#reiner x mc
aquilapolariz · 11 months
what’s gonna be left of the world of you’re not in it? (reiner braun x reader)
Summary: On the plane to confront the Founding Titan, Reiner thinks about how the cruel world doesn’t deserve you and how you don’t deserve to live in such a cruel world. What more, it's in this state because of his existence. Alternatively, Reiner is ready to die for your sake until he realizes you want him to live.
Warnings: Extremely brief implied/referenced vague mentions of self-harm, minor season four part three spoilers
Word Count: 1.8k | Read on Ao3 here or below the cut!
The hum of the airplane distracted Reiner from his thoughts and prevented the uncomfortable silence from being completely unbearable. He was the only one standing up, knowing if he let himself relax, he’d be stuck in that blissful state forever. So he never once rested, not since he departed Marley with Annie, Bertholdt, and Marcel. Every slumber was sleepless, except for the rare ones spent with you. Sneaking out under the blanket of the night and tiptoeing past your sleeping comrades of the training corps, your only worry in the world was getting caught by Shadis. He wondered how soundly you slept now. 
Reiner turned his head slightly, wanting to get a good look at your face and every emotion it held.
“ Kirei… ” your voice barely above a whisper. Reiner followed your awed gaze out the tiny window of the biplane. It really was beautiful, the flat desert melting away into the endless sky, the earth and the heavens coming together as far as the eye could see, ready to bear witness to an earth-shattering event that would define the future. Reiner marveled at how you could call something beautiful on the way to a bloody battle. Even in the hardest of times you could see beauty. Even in the worst of people you can see the good.
Your gaze turned to Reiner and he felt like you saw right through him. You took in his form, committing it to memory, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over you as you looked at the ODM gear he equipped. Your voice sounded shockingly clear in comparison to the blurred noises of the plane, asking Reiner if he’d be okay operating the updated equipment. He only nodded, saying it wouldn’t be used for that long anyway. He wouldn’t be in his human form for more than mere moments. 
The realization showed on your face and your bitter smile reminded him of sweeter times. When your saccharine words reached his ears, prompting him to play them over and over again in his head. When he’d crack a stupid joke and your honeyed laughter would create the most beautiful melody he’d ever known. When your sugary smile gave him something akin to a toothache just because you’d give it to him every single day without fail.
In those halcyon days, you had reached out for him, and against all of his better judgment (and Bertholdt’s protests) he reached back, grasping for any semblance of his humanity through you, which you gladly bestowed unto him time and time again without even knowing it. He wondered if, now, you knew how much you meant to him. 
In the days spent alongside the Paradisian devils, he found his conviction within your existence.
Like when he first committed his heart to the cause of the Survey Corps and every time thereafter. Reiner knew the words well. Shinzo wo sasageyo , the commanders would yell with unfettered devotion, like they truly believed their cause was worth every resource, every penny, and every life given to it. Hearing these words, Reiner would dutifully place his fist on his chest just like everyone else. He glanced to his side without turning his neck to look at you, whose eyes were solely focused on the commander with a gaze burdened with responsibility and hope for the future. While you offered your heart, totally and willingly, to this godforsaken island, he offered his heart to you, a godforsaken devil. Still, he knew that he would be the one going to hell and that he wasn’t going to see you there.
Since then, it never did bother him to pledge allegiance to the unfounded wings of freedom. He offered up his heart honorably, not lying when he did, because he offered more than that- his mind, body, and soul- to you whenever he saluted. While everyone had their backs straight with pride in their walled country, his back was straight with pride in you.
Back then, he was fighting out of a sense of pride, duty, and responsibility. Now, he only fights out of desperation and contractual obligation, simply waiting for the day he will pass down the armored curse to another child, never even hoping for the ever-unattainable repentance.
He was once a warrior and soldier, but ever since leaving Paradis, he was nothing more than a dead man walking. You gave Reiner the Soldier a reason to keep going, and you gave Reiner the Warrior an escape. What was he to do without you? Without Annie? Without Bertholdt?
