traditionally beautiful and healthy. Not only will you have more defined eyes, clearer skin, and a smaller waist line, but you will be left with enough energy to clean your room six times over.
Embrace your nations traditions
Research where your bloodline descends from and it’s traditions to practice. It’s our job as traditionalists to keep the bright minds and beliefs of our ancestors alive; they would be so proud of you for following in the path God designed! ♡
Make sure your nails are well-groomed and not too garish
Men aren’t attracted to fire truck-red monster claws, or stubby, bitten dirt coated nails; it’s a sign you don’t care enough for yourself. If your hands look pleasant, then their ready to bake bread, change diapers, and wear that wedding ring.
Always trust in God, even when it’s difficult or seems pointless
As a young woman without a husband yet, it may seem like God is against you, but that’s not true at all! God has chosen the perfect man for you, now all you have to do is have faith and stay submissive and pure for your future beloved! ♡
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1yyyyyy1 · 7 months
is anybody actually surprised to see more and more radfems fall into the tradfem pipeline 😶 feels like it's getting worse though
I've kind of known that "feminism" was not about female emancipation for a while, or, at the very least, that it did not comprise of people who acted out of genuine compassion and were socially adept enough to enact a tangible change. The latter is a critical flaw because people who identify as feminists are notorious for their inability to properly assess levels of marginalization, so one is left to wonder as to how anyone can pledge themselves to liberation when they lack the tools to perceive hierarchies in the first place. During my time on feminist resources, one subject that was consistently absent from discourse were women with disabilities and major health concerns, and how many of them were active participants in these conversations. It goes without saying that these are the states no one really ever consents to, and that they are a major dent in one's ability to partake in society and subsequently advocate for themselves (or render them null straight away). On the other hand, a consensual pregnancy implies a degree of social and psychological viability. It was a particularly jarring thing to know whenever motherhood would get positioned as the ultimate liability as if the element of choice does not signify its underlying privilege. I want you to understand the way I see it — women with a voluntary lifestyle will knowingly or unknowingly address a considerably more vulnerable demographic and necessitate that resources are allocated to them. How cruel is that? (proof that it happens and is endorsed) I am surprised that child-free women tend to take these things personally instead of calling out the narrative for what it actually says and does. Besides, it is hard not to notice that anyone who is critical of reproduction gets dismissed for being "insane" or "crazy" as if these terms haven't been weaponized against women for millennia, and are the very same thing the proponents of motherhood will then proceed to speak out against. They should just call the women they disagree with hysterical at this point... I am not against having a civil debate, but the fact is that whenever childbirth is brought up, it turns into a contradictory match of tug-of-war. Pregnancy is undeniably harmful and damaging, which makes for a good case in support of mothers-to-be; however, I am above nodding to the criticisms of kink or make up practices only to get lectured on the fact that some harm in fact can be consented to. That is, if we at all establish that pregnancy is indeed daunting, because its perils easily turn into a "normal" and a "natural" thing. Most pregnancies will become both coerced and consensual based on whether a woman wants to call out a man or a woman whose views she dislikes. There's also Schrödinger's lesbian mother who is both relevant and irrelevant depending on who's feeling the least or the most homophobic at the time. Women with children are whatever suits the narrative and it muddies up the discussion.
Radical feminism's disparaging attitude is also reflected in its reading list and its treatment of the writing of Valerie Solanas. Solanas's message, despite being frequently quoted and praised, gets constantly misrepresented — read this. I think the selective limelight speaks for itself.
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halleehalfgallon · 11 months
most tradfems are also truly feminists.. as long as you truly believe in equality not that women should have more privileges than men. The only reason some women out there denounce feminism is because it's gotten to that point now in a lot of situations these days in a manipulative manor.
also I should add I have met gay and bisexual tradfems too.. otherwise it just means Traditionally Feminine. does this mean you are masculine? ?
most tradwives would consider me masculine, yeah. I’m not submissive, I have a job, haven’t shaved my legs in over a decade, can be rather crass.
the way other people identify is none of my business. gay and bi and pagan and liberal tradfems are welcome to claim that title. I do not wish to be categorized as a tradwife/tradfem.
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Hello, hunnies
Quick question: when you have moved into a new house, apartment, etc. did you introduce yourselves to your neighbor? Bring a gift?
I want to do that when I have a house next year, however I’m afraid of coming off as though I am invading their privacy or being weird.
Let me know!
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housewifediary · 6 months
Can we all just agree that Income taxes are trash and Universities over charge their students?
