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i finished Lest >:3c
i'm gonna draw all the marriage candidates + (at least) illuminata and pico (but i'll probably also do volkanon, Bado and Lin-fa) if i'm feeling ambitious maybe I'll tackle venti and redesign her human form
anyways! Lest's sprite art does him so dirty so I hope I did him justice (also I decided all earthmates have that diamond shaped eye-shine)
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paintedsunshine · 2 years
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two maggies and a sleepy trav
[Image Description:
Three digital sketches, two of Margaret, one of Travis Matagot from the Campaign Skyjacks podcast.
Margaret is a young woman of color with long curly hair, Travis is a young East Asian man with shoulder length hair. Margaret is drawn in pink, Travis in blue.
The first sketch is on the top left. Margaret smirks, looking to the right with her head cocked, one half of her curly hair covering her face.
The second sketch is on the top right. Travis has his right cheek resting in his hand. His head is angled toward the left. His eyes are closed. Next to his his head are little “zzz”s that descend in size, implying he is asleep.
The third sketch is on the bottom. Margaret looks to the left, grinning with her lips parted. She’s resting her chin on the back of her hand. Her hair covers most of her shoulders and neck. Next to her head on the left an implied speech bubble with hand-drawn letters and little hearts reads: “Oh, is that so, Mister Matagot?”
End ID]
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Dandelion,Skull Butterfly and Pseudoips prasinana  -  Magaret Barbara Dietzsch. 1741 -84.
German,  1716 - 1795
Watercolour and bodycolour, on vellum, 31.9  x 24.9 cm
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jamieontheroof · 4 months
that entire Buckley family story arc made me very sad so i think i'm done for the night
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
Margaret The PTA Mom
based on this dream I had
“Alright Kids! First day at the new school! I know it’s scary but this is a new opportunity isn’t it?” Margaret said to her children. Cindy and Becky, 6 and 8 respectfully, looked nervous but nodded their little heads. 
Margaret was very excited. It was a whole new town which meant a chance to make new friends herself. She considered it very lucky that her lovely Thomas’ new job let her be a stay at home mom. 
She reached the school gates still full of high spirits, unaware of how out of place she looked in her neat flared dress, heels and pearls. Her hair and makeup were both perfect and about 60 years out of date. 
“Go on! Introduce yourself darlings!” she urged. Her kids made their way over to a group of kids playing a game and were soon running around as well. 
One of the other moms dared to approach Margaret who had a wide, slightly unnerving, smile. 
“First day?” the new mom asked. 
“Oh yes! We just moved, we’re new in town. I’m Margaret, and may I say what a delightful top you have! I love that shade of blue!” she said enthusiastically. 
The other mum blinked and looked down at her t-shirt before laughing.
“Well I’m not dressed up all fancy like you.” she replied awkwardly. 
Margaret didn’t notice the awkwardness.
“Oh I just do this for my own benefit.” Margaret said with a dismissive wave, “Until Thomas got his promotion I worked as well so I’m making the most of being a stay at home mom now. It’s a bit silly isn’t it?” 
The other mom relaxed a little.
“My name’s Lindsey, would you like to meet the other mums?” Lindsey suggested gesturing to the group she had been standing with earlier. 
“Oh I’d love that!”
Later the mums would all agree that Margaret was a lovely person even if she didn’t seem to blink much and her smile seemed a little too big. 
It wasn’t long before Margaret was seemingly everywhere. Her Devil’s Food Cake was to die for and much sought after at bake sales, she always seemed to be on hand and ready to help in an emergency, volunteered at the school to help the children with their reading, and all the local children loved visiting her house. 
And then there was the birthday party for Jane Richardson. Everyone knew poor Jane was not a very popular child with her obsession with reptiles and snakes and her parents both worked full-time but were always low on funds. 
Margaret never claimed credit but when Jane excitedly handed out invitations to her party which was going to be held at the park with a magician and princesses and a giant bouncy castle and a reptile show…well everyone knew. They knew even before Margaret went around and said to each parent with her very big smile in place “Your little one will be at Jane’s party right dear?” 
Jane’s party was the party of the year and Jane got her very own snake as a present and all the kids were a little more friendly to Jane afterwards. 
So when it was time to elect a new head of the PTA Margaret was really the obvious choice. 
If there was a problem Magaret would handle it.
In fact the other parents at the school were so used to Margaret taking care of things that when all the kids started to have nightmares they were not really surprised when Margaret listened carefully to their schoolgate complaints and commiserations and smiled before saying:
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.” 
That night after her girls were fast asleep in their beds she sat on a chair in their room knitting as she waited.
Sometime after midnight the girls started to whimper and toss and turn in her sleep. 
Magaret put down her knitting carefully, stood up, and walked between the girls beds before putting a hand on each of their little foreheads.
“Got you.” she whispered before pulling a demon out of each of her kid’s dreams. 
The startled demons were dropped at the foot of the beds. They were very similar in appearance. One had long hair that curled around it’s horns as it blinked it’s glowing eyes in surprise. It’s tights were ripped and the black dress and boots had seen better days. The other had short hair and a ragged hoodie and ripped black jeans and frankly trashed trainers on. They both appeared to be about 16. 
They both looked up at Magaret and opened their mouths but she shushed them before walking to the door and holding it open. 
The demons stared at her for a moment before she nodded at the door impatiently.
The two demons scrambled quickly out the door and looked back at Magaret who pointed into the dark house. 
They glanced at each other but went in the direction indicated and eventually found themselves in a large kitchen diner.
“You two sit.” Magaret ordered and the demons did as asked without much complaint. 
Magaret proceeded to put on the kettle and before the two befuddled demons had oriented themselves she was joining them at the table with a tray and passing them two cups of tea.
