#or other identifying information. These markings should be clear
sanzaibian · 3 months
I should have known better.
You know, those highschool cliques ? The jocks, the nerds, the goths and all... Well, even though nowadays they might not be as clear-cut as they once were, I can assure you that they still existed.
You see, I'm a nerd. But when I say nerd, I mean nerd. Like the whole socially awkward, scrawny and ugly kind of nerd. Also the nasally always-right nerd with top notch marks that reminds the teacher he made a mistake kind of nerd. And also the loves DnD, fantasy and niche interests kind of nerd... well, you get what I mean.
Me being such a caricature meant that I was endlessly teased at school, and was senselessly bullied by the jocks. You know, these hot guys with always a girl in their pants, with big muscles and an obsession with looking good.
I hated it, I hated them, and suffered silently through highschool, until I finally saw the other side when I finally went to university. Although my first years were a bit messed up by Covid, when I was in the building actually studying applied chemistry, I finally wasn't bothered. No one was there to tease me, to bully me or anything else. I could finally live in the class without being bothered !
But, in my third year, Ethan, a guy looking like one of those jocks of old switched courses and came in my class.
I was shocked ! These guys are only good for being hot, playing sports, and entering hot girls' pants ! Not for doing some actual intelligent things like applied chemistry !
But he was even more annoying, that Ethan guy. Because he did not only take the courses I took. No, in fact, he was getting better grades than me. He's so good with polymers that he is the one who asks all the questions and corrects the teacher, not me !
So I tried to avoid him as much as I could. Even when he tried to befriend me, I just scoffed at him, sometimes even mumbling that he should go back to the football stadium. I also talked to the few acquaintances that I had made through awkward bumbling at how I felt he was dumb, and perhaps was only extorting some poor nerds for information to regurgitate in class.
And, one day, at lunch, I just had enough. Ethan and the polymer teacher had an intense debate just before the end of the class, a debate that I couldn't follow. My ego was struck, to the point that I just poured my heart out to the poor people sitting with me. I was seeing red, that day, and nothing could have stopped me... not even the fact that Ethan was there a few tables next to me.
I've since then heard that Ethan was very upset after my tirade, as he is always thought to be dumb due to his interest in being in shape and stylish, while at the same time, I was coming back home all happy to finally have given people a piece of my mind.
However, when I woke back up, I felt weird. I felt heavier, less agile and especially more groggy. As if I just couldn’t quite get up. There was also something cold on my chest that I couldn’t quite identify…
So I did the only logical thing and went to the bathroom to wash my face and properly wake up. But when I saw the mirror, I think what I saw woke me up immediately.
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The man behind the mirror was not me. It was a jock – a hot one at that – with big muscles, trendy hair, chiseled face and multiple jewelry. Yet, there were still a few things that signaled me I was looking at myself : the jet black hair, the tan skin, the brown eyes and especially those small pimples on my right cheek and on my right… I guess I can call it pec, now.
I stayed in front of the mirror for quite a while, looking at each corner of my reflection. I couldn’t believe it, and after a long while, decided to just eat breakfast and forget everything that happened. It just isn’t possible.
But when I was going to my kitchen I couldn’t stop being reminded of how I changed. From my heavy step to the sound of my new necklace, and from the pecs I saw in the corner of my eyes to the weird feeling I still felt in my head. When finally reaching it, I was surprised when I didn’t go for my usual biscuits but rather for an apple… I must eat healthily, after all !
After finishing eating breakfast, I went to my closet, and rather than going for the button-up I usually wore, I went for a simple white t-shirt, and went for a jacket that I didn’t feel like closing, in addition to my usual jeans – all suspiciously fitting me well.
And with that, I went to university, set on finding who did that to me.
When I arrived, the weird feeling in my head hadn’t lifted, though I was dead set in finding who was responsible. So dead set that I didn’t notice people turning their head at my arrival. Nor my backpack shifting to only being carried by one shoulder.
After a while, I saw my class, and approached them with heavy gait, swinging my torso with every step like a typical jock. However, curses befell upon me when I opened my mouth and greeted my classmate.
“Yo, bro ! Doin’ good ? I just wanted to ask, bro, anything weird happened since yesterday ?”
I was shocked at how I said that, so much that I covered my mouth with my hand. My classmate was similarly shocked, and only shook her head negatively before excusing herself. Why did she flee like that ?
I clicked my tongue before looking at myself. How had this happened ? Why am I doing weird things ? Why am I talking weirdly ? I can think the sophisticated thoughts, yet when I voice them, they are filtered through bro-speech !
As I was melting down, none other than Ethan came in, smiling. Of course it was him, I shouldn’t have given the benefit of the doubt to him ! I have been only graceful and nice to him, and this is how he repays me ? By turning me into this… hot monstrosity ?
As the anger was rising, Ethan lead me to the bathroom, and there explained himself.
“You know, Juan, you’ve been insufferable ever since we started that semester. Always distrusting me, and making others distrust me. I’ve never know why you were always so angry at me, while you treated others with respect… that is, until you went on a rant yesterday.
- You fucker ! Turn me back right now, or you’ll wish you’ve never been born, you son of bitch !” I didn’t quite expect to be this foul-mouthed…
- Hahaha ! No, I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s already so unexpected that my prayers were answered to, so you turning back ? No can do !
- Bro that’s not fair, I wasn’t bad to you, man ! You were the one being rude on my turf, bruh !
- So funny ! You now sound like one stereotypical jock in addition to looking like one ! I’m sorry, Juan, but nobody will ever take you seriously in a conference If you talk to them like that !” he laughs.
- Bro, just turn me back… I promise I won’t continue, man !
- What didn’t you understand in ‘No can do’, Juan ? the ‘no’ ?”
I roll my eyes, but he’s right… God that fucking angers me. I want to strangle that piece of shit !
“So, Juan, I guess, see you in class, if you even dare enter it…”
On that, he left. That day, I didn’t go to class, spending my time looking for information on what made me turn like that, until, like clockwork, at 5 PM I felt like I needed to go to the gym…
After a few days of searching and not finding anything at all, I decided to abandon the quest to find myself back and to rather learn to live with this new body. With Ethan stubbornly refusing to tell me how he did it and with my searches on internet only yielding weird fetish pages, I knew it was desperate...
I’ve since started to learn to cope with my strange occurrence, though it has absolutely wrecked my life. After having debated a while with the administration to prove I’m myself, I find my grades slipping, especially due to my newfound rudeness that mess up every single oral exam…
But at least, I’m hot now…
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Hello, thank you for reading my small story, I hope it wasn't too bad !
Please do not hesitate to give me feedback - especially as it is the first real time I'm writing fiction in english ^^'
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dira333 · 2 months
Your name on my skin - Shinsou x Reader
A/N: What your soulmate writes appears on your skin - requested by @bookishgalaxies
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It happens during Homeroom.
One second he’s trying not to fall asleep as Aizawa drones on about the importance of good defense - his metal leg clicking every time he moves around - the next his arm tickles like a horde of ants is dancing on it.
He scratches it, but the tickling doesn’t stop.
Annoyed, Shinsou pulls the sleeve up, only to reel black at the sight. There, on the pale skin of his arm, appears black ink, one letter after the other as if a ghost is writing it.
He’s not an idiot. He knows what that means. 
Well, he doesn’t really know what that means, because where other people’s soulmates write a “Hello?” or introduce themselves by name, his soulmate’s first message is…  E = σ / ε = (F/A)?
Shinsou blinks down at his arm. It’s only the comforting sound of Aizawa’s voice that drones on that keeps him grounded. 
Behind him, someone clears his throat. 
“Hitoshi,” a voice whispers. When he turns around, Izuku is blinking up at him with wide green eyes. He looks both worried and delighted simultaneously, which is a common enough occurrence.
