#palpatine's canon creepiness
shoulderholsterfreak · 8 months
So, I keep seeing people expressing how disappointed they are that Filoni is "going with legends!Thrawn," but to me this sentiment makes it clear that they've probably never read past the original three books, or even the Thrawn Trilogy itself.
Let me explain.
The Thrawn Trilogy is only three novels. There was also the duology (Visions of the Future and Specter of the Past); the stand-alone novels Survivor's Quest, Outbound Flight, and Choices of One; the short stories Crisis of Faith, Side Trip, and Command Decision; and a few other non-Zahn novels and a couple video games wherein Thrawn is present if not in a starring role.
In all Zahn publications after the Thrawn Trilogy, we see a character that, aside from the random political/social debuff introduced in 2017, has a personality and morality system that is nearly identical to the one in canon.
It's in legends where you get Thrawn saying "we do not make war on civilians" and "as civilized beings, it is our duty to minimize suffering" (from the short story Crisis of Faith which takes place weeks before Thrawn began his campaign against the New Republic, so any excuse of "oh he got worse as Palpatine's influence deepened" doesn't really hold water).
And just look at the Empire of the Hand. If you want to know what kind of man Thrawn is, look at the organization he himself founded. To summarize, this is what an alien refugee taken in by the Hand had to say about it:
“The Empire that Senior Captain Thrawn is carving into the evil that pervades our worlds is not the Empire you chose to leave. His is an Empire of justice and dignity for all beings. His Empire is one we gladly serve. One we are willing to die for.”
Basically think the group of aliens and Chiss brought together at the end of Lesser Evil, add Imperials, and multiply it by 1,000.
This was in legends. That’s the vision legends!Thrawn had for a more ideal society. Rebels!Thrawn isn’t even true to what was available to Filoni prior to the canon books’ publications.
Now we can argue if Thrawn was as morally bad in the Thrawn Trilogy as he was in Rebels or not (I say short answer: T3!Thrawn’s greatest sin—for which he was killed—was apathy toward suffering in favor of results, Rebels!Thrawn simply enjoys hurting people because he’s a Bad Guy), but even if they DID hold the same fundamental values, they don’t have the same personality. Thrawn in the 90’s trilogy was expressive, he was having fun, he smiled and shrugged and fiddled with things and pet his ysalamiri. He was sassy and sarcastic and dry-humored and irritable. He was charismatic and, dare I say sometimes relatable. Sure he wasn’t a good person but that’s not the issue here. Thrawn had life to him in the Thrawn Trilogy.
In contrast, Thrawn in Rebel’s personality could be summarized as “creepy evil smart guy who likes art.” He’s really nothing more special than every Saturday mastermind cartoon villain out there. He’s bland and dry and lifeless and he’s scary not because of his intellect or his willpower or ability to read people but because he’s tall and skinny and lurks in the shadows and he’s got cheesy pipe organ theme music.
TL;DR: (as something a friend of mine mentioned) Filoni’s the kind of guy who goes with the very first idea that pops into his head. He goes with his first impression and runs with it. He’s not basing this guy on legends!Thrawn—he’s basing the entirety of it on the very first paragraph of the very first book the character shows up in.
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lynnontatooine · 1 year
Okay I know there are a lot of fan theories/head cannons abot Obi-Wan's identity before the Jedi found him but WHAT IF Obi-Wan was like some kind of noble Stewjoni royalty that got lost in space during a riot and was found/raised by the Jedi.
Then, during The Clone Wars, the 212th saves a Stewjonian trade ship by fighting off pirates or something like that, and one of the elder Stewjonis just stares at Obi-Wan and goes: "hmmmm you look like one of us … actually, you look oddly similar to our king when he was young. What is your name, Jedi?" And then proceeds to FREAK OUT when they realize that this JEDI GENERAL is their LOST PRINCE.
"The king's firstborn son is alive and well!" This message quickly travels back to Stewjon, and the king sends his second son, the crowned prince (I'm pretty sure canon mentioned Obi-Wan to have a younger sibling. correct me if I'm wrong tho) on a diplomatic visit to Coruscant to try and persuade Obi-Wan to come home. Being the kind, strong, responsible Jedi he is, Obi-Wan refuses. His allegiance is to the The Republic, to the Jedi, to his men. He would not abandon them in this war.
Knowing this, the king decides to send aid after his son. After all, the sooner this war ends, the sooner Obi-Wan will return. Right?
Stewjon, being a xenophobic culture at core that didn't give a flying bantha about the raging war is suddenly deeply, incredibly INVOLVED. Dozens of fleets flood in, all with one single goal in mind: to end this war.
Problem is, they still don't care about the conflict between the Republic and the Separatists. All they care about is Obi-Wan - their beloved prince - and his wellbeing.
Anakin is beyond amused, teasing Obi-Wan relentlessly, calling him "your highness" and mock bowing at him whenever he can, Cody is trying his best to help these foreign soldiers integrate with his men, Ahsoka is just happy her Grandmaster's got more people watching his back and Palpatine? Palpatine doesn't know wtf to do with these single-minded soldiers who scoff at him when he tries to give them an order.
Angry and panicking, Palpatine sends Obi-Wan on a solo mission which is of MOST IMPORTANCE and CANNOT BE KNOWN BY ANYONE ELSE, then hires a buncha powerful bounty hunters to end him. Obi-Wan survives the assassination and that is supposed to be the end of it, yet another failed attempt of killing Kenobi, except for the fact that this time, Obi-Wan has Stewjoni people who do not trust the Republic whatsoever and scrutinize every single detail all around him. They just be like: "Well if no one else was supposed to know, then how did the bounty hunters know where to find you?"
Obi-Wan begins to suspect the Chancellor FOR REAL and Investigates, everyone else helps, and Palps is brought down eventually ans the galaxy is ✨Saved✨. Obi-Wan continues being a Jedi while establishing a close relationship with Stewjon, everyone gets Stewjon's special post-war mind-healing treatment aka therapy (especially Anakin because HE NEEDS IT HE'S BEEN GROOMED BY A CREEPY OLD MAN SINCE CHILDHOOD DANK FERRIK!)
Anyways, happy ending, flowers and hugs and sweets for everyone.
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Secret Cargo"
Mon Mothma is a badass, that is all.
Hello another one of my husband's favorite episodes.
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So much story expressed in just body language and establishing shots. The Ghost is waiting--apparently they've been there a while if they're willingly listening to holonet news--and they're all anxious and bored.
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So the Ghorman Massacre, if previous Legends canon still holds, is that incident I mentioned way back when, when Tarkin landed a Star Destroyer on top of a group of protestors, implicitly with Palpatine's permission.
And can we just admire the sheer balls on this woman? Mon makes this pretty speech in the Senate chamber while it's in session.
