#sky full of stars ; galaxies and stardust
beewitched-blr · 7 months
Moon Signs and How They Appear.
Aries Moon. They have eyes so excitable that you instantly feel a sense of nostalgic fondness for them. Childlike smiles and faces so bright that make them a wonderment to behold.
Taurus Moon. They have eyes so comforting they can make you feel at home with a single glance. Beautiful features that radiate luxury and opulence. Strong, resilient and lovely but so much more than that. An ethereal type of light.
Gemini Moon. They have eyes so wide and friendly that you feel yourself being pulled closer without much thought. Humorous and talkative smiles that could light up even the darkest room. They truly glow.
Cancer Moon. They have eyes so deep you could drown in them. Smiles lit up from the moon and wild hair like the waves of the ocean. Behind their guard, they emit an honest sensitivity that is like no other.
Leo Moon. They have eyes full of confidence and passion. Truly beautiful in such a direct way. Adorned with trinkets or not, there is always beauty here. Wild and passionate features that manage to draw attention without even meaning to.
Virgo Moon. They have eyes so complex you may feel a little dazed. With insane intellect, their beauty shines in such unique ways. Quietly confident features like that of a beautiful renaissance sculpture.
Libra Moon. They have eyes that give a sense of true peace. They radiate justice and love so much so that they give off a deity type of beauty. Bright smiles that could rival the sun. Their eyes hold so much weight that it's a rather special thing to witness.
Scorpio Moon. They have eyes so intense you can feel their power. A sharpness about them that you can see the pure strength in their emotions. Eye contact that makes you feel like they're looking straight into your soul.
Sagittarius Moon. They have eyes that are always looking elsewhere. Searching and yearning for the unknown and the feeling of freedom. Their travelling feet somehow manage to keep up with their brilliant thoughts.
Capricorn Moon. They have eyes so strong their resilience can easily be found just by looking at them. They have a sense of maturity that makes them feel almost worldly and connected to things that we can't even imagine.
Aquarius Moon. They have eyes glistening and sparkling so bright you could mistake them for the stars in the sky. Tears of liquid stardust and their hearts as big as the galaxy. They give a sense of unique beauty.
Pisces Moon. They have eyes so hypnotising it's as if you're in a maze. A mind like a puzzle and yet a person of true wonder. Their dreamy appearances and inquisitive smiles are hard to escape.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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I appear in sea, in wind, in soil, in starlight. In the sun I appear. I appear in mountains and desert rain. I am the star and I am the stone. I am bird and fish, sky and sea. One and whole eternally, I come, differentiating, multiplying, refracting like a ray of light through ten thou-sand water-droplet prism pearls suspended in earth's highest sphere. Shining I come, to touch the surface of this matter world in a splashing, multicolored chorus of light men and light women, created to bring beauty, love, order and grace to this sacred dance of atomic form. Stardust. Frozen starlight. You call it matter. It is an art form with which we have worked for twenty billion years. We have sculpted it into star systems, galaxies and a universe of rainbow-spectrum worlds. We are the children of light. We have been given the task of creating dimensional reality. We draw order, structure and beauty out of the vibrating music of starlight.
From the redwood forests to the microbes, from the gentlest feathered bird to the most substantial ocean whale, our spirits manifest the Creator's designs in all the biological life on this planet. Yet only human circuitry has the capacity to embody the full reality of who we are, of who that Creator is—of who, in truth, you are. Come, human children, the truth has always been here. Your prophets have ever made it plain. Wherever you have let us land, wherever you have let our consciousness settle upon the waters of your awareness, the open waters of your human hearts, ever w e have come to inhabit your shores. We are the superior intelligence that you are looking for in the galaxies. We have been in your parks, in your treetops, in your gardens, in cages in your livingrooms. We are the Bird Tribes. And we are returning. We are here to teach you how to fly. Take us out of your cages of concept and archaic definition. Come, join us in the living treetops, where the winds of spirit blow wild and free. We are the Bird Tribes. And we love the flowing, fluid, gentle waters of our Mother's eternal truths, as we love the stars that nourish and support these biological robes of dancing light. We will never be far from water or land, from light or sound, from the Father's fire or the Mother's gentle wisdom. For we are the Bird Tribes, entering this earth to swim beneath her waters as fishes of the sea, to walk on her land as the mammals and the humans of this age and to fly through her heavens on the wings of the Love that created us and creates us anew in each moment. Because we love these oceans. We love these lands.
