#luke alvez x y/n imagines
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Synopsis - Everyone on the team has their vices. It just so happens that yours is sat across the table looking at you.
Pairing - Luke Alvez x Female Reader
Warnings - smut. cursing. luke has a gorgeous filthy mouth.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 1.6k
Author's Note - my baby my baby my BAAAAAABY!! I have been in love with this man for years and years and I can't believe I haven't written more for him. if you ever have a luke request, please send it to me. love him with my whole heart <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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Vice - a weakness of character or behaviour; a bad habit. "Cigars happen to be my father's vice."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Italian food."
The entire team laughs, faces illuminated by the warm yellow lights in Rossi's backyard.
"Yeah, no shit," Tara retorts, looking pointedly at Dave. "Doesn't take a behavioural analyst to figure that one out."
"Look, you asked the question, I answered."
He reclines back in his chair and takes a sip of his wine, looking around the table.
"Okay Tara, you go. What's your vice?"
She chuckles to herself before confessing.
"Super steamy period romances."
Everyone bursts into more laughter.
"Wait, what?"
"What kind?"
She's clutching at her sides as she answers.
"All kinds! Movies, books, TV shows. If it has corsets and sex, I'm in."
Your cheeks are aching from smiling so hard. You're not sure who first raised the initial question, but it's really allowed you to get to know each other a little bit deeper.
"Okay, enough about me. Simmons, what's your vice?"
"I have six kids. I don't have time for a vice."
He sounds serious, but he's grinning as he says it.
"I think the six kids are a result of an old vice."
The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, several glasses of wine almost obliterating your verbal filter. Your team howl with laughter.
"No comment," Matt wheezes, wiping tears from his eyes. "Golfing is a safer option now. No risk of unplanned surprises."
"I had to change mine after kids, too," JJ chimes in. "I used to smoke cigarettes after bad cases, but I can't anymore. What kinda mom would I be if I lectured the boys about the dangers of nicotine, and then got caught chain smoking in the backyard?"
"A cool one," you shrug, yelping when she jokingly punches you in the arm.
"What about you, hotshot?" she asks, the whole team turning their attention to you. "What's your vice?"
You desperately avoid any eye contact, trying to play it cool. You just know Luke has that glint in his eye as he looks at you pointedly.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Oh, fuck," you groan, fingers threading into the dark curls of his hair.
"Shhh, honey," he murmurs, lifting his head from between your legs to look up at you. "You and I both know how much trouble we'll be in if we get caught."
He dives back in, tongue gliding and flicking all the spots that make you keen. You slap one hand over your mouth, the other grappling to hold onto the leather beneath you.
"Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" he taunts, condescension dripping from his tone. "The thrill turns you on, doesn't it, baby? The risk of getting caught only makes you hotter."
You whine against your palm, bucking your hips to urge him to keep going.
"What do you want, princesa? Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."
He loves this. Loves hearing you beg. Loves having you relinquish complete control and let him take care of you. Loves that he can turn you, the most independent, headstrong woman he knows, into a whining, needy mess.
"Fingers," you croak out. "Make me come, Luke, please."
He grins up at you like the cat who got the cream, self satisfied smirk never leaving his lips.
"Okay, baby," he soothes. "Since you asked so pretty."
He slides two fingers into you with embarrassing ease, crooking them in the way he knows you like.
"Oh, sweet girl, what would the team think? Huh? What do you think they'd say if they saw you like this, letting me finger fuck you in the backseat of my car in the parking garage?"
He's muttering lowly, under his breath, but you hear him clear as day. He loves to patronise you, tease you, get under your skin. In everyday life, he treats you with the utmost respect. In bed, not so much. You love it.
"Couldn't even wait until we got home. Poor baby, just had to take the edge off."
His eyes meet yours, like a magnetic force. His gaze is so dark, it has you squirming in place.
"It was the shirt," you choke out. "Fucking shirt."
"Hmm?" he hums against you, the vibrations pulling you closer to the edge.
"Your shirt," you moan as his thumb finds your clit. "Makes your arms look so, fuck, so big."
Oh, you shouldn't have said that. You can practically see his ego inflating.
"I'll let you wear it tomorrow morning, if you want. If you can still walk by then, that is."
You're right on the precipice, orgasm almost within reach. If he keeps talking to you like this, you'll be at the finish line in no time.
"Oh, I've got a better idea. Why don't I fuck you in it?"
The idea makes your head spin, sending you straight into your climax. Sharp white heat licks up your spine, curling your toes and arching your back. Your grip tightens in his hair and he groans, low and honeyed.
"That's it, baby," he's murmuring. "Ride it out. Good girl."
You finally relax, melting into the leather seats. Luke crawls from his position to lean over you, resting his body onto yours. He kisses you gently at first, then dirtier as you come back to yourself.
"My place or yours?" he whispers against your lips.
"Yours is closer."
"Mine it is."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Hello? Earth to Hotshot?"
JJ nudges you playfully, grinning at you from ear to ear.
"What you thinking about?"
"Nothing," you stutter, clearing your throat. "Nothing at all."
You make the mistake of lifting your gaze from your lap. There, staring at you from across the table, is Luke Alvez. You almost wish you could slap that smug smirk off of his face.
"Come on, girl!" Tara hollers.
"Everyone has a vice," Spencer begins. "You have to. Especially in our line of work. We have to have some kind of outlet. Some sort of release."
Release. You almost choke on your wine, patting yourself on the chest.
"Yeah, no. I, uh, I like British reality TV. I guess that's mine."
The team laugh, everyone teasing you relentlessly. You risk a glance at Luke, and regret it immediately. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and chuckles, knowing look in his eye. You're petrified for a moment that he can read your mind.
"Okay then Spence. Your turn," you prompt, desperate to take the attention off yourself.
Spencer starts rambling about quantum physics, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Yeah, this is what you needed, isn't it baby?"
You try to respond, but Luke's huge hands wrapped around your throat are making it a little difficult.
"My poor sweet girl, just needed some relief huh? You sick of being in charge all the time? You want me to take care of you?"
His tone is low and melted, the timbre of it settling into your bones. All you can do is whine and nod your head in response.
His hips repeatedly snap into yours, his body melded to you. He's completely smothering you with his weight, but you don't mind. You like the closeness.
You lean up to kiss him, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. He's swallowing your moans, leaning his head forward to rest against yours.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty," he groans. "You gonna come for me, mama? Give me what I want?"
"Yes," you breathe. "Yes. Please, baby. Please."
"Who am I to deny you when you beg so fucking sweet?"
The hand that's not around your throat snakes between your sweat slicked bodies to rub circles on your clit, throwing you over the edge.
Your back arches, hips writhing on Luke's soft cotton sheets. You're squeezing him so tight he's seeing stars.
"Oh fuck baby, oh fuck."
Luke goes boneless, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. He releases his grip on your throat and wraps both arms around you, pressing you together impossibly closer.
"We get better at this every time," he chuckles.
You smack him jokingly, before bursting into laughter. Soon, the two of you are crying happy tears, revelling in the afterglow.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"I'm gonna get a refill. Anyone need anything from the kitchen?"
You stand from your seat and make your way inside, taking note of the replies.
"I'll help you," Luke says, rising to join you. Neither of you see the way everyone at the table looks at each other knowingly.
You're barely through the door when you feel him against you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He presses a kiss onto your shoulder, murmuring in your ear.
"I'm your vice, aren't I?"
You shake your head, breathing out a laugh.
"In your dreams, Alvez."
He nips at your neck before continuing.
"Admit it. I'm your dirty little bad habit that you just can't kick."
You turn in his arms to face him, running your fingers through his hair.
"Talk the talk all you want, Luke. You and I both know this works both ways."
Your quirk your brow at him, and he leans in and kisses you chastely.
"Old habits die hard, huh?" he grins.
"Wouldn't have it any other way," you smirk back.
Outside, the team decide they'll continue to let you both lie to them for a little while longer. It's more fun for everyone that way.
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thelukesalvez · 9 months
Luke Alvez x Reader: Broken Glass
Description: Luke has a bad day at work and accidentally takes it out on you.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Yelling, angst
A/N: another repost :)
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The front door slammed suddenly, practically causing you to jump out of your skin. The pictures hanging on the wall rattled because of the sudden impact.  
You were in the kitchen, in the midst of drying off a dish you’d just washed when Luke came bursting through the door. You waited cautiously, immediately recognizing that something about his demeanor was off. If you’d learned anything in the two years you’d been together, it was that Luke rarely got angry. And when he was, it usually translated into him just being quiet for an evening.  
This felt different. He threw his jacket on the floor and tossed his keys on the table, letting them slide across the wood, obviously not caring where they landed. He made no effort to greet you, or even acknowledge your presence.  
A lump formed in your throat, making it harder and harder to breathe. You hated confrontation– ever since growing up in a home where yelling and screaming was the norm. Any sort of tension instantly brought you back to the long nights of hiding in your bedroom with a pillow over your head to block out the noise. And tonight, tension was radiating off from Luke, suffocating you. You had to say something.
“How was your day?” you asked nervously.
Luke walked right past you to the cupboard, grabbing a cup. He proceeded to the fridge, totally ignoring your question.  
You bit down your lower lip, your anxiety just growing more and more intense.  
“Is everything okay?” You asked. Luke continued to pour his drink, showing no sign that he even heard you. 
“Did something happen?”
He set his cup back down, leaving it on the counter before walking towards the stairs.
“Luke?” You said again, worry evident in your tone.
“What?” he snapped, spinning in his tracks and staring at you. 
“I just– um, is everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said in a voice that suggested anything but. He turned and started up the stairs again. 
And of course you just couldn’t keep your stupid mouth shut. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh my God. Can you just leave me alone for one goddamn second?” 
“I just wanted to make sure–”
“Enough!” he yelled harshly, slamming his fist into the wall. 
Your eyes widened as the impact, combined with Luke’s suddenly loud voice made you jump, the glass dish in your hand falling to the floor, shattering around your feet. You snapped out of your trance, looking down at the mess you made and anxiety flooding through you. Shit, shit, shit. Not only could you not shut your goddamn mouth, but now you broke a dish, and were crying and shaking like an idiot. 
Your whole body shook and you could feel the tears fighting their way to your eyes. You waited for the yelling– the berating. 
Can you do anything right? Your father used to ask. 
You idiot! Dumb! Useless, useless, useless. 
You choked back a sob, nervously kneeling down, tucking your hair behind your ear and trying to pick up the broken glass. Maybe if you could clean it up fast enough, it would minimize the impact of the situation. 
“I’m sorry–“ you whispered, it was so quiet though, you doubt Luke heard. “I’m sorry,” you repeated. You were so anxious you didn't even grab a dustpan, you just started collecting pieces in your hand as quickly as you could. Your vision quickly became blurry, your cheeks wet.  
“Shit,” you heard, but you can’t stop. You were frantic, grabbing whatever you could off the floor before Luke would get more upset about it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Useless, useless, useless. 
By now you were a wreck. The tears had taken over and were flowing steadily down your face. You couldn’t really see what you were collecting off the floor, all you knew was that you had to keep cleaning it up.
“Y/N, stop–“ you heard.  
It was distant.
It was just background noise.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you saw a figure kneel beside you and before you could push him away, Luke’s hands were gripping your own, forcing them open. “Give me the glass,” he said, his voice noticeably calmer. You dropped the pieces, vaguely hearing them clatter to the floor. As soon as the shards were out of your hand, he was pulling you into his chest.
“I’m sorry,“ he breathed, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Luke’s head rested on top of yours. “I’m so sorry.”  
“I have to clean it up–“ you whimpered.  
“Shh,” he soothed, leaning back so that he was resting against the cabinets. He tugged you with him, your body falling against his chest. He rocked you on the floor like that, his arms wrapped around you securely. Your breathing was choppy and you were still shaking so violently. Luke gripped your arm with his hand, holding you steady and trying to calm you down. He muttered soothing words into your ear, planted gentle kisses to your temple, and repeated soft I’m sorry’s over and over again, until you could breathe again. 
