#love nikki requests
jackalopesao3 · 1 year
💫My Inbox Is Open!💫
Obey Me!
1. If you only want specific characters or just a few excluded - please tell me. Otherwise I will be including all of them (aka Thirteen, Raphael, and Mephistopheles) except for Luke for obvious reasons.
2. You are allowed to ask for a second matchup if you’re curious or didn’t like the results of your first matchup.
3. Preferred pronouns? Hobbies? Tell me anything you’d like about yourself.
1. Absolutely no Luke included in anything NSFW. I will not do an “aged up” Luke either. Do not ask. Your request will be deleted. He is a child.
2. I try to do ALL characters for my HCs. Sometimes I get tired or crunched for time so if there are ones you specifically hope to have included - let me know.
3. I will write for dark AU versions of Obey Me. @getlitaesthetic’s version is my main inspiration for this but sometimes I make it just a bit lighter. Please check her tumblr out if you’re into that! I’ll happily do HCs for any type of dark Obey Me AU. The only things I won’t write are: animal and child abuse.
4. If you request something involving another fandom/crossover and I am unfamiliar with it, please be prepared that I may be unable to fulfill the request. I will try my best to research anything I’m unfamiliar with but please be understanding if I mess anything up.
Fic Requests
1. Rules from HC’s also apply here.
2. One-shots preferable and any sequels will be at my discretion.
3. Do not ask me for a word count/ specific length. I write what I feel is necessary to convey the story and project the emotions.
Shining/Love Nikki HC’s
1. No NSFW with minor characters. I will not age them up either. They are children and will remain so. Any requests like this will be deleted.
2. Follow OM!’s HC rules.
I am just coming off of a year long hiatus. I am chronically ill with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, Gastroparesis, as well as intermittent migraines. I work full time in case management so it’s mentally exhausting. I do answer all my asks but sometimes it takes a while.
I also took a break from OM! in general due to an old phone and crappy internet. However, I have a new phone and high speed internet now so I’m all caught up in SWD and current in NB!
Much love!
They/Them She/Her
Fandoms I’m knowledgeable about besides OM! & Love/Shining Nikki: Pokemon, Time Princess, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, ASOFAI, LOTR, Walking Dead, several Webtoons, Snowpiercer, Bleach (have not read or seen new stuff but did read the main manga until the end), some GTA V (only bc Steven Ogg is delightful) Music: Soccer Mommy, Queen, Mitski, P!ATD, Ghost, AFI, MCR, Blaqk Audio, Alice Glass, Dreamcar
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dcreekgifs · 1 year
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BIANCA LAWSON as NIKKI GREEN  in Dawson’s Creek (1998-2003) 
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firstgf · 2 months
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ɞ  reblog & credit to use . ₎₎ click
☆        no id/me tags .gift for @fwus
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rain-co · 4 months
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♡ : Nikki stimboard - x x x | x ♡ x | x x x - for @prinxe-of-darkness
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stellacaerulea · 2 years
Normal people react to Infinity Nikki (part 1 of ?)
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user-boxer · 24 days
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This user loves Yume Nikki and its fangames
Requested by: @friskdreemurr00
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gluttonyedits · 1 month
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requested by anon: Ozeca sprite edit with a black fluffy cloak
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A9 Nikkir
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She probably just mauled a bird or something
It's Nikki with A9!
Crazy girl was so fun to draw I actually ended up coloring her! ...and I'm just now realizing I didn't color her buttons, whoops! oh well, I still think it came out pretty nice
Also I see that Nikki picture, I'm thinking that just maybe she's your favorite?
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tophsazulas · 2 months
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Too bad your ex don't do it for ya
Walked in and dream-came-trued it for ya
Gwikki - Espresso (Sabrina Carpenter)
(Requested by the lovely @iammyownsaviour)
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Could you do one where Tom decides to prank reader by locking her in a closet or something but doesn’t know she’s claustrophobic
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Claustrophobic || Tom holland
Warning: Panic attack, tears
This is short sorry
Summary: You and Tom have been best friends for a very long time now. You are very close to the Holland’s, you even have started a little prank war. However when the brothers try to prank you by locking you in the closet, it doesn’t go to plan.
