#my boy ain't fickle
respectthepetty · 4 months
but non is alive and he said no one survives, and new hurt him too
Yeah, so if the love of my life gotta die too, I'm totally fine with it. I think he will be too. He said "if these kids wanna go low, then I'm going to hell." That's why I love him.
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He is committed to the bit.
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Until the very end.
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fox-steward · 4 months
hi, your blog is incredibly interesting- i genuinely didn't realise there was a not conservative side of the gender critical sphere. i've been on testosterone for about 7 months now, so far this has been making me feel more like myself. personally I am not thinking about 'gender' but rather what i want to look and sound like- this has been working better than the whole 'gender is a feeling' thing..which is definitely a theory! If its okay to ask, what are your thoughts on medical transition?
i think medical transition is, broadly, very harmful.
it harms the individual: disrupts natural hormone cycles, negatively impacts cardiovascular health, negatively impacts reproductive functioning, creates an artifice which the individual comes to rely on to "feel like themself," thereby severing that person from true authenticity, necessitating the person remain a lifelong medical patient to keep all effects of hormones, subjecting the person to unnecessary risk of surgery, including death. it costs a lot of money and time that you don't actually have to spend. there is no evidence it correlates with mental health improvement, and it is my opinion that by focusing on transition, people do not attend to the areas of their lives that actually need and would benefit from attention and intervention.
it harms the group: gays and lesbians are disproportionately impacted by medical transition; gender non-conformity (which homosexuality is a form of) has become pathologized; now young lesbians and gays are not only growing up in a culture dominated by heterosexuality and rife with homophobia, they also have to navigate the pervasive message that they might benefit from transition. when i was a kid i was told by adults that i was "trying to be a man," that real women are not lesbians, and eventually i agreed with them. that gender non-conformity is seen as a precursor to "trans identification" only makes this worse--it's like, you get the "what, are you trying to be a man >:( ??!!" but also, "what, are you trying to be a man <=D ??!!" messaging. and what chance do we stand against attacks from all sides?
it is harmful to all women: look around at misogyny--devaluing women's opinions as vapid or lesser, assuming women are weak and fickle, dismissing women's perspectives and ideas, preying on women and girls sexually, seeing women as one-dimensional vessels for the transformation of the men around them--of COURSE girls don't "feel like a woman" these days, who would? instead of looking at the way society treats women and the disidentification it is producing among youth as the blazing alarm that it is, trans culture has wedged itself between women and liberation with the suggestion that "maybe you're not a woman if you don't feel like one?" never minding that "feeling like one" generally means liking being objectified, belittled, seen as weak, ignored, simultaneously not being taken seriously but being blamed for things. not only does this derail the actually important conversation about misogyny, but it leaves women and girls vulnerable to the predation of medical transition, which as i mentioned above, is harmful physically, emotionally, socially, and financially.
also, i would argue there are actually no conservative "gender critical" people. conservatives tend to reject gender non-conformity and embrace traditional gender roles; ain't no way to be critical of gender while holding central traditional gender roles. conservatives may be "trans critical," but they're not actually "gender critical." trans ideology has a lot in common with conservatives when it comes to gender, actually. both reinforce traditional gender stereotypes; how different is "i'm masculine and fit in more with boys than girls, so i must really be a man" from "i'm not a man, so i can't act masculinely, i must act femininely" really? they are threads of the same rope and that rope holds us prisoner, it doesn't free us. true gender non-conformity is being female but realizing that your masculine nature doesn't change anything about you (trans ideology), nor does it need to change itself (conservative ideology).
i know you didn't ask for this part, but you're here in my inbox, so here you go: doesn't it strike you as strange that it's taking synthetic medical intervention to make you "feel like yourself?" is the route to authenticity really via the path of cosmetic surgery and synthetic hormones?
it's either intellectually dishonest or intellectually lazy to stop at you're just "thinking about...how you want to look and sound." WHY do you want to look masculinized and have a deeper voice? there is a zero-percent chance the answer to that question is entirely separate from how those traits get you treated in society. and that's the impact of misogyny. and please don't misunderstand this as me suggesting you should not be masculine--i just don't think you have to subject yourself to the harms of medical transition in order to BE masculine.
and i say this as someone who took these steps, who masculinized with a mastectomy and many years of testosterone. i get that there are certain advantages to appearing as a man in society despite being a woman, but largely these are individual advantages for ME that come at the expense of WOMEN. thinking i'm a man, men take me more seriously; this impacts women by reinforcing the idea that men deserve consideration when women's voices don't, and it means that i don't have to advocate for women to be taken seriously because I don't personally need it; it runs the risk of making me complacent to this phenomenon, convincing me that surely women are exaggerating when they share their experiences because i don't have such a hard time of things, all the men are nice to me. see how pernicious it is?
because i'm 5'10", skinny, and with a flat chest, many people think i'm a man when i'm running. this means i can run at night, with headphones in, in new places--all basically without fear. the stories other women tell me make it clear this isn't the case for them. some women i know don't run outside anymore at all because of how men treat them, sexualize them, harass them, prey on them. so i get that it is a clear advantage to appear as a man sometimes; this is one thing i'm actually really grateful for. but it is not worth the damage i did to my body, it isn't worth the sense of alienation i sometimes feel from women, a sense i also felt with men, even when i was pretending to be "one of them," it isn't worth the money and time and effort i spent trying to convincingly imitate men that i could have spent on things that would actually nurture me and my life.
"gender is a feeling" certainly is a theory, but so is "transition makes me more myself," and one is about as good as the other.
we are not alive to simply take our thoughts and feelings at face value! interrogate your feelings and your ideas! we live in a culture and none of us are immune to that. something something unexamined life.
best of luck, i'm rooting for you.
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vampirepunks · 2 months
Yeah, unfortunately I feel like many got caught up in the scifi-ness of Death Stranding, and missed that much of it is about how we as humans deal with both life and death, and how we approach both.
Amelie/Bridget is very interesting, in that she is simultaneously both very flawed and human, yet also very inhuman, like shes a human incarnation of a force of nature. I feel like theres a lot of parallels between her and princess kaguya, and the more fickle/destructive/harmful kami in japanese folklore. It's why I feel like she's the hardest to empathize and forgive out of all the characters in the game
It's easy to lose that sense of metaphor and abstraction! Death Stranding is a very visceral, cool piece of media with characters that feel almost too real. Sam and Higgs are like close personal friends to me at this point, I can't imagine not having those characters in my life. At the same time, there's value in the big picture perspective.
I took a humanities class last semester called "Death, Dying, and Grief" taught by a grief specialist that's informed a lot of my interpretations about Death Stranding. Never in my life have I been through a more emotionally difficult class, but it was a personally meaningful experience too. The first day, we discussed human mythologies about the immortal man, e.g. Christ, Heracles, and then moved on to afterlife conceptualizations, both things that act as coping mechanisms for our mortality; they're ways to reject our ability to die. Death Stranding examines such notions head-on.
There's a lot of critique surrounding how society thinks about death, altruism, immortality, connection, and the hero's journey. Sam is both immortal and a messiah figure, his story revolves around the burden associated with not being able to die and the under-acknowledged, singular suffering of loneliness that comes with martyrdom. To a degree I've seen in almost no other media, Death Stranding openly states that being the chosen one fucking sucks. Sam's "why me?" attitude reflects the tearful pleadings of Christ in Gethsemane, saying, "Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me." Sam does not take the hero's journey in the typical sense, he's dragged along almost by force and, just like Christ, was never once given the choice to not be the sacrifice. He was ripped from the grave of his mother's womb, shoved into a BB pod, and then severed from the natural cycle of life and death. No matter you frame it, Amelie/Bridget stole something important from him. There's an ongoing theme about that: "He ain't human." That's one of Sam's dialogues in the final waltz with Higgs, as he rants about how nobody cares if he dies, nobody cares if it hurts, because he'll just come right back. His suffering isn't seen as important or even relevant. It's expected, demanded of him. This comes back to the point about empathy, because the people in Sam's life have shown him very little. They don't really care what he wants, only what he can provide, what utility he serves, what he represents. He's a sacred idea to them, not a person, not the man who used to be a scared little boy who didn't want to leave the Beach every time he went, who developed aphenphosmphobia because touch was neglected in his childhood development. Other characters don't acknowledge his most basic boundaries; Fragile even gets in his face at one point as a social authority flex, continuing to advance on him as he's backing away. His fear of touch is solely treated as an inconvenience and a tool of social control. (Which, as someone with my own phobia, pisses me off, and I was in his corner from day one, shouting "stop fucking touching him!" at the screen.) Only Higgs can touch him in a way that doesn't trigger his fear response, and he's the only one who truly treats Sam like an equal. All of this resonates with the demands people made of Christ throughout the gospels, and it calls out how deification of an individual or character is inherently dehumanizing and destroys basic empathy.
Bringing Amelie into this discussion, there's a stark similarity to the themes in NBC Hannibal; to be divine is to be inhuman, cold, distant, detached, without empathy or remorse. Just as Hannibal deifies Will Graham, making him less human, and Will Graham humanizes Hannibal, making him less than a god, Sam humanizes Amelie and she deifies him. She stole a piece of his humanity and absorbed it into herself ("I had no idea I was alive until you told me") and as such, Amelie exists in a state between humanity and ethereal other-ness. She isn't human, but also she is... but also she isn't, you get me? There's a very Lovecraftian element to it, in that there's aspects of Amelie's nature that can't be understood from a human frame of reference, things about her that are beyond mortal comprehension. The Beach exists on a plane above time, which is one of the most crucial elements of how humans understand themselves and the world.
I strongly believe Amelie is subservient to a larger, more powerful force, whether that's a god-like individual/collective or another force of the cosmos itself, or some in-between intangible, primordial entity. As evidenced by Amelie saying she didn't have a choice, that the extinction has to happen, and that she/Bridget felt like the ha-ka split was the Beach's way of punishing her actions and keeping her focused on her responsibilities as the EE. I imagine DS2 will delve into this.
I'm not familiar with Princess Kaguya but I'll definitely take it as a recommendation, so thanks for that, dear anon. As for the concept of kami, that definitely speaks to Amelie's thematic role and the essence of her being. As a human, her actions are unforgivable to many of us, but it's hard to apply the same judgment to a natural element. A fire is not evil for burning down your house, a tsunumi is not evil for destroying a city, those things just are, etc. Treating Amelie as an exclusively human woman is a sunk-cost, as she exists beyond that. Spite directed towards her is, in many ways, similar to spite directed at fate, nature, or God, she's simply personified in a way that makes her seem human. Schrodinger's humanity, if you will. Bridget was the human side of the EE, and seemingly lost her sense of expected empathy due to her disconnection from her soul; she was the head, Amelie was the heart. There's also all kinds of parallels to draw from other mythologies, such as that of Hel, the fates, and Ammit. Academically, her story is fascinating. I'm fiercely invested in and protective of Sam and Higgs (blorbo disease), but I'm not above acknowledging the narrative intent surrounding her character for what it is. I do not, however, believe she's supposed to be babygirlified (nor is Higgs) and excused of the harm she did. All characters in DS are implicitly intended to be held responsible for their actions, hence why I'd like to see Higgs be redeemed through making amends rather than absolved of his sins entirely. I want a good ending for him, and I want him to be loved and happy, but there's a long path of redemption that he needs to go through for that to happen. I relate it to examples like Sylar from Heroes (my first villain crush) or Zuko from ATLA; he can be forgiven, but he has to prove he can do better to stay forgiven.
This turned into a whole rant but yeah, TLDR: Death Stranding is powerful social commentary on matters like death and empathy, it's valuable to zoom out and analyze its overall messages sometimes, Sam is the best Jesus parallel I've ever seen, Amelie isn't specifically human and can't be treated as such, and DS advocates forgiveness as a powerful force of human connection.
