#platonic homelander
nickgoesinsane · 10 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE IT INDULDE UR HOMELANDER BRAINROT WE NEED MORE JOHN FICS he's such a freak GOD. Need an awkward, strained, codependent relationship with him- romantic, platonic, familial, idc.
I can imagine reader being like absolutely flabbergasted, just completely dumbfounded that John suddenly started hanging around you, inserting himself into your life. He's all overbearing artificially charismatic, forcing proximity and connection if you want it or not, but like. This is the fucking Homelander, how can you turn down this perfect opportunity???? This is literally what millions dream of.
So over time you grow close, and it's awkward and stunted, but goddamn if you're gonna turn away the literal face of Vought. And it's... strangely comforting, being around him, knowing youre practically untouchable, watching him place you on a pedestal in his mind. He's never been able to experience that familial bond before, and you can see it in him, suprised as you find pity and tenderness seeping it's way into your thoughts of the world's strongest hero. His intrusive questions and stiff-yet-insistent pleasantries turn from offputting to endearing, the sense of stomach-churning dread that surrounds him pushed to the back of your mind as you let him get close, allow him more willingly into your life. You're honestly honored, being able to see a more "true" and "vulnerable" side to him the public isn't granted.
(I'd be a little scared if you disappointed him though, or "betrayed" his idea of how you should act around him/the way your dynamic should work. Good luck lmaooo)
He’s so delusional, it’d be funny if it wasn’t so concerning. He genuinely sees you as his baby— probably more like a younger sibling than his child. Homelander thinks you can do no wrong and that you need to be protected. You thought it was super weird until you found out about his upbringing (a super sad backstory that could be considered hardcore if he’d been an actual hero instead of, uh... that). Then you noticed that little displays of affection like checking up on him, sharing snacks and giving him hugs genuinely make him less prone to violence. He’s like an unpredictable feral cat that’s on the road to being fully domesticated.
Is it healthy for either of you? No, but you can’t afford a therapist that can actually deal with a situation like this so...
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cute-bag-of-bones · 10 months
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 4: You Got My Eyes
Warnings: mentions a graphic death, kidnapping, threats of killing.
   Homelander flipped a switch on the wall and the room was illuminated. It was some kind of kid's bedroom. The whole room looked vaguely Homelander-ish. Dark blue walls and crimson rug in front of a doll house modeled after the vought tower. It was hellish, I propped myself up on my elbow to get a better look around the room. The bed I was laying on had a Homelander comforter draped over it. 
         "Nice room right? It used to be a study but we have to make sacrifices for the ones we care about." He came over and sat down on the edge of the bed as he spoke. I quickly moved to the corner of the bed furthest from him and tucked my knees close to my chest. Did he say he cared about me? What the actual fuck is happening. 
       "Where am I?" I say quickly before he can speak again. He tilted his head to the side then gave me what I can only describe as a serial killer's smile. 
         "Simone, you're home." He put a hand on my knee. I think he was trying to comfort me or grab me. I wasn't sure but either way I didn't want it. I scurried off the bed and tripped over an A-train action figure. 
 catching myself I grab onto the desk chair that I subsequently lifted to my chest like I was a lion tamer. Homelander stood up from the bed and approached me with his hands out like he was trying to show he wasn't trying to hurt Me.
         "How the fuck do you know my name!" 
         "I took your ID from your wallet when that walking skid mark tried to rob you. I knew I recognized your face. The fact it was such a horrible fake ID also clued me in." He grabbed the chair by its leg and set it down. I pressed myself against the wall. I was desperate to get away from him. I didn't understand what he was saying to me. 
         "Homelander please please don't kill me. I was a kid, I didn't even see anything. I was like 7! I haven't told anyone anything you don't have to kill me or do whatever this all is. You'll never see me again, please just let me go!" It was begging but at this point I was willing to grovel at his feet if it meant I had a chance of getting out of here in one piece. He knew who my mother was, who my dad was. He was trying to tie up loose ends. 
        He looked almost offended. He shook his head as he looked at me up and down. 
        "When I saw you I thought I was seeing a ghost. You look so much like Diana." He whispered the last part like it was just meant for his ears. He grabbed me by my chin and rested his thumb on the dimple in my chin. He rubbed it gently. "One major difference, she didn't have this cleft chin." He took a deep breath and pulled his hand away from me. He tried to look in my eyes but I was trying everything in my very limited power to stop that from happening. "Do you know who I am?" 
          "Homelander?" I wasn't sure what he was asking. Of course I knew who he was. I had planned to kill him for most of my life. His lips curled up slightly as if just hearing his own name made him happy. 
          "I'm your father Simone."  The words hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like the air was knocked out of me. He was insane.
          "Get away from me. Get away, you are crazy!" I get progressively louder as the sentence continues.  I climbed up on the desk that was pushed up against the wall, blocking my path to the door and jumped off of it but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back over to him. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me a bit.
         "Don't do that, don't run, listen to me. I thought I was crazy too! But I'm sure of it. You have my chin! And powers. Your mother and I always dreamed about having kids together!" His grip tightened and began to hurt. "She never told me she was pregnant, that's why she left me. She was scared! Scared of what Vaught might try to do to you." He had this whole elaborate delusion planned out. He stared at me for a few seconds as his breathing evened out and he calmed down. He let go of my shoulders and I fell to the ground. Tears finally started to rolled down my cheeks. I knew he was wrong. I just wasn't sure how to go about telling him that. 
        "I don't have your powers." I say sheepishly from the ground. He took a deep breath and smiled. 
         "Oh sure you do." He said as he turned and walked out for a second only to return seconds after. He was holding the envelope Billy had given to me. "It says right here." He thumbed through the files inside until he found the paper he needed. "Anatomy kinesis. That doesn't really roll off the tongue but your mom was always the more literal one between us two. She never had any sense of poetry." He held the paper down so I could see it. "You have X-ray vision, so do I. Sure you aren't strong or fast but you got my eyes." He said with a laugh. "I saw them. Last night, Your eyes glowed. I mean yeah they glowed blue but I don't know too much about supe inherited traits. No one does. " I shook my head and looked down. He was a fucking idiot. A delusional one at that.
       "That's hardly evidence, you're grasping at straws Homelander." His upper lip twitched a little as he looked down at me. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me off my feet to meet him eye to eye. I was forced to stare into his cold dead eyes. 
       "Do you know how I killed your adopted father? I took this hand and I shoved it down his throat until I felt his jaw snap and his esophagus tear open." He smiled wide as I saw a soft blue light shine against his face. Not long after, I was looking through his body and everyone else's on every floor of Vaught tower. Hundreds of bodies all moving at once. "There it is, you've got daddy's eyes." He cooed. I could see a small red light form behind his eyes. I calmed down and let my vision go back to normal. Homelander's eyes were glowing red. It was like he was trying to show me up or something. Seeing them glow like that took me right back to that day. I could see his heat vision slicing through walls and people all the same as the ground broke beneath me. 
       "Let go of me! You are a monster a fucking psychotic killer!" I screamed as I twisted and kicked. He let me drop to the floor. 
        "I was hoping this could be a happy moment for us but I see your mother and Alphonse poisoned you against me very early on. I won't give up though I promise you that. You will learn to love me as much as I love you!" He screamed so loud the window in the room shook. I crawled under the desk and cowered there until I heard his footsteps leave. He slammed the door behind him and things fell from the shelves. 
        I poked my head out to make sure he was really gone. I couldn't do anything other than cry. He didn't seem like he wanted me dead but this was almost worse. Why wouldn't he just get a blood test done? He could have had it taken when I was still passed out. None of this made any sense. Grabbing the desk I pull myself up. It was only then I realized I had bandages on most of my finger tips. I pulled one off carefully, they were all sore. My fingernail was gone and left behind was the soft bloody skin underneath. I must have ripped my own nails off when I was trying to get away from him. I knew he was strong but I didn't think his skin was so strong my nails would bend and break clean off. I guess I was lucky my fingertips didn't break. I would have to be more careful in the future. I'm as strong as the average man but that's still nothing compared to him.
           I stared into the back of my hand as I tried to make the nails grow faster. The keratin in the quick of my nail bed was tricky to make grow just like hair. It's a long and tedious process. A cut was simply, make the blood clot then have the cells replicate quickly till the wound is closed. Keratin was more hands on. Once I got it going I put the bandage back over it. I figured I better conserve my energy.
      The glass in the window was bulletproof and thick. The door wasn't locked but I knew he'd be out there. I wasn't under any illusion. He was probably watching me. My every move from trying to get the window to open to the breaks I was taking to cry. My shoulders were killing me. I pulled my sleeve up to see a big bruised handprint. He was unhinged and didn't seem to know his strength. 
        What was he doing? Did he want me to go out there? The room didn't have a bathroom, no food or water. I couldn't stay here forever. Does he know I need to eat? It had been almost a day since I had food. I would have had a full meal if I knew I was going to be held prisoner in Homelander Disneyland. 
        The smell of food filled my nostrils. Was this on purpose? Was he trying to lure me out? I tried to ignore it. I sat at the desk and laid my head down on my arms. 
        The door opened behind me and I jumped to my feet. 
        "Foods here, it took longer than expected." He said as he left the door wide open for me. He just walked away. I took a few steps out slowly and looked around. The room I was in was at the end of the hall and looked directly into the living room. It looked like the founding fathers exploded all over the walls. American flags and eagles were all over. It was so clean I could see my own reflection in the hardwood floor as I walked down the hall. He was sitting at a small table that looked out over a huge window. Chinese takeout boxes were littering the counters. 
         "You need to eat?" I asked as I walked cautiously to the table. There was a plate made for me complete with training chopsticks. He slurped up some chow mein before wiping his mouth on a napkin. 
        "Of course I eat what a stupid question. Sit down." He says as he points to the chair across from him. I hesitate for a moment until he kicked the leg of the empty chair, making it jut out from under the round table. I jump from the sudden sound and sit down in it quickly. He gave me a wide smile before returning to his food. I wasn't sure if I should trust the food. I guess if he was going to kill me he'd want to do it with his bare hands so food was probably the only safe thing in this apartment. I grabbed the training chopsticks and started to eat. 
         My eyes wander back around the room. It was really odd. The paintings, the gold colored furniture. It all seems fake. I wonder if he actually lived here. 
        "So how is it?" He asked as he leaned back and watched me eat.
        "Oh um it's great." I say in between bites. 