You don’t even know when the pranks even started. But they eventually got serious and  escalated from there. At first you wasn’t involved, until one day, by accident, you got pranked by Tom instead of Harry who was meant to fall over the marbles on the floor. Obviously you was the one who had to run through the hallway and fall. Tom did apologise multiple of times, but you wanted to get him back.
Now you were all waiting for someone to pull the next prank. The last prank was one you and Tom had done on Harry. You both had taped clingfilm to the door entrance so when Harry would run in he would run into it. And Of course he believed the fake shouting about Tom needing help. He ran straight into it, it pulling him back harshly throwing him back and onto the floor. To say he was angry was an understatement.
You was now sitting in the kitchen on one of the tall stalls, talking to Nikki with a cup of tea in your hands. Nikki was like a mother to you, she knew everything about your problems or your needs.
“So I was thinking into looking for a apartment” You told her, you now being eighteen meaning you should be able to afford one soon with your job.
“That’s amazing sweetheart, do you know if it would be close by?” She asked, standing across from me with a smile.
“Yeah, I’ve actually seen one near here in Kingston. It’s small but it’s perfect for me. I’ll let you know if I look into buying it then you can come look at it in person with me if you want?” I take a sip from my tea.
“I would love to come. Would be nice for you to finally live by yourself”
“Yeah I was also-“ You we’re cut off by the feeling of someone’s hands pulling your waist, you instantly let go of your tea placing it down. You simply thought one of the boys were giving you a hug, when your head turns to the side you see a smirking Tom. “Stop-Tom No! I’m trying to have a conversation” You scream as he picks you up from the stall, throwing you over his shoulder.
“Darling it’s prank time” He smirked as you kicked about.
“I’m so sorry Nikki!” You shout as he started to walk up the stairs. “Thomas put me down!” You start punching his back as he walks up the last couple of steps. You then hear giggle from the top, you turning around a little to see Harry, Sam and Paddy.
“Oh look who it is. y/n. This should stop your little pranks” Harry smirked as Tom put you down, still keeping his hands on my waist.
You were all in the hallway so you was confused on what they was going to do. Then Paddy opened the small closet behind you, making your eyes widen.
The closet was very small, it just had some cleaning products and random things inside. “No, No. STOP” You yell as they start to push you into the small closet, them being stronger so you were now inside.
“We will let you out in 5 minutes” Tom told you before slowly closing the small doors. You bashing it right after, panicking looking around the tight space.
The boys didn’t know this but you was extremely claustrophobic. You hated tight spaces, they always brought panic attacks and made you feel like you couldn’t breathe.
“Tommy! L-let me out! I-I can’t breathe” You start to feel your breathing get heavier as you spoke, kicking the small doors with your legs. “PLEASE LET ME OUT” You cry.
You felt like the walls were closing in on you, like there was no oxygen in the small room. Your chest kept falling up and down as you tried to slow your breaths, but more tears came out.
“I-I can’t breathe. P-please let me out. Tommy!” You sob once more, the boys then caught on hearing your cries. They didn’t open it at first as they thought you was joking about with them. You had now been in there for 2 minutes, your panic attack starting.
Tom worryingly opened the small door, looking inside to see if you would laugh and say it’s a joke. But when he saw your tear stained cheeks, while body shaking and hearing your heavy breathing, he knew it wasn’t a lie. He quickly pulled you out, feeling guilty as ever.
“I’m so sorry, love. Shit. Breathe, y/n, Breathe” He cooed trying to help you, your sobs just escaping more. He looked towards his brothers and they had the same expression as him, guilt.
You couldn’t control your breathing at all. “T-tom.. I-I can’t breathe.” You cried once more into his chest feeling the same feeling as before.
“What’s going on?!” Nikki walked up the stairs hearing all the commotion going on. She saw you in Toms arms, having a panic attack.
Harry spoke up, “W-we wanted to prank her we locked her in that closet for a joke-“ Nikki interrupted him thinking about how stupid her sons are. “She’s claustrophobic how did you not know that!” She panicked looking at her idiotic sons for letting this happen.
