#like shit dude we aren’t kids anymore
ghostickle · 2 years
It’s weird going through pictures of my friends cause I met them freshman year of highschool/started hanging out sophomore year and it doesn’t seem like that long ago but I look at the old pictures and idk we’ve changed so much and we don’t look like kids anymore, all those pictures we were in our early/mid teens and now the oldest of our group just turned 20. Idk
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andhumanslovedstories · 4 months
I was in the ICU last night taking care of medsurg overflow patients—that’s when you aren’t sick enough to be in the ICU anymore but we don’t have a bed anywhere else for you yet. I don’t like floating to the ICU. It’s such a coin flip as to whether you’re gonna have a hard night or an easy one. You almost never get a full load of four patients, and that’s so nice, but the one or two or three patients you do have are all sick enough to have needed intensive care six hours ago. They’re usually still not doing amazingly. But they’re floor status now, so it’s medsurg patient ratios. But if you were a medsurg floor, the charge would probably be like “let’s not give three patients of this high an acuity to one nurse.”
Also some of them are NOT floor status. They’re just “slightly less likely to die in the next 12 hours status.” What we really need is a step down unit which is somewhere between the extreme high acuity of the ICU and the catchall category of medsurg. Instead we have a couple units that are “essentially step down units,” which means they are just medsurg units but you know your night is probably gonna be so hard.
Besides the patients, the ICU is just so spread out and lonely. Most critical care patients have a 1:1 ratio—one patient to one nurse. That’s on account of how intensive the care is, you see. But it also means whenever you’re like “I would love some help,” everyone else on the floor is like “if I step more than six feet away from my patient, he will die so badly.” It makes it really hard to casually engage in conversation, especially since I’m not qualified to do like anything in the ICU rooms, so I would clearly be going over there to expressly talk to them. And I don’t want to have a conversation! I just want to establish some rapport. I love bounding ideas off other staff! I love being about to shoot the shit a lil bit and then be like “well I have rounds” when one of us has to wander off. No one here has rounds. They are already Right There.
Anyway then the shift ends, and it’s time to pass off your patients. If you’re lucky it’s to another medsurg nurse who also looks a kid realizing too late into the lecture that this is not their class. But sometimes you give report to an ICU nurse who asks questions that are so pertinent and are so fair to ask, but they’re also like. the kind of questions you ask when you expect the person you’re getting report from is another critical care nurse who only has one patient. At a certain point, I just wanna be like “what do you want from me, dude. i’m stupid. every lab you’re asking about is in the chart and you understand them better than I do. can I go home”
That also means when they give you a real softball like “and how many IVs does he have” and you’re like “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let’s go count them together shall we” you feel like the biggest dipshit in the world. And then they ask you three more questions each easier than the last as you have traumatic flashbacks to nursing school, specifically the parts where you failed a quiz and also misspelled your name. It just ends the shift on a bad note. Not even a bad note. Real burp of a shift change.
I’m feeling particularly salty because I overheard a couple critical care nurses last night joking about how medsurg nurses are so nervous about the medical boarders and basically saying that we’re always freaking out over nothing while being completely oblivious to the actual symptoms that matter. And as a nurse who once called rapid response because my patient’s heart beat weird for about twelve seconds, I was like “hey. you’re correct. but also must be nice to have just one patient and all shift to read every single thing about them and to sit outside their door next to your fully stocked equipment cart, and to be able to watch them all shift.” And it’s like yeah, critical care nurses can take all the blood out of a person and then put it all back better than before. But I know to turn off lights when I leave a patient room at three in the morning, and apparently in the ICU that’s an even more illusion trick.
But anyway it’s twelve hours later and I’m on the other side of a good good sleep, so I’m less cranky, and back to being appreciative of the specific skills critical care nurses being that are so essential, and also I was like, how pressed can I really be about one group of nurses joking about another group of nurses. that’s like 25 percent of my blog at this point.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
dude i need more angsty fights with eddie ps ur writing is very swaggy
thank you love, i hope this meets your needs lol
you’re the reason / eddie munson
part two , part three
cw: cursing, fighting, name calling, violence, blood, no happy ending
you never wanted the night to end like this, but sometimes his insecurities ruin everything.
the car ride home from the bar was torturously quiet. eddie had been silent since they finished their set and you couldn’t figure out why. you thought maybe he was just stressed or had messed up his throat when singing again, but when he slammed the van door and didn’t talk to you as he stormed inside you knew he was pissed. you rolled your eyes and braced yourself before following him in. as expected, he was popping open a beer bottle and shoving it to his lips as you opened the door.
“eddie,” you said calmly, trying to get his attention. he ignored you and walked over to the couch to sit down. “eddie, what is up with you?” you ask, sighing slightly. you make your way to the living room slowly, watching eddie eye you then look away.
“do you even care? or are you just looking for another excuse to fight with me?” he asks bluntly, taking another swig.
you look at him in slight shock. what the hell? “what do you mean?” you ask, crossing your arms in a defensive manner. you hadn’t done anything.
eddie grunts, still refusing to look at you. “we fight constantly. it’s like one wrong breath around you and you’re at my throat again,” he sneers.
you’re taken aback by his attitude. he was right, you guys did fight a lot yeah, but it wasn’t all on you. “i don’t think you’re being fair, eddie. you start shit too, just how you are right now,” you say causing him to roll his eyes.
“this is your fault,” he says, his knuckles turning white around the beer bottle.
you scoff, walking to instead stand in front of him. “is it? please enlighten me on how i’ve pissed you off this time,” you say.
eddie bites the inside of his cheek, nostrils flaring. “are you just gonna act like you weren’t flirting with the bartender? right in front of me? while i played your song?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
your jaw drops. “are you fucking kidding me, eddie? i was not flirting with the ugly ass bartender!” you defend yourself, hands flying.
“then what were you talking to him about? he seemed pretty fucking insterested!” he boomed, rising to his feet to tower over you.
you let out a little scream of frustration behind gritted teeth. “we were talking about you, asshole! you and the band!” you say, rage beginning to bubble over.
“bullshit,” he drags.
“why don’t you believe me?” you ask seriously.
eddie rolls his eyes. “i don’t know, maybe because everyone in this damn town knows you’re a whore?” he questions rhetorically.
you gasp, shoving him but he doesn’t move. “that’s not true anymore, ever since we started talking it’s only been you!” you yell, jabbing a finger into his chest. “how could you even think i’d cheat on you?” you ask angrily.
“so what? im just supposed to ignore the way you and harrington act around each other? aren’t you the one who told me you’d fuck him?” eddie keeps going, his voice raising.
you feel tears building behind your eyes, you always cried when you were angry. “that’s not what i said and you know it!” you yell.
“right, right, and those fuck me eyes you give him? nothing right?” he laughs humorlessly.
your lip quivers in rage as the first tears start to fall. “i don’t want steve, eddie. i only want you! i tell you i love you everyday and i do everything i can to be a good girlfriend. what did i do to make you think i’d do anything like that to you?” you ask, your vision becoming blurry.
“stop fucking crying, you know i hate when you cry it’s so annoying,” he huffs, looking away from you.
you feel your heart crack at his words. “you- you did this!” you yell in his face, your fists now shaking with rage.
“oh, so now you wanna play the victim? great,” eddie taunts.
you turn around, screaming in annoyance as you take a few steps to put distance between you two. “i didn’t do anything!” you cry out, hands covering your face.
“yes, you did! you’re the reason we’re having this damn fight, you’re always the fucking reason!” eddie screams, his breathing becoming uneven. you cry, still not knowing what you did.
you shake your head, knowing you don’t deserve this. “you’re fucking psychotic, eddie! you’re delusional!” you scream at him in a heartbroken voice, your voice cracking.
eddie’s eyes turn into a sharp glare. “what did you just say?” he asks, his voice deadly low.
“you’re a fucking psycho!” you scream at him, choking on your words. your eyes widen as his arm raises, and you barely duck in time as the beer bottle goes whizzing past about a foot to the side of where your head was. it shatters on the wall behind you as you fall to your knees with your hands covering your head, screaming in fear. you stay low to the ground, sobbing as the beer drips down the wall behind you.
eddie freezes up, taking in the sight of you cowering on the ground as sobs leave your body. he glances at the wall behind you, seeing the marks of beer dripping and the broken glass on the ground. he didn’t aim for you, but he also wasn’t thinking. that bottle could’ve hit you. he takes a step closer to you as guilt flood through his body.
you see his boots come into view and you fall onto your butt, scrambling back a bit. you were scared of him. “no,” you cry, shaking your head at him.
“y/n…” he says broken heartedly. he saw it on your face, you were terrified. he tried taking another step towards you slowly, but you backed up more.
your hands landed in the glass of the broken bottle, causing you to cry out as it pierced the soft skin of your hands. you held them out in front of you, watching the small drops of blood start to form scattered across your palms. “y/n!” eddie said with a gasp, falling to his knees in front of you and reaching out for you.
“don’t touch me!” you screamed in his face, twisting your body away from him. eddie face dropped as you did so, feeling his heart fall into his stomach.
he searched your face for the anger, but all that was left was fear. “baby, just let me help you get the glass out,” he begged, reaching for you again.
“no!” you screamed, throwing yourself to the side. “don’t fucking touch me,” you cried, scrambling up on to your feet. eddie was quick to follow you, tears gathering in his eyes as he took note of the blood on your legs as well.
“y/n, baby, please calm down. i won’t hurt you, baby, i love you,” he begs, trying to carefully approach you.
you shake your head sobbing. “get away from me,” you say, backing your way towards the door. he gulped, his heart breaking in two as he saw you were heading for the door.
he shook his head, wanting so badly to take back his actions. he should’ve never let his insecurities take over him, but they always did. “y/n, please don’t leave,” he whispers. but you just shake your head at him, and then turn away and bolt for the door. “y/n, please! i'm sorry,” he calls, running after you. you run down the steps quickly, and over towards max’s trailer.
eddie stops in his doorway, watching you run from him. “damnit,” he cusses, kicking the door frame. he watches max let you in, her glaring his way before slamming the door shut. eddie closes his door before sliding down it, tangling his fingers in his hair and pulling as he sobs over losing you.
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guys I just was on TikTok for like, a couple hours for the last 3 days and oh my god tumblr is so much better.
mostly because I will say this again and always.
TikTok is tumblr 2.0
The most horrible takes, I actually hate that I used my main hate seethe ow io hate this.
someone save me, oh I hope I don’t get hate on my main.
not because I said anything bad but because TikTok people are a different BREED.
okay example!
Example 1: a video of 3 young teen girls with unblurred faces smashing the remains of a melted ice sculpture.
the comments were filled with hate for these kids like they had punched someone or something, most of them were like “if I saw that I would have beat those kids” and “evil! Can we dox them?”
dude, it was crazy.
Example 2: a video of a horse picture with the text “they ruined the cannibalism metaphor with their shitty poems”
Idk what the context is for that actually lol.
example 3: someone in a mental health matters tagged video saying that you can’t help people who are suffering from Self Harm because it’s on them to do that, also “people who send SH/ED’s pictures are bad people and attention seekers”
that made my jaw fucking drop, like while I’ll always advocate “please don’t send people fresh Self harm photos period” I’m not going to demonise someone that does, because that is beyond a cry for help that’s a scream.
and also everyone was demonising cluster B people, and people who are violent because of mental illness/people who scream and yell say things that hurt people because of mental illness are bad people aswell.
like.. oh my god, it’s different if it’s not purposeful malice and just mental illness shit. Like I know people who are exactly like that, and they are people I love and care for deeply. It’s not their fault they can’t control their emotions because they have can’t control emotions disorder. They regret it deeply and hate themselves for it and want to be better and loved.
that’s truly what most of mentally ill people want, myself included.
and again and again I see people who are like “these people are horrible and don’t deserve help”. Your feelings of being triggered and fucked up by seeing your friend’s self harm is AWFUL! It sucks! But if you love them, you should put yourself first and be kind.