Meaning she called Palpatine a "lying executioner" to his face.
Legends canon also holds that right after this, she personally hand-delivered the Declaration of Rebellion to his desk.
Yeah. I love her.
Heeeeeey good thing they established how utterly creepy these droids were back in "Warhead" because I see it and now I'm filled with dread.
The sound design for these things is still excellent.
Love how Ezra can tell different dialects of Binary apart in order to know the probe "speaks Imperial". He be learning behind the scenes yo.
(In more ways than one, as we'll soon find out.)
The way they draw out this suspense as the probe makes another round is great, quick teamwork and fast reflexes almost had the thing once it was within range.
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Intense Ezra is intense. :)
The Ghost takes in a Y-wing in yet another cool utilization of its cargo hold.
Too bad these pilots are ungrateful. "You're making things harder for all of us!" Awwww boo hoo is the tyrannical authoritarian government getting even more tyrannical and authoritarian because it's finally being pushed back against? That's an occupational hazard, people. You're in a rebellion, it's not going to be cake and ice cream.
"It would have been prudent to avoid detection, as ordered." The probe was literally on top of them looking in their windshield, I think it was long past having detected them.
But enough griping about Gold Squadron's backseat rebellion-ing, let's get some more action!
One of the Y-wing pilots conveniently gets taken out so Ezra can take their place and I love this expression from Gold Leader:
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He's just like, "Really? This upstart kid?"
But Hera has complete faith in him, awww.
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Ezra looks really good in a Y-wing helmet. I don't think he keeps this one, he only seems to collect Imperial helmets.
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Faslfhaksjfh pretty sure fandom winced when Ezra said the cursed line but! In this case nothing bad happened. Guess we broke the curse.
And now we learn just why the Rebellion loved using Y-wings so much. Two attacks from two fighters and they absolutely cripple this light cruiser.
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His face is too pure sometimes. T_T
I really like how Mon is characterized here, Rebels really leans into her Paragon qualities. She sounds like a woman who's tried her best and is finally fed up, and you absolutely believe in her capacity as a Rebel leader. I think one of the reasons I'm reluctant to watch Andor is how they handle Mon. I'm not really a fan of "graying" my heroes.
Dantooine namedrop!
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Four Star Destroyers hovering over Capital City now, come on guys that's excessive.
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The beginning notes of Thrawn's leitmotif play softly here, in glockenspiel it sounds like, before switching to the iconic organs. As a side note, since they have Kiner for the Ahsoka show please please let there be some theme carryover from the show.
Thrawn already knows Hera's tactics well enough to deduce where she's going to go; through a risky, little-used smugglers corridor in a nebula. Him sending Pryce and Konstantine to head her off I don't actually think was him setting them up to fail, because for all intents and purposes they had the Ghost dead to rights, Hera was just a bit too creative and clever and managed to slip free.
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Why is this show so good at coll menacing shots for Thrawn?
Mon speaking to another one of the archthemes of Star Wars: When to keep fighting inside a flawed system versus when to break from it and burn it all down. There's no real easy or right answer. Bail, and Padme, and Mon worked for years within the system, both of the Republic and the Empire, trying to change it from the inside. The Republic, for all its flaws and problems, could have been salvaged if enough people cared enough to fight for it, and absent Palpatine's influence of course. The Empire on the other hand, is rotten to the core, from the top down, the entire hierarchy and infrastructure designed to deprive its citizens of rights and due process and basic freedoms and control them under an oppressive hand.
Which isn't to say that continuing to fight against the Empire's rule from the inside, in the government halls rather than on the streets, was a worthless endeavor. Not all political conflicts can be solved by direct action. But it does take wise discernment to know when to start openly opposing a corrupt system.
Mon has apparently reached that breaking point.
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This whole conversation is just... nice.
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Hello yes, someone order some fresh scenery porn?
Ezra gushing about how Hera's "the best around" awww.
The Empire shows up, Vult Skerris now shoved in a TIE Defender, as if he wasn't a hassle enough in a regular TIE, and Ezra tries to warn the others about the Defender to no avail, we lose a couple redshirts.
This music cue is gorgeous, the animation on the nebula is gorgeous, I know I'm not being super verbose this rewatch but this episode is just so nice.
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The way the Interceptors just melt, the bits that peel off the Ghost...
This music cue is much more relaxed than the wailing chorus at the end of "Journey Into The Star Cluster", more like a track you'd hear in a nature documentary, maintaining its sense of subtle awe and wonder even as a danger is narrowly escaped.
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Love that Mon immediately knows she needs to stall for time so that Hera can think up something. She's fitting into the Rebellion already, knows her people well. :)
Also hilarious how her stalling tactic is a laundry-list of political demands.
LOL Chopper rolling along the floor there.
Ezra being an actually really decent pilot (because Hera taught him) and taking care of business. <3
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Hera's face when she hears Ezra. <3
Sabine would have loved Hera's tactic here.
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Dantooine be pretty.
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Rebels said beware tyrants trying to control you for your own (or "the greater") good.
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This whole ending bit is just so... optimistic. There's a sense of hope and heroism, of dawn breaking after a long night. Things are clear cut, there is evil and we must stand against it.
And finally the true Rebel Alliance is born. :)
Ahhhhhhhh I love this episode I love it, it feels almost chill in pacing and tone but that sense of clarity of purpose, that OT feel, it's just beautiful, this is just a pleasant episode.
Even knowing what happens in the finale can't fully dampen the spirit of this one.
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arianeemorythethird · 12 days
it's been months but I'm still totally obsessed by a rexwalker jane eyre AU...
rex is jane, anakin is mr rochester. kinda. it's still the canon universe, just the clone wars went a little differently, and after the war ended the republic didn't fall.
and rex and anakin didn't serve together.
because anakin isn't a jedi, in this universe. padme's ship never landed on tatooine, so qui-gon never found and freed him, so...
so the first time they meet it's when widowed retired racer anakin hires jobless veteran rex as a bodyguard for himself and his kids.
he and the twins live in either a fancy nubian shuttle full of textiles and luxury furniture and gilded interiors, or a fancy house in remote country naboo full of textiles and luxury furniture and gilded interiors, surrounded by miles of empty swampy lakes and woods in all directions.
anakin and the twins live all alone in all this luxury, except for a couple of droids and each other, and it's kind of weird and lonely. but now there's rex!
rex and anakin have an immediate deep and powerful connection and spend a lot of time talking together when rex is in theory meant to be working. despite their apparent differences they just get each other like no one else ever has.
