#lots of fluff in the future
quinn-pop · 9 months
mtdd week day 1 - sworn partners
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can you tell i like drawing fluff
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rottenseaweed · 1 year
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it is
the umbrella trope
saw some other creators doing it and thought I’d join in :3
(it’s in high quality so it can be used as wallpaper with no issues)
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teriiblog · 7 months
finn is absolutely the kinda guy who fantasizes abt his own wedding and raising a family like the whole shabam of it all. That guys got the planner and pinterest boards ready.
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lavenoon · 1 year
— “if you tell anyone i like to be the little spoon, i’ll deny we’ve ever met.”
Main AU with Moon? I'm feeling the sweet but playful vibes this morning ❤️
Sleeper Agents, Canon Drabble, ~2.2K Words
Exciting things are happening, with many imminent changes looming close. But Y/N still has to sleep, and Moon makes sure they feel safe as they do. Far be it from him to complain about the perks guard duty comes with.
Gotta give you some lack of chronological order and teasers for what's to come while I initially just wanted to write a little fluff drabble. Based on this (slightly altered) prompt: “if you tell anyone i like to be the little spoon, i’ll deny we’ve ever met.”
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mapleleavesart · 6 months
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Zaylie gives the best hugs
She's fluffy and she has four arms to hold you close with
And she's big (compared to a human. To a 7'4 mutant turtle, less so)
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
You don't ship kaeluc because it's pseudo-incest. I don't ship kaeluc because in a romantic relationship their dynamic would be toxic. We are not the same.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I've done it
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Please excuse my primitive picture taking skills but he's finally done thank god
Technically speaking the pattern is here, for anyone wondering, but I made so many alterations that I'm not even sure if you could call them close to similar anymore, I made it about ten times more difficult than it needed to be
But it was all worth it because he's mine now and he's so soft and I'm never doing this again
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another-clive-blog · 4 months
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I know that I already sent an ask earlier but I haven't decided on a request then. I have an request of a fanfic being about Clive and co hanging out at the bookstore. Like maybe Clive and Luke are looking at some puzzle books together as a way to see who could solve the most.
Thank you so much !! That's such a great idea too !!! The siblings ever ;^;
Alright so this one is longer than usual ! It starts with light-hearted fun, then gets a bit angsty, and then a bit fluffy at the very end. Featuring Clive, Luke and Flora having a puzzle competition and talking a bit about emotions !! (Yes Clive does try. He's less mean here than I usually write him ahah)
It takes place at the library in Chinatown. Layton, Clive, Flora and Luke take a break there before heading to the towering pagoda =)
"This has been nice, but we should go back to our investigation now," Big Luke said politely, although these distractions were starting to be quite the bother. Could you blame him ? All of them were wasting precious time with people and activities that didn't matter, unlike his plan- which was exactly why they should focus on the investigation and quit running around in that stupid library.
"Stop being such a partypooper," Little Luke pouted, "you're giving me a bad name."
Big Luke almost choked. A partypooper ? Him ?? "I beg your pardon ?"
"Well, you're me." Little Luke explained, as if this was somehow the concept Big Luke was failing to grasp.
"That's not-"
"Which means," Little Luke added with a smile, "that I know you love libraries. Because I do ! And the professor said that we could stay here for a few more minutes, so we should take a look and have fun !"
Of course the professor had said so. He was probably busy borrowing hundreds of books he would never be able to return.
Apparently, Little Luke had decided to be annoying today. "Well, that's what I'm gonna do anyway. If you want to stop looking so miserable, you can always join me." He didn't wait for an answer, quickly leaving with a wide grin.
"Wh- miserable ?!" Big Luke- scratch that, Clive was offended. He was not miserable : he was just... standing right outside the store. With his arms crossed. And a frown on his face.
Because they were all annoying !! Not because he was a partypooper. And he would prove it to that brat ! "Alright, you asked for it. Hey Little Luke, I have a fun idea !"
Luke's face brightened with joy when he saw his future self join him among the rows of books. "Yeah ? What is it !"
Oh, Clive would absolutely wipe that excited smile off his face. "Let's see if we can find a book about puzzles. Maybe we could have a competition !"
Luke was practically jumping up and down now. "I'll look in this pile of books !!" He said before immediately diving in.