(Literally just going “hey dude, I love you fuck tons but I can’t deal with seeing your self harm. It’s not because I hate you, it’s not because of anything like that. I’m just not as strong as you when it comes to seeing these things, and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m happy to be here and talk about why you feel this way and I’ll be here for you. But I just don’t have the skills to deal with the sight of injury, you are my friend I care about you (REAL NO JOKE)”)
sometimes the people you love will say things that hurt you because they are hurting incredibly badly and just want someone to see that and tell them
“it happens, sometimes (insert mental illness) happens. You’re not a bad person for it happening. so many people are like you and are suffering the same pain, and it happens. You will feel bad until you feel okay, healing takes time. And learning to live with (insert mental illness) is hard, no one ever said it’s easy. It’s hard and it takes a long time, but it gets better <3 because we aren’t perfect! no one is! we hurt and scream and push away those we love and it’s hard to fix that. Sometimes we don’t, but it happens. We will make mistakes and hurt others and ourselves, that’s life. And I’ll be here, because I believe in you even if you are hurting, even if you tell me he most vile shit, I’ll stay. It’s not okay you say that, but your (insert mental illness) it happens and until you feel better I won’t hold it against you. I’ll be hurt, but I won’t hold it against you. Your you, and I think you deserve to live and not hurt anymore. I’ll listen, I will listen.”
mental illness is not a monolith and is so hard and difficult to understand sometimes, we are social creatures and all we want is care and kindness.
I will never know how to help someone, I will always just flounder until I figure something out. But trying is really all we can ever do.
I love you guys, we are all fucked up we are all so fucked up. And that’s okay, you will be okay.
one of these days it’ll stop, and you will stop feeling bad and feel okay. Some of us will have a hard, hard time figuring out how to do that.
but don’t give up, because I won’t. Even if you couldn’t fulfill your dreams I’ll hold them softly for you, if you suffer let’s suffer together.
if you die, I’ll remember you, if your scared we can be scared together.
It’s going to be okay, because people do care. People actually do care, and your not done yet, just hold on.
you will get there, just hold on. We will make it, we will all make it.
I am still hung up on the first one.
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numbknee · 1 year
Enough of the suffering thru the asks abt all the other cartman ships, what abt your brain rot? 🥺 what *are* your thoughts on kyman?? Go ham dude
ooooh dear... where to begin with the kyman brainrot....... I guess I’ll start at the beginning. VERY LONG POST under the cut. this is basically my kyman meta magnum opus lmao
I’ve talked about this ad nauseam before, but I really, REALLY didn’t want to get into south park. I had only ever watched like 2 full episodes before 2021 and I simply did not understand the appeal. I just thought the draw to the show was the shock factors: gross-out humor, children swearing and committing violence, and blatant bigotry played for laughs. I didn’t understand how it could be so popular other than “well I guess there are lots of horrible people out there who like this horrible show.” 
I grew up in a very WASP-y town and had peers in elementary/middle school who learned about the existence of antisemitism and other bigotries through south park. because kids are stupid and don’t understand satire, many of them took it at face value and were able to have shittons of words added to their vocabulary to put people down and insult them. it was horrible tbh. and I hated the show for that, even as a young kid. I personally wasn’t perfect by any means but even as a snot-nosed, extremely sheltered little white girl I knew that you just shouldn’t do that shit. our school system in particular lauded the “golden rule” constantly (we had to do a school-specific pledge after the pledge of allegiance every day... yeah I know, very american) and I was like “cmon, you guys can’t even follow that ONE RULE to be a semi-decent human being?? really??”
anyway at the end of 2021, my younger brother asked me to watch the post-covid specials with him and he was very excited about it. I was immediately hesitant, especially because in recent years he has become alarmingly incel-y and took a hard turn to the right while I became a leftist. I reluctantly agreed to sit through it to try to understand him more because, even though his political ideology sucks ass, he’s still my brother and I do love him. 
so I watched the specials, and I came out the other side of it shell-shocked with how surprisingly good the writing was. THIS stupid show, the show that all this time I thought was bottom-of-the-barrel comedy, was... GOOD??? particularly regarding CARTMAN?? 
the only things I knew about cartman going into it were the following: he’s fat, he says the name “kyle” weird, and he’s a horrible antisemite. and they made him grow up to be a freaking RABBI. it completely caught me off guard and *gasp* actually made me laugh???? what???? 
there were plenty of other things I loved about the post-covid specials, like my depressed ass relating WAAAY too hard with stan, the extremely on-the-nose satire of the state of advertisement/capitalism with the stupid “denny’s applebee’s max” restaurant chain gag and all the old people being shoved into a giant prison retirement home once they aren’t productive anymore, kenny getting sick of the gang’s bullshit and writing “FUCK THESE HOES” on a beloved childhood photo, butters become a snake-oil salesman for NFTs, kyle being told to “think like a kid” and like 2 seconds later realizing they need to look up kenny’s ass. I could go on but you get the point. 
I liked it way more than I thought I ever would. and obviously, I often find south park funny for different reasons than my brother does because matt & trey are very good at toeing the line of appealing to both sides of the american political spectrum, but it’s become a point of bonding between us in the year since I started watching the show and I’m grateful for that. 
of course, since i’m terminally on tumblr and ao3, I also started to dive into the fandom of south park. I had heard about the whole creek thing years ago and waved it off as a stupid gag but then I realized wait, holy shit, there’s actually a GIGANTIC shipping culture around south park??? at first I got into style because of the interesting concept of post-covid kyle and stan reconnecting after decades apart and not being the same people they used to be but trying to make it work anyway (I even wrote a fic about it ahahaa...) 
but after a while I got tired of the ship because as I watched the rest of the show, I realized their relationship just wasn’t as interesting as I thought it would be. like they’re best friends but... why? because they’ve known each other forever? they both like video games? they make fun of cartman together? the fact they’re “super-best-friends” is kind of taken for granted by the show and the audience, but imo matt and trey never really explore the intricacies of their relationship very much. y’all can disagree with me on this but idk, all I know is that I got bored with style as a ship after like 2 months.
while scrolling through ao3 and tumblr, I ran across kyman fics/fanart for the first time back in february or so. at first I was appalled because... why the everloving fuck would you ship the blatant antisemite with the jewish kid??? really???? isn’t style a much better choice??? but sheer curiosity got the better of me, so I did what I always do when I’m curious about a ship: select for fics with kyle broflovski/eric cartman, sort by kudos, and read the first result (or in this case the second because the first had creek as the main ship). y’all know which fic that is if you’ve even slightly gotten into kyman. it was interesting, but I personally didn’t see them as the actual characters from the show in that fic. they were fandom versions of kyle and cartman, with their personalities changed enough to fit the standard mlm shipping dynamic that’s popular in fandom spaces (particularly regarding dom/sub aspects). I’ve seen it happen in plenty of other fandoms so I wasn’t surprised, but I still couldn’t see how it could possibly work if one were to use their canon character depictions. 
all the while I was making my way through episodes of the show cuz it’s long af, and over time I became more and more intrigued with kyle and cartman’s relationship. cartman quickly became my favorite character in the show because of how fucking complex and layered his personality is (see my tags on this post), and though kyle despises cartman in countless ways, he still is the only one who consistently tries to find goodness in him, tries to make him change for the better, saves him when no one else will, and remains his friend despite everything. it’s a remarkably complex dynamic.
little hints of kyman started creeping up on me: cartman being frequently queer-coded as a closeted gay kid. kyle getting extremely jealous of cartman and heidi’s relationship. both of them on separate occasions saving the other from death or injury without wanting any credit for it or lording it over each other. “we've been through a lot together, and... maybe that alone doesn't make us friends, but it makes us something” 
needless to say, I started to get it. and then I encountered the straw that broke the camel’s back: “know your enemy” by elsen on ao3. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve read that fic probably over a dozen times. it was shockingly well-written and so in-tune with the style and tone of the show that I was like “is this person spirit-channelling trey parker or something wtf???” and all of a sudden, I could see how, in a different universe, kyman could actually be an endgame ship. 
what sold me on it the most was how in-character it seemed for cartman to be a repressed, denial-ridden sub, especially regarding his desired relationship with kyle. there’s plenty of canon evidence that cartman has a secret crush on kyle (see this vid by johnny 2 cellos), but there’s no way that kyle could reciprocate those feelings, right?? imo kyle would probably rather die than enter a romantic relationship with cartman where he had to submit to him all the time, but if cartman would want kyle to be dominant over him??? where kyle has control and is able to curb cartman’s problematic behavior as he sees fit??? that opens up a whole other door of possibilities.
I think what kyle wants more than anything else in the world regarding cartman is for the goodness he sees deep down inside him to come to the surface, and for kyle to be the one to guide him (or force him when necessary) to becoming a better person through love and patience and inherent understanding of his fucked up little head??? I can definitely see kyle wanting that (especially since I see kyle as a repressed, denial-ridden sadist/dom lmao; see this post for my thoughts on that). 
it was all downhill from there. I found tons of other cool kyman shippers on tumblr and twitter whose writing and fanart helped suck me in even more and I’ve been stuck in kyman hell ever since. special shoutout to the asker for her kyman analysis posts that inspired this fic I wrote! love u boo <3
ANYWAY that’s how I became a whore for kyman lolololol ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ have a nice day everybody
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Some clone oc concepts for y’all:
A clone with a fondness for botany is deployed on a jungle planet whey they come across a rare species of plant and they save it and present it to some sort of official because the plant contains the cure for some disease but the official was like mmmmm we gotta destroy that because if people have easy access to a cure then that won’t spend money on treatment and that will ruin my stocks, cue the clone running away with the plant and they tell their squad mates about it and they cover for him while he escapes off world with the plant and deserts and starts cultivating it until he has a ton of it and secretly distributes the plant to pharmacists that actually want to make a cure
A clone who is really good friends with this older guy that runs a theater on Coriscant that welcomes clones and they meet up and talk whenever they can because the clone is just glad to have a friend they can talk to about their favorite movies and interests with and the old man is glad to have someone to talk to because his kids don’t come around any more and the clone is like the grand kid he never got to have, near the end of the war the old man passed and he left the clone this old space drive in theater on some outer rim planet that he used to run in his youth but then he had kids and had to move because of all the conflicts and it was abandoned, he couldn’t leave the theater on Coriscant to the clone because he had already promised it to his eldest, but then the Order hit and the clone wanted out with a few of his squad mates so they went the only place they had and ended up fixing the place up and running it
Clones that sneak off to god knows where at unholy hours and their CO’s are suspicious that their doing nefarious activities and follow them only to find out their just playing DND with their friends
Clone who played space hockey at the local community center that was open to the gar and ends up making some friends and they form a team and there actually really good at playing and some corporate sports dude with money notices and he’s like hey you guys could make bank doing this with me, I can set you up with other teams for matches that people would pay money to see and you could make it big. And their like idk this team is made up of a republic clone, a middle aged IT guy with a lot of college debt, an elderly woman on parole for petty theft, a couple of Highschool brutes, a 10 year old with a thirst for blood, a bimbo, a non-binary with two toned dyed hair and a bag of crystals and Craig, but their like ehh we do need money let’s just try it and it goes alright for a while until the guy try’s to swindle, manipulate, divide and exploit them to which they respond by not working with him anymore and exposing him to his competitors and letting the 10yo bite the guys ankles, then they go on to win a big nationals game, get that bag, dip and go back to just playing for fun.