(awkward kids with nerdy common interests? yes. veiled deep and meaningful conversations about their shared trauma? also yes.)
also they spar together, probably. anakin says he just wants to keep in shape now he's given up racing fulltime, which checks out.
but wow, he's fucking strong. and his reflexes are unreal. which rex guesses checks out, for a podracer, but even so, wow...
rex spends a lot of time checking anakin out.
and trying not to notice anakin checking him out.
but also - rex doesn't want to think about how creepy anakin's life is but... it's kind of creepy...
he's out here alone with his young kids and two weird old droids, and rex. it's lonely. rex doesn't think anakin does well when he's lonely.
but surely rex's company is good for him?
rex likes him so much. he's certain anakin likes him too...
...and anakin does like him.
the problem is anakin has secrets too.
this is a jane eyre au!
but it doesn't go the way you think. padme is already dead.
the mad wife in the attic isn't padme - it's palpatine.
the mad parent in the attic responsible for the war and the exploitation of the clones (and also, not incidentally, padme's death.)
also the one who found anakin as a teenage racer on tatooine and trained him as a sith. anakin is darth vader, the apprentice sith who killed a lot of rex's brothers before he faked his death (with padme's help) and fled.
yeah, rex is gonna find anakin's red saber somewhere. it won't go well.
rex can forgive anakin for his own crimes, knowing he was forced to become a sith as a child and eventually left. but he can't forgive anakin for protecting palpatine. not now that rex knows palpatine is responsible for the war and for putting inhibitor chips in his and his brothers' heads.
and anakin knows palpatine ought to have faced justice for his crimes a long time ago... on top of everything else he abused and tortured anakin as part of his training too... but anakin still loves him as the father he never had.
anakin hates him as much as he loves him and he can't let go.
rex leaves him because he can't live with that. he just can't.
but anakin is half crazy with grief and loneliness and fucks up. palpatine escapes.
and when it comes down to palpatine or anakin's children anakin finally chooses right.
eventually rex finds out that palpatine is finally dead and the luxury home is gone. the kids are fine but anakin was badly burned, and probably more limbless than he started, but not fully toasted (if nothing else, because palpatine isn't there to immediately put him in a murder suit!)
but - "reader, he married him."
it's enough.
rex goes back.
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jabean-fanfiction · 11 months
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Title: A Light in the Dark
Summary: After arriving on Ahch-To in search of Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself thrown into the past during the time of the Galactic Empire, with the heroes and villains that she had heard stories about in the Jakku Desert.
Pairing: Rey/Darth Vader | Anakin Skywalker
Rating: Mature
Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe — Canon Divergence, Star Wars: Original Trilogy Era, Post-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Not Canon Compliant — Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, POV Third Person Limited, POV Multiple, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Force Training, Inhibitor Chips, Darth Vader Redemption, Older Man/Younger Woman, Slow Burn, Creepy Sheev Palpatine.
Chapter 14 Excerpt:
Rey’s whole body ached by the time her TIE dropped out of Hyperspace for the last time around the gas giant, Yavin.
It had been a long trip – days, she believed – but she wasn’t sure exactly how much time had passed since she’d left the Devastator. Regardless, she was anxious to stand up and move around a bit. She couldn’t wait to get her feet on solid ground.
The moment she spotted the jungle moon of Yavin-4, Rey flicked on her comms array, and hailed the Rebel base below.
“Attention Yavin-Four, attention Yavin-Four,” she began. “I am a friendly scavenger, in an unfriendly ship and armour. I’m looking for a safe place to set down, and a negotiator to help sell my wares.”
The only response was a soft hiss over the comm.
Read on AO3 from Chapter 14.
Read from the beginning.
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simuran · 2 years
Fic rec tag game
@illegalcerebral had a great idea of making fic recs into a tag game! Thanks for tagging me 😘
1) An ongoing multi chapter fic you are excited to get updates for right now
The Secret in the Heart of the Forest by @myrskytuuli - Harry Potter AU, a survival horror set in Maradeurs’ era, with each of the PoVs having a very distinctive voice and mindset. The worldbuilding is incredible both in terms of creepy magic and creepier family secrets, but even more then the concepts themselves I love their execution. Like a lot of people can say “Harry Potter is part desi” or “the Blacks are abusive”, these are fairly popular headcanons. But this author breathes life into them - vivid and horrifying. The chapter about Euphemia Potter’s story is one of my favourites.
2) A completed multichapter fic that you can binge read
American Pie by @micamicster - We Are Lady Parts, but being familiar with the canon is not strictly necessary - a long story about opening up to love (both romantic and familial) and how terrifying and hard it is (slow burn with lots of pining, obviously). It manages to be both hilarious and heartbreaking, sometimes in the same sentence, but all’s well that ends well.
3) A oneshot you think everyone should read
Of bark and bloom by @dapandapod - an adorable original story about autumn and a tiny dragon. It’s less than 500 words, and I love it dearly.
4) A fic you have re-read more than once
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by @vmohlere - MCU, stucky - I’ve read the whole series like four times at least, the first two - in Russian translation by the magnificent Sangrill. Plus the occasional reread of a single installment! I would say it feels like a cozy blanket, if blankets could make you laugh for hours.
But be aware! I did not even like coffee that much before reading this, and now I can’t imagine my life without it! Very insidious product placement, I feel like the author should get paid by Starbucks.
5) A fic you first read over a year ago that you want to spotlight
I’m coming up blank. Golfish memory!
6) A fic that introduced you to a new ship/character/fandom
like a prayer by @earlsgrey introduced me to Alinej (from Shadow and Bone), and I’ve been shipping it ever since.
7) A fic you'd recommend to someone new to your fandom
If you’re new to Leverage: Redemption, go read If she won’t accept gifts, soon she’ll give them by @neverfeedthesarlacc ​ right now!!! I read this fic and it changed my view of Breanna forever, like it helped me to finally get her.
8) A fic you would recommend to the person who tagged you in this game.
Hmmmmmmm, how about Just Go Kill Palpatine by @nevertheless-moving? It’s short and extremely funny
Optional: one more wildcard choice of fic.
Complicated Feelings About Snow by @illegalcerebral - I actually went to your fics to see if Aliens Skies was old enough to fit the criteria of #5, but found this little gem instead! A very lovely piece of Loki's angst over snow, I love it
Tags (no pressure!): @arretoskore, @the-maidofmischief, @abstract-moth, @onedragontorulethemall and everyone tagged above!
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nimata-beroya · 11 months
Tell me about your current favorite wip <3
-Photo's Birth Nonny
Hi there!
Thanks for the ask, but making me choose among my children is so unfair! Each is special to me for different reasons, and I have a hard time picking up my fave. But since I have to choose, let me tell you about the one I've barely talked about, which is "The One to Survive".
It's the first of a series of 4 (or more) fics of my Order 66 doesn't happen AU, and it features my Clone OCs, the Gundark squad!! My babies Onix, Ares, Clawbird, Nock, and Dropper! This first fic is mainly to introduce them, to let my readers know them. I jokingly call this fic my TBB arc on TCW 😆 Not only because it's about an elite special forces squad, but also because at the end of it the last member will join the team after being rescued.
