#max really knows about skating and speaks the truth
scheodingers-muppet · 11 months
in honor of speak now tv about to drop, im bringing back my stranger things taylor song casting. i wrote a lot of this on my phone after listening to the album so apologizes for grammar errors or anything
mine: ronance, from Nancy's POV. Careless man's careful daughter. Sitting there by the water mirroring the boat scene. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded. In the music video, we see the couple fighting when things get tough outside of the relationship, which we've also seen Nancy do, both when she was struggling with Barb and fighting with Jonathan when dealing with sexism from her job.
sparks fly: lumax. Max is the rainstorm, Lucas the house of cards. "I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but for you, I know it's no good"
back to december: stancy; but just Nancy apologizing for how things ended, not them getting back together. "that night" not just being the Halloween fight but her cheating on him. I think she would feel bad about how things ended and I really want them to talk everything out in season 5. Plz. Also the line, "I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile...how you held me in your arms that September night, the first time you ever saw me cry" Obv with the tan skin and smile, but I hc that after Nancy told Steve what happened to Barb, he held her while she cried
speak now: byler, from Will's pov. Not in a literal wedding sense (though that might make a fun fic...) but more of Mike asking Will for advice about El and Will just finally coming clean. Maybe it doesn't go great and he doubles down with El and it causes some tension or maybe the roles are reversed and Mike comes clean then panics and doubles down and Will is trying to get him back
dear john: Joyce about Lonnie. I hate this man.
mean: El about Angela. Imagine if before the roller skate incident, she confided in Joyce and she told her to just confront her with her words, ya know? Like just call her out for being mean. Then when that doesn't work, she thinks, "well, what would Hopper tell me? Gotta fight back." Makes my heart melt
the story of us: Mike and El, from El’s pov. I just really feel like El would use story tails and romance stories, etc. to compare love to. This song to the letter fight just... ugh.
never grow up: Nancy. First verse to Holly, how she knows what's ahead, both in terms of alternate dimensions and being a teenage girl. She doesn't want her to have to deal with either of the two, just to stay little while she can. Second verse to Mike, seeing him start to become more of an adult and secretly missing her annoying kid brother. (brings more punch to the line “all your little brothers favorite songs”) Third verse takes place after she graduates, moving for school. Her night light mentioned in the verse was her graduation/farewell present from Holly, who says she's a big girl now and doesn't need it.
enchanted: elmax! From Max's POV. Imagine the second verse is them having a sleepover, playing truth or dare. I also love the use of referencing the story tail love metaphor again
better than revenge: stommy; Tommy singing about Nancy. idk it’s the closest I could get.
innocent: Steve and Nancy. First verse is about Nancy (lost your balance on a tight rope, lost your mind trying to get it back. wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything and everyone believed in you. , second about Steve. bonus points if you imagine them singing this to each other (not in a romantic way)
haunted: lumax (I’m sorry) Lucas begging for her to come back after her attack. Trying to move on and be happy but he can’t get over her. the chorus too, “somethings gone terribly wrong” “your eye’s gone cold” the bridge too “you’re not gone, you can’t be gone” you can also imagine it as like, she lives but can’t face the party without thinking about what happened too
last kiss: stancy / mike and el (parallel!) I think I’m gonna write up a post about all the parallels I see in the characters and dynamics, but I really love this one. Steve being El and Nancy being Mike. The Wheelers having severe issues with love (specifically saying the word) and hurting those who are head over heel for them. I see this from all of their perspectives, switching based off the lines. first verse is mileven (the plane line, “sit on the floor wearing your clothes” we’ve seen El wear clothes from pretty much everyone in the party) the second verse is stancy from Nancy’s pov (life of the party, “i’m not much for dancing, but for you i did” listing things he did she loved without saying “i love you”) bridge is rapid fire switching. “so I’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep” mike (bylers take a lot of family photos; i can imagine him seeing her in photos will sends) “i feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe” steve “and i’ll keep up with our old friends just you ask them how you are” el “i hope it’s nice where you are…it’s a beautiful day” nancy (i think she feels bad for how things ended)
long live: the whole party. they deserve to feel like hero’s and royalty after everything they’ve been though. i desperately need to find an edit to this
ours: Steddie. the town hates eddie atm and would probably not take well to king steve dating him. the lines “i love the riddles that you speak” and “any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored” i can also see lumax, but this is just such a light hearted song to me so i didn’t want to compare it to the racism we’ve seen be thrown at lucas and his relationship
superman: jopper. i love the idea of joyce hyping him up as her superman. also based on my parents (my dad was a first responder and this song always made me think of them for the “saving the world” aspect) “he’s not all bad like his reputation” i’m ignoring the sad parts and just focusing on the “go be a superhero, i’ll be here when you get back”
electric touch: steddie. eddie’s taylor, steve is patrick. “this could either break my heart or bring it back to life” “got a history of stories ending sadly” (eddie) “everytime i tried for love, it fell apart” (steve)
when emma falls in love: robin. i have no real proof, it just reminds me of her. i love the image of steve saying all of this about her ❤️❤️ (obvs pronouns change and stuff)
i can see you: steddie (it’s a very steddie coded album, leave me alone) from steve’s pov, talking about how he’s always had a crush on eddie and always noticed him but it breaks eddie’s brain fhat king steve has a crush on him
castles crumbling: steve angst time. talking about his “fall from social grace” and how he lost everything, both in terms of reconciling what he lost from being a jerk as king steve and what he lost when he was dethroned
foolish one; byler. “stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love” “it’s delicate but i’ll try my best to seem bulletproof” “maybe someday when we’re older this is something we’ll laugh about” “you haven’t written me or called” “i’ll get your longing glances but she’ll get your ring”
timeless; jopper. soul mates for real
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Hi. It’s me 🎸😈 anon from @stranger-nightmare and I wanted to show you Val, the Oc I sent to hope. Uhh yeah also I have to be on anon because this blog isn’t my ‘main’ one that I created when I signed up for tumblr back in the olden days so I can’t use this one for asks and stuff. But anyway this is long so it’s under a read more
Meet Val. Also known as 009.
I have a few picrews of her but this these are probably my fave.
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She’s 17-18. And was one of the oldest of the numbers in the lab when and El escaped.
She has the basic abilities we see that everyone has, but she like Kali or Henry has a special gift. She’s sonokinetic.
She can manipulate sound waves.
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She’s not very skilled at this one yet because once Kali escaped all training in this stopped and she’s still learning what she can and can’t do with it.
She has made peoples ears bleed before and one time she screamed in testing it started to crack the glass where Brenner was observing her.
She was els and the little ones protector in the lab. Often getting punished for fighting the other older kids when they would ya know be dicks to el or the other little ones.
When her and El escaped she always had her hand in els, or needed El to be in her sight.
When they found bennys Val was always on alert because ya can’t trust anyone obviously.
So cue running into the kids.
Yes Val did hide in the wheeler basement with El, it was as awkward as you think.
Val is mostly mute. She only really talks when she’s very comfortable with you, like she can talk to el no issue but the other kids nope.
So season 2 she was living with Joyce for my own reasons because she was in school because she wanted to learn beyond what the lab was teaching her.
She fully thought billy wanted to date Steve. She did not understand the like tones or vibes between them.
Also billy tried to hit on her, it went over her head.
Season 3 she’s more free and open a bit, but still doesn’t like talking much. Goes with el and max to the mall. Has a blast.
When hopper ‘dies’ and Sam owens wants to move them to cali. She stays in Hawkins.
In hoppers cabin. So she can finish school and Val just can’t leave. It’s very hard for her to move on from things she gets used to.
Her and el fight the one and only time. They use their abilities. Val shatters a few windows by screaming, el throws Val backwards.
But in the end Val stays in Hawkins with Steve and the kids promising to keep an eye on her.
She fully approved of el smashing a skate into Angela’s face.
“She was mean to you. You stood up to her. She will not be mean again”
So now we get to Eddie. Sweet man.
Uh Eddie falls head over fucking heels for Val the second Mike and Dustin drag her over to the lunch table where the hellfire club sits.
Mike has to explain, Val doesn’t really talk much, cue eddie trying to make her laugh for the next month and a half.
Well the first time she says his name he almost falls out of his chair because
“SHE SPEAKS! The beautiful Valerie speaks!” And god he falls in love with that sound her voice.
Now hellfire club. She knows nothing of DND, she knows the lil snips she heard hear and there with the kids but like she knows nothing of what playing is.
Until Mike and Dustin need a sub. Now she fully says she’ll do it until one of the others asks if she’s ever actually played and she just
“No. But I am a very quick learner.”
They show her 80s dnd and she just
“I think I would only cause you all to die by Eddie’s hand if I played.” Cue them getting Erica and yeah.
Now Eddie is the first person to make her fully belly ache, uncontrollably laugh. Like she loves the feeling and he is addicted to her laugh.
And when Eddie finds out she has powers? Oh babes
So Eddie sat in the boat house right, they are saying all this shit about the upside down and junk right. Well Val just kneels in front of Eddie, her hand on his and just
“Friends don’t lie, ever, so what they say and what I am going to show you, is the truth. Because I would never lie to you Eddie”
And she makes him float a bit before like dead silence and her voice is just at Eddie’s ear because again sonokinsis she can puppet her voice sort of.
Well Eddie is now just 10000 times more into her and can uses his bandana to wipe the blood from her nose because ya know expending mental energy makes the nose bleed and it’s a soft moment
“So you could do that this whole time?” And Val just nods
“Yes. I was told by people, who protect me and my sister the other superhero, that I have to keep my abilities hidden. So no one tries to use them for bad things”
And my god Eddie just
‘I will die for this women. Kill for her.’
And yes that’s the basics so far. I hope you enjoyed love
Your fav 🎸😈 anon from @stranger-nightmare
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yuzuangel · 5 years
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A few days ago, Massimiliano (Max) Ambesi talked about the World Championships and the scoring system in an interview. This is the full translation.
Max obviously thinks that this system is broken and needs to be fixed.
I’m glad that there are experts like him who publicly and openly talk about this problem.
Translation by Rora1608 on Twitter
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
Get On Your Bikes And Ride!
For @charleslucid whose post inspired this!
Billy was on his way to make a fool of himself in front of Steve Harrington, with no way to stop it. It was all Max’s fault, really. She’d begged him for a ride to the arcade because it was too hot out to skate there. Three blocks from the arcade, they saw an incredibly sweaty Steve Harrington walking along the side of the road. Billy couldn’t help slowing down and taunting him.
“Hey pretty boy, you’re drenched. What are you doing walking? Did daddy take your wheels away?” Steve turned to him, an absolutely miserable look on his face. He wiped his brow before responding.
“Nope. Car broke down and it’s going to take a few days to get the part that they need to fix it.” Billy continued to idle next to him, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“No bike?” Steve blushed and mumbled his reply.
“I don’t know how to ride one,” he said softly. Billy was happy to hear it. He could offer the other boy a ride, and maybe finally show him that he was a good guy. Instead, his mouth completely betrayed him, and before he could think, he was laughing at Steve.
“What do you mean, you can’t ride a bike, Harrington? What 19-year-old can’t ride a bike?” It’s like he had no control over the urge to poke fun at Steve. There was probably some truth to the old saying about pulling pigtails. Steve’s mouth turned into a frown.
“You don’t need to be such an asshole about it, Hargrove. It’s not exactly something that I’m proud of.” Billy tried to regain his composure and save the situation.
“You headed to work, princess? Hop in, we’ll drive you the rest of the way.” Steve looked weary, but the heat was rising, so he probably figured walking was worse than getting in Billy’s car. The drove a block before Billy found himself offering to teach Steve to ride a bike. He glanced at Max, who’s eyes widened. Steve took a moment, probably to weigh his options, then responded.
“Ok, Hargrove, thanks. That’s actually really nice of you. I’d appreciate it. Can you pick me up here a 7, and we can go back to my place? My dad has an old bike in the shed.” Billy assured him that he’d be back here at 7, then waved at Steve as the other boy headed towards the video store. As soon as Steve was out of earshot, Max started to speak.
“Billy, you realize what you just offered to do, right? You can’t…” Billy cut her off.
“I know, Max. I know I can’t ride a bike. I’m an idiot. I just can’t stop myself around Steve. He gets anywhere near me, and I suddenly lose my ability to think! You have to teach me to ride a bike right now.” Max shook her head.
“No can do. I’m already late for my date with Lucas. I can’t tell him that I can’t even stay now.” Billy sighed and pulled out his wallet.
“Will you do it for twenty bucks?” Max snatched the money from his hand.
“Now we’re talking! I’m bringing Lucas, though!” Before Billy could protest, Max shot out of the car. Billy fought the urge to drive away. For better or for worse, he needed Max. A couple minutes later, Max exited the arcade, Lucas in tow.
“Hey, man,” Lucas said with a chuckle, “Max told me that… owwww.” Lucas grabbed his foot in pain. “I was going to say that it’s really awesome that you’re going to help out Steve. That’s really nice of you. And it’s not at all weird that neither of you can ride a bike.” Max glared at him.
They drove back to Billy and Max’s house and grabbed Max’s bike, heading to the park at the end of their street, which was blessedly empty in the afternoon heat. Billy hopped on the bike. It was 3pm now. If he factored in driving Lucas home, eating dinner with Max and Susan (who had finally kicked out Neil a couple months before, but still wanted to keep the tradition of family dinners), the driving to the video store for 7pm, he really only had about 2 hours to learn to ride a bike.
They tried a straightforward approach, with Billy on the bike, and Lucas and Max running along behind him, holding on while he peddled. That worked while they were holding on, but as soon as they let go, Billy panicked. Again and again they tried, with each attempt ending with him crashing into the pavement. They were at the point of Lucas only half jokingly suggesting training wheels when Billy realized they were out of time.
He drove Lucas home in a panic. What was he going to do? He couldn’t tell Steve he couldn’t ride a bike, but it was going to be really obvious that he couldn’t ride one if Steve asked him to demonstrate. And what if he tried to help Steve and the other boy crashed and hurt himself. He would just have to hope for the best and wing it.
Now, 7pm had approached, and he headed to pick up Steve. He was shaking from nerves but tried not to show it.
Steve got in, and they headed for his house. He asked Billy to hold on for a minute while he changed. A few minutes later, he came around from the back of the house, pushing a pretty decrepit looking bicycle, and wearing denim short shorts and a red crop top. Billy’s eyes just about bugged out of his head. As if he wasn’t nervous enough, now Steve was basically wearing nothing? Was it too late to run?
He told Steve to hop on the bike, trying to remember what Max and Lucas had taught him, but he could barely think through the haze that Steve in that outfit was creating in his mind. Something about peddling, just keep peddling.
He instructed the other boy to pedal while he held onto the back, but Steve wasn’t having much more success than he was. He wanted to say something comfortable, but his stupid mouth betrayed him again.
“Damn, Harrington, this is going to be harder than I thought. You have zero coordination.” Why was he like this? Steve was getting visibly frustrated and embarrassed, a blush lighting up his cheeks.
“Fine then, asshole, if it’s so easy, why don’t you show me?” The jig was up. There was nothing he could do now. He looked everywhere except Steve’s eyes as he mumbled.
“I can’t ride a bike either!” Steve was incredulous.
“Then why the fuck did you offer to teach me?” Billy threw up his hands in frustrating.
“Because I’m an idiot, Harrington! I like you, and I can’t think about you. You come near me, and I can’t even think straight. So yes, I lied! I can’t ride a bike!” Steve’s eyes were wide.
“Wait, you like me?” Billy was fucked. He had not meant to say that, but there was his brain again, barely able to function. He had to distract Steve from what he’d said. Somehow.
He grabbed Steve and kissed him. That was the great distraction plan that his brain had. Perfect. Steve froze for a second before leaning into Billy’s space, cupping his hand around the back of Billy’s neck, drawing him closer. He then pulled back, looking at Billy with a soft smile on his face.
“That is the cutest shit ever, Hargrove. I’m not happy that you risked my safety but thank you for trying to help.” Billy laughed, before asking Steve where the phone was. He had a solution.
20 minutes later, Max and Lucas rode up, taking in Billy and Steve’s flushed cheeks and messed up hair. Max cackled.
“Do you two need bike riding lessons or a room?”
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 11 - AO3
M. Devereux, the history professor, was handing back their projects, finally graded. Felix, of course, knew that his and Marinette’s deserved nothing less than a perfect score.
What grades other people got… well, that was their own business. If they decided to share that information with the class, then he’d take pleasure in it.
He and Marinette received their own before certain other people. He flipped open the professional black binder to reveal their perfect score on the cover page. Marinette’s smile was blinding and Felix found it hard to breath for a second as a soft smile that only existed around his mother began to form on his lips.
“What!?” A screech flung from the front of the class. His smile morphed into a smirk as Rossi stared at M. Devereux with horrified eyes. “How did we get a failure!?”  
“If you have any questions about your results, I will address them after class, Mlle. Rossi.”
“B-But we used Lila’s notes!” Cesaire replied unable to stop a glance at those in the back. In her hands, clear for everyone to see, was the rose-imbedded binder Felix had ‘lost’ the week previous. “It should have been perfect!”
“After class.”
Rossi shot a glare at them—pathetic, she thought she still had a chance—and burst into a symphony of fake tears. “I-I knew I shouldn’t have let Marinette look at our project! She probably swapped the contents of our binder when I wasn’t looking!”
The class turned back to look at them, but M. Devereux would have no accusations of plagiarism in his class. “While it is possible someone could have switched your assignment, it is because both you and Mlle. Cesaire’s names were only on the title page of your assignment. M. Graham de Vanily and Mlle. Dupain-Cheng’s names were on each page in the header, as the formatting instructions required.” His eyes narrowed. “Please refrain from shouting in my classroom.”
“T-Then!” Rossi’s voice cracked unpleasantly, “They must have re-typed the assignment!”
Felix rolled his eyes. “That’s too much work.”
Marinette nodded, then frowned. “Hey… isn’t that the binder you lost last week?” She asked, her voice the perfect picture of innocence, drawing the class’s attention to the rather memorable piece of leather. “The one you reported to lost and found but never heard back from?”
“Yes, I think it is. Why do you both have it?”
Rossi snatched the binder from Cesaire’s arms, clutching it to her chest. “No it’s not! It must be a different one!”
One of the other classmates spoke up—a blond one, the Princess Fragrance girl. “But it has the same rose on it!” By holding it against her chest, Rossi revealed the memorable rose backing to the world. “I remember it because I thought it was so pretty!”
“Y-Yeah, that’s why I bought one just like it!” Rossi’s smile was flawless.
Felix cocked an eyebrow. “You bought a hundred-euro binder that looks exactly like the one that went missing?” Some strain. He shrugged. “Sure, I’ll buy it… if you can provide the receipt.”
“The receipt, Rossi.” Felix dug around in his back for his receipt pouch and pulled out the one for the binder; it was ready at the front just for this purpose. “I have my own, for my binder. Provide yours, and I won’t report you for stealing.”
“I bought it online,” came the swift lie.
“Then show proof of purchase on your phone,” Marinette quickly rebutted.
“Not that she can,” Felix added. “Since this store doesn’t sell it’s more expensive items online, only in person.” He grinned, watching as the rusty gears in Rossi’s head began to smoke from the pressure. “So how’d you manage to do that?”
“It’s not from the same store, obviously.”
“So another store just so happened to be carrying the exact same handmade binder?” he snorted. “Just tell us the truth, Rossi; some of us want to go to lunch.”
“I… I…” Her eyes were darting around the room, meeting friendly and unfriendly gazes alike when she suddenly burst into tears. “I’m sorry!” she wailed. “I found the binder in lost and found! It, it was so pretty, and I didn’t know it was yours, Felix! Please forgive me!”
