#little tykes car
pizza-kity · 4 months
this person in my neighborhood is incredible and I love them. they have normal wheels for it too, the tracks are a recent upgrade 😂
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kaithewhatever · 1 year
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Me and the boys in rush hour traffic; ie new header
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dorkolotl · 2 years
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beep beep it's amby
beep beep it's amby
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geezerwench · 2 years
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valleynix · 1 year
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baby’s first car 😔‼️
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
(slowly sets random sting ray plushie I got for my birthday down) Brain-rot. so I present Dad!Simon and Ollie at the aquarium
Simon! Who was currently two weeks deep into babysitting oliver and it being the middle of summer almost everywhere and everything had been exhausted
"Library time with Miss Rue?"
Ollie frowns from his ice cream,- which you would murder simon for if you found out which is why they were both sworn to secrecy, "MIss Rue is jus reeed-ing Peter Bunny again. No want."
"No want." Simon echoed slowly, leaning against the kitchen counter as he tried to think.
"Big mall?" "No..."
"The zipline park?" (A normal park with a little kid zipline)
"The animals?"
"Nope. Momma said we stinky after animal."
Simon nods again, the local farmer's markets would normally have a little petting zoo- so that had also become a staple. "She did- rightoo laddie. Okay...okay, let Mister Riley think for a minute."
Ollie nods to his babysitters words and takes another hefty bite of the ice cream, "We could....we could see fish? We see fish."
"We go fish, in-in big pool."
Simon who spent ten finding which aquarium within a fifty mile radius had the best reviews because if he is...might as well make it memorable
Simon who made sure Ollie wore is water proof shoes because...well he just knew the kid was going to jump into the little kiddie water pad the aquarium had
Simon who packed a towel and change of clothes for that exact reason too
Simon who so has baby shark stuck in his head
Simon who once the tickets are purchased is already trying to trick the tyke down, basically playing marco polo
Simon who held up Ollie without a second thought to see the Jelly fish, telling him how he was once stung while he was down in Japan, smiling to the childs laughter
Simon who spends the extra fifteen dollars so Ollie could feed the stingrays, keeping an arm looped around him to keep him stable
Simon who of course notices the looks he's getting from the group of moms, he ignores them though
Simon who tried to politely turn down the one who came up to him, nice woman, seemed kind- yet...she wasn't...you
Simon who had to get more firm and did lie when she wouldn't get the message-
"Listen lady- I could kill ya without even blinking 'n you are really testin my patience so ho' bout you leave me 'n my son alone before i get annoyed?" Just how he assumed it would've gone down the woman became flustered and excused herself, meanwhile, Ollie was still being held in the air to look at the catfish.
Ollie looks to Simon as he then lets out a sigh and adjusts his grip on the boy, "Ister Riley?"
"Yeah, lad?"
"Mommy said killing people isn't nice."
Simon clears this throat, "Mum is real smart like that."
Simon who gets Ollie a plushie and teehsirt
Simon who feels really proud of himself when Ollie is fast asleep for the entire car ride home
(annnnyway thats it<333 any feedback and all that jazz means the world to me!!)
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bruciemilf · 2 months
Duke: Okay, wait. You think Bruce is how old?
Thomas: Ten years old! It wasn’t too long ago today that we saw the little tyke.
Martha: We personally cannot wait to bring him to the theater. He’ll be so excited.
Duke, cringing slightly: Okay. Uh, mind following me for a sec?
They do, trailing behind him through the manor’s west wing until they reach Bruce’s Study room. Duke cracks the door open, just enough to see Bruce reading at his desk.
Thomas: Oh? Who is he?
Duke: Aha. Um. That’s sort-of-maybe… Bruce?
Thomas and Martha:
God, we really don’t think about how crushed Thomas and Martha would be; Their child survived their deaths, and they’re so happy about it. But he grew; Without them.
Martha didn’t get to teach him how to throw him a bar mitzvah. Thomas didn’t get to see him graduate, teach him how to cook for a first date. Martha didn’t get to see how bad he’d be at driving, or teach him the mechanics, or build his first car.
So many birthdays and holidays and monumental moments, living without them. It’s pretty ironic, considering Bruce is supposed to be the haunted one.
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elizabethemerald · 11 days
Son of the Red Hood: Reunions and First Meetings
Master Post
Jason was once again at the end of his rope. He had this wonderful, amazing kid in his life who could fly and float through walls, and influence his Pit Rage, and smiled like the sun, and all in all was still a kid. And sometimes kids threw fits. 
He had taken Danny to an abandoned and fenced off lot so the kid could get some practice with his powers where no one would see them. He hadn’t wanted Danny’s toys to be forgotten or dirtied in the lot, so he had made sure to leave behind his stuffed animals. Something Danny had taken incredible offense to. 
Of course the tyke hadn’t realized until they were in the abandoned lot, blocks away from Jason’s apartment that his toys had been left behind. And he was now bawling his eyes out, screaming at the top of his lungs for his toys. He was once again starkly reminded that Danny was a meta and many of his powers were tied to his emotions. Jason could only feel sympathy for what the Kents had to deal with when they were raising Clark. They even had to deal with a super powered toddler’s terrible twos. 
“I want my Jazztronaut! I want my Wonder Bear!” Danny screamed. 
Each scream rattled the walls around them and set off distant car alarms. Jason had brought his Red Hood gear so that if anyone saw them they wouldn’t recognize them and he was thankful he had as the sonic protections in the helmet activated and muffled his hearing. Though the fact that he could still hear his kid over the protections showed just how loud Danny could be. 
“I promise kiddo, we can go back and grab your bears! I’ll grab them as soon as I can, but you have to calm down.” Jason tried to reason, but one thing he knew from helping with the street kids in Crime Alley, sometimes a child just doesn’t want to be reasoned with. 
“I want Wonder Woman! I want Wonder Woman!” Danny shrieked even louder. 
Jason clamped his hands uselessly over the ear holes of his helmet as he staggered back. Holy shit this kid had a pair of pipes on him. If he didn’t have his helmet on he might be deaf now. 
“Danny, I’m sorry I forgot your bear.” Jason tried again, and Danny fell silent in surprise. He sniffed and his lip wobbled. What the hell was this kid’s life that someone apologizing to him got this kind of reaction? 
 “I’m sorry I yelled.” Danny whispered back, tears running down his face, though he was tense like he expected to be yelled at or worse. 
“Hey, it’s ok buddy.” Jason pulled his helmet off and he pulled the kid into his lap. “Sometimes your emotions can get too big for your body, I understand that. I really am sorry that I didn’t bring your bears. I’ll go get them soon, ok? But I can’t leave you alone to grab them.” 
“Perhaps I can be of some help?” 
Jason tensed as a woman’s voice sounded in the lot. He shifted Danny so he was protecting him with his body as a tall woman with black hair approached. She had greasy and sweat stained work out clothes, just like every other thug in the city, but she towered over him where he was sitting on the ground. He reached as subtly as he could for his gun, then paused as she stepped into the light. 
“Wait, Aunt Diana?” Jason asked, perplexed. 
“Hello, little Warrior.” Diana said with a small smile. Then she knelt down next to Danny. “And hello you too, little King.” 
Danny, his little devilish meta child, actually blushed at her attention. 
“I’m not a king yet.” He said softly. 
“I know. And yet I have followed your call for me and found you.” Diana said with all the gravitas she reserved for meeting foreign diplomats. 
“I thought I knew what was happening, but now I’m not so sure.” Jason said softly before he rose to his feet, lifting Danny onto his hip. 
“I’m not certain I can explain everything, but I can shed some light.” Diana said, standing as well, before addressing Danny. “Are you aware of someone by the name of Clockwork?” 