Since I dove down the analysis rabbit hole, tag list:
@goldenbridgessss @pylonium @rubensmuse
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munchmemes · 1 year
melanie martinez lyrics, portals edition
❛  my body has died but i'm still alive.  ❜
❛  your words mean nothin' so take 'em back.  ❜
❛  you're always on my mind, i cannot help it.  ❜
❛  i don't wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders.  ❜
❛  death has come to me, kiss me on the cheek and gave me closure.  ❜
❛  i won't say goodbye, i'm right by your side.  ❜
❛  i'm back from the dead.  ❜
❛  i know it's morbid but we all die one day.  ❜
❛  there's rotten things left in me injected by society.  ❜
❛  i cannot bear my sorrow.  ❜
❛  i hate who i was before.  ❜
❛  i fear i won't live to see the day tomorrow.  ❜
❛  look at the mess i've done, there is nowhere to run.  ❜
❛  like a priest behind confession walls, i judge myself.  ❜
❛  my eyes are staring at me and they seem so damn unhappy.  ❜
❛  collect my fickle insecurities and turn them into beauty.  ❜
❛  yeah, you can look but you can't touch. i'm not just anybody.  ❜
❛  thought the cherry would be better than the pie, you're like that. that's your demise.  ❜
❛  it's obvious what you're after but i'm more than that.  ❜
❛  i saw that trick fall out your sleeve.  ❜
❛  you hum a tune i don't believe and it ain't working.  ❜
❛  crossing my heart, i'd rather die than be the needle in your eye.  ❜
❛  it could've been more, now we'll never know.  ❜
❛  i know how to make you go crazy every day.  ❜
❛  if you wanna run with the magic, lose sight of the gravity of home.  ❜
❛  i've been the boys and the girls and everyone in between.  ❜
❛  you are the light i've been searching for forever.  ❜
❛  my past grew mold around my heart.  ❜
❛  all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared. it's madness. ❜
❛  i'm not used to all this love, it's true. but you made me want to plan out my last days on earth.  ❜
❛  i was surprised to see heaven in your eyes.  ❜
❛  i never once was treated right.  ❜
❛  you're what i'm missing in my life.  ❜
❛  let's run into another dimension, you make me feel like i'm on drugs.  ❜
❛  i wish to not be perceived, i didn't ask for this dangerous visibility.  ❜
❛  i'm feeling too scared to sleep.  ❜
❛  i'm flexing like pricks with their stolen power.  ❜
❛  you're/they're feeding off our highs and lows. curious to see us struggle.  ❜
❛  the center may seem like a gift. once you arrive, it'll strip you of your life and you'll wish that you never did.  ❜
❛  how much blood can you draw with your claws from a flesh that's not yours?  ❜
❛  you used all your words for a quick game and blew it all before you won.  ❜
❛  they talk without thinking and they bark while they're shaking.  ❜
❛  i'll be silent 'til you cross the line.  ❜
❛  don't you battle with my larynx tonight.  ❜
❛  call all your guys in the dive bar, they'll give you the validation your daddy could never bestow you.  ❜
❛  i'm done doing backbends.  ❜
❛  you got me like a bad tattoo, always under skin even when it gets removed.  ❜
❛  i never got a chance to undo positions that you forced my way into.  ❜
❛  why you always act so serious?  ❜
❛  it's so scary how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle.  ❜
❛  i don't gotta act, i'm a theorist.  ❜
❛  i could win a fight on my period. matter of fact, right now, i could build a pyramid. you're messing with my cycle, that is dangerous.  ❜
❛  i won't lick your wounds today but i'll throw you in the ring, get you with my suffering.  ❜
❛  i'm not crazy, i'm not wild. you're just a stupid, little child.  ❜
❛  get your image off my back, i'll give you a heart attack.  ❜
❛  i will not suffer and cry under covers. i'm not your mother. ❜
❛  i won't be ashamed for loving you so honestly. ❜
❛  i used to miss your kiss. now i'm hop-skip jumpin' over narcissists. ❜
❛  i never knew what it meant to be content with you. ❜
❛  everything i expressed and professed, it never quite made it through. ❜
❛  they said it's all in my head whenever i spoke my truth. ❜
❛  no, i won't defend you to all my friends. this time, i refuse. ❜
❛  take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend. ❜
❛  i won't be mistreated, please call me conceited. ❜
❛  lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil. ❜
❛  every time you tell a lie, i'm praying that you choke. ❜
❛  hope you never cope, hope you slip on soap. ❜
❛  not safe but i'm sound. ❜
❛  all of the planning yet i still feel unprepared. ❜
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writermask-0807 · 1 year
Forbidden Fruit - Teacher Gakuho Asano x Student Reader
A/n: ik, ik. It ain't Valentine's day or even close to it, but when I recently rewatched assassination classroom, I saw the valentine's episode, so here I am. Also, I have two reasons which have been the cause of this super late update. It's cus a) I was originally working on something else before I accidentally lost it FOREVER {u have no idea how much I cried} and b) I'm currently admitted in hospital cus I'm positive for dengue, sooo (it's hell here istg) 🥲🥲🥲 and then I was like, eh, why not write 4 dis fine man?? He underrated. Anyways, enjoy this crappy, super long, useless detailed oneshot thingy I wrote!! Oh and, if you can't tell, it's my first time writing a kiss, so bear with me!
Warnings: teacher x student trope, cus I'm a suckered 4 it, kissing, ooc Gakuho.
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THE soft, nervous pattering of your hesitant footfalls graze the sterile marble of the floor reached your ears as a deafening screech of unnecessary noise, incessantly obnoxious in their abundance, and making you release a pained wince against your will as you stilled.
However, you reminded yourself that there was no-one around to criticize you about this violation of 'rules' (that nobody gave a damn about, but felt the need to bother you about it) of the otherwise perfectly prim, proper school etiquette. But you found yourself wishing that that had been the case, as you would have taken irksome school-boys over the threat of being possibly expelled that you were about to both willingly, and unwillingly risk. 
The sharp noise of your brisk strides screeching to an abrupt halt bounced off of the bleak walls that surrounded you from both sides, pounding against your eardrums so harshly that you could quite literally feel it reverbrate through your skull, and pulse through your crystallized blood, joining in a cacophonous symphony of your drumming heart and fluttering pulse, a brutal roar of chaos that shattered the fragile, accursed silence that enveloped you in its fickle embrace.
The emptiness of your surroundings and the frigid atmosphere devoid of the usual hum of life and the buzz of busy, cheerful chatter of your fellow students served only to worsen your spreading anxiety, and your heart crept up into your tightening throat, your mind barreled with an army of questions and doubts that you could not suppress. With no distractions to save yourself from the relentless streams of worry trickling into your mind, you quickened your pace again, carefully adjusting the object cradled in the palm of your right hand as you folded your arms behind your back, so that you could hide it from view.
You rounded a corner with much more force than necessary, almost toppling over in your reckless haste, and you found yourself growing more nervous with the bleeding second as you neared your destination, a breath of anxiety rippling through your consciousness and settling firmly within your ribs, dread surging through your veins like a vengeful snake, distorted, disembodied voices screaming in your head for you to turn back and leave before it was too late, making you wonder for the umpteenth time that day whether or not you were taking the right decision, despite knowing the severe consequences it would inevitably lead to.
However, before you had the chance of coming back to your senses, and wisely listening to your intuition to make a break for it, you had reached your desired destination.
The large, oaken door of the Chairman's office loomed above your petite form threateningly, a thick, carved door standing just as bold and intimidating as the man within it, and you swallowed thickly, quickly contemplating whether or not to enter and carry out your mission.
After all, gifting your teacher with a rose for Valentine's day was truly  as stupid as it sounded, and in person, nonetheless. 
Said flower prickled in your hand, fleshy petals velvety and moon-stone smooth against your blanching flesh, rich scarlet so dark that it almost bled into darkness at the edges of the unfurling petals, gilded with the vivid color of freshly spilled blood so painfully, beautifully real that you almost felt the smear of it against your delicate flesh, the luxurious color of a thousand spring blossoms all blooming at once, coating the rich satin of its delicate petals in a luminous sheen of thick vermilion, as the rose sat innocently in the cusp of your unfurled palm, petals so soft that it simply melted into your skin. 
Beautiful, yes, but dangerous. The metallic lustre of its bleeding wine simply called out to those who laid their eyes upon it, as it dared and taunted and mocked them to reach out and to touch it, to take and take and take until there was nothing left, something vaguely akin to a guilty pleasure, secretive and irresistible. The sweet, ambrosial fragrance of the rose wafted in the air, clouding the atmosphere with its heavenly aroma, and it stifled your senses, choking you, the smell so sickeningly sweet that it felt bitter on your lips, sour as it burned on the tip of your tongue, and clamped your throat with the sweetening scent of bitterness and rot. Danger poured from every blood drenched pore of its existence, oozing an allure that even you could not resist, and you just had to purchase it. 
When you'd first laid eyes upon the plum-hued rose, it'd sat patiently within a glass casing, almost as though it were a precious gem, a vibrant, enriched ruby that needed to be treasured, rich with that scarlet poison so delectable that you could almost taste it on your tongue, tropical and bittersweet, painted with a bloody red that was an ardent splatter of explosive color against the dull background of the canvas, eternal and dying simultaneously in its infinite beauty, and you'd been immediately reminded of the one you'd sold your heart to, your teacher, Gakuho Asano.
Charming and alluring, a beauty so elusive that it slipped through your fingers as delicately as silk, a forbidden fruit that you knew you could not acquire but still could not help but yearn for, a pining so desperate that it hurt, almost like gauging the insides of a festering wound that had remained untreated, and caked with drying blood that seared a brand into your flesh with a sweltering, white-hot intensity. 
It was a forbidden love, a longing for him that resonated within the depths of your very soul and drenched into the pores of your existence, and the rose had depicted it so perfectly that you almost didn't believe it. But love came with that agonizing pain you were somehow willing to bear, and so did the rose.
Your skin prickled underneath the delicate touch of its somewhat stiff stem, and you were reminded of the painstakingly long time you had spent plucking the thorns out. Thorns had embedded themselves into your skin, burying themselves underneath your flesh, burrowing so deep that rivulets of blood had poured out, but in the end, you'd managed to take them all out so that he wouldn't be pricked by them.
Oh, right. I'm here for something.
At the mention of your teacher in your inner monologue, you had snapped back back your senses, and the awareness of what you were about to do slammed into you like a white-hot rod, making knots form in the pit of your stomach, anxiety twisting them with painful twinges of unease. 
Tearing your eyes away from the rose, you drew in a great, shuddering breath, feeling your lungs rattle with the force of the sigh, like bones withering underneath fragile porcelain of supple flesh, and your legs wavered beneath your weight, as though the bones that supported them could no longer hold. Finally drawing enough courage, you lifted a hand to knock on the door, when - 
"Come in." 
A sensually smooth voice sounded from the beyond the stiff, cherry-oak of the door, warm with a false cheeriness (that somehow no-one else was able to detect), raw with power and authority, a rich baritone laden with silks and velvet, creamy like dark chocolate and freshly brewed coffee - bittersweet, with the deep hitch of delicacy as each word passed his lips gracefully, a soothing lull of music blessing your ears, and that familiar, throbbing ache returned to your pounding heart.
Despite the sudden burst of heat that flooded your cheeks scarlet, you were unnerved by the fact that he seemed to be aware of your presence, in spite the door appearing to be closed. You swallowed thickly, and knowing you had no choice but to oblige to the underlying demand (order?), you obeyed. The smooth metal was cool underneath your nimble fingertips as you twisted it, and you felt a chill seep into your veins, slowly coagulating your blood with ice crystals. You'd always felt this way, whenever you'd entered this room, heart plummeting into the pit of your stomach, a sense of foreboding pitting itself in your stomach, shudders trickling down your rigid spine in great abundance. 
Holding the rose behind your back once again, you stepped inside - and was almost immediately greeted by a gust of glacial wind, licking your bare, exposed flesh, rising goose-flesh on your peach-hued skin, and you swallowed once again. 
Seated behind the mahogany desk, with his elbow propped up against the smooth wood, and palm resting against his sharp chin, was your would-to-be-Valentine. 
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of him, a regal king sitting upon his throne of blood and bones. 
Taut, smooth marble stretched upon arching cheekbones that cut deep into porcelain flesh, (which gave him an air of elegance that no-one else seemed to possess), was framed by the rich locks of his mop of copper hair, and hooded eyelids revealed lustrous amethyst optics, thriving with a galaxy of dying stars, cosmic-tinted, and sifting with a luminescent cosmos so painfully beautiful that it hurt to look at. His eyes glinted underneath the warm, dim glow of the rays of the dying sun burning red beyond the panes of glass behind him, gleaming with unveiled cunning and curiosity, his lips curled into that mocking, tight (but undeniably, terribly false leer of a) smile that you loved.