Clone that goes exploring and always has some sort of paranormal experience, every time without fail, it’s like a curse. In the woods? Their gonna see some weird shit up in the trees that ain’t normal. In an abandoned civi area in the middle of a war zone? Their gonna hear disembodied voices and see apparitions. Just chilling in the barracks? Shit moves on its own sometimes. They always wake up with dirt in their pockets even if they haven’t been in a planet in months and have really unsettling vivid dreams. Turns out they are little cursed in the way that ghosts are just attached to them and their actual the one who’s haunted.
Clone who has a dream of being the gar’s best electrician because they feel that the trades should be something that should be an option to learn on Kamino because they shouldn’t just rely on droids to fix those problems all the time, they can fail, get shut down with an EMP blast, and be generally unreliable. Besides, aren’t they supposed to be fighting droids? They should be putting their lives in the hands of droids every time they need to get a door open. Their very passionate about it.
Clone who is working on one of the galaxy’s hardest math problems as a pass time and actually solves it and the galactic sciences institute that I just made up is offering a reward to anyone who is smart enough to solve such equations and in their excitement they tell their brothers who tell other troopers who tell the occasional civi (because we all know gossip runs rampant in the gar) and soon the word is out someone solved an impossible equation and soon this clone has a bunch of bounty hunters on their tail who were hired by some math weirdo’s that have been trying to solve the equation for years and now want to steal their work and take credit for it and get the reward.
A clone who runs off to literally join the space circus and meets a lot of cool people and sees a lot of nice places and there’s a lot of shenanigans and adventures and they get to be the most extreme, freest version of themselves and they eat strictly fair food.
Clone who runs a mystery shack type of emporium in the barracks. Like their a first gen clone and they’ve seen a lot of stuff and been a lot of places and they like to collect weird stuff and they keep it all in their tack box and if you trade them something cool or useful they’ll let troopers look at all their weird stuff; like the picked space rat toes he found at the market and he thought that it sounded weird and they weren’t sure pickled feet of an animal no less a rat sounded particularly delicious to him but hey people eat it and it must good for the market to keep it in stock besides they’d only ever had frozen vegetables and nutrient paste all his life, the jar of chewed gum they’ve been filling since their shiny days, a keychain with half the writing scuffed off and it was left as a mystery as to what it says, a rare mislabeled munitions cartridge, some feathers, eggshells, leaves, dirt and other natural items they’d collected from planets they’d been to, a collection of cursed drawings they’d randomly had handed to them by other vod and his favorite one is the tooka with wings and a human face, a rare flavored nutrient packet that had been discontinued before the war started, a 24 sided rubix cube, a funny looking half melted space McDonald’s toy from the clone equivalent of the 90’s, a shard of a CD that is ancient technology from a time long passed, a bunch of zip ties that a couple of cloaked figures tried to give him by attacking them to his back armor but he couldn’t stick around and make friends because he had a meeting to get to, and a ton of other trinkets and treasures he’s found (and may or may not have accident or purposefully stole or gotten from many miscommunications)
Clone who is obsessed with art and color but is part of the Kamino guard and the bleak walls drive them crazy and they go out of their way to express themselves in every subtle rebellious way possible. It’s hardly ever noticeable except Nala Se absolutely notices but it’s so minute it would be petty to make a fuss about it but it pisses her off to me end.
A clone who is stationed on a remote outpost that functions as a lookout but nothing major ever happens and the planet is going through a drought and forest fires are starting to happen often and threaten the tower and the near by inhabitants and basically the clone becomes a fire tower look out for lack of anything better to do.
Clone who brews their own liquor by using a glass jug they found in a dumpster, a bunch of home made equipment, watching space YouTube videos and stolen yeast and fruit juice from the cafeteria. The brews are so strong that it’s like drinking straight Star fighter fuel and it’s related to how they got their name somehow.
Clone who was accidentally left behind on a temperate forest planet that’s not very populated and doesn’t use a lot of his tech and so they wandered miles to the nearest village to find supplies and maybe a communicator but there are no such long range devices within a 200 mile radius so they survive doing various jobs around the community in exchange for supplies and becomes a well liked, integrated part of the community and is known as the village handy person/muscle/problem solver and they take a likening to the arts and ends up setting down to become a local glass blowers apprentice.
Clone who invents and tinkers with things
Clones who write. They write fan fiction about their favorite holo films and radio shows, they write there own original works, they write comprehensive works about how life is in the gar, they right anonymous letters to senators in protest of the war, they get the vod who can draw to do illustrations for them, they start groups they talk about their writing with. Basically take what the creative part of the fandom is and and apply it to them.
Clones who find they have a natural talent for magic and mystic arts that aren’t of the force and in there search for what these powers are and what to do with them the fall down a rabbit hole in the archives covering lore, mythology, spells, and history all over the galaxy and start to notice something’s off and there’s something recurring or whatever you guys feel like but one thing leads to another and suddenly there caught up in a thousands of years old conflict between mystic forces that are invisible to the majority of the cosmos, and bonus plot twist it turns out there a rare kind of magic wielder, either the powerful kind or one that’s so rare there’s only ever been a couple other, or their capable of anti or reverse magic casting.
Clones who are mall rats, like when they get to Coriscant they break out the civi clothes they’ve salvaged from store dumpsters and just hang around stores, especially the ones that don’t allow clones inside out of spite, and they get cheap earrings from space Clare’s and get cinnamon sugar pretzels from the food court.
Clone who has died and their navigating the afterlife and this can be whatever anyone interprets the afterlife as, it can be like what mandalorians believe and everyone of mandalorian heritage goes to the same plane of existence to live in peace together, or it’s based on where they die and what deity’s control those areas that determines what afterlife they go to, or it’s universal and depending on if you were a good person or not determines where you end up, maybe the afterlife is like a never ending adventure that sometimes feels like a feared dream and it’s like a soul collective with everyone whose ever died there and it’s expanded across planets and reality’s and it’s very similar to how life was but also very different. Just do whatever you feel like for this one!
Alternatively to the prompt above, clone who dies and becomes the grim reapers apprentice.
Clone who makes there own clay by collecting it while deployed then processes it and using it to make air dried little figurines.
Clone who makes jewelry out of wiring and glass and scrap metal prices using the tiny mechanic tools out of the tool kit their bachmate has to fix fighters that they often don’t need.
Clone who accounts pulls a Narnia and falls into an alternate high fantasy like dimension and goes on a whole adventure to try and find a way back but ends up spending a whole lifetime there making friends and having a family and a whole alternate life and when their old they find the way back and when they get back it’s like nothing changed at all and their young again and in the middle of a war that has no meaning puppeteerd by an obviously corrupt government who is using them and their siblings as slaves and canon fodder and it took them living a whole alternate life of freedom in a different dimension to realize how absolutely FUCKED it all is so they stage a coup and fight for freedom with their new knowledge and skills while smuggling clones that would like to go to this alternate universe.
Clone who somehow ends up in a really weird town in the middle of nowhere. Like if you’ve ever listened to podcasts like Welcome to Night Vale, Death by Dying and Uncanny County or seen the tv shows Gravity Falls or Over the Garden Wall I’m talking that kind of weird. Paranormal weird, cryptide weird, Midwest gothic weird, weird core weird, small town weird and spooky weird all combine into the same type of weird weird. And they live a happy life there and suspect nothing is out of place there because they have no clue how to live a normal civilian life as a clone and just contribute to the weird as one does.
A 332nd trooper who is deployed to Mandalore to capture Maul and gets lost in the underground part of the city and encounters a mando who attacks them and they win the fight, but they have now unknowingly killed an old, outcasted mandalorian god that had been weakened from time and fading belief in them. And it’s a magical rule that if you kill a god you become that god and get their powers because I said so and yeah basically a clone that becomes a new mandalorian god and had to deal with the really crappy legacy the late god left them with because through a series of misadventures they find out that god wasn’t exactly well liked amongst most gods.
Clone who grows a secret moss walk in the barracks.
Clone who goes out for drinks while on leave and they get absolutely fucked up and they wake up the next day to find they accidentally got married to someone who was also at the bar and was equally wasted and they go out to talk about it because ummmm hey were married apparently but I don’t even know your name and they find out that their each nice people who have similar interests and actually might like each other but it’s not an ideal situation for a relationship but it’s beneficial to them because it might legally grant the clone citizenship if they took it to court and the other gets better taxes and benefits so they stay married for mutual friendship and legal benefits.
Clone who works at an antique shop on Coriscant when they have leave. Except the shop is filled with cursed, dangerous, mystical artifacts. (it’s a little like Warehouse 13 if you’ve ever seen that show)
Clone who raised a jar of space sea monkeys on a top bunk in the barracks.
Clone who becomes a line cook after the war is over and moves around to a lot of restaurant jobs and works their way up and eventually after many years of experience and hard work they become an executive chef and then go off to staff their own place.
Coriscant guard who has an above human average iq and works In investigations and specializes in forensics. (Their friends call them Sherlock but they’re more like Temperance Brendan from that show Bones).
Clone who has a pet ant farm but the aunts are space aunts and they spit acid.
Clones who are book/pdf file dealers and smugglers because the intel gar troops are allowed to have is highly regulated.
Clone who makes candles out of the wax they use to clean blasters with and puts them in space monster cans and they smell rancid when lit.
123 notes · View notes
pesterloglog · 4 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert, Tavros Crocker, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jane Crocker, Gamzee Makara, Jake English, Terezi Pyrope
Candy, page 23
ROXY: honey u ready to go?
JOHN: yeah, sweetheart... give me a second!
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... what are you doing?
JOHN: just getting your gifts, harry anderson! it’s your birthday after all.
HARRY ANDERSON: ...but i already opened all the gifts from you and mom.
HARRY ANDERSON: dad... are you telling a fib?
JOHN: ummm...
JOHN: harry anderson, don’t tell your mother but...
JOHN: we’re getting a new addition to the family today!
TAVROS: Oh,,, hallo folks,
TAVROS: You’re a mite early don’t you think?
JOHN: um, nope!
DAVE: actually
DAVE: you were exactly thirty seconds and like sixty eight nanoseconds early
ROXY: oh eff off dave
ROXY: ur gettin even cornier than john and youre not even a dad
DAVE: idk my guy harry over there seems to be enjoying my material
HARRY ANDERSON: heh heh it’s like you’re a living atomic clock!
DAVE: man i love this kid
DAVE: what kind of five year old is into atomic clocks
DAVE: damn every time i see him i just wanna pinch his cheeks and tell him about what things were like when i was his age and shit
JADE: heheheh if you like kids so much dave why dont you just BUY one?
DAVE: uh jade i know that what you think you were doing there was like
DAVE: smoothly inserting the idea of us one day adopting kids into the conversation
DAVE: but what you actually just described is literal slavery
DAVE: which is both illegal and bad
JADE: sigh......
JADE: maybe YOURE the one whos illegal and bad
JADE: ever think of that???
DAVE: nope never once crossed my mind
DAVE: anyway john roxy you heard the lady can we buy your kid
JOHN: no! he’s not for sale.
TAVROS: Um,,, do you all want to come in or not,,,?
ROXY: sooo
ROXY: wheres ur mom and dad
TAVROS: They’re still in,,, uh,,, auspistice counselling,,,
TAVROS: W, with,,, uncle gamzee,,,
JADE: oh woof
DAVE: woof is right
HARRY ANDERSON: hey tavros! is vriska here?
JOHN: unfortunately, harry anderson, rose and kanaya aren’t on speaking terms with your aunt jane and uncle jake anymore.
ROXY: cuz of the political situation
HARRY ANDERSON: what’s... a political situation?
TAVROS: Mother has been advising the human government that they should do their best to,,, uh,,, exclude trolls from the seats of power in all branches of public service and,,, uh,,, aunts rose and kanaya don’t like it because some of the legislation in the works could,,, erm,,, delegitimize their marriage,,,,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: um... i have no idea what any of that means, ha ha.
TAVROS: Anyway,,, wh, why would you WANT vriska to be here,,,?