“Can I see?” Izuku asks and Shinsou blinks to the front where Aizawa has taken a seat, eyes most definitely closed for a quick nap. 
“Sure,” he tips his chair back and offers his arm. In a matter of seconds, multiple eyes are on him. 
He’s not the first person this has happened to. Sato’s got a cute soulmate in first grade who blushes every time they come across each other in the hallways. Her first message on his arm was a doodle of his name with a heart around it. 
Fumikage refuses to give out any information about his soulmate but regularly shows off the artwork they’ve created on their skin. Elaborate drawings or silly little doodles mark his skin each day.
And then there’s Bakugo, who’s started wearing long sleeves, barking at everyone who asks if he wants to shed a layer. 
It doesn’t take long for his arms to be absolutely littered with formulas. At least he thinks they’re supposed to be formulas. T = F x r x sin(θ) and P (1 + r/n)(nt) - P, F = m x a and p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴). Izuku has managed to identify quite a few, rambling on about what they mean but Shinsou’s mind can’t follow, too busy trying to wrap itself around the fact that he’s got a soulmate. 
There’s less than a minute left, the coming break looming over him - they’re all going to ask him about it, crowd his table like they did last week with Denki - as he uncaps a pen and scribbles in some of the few spaces left untouched.
“Hello, please use a notebook, I’m running out of skin.”
The sensation stops immediately. His skin starts stinging right above his wrist and when the ink there starts to bleed he realizes. They must have tried to rub it off, saliva probably included.
He writes another line.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Shinsou knows, as he’s writing it, that he will get shit for that nonchalant tone. And he’s right.
But it’s not Mina, or Momo, or even Jirou who convinces him that he needs to adopt a different tone when talking to his soulmate. It’s Bakugo.
Bakugo’s arms are littered with poetry. 
The other boy pulls his shirt back on so fast that Shinsou can’t make out much. But he’s seen enough. In every other verse, there are little hearts dotting the i’s. The poems are written in two distinctly different types of handwriting, one of them he’s familiar with. 
“So you’re writing poetry?” Shinsou asks, because why shouldn’t he? 
Bakugo dragged him into his room for a reason and he’s pretty sure he knows what it is. 
After all, Shinsou’s Soulmate has been quiet, not a single drop of ink appearing on his skin ever since. 
“They’re just as scared as we are,” Bakugo huffs, unusually quiet and unable to make eye contact. “You should keep that in mind.”
He doesn’t say any more, pushes him out of his room with a glare that speaks volumes, but Shinsou’s always prided himself in being quick on the uptake.
If the Bakugo Katsuki can learn to write poetry for someone else, he could probably start with an apology. 
p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴) is written neatly on the inside of his right arm. 
Shinsou uncaps a pen with his teeth and drags it over the other arm, the still untouched skin. He’d been thinking about this for weeks now, maybe even longer if he’s being honest with himself. 
The year is coming to an end. He’s got a job lined up after graduation and even though they haven’t been able to properly secure an apartment yet, he knows he’s going to share a flat with Denki for a while, maybe even Sero if they can find one big enough. 
He knows what his future is going to be like, with or without you and he even knows who you are, because he’s too curious and too good at solving riddles for his own good. 
Shinsou halts, pen hovering over his skin. 
He knows that you like him. You’ve told him so, multiple times. 
But it’s different to like someone on the other end of a cosmic connection, not knowing what they look like or knowing their reputation. 
The bullying might have stopped, but the scars have not yet faded.
Somewhere in the hallway a door falls closed, the sound loud enough to make him flinch. 
The cold wetness of ink tells him that he moved too suddenly. Now there’s a smear of ink across his arm and he sighs. Well… he might as well commit to it, now that he started.
“I like you too,” he writes, in the direct way you said you liked about him, “And my name is Shinsou Hitoshi. I’m in your year but in Class 3A.”
His skin prickles, but there’s no immediate response.
He’s learned your schedule, more by following the notes you leave on your - and therefore his skin, and you should be free right now.
Every second that ticks by is torture. But he stares down at his skin and waits.
He’s not sure how long it takes you to answer. He’s too scared to look up from his skin and miss it to check his watch.
Someone knocks softly on his door.
“I’m busy,” he calls out, fully expecting Midoriya.
“How busy?” You ask back. 
His chair clatters to the ground as he rushes over.
You’re smiling at him when the door opens, a little out of breath maybe, fingers digging into the fabric of your uniform, fiddling with the hem of your blazer.
“Hi,” your smile turns mischievous. “Do you wanna go out?”
“With me?” He asks, like an idiot. But it’s hard to think with your eyes twinkling up at him like that. You might be related to Aoyama. 
“Who else?” You ask and stretch your hand out. 
Shinsou can see his name on your skin. Yeah, he thinks, who else?
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communistkenobi · 8 days
If, as Isaac West observes, use of the public bathroom is “one of the most, if not the most, quotidian practices of citizenship,” then this chapter argues that surveillance criminalizing public bathroom use is one element of a larger effort to secure citizenship and spatial belonging through the apprehension of physical difference. [...]
Writing about the concept of civilization in the late nineteenth-century United States, Gail Bederman describes it as an “explicitly racial concept” that “denoted a precise stage in human racial evolution”: one that had evolved past primitive or barbaric characteristics. Drawing on Darwinism, this logic rationalized white supremacy through claims that people of color simply had not developed in the same ways or at the same rate as white people, situating civilization itself as a racial characteristic and producing and solidifying distinct racial categories. Bederman notes that gender was crucial in distinguishing civilized societies from the less advanced, with the former identified in part by clear binary gender divisions. [...] Moreover, in the era of formal Jim Crow, while bathrooms marked for white people were typically separated into men’s and women’s spaces, those labeled “colored” were often unmarked by gender at all, a practice that aligns with civilizational discourse. [...]
Yet citizenship status and gender status cannot be pulled apart [...]: just as the previous two chapters of this book traced specific aspects of the Department of Homeland Security that produce and rely on a gendered citizenship, we might consider how campaigns for neighborhood safety and family values regularly invoke a kind of good citizenship that is determined in part through gender attributes. [...]
We need only consider the emphasis on birth certificates to understand the extent to which anxieties about citizenship undergird these bathroom scenes, since those documents mark not only state-approved sex designation, but also legal citizen status. In the most formal sense, birth certificates purportedly confirm citizenship and thus one’s legal belonging to the nation-state. At the same time, they can serve as evidence of citizenship in a more informal or cultural sense: if producing appropriate paperwork is one way of complying with state regulations and requests, then doing so performs good citizenship. [...]
Discourses of bathroom contagion merge fears of “real germs” with “the fear of the other”; hence, public toilets provoke more anxiety than other germ-riddled public objects like computer terminals and doorknobs. Concerns about bathroom cleanliness are as much about bodily interactions and the difficulty of regulating public space as they are about actual dirt or waste. The racial integration of some U.S. workplaces during World War II, for example, prompted tremendous white anxiety about shared bathrooms, even as Black people had long cleaned toilets and beds, prepared food, and cared for children as part of their domestic work in white households. But this “private service work reinforced racialized gender hierarchies in ways that public intimacy undermined them.”