Honey dripped from cold lips, a venom so sickly sweet that you could taste it, rich and thick and bitter on your tongue, ribbons of dark velvet rewarding your eardrums in a gentle caress of satin. 
You faltered.
{You always did.}
Your legs threatened to buckle underneath your weight, and it suddenly felt foreign to stand unsteadily on your feet that wavered and felt like they would succumb to the sudden upsurge of fear and anxiety any time. 
Your skin crawled underneath the fierce intensity of his cold, questioning stare, and you felt as though shards of ice and broken glass shifted underneath your blanching flesh, poking and prodding against your innards and threatening to shatter the fragile porcelain of your skin when they would break out, and the weight of his sharp, icy orbs against your skin was unbearably heavy. 
Gakuho did not speak, but his urge for you to talk was evident in the thickening air, and for a split second, his presence had somehow grown more… sinister, his smile dropping off of his flawless, sculpted face. The ominous silence clouded the atmosphere with a terrible tension, and it strangled you with its gaunt, invisible fingers, stifling you to the point where you couldn't breathe, your heart lodged tightly within your throat, chest contricting underneath the pressure building within your core, and the weight of the rose on your tightening palm, concealed behind your petite frame, never felt much more heavier, burdening you further. 
"I - …" You began, but found yourself unable to continue, the words wilting on your tongue, and your fumbling voice withering at the back of your throat, your mouth suddenly dry.
"Yes, Miss L/N?" He prodded gingerly, coaxing, crooning for you to spill your secret, and the deceptively gentle, calm smile had returned to his curled lips, the corners of his eyes crinkling with the forced falsity of it, almost as though it had never waned in the first place. 
The metaphorical thread of sanity that held yourself intact underneath all the pressure snapped.
Reddened cheeks dancing with flames, you thrusted the rose onto the impossibly smooth, glossy surface of the mahogany desk, and clambered onto your trembling feet for your very grand, impressive escape. 
In the split second before you'd turned your back to the older man, you witnessed the minute widening of his plum hues, the momentary surprise crossing his sharp features contrasting dramatically against the alabaster of his flesh and strands of rich ember, and a small crevice of your mind that was not distracted by the nerves and adrenaline gnawing at you was satisfied by his reaction, and you couldn't help the faint smile that lurked in the corners of your mouth, thinking you'd won.
Then, before you could even fully comprehend what had happened, you found yourself in alarmingly close proximity with your Valentine, to the point where you could feel the unexpected, surprising (you'd always thought he'd feel abnormally cold) warmth of his flesh mingle with yours through the fabric of your uniform, his grasp on your forearm firm and steady, though not enough to bruise or hurt you, the delicate weight of his warm breath licking the outer shell of your ear, soft lips grazing the supple flesh of your earlobe, the brushes of his ember-colored hair tickling your cheek.
You froze, the soles of your feet rooted to the hard marble beneath, eyes widening in shock, a fierce blush burning your face with a sweltering burst of flooding heat, and your aching heart hammered so hard against your ribcage that you feared he'd heard it, threatening to break the bones, the pulsating organ threatening to tear itself out of its domain, and your breath caught in your throat, a soft gasp rattling in your chest.
The intensely powerful, exotic aroma of his perfume hung thick in the shared air between the both of you, caressing your nostrils with a spicy and tropical fragrance that you couldn't quite recognize, but it was quite pleasing nonetheles. However, it only succeeded in making you even more nervous, flustered by the distance, or lack thereof between you and your dashing Valentine. 
"S-sensei, w-wha - " You managed to stutter, but the spark of something igniting within his violet orbs silenced you, and you were left to the mercy of your fluttering pulse thundering in your ears, heart hammering against your heaving chest, breathing growing erratic and rapid, as your teacher's free hand slowly, almost gingerly came to stroke the curves and contours of your youthful face, flawless marble questing fragile flesh for the very first time, brushing fleetingly against the rise of your cheekbones, edging so very, dangerously close to your parted lips.
You couldn't help but shudder underneath his cool touch, relishing the feel of his skin against yours, and you couldn't help yourself as you leaned into the inviting embrace of his palm as it gently cupped your cheek, thumb ghosting over the delicate skin, because, once again, it was an allure you couldn't resist.
Slender, long digits came to rest at the seam of glossy, plump flesh that was your lips, and you forgot how to breathe, and the roar of your thundering heart faded from existence, accompanied by the din of everything else that had deafened you before. 
In those stolen moments of precious intimacy, smoldering, galactic orbs clashed against your lustrous e/c hues, a kaleidoscope of vivid colors melding together as your burning gazes collided, and Gakuho flashed you a mischievous smile before he leaned in, and kissed you.
Honeyed lips dripped nectar as his mouth molded against yours in a perfect synchrony, ripe with the taste of rich, thick wine, that left you feeling dazed, intoxicated in a sense, his soft lips guiding yours with a maturity you'd yet to experience, mellow, silken lips entwining with your own in a tender, chaste caress of velvet and satin. A broad palm came to rest at your rigid spine, drawing sensous circles that comforted and coaxed you to enjoy and feel and cherish, almost as though he knew it was your first kiss, and you knew he'd succeeded, because the complicated whirl of emotion surging through your veins - albeit abstract, was not entirely unpleasant, and left your heart soaring.
For a few treasured moments, time itself stood still, granting you a final mercy as the grains of years and seconds bled away, and the seconds slowly deccelerated, the rest of the world melting away. The harsh reality where he was your teacher and you his student ceased to exist, and it was just the two of you.
But just as quick as it came, Gakuho pulled away, leaving you dumbfounded and breathless, stars burning underneath your eyelids, and heart bursting with a kaleidoscope of emotions, each of which were at their most vulnerable and rawest of points. 
As you stood processing what had just happened in a dazed, thoughtless reverie, your fingers unconsciously wandered to the ample swell of your lips, where the ghosting taste of his lips still lingered, and it was only then that you noticed the warm amusement flickering within his lavender orbs, and the teasing smile that curved his lips.
The awareness of what had just transpired rammed into you with the wrecking force of a freight train, and you shrieked, flailing your arms around madly, face flushed with the blooming color of a thousand roses. Quickly regaining your bearings and whatever amount of sanity and dignity you had left, (if you even possessed any), you dashed towards the door, very nearly stumbling over your steps and almost crashing head-first into the harsh, bleached marble below, your face burning and brain malfunctioning at disbelief of what'd just happened. The indignant voice in your head hollered that it wasn't like you didn't enjoy it, but it'd caught you completely off guard, as you hadn't expected him to reciprocate your feelings, or take such a bold step.
You could feel his stare burning the nape of your neck and you swallowed thickly, not yet ready to face that smug grin and flickering amethyst hues. As you twisted the knob (which suddenly felt very hot underneath your touch), the rich baritone of his voice drifted through the air and reached your ears, making you halt in your steps. 
" Oh, and Y/N?" 
"Y-yes?" You let out a nervous stammer, slowly turning on your heel to meet his amused gaze. Gakuho had returned to his seat, and managed to look even more majestic underneath the dying light of the sun, his copper hair burning a fierce red as the beams of light bathed the rich tufts of umber in swaths of honey-gold and peaches and orange, the flawless, unblemished alabaster of his flesh appearing smooth and marble to curious touch, his star-strewn, cosmic-lidded eyes gleaming with a warm glow, the plum-hued rose held in his hand accentuating his sharp features.
"I hope you cherish my gift to you as much as I treasure yours." He said as his eyes met yours, hints of mischief and playfulness flaring in them, and his lips molded in a lazy, foxy smirk. If you already hadn't felt flustered enough, you were sure that now steam was practically pouring out of your ears, blood rushing to your face in great abundance, so much so that you felt ready to explode.
You managed a feeble smile in return, and threw the door open before flying out of view. However, you couldn't deny the thrill you felt after realizing that Gakuho returned your feelings, and a silly, large grin unfurled on your lips at the heart-warming reminder.
Perhaps the forbidden fruit did taste the best, after all.
Gakuho would never tell you that he had been aware of presence of  the yellow-hued, tentacled creature called Koro-sensei pressed against the glass of his office, and neither would he tell you that he allowed that nosy, perverted matchmaker to spread rumors that he'd kissed you. In fact, his sly smirk broadened, he was counting on it.
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PUPPET: [Upon this blessed day, we bring to you an offering that seeks to satisfy your whims. On behalf of us, servants, we present to you the one which the fates considered worthy: RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS.]
RIDDLE: Happy Birthday. Thank you for having me today.
JUNE: Ugh.
RIDDLE: Pardon. Is there a problem?
JUNE: ... Nah. Forget it. Sit down.
RIDDLE: ... Very well. Thank you again for inviting me over today.
JUNE: It wasn't me.
RIDDLE: I'm sorry?
JUNE: I said it wasn't me. Ya deaf or somethin', huh? I ain't gonna repeat myself!
Settin' up all 'his shit like it actually means anythin', ugh... I told them I don't wanna celebrate my birthday and still...
RIDDLE: I understand... In any case, I was really surprised when the puppet came to summon me like this. I never heard of such an invitation procedure before, to be honest. Though I suppose all sort of odd figures could be unearthed from among the world nowadays. There are rumours of an expedition team seeking out an old kingdom that was said to be submerged underwater, did you know?
JUNE: The hell do I care about 'hat shit? It ain't got nothin' to do with me.
RIDDLE: ... That's true, I suppose.
JUNE: ....
JUNE: ...
RIDDLE: ... The venue looks very nice.
JUNE: It's fine, I guess.
RIDDLE: ... I understand that Galdtrea is the dorm that specializes in caring for plants and magical herbs. We at Heartslaybyul also take care of our own rose garden and maze as decreed by the Queen of Hearts. It's really a lot of hard work. Plants are more fickle than I imagined, but it is very rewarding when they grow up and bloom.
JUNE: ...
RIDDLE: I have a lot of respect for people who dedicate themselves to such a craft.
JUNE: Tch. It ain't 'hat hard to look after stuff. Ya city folks are spoiled, 'hat's all. The venue today... The girls just all worked together for some reason to set it up. It's just some magical plants and all. Ain't 'hat fuckin' hard to realize, ya know?
Can't ya fuckin' tell for yerself, huh?
RIDDLE: ... No, it's still a celebration so it wouldn't do to lose my temper here...
RIDDLE: I was led to understand from this puppet that it was customary to bring a small gift to these events. However, it could not be something that could be bought. It was quite difficult to think of a gift that would be suitable for this occasion, but still, I think that perhaps I have managed to conform to the rules.
JUNE: ... 'hat's this?
RIDDLE: An apple pie that I made myself. Trey informed me that this is your favourite dessert so I thought it might be appropriate for the occasion.
JUNE: ...
RIDDLE: ... It's at least polite to thank somebody for going through all of this. The Queen's rules state that-
JUNE: It's dry.
JUNE: It's dry. Tastes off. And ya didn't use the right kind of apples either.
RIDDLE: Dry? Tastes off? The apples?
... Those were the only kind available...
JUNE: Tch. Fuckin' city boys and their shitty apples. Ain't nobody taught you how to cook either, huh?! Ain't ya 17 or somethin'?!
RIDDLE: That's- !!! I will not stand for this sort of-
JUNE: Ya let the crust burn. Ya gotta watch 'hat carefully or it all goes up in flames, ya got it?! Come.
RIDDLE: Come? What are you talking about? Where should I come? Wait! Where are you-
JUNE: I'mma teach ya how to actually fuckin' bake somethin' right since 'hat four-eyes can't even do it by himself. Bet he just sits 'here with his dumb smug face and makes shitty jokes. Who'd be dumb enough to fall for oyster sauce in tarts, huh?!
... I'd rather be done payin' ya back already so we can move on with this shit.
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RIDDLE: That was a very informative crash course, June-senpai. It always struck me as such, but you seem like a very capable person. Being able to cook and look after yourself like that...
JUNE: ... It ain't much. On the farm we all gotta do our part. Me too.
RIDDLE: I suppose that is true. In such an environment it really makes a difference how many people join in the efforts. As I understood, life on farms tends to involve a lot of gruelling work so I imagine the same must have been true for your own upbringing. I admire that sort of dedication to one's responsibilities.
JUNE: ... Ain't there some sort of game we gotta play, huh?
RIDDLE: Ah, that is true. The puppet did mention that we will have to do something like that. At our Unbirthday parties, we usually play croquet together. So I wonder if it might be something similar to that...
