#me: ill screenshot the most insane bits
mellaithwen · 1 year
a going-feral starter pack :) helppp (x)
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AITA for talking shit about and leaving a friend with severe mental health issues?
(CW for mental health issues, self harm, and transphobia)
For context, everyone in this story is pretty young, in Year 11/12 (American equivalent would be sophomore/junior year) and we live in a pretty religious country
I (16M) met a friend (15F) through her approaching me and saying my pins (including a pride pin) was cool. We clicked immediately, i went over for sleepovers and became close with even her mom. I only once brought up politics offhandedly, and she got quite uncomfortable, but i thought nothing of it at the time.
She constantly told me that I was her only friend who "understood" her, and would be there for her, so I never brought it up again. However, when I was introducing her to another friend (who is very gnc and identified as transfemme at the time) we opened up her youtube reccomended and it was quite literally disgusting.
JK rowling, terf videos and tradwifes galore. Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, you name it, she had literally nothing except videos titled shit like "trans people mutilate themselves".
I was very hurt, because I happen to be trans, as well as most of my friends and my partner. I questioned her, but she pulled the "mental illness" defense. I was scared of her hurting herself so i apologised (to my other friend) and tried distancing myself from her, admittedly made a few jokes at her expense to others.
She began being more radicalised, positing insane, borderline qanon stories, but my plan to cut her off was interrupted by her going missing and me having to be the one coaxing her back to school, i felt she was too dependant on me to be as harsh as i shouldve been.
The final straw came when she 1) said she thought of my (healed) scars as something that encouraged her to self harm and 2) when i found out she outed me and my partner as T4T and queer to a random transphobic youtuber to put in a cringe compilation. this was not only immature but really dangerous to us.
Heres where I might be TA: my partner confronted her because he was worried about my mental health, and she apparently showed up to school and cried. I felt bad, but when i first found about it i laughed about it, and didnt support her even when i knew she had no other friends.
My partner asked her to either stay away from me or not express her beliefs, and as a result she called me crying that night, borderline suicidal, and in a panic I soothed her and said I wasnt going anywhere. A couple days later, a mutual friend sent me the screenshots of her outing us, and I think that sort of made me snap.
She used her religion as a shield against finding us "disgusting" and wanted a video made against us etc etc, describing horrible statistics and threats, describing "mutilation" and I felt like i couldnt endorse that attitude towards trans people in good faith, so i argued with her over text, with her accusing me of manipulating her multiple times.
Again, I mightve fucked up here because I called my friends while texting her and talked shit about her during this confrontation, sending screenshots of our private dms to them, and afterwards she became a bit of an inside joke within our friend group- she also left the school because i think she had barely any other friends.
I cant help but feel like i shoudve been more mature about it, and especially because she was ill, i dont want to be That Guy that makes fun of vulnerable people, even if she sucked herself. So, tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
Longwinded anon again. It's very easy to see where Aziraphale needs to get his act together/get therapy in regards to his belief in Heaven's essential goodness (and it was always very odd to see fans believing that four years would have been sufficient, narrative-wise, for that to happen--four years is nothing to characters who are immortal). Crowley, though, is still doing one of the most toxic things on his side of the relationship: he's being over-protective. In S1, the "damsel in distress" bits, which I know some fans like to romanticize, are harmful to both characters, because they make Crowley feel like he's doing something heroic when he isn't (every rescue in S1 is unnecessary) and encourage Aziraphale to abandon his agency. In the narrative arc, Aziraphale's discorporation, which Crowley fails to stop, is liberating. He does his conscientious objector bit, chucks himself out of Heaven, kicks Crowley out of his depression in the bar, vanishes the soldier, and then has to forcibly remind Crowley at the airfield that /now/, in fact, Crowley needs to do something or there will be irreversible consequences. And then they rescue each other through the body swap.
S2 doesn't have the big swoopy rescue scenes, aside from the 1941 replay, but what it does have is Crowley withholding key information that might well have altered Aziraphale's behavior. He clearly hasn't been forthright about what Gabriel really said at the execution, and he never gets around to mentioning that Aziraphale has put himself in danger of being zapped out of existence by Heaven. (This is very PRIDE & PREJUDICE: Lydia elopes with Wickham in part because her older sisters don't publicize his bad behavior.) Again, he thinks of himself as Aziraphale's protector, and while Aziraphale knows that Crowley likes to protect him--he even says so--in S2 he doesn't fully understand what Crowley is protecting him from. Nina asks Aziraphale why he doesn't stick up for himself, and he shows once again that he can, but in S2 Crowley thinks it's his job to keep Aziraphale safe from any real Heaven-sent nastiness that might puncture his innocence. Which prevents Aziraphale from evaluating his choices once the Metatron shows up.
(As for S3: Gaiman does appear committed to getting them together in their cottage, so I don't think a permanent breakup is on the horizons. I do think something drastic has to happen, whether becoming mortal, becoming a "new" sort of immortal being tied to Earth rather than Heaven and Hell, Aziraphale delivering a full-bore public rejection of Heaven with attendant consequences, etc.)
Longwinded Anon✨, light of my life, you are officially driving me insane with these asks (screenshots of others under the cut); there is so much fascinating insight to talk about. first of all, though, welcome back and i hope you are also Surviving following s2!✨
these two characters are two of the most fun to dissect and examine. they are hugely multifaceted, and every time i watch s2 and ruminate on them, there is more and more to find. the below is the result of those ruminations, and i feel the obligation to warn anyone reading that it is going to be a very, very long one, so ✨buckle tf up✨
further messages from Longwinded Anon✨, my beloved:
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aziraphale: insecurity
to me, one of the key tenets of aziraphale's character is a deep-seated and complete sense of insecurity and lack of self-esteem. and it's not unfathomable to think that he's had a lack of self-worth for some time, carrying all the way through to the Feral Domestic™ (FD). bear in mind that all of the below is without reference to the pre-fall scene, which ill cover separately later on.
there is however the fairly obvious element that heaven and the archangels completely disregard aziraphale, and are condescending and reductive in how they perceive and interact with him. aziraphale, i think, adopted this mindset pretty heavily in s1 - one such example being the "I'm soft" line - and it is further explored in s2, but specifically at the later end.
aziraphale in s2 seems much more self-possessed and 'together', and a key element of that shift is not only his liberation from heaven, but also that he somewhat starts to see himself through crowley's eyes as possibly being worthy of being loved. i think that he starts to think of himself as, in fact, having intrinsic value.
this is shown, in particular, in s2 by the contrast between ep2's rock scene (where he starts to question the depth of his angelic allegiance, and that he might have actually done the right thing by following his own personal conviction and helping save job's children), and the majority of ep5 (ie. his absolutely astounding - by aziraphale standards - amount of confidence in himself to get him and the ball attendees out of demonic danger).
this is brought to a head though by shax's comments in ep5, where she really drives a stake into the core of aziraphale's insecurity. she remarks on his propensity for indulgence (sushi/meals), his tendency to be overtrusting and naive ("softest touch"), his lack of traditional angelic quality ("went native"), and the question of what exactly crowley feels for him ("emotional support angel").
setting aside Michael's acting - which was truly mesmerising in this one little scene, probably one of his set-pieces in the show, honestly - that tells us that this really got to him, we know from everything we have seen of aziraphale in GO that these are likely thoughts that he has repressed, or pretends are not conceivable when they absolutely are.
my final interpretation of aziraphale's insecurity, however, is not necessarily that he thinks he is without value or merit whatsoever, but that he is not enough.
he's good enough to guard the eastern gate, but not good enough to keep adam and eve from temptation. he's good enough to guard and monitor the antichrist, but not enough to be truly accepted as part of the heaven hive (his physical sentry post on earth notwithstanding). he's good enough for crowley to run away with to alpha centauri, but not enough to convince crowley to choose to stay and fight with him to prevent the apocalypse.
this starts to wane in s2, and he's noticeably more happy and confident... right up until ep6 when he's good enough to be loved by crowley enough to spend eternity with, but not enough for crowley to sacrifice his hang-ups with heaven and help him rebuild it as a team so noone else ever has to suffer what they both did.
the lines however in ep6 that particularly broke my heart, because aziraphale literally conveys this whole painful, bleeding part of his psyche to crowley, are the following:
a: "if im in charge, i can make a difference."
a: "i don't think you understand what im offering you."
whatever the motive behind metatron's offer to aziraphale (and therefore calling into question the sincerity of his compliments to aziraphale), aziraphale has literally just been told that not only does someone who - whichever way you slice it - is the highest being in heaven that he has the ability to run it, but he has the ability to completely gut and rebuild it for the better.
harking back to ep1 with crowley's statement that aziraphale only calls him for three reasons, one of which is telling crowley something clever ie. his own achievements, it does make me wonder how often this scenario truly happens. maybe it does happen often, but what does aziraphale actually consider to be an achievement? something to be proud of himself for, that is purely reflective of his ability and - by extension - worth?
when aziraphale tells crowley that he might be misunderstanding what aziraphale is offering him, i don't interpret it as anything to do with restoring crowley; instead, i just see aziraphale telling crowley that he is offering up absolutely everything that he is, every single atom and aspect of him, and all crowley has to do is trust him enough to take it. he is saying that he will love crowley, and crowley can be free to love him, but only, in aziraphale's eyes, if crowley can accept aziraphale as he is; that he is enough.
during this whole part of the scene, crowley won't even look at him. won't even face him, sunglasses or not, and acknowledge what aziraphale is saying, right up until this line. you can visibly see that aziraphale starts to get angry that the one person who made him feel any self-worth might in fact have never seen him as good enough in the first place, that crowley didn't in fact love every part of him, and was choosing to cherrypick the aspects of aziraphale that suited crowley, rather than the whole.
this snippet of the scene is compounded by being sandwiched by these two crowley lines which, in my eyes, really highlighted that crowley is in fact only choosing to accept aziraphale in small measures, and that other elements of him are not enough:
c: "...you're better than that, angel!"
c: "you idiot, we could have been us."
aziraphale is enough exactly as he is; he's not perfect and certainly not wholly complete, but for crowley to dig at aziraphale by intimating that he is not reaching the bar that crowley has set for him - potentially subconsciously - is likely be the true end for how much stock aziraphale put in crowley's perception of him, and by extension the worth that he thought he had in crowley's mind. instead, aziraphale is now left to find a way of building his sense of self-worth all by himself - and does so by stepping into that lift.
crowley: salvation
im not going to necessarily talk about all the times that crowley demonstrates an almost pathological need to be aziraphale's saviour, because frankly Longwinded Anon✨ has that covered. but as with all things GO-related, i think it's important to try to understand why.
i truly think that a cornerstone of crowley's romanticism is deeply rooted in the concept of salvation. now, we know that he doesn't appear to give a flying fuck about salvation from heaven, but he certainly seems to put a great deal of import on being aziraphale's hero, and later he seems to question a great deal when aziraphale essentially finds a hero elsewhere.
as LW Anon✨ said, aziraphale is very cognizant that crowley likes to play hero where he's concerned, and seems simultaneously resigned and excited by the matter; resigned because actually, sometimes, aziraphale is smart or powerful enough to keep himself safe, but excited because this is possibly the epitome of how crowley expresses his love for him.
aziraphale shows that he is fully aware of this characteristic of crowley's, and whilst he does play into it (which we saw throughout all of s1e3) to 'make crowley happy' (and, dare i say, also because at this point it is the supernatural, sex-less interpretation of centuries-long foreplay) in s2 it almost starts to become neglectful, overbearing, and dismissive of - as LWA✨ says - any true agency that aziraphale has built since breaking from heaven. this, incidentally, is highlighted in the following exchange:
c: "im gonna get the humans out of here and then im coming back, i won't leave you on your own."