You were the anchor that Reiner tied to his brain. An anchor that never rusted no matter how many times it was thrown in the salty ocean of battle. And without you he was lost at sea, completely adrift with no aim. He could blame nobody but himself because it was he who severed the rope that held you two together, cutting it cleanly when he revealed his titan form, his armored face devoid of emotion, forever haunting your dreams. 
He thought maybe you were a figment of his imagination. Too good to be true, too kind to be real. Maybe you were just something his mind made up to stay sane. But being here, hundreds of feet up in the air, working with the people he was taught to hate, he knew this wasn’t something his mind was capable of conceiving. He knew this was real. He knew you were real.
If only you could have stayed within the confines of his imagination! That way he wouldn’t have to feel shame every time he looked at you, everytime he thought of you. But he deserved it. He deserved to feel the bile of guilt rise in his throat, his lungs on fire like he was ready to explode. He deserved what his worst enemies wished upon him and even more. 
Reiner was never worthy of you and never will be. You of all people should hate him more than Eren hated him. You should hate him more than he hated himself. For he had hurt you the most, and everytime he harmed himself an image of you in tears showed up in his mind’s eye. It seemed like every move he made, hurt the world and his world was you. Every mistake he made would cause you pain, even if you didn’t know about it. He wondered what you’d say if he told you how many times he tried to kill his guilt, and with it, his own life.
He wanted to make it up to you, even though he knows it’s impossible. All he can do now is fight. He'd fight against the founding titan for whatever fragmented shards are left of his duty. He'd fight for you so that you can live in a world where you’d no longer be on the front lines of a cruel war.
And ultimately, that is what kept him going in his mission. More than his mother, more than Marley, he knew that no matter what he’d still have you, or rather the haunting memory of you.
Even if he himself had mere years left to live, he wanted to give you an existence that didn’t seem like it would end every single day. A world without him. Surely, that would be salvation for you, right? A world where you didn’t meet Reiner or one where the two both of you wouldn’t get along so damn well.
He felt sorry for you. He felt sorry for anyone who could love a piece of shit like him. His mother, Gaby, Bertholdt. For he was nothing more than the scum of all nations, the bastard son of Marley and Eldia cursed with the power of the Nine. He was the harbinger of calamity to the island paradise you, and thousands of others, called home.
And so he’d fight for you and only you. For your future that didn’t have him in it. For your future where you’d no longer be forced to don a soldier’s uniform and dirty your hands. You were the light that was seeing him through to the end of this war and the collapse of the founding titan. 
The sound of Connie’s strained voice snapped Reiner out of his thoughts. Connie was confessing his sins, speaking on behalf of everyone else around him, finding the common ground between him and Reiner. 
Reiner looked at his own hand, pristine and never marred due to his healing abilities. With no scars, how was he to remember his own sins? How was he to remember each time he bit his hand to transform into a monster? Every person he killed mercilessly just blurred together in his memory, a haze of bones, blood, and bellows. “My sins are irredeemable, I will never forgive myself. But, at least, let’s save what’s left of humanity.”
You were what’s left of Reiner’s humanity. He looked at you and you made him feel as human as he was before inheriting a Titan. 
Everyone nodded, bodies tense and minds shocked at the realization that they are all the same- that the soldiers of Eldia were no worse than the warriors of Marley and they were stuck in the same endless cycle of war and hatred.
You grabbed Reiner’s hand, the one he was examining so intently. He noticed that your hand was the more calloused one out of the two. Your touch burned, permeating his smooth skin and branding it into his memory. You brought Reiner’s hand close to your chest, forcing him to a slight bend at the knees and a curve of his spine as your lips tickled his ear in a whisper, “Please, don’t die today.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. He already had one foot in the grave he dug for himself. Just a couple more steps and it’d be two feet in, completely buried six feet under. He believed it’d be okay for the ground to swallow him up after doing all he can to stop Eren. Then, he’d finally be able to rest in peace with no voices of the dead haunting him because he would become one with them. Surely, it’d be better for you, and all of humanity, if he no longer existed.
His confused expression took you by surprise. You said your words like they were the most obvious thing in the world: “Well, what’s gonna be left of my world if you’re not in it?” 