JUNE: Doubt it...
PUPPET: [Shall I proceed with the game instructions?]
RIDDLE: Hm? If you will.
PUPPET: [As requested I shall proceed with the game instructions. This part of the interview will require that I ask a question that June Himalia will answer and which Riddle Rosehearts will be tasked with interpreting.]
RIDDLE: ... I see. I've never been good at this sort of thing but I will try my best nonetheless...
PUPPET: [Question: Picture yourself on a stroll through town. The day is beautiful and you're half-lost in a daydream. You turn onto a street that you've never been down before, and as you walk you pass a beautiful house set somewhat back from the street. Pausing a moment to admire this lovely home, you notice the door is half-open. Why is the door ajar?]
RIDDLE: Why is the door ajar... Could it be that the owner simply forgot to lock it?
JUNE: 'hat kind of moron forgets to lock his own door? Huh? Ain't nobody forgettin' anythin' if they want to make it in life.
RIDDLE: Unexpected accidents like this can happen. It's important to learn how to be patient with people. Even if it's difficult.
JUNE: ... Tch. 'hat's easy for ya to say.
RIDDLE: I'm sorry?
PUPPET: [June Himalia please answer the question so that Riddle Rosehearts may interpret it.]
JUNE: Tch. Ain't it obvious 'hat the place is gettin' robbed, huh?! 'hat's there to even interpret, huh? This 'hole fuckin' thing is just stupid...
People are just dumb and naive and can't fuckin' think for themselves. That's why they rely on others like they can't fuckin' solve anythin' by themselves. Puttin' all 'hat crap on other people's shoulders, ugh...
RIDDLE: ... I think it's important to not get carried away in a crisis just because things seem to feel bleak. Sometimes people make mistakes out of oversight, rather than bad intentions so it's important to hear them out. At least that is what I have learned since the first years came to attend school...
JUNE: Ugh, 'hose two... They're always causin' trouble wherever they go.
RIDDLE: Indeed. But sometimes circumstances are beyond their control and it's important to acknowledge that, I think.
On that note... June-senpai, how did you know who I was talking about?
JUNE: Whatcha mean how do I know, huh? They tried to sneak in here last week and I almost punted them before they ran away. It's those two idiots that always come as a pair, ain't they?
RIDDLE: Yes... It is indeed them. I was not aware of this fact, however... Thank you for letting me know.
JUNE: Tch... Just make sure you teach them some manners. Tryin' to sneak into my dorm like 'hat. I went to throw 'hat freakin' statue after them and it broke. Now I gotta pay for the damages...
That's why stickin' with others is just...
As long as I got my plants and my garden I ain't need no fuckin' city apartment to leave the door open. Fuckin' idiots... No wonder they can't do anythin' right. People just gotta accept their limitations...
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PUPPET: [Please proceed to the last part of the interview.]
RIDDLE: Very well. I will ask the last question then.
"If you were stuck on a deserted island with somebody, who would you want it to be?"
JUNE: No one.
RIDDLE: That... You should at least attempt to answer it...
JUNE: Tch. If I had to... Diana.
RIDDLE: Diana-senpai? Ah, now that you mention it...
JUNE: She's smart and capable. Can hunt and survive in the wilderness. And I've seen her taking naps with the animals on campus.
RIDDLE: Taking naps? How is that relevant?
JUNE: The weather up here is shit. It's always cold or some fuckin' sylphs are droppin' in like it's nobody's business and it's fuckin' annoyin'!
RIDDLE: I see... And Diana-senpai doesn't mind?
JUNE: Nah. She ain't mindin' anythin' at all, which is freaky as hell, but in the circumstances, it's the best thing ya can get. If I get stuck on a fuckin' island I want somebody who can adapt to that place, ya know? Who can hunt and not mind the weather. And won't be losin' her head over shit like some of the others would.
And she'll be quiet.
RIDDLE: It's true that I haven't seen her speak that much.
JUNE: Yeah. She's the quiet sort. It's good. There's too many yappin' shits around here and it's giving me a headache...
Besides... She's calm.
JUNE: Even when I start to rage, she doesn't seem to mind it at all... She doesn't look scared either. Just tells me to calm down like it's nothin'. Nobody has the guts to do 'hat to me.
Even back in her first year she didn't give a shit. She was smaller too back 'hen and I could have ripped her head off, but she just stood 'here and stared at me like it didn't matter who I was... It was nice.
RIDDLE: Nice? What do you mean?
JUNE: I ain't some fuckin' brute, ya know... It's just 'hat sometimes...
RIDDLE: June-senpai?
RIDDLE: ... I think it's best that we finish the interview also.
PUPPET: [Congratulations. The interview portion has been completed. Please proceed to the last event of the celebrations. A bottle has already been prepared for you.]
JUNE: ...
RIDDLE: ... Then, if you don't mind...
JUNE: Just get it over with... This whole day ain't been nothin' but a waste of time...
I hate this day, ugh...
RIDDLE: I understand. Then, I apologize but hopefully, it does not end up upsetting you too much.
Happy Birthday, June Himalia!
[champagne pops]
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Afternoon Janis: ugh, been here that long? 😒 Jimmy: Flown by, has it? Janis: been delightful Janis: must get back more often Janis: what are you doing, tell me its something equally as shit Jimmy: 🐕🏃💩 Jimmy: and trying to ask you a question Janis: go on then Janis: just make sure it ain't stupid Jimmy: Do you know owt about this fair that's about 'cause Cass won't shut up saying she's gonna go in a bit Janis: oh yeah Janis: up on the big playing fields Janis: every fucker goes, probably why she wanna Jimmy: Alright so every dickhead like there'll be kids she knows from school there or every dickhead like she's gonna get murdered? Janis: awh Janis: like the cool kids are allowed to go down with a fiver on their own and the less cool kids have their parents hovering in the back Janis: she'll be good, won't kidnap her make her work the rides, like Jimmy: 👌 Janis: kid would probably like it and all though Janis: and I wouldn't advise letting him go alone, or with Cass to be promptly dumped when he ain't tall enough for the decent rides Jimmy: I'm not my dad Jimmy: @ him with that advice Janis: don't remind me Janis: 💔 Jimmy: Well you're uninvited now so 💔 is right Janis: don't be like that Janis: you know you want me to win you a 🧸 Jimmy: Don't be trying to butter me up 'cause you know Ian couldn't win owt Jimmy: proper fickle you Janis: called keeping you on your toes Janis: but if you can't keep up, like Jimmy: and this is called putting you in your place, dickhead Jimmy: 🥇 and 1st choice me, tah Janis: not that I don't love the self-worth Janis: but don't be tearing me down for it Janis: I'm 🥇 forever Jimmy: you'll need to get used to it if you're planning to be with him Janis: not the plan Jimmy: You coming with us then or what? Janis: sure Janis: anything to get out of here and it sounds vaguely wholesome so they'll get off my case Janis: when you going? Jimmy: Tell them you have to so it don't look like I'm on Cass' case Jimmy: then she gets to be 😎 an' all Jimmy: How soon can you get here without being in more trouble for it? Jimmy: Can't be a really late late one if Bob's coming Janis: yeah, that'll swing it Janis: vaguely irresponsible childcare is their shit Janis: gimme 10 to convince them and like, 20 to meet you there Janis: be quicker Jimmy: 👍 Janis: she got a group of mates she hangs with or what Jimmy: or what Janis: still a laugh Janis: get us in for free too Jimmy: I didn't realise Grace was a paid 🤡 Jimmy: all that makeup makes loads more sense now Janis: 😏 Janis: she just shares foundation with her white friends #aspirationalshades Janis: nah but I know how to avoid the entrance/fee so don't go in without me Jimmy: I wouldn't dream of it, babe Janis: 💕 Jimmy: You gonna wear a 🌹 for me, Juliet or am I gonna have to try and remember what you look like? Janis: no way to go about getting me to wear anything for you, boy Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: might get a few 👀 and 😳 if you turn up with nowt on, girl Janis: you got dad jokes now Janis: every day we get further away from 😎 boy Jimmy: 45 and single would be more depressing, don't you reckon? Janis: no one's 😂 at that, fair Jimmy: See, know what I'm doing, me Janis: master planner, yeah Jimmy: Not done a bad one yet, like Janis: depends on your definition, that Jimmy: Depends on yours Jimmy: I said what I said Janis: hot Jimmy: that your plan is it? Janis: hm? Jimmy: Challenge accepted Jimmy: I've got the stamina for all night 😍😍🤤🤤 easy Janis: don't need to fake it Janis: 💀👑 and co aren't gonna be there chowing down on a dirty burger to go pukeup on the waltzer Janis: probs Jimmy: now that's hot Jimmy: warn me next time if you're gonna throw around words that paint such vivid pictures Janis: you're the poet 'round here, got it 😏 Jimmy: not any more 💔🎻 Janis: awh come on, you like it when I'm on top really 🏆 Jimmy: You're just on a roll then, yeah? Jimmy: Couldn't stop with the poetry if you wanted to Jimmy: Alright fine, keep talking Jimmy: You've got me all 👂 Janis: if I was really rolling with it, I'd say that's not the part of you I most wanna affect Janis: but we're being wholesome this evening Jimmy: Oi, I signed nowt agreeing to that Janis: 🥇 brother, babe Jimmy: 😒😒😒 Janis: I know Janis: but that'll be Cass if you don't give her space and what the kid don't know won't hurt him so Janis: not all doom and gloom Jimmy: I know an' all Jimmy: she's told me every chance she gets how shit her hols have been Jimmy: but I don't remember signing owt that makes them my problem Janis: wouldn't be a kid if she didn't say that Janis: never live up to the hype of not being stuck in a shithole for 6 hours a day, like Jimmy: she needs to delete her socials even more than I do Jimmy: all them dickheads putting 💡 and #s in her head that I can't compete with and Ian ain't trying to Janis: it's the worst Janis: either in some all-inclusive in spain or having shopping sprees and sleepovers every day, yeah Janis: when in reality they're filling their pockets with bread rolls for lunch at the breakfast buffet or stealing hairbands from penneys Janis: can have a word, if you want Janis: girl's shit, really Jimmy: she'd deck you, mate Jimmy: Tah from me though Jimmy: do my best to protect you and that gorgeous face Janis: 😏 Janis: I have tact, you know Jimmy: I know, but you don't know her Jimmy: she's Janis: no worries Janis: not like I'm dying to Jimmy: that'll be mutual Jimmy: had to stop her sending 💀💀💀 threats to my ex Jimmy: only allowed to laugh about it when she's out the room Janis: it's nice Janis: that you're all close like that Jimmy: it's necessary when your dad's a bellend and your mum ain't about Jimmy: it'd be nice if she had some mates Janis: it'll happen Jimmy: not if she keeps holding her fucking breath on us going back Jimmy: she won't get it through her head that it ain't gonna happen Janis: pretty standard too ain't it Janis: when you don't wanna be somewhere Janis: sure someone can deal with being her 'temporary' mate and break through Jimmy: We could be gone tomorrow and it won't matter Jimmy: problem for another place Jimmy: and different kids Janis: you reckon Jimmy: ? Janis: well, ain't that the same idea Cass has got Jimmy: I said, she's keeping hold of the wrong one Janis: yeah but what's the difference Janis: she reckons you're going back, you reckon you're going on Janis: fact is, you're probably stuck for the forseeable Jimmy: Difference is, she'll get 💔 Janis: and you wont Jimmy: Why would I? Janis: Don't know Janis: asking you Jimmy: I'm not the one expecting my old mates to put themselves on pause or my mum to be waiting with open arms to fix owt Janis: no Janis: it's fucked Janis: but what can you do Jimmy: move on Janis: right Jimmy: How much 💰💰 should I actually give her for this bollocks? Janis: tenner? Jimmy: 👍 Janis: what did your ex do then Jimmy: For a job? Clothes shop Janis: to warrant 💀 threats, idiot Jimmy: Does owt warrant death threats? Janis: loads Jimmy: There you go, she did loads then Janis: alright Jimmy: What you asking about her for? Janis: said it was 😂 Jimmy: What Cass reckons she can get away with always is Jimmy: usually does an' all, to make it funnier Janis: see, nice Janis: outside a shop, you want anything or should I keep 🏃 Jimmy: crack on Janis: 👍 Janis: you're excited to get your vom on, I get it Jimmy: Gotta keep 💀👑 #invested Janis: you know your 😎 went through the roof when you deleted Janis: just part of the master plan, not stupid, like Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: you're meant to say you did it for me Janis: 💔 Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: everything I do is for you and you know it 💕 Janis: better be Janis: can report on how #ungoals you've become at any time Janis: be