a: "i know, but i have a suggestion-"
c: [interrupts] "ive got this."
whether crowley feels like he is missing any genuine overture from heaven to apologise for making him fall for a minor infraction, or he feels guilty about something that he did (ie possibly what made him fall) and is making his own reparations in the outlet of constantly being aziraphale's saviour, the one that is certain is that crowley has to feel needed, and by extension - loved.
he does have a nasty habit of putting aziraphale down (which ill talk about next), however much in jest, and placing aziraphale constantly under his metaphorical wing. aziraphale going so far in s1 to actually work out the apocalypse and proceed to take what he believes is the right action to prevent it on his own must have, by extension, sent crowley reeling - if aziraphale can in fact look after himself, where does that leave crowley? what else, in crowley's eyes, could he possibly bring to the table that would make aziraphale want to keep him? love him?
i think that this is crowley's own brand of insecurity; that unless he is performatively saving aziraphale and protecting him from harm, and actively dismissing aziraphale's ability to protect himself sufficiently enough, he has no discernible quality that aziraphale would want. so instead he tries to make himself so integral to aziraphale's survival so that aziraphale has no choice but to keep him.
the fact that aziraphale saves himself in s1, and they then reflectively save each other, did wonders for aziraphale in progressing as a character. however, in crowley, i feel that this frightened him so emotionally that it regressed his character somewhat. all coming to the climax of when aziraphale, in good faith, offers crowley the chance at salvation for himself, crowley vehemently refuses it and takes it to insult. there are many other valid and understandable reasons why crowley rejects the prospect, but one of them to me is that it would leave crowley's fundamental role in aziraphale's existence as completely redundant.
both: demonstrating love
essentially what i put in an ask recently, but needed referencing here too.
leading on from crowley and his hero/saviour complex: the thing is that these are two diametrically opposing people in all but a handful of aspects. crowley by large is usually the more obviously demonstrative in his affection, borne out of many different reasons, and he is the ultimate Acts of Service (ft. Quality Time) dude. aziraphale tends to be more subtle, with Looks and Words, in how he displays his, so let's give him the Words of Affirmation (ft. QT) crown.
in s2, it seems to me that this hasn't really changed, but they are starting to cross over into speaking the language that the other understands. and to me, this comes to a head by the time of the ep5, and the ep6 FD. so obviously crowley has finally bridged into verbally demonstrating to aziraphale how he feels. aziraphale did the same action but mirrored by - however misguided - offering crowley the chance to be restored.
but neither want what the other is giving; they want what the other usually does to show their affection. aziraphale wants crowley to demonstrate his willingness to be with aziraphale by coming with him to heaven, and crowley wants aziraphale to acknowledge what he is telling aziraphale and respond in kind. neither are at fault for wanting that; they have simply demonstrated their devotion to each other in different ways, but those ways have been quite damaging.
crowley does do a lot for aziraphale, that can't be denied, but AoS is way more demonstrative, and yet it's easy to miss what those acts are actually saying. WoA can be more casual but the words you choose speak volumes... "our car/bookshop", "id love for you to help me", "my friend crowley", etc.
whilst i don't necessarily subscribe to the psychology of love languages, they're useful for this sort of analysis. aziraphale does even branch out in other languages; he is constantly touching crowley this season; the pub, the ball, the bookshop in early ep6. quality time is a given, and has always been their common ground. giving gifts im not so sure on, but i think the significance of readily offering crowley the bookshop as being his - something that was wholly aziraphale's, not heaven's, and is aziraphale's own sanctuary - spoke volumes.
specifically in ep5 however, aziraphale really goes ham in demonstrating to crowley how he sees love, defines it, and that he could give this to crowley - the pinnacle of this being the dance and the evident romantic implications of it... it summarises all of aziraphale's own romantic idealistic make-up; touching, intimate conversation, choosing crowley as his partner, romantic literature, classical music, etc.
and whilst comedic and obviously reflective of crowley being otherwise preoccupied re: demon incursion, i also thought that the physical imagery of aziraphale literally dragging him to the dancefloor, and crowley questioning when they've ever danced in the past, was particularly telling about crowley's reaction to how aziraphale is trying to convey to him, without saying the words, that he loves him.
aziraphale in s2 truly does give crowley everything that he can. his love is quiet, and gentle, and romantic, and whilst not as high stakes as saving aziraphale's life, it is still valid. however, it seems that where aziraphale seems to have recognised his feelings quite early on and acknowledged them early on, having time to settle them into his soul (even if he couldn't act for fear of heaven), s2 seems to indicate that crowley refused to acknowledge his until the eleventh hour.
but crowley's love has been there all along, ticking away. ignoring his tendency to stick his oar in where it isn't needed (saving aziraphale and treating him as if he were made of glass), he shows his love in his own ways - following aziraphale around soho, silently supportive, admires him for calming down the bookshop and handling the IB situation, tidies the bookshop for him (which also possibly indicates that he's now finally accepting the bookshop as his home), etc.
both of them take a swan dive in the declaring-love endgame in ep6, but neither of them are responsive to the love language that they usually give. aziraphale is given words but wants actions, and crowley is given actions but wants words. the chronic lack of communication between the two of them throughout the show is the main contributing factor to this disconnect, and leads to serious ramifications in their ability to possibly mend it going into s3.
aziraphale: pre-fall
at the risk of daring to contradict LWA✨ in their assessment of aziraphale's feelings towards the angel-who-crowley-was (AWCW) in the pre-fall scene, upon reflection i don't get the sense that aziraphale falls in love with AWCW in this moment. and exactly as pointed out by @assiraphales, we don't have any of the gaps filled in between this scene and The Wall, so it's arguably unknown when exactly those feelings deepened.
there is definitely attraction of some kind (can angels experience physical attraction? presumably they do, if aziraphale thought the "gorgeous" comment was directed at him), an admiration of AWCW's abilities, and an immediate concern for AWCW's wellbeing if he were to question god. but i don't get the sense that he falls in love; more that he's bumped into a cool, attractive kid outside his locker and immediately starts spouting angelic heart eyes, and at the least develops an immediate fascination.
AWCW is presented as being rather classist in this scene, and whilst not outright maliciously rude, he definitely seems to look down on aziraphale, or consider him relatively inconsequential. which is odd, because i think if he actually listened to what aziraphale was telling him, aziraphale actually comes across as having his own brand of status. i can't imagine that any bog-standard angel would be entrusted with helping god with building Her ultimate creation, building humans, and being allowed to see the Great Plan. whilst maybe not the same level as AWCW, i think the fandom is underplaying aziraphale's own significance in this part of the story.
the fact remains however that the aziraphale we see in this scene is still the fundamental foundation of the aziraphale we see later on in the story. AWCW calls for him as he's wandering (rocketing) past, and aziraphale doesn't hesitate to come to AWCW's aid. he's presumably going somewhere, but prioritises helping someone who needs him, and does so out of kindness and then, it seems later on, out of attraction.
he recognises the achievement of AWCW's nebula, asks questions to learn more (and thus demonstrating his interest) of the construction and purpose of AWCW's craft, and outright compliments it for its brilliance and wonder. all behaviours that id say is rooted in wanting to establish a friendship, and meanwhile developing an arguably shallow crush.
i think that these are also general admirations that aziraphale brings forward as he gets to know crowley as a demon, but has to adjust his world-view that he may admire the principle if not the act; he thinks crowley is clever and fun and talented, even if he doesn't condone the new ways in which crowley displays this.
there are definitely times where aziraphale is still caught up in crowley being a good person and concluding that crowley must still be an angel in all but name, but i do not necessarily think that he thinks lesser of crowley as a demon out of maliciousness. i think it's hard for aziraphale to conflate the two ideas that a) crowley has moments of being a good person regardless of hellish or heavenly identity, and that b) crowley doesn't want to be an angel. aziraphale still parallels good with angelicness, holds being good (and therefore being an angel) as the epitome of character, and can't as a result understand that if they were given the opportunity to change and improve the bad bits of heaven, why crowley wouldn't want to help him.
as LWA✨ says, the further we see their story progress, it becomes clear that aziraphale then begins to hold himself above crowley morally, and this is largely lynch-pinned on their separate identities as an angel and demon respectively. aziraphale constantly bats crowley down and puts him back in his place throughout s1, but less so in s2; in this, id refer back to aziraphale's insecurity around his being a good enough angel, but now that we have the context of AWCW having been aziraphale's technical superior, doing this possibly helps him to feel better about himself. this is abhorrent behaviour and is not at all kind, that can't be denied, but i think it is however possible to empathise with it.
aziraphale has spent a long time having an endless reserve of love and not having a lot of places where he can meaningfully channel it. he's got humanity and earth, but whilst he certainly cares for it, it doesn't mean that he candidly loves it. he still feels kinship to heaven and the other angels, but he certainly doesn't love them. in fact the only person he's ever had to fully pour out his love has been into crowley, but faced with the prospect that crowley may still be like his angelic self in that regard (ie not love him back), i think that love has been repressed so much that it's almost atrophied and turned self-destructive and self-sabotaging. in that context, whilst awful and generally inexcusable, aziraphale's behaviour starts to make sense.
crowley: Lucifer theory
i will preface this by saying that despite initial excitement, i don't necessarily think that crowley was lucifer in the colloquialised sense that we regard lucifer in general culture, but perhaps more represents lucifer in the wider sense of having a story that mirrors the one we can somewhat attribute to lucifer. whether or not he will actually be named as lucifer i think is up for debate, but in any case let's take a look at what lucifer's story actually entailed.
now i realise that i am absolutely not an expert on the matter, but there are indeed a wealth of misinterpretations where lucifer as a biblical figure is concerned. i am very behind on this discussion, angelology (shudder) is not in my limited repertoire of specialist subjects, and i welcome anyone else adding in their thoughts on the matter.
but if anyone else has zero knowledge on lucifer, like me, we'll start with the basics as i see them. name coming from the Latin for light- or dawn-bringer, lucifer has been linked to the planet venus in various tellings in roman mythology. given the occasional bright illumination of the planet as seen from earth, this is in part where we coming to the moniker Morningstar when also historically referring to lucifer. so on this base level, we have the link between lucifer and crowley by way of celestial context.
now down to a potential mistranslation, the hebrew for the name of satan, helel, has become synonymous with the name lucifer, down to their respective translations akin to the Latin for 'light-bringer'/'morningstar' as above, but that does not necessarily indicate that lucifer and satan are the same being. so this is where im fairly confident in that whoever crowley was, which is possibly lucifer, his story ran parallel to that of the former relatively unknown being and not the latter more infamous one.
crowley has referenced lucifer in s1, which has led to the debunk that the two are the same being, but when rewatching it, i think it can be completely reinterpreted:
c: "i never asked to be a demon. i was just minding my own business one day and then... "oh lookie here, it's lucifer and the guys!"... ah, hey - the food hadn't been that good lately, i didn't have anything on for the rest of the afternoon..."
this doesn't need to mean that AWCW was the one who came across lucifer and cohort, but possibly that someone else did, or just exclaiming it in the general sense. getting whimsical in the headcanon space, AWCW may well have been enjoying his afternoon, chatting with friends that he thought he could trust, and thought he could share his thoughts on challenging how things are run (same as he did with aziraphale). evidently, whatever happened completely bit him on the arse, and at minimum partially resulted in his fall.
there are multiple references to crowley being at least an angel of import, almost too many to count. however a common theme in many references to venus in various religious and mythological texts is the concept of reaching for higher power, but to be cast down and punished for it. given the indication (iirc) from interviews and also the pre-fall scene that crowley was up for collaborating with god on how to improve things in heaven, it could stand to reason that in a moment of anger or frustration he voices the thought that he could do a better job running the place.