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menalez · 10 months
you're so right about why liberals never say "op is a tradfem and hates women" like this is just funny at this point that only terfs are bad 😭
they literally don’t care!!! there’s no “op is a neo-nazi” “op is a conservative” “op is a homophobe” “op is a misogynist” “op is a tradfem” etc bc they DONT CARE, they only care about silencing women with feminist beliefs & lesbians that don’t pretend to be into males
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newvegasdyke · 8 months
“leftist to terf to tradfem pipeline” seems more like an issue of mislabelling as opposed to a significant phenomenon. where are there tradfems who used to be actually leftist and actually radical feminist. seems like the issue is people use the labels leftist and terf incorrectly. just because someone calls themselves a leftist doesn’t mean they understand or believe in leftism. and a right wing transphobe is not a terf even though people love to use terf for any transphobia even if the person is not even a liberal feminist let alone a radical feminist.
Yeah I think it’s largely mislabeling. Via lurking radblr I have seen women go from extremely strict and rigid heterosexual or het leaning bisexual “radfem/terf” to “yeah I’ve been lying for a while sorry everyone but I love my man and it’s my job to have his babies”
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
“Feminists” on here talking about tradfems, prolife women, boymoms, right wing women: *silence* *is mutuals with pro ana red scare tradwives*
“Feminists” on here talking about very liberal or leftist women that wear makeup, have sex with men, say the word Bitch:
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papirouge · 1 year
Have you noticed that scrotes only like modest apparel on women if they can control it. Like if a woman chooses to be modest, they somehow get so upset that she’s a prude or frigid or that she must be insecure and ugly. If she isn’t modest in their mind, she’s obviously a whore to them but they overwhelming encourage it through porn (now ai porn) like we can’t win
Yeah, there's this whole ambivalence with scrote seeking for a pure, modest & virginal woman....but who's also sexually available for them, which is a hard to find combination. That's why they look down on femcel (which fit into the modest type in their own way) because femcel don't really care about men/aren't sexually available.
I remember that post asking why tradmen weren't pursuing actual tradfem, since this type of women were precisely those who fit their standards. And the response was that tradmen weren't actually interested like that in modest women (it's all a self righteous facade to come off as good godly men). They want liberal/sexual liberated women they can tame and humble, because they revel in domination. To them, there's no thrill in dominating an already submissive woman.
Ask yourself why tradmen seem to always find their way on feminist/liberal posts, mocking them, and telling what "bad women" they are. It's a desperate tactic to shame them into submission. Why aren't they looking at those tradfem right there fawning over the ground they walk on? Because deep down these men have definitely a preference for socially/sexually liberated libfem - but they'll never admit it.
So they try to cope with faking concern & caring about them, telling how feminism exploits them, yada yada~ but they truly ain't fooling anyone 🥴 If they were consistent, they'd leave radfem/libfem alone, stop trying to shame them into modesty and direct their attention to the only "worthy" women, those who are actually interested in them : tradfem.
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gremlintrash · 9 months
with regarding the shitstorm surrounding macroclit and what not, tbh this is why i quit calling myself a radfem and just call myself a feminist because i realize unfortunately that a lot of people who criticize the movement said something about how a lot of the times, "radfem is tradfem but with the letter t missing". and i used to be so offended when other ppl said that but after witnessing everything that went down as well as all the horrible misogyny i've seen over the years, i hate to say it but the critics were right. it's basically horseshoe theory - radical is supposed to be very, very far left, but sometimes all it does is align itself with the extreme far right in a way. there's a reason why conservative christian/fascist/MRA/tradfem bloggers follow rad blogs or orbit around radblor, they probs feel some type of affinity with the shit they see from these rad blogs. not a good look for a lot of these supposed rad girlies tbh. idk this shit sucks. my heart hurts a lot for macroclit. it's one thing to support separatism but to then use politics or religion as an excuse to bash against a young woman going through an unwanted pregnancy is just asinine.
Yeah, I also think there is something to be said about being overly fixated on labels.
I think horseshoe theory is flawed but it works here because it mostly applies to people who are more concerned with adopting an ideology rather than like actually constructing a belief system with coherent, logically consisten values. It's like a club to them, and the important part is that some people are included and some are not more so than they actually hold those values and they are just glad to see women taking feminist actions and women as a class being empowered and liberated. That's also why their thinking is so black and white, yet somehow always has room to bend for their own actions. You know, like how having sex with a man negates any other activism you doand means you can't be a feminist but sexually harassing women online is just jokes, why don't you just log off? (Because ofc women, esp bisexual women, never get sexually harassed or abused offline lol)
Plenty of us are fine to say, okay, I'll "just" call myself a feminist and do my best to help other women and live by my own values abd beliefs... And yet you still will get shit talked by the "real radical feminists" whose primary contribution is harassing other women online. Tbh yeah I really understand not wanting to be associated with radblr because of the nasty way people are behaving, it's like it gets worse over time almost and I've really limited who I interact with at this point.
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