TAVROS: Why ruin a nice birthday party?
HARRY ANDERSON: um duh... cause she’s super fun!
TAVROS: She’s not fun,,, she’s mean,,,,
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah, to you, cause you’re a wuss.
ROXY: harry anderson egbert!
JOHN: don’t call other kids wusses!
DAVE: hey whats even wrong with being a wuss
DAVE: harry my dude you need to unplug from toxic masculinity
HARRY ANDERSON: from... what?
DAVE: what have you been teaching this kid
JOHN: dave, sometimes i really can’t believe this is the adult you chose to become.
ROXY: its actually great isnt it
JOHN: yeah, i guess so...
JANE: You are such an unbelievable dunce, Jake English!
JANE: I can’t believe that I work so hard and have to come home to your feckless tomfoolery every day!
JANE: My goodness...
JANE: What gives you the right to talk to me that way?
JANE: And you’re not even... you’re not even proficient in bed anymore!
JANE: What is even the POINT of you if...
GAMZEE: cAlM yOuR tItS bAbY.
TAVROS: It’s fine,,, my parents are kismeses after all,,,
JANE: Oh. Hello everyone.
JANE: I’m sorry that I was not able to greet you at the door. I had some pre-appointed business to attend to.
JANE: I trust that Tavros led you all inside without trouble?
TAVROS: Yes ma’am,,,
JANE: Good boy.
JANE: Harry Anderson, my dear!
HARRY ANDERSON: auntie jane!
JANE: Look at you! You’ve gotten so big and strong since I last saw you!
HARRY ANDERSON: i grew a whole three inches!
JANE: Yes, I can see that. You’re going to be quite the strapping young man before we know it.
JANE: Since it’s your first milestone birthday, I’ve instructed my staff that you are to be spoiled like a little prince today!
JANE: Right now they’re finishing off your cake. It’s a recipe I invented just for you!
JANE: And I’ve got your present all wrapped up too!
JANE: It’s too big to keep in the house, however, so after cake and tea we’ll go see it in the backyard.
HARRY ANDERSON: you’re the best, auntie jane!
JOHN: oh no...
JOHN: jane. please don’t tell me you commissioned one of those drone thingies for my son.
JANE: And if I did, John, what would be the problem with that?
JOHN: um...
JANE: Are you saying that you don’t want to assure your son’s safety? In troubled times such as these, one can never be too careful.
JOHN: roxy, back me up here honey.
JOHN: there’s no way you’d be ok with that, right?
ROXY: er
ROXY: well i cant say im comfy with it but
JOHN: but???
ROXY: janey means well john and itd be rude to just refuse a gift from my bestie like that
ROXY: besides ur just ASSUMIN she got harry anderson an imperial drone
ROXY: she never said that was what it was
ROXY: did u jane
JANE: ...
JOHN: ok. fine. you know what?
JOHN: i don’t care.
ROXY: rly
JOHN: yeah! it’s... it’s whatever. i get it. jane’s just trying to show that she cares.
JANE: You know I do adore little Harry Anderson.
JOHN: what i DO care about, however, is that cake.
JOHN: and not eating it, i mean.
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: nothing personal, jane, it’s just that i’m not the biggest fan of cakes.
JOHN: instead, i was wondering if maybe i could go visit the trophy room? you know, the one where jake keeps all the memorabilia from that dumb show he used to be on?
JANE: You mean “Poppin n’ Hoppin’ Pistol Lockin’ With Jake English”?
JOHN: no.
ROXY: or do u mean “doing the charleston with notable social figureheads: stars versus enemies of the state with your host jake english”
DAVE: that ones still running isnt it
JANE: Unfortunately, yes.
JOHN: um, yeah... that’s DEFINITELY not the one i was talking about.
JADE: oh! you probably mean “afternoon gilly gaffy amongst the common folk with your host j. gishy gun mcgee”
JOHN: no, god! these all sound so bad.
JOHN: i mean the one with dirk!
DAVE: dude
JANE: You mean the classic prime time program, “Rumble in da Pumpkin Patch”?
JOHN: yeah! that one!
JADE: ew... why do you wanna go look at stuff from rumble in da pumpkin patch???
JOHN: why not?
JADE: i dunno, it just seems kind of morbid with dirk dead and all, dont you think?
JADE: also that show was REALLY gross
JADE: i support jake in whatever he does but it was so... so.....
DAVE: sweaty
JADE: yeah!
JOHN: i dunno. i just feel like it was an important cultural milestone, and i missed it all by being mopey and depressed for like five years straight.
JOHN: so what do you think, tavros? wanna show me all about your dad’s glory days?
JANE: Oh, I can take you there, John.
JOHN: i mean... no, that’s fine.
JOHN: i’d like some time to get to know my nephew.
JOHN: or, uh... cousin?
JOHN: ecto brother?
JADE: omg dave i just realized that when we get married thatll make john and rose siblings in law
JADE: which is funny since i guess john is technically already your father in law
DAVE: yup thats totally what our friendgroup needs
DAVE: to be even more incestuous
HARRY ANDERSON: what does incestuous mean?
ROXY: it means that everyones rly good friends harry anderson
ROXY: just a dumb fancy word for bffs
ROXY: its a big hard word for grownups tho so feel free to unknow it now sweetie
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: thats totally it
TAVROS: Um,,,,,
JOHN: hey tavros.
JOHN: let’s go, buddy!
TAVROS: Uncle john,,, what’s the real reason we’re up here,,,?
JOHN: oh. i could see that you were getting uncomfortable.
JOHN: you don’t like being around big crowds like that, do you?
JOHN: but you don’t like to be alone, either?
TAVROS: ,,,,,
JOHN: well, not in this house at least. i wouldn’t want to be alone here either. it’s not a very nice place to live, is it?
TAVROS: I’m,,,, uh,,,, not sure i understand your meaning, uncle john.
JOHN: here, come with me.
TAVROS: This isn’t the right way,
JOHN: i know. hey tavros, why don’t we just go to your room for a minute?
JOHN: tavros...
JOHN: is everything ok?
TAVROS: Yes, uncle john,,,
TAVROS: Why do you ask?
JOHN: you just seem...
JOHN: i don’t know.
JOHN: sad?
TAVROS: I feel okay,
TAVROS: It is a happy day, after all,,, it’s harry anderson’s birthday,,,
TAVROS: There is good reason to be happy,
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: but what about YOU.
JOHN: are you ACTUALLY happy about it?
JOHN: about... everything going on here?
TAVROS: I suppose,,,
TAVROS: My mother tends to get displeased when i’m unhappy, so,,,
JOHN: sigh.
JOHN: tavros... does gamzee ever come into your room?
TAVROS: Possibly,,,?
TAVROS: He so often is found to be in,,, so many places,,,
JOHN: isn’t that his faygo there??
TAVROS: Oh,,, my, no,
TAVROS: Please, uncle john,,, don’t tell my mother,,,
JOHN: tell her what??
TAVROS: The faygo is mine,,, my uncle gives it to me sometimes,,, my mother strictly forbids it, of course,,,,,
JOHN: tavros, listen to me.
JOHN: are you... getting... bad touched by your uncle gamzee?
TAVROS: Oh,,, uh,,,,
TAVROS: But, yes,,, i can gather how you might draw that conclusion,,,
JOHN: you can?
JOHN: why?
TAVROS: It just seems like a thing that would eventually happen to me, does it not?
JOHN: what would make you say that?
TAVROS: Well, i think,,,
TAVROS: For the same reason that led you yourself to wonder, uncle john?
TAVROS: He is a very,,, very bad clown uncle,,, but i think i am not allowed to say or think such a thing,,,,,
JOHN: why not?
TAVROS: Because,,, uncle gamzee has undertaken his redemption arc,,,
TAVROS: With a spirit of great sincerity, i’ve been told,,,
TAVROS: So,,,,, the truth is, no matter how i may feel about him,
TAVROS: Mother tells me that he is not actually bad,
TAVROS: And therefore,,, anything he does cannot truly be considered bad either,
TAVROS: Otherwise, we are not respecting his repentance,
TAVROS: Or the others he has saved,,,
TAVROS: I don’t want you to worry,,, too much, though,
TAVROS: His occasional sojourns in my room are not of any especially ill intent,,, i don’t think,
TAVROS: He has told me in confidence that his intention is to train me,,,,,
JOHN: TRAIN you???
TAVROS: In matters of combat,,, philosophy,,, life,,, love,,,
TAVROS: I suppose to behave the way a mentor does, as he sees it,,,
JOHN: that’s IT!!!!!
JOHN: tavros, start packing right now.
TAVROS: Packing,,,?
JOHN: yeah. one bag with some of your clothes, your favorite toys and books, that kind of thing.
TAVROS: I don’t understand,,,
JOHN: tavros. i have to get you out of here.
TAVROS: Uh,,, what?
JOHN: i’m going to take you away so that you can live with me, harry anderson, and your aunt roxy.
JOHN: you wouldn’t have to live here anymore. no more being alone all the time.
JOHN: no more weird troll maids, or listening to your parents fight...
JOHN: and no more “uncle” fucking GAMZEE.
TAVROS: That does sound jolly good uncle john,,,
JOHN: then what are you waiting for? start packing!
TAVROS: Well,,, i would, except that we can’t go out without tripping the security,,,
TAVROS: Mother has taken great precautions to make sure i never,,,,,,,
JOHN: don’t worry, kid. i came prepared.
JOHN: we’re leaving through that window, one way or another.
JADE: john...... what are you doing?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: nothing!
JOHN: just, uh... fixing this damn broken window, is all.
JADE: i heard everything
JOHN: so, what are you going to do?
JOHN: tell jane?
JADE: john...
JADE: i wouldnt do that to you
JADE: youd probably end up on jakes stupid execution dance off show
JOHN: then are you gonna help me?
JADE: i cant do that either
JADE: you know that this is just going to make everything worse right???
JOHN: jade, i don’t know where you’ve been these past few years, but i don’t think things CAN get any worse!
JOHN: i mean, even today, jane was up here hollering at jake about how his dick doesn’t work right when she KNEW we were all waiting for them downstairs!
JADE: i know...
JADE: but all youre going to do by kidnapping him is piss everyone off
TAVROS: Excuse me dearest aunt but,,, is it kidnapping if i badly would like to go?
JOHN: see!
JADE: siiiiiigh
JADE: i understand where youre coming from but i dont think youve actually thought this through
JOHN: yes i have, because i’ve been planning it for years.
JOHN: i know that i’ve been pretty, um... flakey in the past?
JOHN: but this is really important. i know what i’m doing.
JADE: john, jane is one of the most POWERFUL people on the ENTIRE PLANET!!!
JADE: do you REALLY think that you can keep him away from her if she wants to get him back???
JADE: im sorry but you just dont know them like i do
JOHN: if you know them so well, jade...
JOHN: then you know why i have to do this.
JADE: im on your side here! i know that jane hasnt been the best parent...
JADE: but stealing somebodys child???
JADE: there has to be another way :/
JOHN: if there was another way we would have found it by now!!!
JOHN: but there isn’t one, because everyone’s been all... brainwashed by marriage, or whatever the hell happened over the last few years that made things be this way!
JOHN: it’s like everyone just talks past each other all the time!
JADE: john...
JOHN: i’m the only one who ever seems to realize that something...
JOHN: that something’s WRONG!
TAVROS: I would really be chuffed if the two of you,,,
JOHN: even you, jade!
JOHN: you’re not listening to me right now!
TAVROS: ,,,would stop quarreling and listen to me for a spell,,,
JOHN: that’s why karkat left!
JOHN: because you didn’t listen to him!
JOHN: just like you don’t listen to dave!
JADE: what the fuck, john?!
JADE: this isnt about me and dave
JOHN: yes it is!
JOHN: i mean, not directly, but cosmically, yeah it is!