and if other angels were behind him in this, equally dissatisfied with their lot in heaven, and being set aside by god in favour of humanity, it similarly wouldnt be a huge leap to think that this one sentence, this singular half-baked thought, might have precipitated the war. following said war, as LWA✨ suggests, it would make sense that in an effort to lick his wounds and keep a low profile, crowley would take or accept a middling rank in hell, and possibly even volunteer for the assignment of original sin; all the more opportunity to remove himself completely from the narrative between heaven and hell.
which then, now that i think about it, completely recontextualises crowley's aversion to being a part in helping aziraphale rebuild heaven. why would he want to, why wouldn't he be petrified of it, when the last time went so badly? there must be a sense of resentment towards aziraphale in this regard - what makes aziraphale, a potentially lower angel, so special that he would be invited to completely revolutionise heaven, when all AWCW did was make suggestions, and end up being villified for it? if he did join aziraphale, and challenged him, would aziraphale then be forced to cast crowley out again? what would crowley stand to lose this time?
so this is where i think the concept of crowley having a huge secret that he's keeping from aziraphale comes into play, and i agree must come out in s3. it would completely derail any faith that aziraphale had in crowley, for him to have kept such vital information from him, his potential part in the fall. i could imagine aziraphale interpreting the reveal of this secret as being that crowley fooled and hoodwinked him, however false or unintentional that might have been, and it representing the last vestige of aziraphale's innocence and naivety being swept away.
edit, because @baggvinshield has put this theory so eloquently and with far more comprehension and education than i could hope for: Lucifer theory
there are so many more topics that i have sat in various documents and in my notes as concerns these two characters; aziraphale's obsession with control and 'playing god', their shared inability to communicate effectively and meaningfully, crowley and his propensity for unintentional temptation, whether the love between them truly equates to any semblance of trust, etc etc. some of these topics have been alluded to in the above, but i felt that the above essay might be sufficient reading for now. im adoring (if a little bemused by it) the amount of discussion this silly little blog is generating, and im always more than happy to share my thoughts on anything GO-related where people want it!!!
and now - back to answering the hundreds of asks that have accumulated whilst i've hyperfixated on the above. ta-rah!✨💓
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alastorgould · 2 months
Rocket's Backstory
*deep breath* God help me
This is the most inconsistent Marvel backstory and I, the top expert on Halfworld, am here to clear it up.
I'm going to split the variants into the following catagories: 1985, 2014, modern comics, show, and mcu. (the show is simply called Guardians of the Galaxy and is on disney+ and i highly recommend).
I have compiled a spreadsheet to go over the main points
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As you can see, it's a shit show.
(As i go over the stories as best I can, please note that i am not a comic buff i am a 15 yo with Asperger's and an obsession with Halfworld and if i get something wrong plz don't be mad at me just tell me and I'll fix it :3)
1985 Rocket Raccoon- Rocket is a genetically modified caretaker on Halfworld, a mental asylum used to hold the insane of the galaxy, known as loonies/shrinks (extremely offence things to call mentally ill ppl but it was the 80'ssss). They have a book called the Halfworld Bible, which holds the secrets of the planets and it's people. The planet is ruled by Mayhem Mechaniks and Dyvynicies Inc; rival toy companies owened by Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne respectively. Jakes killed Lylla's parents to steal the company and it's... horrifying robot clowns. Pyko steals the Halfworld Bible for it's instructions on how to escape the planet in a giant human-shaped ship. Jakes and Dyvyne find out about this plot and team up to crash a party and there's a big battle and Rocket, Lylla, Pyko, Wal, Blackjack, and possibly Pyko escape Halfworld on the ship, leaving it in shambles as the loonies are left to the own devices to rebuilt the planet with their newfound wisdom (Pyko manages to 'cure' them)
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2014 Rocket Raccoon (my fav series :3)- This one doesn't have much in the way of backstory, all we know is what Captain Sale gives us in the last book. Throughout the series it is shown that Rocket has no memory of his creation and believes he is the last of his kind. Until he ends up on Captain Sale's ship. She gives he the key to the Book of Halfworld and he takes 4 hours to read it. He is shown to be disgusted and horrified at the contents, leaving it with Sale and going home. (Clowns and the toy factory etc are mentioned, implying it is a sequel to the 1985 version.
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Modern Comics- This section is specifically about v5 GotG #8 as I don't recall any other comics going into much detail. Here, there are loonies and robots, but no clowns. They must have thought it was too silly. Rocket is a therapy animal turned sentient with cruel experimentation. This is the first version of Rocket's backstory to show him sustaining significant and lasting trauma from his past. Not to mention the debilitating physical effects of having a metal skeleton and countless other weird things he doesn't understand. After his transformation, he is shown with the 1985 gang and other past team ups in a montage. It seems there is also an attempt at continuity here but it misses the mark a bit.
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GotG Show 2015- This is by far the worst adaptation in my opinion, as it completely overhauls the story. So note that I have bias here. Here, Rocket is a simple Earth raccoon that has been transformed with the purpose of being a living weapon. His purpose was more 'artificial genius' than 'genetic marvel'. Immediately after being let into a more open enclosure, he meets Groot and effortlessly destroys the robots and steals a ravanger ship. After freeing all the creatures, of course.
(i am unable to provide images for this section as disney is a pussy ass company and won't let me screenshot but just imagine it sucking)
MCU- Anyone reading this has already seen the movies but I'll go over it anyway. The High Evolutionary is a man trying to recreate a sentient Earth-like planet by modifying creatures. Rocket is one of these poor souls. He lives his early years in a cage with Floor, Lylla, and Teefs. Rocket manages to open the cage one day, only to have his friends shot in front of him by the High Evolutionary. He then escapes. He meets Groot later in a well, not shown but confirmed by James Gunn.
Wow this took long to write. Time for the conclusion. Here i will 'average out' all the stories and throw in my personal theories.
My version- Halfworld is an insane asylum built by the Kree where they experiment on mentally ill people to try to cure them(we used to do this here on earth until the 60's). The 'toy factory' is a cover-up for this operation. The robot 'doctors' use clown faces to put the patients at ease. But what do psycho robot doctors do when the asylum is abandoned and not longer supplied with patients? They turn to the animal inhabitants on the planet. The Halfworld Bible/ Book of Halfworld is an engineering manual documenting the disgusting progress of making an innocent creature sentient. Pyko frees his people after decades of slavery in a grand rebellion and Lylla becomes the Priestess and guardian of the book like in 1985. Unfortunately, during the rebellion, 89P13 and Groot get stuck in an escape pod and sent away from the Keystone Quadrent, leading him to believe all of his people are dead or re-enslaved.
I think this version harnesses the soul and vibe of all the backstories while making it make more sense in the long run.
I had a lot of fun putting this together and I hope y'all appreciate it :D (Follow for more Halfworld content <3)
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voidyyzz · 8 days
can i get your opinion on this
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The mischaracterization is INSANE /lh
Nonbinary Ixol I can fw but bro is NOT sensitive he is MENTALLY UNSTABLE and an ASSHOLE but in a funny and playful way (most of the time)
Hell he can even make himself pretty intimidating!!
Idk just
The word "sensitive" does NOT fit him
Taking from this since I decided to look it up for clarification, he does NOT act like this
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I mean I do hc that he can be a bit nice sometimes to the people he likes (not meaning "like" in a romantic way btw, meaning it in a friends way), but we don't really see that canonically
Warning I am YAPPING MY MOUTH OFF under the cut
Canonically he taunts you, finds your suffering amusing, and has a pretty short temper towards you and others (especially Cyalm). His personality does switch a bit at one point (him breaking down over the loss of his voices/friends) where he does seem more vulnerable, but he is still closed off and a bit aggravated.
Now getting to the mentally unstable aspect (cuz I almost forgot about that lol)
As you can see through the dialogue for the challenge course, he quickly switches up from presumably calm to very aggressive just from a simple rejection to his offer.
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Now you could say "oh it's just a simple mood swing, it doesn't show anything about him mentally-" IT DOES
did some research for myself and drastic moods swings (like the ones he's displayed above) can be a sign of mental instability
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It can even be a sign of BPD! (I can even confirm this myself as I have BPD)(Though while my BPD is self diagnosed since my parents aren't willing to get me tested, I have done extensive research to make sure I was positive I had it.)
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(also this isn't me saying Ixol has BPD (though I do hc that LMAO), just showing that it can be a sign that he's mentally unstable)
Pre Shattered Shardscape, at the point where Cyalm kills off the voices in Ixol's head (which I'm ngl the voices themselves could be used in the claim of him being mentally unstable too), he quickly goes mad and becomes highly aggressive and violent. This is yet another instance of these drastic mood swings.
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The level of how violent he becomes could even be a sign of mental illness or instability in itself due to how it can sometimes be associated with mental illness.
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Ok now let's get into his funny and playful aspect lol, this'll be the shortest part probably.
Just look at this dialogue bro
I can't put all my screenshots since I'm at the image limit but LOOK!! the playfulness and silliness radiates from this dialogue like it's Chernobyl
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He's so silly I love him I love him so much mwahmwahmwahmwah kissing the image of ixol I put in my wallet mwamwah
Ok I think I'm getting too silly myself LMAO
I completely forgot abt how I was talking abt how Ixol was being mischaracterized and just went into an whole ass analytic essay god damn
I am normal about him I swear
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katapotato55 · 10 months
Undertale analysis: Chara was a bad person but not because they were an "evil serial killer child" like the fandom portrays.
TW: mentions of mental illness, self harm, and suicide. SPOILER FOR UNDERTALE. yes this game is 8 years old and scarily popular, but its still worth playing! its 10 bucks on steam! get it! Post also contains stupid edits I made to ENHANCE your experience by at least 50% guaranteed or your money back (post cost $0)
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first: some backstory. I played Undertale way back in like, 2016 when the game was still fresh yet gaining popularity quickly. The fandom soon after became criminally insane and went on a moral panic where people were harassed for "playing the game wrong". I remember stories of youtubers cancelling Undertale let's plays because they would kill a character and people would get upset. other than AUs, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the strange obsession with claiming Chara is an evil demon child who is the root of all evil and eats puppies and enjoys drinking the blood of the innocent. and then counter-culture made it so that chara is actually innocent and that the PLAYER is the horrible evil monster eating puppies etc etc.
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two extremes that i half-agree with, but mostly disagree with. There was an INSANE black and white mentality that flooded the Undertale space with no breathing room for mistakes. nowadays people have matured and the fandom calmed down, so now would be a great time to explain why i think Chara is a more complex character than people give them credit for. please don't hurt me.
1- Chara very much had mental health issues.
and not in the horror movie way where they were a caraaazay evil serial murderer
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a huge misconception is that people assumed the garden tools in toriel's house being dulled was somehow "proof" that Chara was an evil serial murder or something.
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though... I think people also forget Chara heavily hinted at struggling with serious depression and misanthropic tendencies.
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Chara climbed the mountain to end their own life. the reason the garden tools were dulled wasn't because the Dreemurs were trying to protect other people from Chara, they were trying to protect Chara from themself. it baffles me how a lot of people didn't catch onto that. It could be that we were young teens and didn't know better... but i digress! "but kat? how is Chara a bad person ? are you saying people with depression are-" get that objectively wrong idea out of your head. Having a mental illness does not make you a bad person. If you struggle with suicidal thoughts please get help from loved ones and don't EVER think you are a bad person for struggling. no. chara is a bad person because...