Only then did you feel Luke shift. “Let’s get away from the glass.”
He supported the majority of your weight, all but lifting you off the floor and guiding you to the dining room. He stood in front of you. Your eyes felt so heavy.  
Luke grabbed your hands, holding them out in front of you and scanning them. “Did you cut yourself?” he asked, running his own hands over your skin.  
You shook your head.
He pulled you into his chest again, crashing his body against your and pressing his hands into your back.  
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell–“
You nodded into his shirt, pinching the fabric between your fingers and breathing in the smell of his skin. “It’s okay,” you whispered, just wanting to forget this ever happened.  
You felt Luke shake his head above you. “No-I’m-“ he almost apologized again, but he paused. “That wasn’t okay. Nothing about that was okay. I shouldn’t have yelled, and I definitely shouldn’t have hit the wall. I had a… a really shitty day,” he sighed. “But that’s not an excuse, and it’s not your fault.”
You pulled back, looking him in the eye. You knew Luke saw things at his job that haunted him. You saw it in the nights he woke up panting and gasping for breath because he had another nightmare. You saw it when he’d zone out randomly, like flashes of something horrible were running through his brain. You hated the fact that there was nothing you could do to help with any of it. 
“You can talk to me, you know? I know I’m not a profiler, and I know I won’t always understand what you’re going through, but I’ll always listen.”
Luke nodded carefully. 
“That’ll probably save us quite a few glasses in the future,” you added teasingly. 
He nodded, smiling slightly and kissing the top of your head, “I don’t think I’m ready to talk about this one yet. But, I’ll remember that next time,” he said.
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tlou-reid · 6 months
Fearless ❆ Luke Alvez
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☃︎SUMMARY: luke is so so so smitten for his girl.
☃︎WARNINGS: this is tooth-rotting fluff and i am not sorry about it
☃︎NOTE: i love writing for luke <3 that is my bf fr pls send requests for him when they are open again!
☃︎swiftmas masterlist!
There’s something ‘bout the way the street looks when it’s just rained. There’s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car.
Luke’s hand was protectively around your waist as you stepped out of the restaurant. He was laughing at something Emily said, looking away from you but holding you close. You felt bad, keeping the waitress there just until close. Everyone had gotten wrapped up in the conversation, not realizing the team and their partners had been sitting there for almost three hours.
Luke’s attention turns back to you as you start to step off the curb. “Woah,” he smiles, stopping you from pressing your pretty high heels into the puddle that had accumulated. He stepped down, comfortably placing one hand on each side of your waist. He lifts you, just briefly, to get you over the puddle. Then, he gently places you back on the asphalt.
Your feet plant on the ground and you let out a giggle, reaching down to hold his hand. “I didn’t even realize it had rained.” He declares, before waving a final goodbye to where Emily and JJ are heading to their cars.
The parking lot was empty besides the team’s cars and the few employees that hadn’t left yet. “Thank you,” You smile at him again, moving your hand to his muscular bicep, and pulling him closer to you. “Of course,” he had a wide smile on his face, one that showed his dimples. His brown eyes were full of fondness as he looked at you.
“Whatcha looking at?” He asked, walking around to your side of the car. His hand reached to open the passenger side door for you when you answered. “The way the streetlights reflect off of the puddles.” Luke’s gaze followed your eyes, seeing the way the lights looked like little diamonds in the water.
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there, in the middle of the parking lot.
You’re about to sit in the passenger seat when you get an idea. “Hey, Luke,” you call for his attention. He watched as you looked around the parking lot. The rest of the team had pulled off, leaving just you guys there. “You wanna dance?”
Even though Luke had been up since six o’clock this morning and his muscles still hurt from the case they had wrapped up, there was nothing he wanted more than to dance with you in this deserted parking lot.
He let out a chuckle, reopening the door all the way for you, and said, “Absolutely.” Luke didn’t think he’d ever seen you smile as wide as you were right now. You placed your feet back on the ground, reached for Luke’s hand, and pulled him to behind the car, where there was plenty of open space for you to dance.
You went to turn around and pull him close so you could begin swaying with him, but he was gone when you reached for him. Luke made his way to the driver’s seat, reaching in and turning on the car, He, then, turned back to look at you. “What do you wanna dance to?” he asked, holding his phone up. You let out another giggle, “Play Taylor Swift!” You called. Luke knew that was going to be your answer.
Lover quickly began playing through the car’s speakers. He left the door open and turned the volume all the way up. You would’ve been embarrassed if the moment wasn’t so sweet. Luke sauntered his way back towards, emphasizing the swing of his hips.
He reached out for you, pulling you close and swaying your bodies together. “I love you, princesa.” He whispered into the crown of your head as the song reached the bridge. You didn't answer, but the way you leaned your head onto his shoulder told him all he needed to know.
You two danced the entire song, he even sang the words into your ear. When it ended and you pulled away, you flashed him the biggest smile you could muster. Luke laughed, “Another?” Before you could answer, the sound of the crew from the restaurant interrupted you.
You shook your head no because of this, not wanting to be embarrassed by the people around you two. “Let’s go home,” you smiled at him, excited to crawl into bed and enjoy his body heat. Luke nodded, once again going to open the passenger side for you.
Once you both settled in, you started to sing along to one of your favorite Taylor Swift songs:
“We’re driving down the road, I wonder if you know, I’m trying so hard not to get caught up now…”
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CM Meet Cute (or not) Challenge 📚☕️
The following are prompts including a Meet Cute/Ugly scenario (any first-time-meeting)! Reader or OC, Gen/Platonic, AND Character/Character fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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☕️ Generic Prompts 📚
Character gets locked out and their neighbor picks the lock for them.
Characters get the same coffee order. They both reach for it at the same time.
Characters get paired up at the work event icebreaker.
Characters both duck for cover under the same tiny storefront when it starts pouring.
Character is knocked into a stranger’s lap on the bus.
Characters are both stood up at the same date spot.
Character sits next to a stranger in the theater, but the two end up bonding when there’s a technical glitch.
On Character’s first day at the new job, they get stuck on the elevator with their new coworker.
Character breaks their heel/slips on the way into their new job. Their new coworker manages to catch them.
Character accidentally dumps their coffee on someone in a very dramatic fashion.
Character accidentally causes someone to slip and fall. They try to help them up, but they both fall down.
Characters are sat together on a long train ride.
Characters are on rival teams at a work event.
Characters reach for the same book at the library.
Character sits next to someone at an academic conference. They get way too excited about a topic that’s taboo/uncouth to normal people.
Character accidentally messages the wrong number. A stranger answers.
Character offers unsolicited fashion advice to a stranger in the dressing room.
Characters wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
It isn’t a meet cute at all. They know each other already but they don’t notice for an embarrassingly long time.
Character realized they left a piece of clothing in the laundromat but when they return, someone’s already started a load. The pair wait for it to finish together.
Character accidentally bumps into someone’s car in a parking lot. They are very upset… until they realize how cute the other one is.
Anything else you can think of!
🍄 Autumn Prompts 🍁
Character gets lost in a corn maze… meant for children. They begrudgingly ask a total stranger, for help.
Character fight over a perfect pumpkin at the patch and explain why each of them needs it.
Characters show up in an accidental couples’ costume.
Character tries to scare their friend, but ends up spooking a complete stranger.
Character steps on a stranger’s shoe… and realizes they are dressed like Cinderella.
Character accidentally gets hurt in a spooky attraction and a scare actor breaks character to help.
Character gets scared in a haunted tour and jumps in the arms of someone they think is their friend—but it’s not.
Character thinks someone is in a costume and tries to guess what it is. They’re not in a costume.
🫣 Dialogue Prompts 😅
“Hey, sorry, can I give you my number?” “What?” “Oh, not like that—I lost my phone.”
“My kid thinks you’re a real princess. Would you mind taking a photo with them?”
“I think we accidentally swapped orders. By the way, what the hell is in this?”
“Hey, would you mind talking to me so this creep will leave me alone?”
“Is it possible to actually die from embarrassment?”
“I definitely would have remembered meeting you.”
“Watch where you’re going!” “… You ran into me?!”
“That diamond is fake.” “So is the engagement.”
“You aren’t some crazy serial killer, right?”
“Do you believe in fate?”
“This is way too cliche.”
Rules 📚
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
Happy Writing!
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
Hi! So, I was a little bit scared to put a request but then I read the characters you write for and my brain immediately had a horny thought.
What if Luke Alvez and reader are co-workers and they are on a undercover mission as a couple and they kiss as a distraction. BUT, that kiss somehow starts to get a little heated and out of nowhere Luke just whines and squirms. This leads them to them in their hotel room and they just can keep their hands off each other and read just makes him feel good.
I would just love to get Alvez all dumb and submissive, getting all the control and just leaving him for more.
I hope this is something you’re up to. I have a lot of ideas so… I might send them all at once or spread them for next Friday.💗
so... this has been in my inbox for like two months... and it's most definitely not friday.. i'm so sorry i haven't had the motivation to write it but i finally had an idea so i hope it turned out ok!!
luke alvez is the cutest, subby, dumb boy to have ever walked the earth ♡
18+ duh, unprotected piv sex (don't do this or ur pp will fall off), sub!luke x soft dom!afab!reader, handjob, nipple play, reader licks luke's cum off her own titties, explicit language, maybe dubcon (they were both drinking beforehand), 1.4K words, not beta read!
filthy fridays | ask box
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from the moment you pulled luke into your hotel room, he couldn't keep his hands off you.
flashbacks of the night rushed through your mind. sipping alcohol just a couple tables away from your latest unsub, luke grabbing your face and kissing you with a level of fervor you'd never seen before, the moans he let out, muffled by your lips. you'd watched him squirm in his seat as he pulled away, most definitely situating the hard-on you suspected had appeared in his jeans.
"please," he practically begged, his hands sliding up your blouse. his lips met yours for a heated kiss, the taste of bourbon distinct.
"please… what? what do you want?" you asked, your hands at the nape of his neck.
"i want you," he answered.
you pulled him back in for another kiss, your lips dripping with want for each other. "gonna have to do better than that, baby. i need to know what you want."
hands traveled up and down both of your bodies, your limbs entangled to the point where you didn't know where he started and you ended. he whimpered against your mouth while his hands met your breasts, grabbing at them like it was the only thing on his mind.
"oh, is that what you want? you want my tits, huh?" you teased, and his hips bucked in response.
"mhm," he mumbled as he connected his mouth to yours, his palms holding you through your bra.
you pulled away, clicking your tongue at him. "are you too dumb for words now? can't even give me a simple answer when you're asked a question?"
he moaned at your words, his hands wandering over your breasts, just waiting for you to let him have them.
"ok, baby. sit down on the bed, yeah? i'll give you everything you need." your hands moved to his waist, pushing him toward the mattress.
one of his hands trailed down your body, ending at the hem of your shirt while the other still palmed at your clothed breast. "please," he begged, trying his best to take your blouse off with one hand.
"needy boy," you smirked. you pulled the fabric off, revealing the prettiest lace bra luke had ever laid eyes on. his palms reached for your boobs again, pulling them out of the lacy cups. he went glassy-eyed at the sight, taking one of them in his mouth.
"oh, luke," you gasped, guiding his opposite hand to the other breast. he twisted your nipple between his digits, wetness dripping through your matching panties at the feel of him.
he sucked on your tit like a man starved, his brain already too fucked out to form coherent thoughts. your own brain was turning to mush as he suckled the bud, your fingers moving to grip the curls on his nape. "ah-ah," you tutted, "thought you wanted me."
his hips rutted into yours, searching for any friction he could find. he whined against your hardened nipple, the vibration only aiding the heat that pooled in your stomach.
your digits worked at the button of his slacks, teasingly sliding them down to his ankles. "touch yourself for me, yeah? want you to get yourself ready for me," you instructed. your hands moved to your jeans, but you were met with a disapproving "nuh-uh."
