#saw this trend on other platforms and this was the first thing that came to mind
back-in-2037 · 3 months
"All thanks to that pointy-haired little kid who forgot to lock the garage door"
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The Rise of Dimension 20: The Changing Face of Roleplay
I remember when I first heard about Dimension 20 in 2019. I had subscribed to Dropout to watch Um, Actually and I saw D20 being pushed on the platform. I sat down and watched the first episode, then the second. In two days I had finished the first season.
I had never seen anything like it. I had tried NADDPOD and CR and bounced off both (I'd eventually fall head over heels for the former, and gain a solid respect for the latter), but I fell in love with the Bad Kids, the Intrepid Heroes, the world of Elmville, and the style of Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Later, I would learn that the first season of Fantasy High was seen by most in the community as a sort of novelty, the last death-rattle of a dying company. It was cool and new, sure, but it was also a flash in the pan.
Escape From the Bloodkeep proved the naysayers wrong. It proved that Brennan was as much the source of the fun as the Intrepid Heroes, and it showed us something that set him apart from the pack - Brennan was constantly pushing himself to be better. Out of the starting gate, he proved a technical proficiency on par with Matt Mercer, the reigning king, but for Brennan, that wasn't enough. He wasn't facing off with Matt, he was facing off with himself, and he needed to be better.
The Unsleeping City continued this trend. It was another setting the DND actual play community wasn't used to - the real world. The characters were fresh, new, more nuanced than the children they played in Fantasy High. They were up to the challenge, with the same drive as Brennan. Brennan and Ally redefined how the Wild Magic Sorcerer was played, Lou Wilson brought an abandoned Unearthed Arcana to the forefront, and the pair played, perhaps, their best roles to date.
Tiny Heist showed that Brennan could bend 5e to be something it wasn't meant to be - a heist simulator.
Then came A Crown of Candy. Some hold this season to be Brennan's magnum opus and the best performances the Intrepid Heroes have ever given. The combat was quick, dirty, tactical, the characters textured and nuanced. Our heroes had to get out of impossible situations, both in roleplay and combat. Death was a very real possibility. And this season was what sealed Brennan as a real rival for Matt, and was when "I only have Dropout for D20" stopped being a joke and started being a reality. Brennan had hit his stride.
The sidequests and seasons two from this point don't really prove my point, but they're good. Brennan didn't do a couple of them, though.
Then we get to Starstruck. Set in a world his mother had created, it obviously meant a lot to Brennan, and so he strived to outdo everything he'd done up to this point. It was funnier, more moving, the combat more tactical than anything he'd done before. He included space combat, and the cast once again rose to the occasion, portraying those cast out and cast aside by the corporatocracy that was the Starstruck universe, forming a touching bond. It was as if he had peaked.
And then came Neverafter, and with that, Brennan became king. It was horrific, scary, brutal. Combat wasn't fun or interesting, it was intense and nail-biting. The party dropped in their first combat encounter. Children were brutally murdered. They were up against eldritch horrors in perverse retellings of fairy tales. The humor was there, sure, but it was twisted, dark, more about relieving stress than being funny. And again, the cast excelled.
And all because Brennan wasn't trying to outdo Matt or Griffin or Brian, but himself. Each season, he wanted to be better than he had ever been before, pushing his technical abilities, his storytelling abilities, to the max. And the world of actual play shows improved as well. Matt stepped up his game, as did the other big dogs. Brennan redefined the game.
Or I could just be a massive fanboy who's reading way too far into things. Either/or.
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anemoiashifts · 2 months
permashifting & sv!c!dal ideation & early shiftok.
im so fucking scared to post this. tw.
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ive been in the shifting community for four/five years now & most of my time was watching quietly from the sidelines up until last july when i made my shiftok account. i want to preface this by saying these are my experiences & observations & ive always been pretty firm on my stance. ive spoke about this (i think) twice on tiktok & will now give some updated insight. i don’t expect everything to agree with me but please don’t jump down my throat for saying what im going to. i respect you, please respect me. cool? yes? okay !!
there are similarities between sv!c!dal ideation & permashifting & im so so sick of people hardly taking about it. what re-sparked this interest in the topic was i saw someone make a video on their views towards the topic & i do resonate with their points heavily. this was the only video ive ever seen of anyone making a video like this minus myself & it’s been long overdue.
to clarify, im not against permashifting completely im against how permashifting is spoken about & how it’s promoted. it’s wayyy too casual & ive seen a lot of triggering things in my comment sections / confession submissions. i used to get about five of these or so (ppl saying they wanted to unalive themselves) a week when i was actively doing them but they’ve since kinda died down. if, me, an account with (at the time) ~15,000 tiktok followers were seeing this, i cannot imagine the kind of messages those 100,000 followers shiftokers were getting.
another thing that i haven’t spoke about too much is the sv!c!de notes id receive. i got about two or three of them. ignoring the overstepping of boundaries & oversharing, my heart goes out to those who submitted those. i think shifting came at a time when everyone was bored & cooped up inside & shiftokers could’ve unknowingly preyed upon people’s loneliness & vulnerability. i remember people could say things like “im k!11!ng myself tonight so I’ll wake up in my dr” & the fact that was even a thing is so beyond horrific. im gonna put some confessions ive gotten in the past just to show you what i was seeing daily at one point. scroll a ways down if you don’t want to to see. sorry ! idk how to blur it but would if i found out how to.
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i wanta take a sec to call out all the adult shifters who neglected to speak about this.
i hear people say “but if they didn’t discover shifting they wouldn’t still be here” or “it buys people more time”. i get it. really, i do & i don’t think that’s a bad thing. what i do think the bad thing really is, is the adult shifting creators who enable the kind of talk & push that shifting is this other option without telling people to take care of themselves in this reality. the mental well-being & safety of people should always be put first, especially with spaces involving a lot of children when most of the information comes from the mouths of adults. shifting was popularized by tiktok at the height of c0v!d & everyone was arguably at their lowest. i think the timing in which shifting was introduced helped shiftok get popular at the time (along with harry potter trending, of course) & a lot of ppl saw it as a trend to latch onto & leech off of to grow a platform. i think some people totally — probably unintentionally — took advantage of peoples desperation for an escape for profit. that’s what I’ve felt with some former / earlier shifting creators, anyways. that’s why shiftokers are seen as these figures that were/are looked up to so heavily because they’ve gotten something that people with destructive situations are so desperate for & i think that’s really diabolical & sad.
this post isn’t to shit on shiftokers completely, not the modern shiftokers anyway. i have some really cool mutuals who genuinely post insightful content. i think tiktok has gotten a little better with some bumps every now & then but it’s not as bad as 2020.
i don’t think shiftokers are doing this intentionally. & who knows ? maybe they’re are afraid their audience will get upset or off put or they’ll lose support but the longer we put the conversation off the more people’s mental health will worsen. whatever the reason may be, keeping numbers up or getting “canceled” isn’t worth it at the risk of lives of children. it’s long overdue.
then the idea of escapism comes in. escapism isn’t bad. arguably, most things we do are escapism; reading, scrolling on tumblr. its how we look & obsess & look at that escapism. that’s when it becomes unhealthy. the consept of shifting as an escape from something like depression can exacerbate those feelings of because people do struggle to actually shift. that state of “waiting” to shift can be extremely difficult if you’re not struggling mentally, so if you’re struggling mentally on top of trying to shift without success? also throwing being a minor onto that.
anyways this post was all over the place because i could talk about this for hours. i have no idea if this will ever have a place on tiktok or if I’ll even end up posting this to tumblr. this was very ramble-y but a very important ramble imo. i tried to organize & keep this short to the best of my ability. feel free to agree, disagree but these are my poorly organized thoughts.
a little reminder to enjoy the journey & process of shifting rather then hyper focusing on “the end” of it. take a break if you find you self only thinking about shifting and not doing stuff you gotta do here or if your making yourself sick over it. it isn’t the end of the world if you don’t shift. i believe everyone is here for a reason & i can promise you everything will work out in the end.
to those who resonate with mental health struggles & shifting, my heart goes out to you & only with you the best. be gentle with yourself — that goes for all of you.
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thedroloisms · 3 months
like ultimately speaking i don't even think that public discussions into the identity of shubble's ex are that necessary. at a certain point i think it's up to personal discretion, especially in terms of different platforms - for example, having a certain amount of discretion when it comes to spaces where it's more likely for shubble to see. that being said, at a certain point, it was obvious that the calls to Not Speculate, to Not Bring Up Him why are you saying his name he doesn't have to do with this i'm going to wait until shubble makes a statement if she wanted us to know then she'd say his name :) were doing a shit ton more harm than good?
like, shubble wasn't making an accusation. why people were flat out expecting her to say more in itself is beyond me. at the end of the day, people's willingness to continue supporting a content creator is a personal decision - shelby certainly wasn't trying to frame her stream as an allegation with proof. it was an ancedote about a personal experience with relevant details. along that same note, taking up pitchforks and banging on the door of the person in question is ??? again, the stream was hardly framed as an accusation & proof, and that was on purpose. whether or not one believes that he deserves a platform, with the great pains that shelby has taken in order to keep themselves from directly pointing at any specific person and making a direct accusation, brigading in their name in ways meant to directly attack the person in question feels...distasteful, literally for her sake.
like, any fan is capable and has the right to withdraw their support at any time, and giving other people reasons to withdraw their support isn't wrong either, as stating one's opinion is obviously perfectly fine. but uhhhh direct attacks without an explicit accusation being made are a bit of a different story.
but back to the first point, watching people in real time go Oh Don't Bring Up [Name] Sweaty :) was ???? like, it's impossible to go without acknowledging that if it wasn't him, that the amount of coincidences between her ex and the cc would be EXTREMELY high. "there's millions of ccs in england" and shubble was spending hours a day and in the apartment of every single one of them??? like be fucking fr??? this isn't even a case of it's a 50/50 between him and some other guy just based on the number of coincidences as described by shelby's one (1) stream alone, not to mention the corroborating evidence of things like the year's worth of content they produced with each other in recent years. and like, the literal album. which meant that even with the extremely likely possibility of him being the person, people were fucking tripping over themselves to scream NOT TO SPECULATE !!! DONT SAY IT'S [NAME] !!! to the point where when i clicked on the trending tab, tweets along those lines made up at least half if not more of the results. tweets she clearly saw, based on statements by her and her mods. like, look, even if the calls not to speculate came from a place of good intentions, they were all getting swallowed up by the noise of people explicitly telling other people Out Loud not to bring up the possibility of the man who was very likely the person she was talking about as being her ex - all while claiming to speak in her name #believevictims [words they continue to put in her mouth].
like, yeah, when you're going DONT TALK ABOUT HIM!!!!! this totally looks like you care about her and her story and not like a silencing tactic.
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bajibitch · 2 years
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Request: Their biggest fan wants to replace you. Yandere!
Kazutora, Manjiro, Kokonoi, Baji, and Rindou
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When his superfan showed signs of becoming a problem, he blocked them on all platforms and didn’t allow people to message him unless he followed them. The fan still had their ways of contacting him and since he was fed up, he made a post calling them annoying and let other fans pile on. He knew they would be sad but he didn’t expect them to take drastic measures, so he was surprised to see you tied to a chair when he came home.
The fan stood behind you with a knife. He knew asking them to let you go would make matters worse, so instead asked why they were visiting. They went on about how he didn’t need you. They understood him. You were just there for his money but they were gonna love him. When they asked if he was willing to give them a chance he said it was great.