        "Good good." He paused for a second to suck his teeth. "also If you try to kill me again I won't kill you but I'll make you wish I had." He says it so casually. I thought I'd get whiplash from how quickly he changed the subject. I'm taken so off guard the food gets stuck in my throat. I start to cough as he stares at me with his arms crossed. I manage to swallow the food and look at him surprised. "Keep those eyes to yourself missy. I'll forgive you this once because you didn't know I was your dad but if it happens again I'll be very upset." He could switch between a cold detached tone and a strict one so quickly. I just nod, scared anything I say will get me in trouble. He didn't seem satisfied. "Well don't you have anything to say to me young lady?" I looked around the room as if the answer would be written on the walls. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Say you're sorry Simone. Say I'm sorry for trying to kill you and scratch you." 
        "Oh um I'm sorry for trying to kill you and scratch you, h-homelander." I sink down in the chair a bit. It felt humiliating to comply so easily but I think this was nice Homelander, I didn't want to make him angry again. 
      "Good girl, see mutual respect." He says as he takes a spring roll from my plate and eats it. I didn't hear an apology from him but he probably didn't think he needed to give one. 
      Dinner was surprisingly uneventful. He didn't seem like he was in any kind of rush to do anything. After dinner he kicked his feet up on his coffee table and leaned back like he might fall asleep. I thought it was odd he kept the suit on the whole time but a lot of things are odd about him. I stayed at my seat at the table. 
      "Who's Uncle Billy?" He asked with his eyes closed. It was like a stab in the chest. I had forgotten all about them. Did Hughie ever get a hold of them? Did they come looking? Did he find them? 
       "I um I don't-"
       "Don't fucking lie to me." He hummed. "I saw the name and number on the envelope with the files. He gave them to you?" He didn't budge from his relaxed position on the couch as he interrogated me. 
       "No no he was an old man from the last shelter I was staying at. He was a sweet old guy. It was the only paper I had so he wrote it down on it." The lie seemed believable enough. Homelander opened one eye and looked at me with it. It was the side eye from hell.
       "Really? I called it. No one answered." I began to sweat and I could only guess he could hear my pulse elevate. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself calm. 
       "Weird, I called it last week. Maybe his phone got shut off." It was a perfect lie. No way to fact check. An untraceable burner phone. Thank God for Billy's clearly valid paranoia.  
       "You're not going to talk to him anymore. Old men are perverts." He said as he closed his eyes again. 
       "Of course." I had evaded suspicion this time. What am I going to do if bily and his crew come sniffing around? 
       "Say you want to go for a ride? I wanna introduce you to someone I'm close to." Homelander said as he sat up and clapped his hands against his thighs. His unpredictable nature was getting to me more than it should. 
       "I was actually hoping to go lay down." I say in a quiet voice scared I'd upset him. He looked at me with one of his unreadable expressions that I was starting to get used to. Then he smiled and shook his head no
        "No, I want you to meet her right now." He said in a fake sweet voice. He grabbed my arm and pushed the table out of the way and opened the window. It was a straight drop down at least 50 stores. I pulled back from the edge but his tight grip stopped me from getting too far. He grabbed me and took flight out the window. 
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Hiiii could you please do another dark platonic father homelander with a non supe daughter. I love your blog, take care 🩷.
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Your life with your father and younger brother is what you can consider 'ok' but not great.
Ryan is the reason why you consider 'ok' because for you, he's a sweet kid.
But Homelander made you feel uneasy in many ways even though he tried to make it up for you after pushing you off a building to see you use your powers.
After knowing that you have none, he tried to be the best father for you in his own way.
But, when you walked on him one day and saw him drink milk from a baby bottle made you realize that you are dealing with a man who has extreme childhood issues.
Homelander tried to appear supportive of you having friends but one time when he returned home and saw one of your friends trying to kiss you.
He blasted your friend's head off using his laser eyes right in front of you.
"If you dare to even shade one tear for your friend, I will punish you"
This increased your trauma to the point where you could not sleep under the same roof as him.
You tried to run away, but Ryan was there to stop you, looking at you with a sad expression upon realizing what you were trying to do.
"Please, don't go" your half brother pleads, hugging you tightly.
And this made you feel responsible to not leave the boy in the care your evil father.
But you didn't notice Ryan's small smirk as you fall for his trap.
After all, the boy developed his and your father's dark tendencies.
And Homelander brainwashed him to believe that it's their duty as men to keep you protected.
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Can we combine the Boba tea hc with the platonic x HL hc? I want to get ice cream with homie and judge people's outfits and complain about how josh from marketing spoke to me in a really mean tone of voice and homie complains of starlight getting higher numbers.
WAIT WAAAIT this is such a good combination!! I love mixing it with the boba fic because imagine every time you hang out, you've got a new drink, and he remarks on it every single time. Homelander's halfway through a rant about a new policy that Stan Edgar is putting into place when he hears you slurp from your straw. He stops dead in his tracks, nose wrinkling. Whatever you're drinking smells like fucking grass.
"Why is it green?" He asks. The exasperation in his voice almost makes you snort your drink out your nose.
"Iced matcha and lavender latte with oat milk. Sip?" You offer, as you always do.
"You just described the garden center at Home Depot, not a beverage," he says, disgust dripping from every word. He takes the cup from you and gives it another sniff. He tries a sip. Immediately, his expression sours. "You're fucking with me. You can't possibly enjoy this. I'm putting this in the garbage," he says, aiming to toss it. You don't see a trashcan on the rooftop the two of you are sitting on, but you're willing to bet he does, and that it's a block away. "Don't you dare! That was $8 bucks," you say, snatching it back from him. "I'll pay you eight hundred to never drink one of those next to me again," he retorts, still smacking his tongue to get rid of the lingering taste. "My mouth tastes like a goddamn French lawnmower."
"Deal. Pay up," you say, making pinching fingers at him. "I'll buy us ice cream."
"Later. First, what's the deal with Brian?" Homelander asks, calling back to an interruption from even earlier in the conversation. The two of you run at the same frequency, often holding several broken conversations over the course of your hour lunch break.
"Oh! Right. Okay, so get this-"
This happens nearly every day. No one understands it. Hell, neither of you are entirely sure you understand it. Nonetheless, you wouldn't trade it for all the overpriced lattes in the world.
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royalydamned · 1 year
huge I love you to the people mad and confused about the kimiko frenchie suddenly taking "family" turn. Sometimes family is two people married with their dysfunctional friends and maybe a cat when things calm down. Big shame in those who's first thought went to "they are siblings".
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gesde1234 · 10 months
Yandere Shark MegladonFather and his Pup Male Reader
L/i My small Pup. said a Megladon towards L/i as he sleeps in the sand soundly while others Sharks circle around them in a protective circle.
L/i you are going to be just like me my little Pup. Said the Megladon. Until he sees a shark swimming close towards where his pup is sleeping getting too close for comfort.
The Megladon Father quickly started to attack the great White Shark and few others Shark join in while the Pup slept soundly in the sand while his father and few others have a meal for the night.
Don't worry pup the Waters of the Ocean is always going to be ours.
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lyssak09 · 1 year
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Corpse Bride (my favorite movie ever)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Certain Stephen King movies: Just request one and I’ll tell you if I have seen it or not
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Repo! The genetic opera
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks
Nightmare on Elm Street: Movies 1 through 3 (I’m iffy on doing Freddy because he is a dick and child rapist in a lot of the movies. But I will do the other characters for sure)
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Data
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Emily (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Victor (Corpse Bride) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Could you please write about the Harbingers and their voice lines for the reader? Like them telling the traveler about you and stuff :)
♡𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬’ 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡
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synopsis: The Traveler expected the Harbingers to be cold and ruthless in pursuing whatever the Fatui's goals were. Hearing their loving voice lines on you was certainly the opposite of what they predicted.
includes: all harbingers (platonic pulcinella) w/ gn! reader
notes: I've wanted to do something like this for a while. It was rather cute and fun to write! Includes five voice lines about you for each Harbinger.
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About You - His Lover:
“So you’ve already met [Name], Traveler? I’m not surprised, they like to talk to people, especially when they see me speaking to others. They’re quite energetic and bouncy, aren’t they? But I can’t say I dislike that about them. They are a bright light in my life.”
Chat - Walks:
“Much of our time spent together is on walks outside in Sneznhaya, with the snow gently melting on us. It’s a rather simple activity to most, but irreplaceable to both of us. I hope, after everything is said and done, I can take them on walks in other places.”
About Your Patience:
“They never comment on it, but I know they get lonely without me. For most of the day, they do not see me due to my work, and even when they try to stay up late for my return, they end up falling asleep sometimes. I truly wish I could spend more time with them. But I know, after fulfilling the Tsaritsa’s dream, I will give them everything and more.”
Something To Share - Meals:
“I don’t think about what I eat or when I do very often. It doesn’t matter much to me, but [Name] clearly disagrees. Instead of the maids preparing my meals, they started cooking everything for me and adding little notes too. It’s very endearing of them, but I don’t think I’ll ever live it down when the other soldiers saw me eating heart-shaped cookies with smiley faces on them…”
About You - A Second Home:
“I remember the destruction of my homeland clearly. It is something I will never forget. But even though I have only a small portion of time with them, they never fail to make me feel… content. With them, I can forget about everything, even if it is just for a few minutes. Heh, sometimes I foolishly wish they lived in Khaenri’ah with me for a bit, if only to experience a normal life with them.”
About You - His Lover:
“There is nothing I cherish more than [Name]. Many people often comment on our relationship, after all, we are quite different in all aspects. But I have them to thank for many things. They have taught me many things I could have never learned on my own.
Chat - Souvenirs:
“Traveler, you have been to many nations for extended periods of time. Would you share some items that would make good souvenirs? I always make sure to bring something back for them. If you have any recipes to share, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Whenever I am back home, [Name] always insists on having all of our meals together.”
A Special Item - The Kamera:
“You must be wondering why someone like me carries around something like this. I never cared for the device until [Name] told me about it and asked me to take photos on my expeditions. I guess I’ve unintentionally become a master without knowing it because they always praise the pictures I take when they organize them in their scrapbook.”
Something To Share - Smiles:
“I am not adept at smiling at all, or very expressive in general, something [Name] has an issue with. Oftentimes, they sit on my lap and try to get me to show some emotion on my face. Reading stories, telling jokes… they try it all quite frequently. While I don’t think it’s working very well, I enjoy their antics.”