“y/n look at me…breathe” Tom told you holding your face in your hands.
“I-I can’t.” you finally looked into his eyes, calming a little just by them.
“H-hey. It’s me, Tommy. Focus on my breathing. Take a deep breathe in…and out. In….out” He repeated this with you a few times until you had finally calmed down. Your head buried in his chest. “I’m so sorry darling, we didn’t know you was claustrophobic“ He kissed the top of your head.
“i-it’s okay Tommy. You guys didn’t know-thanks” You smiled taking the glass of water Nikki brought from downstairs for you.
“Just very small in there” You chuckle a little trying to make light of the situation.
“Boys how long was she in there for!” Nikki had her hands on her hips waiting for one of her sons to answer.
“2 and a half minutes?” Paddy said scared of what his mum expression would be, it wasn’t a good one.
“You dickheads, you should’ve let me out when I first said. I was literally crying and you lot just laughed holding that fucking door” You tell them.
“We’re so sorry y/n” They all apologied again feeling really guilty.
You couldn’t stay mad at them, there too cute, especially Tom. “It’s okay guys. I’m just out with this prank wars now, it’s getting a bit frustrating” You all chuckle in agreement by that comment.
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yume-rollie · 4 months
Guys give me ships to doodle on paper, happy Valentine's!
~Asks open 🩷
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mechanicalweirdo · 2 years
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littleguys of shinynikki. you can hold them in the the palm of your hands
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journalofmoonlight · 6 months
I like to see how slutty I can be on here before my irl friend texts me screaming.
The last time was last week when they proposed to me and said I am actually their soul mate and if my fiancé ever screws it up we should move to Ireland together.
So obviously we picked out a house.
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
Trev and his father don’t get along. Trev is too loud and too odd for his father. Part of Trev’s crush on Jimmy is based on his obvious daddy issues, though Trev would never admit to that.
Trev is gay and has been semi-out for a few years. He doesn’t hide that he’s gay but he’s not going to Pride every year either. However, Trev’s experience at Bog to Beach that one year (and seeing Bob dancing so freely) gives Trev the courage to go to Pride the next year. He meets Marshmallow, who takes him under her wing, and he has an amazing time the whole weekend.
Jimmy is vaguely aware of Trev’s crush on him. Despite otherwise being an asshole, Jimmy doesn’t comment on the situation, both because it makes him extremely uncomfortable and because he does actually care for Trev. Jimmy isn’t going to reciprocate but he’s not going to call Trev out and embarrass them both.
Trev is firmly in denial about his crush on Jimmy. Jimmy is just his best friend and boss. He misses him when he leaves because he’s the most fun and interesting person that Trev knows and that’s all. Once in a great while Trev does think deeper about his feelings for Jimmy but that usually ends in Trev watching bad action films to drown out the truth in car chases and explosions.
Trev loves bad movies. He could watch “Joe Dirt” or “Manos: The Hands of Fate” and their ilk over and over. What counts as “bad” is subjective but if it’s campy or weird, Trev is all in.
Trev loves his lizards like they’re his children. He’d also like to have actual children at some point but his pets are plenty at the moment. Trev gives all of his lizards bad pun names.
Trev is the most stable adult man in the Pesto kids’ lives. He’s an honorary uncle to them and they like him (probably even better than their actual father sometimes). Trev would like to do more for the kids but he doesn’t want to upset Jimmy. Trev is especially close to Jimmy Junior because of their similar upbringings.
Trev wants to be friends with Bob and Linda but he’s too loyal to Jimmy to approach them. As Jimmy’s (sloowly) softening towards the Belchers, Trev is tentatively reaching out now and then. He doesn’t expect them all to be one big happy restaurant family but a deep, deep subconscious desire of Trev's is that they could all be friends and actually hang out together regularly.
Trev has ADHD (diagnosed) and autism (undiagnosed).
Trev loves novelty mugs and has an entire cupboard of them.
If Trev and Teddy ever actually hung out they'd get along like a house on fire. Teddy loves to learn about people and talk, and Trev loves to be noticed and supported. Their fights would be legendary, however, since neither is very good with regulating their emotions (or the volume of their voices).