Did I take inspiration from TBB? Absolutely! Am I ashamed of it? Not one bit! 🤣 Besides, I have the inside joke that the Gundark squad and Bad Batch don't get along too well, but eventually (in later fics) they'll have to work together and there'll be a lot of bickering. It's gonna be great!
But back to The One to Survive, it starts when Commander Cody asks the Gundark squad to investigate an alleged separatist medical lab, and they find that a scientist is doing experiments with clones that were presumed dead in battle or are classified as M.I.A.
At first, I thought of creating an OC to be that scientist, but after watching season 2 of the bad batch, well, canon kindly provided me with the perfect villain. How can I not use him? He's so creepy, and already doing experiments with clones, so I have to use him.
Of course, bringing him down won't be easy, which it'll lead to the second fic (Casualty) searching for Hemlock, and finding more clandestine labs and prisoner clones (especially 1 that we know. I'll explain what happened to him, since canon didn't, and I want to bring him back, ok). And by when the third fic comes rolling in, it'll be the main event tackling the chip conspiracy and Fives, and thwarting Order 66. The last fic in the series is pretty much the wrap-up after the war , what happens after Palpatine is death kind of thing.
Hehe! I could talk hours about this, but I'll leave here. Nonnie, you're welcome to ask more about this or any other of my WIPs!
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about Match Making, Mad Science, and Accidental Child Acquisition
I, uh, JUST replanned the whole thing, chapter-by-chapter, which means I don't have much of anything exactly written (but i have about 18 different scenes i'll be frankensteining into the fic later), so instead, how about I ramble aimlessly about it to you! Like a lot! (Ohhhh boy yeah this got long, i'm so sorry, i've just wanted to talk about this for such a long time and you gave me the chance i needed!)
There's four main plot threads, for the four main characters: Ahsoka, Barriss, Caleb, and Cal. But Ahsoka and Barriss's plots tie in to each other a little. (They also have separate stories but those are Spoilers for later in the fic.)
They're the Matchmaking part of the title! Barriss is 23, which in the medieval-ish setting, is kinda getting close to "old maid" territory. Ahsoka decides she needs to find this girl a handsome gentleman to sweep her off her feet. (Barriss is just fine without one, thank you very much!) And Ahsoka, with a little help from her brother Anakin, settles on objectively the WORST choice possible for a bf for barriss. Hijinks ensue.
(Ahsoka is also having fun breaking social etiquette and causing headaches for her bodyguard Rex, but i've talked about that before.)
Then there's Mad Science! That plot thread starts at the first grand ball of the year at Jedha Palace, when three unlikely friends meet. The first is Cal Kestis, a young Jedhan noble who loves botany. The second is Lady Merrin. She's a chemist, but her people are reclusive and the volcanic island of Dathomir is super creepy so there's plenty of rumors that she's a witch. And the third is Omega, Madame Se's ward, and a student of biology. They start a science club.
(I still haven't decided if I'm gonna ship cal and merrin in this, or if i'm not. like on the one hand i love a strong platonic friendship but on the other hand, if i DID ship them, then i could have a moment late in the fic where someone calls her a witch and he's just like HEY, SHE'S NOT A WITCH SHE'S MY WIFE, so. platonic friendship vs. princess bride reference. it's a tough call. I'm leaning towards the princess bride reference but i might change my mind.)
And FINALLY the part i know you're gonna love: the Accidental Child Acquisition!
So a year or two before the war ends—oh and by the way, i'm ignoring canon timelines and ages so some stuff is shuffled around—Hera and her brother are sent to jedha to be safe. there she meets Prince Dume and they go on a trip through the city, either pre-fic or in their first chapter together, and find Ezra, an orphan.
After the war ends, Hera leaves Jedha, only to come back, along with many guests from across the continent, for a post-war peace celebration. Ezra is DELIGHTED to see her again. he's also convinced that she's going to marry caleb and they're gonna adopt him (caleb's like haha i have no idea why he would think that it's not like he overheard me daydreaming or anything) and ezra is SO annoyed when he realizes they are not DOING THAT yet. So he decides he needs to help them speed things up a bit. He also befriends a mini mandalorian and then caleb and hera find that they have TWO children crashing their not-exactly-date-nights and falling into ponds and stealing pastries and dumping paint on people and wait when did they become PARENTS??
Oh, and Zeb is there! I promise I did not forget about Zeb! (He's the one getting paint dumped on him.)
(and ALL of that is just in the first 20% of the story. So much more happens!!! I won't spoil it, but there's murder mysteries and secret tunnels and that thing jane austen loved to do where a beloved character gets deathly ill and nearly dies and there's PALPATINE and there's a chapter named 'I have about twenty bazillion favorite tropes and Moment Killer is thirty-two of them' and there's—)
Ahem. So, yeah! That's Matchmaking, Mad Science, and Accidental Child Acquisition. I am so sorry i cannot shut up but THANK YOU FOR ASKING because I've wanted to ramble about it for SO LONG!!!
(Oh! Also! I have gone COMPLETELY wild with ALL the chapter titles and it was 100% inspired by you.)
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apollo41writes · 2 years
Goodnight prompt 17/∞
Fandom: Star Wars Prequels Ship: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Hondo Ohnaka & Anakin Skywalker AUs/Tropes: Canon divergence, Fix-it Prompt: Instead of Watto, Gardulla loses the ownership of Shmi and Anakin to Hondo Ohnaka. Somehow, Anakin becoming a pirate ends up saving the Republic and the Jedi Order.
Extra details: This is more or less an idea that was already in my brain (and I think I posted about something similar already in my personal blog). But when I like an idea so much, every now and then it comes back to haunt me.
I just love Hondo and his shenanigans way too much, and I feel like Anakin with his bravado would make such a good pirate as well!
Anyway, of course it would make more sense if Hondo decided to sell the slaves he just won, but Anakin proves to be a very good mechanic even as young as he is when they get him, and having someone so good with ships is always a good idea. And he's a kid! Hondo can use him as bait for kidnappings or as a distraction when they need to be more sneaky about something they are doing.
Maybe Hondo kind of thinks he might sell Shmi, but 1) they need someone to actually look after the boy and 2) Shmi can cook mouthwatering dishes with whatever food they have lying around. Also, Shmi isn't so bad at shooting either so it's not like she would be dead weight!
So Hondo decides to keep them both as part of his crew.
And Hondo finds out that it's extremely easy for Anakin to learn how to do most things, and he seems to have an almost infinite stamina and some enviable instincts in dangerous situations. Anakin is a stubborn sarcastic little shit from day one, fights like a possessed man and knows how to fly basically anything like a pro just minutes after jumping in the pilot seats.