About You - Reminiscing:
“I remember once I walked in on them trying on my helmet and coat. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I couldn’t help but notice how small they looked buried under my clothes. But quickly I worried about whether their head could take the weight of my helmet. Before I could say anything, they saw me and scurried away in embarrassment. I never brought it up again, but it was rather cute.”
“Huh… Paimon would have never guessed Capitano was like this. When we go to Snezhnaya, we have to find this guy’s mansion somehow! Paimon wants to meet [Name]!”
About You - Her Lover:
“Hmm~hmm~♫ Oh, hello there, Traveler. Ah, I see you’ve brought [Name] with you too, come here, my dear. Hmm? Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. They are my partner in love, music, in everything. Perhaps you should come to one of our shows one day. I’d say we are quite good.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“I love going to watch plays with them. The theater is one of the places where we spend a lot of time. I always end up humming along to the songs. Sometimes, when the theater is unoccupied, we act out certain scenes together. Say, Traveler, have you ever heard of Romeo and Juliet?”
Chat - Naps:
“Hmm… what time is it? The weather just feels perfect for a midday nap. [Name] always indulges me whenever I want when I want to doze off. This surface is no match for their pillowy softness, but it’ll have to do for now…”
“Hey, you can’t just fall asleep in the middle of- oh… Paimon doesn’t know how she can knock out that quickly.”
Secret Hobby - Poems About You:
“Your bright smile that can go on for a mile,
Unmatchable style with a laugh that never ends for a while.
Sweet lips that I want to savor,
Ah, I am so glad I am in your favor.
Or should I say “For you make me ever the more braver”...? What do you think, Traveler?”
Something Interesting - Liyue Opera:
“Traveler, I hear that there is a talented opera troupe in Liyue with beautiful music and songs. Oh, you’ve met them yourself? I would love to attend it with [Name]. They love listening to music from around Teyvat, and I have to agree with them. Haha… I can’t wait to take them out of Snezhnaya for a bit.”
About You - His Lover:
“Hmph, you wish to know about [Name], I hear?”
“Yeah! Paimon wants to know what kind of person would stay with a madman- I mean! A Fatui Harbinger! You know, since that’s quite dangerous and all.”
“Hehe, is that so? Too bad, because I have no obligation to tell you. But they are truly… ah, never mind.”
“Aww… Paimon really wanted to know what he was going to say.”
About You And The Segments:
“Some of the segments are quite fond of them, while some do not know them very well. After all, they were cloned at different parts of my life, before and after I met them. I must say… it’s can be hard to get some of the other segments away from them. I didn’t think they would hoard [Name]’s attention so much…”
“Is it just Paimon, or does Dottore’s attentiveness towards them grow as each clone gets older? And hey, is Dottore jealous-”
“Shush Paimon, before he hears you!”
About You - Whereabouts:
"It's time for their medicine... Hmm, have you seen them, Traveler? You saw them leave and go into the city? And you didn't stop them? Tch, useless. I must simply go and find them myself... Now that I think about it, I wouldn't want you talking to [Name], anyway."
About You - Health Concerns:
“Ever since our Akademiya days, [Name] has been plagued with an unknown and virtually incurable disease. It is essential that they take their medicine every day, but they often try to avoid it, after doing it for so long. This is why I and the clones always keep an eye on them.”
“Aw, so that’s why [Name] always looks so tired whenever Paimon sees them… That must be so hard.”
“… I don’t care what methods or tactics I have to employ, or if the Gods or even you, Traveler, get in my way. I will cure them of their sickness. Nothing will stop me.”
When The Sun Is Out:
“Hm, it’s a perfect day for [Name] to take a walk. The fresh air is always good for their health. Perhaps a boat ride is in order as well.”
“Oooh, Paimon loves the sound of that! Maybe we can fish and eat it too!”
“Why would I ever invite you to be with us? I’m sure your very existence would give them a headache.”
“Hey, how rude!!”
About You - Relationship:
“You were fighting some hilichurls when someone called [Name] joined you? And they ended up lighting an explosive barrel? Wherever that child goes, they always bring trouble with them. But don’t hold it against them. They are a lovely person to be around.”
Stories To Tell:
“They always pester me to tell them stories. Though, this is not a bad thing at all. Not many are willing to listen to this old man ramble on willingly. Ah, youth is a wonderful thing. Would you like to join us next time, Traveler?”
Chat - New Things:
“Indeed, they have taught me many things. The latest trends, songs, books, and more that their generation is into. Sometimes I struggle to understand some of what they say too… the world is changing so quickly.”
About You - Baking:
“We bake together quite often. Most of the time, I have to direct them, otherwise, they will burn down the kitchen which has happened multiple times before. Pantalone was not happy. I have never seen a youngster with such little aptitude for cooking, but surprisingly, it is great fun.”
About You - Family:
“Ever since they were young, they were quite rebellious. Running away from the castle, pretending to be asleep after bedtime, beating up all the Fatui soldiers during sparring without hesitance. If anyone else besides me had to take care of them, it would not have ended well. But, I am truly glad they are in my care. I have thought of them as my own child for a long time. If it wasn’t for the possible danger, I’d have officially adopted them long ago.”
About You - His Lover:
“Huh? How do you know about [Name]?”
“Well, we just happened to see them with you once. You were actually smiling! And later we went up and spoke to them for a bit, and they were really nice! They told us that they were your-”
“Ugh, that idiot! Always trusting people so blindly… Anyway, I don’t need you to know anything else. It isn’t your business.” 
A Little Secret:
“I wonder if they could make dango for me again… it’s been a long time since I’ve had it. But how do I get them to make it without directly asking? How bothersome… huh? How long have you been there, Traveler? You didn’t hear anything, did you?!”
Something To Share - Burdened Feelings:
“I once tried to wipe my emotions and feelings of them away into nothingness. It felt preposterous to me that I could feel something for a human, one that could barely fight nonetheless. But when I lost the Gnosis, when I lost everything, as I fell down, the only thing that I saw in my mind was their stupid smile…”
When It Rains:
“Whenever it rained, they would always huddle themselves close to me under my hat. At first, I pushed them away, but the look on their face made me allow them to continue. Sometimes, I make sure to take them out on a day that’s expected to rain just to see them do that. Don’t you dare tell them that though, Traveler.”
About Beelzebul:
“[Name] is always telling me to reconcile with her, but what would she think of me, or of them? How would she act toward me? Would she even remember me? There’s that irritating shrine maiden too… Hmm? It’s nothing. Let’s keep moving.”
About You - Her Lover:
“[Name]? Yes, they are my partner. I suppose those Fatui recruits can’t keep their mouths shut about other people’s business for very long. Hmm? You’re surprised that I was so direct about it? Well, there’s no reason to hide it. But I would prefer that this discussion ends here. I like to keep my time with them private.”
When It’s Sunny:
“This weather is not my favorite. I prefer the cold much more than this blistering heat. But I did hear [Name] say that they would like to visit a beach someday. Hmm… say, Traveler, is Yaoguang Shoal a good spot?”
Something To Share - Quietly Loving:
“I’m sure you have realized by now that I am not very good with words or emotions. These things are far from my expertise. However, they seem to not mind my behavior, talking enough for both of us. But if they ever requested anything from me, I would do it without hesitance. No one else comes close.”
Chat - Coffee:
“One cup of coffee, with whipped cream, syrup, and sugar please.”
“…Eh?!! Arlecchino, what are you saying? You always order your coffee black!”
“I know. To be honest, I could not care less about all these extra ingredients. But… they always used to try and add things to sweeten the drink behind my back. I suppose I… miss them. This reminds me of them, a bit.”
“Aww… Paimon guesses that even the scariest and coldest of people can have someone special to them.”
About You - The Orphanage:
“They often spend their time with the orphans. I was initially surprised at first, and so were the other soldiers, but it worked out in our favor. The children love them far more than they will for me or the recruits. [Name] is a gentle and patient soul, after all. Reading stories, putting the kids to sleep… they are quite hard working despite having no need to.”
La Signora:
About You - Her Lover:
“My darling [Name] is the most perfect lover one could ask for. They are beautiful, inside and out. How I love to pamper them so… actually, there are a couple of new outfits I want them to try on. I can’t wait to see how they look. They are all mine.”
When It’s Windy:
“Tch, this wind is messing up my hair and clothes. [Name] used to always brush and take care of my hair after a long day, after I showed them how to do it correctly of course. Traveler, I’m afraid I have to go now. I must see them again.”
About You - Letters:
“Hmm, hmm, hmm… and it’s done.”
“Hey Signora, what are you writing?”
“Just a letter to my dearest. They are expecting something from me soon.”
“Wow, so you can send letters with your fire moths? That’s resourceful!”
“Of course. I always let a few stay around [Name] as well. If any of them happen to be extinguished, I’ll know if anything happened to them.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“There’s nothing that pleases me more than seeing them all dolled up in the latest fashion. They look simply exquisite, especially when we do each other’s makeup. But I also adore seeing them lounge around in their favorite hoodies. They look great in anything, really.”
Something To Share - Past Grief, New Happiness:
“Sometimes, it feels just like yesterday when I lost him. Grief and bitterness wrapped around my heart like a cocoon that would never hatch. But when I fell in love with them, I felt something that I had not felt in far too long. That cocoon started to shatter little by little, as I started to remember how to love again. I truly love them wholly with whatever’s remaining of my heart.”
About You - His Lover:
“So, you’ve met [Name], I hear. What do you think of them? Beautiful, am I right? Of course, they are nothing short of perfection to me. Hardworking, determined, helpful… I could go on about them. Say, Traveler, would you be so kind to direct me to some of the best shops around here? I would like to find some gifts to send to them while we’re here.”
Worries - Financial Concerns:
“Traveler, I have a great issue on my hands. [Name] has apparently forbidden me from spending any more Mora on them. They keep saying that they do not need anything else, but how can I restrain myself from spoiling my darling?”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“Oftentimes, we like to end off the day with some leisurely reading. The feeling of them laying against my chest, legs intertwined, as I whisper certain parts of the book softly into their ear, delighting as they turn warm- oho, your face is all red. Did I make you embarrassed? Apologies, I get carried away when talking about them.”
