#queen of the north's lion
writingsofwesteros · 1 year
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trckstaer · 9 months
' did you think I would be nicer ? '
' no, I thought he would be safer. '
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Heart of the Great Wolf
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Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader (Slow Burn)
Robb Stark x F!Baratheon!Reader
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Pre Series Content and Extras:
Scattered Memories of the Starks
Shadows of their Hatred
The Lost Chapters of Jon Snow
A New Life's Darkened Lust
Interlude of Jealous Desires
NSFW Alphabet (contains spoilers for part 3 and 4)
Woes of a Modern Day Love (a modern!au)
Fresh Heals of Old Pain (a modern!au part 2)
Part 1:
Wolves of the Lone Stag
Mouth of the Lion's Den
An Intrigue Drenched in Blood
Standing Behind a Betrayal
A War of Tragic Beginning
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Part 2:
King and Queen in the North
Shadow of a Fiery Stag
Reunion of New Enemies
Pleasure of Conflicted Desire
The Sanctity of Children
What Lies Beyond The Veil
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Part 3:
The Cost of Our Sins
Dragged Through the Violence
Only the Cold
Fire for the King's Blood
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Part 4:
Ashes of Various Grey
Plans of Pain and Horror
Afraid of a Ravens Flight
Trust in the Gentle Rasps
Visions in Eyes and Flames
A Bastard or The White Wolf
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Part 5:
Home of Bloodsoaked Stone
Blazing Fire of Storming Ice
Ghostly Dreams of Old
Sailing Through the Glow
The Last Dragon
The Winter Rose
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Part 6:
The Clash of Three Kings
Shrouded Truth in Sickness
Winged Shadow in the Sky
Light in the Darkest Storms
Peeking the Realms Woes
Blood, Roses and All Lies
Broken Love of the Dead
The Souls Tethered in Death
Wolves of the Past and Back
The Crows and The Sight
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Part 7:
A Brewing of New Mystery
Great Wolves of White Mists
Darkness Heavy in a World
Past Becomes the Present
The Thing in the Night
Waving Tides of Turmoil
Greenish White Boodraven
Dark Blood of Blinding Light
And Wait for the Snows
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Part 8:
Into the Haunted Forest
Fist of the First Men
Through the Frost Fangs
News From the South
Lies Within the Sunlight
Night of Two Distances
Screams of Cracking Ice
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conkreetmonkey · 7 months
Splatoon 3 is wild because imagine if you were living in Japan due to a recent economic and cultural boom, and suddenly a space shuttle with a mutant house-sized T-rex riding it suddenly burst from the center of Mt. Fuji and disappeared into space without explanation, and all you ever find out about what the fuck that was about is that Zuckerburg mysteriously disappeared the same day and was never seen again, but still "officially" ran Meta through an open secret Queen-Elizabeth-being-in-good-health gaslighting campaign, and everybody kind of suspected he may have been connected but never figured out anything conclusive.
Also the T-rex is now orbiting the earth in the fetal position like the guy from Jojo, and there are rumors of a substance that, if touched, turns you into a half-dinosaur monster. Nobody understands any of this but Meta employees just keep going to work and pretending Zuck still exists. The same 12 prerecorded voicelines constantly squak from the PA system.
Oddly, the statue in front of Meta HQ of a T-rex eating a human changes overnight into one of a giant human eating a tiny T-rex. Nobody noticed the switch, despite the statue being in a constantly bustling area. It happened shortly after the shuttle incident.
Jack Black's tiny clone, Lil' Jack, now wears a headset at all times and has been acting really shady since the incident. Also they're both hyperintelligent, immortal velociraptors found in an ancient cryogenic chamber who spend their days judging college football and eating the legally harvested flesh of hillbillies. Lil' Jack is probably plotting to kill Big Jack, but Big Jack doesn't seem to care, growing fat and lazy, sleeping on public benches in a bed of throw pillows. Also, he's very open about the fact that, as a velociraptor, humans look delicious, but he hasn't actually eaten anybody aside from the aforementioned hillbillies because he's civil.
Everyone is just expected to move on with their lives after this. This is normal to you.
The local art school was recently attacked by giant sea serpents, which were actually hideously bioengineered hillbillies, fulfilling a biblical doomsday prophecy, and they were driven back by Meta's army of minimum wage, part time child soldiers armed with warcrimey jury-rigged weaponry. The sea serpents had giant frying pans grafted into their mouths, which launched primitive tactical nukes made by filling garbage bags with their explosive blood. They still exist, and occasionally defend their comrades, but spend most of their time in the deep sea.
The local homeless emo twink everyone's attracted to is a closet millionaire who sells bootleg clothing in exchange for live rats, which he messily devours behind closed doors. He's also 8 feet tall and British and only has one eye.
North Korean refugees now flood the western world, after a greasy 14 year old hipster, under the guidance of Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, beat Kim Jong Un in a mech battle, and the EDM remix of the Japanese national anthem they performed caused like half the soldiers to immediately realize North Korea sucks ass and defect. One of these individuals, 7 foot tall hypergenius, becomes a newscaster alongside a nepo baby rapper with dwarfism who likes to eat entire jars of mayo, and also they're a popular band. Also also, they may or may not be gay. Almost the entire population is gay, so this isn't a huge deal.
The new local newscasters are a famous Japanese lion tamer, an Indian girl with a bloodline trait allowing her to control snakes, and a Brazillian man the size of a smart car who exclusively communicates via grunts.
Gods, souls and zombies are objectively real, and you're effectively immortal because real-life respawning was invented a while ago. It works like a Keurig, but with mucus instead of coffee. Submersion in water kills you.
A good deal of the population is a hivemind. They pretend to be individuals for no reason.
Almost all men are now femboys.
Despite all this, you still have to go to work at 9 tomorrow.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Statistics of Apollo's Lovers
I was wondering just how unfortunate of a love-life our boy Apollo had, so - as one does - I did the research, math, and writing of said love-life.
such is the life of an adhd teen :)
In total, there are 59 people on this list. I have them separated into eight groups; Immortal, Immortal & Rejected, Lived, Died, Rejected & Died, Rejected & Cursed, Rejected & Lived, and who were Rejected by Apollo
Disclaimer: I am not a historian nor an expert in Greek Mythology, I am just a very invested nerd in Mythology, and in Apollo's mythology in general, and got curious about what his rap sheet actually looks like.
Sidenote: There will be some "lovers" not on this list. Reasons being;
No actual literary sources behind them
Said literary sources are dubious at best
Not enough information is given about the nature of their relationship to make an accurate take
So if somebody isn't on this list, it's because of one of those three reasons. Although there is still a chance I missed somebody! :)
Also, no RRverse lovers include in this list. Sorry my fellow ToA fans.
(Edited 04/29/24 - Currently adding in sources/references/expanding on the myths themselves. bare with me lol)
Let's begin! :D
Immortal Lovers
Calliope: muse of epic poetry. Mother of Hymenaios and Ialemus by Apollo.
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry
Euterpe: muse of music
Polyhymnia: muse of hymns/sacred poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Thalia: muse of comedy. Mother of the Corybantes by Apollo.
Terpsichore: muse of dance
Urania: muse of astronomy
Boreas: the North Wind. yes Apollo dated the North Wind. Who knew? It's mentioned in the Argonautica by the Boreads - they call Apollo "beloved of our sire" so...hmm. wonder what happened there because that's all we get.
10 lovers total here.
9 Female, 1 Male
Immortal & Rejected
Hestia: goddess of the Hearth
1 Interest. Female.
Lovers Who Lived:
Branchus: mortal shepherd, gifted prophecy
Rhoeo: mortal princess, eventually married an apprentice of Apollo
Ourea: demigod daughter of Poseidon, dated Apollo during his punishment with Laomedon; had a son named after the city of Troy
Evadne: nymph daughter of Poseidon, Apollo sent Eileithyia & (in some texts) the Fates to aid in their son's birth
Thero: great-granddaughter of Heracles, described as "beautiful as moonbeams"
Cyrene: mortal princess-turned-nymph queen, kick-ass lion wrangler, and mother of two of Apollo's sons - Aristaeus (a god) and Idmon (powerful seer)
Admetus: mortal king, took great care of Apollo during his second punishment, Apollo wingmanned him for Alcestis's hand - basically Apollo doted on him <3
Hecuba: queen of Troy, together they had Troilus.
It was foretold that if Troilus lived to adulthood, Troy wouldn't fall - unfortunately, Achilles murdered Troilus in Apollo's temple. When the Achaeans burned Troy down, Apollo rescued Hecuba and brought her to safety in Lycia.
Hyrie/Thyrie: mortal. mothered a son by Apollo. Their son, Cycnus, attempted to kill himself after some shenanigans and his mother attempted the same. Apollo turned them into swans to save their lives.
Dryope: mortal. had a son named Amphissus with Apollo, who was a snake at the time. Later turned into a lotus flower, but it had nothing to do with Apollo so she's still on this list. (noncon; written by Ovid in Metamorphoses)
Creusa: mortal queen. had a son named Ion with Apollo. Please check out @my-name-is-apollo's post for more details because they make some good points about what's considered "rape" in Ancient Greece.
Melia: Oceanid nymph. Had a son w/h Apollo named Tenerus. will expand on her in a bit
Iapis: a favorite lover. Apollo wanted to teach him prophecy, the lyre, ect. but Iapis just wanted to heal :) so Apollo taught him healing :)
Aethusa: daughter of Poseidon & the Pleiad Alcyone. Mother of Linus and Eleuther. She is the great-great grandmother of Orpheus.
Acacallis: daughter of King Minos. there's a lot of variation on whether or not she had kids with Hermes or Apollo. Some say she had a kid with each.
Chrysothemis: nymph queen who won the oldest contest of the Pythian Games - the singing of a hymn to Apollo. She had three daughters, and one of them is said to be Apollo's.
Corycia: naiad. had a son with Apollo. the Corycian Cave north of Delphi is named after her
Leuconoe (also Choine or Philonis): daughter of Eosphorus, god of the planet Venus, and mother of the bard Philammon.
Melaena (also Thyia or Kelaino): mother of Delphos, member of prophetic Thriae of Delphi. Priestess of Dionysus.
Othreis: mothered Phager by Apollo, and later Meliteus by Zeus.
Stilbe: mother of Lapithus and Aineus by Apollo.
Syllis (possible same as Hyllis, granddaughter of Heracles): mothered Zeuxippus by Apollo. 
Amphissa: Apollo seduced her in the form of a shepherd. They had a son named Agreus.
Aria (or Deione): had a son named Miletus. Hid him in some smilax. Her father found him and named him.