— Toby Beauchamp (2019), Going Stealth: Transgender Politics and US Surveillance Practices, pp. 81 - 101
In his book, Beauchamp argues that anti-trans bathroom bills should be understood as a form of state surveillance that is inextricable from anti-immigration and border security practices: these bills deputize members of the public to conduct bodily assessments of other people to determine whether they meet the criteria of a 'good citizen,' giving them the power to report 'fraudsters' to the authorities if a transgender person is found inhabiting a public bathroom. The criteria by which these assessments are conducted are explicitly white supremacist ones; not only because the imagined body of the 'good citizen' is one that reflects the ideals of white, bourgeois, cissexual bodies* (as clearly demarcated, binary gender roles is a sign of advanced white civilization, and perversion of these demarcations is a perversion of white civil life), but also because one of the primary forms of evidence that you belong in a gender-segregated public space (such as a bathroom) is a birth certificate, one issued by the state - as he says: "if producing appropriate paperwork is one way of complying with state regulations and requests, then doing so performs good citizenship." (p 93). Beauchamp criticizes the framing that trans people are treated like "second class citizens," as it accepts the white racial imaginary of (white) trans people being unfairly denied the benefits of full white citizenship; we should therefore understand gender segregated spaces not as a "remix" of "old" "historic" forms of racial segregation, but as a contemporary enforcement mechanism of it. Binaohan emphasizes this in their 2014 book Decolonizing Trans/Gender 101, arguing that non-white trans people are always "in public," denied any sort of private realm; they are always visible and marked as potential threats to white citizenship. (p. 39)
This is likewise reflected in Jenny Evang's 2022 work Is Gender Ideology Western Colonialism?, where she argues that anti-trans discourse situates the presumed natural state of 'sex' as being corrupted by an overly decadent form of Western cultural advancement, which is both degenerating the Western world and 'duping' the Global South into forsaking their relationship with nature, an argument that "[frames] “non-Western societies” as “more traditional” when it comes to gender, sexuality, and the family, since “gender ideology” has not yet gone as far there as in the West. Thus their argument relies on essentializing the very same conceptualization of “cultural difference” that structures femonationalist arguments in the first place, namely, that racialized, imagined elsewheres are stuck in a more traditional gender pattern, unable to keep up with the rampant development of the West." (p. 370). Locating the origin of transgenderism in the West reproduces notions of civilizational development, where the West is secure in its supreme cultural position but has merely gone "too far," "in the wrong direction," creating the circumstances of its own downfall - a downfall which is attributed both to mass immigration (particularly immigration of Muslims) and Marxism. (p. 372)
Fears of 'gender ideology' engulfing the Western world are inextricable from concerns about the maintenance of white social hygiene, as 'gender ideology' has been called "Ebola from Brussels" (p. 371), linking the corruption of binary, hierarchical, cissexual gender to a disease afflicting the body-politic of the white nation-state. The last paragraph of the quoted passage above from Beauchamp further demonstrates the fundamental interconnectedness between race, gender, and hygiene: The racial integration of some U.S. workplaces during World War II, for example, prompted tremendous white anxiety about shared bathrooms, even as Black people had long cleaned toilets and beds, prepared food, and cared for children as part of their domestic work in white households. But this private service work reinforced racialized gender hierarchies in ways that public intimacy undermined them." (p. 101) Discourses regarding public hygiene are civilizational discourses, as a clean world is a civilized world, and a civilized world can only be a white world.
*Beauchamp explicitly brings up that one of the 'problems' of using biometric data to scan the public for potential terrorists or 'fraudulent citizens' is the white inability to tell the difference between people belonging to different racial groups, i.e., the idea that all non-white people look too much alike and therefore must undergo even more intense scrutiny (p. 95).
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mysisters-bike · 9 months
How did the Harris' parenting style affect Eric?
Thanks to the Diversion documents, we can form a pretty clear understanding of what type of parenting style Wayne and Kathy employed in their household. At the time the families completed the Diversion paperwork, Eric had started seeing a therapist and was placed on an SSRI to control his anxiety and depression.
The intake paperwork has a section in which the parents and the child fill out a summary of known issues. There's a disturbing discrepancy between Wayne Harris's and Eric's answers. Below is what Eric submitted:
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He had issues with: anger, anxiety, opposition to authority figures, depression, disorganized thoughts, homicidal thoughts, jealousy, loneliness, mood swings, obsessive thoughts, racing thoughts, stress, suspiciousness, and issues controlling temper.
Here is what Wayne submitted:
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 He only marked: anger, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Wayne only knew about these issues because a third party told him so. This information was not given to Wayne by Eric himself...rather, the psychologist spilled the beans and recommended an SSRI.
Of conflict in the household, Eric states his mother, Kathy, is easier to talk to:
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He lists Wayne as the lease supportive family member...though he comments that they're "basically equal," it's important that Eric thought of Kathy first.
Then, according to Eric, Wayne is identified as one of the sources of conflict in the household:
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Dad yells (at me) or me and my brother yell at each other.
Then, Eric states that conflict is over when "my parents say so."
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Wayne, however, describes it differently:
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He says that conflict is discussed as well as the reason for conflict in the house. It is over when everyone agrees upon the facts and what a reasonable punishment should be. Then, his child must accept responsibility for his actions.
To understand this last bit, it's important you know what authoritarian parenting is. Authoritarian parents show their children a lack of trust, demand results without being receptive to the child, do not nurture the child, do not explain or accept explanations for punishments, disallow the child from making their own choices, will not negotiate, and are highly critical of their children’s behavior. (Read more here. Does this sound familiar?)
Authoritarian parenting results in children that struggle with self-control, cannot make their own decisions, become aggressive with peers, believe obedience = love, suffer with low self-esteem, and are socially inept. I ask again: DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?
When it comes to conflict, Wayne acknowledges that he has the final word. It's over when he says it's over. There is no justification or reasoning -- perhaps he will explain that to his children, but in the end, their opinion does not matter. Therefore, what autonomy does the child have in the relationship?
Eric laments over feeling like he doesn't fit in and hates everyone because everyone hates him. Hate is never justified, but can you truly fault a child for believing everyone hated them when, at home, he didn't feel emotionally secure?
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uhardite · 6 months
4 active study methods to boost your productivity
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୨୧ leitner system:
-> create flashcards -> label 3 to 5 boxes with study time periods eg: box 1 for cards to be reviewed every day, box 2 for cards to be reviewed every other day, etc. the timeframe depends on the amount of time you have before your test. -> all your flashcards should begin in box 1. review each flashcard, try to recall information on each side -> if you answer a flashcard correctly, move the card to box 2. if you miss it, place it back in box 1. -> continue this method each time you review your flashcards. if you get a card correct, move it to the next box. if you get the card wrong, place it back in the box you picked it from. i really like this app for the leitner system, it has a no-frills design and an in-built spaced repetition for each flashcard you review
୨୧ blurting method:
mainly a revision method, using this activates your recall muscle. the more you test yourself, the stronger the muscle gets. -> study until you understand the object -> take a piece of paper and write down everything you remember -> mark your work, pay attention to detail -> keep doing it until you feel like you remember everything
୨୧ the feynman method:
i already explained this in another post but put it here for yall -> identify a topic -> try to explain it to a 5-year old -> study to fill gaps in your knowledge -> organize what you know and review
୨୧ the sq4r method:
survey: -> look at chapter and section titles -> what do the captions discuss? -> quick overview for charts and graphs -> summarize, and try to get a sense of what the assigned material covers
question: -> turn chapter and section titles into questions -> read the questions at the end of the chapter and/or section -> did your professor cover this information in the lecture? -> what do you already know about this topic? it might be helpful to write these questions out so that you can refer to them while reading
read: -> read to answer the questions you wrote out -> pay attention to captions and section summaries -> pay attention to bold, underlined and italic words/phrases -> stop and reread if not clear -> quality over quantity. slow down if you need to
recite: -> ask your questions aloud. try to answer without referring the text -> revisit the text to answer the questions you found difficult -> recite key terms and concepts -> how would you put the information in your own words?
relate: -> try to link the topic to previous iconcepts you are familiar with -> how does it relate? why does it relate? -> how does this reading relate to your notes? what are the differences?
review: -> after finishing reading, go over the chapter + notes + questions one last time -> schedule time for each day and continue reviewing
by @//xoxoparisstudy on ig
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Welcome to Monster Fucker Confessions!
~ This is a place where you may submit anonymous monster related confessions to our ask box.
