#not sure how to tag for creepy imagery so if someone needs a tag for this just let me know
infernogalore · 2 years
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New OC dropped, insert donnie darko reference here
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thesixthstar · 1 year
Ughhhhh posting this here because I have a tumblr tag instead of a dream journal and usually that’s fine and I’m good posting incredibly personal shit online for various levels of strangers/friends etc but uhhh if we hang out IRL please don’t read this one.
Fucking DEEPLY upsetting and stressful dream today that I’m hoping the details of it don’t mean anything specific.
In the dream I lived in an apartment building instead of my house, but still lived with my partner and one of our actual housemates, just like irl. I think we had a fourth housemate who isn’t our Actual IRL 4th housemate but it wasn’t important for the dream.
What WAS important for the dream is that my existing housemate J kept acting like a creep to me, and then would find excuses to get everyone else out of the house and rape me. Luckily for me this dream was fade-to-black before things Overtly Happened, which is USUALLY but not always the case when I dream things with sexual content. But as dreams do you get the info without the experience and it’s some emotional fuckery either way. But anyhow he would rape me and then after the cut-to-black would taunt me about how no one would believe me, and he threatened me against doing anything to stop him, and the dream kept going through scenarios where I would try to be alone with anyone but him but he would find a way to show up whenever I tried to find someone to help me. And every time someone’s back was turned he’d give me a Look, either evil grin like “haha you thought you could end this” or threatening like “don’t you dare” and idk what was stopping me from telling someone when I was around him from the Logic of the dream but I was just really scared, and when they left and we were alone again he’d cut-to-black rape me again. These scenes were presented back-to-back in the dream but I think they were meant to be spread out over some amount of time. He would let me be totally alone by myself but any time someone showed up or I got someone to come over he’d show up and I’d just have to pretend to be fine and then he’d punish me for trying to get help. He was also making sure I never had my phone when he wasn’t around so I couldn’t call or text anyone about it. At some point in the dream I managed to get my phone somehow and texted my partner “help me” and then J caught me with my phone and that’s around where I woke up.
There was no resolution to the dream and it’s upsetting even writing it down again. I haven’t been particularly extra stressed or depressed or anything lately and in fact have been having a pretty nice week, so I don’t get why I’m having such an awful dream rn. This housemate has never been creepy or threatening to me in ANY way irl and nor has anyone else been that he might have been a stand in for. I’m hoping the reason my brain cast him as the rapist in my dream is just because he’s really good at acting villainous (he’s the DM for one of our dnd games and plays some delightfully fucked up villains and is very good at it), because I don’t know anyone else who has ever given me Evil Grins before so perhaps my brain just needed anyone who I had seen giving an Evil Grin (as most of my dreams are pretty unexpressive when ot comes to people showing emotions)
Ugh and I feel gross and I wish I didn’t remember some of this dream so vividly because even if there was no visual sexual imagery, the whole thing was tinged with power and control and helplessness. I can see his face fucking grinning at me and feel how frozen-in-fear I was in the dream. I am DEEPLY hoping that either the dream will fade by the time I get dressed and go downstairs, or that my expert skills in being Casually At Arms Length will help me not have to Be Weird around J until I can forget all about it.
ETA: god fucking damnit I just remembered I have to go ask him opinions about Craigslist furniture today hope I can look him in the face fml 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
On the bright side I’m sleeping over at my moms tonight so hopefully by the time we get to dnd on Sunday I’ll be Normal again
Update: went grocery shopping with partner before he came home so i Became Normal during that time - can apparently continue this Being Normal despite still remembering the dream.
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princeanxious · 5 years
Don’t mess w/ my Bro!
Aka someone hurts Roman and Remus is a protective older brother.
(Authors note): this fic is based off this post I made, and forgive me as this is my first time writing Remus. I hope you like it!
Warnings: Remus is in this so, foul language, foul and gorish imagery and threats, major bodily harm. (Let me know if i need to tag more!)
Incudes: Familial Creativitwins, platonic Intrulogical, platonic Demus
Remus King was known to be the high school's local crazy. It was pretty much common knowledge that the eccentric senior outmatched any theatre nerd with his improv and hyperactive kooky persona, though most normal students were sure Remus was legitimately crazy. Which left to question how easily his impulsive nature made him a danger in any chemistry lab had Remus not had his best friends Logan and Dimitri to reign him in from time to time.
It was often hard to believe that he was the twin sibling of one of the most popular and passionate students of the student body, Roman King. It was unmistakable, though, when they ended up in the same room together. From pranks to the rare full-on play-wrestling in the middle of lunch, undignified screeching and fake evil cackling and all. It was also hard to believe that both Roman and Remus were straight A students due to the amount of bickering they did, how they got anything done at home was a mystery to most.(though, again, Remus's best friends were some of the smartest in students in their school, let alone the fact that Remus himself was definitely smarter than he let on. But no one had to know that.)
And yet, there was this unspoken rule amongst most students that had the sense to realize it; you shouldn't mess with Roman King.
With how crazy his twin acted, there was no telling what would happen if they got on Remus' bad side.
Then again, as senior year raged on, the twins became more and more tense from the stress of school and college applications. The playfulness in Remus's usual demeanor had died down, and was replaced with a darker, more pessimistic imagery in its place. Roman and Remus bickered less, though when they did things seemed to get more heated then intended.
There were a few senior school bullies that, in light of the lessening interaction between the twins, grew bolder in their harassment towards Roman. It had started off as small taunts, jabs at his acting career and his impulsiveness to break into song.
It was senior year though, all those things would come to a stop as soon as they graduated, right? So there was really no use in fighting it, right?
Except, one day after school, they took it too far. Roman found himself doubled over on the ground suffering from a good punch to the stomach just as he began waiting for Remus to walk home together. Another punch to his head sent him reeling, and next thing the dramatic teen knew, he was on the ground. Roughed up and definitely bruising, the teen looked up at his attackers, who glared jealous daggers back at him. There wasn’t much that could happen next before there was a loud bang of a door being forced open and hitting the subsequent wall. Within the door, stood Dimitri, Logan, and a furious Remus.
In a matter of seconds, Remus was out the door, having shed his backpack and all to leap over the railing blocking the way down( foregoing the sideways stairs because, at this point, they’d just slow remus down). The moment Remus’ feet hit the ground, the crazed teen was walking, no, stalking up to the trio of kids surrounding his brother.
It was very rare to see Remus so silent, angry, lucid, and contemplative all at once. It took one look at his brother’s roughened face to form it all into sheer protective rage.
“NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO! ONE! HURTS MY BROTHER BUT ME, YOU GOT THAT YOU HIGHLIFE-TRASH FUCKS!?” Remus all but roared in a tone that easily overlapped into crazed, which matched his tense stance. When the trio remained in place, all unsurely looking at each other, Remus took a single tense step forward, and lowered his voice to an eerily quiet growl.
“So help me I will hunt all of you down and rip all of your nails off one by one and hammer new pretty metal nails in their place if you don’t fuck right off and never mess with my bro ever again.” At that, two teens bolted, but the ringleader stupidly remained in place, looking only mildly unperturbed.
“You’re lying, you don’t scare me, prick. You’re just putting on an act, and saying creepy shit. I could beat you to a pulp.” Before Roman, Logan, or Dimitri could intervene, the kid reeled back and took a crack at Remus’s head.
Only to find that it really did nothing other than piss of the other more. In a matter of seconds and some roughened scuffling, Remus had this kids arm held in such a precarious way, his combat boot keeping the struggling teen in place as he pulled just enough for it to hurt. If Remus yanked hard enough with a sharp twist, the teen’s arm or wrist was likely to at least crack.
“Apologize now, or i’ll break your arm.” Remus growled, eyes wild and keeping watch as Dimitri and Logan tended to Roman, though the trio often spared worried glances Remus’s way.
“No way i’m apologizing to your wimp of a fa—”
“Oh dear, would you look at that. I’m sure arms aren’t supposed to bend like that. Now, about that apology?”
The teen was cringing and hissing from pain now, though gave in to the apology, if only to be let go. “You’re fucking Crazy!” The teen shouted. Remus leaned down near the guy’s face with a wild, empty smile.
“Kids can be cruel, can’t they, hm?” He finished with a head-tilt, before letting the teen go and watching him run off. Eventually the adrenaline of the situation wore off, and Remus found himself sagging into Logan’s side.
“Did you really just break that kid’s arm?” Asked Dimitri, incredulously.
“Yeup! A small price to pay, really. If I really wanted to I could’ve-“
“No, no, that's fine. Even if it really isn’t. Let's just.. get you and Roman home and cleaned up. We’ll call Virge and Pat and I suppose, if your parents are okay with it, have a sleepover. It’s the weekend after all, and it would be optimal…” Logan continued.
Yeah, despite the possible repercussions that Remus might have, he doesn’t regret breaking that kid’s arm. Above all else, you never mess with Roman, not his pride, not his ego, not his singing voice, nothing. Remus would make sure of that.
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9w1ft · 4 years
feels a little early to be writing a year-in review but i find myself in a quiet moment so i thought i’d tap a few things out
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in 2019, in all facets of my life, i faced a challenge of some sort and i surprised myself as i held my ground more often than ran away, which felt new. what *also* felt new was this sense of ease i began having professionally, when it came to conceptualizing and making decisions. sorta feels like a lot of things are crystallizing.
in terms of life on here, i didn’t have TSL for the majority of the year (anybody out there remember TSL?!) so i busied myself with crafting fun memories on my own. there were spans of weeks where i’d just get on a tear and run into one new thing after the other and it was all really just fantastic. i gave myself permission to indulge in the most decadent of things and to follow the most mercurial of assumptions to places i thought closed off.
i’m pretty sure i’ve smiled and laughed more over this year than i ever have in my entire life. no joke.
here are some kaylorverse moments that brought me joy in 2019:
it’s nice to have a friend
2018 was my first year being a kaylor and i just sort of was moreover on the contributor or commenter side of things so 2019 was interesting in that when taylor really leaned into the gay imagery leading up to album release, i started getting newer people sending me stuff! and asking me my takes on things! and like, my words suddenly had weight for some reason? it felt weird but i truly enjoyed getting to talk with so many different people and hear their ideas and laugh and such. that was markedly different from last year. from within this, 79-swift reached out to me with the eye theory, the most beautiful and rare of observations by a singularly lovely individual that i have dedicated my life to protecting and promoting. and i feel like i’ve gotten to know many people i knew through 2018 more deeply and have come to accept the role i play, lean in to it, and formulate my own truth of the matter, and that sort of heightened perspective on it has been a blessing and i’m so thankful for this strange sense of camaraderie that has formed with many of you? thank you??? and my conviction, and my wishes, for the girls to find happiness have only strengthened this year... im committed to seeing this through whether people like it or not!! harumph!
block ‘em
i also started proactively curating my experience.. that’s right! i began blocking trolls with reckless abandon, and i turned anons off! 😂 and damn it’s so much more worthwhile of a time on here when you set aside people that only want to ruin your day.
i got over my fear of eyeballs!!
😂 no seriously, body horror and in particular eyes out of context was actually sort of a thing that previously creeped me out BUT LOOK AT ME NOW. i’m gonna do my best not to rehash the eye theory, please read the post and recall the number of times i filipped out 😂 each and every one is precious to me
geeking out with bert and ernie gifs with kaylorfossil and making empsmd-blog drop her debit card need a mention.
the ME! music playlist.
i fell in love with so many songs and like, running into eye motifs in so many of the songs, lyrically and visually, was the most hilarious thing. but really just a lot of the songs really tapped at my soul with an ice pick and i even went to go see The Japanese House live in Osaka which was transcendental and i’m just so thankful for having taylor introduce Good At Falling to me because it was a *necessary* album.
i made and collected stuff
i made and amassed many artifacts that one day i can look back on and remember what a wild ride it has been. some favorites are my procuring of the pixel art heart ring from the ME! mv (a nod to my tsl days..), as well as the evil eye ring.. i didn’t physically make this but the eye theory made the taydar podcast and there’s nothing i enjoy more in this world than making someone giggle and i just love that the episode exists. making that kaylor straw was 👌 working on a mock-up of the golden locket has been very satisfying. i started incorporating fun kaylor winks into my artwork as well which was fun, and i also commissioned a collage from the very talented and lovely valheria and i couldn’t have asked for anything better 🥰
wildin in the TS7 tag was the best.
i made this observation that there’s this type of cocoon that looks like a cobra, which transforms into a butterfly over a period of 13 days, and like, the post got so many notes and i just had a lot of swiftie eyeballs all of a sudden on my blog which led to some hilarity. but honestly i just love geeking out over theories and it’s fun to get to do that as fans of taylor at large. things felt warm and effervescent.
my newspaper subscription
i subscribe to the TTB Times and let me just say the submissions and anons this year were overwhelmingly a delight to read through every day. also like, we did get cued in to stuff before album release and i am just thankful that there are people out there both who want to give us that and people who work to help them give us that. thank you ttb for moderating your blog (my newspaper of choice) however it is that you do and to everyone that contributed to her blog.
the whole lead up to the ME! video release
so glorious... but particular the hour before. i was rushing to pick up my kid from school and suddenly i kept getting messages from people that taylor was covering her face and framing her eyes, and i was like oh please yeah sure BUT THEN when the snake in the video had a blank eye like i don’t think you guys understand i had to wait at a bus stop and exchange pleasantries with the other moms but it was a *five alarm fire* in my mind
cause shade never made anybody less gay
stealing away to listen to YNTCD for the first time and hearing Taylor Alison Swift use the word gay in a released song for the first time was a transcendental moment
karlie’s hand in the YNTCD mv.
‘nuff said
daisies. daisies everywhere.
taylor said daisy kaylor rights, and she said it everywhere. *everywhere*. cannot, will not, get over how blessed we are.
gay gay gay gay gay.... taylor’s
sorry not sorry that wiz khalifa collab with elohim on her track FYM was ethereal and i still hope it’s a part of the preshow playlist for Lover Fest
clue hunting in klossy videos and karlie ads
call me a corporate shill all you want like, there’s always a little something in there and i also enjoy the little flickers of goofy karlie that jump out from time to time. and i know this is not the case for everyone but post eyepocalypse, karlie leaning in, winking that eye of hers time and time again was just pique comedy for me and it always made me chuckle. the brands karlie has repped have been really laying it on thick too and it’s been a joy to see. when taylor does it with her music it’s art, and for me karlie’s media presence is a form of art too 😌
oh kaptain my kaptain
kimby liked a comment of mine on her insta which was a distinct honor and privilege 😌 and really she was dropping clues left and right through spring up until she got her snazzy new job and things calmed down 🥰 of which i am so proud talk about an on brand job! also partially clearing the air about my TSL theory and the lead up to clearing that air was quite fulfilling for me and i am forever grateful for the time we shared. and to this point, the seesters in general (and kurt omg) have been quite active all year and we don’t deserve it but they’ve stuck around and it’s been calming.
album cover art release on the livestream
i love you forever, thank you for everything
when taylor came to visit tokyo this year i was basically reenacting the swamp scene from OOTW trying to get a ticket to the secret event... i listened to ME! on LINE MUSIC for over 2000 plays, i bought multiple CD’s, it was such an ordeal and then to not have a ticket after all but still putting on my thinking cap and managing to figure out where the event was while i was at disney sea and literally running from disney sea to the venue in high heels with The Man playing on my phone was oscar-worthy and actually *being correct* and the moment i knew i was correct and how i knew i was correct was so amazing 😉 and i play by the rules so i didn’t try to get in without a ticket and i didn’t lurk. but just to have figured it out and validated it was such a thrill. seeing her on TV live was amazing as well ///
lost in japan, reprise
oh and, last year for rep tour there was this theory i had which didn’t pan out but it had to do with the clues i thought shawn mendes was dropping through autumn 2018 and anyway that’s a story for another day but as i was bopping around town, looking for lockets, staying in rooms i have no business being in, drinking lots of whisky...just to know that while i was doing *everything but* successfully meeting taylor, she literally phoned shawn and had him record lines for that eye theory remix like, i will never ever, like, guys. guys. 😂 it’s too perfect for words. the world is weird like that sometimes.
and omg Lover the album? i absolutely love lover and i loves that honeymoon period of theorizing and parallel unearthing that we did and i love how slightly creepy-cute it is and i love the whole wabi-sabi thing going on and i absolutely love every song on the album, every one, they all have so much meaning to me... and each one is teeming with little blips and bloops and sound samples and seconds of silence and i love all the brass instruments and so many lush moments... i guess my shortlist (in no particular order) would be the archer, lover, i think he knows, daylight, cruel summer, false god, cornelia street, ME! (yea i really like me 🥰). and to think about everything that went in to the album and the thrill of what it might have been and the vastness of what we don’t know, but like, the weight of that potential?? it’s like this vast pastel and black abyss of drowsy and deep feelings and i love every inch of it. it’s a vibe that reflects so much of what this year has been for me and i’m happy to have existed in this time to have had it with me.
jesus this has gotten too long, and i still have like 24 more things to write out but um, basically, as i’m sure you’ve been able to assume? i wanted to say that despite 2019 being somewhat of a slasher film affair for our fandom, i still had a goddamn great time this year and i hope everyone can find some good memories and relive them as well 🥰
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apiratecalledav · 4 years
Is there other stuff that makes you think hbo messed with gendrya?
Oh, man, I’m probably gonna be thought of as the Murray Bauman of the fandom…. But yeah, there’s actually quite a bit that makes me think that it’s possible. When season 8 first aired, I thought that maybe executive meddling shot them down for some reason, most logically to protect spinoff potential.  They might have let the show “test the waters” but ultimately wanted them left ambiguous.
I thought it was… interesting… that Gendry and Arya had by far the gentlest, most amicable breakup in the entire series— and that it was over Gendry’s lordship that he straight up said wasn’t worth anything without Arya—when HBO UK made a cryptic tweet that made me wonder if someone high up was leery of the pairing/fan reaction.  If they wanted the option for an Arya Stark spinoff someday, I could see why they wouldn’t want her to end in a relationship they thought might be poorly received.  
I also thought that maybe since Gendrya went so far out of the show’s usual M.O. (to the point that it was one of the very few things about season 8 that I was wildly off about) that their thought process might have plausibly been something like, ��Gendrya can’t be endgame? Well, fuck it. We’ll go all out and have them do pretty much everything else: Make out, spend the night together, save the world, say, ‘I love you,’ and get down on one knee to propose.”
I also thought that I was probably just a tinfoil-hat-wearing weirdo saying, “My OTP wasn’t definitively endgame! It must be a conspiracy.”
But I rewatched the whole season a little while ago and I noticed some things that I think are… interesting. Although, you should keep in mind that it was during two VERY long and VERY boring days at work where I had nothing to do.
I could just be shipper trash, seeing what I wanna see. Maybe not. I’m just saying that I’d believe it if something was up. From the way they portrayed Arya and Gendry, in general and especially in comparison to Jon/D-ny (I’ve anti tagged but if you don’t have blacklisting enabled, this is your fair warning), I could believe that the writers like the ship. And while Arya is certainly not the poster child for perfect mental health, there isn’t anything to suggest she would be toxic in a long term relationship. She isn’t selfish or cruel. I also don’t think that she hates herself the way that Sandor and Jaime did and that she believes she deserves to be “punished” or alone. She didn’t say anything to Gendry about not wanting to be a wife, just not a lady. 
They’re consistently portrayed as a healthier/more favorable foil to Jon and D-ny:
In 8x01, D-ny swoops down on Winterfell and is cavalier as fuck about resources.  She has no comment about food except that dragons eat “whatever they want.” The next scene, we see Gendry running to catch a chunk of dragonglass that was about to tumble out of the wagon. He tells everyone to be careful because they need every last bit of it. He then goes on to climb up the wagon, much like Arya did in the pilot episode. I think it’s even in the same spot. If not, it’s very similar.
Also 8x01, D-ny tells Jon, “keep your Queen warm” and while they are kissing, Jon keeps opening his eyes and freaking out because scary dragons are eyeballing him. And D-ny is pretty much like, “Don’t worry about it, it’s cool.” Even though she’s already made a few jokes about how if they decide to roast Jon then he’s shit outta luck and she threatened Sansa. Then the very next scene is Gendry and Sandor just before Arya finds them. Arya teases Gendry as well but she also defends him from Sandor, compliments him, jokes he should “keep close to that forge” if he’s cold and tells him not to call her Lady Stark. They laugh and banter and all awkwardness fades away and they’re both grinning like dorks. Arya actively wants Gendry to see them as equals; D-ny subconsciously wants Jon in his place.
Even as the dead are practically in their backyard, D-ny keeps obsessing about the throne. Meanwhile, Arya’s station doesn’t bother Gendry anymore because he knows it doesn’t matter. He also signed up to help Jon immediately without asking for anything in return.
Arya and Gendry each seek the other out in 8x02 but Jon spends a lot of it trying to avoid D-ny until the last moment
8x02 Arya and D-ny find out Gendry’s and Jon’s parentages. It makes no difference to Arya, she loved Gendry when he was a barmaid’s bastard and she loves him when he’s a king’s son. Jon’s  bio father shatters D-ny’s whole world.
Most of Jon’s family (this includes Sam) distrust and fear D-ny. Jon and Sandor like Gendry and Sansa and Bran have no complaints at least.
Their ~love scenes~ have a few shots that mirror each other, too.  But we see the buildup for Arya and Gendry, their conversation, their first kiss, undressing each other. We see Jon and D-ny and in the middle of things, during a montage explaining how they’re closely related and narrated by Jon’s little brother. Not exactly sexy. Then it cuts to Tyrion lurking nearby looking troubled and finally ends with an ominous shot of the Targ flagship in the dark and gloom. Meanwhile, Arya and Gendry are alone, not related, and are the sole focus of the scene. There’s not even music.
In 8x04, at the funeral, Gendry and Arya are initially a good distance apart. Then after they light the pyres, you get a shot of Arya with (an admittedly very blurry) Gendry visible over her shoulder. Meanwhile, Jon and D-ny stand together while lighting the fire and then they part.  
Gendry’s “I love you” to Arya is enthusiastic and happy and D-ny’s to Jon is coming from a place of mourning at best and it’s straight up manipulative at worst.  The words “I love you” are rare in this show. I can only remember Jorah saying it a couple of times, Littlefinger to Cat and Sansa, Joffrey pledging to wed Margaery, and Robb to Talisa. The only times it’s not sad or creepy are Robb and Gendry.
These two scenes are the most glaringly obvious. But to summarize, Arya tries to set Gendry “free” when his life changes in a direction she doesn’t want for herself and D-ny tries to put Jon into a corner and make sure his life CAN’T change into one that she doesn’t want. 
So with that stuff in mind, I could buy that maybe they wanted Arya and Gendry to reunite in King’s Landing and try to save civilians together.  Or maybe have Jon ask Gendry to take Arya as far away as he can before Jon goes to that throne room to do what he has to do. Hell, look at Arya’s final scene as is: She’s on a ship and then you see her Stark sigil on the sail against the sunlight… If Gendry was with her, that’d sure look like a happier version of D-ny and Jon’s scene from the end of season 7…   While probably a bit too on the nose for GRRM’s books, I could see the show implying that Gendry and Arya are the second, more hopeful verse of the Song of Ice and Fire…
Other Season 8 Subtext-y things:
Marriage imagery; Arya under Gendry’s cloak. Bonus points for it being shown during these lines from Jenny’s song: “spun away all her sorrow and pain/and she never wanted to leave.”  “She spun away and said to him, ‘no featherbed for me.’”
Pretty much all of Gendry’s scenes in season 8 are with Arya or he’s with Sandor, talking about her. The small handful of times he’s not with either of them, he’s with her siblings and other people connected to House Stark like Tormund and Davos and even Sam and Edd.  After their “breakup” he virtually disappears. Pretty much the ENTIRE reason they brought him back was for Arya and to be tied strongly to House Stark.