The few hostile classmates seemed to be on the brink of doing so, but before Felix could interject, Marinette said, “So you stole it from lost and found? How is that much better?”
“That’s not the same, Marinette,” Adrien said, narrowing his eyes at her. So he would defend the liar and not his own cousin’s stolen property? How shameful… and utterly expected. “It was just lost and found. If it was important to Felix, he wouldn’t have lost it, would he?”
“I’ve found Markov in lost and found; are you saying that he’s not important?” The Gamer boy’s jaw dropped, before he leveled a glare at Adrien. “And Alix’s skates, and Nathaniel’s sketchbook, and Rose’s perfumes. Are you saying those aren’t important?”
“Then why isn’t it important when it’s your cousin’s things?”
“That’s enough!” M. Devereux spoke above her voice. “Students, you are dismissed for lunch. Mlle. Cesaire, Mlle. Rossi, stay. We have something to speak about.” The students hesitated, unsure. “I want this classroom empty now.”
Felix and Marinette escaped in the max exodus, Felix gloating inwardly at the scowl Rossi shot him. It felt good to irritate her. They separated from the class to head towards the bakery.
As soon as they were out of sight, Mariette let out a little giggle. “They didn’t even check it!”
“Shows their average intelligence then, though I wasn’t really expecting them too. I did insinuate that the project was complete, after all. And who proofreads the assignment they stole?” It was a bit tedious, go through their own assignment and altering the dates and names so that only half the timeline was correct, but he considered it well worth the effort.
“So that’s what you two did.” They stopped and turned. Adrien had been following them, a stern scowl on his face. Felix felt Marinette falter at his side. “You deliberately made them fail.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say deliberately.” Felix quickly shielded her with his body. “It was more of a happy accident that they didn’t check. My real plan was to use the binder from the start.” No one buys a binder like that unless they wanted it to be remembered, after all.
“But you still let them turn in a false assignment.”
“That they stole. They didn’t have to steal it. They didn’t have to turn in work that wasn’t theirs. They chose this outcome.” Felix tapped his chin. “Or rather, Rossi chose this.”
“They couldn’t choose anything, they didn’t know anything! Lila was probably just… worried about her grade. If anything, you two should have helped her!”
“If she needed help, she should have met with the teacher. Not steal another person’s assignment. If you must, think of it as a prank. Or karma.”
“It’s not karma when you make other people suffer for her actions!” Adrien snapped. “Now Lila’s probably going to get akumatized again!”
“And how is that our problem? We’re kids, we don’t have to deal with akumas.”
Adrien’s argument seemed to stumble, his eyes growing wide. “C-Chat Noir will have to! I’m just trying to keep down the amount of work the heroes face! Although—” Adrien’s eyes gained a rather cruel glint to them— “You wouldn’t know much about that, would you. In fact, if I remember right, you make their jobs harder.”
Felix failed to hide a wince at the thought of the triple akuma he caused. But before he could return fire, Marinette spoke up from behind him, though her voice was too low to hear.
Adrien frowned. “What was that?”
“I said—” Marinette brushed past Felix, her eyes shining wetly with rage. “That’s a LOW BLOW, Adrien Agreste!!” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A/N: Before you leave, I have made a spotify playlist for this fic. You can find it here. Feel free to leave suggestions for the playlist, as it is mostly musical songs at this point (I even surpassed my hatred of Dear Evan Hanson to put a few of those songs on it, so I need suggestions, please). Thank you!
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice @dur55 @kris-pines04 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @moonlightstar64 @bee-a-garbage-shipper @sol-o-shade @kittyotakunoir666 @tinyterror333 @allieoftheenemy @marichat00 @xgxmxtx @two-faced-biatch @feliciakainzofspades @evil-cricket @emilytopaz @spicybelladonna @chocolateherringtacofan @user00000003 @wannajointhecrabcult @happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen
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passivenovember · 3 years
Tetherball : Harringrove April Day One
Also on ao3
Steve put his seatbelt on that first day, when Billy stepped out of his chariot across school grounds, taking inventory of things as they were. Life as Steve knew it.
Nancy in the seat next to him.
First period chemistry, English, Geology, lunch. Steve took note of the periwinkle tones in the sky, the rumble of the cafeteria on pizza day, the smell of the library and the way the books turned on you if there were late fees to be settled.
Everything fell into bullet points across worn pavement.
Then versus now. Before and after.
Steve said goodbye to planet Earth that day, whether he knew it or not. Whether he found it favorable. The rumble of an engine beneath his feet changed Steve's perception, and the weight of two blue medallions grew and grew until Steve had learned the facts.
William Hargrove went by Billy. And he had tumbled in from California, presumably naked on a sea shell, where Billy’s stepsister doused hatred like a flame in the ocean under skies full of seagulls and cotton candy wisps.
He wore elevens in converse and a large Hawkins Phys Ed t-shirt that popped seams across his biceps but went soft and wavy in the middle.
Not like it mattered, though.
William went by Billy and he called skins as soon as coach blew the whistle. His t-shirt never made another appearance after that.
That's all Steve needed to know, right? The basics. California and step sisters, William instead of Billy, and the sound of rubber on polished oak.
But that's the funny thing about revelations.
Facts are different when colored by opinions, and Steve felt them dropping like coins from the hole in his pocket. As he got to know Billy the bullet points that had taken over Steve's mind rippled and glimmered in the light of first period. Changing.
He observed.
Developing thoughts about who Billy was and, eventually, the person he pretended to be. Steve wasn't interested in the line Billy drew around the two halves of a whole. Any of the masks he wore in the cafeteria around princesses and prom queens versus the man Steve saw in second period English, who was.
Soft spoken and thoughtful. Every pastel shade in the sky versus brash and heated sunsets over barley.
Flame and sea, like a burning ship at war.
Steve wasn't interested but he learned anyway. Took notes, eyes tracking the brush of Billy's thumb on his bottom lip, brows pinching in concentration as he deciphered the root of a poem in ten seconds flat. The curl of his lips when we took his paper from Mr. Terrine. How he always had an extra pencil for anyone who needed it.
Before long Steve aced his exam in AP Hargrove and failed where everyone else said it mattered.
Got himself a tutor.
Blue eyes to pin him in place, pink lips to seal the passage between worlds. Steve wasn't interested in spending his afternoons under a tetherball, smacking brightly colored plastic out of his face as Billy read to him from a textbook while his sister. Max (step sister, Billy's voice supplied), kicked some girls ass on on the skateboard during softball practice.
"Should we try it once more?" Billy's patient. Steve wasn't expecting that.
He smacks the ball away again. "I've learned a lot about you, but I wasn't expecting this."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Y'know." From across the playground Max teaches her girl how to kick flip. Steve doesn't think that's right. He shrugs anyway. "Smarts. Like, AP biology, Valedictorian, Brain stew smart."
They've been studying together for weeks.
Four weeks. Seems like more with the slide of Billy's shoulder against Steve's arm, blonde ringlets dodging the tetherball as it swings overhead. Billy's fingers brush the open faced textbook, mouth serious but eyes soft. Sparkly, like a discarded bag of glitter.
"Maybe you should pay more attention to the prose."
"Maybe I can do both at the same time." Steve fiddles with the edge of the notebook, nodding as Billy grins. "Alright, goldilocks, tell your silly little story."
He does.
The green eyed boy in the powder blue shirt standing next to you in the supermarket recoils as if hit,
by a lot of men, as if he has a history of it.
Steve leans back against the rusty iron pole, feeling the weight of the tetherball on one side of his head, and. The brush of golden curls on the other. He closes his eyes, feeling a voice more than hearing it.
That is not your problem. You have your own body to deal with.
The lamp by the bed is broken--
"Are you following?" Billy asks. He moves, knees drawn up so the book is balanced close to the curve of his chin. Close to the split in the universe. "We're getting into muddy waters here--"
"'S not that muddy."
"Sure it is." Billy's cheeks flush, pink paint across the bridge of his nose. He moves against Steve's arm, elbow knocking into ribs. "Tell me what you think is happening."
Steve thinks about it.
Knocks Billy's arm away gently, closing his eyes. "Read some more and then we'll talk."
Billy does.
The lamp by the bed is broken. You are feeling things he is no longer in touch with a nd everyone is speaking softly, as if not to wake one another.
The wind knocks the heads of the flowers together. Steam rises from every cup at every table at once.
Things happen all the time.
Things happen at every minute that have nothing to do with us.
Billy stops reading and Steve peeks at him through an eye half-lidded, curious. "Is that the end of the story?"
"Huh." Steve straightens, moving his legs this way and that. "Felt like a story."
Billy mirrors him exactly, closing the textbook and grabbing his pencil. "That's interesting."
And the way he says it. While flipping through his pea-green fivestar spiral, makes it feel wrong. Stupid.
Steve smacks distantly at the sky. "No it's not."
"Sure it is. Siken's poems are very lyrical. They paint images, vivid images, and sometimes I can imagine myself doing what the lines convey."
Steve grins. "You can imagine yourself in bed with another man?"
Steve isn't interested in the answer but he's interested in the feeling, the glint of emotion behind a wall of powdery blue. It doesn't seep through the cracks, though, it's contained. If Steve wants to find the center, he'll have to dig.
Billy doesn't miss a beat. "If that's what you think the poem's talking about, sure."
"Of course that's what it's talking about."
"How so?"
Steve laughs at that, rubbing against Billy's side. "You sound like a scholar."
"Is that so wrong?"
"No." Steve says thoughtfully. "'S cute."
Billy doesn't crack. Not in the way Steve's used to. No fingers in his hair, spinning spools of gold as he peeks at Steve through thick lashes. Instead he makes a note of it, whatever it is they're saying. Scribbling Steve's interpretation on one side of the blank page, dividing the two halves with a thick black line.
Billy intends to find the truth. "The protagonist is in love with the man at the supermarket? Is that what you're saying."
"I guess."
Billy rolls his eyes. "Your intent has to be clear. Poetry is all about interpretation; if you don't attempt to bridge the divide--"
"All right, Einstein." Steve plays along. "Sure."
Billy's eyes flash victorious as he clicks the pen trigger. "What makes you say that?"
"The way he's obsessed with him."
"The way the narrator is obsessed?" Billy leans forward, intent. "With the man in the grocery store?"
"What makes you deny it?" Steve wonders, folding his legs beneath him so they're crisscross applesauce.
Billy leans back against the pole, casual and easy. "I'm not the one failing English."
"No, but you are the poet." Steve counters. "Dude, I know you have an interpretation. I know you have thoughts, so. Just tell me."
Billy turns to face the playground.
Max skates circles around her girl, smiling in the way Billy does when he's got Steve pinned on the court. Like a predator. Pushing and pulling back just enough to leave the girl chasing after her, enough to catch herself before Max has a chance to get her claws out.
It's incredible, Steve thinks, how much Billy is just like his sister.
"I think he's using him."
Steve cocks his head, curious.
"The man with the blue shirt." Billy opens the textbook and reads the part about the lamp again, peeking up at Steve through frizzy curls. "The narrator says we are feeling things the man is no longer in touch with."
Steve leans forward. "Like love?"
Billy thinks about it. "No."
"Connection, then."
"If they're sleeping together it's more than just sex." Billy counters, "More than just carnality."
Steve frowns. "People fuck all the time without connecting."
"Yeah." Steve thinks about rattling down his list. The girls, the guys, the one night stands and bullshit post-game hook ups.
Billy fiddles with the edges of his notebook almost. Shyly. "People have sex because they're in love."
Steve snorts. "There's a million reasons to fuck outside of love."
Billy's eyes flash hard with.
Something. He bares his teeth. "Yeah? Like what?"
"I dunno. Breakup sex, makeup sex, sorry for burning a hole in your prom dress sex--"
"Point is." Steve looks at Billy. Studies him, the freckles across his upper lip, the scruff along his jawline. "Sex and emotion don't have to exist within each other."
Billy stares back at him, eyes wide and distant. Closed off.
He writes something on Steve's half of the notebook. "I disagree."
"Yeah." Billy tosses his pen to the ground. "Our narrator says the man in the blue shirt has a history of being hit by other men."
"So?" Steve has trouble following at the best of times, and this.
The way Billy is worrying the skin on his fingers, nails catching and tearing in places they don't belong, feels important.
Billy shrugs. "Why would he sleep with a man without knowing his heart?"
"Maybe he just wants to feel something."
"Or maybe he wants to connect." Billy turns to look out across the playground once more, fingers tugging at the edge of his notebook. "Maybe he's existing in this bubble, like. This silent world with a tiny room where everyone is speaking softly out of respect. Maybe he chooses the wrong person because it's better than feeling half alive."
Steve knows they aren't talking about the poem anymore.
He tugs the notebook from Billy's hands, flipping through a million and one handwritten theories and observations. Billy lets him. Lets Steve look through his life and into his mind before handing the spiral back and asking, "Have you ever picked the wrong person?"
Billy doesn't say anything and then; "Yes."
"How come?"
"Everybody's wrong if you squint hard enough."
Steve nods, looping his arms around his knees. "And I'm assuming you didn't sleep with any of them."
He doesn't expect Billy to answer. It's not like they owe each other anything, honesty or otherwise. Billy leans back against the pole once more. From where their bodies are pressed together Billy feels feverish. Incendiary.
Billy clears his throat. "Or the opposite."
Which catches Steve off guard.
Billy watches him for a moment, eyes dark and serious. "I don't think the narrator sleeps with the man in the blue shirt. Maybe he intends to. Take the guy home, make a couple drinks, blaze trails into something previously unknown to him or maybe just. A feeling he hasn't felt in a while. But intimacy isn't always about sex."
Steve snorts. "I can't think of anything more intimate than being inside another person."
"But you are inside them, just. Not in the way you expected."
Steve glares out over the playground. The sun will be setting soon, blacktops and brown fields painted in shades of red and orange. The whole world will catch on fire but Steve feels the beginning, coals glowing bright red under the line of his ribcage when he turns to find blue eyes on him.
Dousing the fire, or maybe.
Raising the stakes. His eyes flit across Billy's forehead, brushing over his lips and coming to rest on his eyelashes. Feathery and soft, like the arms of a teddy bear. Steve licks his lips, going up in flame when Billy's eyes track the movement.
"I lied." Steve says.
Billy doesn't look away. "I'm not sure what you--"
"The first time a boy ever kissed me." Steve says. "When a boy kissed me because he wanted to, that was more intimate than anything I'd ever felt before."
Billy's gaze falls impossibly lower, tracing the swell of Steve's lips. "How did it feel?"
And he says it like.
He couldn't possibly know.
And Steve says, "Like my heart was taking root," like.
Let me show you.
Billy takes a deep breath. "I don't think I've ever felt like that."
"Not once."
From across the playground Max's answering laugh makes Billy's skin turn gold. Caramel, ice cream topped with sugar. Steve feels his body inching closer, mouth opening as if to taste love on the air.
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak
Summary: After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Nancy wrestles the truth about Barb. Dustins sister finally talks to Mad Max, but doesn’t get the response she wanted.
Tag list; @folly-olly @chinchillagirl18
Story list; Chapter 1
Note; Damn I suck at keeping up with series’, I’m sorry it took me five months to get the second chapter in, school and work is keeping me (too) occupied! I also started improvising in the end because my Netflix has been cutting out, and I don’t know the episode word-for-word by heart!
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“Oh! I want to see those pearly whites!”
You and Dustin are dressed all out. Gray suits and large backpacks, each holding your own proton blaster. Side by side, you aim your blasters at one another, smiling at the camera your mother held up,
“Who you gonna call?” Claudia hums the Ghostbusters theme song, and laughs when you purposefully hit Dustin in the shoulder with your blaster. 
You skid your bike to a stop just outside the school, laughing when Will runs up, yelling, “Ghostbusters!”
“Hey, Spengler!”
“Whoa whoa.” Mike pulls you away from Lucas, pointing to Lucas’ name tag on his suit, “Why are you Venkman?”
“Because I’m Venkman.” Lucas states, Mike shaking his head. “No, I’m Venkman.”
“Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” Will asks, innocently, Mike scoffing and glaring at Lucas. “Because there’s only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago.” 
Mike presses a hand to his chest. “I’m Venkman. Y/N’s Barrett, Dustin’s Stantz, Will’s Egon, and you’re Winston.”
“I specifically didn’t agree to Winston.” Lucas crosses his arms, Mikes eyes widening in an ‘are you serious’ expression. “Yes, you did!”
“I don’t think he did.” You look at Will, who shakes his head. “No one wants to be Winston.”
“What’s wrong with Winston?” Mike looks at you, and you press your lips together, tightly. “Winston joined the team super late, he’s not really funny, or a scientist.”
“Yeah but he’s still cool.”
“If hes so cool.” Lucas snips, “Then you be Winston.”
“I cant.” Mike sighs, and your eyes scan the school yard as they continue to argue, furrowed brows relaxing with realization. “Shit.” You face the group, “Guys?”
The four boys look at you, and you point past them, to the kids getting off the bus. “Why is no one else wearing costumes?”
Standing at your lockers side by side, Will watches you unzip your suit and step out of it. “You wore clothes underneath?”
“You didnt?” You pick up the suit and bag and shove them into your locker, slamming it shut before picking up your bookbag, turning and jerking to a stop to stare at Max, who rolled down the hall towards you on her skateboard.Your eyes watch as she skids to a stop in front of her locker, putting her board inside and grabbing her books for the next class.
“You really like her, huh?” You blink and look at Will, shaking your head as you sigh, deeply. “No. It’ll go away.” Your eyes shift back to the red head. “I hope.”
“Why dont you just talk to her?” Will asks, and you frown, finally turning your full attention to him. “She called us stalkers and creeps. I dont think she’d want to be friends with a creepy stalker.” Without realizing, your eyes are on her again, “Besides, she probably doesnt even like girls.”
“You never know until you talk to her.” Will raises an eyebrow, and you squint your eyes. “Since when did you get so good at this kinda stuff?”
“My mom has a boyfriend.” Will shrugs, and you snort, nodding towards the classroom you both shared down the hall. “C’mon.”
.           .               .
Max opens her locker and shoves her first and second period books inside, heaving a deep sigh of exhaustion.
A small clearing of a throat causes her to glance over, finding you, shifting your bookbag on your shoulder, and a nervous smile on your lips. Cute.
“Uh, hey.” You wave, and instantly drop your hand to your side, “I’m Y/N.”
“I know.” She nods, once, shifting onto one foot, “You’re a stalker like your four buddies.”
You laugh, nervously, shaking your hand as you pull at the sleeves of your shirt. “No. No, we weren’t stalking you. I-I mean my brother and my friend, Lucas, were, but I was just curious. You’re new here in Hawkins and I saw that you really like Dig Dug at the arcade.”
“So your brother is Dustin?” Max raises an eyebrow, and you nod, “Great. So you’re related to a stalker.”
“My twin, actually.” You flinch, “That’s not what I came to you about. Halloweens tonight, and since you’re new to town, I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with us.”
“No thanks.” Max slams her locker shut, stepping back, “I dont hang out with stalkers.” You press your lips together when she turns around, walking down the hall to the classroom you also had to walk to.
“Great talk.” You exhale, shakily, glancing around before following her. You drop down into your desk and heave a deep sigh, Will glancing over at you then to Max settled in the back, “So?”
“So what, Will?” You mutter, dropping your notebook on your desk before crossing your arms, leaning into your seat. “Did you talk to her?”
“Did I talk to her?” You repeat, and Dustin looks over his shoulder at your harsh tone, “Yeah I talked to her. She called me a stalker and a creep. Us stalkers and creeps. So she wants nothing to do with me.”