2- Chara was a bitter misanthrope that didn't care about anyone else or their feelings.
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there are several lines of dialogue that point to the fact Chara did not like humans. There is a high probability that Chara had a hard home life before falling to the underground and that is possibly why Chara was the way they were. I am not going to send you a million screenshots as to every single bit of evidence of this, I am not made of time and jpegs. (besides i spent the entire budget on photoshop edits) I am however, going to send you the most damning evidence on my side: the true lab tapes. In the pacifist run, you can visit the true lab and find Asgore and Toriel's old home videos. The tapes basically showcase Chara's plan to Asriel where they were to eat the butterscotch flowers, and then Asriel will absorb their soul when they died.
you can watch this youtube video on all of the true lab tapes. to recap the story, Chara died, Asriel absorbed the soul, took Chara's body to the human village and then the humans thought Asriel killed Chara. Asriel refused to fight, walked back to their home and died in the flowerbed. Later on if you talk to Asriel, He mentions he wasn't the one who went to the human village, but it was Chara that was controlling him. He refused to hurt the humans and fight back and essentially they were both taken down. so here are my thoughts (please remember this is my interpretation you are OK to disagree with me)
-Chara probably just used the freedom of the monsters as an excuse to off themselves, Then put that emotional responsibility on Asriel. -They then USED Asriel's body to try and enact revenge on the humans in their death as some kind of messed up murder-suicide but in the wrong order -This ends up Killing Asriel, then he later became a bitter misanthropic husk after being reincarnated by Flowey. Possibly due to the trauma. -This ends up putting the ENTIRE underground in a depressed state with no hope and causing a massive war with the humans -their adopted parents are now divorced due to this tragedy and both Toriel and Asgore started to have conflicting issues on the topic of humans -Asgore basically trapping everyone with him in his own grief because he didn't want to actually face what happened and played the long game collecting souls one by one. -Toriel struggling to move on and essentially trying to mother any human that falls down without facing her demons. -Litterally all of undertale happened. essentially Chara was not a bad person because they were a child version of Jason Voorhees Chara was a bad person because they manipulated their family into having emotional responsibility for their self-inflicted death and hatred of humanity. They made their issues everyone else's problem and didn't consider how their horrible actions would affect others. and in a way, that is one of the morals of Undertale If you don't care about others and how your actions will affect others, then you would be making the world a shitty place in the end. Lets get back to that thing I said earlier about fans harassing other players for little mistakes. killed Toriel on your first play through ? congratulations! you are a horrible irredeemable person who deserves to get death threats ! /s God forbid we have nuance and acknowledge that most players at this point feel BAD about what happened since this is their first play through! And that they CARE about what they did to their new friend! These kind of people ignore the fact that the issue with the genocide run wasn't just the deaths, but that the player didn't consider how the monsters felt after you just ripped away their happy ending. which is the mentality that both Chara and Flowey had.
here is a video i recommend. to quote this video about the sans fight: "They call out the player not for acting immorally but for acting with no moral guidance whatsoever. Flipping back and forth between good and evil for no real reason except that they want to see what happens. In the boss’s own words, committing genocide “because you think you can, and because you can, you have to.” " Chara offed themself and made Asriel emotionally responsible for Chara's fucked up revenge fantasy without considering others feelings The player restarted the timeline (more than likely the good ending) to kill everyone all for the reason of curiosity without considering others feelings. the reason why Chara goes after you at the end of the genocide run is because you basically VALIDATED the deep dark desires of a mentally damaged person and made them watch their loved ones get ritualistically murdered. meanwhile in the pacifist run (with no history of the genocide path on your file), you simply let Chara remain as they were when they passed away. You didn't validate their dark mentally unstable desires, you simply shown Chara that the world isn't a horrible place and that actually caring about other people leads to a better life. If you HAVE played genocide before the pacifist ending, then the lesson does not sit because you still basically led them down a dark path in the end. By caring about how others feel and the impact you leave on people, you are helping retain hope for a better future for everyone, and that is one of the many reasons why i love Undertale.
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thank you for reading this massively long analysis, it took me a lot of time and effort to get this put together.
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unstabull · 5 months
TW victim blaming, mis-gendering in screenshot
TW personal mentions of my own abuse /trauma
warning for a long post
So I was going to just block and move on but considering @bcbdrums decided to post a screen shot with my username and tag the whole soul eater fandom in an attempt to, I dunno, shame me? I feel I need to at least say SOMETHING on my own behalf. I am trying to learn I matter and can stand up for myself and I think this is a good time to practice that.
So when the original post was made, in my head I was thinking to myself "I didn't tag or say who said the thing, I simply made it known the thing was said, so I could give my own opinion" and although I was a bit nervous in the end I decided this is my blog and I am allowed to have and even share an opinion.
I am a nervous mentally ill trauma survivor myself hence why I love Crona in the first place, so when I first even noticed the comment on my original post I was filled with immediate fear, because I had already openly disagreed with this person before. Now after some hours of panic and my mate waking up, so they could tell me what the comment said in the first place, (I was too frozen with fear to even go on the app), they suggested I not delete my post (which was my immediate reaction) and instead just block and remove the comment.
I did this because one I wasn't looking for an argument or a discussion, if I was I'd of reblogged the original post where the original thing was said. Two the reply itself was talking about how "the quote in that book meant adult child relationship-" I literally addressed this first thing by saying that no adults, in the universe in which we are discussing, are offering that help. So by starting with that they were ignoring what I already said. Three if you innately hate Crona why are you even near my blog? Personally I hate soul x maka and I could go comment on everything to do with it, but guess what? I don't, because I don't need to.
Now, when I was shown parts of a post, you ask why no one will talk to you about this ship, and instead they block or ignore you. From just a small search from back at our first interaction, I found many posts proving it would of been pointless to try discussing anything with you. One of the most concerning to me was this one:
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you clearly hate Crona (and misgender them). In this post, you victim blame an abused child saying that they're willing in their actions? "Dont care if (their) mom was horrible that's no excuse" You are blaming an abused teen for doing what their abuser tells them they must, this kid is 15 and been groomed since day one of its life, and you're calling them cold blooded and willing? meaning they feel nothing no remorse and want to do these things? that's literally not true you are just insanely bias by your hate. If you actually understood what abused kids go through and feel you would know Crona had no options and deeply truly felt it had no choice. Even Maka understood this.
Now I'm not gonna continue about that or even go out of my way to pull any "evidence" for you on why Crona was clearly unwilling, because of posts like this:
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"Crona should have died" like why the hell should anyone even attempt talking to you about this subject, when you're saying stuff like this? "It would have made Crona's story meaningful" you've obviously made up your mind that Crona is some heartless monster undeserving of forgiveness, and will forever be guilty in your eyes, so the idea you really believe you are capable of discussing this topic is ridiculous. And I'd like to stress again, you are talking about a mentally ill, abused 15 year old in the above post... fictional or not, I find your hate towards this abused teen disturbing. I really can't even imagine how you would view and treat real victims of abuse. I mean again even if it's fiction, you openly think a teenager deserves to die because in your eyes its the only way they can, what? "repent"? Like honestly that's pretty ableist in my opinion. The fact you can't accept that Crona is worth helping and deserves to be saved shows just how little you got out of this series.
Now I am going to discuss more personal topics and down to why I felt I truly needed to say something in the first place.
As previously stated I am an abuse and trauma survivor myself, I have been through a lot, and my first abuser was my older brother, and therefore I could not get away from him. Having a family member abuse you from day one and constantly be in power of you, and above you, and stronger than you, is extremely detrimental. I had him bullying me almost 24/7 growing up until I was finally about 11 or 12 when he went to live with my bio father. I was SO relieved he was leaving I cried with relief and couldn't wait till he left. And It wasn't until a couple of years later when I was about 14 that he came back. I was terrified. Now here's where people assume I should have said something or done something or perhaps even isolated completely to get away from my abuser (I did that near the end).
Well as a survivor of abuse I tend to always blame myself by default, and back then I had no confidence, I was pretending to be cishet, and also hiding that I wasn't "normal". So when my brother came home I was subservient to him almost immediately. I kept his secrets, I played the role assigned, I was his punchline, I was his errand boy.
Like Crona I felt I had no options and my best choice was to protect myself and to do whatever my abuser wanted and keep them appeased. Even if that meant hiding everything and pretending we were close. Yes Crona is fictional but their character means a lot to people who have been through or are going through abuse like that especially familial. And your comments that Crona is a willing participant and guilty because they do what their abuser says, really is insensitive to people who have been in a situation or are still in a situation in which they must do what an abuser wishes, or believe they must do it.
Now another point you keep bringing up is how "Crona needs therapy" an argument that is moot because no one in the universe in which this character lives is offering such help. And even if they were openly offering therapy to Crona it's still not the only thing mentally ill abused people need. Especially ones that have gone through childhood trauma and continued abuse.
I first went to therapy when I was about 15 or 16, because I was young I was treated as if I had no need to depressed or struggling in the first place. My first counselor not only taught me that masking was best so that I didn't make others uncomfortable, she also would talk about other cases she was working on. I decided to find another. Again because I was young I was not taken as seriously, and because I had learned to mask so well from my last counselor my new one didn't recognize any signs and after a year she "graduated" me. I've tried a few others throughout the years and all to no avail. It took me a bit more than decade from my first counselor to finally find one that knows what they're doing, has been through trauma, and is actually helping me.
"Go to therapy" isn't the magical fix neurotypicals think it is. And asking us to completely open up to strangers in a system that could possibly lock us up and harm us for our thoughts and feelings is such a ridiculous request. Most mental health providers I have met are not trust worthy.
Now that doesn't mean I have said anywhere that therapy doesn't work, or should be avoided or disregarded. But I am also not going to pretend like it's all we need either. I am a mentally ill, trauma survivor and I am so tired of people telling me what I experienced, and what I need. I know exactly what I needed, I was there. And I know what it's like asking adults for help and looking to adults for help and getting none. I don't need to have someone come at me on my private blog trying to convince me that I'm wrong and that I don't know what I'm talking about when I have literally been through a lot of what I discuss. Also I don't need someone framing it like me posting on my personal blog about a book on trauma and a fictional character is "spreading misinformation" that's ridiculous. I have done nothing wrong.
As someone with experience being abused and being through trauma I know for a fact if I had, had someone near me, near my age to befriend me, and that I could trust, that would have done me a lot of good. Not because they would have "fixed" me but because I would have gradually started to learn that I am capable of being loved, and that I deserve good things. A very important step for those of us with trauma.
And in conclusion I want to say this whole thing has been quite ridiculous. The fact there was even a need to publicly post the screen shot with my username included in the first place, along with adding the tags to the main fandom to, again I can only assume, try to shame me? is just weird to me in general, and all this because I blocked someone for my own wellbeing. This is all I have to say on the matter, I felt I should stand up for myself, and after seeing a screen shot of this person saying they "really want it to be explained to them" I decided to give the reasons why I don't bother discussing topics with people like that, and people who think in the ways shown in the above screen shots, there is nothing to be said, because they are never going to listen. I hope this marks the end of whatever this has been, I have said what I feel I not only have a right to say but honestly should say.
I want to thank whoever reached the end of this post I appreciate your time, and if you agree with either of the screenshots above we should now part ways.
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hollowsorrows · 10 months
How was the latest chapter in ymu?
OH BYO OH BOY OH BOY absolutely destroyed me!!!! made me lose my shit for about two whole days!!!! it was BAAAD. and its also THE most game changing thing to happen so far. gonna put what happens under the cut bc spoilers 😁😁
i just finished typing this oopsies i rambled about the entire comic
cw for a lot of things.
