#like he loved pokemon right? And he did care for his kingdom too with his technology and stuff
agentc0rn · 1 month
I finally did it!! I composed my first cover online with and on my computer ever... (+ LOUD SOUND WARNING for headphone users, the ending especially gets loud...my apologies in advance!) -> AZ's what-if battle theme
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
Heya Factual! Congrats on the 23,000! Yet another well deserved milestone earned by your hard work and dedication! Really sorry about the cold- we always seem to get sick at the worst of times! Definitely don't do anything crazy till you're 100%, but thanks for making that really cute celebration piece- you can really tell how much the factual Fam cares about you from their worried expressions...and then there's Gerald, who refuses to let his happy demeanor waver for a second! Though then again, he is still quite young- he might not even understand the concept of getting sick yet!
And on that note, at least till you're better, I definitely won't send any unnecessarily exhausting Asks like last time ( thanks for answering that so thoroughly though- that was really cool! ) and just keep it simple- and my ask today is regarding the simplest Mario enemy, the goomba!
You've mentioned them in the past as beings created by Kamek- How does he do it? How long has he been doing it? Are the goombas sentient, or just savage constructs? How many are there, in ratio to the Koopas? Did the bros have to fight through a bunch of them on their way to the castle? And do any of their variants exist, such as the micro goombas, para goombas, or giant goombas? We require the Goomba Lore!
Thank you! :DD I'm doing my best to take it easy.. I've spent most of my days recently either sleeping, sitting, or playing Pokemon Scarlet XDD that's relaxing right? Yes, I believe so-
As for Gerald, he isn't ignorant to my condition- he's actually meant to be surprisingly emotionally aware. :0 He's smiling though all this because he wants the others to be happy. And if he's calm and smiling, maybe we'll smile too.. 🥺
I was intending to draw a comic that goes into Gerald's character a bit more... But I just haven't been well enough recently to take on a project like that.. :((
And don't worry about "exhausting asks", I encourage them! :D I could really use some lengthy asks as a form of distraction to be honest.. 🥹💔
Speaking of asks, about your Goomba questions..
Well, starting with Kamek actually- I have intentions to make him a few hundred years old. Being the most powerful magikoopa there ever was supposedly.. and he's been associated with the royal Koopa family for generations.. though this idea is in canon limbo, because I'm having trouble figuring how exactly he's managed to live so long. Considering how magic works in my au.. his lengthy life span shouldn't be possible..
None the less, even though I haven't gotten that idea to fit yet- I love it so much that most of the au kinda branches off from it- <XDDD so with that established, Kamek brings Goombas to "life" using magic of course!
I was thinking that the ability animate dead/inanimate things is a very complex magic that took Kamek years to learn. And he was only finally able to master it in the last 100 years or so.
Now for the Goombas, they are not sentient for sure. They are just these little.. zombie like.. machines. They start as poisonous mushrooms and when they are "brought to life", they gain this desire and need move and attack anything that doesn't appear to be a Koopa.
As for the Koopa to Goomba ratio.. I'd say they make up 1.5/10 of the kingdoms population. They are very disposable and "easy" to make.. but they are relatively fragile creatures and take a while to grow.. plus the Goombas don't live very long. Since they uproot themselves upon being "Goomba-fied", they eventually wilt and die.. :/ so that number doesn't ever go over 1.5.
I'm sure Mario and Luigi had to squash some on the way to save Peach the first time. But it was only after her rescue that one landed a bite on Luigi..
As for their variants, the micro and Giant Goombas surly exist! Though king Goomba might not because the original brown mushrooms probably don't grow that big-
As for para-goombas.. hmm.. I know there won't be any Goombas with wings going around. But perhaps there could be a Goomba that can release airborne spores.. or at the very least can attack from afar.. that could get them the title of para-goomba! :0
I think I covered everything, I hope at least-
Thank you for the ask and interest in my au! :DDD it was a nice read and took my mind off of all my ailments for a short time 🥹💖
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writernopal · 10 months
Find The Word Tag
Another big on because I was tagged by EVEN MORE lovely peeps to do this one! Thank you all so much for thinking of me 💙
@mysticstarlightduck, here
@lorenfinch, here
@writinglittlebeasts, here
@talesfromaurea, here
Tagging (gently): @noblebs @serotoninshift @crowandmoonwriting
Your words will be: bear, burn, bread, burrow
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From Mystic
From AASOAF 1:
Relaxing as it was, he was sharp as ever, keeping an eye out for any danger as we moved. It made me feel burdensome. He was never able to relax or let his guard down because of me, but I couldn’t deny that it did make me feel more at ease that he was so watchful.
From AASOAF 1:
I carefully tugged on the drawstring to open it and gasped.  Gold, jewels, and all manner of rich-looking trinkets were housed within the unassuming worn leather exterior. I backed away from it and placed a hand on my chest as I steadied myself against a nearby chair. What was I going to do with all of this? 
From AASOAF 1:
It would be so lovely to live surrounded by nothing but songbirds and other gentle creatures, unbothered by the world’s chaos just beyond this bastion of serenity. But I supposed that was not to be…
I don't have this word so have an AASOAF fun fact instead! Oepus takes a lot of inspiration from the world of LoZ: Wind Waker in that most of it is sea, dotted with islands and some larger continents.
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From Loren
From AASOAF 1:
He blinked at me, somewhat taken aback, before nodding. “Aye, it be hard to get right.” “Oh... Perhaps it will be a failure then…” I thumbed the edge of one of the books nervously.  I thought I would surprise him with a dish from home to try lifting his spirits as he seemed particularly down in the past two days, but perhaps it was too forward to do something like that.
From AASOAF 2:
Their homeland was similarly unique, touting more queens than kings in its history, possessing only two of the latter in its entire existence. Rather upside-down as compared to the other kingdoms and empires of Oepus but altogether ordinary for them.
From AASOAF 2:
“Of course I am. Now can you get to the point?” I said, tapping an impatient finger on my arm. “Fine. I want a new fox fur for spring!” She admitted with a frown. I let out a frustrated sigh. “You have enough furs already! What happened to the mink that I just bought you?” “I’ve worn it!” “Have you? I’ve yet to see it.” I countered. She twisted her mouth and avoided my eyes. “I wore it last week…” “When?” “Oh, Fay, please! Please, I just want a pretty white fox fur! Is that so much to ask?!” She pleaded like the spoiled creature she was.
From AASOAF 1:
Whenever The Pale Kings descended from their palace, it was something noteworthy for us commoners to supposedly get excited about. He started with some local announcements that I cared little for, and then moved on to the reason that I was standing there in the first place.
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From Casper
I don't have this word, so here have another fun fact! Mariel's mother's name is Marion, which is an intentional nod to the way that some Pokemon evolutions have names that are very similar to one another. I thought it would be cute to do that with the two of them 🥺
From AASOAF 2:
She nodded and then wiped the glass stem behind my ears and the inside of my wrists. “I don’t have any shoes to let you borrow, but I think we can use some ribbons to decorate your sandals to look a little more special. What do you think?” “That’s a great idea.” I said with a smile, grateful I’d asked her for help after all. 
From AASOAF 1:
I scooped some of the powder as he had and snorted it. I grimaced loudly as it burned me from the inside out, quickly snatching the nozzle from Kirik to draw in a healthy dose of starshoot. Immediately the burn abated, and my limbs slackened, each one being shackled to the environment around me as if I were becoming one with the Lyre. I saw the same jelly-like green smoke appear as I leaned back with a sigh. The world shifted and changed until it was unrecognizable as if I were in a dream, and my mind ceased trying to make any sense of it. 
From AASOAF 1:
He looked at me a moment longer with a frown. “Can ye no sleep? Be that it?” “Y-Yes.” “Have starshoot if’n ye want. Get ye tired right quick. We be leavin’ on the morrow, so ye must rest.” He said, sitting up as he rummaged through his pack on the side table beside him. 
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From Aurea
From AASOAF 2:
No one bothered to learn a face or ask a name. We were all simply shells, moving aimlessly until our time came, and we departed to the world beyond. So I could stop running because no one cared to know me or where I had come from. In fact, I stirred no interest at all.
From AASOAF 1:
“Hello.” He said with some surprise in his voice. “Ahoy.” I responded with a respectful bow at the neck. I didn’t often bow, but in the presence of a war hero, it felt like the right thing to do. He studied me for a moment, then looked at Fay, clearly wanting some explanation as to why I was standing there. 
From AASOAF 1:
And the story of Harals The First was unforgettable. He was so blinded by his love for the dwarven beauty, Mother Bala, that he conquered all of the Bala Sea in her name and presented her with the head of a kraken as a gift of betrothal.
From AASOAF 1:
I watched her go, then looked down at Oxlo. He was awake now but lay there sufficiently dazed. My chin quivered. This lizard was selfish, ruining my life not once but twice.
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Y’all ever have a favorite character list? I have a small list of top 3 characters I’d love to hang out with:
Volo. Of course, I already made so many topics on why I love him. Though I’ll explain again (short & simple) He’s someone who probably got destroyed his real self in the process of leaving that place, and had an actual outlet for him to vent all his frustration. He says he researched myths and lessons, but it feels very relatable. I vent my anger/sadness/terror over stories, and devote myself to make my own and more drawings. Volo goes as far as to seek Arceus to create a better world, and to see the one who may be helping him. Now he has an unhealthy obsession with that I admit, but in his view he was simply trying to help himself with his desires, though it doesn’t give him the excuse for his actions to be justified. But Volo overall feels so similar in some ways, and I love him for that. I’d love to chat with him about how he feels, what more passions he loved, dislikes, interests… the list goes on and on.
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2. Sir Aaron. For me overall his sacrifice to help the kingdom and his queen was very honorable, and the movie did tear me up a little. He wanted to find a way to end the war, for Pokemon really not to be treated like tools for war. Lucario being stored inside the staff as to not get injured or get in his way (Aaron knew that his companion would try and sacrifice itself instead) was a HUGE misunderstanding, but I understand why Lucario was so furious too. Imagine someone you cared about or loved just storing you someplace for years, and not knowing what happened. You’re just trapped there with no outlet to the world, and you assume they absolutely hate you or don’t need you anymore. Lucario did have the right to be upset, but once he slowly understand more the more he understood about his master. I’d like to ask Sir Aaron why he’d leave Lucario in the staff. Would he fear Lucario would injure itself? Injure others? Take his place instead for the sacrifice?
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3. Irida. One of- if not, the youngest leaders of the Pearl Clan. She’s really young according to the game, probably around the same age as us or a few years older. The passing of the older leader (presumably her mother? I’m sure since she passed away) was really hard on their clan, and the pressure of a young girl leading is so tough on her. Not to mention she really looked up to Palina (or Paulina? God the spelling is messy) but she was kind of shoved away by her. Not to say she wouldn’t have been annoyed, but still, Irida was too young to be left to look alone for others. Not having anyone to teach her anything or how to rule- trying to keep the old rules and traditions and teachings. If anything, I’d like to talk with her to be there for her or with her. I want her to feel like someone worthy (she doesn’t feel worthy or right to rule fyi) of being a leader. Someone who is absolutely on the right path; just needs a little more pushing.
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If any of you guys want to make a list too, I’d encourage it! Love to read through some of them at a time!
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leggomylino · 4 years
Roses Are Red | Bang Chan
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Genre: fluff, a little (ridiculous) drama, and a whole lot of crack
Pairing: Bang Chan x princess!reader
Au: royal / fantasy au
Word Count: ~11.2k
Warning(s): some censored language…?, author rambling on and on, some underdeveloped plot what can I say this is mostly for laughs and giggles
Summary: Royal Gardener Christopher Bang only ever wanted to make music all his life, but being orphaned due to a senseless war against the Fire Nation left him at the hands of the kingdom to decide his fate. When tending to some of the many royal roses one day, he happened upon the kingdom’s princess, Y/n, and love at first sight was quite the understatement. However, what they are both unaware of is that she may already be betrothed to another…
A/n: Requested by @hanniiesuckle17​ | Masterlist linked down below and in bio!!!
Tag List: @hanniiesuckle17​ / @distrikt9​ / @hanstagrams​ / @hyunsunq​ / @smolboiseavey​ / @jisungsjheekies​ / @iluvlix​ / @straycozy​ / @stay-nctzen​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added! Comment, ask, or DM me! <3)
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
Howdy y’all
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything in this format…
I know many of you are still waiting for me to finish light switch and let me tell you it IS still...under construction ._.”
I can’t stay loyal to one story at a time and life gets hectic ya dig?
...But I promise that EVENTUALLY MAYBE SOMETIME SOON I’ll get around to carving the second half of it
N E way let’s get this ball rolling! ->
So once upon a time in a far away land…
...Did you just roll your eyes or yawn? >:(( Don’t do that this is totally exciting
Okay so once upon a time in a far away land
There was a princess named Y/n <3 yes, that would be you, sis
She was the cream of the crop, the bees knees, the peanut butter to everyone’s jelly
...Well maybe like 90% of the jelly
There’s always gonna be haters or skeptics nothing we can do about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway you were basically loved by almost everyone in the kingdom, for your kindness, hospitality, forthcomingness, honesty, bravery, generosity, and sophistication
Also, you were quite beautiful <3 like now teehee
But there was only one problem
Besides the fact that 10% of the jelly jar had peanut butter lodged in their brain
And that was that your father, the king, refused to let you go outside. Like ever. The only time you saw the sun and felt the wind through your hair was from your highest-Rapunzel-tower window, during required festival appearances or during emergency evacuations because THE FIRE NATION WAS ATTACKING!!!! 🔥 (╯°□°)╯🔥🔥🔥
This, however, rarely happened...er, maybe just once, but it was a false alarm because your half-brother Felix had stayed up too late playing video games (YES there is technology in this medieval au sorry not sorry) and he was just...seeing things
He’d been really stressed because his mother, your actually kind and not at all wicked stepmother, had been lowkey pressuring him to find a lovely princess consort or young fletching maiden
He didn’t necessarily have a problem with that, except for the fact that the whole thing was a huge problem that was stressing him out...marriage??? What was that again??? He kinda just wanted to run around the forest practicing archery with his friends, Dark Knight Changbin and Court Jester Jisung (read: pizza and video games)
...Which is what I was getting at
You see
Felix was a great brother regardless of his mistake of screaming about a false Fire Nation attack and throwing you out of bed at 4 am
Besides being fun and great support/company, he also had this...friend...
A boy named Christopher Bang (♥‿♥)
He often went by Bang Chan tho, and he was ALSO your kingdom’s royal gardener
You know this because you often enjoyed watching him tend to the roses outside your tower, and occasionally would hide in the closet when you were SUPPOSED to be at violin lessons but instead dressed Felix up as your stunt double to spy while Chan watered and changed out the soil of the daffodils in your room
Daffodils were your favorite flower next to tulips and cherry blossoms and sunflowers
Almost every other flower in existence that Chan had anything to do with (♥‿♥)
...What could you say, you were hopelessly in love
But he didn’t know that
And the odd thing was
He felt the very same way about you
Can we finally get to some real-time story now?
Okay well
Channie’s pov now here y’all
Bang Chan had been the castle gardener for what felt like eons
His parents had disappeared to fight in the war with the Fire Nation and never came back…
So from a young age, before he was old enough to count, his mom and dad entrusted him to kingdom’s orphanage with care
The local nuns raised him well, and blessed him many times over
He grew up with two best friends there -> a shy boy named Han Jisung and a more confident one named Seo Changbin
The three of them were transferred to work under the kingdom after the local coming-of-age ceremony given to all children when they turn 15
And I totally didn’t steal half of that from an anime or anything...well, just a bit; 25%
So the three of them were whisked off to be given roles of their own to fulfill in order to contribute to society
Changbin was given the title of Dark Knight for his bravery and supreme combat skills
Jisung was awarded the title of Court Jester due to the fact he always made everyone laugh, despite his naturally shy and more introverted demeanor
And Bang Chan, as he preferred to be called, was granted the title of gardener...because...well, they actually denied his musician application, believe it or not
Now, before you get mad
...Well, they were ignorant buffoons, unfortunately (。•́︿•̀。)
So he was forever stuck as a royal gardener because, he worked hard, the court knew it, and their predecessor gardener at the time was kidnapped by the Fire Nation
No one knows why and it’s not important (sorry random garden dude)
He’s okay though...we think
So Bang Chan fit the role
And now at 23, to this day he still fit the role
It was the same mundane routine every day
W a t e r  t h e  p l a n t s
C u t  t h e  v e g e t a b l e s
S n i p  t h e  t h o r n s
T r i m  t h e  v i n e s 
C h a n g e  t h e  s o i l
U G H ! ! !
It got to be downright tedious and vexing repeating the same routine like a Zombie by Day6
Which is the song he often hummed with a lull in his eyes as he w a t e r e d and c u t and s n i p p e d and t r i m m e d
And c h a n g e d eua;bhuisahfvirs WAIT A SECOND
(Oh, we’re backing up to age 16 for a sec)
He’s outside the tallest tower s n i p p i n g the thorns on another rose bush when
He looks up to see what time of day it is and stretch his aching back
And he sees
Up in the window
A g i r l ? ? ?
Who is she
She’s h o t 🥵🥵
Like the sun beating down on his face right now
Hot hot
OUCH! The thorns…
He can’t be getting lost in the waking daydream glancing out her window above him, he’s got a job to do
Flashforward to a few days later, when he makes an excuse to go back to Tower C and tend to the roses that don’t need tending to
She’s not there :((
He looks left and right before burying himself into the bushes so he can wait and see if she shows up
But this poor boy is so overworked that he falls asleep
Poor guy needed a nap anyway 😔😔
He’s having a peaceful dreamless sleep when a song enters his mind
It’s actually a song he wrote, when he applied to be a castle musician
He wakes to hearing the song above him
The sweet, sweet melody just wafting daintily through the air
It’s coming from somewhere above him
...But he’s snagged in the thorn bush and can’t get out 🗿💧
O o p s 
Maybe the bushes did need some work after all--
By the time he rips himself out and basically lost half of his shirt in the process, the song is almost over, coming to a soft decrescendo into a gentle pianissimo
That’s fancy music talk for slowly growing softer and more quiet and ending with a soft, maybe slightly breathy tone
Thankfully it’s cloudy that day so he doesn’t have to squint this time
“Oh, that’s Princess Y/n.”
Boy deadass just pops out of a rose bush like a weasel 🗿💧 what the what
His court jester hat has a few loose thorns in it, and it’s fallen askew to cover half of his face
“...That’s Princess Y/n?” Chan askes, totally in awe
You have such a lovely voice
And he’s bewildered as to how you know his song, seeing as it was a confidential piece he only played for a private group of royals once when auditioning
Jisung just nods, fixing his hat only to have a few of the bells bounce around and whop him in the face
One jingled all the way right into his eye…
But he carries on unaffected; must be used to it <_<
“Yeah, her dad is a total overbearing crazy-protective psycho. ...Well, maybe not psycho, but...he’s crazy protective of his daughter. He’s scared if she takes one step outside, some Fire Nation goon is gonna come popping out of a bush like Team Rocket in almost every old school pokemon episode and kidnap her like Pikachu.”
“...I thought Pikachu always got away.”
“...Oh yeah. 🤔 Bad example then.”
“You are a bad example.”
“Oh yeah?! Well you’re...a good example!”
“...Jisung that was a compliment. And thank you.”
...Moving on
“What can you tell me about her?”
“OOOOOOO...Why? You got a crush on her, bro?”
“...I’m just...curious why the king would wanna keep her locked away in a tower like a Christian Anderson tale.”
Jisung sighs and places his hands on his hips like a lecturing mother. “Are you serious? I just told you, His Majesty is crazy overprotective of his only daughter...also, wouldn’t you wanna keep a beauty like that locked away if she were your daughter???”
Chan gives him a disgusted look. “No? Because I’m not an insecure psychopath?? Everyone deserves to be happy and free…” He glances up to the tower. “That can’t be healthy being held prisoner in a giant dungeon like that.”
“True, true...I’d still keep her locked away, though.”
“Jisung!!! Seriously?!”
Chan clamps his hand over his friend’s mouth. “I’m gonna stop you right there. Goodbye, Jisung.”
He looks at you one last time, marveling at your beauty with a hint of pity in his eyes before walking away
You hadn’t noticed that day, seven years ago, being too lost in a daydream over whether you wanted tea or a nice iced latte with your lunch...despite how loud they were being
It was one of the few enjoyments of your day
One the few things you got to look forward to: choosing what to have for a meal
Choosing what to wear that was within your parent’s standards
Choosing whether you wanted to wile away the hours reading a book or watching Royal TV or scribbling some poorly drawn comics of what your life COULD be like were you NOT a princess with an overbearing father…
S i g h
You’re hanging upside down on your giant canopy bed in a very unladylike fashion when Felix enters the room. You must have not heard him knock, and he’s like
To which you “oop-” and quickly throw yourself over in an upright position
“...Sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s fine.” He laughs a bit and closes the door behind him. “So, whatcha up to?”
Did he have to ask you that? The question sort of burned. What were you supposed to do??? “Just...chillin.”
“Like a villain?”
“In the...millen.”
He laughed at your attempt to carry out the rhyme. “What’s a millen?”
You shrugged. He sat down at the dining table you normally ate at, crossing his feet over the table. “Well, I’ll do you one better. I came to ask if you’d like to accompany me to--”
You’re right there in his face, shaking his shoulders before he can get another word out.
Felix, wanting to take you OUT OF THE PALACE?!??!?!?!?
...You should still probably let him finish, though
Felix (@-@) <- was dizzy for a moment, but once he got his head back on straight, he explained that he’d ask your father if the two of you could go shopping together-- just for a few hours
Felix was the sweetest brother ;-; the sweetest BOY ಥ_ಥ
You were going to have so much fun browsing the shops that you’d only ever read about in novels and seen on TV
The two of you would get popcorn and ice cream and feed the pigeons and do rain dances around the park fountain
And you’d come back with so many souvenirs and nostalgic timepieces from your little journey (╥﹏╥)
It was going to be the BEST. DAY. EVER!
*insert that Spongebob episode here*
Or not
Shortly after the two of you skipped hand-in-hand like Hansel and Gretel down to the Royal Throne room
Your father gave the two of you a big fat N O
His booming voice declared, “NO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL BE SEEN BILLOWING ABOUT THE CITY STREETS!!! That’s like asking to be kidnapped and used as a means of war!!!”
