#mytho punk
sunjadye · 2 years
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Even just from a book accuracy perstective,being against Leahbeth/black Annabeth is still wrong because why the fuck would a guy named PERSEUS from a series where names are explicitly said to have power NOT have black woman love interests💀💀💀?????Andromeda was literally the princess of Ethopia,are you bitches fr-And Percy also never said he finds blonde hair attractive,he said he finds girls who're like princesses attractive which fits both Leah herself and Perdromeda.Greek mythology isn't only relevant when you wanna say pedestary is good because you hate kids and it also dosen't stop being canon when you wanna be racist and y'all really telling on yourselves.Just say you never actually liked Percy for who he is or cared about Annabeth outside of him and using her to put down all the other girls and go back to Hogwarts where your abusive neo-liberal ass belongs!!!
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cripfaggot · 1 year
When ppl reduce cripple punk to an aesthetic like :/ no
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mariocki · 2 months
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The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
"I thought you said if we destroyed the brain, it'd die?"
"It worked in the movie!"
"Well, it ain't working now, Frank."
"You mean the movie lied?"
#the return of the living dead#horror imagery#gore tw#horror film#american cinema#dan o'bannon#john a. russo#russell streiner#rudy ricci#clu gulager#james karen#don calfa#thom mathews#beverly randolph#linnea quigley#brian peck#jewel shepard#john philbin#miguel a. núñez jr.#mark venturini#perhaps the single most influential zombie film outside of Romero? i mean you ask someone to do an impression of a zombie and chances#are they'll start groaning 'braaiinnsss'; that's this film! that fully wasn't a thing before this movie invented it! and with one swoop a#piece of pop culture immortality was born. not that that is the extent of this film's gifts: it takes the satirical dark humour of Romero's#colour zombie movies and ratchets it into full on splatstick‚ goofy comedy; there's the killer punk soundtrack; a truly iconic (and epoch#defining) appearance by scream queen Lin Quigley; hugely impressive and atypical turns by older Hollywood figures like#Gulager and James Karen‚ endlessly quotable dialogue... this is the gift that keeps on giving! at times playful and irreverent but not#without moments of real empathy and sharp commentary (the very ending is a truly bravado middle finger to the audience)#tears apart the whole mythos of horror cinema in the 80s but also larger 80s culture and particularly US society#and even more particularly the militaristic attitudes of the Reagan era US government. delightfully waspish but absolutely never#taking itself too seriously. a treat of a film!
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loremanart · 8 months
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Syn is a young Cosmølite born far from the life of her kind, instead growing up in the idle town of Westwall. When an incident costs her her life of normalcy, Syn finds herself far from home in her quest for answers. As Syn finds herself drawn down the winding path, into a world of secrets and deception, the Cosmølite will be confronted with the possibility that she may never return to Westwall the same person.
Links: LinkTree, Twitter, Moon Rabbit
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ilikeyoshi · 8 months
another day another annoying modern greek goddess per3phone girlboss take
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cacklingpumpkins · 7 months
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"Come on...right at the end of vacation..."
Eclipse and Shade have to deal with Cthulhu while at the beach.
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loremanart-old · 1 year
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Syn is a young Cosmølite born far from the life of her kind, instead growing up in the idle town of Westwall. When an incident costs her her life of normalcy, Syn finds herself far from home in her quest for answers. As Syn finds herself drawn down the winding path, into a world of secrets and deception, the Cosmølite will be confronted with the possibility that she may never return to Westwall the same person
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coffeewritesfiction · 4 months
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll
Tagged By: Like three people on as many blogs but I didn't have the energy to do it until now, sorry y'all
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Let'sa go!
In order for the curious: Untitled Gay Short Story Collection 1; "Hollywood's Prince" [working title, Runner Owen au erotica]; Untitled Cthulhu Mythos/PSI Short Story Collection; Farewell Vesperos, book 1 in the Runner Owen series; Untitled Book 1 in PSI series; Lionheart
Tagging... @lockejhaven @writeintrees @forthesanityofstorytellers @governmentintelligence @dyrewrites @angelofthemornings @tousled-birdmad-girl @wintherlywords @rookfeatherrambles and anyone else who wants to do this! I just tagged a bunch of people on my activity page tbh
Reblogs adored ngl
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jejushipbracket · 8 months
Is your ship JeJu? Let us know!
Sometimes you think about unhinged love. And then you realize that perhaps whoever wrote Judas and Jesus (from the bible)'s interactions was perhaps the world's most famous fujoshi and/or fudanshi. This is what that is. Not afilliated to JeJu Hater Polls who I Will Not Name.
For a ship to be JeJu, it must fit at least one of the following criteria:
Person A betrays Person B to the point it leaves a lasting impact. Either to the person, narrative or real life.
Person B outshines Person A to the point some hatred or ill will is left behind. Maybe leads to point 1.
Person A and Person B know each other but one (or both parties) know that their relationship will not end well.
Person A and Person B are doomed to hurt one another not only in a toxic way but also in a biblical way (for example, prophecies, foreshadowing, etcetera)
Person B is literally a god and Person A is a mortal who knows that they are powerless next to B (simillar to 2).
Person A and Person B are quite literally JeJu/JeJu parallels.
If you make a really convincing point not on here on why a pair is JeJu I might add it too.