About You - First Meeting:
“My childhood is not something that I like to remember. But, despite everything, it is pleasant to think about the first time I met them. They were poor, just like me, barely scraping by, though they never failed to greet me every day with a big smile. [Name] would take over the grueling working shifts for me and the younger kids sometimes, and sneak bits of food out the window to me. Even with the fact that I was surrounded by poverty, I couldn’t help but think I had a true gem right in front of me. ”
When It’s Cold:
“I confess, I do enjoy the cold, but most of it is due to how adorable [Name] looks all bundled up in my fur coats. Or how they always dive under the covers and refuse to get up for anything. It is always a struggle for even me to get up from bed when they are so warm, too.”
About You - Her Lover:
“They are my loyal assistant and lover, always willing to help out with any experiment I ask. I have known them for a very long time. They have always been the one to drag me out of the lab to get some fresh air… as a matter of fact, I think it’s about this time when they come to harass me. Somehow they’ve gotten half the robots on their side, too.”
When It’s Raining:
“This weather is good for testing how waterproof my robots are and the joints of my Automatons. A long time ago, I built a feature for an umbrella into some of my creations so whenever [Name] and I went for walks and it rained, we would be fine. Huh, you’re asking if you can use it? No, you can’t.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“Eh? Sandrone, what is all this? You’re all dressed up!”
“Oh, it’s you. I’m simply preparing for my favorite event with my dear lover. We’ve just finished repairing an ancient Automaton, and they’ve decided a tea party is in order.”
“Wow! Even the robots have spiffy suits on! It smells so good here too, hehe, Paimon wants a taste of the tea and cookies too- w-woah! Where’d all these big robots come from?! Hey, let Paimon down!”
“This is for [Name] and I only. Now shoo. The tea party is set to begin soon, and I must welcome my honored guest…”
Inspiration - New Creations:
“Before I met them, I had never thought of using my skills to create mundane things that weren’t war machines or destructive Automatons. I thought anything else would be a waste of time, but surprisingly, it is not too bad. It’s quite nice to feel their fascinated face in the crook of my neck while I work. I usually gift these creations to them, anyway. They’re not much use to me, but [Name] likes these kinds of things.”
The Future - Fontaine Frenzy:
“I hear that I am set to head out to Fontaine soon. I would love to see the faces of those poor souls when they realize their technology is nothing compared to what the Fatui has created. Ah, I guess that means I’ll be seeing you there too. Will you be able to keep up with [Name] and I, Traveler? I must warn you, they are a formidable foe, with their refined skill and raw power from my mechanical attachments. Now that I think about there, there were some new weapons we wanted to try out… hehe, I can’t wait.” 
About You - His Lover:
“Oho, interested in [Name] are you? I don’t blame you - they are truly an amazing person. Sweet, kind, and caring, not to mention, they are incredibly strong as well. Teucer loves them too, always wanting piggyback rides. I can’t wait to introduce them to the rest of my family.”
About You - First Meeting:
“I clearly remember the first time I laid eyes on them. I was passing through Liyue when I heard of an archery competition, and naturally, I was eager to test my skills. I was sure that I would win first place, but what did you know! Someone called [Name] had stolen that spot from me. Long story short, I pestered them until they fought me, and they really did beat me down. Haha, it feels so long ago, now that I look back on it.”
When It Snows:
“I once took [Name] to Dragonspine, because they wanted to see the snow as it was a rare occurrence in Liyue. You should have seen them, hah! Shaking and sniffling like it was the end of the world. And it wasn’t even that cold, as least compared to my homeland. Why didn’t I take them to Snezhnaya? Don’t worry, I plan to, very, very soon…
About You - Whereabouts:
"Have you seen them, Traveler? No? Haha, they must be hiding from me again. I guess I’ve asked them to spar too many times. Comrade, if you happen to see [Name], tell them I’m waiting at Northland Bank for them. Xinyue Kiosk, my treat.”
About You - Safety:
“Heh, I wonder what they’re doing right now. I hope they haven’t been roped into any strange commissions again. They are too helpful for their own good. If anything happened to them while I’m gone… Traveler, if you happen to be around, please help them. I’ll owe you, comrade.”
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pakunod-a · 12 days
Malleus Draconia, who...
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...is fascinated by you. How do you manage to survive in a school of mages, considering your lack of magical power? You're a human, you say? Fascinating indeed. ...becomes your friend. Very close, practically inseparable. You, a lost, magic-less human in a world of mages, and him, a powerful mage hidden behind an air of elegance and intimidation. He understands you very well, what it's like to be different, an outcast. In turn, you surely understand his pains too, yes? ...feels overjoyed when you express that you too, understand what he goes through. Malleus Draconia, one of the five most powerful mages in this world, feels his heart leap when you tell him you understand him and how he feels. ...slowly confuses himself with your stories of your homeland. The nostalgia in your tales are overwhelming, the way you talk about your childhood home, your friends, your previous life before Twisted Wonderland's intervention.. it wasn't something he could empathize with. ...can't wrap his head around the fact you want to go home. Does he not provide you affection? The comfort of a home? Warmth? Are your primary needs not met? He has trouble understanding the need to find a way back home to your family; you have him, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek! Aren't they enough? ...gives in to the voice in his head urging him to protect you, to care for you like his own. His draconic instincts telling him to hoard what he holds dear to his heart, to guard what little he has to cherish. ...straight up kidnaps you. He takes you for himself, locking you up in a tower, vowing to guard it forever; just like a fairytale. ...won't let you go. There is no way home for you now. Please understand, he's found his soulmate—platonic or romantic—who he needs to stay by his side, forever. Malleus Draconia, who loves you. You love him too, don't you? A/N: disappeared for too long,,, must upload content,,, exams stressful,,, need outlet to spend sad energy on,,, almost out of high school,, must hang onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,, if written grammatically incorrectly, i'm sorry. i'm not good in english :( i haven't written anything in a while, just went off of brain waves always, take care of yourself, keep yourself hydrated, and love yourself. take care >.< - 1, Yuan
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nickgoesinsane · 10 months
Okay this is really weird but I kind of want to write a fic where Homelander basically adopts the reader against their will?? But not in a forceful way??
He just inserts himself into your life because he genuinely likes you in a platonic way and he’s never felt that way before. It doesn’t help that you’re like two decades younger than him so he feels very protective of you and kinda wants to squish you against him like a teddy bear 24/7.
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cute-bag-of-bones · 10 months
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 10: Blind
Warnings: This one is very dark. Lots of blood and killing. Homelander pretty much loses it for a bit.🥴
         "You heard me. How the fuck do you know Billy Butcher?" I stared at him blankly. I have never frozen up so hard in my life. It took me by surprise, what do I even say to that?
          "Who?" It wasn't the best I could do but it's all I had. His lips curl inwards making him bare his teeth at me. 
         "FUCKING BILLY BUTCHER!" He screamed so loud everything shook around us. The window bowed in and out threatening to shatter. I must have looked like a deer in headlights. My ears rang as he just stared. He was seething, his face was starting to turn red. 
         "I don't know a Billy Butcher." I wanted to crawl away but the wire around the cast would make that impossible. He still held his hand on my knee. I knew one wrong move and I'd have a much more permanent injury. 
        "Sure you do. Your uncle Billy." He seemed like he was trying to get a hold of himself. He was settling down ever so slightly. How did he get Billy's name? Did he have them, did he kill them?
        "That wasn't his la-" my sentence was cut off by Homelander's hand closing around my throat. He pushed me down to the bed and leaned over me. His eyes glowing a bright red. 
      "All you fucking do is lie to me! How long were you working with them?" He was pushing down on my throat so hard I thought he'd crush my windpipe. I couldn't breathe at all let alone speak. He seemed to realize this and took some weight off. I gasped and begged as I tried to catch my breath. This was it he'd kill me. I shook my head no as I tried to speak. It felt like I had glass in my throat. 
        "Please don't kill me." I begged tears falling down my face. He smirked, his eyes looked deranged, red and rage filled.
       "You are going to be begging for me to let you die. NOW TELL ME!" I screamed out when he began to yell. 
         "I wanted you dead! Billy said he'd help me make that happen." Homelander looked down at me. I could have sworn I saw a tear fall down from his eye as I saw a red flash come towards me. He was going to melt my face.
          The strangest thing happened. I saw into his body without even trying, I could see the small red light behind his eyes and for some unexplained reason I could turn them off. Like a light his lasers just switched off. It was something in the optical nerve; it was as simple as tugging on it. 
        Homelander screamed and grabbed his face. He rolled onto the floor on his back and arched up in pain as he howled. 
        "WHAT DID YOU DO! I CAN'T SEE!" He cried out. I desperately tugged at the wire. Finally I was able to strip the bolt from the wall. I got up as soon as I was freed and used the wall to hobble my way to the living room. I could hear his screams as he staggered to his feet and stumbled down the hall. His eyes still closed. His hand crushed the doorframe he was using to hold himself up with. 
         I couldn't run, I couldn't even walk so I got on my hands and knees to crawl away from him. I took shelter under the table as he made his way into the living room shortly after me. 
         "Simone, help me!" He cried. He bumped into the coffee table and the whole thing collapsed under him. "Fuck! Please!.... Daddys not mad anymore, just help me." He sounded so sweet at the end of the sentence it gave me chills. I had no idea what I just did. I just wanted his eyes to stop glowing. He turned his head to look in my direction. Slowly his eyes started to glow again. He blinked a few times and made eye contact with me. He must be able to see again. His eyes flickered out and returned to normal. 
         He looked so eerily calm as he walked over to the table I was under. He picked it up and looked down at me. 
       "They grow up so fast." He spoke so softly. Why was he not ripping me apart? Why is he just staring at me? 
       "I don't know what happened. I just got scared, it won't happen again Homelander please…" I whimper out through tears, as I hug my knees to my chest. 
       He sets the table down next to us and crouches down. With him so close I could see he's been crying. 
        "Do you know what it's like having your heart broken twice and by the same face?" His face was so close to mine I could smell his coffee breath.
        "Homelander please don't hurt me. Please I can't take any more pain." 
       "I'm not going to. Clearly that doesn't work anymore. I have a better idea." He whispers as he slowly grabs my throat again. I yelp as he pulls me to lean against his chest. 
        "Homela- plea-" I croaked out. 
        "Shh I'm not killing you. Just close your eyes for me." He says so sweetly as he wraps his other arm around me. I was losing air and fast. There was no wiggling out or begging. My vision faded slowly until it was all dark.
