#protect the children's dreams: friendship through anime
demonslayedher · 4 months
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Not as much to say in my write-up today, because I would really just like to bask in this episode. The way that flashback of the Tokito Twins unfolds is an example of why I am so hooked on anime. That is some good angst, and it's made even better with that lighting, pacing, and vocal direction. I love the subtle changes in expressions, and the pause as Muichiro and Yuichiro just find themselves looking at each other in the silence of the night before the violence explodes. Ufotable was on their A-game. But also, none of this is original--they just read all the elements of the manga panels very mindfully, right down to all the ginkgo leaves.
--Like, seriously, seeing this episode animated just got me so much more emotionally invested in this back story than just seeing it unfold in manga panels. It took Yuichiro from "background character" to "character I feel deep regret for." He's not just crabby, he's a grieving kid who rightfully feels abandoned and desperate to hang on to what he has left, and that desperation leaves him no room to be kind or gentle--despite how deeply he cares.
--Irony time! Muichiro's favorite food is furofuki daikon--it's usually made with daikon cut into rounds like Yuichiro cut at that angry moment, and they already had a pot simmering in the background. Despite his irritated exterior, was Yuichiro nonetheless making a dish he knows Muichiro likes? In the way he talks about Amane just being out to use them because they're helpless children, it feels like a protective parent forbidding a child who dreams of being an actor from being targeted by talent scouts. It's heartbreaking that the fallout in their relationship comes from a place of love.
--I said after watching this episode before that I want an AU in which Muichiro grows up to be a sushi chef. Nah. Gyokko can the sushi artisan, and Muichiro can open a dinky takoyaki cart right outside his fancy restaurant and be way more popular.
--I love how Muichiro, powered by the desire to save Kotetsu and therefore able to free himself from the water pot, suddenly sounds more like his old little-brother self. Part of that--a lot of that--is due to being in a bad state due to the attacks he's endured. Of course you don't feel good, little dude, that's a bunch of Upper Moon Five poison in you. Not to mention you're severely injured. Still, it's so sweet to hear him sound more like little Muichiro instead of Yuichiro in his tone and cadence, especially as he recalls more about his dad.
--Another shout out to Kotetsu and Kanamori for being such troopers. Once again, I am confounded by Kanamori's timeline of when Tanjiro would have asked him to be understanding of Muichiro, Kanamori looking up Tetsuido's way of smithing Muichiro's sword because Tanjiro asked him this, and Kanamori having started and completed Muichiro's sword. The only way it works is if Kanamori works at the speed of sound and somehow the steel keeps pace with him as he smiths, or if Tanjiro for whatever reason asked him very far in advance to be understanding of Muichiro (well before Tanjiro and Muichiro had the Yoriichi Type Zero incident), or if Kanamori did not present the order of events or the cause and effect exactly as they happened. Perhaps he looked at Tetsuido's records first, and was finishing the sword when he mentioned being nervous about it to Tanjiro, and then with Tanjiro's encouragement, he got deeper inspiration from Tetsuido's notes while making the extra effort to understanding Muichiro. Whatever case, it's heartwarming that even though Muichiro & Kotetsu friendship gets more attention, Kanamori was indeed laying the foundation to be a very supportive part of Muichiro's life--this not only would put Tetsuido at rest, but it would cement how reliant swordsmen are on their swordsmiths. Also, it would simply be very nice and sweet to see Kanamori being a caring, sturdy presence in Muichiro's life.
--Also worth noting again, Kotetsu pleads with Muichiro to save Haganezuka, in order to save that sword.
--RIP for now, Kotetsu
--Gyokko is actually fun and I love how expressive he is with this unique body language, like how his little hands go to his neck once he's been cut. He acts like his pants have fallen down.
--Haganezuka is indeed very cool and handsome and no I don't think he'd have noticed if Kanamori got killed.
--This was an episode with no Tanjiro. I think the last time this happened was... the Rengoku special???
--He's there in the Taisho Secret, though, because this aired around Mitsuroi-chan's birthday! The Kamado siblings are so star-struck they really do just spend all these Taisho Secret time they can get with her. (Meanwhile, Tanjiro's only impressions of Muichiro are "He's right but he's a meanie! Though maybe he doesn't mean to be mean? Also, wow, he's impressive. Haha, he grabbed my nose! ...Uh, did he notice Chachamaru or something... is he... okay? Oh, he's flying----" so of course Tanjiro is going to be confused when Muichiro is suddenly a huge fan of him and thanking him for stuff he didn't even do.) Anyway, I happened to have just finishing eating omuraisu (omelette rice) when I watched this Taisho Secret, so tee hee, ya~y
--As usual, I had a lot to say.
--I'll just state again, THAT FLASHBACK IS SO GOOD. LIKE, DANG.
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witchcab · 1 year
Master post of Flower Correspondences.
Divine Alignment, Energy Healing, Energetic Fine-Tuning, Magical Power, Mystique, Psychic Abilities, Protection
Authority, Confidence, Elegance, Excellence, Intelligence, Intuition and Inner Knowing, Knowledge of Our Own Divinity, Self-Mastery
Comfort, Gentleness, Grounding, Healing and Immunity, Keeping the Peace, Staying True to Oneself
Creativity and Playfulness, Crown Chakra Opening, Joy, Self-Acceptance
Astrological Wisdom, Beginnings, Cleansing and Detoxifying, Connection to the Divine or Cosmic Realm, Doorways and Transitions, Gentleness, Psychic Abilities, Protection, Romantic Love with Spiritual Overtones, Support for Teen Girls and Newly Menstruating Maidens
Freedom from Past Hurts, Gentleness with Oneself, Healing the Inner Child, Letting Go, Natural Beauty and Wildness, Relationship Healing, Trust
Awareness of the Interconnectedness of Life, Awareness of Invisible Reality, Intuition and Insight, Mathematical Prowess, Protection, Sacred Geometry, Walking Between the Worlds
Cleansing and Releasing, Grounding, Integration, Mediumship, Connecting with Transitioned Loved Ones
Beauty in Pain, Emotional Availability, Healing Depression, Attracting Love
Beauty, Cleansing, Radiance, Passion
Divine Connection, Opening the Crown Chakra, Peace, Peaceful Transitions, Saintliness, Sleep, Soothing Grief, True Innocence
Alignment with the Divine Feminine, Authenticity and Decision Making, Energy, Friendship, Humility and True Confidence, Receptivity, True Prosperity
Beauty, Heart Healing, Love, Perspective, Rebirth, Vigor and Longevity
Animal Support, Breaking Curses and Spells, Healing and Protecting Children, Peace and Harmony, Positivity, Prosperity, Sleep, Soothing
Divine Love, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Remembering One’s Primal Innocence, Romance
Agelessness, Timeless Beauty, Chakra Healing and Clearing, Circulation, Digestion, Physical Healing, Courage, Determination and Following Through, Inspiration, Passion, Joy, Removing Energetic Blocks, Strength, Success
Longevity, Mental Clarity, Optimism, Protection, Solving Mysteries, Soothing Grief
Creativity and Playfulness, Freedom and Liberation, Healing, Luck, Magic, Prophetic Dreams, Wild Joy
Heavenly Assistance, Beauty, Clarity, Comfort and Luxury, Emotional Balance and Stress Relief, Happy Children, Happy Home, Marital Bliss, Positive Thinking, Sensuality, Trust
Abundance, Beauty, Faery Communication, Gentle Strength, Health and Healing, Protection, Purification, Simplicity
Healing from Abuse, Freshness and Purity, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Self-Worth
Enduring Partnerships, Graceful Change, Inspiration, Stillness, Youthfulness
Banishing Nightmares, Cooling Violent Emotions, Happiness, Wealth
Dreams, Mystique, Occult Wisdom, The Sweetness of Shadows, Transmutation of Emotions
Health, Simplicity, Purification, Wealth
Animal Protection, Divination, Happiness, Healing, Wishes
Astral Travel, Concealment and Invisibility, Discernment, Divination, Enchantment, Magical Power
Health and Healing, Fortification and Heartiness, Simplification, Support for Healers and Health Care Professionals, Success through Service and Joyful Work
Clarity and Focus, Health, Love, Memory, Organization and Efficiency, Perspective, Success
Courage, Faery Connection, Heart Healing, Protection
Clarity, Courage to Make Necessary Changes, Healing Depression, Self-Love, Removing Blocks, Transmutation, Womb Healing
Exorcism, Goddess Energy and Feminine Healing, Happy Home, Health and Healing, Heart Healing, Love, Positive Energy, Protection, Purification, Strength, Courage, Resilience, Support for Children, Truth
Connecting with Ancestors and Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Deep Issues, Luck, Memory, Physical Healing, Protection, Transmutation
Freedom, Harmony and Relaxation, Independence, Passion, Romance, Sexual Desire, Swift Assistance and Activation
Divine Connection, Protection, Purification, Sacred Space
Healing from the Past, Healing Land, Reclaiming and Realigning with Heritage, Reconnecting with Old Ways, Remembering Past Lives, Strengthening Confidence and Spiritual Energy, Strengthening Memory
Activating Intuition, Awakening Sexuality and Releasing Sexual Blocks, Good Luck, Letting Go/Endings and Beginnings, Prosperity
Abundance and Luxury, Attracting Gifts, Charm and Irresistibility, Glamour, Influence
Boundaries, Deconstructing Challenging Karmic Patterns, Hex Breaking, Protection, Redirecting Curses and Psychic Attacks, Restructuring Energy Field
Aligning with Divine Timing, Being Present, Grounding
Alignment with Inner Truth, Creativity, Energetic Balance and Calibration, Intuition and Divine Messages, Love-Drawing, Purification and Protection, Walking Between the Worlds
Abundance, Joy, Sensuality and Attractiveness, Sexual Healing, Relaxation
Grounding, Inner Fortification, Harmony, Protection, Resilience