“Alright. Explain yourselves.” Margaret said as she took a sip of her own tea.
The two teen demons looked at each other then looked back at Margaret who smiled and both kids started talking at once. 
It took a little bit of time and asking a lot of questions but eventually Margaret understood. The twins, Beial and Azora, weren’t trying to give the kids nightmares. They were hiding, trying to find a safe place to pass the night as they didn’t have a home they could go back to. They were demons without a family or a job. The local demon king wasn’t home very often and demons in the area tended towards the chaotic. 
Magaret didn’t like that. 
“You’re still growing children. You deserve stability. You’re welcome to stay here but you’ll have to attend school. Education is important.” Margaret said as she cleared up the tea things, “We have too many rooms in this house anyway.” 
The teens stared at her. 
“We’re literally demons with horns.” Beial pointed out.
“I know, sweetheart, I can see them. They’re very cute.” Margaret said, touching the tip of one lightly. 
The twins took a moment of silent communication before nodding. 
“We can give it a try at least.” Azora said.
“Wonderful! I’ll show you to your rooms and we can figure out the paperwork tomorrow.” 
Thomas was surprised to see teen demons at the breakfast table arguing over the bagels but when Margaret explained everything he took it in stride. He trusted his wife and besides, they seemed like good kids. 
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Sexuality hcs for random bsd characters bc I'm bored
Poe: Gay and in the Acespectrum
Ranpo: Unlabled but not straight and also in the Acespectrum
Yosano: Lesbian
Koyo: Bi and Demisexual
Dazai: Bi and Demiboy (He uses he/him and they/them)
Chuuya: Gay
Atsushi: Pan
Mushitaro: Either Gay or Omni (I can't decide) and also in the Acespectrum
Fyodor: Gay and ambiamorous but with a ton of internalized homophobia and religious trauma
Nikolai: Gay and ambiamourus too
Sigma: Unlabled but ambiamourus and definitly not straight
Shibusawa: Gay and polyamourus
Bram: Gay
Higuchi: Bi and Demisexual
Nathaniel: Bi and Ace (and in denial about both.)
Magaret: Bi too
Lucy: Still trying to figure out if she's pan or bi
Louisa: Bambi lesbian and demisexual
Gin: Pan and figuring out if she's genderfluid
Lovecraft: Has literally no idea what sexuality or gender is
Jouno: Gay
Tecchou: So gay that it hurts (Especially for Jouno)
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intrn37 · 2 years
No Broadway musical songs really make me that sad or hit me hard except for one
And that’s Carrie’s “And Eve Was Weak”
It shows the impact of being overly religious and how it affects people around you. 
I am Christian myself and I don’t see any problem with loving your religion openly or making it a bigger part of your life than other people. But this song is telling people about the impacts of being too religious, too dependant on the things they deem holy, to the point where they can’t even see a problem in front of their own eyes.
For example, Mrs White believes that periods are caused by sin and won’t even listen to Carrie trying to explain what Mrs Gardner told her. She’s so adament that what’s happening to her daughter is because of sin that she’s dismissing the fact that Carrie (who is right in front of her) is clearly distressed and confused.
And even if periods were caused by sin wherever they live, instead of comforting Carrie and calmly explaining things, Mrs White goes into a flying rage screaming about sin and how her (if I’m right) 16-year old daughter must repent for her sins! She even locks Carrie in a basement when Carrie doesn’t get on her knees and pray!
This is a prime example of over-dependence on religion. You become so blinded by the words you hear that you can’t even see what’s happening right in front of you and you think that any misfortune that happened to someone was because of their sin. And unfortunately it still happens in the real world.
Religion is used as an excuse and has been used for YEARS. It really sickens me that people can be so oblivious and cruel to others because “God said so” They use God and the bible to excuse their behaviour as “they will repent” and “nobody is free of sin” 
And WELL, if nobody is free of sin then WHY THE FUCK are you condemning and snubbing these people who do sin in your book when you should be enlightening them and forgiving them if they’re not religious like God (the alpha and the omega himself) fucking told you to, NEARLY A MILLENIA AGO??!!!
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girl-intrigued · 2 months
I watched Sense & Sensibility (1995) today and it was amazing. I was scared that Colonel Brandon might be heartbroken in the end but Thank God he was not.
Ps: Colonel Brandon pacing in his unbuttoned waistcoat was so hot
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viidori-sillygoat · 2 months
I have some bbieal ocs!
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.she is physical education teacher
.nobody makes a mess of her
.she likes learning students playing or more
.also have a love on dr.reflex ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/
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.he is kinda a crybaby
.his pronouns are he/him
.he hates someone disturb with him
.he likes studying,drawing, playing with other students
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.he is cheese one
.he also crafting cheese (just like arts and crafters)
.he likes rest a little
The worm
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.don't have a gender
.Just a worm string
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voidsentprinces · 11 months
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I love this tag. Close off Azys Lla, it released the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Seven Plagues of Egypt, the Anti-Christ, and resurrected Margaret Thatcher but look....we at least found the cure for Cancer in there. That's gotta amount for something?
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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finished Magaret >:DDDD
she's such a sweetheart <3 I wanted to really capture her classic elven aesthetic and highlight the sorta goofy parts of her design (weird anime hair and fantasy clothes that make no sense my beloved)
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angelstills · 2 years
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S5, Ep. 13: GG (2012) Gossip Girl (2007-2012)
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The Maids sprout feathers, and fly away as owls.
- Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood
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y3lnatsstanl3y · 1 year
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Math <3
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giasesshoumaru · 1 year
“How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Live with yourself. Knowing all the bad things you’ve done.”
“Well, you tell yourself you did the right thing, and if you say it often enough, one day you might actually believe it.” - Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White and Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon A Time, Episode 2.17)
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