warned Jimmy: That meant to scare me? I ain't the one who easily does, my dear Janis: 😑 Janis: such a dickhead Jimmy: you Jimmy: I still like you though Janis: never done anything wrong, thank you Janis: 'cept liking you, maybe Janis: such a bad boy after-all Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: not tonight, you said Janis: that don't sound like me Janis: you sure? Jimmy: have a read back if you don't wanna take my word Janis: maybe you're not you Janis: sounding a lot like a 🤓 rn Jimmy: Piss off Janis: prove me wrong Jimmy: come here Janis: [does 'cos always saying shit when she's nearly there ofc] Jimmy: [soz siblings he's got something to prove so look away] Janis: [just like ewww lmao, at least she's gonna sneak you in the back so earning some points back] Jimmy: [Cass will be impressed by that deffo] Janis: [prove you ain't lame babe] Jimmy: [#notlikehisex] Janis: [just denying he has siblings 'cos not got the time lol] Jimmy: [mhmmm] Janis: [we all know the sort] Jimmy: [soz that you're too busy fucking half the north including your dad's mate, babe] Janis: [oosh, not a mood, unlike playing all these funfair games 'cos competitive] Jimmy: [I love it, he should win her a bear to go with the one he stole lol] Janis: [yasss, also Bobby needs to have a go on the hook a duck 'cos easy and be buzzin' about it] Jimmy: [my fave and yeah they should both help him do some of the other games cos team effort] Janis: [lil squad] Jimmy: [win him over so casually Janis, love that for you] Janis: [kids are easily won over if you aren't OTT/or just plain rude either way] Jimmy: [nevertheless Jimmy would be hardcore 😍 cos nobody else has bothered] Janis: [what a gay old time, what should happen, should anyone else be here ooh possibilities] Jimmy: [oooh fair point, we could always have Grace be if we don't wanna the drama of the others cos her and Mia had that domestic so] Janis: [why not although why are you here girl, just straight chilling lol] Jimmy: [feasible she could be with a lad and we know it wouldn't be goals so makes them more goals] Janis: [awkward, at least you can't fully doubledate it 'cos there are children here also but could put Bobby on them for a sec so they can go on a decent ride alone] Jimmy: [that was the thought I had cos Grace loves kids that's heartbreaking true facts] Janis: [poor babe] Jimmy: [and if Bobby don't hate her we can use her as a babysitter when we need at other points too haha] Janis: [shameless] Jimmy: [I dread to think the lad she is with ugh honey no] Janis: [ditch him for this child lowkey] Jimmy: [she would and that's the tea] Janis: [go on all those big kid rides lads] Jimmy: Do I need to pick up our kid and leg it?  👀 Janis: she'll be fine Janis: got enough around that you have to be semi-competent, like Jimmy: 🥇 recommendation that, babe Janis: you want her to give you references Janis: like I'd let her if she was gonna fuck it up Jimmy: and what if that twat she were with comes back? Janis: doubt he's a child snatcher, even if he is a twat Janis: can go back, if you're worried but seriously, it's fine Jimmy: Alright, shut up Jimmy: it's just Jimmy: I have to look out for him Jimmy: no fucker else is Janis: I'm not taking the piss Janis: honest Janis: I promise she knows what she's doing, yeah Jimmy: At least if 💀👑 appears we'll have a valid excuse to finally kill her Janis: yeah? Janis: wouldn't be caught dead saying she's got sweets in her car though Janis: 🐶s maybe but definitely have a dog walker and just take sweet 'grams of it Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: surrounded by bitches, her Janis: always, just don't let babysitter hear you Janis: bit rude Jimmy: You better shut me up then Jimmy: [pulling her into a kiss obvs] Janis: [just have your moment, I like to think they're on a ferris wheel which 100% they could all go on so you didn't need to do that alone but you did for the romance] Jimmy: [that's so cute though, I like to also think about how before they would've taken so many pics for the fans but now it's either none or just actually for them] Janis: [truly, we love the fake time but it is a cluster fuck for yous] Jimmy: [just have a nice time making out to make use of your alone time you two, I'd say bang but too many peeps would see you] Janis: [like when someone got a beej on the coachella one and the clip was everywhere lmao] Jimmy: [omg what really!? amazing] Janis: [yes and everyone thought it was james charles, giving, I think and he had to be like no lol] Jimmy: [iconic] Jimmy: [then get on them cray rides and try not to 🤢 your candy floss boyyy] Janis: [imagine, sexy] Jimmy: [he won't he only voms when other peeps do so as long as nobody else does when they get off lol] Janis: [just running so you don't see 'cos peeps always do, bless] Jimmy: [gotta be tough and impress the bae] Janis: [know they're having a lovely time] Jimmy: [I'm glad we chose this now, v them but also Cass and Bobby would be living for it so] Janis: [it's a good idea, and like a reasonable everyday life vibe like not everyone is living lavish or being wild as hell it's not a thing, don't wanna be those bitches] Jimmy: [and even Grace would be having a good time so that makes me happy cos I'm so mean to her haha] Janis: [poor grace, bobby should give her his prize 'cos janis has that massive bear] Jimmy: [when a 6 year old is nicer to you than any lad you've been with, god bless] Janis: [don't cry girl] Jimmy: [so glad you've made a real friend babe even though he's a bub] Janis: [meanwhile don't get carried away you two, can't leave him with her forever] Jimmy: [do get a bit carried away though cos you're still you] Janis: [obvs, should go on some funhouse vibe thing, you know where the floors move and mirror mazes, that kinda vibe] Janis: [get lost for a bit] Jimmy: [a mood] Janis: [just being shameless in those dark corners honey] Jimmy: [you gotta cos these kids are gonna have had too much sugar, they ain't going to bed early lol] Janis: [oh ian, if only you were about to dump that mess on] Jimmy: [omg what if he is about with a lady friend and we ruin it] Jimmy: [casually trying to have a glass of wine but think again] Janis: [hahaha why not, any chance to piss him off] Jimmy: [my thoughts exactly] Janis: [plenty of places they can do if he throws a strop later] Jimmy: [yeah true and that could be a mood in itself if we want, plus Cass would let y'all back in eventually cos you are in her good books rn] Janis: [gotta gang up on Ian always on principle] Jimmy: [the real squad goals] Janis: [truly, is there any other shennanigans we want at the fair that we should document in here] Jimmy: [he should be a 🦋 cos such a basic white girl thing lol] Janis: [yasss lmao] Jimmy: [what are you gonna pick girl?] Janis: [hmm 🐍] Jimmy: [gonna have to shower together later to take that off, what a shame] Janis: [oh no 😏] Jimmy: [not soz about your water bill Ian] Jimmy: [oh they should get food so they can sit for a bit] Janis: [yas, there's all the trash food at the fair] Jimmy: [we all know they could eat it walking but they wanna be cute] Janis: [make the most of that time kids] Jimmy: 👍? Janis: [when your mouth probably is that full so you can't talk lol] Janis: 👍 Janis: 😋🤤 Jimmy: were talking about the grub but go on 💕😏 Janis: 🙄😏 Janis: you're alright too, I guess Jimmy: 🥇🦋 me Janis: better put the grwm up asap Jimmy: [looks around dramatically as if Grace is gonna be summoned by the phrase GRWM like shhh] Janis: [lols] Janis: don't tempt fate Jimmy: you Janis: [mimes 🤐] Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I'm trying to talk to you Janis: a bad date, you know that Jimmy: cheap ain't bad to me, rich girl Jimmy: you're alright Janis: [a look] Jimmy: [always keeping that eye contact going] Janis: ['I-'] Jimmy: ['yeah, you'] Janis: [nudges him like oi but shakes her head] Jimmy: [nudges her back and nods] Janis: trying to talk to you, you know Jimmy: Go on then Janis: can't Jimmy: Why? Janis: [mimes 🤐 again but we know that ain't it sis] Jimmy: [mimes unzipping her lips and does the thing where you brush your thumb over the bottom one at the same time] Janis: [goes to kiss him like let's do that instead tah] Jimmy: [leans in like he's gonna let it happen but then whispers in her ear instead 'say something' but is then loving upon her 👂 cos love a throwback and a mood] Janis: [when that took you by surprise and you're failing to hide that so you just kinda blurt out 'I've had a really good time' then you're so 😒😳 at yourself] Jimmy: [actual kisses that she can feel him smiling during because same] Janis: [being appreciate af for all the reasons tbh but mainly that he didn't take the piss then] Jimmy: [It's a MOMENT for all the reasons] Janis: [between kisses 'I didn't just come to help you, you know that, yeah?'] Jimmy: [kissing her harder because you know but that don't mean you know what to say, tables have quickly turned lol] Janis: [can always rely on a makeout sesh when words fail] Jimmy: [live your best lives kids] Janis: we should probably go back yeah Jimmy: [when you shamelessly don't wanna so you're just keeping the love going like you didn't read that] Janis: ['Jimmy' hardly making him stop though 'cos you're not dying to go yourself] Jimmy: ['just gimme one more...' are you gonna say minute or second or kiss or what boy?] Janis: ['I'm not going anywhere'] Jimmy: [this boy is actually DYING like the noise he would make we can only imagine because that was so the right thing to say] Janis: [shhing him with your finger but you're 😍] Jimmy: ['let's go somewhere-' getting that finger in his mouth like he did when he was drunk but drunk in love instead honey 'for a bit'] Janis: [your turn to make some noises, just nodding like we gotta, 'they'll call if they need us, yeah'] Jimmy: [just lowkey dragging her away but still kissing so watch out crowds of peeps] Janis: [always causing a scene] Jimmy: [not even trying to this time, ILY you two] Janis: [just that highkey] Jimmy: [they should probably go back soon though fr] Janis: [sad but yes] Jimmy: [Grace will be gutted to lose her new bestie] Janis: [we should do a convo with them] Jimmy: [why not tbh] Janis: [by which I mean grace and janis, not grace and bobby, soz babe lol] Jimmy: [hahaha don't worry babe we'll make sure you stay in touch with that lil man] Janis: [going to need to find cass] Jimmy: [start sending those texts boy] Janis: [you know she gonna be cheeky and try and stay out longer tis her prerrogative] Jimmy: [mhm it'll be like in Euphoria when they have to search for her sister but less drama lol] Janis: [yes don't need to be that concerned, yet] Jimmy: [put Bobby on your shoulders so he can look for her like that scary grass movie] Janis: [that was a time] Jimmy: [I'VE JUST REALISED TWIX IS ALL ALONE AT HOME AND NOW I'M FORLORN] Janis: [my boo says noooooo lmao] Jimmy: [I hope she's destroyed Ian's stuff tbh] Janis: [start the hate train honey, they'll be back soon] Jimmy: [we can probably assume that its not far if he lives near school cos usually on the field like] Janis: [my thoughts, it won't be far] Jimmy: [I like to think that Bobby is chatting the whole way cos had the best time and is buzzing] Janis: [he deserves that, also Jimmy to not be getting an earful, thanks kids] Jimmy: You had a good time then? Janis: oi Jimmy: What? Janis: don't take the piss Jimmy: ? Janis: I told you I did Jimmy: So what that's all you're gonna say about it? Janis: what would you like me to say Jimmy: Why don't you have owt to say to me today? Janis: I've said loads to you Jimmy: Alright Janis: what Janis: soz I'm not known for my conversation Jimmy: I said alright Janis: 'cos that means it is Jimmy: if it weren't, I'd say Janis: alright Jimmy: No need to be a dickhead Janis: can't win with you Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: do you wanna say something or what Jimmy: Are you waiting for me to say something? Janis: for god's sake Jimmy: Don't have a go at me Janis: Well this is just stupid Jimmy: Obviously Jimmy: forget I said owt Janis: whatever Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 👌 Jimmy: [lets get them in the gaff cos that won't be awks hi Ian] Janis: [already in such a good mood, least he can't do shit if he's got a bird in, pretend he ain't raging like] Jimmy: [Cass just asking if he paid her to be here like she always does] Janis: [just there trying not to lol but not trying that hard like 😏] Jimmy: told you she were funny Janis: didn't doubt it Janis: boy's on one too with his sugar high Jimmy: never a bad plan me, told you that an' all Janis: you can't claim credit for this Jimmy: Why? Janis: let him have his moment all to himself, you diva Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Janis: stage mum vibes, tbh Jimmy: If that's your way of bowing out of karaoke night down the local Jimmy: so subtle you Janis: just 'cos I ain't Beyonce, don't mean I couldn't own you Janis: and likewise Jimmy: come on then Jimmy: I fancy a drink even more now you've promised me a show with it Janis: seriously Janis: drink, fine Jimmy: 🙀? Janis: 1. I doubt the local even has a