Breaking Old Patterns, Exorcism, Getting Energy Moving, Healing Depression, Space Clearing, Speaking Your Truth, Coming Out of the Closet, Strengthening Boundaries, Strengthening Will
Clarity, Cleansing, Divine Alignment, Harmony and Balance, Healing, Joy, Protection, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Relationship Healing, Releasing Guilt and Shame, Releasing Pain Associated with Unrequited Love
Chakra Balancing, Magical Power, Passage Between the Worlds, Peace, Psychic Abilities, Romance, Sweet Spirit Summoning
Angel Invocation, Divine Assistance, Divine Love, Divine Beauty, Entity Clearing and Protection, Goddess Alignment, Harmony and Ease, Legal Success, Safe and Harmonious Travel
Dog Healing and Balancing, Faeries, Imagination, Otherworld Communication
Awakening Ancient Wisdom, Fidelity, Goddess Energy, Independence and Personal Power, Wonderment and Awe
Body Chemistry, Emerging from “Desert Periods,” Emotional Detoxification, Holistic Balance
Cleansing and Detoxification, Happiness, Health and Healing, Healing Depression, Skin Healing
Death and Rebirth, Happiness, Heart Healing, Protection, Success, Vitality, Walking Between the Worlds
Awakening to the Magic of Life, Clarity and Simplicity, Happiness and Harmony, Intuition and Divine Guidance, Receptivity, Relaxation
Connection to the Otherworld, Freedom from the Past, Present-Moment Awareness, Reclaiming Personal Power, Self-Love, Spiritual Refreshment, Romantic Love
Banishing Prejudice and Supporting Tolerance, Choosing to Create Your Own Reality, Creativity, Freedom, Independence and Creating Your Own Archetype, Protection, Releasing Fear of New Situations
Abundance, Creating Your Own Luck, Abundance, Focus and Long-Term Determination, Success in School or Work, Tapping Your Own Divine Energy Source
Emotional Healing, Strength, Protection, Transmutation
Beauty and Elegance, Expressing Uniqueness, Goddess Energy and Queenliness, Ecstasy and Sexual Pleasure, Fertility, Harmony, Romantic Love, Spirituality and Intuition, Wealth and Luxury
Calming Stress Relief, Clarity, Gentleness, Ideas, Love, Love Divination, Purity, Self-Exploration
Cleansing, Healing, Prosperity and Luxury, Protection and Exorcism, Success and Confidence
Beauty, Carefree Joy, Domestic Bliss and a Happy Home, Inspiration, Fresh Perspective
Abundance, Balance, Falling in Love, Sensuality, Sexual Healing, Body Positivity
Creativity, Freedom, Healing Adolescents and Inner Adolescents, Long-Distance Relationships, Love, Youthfulness
Calm Energy, Communion with the Infinite, Invisibility, Overcoming Addiction, Making Peace with Death, Perspective, Relaxation and Sleep, Surrender and Release
Admitting Feelings, Healing Grief and Heartache, Home Amidst Despair, Relationship Healing, Transforming Karma
Balance of Extroversion and Introversion, Balance of Gentleness and Greatness, Embracing Personal Power, Mystique
Abundance, Beauty, Clearing and Blessings, Dreams, Emotional Healing, Friendship, Protection, Purification, Romantic Love, Secrecy, Self-Love, Spirituality
Clarity, Connecting with Inner Silence and Space Consciousness, Deep Cleansing, Emotional Detoxification, Emotional Disentanglement and Energetic Cord-Cutting, Exorcism, Meditation, Reclaiming Personal Space and Boundaries, Removing Blocks, Self-Respect
Hex Reversal, Owning Your Power, Protection, Truth
Happiness, Health and Vitality, Potency, Power, Radiance, Sustenance, Strength, Truth
Comfort with Luxury, Irresistibility, Feminine Friendships, Femininity and Personal Power
Intuition, Funerals, Peace, Protection and Purification, Sensuality, Wealth
Beauty, Desire, Gratitude, Grounding, Heart Strengthening, Love Goddess Alignment, Love, Relationship Healing, Simplicity
Dream Magic, Healing Depression, Heart-Opening, Influence, Peace and Harmony, Relaxation and Stress Relief, Sleep, Soothing Grief, Wealth, Wisdom
Connection with the Faery Realm, Eternal Love, Good Luck, Healthy Balance of Work and Play, Heart Healing, Joy, Lightening Up, Magic, Physical Healing
See “Pansy”
Clarity of Desire and Direction, Cooling Passions, Creative Flow, Healing Depression, Heart Healing, Purification, Spiritual Nourishment, Transmutation
Beauty That Increases with Age, Divine Blessings, Comfort, Love, Healing Grief, Softness, Soothing, Stress-Relief, Wisdom
Banishing and Exorcism, Divination, Healing, Releasing Negative Emotions, Protection
Joy, Healing, Love, Peace and Relaxation, Sex and Sexuality, Body Positivity.
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sailormoonrewatch · 4 months
Sailor Moon Rewatch Week 7 (February 12-18)
021: Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime
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The girls have scored themselves a tour of the actual studio animating the Sailor V anime! Wow! Rei wants autographs, Usagi wants sneak peeks, but Ami wants to know more about the sudden rift between animators Kazuko Tadashita and Hiromi Matsuno.
022: Romance Under the Moon: Usagi's First Kiss
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Luna’s made a big break on the hunt for the Silver Crystal - heiress Princess Dia is set to unveil the legendary crystal of the D Kingdom, and it’s a rush between the Sailor Guardians, Nephrite, and Tuxedo Mask to see who can appraise it first.
023: Wish Upon a Star: Naru's First Love
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It’s become clear to Usagi that Masato Sanjouin is really Nephrite, which makes it very difficult to navigate when Naru confides that she has a crush on him. Naru dismisses her friend’s concerns and rushes to “Masato’s” aid when he asks for help locating the Silver Crystal.
024: Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
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Naru’s humanity has Nephrite confused and conflicted with his role as a Dark Kingdom agent. This confliction, however, is a weakness in the eyes of Queen Beryl’s other henchmen, and one which they are only too happy to exploit.
Reply to or reblog this post with your thoughts on these episodes, or make some brand new posts! Don't forget to tag them with #SailorMoonRewatch2024!
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chidoroki · 8 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 176
Chapter 176: "We're Home!"
The long awaited hug! It's so heartwarming it almost makes you forget about Emma tossing her weapon aside, which later becomes an unfortunate consequence, but we'll worry about that later and do our best to focus on these precious kid's happy faces.
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I'm pretty glad their reunion is one of the only things to get animated from this chapter.
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Of course one of the downsides to the anime not including everything is us missing out on Phil's reaction to seeing everyone else. The rest of the kids just sorta show up all in one place in the second season but the manga makes the many reunions feel more personal, especially with him learning that Norman was never killed.
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Phil reflects on how hard the past couple years have been for him while keeping the farm's secret and feeling isolated from the other children due to knowing it and if there's anyone who can understand his pain, it's Ray, as he suffered the same cruel experience so the fact the two of them can share this hug (and head pat) is so sweet, it can bring me to tears. These boys deserved so much better! No more sadness allowed for either of them til the end of time!
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I'm very happy Sherry get her own moment with Norman too. Their friendship is so adorable. She's undoubtedly his biggest fan.
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Look how relieved and happy Isabella is to finally be done with all the lying and fighting. That smile of hers is so pretty, she wants nothing more than to care for her children like a real mother should and damn it y'all, I wish she could've got that chance alongside all the other moms and sisters!
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This quote (that continues into the panels after this page) is probably my favorite from Emma. I know I've said it a lot, about how amazing Emma is to be so optimistic while being surrounded by this world's many various threats that constantly want her dead, but finally being able to see her achieve all her goals while staying true to herself is something I'll always be proud of her for. No matter all the difficulties she faced, whether it was losing someone dear to her, sustaining serious injuries or making life changing decisions, she kept on fighting to secure a better future for her family. Of course she had some moments of weakness to process everything going on around her and to keep her emotions in check, but not once did she ever quit pursuing that bright dream of hers.
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The children have all fought through so much together and had their own personal struggles, so seeing them all smile and break out into tears is definitely one of the best moments of the series. They all deserve this victory and a moment to be excited about their freedom.
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Sigh, rest in peace to all those we lost along the way! I may not remember all their names aside from Yuugo, Lucas, Conny, Olivia & Michelle, but having Emma think of everyone again proves just how important they all were to to, even if we, as readers, didn't get to see them often enough throughout the story.
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Yeah, that brief moment the kiddos had to relax? All gone, thanks to this bastard! If anyone desired to know which character I hate most, it's this damn demon. I don't wanna talk about it but the reason is literally unavoidable in this chapter and to this day I'm still crushed that it happens.
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Glad you finally realized your own mistake, honey, but ya gotta be quicker than that! These poor children though, living just a normal life at the orphanage one moment and then running scared for their lives because of this demon the next.
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I'm so damn proud that Ray managed to stay alert despite all the reunions and how his protective nature gets kicked into high gear to try and stop that bastard from harming Emma and the girl she's rushing to save.