Arsinoe: she and Apollo had a daughter named Eriopis.
Queen of Orkhomenos (no name is given): Mother of Trophonius (my fellow ToA fans will recognize that name haha).
Hypermnestra: Either Apollo or her husband fathered her son Amphiaraus. (sidenote: @literallyjusttoa suggested that Apollo was dating both Hypermnestra and Oikles, and I, personally, accept that headcannon)
Manto: Daughter of Tiresias. Apollo made her a priestess of Delphi. They had a son named Mopsus. When Apollo sent her to found an oracle elsewhere, he told her to marry the first man she saw outside of Delphi. That man turned out to be Rhacius, who brought her to Claros, where she founded the oracle of Apollo Clarios. Later, another man named Lampus attempted to assult her, but was killed by Apollo. She is also said to be a priestess who warned Niobe not to insult Leto, and to ask for forgiveness. Niobe did not.
Parthenope: granddaughter of a river god. Mothered Lycomedes by Apollo
Phthia: prophetess. called "beloved of Apollo". Mother three kings by him; Dorus, Laodocus, & Polypoetes
Procleia: Mother of Tenes, son of Apollo, who was killed by Achilles before the Trojan War. Daughter of King Laomedon, king of Troy.
Helenus: prince of Troy. Received from Apollo an ivory bow which he used to wound Achilles in the hand.
Hippolytus of Sicyon: called "beloved of Apollo" in Plutarch Life of Numa. I don't think this guy is the same as the Hippolytus, son of Zeuxippus (son of Apollo), king of Sicyon Pausanias talks about in his Description of Greece. That would be a little weird taking the whole family tree into account - though it's never stopped Zeus before, I guess.
Psamathe: nereid, said to be the personification of the sand of the sea-shore. There are two versions of her myths, both very different, but I'll only explain the one that explicitly states her and Apollo's relationship, which is by Conon's Narrationes. She and Apollo were lovers, but never had any kids. When another man assaulted her, she had a son and abandoned him. (He was found by some shepherds dw - wait, he was then torn apart by dogs. Nevermind.). Back to her, her father ordered for her to be executed and Apollo avenged her death by sending a plague onto Argos and refused to stop it until Psamathe and Linus (her son) were properly given honors.
(I really like how even though Linus isn't Apollo's kid, and that Psamathe wanted nothing to do with the kid, Apollo still considered him worth avenging too <3 )
(also would like to say that I found her on another's wiki page and that page said she was raped by Apollo - this just proves that you shouldn't take the wiki at face value because as shown above, that is not what happened.)
Alright. 34 lovers here.
5 Male. 29 Female.
33 are 100% consensual. Creusa is questionable, depending on who's translating.
The last one is Melia, who I will expand upon here.
Melia was said to be kidnapped, and her brother found her with Apollo. He set fire to Apollo's temple in an effort to get her back, but was killed. Melia and Apollo had two kids - but here's the interesting part. Melia was highly worshiped in Thebes, where her brother found her. She was an incredibly important figure in Thebes, especially when connected with Apollo. She and Apollo were essentially the parents of Thebes.
As I read over their story, it sounded like (to me, at least. it's okay if you think otherwise!) that Melia just absconded/eloped with Apollo.
Was kidnapping an equivalent to assault back then? Perhaps. But it's still debated on whenever or not that's true. However, one thing I've noticed reading up on these myths is that when Apollo does do something unsavory, the text says so.
It never says anything about Apollo doing anything to Melia. Her father and brother believe she was kidnapped, but, like mentioned previously, it seems far much more likely that she just ran off with her boyfriend or something.
But that's just my interpretation.
Moving on! :)
Lovers Who Died:
Hyacinthus*: mortal prince. we all know this one, right? Right? one and only true love turned into flower
Cyparissus: mortal. his DEER DIED and he asked Apollo to let him MOURN FOREVER so he was turned into a cypress tree
Coronis: mortal princess. cheated on Apollo w/h another guy. mother of Asclepius. killed by Artemis.
Adonis: yes, THAT Adonis. he's in this category because. well. he died. rip
Phorbas: at first I was going to keep him off, till I went "hOLD UP!". Listen, this guy's story is contradictory in Hyginus's De Astronomica - he's a rival of Apollo, then all of a sudden his (dead) lover. My first reaction was the above, then it was "OH MY GODS CANON ENEMIES TO LOVERS??? WITH DEATH???"
There's also a second account of Phorbas - he ended a plague on an island and became Apollo's lover that way, and when he died, Zeus turned him into a constellation - Ophiuchus.
(*In some texts, Hyacinthus was resurrected.)
6 lovers.
5 Male. 1 Female. All consensual.
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Died:
Daphne: do i nEED to say anything? Nymph. turned into tree to escape.
Castalia*: Nymph. turned into spring to escape.
2 Interests. 1 debatable.
2 Female.
(*Castalia's myth was written in 400 AD, VERY late in the myth cycle, and was strictly ROMAN. In every other case, the Castalian spring was already at Delphi before Apollo was born.)
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Cursed
Cassandra: mortal princess. Promised to date Apollo if she was given gift of prophecy. when he did, she rejected him and he cursed her to never be believed for her visions.
1 Interests.
1 Female.
Lover-Interests Who Rejected & Lived
Sinope: mortal. got Apollo to promise her anything; requested to remain a virgin. he obliged.
Marpessa: mortal princess, granddaughter of Ares. Idas, son of Poseidon, kidnapped her and Apollo caught up to them. Zeus had Marpessa chose between them, and she chose Idas, reasoning that she would eventually grow old and Apollo would tire of her.
Bolina: mortal. Apollo approached her and she flung herself off a cliff. He turned her into a nymph to save her life. Nothing happened between them, although some texts may say that she eventually dated him.
Ocroe/Okyrrhoe: nymph and daughter of a river god. asked a boatman to take her home after Apollo approached her. Apollo ended up turning the boat to stone and the seafarer into a fish.
Sibyl of Cumean: mortal seer. promised to date Apollo if she was given longevity as long as the amount of sand in her hand. he did, but she refused him.
5 Interests. All female.
Okyrrhoe's story is the only one with any iffy stuff, although, like stated in previous sections, when something iffy does occur, the text usually says so outright.
Rejected by Apollo:
Clytie*: Oceanid nymph. turned into a heliotrope to gaze at the sun forever after the rejection.
1 Advance. Female.
(*Clytie's story was originally about her affection for Helios. When Apollo got conflated with him, her story also changed.)
In Conclusion...
59 people total (includes Castalia & Clytie)
48 Women (81%). 11 Men (19%).
19% were Immortal (Including Lovers & Rejected)
66% Lived (Including Lovers & Rejected)
14% Died (Including Lovers & Rejected)
1% were Cursed
2% were Rejected by him
57 people total (Not including Castalia & Clytie)
46 Women (82%). 11 Men (18%).
18% were Immortal
68% Lived (Lovers & Rejected)
12% Died (Lovers & Rejected)
in that 12%, one was apotheosized - Hyacinthus.
Meaning 10% died permanently, while 2% were resurrected.
2% were Cursed
0% were Rejected by him
Additionally, I left off three male lovers and two female lovers - Atymnius, Leucates, Cinyras, Hecate, & Acantha.
Atymnius has no references to being Apollo's lover, only to Zeus's son Sarpedon.
Leucates is another male "lover" left off the rack - apparently he jumped off a cliff to avoid Apollo, but I couldn't find any mythological text to account for it. There is a cliff named similarly to him where Aphrodite went (by Apollo's advice) to rid herself of her longing for Adonis after his death. Also Zeus uses it to rid himself of his love for Hera before he cheats on her again.
Cinyras was a priest of Aphrodite on the island of Cyprus. He was also the island's king. Pindar calls him "beloved of Apollo" in his Pythian Ode. However, looking further into Cinyras's life throws a bit of a wrench into it. He's also cited to be a challenger to Apollo's skill, and either Apollo or Mars (Ares) kills him for his hubris.
(honestly, I kinda like the idea that Mars went into Big Brother Mode)
I did consider leaving him on the list, since technically you could argue it was a romance-gone-bad, but among every other source Cinyras is mentioned in, Pindar's the only one who puts a romantic label on him and Apollo.
Hecate, the goddess of magic and crossroads, is said to be the mother of Scylla (like, the sea-monster) by Apollo, but Scylla's parentage is one of those "no specific parents" ones, so I left her off the list.
Acantha has absolutely no classical references. There's a plant like her name, but she's made-up, so she doesn't count.
(Of course, I could be wrong about any of these. Again, I'm not an expert.)
With all this in mind, this means Apollo's love life actually isn't as tragic as media portrays it, and he isn't as bad as Zeus or Poseidon in the nonconsensual area.
Does he still have those kinds of myths? Yes, with Dryope & Creusa, though Creusa we could discount because;
1) Depends on who's translating it; and
2) Euripides (the guy who wrote the play Ion) contradicts himself on Ion's parentage in another play, and honestly Apollo's characterization in Ion just doesn't quite match up with the rest of his appearances in the wider myths (in my opinion, at least - feel free to ask why)
So that leaves us with just Dryope, who comes from Ovid. Now I'm not saying we should throw her out because of Ovid's whole "wrote the gods even more terribly to criticize Augustus" thing, but it is something to keep in mind.
So overall, I'd say Apollo has a rather clean relationship past. It is far better than Zeus or Poseidon's for one, and he is miles ahead of Hermes and Dionysus.
He's doing pretty damn good.
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nowherefastmp3 · 5 months
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Henry was eighteen when we met, and I was queen of France. He came down from the north to Paris with a mind like Aristotle’s and a form like mortal sin. We shattered the Commandments on the spot.
The Lion in Winter, dir. Anthony Harvey (1968), based on the play by James Goldman
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beberenae-blog · 1 month
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Got a commission done by @highgardenart of the Queen in the North, Sansa Stark ever since i started watching Game of Thrones since i was around middle school age i had a connection with Sansa she was just a simple girl thrown to the lions den and forced herself to climb out of it.
As a young girl with a bad home life myself I understood and related to her she was the heroine in her own story and I only finished GoT because I wanted to see the end of her characters journey, do I think she'll be Queen of the North in the books , don't know GRRM does like to keep us waiting but I do hope for Sansa that she gets to have the life she wanted once all her enemies are dead.
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diamondperfumes · 9 months
I like and see the appeal of "Dany, Jon, and Young Griff" as the three heads of the dragon/"new Targaryen trio." I can't help but think, however, that people who are reluctant to acknowledge that the real three heads are likely Dany, Jon, and Tyrion, are simply being ableist.
