#listen. ​best friend is a Species
evergardenwall · 2 years
my mutuals are all so best friend shaped i hope they know it
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fourthwingingit · 2 months
Laios is the first character I've ever been able to fully relate to and given how many people think hes the most unhinged guy possible in and out of universe i am kinda worried...... like...... is this why i only have 3 friends in the area?? I thought he was the average autistic man (like me)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Guess who got a deleted Zootopia scene in her recommended this morning and decided to go back and finally finish the one and only Zootopia fanfic she ever read?
#it's called une route à parcourir à deux (a road to travel together) it's 533k and it's good#ALSO IT INTRODUCED ME TO OMEGAVERSE#like no joke it's the first fic i ever read that had scent stuff and marking and whatnot in there#and i remember reading it and being like 'oh shit that's a cool idea'#let me tell you when i reamised omegaverse was a thing and it wasn't only for furries i was overjoyed#btw quick question cause i never checked out the zootopia fandom or whatever#the fic is nick/judy and i personally think it makes a perfectly normal amount of sense#like you know. they go from 'enemies' to friends. why not lovers as well. you get the idea right like it makes sense#well the only person i told about this back then was vehemently against the ship#and i wonder if it's just a normal reaction or if he was getting influenced by his racism there#yeah long uh. long story. we don't talk anymore. but he was a far right racist so i think that would have an impact on his opinion of -#- an inter species relationship y'know?#anyway yeah someone tell me the ship makes normal amounts of sense#what doesn't make sense is the author acting like he can get her pregnant like?? how would that work??#i think the reasonable thing is you can make them fuck because holes are holes or whatever but they can't have kids#i mean that wouldn't work. they're incompatible. this happens it's normal they can adopt or something#listen this fic has a PLOT it's not the best written piece of literature in the whole world but it's pretty good#and it develops the world in a cool way!#olay whatever the oversharing is over don't comment on 13yo me's incredible blindness to flags redder than a communist protest#wow i have a ramble tag now
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inkskinned · 3 months
before you know about women, you hear that you do not need to love the man, just that you need to love him through his manhood. which is to say you have seen the future painted in lamb's blood over your eyes - how your mother shoots you a look about your father's inability to cook right. how your aunt holds her wineglass and says i'm gonna kill em. men, right! how your best friend bickers with her boyfriend, how she says i can't help it. i come back to him.
you learn: men are gonna cheat. men aren't going to listen when you're talking, because you're nagging. men think emotions are stupid. they think your life is vapid and your hobbies are embarrassing. men will slam things, but that's because men are allowed to be angry. if you get loud, you're hysterical. if a man gets loud - well, men are animals, men are dogs, men can't control their hands or their eyes or their bodies. they're going to make a snide comment about you in the locker room, about your body, about how you're so fucking annoying. you're going to give him kids, and he will give you the money for the kids, and you're going to be running the house 24/7 - but he gets to relax after a long day, because his job is stressful. the man is on stage, and is a comedian, and says "women!"
and you are supposed to love that. you are supposed to love men through how horrible they are to you - because that's what women do. that's what good women do. wife material. your father even told you once - it'll make sense when you're older. it was like staring down a very lonely tunnel.
it feels like something's caught in your throat, but it's all you know, so. it's okay that you see sex as a necessary tool, a sort of okay-enough ritual to keep him happy, even though he doesn't seem to care about happiness as-applied-to you. it is relationship upkeep. it is kissing him and smiling even though he didn't brush his teeth. it is getting on your knees and looking up and holding back a sigh because he barely holds you as you panic through the night. it's not like the sex is bad and you do like feeling wanted. and besides! he's a man! like... they're another species. you'll never be able to actually communicate, right. he isn't listening.
you just don't get it. you don't feel that sense of i'm gonna climb him like a tree. mostly it just feels fucking exhausting. you play the part perfectly. you smile and nod and are "effortlessly" charming. and it's fine! it's alright! you even love him, if you're looking. you could have good life, and a good family, and perfectly happy.
in the late night you google: am i broken. you google i'm not attracted to my husband. you google i get turned on by books but not by him. you google how to get better in bed.
the first time he yells at you, it almost feels like blankness. like - of course this is happening. this is always how it was going to end up. men get angry, and they yell, and you sit there in silence.
you mention it to your friend - just the once - while you're drunk. she shrugs and says it's like that with me too, i just try to forget and move on. men are always gonna hear what they want to. pick your battles and say sorry even though he's in the wrong. you play solitaire online for a month. you go to your therapist appointment and preach about how you're both so in love.
after all, you have a future to want. nobody lied about it - how many instagram posts say marriage is hard. say real love takes work. say we fight like cats and dogs but the best part is that we always make up. how many of your friends say happy anniversary to the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. if you really loved him - loved yourself too - you'd accept that men are just different from you.
the first time she kisses you, it's on a dare at a party. something large and terrifying whips through your body. you wake up sweating from dreams where her mouth is encrusted with pearls and you pick them off one by one with your teeth. fuck. you sit at the computer and your almost-finished game of sim city. you think about your potential perfect life and your potential future family. you google am i gay quiz with your little hands shaking.
you delete each letter slowly. you don't need to love him. you just need to keep going.
#warm up#writeblr#this is also about being ace btw#my identity has slowly shifted over time and maybe if everyone is REAL cool i'll talk bout it#bc it's complicated and nuanced. but this is like#trying to warn u that if you find it “relationship upkeep” to have sex with ur partner#and don't actually enjoy it or seek it for urself. u might just not be attracted to them.#which is fine ! ace ppl can be perfectly happy in any relationship they feel good in!#but also i wasn't as straight as i had expected!#> the first time i saw dick i was like. huh. oh okay that's fine i guess#> the first time i saw pussy i was like. WAIT ACTUALLY HANG ON I GET IT#i just assumed sex wasn't all it was cracked up to be ya know#but also like. btw? this IS NOT saying ''u might be gay not ace''#bc tbh i'm grey ace/demisexual#it's saying u might not be into ur partner. explore urself & ur feelings. turn inward.#TAKE THIS IN THE MANNER IT WAS MEANT> GENTLE AND KIND#AND NOT IN A WEIRD INTERNET WAY PLEASE#bc the truth is that there ARE ppl who are gay who assume that they just ''don't like'' sex#and ace ppl who might need a different partner w/different needs#and i would have REALLY needed to hear ''check in w/urself about if u actually like sex''#WAY EARILIER in my life. but nobody said anything bc they assume if ur having sex. u like it.#not just the actual act of sex. not once ur turned on. do you ACTUALLY like it. or is it a burden?#even if ur gay. check w/urself. maybe ur more ace than u realized. in which case. ADDITIONAL FLAG BB#i love collecting my flags. i'm at like 354 at this point#but also btw this is about how toxic relationships are SO normalized that u can be in one#and have everyone around u being like ''THATS JUST MEN LOL''
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floatyflowers · 9 months
Dark Platonic! Father Merman x Human! Reader
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Adrian, instead of going mating with another Mermaid and having his baby.