JADE: cosmically?????
JOHN: you KNEW that dave and karkat were in love with each other, but you went ahead and totally messed with their relationship anyway!
JADE: wh... what!
JOHN: jade, don’t pretend you have no idea what happened.
JADE: i.... i cant believe.....
JADE: john thats such a low blow!
JADE: you dont know the first thing about me and daves relationship!!!
JOHN: i know more than you think i do!
JOHN: i know that you pressured them into that whole relationship.
JOHN: i know that they both hated it, and only went along with it because they care about you and felt obligated!
JOHN: and jade, i love you, but honestly, how does that make you any different than jane?
JADE: im nothing like her!!!
JOHN: well, you’re nothing like the jade i used to know either!
JOHN: the jade i used to know was caring and selfless! all you ever wanted was for your friends to be safe!
JOHN: you weren’t this... this SELFISH!
JADE: oh? is that what this is about john??
JADE: you dont like it now that im not some helpless princess in a tower anymore???
JADE: you dont like that im doing things for MYSELF now?????
JOHN: what the hell are you talking about?
JOHN: seriously, jade... i don’t even know who you are anymore!
JADE: well!!!
JADE: i can certainly say the same for you right now!!!!!
TAVROS: Aunt jade,,, uncle john,,, you should really, uh,,,,,,
JANE: Excuse me.
JANE: But what the FUCK is going on in here?!
TAVROS: Oh,,, no,,,,,
JADE: jane!! haha!!!
JADE: we were just
JANE: Hollering at each other so loudly that everyone in the darned house can hear you?
JOHN: oh, like you’re one to talk.
JANE: John, I know that we have not been as close in recent years as we were in the past, but I would like to think that at the very least our familial relationship would make it so that you felt you could talk to me face to face if you think that my method of parenting is insufficient.
JOHN: are you sure?
JOHN: do you really want to know what i think?
JADE: oh no........
JANE: Please, John. Illuminate me.
ROXY: wats going on
DAVE: oh shit
JOHN: i don’t know, jane. i feel like if i really speak my mind here, it might be dangerous.
JOHN: how do i know you won’t have the secret police come and arrest me in the night?
JANE: Excuse me?
JOHN: that’s where this is all going, right?
JOHN: your whole... thing with the trolls?
JANE: If you have something to say, then say it plainly, John.
JOHN: fine.
JOHN: i don’t think that you had bad intentions to start out with, jane.
JOHN: in fact, i think that you probably honestly thought that you were doing what was best for the world.
JOHN: you’ve always been a perfectionist, right? but over the last few years you’ve morphed into a complete control freak!
JOHN: and it all started with your relationship with jake.
JOHN: you forced him into a relationship when dirk’s corpse wasn’t even cold!
JAKE: (Er i would like to point out... )
JANE: I’m sorry, but you’re calling me a control freak? Dirk was the control freak.
JANE: After he died, I distinctly remember loosening up, in fact!
JANE: I let go! I was actually RELIEVED to hear he died!!!
ROXY: uhh
ROXY: janey wut
JANE: Okay, that was a misleading statement. What I really meant was—
JOHN: jane, you’re missing the point!
JAKE: (...that jane and i were involved in a romantic dalliance at the time of his death...)
JOHN: dirk is dead. this isn’t about him anymore.
JOHN: you’re the one cheering the government along as it marches toward genocide!
JANE: John, I hardly think you’re qualified to opine on the nuances of the current political situation, thank you very much.
JOHN: ha! is that how you talk to your husband too?
JANE: He’s actually, at the moment, my kismesis. And if Jake didn’t want any of this, he shouldn’t have knocked me up.
JAKE: Hello chaps i am right here.
JOHN: oh yeah, like that was suuuch an accident.
JOHN: can you honestly say that he wanted any of this!
DAVE: oh my god i am so sick of all this domestic relationship shit every fucking day
DAVE: can we talk about something else for once
JOHN: yeah dave, i’m sick of it too!
JOHN: that’s my point!!!
DAVE: ok
DAVE: then john can you just
DAVE: stop all this windy shit at least
JOHN: no! i can’t!
JOHN: i can’t stop, because i’m not the problem!
JANE: Are you saying that I’m the problem? That’s extremely reductive.
JOHN: ok, yeah, there are lots of problems!
JOHN: but i’ve got to say, jane, you kind of ARE the problem?
JOHN: a lot of this awful garbage revolves around you!
JOHN: you’re the one always selling everybody on gamzee’s “redemption arc,” which is TOTAL BULLSHIT!
JOHN: putting him on billboards, organizing “redemption rallies,” and, and...
JANE: John, the people need something to believe in, if we are to live in an organized society. You simply wouldn’t understand.
JOHN: and letting him... letting him sleep in your and jake’s bed!
JOHN: and feeding him that... that weird MILK all the time!
JANE: Hey! My relationship with my loyal auspistice is none of your business, let alone who it is I decide to share a bed with.
JOHN: isn’t it?!
JOHN: you sure go out of your way to shove it in everyone’s face!
JANE: John, that is just uncalled for.
JOHN: it’s bullshit, jane!
JOHN: it’s!
JOHN: all!
JOHN: i... i...
JOHN: i’m sor—
JANE: No one wants to hear it, John.
JOHN: yeah. me too.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
3x03 1/3 He is ready with a soda, coffee and a pack of cigarettes. The essentials to watch qaf: ‘okay let’s do this! How will they piss me off now?..look at my Bri Bri hanging out with his son! BRIAN? VOLUNTEERING? Yeah, right. He made files for them? I need an episode where they just show him working and coming up with shit because I wanna see my baby shine!!! HE IS MAKING THEM PAY THEM? HAHAHA GOOD FOR HIM! *he is now screaming on top of his lungs* 100% OF NOTHING OR 80% OF MORE THAN YOULL EVER FUCKING DREAM OF. BRIAN FUCKING KINNEY!!! although he would deliver that line bette- oh I don’t like that car.’ Tv is now paused because he has a lot of feelings about the car. ‘Jeep was better. Jeep is better! But if he wanted a classic or something cool, why not a mustang or something? And i know what youre gonna say! (I want everyone to know, i wasnt gonna say shit since idk shit about cars) People think ‘vette is better but i, a proud owner of a mustang 66 *holds his palm up* DIS *snaps his hand down* AGREE. This *waves to paused corvette* is shaped like a peanut! Nobody wants to drive in a peanut. Nobody likes that car unless they are 70. Why would he buy this? I get that he’s spending money cause he misses Justin but this? Not cute. And not to be hetero car dude but i just want to know what does he like about a peanut shaped car?’ There was A LOT more about the car..A LOT more. It involved youtube videos. ‘EVEN MIKE KNOWS ITS BOYFRIEND REPLACEMENT! FINALLY I AGREE WITH MI-oh god, see what this peanut did to me? It made me agree with Mike. YOU DID HAVE A BOYFRIEND! Oh look! Bri Bri isn’t suicidal about being 30 anymore. (Brian says he plans on being dead by 39) well never-fucking-mind. You are most definitely *starts singing* STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE AH AH AH AH STAYIN ALIVEEEEEEE BECAUSE I, I, I WONT LET YOU DIEEEEEE. Ohhhhh road trip to New York? COUNT ME IN! I love New York! Is he gonna go to new york and then blondie goes after him to kinda make a cool parallel to the time blondie ran off to new york? OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRAPPED UP IN THE PEANUT I DIDNT NOTICE THEYRE PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONG!! Stupid fucking peanut’ ‘i love seeing Debbie smile and happy but a cop? Really?’ ‘ITS BRIAN! Why does he look nervous? Did he just stumble? HES GOING TO JUSTIN?!?! OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY (his name) BE CHILL! We can do this, chill *pauses the tv and actually physically shakes his whole body* HE HAS A PROPOSITION?! Of course he went to Blondie for it, is he trying to win him back-no! We aren’t doing that Bri! He fucked up. But seriously is he trying to win him back? DIDNT HE TEACH YOU ANYTHING? Never do what youre good at for free! *waves to Brian* he is so hot.’ ‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. Who will be the fath-BRIAN?! He didn’t even cause you that much problems. WHO KNOWS IF HES EVEN NEGATIVE?! FUCK YOU BITCH! FUCK YOU ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HELL! He better not give her his sperm!’ Ethan just popped up on tv ‘OH FUCKING HELL i forgot he existed since i havent seen him in a while. HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM JUS! Nobody. Nobody on this Gods green earth is a bigger snob than you goat boy. No, someone HE knows, YOU don’t even know how to properly shave, call me back when you can actually grow a beard. He isn’t trying to win him back because HE didnt do anything wrong! You are SO fucking jealous. Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. PROVE IT? I am begging every god that has ever been talked about to PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP’ *immediately pauses tv* ‘every time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! I don’t want Brian to have more kids, i know theyre cute but what if you end up with a boring kid? What if you end up having a Ben?’
CARNIVAL! Such a good episode.
Brian making them pay him is so iconic. This guy.
YES I know nothing about cars so I'm glad your brother can weigh in that the Jeep is far better than the 'vette. Sorry not sorry, the corvette does look like a peanut and it screams mid-life crisis. And just to point out 30 IS NOT MID LIFE. (Sorry read a fic [in a different fandom] where the two characters were 34 and described as middle aged and I had to throw my phone across the room).
Your brother describing Brian as so hot gives me life. Thank you. And yes to all the screaming that he goes to Justin for the poster. You just know that was in his mind the entire time he was negotiating.
‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. YES men definitely wrote this. Otherwise the female representation would have been... y'know... representative.
Melanie trying to decide who the father should be and then 100% goes with the most wrong choice ever. Let Emmett father a child!
Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. <- this is legendary and I will never ever be able to watch Ethan and not think this.
very time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! HAPPY SIGH. He gets it, he really really gets it. The people I have coming to me about the house on fire analogy he made. I'm telling you, you've got to introduce your brother to fanfiction...
What if you end up having a Ben. I DIE. (also, true)
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euelios · 9 months
the way i say “(oh) brother” now instead of just shouting swear words
so weird to be—on the other end of “should i apologize?” usually i’m sitting here hoping for an apology or at least yk. “are you ok”
(i’m always ok. nothing is ever that bad or that real. it’s all drama)
i told my mom off about (inadvertently) making me feel like an incompetent shit every time i discussed moving out, like i wasn’t uncertain enough on my own. and she just went “that’s not what i meant and you know it” and like
jesus. no i know that. trust me i know. but that’s what happened. like that hurt then and it hurts now and i want you to take note of it for later when we have this conversation again
“why didn’t you just say what you meant why did you go on and on” uhh bc i didn’t know what the issue was and i was trying to work it out? because YOU go on and on and i don’t try to cut you off?? and also it’s not the moving that’s the issue it’s how you kind of keep reminding me of how bad i am at things???
(please just believe in me, and SAY so. you aren’t too harsh on me anymore but i don’t think i ever left that weird little kid behind. i didn’t always want to Be Better. i just wanted to be okay.)
and i could see her getting upset. by something i did. like that’s never happened before. me being the one upsetting her instead of the other way around. no one cried this time thank god. i’m the crier and it always makes her angry but this time she started getting defensive and i started getting angry and like—we’re just turning into each other
(not really. i don’t think i ever learned to defend myself against anyone. easier to just be wrong. john mulaney vc you could pour soup in my lap and i’d probably apologize to you)
but i could kind of see it. the connections. i’ve long since lost the whole “and my parents know everything” sheen but like on her end: yeah dude. i’m 21 years old. i’ll tell you lots but not everything. i’m absolutely going to get mad at you if you make me uncomfortable. you might not have ever had reason to think about how you get angry but boy howdy did i learn from the best—
(we talked about this one night. did i plan on kids? i’ll have them or i won’t, but only if i’m dead certain i’ll be a good parent. “i don’t think there’s a parent in the world who doesn’t love their kid,” she says and i feel charitable so i agree. but there are just too many ways to love someone wrong.)
this is kind of like, the parallel of those “would you be friends with your siblings if you weren’t siblings” “oh your parents are human too” like. no we wouldn’t be friends so i guess it’s good that we’re related. i love you and you make me so angry, and i’ll never have the guts to tell you how much of either.