Beric and Melissandre, who once wanted to sacrifice Gendry for “the greater good” and caused Arya to turn towards a darker path, sacrifice themselves to defeat the dead, not only saving Arya’s and Gendry’s lives but guiding Arya further into “light.” To the point where she literally ends the Long Night.
Gendry tells Arya that she’s beautiful and he loves her and gets down on one knee to ask her to marry him… Which is so wildly uncharacteristic for this show that I still can’t believe that it’s real. It’s by far the most traditional romantic moment in the entire series.  I suppose it could just be fan service, but 8x02 would have sufficed on that front. Not to mention that “fan service” in this show has never been something so wholesome.  
They could have done the proposal differently. They could have had Gendry say crap like, “Now we can settle down and live a boring, respectable life” or something else that would have been really unappealing to Arya. It actually would have been another connection to Robert/Lyanna, where Robert only loved his idea of Lyanna. But nope. They could have framed it as Gendry trying to do the honorable thing or “they’re gonna marry us off anyway, at least we like each other.” But nope.
Gendry could have been put off by Arya’s combat skills but he was turned on by it. She even used her “game of faces” voice on him and it didn’t send him running for the hills.
They also could have easily had Gendry be too “tame” for Arya but nope.  Her face at this part just kills me.
They made a thing out of Gendry being “forever loyal” to D-ny after she legitimized him but he had jack shit to say about her at the Great Council and was all too happy to vote for King Bran, even after Arya had turned him down.
A follow up to that other post in regards to a Gendry-ish looking guy grabbing Arya and asking if she’s seen his wife, Alanna: Magaery’s cousin with the same sounding name gets a GRRM-esque weird spelling: Allana with two Ls and one N. As opposed to the more traditional spelling that looks more like Lyanna….
One of the surviving lords at the Great Council is specifically from the Storm Lands. He’s probably who has had Storm’s End for the last few years and maybe he doesn’t deserve to get kicked out by a boy who doesn’t have any idea how to be a lord and doesn’t even want to be a lord without Arya.  He even has a name: Lord Une.  The Dornish prince doesn’t have a first name but this guy does?
Also, Une is a very unusual name. It’s not from the books and it doesn’t really sound Medieval Europe-y, either. Maybe there’s an inside joke or something? That’s definitely not a name you just pull from the air.  
Arya lights Beric’s funeral pyre but if Sandor didn’t have issues with fire, I think he probably would have done it as Beric’s last surviving friend. It kind of gives us the sense that Arya can do what Sandor can’t—which of course, she ultimately does when she decides to leave Cersei while Sandor, who has missed so much being hurt and angry, can only have peace/forgive himself is if he stops Gregor forever. 
In the very next scene after the funeral, we see Gendry and Sandor talk about Arya. Sandor basically says that normal, living people have emotions and hormones and it’s not a bad thing.  Sometime later, we see Sandor scare off a girl who makes a pass at him. The next scene is Gendry and Arya. Arya also ‘rejects’ her love interest but it’s in an infinitely more thoughtful way. We already know that it’s easier for Arya to be close to other people than it was for Sandor. Arya just has a little bit more to go until she’s completely ready for something serious.  
Episodes 1 and 2 establish a pattern of “Sandor then Gendry.” It’s how they arrive at Winterfell. It’s how they reunite with Arya. It’s how Arya visits them towards the end of 8x02. Sooo again, I could see at one point the intention was for them to reunite in King’s Landing. Possibly during that bit where it keeps cutting back and forth between Sandor and Arya; “hateful” Gregor grabs Sandor up to throw him around and “loving” Gendry lifts Arya to save her from getting trampled. Nora, the name of the kind stranger who does help Arya, is essentially the “female equivalent” of Gendry’s name.    
According to the leaked outline of season 7, Gendry was originally supposed to be rescued by Benjen beyond the wall. In season 8, he has scenes with Jon, Sansa, and Bran, and even Edmure and Robin. ALMOST LIKE THEY WANTED HIM TO MEET *ALL* OF ARYA’S FAMILY. I’m pretty sure only Tyrion has met more Starks and Tullys than Gendry.
The “Ice battle” was at Arya’s childhood home and the “Fire battle” was at Gendry’s. And yeah, I think it’s pretty damn weird that a capable, uninjured soldier who has knowledge of King’s Landing isn’t there.
They gave them a reference to The Princess Bride: “As you wish.” Comparing them to a beloved couple from a modern classic is a good sign. Comparing them to most likely a childhood favorite? Even better. Comparing them to a couple where their other famous line is “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a little while.” And Arya and Gendry are still alive.  Actually, it might be a coincidence but they do have a SHIT-TON in common with The Princess Bride. GRRM is a fan, too, so maybe it was discussed at some point. It’s certainly uncanny if it wasn’t at least partially intentional. But that’s a different post.  
Sandor knows about Gendry and Arya and he doesn’t rip Gendry’s head off. Gendry basically got a blessing from Arya’s last legal guardian.
Their outfits reflect each other’s houses, Gendry’s clothes having some very Stark direwolf-like scratch marks and Arya’s scabbard is yellow and black aka Baratheon colors.
I haven’t listened to it yet, but apparently in the leaked audio commentary for 8x06, they talked about how Joe wanted Arya to notice how hot Gendry looked.
Other stuff that makes me think that the writers like Gendrya:
They gave them a lot of time and focus. Even in season 8 where they had very limited time. And objectively speaking, that time probably should have been spent with Arya and her siblings.
They had Arya befriend Gendry earlier and easier than she does in the books.
In behind the episode of 8x02, Benioff talked about how you choose to spend your last night on earth says a lot about you. The very first example he gives is Arya wanting to be with Gendry.
They are always depicted positively:  They trust each other; they respect each other; they make each other laugh; they protect each other.  Even during their “breakups” in season 3 and 8; they are honest and accepting of each other’s decisions.  These two are young and inexperienced but they manage to be more mature and healthier than 95% of the other couples.  Their relationship also doesn’t doom them the way that Robb and Talisa’s did.
They changed stuff from the books to make it– not more romantic per se given Arya’s age– but certainly shipping fuel that fit more into romantic tropes: How they meet, how Gendry discovers that she’s a girl, how Arya blatantly checks him out when he’s shirtless. Their long one-on-one and emotional “goodbye” scene where Arya says, “I can be your family.”
They changed/added lines to foreshadow “My Featherbed,” aka where Gendry is legitimized but gives it up for Arya: “I have a son, you have a daughter. We’ll join our houses” but leaving out how Robert specified Joffrey and Sansa. Changing “you’ll marry a king” and “no, that’s Sansa” to “you’ll marry a high lord” and “no, that’s not me.”  Davos telling Gendry how he became a lord to help his son and it actually got Mathos killed in battle.
The main bullet points of season 8 were largely what I was expecting and I was at least in the ballpark about a lot of the details. Like did I predict King Bran? No, but I knew he belonged in the south because he named his direwolf Summer. I knew the king or queen would be a dark horse and I was fairly certain Tyrion would be Hand. The few things I didn’t anticipate still seemed to validate the main themes and messages I thought that GRRM was going for. Like King Bran. Now I can’t believe I didn’t see it. Who better to “end the game of thrones” than someone who doesn’t want to play and also can’t be plotted against?
Gendrya is the one major thing that tripped me up. Seriously. I would have bet my fucking car that if Gendry didn’t die, he’d walk away from a lordship and be with Arya on her ship, even if the nature of their relationship was ambiguous.  
So I could believe that they wanted or at least expected Gendrya to be endgame since season 1 and someone told them no. It could have been GRRM but I must admit that I have a difficult time believing that.
I guess I could see GRRM having the point of their relationship be that Arya is upfront and honest about what she wants and Gendry respects her decision and doesn’t turn into a bitter/mopey drunk. Or that Gendry dies and Arya doesn’t wallow in it forever… But there’s so much that makes me think that Gendry is meant to be the “sweet” part of Arya’s bittersweet ending, and at least be her True Companion.  Not to mention they’re still too young to really have a relationship in the books. Well, at least Arya is. And those particular parallels to Robert and Lyanna fall pretty flat in my opinion if they’re not romantically involved.   I mean, come ON. How the hell could it NOT end with the possibility of Lyanna’s niece/ Jon’s sister and Robert’s son/D-ny+Rags cousin???
Possible HBO Shenanigans:  
I thought it was kinda funny that HBO UK–not Game of Thrones but an official HBO account– made a tweet shortly before 8x02 aired implying that Arya is eighteen… when she’s more likely sixteen (lots of reasons, not to mention that Maisie has even said that Arya is sixteen.) And sixteen is the age of consent in the UK anyway.  As far as I know, that was the only public attempt by HBO to quell controversy in an already hugely controversial season. Like, after The Bells, I don’t think anyone at HBO tweeted about “Ideally, good rulers don’t commit 2.5 times the amount of war crimes as the Night King.” So I do have to wonder if there’s a reason that they’re particularly invested and protective about Arya’s reception…
There was a huge shitstorm when Tommen and Margaery got married and pretty much most of that stuff was off screen.  Sure, Arya’s a bit older and Maisie was in her 20s while Dean-Charles was still in his teens… but people do tend to get much more outraged when it’s a girl with an older guy than vice versa.
There was also a big shakeup when AT&T acquired HBO and they got a new CEO early in 2019, a couple of months before season 8 aired. The former CEO seemed to have been championing Bloodmoon, that prequel that got canceled recently. He might have been pulling more for a potential Arya show back when the season was still being written… the new people at AT&T also seemed extremely upset over what the budgets for GoT and Big Little Lies did for their bottom line.  
While HBO has stated emphatically that there are no current plans for an Arya spinoff, they were sure to tack on a “right now, a sequel […] doesn’t make sense for us.” I do believe that this is something they want to have in their back pocket.  There’s a lot of interest in the idea and if House of the Dragon does well, I won’t be shocked if five+ years down the line we get at least a movie or a limited series about Arya. It’s by far the easiest, since her character can be isolated from everyone else and there are tons of cool places to explore. Hell, if they were really desperate, they wouldn’t even need Maisie Williams to come back. They could just recast and say she’s wearing someone else’s face to hide from mercenaries or something.  
GRRM gave an interview talking about how certain characters who have “a high Q rating” (popular) get pushed into more screen time. Bronn is almost certainly one of those characters. He’s always been a self-serving asshole, but the things that made him feel more like an affable rascal—his funny lines, his genuine and open fondness for Podrick—are all but gone in season 8. Not to mention that there’s the implied possibility he’s dying from some “pox.” In the outline for season 7, he’s much closer to “Season 8 Bronn.” Like, he was the one who was originally going to ask Jaime about Widow’s Wail and call Joffrey a “See-You-Next-Tuesday.” When Olenna said it, it was pretty funny. But coming from Bronn, it was a real dick move. I could believe that their “treatment” of Bronn in season 8 was a bit of a middle finger to him. The same way I could perceive Gendrya’s portrayal as being a “fuck you” if they weren’t allowed to actually be endgame.
TL;DR: Gendry and Arya are one of the very few healthy couples in the entire series,  and it could be argued that they even get “special” treatment. Both of them lived and while Arya certainly has been traumatized, she is not a walking dumpster fire who wouldn’t be good for him. It would have been only too easy for them to be portrayed as incompatible or worse but they weren’t. Their breakup is over a virtual nonissue. So it’s not out of the range possibility that they were a victim of executive meddling.  
And please spare me any “bUt D&D aRe ToO STuPId tO dO tHis.” I’m not campaigning for them to win Pulitzers any time soon, but the notion that they’re complete nitwits is just silly. They both have M.F.A.s  from very good schools and their scripts/outlines that I’ve read have a lot of really clever and really well-thought-out references, ranging from history to poetry to literature to even The Rolling Stones.  
I’m not saying that they intentionally did all this stuff but they certainly could have if they wanted to.
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What You Are Chapter 4
Warnings: Gore, body horror, genitalia mention, blood, Vomiting, insects, insects crawling on skin gonna be honest folks this chapter’s borderline Whump, ask to tag
The weekend came far faster than Deceit would like, he felt like he was leading a death march as he and Remus walked down the dark halls of the Mindscape to the large door of the Imagination. It towered over the pair, like a black dragon, ancient and terrifying. Each piece of silver decor outlining it a scale on the beast.
It will devour Remus whole.
Deceit shook the melodramatic thought from his head. Granted there was a truth to it, he shuddered thinking about what might happen to Remus in there. He glanced at the side who was rocking back and fouth, heels-to-toes, heels-to-toes. Deceit checked his watch- 10 minutes left. Deceit turned to Remus and opened his mouth-
Remus immediately replied, “I know, you’ve been repeating it since I brought it up. I’m sure this is what I want to do. This is what Thomas needs me to do. I get that it’s risky but you have to trust me on this one.” His cadence was less bouncy than usual, his smile, less manic. The unease that rose in Deceit’s chest wasn’t lessened in the slightest by Remus’s serious certainty.
Deceit hesitated, he needed a mind unclouded by emotion right now, “It’s not that I was worried about you of course. I was worried about how this will effect Thomas’s overall mental health. Honestly this level of repression seems like a short term situation that will cause long term problems and...” He faltered over his statement his throat closing in on itself stupidly.
Remus leaned down and kissed the top of his head, “Hey, hey, it’ll only be a few hours, than I’ll be back in here,” He did a pose, “My usual ass-mazing self,” He slapped his own ass for emphasis, “and everyone will be better off for it!”
Deceit closed his eyes and nodded, he held his hands up a light yellow glow forming around his gloves. He checked his watch, 2 minutes. “Only a few hours... If you can and you need to contact me if you need to leave earlier.”
Remus gave a one handed salute, using his other hand to grab the slimy door handle to the Imagination. He pulled and the door moaned sexually, he couldn’t help his giggle at it, on a different day he would have spent hours teasing the door, but today he just stepped into his half of the Imagination. He heard another moan, followed by a click behind him. The door gained a steady yellow aura around it.
This was it. From now until Thomas woke up he would be stuck here. He could do this!
Immediately clouds started forming around him as his thoughts began to run wild, what if the Imagination created a monster that he couldn’t defeat? What would it even look like? OH imagine if it had long claws like a crab, but the rest of its body was octopussy- heh, octopussy, what if it had one that worked like a vacuum, sucking up everything in its path?
And as soon as the thought formed so did the cloud, and as soon as the cloud fully formed, so did the creature. It was the size of Mount Everest, and other than its bright red claws it was made of a strange, putty like substance. Its face- or lack thereof was a completely flat surface. It rolled towards him, claws outstretched ready to snap him in half.
Well this certainly was a great way to start the night.
He leaped away from the creature’s first attack, and tried to ignore how large the crater was, tried not to think about how it would feel if the creature managed to catch him, how he would first feel the sharp sides of the claws digging into his flesh, then feel them push deeper into his skin.
It grabbed him.
The creature was clever, it would play with him, slowly pushing those nubs into his skin, he cried as he felt a thousand needles dig into his skin at once. The blood trickled down his skin hot as a flame, each droplet touching another hold. It never touched the ground, swirling around him, burning him. He panted, both because of the extreme heat and the ache that had taken over his body. He wished something would get rid of the blood in his body, at least if he didn’t have blood the burning aches would go away.
The Imagination obliged him, the creature rolled onto its back, revealing the only hole in his body. Remus couldn’t help but take a moment to admire the perfection of his Yonic imagery. The way the sides folded in on itself and the round diamond-like shape. It was like a Georgia O Keef painting, Logan would be proud after all those lessons on anatomy...
Well he would be proud until it started to pull the blood from his body, his body arched back and he screamed, he felt like an inflated blow-up doll, limp in the air but still conscious. His heart continued to pound, giving the creature more blood, and it gained more size and power. He forced himself to think of a way out of this situation. The only thing that can beat one giant octopus-crab-vag creature... Was another octopus-crab-vag creature! And maybe he’d just be thrown off to the side so they could touch lips-
And so he flew through the air, watching the two octopus-crab-vag creatures roll away together and he easily thought of a cloud to make him slowly float into the arms of a group of small humanoid creatures, aspects of their faces each in different spots like a group of Mr.Potato heads in a preschool. Their hands were cold as ice and had the texture of snot. They gripped his wrists, the top of his head and ankles, that snot-like texture dripping against arms, head, and legs. He twitched under the touch- a twitch that would have been a flinch if he could properly move at the moment. He couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief, even though these guys were creepy and he was trapped in their grip they didn’t seem to automatically want to kill him. If anything, they were kind of cute, one of them had an eye on his chin how precious!
Remus giggled, “What’s your name little guys?”
One of them grinned from a smile in their hair, and the others started giggling, one of them loudly started shouting, “DING DING DING DING DING DING!” Another clicked on a record player which started playing siren noises, and a third created a stepping stool and stood over him, several knives in hand.
“SPIN TIME!” The one standing over him shouted, the ones holding Remus giggled started to spin him around and around the one standing above him began to throw knives at his body. Remus thought he would get sick and his mouth immediately started to taste like bile and his stomach heaved, he tried to throw up, but the one holding his head had an iron grip. He felt the bile rise in his throat and stop there, he coughed feeling the chunks getting stuck in his throat. His coughs became harsher as he tried to force them out but to no avail.
It was then that he started to feel the pinching, harsh stab of dull knives being thrown at his body, the first at his stomach, then his head, then two for each shoulder and two for each knee- and at first, he supposed it wasn’t too bad. He sucked in air through his breath as each one pierced through his skin, but it was only a few seconds of pain before he was gently set down on the ground. He took a moment to breathe, the creatures suddenly became silent as he stared at the sky; it was already filled to the brim with clouds of thoughts towards other people he’d had throughout this endeavor. Every second he wished someone else was here, every fly away thought he had while floating to the ground sat in that sky.
He almost thought it would be more painful for him to be stuck here, staring in horror at the future that Thomas had waiting for his mind and knowing it was his fault. The guilt weighed in his chest like a thousand bricks, and unsurprisingly at this point, several tons of bricks than fell from the sky and onto his chest, forcing the breath from his lungs. Something that looked like ash swirled around him. In his ears came the squelch of a knife being pushed into a body.
Oh wait, no, that wasn’t ash.
Those were his locust.
The first one landed on his skin and immediately the creatures that had captured him began to make noises that banged around in his head like the beans in a rattle. The feeling of every small leg of the locust against his raw, pained body felt like hammers banging against his skin. Their bits like needles pushing into his skin. One began to walk on top of his eyeball and he immediately closed his eyes, squishing it between his eyelids, feeling the guts in every pore. He put his hands to his ears but the sound only grew louder, he rolled around but failed to kill any of the locusts. They swarmed around him like a tornado of pain. He wished this would end, he wished he could just escape-
"Remus?" Remus could hear the sound of a voice above the whirlwind of noise noise NOISE around him. The screams of children as someone chopped off their fingers and used them to scratch a record playing Sweet Home Alabama slowly, far too slowly, the man's voice low and crackly and the SCREETCH of the nails against the record. How could he even try to focus on who this was?
" REMUS! "He struggled to hear the voice and recognize it. So familiar, so terribly terribly familiar. his eyes popped open and his vision filled with the twitchy, tiny leg of locusts. They started to gnaw on his eye, his vision slowly becoming black as they bit into his iris as easily as one might chew on a piece of a sandwich.
But Remus didn't need to see at the moment, he knew what he saw.
Roman. His brother, he could save him! Wait, he was supposed to be in here for a reason, wasn't he? Think Remus think! Why was he supposed to be here? Something about Patton? Thomas? The noise broke his brain, he didn't care anymore, he didn't care anymore! He just wanted to get out of this situation, to live for a few more minutes. He crawled out of the tornado and reached for his brother's hand.
Light flooded his vision and the swarm of locusts exploded into a swarm of butterflies. The creatures started to run towards Roman, who easily tore them down with a wave of his sword. He picked up Remus as easily as he might a small child. Remus watched as they walked through the black and silver door of his half of the Imagination, he saw Deceit, he was obviously saying something but his ringing ears couldn't understand a word. He felt weak and dumber than usual as he finally closed his eyes, deciding he'd focus on the consequences of his actions later. For now, he would let himself rest.
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales from Mount Othrys
Birth of the Triple A Chimera III
Warning: Violence and disturbing imagery 
         If Pax were going to write a fanficiton of the events, [1] they would go something like this:
           The dastardly Romans prepare their attack. This is a thrown-together, last-minute operation, and their Centurion decides on a multi-faceted approach. One unit shall rush the front door and bust it down while two others break into window entrances, allowing them to flank the (incredibly sexy and stylish) villains inside.
         None expect when a scout taps Centurion Ari’s shoulder. “They’re opening the door.”
         Sure enough, the front door opens with a slow, methodical swing. It hangs ajar, seeming to beckon the Romans. There is no one around who could have pushed it. Smoke curls out, expanding and twisting into the tall grass with the steadiness of a field fire. The music cuts.
         “A witch’s nest,” one reminds them, making the others laugh nervously. Trickery. Mistwork. These are the common tools of a witch. Common pitiful plays at deception.
         But, there’s a foreboding rush that they feel in their bones, one that begins as a slight shudder and culminates into an audible, eerie, choked growl. It echoes out of the doors and pounds louder than the soldier’s heartbeats. “We await you, Romans,” it hisses, “Welcome to the gates of Tartarus.”
         One brave Roman stands, maybe to initiate the door rush, maybe to taunt back. Before words can leave his mouth, something thuds into the chinks in his shoulder armor. Instead of tumbling backwards from the force of the hit, he flings forward, screaming into the increasing smoke, until the open jaws of the door engulf him and he is no more.
         His screams muffle.
Then, silence.
         Their internals vibrate with the hum of a malicious laugh, one too powerful to belong to any mortal or demigod.
         That is how Pax hoped it looked, felt, and sounded. He hoped he wasn’t thinking, Shit. Shit. Shit, loud enough for the Romans to hear that too. Backing up a few minutes would help to explain the scene: before they started, he frantically slit holes into dracaena skin, making two serpentine masks. Though, more like the world’s grossest stocking masks.
         “We’re wearing masks,” Pax said, hoping his voice sounded firmer than it felt.[2]
         “No,” Axel growled. He finished putting trip wires around the most strategic windows and doors, and was now unrolling the band’s power cords.
         “They’re gunning for you, but they want to keep me alive. If we all wear masks, they won’t be able to readily identify us and have shoot-to-kill orders,” Pax said. He’d set to work on this idea after setting up the subwoofers with Alabaster’s enhancement charms. “Plus! If we have more than one of the same mask—” He held up the two bits of lizard body. “—then we can switch out which one we’re wearing to confuse them as to who is who and how many of us there are. Plus, plus, masks are cool and everyone should be stylish.” Even in death.
         Those words made Pax shiver.
         Alabaster tugged the camue blanket over himself. He hefted up the loaded antique harpoon. “I’m with Pax on this. Axel, you play sacrificial scapegoat on your own time. If you do so now, you’ll get all three of us killed.”
         Pax appreciated that Alabaster knew Axel’s weakness: logic. And mythological rights, but mostly logic.
         Axel swore and snatched the Numidian lion mask from a crate. He tied it on with some crate hemp.
         Pax could see how painful it was for Alabaster to hold back the words, That’s an antique, you savage! At least Axel was wearing something other than a sign that read Kill Me First.
         They started.
         After a second sweep to check their enemy’s position, Pax hunkered down by the door, Alabaster took preliminary aim with his harpoon gun, and Axel held the microphone up to his throat.
         Fog crept along the borders of the room, making it hard for Pax to see. Alabaster had dumped half his dry ice into shallow bins of water and cast an enhancement charm.
         Little enhancements, Alabaster kept saying. It was much easier to trick someone into seeing more of something than to trick them into seeing something that wasn’t originally there to begin with. “If we’re to be besieged, I want to keep my magical reservoirs high.”
         Pax pressed a wooden dowel rod against the base of the door. He undid the hinge, crawled to the side of the door, and flattened against the wall. Supposedly, Pax had the steadiest hands for this. However, with Pax’s heartbeat quivering more than the first time he saw Alabaster with his shirt off (locker rooms after Alabaster’s private shower mysteriously broke) he hoped the door wouldn’t look like it was having a seizure as it moved.