Danny’s eyes lit up and started glowing as he smiled. 
“Grandpa Clocky! He’s always tellin’ me boring things that I need to do and learn. But he keeps me safe and cares about me.” 
“Yes, well your grandfather has a few other grandchildren, one of which is me.” Diana held her hand out and shook Danny’s little, tiny hand. “Diana Prince. Some call me Wonder Woman.” 
Danny’s eyes glowed even brighter and he floated out of Jason’s arms. 
“So we’re like cousins! Or something!”
“Yes. Or something. And Clockwork sent me to find you, so you can be trained properly for when the crown is yours.” 
Jason genuinely couldn’t tell if Diana was being serious or if she was playing along, but either way he was grateful that she had appeared when she did and even more grateful that she seemed to be willing to help train Danny. 
“Thank you so much Aunt Diana.” Jason said with a smile. “Maybe you and I can talk about a training schedule together. In the meantime would you mind watching him while I go and grab the teddy bears that caused all this?”
“Of course. My cousin and I will get to know each other.” Diana said and gave Danny a warm smile. 
Jason pulled his grapple and left to return to his apartment, happy with the knowledge that Danny was safe with Diana. Though he had a lot of questions about why she had called him a king, and who the hell Clockwork was. 
Jazz had been on the move almost non stop ever since she had woken up yesterday. Her parents were dead. The portal in Amity was destroyed. Angela had said that Danny was killed by the blast too. But he wasn’t. She knew he wasn’t. She didn’t need the boo-merang to tell her that Danny was still out there somewhere. He was alive, and she would find him.
She had only stopped moving long enough to pass out in her car for a few hours during the drive to Gotham City. She was following a faint trail, a mere pressure in her mind that was leading her closer and closer to where her brother was. Whatever ecto contamination her parents had done to her over the years had given her a connection to her brother and she would follow that connection to the very jaws of hell itself if she had to.
She was running on fumes now. So was her car. She had made it into Gotham and the pull brought her to one of the poorer neighborhoods. In fact it looked like it was the poorest and most crime ridden part of the city. Graffiti covered every wall, and multiple burnt out wrecks of cars littered the sides of the streets.
Jazz slammed on the brakes and opened her car door. She was next to an abandoned and fenced off lot and her brother was here. She could feel him. She dashed tears and sweat from her eyes, slung her weapons over her shoulder and tied her hair back. When she left her car she left it with the door open and the key in the ignition. She doubted it would start again and she didn’t care enough, all she cared about was her brother.
She crouched next to the fence and leaped, putting her ectoplasmic strength into the jump as she easily cleared the twelve foot tall fence. She landed on the other side in another crouch, her eyes zeroing in on the woman standing in the middle of the lot.
The woman was easily as tall as Jazz and she was 6'8" thanks to the ectoplasm in her veins. The woman had long black hair and was built like an absolute tank. She was wearing work out clothes that showed off all of her muscles. If Jazz were in a better mental state she would be jealous.
But all she could focus on was the toddler just past the woman. The small, black haired, blue eyed boy that was her entire world. Danny. He was younger and smaller than he should be, but she would recognize him anywhere, and she had enough experience with ghostly shenanigans to recognize a simple deaging. She could deal with that later, now she just needed to recover her brother.
“Give him to me!” Jazz demanded as she stormed closer.
The beefy woman was between her and Danny, she couldn’t risk angering her, but all the words were trapped in her mind. All the deescalation techniques she learned, all the psychology she dedicated herself to, was all trapped and stuck. The woman turned to face her and Jazz pulled out her creep stick, her hands shaking.
“Give him to me.” She said again, the words feeling like nails dragging past her throat yet it was all she could say.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” The woman said. She kept her hands open and spread apart. Some small part of Jazz’s mind said that she was trying to keep her body language open and friendly. But that part was overshadowed by her fear and her exhaustion.
“Give him to me!” She shrieked, wondering if she should be coughing up blood with how difficult the words were to drag out. She dashed forward and swung her creepstick. The woman blocked the blow with her forearm, but Jazz swung again and again. Each blow the woman either blocked or dodged without any visible effort.
“You have skills sister.” The woman said and she went on the attack.
Now Jazz was getting driven back across the lot. She was clearly out matched in every possible way, but she couldn’t back down. That was her brother. That was her brother. That was her brother. Danny. Danny. Danny.
The woman twisted her body and with a powerful kick the creepstick was sent flying across the yard. Jazz didn’t give her a moment to gloat at disarming her and instead pushed forward with her bare fists and legs, using all her skill with martial arts, managing to push the other woman back one step at a time. Still she looked calm and confident as if she did this every single day.
Jazz ducked under one of the woman’s blows and managed to pull her knife. She thrust the blade forward with all her might, putting her full ectoplasm enhanced strength behind the blow. And watched in horror as the blade shattered against the woman’s shoulder.
“Well struck!” The woman seemed genuinely impressed. Then she twisted and almost without effort threw Jazz to the ground.
Jazz gasped in air as she stared up at her, then passed her to where her brother hovered in the air, watching like this was all an exciting movie.
“Please.” She forced the word out, like broken glass down her throat. “Give him to me.”
She begged. Desperately. The woman startled and pulled a long rope from under her sweats. With a flick of her wrist the cord wrapped around Jazz’s body.
“We’ll soon find the truth of this. Why do you want the boy?”
The cord glowed around her and even past her pain and her fear and her exhaustion the words came.
“He’s my brother.”
She gasped the words out.
“He’s my brother.”
Her throat was closing and her breath was coming faster and faster. Her own fist collided with her forehead.
“He’s my brother.”
She sobbed the words out, her vision fading as she hit herself again. A high pitched keening noise pulled itself out of her, no more words were coming, just her raw expression of grief and longing and she hit herself again. She smacked her fist into her forehead and when she went to do it again, she felt a tiny hand wrap around her wrist.
“No Jazz! No hurting. No hurting.”
Danny’s little voice. Just like when he was first a child and would help her when she melted down. When her parents ignored her desire not to be touched, when they made her speak even when the words hurt like gargling acid, when the noise of the lab wouldn’t stop and pounded into her head like a jack hammer. He was always there for her, ever since he had understood what she was doing and why. 
She didn’t try to pull her arm out of his hand but she hit herself again with her other hand. She could hear Danny begging her to stop, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t, she couldn’t. She went to hit herself again and a strong, calloused hand grabbed her wrist, then just as gently as if she were something precious and valuable held her other hand to keep her from hurting herself.
“Now, young one, there is no call for that.”
“Jazz it’s ok.” Danny whispered, because he knew the loud voices bothered her. Then he started humming, so softly she could barely feel it, yet his humming vibrated with ectoplasm and carried down all the way to her infant ghost core.
He was hugging her and holding her and humming to her and slowly, muscle by muscle her tension unwound. She could think again, she didn’t think she would be able to speak yet, but at the very least she could pull her wrists from the gentle hold of the other woman and wrap her arms around her little brother.
She held her brother, her Danny and sobbed and sobbed. She had gone through too much. She had been told she had lost her parents and that everyone she loved, including her beloved brother were dead, her home destroyed. Then she had driven half way across the country following a desperate thread to try and find him only to be beaten by the first stranger she encountered. But at the very least, she had her brother back in her arms again. Just like she was supposed to.
Diana watched the young woman cry, raw grief tearing its way through her. Jason had asked her to watch over the little King, and she would do so. She couldn’t hand the child over to the obviously distressed woman who had demanded him. She had defended herself, just like she would do during any of the spars with her sisters on Themyscira. 
However, she had misjudged her opponent. This woman was not fighting with the relaxed energy of a friendly spar. She was desperately fighting, just as she had desperately begged for the boy. Lord Clockwork had not mentioned that the little King would have any siblings, but perhaps it merely showed that the Lord of Time still needed to learn the importance of  mortal lives. 
