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Winter Whumperland: Day 9. Main Character Death
Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott, f!reader
Summary: You are just heading home for the night with your husband when Luke Tillerson confronts Rhett, looking for revenge.
Word Count: 843
TW: Whump, Angst, Gun Violence, Bullet Wound, Main Character Death
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“Hurry up, Rhett! It’s freezing out here!” You ran over to the passenger side of the truck, bouncing lightly from foot to foot in an attempt to get your blood moving in the freezing cold. Your breath fogs out in front of you as you breath out, temporarily obscuring your husband from view. 
“Hold your horses, darlin’. I’m still sore from last night’s ride.” Rhett groans as he limps slowly down the sidewalk.
“So am I, but you don’t hear me complaining or walking funny,” you say with a sly wink.
Rhett chuckles and shakes his head. “In that case, when we get home, how ‘bout we try for round two? See if you’re still walkin’ pretty in the mornin’.”
You grin. “Actually, it would be more like round four. And sounds like a challenge. I’m in.”
Rhett opens his mouth for another retort, but his eyes focus on something over your shoulder, and his smile drops from his face. The shift in his body language is almost imperceptible but you know him well enough to notice the way his jaw clenches and his shoulders tense. And when you turn around, you understand why.
Luke Tillerson had just walked out of the bar across the street and saw the two of you standing by Rhett’s truck. Staggering slightly, he begins to head in your direction. 
You glance at Rhett nervously, unsure of what to do. Ever since the night Trevor was killed, Luke has had an eye on the two of you. It is clear he’s convinced that Rhett was behind it and you helped him cover it up, which wasn’t completely incorrect. But while his accusations have been a bit of a nuisance in the past, there is something different about the crazed look in his eye tonight. 
Rhett must have noticed it too because he throws you the keys as he mutters under his breath, “Get in the truck and lock the door.”
You nod, fumbling as you try to get the key into the lock, but your hands are shaking too badly. They slip from your fingers and clatter to the ground, but by the time you pick them up, Luke is standing just a few feet from Rhett.
“Abbott,” Luke growls. Even from this distance, you can smell the alcohol clinging to him.
Rhett holds up his hands. “Listen, we don’t want any trouble, Luke. We’re just trynna get home for the evenin’.”
“You shoulda thought about that before you killed Trevor.” Luke reaches into his jacket and pulls out a gun which he levels at the center of Rhett’s head.
“Rhett!” you gasp, taking a few steps towards him. 
Rhett’s hand shot out, motioning for you not to move though he never takes his eyes off the gun. You stumble to a halt, your eyes darting back and forth frantically between Luke and your husband unsure of who to focus on. Normally, Luke was the level-headed one out of the entire Tillerson clan, but after everything that had happened mixed with however many drinks he had just drunk in the bar, there was no telling what he is capable of.
“Luke… you don’t have to do this,” Rhett pleads, his voice calm and clear despite the danger he is in. 
But Luke just moves the gun even closer to Rhett’s face. “Yeah, I do. This is for my brother.”
The shot rings out before either you or Rhett can react. The bullet travels the very short distance from the muzzle straight into the middle of Rhett’s forehead, causing him to collapse to the ground like a marionette whose strings have just been cut.
“No!” you scream, sprinting to where your husband’s body now lays in a heap on the ground. 
Kneeling beside him, you hesitantly reach out your hand and roll him onto his back. A wail erupts from your lips as you see his clear blue eyes, always so full of life and love, staring vacantly back at you. Brushing his hair from his face, you whisper, “Rhett, please…. Don’t leave me.” 
But you know it’s already too late. All the pieces of the man you love are gone, leaving behind nothing but this empty shell before you.
Indifferent to the growing pool of blood lapping at your knees, you sit Rhett up so his shoulders and back are leaning against your chest. Wrapping your arms around him from behind, you fold yourself over him, sobbing at the feeling of still silence in his chest.
Two boots step into your field of vision and you slowly raise your head to see Luke standing over you, the gun still in his hand.
“He d-didn’t do it. I-It wasn’t him,” you choke out between sobs, cradling Rhett’s limp body tighter against your chest.
Luke stares down at you, his eyes as cold and expressionless as Rhett’s are now. As he raises the gun once more, he says, “I don’t believe you.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and bury your face in Rhett’s neck just before the gun fires again.