He remembered how he offered his heart to you many times. Everytime he held his fist over his ribs, he could never feel his heartbeat. But in this moment he could hear the rhythmic thumping of something in his chest, fresh air filling up in his lungs- the same that you breathed- and the blood finally moving through his veins after years of seeming stagnant. A warmth that spread from where you held each other’s hands filled his body and your intent stare stopped him from questioning if he deserved to feel this strange and foreign feeling.
Was this the urge to live?
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bastart13 · 10 days
What's the game you're making? What's the premise?
Love and Legends is a fantasy isekai dating sim, originally written for and produced for the Lovestruck app. The app shut down a few years ago, and though the game is archived in videos here (x) I wanted to give remaking it a shot.
The premise is that one day, the MC has just got out of work, only to be struck by lightning and teleported to a fantasy world of knights, elves, fairies... and evil queens. And turns out she looks just like the evil queen, the one killed three years prior. People in the world either want her in a dungeon or to restart war as their despotic overlord and she has to learn to navigate the world, chosing someone to stay by her side.
There are seven love interests:
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Lord Reiner Wolfson - A second-born son of the former leader of his domain, forced to become leader after his family died fighting the Witch Queen. A kind, considerate leader with a love of bad jokes, prepared to but the weight of the world on his shoulders to protect what remains of his loved ones.
Altea Bellerose - A young, gifted wizard who's devoted most of her life to refining her art and fighting for justice. She's deeply curious, quick-witted, and determined to prove herself against those who might dismiss her.
Prince Iseul Idreis - An elven prince with a family history with Reiner's, who served him in war and now takes time to enjoy the peacetime. Laid-back and sharp-tongued, he seems to take nothing too seriously but cares deeply for his friends.
Saerys - The last known demon after the Witch Queen launched a brutal extermination of his people. Isolated and marked, he struggles to find his place in the world. As much as he loves and trusts his allies, he does not believe he has a place among them.
Sir August Falke - Reiner's most loyal knight and fiercely protective of their won peace. He does not allow any threat to pass, even if it leaves him a little uptight. Taking care of his beloved noble steed, Wyndsor Royale, shows off a softer side to him.
General Helena Klein - The Witch Queen's general, former lover, and apprentice, Helena's gift with magic breaks bounds. Though she has a long, dark history of pain, even when she thought it might be love, she hopes for a way to escape.
General Alain Richter - The Witch Queen's longest-standing general and oldest friend, he followed her down an evil path, sowing pain whenever she commanded it, he wants nothing more than to return to a time where he and his love find peace together.
The writing is overall very impressive, with a strong sense of character chemistry and dialogue. There's a lot of variety between the characters and routes, each following a unique story with variations on the world's lore. The MC is a surprisingly strong character in her own right, allowing interesting dynamics between her and the love interests rather than a default.
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istanbulite · 10 months
Masterpost try #368
last updated: 28.5.2024
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Tags :
#sudraws #my writing #xx (and more)
Art Blog @mandoart
A03 (being revised)
Art trade, Requests: Ask ✧*。
Commissions: Not Yet ₍ - ̫-₎.。
Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Alistair, Fenris, Blackwall (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav, Darius (Lovestruck)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Too many lol (Romance Club)
Cole (Blush Blush)
Hanzo (My Ninja Destiny)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Virion (Oathbreaker)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze (Demonheart)
James (Tailor Tales)
Zhu (Relics of the Lost Age)
Preston (Tin Star)
Toshio, Jun (Samurai of Hyuga)
Mason, Adam (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
all 3 of them Laurent (Perfumare WIP)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
O, G, Sebastian (Infamous WIP)
Rin, Ash (Vendetta WIP)
Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
Some of my OCs/MCs :
*Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther
Anna Arslanowicz (Fallout 4) #oc: anna
Elnara 'Ellie' Krymsky (Saints Row) #oc: ellie
Balta Granar (Elder Scrolls Online) #oc: balta
'Lia' Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) #oc: lia
Valentina 'Tina' Ryder (Mass Effect Andromeda) #oc: valentina
*Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins #oc: ayka
Aisha Adaar (Dragon Age Inquisition) #oc: aisha
Aurora Hawke (Dragon Age 2) #oc: aurora
*Berra H'akan (my first bounty hunter, cathar, Mandalorian by birth, daughter of Clan H'akan's chieftain, Danyal) #oc: berra
Alma Ethelwulf (Star Ward the Old Republic, Zabrak Jedi Knight) #oc: alma
*'Nino Balkish' (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino
Kartili (Kelborn) 'Solus' (Swtor, Twi'lek ex-Mandalo Republic Smuggler) #oc: kartili
Cattie Pallas (Swtor, Cathar Jedi Consular) #oc: cattie
*Emija 'Prizrak' (Swtor, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija
*Eos Ergenekon (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the Titan with the same name) #oc: eos
*Ela Anka (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP work Perfumare:Amalgam) #oc: ela
*Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me, Nightbringer & my interpretation of Eve herself) #oc: eve
* main or more developed ocs™
Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
My Writing :
Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
My Moodboards, Edits :
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horror102 · 1 year
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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jean-vi · 1 year
Masterlist (WIP)
(r) - 18+  (a) - Angst (f) - Fluff (au) - Alternate Universe (I will rarely write this. I enjoy using the AOT universe)  (mc) - Major Character Death  (c) - All clear, good for everyone :) 
I have sorted these based on the season and general time they take place so you can read what you have watched without spoilers for future seasons.