"oh?" you asked, your eyebrows raising. "you don't want to touch yourself?"
"can't," he managed. his hands stayed on his thighs, like he'd thought about obeying you but couldn't.
your palms moved to your hips. "and why's that?" your eyes met his, like fire meeting pure water.
"need to cum inside you," he answered.
you chuckled, your hands trailing to the band of his boxers. "tell you what, baby," you said, pulling him out of the wet fabric. "you wanted my tits so much. you cum on them and then maybe i'll let you cum inside me, yeah?"
his head fell back as you worked his cock, moving up and down the shaft at the perfect pace. your other hand moved to his tee shirt, pulling the material over his head. your fingers dragged down his chest, stopping to play with his nipple. whines and moans fell from his lips, his hand wrapping around yours and helping you bring him closer to his high.
"yeah?" you teased. "that feel good, baby?"
he answered with a mewl, shifting his hips. he fucked himself with your hand, his orgasm close. the sight of his shaking thighs and sex-drunk eyes had you nearly cumming yourself, your panties drenched at the thought of him cumming inside you.
"are you close?" you asked, already knowing the answer from the sporadic movements of his hips.
"uh-huh," he managed, "fuck."
your hand worked faster, your body craving for his dick to be buried deep inside you. lewd sounds filled the hotel room, like music to your ears.
a string of moans tumbled from luke's lips as he reached his release, his seed spilling all over your bare chest. you both pushed him through his high, milking every last drop from his cock.
he fell back on the bed, his hand staying on his shaft even after you pulled away. your fingers dragged over the peaks and dips of your breasts, collecting his cum and bringing it to your mouth. the salty taste was like heaven to your taste buds, and you slightly regretted not fucking him with your mouth instead.
you practically tore off your jeans and panties, before moving up onto the bed. you took his cock in your hand, running the head along your folds. "you ready, baby?"
he managed to nod, his lip quivering as you finally pushed him inside you, slowly lowering yourself down his length. your head fell back as you adjusted yourself, the stretch almost too much. "can i move a little, baby, or is that too much for you?"
a small moan of approval tumbled from his mouth, his eyes already screwed shut. you began rocking your hips, the head of his dick brushing against your spongy spot. your walls clenched around him, pulling him that much further into you.
"oh shit, luke," you groaned, steadying yourself by placing your hands on his stomach. his happy trail was coarse under your palm, and you couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like against your nose as you sucked him off. "fuck me."
"trying to," he huffed in amusement, lifting his hips to meet yours.
your pelvis moved faster, chasing down your impending high. the sounds of your slick filled the room, only aiding the senses of your sweaty body. sweat dripped down the hair on luke's chest, and you were tempted to lick it away. you were close, but it wasn't enough.
"touch my clit," you instructed. luke met you with furrowed brows and wide eyes. you repeated, "are you fucking dumb? i said to touch my clit."
your command had luke falling apart, his thighs shaking beneath you as he came inside you. thick ropes of his seed shot through you, like blood running through your veins. he willed his hand to move, his fingers meeting your bud in slow circles.
"oh, yeah," you mewled, "right there, baby, right fucking there!"
luke lifted his head, meeting your naked chest with his lips. he nipped and licked at your tit, pushing you closer to the edge. his fingers toyed at your clit at just the right speed, and the coil in your belly snapped, cumming around his cock.
"shitshitshit," you all but yelled, your hips bucking and canting as you worked yourself through your orgasm.
you fell onto his chest, attempting to catch your breath as you rested on top of him. his hand met your hair, petting it in slow strokes. "so…" he said, his voice trailing off.
a smirk lifted one half of your lips. "so…"
"that happened," he huffed, meeting your head with a small peck.
you lifted yourself, profanities coming from your lips at the sudden movement. your eyes met his, your smirk turning to a smile. "it did. you did great," you laughed.
"thank you, i try," he chuckled, his hands settling on your love handles. "so, what is this?"
"whatever you want it to be."
luke had the prettiest smile you'd ever seen, and the one he gave you in that moment only further proved your theory. "i think," he said, "we should do that again. and maybe that'll help us figure out what we should call it."
"that might just be the best idea you've ever had, luke alvez."
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-> taglist: @reidsbookclub @dungeons-are-too-cold @lukeclvez
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ralvezfanatic · 4 months
Matt: So.. why does Y/N call you babygirl?
Luke: How about we stop talking for a while.
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ssahopelessly · 2 years
Broken Mirror
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Synopsis: A few weeks after he is released from prison, Spencer’s insecurities rise to the surface, causing a fight. The fight pushes the reader to go to Luke’s house, where he suddenly finds himself playing couples counselor.
Warnings: couples fighting, suggestions of cheating, mention of Cat Adams and what happened in Mexico, self sabotage of a relationship, miscommunication
Word Count: 2.5k
“I’m sorry I can’t be him.” Spencer mumbled under his breath.
“Be WHO Spencer?” Unintentionally, I had snapped at him. I didn’t want to. It was the last thing he deserved. But the fight was getting old before it even started. Too preoccupied by my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed how he ran his hands through his hair before looking back over at me.
“Him! Luke Alvez!” A laugh escaped through his lips.
“What?” The idea was preposterous. I moved closer back into our living area to look at him, but his eyes told me he had convinced himself that Alvez was who I wanted to be with.
“If you’re so unhappy with me, maybe you should go be with him.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Blinded by jealousy or rage did not matter, he was making no sense in any capacity.
“Garcia told me! Told me how close you were while I was in prison (Y/N)! How he was always at your side, always your shoulder to cry on. How when you missed me the most, he was there to comfort you? We’re fucking profilers (Y/N), do you think I’m dumb?” Spencer was not textbook dumb, by no measure could you test and prove he was unintelligent. But in this moment, he was astoundingly and remarkably dumb. And I was enraged. His feelings were pouring out, accusing me of such malicious acts and intent, I couldn’t hold my tongue anymore.
“And JJ told me about Cat and her baby!”
“What?” His strong and loud conviction was soon broken into a soft whisper, as if this was something that would have remained between the three of them.
“How Cat Adams got you off in Mexico and while she is very much pregnant, you for a moment considered the child may be yours.”
“You have no business-“
“And you know what hurts the most Spence? Is that you and I both know you would take in the child.”
“Now that’s unfair.” He leaned back in his chair, breaking the stare down we had been caught in, taking a moment to glance over at the window. With his fingers curled into a fist by his mouth, I watched how his lips moved in a fashion to indicate he was very much biting away at the inside.
“Is it?” And just like that, he wouldn’t look at me. And I wouldn’t wait for him to. Finally getting my feet to move, I made my way towards our room, immediately searching for the go bag I had just been repacking for work.
“Where are you going?” It was a call from the doorway, his body now filling the space of the frame. I could feel his eyes on me but I couldn’t think or even spare a glance at him. My movements seemed to know what I was intent on doing before I figured it out.
“I’m doing what you said: I’m going to Luke’s.” Wiping a tear away from my skin, I walked towards the front door, only needing my car keys from where they lived, in the ceramic dish by the entrance of his apartment.
“You’re leaving me?” He continued to call after me, as if it were a challenge.
“You did this yourself!” Looking back over to him, I saw how eyes were confused before anything else. “Spencer, I am not going to stand here any longer if you are only intentionally driving a wedge between us. Shit, I want to be here with you. But I can’t bear witness to you destroying us before I can even have a say in it.”
“You said you would never leave me.” From his voice I could tell he wanted to sound angry but it registered more as hurt than anything else. It was almost enough to convince me to stay and repair our damage. Almost.
“And you said you would never break my heart.”
“(Y/N/N)? What are you-“ I tried to wipe my tears away before Luke had to look at me, but they never stopped. This is how Luke found me on his front doorstep, my hands tucked away in the too long sleeves of one of Spencer’s old sweaters and tears streaming down my face while I choked on my own sobs. “Oh my god.” He pulled me in for a hug before moving us back into his house, closing the door behind him. His hands moved from cradling my head to brushing my hair out of my face, letting my head rest in his hands as I tried to find my breathing. There was suddenly a cool breeze on my nose, notably coming from Luke. Giving him a puzzled look, he offered me a sheepish smile. “Uhm- Spencer told me one time when you introduce a new feeling to the nervous system, your brain stops in order to figure out what is happening.”
“Did he really?”
“Something along those lines. He just used more words.” I tried not to laugh but I did as I tried to wipe away my tears. “Do you want to tell me what is going on?” It was either tell him or maybe he would profile it out of me. But Luke didn't need to be heavily involved in the personal lives of his coworkers, and it was for that reason I wanted to withhold information. Spencer also deserved some privacy and confidentiality, and it was that reason I remained tight lipped on the former conversation.
“Hey man.” Luke tried to keep it casual but he already knew why Spencer would show up unannounced at this hour.
“Hey. Is (Y/N) here?” It was a whisper, his voice fragile as he felt his spirit more broken than he had first thought. Of all things, he felt like he lost the privilege to ask about her, to care about her.
“Yeah, she’s asleep.”
“Okay.” Spencer turned to leave, feeling like he hit a wall in what he should do next.
“Spencer. What happened?” Luke called after him.
“Your girlfriend shows up on my doorstep crying and you don't show up until a few hours later. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Luke.” As profilers, they promised not to profile one another, but when your coworker is not giving you the answers you want, your mind tends to start noticing things, like their body language. In this moment, Luke noticed Spencer hadn’t removed his hands from his pockets, indicating he was either hiding something or maybe anxious because of something. But Luke was also smart enough to know whatever was bothering the genius was deeper than the events of tonight, he could see the way Spencer carried his troubles in his facial features.
“Are you sure?”
“Excuse me?” Spencer’s tone was getting defensive, but that still told Luke there was something under the surface getting to him.
“You were in prison Reid, for a crime you didn’t commit. You’ve been through a trauma and I can see how much you want to slip back into a time before all of this but you can’t act like it didn’t happen.”
“I know that Alvez. Do you think I don’t know that? I just…” he stared off into the night, looking at how a streetlight only illuminated a few things around it. “You can’t tell her this.”
“I won’t.”
“There are moments when I close my eyes, and I think I’m still there. Or that any minute they’ll take me back. And in those moments, I know she deserves so much better. You all do. But I can’t bring myself to be who she needs anymore and I can’t break up with her because that will ruin her.” His voice started to break at the end, a tear or two welling in his eyes before Spencer took a breath in, trying to wipe the emotion away before Luke could take notice of it.
“So, you’re trying to make it easy for her to leave you? You’re pushing her away?” While Luke was trying to understand what Spencer wouldn’t say directly, he also hoped by saying it in that way Spencer would realise what it sounded like, what he wouldn’t confess to.
“I didn’t realise I was. But then when she left, I realised how much I still needed her.”
“Luke?” Her voice broke through the silence, echoing from inside his house. “Luke, who is it?” Spencer tried not to think of this as a parallel universe but he could see it so clearly. He could see them together, living happily with the other. But every second the thought existed in his mind, it pained his heart more as that was once the life he envisioned for the two of them.
“What do you want me to say?” Luke had asked, readjusting his posture. The words caught in Spencer’s mouth, conflicted over what his intentions should be at this hour.
“I want to talk to her.” It was a whisper, Spencer almost scared of her realising it’s him. “If she’ll let me.” Luke nodded before gently closing the door, leaving it resting against the frame instead of fully secured to. He waited on the front doorstep, rocking on his feet as he watched the street around him.