So, the two of you are forced back to your room alone…
And Felix comforts you and apologizes a thousand times over, words that should coming out of your father’s mouth instead
Well, it’s more like evening now
The sun is setting comfortably over the horizon
And Felix has just returned from his shopping trip without you 😔😔
Now before you get angry and call him a traitor, he actually had a fit and refused to go
He even came close to knocking over a table
But that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly and his mother was present
It was his mother that insisted he had to go in order to make a required public appearance for the kingdom and “hopefully find a lady that spotted his fancy” or whatever
Yeah, Felix rolled his eyes too
But he had no choice ://
If it makes you feel any better, he didn’t enjoy himself at all
He spent the whole time thinking about you and looking wistfully at the palace in the distance, to the tower you were most likely glaring wistfully back from
He was now tromping tired princely feet up the winding steps to at least give you a nice gift he’d brought back for you, and some flowers he’d gotten from a recently opened flower shop called Christopher’s Garden
A very nice not-yet-elderly couple ran the shop in honor of their lost son, who they hadn’t heard from since they returned from war
The story was quite sad and bittersweet
Shhh we’ll get there later it’s called foreshadowing(∩‿∩)
He’s about three-quarters of the way there when he’s suddenly ambushed by-- you guessed it-- Team Rocket!1!1
Jk it’s Jisung and Changbin
They’re the new Jessie and James of this story except they’re actually good
They nearly gave him a heart attack!!! >A<
He almost beats them with the flowers, too, until he remembers last minute they’re for you
Changbin sighs in his heavy, overzealous knightly gear. “Maybe the two of you can keep it down before you wake the princess?”
Felix shrugs. “Eh, Y/n is always up at this hour. She’s actually a night owl, but don’t tell the king that. Or her teachers.”
Bin smirks. “Noted--”
Felix has to smack him, which is a hard two second decision but you’re his sister and family comes first 😔😔 But he makes it up by giving Bin a flower, which he awkwardly accepts
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?”
Jisung nods his jingle bell hat all over the place like a bobblehead. “Yeah, okay, so-- check this out!”
He jumps a few steps ahead so he can have room to put on a one-man show. Changbin groans and crosses his arms, while Felix eyes him curiously
“I have this friend, right? Well, we do, actually! Me and Changbin!”
The Dark Knight tilts his head. “You mean Chan?”
“YEA-- I mean, yeah!” He starts bouncing around, mining walking around the garden surrounding the palace walls. “So...I never told you this, but a few years ago...more like seven, I was going for a walk when I spotted him outside the princess’ tower! And I stopped and went ten-thousand stealth mode!”
He mimes diving into the bushes. Changbin rolls his eyes.
“He’d totally fallen asleep in the rose bushes, so I--”
“Could you maybe not talk like you’re twelve?”
Before the two can start quarreling like a couple of twelve year olds, Felix takes on a responsible air, stepping between them
“Hang on...your friend? Was loitering outside my sister’s room?”
Jisung pops his head over Changbin, which really isn’t that hard. “Yeah, he’s the royal gardener! But like, I don’t think the roses needed tending to that day...and after I revealed myself, he was asking a LOT-- well a few...questions about her. Hint hint, my boy’s in love.”
“Love, bro. Like the real sappy stuff.”
“Your friend. Is in love with my sister.”
“...That would be what I just told you, yes.”
“...Wait. Chan as in, Bang Chan? ...OUR friend Chan?!”
“That’s him!”
“Okay okay hold on,” Changbin waves his arms through the air. “Love is a strong word...and this is Chan we’re talking about. He loves just about everybody. He’s nice and empathetic to everyone. Just last week I had to turn away two maids and a palace chef who’d gotten the same mixed signals.”
Jisung shrugs. “Yeah, well…”
“Also this was seven years ago?!”
Changbin deadpans. “So you got me all hyped about jumping Felix for some love story that probably isn’t even real. Seven years is a long time, Jisung. He may have forgotten about her already-- NOT THAT SHE’S SOMEONE TO BE FORGOTTEN.”
He had to finish that last sentence real quick from the look Felix was giving him. The boy sighs, shifting his gifts into one arm so he can run a small hand through his wind-blown hair. “...This is kind of crazy Jisung, even for you. Why are you bringing this up now of all times?”
“I overheard a royal meeting I shouldn’t have about an hour ago...and your dad was talking about having Y/n engaged.”
“To the Fire Nation king.”
“People often refer to him as Zuko, for reasons unknown, but his real name is Minho.”
With fever and a newfound energy, Felix tries bursting up the steps to your room. But unfortunately, Team Rocket stops him.
“MOVE! I have to talk to Y/n about this!!!”
“Hang on! The whole reason I brought up my homeboy in the first place was to maybe stop this suspiciously dangerous and shady deal! If Y/n has already fallen in love with someone else, maybe the king will have a change of heart!!!”
Felix groans, glaring harshly in a manner that isn’t really like him. “Han, her father keeps her locked away in a plush-tailored dungeon and refuses to let her go outside, not even on a short shopping trip with her own brother. He doesn’t want her to be seen, and he certainly doesn’t want her falling in love.”
“Dang…” Changbin groans. “So you don’t think I’ll be able to ask her out this weekend?”
“......” “......”
The glare he gets from both men is a definite no
So what are we to do about a situation like this?
Well I’m glad you asked because we’re about to find out
IRONICALLY right at that moment, you were supposed to be in a late-running math session on how taxing the economy works but 
Instead you were blissfully hidden in the closet, watching Chan plant a newly discovered breed of roses on your balcony the author forgot to mention you even had
It was an indoor balcony of sorts; fenced in with mesh and curtains to keep the bugs and trespassers out
There was a cute little garden table with comfy chairs and a small bookshelf
As well as a mini bar and even a small stereo system B))
You’re the princess sis
This was your world since you weren’t allowed to experience the real one
To explain, you had a window right next to it that you often looked out, since your balcony was more or less closed off…
Hopefully that makes sense ._.”
Alright anyhoo
So Chan is planting some gorgeous purple roses that only ever existed in Animal Crossing until now
The most lusciously soft and purpley purple that ever was and ever would be
And here’s you, hunkered down in the closet like a stalker spying on him with one eye and a slit through the cracked door
The door flies open!
A wild Felix appears!1!1
He’s probably looking for you, but given the equally wild look on his face
He’s probably not aware of Chan’s job, coming in to tend to your plants when you’re scheduled to be absent
Wait they’re friends right
So he isn’t gonna kill him...right?!
Or does this mean he was gonna kill him that much more?!
You’re holding your breath and waiting for the right moment to pounce and topple your half-brother to the floor when apprehensively
He checks his surroundings quickly before shutting the door behind him
What the what is this about--
“We need to talk,” Felix starts, pacing to the dining table where he usually sits. Chan freezes, blinking a few times into the roses and the air above them before turning a blank stare the prince’s way.
“Okay,” he states back, “what’s on your mind?”
“About Y/n…”
About you?
“Princess Y/n? What about?”
Yes, what about you?
“...Jisung…” he sighs. “Look, I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked. Let me start by apologizing about that.”
“Oh, no need to apologize. You’re the prince, and I’m the gardener. We’re both quite busy with our—“
“Jisung told me you like Y/n.”
I’m s o r r y
Okay okay hold up
Han Jisung was the court clown and notorious for pranks and lying his ass off
Surely this was just a (albeit cruel) joke…
Bang Chan’s ears are turning red
Redder than the roses outside your window
He’s biting his lip, like he wants to say something, but is trying hard to suppress said something
His hands are clenched down into the dirt…
“...Well?” asks Felix. “Is it true?”
Haha get it…
Like seeds……..
He nods, softly, barely. Bang Chan nods his approval at Felix’s proposed statement.
Is this even real right now…?
Is this allowed?! 😩
Instead of jumping the guy like you thought he would, Felix instead smiles, so brightly it would be enough to scare off the Fire Nation and save thousands of lives
“Oh wow. Oh f*ck. You like my sister. This is...shouldn’t I be mad right now?”
He begins to pace
“...But I’m not. I’m genuinely okay with this. Better than okay. It’s...weird.”
“Probably because Y/n may be saved from marrying Prince Hellhole of the Underworld now.”
The two of them (and you still in the closet) jump at the sound of a new voice wafting in from the ceiling. Looking up, a set of bells can be seen hanging out if the air vent
...Has that always been there?!
Oh my gravy what if Han Jisung has spied on you before
What if someone else has?!
Felix scowls angrily at the vent before lifting a pen off your desk and throwing it with surprisingly good accuracy
It must have hit something because next thing you know Jisung is saying “ow!” and climbing down at the Prince’s demand
“What the hell were you doing up there?!”
“Detective work.”
“You’re banned from doing detective work anywhere near this room.”
“What about Changbin?”
“Oh uhhh...nothing.”
The clanking of heavy armor trying to escape travels across the ceiling…
And Felix huffs.
So I’m gonna do a mini skip right here to get the ball rolling
After Bin is dragged down and everyone (minus you) is accounted for
The four guys are sitting around your dining table, a sinister(?) plot coming to notion
“Okay,” Felix begins, “So what we know is, according to what Jisung overheard, this arms race war of sorts against the Fire Nation is coming to a rock and a hard place for both sides. And to resolve this issue, it would appear that Y/n is being offered as a bargaining chip. A wedding to unite the two kingdoms.”
Everyone is pretty silent
You included, not that you can say anything at the moment…
But just because you’re silent on the outside doesn’t mean you don’t have a million thoughts racing through your head
Let’s get to the most pressing one that’d likely catch your attention first: MARRIAGE?!?!
With whom?!?!
How dare some old geezers try and pawn you off without your permission?! To the enemy?!? To a man you didn’t even know?!?!
Han suddenly has something to say
Then again when does the boy not
Chan’s ears are turning red again. He’s got a brow quirked like he doesn’t know what Jisung is talking about, but averts his gaze all the same in a guilty manner
Felix is tapping his fingers against his forearm in an attempt to ignore that confession
And Changbin is just sitting next to Chan half confused and half annoyed
“I- I can’t just… Jisung what you’re asking is…”
“It’s too much,” Bin cuts in. “Jisung you can’t just ask someone, much less tell them, to marry a person they have a far-longing crush on, but really know nothing about. They’ve never even spoken to each other before, I can assume, and you’re telling them to spend the rest of their lives in a commitment? That’s intense.”
Jisung pouts. “Yeah, but…!”
“What if we just faked a marriage?”
Three stunned faces (four if we’re counting you) turn eyes upon the eldest and only prince. He smiles warmly, sending a warily comforting shiver down your spine that you have trouble placing as good or bad.
“What do you mean?” Changbin asks.
“I doubt the king is going to accept Y/n��s wishes in all of this, so we can’t just have her or Chan ask to be wed. But if they’re already married…”
Jisung’s face lights up. “Then there’s nothing the king or Fire Nation fools can do about it!!! That’s BRILLIA--”
“But it would just be a ruse. We’ll have a fake license made, and I can supply the rings. I’ve got plenty of underground connections~”
You’re looking at Chan’s face to see what he thinks of all this, but unfortunately his back is to you, and Changbin is blocking 90% of your view…
You can, however, see that his ears are still a flushed scarlet, as well as the base of his neck
“Would you be okay with that?”
He jumps. Felix and the others blink expectantly. 
“...Are you okay with being my sister’s fake husband for a few hours?”
It’s gotta be the awkwardest question you’ve ever heard coming out of your brother’s mouth, but then…
“Yeah. If it’ll protect Y/n...let’s do it.”
It’s the first time you’ve heard him not refer to you as the princess, but rather, just yourself
Meanwhile in a diabolical castle not too far away but still kinda far 
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━━☆゚.*・。゚
We’ve got an evil firelord named Zuko over here
But he’s not really evil :(( In fact he’s not evil at all!!!
His name isn’t even Zuko it’s Minho
And he’s just kinda mean is all…
Just a smidge | |
“My Lord Zuko!!!” An attendant bows, groveling at the steps to the throne
He’s some weird guy with an eyepatch
Not important but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Fire King growls, swirling a glass of something strong
“I told you that’s not my name,” he states, tossing the glass after a single gulp. Dang. Intense.
The attendant :((, covering his face like a scared manchild. “PLEASE FORGIVE ME YOUR GRACE!!!”
Minho rolls his eyes. “If I do, will you man up and give me the details on the Nation of (Your Kingdom Name Here)?”
“Oh, yes, yes! Thank you, sire!!!”
“...S u r e.” He blinks a few times, only sparing the slightest hint of a smile when one of the three cats wandering the kingdom jumps onto his lap. “Well? Get on with it.”
“Yes, sire, right away!” Patchy pulls out an enormously large scroll that should NOT have been able to fit in his pocket similar to the mechanics of Animal Crossing (seriously how is it you’re able to fit a giant whale into your pocket and like a freaking tarantula and a hive of wasps like idk about you sis but I would NOT be putting those things in my pocket-) “It would appear that the Princess of (Nation) has given her consent to marry His Royal Highness of the Tallest Order Fire Nation King Zu-- ...L-Lee Minho of the Tallest Order of the Nation of Fire and All Things Cat Related.”
Minho is nodding, a pleasant smirk on his face. Things were just going swimmingly for him. “Perfect. Just as I thought they would. Seungmin? Jeongin?”
From the shadows, two boys stepped forward. “Yes, Your Grace?”
“Please plan my arrival to the Nation of (Your Nation) at once. I’d like to arrive no later than the end of the week.”
“...Sire, with all due respect…” Seungmin swallows. “That’s in two days. Normally, I’d have to send a carrier pigeon to customs since you banned technology after that one disapproving cat commercial, and as you know, your cats are constantly eating both the birds and the notes…”
Minho shrugs. “And? So? Just write a new note and buy more birds. There’s no time to waste!”
Seungmin and Jeongin share a look. Arguing against the King would be suicide, so…
“...Yes, Your Unreasonable Grace.”
“Grea-- wait what?”
Comically, they both vanish before any more words can be said.
Moving right along here
That night, after the sun has fully set and you’re getting ready to tuck yourself into bed
There’s a strange sound coming from the window…
. . .
Creepy but probably nothing
It’s just the wind, right?
You choose to ignore it and continue organizing the pillows (and dolls?) on your bed in a fashion that suits your fancy when
Tap Tap Tap
. . .
It’s either an incredible coincidence that wind can tap in such a rhythmic fashion, and not so sporadically, or…
There’s someone at the window
...No, really
On the twelfth floor tho?!
Should you answer it
Survey says no
Are you going to?
The stars say yes
You grab an ornate candlestick from your nightstand and start heading that way
Slowly, carefully, one foot at a time
The closer you get, the more prominent the shadow outside the window becomes…
It almost looks kinda like…
...A tumbleweed? A scarecrow???
You’re scared
“Princess? Princess Y/n?”
Gasp you know that voice
It’s… …
Without a moment to lose you ditch the candlestick and unlock the hinges, tossing the windows open to…
Watch your beloved…
...Almost fall and crack his head open ._.”
Chan is laughing nervously hanging onto the windowsill with a faint pink mark on his cheek from where the window popped him
You cry out nervously and with an effort on both parts, manage to hoist him inside
Where he clichely falls on top of you 🌚🌚 Teehee 🥴
You can feel the heat rising to your face and swirling around your head that’s already been spinning with thoughts for a while now
And Chan, catching his breath over you, practically mirrors that reaction
I Am You
I see me in you--
Okay sorry
Chan laughs the whole thing off and rolls himself off like Nishinoya performing his famous Rolling Thunder, and helps you up while profusely asking if you’re alright, if you need to sit down, you should probably sit down, oh I’m so sorry Felix told me you stayed up late so--
Ah wait
“He told you that? When?”
You’re now sitting on the side of your bed, and Chan is standing a few feet away with windblown hair that could easily be mistaken for a tumbleweed through the dead of night
The fact that you’re staring at it makes him a little self conscious, but really you were just thinking about how cute he looks
“Uh, he told me a few hours ago. We were just...chatting, and um…”
He cuts himself off and sighs into his hands
“I’m so sorry. You probably don’t even know who I am.”
“I do.”
“You do?”
“I do.” You smile. “You’re the gardener. Your name is…” You blush. “Christopher Bang. You take care of the roses at the base of the tower and you planted the purple ones on my balcony today. You’re also a friend of my brother’s.”
“Wow, okay yeah.” He smiles back. Seeing him smiling at you while acknowledging the other, the faint flicker of candlelight (Felix broke your lamp during a karate stunt to make you laugh)...it’s almost too much to handle. “That would sort of explain why you let an absolute stranger into your bedroom at night.”
He had a point there
Blame the author sis she’s got three other WIPs rn and wanted to get this done while doing a semi-decent job (。•́︿•̀。)💧
“I-I just...have a strong sense of adventure,” you lied. Kinda. Reality was, you really WERE longing for a chance to explore and have just a little excitement in your life instead of the same boring gray stone walls each and every day
Lucky for you, that’s exactly what Chan was here for
The next thing you see is his hand in your face (a still-respectable distance away), offering you quite the gentlemanly smile. He managed to fix that windblown hair of his in the seconds you spent spaced out over your longing to leave this place
“Come on. I actually came here to ask if you’d like to go somewhere with me.”
A little disclosure here
Normally, you should never, EVER let someone you don’t really know into your home (much less your bedroom) late at night, and you certainly should not agree to go somewhere with them
This is just common knowledge, I know
But, for crack, time, and in the spirit of classic fairytales, I’m going to allow it to happen :)))
AND SO, Y/n chooses to defy common sense, and takes the hand of the boy she really likes (▰˘◡˘▰)
To make things slightly less weird and insanely unnatural, Chan gives you a note from Felix. It’s got his secret seal of approval that he only uses when addressing letters to you, one that only the two of you know about, so it’s gotta be legit and valid
Just pretend it makes things A LITTLE bit better for me, okay?
“Author do you know how illogical this all is and that, like, ANYONE could figure out--”
The note says:
𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒴/𝓃, 𝒴𝑒𝑒𝓉! 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃, 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓋𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓁𝑒 ;) 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝒹 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒶 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇...𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉, 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁, 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃...𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓅𝒶𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝑒. 𝐼𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒸𝒶𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒽𝒾𝓂, 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉? 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒. 𝐼'𝓋𝑒 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝐼'𝓂 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝒢𝑜 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓃𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝓃𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓊𝓈 𝒾𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓋𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝒫.𝒮. - 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃, 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝒴/𝓃!
𝒜𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓂𝒶𝓃, 𝓃𝑜 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝑔𝑜𝓉𝓉𝒶 𝒹𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝒾𝓉. 𝒴/𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒹 𝓊𝓃𝓈𝒸𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒹 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒷𝓎 𝓃𝑜 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓂𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝒻𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓃 𝑒𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇. 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓂𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒶𝓃𝓉𝓁𝓎, 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓃𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒. :)
-- 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓂𝒶𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝑜𝓀𝒶𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈, 𝐹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓍 (ℱ )
...Well, there you had it
Now, onto the date! …
ಥ_ಥ 💧
Chan is about to take your hand and wisk you out the window like Rapunzel or some Romeo and Juliet au (hey btw??? That ain’t a bad idea someone request this from me)
He nearly forgets about the height difference and the fact that he don’t have any rope or long flowing locks to grab onto to :D so instead the two of you opt for an idea that comes to you after nearly tearing your room apart to look for rope:
You have to move some furniture around but it’s not like anyone is gonna come into your room or find out about you missing anyway
Reader: “Chan came into my room tho--”
After getting lost for approximately ten minutes in the winding air ducts, Chan manages to get his poor sleep deprived brain together and leads you down the right path, coming to a purifying viel(?) he knocks out of the way to kick the door open to outside
( つ﹏╰)
You can’t do it
Chan jumps out easily onto the grass to some East side of the palace, but you just sit there, hunkered down in the opening space of the vent
Just staring at it
The grass
The trees
The tumbleweed that is Chan’s hair blow by
It’s almost too much…
Your body won’t move. You’ve been locked away in the palace for so long now...something inside of you is telling you it’s morally wrong to change that now.
“Hey wait author I have a question”
I’m kinda in the middle of telling a semi-deep part of the story but okay sure
“If Chan and I were on the twelfth floor how is it that we made it to the--”
Chan is watching you with some sort of softness in his eyes illuminated by starlight. He holds his hands out to you.
“It’s okay. If you need me to, I can carry you for as long as I’m able.”
But you refuse
You need to cross this bridge
And then you need to burn it 🔥
...Except you’re always open for an excuse to be close to Chan so 🤪💓
You jump in his arms without much of a second thought, and without thinking he spins you around, and a moment later
Both of your slippered feet hit the ground below
Soft earth enveloping your heels
Blades of grass tickling your skin
It’s a good kind of weird
A kind of weird you’d love to get used to
Hand in hand the two of you slip off after that, out into that starry starry night that looks like a Van Gogh painting
It’s beautiful and blurred yet sharp and soft yet bright and you feel like queen of the world as you’re running through Central Park, riding on Chan’s shoulders
Dancing around the center fountain
Nearly blowing your cover when a racoon runs by
It’d be kinda bad if someone saw you, much less recognized who you were 😅
The two of you lay on the hillside, where Chan makes up stories about the stars and you smile at the sound of his voice, and the feeling of wildflowers against your cheek
You’re so enthralled that you scarcely notice when his voice trails off as he’s watching you, admiring your beauty as he often has in days gone by, only this time it’s up close and nearly surreal
The girl of his dreams lying in a bed of flowers
Not palace-tainted ones either -> wildflowers, flowers that are free to billow any way the wind takes them
And the moonlight casting perfectly angular shadows over your body
He has to get a hold of himself and tear himself away with a sharp breath
But he’s adding the image to a memory in his heart, that’s for sure
He takes a moment to mull over it a few more times before dusting himself off, standing, and reaching out to you. Something you also want to get used to other than being in the Great Outdoors. “Come on,” he says, “We’ve almost used up all our time, and I haven’t even been able to show you the town yet.”
SHOPPING~! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
...Ah wait it was night time 😔 You’d have to settle for just seeing the sights and playing pretend
“We’re gonna do something called window shopping.”
“Window shopping?” You ask, taking your first steps down main street. “What’s that?”
Surprisingly, there were a few stragglers still out and about at this hour, so you had to keep your head down and wander as seamlessly as possible off to the side of the road.
“Window shopping is when you wander around a shopping district just to look at the stuff on display. You shop with your eyes and pick out things you like.”