(apparently none of my mom’s side ever got mad at their parents growing up. she says this like she’s proud of it but none of them speak to their parents now either. in that light i think i’ll call whatever we’ve got going on progress.)
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majicmarker · 1 year
wip… whatever. thursday? sure. wip thursday
tagged by: @woodswit 🌿💚
rules: share a few lines from whatever you’ve been working on for nanowrimo/throughout november
so iiiiii don’t do nano, and it’s not november anymore, anyway, HOWEVER—here’s a li’l bit i’ve got from the sex shop novella:
“If you stick this—” he flourishes the package “—up her vag, you’re going to die alone.”
Erik—a regular customer who does indeed regularly say the stupidest shit Milo’s ever heard in his twenty-six years of life—simpers at him, like Milo’s the one who thinks the purpose of an anal vibrator isn’t precisely what it says it is.
“Well, if I can get it in, I’ll be able to get it out.”
(You see?! Stupid.)
“Uh, sure. Said every kid who’s ever gotten their head stuck in a banister.” Yes, Milo is well aware that the vagina has more natural elasticity than oak or stainless steel or… whatever, he’s not an architect, but this conversation has been going around in circles for like six solid minutes by now, alright, at this point it’s the principle of the thing, because—
“Erik. My dude. Seriously, we have actual vaginal vibrators for, y’know, vaginas.”
Usually he’d get more specific—external, internal, dual, clitoral, the whole shebang (pun only slightly intended)—but he’d bet his favorite scrunchie (the navy blue one with the cartoon mushrooms, currently and unsuccessfully tying back his riot of curls that aren’t quite long enough for a scrunchie, anyway) that this guy doesn’t know the difference. And, yeah, Milo would blame the American school system, but at a certain point you just have to start Googling this shit, man.
tagging: iiiiiidk who’s working on original stuff, but go wild, babyyyy (or if you see this and you wanna share some fic, go wild with that, too!)
also tagging for ur reading pleasure— @agentmmayy @carry-the-sky @hangon-silvergirl @thewintersoldierdisaster ……(i have more ppl in mind but now i’m blanking)
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Question: cringe culture is 100% dead, but I'm curious what you'd pick as your most embarrassing fandom, past or present? I know some people consider supernatural to be a guilty pleasure but honestly there's some other fandoms that I'm way more embarrassed to still like
Generally, I’m not really embarrassed about any of the stuff I’ve been into. If I liked it, clearly it brought me joy at the time and that’s what matters. You know, how would I be the person I am today if I didn’t play Undertale or even if I didn’t read every creepypasta I could get my hands on as a kid? That plus my memory problems means no cringe for me lol. But I guess I could talk about a few.
MLP was back when the show was still airing — I want to say 3rd or 4th season? — and I just dove into the fandom because ‘woah guys did you know that people write stories about the ponies? That there are infinite amount of stories to read?’ Which, you know, ups and downs, you got your Keepers of Discord but you’ve also got your Cupcakes. (Though, to be honest, the fact that I had a reading of Cupcakes bookmarked on my computer to listen to to help me fall asleep? probably explains uhm. Some Stuff About Me.) Honestly, wouldn’t trade my time with MLP for anything, and I still love the show and a lot of fanworks dearly. I rewatch Lullaby for a Princess every few weeks, I reread Something Sweet To Bite every Halloween, and when I can’t sleep, I still find myself going to ObabScribbler or TheLostNarrator’s YouTube channels to find fic readings to calm my brain down.
Dream SMP is… more complicated. Obviously, if you know anything about it, you know all the shit that came out. I won’t get into that here because that’s not really a part of my experience? Just sort of a gross thing that overshadows it all, even though I was out of the fandom before any of that stuff was known. I actually got into it to bond with my little sister, she loved that stuff, and damn it all, but I got unironically sucked in by just the fantastic work that came out of a fandom surrounding a minecraft roleplay server lol. They aren’t wrong about the art that got made for those YouTubers, it’s all stunningly good. And it’s how I found Sad-ist’s animations on YouTube. Still subscribed to them, their work is always beautiful to watch, the old Dream SMP stuff and the new stuff. And I liked bonding with my sister over the bonkers minecraft lore. The end of that hyperfixation was when Technoblade died. Got too real, all of a sudden, too close to home, and I peaced out hard. It was good, though, while I was there. I liked having something to talk to my sister about.
Uhhhh okay out of that downer ending let’s talk about Sherlock. Yes hi hello original superwholock-er here, despite only seeing the first two seasons of doctor who but IT COUNTS. I can’t even be mad at past me for liking Sherlock because I probably wouldn’t be as close to my friends as I am if we hadn’t all been watching s3-4 live. And dunking hard on s4. I was never a johnlock conspiracy person, so that helps. There was the time my friend read us outloud some Johnlock mpreg ass birth fanfic in math class. That was… an experience. I give this a “I can’t plug my phone in without being haunted by his voice”/10
And finally, back to serious town, Harry Potter. I don’t even have anything good to say here, really. The whole “mourning something important to my childhood” phase is long over, the damage continues to be done, and. And nothing. I just don’t want to see it anymore. It’s not shame or cringe, I guess, it’s more like… disappointment. Not at myself, because fuck it, dude, I was a kid, I knew everything there was to know about the books, I waited for the mail when I turned eleven, I wrote “Hogwarts is my Home” on the inside of my closet like a ward to keep me safe. The first thing I ever read about being trans was a damn Harry Potter fic, one of the first podfics I ever made, too, though I was too chicken to post it. So what’s left except disappointment, even the anger long gone because it just keeps happening. I just don’t want to see it anymore.
Anyway, uhhhhm. Hope that suffices as an answer lol, I rambled on way too long.
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showfallsquigandiris · 10 months
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Squig: Oooh! This seems like the kind of show Jasprix would be working on…
Iris: Oh yeah, you said the dude was like, big on horror.
S: I looked into it and he was quite literally raised on a horror show.
I: Hah! Sounds familiar!
S: It wasn’t a horror show, it just was a horrible time. Big difference.
S: Anyways, he should be around here somewhere… he’s short but he also literally has horns and wings so, shouldn’t be that hard to spot…
Jasprix: Wings are gone now actually. Did a little experiment with Security a couple days ago. Worked great for me.
S: Oh there you are! And I see that now, I imagine your wardrobe options have vastly improved.
I: [Quietly] Oh you weren’t kidding about the short part.
J: The horns still cause an issue with wearing things, but they are much easier then the wings. I like the heart bun thing you have going on, looks good with the outfit. And the rude spider android person.
[Sharp gasp]
S: Hah yes, my options with the straps on this mask are either up-do or nothing, so I decided to have a bit of fun with it. I think it adds to the charm.
I: Wha- S-Squig, aren’t you going to defend me!
S: You really need to learn how to have inside thoughts sometimes Iris. Jasprix don’t mind her, also Jasprix, this is Iris, she’s the Head Security back at my facility.
[Tail thumping against a wall as Jasprix laughs]
J: I’m used to certain comments occasionally, though I’ve never had them said right in front of my face. I’ve also never seen a security that wasn’t just… those things over there. Pleasure to meet you Iris, you have a lovely name.
I: [Muttering] I tried to be quiet about it…
J: I have slightly better hearing then most humans.
S: Also Iris your default volume is already really loud, I don’t think i’ve ever heard you speak even close to a whisper before.
I: Alright, message received. Ahem. Nice to meet you too Jasprix, and yes, the Security around here are all quite similar, so I supposed that makes sense.
J: I like them though, they're great as threats, looking like horrifying monsters. Are you a spider android because you’re head security, or is that a normal sort of look for where you work?
I: Hah nah, I used to look boring as hell, but when you work with those 12-foot fucks every day you end up losing a lot. Decided to lean into it after a while, it’s a lot more fun don’t you think?
[Series of mechanical whirrs]
J: Yeah, that’s some cool shit you got going on there. Could jumpscare somebody if you wanted, or be the most unassuming enemy in a movie. No one would suspect it until it’s too late. Have you ever considered trying that out?
I: Hah! Yeah all the time, love doing it to pretty much every new hire we get, though obviously sometimes they can’t really react.
S: Alright, enough chit-chat, Jasprix, how’s it going with the bird hunting?
J: It’s going… I hunted him. It’s, this is going to sound mental alright, but you remember that I mentioned the gay chicken thing right?
S: Oh of course I do! Has he given up yet?
J: He hasn’t, he’s very stubborn about it, I guess. Or maybe he actually enjoyed that I did what I said and took him on a date. I’m… not actually sure what he thinks about this game anymore, but he hasn’t backed down, so neither can I
I: Ah, well if you need any tips, Boss Lady here knows a lot about not backing down from gay chicken.
S: I suppose that’s true. So, a date, that’s how you’re using your newfound freedom?
J: I mean, I’m using it for other things as well, like checking out Lostfield and seeing where stuff is in case it seems like something I could bring back here, but the date was one thing I did with it, yes.
S: Of course, of course, I was just teasing. No worries.
I: Where’d the two of you go? Me and Boss Lady ate at that “Denny’s” place last night.
J: I was considering bringing him there when I checked it out, but I can’t eat most things there. Breakfast foods don’t seem to involve a lot of meat. I found this place called Longhorn Steakhouse instead, and it smelled absolutely delightful. The food that it came from also tasted perfect.
S: Maybe we’ll have to stop by there the next time we’re in Lostfield.
I: Wait did you have access to a company card? Or did the two of you do a good ole dine and dash?
J: There are company cards?
S: Yeah, I mean unlike pretty much every other business ever, we don’t really have anyone at the top hoarding money, it just all goes back into production. We have like, mildly excessive amounts of extra. I’ll see what I can do for you.
J: That’d be very kind, especially with what you’ve already done to get me a proper place to swim and let me take visits to town. It would be nice to have money though, because we did have to run very quickly after leaving the restaurant. A difficult thing to do, when handcuffed together and the other person is a bit faster than you.
[Silence, 26 seconds]
[Loud laughter mixed with static]
S: Iris, volume. I suppose [Giggling] that was your solution to making sure your little bird couldn’t fly away?
J: [Grumbled huff] That was loud, but yes. I knew he’d run off if I took him outside, so I needed to keep him near and close with something. My other option was a dog collar and leash, but I felt like that would bring unwanted attention.
[Wheezing mixed with static]
S: In a town like Lostfield at least that certainly would. But you’d be surprised by what people ignore in big cities.
J: I think I’d have an incredibly uncooperative bird on a leash, honestly, and he’d make them pay attention. He’s very… distinct. Hard to miss, easy to notice, all that uh… The cuffs worked the best, is basically it.
S: Oh, I’m sure you’d be able to tame him eventually. But I suppose on a slightly more serious note, I am pleased to hear that you’re keeping him busy enough he’s not trying to stage any more explosions or something else that would cause lots of problems.
J: Yeah, I don't think he’s got any more plans for that. Or if something does go wrong next, it’ll probably not be because of him this time. I think there might be an issue involving the archives, but I don’t know enough about that to get too involved beyond being aware that it's company blog is having a problem.
S: Ah yes, I saw that. But when it comes to Archivists there are a lot more protocols in place to get them back in line, so I wouldn’t be too worried.
J: It is only one of the multiple having the problem I guess, after all. Anyway, do you want a tour around the set, maybe know what this show is about? Maybe itll help make this scene work and get the actor to stop fucking up her murders.
S: I think we have some more spare time before we have to head on back, what do you think Iris?