~ "Confessions" can mean many things here. It can be just thoughts you have on the subject of monsters. It can be sharing your experiences as a monster enthusiast. It can be story ideas and concepts. Really anything goes.
~ "Monster" also can mean many things. I do not gatekeep what counts as a monster. In fact, even confessions that are regarding human fictional characters with "monster vibes" are acceptable. There is no judgement here in regards to the type of monster you enjoy.
~ In addition, confessions submitted here do NOT have to be sexual. They can be sexual, but that isn't a requirement. This is a place for monster enthusiasts of all kinds to freely shout anonymously into the void. Whether you're into monsterfucking, monster-cuddling, or you just think they're neat, you're welcome here.
~ Confessions are added to the queue as they are received. The frequency of the queue is constantly adjusted to insure that posts never wait to long to be posted but also that the queue does not run out too quickly. ~ Posts are not tagged with any sort of warnings. Please browse with caution.
~ Please only follow this blog and submit confessions if you are a legal adult. There is a lot of sexual content on this blog. ~ Please avoid giving any identifiable information in the submission. ~ Please be kind about the types of monsters others enjoy. Let's stay positive about each other's monster preferences! ~ Website URLs or images are NOT allowed in submissions. They will be deleted instantly and the sender is at risk of being blocked. ~ If you want to submit something that is too long to go in one ask, you may send it in multiple parts. Please be clear that you are doing so by marking them as 1/2, 2/2, etc. ~ ~ Please ONLY do this if the submission is too long to fit in a single message. Doing this for short submissions will result in your submission getting deleted. ~ If you are sending something that is not a confession, such as a question directed towards the person running this blog, please say "not a confession" somewhere in the body of the message. Otherwise, it will be queued with the rest of the confessions and not responded to by the owner of this blog. ~ "Not a confession" type messages should exclusively be about this blog and the running of it. Any "not a confession" messages asking questions that are not directed at the person running this blog will not be posted. ~ Do not include language that is harmful towards marginalized groups. ~ Do not insult other people's bodies or preferences. It's okay to voice your own dislike for things, but please word it in a way so it is clear that it's your preference and not a statement of fact. Statements such as "__ are gross and disgusting" are not allowed. ~ Do not send threats of violence towards real people. It is understood that some of these fantasies may include violence, but please do not direct it towards a real life person. ~ The owner of this blog is one single human and may miss certain aspects of submissions. If you see a confession that contains harmful or offensive text, please kindly send a message so that the situation may be resolved. Please be clear about what the issue is. Vague messages will not help.
New guidelines will be added as needed.
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mins-fins · 14 days
☁︎ CHAPTER ONE : wait THATS the new guy!?
in which.. you are definitely not enjoying your first day at skyline highlights word count 1.2k
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You truly want to die right now.
If you were to earn a nickel for every time you showed at a new job and you encountered two people arguing right in front of building, you would have a good twenty five cents! Five times! Five times this has happened to you! Your starting to think this exact situation has been programmed into your life, no matter where you go it always happens.
If you knew this was going to happen each and every time, you would've stopped trying a long time ago.
The two unknown guys arguing clearly don't notice you, and you feel your face burn as you stand there awkwardly, trying to figure out when you're supposed to start talking. "Um excuse me?"
Both men pause their shouting match and snap their heads towards you, and you swear you almost jump at the way they stare at you. "Oh hi! Do you need something?" The taller of the two asks, your eyes wander over to the ID wrapped around his neck, you are just barely able to read the name etched onto it, watching as it swings back and forth, his name is Kim Jungwoo.
"Oh I uh.. I'm a new hire".
Jungwoo and mystery boy, who you've now identified as Nakamoto Yuta both blink, seemingly puzzled by your words. You want to dig a hole, lay in it, and die, because they're staring at you so intensely that you think they might be trying to curse you. "Since when did we have a new hire?"
Yuta looks baffled by the question, turning to Jungwoo with a scowl leaving his lips. "I literally told you yesterday and kept reminding you a week before that a new product manager was coming after the last one got fired! You never listen to me!"
"Oh do you blame me for not listening you? Your the biggest liar around!"
"Was it because you didn't believe me? Or because your so airheaded you can't comprehend more than a paragraph of information?"
"You do this every time, no wonder Mark is the only one who can tolerate you.."
You blink as you stand between the two and watch their screaming match again occur, oh you're never going to get anywhere with the way everything is unfolding. You don't know how to exactly.. mediate this argument, so you sort of just stand there, watching as their voices get higher and higher.
"Are you two going to argue the whole time?"
The two again stop arguing when a third voice interjects, cutting them off midway through another snappy insult. They both roll their eyes like petty children, but they stop arguing. "Your making the poor guy nervous".
"Blame Yuu for that.."
Yuta wants to respond with another insult from the recesses of his mind, but he's stopped by a glare from the stranger. "You two, be quiet, you're so annoying" He then gives a smile as if he didn't just insult them.
He then turns to you, extending his hand out for a handshake. You reluctantly take his hand and shake it, why do you feel so awkward?
"Moon Taeil! Assistant manager, it's nice to meet you, Yn".
You were about to respond to his greeting, but you pause as he says your name. He notices your confusion, because he snickers. "I read your resume! It was very impressive.."
Your face heats up at the words, and you finally find your voice. "Oh was it? Thank you, thank you! It's nice to meet you too, Taeil".
"Alright! Yn, Yuta, Jungwoo, we still have like nine other people to introduce you too.. anyway, we have to start!"
Without asking, Taeil jolts you forward by the hand, making you squeak as you get tugged into the building.
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"Are you nervous?"
Taeil's question makes you clear your throat, an exhale leaving your lips as you stare at the door in front of you. "Yeah" You respond, a pained smile on your face as you earn a hum from the man beside you.
"There's nothing to be nervous about, they all just don't know how to have a civil conversation without shouting".
"Yeah I can see that—"
"Maybe you should check your information before you try to correct me on something!"
"And maybe you should check your tone of voice before your position is taken away!"
You narrow your eyes judgmentally at the door, listening to the rising voices continuing to go back and forth. Taeil laughs at the look on your face, you don't think you've ever been met with so much arguing before, especially on the first day on the job. "What are they even fighting about?"
"Something stupid like if a hotdog is a sandwich or whatever.."
The answer makes you chuckle, and you look to the side as to not begin dying laughing. The door clicks open, and a stressed out employee steps out, sighing heavily. "At this point were never actually going to get to our achieved goal".
The stranger rolls his eyes, but the look of distaste on his face quickly disappears as he turns to you, smiling. "You must be Yn, Lee Taeyong, it's nice to meet you".
Jesus is everybody who works here some gorgeous angel? The question which crosses your mind amuses you, but you don't laugh in fear of looking crazy in front of your new coworkers. "It's nice to meet you too, are they.. okay in there?"
Taeyong blinks, then turns back towards the door, the shouts from inside piercing his ears. "I'm not— yeah I can't even tell anymore, you have nothing to worry about, though, they are all pretty much harmless for the most part" He waves a dismissive hand, placing his hand on the doorknob and turning it open.
You're not sure if that makes you any less nervous, but Taeil places a hand on your arm and gives you a reassuring squeeze. "Come on".
You almost want to immediately run away when you step into the room, the shouting is still there, it seems that these people enjoy throwing insults at each other like there's no tomorrow. You raise an eyebrow as you listen to their excessive swearing.
Taeyong sighs once again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Everyone shut up!" His shout is enough to get most of the yelling to step, even with the distasteful murmurs that follow. "Thank you, this is Yn, the new product manager".
And suddenly, everyone is looking at you, staring you down and practically examining every part of you.
"Wait THATS the new guy!? I thought he was coming tomorrow!"
Yuta then lets out another scoff, punching the taller male beside him in the shoulder. "I told all of you he was coming today! You never listen to me!"