That sounded kinda fun
Of course anything with Chan sounded like a good time to you (♥‿♥)
And so, still hand in hand, the two of you quietly walked the cobblestone streets, examining clothes and trinkets in the large glass windows of stores and commenting lightly on things you liked/disliked
And, over a short span of time, you felt a gentle shift as Chan entwined his fingers with yours
ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
You wander the streets for a while longer, taking a left here, a right there, when after pacing a little ways down a side street connecting to a sleepy neighborhood, Chan stops quite abruptly
His arms and posture is rigid af, so it almost yanks you back a bit, and a little startled you look up to see what it is he’s gawking at
It’s a flower shop
And the big sign across the roof’s edge says, “Christopher’s Garden”
Christopher’s Garden was the name Chan’s parents had wanted to name the flower shop the two of them had dreamed of opening together
Chan knows this because of the letters he’d receive at the orphanage during the war
The last letter he received was when he was eleven years old; a simple “hello we miss you” update with a miniature bouquet of pressed wildflowers
Flowers he still kept in his small room at the palace, tapped to the inside of the box where all his letters are stored
Faintly, he reaches out towards the sign, like it’s the only thing around him; suddenly there is no village, no night time, and there almost isn’t a Y/n either
Not that you aren’t important…
He just simply can’t believe that…
This couldn’t be real, it had to be a coincidence
A cruel one, but still
A coincidence nonetheless
And he’d continue to think that had he not lowered his hand, and found the face of an older man staring back at him
A man with burn marks on his cheeks and the scars of war apparent in both his features and his eyes
He has to grip the doorway to keep himself from falling backward
For it may have been many years, but he could never forget the face of his own son; not even after time had aged him
The parental spark was just there, a father’s intuition
As if seeming to understand, Y/n lets him go
She retreats stage left, one, two paces
And watches with heartfelt joy as the two men embrace somberly beneath the moonlight.
You wanted to stay and watch
You really really did
You wanted to be that support beam for Chan, but
In a way, you also didn’t want to intrude on such an important family moment
...And you were more or less due back at midnight 🙄 Cinderella much?
You’re racing along the alleyways right now
Slippers puffing a muffled breath with each step along the pavement
Buildings casting shadows and jagged shapes of light along the way
A random cloth you borrowed from behind a grocery masking your head
You found it lying over some crates of produce; and you may or may not have borrowed a few plums for the road, too…
...You’d have someone pay them back with interest 🤷
You probably should have told Chan you were heading back, but
He needed his family, right?
This was really important to him, you could tell he obviously hadn’t seen his dad, uncle, or whoever that man was back there in a while
You could catch him up later, right?
He’d probably spend the night there and be back by morning or mid-afternoon
You’re just now reaching a fork in the road
You could keep going straight or make a slanted right venturing toward the front gate, which connects the pastures of hills (making up Central Park) to the palace
It would probably be better to stick the backways, but you didn’t know the area that well…
If you went back into civilization, although it was after curfew and despite your disguise, someone may still spot you
What to do what to do what to--
“So you’re the Princess of (Kingdom Name).”
Did someone just--
“You don’t have to be frightened.” the voice says, stepping closer. “I’m here to take you home.”
Yes okay now we RUN 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨
You make a break for it down the straight path, letting your veil fly away from your body and temporarily blind whoever’s following you
You also make good use of those plums you stole, tossing them like bombs over your shoulder
“Argh--! Dang it, sh*t, I can’t sEE--” Your pursuers flail about before shredding the cloth to bits, whipping the fruit off their faces. “AFTER HER!!!”
The sound of heavy metal clanging against cobblestone bounces off the space behind you as you’re pounding, scrambling, flinging yourself in a zigzag pattern in case someone is trying to snipe you
But alas there are so many boxes and wheelbarrows and junk in the way...
But wait who even is “them” anyway???
Do you even need to know?! It was probably some councilman your stepmother or  father pissed off
You’d seen it all on TV and read plenty of horror stories in books to know there were endless reasons why someone would be targeting you for vengeance
...And, also…
Blast it all
You could hear your father’s voice echoing:
“NO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL BE SEEN BILLOWING ABOUT THE CITY STREETS!!! That’s like asking to be kidnapped and used as a means of war!!!”
“A means of war!!!”
“A means of war!!!”
…………………………………...g u l p 
But boy were you getting your fill of excitement now
If you could just make it back to the palace, maybe you could use this as an excuse
Say you were kidnapped and made a grand escape
...It wasn’t a TOTAL lie…
“Oh Princess~ Princess Y/n, slow down, won’t you please?!”
~ t r i p ! ~
Oh-- ...
Owowowowow… (。>︿<。)💧
You slowly look up to the enemy
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ❤️ “Guess who? ...Oh, wait, we’ve never met before.”
The plan was going to be very simple: swoop in, rescue the princess, and take her back home to appease to the King and speed up the royal wedding of the century
Unfortunately, nothing was ever simple in the Fire Nation
That and, well, Minho had spies everywhere
He’d seen your photograph
He knew what you looked like
And when one of his minion’s squeaked saying they spotted a certain soon-to-be-and-technically-already-so engaged princess and coming-soon queen of the Fire Nation running around after hours with another man, well
He just couldn’t have that
It simply wasn’t allowed
The king had promised him your hand
And that’s exactly what he was going to get
“Tie her wrists tighter. Yes. Now a little closer to the left…”
He smiles at you from inside the back of the carriage. He was about to make this go his way faster than he could have hoped for.
He leans forward, now dressed in some ridiculous royal garb festive with plated armor and flapping ribbons, patting your knee with smooth-lined fingers that shouldn’t belong to someone ruling the Fire Nation. And he knows this, too. He was and still is the youngest king to ever hold the throne. “Don’t worry, Princess, I simply wish to escort you home. This is, however, a pleasant time for us to get acquainted. Since I will become your husband in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
To this, the Princess of (Your Castle) makes some sort of a scoffing remark beneath her cloth-covered mouth and fidgets herself away, as far back against the plush carriage interior as she can. Even beneath the pale moonlight and faint swaying torchlight outside, bobbing in the hands of soldiers, he can see the scowl of disapproval and hatred on her face.
That would have to change real’ fast. No way he was tolerating a disobedient bride for long.
A rapping comes from outside the window. Carefully, Minho opens the small glass door, pulling the curtain aside along with it. “What is it?”
Seungmin’s face appears in the open space. “We may have a problem. Two, actually.”
“Yes, yes, what are they?”
His first attendant licks his lips nervously. “Well for starters, Jeongin is going to have a mental breakdown if Doongi scratches his face one more time. Your pets--”
“My family.”
“...Your family is getting antsy being cooped up in the carriage for so long.”
A hissing can be heard in the distance, followed by Jeongin’s muffled scream. Minho sighs.
“Fine, Fine…” He glances tentatively at his soon-to-be bride. “We’ll stop at the next fork in the road and switch passengers. I will ride with the children and Jeongin can accompany Princess Y/n until we arrive.” 
“Very good, Your Majesty.”
Minho makes a face, suddenly. “...It shouldn’t be long now, yes?” ((After all, you and Chan did WALK into town.)) “What’s taking so long? How much farther?”
Seungmin looks a bit grave. “...That’s...the other thing I wished to speak to you about.”
You can hear the shouting from your new location inside a smaller (yet still quite plush and fancy) carriage that’s covered in cat fur...and a pitiful attendant with a bloodied face
“So we’ve been traveling in circles this whole TIME?!?!”
That kind of anger didn’t bode well for whoever’s plan this was
“Ahh…we’re so sorry, Your Majesty! But the guard won’t let us through! They refused to take us seriously when we proclaimed to be the Fire Nation escorting the Princess home…”
The Fire King let out a groan.
You zoom your attention on the boy before you, holding a dampened cloth of alcohol to his face and hissing as it makes contact with several wounds. Poor guy is young, and he couldn’t be too much younger than you. Give or take three to four years.
“M-mm-m, mm mm-mm mm m.”
He looks at you like you’re speaking in tongues. Which, quite frankly, you may as well be. “...What?”
“Mm mmm, m-mm-m, mm mm-mm mm m!”
Peering left and then right, he makes sure both curtains are closed before leaning forward and pulling down the cloth over your face. You cough a bit, spitting out pieces of string and fabric and the dry taste in your mouth. “...”
“......” Jeongin seems to be admiring you in a new sort of light. It’s a bit weird, but flattering. “Um, what was it that you tried to say?”
You look him dead in the eye, which is somewhat hard to do, but your anger helps you manage. Jeongin winces backward, something twitching in his mind. “I said, if I were you, I would blow this joint.”
“.........” Jeongin glances down at his shoes, staring hard at the laces. He seems to be taking your words quite seriously, though you’d half meant them as a joke. “...I’m in no position to do such a thing. Just thinking about it is treason.”
“Treason? For having thoughts? You don’t have any mind readers in your country, do you?”
Slowly, he shakes his head no. It was kinda cute how seriously he was taking your words...and a bit sad, too. “No, we don’t dwell in psychics or anything supernatural. But the author of this story has been kinda thinking about making a supernatural au for some time now--”
A rapping comes at the carriage door. Jeongin acknowledges it with a nod. “...Never mind.” He opens the window. There, again, was Seungmin’s floating head alongside a ball of fire.
“His Majesty Pain-in-the-Ass is being difficult again. Imagine that. He wants us to make camp and then plans on playing the martyr card come tomorrow morning.”
“...He expects us to camp out in the woods?”
“That’s the order.”
Jeongin groans. He leans back in his seat, tossing the rag down in frustration. “...Maybe I really should consider running away…are you hiring, by chance?”
It was meant to be a joke. But you take it all too seriously.
“Why, yes, actually, I am.” :))))))))))
And so that is how you have now ended up here
In front of a roaring fire
All comfy cozy in the new fleece pajamas Jeongin and Seungmin sewed for you out of one of Minho’s extra capes and some “spare” fabrics
Sipping some freshly pressed apple juice and flipping through King Minho’s edition of Royalty Daily
Seungmin, to your left, is fashioning you a new pair of slippers that you can wear both indoors and out and will feel as if you never stepped out of bed
And Jeongin, to your right, slowly moving an electric fan around your face, in a pleasant manner that wasn’t at all distracting
It was glorious, really ٩(˘◡˘)۶
You never imagined being so relaxed in an enemy camp held hostage, even if you were a Princess…
...The only thing sour was the sour look of King Minho brooding at the other side of the fire.
“What is the meaning of this?” he hisses, eyes flitting back and forth between his two former attendants and you in-between. “Why aren’t the two of you doing your normal duties?”
“We are doing our normal duties,” Seungmin explains, snipping the thread he was working with.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, we are.”
“Are you defying me right now?!”
Minnie scoffs. “Defying? You? Wouldn’t dream of it, Sire.”
“......” Minho dramatically rose from his seat, snatching a slipper off the boy’s lap. “Then what is the meaning of this,” he demands, shaking it about. You notice from a new angle of lighting the cute white polka dots patterned along dark pink fabric. Adorable. “Why are you...restyling my slippers?!”
Seungmin gives a reputable glare, snatching the slipper right back in the sassiest way possible, and dusts it carefully, as if it were tainted by the mere touch of another. “These are not for you, dear King. They are for My Lady, Princess Y/n.”
Now surely you can imagine, the look on Minho’s face is not a good one. “They’re… They… Y-Your whAT?!?!”
“SHHHHHHH!!!” Jeongin chimes. “Lord Zuko, you must keep your voice down! The Princess is trying to read, and she has sensitive hearing!” >:((
You sip that apple juice like it’s the sweetest tonic out there
And Minho, stunned, can only watch...until he throws down his foot and starts having an unroyaly absurd hissy fit
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR PRINCESS?! SHE’S MY BRIDE, AND THE HOSTAGE!!! And what do you think the two of you are doing?! What are you saying?!? Have you...are you telling me you switched sides?!?!”
“We aren’t telling you, we were hoping you’d get the memo by watching.”
!? “ARRRGH!!!”
The three of you watch with second-hand embarrassment, along with a couple of nearby guards, until
The King has to pause mid-fit
For a rustling in the bushes pulls his attention aside-- along with the others.
Minho seems to gain his composure surprisingly quickly. With serious glint in his eyes, he pulls his sword, in unison with the surrounding army he’d brought.
Behind you, Jeongin respectfully pulls you close, Seungmin brandishing his own blade and standing protectively before you.
You’re confused, almost, at how high the tension had magically become
You can feel Jeongin’s heartbeat against you back, and the silence amid the rustle is deafening
A single bead of sweat rolls down your neck…
And then evaporates when a field mouse screeches at the glinting of sharp metal objects and flees. 🗿💧
“Oh...false alarm…” the Fire King sighs. His army groans, reupholstering their swords and spears
And then jump in surprise at the ambush that comes after
I know we’re 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ flying through this story kinda fast now but just hang tight
Cause a few familiar faces had come to save the day B))
Familiar faces known as Sir Changbin, Newly-awarded Knight Jisung, and brother who loved you a little too much, Felix
The way your brother’s sword clashed with Minho’s as your new attendants hurried you into the awaiting cart was a sight to behold
And you could still hear the screams of startled men even now :(((
Luckily Felix held a philosophy unlike your father to not cause any permanent damage at all costs, so no casualties occurred; just a lot of smoke-bombing and a few cuts and bruises
Then there was Jisung, who had to hang on to the roof bc he went flying during the ambush and landed in a tree and there just wasn’t enough time to get him inside so Changbin had to snap a branch and let him fall on top...but
You know
No casualties :))))
“Are you okay?!?!” Felix is demanding, checking you face, your neck, your hands. You sigh and shake your head, which at first he takes as a no and has a small panic attack but you give him a little shove followed by a hug
“I’m fine. I’m sorry I was gone for so long...but thank you for saving me.” <3
Felix hugs you back, though a grim look resides on his face. “I’m gonna have a serious talk with Chan. I can’t believe he just left you out in the city-- or the forest-- to find your own way home in the dead of night when you’ve scarcely left the palace before!”
You jump back, startling him a bit. “Chan didn’t leave me! Please...don’t be mad at him.”
“Wha?” He lists his head. “Then what happened?”
“......” Oops. “I...I left him. I thought I could make it back on my own.”
His arms cross. “And what the heck made you think that?”
At this, you almost felt a sense of defiance. Almost.
Felix didn’t think you could make it on your own?! You?!? A twenty-something year old young woman?!?!?
...Well he was right because you had absolutely no sense of direction except where the shampoo was in your royal bathroom 😔
“You? Yes?”
“......” Sigh. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you...but first you have to let my friends go.”
The screen pans over to Seungmin and Jeongin, tied back to back with apples shoved in their mouths. Seungmin stared a hole into Felix’s head while Jeongin was actually making some decent progress getting a bite out of the apple to free himself...until some juice went down the wrong pipe and he started choking.
“Your friends?” The prince huffs. “These are the Fire Lord’s attendants. I’ve met them on two occasions in the past. Trust me, they aren’t your...friends.”
You stamp your foot, to which everyone comically flinched. Outside, Han howled at the branches slapping him in the face and the dust in his eyes. “They work for me now, and they’re my friends!!! 😤😤 So let them go right now or I’ll push them out and roll out of here right beside them!”
Felix couldn’t have this, so
He gets to untying, and once freed, the four of you sit on the empty cart floor: you and your attendants on one side, Felix on the other. He exchanges a few words with Changbin up front and Han still on the roof before settling down for your story
“We should be arriving to the west gates shortly. Also, Han is fine, so don’t worry about him. Tell me everything that happened.”
You do. You start from the beginning, with Chan, and the wonderful time the two of you shared. Then you tell him about the village, and how lovely window shopping was, and the moment that all came to a halt. You explain Christopher’s Garden, the aging man who sleepily walked out the front door, the exchange that occurred between him and Chan...the way they embraced. You’d felt so happy but out of place, you decided to venture off and give them the privacy they very much deserved.
Then you come around to Minho. How you’d tried to run, but only made it so far thanks to your new mortal enemy, rocks. You’d become a hostage, and you quickly rush through the rival king’s evil(?) plan to lie his way to victory.
And, of course, you mention the proud and wise decision of his most loyal and trusted adversaries switching sides and how good you are at making friends (ღ˘⌣˘)♥ so that happened
By the time you get through the whole (short? Not really) story, the six of you have arrived at (Castle’s) West Gate.
In the past tense bc the author’s random switching is a meme
A certain evil(?) king named Minho was angry
You can understand, right?
I mean, his future bride had escaped, his former friends(?) betrayed him, and he got his ass beat pretty flawlessly by some punk prince who didn’t even injure him that badly...ON PURPOSE
This was a DISASTER
In fact, he was following the trail with a few uninjured guards as he spoke
“Keep following the tracks,” he demanded from the window of his carriage. Doongi, Soongi, and Dori all meowed in agreement. “I want those fools hand-tied and the princess back in her station before the sun rises. Is that clear?”
“Crystal, Sir!!!” They all cried. Minho scoffed, closing the window and falling back exhaustively in his seat
He messaged his temples...since Jeongin wasn’t there to do it for him
How did this happen?
How could he lose?
How could he let you and the others just escape like that...and fall for such a subtle, dumb trick?
Also…...there was the matter of his childish behavior from before
In front of the princess, his future wife
His friends
His army
That really hadn’t been like him at all
He just...was so stressed lately
And exhausted
Did he mention exhausted?
What time was it, like, 1 am???
That might be fine for you, but normally this king had his ass under covers by 11 pm
He could scarcely keep his eyes open were it not for all the rocks and potholes and--
And the curious young man that just stumbled out into the road.
Minho leaned forward, staring through the open front window, squinting in the darkness to make out a face; was that one of the boys? Was that Seungmin, or Jeongin perhaps?
It certainly didn’t sound like it-- the sap was calling out a name, and seemed to be dressed in tattered old clothes. Probably a peasant looking for his lost sheep or dog.
But then his men pulled the carriage closer, since that previous battle had spooked all the horses away, and Minho was able to make out a name: “Y/n!!! Princess, say, “here I am!!!””
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
To be continued...maybe.
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
AO3 fics
This is a list of AO3 fics I find and need a place to save so I can read them later! I’d save them in a file on my phone but my phone hates me and quite frankly, I don’t blame it.
Note: I also take fic finding requests! I can’t help you find specific fics but if there is a ship here you aren’t interested in or don’t ship but you want a fic for, let me know what genre you want and the ship or x reader and I’ll find it for you! Genres include fluff, romantic, spicy, angst!
Some of the descriptions are the actual descriptions from the fics, however some are just notes I made about them myself. NONE OF THESE ARE MINE AND I AM NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THEM!
This is mostly just for me but I figured I’d post it so I can create a link for it on my page instead of going through my drafts to look for it.
Guide: ☘️ not completed 🍀 completed ❌ not read ✔️ read 🌶 spicy 🌹 romance 🌵angst 🌼 fluff
If you think an emoji on a fic should be changed, just let me know! I DID NOT PUT ANY TRIGGER WARNING IN THE DESCRIPTIONS! If I think there is something trigger or know there is I will tell you to read the tags and notes but if you read one of these with a mislabeled emojis or you think a 🌵 should be added, please let me know.
On the last day of every month I go through and update the info of if it is completed and how many chapters there are. Because of this some of the info may be wrong as you read this post.
A World Alone
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
10 chapters and part of a Series
🌼🌹 Nico was ready to propose - now he just needed to figure out how. He convinces Will to celebrate Hanukkah for the first time in years. The problem is, Nico doesn't know anything about Hanukkah.
The Ballad of Landon Creek
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
22/32 updated 2021-03-05 left off on 16
🌵🌹🌼Doctor Will Solace had lived in the secluded Oregon town of Ladon Creek for a year when a mysterious stranger arrived and turned his world upside down.
A series of coincidental meetings
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters - left off on 3
🌼 Exactly what the title says
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter but part of a series!
🌼 Eijirou wakes up cold, alone, and worried. What hidden truths will he find when he seeks out his boyfriend?
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter but part of a series!
🌵 Ochako recieves a letter from Bakugo she never wanted.
Not Kiribaku centered but includes Kiribaku
And your name for the order is
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 Coffee shop AU where Kirishima is the only one who enjoys taking Bakugo’s order
Tell me the truth (even if it hurts)
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters - left off on 3
🌵 little not much 🌹/🌼 Kirishima gets hit with a truth quirk but he isn’t the one telling the truth
Tell me Whatever
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 mostly, Bakugo gets hit with a quirk and it becomes impossible to be lied to, and Kirishima is so very open
Bien Cuit
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
7/10 updated on 2021-02-12 left off on 1?
🌼🌹 “It’s the best cafe in town! You gotta try it!!” Kirishima exclaimed. “What’s the worse that can happen?” Kirishima asked. Bakugou should have fucking known better than to trust that Shitty Hair for a simple coffee recommendation.
Or : Bakugou Katsuki accidentally ends up in a cafe meet-cute with Deku’s former number one ride-or-die, Uraraka Ochako, and they catch feelings.
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵🌹 romance and angst, soulmate AU!
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
2 Chapters and part of a series left off on chapter 1
🌼Kirishima is sick and Bakugo takes care of him
I Missed You
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌼 After a long mission, Bakugou and Kirishima talk on their couch, some sweet things are said, and their friends walk in on them making out.
5 Times Bakugou Katsuki was soft for Kirishima Eijirou and the 1 Time Everyone Found Out
Completed ☘️ Read not done yet
2/6 Chapters updated on 2021-01-19 left off on 2
🌼 Sunflowers, daisies, and a discussion about bubbles.
Light it up like dynamight
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 Kirishima had a mission: to discover Bakugou’s favourite band. After all, he had a Christmas gift to buy.
Or, alternatively, in which best bros Kirishima and Bakugou go to a concert and they end the day being more than bros.
Valentine- a Kiribaku fluffshot
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌹🌼 Happy valentine's day! Well, it's not not so happy for Katsuki, who's finally decided to confess to Eijirou. Much due to Mina's pushiness, he decided to confess through cliched Valentine's chocolates. Although he's nervous and doubtful, a good deal of hope sits buried in Katsuki's chest. But what will happen when the Bakusquad hangs out on Valentine's Day and someone notices the chocolates?
We don’t have to be ordinary
Completed 🍀 Read unfinished
8/8 chapters left off on 5
🌵🌹🌼 A Footloose AU that nobody asked for, but I'm certainly providing.
Sounds a little strange for someone who’s never watched footloose- BUT IT’S SO GOOD I PROMISE!
Gotta KiriBaku Them All
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
Eijiro Kirishima is a eighteen year old rock trainer in a world full of Pokemon. His childhood best friend Denki Kaminari travels with him to different regions. One fateful day they decide to enlist in a charity tournament at Lumiose City in Kalos. Who will they meet and what challenges will they face? Follow the boys as they make new friends and battle their way through the competition!
Im unsure how to emoji label this one so please read the tags and notes!
Bakugou and his Journal
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
1/2 chapters updated 2021-02-07
🌼🌵? (Unsure how to emoji label this) Bakugou’s journal.
Clashing Colors
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters
🌼One month into classes at UA and shinso is being transferred into class 1-A, a small problem being that kaminari has started to have feelings for him and just to his luck, kaminari has been chosen to help shinso move into his new dorm.