Levi Ackerman
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Season 1:
Lie To Me - Levi x Reader (a) (f) 
Facing the female titan, you find yourself in a sticky position.
A Quoi Bon Dire? - Levi x Reader (a) (f) (mc) 
What could have been
Season 2:
Lie To Me Pt. 2 - Levi x Reader (f) (a)
The unknown label on your relationship causes tension
Season 3:
The Final Season (Parts currently out): 
Jean Kirstein
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Season 1:
God Complex - Jean x Reader (f) (a) 
What happens when two people collide in an unexpected way?
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Final Season (Parts currently out):
Another Life - Jean x Reader (f) (a) 
Ice cream leads to a run in with an unexpected visitor
The Volunteer - Jean x Reader (a) (mc)
This choice will have consequences...
Eren Jaeger
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Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Final Season (Parts currently out):
Armin Arlert
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Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Final Season (Parts currently out):
Reiner Braun
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Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Final Season (Parts currently out):
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whataphantasia · 9 months
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oog i keep forgetting to post here,,, i did a really big oc x canon promptlist on my alt twitter acc like, last year, and i like the stuff i did for it so im posting it here :3
day 1: dancing
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needed to draw this for the fic where they dance at prom and a destroyed universe respectively ^_^
day 2: stargazing. the thumbnail image at the top :D
day 3: phone call
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day 4: (not so) sneaky glances
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ely sits inbetween these two in class. they have to deal with them staring daggers at each other. very stressful sorry ely </3 here's the doodle from like 2019 that made me wanna draw this
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also like there's this moment in the fic where eadr is watching mysterious mysteries together and..... HSHSBDHSHDGDHDHS
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day 5: "i'm proud of you"
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THESE TWO NEED VALIDATION SO BAD RAGHHH don't @ me about the lighting on zim IK ITS REVERSED,,,
day 6: music/playlist. i didn't make any art for this but i did show off my playlists for zaeadr :D i will not elaborate here bc I Don't Feel Like It.
day 7: whispers
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this is actually a redraw... :3c specieswap eadr! so cute :)
day 8: closeness
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ok i didnt actually make any new art for this i just posted two old ones from 2021 LOL
day 9: protectiveness (CW blood)
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dib and zim r dangerous to have as love interests come on ely 😔
day 10: "how was your day" (CW blood as well)
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ely needs to tell him to stop tracking blood into the house.....
day 11: one wish
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WOW something NOT ely related?! anyways ana and ad's whole love arc is kinda like... they both have responsibilities and unrequited feelings. moreso than my other oc x canon pairings. i think them a lot
day 12: matching accessories
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cove jumpscare. IDK I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE MATCHING KEYCHAINS HE BUYS FOR MC... this is reiner btw i was playing as xim in my like 3rd playthrough >_< xe's fond of spoiling him with gifts, more than my other mcs...