Pairings must only be queer in nature (mlm or wlw or NB/F-M-NB). Straight pairings are NOT allowed!!!!!!!
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No real life people and/or avatars of real life people (VTubers, Youtubers, Band Personas a-la Daft Punk, MCYT). For the sake of this argument, the bible counts as fiction due to it's improbable nature and also because I say so. I will not argue about this.
As an addendum, arguably historic stories (mythos, old folk tales, etcetera.) are allowed as long as you can convince me about it. The RPF rule is mostly about currently alive people, people who have living relatives, and whatnot. I'll let you history majors fight it out, sure. Also don't be weird about it.
Ha//rry P////tt/er and H/zbin H/t/////el/ are not allowed in the victinities due to discourse. I will also not argue about this.
No incest or pedophilia.
Depending on submissions that's how we're going to decide the bracket size. Do be ready for any changes in the ruling depending on how it all goes! Poll is projected to end on NOVEMBER 30TH. For fun.
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cripple-council · 6 months
info about me & byf/dni under read more
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[id: white text on a black background reading: “principles of cripple punk:
-cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
-cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
-cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
-cripple punk rejects the "good cripple" mythos. cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn't "tried everything"
-cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling with it
-cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neuroatypical status, survivor status, etc.
-cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
-cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
/end id]
[header description: black text reading: "cripple punk" on a blue background with a distorted screen filter. / end header description]
[profile picture description: the wheelchair disability symbol in black on a blue background with a distorted screen filter. / end profile picture description]
about us:
- council
- 24
- swedish
- physically disabled, ND & mentally ill
- fat
- cane/crutch/rollator/wheelchair user
- c-did
what is this blog about?
- cripplepunk
- physical disabilities
other info:
- my first language isn’t english & sometimes i mess up
- focusing on physical disabilities on this blog does not mean i value disabled able-bodied people less
- ‘cripple’ is a slur that only physically disabled people can reclaim
- spam liking/reblogging is okay and encouraged
- ableists
- terfs/gender criticals/radfems
- fatphobes
- queerphobes
- queer exclusionists
- pro eating disorder blogs
- people who use the term ‘narcissistic abuse’, and believe people with narcissistic personality disorder have the ability to inflict a “specific form of abuse”
- (no)MAPs
- proshippers/radqueers
- people who use the terms "sysmed" or "traumascum" for other systems, especially when it’s known they don’t like it
- people who believe that able-bodied people can be cripple punk or reclaim the slur ‘cripple’ in any form
- physically disabled bootlickers
- i block freely, if you’re a nuisance i will block you
- hate anons will be laughed at and deleted, or posted with intent of making fun of you
- blogs that interact with me that encourage or promote eating disorders will get reported & blocked
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piper and percy are best friends i will stand by that till the day i die
percy goes to the aquarium with annabeth and while she is walking around infodumping to 'percy' (she does not know that he has wandered off)
^ but percy has wandered off on a secret mission to rescue all the fish from the little tanks
nico starts a dnd club (i assume dnd is the grown up version of mytho magic) and invites percy and leo to it
piper gives annabeth a makeover but it isn’t a girly lipstick makeover its a punk grunge makeover and she ends up with green hair and it looks great. PUNK ANNABETH!!!
annabeth also loves graphic design. i have no reasoning for this i just get the vibes
the whole gang has made it a huge inside joke to give jason bricks as presents on holidays and stuff. iykyk.
percy 🤝 jason -> giving will the shovel talk for nico
nico? autism. why? i said so.
hazel paints a big mural of them all on the side of the hades cabin (nico pretends to be mad but he’s a big sappy loser and he loves his friends and his sister)
estelle is the communal younger sister. no percy. not your sibling. our sibling. piper is so estelle’s cool aunt though. like she teaches her swear words and gives her lollies.
frank cooks. like he learns to chef and just makes a bunch of stuff for the seven and co.
leo is deaf in one ear because he takes up engineering and is around explosions a lot
i also personally headcanon tbat they are all happy and noth ar all trausnmatjsed and nor at alk deajd. by rhe way.
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
Z/Ks call Kataang an Oedipus complex ship but also use Dadko and Momtara,call Aang a sexual abuser towards Katara and make him hate Zuko all at the same time.I look like a pink clown saying this on a Percy Jackson blog but i don't think they actually know anything about greek mythology-
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cripfaggot · 1 year
Have a job interview as a classroom aide for a program that specifically helps disabled people next year and I'm v hyped
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12thperigeeball · 7 months
I lied, It's not top 3. We got last minute votes typing up the 3rd place spot, so now it's top 5
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loremanart · 9 months
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For those who do not know, I've been working on a couple of comics over the last few years. Punk Mythos was started and put on hold a few years back, while Moon Rabbit has been in progress for some time (https://punkmythos.wordpress.com). A lot of the monster characters I have shown belong to Moon Rabbit. Punk Mythos: A Cosmolite raised in a human community, Syn dreams of leaving home and meeting others of her kind. But when a single tragic night changes Syn’s life, the young Cosmolite crosses Oyama with new friends to find answers and repair her life. Moon Rabbit: Fallen from the sky, the mysterious Moon Rabbit patrols the night of Crescent Isles in search of villainy. In her journey to live up to her hero’s legacy, Lepora vows to protect both humans and non-humans from the threats that lurk in the underbelly of the city.
Links: LinkTree, Twitter, Moon Rabbit
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