(Obviously) They’re Married
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
6 chapters
🌹🌼mostly, Where Kaminari meets Shinso’s dads. But he doesn’t know who they are. Erasermic family!
5 + 1 Things : Kamishin
Completed 🍀 Read ?
1 Chapter
🌼🌵 5 times Kaminari was too loud for Shinso, 1 time he was too quite. Warning: language and brief mention of homophobia
Let me Scream
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵🌼 Mina made Hitoshi drop an extremely personal note before reading it out loud with Denki present. Denki got mad at Hitoshi for the first time. A while later, he angrily opens up and tells Hitoshi why.
Or Hitoshi and Denki have their first argument as a couple.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌼Kaminari and Shinsou spend their first Christmas together. Shinsou's never really celebrated Christmas and Kaminari is determined to give him a real Christmas
Catch Me
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
5 Chapters
🌼(but read the tags!) Shinsou and Kaminari meet by chance their first year of high school and spend one whirlwind day together that changes the trajectory of their entire lives. Three years later, after maintaining a long distance friendship, they are roommates, nearly through their first year at the University of Osaka. They are forever on the edge of something beyond friendship, but never quite able to take the leap of faith for fear of tainting their memories of that one, perfect day. That is, until Kaminari gets blackout drunk in a night of frustration and Shinsou won't let it go.
Pizza n Fries
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
3/? Chapters updated 2021-03-10 left off on 2
🌼 So here Kaminari sits, the most popular boy in school, alone, idly poking at his school lunch,, pizza. How the school managed to screw up pizza was beyond him, but at the same time he was once given a single slice of soggy bread for lunch. Just as he was about to get up to throw his plate in the trash, it's entire existence disgusted him, a deep voice sounded in, "school lunches am I right?"
We’ll Hold You When the Sky Falls Down
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼This is a Kaminari x Jirou x Shinsou fic! Soulmate AU where you can write on your arm and it appears on your partner’s arm!
Denki Who is Not His Boyfriend
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1 chapter
Kaminari Denki’s Very Strange Day
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1 chapter
🌼 All hail Denki Kaminari, newly initiated drinker of respect women juice, matchmaker extraordinaire. Alternately, Shinsou Hitoshi simultaneously has the worst and best day of his life.
How did I not Know?
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1 chapter
🌵 Aizawa is concerned when Todoroki starts to fall behind in class but dismissed it as the boy needing a break and that he would be fine when he came back to the dorms after a weekend of being at home. He never would've thought how wrong he was and how one weekend would reveal a lifetime of secrets about the Todoroki household. Though he just wished that the two teens would have been spared from the crossfire that is Endeavor.
Not Tododeku centric but they’re together
The Prince and the Painter
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1/? Chapters updated 2021-01-30
🌵🌹🌼 Prince Shoto Todoroki is next in line for the Alterian throne. His father rules the Kingdom with an iron fist, giving Shoto no choice but to obey his every order. He is overworked, depressed, and utterly miserable. That is until he meets Izuku Midoriya, an avant-garde painter who starts to bring the color back into his dull life. But what happens when they start to fall in love with each other? Shoto is a Prince, and Izuku is just a painter, surely this cannot end well!
(Basically a royal AU! Lots of angst, family drama, and of course fluffy love. Enjoy!)
Of Flowers and Tattoos
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1 Chapter and part of a series!
Shouto owns a tattoo parlor. Izuku owns a flower shop. Love (unsurprisingly) happens.
Property Of Prince Shotou Todoroki
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9 chapters left off on 4
🌵🌹🌶little bit of Bakugou x Midoriya, prince Todoroki x peasant Deku AU! PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND NOTES!
Lady in Red
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1 chapter
🌼 Izuku’s mother refuses to tell him who her Valentine’s date is. Tododeku isn’t the main ship but it’s still included so it’s going here.
Something That I Want
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1 chapter
The Cupid Quirk
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23/23 chapters updated 2021-04-08
🌹🌼 During an attack at school, Midoriya gets hit by a quirk that leaves him infatuated with the first person he sees, which just so happens to be Todoroki Shouto. Due to an unfortunate side effect of the quirk, Midoriya breaks out into a horrible fever whenever they’re separated for too long, so Todoroki accepts the responsibility of caring for him until the quirk wears off. Problem is, Todoroki sort of, kind of, maybe likes Midoriya as more than just a friend, which makes the whole situation just a little awkward for him.
THIS IS AN AMAZING FIC AND I LOVE IT. You’re not gonna regret this read.
So They Follow in Our Footsteps
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1/2 chapters 2021-01-22 part of a series!
🌵🌼 Eventually, Aizawa thinks, he’s going to figure Shinsou out. He’s gonna figure out what it means to tote around a kid through the zombie apocalypse like a Chanel bag, and what it means to get truly, murderously pissed when they’re threatened.
Zombie apocalypse AU! So- Apocolypse AU’s aren’t my thing so I don’t know why I have this one saved and I’m probably not going to read it, however I found a link for it on tumblr in the Erasermic tag so that’s where it’s going! ALSO READ THE NOTES OF THE CHAPTER!
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1 chapter and part of a series
🌼 Kirishima asks Tamaki about Mirio.
Of Octopus Balls and Contract Flaws
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1 Chapter
🌼 Tamaki really had to be careful about what he said out loud sometimes, or else a simple frustrated phrase such as "I would sell my soul for some decent takoyaki" could easily be taking out of context.
Purple Haze
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1 Chapter and part of a series!
🌹🌼Tamaki wants to know Mirio’s colour. “What’s your color? I wanna know, I wanna know.”
Burst of Sunlight
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼🌵(possibly) In the aftermath of the Shie Hassaikai raid, Tamaki looks after Mirio. One-shot. Soft Miritama
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1 Chapter
🌼 Amajiki Tamaki had always preferred the winter, until Mirio came along. Tamaki tells the story of him and Mirio by following their memories through the course of many summers.
Grossly Incandescent
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1 chapter
Mirio thinks, perhaps, his journey to find his own sun has found just the right path. Tamaki just do what he's supposed to and ring the bell. Their paths may just merge into one. OR Mirio knows incandescence when he sees it, but it's a bit harder to prove that to Tamaki if he's just going to hide under his hood all day!
Star Spots
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼 mirio looks so sad, beneath the surface, and tamaki wants to say something, but doesn't know what's best for his best friend. what do you do, what do you say, when your best friend lost something so important to them? or, a series of scenes where tamaki and mirio spend their time in each others company, make confessions, and make it through to the other side.
Moments of Peace
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1 chapter and part of a series
🌹🌼Mirio wakes up way too early, and he takes a moment to appreciate the love of his life
The “Almost” Perfect Nest
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1 chapter
🌹🌼Omega Tamaki likes to take comfort in the nests he creates to have Mirio's alpha scent around. He finds blankets and clothes that smell likes Mirio and throws them all into one big pile. So what happens the day he can't find a specific hoodie that belongs to Mirio? He loses it.
Love Confessions are Hard for Idiots
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1 chapter
🌹🌼Mirio wants to confess.
Todoroki x Kaminari
Denki’s Life Essentials:Memes, food, and Shouto
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1 Chapter
Denki tries to explain what memes are to Shouto and accidentally falls in love.
Hawks x Reader
Amans Avaritia
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
3/? Chapters updated on 2021-01-05 left off on chapter 3
🌵🌹When the Prince of the feathered-folk Kingdom, Hawks, threatens to declare war on your kingdom, you’re forced to make the worst and best decision of your life.
Let’s Chase the Sun
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19/? Updated on 2021-02-22
(I unsure what emojis to use) Your whole life you had been sheltered away from the real world, but you weren’t exactly alone in that aspect. You just had less freedom than him. Now, however, you would take him as a chance to live life the way you wanted to. Who cares about the consequences after all? Life isn’t easy, though, and that’s something you’ll have to learn, even with a capable hero at your side. Because to be honest, being with him is the biggest problem of all.
Im unsure what emojis to use so PLEASE CHECK THE TAGS and the NOTES in the first chapter!
Born Dead
MHA ship writer, mostly Kiribaku I believe
Totally Definetly Legit Leaked BNHA Valentine’s Day Light Novel Spoilers
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1 chapter
🌼 I honestly have no idea how to describe this, some Momo x Todoroki, and Kiribaku
If you don’t take this friendship, I will shove it up your ass
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3/? Chapters updated 2021-01-31 left off on 2
🌼crack fic, no one ship specific, super funny!
The Todoroki In-Laws
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13/13 COMPLETED and part of a series!
🌼crack fic Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but… Honestly, where’s the fun in that?
Part 2 coming soon... there’s more...
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warriordreamer95 · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Crew Commentary Notes!
All credit goes to Sweetfable over on Reddit! Sweet, if you’re on Tumblr and have already posted this or want to, let me know and I’ll take this down!
Chapter 1
Featuring Kerry Shawcross and  Miles Luna.
Miles says he was hoping people didn’t figure out Atlas was a floating city in the sky before they got there. Even in World of Remnant, they were very careful with how they worded things to avoid spoiling this fact.
A large portion of ep 1 was intended to be in V6
Originally it was going to end with Penny being revealed, dealing with the Grimm, and ending on “Salutations”
Almost everything up until the Penny moment was how it was going to be in V6. For production and story reasons they decided to end V6 with just seeing Atlas.
Mantle is a little more Blade Runner and utilitarian looking, while Atlas was made to look like it was created by Apple. Two different futuristic looks.
When making the four kingdoms, they compared it to parts of the real world. Atlas and Mantle were two different versions of America
The drunk guy (Drunk Mann) we see insulting Blake is based off of Joel Mann and the other is Dustin Matthew (Grape-kun).
We saw Pietro (his hand) for the first time in Volume 3. They didn’t want to make him too similar to Dr. Weller from gen:LOCK, and so they made him to be like a ‘big’ kid. It’s where Penny gets a lot of her attitude from.
Kerry wants to do a show with all the old RWBY characters
V8 was harder to write than V7
It was a challenge in this episode to make it clear that Atlas is a new place for some characters, but a familiar one for several others, but that the Atlas in V7 is a different one than what they remember.
They try to theme the grimm to the location. So Grimm from Atlas are those that are from the Ice Age.
Miles compare Grimm to Pokemon. Some will pop up in every region, while others are region specific.
They had a lot of discussion surrounding what they wanted Penny 2.0 to look like. They considered giving her a conflict of her being a clone or not having her memories, but ultimately with the amount of stuff that needed to happen this volume they felt that it wouldn’t have been able to be done well.
Chapter 2
Featuring Kerry, Conner (director), and Kiersi
Forest became a fan-favorite
This episode was tricky to write because it was getting close to being an exposition dump
They had to balance movement and how much the characters can emote (especially when characters lie this episode)
Ironwood’s office shifting to present his plan was a cool idea + it was another way to stay in the room without having things get boring
Really wanted team RWBY to feel like they were on the right path and had something to follow. Establishing the trust theme early on.
Qrow and Ironwood’s relationship is super interesting to Kerry, and he wishes they could have explored it more. Conner pushed for Qrow’s hand to be lower in the hug scene (lol)
Conner jokes that he also proposed Ironwood should propose to Oscar when kneeling
Ironwood giving the relic back was his biggest sign of trust
They comment about how positively Penny states ‘it’ll be just like Beacon again!’ when she got destroyed there in V3
Kerry calls Watts ‘Daddy Long Legs’
Chapter 3
Featuring Kerry and Miles
They were confused when they saw people on Reddit and Tumblr think that this volume would have a shopping montage
Team RWBY jumping out of a plane is a callback to landing strategies and to see how far they have come since V1
The crew thought everyone would love Jaune’s new haircut, and was shocked when everyone immediately hated it. Miles wanted to see Jaune grow up a bit, so he liked the change.
They wanted team RWBY to start acting like and learning from professional huntsman
Miles wanted Atlas to feel like the Beacon days at first, and first came up with the idea that some Atlas academy professors would teach them. But that evolved into mentors, which eventually became Atlas’s best of the best.
The Ace-Ops are not only fun characters, but also foils to some of our main characters to help move their stories along
The Ace-Ops having five members + a team name not based on a color was very intentional. It was to show that Ironwood doesn’t care about Oz’s rules and would rather have an efficient team.
Eddy came up with the name Ace-Ops. Each member is based off an Aesop fable.
The mine scene has us seeing the SDC logo everywhere. Adam, as a terrible of a person as he was, when he was younger, was arguing with someone at a SDC place and the other person grabbed a brand and gave him his scar. So seeing the logo all over the mine was very intentional to put that in the forefront of Blake’s mind, and Yang notices
The fight with the Centinel grimm was originally supposed to be a bit longer and there was going to be an alpha variant of the centinel (which they imply we will see in the future)
Some characters got more upgrades than others. Weiss is already perfect, so she didn’t need any changes. Miles was excited that they were able to give Ren heavy rounds to shoot with. Ren has his father’s dagger on his arm
Many things that seem like retcons are actually not, and instead is just Kerry and Miles learning how to tell a story while simultaneously telling a story. So things were not always explained well early on.
Qrow and Clover were an interesting couple of characters, Miles says. For a long time Qrow was the guy that worked best alone (compared to Shadow the Hedgehog) and wanted him to interact with people that aren't his nieces and their friends. Clover was made to be a total bro and like Captain America- who always makes luck puns. He constantly feels like he is in an action movie because things always go right for him, so he doesn’t need to look where he’s about the jump. Which ultimately leads to someone who relies too much on their semblance. He rides the line of confidence vs arrogance. Clover is kind of person that Qrow always wanted to be. At the beginning of their friendship, Qrow doesn’t really like Clover and finds him irritating. But eventually it evolved into friendship, and later tragedy.
They left RWBY out of the battle of the Ace Ops vs the Geist to showcase how they didn’t need RWBY to get things done. It was their moment to shine
Wanted to give a sense in these first few episodes that, maybe everything will work out okay
Spoiler alert: It won’t
Chapter 4
Featuring Paula (co-director), Dustin (co-director), Eddy Rivas, Kerry Shawcross
Wanted a chance for the characters to breathe a bit before bigger things went down
Kerry loves the lighting in the first scene. They referenced how lighting looks in the tundra
The first draft of the scene where Ironwood is giving orders originally happened in his office
From V5 they learned it’s great to be efficient with sets but they can fatigue the audience and the crew
Originally the celebration wasn’t going to be in Amity, and instead it was going to be in Atlas’s version of an auditorium.
The ship Jacques arrives in is the same one Winter arrives from in V3. It’s a Schnee company ship
Paula thought it was important that Blake hold Weiss’s hand and be the first to stand by her side when Jaques is yelling at Weiss since Blake knows what it is like to be in an abusive relationship. Ruby and Yang didn’t even really know a father would talk like that to his daughter.
They were excited to write Penny and Winter’s ‘mirror-destiny’, which they laid some of the foundation for this episode
Qrow talking to Ruby was barely on the outline for the episode, but it was on their wish list if they had time to get it in.
Dustin says ‘fatherly’ when describing the moment and Kerry is like, ‘you just opened up a whole can of worms’
Eddy loves the ‘Jim’ gag when referring to Jaune.
Watt’s entrance was a difficult shot to execute properly because of the door.
Chapter 5
Featuring Conner, Eddy, and Kerry
They originally weren’t sure about having a montage in this episode
The penguins we see for a moment were possibly going to be grimm penguins
Kerry wants RT to sell the cards Clover has, and Eddy thinks it’s funny he would have cards with him emblem on them.
They liked having the moment of Clover and Qrow in the middle of this episode to show that Qrow is now becoming a mentee of sorts.
Adding in the Robin encounter was a late addition to the outline. She wasn’t going to be introduced until Chapter 6 during her rally
But they wanted to put the two factions head to head earlier on.
It was also the first moment of Clover being a bit duplicitous.
The plot line of tying the supplies through Robin’s storyline was a late addition while writing
Weiss vs Winter with summoning is a callback to V3C4 with them training together
Weiss being able to sit on hard-light (a block) is something Kerry was unsure about at first
Originally Weiss and Winter going to see Fria was going to be Winter getting an alert from Ironwood and having to leave, and Weiss following her suspiciously. But it worked better as Winter revealing a secret while Weiss was still keeping one
Chapter 6
Featuring Paula, Kiersi, Miles, Eddy, and Kerry
Eddy is the one who came up with the idea for the middle part of the season while he had a really bad fever
Originally Tyrian was going to make it look like a bunch of Atlas soldiers fired on civilians in Mantle. Then Eddie thought it should frame RWBY, but ultimately they went with framing Penny.
Nobody has ever offered Penny a fist bump before, so she wanted to do it perfectly
An old draft had the team and Ironwood doing an investigation at this warehouse post-massacre
There was also no montage in C5, just them sitting around a table talking about what they did
Miles also mentions there was going to be a scene in C3 with Marrow trying to bond with Blake about being a Faunus, and also about him specifically being a Faunus in Atlas who is a part of Atlas’s military team. But that episode was so packed they wanted to move it to C6, but then that episode also became too packed. But they plan to get to it in future volumes
They wanted to show how much the Happy Huntresses care about each other and about Mantle
They also originally did not want to have anything political in this season. But the more iterations they did, they felt it was the best course of action to do that with the story.
They wanted to give the heroes a high personal moment with Renora kissing right before things went down
Penny was not used to fighting sneaky enemies, so that is how Tyrian got the upper hand
While they don’t usually check back up on extras, things turned out that we kept seeing Drunk Mann and Grape-kun throughout the season to represent the city of Mantle
Chapter 7
Featuring Conner, Kiersi, Miles, Eddy, and Kerry
Fiona’s semblance was originally going to be Torchwick’s semblance, and it was called Deep Pockets. But they never found a moment for him to use it. So they decided he could be a great example of how some people don’t unlock their semblances
Originally some of C7 was meant for C4 where they found out earlier that Tyrian was involved with things
Miles wrote the description we got of Tyrian’s past (Salem first contacting Tyrian), and it was one of his favorite things to write.
Qrow looking at Clover when he is willing to go with Ironwood’s plan was meant to show some distance growing between the two
We were going to get more of Ren explaining why he was feeling the way he was and agreeing with Ironwood, but ultimately they are pushing it to next volume
Originally Blake and Yang were going to directly reference Adam when they had their talk, but they later figured out how to reference him indirectly
The arm robot Pietro has in his office was originally going to have more of a character like the robotic arm Tony Stark has
They tried hard to get Maria more scenes, but there was often no room for it
Miles realizes he was dumb to suggest that Pietro cover Watt’s face with his thumb while looking at a picture since they already did that with Raven in V3
The lady in the photograph with black hair is not Cinder’s mom (which was apparently a fan theory)
Robin encountering the Bees was a late edition to the outline. But it gave every member of RWBY a moment
They wanted the vault in the Academy to feel similar to the one in Haven but not a direct copy
Miles believes that if Ironwood would allow himself to be more vulnerable more often things would’ve gone differently
The invitation to the Schnee manor was originally going to be to a news conference
Chapter 8
Featuring Dustin, Miles, and Kerry
They didn’t specify what the hood ornament on the car would be, so Dustin was happy when it came back as a velociraptor, which references a raptor Monty Oum would put in photos with RWBY characters
Fans have guessed what direction they are going with Whitley. He starts off as a jerk, but Miles implies that is going to change. It is also an easy way to remind the audience of how the elite act
At the table, Jacques’s chair is bigger than everyone else's
Miles wrote the gag of JNR sabotaging Whitley’s conversation with Weiss and expected it to take only a few seconds, but as more people worked on it the longer it got
The stack of food was taller than Dustin expected it to be, and they even had to scale it back because it was going to be even taller
Another power move of Jacques is to only give a few people wine, as well as not giving Penny any food
Willow was originally going to be in the intro
A joke was made about Salem being Jaune’s sister in the V6 intro before everyone knew who she was
None of the writers expected Penny and Winter to have such a bond this volume initially
Miles wanted to portray when Weiss is talking to Willow that she doesn’t really know how to act around an adult with such an adult issue. Since Weiss is quite young (Miles compared it to him having to help an adult with an adult issue when he was 13)
Chapter 9
Featuring Paula (director), Kiersi, Eddy, and Kerry
It was difficult to keep the shots interesting in the dining room
We see Grape-kun and Drunk Mann again this episode
In earlier chapters they made sure to have an orange glow to represent the heating in Mantle since they knew it would be turned off in chapter 8
They wanted to showcase that Ironwood was starting to have doubts, which would later be clearly seen in episode 11
The foot soldiers (AKs) that the Grimm are able to overwhelm in only a few seconds were meant to represent that Atlas wouldn’t provide them with much defense against Grimm because they don’t care enough
Every storyline was coming together in this episode, and it’s tricky to make a setup episode like this not seem like filler
Ruby and Oscar’s awkward interaction came from them both ‘riding the high’ of the moment where it seems like they each have great plans that will go well.
Oscar is starting to tap into some of Ozpin’s memories, as alluded to when he mentions how Atlas is held to a higher standard
Terry the grimm being hit by a fireball (part of a plane I believe) was a call back to Jurassic Park
They struggled a long time with where to put the Neo reveal
Chapter 10
Featuring Conner, Dustin, Kiersi, and Kerry
They felt that if they showed a lot in the first scene of the episode, they wouldn’t have to saturate the background with other fires and crowds.
The shot of Weiss’s knight being summoned and overshadowing Marrow is setting up their fight in C12
When seeing the shots of the enemies infiltrating the kingdom, they didn’t know if they wanted to show Neo and Cinder or Tyrian and Watts first. But they went with Neo and Cinder because it would show that they thought their cover was blown, when it would really be about the other two.
The place Neo and Cinder are staying at is an Atlas ‘high-life’ apartment
They always knew Elm would have a rocket launcher/bazooka, but never got the time needed to show it until now
They had to restructure Mantle a bit to allow the huge elephant to fit in the streets
The main characters working with the Ace Ops in this episode was to make it so things hurt so much more after events in the following one
All the background characters apparently have little backstories as they made sure they didn’t appear in two places at the same time
Ironwood jumps down a ridiculous number of feet to meet Watts. They had to cheat to not make that so obvious as well as say this is animation logic so people working on the shot would stop questioning how he could possibly make it.