It makes sense that the three heads are Dany, Jon, and Tyrion, centered around Dany (she is Aegon the Conqueror Reborn; this prophecy centers around her, whether you like it or not).
All three have dealt with an undying threat using fire (the Undying, aptly named; a wight; a stone man).
All three have connections to dragons (Dany the strongest connection, one I don't need to elaborate on, hence being the center of the trio; Jon, who wishes for a dragon "or three," who speaks of a dragon warming things up at the Wall; Tyrion, who adores dragons, who yearned for one as a child and even dreamed of them, who is an expert on dragonology).
All three have had concrete, extensive ruling arcs (and not just "for thematic exploration," as some would have it, but as tangible demonstrations of what Westeros needs, and how Westeros could benefit if they were in charge), as Queen of Meereen, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and (acting) Hand of King Joffrey I Baratheon.
Both Jon and Tyrion show up in Dany's House of the Undying visions; Jon as Dany's third ?* in her bride of fire prophecy, Tyrion as a white lion running through grass. Tyrion similarly hears a prophecy of dragons from Moqorro, a prophecy that likely refers to both Jon and Dany, among other Targaryens, and is said to be a snarling shadow amidst them all. If that doesn't scream Tyrion's importance, especially his future connection to Dany and Jon both, I don't know what does.
All three are the third child of their parents, whose mothers died in childbirth, and all three have some kind of rivalry with an elder sibling (though Jon's relationship with Robb is the healthiest and most loving). All three also look up to their eldest brothers. All three had a negative relationship with an authority figure while growing up: Viserys, Catelyn, and Tywin (and for Cat haters, no I am not comparing Cat to Vis and Tywin, except to demonstrate the similarities in thinking and emotional state between the three).
All three suffer a formative betrayal that leads to a physical or metaphysical rebirth, taking place over ASOS to ADWD.
All three know what it's like to starve, be hunted, and live in deprivation. These aren't just random experiences; it's obvious that George is setting them up to brave the harsh conditions of the Long Night, possibly to find the heart of winter together. Being able to endure and survive starvation and the extremities of physical environments like The Wall, the Red Waste, and Slaver's Bay, are building blocks to this.
All three have connections to nomadic cultures that are seen as savage and barbaric––the Dothraki, the Free Folk, and the Mountain Clans of the Vale.
All three are positioned to rectify the wrongs of their houses, though thus far Dany has done the most concrete work in this regard (this is not a slight against Jon and Tyrion). More on this later.
All three are "outcast" POV's, even explicitly referred to as such by GRRM. Jon because he was raised as a bastard, Dany as an exile, bridal slave, and teenage girl, Tyrion as a dwarf who has been abused and maligned his whole life.
All three have had arcs that take place away from Westeros proper; again, this geographic and geopolitical distancing from Westeros only serves to enhance their ideological values as rulers and leaders.
Under the complicated rules of succession, all three are positioned to inherit a title that is not immediately accessible to them: Jon as King in the North (Winterfell), Tyrion as Lord of Casterly Rock, Dany as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Why they can't access it is because of the very things that make them outcasts.
All three are foreshadowed to have three formative romances. Jon with Ygritte, Val, and ?*, Dany's marriages to Drogo, Hizdahr, and ?*, Tyrion with Tysha, Sansa, and ?**. Dany and Tyrion specifically share the parallel of having three marriages, with the first two "failing" in some way.
Their ruling arcs each deal with similar themes: the makings of war and peace, the line between compromise and justice, stirrings of revolution, poverty, hunger, disenfranchisement, exploitation, religion, ableism, classism, ethnic nationalism, etc.
Dany and Tyrion share in common being enslaved. This is a very important parallel that Jon does not have in common with them.
All three are related to, and have thus observed, kings: Jon is Robb's brother (biologically, his cousin) and observed Robert Baratheon; Tyrion is Joffrey and Tommen's uncle, and has extensively observed Robert and Joffrey; Dany is Viserys III's sister, and her POV is a bait-and-switch revealing that the protagonist of the Targaryen storyline is her rather than Viserys.
They have clearly outlined parallels with specific Targaryens from history: Dany with Aegon I, Rhaegar, Aegon V, Aegon III, and the first two Daenerys', most prominently, though the entire history of House Targaryen is centered around her so really every Targaryen could be counted here; Jon notably with the Targaryen bastards/dragonseeds, including Orys Baratheon, Jacaerys Velaryon, and Brynden Rivers; he is also paralleled with Aemon the Pale Prince; and Tyrion with Viserys II.
All three are romantic idealists; Jon and Tyrion are more outwardly cynical and ruthlessly pragmatic, however, a parallel they share with each other rather than with Dany, even if Dany will ~go darker~ in TWOW.
All three identify with beast/monster imagery, and not just because of their house emblems. All three have also been subject to malicious slander, in part because of their association with beastliness/monstrousness. All three are also seen as religious sinners/heretics.
All three have compassion for the marginalized (this is a fact; most ASOIAF fans tend to see Jon as a hero and Dany and Tyrion as villains, for obvious reasons, but as far as the text goes, all three are presented as empathetic toward the downtrodden and oppressed).
All three have both military and diplomatic experience; Jon is the only formally militarily trained one, with a traditional weapon (a sword), while Dany and Tyrion have to use more creative ways to wage war and fight in battle.
All three long for home, and feel guilty for doing so. Dany and Tyrion share a specific parallel of longing for an abstract ideal of home that may no longer be accessible (the house with the red door, the cottage by the sea).
Dany and Tyrion specifically share in common that they were suicidal. Dany was suicidal in AGOT, and Tyrion was suicidal in ADWD. Conveniently, the ASOIAF fandom wants both to die (as heroes or villains), and sees nothing wrong with such endings for them. One can argue that suicidal characters dying in the end is good, righteous, and beautiful, in the ASOIAF fandom (at least when it comes to these two).
Dany and Tyrion share in common that they failed to protect an innocent––Eroeh and Tysha––and this informs their political and spiritual development as rulers.
(*? = fill in the blank as you see fit; it is contentious in this fandom to admit who Jon and Dany's final romances are, and I am not in the mood to argue over this).
(**? = I genuinely am not sure whom Tyrion's third marriage will be with).
I could sit here all day and list parallels. These are just the ones off the top of my head. As you can see, Dany and Tyrion in particular share a lot of parallels unique between them. The experience of having a terrible father, and being alienated your whole life from your own family, while also taking pride in your family name, is something they will be able to help each other understand. The books are clearly setting that up.
Why then do people replace Tyrion with Arya or Faegon or Sansa or whoever else in the three heads of the dragon theory? Don't just chalk it up to different interpretations. The plain truth is that it's ableism. Tyrion isn't an able-bodied or conventionally attractive man and thus doesn't fit the aesthetic component of the three heads.
Yet for all the talk of wanting Dany to be the "antithesis" to house Targaryen, or wanting Dany, Jon, and Faegon to be Targaryens who "end the Targaryen dynasty" (is the dynasty not already ended?), why does no one speak of how Tyrion is the only Lannister in text to actually go against House Lannister, in concrete, material ways, and has suffered the consequences for it? The one Lannister who was barred from accessing his own identity? The one Lannister uniquely positioned to bring down his house?
Perhaps it's because what Tyrion represents is something people are afraid to admit about House Stark (upheld as unequivocally heroic) and House Targaryen (upheld as unequivocally villainous). Tyrion does not just foreshadow the ending of House Lannister as we know it; he foreshadows a RECREATION of it, a REFORGING in a new name and light. Tyrion has experience running the household at Casterly Rock, and did an excellent job of it. He was Hand of the King. He's known enslavement and hunger and violence, which a Lannister typically will never experience. This gives him a unique insight into understanding the plight and trials of the smallfolk who work Lannister lands and the commoners who work at Casterly Rock. Tyrion has not abandoned his identity as a lion of Lannister, even if he feels more alienated from it than ever. Nor has he abandoned love for his family, in spite of his dark spiral in ADWD. Yet his pride in being a lion, him being the only one of Tywin's children to truly resemble Tywin (as per Genna), while also undoing Tywin's legacy of oppression, and his idealism and desire for companionship and empathy, all exist in tandem.
Tyrion WANTS to be Lord of Casterly Rock. He WANTS to rule. He WANTS to be acknowledged as a Lannister. He WANTS vengeance against his enemies, including his own family. He WANTS a wife and family. All of this exists ALONGSIDE Tyrion wanting a simple life, to protect dwarves, enact justice for the disabled, care for the weak and innocent, create more equitable political institutions, foster more accountable ruling for the people, and pave the way for peace. Rather than Tyrion being part of "the good heroic house" (Starks) or "being the antithesis of House Lannister and dying to eradicate the house," Tyrion is clearly a balance forging new ground: an unabashed, proud Lannister, who envisions a future where a dwarf rules Casterly Rock, gets married, has children, may even be ruthless and cunning toward his enemies, but is also empathetic, compassionate, idealistic, dutiful, and kind. The crux of Tyrion's struggle is not "should I be good or should I be a Lannister," it's being accepted as a Lannister, knowing his disability, his status, his appearance, his values, his relation to his family. Tyrion as Hand of the King went against his own family, for both selfish and selfless reasons, and yet protected his family and heritage and strove to forge new ground AS a Lannister, rather than as an anti-Lannister.
This is anathema for ASOIAF fans, specifically in how they engage with Jon, Dany, House Stark, and House Targaryen. For the typical ASOIAF fan, Jon is a classic, traditional hero, unquestioned, unproblematic, unhateable. Jon is meant to "embrace" his Stark bastard identity and "reject" his Targaryen identity. His reunion with his siblings is meant to be nothing more than heartwarming and poignant. House Stark in this scenario is the "protagonistic heart" of ASOIAF, the unequivocal heroes, not problematized by the narrative in the slightest. House Stark "winning" is a moral victory, Northern Independence is reminiscent of anti-colonial justice, and a return to Stark rule is a proxy for GRRM's anti-feudalism, anti-war message, because the Starks are the good guys.
On the other hand, for the typical ASOIAF fan, Dany has to die. Now, some articulate this in the more honest, traditional way: Dany is a villain, destined to be a mad queen, and her death signifies the end of House Targaryen. Others articulate it in a more creative and deceptive way: Dany is just such a good person (with the caveat that she's still a "white woman whose arc is built on the suffering of women of color") that she clearly isn't like the rest of her family, and will happily die for humanity to redeem herself (because she'll still commit a sin; she has those dragons after all) and by dying, House Targaryen will end protecting humanity, where once it "colonized and enslaved humanity." The death of Daenerys Targaryen is supposed to emblematize a moral victory, anti-colonial justice, and a proxy for GRRM's anti-feudalism, anti-war message, because the Targaryens are the bad guys.