He decides to lure you, a human child of seven to come with him.
It's really easy, considering how you like 'The Little Mermaid' and thought that Adrian was like Ariel.
But, in reality, his species are cannibalistic and evil creatures.
However, he is kind of like Ariel, as he is a prince, son of the king of the oceans and seas.
It didn't take long for him to drag you into the water, and have you swallow a potion to allow you to breathe under water.
At first he tries to feed you raw fish, but when you got sick he decided to switch your diet to only fruits and seaweeds.
Adrian would sing you to sleep, using his alluring voice.
The same voice he uses to hunt down his preys.
Your new father, safeguards you as if you were a treasure, he fears that the sharks might eat you.
That's why he always assigns one of his mermaid friends to stay with while he goes hunting.
One time, you tried to swim back to the surface, but unfortunately, he caught you in time.
Adrian manipulated you into believing that he is your real father and your biological parents are not your real parents but thieves who stole you from him.
"You have to always listen to me, as your father, I know what's best for you"
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
(Killer, Dust, Horror, Nightmare, Cross, Error)
He would be scared shitless 💀
Constantly lies that he's not scared of you, to look cool in front of the others (they could careless though, his reputation is already shit 😂)
Listen, it's not the fact that you're a ghost that scares him, it's the fact that you always appear wherever
One time, he accidentally even ran into a door because you scared him. (The others will never drop that)
Even through all this, Killer's still Killer, of COURSE he tries to flirt with you. Wait... Let me rephrase that, he IS flirting with you whenever he gets the chance.
After you told him that you can appear just by someone calling out your name, he abused the shit out of this information. Literally won't leave you alone after that 💀
Calls you over for the smallest things. "Y/n!! Tell Dust that I'm not a sore loser!" You appearing next to him, sleepy as hell; "Killer...I was asleep.."
When he saw you for the first time, he instantly put his hand through you (to see if it would disappear or go through), which is...intimate to ghosts..so safe to say you didn't started off on the right foot. (Might be the reason you kept scaring him. ;)..)
Dust was the last one you got closer to (other than Nightmare). He's just not a people person 🤷‍♀️
Even though you got to know him very late, there were small moments that made you question if he's interested in you or not. Like the time he protected you from Nightmare, which was very uncharacteristic of him.
Dust is probably the most educated of the bunch when it comes to monster species. (You've got to know your enemy to get the XP), so he is very much just scolding educating the others when they do something wrong/insulting to you, as the ghost species.
He's acting like such a boyfriend material, want anything from him? He already has it. Oh, Killer made you uncomfortable? It would be his pleasure to put him in his place ^^
Doesn't show much interest or concern towards you, but that's because he's an emo BI- he's afraid he would hurt you. (He's also stubborn)
You scared him when you first popped outta nowhere, but after that..it didn't scared him anymore. He's just surprised whenever you show up, but that's all really.
Safe to say, he was very interested in you.
He's actually very sweet towards you, and that's because he thinks you're safe with him. I mean... you're a ghost, a monster that is safe from any harm, and he's a dangerous skeleton that could kill you whenever. He sees this as an absolute win.
Horror is actually the first one you got closer to. He's your best friend. ;)
The first time he catches feelings, is the time you defended him from Nightmare when Horror got hungry. Again... No one ever defended him for wanting food.
After that incident, he's always jumping at any opportunity to return the kindness.
Constantly following you around. He's just happy to finally have someone he's sure he can't hurt. It's really comforting to him.
Only took you in cause he thought you could be useful.
Not very pleased with you at the start, cause you were talking back to him.
He's keeping a close eye on you, to see if you are doing your job properly. (You aren't)
At first, he regretted ever taking you in, but after seeing you at full power at your very first mission...he changed his mind.
Doesn't get scared easily, so you're almost never successful in that department. But....there was ONE time, where you did managed it. (He was caught staring at a picture of you 💀)
He groans loudly if you say something against his elaborate plans.
Actually finds it quiet impressive that you managed to befriend Horror. But quickly got angry by it when you two weren't doing your job, and instead spend the day together. (Jealous, but won't admit it.)
Secretly makes sure nothing bad happens to you, but won't admit it ;)
Cross thinks it's cool.
Always fascinated by you. He's sometimes caught staring at you for to long, which makes him flustered.
Cross has a bad habit of getting nervous around you, and he doesn't want you to see him like that...the solution? Pulling up his hood and nuzzle into it further. It's actually really cute..
The main reason he's so nervous is because he's afraid he would somehow insult you or something (cause you're a ghost, and he doesn't know any monster with that kind of species).
After you calm him down, saying that it's ok, Cross finally calms down, and he starts to hang out more with you, causing you to get closer.
Cross is actually your training buddy! After Nightmare gave him that role, he got kinda scared he would hurt you somehow..so while training he was very gentle with you.
But after learning that you're more than capable of handling yourself, he slowly starts to go back to his usual fighting style.
He's safe from you and your 'appearing outta nowhere to scare everyone'. So he never got frightened by you. ^^
Hates it when you appear outta nowhere. He always glitches out, and that's super uncomfortable for him.
He likes how brave you are. Literally loves it.
Always backing you up when you're in an argument with Nightmare. (He's enjoying the chaos a bit too much XD)
Other than that, you two never really interacted that much before. That was until you caught Error in his Anti-void watching Undernovela... Error didn't know what to say as you just floated up to him, to look more clearly at the Tv.
After that whole ordeal, it ended up with you two watching Undernovela together, sharing a popcorn. Though you forgot you can't eat, so the food went through you. Error noticed only after you left.
Since he has Haphephobia, and you can't touch anything... He doesn't mind it whenever you try and 'grab him', but when he found out his strings have the ability to hold you...he has been abusing that fact ever since.
Uses his strings to pull you along, or to simply show 'affection'.
Thinks you're an awesome fighter, proud of you whenever you win a fight. ^^
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saint--claire · 4 months
When I was a little child, there was a particular library book I checked out week after week, endlessly renewing it as much as I was able. The book, How to Raise and Keep a Dragon by John Topsell was a quasi-nonfiction guide to, as you guessed, rearing different species of dragons. I loved it. Tiny-me had plans.
As an adult, I tried to buy it a few times. No dice. The book was so old that no mainstream bookseller stocked it. Even when I tried niche websites recommended by various booksellers and librarians, I still couldn't find it. It was sadly lost to time, apparently not popular enough to make it into the archives.