Chapter 11
Featuring Kerry, Paula, and Miles
Originally a gravity biome in Amity was going to appear in V3C5. It was going to be Sun and Neptune vs Pyrrha and Nora. It was written, boarded, and ready to go but they realized there wasn’t time for it
This was a hard episode to write. A lot of stuff that needed to happen, and happen in a specific way
Watt’s gun was inspired a 20-shot revolver Kerry saw on Reddit
Ironwood losing another hand represents him losing another part of his humanity (possibly confirming he lost his one organic arm)
The first cut of this episode was 23 minutes and was deemed too long so they had to scale back, but they still felt they kept in everything that was needed to make the episode great
Initially the Tyrian vs Qrow, Robyn, and Clover fight was going to be a chase that turns into a fight that turns into another chase. And Qrow is the only one that could keep up with Tyrian since he can transform into a bird. Qrow would land in front of Tyrian and say ‘that’s enough’ and Tyrian would ask, ‘are you able to talk when you’re a bird or do you have to wait until you’re a person to throw your one-liners?’ (Tyrian asking the real questions here) Tyrian’s lack of self-preservation would be shown even more. He would have run down an alley packed with Grimm and would just trust that he could’ve made it through
The fight with Tyrian was initially going to be more of a Tyrian vs Qrow fight, but Miles loves that they made it a 3 v 1 so it could show off Tyrian’s exceptional skill
The fight was also a callback to the first Tyrian vs Qrow fight, where Ruby tried to be good back up for Qrow but was ineffective. But instead this time have Robyn and Clover be effective and more experienced teammates
Clover is defense, Qrow is offense, and Robyn is picking away at Tyrian with her long-ranged weapon
There was going to be more discussion of where Oscar was at the end of the episode, as well as a whole bit where the Ace Ops and the kids land and they get a hand-written note saying they’ve been compromised instead of getting it via scroll, but it turned out to be too much
The scene of Ironwood talking to RWBY and his turn to being against them was the most important scene in the episode, and something everything in the season had to build up to
Miles said it was about time the two sides met face to face with RWBY meeting Salem
They wanted to make Ironwood’s progression into villainy subtle and make sense
Salem made things personal for Ironwood, so he felt like he had to come up with a solution
They wanted more Cinder and Neo in the volume but had to cut back. But to compensate they had to be instrumental to the collapse of Ironwood (Miles first said collapse of Atlas so wonder if he slipped up)
Chapter 12
Featuring Dustin, Conner, Kiersi, Eddy, and Kerry
They wanted to have a false sense of resolution in the previous episode just to blow everything up here
Eddy handled the Ace Ops vs RWBY and Winter scenes while Kiersi handled the rest
Kerry learned from V5 that having everyone in one room for a fight doesn’t work well
Eddy is a big Weiss stan
Clover has no idea who he’s up against with Tyrian, and thinks of Qrow as the big threat, as well as Tyrian manipulating Qrow
Clover saw both Qrow and Tyrian on the wrong side of the law, so he felt like he had to fight both of them no matter what
They made sure team RWBY can’t just stomp on the Ace Ops, but still show their teamwork. Plus the lack of Clover being there didn’t allow for the team to have a ‘cheat code’
This is another episode they had to trim down in length
Cinder was always going to lay waste to the medical facility and attack Winter
They also wanted to do a Qrow vs Tyrian reprisal
Kerry said he loves Clover
It was crazy for Qrow to meet someone that was a genuinely good person
Chapter 13
Featuring Miles, Kerry, and Eddy
The Neo vs ORNJ fight could have been shorter
At one point they wanted to show Cinder using maiden magic to bring some dead AKs (Atlesian-Knight) back to life to fight Penny (was going to be some sort of puppet joke).
But Miles realized that Cinder could just blow up the room and bust through the walls
Ren is struggling with some heavy emotional stuff that is not resolved at all this volume, but it is hinted there will be a lot more for him next volume.
The writers knew a lot of people wouldn’t be happy with Ren’s attitude this volume. But he still cares about Nora, even if he doesn’t always communicate it well
Miles cried during the voice over session of Fria’s scenes for this episode
They had a lot of talks about how the maiden power would be transferred. They debated if Penny would have to kill Fria.
Originally one pod was going to be broken, with the one with Fria being in tact. But because Penny is a robot, she could ‘remote-interface in’ and get the powers. But that still felt like stealing, and they didn’t want to go that route.
Oscar has matured so much in his role (joking call him Farm Man)
Ironwood is still expecting Oz to show up. He still really wants that guidance
Ironwood arguing with Oscar was the finale scene they wrote this episode
Ironwood feels that he is backed into a corner and is doing the only sensible thing.
Winter was waiting to be the Winter Maiden her whole life, but in a split second she gives it all up
There was one line in Oz’s monologue they were struggling with for a whole day
They loved the idea of ending the volume on almost an identical shot from where they started
Neo’s look after Cinder takes the relic and doesn’t thank Neo for getting it is setting up some things for V8 (probably a betrayal)
Oz came back at that moment because he heard what Oscar said to Ironwood and that made him brave enough to return
Miles reveals that the Grimm whale is based on Monstro from Pinocchio
It is once again said that Volume 8 is the hardest one they had to write so far. Miles seems super excited about it
Volume 8 was made with some fan-input in mind (since it was still being written by the time V7 ended), but Volume 9 will be the first one written in a vacuum
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wild-ditto-appeared · 3 years
Duelist Kingdom but with Ditto
What would Yu-Gi-Oh! (OG) be like if Ditto was there from the beginning? How would Ditto have gotten there? Why would Ditto be there?
Here are some Sylvia braindumps from my most recent pacing session:
Ditto arrives on Duelist Kingdom Island, helpless and afraid and very VERY confused. There are no animals on this island, no trees bearing fruit or bushes with berries or, frankly, most food of ANY kind except the fish that swim down the streams--and Ditto is very much an herbivore, thank you very much.
So Ditto quite frankly, nearly starves to death on that damn island. Then it's startled by the sound of fireworks.
No, the Duelist Kingdom Tournament hasn't begun yet--won't begin for quite some time, actually--Pegasus just wanted a private show of fireworks that day.
Ditto Transforms and makes its way to the direction from which the fireworks came from--and when it gets close enough, it spots the giant castle (thanks to Ditto's small size, it's a lot harder to spot the castle when surrounded by tall-ass trees, so it needs to be much closer to be able to spot it on its own).
For story-telling reasons, Ditto never considered Transforming into a Flying-type Pokemon and just. Surveying the land. Like a sensible Pokemon. It was too young and never had to really do that before, so it wasted a lot of energy out there.
When it finally trudges all the way to the castle, sometimes Transforming and sometimes not because at this point Ditto is really really tired, Ditto stumbles onto the brick steps of the castle--not the front ones, mind you, but one of the rear entrances/exits meant for guards. And it can't get into the castle, so after considering giving up, it scales the wall as an Aipom, flips over onto the wall's walkway, and de-Transforms, using up the last of its energy before it falls asleep. This is where Ditto is found by some of Pegasus' guards.
They... don't know what to do with Ditto at first. So they grab it and lock it in a dark black box with only a little hole to breathe out of, then go on their way to lock it in the dungeons, never to be seen again when Pegasus finds them and asks what's in the box.
The guards tell him they found something suspicious on the balcony and they would throw it in the dungeons for trespassing. Pegasus analyzes the interior of the box with his Millennium Eye and ultimately decides Ditto is harmless, asking that the box is handed over to him. The guards, knowing better than to question him, oblige and go back to their respective duties.
Pegasus frees Ditto from its little prison, but Ditto is asleep still, clearly hurt and worn. At a loss for what to do, Pegasus panics slightly, ordering all sorts of food from his chefs. The whole castle is in panic. "Is Pegasus ordering a feast of some kind? Who is coming over that's so important? Why wasn't anyone notified?" Really, Pegasus just wants to know what Ditto will eat and he has nothing to offer of his own except wine and cheese.
Although lots of food is made, Ditto only eats the fruits and vegetables, and even then it's mostly the fruits and berries whose plates are wiped clean when Ditto finishes eating. So... all of that meat and fish and other such things are... sort of wasted.
Pegasus doesn't seem to really care, though. Ditto is sleeping with a full belly now, and he allows it to stay the night. Then another. Then another.
Fully befriended, Pegasus and Ditto become close enough friends that he even refers to Ditto as "his pet," which it doesn't seem to mind. Even after Ditto has shown off its transformative abilities--which in fact makes it appeal to Pegasus even more--Ditto is accepted wholeheartedly into the castle and treated with almost the same amount of respect by his guards as Master Pegasus himself.
Then the Duelist Kingdom happens and something changes in Pegasus. He's suddenly a lot moodier, a lot more serious, a lot less jovial than Ditto is used to him being. He seems to carry the weight of guilt and distress on him at all times. Ditto tries to relieve it, but Pegasus brushes off its attempts. Eventually, four duelists make it to the castle--plus one Seto Kaiba. For the duration of the duel, Pegasus orders the guards to keep a close eye on Ditto to make sure it doesn't leave its little box, so that Ditto doesn't have to see what happens to Kaiba when he loses.
After Kaiba has lost his soul, Pegasus allows the guards to release Ditto--and Ditto had obediently listened to Pegasus because it trusted him, thinking that he would not make me do this if it wasn't important. When it was allowed outside of its box, Ditto went straight to Pegasus to cuddle, because it had been scared something serious was happening. Pegasus tried to reassure it, but his voice was still heavy.
Ditto was present, however, for the finals. For Mai against Yugi and Joey against the "In America" guy because I don't feel like looking up his name right this second. Ditto sensed when Yugi's Millennium Puzzle activated and when he switched into Yami. Ditto then realized--wait, why does that somewhat feel familiar? A little different, but still familiar in a way.
And then it realizes that other similar feeling had been coming from Pegasus this whole time: the Millennium Eye.
But Pegasus was nice, and although the power Yami wielded was frightening to Ditto, he didn't seem to be doing anything bad with it... well, yet. So Ditto gave Yami the benefit of the doubt.
Then the final duel, Yami versus Pegasus. At first, it was fine. But when they reached the second phase of the duel, which took place in the Shadow Realm, Ditto felt BAD VIBES. LOTS OF BAD VIBES.
But not from the Puzzle. No, they were coming from Pegasus. From the Eye.
And for the first time, Ditto grew afraid of its friend. It grew afraid of its caretaker and followed Tea and the others when they ran to Yugi's side of the duel to try and reach him. Ditto tried headbutting the bubble headfirst as a Dreepy, as if being missile-shaped and going as fast as possible would break the barrier. It didn't, and Ditto nearly fell before Tea managed to catch it.
And it started to cry, because that was scary. Where did Fancy Man and Spiky Man go? Why was Fancy Friend fighting? Why did it feel so WRONG and BAD?
When the duel was over and Pegasus lost, Ditto flew straight to him as a bird, ignoring Yugi's friends' protests. It snuggled with Pegasus, buried itself in his hair, nuzzled his face, everything it possibly could to ask if he was okay, if the bad stuff was over.
Pegasus barely responded to Ditto, merely plucking it from his shoulders and carefully setting it down on his dueling field. With a sad smile, Pegasus spoke--half to Ditto, because his eye was trained on it and half to Yugi, who won the duel.
"Very well, Yugi. You win. I am a man of my word. I will release everyone I have captured."
Ditto was in shock, hearing this. Its feathers fluffed up, it stared at him incredulously, its eyes trained on him and almost shaking, as if to ask, "You... you had people captured?" And suddenly Ditto realized what the duel was about.
Yugi, Tea, and the others saw Ditto's reaction--didn't miss it for the world, despite having been taken aback when they first learned of Pegasus' transforming little pet--and felt sad for the little fella. Ditto truly cared about Pegasus, truly loved him, and now, like many others, Pegasus had managed to hurt Ditto too.
Pegasus told Ditto that he knew it would most likely not forgive him for what he'd done, that he wouldn't blame it if it wanted to leave, then left Ditto with that decision while he went to release the souls he'd captured.
Pegasus didn't come back.
Ditto witnessed the guards giving Yugi his prize money and title, and when they demanded to know that everyone whose soul Pegasus stole was okay, the guards simply said that Pegasus was handling it. Ditto was still confused, still lost.
What... what now?
When Yugi and the others went to check on him to make sure he did, in fact, keep his word, Ditto went with them. It wanted to know what happened to its caretaker, its friend.
Pegasus wasn't there. In fact, he was missing from the entire castle.
When Ditto found out about this, it cried. With Yugi and friends as witnesses, Ditto sobbed and grieved for Pegasus because he was gone. He was gone and Ditto hadn't even been given the opportunity to answer with its decision.
Ditto was there when it heard the reason why Pegasus had done all of this. Ditto was there when Yugi and friends met Kaiba and escorted Mokuba back to him safely and soundly. Ditto was there when they moved to leave, but Yugi hesitated.
Yugi turned to Ditto, pitying or sympathetic or empathetic or whatever, but he was clearly concerned for Ditto when he bent down and extended a hand in offer.
"I know Pegasus is gone now, and... and we'll never be him, but... maybe you can find companionship in us until Pegasus comes back," he offered Ditto.
And Ditto, with nowhere left to go and no other friends to turn to, nodded and accepted Yugi's offer, burying itself in his shirt to grieve. Then, they take the ship home.
Let me know if you wanna know how Battle City should go with Ditto, too. Just something I thought of earlier today. I'm gonna be real, it probably doesn't sound that great, but I don't think it sounds like trash either, sooo... //shrug// maybe it works? What do you all think?
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game-boy-pocket · 3 years
Well, now that they're all finally out... my feelings on each of the new Smash Bros characters is this.
Inkling was inevitable. But that doesn't mean I wasn't thrilled to see them. Splatoon is a great new IP, though I personally worry about how similar the games seem to be 3 main entries in, but that's nothing to do with Smash. Fun to play but hard to learn. A- ( the minus is for no Octo alt ).
Ridley felt like he should have been inevitable, but was fighting against some pretty strong biases. But he finally made it and i'm very happy. I do think he could have been a tad bit bigger though. Even if they had to slow him down a bit. A
Simon very happy with this character, and honestly surprised he didn't get in sooner. Castlevania may not be as strongly associated with Nintendo as it used to be, but it's one of the first games that come to mind when you think of the NES as well as the SNES. He was in a TV show with Megaman and Pit for goodness sake. And I enjoy using him. A- ( minus is only for no chronicles alt )
Richter was a cool addition, if there was one other Belmnot to be added, i'm glad it's him... but I am more of a Simon guy. Side note, I wish they took the echo fighter character a little further. It seemed like branding clones as echo fighters is all it took to make people more accepting of the idea, only for them to just stop short of three or four new ones, and not even include super obvious ones like Shadow the Hedgehog or Blood Falcon. Anyway A- ( minus is for no symphony of the night alt )
King K. Rool being revealed was one of my top five Smash moments. Donkey Kong is not a neglected Nintendo franchise. But it has undergone some changes that long time fans don't care for, including the removal of the main antagonist, this guy, who has a gigantic personality. He's a very fun character and it's so good to see him come back ( pls appear in the next DK game pls pls pls ) He also happens to be very fun to play as. A++
Isabelle is where Smash reveals kind of started to lose me a bit. Animal crossing is a big series and all but I really felt like the one villager is all the game really needed to properly represent the entire series. You don't need a lot for Animal crossing. And the fact that Isabelle was a relatively new character, who seemingly snatched the role of series mascot from Tom Nook, well it kind of rubbed me a little wrong. She seemed unnecesary... but she is actually more fun to play as than villager, and she's cute. So I don't totally hate her. B
Incineroar was a poor way to end the base game lineup for me. Pokemon just isn't a very respectible series anymore in my eyes and Sun/Moon was the first game in the series that I found too boring to finish. Pokemon just doesn't excite me, and with each new announcement, I'm becoming actively disgusted by it. I would have loved a wrestler character in the game, but the fact that it had to be a pokemon kind sullied it for me. Yeah, I just can't pretend to like this inclusion even if it is a huge Nintendo IP. C-
Dark Samus is a character I am kind of indifferent too. I didn't think we needed her, but I think she's a cool addition to the game. A bit of a waste to make her an echo though, her abilities are very different from Samus in the games if I remember right, I honestly don't remember much of Metroid Prime besides the first one. Still, she's cool. B+
Daisy is an oddball for me. I know she is in Super Mario Land, but her main identity comes from the Mario Spinoff games, and I just don't play those games. They don't appeal to me. I like Mario platformers. And to me, if a character is in spinoffs almost exclusively, they don't count as core Mario cast members. And frankly it's a little odd to me that she's plucking turnips and summoning Toads. The citizens of Sarasaland are not Toads. And she wasn't in Mario 2... but she's not hurting anything I guess so B+, needed "Hi i'm Daisy" taunt.
Chrom is a Fire Emblem Lord alright. He's also an echo. So I don't care. C
Piranha Plant honestly felt like a little bit of an insult to me. I've always hated when Mario games start featuring low level mooks without names as playable characters in the Mario spinoffs while ignoring the likes of Wart, Tatanga, E. Gadd, or th extended DK/Wario cast or RPG characters. It's part of why I don't care about Mario spinoffs. That being said... it is, at the very least, extremely fun to play as. B-
Joker may very well be the most out of place character in this series. He's certainly one of them. Maybe I would feel different if I played Persona, but I don't. So to me he's like the worst thing they added to this game. D-
Hero felt like he should have been in Smash Bros before cloud did. Dragon Quest may not be as popular in the west as it should be. But it's definitely the most important and influential JRPG to the history of video games... that being said, I wish the DQ3 hero was the default costume. I really enjoy playing as him. A+
Banjo and Kazooie finally getting in is without a doubt my favorite moment in Smash History. Not even Sonic got me as hyped as they did. I wish there was a way to make younger fans see this character the way us old timers do without seeming like we're trying to force them to like him, but it is what it is. I love these guys and they're my most played character. A+++
Terry is a character i'm not familiar with. He just kind of looks like a bootleg Ken to me. I think they could have picked a better SNK rep. Metal Slug would have been nice, shooters are sorely under represented in Smash. Do we have anybody besides Samus representing shooters? And she barely qualifies. C
Byleth is a Fire Emblem Lord alright. But you know what, they're honestly the only FE character that feels like they're representing the gameplay of Fire Emblem particularly well while the others were just kind of generic sword slingers... that being said... was this the best way to end fighter pass 1? B-
Minmin was not a character on my Radar. I thought it would have been Springman or no Arms character at all... I am just happy ARMS made it in at all... but really, it should have been base game content. If only to support the new IP. A-
Steve was a character I was opposed to at first. I saw him as a rival to Banjo. And I also saw Minecraft as a dumb zoomer game. A joke. But people made compelling arguments for the importance of minecraft, how successful it is, I actually downloaded Minecraft on my Switch, played it, had a relaxing time, I still play it, and I was actually able to play with my friends who don't own Nintendo consoles. It has cross play. The cross play is really what won me over as it being really cool to have in Smash, as it really brought me together with friends. Steve is tough to use, but great fun, as long as it's against a computer. I can't fight humans for shit, hah. A- ( the minus is for that cursed short enderman alt )
Sephiroth rubbed me the wrong way. Another Final Fantasy character wouldn't have been so bad, but did it have to be another FFVI character??? Couldn't it have been something from before FF made the jump to total steampunk/sci-fi to better represent the series roots? He's fun to use but idk, I just take no joy in him... at least we got more FF music I guess. C-
Pyra/Mythra is a character I have zero opinion on. B ( for booba )
Kazuya is not a character i'm familiar with, and if there had to be another fighting game character, one from Namco, I feel like Soul Calibur should have been it. Bring the Link crossover back around. It seems Tekken has no presence on Nintendo as well... but whatever. I have no strong feelings. He's fun to combo with but I suck as him. B-
Sora makes me sad. I don't dislike Sora. He has a fun design. I like the idea of Kingdom Hearts... I just think the story of those games is very weird and dumb and confusing, so the games themselves are kind of overrated. I really think people only like it for the pretty character models and intricate costumes. I thought people liked it for the Disney stuff but I'm suprised to hear most KH fans seem to want more FF stuff and less Disney stuff??? The only thing that makes the game unique??? Should be dialed back??? That being said... I don't like Disney. It is an evil company. And Disney getting in bed with Nintendo makes me very anxious. D
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Sarazanmai
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How did I get into this anime? I heard “things” about this anime. 2019 was a weird time to be alive apparently. You know, before 2020 happened! As much shit as I give 2020, at least they didn’t give us kappas eating people’s asses.
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Yes, I just said “kappas eating people’s asses”.
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
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Kazuki Yasaka is a young boy who must carry around a box wherever he goes and follow specific directions day-by-day. Toi Kuji is a delinquent that breaks into cars and commits other crimes throughout the city. And Enta Jinnai is a childhood friend of Kazuki…He’s there too! These three boys have been chosen by the kappa prince, Keppi to help restore the Kappa Kingdom to its former glory. Kazuki, Toi, and Enta can now transform into kappas by being eaten ass first by Keppi and then shit out. Yes, I said eaten ass first and shit out by a kappa! These boys then must eat the inner-most desires of these kappa-zombies that are causing Keppi trouble. And these inner-most desires are located…in the ass. But there are those from the Otter Empire that cause this trouble for the kappas by turning folks into kappa zombies and causing havoc in the real world.
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I would not expect any less of a mind-rape anime from the great Kunihiko Ikuhara.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Even playing a kappa, Junichi Suwabe still finds a way to give me an erection.
Okay, let’s try that again and not make it sound disgusting, Medea.
Right! Let’s talk licensing. FUNimation is the licensors of this fine product. Seriously? Eating ass is fine, but you frown upon the likes of Interspecies Reviewers? Yes, there is a dub to this and believe it or not, I pretended it didn’t exist. Not because it was bad or anything! It’s just that this anime had the likes of Mamoru Miyano, Kouki Uchiyama, Rie Kugimiya, and Mr. Sex-in-a-Voice Junichi Suwabe. Let me state that my infatuation with Suwabe is like John Oliver’s infatuation with Adam Driver.
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That…totally doesn’t help my case! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Kazuki is played by Ayumu Murase (known for Minami on Yuri on Ice, Luck on Black Clover, Asuto on Inazuma Eleven: Aries, Madoka on Shounen Maid, and Shinichi on SAO)
*Toi is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Ikuya on Free!, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Midnight on Fairy Tail, Yuu on Charlotte, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
*Enta is played by Shun Horie (known for Kazuya on Rent-A-Girlfriend)
ENGLISH CAST: *Kazuki is played by Alejandro Saab (known for Leon on Pokemon Journeys, L’Arc on Shield Hero, Kuga on Food Wars, Yamazaki on Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card, and Takezou on Kono Oto Tomare)
*Toi is played by Ricco Fajardo (known for Koutaro on Zombieland Saga, Itona on Assassination Classroom, Karim on Fire Force, Natsuya on Free!, and Kyousuke on Danganronpa 3)
*Enta is played by Justin Briner (known for Deku on My Hero Academia, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card, Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, and Ryouta on Danganronpa 3)
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SHIPPING: Well…we got our BL kiss by the third episode. That’s quite early for an Ikuhara anime. Ooh boy, Enta loves him some Kazuki. He REALLY loves Kazuki! There’s a lot to be said of a boy that would sniff and fondle items owned by his lover and kiss his unconscious lover. I can understand why Enta would care for Kazuki. I mean after hearing that he’s truly his first friend after a childhood of traveling around and not making many friends, you want to feel for this kid. Key word here is “want”. But this boy goes too far sometimes and his jealousy does get the best of him to a point where I’m just saying, cut ties with the megane brat. But Enta ends up screwing things up again by taking a bullet for Kazuki and throwing all that anger out the window.