Even without the magic of the Lasso of Truth, Diana could see the love Danny had for his sister. She could see the way he knew exactly how to stop her from harming herself. How the young woman, the King had called her Jazz, didn’t risk harming the child when he held her wrist, instead using her other hand. 
Now she could see the love, almost like a physical aura off the two young ones. She had found her charge, the young King she was to train, she had found him with an able caretaker, and she had found him in time to see the reunion between the King and his sister. Maybe she would have another to train and to teach, and the young King would have a valiant protector. 
She turned at the sound of a grapple and Jason landed next to her, two teddy bears in his hand. One was dressed as an astronaut and the other was wearing a cloth version of Diana’s own armor. He was staring at the woman who was sobbing and holding Danny as if he were the most precious thing in the world. 
“What the hell did I miss?” 
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goth-mami-writer · 12 days
🩶As Close as Strangers🩶
~ The final part ~
@sorilyae @littlesnorlaxx
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader work.
~{Find parts one and two here}
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(Infinite Darkness era is exactly how I picture him for this fic 🩶)
《 “Leon, he's gonna be so upset.” You said into the phone that night somewhat sadly as you tried to keep away from the bottom of the stairs, hoping Ethan wasn't trying to listen in from his room.
The flight to bring him to your city from DC had just been delayed and he wouldn't board for another three hours now. He sighed looking at the flight displays now painted in yellow and shook his head hating that he had told Ethan he'd be home before dinner,
“I know. But I can still be there before he goes to bed. Or try to at least.”
This was your ritual now that Leon was back in your life. And Ethan's. He spent only a few short months in DC, working and keeping in touch and using his small amounts of leave to fly to see you and his son. The visits were small but they were meaningful nonetheless. They visited the park and stayed up on the weekends to play games. It was everything you waited for and it didn't take long to realize.
You looked up the stairs again with a concerned glance and wondered if Ethan might take it better if he talked to his dad on the phone. You'd told him just a few minutes before that you were expecting Leon in a little under an hour. But that quickly changed.
“Can I talk to him?” Leon asked on the phone and you told him to hold on.
You found Ethan in his room, he was crouched in the floor racing a toy car on his plastic track that spanned around his area rug. After a soft smile seeing that there were two toy cars set aside for himself and his playmate, you told him that Leon was on the phone.
The small tyke rose from his playtime rug and ran for the phone in your hand,
“Leon?” He said into the phone that he needed to hold with two hands, his tiny voice ringing with sadness,
“When are you coming to my house?”
Leon's heart sank hearing that tiny voice that leveled his whole world now that Ethan was a part of his life so consistently. Even though his precious boy still had no true grasp that Leon was in fact his father, the bond they'd built with sleepovers and endless hours of play felt just as precious.
But there was something else making this next visit so urgent. Leon had yet to ask you but he wanted more than anything to drive home to see his son instead of flying. There was just no way he could be relocated in the current climate of his federal assignments. And that made only one thing possible. Moving you and Ethan to DC, possibly uprooting everything you two knew and it wasn't easy for him to imagine how that could affect you both.
“Buddy, I'm sorry. I'll be home when you wake up in the morning, okay? I promise.” He said to Ethan on the phone, who frowned at the news of his late arrival.
“I can stay up late and wait for you. It's the weekend.” Ethan said to try and see him before he went to sleep one last time.
Leon smiled, giggling in the thought of his little eyes heavy and droopy by the time he finally arrived at the house,
“No, bud, I don't think your mom would like that. It'll be way past your bedtime. We'll make pancakes in the morning together, okay?”
Ethan finally gave in and made Leon promise again that he would be here and firmly he swore that he'd be there. No matter what. After the phone was returned, you told Ethan to put on his pajamas while you finished talking on the phone, then made your way back down the stairs.
You made sure you closed the boy's door enough to keep him out of earshot and you mentioned quietly into the phone,
“When are we going to sit him down and tell him, Leon? It's going to make his year to find out who you are.”
“No-” Leon replied in the busy airport that felt like nothing than background murmur as the hole in his chest hollowed further when he realized he missed his small son,
“It's going to make mine.”
~Later that night
You heard Leon's rental car pull in at quarter past midnight. You'd drifted off to sleep on the sofa in wait to help him with his luggage. You put on a coat, trying to make it to the door, but he was already sneaking into the foyer quietly by the time you stood. You tried to take his suitcase but he brushed you away, shaking his head that it was fine.
He closed the door gently, trying to make sure he didn't shutter the walls as it closed and he smiled before pulling you close. His arms looped around your waist, hugging you into him before turning your chin up for a kiss in the quiet dark. You welcomed him closer but felt as he started to hoist you up onto the back of the sectional sofa.
You felt his hands start to wander, making your heart race as you kissed him for the first time in weeks. But you came back to reality when you remembered who else couldn't wait to see him.
“Hey, hey-” You whispered in his ear in the dark.
“Hm?” Leon asked, kissing your neck warmly and sweet.
“Someone didn't make it too long waiting for you.” You said gesturing over to the loveseat next to the window with a glance.
There, Ethan slept endearingly wrapped in his cartoon blanket with his head rested on the throw pillow. He'd been by the window, waiting for Leon's car, and the sight of his patience was enough to make anyone's heart swell.
“Awh, buddy.”
Leon sighed with a heavy smile as he began towards the window quietly. He wasn't sure if he should move him just yet but he couldn't bear the sight of him sleeping away from his own bed. He crept close to his small son, moving the sandy brown bangs away from his eyes and picking him up slowly under the arms.
He thought of moving upstairs but instead he merely sat down on the love seat, slumping the tired little boy onto his chest. He held his head onto his shoulder, covering him again with his tiny cartoon blanket and finally felt at peace there in a bear hug practically. Your lip quivered at the image of him holding Ethan in a way that he should've the day he was born and you sat beside them both.
You watched as Leon rested his head back as he cradled Ethan close and he said in a whisper between the silence of listening to his son sweetly sleep across his chest,
“D'ya get a chance to think about DC?”
You nodded, having had the conversation before he boarded his flight but you smiled before petting Ethan's back amidst his sleep,
“I'm not sure what there is to think about. You know we would love to come and stay with you.”
“I just don't want to uproot him, baby-”
“You're his home, Leon. He won't know the difference if you're there. He doesn't know you're his father but he knows you're his dad.” You argued with him in the dark softly but there was more. There was something else you saw that was on his mind and you waited for him to take that usual breath he needed to spit it out.
“What do you want to happen after that?” He asked softly, still cupping Ethan's head and you furrowed your brow, wondering what exactly he meant by that and he went on,
“You want to get married?” He asked as if the question was something mindless.
You froze, unsure of how to answer something so changing. You kept looking for him to start laughing or maybe just any indication that he might be joking but he was firm in waiting for your answer.
“You didn't mention that on the phone??” You said breathless and he nodded in telling you that was because he thought of it on the plane. Your heart raced in thinking of becoming Mrs. Kennedy, a name you thought should be worshiped when you understood what it meant.
“Is this…a proposal?” You asked, in dire need for the answer and he half smiled, knowing he shouldn't treat this so lightly. But it just felt too natural to make this exactly how he pictured it in his mind.
“Does it feel like one?” He asked his face softened in the thought of coming home to his wife and son,
“You really think I'll only ask once?”
You laughed quietly, knowing this would probably be a discussion to be divided into bits in pieces for the next few months ahead of you but you couldn't ask for something different. Being his wife could wait a lifetime if it meant the timing being perfect.