“She’s willing to talk.” It was as if a wave of relief had washed over him. “But Spencer. Be honest with her. Tell her what you just told me.” Nodding, he slipped through the threshold of the front door, noticing how Luke stepped out the front door. “I’m going to wait out here, give you two some time alone.” Nodding, he moved towards the living area, finding her sitting up on Luke’s couch, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. For a moment she didn't look at him, but by the time he sat across from her on the other couch, he noticed how puffy and red her eyes were, even after she just woke up from her nap.
“Hi.” She deserved more than that, an apology and an explanation, and Spencer knew that. But he didn't know where to start.
“Hi.” (Y/N) had whispered back, her voice scratchy and worn out. His heart panged at how much he had put her through.
“I- I want to say I’m sorry.”
“For?” She croaked out, bringing her feet closer to herself on the couch, hugging her arms around them, the blanket forming a full shield around her body.
“For how I’ve been acting.”
“Understatement Spencer.”
“I know.” Tears had started to form as he recalled every terrible thing he had said or thought since he was free again. “I love you. So much. It’s just at times- I would wonder if you still loved me, or if you still wanted to be with me.” He felt the wet trail start down his cheek, and he tried to wipe it away before she noticed but she did. She always noticed. “And I think part of my mind is still back there. And I think of who I became, of what I did, and I don’t want to bring that into this.” Her eyes softened as she watched him, his fingers picking at his skin on the other hand, his knee bouncing under him. “So for a moment, I thought the best way to protect you was to push you away. But I- I was wrong. And I’m so sorry. For everything.” He now noticed she had also started to cry. When his eyes met her, she immediately averted her attention to the side of the room, watching the world outside. “(Y/N)?” She bit her lip before lowering her face into her lap, letting out more tears. Spencer took the opportunity to move over next to her, to pull her body into his, running his hand over her back and then to smooth out her hair. Placing a kiss to her head, he rocked the two of them. A hand came out of the blanket as she clutched onto his shirt. They stayed like that for a few minutes before she stopped enough to speak.
“Next time you’re going to say ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I’m wrong’, can I at least have a warning so I can record it?” A laugh escaped his lips as he pulled her tighter to him, the scent of her shampoo wafting into his nose so he may remember this moment. “You have to talk to me Spencer.”
“I know.”
“Spence, I'm serious. And if not me, then someone. You can’t carry this on your own. I know you’re strongly independent but this is the one time where you can’t do it alone. Just promise me. If not me, then someone.”
“I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, taking a moment to run his thumb against her cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now let’s give Luke his house back, we have to be at work in 5 hours.” She patted his knee, Spencer instantly rising to his feet to offer his hands to her, so she may take them and he could help her stand back up on her feet. Wrapping the blanket into a bundle, she placed it where she was sitting, taking hold of Spencer’s hand as they walked back towards the front door. Opening the door though, they found Luke slumped over, leaning against a column as he sat on one of the steps down. Roxie was beside him, laying down but ears perked up as she was on alert from all the night life. Her head perked back to look at the reconciled couple, tail wagging when she saw (Y/N). Reaching his hand down to their friend, Spencer gently shook Luke’s shoulder, trying to wake him.
“Hey man, we’re leaving.” Luke shook his head before he turned around to look at his friends, his eyes immediately focusing on their hands holding the other.
“You can have your house back.” (Y/N) laughed, hearing a gentle pop as Luke pushed on his knees to stand up, stretching to crack something in his back.
“Finally. Listen, I love having you guys over but if this becomes a counseling spot, I should be getting paid.”
“Oh my gosh, go to sleep Alvez.” She shoved his shoulder as he stepped back up to be on the same level as them.
“I was asleep. Out here, yet you woke me.”
“Listen, if you want us to sleep here we will. We can take Roxie inside with us and bring you that blanket-“ Spencer motioned between him and (Y/N), squeezing her hand as she fought off the laugh that was rising to the surface.
“No, no, no- I want my bed.” He motioned for Roxie to go inside, which she did, happily continuing up the staircase. Taking one last glance at the couple, a smile spread over Luke’s lips at the sight of his friends so in love with the other. “You guys have a goodnight.” The door started to close, but (Y/N) had to taunt him with one last thing.
“See you in five hours!” Luke groaned from his spot on the other side of the door, the click of the deadbolt giving the couple a sense of relief as they descended the steps, finally heading home together.
Tell me what you think here!
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gourdlorddgubes · 3 months
I wanna start writing again but I think i'm gonna start with bau groupchats or just individual textl/chats!!!
But if you have ideas or request please don't be afraid to drop it!! I ACCEPT FILTHY TOE CURLING SMUT IDEAS!! DROP IT AND I'LL WRITE THEM 🙇🏼‍♀️
Maybe i'll start writing for Emily Prentiss first!! We need more emily fics!!!!
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wrenreid · 2 years
Off Limits
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content warning: none i can think of
Part Four
I’ve been watching Hotch’s son for five days now. I got a call from him this morning apologizing for leaving me with Jack for so long.
“I really don’t mind, Hotch,” I told him.
It’s true. I’ve always liked kids; well, at least the sweet ones. And I don’t have any kids of my own. Babysitting is a way to take care of children and be able to give them back eventually. I think it’s a pretty good deal.
Anyway, it’s not like I’m alone. Jade is here 90% of the time; the other 10% she’s with friends. I suppose it’s nice having company other than a four year old. We’ve stayed up in the living room talking almost every night after Jack goes to sleep.
We haven’t talked about much, but it’s been nice just to talk. She doesn’t seem to mind when I go on tangents about anything my brain can conjure up. I like that because as tolerant as my coworkers are, their faces always show when they want me to quit rambling. Jade’s facial expressions don’t grow irritated and bored when I spill out my knowledge. She may not really care, but she doesn’t show that. I appreciate it.
She a lot like her dad in some ways, but I don’t think she notices. She’s stubborn and intelligent. I can also tell by examining her body language and the way she talks that she’s a natural born leader. Maybe that’s why Morgan has always called her little Hotch.
When I first met her, I was 23, and she was 16. Her dark hair reminded me of Hotch’s, but it was more chocolate while his was more ebony. Her eyes are dark too, but there’s a hint of hazel in them, like Haley had. Her eyes have gotten a little darker now that she’s aged some years.
Some may say it’s strange that I notice these things, but I notice everything. Details stick out to me. I’ve also noticed how she has a wall she’s put up behind her eyes, keeping those looking into them from seeing her feelings. The wall isn’t as strong or thick as her fathers, but it’s still there.
I have one of those too, I’ll admit. If I remember correctly, I began building that wall at 10 years old. 18 years later, I’d like to say it’s pretty sturdy.
Some might think it’s a bad thing to create those barriers between yourself and the outside world. But from my point of view, it’s a safety net. Why would one wear their heart on their sleeve and risk others using that to their advantage when they can hold all the cards themselves?
All this to say, I don’t blame her for the extra support in front of her emotions.
“Hey,” Jade says with a yawn, her steps making soft thud sounds on the hardwood stairs.
“Hi,” I give her a small wave from my spot on the couch. Jack is watching cartoons on the tv while he sits on the floor, his legs crossed in a pretzel.
Jade slept in this morning, and I told Jack to be a little quieter so she could stay asleep.
It’s 11am now when she heads into the kitchen. She comes back a minute later with a bowl of cereal in her hands. She sits down a little bit away from me on the couch, shelving a spoonful of the cheerios into her mouth as soon as she’s situated.
Her hair’s messy, but it’s kind of flattering somehow. Jade’s dressed in a white t shirt too big for her and black shorts that are hardly visible underneath the shirt.
“How’d you sleep?” I ask, just trying to make conversation. Usually, I don’t bother for small talk, but I figure it can’t do any harm.
Jade finished chewing the handful of cereal in her mouth, swallows, then answers. “Pretty well. I appreciate sleeping in for the first time in a while.”
“Not a morning person?”
She shrugs. “Not particularly. You?”
I furrow my eyebrows a little. “I’d rather sleep in than get up early, but I hardly ever get to. I usually go to bed late too. So I guess you could say I’m more of a night person,” I tell her.
“Me too. I just like night better,” Jade says. “It’s quiet and less bright.”
“Research shows those considered ‘night owls’ are more intelligent and creative than those who wake up early.”
“I guess our brains just need more rest after a hard day of being smarter than everyone else,” she says with a grin.
I laugh softly at that. “I suppose so.”
“Would you want to go to the park today?” She asks, and I almost think she’s asking me on a date of some sorts until I glance back at her and see she’s talking to her brother.
“Yes!” Jack exclaims excitedly.
“Okay. If you go put this in the sink for me, I’ll take you and we can play catch,” Jade says, holding out her bowl.
Jack realizes what she’s doing, but agrees to her terms. He rises from his place on the living room rug and makes his way to the living room with her bowl in his hands.
“That was devious,” I say with a slight chuckle.
“It was strategic. I didn’t want to get up off the couch, and he wants something I can give him. It’s good thinking,” Jade says, tapping her fingertips to her head.
I shake my head, but a smile creeps up onto my lips. “I’m glad I didn’t have any older siblings.”
She laughs softly. “Me too.”
Jack comes back, his hands on his hips. “So, when we going to the park?”
“How about one? I need a shower,” Jade tells him.
“One?” Jack whines.
“That’s only about two hours. Five and a half cartoons,” she says.
“Fine,” he sighs with quite a bit of emotion behind it for a four year old.
The desired time for said four year old rolls around, and Jade keeps to her word. They’re both dressed now. Jack in jeans and a light weight jacket and Jade in thin black joggers and a slightly baggy t shirt.
“You don’t have to go with us if you need a break from you know who,” Jade tells me as she reties Jack’s shoelace that he did himself.
“Actually, I’d like to go if that’s okay. It’s a nice day,” I say with a soft smile.
“Suit yourself,” she shrugs, grabbing her keys off one of the hooks on the wall.
“Your version of a nice day is quite different from most people’s,” Jade laughs once we’re walking through the park to find a suitable spot.
There’s several people here, some on bikes, some talking on benches, some playing football, some playing with their children. The light grey clouds in the sky are covering up the sun just enough so that it’s not too bright out. It looks like it may rain tonight. The April weather is still somewhat cold, leftover from winter, but it isn’t so chilly that one would need many layers.
I look up at the sky and around us. “The sun isn’t blinding my eyes. Nice day.”
“Valid,” she shrugs. She’s holding hands with Jack, his little legs setting our pace much slower than my usual walk. I don’t mind.
“Right here’s good,” Jade points to an area of the park with green grass and enough space for a kid her brother’s age to play in. There’s a bench just across the concrete path from it.
Jack pulls her onto the grass, his ball in his other hand. “Go far,” he tells her.
She goes about five four away from him.
“Farther than that!”
Jade takes two more steps back. “We’ll start out here, okay?”
“Okay,” he says and throws her his ball.
It’s plastic ball the size of a softball. It’s not hallow, but it’s not too heavy to where it would hurt bad if one got hit with it.
She catches it and underhand- tosses it back. He catches it too. This goes on for a while, and I sit on the bench a small distance away from them. I brought two books to read while we’re here.
Eventually, Jade declares she is quitting the game of catch with her brother. He whines a bit, but she reminds him they’ve been playing for half an hour.
She takes a seat next to be on the bench, Jack sits in front of her on the ground, rolling his ball around.
“Whatcha reading?” Jade asks, looking over my shoulder curiously.
I close the book to show her the cover. She reads the title.
“It’s about a time traveler. Usually I read nonfiction, but the occasional Sci-fi or dark fantasy peeks my interested,” I tell her.
“Dark fantasy,” Jade smirks. “Sounds kinky.”
My face heats up, letting me know I’m definitely blushing which is a little embarrassing.
“N-not like that. Like Lord of the Rings,” I say.
“I know, Spence. I was teasing you,” she says with a little laugh.
“Right,” I give her an awkward laugh in return.
I’m still not exactly used to detecting sarcasm or teasing. I’ve gotten better at realizing when those two devices are being used, but occasionally, they’ll slip past me. Perks of being autistic (sarcasm). I’ve gotten pretty good at detecting mannerisms and reading unsubs, but somehow a joke will still fly over my head.