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Taglist:@luckyladycreator2, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @shirley2996, @blue-aconite
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i did not pull even one punch today
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brighteyedjill · 7 months
Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Angst, Whump, POV Lambert (The Witcher), Denial, Trust Issues, Lambert Needs a Hug (The Witcher), Whumptober Summary:
Aiden missed his spring rendezvous with Lambert. He missed it because he was murdered in an ambush. But Lambert won’t know that until later. Now, all Lambert knows is that he’s alone. Aiden didn’t keep his promise. And it’s easier to be angry than afraid.
Yeah, sorry, it’s another major character death fic for Whumptober. But this one is all about how furious Lambert is that he fell in love with Aiden. He, uh, does not know how to deal with his feelings, that’s for sure.
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Winter Whumperland: Day 9. Main Character Death
Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott, f!reader
Summary: You are just heading home for the night with your husband when Luke Tillerson confronts Rhett, looking for revenge.
Word Count: 843
TW: Whump, Angst, Gun Violence, Bullet Wound, Main Character Death
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“Hurry up, Rhett! It’s freezing out here!” You ran over to the passenger side of the truck, bouncing lightly from foot to foot in an attempt to get your blood moving in the freezing cold. Your breath fogs out in front of you as you breath out, temporarily obscuring your husband from view. 
“Hold your horses, darlin’. I’m still sore from last night’s ride.” Rhett groans as he limps slowly down the sidewalk.
“So am I, but you don’t hear me complaining or walking funny,” you say with a sly wink.
Rhett chuckles and shakes his head. “In that case, when we get home, how ‘bout we try for round two? See if you’re still walkin’ pretty in the mornin’.”
You grin. “Actually, it would be more like round four. And sounds like a challenge. I’m in.”
Rhett opens his mouth for another retort, but his eyes focus on something over your shoulder, and his smile drops from his face. The shift in his body language is almost imperceptible but you know him well enough to notice the way his jaw clenches and his shoulders tense. And when you turn around, you understand why.
Luke Tillerson had just walked out of the bar across the street and saw the two of you standing by Rhett’s truck. Staggering slightly, he begins to head in your direction. 
You glance at Rhett nervously, unsure of what to do. Ever since the night Trevor was killed, Luke has had an eye on the two of you. It is clear he’s convinced that Rhett was behind it and you helped him cover it up, which wasn’t completely incorrect. But while his accusations have been a bit of a nuisance in the past, there is something different about the crazed look in his eye tonight. 
Rhett must have noticed it too because he throws you the keys as he mutters under his breath, “Get in the truck and lock the door.”
You nod, fumbling as you try to get the key into the lock, but your hands are shaking too badly. They slip from your fingers and clatter to the ground, but by the time you pick them up, Luke is standing just a few feet from Rhett.
“Abbott,” Luke growls. Even from this distance, you can smell the alcohol clinging to him.
Rhett holds up his hands. “Listen, we don’t want any trouble, Luke. We’re just trynna get home for the evenin’.”
“You shoulda thought about that before you killed Trevor.” Luke reaches into his jacket and pulls out a gun which he levels at the center of Rhett’s head.
“Rhett!” you gasp, taking a few steps towards him. 
Rhett’s hand shot out, motioning for you not to move though he never takes his eyes off the gun. You stumble to a halt, your eyes darting back and forth frantically between Luke and your husband unsure of who to focus on. Normally, Luke was the level-headed one out of the entire Tillerson clan, but after everything that had happened mixed with however many drinks he had just drunk in the bar, there was no telling what he is capable of.
“Luke… you don’t have to do this,” Rhett pleads, his voice calm and clear despite the danger he is in. 
But Luke just moves the gun even closer to Rhett’s face. “Yeah, I do. This is for my brother.”
The shot rings out before either you or Rhett can react. The bullet travels the very short distance from the muzzle straight into the middle of Rhett’s forehead, causing him to collapse to the ground like a marionette whose strings have just been cut.
“No!” you scream, sprinting to where your husband’s body now lays in a heap on the ground. 
Kneeling beside him, you hesitantly reach out your hand and roll him onto his back. A wail erupts from your lips as you see his clear blue eyes, always so full of life and love, staring vacantly back at you. Brushing his hair from his face, you whisper, “Rhett, please…. Don’t leave me.” 
But you know it’s already too late. All the pieces of the man you love are gone, leaving behind nothing but this empty shell before you.
Indifferent to the growing pool of blood lapping at your knees, you sit Rhett up so his shoulders and back are leaning against your chest. Wrapping your arms around him from behind, you fold yourself over him, sobbing at the feeling of still silence in his chest.
Two boots step into your field of vision and you slowly raise your head to see Luke standing over you, the gun still in his hand.
“He d-didn’t do it. I-It wasn’t him,” you choke out between sobs, cradling Rhett’s limp body tighter against your chest.