         Pax pushed the door open, also hoping no Romans had crept alongside the exterior and were waiting to play tag with a spear. He scrambled to prepare for Part II, detaching a line of power cord from his belt.
There were exposed water pipes on the wall beside him (originally for a garden hose, Pax assumed) and ones on the back wall, by Alabaster and Axel (for witchy things, like drowning test subjects). Axel had thread Alabaster’s makeshift-harpoon-attached-power-cord through the pipe in the back and Pax had thread it through the pipe at the front. Though not as good as a crank, this gave them the world most hackjob pulley.
         Alabaster uttered a word.
         Something popped gently. Pax knew it was a rune on Alabaster’s shirt, releasing a pocket of compressed air in a gentle breeze. The fog expanded and rolled outward. This temporarily cleared Alabaster’s line of sight.
         Alabaster had asked Axel to buy him time to aim, maybe ten seconds of intimidating chatter to distract the Romans--something easy for Pax but difficult for his concise brother. Pax had given Axel encouragement, Talk all funny-like. You know—like Prometheus when he gets drunk. Pax thought this had been far more helpful than Alabaster’s remind that humans were unsettled by frequencies too low to hear.
         Pax couldn’t hear his brother at first, but he felt it—the deep throttle from the subwoofers. With the auditorium enhancements set to full blast, the rumble made the building shake.
         Axel’s growl slipped to an audible octave. At home, Lapis had been disappointed Axel couldn’t roar with the power of a lion. Jaguars, and jaguar warriors, had clipped, throaty roars. With the ambiance, the choked noise was creepiness perfected.
         Pax held his breath. Maybe, just maybe, his brother and Alabaster were far more terrifying than fifteen Roman assassins.
“We await you, Romans. Welcome to the gates of Tartarus.”
Alabaster fired.
As soon as Pax felt the quiver in the power cord, he sprinted. This was an imperfect pulley system, but this was the closest they could come to dragging a Roman into the building smoothly. (If they just tugged at the harpoon’s rope directly, the Roman would come in jerky, awkward hops. Cool in a zombie movie. Not cool when Romans might notice and cut the cord.) Pax got two steps before the cord went taut.
Someone screamed.
Pax tried not to think about the other end of this rope protruding someone’s skin. He tried to think of warmer things, like chasing Lou Ellen’s cat Sphi—oh right. Instead, he did think about the other end in a Roman—the one who shot Sphinx.
Axel raced with the other side of the pulley. As the Pax brothers ran with the pulley cord, Pax towards the back wall, Axel towards the front, a Roman skidded, screaming, into the building.[3]
Once the squeal of armor on concrete and shrieking were in the fog, Axel pounced.
The Roman didn’t stand a chance. By the time Pax was close enough to make out their forms, Axel’s bicep and forearm were pinching the Roman’s neck. His legs hooked the Roman’s arms in a wrestler move. The Roman could only thrash.
“I’m sorry.” Alabaster’s voice was wispy with panic. “I couldn’t get a clear line on Ari—”
They wanted Ari. The operation might fall apart without a leader. This was just a soldier, one none of them recognized as his struggles faded and his eyes rolled up into his head. From the glare of orange over his armor, this must have been one of the teenagers that cut the power and phones. Not the guy who shot Sphinx and talked about mounting Axel’s head on a wall.
“Ajax, look away,” Axel growled.
Pax wouldn’t, tilting his head. They needed to move onto the next phase of the plan—
Alabaster’s hands settled over Pax’s face, covering his eyes and making him flinch. If he didn’t recognize the musky spices, Pax might have thought everything was over.
Something cracked.
Neither Alabaster nor Axel appreciated that the sound of someone’s neck breaking was enough for a trauma recipe. No vision necessary.
When Alabaster removed his hands, Axel was already disposing the body into one of the crates.
Pax decided he would confront that sight and sound later, like in his nightmares. For now, he had to focus.
This was the largest part of the gamble. Some Romans may have broken rank to save their comrade. While this would have split the main attack force, the three of them couldn’t handle a charge. With any luck, the Romans may have scattered in fear, buying more time. Reorganization could take awhile. That’s what they wanted: the Romans to pause. They only needed, at this point, twenty to thirty minutes for Jack and Flynn to show up. Hopefully, that would be enough.
Pax knew his surrogate parents. It would be enough. It had to be.
The waiting was eerie.
“Fourteen left,” Axel hissed, “Move.” He shoved Alabaster and Pax into action.
Alabaster disappeared into the fog. Pax knew what he was supposed to be doing—making more fog and securing the northern windows. Keep it creepy with enough dry ice and Mist to distort vision but not enough that they’d run out of supplies.
Pax’s job was to secure the windows in the other, southern room. This should have been done first, but they wanted to make sure the Romans didn’t charge. It wouldn’t matter if they secured some windows if the Romans busted in part-way through their efforts. In a fun and fancy free world where the Romans were dumb enough to all come through one entrance, Alabaster could kill them with explosives, but the Romans would likely come from multiple angles.
Pax worked quickly. He scattered some of his anti-hex jacks under one window. He crouched along the wall until he found the next one. There, he carefully dispersed some marbles, making sure none rolled out to trip the wrong people. The next two were much less playful: broken glass from the trash can and a few crate boards with nails poking upward.
Before leaving this room and blocking the door to the center, Pax crouched under a window and tilted his mirror out.
A Roman crouched on the other side of the wall, her sword drawn.
Pax withdrew his mirror before she could catch any reflected light from the surface.
He swallowed, his heartbeat pounding in his head. He leaned against a crate near the window. Were there soldiers outside every window? If there were, what were they waiting for?    
A voice made Pax jump. If he had to guess, there was someone with a loudspeaker outside the front door. Pax crept back to the central room to hear the girl.
“We have you surrounded. We know there are only three of you in there.” It was the same commanding voice Pax heard earlier: Centurion Ari. Pax feared his guilt-stupid brother would offer himself as an apology for killing her boyfriend—ex-boyfriend? Is someone automatically an ex in death or are you doomed to be cheating on them in any sequential relationships after? Pax swallowed the thought away, hoping he never found out.
The subwoofers kicked on with a vibrating hum. By the time Pax found his brother in the fog, there was a pile of makeshift weapons at Axel’s feet. Axel lifted the lion mask enough to speak into the mic. “Do you?” He lowered his voice an octave to that stage-gargle. “Why not only one?”
Pax exhaled in relief. Taunting the Romans might not have been wise, but it was better than, I’ll be your shooting practice this week.
         He waited to see the red light turn off on the mic. “They’re under the windows and in position to storm.” Pax reported, “What are they waiting for?” With the lack of music and no response from the Romans, his whisper felt deafening.
“If I were them, reinforcements. A breaching charge. A barricade breaker. They probably already positioned those troops before they realized we knew about them and before they realized we had a ranged weapon.” He nudged the harpoon gun at his feet. Axel must have dug the harpoon out of the dead soldier’s chest to reload it. Through the wisps of fog, Pax thought there might be dark smears on the floor. Pax wanted to be horrified. He just felt numb. His brain hadn’t gotten past the sound of that guy’s neck snapping.
Axel continued with the smoothness of a recording, “They either want to hold position or withdraw to a safe distance. Alabaster heard them tampering with the door in the back, so they know it’s barricaded. They know there are three of us: one to cover either of the side rooms and one to cover the front entrance. No reason for Ari to be reckless or rush when they think they can get reinforcements faster than we can. All they need is one more entrance—blowing out the back door or knocking down a wall—and they can flank us.”
“And they won’t try to smoke us out for now because it would be too easy to catch the fields on fire, and good Romans listen to Smoky the Bear,” Pax grumbled. They should remember that: the Romans were from California after all.
“The Northern windows are all covered.” Alabaster sounded calmer and more calculated than he had earlier. His figure loomed in the fog with massive horns. Alabaster had donned pieces of one of his lab specimen, that way he could put decoy pieces on boards. “If we—”
Axel’s hand shot up in curt gesture of silence.
Alabaster quieted.
Pax strained to listen.
“No…” Axel mumbled. Although Pax could only see the dead stare of the lion mask, he could hear the horror of a plan gone wrong. It was a very specific mood for his brother.
Very subtly, under the hiss of the expanding dry ice and the rustling of grass outside the front door, there was a beautiful hum. The tune followed something from Pax’s childhood, something about going to the circus, something that should have been calming.
Nausea rocked Pax’s stomach. The words were out of his mouth before Axel could verbalize their mistake. “Jack doesn’t know that we’re surrounded!”
Axel’s knuckles went white from clutching the microphone too tight. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This could have been a trap for him all along. If they knew we’d be out here, there’s no reason they wouldn’t know—we need to distract them. Ajax, you said there are Roman soldiers outside the windows.” Axel’s tone altered from panic to determination. “Drag one inside, disable them, retreat to this room, and barricade the Southern door. Alabaster—”
“No,” Alabaster snarled. “Are you trying to make them attack us? Axel—”
“We’ll have reinforcements soon—”
“We’ll only have Jack for sure. Jack is not a reinforce—”
Axel dropped a hand towards Pax, signaling him to head out despite Alabaster’s protests. Jack’s hum was growing louder and there was no way the Romans could miss it.
“Ajax, don’t try to be a hero. One Roman. Then come back her to hide.” Axel said, “If you can’t do it safely, throw something at them. Your safety—”
Comes first. But Pax wasn’t about to let a second surrogate parent die protecting him.
“Cowards for life.” Pax knew Axel couldn’t hear him. The red light came on for the microphone.
Axel dropped his voice to that gargly growl, “Romans, you test my patience—”
“Idiot!” Alabaster hissed. Pax could only hope his insult didn’t pick up on the mic. Something snagged Pax’s collar. He really didn’t want to pressure-point Alabaster’s wrist, but was about to.
“—We know where you are—”
Alabaster shoved a vial into Pax’s hand. “Use this to dart them. Not a single nick on yourself, understand?”
“—We smell you, little Romans. Shall we begin to devour you?”
Alabaster didn’t wait for an affirmation. He vanished into the fog, hopefully to attack Romans from the Northern windows.
Pax understood the importance of timing for this.
Jack must have been close. Maybe close enough that they were too late. Axel wanted to inspire fear, but hopefully evoke enough rage to lure the Romans in. Pax and Alabaster should attack as soon as Axel was done baiting them. Hopefully, Jack had heard and would realize what they were doing.
Pax swallowed at the thought of Romans beating Jack to death, only captured and killed because he wanted to take “his boys” to the circus.
Why is it always the circus? Pax knew he was going to develop an unhealthy phobia of the circus and it would have nothing to do with clowns. He rather liked clowns and their adventurous fashion statements.
In the side room, the afternoon light and fog made the windows into glowing blobs. Pax clutched the PVC pipe from the other room. It should work as a dart gun. He wished he had more time to practice. Knowing how this day was going, he would inhale too deep and suck the dart back into his mouth.
He scurried to the window with a box beside it, careful to avoid the marbles he’d set. If I were Roman, what would scare me? Invading barbarians? Slave rebellions? Bad infrastructure? Spartans having a cooler logo? Pax remembered something his dad had once done to an “unreliable” worker. A lump formed in his throat. Could he do that to someone?
What would they do to Jack if he couldn’t? What would they do to his crush and brother if he couldn’t get their attention?
There was more exposed piping overhead. Thank the gods for lazy contractors. Pax removed a length of power cable from his belt,  yanked off his shoe, and tied it to the end. One shot. If he missed and made a clang, this could alert the Romans to his presence.
Pax threw.
The shoe sailed up and over the pipe before swinging back down. The cable caught on the pipe. The shoe dangled and Pax snatched it out of the air.
He swallowed, untying the shoe and jamming it back on his foot. He tied a loop at one end.
He was ready, right? This is what had to happen. Pax crept onto the box, the loop and loose cord in one hand and the dartgun in the other. Sure enough, the Roman was still under the window, at her post. From a side glance, there were, indeed, Romans under each window.
Still, she must have been terrified.
“I can’t wait to mount a lion’s head on my wall.” Pax focused on that and the way Sphinx’s body crumbled. The sound of his heartbeat was deafening as he stood on the box, keeping his body flat to the wall.
Pax withdrew the vial Alabaster gave him from his pocket. He carefully balanced the cables, the PVC pipe, and vial in one hand to drip one of his darts. Mysterious substances from a witch? Hadn’t led him astray so far. Maybe it would turn the enemy into weasels. But, if Alabaster had some weasel-bombs, he likely would have changed all of them so they could escape.
In the distance, someone shouted. Pax couldn’t tell if Alabaster had attacked from his windows or if the Romans had found and skewered Jack.
The soldiers near him had looked away from Pax’s position, allowing him to lean forward.
Pax aimed his dartgun at the soldier one window down. The line of white piping trembled as he released a puff of air.
The dart feathers seemed to sprout from the Roman’s neck.
Thirteen Romans.
Pax didn’t wait to see if the Roman collapsed or swatted it away like a Jurassic mosquito. While the girl under his window was distracted, he tossed the loop over her head—
—grabbed as high on the other end of the cord—
—and jumped off his crate.
The line of cable went taut. He heard a choked noise and the scrape of metal against concrete: her armor sliding up the side of the building.
No snaps, not like the boy whose neck broke.
Pax’s feet didn’t reach the floor like he’d thought. Instead, he felt the cord wind back towards the Roman. Relief almost made him cry—Pax, with his glorious ninety pounds, was too light to drag this armored girl fully off the ground. He let go. His feet hit the floor at same time her armor clanged down. There was a fit of choking and gasps. Pax laughed hysterically. Her neck must not have broken either. She could breath and might be okay.
He could cross “executioner” off in his Prospective Jobs list. Solid future battle plan: never try to hang someone again. Definitely not something he was a fan of.
The furthest window shattered, crushing his reprieve. Pax must have left that one closed. It was the one with the—
Someone screamed when they stepped onto a nail and—from the followup noise—tripped on a marble while trying to recover. It would have been funny if Pax didn’t realize they now inside with him.
Eleven and a half Romans if we count the dude who can no longer walk.
The Romans were on the offensive.
Pax scrambled for the central room. The fog was thick; they shouldn’t be able to see him.
Another footfall by the windows—this one calculated and calm. There was no accompanied scream. Another Roman must be inside, this one uninjured. So, at least two of them, less than ten feet from Pax. As Pax crept, the blood pounded in his veins. Each ragged breath felt too loud. His makeshift reptilian mask reeked of preservatives and made it hard to gulp down the air.
He was halfway to the door when one of their footfalls quickened to a sprint. “Heat signature. On your right, 25 degrees. Only one.”
They know. They know it’s just me.
Of course they would have their own child of Vulcan with heat sensors. Mercedes would have thought of that. Pax hadn’t.
Pax ran for the door, not caring that his footsteps echoed in line with his pursuers. All he had to do was reach the central room, slam the door, and bar it, assuming Alabaster had done the same on the other side of the building, and that the back door hadn’t been breached, and that the front door—
Pax almost ran into the doorframe; the fog blinded him until the last second. He turned and fumbled for the door, gripping the knob to slam it shu—
The door never latched. Someone ploughed into it, forcing the wood to reverse right into Pax. His feet lost traction. Pax tumbled backwards, slapping his hand behind him to break his fall.
His entrance was breached. He messed up big time. I always told Axel I’d be the death of him. An imperial gold sword glowed in the fog above his head. “But, the information broker!” Pax wanted to say; the words choked in his mouth. There wasn’t enough time to block. All he could do was cower as the blade came down.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for your patience with how long this took to come out. It didn’t get a proper editing, so I hope there aren’t too many mistakes! Stay tuned next week!
[1] And not make Jack write them.
[2] The first rendition of this story was written WAY before COVID started. Now, each time I read this, “And so are we.”
[3] Did anyone come out of this pulley situation not confused? Pax and Axel were confused. The Roman is confused. The author is staring at his diagram of the building going, “Omgs, how am I suppose to convey this with words?!”
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
Hello, it's me again. Thank you for answering my last question, I really apprecite how you give an elaborated answer, thoroughly explaining your point of view. My next question for you: is there any other character (or characters) that you would have like to see Sasuke interacting with, but in cannon he had very little contact or no contact at all? Why?
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Hello again, and thanks for coming by~
This is a cool question, there isn’t just one character I’d have liked to see Sasuke interacting with more, mostly because I really love Sasuke’s interactions with almost anyone, some superficial fans see him as smug and arrogant or always brooding and ‘emo’ but to me he’s neither. He’s just aloof and usually lost in his own thoughts, and uninterested to most things with no problem in saying it, but when he is interested in something or someone he has his own cute way of showing it. But let me start with the list of characters. 
Both are very smart but in different ways. Both are observant and strategic. Both are usually lost in their own thoughts, one in contemplation of clouds and stuff, the other lost in memories and plans and considerations. Both are familiar with revenge, although one has been condemned and the other not at all. At his best Shikamaru is open-minded, as shown in the way he never had prejudices against N*ruto as a kid. I think in a post-ending setting he might be one of the first to actually talk to him because he knows how it feels to want revenge above everything, among all things, so he shouldn’t be one of those who judge him. At his worst, Shikamaru’s individuality has been brainwashed by Konoha like everyone else, so he might keep an eye on him cause he doesn’t trust him. Which means darker interactions and possibilities. Also his shadow jutsu is an interesting one in this setting. 
Sasuke loves animals. Kiba has a dog, actually Kiba is a sort of dog as well lol. He’s similar to N*ruto because of his assertive, loud, enthusiastic attitude but he’s less flashed out ofc, and he lacks N*ruto’s possessive, imposing and generally negative traits. Like I said here Akamaru would sense Sasuke’s kind soul and Kiba would follow his best friend’s ‘advice’. Sasuke would get along with Akamaru and Kiba would talk to him, Sasuke would not be talkative at all but he’d pet Akamaru a lot. Their interactions would be kinda like NS but healthier? But lol the word itself sounds so boring. Cuter sounds better. Also, Kiba being ‘beastlike’ in certain ways, and Sasuke being passive means possibility for dark imagery.
I’m really disappointed that except for fighting in the beginning they didn’t really interact in canon because Sai is his replacement…and tbh Team Yamato was much better, as a team, than Team7. Anyway. Sai and Sasuke have something in common: they both were loved and protected by their big brothers, who died, sacrificing themselves for them, in a way or another. It’s a lot in common, actually. I wrote a scene about this in my fic In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated. Both are blunt, but in a different way. Sasuke knows what he’s saying and why, if he steps over social norms it’s because he doesn’t care. Sai ignores social norms, he’s without filter and awkward, and he tries to learn with sometimes terrible results. Their interactions would be awkward and weird at first. Sai was Danzo’s subordinate, this would make Sasuke wary of him; but also, Sai was Danzo’s slave, he had no choice in this. Almost like Itachi. Sasuke would understand this very well. Also, my personal headcanon is that since Danzo formed Root after the massacre, he told Itachi’s story to those shinobi, both to teach them that shinobi must carry on every mission assigned no matter what, and to teach them that emotions are a bad thing. Sai would more or less know about Itachi and he would tell Sasuke, in a way that didn’t judge, but that instead admired him. And Sasuke would appreciate. Their interactions would be more relaxed then, but still there would be weird comments on Sai’s side.
I don’t ship them and I don’t care much about her but her desperate cry when he was sentenced to death impressed me very much. It doesn’t just show a girl’s crush, it shows real empathy and compassion for the destiny of a person she once had a crush on. Cause she did move on when she first got interested in Sai imo, like normal people do btw. So it would be cute to see a girl interact with him for real, with no secret agenda or smth. 
What a wasted potential their relationship was…in pt1 creepy monster Gaara was interested in him, before N*ruto took over. In pt2 Gaara acts like the Kazekage with a desperate broken Sasuke attacking their meeting, but he also sheds a tear for him. Gaara was really saved cause he was a monster. Sasuke isn’t and was never one, and he didn’t need to be saved but the narration pushes that direction. Gaara was interested in Sasuke’s fate in ep479, I think he would not judge him (his official Kazekage position aside) and he would like to bond with him somehow. Sasuke admires strength and Gaara is very strong, so he would not ignore him. And Sasuke talks about politics as well. Gaara would listen and talk as well. And he would stare at him a lot. But I wrote about this already. Besides there’s a lot of dark potential as well. Because imo it’s interesting to think that there’s still some darkness in his heart and somehow he’d let it out with a passive masochistic Sasuke who feels like he needs to atone for his sins. 
He was Itachi’s partner, he knows a lot about Itachi because he’s observant, and Sasuke is the one who killed his partner. He was snarky about it with Obito and Sasuke himself but I (like to) think that he was feeling something, like resentment, towards Sasuke for killing Itachi. After all, no matter his reasons, he sure preferred Itachi. I also like to think that during the time Sasuke and Team Taka stayed in Obito’s hideout as Akatsuki members, he made no mystery of the truth about Itachi, and I like to think that he asked Kisame about his brother. (which kinda opens to the dark stuff cause Kisame being angry at him because he killed Itachi…you got it)
I find him very interesting despite disagreeing with his politics, and I really liked his interactions with Sasuke, especially the way he first insulted his clan and rudely talked to him, but then he tried to protect him against Madara. And I liked how Sasuke humbly, pragmatically and with an open mind he listened to him without letting his feelings get in the way, without getting offended. I would have liked to fight together more, and to see him protecting him more actively, not being blocked by those black sticks. And I would have liked him to openly praise Sasuke and his abilities like he did in his mind.
I’ll forever be salty at how their interactions were little and not emotionally charged at all. I mean Sasuke is the last Uchiha alive and Madara was another founder, the former head of the clan…I get that he was fighting a war and I know he did show interest in Sasuke’s eyes (and he acknowledged the pain he felt to obtain them) and he did try to get him on his side, and I get that Sasuke was all hyped up to protect the village because Itachi, but still. Like, Madara’s plan was to create a new world, he could have told Sasuke, he could have told him that Itachi would have been there, since his allies Obito and Kabuto were defeated or being defeated. Ugh.
my madasasu tag. my madasasu edits and meta.
Orochimaru (&Kabuto)
I like all part2 interactions between them, and I really like the way they became after Orochimaru was brought back, but I’m also interested in their interactions in Otogakure, the way he trained Sasuke, the forbidden substances he got him to take, the forbidden jutsu he taught him and the forbidden things they required to be done (think whatever here lol). The way he trained Sasuke to take poisons and not be affected, I’m sure they were all painful and hard things to bear, and I’m sure than in part of them he was strapped to a table, and others he was really really exhausted and badly injured, after. Not to mention the way Orochimaru talked to him, how he manipulated him using Itachi and his weakness compared to him, how he was ‘kind’ to him in his creepy way. All the things Sasuke had to witness beside him and how he decided to free the prisoners, and Team Taka ofc. Speaking of which.
Team Taka
They did have a lot of interactions but I wanted more both pre ending and post ending. How Sasuke first met them, how he decided they were the ones he needed. Their travels, their conversations, their nightmares, their bonding moments. 
Sasuke and Karin’s conversations. Both suffered great trauma, both lost their families.
Juugo being protective and loyal over Sasuke but also! his dark side coming out against him and Sasuke welcoming it and becoming his cage, but kinda getting hurt in the process.
Suigetsu admiring Sasuke and wanting to be noticed by him but being obnoxious and mischievous. And kinda sadistic. And Sasuke being ok with it cause he’s passive. 
Special mentions, in and out of canon:
I really loved their fight, the strategy, the contrast between their personalities. I like that both have an inferiority complex, especially towards Itachi, and they both worked hard to get stronger, but they act differently. Deidara is loud and apparently messy and he loudly brags his art and abilities, Sasuke is silent and calm and uninterested but he is proud of his achievements, as shown when he explains Deidara what he did and he points out that it’s chidori, not raikiri. His version of the jutsu. Other things in common? They’re both reckless with their bodies when it comes to achieve their goal. I’d love an AU where they interact, like my Akatsuki AU. It’s kinda like NS in a way. also.