"Can you blame us?"
"Why do all of you say that!? At this point Mark is the only one I can trust".
Taeyong sighs, work is never going to get done. Taeil simply chuckles, amused by the shouting of his coworkers, he looks to you and pokes at your shoulder. "You'll get used to their.. stupidity, you've already met Yuta and Jungwoo, Taeyong is team leader, Johnny marketing coordinator, Doyoung works in finance, Jaehyun communications, Mark creative direction and Donghyuck is head of operations".
You think you mishear him when he points at Donghyuck, who looks like a teenager, you blink, then look back at Taeil. "Donghyuck?"
"He's head of operations?" You ask, sounding much more judging than you want to. "He looks so.. young".
"Oh, yeah, he's the youngest of the bunch, he's only been here like two years!"
"So why is he head of operations then?"
Taeil simply stares at you, it seems he'd rather leave that question unanswered. "He's just good at his job, of course!"
You blink again, narrowing your eyes at him.
You might not survive your first day here.
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taglist 𓏧 ↳ @junjiie, @freckledsunshin3
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since people have been commenting in the tags on the poll for The Silmarillion to the effect that they’re “skewing the results”, I wanted to elaborate on my feelings on the “methodology” (as it were) of this blog.
in particular, taking this comment by sesamenom as a starting point:
the reblogs (even the early ones) do indicate the post reached multiple medium-to-large silm blogs, plus the original post is tagged w silmarillion. so this probably is less of a survey of general silm readership and more of an indicator that 32% (47% now) of this post's audience is the greater silm fandom.
this is obviously one of the core “problems” of running polls like this through the medium of tumblr: it will be impossible to get “accurate” / “scientific” results, because who sees the post is entirely determined by (1) who follows the specific blog (a self-selecting audience) and (2) who reblogs it and into which communities / networks. in this case (and others), it is clear from the notes that the post is circulating heavily within Tolkien fan networks on tumblr, and this is, indeed, likely to be “skewing” the results relative to the general population (whatever we take that to mean in this context).
this blog and @haveyoureadthisscifibook are not intended to find information about a general population. rather, I’m interested specifically in the much narrower group of people who are habitual fantasy and/or science fiction readers. my goal is not to determine “what percentage of people have read The Lord of the Rings”, but “what percentage of fantasy readers have read The Lord of the Rings”.
for these purposes, the self-selecting nature of tumblr is actually an advantage! I can safely assume that anyone who’s choosing to follow a specialized poll blog for fantasy books identifies as a fantasy reader at least to some extent, and if they reblog a post they’re doing so because they anticipate that the book in question is or could (or should) be of interest to their followers — in other words, they do so because they expect their followers to also be fantasy readers, or at least fantasy-adjacent.
given that the poll for The Silmarillion appears to be circulating in specifically Tolkien-oriented fan networks here, it’s probably still true that the result is going to be disproportionate, but the disproportion relative to the target larger group of fantasy readers is also likely much less dramatic or significant than the disproportion relative to any general population. we’ve certainly had some amusingly misleading results in the past (notably (to me): a random recent Warhammer 40k novel getting >25% yes on the sci-fi blog; In the Hands of the Goddess getting only 40% yes vs. the rest of Song of the Lioness hovering around the 50% mark), but since I’m interested first and foremost in averages, a few individual disproportions will even out in the long run.
so. reblog away!
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anakinsthot · 4 months
34 and obikin for the fic list! 👀👀👀
Thank you for this prompt!
from this prompt list
34. meeting at a masquerade ball au (760 words)
Someone had allowed the event planner to hire a quartet of jizz-wailers for the masquerade. The off-key kloo horn player was adding to the headache that Obi-Wan’s elaborate suit and matching mask had brought on at the beginning of the night. The only upside to the mask Obi-Wan had been required to don for it was that it hid his facial expressions. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to hide his distaste for the worst of the songs otherwise.
The mask otherwise was nothing but a hindrance. The Order had sent him because they’d gotten a tip that there would be an illicit deal taking place during the ball: that the Zygerrians were selling force sensitives to the Neimoidians. For what purpose was unknown, and Obi-Wan was tasked with stopping the deal and gathering information. He had his suspicions on which Trade Federation and Zygerrian representatives would be here, but it was difficult to identify anyone with the ornate masks and disguises every being in the room wore.
Obi-Wan was startled out of his perusal of the dance floor – he’d been tracking three different Zygerrians on the floor, and he was about to rule out one of them as his mark - by someone bumping into his elbow and spilling their drink on him.
“So sorry, I didn’t see you there. Here, let me help you clean up.” Before Obi-Wan could say anything the stranger had looped their arm through his and was pulling Obi-Wan toward the freshers.
“I’m quite alright,” Obi-Wan protested, “It’s just white wine, I can just grab a napkin here to clean it up.”
“Kriff,” the stranger muttered. “I knew I should have grabbed a different drink.”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes and dug his heels in. Regardless, the other man kept dragging him. Unwilling to cause a scene, Obi-Wan gave in and followed. When they made it through the fresher door the stranger took off his blue and green mask, covered in large feathers, and revealed his face.
“Again, I’m so sorry Master Kenobi, but I’ve got important information for you.” Earnest blue eyes met his and Obi-Wan swallowed back the biting retort he’d been prepared to reply with.
“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage,” he said instead. The stranger bit their plush lip, drawing in Obi-Wan’s eyes, while they debated whether to reveal their identity or not.
“Knight Anakin Skywalker,” the man said finally, offering his hand out for Obi-Wan to shake. Instead, he grasped his fingers gently and bent down to press a soft kiss to the back of Anakin’s hand. “I – I’m a shadow from the Tatoo system. I’ve been tracking the Zygerrians you’re here for.”
Obi-Wan pushed his own mask up so he could speak to Anakin face to face. It was a relief to have another Jedi here. Normally this mission would have been assigned to a Master with a senior Padawan, or two Knights, but with rising tensions throughout the galaxy the Jedi were spread thin.
“Pleased to meet you Anakin,” he said warmly. “People might start to notice if we hide in the fresher for too long, why don’t you fill me in on the dance floor?”
Anakin smiled and put his mask back on before looping an arm through Obi-Wan’s. “I’ll follow your lead, Master.”
On the dance floor, Obi-Wan drew Anakin close and guided him into a simple dance step. Anakin followed his lead easily. They spun around the floor and Anakin pointed out the Zyerrian he’d followed across two systems, and told Obi-Wan what he’d learned about the trafficking operation. They had some time until the handoff, and Obi-Wan decided to keep them on the dance floor and wait for the mark to leave before they followed.
Tipping his face down, Anakin whispered into Obi-Wan’s ear. “What do you say after we kick some slaver ass and free some force sensitives, you give me a ride on your ship after?” He let one of his hands slide down Obi-Wan’s chest, making his intentions clear.
Obi-Wan pulled back slightly to get a better look at Anakin. “Surely they teach shadows how to flirt better than that?”
Anakin shrugged. “It’s working, isn’t it?”
“Force help me, it is. Though you could have gotten what you wanted without opening your mouth.” Anakin smirked at him and started to say something. “Don’t say anything,” Obi-Wan said exasperatedly.
Anakin wiggled his eyebrows and pulled Obi-Wan off the floor. “Come on,” he said excitedly, “it’s go time. We can talk about what to do with my mouth after we take care of this.”  
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seagulley · 2 days
We went to a fun match yesterday and it gave me loads of good information about where some of our struggles in the ring may be coming from.
Firstly, I don't think that my own stress/ring nerves are a significant factor for Kaija, as I was feeling completely relaxed yesterday and our performance in the ring suffered just as much as during real trials. This is somewhat of a relief - I think that completely eliminating ring nerves would be extremely difficult for me, potentially impossible. Of course reducing my own stress is still a good goal to work towards, but at least it doesn't appear to be affecting Kaija much.