What we have here is that one side will win, reunite with his family, get the girl/the title/the house/the power, perhaps reject part or some of it so that the rest of his family can retain it, while the other side will have to die, either as a hero, villain, or redeemed anti-hero, and such death will thankfully symbolize humanity winning, order being restored, feudalism being destroyed, war coming to an end, peace flourishing, etc.
Where does Tyrion stand in this discourse? Usually nowhere. Most ASOIAF fans don't even care to write about his endgame; most of them write him off as a villain. Some think he'll die, some think he'll inherit Casterly Rock, but there isn't much passion in what most people theorize about his endgame. For better or worse, there is at least passion in people arguing over Jon and Dany's endgames.
In the TEXT, however, as I argue, Tyrion is someone who embraces his house identity and pride, while also going against the oppressive values of his family, and doing so in a material, concrete way. Tyrion doesn't cry about how awful Lannisters are, or hate himself for being a Lannister, or tell himself that he should give up his noble title in order to be a good heroic guy and save the day. But he DOES reflect on Tywin's evil, Cersei's greed, Jaime's stagnancy, Joffrey's petty tyranny, the near-enslavement conditions of the smallfolk at Casterly Rock, the corruption of the monarchic system in Westeros that the Lannisters benefit from, the ableism of his own family, how he benefits from the noble name that has also alienated him, etc. He seeks to protect victims of his family, like Sansa and Penny. Under the frameworks promulgated by the ASOIAF fandom, this should not be possible; he either should belong to "one of the good houses" (which the Lannisters clearly are not, and Tyrion is not Jaime, so he does not get the 50-page long PhD essays and dissertations on redemption, gender, and honor that Jaime does, despite being the more major Lannister POV character), or he should hate himself/distance himself from his evil family and die to eradicate their name (while Tyrion is suicidal in ADWD, it's not for selfless reasons; and he doesn't hate himself for being a Lannister, he hates himself for not being accepted by his family, for being a dwarf, for being a kinslayer, for being unable to save Tysha, for being hated by society).
Tyrion doesn't have to despise himself for being a Lannister in order to change his family and even be a class traitor to his own family. He also doesn't have to eschew his selfishly motivated ambitions and desires to effectuate real change. This makes him an excellent character, yet it also makes him one hard to parse for fans, not just because he is morally gray, but also because he defies the ASOIAF fanmade dichotomy of good house=good character/bad house=die (unless you're a teenage-girl coded cishet male character, e.g. Jaime, Theon, or Sandor). Tyrion isn't a selfless, abstract ideal of morally pure heroism. He has real flaws, often discomforting ones, and some of his desires are nasty. His ambition is ruthless. Yet he is still the one positioned to end House Lannister in its current form and recreate it completely.
It's clear that this is what unites the three heads: Targaryen, Stark, and Lannister, the actual heads of each house if they were allowed to be the heads if not for what makes them an outcast within their own family, embracing their names and identities while changing and recreating what it means to be each of these names. All three houses have been enemies at one point or another, but by coming together, these three will signify a real unity. Yet it's hard for fans to apply what Tyrion represents to Jon and Dany, firstly because most fans hate or ignore Tyrion, and secondly because Jon and Dany represent the two ends of the dichotomy I outlined. For fans to accept what Tyrion represents for the other two, they'd have to admit that House Stark is not the progressive, anti-colonial, feminist, pro-smallfolk force for change that fans claim it is, and they'd have to admit that Dany dying to end House Targaryen won't singlehandedly change the world and end oppression as we know it, and that House Targaryen isn't actually the devil.
A House Stark with a bastard as its head, mixed with Targaryen blood, is anathema to the history of House Stark. Have any bastards been Kings of Winter or Lords of Winterfell, save for Bael the Bard's child who killed Bael? Have any Kings of Winter had blood other than First Men blood (knowing that Starks only marry First Men-blooded houses)? Have any Kings of Winter intermingled with the Free Folk and reintegrated them into Westeros?
A House Targaryen with a teenage girl as its head may seem anathema to the history of House Targaryen, but it's not; really, it's a vindication for the women of House Targaryen. Certainly it's anathema to the WESTEROSI history of House Targaryen. What's even more anathema is a Valyrian heading an antislavery campaign and warring with other Valyrians to abolish slavery. This is the aspect of Dany's character that garners the idea that Dany is the anti-Targaryen Targaryen. Yet would not Jon be the anti-Stark Stark, by being half Targaryen and mingling with the Free Folk, when Stark identity for thousands of years has been rigidly defined in opposition to the Free Folk, exclusive of non-First Men blood, and in conformance with the Wall and what it represents?
That's what Tyrion is: House Lannister with a dwarf as its head, a dwarf who cares about women, smallfolk, bastards, commoners, children, and the disabled, who actually wants to protect the people rather than just exploit them, and who has killed and harmed other Lannisters both in the service of that cause and in service of his own goals. The other two heads of the dragon, Jon and Dany, are supposed to represent that balance and nuance as well, between embracing and embodying identity/rejecting its worst parts, destroying the old and ushering in the new.
But it's not in vogue to include Tyrion. He's not attractive enough and he's not able-bodied. He loves dragons, power, wine, and sex too much. He takes too much pride in his own identity and doesn't hate himself enough for being a Lannister. He's too ambitious. He's too ruthless. For a fandom so insistent on the aesthetics and performance of "ending the Targaryen dynasty and ushering in Northern Independence," he fits nowhere into that tapestry, so he is excluded. It doesn't sound as sexy to say he's the third head, not just because he isn't a Targaryen, but also because he doesn't fit the "pattern" ASOIAF fans want, of a "three heads" of the dragon that serves to uphold the centrality of House Stark as heroes and the centrality of House Targaryen as villains.
Yet it's for all of these reasons that TYRION is the third head of the dragon. People will continue to debate this and vehemently disagree (as if it makes sense for a completely minor character like Faegon to be the third head). However, only Tyrion thematically, philosophically, and plot wise fits the conception of the three heads of the dragon, and only he is foreshadowed to have that kind of relationship with Jon and Dany, but especially Dany.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Got You, Little Wolf (Reader x Tywin)
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Look man I did my best for this so please cut me some slack, I really do hope you guys like it cause I went through a writers block while trying to do it.
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“You are a stark, that’s all that matters to me”
“Father said you were also a soldier, the only woman he is afraid of when she is around sharp objects”
“Good, your father needs to be afraid of something”
“You always speak of the north yet you never say why you came here”
“I was a prisoner sweet boy, I was brought in front of you father by a guard who dragged me in the castle”
“Allow me to explain my little wolf”
“Let me go you bastard”
The hound ignored the girls empty threats as he held on to her upper arm with an iron grip before he left her to crumble at the floor in front of the king and queen mother. (Y/n) lifted herself up to get on her feet, her hands were tied with a rope already bruising her wrists, still (y/n)s eyes burned with anger as she viewed the young boy that sat on the throne in an arrogant manner.
“There she is, the young wolf, (y/n) stark the twin of robb”
“Did you drag me here to show you know my family history line or are you just surprised you can remember stuff?”
“How dare you speak to your king like that”
“The north knows no king expect the king of the north, my family that you slaughtered”
She spat back, she herself was even surprised they brought her here before they execute her like they did her father, she had made peace with dying when she saw her twin brother lay dead at his own wedding, however she would not go down without giving them a piece of her mind.
“Your treacherous family betrayed my father and you were stupid enough to think you could go against us”
“Were you dropped on your head as a child? Cause certainly there is no way you actually believe that you are so invisible because your fat ass sits on a big chair, useless little boy”
“You will pay for this you bitch”
Joffrey marched at the girl to strike her in his mind he wanted to teach her a lesson for her insults, he had not gotten far when he got interrupted by the doors agape revealing his grandfather, the hand of the king.
Tywin took a few steps and investigated the scene, it seemed like the stark had already caused a stir, her dress was tarnished and she was in much need of a proper bath, mud or smoke staining her skin, what he also noticed was that the stark showed no signs of fear, she held eye contact with the old lion with her back straight in perfect line.
The moment that Tywin came close her face scowled with hatred, Tywin could not remember the last time someone showed their true feelings towards him, it was almost refreshing to see.
“The young wolf in chains, what a glorious sight”
“I am glad you find this entertaining old man”
“Careful now, that is not a way to speak to your future lord husband”
Joffrey and (y/n) said in unison. Tywin remained stoic as usual, foolishly and arrogantly Tywin moved his hand up to touch her chin only for him to quickly retreat it to protect his finger from (y/n)s teeth, the wretched Stark tried to bite him. The room roared with Tywins laughter, Joffrey shared a look of worry with his mother, neither Cersei or Joffrey had seen him laugh like this.
“You don’t only bark but you also bite, such a clever girl, you will make a wonderful lady of the rock”
“I would rather pull out my own womb and eat it than marry a Lannister”
“I am afraid you have no choice, marry or die along with your sisters, you may not care about your life but do you really want your sisters to come with you?”
Like most tales start, the princess was locked in a tower, sadly the Prince Charming was nowhere near and the monster -in this case the lion- would be taking his place. The fury in her burned her chest, she had tried everything, restrain from eating, threatening to jump off the tower, attack the guards, Tywin was always one step ahead.
Although the lord hand was smart, he was not a woman, to be a woman meant you had the natural skill of landing jabs under the belt, jabs that a man would never consider still they were the ones that hurt the most.
(Y/n) was seen smiling bright at their wedding ceremony, guzzling wine and dancing with every lord that had thrown themselves to dance with the young she-wolf, the dress was an excellent choice and in combination with her hair she looked like the embodiment of a fairytale.
Tywin could not believe his eyes, the girl had offered her time and smiled to every lord except her, he was ready to drag her out of here in front of everyone when the insufferable littlefinger lifted her up in the air by the waist, the bride wooed at the gesture, she was even seen blushing.
Luckily for Tywin, Cersei had stepped up to the Stark girl, interrupting her dance to talk to her new stepmother, a word Cersei would rather cut her tongue herself than say.
“Lady (y/n), welcome to our family, as a stark I would like to know what it is like to be married to a lion?”
“Unnecessary and oddly boring, wolves prefer to stick with their own”
She replied without even sparing a peep at Cersei which infuriated the queen mother, how dare she face the queen mother with such dismissive demeanour
It was bad enough that her father allowed the bitch to live now she took her late mothers place, her new step mother could be her daughter, Cersei always admired her father still she could not wrap her head around the motive behind it.