Mainly, this is about Anakin being an absolute reckless menace and Hondo loving him for that exact reason. And maybe every now and then Hondo flirts with Shmi just to annoy Anakin, and Shmi goes along with it because seeing Anakin so annoyed by it is particularly funny.
The one part of this my brain focused on last night is Hondo and his pirates accepting a job, and it's something like "kidnap the Chancellor". Which, they do easily enough, thanks both to Anakin being good at what he does and the Chancellor making sure this happens because he always has to look like a victim so people won't suspect him of doing nefarious things.
Suffice to say, they send a Jedi to save Palpatine. But when Obi-Wan (and his Padawan Ahsoka, maybe?) reaches the planet to pay the ransom and rescue the Chancellor, he's immediately fascinated by Anakin and his obvious connection with the Force.
Connection that the Chancellor himself noticed as well and the man tried to convince Anakin that he could teach him so much if he let him be his Master. But Anakin is just too creeped out by the Chancellor. The Jedi that comes to save Palpatine is another thing entirely. He would gladly let Master Kenobi teach him whatever strikes his fancy.
Basically, Anakin mentions to Obi-Wan during the exchange that Palpatine gives him creepy groomer vibes and that they should keep an eye on it because usually he's right about his feelings. The Jedi start an investigation on the Chancellor and they find out he's the Sith, everything is fine, Obi-Wan goes back to the pirates to thank Anakin and they end up having some fun together. Or something like that, anyway.
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geminidestined · 1 year
          content warning: ( tvd typical shenanigans, murder, substance abuse, mental illness )
Anakin is a witch from a branch of the Gemini Coven, though he was raised apart from his family for his own safety. Unlike siphoners, Anakin is an amplifier, acting as conduits for magic and increasing the power of those they come in contact with, as well as being especially powerful themselves. Anakin is also his own amplifier, creating a magical feedback loop that makes him very, very powerful. Anakin is part of a prophecy from very long ago, claiming he is destined to do something great using these gifts, but besides being more powerful than your average witch, Anakin doesn’t think he’s anything special. No member of the Gemini Coven actually believed in this prophecy until Anakin was born and even then, some of them dismissed it.
Anakin grew up on the run with his mother from those who did believe in his power. She passed when he was nine (alternatively, she died shortly after giving birth), and he was taken in by a family friend named Ben, who also sought to protect him from being used by others to enhance their own magic. After many years of laying low and keeping their magic under wraps, they moved to Mystic Falls for reasons Ben never fully explained and that is where they are living now, among the other supernaturals seemingly drawn into the orbit of this small town. Anakin, who had not been taught to use his natural magical gifts, decides he no longer wants to hide and Ben decides it’s about time for him to learn to harness his own abilities. Ben, also a witch, begins to teach him basics but he also learns very quickly from other people in Mystic Falls (such as Bonnie) and being the natural that he is, gets caught up on things he missed very rapidly.
This verse can take place at any time during the series, though I will need to utilize wikipedia as my knowledge is rusty. This can also take place in New Orleans rather than Mystic Falls if that is easier. Anakin's age will mirror the characters he's interacting with, example: season one of TVD, Anakin will be 17, later seasons he will be older.
This verse is not tied to any specific timeline so it can be flexible. As a default, I have him arriving around season three of the show but this is open to change. Anakin's presence does not really alter canon very much unless plotted otherwise. Anakin is born in 1790 and turned at the age of 19 by a creepy weird vampire who wanted an heir to his legacy (Palpatine). After becoming a vampire, he met another man named Ben, and they got rid of Anakin's sire because he was super messy and wanted to do a lot of harm. Not long after that, his mother was kidnapped and murdered. By who is totally up for discussion should the need arise. Regardless, she was tortured and killed. Anakin tracked down and murdered everyone involved, turning off his humanity and giving into becoming a ripper. At this point he lost contact with Ben, who was unable to help him. He was this way (though not always a ripper - there would be periods where he would be fine and periods where he would murder and devour) for many years, satisfied with his life as much as he could be with no humanity.
He traveled across the country, and perhaps even outside of the country, on his own. He did end up turning several other vampires, but without his humanity, was in no position to teach or guide them so he doesn’t actually know what came of them. At some point, later on, he crossed paths with a woman, who he later came to know as Padme, and for some reason, took an instant interest in her. She was the reason that he turned his humanity back on and they fell in love. She helped him regain control of himself and his life and helped him to deal with the trauma of his past. He was with her for the rest of her life, though she did not want to be turned, and so she grew old and eventually died. She could still be alive for angst or plot, but again, she’d be very old.  However, this changed the trajectory of Anakin’s life, allowing him to see purpose and hope, and he swore he would never turn his humanity off again. Anakin now lives off mostly blood bags (feeding off people is too tempting), though he will eat animals if it’s too risky or bagged blood is unavailable. In some verses, Anakin will have a daylight ring simply for convenience, but in other verses he will be unable to walk in the sun. This verse is heavily developed with seesgood. Any references to Caroline are her specifically.
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corruptedforce · 1 year
Ship that you can never see happening: 👎
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Controversial Shipping Asks // @galaccias // Accepting!
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Ship that you can never see happening:
Obi-Wan and Anakin. People love to judge people for various things they ship, but Obi-Wan raised Anakin from the time he was NINE, it's creepy AF. But you know, some people only see grooming from Palpatine, and don't see how that would be grooming, too.
Also, Obi-Wan & Padme. They both respect Anakin too much.
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
Obi-Wan and Satine, Rey and Kylo Ren, Han and Leia, Anakin/Not getting Respect from the Jedi, Padme and Rush Clovis (don't get me started)
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
I don't know if I have unpopular ships, honestly? (like if we're talking canon ships)
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
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oh. my. GOD.
It would take a while to get there- Mace is really quite discreet and Anakin is working so hard to be discreet too as step one of his 312 step plan to make big, romantic Jedi weddings a thing. He’s motivated, okay? 
Anakin very gradually starts carpooling with Mace more and more often. They don’t tell anyone exactly where the bakery is and everyone’s so relieved that Master Windu finally found a way to get through to Skywalker that they don’t want to mess with a good thing thing by asking too many questions.
(Anakin is SO much more chill about a lot of things cause he’s not completely hopeless about the future and the possibility of being forced to choose between the people he loves. He’s also a lot less afraid for Padme’s safety while off world now that he know Master Windu is in the same building often. Whether or not his understanding of Windu’s relationship is completely accurate is questionable, but the effect it has on his mental health is real.)
(Anakin also starts over-sharing a little about his relationship with Padme to Mace, much to Master Windu’s consternation. VERY occasionally Mace will say something like “...Jar-Jar ended a pointless 3 hour senate commitee meeting by spilling something on Mas Amedda” and then they’ll rag on how phony ALMOST everyone in politics is.)