He went on to say how it would solve the problem that's been bugging him. He's been looking for a way all this time but the solution just came to him. While the fan is saying they knew he'd understand, he shot them. Sure, he could’ve found a way to get them out but then they’d just make a new plan.
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He didn’t mind the comments people made saying he’s theirs because it was expected, but he hated the direct messages asking for a chance. Making a video talking about his relationship with you and how much he loved it seemed like a good idea, until it wasn’t.
Manjiro thought if they respected him then it would extend your way but the nasty, bitter comments proved him wrong. He’s never been the one to care about what people say, but there’s something about them attacking you that gets him feeling aggy.
He didn’t make any post about it or block the comments because he needed them to think he didn’t care. That way when he goes to the user in real life, the one who runs a popular fan blog that trashes you, then they wouldn’t expect it to be him.
The press assumes there was an altercation between fans, but the question of how their head was off their shoulders still remains. There was no murder weapon on the scene but surely the killer used a blade, no human could it with their bare hands.
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He never paid any attention to his fans because he didn't want to deal with their nonsense, but when he saw your name trending he couldn't ignore them any longer. The tag was flooded with pictures of you and the usual talks about how you don't deserve him. It struck a nerve seeing that they would tag your name, just to be sure that you knew they hated you.
Kokonoi didn't make a public comment, it wouldn't help you. They would ignore it and keep making their little hate groups. He wanted to have a direct effect on them, so he used his resources to get their information. It seems like too much but he didn't have to do the work himself so it was nothing to get their addresses, jobs, and business if they had any.
Even though he got famous he never cut ties with his old gang so he sent people to the fans. Of course, when you're controlling so many people some of them go rogue and take things further. Families were being killed and lives were ruined but that was fair. They could've pushed you to the edge with their constant harassment, leaving him with no one.
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The fan stayed well after the meet and greet, hoping to get a moment alone with Baji. He was well aware of who they were. He got all their gifts and letters of appreciation and at first, he loved it, but then it became something sickening. The letters became more about you as time passed, asking if he was sure about his relationship, adding in the flaws they believed you had, and going into ways they could be better for him. When they started sending nightmarish fantasies of getting rid of you and running off with him, he called them out online and told them he didn't want anything from them.
Baji thought they’d get the message but seeing their smile grow as he came into view told him otherwise. His upper lip was pulled up as he looked down at them. They couldn't be serious, thinking they were the better option as if they could sign up for the competition, but they were. When they started to pour out their heart to him, he pushed them aside to get to his car, but they followed behind going on with their confession.
It was insane. Were they pretending to be oblivious or could they not sense his repulsion? When they reached for him again he couldn't stop himself from beating them. He couldn't tell that they were becoming unresponsive, he just didn't wanna hear any more of their delusions. So he kept beating them until he felt they got the message.
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He didn’t just play at clubs, he made beats for other celebrities and helped them with their album. One of them was a fan of his and would often hint at wanting an intimate relationship. Time and time again he would turn them down but one day he just ignored the question. Everyone knew he was with you so he wasn't gonna waste his breath reminding them.
The celebrity didn't understand why Rindou wouldn't be with someone equally famous and wealthy, but rather than saying it they would put it in their music as if he wasn't also working on it. He didn’t let them put out the diss tracks and made sure they knew they were blackballed, but he didn’t stop there.
Since he used to have a great relationship with them, they felt comfortable sharing everything, good or bad. Sometimes they gossiped about other people, and other times he witnessed their embarrassing moments. It wasn't everyone has their moments kind of embarrassment. It was you knew that was disgusting and you're embarrassed because I saw. Either way, he made sure to have another artist mention it on their album.
It goes platinum so the celebrity in question isn’t able to escape the endless questions about their unusual activities or the mockery from their peers. Their career plummeted since no one wanted to be associated with them, just like Rindou swore. They were nothing but a good laugh or eyesore depending on who was looking.
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xoxiu · 11 months
first love of late spring - ot7 x reader
chapter four table of contents masterlist join the taglist discord
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summary: falling, falling, falling- that's what you shouldn't be doing as a young intern at hybe. falling in love with your supervisor is frowned upon, especially all seven of them. you'll never learn, will you? guess you’ll just have to be their dark secret.
tags/warnings: intern!reader, poly relationships, stockholm syndrome, age regression, spanking, drug use, sugar daddy au, dubcon, body dysmorphia
taglist: @frieschan
February 1st was your first day starting as a social media manager for BTS. Scratch that- not a manager, but the social media manager. Your new position came with many amazing benefits, and you liked working from home when you weren't with the band. It felt like you were amongst the popular kids at school for once. You followed them around all day, taking pictures and videos for their socials. It almost felt like a dream- your job was to be their friend and photographer. They treated you more as a friend than a staff member. 
Then there was dealing with the fans. Being sneaky and having a secret fan account on multiple platforms allowed you to see what the fans were liking and into, giving you more ideas for the official pages. That meant you were in on all the inside jokes, leaked information, as well as what was trending amongst the fandom. 
Back in your youth, you ran a fan Twitter account for One Direction. You understood the fans better than anyone else because you were in their positions at one time. Times have changed over the past decade (you didn't even want to think about how long it's been), but getting back into the groove of things was easy enough. 
"y/n, you don't have to be so formal with us," Jimin would tease you all the time. While your job was fun, you were still a staff member. The boys would call you out constantly on you referring to them as 'sir', complaining about feeling old, and whatnot. They saw you as an equal and awaited the day you felt like one too. 
Today was the filming for a Run BTS episode. You didn't entirely understand the concept of the game- all you knew was that they were painting something and whenever they asked you to take a photo, you would. It was adorable- they would hold up their paintings like proud little kids. The photos would be posted to their individual Instagram accounts, so you would send each member a copy on KakaoTalk. 
"I think y/n should be the judge!" Taehyung said, standing up from his chair and pointing in your direction. You looked up from your phone in confusion, only having heard your name and 'judge'. The boys noticed your deer-in-headlights look and let out an endearing laugh. 
"Just tell us who you think has the better painting. We'll film a male staff member saying your answer so you don't have to." Yoongi said. You appreciated not having to have your voice in the recording. 
You gave each painting a very good look. Namjoon painted what appeared to be the Han River. Seokjin painted a rainbow that had been destroyed by brown paint, most likely by Jungkook that sat next to him. Jungkook didn't have much on his paper, obviously focusing more on disrupting the other members. Taehyung had an all-black abstract drawing that almost looked like it belonged in a modern art museum. Jimin's painting was of a variety of flowers in a bouquet, also destroyed by Jungkook by a brown marking of 'JK' right in the middle. Yoongi and Jimin seemed to have a combined painting that illustrated the seven members of BTS as crudely drawn stick figures when placed side by side. You chuckled at Yoongi's portion of the picture where he drew Seokjin with comically large shoulders. 
"Yoongi wins solely for how he drew Jin," you said, smiling at the excessive cheering from the normally calm member.
It really was days like this when you enjoyed your job. 
You sat in one of the production lounges on your laptop, editing some promotional photos for Instagram. Stretched out across the length of what had to be the building’s comfiest couch, you let out a long yawn before checking the time. 
A text alert is shown as you checked your phone. An unknown number had called you before sending a simple text. 
‘Hey y/n it’s Jin, are you busy?’
You smiled as you responded ‘No’ with a smiley face. You had no idea where or how Seokjin got your personal number, but you didn’t let that thought bother you much. Once you felt your phone buzz with an incoming phone call did you sit up straight on the couch. 
“Hello? Seokjin?” You asked. The line was quiet for a moment before you heard Jin’s voice through the phone. 
“Hey, could you come to our dorm? It’s not urgent or anything.” 
“Sure! Just text me the address and I’ll be right over,” You replied, standing up and starting to exit the building. There were the sounds of shuffling and muffled voices through the phone, making you wonder just what was going on over there. 
“Actually,” Jin suddenly said, “It’s nothing. You don’t have to.” You stopped in your tracks, now very curious and concerned about what was happening. 
“No, no. Come over. I lied,” Seokjin said quickly after, correcting himself. “We want you to come over.”
Jimin roughly nudged Jin with his elbow once the phone was hung up. There was no way he didn’t sound suspicious during the call- stumbling on his words and even backtracking on what he said. They were lucky you just followed along. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi said, holding his head in his hands, “Now we need to think of a real reason why we needed her here. Jungkook missing her isn’t a good enough answer.”
“I think it’s fine…” Jungkook mumbled to himself. 
Namjoon looked across the room and into the kitchen, coming up with an idea upon seeing the state of it. “We could tell her we needed help putting the cabinet knobs back on.”
“We need our social media manager to help us with home renovations?” Yoongi questioned Namjoon’s idea.
“We wanted to film a TikTok?” Taehyung suggested. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go with that one!” Seokjin said. 
By the time the bus had arrived, the sun was close to setting. You kind of started to regret agreeing to come- it was late and you were quite tired. Finally, you had regulated your sleep schedule to be like a normal adult’s, and the members of BTS had to screw with it. What else did you expect from them?
Within seconds you were buzzed in and headed to their shared penthouse. All seven of them had their own apartments by now, but they all chose to live together still for the majority of the time. You often questioned how they were able to do it for so long- you had two roommates back in college that made you question your sanity at any given moment. 
You barely even knocked on the door before Jimin opened it with a smile. He ushered you inside, and you stood in the entryway in awe. The dorm was beautiful and big. Much, much bigger than your tiny apartment that probably couldn’t even fit seven people in it. The ceiling was high up and the doorways were arched, making everything feel so much bigger and fancier. 
“y/n! Thank God you’re here!” Taehyung said, running up to you and hugging you. You awkwardly stood there, allowing him to hug you. Never once had you had any physical affection or contact with them, and it felt like a weird time to break the boundary. You laughed slightly as he let go of you. 
After taking off your shoes, you were led into the living room where the other members sat. It was odd- everyone acted as if you weren’t needed and that there was nothing you needed to do. The sitting members all smiled and waved at you, remaining in their spots on the couch. 
“So,” you clasped your hands together behind your back, swaying slightly on your feet. “What do you guys need?”
“We just-” Jungkook started to talk, only to be interrupted by Namjoon. 
“We wanted help filming a TikTok!”
You stared at him confused. Filming a TikTok was something they were more than capable of doing by themselves. You had directed some and given them ideas, but for the most part, they would just film it themselves. It felt more natural and created more of a connection with the fan base. 
“You could’ve just done it yourself, you know,” You let out a chuckle. 
“We couldn’t think of any ideas for one,” Hoseok said. He stood up from his spot on the couch and motioned for you to take his seat. You pretended to ignore him at first, but he only kept insisting you take a seat. 
“I mean, there’s a trend of AI face filters right now. You each could do that.”
“Yeah! Let’s just play around with filters,” Taehyung said, pulling out his phone. “Wait, y/n has an iPhone. Can we use your phone instead?”
Without hesitation, you handed your phone over to Taehyung. The seven of them took turns playing around with silly filters, doing their best to keep you out of the shot. You happened to glance over at one that turned Jungkook’s face into a creepy unicorn. 
Hours passed by eventually, and you took your leave. You stood up from the couch, trying to locate your phone. A chorus of disappointed ‘aww’s filled the room at your sudden insistence on leaving. 
“It’s already 22:00 and the buses have stopped running. It’ll be a long walk.” You claimed. Jungkook stood up and walked over to the windows, observing the dark skies and falling rain. 
“It’s pouring rain out there. We can’t let you leave in this- you’ll catch a cold.” He said. The others agreed with him excitedly. 