Another thing that became very very clear is that the ring itself is definitely part of the problem for us. There was such a marked difference in Kaija's demeanour between warming up and going into the ring, despite that fact that the warm up area was literally next to the ring (so it wasn't just about distraction in a new environment) and despite me being able to reward her in the ring (so it wasn't just about missing reinforcement). She is surprisingly capable of identifying exactly where the ring is, considering we do not use ring gates or anything like that here, and as soon as we're in there, she disengages and shows frustration behaviours like whining and jumping.
So that's three missing pieces I've been able to identify so far: no immediate reinforcement in the ring (causes confusion and frustration), distracting smells, sounds, sights in/around the ring (causes sniffing and looking around), and some kind of general negative emotional association with being in the ring (compounds both the frustration and disengagement).
All three of these pieces will require work, but I'm not sure what I should be prioritising. I'm inclined to say that truly working past Kaija's frustration with lack of immediate reinforcement needs to happen first - I can't change her feelings about the ring if she's still getting frustrated and confused by delayed rewards. And in a similar vein I'm also leaning towards prioritising proofing/training to ignore distractions over general ring confidence. We of course need both, but my feeling is that I won't be able to create a better association with the ring if she's still becoming distracted by the surrounding stimuli and feeling conflicted as a result.
That said, I'm not really feeling all that confident in this logic. Maybe I should be going in the other direction and work on ring feelings first. Or maybe there's actually no point in getting stuck on the chicken and egg aspect of it, maybe all three pieces should simply be worked on simultaneously.
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ideatradingpost · 1 month
(it's a bit of a longer read, but hopefully it will clear up and confusion & provide all necessary information. thank you to everyone who takes the time to read it!)
what is the point of this blog?
this blog is meant as a collaborative, community-building project among artists, writers, and creatives. it is meant to offer new life to stories and characters whose creators can't or don't want to work on them themselves, but want to give a chance at being worked on by others. ultimately, this blog is for fun, collaboration, and celebrating each other's ideas & work.
how does credit work for submissions?
submitters may choose to identify themselves as the original creators of submitted stories or characters when sending them in, or they may submit anonymously. submissions will be made with the agreement that once they are sent in and posted, credit to the original creator will not be necessary, as the ideas will be available to anyone who wants to use them.
(NOTE: as with many public domain creative works, credit is still often appreciated by the original creators, but again on this blog it should not be expected and will not be required. in general it is a good practice to recognize others that contribute to a story / character / etc as collaborators, but this will be different in different circumstances, and will be up to the individuals who are participating in the blog to decide how to approach for themselves. in general, do your best to be kind and considerate to your fellow creatives with this in mind.)
what about ownership / intellectual property / etc?
this project is not meant to be concerned with ownership or intellectual property. the stories and characters submitted to the project would be open to anyone to use or adapt, making them more or less public domain stories and characters (though this is not an official designation; just a collective agreement). participation in the project means agreeing to the fact that, as a collaborative community endeavor, no single person would own the stories or characters once they've been submitted.
that said, what an artist or writer goes on to create with the ideas given here is still there own, as much as a piece of art using a public domain background would be—but keep in mind that anyone else can also use what's posted here as well, as two artists could both work with that same public domain background, to continue the metaphor.
how do I submit?
the best way to submit is via the submission function, where you can craft a post with as much information as you want (and images, if you so choose) to be reviewed by the organizers of the blog, and then posted. submissions may also be sent via the askbox.
what can I submit?
anything you like! story plots, general story ideas (long or short), world concepts, character descriptions, character designs, creative project ideas—the list goes on. send an ask if you're unsure if what you want to submit will fit here.
what is NOT allowed in submissions?
submissions containing hateful or discriminatory content will not be posted. mature themes and content are allowed, but will be marked and/or filtered accordingly. explicit sexual content will not be posted to the blog. feel free to send an ask if you are unsure if your submission would be acceptable for the blog.
what if I submit a story / character then change my mind and don't want anyone else to use it?
the organizers of the blog will try to be as sympathetic as possible to people who request to have stories / characters taken down, but once ideas are shared with the community, we can't prevent anyone from engaging with them, so be sure to think through the things you want to submit and only do so if you're sure about submitting. as a community, though, I hope we can be sensitive and compassionate in how we handle ideas and interact with one another, and so if such a situation does arise, we will all do our best to help each other out.
please send an ask with additional questions / if you need anything clarified!
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i am so sorry, i didn't realize how vague that sounded until i saw it posted. whoops! anyway, do you have any tips on how to build confidence in initiating play? not just sex - making out, foreplay, etc. we've talked about it a few times because i don't like feeling like i'm always initiating play, and there's been some progress with them being the one to start. we're both really into each other, and have said so multiple times bc i don't want them to think that i'm upset when i initiate 1/2
2/2 but they’re still hesitant about just, like, going for it? like, I respond positively both in words and in literal horny-ness and I just don’t know how else to go about helping them be more confident? neither of us are super experienced overall, but we were both open about that from the start and I want to grow with them, not make them feel like something's lacking
hi anon,
GREAT to hear from you again, and I'm so glad to be able to approach the situation with so much more information! you've given me a great amount of info here, and it sounds like the two of you are in a really good place of mutual understanding and concern for each other's comfort and just need a liiiiiiittle nudge to get more on the same page.
first and foremost you should talk to your partner and help them try to identify what's causing this hesitation in spite of your positive feedback. if it's a case of being nervous about their intentions being reciprocal, or something of that nature, I'm going to recommend the sexiest thing on earth: clearly stated boundaries and, possibly, periods of time marked specifically as sexytimes.
sit down and make a very clear list of ways both of you would like sexual play to be initated. figure out where there's overlap, talk about things that are new to either of you, identify what may be one person's "yeah!" and another person's "no, thank you." most importantly, identify if there are any obvious conflicts in how each of you communicate and want to be communicated with. if your preference is to get slammed down big style on a mattress and going directly to poundtown and your partner prefers to start things off with a three hour cuddle session, that's going to take some working around!
I doubt your preferences are actually that drastic, but the fact may be that your partner just isn't as naturally inclined to take charge as you. that's fine, but it also means you'll have to get creative finding ways to make sure you don't always have to initiate, since it sounds like that's bit of a chore for you. this is where things like scheduled sex nights (or whatever times work well for you) come in. set aside a night you can be together without interruptions or time constraints, taking off the pressure to perform quickly or on any particular timetable. prior to getting together, agree to the expectation that you're both interested and looking forward to having sex - with the rule that your partner has to initiate, whether that's physically, verbally, or something else. doesn't matter, as long as they're the one to take the plunge and get things moving. having a very clear window in which a particular behavior is both expected and desired can take a lot of pressure off an anxious mind!
you could also make a fun little game that allows you to flag when you're interested while still having your partner sometimes be the one to properly initiate. that could be anything from a play on real gay flagging tactics (putting on a certain accessory, including an actual hankie tucked on your person) to sending them a suggestive emoji or something flirty like "surprise me." the point is to have you give your partner tacit permission that puts the ball in their court, so to speak, to escalate things in a more sexual direction.
as always, the process of navigating and negotiating what sex will look like for you can be dead sexy, and I truly believe the two of you can have a lot of fun figuring this out together :)
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yamayuandadu · 1 year
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Going to combine the responses to these two asks since the topics overlap.
