affinitystoryblog · 5 months
Sinie B5 with Agitha C2 would be a cute interaction ^^
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it is!! aggie's a lil red in the face hehe
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sinkoriin · 2 months
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local pillow princess gets hit from the back
full uncensored
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mikoriin · 1 year
happy holidays!! I would love to hear about the magical girl outfits of the affinity cast if you'd like to talk about any of their designs !
HI!!! happy holidays!! sorry im getting to this so late, i had to actually get colored examples of all the kids in their magical outfits LOL (HOWEVER everett will not be included in this list simply because he does not yet have a finished character sheet AND i need to redesign his magical outfit)
so, we'll start with our leader and protagonist, Sinie!
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her color is white. i dont see very many "white" themed leaders in mg genres, so i wanted her to be represented by the color of innocence and purity because that is what sinie represents. she's definitely my usagi, my steven, my luz.
for her design, i wanted something simple yet fluffy to show her childish nature. i have thought about powerup versions of their outfits, but im not sure how to incorporate it yet so i havent even began to think about their designs haha
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next we have agitha! her outfit actually resembles pajamas, her dress is like a victorian nightgown and shes got the little shawl to go with it. everything is so soft anf pastel it just feels like a comfy outfit. this wasnt intentional, but i think it fits with her powers since her magic is centered around dreams.
she's the purple magical girl! though, its a little more pastel than what we usually see i think.
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csilla is blue!! i adjusted some of her colors from the first colored design i had. it felt a little too plain being all one color haha. but she sort of looks like a knight and, again it wasnt intentional, but if im thinking about it she rly is the knight sort of character. she fights to protect her friends and herself, but she also is righteous and is a good strategist.
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so daren was OBVIOUSLY red in my mind because hes the tank, the muscle, and also another good strategist. his fighting style is more hands on since he uses his fists and legs and so i thought fire would fit to be his power. i have a lot of cool ideas for his fighting style i just rly need to study shounen manga to get them down hahaha
i wanted their design to be androgynous while still being magical girl esque, so i gave him the tall heeled boots however still keeping a sort of sleek, form fitting silhouette. added some more traditionally feminine aspects of clothing like the puffed sleeves, however put in some classic masculine elements such as the tailcoat and pants. im very proud of his design!
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elise is pink! of course!! (sinie is jealous) she has the power to purify dark energy. very classic magical girl!
i wanted her design to be big and poofy and girly. but also with the boob window because.....idk its cute lolol
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and lastly heather!! i didnt have it in me to do her character sheet atm but i rly wanted to answer this 😩😩 but luckily i had a colored example of her magical outfit!
she is green! very fitting for the pretty, elegant, smart heather. i wanted her design to be faithful to her faith, but still have the feminine magical girl aesthetic! i think she looks very pretty hehe
thank you for asking this was very fun!!!
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pastelsailorr · 1 year
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For @mikoriin thank you for contributing I wuv you 💕
For $7 I too will draw whatever you want you can even just leave what you want in the PayPal description cut out the middle man of talking
more info here
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
OK UHHH 1B, 1C OR 2F for Sinie and Agithia :3
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why not....all three... :3c
oc art meme
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affinitystoryblog · 3 months
im gonna post my couple playlists on spotify! theyre very very incomplete, but theyre fun uvu
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
19. Agitha and Sinie
19. It’s raining, did either of your OCs bring an umbrella? If so, who, and do they share it?
OKAY SO UM this is perfect because i actually imagine the scene of agitha and sinie's first kiss to be in the rain under an umbrella...
the thing is, sinie and agitha were each others' first kiss in their sophomore year of high school, so pre story. (these girls have history) and it was when agitha's puppy that her parents had recently gotten for her got out. agitha had been searching frantically for her and then when it started to rain, agitha knew she couldnt stay out there and get wet because if she did she'd get sick. but then sinie comes along with her puppy! saying she saw her running in the street and knew she couldnt leave it like that, so she was gonna take it home since the puppy had its tags. one thing leads to another, aigtha is genuinely grateful and vulnerable and they have a moment and they kiss.
the scene isnt fully thought out but thats generally it haha
oc relationship ask meme
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
1, 5, 6, 9 for Sinie and Agitha?
1) What were their first impressions of one another?
oh dude i can see their first meeting freshman year in my head so vividly; Sinie in full freshman fever at lunch time rushing to get to sit with daren, elise, and their newly made friend Heather who everyone knew elise had heart eyes for immediately, she isnt paying attention to where she’s going, tray full of food, BAM runs into agitha straight on, getting their food everywhere all over each of them. agitha is Stunned, shes daddy’s prissy little brat AND 15 and this clumsy, nappy haired, baby faced heathen just ruined her designer jacket.
so of COURSE agitha has beef with this and starts insulting sinie for what she did, and sinie only matches her energy so theres this huge carfuffel in the lunch room, everyone is looking, and sinie is about to take an L and fight this prissy, entitled brat until daren comes up and snatches sinie away from the scene. that would only be the First Time they’d repeatedly run into each other.
5) What’s their love language like? Are they compatible?
theyre actually insanely compatible! sinie is one of the only people who can dish back the sass and aggression that agitha spits at people back to the princess herself, so it makes for good banter and sinie is able to put agitha in her place a bit. aggie is a brat, but shes a lot more submissive to her crush than she lets on. their chemistry when they let their guard down is also cosmic, agitha literally doesnt know what to do with herself when it comes to sinie and sinie is able to empathize and understand agitha in ways others have trouble with. theres a lot more little details just in the interactions they have that i write that showcases more of their dynamic.
as for their love language, definitely quality time and gift giving. agitha needs at least one lil treat a day to get her by, and they both love the quality time ♥️
6) Do they have pet names for each other?
i rly want them to, but at the moment i dont have anything specific thought up, however i do want something teasing for the both of them. i want sinie to have a special nickname for agitha even as theyre enemies that turns into a beloved pet name for her girlfriend.
9) What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
thats so tough to answer rn because i dont have all my major story events planned out yet, but i feel like a big struggle with them is going to have to learn to blindly trust each other for the first time once agitha is redeemed fully.
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affinitystoryblog · 6 months
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Though we are not meant to be, We shall seal our bond with Fate's Kiss, And prosper in the depths of Hell
so that one ballet pose...
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affinitystoryblog · 10 months
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affinitystoryblog · 2 months
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fashion doodle lineup~ these were fun!!
took the outfits from pinterest, some things altered slightly to simplify
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affinitystoryblog · 2 months
In a parallel universe, what if Affinity was an animated series from the 80s?
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im no good at those 80s anime screenshot drawings but i did try out the style on my three girls!!
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affinitystoryblog · 6 months
Can we have a mistletoe kiss?
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not quite a kiss but i wanted something with them hehe
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affinitystoryblog · 3 months
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indulged a little...
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affinitystoryblog · 10 months
Doodle request uuhhh chose Agitha and Sinie but as a fairytale?
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i did this last night before bed so it looks like a lil wonky but i do like how it came out!!
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
Sinie and Agitha? I'm curious to see some interactions between them.
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theyre flirting
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