“Or I could just drive-”
“No! It’s too dangerous. We’ll fix the couch up for you tonight.” Taehyung interrupted Seokjin and his logical solution. Everyone soon began to hunt for spare pillows and blankets for you. 
“It’s fine, guys. I really don’t need to stay here.” You slowly began to approach the front door, hoping no one would notice you leave. Hoseok snuck up behind you, blocking your path to the exit. 
“Nope, no way. We’re older and know what’s best,” he said, guiding you back to the couch. A crack of lightning struck and illuminated the dorm, making you jump at the sudden strike. 
“Awh, you’re afraid of storms,” Jimin said, placing the last of the blankets on the couch. “Now we’re definitely not going to let you outside in this weather.”
The couch had a plethora of blankets and pillows piled high on it. It seemed like each member brought at least two of each for you to sleep on. When you pointed out the hilarious amount of blankets and pillows, you were told that it got cold at night. You looked over towards the thermostat on the wall that read 23°C. The members pretended to ignore your questioning stare. 
You gave in eventually and got settled in on the couch. They made sure you were tucked underneath each of the six blankets and placed some pillows on the floor next to you. 
“Just in case you roll off in the middle of the night,” Namjoon said, seeming like he was speaking from experience. 
Within minutes of the lights turning off and the boys going to bed, you were out like a light. 
Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok snuck out of their rooms at one point, standing in the hallway and watching as the city lights illuminated your sleeping body. They watched as each breath caused the blankets to move up and down, and as you softly snored. 
“You’re crazy for having this idea, Hobi,” Yoongi said with his arms crossed. 
“I mean, it sounds like a pretty good plan,” Hoseok tried to defend himself. “Jungkookie really wants her, and I figured it would be fun for us, too.”
“We do really want her, hyung.” Jungkook said to Yoongi. 
“We? What part of this involves ‘we’?” Yoongi asked, before letting out a sigh. 
“Yeah, I guess it is we.”
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dojae-huh · 2 months
hi! briize here to answer ur riize qns :D
riize gained attention initially due to 1) sungchan & shotaro & their new grp 2) a bit bc of anton being yoon sang's son and 3) siren mv because of their difficult choreo!
personally, their success in enlargening their fanbase probably came from tiktok as well? i saw them getting viral in tiktok due to the get a guitar challenge, sohee's talk saxy bridge & anton being 'riize's tiktok social manager' since he (and the members) were rly active in liking and commenting briize's tiktoks + creating rly gen z tiktoks w themselves too
their mainstream success probably came from 1) their performances (they debuted nearing towards award season, so they did a lot of performances i.e. rising sun by tvxq which highlighted their proficiency a lot) & 2) the members' visuals going viral (i.e. wonbin & sungchan who are constantly getting mentioned by hong seokcheon)
riize has rly become monster rookies since they debuted, earning rookie of the year titles less than 6 months of their debut. sohee is being lauded by his seniors for his vocals, wonbin is constantly on the spotlight for being a 'once in a generation' visual who's likened to jaejoong (and jaejoong knows this as well).
and although most news do center on seunghan's situation, that still pushes riize's name to the forefront, esp when it comes to briize's relentless support (rii7e forever 🥹)
and yes, there's no leader! they don't exactly have set titles aside from the basic dancer, vocal, rapper (sohee's the only one labeled as 'main' as the main vocal!)
riize's name was formed by sungchan, and riize as a group was set to debut due to a choreo by shotaro & wonbin which the 7 of them did together. they still don't have a full album yet, and is going to comeback in april iirc?
hope i was coherent and it's helpful 😭
Hi, thank you for the detailed overview!
So several factors contributed: virality of challenges and choreo, timing of the debut, members' visuals. It's interesting that Anton supervises tiktok, heh. SM's early attempts at using the platform for promotion were very clumsy, the staff didn't know what to do, while few neos, aside from Tae, are interested in tt. Younger people are needed, who grew up with the platform and know it and its algorythms well.
I'm somewhat baffled about Seunghan's situation. I'd think he is on hiatus to let the group go through the debut stage more smoothly, have time to gain strength and a dedicated core fanbase, however, other members also get accused of things. And the fandom seems to stand with him, asking for OT7. Taeyong was also hated by knets during the debut, SM didn't remove him. Demands to get rid of Irene, Chen also were ignored. Which makes me think that either Seunghan's mental state plummeted and he asked for a leave himself. Or there are more idols and companies involved, I heard a rumour that one of the winners of Girls planet was taken out from the final debutet line-up (Illit) due to her connection to Seunghan's group of friends.
How dooes Riize function without a leader? Fans invented positions in the first place, and, as far as I know, NCT got theirs with a delay. It seems that it's a 5gen trend for groups to not have fixed positions.
A full album is too early. It takes a couple of years for a group to make one. Some groups never release a full album. But, perhaps, you meant an EP? I see only singles in their discography. 4 songs with language versions + 1 special project.
Wish also started with singles. So did aespa, actually. Seems like a new strategy in SM. 127's first EPs are poorely know. People buy/download single songs, and often don't look into the whole discography.
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overfedvenison · 2 years
It’s weird to see the takes from Twitter on the events because like... People will see the malicious pranks being pulled costing a pharma corp money and be like “Look at how foolish Elon is. This is truly causing a lot of real-world harm” And I... I’m sorry, but I cannot see giant corporations being caught in the crossfire and inconvenienced, or even losing a mild amount of money and getting a worse image in the public’s eye, as a bad thing. I saw people saying that Twitter was a site that other sites linked to, and a ‘front page’ of a lot of the internet of sorts. And that this status quo is threatened, and so sites won’t have twitter to go through, and that people will become less connected to current events and off-site links But, the fact that this one social media site is this “front page” which all other sites go through, which is owned by one company, which limits what you say to 255 characters and which has constant political trends that you cannot turn off? That’s not good either. That is like, actually a horrendous state of affairs  I even people insinuate that the blue checkmark is “Destined to become the mark of people with terrible opinions,” which is just... A really funny statement, from someone who hangs out off-site and has seen people mock ‘bluechecks’ for years now Like... Sure, some people are dependant on twitter. Without it, many artists - myself included - will have to find greener pastures as it will cease to be THE de-facto site. But, I am keenly aware that as an art site? As a site for creative expression? Twitter is bad. There’s zero true archival; interaction is a flash in the pan with no long-term circulation, there’s no way to seek out the things you like, and it’s gained a bit of infamy for morally-directed harassment. If people are forced to move off-site, there will be a status quo change; that change may be difficult, but I really think whatever emerges to fill this power vacuum will be brighter and better than what came before. Artists will survive... It won’t be the first time we have had to switch platform, assuredly.  ... I don’t think if Twitter has a realistic chance of actually dying out, that seems unlikely. With corporations like that, they tend to get resold and remain stable even with mismanagement and changes in ownership even as it accrues a lot of debt. But, I think there is a realistic chance of competing social medias to use this opportunity to break Twitter’s hold on social media, changing the status quo dramatically. And through that is... Well, a potential for a healthier future of the internet
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batboyblog · 1 year
I mean not to get romantic about Tumblr on main, but... oh boy, I just spent an hour on a chat with people who mainly use other social media platforms for their fandom and....
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just talking about shadow banning on Instagram and fandom wars
and one person who's an artist was like "I just read the Percy Jackson books (with my kids) for the first time and then the TV cast came out and all the Percys were blond and I'm scared to do art for it because in my head thats not really how I'd draw him" and like.... A) here on Tumblr old art doesn't just disappear popular old things will circulate for all of time so like even in the outbreak of blond Percy Jacksons there were old pieces floating and B) I think on here idk there's less group think? because old posts don't just die with-in 15 seconds there's less pressure to go with the trend? plus I saw all kinds of posts on this issue and Annabeth Chase being drawn as white or black, basically saying "both good" like draw them how you like them, I've seen people draw two versions of the work because they like both and people using "Book Percy" or "TV Percy" to define the two different characters and thats super chill
any ways reports from foreign lands make Insta, Twitter, and TikTok sound deeply horrible and I'm glad I'm over here
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charlotteswebbbbb · 1 month
What's the vibe #60
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-Nara Lee
First of all...does anyone have any money? I feel like...things aren't selling out as fast as they should....
Kering offering a warning of between 40-45% drop for Q1 profits because of the lack of success of Gucci and weak demand in China - but also mentioning that Sabato's collection is not fully in stores yet (via Lauren Sherman)
"Wines & Spirits business group saw a revenue decline (-12% organic) in the first quarter of 2024. Champagne was down, reflecting the normalization of post-Covid demand." - LVMH. Does this reflect non-alcoholic change or more health focused population??
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NTS (and I love you, NTS) had their first Rush party at Ministry of Sound on Saturday and it was not as full as it should have been (1/3 cap filled?). Maybe wrong club, could have been done at Venue MOT over 2 days... I see what they were doing though as London lacks venues that are comfortable for potential 1k people.
Ministry is the only club where you can buy shots from two hosts with a contactless holder and another holding a LED tray full of shots, and also the women's bathroom has hair straighteners.
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What it means to have a house now:
At Salone di Milano this year, IKEA are presenting "1st" which is an interactive maze that explores the feelings of moving into your 1st home.
Alongside this, they created a zine in collaboration with Dazed, and other creators around the concept of home.
The concept of home is such an interesting one considering the statistics of today where landlords demand that the house must be in their image of white walls and no marks left and that for some stable housing is out of reach (...at least for a while)
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"The Resolution Foundation think tank recently said that the most common living arrangement for an adult aged between 18 and 34 in 1997 was being in a couple with children, but now it was living with your parents." - from "First-time buyers face toughest test for 70 years" on BBC.
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What does is mean if you are forced to delay this quite important life stage because of money? How does one manifest other ways of self definition within the self if you're not able to customise your shelter or showcase parts of yourself to the extremes that you want? Does the body become a place of extremities or site of customisation as a way to claw back autonomy over one's life... slightly exaggerated but maybe? But this delay means that when people do finally get stable housing they are forging their own way and own style, which loops back into the idea of prioritising your personal style in a genuine way.
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Went to a trend forum last week about beauty and here are my three related thoughts:
People are using hyperspecific ways of categorising self as a way of expressing loss of subculture - ie "get ready with me as I pretend I'm the girlfriend of a Italian rockstar". There's a massive fear of vulnerability or - the theme of the forum was "Fantasy" so you can bring this back to the idea of the internet being a place of fantasy for people especially people who suffer from discrimination IRL - (Black, POC, LGBTQIA+, disabled etc). Real life is unpredictable, messy. Also cities/urban landscapes being hard to penetrate socially.
Unrelated but being authentically cool is unattainable so I will be cool by copying you :) >>> the search for authentic artists right now
from @ cinnagal on insta
Lack of subculture > cycling through identities > sustainability issues > encouraging a build a bear personality > sense of self > spirituality
Best Coachella set design:
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I would say, Lana Del Rey + Tyler The Creator are the two standouts.
How to age well!
Age is just a number!
"Branded HUN80 beer, energy drinks, water, and mezcal shots in commemorative glasses—“hun” is the nickname Rick has for Michèle—kept the vibe up. Just after 1 AM the food truck serving scrambled eggs and caviar sandwiches turned up to quell the crowd’s urges. At around 3 AM, after ringleading the posing and vamping from the stage, the artist Gena Marvin assumed her position on a go-go platform, her body twisting and thrashing so glamorously and sensually some of the audience just stood in awe."