karaoke night Janis: 2. are you gonna as well Jimmy: 1. it does and it's happening right now Jimmy: 2. What you scared for? All paddys have the voice of a 😇 so I've heard Jimmy: 3. like a choir boy me Janis: 1. just kill me now, romeo Janis: 2. not scared, just not a MASSIVE show-off like you 🤷😉 Janis: 3. more like the priest, perv Jimmy: Stop stalling, girl Janis: ugh Janis: get your coat then, mate Jimmy: [grabs his jacket but throws it at her because he's tough obvs lol] Janis: ['hide in it when you embarrass me' and mimics as much] Jimmy: ['hide your blushes when you embarrass yourself more like'] Janis: ['given you no reason to doubt me, deny that'] Jimmy: ['You can piss off if you reckon I have'] Janis: ['did I say that?'] Jimmy: [pushes her along like come on but playfully not like #problematic] Janis: [pushes back but when they're out the door pulls him back into her 'you gonna still fancy me if its really bad?'] Jimmy: ['You were warned that you'd be dumped for not keeping shit goals' but pulls her even closer to him] Janis: [pouts, 'knew you were just waiting for an excuse'] Jimmy: ['an excuse to stay off the socials for a bit maybe' does the biting of the pouty lip kiss thing for what I think is the first time omg 'you still gonna cheer me on if you're the only dickhead watching?'] Janis: ['won't livestream it' 🤞 and into that, a lot 'I'll have to get over my heartbreak, real fast but yeah, you're a mate'] Jimmy: [🚬 even though its not remotely far to the pub, we know the drill she's getting one lit first even though he didn't ask if she wanted one] Janis: ['get me a couple shots of whiskey when we get there and my voice should be-' does the chef's kiss thing] Jimmy: [gives her a look like what'll take for you to believe in my best laid plans #cheeky cos he didn't plan that vocal advantage at all lol] Janis: [shakes head 'nah, you like winning too much...' pauses like she's working it out then gasps dramatically 'OH MY GOD- ARE YOU PETE'S SINGER?! If he's there, all bets are off, need at least 2 weeks to rehearse my number properly'] Jimmy: [lols before he can stop himself even though the jealousy of thinking she wants to fuck Pete is so real] Janis: ['you should know how long stage costumes take to make, mommy' pushes into his side but kisses his cheek whilst she's at it] Jimmy: [😏 to hide the jealousy 😒 mood 'oi, it's daddy or nowt, tah'] Janis: [lols 'yeah right'] Jimmy: [get in that pub and order that whiskey boy its really not far] Janis: [i need to think of a song damn] Jimmy: [he is blatantly doing romeo and juliet by dire straits cos MUST] Janis: [i so knew hmm] Janis: [have to do some prince, go off honey] Jimmy: [let's say he goes first so he don't have to follow her after she's slayed the game] Janis: [we all know it's gonna be adorable also excuse me i think they still have their face paint on Janis: lmao the pub peeps like oh god] Jimmy: [omg yes because fled from Ian so haven't showered yet] Janis: [oh boys i love that for you] Jimmy: [when he's gonna be so 😍😍😍 at her talent though bye] Janis: [when you wouldn't think you were anything special 'cos your role in the fam ain't that, same with art, like there's always someone that's better than you] Jimmy: [literally also Grace's mood even before she had Mia as a friend to put her down but she's GOOD and I'm mad at Cali for having so many talented beautiful kids tbh] Jimmy: Pete's fucked up if you ain't his lead singer, Jules Jimmy: 💔 we didn't livestream now to @ him and all his bandmates Janis: I ain't Janis: no accounting for taste but don't reckon his love of rock chicks goes as deep as face tats Janis: 💔 you look so pretty Jimmy: [lols and genuine smiles] Jimmy: Oi, I'm serious Janis: and I ain't? Janis: psh, think the auld fella in the corner was 😢 at your rendition Janis: probably thinking 'bout the ex, and the kids Jimmy: Seriously take the compliment then Jimmy: I don't mean it like my ex shattering the shower glass and reckoning she's Mariah when all she is is a menace to local 🐕s Jimmy: You're Jimmy: proper good Janis: [is 😳 but trying to play it off for both their sakes] Janis: if any pint glasses hit the deck, that weren't me Janis: back me up, yeah Jimmy: we're a team, I don't get to do nowt else Jimmy: [goes to get her celebratory drinks because swag bitch] Jimmy: I'll take your well subtle hint though brb Janis: is that your subtle hint you ain't happy being my backup singer? Janis: it's an important if overlooked job, babe Jimmy: not to you Jimmy: I'd have to go full poltergeist to get noticed at all Janis: but baby Janis: always shared the spotlight before Jimmy: I meant what I just said Janis: I know but Janis: idk what to say so Jimmy: shut up and let me get a word in then Jimmy: or just drink this Jimmy: [boy returns] Janis: bit rude Janis: [but takes drink happily and takes big swig like okay let's hear it] Jimmy: bit fuming that you've been sitting on a talent that massive Jimmy: [takes a swig of his drink too which I like to think is something he made up like when my brother put shots of apple sours in a pint of strongbow and got one for me so I started doing it too on nights out and blew my friends minds] Jimmy: [casually made it up on the spot just then for her and her victory cos he's that bitch] Janis: [yas, love that for you guys, just doing a 'not bad' face 'cos you can't place what it is fully but you like it] Janis: why? Janis: should we monetize it, like 💰💰💰 Jimmy: You ain't in owt for the cash, always hearing it from you, rich girl Janis: don't remember putting it like that tah but alright, you can still be 😠😠😠 Jimmy: Tah for giving me permission to out diva you, babe Jimmy: give it my best off the stage anyway Janis: [😏] Jimmy: hit more high notes then an' all Janis: [lols] Janis: shh Janis: make me 😳 Jimmy: Best laid plans Jimmy: you know that one's my fave Janis: you're mine Janis: [pop off sis, you must be tipsy, but quickly drink some more to be sure] Jimmy: [when you were taking a drink and nearly choke to death] Janis: [when you wanna die but are casually smacking him on his back so he don't like oh god] Jimmy: 💀💀💀 me you will Janis: don't Jimmy: don't is right, we're meant to go together Janis: then focus on breathing Janis: preferably when there's 🚱 Jimmy: No need, I come alive for you remember Jimmy: I only stop breathing when you ain't about Janis: still the poet Jimmy: still got a 🥇 muse Janis: 'course Janis: say I'm the Cher to your Sonny but no need to throw those allegations around Jimmy: Do throw me a warning if you're gonna go around being that stunning and good at loads more things though, yeah? Janis: should've got a ⚠ not a 🐍 noted Jimmy: [traces along the 🐍 with a fingertip lightly and oh so casually] Janis: [sighs blissfully and closes her eyes 'cos touch but also a mixed sigh of that and frustration 'cos-] Janis: am I ever gonna be able to tell what you mean and what you don't Jimmy: You could ask me Janis: every five seconds, that'd get old fast Jimmy: I've got a little brother and a puppy, it's nowt I couldn't handle Janis: Yeah, well want those to be the comparisons you go to Jimmy: Baby Janis: don't worry, it's a me problem Janis: not you Jimmy: I like you, that makes it my problem too Jimmy: if you don't know Janis: It's like Janis: I know you wanna fuck me Janis: and I know we have a laugh too Janis: there's just lots of stuff that doesn't strictly fit into either of those catergories Jimmy: Alright so gimme an example Janis: we're gonna sit here and sort it all out, are we? Janis: ain't there anything else you'd rather with your night of freedom Jimmy: Why not? Janis: [shakes head] Janis: we could fuck Janis: or have fun Janis: or a combination of the two Janis: easy Jimmy: If that's what you want Janis: well not if you don't Janis: not the point Jimmy: I never said I don't Janis: you didn't say what you do wanna do with tonight though Janis: think about it, imma go take a piss Janis: [run girl run] Jimmy: [downing that drink, fun times] Janis: [takes a bold amount of time for a piss and when she comes back she's taken the snake off] Jimmy: [he's at the bar ordering more drinks obvs but gotta NOTICE like the whole world stops honey, just staring at her not at all casually from across] Janis: [just looking back for the longest time] Janis: a good choice Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: pisshead Jimmy: You're one to try and talk Janis: psh Janis: can't take back singing your praises about mine, honey 🎤 Jimmy: Oh I weren't Jimmy: if owt it makes it more impressive that you can carry a tune Jimmy: still 🤐 Janis: love a backhanded compliment, you Janis: not gonna shout across this bar Jimmy: not gonna say nowt Jimmy: you can save your excuses Janis: what you being such a dick for Jimmy: [comes back with the drinks as if that means he isn't a moody hoe okay then] Janis: [just looking at him like go on then] Jimmy: I don't get you Janis: what don't you get? Jimmy: sometimes you're so with me it feels like taking a massive breath Jimmy: and that I could live off it for days Jimmy: but then Janis: [looks away] Janis: I can't always be here Janis: that's how it's been long as it's worth remembering Jimmy: Do you wanna be here? Jimmy: this now Jimmy: do you even want it? Janis: wanting shit is Janis: dangerous Jimmy: [gets up to go without finishing that drink even] Janis: ['hey'] Jimmy: [ignoring her in a not at all casual manner] Janis: ['stop' and getting up to follow] Jimmy: [outside and lighting a 🚬 but none for you Janis cos ultimate shade] Janis: ['are you gonna fucking talk to me or even look at me?'] Jimmy: [a stare down moment like] Janis: [holding it 'I didn't say I didn't want it, just that it's dangerous, I still do'] Jimmy: [just giving her such a look because he knows how dangerous it is to want anything too obvs] Janis: ['and it ain't just about wanting either, I told you, sometimes I can't, even if I'm physically here...and that's not 'cos I don't wanna be, it's just-' shrugs 'like I said, how it's been, from before you were here'] Jimmy: [passes her the 🚬] Janis: [just the longest drag of all time 'a me problem, I told you'] Jimmy: ['I've got my own, I ain't standing here crossing my fingers that you're some perfect lass or reckoning that I'm world class enough to cross all yours out'] Janis: ['I know, like I know you're meant to carry on and do things in spite of but that don't mean it's as easy as it sounds does it'] Jimmy: [shakes his head cos again #relatable and he does know. Takes the 🚬 back and takes his own big drag 'I just know that I want you, as much of a challenge, or not, as it is to keep on dating you'] Janis: ['You know I want you too, I said it first, not changed'] Jimmy: ['do it properly with me then'] Janis: ['are we dating then?'] Jimmy: ['Do you want to?'] Janis: [a look like why do I need to answer always, boy 'I don't know, what's it like?'] Jimmy: ['Dating me? Hang on, I'll give my ex a bell and you can hear it from her'] Janis: [🙄 'Well, she'll obviously put me off, wants you back'] Jimmy: [🙄 back] Janis: ['would it be like this?'] Jimmy: ['Are you gonna get more or less jealous when you're my real girlfriend?'] Janis: ['What do you mean?' Jimmy: ['Are you gonna send her death threats or a sorry for your loss card, like?'] Janis: ['Cass has got your covered, ain't she'] Jimmy: ['So?'] Janis: [squirming 'cos you are jealous but don't wanna say but don't wanna lie and 'come on'] Jimmy: [up in her grill as he likes to be 'you'] Janis: [ just staring at his lips so hardcore and biting her own 'it is her loss but I'm not gonna bother with the card, alright?'] Jimmy: [touching her bottom lip like he did earlier but pressing harder with his thumb than he did then 'just bother with me, no-one else'] Janis: [the noise she makes would be unholy 'cos the sheer tension 'that's already how it is, you're the only one I give a fuck about' ang gotta put that thumb in your mouth for the parallel] Jimmy: [a likewise unholy sound from him because of what she said and more noise because of what she did, trying to say fuck or something but its just a legit moan how he always does] Janis: ['you're so fucking hot' actually completing that sentence for once well done but the butterfly is gonna be ruined by how hard she goes in for this kiss 'I've never wanted anyone this bad, okay'] Jimmy: [shamelessly going hard up against the wall of this pub which anyone could walk out of at any time, love that for them] Janis: [safe to say after your performances lads, you do not give a fuck to begin with, never mind now Jimmy: [all he cares about is showing her that he's never wanted anyone this bad either, not soz passersby] Janis: [you've seen worse, you'll live everyone, they might die however] Jimmy: [they are gonna die cos you know he's gotta say her name and we know what that does] Janis: [rip, how do they go so hard but stay so soft too] Jimmy: [#goals 5ever] Jimmy: [like picture the scene, they are already going off dry humping against this wall cos god forbid you stop for a few mins so you can walk back but like of course he's gonna make it more extra by just slipping a hand so subtly under that waistband- stay inside for a bit please pub peeps- cos again god forbid you have some chill boy when you can stop kissing her at that exact moment to hear everything as you do. RIP to you both and ILY]] Janis: [arching her back and pushing into his hand 'cos 'fuck, Jimmy!' when you gotta turn your head to the side and bite your lip even harder 'cos trying to be quiet as standard] Jimmy: [How beautiful she'd look though bye, gotta bite her lip too and anywhere else you want so you don't get too extra with your words as well as your actions] Janis: [just putting your arms around his neck so you don't die] Jimmy: [we know he's dying too girl it's okay] Janis: [making eye contact to be like 'I missed you' don't know where either of you has been but okay] Jimmy: [we can assume he's had at least some time as a barista so it's fine lol 'I-me too'] Janis: [she probs means when she mentally goes away so I get it babe it's okay but probably kiss him so you shh] Jimmy: [all the kisses always tbh] Janis: [doing a lil lol at his face when you pull away 'cos they'd both be covered in paint now] Jimmy: [shameless excuse to touch her face and hair with his free hand though which is his soft boy fave so] Janis: [just having a time how are you ever gonna find the will to move lmao] Jimmy: [they so won't we might have to say some peeps come out of the pub, but imma let you finish or bit rude] Janis: [that would put an end to anything, drunk dickheads] Jimmy: [at least you don't have far to go home fr] Janis: [good luck getting straight in your room tho] Jimmy: [do finally have that shower tho, state of yous] Janis: [let's hope ian is dealing with the kids] Jimmy: [he'd have to unless that woman left then it's a free for all/Cass is sorting it] Janis: [want both him and them distracted ideally so make it happen world] Jimmy: [agreed]