Wow, the kid was... really into puzzles, uh ? And here Clive thought that he was following the professor around solely for the title of apprentice : maybe there was more to it than a kid trying to feel important.
It- eh, it didn't matter. He was absolutely going to beat the brat at his own game.
Big Luke started looking among the books right in front of him. He didn't know any of these books- he didn't even know if there was a book about puzzles here. He had only supervised the city's construction : he had asked for a library, not what was inside. Who had decided on that ? Dimitri ? The books were mostly about science, so Dimitri probably had-
"What are you looking for ?"
Big Luke almost screamed, but he didn't. He was a twenty three-year-old man, a criminal, a gentleman, and most importantly- he was in a library. "Can't you keep your voice down and behave a little ?!"
Flora giggled. "Oh, I'm sorry. It was just too tempting, but you're right. I shouldn't have surprised you like that."
Clive took a deep breath and pushed away the seven first replies that came to mind. "No, it's quite alright. I'm sorry too. What was your question ?" Big Luke asked with a barely strained smile. Why were they all testing his patience today ? They -purposefully ?- made it incredibly hard to keep up the act.
"It's fine !" Flora smiled. "I was wondering what you were doing. Little Luke seemed very excited, and he only ever acts like this when the professor gives him an especially difficult puzzle."
He... did ? "Uh. We were- we were looking for a book about puzzles. To have a puzzle competition." Big Luke stammered like an idiot. Very uncharacteristic, she was definitely about to call out his bluff now.
"Really ?! Can I join you two ?" Flora's voice was maybe a bit loud, but Clive decided to let it go.
Big Luke smiled serenely. "Sure, why not ! But we have to find that book first."
Flora enthusiastically nodded, a delighted smile on her lips. "I'll go look this way !!" And with that, she left a confused Big Luke behind.
Alright, that was... weird. Either these kids loved puzzles to a concerning amount, or... or what ?
Maybe this was a trap. They were trying to get him to slip up, reveal too much by acting so weird around him. Maybe they were glad he gave them a way to figure out if he really was Luke, because there was no way these kids weren't going to beat him- they were basically fed puzzles since birth. He was going to get absolutely destroyed.
Well, it was too late to back down now. All he could do was try his best at the puzzles and not act suspicious : and if this whole thing turned sour, he could always escape and get to the mecha first. He knew this town better than they did, knew all of its secrets.
Alright, alright, get it together. It didn't have to come to that. Maybe they wouldn't find the book before the break was over. Maybe there wasn't even a book to start with-
"I found it !" Luke yelled from the other side of the story and quickly apologized when gently hushed by Layton, busy reading a huge encyclopedia.
Oh, great.
"Yes ! Another win for me !!" Flora celebrated, and Luke shot her a nasty look, trying his hardest not to pout. With this victory, Flora and Little Luke were back to a tie.
And Big Luke was one puzzle behind.
It wasn't catastrophic. His opponents had far more experience and the greatest mentor anyone could have asked for, while Clive had none of that. He was doing pretty well, given the context.
But he needed to do better.
"Alright, that was well played," Little Luke finally smiled. Flora's joy was contagious, and he was having fun anyway. This puzzle competition was a great idea !
"Thank you," Flora said before turning to Big Luke with a grin. "Your turn !! Here is your puzzle, Big Luke..."
Clive frowned, staring at the page. It wasn't an easy one- of course it wasn't. They had deliberately chosen the hardest section of the book, these little brats. 'So that we get a bit of a challenge,' according to them.
Clive was already dealing with far too many challenges- for example, him pretending to be Big Luke. That one was going just great. What were they going to think, if he couldn't solve that puzzle ?
Because he couldn't, despite how much he tried. None of his attempts worked, none of the hints helped. He was going to fail. What should he do now ? Maybe-
Little Luke and Flora shared a concerned glance, before Luke suddenly closed the book.
Big Luke startled, looking at him in confusion. "I wasn't done," he pointed out.
Little Luke didn't say anything, only avoiding his gaze, so Flora did. "You're not having fun," she simply explained.
"What ?" Oh, he was done for. Luke loved puzzles, Luke wouldn't stop a puzzle competition because he wasn't having fun. "Of course I am. I-"
Flora held her hands up, interrupting him. "It's fine ! With Luke, we thought that... erm..."