They spent a lot of time together in canon but it’s not shown. It’s some of my canon behind the screen thingies, and I’d love to see any interactions between them. Obito knows the truth about Itachi, he knows Itachi while Sasuke doesn’t. He wants to know anything about his brother and I’m sure he asked him a lot. Obito told him stuff also because he needed to manipulate Sasuke against the village, but also because he feels some little attachment between the other Uchiha, just like he felt some for Itachi. There’s a scene that is always overlooked and that I liked a lot, in ep375 when Obito is about to be ‘killed’ by Kakashi and before he’s taken over by Madara, Sasuke is there and Obito refers to him as ‘fellow traitor’. I like that he kinda aknowledged Sasuke’s presence in that moment ok. To do such thing while Kakashi and Madara are clearly the strongest presences for him, I like to think that Sasuke left an impression on him.
(my obisasu tag and meta)
I mean, in the filler non massacre arc. He did train Sasuke after all. I’d have liked to see more. But it’s no mystery, that arc inspired me greatly and if now I ship Shisasu even in other contexts it’s because of it.
my shisasu tag. my shisasu edits and meta.
Only because I’d like Sasuke to tell him that he’s just as guilty as his buddy Danzo. That old a**hole.
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
Written by: @alliswell21
Prompt 49: He has spent centuries coming at night and sleeping with as many humans as possible, many dying from childbirth with no child to bear, or because his lust overpowered them. He needs to find a women that can live through his lust and birth an healthy offspring and after centuries, he thinks he found the one, the sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen. Dark incubus!peeta Angst Old times. [submitted by @animekpopxx​]
RATED: EXPLICIT for disturbing themes, imagery and adult situations.
WARNINGS: Dark!Peeta; Creepy!Peeta; Stalker!Peeta. Demon!Peeta; Dark!Toastbabies; minor character’s death, Canon compliant violence, Non-con/Rape. Stockholm Syndrome-ish.
TAGS: Supernatural AU; Under 16K words; Smut (Underage!Everlark, non-everlark)
Acknowledgements: Thanks to @animekpopxx for the great prompts, you never cease to inspire with your ideas for stories… sorry if I didn’t completely adhere to all the specifications listed on the prompt.
Many thanks to my amazing beta @wingletblackbird, who’s insights made this story 10 million times better.
@xerxia31 and @javistg for their dedication to Everlark Fanfiction, you keep the creative juices pumping with this events, and I thank you both for that… and thank you for reading my One Shot. Hopefully is to your liking! 
I’m thrusting vigorously into the wet, hot and loose pussy of a married woman who summoned me by name to get back at her cheating husband— who apparently has sired no less than 4 bastards, each from a different woman— by fucking a demon.
  She’s also awake, which is fairly unusual for my encounters, but I couldn’t refuse an invitation such as this when the woman is so willing and eager, and the call comes laced with the delicious odor of arousal.
  The problem is, she talks too much!
  I’ve done my best to tune out her asinine remarks on how big and intimidating my cock is compared to human penises, how much watching my member excites her, and makes her greedy pussy flutter in anticipation; I’ve heard stupid comments like those for millennia from women with the same wicked gleam in their eyes. They think that calling me to fuck them is some kind of thrilling game, as if the stories of how most of my partners don’t survive their first encounter with me, how their bodies can’t take the stress I put on them when I’m really overcome with lust, are mere jokes passed down from generations. But this woman really is testing my patience.
  Everything was alright until she asked a question that enraged me above anything she’s said so far.
  “My lord, is it true you impregnate every one of your victims?” There is that psychotic glint in her beady eyes again.
  I grunt and push away onto my haunches.
  The woman tries to sit up quickly, chasing my retreating form desperately with a pleading apology taking shape in her mouth. She doesn’t get to voice whatever idiotic excuse she was about to spew.
  With a flick of my hand, five silk ropes spring up from the floor and wrap around both her wrists and both ankles; the last one gags her mouth. She whimpers and the sadistic gleam in her eyes finally gets replaced with fear when the ropes pull back her legs bringing her knees level with her ears and her thighs spread wide open to me.
  Without stopping to look at her, I ram into her ass with so much force the legs of the bed groan and break under the punishing pace I’m keeping.
  The woman cries out in terror or pain, maybe both, I don’t care. I don’t stop driving into her until my release is imminent. When it’s time, I pull my cock out of the woman’s rectum swiftly, and spill all my cum on her face, chest, and part of her stomach. I take great care not to let even a drop of my precious seed fall into her reproductive organs.
  I sigh in relief once I’m done.
  The woman strains against her restraints, and moans pitifully. I look down at her tearful face with spite.
  Finally, I answer her question, “No. I don’t impregnate every one of my partners. Some aren’t worthy of carrying my offspring.” I stand from the broken bed and give her a disdainful glance, “You should count yourself lucky you don’t rate as a good partner, otherwise I would’ve taken your life, as well as your pleasure.”
  I dissolve into dark mist leaving her in that shameful position, tied up like a hog and covered in mess, to be found by her husband.
  It is not my custom to glide aimlessly through a human town after I’ve fed my lust, yet tonight’s encounter left a bitter taste in my mouth I just can’t shake off.
  I’ve been cursed into existence with the sole purpose of mating with as many women as there are sand grains by the ocean until one of them births me an heir to… to replace me, I guess, until he too has successfully produced a replacement of his own. Regretfully, I’m still here, after thousands of years, fucking my way through humanity. Not one woman has been strong enough to carry my spawn to term, so the careless curiosity of a self indulgent idiot got to me a little too hard.
  There have been a handful of promising cases, but at the end they just amount to female corpses too weak to bear my child. Every single woman I’ve copulated with either dies in the throes of passion, unable to whistand my consuming lust, or has complications with the pregnancy, either because the creature simply sucks the life force out of the host, or because labor pains put too much stress on their mortal bodies and they just give out with internal organ failures.
  On this depressing thought, I come to the center of town where I would never be if there was any sun in the sky right now. I’m about to turn myself into a small smoke tornado that will project me back to my den for a while, before my night starts anew on the other side of the globe, but a small, hopeless sob attracts my full attention.
  I’m a creature of darkness; therefore I’m drawn to and strengthened  by human pain and calamity. The whimpering continues guiding me to an alleyway, behind a lane of brick buildings, housing an amalgamation of shops.
  I notice three things upon arrival. First, the soft sobbing is coming from a little girl, much too young to be outside alone at this time. Second, it is dark, very, very dark; a moonless night, that should frighten a hardened man, a night in which specters like me come out to play eagerly with unsuspecting humans too dumb to stay safely in their beds. And lastly, this is the loneliest, creepiest alley I’ve ever been to. It’s cold, muddy, echo-y and reeks of death.
  My kind of place, I realize.
  Not at all where a tiny child such as this one should be.
  At first glance I determine the child is frail and almost to the doors of death. A female of around 10 or 11 years old, judging by her skeletal frame. It looks like she hasn’t known the taste of food in quite a few days, and she’s giving up her life in this cursed place.
  It is not in my nature to care whether she expires sitting on the hard ground, against the scraggly apple tree she leans on, or not, but for some reason, I speak to her. Soft and soothing.
  “What are you doing here, girl? It’s dark, late, and scary.”
  Deadened, sunken eyes stare at me suspiciously, “I could ask you the same. But I’m not nosy!” She replies turning her pert nose up at me.
  I chuckle and lower myself to the ground. The little brat is a piece of work! “I’m nosy and I don’t care if that’s rude.”
  The girl cocks her head sideways, slightly curious, not the least bit afraid.
  “I ran out of coin.” She finally says, “I can’t to go back home to my little sister, Prim, without food. She’s so tiny, and her lips keep crackin’ and bleedin’ every time she cries, asking if there’s anything to eat.”
  Normally, humans never see my true form if they happen to get a glimpse of me. They would die of terror on the spot, so their minds only see what they can handle. For women, they see every feature they find attractive in a male, making me irresistible for them, in the very, very seldom instance that they see me while awake. Men, on the other hand, tend to see someone non-threatening, a friend who would never hurt them. I’m not sure what this child sees me as, but clearly she sees someone worth opening her heavy little heart to, because the floodgates of her troubled life seem to have opened up, and she sobs telling me the rest of her story.
  “I can’t remember the last time I ate something that I had to chew with my teeth. My tummy started to ache a few days ago, but I didn’t want Prim to ache too, so I’ve been giving her all the little food we had left. Yesterday, all I found in the cupboards were a few dry mint leaves, I boiled them in water and told her it was soup. I came to the market to sell Prim’s baby clothes, but nobody wanted my ragged wares. I got so dizzy after walking all day trying to sell them, and my arms were so tired, I accidentally dropped the clothes on the mud somewhere yonder; I’m not sure where. I couldn’t pick them up, even if I’d wanted to. I knew that if I leaned down, I’d just kilter over and wouldn’t be able to get up again.”
  She takes a ragged breath and paws the soaked tendrils of black hair sticking to her forehead away.
  “I didn’t wanna die like that in the middle of the street where anyone could see. They would’ve known mother hasn’t been taking care of us. They would take Prim to the Community Home. Children in the Community Home get crushed by sadness and red marks on their faces from angry hands… I couldn’t do that to poor, delicate Prim. But this place here…” her eyes take a glassy quality, and her lips curl into a slight smile as if daydreaming of better days. “It used to be the bakery, before the owners moved away and abandoned it. The smell of freshly baked bread still lingers here, and if I inhale hard enough, I swear I can feel the smells fill my tummy.”
  She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, as if truly she could get her empty stomach filled with the long gone fragrance of yeast and flour that used to permeate this alley before.
  “My belly doesn’t hurt no more,” she sighs, opening her eyes and fixing them on me, “in case you were wondering.”
  My head cocks to the side, staring at her curiously.
  “I stopped feeling the hunger aches without noticing. Mamma’s a healer, I once heard her tell a woman, whose children had stopped crying out for food, that those are actually dangerous times, when the body needs food, when it’s so far gone, it starts eating itself out. But I’m not scared about that… dying here, where bread used to be baked… won’t be so bad, would it?”
  Something tugs at me in the back of my mind. Without thinking about it, and barely feeling anything at all, I conjure up two steaming loaves of hearty bread out of thin air. At first, my instinct compels me to take a bite out of the bread, taunt her, mock her, chop off pieces and lug them over the falling link fence of an old pen, where the odor of some kind of animal still persists, and watch her climb over the muck to devour the soiled bread. But then, my hands move of their own volition, offering the loaves to the girl.
  Her eyes follow my every move, stuck on the delectable food she’s been deprived off for so long, just staring at my gift.
  Suddenly, I’m aware of how cold and wet everything around me is.
  “It’s pouring.” I muse flatly.
  The girl’s eyes tell me she clearly thinks I’m stupid, but my clothes cling to my body uncomfortably, and now I’m aware my body feels oddly smaller than usual. I look down at my arms, realizing I have the arms of a child myself.
  I guess the girl is projecting her age and features on me, like humans do.
  “Take the bread before it’s too soggy to eat.” I grunt in aggravation.
  “I—Are you sure? I couldn’t… I don’t have anything to pay or trade—“
  I shove the two loaves into her lap, and kick off from the ground where I had come to sit, next to her. “Go home.” I command. “Get out of this darkness and this cold rain.”
  The girl looks at the food on her arms with disbelief and awe, then she looks up at me, as if I had given her the moon, the clouds, and her very own star. She murmurs. “Thank you…”
  In a second, she’s running away as fast as her scrawny little legs can take her, while I stand here stunned and confused. There was a strange reaction I got when the little girl’s gray eyes met mine and I could see the most appetizing fire within. I knew the little girl would not only survive, but thrive.
  I won’t ever see the little human again, so what do I care what’s in her future? I melt back into the shadows, already putting the incident behind me.
I’m particularly fond of nubile virgins, which probably accounts for how poorly their bodies perform when I impregnate them, but I digress… teenage girls have the softest skin. Their budding breasts, still unaware of the effects of gravity, retain an innocent perkiness I could kill for. But, while all this is true on my normal hunts, one prepubescent human has become a most incomprehensible obsession of mine ever since the night I gave her the bread.
  My girl with the braid and gray eyes is now 14. She had to mature in extreme circumstances, before her time, making her exquisite in resilience and a strength her peers lack. I find myself attracted to her dormant… sturdiness.
  But at 14– in human years— her reproductive system is not mature enough even for a monster like me. She has not the means, nor the skills, to sustain the demands of mating with me, let alone carrying my spawn, so I admire her from afar and more often than I should.
  Tonight for example, I watch her sleep for a short moment, then I let myself slip through the same crack in the window I slithered inside, and go on my merry way to find a more fitting host.
  The girl will sleep untouched tonight, meanwhile I still need to bury myself into a warm, available body.
  “My name is Katniss Everdeen. What’s yours?” She asks the night a come across her, when she’s stuck on the other side of an electrified fence, in a dark, dark forest.
  “Peeta.” I say emotionless. It’s my given name, although her kind has given me a different, more sinister name I’m not terribly fond of. “Why are you out here?” I ask.
  “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but my papa taught me how to hunt. That’s what I’ve been doing every day for the last two years to feed my family. I come everyday before school, and most days I return even after.”
  “Why come twice in a day?” My voice is flat, but she doesn’t seem to mind it.
  “Well…” She scowls looking at the ground, as her answer comes together in her mind. “My family has to eat, but we also need other things, like paraffin, thread and needles, matches… things for school, soap for the washing. People in town will pay coin for fresh meat, or trade with other goods. It’s a good system.” She states proudly. But then, she looks nervously around, and stutters as if remembering herself. “But you can’t tell anyone about any of that. I could get punished if word got out that I hunt illegally.” Her nose wrinkles in disgust. “Promise you won’t say anything, Peeta.”
  I want to roll my eyes at her, but she’s staring at me with those eyes full of stars and warmth. I have to admit, it felt amazing to hear her use my name. Very few beings even know it, humans can’t even imagine I have an actual name, which suits me, since they fear the one they gave me. It almost rivals the strange pleased sensation I got when her gray eyes widened in pleasant recognition when she saw me approach her tonight. Still, I know not why she’s out here on her lonesome, and I much rather have her go home, to bed, where I have control.
  “I don’t have anyone to tell. And even if I did, I wouldn’t tattle. But why are you here so late?”
  She frowns. “The part of me getting stuck out here is actually unintentional, and happens very seldom.”
  I arch an eyebrow— I had no idea I could use the muscles in my forehead in such manner— and wait for her to elaborate.
  “The fence is a pre-war inconvenience, supposed to act as a deterrent for wild beasts, but is almost never on. Animals know to stay away from town, and people like me get to climb under it to gather apples and berries that grow in the wild. Only a few of us hunt, because it’s still illegal to poach. Today I slipped under the wires at dusk to collect some herbs for mother— she’s got to make half of her poultices and unguents with herbs only found in the woods, mind you— anywho, when I came back, the fence was live.” She shivers, crossing her arms over her chest. “I just have to wait it out. It’ll eventually shut off and I’ll be able to cross back into the district. Prim’s already come by to check on me and knows I’m safe. I’ll climb a tree or something while I wait.”
  I grunt my understanding and shake my head in aggravation. I wave my hand carelessly, and the electric buzz dies instantly. “I think you can come back in again now.” I tell her needlessly. “Hurry up. You never know how long this will last.”
  The girl, Katniss, narrows her eyes suspiciously at me momentarily, but finally shrugs, “As you say.” Then sticks her arm through the links of the fence, holding up her game bag to me. “Hold this for me.” She crawls under the fence and then stands in front of me.
  We are the same height I realize. But then, I grow an extra inch or two above her. The corner of her lips curls up, and I’m certain she’s figured something out about me, I just don’t know if it’ll help or hinder my advances.
  “I’ll see you around, Peeta. Thank you for keeping me company while I was out there. It’s the first time I got caught out at night. It was nice seeing a friendly face.”
  “Mmm. Be more careful next time.” I grunt, and walk away from her.
I come back to Katniss’ bedroom for reasons I can’t readily comprehend.
  She’s not very big or particularly pretty; she’s not even ready to copulate! But there’s a certain vulnerability in her subconscious self that calls me to her.
  During the day, she sports the scowl of a thirty year old single mother of two working with only the skills of poaching, handed down to her from her dead father, in order to sustain her family while putting herself and her younger child through school. Of course, she is not really a mother, but everything else is true; so the rest might as well be true also, since she’s had to care and provide for her mother and younger sister for the last two years, taking the mantle of breadwinner all on her slim, little shoulders. Her determination is her own type of brawn in my book.
  I hover above her sleeping form, just studying her face; so sweet and tender, free of the premature worry lines and that perpetual scowl that plagues her features in wakefulness, but then again, it is that intimidating scowl of hers that grants her the respect of any adult she does business with.
  In sleep, Katniss looks more her age. Innocent and soft, like the velvety petals of a rose bud.
  I breathe in the clean smell of her recently bathed body, and wonder if I could just slip my palm up her thigh, just to feel her soft skin under my fingers? But her mother stirs and sighs in the other bed, shutting the thought to Hell.
  My eyes cut to the woman right away, but she’s asleep, just rearranging her position in the sagging mattress next to the one I’m floating over.
  Mrs. Everdeen suffers melancholy. Her emotional illness almost killed her and her daughters; I’m not sure how I feel about her. She’s better now, but the months of starvation and near death have permanently damaged Katniss, emotionally and psychologically, more than she lets on.
  The Everdeens never had wealth or means to afford but the barest of necessities, so when Mr. Everdeen passed, he left nothing behind but a small house with a tiny living area, kitchen, bathroom, and a single bedroom for his surviving family to live in. Another reason I don’t act on my urges to fuck sweet Katniss; the poor thing shares a room with her mother, and more often than not, shares a bed with her little sister.
  Tonight is a rare occasion, in which the sister hopped in bed with the mother, leaving the object of my fascination to battle her recurrent nightmares alone. This only exacerbates the troublesome dreams for Katniss, which aggravates me, since her sleep patterns turn irregular and shallow, making it hard for me to infiltrate her subconscious. She’s more prone to wake up when her mind is occupied relieving the bad days. But I don’t complain much, seeing that while she’s is bed alone, I can leisurely hover directly above her sleeping form, instead of by the side of the mattress like I’m usually confined to.
  I go back to gaze at my sleeping beauty, and decide that this won’t do.
  I have to figure out a way to give Katniss her own room.
  I want privacy when the time comes I can do all things I yearn to do. But there’s still time! Katniss has a couple of years ahead of her to grow and mature. I’ll just bide my time until that glorious future.
  Before leaving her side for the night, I kiss her forehead. I plant a thought there as my lips touch her skin: ‘Don’t pull the covers up too high. Loosen the sheets around your shoulders. Relax your breathing… rest.’
  Then I’m gone.
  I’m inside sweet, beautiful Lavinia, pounding away in glorious ecstasy.
  She’s an absolute delight with a soft, pliable body, with swells and dips in all the right places and shapely legs that go on forever.
  She moans sensually every time I enter her. She clenches her pussy muscles around my cock deliciously, and I lick the perspiration off her pale, luscious flesh to give my tongue something to do.
  For the first time in months, my mind doesn’t drift to fantasies of an older version of Katniss while moving into the designated warm body of the day. I’m thoroughly satisfied, and at the end of the tryst, just when I’m about to pull out of Lavinia’s tight crevice, she seizes, shakes, arches off the bed with her mouth forming an agonizing O, dipping her head back so her auburn hair brushes the mattress beneath and her torso finally collapses on the bed heavily.
  My chest feels the familiar little stir of excitement.
  Every woman I’ve successfully implanted with an embryo has had a similar physical reaction. Some are more violent than others, but it’s always the same and I’m cautiously content this time was so mild on the host… mother… whatever she is to my heir.
  I stay maybe another hour, just staring at Lavinia’s stomach, wishing I could see beyond the skin and muscle, deep into the womb, take a peek at the creature starting to take shape in her tissue. But alas, that’s not one of my many abilities and powers.
  At the first crow of the rooster in the predawn, while it’s still inky dark out there, do I finally see it happening.
  It starts as a small, dark red stain growing on the white linen sheets covering the still sleeping redhead. She doesn’t move an inch, but I know from experience the pregnancy failed. Despite the fact that the girl is still breathing, I can’t help thinking she’s already dead.
  Lavinia’s hemorrhaging fast; the mess covering her clothes and bedding is now reaching her shoulders; her eyes flutter behind her closed lids, and I regret ever putting my hands on her, because now she’s another girl I’ve sent for death.
  I don’t linger to see her last breath.
  None of my partners survive a pregnancy. But the night just began in the other side of world, and my loins call for another lover to replace the child I just lost.
  Katniss is 15.
  Her dark hair reaches her waist even braided. She hides her budding breasts and the slight curve of her ass, under her father’s old shirts and leather jacket, which are at least 3 sizes too big for her. She’s also taken to wearing  trousers instead of skirts and dresses, but even I’ve grown used to her clothing dwarfing her slight frame.
  The fact her developing womanly figure stays camouflaged serves two purposes; one, is purely practical, people seem to forget she’s a child— female at that— and take her seriously for trades and bartering; the second one benefits both of us, by keeping unwanted male attention from bothering her.
  But there’s no escaping nature, and there’s no stopping puberty. Katniss’ body is maturing nicely, and with that comes torturous growing pains.
  Today was hard for her, I can tell.
  She’s squirming in her sleep, doubled over at her tiny waist with her nimble arms wrapped around her middle. The downy hair at her temple is damped with perspiration, and her sweet lips are pale and dry.
  I kiss the dewy skin of her forehead, murmuring an incantation to numb away her aches. After a few minutes of me trying to soothe her with small caresses, the awful grimace falls off her face, and a relaxed sigh leaves her chapped lips. Her arms loosen, allowing her hands to curl softly beneath her chin.
  Her menses started a few months ago, and they have been rough on her. The cycle wipes out most of her strength, leaving her in cold sweats, dizzy, and unstable on her feet. The reaction really worries me. I don’t want there to be a problem I have not foreseen.
  I lean my cheek against her soft abdomen and whisper an enchantment. Given my nature, I’m not capable of healing ailments, or granting blessings, nor am I allowed to praying to the ones who could help, but I’m allowed to cast spells and conjure old magic, and lastly, I’m allowed to bear certain illnesses in a human’s stead, so I try to take her pain upon myself. I need my girl to be strong and healthy if she’s to carry my offspring in the future.
  I nuzzle her navel for a moment before taking a step back.
  A sharp pain wreaks through me, becoming acute near my groin. I claw at the air as the searing pain pierces through me, and then is gone as fast as it came.
  That’s that.
  I’ve never felt pain before, and I truly hope I never have to suffer it again, but Katniss is resting now, free of deliberating aches, sleeping soundly and peaceful. The unsavory sensations were worth it, just to watch my girl fall into blessed oblivion.
  That should do it.
  I leave her to rest, wiping off tonight’s nightmares from her subconscious as well.
  I used to worry that with Katniss’ struggle with starvation and malnutrition, her body would become useless as a vessel. Then the day her first bloods stained her undergarments arrived to my everlasting relief, and that to the added improvement of her hunting skills that fetched her better game, and her gathering double portions of wild vegetables and herbs in the woods, where doing wonders to her health.
  I was delighted to see her filling in her scrawny bones with meat and muscle, and her cheeks get rosier. It’s the best indication that at last, her womb is ready for procreation!
  There’s still the pesky issue of her shared lodgings, so I decided to bide my time until her healer mother gets called to tend an overnight patient, and eager to learn, little Primrose would tag along her mother to help, leaving the house all to myself. Unfortunately, something else happened that I didn’t see coming.
  To my everlasting fury, I discovered her trips to the woods aren’t as solitary as I had believed. It so happens that sweet, capable Katniss, does have a hunting partner, and for some reason I ignored this fact completely until today.
  The fence is electrified again, but this time Katniss has made camp in the branches of a tall, sturdy tree. In a branch below hers, a lanky, older boy made his bed under the canopy, tying a rope around his waist to anchor him to the tree limb, same as her.