Will frowns and glances at Dustin, before he watches you prop your chin on your hand, and write the notes on the board.
. . .
“You’re late.” Billy is propped up against his car, cigar in hand as he watched Max round to the passenger side,
“I had to pick up make up homework.”
“Jesus, I don’t care.” Billy tosses his cigar down, stomping on it before tossing open his door, “Late again and you’re skating home.”
Max waits until he’s in the car before rolling her eyes, settling in next to him and curling up against the window. Halfway down the road is when Billy decides to speak up again. “God, this place is a shithole.”
“It’s not that bad.” Max protests, quietly, mind taking her back to you. She had seen how quiet you were in class today. She caused that by being cold to you in the hallway.
“You liking it here?” Billy snips, eyes glancing at her then back to stare at the road, “It smells like literal cow shit.”
“Then why are you defending it?” Billy narrows his eyes to Max, but misses her rolling her eyes a second time that day. “I’m not.”
“Sure seems like it.”
“It’s just.” Max sucks in a deep breath, trying to make sure she didn’t have an attitude. “We’re stuck here, and.”
“Yeah. Whose fault is that?”
“Yours.” Max mutters, so Billy raised his eyebrows and glanced her. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Billy raises his hand to his ear, “Whose fault is it Max? Say it.”
Billy clenches his jaw, hand jerking to shift the gear of his car, which lurches when it suddenly picks up speed. Max’s eyes snap to the road, where up ahead, four figures pedal on their bikes. You and the party.
“Billy, slow down.” Max demands, Billy chuckling and looking at her. “What? Those your buddies?”
“No! I don’t know them.”
“Well I guess you won’t care if I hit em, huh?” Billy drums his hand on the steering wheel, eyes settled on you reaching over to shove Dustin, “Bonus points if I hit all of them in one? Or maybe just the girl.”
“Stop, that’s not funny.” Max turns in her seat, mind racing. She just met you. Is she really going to lose you before she has a chance to be friends?
You look over your shoulder at the loud roar of Billy’s car, your eyes widening when the car jerks to speed up, your gasp inaudible from how hard you suck in, “Guys. Guys, we gotta move!”
“Billy, stop!” Max orders, hand reaching out to jerk the steering wheel away from the group, to the opposite side of the road.
Your bike wobbles so you fell sideways, jaw hitting the rough road so your head jerked back up, groan loud as Dustin fell into the grass, Mike and Lucas dropping their bikes to scram back into the road, both grabbing your arms but their eyes remain on the car now speeding away.
“What the fuck?!” You jerk your arms away and rub your jaw, hissing before pulling your hand back, staring at the blood on your fingers and palm,
“Was that...?” Dustin points to the car, before looking at you, catching the blood on your face and hand, “Ah, shit.”
. . .
“I swear to God, if I get another 3-Musketeers I’m going to kill myself.”
You snort and toss your hair up into a lose ponytail, taking your candy bag back from Mike as you glance at Lucas, who holds up said candy and grimaces.
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Dustin asks, foreign high offense to the dark skinned males statement,
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Luke repeats, chucking the candy so Dustin barely caught it, grinning at it before shoving it into his bag, “No one likes 3-Musketeers,”
“Yeah, it’s just nougat.” Will agrees, shrugging at your scrunched nose face,
“Just nougat?” Dustin protests, Will nodding, “Just nougat. It is top three for me.”
“Eh, top five.” You squint, ignoring Dustins glare,
“Top three?” Mike breathes, Dustin repeating in agreement, “Oh, God, give me a break!”
“Seriously, I could eat a whole bowl of nougat, straight up!”
Suddenly, a figure wearing a white mask jumps out in front of you, your brows furrowing when the four boys at your sides all screech, your eyebrow raising as you glance at them, then to the figure, “That’s it?”
“Seriously?” The figure pulls off the mask to reveal Max’s face, her mouth gaped as she stared at you. “Out of all of you I’d expect you to scream.”
“I’m not a pussy.” You snip, Dustin hitting your shoulder with this back of his hand. You roll your shoulder away from him, narrowing your eyes to your twin.
Max nods her head and turns, only getting five steps before she glances over her shoulder, noticing that you nor the four boys had moved to follow her, “You guys coming or what? I heard we should hit up Loch Nora, that’s where the rich people live, right?”
“Seriously?” You mock, Max’s face slightly falling at the irritation in your voice, “I thought you didn’t want to hang out with us because we’re ‘stalkers’?”
“Look, I didn’t mean that,” Max sighs, and you hum, tilting your head,
“Was that before or after you had your brother almost kill us?”
“Wait. What?” Will looks at you, confused, Max shaking her head and narrowing her eyes.
“You think I did that on purpose? He’s an asshole either way, and, he’s not my brother.”
“Whatever.” You look down at your bag, “Let’s just go to Loch Nora.”
. . .
“Another full size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers.” Dustin shoves another snickers bar into his bag, handing you a full (favorite/candy) bar so you smiled, elbowing his arm, “Wait.” Dustin looks at Max, “You’re not rich, right?”
“No.” Max laughs, “I live up Old Cherry Road.”
“That’s totally tubular.” Dustin speaks, looking at you to see you shaking your head, nose scrunched up, “What? Did I say it wrong?”
“Just don’t say it at all.” You demand, and Dustin rolls his eyes, glancing over when Lucas chucks another 3-Musketeers at him.
“Hey.” Max speaks up, your eyes shifting to her. “Look. I’m sorry I called you guys stalkers.” She shrugs. “But I mean. You guys were spying on me a lot.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit to that.” You breathe out a laugh, pulling out a sucker to unwrap. “But like I said earlier today, we don’t get a lot of new people here in Fucktown, so we get every chance we can to see a new face. Especially a cute one.”
You stop mid way of putting the sucker in your mouth, eyes widening in realization to what you had said. “Shit. Shit, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Max shrugs, eyeing you. “I never said I didn’t think you were cute.”
“So you think I’m cute?” You grin, Max rolling her eyes.
“I’m not admitting it.”
“I’ll take it.” You click your tongue, looking over at Mikes shout for you. You see him knelt beside Will, whose hands are over his head in an attempt to curl himself into a ball.
“Will?” You drop your bag to move forward, kneeling down in front of your best friend so you could grab his wrists, noticing how he flinched roughly, “Will, it’s just me.”
“I saw it again.” Will breathes, his eyes snapping up to you. “The thing I saw at the arcade.”
Your brows furrow as you glance over to Mike, who shakes his head, informing you he didn’t know what Will was talking about. “Okay.” You murmur, pulling Wills hands so he began to stand up with you. “Let’s get you home.”
“Wait, you’re just going to stop trick or treating?” Max asks, and you glance at her, eyes slightly narrowed.
“Yes. I am. Dustin, take my bag. Eat my candy and I’ll pop your bike wheels.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Dustin clutches your bag and his to his chest, gasp loud. He watches as you link your arm through Wills, leading him down the street back towards Mikes house to call not only your mother, but Joyce.
“Are they, like, a thing?” Max asks, crossing her arms as she turns to the three boys left with her.
“Ew, gross.” Dustin scowls, nose scrunched. “They’ve been best friends since like, first grade.”
“Besides.” Lucas shifts his bag to hang over his shoulder. “Y/N likes girls.”
Max nods, slowly, glancing in the direction to where she could see your back, her feet bringing herself to follow after your brother.
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
ahhh grats on the milestone!! also holy shit youve got 500 prompts stored away somewhere??? im gonna go with my favourite number combo..... 317 👀 im super excited to see what you come up with!! 💖 -bbsitterpng
@babysitterpng  Thank you so much!!! And yes, 500 goddamn prompts, all carefully curated, only the best for my beloved mutuals and followers!!
I got SO ELATED when I saw that you sent me a mystery prompt request!!!! ❤️💕 I would have finished it yesterday, but I got uhhh distracted 😏😏😏
317. “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again and again and again; I knew exactly what I wanted to write for this immediately, and while I worry the exposition seems too rushed, I am very satisfied with the rest, all near 4k words!
So please, enjoy~
Today has been a long day that started when the sun had barely found its place in the sky.
Neil was beating at his bedroom door, asking why it’s locked, threatening to kick it down, demanding that Billy get up right now to mow the lawn, just to complain about what a shitty job he did after, shouting about how he has to do everything himself.
Billy would beat his pillows, lift weights till his muscles hurt, and smoke like a chimney, all to alleviate stress in one way or another.
At 12 Max was leaving to go play DnD with her little loser friends, ready to skate her way over there, but Billy needed to get out of the house, have a valid excuse, and it doesn’t get better than “watching out for his little sister.”
They’re on good terms now, after they had gotten in an intense fight and she screamed at him to just leave her and her friends alone, and after not spending every waking hour hating and antagonizing her, she’s not as annoying anymore, and Billy thinks that perhaps his anger was the issue here, not her being a little shit.
That realisation helped him a lot in general. It’s around that time he “apologised” to Harrington the best he could, but when Steve was nice and understanding of his issues, it only made him angry again. Billy doesn’t believe he deserves to be forgiven so easily, no, Harrington should have hit him, defended himself, gotten pissed and told Billy to fuck off.
Instead they wound up at Benny’s diner, sharing a giant plate of fries and a milkshake each.
“My treat,” Steve insisted.
And that’s when old issues resurfaced; the same exact issues that meant they had to leave California. The same exact issues that brought Billy’s wrath upon this pretty boy. The same exact issues that led one thing to another, and now Billy knows the route from his house to the Harrington Mansion like the back of his hand; could drive it with his eyes closed now.
But he doesn’t want to seem needy or clingy. Doesn’t want to be what he is - the way he is.
So after dropping Max off at the Wheeler’s house, the fiery redhead even going as far as to offer him a bit of a smile, he didn’t go home. Didn’t drive to Steve’s house either no matter how much he wanted to.
Don’t be needy, don’t be clingy. You’ll see him later.
So for four hours he drove around town, smoked by the quarry, got admired at a gas station when he refilled, passed Steve’s street far too many times, went to the empty pool that’s closed for the year and sat with his feet over the edge and smoked some more, restlessly kicking the tiling. Over the course of this time he checked his watch at least a billion times.
When it was finally 4pm, he drove to pick up his sister and El - the gang having managed to convince both Steve and Billy to take them to the movies to watch the last screening of The Neverending Story, which doesn’t exactly sound like something he wants to watch, but knowing Steve will be there, he agreed all too readily.
And as he pulls back up to the Wheeler’s again, he sees the brown BMW, Steve leaning against the door as he waits for the boys to pile into his car. Billy’s heart is beating like a painful drum in his aching chest, and when Steve sees him sitting and waiting for the girls, he smiles at him and waves.
Billy is as always astounded and breathless by the way Steve smiles, the way Steve looks at him now, like he’s happy to see him. He can’t smile back, he wants to, but his face feels dull and incapacitated. He wants to just kick open his car door, stomp up to Steve and fucking kiss him. Instead he simply waves back.
Then Max breaks the trance as she pulls open the door and crawls in to sit in the back with El.
“What the hell took you guys so long, I’m starving,” Billy complains as he looks over his shoulder at them.
Max is smart and doesn’t answer, and Billy is smart and doesn’t ask again. No he remains quiet as they follow the beemer, Max and El laughing loud and joyous behind him like girls their age do, talking about shit he doesn’t care for, just focuses on the car in front as they drive to Benny’s diner for early dinner before going to wolf down popcorn at the cinema.
The gang is eager and excited, like kids should be, running to the diner as they talk all too frantically about whatever it is kids talk about, Billy is really not paying attention, when Steve is right there.
“Find a booth where we can all sit!” Steve shouts after them, and Billy’s not sure if they heard him at all. “Hey Hargrove, got a smoke?” his voice kinder and friendly, too friendly, as he addresses Billy.
Steve leans against the hood of the camaro, smiling all too wide. He’s dressed in high waisted jeans and a red crop top that shows just enough of a midriff for it to be too much for Billy.
He takes up a spot next to Steve, just far away enough for it to not be suspicious, but absolutely too far away for it to not be enough, yet even from here he can smell the floral soap and honey shampoo. Can’t help but think of how soft Steve’s skin is, how silky his hair is, all newly washed and clean of him. Wonders if the purple hickeys are still visible across his chest, up his thighs.
Even though Steve is trying his best to meet Billy’s gaze, he refuses to look at him just in case it would be too obvious what he’s thinking about, as he unwraps a fresh pack of Marlboro and offers one up.
When Billy ignites his lighter and reaches forth, Steve touches his hand, holds it steady as he leans in to bring his cigarette to the flame. There’s a burning sensation where his pale, soft hand connects them, and when Steve dares rub Billy’s wrist with his fingers, there’s a pain shooting through his heart, a sharp wanting for more. No, a need for more. He’s caught staring at those pretty, pink lips when Steve pulls away and exhales a cloud.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with a wry smile, clearly aware.
“You know damn well ‘what’s wrong’,” Billy snaps a bit harsher than intended as he continues to force himself to look away.
Thankfully Steve takes it well and huffs a laugh filled with smoke.
They end up in silence after that; the comfortable kind that comes from being at peace together, easy and relaxed and pleasant, one where they don’t need words because there’s no longer any doubt between them. Perhaps that’s what love is, as cheesy and gross as that may be, Billy ponders. To be able to just exist together without it being awkward or stilted. Perhaps he’s fallen a bit in love with his ex-rival. Or perhaps he’s just in love with how he feels when he’s with Steve, both physical and not.
It isn’t till Steve finishes his cigarette, drops it on the asphalt and stomps it out, that he speaks,
“Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to tell you something.” He’s smiling like the cat that got the cream, licking his lips a bit too slowly as he goes to whisper in Billy’s ear, “I think you’ll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Billy’s heart skips several beats at that, before then going too fast - rapidly pumping blood through him, and there’s a certain rush of it going straight to his dick. He stares too long into those deep, dark eyes, mischievous and satisfied with the response as Billy short circuits.
Steve shrugs and tips his head to the side a bit, acting all innocent and oblivious, lips drawn tight in a smile that goes from ear to ear. He opens his mouth and takes a long inhale, insinuating that he’s about to say something, then simply turns around, hands in his pockets as he walks towards the diner.
Leaving Billy behind, baffled, astonished, dumbfounded.
The next two hours feels like days.
They sit in the diner, Billy and Steve across from one another.
The kids are still as energetic as before, their voices a jumble of words and phrases and retellings of DnD from today’s session. Steve chews on his straw as he tries to follow along with whatever they’re talking about, laughing when they laugh, nodding on occasions. Whenever he looks over at Billy, blue eyes flee to stare out the window instead, finding great interest in the pattern of how one street light flickers.
Before the movie starts, they go to let out water by the urinals of the cinema, Billy standing right next to Steve, having hoped to catch a glimpse, see if he’s telling the truth, the urge near irresistible to just take a quick look, but the other men around them might not take too kindly to something like that.
And during the movie they sit together at the end of the row.
Steve, Billy, Max, El, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas.
He didn’t care for the movie before, only going along as a sign of friendliness and to have an excuse to not be home, but now. Now he’s almost hating having to sit here, next to Steve, shoulders nearly touching, shoes pressed together on the dark floor, only an armrest between them.
For the first twenty arduous minutes, Steve doesn’t do anything, doesn’t say anything, showing no sign of registering how near they are, just watches the movie in silence with a smile, while Billy is sat next to him, burning up despite his shirt being unbuttoned as always, mind racing with thoughts and images of Steve Steve Steve.
So distracted by all of that, that he nearly jumps when Steve touches his hand. Same softness and tenderness from earlier on the parking lot, the way Steve always touches him with just a hint of hesitance when they’re not completely alone.
But the cinema is dark, the kids are entranced, and there’s barely a handful of people besides them, so maybe it’s safe enough.
Billy raises his fingers into the touch, thinking that Steve wants to hold hands, intertwine them, any of that stupid romantic shit that he loves and Billy pretends to only barely tolerate, but the touch moves past that, a feather across the back of his hand, up to gently and carefully grab him by the wrist.
At that, Billy finally looks down, keeps facing the big screen but pays acute attention to what Steve is doing, where he’s leading his hand, placing it on his knee, Billy’s fingers in between spread legs. He continues to guide the hand further up, towards the heat of where his thighs meet, effectively sending Billy’s heart rate sky high.
When he finally turns his head, he finds Steve staring right back, a small and restrained smile, and in that moment, Billy feels like he can read Steve’s thoughts, knows exactly what’s on his mind, never doubts it for a second, and is proved right when Steve stands up and climbs over the seat to walk along the empty row behind them.
Billy whips around to Max, and hisses out, “We’re going for a smoke, don’t fucking go anywhere.”
“Yeah yeah,” she groans all indifferent and waves him away, eyes big and caught in the movie.
The bathroom at the Hawk is as clean as it ever gets, and perhaps not too shockingly, empty. Movies are running and people are seated.
Steve stands looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair, not that it looks any different to Billy now than before.
He takes heavy steps towards the brunette, announcing himself and catches Steve’s eyes in the mirror, watching as Billy approaches and steps behind him. Billy leans in to run his nose up Steve’s neck, inhaling deeply and humming out pleasantly, blinking slowly as he keeps pressing his face into the crook there, not quite kissing yet.
Eyes dart back to the mirror where heavenly blue meets chocolate brown, a feverish intensity there as Steve stares back. Gently, but with no hesitation, Billy snakes his arms around Steve’s waist, past the belt and up to touch where skin shows between jeans and the top.
When there’s no ‘stop’, he keeps going, curls his fingers around the red fabric and lifts up, exposing Steve’s chest to the both of them in the mirror. Bitten and marked, purple and red, Billy eyes his masterwork with an appreciative gaze, and with one hand keeping the shirt away, he moves the other up to graze his fingers across each little bruise his lips left just two days ago.
Steve hums a bit, erotic and turned on, and if more were to happen now, it wouldn’t be the first time they’d found their way together in public. And perhaps that thought strikes Steve just as it does Billy, for he pushes back into him, rubbing his soft ass against where he finds a slight bulge already.
“Fuck, Stevie…” Billy huffs and breathes against Steve’s neck, eyes closed as he relishes in the slow friction, kissing sloppy and half-minded against pale skin. “You really wanna do this here? Where the kids could just walk in any moment?”
“I would have maybe pushed you into a stall first,” Steve laughs, a slight stutter to it. “But I was thinking your car? The movie is like two hours, we could find an alley, park there, let me ride your cock?”
A growl escapes by the enchantment of those words, and Billy bites into Steve’s neck, earning him an illicit little hiss and smirk.
“How am I supposed to say no when you put it like that?”
Neither of them feel particularly bad for just abandoning the gang like that, but they’ll be quick, hidden in this alleyway, not too far away from the theatre, a bit of fun while the others gawk and gape at the magic of movies.
But it’s hard to be remorseful, when Steve is moaning like this, Billy two fingers deep in him in the driver's seat of the camaro.
Steve didn't lie about going commando today; told Billy, “When I found out you were tagging along, I hoped I’d get to have you alone like this.”
It took Steve less than two seconds to start getting undressed when Billy turned off the engine, whereafter he crawled right onto his lap, hard and bottomless, knees over Billy’s shoulders, feet locked behind the headrest, back against the steering wheel. 
“Ah-h, mmh, fuck, Billy-” he whines, hands placed firm on Billy’s legs for support as he lifts and angles his ass to allow Billy access with lubed up fingers.
His other hand squeezes Steve’s leaking prick, using the precum to slick up the flesh, keeping him hard and crying like that. His own lonesome cock aches where it lies full against his stomach; the button down having been opened completely to avoid staining it, and giving Steve something to admire.
“Billy, please, just- oh- just fuck me already!” Steve’s voice pitched high with lust and impatience, brows drawn together, his arms shaking underneath his own weight.