My best friend had a copy of that book. We're going to call her G, for several reasons not relevant at the moment. I was discussing my search with G one day, for some reason I can't remember now. She got a funny look on her face, asked me a few questions about the cover, listened to me do a very poor job of explaining with my hands how the hardcover copy had included a real gemstone in the dragon's forehead, and then went off to fish it out of her bookcase.
I was Gobsmacked.
I should not have been, given that the history of shared childhood books between us both would have made a circle with ragged edges, more so than a venn diagram, but I digress. The book came home to live in my house for a few months, and I was delighted by the chance to read it again.
Do people remember those type of books? Dragonology, Egyptology, The Stone Age - a way of introducing children to non fiction. They very earnestly spoke about the responsibilities needed to raise dragons, the practicalities involved. There was a record of registration you could fill out, if you had carefully considered the information to your self and felt you were responsible enough to to go through with adopting a dragon.
I vaguely remember filling out some of the riddle and puzzle questions in the Dragonology books. I would never have written in John Topsell's book, it was a library book.
When I re-read G's copy at home, smiling over the familiar artwork, I was surprised to turn the page and find the painstaking, somewhat-wonky handwriting staring back at at me. Baby G, with her name spelled out in freshly-joined but still-not-quite-got-the-hang-of-this-yet cursive lettering. Baby G had filled the registration out in her best handwriting, in glittery green gel pen to denote the importance of the document. This was compared to the earlier, less important checklists done in plain black ink.
I read the registration certificate. Smiled. Smiled some more at the names listed for G's dragon, her dam, and her sire - Eragon was also a great book. Go off, Christopher Paolini.
Breed; standard Western Dragon. The box 'miniture' was ticked, to show that G's dragon was of the minature specic variety, rather than a full size dragon. This was, as she would later explain to me, chosen on the basis that baby-G felt it was the more financially responsible choice. Also so she could keep her dragon in her house with her, but we're not there yet.
I looked at that certificate. Looked at it again. Looked at the calendar, and then looked at the sewing machine I had just been given for Christmas.
G celebrates her birthday in January.
The template came first. I studied the different images of the standard western dragon through the book, picked my favourite, and re-drew it to a significantly larger scale.
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Inking the design to the fabric, four times over probably took the longest.
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I very subtly asked G the next time she was over (after hurling all dragon-related materials in a panic into the depths of my wardrobe) what type of colour dragon she would have, should it come up. As G later said, that type of question from me truly did not register as anything other than a question asked from theoretical interest. I transitioned the topic as discreetly as I could after she answered, and delightfully, my sneakiness went in one ear, out the other, and she forgot I had ever asked until several weeks later.
I enjoyed painting them.
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Don't ask me how many mistakes I made through this process. So many. I do already know how to sew, but it's been a long time. I'd been meaning to get back into it for a while.
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Given that various aunts and grandmothers and my mother had a knack for calling when I was up to my elbows in either paint or pins, it became a family affair. Each of them peered at the project through face time and offered their advice.
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Some of the advice I took, some I didn't. No regrets about sewing it in pink thread. Considerable regrets about accidentally slicing one of the feet in half and having to fix that.
In the end though, she was finished.
I carefully pinned on her name tag, with the name baby-G had chosen with a little blue ribbon. A collar was unacceptable, this is a dragon, people, come on. Dragon's don't wear collars.
I put the book in the box, open to the registration certificate, and put the dragon on top. Wrapped the whole thing up with a bow and then refused to touch it before I sent myself mad trying to fix details that didn't really need to be fixed.
A bit late for her birthday, sure, but there we are. We'd gone for a trip off to nowhere for a weekend, to go try wine made out of blueberries and hike up a waterfall. (And climb on it. And swim in it. It was a very good waterfall).
I gave her the box, informed her she wasn't allowed to keep the box, just the contents (it was the only thing I had that was big enough for me to keep all of my A3 portfolios in, it had only been temporarily-repurposed as dragon housing), and then left the next bit up to the gods.
A surprise, sitting un-awaited for some 15 years in amber, to catch up to baby G and adult G together.
Happy Birthday, baby and adult G.
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messydiabolical · 10 months
i’d once read a Mass Effect take that has been stewing in my melon ever since, about Wrex and him demanding a cure for the genophage during the war in 3. (I think it was on twitter but I can’t remember for sure. Just the idea of it stuck with me.) The general sentiment was that this was a dick move on his part, that there were “bigger problems” and this wasn’t the time and it was cruel and manipulative of him to put Shepard in that position. He should have helped out first and Shepard would have helped him back once the war was over. A lot of people chimed in agreeing, saying how they stopped liking Wrex after that. It bothered me for a bunch of reasons I didn’t feel I could adequately articulate, but i’m gonna try now. Prepare for my meandering thought style! The governing bodies of the Mass Effect Galaxy have repeatedly proven that they believe themselves superior to other species and know what’s best for everyone. They don’t let all species have a say in the council, always look out for their own species’ interests in so much as it pertains to keeping things as they are, and will happily go along with literal genocide to aid this. They approve of secret police and biological warfare espionage tactics. They weaponise bureaucracy to hide their cruelty behind ‘oh red tape has us bound, sorry uwu’.   I’m going to try to remain pertinent to the Wrex subject but as one great example of these governing bodies ways of dealing with percieved outsiders: The first contact war is a great example of how ludicrous and fascist things are.. ‘It’s ilegal to use this thing so we’re going to kill you for it’ without so much as a heads up. How were humans supposed to know that, exactly? The governing bodies of this place do not care about anyone outside their own self interests. Fall out of line and they will work to end you. Until you prove you might be useful or of interest to them in some way (or a threat). And then of course we later learn the asari were breaking these laws themselves, hoarding this tech to stay superior. Classic. Anyway, back to Wrex. Wrex knows this. Wrex has seen how the krogan are regarded and treated, the dangerous monolith species, outsiders who can never be let in, never forgiven, never given a chance to grow or change. For a long arse time. “But the krogan were getting out of control and also committing genocide, the genophage was a last ditch resort to stop a galactic war” … And it’s been hundreds of years since then. That 'last ditch resort' wasn’t used as a stop gap, a reset to even out the playing field so that new negotiations and relations could be developed. It was used to end the krogan, and has been actively maintained to continue that, ever since. Do you really, truly believe that if Wrex petitioned the council/ world leaders to negotiate reversing the genophage, they’d even let him have an audience with them? And if they did, do you really think these people, with their history and all the shit they pull, would listen and be reasonable? I can already hear the responses, that weaponised bureaucracy (“you raise an interesting point Mr Wrex but unfortunately we are recovering from a war don’t you know, please come back in 300 years for review, we are very interested in discussing this further then!”) Wrex is old, wise and knows exactly what is up. The only way the governing bodies of power were ever going to have a listen, was if he had something they needed. The war with the reapers provided that. And even then, he knew that they wouldn’t listen outright; having Shepard’s voice was a way to get the foot in the door. It makes my heart hurt to think about that honestly; how dehumanising (dekroganising?) it must feel to be the ruler of your people and know that you have to rely on your alien friend to even get someone to listen to you, when what you want to say is an extremely reasonable “hey committing genoicde against my people sucks, stop that now”. Anyway, Wrex was right, this was his one chance to save his people and he took it. Good for him.