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imagininghim · 1 year
hi! could i request a Tommy Lee doc based on the song Runaway Train by Soul Asylum in which the reader is 19 and is the runaway?
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Trigger warning - Domestic abuse, depression, self harm, and drug use.
Please read at your own risk.
Like, comment, reblog!
"Call you up in the middle of the night Like a firefly without a light You were there like a slow torch burning I was a key that could use a little turning
So tired that I couldn't even sleep So many secrets I couldn't keep Promised myself I wouldn't weep One more promise I couldn't keep"
With shaky hands I held onto the payphone, contemplating on calling him, he had told me before to call anytime I needed him and at a quarter to one in the morning it felt just as good of a time as any.
I let out a sigh as I picked up the receiver and dialled out his number. The phone began to ring as panic fluctuated throughout my body.
"Hello?" A tired and slightly annoyed voice answered.
"Tommy? Is that you?" I heard shuffling before he responded.
"(Y/N)? What's up? It's almost one in the morning, are you okay?" Tommy said as panic laced his voice.
"Uh-y-yeah" I began, stuttering a little. "I was wondering if you could come pick me up?" I could hear the shuffling of his bed sheets before he spoke again.
"I can, what's going on?" Tommy question, looking for his keys. I fought back the urge to cry as I spoke up.
"Please, just come get me." A tear slipped down my cheek.
"Alright, I'm on the way. Where are you?" Tommy said opening his car door before taking off down the road.
“I’m on the corner of sunset and boulevard, please just hurry.” More tears slipped as I tightened the strap of my backpack on my shoulder.
“I’m coming, I promise; I’ll be there in five minutes.” Hanging up the phone, I let out a shaky breath. I moved to the edge of the sidewalk and took a seat, the clouds above began to rumble and open up above me.
It seems no one can help me now I'm in too deep There's no way out This time I have really lead myself astray Runaway train never going back Wrong way on a one-way track Seems like I should be getting somewhere Somehow I'm neither here nor there
I waited in the pouring rain for Tommy's headlights to appear. Eventually, he drove up to me.
"(Y/N), holy fuck! Get in, you're soaking wet." He said leaning across to open the door. I slid into the passenger seat and closed the door behind me. "What are you doing out here? What's wrong? What Happened?" He immediately started bombarding you with questions.
"Please, can we just go. I'll answer all your questions but please just drive." I begged, holding back tears. Tommy gave me one more worried look before turning and shifting the car into gear and taking off down the road.
As we drove, I could feel Tommy's eyes on me, I shivered under the weight of his eyes and the cold from the rain. We stayed quiet the whole ride, with only the sound of the radio on low volume filling the empty space. We eventually we pulled up outside his house and he got out and ran to my side to open the door before shuffling me in side.
I wrapped my arms around myself as we made our way to the door and inside. Making my way inside, I looked up to see how big and beautiful his house was, a glass chandelier hung from the ceiling while two staircases wrapped around to meet in the middle of a balcony.
"Let's go upstairs and get you something dry to wear." Tommy said, making his way up the stairs as I continued to stand in front of the door. "(Y/N), you coming?" I nodded, sliding off my shoes and making my up the stairs and into his room.
Can you help me remember how to smile? Make it somehow all seem worthwhile How on earth did I get so jaded? Life's mysteries seem so faded
I can go where no one else can go I know what no one else knows Here I am, just drowning in the rain With a ticket for a runaway train
And everything seems cut and dry Day and night Earth and sky Somehow I just don't believe it
I stood in the doorway of his room, looking around while Tommy went rummaging through his closet for something I could wear.
"I think this could work," He said returning with an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts. "I know it may be a little big on you but you can wear it while I put your clothes in the dryer." I nodded, taking the clothes and thanking him. Tommy gave me a small smile before taking a seat on the bed. "So, you gonna tell me what's on the go?" I let a sigh, dropping my bag off my shoulder and onto the floor before laying the dry clothes next to it.
"I don't know where to start." I began.
"At the beginning." I sighed before continuing.