“Just don’t wanna hurt you, baby,” Billy purrs.
He watches with great interest as he pumps two fingers in and out of Steve’s wet hole, making a scissoring motion to stretch him properly.
“Mmh, we don’t exactly have time for that, and I need you so bad,” Steve says with the sweetest, most alluring tone he can.
And God if that doesn’t go straight to Billy’s twitching dick.
“You sure?” He wants to double check anyways.
“Yes- yes! Just- get a condom, I don’t wanna ruin my favourite pants.”
Billy chuckles lightly at that thought as he leans to reach for the glovebox, absolutely turned on by the idea of Steve walking around brimming with him, his cum dripping out and running down his thighs. Perhaps another time.
The condom rolls on with ease, Billy having become quite the expert with one through time, but he has been getting a lot of practice lately what with Steve and his more adventurous side, and wearing a rubber when fucking in public makes for an easy and quick cleanup. He gives himself a few good strokes to lube up good and nice, ensuring that Steve gets a smooth ride as he aligns himself with the hole that flutters eagerly to suck him in.
Greedy, starved, zealous, Steve sits himself on that veiny dick, ass fully flush with Billy’s hips, breathlessly gasping and cursing around his name, “Fuck Billy…”
“Mmmh,” Billy hums and licks his lips, staring down with adoration at how he’s buried deep inside of Steve’s ass, tight with lack of preparation, but- “You feel so good baby, taking my cock so well.”
He brings his hands to grab Steve by the hips and guide him in a circular motion, muscles clenching around him that can only be described as beautiful, eliciting groans and causing him to dig in his nails.
Steve’s panting, bangs sticking to his forehead from sweat, the windows fogged up, telling anyone that would walk by exactly what was going on, and when he lifts up to fuck himself on Billy’s fat erection, they shake the entire car with his fervor; each time he sinks down he moans more; moans with less and less self control.
“Take off your shirt, pretty boy,” Billy drawls out and swipes his tongue across shiny and sharp teeth. “Wanna see you.”
It’s a hurried motion that takes less than three seconds for Steve to yank off the crop top and grab on to Billy’s knees again, refusing to wait even one moment in the haze of his neediness. 
Billy, however, faced with marks of his own making, takes time to appreciate how perfectly purple suits Steve’s pale skin, blooming across his pecs, his tits, near nipples that strut now, begging to be touched. And who is he not to oblige. Hands travel up from hips, past the waist, to Steve’s chest - the brunette seemingly lost in chasing his own high, that he doesn’t notice where Billy is going till he presses hard against the sensitive buds.
“A-ah! Fuck, Billy!” And he throws his head back.
Steve’s entire body tenses at that, each muscle flexing and twitching, contracting around Billy’s steely cock, and he can’t help himself but to thrust into the clenching hole, the rim taking a chokehold on the base of his prick. Steve has to bring up a hand against the roof of the car to keep himself from hitting his head, while also giving him the ideal leverage to push down hard, bodies colliding, skin slapping together in a lascivious and erotic rhythm.
“God, you’re such a little slut for my cock, huh baby?” Billy growls like a ravenous wolf as he pounds into Steve, forcing out every little cry and moan, telling him that he’s hitting just the right spot.
“Billy- Billy, ah-a, fuck- fuck-” Steve whimpers and looks down to watch one hand on his hip that pulls him down, another rubbing hard against his nipple. 
“Yeah, harrh, listen to yourself,” and Billy pauses to listen to how Steve mewls, revelling in the fact that he’s the cause of that. “So loud and lewd, baby, calling out my name like that.”
He’s a confident guy, Keg King and lady killer, and while shit like emotions and feelings stuns him, this brings him alive, lust coiling in his gut, burning hot and white, ramping up to a fever pitch as he fucks with wild abandon into Steve’s wet cunt.
Billy hasn’t bothered masturbating in a good while, no, he saves all of that pent up energy for Steve, to fill him up; desire blinding him to anyone else but his princess.
“Mmhnn- ahh, fuck, Stevie, can’t wait to get you alone tonight,” he says, voice fucked out and perverted, Steve looking at him as he speaks, “Drop off all the little shits and then fuck you into your mattress till you’re a mess, pump you full of my cum.”
Steve’s eyes screws shut tight, mouth wide open as he moans, “Yes, oh God, Billy-”
“Yeah? You want that?”
“Yes! Please! Fuck-” He nods the best he can, hair bouncing.
“You’re such a good little whore for me, princess, so needy for my cock.”
“Billy- Billy please,” Steve croons, all pathetic and close.
“Anything,” Billy responds with fast devotion, a promise that he gladly lives up to, knowing well what it is Steve is begging for, wants to hear him say it anyways.
“Touch me, please, ah-h- I’m so so close, fuck…”
Billy grins wide, so self satisfied it’s nearly disgusting, and he closes his fingers firm around Steve’s slick erection; he gets so fucking wet, leaking profusely, swears it only happens when he’s with Billy like this.
“Just like that, yes! Oh fuck, I’m- ah-”
“Yeah, cum for me baby, wanna watch you- show me what I do to you.”
Billy jerks him off quick and crude, knows how Steve likes it, how he needs it; loves being manhandled, talks about that whenever he’s with Billy he feels small and light.
And Steve cums with a loud and unadulterated moan, stilling his entire body in a tense pose as Billy fucks him fast; slamming quickly against his prostate, hand milking him good till he’s emptied out on his own chest.
It is a glorious thing to watch, a masterpiece of performance only for him, a grand show for a one man audience that Billy gets to relive again and again and again. Steve’s jaw drops as he continues to cry out like he’s a goddamn porn star, overstimulated and loving it.
Billy’s own orgasm is far less showy; a few shallow, brutish thrusts, grunting through gritted teeth, he shoves Steve down onto him hard as his hips stutter through completion, waves of impossible heat pouring out and leaving him a puddle of bliss and euphoria.
Time is lost to them, as they sit like that; Steve’s one leg having fallen between the seats as he went limp with exhaustion, still firmly planted in Billy’s lap, who’s soft and complacent and fucking tired, both of them breathing heavy.
“We should… we should go back…” Steve mumbles with closed eyes.
Billy’s watching the way Steve’s cum slowly slips down his chest, running over his abs and nearing his pubic hair.
“Do we have to?” he eventually manages to ask.
And Steve chuckles at that, the vibrations through his body clenching around Billy’s spent cock and he can’t help the sore “ooh”s and “ahh”s as he tries to pull away from it.
“Sadly we do. Can’t have the kids walk home alone in the dark, besides…” Steve grinds his ass onto Billy’s lap, making him wince in not quite pain, not quite pleasure, but definitely too much. “Think you promised to… fuck me into my mattress?”
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Evander Wade Hate AU - Chapter 13
MasterList for Evander Wade Hate AU
Word Count: 2633
This is an AU where Evander Wade is secretly a third party villain purely because I hate him and also I’m fixing some issues with canon because it’s fanfiction so I can.
The next morning after Nova got up and dressed, eating one of the leftover bagels she had that Adrian brought over, she headed out to Headquarters. She had to go and change her address on her forms.
On her way out of the building, as she checked her mail, though it wasn't like there was ever anything, she spotted Cleo and Estelle and went over to them.
"Thank you so much for the supplies," Nova said. "You didn't have to do all that."
"Nonsense," Estelle insisted.
"Besides it wasn't a huge deal with our powers," Cleo said. "Don't fret over it at all."
"Well it means a lot to me," Nova said. She insisted on at least making it known how appreciative she was of all they had done for her.
"So where are you heading to sweetheart?" Estelle asked. "Are you going to go meet up with Adrian?"
"Oh no I just have to go down to Headquarters to change my address," Nova stuttered, heat spreading through her neck and cheeks.
"Do you need to change your emergency contact as well? We can give you our numbers if you need a new contact?" Cleo offered, grabbing a sticky note from the desk along with a pen.
"Are- are you sure?" Nova asked. Becoming someone's emergency contact was a large responsibility over a person, especially one they had just met.
"Of course. We wouldn't want you getting injured and have no one to help you," Estelle said, grinning happily, handing over the paper that Cleo had written on to her.
"I- thank you," Nova said as she took it.
On the paper was their individual numbers, the number of their apartment, and the number of each of their workplaces.
"Well have fun. Hope changing it isn't too much of a hassle," Cleo said, waving goodbye as Nova left the apartment and went down to Headquarters.
It wasn't a difficult thing to change. She just went up to the desk for the section on where her contact information was and they let her go in and change it and add in the new numbers. She also removed that she lived with her paternal uncle and got rid of his information.
It didn't take long either and the most surprising or worst part of being at HQ again was running into Simon in the elevators on her way out. He seemed surprised to see her.
"What are you doing here Nova?" Simon asked as he got in the elevator. "You don't have patrol today."
"I just came in to I could change my address and update my emergency contact information because I moved," she explained.
"Oh you moved? That must be fun," Simon said brightly. Nova forced herself to smile back. He had no idea how it was the exact opposite of that.
"Yeah the new place is cool," Nova said. It wasn't a lie but she wanted to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
She wasn't even sure how she should address Simon and Hugh. Was she on a first name basis with them because she was dating Adrian? Or should she call them by their superhero names? Did she have to call them Mr. Westwood and Mr. Everhart because she wasn't on a first name basis but was casual enough with them that she didn't have to use their aliases for Renegades?
Nova wasn't sure and she wasn't even sure how she should ask or even approach that subject without embarrassing herself.
"Thank you for finding the Vitality Charm for us," Simon said.
"Oh of course. It was no problem," Nova fibbed. It was actually a lot of work and she was mostly glad that she took it or else she might not be able to use her right arm anymore.
"I know you just accidentally found it but we really do appreciate it. I'm going to go see Max right now actually," he told her.
Nova smiled honestly at that. She was glad that Max was getting to spend time with his dads and she knew that since he was in the hospital, Simon probably wanted to see him now more then ever.
The elevator door opened and both of them got off though Nova was heading in the different direction.
"Oh and Nova," he said, before she could go to far. "You're always welcome over and allowed to stay the night."
"Thanks," Nova said as she turned and left, heat spreading through her cheeks. It wasn't like he said it loudly or anyone heard but it was still made her feel awkward for her boyfriend's dad telling her that she could always stay the night at their place in their place of work.
At least to her.
Especially after what she did with Adrian last night. If they found out she'd probably never be allowed to spend the night and if she ever came over she'd die on spot from embarrassment.
Nova then made her way home and it was around the time that she had told Narcissa she could meet up at her place and talk with her.
She wanted to work things out with Narcissa but she was also bracing herself. Their relationship was no doubt strained and it was wrong for Nova to have kissed and made out with Narcissa only to never speak to her again until necessary.
But that was the Anarchist's fault, not hers. At least that's what she was telling herself to help calm her nerves.
Nova went back to her apartment and Narcissa was already there in her room on the couch, waiting.
Awkwardly, she waved as Nova took a seat at the desk chair, nails digging into her legs out of her anxiety.
Nova took a deep breath.
"I'm really sorry about what happened," she said. "I know it probably hurt you. I just- the Anarchists wouldn't allow it."
Narcissa sighed. "I figured and I don't blame you. It was just, I wasn't sure if that was the truth and we haven't spoken in so long until the library. We didn't exactly have a proper break up."
"Yeah I'm sorry about that. I wasn't sure what to do to tell you I couldn't see you anymore," Nova admitted.
The Anarchists had told her that she had to stop seeing Narcissa. They said it was a distraction that they were friends, unaware that the two of them were anything more. Because of that Nova wasn't sure if she should go and break up so instead she shoved down her feelings and stopped coming to the meetings that Ingrid had with Gene at the library.
"Well we had both just turned 15 so I don't think I would have been able to really break up with you properly either," Narcissa admitted.
"I'm sorry about your grandpa," Nova said. "Ingrid wasn't listening and-"
"And killed him?" Narcissa asked, brow raised. "I know. At first I was mad about it but then Danna told me what happened and that you got rid of the Detonator and I know that couldn't have been easy to do since she helped raise you."
"It wasn't hard for the reasons you think," Nova said. It had been a hard task to kill her and there was still a weight on Nova for it, but it hadn't been hard to kill her because she had raised her. At least not completely.
The gunshots still echoed in her mind and all she could think about when she had the gun in her hand and had it aimed at the Detonator was when she had the gun aimed at the hitman as he was knocked out on the floor.
It was like history was repeating itself.
Someone had caused massive damage towards her and tried to kill her and now she had to hold her ground, especially if she wanted Adrian or anyone else to live. And both times no one was coming to save her.
However, it wasn't like Nova didn't get upset about losing Ingrid and being the one to have to kill her. She had done terrible things to Nova and drove her insane but Nova couldn't help but care about her.
She felt the same way now about Leroy and Honey. They had committed horrors and atrocities to her or at least had let them happen. But still she cared for them and still she felt guilty even though she knew it wasn't her fault for wanting safety and security and happiness.
"Well thanks anyways," Narcissa said.
There was a moment of silence, Nova swinging her legs and Narcissa curling up on the couch.
"Did you leave the Anarchists?" Narcissa asked quietly.
"Yeah," Nova said. "Yeah I left last night."
The thought of it brought tears to her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. She didn't want to talk much about anything that happened last night.
"I'm glad you got out," Narcissa said. "And I know you might not believe it but I still think of you as my friend and I still care about you."
Nova smiled. "I still care about you too and I wish we could be friends in a normal way. I mean we are but just one day, once all of this is over and we fix the Renegades system, then we can be friends and do things that friends do. No more concocting plots against big headed adults. Instead we can do something like bowling or roller skating."
Narcissa laughed. "That sounds like it would be fun and I do hope we can do stuff like that one day."
"So why are you helping us?" Nova asked. "What do you really gain from this?"
"I'm doing this partially because you're my friend and partially because I think Danna is cute but mostly because I think that if we can figure this out we'd have enough leverage and traction to fix all the major problems in the Renegades. They've made great strides in prodigy rights but most of what it's done has turned prodigies into either superheroes or people that have to help in a situation even if they aren't a Renegade or they're still villains and bad people. Either we're some superhero forced on a pedestal of a supervillain to discard. I don't want to be either I just wanted to be viewed as a normal human," Narcissa explained.
Nova knew the feeling. People had become far too reliant on prodigies to fix all their problems and if they didn't then they made a mockery of them one way or another or hated them for it as if anyone was entitled to someone else's powers.
Nova would admit, if someone is in a situation where they could help one another then they should. But the problem was that prodigies were expected to just turn into superheroes at the drop of the hat if they could help someone purely because they had powers. However just because someone had powers didn't mean they could help and even if they did they were allowed to be scared and frightened and not do anything due to safety reasons.
Prodigies were still disposable. It was as simple as that.
They were expected to risk their life and serious injury or else they were villainized or mocked, cast aside. If they didn't have a direct purpose then they still weren't worth anything even though they were a human life.
Nova hated it and even if the Renegades had good intentions and it was terrific to see a whole government run by prodigies, but that didn't mean they were a good government or were really making things better for prodigies. They could like being idolized all they want but not everyone did and not all prodigies had the ability to be idolized.
It only helped a select few and pushed all the other prodigies aside. It made them seem like they were better then those prodigies.
"I understand that many Renegades actually want to do good but once you put people on a pedestal and give them so much power bad things are bound to happen and already are happening. A lot of problems have been fixed but prodigy acceptance and rights still are a problem that has yet to be solved."
"I think we can get there. I hope we can get there."
"Let's just hope we can accomplish that task without people knowing my actual identity," Nova said. She meant as Nightmare but also as Ace's niece. Both could not be told to anyone.
"Well that's where I come in. I just slip in and out of places using the mirrors so you don't have to and no one will suspect a thing," Narcissa said, grinning.
"Speaking of that, you can hide things in the mirror realm right?" Nova asked.
"I can bring in objects but not other people."
"That's good because we're probably going to give you anything incriminating so you can hide it there."
"I figured."
"By the way, I know we probably can't put back Ace's actually helmet but, on the south side of Gatlon in the abandoned subway tunnels there's a mirror in one of the cars with all my Nightmare gear and I know Leroy will just disintegrate it in acid but there's also the helmet in the tote bag by the mirror. Do you think you could store it in the mirror realm if it's still there?" Nova asked.
She couldn't exactly take it from the Anarchists on her own but she could hide it away from them. She didn't want to take any chances.
"Sure. I should probably go tell Danna that we're on good terms now too," Narcissa said as she stood up. She then went back through the mirror and Nova relaxed. It was another problem she no longer had to deal with.
However, one problem that Nova did need to take care of was cleaning up the apartment. It wasn't like it was dirty she just hadn't been able to deep clean it when she first got there because she didn't have any cleaning supplies yet.
She trusted that Cleo and Estelle made sure it was clean but Nova didn't want to take any more chances. She had lived her whole life in terrible living conditions and didn't want a single shred of that in her new life.
Nova found all the cleaning supplies and changed into some clothes she didn't really care about before wiping everything down and sweeping and mopping and making sure everything was at least sanitized. She also threw the sheets in the wash just because she figured they were new and it was always good to wash something like sheets or clothes when they were new.
After that, Nova had a trash bag full of paper towels and other garbage and for good measure she tossed the condoms that were in the nightstand out too. She did not need them nor did she plan on needing them at all anytime in the recent future and she certainly didn't need Adrian or anyone finding them.
Nova took the trash out to the shoot and then went back into her apartment and showered off so she didn't feel all grimy. Directly after she sent Cleo and email and took up her offer on therapy. It would probably help even if Nova would never be able to tell anyone the full truth.
It was a lot of work and Nova constantly was swinging back and forth from being happy to exhausted in every aspect but it was alright. She was getting to where she needed to be and was at least in a much safer circumstance now.
For once in her life she was hopeful for the future and wasn't fearing of the worst.
Tag List:
@thepurpledragon4444​ @nova-artino​ @novas-tunnel-of-anxiety​ @princessselene126​ @my-littlenightmare​ @anarchists-87​  @plain-jane-mclain​​ @emybain​​ @renegadesnet​​ @itsalittlebitchilly​​ @justsomerandomficsforrenegades​​ @jacihayle​​  @creampuffqueen​​ @alecjamesartino​​ @tegans-hell-deactivated20201020 @imnotfluffy​ @furryevanderwade @blackracheldare​ @bisexualnovaartino​​ @lumtiy​​ @cosmicnovaflare​ @amiity-blight​
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queenofheaven82 · 3 years
PART IV --  Dance Parties and Broken Hearts
Thanksgiving came a few days later. It slipped up so quickly Lacey nearly forgot about the holiday until the day before, when her mom suddenly yelled, "It's snowing! Finally! And for Thanksgiving!"
Thanksgiving had never been a particularly big holiday for the Primmers. Her mom usually ordered a turkey and fixings from a nearby grocery store in lieu of cooking, and mostly they sat in front of the TV watching football with Stuart as they ate. But this year, Darlene seemed to have something different on her mind.
"I found some autumn china at the Dollar Tree -- can you believe it?! -- and that's what we're using this year. At the table. With my old goblets I got at my wedding shower when I married your dad."
Lacey swallowed. Why didn't Mom know by now that mentioning her dad around her was a huge mistake? She reached up under her hair to finger a small strand, willing herself not to pull.
So Thursday came, and as snow came down in sheets outside the townhouse window, Lacey's mom spread out a tablecloth at their rarely-used dinner table and worked on some very well-done place settings. Stuart's usual cheerful personality was dampered slightly by the fact that it was Davy's mom's turn to have him over the holiday, but Lacey could tell he was trying for the sake of everyone else to keep his spirits up.
