#shifter lore
midnightsun-if · 8 months
Different anon and sorry if this was answered before, but the last ask got me wondering, do their clothes get destroyed when they shift? And when they shift back are they naked?
Depends on the shifter! Some shifters don’t care in the slightest and their clothes do get shredded. However, others do care and are able to keep their clothes intact. No one is quite sure why— some speculate it’s because the “other form” understands this and adjusts accordingly and others just think it’s latent magic within a shifters DNA, however minuscule it is, that makes the “charm” possible.
While others are just happy there aren’t a bunch of naked shifters running about after they turn back.
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"Put the cuffs on and put it in light test room 3." said the meanie in white coat.
One of the people in hard black fabric clothes picked up an eight made of...glass? With metal wires inside. It looks kind of like the bright thingy that hurt... He grabbed my hand and lifted it towards the eight with the icky feeling.
"Shifter dont wanna! Meanies!!"
I let my hand turn back into the dark and remade it. The meanie tapped his... below his hand and it made the shiny hard patches on meanie's glove glow. He grabbed my hand again and pushed it hard into the eight.
It really hurt so Shifter screamed really loud without changing my voice! People Shifter doesnt know usually cover their ears... but the meanies didnt care!! And the meanie holding Shifter did it again to I other hand!!
Below Shifter's hand... Shifter's wrist! Was white glowing marks shaped like the patches and white liquid dripping out... Shifter thinks that shouldn't be outside...
A white little bit see through drop of liquid dripped from Shifter's face. What's that...? Oh! Shifter remembers its tears! ...but it only happens when people are sad... but Shifter isnt sad!! It hurts!! Is I even person...?
Doesnt matter! Wolfy will save me soon!! The meanies said so!! But... thinking about it makes me feel icky... like something will happen...
"Subject code: X-S-04
Type: Unknown
Affected by: Light
All systems have been checked and are ready to use. Proceeding with test code 0, test type, standard procedure subject type test light 6.
Assigned test report code: X-S-1-04-001
Assigned scientist team: A-1, Leader: Dr. Concress
Assigned guard team: A-E1
Audio and video records will be available."
An icky meanie in white coat behind the not see through shiny glass was talking into a metal thingy.
Shifter think this wont end well.
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pastadorable · 11 days
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Howl at the moon until your lungs give out
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1captainjordan4 · 1 year
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Some faery requests over in twitter :D
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ghcstao3 · 6 months
cat shifter!ghost who will bite things unprovoked—especially when he’s bored—and who will never live down the time soap caught him repeatedly biting into a piece of cardboard with his fangs like it was a completely normal thing for him to be doing
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retconomics · 1 year
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man who doesn't sleep and probably doesn't eat continues to be 6'4 and built like a brick house somehow, baffling scientists everywhere (its me im scientists).
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@cosmonewtmarstherealityshifter I'm back😈
Time to overly explain shit lol
(Also, all of this is about my alien dr, imma post about the language Zhí when I've developed it lol)
1: Āeiănese alphabet
(This image shows the symbols of the language, how to pronounce the symbols, and other important shit)
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This language is the official language of the planet Ānan and was created around 600 years ago.
This language has 22 letters in the alphabet, which includes the vowels (those being the first 10 in the alphabet. Yes, there are 10 vowels for some god forsaken reason) (The first column and the highest symbol is the first one btw).
Āeiănese also has this thing called "add ons", which is used to shorten a word and sentence, as seen in the very appropriate example I used.
"Add ons" are usually seen as more professional, and since the Ānan government values professional environments, most children, if not all children in Ānan learn add ons.
2: 1st established attack on Ānan (tw: slight mention of death)
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This picture ur seeing is a board used by spiritualists to predict desired events based on intuition and logic.
Not gonna explain how it works mostly cos I made a post on it that I'll reblog soon.
So basically, people in Ānan were in tough terms with this other planet and soldiers from that other planet wanted to attack the people of Ānan. So how they did that was by pretending to be spiraturalists getting a reading (spiraturalism was common back in those times so nothing seemed off about the soldiers). The thing was that they actually got a reading and it involved this board. After that, the soldiers got other soldiers to infiltrate the area in which they were attacking, which killed a shitton of people. To this day, uneducated people believe that spirtualists manifested the attack on Ānan.