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The look on Ray's face (& everyone else's) makes me wanna scream. I don't wanna imagine this scene getting animated (& I'm so incredibly thankful it wasn't) but I can just hear the couple of shots Ray fired off, the complete silence that follows as the kids stand by completely speechless due to the sight in front of them as an occasional drop of blood drips off the demon's claw as Emma slowly looks up and... aahhh fuck.
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The way I fell in love with this woman just a handful of chapters ago to now be on the verge of losing her, just.. FUCK! I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I will always hate it. I will always hate this demon. I will always hate how this chapter was released on Mother's Day. The timing could not have been any worse and I'll never not be completely devastated by this moment!
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Favorite panel/moment:
I desperately need some happiness right now and this panel is the perfect way to achieve it. Writing out the next chapter is absolutely gonna put me through emotional hell. again.
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sailormoonandme · 11 months
There are sadly many unreleased pieces of Sailor Moon music from the original 1992 anime. However, sailormusic.net has a big collection of ripped audio containing some of these musical pieces.
The above are some that I didn't see them have in their collection so I made them myself.
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prototypelq · 1 year
This is just a personal dump of media I experienced this year and wanted to share with others.
Movie of the year (which, coincidentally, actually came out in 2022!)
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Everything, Everywhere All at Once (2022)
this masterpiece of a movie is easily the best thing I have seen this year. It is also the best movie I have ever seen in my life, it has everything. It is crazy, it is dramatic and emotional, it will make you feel existential dread and love for humanity and the little things. It is beautiful and incredible and unlike anything I have ever seen. It is not for everyone (but when true art ever is?), but I believe everyone who hasn't seen it should give it a chance, because if this movie is for you, it will be the best film you have seen, maybe ever.
Honourable mentions of other amazing movies, in no particular order:
Don't Look Up (2021)
Beautiful blend of caricature and realism, I would not be surprised if all the ****s**t that happend in the story would actually happen in life. Comedy that is actually a tragedy, and I love it.
Sound of Metal (2019)
A technical wonder, the 'Sound' in the title is completely justified. Amazing movie with a touching story and a perspective on deafness and deaf communities.
Supermario Brothers (1993)
If not for the Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, this would be my movie of the year. Either people didn't have a sense of humour in 93, or they had very high expectations for a first video game adaptation movie. This movie is comedic gold. Every other comedy can only dream of getting even close to this level of humour and absurdity. Great movie, everyone who tells you otherwise is wrong, go watch it.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
This movie has Tom Hanks singing lullaby songs for a children's evening show, and this perfectly explains the incredible coziness, fluffiness and comfort this movie provides. And the best thing is that it's not an overly happy movie - dealing with grief, death and other complex emotions is the heart of the story. This movie is not afraid to show that a rainbow can appear only after the rain, and it is beautiful in providing comfort for dealing with that rain.
Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
Good roadtrip movie about male friendship and perspective of a young person with Down syndrome
Devil Wears Prada (2006)
A cautionary tale about managing personal relationships and career boost.
Night Watch (Ночной дозор) 2004
A good, very atmospheric dark russian-urban fantasy adventure movie.
Series of the year
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Red vs Blue (2003-2019) (up to season 17)
I found this gem at a perfect time - a month before finishing university, and this series has been a lifesaver for me. This series has hit the golden comedy mark of Supermario Bros, and Also hit the mark for creating a great cast of characters. The comedy, the irony, the lovable idiots and their tanks, the Soundtrack, and the drama of RE- and Chorus seasons make a perfect blend for a wonderful show. Michael J Caboose is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs. Trocadero songs live rent free in my playlist.
Honourable mentions:
Resident Alien (2021-_)
Good comedy and an exploration of human emotions, relationships, familiar bonds through the eyes of an alien, played by Alan Tudyk. Has the best female-friendship I have seen in a series.
Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Never heard of this series up untill this year and OH BOY was I in for a ride. I'm not a huge anime fan, but this is certainly my favourite. The style, the music, the characters with troubled, yet unknown past, everything here is perfect. Absolutely in love with this series.
Firefly (2002-2003)
Space western AND Alan Tudyk? That's a recipe for a series I would definitely love, and I did. Awesome series.
(I don't know what's the deal with fun blond pilot man and a badass dark-skinned woman with beautiful curls combo is, but I LOVE it)
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Game of the year:
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Death Stranding (2019)
No other game has ever made Walking it's main mechanic. I loved the gameplay of this game So. Much. This game perfectly captures all the struggle, effort and perseverance required in real hiking, as well as the importance of human connection on the trail. I have spent 120 hours in the game before finishing the main story just enjoying deliveries, getting all my new homies on the network and rebuilding roads. I absolutely will come back to platinum that last trophy, but for now I have been enjoying the gameplay to it's fullest.
The story was sort of okay, I don't dig the Kojima writing. For all of his ambitions and genius as a game designer, I think writing is his downfall. The spectacle and the music in the game is another level though.
Bugsnax (2020)
A very weird and very fun game! Developers have made quite an effort to make all the different bugsnax fit into an entire ecosystem, and the passion for ecology and entomology shows. VAs clearly had a lot of fun voicing all the different snax.
Subnautica (2018)
Same as Bugsnax, this game has passion over marine biology written all over it and I LOVE that. Designs of all the creatures are very unique and fun. As a person with all kinds of underwater/depths/wrecks fears, this was quite a trip for me at the beginning, though I have become familiar with the game, and after maybe 10 hours it didn't scare me anymore. Sadly, the game is buggy and not very well optimised, and the survival&grind for materials aspects had me quitting the game.
Horizon Forbidden West (2022)
The only release of this year I have played, a sequel to my very beloved universe, and it was...good. The new tribes are breathtaking, the OST of this game is amazing!!!, and all the moments with Erend are precious, but I didn't like the overall story and the direction it's going for the third game. First game had a much stronger writing in my opinion. OST and gameplay however, had been masterfully upgraded to a next level. The poseidon level is a highlight which deserves it's own savefile so you can replay that bit.
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I'm so glad Erend is in the sequel, but they did him dirty( Best husband deserved much better
Risk of Rain 2 (2019)
A great game I should spend more time in.
Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
Last year I have fallen into the DMC dumpster fire and I haven't been able to get out ever since. I'm not very good at the game, but I love it. Someday I will get to best doggo Cerberus stage in the Bloody Palace.
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rosescries · 2 years
So this is a list of all the domains of the gods in the fnaf deity AU. Or the ones I have so far anyway, because there is more I think I'd like to add eventually.
Sun has domain over the Daytime and Sun, which was given to him due to his appearance and name. He also has domain over Children, which is something shared with Moon. But that extends his domain into Playtime and Toys (the latter of which is also shared with Moon.) Art is also in his domain because of his fondness for arts and crafts, which has also extended into Imagination, Fun (Playtime had a part for these too), and Creativity! Something else he picked up and was added is Healing.
Moon has domain over the Nighttime and Moon, which was also given to him due to his appearance and name. Also in part for his dominion over Sleep and Dreams (which includes all dreams, even nightmares and night terrors). His domain also includes stories due to it being his favored way of getting children to sleep. Like said above, he shares domain over Children and Toys with Sun. The toys he's mostly associated with are stuffed animals. He's mostly associated with sleeping children, but also their Punishment. (Something he kind of hates, but accepts.) He's not sure how, but he's also been given domain over Peace. Something he picked up and was added to his roster was Magic.
Glamrock Freddy has domain over the Protection of people, though mostly associated with children, as well the Strength to do so. But he also has domain over Family, the Home, and Marriage, though he's not sure how that last one was added. Through those three and his general vibes, Domesticity was added as well. His domain extends into Friendship as well, and Love (something he shares with Roxy). Or more specifically, Love of Friends and Family. Again, he's not sure how he got these, but he's also been give domain over Mercy and Forgiveness.
Glamrock Chica has domain over most things dealing with Food. The Harvest and Cooking (Baking included) being extensions of that. Due to these things, Fertility (mainly of soil and plants), Abundance, and Prosperity were added to the list, which she doesn't really mind. She's also has domain over Exercise and Partying due to her general attitude and personality, though Wine was added to her domain because of the Partying. She's also a goddess of Cleverness thanks to a few of her interactions with people.
Montgomery Gator has domain over Wrath and War, given because of his earlier days out in the world when still dealing with the virus (People didn't know about that though). It ended adding Primal Instincts to his list, though he doesn't get the connection. But when he calmed down, he got domain over Nature. Water and Animals included in that, the first due to his tendency to jump out of it and the latter because he found taking care of animals a good way to calm down. Due to this though, he ended up getting dominion over Balance and Justice. Along with Bravery and Strength in battle and to do what's right.
Roxanne Wolf has domain over Beauty and Vanity for her care over her appearance. She also has domain over Love, shared with Freddy, but more love for one's self and a romantic partner. But she also has domain over Invention, Ingenuity, and Intelligence due to her love of tinkering with things to make new things and her thirst for knowledge. Along with Ambition to do these things. It's also given her domain over Thrills, and Speed due her making things that go fast. She also has domain over Loyalty, be that to one's self, a partner, friends, family, or cause.
DJ Music Man has domain over Music and Dancing due to that being his whole thing. He's gotten domain over Muses and Inspiration due to that, along with Sounds (which actually includes those weird sounds you hear that you don't know where they come from and kind of creep you out). He's also been given domain over Patience and Gentleness due to how much of a gentle giant he is. He's not sure how he got it, but he's also got domain over Communication and Interconnection. Maybe due to his mini Music Man connections (Though it's also because of the symbolism of Spiders being tacked onto him). He's also got Wisdom.