Her mom also went through the trouble to put the takeout in serving dishes, so Lacey almost felt like she was having Thanksgiving at a totally different house. But it was nice.
Just as they were sitting down to eat, however, the doorbell rang. Ariel, ever nosy, jumped up first and made a dash for the door.
Stuart's brow furrowed. "Who could that be?"
A moment later, they found out. Max followed Ariel, who rolled her eyes at Lacey, into the dining room.
"Hey! What's doin'?" he inquired enthusiastically, coming over and giving Lacey a forehead kiss. "My old man's in a mood, so I thought I'd just come over here. That okay?" He took off his scarf and coat and draped them across the back of Lacey's chair.
Lacey was speechless. Max rarely liked coming to her house. To what did she owe this?
Her mom looked none too happy. "Well... come on in, then." She stood up and grabbed a paper plate, evidently short on the dollar tree china, and pulled over a stool from the corner of the kitchen.
"Thanks Ms. P." Max wedged himself between Lacey and Halen. "So how's it goin?"
Stuart could always be counted upon to be polite. "Ah, very well! Nice to have fresh snow on Thanksgiving, isn't it?"
Max loaded his plate up, and shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I think the same thing happened last year."
Lacey wanted to melt into the floor.
"So I hear you played a good game against Eden Hall a couple weeks ago, scored quite a few goals. Congratulations," Stuart passed the yeast rolls.
"Banks was taken out, so that helped alot." Max ate a fork full of green beans.
"Adam Banks? I'd bet. He's a tough one to go up against, isn't he? Davy says hardly anyone stands a chance."
"Yeah, well," Max smirked. "I think he's losing his edge. Orion benched him halfway through the game because he was skating like a forty-year-old. Maybe he's preoccupied with girl problems."
"Watch it," Darlene remarked. "I'm getting there, Max."
"Girl problems?" Ariel asked, smiling.
Darlene gave her a look. "No, smartypants. Forty."
But Lacey had zoned out of the banter. She wanted to say something, she just wasn't sure what yet. However, her mom afforded her the opportunity.
"That boy is probably just like his dad. Full of ego. Maybe being benched will take him down a knotch or two," Darlene muttered.
Lacey set her fork down gingerly. "I don't think Adam should be blamed for what his dad's like, you guys. And maybe something's genuinely wrong with him that caused him to not be at his best. We really don't know that much about him."
Max stared at her a moment. "Well, you apparently know enough to call him 'Adam.' What's with that? He's always been 'Banks' to everybody else."
Lacey felt her blood pressure rise slightly. "Well, his name is Adam. And I'm pretty sure he's a human being before he's a hockey player and Phil Banks's son."
The table went quiet. Everyone stared at her in disbelief except for Stuart, who ducked his head down, continuing to eat.
"I'm... just saying, I guess, that if he was benched, something might really be wrong. So we could show a little compassion." She looked at Max as she said this.
Max turned wordlessly back to his food and began to eat again, but more slowly this time. Lacey fidgeted with her napkin and slid to the edge of her chair, wondering why she'd bothered to say anything if it was going to disrupt the entire dinner. She squeezed the napkin hard.
After a few minutes of silence, Stuart stood up and left the room. Lacey wondered for a moment if she'd upset him, too, even though to her memory he'd never said one bad word about Banks.
But the reason he left became clear after a moment. "Hey. I think I hear something," she heard him call from the living room. "It's coming closer. Anybody else hear it?"
Ariel and Halen paused their eating and looked up at Lacey, who couldn't suppress her own smile.
"Oh God, not now, Stuart," her mom rolled her eyes. But it was too late.
Suddenly the dramatic intro chords of Poison Arrow by ABC sounded throughout the house.
"Alright, Girls! Let's see some dancing!" Stuart called in.
Quick as lightning, the twins jumped up, giggling, and ran into the living room, followed by Lacey. Stuart's dance parties and the girls' enthusiasm over them were infectious.
"What the--?" She heard Max questioning behind her.
Stuart grabbed Lacey's hands as soon as she entered the living room and began twirling her to the beat of the synth pop. She laughed. "This isn't a twirl song, Stuart!"
Ariel and Halen were leaning in, singing into one another's faces:
"Who broke my heart? You did! You did!
You think you're smart? Stupid! Stupid!
Shoot that poison arrow to my heeeeart!"
They danced around in no specific style, jumping up onto the couch and grabbing remote controls and the cordless phone to use as microphones. Lacey couldn't help laughing at their antics while dancing with Stuart.
She happened at one point to spot Max in the doorway staring at them all with a furrowed brow as though he couldn't understand what the big deal was.
"Stuart's British dance parties," Lacey laughed breathlessly after it was all over. "He springs them on us sometimes."
"Ugh, I feel like I'm gonna hurl," Ariel winced.
"I guess you do!" Lacey's mom called from the kitchen. "Dancing in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner..."
Stuart's actions blessedly lightened up the tone of the rest of the meal, but Max remained quiet despite having filled his plate twice more. After the pumpkin pie her mom had bought frozen from Publix, Max stood. "Thanks Ms. P, that was awesome. Lacey, walk out with me?"
Lacey stood, sensing something in Max's tone she wasn't sure of. She put on her scarf and coat, pulling the fur-lined hood up over her head before heading outside.
"Babe..." Max took a deep breath. "I don't know what's been into you lately, but it's weird. You just haven't been yourself. And, I mean, I don't know what to make of you taking up for Banks all of a sudden after the way his dad has treated your mom. How is it you know him? Seriously?"
Lacey felt her ire rising. "I don't, Max, good grief! He came into the cat shelter earlier in the week to bring in kittens, and just... we talked some. He's not the jerk you say he is. But it's not like we're best buddies or anything."
"Oh, okay," Max quipped. "He brought in cats, so now he's suddenly this standup guy. You're obsessed with damn cats, so no wonder."
"So what if he was a standup guy? How does that threaten you? I have as much right to think him decent from our conversation at the Cat's Cradle as you do to think he's a jackass just because he's a better hockey player than you."
The moment she said it, she knew she'd made a mistake. Max tightened his jaw and narrowed his eyes.
"Okay. I don't get what's with you, but you know who you've been reminding me of lately?" Max leaned in. "Loosey Lacey from middle school."
Lacey's mouth went dry and she felt her insides tremble with rage. For a moment, she couldn't speak.
When she finally did, she knew she couldn't take it back.
"Go. Just go. And Max? Don't come back."
Max's expression changed to one of surprise.
"It's been coming for awhile now, so let's just end this, okay?" Lacey turned to go back inside.
"Oh. Alright," Max threw his hands up. "I tell you the truth about yourself and you wig out and decide to throw the whole thing in the trash can."
"It's not just what you said, Max," she whirled around. "It's about your ego. Everything is always about you. It's about you pushing me to have sex. It's about you wanting to tool around at State while expecting me to sit here waiting for you. I just... I want something different."
Max stared at her for a long while. "Okay. If that's what you want, it's over. But with all your issues, Lacey? Good luck finding anybody else. Unless you want to give Banks a go. You seem pretty taken with him."
Lacey shook her head slowly. "If anybody's obsessed with Banks, it's you, Max. You can't stand to have any competition, can you?"
With that, she turned and went back into the house, wiping angry tears. She made her way back into the dining room, trying to look nonplussed, but everyone was quiet as she took her seat again and she sat staring down at her plate.
"Lacey?" Stuart spoke gently. "Did it not go well?"
"It's done," Lacey finally spoke.
Awkward silence perpetuated until she heard the sound of chair legs scraping linoleum as Stuart got up and came around to put his hands on her shoulders. With that, she began to cry again..
It wasn't so much that she was devastated at losing Max, but the fact that he called her someone she believed she no longer was -- someone she hoped she would never be again. It hurt down to her bones to remember that frightened girl, and why she had become that. Worse yet, she worried Max was right: that girl never left.
Lacey stood up and fell into Stuart's arms, hot tears spilling down her cheeks.
"He's a falling leaf, Lass. They're a dime a dozen. You'll recover and find an even better lad, I just know it."
She held onto Stuart tightly -- the only man she'd dared to consider a father, and the only man who had ever thought her to be good enough just like she was.
Adam had done Thanksgiving with his parents, plus Travis, who was in from Chicago. He and his brother had never been particularly close, so he knew it probably wouldn't bother him for Adam to return to Eden Hall that evening instead of spending the night at his house. Several of the Ducks did the same, feeling in many ways closer to their team members than they even did their biological families. And some, like Mendoza and Portman, had too far to travel and had just stayed. So they'd all planned to meet back at the dorm after family activities, except for Julie, who had opted to spend the night at Connie's.
"Red hair," Portman stretched out on the couch in the day room. "You get a woman with red hair and green eyes, you know she's gonna have that sassy edge. So make it that, for me. Red hair, green cat eyes and a sweet a-- oh wait, can't say that word. It would hurt Kenny's pure ears."
The guys laughed and Kenny Wu turned red, rolling his eyes.
"Banksie, your turn."
They all looked over at Adam, who had known this question would come around to him eventually. "Let's see." He looked at the ceiling. "I don't really care what color it is, but long hair for sure. And brown eyes."
"Brown?" Charlie turned around to him, interested. "Let's think who has brown eyes. Maybe we'll finally narrow down who Adam's got a radar for," he smiled at his friend.
Adam shook his head. "No, I guess I was just thinking..." he reached over for the bag of Frito's. "Shipley's girlfriend has big brown eyes, and they're kind of... hooded in the outer corners. Reminds me a little of chocolate drops," he added, thoughtfully.
He should have counted on the whole room cracking up the minute he said the last part.
"Oooh, 'chocolate drops.'" Tyler tossed his dirty overshirt at Adam. "Banksie's a romantic, you guys. Come on, we always knew it!"
Adam caught the shirt, smirking as he threw it back.
"Whoa, whoa. You got your eye on Shipley's girl?" Luis's eyes went wide. "That the latest play you've got against the Rockets?"
"Well here's the question, when did you ever see Shipley's girl up close?" Goldberg inquired.
Adam shrugged. "She volunteers at a cat shelter. I had to take a couple of them over there after they were left at my dad's rental property on Green Street. I just recognized her."
"You been talking to Max Shipley's girlfriend?" Fulton was incredulous.
"No! I just said she has nice eyes. Jeez," Adam replied, feeling mildly defensive for some reason. "And by the way, her name's Lacey."
Averman whistled. "Classy."
"She is pretty," Guy remarked. "Can't deny it, even if she is a Rocket groupie."
"Yeah, we'll be sure to tell Connie you said so," Portman chuckled. "But nah, nah, I hear you. Nice full lips, too. Like, just enough."
"Alright, alright," Adam smirked again, trying to ignore that last part. "Averman? Let's hear yours."
Not that Adam didn't legitimately want to hear what kind of girl Averman might like -- it was bound to be entertaining -- but his thoughts turned inward. Obviously he wouldn't make a play for Lacey, but even just thinking about it for a minute was a little disconcerting.
And this was why Adam didn't date or allow himself to even think very seriously about it. Everything he had was going toward being good enough for the NHL draft.  And that meant no distractions. Plus, what Travis had always told him might be right, even though he hated hearing it:  when it came to girls, Adam was a little shy. He wouldn't know exactly how to go about pursuing one. Charlie had done a much better job of this with Linda, and he'd felt a little envious at the time.
But no reason to think about all that right now. Lacey Primmer was just another pretty face, and not his. Meanwhile, it was time for bed... and the IcyHot he'd filched from his mom's medicine cabinet. She didn't use it anymore, so he didn't feel too guilty.
He had been out of Percocets for days, even though he'd tried hard to ration them. The next few days, he'd have to do whatever it took to roll out of bed and move normally, despite the constant, agonizing pain that had overtaken his entire body like a cancer.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Inside the Criminal Mind (Part 37)
Prompt: You’re married to Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, and are a distinguished doctor yourself on the team. You’re sent down to Miami, Florida for teaching and as a side request from the FBI, to investigate a string of missing persons. When you think you’ve figured out who the unsub is, your life becomes more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
Word Count: 2604
Warnings: (throughout the fic –>) death, blood, gore, killings, language, disturbing mental notions, mentions of rapes/murder/etc (You know, Dexter and Criminal Minds related business)
Notes: Thank you so much to @arrow-guy​​​​​​​​, @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​​​, and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​​​ - without each of you, I couldn’t have finished, written, or properly navigated this story. Each of you helped me fish out details that were incredibly important to me. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​​​… Aesthetic by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​​​
This is a crossover of Criminal Minds x Dexter. First time writing Dexter.
Also, the timeline is after Season 1 of Dexter, but during season 14-ish of Criminal minds into Season 15. Enjoy!!!
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You watched your husband and Cat put on skates and go out to the rink and for a long while they just skated, saying nothing. Spencer couldn't skate at all, and Cat was skating all over the place. She caught up to him and held onto his arm to help him skate and you watched from the side with burning in your eyes and stomach. 
It’s a very good thing Dexter taught you to keep your emotions in check. You’d been here before though. Jealous. First with JJ, and it took a long time for s Spencer to convince you there was nothing there. Then with Max, and that had yet to be addressed, and now, a psychotic killer was wheeling your husband around a rink and he was actually smiling.  
Why is it when Cat Adams takes him on a random date, he can smile and have fun, knowing the hell she put him through. But you and him were at each other’s throats for months when he found out you were a killer. You were his wife. The love for you should’ve shone through everything else. 
So what was the difference? Could he not forgive you for the lying? You knew he was jealous of Dexter but now… Now he’d had three women that made you question your entire marriage in the course of half a year. You had been nothing but open and honest about your entire relationship with Dexter since he found out.
Did he really not see how any of this would affect you? The constant attention given to max/ The slight flirting he was doing with Cat? He didn’t have to flirt. Cat knew it, you knew it, Spencer knew it. He just had to play the game -- he didn’t have to enjoy it. 
Cat mentioned that if you weren’t here, she’d request a song from the DJ and make out with Spencer right now. They skated some more and she acknowledged that Spencer would try to get inside her head, so he asked about her baby. She said she didn’t want to talk about it. He said he was trying to use the hormonal effect against her. 
“Oh, really? Um, waht about sex?” She skated towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, he wrapped his hands around her waist, and you stiffened. “Why don’t you use that against me?” 
Real date or not, it’s never a pretty sight to see your husband that close to another woman. 
She slightly pushed away from him and he had trouble staying upright. She made a face of disgust and slapped him so hard that he fell over. 
Your eyes went wide with rage. She skated over to where you were, trying to skate past you, but you grabbed her hand in a swift motion, almost too fast for anyone to see and you bent her hand backwards, threatening to break her wrist.
“If you ever touch my husband again, I will kill you. And my method won’t be as humane as a needle in the arm,”  you darkly vowed as she bent backwards, wincing. “Are we clear?”
“Jeez, you weren’t this jealous last time,” she responded.
In the background, you could hear Spencer and Luke shouting your name. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” Spencer cried out, skating towards you.
You applied more pressure, any more and her wrist would fracture. She was nearly on one knee by now from the way you were pushing. 
“Are we clear?” you asked again. 
You released her and stood straight up again as Spencer skated over to you. He gave you a look of anger but you returned it to him. 
He spent the next few minutes talking to her, telling her how he couldn’t get her out of his mind and you wanted to roll your eyes. She asked if Spencer thought about her when he kissed you and he said sometimes. The next thing she wanted was to see where you two lived so blissfully happily. 
So, within a matter of seconds, everyone was loaded up into the SWAT van and everyone went over to your home. Spencer got out his keys and started to unlock the door before she stopped him.
“Did you really mean what you said?” she asked. 
“Prove it,” she ordered and you just rolled your eyes. He’d refuse. You knew he would. 
But faster than you could blink, Spencer’s hands went to her hair and his mouth collided with hers. Your eyes went wide in shock as your stomach dropped. Fake or not, your husband was kissing another woman, in front of you, on your porch. He was kissing her hungrily, in a way he hadn’t kissed you in a long time. 
Luke glanced at you, gauging your reaction, seeing as just a few minutes ago you nearly broke her wrist and threatened to end her life. You couldn’t watch, but you couldn’t look away. 
She swung your front door open to reveal a woman in your house and you frowned. 
What the hell was this?
Spencer and Cat broke apart and you looked at them, then looked at the girl. 
“Max, what are you doing here?” Spencer breathed.
Of course it was fucking Max inside your house. Of course this day was going to get worse and worse. 
Luke ordered that someone get Max out of here but Max said, “No, no, no, she’ll kill them if I leave.”
“Kill who?” you asked as you stepped inside the foyer of your home. 
“My father and my sister. Look I got a call from some woman with my sister screaming in the background. I was told to come here, that there would be a key taped underneath the porch swing. Spencer, what is happening?!””
“We recovered your father, but your sister is still missing. Look I say we put cat in her cell and we regroup,” Luke suggested
“No. Bring her in here and leave us alone,” Spencer quietly ordered. He then set it up so that the team would hear all of you the entire time, instructed Max on what not to say, and they let Cat come back in. 
Fantastic. You were in your home with a woman that was monopolizing your husband’s time and a psychotic killer that was obsessed with him. 
“We’re all here, what do you want to talk about?” Spencer demanded as she walked in. 
“So, so much.” She eyed Max and said, “She’s cute. I see why she turned your head away from your wife.” 
“What are you talking about?” Spencer asked as she walked in your home, touching things and looking at the art and decor. 
“You’re married?” Max asked as if she didn’t know and your face whipped to Spencer. You were dying to know why that would be a bit of news to Max. 
Finally, she stopped walking and turned to you. “Did it make you mad that I was kissing your husband?” 
“Why not? You nearly broke my arm for slapping him. Is he free real estate? Speaking of which, he kissed me, so you can’t kill me.” 
“No, but I’d hope you’re not stupid enough to think the kiss was real.” You cocked your head. 
“Are you going to hurt my sister?” Max suddenly asked, taking a step forward
“No. Not if she follows instructions. It could be a learning experience for her.” After a moment, everyone got settled in in your living room. “Normally Spencie and I, we play games, but tonight, I’ve brought you all here to make a point. Y/N, you should know the truth about your husband.” 
“I already know everything there is to know about my husband,” you evenly said. 
“Oh, really? Did you get the mail today?” 
“Yes, why?” 
“Go check your mail.”
You got up and looked and found an envelope that was addressed your name, but no address or return address.  
“Open it,” Cat ordered. 
You peered at her, wondering what the game was. You opened it, and a stack full of photos came out. One was a picture of Spencer carrying Max through a sprinkler system at the park. Another was the two of them laughing over coffee. Another was her hand on his in a booth at a restaurant. 
“So? I knew they were spending time together,” you asked, throwing the photos on the coffee table as you looked down at Cat. 
“You knew how much, but you didn’t know how. Does that look friendly to you or flirty? Not to mention Max here didn’t even know he was married. Hid the wedding ring and then never mentioned you. How does that make you feel?” she pressed. 
“Fine. That doesn’t mean anything. I never came up. He tries to avoid talking about work, and I’m part of his work.”
“Don’t be blind, Y/N, you’ve never been stupid, dont’ start nowy. It’s not a cute look. Not mentioning his work is one thing, but you, his wife? Hmm, it appears our spencie has been a naughty boy.” 
“He isn’t ‘our’ anything.”
“Sure he is. Just because I didn’t get a picture of him kissing Max over here doesn't mean it hasn’t happened or that it won’t. He kissed me without hesitation to save her family.”
“He did that to save two people, it doesn’t matter who they are.” 
“But it does. See, I know the real Dr. Reid. He’s not this bookish genius that saves the day and has all the answers.”
“Oh, yeah? Who’s the real me, Cat?” Spencer prompted. 
“The real Spencer Reid throws women against walls, and hisses that he’s going to kill them,” Cat said. 