Obi-wan is going insane. Them bonding is...great. No one said Anakin couldn’t have other friends! Even if now they seem to have inside jokes that Obi-Wan doesn’t understand! He’s perfectly fine with that! He’s happy that Master Windu is taking some time to teach Anakin vaapad! Anakin’s clearly thriving, and Obi-Wan’s definitely not thinking that Anakin would have been so much better off if Mace had been his master instead! Obi-Wan's happy about all this!
But the fact that sometimes they’re disappearing together at midnight and coming back the next day in the same robes as the day before is driving him MAD. It takes him a really...really long to even consider the idea because OBVIOUSLY Anakin is infatuated with Padme but...he could have sworn Master Windu made a reference to Anakin’s tendency to toss around in his sleep (yay oversharing!) and WHY would Mace know that. Anakin is wincing to sit down and Obi-Wan just sort of assumed in the past that Padme was a little too rough (none of his business, he’d rather not speculate, and at least they can’t get pregnant that way) but now Mace Windu is smirking and in a good mood and looks exhausted.
Obi-Wan would get so protective. Eventually it all just becomes too much and he corners Mace after a council meeting:
“You’re a council Member! He’s barely even knighted! It’s an outrage! An abuse of power!” 
“...Master Kenobi, what are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about your little affair with my barely-legal padawan!”
Mace’s soul briefly leaves his body but look he didn’t stay a council member this long or become master of the order in the first place without an innate tendency to thrive on drama. You can not succeed on ANY council if you don’t enjoy gossip and shit stirring just a little. And he’s also tired by this war and needs to take his joys where he can. And right now he’s finding joy in Obi-Wan’s misplaced but actually quite noble indignation. 
“He’s not your padawan anymore, he’s a knight perfectly capable of making his own choices.” And Mace sweeps out, leaving Obi-Wan fuming. 
“HE’S JUST A BOY!” Master Kenobi shouts down the hall desperately, but Windu just keeps power walking. He’s got shit to do, okay? Maybe this will make Anakin talk to Obi-Wan about Padme instead of blathering on about her hair to me.
Obi-Wan, freaking the fuck out, starts asking Anakin leading questions, window open on his datapad for ‘signs of child grooming.’ 
"Was there an adult who you felt gave you special attention when you were feeling isolated or neglected? Someone who maybe made a point to find out what you liked and made sure to get it for you? Who maybe you felt indebted to because of this? Maybe who gave you gifts, or money, or flattery? Or just more attention and affection? Perhaps after that they told you that ‘they were the only one truly understand you’? Who made a point to spend time with you alone, without other adults or kids?”
Anakin (defensive): “Why are you asking me all these weird questions about the Chancellor? Palpatine is a great man and a loyal friend!” *storms off*
Obi-Wan has a heart attack and dies, thus bringing this au to an abrupt and tragic end.
No I’m kidding, obviously this is a fix it. Obi-Wan does have several consecutive panic attacks and briefly kidnaps Anakin.
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jabean-fanfiction · 1 year
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Title: A Light in the Dark
Summary: After arriving on Ahch-To in search of Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself thrown into the past during the time of the Galactic Empire, with the heroes and villains that she had heard stories about in the Jakku desert.
Pairing: Rey/Anakin Skywalker l Darth Vader
Rating: Mature
Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Star Wars: Original Trilogy Era, Post-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Not Canon Compliant - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, POV Third Person Limited, POV Multiple, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Force Training, Inhibitor Chips, Darth Vader Redemption, Older Man/Younger Woman, Slow Burn, Creepy Sheev Palpatine
Just posted Chapter 13! (AO3/FFN)
Or, read from the beginning (AO3/FFN)
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princess-ibri · 2 years
Some of my Maleficent Backstory Ideas
So I've been doodling/editing some Maleficent pictures and I thought I show them off! My take on a backstory for Maleficent is taken from of thr early concepts for the Live Action movie, where she is an unwelcome outcast in the Fairy Court of her Aunt and Uncle as she is half-fairy and half demon.
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I'm still working on the full concept, but I picture her growing up lonely with really only her birds and books for company, and she ends up falling under the sway of a Dark Fairy called Carabosse, who sees how much potential Maleficent (which would not be her birth name but I'm still deciding what that would be) has for magic and becomes her mentor --in a very Palpatine sort of way.
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Also working on fleshing out the latter story of Maleficent and her human love interest Gavin, who I created as the father for my Canon Descendants take on Mal. Here's the first time they meet, when Maleficent finds him asleep on her castle stairs. (Also i know last time I drew them together I drew her without horns, ignore that, that was a dumb idea on my part, Maleficent deserves to have her awesome horns)
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I also did this incredibly silly and non-canon doodle of them lounging and being pastoral and stuff cuz I loved the creepy saytr in the tree in the original and wanted to do a version with Maleficent's goon xD Maleficent would never ever be this soft or open about it--though you do get a good view of her ragged wings. (I have an idea that in my version she sacrifices them purposely when she joins the side of the Dark Arts but yeah)
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Anyway, here's my doodles, hope you like them. Hopefully I'll have more when I've taped down Maleficent’s story to my satisfaction 👍
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gch1995 · 2 years
I'm going to be honest: I didn't like how the Clone Wars written Anakin and Padmé's relationship. 2003 Clone Wars keep them much more align with their Prequel forms but 2008 Clone Wars only shown Padmé as toxic and unconditionally abusive that it makes me wonder what Anakin sees in her. Anakin is right in multiple occasions yet he is the one who is painted as the villain by Filoni and his writers. Many people don't like when I point this out but I feel like it's true.
I mostly agree, though Anakin was pretty uncharacteristically toxic towards Padme in the Clovis arc with that whole OOC “As your husband, I command you” garbage, too. George Lucas wasn’t in charge of show-running TCW (08-2020) at that point anymore, though, so I don’t really consider it canon. The macho™️ character change they gave Anakin in TCW (08-2020) is one of the biggest reasons why I’m not into that show.
It caters to the prequel haters who all thought Hayden Christensen’s version of Anakin was “too naive,” “too sensitive,” and “too whiny,” even though the whole point is that the horrifyingly apathetic, aggressive, arrogant, detached, domineering, in-denial, hypocritical, and self-righteously angry attitudes and demeanors of Vader are learned traits that he picked up from Watto, Obi-Wan, the Jedi Council, and Palpatine that he becomes really good at using as a mask to cover up and/or mitigate his intense anxiety, guilt, self-doubt, self-hatred, fear of corrupt authority, and fear of the unknown.