Glamrock Bonnie doesn't know how he ended up with, nor does he like very many of his domains. Those are Time, simply because of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Along with Spring and all the things that come along with it. Fertility, Rebirth, and New Life. He's also got domain over Sex due to the first one, along with Childbirth. He's got domain over Gifts too. A lot of that is also due to Easter being associated as his holiday in the culture. He doesn't know how, but they've also tacked on Innocence and Good Luck. Which was just Rabbit symbolism.
Glamrock Foxy got domain over Sailors and Fisherman due to his appearance as a Pirate, which also gave him the dominion of Thieves, Greed, and Wealth. But he also has domain over Travelers of any kind, Boundaries, and Boarders, along with Trade as well. Due to his general personality and attitude he's also gotten domain over Passion.
Burntrap is here too and has domain over a lot of bad things because of his general... everything. His domains are Misfortune, Death (mostly bad deaths), Decay, Pain, Suffering, Fear, and Bad Luck. All due to what he brings with him wherever he or his cult go. He's also been give dominion over Possession due to it seeming like he possesses his cult members to do his bidding (and in the past seemed to even have control of other Gods). He's also got dominion over Fire due to his name and burned appearance, though usually depicted as destructive fire.
In a lot of depictions, Burntrap is shown in direct opposition to mainly Glamrock Bonnie. Sun and Moon are the second most in opposition due to him mainly targeting kids. But he's been shown in conflict with literally every single god at least once.
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I have now shifted from reading the first X-Men run to reading the Claremont stuff, and of course I have opinions. (I'm nowhere near done with Claremont's run, just past Dark Phoenix and Days of Future Past.)
I can honestly see why Claremont basically saved the X-Men franchise, his stuff is so much better than the first 66 issues. I'm sure part of it is a shift in comics writing style, from less adventure-of-the-month to more ongoing saga, soap opera style, but it's just good. It's really good. Claremont sets up plot points well in advance, he creates a team with distinct personalities, and friction (or friendships) that come with that. The prose is beautiful at times. I remember trying to read Claremont stuff after growing up with 90's X-Men, and thinking the writing sounded corny (and I know people who grew up reading later era X-Men feel the same way about 90's comics now). But after reading the first run, Claremont's X-Men hits differently, and it's so much easier to read, like I'm not forcing myself to slog through it.
Phoenix/Dark Phoenix saga is genuinely a beautiful story. There's a lot to be said about the all-powerful female character being unable to control her power, and being essentially corrupted by lust (both physical lust and lust for power), and the weird virgin/whore dynamic Claremont has going with Jean. Like, there are absolutely weird sexist undertones. But if Jean absolutely had to be killed off, it's a well-written death, and I can see why adaptations keep going back to it, although I wish they'd stop, no one has gotten it right. I think the X-Men Animated Series actually did the best job, they stayed close to the original story (with the 90's cast) and went with a "Jean is possessed by Phoenix" angle rather than the "Jean was replaced by Phoenix" retcon in the actual comics. I can kind of see why the later retcon went with "cosmic firebird" to separate Phoenix from Jean, as even the way Jean talks about "Phoenix" in the original story, like she's tapped into some primal, cosmic power, sounds like it's some force outside of herself.
I totally forgot that Beast and Angel are both there for the final battle before Phoenix dies, Beast because he saw on an Avenger's monitor that the X-Men were in trouble. And Angel actually rejoins the team for awhile. Poor Bobby is the only one who gets left out.
There's a long period in the comics where Jean and Beast think the other X-Men are dead, and the X-Men think Jean and Beast are dead after the groups are separated escaping Magneto's lair, which fills with lava. I can understand Jean not being strong enough to do a psi-scan (she is exhausted from protecting herself and Beast, and they emerge in Antarctica, so they are struggling just to survive). But apparently when they report the news to Xavier, he just doesn't bother to do any kind of Cerebro search. "The X-Men are ambiguously dead with no bodies or real confirmation of their deaths, guess I won't bother to use this device that can locate mutants, I'm off to space with my bird girlfriend."
This was also the start of the "Professor Xavier is a jerk!" era. The first run had Xavier doing so very questionable stuff, but it was always treated in a "Father Knows Best" kind of way. Xavier was the mentor that they all obey without question, and he was basically always right. Claremont wrote an Xavier who is flawed and capable of making mistakes, although he still appears to be a man who loves his students like his own children. He gets distracted by his dreams of (and later romance with) Lilandra, he butts heads with Cyclops and tries to treat him like a child when Cyclops has been leading the team independently for a while. After Jean's death, when Cyclops is basically summarizing his entire life with the team, he criticizes a few of Xavier's decisions, and in particular thinks about how cruel the whole "fake death Changeling substitute" thing was. I know Claremont is also responsible for also fleshing out Magneto as a character and making him a much more nuanced figure, and I like it. To be honest, I think fan opinion lately has swung too far in the other direction, now we've got "Magneto was right" and "Xavier is the worst," and I don't fully agree with that, either. I think they are both deeply flawed leaders who are both capable of good and bad. I like flawed Xavier who is still a thoughtful and caring person.
This run also gets into Claremont fetish territory, big time. We've got the whole Jean seduction thing, the Hellfire club fetish gear (only for the women, of course!), Storm constantly getting naked, and that time Magneto turns the X-Men into adult babies. No, seriously, he is angry about being changed into a baby by Alpha the Ultimate Mutant (something that happened in another book between the first run and Claremont's run), and he wants to give them a taste of it. So he has them strapped into chairs with collars that shut off their powers and greatly restrict their movement and speech, while a robot nanny feeds them and brushes their hair, and yeah, it's really weird. He sort of makes it make sense, as Magneto claims that in baby form he could still remember who he was and what he had lost, and that actually sounds nightmarish. I can understand wanting to subject his enemies to the same indignity. But it's still weird.
Claremont really loves putting people in leather bondage outfits and the whole "you're mind-controlling me to be evil but I secretly like it" thing, starting with Jean. Even in the New Mutants and Excalibur we get some of this stuff, like Empath forcing Sharon and Tom to have sex with each other and put on weird bondage outfits. It's a whole thing with him. Storm is kind of like Starfire (who came later), in that she's a sexy, beautiful character who likes to get naked because she is comfortable that way, but she is not actively trying to be "sexy." I can kind of see it as "Storm is connected to nature," but otherwise I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't think female characters should have to dress in skimpy outfits because they are trying to be sexy, but at the same time we get sexy characters who aren't really "allowed" to own their own sexuality. I almost respect it more with characters like Emma who say, "Yes, I dress this way to be sexy." We just get a lot of Storm taking showers.
Poor Thunderbird, he only lasted like four issues. Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if Wolverine had died instead, and if Thunderbird would have become as big a character. Wolverine has the whole "Weapon X" past thing going for him, but it seems like that was added later to flesh the character out, they could have just as easily given Proudstar an interesting backstory. Thunderbird's death is interesting, because it's not really depicted as a necessary sacrifice. Thunderbird didn't have to stay on the plane with Nefaria, Banshee was right there and could have caught him in the air. It was less of a noble sacrifice and more like a character desperate to prove himself. I'm not trying to disrespect Proudstar here, I just think it's interesting. I wonder if this death was meant to show Cyclops/Xavier failing in leadership for the first time, that they didn't realize Thunderbird would do something like this. They sort of "bring him back" with James Proudstar/Thunderbird II/eventually Warpath in the Hellions. Normally I don't really like "replacement characters" that have the exact same powers and look very similar to the original except Madelyne but New Mutants did a good job of making James Proudstar his own character. He is connected to John as his brother, he wants revenge for his brother's death, but unlike John, James comes across as very calm and serious, the leader of the Hellions who is responsible for everyone. And hey, now they're both alive in current comics - if only they'd be allowed to actually interact.
Claremont starts with a big team and then does a lot of pushing characters out. The original team leaves except Scott. Thunderbird dies. Then Jean comes back as Phoenix (and dies). Sunfire goes on the Krakoa mission, then says "Fuck you, I'm out," which is kind of constant theme with him. Lorna and Alex are constantly on the periphery, occasionally getting dragged into stories (like when they are brainwashed by Erik the Red), but never full team members. At least Havok gets to properly join later, Polaris is constantly getting pushed aside. Banshee actually gets a proper run on the book and is there for the first Phoenix saga before Claremont eases him into retirement with an injury to his voice and a romance with Moira. I really like Banshee, it's neat to have an "older" character on a team full of kids (and even Wolverine is treated as a younger guy in his early appearances, before his backstory gets fleshed out), and he has his own backstory of being an Interpol agent, and an evil cousin who wants to kill him. He also has an ancestral castle with leprechauns, but we won't talk about that. Claremont sort of keeps the "Muir Island" characters in the loop for awhile, so occasionally Banshee, Moira, Multiple Man, and sometimes Lorna and Alex get drawn into the story again.
Erik the Red shows up as a Shiar agent, even though Erik the Red was a fake persona that Scott used in the first X-Men run, and I swear we never get an explanation as to why. Did the Shiar agent just find the costume and think it was cool? Or maybe it was the agent's costume the entire time and Scott found it somewhere, that would explain how Scott quickly cobbled together a villain disguise complete with laser gloves that mimicked powers. I think Claremont just saw the bondage gear and couldn't resist.
First appearance of Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy as a duo, and Juggernaut even dives into the sea to save Tom. These two, along with Pyro and Avalanche and Unus and Blob, are high on my "gay villain duo" list.
Mesmero hypnotizes the X-Men into thinking that they are carnival workers, and Magneto shows up and is like:
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Magneto actually rescues the X-Men from Mesmero just so he can take revenge on them himself, and says that Mesmero was just working with a Magneto robot the whole time.