We love this planet with an eternal fire that takes all the myriad stars to reveal in the fullness of time, but only one star to say to one world, “I love you this much, that I would give you all that I am; my fire, even to your ages of ice; all that I am, until we grow the children, until we conceive the offspring who will be equally a child of starlight's fiery love and an ocean world's gentle truth.” Awaken, humankind. The teachers of love circle round the morning star. Spiraling down. Coming to rest. They land. At the edge of your history's shore. Fluttering into consciousness. The Bird Tribes return. --Return of the Bird Tribes : Ken Carey
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fish-ofishial123 · 3 months
So. I wrote something??? And I'm actually proud of it??? You guys will not believe how long I had spent on this. Like, 2+ months?? And it's only 15 paragraphs????
(Aru x Aiden, from The Pandava Quintet)
A Promise Broken
The rain fell in a relentless rhythm, tapping against the windowpane like a thousand tiny regrets. Aru stood there, her heart echoing the downpour. She had promised him forever, but forever was slipping through her fingers like sand.
Aiden– the boy with stardust in his eyes– had captured her heart. They met under the ancient banyan tree, on the rooftops, where moonlight painted their shadows on the grass. He was a musician, weaving melodies from the tinkling of the stars, and she was just a poet, scribbling verses of hope and hunger onto old parchment, creating rhymes out of what was once nothing.
And so their love was a symphony– an exquisite blend of minor chords and crescendos. But life had other plans. Aiden’s family disapproved; they wanted him to marry within their caste, to follow tradition. Aru was an artist, a dreamer– they said (and they lied, as Aiden had thought) that she would shatter his ambitions like glass.
And so, they made a promise on that rainy night: to meet at the rooftop every full moon, to share stolen kisses and secrets. But promises fray, like old love letters hidden in forgotten drawers.
The rooftop became their sanctuary. Aru would climb the rusty ladder, heart pounding, and there he would be– Aiden, shining in the moonlight. His laughter was a constellation, his touch a comet’s tail.
But the stars bore witness to their ache. Aiden’s eyes held galaxies, and Aru wondered if he hoped for the same future she did– a future where they danced through life, defying gravity.
One night, as raindrops kissed their skin, Aru whispered, “Aiden, do you believe in forever?”
He traced her lips with his thumb. “Forever is a promise we can’t keep,” he confessed. “But I’ll steal every moment with you.”
And they did. They stole kisses and whispered secrets. But the world pressed against them– the weight of expectations, the pull of duty. 
As months passed, the rooftop lost its magic. The ladder creaked, and Aiden’s laughter grew distant. Life without him was like a poem without rhythm, the loss haunting her every verse.
One full moon, she climbed up alone. The rain had stopped, leaving behind a damp canvas. But Aiden wasn’t there. Instead, a letter lay crumpled on the ledge.
“Shah,” it read, “I can’t be your secret anymore. My dreams are wilting, and our love is fading like stars at dawn. I release you from our promise. Find your forever elsewhere.”
Her heart shattered. She searched the sky, hoping to see his face among the constellations. But he was gone, leaving behind a void– a black hole devouring her soul.
Aru still sits on the rooftop, blank parchment in front of her, begging to be filled with verses of laughter and bliss. The moon watches, silent witness to her ache. She wonders if he found his forever, if he and some else, someone who wasn't her, would dance together among the stars.
And sometimes, when the night is heavy with memories, she imagines him beside her. Their love, like fading constellations, lingers– a melody unfinished, a promise broken.
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altaneenarts · 1 month
pieces of you
DreamXD/GeorgeHD origin story
rating: G | wc: 1.4k | Ao3 Link
In the beginning, there is nothing.
Time does not exist when XD and HD are born from the universe, acknowledging each other’s existence. XD brings together and HD pulls apart in an eternal dance that will form all things. They do not know what they’ll create, they do not know that in simply being, they are everything.
As they push and pull atoms and planets and stars, they realize that they enjoy each other’s company and so their dance continues. After unknown eons and millennia, HD suggests a wager.
“Let us set up a great game, you and I.” They will create the earth and promise not to destroy it as they would their other creations. They promise to let it be and form longer than other celestial bodies. For a time they watch and enjoy as the earth forms and cools, magma forming rock and oceans covering its surface, until one day, they sense another presence.