Ok that was pretty dark lmao, not gonna get any better tho sorry lol
3: Current day war on Ānan (bonus btw lol) (tw: mention of death and suicide)
Okay, so when I was little, I was living through a war in a war bunk with a bunch of other families, which is where I met my best friend Kohkoh:]. Some time went by and soldiers who were planning on commiting genocide on us found our bunker and decided to poison our water supply, which killed most of the people in there except for me and Kohkoh. So we were taken to a lab area to be tested on and decided that we didn't wanna live anymore so we took some poison that the scientists were planning on injecting in us and drunk it. Kohkoh became extremely strong while I was just uneffected.
Kohkoh killed some scientists and soldiers trying to fight him off before his "powers" suddenly went away. In fear of another attack, either by me or him, the remaining scientists injected us with the poison that was used to poison the water supply but double the dosage and sent us off into space, hoping to never see us again.
Imma say all of this is alleged because I don't actually remember after I woke up in the spaceship I live in. Also, this was all said by one of Kohkoh's friends who said he say it all happen before escaping. Not sure if he's telling the truth tho..
(Cr self popping in, he's telling the truth)
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skinandscales-if · 4 months
Hey Rein! It's been a while, I hope you're doing well! I'm once again thinking about the game, and I'm again reminded of the scene in the ally with all the shifters when we're chasing that guy and are shifters more animalistic then humans? It felt like that was a scene straight out of a mature documentary, just two dominant animals vying for control. Posturing and everything included.
Hi again friend! Been a bit ^^
Yes yes! That was very much intentional! Same way shifters can purr and hiss and all that, they also have more intentional ways of communicating, like via threats and displays of power, same as anyone! It comes off as more animalistic because there’s more ways to display it without words, like roaring and flaring sails if one has them. Partially it’s based on instinct, but it’s not something that shifters do without intention. It’s just like a secondary language/etiquette baked beneath the surface that every shifter knows to a certain degree, not necessarily something that is entirely separated from their sentience or “humanity”.
And I think the visual is neat :)
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A New OC Of Mine
{{ In Picrew Form }}
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{{ Basic Info }}
• | They/He + all/any neopronouns, with a preference for They/Them. Genderqueer Non-Binary Transmasc. Gay. Aroaceflux. | • • | 5’6” and 140 lbs. | • • | Relationship Status: Single. | • • | Personality: Funny and sweet, a bit serious a lot of the time, though, but will open up and start cracking jokes when they’re comfortable or bored. Is thoughtful, will go out of their way to find things that relate to someone’s interest if they like that person. | • • | Strong suits/Hobbies: Drawing/Painting (likes digital art the most); Building things; Learning new things. | • • | Powers: Can sense people’s emotions. Can sense passing thoughts. Can bring their drawings to life. | • • | Other: Is AuDHD. Will murder for his friends. Gets overstimulated more often, because of the being able to sense people’s passing thoughts and emotions. Has all sorts of fidgets and gear on them all the time, but still ends up stimming by bonking their head into their friends’ shoulders. Has the anxiety too, so they only like going anywhere and everywhere with friends. Likes to playfully punch people in the arm when they like the person. Likes the color red a lot. | • • | Their Purpose of Creation/Job: Has a magical zoo that holds all their come-to-life drawings in it. A lot of chaos to run, but it attracts a lot of people. | •
(i’m thinking about making a DR that has them and their little world in it, but i’m not too sure yet. do you peeps think i should make a DR for em?)
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overcastedsays · 2 months
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[Image ID: A 2-panel digital comic redraw of the “Pull the lever Kronk!” Scene from the emperors new groove featuring Phighting OCs Shifter and Juggernaut as Yzma and Kronk respectively. In the first panel, Shifter says “Pull the lever Juggernaut!” with a flamboyant pose. In the second panel, Juggernaut pulls the lever and Shifter falls into a pit while yelling “WRONG LEVEEEERRRR!”. Juggernaut is shocked. /End ID]
hes not getting a good grade in evil henchman today
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midnightsun-if · 8 months
i am SO obsessed with Quinn, I can’t wait to meet them in game!!!! I was wondering how much control each of the shifters like what is the likelihood of each of them shifting accidentally out of emotion ( like Sloane in that one ask)
I’m so excited for you to meet them in game too! Especially since you’ll get the opportunity to interact with them while Blake can make comments in the background (like a tennis match). It’s something that’s been fun to go back to as I’m fleshing things out.