Relating this back to British Food culture - a few years ago I went to this talk that Eater London put on at the Ace Hotel Shoreditch where the panellists and editors were seeking to define modern British food (in the context of restaurants). They mostly came to the conclusion that is was "the use of high quality British produce". (Alongside the question of how does this country democratise this and work with farmers to make affordable? Over the next few decades as probably the most health conscious generations grow up (Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z and Alpha), British food and exercise culture will redefine itself as we see the effects of lack of gym culture (really as an extension of body negativity), lack of knowledge and food skill and diet manifest in older generations.
Or possibly you can teach an old dog new tricks?
This relates to new life stages: This year the London Marathon has had a record of over 50k people participating and finishing. Even billionaire Jim Radcliffe who is 71 ran, finishing after 4h30m then going on to Wembley to watch the FA Cup Finals with his team Man U.
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Could we see a major mindset change regarding older age in this country? Young people being less embarrassed that their mum did something like dye their hair; or an extension of the middle age where people treat it as a stage for optimisation, for producing the best work rather than when you're young and exciting (and a little naive).
People want to feel accomplished even if they haven't reached traditional markers of being married or having a house or having a baby. Their social life could technically be a mess and there can be a cost of living crisis but they can still run and achieve something, or improve their fitness.
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cosmicanger · 9 months
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Community Notes Vol 1.1
First they're sour, then they're sweet
above: SITE XXIX by Kevin Beasley
They cannot handle the truth and always shoot me when I am the messenger. It is masochism at this point: I keep getting caught in wasting time pointing out anti-Black celebs and microcelebs in the art world. I am not a walking angry Black person trope; I do not come to "tear other Black people down," we all know platformed people of all races are anti-Black or enable anti-Blackness to some degree, but I guess I will continue to get demonized for not masking and saying aloud what people say in private now (but will say once one can gain clout on the scene for "finally" giving "voice to the voiceless.”)
Aged phrases like "voice to the voiceless" speak to the trend of Word or Text Art coming back in the 2020s Art; it is part 'art world finding another genre or medium that they "forgot" for a while' and part 'the art world needing another medium gentrify to center whiteness or shallow' by uplifting artists who use moderate to radical liberal phrases such as virtues, quotes from scholars/thinkers out of context or "ironic," cheesy adages. Slowly but surely, everyone wants their work to look like a dairy entry in oil paint or a TopSecret entry from a Yale MFA grad in several "ultra-contemporary" circles, and text artists from prey2k are trending (but most aren't references Black prey2k text artists; I can’t even think of a major group show or art book of Black text [open to suggestions!]). Everyone is trying to make "sincere," Live Journal-influenced, early blogging-inspired works when they can't even show basic empathy by wearing a mask during a surge that affects immunocompromised Black people the most, please. Everyone in the arts is choosing escapism and acting as if their empathies have run thin for (former, no more for me) Black whistleblowers like myself. That selfishness is an active choice people make because the current zeitgeist promotes rugged individualism through global anti-Black capitalism. This current stream of violence and information is not unique to our age, and those who came before us were just as aware of things that happened and never complained about "overconsumption" in society to deflect action or "capacity" when it came to combatting anti-Blackness or materially supporting Black whistleblowers. 'Black Joy' or 'nonblack Joy' is not resistance or counterculture. Many artists wanna be the people who say they are "not nice; they are kind." You are trying to be "authentic" through anti-Black capitalism and consumerism. So many artists dress the same now (Sambas, Margielas, Telfar, etc.) and make similar Deviant art-coded work, aka Art Black people made in high school for fun or Art from Black people outside the academy. They are trying to memeify 'Live, Laugh, Love,’ but like it as an "inside joke" because the early 2010s are already "on trend" in "ultra-contemporary Art right now. They will only put on Black word-centered Art in 2023 from Black people with majority nonblack friends when the Black artists who make the most moving and transformative work art or text art of our current times, not the artists with the most clout, should get the most support (but I am not repeating myself about how Art is not meritocracy.)
Light Art is having a moment now; stone art and small-scale metalwork (like the solder piece I saw during the last fair week) will trend soon. You can only do small-scale glass "at home," so glass Art takes longer than you would think to trend. Inkjet/image transfer/laser jet is everywhere; that's funny when you factor in that one major criticism from certain Art people about a bulk of my work is using images + image transfer as material for years. "All you do is print images you find online; that's not Art," and now everyone's printing and image transferring pixels and photos they find online. Everyone's making fabric or mixed media art books right now; calm down, nonblack Tumblrinas. The North remembers that you all looked down on cloth books or mixed media books from Black people just a few years ago. For example, some of y'all are basically Devin Morris's children; y'all are still playing catch to 3DOTzine and Devin's mixed media works on paper. Black artists doing craft center works drive all current art trends. (I would even put the nonBlack airbrush art alt bros in there because they all make gentrified versions of Black graffiti work over the years, but put it on canvas or linen.)
I told someone earlier today that I have avoided learning to use resin in my work for years because I believe resin is a cheap conceptual trick because most objects alone or collaged together look amazing in resin. Most artists do not use resin in poetic or graceful ways, and I was afraid of getting lumped in with other artists who use resin in uneventful ways. However, I was intimidated by this other medium I am currently working in and decided to learn resin this weekend instead because it seemed easier; it was easier. Equal parts solution A to solution B in a container, mix until it is not cloudy anymore, then use. In the future, I plan to incorporate resin, but as one component of many, probably never the main component (Silicone mat or parchment paper for work surface). After that little experiment, I moved into another medium, which will soon trend (like that recycled clothes piece from that trendy group show): mosaic.
There are several versions of mosaic; you need to prepare the surface you are working on, adhere (archival glue/museum glue or thin-set because it is tile adhesive that can take water and the outdoor elements) what you want to the substrate (surface of what you want to cover in mosaic), then cover whole project with grout mix then wipe down project with rags (or sponge only if needed, but I do not use sponge often) until clean then let dry and seal grout.
I am anti-gatekeeping art skillsets (email [email protected] with questions or concerns); I do not care if someone else learns how to make the Art I make; that does not threaten me. Copying should only annoy anyone if it comes from someone with more power than you or if there is no transformation with the 'copying' and you are left with only echoes of the source work or mirroring of the source artist with no substantial additions. I wanna see Black people get into mosaics like I have recently; the process is a beautiful way to "upcycle" materials in your practice. Community Notes will be in this format moving forward; I just want to make art and believe all Black people should get support, not just the few who will never risk calling anti-Blackness in Art past, present and future. Sending love to all this week before Art Month + NY Fashion Month begins.
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destinyimage · 9 months
Asbury Revival Eyewitness: ‘The Lord was Present, Imparting Peace…’
In February 2023, a few students at Asbury College were so hungry for more of God that they lingered in worship for hours after their chapel service had concluded.
Leaders of the university discerned that this was not just an ordinary extended worship time. What started with around twenty students turned into over one hundred students by the end of the day and then over fifteen thousand visitors in one week. For more than two weeks there was round- the-clock worship, prayer, and pursuit of God.
There has arguably been an asinine amount of criticism sur- rounding the events that took place at Asbury. Every move of God has a certain amount of disapproval, but from my standpoint this particular outpouring had far less of the typical controversial manifestations and issues than past revivals or outpourings and still managed to have the same amount of criticism.
About three days into this outpouring, a few friends and I hopped in a car and took the trip up to Asbury. Let me start with a disclaimer that we were only there for a short period of time, although I have friends who are on staff or spent significantly more time there than I did. My friends and I were uncertain of what to expect because at the time there was not much information being shared about the specifics of what was happening inside the chapel. The building was almost to capacity, but it was before Asbury became a trending topic across social media platforms so it was easily possible to grab a seat in the early evening. Our hearts were hungry to see what God was doing in this precious moment. When we walked in the room, the first thing I noticed was the fact that there were at least forty young people on the stage appearing to be leading the room. There did not seem to be one “main” worship leader or speaker. As the evening continued on with the sweet Presence of Jesus tangible, I was shocked as I noticed what I could only consider a miracle. For hours upon hours, these young people stayed on the platform, engaged in worship, not checking their phones—that is a miracle if I have ever seen one!
As the evening turned into night, the majority of the people left as these hungry college students stayed. The older leaders went back to their homes, but these young people continued to press into worship throughout the night. Their sheer hunger for Jesus reminded me of Joshua, who would stay inside the tent, obsessed with the Presence of God, long after Moses returned to the camp (Exodus 33:11). Just like Bartimaeus, I saw a group of young people with a cry in their heart that said, “If Jesus is moving, then I will not let Him pass me by!” In response, I believe, Jesus stopped. His Presence came in waves day in and day out in the Asbury Chapel.
The night that our group was leaving Asbury, church vans from all over the country were showing up to little Wilmore, Kentucky, to get a taste of what God was doing there. The very night that we left, the leadership decided to open one of the other campus chapels to facilitate the masses that were gathering. There were so many people trying to get into the chapel that speakers were set up outside for those in line to listen in. At one point people were waiting up to eight hours hoping to get a seat inside. The hunger of those few Gen Z college students initiated a move of God that went on to touch the nations. Within one week, Asbury went viral.
For a generation that has been deemed as lost, there was an undeniable fervency to pursue Jesus. Multiple times throughout the outpouring, space was made for testimonies to be shared from the front. There were countless stories of young people who were convicted of their sin and gave their lives to Jesus; others who, once exposed to the Presence of God in that measure, chose to rededicate their lives to Him and fully surrender their lives. I can’t remember how many testimonies I heard of anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts leaving. The fruit from the continual worship time was being seen.
This should not be shocking to us. The Presence of God transforms lives. Holy Spirit takes the broken, the sinful, the addicted, the jaded, and He forgives, heals, sanctifies, and revives. That is revival—hearts being revived to Jesus Christ. Much of the dis- agreement surrounding Asbury had to do with how much the Gospel was being preached (or the lack of it), if repentance was occurring, and essentially the glaring question, “If all they are doing is worshiping, is that enough to call it an outpouring?” I would first comment that the Gospel was being preached, people were repenting, and much more was happening every day in addition to hours upon hours of Christ-centric worship; however, in spite of that, are we going to argue with a generation of young people that their way of pursuing Christ in humble adoration is inadequate? I, for one, do not want to minimize God’s ability to transform a life in one instant in His Presence, just as He did Bartimaeus, just as He did me, just as He has done an innumerable number of times.
After things calmed down from the Asbury Outpouring, I reached out to Greg Haseloff, the university pastor and associate dean of spiritual life at Asbury College to gather more information from behind the scenes of what occurred at Asbury. Greg happened to be the pastor of the Wesley Foundation at Texas Tech University, which I attended while I was in university an unmentioned number of years ago. These are my questions and his responses with regard to Asbury and Gen Z.
1. Can you give us a short reflection on what occurred the first day that the Asbury Outpouring started?
On Wednesday, February 8, we were focusing on the third or fourth chapel in a series titled: “Love in Action.” The series was moving through Romans 12–14, and seeking to unfold an orthopraxis of “loving your neighbor as you love yourself.” Our Gospel choir was leading us in worship, and Zach was preaching on Romans 12:9— essentially laying out how we fall short of loving one another if it is not the love of God moving through us.