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augustleofamily · 5 years
So anti's are really out here talking out there asses I see. I can't believe there are people out here that really think the fickle Northern Lords are only following Jon Snow because "the smartest person" Arya knows asked them to follow him! Like,did they not watch season 6 to see how Sansa was getting shut down by these lords even though she thought her Stark name would mean something to them? This girl couldn't even get Rats to fight for her much less convince anyone to follow Jon. Jon had the Wilding army and Dadvos convinced Lyanna Mormont to fight for Jon. Sansa and her last name did not convince any Northern Lord to fight for her cause which left her to rely on pedophile Littlefinger. The same girl that wanted to be QITN and was overlooked for Jon which she did not like is convincing who to follow who now? The only army Sansa has that is backing her is the Vale army and they are not from the North. All the Northern army currently at Winterfell is there because they are loyal to Jon Fucking Snow. Royce and Glover were the only ones up her ass after Jon left for Dragonstone and Glover has since left the building. Sansa Stark did not convince anyone to follow Jon Snow,they are following him because they believe in him and his effort to win back the North and Winterfell. Ain't no one listening to Sansa,they did not fight for her even though she had the Stark name which she thought would get her what she wants. So y'all can stop the delusions and put some respect on my boy's name.
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kbstories · 6 years
And with this third chapter, the fic is complete!
Only Lost The Night
Tags: Recovery, First Kiss, Fishing (non-graphic)
No additional spoilers apply.
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<<First Chapter
<<Second Chapter
The coffee comes out of the pot piping hot, quickly warming his mug and filling the morning air with its scent.
Arthur downs it in big gulps, wincing as it burns down his throat. The bad taste in his mouth is gone, though, and his queasy stomach settles with something to digest. The cold sweat he wakes up in every morning, or the tremor in his hands, well – recovery, as it turns out, is one tough son of a bitch, much more so when your alcohol supply is out of reach.
A sigh worms its way out his mouth, clouding white in front of him. There's precious little for him to do in camp – he can barely raise his left arm higher than chest height without pulling some wound or other – and most of the gang's inner workings come along well without his input.
This must be the longest Arthur's been off duty in... a while. It's disorienting, to say the least.
It doesn't help that, additionally to Miss Grimshaw's care – a duty she caries out with a gruff undertone in her voice but an indulgent glint in her eyes –, Charles has been watching him like a hawk, grumbling about his hard work going to waste otherwise.
Arthur would be the first to admit that drinking himself into a stupor a week into his mandatory bedrest was not his brightest moment. It definitely beat sitting on his ass all day long, doing fuck-all to earn his keep.
At this rate, he'll end up going to the dogs like Uncle. Isn't that a fun thought to entertain?
Even now he can feel the man's gaze on him, all the way across camp. Arthur raises his mug in the general direction of Charles's usual post, and plants himself on one of the logs surrounding the camp fire. See, I can be good, too.
A lazy salute is his meagre reward. Arthur shakes his head, only noticing the smile on his own face when he goes to light a cigarette. Drawing deep, he exhales slowly, finding himself enjoying the bite of nicotine on his tongue instead of merely going through the motions.
Maybe he can ask Hosea for one of them crime novels he's been so involved with lately. How was the author called again? Arthur flicks the excess ash to the ground, chasing the name on the tip of his tongue. Nope, gone. Never been his strongest suit, books, but Jack's seems interested too as of late, and with how things have been, the boy deserves some hero's tale or other to dream of.
… not one of Hosea's, then. God knows the kid sees enough blood and death as is.
Gaze lost in the fire and with nowhere else to go, Arthur's thoughts drift like smoke in the wind. To Jack, and how somewhere in this mess, he became Uncle Arthur to him. About that boy Kieran, so desperate for somewhere to belong it's painful to watch at times, and John, who had it all and disappeared who-knows-where all the same. Dutch and Hosea and that ever-shifting dream they keep chasing.
And yet his fingers itch for... something more, something to touch, to hold on to, like a pen or a gun or–
A genuine connection, to tether his very being to something bigger than himself. What if, Arthur thinks.
What if, what if.
He blows another puff into the sky and watches it disappear into nothingness.
“Okay. Hunting. Nothin' fancy, just a doe or two. Need practice with that bow, right? Takes a lifetime to master, an' all that–”
“Oh for... One ride. To– to the general store in Rhodes, or, uh, to the tree line and back. A glimpse at the fields.”
Charles hitches his elbow on his knee, hand under his chin. “No”, he repeats, the low, serious timbre of his voice crumbling with veiled amusement. A searching gaze is leveled on Arthur, the kind to reveal every weakness hiding under his skin.
“Is that what it takes, Morgan? Two weeks in camp?”
“Ain't beggin' yet”, Arthur mumbles under his breath and throws Charles an unhappy look – Charles, who is currently sitting cross-legged on his saddle stand, confident as a king and entitled like one, too. Behind him, Dyani sniffs Charles's hair and pushes it around with her nose, rubbing his shoulder in the process.
It took Arthur weeks of constant work (and treats) to get the hang of the Andalusian's fickle temper and here they are, chummy like old friends. Traitors, the lot of them. Arthur's shoulders slump in defeat.
“Fine, have it your way.”
The statement isn't immediately followed by action, however. The mere thought of wasting more hours walking a line into the dirt, watching people come and go and feeling their sympathetic eyes on him is revolting to an almost physical degree. Arthur stares at his cot, just a few feet away, and can't bring himself to move.
Just his name, without pity. He closes his eyes and rubs his neck, staring at his boots as he struggles to find the right words.
“Just feelin' useless, is all. Can't do nothin' for weeks now an' with the O'Driscolls and whoever else breathin' down our necks... Ain't the man I am, Charles. To sit around an' wait for things to happen.”
A rustle of movement makes him glance up. Charles hops to his feet, easy as anything, and Arthur barely registers he's throwing something until he's grabbed it. A fishing rod? Arthur tilts his head with a frown.
“But you–”
“Teach me”, Charles says simply, and all Arthur can do is shut his mouth and nod, trying (and failing) to ignore how warm his chest feels.
Little by little, the smooth lines of graphite connect, fill in blank space, spill over the shadowed fold between the pages and beyond.
The gentle rocking of the boat, the rhythmic lapping of water against lacquered wood, the sting of a wound, still healing – it all fades into the background, there but muted as his attention is bracketed by the edges of his journal.
With the sun warming his back, Arthur draws.
In front of him sits Charles, leaning back just as he is, feet propped up against the boat's curved hull. Rod and line in place, his eyes are alert and search the surface of the lake for any movement, the very picture of endless patience. The breeze plays with a loose strand of his hair before he reaches up and tucks it away.
Charles fishes, and Arthur draws... him.
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(Arthur's sketch of Charles by @ISpitznagel)
His shoulder doesn't allow him to sit as he usually does, legs folded close to his chest and journal balanced on his knees, angled away so nobody can see what he's working on. The members of the gang quickly learned that whoever tries is more likely to catch a fist to the jaw than a glimpse at his sketches. What is to others a collection of landscapes and animals and the odd person, to Arthur, well...
Things in his life don't have the best relationship with permanence, as it were. He'd rather commit what he can to paper before they inevitably disappear too.
Charles asks later, “What do you think of when you draw?”, when the light has grown too weak to keep going and Arthur reached for his pack of cigs to occupy his hands instead. Arthur, who drew in his lap instead of on his knees and knows that Charles saw.
He finds he doesn't mind one bit.
“Depends”, he mutters, stretching his legs out as far as the narrow boat allows, bumping against Charles's hip. “Sometimes nothin', sometimes somethin' I can't put words to just yet. Just keepin' track of things, in my own way. Makes 'em less unfathomable, if I may borrow one of them fancy terms.”
Charles snorts, “You may”, his grin there and gone in a flash. He's set aside the fishing rod – with the bucket they brought along filled to the brim with fish, there wouldn't be anywhere to put them anyways –, merely watching Arthur smoke now.
“Never was much the artistic type, myself. Looks all a bit like magic to me.”
Arthur grins back, offering him a cig of his own. Charles shrugs and takes one out of the box, leaning close to the match Arthur lights for him; his face is momentarily lit by its flaring tip, his eyes reflecting the embers' glow.
Their fingers brush and Arthur hums, exhales another smoke-filled breath into the night sky.
“Well I'd show you how, Charles, but if you take to it as quickly as fishin', what unique skills would that leave me with?”
Charles shrugs. “I can think of some”, he counters easily, another step in this dance of theirs that they slip into on nights like these. Teasing words wrapped around tender spots and soft-spoken secrets. Arthur takes the compliment for what it is, shaking his head fondly.
They smoke. Arthur tells Charles of the time he went fishing with Jack, months ago now; how hard it had been for the kid to focus on the fish, and less so on picking flowers.
“Seems the creative sort, you know? Better to let 'em make things. Kid's too young for all this crap we keep puttin' him through.”
“Does Marston know, though?” Charles sighs. “Some days it seems to me like you're more of a father to that boy than he is.”
Arthur frowns, rubs at his chest and that dull ache that, years later, is still there.
“Well, in some ways... Can't up and leave for a year an' expect things to remain the same, I guess. But John cares, or at least I think he does.” A pause. “'cause that's the thing, ain't it? Dutch taught us to give a shit 'bout family an' whatnot but, John an' I, we ain't got the same charisma he does. 's one of those things that's easier said than done.”
For a while, Charles says nothing. Just sits and smokes, looking into the distance. Turning some thought or other in his head, Arthur assumes. Eventually: “Guess you're right. Just doesn't feel good, seeing a kid on the run. Too much of that, as of late.”