“That was a very different situation,” Spencer said. 
“No it wasn’t.” 
“What’s she talking about?” Max asked. 
“Why don’t you explain it? She won’t believe it coming from me,” Cat said. 
“Two years ago Cat kidnapped my mother. Just like tonight, she got under my skin, and--.”
“You threw her against a wall?” Max asked, clearly appalled. 
“Don’t skimp on the details, Spencie,” Cat instructed as she paced around. “She should  know everything, as your mistress.” 
“I’m not his mistress,” Max responded. 
“She was pregnant at the time, and I knew that when I hurt her.” 
“And, the next day, I miscarried. The end.” 
“That’s not true,” Spencer retorted quickly, a look of concern washing over him. 
Oh, he was concerned Cat miscarried, but not about him committing infidelity. Nice to know where you stood. 
“It most certainly is true. Check my medical records. So now you both see. Max, you see that Dr. Reid is actually a lot darker than you thought. He’s married, he’s a liar, and a cheat--”
“I never cheated,” Spencer corrected quickly.
“No, but you thought about it and you didn’t think twice about kissing me to prove a point.” 
“What is this?” Max asked, jumping up. “What is this sick twisted game you three are playing?” 
“Okay, fine,” you said, your voice hard. “You want to break up my marriage with vague photos, fine, but why take Max’s family. What do they have to do with this?”
“Because I want to show everyone what happens if you involve yourself with Spencer Reid. See, Maxine here should know that this is what life is like for anyone who knows him.”
“So why not abduct me?” you challenged. 
“You’re already married, it’s too late to show you anything new, except what he’s done with Max here. You should be thanking me, Y/N. No woman will want to get near Dr. Reid.”
“Thanking you? You’ve put two innocent people's lives in danger,” you responded, your teeth gritting together. 
“You’re being very ungrateful. I’m saving Maxie from the inevitable danger she’ll get in with Spencie and I’m trying to show you that he’s just like every other scumbag guy out there. He’s out for himself and that’s it.” 
“I can't believe you didn’t tell me you were married,” Max responded, clearly upset and now you realized you had a reason to be too. What had they done that would cause concern for being around a married man? 
“See? Men are pigs,” Cat spat as she kneeled in front of Max. “You’ve been hurt before like this. Been the other woman. Tell me about it. I could have little sis and Juliette go over to his place and take care of him.” 
“Just give her what she wants,” Spencer encouraged. 
“He’s just saying that so I’ll call and they can trace it.” 
Max jumped up, ended the landline phone call that was keeping the team in contact, and begged Cat to get confirmation her sister was alive. But Cat insisted on a name and a story first. So Maxine started in on a story about a man she knew that made her feel special, made her feel like she was on top of the world, only to find out he was married with two kids. So when she confronted him, he got violent, and she hit him over the head with a vase that killed him. She told 911 it was self defense, but she went there looking for a fight, a way to hurt him. 
Cat entered the phone number, the text, and everyone waited on confirmation that her sister was alive. She said, “See? There, now everyone is miserable. Maxine is right back to being the other woman. Spencer has broken two women’s hearts. Better than their neck though, right Spencie? And Y/N sees her husband as the cheating, lying, psycho he is. I mean, in one night, we’ve determined he could kiss me easily, on your front porch no less, and with Maxine here…” She shook her head before looking down. “Oh look. Proof sis is alive.” 
Maxine grabbed the phone and dashed out of your house and showed your team the photo. You and Spencer didn’t speak as Cat was reloaded into the SWAT van and you drove to the prison. 
“Do you know why I did this? Why I really did this?” Cat asked. 
“To prove I’m a monster, just like you,” Spencer said, his eyes meeting yours from across the van. 
“No, silly,” Cat retorted before resting her head on his shoulder. “I just wanted to see you again.”
Your eyes flashed with pain and heartbreak as you stared at her. 
“You ruined my marriage and the only friendship I’ve had in a long time, just to see me? You could’ve just written me a letter.”
“Would you have written back?” she asked. 
He didn’t respond and the rest of the ride was silent until you reached the prison. They oepned the doors, and began to unload Cat. 
“You know, just because those pictures didn’t show Spencer kissing Max, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t cheating,” Cat said as she got out of the van. 
You frowned as you said, “What do you mean? Of course it does. If you couldn’t get one picture of them being physical--”
“Don’t forget who your husband is, Y/N. His love language isn’t physicality. It’s books...poems...museums… He’s a lover of the mind. You might want to ask Maxine just how many gifts she got from Spencie here.” She glanced at Spencer before looking to you again. “It’s been a real pleasure. It’s too bad I won’t be there to see the divorce finalize. Best date ever.” She gave you her signature crazy look, and then they walked her away. 
It was only you and Spencer in the back of the SWAT van now. 
“Y/N,” he started softly. 
“Don’t,” you warned through gritted teeth.
Forever Tag:
Spencer Reid
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zebrabaker · 5 years
The Goddess of Life, The King of Death; Chapter 5.
This is it, folks, the wedding hath arrived! Grab thy tea, and prepare thy selves!
Marinette tried not to scream upon her fifth introduction where the first question was ‘are you really the goddess of flowers?’. Her Nona had taken on the role of her guardian, and was making introductions for her. Gina was in on the plan, and had been a huge help so far. Then, Chloe came over and grabbed her hand, dragging her to a circle of her former classmates. Chloe dropped her hand, and dared away, probably to gossip more. Alya and Lila were absent, likely getting ready for the ceremony. Nino wasn’t there either. Probably going over his speech.
Rose was the first to step forward, and wrapped her in a tight hug.
“It’s so nice to meet you after all this time! What’s your favorite flower this week? I love roses, and daisies, and well, all flowers! I spend a lot of time on every new variety, and yours are all so pretty!” Marinette giggled at the petite blonde’s exuberance.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I rather like gladioli and chrysanthemums. They’re both lovely, and are some of the only flowers that grow in the Underworld.” Rose gasped.
“I never even thought about how difficult it must be to garden in the Underworld!” Juleka stepped forward, and whispered something in Rose’s ear. Rose beamed, and wrapped her arm around Juleka. “I just realized I never introduced myself! I’m Rose, and this is my girlfriend, Juleka! I’m goddess of Flowers, and she’s the Goddess of Shadows, Darkness, and Sapphic love!” Juleka waved a little, peaking out from behind her bangs. “This is Luka, Juleka’s older brother, the God of the Moon and Stars.” Luka pressed a light kiss to her knuckles, and Marinette smiled. She used to have the biggest crush on Luka, but had gotten over it not long after meeting Felix. He winked, and she froze. She had forgotten about his ability to hear anyone’s heart song. He had always told her that she had the most beautiful heart song he had ever heard, and that he would always be able to pick it out.
“A pleasure, your Majesty. How fairs Lady Allegra?” Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t going to out her. Not yet, at least.
“She’s quite well, Lord Luka.” He nodded and stepped back into the crowd, letting Alix glide forward on her skates.
“Nice ta meet ya! Name’s Alix, Goddess of Speed!” She glanced Marinette up and down, before sighing. “You’re not another girly-girl, are ya?” Marinette struggled not to snort.
“Luckily, I’m able to prank like a pro.” Alix raised an eyebrow.
“We’ll see.” She stepped back, and Mylene took her place.
“Hello, Your Majesty. I’m – “
“Lady Mylene, Goddess of Compassion. I’ve heard of you from several spirits. They say that you visit mortals in their last moments when no one else can or will. My husband and I cannot thank you enough. Souls who have someone there at the end are more likely to pass on, instead of becoming ghosts and haunting the living. Ghosts cause a great deal of paperwork.” Mylene blushed heavily, shrinking in on herself, until Ivan placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Thank you, your Majesty. It’s nothing, really. I just can’t bare the thought that anyone would ever be alone in their last moments. This is my husband, Ivan, the God of Strength.” Ivan merely nodded. She nodded back. The two stepped back into the crowd, and Max stepped forward.
“Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you. As god of information, I was wondering if you could tell me more about your domain. It was my understanding that Rose was the Goddess of Flowers.” He adjusted his spectacles and pulled out a notebook and pen.
“I am Goddess of Mourning Flowers. Lilies, gladioli, carnations, chrysanthemums, orchids, hydrangeas, daffodils, and tulips are some of my more popular creations. I’m rather proud of peace lilies. My domain is actually how I met Allegra, who introduced me to Felix.” Max nodded, and took a few steps away, muttering to himself about nuance in domains and his next research project. Nathaniel took a step forward, shyly.
“Hello. I’m Nathaniel, the God of Art.” He was redder than his hair, and retreated quickly. Marc stepped up.
“I’m Marc, God of Writing. Would you mind telling me how you met Felix? I’m trying to write a love story, but I’m out of inspiration. I’ve asked everyone I know how they met their significant other.” Marinette beamed.
“I was living in a small cottage near the River Styx- “
“BORING!” A voice yelled, and Kim stepped forward. “Hello, beautiful! My name is Kim, god of competition!”
Felix followed Natalie to a shadowed corner, where his father was seated, sipping a flute of nectar, Felix sat, and the two sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, before Gabriel broke the silence.
“Tell me about your…wife.” Gabriel watched his son over the rim of his glass. Felix’s eyes glazed, and his pallid skin flushed.
“She’s everything, Father. She’s kind, and compassionate, and witty, and sarcastic and wonderful. She can bake and cook and sing, and she managed to start a small garden. In the Underworld. Once, I watched her help the soul of a mortal boy who had died of a plague when he was looking for his cat. They spent four hours looking for the cat. Within half an hour, the boy was smiling and giggling. Her eyes shine when she’s happy, and when she gets lost in thought they change colors to match murky waters. When she thinks or focuses really hard, she gets a little wrinkle in between her eyebrows, and her tongue sticks out just a little. Her laughter sounds like tinkling bells, and when she laughs really hard her nose wrinkles a little bit, right on the bridge, and she snorts just the tiniest bit. When I met her, I was frozen. She’s stunning, father. I can’t imagine life without her.” He sighed. “She and Allegra are practically sisters, and her and Claude act like they were separated at birth. Together, she and Alain have pranked Claude at least once a week for the last six years. She had Cerberus giving her rides around the kingdom is just a month. He doesn’t even let me ride on his back, Father. She’s just…perfect.” Felix watched his wife from across the room, his eyes full of warmth and love. Gabriel nodded. That was exactly how he felt about his wife, the Lady Emilie. Yes. This girl, if his son spoke the truth, would be a perfect daughter in law.
Suddenly, Felix stood, chair scraping against the ground.
“Excuse me, father, I need to go.” He grit out, and Gabriel raised an eyebrow. He watched his son go, and nodded in comprehension when he saw what was going on. Kim, the god of competition, was attempting to flirt with Queen Persephone. Gabriel stood, and quickly followed his son, clamping his hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll help you, son. His actions are most uncouth.” Felix shot him an odd look, before nodding. Father and son were striding across the villa, to where Queen Persephone was clearly losing her temper. A small crowd was trying to subtly watch, to see how the young queen would react. When they had reached the edge of the crowd, they were able to hear what Kim was saying.
“You really are lovely. Why you’re married to Hades of all gods is beyond me.” He tried to grab her hand, but she snagged a flute of nectar off a tray, making it so that he couldn’t grab her hand without spilling nectar everywhere.
“I’m not sure what you mean, Lord Kim.” She demurred; eyes narrowed slightly. Felix could see the tension in her shoulders.
“He’s got a stick up his rear, ya know? I can’t imagine ever being stuck with someone like that.” Kim scoffed, before jumping. She had shattered her glass, which was now leaking nectar through her clenched fist. This was going to be fun to watch.
“I’m sorry, ‘stuck’ with him? He is my husband. If I did not wish to be with him, I would not be with him. I have known him TWO DECADES, and he has never been cold or cruel to me. He is kind and sweet and the biggest romantic I’ve ever known. And need I remind you, Lord Kim, my husband is one of the three rulers! He out-stripes you in every possible way. I recommend you learn to think before you speak.” Her voice was sharp and cold, like a dagger of stygian iron. The crowd tittered, as Kim turned red.
Kim opened his mouth to respond, but there was the ringing of a great bell. Adrien was standing on a platform, holding a large bell in one hand.
“Esteemed guests, I ask you all to proceed to the back garden, and find the seat with your name on it! The ceremony will commence in ten minutes!” He poofed away the bell, and turned to lead the procession. Felix slipped through the throngs of deities, and placed his hand on the small of her back.
“It’s me. Let me help you, dearest.” He murmured in her ear, prying her hand open. Marinette hissed, glancing down at the shards embedded in her skin, ichor leaking out of cuts and abrasions. He kissed her pulse point, and vanished the glass. He kissed the back of her palm, healing the many cuts. He gently ran his finger over the cuts in her gloves, repairing them. He then kissed her knuckles, making the stains from ichor and nectar vanish. He tucked her now healed hand into the crook of his elbow, and guided her into the garden.
They passed the deities trying to find their seats, and made their way to the front row. Felix scanned the seats, and found the two chairs next to his father, with Marinette between the two men. Adrien was standing at the altar, beaming to the point he was glowing slightly. Shimmering red glow that grew too bright to look at. When the glare had faded, Queen Tikki was standing, hands folded, behind a rosewood pulpit. Her dress was red, and her blue eyes shimmered with joy. Her delicate wings were folded, tucked against her back, twitching occasionally in excitement. She clasped a hand on Adrien’s shoulder, and addressed the gathering.
“Gods and Goddesses of Olympus! Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of the goddess of life and the god of the sun, our future Queen and King! In just two centuries, they will take over ruling Olympus with their chosen council! However, political matters can wait till after the wedding! For now, bring in the bride!”
There was a bright light from the back, and all assembled turned in their seats to see Lila coming down the aisle. Her dress was a shimmering gold, her veil so short it barely covered her eyes. She was smiling demurely, and moving in a way that indicated great anticipation. Marinette clutched Felix’s arm tightly, bracing herself. Her bond with Adrien was weak, barely a frayed thread, but this ceremony was bound to snap it completely. This was going to hurt.
Lila reached the altar, and handed her bouquet to Alya. She ascended the stairs with grace, and clasped Adrien’s hands in her own. Queen Tikki giggled a bit, before setting a hand on Lila’s shoulder.
“A very funny joke, Lady Lila, but where is Princess Marinette? Come now, send in the bride!” Tikki returned her gaze to the doors from whence Lila had emerged, before frowning. She turned to Adrien. “Where is she? Can someone go check on the bride? It’s likely just a few pre-wedding jitters.” Lila grit her teeth in a smile, before placing a hand over Queen Tikki’s, which still rested on her shoulder.
“Queen Tikki? Have you grown ill? It’s me, Lila, the next Goddess of Life and Creation.” Tikki scowled, and ripped her hand away.
“You dare attempt to deceive me? I have been Queen longer than you have been alive, girl! Tell me, where is Marinette?!” Tikki’s scarlet hair was beginning to float, her eyes shining a cold cobalt. Lila attempted to step away, but Tikki grabbed her by the elbow in a vice-like grip.
“No one knows! When she was outed as the Goddess of Lies and Deceit twenty years ago, she ran away!” Alya burst out, clearly scared.
“What…did you just say?” Tikki’s gaze turned from the struggling Lila to Alya, who’s eyes snapped to meet the Queen’s.
“She was outed as the Goddess of Lies and Deceit, so she ran away. Had she even told us, we could have forgiven her eventually, but she ran away. Lila told us she was planning to lie, and pretend to be the next Goddess of Life and Creation. Not like we would have fallen for it anyway.” Alya scoffed. Tikki growled, before taking a deep breath. She dropped Lila, who landed on her rear. Before the girl could stand, Tikki snapped her fingers, and Lila was cuffed by her wrists the altar.
“Trixx!” She called, the single syllable ringing through the air. A shimmering ball of orange appeared next to Queen Tikki, before morphing into a woman with auburn hair and purple eyes, wearing an orange chiton. She had a fluffy fox’s tail, and long, pointed ears, tipped with black.
“What’s the matter, Tikki?” The principality of Illusion, Lies, and Deceit asked, glancing around. “Where’s your successor? This is her wedding, is it not?”
“Apparently not.” Tikki spat. “Your successor decided that she was unhappy with the honor that had been bestowed upon her, and wanted what was not hers.” Trixx frowned in confusion before her eyes widened, her ears pinned back against her head. She wheeled on her heel, baring her teeth at the cowering Lila.
“What did I tell you?” Lila just cowered away, and Trixx growled low in her throat. “I warned you not to try to deceive other principalities, least of all those older than you! You foolish girl! Where has she gone?” Trixx asked Tikki, eyes full of worry and concern.
“They don’t know.” Tikki crossed her arms, glaring at the assembled. “Lord Thomas, Lady Sabine, come here.” From the back row, her parents rose, making their way up the aisle, hands clasped tight. “Where is your daughter?” Her Papa frowned, glaring at Adrien. He, like his wife, was in on the plan, and all for it. No one hurt his daughter.
“She is safe and happy, your Majesty.” Tikki sighed, shoulders slumping.
“Very well. I will expect a full report on her whereabouts later. Trixx, take them to a guest room in the palace, and warn Plagg.” Trixx nodded, and curtseyed slightly. She set a hand on each of her parent’s shoulders, and disappeared the way she had come. Lila, fool that she was, tried to salvage the situation.
“Tikki, please! She’s gotten to you too! I’m the next Goddess of Life and Creation! You gave me my first domain a ye- “Lila was cut off with a sharp slap. Her head snapped to the side, and her hand went to her reddening cheek.
“As Trixx warned you, filth, your powers have no effect on those older or more powerful than you. I will deal out your punishment later.” Tikki snapped her fingers, and a heavy muzzle clamped over Lila’s mouth. Tikki wheeled on Adrien, hair floating, wings flaring.
“You shall face punishment as well, Adrien, future principality of the sun. You should have been easily able to tell the truth.” She snapped, and Adrien was cuffed like his precious bride.  Tikki wheeled to face assembly once more.
“Did none of you see the earth dying? Crops wilting, humans dying, disease and plague spreading? I had just assumed my dear Marinette had yet to gain full control of her power, but to hear she has been chased out by you fools? I am disgusted with all of you. For now, until I know the full extent of this matter, you will all be placed under house arrest. No one leaves the mountain except the foreign royals and Lady Gina, as she will need to act as messenger. Everyone go home. This wedding is over.” The queen spun on her heel, her cloak flaring out behind her as she vanished. 
This was not how Marinette had pictured this going…
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Lila Gets Exposed part 4
This is a one shot series I’m doing that is also posted on Ao3 here I’m fine with getting recommendations for other chapters [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] ———————————–
Alix - Truth from the future 
    “Homework sucks!” Alix yelled to herself getting a shush from the school librarian. She was trying to finish what she wasn’t able to last night. She was going to, but she lost track of time hyperfocusing on something else. Curse her ADHD. Yeah maybe she was told multiple times by her brother to work on homework, but it doesn’t always work like that.
    ‘Focus.’ she thought to herself as her mind wandered off to last night. ‘This is due today!’ Her leg started bouncing and she tapped her pen on the desk and grabbed her other pen as a small floating rabbit tried to take it away. Wait.
    “Fluff?” She whispered, leaning towards the kwami before it flew off. She looked to where they went and there was her older self. Homework could definitely wait for this.
    “Hey mini me. Homework causing some trouble?”
    “Yes! Why does it have to be so hard?” Alix asked her adult self.
    “Who knows. They stopped giving homework a few years ago. Apparently it was more harm than help or something.”
    “So why are you here? Is there another akuma you need help with?”
    Adult Alix seemed to wince. “You know how the Hawkmoth from my time isn’t the same from this time.”