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tarot-archives · 1 month
Can I get a uhhhhhh laios with a guy/gn reader who has an equally autistic special interest in general biology and ecosystems that would 100% encompass monsters as well? Asking for a friend that just happens to be me (stg idk if I wanna smooch laios or be him tbh lmao)
an: though i haven’t written for an autistic yn, i’ll try to make it realistic. if i’d done something wrong, please tell me. i focused more on general dungeon ecology for y/n.
if marcille is studying about dungeon ecosystems while laios is more interested in monsters you would be the best of both worlds.
there’s just something thrilling about dungeon ecology, how it all interacts, every thing that fall under it and so on and so forth.
you’re a tall-man researcher, using every bit of your time to find out more about dungeons, and not just the ones in melini. it would have been good to join the magic academy, but since you don’t posses any talent for magic, you can’t enter.
it made you sad since they had a dungeon making class.
nevertheless, it won’t stomp your dreams of researching! you’ve read and copied countless of books you can get your hands on. eventually you settled in meleni where a newly discovered dungeon was found.
your room was filled with countless of journals, trinkets from dungeons and volumes of books you read many time before.
and on your first dungeon party, you were very ecstatic. too bad you had to leave because they’d only go to the easier upper floors. you wanted to head to the lowest level after all!
and that’s where you meet up with the touden party!
you will love marcille’s vast dungeon knowledge. she would love to teach you new things. much to chilchuck’s dismay, you have boosted her ego. endless praises for marcille and simply doting around her because she’s filled with knowledge.
“ah, long lifespans are so great. i’d spend all my life dedicating to dungeon ecology if i could” -y/n after every lecture apparently.
then monster facts with laios will be endless. he lent you his dungeon food guide and you surprisingly have a copy too! you took notes from the things he had written in the margin. much to chilchuck’s demise (again) both you and laios keep on talking and he can’t sleep :((
“eating monsters? can’t say i have thought about it, but do you ever think about their nutritional values? the high level of mana concentration must vary from non-dungeon born same species! This needed to be compared and studied!” -y/n when laios introduced his monster eating thoughts.
toshiro will have another person to ask about his life in the east. but he likes how you keep more time to yourself writing in the journals. he finds your drawing to be artistic. after seeing your difficulties with papers, toshiro will teach you about yotsume toji—a book binding process from his country. he’s happy to see you using it after he taught you.
though you won’t talk with namari much, you admire he strength as a dwarf. she keeps her past to herself, which you at least respect. but you’d talk about the different weapons used and other things she did as a blacksmith. her knowledge on materials is very handy. you write about the different dungeon materials on your journal along with the best weapons against monsters.
chilchuck, our lock expert, and the most unknown member of your party… you admire his knowledge on traps and have written about his experiences with various dungeon traps and ways of disarming them.
falin, she joins you as you ask questions to marcille or laios. she listens to you talk about your dungeon experiences and she tells you about her’s. you let her read the journals you made along the way.
On the day falin was eaten by the dragon, your journal wasn’t transported with you. So now, you join laios to rescue his sister and to save you journals!!
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Request? Open!
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tiyoin · 3 months
Does Rook ever just "watch" twisted anxiety reader ?? I feel like he just enjoys the reactions that comes out of the reader.
the moment rook noticed reader slow down during PE was when he got a new target🤭
(rook is gonna get introduced very soon!)
it was enviable becoming rook's next watch target. silly reader! did you really think you'd be safe from people's watchful eyes in the sanctuary of ramshackle? your room?
non non non!
ofc rook loves to watch yuu. he finds them as beautiful as a stem of grass. how they go whichever way the wind takes them with gusto and elegance. how no matter how violently the wind whips them around they'll always be surrounded, always be supported by their fellow blades of grass. winter may be hard, like the obstacles they face! they may get stepped on, trampled and abused. but they'll always stand tall no matter what the cruelness of winter throttles at them. and when the spring rolls around, there's more blades of grass this time. they all get stronger and stronger, forever nonyielding to any adversities.
as much as they were a fortress, they were also a home. insects and bugs alike call grassy plains home. what may seem like meters to us could be miles for them. the grass are smaller trees, rook would joke in French whenever he got the chance.
overbold after overbold, rook was more surprised than the last at their perseverance, just like that of a single blade of grass.
and yet, you were something else entirely.
you were a donkey.
non non non!! that is something you should be ashamed of!
donkeys are de toute beauté creatures! (rook is actually more offended than you were when you got upset he compared you to a donkey)
listen dear y/n! donkeys are peaceful creatures that do not need your narrow mindedness around them. they're doing their best and that's more than anyone else can do.
would you rather be friends with a show horse or a donkey?
if you say show horse rook can see why. they're beautiful, elegant, majestic creatures compared to the latter. they're the models of the mammal species.
and yet, show horses are vain, egoistical divas who are known to kick and prank their trainers. quite literally bite the hand that feeds them.
yes you feel good being around it, but when push comes to shove, they care more about their manes than yours.
donkeys, to others, may be less physically appealing than the mighty knights stead, and yet by live stock handlers are much more beloved.
donkeys, albeit enthused creatures, are sensitive, kind, are known to make incredibly strong bonds. they're loyal creatures, once befriending a donkey you have a friend for life. where you walk they walk, when you cry they cry.
donkey's do not have manes so they do not care for them.
donkeys are very social animals, it is strongly advised of rhyme to not be solo as they become incredibly distressed and depressed when not in the company of their loved ones.
and dear reader, he must call you a donkey because have you SEEN your-
*rook is thrown in horny jail*
but rook is definitely one to appreciate the hidden gems of the world. and with his (and vil's) help he could make you shine! hiding uncut gems is an addictive feeling, but being able to shape and mend those rocks into crystals- that's what rook loves.
he wants everyone else to see the beauty that is you the beauty that you keep locked away in a hidden tower inside your heart. thick vines and unkept underbrush scatter along the walls of stone, titanium, and glass guard your tower.
rook will do what he must to get that box inside the tower, under the bed. he will do whatever it takes to open that box and show the world it's contents.
so why don't you join him for lunch? dear y/n.
and if the world turns it away he'll happily nuzzle it. as you always say: more for me!
uh, but to answer the question: yes. rook does watch twisted anxiety reader. it's apart of his schedule. he especially loves their unpredictability.
you have a class today, will you make it? or will you skip it again? if you skip it, then that's okay!
there's a few times where you've made him pause to think. but there were other times you were so painfully predictable. so painfully predictable that he felt perverted when he guessed the time you were gonna go to the library. only to see you walk in through the heavy oak doors not a second too late nor early.
and oh my god he loves watching reader's reactions. this mf would keep a track sheet 😭
would you continue playing the role of l'agneau, or would you let your fangs peek through your wooly disguise in hopes that the others wouldn't realize.
rook (and admittedly a few others) want to put you under a microscope.
poor reader would never leave ramshackle again if they found out! it works out for rook that the reader thinks they're unremarkable, it really does. cause it keeps them 'grounded' and in their own little buule! so he doesn't have to worry about any outside forces or them thinking a little too hard about their shadow.