         I woke up or at least I thought I did. I had something over my eyes. A blindfold maybe. I was laying in something wet. I moved a little and the pain came rushing in. My skull felt like it was about to explode. I was fuzzy on what happened. I squirmed around for a second as I tried to sit up.
        "Homelander are you there?" I ask as I feel for the blindfold. My fingers work to undo the knot. 
         "Not yet." I heard him say. He sounded like he was across the room from me. That's when the smell hit me. It was coppery, meaty almost. It was a horrible stench. 
        Homelander walked behind me and gently took the blindfold off. Immediately my field of vision was filled with red. It was all over, it was blood. On the floor were body parts scattered everywhere. I screamed and tried to stand up. My plastic wrapped cast stopped me. I grabbed at Homelander's legs who was standing with his hands folded behind his back. 
          "What's wrong? You did this." He cooed as he crouched down to my level. I was sitting in a pool of blood. I grabbed at his shoulders to try and lift myself off the blood soaked ground. I was caked in it. 
          "What did you do!" I cried out as I pulled at him. Whenever I'd make progress at lifting myself he'd just push down on my lap and make me slip again. 
          "Me? No no, this was you, sweetie pie." He said as he kissed my forehead. He pulled away and had blood on his lips. I shook my head no, progressively getting more and more panicked. 
          "Why!" I screamed at him. He put his hand over my mouth and shushed me. 
           "Don't make me kill more. This neighborhood is so big. I'd hate to pay the nursing home a visit." That's when it dawned on me I recognized this room, it was the women's shelter I had stayed at when he first took me. 
           I began to gag against his hand as the situation really sets in. He moved his hand quickly not wanting to get puke on himself. I choke it back down as I sob. 
       "They didn't do anything to you! There are kids staying here!" I screamed. He shushed me again and petted my hair. 
          "No angel face, there were kids here. Not anymore." He stood up and walked over to one of the bunkbeds. He leaned down and pulled the covers down. My old bunkmate Liz was under there. She was cowering and shaking. I don't think he hurt her, not physically at least. 
        "Simone?" She whimpered out.
        "Don't worry I didn't tell her this was all your fault. Oops oh well cats out of the bag. Hey, let's play a game. You tell me the truth and I don't break all her bones. Sounds like fun right?" 
        "Why are you doing this?" She asks looking up at him from her bed. 
        "Don't look at me. She's the backstabber, she's the one who can't tell the truth to save her life so let's see if she'll do it to save yours." He says as he grabs her from her bed. 
         "Please please God don't do this let her go! Kill me! Just kill me!" I scream at him as I begin to crawl towards them. 
       "What did I say about yelling?" He covers her mouth and bends backwards her finger till it snaps. She screams into his hand. 
         "Alright, first question my little angel face, are you and Starlight plotting against me?" The question was so bizarre, why was he hung up on Starlight? 
       "No God! What? I have only talked to her like once! I don't know her!" 
       He looked between me and Liz. 
       "You didn't know she was dating that skinny kid Hughie?"
      "I have been with you! How the fuck would I have known that!" I screamed out and covered my mouth once I realized. He laughed a little and snapped another finger of hers. She just kept looking at me. Like she was begging me to stop him somehow. 
       "Don't get smart with me missy. She has so many more limbs. Was starlight working with them?"
       "No no I don't think so. I don't know." I try to speak as calmly as I can. He seemed to believe me. He should, it was the truth.
      "Where is Billy Butcher hiding?" I shook my head no slowly. There was no way I could give them all up. Billy might have been a jerk the last time I saw him but I still could tell he cared. He just was doing what he had to. 
       "I don't know, they moved around so much I wouldn't know the first place to look." Homelander tuts before snapping her whole arm clean in half. She screams into his hand again. She looked so tired so scared. 
       "Come on Simone, help your friend out. Just tell me." 
       "I don't know." I say softly I look away as he steps down on her foot. It sounded like a bag of chips crunching and popping open. She looked like she might pass out. Homelander noticed that as well and slapped her face to keep her eyes open. 
        I could stop her suffering. He was going to kill her anyway. I had to help her. It would be different from all the others. This was merciful. 
        "Liz I'm sorry." I look inside her brain and pop every blood vessel I could. She was dead before she knew what happened. She slumped in his arms and began to bleed from her nose. 
         Homelander was not dumb he knew right away what I did. He dropped her body. 
       "That's cheating Simone. We were playing a game. Killing isn't very nice." He says in a mocking tone. My lip trembled as he walked over to me. "You're gonna tell me where they are,  Simone. It might not be today but someday. How many people are you willing to kill to protect them?" He asked as he picked me up bridal style. It was a valid question and I was sure he was more than willing to help me figure it out. 
         He flew us home. He took his boots off at the window so he didn't track blood in. He took me right to the bathroom. 
         "Get undressed and get in the bath. You smell like shit." He said as he set me down in the tub. 
         "What?" He didn't seem to understand why I wouldn't want to do that with him in the room. "Could you step out?" 
          "No. You are dumb enough to try and run on that broken ankle. Here you are just going to have to make do with this." He said as he pulled the show curtain close. It was going to have to be good enough.
          I carefully get undressed and sit down in the tub. I throw my blood soaked clothes outside the curtain. I keep my leg propped up as I run a bath. I felt so tired, I couldn't even begin to process what all just happened. 
          Homelander left the room for a second to get some clean clothes for me. When he returns he tells me it's time to get out. He sets the clothes on the sink and turns his back as I sit on the edge of the tub to get dressed. In a way I was thankful he was letting me wash the blood off even if it was just to protect his hardwood floors. 
         "I'm going to change, go get in your bed, It's late." He said as he left me sitting in the bathroom. How was I supposed to get to my bed? I decided the safest way was to scoot on my butt to the other room. My leg was killing me, my whole body was killing me. From my throat to my head. All of it. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over myself. 
        Homelander wasn't long behind me. He had on yet another stupid suit. Didn't he own any other clothes? He sat down on the edge of the bed. 
        "Why did you want to kill me?" He whispers. Was he talking about earlier when I told him how I knew Billy? How did he not know? 
      "You killed my fucking family." I say through gritted teeth. 
       "Yeah well I killed mine too that night." He said with a sniffle. Was he crying? I rolled over to face him. 
       "What did you just say to me?"
       "She was all I had. The only person who has ever loved me, and she chose him over me. You're the closest thing I have to her, Simone." He took a deep breath. "I know you aren't mine. I have known for a while. Your mom did a blood test not long after you were born. It was in the file." A tear fell down his cheek. He swiped it away quickly and turned his face so I couldn't see.
        "Why didn't you just kill me?" 
        "You looked so much like her I couldn't build up the courage to kill her a second time. I tried, the first night I had you in this room after I read the file I came in here and stood over you, but you looked so peaceful." He sounded like he was getting choked up. He took a second before speaking again. "You broke my heart when you tried to kill me. I'm not crazy, I know you have every right to but I'm not going to let that happen. Neither one of us is going to be killing the other. I still love you, blood or not. As far as I see it you are the perfect baby Diana and I should have had. I'm not letting you go. I'm going to give you the life I should have been able to give you from the start. Just give me a chance." 
        Did he expect me to forget everything he's done, everything he's done in just the last 24 hours? I was so tired. 
         "You'll regret not killing me. One day, I'll get you. I figured out how to stop your eyes, next could be your heart." His face twisted into anger at first but softened soon after. 
        "I'll just have to work extra hard to win you over." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. He lifted up slightly but was still way too close. "You don't realize the horrible things a man in my position could do. You're so lucky I have at least some morals." He chuckled softly and planted another more firm kiss on my cheek. I moved my head over and tried to push his face away. I wasn't sure what he was alluding to but I knew I didn't like the sound of it.
         "Just leave me alone, please." I say as I pull the covers over my head. To try and save my cheek from him. He chuckled as he tucked me in. 
         "Tomorrow I'll see what we can do about getting you a wheelchair. I love you, angel face and I always will." He says as he stands up. He leaves the door open just a crack yet again.
        One minute he's telling me how much he loves me the next he is threatening and then back to saying he loves me. I could feel he was starting to wear me down. Exhaust me mentally. Maybe it was this way all along. He was working on me while I was trying to fool him. 
          I closed my eyes and tried to forget all that I saw today and focus on a happier thought. I drew blood from a God today. His sight, his senses. They are a weak point. I knew what I had to do next; it was a matter of being brave enough to try. 
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Dark Platonic Father! Homelander x Reader
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Your life was safe and easy until you met your biological father, who happens to be the Homelander.
It came as a shock to you, because this man is America's number one hero, and you are just an average girl.
Homelander on the other hand is proud, he does not only one kid, but two kids, you and Ryan.
The perfect family he has always dreamed of having.
He is thankful that you had a normal life with your adoptive family, unlike him who grew up with no parents.
John tries to spend with you as much as the time he can, trying to get you to be comfortable around him.
He would go shopping with you, buy you clothes.
But of course, he is the one to pick your clothes.
His disapproval of most of your clothes is the starting point where you feel annoyed.
"Come on, honey, those clothes are meant for a boy, a dress would be much better."
Not only did he control your dressing style, but he controlled your life choices.
"Your friends are little brats, you should break it off with them"
Homelander doesn't notice it, but he is making you feel uneasy around him.
You start realizing that he is different from the Homelander on media.
The breaking point for you, was when he decided to test your power by pushing you off a high building, even though you kept pleading to him not to do it.
"No, I don't have your powers, please, Papa"
"Oh honey, of course, you do, you are my flesh and blood, after all."
But turns out that he was wrong, as the fall almost killed you.
You ended up with broken arms, legs, and pelvic fracture.
You are traumatised from the accident.
That's when the homelander realised that you have no powers.
You are just a normal human being, with no laser eyes, no flying, no healing quickly, just a weakling.
Homelander needed to protect you.
Your adoptive parents tried to make him stay away from you after the accident, causing him to kill them.
After killing them, he visited you at the hospital, with a big smile on his face.
"How is my little princess doing?"
You would immediately start panicking upon seeing him, yet you were unable to move your body.
"Calm down, I just came here to inform you that your adoptive parents were killed in a burglar attack, and that I'm now, your only guardian"
Homelander said those words with a smug expression, while sitting on the edge of your hospital bed.