Luke stares down at you, his eyes as cold and expressionless as Rhett’s are now. As he raises the gun once more, he says, “I don’t believe you.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and bury your face in Rhett’s neck just before the gun fires again.
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Taglist:@loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @lorecraft, @nerdysuperchick, @hederasgarden, @yespolkadotkitty, @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @callsign-fox, @callsign-phoenix, @wildbornsiren, @lt-natrace, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @fantasticcopeaglepasta
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ununquadius · 1 year
Uhm. Hello. I know you have like…. LOADS of real life stuff to deal with. But… if you want/need a distraction, may I offer you a prompt for a fic?? Your choice of pairing, no pressure or anything. Maybe a bit of (re: possibly a LOT) angst..? Anyway, it’s a songprompt, here you go https://open.spotify.com/track/19dNZyDyw00aKgr6S0Os6e?si=h88rjeYKR5u6s2FF2lJ6lA
Cheers, I love you!
(I promise, the link does NOT lead to a post or song about spiders ;) no mentions of spiders at all, actually)
Hi. I wrote this for you (as you already know😂). Thanks so much for the prompt and the new song to listen! Here’s your drabble❤️❤️ Love youuu (thanks for no spiders link)
“Hello. I’m just here to hear your voice again. It’s the only thing that makes the pain go away, you know? But you say nothing, of course. I miss you, Harry. I miss you like I never thought I’d miss someone. I miss your grumpiness at breakfast because you’re still half asleep, I miss your bad jokes and your silly glasses, and I miss our chats. Merlin! I miss chatting with you so much! 
With you I felt whole, you know? I felt like I wasn’t lost and alone anymore, but now… Now it’s just me. And I don’t know what to do or how to act. Fuck. I’m so lost… You said— you promised we were going to be together for a lifetime, but ten years isn’t a lifetime. It’s just a blink. Just— 
You’re such an idiot, Potter. Such a fucking idiot. ‘Everything’s going to be fine’ you said. And I believed you like a fool. If the Saviour says so, then there’s no need to worry, right? Such a fucking idiot, Harry… 
There should be a sign or something, you know? When it’s the last time you’re going to talk to someone. That way you can tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Otherwise you tell them something like ‘I’m late for work. Tell Weasley I adore him’. I can’t believe my last words to you were about how much I adore Weasley for sending that chocolate cake and not how much I love you. But it’s your fault, really, because you’re an idiot, because you always have to play the hero, the saviour. 
And now… Now it’s just me. Just me because you left me. I’m so mad at you. I’m so so mad…when I die and see you in the afterlife, I’m going to kill you again. That’s how mad at you I am. You were the one person that I wasn’t supposed to lose. But I’m a mess so I lost everyone: Vincent, Father, you.
It’s getting late. I’ll come again tomorrow. Do you like these flowers or do you want others?… Of course you say nothing. I love you.”
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solarianvoidthearoace · 5 months
Hol’ up!
I just saw a post talking MikoRei beauty & beast
And I’m still entirely too hung up on the ‘Me, Myself & Hyde’ Mikoto AMV
Also I’m a multi-shipper/ poly-shipper when it comes to Mikoto~
And that made me think… what if magic fairy tale fuckery AU and Totsuka and Mikoto end up sharing one body?
I’m not all that for ‘Mikoto is a beast/ monster’ but by contrast to Totsuka he sure looks like one
Oh. What if they shared Totsuka’s body?!
Could even fit with canon’verse… colourless king (well, green king actually) tries killing Totsuka to make Mikoto rampage
Instead, Mikoto dies of grief/ burns himself up by Totsuka’s side and the intense emotions/ sheer power revives Totsuka and Mikoto gets sucked into Totsuka’s body
They could keep it secret, I’m sure Totsuka would tell Izumo and – thinking on his feet – Izumo tells them to lay low
The news Izumo spreads is that Totsuka’s death killed Mikoto from grief, they don’t have a King anymore
This AU totally would include all the body-sharing-shenanigans and tropes about but not limited to “Some privacy please?” “How? Seriously, how? I’m in your head.”
HOMRA basically goes through the same motions as with Mikoto present. And Sceptre 4 also goes after the colourless King as per canon.
But now Munakata and HOMRA have someone to avenge. And it’s as personal for Munakata as it is for HOMRA (although they obviously mourn two people)
It could still be Mikoto who burns that colourless bastard to a crisp; that could either give him peace to move on or use up the power that kept him tethered
Making him slip into the afterlife either in peace or against his will
Or not.