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And then we have Reo and Mabu! God damn Reo! We’ve got shark teeth, an arrogant attitude, homosexuality, and the voice of Mamoru Miyano. This is just a Rin Matsuoka of a different color! If Reo and Mabu’s otter dance isn’t a dead giveaway, they totally love each other. To a point where they would sacrifice each other for the one they love.
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POLE-DANCE ALERT: I don’t know why I always find random pole-dancing moments in animes so alluring. I guess I can blame the likes of Grell from Black Butler. But this moment was so random that it came right the fuck out of nowhere. Then again, this entire anime is an enigmatic brain-fart that it was only a matter of time before a kappa prince starts randomly dancing on a pole.
There we go, Medea’s love for random crap will never die!
ENDING: Throughout the series, Kazuki, Toi, and Enta were gathering these dishes in order to get a wish granted by Keppi. And each time they’ve gone up against a big bad otter, Reo and Mabu are usually the ones to bring out the kappa zombies. But everyone has a plan for using the dishes of hope for their own wishes. Enta wants to use it to stay with Kazuki so the two can remain the golden duo. Reo and Mabu want the dishes to be with each other and save one another after an incident nearly killed them. And Kazuki originally wanted to use the dishes for his baby brother’s own sake, but changes to wanting to help Toi (who ends up leaving with his older, criminal of a brother). And shit goes crazier than what I’ve just mentioned. Enta fucks up by stealing the collected dishes and really fucking up his relationship with Kazuki! Toi ends up leaving town with his criminal brother.
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Reo and Mabu, the otter cops shoot Kazuki, but Enta takes the bullet and is hours away from dying. But then we learn that Reo and Mabu were actually kappas who worked under Keppi. It’s just that the otters have been manipulating these two. Mabu is just a hollow body created by the otters because of some accident that happened prior to the events in the anime. The otter gives Mabu a mechanical heart to keep him alive, but in order to stay alive, he cannot say he loves Reo. Unfortunately for these two, Mabu ends up saying he loves Reo and dies right in front of him and vanishing from his memories. Reo is then shot by Toi who comes in at the last minute.
Toi’s back. We all knew it wasn’t going to last. His older brother got shot dead the episode before. So Toi is going to use the dishes to resurrect his brother from the dead. This leaves Kazuki in shambles as he was going to use it on Enta before his body expires in like 10 seconds. In the last minute, Kazuki used the dishes on Enta and he’s going to live. End of story right? No, we still have a demented otter on the loose. And the otters have a dark Keppi that he’s been storing for just this sort of moment. And now it grabs Toi and Toi accepts. He wants to erase his existence from Enta and Kazuki’s lives. Problem is if he does that, Toi erases giving Kazuki the ankle bracelet that’s been a staple in Kazuki and Enta’s relationship when it comes to soccer. But the boys were able to connect, destroy the otters, bring the memories of Mabu and Reo back, turn Keppi into a kappa prince, and save the town from OTTER-destruction.
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Yeah, if you watch this series, you’ll hear a lot of puns involving otters. I mean when you’re not smothered in sexualized otters and kappas.
The ending credits show Toi getting sent to juvie for three years. And it’s quite sad to see his dejected face while the ending song blasts. When the lyrics literally say “stand by me” it gets quite sad. Three years pass and Toi’s out of juvie. He goes to the bridge and jumps off. Keep in mind this is an Ikuhara anime, Toi’s not gonna die. Enta and Kazuki jump in and join Toi and welcome him back to society.
Good lord Ikuhara-san! I didn’t think you could out-gay an anime after the likes of Yuri Kuma Arashi. But good fuck, you found a way! This anime was…INSANITY. Pure insanity! Then again, this is the same director that did Revolutionary Girl Utena, Yuri Kuma Arashi, and Mawaru Penguindrum. Yes, connection and desires are a big take in not only Sarazanmai, but a lot of the other animes Ikuhara does. It’s just that Sarazanmai is the strangest acid-trip of them all. And that’s saying a lot because Yuri Kuma Arashi has sexy bears that say “Shaba-da-doo”. ALSO VOICED BY JUNICHI SUWABE! But people getting turned into kappas by being eaten ass first by another kappa and stealing spirits inner most desires, conveniently stored in their asses is some wonky-ass crack-fest. Recommendation wise, I would say watch some of the other animes Ikuhara has directed to get your feet wet in what you might expect in this kind of anime. After that, pop in a few Bakemonogatari episodes just for good measure. And after you do all that, take some CBD gummies and let-a-rip with Sarazanmai.
If you want to watch Sarazanmai, Crunchyroll and FUNimation have it available for streaming.
Okay, what’s next for my FUNimation list?
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Okay, boobs! What are we talking here? Are these boobs flat as an ironing board or crimes against nature like in Eiken?
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Oh, this can’t end well.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 6 was AWESOME. Finally it really and truly felt like Digimon Adventure!!
This episode plus the last one makes me eat my words of despair over the blandness of episode 4. I’m counting that one as just a miss. I’m hoping that it doesn’t bode for the tone they’ll take with all Sora episodes though. Sora’s easy to overlook because she’s already kind, brave, and responsible - the main things the other kids need to work on. Still she never bored me in old Adventure. I only ever wanted more of her and that was my hope for 2020 Sora. Her intro episode wasn’t a great start, but guess what, she got to be pretty darn cool in this episode, and overall the tone of this ep was such an improvement on ep 4 that I’m back to thinking we will absolutely get a modern, cool girl Sora who rocks her spotlight episodes in the future. Pray with me friends.
By the way we finally got some decent animation in this episode. So I took gratuitous Taichi pics and I’ll post a couple to start us off bahahaha
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Okay, so this was the much-awaited MIMI episode. Heck yeah. It’s called “The Targeted Kingdom.” Who is the queen of the kingdom, I’ll give you three guesses, eh what’s that Mimi? like WOW you got it on the first try!
More below!!
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^ So I’m not quite sure what’s going on here. I think Sora is standing on Taichi’s back and Piyomon is helping lift her (them?) up into the trees so Sora can look around? They are trying to find the way to the ocean. This seems like the most awkward way possible to go about it but you do you kiddo...
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See, Adventure Taichi would be making jokes while this is happening. 2020 Taichi is thinking about The Big Picture, at least as much of it as he knows of. He’s turning into such a pensive type. Yamato’s gonna have to work hard to keep his lead brooder status.
Also I was thinking... there’s a few times in this ep, and more in others, where I feel like the animators don’t show us enough... Idk what to call it, movement? The fall out of actions? Like why don’t we see them climb into the tree? Why are we zoomed into so close when they fall out? Later during the big fight scene, there’s stuff going on that could definitely be shown in a clearer, and also cooler to watch, way. My theory of course is it’s all budget issues but what a bummer.
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The kids’ first intro to the bottomless pit that is a Digimon’s stomach. They have no food (seriously? in that pack of emergency supplies Sora brought by pure happenstance there is NO food??) so they go... steal some. But they don’t know they’re stealing.
Not that SHE cares.
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Mimi: Bahaha... you’ve fallen into my trap! *cutest maniacal laugh ever*
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^The trap
There is another trap that comes later in the ep and I’ll just say here. It’s some Jessie & James level shit. Way to go Meems!
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ugh soooo cuuuute I want twenty
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Introducing... Queen Mimi! Yes, Queen. They’ve upgraded her!
Honestly, I love how she’s introduced as royalty, but she’s dressed as a cowgirl. No one would ever ask Mimi to pick just one theme. Like her kimchi fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries, Mimi is not afraid to mix genres!
Like I said, the animation in this ep is a cut above what’s it been recently, which is a relief. And everyone’s appearance is so much like Adventure that I wonder why they changed anything xD But I’m just so grateful everyone kept their unique eyes. It was the one thing I missed in the animation of Tri, even though I wouldn’t have wanted high school kids to have baby eyes. But the eyes really highlighted each character’s individuality. Glad that’s still a thing even if not every animator pays attention to it.
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Taichi & Sora: Were those your fruit trees? Uhh sorry? My Digimon was close to death and we were starving...
Mimi: You will starve again unless you learn the meaning of the law!
that’s a little les mis interlude for ya youre welcome
So Mimi arrived in the digital world, separated from the others, and immediately became Queen of the Tanemon. I SENSE A TREND.
Mimi doesn’t come across as ditzy and selfish as she did in early Adventure. I am not sure if that side of her’s been erased in favor of simply making her reluctant to fight because she’s soft-hearted, or if we’ll see her self-centeredness appear later on. I hope so. Right now the 2020 story is very focused on the plot and not on the children’s growth, which is a huge departure from Adventure, but I don’t think it will remain that way. I hope not at least. But I do think it’s possible that they’ll rewrite Mimi to be a bit less self-centered and/or airheady, and I’m not exactly against that. After all, post-Adventure Mimi showed her cool side more when she was willful or opinionated, and I’m on board with more of that in the 2020 show too. A better balance would definitely be a good thing in Mimi’s case.
She kind of made me think of Sailor Moon in this episode, lol
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GASP! We are all Chosen Children! Mimi immediately says NOOO WAY i’m queen of the Tanemon!! But not because the Tanemon are catering to her every whim (they’re not, as far as I can tell! Though they did make her a throne!). Because she honestly feels a responsibility to look after them. Again, pretty different from old Adventure.
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Pocket Koushirou returns and Taichi tries to absorb him into his brain!!
Taichi: *grunting* HNNNNGGGG!! Give me me your curiosity!!!
Koushirou: Are you Vademon!?!?!
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Koushirou shows video footage from the human world that shows the effect the power outage is having. Though it’s not a complete blackout yet, some places like hospitals have already lost power and are in trouble. 
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Mimi sees her grandfather, the president of Tachikawa Industries, on the TV helping people in trouble. VERY DIFFERENT. VERY COOL. I approve
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Koushirou also points out that there is INDEED a time lapse between the human and digital worlds. I’m not exactly sure how different the time lapse is from old Adventure. At first, I thought it was much smaller, but thinking about it... given how slow the video from the human world was moving, it might be sizable. But I don’t think it’s as big as old Adventure. At any rate, Taichi and Sora figure out this means Mimi was on her own with Palmon and the Tanemon village for longer than they realized.
Also makes me wonder just how much time Yamato’s spent in the digital world...
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Mimi feels torn between wanting to help her grandfather and needed to protect the Tanemon village! Naturally Taichi suggests they work together!
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And a Tanemon rudely kicks him in the face!! Just kidding. But it was too cute not to cap
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Mimi brings the waterworks like three or four times this episode.
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Mimi: Alright! You work for me now!
Taichi: ...??? Okay I guess????
Yes, Princess or Queen, Mimi is still Mimi <3
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So they join up and uhh... get ready for war I guess??
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So this is the second Team Rocket trap, a giant hole in the ground. How did they dig it? How did the build that raft two eps ago?? Inquiring minds want to know
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Greymon is surprisingly limber for a chubby dinosaur.
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Taichi does what he does best in battle scenes: stand in immediate danger and look up a dinosaur’s bum.
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OGREMON MAKES HIS BIG APPEARANCE IN A MIMI EP. I totally called it last week. Okay, technically he already appeared in episode 5... but we barely saw him okay! He uses Soundbirdmon (who may indeed not be sentient?) to mind-control other Digimon to find and apparently kill?? the children. Ogremon honestly sounds kind of mind-controlled himself but not sure. If he is, it’s a different kind of control. He may just talk like that because he’s an ogre and not very articulate...
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I guess I capped this because CUTE CUTE CUTE
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So speaking of rushing into immediate danger... Not only is Sora right in the middle of the right, she’s HANGING OFF BIRDRAMON’S LEG. This show is SO not promoting child safety hahahhahaha
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Cute Taichi. Cuter still - Taichi and Sora tag teaming it. PLEEEEEASE give me more of this!! I want nothing more than for Sora to join Taichi and Yamato as a heavy-hitter. I always headcanoned her that way growing up. Let Sora kick ass 2020!!
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^Palmon’s method of rescuing Mimi... effective, yet questionable
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Capped because Cute.
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Sora and Birdramon take down the blue bird digimon (sorry... forgot its name... will likely forget the name of every other Digimon not from old Adventure as well. i am a senior citizen). Taichi cheers for them and says “You nabbed the best bit from me!” SO CUTE. Come on, they are the best team!!
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Meanwhile, Palmon: *screams bloody murder*
Mimi: Palmon! Noooo!
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Episode 6: Palmon friggin DIES
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I mean she is like glitching in and out. So it totally FIGURES it would be a Mimi ep that tells us “yeah kids we’re not Pokemon!” I mean. Keep watching...
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Mimi recalls being all alone in a strange world when she meets Palmon. Btw they totally revamped the Pyokomon Village for this Tanemon village, I dig.
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Boxing!!! Cactus!!! Eat this Precure!!!!
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While Togemon takes out Drimogemon, Greymon rushes in to protect the kids from Ogremon...
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Isn’t this actually darker than old Adventure? I mean I guess at least no one dies (I think? uhh...) and I suppose that’s less dark... but sawing off body parts... Idk man... I’m down with it, I just don’t know that it’s any nicer than old Adventure... hahahaha
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POW! Err, Drimogemon’s drill ain’t looking too good either...
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More waterworks as Mimi tells Palmon she loves her, and Palmon says it right back. Foreshadowing for Mimi/Koushirou tiffs in the future!? It was lit last ep that Koushirou tried to say he loves his partner and choked on it. Something tells me these two are gonna butt heads again ;)
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Ugggggghhhh so cute I can’t staaaaaaand ittttt
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Mimi decides to go with Taichi and Sora and leave the Tanemon village, Idk, I guess they’ll be safe now???  at least they won’t be targeted for having a human child among them.
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Also I like her leaf bag. The Tanemon totally made it for her.
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We end with Ogremon gripping his broken horn and fricking sobbing. This... does not bode well.
I want to hug him
so cast your votes, who gets the first hurt/comfort scene with Ogremon? Will it be gentle chastisement from Mimi while she patches him up with stuff from Sora’s pack? Or will it be Jou and the toilet paper you know he brought even if it makes no sense?!? hahahaha
I give this ep a 7/10 WELL DONE. That’s what a Digimon episode should be. Very close to VERY VERY GOOD.
I missed the trailer for next week so have more gratuitous Taichis instead.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
So since you're taking fandom asks uhhhh do you have any more thoughts/ideas about your pokemon fantasy au? Specifically about Alan? I just love him and that au a lot<3
Just so you know, I am always taking fandom asks. I might not answer them right away because I haven’t spent as much time on tumblr ever since I got my new job last year (because tumblr is blocked there for being a “video sharing site,” hilarious though that is), but I love talking about fandoms and am always down to take questions about them.
That said, I sure do!
I don’t know how much of this I’ve shared here before, and if I repeat anything you already know then my bad, but what I have so far is:
— Alan hails from the Kingdom of Kalos, and is one of the Keepers of the Spirit of a Mythical Pokémon — in his case, Keldeo.
— And on that note, before we proceed further, that is a change I made. I originally had him as the Keeper of Victini, but I decided to change it to Keldeo because even though Victini is my favorite mythical and fire-type suits him more than water-type, Keldeo fits Alan to a T. Orphaned at a young age but happily adopted, determination to become stronger, so determined it has a resolute form, and Alan’s leitmotif in The Strongest Mega Evolution / XY&Z is actually sampled from Keldeo’s theme from its movie, “The Legend of the Sacred Swordsman”. Everything fits. So in conclusion, the boy is the Keeper of Keldeo, I don’t make the rules. I mean, I do, but my hands are pretty tied on this one. Moving on . . . 
— Soon after his birth, one of King Lysandre’s mages, Xerosic, identified infant Alan as the Keeper of Keldeo. Highly motivated to bring as many Keepers into his service as he could (and raising one from infancy to be loyal to him was the best situation he could ask for), Lysandre sent his knights along with Xerosic to obtain the child and bring him back. Lysandre’s knights did find baby Alan and his parents living in a remote town, but unlike in canon, Alan’s parents were not willing to hand their baby over to the king and a fight broke out. Alan’s mother’s family’s guards fought against the knights, and ultimately, were unsuccessful. Many of the guards and pretty much all of Alan’s family, his parents included, were slain. But somehow, Alan himself was lost in the battle. Lysandre’s knights searched through all corpses and burnt wreckage, but they couldn’t find the infant anywhere. Assuming him to have died and his body too mangled to identify, they reluctantly returned to the castle to deliver the news.
— In reality, what actually happened is that Alan’s mother, knowing that the battle was going to be lost and not wanting her son raised by the king, did what any panicked and terrified mother would do and put her son in a sling around the neck and shoulders of one of the family’s Charizard and sent the dragon away with baby Alan and the Charizard’s own baby Charmander (who, incidentally, hatched from his egg the very same day Alan was born). The Charizard was offended — she felt she should get to stay and fight — but ultimately the safety of the babies won out (particularly since, like any other pokémon, the Charizard could sense the Spirit of Keldeo within baby Alan and knew that he was someone to be protected) and so she took off with both human infant and Charizard baby in tow.
— And so, for the next few years, Alan was raised by a Charizard in the mountains, an absolute feral child. He didn’t know how to speak human language, nor did he know how to speak Charmander / Charizard (he made growls and similar sounds, but that’s not the same as language), though he could communicate with them well enough. Mama Charizard made sure that Alan stayed fed, fed him curing berries when he got sick (which didn’t work as well as they did for pokémon, but she tried), and he grew up with her baby as his brother. The two often wrestled and play-sparred, which resulted in quite a few injuries for Alan at first as the Charmander didn’t quite realize that Alan’s human skin wasn’t as tough as a fellow Charmander’s scales, but the two bonded exceedingly quickly and would remain inseparable for the rest of their lives.
— However, as mentioned, this only lasted for a few years. Neither King Lysandre nor Xerosic truly believed that Alan had perished in that battle, and so Xerosic had continued scrying for him ever since while Lysandre sent out search parties to the mountains. Every time they got near, Mama Charizard took both her babies and flew to another remote location, deeper and deeper into the mountains. It was deep in a cavernous ravine that tragedy struck; an earthquake triggered by Lysandre’s knights battling wild Tyranitar caused a rockslide, and though Mama Charizard managed to get her sons out of the way, she didn’t manage to escape herself. Boulders too heavy for her to move and at too awkward a position for her to melt pinned her to the ground. Her wings were crushed; she wouldn’t be able to properly defend her babies if danger came.
— Fortunately, danger did not come, but help did. A powerful sage named Olympia foresaw this tragedy, and though she knew that she couldn’t do anything to interfere with it happening because that would put the future too far off course, she could prevent it from getting any worse. She arrived soon after the tragedy struck, and though Mama Charizard was at first very defensive against her (believing her to be one of the humans out to hurt her human son), Olympia was able to convince her that she was there to help. Olympia’s psychic pokémon moved the boulders pinning Mama Charizard, freeing her so that she could move again . . . but only in limited capacity, given the breaks and tears in her wings. It was then that Olympia told Mama Charizard that she could take her and her babies to someone who would keep all three of them safe. Still wary, but with no other options, Mama Charizard relented. 
— It was a long journey, given that Mama Charizard could not fly and would not consent to a pokéball, but eventually Olympia moved all three safely to a quiet village — and, more specifically, to the home of an alchemist named Augustine Sycamore. Sycamore was, of course, pretty shocked to see Olympia show up with a severely wounded Charizard, a toddler Charmander, and a feral human toddler in tow, but after Olympia explained the situation (Mama Charizard was too injured to survive in the wild anymore, the toddlers wouldn’t survive on their own either, the human boy should probably become civilized and was also the Keeper of Keldeo and needed to be protected by a trustworthy guardian), Sycamore agreed to take them all in.
— As an alchemist rather than a monster trainer, Sycamore didn’t exactly have the qualifications to care for injured dragons. Despite this, he had a very spacious plot of land that he had inherited from his family, and as such Mama Charizard had more than enough room to recover, even if she would never be able to leave again due to her injured wings. Additionally, Sycamore made sure she knew that he wasn’t intending to take her babies from her, although in the eyes of the law he was adopting the human boy, but that didn’t mean he would prevent Mama Charizard from being part of his life. (Also, Mama Charizard could not fly, but she could still melt boulders, so Sycamore wasn’t going to push his luck on that one.)
— That said, if he was going to be adopted by a human parent, the feral child did need a name, and calling him “Keeper of Keldeo” would do the exact opposite of what Olympia said needed to be done to ensure his secrecy and safety. As such, Sycamore named him “Alan”, and set about teaching him how to do things like read, write, speak, and otherwise live in human society.
— When it came to being civilized, three-year-old Alan did not go quietly into the good night.
— For starters, he hated clothing. He’d never worn clothing before in his memory before Olympia found him and yanked things over his legs and tugged something over his head, and he’d been just fine. He didn’t understand why Olympia or Sycamore wanted to put him in clothes all the time and thus took them off at every opportunity. He also pitched a fit every single night he had to sleep indoors in a bed versus outside with his mother and brother. Eventually a compromise was made that both Alan and the Charmander would sleep indoors in the bed, but even then, Sycamore woke up no few mornings to find them both outside with Mama Charizard again. (And Mama Charizard was of no help in this department; if nothing else, she looked Smug when Sycamore saw the boys curled up against her chest beneath her wing.) Additionally, for the longest time Sycamore thought he was making no progress teaching Alan human language; he went over books with him every single day, but still Alan wouldn’t say a single word to him, with his only vocalizations being growls instead. It wasn’t until a full six months had passed before Alan looked at Sycamore one day and said, “Why don’t you call my brother anything?”
Sycamore stared at him for a long moment before he sputtered, “You can talk?”
“Yes.” Alan’s glare was unwavering. “Why doesn’t my brother have a name?”
Sycamore didn’t know whether to be elated the lessons had worked, bewildered why it took Alan so long to show that the lessons had worked, or a bit defensive at being so suddenly interrogated.
— Eventually, Sycamore told Alan that he and the Charmander should work out a name for said Charmander together, along with Mama Charizard’s input perhaps, and the name the two eventually came back with was Lizardon.