In the beginning, there was nothing, and Nothing liked it that way, forever asleep until the noise of creation forced them to wake. The Blood God opens their eyes, wandering far from the distant edges of existence without HD or XD’s knowledge. It follows their trail of creation and destruction, absorbing all into its great black maw.
XD desires creation, HD desires destruction, but the Blood God desires nothing. And nothing is what they would leave.
The two gods ignore Nothing for a while, simply moving out of the orbit of the great devourer and their unending, insatiable hunger. But the longer they run, leaving a trail of unraveled galaxies and dying stars to be swallowed in their wake, the more powerful the Blood God becomes.
In the infinite expanse of space and time, eventually comes the confluence, the merging of three entities not meant for each other’s presence. The Blood God finds them.
“Why do you follow us?’ XD and HD finally ask them.
“You create noise, such loud and lively noise. I want silence, I want to return to the void from where I began. I will not rest until all of creation is quiet.”
But that is not what XD and HD want. “But we are creation and silent we cannot be.”
“Then I shall devour you too so that nothing can ever be made again.”
And so comes the first battle, a clash of forces, each eternal, conscious since the beginning of time—they started the clock after all.
In the madness of godly calamity, worlds burn, and galaxies pull asunder amongst the thrashing of the universe’s children. All burn except one.
As the Blood God reaches to devour the Earth, HD intervenes, interceding their path and colliding in a hail of fire and mist and stars. The Blood God, with their absorbed strength and rage, open their great maw and sink in their black fangs.
HD’s strength begins to fade, XD can feel it, a vacuum as nothing begins to fill a space once full of life. But they were not afraid. Gods didn’t feel fear, nor did they know death.
Distracted by their caught prey, the Blood God doesn’t notice XD’s approach until it is too late. Delivered a final mighty blow, the Blood God reels back, wounded and weakened. In a span of time indistinguishable from the rest, XD bestows a curse upon the red god.
“For your greed and folly, I cast upon you this curse: as nothing is what you desire, this I shall grant. You will remain an infant, returned to the womb you so love. You shall be doomed to an egg for the rest of time.” And so the Blood God was trapped, forever frozen in a crimson egg and banished to the far reaches of the cosmos.
As the remnants of their battle float away, XD comes to HD. Both weakened and tired, together they fall to earth, pulled into the gravity of their own creation. Together their forms condense, in firey rain and stardust their souls became flesh and bone. They land upon a beach, the stars painting the sky.
In arms molded to mimic the life they’d born, XD cradles HD, their wounds harsh and prominent. Neither had experienced this in their existence. This is something new.
In their holy tongue, HD speaks. “I’m tired, XD.”
“Tired?” XD questions, “What’s that like?”
HD hums, unconcerned and weightless, “Like falling, fading… I think I shall sleep.”
Gods didn’t know death, so how could they know its gentle touch?
“For how long?” XD asks.
“I don’t know. But I think I’ll return.”
“You don’t know?”
HD shakes their head weakly, “How could I? I’ve never been tired.”
And XD had never been alone. “However long you need, I will wait for you.”
HD smiles. “I know you will. Maybe, I’ll dream of you.”
XD takes their companion's limp fingers, wrapping them in a gentle touch. “Rest well, my other.”
“Goodnight… I’ll see you soon.” HD bows their head and ceases to move.
XD sits there with them, watching the stars.
Gods didn’t know death, so how could they know it was as eternal as they?
When HD disappeared, a piece of the universe disappeared with them. XD felt it the moment they’d closed their eyes, set in an endless slumber. For the first time in existence, XD felt incomplete. The universe wasn’t balanced.
But that was alright, for one day HD would wake. One day, the half would be made whole.
XD didn’t care at first, waiting was something they could do. Time was infinite, as were they. Centuries passed and still they waited. Centuries turned to millennia and millennia, eons. The hole remained ever-present, a tear forever unhealed.
Gods weren’t born to feel, but as the time flew by, unaware and unconcerned, XD began to. But it wasn’t a pleasant thing. Mortals might call it sadness. XD began to ponder; if they could feel like a mortal then could they die like one? Is that the strange thing that had taken HD from them?
Did gods die? XD didn’t know. Matter could not be destroyed so surely they couldn’t either. Maybe they were scattered, remnants throughout the universe waiting to come together again. Maybe they were just sleeping, waiting to re-emerge from the chrysalis of time, to be reborn when all returned as one. But that was too long. XD could wait forever, but that didn’t mean they wanted to.