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
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[Toon Yan + G.N Babysitter Reader]
Word Count: 2.3k
"Jessie! Dinner!-"
"Five more minutes!"
You've been their age before. Five minutes will turn into twenty if you let them off so easily. Their obsession with that show is starting to become a bit of a problem, but you're glad they're finally leaving their room. Jessie had always been a shy kid according to their parents and what you'd seen yourself briefly before hire. The move to a new city had taken it's toll on the kid overtime and so they boarded themselves up in their room to cope.
Among the toys and old photos, one other relic of their past was able to withstand the test of distance. A cartoon centered around the adventures of a well intending yet mischievous main character of unknown species and origin. When interviewed by their parents the show had to be on for them to stay in the same room as you. You got them to slowly open up during the process by asking them about the show and the plush cradled in their arms. They went from hiding behind their mother's sleeve to speaking non-stop paused only by their parents informing them you'd be back next week to continue the conversation.
You grant them the spare time as you finish setting up the table - ready to call them as you walk over the living room entrance. Jessie sprints past you and climbs into the empty chair, arranging their doll in the seat next to them. You push both up to the table as Jessie pulls their plate closer.
Jessie tears the crust off their sandwich and shoves it in their mouth. "Cholly says I better listen to you since you're their best friend and I need to eat if I want to get bigger."
"Really? Well thank you, Cholly." Amused - you prevent the doll from falling when it tips over as you move its chair, patting its plush head in appreciation for the help. "Alright, Jess. Don't rush, but try to finish up before I come back. Your parents will be home in an hour and want you in bed by the time they get here."
You pick up the butter knife off the table to rinse it off when a small voice stops you.
"Y/n, can you make one for Cholly too?"
Their parents have told you about their recent chats with their favorite staring characters. They never did this before - even before the move. They figure Jessie was still struggling with the change plus the start of school being around the corner and asked you to just play along which you were glad to do without their asking.
"Cholly likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches?"
"They prefer orange jelly more than honey, but anything will do. They said watching you all day works up an appetite."
"....What are your parents letting you see when I'm not here?"
They shrug. "Same things I see when you're here."
You wait till the finish half of their sandwich before making another to make sure "Cholly" really wants it. You set it down in front of the doll as you head into the living room to clean up before their parents arrive. The television basks the room in a eerie blue shadow. You round the table and stare briefly at the puzzle you and Jessie had done earlier. Completed, it was a picture of the vaguely hare-like creature the kid adored wrapping their beloved scarf around a bundle of wild flower in a makeshift bouquet. A pulled frame from an episode where they'd done the same to artfully whoo their way into someone's heart to steal a telescope they saw from their window.
Picking apart the pieces, you note a few of them missing and already in the box. Jessie must've started taking it apart for you - but you can't find the absent piece making up their right eye between what few pieces filled the box and what was left on the table. You search the couch where you were sitting and the floor below with no luck. Running your hands through the fine carpet you find it at last - hiding beneath the TV stand.
"You're welcome, Gorgeous!"
Cholly, dressed as a mail carrier, passes off a large box to an equally as confused patron - standing straight as a pike and saluting customer once their hands are free of the package. You'd seen this episode with Jessie before. Didn't their sentence end with -
"Y/n, we're done!"
You throw the puzzle piece into the box and place it on the top shelf of the book stand connected to the TV. Jessie shuts the dishwasher as you reenter the kitchen, Cholly tucked under arm. Left on the table is a napkin adorned with a crudely made heart drawn out with orange crayon - Cholly's alleged favor color and one missing from Jessie's pencil box. There was a C scribbled just below the drawing.
"Did you draw this?"
Jessie holds up the real culprit. "No, Cholly did it. They said that sandwich was better than any of dad's cooking and you'd be better as a chef, but we'd both miss you too much if you became one."
They squeeze Cholly to their chest, authenticating the truth of their statement as their voice shrinks behind the doll's fur. You gently grip their shoulder - offering a reassuring smile. "Well I guess the world's gonna have to miss out on another great chef because I don't plan on leaving either of you soon."
"I promise, Jessie."
You usher them upstairs and into the bathroom as time ticks on, taking the Cholly doll to get them settled in bed while Jessie brushed their teeth. After sharing so much about the Cholly with you, you were the only one they allowed to take it from their sight. Their parents are too rough and nobody knows how to care for them better than their best friend. You tuck the doll into the sheets, pulling the appropriately themed blankets up to their chin as the bathroom lights flicker off. Just about everything in Jessie's room was themed after that show. The dedication was cute. They crawl into bed next to Cholly and get beneath the covers as you fit them around them both, freeing Cholly's hands and placing them on top as Jessie told you they liked.
"Y/n, how did you become Cholly's best friend?"
You turn off their lamp as you sit on the edge of the bed. "I don't know. You're the one who introduced us so I guess you're the one to thank for that. They're pretty funny too and who doesn't love a fun friend?.... You're not jealous, are you?"
Jessie shakes their head. "No, I'm happy that you get along. Cholly said they were lonely before they met and while playing with me is fun it's something different. Cholly hasn't smiled like they did when you promised to stay with us since they came out of the tv."
"Well it's a promise I intend to keep for as long as you both need me. Goodnight, Jess. Cholly."
You nod to them both, standing to leave. Jessie pokes their head momentarily under the covets before calling out.
"Can Cholly have a kiss before you go?"
"I think that can be arranged." You kiss the doll's furry head. It's warmer and softer than you remember, chalking it up to be the heat of the blanket and a recent wash. Smells like tangerines. You wish them both goodnight once as you exit the room, pulling the door shut behind you. Walking down the stairs, small steps join you as you reach the bottom.
"Jess? What are you doing out of bed?"
"Cholly wanted me to give their scarf. They said it's chilly outside tonight and you shouldn't leave without extra protection."
It's a miracle they hadn't tripped over the material in their decent. The burnt orange bundled in their small arms draped over their shoulders and around their torst like the body of constricting serpent. Even you would have some difficulty with its length less you wrapped it around your neck ten times over. The fabric was softer than silk and weighed like a feather in your hands. Amazed by the quality, your fingers run over a discrepancy in texture hard to ignore. The letter C drawn in black ink barring uncanny resemblance to one you had seen before."