Jade grins, shaking her head. Her hair brushes my face briefly, and I involuntarily smell the shampoo she just used an hour and a half ago. It smells good. Oats and vanilla I believe.
She twirls her hair for a moment, the brown strands curling around her finger. In the natural lighting, I can see all the different colors in her hair. There’s chocolate brown, caramel, walnut, and even some mixtures of red where the sun shines on it. It’s pretty. It’s pretty and it smells good.
I snap out of my thoughts when Jack hops up from his seat. I’m relieved to have the kid release me from my thoughts. I shouldn’t be thinking about her like that. Even if it was just her hair, it’s still inappropriate.
Jack pulls me back away from the bench.
“Piggy back ride,” he demands, but it’s kind of cute.
“You’re heavy.”
“Am not,” he says.
I roll my eyes, and bend down so he hand jump on. He does so excitedly, wrapping his arms around my neck.
I walk around with my brother on my back for a little bit until his short attention span is bored with me. Then he forces Spencer to give him a piggy back ride too.
It’s sweet watching the two of them together. Spencer’s good with kids. Better than I am and this one is my own brother.
I love Jack, I really do, but I was 17 when he was born, and it was weird to become a sister at that age. I was excited, of course, but still strange.
I also thought it was weird that my parents were having a baby at that age anyway. It’s not like they were old at all. In fact, Mom was only 35. But when it’s 17 years after your first, it’s a weird gap.
My mom and dad were young when they had me. Mom was 18 a freshman in college, and Dad was 20 and a junior. They’d been dating for three years already, but it’s safe to say I was not planned.
They didn’t let the unplanned baby ruin their plans for college though. Mom became a part time student instead, and both sets of my grandparents helped take care of me whenever needed.
Dad was still able to go to law school when I was three. I’m glad I didn’t ruin their lives completely. But Mom assured me I didn’t ruin it at all. She was honest when she said finding out about me was a minor set back, but she was also honest when she said they loved me no matter what.
Jack and Spencer play around, and I’m convinced to join in.
Eventually, I drive us back home. Jack lays down for a nap at 4, and at 7, I cook dinner instead of Spencer.
Eventually, I get Jack back into bed, but since he took his nap a little later, there was some resistance. Finally, at 11, he goes to bed. I make him promise he won’t tell Dad he went to bed that late, and he says he will if I get him ice cream tomorrow. I will be talking to Dad about why his child is a bargainer.
At midnight, I hear a weird sound from downstairs and go to scope it out.
I laugh softly when I see Spencer popping the popcorn I bought him a couple days ago.
“You weren’t kidding about the late night snack,” I grin, leaning against the kitchen counter.
He turns around, jumping a little. I scared him.
“I never kid about food, Jade,” he says and that makes me laugh a little more.
“Care to share?”
“Hmm,” he thinks for a moment. I scoff. “I suppose.”
“Want to watch a movie?” I ask him, not ready to go to bed.
He looks a little hesitant to say yes. Well, not really hesitant, but somehow nervous? “Yeah. Sounds good.”
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @crynroom @scarredelirium @reid1nspiration @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz <3
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v1olentdelights · 11 months
Okay. I've decided I will start writing for Criminal Minds now! Please send in requests!! (Or for whatever character/fandom you want)
Who I write for Rules/Requirements
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You wanted thoughts??? No thoughts, only luke alvez. How about an inexperienced reader getting fingered in his lap? And it's just soft and he's so reassuring.
omg… I miss this man so much. can’t wait to see him on my screen again soon.
smut warning!!
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“Relax, princesa.”
You can’t breathe.
Luke’s hands are everywhere.
Your thighs, your hips, your knees, your waist. Rough fingertips trail across any skin he can find, pinching and squeezing and tracing as he goes. You’re so overwhelmed, you’re worried you might just pass out.
“It’s gonna feel real good if you calm down a little. I promise.”
You believe him. Taking a deep breath, you exhale into his body, melting back into him. He’s got your legs spread wide over his, both of you watching your face in the mirror. He looks so broad sat behind you, you feel lightheaded again.
He dances his fingers up your thigh, running them through your soaked core. The groan he releases is the hottest sound you’ve ever heard.
“Oh, carinõ. You’re more than ready for me.”
Any other day, you’d probably feel embarrassed. But right now, all you can focus on is Luke.
“I am,” you whine. “Please.”
“Take a deep breath in. That’s it, atta girl. Now, exhale.”
He slips his finger in as you breathe out, and all you feel is bliss.
“You’re doing so good. Fuck, you look so pretty like this.”
“More? Already?”
You nod frantically, hands grabbing at his forearms.
“Whatever you want, baby. This is all about you. It’s always all about you.”
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thelukesalvez · 1 year
Luke Alvez x Reader: Hostage
Description: request: can you do an imagine where the reader is luke’s wife or girlfriend and she gets involved in a hostage situation at a bank and the bau is called in to help with the situation? thanks, i love your writing so much :)
 Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: hostage situation, gun violence, minor character death
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“This came in just a few minutes ago from the Director,” Prentiss confirms.  With the click of a button on the remote, a local news station clip projects onto the screen behind her, illuminating the chaos underway. “There’s a situation downtown that he wants the BAU to take the lead on.”
With bewilderment on his face, a reporter stands in downtown Washington D.C., which was littered with law enforcement and a crowd of people. The headline across the bottom of the screen reads ‘Hostage situation underway at Capital One Bank’. 
Luke drops the pen he was holding, drawing attention from other members of the team as it clashes on the table in front of him.  
“Sorry,” he mumbled. The rest of the team averted their attention back to Prentiss, but Luke’s attention was halted in its tracks. Instinctively, he reaches into his pocket for his phone, quickly checking his messages under the table. He tries to remain calm and rational, but his stomach sinks when he realizes none of the messages were from you.  
Luke had been in a rush this morning, per usual. He was running around the house, scrambling for keys, wallet, coffee, his to-go bag, just in case. He only half listened as you told him the list of errands you had to run that morning, while simultaneously scarfing down a buttered bagel.  Whole foods, the post office, the bank–
Luke swallows dryly. You were okay, he tells himself. You were okay, you were okay, you were okay. He repeats the mantra in his head as he types out a quick, casual message.  
Did you make it to the bank this morning?
Luke forces himself to turn at least some of his attention back to the team, but keeps his phone unlocked and open to your text messages.   
“Local officers have invited us in,” Prentiss informs the group, she sets the remote down gently on the round table. “They’ve informed us of at least two armed man inside the bank, no contact or ransom demand has been made as of yet. Garcia is working to gain access to security footage of inside the bank as we speak.” 
The sounds of Garcia typing frantically on her laptop can be heard throughout the conference room as she works.  
Luke stares back down at his blank screen, waiting for text bubbles to appear, indicating that you were responding– alive and well.  But there’s nothing. Luke starts frantically tapping his foot, why weren’t you texting him back?
“Alvez?” Emily’s voice causes Luke’s head to snap up.   
Luke is quick to realize that the entire team is looking at him again as he sits anxiously in his seat, his phone still cradled in the palm of his hand. 
“Sorry,” he repeats. 
This time no one looks away. 
“What’s wrong?” Rossi asks, his eyes narrowed in concern.
“I’m uh, I’m sorry.” Luke says for the third time. He tries to explain while his brain races. “My wife… My wife told me she was running errands this morning, that she had to go to the bank–”  
The moment of silence feels like an eternity to Luke. 
“That’s our bank,” he motioned towards the screen, still playing news clips on the board. “Do you mind if I just give her a quick call?” He asks, holding his phone up. 
Prentiss nods. “Of course.”
Luke mumbles a quick ‘thanks’ before jetting out of the conference room. He escapes into the hall before dialing you. Luke can feel his heart beating rapidly inside of his chest as the line waits to connect– but he’s sent straight to voicemail. 
Luke tries again. He’s not entirely sure why he expected a different outcome, but again, your cheery voice directing him to leave a message plays. This time he does. 
“Hey, it’s me. I just– I really need to hear from you right now.” Luke swallows the lump in his throat, realizing how dry his mouth felt. “Call me back, please. I love you.” He ends the call and turns his phone over in his hand a few times. You were okay, he tells himself again. 
“I– uh, couldn’t get ahold of her,” Luke states as he walks back into the conference room. He makes eye contact with Rossi, who’s gazing wearily back at him. “But I’m sure everything’s fine.” Luke says with as much confidence as he can gather. He’s not so sure he believes it himself. 
That’s when Luke notices how eerily quiet everyone else is. He glances around the room to see everyone else staring at the screen.  
Garcia had managed to tap into the security footage at the bank. Luke scans the image, his eyes immediately landing on the unsub.  He was a tall man, dressed in all black, strutting around the frame with a rifle.  He’s waving it wildly as he randomly lunges intimidatingly at one of the victims huddled on the floor.  There’s no sound to the video, but it looks like he’s shouting at them. 
Garcia suddenly lets out a gasp, her mouth falling open in unison. “No,” she whimpers, she tore her eyes away from the image on the screen to look at Luke. 
Everything inside of him goes numb when his eyes land on one of the hostages curled up on the ground, her knees tucked tightly into her chest, and her familiar looking hair shielding her face as she hangs her head low. There’s a tense silence in the room as Luke stands motionless near the door. Only his chest moved as he let out choppy, labored breaths.  
He could feel eyes on him as the rest of the team came to the same realization he and Garcia just had. You were inside the bank. 
“We are gonna get this guy,” Prentiss says hesitantly, like Luke might break just by her words. 
Luke just nods slowly. He couldn’t find the words to respond, even if he wanted to.    
“She’s going to be okay,” JJ closes the distance between her and him and places a soft, gentle hand on his shoulder.
Luke should say something. He can’t just keep nodding, but all he could think about right now was you, and the way he rushed out of the house in such a hurry this morning. He didn’t even kiss you goodbye– or tell you that he loved you. What if that was the last time he’d ever see you?
“We have to get to the scene,” Prentiss declares somberly. She eyes Luke cautiously, but the clock is ticking.  
JJ lifts her hand off Luke’s arm, leaving behind a cold spot that made him shiver. She follows Tara, Matt and Reid out of the conference room.   
Rossi, Prentiss, and Garcia remain in the conference room with Luke.  
Prentiss clears her throat before speaking. “Luke, you know you can’t come with us on this one.”
His jaw tenses at her order and he finally breaks his silence. “Screw the protocol, Emily, there’s no way I’m staying back here.”
“Luke, I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now,” Rossi says softly.  He stands up from his chair and looks at Luke sympathetically.  
“Don’t–” Luke whispers. His eyes glisten with unshed tears, but he blinks them back before sighing heavily. “Don’t talk to me like I’m one of the victims’ families.”
Prentiss and Rossi both stare at Luke for a moment, neither one knowing what else to say.   
“Emily, please,” Luke sighs, he lets his shoulders fall slightly. “I can’t stay here and do nothing.”  
She sighs heavily and she turns to face Rossi, like she’s looking to the more experienced profiler for advice. They exchange a mutual nod before she responds. “Look at me, Luke.”  His eyes meet hers. “You have to remain level headed and you have to follow my orders. Or I will take you off the case.”
Luke understands that Prentiss was legally bound to follow protocol. He wishes that rules and regulations could be pushed aside at times like this, but he nods in agreement. He would have to control his emotions in the field.  
Emily nods back in affirmation before offering him a sympathetic look. She outstretches her hand and gives his shoulder a firm squeeze. “If it’s personal for one of us, it’s personal for all of us.” She tells him, implying what Luke already knew: that they wouldn’t rest until this was all over. 
A variety of emotions flood through Luke’s mind as he rides in the back seat of one of the SUVs to the scene.  Luke shared the car with Tara, Matt, and Reid, but didn’t speak to any of them. Instead he stares directly out the tinted window, remaining silent during the entire duration of their trip. 