    “Yeah. It’s not like akumas have been quiet when talking with Hawkmoth. Why?”
    Her older self sighed. “So there’s this one guy who guards the miraculous, no clue how he’s still alive, but he gave me a note, which apparently he got from Ladybug and she apparently got it from you and you got it from me. Your basic time travel stuff. Anyway, that note was about now. Right now I mean.”
    Alix made her pause to explain, but she just told Alix she’ll find out.
    “Well anyway, I’m supposed to come back right now and tell you that Lila is a liar, will become Hawkmoth, stuff like that.”
    “Wait, Lila really is a liar? And she’s going to become Hawkmoth?! We need to tell someone!.”
    Future Alix shook her head. “Sorry, you can’t. Technically she hasn’t done anything wrong since she’s not Hawkmoth yet, and who knows what will happen if you try telling someone. She’s could become Hawkmoth no matter what.”
    Alix put her hands to her head. “This is horrible! And Lila’s a liar, meaning Marinette is right and we’ve been so mean to her.”
    “Yeah, there’s a reason Marinette gets to be a hero and Lila doesn’t.”
    “Marinette gets a Miraculous too?!”
    “Eventually yeah. Can’t tell you who exactly but she does get one at one point. But that doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is you help Marinette and anyone else Lila might hurt. It’s… it’s really important for everyone involved. And you may not want to, but you especially need to help Chloe.”
    That made Alix have a double take. “Chloe?! I haven’t helped her since she almost dragged me into a group with her and Sabrina a few years back.”
    “Yeah her. She’s gonna improve, I promise. But she’s going to need some extra help because of something Lila does.”
    Alix grumbled but then nodded. “Fine, I guess if I have to. I doubt she actually will get better, but I guess she should get a chance.”
    Future Alix shrugged. “Hey, at least when you give her a chance, she’ll try to improve at least a little. Lila just threatens and lies her way to popularity.”
    “Who the hell did she threaten?!” Alix all but yelled, getting a shush from someone nearby but at least out of sight.
    “Well, I don’t know who she has right now, but basically any time someone figures it out and confronts her, she threatens them. With Marinette it was her friends and her crush on Adrien, for Chloe it was her dad’s position as mayor since her mom is actually in the embassy and would have some sway. For Adrien it was going to his father and getting him permanent homeschooling.”
    Alix was fuming. “Lila is such a b-” she couldn’t finish as Fluff came out of nowhere and covered her mouth.
    “Careful, we’re in a school library. Being loud is already pushing it.” Her adult version explained, but then quickly added. “I’d love to curse about her too though.”
    Alix huffed before looking up at herself. “Well what am I supposed to do about it? Who the heck is going to even believe me?”
    Future Alix put her hand on her chin. “Well, Marinette isn’t the only one that knows, but Since Lila has been threatening Marinette and possibly others, though I’m not sure who right now, there are going to be some people in the class that know and just are too scared to speak up. I texted the class one by one asking who they believe, Marinette or Lila.”
    “Alright, but how am I supposed to convince anyone else?”
    Alix got a smirk from her double. “Our class has done a lot of cool things, and I know when there’s something you do like, you’ll learn everything you can about it. Maybe talk about some of that stuff and Lila will tell a blatant lie not knowing others know the truth.”
    Alix crossed her arms. “What did you do?”
    “Well I may have mentioned Markov without talking about their name and Lila talked about their cousin who created him. Max was surprised since Lila wasn’t on his family tree. But that’s not what I started with.”
    “She didn’t!” Alix exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Oh my gosh it’s that easy? She doesn’t even learn about what she’s lying about. How were we so blind?”
    “Hey, my theory is we’ve got magic miraculouses, we got a magic ice cream guy, who says that Lila doesn’t have a magic tongue.”
    Alix’s eyes widened. “You’re right! Oh my gosh. This makes so much sense now! What else is real magic? Did gods from different mythologies actually exist? If so my brother would freak out.”
    “Okay mini me, one thing at a time. First, you need to help your friends.”
    Alix nodded and pulled out her phone before her double spoke again. “Oh and by the way, you need to thank Fluff.”
    “Wait, what for?”
    “They helped finish your homework I doubt it was important anyway. Well other than helping your grade, but homework just sucks in general.”
    Alix thanked Fluff and her adult self. “I’ll do my best to help everyone. Who knows, maybe that’s what’ll help Ladybug think I can get a miraculous.”
    “You have no idea mini me.”
    Alix started to walk away before turning back. “Wait, aren’t you only given your miraculous for emergencies when there’s no one else that can help? Is Lila that bad as Hawkmoth?”
    “Let’s just say, she’s worse as herself than as Hawkmoth. But speaking of, I should probably get going.” Future Alix took out her watch. “Fluff, Clockwise.”
    Alix gave a quick wave to Bunnix before she left with Rabbit Hole leaving the skater on her own. At that moment the warning bell for class rang and she grabbed her homework to rush to class. Entering the room, of course Marinette wasn’t there, but Lila was, talking about more lies. Alix held in a frown and walked over. “Hey what are you guys talking about?”
    Lila smiled. “Oh we were just talking about how I almost competed in the Olympics, but couldn’t because of my hand.”
    “Oh really? What event?” The skater asked.
    “Gymnastics. It should be obvious why I couldn’t with my hand.”
    Alix faked interest. “Oh really, which one?”
    “Um, the most recent one.”
    “Oh…” she tried her best to sound disappointed.
    “Well I also almost went into the games before that.”
    Alix held in a smile. “Did you ever get to meet Ewan Fernandez? Or maybe Benjamin Macé?”
    “Oh yes of course! We practiced together sometimes!”
    “But wouldn’t you be competing for Italy?” The red head tilted her head innocently. “And they’re speed skaters, not gymnasts. I mean, everyone knows I like skating.”
    For once, Lila was at a loss for words. She was soon able to come up with an excuse that she mixed up some names, but Alix knew it wouldn’t take long for her to be figured out now. And hopefully it would help the rest of her class.
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puckinghell · 5 years
Stars and Supernovae | February
Summary: As soon as you meet Tyler Seguin, you know you’re destined to be best friends. Sometimes you wonder if you’re destined to be more, but life keeps getting in the way. Perhaps it’s just not written in the stars? Note: This is Part 6. Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
“Hmm,” you hummed, figuring that was the only appropriate response since you had absolutely no clue what your conversation partner was talking about.
“Do you want another coffee?” You zoned back in just in time to hear Max’s question, and nodded with a polite smile. “I’ll get you one.” You watched as your date made his way over to the coffee counter.
It wasn’t fair, not really. Max was in your physics class, and had helped you with your project, and then, when it was done and your grade was an A, had asked you out on a date. You’d said yes, because, really, why not? He was tall and slender, with auburn red hair, cleanly shaven, always dressed up but never overdressed. He was like, everyone’s perfect son in law. And he was nice, smart, polite, and even funny, every now and then.
But he wasn’t Tyler. He didn’t make you laugh so hard your stomach hurt and when his green eyes found yours, you didn’t feel like the world around you disappeared with a snap of his fingers. He didn’t get fiercely and ridiculously overprotective of you when some guy bumped into you in the street, didn’t yell “watch where you’re going, bud!” He paid for your coffee without sighing and complaining about how tough it was that the patriarchy had made it necessary for the guy to pay, just because he knew it riled you up, he didn’t laugh as you argued with him and he didn’t tap his fingers against your hand, telling you he was just joking, and he would pay for whatever you wanted him to because you had enough problems 'fighting for rights and shit'. He didn’t even have a dog, and that, that really was just too much.
Then again, even though you’d known it wasn’t fair to go out with the guy while you were still so clearly hung up on your best friend, you’d still said yes. To the first date, and then the second. You’d said yes when he’d asked if you wanted to come home with him, and when he’d started kissing you, you hadn’t said no. You’d said yes to the third date then, too. You’d gotten drunk on that one, and ended up in his bed that night. And then, the fourth date, he hadn’t even really asked anymore, he’d just asked when you were available. Which was now.
You’d hoped that being with a perfectly nice boy would take your mind off your heathen of a best friend, but so far, that had failed. Instead, it had made you think about Tyler more; had made you appreciated how easy it was, to just be with him. How comfortable it was, to be yourself around him. How perfect he was for you.
You sighed, and smiled at Max as he returned with your coffee.
“So, any plans this weekend?” Max asked, and you knew you should tell him the truth; you weren’t really planning on doing anything. But then he would ask you if you wanted to do something with him, and well…
“I’ll be busy, work and stuff,” you lied through your teeth.
“I understand.” And damn it, he did, too. Why couldn’t you just like him? “How’s your cousin?” He even remembered that your cousin was sick. You didn’t think Tyler ever remembered anything you told him about your family.
Speaking of the devil; your phone started blaring a familiar song. You swiped it away and when Max raised an eyebrow, you shrugged. “Just my best friend. He’s probably just bored. I’ll call him later.”
But then your phone rang again. And then it pinged, and it pinged again, and then rang again.
“Please answer it,” Max laughed. “I think it might be important.”
“Sorry,” you apologized, then finally picked up the phone. Making your way outside with it against your ear, you hissed: “This better be a fucking life threatening emergency, Segs, or I swear to God…”
Tyler chuckled on the other side, telling you it wasn’t such an emergency at all. “Why, you busy?”
“I’m on a date.”
“With the guy that’s bad in bed?” You groaned in frustration. You should’ve never told Tyler that Max hadn’t been so good in bed. Well, you hadn’t even told Tyler; you’d told Katie on the phone, you’d just happened to be on Tyler’s couch, and he happened to be right there. It wasn’t that Max had been bad, you’d just not felt anything electrifying, no sparks, the way you felt them when Tyler did so little as look at you.
“I’m hanging up in 3, 2, 1,” you started, but Tyler interrupted you.
“Jamie is going to try and get Katie back.”
If you were a dog, your ears would’ve perked up, as energy suddenly surged through you. You had told Tyler how miserable Katie was, and he’d told you that Jamie wasn’t a load of sunshine either, and then he’d promised he’d try and talk to him, but you didn’t actually think anything was going to happen. Jamie was stubborn.
To be fair, Tyler was more stubborn.
“It took me a while,” Tyler admitted. “But he knows he made a mistake. He misses her. That’s all I needed to know. So, we, well, I, came up with a plan for him to get her back. I just need your help.”
“I’m listening,” you told him. As Tyler spoke and explained his plan to you, a smile spread across your face.
“And the coach is okay with this?” you asked, finally.
Tyler laughed. “Montgomery doesn’t know. I’m assuming Chubs will have to do bag skates for a week straight. But it’ll be worth it if it works. What do you think?”
“I think he has a pretty good shot,” you said earnestly. “Tell him I’ll get her there, and he’ll have to do the rest.”
“Neat.” Tyler sounded smug. “You and I are a good team, Shiny.”
You sighed as you looked through the window, where Max was sitting, waiting patiently. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
“I don’t understand why we have to be here,” Katie complained as you pulled open the doors of the American Airlines Center.
“I told you, I just have to grab my wallet. I left it at Tyler’s yesterday and he accidentally took it to practice with him.” You were lying, of course, but it was for a good cause.
“Why can’t I just wait in the car?”
“Because you’re my best friend, and Tyler is my best friend, and Jamie is his best friend, and you’re just going to have to deal with it, because I’m not losing any of you,” you snapped. Katie fell silent at that, like you knew she would. If you knew her at all - and you did - she actually really wanted to see Jamie, she was just scared. Scared cause it would hurt.
Please let this go well.
You walked through the hallways towards the rink, the sounds of skates slashing against the ice and pucks banged against the boards ringing in your ears already. Katie had started to walk slower and slower, and you had to grab her hand and pull her along because otherwise, you would arrive hours later. When the familiar green jerseys came into sight, you felt her stiffen next to you.
“Come on Kate, don’t be a wuss,” you told her sternly. Then, a little softer: “It’s not going to be easy for him, either, you know?”
“Is he…” Katie swallowed. “Is he doing okay?” It was the first time she’d allowed you to see that she still cared about Jamie, and it lifted your spirits with hope.
“Let’s go find out,” you said, and then you pulled her along with you, up to the boards. “Segs!” you yelled, and one of the figures on the ice turned around.
Tyler shot you a look and then elbowed the person next to him in the side. When Jamie turned to you, Katie inhaled sharply next to you. Then, Jamie skated over to you, Tyler on his heels.
“Hey, Chubs,” you smiled at Jamie. “Katie here was wondering if you were doing alright.”
“Y/N,” Katie hissed, the tone of betrayal on her voice, and she kicked you against the foot, a little too hard, as you yelped in pain.
“He’s been better,” said Tyler, swinging his arm around his mate’s shoulder, as Jamie seemed to have lost his ability to talk. “How about you, Katie?”
“She’s not doing so well either,” you answered for your friend. You were pretty sure Katie was going to murder you. Unless this worked.
“You should get some lunch together and talk about how miserable you’ve been,” Tyler grinned, and that’s when Jamie finally seemed to remember that he was supposed to be the one carrying this show.
“Right,” he said, clearing his throat. “Katie, I want to, uhm, talk to you, if you, like, have some time…”
“She’s got time,” you interjected when Katie didn’t speak. “She’s got time right now.”
“But we were going for lunch,” Katie finally spoke, her voice too high and too shrill.
“No, we’re not. I’m canceling on you right now. So now you need a new lunch partner.”
“Jamie has practice.” Katie’s voice had gone colder, more distant, as the root of their issues was brought to the surface again. Hockey first, girlfriend second. Except…
“Fuck it,” Jamie whispered, and then his voice got louder, what you called his 'captain voice' booming through the rink. “Listen up! I’m gonna drop out, I have to tell Katie here why I’m an idiot and how I’m planning to stop being an idiot in the future, if she’ll give me a chance. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“But, we’re in the middle of practice,” Rads said, dramatically clutching his hand to his chest. There was a cheeky sparkle in his eye and you suspected Tyler had given him a script.
“I don’t care.” Katie’s eyes widened in shock as Jamie took off his bucket and stepped off the ice.
“That’s gonna be bag skates for a while, Benn.” It was coach Montgomery who spoke.
“I don’t care about that either,” said Jamie stubbornly. “I’m sorry coach, but this is something I have to do.” Montgomery shrugged, and you noticed a slight hint of a smile glide over his face. Jamie put his arm around Katie’s back and slowly guided her through the tunnel. Tyler sent you a smirk and high fived you.
“This is all really great, apart from the fact that I am now out of a lunch partner,” you pouted.
“If you wanna wait an hour, I can get lunch with you?” Tyler giggled. “Or would you like me to walk out of practice too?” There was a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
You sighed. “The problem is I know you would do it, too.”
He winked at you. “Anything for you, Shiny.” And as he skated back towards center ice, you couldn’t help but wish everything was different, and Sabrina wasn’t there and neither was Max. You couldn’t help but wish he meant it.
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cocastyle · 5 years
First Christmas
Pairing- Dick Grayson x reader, Titans x reader
Word Count- 2,828
Warning- none
A/N- Merry Christmas guys!! I’m back from my break for now and just wanted to try and get some Christmas reader inserts up before the holiday was over! I hope you all like this one! It’s my first Titans piece and I’m hoping I did the characters justice. This show has instantly become one of my favorites so if you haven’t seen it yet, I would go check it out! I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
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Christmas had always been a tough time for Y/N. With her father having passed away when she was only a baby and her mother working so much that she was never even home on Christmas, Y/N had never gotten the chance to celebrate it.
She tried. But one can only take decorating cookies by themselves and having no one home to give presents to for so long.
So Y/N had given up on Christmas and that’s how her life had went. Even when she was old enough to move out of the house, she still didn’t celebrate. After all, she had no one to be with during the holiday season so what was the point.
But this year was different. For this was the first year in Y/N’s life that she had a family to celebrate with. Now instead of just herself, she had her team, the Titans.
There was Rachel and Gar who were pretty much like her younger siblings, Kory who was basically her older sister, and then Dick, her handsome and loving boyfriend.
This was the first year that the team was spending Christmas together and the first time Y/N was getting to celebrate it with people that she loved. So to say she was excited was an understatement.
Because of her lack of experience celebrating the holiday and the fact that she loved the team to death, Y/N pulled out the big guns and planned the holiday season to the max. She was determined to have her first Christmas be the best it could possibly be and because of this, she didn’t even see that the team had grown a little annoyed with all of the things they had been doing.
They hadn’t been annoyed at first, but that was when all Y/N had said they were going to be doing was looking at Christmas lights. But after a week of ice skating, Christmas movies, photo shoots, and gingerbread houses, the Titans has grown a little annoyed by what was going on.
It was only when Y/N had invited them over to her apartment to make cookies that the team finally voiced their opinions. However, they waited until Y/N was in the kitchen preparing the stuff for cookies before they decided to talk.
“You’ve got to say something, man,” Gar sighed as he gave Dick a pointed look. Dick’s eyes widened and he stood up straighter. “Me? Why me?” He asked. “You are her boyfriend,” Rachel pointed out. “And why does that mean I’m the one that had to say something? Come on guys, it’s not that bad, right?” Dick asked.
The three other Titans gave him a look. “I still have tinsel in my hair,” Kory muttered. And then just to prove her point, she took her fingers and ran them through her hair, a handful of tinsel immediately falling into her hand.
“She’s made us sit on the couch and watch cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies every night this week,” Rachel added. “Let’s not forget that she made us stand out in the snow for a photo shoot for hours! I still can’t feel my toes!” Gar complained.
Dick frowned slightly and let out a sigh. “Okay, so maybe it’s a little annoying,” Dick said. The team raised their eyebrows. “Okay, very annoying.” “Why can’t she just back off?” Kory asked. “Yeah, can’t she see that we aren’t into the whole Christmas thing?” Gar asked.
“I get it guys, I really do. But how do you think Y/N will react when she finds out that we all hate what we’ve been doing? It’s just a few more days until Christmas and then she’ll be out of your hair, okay?” Dick said. The team didn’t respond at first and slowly looked at each other. “Fine,” Rachel muttered and soon enough, the rest of the team had agreed as well.
But the damage had already been done. From the other side of the door leading into the living room stood Y/N who had heard the entire thing.
Her eyes stung with tears and she slowly dropped her hand from its position on the door as she backed up.
They hated this.
They thought she was annoying.
A small sob began to come out of Y/N’s mouth and she quickly clamped a hand over her mouth before scurrying back into the kitchen. It was only when she was sitting down at the kitchen counter that she let a small quiet sob leave her mouth.
All she wanted was to show them how much she loved them by celebrating Christmas with them, but turns out they wanted nothing more than for her to leave them alone.
Y/N’s eyes flickered over to the already baked cookies and the bowls of icing that were lying out before shaking her head and grabbing her trash can. The tears were freely falling now as she angrily grabbed ahold of the cookies and began throwing them into the trash can.
She had just thrown away the last of the cookies and was beginning to dump out the icing when Dick walked into the kitchen. His eyes widened at the sight before him and he dashed over to her. “Y/N? Baby, what’s wrong?” Dick asked as he reached the girl.
She froze midair and dropped the bowl on the counter. She turned to look at him and gave him the fakest smile he had ever seen dawn her face. Her face was red and evidence of the tears she had been letting fall was still on her face. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s great actually,” she told him, but the crack in her voice and the pain in her eyes told him other wise.
Dick frowned and hesitantly walked forward. He reached for her but, to his surprise, she jumped back. “Quit looking at me like that. I’m fine. Just burnt the cookies was all. And seeing as I don’t have any more dough, I’m just going to go ahead and cancel cookie making for the rest of the night. You all can go home,” Y/N said.