XD grew impatient, searching the span of stars and galaxies for any piece of their lost companion. Maybe their essence was in the stars, the moon, in the soil. XD explored the vast corners of the cosmos, through a billion variations of life.
When they began to lose hope, confined to their solitude, XD felt something new. Their eye turned towards one last planet. Earth, the only creation preserved from the gods’ cataclysm. Something called to them there, newly born, a faint but clear song.
In a small land, newly formed from young hands and naive youth, lived a brown-haired boy. His fierce spirit and chaotic joy felt familiar so XD stayed and watched, curious of the call that sang from their soul.
When the boy had grown into a man, XD made a choice.
They returned to earth, their form once again of flesh and blood before the young man. George, his name was George.
“Are you awake?” XD asked in the language of the gods. The human stood fearful, but the spark still burned strong in their gaze.
Confusion became him and at last, the human asked, “Who are you?”
XD stared with divine eyes, undeterred by the mortal’s lack of understanding. After eons of wandering, of missing pieces, XD could see a glint of his other half in this small creature. It drew them in like the gravity so familiar to them, and they would let it drag them into its spiral.
As they stood before the mortal, at last, that sadness seemed to fade. In XD’s hands was hope.
“I am DreamXD,” they spoke at last, “And I am a god.”
The mortal stared in wonder, drawn to the presence of the divine, drawn towards XD as natural as his breath.
Now XD knew, gods did not die, they were remade.
As their companion slumbered in the heart of mortal coils, XD swore an oath that day. For however long this human lived, they’d be at their side. If HD still slept then one day, XD would awaken them.
One day the universe would be made whole.
Ao3 Link
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dilf-din · 1 month
Neptune (Until My Last Breath)
A Rebelcaptain May the Fourth celebration fic
WC: 3050
Warnings: angst and whump, ambiguous ending
Author’s Note: HELLO AND MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH US. I started working on this last week and thought it would be fun to post today in honor of my favorite characters of all time. Sorry I’ve been straying away from my fluff reputation?? Oops?
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Jyn always thought she would die in space, or at least with the stars in view. A clear night sky above her as she bled out, as her particles melded with the earth and the atmosphere, stardust returning to stardust. She would exhale, and her spirit would be carried away on the wind, stirring through the galaxy, inciting rebellion and bravery in the hearts of other little girls out there hoping for their someday to come. Jyn Erso, the patron saint of defying fate.
Or maybe just defiance.
She always thought she would be free one day. Right now, she felt like a porg caught in a trap. The thought of chewing off her leg crossed her mind almost immediately once reality set in. She could press the cool steel of her blaster to her head and be gone in an instant, but she couldn’t abandon Cassian. She wouldn’t.
There were so many warning signs she ignored that she couldn’t help but blame herself for their current situation. The instrument panel in her mind had been screaming at her for days now, lights flashing and pounding against the back of her eyelids. Had she listened to the churning in her gut before climbing into that death trap, had she spoken up about her inkling that they had received corrupted intel before the hatch was sealed, had she just asked Cassian to turn back before they went plunging into murky water and winding caverns. He would’ve listened, taken her at her word. He always did.
Now they were stuck. Wedged quite literally between a rock and a hard place hundreds of meters below depth. They had lost communication with K2 who was stationed above them on the surface well over an hour ago, their comms nothing but low, smooth static.
K2’s warning that communication was about to drop out hadn’t done much to settle the turmoil in the pit of Jyn’s belly.
“It’s normal,” Cassian explained, taking note of the whites of her knuckles peeking out of the cut outs of her gloves where she was death gripping the leather arm of her seat. “Once we make it under this ridge and back up, we’ll be back in communication,” he assured.
Jyn wanted to trust him. She closed her eyes and swallowed. There wasn’t much to see but the inky black walls of the caverns Cassian was carefully navigating. Thats what she told herself, anyway. There were no tentacled creatures looming above them. There were no sets of glowing eyes waiting for someone stupid enough to venture past and sink their hungry teeth into soft flesh. The more she repeated this, the more she believed it, never one to be afraid of monsters.
She inhaled and exhaled in time with a pressurizer in the cabin as it adjusted their oxygen levels, keeping their lungs full and their bodies whole.
A few more hours would pass in no time.