"Jessie, this is so sweet, but I can't take something your parents obviously -"
"Mom's here. See you later, Y/n. Bye, Cholly!"
Jessie waves and runs back up stairs as the aggressive glint of a car's headlights bleed through the open curtains. You shove the scarf into your bag to save for another conversation as you open the front door. You step out into the blistering cold - arms bound to your chest to keep in the warmth of your body heat circulating through your jacket. Cholly was right. It's freezing out here.
You're sure Jessie's mother won't mind you using what was likely her scarf if you explained things to her. You take the scarf out as you walk, wrapping it snug while treading carefully down the driveway up to her car as she shuts the door. Jessie's mother dawns a smile through chattering teeth, pulling a hand from the deep pocket of her coat to bring you in for a hug as you near.
"So good to see you. Had to leave earlier than usual this morning so I wasn't around to see you come in. Love the new scarf. I assume Jessie had a good day and is on their way to bed?"
"From a good friend apparently." You excuse, too tired and cold to properly explain. "Glued to the TV as usual, but we played a few games and got a puzzle done to past the time until bed. I'll be sad to see them less when they start school."
"Well there's plenty of time before then. With our schedules I'm sure we'll still be needing your help with a few adjustments. Have a safe drive home, Y/n."
"Call when you need me." You bid their mother fair well as she walks up to the front door and you unlock your car door. Climbing in, a brief flash darts over the overhead mirror from the back seat. You adjust the lense and watch as the neighbor across the street pulls out of their driveway. You beat your exhaustion to the back of your mind temporarily as you insert the key into the engine.
Arriving home, you shed yourself of your belongings and outer clothing as you collapse on the couch. The scarf's impressive length allows it to cushion your body the same as any blanket it as you unwrap a few of its layers. You pick up the remote left on one of the couch pillows and surf through the channels for something to watch you as you fell asleep. Your eyelids weight heavier as that familiar show tune plays. As much as you loved the kid Jessie spoiled just about every bit of the cartoon when you watched it together, so you took the liberty of watching it at home to avoid spoilers and catch facts about their favorite toon. It had become a go to when you wanted to mindlessly unwind from a long day.
The title card reads the name of an episode engraved into mirror. "Looking Glass Lovers." The equincial episode in which Cholly flirts with a never seen home owner for access to the spy glass in their bedroom. The episode starts a little different than you remembered. For one, they already had the tool of such they sought after and strolled down the same street seen in the original run viewing the world from its lense. Pointing the lense directly at the screen their seeing eye bulges against glass - irises of both eyes forming pink love hearts as smaller ones float above their head as they drop the telescope and it rolls off screen.
Cholly approaches the house which the episode is based around and enter the scene of their brief love interest's yard, begins picking flower following the pattern of the original run. Another divergence to the plot is that they pick the array straight from the garden over the wild dandelions they'd plucked from the front of the house in other showings. Cholly goes to grab their scarf to complete the pocket only to find their neck exposed. They reach down their shirt, fishing out a stack of plates that clatter around them as they drop them, an actual fish, and a worn down orange crayon. They throw the crayon back down the hatch with a shrug.
"Huh, wonder where that old thing has gone. Wherever it is I'm positive it's in good hands."
Cholly gathers up the flowers and strides up to the porch. They brush their pointy ears flat with their hand, adjusts an invisible bow tie, and raises their hand to knock on the door. The credits roll as their hand meets the wood - three in rhythm taps drumming from your front door.
Hands swearing, you answer the door to find a fishbowl on your porch stuffed to the brim with bright red and pink roses. A note card with waxy ink sits next to it.
"Sorry, gorgeous! Despite all the time we spent together I still get cold feet at the very thought of ya seeing me. Glad to see you got home safe and that you like my little gift. Even mud would look good on a catch like you so to see my old rags on you fills me with joy. Promise I won't chicken out the next time we met. Thanks for keeping yours and being my sunshine at the end of the tunnel. You' never know how much you need someone to brighten those dark days when clouds are you see.
Stay warm - C."
Returning to the couch with more questions than your spent mind could process - a text message from Jessie's mother adding to your confusion.
"Sorry to bug you so late, but have you seen Jessie's fish tank??"
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magicalcelestialgem · 3 months
The Smiling Critters Headcanons
Here are some of my personal headcanons of The Smiling Critters, cartoon version. Why I did this? Because art block.
Warning though: CatNap x DogDay ship mention
All eight of these critters have the tendency to act like their animal species or do things that only their animal species are known to do. Examples below:
DogDay can bark, he just rarely does so. But he sometimes pants like a dog, especially after a long, vigorous exercise or play. And sometimes he does the play bow when he wants to play. He mostly play bows in front of CatNap.
CatNap loves boxes, grooms himself like a cat, and will play with cat toys and laser pointers. He will knead DogDay’s belly or anything soft. And he can vocalize like a cat. Even hiss, yowl, and chatter (aka when the cat goes “ekekekekekek.”). If he does not like you, expect to get scratched.
Bobby BearHug sometimes uses trees to scratch her back. She also can climb trees with no problem!
Bubba uses his trunk when taking a bath and he sometimes trumpets.
Hoppy tends to stomp when annoyed.
Kickin can crow like a rooster, since he’s a male chicken. He crows when he is excited though or as a victory cry. He rarely clucks, but he goes “BA-GAWK” when startled/scared.
Picky squeals like a pig when she gets scared. She rarely snorts and oinks, but she does it.
Due to being a mythical equine, CraftyCorn’s ears pretty much work like the ears of a horse. The ears show her mood. Pinned back means she’s angry, annoyed, or moody. When her ears are up and moving about, she’s listening to the environment around her. Since she’s a unicorn, sometimes Crafty points her horn when she feels threatened.
CraftyCorn is shy and often draws alone. She often hides her artwork immediately someone asks what she’s drawing. She will, however, become angry when someone purposely messes up all her hard work.
PickyPiggy avoids eating chicken and pork.
Hoppy and Kickin have a friendly rivalry, especially when they’re playing sports or doing parkour.
Bubba is the nerd of the group and loves to learn new things. So much so he becomes curious a lot and asks a lot of questions.
Bobby BearHug loves hugging people, but she always asks someone first if they want a hug.
Bobby is also the love expert and is very observant once she sees that someone has a crush on another someone.
All eight of the critters can breathe their own gas like CatNap, but their gas is their respective scent. CatNap can breathe out the lavender scent instead of the poppy gas, but only when he is calm. Bobby loves to use her rose gas/scent to blow kisses.
The Critters sometimes use others’ scent as a stress reliever and not just as a way to sleep.
The critters often times get nightmares of what happens to their BBI versions.