Dick’s eyes trained on her shaking hands which she quickly hid behind her body. “Y/N-“ Dick began, but he was cut off by the sound of the Titan’s laughter as they walked into the kitchen.
Their laughter fell short at the sight of the cookies in the trash, the icing tossed around everywhere, and the tears falling down Y/N’s face. They all instantly tensed at the sight of their friend and gave her concerned looks. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” Gar asked. “Dick, what did you do?” Kory asked as she sent a glare in the boy’s direction.
Dick opened his mouth to speak, but Y/N beat him to it. “He didn’t do anything and I’m fine. I already explained the whole situation to Dick, but basically the night’s cancelled. You all can go home. I know you want to,” Y/N said.
Everyone turned to look at her with wide eyes. “What?” Dick asked. “Nothing. I’m going to bed,” Y/N said as she tried to walk out of the room, but the Titans quickly blocked her exit. “No, Y/N. What did you just say? The part after saying we could go home,” Rachel said.
Y/N looked at all of her friends and her fake smile faded. “I said that you all want to go home,” Y/N repeated. Gar furrowed his eyebrows. “Why would you think that?” Gar asked. “Cause I heard you.” The whole room fell silent as the rest of the team looked at Y/N with wide eyes.
Y/N looked away before letting out a sigh. “You know, you could’ve just told me that I was annoying you all. I would’ve stopped. I just didn’t even notice. And it’s not like I was trying to. It’s just. . .I’ve never had anyone to celebrate Christmas with and this being the first year that I do have people that I consider my family, I was trying too hard to make it the best first Christmas ever. I’m sorry if I wasted your time or annoyed you to death. I’m done now. You guys can go home,” Y/N told them.
“Y/N-“ Rachel began, but the girl cut her off as she slipped by them. “It’s fine. Don’t try and apologize for speaking the truth. I’m going to go on to bed, okay? Just make sure to lock the door on the way out,” Y/N said. She turned to walk out the door, but hesitated.
“Merry Christmas,” she whispered.
And with that, Y/N had disappeared down the hall and into her bedroom leaving the Titans standing in the kitchen with their guilt already eating away at them.
- - -
Hours had passed, but Y/N hadn’t been able to get a wink of sleep. Instead she had been lying in bed as she blankly stared at the same spot on her wall as the whole night ran through her head.
She tried not to let it bother her. After all, what’s one more year of not celebrating Christmas when she already hadn’t been celebrating her whole life?
Y/N sighed and blinked as she finally tore her eyes away from the wall. She was just about to grab her book when there was a knock on her bedroom door. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and quickly got out of bed.
Knowing that everyone was long gone by now, she grabbed the bat that she kept under her bed for emergencies and walked to her door. Her fingers brushed against the handle and she took a deep breath before throwing the door open, bat raised in the air.
Her gaze met Dick as he looked between her and the bat in amusement. “A bat, really?” Dick asked with a small smirk on his face. Y/N brought the bat down and gave Dick a confused look. “Dick? What are you still doing here? I thought you left,” Y/N said.
Dick ignored her questions and instead walked forward and instantly pulled her in for a hug. She didn’t even hesitate before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. Sure she was a little upset with him, but Dick always gave the best hugs, so she wasn’t complaining.
“I’m sorry,” Dick whispered against her neck as he leaned into her more. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, none of us did. You were just trying to make it the best Christmas ever and we took it for granted and overlooked all of your hard work.”
He pulled away and looked his girl in the eyes as he brought a hand up and softly caressed her cheek. “Anyone would be lucky to have you do for them what you did for us and I’m so thankful that I’ve got an amazing girl like you who cares about not only me, but the team as well. I’m one lucky man and I’m sorry that I don’t tell you that enough. I love you, Y/N.”
“You love me?” her voice squeaked out. Dick chuckled. They had told each other that they loved the other before, but every time he said it, the girl acted like it was the first time.
Dick smiled and leaned his forehead against her own before whispering, “Always and forever, darling.”
Y/N smiled and whispered, “I love you too, Grayson. Always and forever.” Y/N leaned in to kiss him, but he quickly pulled away before she could. The girl gave him a confused look, but Dick only smiled. “As much as I would love to stand here and declare my love for you, we’ve got something to show you,” Dick said.
Y/N arched an eyebrow. “We?”
Dick smiled and took her hand in his. “Follow me,” he told her. Y/N intertwined their fingers before allowing Dick to drag her through her apartment and into the living room.
Upon entering, Y/N immediately stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she stared at the newly decorated living room that stood in front of her.
There were Christmas lights decorating the room and a big blanket and pillow pile in the middle of the floor for them to lie on and watch Elf as it was set up and ready to go already. Finally, there was her team, her family, standing on the other side of the room with plates full of decorated cookies and apologetic smiles on their faces.
“W-What’s this?” Y/N asked. “We’re sorry for what we said earlier and for making you feel bad,” Gar spoke up. “None of us have ever really had a big family to celebrate Christmas with. So we’re kind of not used to the whole celebrating the season,” Rachel said. “We just want you to know that we appreciate everything that you’ve done and we’re sorry that we made you feel bad. Besides, the tinsel’s kind of growing on me,” Kory said.
Y/N stared at the team in shock as happy tears began to fill her eyes. Gar’s face immediately turned into one of panic. “She’s crying again. What did we do wrong?” He asked. Y/N chuckled and shook her head as she smiled at the boy. “I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I’m happy. Did you guys really do all of this for me?” Y/N asked.
“It was Dick’s idea really, but we all agreed that we wanted to do something to make it up to you,” Kory said. Y/N glanced at her boyfriend who gave her a small smile before placing a kiss to the side of her head.
Y/N grinned and held her arms out for the group. Gar and Rachel raced over to the girl and were the first to pull her in for a hug. Y/N chuckled and hugged them back as Kory and Dick joined in. “I love you guys,” Y/N whispered causing everyone to hold onto her tighter. “We love you too, Y/N,” Rachel said.
The team hugged for a moment longer before Gar pulled away. “Okay, enough hugging. I’ve been wanting to see Elf for the longest time now and I will not be distracted from watching it any longer,” he said.
Y/N and the rest of the team chuckled and broke away from the hug. Minutes later, they were all curled up in the pillow and blanket pile and watching the movie. Right as Buddy was leaving the North Pole for New York City, Y/N suddenly got a craving for some hot chocolate.
After maneuvering through the sea of teammates and blankets, she finally made it into the kitchen and began making her drink. She was in the process of pouring the drink into her cup when two arms snake around her waist.
Dick buried his face into the crook of her neck before giving her skin a small kiss and breathing in her scent. Y/N smiled and felt a faint blush crawling up her neck as she leaned back into her boyfriend. “I love you,” Dick muttered causing the girl to blush harder.
“And I you,” she whispered and she could feel the smile Dick had on his face. She finished pouring her hot chocolate into her cup before placing the cup on the counter and turning to look at the man she was hopelessly in love with.
“Thank you for doing all of that for me. You really didn’t have to,” she told him. Dick’s eyes flickered over her face and a small peaceful and dreamy smile appeared on his face as he stared at her.
“No, but I wanted to. You deserve the world and you’ve already done a lot for us this season. We wanted to do something for you,” Dick told her. Y/N smiled and Dick kissed her forehead before saying, “Come on, we should get back to the movie.”
Y/N nodded and grabbed her cup of hot chocolate before going to walk out of the kitchen. She was in the doorway when Dick lightly grabbed ahold of her wrist. She stopped and turned to look at him.
He smirked and looked up. The girl did as well and laughed softly when she caught sight of the mistletoe hanging above them. “You know what that means,” Dick told her.
Y/N laughed and put her mug down on the counter beside them before wrapping her arms around Dick’s neck, his arms wrapping around her waist. “You don’t need mistletoe to make me kiss you,” she assured him.
Dick smiled at that and leaned forward slightly. He moved his hands up to cup her face and he gently brushed his lips against her own. “Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he whispered. Y/N smiled and whispered, “Merry Christmas, Dick.”
And with that he pulled her forward and their lips met. Y/N and Dick smiled into the kiss and he gently pushed her up against the wall as he kissed her softly.
Y/N could barely think when she kissed him, but one thing was clear in her mind.
This was definitely the best first Christmas in the history of first Christmases.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Italia episode 10 reaction
so nice of Alice to ask Eva on a date!
Episode 10
Clip 1 - Eva coming for Martino
I feel it’s so fitting for this marshmallow sweetheart Eva to start off leaving comparatively non-confrontational messages for Martino that only escalate when he doesn’t answer, instead of jumping straight to “ISAK PICK UP YOUR DAMN PHONE NOW” (RUN BOY RUN)
So Eva and Gio seem to be pretty relaxed and comfortable during this conversation about Martino considering their precarious relationship status - like they actually go somewhere else together and sit down, and there’s not a ton of space between them. His body language is pointed toward her. That’s nice that it’s not awkward, but I don’t know how I feel about it narratively, considering there probably should be some tension?
It makes some sense in that Gio seemed like he still wanted to be with Eva when talking to her at the skate park - he put it more on her shoulders, did she still want to be with him? With Jonas there was that “come find me when you find out” but overall it felt more frayed on his end even if he loved her.
But I loved that awkward goodbye kiss! That little customary gesture that’s suddenly got a lot more weight to it as they’re navigating this in-between stage. They’re kinda still dating but they’re kinda not, you know?
Clip 2 - Silvia and Eva in the bathroom
Note that this clip takes place later than the original version, which was paired with the period blood letter and took place right after the Jonas conversation where he asks who Eva is - Vilde asks her the same thing (theeeeme) and Eva bursts out in frustration at the question later talking to Isak. It was overall a more fraught time for Eva, since it was before her reconciliation with Ingrid and smoothing things over with Iben, was thinking she might have to switch schools and had some tension with her new friends after Vilde turned her past into a group presentation. This scene here happens after almost all of those problems have been smoothed over except for her relationship with Gio (which is less awkward than Eva’s with Jonas) and with Silvia (who apologizes during this clip). With that in mind, it’s more comfortable and less fragile.
It also takes the place of the scene where Vilde puts on a fake happy face in the cafeteria and lies to the girls about being with Pepsi Max.
Awww, it’s really nice that Silvia apologized to Eva. And the comment about how she gets used to people hating her is spot-on. it’s worth noting that this is the second time in a short period that Silvia has botched things with a group of girls, and who knows how many times before that.
But again, where does this leave us in terms of a firm arc for Eva? Once more they’ve cut out the thread/theme of who-is-Eva by not having Silvia ask it. Which I don’t inherently mind but I would like there to be a solid line of her character going from point A to point B, like I want there to be, for lack of a better term, a thesis statement about what this season was really about, since that was a strong point of the original S1. But I feel like we won’t know for sure until that final scene with Giovanni.
The original scene lands the point about Eva’s identity, this scene is more about setting up the group reconciliation with Silvia. 
Clip 3-  Awkwaaaaard
Similar to the first clip of the episode, Eva and Gio’s relationship here feels much less awkward than Eva and Jonas at this stage
Gio intentionally approaches her and makes conversation instead of literally bumping into her as Jonas did to Eva. It’s neutral small talk for the most party, and slight inquiries about Martino, it’s not digging deeper, but it still feels like they’re pretty chill. 
That made the fight seem more out of nowhere, though? Like with Eva and Jonas (and other versions) they were walking this fragile ground where they were being polite, and there was that rush of seeing each other and being like, oh, you make me so happy, but you could also sense how fragile and delicate it was through their body language and expressions and pauses, and so when P-Chris comes around, it’s easy for it to break. With this scene, they feel so comfortable that Gio suddenly shoving Fede didn’t feel right, they were on more stable ground. Like I would’ve bought his appearance suddenly creating the awkwardness between Gio and Eva, and Gio having to excuse himself, but not the 0 to 100 in two seconds here.
It doesn’t help that we didn’t see Gio react until he shoved Fede, like the way it was shot was a little weird. At first I couldn’t tell when Gio saw Fede coming down the hall and if Fede made the comment within earshot of them, since we didn’t get a good reaction shot of Gio to Fede’s presence. Plus having Jonas notice P-Chris and get tense was what prompted the “awkward” comment in the first place. Fede just seems like a shit-stirrer, lol.
Lmao, Edoardo did nothing to break up this fight. He redirected Fede with one hand to keep walking, that was it. On the one hand William gradually descending the stairs to halfheartedly remove Chris from Jonas was the best thing he ever did, but on the other hand, Edoardo not giving a shit at all is funny in itself.
Clip 4 - Not a Meet Cute ... a Start-Over Cute?
Good job, Alice! Federico is not worth the private transportation.
The way they shot this makes it look like the beginning of an Eva/Alice hate-to-love romance, more than any other version of this scene. Right now they have moved past “hate” and are in “tentative friendship” mode.
Lol, so I guess people had some beef with the comment about feminism? I get it, obviously feminism is not about man-hating, probably not the best message to send. But I also thought Alice was clearly making a joke and not being serious about it, so unless there’s some nuance in the wording that doesn’t come through in translation, it didn’t really bother me.
Also, not to go on a personal tangent, but I’m at the point of my life/feminist journey/whatever-you-want-to-call-it where IDGAF about defending feminism against accusations of man-hating, because misogynists will think feminists hate men no matter what you say. You can preface every feminist discussion with 10 paragraphs of clarifying that you don’t hate men and they still won’t care and you’ll just have wasted time and energy coddling anti-feminists that could have been spent on the important issues. For real, don’t bother.
Eva suggesting that the party sounds like a Sapphic shindig and Alice being like “Who said that isn’t the solution?” just ramped up the flirtiness, wowza. Although the line about “sounds like [lesbian night]” was translated a few different ways, using language that was, uhhh, not as neutral as lesbian. I can’t speak to whether it was as offensive in Italian, though.
I forgot, did they say that Alice wrote the message in the bathroom stall? It’s not super important since any gossipy person at school could have written it, but since it substituted for the period blood letter, I’m just curious.
Clip 5 - Party in the streets, puking in the sheets
Is this party taking place on the street? Like are they pre-gaming before they go somewhere? Pre-caking? Street parties seem like a good time.
Lol, Sana is pretty warm and receptive toward inviting Silvia, while Eleonora is like eh, whatever. I feel like Eleonora is the one with the pricklier attitude toward Silvia, which could be interesting to see play out next season since S2 definitely has a focus on that relationship.
“She read it but she didn’t reply” I mean you literally just sent the text five seconds ago, give her a minute.
Making the video for Silvia and asking her to come over is the sweetest thing, damn. Like if I were Silvia, my heart would get so warm. You know, if I wasn’t wasted and two steps from passing out.
So Martino wasn’t invited to this party, he just randomly happened to be in the street hanging out with some pals?
Time for the much-awaited snake roasting scene!
“Did your tits get bigger?” You aren’t fooling anyone, Martino.
Martino’s disappointment at thinking Eva and Gio are back together is super obvious, like he can barely manage to conjure up any fake enthusiasm.
Oh geez. So in the original, Isak lets Eva guess why he ratted her out. There has been a lot of meta and discussion as to whether he wanted Eva to guess the truth, take it off his hands, get it all out. It’s when she guesses that he likes her that he runs with the lie. Here, Martino is the one to say he has feelings for her. He creates the lie. There’s no ambiguity as to whether he wants the truth to come out.
I mean, honestly? I could believe that they changed to the plot to be about Martino having feelings for Eva. I don’t think they will, but I could buy it. Because Martino doesn’t seem like he’s lying, it’s like he’s getting things off his chest. With Isak, he wasn’t being too obvious that he was making stuff up, but on a rewatch you can tell that he’s fabricating this story, especially due to the nuance of Tarjei’s acting. Isak is a liar but he’s not necessarily good at it. He’s human. What he gives is an imitation of swagger and Nice Guy-ism. I don’t get much self-doubt in Martino’s performance.
That’s not to say he’s a bad actor, actually I think he’s one of the better performers on this show, but I did think this conversation was underwhelming compared to the original. There’s such great subtext and especially vulnerability in that scene - they cut out some great moments, such as Eva asking how things were going with his mom before confronting him and us getting to see Isak faking his confidence that everything will work out with his parents. Or Isak saying Eva can’t tell Jonas. Or just the extended explanation of why he did it. 
Plus you can really see Isak squirm as Eva pretends she’s gotten back with Jonas, like she’s playing with her food, and this scene didn’t have that delicious build-up.
Was there a reason why Eleonora couldn’t host Silvia at her place? Like logically I know it’s because they wouldn’t introduce the collective yet, if they’re keeping that, but surely it would be OK to bring Silvia back to a residence with no parents, just two quirky university students? Is Eleonora’s living situation going to be the same?
Sana had a very clear game plan on how to handle the situation, good for her.
Lol, I think this scene inherently loses something without the ironic Christmas music but it was funny to have “I wanna be a bottom feeder” right before Silvia barfs on Sana. Sana’s reactions were pretty good.
When the puking started, I wondered whether they would show Sana without her hijab, and then they did.
OK ... I’m not a Muslim so I don’t want to get too much into this, but:
Sana taking off her headscarf as a mark of her comfort around the girls is a sweet gesture, and from what I understand from reading Muslims’ thoughts, this is OK to do and it’s likely that she wouldn’t get in the bed and fall asleep in her hijab. So that’s fine.
But in a meta sense, I did think oh right ... we’re getting this moment because the actress is not Muslim, and this is a costume for her and she can take it off. Whereas with someone like Iman Meskini, it’s not (according to her personal religious beliefs). There was a few (just a few, not many) comments I saw that were like “Sana’s hair is so pretty, she shouldn’t cover it up” which made me go :/ :/ :/
Eleonora giving Silvia a little kiss on the forehead as they tuck her into bed = awwwww.
“I was just trying to kill Edoardo’s son” uhhhh is that an accurate translation? Because that’s kinda different from “I think I killed William’s baby,” there’s way more intent with the Italian one and it changes how I view Silvia’s opinion on the matter. Like I sort of thought a part of Vilde wanted that baby, for not so great reasons, and that’s why she was insistent with the nurse that she had all the pregnancy symptoms. But you know, maybe not! 
Also, “I tried to kill Edoardo’s son” and the scene ending abruptly with a BAM could be like, a cliffhanger for a crime show if we want to make Skam a much grittier and bleaker show.
General Comments:
I’m wondering about how they’ll handle S3. I think S2 has the potential to be better than the original, but so far the portrayal of Martino has been lacking a lot of that vulnerability that Isak had and the conversation with Eva in this episode reinforced that. Again, I’m not placing the fault on the actor, and obviously we’re just getting started with the character, I just hope they can dig deep into his self-doubt when they come to it.
I’m trying not to get into the debate about this since it’s not my culture, but because I keep seeing comments in the Sana casting debate about the potential lack of Muslim actors in Italy, for comparison:
Islam is the largest non-Christian religion in Norway with about 2.9% of the population officially (about 153,000 people in 2016) and has increased by 26.6% since 2012 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Norway#Islam)
According to the latest Italian official statistics, there are 1.400.000 Muslims in Italy (2.3% of the Italian population), almost one third of Italy's foreign population (250.000 have acquired italian citizenship). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Italy#Present_day)
Wikipedia, I know, but here’s the Pew Research Center, a very reliable source, putting the 2016 estimate of Muslims in Italy at 4.8% of the population with 2,870,000 Muslims (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/11/29/5-facts-about-the-muslim-population-in-europe/)
I haven’t mentioned this much but the Skam Italia social media team is doing a nice job, some of the texts have been really funny and cute. Shout-out to Martino telling Eva to move to California to work as a waitress in one of those restaurants “where they give you coffee nonstop” because, yeah, that is one good thing you can say about the US. We’re politically a mess but at least our diners will keep your cups overflowing.
I’m not Italian so if I missed some context, feel free to correct me.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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