“I believe it is time for us to go”
“You may go, I wish to stay”
Tywin had allowed her temper to somewhat unleash when it came to Joffrey or Cersei, anyone but him, now his lady wife was dangerously stretching the rope, to play with a lion was as safe as jumping over a fire, he had already extended his kindness by just seeking her out to the dance floor after countless hours and numerous lords being able to touch her, he would not turn a blind eye when she disrespected him further.
(Y/n) yelped when Tywin latched his hand around her bicep as discreetly as possible to force her into walking out by herself, give her the option of keeping her dignity instead of acting the way he truly wanted, she stumbled at first firstly because she was distracted and the other reason was that she had gotten drunk by downing all the goblets of wine she could find since she started getting dressed.
The moment (Y/n) was safely tucked away from the prude eyes of Westeros she protested only to be met by Tywin throwing her over his shoulder, she whined at the impact of her stomach landing on the man’s shoulder with enough force to cause some bruises, quickly the pain was replaced with embarrassment, her face turned as red as roses when she saw servants scurry away while giggling.
“Put me down you old bastard”
She was only met with a smack across her bottom to silence her, instead it caused her irritation to grow, her solution was to start banging the mans back as hard as she possibly could.
Tywin basically threw her across his bed, what he did not expect was for (y/n) to be so quick on her feet and slap him across the face, she was strong enough to make his head turn from the impact, not strong enough to cause more than a decent sting.
(Y/n) rose up to attack Tywin once more, unfortunately for her Tywin was a skilled warrior, he caught her arms and forced her to lay on the bed by putting half of his weight on her.
“I should cut your tongue for that”
(Y/n)s response was to spit on the man’ face, for a split second he considered throwing her to the lions, he resorted with grabbing her by the waist with his one arm and a fistful of hair with the other with her back to his chest.
“Why the hostility little wolf? I offer you a slice of heaven and you throw it back in my face”
“What part of this resembles heaven to you?”
“Our children will rule winterfell, you are the heir of the north, if you kill me war will ensue but if you lean on me and I swear together we’ll prevail”
Winterfell, home. The words made circles in her head as her legs gave up, Tywin slowly let her touch the ground as his hand was still around and the once forceful grip on her hair had gone to a gentle caress of her locks, he had heard of the young wolfs beauty along with her bravery, at the time he had dismissed it, once he heard her bark at Joffrey an act that no one seemed to have the balls to do.
He was mesmerised, such a pretty little thing, the courage she held within her could burn all the seven kingdoms, anyone that had her by her side would be considered lucky, it was at that time that he thought of a wedding with her.
“I got you little wolf”
Call it stupidity or an urge to find home within strangers or just an act of drunkness. (Y/n) peered at the man that held her with such softness, the anger disappeared and tiredness of fighting, of surviving took its place in her heart, she needed to rest, to feel protected.
It had been the first time in years that Tywin was caught off guard by somebody, when (y/n) landed her lips on him he felt like he was thrown into a cold river from the shock, he quickly recovered to respond to her hesitant kiss while he laid her on the ground, Tywin was not known for his patience so it was only natural from him to take out his dagger and rip the gown right in the middle, leaving (y/n)s body exposed.
Tywin caressed her breasts with his fingertips, astonished at how perfect she was, any man would dream of laying with a woman like her, viewing her biting her lip when her hand found his shirt to pull him to her almost felt like he was just dreaming.
They laid on the floor all night, the stark was truly was a starving wolf in all her glory, her thirst and stamina were endless, he had thought she would want to take things at a slow pace, he had been corrected, her temper slowly creeped in as she became rough by the minute.
Tywin relished her when she took the upper hand, she was a delight to watch, listening to her cries of desires aroused him even more, she devoured the man until he had to physically force her to stop, he was certain anyone within the castle would listen to the girls groans and moans of pleasure.
“Oh there she is the beautiful lady of the rock”
A young girl approached (y/n) when she sat at the table for breakfast near the garden, to step foot outside your doorstep in the north meant you would have to wear layers of fur, here she could at least enjoy the rays of sunshine with only a light dress.
“It is an honour to meet you lady (y/n), I am margaery tyrell”
“I have heard of you lady margaery, the lady of the roses, it is nice to see another woman close to my age here in the castle”
(Y/n) had waited for the moment she could throw her young age in Cerseis face, her new step daughter was a few steps behind Margaery, the Lannister responded with a tight lipped smile with internal curses directed to (y/n), she was the wife of her father and as powerful as she thought of herself the stark was under the only person Cersei feared, her father.
“Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast?”
“I could use the company, please have a seat, both of you”
The Tyrell girl moved her chair so she can find a seat right next to the new Lannister lady, Margaery expected her to be cheerful especially after the whispers of the couples antics were the servants found the bed covers on the floor, ripped clothing and a dagger laying near by, along with some splashes of blood on the carpet instead of the mattress.
(Y/n) wanted to smash her head against the wall, the wine sounded like a good choice at the time, now her mind was pulsating from sleeping just for a couple of hours, Cersei took the time that (y/n) rubbed her temples with her fingers to examine her.
(Y/n) looked exhausted, she had shrunk in her seat and had even brought her legs up to her chest to shrivel up some more, Cersei never thought she would see the day were another woman made her uncomfortable, the adventurous of her fathers consummated marriage had reached her ears the minute she had gotten out of her bed, she had to hold herself from throwing up at the thought of her father bedding another woman, let alone a Stark.
“Such delicious treats you have here my lady, oh I am parched”
“Not this one”
(Y/n) was suffering from overindulging, thankfully she had managed to master enough strength to act instantly when Margaery went for the small pot of tea (y/n) had specifically requested. Margaery gave a look of confusion to the lady Lannister as Cersei leaned in, what was it that made (y/n) so territorial.
“I’m sorry lady Margaery it is a tea one of house from the north brought for me as a gift, unfortunately the amount was not as grand as it should be, I am savouring it”
“That is alright lady (y/n) it is perfectly normal to be homesick, especially after arriving under such cruel circumstances, I never got the chance to say my condolences”
“Why you honour me my lady, do not beat yourself up over the matter, you are the first and most likely the only one to do so”
Margaerys lips stiffened at the words (y/n) had spoken, instinctively the ginger haired beauty reached to hold the Starks hand, a small sign of alliance and mutual respect, (y/n) was a honourable woman and a defiant character, Margaery had an eye for beauty and a nose for talent, if it was anyone she needed by her side it would be (y/n).
“It is too beautiful of a day to dwell over past events”
“My apologies queen mother, I did not realise my grief over my entire family line would ruin your moment of soaking up the sun”
You would have to be blind and deaf to not understand that the angry man that was turning over the corner was like a simmer pot overflowing with anger. He had the attention of the three ladies ever since he made his presence known, as he came to the table his first move was to reach over for (y/n)s teapot, (y/n) was the only one that did not move a muscle when the man smashed the pot on the ground, making the liquid spill and stain Cerseis gown.
“Moontea!? You stupid girl, you thought you could ask the servants to smuggle such a herb without me knowing?”
“Leave us”
(Y/n) dismissed the girls and servants, Cersei and Margaery gave them some privacy, leaving the couple right when Tywin walked on her side of the table, with a clean swipe of his arm most of the plates had smashed on the ground and replaced by (y/n), she did not have time to protest when Tywin spread her legs to stand between them, forcefully he gripped her by the chin, their eyes burning holes into one another
“I did what was best for me”
“Is that so? Was that the best choice for your sisters? How long has it been since you saw them last? I suppose the executioner stand could be a nice place for a reunion”
“I will not bring an heir until I am certain you meant what you said last night”
“About winterfell?”
(Y/n) nodded instead of speaking. Tywin sighed while he shook his head in disbelief, Tywin was lord of things but he wasn’t a liar, if she gave him an heir and binds his blood with hers he would stop at nothing for his family, she deserved the seven kingdoms not just winterfell, he did not spare her life just to have her on his bed he could have bought a whore for that, no she was the only person Tywin saw (y/n) as a genuine equal to his intellect.
“My dear wife, you are by far the most annoying person I’ve crossed paths with and ever since you stepped foot in this castle you have been nothing but a pain as you strut with your insufferable attitude and sharp tongue no matter who you talk to you tick them off in a mere seconds… that is what I love about you”
“Everyone has a villain they look up to I suppose”
“I broke my rules for you little wolf, I saw something in those eyes of yours, not only do you have the guts to play this game you might also have what it takes to win it”
“So you resort to filling me up with your seed so we will be tied through our children”
Tywin held his though for a moment, he released her from his grasp as his hand ever so softly caressed the skin of her neck down to gracing over her chest, finally he snaked his arm around her waist that earned him a slight squeal that escaped from the young wolf.
(Y/n) kept her gaze into his eyes, he was a man that was not particularly charming, he was intriguing, something about him slowly lured you in, he was a man so distinguished and with such confidence in himself that you could never forget him nor what he made you feel while being around you.
Tywin thought she was made for him, such elegance with just the right amount of danger, her gaze was full of self reliance to the point that with just one glance she could make you second guess yourself, his new wife was a riddle that made his head spin, she could burn you with her passion while she offered you an unforgettable night or kill you in your sleep, a risk only a man like Tywin was willing to take.
“I will feel you up with my seed for two reasons, in hopes that we won’t only have a son but a daughter that has your thick head so you can understand what it is like when someone is trying to knock some sense into it and second because last night was a glimpse of your many hidden talents I yearn to discover”
Requests are open!
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Queen in the North's lion: Sansa rules and her cub is a pretty wife she has. She has her ladies in waiting and runs the household with their children.
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MILF ALERT: Daemon's twin ..obsessed over that's for sure
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Garden Girl: She's trying to find her and Daemon's many children.
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justsomedutchgirl · 1 year
‘‘It’s such a shame they died so young, my condolences miss Pevensie.’’ Susan couldn’t remember how many people had said they were sorry for her loss even if she tried. Too many people pretending to know her and her siblings well enough to have an opinion about them. Too many people just saying what is expected of them to say. Because what to those words mean to her? Absolutely nothing.
It doesn’t matter what people say directly to her, she can hear them whisper; about how she’s all alone, about how she had to bury the rest of her family, about how it is such a shame for a young woman to navigate the world without her siblings. As if she hadn’t navigated a new world before, as if she didn’t rule a world before, as if she wasn’t crowned to the radiant southern sun before. Because what do they know? Absolutely nothing.