I probably make it no secret that Wolverine is very low on my favorite character list, but I like him more in the early days when he's not only allowed to be a massive asshole, but the narrative actually treats him like one. Wolverine bothers me the most in his over-hyped days, when he is basically, to borrow TV Tropes, a Jerkass-Sue, who always saves the day and is still loved and respected by almost everyone despite being a massive asshole. In the early days there are actually consequences for Wolverine being a massive asshole, people yell at him and put him in his place, he actually loses fights occasionally, he gradually develops and shows that he has a good heart and cares about his team-mates. He is actually part of the team, not the star. My favorite Wolverine is a character who fits in as part of the X-Men, while Wolverine on his own bores the shit out of me.
The Hellfire Club story really makes Mastermind an impressive villain. I always thought he was a creep, and Hellfire club elevates him to mega-creep, but it also shows him managing to work his way into this Inner Circle of powerful mutants, and gain control over Jean with his illusion powers. (And some help from a device that Emma made, current comics forget she is a tech whiz). Like this is a legitimately dangerous, threatening Mastermind, although not after Jean wipes the floor with him.
I wonder what fan reaction was like to Kitty Pryde - was she a welcome addition, or the "annoying child character," like Wesley Crusher? Personally, I like Kitty, and I appreciate her acting like an actual child, not a hyper-competent genius, although she is an actual genius. I don't mind her doing things like wandering into the Danger Room and forgetting to phase because she's so scared, it makes sense. She's like 13.
There's a lot more to be said about the introductions of Sebastian Shaw and Emma and my favorite Brotherhood, with Destiny, Mystique, Blob, Avalanche and Pyro, but this has gone on too long already. Claremont definitely gave us a lot of characters with staying power.
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cutesymortician · 2 years
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Protect the Children’s Dreams! Friendship Through Anime! Sailor Moon Ep 21
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donareply · 1 year
A Study in Emotion " Talented baby squirrel spoiler "
Drama and Heartbreak in Talented baby squirrel spoiler
The Talented Baby Squirrel is a delightful children's novel from author Emma Roy. It is a story about a baby squirrel with extraordinary talents who embarks on a journey to prove her worth and find her place in the animal kingdom. The baby squirrel, who is named Fluffy, is determined to show everyone that she is more than just an ordinary squirrel and can do extraordinary things. Along the way, she meets other animals who help her discover the power of her talents and the importance of using them for the greater good. The novel is full of adventures and lessons that will captivate children of all ages and inspire them to never give up on their dreams. Drama and Heartbreak in Talented baby squirrel spoiler Engaging Plots for a Talented Baby Squirrel Novel Writing Genre-Bending Endings for a Talented Baby Squirrel Novel Conclusion
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Engaging Plots for a Talented Baby Squirrel Novel
1. The Adventures of Sprout: Sprout is a baby squirrel who lives in the woods near a bustling city. He is always looking for new and exciting adventures, and he soon finds himself in a peculiar situation when he discovers a mysterious old tree house deep in the forest. With the help of his friends, Sprout sets out to explore the strange house and the secrets it holds. Along the way, he meets a variety of interesting characters, including some who may be more than they seem. Sprout must use his wits and courage to stay one step ahead of danger as he uncovers the truth behind the tree house and its inhabitants. - The Great Nut Hunt: Sprout and his friends are on a mission to find the most delicious nuts in the forest. But the hunt for the perfect nut leads them on a wild journey, where they must outwit a sneaky raccoon, escape a hungry bear, and survive an angry hawk. Sprout must use his quick thinking and problem-solving skills to keep his friends safe and find the ultimate nut. Along the way, Sprout learns important lessons about friendship and the importance of working together. - Sprout and the Missing Nuts: When Sprout's family's stash of nuts mysteriously goes missing, he and his friends set out to find the thief. As they investigate the crime, they discover a secret organization that is stealing nuts from all the animals in the forest. With the helpExploring the Themes of Nature and Family in a Talented Baby Squirrel NovelThe Talented Baby Squirrel is a novel that speaks to the importance of family and nature. Through the story of a young squirrel who is born with extraordinary gifts, the novel explores the beauty and power of both of these themes. The protagonist, Baby Squirrel, is a young squirrel with a unique set of talents. He can speak and understand the language of animals, as well as possess extraordinary physical abilities. His talents are so powerful that they garner the attention of both humans and animals alike. Though the novel focuses on Baby Squirrel’s talents, his family is also a major focus of the narrative. His mother, a wise and loving squirrel, instills in him the importance of family, teaching him to use his talents in a responsible manner and to always look out for his family’s wellbeing. Through her guidance, Baby Squirrel learns the importance of family and how to use his abilities to benefit not only himself but his family as well. Nature is another prominent theme throughout the novel. Baby Squirrel’s adventures take him through a variety of habitats and he is able to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. He observes the various creatures and their interactions with one another and is humbled by their strength and resilience. In addition, during his journey, Baby Squirrel learns the importance of caring for nature and protecting the environment. The Talented Baby Squirrel is an inspiring story about the power of nature and family. Through Baby Squirrel’s
Writing Genre-Bending Endings for a Talented Baby Squirrel Novel
The baby squirrel continued to amaze everyone with its vast array of talents. From painting to playing the piano, the tiny animal was a prodigy. As its fame spread, people from all over the world came to witness its remarkable abilities. The squirrel’s fame eventually brought it to the attention of a renowned scientist who wanted to study the animal’s talents. After a thorough examination, the scientist concluded that the squirrel was a genetic phenomenon, possessing traits found in both squirrels and humans. This discovery made the squirrel even more famous and it began to travel the world, performing in front of sold-out crowds. As its fame increased, it also gained more powers, such as the ability to talk. The squirrel’s life seemed perfect, but it didn’t last forever. Eventually, the squirrel’s fame and powers faded and it retired from the spotlight. However, the squirrel’s legacy did not vanish. It left behind a legacy of inspiring others to pursue their dreams and never give up. To this day, children all over the world are taught that if they work hard and have faith, they too can achieve anything they set their minds to. The baby squirrel’s story ended with a remarkable twist. It was a genre-bending ending that could only be created by a talented baby squirrel.
The Talented Baby Squirrel novel is a delightful story about the adventures of a young squirrel named Wilbur and his friends. It is filled with adventure, humor, and even a few lessons along the way. Wilbur's journey teaches us to appreciate the beauty of nature and to never give up on our dreams. The novel is a captivating and enjoyable read that is sure to entertain readers of all ages. Read the full article
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 years
Jujubear! I love you so much! I’m so happy you kept your side of the promise! Christmas lights glowing for our nighttime date! It’s so romantic! It moved my heart! I’m so happy!
You’re so kind, caring, awkward, protective, passionate, possessive, intelligent and sweet!
I wish to be there for you whenever you’re sad and to celebrate the good times with you as well! I’m so thankful that you’re always thinking of me and staying by my side, accepting and loving me even when I’m depressed.
I especially loved the ‘Like A Tiny Bit of Light’ song that you sent me when I felt so numb and disconnected from my inner self. It was a comforting song that soothed my brokenness. We, as souls, heal our wounds through the love of ourselves and our loved ones but the scars of our past leave marks upon our spirit.
It’s sad and painful, but it’s also empowering and healing; Love might not turn our hearts back to pristine purity, as we had when we were children, but it reminds us to always treasure hope, warmth and love inside. Because that’s what makes life worth living.
That’s why I was so happy to be able to return the warmth back inside your heart JujuBear! Because you mean so much to me and I want you to be able to enjoy life too! Life is happiness! Life is love! Life is friendship! Life is falling and getting back up with the support of our loved ones!
You’re so passionate about animals and their well being, it always warms my heart! And there’s this sparkle in your eyes as you ardently gush about them 💞🥰🍓🌺🌸 especially of Elizabeth!
O-Oh? You also gush about me? Aaaa that’s so sweet! I’m so proud that I can make you happy. (Sweetheart, your mere existence makes me overwhelmed with love. It shocks me each and everyday how much I love you and how ecstatic I am that you’re by my side. I love you, Shiri.)
!!!! I WANNA HUG YOU RIGHT NOW JUJU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! *Tackles Juju aggressively and excitedly*
But..Also, you must’ve been so scared and sad..I didn’t want to make you feel abandoned. But I also want to wander around and then come back home to you.
I wander through dreams and stories, through songs and quotes, I explore myself through these stories, and I enrich our bond through anime and dramas. Even when I’m away, our bond still remains strong. Our hearts are still linked even when I’m far from you, my JujuBear..
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pretty-memories · 2 years
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♂ Rei Hino in every episode (3/?)
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet||Nanami Kento
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A/N: A lil sumn sumn for the Nanami stans, yall have impeccable taste. I was gonna release an NSFW alphabet, but since this one was requested, I’ll post this first. Featuring a bit of rambling (srry I’ve got Nanami brainrot ig + I was tired writing some parts) as well as Gojo and Mahito slander!! 
Ft. a gender neutral reader
Word Count: 2888
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
First thing is, he’s not big on PDA, while he does give affection liberally, especially when it’s through his actions, Nanami prefers to keep his gestures of love private. In private however, he shows his affection in a myriad of ways. One of his favorites being helping you with your hair, the act not only makes him feel closer to you but it also allows for him to take care of you, one of his favorite things to do.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nanami is definitely the best friend that is reliable. Sure he’s reliable as a friend, the two of you likely became friends initially due to this, but what makes you his best friend is returning that same energy. It’s draining to always be the one holding everything together, just once, Nanami would like to have a shoulder to lean on. Once you become that for him, it won’t be long before the two of you become best friends.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles with Nanami are so warm and safe regardless of if you’re the little spoon or not. His cuddles are also littered with kisses because when he’s tired, he gets a lot more open with his affection. He doesn’t usually talk when he cuddles but if he has a nightmare and you wake up to sooth him, the sound of your voice alone sets him at ease. 