As chapel closed that morning, no students responded to an altar call. About thirty students remained after the vast majority went to class following chapel. The students lingered and continued to sing for another 20 to 30 minutes—sweetly being with Jesus and responding to the Holy Spirit. During that time about a dozen of them came to the altar and prayed. For those who were in the room, there began to be a sense that the Spirit of God was moving in a special way, that many would describe as the manifest presence of God—often described as “the cloud of God falling on us.” One student shared a testimony of hope. The Gospel choir responded to the movement of the Spirit and kept leading the praise. When classes dismissed before noon, a few more students trickled back into the room. After lunch another handful of students filtered in. Between 1 and 2 pm more students migrated back in to Hughes Auditorium, hearing from friends a description that Jesus was present, worship was continuing, and they were encountering the love of God in a special way—sweet, filled with peace, and authentic. By late in the afternoon and early evening, much of campus was aware that “chapel had continued.” This didn’t mean that all students came back to the auditorium. Some had responsibilities, others knew that for one reason or another they weren’t being drawn there. However, the movement of worship, the peace of Jesus’ presence, and the clear sense of the love of God being poured out confirmed that worship would continue.
2. What made you and the other leaders decide to let the students continue to stay in the chapel that day?
Our students experience Hughes Auditorium as a place of worship, not limited to morning chapels on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When students are seeking God—whether singing in praise, or prayerfully at the altar—our chapel team, spiritual life team, faculty, and other leaders make room for how God is at work, for our students’ genuine seeking after the presence of God. While some students certainly had classes to attend, leaders would typically not interrupt the continuation of worship expressions. In the ethos of our community on campus, we seem to have an implicit trust between students and faculty/staff who discern and respect how God is at work. All those involved in the spiritual leadership of chapel were unified. The calling was to steward the presence of God and follow what the Spirit of God was orchestrating.
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3. What are some of the attributes that you would consider unique to the Asbury outpouring?
The first and maybe most obvious would be the uniqueness of this move of God among college students. This outpouring of His Spirit has been upon Generation Z, which in American culture has been viewed as a generation of declining faith—the least amount of belief of any generation.
Second, the vibrancy of the worship. The joy that filled the worship and the peace that filled the room during more gentle times were both so authentic and rich that one can only imagine that joy and peace were “displacing depression and anxiety.” Joy and peace were being elevated in our worship, juxtaposed to the polarization being elevated in society. Jesus was moving toward our brokenness and fractures in the midst of a world that perpetuates the fractures. The Lord was present, imparting peace to a generation, and a world, that has struggled to know peace.
Third, a unique attribute was the “lack of production,” which was expressed as simplicity in the leading of worship. This included no words on the screens and no high-tech production of what was unfolding on stage. This attribute means very little in the history of awakenings and revivals, yet it is worth reflection in this cultural moment of the last fifty years. As production can garner too much attention in the church—and as cell phones sky- rocket our distraction thousands of times per day, 24/7—suddenly an old auditorium with stained-glass windows filled with desperate, hungry college students thirsting for righteousness captured our attention. Jesus actually captured our attention, and it seems this particular attribute eliminated peripherals that have often distracted us—in order that Jesus could more completely and fully receive our attention!
Fourth, worshipers coming for consecration. Encounters at the altar were marked by people’s desire for their lives to be fully consecrated. Being delivered from pornography addiction, alcohol, drugs, or other addictions came because people where thirsting for complete purity. The words over the altar are Holi- ness unto the Lord—and this was the hunger within the people at the outpouring. They came to have their lives consecrated and completely surrendered to the Spirit of God filling them with holy love.
A fifth attribute of this outpouring might relate to diversity—generational diversity, ethnic diversity, and international diversity. Attendees were of all ages. In the first week the worshipers created prayer huddles for the younger generation to pray over the older generation and for the older generation to pray blessing over the younger generation. The people gathered for worship were of many races, and the outpouring included many international attendees from every continent in the world. Flags from multiple continents were visible over and over again—in particular at two of the venues.
Last, the timing of the outpouring in the midst of a country experiencing deep polarization and a world that is roughly one year beyond the Covid-19 pandemic is interesting. The emotional healing, reconciliation, hope, and joy many received certainly qualifies as a unique attribute during the cultural climate of 2023.
4. In your opinion what made the Asbury outpouring go viral?
While none of us can answer this question with certainty, a couple of key factors might be at work. Followers of Jesus do trust He is Lord over all—for “from Him are all things, and to Him are all things”—so He can receive the glory from a viral movement. The world is looking for hope and desperate for an authentic move of God, which seems to play a role in how many had their attention captured by this work of God. Lastly, the simplicity that was visible appeared to validate the genuineness of God’s presence. For example, the worship was joy-filled and low-tech. The singing was so rich, boisterous, filled with celebration, and exalting of Jesus’ name. Often people would say, “I couldn’t leave because of the presence of Jesus and the singing.” The music had very little production and no lyrics were being projected. The bands were not leading times of worship that were highly produced. The absence of streaming worship and the simplicity of what was captured apparently played an intriguing role in the viral movement.
5. In your personal opinion, would you rather this time be called a revival, outpouring, or does it even matter?
There is a recognition of what unfolds in John 9 when the disciples asked, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus responded that “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” Whatever the events of February might be called, we know that the works of God were displayed.
I have a preference of this particular move of God being called an outpouring. As we listened to how people were encountering this move of the Holy Spirit and how people experienced attributes of this awakening, we sensed it was an outpouring of God’s love, peace, and presence. The word revival is a word that is on equal footing with renewal and awakening—though the most accurate use of any of these words may await more time to discern the fruits of the movement. Revivals can be planned or spontaneous, and can take on a wide variety of expressions depending on the particular stream of Christian tradition. In order to move beyond some of these realities, we’ve most often described this special time an outpouring.
6. Why do you think God picked Asbury, or would you explain it in a different way?
The timing and place of God choosing to encamp and tabernacle comes with significant mystery. We do know that college students have been crying out for God to bring revival, renewal, and awakening on the college campus and to their generation. College students hungering and thirsting for righteousness, who were lingering and waiting for God, were the forerunners of this movement. We might ask the question with less emphasis on “where” and more emphasis on “who.” Who was it that was desperate for God to move and most desiring of His presence?
7. Would you say that this move was predominantly student-led?
Yes. Students were clearly at the forefront. They were the intercessors, the lead worshipers, the men and women hungry for purity, seeking to be filled with holy love, and the ones saying yes to being sent as carriers of the good news of Jesus. Would they say they were the only ones? I don’t think so. Every generation of Jesus’ followers is acutely aware of two realities—they are connected to believers who have gone before them and invested in them, and they are called to disciple and love those who are coming after them. The movement began with the Spirit of God being poured out on college students hungering and thirsting for righteousness; among college students who had interceded for the Spirit of God to bring awakening, renewal, and revival on university campuses; and among college students acutely aware of their own brokenness and need to receive salvation, purity of heart, healing from anxiety and depression, deliverance from addictions, secure identity in Christ, and a confident calling to be ambassadors of good news. In these realities of being predominately student-led, the students at the front of the movement were grateful and connected to the transgenerational beauty of the body of Christ.
8. Why/how was the decision made to let the students continue to lead?
Regarding worship teams, students leading is very natural and congruous with our university rhythms. They are often our worship leaders. When it came to other elements of worship like Scripture and prayer, their leadership was central and in the flow of what God was doing in this movement. We sensed less of a decision, per se, but rather we were on a quest of stewarding the presence of God that included discerning what God was doing. We had complete unity in naming that the movement began with college students, was in very significant ways for college students, and that the leadership of college students would be instrumental in the spread of this movement unfolding with Gen Z on campuses across the country and the world.
9. What were some of the pros/cons to allowing students to lead in something like this?
All of the pros are expressions of new wineskins. The church’s prayer for a movement of God among young people is absolutely dependent upon young people leading the movement. Students will affirm how powerful the sharing of testimonies was during the outpouring. Every time testimonies were shared, we quoted Revelation 12:11: “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” So we could also understand this verse as a declaration that we can triumph over the enemy’s attack on the students’ generation by the word of their testimonies. Students experienced the work of Jesus in their life overcoming their fears; overcoming identity crises; overcoming anxiety, depression, pornography. Their leadership and their voice was more than a positive—their voice was essential. Students are more than the church of tomorrow—they are the church of today!
10. Would you give any advice to other leaders who want to empower the younger generation?
First, get out of the way. Second, after embracing the first priority of getting out of the way, discover your purpose as a leader with and beside college students. College students who are courageously seeking to follow Jesus are also longing to follow Jesus with humility. Humility keeps them interdependent upon the transgenerational gifts in the body of Christ. Older followers of Jesus grow hopeless and grumpy when they lose touch with the presence of God in younger generations. College students grow misdirected and entitled without healthy relationships with older generations of believers. The outpouring included sweet and powerful times of Generation Z praying for their elders and the older generations praying blessing upon blessing over Generation Z.
Our Response
This leaves me with an excitement that just maybe we will see the fulfillment of the prophecies over this generation. That this Bartimaeus generation will rise up and be leaders in this next move of God on the earth. If He is truly calling them the Bartimaeus generation, what if Asbury is a prototype of what God wants to do in the earth? Perhaps the biggest questions are not “what if,” but if so, then how should we respond?