He stood with Ethan still sleeping in his arms and carefully made his way to the stairs. Climbing to the second level you watched a tiny arm swinging at Leon's side that he placed back onto his shoulder lovingly before reaching his bedroom. He laid Ethan down to his small twin bed painted with superheroes and placed the blanket over him softly.
Leon petted his head after sitting down on the side of the bed, clearing his mattress of forlorn toys and action figures lost in the sheets from his playtime. He smiled placing each of them back on his bedside shelf and he whispered down after a kiss to his tiny head,
“Your daddy loves you, buddy.”
He stood, making sure all of his night lights were turned on like the way he preferred to keep the dark away and he'd almost crept entirely out of the room in silence when he heard a small voice answer his whisper in the dark,
“I love you too.”
Leon stopped, knowing he shouldn't say anything, but it was hard to stay quiet at the first acknowledgment of being a father instead of merely his mother's friend. He closed the door quietly as his face reddened from the oncoming tears building in his eyes and thanked whoever was listening for the first time that he was able to stumble around drunk in the rain one night.
Because this feeling couldn't be bought twice. 》
Thank you so much for all the people asking to be tagged on this story, and thank you again for all the notes and comments. It was a joy to write.✌️🥰
There's more Leon to come 🩶
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
Mr. Fix It
For a man who refuses to don a hat unless he’s in uniform, Steven J. McGarrett sure wears a lot of them. A decorated Navy SEAL, leader of the governor’s task force, expert pilot, sport pro, amateur (although he’d argue with you on that) mechanic, occasional ukulele player, son, brother, friend, uncle, husband, dog dad, and now race car-bed-putter-together. The man’s talents clearly know no bounds.
Leaning against the doorway of Charlie’s bedroom in Danny’s house, you can’t help but admire the view before you. Your husband has traded in his usual cargo pants and t-shirt for a pair of form fitting jeans that hug his lower half in all the right places and a plaid button up that shows off his muscular back and arms. A tool belt is slung low across his hips, and a few dirty jokes featuring the hammer and screwdriver tucked into their designated slots pop into your head unbidden. Steve slides the pencil out from behind his ear to make a mark on the wood, then grips the writing implement between his teeth to free up his hands. That draws your attention to the scruff currently dotting his cheeks and the sexy patch of gray along his chin that’s been steadily growing with every birthday that passes. He bends over to fit two pieces of the bed frame together, and your promise to Danny to not fool around in his house is suddenly dangerously close to being broken.
Passing Steve on your way to collect more wallpaper, you gather two handfuls of denim in a firm squeeze and appreciatively murmur, “Nice ass, stud.”
Your husband lets out an amused grunt, straightening up to his full height and tucking the pencil back in its rightful spot before turning to you with one eyebrow raised. “What was that, you cheeky little brat? Huh? You objectifying me again?”
“I said,” you emphasize as you climb the ladder with your next few feet of racing stripe wallpaper, “that’s a nice brass stud!”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve says, eyes twinkling with mirth. “Hey, lemme ask you something.”
“You think Danno could fit in this bed, too?”
You turn to your husband, trying and failing to bite back your laughter. “You’re objectively the worst. And I’m telling him you said-”
Steve’s phone ringing interrupts your threat, and he brandishes his cell with a playful grin. “Speak of the Jersey devil.” He answers the phone, the smile melting off his face at whatever he’s hearing on the other end. After a few tense moments, he ends the call and then walks up to you on the ladder with a sigh.
“Duty calls?” you ask knowingly.
“Sorry, baby,” he pouts, leaning up to kiss you three times for I love you.
“Don’t get hurt, Steve!” you call to his retreating form down the hallway, getting a confident, “I won’t!” in response.
“I’m serious,” you yell louder as his footsteps grow quieter. “You’ve reached your allotted hospital visits for the month!”
Later that night, you find yourself in the same position as this morning at the entrance to Charlie’s room, this time admiring the way the space has transformed into a little boy’s dream and enjoying the Indy 500 animatedly playing out before you.
“…and the crowd goes wild,” your husband declares, whisper-yelling cheers as Charlie grins proudly beside him. Steve tucks a victorious Charlie into bed before smoothing the little tyke’s hair down and pressing his lips to his forehead with a quiet, “I love you, buddy.” He joins you in the doorway, and your heart swells at Charlie’s voice sleepily calling out, “Goodnight, Uncle Steve! Goodnight, Auntie!”
“Goodnight, bubba, we love you,” you respond softly, flicking off the light switch and leaving only the glowing CHARLIE’S ROOM on the opposite wall as a nightlight. 
“Hey, race you in the morning?” Steve asks, head tilted in question. Charlie nods enthusiastically and his uncle reciprocates his excitement with a resounding, “Boom.”
Steve pulls the door shut behind you, and as you make your way down the hallway, you wrap your arms around his waist and lean into his solid form. “Should we make one?”
Your husband looks down at you, one eyebrow raised, and squeezes your hip. “You want a little race car bed, too?”
“Steve-” you groan, but he carries on with, “I mean, sure, but I’ll smoke your ass every time, babe.”
Laughing, you grip his face in one hand and smush his cheeks together until his nose scrunches up from a smile. “No, you doofus,” you correct him, “I meant should we start trying? Make a mini you?”
Steve’s eyes shine with adoration, and he shifts your hand to his mouth to press kisses against your palm. “You want to have a baby?”
“I think being a daddy would suit you well, Commander,” you purr, trailing your fingers down the sliver of skin peeking between the open buttons of his plaid shirt.
“That turn you on?” your husband teases in turn, taking note of the glint in your eye.
“I mean…” You trail off, looking up at him with a suggestive smirk. Using the collar of his shirt as leverage, you tug him closer and confess, “Uncle Steve with his kiddos is a hottie, don’t get me wrong, but Daddy Steve? One baby tucked up in each of those arms?” Your hands glide along his muscular biceps and you let out a hum of appreciation.
Steve’s eyes go wide, and he stills your wandering hands. “Woah there, two? At the same time?”
“Well, we can’t have one of your biceps getting bigger than the other,” you clarify. “You’d look dumb.”
“Oh, of course, of course,” he acquiesces, nodding. “You really want twins?”
“Steve,” you tut. “Don’t tell me the big bad Navy SEAL is afraid of dealing with two tiny humans.”
“I’m not afraid, I’m just, y’know- one is- is a lot already. Joanie could be a handful, so think about two of ‘em, two at the same time would be-”
“Hey,” you cut off his rambling, pulling him down to your level for a sound kiss. “How ‘bout we go home and get some practice in, and we’ll talk more about this tomorrow?” Steve’s hands glide down your body until they settle on your backside with a firm grip, and you take that as a yes. Pressing your lips to his again, you murmur, “Sound like a plan, McGarrett?”
He fixes you with a devilish grin in response. “Hooyah.”
[A/N: I 👏🏽 love 👏🏽 this 👏🏽 man 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 My McGarrett obsession is somehow reaching dangerous new heights sos 🥵 And the thought of Daddy™️ as a daddy? Jesus take the wheel]
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newtonsheffield · 23 days
So a little while ago my sister got me this car ornament of my nephew driving a little tykes car. Today I’m driving my neighbour all over the fucking place doing chores (as is apparently my job) and she asks me if the baby’s mine.
Ma’am. Where do you think I’m hiding this baby at this point???
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lookismfanfics · 8 months
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞
Jake Kim Fic.
Notes: I will give you no warnings and I fully expect you all to question my mental stability. (Y/N) is AFAB
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Something was different about Jake’s mornings now. He had a new mattress, set an alarm, and did live in a small apartment. That’s not what he meant though. It was a different feeling. A sudden jolt in his stomach and a slight panic whenever he awoke. It only lasted a few seconds before he returned to his numb state of consciousness. A sight panic. It wasn’t immediate… in fact a few minutes into his morning routine always passed before he felt it. Suddenly he’s come to the realization that he was alone, but not completely.