SO. lemme set the scene for you. you have 3 main characters: KK, BK and RK.
kk is the main protagonist. he is the 8th generation in a long line of heroes; the KK clan. he is utterly shit at being a hero and hes still so bubbly and silly and honestly kinda childish but i dig it hes aweaome. he also has some traumaaaa!!! bros dad kinda sucked (he was like. WAY too immature to be a father; worth noting that he's the 7th generation kk) and when his father didnt come back home from war his mom went out to figure out what happened to him and kickass. which left kk all alone for like around 10 years maybe more if im being honest. hes not okay <3333
bk, we know JACK SHIT about. hes the demon king/devil, whatever you prefer. he likes animals. he likes carrots. hes straightforward, blunt, and way too trusting and forgiving. but like people are scared of him cuz hes the fucking devil he just hasnt used his magic yet. it will be plot relevant im 99% sure. we know Nothing about his past. we know he was involved in the war against humans and demons when kk was a kid (which kk's dad fought in). and bk was essentially a refugee. he ran to the desert and some shit happens but its quite literally blurry we dont know whay happened. hes VERY overprotective of kk too!! like VERY over protective ykyk. so somethings going on with him.
RK. OH BOY, RK. rk is like severely fucking insane like genuinely he has so many fucking problems. he is surprisingly the one we know the most about considering how much of a mystery he was in the older chapters. he calls himself the alien and doesnt reveal his name. he flies. he has a box on his head all the time. he has a dead ghost girl hallucination thingy that he talks to ghat nobody else sees. he has a gun. hes amazing. dude has canonically committed quite a few attrocities like man. his first on screen murder was fucking BRUUUTAL. "see you in hell." GOD he makes me insane. anyways his past is SUPER fucked up; born with magic unlike anything his family has ever seen before, the king (his adoptive father) exploits it and uses it to kill captured demons. he also had this whole thing where he found kk's mom in jail, kept a photo of her and kk, and helped her escape which did end up killing her. and he forgot that. anyways dude has some fucked up shit happening and is severely gone in the head
worth mentioning that in season 2 the three find the one eyed village which is keeping a princess there. princess violet. ill talk about her a bit more later in the post. the one eyeds get fucking evaporated by a group of demons that are specifically out to get bk, and only a golden tree remains of the village. rk knows about this. kk doesnt know ANYTHING
so. this expansive lore stuff is revealed like throughout the comic in pieces. and it starts out funny and sillt and like slice of life comedy but it gets fucked up around season 3 where kk gets his sword fixed and it becomes alive. he then basically dies and goes to this world where he is fucking god. and his sword is there. and its imbued with the soul of this random ass guy qho we call the musician. and its fucky wucky. the guy who fixed the sword also had a buncha kids hidden behidn a wall and rk takes them each to their hometowns via magic portals whatever. this is also where we see rk fucking shoot said guy and go actually insane for like 15 minutes. ill show screenshots cuz what the fuck man. then season 4 where princess violet, a character from another kingdom whos sister (named princess L) killed herself during a fire in the kingdom (said sister is also rk's brother's fiancé no this is not confusing), goes through what is essentially a demon realm where she has to adhere to the rules of a demon her sister kept and find out which of her 6 sisters killed princess L. in the end its revealed that it was a suicide which is lovely :)
season 4.5 goes more into rk's past and rk's brother, rj. like. rj is the king of the kingdom, since rk's adoptive father passed away. hes a really cool guy but is DEFINITELY either marked by or an avatar of the lonely iykwim. he has like no loved ones around him he is alone man. he was also princess L's fiancé! i love him. anyways rk and rj reunite but then rk kinda hates the r kingdom so he leaves and also finally reveals to kk hes actually insane so :)
season 5 has like this tower which will be relevant i think cuz there was a teaser of kk's teacher entering it the end of season 6 season 1 and being shrowded by darkness. its not sinister at all trust me :). i dont remember this one well but it had to do with the best side character ever angel do i love you do
season 6 season 1. huge lore dump on rk's part. kk bk and rk find this tower that is stopped in time. two wizards live inside: oz, the moon wizard, and of, the sun wizard. they control the moon and the sun. they also are prophets, disciples of the first kk, and know a lot about what they shouldnt! including rk's forgotten past :) they task the gang to go to this portal and defeat the demon paimon lest it unleash chaos into this world. and they do!
along the way kk finds out about the one eyeds. he loses trust in bk, and rk has to give him a pep talk and it genuine is kinda sound actually the only w rk ever had
and they find the portal. they enter the realm. the demon there is named paimon, and is a fucjing bitch and was foreshadowed ALL THE COMIC. and are tasked with going through each a designated room. each room has a shit ton of clones of the characters. only the real one can go through the door at the end. kk goes through just fine, although he had a bit of conflict. bk made it through bc ofc its bk. and rk. oh. rk. his room is empty with scortch marks on the ground. and theres fog. its implied that he killed all of the rk's before proceeding. he goes through the door. as it turns out, the real rk already made it past the door, scratched up, from whay it seems. and what does the fake rk do??? he shoots the real one. in the heart. the real rk dies. just like fucjing that.
did i mention that rk cannot die?? hes tried killing himself. a lot. but each time he regens. the only places he hasnt tried are the heart and the head. so the fact that he was killed via the heart. ugh its so good its amazing from an analytical perspective i ranted about this before but its genuirnly amazing. the character thay is established as being hard to kill. killed at his own hands. it was his own hubris that failed him. raintime you bastard you are a fucjing genius how did you write such an amazing comic
oopsies that was not meant to be the entire comic :) also i need to mention that these guys look like this
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blue haired ones kk, black haired ones bk, blonde bitch is rk
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The Joker Batman issue of Ostrander Spectre was the most basic like "why everybody cant fucking stand Joker" shit ever however I did keep thinking about this bit while I was at work and just losing it
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I like it when Bruce talks like this.
Also though this issue gives me screenshots to post next time people start the "Jokers not MENTALLY ILL hes just EVIL and hes NEVER BEEN PORTRAYED AS JUST MENTALLY ILL EVER" bullshit
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And also Spectre agreeing with Batman at the end of the issue
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Like the reason people always say Jokers mentally ill is because at least in the 90s that was the canon so thats what alot of people remember. I dont agree with this at all I think Joker being evil because hes a sociopath is ableist and also here partially just because Spectre cant just fucking murder the jonker so there has to be a excuse for why he wont do that in this crossover issue but its what was going on.
Ok anyway this issue was Joker steals Spectres powers after Spectre goes into his mind because the Joker is so crazy insane he can just do that and I hated it and had to complain about it thanks
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okay so. im like. idk ANY music theory. like. at all apart from when i played the piano for a couple years when i was like 7. so. this is definitely the ramblings of a guy who is being very autistic about bug video game. and nothing more. (and also has been done before i am purely doing this for @exnihilo-comic​ bc they asked me on my thoughts) BUT. i am sooooo fucking insane about the hollow knight ost. (LONGGGG post below the cut)
SO LIKE. theres OBVIOSULY the like. main theme yknow. thats in enter hallownest and the title screen song. the one that goes likeeee errr. (wait i gotta look up smth rq)
OKAY SO THERES THIS. (just taken from here) :
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anddd theres this :
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WHICH is like. yknow. the whole Big leitmotif of. Everything. BUT. the thing is. i was wondering which songs specifically it is in. bc like. im hoping its not just. hallownest’s motif. and more for smth specifically. BUT YEA. so so far theres obviously the title screen and enter hallownest (which is the trailer music im p sure ?)(ok yea it was the ferocious foes trailer music). BUT. im gonna go thru all the songs n see which ones have this in (i will not be accurate as im going by ear since errrrr. im not the best at reading sheet music)
okay well dirtmouth (taken from here) IMMEDIATELY has the theme in it (with the bit in red missing)
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it is clearly slower n in a dif key but like. the same theme
and pretty much most of the melody of dirtmouth is like. essentially this same theme. just a loaddd slower. and in a dif key. im not gonna screenshot each comparison and try to pinpoint each difference bc. like ive said, idk music theory. i just like video game osts.
okay so crossroads is a little more difficult but to me it sounds like it possibly has the same chord progression ? but i may be speaking out my arse so someone who actually knows what theyre talking abt could draw comparisons.
altho i DO want to talk abt the crossroads track. this is the part where i start bullshitting FULLY. so like smth i LOVE abt it is how very drawn out each note is. like it sets the scene of hk PERFECTLY. its like. the track feels a lot more loose ? i suppose ? than the other songs you wouldve heard by now. which ig feels like it rlly shows how sorta. abandoned and like. i mean “forgotten” the “forgotten” crossroads rlly r. like they have no sorta form left but its clear that crossroads was once a place w a lot more life in it besides the handful of npcs u meet there (well like. yknow. uninfected life). but the one thing abt the crossroads track is that it sounds. calm yknow. which does reflect the crossroads compared 2 the other locations. the enemies there r simple enough to defeat and theres plenty of safe spots. its right under dirtmouth so its (before its infected) the safest area a player will explore for a whileeee. anyways ye the crossroads track is cool.
okay w the false knight battle theme i wasnt RLLY gonna say anything abt it BUT. it does actually have the main theme in it.
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sooo yea so far the only connection ive made is Almost Every Song Has This Theme In It.
oh also in the false knight theme there is this ONE bit that sounded a little like the very beginning of the mantis lords theme to me but idk theyre not the CLOSEST just similar.
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anyways next song: greenpath. so i THINK its happened again and THE WHOLE BIG LEITMOTIF IS ONCE AGAIN HERE.
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like dirtmouth it is slower and in a different key but thats definitely it. which honestly was unexpected i didnt think it was in any area music. so once again, i think this is in literally almost EVERY track so thats making me more wonder abt the tracks its NOT in. but ill come to that later maybe. what i do want to know is if theres anything else in greenpaths track thats in another song. what im thinking is perhaps therell be a similarity between greenpath and hornets battle music ?
okay this sorta call and response thing here is interesting to me because it sounds veryyyy familiar to me. (everytime i have heard it tho it just sounds like either hornets voice at some point or when sly says gibolen mas sooo take this as u will. i am however listening 2 a couple of hornets lines and the closest i think there is is when she says la fe nuva nido or whatever that gibberish is) anyways the call and response interests me.
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anyways more abt greenpaths song in general terms, i do love how this one feels a lot more full of life than crossroads, because crossroads felt very barren w the blue and the brick(?) whereas greenpath is full of life, just in the sense of scenery. its (obviously) a lot greener and full of plant life which already feels loads more alive. and the enemies there also arent simply just husks (AND EVIL SAP MONSTERS) theres like. theres moss creatures and fucking squits and those shooty wall things and just a whole lot more life, and that is reflected very well in the track bc it sounds a lot more full and like it has actual emotion. and even the battle theme (like where u fight the moss knight) is a lotttt more emotional and tense than crossroads’ - which feels a lot more like just sorta. primal fear what with a beat that sounds almost like a heartbeat and the repetitive drums. but greenpaths battle theme is a LOT more lively and dance-like and it has DEPTH. idk i thinkkk im rambling a little but i do love greenpaths contrast with crossroads
OKAY. hornets battle theme. smth obviously noticed a lot before is her theme is comprised of only string instruments (yknow bc. shes a spider n uses a needle and will star in SILKsong so like. yeah. string) ONCE AGAIN. the main motif is in this song surprise surprise. (link)
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altho smth interesting abt it is how it changes depending on which half of the theme is playing. for the first half the er. whatever u call the top bit i forgot. is playing it (and im prettyyy sure its a violin or viola or smth similar). but then it switches to the er. bottom line. and is played by a perhaps cello ??? smth lower than the first instrument. and different. which i think is a nice little thing AND is similar to the call and response from greenpath.
thats p much all i can say in terms of “technical” stuff BUT. in terms of vibes. I love how perfect this is for hornets fight. it definitely reflects how shes a lot more agile than the false knight and depends less on pure strength and more on her movement in the arena. i love how very fast paced it is AND HOW HAPPY IT IS. it is a VERY happy piece because hornet is ENJOYING HERSELF. bc yes her and ghost r fighting but she never wants to HURT it (even if i DIED to her like. a million times.) and WE never hurt her, we just beat her (and if ur a speedrunner, bully her in a corner) but she laughs during the fight, she has silly little battle cries, shes having a FUN TIME. which is shown in the music bc its CONSISTENTLY HAPPY. also the very sharp and sorta staccato (see i know SOME music terminology) notes throughout r veryyy fitting for the fights pacing and hornets attacks.