Through key prophetic insight and biblical teaching, I share practical tools and strategies that can help you respond in my new book, The Bartimaeus Generation.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Terri Joe Isn't Iconic, She's Psyiconic In 2022, TikTok found its unlikely host: a “devout Christian, Caucasian, heterosexual woman” by the name of Terri Joe. Even though Terri Joe found fame and notoriety on the platform, she was not too pleased with what she saw there. TikTok, after all, is overwhelmed by a constant flow of foolishness: Fleeting trends, trauma dumps, the whole world in synchronous and embarrassing choreo. Terri Joe was there to wake the TikTok community up from its sinful, silly slumber. Sitting coolly in front of her shabby floral wallpaper, adorned with not much more than a wig and a glare, Terri Joe goes on TikTok Live roughly between 10 PM and 2 AM CET, usually four days per week. Don’t worry if you miss it live, though. A dedicated community of stans watches every stream and posts all the best moments for posterity — highlights that largely consist of Terri Joe decrying the many “hommasexyuhs” (see: gays) who torment her. Clips from Terri Joe's Lives with Madonna, Doja Cat, Hunter Schafer and other celebrities have helped turn Terri Joe into a perennial meme and catch the eyes of everyone from Ziwe to Lizzo. But even as her brushes with the rich and famous have supercharged her ascent, it’s Terri Joe herself who’s the main attraction. Whether she’s talking to Bob The Drag Queen or a giddy normie, all who enter a Terri Joe Live receive the same treatment: a southern belle’s righteous flogging, interrupted only momentarily by the slight quiver of her lip before she finally breaks character. Keeling over to the corner of the screen, Terri Joe lets out one cathartic laugh before she returns to form. Related | Met Gal Behavior With Hal BaddieTerri Joe is no true preacher’s daughter. She spawns from the mind of Kelon, a shy, bubbly 27-year-old hailing from Houston. Kelon worked in tech before going viral on TikTok, but now he’s a full-time internet personality with more than a million followers on his main account @_psyiconic. And while Terri Joe is his most famous character, you can also find him on Live as Terri Joe's cousin Jeorgia Peach, an LA party girl perpetually blessed with a neon pink glow, or as her doppelganger Amethyst Jade, a goth girl vampire currently haunting Salem, Massachusetts.PAPER talked to Kelon about life before TikTok superstardom, the mechanics of the improv and the method behind the madness — one that appears to be refreshingly unmethodical. The “Terri-verse,” as fans have dubbed Terri Joe’s cinematic realm, is sprawling and complex, but it truly is created “on the fly.” In fact, Kelon doesn’t even think about the Lives during the day. When he goes on Live, he “blacks out” and lets the story flow. Nothing, not even the most absurd interaction, seems to faze him, let alone his interfacing with superstars.Which is probably why the whole thing proves so consistently thrilling. In an era overrun by hyper-strategic influencers and “content creators,” maybe the most genuine thing you can be is a person in a wig with a haphazard knowledge of the Gospel and an unflinching commitment to the bit.Welcome to the Terri-verse. Like our own, it’s ever-expanding.Describe the first time you went on TikTok Live. Were you in character?I have no clue. I started going Live while I was working for this little tech startup job and it was annoying as hell. So it came from me needing an outlet. It was something fun to do after I got out of work. And I'm not even that kind of person. It’s not in my personality to be happy on camera and be doing dumb stuff. Well, I guess it is now. But even right now, like [this Zoom interview] is awkward for me. Not because of you or anything. I just feel awkward because being on camera is weird. But when it's Terri, it’s different, because it's not me. So I really don't remember how I started going on Live. I just decided to do it and then it all snowballed from there. So did the Lives start with Terri? Did you already have the character developed? It wasn't really Terri per se. It was just me in a wig and clothes that I perceived as more feminine. And it was just me talking to people. I was talking in a normal voice and everything. But I never gave the person I was portraying a name until a little bit later. Did you know starting out that this character you were portraying would be a conservative Christian and homophobic?[Laughs] It actually didn’t start off with Terri, but with Jeorgia Peach. It started with that background and with me talking to random people and saying the most random things. And then one day I decided it would be funny to just throw on a grandma costume that I had and a raggedy wig and just go on Live. I think I was loosely basing it off of a character from my favorite TV show True Blood. So I was like, “Yeah, I'm a Christian.” And I think I just was randomly blurting out stuff like I usually do. And it just stuck.Did you ever know anyone in your real life who had those beliefs? No, literally no one in my life is like that. My parents and family members are religious and believe in God, but none of them are devout Christians. They don't go to church every day. I've never met a person like that actually, so I don’t even know where that came from. ​When you started going on Live, did you immediately know that this was something special and would take over your life? I don't even think I’ve even processed that to this day. I didn't expect anything. I never expect anything in life. But I didn’t think this would go as far as it did. I was just turning on the camera and being dumb and people loved it. And then they wanted more. And then they started supporting me financially to be able to do this full-time. That I would say is the biggest impact that this has had on my life. I don’t have to work a “real job,” which I hated. I hated working. So that was the most impactful thing that came from this. When you realized that this could be your professional work, did that change how you acted on live or thought about it? Did it make you more strategic?No. [Laughs] When I do interviews, I feel like people expect me to be more calculated with what I'm doing, but it's not like that. Everything happens on the fly. Everything is spontaneous. Nothing I ever did was thought out at all. It just happens. I think of it as like improv. And I think that's why people enjoy it. They like the unexpected.Terri Joe and all your characters have had some pretty dramatic storylines develop. Are those also spontaneous?Yeah, nothing is planned. I don’t even think about it at all during the day, because I usually go Live late at night. Even the kidnapping things or the stuff about Terri’s dad dying. Everything happens either on the spot or right before. Right before the Live I’m like, “What can I say when I start this live?"What about with some of the people who you go on live with often and have storylines with, like Tyler who Terri “dated” for some time, or Patty Puffs? Do you ever reach out to them offline?I do talk with the people I go on Live regularly with. They’re my friends. We have each other's numbers. We talk through DMs on Instagram, but we never talk about the Lives and say what we're gonna do. It just happens on the spot.Did you spend a lot of time online? Online wasn't even a thing when I was a kid. I spent most of my time watching TV like Disney Channel. I’m 27 years old, so I didn't get my first phone ‘til I was in the 12th grade. I was not really ever on the internet like that. I was really just sitting in front of the TV and watching Disney Channel most of the time, mostly That's So Raven, which I attribute to the things that I'm doing — like character work. [Raven Symoné] would do that all the time: play random characters and do the most random things.What was your life like before going viral?It was almost the same, to be honest. I don't really do extravagant things. Just like hanging with friends on days that I wasn't working. Getting drunk. Basically just doing the normal things that people do.The only difference is that I was actually working a normal job, which was excruciatingly painful for me. I mean it was fine, because the job was not even that hard. It was just driving around in a car, but it got very boring and tedious because you could only drive like 15 miles per hour. You couldn't look in any direction but forward. I was still going Live while having a job, but I noticed that I started getting [TikTok] “gifts” from people and the gifts could be transferred to cash. The money was like the same amount or more than I was making at my eight-hour job. So I was like, Why would I be working? I just quit the same day, no two-weeks notice. I was just like, “Okay, bye.” I took that leap of faith. And the gift money is very fickle. But I just trusted that it would work out. And it did. Were your friends and family surprised by this life pivot? I wouldn’t say they were surprised, because they've always been urging me and encouraging me to do social media things. I would always be like, “That would be so easy for me to do because I’m so likable and people love me.” [Laughs] I’m just kidding. I just felt like it would be like a fun thing to do. I would always be telling everybody growing up that I was gonna be famous one day. And then it happened. And I've said it so much that they were not shocked at all. They were more like, “Okay, you said you're gonna do it and you did it. And that's that.” They ask about it sometimes, but it's just like another job to them honestly. So you weren't an influencer before? Not really. No. I don't remember the last time I posted on Instagram. Like it was in 2016. And I rarely used any other apps. I watched people, but I never really posted, which is why I'm saying this, now, is so out of the ordinary for me. It’s interesting that you always knew you could be big on social media, even though you weren't really on social media yourself.It was more so famous. I wasn't saying I was gonna be a social media influencer at all. It was just that I was gonna be someone.Did you have a vision of who that person would be?No, actually. I just knew it would happen. Once, when I was in middle school, I had a substitute teacher. She was doing roll call and she stopped at my name. She paused and looked at me and she was like, “You're gonna be famous one day.” And I was like, “Okay?” Sometimes I think about that and I’m like, Was she psychic or something?I've always felt like that. I think most kids think, I want to be like an actor. I want to be on the Disney Channel. I want to be like all these other celebrities. I just had that in the back of my head. And I kind of manifested it.TikTok is where your work happens. But the clips are all over Twitter and the internet. Do you remember when you started realizing that your characters were having a life outside of TikTok? Yeah, I started getting texts from my cousins and other friends who were like, “Is this you?” They were sending me videos of me on Twitter. And I was like, “Wait, what?” I literally didn't even have a Twitter. I have Twitter now, but I don't ever use it because I really don't know how to use it.People would send me videos that were posted or reposted on there. And then people in the comments were like, “Who is this? Where can I find this person? This person is so funny.” And then I saw my Reddit, and all kinds of crazy things. I still don’t understand it, to be honest.Have you spent any time on your Reddit board?No, I'm scared. I don't even know what Reddit is. I didn't even have an account. One of my friends tells me what he sees on it. But I never looked at it for myself. I just made a Discord because my fans made a Discord [server] for me. And I was not in it for the longest time, but then I went in there and was just seeing what they were talking about, which actually is kind of a secret because I don't want them to know that I'm in it, but I am. You periodically get banned from TikTok. Do you understand why?I know exactly why. [Laughs] I mean, it makes sense. I'm never upset about it. I say the most outlandish things. I say very crude things and very sexual things all the time. So it makes a lot of sense that they ban me every time I go live. It comes with the territory. That's why I have like eight accounts. When I get banned, I just hop to the other accounts.You're such a staple of TikTok, though. You would think that TikTok would want to keep you happy. Has anyone from TikTok reached out? Yeah, I have a TikTok Live manager or point person. She works [at TikTok] and she talks to me about the Lives sometimes. But we never talked about me being exempt from being banned because it wouldn’t be fair. I do violate the community guidelines, and if they do it for me, they have to do it for other people, too. So I don't really mind.Your interviews with celebrities helped to bring your work to the wider world. What was the first one? And how did you start going on Live with more celebrities? I think Doja Cat was the first celebrity I went Live with. I was just on Live one night and that’s when I was literally having like 2,000 people on my Live. People were commenting, “Doja Cat is here!” And I was like, “Yeah, sure. And I'm Beyoncé.”I thought they were lying, but then I saw her commenting, and I was like, “Wait, what?” So then I just added her to the Live and when I added her, her following came to the Live and they were watching us interact with each other. And then she joined again a few more times. That's where it snowballed, because her following came to me and they enjoyed our interactions together. And then they posted it everywhere, and then others slowly saw it and were like, This person is funny. I want to go Live with him as well. Or that’s what I assume, because I don't really have any contact with any of them beforehand. They just show up and I add them.Were you nervous when you first got on camera with Doja Cat?Yeah, the first time I was, because I was like, Wait, this is literally Doja Cat and she's here. But I wanted her to have the experience that she was looking for, which was just going back and forth, the banter. I didn’t want to be like, “‘Oh my God Doja Cat!” the whole entire time and be annoying. And I honestly don't even see celebrities like that. I'm not a fanboy type of person. They're just people. I may like their music. I may like their work, but I'm not going to attack them. And I think they enjoy that aspect as well.Was there a celebrity who you had an especially good time with and you felt like really got it?Doja Cat. She just likes to talk. She says crazy things, too. The back-and-forth just works. I don't ever feel like there's a moment where I'm trying to force the conversation with her and force it to work, you know? It doesn't feel like work. It just flows. I was so gagged when Madonna did poppers on camera with you.Yeah. I thought that was so funny because I was like, “Wait, what?” I saw her while she was doing it and I was like, “Wait, are you literally doing poppers on Live like, what is this?” And the fact that she didn't get banned for that was hilarious. Yeah, that was amazing.One of my favorite things about the Terri character especially is it seems like she knows every lyric of every song ever. Is music really important to you?I wouldn't say that it's that important, but I do like music. If you notice, there's a running theme with what I say. I do enjoy things, but I don't really delve that far into it. I do enjoy music, but I think what people are intrigued by is the music that I'm singing. I'm interested in all kinds of music, almost every genre. So I feel like that's where people are like, “Wait, how do you know these random songs? It doesn't make sense.” But I've always been like that. I've always listened to the weirdest music. Or not weird, but eclectic.