He wasn’t used to waking up, glancing over his shoulder, and discovering a warm bundle of… a person… laying beside him. It still weighed on him. He wasn’t looking after just himself anymore. He had bigger responsibilities than just Big Deal. He’d avoid it like the plague at first. Slip out of bed as quietly as he could. His feet heavily padding against the floor as he stumbled into the kitchen. Make breakfast, style his hair, get dressed, and then wake the kid. That was the routine.
Jake would help him into his high chair. A high chair Jake hadn’t bought and still struggled to use. He fumbled with the bib, but eventually the kid had it on and he could give him whatever breakfast there was. He knew, deep down, helping a toddler wasn’t that hard. Especially when he was sleepy still. Jerry could strap him into that high chair in a heartbeat. Somehow Jake couldn’t. Everyone else seemed more capable of caring for the little tyke except for Jake. And he wasn’t sure how to feel about that, especially since the kid lived with him. Even if the kid didn’t have much stuff to begin with, Jake was happy some items around the house gave him comfort. Items lying around that normally only added to the clutter.
Samuels old jacket; Golden Age pictures; Samuel’s old cigarettes; magazines of women’s clothes; some of Jake’s cologne. The kid loved those things, and Jake knew why. He missed the kid’s dad, too.
Strapping the kid into the car was difficult, too. Jakes fingers fumbled with the baby-seat-straps. Sinu’s car held a lot of memories, especially in the back seat. It smelled of cigarettes back there. Just a little though. Stale cigarettes- Jake didn’t smoke. “Smells like daddy.” “Yeah, it does,” Jake smiles.
Jake smiles a lot for the kid. The kid does make him smile… naturally. Jake walks around, feeling numb and hollow. He goes through the motions. He leaves the kid with the ladies of Big Deal street, and naturally that lifts some weight off his shoulders. There’s only one downside. “Jake! Today we was… folding clothes. And they said ‘just like… yer mama!’ And I said ‘yes!’” The kid slurs his words together before waddling up to Jake and wrapping his chubby arms around Jake’s legs. “Mama mama…”
Another thing that leaves Jake feeling empty, maybe even confused. He never fuels the topic. On the ride home he’ll listen to the jumbled, mumbled words of the toddler, nodding and smiling, giving soft “wow”s in reply. The baby mentions his dad and Jake stops smiling. The baby mentions his mom and Jake asks him to be quiet for a minute. Politely of course. The kid stares out the window.
Jake could ghost the hallways of his apartment for hours. He can spend the rest of eternity clawing for some warmth and wondering why he feels so lonely. He could dodge phone calls for months, not speak to anyone for years, stay by himself for as long as he needs until he’s healed. In reality, he can’t do any of that. Not when he crawls into bed at midnight, then turns in the covers to see the kid already in there. Warm little guy, wearing his pajamas already, pudgy cheeks smushed into the pillows. Jake can’t process anything when he’s a godfather. He didn’t even know it until the parents were gone. He wishes he could hear Samuel’s bitter voice asking, gruffly, reluctantly, if Jake would accept the position. Jake would have said yes. He would’ve done anything for him, especially if it would’ve filled this void of confusion and emptiness he feels right now. When did Samuel ever decide he still trusted Jake? When had he ever agreed to (Y/N)’s insistent arguments? Jake wanted to know so badly. He wanted to hear their voices, in person, asking him. Telling him. He wanted to feel their presence. They didn’t have to touch him… he just wanted to feel that they were really there. Something, anything, because Jake was goddamn lonely. He felt so sick; so empty; so horrible. How could he be expected to heal? How could he move on. How… when that little Samuel lay beside him in bed? How… when that miniature (Y/N) tried his hardest to please him, tried his hardest to make Jake smile.
How was Jake supposed to heal, when instead of the kid wailing about missing his parents, it’s the godfather sobbing into his pillow in the middle of the night. How can he teach the kid to walk on his own, when Jake himself can hardly crawl? Jake doesn’t want to participate in this kid’s life when all it seems to do is drain his own. When did he become such a pity-party? When did Jake Kim become such a sour wuss? Maybe it was the moment his hands went numb. His body tingled and his stomach dropped. His mind shut off. But he was crying. He was crying a lot. The moment when everyone froze… everyone panicked, because their boss was crying.
Jake didn’t want to be alone in this apartment. He didn’t want to have to wake up, eat some breakfast, and then realize he had to make another serving for someone else’s kid. He didn’t want to sit in silent solace, waiting for some form of comfort to come to him. He didn’t want to be alone. He wished he wasn’t so adept at hiding his emotions. He wanted help. He wanted Jerry’s help… maybe; or else Lua’s help. Or maybe he wanted a long talk with Jason or Lineman. Maybe he just wanted to sit quietly with Brad. It all sounded so nice. Nostalgic. The only activity that actually excited him… made him feel warm inside… was being with Sinu. But not just Sinu. Of course, Jake wished for the impossible. He would kill to stand, just the three of them on the pier. Sinu, Samuel, and Jake.
He wanted to hug (Y/N) again. He wanted to feel their touch, smell their hair, listen to their voice. He loved (Y/N). The way they laughed, the way they whispered. The way they confided in Jake about everything. About Samuel… about being pregnant.
Jake wanted Sammy. He had stopped using the nickname in his head… but he realized that it was the only name that felt right.
Jake didn’t even realize he was crying until he felt the teardrops on his pillow. He felt two little hands shaking him. He heard a trembling voice. “Jake…” Iseul sniffled. (Y/N) had picked the name out. Jake loved it. He sat upright, wiping away at his tears hastily. It was hard to get toddlers to stop crying… he had no idea how the kid would react to seeing him cry.
”Y-Yeah, what is it buddy?” Jake wipes his nose and smiles serenely. Like plastic. Iseul crawls into Jake’s lap, lighter than expected. His head leans against Jake’s chest and the kid’s little hands attempt to grip onto his shoulders. “Please don’t cry… please. I’m sorry I make you cry.”
“You don’t make me cry,” Jake assures, his brows shooting upward in surprise. “I was just feeling a little… it’s nothing kiddo.”
Jake is a bad parent. He’s a bad parent to Samuel’s kid. In his head he knows he could do better, yet his body doesn’t seem able to function like a proper parent. “Yeah I do…” Iseul nods, his face rubbing up and down on Jake’s sleeping shirt. “Cuz I look like daddy.”
Jake feels his throat tightening. “Yeah you do.” His voice feels hoarse. Lips trembling, he plants a soft kiss against the kid’s head. A miniature best friend. The person Jake has been craving for. He smooths back Iseul’s dark head of hair. If they styled it a bit he’s look exactly like his dad.
“I miss my mommy and daddy.” Jake feels wet droplets on his shirt. He has to close his eyes to steady his breathing, not at all prepared for this conversation.
Tiny, pudgy hands form fists. Iseul pounds his hands against Jake’s chest, screaming and begging to have his parents back. His little body shakes as he demands for his parents. A feeble voice shouts for them back, and Jake can’t answer.
This goes on for a couple minutes. Jake forgot to breathe. He didn’t realize all his replies were muddled by his own sobs.
The kid calms down, eyes red and bloodshot and tiny body heaving for air. Jake wraps his arms around Iseul tighter. “Iseul I’m so sorry… that I can’t do anything about that. Really. If I could I would bring your parents back. But they’re de… they’re d-” he pauses for a few seconds.
“Your parents are gone. And I know neither of us are really yet but… I’m as good of a dad as you’re gonna get.” He apologizes in his head if he sucks at it.