"You're really struggling," Luke finished. "...It's because of the Professor of the future, isn't it ? You don't like puzzles anymore."
Clive just stared.
"It's hard not to notice differences between you and Little Luke," Flora gently explained. "But you seem... less enthusiastic. About puzzles. And... us, too. So we thought..." She got quieter and quieter, before she stopped speaking entirely.
Something finally clicked in Clive's mind. "Oh no- no no no ! It's not- I'm not- It's okay."
"Is it ?" Little Luke asked in a small voice. "You don't look okay."
"Things have been-"
"Are you okay ?"
Clive fell silent. Why were they asking him that ? They truly believed he was Big Luke, which meant that he didn't matter to them. The narrative here was that they were trying to keep this future from worsening and then they would go back to their own time. Big Luke was supposed to disappear, one way or another.
Maybe... maybe that's what scared them. The idea that things would disappear, that change was unavoidable- that familiar and pleasant things would become a source of pain. It was- it was a lot for a child, Clive realized.
He remembered things being a lot as a child.
"You will be," Clive gently told him.
"You didn't answer," Flora pointed out. Now that he really looked for it, Clive noticed that she sounded quite unhappy too.
They really were worried and scared.
Clive didn't know how to handle this. He wasn't really big on emotions and feelings or whatever, and why would he be ? It's not like stupid Dimitri and him would talk about their lives around a nice cup of tea.
But he couldn't just brush them off. "Listen," he sighed, "I don't know. Things are a bit crazy right now, so it's hard to say. We'll know in a few hours, I guess."
The kids still looked sad, but nodded nonetheless. Great, so his job was done. "How are you two doing ?" Clive asked, for some reason, although he had decided he was done.
Probably to make his whole Big Luke lie more believable.
"I'm... a bit scared," Flora admitted. "Well, not scared- I know the professor will fix everything. But things here are still... concerning. And sad."
Clive nodded before staring at Little Luke : the latter kept his head down. "I'm not scared. We're going to fix everything here."
Well, that sure sounded familiar.
He was supposed to answer, wasn't he ? What would someone who wasn't him say ? "It's... okay to be scared. It's a lot to deal with, and no one expects you to fix it all on your own," Clive said. Constance... used to tell him that. Why was he only remembering these words now ? "But whatever happens, you'll be okay. My life kinda sucks, but yours don't have to. Change the things you can change, learn from people's mistakes, talk to others, I don't know. Just don't let it end that way." Well, that part was not Constance's.
Flora laughed. "You're still very bad at comforting people."
"Hey !"
Clive smiled. "Some things never change."
"I'm very good at comforting people !" Little Luke protested. "I can prove it ! Bring me someone who's feeling bad !!"
"I'm good," Flora said, and she sounded genuinely happier.
"Well, Big Luke ?" Little Luke stared at him. "You did say that your life... uh..."
Clive scoffed. "I'm not asking a 13 years old for advice."
"You're just scared I'll be better than you, again," Little Luke smirked.
Clive crossed his arms, mocking his friend. "No, I'm not. And you know what ? Let's redo this puzzle competition. I'm going to beat you this time."
Flora hesitated. "Are you sure ? The professor-"
"The professor is busy," Clive replied. "What, are you two scared of losing ? That's pathetic, truly-"
Little Luke was already opening the book, looking for a new puzzle. "Alright, but you asked for it. If the professor wants to ground someone, I'm not the one who started this thing." He seemed even more excited than the first time.
"This is so much fun !!" Flora clapped her hands, waiting for the first puzzle.
Surprisingly, Clive found himself agreeing with her.
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funnibluecreturs · 1 month
Hello! :D
Friendly reminder that the Smurfs are canonically ticklish. :)
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angllicjk · 2 months
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Been working on a pt2 for ‘Lies, Beautiful imperfections and Yours’ & it’s almost finished. Here’s a snippet on what it’s going to be about, plus some content. I’m rlly excited to get this out soon. Ya’ll rlly ain’t ready for what I’ve got planned. I love you all so much 🫶🏻 mi amores
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thetacoshellturtle · 1 year
Bonding time or something idfk
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I think they're watching Jupiter Jim or something idk I just know I wanted to draw Leo and his future self with little Leo being absolutely adorable He is STIMMING But like Also with my own designs of them I just realized I think I accidentally took the arm and leg stripes from 3sc whoops- But I also used actual red eared sliders for inspiration, so idk
I really need to get back to work on my fic-
Watch me as I constantly change Leo's design and where his scars are I am sort of keeping future Leo's stupid fucking "nipple" scars because it's way too funny to leave out
Anygays Yea, I headcanon Leo's missing some teeth after- the invasion Specifically after the prison dimension
idk, manz was spewing out blood like one of those fountain statues
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youchangedmedestiel · 8 months
My six first Destiel fanfics
I'm self promoting my fics. I hope you'll enjoy reading them. If you already did, thanks A LOT, I really appreciate it.