Okay this has been sitting in mt drafts for a bit and idk i might rb w add ons but j think i was just on smth else that night bc ive never been like. In the Mindset(tm) to do more of this. Ok. Have fun exnihilo person. Yea.
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this is a departure from our regular content but mod asta has been working through main story 4 for a while and during this time mod pensive wrote a hanahaki au about aira that kinda broke them. mod pensive then went on to torture mod asta with aira angst snippets while reading, which have been compiled here for free enjoyment! [no knowledge of the hanahaki fic needed to read, cw: self depreciation]
episode 117 cloudiness AIRA PRACTICING BY HIMSELF AT SKY GARDEN CUTE :shuichi_clutch_chest: OUR HARD WORKING BOY!! i wanna cry [Screenshots: Aira: (I’m no longer alone. I’m no longer just a fan who’s wholeheartedly devoted to idols on the other side of the screen—) Aira: (I know that, but old habits die hard.) Aira: (I was so used to being alone by myself.)] pensive :insanity:
yessum? 👀
hana aira haunting me
then perish, perhaps <;/3
WAAA SUBARU JUMPSCARE [Screenshots: Aira: 1, 2, 3… Subaru: 1, 2, 3~♪] he is so sweet i think ill never be ok again /joke [Screenshot: Subaru: Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. But you seem so lonely—so I wanted to cheer things up a bit for you♪] AIRA BACKSTORY CRUMBS?! EGWJVSDNBDD HE JUST TELLS HIS WHOLE LIFE STORY TO SUBARU
hes jsut in desperate need of a friend and confidant like that <3 [1]you know, from the bullying and isolation he underwent as a child &lt;3<3
[2]I WANT TO CRY DONT MENTION HIS DAD IN FRONT OF HIM [Screenshots: Subaru: I see. So you’ve had a hard time, too. Aira: What? No, no no, it’s nothing compared to being the son of “that Akehoshi”!] [1]NOOOO
and one of his beloved idols is <3 right there <3 and being<3 so nice <3<3
[3]JUMP OFF THE ROOF YOU BASTARD [Screenshot: Rinne: Kyahaha! Having quite a good time chatting, aren’t you? Count me in♪] GET AWAY FROM MY BOYS
[2]oh no, but now hes ruined this too. poor aira, he has a hard time creating relationships due to the lakc of meaningful ones throughout his life </3
[3]stinky disgrace ok ok ill stop i promise /srs
BDJDBFJ YOURE OK im not actually upset!! /gen i know aira was on twitter starting threads defending subarus dad [Screenshot: Aira: (I was a big fan of “that Akehoshi” so I already don’t really know how to respond to his son, and here comes this guy!? Is today my unlucky day?)]
oh nice so anyways he must feel so bad because one of his beloved idols must hate him and he has to deal with the annyoing bastard whose making a mockery of everything he loves </3
CRYING enstars!! is aira suffering
and also torturing his (tentative) friend (bestie) hiiro whose a little oblivious but still trying his best, which is still leagues away from his skill level no matter how much he tries because the talented are just made to succeed and hell never be one <3
im keeping aira away from you /joke [4]like the material you come up with is so heartwretching
but even so the loveable dumbass has his moments and since the fool has already decided to stick with him he could at least offer the same and stay as well :hiiroconfusion: ❤️:airalove: [4]horay that means im getting good!
[5]NO [Screenshot: Rinne: Let me give you a piece of advice, “little girlfriend of his”: don’t get too close to him. Rinne: Because sooner or later, he’ll betray you oh so cruelly…] DONT SAY THAT. RINNE SHUT UP
i have read! truly painful things!
i want to inflict! such pain upon others! :arashilove:
Rinne: You can dote on him like a cute animal, but don’t even think about “marrying” him, okay? oh this isnt rinne trying to warn aira about hiiro, this is rinne threatening aira to not date his brother or else rinne’ll throw him out a window
[5][6]dumb stinky asshole he already knows this but he cant bring himself to walk away its like abandoning a poor, feral puppy on the street. sure hes matted and malnurished, underloved and probably has rabies, but he hasnt bitten him yet and thats a lot more than most other things hes loved in his life!
HIIRO WAS QUITE LITERALLY SLEEPING OUTSIDE BEFORE ALKALOID WAS FORMED. BOY WOULD DIE WITHOUT AIRA hiiro: yeah i dont know why rinne would say that. you guys are my friends i would never betray you aira: yeah thats what i thought thats a relief hiiro: i still want to destroy all idols though aira: AAH.. STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT episode 118, heroes
[6](and also the way he leans into affection, at every compliment, always so eager and happy and bright at anything aira does. as if he was something to want, something as precious and amazing as the idols---stars of which he'll never be. and how he offers it all back in turn, multifold. miles and piles and heaps of compliemtns upon hugs upon glomps upon tears and questions and smiles and smiles, everything giving more and more to the little kindle of hope for joy in a future that will never be his that has founded itself within his pathetic, average heart that longs and longs and longs)
[7]😦 [Screenshots: Aira: (But why did he choose to lead a unit as crazy as Crazy:B and start such a mess?) Aira: (That’s not it. Just now, he felt similar to the time when he made his debut as an idol…) Aira: (He was marketed as “the last old–school super idol” or something like that.) Aira: (But he was eclipsed by the huge success of Eden, who was heavily promoted by COS PRO. After several scandals, the industry no longer paid attention to him.) Aira: (Is that when he took on this twisted personality and chose to behave as if he’s flawed in character?)]
[7][8]aira, as one who has stuck with the things he loves no matter how much its beaten him down, cannot comprehend the actions of the man who has only tasted failure once
[9]this is very sad but i have considered the exact opposite and extremely comedic scenario in which aira decides Fuck It, We Ball and creates a batshit persona in alignment with rinne’s [10][Screenshot: Hiiro: Yes, I’m sorry about that. It was wrong of me to ignore security guards and try to break into the building.] i sent that too early but do i even need to say anything
[8]but at the same time he understands the impatiance, on a primal level. the burning desire that gets snuffed like a candle against an ice rink. its maddening all the work and work and sweat and tears and blood and sleepless nights, breakdowns and sobfests and silence as you try to hide it;try to be the idol you adore try to beat the system that keeps killing and killing and killing that remainging drive inside of you that Will Not. Can. not. go. Out. [9]my brain might b in shipping mode rn bc my first thought was "i think hiiro would b into that tbh"
im always right :subaruagree:
WHAT DID RINNE TELL YOU TO DO HIIRO.. [Screenshot: Hiiro: (Hmm. Great, I didn’t know what to do… I didn’t think finishing my brother’s order would be this easy.)] exposed lol [Screenshot: Hiiro: Does it? Talking about strangeness, you’re also being strange these days. You disappeared from our dorm several times, didn’t you? Where were you off to? Tatsumi and we are worried.]
[10]aira doesnt know what to do with this stupid, stupid boy. (its not his fault he is gifted, not his fault aira cannot catch up) but, reluctantly, he heart still yet beats. and sighs, and loves
ah yes, fluff you know, my main writing style is fluff crack i have like. a series of fics which just make fun of the hanahaki genre by turning it all into crack. i wasnt. always like this
I DONT LIKE THESE EPISODE TITLES.. [Screenshot: Main Story 4 Chapter List: Episodes 122-126]
that was, until…. * war flashbacks *
moral of the story: blame me for being able to find suburb fanfics, and toku for giving me the main one that created an unedning longing to see my favorite characting in pain bc b4 that i always jsut wanted to see them happy lmao
episode 120 pitfalls oh dear god its a rinne episode the lack of mayoi is hurting me [11]THE THOUGHT OF TATSUMI DOING WOTAGEI IS KILLING ME [Screenshot: Aira: Yep. While we’re at it, I can teach you some wotagei, the slogans, and gestures we use to cheer for idols.] [pensive is typing for several minutes…] god im in anticipation and fear hiiro dont talk about how awesome your brother is, hes about to do something awful
[11]he would always go along with it because hes a good sport, and for some reason goes along with airas whims. it must be embarassing for the man, surely, as he himself is (still is) a top idol. why must he sink so low as to cheer among the peasents? its all for airas sake isnt it. and he doesnt know whether the heavy feeling in his heart whenever tatsumi accepts an offer to join him (always phrased jsut vaguely enough to hide what the doing entails, as if in some desperate, halfhearted attempted to increase the chances of getting him to say yes. munipluations hidden under smiles and "oh no, you didnt have to"s from a dirty, filthy liar) comes from a place of happiness; of finally being accepted, of having his hobbies, his passions, his life appreciated for the beauty it has seen-- or from a place of crushing, suffocating, unshakable guilt for forcing the role of "savior" upon the man who was crippled for the same reasons once upon a time (like a fairytale….) how dare he try and play with one of his beloved idols. how could he not remember the lessons beaten into him about boundaries. "this is how far your skill takes you, this shall be where you lay" truly, as tatsun would say (in a joking manner, brushed off like a stray piece of lint over his shoulder despite the heavy truth his words hold), he has sinned (it is not a joke) i think i went into mayoi teritory there ngl lol
ok wait sorry for being cringe and dropping off the face of the earth i fell asleep :insanity: I JUST WANT AIRA TO LOVE HIMSELF THIS IS AGONY every time i read ur writing pensive im like “so this is hurt/comfort right?” “:amamismile: he gets comforted later….. right………..”
why hurt/comfort when u can hurt/agony?
i don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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voidandradiance · 2 years
hello! from the fic writer thingy; 1, 8, 9, 17, 25, 36, 37, 41 and 42 !!!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
oh boy uh. for dsmp, by far, can i sleep in your house tonight or like i've never been are my strongest works. best foot forward, and all that.
for mianite, though... i love the karma series but it's a Lot, so maybe vintage misery or stars burn out. peak identity theft for both of them, tbh, but they're Good.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
i've done most of the Splash Potion of Brainrot ones, but left on the list are:
the plagues from prince of egypt, 100 bad days by ajr, home to me by devil and the deep blue sea, thus always to tyrants by the oh hellos, dirty by grandson :)
9. How do you find new fic to read?
i subscribe to vav on ao3. and also scroll the wilbur soot character tag with dozens of excluded tags. and also read my friends' stuff.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
my batshit insane tubbo- and andor-centric vigilianitee au, my fucking beloved. put those boys in situations. someone becomes a magical girl and i'm not telling you who.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
i have the mental illness transcription doc, which is roughly 80 pages of transcribed mianite dialogue written out in script format, and i reference that pretty often. i've also got a folder of about 725 screenshots of mianite references, so. yknow.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
....sometimes? i guess? i'm really fuckin bad at it when i do, but i end up sketching out reference maps or using screenshots bc my spacial awareness is a little bit Really Bad
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
all of my mianite fics.
nahhh as far as dsmp fics go, i have to say just give me a happy middle is one that i loved and most people didn't. it was just posted at a weird time, i think? idk. food as a metaphor for love.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
THIS ONE. THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. it was the first one of vav's ao3 fics that i read, and i lost my fucking mind. the imagery. the detail. the pacing. the quilt. OUGH i wish i could fuckin Do That with words. i dont care if yall warch mianite or not i am telling you to read the fic
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
the tipping point for me becoming a wilbur main was zanna zannolin's comment on save the world. so. yes. anyone who leaves long detailed comments analyzing symbolism or easter eggs or characterization, i would already die for you, but that comment specifically is one of the things that got me to start writing wilbur-centric stuff as a whole. thanks king.