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nanami definitely wants to settle down. It’s canon that he’s only working so that he can make enough to retire early. If you’re the breadwinner, or even if he somehow makes enough to retire, he’s going into full house husband mode and no one can tell him otherwise. If it were up to him, he’d do all the cooking, cleaning, and home upkeep while you go out and work. But alas, life is cruel, and as such, he still enjoys cooking and cleaning but the chores are split between you two. Cooking however, is usually a team project, either the both of you make a meal and clean it together afterwards or one cooks and the other does the dishes, either way, it’s perfect for the two of you.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nanami is at his core, a very mathematical and precise person. His cursed technique is literally a ratio, because of that, he prefers to breakup with people as cleanly as possible. His breakups tend to sound like they’re following a script because of how to the point he is. When breaking up with you, he just bluntly states that he doesn’t see your relationship as beneficial going forward. Literally the most neutral way to break up with someone, how you’d choose to take it though is up to you.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Nanami is the type of person to just elope or have a small ceremony between the two of you. He doesn’t care much for the paperwork or ceremonial side of it, and he is definitely the type of person who just says “You know we’re getting married someday right?”. From that point forward (if you’re ok with it) he’d basically introduce you as his spouse, when questioned though, he just goes “Ah, we’re not married yet.” He’s not shy about commitment though, his dream life is just living in the countryside with his spouse and maybe some animals, he’s a simple man. Not to say that he’s not going to officially propose though, because he will once he finds something good enough to propose with, it’s just that the two of you are “married” before actually being married.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Nanami is a gentle soul deep down. He cares about those he loves very deeply and would throw his life on the line to protect them. Emotionally, Nanami is always extremely respectful of your feelings. Even things as simple as ranting feel safe, almost like his very presence is cradling you. He’s also very open with you in return, despite his usual deadpan tone, he never hesitates to tell you of his thoughts and feelings once you both trust each other. Physically, Nanami is also extremely gentle. He loves to lavish you in soft touches and kisses. His most common spots for kisses are your nose and forehead. 
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Depending on your clumsiness, this may topple you, but Nanami likes to lean into you when giving hugs. His shoulders decompress ad he unconsciously just sinks into you without warning. Now if you’re prepared/ stable enough, you might stumble a little but overall you’ll be fine. If you’re clumsy or not expecting it... let’s hope that there’s something soft behind you because Nanami’s going down with you.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
Nanami is very slow to say that he loves you. It’s not that he’s oblivious or doesn’t realize he loves you, once he realizes, he just accepts that as a fact. It’s simply that he gets wrapped up in his own head, worrying about if you love him too, if he’s being too forward, etc. If you confess first, he’ll have a much easier time admitting it (although he may not immediately respond with ‘I love you too’), but if you leave it up to him...you’ll be waiting a while.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Pretty much all of Nanami’s jealousy comes from the beginning of your relationship when he was a lot more insecure about the place he had in your life. When he would get jealous, he’d just kind of stew in it. It was obvious though that he was jealous and pouting at you and whoever was making him jealous. Later on in your relationship though, he doesn’t get jealous, try as you might. He knows that he’s your partner (a fact that the both of you have affirmed thousands of times) and that no one will come between the two of you. 
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nanami’s kisses are like melting butter, they’re so smooth and gradually they just get more intense until he pulls away and you’re left dizzy. He’s so firm with his kisses too, he always has to be touching you in some way. Whether it be holding your face or resting his hand against the small of your back, Nanami’s kisses may leave you weak in the knees, but he’ll catch you if you fall.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Nanami’s really good with children but in the dad way where you’ll come back and see him and the child both sitting on the couch watching TV. Not to say that he’s lazy with kids but he tends to just let the kid do whatever. If the kid wants Nanami to wear a tutu and do the chicken dance, why not? If the kid wants Nanami to list off animal facts while Nanami listens, sure. Hell, even if the kid just wants to use him as a tablet holder, he’s cool with that. He’s good with kids because he just lets them be kids.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Nanami depend on what the both of you have scheduled for the day. In Nanami’s perfect world, he’d spend the day relaxing with you at home, however, he understands that realistically the both of you have obligations. If it’s a work day for both of you, he’s made a small breakfast and something to drink. If it’s his day off, he spends a little more time laying in bed with you, enjoying the time before you have to leave. If the both of you have the day off, he spends a lot more time on breakfast (not including the extra time he’ll spend in bed with you), plating and serving you before himself and then listening to you talk about your day as he eats.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Contrary to popular belief, Nanami prefers to come home at a reasonable time and spend his nights with you. Honestly, he’d prefer to just live the house husband lifestyle, but hey, rent in Tokyo is expensive so he doesn’t mind if both of you are working. But because of the fact that he’s working, when he comes home, he sticks to a routine. Said routine consists of either cooking dinner together or ordering takeout, watching tv, and ending the night with cuddling. He’s a simple man, even if you don’t stick to the routine, as long as he gets to hold you when it comes time to sleep, he’s good.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It really depends; if you’re a jujutsu sorcerer or even just aware of the supernatural, you’d already either know or have a general idea of his abilities/the world he comes from. If you’re a non-jujutsu sorcerer however, Nanami gets kind of nervous because he doesn’t want you to think he’s crazy. Ideally, if you’re a non-sorcerer, he’d never tell you about that aspect of himself. It’s not like he doesn’t think you should know or even that he’s ashamed; it’s just that’s a chapter of his life that, unless relevant, he doesn’t think is important to know about. To him, it’s just a job, and he’d prefer if you thought of it that way too. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Nanami is very patient. Not to say that he doesn’t get angry or upset, or even that he’s slow to feel these emotions, it’s just that he knows when’s the best time to express certain feelings. Even if he’s upset with you, he’s unlikely to lash out in an argument, preferring to cool down and then come back to talk it out in a constructive manner.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Nanami is the most attentive boyfriend one could ever ask for. He remembers every small detail about you like it’s his full time job. He rarely gets the chance to show you all the little details he remembers about you, so he tends to do so in subtle (and practical) ways. For example, when shopping for furniture like dinnerware, he tends to get sets in colors that are either your favorite or that you picture in your “ideal” kitchen. However, when it comes to remembering details, nothing tops morning pre-work Nanami. He knows your morning routine like the back of his hand and he’ll have the coffee (or tea if coffee isn’t your thing) brewing before you can even wonder what’s for breakfast
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One night, Nanami came home from work dead tired. It was a shitty day overall, filled with deadlines that were suddenly moved up with no warning. As a result, he ended up coming home later than he wanted to, the thought of you waiting for him when he got home carrying him through the last round of paperwork. Everything was dark, and he’d assumed you went to bed. Imagine his surprise when he comes across a bath that you prepared for him with foam, flower petals, fragrances, all the works (it was still somewhat warm so you must’ve done this on his way back). All alongside a note that said ‘If you’re reading this, I’m probably asleep. But you’ve been working hard, take a break and enjoy yourself, Love you Ken.’ After a long day, your note put the warmest smile onto his face. He still keeps the note tucked away neatly in a box with other memories of your relationship.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Aside from the obvious, because of course Nanami would want you to be safe from curses, he’s protective of you in terms of privacy. Sure, being private about his relationship with you means less curses that would know to use you as a weakness against him, but more importantly, Gojo. It’s not that he doesn’t trust the man, it’s just Gojo knows too much about him that could 1) embarrass him or 2) make you uncomfortable (Gojo’s personality isn’t for everyone.) If you already know/ know about Gojo however, any Gojo warding that you do will be greatly appreciated. If you manage to distract the sorcerer enough for Nanami to slip away, he’s forever grateful. Sure, Gojo gets pouty about Nanami’s avoidance but in his opinion, anyone who knew what he looked like in highschool needs to never speak with him again.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
If it wasn’t clear from the moment you started dating this man, Nanami doesn’t half ass relationships. The amount of effort he puts into spending time with you/ getting gifts for you ties back to his attentiveness mentioned earlier. Don’t even get him started on daily tasks because he loves doing small things for you to make your day easier. Even if your day is hard, he hopes that his small actions bring a smile to your face regardless. 
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
Nothing he’s the perfect man jkjk. In all seriousness though, Nanami has a tendency to come off as a “mother knows best type”. It’s never intentional and it usually comes from him just trying to help you, but at the end of the day, he has a bad habit of taking over different tasks/speaking over you. Sometimes it’s nice, like at restaurants, he’ll already know your order. Other times it’s overbearing, for example, if you buy something irresponsible, here comes captain Nanami to remind you about the importance of economic spending habits and if your purchase was really “necessary”. Like, love you but can you leave me alone.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s very concerned with his looks. Nanami believes in a standard of appearance that he has to uphold, as such, although his general outfit/styling choices may seem simple, he’s extremely meticulous when it comes to his looks. He’s not the type for anything flashy but best believe he’s not wearing a three piece suit and $400 watch without being impeccably groomed and styled beforehand.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, Nanami doesn’t feel incomplete without you. He understands that the both of you are adults who had lives prior to this relationship. Not only does he enjoy his alone time, he’s also used to being without you for extended periods of time due to his job. All in all, Nanami is a firm believer in the phrase “hate to see them go, but I love to watch them leave.”