It wasn’t often she had a perfectly quiet environment to rest in, and found herself nodding off, chin tucked into the collar of her jacket and cheek resting against her shoulder.
The first shrill sound of metal screaming and scraping would be etched in her mind for the rest of the life, however much longer that was. It cut through the heavy silence of the air, and she was flung her from her seat as the craft lurched forward.
Jyn caught herself with flat palms, stinging from the impact.
“What was that?” she asked with as steady of a voice as she could muster.
Cassian cursed.
“It’s too narrow through here. I don’t want to risk it. We’re gonna have to go back.”
The coolness of his tone and sureness of his movements soothed her nerves. She watched as his hands moved swiftly to turn their craft into reverse and begin their journey back to the surface. The disgraced imperial officer that may or may not be holed up in a cave at the end of this wasn’t worth their lives.
The engine pulsed through the entire ship as the thrusters reversed to propel them backwards, but within a few seconds, they were met with the same sickening sound of stone against the metal.
Cassian pulled back on the controls immediately, leaving them stationary before the jutting rock formation ripped the hull in half.
They both stared ahead, Cassian to avoid Jyn’s gaze, and Jyn to try to ground herself in this moment.
A new flood of fears washed over her. Her body felt as if it was getting crushed beneath the weight of the pressure around them, held at bay by nothing but a thin wall. Her breath started coming quick and shallow, the way it did when she sat at the bottom of the hatch on Lah’mu, eyes straining to get accustomed to the darkness, not knowing it would follow her for the rest of her life.
Cassian scrambled for a solution, racking his brain for a way out. Jyn’s panicked breathing permeated his concentration, preventing any coherent thoughts from forming. She had never been scared before, not really. She was only here because of him, because of intel he sought out and felt strongly enough was worth following, but not into death.
His kill count was something he didn’t even want to theorize about at night. He made peace with most of them, he could live with the blood of hundreds on his hands, but not Jyn’s blood. It was never supposed to be hers.
Obviously they couldn’t leave the ship, not at this depth. And the comms were down, so there was no way to send a distress signal. The reverse thrusters were just sending them straight into the obstruction… They were stuck. They were stuck, and they were going to run out of oxygen unless K2 came after them in the rescue craft, which was almost twice the size of this one and might not even be able to make it through the narrow tunnels.
There were too many variables outside of his control causing Cassian to spiral. Most little hiccups on a mission he could get through, but something of this caliber with this level of consequence always made him second guess himself, his status as captain, and whether or not he was fit to be a partner to someone like Jyn. Fierce in combat, cool under pressure, a survivor like no other.
He had been so careful. He had always trusted his instincts and his training equally, and couldn’t quite parse where he went wrong this time. Cassian buried his head in his hands, wishing someone would come from behind him and beat some sense into his thick skull, grab him by the shoulders and center his composure once again. He was no good to either of them in this state.
Jyn choked out a dry sob bringing him back to himself. He craved atonement for his foolishness, vowing to bleed himself dry for the woman he loved if that’s what it took to get her out of this alive.
With a click, he released his seatbelt and slid across the cold floor next to her.
“Jyn,” he breathed softly, “Talk to me,” he coaxed as he unwound her limbs from around her crumpled frame and drew her into his own embrace.
She had been able to feign composure until the reality of being trapped really set in. Combat didn’t phase her, the crunching of bones and flesh being burned by blaster fire had been the background noise to her life from far too early on. At the end of the day, the only thing that ever hung over her head was the thought of being truly alone in the galaxy. The looming darkness that made her tremble as a child was the same darkness curling itself around her right now, peering in through the window and licking its chops each time it thought it had her. All the times she had almost let her strength fail her, the beautiful temptation of running into her mother’s arms again was like a siren song over the noise of every battle she found herself in. She could stop resisting, let fate take her. But that wasn’t her. And as badly as she wanted to be home again, she wanted to be true to who they raised her to be, who Saw raised her to be.
But this didn’t feel right either, like getting backed into a corner. Her long overdue portion of bad luck finally catching up to her after all her narrow escapes. A few times, she had come close enough to brush fingertips with her father before getting pulled back to this life, always being dragged away too soon like a calf that wasn’t properly weaned. Her hungry mouth open to the cruelty of the universe.