"It all started after you left and went on tour, I was lonely at first but I met this really great guy, his name was Johnny and we met at a bar that I was working at. At first, he seemed super great, we went on a few dates and everything was going perfect." I could feel Tommy's stare burning into me but I couldn't look him in the eye as I continued. "That was until about a year ago when we moved in together, he had lost his job so I moved in to help him pay for things until he got back onto his feet but that was the thing, he never did. Sometimes he would get upset because he wasn't able to find work and he'd get mad and push me or slap me but then he would feel so bad and apologize. I always forgave him because I knew he was struggling."
"Hold up, wait a second. He was hitting you?! Why didn't you call me?!" Tommy exclaimed standing up in anger.
"You were on tour! I didn't want to bother you, plus he didn't do it all the time. It only happened when I didn't do the laundry or if I burned his supper." I could see the anger flash across Tommy's face as I continued. "Well, that was until the drugs. At first it was just weed, but then the stuff got harder which meant he got more mad and would hit me more often. It got to the point, where I would wear long sleeves to cover the bruises or sunglasses to cover the new shiner he gave me the night before." At first, I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face until Tommy reached over and brushed them away.
"(Y/N)..." Tommy began but I continued.
"Tonight was the worst of it, he came home smelling like brewery and cheap perfume, he had hickeys on his neck and I couldn't believe he was cheating on me. I tried to stand up for myself and tell him that this was the last straw but then started hitting me and kicking me, I was barely able to get away until I locked myself into the bathroom and snuck out the window. I ran and ran, until I found the nearest payphone and called you. I jus-" A sob began forming in my throat as I struggled to hold it back. "I just didn't know who else to call." And with that, I broke down. Tommy immediately wrapped me into his arms and held me as sobs wracked through my body.
"It's okay, you're safe now. I got you." Tommy kept whispering into my ear as he held on tight.
"I'm sorry I never reached out after you left, I didn't want to make him mad. I never forgot about you." I said in between breaths. Tommy continued holding me as he spoke.
"I know, I never forgot you either. Now, get changed, you're not going back there, you're staying with me." I wiped the tears away and gave him a small smile before turning my back to him and begin removing the wet clothes. It wasn't until I heard him gasp that I stopped but before I could pull the shirt back down, I felt Tommy's hands on me. "Did he do this?!" He questioned angrily.
I knew exactly what he was talking about, the black and purple bruises that laced my sides from when he kicked me. With a small whisper, I responded.
"Yes..." Before I had a chance to react, Tommy was out the door and down the stairs. "Wait! Where are you going?" I yelled over the balcony.
"To find that son of a bitch and put him in an early grave." But before I could respond, Tommy was out the door and speeding off down the driveway.
Runaway train never going back Wrong way on a one-way track Seems like I should be getting somewhere Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Bought a ticket for a runaway train Like a madman laughing at the rain A little out of touch, a little insane It's just easier than dealing with the pain
It was little later into the night when Tommy returned. I stood up from his couch and made my way to the front door, to see a bruised and bloody Tommy.
"Oh my god, are you okay?!" I questioned rushing over to him.
"Yeah I'll be fine, the bloods not mine." I looked down in concern at his bloody t-shirt but before I could react, Tommy's hands came to cup my cheeks. I stared into his hazel eyes. "You will never have to worry about him laying another hand on you again."
"Okay." Was all I could muster up to say. The next thing I knew, Tommy had his lips pressed against mine in a gentle but firm kiss. I was taken back but returned the kiss back, as we pulled away he spoke.
"I love you (Y/N), I always have. I will never let anyone hurt you again. You will never have to run again because I'm not going anywhere." Tears began welling in my eyes.
"I love you too Tommy." And with that, I pulled him in for another kiss.