  “Hey Catnip, you get some shut eye for now. I have first watch. I’ll wake up when I get tired.”
  “Unless you see something worth shooting!” She tells the boy scowling. “Wake me up right away, Gale. Not like last time you saw a deer and tried to down it by yourself.”
  The boy lifts his hands in surrender. “Alright, Catnip. Whatever you say.” He sounds almost playful. Almost, but then he finishes with a firmer command, “Now go to sleep. I’ll call if I see anything interesting.”
  I feel anger, jealousy, and righteous indignation boiling all over me. I feel my true form emerging, ready to show myself in all my glorious horror, but then I remember Katniss is a mere two feet up above the boy’s branch, and instead of attacking the mortal, I simply explode back to my dwelling, deep in the dark recesses of the Earth.
  Meanwhile, in the human world:
  “Did you smell sulfur?” Asks Gale sitting up straighter on his branch.
  “No. But smelling sulfur out of the blue isn’t a very good omen, Gale. I think we should call it a night, and head back home as soon as the fence is dead.”
  “Yeah. You may be right. We don’t wanna be near any toxic gas leaks, and we know next to nothing about the minerals in the mines yonder.” He points into the dark, in the direction of the old abandoned coal mines that used to be the only source of income to people like Katniss’ family.
  The teenagers descend the tree quickly, with loaded bows aloft, heading in the direction of town, praying the fence is no longer active.
  Oblivious to the angry roar resonating in the empty spaces of earth. Full of vengeance and jealousy.
Gale Hawthorne gets visited by my female counterpart, the one humans have named Succubus, courtesy of yours truly.
  She does not take his life unfortunately.
  She makes him sick enough he’s bedridden for a week, but he recovers.
  When I confront my demoness comrade, she simply says “The boy is 17, and he’s the sole provider for his family of 5. He’s mother is living enough hell as it is, so I just gave tall, dark and handsome a good ride and a touch at nirvana.”
  I don’t think that was the truth behind her reprieve at all; I’ve seen her take the lives of teens younger than that, who indulge in self molestation a little too much. I believe she let him keep his life as petty revenge on me, for disrupting her other encounters that night.
  The only consolation I have for now is that Gale Hawthorne will have an unexplainable aversion to sex for a few months, which means he won’t pursue my girl in the interim.
  But Katniss is starting to look more like a woman and less like a tomboy. It’s only a matter of time before she gets noticed by other boys. I don’t exactly need my partners to be virgins, but the thought of someone else taking Katniss’ purity drives me into a murderous state I really can’t afford.
  So, tonight, when I slip into the crack of the window to visit her, I dip my hand under her covers, into her threadbare camisole, to caress her supple, soft breasts. I pinch her nipples to erection and watch her react to the sensations.
  I plant suggestive thoughts in her subconscious. She blushes in her sleep and I murmur into her ear reassurances about her beauty and worth, and incredibly, I’m truthful about those.
  I close my eyes to savor the moment. It’s the first time I put my hands on her erogenous zones, and she does not disappoint. Katniss’ breast fits perfectly in my palm.
  “Sleep well my dear.” I whisper in her ear, “Dream of Incubus babies suckling at your tits. That will become your future at some point.”
  I’ve been stalking Katniss for the better part of five years, and still I fail to make her mine.
  She will be 16 in a few days time, and I’ve had plenty of opportunities to lay claim to her body, yet I keep finding excuses to prevent me from going any further than a few caresses on safe places. On nights she spends in the woods alone, I fabricate reasons why I shouldn’t touch her: ‘She’s fully clothed’, ‘A coyote is three miles away and could attack her in her heavy sleep’, ‘She looks uncomfortable on this tree branch; I want her first time to be somewhere she’s comfortable.’
  That last one became obsolete the moment Katniss hiked to a cement shack far into the woods, a place she excitedly canvassed for days, then fitted with a makeshift bed of dry grasses and hay to sleep in. Apparently the place had actually been discovered by her father in his youth, and he shared the place with his elder daughter, a secret location all to their own. Being the sentimental human she is, Katniss only recently found the courage to return without her father, and face the fact that her once happy childhood is gone.
  I blame my lack of progress on a disturbing thought: fucking Katniss in her sleep and leaving her to incubate my offspring after without any explanation, amounts to rape, and although it isn’t in my nature to operate under the moralistic customs of humans, I find the notion troublesome and appalling. I would never cause Katniss such pain and humiliation.
  So I’ve been stalling. Buying time, trying to find a way to make this union less… morbid. More consensual.
  I tell myself this is all for Katniss’ benefit, but the truth is, I think it would be rather nice to be able to look at her beautiful gray eyes while spilling my semen into her womb.
  To my chagrin, I’ve realized that while trying to consort with this girl, her humanity has bled into my very essence. I’m just afraid I cannot conform to mortal morals too long. My sole reason to exist is to procreate and satisfy my ever growing lust. My nature will win at the end, and I fear I will lose her when it happens.
  It’s raining a monsoon outside, yet Katniss is sitting on the porch crying quietly into her hands. It’s past her bedtime too, so I’m sure this is something she’s trying to hide from her family.
  I sit next to her on the creaky step before even realizing my physical body has materialized out of thin air of its own volition.
  “Gale, my best friend and hunting partner, kissed me today.” She says without even looking up at me. “I pushed him away and told him I didn’t want to be with him that way. That I never wanna get married and have children. He walked off angry, and now I don’t know what to do.”
  “I’m… sorry?” And I am, I just don’t quite know what it is I’m sorry about, yet.
  “I just don’t understand why he had to go and ruin a good thing!” Her gray, tear-filled eyes find me, and I’m surprised at the fire, anger, and betrayal in her gaze. I’m mesmerized. “Why did he have to go and complicate things that way? Isn’t he happy we are friends? Isn’t it enough we go out into the woods and feed our families together like partners? Why mess it all up?”
  “Because you’re beautiful. Because you’re worth the try. Because he’d be an idiot if he let it pass and never confessed his feelings for you. You are extraordinary, Katniss. You have no idea the effect you can have…”
  “What does that even mean, Peeta?” She demands angrily.
  “It means, men look at you and see someone worthy. Someone valuable. Someone they can’t help but admire and want to pledge their loyalties and affections to.”
  She snorts, pawing the tears off her cheeks. “You’re just saying that because you are my guardian spirit.” She says dismissively.
  “Your what?” I ask in disbelief, astonishment and an edge of offense.
  Katniss rolls her eyes, letting me know she thinks I’m being unnecessarily obtuse. “Come on, Peeta. You only show up on moonless nights when I’m in trouble, to help me with whatever supernatural powers you possess. I’ve known who you are since my friend Madge let me read her father’s old books from before the first rebellion of Panem. People back then believed in spirits and those kind of things. I just found one that fitted your description, and it came up as ‘Guardian Angel’ which mostly protect humans… you don’t have to deny or confirm it, but I’m pretty confident I got you identified!”
  She smiles through her tears. There’s a glimmer of satisfaction and playfulness deep in her eyes.
  I’ve never been confused with a Being of Light before, and to be honest I’m doing everything in my power to hide the disgust I feel at that. At this point, I find it counterproductive to correct her preposterous assumptions, so I bite my tongue for the time being.
  “Katniss,” I sigh, “Many boys are going to like you. You are an incredible young woman. That said, you don’t have to choose any of them, especially if you’re not comfortable. If Gale Hawthorne knows what’s good for him, he’ll come back and apologize for imposing himself on you. Otherwise, you did nothing wrong and you don’t owe him anything. Be sure you are happy and safe. Even… even when I’m around. You have such an incredible power to you. Don’t be sad about any of this. Chin up and be a great example for little Prim.”
  “Thank you, Peeta. You always know what to say to make me feel better.” She reaches for my hand taking me by surprise, and squeezes.
  My eyes fall to our entwined hands, and I marvel at the sight; there’s a fluttering of emotions in my chest. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never been touched by a human willingly, in friendship or otherwise. It’s extraordinary to say the least.
  I clear my throat. “You should go inside.”
  I watch her duck into her house, and for the first time since the inception of Earth, I remain frozen in one place for the night without seeking a mate to pollinate.
  Two weeks after Gale kissed Katniss, and they still aren’t on speaking terms. They avoid each other and start hunting separate parts of the woods in different schedules.
  Gale is 18 and can opt for a job at the medicine factory that opened up after the rise of the New Panem some ten years ago. He can also apply for a farming license and get a lot with fertile soil to work. Katniss is still too young to apply for any of that, but she’s old enough to marry.
  I will never understand the arbitrariness of human’s law regarding age of consent. A girl of marrying age, should be a girl of independent working age. But what do I know? I’m just a Being of Darkness; such conundrums are beneath me.
  Yet, I’m standing here in the other side of world, pondering on it!
  She doesn’t own me! If I’m going to obsess over a human, I still want to be me. I don’t want her to turn me into some angel I’m not.
  I don’t want to be a piece in this girl’s involuntary game.
  So, on my sweet, beautiful Katniss trudges to the woods teeming with game and wild herbs, waiting for her clever hands to pluck, either the string of her bow, or the greens off the forest floor; it matters not. Her family will eat better than her many neighbors, who sadly still live in poverty despite the new era of freedom.
  Ugh… curse that resilience and strength of hers! She’s irresistible!
  It’s late in the evening, the last remaining rays of sun just disappeared in the distance, not quite moonless, but dark enough to make anyone uneasy.
  A greasy, disgusting man spots Katniss slinking away from the dead electric fence, and lunges at her like a fiend. He takes her by surprise, and gets a hold of her game bag, which is quickly discarded carelessly on the ground. Katniss tries to fight the man back, gritting her teeth and growling like a rabid animal, but it’s no use.
  Despite how heavy set the man is, he’s quick on his feet, and has restrained Katniss by the wrists.
  The man reeks of white liquor. His balding head has a few long hairs combed to the side, which does nothing to hide the shine of his scalp. The disgusting creature is talking filth into Katniss’ face when I finally step out of the shadows and stalk his way. He doesn’t see me, too distracted on Katniss… MY Katniss.
  She’s doing everything in her power not to show how terrified, how trapped she is, but her eyes are filling with tears and this miserable maggot is feeding off it.
  The man presses his disgusting body into hers, and she tries to kick him off, snarling a threat that doesn’t reach him. The brute shoves her against a tree; she chokes a small sob back and begs him to stop, while shaking like a leaf. The man laughs, then sticks his nauseating tongue out of his mouth, and licks her face, from her chin to her temple … That’s the last thing I remember cohesively.
  I blink, and the next thing I see, there are blood, guts and gray matter splatter everywhere.
  The ground, the trees, my hands and clothes, everything is covered in gore. The man’s corpse lays shattered on the ground in two pieces ripped straight down the middle, from his head downward.
  I gasp her name, scanning the scene frantically until I see her, huddled up behind a tree with her head buried into her arms that rest on her knees.
  I call her name again, but she doesn’t respond to my voice. She mutters something I don’t catch, so I try to touch her. She yelps as soon as my fingers brush her shoulder, and scoots away from me like a crab running from a seagull.
  “No!” She yells batting my hand away.
  “What are you? You’re no angel at all are you?” She stumbles to her feet shakily. I try to follow but she stomps her feet like a toddler in mid-tantrum. “Stay away from me! Monster. Mutt. Whatever you are!” She takes off running home, snatching up her game bag as she goes.
  The only evidence linking her with this horror sight is gone, so it’s time to cover my own tracks.
  I extend my arms straight, at my sides, I close my eyes summoning nature to me. When the hair covering my arms stand with static and my fingers tingle with tiny shocks of electricity, I clap my hands way above my head bringing down a mighty flash of lighting that scorches the ground and singes the bark of the nearest trees.
  Looking at my handiwork with satisfaction, I leave Panem behind. It’s the last time I stalk Katniss Everdeen, awake or asleep. Anonymity is my gift to her.
  Sure enough, when morning comes, the death of that awful man, gets attributed to lightning.  
Plump, bodacious Delly Cartwright is as opposite in looks and personality to Katniss as humanly possible. I chose her painstakingly for that very reason. Her hair is a mess of yellowish curls that remind me of the majestic mane of a lion. Pretty enough face, with fair skin dotted with freckles, thin pink lips framed by laughing marks and wide set blue eyes full of trust and kindness.
  Delly’s had a sheltered, pampered life, and is very free with her affection. She is engaged to be married come Spring, but she’s by no means a pure, innocent virgin. I go at her like a dog with a bone.
  I’m in the process of covering her eyes with my special heavy sleep scales, to ensure she won’t wake in the middle of our tryst, but I feel the tug overpowering my whole body before I hear Katniss’ voice calling me by my proper, given name.
  Delly stirs in her sleep, while I try to hold on to the bedposts, refusing to answer the summon, but Katniss says my name again. It’s too powerful a pull. My fingers slip off the polished wood and my body pops out of existence in this room, and snaps back into being outside the familiar tiny shack the Everdeen women call home.
  The air crackles around me with electric pulses and a cloud of fog surrounds my body.
  Once the fog clears, I can see the single oil lamp sitting on the porch railing, illuminating the slim figure of the girl I’m trying to avoid with all my might.
  She’s beautiful though. I take her in hungrily.
  She’s standing barefoot on the old doormat that’s seen better days, wearing a white, threadbare nightgown I’ve never seen her in before. An equally threadbare shawl that can’t be providing any warmth in this chill wraps around her shoulders. Her hair falls loose down her back, but she keeps fiddling with the end of a lock she’s twisted around her fingers.
  Her pink lips tremble slightly from cold every time she exhales a foggy puff of breath from her mouth.
  Without really stopping to think of what I’m doing, I glide up the porch steps until I’m in front of her and tighten the shawl over her chest with both of my hands.
  “You’re shivering. You shouldn’t be outside in this cold with so little clothes on.” I try to sound stern, but my voice is too soft and caring.
  Her lips twitch up at the corners. Her gray eyes shine in amusement. “I wouldn’t have gotten so cold if you hadn’t taken so long to show up. I called you over 120 seconds ago!” She admonishes in a tone dripping with sarcasm.
  I narrow my eyes at her, trying to figure her out, but I give it up when her teeth start clattering together. She speaks before I can comment further.
  “Come inside with me?” It’s not really a request, since she’s holding my hand like a vise and dragging me towards the door.
  “Is that wise?” I ask her arching an eyebrow. “I’m not the Being of Light you previously thought I was.”
  She scowls at that, “No, you ain’t. But you’ve still saved my life more times than I care to remember. I owe you, and I’m not very comfortable having a debt so steep hanging over my head.”
  “Consider the balance void, Katniss. It’s safer that way.”
  She purses her lips and tightens her hold on her shawl. “We’ll see.” She pushes the door open and in we go, without hesitation.
  “I spoke to Greasy Sae,” she tells me, as we cross the living room and kitchen area, into the bedroom with the two beds, both empty tonight. “She’s the oldest person in the District, you know.” She states as if that explains anything.
  “There’s a wealth of wisdom in the elderly’s counsel,” I comment looking at her profile curiously.  “What did this Sae have to say?”
  Katniss pulls a chair from a writing desk and motions me to sit. I obey without questioning it.
  Katniss shrugs, “I asked many things, really. Sae talks a lot, and she knows everyone, so people come to her for advice.” She sits on her bed opposite me, yet her eyes shy away from mine.
  “What advice did you ask for?”
  “No advice. Just information.” Her eyes flick to me quickly, then go back to a point over my shoulder. “You know, what you did to Cray… well, it wasn’t subtle at all.” She finally pierces me with a glare, but that only lasts a second. “I mean, you tore his body in half with your bare hands and left his carcass to rot in the meadow. Who does that?!” Another glance, this one I can’t tell if she’s disgusted or terrified. She should be both.
  “I made it appear as if had been a lighting strike.” I protest.
  “It wasn’t storming that night, Peeta. We had beautiful, clear skies the whole, entire week. People knew something supernatural was behind that monster’s death.”
  “He was about to do terrible things to you, Katniss. Have you thought of how scared and devastated your sister would’ve been if something awful had happened to you?”
  “Of course I have!” She interrupts me. “It would’ve destroyed her. Don’t get me wrong, people are happy to see the bastard gone, because he’s always had a history with harassing girls, but everyone is scared now of something they don’t understand and can’t start to explain! The whole district is so shocked they close their shutters earlier, hide their youngsters fiercely, walk in large groups when going places like school or the market. Even at school teachers step out of their classrooms to make sure the students milling around the halls are safe. It’s horrible and traumatic…”
  “Then you know why I had to take care of that predator.” I spit venomously.
  Her shoulders sag, “I know.” The pinched look falls off her face.
  She stands up and walks towards me.
  In a surprising move, she lowers herself sideways on my lap. My arms go around her waist immediately, in case she changes her mind, but Katniss leans her head onto my shoulder and sighs deeply.
  In all the centuries I’ve fucked my way through humanity, I’ve never been this close to a girl before. I do not mean merely physically, but intimately. I’m not sure how to respond and reciprocate the affectionate gesture, so I settle for resting my cheek on the crown of her head.
  “Where’s your family?” I ask.
  “Tending to a birth. Twins. There’s some kind of complication, so mother took Prim to help her. They will be out all night.”
  I accept her explanation with a sound at the back of my throat. After a minute of easy silence, I ask, “Were you satisfied with the information you yielded from Mrs. Sae?”
  She doesn’t elaborate for a few minutes.
  “How did you know Cray was attacking me?” She finally asks shuddering in my arms.
  I scowl. “That kind of evil. It comes from me.” I tell her. “I recognize the ones who maim the soul and hurt the spirit, because that’s my job. That perversion originates from the same darkness I come from, and responds to the same urges I do.”
  Katniss tries to appear unperturbed about my words, but she can’t hide her trembling.
  “Sae said she didn’t recognize any spirits by my descriptions. I tried to remain vague and distant, as if asking on someone else’s behalf, but she was troubled by my questions, and I think she knew I’d witnessed Cray’s disembowelment. I had to stop my inquiry.”
  “I’m right here, Katniss. You can ask me anything you want to know. Isn’t that why you called me here tonight?”
  She shakes her head in denial. “Sae said it sounded like a dark one was protecting his mate, or maybe grooming a prospective mate. But of course, she’d never heard of something quite like you. She didn’t know who or what you were. She couldn’t tell me how to proceed.” Katniss straightens up, and stares into my eyes apprehensively. “I have an idea of how you may like me to pay off my debt to you.” She says blushing violently, averting her eyes and fiddling with her shawls fringe.
  She breathes in deeply, and lets the shawl fall from her shoulders. She takes my hand and brings it to her clavicle; her fingers interlace with mine, to venture under the neckline of her nightgown. Before I can make sense of what’s happening, I brush the soft skin of her full breast with the pad of my digits.
  Katniss presses my fingers to her delicate nipple, and I surrender my will to a human, for the first time in the memory of creation.
  I trace her areola gently, with practiced ease, until the nipple puckers up in response. Her own hand falls away, leaving me to my own devices.
  Katniss shudders a little, clenching her eyes closed. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” She asks me, not quite in accusation, but unsure and fearful
  “Yes.” I tell her. No sense in denying the truth. I lean into her ear to whisper, “Katniss, you should have left that debt alone when you had the chance, Sweetheart.” She shivers in my arms, but presses her torso against my body.
  “This is the price isn’t it?” Her voice wavers.
  “Partially. The price I’m charging is something you already told me you were unwilling do. Now we will have to come to some agreement.”
  “How long have you been touching me like this?” She’s holding back tears, but not stopping the pinches and kneading of my fingers on her flesh.
  “I’ve only done this twice to be honest. I palmed your behind once. Somehow, touching you without your knowledge feels… wrong.” She nods, a stray tear trails down her cheek. I nuzzle the sensitive spot behind her ear. “I’m sorry, Katniss. I’m not a one mate being. I go around the world, taking women such as yourself during their sleep, oftentimes impregnating them with my spawn. It’s not my custom to groom my partners, but everything about you has been different from the beginning.”
  “Aren’t I the lucky gal?” She spits bitterly, yet her breathing is getting shallower and a pretty blush is starting to color her skin from her face to her chest. She’s actually enjoying my ministrations on her breasts. “What makes me so special?” She asks.
  “You’re strong minded. One of my powers is to whisper things into a human’s ear, and plant ideas, orders, images… you’re too stubborn to listen to any of that. I’ve command you to cut all of your ties to that Hawthorne boy at least thrice, but you’ve refused to forsake his friendship and companionship each time.
  “I’ve tried to get you to wear dresses and shifts to bed, but you keep wearing your father’s clothing even to sleep.
  “Every time I try to induce a sexual dream into your mind, you clam up, and never stay asleep long enough to get too far into the dream for it to affect you the way I’d want it to. But, things seem to be changing right now.” I pull my hand out of the neckline of her gown and place it on her knee.
  Once I make to hike my hand up her thigh, Katniss clenches her legs together, whether she’s doing it to deny me access, or because she can’t handle the arousal, I am not sure. I drop my hand off her knee all the same.
  “I can’t take you without your consent, Katniss. That much is clear after my failed attempts at wooing you while unconscious.” I whisper into her temple, dropping a sweet, barely-there kiss. “This ‘grooming’ debacle has happened both ways.” I state. “Katniss Everdeen, you’ve tamed the feared and despised Incubus.” She gasps. I suppose, Incubus she’s heard off before.
  “I’m still a demon.” I say solemnly, “A sex fiend. My nature hasn’t changed, despite your domesticating me. You could reject me right this second, and I’d go away without ever touching you. But, once out of your snaring presence, I’d have to prowl around in search of other women to satisfy my needs.”
  “You’re saying that other women and girls well-being rest upon my shoulders?” She asks looking a little green in the face. “You couldn’t possibly do anything to them without their express permission, would you?” She sounds hopeful, and her eyes are pleading.
  “You’re the only one with power over me, Katniss. I only care for your wants and dislikes. I am yours to command, anyone else is disposable.”
  “How am I supposed to agree to these terms, Peeta? You… you’re- you molest women in their sleep! You get them pregnant against their will and nearly every one of them dies as a result of your encounters with them.” Her eyes fill with tears, but she doesn’t look away from my own. “I never want to have children. But that’s what you want from me, isn’t it?” She murmurs shakily, her body sagging into my chest. “I don’t want to die either. My sister needs me.”
  “Katniss, I’m obsessed with you, because you’re the sturdiest girl I’ve met. You’re a survivor. You don’t give up when you know the difference between death and survival is you. I’ve been investing my own powers on perfecting your body and preparing your internal organs so you’re in top condition for mating, sustaining a pregnancy and delivering a live half human, half demon child.”
  This stuns her a second. “You really were grooming me for years.” She sounds devastated. “I told you I didn’t want marriage, loving a man that could die and take away my will to live to his grave with him. It happened to my parents. I can’t abandon my children to their fate the same way my mother did to me and Prim. You knew all this. I told you all about it before… you still want me to… to—” she chokes back a sob and clams up.
  I’m aggravated with her. I had walked away from her, left her alone, freed her from my presence, yet she summoned me back here because she can’t let some fabricated debt go. I growl lowly, trying to keep my temper under control. She really won’t be able to survive my wrath, and I don’t want to harm her in an angry rush.
  “Since you insisted on calling me here, then I must inform you, you will become pregnant if we mate. That’s a guarantee. But I’m no man. I can’t die. I will never grow sick and time will never age me. My children won’t suffer human needs either. They’ll be strong and capable of hunting their own meals, much like you do now. If you can’t mother them properly, I will take them away and raise them myself. We have little room for negotiations at this point. Mating and childbearing are inescapable if you pursue the debt route.”
  “Kill me now then!” She snaps, trying to push away from me, but I keep her in place with my hands.
  “I will not kill you.” I say it like it is a command.
  “If I refuse to m-mate?”
  “Will you?” I counter. “Mating will happen on your terms. On your time.” My voice sounds gentler now, like it was before. “Then I’ll leave you alone for good if that’s what you want.”
  “You… you would?” She’s shaking all over.
  “My word is my bond.”
  “What should I call you? Master? Sir? Lord?”