Cassian’s warmth was the only thing she could depend on when you stripped her bare. Each time she coughed up blood and bile from the beatings she sustained, he was never far. Always faithful to wrap himself around her and lick her wounds. It was the closest she would ever come to really being known. Being pressed to him now made a fresh lump rise in her throat, the same feeling as standing in your childhood bedroom for the last time. She vowed to memorize every detail in this dim light, for his form to be etched into her fingerprints whenever they found their bodies.
“You don’t have to bullshit me. I know we’re not getting out of here,” she said quietly.
Cassian tensed under her admission.
“Kay could get here in time,” he squirmed to readjust and move her cheek off of his collarbone.
She decided not to extinguish his hope, one of her favorite things about him.
She knew he was lying.
He knew she knew.
“It’s just weird to not be able to see the stars,” she admitted softly, letting out a shaky exhale.
Cass nodded and pressed his nose into her temple.
“How much oxygen do we have in here?”
He had done the calculations a hundred times over, swallowed hard.
“About ten more hours, plus whatever is in the suits.”
Jyn nodded imperceptibly and couldn’t tell if it was her imagination or if there was a really faint clock ticking in the background. Maybe it was his heartbeat beneath her ear. Maybe somewhere deep inside she had always known they were a ticking time bomb.
“We might as well get comfy,” Cassian strained as he reached for the emergency blankets stowed to the left of the captain’s chair. The pair worked together to make a makeshift bed roll and stretched out together, reveling in the shared warmth. Underwater and space had one thing in common: they were both cold.
Jyn laid with her head on Cassian’s chest, close enough that the sounds of his breath and the low rumble of his voice beneath her dominated her senses. The sounds of the sub became distant background noise as she gave all of her attention to him.
Cassian’s right arm was wrapped around her, draped firmly over her hip while his left hand toyed with her fingers. He had gently pulled her gloves off and laid them to the side, wanting to feel her smooth skin unobstructed. Their hands laced together then broke apart. His pointer finger dragged across every millimeter, feeling every vein and bone, every wrinkle of her. Sometimes, he let the very tips of his nails ghost over the surface, sending chills through her body. Jyn nuzzled closer into the scent of him, bright and sharp as it ever was. Clean notes of citrus that overpowered the stale metal they often found themselves surrounded by. It was the easiest way to pick him out of a crowd. She smiled sadly to herself as she toyed with the zipper of his jacket, thinking how beautiful it was to know someone so effortlessly.
“Tell me about a time you were happy,” Cassian’s voice came warmly, a welcome interruption to the mechanical symphony of the ship she had been trying to tune out.
Without hesitation, Jyn responded, “When I was younger, my father and I used to hike and watch the volcanoes erupt on Lah’mu. He had some sort of device that tracked the seismic activity, so we would always take the day, just us two. My mother would pack us sandwiches and stay back to watch the farm,” she trailed off and a faraway smile graced her lips.
She continued with an even more dreamlike quality to her voice, “I’ll never forget the first time I saw one. It’s so much more red than you can ever imagine. Just the purest shade of red. It would trickle down black mountains and turn everything in a neon mosaic.”
Cassian’s heart swelled as he listened to her recount the memories she had of her father. The way she came alive when she spoke of the kind of man he was. He always wondered if Galen would have approved of him. Some small part of him would always ache for that affirmation, to know that those who loved Jyn so deeply saw something worthy in him.
Another wave of guilt washed over him, and his limbs were suddenly twenty kilos heavier. A good man wouldn’t have gotten their daughter killed. An honorable partner wouldn’t have ever put her in a situation that would’ve risked her life. That’s all Cassian had done since they had met, is risk his life and hers.
Jyn felt him tense beneath her, the way his heart rate quickened, and propped herself up to face him.
“Is something wrong? I mean aside from the obvious?”
She always tried to find humor in their peril, admiring the way her father could make her laugh when she was afraid. When their family would squeeze into one of their scattered bunkers in a practice drill should the imperials ever find them, Galen never failed to make her giggle with a poke to the ribs or a bad pun. Jyn would wrinkle her nose at him. Lyra would give a soft smile.
Right now she wanted Cassian to be anything but afraid.
“I’m sorry,” his voice wavered.
“Cassian,” she chastised.
“Jyn, please,” his eyes bore into hers, in pain and with pleading he begged her to hear him out.
“We don’t have to do this now,” she whispered.
“If not now then when?” he exclaimed.
Jyn kept forward and pressed her lips to kiss cradling his face. She swung one leg over his own to straddle him. He kissed her hungrily and with tears streaming down his cheeks.