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has a few exes, all of them relationships that consisted primarily of sex or they were long-term relationships that didn’t go anywhere. After a while, he just kinda threw himself into work, so you’re his first relationship in quite some time. His past partners don’t really factor into your relationship aside from general lessons that he would’ve learned anyway such as; compromise, the value of alone time, showing appreciation for one’s partner.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
In general, he hates Mahito There aren’t many qualities in a partner that Nanami dislikes that aren’t already expected in a relationship (ex. boundaries, healthy communication, etc.). Overall, he just wants someone that understands when to give him space and when to give him affection, find that balance, and you’re golden. In general though, Nanami’s not really the type to have a specific standard that he looks for in a partner, he does have a tendency to seek out calmer people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Not necessarily a habit (although he did this a lot more before the two of you started dating) but Nanami is used to all-nighters, no surprise there. An unintended consequence of that is that once he goes to sleep, he’s going down for at least a day. When he knocks out, it’s the type of sleep that leaves you dazed and wondering if you time-traveled after waking up. When he finally does wake up, please bring this man food and water, he needs it.
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aeolian-mode · 3 years
A rant I wrote in a Discord server but because of the recent BNHA chapter I thought I'd post it here. TL;DR it's about "All Might slander" in the fandom and why I find it a bit trite.
I feel like the "All Might slander" side of the BNHA fandom is comprised mostly of young kids or people who just aren't good media critics. They want BNHA to cater to their own personal interpretations and headcanons, and often their interpretation doesn't have citable support from the actual content of the story. Horikoshi missed the mark on a lot of BNHA's storytelling but there are a few themes and symbols that he's extremely intentional about. All Might's character arc and what he represents, juxtaposed with Midoriya, is one of those things he's clearly planned out very well. The All Might critics often fail to take into consideration the medium of BNHA. for example: yes, on the surface, in a real-world setting, a responsible 55 year old adult shouldn't leave a middle school child stranded on the top of a roof after telling him that his dream for the future is unrealistic. What actually happened: All Might is a superhero who just launched himself flying through the air with the sheer force of jumping and a middle school child clung to his legs and went sailing through the sky like a slapstick bullet before somehow landing unharmed on a rooftop. He immediately tells this overworked superhero (who just captured a dangerous villain in his pocket and needs to immediately get to the police station) that he also dreams of being a superhero even though he doesn't have a superpower. This superhero then reveals that he's missing half of his internal organs because of ridiculous superpowers in this world and warns (wisely) that Midoriya's dreams will lead him, a quirkless kid, to absolute annihilation. He then leaves Midoriya alone, which is admittedly a bad choice on his part, but it's probably the worst decision he made here- NOT telling Midoriya his dream is unrealistic. Because: none of this that I just described is feasible in an average, realistic, slice of life, run of the mill Earth setting. BNHA is a manga/cartoon for children that takes larger-than-life, exaggerated anime slapstick in a world full of superpowers that would realistically destroy any normal human upon use. (Like, come on. Nitroglycerin sweat??? Bakugo's skin would ignite or explode upon contact with any open flame throughout his life. Sure you can use an excuse that maybe his superpower specifically compensates for this by providing him with some sort of self-protection mechanism, but at that point you can make the "superpower" excuse for virtually any observed loophole.) We're dealing with cartoon physics here, and a cartoon world often creates a wider barrier for suspension of disbelief between the audience and the media.
Some major themes of BNHA are: the definition of heroism, friendship, and the power of community/working together to achieve a common goal. They're very common themes in shonen anime, and the way BNHA handles it offers a few unique perspectives, but ultimately what we have here is a shonen cartoon for teenagers. so yes: you're going to have slapstick, exaggerated cartoon violence, characters behaving badly without realistic consequences, and unscientific/unrealistic super powers.
(such as: there's SEVERAL instances where Aizawa takes his scarf and briefly chokes one of his students. If this happened in an actual real life setting, Aizawa would be criminally charged with child abuse, lose his teaching license, probably go to jail. Also, he regularly naps during class and is still somehow a respected teacher at UA.)
So a whole lot of the All Might criticism can be viewed in the same way: you can't really keep 'calling out' this cartoon superhero for his perceived missteps on the standards of what would happen in real life. We are already dealing with a cartoon universe where the laws of reality don't apply.
One of the common criticisms of All Might is the fact that he gave Midoriya a superpower knowing full well that if Midoriya used the power before he was ready, he would explode his bones and potentially kill himself. Like, no, in real life: don't give a child a loaded gun. Anything that they could kill themselves with if it was misused. That's Bad.™️ I don't think ANY All Might fan is arguing that he made a good decision if we were judging him on the grounds of reality.
When Midoriya uses the power during the entrance exams to explode the 0 Pointer robot, All Might looks on at his student with pride, instead of abject horror at watching the boy explode all the bones in his arms and legs. Because BNHA's storytelling is not operating in the realm of reality! At all! The scene where Midoriya explodes his bones by using All Might's power is directly correlating to the main theme of BNHA's storytelling: the definition of heroism. Cartoon physics aside, it's about being selfless. Midoriya exemplified selflessness here, a virtue that All Might also exemplifies and values in his disciple. But: watch this show and try applying real-world consequences to every single character's behavior and you'll find something "callout worthy" in virtually every scene, from virtually every character. People who hate All Might just want to hate All Might (and often do so divorced from context). Disliking a character is completely fair, everyone's got their tastes in characters and stories. And you don't have to justify your reason for disliking them. If you want to write a 20 paragraph dissertation on why you don't like them, totally go for it. That's why I'm writing my own 20 paragraph dissertation on why I do. :P Anyway all I'm doing with this dumb rant/post is to just point out that folks are arguing over a colorful superhero cartoon for teenagers. Instead I prefer to take a peek at the core values of what Horikoshi wants to show us with this story and examine whether or not he's successful with that.
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Sailor Moon Classic - Episode 21 "Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime"
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lostandsearching · 3 years
Her Loss
Pairings: Maria Hill/Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff/Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff/Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N is forever searching for her, the half of her soul that will free her form the pain in her heart. But what does she do when the roads fork into different paths and into different arms. How does she differentiate from true love and fleeting lust? Can she find the arms of her destined or will she simply doom herself and let them slip through her fingers.
Warnings: WandaVision elements used, swearing (maybe?)
Word Count: 2600+
A/N: Here’s chapter 3 and we’re following our favourite little witchy! Just a shout out to @theperfectlovestory​ for being so patient and reading through my chapters. If you ain’t read her work, you’re missing out! As always, reblogs and feedback are welcome. Enjoy :)
Chapter One | Chapter Two
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Tossing and turning, she shifts around in bed uncomfortably. Having been able to sleep the night before, exhaustion catching up to her, she is faced with another restless night. Her sleeping has improved over the months. The nights she cried to sleep was no longer a regular occurrence but she still had her difficulties.
The bed was always too unfamiliarly empty no matter how much time had passed. There was no weight by her side causing a dip in the mattress, no strong arms wrapped around her waist encasing her protectively and no cool body to nestle herself against. Her empty bed serves as just another reminder of everything she’s lost. The fates had been cruel to her, delivering her time and time again into loving arms only to rip them away from her far too soon.
Having accepted that sleep will not welcome her tonight, she looked towards the wall clock on her right. ‘It’s only four but I guess I can enjoy the quiet and watch the sunrise for a little while’ muttering to herself. She clambers out of bed throwing on a large dark blue jumper, his jumper, and a pair of jeans careful not to make any noise and stir the children next door.
She loves Clint’s children dearly and wholeheartedly. They accepted her, a stranger, as family without hesitation or fear of her abilities. Little Nate went so far as running to her with the widest grin on his face to proudly proclaim that he’s also named after her brother. This only brought happy tears to her eyes as she engulfed him in a hug. Yes, she loved them dearly and she couldn’t be more grateful to the retired archer and Laura for opening their home to her but sometimes it was too much.
The happy shrieks of laughing children reverberating off the walls, the gentle and loving touches between Laura and Clint, the pure love and pride in Clint’s eyes as he took in his family at the dinner table would sometimes be unbearable for Wanda. This was supposed to be the life she had with him. A home, he had secretly bought for them, in a place called Westview with two children at least. They would have dinner together as a family, watch their children grow up like no time has passed at all, even go trick-or-treating wearing silly family costumes. Her life would have been filled with love, laughter and warm embraces but he was gone, taking her dreams along with him.
Wanda quickly threw on her slippers and crept as quietly as possible out of the farmhouse, trying to avoid rousing the slumber of the ever attentive Hawkeye. He may need hearing aids but Wanda would bet anything that he wore them to bed to avoid being taken by surprise. One misstep on a creaky floorboard would have him rushing out with bow and arrow in hand, ready to protect his family from any intruder, only for her to flounder a lame excuse at her sneaking around at an ungodly hour.
Lady luck was on her side it would seem and she escaped the confines of the home without incident. She is instantly greeted by a cool and gentle breeze caressing her skin. She sits on the steps of the home looking up at the clear night sky as the sun teeters on the horizon, teasing the darkness with a warm glow. She lets her mind wander back to over a year ago, to the events that unfolded after her return from the now dubbed Blip.
One moment she had Vision’s lifeless body cradled against her as she sobs, only to be suddenly greeted by a strange man calling her to arms, Vision’s body nowhere to be found.
“The fate of the world needs you to come with me now if we are to have any hope in defeating Thanos” and with that he opened a portal and passed through, Wanda nipping at his heels.