day 13: nightmare
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it took me 13 days to break and make sans x shelby art SJWKDJWJ anyway. shelby doesn't meet him pre-corruption but whatever i think they're cute
day 14: makeup
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I HATE THIS DRAWING RAAAA but ely likes asking to do his nails ^_^ even tho theyre terrible at it but he doesnt mind :3c
day 15: "you are my happiness"
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ok uhh my bad this isn't oc x canon LOL. but... erfi and ana... have a lot of angst like halfway/early in their arc bc erfi sees her as a beacon of light/savior, especially due to her current relationship with the ppl in her life.................... they get better dw!!! ad goes through a similar arc so i think that was how i tied it into the oc x canon promptlist LMAO
day 16: indirect kiss
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SODA BOTTLE... IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. i've talked about this scene in the fic NON STOP to my close friends.... its when dib realizes he has a crush on ely...... i drew this like in 2021 SHWJSJW
day 17: morning cuddles
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SORRY i just think it's a super funny possibility that zim becomes domestic. idc if it's out of character thats why its funny U_U!!
oh and uhm yea i have a fankid 4 these guys... have i talked abt her... i dont think i have... but ive drawn her a lot... maybe ill post more art abt her later...
day 18: photoshoot
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uhhhmmm im gonna crop this for my tumblr.... yea.... anyways i love the possibility that when they're adults they become super popular, like in dib's wonderful life of doom X)
day 19: voicemail. THAT ONE THING I POSTED!! yes it was a shelby x error thing. i was listening to pick up the phone by fir at the time, which like, its not the errorshelby dynamic at all they're not toxic, but. the vibes... in the fic after shelby leaves the anti void he has a massive crisis... thats what the drawing is...
day 20: "what happened to you"
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BRO I HAVE SO MANY IMAGES RELATED TO THIS FOR ANA AND ADAMAÏ... the images explain everything idc read them instead
day 22/23: hand made gift, late night drive
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ummmm sooooo theres this chapter in the fic where they go to an echo flower field on the surface at night........ this is that.... DIES
that last one i never posted on twitter :0c and uhm thats all i did of the 30 day promptlist! it was fun! i got to draw so much... yay :3 thats all. explodes in embarrassment
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This one is pretty!! I love the colors of mcs dress
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megatraven · 4 years
look ok
it makes COMPLETE SENSE for sin with me cast to have a vegas wedding, they live there, right? right
and aurora, well, a vegas wedding is right up her alley, honestly. and ash proposed there, but it was just him and mc, and it was nice. not a full vegas wedding. doesn’t really count.
A VEGAS WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’ll never fucking be over this.
he really just married the interdimensional love of his life in las vegas.
what the Fuck.
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chmo-n · 6 years
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the-devilskid · 2 years
Insert the character you simp.
If you imagine Solomon from obey me doing this for you then skip number 4 :)
You’re on your period and you have the worst CRAMPS to exist…like all you wanna do is lay down and not do shit and suffer with the pain bcoz you’re not the type to take pain killers (self insert)…so your lovely and caring s/o decided to take care off you. They literally made a list of stuff to do for you.
1. Help y/n take a warm bath with bubbles and oil essence(your favourite ofc)
2. Fuck the cramps out of y/n during bath time(it’s bcoz you can’t bleed when your in water so less mess ig)
3. Clean y/n up after sexy time, help her get dressed and wrap her up in bed in the most warm duvet.
4. Make y/n’s favourite food and dessert
5. Feed y/n the food( coz you poor thing cant even move due to the pain)
6. Turn on y/n’s favourite movie and cuddle her throughout the film after meal time.
7. Help y/n with her work( or homework if your still studying)
And lastly 8. Give y/n a forehead a kiss, tuck her into bed and cuddle her from behind (your cramps have lessened but they’re still there so he doesn’t wanna squeeze ya so back cuddle it is)
im on my period and have the most terrible cramps to exist… and I’m working as a waitress…life couldn’t get any worse🥲🥲🥲
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jmojellybae · 4 years
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Reindeer and Andi from the body pillow
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thelifeofsummer · 5 years
I got a quest on Alain, so I started his route. I gotta say I didn’t expect to be smiling three episodes in
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intheinkpot · 6 years
prompt: ‘no airbags, we die like men’
summary: Kai and the retainers have a bit too much drink. Helena is amused.
pairing: Helena Klein/MC
Kai isn't sure how much she and the retainers have had to drink, exactly, but it's enough that they're standing atop a steep hill with two old carts. Altea staggers after Iseul, taking one cart from him, and Kai lurches forward, grabbing the other from August.