She pressed her forehead to his and nuzzled her nose against his.
“I always knew I would die by your side, but it wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he smiled through the tears she had only seen him cry one other time, Scarif. Those tears were exhausted and bitter and full of hatred for the Empire, completely robbed of any sense of pride as they were lifted away from the scorched ground and the corpses of their friends.
These tears were full of love, the overwhelm of what he felt for her spilling to the surface.
“You’re so beautiful, even in this light,” his hand cradled her cheek.
“You’re running out of oxygen,” she murmured, casting her eyes to the floor, uncomfortable with the attention even after all the years spent beside him.
Cassian laughed softly, the kind that said “I love you” in the cadence of it, and Jyn thought there were certainly worse ways to meet your end than this.
The hours passed far too quickly and excruciatingly slowly at the same time. Each minute brought them closer to a final goodbye.
The air in the cabin was quite thin by this point, leaving the pair panting and feeling lightheaded as they tried to count to ten before drawing each breath.
Cassian had never been the praying kind, but tonight, he prayed that Kay was careening towards them at much too high a speed. He prayed that they would get dragged to the surface before they were nothing but casualties in a war that never seemed to end. He prayed that Jyn would go first and go quickly.
With great struggle, he lifted the only oxygen tank off the wall and dragged it to the bed they had made. His fingers were clumsy as he fiddled with the valve and made sure it was connected to the mouthpiece with no holes in the hose.
Cassian was winded from such a small task. Jyn offered him the mouthpiece to draw the first full breath into his screaming lungs and light head. He closed his eyes at the fleeting relief, his finger tapping on her thigh to count out ten seconds. Their words had been mostly spent at this point, choosing to conserve as much oxygen as they could in the hopes that K2 would be there soon.
On ten, Jyn took her first full breath in hours, she could feel her cells swimming with joy, rushing around to bring the tired parts of her back to life. She had no idea how long this tank would last between the two of them. She was tired from racing the clock, having spent the last part of the evening becoming acquainted with the idea that they wouldn’t make it out of this.
“Jyn?” she swore she heard her mother calling, craned her neck to see Cassian looking down at her. The whites of his eyes shone like the shard of kyber at her breast, guiding her home.
“I love you, Captain,” she slurred, taking the chance to poke at her affectionate nickname for him one final time. She wanted it to be one of the last things he heard as they passed from this life to the next.
Cassian weakly squeezed her in reciprocation.
The tank quickly drained. It was never intended to fill two sets of lungs.
When Cassian offered her the mouthpiece as it was nearing empty, she shook her head, and it pounded with every motion.
“It’s s’pretty, Cass.”
“Wha-what’s pretty?” he strained to stammer out.
“I see so many stars,” she smiled with tears glimmering in her eyes.
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xuchiya · 4 months
so innocent: so not pure 01
—--------------  ₊˚.༄ [chapter: 01] ₊˚.༄ —------------------
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[i decide to not make it supernatural au, i'm sorry] words: 2.0k warning: childhood flashbacks, mentions of astrology, cursing, smut (public sex) and fluff with maltese yeosang ₊˚.༄ [chapter: 00] ₊˚.༄ - ₊˚.༄ [chapter: 02] ₊˚.༄
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   summer 2002
   the morning summer sun was spent perched in their kingdom atop the old oak tree, a poorly excuse built tree house, whispering secrets like dandelion wishes on the wind. moonjin, a wisp of a girl with eyes that mirrored the summer sky– her presences resemble what an angel would look like, so innocent, and yeosang, a whirlwind of freckles and mischief– full of adventures and unpredictable. 
                they were inseparable. they were pirates on stormy seas, astronauts soaring through stardust, their imaginations painting vibrant worlds within the creaking confines of their wooden haven, “did you know that billions of galaxies together, trillions of trillions and trillions of stars in our universe?” her soft pitch voice made yeosang giggle but shakes his head upon hearing her trivia.
          “no that would be impossible …” 
             “but it’s true! stars would look like diamonds on the night sky. it will look beautiful.” moonjin’s admiration to astrology made yeosang curious about what so good about a ball of fire yet he didn’t interfere– seeing the sparkle in her eyes, the same as how stars glow. 