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blooky8 · 1 month
started watching original animaniacs today, after 2 episodes i can already feel all my mental illnesses being cured, mood lifted & silliness increased to 100%
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some comments: i really like their singing here! it's definitely different from the reboot, their voices (esp yakko's and wakko's) seem more relaxed and childish in a way? and it sound reeeaaally good, wakko is my favorite singer from the og show i think, while in the reboot i like yakko the most (but to be fair they just gave him more chances to show off) and the humor, it's meta but way less so than in the reboot, also feels a bit more honest and childish, which is nice. oftentimes it's just word-plays and gags, the sole goal of which is "to annoy the shit out of everyone around & have fun while doing it", and that always gets me, for example their first individual therapy sessions got me laughing under the table. so smug, but so simple and honest! also, something important to keep in mind: warners never actually try to hurt anyone who isn't a complete asshole, like annoying scratchy is pretty fun and harmless, but in the second episode they noticed that einstein is clearly upset, crying and calling himself a failure, so they tried to cheer him up with a song (and it worked)! they're just kids who want to have fun :) the visuals are also great. the animation is good quality, very jumpy & flowing & free to do what it wants, and that's a huge part of expressing warners' zany, insane-y nature! at times it looks a bit wacky, especially i notice that with mice, but i think that's the point, it makes characters 100 times funnier, at least for me. those last screenshots with patb absolutely sent me
(btw, more screenshots below tehee ( ̄︶ ̄)↴ )
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from 5.12.23
hey.... im going a lil cray cray over lf x a5 crossover au.. (also 8:11 bcz im a loser for oc x canon :3)(still coping over this stomache) if i dont send smth in 5 minutes shoot me im going too cray cray/j
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lf already kind of has ties to a5 since the entities still being alive and just kinda moving around but not really - maybe ill age up adam and oliver to use as background characters but whos knowss
not canon or anything just a silly little thought but erm. what if all 3 were connected via religion 😁 emilio, natalia, charlotte and isabella from lf already have religious backgrounds, 8:11 practically revolves around religion and a5 entities pretending to be angels could wreck some havoc on the damned basilica teehee,,, since im too silly with char.ai most of the characters mentioned already interacted w/ 8:11 bots to kinda get an idea of how everything would play out even if it was ooc... younger emilio and amelia def actually confided in francis while everyone else was at least a bit suspicious (minus isabella but uhmmm. lore reasons) idk abt the entities since i havent rlly worked on anything but their designs but maybe ill give them different abilities and only one of them knows francis' true intentions:3c
OH YEAH idk if ill ever tell him abt it but maybee i could throw in adams ocs too since bros absolutely batshit insane over 8:11 rn. i have screenshots of him being insanely gay over a french guy btw if anyone wanted to see/j ANYWAY ehheheee maybe felix and samuel knew the martin kids at some point :33 bunch of religiously traumatized kids meeting, what could happen??? (felix and emilio both stabbed their siblings at skme point 💀) ANYWAYS i think sam and samuel would get along not just because uhh similar names but idk since were kinda split between making sam a bitch or actually nice... oh and i never drew sam or amelia properly yet whoops a5 exploded my mind
btw abt the entity mfs id like to think most of them usually stay in human forms except for atlas whos kinda the socially awkward one whod rather stay as an animal so no one tries to talk to him lmfao
but hes also extra so anyone at the basilica sees a fucking bear with antlers and the fur pattern of a deer and gets jumpscared (they all get used to it later and only vistors get jumpscared) OH AND ABT THE OC X CANON STUFF. not rlly shipping i just dk what else to call it but tee hee maybe isabella and vittorino have mad beef because her dad died at the basilica not soon after vitto joined so shes mad sus 😁😁 but only to be a bitch bcz she finds him utterly disgusting. her cousin allen kills him bcz he kinda was suffering anyway and she actually helped plan it loll
everytime girl comes across the stupid hoe they always glare at each other or get in a fight... usually verbal bcz natalia would go rabid if vitto tried to hit bella ykyk
oh and since im trying to align the stories together a bunch of ages r gonna have to change... idk if emilio or oliver is gonna be the older one but there is no way in hell a priest is younger than someone still in school... but then again overthinker wont stop comparing emmy to felix so ion wanna make him too close to blondies age but then again again felix is like 50 now... ill probably make emmy 36 and amelia 41 ig. klaus has too many white hairs to only be 40 anyway/hj but then adams still older than klaus.... i mean ig i could just use the excuse that he dyes his hair since he already has highlights
this is a whole mess uhm.
im unoriginal asf so emilio and jericho can bond over being people pleasers and cupioromantic but their first and only ever crush was abusive 😁😁 (<- definitely not projecting) (i lied. jericho only ever gets with elio bcz of that one time on valentines day irl) (im normal i swear)
bro went from snarky rude ass hoe to the most pathetic bird known to man for silliness reasons/hj
bros insanely mentally unstable, has chronic pain and heart problems, trust problems and definitely either a drinking or smoking problem. hell he can even jack both of them if he wants/j uhm. but i decided to make him less of a mary sue with all the language stuff n shit. idk if i ever mentioned it but who cares its my channel grr/j anyways instead lf the grocery list of languages he can speak, he can only speak english, greek, and belarusian 👍 also asl but idk if youd count that as smth he can speak
still torturing his pathetic ahh but anywayss abt that one tobias/future emilio art. the snake he has was originally gonna be named mobius for his symbolism stuff (and a hi3 ref/silly) but maybee i might rename the snake fang or michael as in adams late husband because uhmmm. what if adam was like a father figure to him when they met and he at some point got him a snake 👍👍 (he wouldve gotten a rabbit but uhm. vitto symbolism. and bro is traumatized from the vittorino ais..)
that is all for neow bcz i need to go take medicine 😭
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darkhats · 3 years
my response to that one cookie run drama video from 2019
if u were in the fandom at around 2019 you'll remember this video. really a grand hallmark of its time. this is probably the most unecessary thing ill ever do but i see alot of recent comments from a month ago agreeing with this and i think thats extremely sad. im mostly doing this as a fun nostalgia trip and also i really want to justify me wasting 14 minutes watching this
first of all i want to say this video is fucking awful. just dreadful. like girl what the fuck are you even saying. i'd only recommend watching in full if you want to hear about the fandom in 2019 with a condesending voice talking down to you the whole time and even then you could probably do better just scrolling through the discourse tag
i suggest you pull up the video yourself as i'll be responding by timestamps. if i sound angry at some points its because i am
you can skip to 1:40 the rest is just intro stuff
1:47 | im really curious why you put this screenshot while saying "entitled fans" bc u never elaborated and i would really LOVE for you to explain whatever this one meant
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1:50 | for the "huge amounts of hypocrisy" bit i have no idea what this is? this would be hypocrisy if the twitter acc in the previous screenshot and this tumblr blog r the same person but theyre not. we don't all think like a hivemind? this post is stupid in general stop infantilising asian ppl like they have no idea what a black person even is
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2:02 | "gatekeeping what kind of ships you're allowed to like" with this screenshot u a proshitter or sumn🤨
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the rest of the things they listed will be talked about later
2:51 | oh wow the "fixing art" thing. i dont think this is a thing anymore but it definitely was a big thing back in 2019! the thing is im quite neutral on it because a lot of artists dont like their work being edited but on the other hand if you dont like when people put the correct skintones on your art then maybe you should colour it right the first time
i will say though if you see cool art of like dark choco or espresso and its whitewashed and u wanna edit it so its not and u keep it to yourself then idc thats fine to me. the grey area is when it comes to characters like moonlight or alchemist, who's skintone is quite difficult to pull off in some artstyles. a lot of the examples in the video use people like cherry blossom or cotton candy who don't quite fit in the same category but are usually targets of this anyway
a very simple fix is to just use a different colour but to not make them significantly lighter from how they look in canon, which alot of the examples you showed don't do. they all look pale as shit compared to what they actually look like ingame and thats why people complained about them
also your marina video is fucking awful btw
3:53 |
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4:56 | "so many people in the fandom hate the developers" im one of them hiii. i should probably use this time to explain why (please note that this was made in 2019 so a few of the points im bringing up here will probably be a bit too recent)
devsisters really love showcasing whitewashed art of their characters (they used to do it on their forums rarely but thats now gone) and recently they've been quite excited to dabble in the whitewashing themselves (keep in mind the others except from twizzly gummy don't really count as whitewashing but they're all significantly lighter than their regular appearance). its like a hobby or sumn. everytime they host a fanart contest i brace for god damn impact. and this has been a thing since FOREVER
speaking of race and ethnicity, lilacs costume (and redesign in general) is just... bad but i dont think they were even introduced at the time of this video. milk and yam WERE though and its extremely baffling to me how this went through an entire team/company and got greenlit. its insane how shit they are (if it was just yam on his own i wouldn't hate him as much, i still wouldn't like him tbh, but they decided to pair him up with a white saviour). would i call them racist though? ...idk? they've been moving funny recently cant lie
another thing is the valentines day video which pisses me off to even think about. in that vid theres alot of.. ships that definitely arent legal. and whitewashing ^_^ they still haven't addressed it btw if ur curious. but it happened this year and honestly i wouldnt blame them for not thinking devsisters would do something like that bc i sure didnt!
theres also the thing with nfts but no one couldve foresaw that one coming
i assume when you mention people saying devsis are transphobic that you're talking about characters like dark choco or cinnamon who weren't referred by any pronouns until they were magically given he/him pronouns later on. nonbinary people can use any pronouns they so damn please but i get why people would get annoyed about them both suddenly being referred as he/him. wouldn't call it transphobic though. other than idk, how tf am i meant to defend something when u dont even telling me what ur talking abt
and 5:29 is quite the bold claim if you have to say "do i have evidence for this asian hate? no.." when bringing it up again btw
now we're onto the "stories from a few people" section. the few people are actually just two, the first one just runs their mouth for way too long. dw they both suck. ignore how the creep art person is there its been addressed already in the description (which is funny because the creator remembers this video still? and they presumingly agree with it still..?)
7:00 | i would heavily recommend putting the video on like 1.75 speed and just reading the reply yourself because this person goes on for WAY too long. excuse me if the timestamps are wrong because of this but at this point i really just do not care
the first thing i want to address is the cuphead and cookie run fandom comparison, because its just as ridiculous as it sounds "i have no idea why its so focused on being sensitive about cookies sexualities, genders, and races, when other fandoms dont even take subjects like that as seriously. im pretty sure the cuphead fandom takes its bosses less seriously than the cr fandom does its cookies..." literally what the fuck are you on about? excuse me as im not a cuphead fandom connoisseur here but how are either fandoms connected?? they both got a vastly different audience, gameplay, artstyle and characters (+ character design). the only thing similar is that theyre both popular i GUESS. also maybe the cookie run fandom is so "sensitive" about cookies races bc they keep getting whitewashed every 5 seconds🤔? just a game theory tho🤔
7:25 | pisses me off ever so fucking much. the "ive never seen a fandom get so disrespectful over issues that i honestly dont think even exist" while talking about MILK COOKIE COOKIE RUN are u crazy are u dense im glad you can frollick along in ur flowerfields not having to ever deal with racism but I cannot. and if ur not talking abt him then you'd be talking about the "sensitive about sexualities/genders/races" thing and yeah man u right none of that is real. the LGBT disappeared suddenly in 1987. all humans were destroyed as they had race. we're all grey goo people
im not even sure what the complaint even is.. oh nooo someone did a milk redesigning the controversial parts of his design... how ever will we recover..?