DogDay and CatNap are best friends, but CatNap has a crush on DogDay. DogDay likes him back, but both he and CatNap are idiots. They don’t know that they both like each other. They are always coming up with excuses why they think the other doesn’t return their feelings.
All 6 other critters are aware of this and tend to tease the two when the other isn’t present.
Have any of y’all seen Barbie: The 12 Dancing Princesses? Have you seen that part where the sisters tease Genevieve for her crush on the cobbler? Yeah, imagine the Critters teasing DogDay for his crush on CatNap like that.
Since the group is 4 boys, 4 girls, the groups often have their own nights where they can hang out and chat. Boys Night and Girls Night!
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quasi-normalcy · 23 days
I know I say that modern Star Trek hasn't really introduced very many original villains, but that's not quite fair., So...
Comprehensive list of new villains offered by modern Star Trek (post 2017)
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Why They're villains: They oppressed the Kelpiens on Kaminar for thousands of years and lied about their origins. Pros: Notably creepy design, and notably creepy technology Cons: They can't really be used as recurring villains because the Kelpiens overthrew them at the end of the episode; 900 years later, they'd become allies.
CONTROL(technically borrowed from the novels, but whatever):
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Why They're Villains: Did that standard basic bitch evil computer move where they tried to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy. Pros: Um...at least the writers got it out of the way so that they couldn't make that particular aspect of the novelverse canon.
CONTROL sucks.
Seriously, at their best, they're just like...Diet Borg. Fuck CONTROL.
Can't come back because Emperor Georgiou murdered it up but good, yum yum. Not that you would want it to.
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Why They're Villains: "Just ring us up and we'll come kill all organic life in your galaxy", lol.
Introduces some cosmic horror to the Star Trek universe.
Kind of a generic doomsday villain.
Too powerful to really use them again.
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Why They're Villains: Turn hostile if you show them wood.
Pros: Umm...
Completely obsessed with crystals
Not really prime "recurring villain" material
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Why They're Villains: Extremely territorial about their salvage.
Pros: So far, they're the first villains on this list who have actually been recurring
Cons: They don't really seem like a threat to any ship more powerful than California class.
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Pros: "I will burn! Your heart! In a fiiiiiiiire!"
Why He's a Villain: Daddy issues.
Kind of a one-note joke.
Ascended to a higher plane of existence so he can't be come back.
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Why They're Villains: He's a tyrannical supercomputer! She's just kind of a bitchy robot! Together they're...legitimately just making each other into better people?
Pros: They're kind of adorable?
They're not really villains anymore
Peanut Hamper shouldn't even be on this list since Exocomps were from TNG.
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Why They're Villains: Gravitationally dredging the Milky Way for dark matter.
Kind of a cool concept
Not a type of alien that Star Trek has really done before.
Not really villains.
Extremely unlikely to recur.
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Why They're Villains: They, uh, opened up a big-ass transwarp conduit in the middle of Federation space for some reason.
Pros: Umm. They gave Agnes something to do in the finale.
Blatantly just created at the last minute to justify the presence of the Borg at the beginning of the season.
By the writers' own admission, they never had any actual intent to follow up on them, even though they really ought to.
They're a complete blank slate; even more so than the Higher Synthetics. Who are they? Dunno. What do they want? Dunno.
Honestly I don't even care about them, I just want to see more Jurati-Borg
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Why They're Villains: They blame the Federation for destroying their planet in the future.
It's nice to actually have an original alien species as arc villains for a change
I like the aesthetics of their technology
John Noble and Jameela Jamil both have really pleasant voices; like, I could listen to them all day
Space Goths
There's only, like, a hundred of them who came back from the future so it's not clear how much of a threat they can be without their living construct jiggerypokery.
I'm sure that this will get fleshed out in season 2, but they seem kind of underdeveloped as a culture at this point.
I assume that they'll probably make friends by the end of the series, so they probably can't be recurring antagonists elsewhere.
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Why They're Villains: Ancient fundamentalists amorally protecting a holy comet on its path.
Pros: It was a good episode.
Cons: Unless you run into that one specific comet, they'll probably just leave you alone.
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Why They're Villains: You know The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas? That.
Pros: It was a good short story.
Cons: Aside from ritualistically torturing a child to death every few years, they're kind of upstanding citizens of a the galactic community. Not really villain material.
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Why They're Villains: Their evil queen keeps trying to trick her asexual son into losing his virginity.
Their ship is really pretty.
The concept of Ren Faire larpers getting together to make a real kingdom is kind of hilarious.
They're just another type of human
They seem to mind their own business when they're not trying to interfere in the sex life of one specific Starfleet engineer.
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Why They're Villains: They have a undeniable biological need to hunt
Pros: Kind of terrifying design
Cons: Catch-and-release hunters aren't really threatening.
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Why It's a Villain: The Moopsy DRINKS YOUR BONES!!!
Pros: Moopsy!
Cons: Moopsy!
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Okay hear me out
Yautja with an s/o who has adhd
Yautja Vs ADHD
Yautja x GN! ADHD! Reader
Word count: 838
Warnings: Fuff, depictions of ADHD, depictions of social rejection
Summary: Your lover thinks you are strange for your species, but loves you regardless. 
A/N: OMG! I have ADHD too! Why did I not think of this!?
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When your lover started dating you they had a lot of biases about ooman that they had to unlearn. They had been taught that oomans were fragile yet intelligent creatures, they knew that oomans were primitive but creative, and that they were highly social and very dangerous in groups. But after spending time with you a lot of their preconceived notions were challenged.
You were not fragile. You would regularly trip, fall, and bump into just about everything. Your lover was very concerned about this at first, but whenever it happened you would just walk it off like it was nothing. You would even laugh about it. Much to their unending confusion. Occasionally they would find cuts, scrapes, and bruises in random places on your body and ask how that happened. All you could do was shrug.
Your lover had hunted oomans before, so they knew just how intelligent they could be. So when you repeatedly forgot important items, or tasks they began to question if you were just one of the less intelligent ones. Every species has them. But as time went on and they grew to understand you more, they came to know that you were not stupid, you just struggled with some things. You seemed to have a brilliant mind for problem solving, even exceeding other examples of your species. Not to mention how long you could go on talking about your favorite topics. They adore the way you lit up as you talked. They do still often need to remind you about items and tasks, but they understand that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Every day they understand yours more and more.
Your lover did tend to look down on ooman technology. To you, your phone was the most advanced device in the universe. It helps you keep track of important things, such as events and chores, and it can access the sum of all ooman knowledge in just seconds. But to your lover it was nothing more than a light up brick. But they did admire the creativity with which you used your primitive tools. Such as throwing on some music and suddenly being able to conjure the ability to do the dishes. You also used your creativity in other fascinating ways. Any and all artistic pursuits are revered by your lover. Art is not common in yautja culture, the art they do have though is highly symbolic and ceremonial. They love listening to you talk about the choices you made while making any given piece and find the concept of art for art's sake fascinating . 