The kid sleeps. Jake does too. Tired from crying, tired from hiding his feelings. He doesn’t feel ready to move on. But… he’s got a kid now.
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nannymcpee · 2 years
A little shopping trip….. After a quick breakfast, bottle and nursing cuddles I dressed my boo bear in some cute grey trackies and a pink T-shirt. I’d thought about putting him in a onesie but I just can’t resist that nappy peeking out of his waist band. We had a couple of minutes before we had to head off so popped to the park for a quick play on the swings where I pushed him as high as he could go. Then into the car to try out his new makeshift car seat. He looked so safe and cosy in it. Loaded up with stuffie (Harvey the teddy bear), dummy and sippy cup we set off. We got to the shops early so I nursed my darling boy from the car before we headed into the shopping centre taking Harvey for the trip. As we headed straight to the toy stores holding hands my boo bear suddenly stopped and pulled on my hand then reached out for a cuddle. I snuggled him into me with Harvey between us and rubbed his back for reassurance. Then he nuzzled into my neck and I heard his cute little grunts and felt his tummy muscles contract against me. My heart fluttered with excitement as I realised he was filling his nappy. The warm fuzzy feeling inside me grew bigger and bigger as I cooed and reassured my baby that he was ok and such a good boy for mummy. I held him a little longer enjoying the closeness between us and sharing in our secret together. Eventually we ended the cuddle and carried on to the toy shops. We admired all of the Lego displays in the Lego store. Boo bear requested that one day his nursery be decorated in only Lego Christmas decorations for Christmas time. In Hamleys Toy store we played with the games on display and I caught my cheeky little tyke trying to run off with a Bluey toy set. Once I took it off him I treated him to a Bluey Weeble as a compromise. He was very happy with his toy and practically skipped out of the shop. We stopped to get lunch, a sausage roll and ginger bread man while sitting at a picnic bench by the pond and watched the ducks and had plenty more cuddles. We had time to look in one more shop then visited the disabled toilet for a nappy change before heading back home. Boo bear lay down on the floor while I got him all cleaned up. As I was taping him back up into a clean nappy I watched my darling boy sucking on his dummy and cuddling Harvey. He was looking at the wall above him and tracing the cracks with his finger. He looked so adorable and was completely lost to his little head space. I think time stood still for both of us in that moment. The love I felt for him completely overwhelming me and tears stung at my eyes. Once his trousers were back on I pulled him up into my arms and briefly cradled him before we both got back on to our feet and headed back to the car. Before leaving the toilet I caught my sweet little Prince admiring his nappy bulge in the mirror. Back in the car I nursed him again and he wriggled and thrusted, clearly enjoying the feel of his now warm, soggy nappy against him. I rubbed the front of his nappy to increase his enjoyment. He made the cutest little murmurs and whimpers as he continued to suckle on my nipple. Once he was ready to get back into his car seat I strapped him in and gave his soggy, and now slightly sticky, nappy one last pat and drove toward home. Thank you @mummys-lil-mushbutt for making all my dreams come true and making them so much better than I could ever have imagined.
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Adventures in Babysitting
Gwen Stacy x Spider!Reader
For @spiderfan922
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You and Gwen were definitely being put through the ringer. It started out innocently enough. Peter B Parker and Mary Jane asked the two of you to babysit little May. Honestly it sounded like heaven. You’d get to spend time with your two favorite gals over a nice calm evening.
How wrong you were.
You and Gwen were showing little May how to operate her little web shooter. The little tyke was laughing up a storm as she swung from the ceiling.
“She’s a natural “ Gwen giggles.
“She’s definitely a Parker” you smirk. You give Gwen a little wink. You loved kids and so did she, who knows, the two of you may have some of your own some day.
What you failed to see was May swing out the window. She heard sirens and knew from seeing her dad’s patrols that there was trouble afoot.
“Maymay?!” You shout as you see her swing out.
“Peter and Mj are gonna kill us!!” Your girlfriend yells out. Gwen slips on her mask as you slip on yours. The two of you swing out into the night after the red headed toddler.
For a little baby, May was a natural at swinging. She swung thru the city with ease as you and Gwen tried to keep up with her.
May was practically doing all the techniques that you and Gwen had taught her.
“Thread the needle!” Gwen called out as the three of you swung between two semis.
“Parker Parkour!” You called out as May ran along a building’s windows. You followed suit trying to catch the kid.
It was then that you saw it, a sewer pipe hanging. May corkscrewed through it with ease.
“Corkscrew!!” Gwen called out as she sprung in a tight spin, barely fitting thru the pipe.
“This kid’s too good!” You call out.
May swung low, passing by a restaurant, the very one where Peter and MJ were currently ordering. Thank goodness they had their backs turned.
“Skydive” Gwen called out as she jumped into the open skyline and dived. She sped up to May and caught the baby before swinging back into the cityscape.
“You are trouble” she gave a little tickle to the troublesome tyke.
“Let’s get you home, Maymay” you smile as you and Gwen swing back to the house.
You could practically see the Parker’s car pulling up as you and Gwen got little Maymay into her crib. The little redhead yawns and went right to sleep.
You grab her web shooter and place it on the night stand. You turn to see Gwen worn out from your little adventure.
Gwen giggles in relief as you hug her. Crisis averted.
Peter and Mj walk thru the door as you and Gwen walk down the stairs of the Parker home to greet the parents.
“So I take it May wasn’t any trouble?” Peter asks you with a smirk.
“None at all” Gwen says with a nervous laugh.
“She was an angel, sir” you say with a smile.
“Oh really?” MJ smirks as she pulls out her phone, “cause look what’s on the news right now”
She shows you and Gwen some footage on the news of your little adventure. The attached headline reads SPECTACULAR SPIDER BABY?!
You and Gwen look to each other in defeat. All you can do is mutter, “busted”
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soranihimawari · 7 months
Piece by Piece
A singleparent!au featuring Kita Shinsuke & one kickass paralegal!reader (y/n-san)
Kita is going to be a bit bitter, a bit unkind, and ultimately comes around to knowing that whether or not he steps up to the plate as a parent or not, yn will be there for the child no matter what.
Rating: T/M (teen to mature because of theme)// angst -> fluff
Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x One Night Stand// Kita x Lawyer YN
Word count: tbd
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because in another timeline, this kid is definitely either a gojo or a kita...lolol
it's the holidays in your office in an extremely small town. not very many lawyers typically drive by the open rice fields and farmlands for the city outskirts of hyogo, yet here you were in your little station wagon with a sleeping toddler in the backseat. the little guy was so beat after a long day of paperwork, packing, and travel. he was no older than three and a half, his mother surrendered her rights as she had been scouted abroad and could not find anyone to take her son in. the issue was the kid, who was both an accident and a surprise, happened when she asked her former neighbor from middle school to have this one night stand right before college graduation.
it was an odd thing to hear since usually by that time, people would either have confessed their harboring crushes between middle school and college, yet you can clearly see time was of the essence. the son, or in this case, keita-kun (or 'kk' as you affectionately called him), was the result of such a one night stand. you read and re-read the file so many times, you were flabbergasted to find out you had to travel to your own roots to visit an old friend. would the rice farmer with sharp features and even stricter self-discipline believe your story? would he turn you away at the bitter mention of his one night stand counterpart?
you pause your what-ifs worse case scenario spiral at the stop light right before making the left turn to the rice paddies of one kita-farms. checking your rearview mirror, you see the boy still asleep in his child safety seat, clutching a little plush rabbit which you had bestowed upon him to be brave in the courtroom when his mother had basically legally abandoned him. you stepped in as a guardian on behalf of the prefecture and it's laws regarding minors. however, you think visiting an old friend during an impromptu alumni reunion trip is probably not the best idea, yet it was the only idea. you don't know how, but sunarin and even under the tutelage of ojiro aran, you were coerced to bring the tyke with you.
so, on a friday night, at 18:57 sharp, you pull into the driveway of kita's family home. there's a willow tree the family had planted for his now deceased obaa-san, and you look up beyond the dashboard to the sky, praying she'd guide you somehow from beyond. the little boy stirs, and you gently call his name to him as you get out of the car to open the rear passenger door. by the way, the station wagon you drove was a repurposed police car thanks to your cousin from miyagi winning the police academy auction. regardless, you wake keita a little more. looking now at him, there is no way in disputing the child is kita shinsuke's direct offspring: naturally dualtoned hair; golden eyes; tanned skin from playing outside; the nose of the woman who birthed him (the only featured keita inherited from her); and such a calm demeanor.