Mikoto doesn’t have to die (twice) if they can arrange themselves, although I do love the idea of King Anna with Totsuka by her side
For some extra flair, Mikoto could disguise Totsuka’s body with some shape *cough* Lion *cough* of Red Aura…
Like some anonymous, masked protector that only steps in once or twice (because all other times Totsuka talked him down)
I just want them to help each other heal after death
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ajpendragon · 6 months
Too Late
Rain lashed against the windows, providing a perfect backdrop to the instructor’s lecture. He had to admit, he wasn’t paying much attention. This was the third time this week they had discussed the same topic, and it was getting old. The storm at least provided something to focus on, to at least give the appearance he was listening. The lecture ended, and they all gathered their books as they headed out. 
“Hey, Echo.” Splits bumped his shoulder into his. “Ready for training?”
Echo sighed heavily. “Not really looking forward to it. This storm is going to make it miserable.”
“That’s half the fun. Besides, maybe they’ll call it early if the weather gets any worse.”
“We can always dream.” Echo dropped his books on his bunk, turning to begin suiting up in his combat gear. “Just, be careful out there today. It’s going to be slippery with all the rain.”
“Yes, mother.” Splits rolled his eyes, shrugging on his gear as well. “Now, come on, let’s go. We’re going to be late.”
The two of them jogged down the hallway side by side, the group getting larger the closer they got to the doors as more and more troopers joined them. Helmets securely in place, they stepped out into the rain. The trainers were already waiting for them, arms crossed. 
“Let’s go. Two laps of the track, double time.” 
“Yes sir.” They all chorused, heading out to the track, a narrow path that traveled around most of Tipoca City. Starting at a jog, they quickly worked their way farther onto the track, picking up speed as they went. If it weren’t for their helmets, they would all have been suffocated by now, the rain coming down in thick sheets. The higher the path got, the thicker the rain and the slicker the flooring. “Careful.” Echo grunted again, slowing slightly to help keep his footing. 
Splits ignored him, continuing on at his headlong pace, trying to take the next turn far too fast. Echo was too far behind to do anything as he watched Splits’ feet slide out from under him. He hit the railing, and for a moment it looked like it would hold, but then the metal crumpled and he tipped over, hurtling down with the rain. Echo skidded to a stop against the railing, leaning desperately over to see his friend. He hadn’t fallen in the water, thankfully, but was sprawled out on the walkway beneath, unmoving, his helmet knocked to the side.
Echo didn’t think he had ever run the track faster, his earlier caution discarded as he raced to get to his brother lying motionless below him. He dropped to his knees beside Splits, reaching hesitantly for him, afraid to aggravate a hidden injury. A quick assessment showed that he had gotten off fairly easy. No broken bones as far as Echo could tell, and nothing was bleeding. The worst he had was probably a mild concussion. Echo sighed in relief, sagging backwards onto the ground. Splits would be fine. 
Suddenly, he started choking. Echo hadn’t thought to put his helmet back on, too busy checking for a head injury, and he was drowning on land, the rain pouring into his lungs. Echo pulled him up hastily, situating him against his shoulder and turning his head so the water could run out of his mouth. He whacked his back, trying to force the water from his lungs. This close, Echo could feel every spasm of breath, every choked wheeze, and he felt it when it all stopped. Panicking, he dropped Splits onto his back, trying to stop the worst of the rain with his own body as he began chest compressions, desperately trying to keep his brother alive. 
He heard the trainers come up behind him, their footsteps loud even over the rain and his pounding heart. “Help me, please.” He begged. He could feel the bones in his fingers crack as he pressed them down against armor again and again. “He’s not breathing. You have to help me.” Tears began to drip from his eyes as no one moved, running down his cheeks beneath his helmet. “He’s still alive, we just need to get him out of the rain. Please.”
One of the trainers pulled him away, and he fought to get back to Splits until another joined, holding him back as a Kaminoan stepped through the doorway, a stretcher bed behind them. It wasn’t an infirmary bed, though. These were the ones they used when they took someone to get decommissioned, when the Kaminoans had decided that they were no longer worth the effort to help. 
“No!” Echo screamed, fighting to get free. “He’s still alive. You’re not delivering a perfectly good body to the grave. He just needs a little help.” He felt his shoulder pop out of its socket, but kept fighting. 
“He was reckless.” The Kaminoan said softly, their voice deceptively gentle. “He had received too many chances already. It is too late.”
“No! Please!” Echo thrashed and pleaded until long after his brother was out of sight. The trainers finally let him go, and he slumped to the ground, sobbing. 
“Come on.” One of them said, almost kindly. “Let’s get you taken care of.” 