“What're the rules again?” August asks, his speech slightly slurred.
“No airbags, we die like men,” Kai answers, trying to clamber up into her cart. Her limbs are uncooperative. She falls back into the grass.
Altea manages to flip herself up over the side into her own cart. “Get in...have to race. I’m not a coward.”
“Who called you a coward?”
Kai squints up at the late afternoon sky. A hawk floats on air currents high above. “August, pick me up.”
Before August can reply, a familiar voice says, “And why do you wish to be in the arms of another, my love?”
Helena's amused face appears above her. Kai grins. Helena’s blue eyes sparkle with mirth, and her blonde hair cascades around her face, and against the colors of the late afternoon sky - or is it dusk now? - she is painfully beautiful. As if she isn’t always. 
“You're hot,” Kai says with a dopey smile. It doesn’t capture the depths of her thoughts, but it’s close enough. She thinks. Everything is a little fuzzy.
Helena's face turns pink. “I...thank you. But that does not answer my question.”
“What is going on here?” Reiner asks, amused. He stops beside Helena, grinning down at Kai.
Kai holds up her arms to him. “Pick me up.”
Helena huffs. “Why do you suddenly desire to be in every man's arms?”
Kai can’t tell if Helena is really put out or not. She doesn’t think so but decides to explain just in case. “Muscles. Gotta get in the cart. Need to go fast. Someone pick me up.”
Helena sighs and helps Kai stand. Wrapping an arm around her waist, she steadies Kia - which is good because it means Kai is pressed up against the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen. Oh, and cause her legs are wobbly. That too.
Altea hangs her arms over the side of the cart and glares at Helena. “Get her in the cart,” she slurs, “need to prove I'm not a coward.”
Helena raises an eyebrow at Kai. “Why are you trying to kill yourselves?”
Kai pauses a moment, thoughtful. She can't remember what brought them here. Finally, she remembers a glimmer of something. “Bored.” She shrugs.
Helena's eyebrows rise higher. “Bored?”
Kai concentrates hard, trying to remember and to speak clearly. “Not much to do here. Medieval Jackass seemed the thing to do.”
Helena stares at her, bewildered. Then, shaking her head with an affectionate smile, she picks Kai up bridal style. Kai shivers, fully appreciating in that moment the muscles Helena has developed through years of fighting.
“I can't leave you alone, can I?” Helena teases.
“You shouldn't. You should tie me to the bed and - ”
Reiner coughs loudly. There's a smirk on his face and his cheeks are tinged pink. Kai glares at him for so rudely interrupting. He picks Altea up out of her cart, and August and Iseul grab the carts and regretfully start pushing them back toward the castle.
Helena's face is bright red, but there’s a smile on her face, and her eyes are soft. “Once you are sober,” she says in a low voice, “if you still desire such, than I shall.”
Kai hums, resting her head against Helena’s shoulder and looping her arms around her neck. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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@lovestruckvoltage here’s my take for the summer wedding. MC and Altea during their wedding and is reenacting the time when they were strolling that one time at the market(was it the market? Lol i forgot) and MC was giving Altea a piggyback ride.
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struckbilovestruck · 6 years
Promises of the Unexpected (Part 10)
Pairing: Iseul x MC
Game: Love & Legends
Warnings: Wedding and this is literally all fluff.
*Thanks for all of your support you all! Reading your reactions to this series has brought me so much joy. I’m sad to have this come to an end.*
Word Count: 1, 899
Part 1      Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6    Part 7     Part 8   Part 9
A slight pressure on my chest, mixed with delighted cooing, brings me to alertness. I open my eyes to see my daughter crawling on my chest, grinning at me.
“Now how did you get in here, little one?” I ask, gathering her in my arms and kissing her. Arms wrap around my waist.
“I brought her.” Iseul explains, pulling me into his lap and setting his chin on my shoulder.