"remember keita, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you come running to me and i'll protect you," you say gently to him, unfastening his seatbelt.
"even if papa doesn't like me at first?" keita asks. his voice is so quaint, but you know it's filled with worry and nerves.
"mmhm, but i wouldn't count on him not wanting you," you say. "do you want me to carry you inside?"
keita nods, yawning a little more. "arigatou lawyer-san."
inside, the gathering is in full swing when you knock on the door. atsumu greets you first with the door swinging wide open and silence befalls the living room.
"you had a kid?" atsumu asks bewildered. "why does he look like kita...?... oh my god."
"miya atsumu, this boy isn't mine," you sigh. "he's my responsibility if..."
you scan the room and see kita look paler than normal.
"if his father doesn't want him. his mother surrendered her rights to be his relative five months ago. we couldn't get his birth records from the hospital he was born in burned down a few weeks into the shut down from 2020..."
the door is shut behind you, keita turns to look around the room. there's so many guys he feels overwhelmed by their size he curls back into you and is a little withdrawn, but he observes with his eyes. he takes into account who you're close to. you're offered a seat by sunarin who asks the boy's name.
"how rude of me, sorry kk. guys, this is keita. go on, you can say hello, yeah?"
keita nods and he pushes himself off me, yet he sits in my lap a bit and repreats: "hi i'm keita." to everyone in the room.
we all wait until kita's reaction to having me hold his child registers in his mind.
"i'm kitashin," is all kita says to us both before announcing the firepit should be hot enough to start grilling, so he leaves.
"kita?" you hand keita to sunarin for a bit since he's good with kids and keita seemed comfortable with your best friend within the group. "keita, stay with sunarin. i'm sure you'd love to hear all the stories about the chuppets bets we did as kids, yeah?"
"mmk," keita smiles softly and i kiss his forehead and suna gives me a hopeful look. the rest of the guys do too.
"kita's pissed," atusmu whispers lowly to his brother and gintama.
"but my question is, why did y/n-san take the case? did the one night stand lady trust y/n-san only to tell kita all this?" ojiro asks.
"...mama didn't like me very much," keita says holding his rabbit plushie tighter. "she said i was a mistake."
"kid, that's a little dark," suna replies holding the boy a little closer.
"but y/n-san said i wasn't a mistake, so she asked me if i wanted to get away from the city hall and mr judge said it's ok, so i went," keita sniffles a bit and five former volleyball teammates (two of which were headed to the next world's competition) calm down a very anxious three year old.
the twins and suna try to cheer him up and eventually the rest also so, filling keita’s head of stories of yesteryear when we were all carefree and foolish.
meanwhile, you chase down kita outside in his family patio. he stares at the charcoals and watches the fire crackle and burn the embers into the atmosphere. he places a few ears of corn on the grill top when you are clocked by his peripheral.
"how could you not tell me?" kita's voice is shaken and a bit perturbed. “did you ever think to—?!”
"she asked me not to," your calm demeanor persuades him to exchange a look with you. "it would be a breach of contract, you know that in my line of work it’s binding!”
you cross your arms over your chest and huff out a breath. running was not your strong suit, but you approach the fire and the man in front of it wondering what changed to have him be this harsh.
"you're just deflecting," he is angry, his voice is even in tonality.
an unbelievable thought occurred in your head. was the news that jarring for kita perhaps he’d never want to be involved with his boy’s life? the responsibility too great on his profitable farming shoulders would make him suffer a loss, not a gain? who was he to tell you about deflecting? you’re doing the best you can to, but at least you wouldn’t leave keita and others like him in his kid-sized shoes—kita seemed like he was weighing those options in his head.
"me?" you scoff. "i wasn't the one who called my office and told me he thinks he made a mistake with a woman he barely even acknowledged in middle school!"
that was a low blow and you know it. the ammunition in your tone registers as something kita rarely called someone.
"you're bitter," kita almost bites back a laugh.
"...? why do you think that?"
"you're bitter because i had a one night stand with someone who wasn't you, who’d never be you."
"excuse me?”
your voice cracked as you winced at what he said. turning your way, kita sees the face of an old friend who has literally moved mountains in unwanted foster children’s cases; someone who puts themselves last in case their friends needed support; and the words that wound the psyche are transparent.
the truth hurts, it stings like a wasp to the heart. immediately, kita picks up reality of the harshness of his words and he sees the tears well up in your eyes. quivering but steady, you give up for today and being the peacekeeper you were normally perceived to be, you wipe your face twice as tears of frustration fall down the cheeks kita missed for so much longer than his pride would like to admit, you tell him to not come closer as he starts his apology.
“you said enough, kita. i won’t push any more—keita’s going to be staying with me a while.”
you turn on your heels and before you leave the farmer to tend to his grilled corn, you leave him with this knowledge:
"kita keita, three years old. born in the spring equinox. birth weight was six pounds, four ounces. currently 3.5 years old and 36 inches tall…h-he’s allergic to nothing,” kita sees you struggling with some of the words, but you continue. “keita is strong willed and quiet. loves to chase rabbits and it’s kind to strangers. he met me on the porch of the boys’ home in tokyo when hanma broke up with me and keita gave me the rest of his gummy bears... umm… he is an avid reader although he’s younger than most kids who can. adores the smell of rain after a sunshower...”
your shoulders slump as you deflate, not registering how with every insight you give kita, he’s moving closer to only be out of your reach by centimeters that turn to a few feet when you put the final nail in this conversation:
“i just thought you might want to know more about your son before i sign the legal guardian papers since neither of his parents wanted to take him in and consider his existence a mistake or inconvenience of the universe when really all he needs is someone who deserves the chance to raise him properly with a good heart even in the worse circumstances."
seconds after you leave kita's patio, he sees you walk back into his living room through the sliding glass door, pick up keita from suna's lap. you explain things weren’t going to work out here, the others you’re with were giving you some suggestions on what to do or wonders what happens now? keita, empathetically hugs you tighter when he seemed to settle on your hip, turning his back toward where his father stood, watching you comfort his boy saying soft words.
a few minutes go by and you’re shown the door by ojiro this time.
“kita’ll come around. give him time, yn.”
you nod when you’re handed a a soda and juice box to go by the others, you walk toward your car. kita is sprinting toward you coming from the side door of his family home. keita's in your arms telling you a friend who looks like him is running after you both. you close your eyes and pause your walk a bit before hearing the foot steps of kita slightly jogging behind you both.
"huh?" you shift keita on your hip when kita slows to meet you. "come to yell at me again?"
kita shakes his head, "no."
"then what are you here for?"
keita looks between his birth father and you. the story in his little head isn't like the disney movies he saw at the foster home. it rarely ever is, yet when keita sees kita press his forehead against yours and his arms pull you three closer together, keita visibly relaxes. kita holds you both very close and he chooses his path.