Attar probably had -some- role in Mari early on but good luck figuring what was it. Proposed even earlier Ebla attestations do not seem to be accepted today (as a side note, if anyone is willing to offer serious advice on whether the upcoming Ashtart wiki article rewrite should include the Ebla attestations I'd be grateful. I mean actual advice from people who know something about Ebla, though). The Ugaritic evidence, whether from Baal Cycle or elsewhere, is pretty consistent and paints the image of a warrior god of small to moderate relevance. The trilingual edition of the Weidner god list gives Attar = Ashtabi = Lugal-Marada and while the last one seems, pardon the informal wording, lolsorandom (though I guess he was a war god too), the Ashtabi connection runs deeper. There's a double deity Attar-wa-Attapar who Alfonso Archi linked to Ashtabi, and there's of course the slightly overestimated parallel between Attar's substitute king adventure in the Baal Cycle and Ashtabi filling in for Teshub after the latter fails. I feel like most treatments of this fail to acknowledge that the context is different because Ashtabi is a member of Teshub's circle pretty consistently but Attar isn't really too closely linked to Baal. Attar also appears in Marriage of Nikkal and Yarikh but I do not think there's any real agreement on what is he doing there. All bets are on table. He might have either a daughter or a sister, ybrdmy, who is one of the prospective brides of Yarikh, but she might also be Baal's daughter or just an epithet of Pidray who's also in the same passage. Despite cognate names he never appears in association with Ashtart, and that seems consistent everywhere where he appears. They do both share an association with lions but that's not much. There is no clear early evidence for Attar having an astral character, afaik, especially if you do not subscribe to the astral etymologies of his name. Mark Smith went as far recently as speculating it might have been a secondary development. There might be an astral Attar at Emar already, "Aštar of the Stars", but due to scarcity of attestations and the fact there are evidently female Aštars there in addition to the usual AštarTs makes the very identification with him uncertain. As a curiosity it's worth mentioning there were attempts early on (in... 1980s? 1990s?) to identify the city god of Emar as Attar because... Ashtabi can be written logographically as NIN.URTA and Attar and Ashtabi are related and similar or something? I do not think it's very convincing and it's been a while since I've seen anyone repeat it. Aramaic and Phoenician evidence is basically nonexistent save for the occasional theophoric name, and that offers little insight. Ugarit is basically unique in being a coastal location where he had any presence whatsoever, as he is also absent from Amarna letters, other Egyptian sources, the Bible and Philo of Byblos' Lore Olympus forerunner Phoenician History. From Moab comes the single "Ashtar-Chemosh" reference which seems to double the martial prowess of the local head god by combining him with similarly warlike Attar. First millennium BCE South Arabia offers a lot of evidence, and it seems Attar might have even been the pantheon head around these parts. Both his astral and warlike roles are mentioned in inscriptions. He also was associated with irrigation it would appear, though this is seemingly a secondary development and isn't attested elsewhere. The elusive Axumite evidence for Attar also points in the astral direction, judging from the title "the king of tranquility in heaven and earth" and a Ge'ez-Greek bilingual where in Greek he's called Ouranos (sic).
1.  Alfonso Archi, Studies in the Ebla Pantheon II (1997) 2. Noga Ayali-Darshan, The Role of Aštabi in the Song of Ullikummi and the Eastern Mediterranean "Failed God" Stories (2014) 3.Mark S. Smith, The God Athtar in the Ancient Near East and His Place in KTU 1.6 I (1995) 4. Mark S. Smith, ‘Athtart in Late Bronze Age Syrian Texts (2014) 5. Aren M. Wilson-Wright, Athtart: the transmission and transformation of a goddess in the Late Bronze Age (doctoral dissertation, 2016) +the usual selection of Smith's Baal Cycle commentary, Pardee's Ritual and Cult, Rahmouni's Epithets, etc which you can find in the bibliography of every Ugarit article I wrote.
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wandanatss · 9 months
so, i see i'm getting quite a bit of anon hate for my answer about my dni list. i want to clear things up.
firstly, stop sending shit into my inbox. i won't hesitate to switch off anon. show your faces if you're really that brave.
secondly, male and bi lesbians exist.
note that gender and sexuality is fluid. it can change, your identity can change. all bold text had been bolded by me, all edits or additions made by me have been marked. tl;drs/summaries are my own.
on male lesbians (tl;dr below):
Postmodernism's questioning of sex and gender categories led to the consideration of innovative sexualities, such as male lesbians (Zita, 1992). Although she was against the idea largely because bodies and the history of bodies cannot be negated, Zita suggested that in postmodernity, the body is not the basis of identity, but rather the body is multivocal, a shifting form without boundaries, a perspective from which to view multiple realities, thus contesting sex categories, making them all transitive, and making possible male lesbians. - Trans Toronto: An Oral History. [x]
I remembered what it was like to walk a gauntlet of strangers who stare—their eyes angry, confused, intrigued. Woman or man: they are outraged that I confuse them. The punishment will follow. The only recognition I can find in their eyes is that I am “other.” I am different. I will always be different. I will never be able to nestle my skin against the comfort of sameness. ― Leslie Feinberg (as Jess Goldberg's character), Stone Butch Blues [amazon][goodreads][pdf]
could also consider reading this for further insight.
tl;dr - male lesbians are often those who feel their body would be better off if it were of an afab person/wish to be "born a girl". they often experience m/f (male/female) attraction in a queer way. i am obviously not speaking for all here, please find someone to talk to about it yourself! :)
on bi lesbians (tl;dr below):
This term can be used by women and non-binary individuals who use the split attraction model and are bisexual/biromantic/etc. and homo-[romantic/sexual]* (lesbian) or an individual who experiences lesbian tertiary attraction. They have one form of attraction to two or more genders but are only attracted to women via another form of attraction. They may find themselves sexually attracted to men, but could never picture themselves in a relationship with one, putting more emphasis on their attraction to women, though this varies from an individual to an individual. It can also be used by individuals who identify as both bisexual and lesbian, either due to changing attraction (such as abrosexuality), or due being part of a plural system, such as having a different sexuality when fronting, or being in a median system where one member somewhat experiences their headmate(s)' attraction(s). sexuality wiki. *part in square brackets [...] added by me for needed context or reference.
1) systems who use a "general" identity label that's a combination of everyone's identity exist and deserve to use labels 2) fused headmates (people in systems who are the result of two or more headmates combining/fusing) exist 3) multigender[/bigender]* people exist and deserve to use labels. multigender people who are both a man and a woman exist, and they have the right to use labels that suit them. they should not have to be made to feel like they can't call themself xyz because they're x gender. you either support nonbinary people or you don't. 4) people with fluid attraction exist. they should not have to be made to feel like their label choices are wrong bi lesbians carrd. *part in square brackets [...] added by me for needed context or reference.
also consider taking a look at the previous holder of the bi-lesbians carrd (as linked and explained in the above link) for more information.
tl;dr - bi lesbians can be women or nonbinary/genderqueer people whose identity lies in the labels of "homoromantic bisexual"; "homosexual biromantic"; may be part of a plural system; may be or may be attracted to a multigender/bigender person and may require such a label to define their attraction with regards to gender(s); or for other reasons entirely. again, i am not speaking for all bi lesbians, talk to one yourself about it. :)
thank you. all terfs, bigots and dickheads please fuck off. everyone else, have a nice day. remember, nobody owes you an explanation for their sexuality. and don't forget, i am simply a nice fandom blog with a whole entire person behind it with, like, feelings and emotions and stuff (unfortunately).
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belit0 · 10 months
Pairing: Uchiha Izuna / Senju Tobirama
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Cold metal against his temple is the only reminder of how terrifying this is. Sound of a trigger being pulled, no bullets ending his life.
Izuna lives for one more minute, at least.
He never thought about ending this way when all he was trying to do was capture one of the most wanted assassins in the whole fucking country.
Come to think of it, meeting the white demon himself so casually when investigating clues leading to him is not ordinary.
Tobirama is cautiously deadly, always clean of any scene he creates, leaving no marks that could lead the police to him. It is only because of his modus operandi the force can recognize his actions.
Three fresh cuts on the face of his victims by the time Izuna arrives on the scene.
His tongue works with arduous dedication as the man holds his hair tightly, pushing him against his pelvis and making the weapon feel on his head.