I hope they will make you smile at least :)
Salty Dean
Cas has been human for months now. Sam, Dean and Cas go on a hunt together. It is supposed to be an easy salt and burn. And it is, but the watchman of the cemetery surprise them, because of the fire they start in the grave. So they have to run, Dean and Cas on one side and Sam on the other. Dean and Cas end up in an alleyway and do more than running.
Inspiring Fanfiction
After episode 10x05, Dean discovers fanfics about Destiel thanks to Marie, the high school girl that directed the musical play about their lives based on Chuck's books. She sends him some fic links to read. That’s how Dean ends up reading the one fiction that disturbs him in a way he couldn’t have imagine.
Happy 15th anniversary
Cas and Dean woke up in their bed together on the morning of their 15th anniversary. They met 15 years ago and remembered what happened that day. They decided to celebrate this together, as they should.
Leaving with memories from the future
(Warning for light angst). When his future self goes on a mission and leaves him tied up in a cabin, Dean manages to escape and goes find Cas. Chuck tells him where he is and when he enters his cabin, he is surprised by what happens. Cas knows who he is but he acts like he didn't notice.
Cosy Sunday morning
After defeating Chuck, Sam and Eileen are together and Cas and Dean too. They all keep hunting while switching teams. Sam and Eileen are out of the bunker on a witch hunt, while Cas and Dean rests lazily in their bed to recover from their previous werewolf case. Dean just likes lying on Cas. Fluff ensues. (Maybe some smut in a future chapter, I don't know yet).
Beautiful soul
At the end of episode 10x03, Dean is cured from being a demon by Sam and Cas's intervention. Sam leaves searching for drinks and food and Cas goes to check on Dean in his room. He enters Dean’s room but doesn’t tell him that he looks terrible, on the contrary. He can finally see his beautiful soul again.
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Hey, this might be someone seriously dumb, but I saw the lore about Twig’s name and Grovyle’s lost name and thought of this dumb angst: Grovyle telling Twig (and the others) that he has decided to go by a different name and asking to be called by that. Twig doesn’t really think much about it, but later on finds out it was the name she gave Grovyle back before she lost her memories. There’s the fact that he wouldn’t tell her about that and the miscommunication that causes some issues. This is seriously dumb tho I just wanted to get it off my chest tho. ^^;
Anon when I tell you there's a scene in the fic where it goes much more fluffily but still with oodles of angst I—
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belethlegwen · 2 years
A Tale of Hobbies and Hammocks
Hello Today, I made a hammock. It's been a project of the last couple of days. I bought the materials on Sunday afternoon, and have been pouring over Nate Large's YouTube videos for how to make and rig an American Navy-style Hammock for quite some time. I initially found them through significant research I was doing for The Rescue and The Stranding and I learned a ton from Nate's videos. You may remember some time ago, I got myself a reference-Henry:
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This guy is the full 8 inches Henry claims to be (Henry is only 7.2") but he's handy to have around. Since I got him he's been milling around on my desk for the most part, has come on a few purse adventures and so on, but I kept feeling bad that I didn't have a designated place for him to sleep. Well, a bed wasn't going to cut it. So, I reference again: Mr. Nate Large.
It started simply enough: I bought some fabric samples that resembled canvas enough, bought some D-rings because I figured they'd be easier to work with, needles, fancy thick thread, and came back to get to work. The first thing I did was start on the clews, and that required building a clew jig, as seen in this video. I am not a handiman by nature nor a particularly skilled or crafty creature in general, so I jimmy rigged something with a chunk of furniture board I had lying around from something:
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On the first one the D-ring was too close the comb I was using as pegs, so it's adjusted in the second picture. Honestly I'm pretty proud of this McGuyver-level setup.