  “Peeta. Just Peeta. That is my given name.” I tell her simply.
  “Why me? Why now?”
  “I don’t quite know. I just know you’re the one strong enough to stand the physical toil of carrying my offspring which has caused all the previous hosts’ demise.”
  She nods absentmindedly. I’m surprised when Katniss starts undoing the tiny buttons at the neckline of her gown, and slowly slips off my lap, to stand between my legs. I lose no time pulling the soft material covering her body down her arms, to pool at her feet. I stare at her naked torso and then at the apex of her thighs, drinking in her beauty with relish.
  “I’ve never seen you nude before.” I tell her in awe, rubbing my hands up and down her arms.
  “Let’s do this now. No sense delaying it. It would happen eventually anyway.” She says, shyly.
  She most see the greed and lust in my eyes, because she tries to cover her chest and the curly, black hair covering her sex. I remain seated on my chair, until she starts squirming under my heated gaze.
  “Do as you must, Peeta. Do it quickly.” She says after forcing her eyes back to mine.
  “You need to be more specific, Katniss. Otherwise I’ll stay planted here until dawn slashes me away.” I tell her arching a brow. I burn with desire for her, but I cannot move without her permission.
  She grunts and taps a foot impatiently. I smile at that. She’s still so strong willed even now, and so pure deep down; it’s endearing.
  “Take me, Peeta. Now. Mmm… sexually.” She punctuates.
  I can’t help smirking deviously. I stalk up to her and reach my hand to rest on the curve of her waist, gently pulling her forward.
  “I am going to kiss you now.” I purr into her ear.
  Kissing my partners is unusual for me, but this is Katniss. I take her lips with mine in a searing kiss that burns down my body. I lay her on the bed blindly, caressing her velvety skin tenderly.
  I’ve master the art of masturbating my conquests to assure lubrication, but other than that, I’ve never given thought to foreplay for the sake of pleasing my partners. I’m doing things here, I’ve never done before. Human lovers may be more adept at romancing, but I’m doing my best to pleasure Katniss with my hands, lips, tongue and words.
  I taste, kiss and nip at her skin. I tweak, pinch, knead and caress her flesh; I suck on her nipples and nuzzle the cleft between her thighs. She tenses, melts, and chokes back sounds on intervals every so often, not quite sure if she should resist me or enjoy the sensations I’m evoking in her.
  “Relax, Katniss. Clear your mind. Enjoy the moment.”
  She lifts her head in time to watch me take a long swipe of my tongue along her labia. Her head falls on the flat pillow and a soft moan escapes her sweet mouth.
  “You smell and taste divine.” I tell her while inserting my middle finger inside her warm, wet pussy.
  Finally, Katniss cries out my name, and I swear it’s the most intoxicating thing I’ve ever experienced.
  A second and then a third finger find their way inside her making her bow off the bed. She’s moaning loudly now. My thumb makes contact with a small kernel of flesh I haven’t really paid much attention to while with other women.
  Katniss shouts with the first few passes of my thumb, she begs me not to stop, to “please, please, please, keep doing that!” And I can’t resist lapping at the copious arousal bathing my hand and Katniss’ thighs.
  I’ve made women orgasm before, unintentionally of course. They cum just by the sheer size of my shaft, but it’s never been as extreme as this. My sweet, little Katniss arches off the bed, her shout dies in her throat, and then she falls on her back, convulsing and twitching.
  At some point her fingers tangled in my hair. She pulls on it every time she shudders her release, until she lays still.
  I sit up and catch my reflection on the oval mirror propped on Mrs. Everdeen’s night table, next to the blade her late husband used to shave his face. Both items remain in the same spot they were left at 6 years ago. Young Primrose polishes the reflecting surface everyday, readying it for a father that will never use it again.
  As I take a minute to inspect my appearance, I’m surprised I don’t have Gale Hawthorne features. I’m taken aback at how young and kind my face is. I guess I must be 16 or 17 in her mind’s eye. Blond, wavy hair. Warm blue eyes. Chiseled jaw, defined upper lip and a strong straight nose. I rip off the simple white button down shirt covering my upper body to find lean, defined muscles over a wide set of shoulders that look strong and used to manual labor. My skin is fair with a smattering of freckles and light blonde hair cover my arms. I realize this is what Katniss finds appealing. Whatever she’s attracted to.
  I look down at my trousers, and see flecks of flour on dark brown sturdy material. I find it amusing that she’s dreamt me off to be a baker of all things, but I guess in her mind, it makes sense. I did give her bread in the backyard of an abandoned bakery the first time we met.
  I will the rest of my clothes gone, and it disappears on the spot. I kiss her navel sweetly, and hook my elbows under her knees. When I sit up, I pull her hips towards mine.
  “My turn.” My voice is raspy and needy. Katniss nods, widening the opening between her thighs for me.
  “Will you… fit?” Her voice wavers, her gray eyes watch the turgid appendage between my legs nervously.
  My cock twitches. “I will fit, Sweetheart. Don’t you worry about it.” I assure her sweetly, caressing her outer thigh.
  She nods. “Okay.” She breathes out softly. “I’m ready.”
  Katniss gasps when I run the head of my dick through her wet, swollen folds, and without much ado sink my full, long girth into her in one swoop motion. She releases a breathless, long, drawn out moan once I’m seated all the way in. She’s so tight and warm, I wish I could freeze this moment, here, right now, and live in it forever. Alas, time is not something I have control over, so I give into my need and start moving.
  Katniss keens breathlessly every time I rock into her. She’s digging her blunt nails into the skin of my shoulder blades, after having hooked her slim arms under mine. Her face is practically buried into the hollow of my neck, letting me feel the brush of her lips and her hot breath against my pectoral with every thrust. Having her awake for this was the best decision ever!
  I kiss her sweaty forehead, and bury my nose in her hair. She always smells so good, like lavender and fresh rain. I kiss her temple, and then her cheek; lastly I kiss her lips and she sighs into it.
  “Does it feel good?” I ask her, genuinely interested in her answer.
  She nods faintly. “It feels… wonderful. Different. Strange. I feel so full, like I’m stuffed to the brim, yet I need more of you, of your… hmmm…”
  “Cock,” I supply. “Call it a cock.”
  “Alright.” She breathes out. “I- I think I like the feel of your… cock, in me.” She says rubbing her cheek against mine.
  “Good. Let me know when you get tired, and I’ll finish.”
  She gives me a frowning look. “You can do that at will?” She asks.
  I shrug. “Usually. Sometimes, when I’m to keyed in, I just explode after a few pumps. It’s not very often. But it’s happened.”
  “Well, I don’t want to rush you, but, my legs are starting to cramp up, so…” she winces.
  I chuckled and kiss her mouth again. “Alright, Sweetheart, your wish is my command. I’ll fill you up with my thick cum right away.”
  She’s trying to smile at my jesting words, but I pick up my pace before she can respond, and soon I’m driving into her like a possessed madman. It only takes a few pumps, but it takes almost a full 2 minutes to finish spilling my load into her. My hands aren’t idle during my release though.
  My thumb presses tight, fast circles against her clit, and my sweet, beautiful Katniss starts clenching and shaking with her own orgasm. I nearly mistake her body obviously reacting to my semen because she’s riding her release at the same time as her organs start knitting the embryo of my heir deep in her womb.
  Her body tenses, and breaks out into a high fever. She shivers and her lips turn pale and dry, her skin is ashen and papery, and her eyes are closed. She’s convulsing in my arms, but not in blissful orgasm anymore. Since I’m still inside her, I can feel every one of her muscles contract on my cock, and it is too much for me to bear, I pull out of her quickly and spill a second load just shy of her pussy. I gather her into my arms, and mumbled an incantation into her hair, holding tightly to her.
  I’m not allowed to pray, but that doesn’t stop me from pleading for her life over and over as I sit on the bed with her limp body cradled to my chest. “Please, don’t let her die. Please, don’t let her die. Please, don’t let her die…”
  Fuck! I don’t care if the child lives as long as she does… and I keep rocking her until morning surprises me, and Mrs. Everdeen walks in on me holding her almost dead daughter.
  Katniss gives birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
  The child looks completely human with a mop of dark hair on her head and the bluest eyes a child can have at that age. Still, rumors break out of the origin of the child, and people start attacking both Katniss and the babe when things start getting too weird for them.
  Mrs. Everdeen reluctantly accepts her daughter has mated with a demon, and has a very hard time looking her in the eye. I’m sure the fact that she sees me as an exact replica of her dead husband, has to have caused some psychological disturbance for the healer. It must have been unpleasant to walk in on her obviously freshly fucked daughter, limp and unresponsive in the arms of a man that looks just like the father of said daughter.
  Primrose is not allowed to stay in the same room with her sister and niece without Mrs. Everdeen present, and Katniss is livid about it.
  “I’ve practically raised Prim on my own at the age of 11, when you were too sick to care for anyone, least of all yourself! We are all alive thanks to Peeta!” She yells at her mother one day while bitter tears slide down her cheeks.
  Mrs. Everdeen asked Katniss to leave the house, after catching my reflection on the window glass while the baby nursed. The healer can’t stand my presence, let alone the appearance my body takes in her mind’s eye, particularly when I can’t hide my lust for Katniss regardless of the face I’m wearing.
  On top of the obvious, understandable reasons why Mrs. Everdeen wants nothing to do with her oldest daughter, she claims to be afraid I’ll go after Primrose as well, as if I could have the faintest interest in the young girl, when I only have eyes for the mother of my child.
  “Please don’t say that cursed name in this house, Katniss. That monster will be drawn to it.”
  “I can call his name whenever I want, because he’s the father of my child, your grandchild!” Katniss argues. “He has never done anything to harm us. He’s saved my life numerous times, and he’s fed us, and kept our health when he didn’t have to. You’re being unreasonable!”
  “She really is not.” I say in my most gentlemanly voice, as I shimmer into existence in the middle of their room. “Your Mother has reason to distrust me, but to displace her own daughter and brand new grandchild is cruel.” I say turning eyes full of fire to the woman cowering away from me.
  I go back to Katniss and smile, showing her only placid blue when she looks into my eyes. “Do not worry, Katniss. You’re mine to care for, and that I will do. As for your family…” When I shift my gaze to Mrs. Everdeen, my pupils have taken over the blue of my irises, leaving only a pool of empty darkness. “We will figure something out.”
  The babe nurses with vigor, and my favorite time of day is when I sit and watch the evening feedings. My fascination with the baby is offset by my ever growing lust, sparked by Katniss’ exposes breasts.
  When the child is asleep and safely tucked in her crib, I take Katniss to the living room of the grand house I built for her in the middle of the woods. I strip my lover of her clothing, piece by piece and drag her to her own bedroom, where the softest, most comfortable bed waits for us.
  She doesn’t want to be pregnant again so soon, so she bends over and lets me take her in the rear.  By the sounds she makes, I dare say she enjoys it greatly. Her pussy doesn’t stay neglected though; my fingers keep my sweet, beautiful mate satisfied and relaxed.
  I seldom need another body to satisfy me anymore, but until I have a mature offspring to take my place devouring the sleeping women of the world, I’m bound to keep prowling the Earth seeking to douse a dying lust for other cunts; my conquests all fall flat and insipid compared to the vivacious woman I have waiting on me back home.
  I’m not sure when Katniss’ place became Home for me, but it is the place I always return to.
  Katniss starts hunting again six months after the baby is born.
  On the second day, the child sits in her pen while Katniss skins the game. The baby cries and cries until her mother picks her up and sits her on her lap as she works. Katniss shrieks when the child’s chubby hand plunges into the bucket of entrails next to the stool they sit on, and tries to bring the gore to her open mouth. The little girl throws a mighty tantrum, until she’s fed meat from a squirrel Katniss cooked. After that, the baby only wants to feed on game, not on vegetables and milk like normal babies.
  Katniss thinks it’s unnatural to feed a child so young meat, but she wasn’t truly frightened until a few days after the child’s first birthday.
  Primrose visits with her pet cat, Buttercup. Our baby grabs the feline by the tail and tries to strangle it with a choke hold worthy of a professional wrestler. Primrose nervously laughs it off as childlike curiosity and lack of force control, but Katniss knows better. Our child tried to kill and eat Buttercup.
  I knew it was time to take charge of the toddler.
  Katniss cries with guilt, because she now understands her own mother’s fears, but still hands the little girl over to me, to take to my realm. They get to see each other every day, and our daughter loves her mommy to death. They just don’t understand each other’s natures, and know it’s better to remain separate.
  Our daughter’s growth has accelerated in my realm, so she’s now at the level of a 5 year old child.
  “Will she kill humans?” Katniss asks me tearfully one night after my seed is drying between her thighs.
  I lean down and kiss her temple. “She might. She may become a Succubus. She may become something totally different. She’s still half human, darling. Only time will tell.”
  That’s poor comfort for Katniss, so she cries in my arms until fatigue takes over her. I can’t help myself. I fuck her again while she’s asleep, and this time I don’t pull out when my release is imminent. That’s when it happens again. Only this time the reaction is different. Obviously supernatural.
  Her breathing picks up, her mouth falls open, her skin starts to glow. I place my hands on her abdomen, where the glow is more intense. I push my erection inside her pussy, because I want to feel it happening from the inside, and the heat leaching from her walls is almost unbearable. Her forehead breaks into fat beads of sweat, her skin is burning up, and she shivers uncontrollably under my weight. I’m involuntarily cumming again. My hips can’t stay still, so I give in and piston into her at a frantic pace, digging her slim frame deeper into the mattress.
  Poor, exhausted, Katniss, passes out before I can pull out of her. Much like the first time, my mate is in a short coma for the next week.
  I make her mother tend to her like I did the first time as well. This time, Katniss delivers twin baby boys.
  There’s absolutely no doubt at all the infants are my spawn and hold the powers of the incubus. When Katniss holds them, they look exactly the way she sees me: soft blonde curls that fall on their forehead in waves, pleasant blue eyes like summer sky, long eyelashes that brush chubby, rosy cheeks. The boys look cherubic, and she can’t stop kissing them and showering them with attention.
  They’ve won over their grandmother completely as well. When Mrs. Everdeen takes them, the boys look just like Katniss: straight dark hair, gray eyes, olive skin. They have Mr. Everdeen’s chin. But if Prim is the one to hold them, they look completely different.
  The twins breastfeed exclusively, refusing any other nourishment well into two years of age. The boys are cunning, not showing any demonic tendencies, or habits that’ll scare Katniss away. Mommy— as they call her affectionately— is way too fond of them, and barely leaves their side. She’s lost weight and her skin and hair turned brittle, but her children come first all the time.
  They can’t fool me though. I catch them whispering thoughts into their mother’s head, planting ideas and fears she’s never had before, and I know it’s time to take them away when they don’t even try to hide their wrong doing from me, just staring boldly into my face, sporting identical smirks as they sing into Katniss’ ear they’re the only ones that love her in this world; they need her to care for them.
  Katniss fights me over them, until I show her how manipulative the little fuckers are: I’m fucking her in our bedroom while the boys are supposed to be soundly asleep in their own warm beds, instead, they sneak into our room and watch in fascination as I take her hard and fast. They snicker when my hand makes contact with their mother’s romp and I make the curtain fall, revealing their presence after casting a protective block on her mind against the boys’ trickery.
  Katniss scrambles to cover up her nakedness, but the boys ask excitedly when will they be able to do the same?
  I sit them both on my lap— that my mate has hastily covered with our sheets— and lovingly explain to my sons they will have their chance once they reach puberty. And the best part is, I’ll be able to retire!
  Katniss leaves the bed to wrap herself with a robe and watches my exchange with the boys disgusted from a corner of the room. Her limbs are tied into a tight ball, and her distress is palpable enough for the boys to pick up.
  “Not you mommy,” one of the twins clarifies.
  “Mommy belongs to you, father.” Adds the other one helpfully.
  “And she’s too sweet to break.” Explains the other.
  Katniss does not oppose me taking the boys after that.
  The third pregnancy nearly kills my Katniss.
  The baby’s aura is just too evil for her body to sustain. I conjure up my most powerful sleeping magic and cover her eyes with scales so heavy she stays asleep for three days.
  I take the child from her womb before she can wake up, but the little demoness survives.
  Katniss never gets to see her new daughter, and the child hates her mother so much I have no choice but to send her to the one place that can hold a being as dark as her. Deep into Hell.
  I tell Katniss the baby was stillborn and she never asks questions about it.
  Katniss is 25 the day she becomes pregnant for the last time. She delivers a second set of perfectly healthy twins; a boy and a girl this time. Both completely human. Both looking exceptionally normal and nothing like me, except for their bright blue eyes. That trait could’ve come from Mrs. Everdeen and Primrose for all I know.
  I’m so out of my mind with rage, I terrorize poor Katniss by pretty much destroying everything in the house. I accuse her of sleeping with human men while I was away, Gale Hawthorne perhaps, since the babes have that Seam look to them.
  She denies it vehemently, bawling and pleading, so scared for her life, but shielding the newborns with her battered body after labor.
  I push her aside and stride to the crib, ready to smite the infants with a blow of my hand. She falls on her knees begging me to believe her, screaming her innocence, crying out my name pitifully. “Peeta, please, you have to believe me!”
  “Why should I?” I yell in her face.
  “Because… because… I love you, Peeta!” She cries out loudly, hanging from my wrist, my hand lifts her body off the floor wrapped around her delicate neck, squeezing it tightly.
  I see the petechiae forming in the white of her eyes. The oxygen in her brain will soon be too scarce to function.
  But she’s stunned me into silence.
  “No you don’t.” I slam her down to the floor gracelessly.
  Katniss’ tear stricken face looks up. She crawls closer to me ignoring her sore throat and neck. She tugs on my pant legs, pitifully. “I do, Peeta. It’s the truth.” She rasps painfully. “I’ve loved you since I was a little girl. I could never let any other man or being lay a hand on me. I’m in love with you.”
  “Well…” I struggle for something to say. I’m choked up, words won’t come to my aid. “You shouldn’t, Katniss. Nobody loves me. I’m a demon.”
  “And my body is your temple.” She pleads.
  But the imprint of my fingers marring her neck, are a reminder, not even living a thousand lifetimes atoning, would be enough to deserve her. “And look how well I look after my temple!” I speak mainly to myself, my voice dripping sarcasm and regret.
  “I am yours for eternity.” She vows placing my hand on her chest, where her heart is frantically pounding. “I give you my soul. Please, Peeta. No one has ever touched me, but you. I swear on all of our children. The infant twins included.”
  “Katniss! No!” I lament deeply, falling heavily on a chair the farthest away from the crib.
  “No what?” She murmurs, coming to caress my shins, then she massages my knees, and her nimble hands creep up my thighs, making a beeline for the fastenings of my trousers.
  My cock becomes hard as steel in a second. Katniss Everdeen has been the first and only human to perform oral sex on me. The way she falls on her knees to worship my cock with her mouth, and when it is evident my length will go down her throat only so far, her hands join the cult to my phallus and I loose all my faculties, along with my will to lord over her; I become her slave when her sweet mouth is around me, even when she’s the one in the servitude position. It’s one of the many reasons I know for a fact I could never leave her, is one of the reasons I know she’s my one true mate.
  But I ignore my erection and the all consuming need to be in her mouth. She’ll convince me to anything if I let her suck me off, then where will we be? There are more pressing matters than the gratification of my lust to consider.
  “Katniss, you shouldn’t have pledged your soul to me. That was foolish! Reckless. A gigantic mistake!” I tell her pulling at the roots of my hair, soft and silky, the way she likes it. “Now you truly belong to me, for eternity.” I tell her, and finally cup her cheek in my palm, tangling her dark tresses in my fingers.
  “Peeta, I live in the woods. Everyone has shunned me because I’m the Incubus’ whore. No one talks to me, but everybody fears me. I’m an outcast in this place. My mother barely stands to see me, let alone talk to me. My sweet sister is the only person who loves me and my children. In her eyes the kids are just her nieces and nephews despite their dark inclination, but Prim’s reputation suffers every time people remember we’re related, so I’ve been trying to keep my distance from her.”
  Katniss shakes her head sadly, and sits back on her haunches. “I chose you a lifetime ago. I knew the price of being your lover would be steep. I still choose you. Do you still not know this?”
  “Nobody has loved me before.” I mutter sadly.
  “Well, I do. And I will until you take me from this earth.”
  I nod, my mind resolved on what needs to be done.
  “The day the twins are completely independent, living their own lives, happily according to their own expectations, I’ll come for you, my beautiful mate.” I tell her. “Since these babies are human, they belong to you, and you will care for them until they reach maturity.
  “To makes things easier on you and them, no living human will remember anything about me. The children’s father will just be a foggy memory no one can quite recall. You will be safe, and I’ll be gone until time brings me back to you.”
  “And what of me? Do I sit here pretending I don’t miss you? Feeding our children lies about their father?“ She argues scowling at me angrily.
  “Sweetheart, I’m afraid you won’t remember much about me either.” I tell her firmly.
  “Peeta, you can’t! Peeta—“ She tries to catch my arm, her voice is full of anger and betrayal, but my enchantment is already done.
  “Until then… my love.”
  The girl with dark hair and blue eyes dances on tip toes in the meadow. The boy with blonde curls and gray eyes tries to twirl like his sister, but his chubby legs can’t keep up.
  Katniss laughs merrily from her spot on the picnic blanket. I’ve never been good at staying away from her, but I’ve made an art of longing from afar without touching her, our the children. This time I can’t resist the temptation, and reach my index finger to brush away the lock of gray hair that has escape her loose braid.
  She shivers at my touch, and gathers her coat around her.
  “Children,” she calls, standing up and already folding the blanket, “it’s time to go home for the evening.”
  “Do we have to, Grandma?” Whines the little girl.
  “Yeah! Woo ve haf too?” Pipes up the toddler.
  “Remember, we promised mommy and daddy we’d come home early enough to take baths.” Says Katniss with a sweet smile.
  The little girl groans and kicks a pebble. Her brother tries to imitate the behavior, but can’t quite get the sass. Katniss rushes at them both, and takes them in her arms for hugs and kisses. The children laugh until they forget to grumble about cutting short their playtime.
  I gave my family new memories. Then I gave the whole district a similar version to complement.
  Katniss lives with our son and his family above the bakery we met at when she was a child. The walls leading up the apartment are covered with family pictures, full of love and happiness. There’s one single portrait of Katniss’ late husband among the pictures: a wide shouldered baker, with a riot of blonde waves on his head, summer sky blue eyes that match his twins’ perfectly, and a sweet lopsided smile that makes his widow’s heart swoon even now.
  “Tell us a story, Grandma!” Begs our grand daughter after her mother and father tuck her in bed.
  “Stowry!” Shouts the boy from his side.
  “Tell us about Grandpa and his watercolors!”
  Katniss laughs, and sits down on the children’s bed. She tells a beautiful story of how her husband used to paint beautiful pictures of flowers and plants for her, how her husband was a painter, and a baker, how he never put sugar in his tea, slept with his windows open, and always double knotted his shoelaces. I stare at my beautiful mate from the shadows, recounting a romance of great bravery, that defeated odds and trials, just to emerge victorious and true.
  I wish her memories were as real as the sweet smile they bring to her face.
  Rumor has it the baker died attacked by tracker jackers. A horrific and tragic death. Nobody wants to think about it, so they don’t. All anyone knows is that the Mellark’s are a respectable, loving family of bakers that had to survive without their beloved husband and father.
  Katniss learned her husband’s trade and passed it down to their twin children. Both very creative and skilled bakers in their own right. The boy married first at the age of 20. His wife is sweet and devoted and had her first baby the following year. The twin sister, decided to stay single and travel the world, learning culinary secrets from other places to improve the business back home. She returned recently with a dog in tow and has been trying to adopt an orphan girl she befriended in one of her travels.
  Katniss is almost 50 years old now. Tonight I’ve come for her. She’s lived a full, happy life reflected in the laugh lines around her lips and eyes. Her hair has streaks of gray all over; wrinkles and soft skin have appear on her face and arms, but she’s as beautiful as the day I left her.