— Although Alan put up a stubborn fight pretty much every step of the way, by the time he was five he’d mostly acclimated to living like a human, and by the time he was six he took an active interest in Sycamore’s alchemic studies. By age seven he was helping with some of the experiments, and by age nine he considered himself Sycamore’s apprentice and hoped to one day become an alchemist himself. In other words, though it took time, the two bonded and came to love each other as father and son, and Alan came to be quite embarrassed about all the times he bit Sycamore when they first met. (It was quite a bit. He really didn’t like that whole “wearing clothes” thing.)
— As for Mama Charizard, she too gradually warmed up to letting Sycamore co-parent the boys. She also came to fall in love with Sycamore’s Garchomp, Gabrielle, so soon Alan and Lizardon basically had two moms and a dad. All in all, things were going quite well for them.
— And then, as it always does . . . misfortune, steered by destiny, came knocking.
— All these years, Xerosic never stopped searching for the Keeper of Keldeo, and by the time Alan was 13, Xerosic finally found him. This time, Lysandre took a more measured approach to things; at age 13, Alan would not be as malleable as he would have been had Lysandre been able to take him as an infant. If Lysandre had his soldiers abduct Alan now, no doubt he would put up a fight, and the Spirit of Keldeo was one of Determination. If the Keeper wanted to leave, he would leave. Lysandre had to find a way to make him want to stay. As such, he decided to stage a danger that would convince Alan that he needed to join Lysandre’s knights. Once he did that, everything would fall into place.
— So Lysandre sent his spies, led by Malva, to gather recon. They returned with intel that Alan was being raised by an alchemist and aspired to become one himself. They reported that he seemed very attached to his family and his home, and that it would be unlikely that he’d want to leave . . . but that there was a high probability he’d want to protect his family and his home. As a result, Lysandre staged things in three parts:
1.) He and his knights visited the village so that they could “check in” to see if there was anything they could do to enrich the lives of the people there. When Lysandre spotted Alan in the crowd, he made particular note to introduce himself to the boy, and make a comment about how perhaps Alan would like to join the knights one day, to help protect the kingdom. With Sycamore’s hand on his shoulder, Alan replied that he wanted to be an alchemist. Lysandre smiled and said, “Well, you never know what the future will hold.”
2.) A few days after that, he staged a disaster; I don’t have a clear idea in mind for what the disaster was at the moment, but it was something that put Sycamore, Mama Charizard, Gabrielle, and others in danger. Alan and Lizardon did their best to defend but they didn’t have training to do very much. I think Lysandre probably staged this so that it looked like an attack from one of the neighboring nations (perhaps the Kingdom of Galar) to make it extra clear why it would be wise for Alan to join the knights to protect his family and his home.
3.) A few days after that, Lysandre and the knights visited again to help the village recover from the attack. He also, while there, once again suggested that Alan could learn to defend against attacks like these if he joined the knights.
— And that was all it took. Alan didn’t want to leave home, but he also couldn’t stand the thought of anything terrible happening to his family. So he asked Sycamore if he could join the knights—pleaded, even. Sycamore didn’t want to say yes for multiple reasons, the warning Olympia had given him about Alan being a Keeper and thus needing to be kept away from those who might use him in mind—but he could also tell by the fire in Alan’s eyes that he was not really going to take “no” for an answer, and so he relented on the condition that Alan write weekly letters. Alan agreed without hesitation. Mama Charizard, meanwhile, had no use for letters, but she agreed only so long as Lizardon went with Alan, because she believed them stronger together. Of course, neither Alan nor Lizardon had a problem with this, and as such they both left with Lysandre that afternoon. Just as planned.
— Things changed for both of them pretty quickly once they got back to the castle. For one, Lysandre forced Alan and Lizardon to begin using a pokéball, as was kingdom law. For another, while Alan was technically a squire like any other beginning knight, he was also much younger than the rest and thus would receive personal lessons from Lysandre himself in order to get him where he needed to be in terms of strength and training. Alan had no qualms about this, of course; he wanted to get as strong as he could as fast as he could.
— The first bit of training they went through was Alan testing out different weapons to see which one he was best suited to using. In honesty, he had aptitude for multiple; his sharp eyesight made him proficient with a bow, and he wasn’t half bad with a sword and shield. Ultimately he chose to specialize in polearm, though he would still practice with sword and bow semi-regularly in the years to follow.
— Other forms of training included Alan sparring with Lysandre himself (which especially in the early years consisted mostly of Lysandre kicking Alan around the training grounds), and melee matches with other knights and their pokémon. It was in one of these matches that Alan was seriously injured; Lizardon, a Charmeleon now, let out a startled cry as one of the knights hit him with the blunt end of an axe and knocked him to the ground. Distracted, Alan rushed to Lizardon’s aid, only to be hit by Lysandre’s Pyroar from his blind spot. Pyroar’s claws raked down the side of Alan’s face, blood everywhere, and the training session was halted. Lysandre scolded Alan, telling him this was what happened when he got distracted in battle, before he sent him off to the infirmary for treatment. The wounds healed, but scars remained down his cheek from then on.
— For what it’s worth, Alan did write weekly letters back home. But after a year of never receiving a response he stopped, figuring that Sycamore must be too upset with him for leaving in the first place to want to write back. In truth, Sycamore never received those letters. Lysandre ensured that they were never sent.
— Ultimately, harsh and cruel though it was, the training paid off. By the time he was fifteen Alan could best most of the other knights in combat, including the generals, earning him the rank of General himself (as well as Lysandre’s top General, though that was due to his nature as a Keeper in all honesty; Lysandre wanted to keep him on a short leash). This, naturally, made him very unpopular with the other knights, who felt he was an upstart who didn’t deserve such a high rank, but Alan didn’t join the knights to make friends and so he mostly ignored their scorn.
— While he had standard armor at first, Lysandre’s training fast-tracked Lizardon’s evolution, as well as his and Alan’s ability to Mega Evolve. Charizard scales shed naturally, and by the time Alan was 17 enough scales were collected from Charizard’s mega evolved form that they were able to forge custom armor from them. This armor, naturally, was fireproof, and his ability to withstand flames—along with the Spirit of Keldeo giving him unnatural determination that allows him to keep fighting even after sustaining what should be life-threatening injuries, that fire inside him only burning out once the battle is through—earned him a fearsome reputation. Being sighted standing engulfed in flames, his refusal to go down . . . both of these earned him a reputation as a “demon knight.”
— Once Lizardon evolved into Charizard, he became Alan’s sole sparring partner. Unlike the play wrestling of their youth, Alan and Lizardon’s sparring was much more skilled now, with Alan using his polearm and Lizardon deftly avoiding strikes while trying to pin Alan to the ground. So far, Lizardon has ultimately won every spar, successfully pinning Alan to the ground and drenching his face with kisses. These moments are pretty much the only time Alan really laughs after joining the knights.
— At the time the story kicks off, Alan is Lysandre’s top general and he does not know that he is the Keeper of Keldeo. He is also completely unaware of Lysandre’s sinister machinations and aims. Sycamore is incredibly worried about him and has been ever since he went to the castle never to be heard from again, and has been making contacts across the kingdom to get as much information as he can. (He has tried to seek out Olympia for her console, but her whereabouts are unknown.) Lastly, Alan ends up saving a young aspiring bard named Manon when she’s attacked by brigands, and she immediately attaches herself to him, deciding that he is the perfect inspiration for her ballads and stories, no matter how many times Alan stresses to her that he is King Lysandre’s top general and he goes into battle a lot and she will get hurt and die if she continues to follow him. 
“If you’re a general, then where’s your platoon?” 
“I don’t have one.”
“Then how’re you a general?”
“It’s just a title. A rank. I’m different from the others.”
“And that’s why you’ll be great epic poem material!”
“[long suffering sigh]”
Eventually, Alan will learn the truth about the king’s intentions, but whether he learns the truth in time or not . . . that remains to be seen.
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shima-draws · 4 years
Shima please tell me about your galaxy brain human Lucario AU I wanna know how it all pans out
NDASKMADMLASMKSA OMG ANON I am more than happy to share :'D This got really REALLY long, I hope you enjoy a good read lmao
So we have. Lucario. As a human. Possibly named after an actual Pokemon Lucario, idk. He's still Aaron's apprentice—trains under him at the castle to become an aura user. However, human Lucario is like. 15, making his connection to Aaron that much more powerful bc he's pretty much baby and Aaron's in his mid twenties practically raising this kid by himself. Lucario views Aaron as kind of a father/guardian figure? He's still so uptight at this point tho;; and he views Lady Rin as a mother (which. Is. SOFT). Rin and Aaron might be in love, it's hard for Lucario to tell, he doesn't Romance. He just focuses on his aura training. Pssh.
Fast forward to the time of the Big Pokemon War. Aaron realizes the only way to stop the fighting is to go find Mew at the Tree of Beginning. However he knows that this is a huge sacrifice—and knowing how loyal Lucario is to him, Aaron knows he'll follow him and be subjected to the same fate. And Aaron's like—Lucario is just a kid, you know? He still has so much more to experience and live for. So while it fucking breaks his heart to shatter Lucario's trust in him (for the time being) and totally ruin his father figure status, Aaron "betrays" Lucario and traps him inside the staff. It's some crazy magic aura crystal thing that seals something inside of it, whether it be a Pokemon, human, spirit, or whatever else. At this point it's also for Lucario's safety—bc nothing can really touch him while he's in there, and they're in the middle of a war, so yeah it's just really good timing and planning to protect his kid. However Aaron, being the adorable himbo dumbass he is, kinda forgets that this is an aura crystal, and therefore needs aura to "unseal" it essentially, which would set Lucario free. Unfortunately after Aaron goes to the Tree and gives up his life to stop the war (cue Titanic music) there's not really any other aura user around. They're pretty rare, even way back then;; so Lucario falls into a deep slumber, being sealed, and is kept there for about 1000 years.
And then!! Ash fucking Ketchum enters the picture!!
Lucario is suddenly woken because he senses Aaron's aura nearby. Absolutely pissed at Dad for leaving him behind, Lucario escapes from the staff and goes to attack, but stops when he realizes Dad is actually not Dad, it is adorable 14 year-old boy who has a similar aura to Aaron. Cue a very disgruntled teenager running through the palace, totally out of place and confused. Eventually he's stopped by Lady Ilene, who explains what's going on. Naturally Lucario's heartbroken—not only is his master/dad/guardian dead, but so is his mother figure, and everybody else he'd once known in the castle. Bc Ilene looks so similar to Rin, Lucario takes comfort from her. Ilene does her best to console him and asks if he'll do her a favor. He leaps at the chance to make her happy—apparently he's a sucker for getting good Parent Figures to like him—and agrees to go help Ash and co. find Pikachu at the Tree of Beginning.
Instead of Lucario doing the Naruto run ahead of the group (which like. How the fuck is he so fast...) he actually sits in the car in the passenger's seat with Kidd doing the driving for him, bc hell if a human can run for that long and not be totally wiped out afterward (also he just woke up from a 1000 year nap. Yeahhh. Not gonna happen.) Also baby has no idea what the fuck a car even is so he's a bit nervous around it, and Kidd's like "Um yeah no I'm not letting you drive. Just tell me where to go" so Lucario uses his aura to lead her. Things progress p much the same way, with Lucario getting strangely attached to Ash despite not wanting to, at all, but it's hard because Ash is just Perfect and a Good Boy and pretty much gives Lucario the sort of attention he craves. Eventually tho that all comes to a head when Ash brings up his friendship with Pikachu. Lucario's still bitter about Aaron and honestly can't bring himself to trust any of them—and is pissed at himself for having taken a liking to Ash despite that—so that leads into their giant fight in the first step of their enemies to lovers trope. Ha. Even so, he still gets consoled by Max (and is given CHOCOLATE!! Which is the most fucking heavenly thing he's ever tasted), and witnesses Ash unable to sleep bc of his honest worry for Pikachu. Lucario does some Deep Thinking to himself about his relations to the group.
The next day, the group activates the Time Flower that recorded Aaron's entire abandonment of Lucario. Believe it or not being a young kid in training for a war tends to give you a bit of trauma, so Lucario freaks out a little and starts attacking the hollow projections of the enemy Pokemon. Ash manages to calm him down. Lucario collapses and asks why Aaron had abandoned him. What did he do wrong? Why would Aaron turn against the kingdom? Why did Aaron trap him in the staff? He doesn't know shit and it's frustrating. Ash comes up to him and apologizes, and as soon as the waterworks turn on Lucario's like oh nooo. Oh NOOOO. Here's this boy laying his heart out on his sleeve and is so honest and open and sincere that he can't help but feel awful for how he treated him. Lucario immediately forgives Ash and is like "I will now protect you with my life" bc Ash is baby and Lucario realizes for the first time!! He's made an actual friend with somebody that isn't his dad or the queen! And if he's friends with Ash that means he can be friends with Brock and May and Max and Kidd too. The prospect is EXCITING. He can trust these people now, he knows, because they saw what happened and they believed him about Aaron. They're choosing to side with him over the "kingdom's hero" and that honestly means a lot—it's a huge commitment and Lucario's just. Super grateful that he has a group of people backing him up. Lucario promises himself that he'll reunite Ash and Pikachu, bc if he were given the chance he'd reunite with the people he once held dear too. Ash and Pikachu really care about each other and Lucario admires and respects that a lot and he wants to make Ash happy so!! He's like. It is my personal mission to see that we find Pikachu successfully. And Ash is just like :'D !!! And it's that moment when Lucario realizes that he might like Ash a biiit more than he originally thought he did. Huh.
Literally not even 30 seconds after that revelation Regirock attacks and Lucario almost has a fucking aneurysm because he JUST made friends with these people!! And now they're going to get killed if he's not careful! Story of his life. He immediately shifts into Protect Ash Mode™ and hurries everyone to safety. Things are crazy. Lucario has too much of a burden on his shoulders. He's stressed. But Ash is with him and that makes things a little bit better so he focuses on getting them to where they need to go and protecting them along the way. Big job for such a young kid. Whew!!
Traveling through the Tree of Beginning, weird antibodies keep voring people, and it's not fun. At one point Lucario takes the bullet for Kidd, but is mysteriously released (probably bc of his aura and his connection to Aaron, who gave up his life, which gave energy to the tree and to Mew. So there's a connection there. The tree kinda sees Lucario as one of its own.) Finally, finally! Ash and Pikachu are reunited! Lucario can immediately sense how close they are and how much of a bond they have. Seeing someone with so much history with Ash makes Lucario a bit shy around Pikachu, but it’s cool, they warm up to each other eventually!
Right after this, Ash and the others find out that May, Brock and Max were devoured by the antibodies. Lucario barely has any time to grieve for them before the Regis burst in and essentially trap him as Ash and Kidd are attacked by the cells next. Lucario watches in absolute horror as Ash is swallowed up. It’s like Aaron all over again—and this time it’s worse because Ash hadn’t done anything wrong, and Lucario had really come to trust him and admire him as a person. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking. He watches in hollow-eyed despair as Pikachu and Ash’s other Pokemon cry over him. Everything sucks. The world is a nightmare. Lucario almost wishes he’d gotten swallowed too. Why is it always him that’s the last one standing, the only one left, the remainder to deal with the carnage and the loss by himself? Then Mew performs its voodoo magic and lo and behold!! Ash and the others are miraculously revived! Lucario is absolutely overjoyed and relieved. It’s then that he realizes he’d be absolutely devastated if he lost Ash for good—even more so than Aaron. At this point he’s kinda come to terms about Aaron’s death, though it still hurts because there’s so many questions left unanswered.
Of course right after this Mew collapses and everything goes to shit again. Great. (Can he get like five seconds to maybe just breathe?? Idk.) At the center of the Tree of Beginning, Lucario finds Aaron’s gloves and things start to click into place. Maybe...the stories were true? Lucario activates the Time Flower there and realizes what Aaron had done, his noble sacrifice, and why he couldn’t bear to get Lucario involved. Lucario breaks down in tears bc he’s so relieved and yet so unbearably sad. Aaron was like his father. Someone who cared for him so immensely and deeply. Aaron urged Lucario to continue on and live his life to the fullest—that’s what he wanted for him, after all. But at this point Lucario isn’t sure if he can. Mew needs saving, after all.
Lucario decides he’ll follow in Aaron’s footsteps and save Mew, no matter how sad it makes him to have to leave his new friends so early. Ash immediately protests, along with Kidd, and Lucario tells them that it’s a risk he has to take, just like Aaron. Mew and the Tree need his power more than ever now, and he can’t just abandon them. He starts to pour all of his aura into Mew, but it’s not enough. Ash puts on Aaron’s gloves and jumps in, deciding to help out. Lucario is grateful but also very panicked because Ash literally just came back to life—he couldn’t bear losing him a second time, especially since he already lost Aaron. Lucario tries to bump him out of the way but Ash absolutely won’t let him!! If they’re going down they’re going down together. Ash tells him that he can’t watch Lucario take on the burden by himself over and over—that he wants to split the weight and make things even. Cue a very emotional tense moment between two boys about to sacrifice their lives together. Neither of them want the other to die, but they don’t really have a choice. Mew absorbs their power and then…
Lucario wakes up.
And he’s alive. Holy fuck!! (There’s no fucking way I’d kill him nope not happening not this time bitches)
Apparently splitting the burden of giving one’s life energy to another with a second person eases the consequences—leaving both Ash and Lucario alive (which makes him realize that if he’d gone with Aaron all those years ago and split the burden, both of them would have lived. But strangely Lucario wouldn’t trade that opportunity for what he has now.) Ash literally jumps on him and hugs him so tight he nearly dies a second time, but it’s fine. It’s a good way to go.
The tree is safe, and so is Mew. Ash rejoins the others, bringing Lucario with him. They all have a merry little reunion, and then head back to the castle together.
At this point, Ilene thanks Lucario for all he’d done—for Ash and co. and for the tree and Mew. She then sets Lucario free—saying he can do whatever he wishes, he can follow any path in life he wants to now! Suddenly there’s a whole world full of possibilities, and that world is there for him to explore. He can practically hear Aaron encouraging him to take a step into the unknown, journey to his heart’s content, make tons of friends, and master his aura. Except Lucario isn’t really sure he wants to take the trip by himself. He bashfully asks Ash if they’d be alright with him joining them. Ash is absolutely fucking ecstatic, of course. He asks Lucario to teach him how to properly use his aura, and Lucario has a big self revelation moment like “The student has become the master” and it’s magical. So we hit off a brand new adventure with Lucario traveling with Ash, Brock, May, and Max, and teaching Ash how to hone his aura! Which gives us more aura Ash moments, which everybody craves! And it’s kinda gay and lovely!!
And that is my rewrite happy ending for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew thank you goodnight ✌️
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
Nothing upsets me more than a legitimately good story being ruined by “extra” content. I’ve already complained at length about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s story changes over the original games so now it’s The World Ends With You: Final Remix’s “A New Day’s” turn because CHRIST
I’m writing this as I come across points while watching a playthrough, so:
God, Coco is the single most insufferable being. “totez hilar” just dated this content so baaaad, and I’d even say it was dated language when Final Remix came out. No other character abuses modern slang as their entire character. Like, slang is used but not as a substitute for personality. Beat speaks in a very casual, urban style but it never ends up being detrimental to his character as a bit of a punk with a “perfect little sister” that he wasn’t as naturally smart as, so he just gave up on trying and ended up being a bit of an aggressive slacker. Heck, he tones it down a bit for emotional moments, too. Coco, though, comes across like her ultra-modern “cutesy” text message slang is supposed to be her personality, and even when it’s revealed that she’s the villain of the episode you just can’t take her seriously through the “like, ohmigosh, I can’t believe you’re ruining my plaaaaaans” bullshit. What does she have going for her if you rewrite all of her lines without that speaking style? She’s just a generic manipulative brat
Frankly I also just disagree with the entire premise of A New Day and the plot threads it sets up for a potential sequel, i.e. “having Neku and Beat run through a game again as a trap to get Neku into yet another game in a possible sequel.” TWEWY is a complete experience and had been for at least a decade. Literally every character had a complete arc. The worldbuilding was rich enough that they had more than enough to come up with a sequel set in the same world, but in an entirely different town with an entirely new cast and, heck, even entirely new rules for the Game that would’ve expanded upon the world of the games without taking away from the characters whose time in the Underground was already done
But, noooooooo, we’ve gotta bring Neku back. Can’t have a game without Neku they literally SAY THAT (”The Game, like, literally can’t go on without Neku.”). And let’s bring Minamimoto back, too, as a good guy! The fans loved him! This doesn’t come across as pandering at all!
Just... you have the girl with the red headphones designed! Make the sequel set in Shinjuku with her as the main character! (Hell, I don’t think I would have even minded Minamimoto coming back for that because there was enough leeway in the base TWEWY for him to have survived his encounter with Josh, just leave Neku out of it). This is the most infuriating part because it actually takes away from Neku’s story. The entire GAME was a test of character to see if even the worst, most closed off person could learn empathy and respect and Neku DID. And in return, that sparked a change in Josh. His story is done. Coco using Neku, though, has nothing to do with him as a character and everything to do with him being the face of the game and it shows
And why the hell is Neku so trusting of Coco anyway? I get that he opened up over the course of TWEWY, that was kind of the point. But you come back to life, everything’s fine, and then suddenly you’re in a death game again and so is one of your best friends, like, he should be WAY more concerned and suspicious. But one little Reaper gives him the sad eyes and he just caves instantly like “fine, come along.” Even when Neku grew to like some of the Reapers, like Uzuki and Kariya, it was still far more of a rival-like respect. He knew damn well that it was their job to see him gone and while he accepted their help when they gave it and helped them when their lives were in danger (possibly, up to player choice), they weren’t buddy-buddy with each other, knowing that as soon as the immediate danger to them had passed they’d be on opposite sides again. And these are the Reapers he’s closest to, even at the end of the game. And then all of a sudden Coco goes “but I’m a wittle wost baby weaper” and Neku’s response is, “well, shit, welcome to the team.” WHAT
I hate using the term “Mary Sue” but Coco is absolutely a Mary Sue in its original meaning. The plot bends over backwards to accommodate her at the expense of the main characters’ personalities or reason, all while giving her a clothing style incongruous with everyone else’s meant to stand out and make her look special and not having her face any repercussions for her actions (so far which is, again, another issue with the very premise of A New Day since that’s exactly how things will end off if TWEWY doesn’t get a sequel, the possibility of which is not a guarantee AT ALL)
Shiki and Rhyme start saying blatantly false things about themselves and handwaving it away with “ohhh, that must have been our new Entry Fee! Just the exact same ones as the first time again!” and only BEAT is suspicious and NEITHER OF THEM are suspicious of Coco, the only non-generic Reaper they’ve met so far. Christ, I appreciate Beat being attentive with matters of his sister because that’s in-character but NEKU was always the more paranoid AND observant one yet all he thinks about is “gee, I’m sure having weird visions today, huh?”