“Did she wake up crying?”
Iseul shakes his head, “No. But she looked so lonely in the nursery, so I brought her in to our bed.” I feel my heart melt a little as I lean into Iseul’s warm body.
“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to give her a sibling then, won’t we?” I innocently suggest. Iseul growls at me, nipping at my neck.
“That can be arranged.” he murmurs, continuing to kiss my neck.
I laugh breathlessly, “Just not now, mister. We have a wedding to get ready for.” Iseul’s arms tighten around me.
“I cannot believe the day has finally come.” he sighs, raising a hand to stroke Sarai’s cheek.
I nod, “It’s been a long year, but we did it. We made it babe.”
“Indeed we did, love. And I do not intend to wait any longer that we already have.” Iseul says, pressing his lips against my cheek.
“Then we should start getting ready.” I reply, turning my face so I can capture his lips in a kiss.
We quickly get out of bed and get ready for the day. Iseul kisses both Sarai and I before going to Reiner’s study to get ready with the guys. Before long, Altea and Ishara come up to help Sarai and I get into our dresses. My gown is white with straps that fall off the shoulders and a skirt that billows out at the waist. Sarai’s is a miniature version of mine with longer sleeves. After much deliberation, we decide to leave my hair down, but Altea insists on braiding some fresh flowers around the top of my head. Once Ishara and Altea are done fussing over me, they exit the room. Taking Sarai with them. For the first time in months, I’m alone. I sneak a look in the mirror, admiring my reflection. It’s funny how so much has changed and I haven’t. My face still looks the same. My body changed the most, but it’s gone back to the way it was for the most part. But I’ve grown so much. I found my family and fought beside them. We defeated the Witch Queen. Iseul and I feel in love and started our own family. And now we get to join our lives together. Forever. That last word brings a slight smile to my face. Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door.
“Are you ready, my lady?” Reiner’s voice calls from the hallway.
“Yes!” I call, opening the door to meet him. Reiner smiles at me.
“You look breathtaking.” he says, offering his arm to me.
I take it, “Thank you.” I say smiling. Together, we make our way towards the garden where everyone is waiting for us. Before we step through the door that leads outside, Reiner stops us.
“Are you sure that this is what you want.” he asks me, “Not that I am second guessing you, I just want you to know that you have control over this whole situation.”
I cup Reiner’s cheek with my hand, “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.” He grins at me.
“Then let us go.” he says, opening the door and leading us outside. Everyone I love is waiting for us. When Iseul’s eyes meet mine, his jaw drops and I see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Altea is behind him, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. August stands beside her, subtly trying to wipe away a tear that’s rolling down his cheek. Ishara is at Iseul’s side, holding our smiling daughter, who started clapping her hands as soon as she saw me. Behind Iseul is Imohn whose gaze is full of sibling adoration. Which they are about to become. I sneak a quick glance over to my side where I see Saerys and Solaire beaming at me. The whole scene fills my heart with joy. Before I know it I’m almost at Iseul’s side. I turn to Reiner and give him a hug. He hold me tightly and plants a kiss on the top of my forehead. Then he takes my hand, pressing it into Iseul’s open palm. I go to stand in front of Iseul as Reiner goes to stand across from Ishara. Iseul’s thumbs brush over the top of my hands. He gazes at me with those tender green eyes. It takes all of my willpower not to pull him in for a kiss.
“Thank you all for gathering here today.” Imohn begins, looking at the small gathering of people in front of us. “We are here to celebrate the love between Iseul and MC. A love which we have all had the… honor of being exposed to everyday. For years.” they joke, earning a few laughs from everyone.
“I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you are each other’s perfect match.You have fought for each other, both literally and figuratively, and it has brought us all here today, where we bringing together two lives.” At this, they look to their mother, who hands them a goblet with a green liquid in it. Imohn takes the cup and places it between Iseul and I.
“This goblet contains a potion that will bind your lives to each other. For you, my dear sister,” the pause, looking at me, “It will give you an elven lifespan. Meaning that you will live and age as long as Iseul does. For my dear brother, and the rest of us as well, it means that we will never have to lose you.” the pause once more, looking over to their brother.