  She’s asleep, and content. I almost regret waking her… but she’s mine, and I’ve missed her. The world is such a lonely place without her waiting for me everyday. Sure, I have my demonic clan to keep me company in the dark realm, but they’re all wreaking havoc on their own now, and fuck it, no other pussy compares to my mate, despite her human age. I haven’t taken another woman since I released the boys onto the world, they’re even more devious and manipulative than I ever was.
  The girls are the truly scary ones to be honest; they can kill any man with precision and never get a speck of gore on their pristine outfits. Deep down I believe it’s because of their mother’s hunting skills and stubbornness.
  I smile fondly at her, while hovering over her bed. I kiss her forehead, whispering the command into her mind. “Wake up, Sweetheart. It’s time to go home.”
  Slowly, her eyes open, and I see the bright gray hue I’ve missed so much all this years. A sweet, soft smile curls her lips slowly.
  “Hi, handsome. I’ve been waiting for you.” She says and accepts my kiss on her lips.
  “The adoption was approved.” I tell her quietly, of our daughter’s last pending matter. “The twins are already independent and have everything they’ve ever wanted. You did a beautiful job raising them. I’m here to collect you, darling.”
  “You look so handsome.” Katniss says “That silver hair suits you, and your wrinkles match my own. I always knew you’d look devilishly beautiful in your mature age. I’ve forgotten how striking you truly are, though.” She says caressing my cheek and smiling. “The children would loved to meet you.”
  “The children know their father loved them enough to give them a good life. They’re happy and have filling lives, It won’t do them any good to know me.” I tell her without self pity. “Now come, It’s time.” I take her hand, and help her up.
  “Oh!” She exclaims when her soul separates from her body. The wrinkles in her hands smooth out, her hair turns black as night and elongates to her waist that shrinks and tightens. She could be 16 again.
  She looks down at her old body lying peacefully in her bed, now an empty shell. Her eyes widen. “Am I dead?” She asks.
  I nod. “You pledged your soul to me, Katniss. It’s the only way we can be together for eternity,”
  “Will I get to see our children again?” She asks.
  “Any time you want.” I promise. “You’ll see and talk with the ones that live with me every day, but the ones we leave here, in the human world… They will feel your presence, but they will never see you again.”
  She looks sad about the news.
  “It’s the way of mortals, my love.” I tell her caressing her face tenderly.
  “It is.” She acquiesces, leaning into my touch, and then kissing the palm of my hand.
  “You gave them a good life and sweet memories to remember you by.” It’s not much, but it’s enough to get her to move on.
  “That I did.” She looks up at me, gifting me with a bittersweet smile. “Take me away, Peeta. I have so many hugs in store from the grand babies to give you.”
  “Then let’s not delay.”
  “You will really be content with me for eternity?”
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nailriddenbat · 6 years
Mayfield | Series - Pt. V
Summary: Max Mayfield and Billy Hargrove aren’t the only new kids to step foot into Hawkins. Meet Y/N Mayfield, Max’s big sister, who’s here to make sure no one messes with her sister.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Mayfield!Reader (SLOW BURN)
Characters: Y/N Mayfield, Neil Hargrove, Max Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, George OC, Rebecca OC
Warnings: Language, bit of violence, graphic imagery, blood..
Word Count: 2.8k
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X (FINALE) 
“Come on,” you pleaded with the car to start as you repeatedly twisted the key in the ignition. The car made a whining noise but the engine wouldn’t start up and you dropped your head to the steering wheel in frustration.
“Car problems, Y/N?” Neil called out to you as he got out of his own car.
“Clearly,” you muttered underneath your breath. You stepped out of the car and walked over to pop the hood, jumping back when you were hit with a cloud of smoke.
“That doesn’t look good!” he said as he walked over to you.
You bit your tongue to hold yourself back from unleashing a ton of sarcastic comments in his direction. Instead you stuck with, “You got that right, Neil!”
He stood next to you and leaned down as if he knew what he was looking at, “Well I can call the auto shop and they’ll send over a tow truck to take it in.”
You pushed your hair back as you sighed, dropping your hands to your side. “Yeah sure,” you gave up in defeat. “I’ll just talk to Mom and see if she can spot me for the repairs and I’ll pay her back once I start working.”
“You’d have a job if you didn’t pass up the grocery store interview,” Neil shot you a look. “You can’t be asking your mother for money your entire life.”
You shot him a nasty look as you slammed the hood down before walking over to the house. Max pulled the door open and smiled up at you, holding her skateboard as always.
“We ready to go? I want to get my hands on Dig Dug,” she grinned.
“No can do, kid,” you sighed. “The challenger took a shit and the engine won’t start.”
Her face fell and your heart cracked a bit. You hated disappointing her and you turned to look at Neil, “Can you drive Max to the arcade?”
He sighed loudly as he shook his head, “I’m busy. I’ll have Billy take her.”
“No,” you shot down his suggestion. 
“Billy is the only one available, Y/N,” Neil explained. “And I need you to stay here so you can talk to the person who will be picking up your car. I’m making the call for you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” you could feel yourself growing more frustrated with this douchebag as he pushed his way past you and into the house.
He walked over to Billy’s door and slammed his hand against it. It took a few minutes but Billy finally answered the door.
“Drive your sister to the arcade,” Neil ordered him before he disappeared to his office down in the basement.
You glared over at Billy as he rubbed at his nose and stared over at you.
“You incapable of driving her?” he asked.
“My car broke down. I have to wait for the tow truck,” you snapped at him. “I’m warning you, Billy. Next time it’ll be more than a cigarette to your skin if you put another hand on her.”
“I’m shaking in my boots,” he smirked before disappearing into his room to grab his jacket, sunglasses and keys. “Let’s go, Max!” he shouted over at her before storming by and stomping out to the car.
“I’ll be okay, Y/N,” Max touched your arm lightly. “I can take him.”
You snorted a little and leant down to kiss her head gently. “I’ll tag along to pick you up. Go kick some ass at the arcade.”
She walked away and you watched as the two of them jumped into the Camaro. You took a deep breath as Billy sped off and you moved to sit on the steps, figuring you might as well wait outside.
They showed up about an hour later and you jumped up to talk to them, making sure they handled your car carefully. They explained that they would get in touch with you and keep you updated, and you watched with a sad look as they drove away, your car being taken with them.
You turned your head as you heard a horn and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Steve’s car pull up beside you.
You crossed your arms over your chest. You had avoided him at all costs since your freak out from the other day, feeling embarrassed.
Steve stood up and closed his door gently, pointing over at your car as it disappeared around the corner. “What happened?”
“Car won’t start up,” you shrugged your shoulders a bit.
“Damn,” he cursed a little. “Well the auto shop is pretty decent so it should be up and running soon.”
You nodded your head and looked around, feeling beyond awkward.
“I uh... sorry for just stopping by randomly. I was doing some running around and I wanted to check in, see if you were okay.”
“You do that a lot,” you pointed out to him. “Check in on me.”
“You make it sound creepy.”
“It is a little creepy,” you tried to laugh it off and waved your hand at him. You looked at his car and saw a bouquet of flowers sitting in the passenger seat. “Nice flowers.”
He turned and sighed, “Yeah. They’re for Nancy.”
You heard the rumors that had spread around school. Nancy had been MIA since the fight with Steve and a few people mentioned that she had disappeared with some kid named Byers. Despite this, here was Steve with flowers to give to her. Your stomach twisted with an unfamiliar sensation and you had to work to keep your face blank. What the hell was that?
“I figured I’d take the first step in apologizing to her, but I’m not exactly sure what the hell I’m apologizing for,” he started mumbling.
“Don’t you think you should figure that out first?” you asked him.
“Probably,” he nodded his head. “But I’m trying to not be a shitty boyfriend and do the right thing.”
You laughed shortly and he looked at you in confusion. “I’m sorry,” you apologized for your outburst. “But somehow I don’t see you fitting the description of a shitty boyfriend.”
“Why’s that?” he asked as leaned against his car, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged and kicked at the grass a bit. “You’re apologizing and giving her flowers when you don’t even know what you’re apologizing. Most guys would just not even bother doing either of those things and they’d push to forget whatever fight went down.”
“Well that’s not me anymore,” he chuckled. “I’m trying to break away from that. No more crazy parties, no more asshole tendencies and whatnot.”
“Why the change in character?”
“Shit happens, Mayfield, and it changes you for good,” he looked up at you as he answered honestly.
That answer hit close to your heart and you felt your throat start to tighten up. All you could do was nod your head in agreement, keeping your eyes on the ground.
“Mayfield?” he said your last name gently but you refused to look up at him.
“You can act like nothing happened but speaking from experience, it just backfires on you,” he continued to speak. “You have to acknowledge the change and talk about it.”
“Talk about it with who?” you looked up at him and your eyes connected with his instantly. “I have no one here.”
“That’s not true,” he shook his head slowly. “I’m here.”
“Why?” your voice was growing smaller.
“Because you need a friend and I can be that friend,” he gave you a soft smile as he held your gaze.
Why were you doing this? Why were you moving to lean against his car and why were you mentally preparing yourself to tell a strange about what had happened to screw you up so bad?
“You should talk about it, Y/N,” Max’s words floated back into your mind.
“I wasn’t going to move to Hawkins,” you started off the story, avoiding his eyes and picking at the fabric of your shirt. “Mom broke the news to us the night after her and Neil had gotten married at City Hall, and I outright refused. I had a life there in Cali. I had friends, a job, I had my school. I had George,” your voice cracked as you said his name for the first time since you left California.
“Boyfriend?” Steve asked in a gentle tone.
You nodded your head and laughed a little, “Yeah. Boyfriend. His parents took me in and I ended up sharing a room with his sister for a while. I was fine with it, though. I mean it was my only way of ensuring I could stay in California. So while mom and Max packed up to move out to Hawkins, I packed up and moved in with George and his family.” You stopped talking for a minute, thinking back on how excited the two of them had been. “It was fun. We went everywhere together and we did everything together. On the weekends, he’d run into the bedroom to wake me up and he’d be screaming the lyrics to whatever Aerosmith song he could think of, because that was his favorite band. He’d almost always choose ‘Dream On’ and he was just so annoying about it.”
Steve looked over at you, his heart breaking piece by piece as he listened to you speak. He could tell this was taking a lot of you and he stepped closer, his arm brushing against yours. You took notice but stayed still.
“Our group of friends...they were always partying,” you mentioned. “Every weekend it would be someone else’s house as if it were some sort of rotation. And of course we’d go. We would dance and drink all night long, then end up crashing there. But George decided that one night, he was gonna snatch his keys up and go for a drive.”
You watched him as he jumped up from the couch, knocking his head back as he finished off whatever was in his red cup. You decided to stay sober that night, as you had a babysitting job set up early the next morning. George bumped into the wall as he scrambled to find his keys on the key rack. You jumped up a little, almost falling into your friend Rebecca, but you kept moving to get to George.
“Whatcha doing?” you asked him.
“My keys,” he slurred. “Need my keys.”
“No, baby, you don’t need your keys,” you laughed and tried to pull his hands away. You heard another song start up, ‘Gimme Shelter’ by the Rolling Stones and you gasped, tugging on his shirt. “Come on, Georgie, dance with me!”
He pushed your hands down and kept looking for his keys, shouting out in victory as he snatched them up. The others shouted with him even though they had no idea what it was for.
“I’m gon’ go drive,” he pointed over to the door and started to walk, your eyes going wide. You jumped forward and tried to stand in front of him to push him back.
“No, no, no,” you shook your head quickly and pointed to the stereo. “Come on let’s dance first! It’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away,” you sang along to the lyrics to try and distract him.
“Y/N, babe, no more shots,” he laughed and pushed you out of the way easily. 
“Then let me drive and we’ll go wherever you want,” you followed him quickly. You looked over at your friend, sending her a distressed look. You two were the most sober ones there and she ran over to you.
“I’m not letting you drive my car!” George started to yell as he made his way down the winding path and straight for his car. “That’s mah baby! You’re mah other baby, baby. Don’t worry,” he hiccuped, “but you still can’t drive her.”
Your heart was racing as you started to run after him. While he was singing the  lyrics to ‘Gimme Shelter’ loudly, “The floods is threatening my very life todayyyyyy!” You tried to grab the keys but he would pull his hand away each time, laughing as he would tell you to stop.
“Give me the keys,” you said firmly. You had enough and were starting to panic.
“I’m fine, babe,” he smiled down over at you and blew you a kiss.
You tried to grab the keys again, your voice increasing in volume, “You’re not okay. I can drive you home.”
“I can drive!” George yelled as he reached the car.
“Please do not get in that car,” you started to beg him and tried to dart around him to block his path.
“Don’t do this,” you pleaded with him as your eyes started to water.
He winked at you and mouthed, “I’ll be fine!” He unlocked the car and pulled the door open.
“Do not get in that fucking car!” you screamed at him loudly and ran to grab the door to pry it open, but you were too late. Rebecca grabbed you by your shirt and yanked you back roughly just as George took off.
“Come on,” Rebecca said to you. “I’ve got my keys, we can try and cut him off.”
The two of you ran over to her car and jumped into it. She slammed her foot on the gas and drove after George, the two of you praying that you could reach him in time. You held your breath as you looked at his car in the distance, your body jerking a little each time his car would swerve.
Rebecca turned a corner sharply, saying that she could cut him off by taking a shortcut she knew of. You lost sight of the car and you leaned forward to try and catch your breath, but nothing was helping you.
Rebecca pulled out onto the main street, which of course seemed unusually busy for such a late hour, and she pointed suddenly, “There he is!”
Your head snapped and you saw George’s car speed by through the intersection. Rebecca rushed to follow him and quickly turned the corner, cutting quite a few people off. Horns were blaring as people leaned out of their windows to scream at her.
Your scream joined them seconds later. George turned the stirring wheel sharply and as if it were in slow motion, the car swerved out of control and jumped the curb. You watched from behind as his car headed right for a tree, only stopping when the front of the car smashed in. You could hear the sound of the metal crunching and people were screaming at what they had just witnessed. 
Without even waiting for Rebecca to stop the car, you jumped out. You could see gray smoke rise from the front of the car as you ran fast, your chest burning as you had difficulty catching your breath. You screamed his name over and over as you got closer, but when you reached the car he wasn’t in the seat. The windshield was smashed and you sobbed as you saw George’s body laying across the mangled hood. His face was covered in blood and as you leaned over him, trying to get him to talk to you, that blood covered your hands.
“Somebody call 911!” you started to scream hysterically at the group that had gathered around you.
Your eyes burned as you wiped at your hands a little. You felt as if you were going to be sick after explaining that whole night to Steve. Not even your mother had received the whole story.
“We had a funeral,” you breathed in suddenly and shut your eyes tight. “But once he was buried, his parents kicked me out. They said I was to blame for what had happened and I couldn’t argue with that.” 
“Hey,” Steve said sharply. That was the first word he had said since you started talking and you looked up at him. 
“What happened was not your fault,” he was firm in his words and he reached forward to touch your shoulders. “You did everything that you could that night so if you’ve been walking around this entire time with that guilt, stop it.”
You tried to shake your head and push his hands away.
“Y/N, stop it,” he held onto you tighter. “You did not kill George.”
Maybe it was the fact that Steve had said your first name for the very first time or maybe it was what he said following your name, but it shattered the wall that had been crumbling around you and you found yourself leaning into him. You did not make a sound, but the tears streamed down your face as you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly and he held onto you. 
You needed to do this. You needed to talk and you needed to feel. You weren’t sure why you opened up to Steve, but something about him had pulled you in and for the first time in a very long time, you felt like you could be okay. Maybe you could put yourself back together. Maybe you weren’t so damaged after all. 
Tags (PLEASE message me if you want to be added to the permanent tag list for any fic/tag list for this particular series, especially if you already asked and I forgot!): @thegirlwhoisintoomanyfandoms @la-fille-en-aiguilles @jj-writes-shit @thebitterbookeater @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aioli @richletozler  @royalwolfhard @just-smile-darling @w-ingardiumleviosa @buckysmaingirl @magic-and-timetravel  @jupiter-leo @ttrraasshh @somekryptonitewriting @dudee-what  @tmalchow @hedabucky @wallacetdog @harringtonhuddle @sarcasticalphaofthelooserspack @kingkenzieo @twelvedacrewoods @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed @stevieboyharrington @madhatterweasley @captainelsaeverdeen @cupcaitlyn96 @anton-shudders @trashyemonerd @netflix-and-cuddles @earthvsjai @goimaginethiss @inhumanz @athenalesage @pan-space-cowboy @caitsymichelle13 @juliroseennis @stressedoutkylo @slythxr @way-obsessed5 @gingerfangirlthefeels @marslovesme @sweetheartmendes @spacecowgrrrl @letstacoaboutnutellaa @doomed-vodka @negroneon @lola-winston-harrington @annasbulletjournal @idk-5sos-bye @me-a-hopeless-romantic @sofver @altreble @brightestgrangers @pity-mee @xbrandix17 @marvelgirl2118 @everything-intertwined @mychemicaltessa @bitchin-momjeans @sparkles-of-youthfulness @artisticlales @runningwitches @andyhurleyquinn @kenzie-is-still-here @xguardiangel @bloggerwithaheadache @pugsandkisses14 @rowenonhome1 @andyhurleyquinn @bitchinmouthbreather @spacemarkimoo @nikkie-cherish @daniimiss @flopmalum @lexannani
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acrispyapple · 7 years
50 more interesting questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @incorrectmidc i had this open for days and i answered a few questions per night lol @o0w0o and @deathbymidnightcinderella  <3
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? spicy stuff and umm food loaded with exotic spices / herbs
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? my mouse ending up double clicking after a year or so
3. Have you got any useless talents? i have way too much trivia and animal facts. plus random skills with no practical use. oh and playing the piano is also a useless talent for me since i don’t really “use” it
4. If you were really really good at one thing, what would it be? my answer isn’t an “if” thing lol. i have a really good memory. it really helps with mostly anything i do + it makes studying easier. but sometimes people think it’s creepy that i remember little things about them, they think i keep notes about them or something lol-- but i really do just remember.
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking - umm neil caffrey (matt bomer) from white collar, nick burkhardt (david giuntoli) from grimm, daniel shaw (brandon routh) from chuck -- i seem to have a type haha. omg i forgot jo in-sung. i’ve always thought he was handsome! 
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? i was a pretty boring kid. i just read books, watched cartoons, and organized things. as a kid i’d look at my toys but never really play with them because i liked seeing them all set up nicely. i just kept collecting stuff i liked. the most i’d do that’s remotely active was play with my dogs
7. What is something you’re proud of? i do well academically and i learn fast. and somehow i’m proud of how i’ve remained the same over the years.
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? i don’t know if this is considered a character flaw but i really dislike poor manners haha. it drives me crazy when people open their mouth while chewing or if it’s too noisy. i die a bit inside. besides table manners and manners in general, i dislike people who are rowdy during inappropriate times.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? both but to avoid stress sometimes i just want to follow. i’m a bit of a perfectionist / rule follower so i get frustrated a lot. i know not everyone is like a machine but it’s hard with my ocd lol. and no this isn’t just me saying ocd like most people when referring to certain things, i actually do have it and i have medication for it
10. What kind of student are/were you? normal i guess. i got along well with people, i didn’t fail anything, and i never rebelled or did anything wild. it was uneventful lol. i’m still technically a student now, but i see it more as an adult thing.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? i’m sure everyone has one
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion well it’s not a fear per se, but i have an aversion to most asian food, sorta? the smell sets me off especially if it has a bunch of spices or herbs in it. my nose is just sensitive and i get affected easily by strong scents. but i’m fine with japanese food, maybe some korean and chinese stuff. for fears, iono, i don’t think it’s irrational to be afraid of spiders and big cockroaches ><
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? a bunch haha but it’s mostly people associating them with me first. i’m not tsundere..... how dare they
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? i don’t think i’ve ever gotten drunk the way people imagine people getting drunk to be like. i remain the same except i get a headache. i don’t really change at all. and in parties i guess i just stay close to my friends. stranger danger lmao
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? umm no i do not. i mean i can trust them fine but i don’t think i can believe their feelings until they can prove it isn’t just a short time attraction. i’m in for long term stuff so i don’t really wanna waste time if it’s not headed there. but yeah currently in a long term relationship
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? having fewer friends makes it easier for me to update all of them without getting tired of repeating the same story over and over haha
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? always organized and no one’s allowed to touch my things haha
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy i’ve always wanted a seating area near a huge window with a good view, bunch of pillows, earphones + music
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? nah i don’t think i can handle it. i’d probably go insane trying to control them and making them become my idea of what a person should be like
20. What was your favorite book as a child? the chronicles of narnia, still love it to this day because it’s really written well
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES A FIDGET SPINNER DO -- yeah i’m sorry, i think it’s stupid
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated i should have an answer for this but i totally forgot lol
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? since im in the midcin fandom i’ll just say byron
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? visit all the haunted places i’ve ever read about, and prolly explore old ruins. i was way into archaeological finds etc way back
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? i try to say it in the most courteous way possible. i can’t keep it to myself because it would bother me and my mind would just dwell on it forever but i also don’t like offending people haha
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? sTiCkY cApS in chat (but i stopped after a month okay, and i was 12)
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? typing in sTiCkY CaPs. kill 12 year old me pls
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? being kind and yet still firm when needed even when it comes to friends. i really admire people who don’t just blindly agree with their peers
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) people give me stuff with owls, bears, hedgehogs, or stars because i love them. i also love stationery and pens. i like getting different colors and i never use them. i just keep them forever haha
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? i know a bit of stuff from other languages but not enough to be proud of it. i don’t want to be a poser and claim yeaaaahh i speak this and that lol
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? city please. i hate the quiet countryside. it’s like if someone comes to kill you and there’s no one around and you’d be all “this is why i should’ve been in the city with people everywhere”
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? byron wagner from midcin. when i first started and i saw him i was all, ehh eyepatch dude. so edgy. lmao. i even purposely skipped him during certain events and i regret that now.
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? i don’t want to be the center of attention, i’d feel awkward
34. Favorite holiday? the usual, christmas and new years eve... but i miss having an actual christmas where it isn’t summer...