Runaway train never going back Wrong way on a one-way track Seems like I should be getting somewhere Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Runaway train never coming back Runaway train tearing up the track Runaway train burning in my veins I run away but it always seems the same
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munsons-melody · 6 months
putting the x in sixx
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summary: you and eddie go to a party in LA where your old celebrity crush, nikki sixx, starts to hit on you
pairing: rockstar!boyfriend!Eddie x female!reader
cw: mentions/insinuates sex, mentions of alcohol, etc, established relationship w eddie, little smutty towards the end
recommended song: girls girls girls by mötley crüe
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i wrote this after i watched the dirt last night, also not proofread at all :)
requested? no
part 2 can be found here
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring your new outfit... leopard print pants with a black corset top, your hair teased and hair sprayed to the gods, and your usual makeup, only with a little extra here and there
"hey babe we should probably get a move on cause-" eddie stopped in front of the bathroom door, giving you a look up and down and finishing with a wolf whistle
"jesus" he breathed out, leaning on the door, staring at your outfit causing a small blush to creep up on your face
"you like?" you asked sheepishly, already knowing his answer
you often didn't wear scandalous outfits like this, opting for the most basic t shirt, jeans, and your lived in reeboks that never got a day off but now that you and eddie were out of hawkins for the week as corroded coffin were playing shows at the sunset strip in LA, you figured you'd get less stares wearing an outfit like this
"i love" he purred, stalking closer before locking his lips with yours into a passionate kiss, his hands gently cradling your face as his tongue slipped into your mouth and your hands snaked up to his neck
he started trailing down your exposed neck, and you smiled, knowing what he wanted to do instead of heading to this party gareth heard about and was very persistent in everyone attending, hearing rumors of other rock gods showing up
"eds, as much as i know you'd rather stay here and do this, we really have to get going" you giggled, and he stopped kissing, leaning his head on your shoulder
"do we have to?" he mumbled, his voice vibrating into your chest
"gareth wants the whole band to go with just incase anyone cool happens, hey who knows maybe you'll run into mick mars or kirk hammett" you laughed
eddie moved his face to meet yours, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you in, almost like he'd lose you if he let you go
"already checked, metallica is playing in ohio tonight so slim to none chance I'll see kirk" he said, leaning in for one last kiss before he unwillingly pulled away, walking over to his bag and slipping on a old cut up band shirt and fixing his studded belt
"eddie" you groaned, checking yourself one last time in the hotel mirror, seeing your lipstick smudged
"what" he replied with the same annoyed tone you had
"you ruined my lipstick" and he let out a small laugh
the car ride from the hotel to a massive mansion was fairly short, and you, along with the rest of corroded coffin, stumbled out of the car onto the driveway that you were sure could fit 10 of you and eddie's shared apartment
the music from the house was blasting and you wish you knew half these people, or whos house this even was but alas, you were just as clueless as the boys as you walked into the mansion
people were everywhere, you couldn't walk more than 2 feet without seeing a drink or bottle of alcohol, music was blaring, the lights were nice, adding to the ambience of a party
eddie grabbed your hand, lacing together your fingers as he motioned a "come on" and you followed, leaving jeff, dougie, and gareth to themselves
you and eddie walked to the giant kitchen, where you heard a voice yell "oh my god, are you eddie munson?" eddie immediately turned to where the voice came from, seeing tommy lee and nikki sixx leaning against a table, drinks in their hands
eddie looked at you with wide eyes, suppressing a giant smile which showed a mix of "oh my god they know who i am" and "oh my god they know who I am"
"go" you whispered, lightly nudging your boyfriend towards the two rockstars
he let go of your hand and headed towards them, and they greeted eddie like they were old friends even though they'd never met before in their lives
they immediately started into a conversation, you only heard bits and pieces but it was all shop talk about guitars solos, tour dates, etc.