The sun, although it was not her sun, brought her some comfort by warming her cheeks, even if it was a only a little bit. She couldn’t help but compare herself to the sun, so, so, so far away and o so alone. But still the sun had a purpose, she had lost hers. How could she when the sky had fallen down, the woods all turned to dust and the sea had went dry?  What purpose does the sun still have when there is nothing to give light to, nothing to give warmth to, nothing to shine for. Absolutely nothing.
The southern sun is not enough anymore, true north is gone, western woods make way for buildings to hide from the sun and sailors make there way across the eastern sea using the stars but more often than not a compass. What can the gentle do, when the valiant can’t encourage her, when the just can’t help her and the magnificent can’t protect her. Absolutely nothing.
But she still passes statues of lions, and something about them angers her but comforts her all the same. But there are still people that need to be protected; a lone boy walking past four older boys who look like they found their next target. But there are still people to help; an old man cleaning the graves of loved ones and strangers alike. But there are still people to encourage; the little girl determined to climb the tree just like her brothers did. The sky is still clear, the woods are still great, the sea is still glistening, therefore perhaps the sun can still be radiant. So that there is something left of kings and queens of old.
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Game of Thrones Fic List
🖤= tw:dark content
🍑= smut
📚= series/multi-part
💌= requested
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Margaery Tyrell x Baratheon!Reader)
A glance and a sassy comment. The more time you two spent alone together, the less of a sister you became to one another. It wasn’t your intention to fall in love with the wife of your brother. You had never really felt bad about it when Maragery was married to Joffrey, but now that she was wed to your sweet Tommen. . . You couldn’t do that to your sweet lion.
Between Saints and Sinners (Sandor Clegane x Reader)
It had been years since you last saw Sandor Clegane. Years since you had last been in employment at Lord Baelish’s brothel.
A Stark Bride (Aegon Targaryen i x Stark!Reader)
Aegon Targaryen reduced your father, Torrhen Stark, to a mere lord. The Targaryen conqueror had taken the title of king for himself. You wanted to depise them, those beautiful Targaryens with their lavender eyes and silver tresses. But they were beautiful. Terrifying and beautiful just like their dragons.
Promises (Oberyn Martell x Reader) 🖤
Having witnessed the brutal murder of your family, your uncle Oberyn is the only one to fend off your nightmares and the only one you could ever feel an attachment to.
Shedding Skin (Arthur Dayne x Targaryen!Reader) 
You wouldn't let your brother Rhaegar humiliate you. No. Faking your own death, you travel to Dorne and there shed your dragon skin to become a new person. A happier person.
A Touch of Gold (Margaery Tyrell x Stark!Reader)
If Renly was to have a lover, then Margaery wanted one as well. And she decided that it just had to be the visiting (y/n) Stark.
Gold and Red (Jaime Lannister x Reader) 🍑
How could you bring yourself to have sex with your child husband? Jaime, however, was a full grown man.
Stupid, Pretty Little Things 🖤
She was the only gift Joffrey wanted for his name day. And Joffrey would be damned if anyone forbade him to what was his.
Targaryen Daughters 
After so long staying safely hidden in the privacy of a Sept, you discover your younger sister Daenerys is very well alive. Alive and with three dragons.
A Good, Mean Dog (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader) 📚
The Princess and the Hound. What a story that would be
Horns That Hold A Crown (Rhaegar Targaryen x Baratheon!Reader)
The only daughter of Steffon Baratheon, and to Aerys you were th eonly suitable bride for his son Rhaegar. Your previokus engagement to Ned Stark was broken. Now you found yourself the bride of a dragon instead that of a wolf.
Ruined Hallelujah (Margaery Tyrell x Baratheon!Reader)
You had expected such a move from Robert, maybe even Stannis, but never from your brother Renly. He was well aware of your affair with Margaery, even supported it. Yet he had married you off to Robb Stark, King in the North.
Misfit (Daenerys Targaryen x Greyjoy!Reader) 🖤
Nightmares, your nightmares were filled with the blazing symbol of a kraken. As you travel with your siblings to Meereen you hope Queen Daenerys would be willing to help you in defeating Euron.
One True Queen (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader)📚
What he had done was the greatest insult to you. One that you thought he would never do. You knew he loved you with all his heart, that was certain. You were his sister and his wife. However, that all changed when he took Lyanna Stark as his second wife.
Knight in Blue and Red (Rhaegar Targaryen x Tully!Reader)
You wanted to be in charge of Riverrun when your father died, but because you were the third and youngest daughter of Hoster Tully that was highly impossible. You would show him. Show him that you would be a better successor than your brother Edmure.
Belladonna  (Young Robert Baratheon x Reader)
With the death of his father, Robert Baratheon found himself the young lord of Storm's End. A new lordship requires a wife.
Dragon (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)📚
She had trusted her Unsullied with her life. That was why when one attacked her with a knife she doesn't have him killed. Instead Daenerys wants to get down to the problem. Only when she removes the Unsullied's helmet she is met with the face of a young girl.
A Lion’s Vow (Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader)💌
This game the both of you played was your only real entertainment in the mess that was the Red Keep. Knowing it’s true nature, your father attempted to keep you close to his side. Reminding you not to trust anyone easily, especially those that belonged to the House of the Lion. 
A Mouse in a Lion’s Den (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A little mouse surrounded by ferocious lions? It didn't look to be a good situation, even if those lions happened to be your family.
Exiled (Arthur Dayne x Reader)💌
You run into Ser Arthur Dayne in Essos. Along with a dark haired, gray eyed child.
Glow (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)
Why she had taken a liking to you among all the others she had freed, you would never know. You had been a personal whore for one of the masters and had gotten pregnant. There were many others like you. Your story was nothing special, but Dany had found you worthy enough to be her close companion. There were even times when you thought that maybe you could be more than her companion.
The Doe That Chases the Hound (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader)
Normally in a hunt it was a hound’s duty to chase down deer. You went against the natural order of things. This time it was the doe who sought after the hound.
Crimson Lady (Ramsay Bolton x Bolton!Reader, Sansa Stark x Bolton!Reader) 🖤
Sansa should have known better. Of course she'd be every part of a Bolton as her brother Ramsay was.
Loveless (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 🖤💌
There was nothing Rhaegar could do about your sudden engagement. Try as he might, he couldn’t persuade Aerys to marry you to him. It didn’t matter that he proclaim his undying love for you. Didn’t matter how you got on your knees in front of the iron throne and begged him to reconsider. Instead of mercy, the Mad King simply laughed at you.
Just For You (Ramsay Bolton x Reader) 🍑💌
The cruel Ramsay Bolton has an unknown side to him. Not just for anyone though. Only for the maid whom he loves to taunt. 
From the Ashes (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A year has passed since (y/n) and her brother Jaime fled from King's Landing to the vast and foreign world of Essos.
Mine First, Mine Last, Mine Even in the Grave (Ramsay Bolton x Reader) 🍑
Even at such a young age, Ramsay was proving a difficult and willful child. He was somewhat twisted in nature that sometimes disturbed his mother. However once he laid eyes on the little baby, he immediately grew attached to her.
Birth of Dragons (Aegon i Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 📚
It wasn’t fair of him to choose a favorite between his sisters. Fearless Visenya, playful Rhaenys and loving (y/n). Above them all he secretly placed (y/n) close to his heart.
The Most Impossible Battle (Robert Baratheon x Targaryen!Reader) 🍑
Robert hated all Targaryens. Wise words from those close to him though make Robert Baratheon give in to the idea of taking (y/n) Targaryen as his bride.
Wrap Around (Oberyn Martell x Martell!Reader) 📚🖤
Oberyn was beside himself at the return of his baby sister (y/n). For a year she had been off in Essos, experiencing the rest of the world outside of the safety of Sunspear. Now she was returning to Dorne. Returning to Oberyn.
By Any Other Name (Margaery Tyrell x Reader)
Another Life (Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark!Reader)
Lyanna watches Jon from atop of the courtyard's parapet, her eyes crinkling with pride as she watches Jon best Theon Greyjoy at the dance of swords. Every victory Jon made resulted in him outgrowing the label of bastard. He was so much more than a bastard of Winterfell. Not even Catelyn saw him as such. Many were so shocked when the news came that Ned had brought back his bastard one day. In fact Cat had shown up at Winterfell by his side as he held the infant in his arms, for she was one of three that knew the truth about Jon Snow. 
What We Sow (Theon Greyjoy x Greyjoy!Reader) 🍑🖤💌
This was his home, a place where the salt of the sea and the cries of seagulls were a constant presence and where you were. Waiting so patiently as always. His queen, his sister, his wife. He'd been dreaming of the moment when he'd be reunited with you after so long. 
Omission (Theon Greyjoy x Stark!Reader)💌🍑
Robb wasn't being dramatic when he claimed your change toward Theon. From innocent children to teenagers, everything happened so fast that you weren't really able to comprehend what was going on with your own head. When Theon first arrived to your family, you were a small child. You and Robb grew attached to him immediately. For so long you saw him as a brother. Then it just stopped the moment you bled.
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rainhadaenerys · 4 months
There's an interesting example of Dany misremembering things, which shows how GRRM cares to write how people's memories can be fallible. Quaithe's prophecy to Dany is this:
Dany's wrist still tingled where Quaithe had touched her. "Where would you have me go?" she asked.
"To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow." - Daenerys III ACOK
But in ADWD, Dany remembers it wrong:
"I remember the way. I go north to go south, east to go west, back to go forward. And to touch the light I have to pass beneath the shadow." She squeezed the water from her silvery hair. "I am half-sick of riddling. In Qarth I was a beggar, but here I am a queen. I command you—" - Daenerys II ADWD
Though later she is reminded again of the correct prophecy in her dreams:
She dreamed. All her cares fell away from her, and all her pains as well, and she seemed to float upward into the sky. She was flying once again, spinning, laughing, dancing, as the stars wheeled around her and whispered secrets in her ear. "To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward, you must go back. To touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow." - Daenerys X ADWD
We also have another example of this with Arya misremembering the name of Joffrey's sword:
"You're safe with me." Joffrey drew his Lion's Tooth from its sheath. The sound of steel on leather made her tremble. "This way," he said, riding through a stand of trees. - Sansa I AGOT
"That's a lie!" Arya squirmed in Harwin's grip. "It was me. I hit Joffrey and threw Lion's Paw in the river. Mycah just ran away, like I told him." - Arya VI ASOS
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lanitalay · 6 months
Before I Say Goodnight Chapter 18
a/n: 2 chapters in two days. I couldn't stop writing I love where this is going!!!!!!
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2.8k
Other Chapters
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Eight days. 