8:15 | yeah as everyone knows i can make a character as pale as i want in fanart as long as i say these are my humanizations actually. garbage argument, most people dont draw the characters as actual cookies and most of the fanart does just fine with eyedropping the characters original skintone (oh im sorry, dough!!) so whats the excuse?
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dont worry this person is done now we're almost at the end
11:18 | for the other reply, its the fiction doesnt equal reality shit do you really need me to go over this one? do you really. if they just cookies and its just fiction then why y'all feelings hurt so bad. also lumping in whitewashing with age and gender while ur talking about peoples headcanons is a bit weird btw
anyway the last thing i want to go over is the "cookie run fandom is soo obsessed with debating on whitewashing, ages, gender and sexualities!" thing thats so prevelent with these arguments. 2019 had this fun period where with every new cookie that came out there was some sort of controversy with them (millennial tree and raspberry mousse being he/him, roll cake and sorbet shark being a child or not, ect.)
whitewashing is obvious why so i'll move on. some characters can be seen as lesbian coded (white choco and rose for having majority girl fans, sea fairy in general) and there are a few characters that explicitly aren't referred to by any pronouns (dark choco before the guild adventures, peppermint, ect.) which u dont see everyday in games. so yeah.. people care about these things because they like representation. who would've thought?
now im gonna be fucking real. the arguments over cookies ages were always annoying - the reason why the fandom has arguments about ages so much is because devsis REFUSES to tell us canon ages. think about it, majority of the "canonially confirmed" children in the game are from a child event that happened in LINE. thats a completely different company running the game. because of how character-heavy the game is, ships are a very big part of the fandom. i sincerely doubt theres anyone in the fandom who doesnt like any ship and at the time rarepairs were rly common. so when you've got a fandom who really likes to ship and developers that dont ever mention ages then you get a fucking mess. i dont know what sorbet shark or roll cakes age is and its pointless to even debate it because id rather just have the devs confirm it themselves (not like they ever will). and even for the one singular time they did specify that one of the characters was a child, they still showcased fanart of said kid being shipped with an adult anyway
but that concludes the video and thus this response! i have wasted so much time on this i honestly could've showed you them ranting about how "cookies dont have skin colours" in the video or the part in the marina video where they complain about how people "think whitewashing is bad but make non-black characters black" and moved on but what else would i do on a sunday night?
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uselessheretic · 3 years
banri day?? banri????? i dont have anything new but ill post a scene from wip that will never be finished where juza goes to camp for two  weeks and banri experiences realizashuns
Banri rolled through morning practice like a derailed train. 
“What the fuck,” he repeated for what may have been the twelfth time that day. 
“Well,” Omi said while cocking his head and squinting at the screen. “I’m glad he’s making friends!” 
“Since when did Hyodo have friends?” Banri asked.
“We’re his friends.”
“And that’s a fat fucking L on your part, but me? I’m built different.”
Omi frowned as he puzzled over Banri’s words. “I’m sorry. I do not know what most of that sentence means.” 
“God Omi,” Banri said while sucking his teeth. “You’re so old.”
“I’m three years older than you.”
Banri furrowed his perfectly tweezed eyebrows as he considered that. “Nah, that’s fake.” 
Azami, interested in the conversation for the first time, took one of his earbuds out. “I have theories,” he stated. 
“About Hyodo?”
“Why would I––Nevermind. Anyways, I think Omi is evading tax fraud.” The way Azami stated it made it sound like he had put a lot of thought into this. It was a convincing argument.
“Hm…” Banri considered it.
“I’m a student…” Omi defended himself. 
“Yeah, tell that to the government, Boomer.” 
“I have an ID!”
“And I’m from a Yakuza family. I know that shit’s easy to fake, but whatever.” Azami gestured to his eyes signalling a I’m watching you warning. 
Banri slapped Omi on the back of his freakishly broad shoulders. “Come on, you are kinda a whole ass mom. I don’t know what aged you up like that.”
Azami scratched at his head, also thinking about it. “Trauma?”
They both looked to Omi, who just shrugged in response. 
“I mean, yeah, probably,” he agreed. 
Mystery solved, Banri was more than ready to go back to the subject at hand. 
“I wanna see!” Taichi made grabby hands towards the phone still in Omi’s hands. Omi tossed it to him, and Taichi, only fumbling a little, made a triumphant noise when he caught it. His eyes flew wide when he pulled up the screenshot of Kazunari’s post. 
“She’s cute!” Taichi announced in a shocked voice. 
“It’s insane!” The beginning of a tension headache was starting to form. Banri rubbed viciously at his temples, as if trying to drill into his skull and rip the migraine out of his head. 
Taichi wasn’t helping as he cried out in jealousy. “No fair! I want to talk to a girl who’s that cute!”  
“She’s not that cute,” Banri mumbled. 
“Yes, she is!” Taichi insisted. “Azami, what do you think?” 
Azami yelped as Banri’s phone was shoved in his face. Reluctantly, he took a quick peak. “She has nice skin. It looks smooth and healthy. I think she needs a lighter moisturizer though. Juza better be wearing sunscreen out there.” 
“See, even Azami said she was a total babe!” Taichi said, triumphantly. 
“I didn’t say that!” Azami sputtered out. 
“When did she become a babe?” Banri complained. “What happened to cute?” 
With a serious expression, Taichi placed a hand on Banri’s shoulder. “Bro, you can be cute and a babe at the same time. Girls are versatile like that.” 
He put a little too much force in slapping Taichi’s hand away. “Shut up. Anybody would look cute next to Hyodo’s busted up mug.” 
Omi hummed in thought. “Do you think you might be a bit jealous, Banri?”
“Huh?” It was a ridiculous assumption, so ridiculous that it left Banri devoid of words and with his mouth hanging open in shock. 
Jealous? Jealous of what? That Hyodo could talk to some girl that wasn’t even that cute? 
Okay, maybe she was a bit cute in a tomboy-ish way, but “babe” was still going too far! She was just some girl. One with nice skin and a pretty smile who happened to be talking to Juza. 
There was no reason for Banri to be jealous because Banri was perfectly capable of walking outside and finding a girl twice as attractive to chat up. There was nothing special about getting lucky that a chick could stand his presence for long enough to engage in what was probably a dry and awkward conversation.
“Banny? You in there?” Taichi’s voice broke through like a lighthouse through fog, snapping Banri out of his thoughts as he waved a hand in front of his face. 
“Why would I be jealous of Hyodo?” Banri finally spit out. “I can pull girls way hotter than that.”
Omi chuckled awkwardly and turned away. “Not exactly what I meant, but sure.”
“It’s just a surprise is all! Since when did Hyodo talk to girls? Forreal, when has anybody ever seen him talk to any girl?”
“He talks to The Director!” Omi said.
“Yeah, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t figured out that The Director’s a girl.”
And in a show of impeccable timing, that was the exact moment Izumi decided to enter the practice room with Sakyo trailing behind her. 
“Come again?” Izumi asked. 
“What the hell are any of you talking about?” Sakyo’s voice was practically a snarl. 
“No, really. Come again?” Izumi repeated herself, a smile on her face as she cocked her head in a questioning manner. 
Deciding that Sakyo was the less frightening of the two options to deal with, Banri held his phone up as he called out to him. “Furuichi! Hyodo’s being a whore on Instablam!”
A fascinating mixture of exhaustion, anger, regret, and even more exhaustion colored Sakyo’s expression. Knowing he didn’t want to hear an answer, but aware that there was no way to avoid it, Sakyo asked, “What?”
Omi tried to reign the conversation in as a voice of reason. “Banri’s just a bit worked up is all.” And then, in a stage-whisper that was completely useless, he said, “He’s jealous that Juza’s talking to a cute girl.”
“I’m not fucking jealous and she’s not fucking cute!” Banri yelled at a reasonable volume considering the circumstances.
“Christ on a fucking cracker,” Sakyo had reached the limits of his patience. “Everybody shut the hell up! Practice begins NOW!”
The small group of actors broke up, taking their cue to start setting up for practice, something they should’ve done fifteen minutes earlier. 
“She is cute though! Director, you should see!” Taichi said as he tried to carry too many chairs at once to clear the floor. 
“Banri’s just being mean,” Omi agreed as he took the majority of the chairs out from Taichi’s arm who had begun to tilt dangerously. 
“No, this whole thing is just bullshit is all,” Banri argued. “That has to look bad for the company, right? Isn’t he supposed to be acting, not slutting it up in the woods.”
“What?” Izumi asked. “What does any of that even mean, Banri!” 
Banri handed her his phone, pouting as he saw Sakyo take a half-interested peek over her shoulder. 
“Aw, he’s making friends!” Izumi said with not even a hint of slutshaming. 
“How is that allowed?” Banri asked. “And since when did he talk to girls? Come on, I can’t be the only one stumped by that!” 
The others in the room made some vague mumbling noises.
“I mean, did he lie though?” Azami said. 
“He’s allowed to make friends. That’s what camp is for! Do you think girls and boys can’t be friends, Banri?” Izumi’s voice was tactfully disappointed. 
“Don’t try to trap me, I took a Women's Studies course last semester,” he said while crossing his arms. “I know chicks and dudes can hang, or whatever.”
“I–Chicks? Seriously, Banri?” 
Banri blinked in confusion. “What? It’s not like I said bitc–”
Before he could finish his sentence, Sakyo smacked him in the back of the head. Hard. 
“Watch yourself,” Sakyo warned him. He sighed as he watched Banri rub at the sore spot pouting. “What would you even want me to do? Give him the birds and the bees speech?”
Banri balked at the suggestion. “Gross… I can’t even imagine what that’d be like.” 
“What?” Sakyo asked. “Do you need it explained too, Settsu?” 
“It’s awful,” Azami spoke with blank eyes that had seen horror. “Don’t do it. Save yourself.” 
“Juza and lady sitting in a tree,” Taichi sang out. “K-I-S-I-N-G!” 
“Shut up!” Azami shoved at Taichi with a bright red blush. “That’s disgusting!” 
“Agreed,” Sakyo said with an affirmative nod. 
Omi mouthed the letters while ticking them off on his fingers, “I think you may have missed a letter, Taichi. There should be two S’s,” 
“Huh? Are you sure? K-I-S-Ohhh!” The world’s smallest lightbulb sputtered on above his head. 
“No, it’s S, Taichi. S,” Omi tried to correct him. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”
“Yeah, I got that!” Taichi said. “Juza and lady sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-”
“No!” Azami yelled. 
“Huh?” Omi said while furrowing his eyebrows. “It’s definitely two S’s. K-I-S-” 
“Stop talking about kissing!” Azami begged. He covered his ears, sinking to the floor in a horrified teenaged ball. 
Meanwhile, Banri stood off to the side. Tired. Defeated. “Izumi?” he called for The Director weakly.
“Yes?” she asked with concern in her voice. 
“I think I’m in hell.” He could barely speak above a hoarse whisper. 
Izumi patted him on the back, gentle and caring. “It’ll be okay, Banri. Although we will need to circle back to that ‘bitches’ thing later, kay?”
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