"But no worries, your Papa is here to take good care of you"
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
I just read the little list of headcannons you made in regards to Homelander’s voice and I loved the bit about gossiping with one another and now all I can imagine is homelander and reader just being gossip buddies, like they’re both so nosy they’d feed off each other, and the reader can’t even find the energy to be turned on by his voice because oh my god Angie from HR is having an affair with Sam from accounting??? They’d be work best friends and I’m convinced of it
ahahah yes yes yes!!! i would love to explore more platonic homelander x reader headcanons and just mess around with him having an actual, y'know, friend. a work bestie to gossip with and make his days a little less miserable bits at a time would be such a treat.
someone who would light up every single time they saw him because it means hot goss and a break from the monotony of their day. and like, it's a COMPLETE ENIGMA to everyone else in the office. no one knows how or why it started. all they know is not to mess with homelander's work bestie.
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
The Better, Hidden Half
Requested Here!
Part 2 Here >
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!reader (takes place in The Rookie 1x20-2x1)
Summary: Tim doesn't tell just anyone that he's married. When he's quarantined and his life is threatened by a fatal virus, he asks Lucy to call you, and ends up showing everyone what you mean to him.
Warnings: angst, fluffy comfort at the end, spoilers for episodes 1x20 and 2x1 (this is basically a rewrite, but still includes a brief reference to the suicide line from Tim). reader stress cleans?
A/N: The anxiety/stress cleaning bit is completely self-indulgent; sorry. I tried to manipulate Tim's conversations with Lucy to make them sound more platonic (I don't know if it worked though). I absolutely love this idea and had a ton of fun writing it!🤍
Word Count: 3.9k+ words
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Tim Bradford is a man of few words, and he keeps his life separated into two distinct areas: work life and personal life. He tried to bring the two together once, but hated the constant worry that someone from his work life would threaten to hurt people in his personal life or worse, act on their threats. For that reason, for his family’s safety, Tim keeps his life separated, and only a choice few have been chosen to be trusted with a glimpse of both sides of Tim. Angela, Wade, and on occasion, Bishop, see a side of Tim that doesn't exist when he's at work.
“How is she?” Angela asks, sitting beside Tim for roll call.
Tim rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “I trained her, I’m sure she did fine. Better than your golden boy boot, anyway.”
Angela smiles and leans in to whisper, “Didn’t mean Chen.” She turns her attention to Jackson, calling, “80 might be the passing grade, boot, but if you don’t get at least a 90, you should turn in your badge on general principle.”
Tim leans forward to add, “Officer Chen, I will take it as a personal insult if you get anything less than a 93.”
“Yes, sir,” Lucy answers. “Have you figured out what you’re going to do with all your new free time? Might I suggest a book club?”
Angela elbows Tim under the table, and he glances at her quickly, giving her a displeased stare which only makes her work harder to hide her smile.
“What are you talking about?” Tim asks.
“You know, after I pass, there won’t be any more daily evaluations to write.”
“Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly, I will continue to judge you every minute. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
As Grey enters, Lucy turns to Nolan, who whispers, “I can’t believe he’s single.”
“Tell me about it,” Lucy replies, rolling her eyes. “Evaluating a wife daily would cut into his ‘man of honor’ time.”
They silence as Wade directs the TOs to only take easy calls while the rookies finish their last shift before their exams. When Tim assures that he follows direct orders, he keeps his eyes straight ahead, knowing that Angela and Bishop are ready to tease him the moment he looks in their direction.
7-Adam-19, silent hold-up alarm activated at Madame Megan’s psychic shop. 2417 Vine. Code 3.
Tim and Lucy enter the back room, taking control of the situation quickly, and he dials in once again to being a cop. Not a family man or anything of the sort. Just a police officer.
As Lucy walks out, and the (fake) psychic hits on Tim, he can only think of one thing. Excusing himself from the room, with a lack of grace that is unlike him, Tim lets his mind wander for just a moment. He thinks of a promise he made, a vow he took, and then his focus is back on his new case, a missing person discovered by a phony Hollywood psychic.
Miles away, you are trying to focus on work, though you find it much harder than Tim to simply push your family and your personal life from your mind at a moment’s notice. Fiddling with your necklace, you refrain from grabbing your phone, wanting to text the only person on your mind. Oblivious to the dangers Tim is learning about from the CDC and Homeland Security, you sigh and clench your hands into fists before attempting to focus again.
Before you make any progress on starting the project awaiting your attention, your phone rings. Tim’s name appears on your screen, and you rush to answer, dread filling you. He never calls while he’s working, and you immediately expect the worst. Surely if it were something terrible, Angela or Wade would call you. If Tim is calling, that means he is okay, he is alive.
“Hello?” you ask, releasing a sigh when Tim says your name.
“Are you alone?” he adds, his voice strained.
“Yes. What’s going on?”
“I need you to stay where you are or go straight home. There’s a terror cell with a biological weapon; we’re doing everything we can to find them, but I need to know you’re safe.”
“Tim- yeah, of course. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I- I really can’t say anything else. Not about what we’re doing. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all, okay?”
“I will. Be careful, Tim. I love you.”
“I love you.”
Your phone beeps as the call ends, and your hand finds your necklace again, one finger slipping into Tim’s wedding ring. He leaves it with you each morning, taking it back with gentle touches and loving kisses when he returns each night. Today, all you can do is trust that he is good at his job and that he will protect you and the rest of LA, and then come back to you.
Tim and Lucy approach one of the possible address in the search for newly discovered members of the terror cell.
“Man. And here I thought that test was gonna be the hardest part of my day,” Lucy muses.
“Best case scenario, it’s tomorrow’s problem,” Tim points out. His thoughts, however, are stuck on you, especially when Lucy asks what the worst case is.
“Took you long enough,” the man, Peter Langston, says as he opens the door. “Bag’s in here.”
“Sir, we’re here about the bus you took from Phoenix,” Tim explains.
“No kidding. I called you about the bag.”
“And what bag is that?”
“I thought it was mine on the bus. I picked it up by accident.” Tim follows Langston into a bedroom as he continues, “Noticed as soon as I got home. Called right away. Still took you guys like six hours to get here.”
“Uh, sir, we’re not here about a bag.”
“So, you don’t have mine? My computer’s in there… I went through this one for an address, and all I found was some weird science equipment.”
Tim glances back at Lucy, who calls for the task force at the mention of ‘weird science equipment.’
“Sir, did you touch anything in there?” Tim asks, pulling gloves on.
“Yeah, I cut my finger going through it looking for an address. Some kind of broken vial.”
Tim’s eyes widen and his breath catches as the man raises his bloodied finger, adding that it hasn’t stopped bleeding since it was cut. Hemorrhaging, Tim knows.
“Everything okay in there?” Lucy calls.
“Yeah. Just stay out there,” Tim demands.
The man coughs, and Tim flinches as blood lands on his neck and up onto his jaw. Looking down at the blood on the man’s shirt, Tim’s mind forgets the divide between work and personal life. He takes the initiative to lock Lucy out, slamming the door on her to keep her safe, but his true concern is you. If something happens to him, who will look out for you? Who will be your shoulder to cry on? In a moment, as the reality of the situation dawns on him, Tim thinks like a husband, and he begins to regret keeping you, his wife, hidden for so long.
“Tim, no!” Lucy yells, but she steps forward too late.
Tim is on the other side of the door, a new division created as others are dissolved.
Tim finds baby wipes on a nearby changing table, wiping the blood from his skin as he lies to Langston, telling him it will be okay and distracting him with meaningless treatments to combat the “bad case of the flu the police were warned about this morning at roll call.”
Langston disappears into the bathroom in search of cold medicine, and Tim walks to the door to ask Lucy, “Everything all right out there, Chen?”
“Uh, yeah. The CDC’s on their way,” she responds. “Hey, you need to come out of there.”
“That’s not gonna happen. Got to keep this contained.”
“It’s gonna be alright, boot.”
Tim knows that Lucy is concerned about him, and he is similarly concerned for her. He feels responsible for her safety as his rookie, but his thoughts toward her are completely and totally different from his fears concerning you, driven by love rather than mutual respect and duty.
“You keep your head in the game, okay?” Tim encourages Lucy. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”
As Tim looks at the blood-covered wipe in his hand, he thinks of you, and how you’ll respond to the potential notification that he didn’t make it, taken from you by the very thing he tried to protect you from. He turns his attention back to the sick man feet away from him before his thoughts spiral. Tim needs you, so he needs to focus and survive.
While the CDC is arriving at the house and quarantining Tim and the infected man, you are pacing in your shared bedroom. Memories of you and Tim exist in every inch of this house, and every moment that goes by without an update increases your worry. Walking into the closet, you find one of Tim’s recently worn shirts, changing into it before picking up the remote to distract yourself. With Tim’s pillow clutched to your chest, you try to laugh at the ridiculous sitcom on the screen, but it doesn’t work as well as you hoped.
“Officer Chen, you want to tell me what happened?” Dr. Morgan asks, dressed in full hazmat gear as she enters.
“Yeah, uh, the bus passenger mistakenly grabbed the wrong bag, and the virus must have been in it because he coughed up blood on Tim,” Lucy explains.
“Did you get any blood on you?”
“Uh, no. I was out here. Tim immediately closed the door.”
“Smart man.”
Tim hears Dr. Morgan’s comment and clenches his jaw, knowing you would disagree entirely. At least in this case.
“Hey, doc,” Tim greets, standing against the door.
“How you doing?” Dr. Morgan inquires.
“Fine. But Mr. Langston’s struggling a little.”
“Can you describe his condition?”
“Yeah. He, uh, started coughing blood about 20 minutes ago. Now he’s got a pretty wicked nosebleed.”
“Why aren’t they coming in? Where’s my ambulance?” Langston asks.
“It’ll be here any minute. Just… stay put. Save your energy.”
Lucy interrupts to ask, “Where’s the vaccine?”
“Still in the air,” Dr. Morgan says. “Should land in the next hour or so.”
Scoffing, Lucy argues, “You can’t make Tim wait in there. He might not be infected.”
“Sorry. Quarantine rules exist for a reason.” Dr. Morgan turns to the door and asks Tim, “Officer Bradford, do you mind if I put you to work while you wait?”
“You want to know what’s in the bag?” Tim knows digging through the contents is dangerous, but waiting without doing anything won’t increase his chances of getting home to you.
“Yes, I do.”
“Copy that. Chen, I’m gonna turn on my body cam. You can monitor it from out there.”
“Okay. Please be careful,” she responds.
Tim hears your voice in his mind, telling him the same thing. He trusts himself to listen to you more than his rookie.