“Ain't that the truth”, Arthur nods, righting himself to shake off some of the somber mood weighing on his shoulders. Smirking, he nudges Charles's knee with his own. “Just glad he stuck by that when them O'Driscolls got me. Didn't know I was even worthy of the best damn rescue squad we got.”
Charles's eyes snap to his then, narrowing a fraction. “Huh?”
“Dutch, I mean. An' you.”
“Oh.” That peculiar expression vanishes, Charles's face all-too-neutral. “Guess so”, he repeats, and Arthur draws back a little.
“Did I, uh–“ Glancing down, Arthur fiddles with the burned-out stub, staining his fingers with ash. “Didn't mean no offense, Charles. Been complainin' a lot but I wouldn't be here at all without you. Just wanted to let you know, 'm takin' none of that for granted.”
Suddenly Charles's hand is there, giving Arthur's a gentle squeeze. “Hey. That's not what I meant. Was just somewhere else, there.”
Automatically, Arthur squeezes back.
“Point still stands. Thank you.”
A quiet chuckle reels him back in, as it always does these days, “I'd do it again in a heartbeat, you know that”, and Arthur can't not look up at those words, searching his expression for– What, exactly?
What if, what if. The distance is gone, Charles's gaze warming further as Arthur's thumb brushes over the scarred back of his hand, feeling the calm rhythm of his pulse against his.
“What are we doing, Charles?”
The question is soft, said without any idea where it's headed: a road untraveled, missing from every map yet waiting to be explored.
Charles blinks, taken off guard. He opens his mouth, hesitates, admits, “Whatever you want us to”, sounding just as vulnerable as Arthur feels.
A split-second decision: Arthur tugs, Charles follows, catching himself against the boat. “Arthur”, he whispers, close enough Arthur can feel his breath on his face.
Arthur rasps, “Tell me to stop”, but Charles never does; he leans in, interlacing their fingers in the same moment their lips meet, tentatively – Arthur's eyes flutter shut, his fingers find the collar of Charles's shirt blindly, pull him ever-closer as he melts into it.
They barely part between one kiss and the next; Arthur murmurs Charles's name with the little breath he can catch, and “Fuck”, as Charles's tongue pushes into his mouth and he tastes smoke. His blood sings, throbbing in his veins in a dizzying rush, all the more prominent when Charles's thigh slides between his, caging him in–
The white-hot flash of pain comes so unexpected Arthur gasps, twisting his shoulder away from the pressure. Charles flinches, leans back, “Shit, sorry”, he pants out, mouth spit-slick and eyes wide.
Arthur can barely hear it over how loud his heart is, drumming away in his chest– “'m okay”, he says because Charles looks like he needs to hear it, but he doesn't let go, not yet.
“Come back. Please?”
Charles sways like he's drunk, nods – presses his forehead against Arthur's, noses brushing, but his tone is cautious, now. “We– This is not wise. You need time to heal.”
Arthur laughs, more than a little husky. “Do I look like I care about wise right now? Fuck, Charles.”
Charles's voice isn't faring much better; he hums a low “mmhm” before he kisses Arthur again, fleetingly. “Fuck me, indeed. I swear I had pure intentions with this.”
“You hate fishing. Dunno why you tried to convince me otherwise.”
“... I do, sorry.”
They share a smile, and Arthur shakes his head, tracing the curve of Charles's lips with his thumb.
“I don't mind. I prefer the alternative, too.”
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shutdfuckup-blog1 · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Shitty Tale
[[Part 1.2]]
Wormtail: Master! I... James made me to keep this secret, master. Dumbledore knows that I keep the secret, my lord. My...
Voldemort: (in a hissing voice) Don't rat me wormtail. You were already a feed to Nagini. I saved your tail, now you save my neck. Tell me where do they live.
Wormtail: But master...
Voldemort: Crucio!
(Wormtail falls on the ground and writhes in pain.)
Wormtail: Maastter! Please, please. I don't want to betray them. I don't want to...
Voldemort: Do you know what that mark means, Peter?
Wormtail: M... ma...
Wormtail: Master... There. (Points the finger. Still shivering. The place which looked blank suddenly spins into an apartment. A small but happy apartment.)
Voldemort: Having a family is good Peter. But seeing someone happy is not good for me.
Wormtail: Yes, yes master.
Voldemort: See... I ain't that bad. I have to save myself to save our kind. Muggles are the major cause of the deaths of the magic kind. Do you read ‘The Wand Times', Peter?
Wormtail: Yes, yes master. I do. (They reach the fence.) Can... Can I go now... Master?
Voldemort: Yes, rat, of course. (Wormtail turns to move.) Petrificus Totalus! (Wormtail falls petrified).
James: He is here!
Lily: Who?
James: (points at the shadow through the window) Voldemort.
Lily: So we must die!
James: We fight first. You take Harry upstairs. He has to live. It doesn't matters if he is the chosen one or not.
Lily: Here, take your wand. (Runs upstairs with Harry!)
(Voldemort flashes his wand in front of the door. The door opens with a blinding light.)
James: Expelliarmus!
Voldemort: (dodges the spell) Avada Kedavra!
James: (dodges the green jet) Crucio! (The spell hits Voldemort in his chest. His lips turn sour for a second, then he beaks free.)
Voldemort: (Chuckling) You thought you can hold me back, Potter! Avada Kedavra!
James: (jumps dodging again) Expecto Patronum.
(The stag ran to Riddle's riddled face. The light was blinding. It gave enough time to James to transform into Prongs.)
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra! (The spell hit the stag right in its chest but it just got rebounded on a wall. Meanwhile the stag ran and jumped on Riddle attacking with its antlers. The curse blasted off a part of the wall and the cries of young Harry came in the room.)
Voldemort: Crucio! (The red jet was again thrown out of the way by shining antlers. Voldemort got a heavy blow on his right shoulder. The breaking of his bone was clearly audible )
Voldemort: Noo... (Takes the wand in its left hand) Avada... (Prongs jumped.) Stupefy! (The spell sank in the orange-brown fur and the stag tumbled back.)
(Voldemort laughed and raised himself in the air. He glided like a phantom to the attic. He saw Lily covering the little Potter.)
Voldemort: You don't really want to do this Lily!
Lily: Please...
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra! (Lily stood like a stone. The green jet entered her body. Her closing eyes formed a orange circle. A faint orange circle which covered the cradle.)
Voldemort: (looks at the boy who was looking at his falling mother.) Now it's your turn boy. I don't know whether you'd have been able to kill me or not... But I ain't that fool. It's better... (Hears a voice outside.) Avada Kedavra! (The green jet hits the boy on its forehead. The globe fickles and the spell rebounds in the window sparing Voldemort by an inch. The child falls back. Voldemort feels a part of him getting ripped. Thinks that it's because of the narrow escape. His body shivers and he wails in pain. Runs down. The pain in right hand disabling him from a quick escape.)
(A tired looking pale Riddle staggers down the stairs. Prongs jumps but Riddle dodges the blow. The antlers go face to face with the wall. The pain forces weakened Prongs back to human form.)
Voldemort: AVADa KedAvra! (This time the angrier jet hit James in his back. James falls. He hears footsteps coming. The building is falling. He tries to run out. He sees Wormtail trying to stop Sirius. He raises his wand for a spell on Sirius...)
Voice: Sectumsempra! (Voldemort turned. But the black curse hit his face as he was turning. A purple jet from Voldemort’s wand hit Sirius which made him convulse and fall. Remus tried to get himself free, in a distant dungeon, closed away from human reach. He felt a part of him die. The werewolf cried silver. The owner of the voice shivered. The hand which casted the black jet turned red. The mark threatened to kill... But he was just in time to put a potion on his hand. Voldemort vanished in thin air. Dumbledore appeared along with McGonagall and Hagrid. Wormtail slipped away with unconscious Sirius. Three trio ran towards the man in black who was writhing with pain.)
Dumbledore: (amazed!) He is bearing the unbearable.
McGonagall: Headmaster?
Dumbledore: That mark. A servant never harms a master. The obedience charm is strong enough to kill a slight disobedience. He is suffering from the pain...
Hagrid: Wurs Dan death, hedmaste'?
Dumbledore: Yes, Hagrid! (goes near) You held it good Snape. Professor McGonagall get him to...
McGonagall: On it, headmaster. Meanwhile who's checking on Harry!
Hagrid: I...
Dumbledore: Sure, Hagrid. Go get the child. (McGonagall goes near the unconscious man and vanishes with him. Hagrid runs upstairs. Dumbledore looks down on the floor and picks up something.)
Dumbledore: A nose. It'll be interesting to see him without his arrogant nose. (Closes fist, chuckles).
(Hagrid returns with the boy. The mark still red. His eyes closed. Harry crying in pain. The amulet shining in his neck. Hagrid feels the warmth of the child's skin.)
Dumbledore: Give the child to me and go for Sirius!
(Hagrid obeys. Once he is out of sight Dumbledore makes a grunt to the child. The child opens its eyes. It's eyes shining Scarlet with a thin purple line in middle. It remained there for a moment before fading into green.)
Dumbledore: You'll do wonders, Harry.
(The ending hours of the day saw Dumbledore taking off the lights with his little machine and going to the steps of Dursleys and leaving little Harry along with the letter there.)
Dumbledore: Until Sirius is found, there is no better place for him than the shelter of these muggles. It's about time.
(He vanishes. The lamps flicker back to life.)
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maljic · 7 years
Your thoughts on Crosby and Malkin's leadership? series ain't over but the "hot takes" are already piping and it's not Game 7 yet
this is so sweet. not the question per say, but the fact that i get asked this question. and I have to admit i understand the first part, but the second part is unclear? “hot takes” are piping what does that even mean. Anyways, my thoughts on Crosby and Malkin leadership. 
i’m putting this under a read more because, ho boy, did this get long winded, but it also got somewhat off topic, but this shit has been on my mind for a week and there’s definitely some unpopular opinion in here. and some hyperbole, to lighten things up. 
Popular opinion first. Because Malkin, while everyone under the sun (and, admittedly some rocks) has been crying for Geno to step up his game, I’m over here yelling into the abyss IF HE STEPS IT UP MORE HE’D BE ASCENDING, DOUCHE NOODLES. He’s still the point leader, he’s above 50 in face-offs (which is better than his regular season stat), he’s shooting the puck, he’s hustling for it, he’s out there. he’s out there and he’s big. 
the hockey media is such a fickle bitch because there aren’t any individual stats for stolen pucks, puck possession, for hits, for play making. the stats available are points and goals and penalties, and the showy stuff. if we go by the stats the us and canada website displaying, Geno is off the charts. although his (and every other Pen’s) game has been severely lacking in the last two games, Geno couldn’t have a better playoffs, tbh (unless he could de-age back to 2007 and 2008). 
Now Crosbooboo, on the other hand, which is the unpopular opinion, which is my opinion: great leader, great game play, playoff MVP. All that jazz. but only up until he got knocked out in game 3. he’s a grown ass man with ample experience, by himself and by what happens with/to players around him and in the league, he can do what he wants, I agree 100%. I’m not a doctor. I have no idea what’s going on in his head or in his life. But the man ain’t alright. 
the Pens played very good/great/fantastic without him in game 4. they lost game 3 because after Crosby was gone i’d imagine the Pens got worried about him. Your captain got injured and you’re worried. Their minds were off the game and with their captain. Game 4 came along, they knew what was going on with Sid and they weren’t worried anymore. They could concentrate on the game. Then Sid comes back in game 5, and one would think that the players would be over the moon and motivated and take and run with that momentum of “yeah, can’t keep us down.” but they suck, they can’t focus, their passes are shit, they can’t get through the Wash defense, they own defense falls apart right in front of MAF, they blow hard, super hard. and i believe that they are fucking worried about him. and that’s my opinion. cause i’m worried about him. so, in my very unpopular opinion, for Crosby to step up as a leader, i believe he should sit out the rest of the series. 
scenario 3: the team is injured to hell and back and that’s why they suck let them finish the playoffs without further injuries pls omg i await the day their medical info gets released with terror and more terror. 
scenario 4: the team is worried abt Sid, but you can’t take his skates away, you can’t leave him behind when you fly to Wash, he probs has his own key to PPG. so theyre tanking in order to end the post season so Sid can go the fuck home and take care of himself. 
we are not privy to whats going on in their heads, we can only imagine. and the less information you get the more you imagine. 
Game 7 is here, anon, and may they truly, truly come out alive. 
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