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Koda: He has great control out of the shifters. Mainly because he’s a fairly laidback guy. Bear Shifters, unless actually threatened, tend to avoid conflict if it’s possible (as they don’t really want to deal with it). Koda is like that times 10– if he doesn’t have to cause a fight then he won’t. He’d much rather have everyone be happy and go their merry way.
Cyrus/Cyra: I’m including C because they can technically shift as well (although they’re not technically counted as a shifter). In extremely stressful situations, and I do mean extremely, you’ll see the signs of C beginning to shift: flames flickering on their fingers, their eyes beginning to flash more and more, some feathers potentially appearing along their arms or neck. Though they’d only fully shift if they needed a moment by themself and just needed to get away from everything.
Quinn: They have excellent control although their anger can get the best of them at times. It’s something they try to ignore, the complete opposite of Sloane, because of certain things they were exposed to growing up. Due to that Quinn tries to stay out of those types of situations wherein they could get explosively angry— as their wolf form is not something to mess with. Quinn, in most scenarios, even when it does come to mildly aggravating instances, is the epitome of a control. Exactly how they were trained but everyone has their breaking point.
Sloane: Anger doesn’t influence them like it does Quinn— it’s something they’ve come to know quite well, like an old friend. The only time they shift out of their own control is whenever their human side just shuts down and they need the reprieve that their wolf provides or whenever they’re heavily emotional (mainly when it involves sadness/grief) because it’s easier to process whenever they’re in their lupine form— it makes them not feel weak in the face of all the conflicting emotions.
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When it comes to shifters it just truly depends on the circumstances involved— one situation could cause a huge reaction, probably because of other events that proceed it, and a similar one could cause no reaction; though there usually is a correlation to said episodes where they shift without wanting to. It’s their wolf protecting their human side or take the lead when they feel like the human side can’t continue forward.
Protecting their mate is one of those times when the wolf would more than likely take over or be at the very surface waiting to do so (if the shifter doesn’t keep it under lock and key).
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gtzel · 2 months
The Boy in the Walls
Chapter 1 (first/next/previous)
Have you ever had something mysteriously disappear? Or maybe you noticed small noises in the walls. Or even seen a small form out of the corner of your eye? If so, then you probably have mice or rats and can forget about it. Just ignore any signs of suspicious things going missing. Don't try and find out more, and do not under any circumstances set traps.
...Okay, I'm joking. I obviously do not think it is mice, I do however, believe you should do the ladder options by ignoring it and not bothering with anything related to it. Because if you don't, you will cause unnecessary fear and anguish to some poor being.
I shall elaborate. What I mean is simply this, there are beings that live in our world that are not quite animal, but not human either. These beings reside in the walls of our homes and take out things, freeloading off of what we are unintentionally providing. No, these are not mice, or rats, or whatever exocentric thing you can think of. For these beings are beyond our plebiscite ways of grasping the supernatural.
These beings are known as borrowers. They are sentient, humanoid creatures that are no taller than your pointer finger. And one of these creatures in particular is the protagonist of our story. It's, or rather, his name was Oliver. He, like many other borrowers, grew up knowing and learning to fear the humans or, as they called them hosts.
Oliver was a relatively decent height for a borrower, 3 5/8 inches tall, he had wavy blonde locks that never seemed to be neat. The most unique characteristic that Oliver had, were his ears and tail. See, most borrowers are identical to humans, the only difference being their height.
Oliver however, he was a hybrid. See, his mother was a normal borrower, and his father was a brownie. Brownies generally have more rodent like features. So Oliver shared the mix of looks from both of his parents. He had a fluffy blonde tail with a tuft of hair at the end. He also had the mouse like ears from his mother.
There were other distinctions that scattered throughout his body. The galaxy of freckles that scattered about his form, and the odd shape his face and nose were formed to.
Oliver had been living at his hosts house for little over a month, having come of age and moved out. The boy worked hard to become a good borrower, and when he finally set out he felt he was prepared for his new life. but the journey was rough and when he arrived at the complex system of college dormitories, his host seemed to have no schedule at all. for one thing, they would stay up all night on their computer and still wake up early.