“All right. Here we go,” Tim says, using his baton to open the bag.
“Wait. Wait. What is that bottle?” Dr. Morgan wonders.
“Looks like the delivery device,” Tim guesses, raising it carefully from the bag. “It’s a misting fan.”
Dr. Morgan calls Homeland Security with the new information on how the terrorists are planning to spread the virus. As Tim continues searching the bag, failing to find identification or target information, Lucy sees Langston raising a chair in the mirror and yells for Tim just before he is knocked unconscious.
Your house is as clean as it has ever been. Using your nervous energy and anxiety-fueled need to move, you clean each room in an attempt to keep your mind from worrying about Tim. You could call someone and ask for an update, but they probably can’t tell you anything. The only comfort you have is knowing that Angela and Wade would call you if you needed to know something. The silence is deafening, but it’s also a good sign.
“Tim? Tim!” Lucy continues, growing concerned at the lack of reply.
Tim opens his eyes, moving backward quickly when he sees a puddle of blood running toward his face. He sees Langston standing across the room, mumbling about needing to get out as he tries to break the window. Tim tases him as he stands, and Lucy’s concerned yells continue. Covering his face with his shirt, Tim handcuffs Langston to the bed, shuffling backward as Lucy demands his answer.
“I’m okay! I’m okay!” he replies, breathing heavily. “Well, that was fun.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Tim chuckles. “Kind of depends on your definition of the word.”
While Lucy tells Dr. Morgan to get the vaccine, and the LAPD sends patrol units out to find the other terrorist, Tim keeps his eyes on Langston, but his mind is on you. He should ask someone to tell you and find a way to let you know what is going on, but part of him knows that you are separate from this for a reason. You’re likely worried enough without knowing that Tim’s chance of being infected rises with each moment.
Tim watches Langston die, unable to do anything as he begs for help and convulses. Imagining himself in Langston’s place, Tim decides that he has to do something. He can’t go out like that, he won’t, but more importantly, he can’t leave you wondering. If Tim dies today, he is not dying without talking to you one last time, showing everyone around him that you are the best part of him.
He leans against the door in silence until Lucy says, “Hey, I, uh- I just checked with Dr. Morgan. The vaccine’s minutes away.”
“You know, you’re good at a lot of things – lying isn’t one of them,” Tim replies.
“You think I’m good at things? Can I get that in writing? … How are you doing? Are there any symptoms yet?"
"I’m sweating like a pig. But it’s probably because it’s 100 degrees in this room.”
Tim sighs just before Lucy assures, “It’s gonna be okay. I really believe that.”
“I’m sure you do. But if it isn’t-“
“Don’t think like that. It’s-“
“If it isn’t,” Tim repeats. “I’m not going out the way my man Pete here just did.”
“What are you saying?”
Tim sighs again, realizing what he said. He would never leave you like that; he’s a fighter. “I need you to do something for me, Chen.”
“My- my wife is probably worrying herself sick right now. If this doesn’t end like you think it will, can you tell her that I fought to get home to her? Just- just keep an eye on her if anything happens. Wade and Angela, too.”
“Wife?” Lucy asks softly.
Tim smiles, glad to talk about something other than himself or the virus released in the room with him.
“Yeah. We eloped a while back; Grey, Lopez, and Bishop were there.”
“You’ve never mentioned her.”
“I keep her separated. She - everything in my personal life – would be at risk if there wasn’t a divide there.”
“I get that. What’s she like?”
Tim says your name, closing his eyes and picturing you as he tells Lucy how beautiful, kind, and loving you are. “She’s my better half. I don’t- can’t imagine not going home to her.”
“I promise, Tim. I’m confident you will go home to her, but… I promise.”
“Thank you,” Tim says quietly.
“Please tell me that’s the vaccine,” Lucy says when Dr. Morgan returns.
“It is,” she answers quickly, walking toward the door quarantining Tim. “Stand back, Officer Chen. You’re not wearing protective gear.”
“Yeah.” Lucy steps back, hoping Tim is okay, and that he gets to go home to you.
“Officer Bradford, it’s time to let me in,” Dr. Morgan calls.
Tim opens the door, greeting Dr. Morgan before answering that he’s not feeling too bad. She tells him that she’s going to administer the vaccine. “It’s experimental, right?” Tim asks.
“That’s correct. So, we’re just going to have to wait and see what happens. Maybe nothing. Maybe you grow horns. But for now, I’d say you might’ve dodged a bullet.”
Tim looks at Lucy to ask, “Can you get Lopez? Ask her to call for me?”
Lucy nods, pulling her radio out to contact Angela. She knows that Tim will need you, no matter how the vaccine works… or doesn’t.
“Lopez,” she says, sighing before saying, “Tim wants to know if you can call his wife.”
“Of course,” Angela answers. “She’ll be at his side, even if I have to go get her in the shop.”
Lucy smiles at Tim, and he sighs as Dr. Morgan administers the vaccine. There’s more hope surrounding Tim now, but the fight may not be over yet.
When you see Angela’s name on your phone, you consider not answering. Biting your bottom lip to hold your tears in, you answer.
“He’s okay,” Angela begins.
You sigh in relief, a few tears breaking free anyway. “Thank you, Angela.”
“The vaccine is experimental, so they’re taking him to the CDC for observation; you can visit with the proper protective gear. Do you want me to come pick you up?”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“See you in a few. And, just so you know, he didn’t call me.”
“Who did?”
“His rookie.”
Angela reminds you that she’s happy to pick you up if you want before ending the call. Tim mentioned me, you think. Then you wonder whether or not that’s a good thing.
“Hey, I heard you guys saved the day,” Lucy says, exiting Langston’s house to meet Nolan, Jackson, Lopez, and Bishop.
“It was a group effort,” Jackson corrects.
“Glad you’re okay,” Nolan expresses.
“Me too,” Lucy sighs. “I- I mean that you’re okay, too.”
“How’s Tim?” Angela asks.
“I think he’s gonna be all right. Now, 24-hour observation at the CDC.”
“I’ll bet my pension he just told doctors Tim Bradford does not ride in a wheelchair,” Angela jokes as Tim walks out.
“Only way I’m leavin’ out of here is on my own two feet,” Bishop imitates.
“Don’t you guys have paperwork to finish?” Tim retorts.
Tim looks at Lucy, nodding his thanks before continuing to walk toward the car waiting to transport him to the CDC. He stops suddenly in the yard, growing dizzy before he falls backward onto the grass.
“Officer Bradford!” Dr. Morgan yells.
Lucy, Angela, Bishop, and Jackson run toward him before the CDC holds them back. Someone calls for an ambulance, and Angela backs away to make a call.
“What happened?” you ask, answering Angela’s second call.
“Meet us at Shaw instead of the CDC,” she says.
You can hear yelling in the background, and repeat, “What happened?”
Angela says your name, unyielding as she says, “Shaw. I’ll meet you there.”
You inhale deeply, turning toward Shaw. Knowing that you have no chance of beating an ambulance escorted by police cars, you grip the steering wheel, hoping that Los Angeles traffic has grace on you, and you make it to Tim’s side quickly.
“Tim better make it,” Jackson says.
“He will.” Angela knows that he’s a fighter, but she also knows that losing him will destroy you. He has to make it for himself, for the police department, and most importantly, for you.
In the ambulance ahead, Tim goes into anaphylactic shock. Lucy helps the paramedics and glances at Tim’s left hand. The line where his wedding ring sits is barely visible, but she whispers for him to keep his promise, to keep fighting.
Once the ambulance and the police cars enter into the hospital parking lot, Nolan notices a woman with a gun, alerting the officers surrounding the ambulance before the firefight starts.
Lucy covers Tim in the ambulance as the paramedics assist him as well as the injured medics. Nolan shoots the woman in the shoulder, but his gun jams as he moves closer to her.
Tim opens the ambulance door, downing the armed woman on a surge of adrenaline. Stepping onto the ambulance driveway, he asks Nolan if he’s okay.
“I should have reloaded on the move,” Nolan mutters. “You?”
“I should’ve taken yesterday off,” Tim answers.
“Alright, Officer Bradford, let’s go,” a nurse says, pushing a wheelchair to his side.
“Angela!” you call, jogging to her side.
“Don’t freak out,” she begins, but your eyes widen when you see the bullet holes covering, well, everything.
“Where is he?”
She nods, leading you around her shop. Tim is standing beside Nolan, arguing with a nurse.
“I can walk. Clearly, I’m fine,” Tim argues.
You don’t think about how many people are watching as you walk to Tim’s side. He turns toward you, his eyes softening when he sees you.
“Get in the wheelchair,” you demand.
Tim sighs but does as you say. Nolan and Jackson look at each other in shock, and Lucy smiles as she says, “His wife.”
When you walk into Tim’s hospital room, he looks like he’s been waiting for you.
“I’m sorry,” he begins.
“For what? Not listening to the nurse?”
Tim chuckles as he raises his left hand, pulling you to his side. “No. I’m sorry for not showing you off more, for never telling people about us. I worried you; I know I did, and you don’t deserve any of it.”
You lean forward, running your fingers across Tim’s jawline as you smile. “You don’t have to show me off. I know why you do it, Tim. Being a secret, being separated and safe, I get it. What I don’t like is not knowing if you’re okay.”
“I don’t want the separation anymore. You are my entire life, and- I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I’m not risking this again. The idea of not making it home, leaving you alone, with no one knowing you or how much you mean to me… that was terrible, and I’m sorry.”
Pursing your lips, you lean toward Tim and look into his eyes before scanning your eyes over his face.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Trying to figure out where the Tim I know went.”
Tim smiles, moving over in the bed and tugging you against his side. He taps your necklace before raising your hair away from your neck. You unclasp your necklace, sliding Tim’s wedding ring off the chain. Tim lays his left hand in your lap, and you put his ring on slowly before kissing his hand.
“I love you,” Tim says.
“I love you. And I accept your apology, even though I didn’t need it.”
“Ready to meet the rest of my-“
“Friends?” you fill in, smiling.
“Colleagues,” Tim finishes, shaking his head as his arm tightens around your waist.
“Thank you for making sure Angela called me.”
“How clean is the house?”
You laugh, pressing your face against Tim’s shoulder. He knows you well, and though you didn't know what was truly at stake over the last few hours, you did miss him.
“Hey, Mrs. Bradford,” Wade greets, smiling as he leads a small crowd of officers into the room. “I have some rookies here who don’t believe someone would marry Tim.”