I: I’ve already checked out everything else I wanted to see in the Mall, why not.
J: Just be careful about the blood everywhere, I’m sure it must be an absolute nightmare having to clean between all that plating.
I: Ugh, you do not know the half of it.
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Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 2: Don’t take away my Pizza and Pasta!
After our win against Photoshop, we had a nice, normal week. Wendy introduced us to her friends and we hung out with the fourth-grade girls.
I see a lot of potential in them.
They aren’t as infused with the patriarchy as I thought or more let’s say they reacted to my feminist speeches with interest and asked questions.
Bebe, Wendy’s best friend, and cute Heidi are especially promising.
I caught both of them looking at me in a…questioning way. Even Tammy got some of these looks.
These are looks I know from girls who told me before they were straight and then made out with me behind the school bleachers.
So my little hicktown isn’t totally straight.
But I will give these girls time.
First, get rid of the patriarchy brainwashing, then we can jump into questioning their sexuality or even gender identity
At this time Leo and I made also peace again with each other and he said sorry to me and Wendy that he was so stupid about this whole Kim Kardashian thing.
I’m glad I got my little bro back.
Nonetheless, it even didn’t take a day and he left with Stan, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny the school to start their own Start-Up-Company, since they didn’t want to go to school anymore.
Leo even set fire to the school gymnasium, so sure was he that he wouldn’t return back here.
The boys, besides of course fatass, asked me to join them, but I like school.
I know shocking.
I mean I think Math is useless, but I like to learn new things and I’m a huge history nerd.
I have mostly fun at school.
Also, I didn’t believe that this Start-Up shit would actually work.
So while Stan’a Gang, that’s their official name I learned, chased that dream, I and the girls comforted Wendy because Stan broke up with her.
All the boys are on a fucking high horse, I swerve!
In the end, I was right since next Monday they are back in school.
How do I know that?
Because Kenny comes up walking toward me.
“Hi N.K.!”, he greets me.
“Hello, Kenneth.”, I answer over politely and close my locker. Can Tammy hurry and come from her locker? “I see you are back.”
“Erm, yeah, so how are you?”
I turn to him, crossing my arms and cocking a hip out.
“Oh, suddenly you want to know, how I am. If you haven’t ignored my messages all the time since your little Start-Up-Adventure.”
The boy in the parker has at least the sense to wince at this, rubbing his neck.
“I’m sorry.”
I just roll my eyes, as I see who is coming also.
“And there is the other one who ignored my calls, hello Kyle.”
Whatever the redhead wanted to say, he doesn’t and looks ashamed.
“Erm, I-“
“I don’t care Kyle. You both thought so high and mighty about yourself that you even couldn’t spare answering a friend’s message.”
“You are more than a friend to me.”, they both say at the same time.
Angry they look at each other.
“What the fuck, dude?!”
“No, what the fuck you dude!”
“I have known her before!”
“And yet she also has fallen for me.”
“SHE right now wants to kick both of your asses.”, I growl at them. “What I am? A toy you can decide when to play with it? A toy you can put on a shelf and forget about it totally because you have a new one? And then when the new one is broken, you play with the old again? Fuck you two! I’m no one’s toy!”
With that, I flick my hair and sash away from them.
I meet an equally angry Wendy on my way to Tammy’s locker.
“Kyle and Kenny?”
We both nod in understanding for each other and continue on our way.
Really, maybe I should just hit up Bebe and/or Heidi. They at least wouldn’t pull such shit on me.
More than a "No" they can’t say.
Meh, for now, I will drap myself over Tammy and tell her my woe.
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Amazons of the Southern Lands
Nichole: Did you guys hear it? Stan and his gang are throwing a big party on Saturday!
Red: Yeah and apparently Lorde will be there!
Annie: Oh my god, Lorde I love her!
Heidi: Same! It’s like she totally gets me!
Bebe: Is there a dress code? What should we wear to it?
You all are aware that the guys just want to butter up us.
Wendy: I agree with N.K. Stan and his friends just want to be in our good graces again, helping spread awareness of diabetes my ass.
Bebe: Who gives a fuck? It’s Lorde! LORDE! Oh and pizza.
Red: But Lorde is more important.
You are selling your soul for Lorde?
Tammy: Now you are a bit dramatic sis! It’s not like you and Wendy have to talk to the boys. We girls will just go as a group, to eat the pizza and hear Lorde and you can ignore these idiots.
Wendy: If you put it that way….
I do like Pizza. And Lorde is fantastic. Okay fuck it, let fucking gooooooooooooo!
Bebe: That’s the spirit. Should we pick a theme for our clothes? How about flowers?
I can’t even answer this as my parents storm into our house. Surprised I jump from the couch I was sitting on.
“Mamma, Papà where is the fire?!”
My parents don’t even look at me as they run into the kitchen. They open drawers and our fridge, throwing a lot of our food in big garbage bags.
I stare at them with my chin on the floor.
“Mamma?!”, I shout.
Finally, she hears me, while Papà still throws food away, she kneels down and hugs me tight.
“My little princess, don’t worry! Mamma and Papà will do anything that the evil gluten doesn’t get you.”
I’m more confused than before.
“Kelly, I think this is all!”
“Are you sure, Chris?”
Papà joins Mamma kneeling on the floor taking carefully my face in his hands.
“Princess, do you have any snacks in your room?”
“Erm, no, not right now?”
He nods and both my parents grab the full garbage bags and are out of the house again. I look after them. I see how all our neighbors are burning food on stakes.
What the fuck is going on?
My smartphone rings. I pick it up.
“Tammy, what’s up?”
“Did your parents also storm your house and are burning the food?”
“How do you know that?”
“Mine did this!”
“Oh dear lord what is going on now?”
I get my answer a while later, after Tammy and I theorized what the adults have now for problems.
My parents sit me down and explain to me that apparently, gluten is bad. It needs to get destroyed or my dick will fly off if I eat it.
Once again I’m a girl with girl parts, so that wouldn’t happen to me, but my parents are terrified.
Whatever they expired at the community center shocked them.
Now, how in the ever-loving fuck should I live without most of the food I love, because of course things like Pizza and Pasta are full of gluten.
This sucks ass!
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The next days are crazy with this whole gluten pandemic going on. No one knows what to eat anymore and I swerve I lost probably three kilos already.
Stan and his gang cancel the party, only telling us after a few hours it’s back up.
Apparently, Cartman of all people found the solution to our food crisis.
I’m just…South Park is so fucked up in many ways.
I can’t okay?
But well, a party is still a party and our whole girl group is going. We took Bebe theme, flowers and are dressed in this way.
I formally battle to have cherry blossoms and wear a pretty pink dress with cherry blossoms on it. A hairpin decored with a cherry blossom and pink heels.
I have to admit the party of the boys is sweet. After all this panic we need this moment to relax and unwind.
I’m sitting at one of the tables, eating a steak with a lot of butter, enjoying Lorde singing.
Strange, I could have sworn she looked better on the magazine covers. Was it also Photoshop with her?
The other girls are dancing, talking to the others, or like Tammy gone to the restroom.
“Erm…Hello N.K.”, shy calls a know voice my name.
I turn to the person.
The red-haired boy has a cute blush on his face, playing with his fingers.
“It’s awesome that you could come.”, he tells me.
“I came here with my friends to hear Lorde.”, I state simply. “I’m still angry at you guys.”
He winces.
“You have the right to be. I really was a dick to you.”
“Yes, you were.”
I cut a bit of my steak and eat it.
“N.K. I’m really, really sorry. I was a stupid boy so fixed on earning money and never again go to school that I forget anything. Which was wrong, I know.”, he apologizes.
I sign.
“Well, you ARE still only ten, I shouldn’t be so angry. We all make mistakes.”
A cute smile forms on his face and I get to urge to kiss Kyle’s whole sweet face.
“Are we good again, N.K.?”
“Yeah, all right. I may still be a bit resentful, but we can be friends again.”
His smile gets just bigger.
“Would you…would maybe if you want…erm dance with me.”, he wonders, rubbing his neck.
Okay didn’t expect that.
Can’t help but blush too.
“Yeah, let’s dance Kyle.”
I take his hand and we start to dance. It’s more of a swaging around, but Kyle looking at me like I am a kind of goddess, is pleasing me greatly.
“Your dress is so pretty.”, he compliments me. “It fits you so much.”
Kyle being all shy and cute gives me an enormous ego boost. Normally I’m a bit shy with redheads or incredibly horny.
But with Kyle…it’s so simple and nice.
I lean down and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. I feel how warm his cheek gets under my lips. A cute squeaking sound left him.
“You are adorable.”
He blushes more.
Smiling at each other with twinkling eyes we sway while Lorde sings.
It’s really, really romantic.
I don’t know for how long we dance, at least three songs, as I see how Kenny comes towards us.
“Hey guys.”, he greets us, sending Kyle a sharp look, which the redhead counters. “Mind if I step in?”
“Actually, yes.”, hisses Kyle.
Not even a second after he said it I let go of him.
Kyle looks surprised.
“Oh no, you two aren’t starting a competition for my hand or something. I’m not I prize to be won.”, I make myself clear. “I like you both and I know that’s unfair, but I can’t decide, so please let us all be just friends. I don’t need more drama in my life.”
Guilty the boys nod.
“Can I still dance with you? I want also to say sorry for what a dick I was to you.”, ask me Kenny with big puppy dog eyes.
“I will get some ice cream.”, let Kyle us be, even if I can see that it breaks his heart.
Why can’t I just decide?
Polyamory, it’s simple as that!
Brain, not now!
So I and Kenny dance and he says sorry too. Like with Kyle, I accept it.
With Kenny, I really dance. I’m quite surprised by what moves he can do.
I can’t help but laugh happily as he twirls me around and then even tango-dips me.
Me! Who is a head taller than him!
I would lie if I didn’t say that this turns me on.
For that, I give him also a kiss on the cheek.
He grins wide and brightly, which makes my heart race.
After I few songs I tell Kenny that this is enough, I don’t want to play favorites with him and Kyle.
He accepts it, albeit sad, and lets me go.
With a last smile to him, I walk to Tammy and ask her for a dance.
At least with my super best friend, there aren’t any problems.
We both take turns leading and I get Tammy to blush like a tomato as I tango-dip her.
For the rest of the party, I stay with the girls.
I even get to dance with Wendy, Bebe, and Heidi.
I twirled Wendy so much around that she asked laughing for a break.
Bebe and I just started to twerk for fun at one point.
And Heidi was so cute!
She blushed the whole time.
Mmh, maybe I should really ask her out….
Whatever this party was amazing!
Can’t wait for the next one.