His host didn't seem to even have a consistent diet either, sticking mostly to packaged producers that were near impossible for borrowing. Oliver was weary of the stale and unhealthy food with witch the human had been buying recently. But there was no possible way to change it, 'you get watcha get' Oliver's father used to say when the boy complained about the lack of variety in their diet.
He needed to know when the host would be distracted enough for Oliver to get food. so far it had been about a week since he had borrowed and 3 days since he had last eaten.
Oliver was already a scrawny boy so it didn't help his composure at all.  He was quite pale and skinnier then most borrowers. one day, in the late afternoon, Oliver's host was busy doing something in its room, so he decided to go out borrowing when the human was preoccupied.
he set out to the kitchen with his hook and borrowing bag. Traipsing through the musky, dark, tunnels that he had constructed over his month of living in this new house he made his way to the kitchen. it had taken him most of his time in his new home so far to construct, and mine out those tunnels. plus. the borrower had to remain completely silent whilst doing so, or risk being discovered.
Oliver entered from a chipped tile which he had found upon arriving at his new home, and began heading towards the cereal cabinet. the boy propelled his hook at the cabinet door. his recycled fishing hook flew upwards with great speed, it made a slight thwack. Oliver cringed at the sound but kept going. he climbed up the thin rope, which was quite the task, the cabinet being over 30 feet to him. Oliver heaved himself up into the cabinet cautiously.
the cabinet was a lot larger on the inside then it looked. it was dark, but not uncomfortably so. Oliver inhaled the warm scent of grains. the borrower looked around the expanse of boxes, examining each one carefully. finally he found the one which he had been looking for.
Oliver pulled out his knife and cut into the cereal bag. the thick plastic was hard to cu into at first, but after a few tries, the boy was successful. Once he had grabbed enough food to last him a few days, Oliver began to descend the rope, quite thankful that he had his climbing gloves on. he was about 12 feet from the counter top when the knot holding onto the hook came undone.
have you ever been in a situation so scary and shocking that everything seems o slow down? well that's how Oliver felt. Everything went in slow motion, Oliver began plummeting towards the ground the room spinning around him as he fell. Then all at once Oliver landed in a painful heap, twisting his leg in an awkward position causing him to yelp in pain. despite the pain, Oliver still got up, staggering, and causing his head to spin.  he looked up to his now detached hook, still planted firmly on the cabinets wood.
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cyncerity · 2 years
Another >:)
This time with Tubbo and Tommy in the Store Shifter au (also i did warn you that Tommy was gonna look like a scene kid but i didn’t want to put that much detail in every frame so it’s toned back for now)
Anyway yeah Wilbur is Tommy’s boss and doesn’t know about the existence of shifters or borrowers, so sometimes Tommy has to go to some lengths to hide it…
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Borrower short story based on a dream I had where the Giant and Tiny switch bodies (Part 2)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming … soon?)
Sorry it’s been awhile I had finals and I’m just now getting back into relaxing and writing. Though, I was actually worried my brain was going to refused to give me the dopamine necessary to keep going with this, but I’m happy to say that is not the case! Almost all of this chapter was from Gideon’s POV, so I hope you will like him. I’m honestly not sure why, it’s just how this one shook out.
And another thing: Sunny is non-binary, idk if I made that clear in the first part.
The hand I was in was shaking. The muscles underneath me were tense and stiff, like they were trying, rather unsuccessfully, not to jostle me rather.
I couldn’t see the ground from where I sat, but there were gaps in between the fingers that hid me from the world. I focused on the ceiling, and based on what little I could see of the walls, I was being carried to my room.
Then a loud boom sounded. Instinctively, I covered my ears and pulled my legs closer to me, before realizing it was probably the door closing.
The hand interrupting my view of the outside world, lifted away and I was met once again with my face. It looked strange somehow, but I couldn’t place why. The hand I was sitting in lifted upwards, on to the dresser.
The massive columns surrounding me, flattened out, allowing me the freedom to leave the massive hand. I scrambled off carefully, but as soon as I was on a stable surface, I broke ino a sprint.
Once I was safely behind the lamp on my dresser, I was able to take a moment to breathe. 10. In. 9. Out. 8. In. 7. Out. I continued the pattern until the roaring in my ears finally ceased.