Spencer kept turning his head subtly towards Luke, in an attempt to gauge how he was doing. It was hard for him to see his friend suffering like this. Luke was generally the confident, reassuring one, but today he just looked broken.  
The prospect of losing you was all too consuming as he thought about the careless and threatening way the unsub had been waving his rifle around. He thought about how you had been huddled on the ground, curled up and hiding your face against your knees. He thought about how you were probably wondering where Luke was, and why he wasn’t there to protect you. 
Luke swallows the lump in his throat and forces himself to blink back tears building pressure up behind his eyes.  
How could this be happening?
A round of loud pops rang loudly through the air.
“Everybody on the ground!” 
Confused by the sudden chaos around you, your eyes quickly shift towards the door. Two men in combat gear stand there, their faces covered by ski masks. It takes you a moment to realize that the things they were holding high above their heads were guns. Your stomach drops.
You crouch to the floor in an instant, hastily trying to gauge the situation. Your view is partially blocked by the bench in the middle of the bank, all you can hear is frightened cries and the sound of heavy boots trudging across the floor. You scoot out from behind the bench so that you could better see what was happening.  
Someone is talking with the men, probably a teller, you think. Their voices are angry and harsh. 
Suddenly, in the distance, the sound of sirens could be heard. At first, you feel a wave of relief wash over you, thinking that law enforcement would be able to save you all soon enough. 
But then, you hear someone curse loudly then a pair of boots stride back to the counter.  
“Did you call 911?” One man asks. His voice is eerily calm. You watch as the teller shakes his head, terrified. The man laughs before raising his gun, shoving it near the teller. “Don’t lie to me!” He screams, causing you to jump. 
The teller continues to shake his head, sobbing and pleading now. You watch as the robber rips the mask off, displaying his face. He smirks evilly before spinning his rifle around and jabbing it into the teller’s face. You jump in shock as he falls to the floor, groaning in pain.    
Someone screams, another person sobs.  
Fear floods through your entire body upon realizing that these men weren’t leaving peacefully.  Now that their heist had been cut short, they weren’t going down without a fight. The heavy boots came closer and your eyes quickly became clouded with tears.  
Your eyes remain fixated on the floor, even after the footsteps stop right in front of you. 
“Get up,” the man orders. 
You do as you were told, trying your best to steady your shaking hands. Everyone else gets up too, as the other robber circulates the room repeating the same order. 
“Congratulations,” the man said menacingly. He lifts his gloved hand to trace the outline of your jaw. Your nostrils flare in response to his touch. “You’ve just been upgraded from background noise to hostages. Thanks to whoever called the cops.”
He motions for people to head towards the back corner of the bank. Once everyone is gathered around in a semicircle, (you counted eleven other hostages) the robbers bark more orders.
“Cell phones, now.”
People hurry to throw their phones towards the middle of the circle. You pull yours out, your heart sinking when you see an unopened message from Luke flash across your screen. 
‘Did you make it to the bank?’  
You wonder if the BAU had gotten wind about what was happening yet. You clutch your phone tightly before tossing it on the tiled floor with everyone else's.  
No one speaks, everyone just watches as the two men circulate around the room. You curl your knees into your chest, hugging them tightly. 
“You weren’t supposed to hurt anyone,” you hear the masked man whisper to the other. “You said we’d just take the money and go.”
“There’s cops outside, Diggy, we’re surrounded. The only way we’re getting out of here is a negotiation. Or if we shoot our way out.”
He strokes his beard lightly, another smirk washing over his face. “Now take that off,” he nods towards his partner’s mask. “Don’t matter much anymore if they see your face, does it?”
The man peels off his mask to reveal his young face. His features are furrowed, like he was concerned. “Cops have protocols they have to follow,” he says to the bearded man. “They won’t just barge in here unless you hurt anyone, so cool it. We can figure this out.”
Just then, the phone starts ringing.  
The older man answers, “What?” he barked. 
You hear muffled voices on the other end of the line.  
“Oh yeah?” He said mockingly, “And what can you do for me, SSA David Rossi of the BAU?”
You let out a shaky breath upon hearing the name of your husband’s coworker. The BAU had been invited in– which meant Luke knew. You wonder if he was outside, too. 
It makes your chest ache to know there was such a small barrier between you and his safe arms.   
“I’ll tell you what I need, I need a way out of here, or else people are going to get hurt.”
You hear Rossi’s muffled voice on the other end of the line again, no doubt using his profiling skills to help defuse the situation. You see the man’s brows slide into a firm line, like he’s thinking hard about something Rossi’s said. But in an instant his face contorts into an angry scowl and he clenches his rifle tighter. 
“Get me a way out of here or they die,” he snarls, before hanging up the phone. 
The man walks back over to the group of hostages with malice in his eyes. He scans the faces of people before landing on a scared woman, looking to be in her early 30’s. He bends over and wraps his hand around her arm, hoisting her up on her feet. 
“No,” she pleads, tears streaming rapidly down her face. “Please, no,” she sobs. 
“Shut up,” the man yells, lifting his gun tauntingly, before dragging her from the group.  
“What are you doing?” you can’t believe you were speaking, you even startle yourself with your words. 
But he doesn’t even turn around– doesn’t even acknowledge that you had protested.  
He pulls her towards the end of one of the teller stations and scribbles something down on a piece of paper. The woman stands by, shaking terribly in her shoes. When the man stops writing he hands her the note. 
“Take this to the cops,” he orders. 
“Take this to the cops,” he repeats, slower this time. 
She nods, her trembling hands accepting the note. 
“Guys–” Tara says. 
The team turns to face where her attention was focused. The front doors of the bank were opening.  
Luke hurries to unholster his gun, his shaky hands gripping the handle as he and every other cop in the area draws their weapons. 
Confusion washes over him as a woman exits the bank, her hands above her head. 
“Please,” she sobs.  
SWAT rushes over to escort the woman to safety.  
“He told me to give you this,” she cries, handing a note over to the SWAT member.  
Prentiss rushes over to take the note, reading aloud the demands.
“Two million dollars and an escape plan. Every 30 minutes you keep me waiting, someone will die.”
The knot in Luke’s stomach tightens. 
“Tick tock,” the bearded robber states as he struts around the interior of the bank. The younger man had been quietly sitting on the bench, staring at his shoes for the last few minutes or so. 
The robber picks up the phone, dialing the number that had previously reached out. 
“Is this Rossi?” he snarls into the line. “It’s almost been thirty minutes.”
You watch as the robber converses with Rossi. You’re wondering what he’s saying. 
“You just got someone killed.” He hangs the phone up harshly before taking a deep breath, staring at the clock on the wall. 
“And thirty.” The robber made his way back over to the hostages. He doesn’t hesitate before pulling up the older man who had been praying silently next to you. 
“No!” you cry, trying to grab his hand to pull him back, but the robber just yanks him harder.  
The man is dragged across the floor, but he’s still visible to you. He’s slammed down on the floor on his knees, facing away from the robbers. Your eyes widen as the man brings the rifle up, only inches from the elderly man’s head. You know you should look away, but you can’t bring yourself to do it, especially when he turns his head and locks eyes with you.  
You are the last thing he sees before the robber pulls the trigger.  
You’re too terrified to scream, or cry, or do much of anything. You just stare in shock as the man collapses into a pool of his own blood.  
“That’s what happens when these cops don’t listen to me!” He rants, waving the gun around. He fires a couple of more shots into the ceiling, causing debris to fall. More screams rattle the interior of the bank. 
“What are you doing?” The quieter robber stands up fiercely and rushes over to his partner. He looks frantically at the dead body on the floor. “You just killed someone!” 
They get in each other's faces. “I’m doing what I have to do to get us out of here!” he screams back. He postures towards the younger boy, intimidating him into backing down.  “I’m trying to save us, Diggy.”
“But killing someone, man? I didn’t sign up for that, Kalo.”
“You just gotta trust me, okay?” The older man, you now knew was named Kalo, spoke. 
Diggy lowers his head, biting his lip harshly. He shakes his head, still in shock that things had gone so wrong, so fast. 
“Were those gunshots?” Reid asks, worry evident in his voice. 
“Those were gunshots,” JJ confirms, strapping her vest on tightly. 
Luke squeezes his eyes shut tightly. “We have to go in there,” he states, trying to remain calm. 
Rossi lowers the phone that he had been talking to the unsub on. “He said we just got someone killed.”
“If they’re shooting people, we have to go in–” Luke speaks up again. He’s terrified. What if it was you?
“It wasn’t her,” Matt speaks up. He’s watching the video footage that Luke had been too scared to check. “It looks like an older gentleman.”
Luke lets out a shaky sigh. He feels guilty for being relieved about someone else’s death, but he couldn’t help it. He looks at the clock stationed above the monitor. In another 24 minutes, it could be you. 
“What’s our game plan, here?” One of the SWAT members asks.  
Emily sighs. “We have to play this smart– these guys are reckless and they’re not going down without a fight. If we barge in there, they’ll just start shooting. Who knows how many hostages could get hit in the crossfire?”
“If we don’t go in there, he’s just going to keep executing them one-by-one.” Matt refutes. 
Emily nods. “Someone get me the layout of this building, I need to see the back entrances and side doors. If we go in, I want them surrounded.”
You’d never given much thought to how you would die. But sitting here, on the cold tile floor, surrounded by people you didn’t know and two masked assailants, wasn’t something you think you could have ever imagined.  
You wonder how Luke was doing– you knew how protective of you he was. You just hope the team has convinced him to keep a level head. 
The woman sitting next to you was spinning her wedding band around on her finger rapidly.  
“What’s his name?” you ask, motioning towards her ring. 
She looks up at you, tears glistening in her eyes. “Julian,” she spoke softly, her lips tugging into a sad smile. “And yours?” she asks. 
You touch your finger to your own ring. “Luke.”
You move your hand across the floor and rest it on top of hers. “We’re going to see them again.”
She nods, using her other hand to cover the sob that was escaping her lips.  
“These FBI agents just don’t learn, do they?” Kalo snarls as he struts across the floor. “They’re gonna let another one of you die.”
This time, he came straight for you. His firm grasp hauls you up to your feet, and before you had time to protest or fight back, he was dragging you to where he’d shot the last man. 
Your breath became choppy and uneven as fear flooded your insides. You were going to die. He was going to kill you. 
“Kalo– stop, no one else has to die!” His friend protests. He even reaches out to pull you away from his clutches, but Kalo shakes him off, jolsting you away from the other man. 
“Kalo!” he shouts, but his partner ignores him.
Just as you get to the middle of the floor, an array of loud bangs echo through the bank, causing you to jump. 
“FBI. Freeze!” A voice yells, before you realize what was happening, Kalo is wrapping his arm around you, and pulling you back against him. The hard barrel of his gun presses against your temple, sending shivers down your spine. 
“I’ll shoot her!” Kalo hollers back, his forearm jabs into your throat. 
When you finally get your bearings, you’re able to look around the room. You see a few faces you recognize.  
The first is Emily. She’s got her gun pointed right at you– or the man holding you, you suppose.  Rossi is beside her, he holds his gun up in his hand before holstering it. 
“We just want to talk, Kalo,” he says calmly.  
Of course they figured out who these guys were, you thought. With Garcia’s tracking abilities, she probably had the men identified within the first five minutes of the robbery. 
You also notice JJ and Matt, they were to the side of you. Clearly they’d found a way in through another door. Reid and Tara flank on the opposite side, they made their way around the two of you, ensuring that the robbers were surrounded. You scan and scan for Luke, but he isn’t there.  It was probably against some policy. You are glad he was following the rules, but you still wish he was there– you wish you could see his face. 
“I’m done talking!” Kalo screams back. His grip tightens and you struggle to breathe. “Go away, or I’ll kill her!” 