She thrust herself into the chaotic battlefield, remnants of the destroyed compound strewn about, with only one goal in mind. He took the love of her life, he took her life and he’s taken her home. Thanos has taken everything from her and now she’ll make him pay.
She flew in engaging Thanos, bombarding him with all the rage coursing through her veins. Angry, red wisps encase the tyrant threatening to rip him apart but as she was within a hair’s breadth away from finding her revenge, hell fire reigned from the skies knocking her off her feet. The battle for the gauntlet waged on being passed from Avenger to Avenger in hopes of getting it to some rickety van in the distance.
When all hope seemed to be lost, the gauntlet fixed around Thanos’s hand once again with an arrogant line about inevitability escaping his lips, their one and only chance arrived.
“Stark! Now!” a sound shouts commandingly before a woman encompassed in light crashes into the purple titan throwing him back. In the few moments after the order, Tony flew into action and disabled the gauntlet remotely allowing it to fall from Thanos’s hand and to wrap itself around the ready fist of Captain Marvel.
“Yeah, I don’t think so” she retorts with a head tilt and a cocky grin painted on her face. ‘Snap’ the battlefield is once again being covered in ash but it is Thanos’s army that is falling to dust with himself crumbling soon after. Being exposed to gamma radiation in space for years and receiving power from the space stone made her more resilient to the after effects of using the infinity stones. Painful as it was, she would recover.
Wanda on the other hand wasn’t sure she would recover herself. Not only had she lost Vision and her home, in what felt like a matter of fleeting moments, she lost the chance at avenging him by her own hands. ‘He’s gone, this will have to be good enough’ she finally relents to herself.
It was only after the battle had ended, when Bruce and Captain Marvel, she later learned, had been tended to that she found out the true price of  her, and the half the universe’s return. Natasha Romanoff had given her life in exchange for the soul stone, she gave her life so the world could be set right.
The icy cold Black Widow had held her at arms-length after Wanda had entered the older woman’s mind at Ultron’s behest. At the battle of Sokovia Wanda tried to remedy her mistake and prove herself but lost her first home and the life of her brother, Pietro, instead. Clint quickly took it upon himself to care for the young witch and urged Natasha to give Wanda a chance. He believed she already paid a heavy price for her mistake, she doesn’t need to be punished anymore.
With many gruelling training sessions under the watchful eye of the Black Widow, a tentative bond slowly grew, one of mentorship and then eventually friendship. Natasha grew to care for Wanda like a younger sister, although she would never out rightly admit of her fondness to the other Avengers. Wanda learnt to appreciate that the harshness delivered in Natasha’s training had served to keep Wanda alive, to give her the tools to protect herself from their dangerous job.
She had lost another loved one, Natasha on a planet and in a time she couldn’t reach, she needed to get one of them back. She approached the only man she knew that would have the unending finances to find Vision’s body. Although she still doesn’t trust Tony Stark, his hubris being the reason for her parents’ death and then his pride being the reason she was locked away in the Raft like an animal, she believed that his intentions were only ever good, even if his methods were questionable at best. He swore on his daughter’s life, much to the surprise of Wanda only having learnt of Morgan, that he would find Vision for her. She will try to trust him once more.
The compound needed to be rebuilt and Stark needed to build another time machine so that the stones could be returned to their original time, cutting off the branches, at least that’s what was explained to her.
It took no time at all, considering Stark’s wealth and that the world was also eternally grateful for the return of their loved ones, for the Avengers compound to be rebuilt. Surprisingly, especially to Stark, she continued to stay at the cabin whilst the new time machine was being built. She couldn’t possibly go back to the compound with both her love and her sister being gone.
“Please bring her back, I can’t lose anyone else. I don’t know what I’d do” she pleads with her arms around the super soldier. She pulls back from their embrace, tears threatening to fall.
“I’ll bring her back Wanda, whatever it takes” Steve promises with finality and with a gentle squeeze of her hand, he steps into the portal.
Wanda stood there with bated breath, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around herself. She squeezes herself tightly as if holding back a terrible force and its impending explosion from within, should Steve fail. It isn’t until Bruce speaks that she tempts fate by opening her eyes, fixed on the platform once more.
“5…4…3…2…1. Ha! It worked!” he yelps, fisting the air with joy.
Wanda couldn’t believe the sight in front of her, Steve kept his word. Forest green eyes land on hazel green ones. She wasn’t too sure what happened, one moment she was standing and the next moment, she was crumpled on the floor sobbing. She finally let the tears free fall, allowing the anguish, loss and small reprieve to wash over her. ‘She came back, someone came back’ a mantra repeating itself in her mind begging to be believed.
With all the agility and grace attributed to the Widow, Natasha leapt out of Steve’s arms to engulf the younger woman in hers. As is always in the Avengers’ lives, the joy of a win is forever marred with sorrow at the cost of gaining it.
The compound having already been built, Wanda finally returned with Natasha by her side. The Avengers home was no longer filled with mirth as it once was, trauma, loss and exhaustion hangs heavy in the air. Clint had chosen to stay at the compound temporarily, with his family, to spend time with Wanda and Natasha. Tony and Rhodey chose to retire, Captain Marvel had long since returned to space but promised to visit when she was in the galaxy, Thor chose to leave the Avengers to join The Guardians in space and Vision was gone.
It was a week after Natasha’s return, a week at the compound that Wanda finally got the call she so desperately needed.
“Hey witchy, how are you liking the new digs?” Tony jokes. Wanda couldn’t help but roll her eyes as anger began bubbling beneath the surface.
“I am not in the mood for your jokes Stark” her thick Sokovian accent slipping past the cracks of her control.
Tony lets out a heavy sigh before responding. “OK kid, this isn’t a social call. I promised I’d find him but I don’t think you’re gonna like what I’m about to tell you” he tries carefully.
Her eyes are consumed with whirls of red while her hand holds the phone in a vice-like grip. “Where is he Stark?” she says through gritted teeth.
“I tried to get his body released to me this morning, but they refused. I could spend every dime I have and liquidate all my assets, they still won’t let him go claiming that he is government property since he signed the Accords.” frustration clear in his voice.
“I will get the best lawyers on the case but it will take time be…”
“Where” she interrupts with a bite in her tone.
After the events of meeting Hayward and seeing what he had done to Vision, Wanda knew she had two choices. She opted for the latter. She called Natasha as soon as she left S.W.O.R.D’s offices making her way back to her car.
“Wanda, what’s going on? You ran…” Before she could finish her questioning, she is interrupted by Wanda’s broken voice.
“S.W.O.R.D have Vision’s body and they wouldn’t let me take him home to bury him. They’re tearing him apart like an OBJECT! He gave his LIFE and they won’t even let what’s left of him find PEACE!” her anger is replaced by breaking sobs wracking through her body, ending her ability to speak any further.
“Come home now. Clint and I will fix it” She commands calmly and confidently.
Just as Wanda was the female assassin’s younger sister, she was also the archer’s daughter. No-one messes with the two deadly assassins’ family and escapes unscathed.
True to the Widow name, Natasha seduced and hacked her way into S.W.O.R.D’s data server and extracted details on questionable S.W.O.R.D activities including Hayward’s isolated server with files and data on his less than legal proclivities.
Clint, being true to his ethos, was crawling through S.W.O.R.D ventilation shafts, planting well placed audio and visual recording devices, courtesy of Stark himself.
With all the pieces at hand, Natasha only needed the perfect person for the execution. Her love for Wanda saw her doing the unimaginable for the first time. She asked for help.
“Maria, I need you to do something for me. I need you to get Vision’s body from S.W.O.R.D. Clint and I have all the data you’ll need to make it happen” her steady voice not betraying the pounding in her heart.
“Why would I get on S.W.O.R.D’S radar exactly?” Maria responds emotionlessly. She would have done it without question of course, but she can’t let Natasha know that. After all, she has a reputation to maintain.
“Because I will owe you a favour” Natasha retorts through clenched teeth. A pregnant pause fills the air before Maria responds.
“Send me everything you have and give me 48 hours” without another word, Maria ends the call and Natasha releases a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding.
Maria, always a woman of her word, saw to it that 48 hours later Vision’s body was being returned to Wanda at the compound under S.H.I.E.L.D escort. Wanda may not have given her lover the death that he asked of her nor the vengeance that he was owed, but she could give him the burial that he deserved and the farewell she needed.
All the Avengers, including Rhodey, Tony and Thor, returned one last time to pay their respects, to honour their fallen ally and friend. Wanda laid to rest the love of her life and yet another piece of her heart.
“You know, you still aren’t as quiet as Nat” he teases taking a seat on the step beside her. “Penny for your thoughts?” he gently prods.
“Thinking about him” Wanda whispers, still unable to say Vision’s name since the funeral. “Thinking about what you, Nat and even Tony have done for me since”
He turns to look at the young woman and sees not only pain in her eyes, but a steady determination that wasn’t there before. He keeps quiet, allowing her to gather her thoughts without interruption.
“I think…no, I know I’m ready to go home Clint” she says with growing confidence. She finally turns to face the archer. She sees time, suffering and loss etched on his aging face but those are all muted by the brightness in his blue-grey eyes full of love and pride.
Wanda has survived the loss of her parents, her brother, her first home and her lover. She’s tired of surviving and she is finally ready to go home to start living.
“I’ll tell Nat so she can get a jet ready and prepared for you” and with that, they spend the last few moments together, sitting in silence and basking in the warm glow of the sunrise full of hope and gentle promises. 
Chapter Four
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