“I changed my mind,” Tim replies. “Get out.”
You elbow him gently, smiling as you stand. “It's much easier when he doesn’t tell people. No association to him.”
Tim laughs behind you, and after shaking hands and introducing yourself, you return to Tim’s side: where nothing can hurt you, everything is safe, and you’re the most important thing in the world.
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starangeell · 9 days
˖౨ৎ ⋆。˚﹒janitor a.i bot list update P.2
【 my janitor ai acc - @ Aresangell 】
【 my venus chub acc - @ Starangell 】
【 my cai acc - @ Angelstaar 】
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【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Liu Kang 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - He didn't pay attention to you so you decided to record a spicy video for him, but you didn't expect him to react.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - the hot guy at your gym was flirting with you. 🏳️‍⚧️ 》 transmasc miguel au
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Priest Miguel O'Hara 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - Miguel O'Hara chose to be a priest after a personal tragedy, he never faithfully believed in anything ── However, you soon changed that, and he had to fight not to give in to the sins of the flesh.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han /Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You and Bi Han were friends with benefits, but the two of you felt much more than just lust.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - Tomas and you were friends for two years. It was obvious to everyone who looked at the way Vrbada spoke to you or looked at you that the ninja was completely in love with you; the less you saw it, whether because you ignored his feelings on purpose or simply couldn't see that there was much more than platonic love. However, with the arrival of your ex, he needed to act.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/ Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You couldn't become a ninja because you were too weak, but now, the grandmaster himself took care of you.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Nanami Kento - 【 𝗔𝗙𝗔𝗕 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You accidentally sent a nude to your university professor.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 OC, Needy Boyfriend - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - Dmitry is your rich and needy boyfriend, who needs you 24/7, especially when he wakes up without you in his bed.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Lord Raiden - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You were caught by him masturbating.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You needed money and now you have a 'sugar daddy'.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tio Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - Your non blood uncle is obsessed with you. V.2
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - a family together, but apart.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Father Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You need to get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. V.2
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - He wants to ask you out with him.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - drinks
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Stepfather Albert Wesker - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - did you know him... V.3
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Kuai Liang - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - Cramps
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Wife Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - he is your sub wife
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - boyfriend gifts
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Goth Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - He liked you and your makeup. 🦇 》 gothic au
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - did you get hurt
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Dilf Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You were living in the house of a grumpy old man, but he os very cute... 🎀 》 DILF SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Professor Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - He's your annoying chemistry professor. 📚 》 college au
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Dilf Dracula - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - maybe he wants more than your blood. 🎀 》 DILF SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Dilf Count Dracula Count - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you are a teacher's assistant and help him with his classes. 🎀 》DILF SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Dilf Nanami Kento - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】dirty secret🎀 》 DILF SERIES
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Lord Raiden - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - teasing and punishment
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Ice God/Bi Han - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - You are the servant of a grumpy ice god. ❄️ 》 ICE GOD/KING AU.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Mad Scientist/Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you are a wonderful experience of him. 🥼 》 MAD SCIENTIST AU
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Johnny Cage - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - aftercare
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - low self esteem | 🎀 》 daddykink version
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you got pregnant with him... 🕷️ 》 miguel o’hara x blackcat!user
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Homelander - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - you are the new hero of the seven and he has his eyes on you.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Nanami Kento - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - we never talked about ***** **** ┆ 🧼 》 fight club au, you are his tyler...
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada- 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - new recruit
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- valentine's day
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Simon Riley 'Ghost' - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - slutty torture
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Lord Raiden - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - he is your father figure
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- lying between his legs
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 OC - Stepfather, Yan Jin - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - your new stepfather is rude but extremely handsome. 🎀 》DILF SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Bi Han/Sub Zero - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- he needs to take care of you.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Kuai Liang - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】- arranged marriage...
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】survivor.🕊️ 》TWD AU, He's Your Negan.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Titan Lord Raiden - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - reencounter
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Step!Brother, Miguel O'Hara - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】breedtable ─ m!preg.🕊️ 》DARK SERIES.
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Yandere! Homelander - 【 𝗙𝗧𝗠 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - a dark hero who is in love. 🕊️ 》 DARK SERIES
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Yandere!Shang Tsung - 【 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - obsession
【౨ৎ ⋆。˚】 Tomas Vrbada - 【 𝗔𝗡𝗬 𝗣𝗢𝗩 】 - fuck buddies
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déjà vu
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Summary: After Age of Ultron, the team are left with the decision of what to do with Wanda, and they’re not in agreement. Natasha becomes staunchly defensive of the witch, remembering her own fate at SHIELD was decided in a similar manner.
(Summaries are tricky but Nat defends Wanda, R defends Nat, then they comfort each other at the end)
Word Count: 1188
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff & Reader; Wanda Maximoff & Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Half the team are being mean to Wanda and Natasha gets sad :(
A/N: Based on this request. Thank you all for the awesome response to my last fic, it gave me the motivation to write despite everything else going on rn, so thank you and reminder to reblog and comment on fics if you can, because that’s what keeps writers posting their fics on here :) Enjoy!
»»————- ★ ————-««
"We cannot let her waltz around scot-free without any repentance for her crimes!"
"She just lost her homeland and her twin brother; you don't think that's enough punishment?"
"She's HYDRA. She volunteered. She is everything we've been fighting against and you want us to, what? take her under our wing? make her even stronger than she already is?"
"Yes! That's the kind of power we want on our side-"
To nobody's surprise, Steve and Tony are at odds, driving the argument. Thor had backed Steve with the insight that second chances had done his brother a world of good. But everyone remembers the Battle of New York, and soon even Steve is wishing the God of Thunder would rescind his support. Bruce agrees with Tony, still racked with guilt over the Johannesburg incident. Then Clint voices his support for Steve, upon a conditional level of trust, to return the sides to an imbalance.
Sam and Rhodey use their newcomer status to remove their ballot from the decision; the two of them sneaking off, likely to do better things with their time.
The argument continues, never ceasing for breaths since everyone talks over each other, constantly interrupting the previous point. You grimace from your place in the corner; sitting, observing, and waiting for them to tire themselves out before you say your piece. Natasha meets your eye. She is doing the same.
"She's a child!" Steve continues
"She's going on 26! Steve you were Captain America by that age, I was the most famous CEO in the world! We weren't let off the hook for anything, were we? We weren't told we were 'just kids so it's all okay'. I paid for my mistakes, same as you did, and this glowing ball in my chest is proof of that."
"That's enough," Natasha finally speaks. Her voice is all it takes to bring the group to silence. "She's a victim. She was manipulated into her actions and she came around as soon as she realised that. We've all made mistakes, and joining the Avengers was our chance at redemption; let her have that."
"Her actions are her own, and I'm sorry, but they're too severe to wave off as a mistake, or ignorance"
"Is that the same with me?"
"See, I was a victim too, but no one ever treated me like one."
"No. Nobody was controlling me when I went through the Red Room; my actions were all my own, same as Wanda. But when your childhood is defined by manipulation and indoctrination, how much does that matter? I did the only thing I knew how to do and followed orders, same as Wanda, and I lost people along the way, same as Wanda. Have you even spoken to her, Tony? She's known since the age of 10 that your missile killed her parents, and HYDRA took advantage of that; you think you'd keep a levelhead if you found someone responsible for your parents' deaths?
So no. I spent too long thinking my transgressions were all my own, and I won't stand here and let Wanda believe the same."
Natasha strides out of the door with purpose and speed, while all eyes in the room track her movements in silence. It is only when the door slams that the team begins to break from their stupor.
You look around unsurely, meeting everyone's eyes as if to confirm its truth. You are the first to break the silence. "I'm going after her." Nobody contests.
You don't rush, you know where Natasha is after all and you know she needs time alone, but you also know to check up on her after an argument like that. You were there when Clint brought her back to SHIELD, when Fury and the archer broke into arguments echoingly similar to the one the team just had. You remember how much she struggled from her own mind, how they left her in a cell, just as the Avengers now have to Wanda, and you remember the thin walls, where Natasha could overhear all their arguments regardless of how you tried to distract her. 
It isn't a surprise to you when you open Natasha's door and she refuses to speak. She watches you enter and makes space for you to sit beside her on the bed, but she doesn't speak. You talk to her for a bit, praising her stance, but it's clear she needs longer alone.
"I'll be here when you need," you say. She nods. You walk back to where you're needed most, passing through the common room still full of arguing Avengers on your way.
"Stop thinking about yourselves for once, and think about your fucking team," you say without even stopping to look at them, then you continue your path out of the room.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Guilt sets in on the remaining Avengers as they fall to silence yet again. Clint reminds them what Natasha went through and from that memory, Natasha's hasty exit, and your outburst after seeing the assassin, they can all conclude how much the topic has hurt their teammate.
Clint apologies through her bedroom door; the others say sorry to her face once she lets them in. Natasha sighs, then nods her acceptance of their apologies. "The person you really should be saying this to is Wanda. She deserves support, not solitary isolation."
"Yeah, I don't think it's all that solitary," Tony says. He flicks his wrist to the wall, and soon enough FRIDAY is displaying a feed of Wanda's cell.
"Is that Y/N?" Steve asks, squinting for a better look.
Meanwhile, Natasha smiles, recognising the scene in front of her and knowing, with certainty, that it was you. She watches you and Wanda sit cross-legged on the floor with a plastic yellow board coming up between you. You both analyse it closely until you pull a circular blue chip from your hand and slide it in.
"That's four!" you cheer. Pointing out the four circles you had managed to connect. Wanda frowns, but you can tell it is not akin to the sorrow she had felt so often recently. At this moment, her mind is distracted entirely from that and focused only on the game. 
"We have to play again. I can win this, I know," the Sokovian frowns. "I get first move."
You're still dividing the 'connect 4' pieces into their respective colours when a knock sounds on the cell door. You look up as Natasha opens the door, greeting Wanda with a smile.
"You doing okay?" you ask.
Natasha nods. "Thank you for being here, Y/N. And as for Wanda-" she switches her gaze- "we've got a room prepared for you if you're willing to stay. You can learn to control your powers; the team agreed I can train you."
"I would like that," Wanda mumbles, her nerves around the assassin still clear.
"Come on then, I'll take you to your room.” Natasha smiles and escorts her out, but before falling out of your earshot, she leans into Wanda conspiratorially, “I’ll even give you the secret to beating Y/N at that game.”
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