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I didn't know how many loops I was going to be able to make for the clew with the measurements I had (again, nothing is completely precise just because I was going by rough estimates, eye-balling, and a general hit of a 10.4% scale of everything) so I kept this one pretty tight, which was difficult BUT it got the job done. Toothpicks for runners and thumbtacks as far as the eye can see.
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The first completed clew, I had somehow missed literally the first loop but being as it was still functional, I kept it. If I had to scrap and start over at this point, I'd put the damn thing down and never pick it up again.
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Second clew I went ahead and spread the loops out (there's 10 instead of 12 by the way, which I forgot to mention above). I hit all the loops this time on the finished product and am very very proud of having done both tiny weaves. Next step was the hammock. I took the white fabric I had, cut it twice as wide as I needed it because I wanted to try and replicate the thickness of the canvas I assumed would be used, and did the only stitch I know (needle go in, needle come out, needle go in again) to close up the open side and turn it inside out. I'm actually pretty proud of this especially because I only stabbed myself once! In the thigh, so it barely even counts.
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I used a little hair flat-iron I never use to iron the fabric between stages. One thing I did NOT do was fold and sew the seams at the end, and that was literally because I realized that the measurements I had been using were for Canon-Henry, not Reference Henry. Canon-Henry is 10.4% scale, Reference-Henry is 11.6%, which is a pretty big difference when you're measuring the lengths of hammocks.
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No I did not do grommets
I've never done grommets in my life and wasn't about to try and learn at nearly a 1/10th scale. I was crazy enough for doing THIS in the first place, I can ignore the need for awling and grommets and whatever else would've needed to happen for COMPLETE ACCURACY. Theater of the mind, friends. Anyway, I used the largest yarn darner that came in the pack I bought to poke 10 holes at equal intervals (1.4cm apart) along the sides, and then used the need to string the loops through the holes, and using a girth-knot on the first loop over my itty bitty rope, I slipped the rope through the rest of the loops until girth-knotting the end, and then: VOILA
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This was the first clew, so you can see in the second picture that one of the loops a little janky, but again: that's aesthetic problems. It's still very functional.
Second verse, same as the first until we get us:
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Our hammock was now ready for testing, but I was too lazy to go get my ring-light stand to take proper pictures with, so the first demos were done with the use of the clew rigging board:
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Henry in the hammock while slack, Henry in the hammock while tight. Snug as a bug in a rug.
Then, obviously, had to find a place to actually hang it. So: Over the storage-cubby in my desk, which I desperately need to clean out.
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So that's the story of how I spent an excessive amount of time learning a very cool, neat set of skills at a very small scale just so I could flex a little.
Thanks for coming along on this journey of learning, and thanks again to Nate Large, whose name he will never know is so god damn on-point right now.
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hellcheerficdatabase · 10 months
Baby blues
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 7/9 (Part 2 of Eddie and Chrissy’s life series)
Chrissy and Eddie have overcome all the circumstances that warred for them to be apart. Now adults with successful careers, they tackle their biggest challenge—parenthood
A sequel to My Beloved!
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, future fic, Rockstar!Eddie, Director!Chrissy, established relationship, fluff, smut, lots of smut, alternating POV, multiple chapters, status: WIP
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
In turn, Randall squeezed her hand back, as he drew in a deep breath. Despite his best efforts, clinging to the notion that his parents would at the very least be understanding once everything was laid out on the table for them, seeing that Emily really meant him no harm and that they truly were in love, there was no denying that growing cold pit in the bottom of his stomach, worsened only by her suggestion. A part of him sort of wanted to (however lamely) protest, instead suggest they save it for another day, and just enjoy themselves for now...
...he knew, in his heart, she was right. They would have to tell them at some point, and it was better to do it now rather than later; Randall had never been one keen to lie to his parents, and he knew the guilt of keeping such a massive secret from them would eat him up from the inside out. Thus, it was just better to get it out of the way-for both his and Emily's ease of mind.
"You're right," he sighed, as he brought her closer, wrapping his arm around her as he nodded, "They...they do deserve to know. I'll, uh...I'll give them a call in a little while, tell 'em when I'll be home, and that you'll be with me. We'll...we'll tell them together."
He punctuated this with another loving kiss, this one pressed to her cheek as he reassured her, "It'll be alright, Emily."
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