Luke, Padme, and those he cares about receive some of those attitudes after he goes dark, but they also are some of the few to see a deeply broken and conflicted man who still genuinely loves his family, regardless of how unhealthy he became in displaying it
While he was unhealthily codependent in his love of Padme, Anakin was never abusive or controlling of her before that scene on Mustafar. The whole point of that scene on Mustafar was to show how out of his mind Anakin was at that point on the high of the dark side for the first time in his anger and fear of abandonment. It was not supposed to be seen as this regular in-character thing in his relationship with her at all.
In AOTC, Anakin came off as a little unintentionally creepy towards Padme at first, and he got attached intensely to her after those kisses she consented to a bit too quickly. After she told him to back off with the awkward lovesick puppy dog stare in AOTC upon first reuniting, Anakin did, and then let her take the lead in their relationship.
What they did to Padme in that Clovis arc of TCW was pretty out of character, too. Yeah, in the PT movies, she was sometimes a little innocently insensitive in regards to Anakin’s feelings because she was a senator who thought she knew best, and she wanted to protect her family and herself by keeping up public appearances. She was a bit naive in her belief of the goodness of humanity in the Republic. However, she was not a petty bitch or stupid either. She wouldn’t continually defend an ex of hers who repeatedly treated her like garbage, and she wouldn’t make Anakin feel like trash for defending her from him.
Also, while Padme did love her job as a Republic senator, one of the reasons why she fell for Anakin was because he gave her opportunities to take a break from the stress of all that and have fun, so I don’t totally buy that she wouldn’t be interested in taking a vacation with her husband when he offered it.
While they definitely weren’t as healthy of a couple as they could’ve and should’ve been, there absolutely was nothing abusive about Anakin’s and Padme’s relationship in the PT movies up until that scene on Mustafar.
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vagrantblvrd · 2 years
That random AU where Luke is just your normal, everyday farm boy from Tatooine being raised by his aunt and uncle because his parents died when he was a baby(TM) character.
But also.
The AU where Anakin doesn’t fall to the Dark side Because Reasons (like actual communication about feelings and the whatnot) but did fake join the rebellion his sekrit wife and her friends formed to fight against Palpatine’s machinations?
But also the AU where Order 66 goes into some form of effect and Jedi get gunned down and the whatnot by their Clone troopers.
The Jedi caught on to things, but weren’t quite fast enough to put a complete stop to Palpatine’s machinations and there’s just a lot of chaos and confusion in the immediate aftermath.
Enough that the ones who did survive/managed to overcome Order 66/Plot Reasons were able to go into hiding and regroup and so on.
Obi-Wan survives and he and his troopers survive and there’s this whole thing with Anakin and his troopers, and anyway.
It’s decided that it’s safer for Luke and Leia to be raised away from the Rebellion and what safer place(s) for them than with Owen and Beru on Tatooine (and Ben watching over them like a creepy, creepy hermit?
Leia is sent to live with Bail and Breha and everything goes pretty much the same as in canon?
The Rebel Alliance has Padme and Anakin (and other Jedi) fighting against Palpatine and his Empire and Palpatine is a little more >:((((((((((((((((( because they keep fucking up his plans like you wouldn’t believe?
Also, also.
Luke still calls Obi-Wan Old Ben, but he also has standing lessons with him and so on because the Jedi Order is gone, sure, but Luke’s still his father’s son, you know?
There was this whole debate as to when they should start his training when Plot Reasons happen and Obi-Wan has to step in to save Luke from, idk, Plot Reasons.
Luke kind of maybe sort of taps into the Force to mostly rescue himself and Obi-Wan’s like *sigh* and also “Anakin, your son is somehow more of a menace than you” and so on because he is stupid tiny and young and he can’t go untrained after this, and anyway.
Luke gets trained in the ways of the Jedi while playing the part of typical farm boy from Tatooine, and of course his training includes reasons why he can never tell anyone who his parents are because Plot Reasons.
(Obi-Wan is just waiting for the day for Luke’s Skywalker(TM)/Trouble Magnet genes to kick into full effect because it’s a matter of when, not if, and anyway, yes.)
Meanwhile Leia is getting all these politcal and diplomatic lessons along with fighting and spy goodness taught to her? Also, about the time Luke is being trained in the whole *waves hands* Jedi business someone calling herself Fulcrum comes to Alderaan to train her when it comes to Leia’s own Jedi powers, because it would be unwise not to, you know?
(Anakin is like *frets* because his kid and also his other kid, and just. So much potential for the two of them ousting Palpatine and taking over the galaxy under their rule? Like. Sure to be far more benevolent, but somehow more terrifying??? Anyway.)
Obi-Wan being an important part of the spy network for the Rebellion - planet like Tatooine with all the criminal activity and also endless stretches of sand and rock of no real strategic value?
Luke learning at his knee and so on (and giving Obi-Wan all the gray hairs Anakin and Ahsoka didn’t manage to, and Cody, stop laughing this minute!!1!) and the two of them giving Cody ulcers, and anyway.
Luke getting a job working for this hangar mechanic named Peli Motto and working for the Rebellion passing information along and so on because of course he does, as if Obi-Wan or anyone could stop him from doing that much?
Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padme are like no, however, about Luke becoming more involved because Palpatine would give anything to get his claws on Luke or Leia to use against them, and anyway, it’s an old, tired argument for all of them and only a matter of when, not if, something happens on that front, because Skywalkers.)
But also, also.
Luke and Leia both only know their birth parents from vague memories of them as children (before it became too dangerous for Padme and Anakin to visit them) and stories they’ve been told about them from Obi-Wan and the Organas and whoever else in the know who actually know Padme and Anakin.
But then!
This Mandalorian shows up on Tatooine, right? Battered old gunship and Luke’s like *_* because it’s pre-Galactic Empire and a beauty and Ben and Cody have stories to tell about ships like her, and anyway.
Din’s not a fan of some scrawny kid fixing the Crest up, right, but Peli’s got some mess with Imperial red-tape to deal with and Luke’s better than half the idiots Din’d find elsewhere, so let the kid get to work or go bother one of the other idiots instead.
And Din is like “...” and als *SIGH* and “Don’t make me regret this,” to Luke’s :D and :DDDDDDDD and “You won’t!” before he jumps into fixing the Razor Crest.
Meanwhile, Din goes off to see to Guild business and gets suckered into transporting this bit of intel to someone somewhere (best not to ask too many questions these days and anyway, it’s paying better than some of his recent bounties) and on and on it goes.
Luke gets the Crest fixed up almost good as new (too many years and miles and battles for that kind of miracle) and Din’s pleasantly surprised, because he wasn’t expecting something that good, you know?
Peli gets back in time to be just a little smug at Din about it because no one else wanted to take a scrawny kid like Luke on as an extra pair of hands, which is their loss and her gain, and anyway, thanks for your business Mandalorian.
And then!
Whenever Din’s on Tatooine he does his best to get the Crest to Peli’s hangar and into her or Luke’s hands because he knows they’ll take care of her for him, and they do.