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jyndor · 2 years
Andor episode 1 review:
it’s good guys. notes and heavy spoilers behind the cut so don’t read until you’ve watched.
opening scene is beautiful and moody.
cassian’s walking in the rain while he goes to a brothel in search of his sister, who doesn’t work there anymore. it’s atmospheric.
cassian shows off his natural talent for fitting into places.
some fucking bully mall cops are at the bar too - the sex worker shows a clear anxiety about the mall cops. cassian literally chuckles once at them being subtly mocked by the sex worker. there’s a bit of a commentary on exotification i think? it’s subtle but she assumes he’s looking for a sex worker from kenari because he wants someone who has “dark brown eyes” iirc, also clearly she was far more interested in him than the mall cops lol ofc
those idiot mall cops pick a fight that they aren’t ready for - cassian accidentally kills the first in the fight, and when the second is like begging for his life/being a coward, cassian kills him too. he clearly hasn’t ever killed someone before and is not prepared for that.
commentary on police brutality obviously, cassian puts his hands up and says he’s not moving while trying to bribe the mall cops, tells them to check his coat pockets. and i think they were saying xenophobic shit in the background but i can’t really hear it soooo??? anyway they had it coming
mall cops work for basically a corporation that runs the system for the empire? its a good example of how fascism works - oppressive governmental structures work hand-in-hand with corporations.
lol not bee getting pissed on by a hog XDDD
great way to show the setting omg
also he sounds like alan tudyk???? hes not but cassian keeps having types lmfao
and omg we see cassian dreaming of his childhood when the separatists??? or the republic??? idk i think the separatists but when they crash and burn, and his sister ugh my heart shes so cute
i really like how it is all from his people’s pov, how they don’t have subtitles when they speak, how you can see their confusion and also these are all kids???
huiwahduhasudh LOLLL “maarva said you were out ruining your health and reputation with friends of low character”
“thats two lies” cassian and his droids i stg, but he cares obviously - the detail of cassian pulling the wire out of bee’s whatever
love the world building - love the bricks and the yellow colors, love the focus on workers and labor. the gloves! even though we don’t really see them working, we don’t experience the toils of working because cassian is busy scheming lolll jk he’s busy annoying the shit out of his friends in order to create an alibi and also to sell something.
love the mall cops! most of them, including karn’s boss who literally is like lol the guys cassian killed had it coming, are like... dude this is doing too much lol we’re mall cops, but karn is such a bootlicker and such a fascist in the making. he is interesting because he is interested in justice not because justice is important but because he is loyal to the mall cop company, and he cares about order. none of these people are good, they’re all enforcing a system that is no doubt exploitative even if they’re not actively bullying people (and being xenophobic) like the guys cassian killed. but karn is clearly an ideologue.
next on cassian’s bothering people at work tour is bix. bix is a delight and i love her. she has a friend who buys some stuff sometimes and cassian has something that he’s been holding on to for a day when he needed an exit. btw the thing is a macguffin it doesn’t matter. cassian is the thing, as is foreshadowed when cassian is trying to convince bix to contact her friend - who apparently has been interested in meeting him.
their dynamic is... complicated is the only thing I can think of. they’re clearly former lovers who still deeply care for each other, first loves, but cassian is so caught up in his own problems and bix seems to be trying to move on - to some success. in fact, if there is a moment that she seems to have some hope for their relationship, cassian squashes it by saying he’s not looking for a partner in his little scheme to get offworld.
its at this moment that timm, bix’s new boyfriend and a clown, mentions the ‘wobani run’ and they break apart. wobani, where prisoners work on death star parts, and where jyn erso will be in several years.
put a pin in that for now.
the flashbacks kill me. cassa’s sister is too cute, cassa is too cute, they’re all kids and also im curious about who their leader is - like she has to be too young to be cassa and his sister’s mom, but like... idk she seems to look after him a lot. it’s beautiful world building even if i miss fest and the cassian who grew up there in the snow. i really don’t understand why they made that change but it’s great anyway.
lol im sorry everyone keeps saying cassian looks like shit and it’s so rude because he’s just being played by an old man like ??? also not cassian gaslighting everyone he’s conned XD
timm is a weirdo and doesn’t deserve bix but i can understand why he’d be suspicious - i mean the chemistry between bix and cassian is wild. but idk dude just ask her???
i LOVE them having a secret comm system hidden from the corporate goons. bix is too great my god cassian doesn’t deserve her lol
lol cassian sabotaging the imps with his little chip or whatever fake science thing <333
oh god his sister the last time he sees her im so sad im so weak shes adorable what the fuck
final thoughts on the first episode: I mean it really is the first of three parts, it’s not a standalone episode. but I don’t think it’s necessarily slow, it feels like a simmering pot and I mean for the love of god, spending time with characters to let them develop is a GOOD thing. the writing, the acting, the everything is great.
diego is fantastic. every expression is purposeful. he really embodies this character in a way that is rare to see. I also can see his fingerprints on things - knowing a bit about his politics I imagine he had a bit to do with some of that - but oh my god he’s great.
I think bix is a total standout, as is the karn as the mall cop with delusions of grandeur but like in a totally gross, i hope he dies horribly way.
I love the choice to get really ground level with average people, I mean we see them at work and just living their lives and it’s greatness. the bricks and the industrial laborer’s town feeling makes me think of places near me, like philly and pittsburgh and the du pont mills in delaware. it feels familiar and I wonder if that’s just me.
I have some reservations about cassian being maybe 10 (according to fiona shaw) in the flashbacks but I will reserve judgement on how much they retconned the eadu fight (if at all) until we know his backstory in full. frankly I think you could easily say that he has been resisting the empire since he was a kid but I am gonna need to see more before I can say that he’s not just being a hypocrite when yelling at jyn about how she, a former child soldier who was abandoned and didn’t choose to leave the rebellion, has had the luxury of anything.
i’ll write up the second episode in a bit and then the third <3
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spccd · 2 years
“Yoooo, Iceman! The man with the ice. The ice with the man. Hey, did you choose your alias because of Val Kilmer in Top Gun? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, dude, if you did, that is preeeeetty--” 
Well, gay is what Tommy was going to say. That’s pretty gay. But he remembered that might be a sore subject -- they were in Eastern Europe, and Tommy was Gen Z enough to be totally comfortable with being aggressively bisexual but also poor enough to not exactly be waving pride flags or dropping pronouns in school ( well, before he blew it up ), that whole deal. 
“--cool. Pretty cool. I like that movie, you feel? Even though it’s a whole military propaganda thing, and like, normally I don’t fuck with that, you know? I mean, you spend a couple years in superjuvie, little bit of this, little bit of that, you stop rolling the dice on movies that are specifically designed to get bum-ass poor kids like you to jerk off to pilots and join the Air Force. Aaanyway.”
What had he been looking for again?
“Oh, right, right, right, I just wanted to introduce myself, ‘cause you’re one of those OG X-Men guys, right? And I myself,” Tommy gestured to himself vaguely, “am a mutant. Obviously. A fast one. Mad respect.”
Come to think of it, he was no longer sure that was the case. Was Wanda a mutant? Had his powers been coming from Wanda’s soul this entire time? Of course they had -- his powers imitated her twin’s, just as his own twin’s imitated hers. The fact that Tommy hadn’t stopped to consider this sooner should have shocked him, but to be completely honest... it didn’t. He’d spent so long as a true believer that he was a member of mutantkind -- mutantkin, if you will ( and he would ) -- that erasing that part of himself seemed impossible. Shit, he’d even suffered from the whole mutant prejudice thing. That counted, right? Mutant passing.
Yeah, whatever. He would keep being a mutant.
“So how does one become an X-Man? Like, hypothetically. Like, in a universe where those are still a thing. Because I know, I know, superhero teams, we totally aren’t doing those anymore.” A pronounced wink. Surely ol’ Icemagoo would pick up what he was putting down. 
( @bdrakerising )
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analyzingadventure · 1 year
Why did I refollow the official Twitter when I know I just end up seeing GG spoilers
Anyways catching up, episodes 52 to 56!
52, Mysterious Lake!
There’s something about the whole kids really trying to hide the Digimon and trying to convince people they’re holograms to the Digimon just walking around visible to everyone and all the people buy that they’re holograms with ease... Like something about this transition makes me sad
(Is it just that the kids having to put in effort every episode would get old and we get it by now so they’re intentionally trying to just smooth that out for the sake of convenience, or is writing around that “plotpoint” an inconvenience to the writers that they just don’t want to deal with anymore?)
(IDK it doesn’t matter really) anyways Ruri is getting dragged into the lake wheee)
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He looks so sad when wet lmao
Man I miss the mid-episode analyzer bits, it’s more fun to get to know the Digimon during the episode rather than AFTER everything is said and done :(
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Moisturized once again
“The factory promised this wouldn’t happen again” oh honey, you sweet little thing, you naïve baby
Yeah a kinda mediocre episode
53, King of Knowledge
Wait is this the episode with all four of Koushirou’s VAs
Oh yeah this is the episode, obviously we got Tamura Mutsumi (teen Koushirou in tri.+Kizuna) as Hiro and Kobayashi Yumiko (Psi Koushirou) as Espimon, BUT we ALSO got Takahiro Sakurai (adult Koushirou in 02) as “god of knowledge” (I know who it and yes that’s fun but we’ll get there), as well as the OG Koushirou herself Tenjin Umi as one of the spirit
I love that the staff saw the chance to just bring the Koushirou Levels to the Absolute Max (in a Kiyoshiro episode none the less) and fucking took it, thats fucking funny and great
Kiyo honey you have a problem...
Man this episode is horrifying but in like, a real way...
“You’ve been cheating on me” LMAO JELLYMON
54, Second Sight
God I am not jelly of Hiro’s vibe check ability, whoever the fuck is possessing hito give him that ability pls stop
Okay but Hiro got horns? That’s fucking cool bro, just like, get rid of the migraines and the foresight and Hiro will become Extremely Popular when he’s older
Gammamon’s so worried about Hiro!!
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Poor kiddo ;A;
I fucking love the set up of this episode, like this mess happened because of a Heated Gaming Moment and these two Octomon are absolute idiots. I fucking love this
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Look at that mofo, lil shit does not have a single care in the world lmao
Angoramon pwease just carry Hiro in your big soft arms this baby boy is in so much pain ;__;
Where are the Octomon why aren’t they helping?! Same for Clockmon, dude was helping out like five minutes ago why’d he bail out?!
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Oh there we go the Octomon came out
Okay please take Hiro to rest, baby boy is so tired
This episode would’ve been pretty mediocre, but genuinely the Octomon part was so fucking funny it turned into a good episode
55, Bakeneko
Oh man the animation is so unsettling right off the beginning what the fuck
Gammamon likes cats?! TRULY THIS BABY BOY IS PERFECT
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Man this episode has really nice animation
Oh, did Bastemon recognize Gammamon? OWO
So why are Ruri and co just not doing anything and are allowing this continue??
And Bastemon’s scheme as been busted!
I don’t like this animator (still) but the battle animation is still fun
And all the meow meows have been freed of Bastemon’s control and they’re all happy lil meow meows ;w;
56, Impurity
Aaand here we go, the reason I’m up at 5 am catching up with GG rn, the thing Twitter spoiled
Aaand we got great animation again this episode, wheeeee
Like, damn the animation is good
“White is the only pure color” hilarious to hear that considdering the color palette of the MotW isn’t white on white lmao
You know you’d think that after like 50 weird incidents were Digimon were making people Do Weird Shit, you’d think the kids could figure out when a Digimon was up to some shit before it was too late
Oh lmao the kids aren’t even safe in the Digital Field due to the mannequins lmao
Ah yes, one of the two things Twitter spoiled
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Boy she lookin’ purdy (also it’s so fun to see Miko Mode)
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This episode is looking so fucking good like god the animation-- Toei really fucking loves Kuzuha/Sakuyamon huh (it’s what she deserves)
It’s honestly kind of funny how they casually decided to make Miko Mode just A Giant Woman just for funsies
Awe boo combat mode is like average size
Man Kuzuhamon is just whooping ass with absolute fucking ease
I need to pause for a second because I actually thought for a second they were doing fucking Matrix Evolution and I was about to lose my fucking mind but no no no, Hiro isn’t merging with Gammamon, Baby Boy is evolving on his own, oki, oki
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Okay. I’m going to try to be nice. Siriusmon looks cute and fine, there isn’t anything wrong with him
But god I did not need another Royal Knight-ass looking Digimon 😭 He looks like a bootleg Omegamon nnnooooooo I wish they just let him turn into a bigger dragon or something
Okay okay okay I need to let go and enjoy this dope ass battle animation ‘cause this fucking slaps
The one who sent you to this world? OWO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
Oh also BTW since Kuzhamon is a black variant does this mean she’s with Black Agumon and the other variants?? Probably not?? But also no one was there stalking Gammamon at the end of this episode despite his evolution
Yeah it was an alright episode, the animation is really what made it shine
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