One of the things that confused your lover the most was how you socialized. You seemed to really struggle talking to other oomans. You would start with your usual high energy, but the other ooman would quickly show their disinterest, causing you to get very discouraged and end the conversation very quickly. You also had a tendency to do, what you called, ‘overshare’. Your lover treasured any time when you would tell them everything on a given topic, whether that was how your day was or about the documentary you had just watched. The ooman on the receiving end of the oversharing however, would usually make their ‘discomfort’ known. Your lover would quickly get angry at whoever was icing you out, because they knew that you were just sociable and wanted to talk. Sometimes though you would avoid talking to people all together for all the above reasons. But in other, seemingly similar interactions, you could easily talk to another person like they were already your best friend. For some reason they would match your energy perfectly and the two of you would create a tight bond, only to go your separate ways and never talk again. 
There was one simple explanation for all of this that your lover was completely unaware of. Unaware of, until one day. The two of you were having dinner and having a conversation when they said something that caught you a little bit off guard. 
“You are a strange example of your species.”
“What do you mean by that?” You asked. 
“Well…” They thought for a moment, choosing their next words carefully. “You are constantly getting injured, but somehow end up fine. You are fiercely intelligent, but still manage to forget small things. You are incredibly creative, and industrious, but struggle with interpersonal communication, until you do not? It is just… you act strange for a ooman.” You blinked a few times, trying to figure out if you should be offended or not. Then you laughed.
“Have I not told you I have ADHD?”
“ADHD, it stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although it's really more of an attention regulation disorder rather than a deficit. Basically it affects how my brain works and, yeah it affects everything you mentioned.”
“So you are not a normal ooman!”
“No,” you giggled again. 
“That is all right though,” they said before you could continue. “I like the way you are, strange ooman.”
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mouse-drawings · 3 months
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Bugs! On the dance floor.
Dancing to your favorite music is one of the best recreational activities in Bug Fables, to be honest. Approved by all bug species!
My friend likes to make Team Snakemouth dance to the beat of 'Oh no! Wasps'. She loves the song when listening to it, but hates it on a technical level.
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batwritings · 5 months
okay here me out! Hybrid au where reader is recruited into 141 and they’re all hybrids, like price is dragon, ghost a wraith, gaz a crow harpy, and last but not least soap is a werewolf. It’s pretty much common knowledge that wolves and vamps don’t mix, so when reader and soap first meet they despise each other, hate each other fr. Reader calls soap a dog, puppy, mongrel or mutt and soap calls reader a leech, bloodsucker and wtv. Now all this bickering leads to somewhere spicy, maybe all that hatred was actually sexual tension 🤷🏻‍♀️ heated and rough sexual tension to be exact. Alright thank u for listening in<3333
Sorry this one took so long friend! This is really similar to an AU that's out there for CoD and I wanted to be sure it was alright with that artist to write something with their concept. But without further ado, enjoy!~
It was common knowledge within the hybrid community the bad blood (no pun intended) between vampires and werewolves. So when Price made the decision to add you to the team, you and Soap were immediately in an understanding. While yes, in front of higher ups things were kept professional, everyone could practically feel the tension in the room when you were both in there.
Yet nobody could quite tell just what kind of tension it was. See, it was very clear that, due to being the species you were, there was something negative between you and the Scottish sergeant. However it was also blatantly obvious that the two of you did hold some sort of strange fondness for the other.
"Nice work today leech," Soap chuckled, passing you after a mission debriefing. You rolled your eyes so hard anyone who saw you would probably think they'd roll back into your head. You set your gun back in it's locker, slamming the door.
The mission hadn't exactly gone...poorly. The job got done at the end of the day, but there were quite a few screws that went loose. The fact that they were by your hands didn't help the matter by any means.
"You got something to say mutt?" You growled, crossing your arms defiantly. Your day hadn't exactly been the best and you knew Soap knew this. You weren't exactly in the mood for the lapdog's "cutesy little pet names" as Price affectionately called it. You swore that dragon was delusional.
Much to your irritation, Soap was quick to get in your personal space. He had his arms above yours, all but pinning you to the lockers behind you. "I dunno, mate, do you?" Now you knew good and well that "mutt" was Soap's least favorite little nickname you'd given him, so his actions weren't a surprise.
What was a surprise however, was the fact that you could smell the pheromones on him. Being this close to you was turning him on, making you quirk an eyebrow. "Maybe I do puppy," you smirked, reaching down and boldly palming his erection. "You first."
Soap inhaled sharply, growling lowly as you touched him. His clawed hands came forward, swiftly pinning your free hand to the metal of the locker. He juts his knee up, making it and his thigh rub up against your sex.
It's your turn to blush, hand moving more intentionally now to make him harder. You let out a soft whine when he starts to rock himself back and forth, stimulating you. Bodies are moving on their own now, pure instinct driving the interaction.
You're not sure when you ended up kissing him, or when the two of you stripped from the waist down. But here it was, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, the werewolf that drove you absolutely insane, was helping hold you up as he fucked you against the lockers. You had your arms locked around his neck, nails scratching at the base of his ears as you praised him with soft moans of "good boy," over and over.
"So good," he groaned, claws digging slightly into the soft flesh of your ass as he fucked you roughly. A particularly sensitive spot gets brushed by the head of his cock and it has you letting out a keen of pleasure. Combined with the tugging of his knot against your hole, you knew you wouldn't be lasting long.
It was so rough, raw, and hot, the two of you nearly forgot where you were. Each of you was lost in a haze of pleasure, your noises quiet save for the slapping of skin and slight shuddering metal. You drew yourself closer the more you inched towards your climax to nip at his neck, barely nicking the skin to lap at his blood.
"Close dove, I'm close," Soap growls, his previous rhythm lost to the urges and instinct to breed you as his knot slipped inside you. The extra insertion and attempts to keep yourself from completion meant you could only nod dumbly as a sign you were fine with him coming inside you. With a howl that he muffled against your shoulder, he finished, the two of you locking together where you ended and he began. You weren't far behind, head smacking slightly into the metal as you came, drawing your own blood as you tried to keep yourself quiet.
You and the sergeant panted heavily as you came down from your respective highs. The brunette's tail was wagging ever so slightly behind him and you couldn't help but chuckle. There was a lightness in your chest that you couldn't place, but it was certainly nice to not feel at your teammate's throat for once.
"While the show was appreciated," came a voice that seemed to materialize from the shadows. Ghost appears to your right, body shifting out of his Wraith form as he leans against the locker room door frame. "Next time, maybe pick somewhere a little more secluded to work out your anger issues eh?" Both you and Soap couldn't help but flush in embarrassment.
"Sorry L.T."
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