And then Coco starts BLATANTLY gaslighting them about Kariya and Uzuki’s personalities and they’re STILL not suspicious of her like ughhhhhhhhhhh. Nekuuuuuuu you LIVED THROUGH JOSH WEEK 2, you have BEEN IN A SITUATION where the mastermind partnered up with you to divert your suspicion and keep an eye on you how are you less suspicious of this brat than Beat is???
And why are none of the characters bringing up the fact that you have to be DEAD to be in the Game??? You all spent three weeks of hell to claw your way back to life, how are you not more upset about what seems like you all dying again, basically immediately after you just got brought back? And I know the Shiki and Rhyme in A New Day are illusions, but Neku and Beat AREN’T. Nobody even comments on the implication that they’re dead again and what that means!
I can’t believe they made new expressions for the fake Josh’s changed personality but still refuse to make anything for Shiki’s true appearance
Hell, there’s enough lore with Josh that you could make an entire prequel about him becoming the Composer instead of this mess and, you know, EXPAND on someone’s character and what led to him being so disillusioned with Shibuya as the Composer instead of employing the Happy Ending Rewrite on Neku and then gutting his personality to make Coco the focus. I’d LOVE a Josh prequel with competent writing. Kingdom Hearts made the Xehanort prequel and hooked me in a single chapter with expanded worldbuilding and interesting ties with Xehanort’s character to friends that humanize him, do the same for Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu!
Pfffffff hire me and let me make the dream TWEWY trilogy: Joshua prequel > TWEWY sans A New Day > sequel set in Shinjuku starring Red Headphones Girl with Occasional Josh and Hanekoma Interaction
It is so unnecessarily cruel to make Beat relive Rhyme’s erasure and subject Neku to believing that Shiki was erased as well, and yet they do NOTHING with it except have it be cheap tension for five minutes. The characters basically say “wow, I’m so sad!” and then IMMEDIATELY move on to “OMG is Neku seeing the fuuuuuture?” Your LITTLE SISTER and FIRST REAL FRIEND IN YEARS just seemingly died permanently! When Rhyme was erased the first time it took Neku one and a half in-game days to even talk about it because he was so upset, and from then on he was focused on avenging her/bringing her back. Shiki was his entry fee in Week 2 and that made him hyper paranoid the whole time! WHY ARE WE JUST GLOSSING OVER THIS especially since they made SUCH a big deal about how they just finally started believing that the fakes were real (after a whole TWO conversations)
And then at the end they say that they’re inside Coco’s Noise that is SO BIG that it has an ALTERNATE DIMENSION INSIDE IT and Hanekoma’s like “I’ve never met a Reaper POWERFUL enough to make a Noise like this. Wow, Coco, you’re so POWERFUL that even I, an Angel, am impressed!” This. Coming from the guy who specifically chose Minamimoto as his failsafe to kill the Composer should the Game go wrong because a Taboo Minamimoto, heavily refined using forbidden methods, would be strong enough to defeat THE COMPOSER. And he’s now going on about how Coco’s the strongest Reaper ever, basically admitting that she’s probably stronger than the Composer of Shibuya. SURE. BECAUSE COCO WASN’T BAD ENOUGH ALREADY SHE HAS TO BE THE STRONGEST REAPER EVER, TOO
And then it just ends with Josh and Hanekoma exposition dumping about how Shinjuku got erased as Noise entered the RG (WHAT?), Neku’s visions were probably caused by the red headphones girl who’s super special (who???), and Coco’s just so special powerful (why...), but it’s not their problem so fuck it. Oh, and also Josh doesn’t care about Neku anymore, despite that being the whole point of TWEWY. Yeah, the guy who flew off all upset when Hanekoma asked him if he wanted to hang out with his friends at the end of the game. Uh huh. Even if he’s lying, why even put that THERE instead of saving it for the sequel?
And then Coco just... revives Minamimoto. Even though, oh, right, the Taboo Refinery stuff was so precise that the only reason Minamimoto came back the first time was because Hanekoma, THE PRODUCER AND AN ANGEL, set it up for him. But I guess Coco’s just soooooo super powerful and knows FORBIDDEN HIGHER PLANE KNOWLEDGE and can just do whateeeeeever she wants. Not like Hanekoma was so paranoid about someone finding out what he did for Minamimoto that he went into hiding, certain that he’d be reported to the higher Angels and destroyed
A New Day is so painfully shallow from a writing experience. It’s a poor continuation off of the solid, complete TWEWY story experience that just doesn’t have a handle on Neku’s character, turning him into this bland vision machine with no emotional connection to anyone. The way that it expands the worldbuilding with “Inversion” does one thing that I HATE, which is taking an emotion-and-character driven story and turning it into a generic “end of the world” scenario, “raising the stakes” in a way that divorces it from what made it memorable in the first place. If Kitaniji directly effecting the RG during the main Game’s plot was the point where he crossed the line in-universe, then that loses its special nature and impact if you then go “oh, btw, Noise can destroy the RG city if you let them”
And then there’s the absolute black hole of a character that is Coco Atarashi. She wasn’t designed to fit into the world of the game, she was designed to stand out. On its own that’s not a bad thing, especially given the themes of the game that revolve around owning your true self and baring it to the world, but then you combine it with no personality beyond being a manipulative brat obsessed with the events of TWEWY, extremely lazy text message slang dressing up her dialogue to make it stand out, the way that Neku and Beat’s personalities change to accommodate her presence just to shoehorn her in and then have a cheap “omg she was bad” twist, and then dumping powers on par with Josh and Hanekoma on her and there is NO saving her character
The only good part of A New Day is “Wake Up.” And even then, there’s better TWEWY songs, I just like the vaguely Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance vibes it has in parts
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betweenthepage · 4 years
Mini Reviews
As always, you can find my reviews on Goodreads and you can also follow my Instagram
Review’s for: 
1) Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland 
2) Scammed by Kristen Simmons
3) The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu
4) Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare
5) Ember Queen by Laura Sebastian 
6) The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh 
7) Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger
8) Tithe by Holly Black
Beyond the Black Door
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The book read a bit like early 2010’s YA (which isn’t a bad thing, I was fine with it. But some people don’t enjoy it). While I enjoyed the general plot, I wish some parts of the book were left out so that Kamai—the main character—could get the ball rolling sooner. I feel like it would have made for more interesting situations. I really enjoyed reading all the characters—especially Vehyn and all his villainous ways! The diversity in sexuality was beautiful and I am so glad that people are finding themselves in these characters. I think it was done beautifully, and will hopefully open the door for more books like this. Overall, I felt like the conflict was resolved very well and realistically for the book—aka no, “everything happened because I say.” 3 out of 5 stars!
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I enjoyed the first book, but this book? LOVED. The writing is great and the twists and turns? Did not see a lot of it coming! I’ve been conned! I LOVED that we got to see more of the secondary characters (Henry and especially Charlotte who I love x3 now) and I hope even more of the other students get some screen time in the third book. Beyond Charlotte, I was surprised to see how attached I got to Moore! More Moore! Lol Some of my only problems with Scammed were that a lot of the events that happened could have easily been solved with honesty (but then...no drama!) and that Brynn—our main character—was an easy pawn. For someone who’s good at what she does, she sure got played. I’m still spinning at all the twists that happened, trying to piece things from the first book. Seeing if maybe I missed clues, suspecting everyone, questioning who the real villains are and their true motives. That makes for a good book. @ Kristen Simmons/ Tor Teen, please send me the third book today, I am ready for third book, today. I will eagerly be waiting the third book, which I am ready for today. 4 out of 5 stars!
The Kingdom of Back
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Marie has once again written a beautiful book with emotion and grace. As a pianist, I’ve been obsessed with many composers, Mozart being one of them. I knew he had a sister but didn’t know how she too was just as talented as Wolfgang. This books scratched the surface of her talent and used their imagination to write a different world. While I enjoyed the writing itself, I did feel like the otherworldness was a bit confusing and for me, didn’t make a lot of sense some of the time. I had to ignore things or add my own things in order to make more sense of it. Some times I was a bit bored due to the plot slowing down. Beyond that, I was filled with rage at the real life injustice portrayed in the story that Nannerl had to face. Not only from society/the world, but from her own father. I wanted SOMEONE to shout at him. It truly is a sadness and loss to the world that her compositions were lost to the world and she didn’t get her chance to be just as great as her brother. Marie Lu talked about how she believes her music lives on through Wolfgang, I believe so too.
Chain of Gold
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Normally with so many characters, I mostly enjoy them but really only care for a few. With Chain of Gold, I LOVED every single character. They all stole my heart in different ways. Though, Matthew is my favorite by far. I have a soft spot for sassy men who like clothes.
I absolutely loved all the minor plot lines; I can clearly see how they’re going to develop into bigger plot lines. Though since there were so many small ones, it made for the overall plot to be...lacking? Not that it wasn’t good, but I just felt like I wasn’t at the edge of my seat. But given everything that happened, I know it’s only going to give me more anxiety as the books continue. I also had to pull up a family tree to see who’s kid was who’s because there are so many Lightwoods. They’ve kept busy haha
I loved seeing all of our characters from TID and I LOVE how much EVERYONE knows Tessa and Will love each other. Makes me feel even more lonely lmao.
And the ending with some of the main characters...it’s a troupe I haven’t read in a while but I’m so excited.
4 out of 5 stars!
Ember Queen
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I’ve finally read this! I didn’t get to it because I travelled for a signed copy and then school but finally!!
Lots of moving parts to this book, which make sense considering they’re in the middle of a war. A lot seemed a little too easy, and while many were lost on the pages, it wasn’t anyone we really knew. Thus, the feeling of it being too easy.
The big heart ache towards the end of the book, I knew was going to happen. It no longer had a plot or arc to move the story forward unlike everyone and everything else so it was made clear to me. Regardless, I was still incredibly sad as it was one of my favorite things. (Trying to be vague and avoid spoilers lol)
I LOVED that after everything Theo has gone through, even all the growth she has had, she still remained a soft hearted person, unafraid of her emotions. Embracing her tears and everything she felt. I love a strong willed woman, but we need more soft hearted women. Both are equally strong and Laura did an amazing job at capturing that.
The ending was great, I think. It took something Theo often thought about and was a big thorn to her plan and made her embrace it. It was fitting.
I was fortunate enough to start this trilogy early via an arc, and I’m so glad I got to see it to the end.
4 out of 5 stars.
The Beautiful
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Right from the start, I fell in love with Celine. I love everything about her but especially that she wasn’t afraid to want power AND love. The setting and time that this beautiful (haha get it?) book was written was a time where POCs were still treated badly. I liked the fact that Celine—and others—acknowledge this as well as enjoy that all people from everywhere could have a place where they could work side by side. There wasn’t a character I did not like or love. I enjoyed them all, even when they annoyed me or broke my heart. Even the potential lives interests (plural). I love both though I have my heart set on one boy. I didn’t like that even though a lot of things were revealed, those things were still vague. I have to think it’s because grander things will be revealed in the next book, but for now, it’s left me a little confused. This would have made this a 4 star read for me. But I just loved Celine SO MUCH that I have no choice but to make this a 5 star read. She literally made this whole book for me. 5 out of 5 stars.
Steel Crow Saga
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Listen...it’s an Asian inspired book filled with LGBTQ+ INCREDIBLE characters, found family, POKEMON-ESQUE things? Just buy the book already. Don’t even finish my review.
This book was great. Every character in this book was amazing in one way or another. Lee warmed my heart (we love a sarcastic thief) but Tala owns it. She was by far my favorite character. Everything she went through, has done...she’s amazing and her growth through the book speaks loudly. She fought a lot of inner turmoil (NO ONE WOULD BLAME HER IF SHE PICKED DIFFERENTLY THAN WHAT SHE DID IN THE BOOK...but I’m glad she didn’t) and all the emotions she felt? I felt them too. I just want to wrap her in a hug and make sure nothing bad ever happens to her again. I did find one of the characters, Jimuro, annoying up until the end, where his growth was finally tangible. He was big talk but finally led with actions. Good job, dude. Still want to mildly slap you, but it’s all good. The pacing of the book was perfect and I want to live in this world where I basically can get my own Pokemon. Or metal bend. I do wish some smaller details were talked about more, as it left me with a couple questions, but overall I enjoyed it. And I hope one day there’s a sequel. :(
4.5 out of 5 stars!
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Story wise, I felt it was rushed and definitely could have been longer for the pace. But I liked it for the most part. Beyond the pace, everything felt a little too easy. If that’s the case, I can make it in the Unseelie court too lol The main character, Kaye, was something. While I generally liked her, she’s very selfish and unaware of the emotions or well being of her friends and family. Possibly it could be because of what she truly is...but still. And while she apologized for some of her actions, it seemed very surface based and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Her one real friend, Corny? LOVE him. Felt for him too. I hope if he pops up again that he gets nothing but happiness because poor king. Roiben? He was cool. I generally liked him! He was kind of the calm to Kaye’s chaos. He didn’t have much character to him but I know the later story revolves around him more so I’m excited to see his development. 3 out of 5 stars.
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stars-hearts-gems · 4 years
Into the tall grass! 🌿💕
Synopsis: Gloria is nursing a crush on her neighbor, friend and fellow Pokemon trainer Hop, and she’s thinking about telling him how she feels. But the pair run into a spot of trouble in the tall grass, and Hop gets injured. Sparks fly when Gloria nurses him back to health.
The heavy air smelled of petrichor as Gloria and Hop left the train station and ran toward Postwick. Thunder rolled as the storm distanced itself from the town dotted with puddles, which the pair dodged and jumped as they headed home, drenched to the skin after a fast and furious rain.
Gloria pushed her damp bangs out of her eyes as she worked her legs hard to keep up with Hop, whose height lent him an advantage on speed. She wore her pink shirtdress and boots for the day’s exploration of the Wild Area, and her bare legs were spattered with mud from dashing across the wet ground.
“Didn’t expect we’d have to leg it home today, or else I’d have worn something a little... better,” she grumbled, conscious of how her short skirt flapped in the wind. “Jeans, I mean.”
Hop looked over his shoulder at her and slowed, realizing how far behind she’d fallen.
“Does this mean I win? Seems like no contest!” crowed Hop.
“We weren’t even racing!” said Gloria, annoyed. “Not everything is a competition, Hop.” The two slowed to a stop near a patch of tall grass, where Gloria bent down to retie the flapping laces of her boots.
"Nearly home,” Hop said bracingly. “Do you want to come over my place tonight? I have that match of Lee’s recorded, we could watch it together!”
These words sent a tingle through Gloria’s body, as if she’d grabbed a bit of metal electrified in the storm. “Yeah, that sounds great,” she said, looking up at him from where she knelt.
“Cool! Mum’s making her veggie lasagna, I know you love that,” Hop replied casually. Gloria straightened up to look at him, a little hopeful he might say something more.
But Hop’s attention was suddenly diverted -- the grass next to them twitched.
“Aw, is that -- ?” Hop breathed. “No way, Gloria, hold on! I thought I saw a Hoothoot -- I’m still missing one of those.” And off he dashed into the grass. Thunder rumbled again as Gloria squinted at the place where Hop had disappeared, the grass flowing smoothly in the breeze.
“Only be a minute!” Hop’s disembodied voice called.
Gloria sighed, waiting. Sometimes Hop would say things that made her think he liked her -- like, he properly fancied her -- but then off he’d run, as if he had felt none of the surge of feelings she just had. Did he just say these things, things that indicated he enjoyed her company and paid attention to her preferences, and not think twice? How thick! Or, an even worse scenario -- was it possible he knew she liked him, yet he acted indifferent because he didn’t feel the same way? Gloria didn’t think she could bear hearing him tell her that painful truth, so she had tried to never let on to Hop that she liked him more than just as a friend. But she also sometimes felt like her heart would explode with longing for him to like her back. Maybe, tonight, she could try...
A sudden yell broke her out of her reverie. It was followed by an even louder cry from a wild Pokemon. A horrible sound, fierce and gutteral -- not at all like the sound of a Hoothoot. A startled flock of Rookidee took flight from the grass.
“Hop? Hop?” Gloria called, peering nervously at the tall grass, but seeing nothing. “Are you alright?” She dashed forward, feverishly pushing aside plant matter. The tall grass grew higher than her head in places, obscuring her way forward, but a flattened trail showed her where Hop had been.
Bursting out of the vegetation, Gloria found herself in a clearing of flattened grass. It had clearly made by something large that had thrashed about before it ran off. Hop leaned against a rocky outcropping to the side of the open area, clutching his arm.
“My God, Gloria, are you okay? It didn’t get you, too?” Hop asked.
“I’m fine! What happened to you?”
“Wild Mamoswine!” exhaled Hop, looking shaken, but excited. “Here! I can’t believe it...”
“What? That doesn’t make any sense! What would a Mamoswine be doing here?”
“No clue! I was about to catch that Hoothoot when it came charging in. It scared off the Hoothoot and next I know it, its coming for me! It was totally cheesed off, just running around the place like mad. I tried to get out of the way, but it got me with a tusk, see...”
He pulled his left hand aside to reveal a long graze from the tusk on his outer right forearm.
“Oh, no!” Gloria moved closer to examine it, carefully taking hold his elbow and moving aside the torn sleeve. Hop winced. “We’ve got to go take care of this,” she said. “No telling what kind of an infection you can get from a Mamoswine tusk. Who knows where they’ve been.”
Hop chuckled softly, shouldering his bag with his natural bravado, though Gloria noticed he was careful to avoid brushing his injury. “What, you don’t think it’d be wise to go after that angry thing?” he said. “You don’t think I could catch it?” Hop rolled his eyes in what was clearly meant to be exasperation, but he was smiling broadly. “Come on, Gloria, have you no faith in me?” Gloria smiled, albeit a little stiffly, at Hop’s lighthearted approach to danger.
“Nah, you know I’m not serious,” he said, noticing her pained expression. “Let’s get out of here. I would love to catch a Mamoswine, but I know when I’m outmatched.”
Gloria led the way out of the clearing and back through the tall grass, Hop following close behind. The two made their way up the road and over the bridge, heading for Hop’s house. The thunder had subsided now, and their clothes were well on their way to being dry. Evening had come, and a few rays from a setting sun had begun to stream through the cloud cover, giving the landscape a weird, ethereal glow.
Gloria glanced over at Hop as they walked, and he shot back a reassuring smile. The feelings she had been contemplating before Hop’s brush with danger had returned, it seemed, tenfold. The way the sun’s rays lit up Postwick like it was their own magic kingdom, the air full of the smell of rain and soil... it was so wonderful. Her throat tightened and her heartbeat quickened as she fought back an urge -- a wild, inappropriate, terrible, wonderful urge -- to reach for Hop’s hand.
“Hey, are you any good at first aid?” Hop asked as they approached his front door, again drawing Gloria’s attention away from her internal battle. “My mum is probably going to go bonkers if she sees this. No, never mind Mum, it’s my Gran who will never let me out of the house again if she knows what happened. Let’s go upstairs first and fix me up, then come down for dinner.”
Gloria agreed, and Hop whipped open the front door. “Hey Mum, it’s me! Gloria’s here too!” he called, running for the stairs and taking them two at a time, Gloria close behind. “We’re just going to wash up, be down for dinner soon!”  
They scampered upstairs, past Hop’s grandparents, who were reading in the living room, breathing in the delicious smell of lasagna cooking. Hop’s mom, Moira, had the oven light on and was in a crouch, frowning at the baking dish therein. “15 minutes!” she called back.
Upstairs, Gloria found stick-on bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and cotton balls in the medicine cabinet of the bathroom Hop shared with his brother, Galar Champion Leon. She had him take off his jacket (”Real shame about that sleeve,” Hop said. “I love this jacket.”) and they both sat on the edge of the tub.
Gingerly, she took his arm again and inspected the wound. It had bled pretty profusely on their walk home, and was a little deeper than she had originally estimated out on the route.
“I’m really sorry, but this is going to hurt,” she said, inverting the bottle of hydrogen peroxide over a cotton ball. Hop nodded, “Don’t worry about it, and thanks for helping me,” he said softly. As soon as the peroxide touched his arm, Hop gave a quick intake of breath. But he didn’t pull away. Gloria gently dabbed the disinfectant the length of the cut, and used another cotton ball dampened with water to wipe away the blood. Then, grabbing the box of bandages, she began applying them one by one, whispering “sorry!” each time she accidentally pulled one of his arm hairs, until the entire cut was covered.
Gloria had expected Hop to crack a joke or prattle on about the match of Leon’s they were planning to watch later on while this was happening, but he was quiet as she worked. With the last bandage pressed gently on, Gloria set the box aside and looked up. Their eyes met for a long moment. Hop smiled, suddenly looking awkward. “Thanks, mate, I owe you one,” he said, flexing his arm as if to prove it still functioned. But he didn’t move from the tub’s edge. Gloria found that she couldn’t say anything for a moment. Her heart was in her throat.
“Oh, it was nothing...” she croaked. Still so casual... He doesn’t feel the same way, she thought.
Hop’s eyebrows furrowed into a look of concern. He blinked a couple times. Then, he put his hand on her shoulder. “No, I’m serious,” he said. “Gloria...” Gloria’s heart pounded ever harder, and she breathed in sharply. Hop’s hand moved from her shoulder and paused on her elbow. Then, he moved his hand over hers, which she had resting on her knee. His face wore an uncharacteristically serious expression. Barely daring to breathe, Gloria grasped Hop’s hand. “Gloria, I’ve been wondering,” Hop said quietly, “if you might see me as... ha, I don’t know, this might be silly, but -- if you might see me as... more than just your friend? I mean, not, like, in a weird way, I just, you know, I really like you...and I thought ... well--”
He cut off as Gloria leaned in to kiss him. The kiss was chaste and quick, but not without passion. As she pulled back, Gloria’s brown eyes stayed locked on Hop’s gold ones, and both were grinning in a weird, sideways way. Neither seemed to know quite what to say, but were spared the need to make further conversation by Hop’s mum’s call: dinner was ready.
Gloria and Hop stood up, Gloria giggling a little to herself. A wide smile crossed Hop’s face as he bounded across the room and quickly rummaged in a drawer for another long-sleeve overshirt to hide his healing arm.
Each was still smiling as they headed downstairs to seat themselves at the table. As she dished herself up some lasagna, Gloria hoped none of the grandparents would ask what they were grinning about.
<3 oof, I love them! ❤️
Hope you enjoyed :)
XO, Esme
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