Izuna is too young to be experiencing something like this. 20 years does not prepare you to face a madman of this caliber. Taking this case, even though his brother thought he was prepared to face it, was a mistake.
Forcibly kneeling in front of the killer, panic unravels like a storm in his stomach. It is the first time he has seen Tobirama, a man without even a photo to identify him and no fingerprints in the system.
Still, he is admittedly hot, with cold eyes and a physique which should not be easy to maintain.
Those biceps he rebelled by removing his shirt hinted at a clear advantage to manhandle his small body however he pleases, and Izuna couldn’t fight back as he collapsed to the ground on his knees.
The gun to his temple, however, was a surprise.
Tobirama cruelly informs as he maneuvers his mouth over his cock.
“There is a single bullet inside this pistol. For every minute your fucking trap is not filled with my cum, I’m going to shoot. I hope you know what you're doing.”
There are tears streaming down his face as soon as the madman finishes speaking, and his head only moves because it’s the other man helping him.
To be honest, Izuna is unfairly good at any sexual activity. Countless amounts of his free hours spent satiating an uncontrollable appetite yielded him great skill. But to do it with this pressure, with the killer he’s been chasing for months, knowing there’s a man willing to kill him inside his mouth?
No matter how beautiful the bastard is, how good that overworked chest or his expression of pleasure looks.
There’s no way anyone could pull anything like that off.
When the trigger is pulled for the first time, he shudders, a humiliating sound escaping his clogged throat sounding more like a moan than a scream.
This further arouses Tobirama, who continues to move fluidly using the young man’s limp tongue.
“Come on, little detective. Are you looking to die? Show me what you’ve got.”
There is no way to fight the superior strength of who is inside him, and Izuna doesn’t understand how he was so careless to come to this. He should have identified the strangeness of those obvious clues leading him to this remote hotel. He ought to have stopped and analyzed those acts instead of rushing under the emotion of getting a breakthrough after so much frustration.
At some point it is he who moves his lips, for Tobirama stands still and squeezes his hair even harder. Obscene moans escape his chest with each swirl of his tongue, and he decides it’s best to end this as soon as possible.
The faster this bastard comes, the faster that weapon will disappear from his head.
Maybe he’ll even cut him down and call for reinforcements.
Putting into practice everything he has learned after hours of extensive juvenile cock sucking, the young man closes his eyes and tries to imagine a normal situation. His hands cease digging fingernails into the man’s thighs, and one caresses his sack while the other masturbates what doesn’t fit in his mouth.
“Won’t you look at this, our detective showing what a slut he is?”
Without going too deep, Izuna breathes through his nose while working profusely.
Third shot.
Even thicker tears fall down his cheeks, but this time he doesn’t cry out at the action. He chooses that precise moment to sink his face into the man’s pelvis, swallowing his length completely.
Killer’s grunts influence him, of which he is not proud, and in some perverse way, his own shaft is hard. That hand that was caressing those balls travels down to his own dick, touching himself despite the present threat.
“You like that, don’t you love? Maybe I should pull the trigger even faster to make you come too?”
That raspy voice sends electricity down his spine, and Izuna can’t help but moan.
Breathing is complicated when every time his lips are disconnected from his work, the criminal pushes him back with no mercy. Lack of oxygen makes everything more difficult to comprehend, but he clearly hears that horrible sound.
Fourth shot.
His luck will run out at any moment, and Russian roulette waits for no one.
“Come on baby, I’d hate having to get rid of such a pretty face.”
For the first time in the entire act, Izuna opens his eyes and connects with that devilish look. His tongue chooses just the right moment to travel along the expanse of his head, scratching his teeth against sensitive skin in what he knows is pleasure and not pain.
It seems to drive the man mad, who grunts gutturally and drops the gun. The weapon falls to the floor at the same time his two hands grasp the young man’s head, mercilessly fucking his mouth.
Izuna’s cheeks are completely red and stained with tears, his hand working more forcibly on himself. Saliva escaping from his lips stains the ground beneath his knees, and his eyes close again because of the force applied to his mouth.
Long white strands are suddenly released at the back of his throat, and even when his gag reflex is fully active, the man refuses to separate himself from the overwhelming heat of his cavity.
Izuna does not even have the chance to spit out what bursts inside him, liquid completely pushed to the bottom of his being.
When he is satisfied, Tobirama releases him with strange gentleness and supports him towards bed, settling him there and making him come with his own hands. With the deprivation of air and sudden pleasure, the young man doesn’t even have time to think about how to act against him, writhing under Tobirama’s enormous hands.
His body and mind are completely exhausted, seeking refuge in the hotel bed and hiding the terror in his eyes.
Tobirama seems to notice his reluctance to make eye contact and explains with a smirk
“It wasn’t even loaded, don’t worry.”
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itmindslab · 7 months
What is FAQ schema markup? - IT Mindslab
In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One tool that has gained prominence in recent years is FAQ schema markup. This structured data technique provides a means to enhance your website’s appearance in search results and improve the user experience by providing quick answers to common questions. In this article, we’ll dive into what FAQ schema markup is, how it works, its benefits, and how to implement it effectively.
For more information: What is faq schema markup? - IT Mindslab
What Is FAQ Schema Markup?
FAQ schema markup is a type of structured data that webmasters and SEO professionals can add to their web pages to help search engines understand the content better. It’s specifically designed to highlight frequently asked questions and their respective answers on a webpage. When implemented, search engines can display these questions and answers directly in search results, often in the form of a rich snippet.
How Does FAQ Schema Markup Work?
FAQ schema markup uses a standardized format that includes specific properties and values within your website’s HTML code. These properties inform search engines about the structure of your FAQ content. Here’s a basic breakdown of how it works:
Question: You mark up each frequently asked question on your webpage using the <question> property.
Answer: You associate each question with its corresponding answer using the <answer> property.
FAQPage: You encapsulate all your questions and answers within a <script> tag with the type attribute set to "application/ld+json". Inside this script, you define a structured JSON-LD object that specifies the content as an FAQPage.
Structured Data Testing: Before publishing your page, it’s essential to use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or other similar tools to validate your markup and ensure it’s error-free.
Benefits of FAQ Schema Markup
Enhanced Search Visibility: FAQ rich snippets stand out in search results, increasing click-through rates and visibility.
Improved User Experience: Users can quickly find answers to their questions without clicking through to your website, enhancing the user experience.
Authority and Trust: Google often selects pages with FAQ schema markup as featured snippets, positioning your content as an authoritative source.
Catering to Voice Search: FAQ markup aligns with voice search queries, making it more likely that your content will be selected as a voice search answer.
Mobile Optimization: Rich snippets are especially beneficial on mobile devices, where screen space is limited.
Implementing FAQ Schema Markup
To implement FAQ schema markup effectively, follow these steps:
Identify Relevant FAQs: Determine which frequently asked questions are relevant to the content on your page.
Write Clear Answers: Craft concise and informative answers that directly address the questions.
Add Markup Code: Insert the structured data markup within the HTML of your webpage.
Test Your Markup: Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure there are no errors in your markup.
Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on your search performance to gauge the impact of your FAQ schema markup.
Advanced Features and Properties
Multiple FAQs: You can mark up multiple sets of FAQs on a single page, allowing you to address various topics or sections comprehensively. Each FAQ section should be enclosed within its own <script> tag with the JSON-LD structured data.
Accordion Format: FAQ schema markup often complements accordion-style FAQ sections on webpages. When users click on a question, the corresponding answer expands, providing a seamless and interactive user experience.
Nested FAQs: You can create hierarchical FAQ structures with nested questions and answers, offering in-depth information on a specific topic. Nested FAQs use the same properties (<question> and <answer>) within the JSON-LD structured data.
For more information: What is faq schema markup? - IT Mindslab
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