"i'd want to take care of keita," kita says against your cheek. "with you."
"...can we think about this tomorrow over coffee? i have to check in to our hotel on fourth street and third avenue. stop by the lobby at 8a.m.?"
[[one month later]]
kita waits with you after keita's fever landed him in the pediatric emergency room. you never had to deal with keita's fevers being so high during flu season. panicked and frightened, you called kita, who thankfully decided to meet you at the hospital clinic. kita calms you down while keita is heard coughing and wheezing.
"he was just fine a few hours ago, and i thought the fever reducer would worked. and-and-i didn't know who else to call," you pace and kita, bless him, holds your shoulders and tells you you did good.
"...the rest is up to keita," kita holds you and you break down because this kid of his has been through enough. you made sure keita at least goes to spend time with kita at least twice a week since your coffee appointment that time in hyogo. keita has seen so much and learned about the life cycle of plants and he never wants to leave once his father tells him you're on the way.
presently, once keita is sedated and situated in his little bed, the doctors walk out of the room to speak with the next of kin.
"i'm his legal guardian, this is his father, doctor," you introduce yourself to each other.
"what's wrong with my boy?" kita asks, you realize his voice trembles, so like any old friend would do, you hold his hand, squeezing the sides of it in a supportive manner.
"keita's fever was very, very high. bringing him here post ice bath was a good idea... um. i hope pronounce this right, y/n-san?"
the doctor continues to explain that keita has a respiratory infection that can be treated by amoxicillin or the equivalent of it. you need to stay overnight as the legal guardian, since your name matched all the paperwork for keita.
"however, can i get a copy of his records?" you inquire. "i'm a family lawyer by trade and i want to make sure keita-kun was well taken care of by his mother before she abandoned him?"
kita turns to look at you bewildered his counterpart during the probable first and single memorable time he's ever had sex with someone was with a person who would consider a child an unfortunate mistake.
"yes, yes i can. let me call records and have them print out a copy for you both, ok?" doctor nods before he heads down to another patient room post giving us the ok to go into keita's room.
keita's peacefully sleeping in his superhero pajamas, his little body buried beneath the blankets keeping him cool and warm at a healthier temperature. you move to sit on his bed and kita takes the rollaway chair and he looks between you and his boy.
"irina-chan abandoned him?" kita is mortified.
"she surrendered her parenting rights," you correct. "i came to pick up keita the night before driving to your place last month...i didn't remember that the rest of the old team were coming over too until ojiro and suna told me."
there were steady beeps of keita's vitals echoing in the room. bold numbers illuminate the screen.
"y'know he called me the guardian star once," you chuckle a little. "it was after we met for the first time and i was letting him play in the playground of the boys' home in tokyo a little later than most kids."
kita is bemused by this.
"guardian star, huh?"
you nod. "you think you can do one better?"
"sure can: glue."
"glue? i'm not a school supply, kita."
"yn, you stuck with him when he needed an adult the most. i bet irina-chan would have lost her mind if she had to take him here..."
"even when you weren't sure you wanted to take him in?"
kita nods, "but that's changed. clearly."
keita stirs a bit and he opens his bronzed eyes.
"hey buddy," you brush his hair out of his face. "ya gave us quite a scare."
"go back to sleep, keita-kun," you curl a finger and stroke his soft cheek and he pulls himself back to slumberland. you whisper the next part of the conversation that needed to be had with kita.
"last night, he asked me why i wasn't with you. can you believe that? keita loves it when you and i are near, have you noticed how he’d run into my apartment the several times you walked us to our door? i’m wondering if does it on purpose to see if you’re going to make a move or not…”
you shake your head at the audacity of this kid asking you to ask kita something that personal.
"well, why aren't you?" kita looks up at you and you freeze. "you already are taking great care of my boy while i sort my own problems out, but the kid's got a point. why aren’t you with me?”
you stay silent, but you hum a lullaby kita didn’t realize you memorized. he is stunned as keita leans closer to you and nudges you in his sleep and you pat his hair to the side, a hand on his chest when you sing the last note: “…and i will stay.”
“granny sang that to me,” he sighs, leaning down on the bed and he looks up at you, the light framing my outline. “you memorized it?”
“had to when keita asked me about how you were as a child…and to answer your question: you never asked me to stand with you shinsuke. i would have stayed back home in hyogo too if you asked me to before i left to pursue law school on scholarship.”
kita is thrown off by the nonchalant way you say you would have stayed when he tried to find the words at twenty years old to ask you to stay—his granny was dying and when she passed, he felt he needed to have some emotions be brought back to him. it’s why when irina, keita’s mother decided not to tell anyone about her boy’s father, returned she offered to make kita feel things again. sex was simply transactional and perhaps in his grief, he was a bit unsafe trusting the word of the woman who would birth his child only to abandon him to pursue her own dreams abroad.
“say it again,” kita now stands in front of you. you honor he maneuvered up out of his chair, cheeks a tinted hue; he seemed determined again about something you said so you repeat the first part and you hone in he wants to say his name again. kita observes the way your lips formulate the syllables of his name; it’s hypnotizing to him. you say keita’s name so effortlessly and kissed with a kindness kita didn’t know he missed.
“say what again? …oh? did you want me to say …your name?shinsu—mm?”
kita doesn’t know when it happens and neither do you, but he suddenly found himself pressing his lips against yours seemingly lighting his dimly lit world into one of technicolor. his hands stay close to your face, steadying your neck when your lips linger each other’s.
your voice is barely above a whisper and you feel him press his forehead against yours like the first night he ran around his house to stop you from leaving. his hand holds yours just as tightly, if not tighter than when he held his sleeping son’s hand in the bed behind you.
“i never noticed how my name could sound when someone who loves me says it.”
you chuckle, remembering that was what one of the hot topics your group chat with the boys™️ from inarizaki sent back as a reply to your question of how to confess after almost a decade and a half of wondering if their former captain ever felt the same about you.
“i’ll say your name for as long as this,” taps his chest. “stays true.”
kita nods before you slide your lips atop his and come the following morning, keita wakes to see you asleep bridal style on his father’s lap on the recliner provided in the room, your head pressed against kita’s chest.
“win for lawyer-san and papa! yesss!” keita whispers to himself and in true toddler fashion, finds the nearest cell phone and somehow takes ten plus photos of you asleep in kita’s hold.
[[three months later]]
courts make you confidence. holding court, makes you nervous. however, being a client for another half of a custody case is quite interesting. the judge and adjudicator of the case for keita's parentage looks between you and kita from her bench. keita has fully adjusted into being a part of kita's life and vice versa. sure, there are growing pains and other hurdles you're sure to help out, yet, here you three were, ready to become a family unit.
"...if no one objects, then i rule this case, file 4323, legal guardianship and parenting rights instated of kita keita, be awarded to y/n, yn and kita shinsuke. congratulations everyone."
you had stayed up late the night before typing out the case notes and kita finds you in the kitchen while he let you stay the night. he makes you some chamomile tea before asking you why you're so adamant about following this through.
"because i aged out the system at seventeen," you say nonchalantly. "i aged out the system and remembered all the cases like keita's. and i'm doing this out of the love and respect i have of you although you almost lost it when i sprung keita's existence to you. you've earned it back ever since that night in the pediatric e.r. with him. you stayed and changed my opinion on you as a father figure. keita needs his father."
"but he also needs his lawyer advocate too," kita chuckles before taking a sip of his tea as well.
in the present, kita keita, now four years old, walks down the street of the family courthouse, grasping the hands of his newly-minted parents. somewhere else in hyogo, inside a house, a huge vase of forget-me-knots is tied with a ribbon addressed to you along with a long overdue question that needed to be answered with a tearful yes and even more prominent kiss.
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