When I finally plucked up the courage to, I peaked out from behind the body of the lamp, only to be met with the giant imposter eyes, staring straight into my soul. I quickly turned back around, heart race once more.
They had my blocky chin, my round nose, and my almond-shaped eyes. All of which, were now massive. Is this how Sunny sees me? My stomach churned once more, as my mind attempted to comprehend everything, but I was able to quiet it down with one thought. I need to find them. They’d know what to do.
“Is this real?” whispered the imposter, more to themselves than to me. Then after an awkward moment of silence, “Gideon!? Is that you?” This time directing their questions at me, just a little louder than before. Well now I had to respond.
“Who else would I be?” I called, my sarcasm refusing to let up.
“Well … me.” There was a long pause and then a small surprised “Oh.” And a louder, “Sorry, I meant, you look like Sunny.”
What was that even supposed to mean? I searched the back of the dresser. How does Sunny get off the dresser? I’d honestly never seen them climbing it before, they would just show up when they wanted to hang out. It makes sense, Sunny was 5 inches tall, and had spent most of their life sneaking around, that is, before we met.
I eyed the wire snaking to back and down the dresser. A feeling of malaise settled over me as I contemplated climbing down, only to have my contemplation interrupted.
“I’m sorry that I grabbed you.” The imposter said and when I peaked out from behind the lamp they looked genuinely sorry. “I- um- I don’t know. I know I shouldn’t have, and it’s terrifying! I panicked. I- well, you probably didn’t want your roommate seeing you.” Their eyes were downcast and their fingers were fiddling with the edge of their t-shirt. I immediately recognized the gesture, but it felt weird, very out of place. As I stared trying to remember where I’d seen that before, I realized that the dark blue short sleeve shirt they’re wearing is mine! In fact, I remember putting it on this morning.
I glanced down at my own clothing and was shocked to see a crocheted sweater, made of super thick yarn. It looked a lot like a larger copy of the one Sunny likes to wear. Wait! If Sunny’s size, then, not copy!?
It was like my critical thinking skills had finally started rebooting and I found myself staring down at my hands. They were not the hands I’d come to know and tolerate.
There was a forlorn sigh on the opposite side of the barrier I’d put between me and … myself, or whoever that was. I opted to ignore it for now, as there were no offensive gestures being made. I focused instead on the current predicament, and the reality I refused to accept. At least, I need a little more evidence just to prove I wasn’t insane or unconscious. My fingers pulling now in my hair, I could tell it was short and pretty straight, a lot like mine, but as I pulled it down over my forehead to inspect the color, I was presented with two shades of brown, one a bit more orange than the other.
As I made this discovery, the giant moved and from my vantage point it looked as though they were walking away.
“Wait!” I yelled, not entirely sure if I wanted to be heard, but as I said it, having connected at least some dots, confidence pushed me out from behind my hiding spot.
The figure turned their head back towards me, and their eyes glistened with hope, and before I could regret it, the regular sized- by my previous standards anyway- person said something insane.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think this could happen with a Bean.”
“Sunny?” questioned the borrower hesitantly, standing in front of me staring wide eyed at my face, before parroting my own sentiments upon realizing our current predicament. “Is this real?”
“Yes,” I replied, “… I think so.” I lifted my hand and pinched my bicep for good measure, and was 1 part relieved, and 2 parts surprised that it did actually hurt.
“I need a mirror!” Gideon exclaimed, tiny arms now rested expectantly on his hips. It was both worrying and intensely cute. “And then you are going to explain what you meant by ‘didn’t think this could happen.’”
Part 3 (coming … soon?)
Lore foreshadowing! 😈😈😈
Also, bc Gideon is currently in Sunny’s body and Sunny is in Gideon’s body I’m using their respective pronouns for the bodies they are currently inhabiting. When I refer to Gideon in Sunny’s body with the pronouns he/him that is not me putting masculine pronouns on Sunny. Sunny’s current pronouns are they/them.
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rumoka · 10 days
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if anyone is struggling with their oc / dr i would like to help 🫶🏻 i can do group ideas, lore, face claims, names, script templatew etc.
my reqs are open all the time and i'll try getting them done asap !!
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oxygenbefore1775 · 5 months
*down the rabbit hole of shifter regeneration limitations*
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