He was losing control, you can tell. You squeeze your eyes shut and think about Luke some more. You let his face appear in your mind, his warm brown eyes and soft smile came into focus.  It makes you sad, thinking you may never be able to hear his voice again– or feel his touch.    
“You know we can’t do that, Kalo. Put the gun down and we can work this out.” Rossi says calmly. You open your eyes again. 
“I’m not going back to prison.” Kalo mutters. His arm becomes shaky as it is pushed deeper into your throat, you gag as your airway becomes almost completely blocked. 
“Kalo– don’t do this,” Rossi pleads with the man, he senses that he is about to snap. 
“I’m not going back to prison!” Kalo shouts, and you know– you know that this was it. 
A loud gunshot rings out and you feel yourself dropping to the floor. Your entire body goes numb. You’re sure that you’re dead. 
But as you collapse to the tile floors, you slowly realize that there was no pain– or darkness. You open your eyes to find Kalo lying lifeless next to you. His eyes are still open as blood starts to spread across the ground. You push yourself away, realizing the crimson liquid had splattered all over you and your clothing. You scoot backwards until you ram into the bench.  
You look around the room as the agents jump into action. Rossi hurries to Kalo, kicking his gun out of the way before kneeling down to check his pulse.  
Matt, JJ, and Tara rush to gather up the other hostages, still huddling on the floor in the corner.  
Emily crosses the room to put handcuffs on the other robber. Diggy stands with his gun still pointing at his partner. The smoke is still curling off the end of the barrel as he looks at his fallen friend. 
As Emily approaches him, he drops the weapon, showing that he is willing to go peacefully. 
“No one was supposed to die,” he says in shock. “I had to shoot him.” 
Emily starts telling him his rights when you are approached by a soft, calm voice. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Spencer says soothingly. He kneels beside you. “Are you hurt?” he asks. 
You shake your head, your eyes staring blankly at him as you try to regain the feeling in your body. 
“Can you stand?” Spencer asks wearily.  
You nod, slowly getting to your feet, with support from Spencer.  
“Luke–” you manage to spit out. Your voice is shaky. 
Spencer nods, wrapping his around your waist reassuringly, “Luke’s here,” he tells you. “I’m gonna take you to him.”
Spencer leads you outside of the bank. The sunlight is almost blinding and you hold your arms up to shield some of it. You want to search for Luke, to scream out his name, but your senses are betraying you.  
Your knees wobble, and you rely way too much on Spencer’s support to get down the steps of the building. You lean into his side, almost ready to fall, when you hear your name being called by a familiar voice. 
“She’s okay,” Spencer tells Luke as he darts across the sidewalk towards you.   
You barely have time to lay your eyes on him before he’s replacing Spencer’s arm with his own embrace. Suddenly, you’re engulfed by his touch and smell and everything Luke. It takes a moment for you to realize it’s real– that your husband is here and that you’re finally safe in his arms. But when you do, you let it consume you. You collapse into his frame and wind your arms tightly around his neck, squeezing like you just couldn’t get close enough. Your face presses into the nape of his neck and you breathe in his warm, familiar scent. 
“You’re okay?” Luke asks, finally pulling back to assess the damage that had been done.  
He winces when he sees the blood covering your shirt. “It’s not mine,” you whisper, knowing what he was looking so concerned about.
It was his– the man who had inflicted upon you the worst day of your entire life. You scratch at the fabric, suddenly desperate for it to come off. 
“I want to go home,” you tell Luke. 
He nods softly. “I’m gonna take you home.”
You stand in the bathroom later that night, staring at the reflection looking back at you. Your eyes were hollow– lifeless. The shower is running, the steam already rising above the curtain and starting to cause the mirror to fog up.  
You peel off your shirt to showcase the deep, discoloration already evident on your neck from where the robber had held you. You were tracing the line of bruises across your skin when the wave hit you. In an instant, you let out an earth shattering sob. The cries come from deep within you and wrack your entire body.  
You’re heaving so loudly that you don’t even hear Luke enter the bathroom. Only when he is behind you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly into your chest did you notice his presence. 
He holds you like that for a while, muttering sweet nothings into your hair and swaying you gently. When your sobs finally subside, he slowly starts helping you undress. First, he helps you unclasp your bra, then he undoes your pants, and acts as a balance support while you step out of them.  
Once you are finally naked, he starts undressing himself.  He is much faster than you. 
Luke leads you into the shower and piles in behind you. The warm water washes over you causing goosebumps to rise up on your skin as you adjust to the sudden heat. 
Luke is gentle. He helps rinse the hardened blood that was caked in your hair out. You watch the water that falls off your skin turn crimson as it swirls down the drain.  He softly takes a washcloth and runs it up and down your skin, you lean into his touch, grateful that he is here to help you. 
Luke plants random kisses all over your skin as he washes it. On your forehead, your nose, your cheek, your shoulder. When he gets to your collarbone, he stops. Luke’s fingertips ran across the bruise that had been left behind on you. You watch as his face twists in pain. He hates seeing you hurt. He hates the fact that he couldn’t stop this from happening to you. 
You break Luke out of his trance by gathering his hand in yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Your team saved me today,” you tell him. “You saved me.”
Luke brings your hand to his lips and softly kisses your knuckles. 
“I thought I was never going to see you again,” you tell him. On the last word, your voice breaks, and you start crying softly again. 
Luke pulls you in closer, his hands winding down your back. You press your face against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist. He holds you like that for a long time, until the hot water causes your fingertips to prune and until the mirror is completely covered in fog. Luke holds you tightly, his head resting against your wet hair as you breathe against his rising chest. 
You sigh heavily. For now, you are content like that. In fact, you don’t think you’d care if the two of you stayed in the shower forever You could spend an entire lifetime like that– wrapped up in Luke’s safe embrace. 
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tlou-reid · 2 months
hello! happy birthday! can i get a blueberry lemonade + luke alvez pls, thank you!!
blueberry lemonade: “i like it when you say my name like that.”
smut below the cut 18+ MDNI
you could feel luke curling his fingers across your clothes core, collecting the wetness that had accrued in the fabric. “god damn, princesa,” luke mewled, very much talking to himself. his fingers moved slow, deliberately teasing you. he’d been doing that all night; moving slow to get you worked up.
his left hand was placed gently on your left thigh as he sat in between your legs on the bed. the bruises on your neck from his sucks and bites were coming to fruition, making you the canvas of the most beautiful painting luke had ever seen. the purple and blue hues were darkening, making his dick jump every time he moved his eyes from your soaked cunt to your teary eyes.
this was a welcome home gift. one luke had gotten for himself after being away on two back-to-back cases. you weren’t expecting to be used like this, but there were no complaints coming from you.
aside from the fact that he needed to start moving faster. you’d been stripped down to just your pink panties for almost half an hour now, while he was still clad in a flannel and jeans. he’d touched you and teased your entire body, not leaving an inch of you untouched.
“lukeee,” you wailed, finally deciding to speak up for yourself and try to get him to do what you want, instead of the other way around. despite your loud whine and the way you thrashed your body around, luke did nothing but drag another finger along your slit and smirk down at you.
“i like it when you say my name like that,” he murmurs, bending down to press a kiss to your thigh, just above where his calloused hand was resting. “please,” you literally cried, the tears you’d been holding back finally falling, “please luke, please.”
you couldn’t see it from where your eyes were pinched shut from frustration, but luke’s eyes softened at your pleas, his dominant demeanor finally cracking. “i’m sorry, baby,” he cooed, shifting to lay between your legs. he moved slowly, not wanting to shake the bed too much. “i’m sorry,” he repeated, littering your thighs with small kisses. the rough of his beard felt heavenly against your hot skin.
“let me make it up to you,” he mumbled, almost inaudibly, as he hooked his fingers in your waistband and gently pushed your panties down your legs. “let me eat this pretty pussy so my cariño can cum,” luke says, leaning in licking a broad stripe between your legs.
the moan let out was pornographic, ricocheting off the walls of the room. luke’s hips bucked into the bed at the sound, searching for some kind of friction.
the almost of hour of luke’s teasing touches paid off as he licked into your cunt, holding your hips tightly against the bed. the room was hot, burning your skin and making you sweat. but the toe curling feeling of your orgasm was icy cold, a relief you’d been searching for since he got home. it didn’t take long for you to reach pure bliss on his tongue, tugging him even closer by his hair, not wanting the earth shattering feeling to end.
“fuck, baby,” luke says, wiping his mouth with his arm as you push him away, entirely too overstimulated to let him keep going. “you didn’t even need my fingers that time,” he compliments, kissing his way back up your body. “ready for my dick now, pretty girl?” he questions and you nod immediately, making him chuckle and press a kiss to the side of your temple.
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CM PolyAm Masterlist
If you're looking for my S.R. Blurb Masterlist, look here. If you’re looking for my S.R. SFW Masterlist, look here. If you’re looking for my S.R. NSFW Masterlist, look here. If you’re looking for Other MGG Characters, look here. If you're looking for my Other CM Characters, look here. If you’re looking for my Works in Progress, look here.
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Three’s Company: Spencer and Reader need to ask Luke a question, but they can’t act normal whenever he’s around.
Smut (18+, Minors DNI)
Spoiled: Reader’s favorite days are when both of her boyfriends are also home.
To be continued...
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
Don't Take The Girl
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Pairing: Luke Alvez x wife!reader
Summary: While on a case with the team, you end up on the wrong side of a gun and Luke has to save you. Ends with fluff and smut.
Warnings: Weapons, mentions of death, angsty AF. SMUT, unprotected sex (P in V). Cursing. Use of pet names.
You never expected to be in this position. You'd been shot at more times than you'd care to remember, but you'd never experienced anything like this. You'd never been this truly terrified.
You could feel the cold metal of the gun pressed against the back of your head and your heart was hammering in your chest. You didn't bother to beg for your life--you knew he wasn't thinking clearly anyway.
You entered the police station, the man behind you, the gun firmly in place. The first face you saw was your husband's and you said his name softly, but loudly enough to catch his attention.
Luke turned to look at you, taking in the look on your face. He saw the fear before what was happening behind you registered in his mind. "Isabelle?" he said as he stepped forward.
"Don't move," the man behind you snapped.
Luke immediately held his hands up, gaining the attention of everyone else in the station, including the members of your team that were standing near him.
"Just take it easy," Luke said calmly. "Let's talk this through."
"I want the man who killed my son."
"Mr. Carter, you know this isn't the way to get justice for Ryan," Emily said gently.
"I'll only deal with one of you, so pick," Mr. Carter insisted.
Emily took a step back, allowing Luke to take control. It was his wife's life on the line after all.
"You can talk to me, Jim," Luke said gently, hands still raised in the air. "Can I call you Jim?"
Mr. Carter--Jim--nodded his head.
Luke took a tentative step forward. "I can't imagine what you must be going through."
Luke's eyes shifted to your face and his heart nearly broke. Your breathing was labored and shallow, eyes filled with unshed tears, lips quivering slightly. You were clearly terrified, yet you managed to retain your composure.
He'd never been this terrified in his life. His heart was close to beating right out of his chest and he fought the urge to run to you and pull you out of harm's way. He'd been to war, he'd been blown up, shot, held hostage...but nothing could compare to the terror he felt in this moment.
"But hurting (Y/N) isn't going to bring back your son," Luke continued.
"I don't want to hurt her. I don't want to hurt any of you. I just want the man who killed Ryan," Jim said firmly.
"You know I can't give him to you," Luke countered softly.
Jim cocked the gun and you inhaled sharply. You didn't wanna die, and you definitely didn't want Luke to watch you die, but there was nothing you could do.
"I will shoot her," Jim shouted.
Luke took an instinctive step forward, terror evident in his handsome features. "Please," he begged. "You don't wanna hurt her."
Your eyes fluttered closed and you took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
"Bring him to me and I won't."