Echo followed, sitting numbly as they set his broken fingers and popped his shoulder back into place. One by one they left him sitting alone, staring at his brother’s empty bunk. The last patted his good shoulder gently and seemed about to say something, before walking out, leaving Echo to his grief. It might be too late for Splits, but echo was resolved that it would never happen to another of his brothers again. The rain lashed against the window, and he finally cried himself to sleep.
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shadow0-1 · 4 months
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quolant · 2 years
me: i’m going to write some fluffy maine fic
also me: oh, yeah, i’m going to write another installment in erinfic au actually
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Forgive me if I misunderstood— but virgil was not the first of his mother’s children ? What happened to his older siblings?
all of them died, either of violence or of broken hearts - mostly the latter. Eventually, she couldn't bear to watch them linger and suffer after whatever it was that hurt them, and started her resolve to mercy kill them when she thought they wouldn't make it.
So most of them, technically, she killed, tho it was out of her own kind of strange eldritch love
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eiraeths · 8 days
For years, Price remained the only person on Ghost’s emergency contact list. Price practically had to bully Ghost into getting put on there too. Then comes Soap, who makes his way on there like he belonged there. The scotsman was always so good at that type of thing. It’s been almost a year since Soap died. Ghost has been more reckless on ops, he knows it. This time, it lands him in the hospital. The staff says there’s two people on his emergency contact list, but Ghost knows only one could ever answer the call. He can’t bring himself to take Soap off. Ghost still pays Soap’s phone bill to hear his voice mail.
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strawberryspence · 1 year
The Harrington mansion is always dark.
Steve never really noticed it when he was growing up, not until he started dropping off Dustin and the kids. No matter how late it is, there's always a light on the porch for them. Like a sign that someone is waiting home for them.
It doesn't matter if his parents are out of town or not, it's always dark in the house. His parents doesn't care enough to leave a light for him. He won't leave it on for himself, because that feels pathetic.
Steve forgets about it, there's so many other things he should worry about.
He forgets about it until he starts dating Eddie Munson the summer of '85. Steve thanks the blue Scoops Ahoy shorts and the Corroded Coffin members for letting Eddie come in to the shop everyday for the whole summer until they finally start dating and making out at the parking lot.
Eddie starts hanging around Steve's house. Every night that Eddie stays at his house, Steve comes home to a house with a light on the porch.
The first time he notices it, he sat on his car crying for 30 minutes before finally caving in and entering the house. When Steve tells Eddie about this, Eddie visibly melts, scooping him into a hug before saying, "Oh sweetheart, as long as I am here, there's always going to be a light left on for you."
It's Eddie that makes the house a home. Steve doesn't care if he's living in a cardboard box, as long as he's with Eddie, it's home.
And that's why Steve's been standing in front of the dark porch for almost an hour now. Nancy's going to pick him up in a few more hours, so they can go back to the hospital and watch Max and Dustin.
But he can't— can't push himself to enter the dark house, knowing that Eddie's light and warmth is never going to touch it again. There's still blood stained on his hands, blood from when he had to leave Eddie's lifeless body in the Upside Down.
Steve wonders— morbidly— if Wayne has a light on in the trailer porch, waiting for a son that's never coming home.
Maybe it's weariness or maybe Steve just wants to peek inside and see if there's still a hint of Eddie floating around the house. Steve lets himself in the dark house, sliding down against the door as he sobs into Eddie's battle vest.
Outside, the porch light flickers. It blinks three times.
Rapidly. Slowly. Rapidly.
The flickering stops and the light stays on.
Because as long as Eddie Munson's alive, there's always going to be a light left on for Steve Harrington.
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loserdiaz · 2 months
You were more than just a short time And I've got a lot to pine about
the one where buck dies and eddie is left to deal with the aftermath.
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for @hoodie-buck bc she gets it <3
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jiung-s · 3 months
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Jiung ☆ Killin' It (240208)
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frownyalfred · 8 months
Can we please have a fic where bruce doesn't kill joker as batman but kills him as bruce wayne and going completely mute after?
He just walks up straight to the Joker in the middle of one of his meetings (this hinges on him not recognizing Bruce Wayne as Batman right away which I’m rolling with even though I know it’s not always canon) and just. shoots him in the head. that’s it.
goes home, sits down in his bedroom in blood splattered clothes (still in Jason’s funeral clothing?) and goes silent. even alfred can’t coax a word out of him. and the Joker isn’t exactly a priority victim so it’s never traced back to him, but even if it was it wouldn’t matter. Bruce is gone.
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