​You’re always singing Lana. It’s my favorite part of your Lives because it’s such a dramatic and funny juxtaposition with Terri, who’s usually more uptight. Are you not a real-life Lana stan then? Oh, yeah, for sure. With Lana, I know every single one of her songs and I know them all by heart. I was just playing a game with my friend where I guess the song they're playing when they’re shuffling through all of her discography. It was like two seconds of them playing a Lana song and I could guess which song it was. Yeah, I’m a really big fan of hers. But I'm not like a “stan” person. I don't even know when her new album will come out. But I know that she is coming out with another album, and I will be listening to it. But I'm not looking for it and searching for it.Do you dream of interviewing her? No. [Laughs] I want to, sure, but I'm not like, “I need that to happen.” Actually one of my followers is friends with her and she showed [Lana] my videos. And she was filming her. I don't remember what she said. I don't think she said anything. She was just laughing. But yeah, I would love to go Live with her one day if that was possible. But if it doesn't, that's fine as well. So you don't have a dream interview? You don't think about that? No.Most people you go Live with are just random people, and most of the interactions are pretty surreal. I was on one a few weeks ago where some guy kept asking to marry Jeorgia. Lately, I don't even remember. I just black out whenever I go Live. So people will tell me, “Oh, this one was so funny.” And I'm like, “That happened?” So nothing pops up in your mind from one of your Lives that is particularly crazy or memorable? Well, I do have one I just thought of right now, but it's not safe for work at all. But there was one time I went Live with this guy and he was wearing gym shorts and nothing under. And he was jumping around. I'm sure you can deduce what was happening while that was happening.Yeah, people can get pretty wild on your Lives. I guess they have an expectation of what the experience is going to be like, and they come in with a certain energy? Yeah, I think it's just that most of the people have never seen me before, but when I click to add their Lives, they can see how many people are in my Live. I think that's where that energy comes from. They’re like, “I have to be crazy. I have to get these people to like me. I have to have this be a funny or shocking thing.” I think that's where it comes from.Do you have an internal sense of how to keep things entertaining? Is there a signal that’s like, “Okay, it's time to move on or this isn't working?”It's only when I get bored. When I get bored from talking to a person, I'm just like, “Okay, bye,” and just go on to the next one. You can see it in the comments as well. People are like, “Next!” So I’ll be like, “Let's do a battle.” I'm like, “Want to do a battle?” and I just end the Live, because they think I'm going to press the button to do a battle, but I'm actually ending it with that. I feel like that's the least awkward way to end the Live. So now that's been a signal from the comments to me. They're like, “Battle! Battle!” But I don’t really listen to them most of the time. If I still want to talk to the person, I'm going to. But yeah, usually it’s when I get bored or when I see the comments and people are like, “Okay, we’re done. Let’s go to the next person.” Which actually pisses me off.Talk more about how you react to your viewers' comments during your Lives. It sounds like you follow their directives, but you also feel complicated about it?Sometimes it upsets me, because I’m just like, “Shut up and enjoy the show!” But most times when they’re like “This person is boring,” I’m like, “Yeah.” Usually, when they’re feeling it, I’m feeling it, too.Is there a certain trait in people you look for when you go on Live and know, “Okay this is going to be good?”It’s usually — and this is horrible to say — like older people. Like people in their 30s and above. They just really don’t understand what’s happening. They’re a little confused and I just play off them being confused and say the most outlandish things to them and try to get their reaction. The people I enjoy going on Live with the most are the people who have no clue what’s going on. They’re just going with it as if I’m a real Christian person who’s saying these things to them. I like their reaction to that.Okay, so you’ve built this whole Terri Joe Cinematic Universe — I don’t even think I built that. The people built that. I just gave them the material and they did the Terri-verse thing. I went along with it. I give them credit for that.But do you have active plans about where it’s going to go? Is your work going to expand off of TikTok? Are there any plans you can share? I would like to see it stay on TikTok but also expand, because something that is stagnant for a long time gets boring. I would like to see it travel further than that. I know some people have concerns about that. Like if you go to a network or a different platform, they’re going to try to dull everything down and ruin everything. But I personally wouldn’t work with anybody where I couldn’t have almost full creative control. That would be dumb. I’m already doing what I’m doing now, so I wouldn’t relinquish the reigns of what I’m doing to someone just for them to fuck it up. I would like to see it go somewhere else and I’ve been talking to some people about that, but there’s nothing definite. Is there a dream form for the characters? A TV show? Movie? Podcast? No. I feel like all of it! Why not all of it? I feel like I could transfer it to a lot of things, it’s just how. We haven’t figured that out yet.I want to put in my two cents for a club night somewhere hosted by Jeorgia. I mean, it would be fun. I’m just terrified to be Jeorgia anywhere because she’s like, “I have a BBL,” and I show up and I’m like [hunches his shoulders] built like Zoidberg. [Laughs] I guess that would be funny as well: for her to have all this surgery and then I show up looking crazy. I think that would be funny, but I don’t think people enjoy her as much as Terri. I know there are people who do, because people are always like, “Are you going to do Jeorgia tonight?” But I feel like there are more people who like Terri than the other characters. But I would do that because that does sound fun.Stand-up?I don’t think I could ever do stand-up. I think I would cry actually, because you have to set up jokes and nothing I ever do is set up. I don’t think I could even do that. Everything I do is on the fly. I never tried though, either. I think I have stage fright. I haven’t been on a stage in forever, but I’m pretty sure I have stage fright.​Are people recognizing you now on the street? Does that also make you nervous? It makes me a little nervous, especially if I feel like I don’t look how I should look in the moment. If somebody asks for a picture, I’m like, “Yeah, sure,” but in my head, I’m like, No! But people do recognize me and I always say, “Yes,” and I always try to give them the best experience or the experience they want from me. I think there are some people who are a little scared to come up and talk to me. They think I am how I am on the internet and will be rude to them, but I’m literally the complete opposite. I’m a very sweet and nice person if you meet me in person.Going off of that: Are there any big misconceptions you’d like to clear up about how you are as a person outside of these characters? That would be the main one. I think people know that now, but the biggest one is that they think I’m a horrible person or a rude person or a mean person or that I’d judge them if they came up to me, but I’m literally not like that at all.Terri Joe doesn’t exist in your mind?No. Not at all. I was literally like — wait I can’t say that. Wait I can! [Laughs] This interview is literally for PAPER and I was like, “I can’t talk about PAPER!” But [the PAPER team] was asking me to do these little videos here and there of me being Terri or saying something Terri would say, and I was like, “I don’t even know.” It’s just whenever this camera or this little setup is on and I have that wig on and I see myself in the camera, she takes over and I’m not even there anymore. I don’t even know what I talk about, to be honest. I think that’s the biggest misconception. The characters are not me and I am not them. They may be a piece of me, but I’m my own person.I feel like what you’ve done is really inspiring. You’ve made this whole thing happen and had so much fun doing it. Do you have any words for someone who wants to put themselves out there and perform and make art or comedy, but may be nervous to do so? I would say, “Just do it!” Me being Nike. [Laughs] Because most people want to do things. I’ve been saying I want to do stuff on social media for years, and the day I started doing it was the day it took off. People get in their heads about how it’s going to be perceived, but you need to not worry about that and just have fun with it. And the people who like it will come and the people who don’t like it can die. I’m just kidding! But just start and when you start, keep doing what you want to do. Don’t try to change what you’re doing to appease other people, because that will take the fun out of it away from you.Photography: Oscar OukStyling: Abby BencieHair: John NovotnyMakeup: Christyna KaySet design: Seamus SlatteryPhoto assistance: Alex KalbStylist assistance: Kelsey LoganProduction assistance: Em Marie Canon, Noelle Heriveaux, Gabrielle NarcisseEditor-in-chef: Justin MoranEditorial producer: Alyson Cox https://www.papermag.com/terri-joe-2659305290.html
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oddevan · 1 year
The last straw, I guess
I’m not leaving Twitter, but I’ll be using it a lot less like I used to.
I wish I could leave outright, but I’ve got too many social connections on there that I don’t have elsewhere. People I’ve met in different places that haven’t moved to other places. (Or they have, and I just missed it—which is likely.)
But after a few days of having to use the official app… it feels like Facebook. Or Instagram. A whole lot of stuff that I don’t care about, even when it purports to only show me what I care about (the “Following” timeline). And I don’t just mean advertisements, I mean:
Tweets from people followed by people I follow
Tweets liked by people I follow
Links to accounts that might be interesting to me for some reason
Out-of-order replies or truncated threads
Throw in some obnoxious UI elements like a new tweet button and a banner proclaiming that there are tweets that I have not seen while I am indeed scrolling up to read said tweets, and I feel like I’m squinting to see through a haze of noise to see the one thing I came to see: tweets from people I follow.
People with more experience in the world of Twitter apps (like Manton and Craig and John) have already said their things, but I’ve got two more data points to add.
First, I recognize that this is a pretty pathetic straw to be the one to make me “leave” Twitter. Others have been dealing with rising bigotry, hate, and a general increase in… uncivil behavior on the platform. This has always been there, and it’s been there since well before Twitter was taken private. Since then, though, the platform leadership has made it clear that this will continue in the name of “free speech,” welcoming back some of the most prominent accounts that encouraged said vitrol.
I want to note that this was something I knew was happening but rarely saw. I used Tweetbot instead of the official Twitter app, and it only showed my timeline in order along with any mentions or direct messages. Since someone of my race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation is not typically the target of hate and harassment campaigns, it was something I didn’t experience. But I followed enough accounts and heard enough stories to know that it was happening somewhere; I just didn’t see it.
The problem is the more the Twitter app shows me what’s happening “on the platform” and less of who I’ve chosen—for the sake of my mental health—to listen to, the more I’ll see. I don’t even want to see trending topics much less whatever tweets people are angry about. Tweetbot allowed me to control what I saw on Twitter; the official Twitter app doesn’t. That is why these third-party clients were so important to me.
Second, this has confirmed that Twitter’s new ad-hoc approach to policy also extends to the API. The theme repeated by app developers has been “respect,” or rather the lack thereof: the banning of 3rd-party apps was made with no notice beforehand and no acknowledgement after. It’s also inconsistent: several smaller apps, including the Mac desktop version of Twitteriffic, have yet to be banned. No respect, no communication, no consistency. If nothing else, this shows Twitter is not a stable platform for building on.
Which brings me to Smolblog. I’ve been working on it off-and-on for years now, and one of the key features has always been a Twitter integration that will import posts from and send posts to Twitter. As part of the big refactor, I was rewriting this module to use the new version of Twitter’s API. It wasn’t until I was most of the way in that I learned that there are still key features—like posting images to Twitter—that are simply not available through version 2 of Twitter’s API.
With the growing instability in the API, I simply cannot waste any more time building a feature on an API that is incomplete and could change at a moment’s notice. The change could be in a data structure, or it could be a policy change that would ban Smolblog. With me already feeling “behind schedule” (an attitude to examine later), I need to get core functionality out, and that means putting any Twitter work on the back burner.
So there it is. Twitter stays on my phone, but it gets shoved into the back page with Instagram and Facebook: apps I only touch when I need to. And I’ll likely need to; there are people, things that I can still only get to through Twitter, and asking people to give up their hard-won audience is no easy ask. But this makes the mission of Mastodon, Micro.blog, and every other independent cross-compatible service that much more important. And I hope one day that Smolblog is in that list.
Jack Dorsey was right about one thing for sure, though: Twitter should have been a protocol, not a company.
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knoxdam · 2 years
Metaverse 101: a basic reference to the world of metaverse
As more and more people get involved, they are seeking an immersive experience through virtual reality. But our days with AR/VR. There's a new trend being discussed - the Metaverse is a mix of NFT, AR/VR, web 3.0 and more with a possibility of creating virtual reality experiences that we've never had before. The greatest part is that this does not mean that it is only designed for the video game industry. From gaming, communication purchasing to finance, Metaverse is able to change many industries. Let's look at what's Metaverse and why you should know about it.
What is Metaverse?
The Metaverse is the 3D, virtual online world that is focused on connecting users to each other on a large scale. It is best illustrated by the internet that we're currently using. Similar to the internet the Metaverse brings together multiple platforms under one platform, which makes things simple for its users. A well-established Metaverse will allow users to log into it and enjoy a completely different life. Video games are a great instance of virtual realms where users can play games as they see best. As more and more people are seeking solutions to escape from the reality of their lives, odds of the success of a virtual world are high. Imagine that the conditions for living on the planet become worse to the stage where it's hard to even enjoy anything. In this scenario it is a virtual place where people can be able to live their lives away from reality's hardships will be much more pleasant. Looking at the direction our planet is going, it is not difficult to imagine an future similar to that. Based on the current state of affairs unfolding, the likelihood of numerous virtual realms seems more likely. Large names in the business such as Meta (or Facebook), Google, Microsoft, Nvidia etc... are starting to design their own versions of a virtual world.