"I can't," Luke said softly. "But I can promise you that we'll do everything we can to ensure he pays for what he did to your son and the other victims."
"You can't promise me that," he yelled. "My only child is dead! I want revenge!"
His yelling only served to make you more afraid. You could tell he was starting to unravel, which meant your death was becoming more likely and more imminent.
"I know you do," Luke insisted. "I get it, I really do, but revenge won't make you feel better. It won't bring him back."
Tears welled in Jim's eyes. "He was all I had," he whispered.
"I'm so sorry, Jim," Luke murmured as he took another step towards you. Three more steps and he'd be within arm's reach. "If you put the gun down, we can talk--"
"No! I don't wanna talk!"
You let out a soft whimper as the gun pressed more firmly into your skull.
"(Y/N/N)," Luke whispered, a tone of desperation in his voice.
"I'm okay," you whispered back.
Despite his hazy state of mind, Jim seemed to notice the tension between you and Luke. "What is she to you?" he asked Luke.
"My life," he answered honestly. "My wife, my family, my everything."
Tears began to flow down your face at his words. He loved you more than anything in the world and you loved him just as much. The mere thought of losing you was enough to break him.
'I love you,' you mouthed to Luke.
Tears welled up in his own dark eyes as he nodded at you. "I love her more than life itself," he said softly.
Luke's words seemed to get through to Jim, softening his demeanor and bringing him back to reality. He slowly lowered the gun and released you from his hold. The moment you were free, you ran to Luke at the same moment he ran towards you.
Emily and JJ rushed forward to take the gun from Jim, rendering everyone safe. Jim repeated "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," over and over as Emily led him to an interview room.
Luke's arms were wrapped around you so tightly you could hardly breathe. When Jim, Emily, and JJ left the room, Luke pulled away from you to take in your appearance.
"Are you okay, baby?" he whispered as he touched your face and neck.
"I'm alright, Luke," you whispered back. "Thanks to you."
"I didn't do anything. Just spoke the truth."
You leaned into his chest as he wrapped you into a hug. "And that's what saved me."
He kissed the top of your head as he held you. He was almost too afraid to let you go--as if you'd disappear if he stopped holding you. "I thought I was gonna lose you," he said so softly you weren't sure you were meant to hear it.
"I'm harder to get rid of than that," you mumbled into his chest.
He laughed lightly, the sound warming your soul. "Thank God for that."
You pulled away from him to look at his face. "I was a little worried too, honestly."
He nodded. "I know, baby. I know," he sighed. "I love you so much, you know."
You smiled at him. "More than life itself, apparently."
He blushed. "I meant it."
"I know--and I love you just as much."
He kissed you softly, a kiss you returned gladly. The feel of his arms around you grounded you in a way you didn't even realize you needed.
"Come on," you said as you pulled away from him. "We need to go talk to him."
Luke's eyes widened. "I'm not letting you go in there."
You raised an eyebrow as you regarded him. "It was my life on the line, Luke, not yours. And I understand why he did what he did. He's just a broken-hearted father looking for justice. Besides, he didn't hurt me and he's certainly not going to hurt me now."
He sighed. "Fine, just--just stay on the other side of the table from him, please?"
You agreed and followed your husband into the interview room.
When you got back to the hotel, you were exhausted. It had been a very eventful day. You had opted to not press charges against Jim Carter...you understood what he was feeling and you didn't want to make things worse for him.
Luke disagreed of course, but he didn't fight with you as much as you'd thought he would. He was just glad you were alive.
Luke pulled you into him the moment the hotel door was closed. He kissed you so passionately that the breath left your body. After what felt like an eternity, he finally separated from you, both of you completely breathless.
"I've never been so scared in my life," he whispered.
"Me neither," you said honestly.
He kissed you again. "I don't wanna let you go."
You practically melted into his touch. "Then don't."
Luke's fingers intertwined in your hair as he pulled you even farther into him. He couldn't stop holding onto you and you didn't want him to. The way he held you spoke volumes about how he was feeling and how much you meant to him.
Luke wasted no time ridding you of your clothes and his own. Either his hands or his lips were attached to your body every single moment.
He gently pushed you back against the bed, letting you collapse on top of it. He crawled on top of you, touching every single inch of your bare skin.
"Luke," you whined. "Please, baby--I need you."
Your soft voice spoke to his soul. He needed you as badly as you needed him. "I've got you, my love."
Normally, he'd want to take his time with you--make sure you were ready for him, but neither of you wanted to wait. Today had been too much for both of you and all you wanted was to feel him--all of him.
You were already soaked, his soft lips and firm hands enough to get you where you needed to be. He gripped your hips as he slowly slid inside of you, eliciting a gasp and a moan from deep in your throat.
"Luke..." you moaned softly. "Feels so good."
"I know, baby. So tight--so good for me."
You clung to him as he moved, moans dancing between the two of you. He couldn't stop himself from whispering sweet words to you. He needed to make sure you knew how much he loved you.
"You're so amazing, sweets. I love every part of you," he murmured.
His words brought you closer to the edge as each thrust brought you immense pleasure. Words had escaped you, only able to moan and whisper his name as he moved inside of you.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered as he kissed your neck. "My beautiful girl. I never wanna let you go."
"Please..." you whimpered.
Luke knew exactly what you needed. He slid a hand between your bodies, finding your clit with ease. He gently rubbed circles around it, bringing you even closer to orgasm.
"I know you're close, baby. I wanna feel you. Can you cum for me, sweet girl?"
You gasped in pleasure as he pushed you right over the edge. "Luke!" you cried out, pleasure overwhelming you as you exploded around him.
"(Y/N)," he groaned loudly. "Baby--I'm gonna--" His voice broke off as he came, filling you with his seed.
He helped you ride out your high before collapsing on top of you, lips pressing to every inch of skin within reach. "I love you, baby. So damn much."
"I love you too, my love," you said softly, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "You're my world."
After a few minutes, Luke was able to roll off of you and make it to the bathroom. He grabbed a hot, wet washcloth and began to clean you up. He kissed you sweetly as often as he could and mumbled sweet nothings as he cleaned you.
Once he deemed you clean enough, he crawled back into the bed beside you and pulled you into his chest.
You settled in against him, feeling so warm and content in his arms. "Don't let go," you whispered.
"Never," he whispered back, pressing kisses into your skin.
You'd never felt more blessed in your life than you did in this moment. Laying here in the arms of the love of your life...you were so thankful to be alive. Thankful to be with Luke--thankful for Luke. You'd never felt so loved either. He was your world and you were his. He would have traded places with you in a heartbeat, would have given his life for yours without thought.
All that mattered to him was that the two of you were here in this moment--that you were wrapped in his arms. He wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you. He was still shaken from the events of that afternoon, but he was so happy--so content--just to be with you.
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Death by a Thousand Cuts
Request from anon: Spencer x daughter!reader (like 19/20) after the JJ confession she like storms into the BAU to confront her and basically is really mad that she told him that whilst married
“He told me, about the date. I was too young but I just remember him crying.”
“You don’t get to do that, you don’t get to choose when he matters to you and when he doesn’t. You don’t get to tell him something like that knowing you have a family and he only has me. It was a shitty thing to do. You’re so f****** selfish”
Sorry I went off I just hate that scene it was so pointless hahha
But I need some protective daughter!!!!
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: After you hear about JJ's feelings towards your dad, you tell her the truth about how you feel about her too... and it's not friendly.
A/N: This is basically just the reader yelling… I’ll let you guys imagine how the conversation afterwards might go (this will not have a part 2). I changed the dialogue a bit to have it make more sense but kept it the same for the most part. This is also unintentionally Taylor Swift inspired. The lyric just fit so I put it in.
CW: Spoilers for S15, swearing, reader is kinda really mean to JJ (it's understandable thought)
Trying to find a part of me you didn't take up Gave you too much but it wasn't enough But I'll be all right, it's just a thousand cuts -Taylor Swift, Death by a Thousand Cuts
It was a conversation that you were sure you weren’t supposed to hear… honestly, it was a conversation that your Aunt Penny wasn’t supposed to hear either. You were on your weekly phone call with her when she told you about it… what JJ had said to your dad. Well, she didn’t exactly tell you as much as you could tell something was off and then you pressed until she spilled.
At first you had kept your composure- simply saying goodbye to Penny. You’d driven peacefully from your college campus to the BAU. You were pleasant while going through the security check. It wasn’t until the elevator indicated you’d reached the sixth floor of the building that your vision went red, anger burning inside you like a fire that was burning at the edge of its confinement, blood boiling in your ears.
You stepped out of the elevator and went straight through the glass doors, not even bothering to say hello to Agent Anderson as you passed him in the hall. The team was in the bullpen, all at their prospective desks, calmly working on files when you marched your storm of anger right through the office.
“You bitch!” Your voice was filled with fury as you seemingly hurdled yourself towards JJ’s desk. “You selfish little-”
Luke grabbed you hard before you could swing your fists in the direction of the blonde woman you once would have trusted with your life. You strained against the man holding you. The sounds of voices filled the bullpen and agents were getting out of their seats but no one bothered to reach for a side arm. You weren’t a real threat.
But you didn’t need a gun to kill someone.
“(Y/N)-” Your dad’s voice stuck out to you. “What happened?”
You looked at your dad for only a split second before turning your head to meet JJ’s gaze. Both of you knew what happened. You stopped your struggle against Alvez and he loosened his grip, letting you go, but your eyes never left JJ’s.
“If there’s something you need to talk about, you can do it in my office,” Emily offered, but in your feeling of anger you didn’t want help from the woman who faked her death, leaving you and your dad to mourn her only to find out she was alive seven months later.
“How could you?” The fury was beginning to taste bitter with sadness. “How could you do this to my dad? How could you do this to Will and Henry and Micheal-”
JJ cut you off. She was calmer than you, but just as loud. “You don’t get to bring my family into this-”
“Yes I do!” you screamed. “Because I actually give a shit about people! Because for ten years Will took care of me while you guys were out on cases and Henry brought me to show and tell as his older sister when he was in kindergarten and my name was one of Micheal’s first words! So yes- I do get to bring your family into this because I care about them. I care that someone loves them because that’s what they deserve! They don’t deserve to have a wife and a mother who tells another man that she’s always loved him- especially when that man is their godfather! You don’t get to say things like that when you had the chance to do it fifteen years ago!”
JJ’s eyes were filled with tears. Her voice was meek as she spoke. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh really?” Your laugh was humorless and dry. “Because I do. I was only four at the time, but he told me about the date. I was too young to understand what was truly going on but I just remember him crying. You had your chance, JJ. You had a choice and you decided against my dad. He’s always cared about you. You could have at least told him that he mattered.”
“Your dad matters to me-”
“No!” you cut her off this time. “You don’t get to do that- you don’t get to choose when he matters to you and when he doesn’t. You don’t get to tell him something like that knowing you have a family and he has me. It was a shitty thing to do. You’re so fucking selfish. You hurt everyone who cares about you and you don’t even see it because you’re too busy making sure everything goes the way you want it to. Fifteen years ago you made a choice and you sure as hell don't get to go back on it and damage everyone around you, especially not my dad.”
The bullpen was silent, the venom in your words lingering in the air. Having said what you needed to, you turned away and walked back towards the glass doors. Before you pushed against them, you stopped and turned to glance back.
The entire team was staring at you, utterly bewildered by the events that had just transpired. The only one who wasn’t looking at you was JJ- her eyes averted from the person who had called her out on all her bullshit, every mistake she had made, every insecurity she had now out and open for everyone to see.
And some malicious part of you was happy she was in pain.
“You know,” your voice was calm now, “my mother was a bitch, but at least she was kind enough to break my dad’s heart and leave. But you, JJ? There isn't a single part of our family- our lives- that you didn't touch. You've taken everything and it's stil not enough for you, so the rest of us have to suffer death by a thousand cuts.”
Without another word you pushed open the doors and left.
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