After a while Din realizes he’s most likely taking jobs from Rebellion operatives when he’s asked to transport information or sometimes peope to and from Tatooine that doesn’t quite go through the Guild.
(He never asks, but it’s a feeling he gets, and anyway. No love lost between him and the Empire, even if it is risky doing what he’s doing, but.
It pays well and he’s got (a somewhat decent case of) plausible deniability, even if there’s no guarantee it’ll save him if the Empire catches wind of his involvement, but future problem for future Din.)
In between all that he kind of strikes up a friendship of sorts with Luke, you know?
Slow days he’s there waiting on a job or contact or whatever and Luke’s fixing up the Crest or the crappy little speeder Luke bought with his own money from working at the hangar. The one Peli lets him use her tools and hangar space to work on to get it running again, and doesn’t feel like going to the tavern or being around other people, and Luke is just.
Luke is Luke.
What you see is what you get, and he can be chatty, but mostly he’s fine letting Din be and not bothered by an occasional hm or grunt or just plain silence while he works, doesn’t expect anything from him and seems happy enough with what he does get, and it’s just.
Sometimes Din gets in trouble and comes dragging into the hangar, and if Luke’s there he’s like !!! and then helps patch Din up, if Din lets him.
Sometimes Luke’s the one who comes in with a black eye or otherwise ruffled because Mos Eisley is not the greatest place and even for someone wjho gret up on Tatooine Luke looks like an easy target.
The times that happens Din is like >:((((((( and who, but only after making sure Luke’s fine, all patched up and such, before he suddenly has “business to take care of.”
(Most of the time Luke gives him the :( face and Din stays put, waits until Luke’s gone home or fallen asleep to find out who messed with his mechanic, and anyway. Yes.)
But then there’s this day Din gets to Tatooine and there are Imperials everywhere and when Din does some discreet asking around he finds out there was this whole Situation with a space battle over Tatooine a few days earlier.
Something to do with droids and this hermit and some kid and a pair of smugglers?
Also, he finds out from Peli when he goes looking for her, Beru and Owen are dead and Luke is who knows where (he went home, she tells him, to help with the farm and then...) and Din is like “...” because, you know, because.
He borrows a speeder from Peli and finds the charred ruins of the Lars homestead and the graves - two, only two - and goes looking.
Chases stories and rumors for years before he gives up, has to think of the Covert again instead of himself, and oh, Paz beats that into this thick skull and it’s best/worst thing he could have done and Din loves/hates him for it, but in the end he’s right to do it, and the fact Din knows it makes it better/worse, and anyway.
Life goes on the way it always does.
The war he’s so, so careful not to get dragged into goes on - until it doesn’t.
He hears about some turning point battles that take place, Alderaan almost being destroyed before the Rebels brought some kind of superweapon down. A princess being rescued by some smugglers Din was supposed to bring in but never did because Plot Reasons. Another battle over a forest moon somewhere?
Something like that, he’s not really paying close attention. Only cares when Palpatine gets de-throned and a new world order starts to take shape, and anyway, anyway.
The Armorer goes hm, interesting, because apparently these Jedi aren’t completely extinct after all, a few crawling out of the woodwork in the aftermath, but none of that has anything to do with Din, so he doesn’t look too deeply into matters, you know?
He just goes about his business with bounty hunting and providing for the Covert and all that.
(May or may not pick up a few jobs here and there on the side that may or may not be Rebel Alliance-related, but he doesn’t ask questions so he can’t say for sure.)
One day he picks up a job from Karga and meets this tiny green gremlin kid he gets way too attached to, which he knows is a bad idea, but.
Din is who he is, and Grogu is who he is, and before Din knows it he’s gathering a team to get his damn kid back from some asshole with delusions of grandeur.
And then there’s a platoon of Dark Troopers and one of these so-called Jedi cutting through them with laughable ease and -
They’re who knows how many systems and nearly a decade from that first time they met on a ball of rock and sand and misery burning under a pair of suns, and yet.
Those are Luke’s bluest or blue eyes even if the hair’s shorter and he’s traded in his mechanic’s overalls for all the black and the *waves hands* boots and everything else.
Also, that little smile, the one he’d get over a game of sabacc when Din was sure the little bastard was cheating, but then Luke would pull that innocent farm boy act, and anyway.
“Are you a Jedi?”
And it comes out tired and resigned and this very certain kind of amusement he’s only felt when it comes to Luke because the kid - man - is a little troll and knows it. (Anyone who knows him knows it.)
Anyway, anyway.
It’s not until Din and Grogu go to Yavin 4 at Luke’s invitation that he finds out that oh, hey, so Luke isn’t just a farm boy from Tatooine.
Was, actually, a pretty key part of Palpatine and the Empire’s fall, and his mother was a queen of Naboo and his father is some other highly inportant figure, and also his sister, and -
“Din, how do you not know any of this? It’s been all over the newsfeed for years???”
Because Skywalkers and Nabarries and Organas?
Also, also.
The Everything.
Din is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Plot Reasons?
The Meet The Parents in which Padme and Anakin show up to meet this Din Luke’s mentioned and a time or two (and oh, look, Leia, Han, and Chewie are here too, great) over the years and how nice to finally put a face (so to speak) to the name, and so on???
Din is like !!! because oh, oh, no, and also - “Is that the Darksaber, young man?” from Obi-Wan who pops up out of nowhere with Cody and the others, and Luke is just *sigh* because of course this would happen?
But also, also.
Luke and one of the hangars and an old speeder he’s fixing up, Din’s ship somewhere in there next to Luke’s X-Wing and on slow days Luke’s out there tinkering and Din’s watching with Grogu helping and it’s nice to just be, you know? And maybe, maybe, there’s a stolen smooch or two, along with quiet laughter and teasing and anyway, I just really want the soft warm fuzzies for them always.
But also, also, also.
That time the Mand’alor comes calling to offically ask for permission from Padme and Anakin to court their son and Luke is like !!! because he really is just this farm boy from Tatooine (and former Rebel Alliance spy, and starfighter pilot, and son of a former queen and Jedi Knight/General of the Galactic Republic, and all this nonsense he never asked for but carries with him the same way his sister does) and just.
It’s entertaining as hell watching the two of them fumble their way though the official courtship traditions because they’re really kind of terrible at it?
(But oh, how obviously in love the two idiots are, how easily they show it in all the little things they do for one another every moment of every day without thinking about it, and really, they’re so dumb. But sweet.)
Not to mention all the Space Adventures because Palpatine’s machinations that continue on long past his death (assuming he is dead, and not you know, Plot Reasoning around somewhere in the galaxy.
And also other assorted baddies, and they’re never bored, is the thing.
Because Plot Reasons???
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