“For this to work, Iseul must first drink from the cup. Then you have to drink out of it.” I manage to nod as Iseul puts the goblet to his lips, taking a long drink. As he passes it to me he wipes a tear trickling down my face.
“This is what we were working on while you were pregnant.” he confesses, smiling sheepishly at me.
“I kind of figured.” I breathe before finishing the potion.
“Alright, now that all of that is out of the way, I do believe it is time for the vows.” Imohn says, taking away the empty goblet. Iseul nervously clears his throat.
“May I start?” he asks. I smile and squeeze his hand in affirmation.
 “I cannot put into mere words how much I love you, MC. I have been struck by you ever since they day we first met. While I admit I did not fall in love with you right away, it did not take long before you won me over. It was the first time I held you in my arms; that day we were walking in the forest and I caught you as you fell. I knew at that moment that I was in love. I tired to fight it at first; tried to pretend I was only doing my duty by protecting you. Obviously that pretense did not last and I am not one to deny myself in matters of love. And I do love you, MC. More than I ever thought I could. You are the love and light of my life. My sun, my moon, and all my stars. I would not be the man I am today if you had not come into my life. Everyday I thank the heavens for your unexpected meeting; everyday I am thankful for you. I love you- mind, body, and soul.”
A tear flows down my cheek, “If I could summarize our love story in a single word, I think ‘unexpected’ would be just about right. I know I never expected to end up in another world or be accused of being another person. I never thought that I’d learn how to shoot a bow or wear armor or even fight in a life-or-death battle. And I never would have imagined that I’d fall in love with a mischievous elf prince whose hair is almost as pretty as mine. But it all happened and I wouldn’t change a thing. All that we’ve been through and all that we had to fight to stay together- it was all worth it. Because it brought us to where we are now. Every unexpected twist and turn made us stronger together. If there is one thing that I have learned for our love story it’s that the only promise in life is that of the unexpected; that is the only thing life can guarantee us. While I can’t say that all of our unexpected surprises will be as welcome as our love was, or our daughter for that matter, I can promise that you will never have to deal with them alone. I will be by your side through it all. Forever. I love you, Iseul, and I always will.” Tears are streaming down Iseul’s cheeks, but he doesn’t go to brush them away. He just keeps holding my hands, his thumbs still roaming across my knuckles.
Imohn grins at us, “Lovely vows. Now, the rings?” they ask as Saerys and Altea hand us the wedding bands. “Now, Iseul, repeat after me. I, Iseul.”
“I, Iseul.”
“Take you as my spouse.”
“Take you as my spouse.”
“Forever and always.”
“Forever and always.”
“Come what may.”
“Come what may.” Iseul finishes, sliding the ring on my finger.
Then Imohn turns to me, “Now, Lady MC, repeat after me. I, MC.”
“I, MC.”
“Take you as my spouse.”
“Take you as my spouse.”
“Forever and always.”
“Forever and always.”
“Come what may.”
“Come what may.” I vow, sliding the ring on Iseul’s finger.
“I now pronounce you married. Now, do what you two do best.” Imohn jests, eyes sparkling.
“What we do best we don’t do in public.” I retort.
“However, we do do what we do second best in public.” Iseul finishes, pulling me into his arms, pulling me in for a kiss. As our lips collide, everyone cheers. As we breathlessly pull away from each other, I reach over grab Sari from Ishara. She coos happily at me, her hand reaching out to tap my cheek.
“And we promise to love you always, sweetheart.” I say, kissing her cheek.
“Through every unexpected surprise.” Iseul adds, kissing her other cheek. Sarai shrieks in delight, clapping her hands together. Iseul wraps his arms around me, pulling both Sarai and I into his chest. I sneak a peek at everyone surrounding us; our family, the people who have been by our sides through this whole journey. Then I look up at Iseul, my husband, beaming down at me.
“I love you.” I sigh, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I love you, too.” he replies, cupping my face. This is all I need. Him. Our daughter. The people surrounding us. Our little makeshift family. No matter what unexpected promise tomorrow holds, I know that we’ll be able to handle it because we’ve got each other. And that’s all we’ll ever need.
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They eloped & he regained his memories 🥺
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