you took this time to get a drink, walking deeper into the kitchen
you saw an opened pack of beers, and grabbed one out, opening it on the side of the counter (a helpful trick eddie taught you a few years back), and took a few sips, admiring the amount of people at this party and listening to the songs that were playing in the background, barely heard over the amount of people talking
you went to take another sip when you felt a presence next to you, and you look to your left to see none other than nikki sixx
dumbfounded that your old celebrity crush of a few years was standing next to you, you stuttered out a hello and he smiled
"y/n... right?" he asked and you nodded, a taken aback and confused look writing onto your face as he held his hand out to shake yours
"eddie told tommy and i about you just now, thought i'd come say hello" he said with a smile, leaning against the counter and inched closer
"well hello," you said, however, your voice moved faster than your brain processed, and it came out more flirtatious than you intended
maybe it was the subconscious part of your brain that was excited the guy you fantasized about before you met your boyfriend was in front of you, but now all you could think of now was showing him you weren't interested and that eddie was all you cared about
"so eddie's a pretty cool guy.." he said and you looked over at eddie who was engaged deep in a conversation with tommy, a drink in both their hands
you looked back at nikki who took a swig out of a jack daniels bottle he held in his left hand
"yeah, he's so cool i've been with him almost 4 years" you joked, awkwardly taking a sip from your beer
"you ever think about expanding your horizons?" he asked, the flirtiness in his voice increasing
"expanding to what?" you laughed, brushing off the awkwardness and hoping your heart rate would slow down
"to the room upstairs, there's a perfect little balcony overlooking the beach where no one can hear us...." he leaned in closer, his breath hot on your neck
"or see us... me fucking you senseless, my grip on your waist as my thick cock pumping in your tight little pussy, making you scream my name" he finished, leaving a hot, open mouth kiss on your neck under your ear
you felt a few shivers go down your spine, along with heat traveling to your core as a blush spread across your cheeks as you turned to face him
if this was a few years ago, before you met eddie, you wouldn't care that you'd be just another girl in the millions of his roster, you'd be halfway naked in the kitchen on your knees by now
but it wasn't a few years ago, this was now and even though you had the one man you had the biggest crush on literally beginning to have sex with you, but you also was dating someone you had an even bigger crush on
"i- i can't" you stuttered out, looking up at eddie and moving alway from the grip he had around your waist
it was like eddie could read your mind cause he turned around to see you with nikki, and him and tommy came sauntering over
eddie immediate wrapped an arm around you, pressing against your back and pulling you close, causing nikki to stand up straighter next to tommy
"what were you two chatting about?" eddie asked with a smile and nikki shrugged
"not much, just getting to know one another" nikki said, sending you a wink
"holy shit you're mötley crüe" you heard jeff say as him, gareth, and dougie walked up to tommy and nikki
"well half, you guys must be the rest of corroded coffin, right?" tommy asked, extending his hand to fist bump the boys and they all nodded excitedly
"hey while we're all here, let's talk tour dates, we've seen a show or two, and we need an opener" tommy said, extending an arm around nikki and gareth, walking off to where there was an opening on one of the couches, leaving you and eddie by yourselves in the kitchen
you turned around to look at his face, gently holding it with your hand as his arms wrapped around your waist
you kissed him gently and he kissed back, eventually pulling away with a smile
"uh, i just wanted to tell you, nikki hit on me... just now... when you were talking to tommy..." you told him
"oh wow..." he said, trailing off, looking over at nikki then back at you
"well, they always say don't leave your girlfriend alone around motley crue... i guess that actually is true" he chuckled
"yeah, but... he did tell me about this private room upstairs, incase you feel a little jealous and want to take it out on me" your voice again travelled faster than your brain as eddie's eyes darker, a smirk crawling up his face over his lips
"well what did he say exactly?" eddie asked, pulling you in closer and slowly moving his hand down your lower back
"something about screaming his name while he's fucking my tight little pussy-" you cut yourself off, kissing eddie
he pulled away, your foreheads touching
"did he get you all worked up? huh pretty girl?" he asked, staring to move his hips against yours and you whimpered out a yes when he suddenly stopped his movements
"i can't have you hot and horny for some other guy now can we? i guess i have to show you who can make you feel really good not some doped up rockstar who can’t please you the way i can..." he said again
you just nodded at him, staring, feeling like if you take your eyes off him, you wouldn’t get your release
“let’s take this upstairs, shall we?” he asked, extending one hand to yours and his other to one of the bottles of alcohol sitting on the counter opposite of him
you started to head upstairs when mick mars walked up to the two of you, stopping your path upstairs
“hey eddie, right? nikki was telling me all about you!” he said enthusiastically
“later mars, i gotta please my girl” eddie said in a rush, and the two of you ran upstairs to the bedroom
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