History of AR/VR
The concept of AR also known as VR is a concept that goes from the 1800s, when those first stereoscopes saw their first light. From there on, various designs and prototypes were created but the most impressive one comes from the "Ultimate Display" from Ivan Sutherland in the early 1960s. metaverse crypto coins consider this to be the blueprint that laid the basis for today's VR.
The first decade of 2010 was the time when VR and AR technologies really started spreading their wings. In 2010, The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset came out and sent shockwaves in the market. After the launch of Oculus, Sony and Samsung released their own versions of this VR headset. Additionally, Google Glass, a pair of AR glasses, came out simultaneously. Pokemon Go was one of the games that utilized AR to its advantage, and brought the world to its feet. In the present, even blockchains are getting involved through Metaverses like Decentraland along with the Sandbox. While the Metaverse isn't exactly familiar, its concept is something many movies have embraced. One of the best examples of the aforementioned worst-case scenario is the film Ready Player One. It explores the entire potential of the virtual world concept together with its ups, and downs.
A name shift of giant social media company of the world from Facebook to Meta is a sign of their interest in the Metaverse. Despite all this, we're in the beginning stages of getting the most out of VR and AR.
Infinite possibilities with the Metaverse
The possibilities offered by an immersive Metaverse may be limitless. A lot of people have their own understanding of what the "Metaverse" is, and there are some interesting opinions out there. Part of society thinks that the Metaverse is something that is already present. For metaverse investing , they say that gazing at screens can be a way of interfacing with a virtual world. There are people who say that humans are cyborgs and mobile devices are technical extensions of us. Applications that utilize AR technology like Pokemon Go, Dogami, and the IKEA mobile app demonstrate what can be accomplished with this tech. Even top-of-the-line VR gear like Oculus Quest 2 and Valve index are capable of showing just a fraction of what is possible with VR. While we can't argue with them, we don't have to agree with them. While it's true that they are adding the online aspect of our lives, it could be more than that. We are convinced that a truly immersive Metaverse can be a place in which people can live completely different lives. This virtual world is capable of providing far more than only sounds and pictures for users to truly immerse themselves in the experience. Since many companies intend at releasing their own variant of the Metaverse Users will require access to the one they wish. Similar to the above apart from the decentralized or centralized ones will also emerge thanks to the blockchain. Decentralized blockchain Metaverses help protect your private data and keep them safe from the prying eyes of tech giants.
What is it that makes this Concept So revolutionary?
It is possible to ask why people are making such a big fuss on this topic. The answer to that is an easy and straightforward one. Metaverse will be the next step in the digital era and will alter the way we interact with each other and the world. Asking if the Metaverse matter now is similar to asking if the internet matters during the 90s. It's natural for people to disagree with each other and be skeptical concerning the implementation of the technology. Similar to the internet, the Metaverse will surely meet the needs of our society that we did not really know existed. It's likely to also evolve and adapt according to the preferences of users. In conjunction with the huge focus the focus on Web 3.0 and the blockchain virtual reality will create a lot of needed changes in the world. Decentralization in the everyday aspects of our lives is among the modifications. An effective VR/AR system can alleviate many limitations that make humans feel restricted, whether that be physically or psychological. Imagine a place where you could complete your everyday chores and work at the and at the same time, you can live a life of almost limitless fantasies.
All of our time now staring at screens or trying to figure out ways to entertain ourselves can transform into time spent in the metaverse. If this does not excite you now, then it's probably time to pay attention.
Metaverse in the Blockchain
Due to the freedom it offers to its users the blockchain is a technological innovation that is highly suitable for a virtual environment. The benefits achieved through the collaboration are numerous in number. Let's take a look at some of them.
Digital proof of ownership
The only thing anyone can own on the internet , is the domain. Blockchains allow users to connect their personally owned money accounts that aren't custodial to their Metaverse avatar. This alone can enable users to prove ownership of assets as well as provide them with a convenient process to complete transactions.
Digital Collections
If the Metaverse has a crypto wallet in its arsenal and users can use it showcase their digital collectibles. With the help of blockchain technology, items could be coded with scarcity restrictions to ensure their value, exclusivity, and authentication.
Transfer value
Value transfer is a key part of the world that we currently live in. If a virtual world aims as a replacement for it, it should carry with it the capacity the transfer of value. This is where blockchain comes into play. Blockchain acts as platform to safely transfer digital assets. It can also be used to establish the DeFi system.
Many tech giants have started their process to introduce their own metaverses such as Omniverse, Decentraland, and Meta. If the world plans to be able to make these virtual worldsthen there has to be a method that seamlessly moves between them. Blockchain is at the forefront of the race to find interoperable solutions.
In order to be an online world that succeeds, it needs to be accessible by anyone in the world with an internet connection. The Metaverse is able to. In a place like that everybody will have the equal chance and the opportunity to even an playing field. Issues that come with your hometown and economy will become a thing that were once. If all of these aspects are considered, it's easy to appreciate the importance of blockchain technology to the growth of metaverses.
Metaverse in Daily Life
And, you're probably asking yourself how a virtual space like this can assist humans live their life in the real world. There are many ways that the Metaverse can assist the real world. For example, Television and various events Shows such as musicals such as fashion shows, musicals, and sporting events will become more accessible using this method. Anyone around the globe can participate having fun comfortable in their homes. Top performers like Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, and KSI are already hosting such events and are experiencing huge success. Additionally, all the latest films and series will be available on Metaverse.
Food delivery
As a fundamental necessity of anyone, food and the distribution of food will take importance in the virtual space. If your avatar connects to an eating establishment through the Metaverse you'll be able to request the food delivered to your doorstep outside of the virtual world. Food giants with big names in the industry , such as McDonald's have already taken steps to provide a similar service that is available in the metaverse.
Similar to food delivery when shopping, you will be able of sending goods to your real-world address. When you're doing things such as cloth shopping, you can be sure to check if the garments meet your needs before the transaction occurs. Furthermore, you'll be able of dressing up your avatar. They'll behave just like NFTs.
Medical field
Metaverse can also open door to meeting medical academic, and pharmaceutical professionals across the globe. Furthermore, the blockchain will allow you to keep and store details about your healthcare records in way that is both reliable and tamper-proof. Aimedis Health City is a wonderful example of this.
If a company chooses to work on the Metaverse, it will help to reduce the amount of money that would be used for property in the past, materials, or transportation. The workers will also be able to work at home and in a cozy environment. Furthermore, people will have access opportunities to work abroad like never before.
Esports is a game that is taking over the world with astonishing speed. The games such as League of Legends get a reach of over 194 million which is more than MLB, NBA, and NHL and games like Dota 2 have a prize amount of more than $45 million. Combine that with matthew ball metaverse that is more favorable for eSports rather than conventional sports and eSports is sure to become the dominant sport. Furthermore, play-to-earning projects like Axie's infinity will enhance the already vast audience of eSports.
Finance and economics
Metaverse will revolutionize the way people perceive the financial sector. DeFi organizations, as well brick and mortar businesses are taking steps toward a virtual world. This has resulted in scenarios like those of Ministry of ICR of South Korea and the pledge of $186.7 million for creating the Metaverse world.
What's in store for the future of the Metaverse?
What's next for Metaverse technology is a question that can't be answered without a clear. Metaverse technology is taking the first steps in its development, and even that has had a major impact on the world. Research suggests that as high as more than 65% of primary children in the near future will need to find work roles that do't exist until now. This might be because of the metaverse. If the world accepts the technology with open arms this will be the place where the majority of our lives as humankind will be. The imagination is the only limit for the future of the Metaverse and the time it's being implemented globally is getting closer.
Though many find it difficult to believe that we live in a universe that is not ours that we have already experienced basic forms of it. Video games, social media and AR/VR apps propel us towards the future powered by the Metaverse. The choice is yours. Whether or they don't, you will not stop it from being put into practice. As a result, in a fully immersive Metaverse possibilities are endless and the people will be able to lead their lives according to the way they intend.
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MSSP Alert Live Recap
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I’m sure, like most people reading this blog, the past two-plus years for me were mainly spent in front of my computer, talking with my colleagues, customers, and prospects over Zoom (or your video conferencing provider of choice). So when the opportunity to attend the MSSP Alert Live event in Washington, DC came my way, I hopped on it. While I did attend our Open XDR Summit earlier this year, this was the first time I would have the opportunity to “man the booth” and talk with a new audience. Hosted at the historic Watergate Hotel just off the Potomac, MSSP Alert Live brought together thought leaders, practitioners, and industry leaders to discuss the latest topics and trends impacting the delivery of security services. First off, hats off to the team from MSSP Alert, the event was well thought out, and from my discussions with attendees, the presentations were informative, engaging, and just about the right length. After three days of lively discussions, demonstrations, and more than my share of coffee, I returned home reflecting on what I saw and heard about the event. Here are a few things that I think are noteworthy.
The “S” is for security
While I talked with many MSSPs looking to upgrade the security stack they use to deliver MDR, XDR, and other security services to their customers, there were quite a few MSPs in attendance. The answer to “what brought you here?” from these MSPs had a common theme; their customers are encouraging them (eagerly) to take on responsibility for securing the customer’s environment. To that end, many discussions with MSPs revolved around the decision to either expand their teams and tech stack to offer SOC services or find an MSSP partner. It might seem like partnering with an established MSSP is the no–brainer decision (and for most, it is), but for some MSPs making the long-term investment in their own SOC is the way to go. No matter which way the MSP decides to go, we can and have helped them to meet this new customer requirement. I expect this trend to continue until the pure-play MSP is a rare sight.
“Open” for Business
If you are reading this blog, you probably know Stellar Cyber is an Open XDR Platform that delivers six different products in a single platform with a single license (shameless plug). For some time now, we have had a defacto claim of being the only XDR that did not build on an existing EDR product. Our “Bring your own EDR” approach gives customers, and MSSPs, the ultimate flexibility to make changes to their underlying security stack without impacting our ability to deliver consistent security outcomes. Indeed, over the past few months, the “Open” term has become a staple on many security vendors’ websites, regardless if they offer an open solution. For example, at MSSP Alert Live, “Open” was a prominent part of more than a couple of vendors across the exhibit space. Now I am of two minds on this topic. On the positive side, the increased use of “Open” might indicate that we, as security vendors, are finally realizing the importance of working together to help our customers battle cyber attacks. While we might ultimately compete to win a customer’s business, there is no doubt in my mind that if vendors widely adopt this “open” approach, our industry and those that rely on it to keep their businesses secure will be the better for it. On the other hand, if vendors are simply trying to ride the “open” wave without fully committing to it, that would be another “bait and switch” move that would hurt everyone. Let’s hope my first thought is what is happening.
It Matters
As I mentioned, this was my first “booth duty” assignment since pre-COVID. Before our world shut down, I was frequently on the road, talking with customers, presenting to prospects, and working with partners to ensure our message was clear and easy to understand. In short, I felt very connected to those who would ultimately use the products I was marketing. Slowly, however, over COVID, that connection began to fray. I did my best to keep the link intact via videoconference, but nothing beats human-to-human, face-to-face interactions. This week I felt that connection rebuilding. Indeed, technology has made our world smaller, with the ability to talk with someone thousands of miles away from the comfort of your own home, but I do hope live interactions like MSSP Alert become more the norm than the exception.
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