It had been eight days since his brother had left. Nine since they last saw each other. Rhysand was ashamed of his treatment of Azriel and regretted sending him ever since. He knew it was unnecessary. That they had enough information to strategize a sound plan. But without the protection of the Spymaster it would be easier to ensnare y/n. It would be easier to catch her off guard and see her true colors. It would be easier to put a stop to her and whatever it was that she was planning. He hadn’t told Feyre. He was ashamed of that too. But she was too enthralled by the girl from another realm to think clearly. She wouldn’t understand the threat living within their wards, in his townhouse, with his brother. His brother had it the worst. He had fallen for her charms, always trying to be the savior for any damsel that fell on his path. She was no different, or maybe she was, and that’s what made her dangerous. He just needed proof that she had powers, that she was a danger. Then he could lock her in the House of Wind. Perhaps contain her in the library. 
But Azriel had not returned yet. He had not sent word. Rhysand could not reach him mind to mind. He was surely caught up in something that slowed him down, he’d be back soon. In the meantime, Cassian was redying the troops for battle. “It's better to keep them on your side,” Amren said, whirling liquor in her glass. “Who’s them?” She sipped “the Shadowsinger and the so-called Queen of Chaos”. 
“What makes you think Azriel would not be on my side?” 
“You sent him into the lion's den for no real reason”. 
“He was following orders”.
“He’s been gone too long”. 
“I didn’t know you cared so much about him”. A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. 
The week had gone by too fast. The seven day mark felt like it was hurling towards you, knocking the wind from your lungs in a crushing blow. You had to leave. North. He had told you to head North. You silently thanked Jolly for making you go to the docks as frequently as she did because you had become friendly with a few sailors. North. No map that you had seen had land North of Prythian. It was a shot in the dark. But you trusted Azriel with your life and he said North. Oh god. It felt wrong. It felt so incredibly wrong to leave them all behind and not even try to help Azriel, knowing he was in trouble. You could feel it in your bones that he was not okay, that he needs help. You couldn't do anything about it. At least, not by yourself. So you swallow hard, take a breath and knock three times on the High Lord’s door. 
“Yes?” You hear from the other side and you slowly open the door. For a fraction of a second Rhysand and Amren seem surprised to see you but they put on their masks of indifference quickly. “Hello” you try to sound strong but these two beings scare the life out of you and you have to focus on keeping your cool. No matter how this goes you cannot falter in your composure. “I don’t believe we had a meeting, y/n”. He really doesn’t like me. “I apologize High Lord, but I’m worried about Azriel” you take extra care to look down. The picture of docility. “He is on an assignment” you nod and look up through your lashes. “He is but before he left he said he would be back in a week and it’s been eight days” he also told me to flee but you didn’t tell them that last bit. “He said that?” Again you nod “yes, I think something happened to him. He has never come home late”. He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. You raise your head and see him with his head in his hands, his eyes on his desk. You look at Amren but her gaze is focused on the window. 
Had they heard you? Did they not care? 
“He is highly skilled. I’m sure he is on his way home as we speak” you shake your head and insist “I think he’s in trouble and needs help”. He stands from where he is seated and you will yourself to not cower before him “you are new here, y/n. Sometimes missions take longer than expected. There is no need to worry”. The spite in his voice felt like a dagger to your spine. The constant pulse of energy suddenly thrumming. Before you could stop you hear yourself say “don’t you care that you sent your brother into your enemy’s territory and he hasn’t returned?” He growls at you. North, Azriel had said North and that he’d find you. If Rhysand snapped your neck right now Azriel would come back to an empty house and a sad pile of ash. “Remember you are a guest and guests don’t have the right to question my decisions. If they know what’s good for them”.
“I understand” you manage to say before turning around and leaving his study. 
When you reach the townhouse you run up the stairs and grab your already packed bag. It only had a change of clothes, some food, water, first aid equipment and your phone. Even if you had not thought of your family or Mathew or your world since Azriel had gone away. There was a boat headed North that left in an hour. You are about to head down the stairs but enter Azriel’s bedroom instead. Shuffling through several drawers until you find a blade small enough to fit in your boot and another one to sheath on your thigh. With that you go down the stairs, put on a nondescript cloak and step into the misty afternoon. 
The smell of the docks had grown to be familiar to you. The fishy, sulfury scent made you gag the first few times but now felt like a breath of fresh air. The vastness of the Northern Sea dwarfed you. It was never ending and deadly by the fishermen’s accounts and it would have to be your safe haven. You spot who you were looking for walking down the ramp to a bridge. Lower your hood and hasten your pace to reach them. “Riley” you half whisper half yell. He stops his stride and turns to face you “y/n?” You widen your eyes and put a finger on your lips and “shh!! Be discrete” he looks around and then asks “what are you doing here?” You look at his shoes so less people know you’re here “I need to get on the boat heading North, can you help me? It’s important” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other “the boat that’s going on the exploring expedition?” You nod. He’s uncomfortable. It is a lot to ask of someone you’ve only bought fish skeletons from, you suppose. But desperate times. “Please” you add a pleading undertone trying to persuade him. He sighs loudly and says “follow me”. He weaves through carts of fish and people carrying ropes and bags of provisions until reaching a shiny new boat called The Rare Beast. “This is it, here” he hands you a bag from an abandoned cart “pretend you are helping load and stay hidden until you are too far to turn around”. You pick up the heavy bag and give Riley a few coins for his help. He leaves with a tip of his hat. 
You walk through the ship and try to find a spot to hide. Down below there are a number of bedrooms. Each one has bags strewn on the floor, claiming them. You return to the main deck and decide that one of the lifeboats will have to do. Scan your surroundings and certify that the coast is clear, rip the cover back and throw in your alibi bag and then jump in, quickly putting the cover back on. Your heart is racing. But you remind yourself that you made it, you're getting away and in a few weeks Azriel will come to find you.
It’s been well over twelve hours.
The ship is in deep, dark open water. The night sky is crystal clear and through a small corner you manage to stare in awe. The Night Court truly came alive in the absence of the sun. Infinite stars glittered above and the New Moon allowed them to dominate the horizon. It had been hours of drifting in and out of sleep. Gusts of wind would rattle the boat and wake you up. Every sound had you on edge of getting caught. The longer you stayed undiscovered the more difficult it would be to return to the docks and kick you off. You did not want to consider the possibility of being thrown overboard. 
Daylight slipped through the cover of the little boat and onto your face. Almost groan but remember that stealth is key. You pull out something from your bag to munch on for breakfast. That day passed the same as the first. Drifting in and out of sleep and thinking about Azriel.
About how Rhysand was so careless towards his so-called brother. About how Rhysand did not look well.
You know you should not dwell on that fact. It was pointless now. 
The skies were clear until clouds began rolling in from the North. You heard commotion from the sailors. Batting down hatches and taking cover for what was to be the first of many storms. You groan audibly this time and stretch your limbs and crack your bones, thunder covering up any sounds you made. The last thing you want is to get wet and have to spend however long in soggy clothes. If you were still human you’d certainly contract pneumonia. So you practice your breathing techniques. This is as good of a time as any. Rain, thunder and lightning getting closer every second. You’d need to learn to manage your powers under uncomfortable circumstances. Breathe in. Breathe out. You hear the rain before you feel the first drops on your forehead. This is going to be hell. Breathe in. Breathe out. 
It was strange. The murmur had been there all along and you assumed that lightning was within you, remnants of being struck and turned at the same time. But in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by a storm you felt the energy within you replenish and overflow. It was a sensation akin to open floodgates or fuel to a fire. It overwhelmed you. You did not know what to do with the surge of pure, undiluted power bursting, wanting to explode. Your body a mere vessel. It wasn’t just the lightning. It was the rain, the thunder, the static, the wind. You couldn't see, eyes misty.  In that moment you are not in your body but in the clouds. You were every single drop of rain. Every bolt of lightning. You were the wind, the waves and the current.
All of it was you.
Breathe. You felt your vessel take a breath. If you let yourself go, you could very easily drift into the storm. Ebbing and flowing for all of eternity amongst the breeze. You could forget yourself, your world, your life, Rhysand, the portal, Koschei, all of your trauma if you stayed in this state. Nothing would tie you down. Nothing would chain or bind or capture you. You’d be as free as the wind, as explosive as lightning. Unpredictable like a tornado.
It would all be you. Yours. 
Life has been so scary in your body. A fragile thing. Meat and bones and endless ways to suffer. This was better than any high, than any dream you’d ever had. It was eternal. It was light, weightless. Immune to the laws of physics. Neither here nor there. You were at the bottom of the ocean and at the top of a mountain. You were everything in between. 
Azriel. A voice, your voice reminded you. Azriel needs help. Like the snap of an elastic you were back in your body. Eyes foggy. Breathe. Now the rain soaked through every layer of clothing. Breathe. You understand that you are the storm and the clear skies and the wind that controls it all. One more breath in. Breathe out through your mouth. Your breath becomes a feral gust, an impenetrable wall of wind that redirects the storm in the opposite direction. The stars appear again. Glittering as they have always been. 
You had been discovered 32 hours into the voyage as two sailors tried to find some privacy in the lifeboats for a romantic rendezvous. They immediately took you to the captain. A stern female sat on a desk across from you. You were trying to justify your action without giving away precious information. You showed her the food and water you had brought and argued that you haven't stolen anything. “I needed to leave Prythian for my safety” you try your best to evoke pity. As you were in no position to demand anything. “Please, I’ll earn my keep”. She doesn't budge. “You’ll be escorted off at the next port” your heart sinks “where is that?” She stopped looking at you, now focused on her maps.
Eris was in his bedroom. Sitting on his desk. This was the one he used for matters unrelated to his role as High Lord. These days he rarely uses it. But he received a letter from her. He had not expected to hear from her so soon. He did not expect her script to be so sloppy. She had terrible penmanship or was in a hurry when she wrote it.
 He wished she had not written at all. 
In one page she dismantled everything. 
She had told him to gather troops, evacuate the coastal and border villages. 
She had told him to prepare for war. 
She had told him that by the time he read the letter she would be gone. 
He read and reread it. 
Again and again. 
When he winnowed to the Manor of Exiles it was past midnight. He knocked on the door and nearly knocked it down before his brother opened it.  “What is it?” Eris did not have the patience for pleasantries “did you know that Koschei is planning an invasion?” 
“What are you talking about?”
“Koschei is planning an invasion, is Rhysand doing something about it?” 
His brother’s skin paled. His stillness an answer. “No, I don’t know anything about that”.
Eris curses loudly and shoves an envelope in Lucien’s hands.  He reads it and says “you have to burn this”.  Eris pinches the bridge of his nose “I’ll burn it now but Lucien, she’s gone. Rhysand abandoned his Spymaster. He knows a war is looming and he has not told any of the High Lords”. 