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? i always have a plan lol
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) hmm, i can watch something over and over with no problem. all good
37. What hobbies do you have? reading (but it’s mostly fantasy and sci-fi), watching crap, annoying my dogs, playing video games, making stories in my head. I WISH I COULD WRITE AND DO IMAGERY WELL. oh well
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to moisturize instantly, one click. that’ll save me time daily
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you that i like video games and anime lol. and that i’m happy to talk to them T_T
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out i still don’t know how to knife. how to knife~ i mean how to slice things or chop things or do anything in the kitchen
41. Worst injury you’ve had? is it considered an injury when you’ve had to get 4 major surgeries in a year? i mean i guess tending to / waiting for the surgery scars to get better can be considered an injury since it took a while and it was sorta a pain
42. Any morbid fascinations? umm, i can’t think of one
43. Describe your sense of humor i don’t really know lol. i make a lot of jokes and sometimes it breaks the mood for people lol
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? i really like princess stuff but the real medieval stuff would be dirty people who don’t take baths and really horrible stuff so maybe just the fantasy version of that + high speed internet
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at not rambling when i really like something. to the people who’ve ever had to listen to me whenever i got excited about something-- i’m sorry
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through going to a nature retreat thing 3 months ago or something. i had no internet and it made me cry inside but i guess it was fine
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) i don’t really want tattoos in general so i guess the ugly one.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? optimist
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? something that isn’t physical or shallow. i’d be really happy if people noticed my achievements or if they liked something about my personality-- or if they found me funny lol
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you that i’m not nice lol because i keep to myself unless spoken to irl + that unimpressed scowl i always have. it’s like my default facial expression!
not forcing anyone to do it since it’s very long, just tagging for the sake of tagging! and i think most of the people i know have already been tagged? i’ve seen this tagged post done by most of them lol
@ashnable @nimmywik @captiveotomeprincess @otometrashcan  @princessdiarymdc @arimii @madamemalfoy21 @kinkymint @oh-my-otome
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thevalicemultiverse · 7 years
Things You Need To Know About: The Secundus Verse
Tag: ~V: Secundus
Premise: It is a world ruled by Mad Science – not that that ever really affected Victor Van Dort. Living in a quiet cannery village in England, the son of wealthy upper-middle-class fish merchants, Victor expected his life to follow the path his parents had set out – marry well, take over the family business, and grow old and die in the same place every Van Dort before him had. And while his heart secretly longed for an adventure, he didn’t think he’d ever actually have one…until the day he encountered the mysterious steam train in the woods just outside his home…
This AU is a multifandom steampunk stew, originally conceived as a NaNoWriMo project for 2010. The general premise is loosely based off comics like Girl Genius and Narbonic -- mad scientists have a specific condition responsible for their reality-warping ways, and the world has changed appropriately -- in this case, into something much more steampunky. The verse is named after the city the stories are set in, which is the Mad Science Capital of the World (or, well, the Western bit of it anyway) and houses a variety of scientists from many disciplines and fandoms. You can read the fics that make up the verse here: The Secundus Verse. But for the newbies:
This verse picks up a couple of weeks before Corpse Bride would have happened (if Emily hadn't already been picked up by Dr. Finkelstein and Sally a few years in the past and Reanimated in Secundus). Victor is on the run from some of his bullies when he stumbles across a puzzling sight -- a steam train sitting in a clearing in the woods. The bullies are similarly confused, and force Victor to investigate the inside to figure out what's going on. They scatter when they hear the train's owner coming back -- Victor tries to follow their example, but ends up tangled a rope ladder he knocked out the door while hiding. The train lifts off with Victor still attached, and he is accidentally kidnapped to the fabled city of Secundus, Mad Science Capital of the World! The train's owners, "Doc" Brown and Marty McFly, are shocked to find him as an inadvertent passenger and take him in to calm down before bringing him home. Their hospitality and warmth, and his own growing interest in the mad science on display in the city, convinces Victor instead to stay with them, accepting a spur-of-the-moment job offer from Doc.
Victor quickly starts adapting to life in Secundus: getting the right sort of clothes, learning the lingo, and meeting the people. One of the first he meets is Alice Liddell, local monster hunter and clerk at a haberdashery. While initially a bit cold to the newbie, she rapidly warms up to him, and the two become firm friends. Victor also befriends her boss, Richard Dodgson (a steampunk cyborg hatter), local hero Sir Christopher Lloyd, and biologist Lewis Carroll, the owner of Wonderland Park. Finding himself surrounded by people who like him for the first time in his life, Victor definitely feels like he made the right choice in staying.
Unfortunately, his parents don't agree. To Victor's shock, they show up in the city, determined to drag him home. His protests that he's happy in Secundus fall on deaf ears, as they're convinced he's been put under mind control. They've also convinced his erstwhile fiancee and her family to join them on the trip -- while Victor quickly discovers that he likes Victoria Everglot, the meeting also clues him into the fact that he's fallen in love with Alice. He's reluctant to say anything, however, sure she could never feel the same way about him. Even after meeting and befriending Emily and getting encouraged by her to admit his feelings, he can’t convince himself that Alice would give him a chance.
Fortunately, fate intervenes, and after another stressful meeting with his parents, Victor blurts out that he loves her right in front of her. He attempts to flee -- but Alice catches up with him and assures him that she returns his feelings. A delighted Victor enters into a relationship with her -- and with Victoria finding romance with Sir Christopher, and Emily matched with Richard, it seems all will be well.
Sadly, this is not the case -- Victoria's parents are violently against having a "Touched" as a son-in-law, even one as honored as Sir Christopher, and do everything in their power to keep the lovebirds apart. Their attempt at engaging Victoria to another man are foiled when said man, Lord Barkis Bittern, is revealed as Emily's murderer, but it becomes readily apparent that they're only too willing to drag her away from Sir Christopher by force if necessary.
Rather more of a problem is Lewis's unarticulated crush on Alice, which leads him to decide to create a clone of her out of jealousy over her and Victor's relationship. The clone, Suzie, turns out a bit wrong, with tentacles in place of a lower body and a vicious, spiteful, greedy nature. She eventually decides to take over the entire city, installing herself as the Queen of Hearts and killing Lewis in the process. Barkis joins up with her while fleeing the police, and together they make a squadron of monsters and unleash them on Secundus.
Secundus, of course, fights back, and Victor and Alice are able to track the source of the problem to Wonderland Park. Victor is captured by the Queen and imprisoned to await transformation into her king -- the stress ends up triggering his own Creativity and turns him into an entomologically-focused mad scientist. Alice, Doc, Marty, Sir Christopher, Richard, and a few others mount an assault on the park's Looking-Glass House to rescue him and some other captives (including Victoria and Emily). After some initial success (including getting Barkis killed by the Queen's favorite footsoldier, the Executioner), they are captured by the Queen and taken to her throne room. Alice engages with her in an epic battle --
Which is interrupted by Victor showing up, having heard what was happening and absolutely furious. He kills the Queen via an injection of fast-growing, flesh-chewing spider eggs (it IS as gross as it sounds), and reveals his own Touched nature in the process. A guilt-based breakdown follows (he experimented on Emily when she came across him briefly), and he is forced to be sedated before the group leaves. He attempts to put himself in solitary confinement for a few days after he awakes, struggling with his new madness and the fear that he'll hurt his friends, but Alice is eventually able to calm him down and settle his mind, and he reemerges ready to start life as a proper mad scientist.
Of course, such a decision doesn't come without consequences -- disgusted that their son is one of "them," the Van Dorts disown him and leave the city. Happily, Doc and Marty are only too happy to pick up the slack as his family -- as is Alice, whom he marries that summer. Add on that the Everglots finally gave in and let Victoria marry Sir Christopher after he saved her from the Queen, and Emily and Richard followed suit in the fall, and Victor thinks things have turned out pretty darn well. He still has bad days, of course -- but now he has a safety net of people who love him to keep him from falling. And besides, how can one regret the decisions that led him to being able to make the most amazing butterflies in the world? Including one he can even ride...
Be advised that the main fanfic at least has some disturbing imagery – the same shouldn’t pop up in the threads, though! (Unless someone wants one set in the creepy flesh house…) At any rate, I'll tag if anything too creepy comes up, but keep in mind mad science isn't always pretty.
This verse has two distinct time periods and one special sub-AU that threads can be set in:
Welcome To Secundus: January 18- to early March 18- -- in story terms, about up to Chapter 15 of "Secundus." Victor's still quite new to Secundus, but he's adjusting as best he can. He has a couch to sleep on, a steady job at Dr. E. L. Brown's 24-Hour Scientific Services, and a rapidly-developing interest in the green-eyed warrior who works in the hat shop nearby. He'll happily offer to help you if you come wandering into the store -- shoving something into his hands and telling him to "drink this" will be met with rather more reluctance, though. (American McGee's Alice happened in abbreviated form, ending with the Jabberwock boss fight; Alice: Madness Returns never happened at all)
We're All Mad Here: March 18- onward -- after Chapter Twenty of "Secundus." Victor's gone Creative as a result of the Queen's machinations, and now no one can accuse him of not fitting in with his adopted city. While he still works at Doc's on a part-time basis, he's got a house now, and is busy setting up his own lab to show them all! Anybody want to see his butterflies? He's got ones that glow now! If a time period is not specified for a thread, it'll probably be set here, because I love my little mad science dork. (American McGee's Alice happened in abbreviated form, ending with the Jabberwock boss fight; Alice: Madness Returns never happened at all)
Secundus Madness Returns: Specialized AU where Alice and her family were never part of the Secundus community. Alice instead followed her normal path through the games. In addition, the Van Dorts were unable to convince the Everglots to accompany them when they went to Secundus and so pursued Victor alone -- and, without the added pressure to get him married to Victoria, gave up on him earlier, disowning him by February and leaving. There's also the small matter that Lewis, never getting jealous of Victor and Alice's relationship, also never made the Queen of Hearts, so THAT nonsense was avoided too. Victor and Alice met after the events of Alice: Madness Returns, and Alice found she fit in very well with Victor and his world, leading to a very unusual romance. This is the universe I came up with for my old Butterfly Boy blog, since I wanted to leave open the possibility with shipping him with a non-NPC Alice. And as he got said Alice -- delusional-beauty-alice -- and has actually had a child with her. . . Personality-wise, this Victor is functionally identical to We're All Mad Here -- a lepidopterist-based Touched who still works at Doc's shop from time to time. He's just also a new father on top of everything. Anyone's welcome to play in this verse -- you just have to specify this is the timeline you want when doing the starter/asking. (Well, unless you're his wife. I'll assume in that case.)
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (Welcome To Secundus/We're All Mad Here)
Victoria Everglot (Welcome To Secundus/We're All Mad Here)
Emily Cartwell (throughout)
Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown (throughout)
Marty McFly (throughout)
Jennifer Parker (We’re All Mad Here/Secundus Madness Returns)
Clara Clayton (We’re All Mad Here)
Sir Christopher Lloyd (Welcome To Secundus/We're All Mad Here)
Richard Dodgson (throughout)
Lewis Carroll (Welcome to Secundus/Secundus Madness Returns)
Lightning the corgi (We’re All Mad Here/Secundus Madness Returns)
Ferdinand the riding butterfly (We’re All Mad Here/Secundus Madness Returns)
Shipping: Purely Victor/Alice. The timeline of the AU has him leaving Burtonsville before he ever meets Victoria, and while in "Secundus" (and by extension Welcome To Secundus/We're All Mad Here) he does end up encountering her (and Emily), by that time he's already fallen in love with Alice. She never showed up officially in the Secundus: Madness Returns timeline, and that world's Emily only appeared in a brief thread long ago that involved Victor being temporarily deaged. Add in that by this point that version of Victor has celebrated two anniversaries with his Alice, and -- yeah. Advances will be met with friendly but pointed comments about his girlfriend/wife depending on time period.
NPC Ships: Victoria Everglot/Sir Christopher Lloyd, Richard Dodgson/Emily Cartwell
Important Facts:
The Welcome To Secundus/We're All Mad Here NPC Alice has a different family structure, as I started "Secundus" before Alice: Madness Returns came out. Specifically, she's traded sister Lizzie for Uncle Charles Liddell and Aunt Susan Liddell, whom she lives with before marrying Victor. Also, her father's name is Henry, like the historical Alice's father. (On the multiverse level, I decided that his parents were evenly split between "Arthur" and "Henry" for the name and chose at random for the first -- so Secundus's is Henry Arthur, while Forgotten's is Arthur Henry.)
NPC Alice also has a different history. Much of her Wonderland is based on things she actually saw in real life -- a pertinent example is Richard Dodgson, hat-maker, who basically is Hatter without some of his worst personality flaws. The fire was genuinely started by Dinah knocking over a lamp -- no shenanigans here (and thus no Madness Returns plot)! And, most significantly, while Alice was committed afterward, she only stayed in Rutledge for eight years. Since the Queen of Hearts is a real person in this verse, I decided her personal journey against her madness and guilt ended with the Jabberwock boss fight (which I think anyone who has played the game will agree is a perfectly good final boss battle).
While Wonderland Park is always available as a location for threads (good place to catch Victor, in fact -- no matter the time period, he LOVES the place), Lewis Carroll is only available as an NPC in Welcome To Secundus and Secundus Madness Returns. Reason being (spoiler for fic!) the Queen kills him shortly before the shit hits the fan in Secundus. So if you want to play with him AND a Touched Victor, you want to go for the Secundus Madness Returns mini-verse.
Some common lingo thrown around the city is "Touched" (their name for a mad scientist), "Fabricated" (person created through biological processes, such as being sewn together from multiple corpses), "Automaton" (person created through mechanical processes, such as your average self-aware robot), "Reanimated" (person who has been raised from the dead), and "Mixed Bag" (some combination of the above that doesn't fit into a neat category -- Richard, for example, is a Touched but has replaced a lot of his body with mechanical components). I recommend reading the Lexicon, the City Guide, and the article on Atypical Scientific Neural Disorder on my website for more information.
Victor is quite friendly as a mad scientist and will happily show off his inventions to anyone who asks (and occasionally anyone who doesn't). Being a lepidopterist Touched, expect to see lots of weird and wild butterflies. Quick warning, though -- he does have a few nasty variations for people who annoy him. . .
It's not a good idea to threaten anyone Victor cares about within earshot of him, but ESPECIALLY not Alice, Doc, or Marty. They’re basically his new family and he will NOT hesitate to defend them with his life.
As for his old family. . .Victor has a sour relationship with his parents and will not appreciate being forced into contact with them. (Nell said that he ought to be “fixed,” after all.) He still has some regrets about how things turned out, though, leading to some complicated guilty moments.
Victor loves his pets, and has two (that I play) in the We're All Mad Here and Secundus Madness Returns periods -- Lightning, a super-excitable Pembroke Welsh corgi with a jagged white streak on his head; and Ferdinand, a giant blue butterfly that Victor uses as a steed when he needs to get places he can't get to by walking. He's quite willing to give rides on the latter (he'll show you how to actually get on without hurting Ferdy).
Most common NPCs to answer questions will probably be Doc Brown and Marty McFly, as I tend to set open threads/asks at the shop for ease of interaction with other people.
This verse is open to everyone!
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Wednesday Friendsday Mission Logs: Goblins in Suburbia
Keeper Representative #298:
Interparty Communication Hub Rules
1-no explicit nsfw content such as overtly explicit text or imagery
2-more rules will be added as the need arises
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens.
🚐Jevans🎷: thats jevans mate
whats up?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i have a mix CD. Can i bring it?
🚐Jevans🎷: depends
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: on what?
🚐Jevans🎷: whats on it?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: you know. Good music.
-posts link to bass boosted "Down Under" by Men At Work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC-dS7JmCbY)
🚐Jevans🎷: is there anything else but that song on it?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: absolutely not
🚐Jevans🎷: good
oh oh
El 🐍: do you mean you have twelve to fourteen of the same song on one CD?
🚐Jevans🎷: im pickin you up first sweets
El 🐍: also, um, Mr. Evans? Is it okay to bring food in your car?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
🚐Jevans🎷: so long as theres enough for your driver
El 🐍: okay, well. I'm not sure but my sister ordered Chinese food. She may finish it before you get here, though. Would you like the fortune cookie?
👊Dee Foster thats the best part though el!!!!!
El 🐍: they gave us two... I was thinking he could have mine.
Jev: sure ill polish yer leftovers
👊Dee Foster BUT
fine he can have it -frowny imp emoji-
El 🐍: did....did you want them both?
🚐Jevans🎷: hey dee can have it
i read the docs and dont want her mad at me
👊Dee Foster NO you have it L.O.L.
i was only teasing!!!!
-XD emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: alright hahahahsdfsdaf
El 🐍: Mr. Evans, would you like any of this ma po tofu?
🚐Jevans🎷: only if yer not eatin eat
its ahrd to eat when im driving with passengers
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: are you texting whilst driving??
El 🐍: are you implying our driver would break the law???
🚐Jevans🎷: hahahaha
👊Dee Foster O.M.G. he better not be!!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: HAHAH
El 🐍: :\
🚐Jevans🎷: absolutely not
speech-to-text mates
Nelherin: that can still be distracting!!
El 🐍: Wow your dictation software must be very advanced to know to capitalize your laughter with emphasis!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: magic SIRI
El 🐍: oh my gosh, if Mr. Evans has a magic phone, i want one.
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : is it okay with everyone if i photo document our adventures?
🚐Jevans🎷: this is expensive hardware, you gotta work a long time to get it
but all in good time El
and so long as you dont flash in the vehicle sure
El 🐍: I mean, i've got an iPhone, but it isn't magic.
Nelherin, I'm fine with that, as long as you don't make them available publicly online. Last semester one of my students posted a picture of me on Facebook and tagged it "That Weird Nerd" and I thought that was really unkind.
El 🐍: It was super unflattering too. :(
👊Dee Foster -three red angry emojis-
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i won't release them publicly! I think that might get me in trouble with the keepers, hah...
El 🐍: okay, that's fine! If you tag me, please tag me as EL SHRIVER.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i have stickers
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!
What kind of stickers?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: stickers for a scrapbook
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : oh i love scrapbooking!
Maybe i could photodocumennt with a scrapbook!
El 🐍: I have stickers for coding my planner! There are different ones for meetings, classes, study sessions, and even a little cup of coffee! I'm coding these missions as "gym" so that Dee thinks I'm exercising.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: well now she knows
El 🐍: Oh shoot.
🚐Jevans🎷: no one tell el they can delete messages
El 🐍: Oh this isn't a static record of our communications?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : you just told them by saying that??
jevans; well yeah im the cool driver
and no el its not static
El 🐍: Well. I still think we should be keeping some record of what we do and if I just go back and edit what I say, that's like changing history.
🚐Jevans🎷: you could hop over to Keeper Chat and bug 298
👊Dee Foster HEY!!!! I JUST SAW THAT!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: they could prolly change it for you
👊Dee Foster next time i go to the gym youre going with me el!!!!
El 🐍: oh... oh boy.
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : do you think the keepers would be okay with it if i photo document our adventures?
🚐Jevans🎷: dunno
i mean
i snap all the time
no ones said nothin yet
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : in my experience, if anything... strange shows up in pictures, most people usually assume its just photo editing and sfx makeup, so i don't think there should be a problem? But i don't wanna get in trouble!!
🚐Jevans🎷: i dont think theyd mind
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!! i dont think anyone outside of this group will be seeing most of the pictures, but i wanna be safe just in case!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens do you have snapchat
🚐Jevans🎷: yee
that statement is a BITCH to get speech-to-text to get properly
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : did you have to spell it out??
🚐Jevans🎷: nah i gotta say it like just right
like if i go too much towards yeah itll get that instead
but yeah doesnt have the right spirit yaknow?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: incredible
avery: so like is this the chat or whatever?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : yep!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: hi miss avery
its me, the green one
avery: am i supposed to talk to you guys
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : if you want to!!
avery: um
who are you
El 🐍: Nice to meet you, Avery! The dossier says you're a student?
Avery: who are any of you
yea i guess
i'm in high shook
school whatever
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: im sweet. Sweet ghoulman. We've met. With the wizard?
👊Dee Foster O.M.G. hello!!!!
avery: oh you're the creepy guy
cool i guess
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: oh, thank you.
El 🐍: ... that isn't very nice. :\
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : why is sweets creepy
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: nelherin you havent met me yet
avery: wait if you're in this chat im gonna have to like. Interact with you
i guess i'm not very nice
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : uhm, you're free to call me henri instead if you wish
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: miss avery we're on this mission together
avery: just avery's fine dude
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: avery we're on this mission together, you have my condolences
but i made a mix cd so it should be fine
El 🐍: I feel like this is an inappropriate use of the word "mix."
🚐Jevans🎷: shhhhhh
itll be a surprise el
unless avery reads from the start
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i agree with el...
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: only jevans understands me
🚐Jevans🎷: but i dont think avery has that much interest in seeing what weve talked about
El 🐍: thank you! Henri? May I call you Henri?
🚐Jevans🎷: sweets want my snapchat?
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens can i have your #
yes absolutely
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : you can!
Avery: wait we're allowed to have snap chats?
🚐Jevans🎷: alright buddy ill shoot it at you privately mate
avery: dammnit i deleted mine
🚐Jevans🎷: oops
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
avery: can i curse here
🚐Jevans🎷: what kind of curse????
avery: is that allowed or whatever
like can i say fuck
🚐Jevans🎷: cuz like i know yer a wizard-ankle-biter
oh ye
fucking say fucking fuck as many fucking times as you fucking want
avery: literally the fuck now i have to make a new snapchat
god fucking damnit
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B O
👊Dee Foster -BO emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: sweets i read that as bow and thought odd but afreed
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B0
avery: oh not emojis
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : what's wrong with emojis??
avery: come on y'all are older than me right
👊Dee Foster -frowny imp emoji- WHATS WRONG WITH EMOJIS????
🚐Jevans🎷: that one is slightly less bow
like a quieter bow
soft bow
avery: just childish
🚐Jevans🎷: avery yer like 12 chill
avery: but if you wanna play it that way then be my guest
El 🐍: I read it as B.O. and was hoping I wouldn't be the only odd-smelling person on the trip...
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : but emojis are fun
👊Dee Foster -worried emoji, anguished emoji, frowning emoji-
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: emojis... are timeless
youll be in good company el
🚐Jevans🎷: except for -watch emoji-
avery: bad joke jevans
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i thought it was funny!!
El 🐍: L O L
👊Dee Foster L.O.L.!!!!
🚐Jevans🎷: eeeeeeeeeh henri can sit in the front
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : yay!! :D
avery: can i bring my headphones to wherever we're going
🚐Jevans🎷: -another different watch emoji-
sure mate
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens is great
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : jevans, will you be picking anyone up soon??
🚐Jevans🎷: OH SHIT
right yeah
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : ...
🚐Jevans🎷: ill be-CALCULATING
fuckin gps
avery: who're you getting first
🚐Jevans🎷: uuuuuuh
right sweets
okay sweets im gonna be like swinging by you gotta hop in through the window
not comin to a full stop either you gotta just jump in
El 🐍: WHAT???
avery: UM WHAT
👊Dee Foster CAN I DO THAT TOO!!!!!
Avery: wait a fcking second im a fucking vampire
never fucking mind my caps lock
👊Dee Foster -flexing arm emoji followed by mischievious imp emoji-
🚐Jevans🎷: nah only sweets
if i run sweets over hell be okay
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: thanks
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : uhm....
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: im flexible. Roll down the passenger window
🚐Jevans🎷: didnt you guys get the psych profiles and background check documentaion?
Avery: the what
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : no??
dee, you might get hurt
El 🐍: I read them all very thoroughly
avery: will there be a test on that
El 🐍: Don't worry! I have an annotated copy!
Avery: or um anything actually
oh. gee. How exciting. Thanks
El 🐍: Will there be a test?? : D
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : i'm a little bit scared...
🚐Jevans🎷: okay sweets
like five minutes
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens just snapchatted me a picture of a rolled down suv window
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : does your car accomidate tall people??
El 🐍: not a concern for us! : D
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : it is for me
El 🐍: Yes, I know.
Avery: how tall
like 6'0"?
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : exactly
avery: whatever i'm like 5'6"
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : ... am i the tallest one??
🚐Jevans🎷: okay one down
henri youre next
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: i landed a little bit on the stick. Its fine i dont bruise
🚐Jevans🎷: ill stop properly
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : okay!!
El 🐍: Are the doors locked?
🚐Jevans🎷: not when I stop
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : this music is... strange
El 🐍: Oh, man, someone down the street has a really intense subwoofer situation.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: thanks
avery: what music
are y'all near each other
🚐Jevans🎷: dont worry avery
youre the furthest out
might be a bit before we can get you
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: youll hear it soon miss avery
🚐Jevans🎷: but dee and el, ill be there in a mo
avery: of course i'm the last one. Of fucking course
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: move into town avery
avery: couldn't have gotten me first huh?
El 🐍: Oh okay. Never mind about that subwoofer thing.
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: B]
avery: am i the only one left
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: MADE IT!!!!
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: you'll hear us coming
🔥 Nelherin ⚡ : dee landed on the floor!!
avery: are y'all like in the city city? It's gonna be fucking while before me then
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: we are going very fast though
almost inadvisably fast
🚐Jevans🎷: yeah were looking at like thirty mins or so?
👊Dee Foster avery do you want something from 7/11!!!!
avery: dr pepper
and a honey bun
👊Dee Foster good choices!
🚐Jevans🎷: nvm were gettin you first avery give us five mins
🚐Jevans🎷: i want a six pack of something!
someone get me something
Sweet Ghoulman 💀: jevens what can i get you
🚐Jevans🎷: nah not juice
six redbulls
or something like that
i got twenty bucks
0 notes