“It’s not good,” Lucien’s mechanical eye whirls. He’s thinking. He’s trying to contextualize the information. He had seen y/n three days ago. She was flighty but that was not unusual considering that she had been running around Velaris trying to gather ingredients for the apothecary. Azriel was away on a mission and she missed him. But she had not said anything about an invasion, about a war. And now she’s gone? The letter did not say where. She had specifically asked that they don’t look for her. With war preparations they wouldn’t be able to anyways. What was Rhysand thinking? Why did he send Azriel to the Continent if they already had the information? Why did y/n need to disappear? 
He snaps out of his thoughts as Eris lights the envelope and its contents in flames. 
Vallahan was in the Continent. The very Continent where Azriel was being held. He would hate if you risked your life for his… but what if this was a sign? Rhysand gave no indication that he cared to get him out and, from what you know, if Koschei got him it would be impossible for him to escape on his own. Vallahan… Mor was emissary there. She had been away most of the time visiting the Court there to persuade them to sign the peace treaty. If she was there now you could stand a chance. A real chance of getting him out. You couldn’t do much about the war… only hope that Eris did what Rhysand wouldn’t. 
But you would get Azriel out or go down trying. 
taglist: @luvmoo @leeknows-wife@nocasdatsgay@mybestfriendmademe
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calisources · 8 months
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A   SONG   OF   ICE   AND   FIRE   &   HBO'S   GAME   OF   THRONES.   sentence   starters   taken   from   both   the   source   books   and   the   hbo's   adaptation   of   a   song   of   ice   and   fire   from   george   r.r.   martin.   change   titles,   names   and   pronouns   as   you   see   fit.
 "Tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey."
"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."
"I'm not a lady. I never have been. That's not me."
"Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love."
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
"An unhappy wife is a wine merchant's best friend."
"What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?"
 "So we fight and die or we submit and die. I know my choice."
"I thought if I could make something so good, so pure, maybe I'm not a monster."
"Power is power."
"I'm not going to stop the wheel, I'm going to break the wheel."
"Do you understand? I'm no ordinary woman. My dreams come true."
"It's not easy to see something that’s never been before: A good world."
"I believe in second chances. I don't believe in third chances."
"As long as I'm better than everyone else I suppose it doesn't matter."
"When enough people make false promises words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies."
"If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won't make many allies."
“Winter is coming. We know what’s coming with it."
"It is a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born in, never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us."
 "I wonder if you’re the worst person I've ever met? At a certain age it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years."
"Know your strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth ten thousand."
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."
"I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you'll need."
"No one is very happy. Which means it’s a good compromise."
 "Men decide where power resides, whether or not they know it."
"Give us common folk one taste of power and we're like the lion who tasted man—nothing is ever so sweet again."
"But it's you and me that matters to me and you. Don't ever betray me."
 "I want to be the queen."
"Any man who must say, I am the king, is no true king."
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder."
"A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is." 
"Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word." 
"If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. "
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
"People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up."
"Every man must die, Jon Snow. But first he must live."
"We look up at the same stars and see such different things."
"I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow, now." 
"It's a neat little trick you do. You move your lips, and your father's voice comes out. "
"Tell me something, Varys who do you truly serve?"
"They’re dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed."
"Love is the death of duty." 
"Thousands of men don't need to die. Only one of us. Let's end this the old way."
"I Am not beholden to my ancestors vows."
"Robert's rebellion was built on a lie."
"We're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair."
"With respect, Your Grace, I don't need your permission. I am a King."
“The world is one great web, and a man dare not touch a single strand lest all the others tremble.”
“Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.”
“In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining.”
“There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man.”
“Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old.”
“I prefer my history dead. Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.”
"The war continues, Davos Seaworth, and some will soon learn that even an ember in the ashes can still ignite a great blaze.”
 "He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.”
"The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid."
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bellarkeselection · 3 months
Hey I was woundering when you ha e time could you do a tyrion short where he stops y/n wedding cuz she finds out he was alive and the run away to the drogan queen
My Dragon Savor
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Tyrion was surprised when one of the Dragon Queens men appeared at his chamber door that early morning and presented him with a scroll that had the Lannister lion sigil engraved on the envelope. He tore opened the letter and began reading over the words perfectly printed on the paper that he could almost assume belonged to Sansa who was alive and had gone off to wed his brother Jaime after he killed his father. 
‘Dear Tyrion, I am sending this letter to you to inform you that my sister is being wed off to Ramsey Bolton who now holds Winterfell. I know that you and her were supposed to wed one another until your father wed Jaime and I off together. Hopefully this letter reaches you - Sansa.’ 
The dwarf got up from his desk, letter in hand and walked out of his chambers to the Queens. His feet went as fast as they possibly could before he kicked open her door seeing Dany sitting at the window of Dragonstone castle watching the sky. “My queen, I have an urgent favor to ask of you.” 
“What is this urgent favor?” She asked her Hand. 
He shook his head no, folding the letter that was still in his hands. “I know that you have your cause of gaining the Iron Throne. But I am coming to ask if you could help me go stop a wedding at Winterfell.”
“What wedding is so important in Winterfell?” Dany questioned him for more details. 
He slumped his shoulders. “I need to stop the wedding. Someone from my past is going to be forced to wed a very dangerous man. I am asking for your help to prevent this fate.”
“Could this person help me achieve my goal?” Daenerys rose to her feet. 
Tyrion stepped closer to her, lifting his green eyes up to hers. “The oldest daughter of the former Lord and Lady Stark is married to my older brother. Which means that now Winterfell and the loyalty of the North belongs to their second daughter Y/n. If you help me stop the arrangement then she can put one of the seven kingdoms instantly on your side.”
“Can you ride on Dragonback?” Dany asked him walking past the dwarf. 
He made a confused expression not expecting the response from her. “So you’ll help me if I can ride on Dragonback. I have barely ever ridden a horse.” 
“Is this Stark worth the risk? I have risked everything that I have to follow my destiny and I haven’t questioned if it was worth it. That is the question you need to answer for yourself.” The mother of dragons waits for his response. 
Tyrion sucked in a breath building up what courage he could. “For Y/n’s happiness putting my life at risk is worth seeing her safe.” The pair left the room and made their way to one of her dragons preparing to go to Winterfell. 
Y/n’s pov
The double doors that would lead out to the Godswoods opened before my eyes. I was dressed in a gray long dress and one of my former brown fur cloaks that my mother had made for me. My hair was loose except for two strands that were pinned back with a clip. A Stark guard escorted me towards the red tree and the man I despised not as much as Cersei but he was on my list, Ramsey Bolton. “Who comes before the old gods this night?” 
Theon who was standing beside me answers. “Y/n of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?”
“Ramsay of House Bolton. Heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell.” The annoying young bastard replied. 
“Lady Y/n, will you take this man?” The minister asked me. 
Clasping my hands together I desperately wanted to run but I knew it wouldn't lead to anything good. “I…” 
“No she doesn't.” Whipping my head up into the dark skyline I recognized the voice of Tyrion but I couldn't see him until a large creature with wings dropped down right behind the four of us. The dwarf man dismounted with a woman that had almost white hair who remained standing by what I assumed must have been a dragon. 
I ran towards him not caring what might happen to me. “Tyrion!” Dropping to my knees in the snow I embrace him in a hug of relief and messy tears. The level of emotions I feel seeing him right now are almost undetectable at this point. I had assumed more than anything else that he was dead. That I would never see him again in my life, but here he was alive and well.
“”What are you doing here, dwarf? You and interrupting my wedding to Lady Y/n.” Ramsey scowled at our embrace looking at Theon to make a move and do something. 
Tyrion ignored the bastard lord behind us. All his mind could process was that he was holding me in his arms after so long apart. He didn’t care how powerful Ramsey thought he was in this moment for nothing could compete with a dragon. “I am here to take Lady Y/n away from you, bastard.” Tyrion separated from me and I rose to my feet, never removing my hand from his. 
“How dare you. I am the Lord of Winterfell.” Ramsey challenged him. 
The woman with white hair tied in braids stepped away from her dragon who blew its breath in our direction. She walked right past us and stared down at the bastard before delivering the most powerful declaration I had ever heard. “I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of old Valuria. I am the dragon’s daughter.”
“That doesn’t mean anything to me. Y/n, come here now!” He spat in my direction. 
Tyrion and I shared the same look and he could see the discomfort in my gaze. “You don’t have to go with him. She’ll set things right…for me.” He squeezed my hand looking to the queen he had sworn to, she would handle him wherever she saw fit. 
“Has he hurt you, Lady Y/n?” The woman asked me. 
I shook my head no but gave her a verbal answer with it. “I’ve seen what he does to people he gets tired of. He lets his dogs eat them and I fear him may do such a thing to me one day if I can’t provide an heir.” 
“What shall we do with him?” She asked me a second time. 
Tyrion lifted his gaze to her. “His father will come after you. I suggest we send a message that shows we man business but not with blood.”
“Fire does not seem fair for him.” She agreed, eyeing me. “You should decide his fate.” 
“You don’t have to kill him, Y/n. We can lock him up and send a message to his father that way or we don't have to send a message at all.” Tyrion turns to me, taking both of my hands in his. 
I slumped my shoulders remembering how he had tried to touch me. The thought of what he did to members of Winterfell. I knew of violence and my father would say mercy if they deserved it. “Tyrion, I haven't been violent to anyone. But he deserves it…his family helped to kill mine.” 
“As did mine, dear.” He reminded me in defeat. 
Moving one hand to his face I sent him a smile. “You aren't like your father and sister.” 
“Okay then I'll give her the word.” He nodded seeing the mother of dragons waiting for our response. He didn’t like encouraging her to do violent things but for the sake of what Y/n felt he would bend what his opinion would be if he had lived through what she had since she had left her former home. “Use what you wish, my queen.”
Daenerys nodded her head in agreement uttering a word seconds after Tyrion had instructed me, the priest and Theon to get behind her dragon. “Dracarys.” Ramsey went up in flames by her dragon's fire and to my surprise I didn’t scream in terror. 
“I can;’t believe you’re alive, Tyrion.” I admitted hugging him once more, not bothering to care about my dress being dirty by the snow. 
He cupped my face in his hands, declaring to me with a kiss. “I’m done waiting to tell you this. I love you. I want you to be my wife, Y/n Stark.”
“I’ll gladly marry you, Tyrion Lannister. Now and always.” I kissed him back and that night we were wed under the Godswood tree together with the mother of dragons being my savior. 
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