      “why did they name you moonjin if you like stars?” yeosang asks, tilting his head to the side. moonjin shrugs, having no clear explanation about his name, “my parents said i was born on a full moon … but-- i don’t know, they don’t have a special meaning to it.” yeosang watch her reaction carefully until he looks up to see the full moon already peeking from the 5pm sunset, his eyes settled on the moon above then back to the moon beside him, “maybe because there’s only one moon.”
   moonjin looks at him, confused “huh?” yeosang smiles at her, eyes showing his honesty, “you said there’s billions of stars in our galaxy, right? then even if there’s trillions, quadrillions of them– there’s only one moon that shines the brightest amongst them.”
  that moment there, the swirl of cold breeze of the summer night brought two hearts as one. their bond deepened with sticky fingers and shared laughter. building precarious towers of legos, devouring stolen cookies beneath the watchful gaze of a disapproving grandma, their days were a tapestry woven from shared adventures and unspoken promises.
   it was daisies and sunshine but when adolescence came, with its clumsy limbs and hormonal earthquakes, it had a way of shattering childhood castles. sophomore year arrived, cloaked in an awkward silence that settled between them. yeosang's smiles, once as bright, became tinged with a hesitant shyness. his eyes still held those same mischief, though now there’s something more that flicker of something moonjin couldn't decipher– longing, perhaps, or hesitance,  she couldn't name.
      the treehouse, their sanctuary, stood witness to their fractured friendship. conversations, once free-flowing rivers, became stuttered streams, punctuated by long, aching pauses. yeosang still talked to her, of course, but their interactions remained tethered to the surface, ghosts of their vibrant past echoing in the hollow spaces between them.
   moonjin, ever the observer, retreated further into her shell. her quiet whispers seemed magnified by the newfound distance, her words swallowed by the chasm that had blossomed between them. yet, beneath the shyness, a flicker of longing mirrored yeosang's – a yearning for the carefree days of shared secrets and sticky fingers, a silent plea for their laughter to find its melody once more.
     2024 brought more than just a new year for moonjin and yeosang. it marked the dawn of a new era, fueled by yeosang's determined push for change. gone was the lanky boy whose smile masked a flicker of uncertainty; in his place emerged a young man radiating newfound confidence, sculpted by hours spent in the gym and fueled by an unyielding ambition.
  that did not go unnoticed by moonjin, ever the keen observer, became an involuntary witness to yeosang's metamorphosis. the shy glances he used to steal in their freshman year were replaced by a steady, unwavering gaze that sent shivers down her spine. his once hesitant laugh boomed to a contagious one to other people near him, a vibrant symphony that drew surprised smiles from everyone around. including moonjin.
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   “have i fuck you so dumb now that you can’t talk, eh?” moonjin was pulled out from her thoughts when her hair was pulled back at the same time, yeosang’s hips thrusting back. they were still on the same position as yeosang continuously slams back harshly, hitting the spot that sent moonjin squealing, moaning under his hold. yeosang lets go of his hold on her hair, grabbing her cheeks mushing them together, tilt her head to the side, “use your words, star.”
  the table keeps screeching each thrust yeosang makes as he picks up his phase, gripping her hips with one hand to keep her on place. moonjin nodded, “yes– yes you fuck me so good!” even if its inaudible, yeosang’s cock twitches from the immense look moonjin was giving. those doe innocent eyes fill with tears everytime his tip reaches her g-spot, mouth gape open struggle to keep her moans on bay, clothes wrinkle her skirt hike up to her waist exposing her milky ass that was now red with yeosang’s handprint.
   yeosang crosses his arms, gripping her waist tightly his veins popping out as he grinds his hips softly then pulling back and thrusting back in swiftly, edging moonjin close to her climax. he repeat the same actions when he felt his high coming, yeosang crawled his grip underneath her uniform to her covered chest; pulling down the bra as he started kneading her breast, pinching, circling her tits in his fingers knowing it takes her to her climax and on queue, he heard her cursing repeatedly, pornographic moans leaving her lips, “fuck fuck yeosang i’m cumming–!” yeosang leaned down pressing himself on your back, hips picking up its speed, going smoothly and swiftly as his mouth ajar broken moans, his breath close to her ears, “yeah? –shit did you just–” just like she mention a while ago, yeosang pull himself up,  his pants were now dripping with her arousal as her juices kept squirting out her cunt, her hips shaking as she chased after her high. 
   yeosang watches her unfolds in front of him, chest heaving, sweat trails down on her foreahead to her chin, her knuckles white from the intense climax. he chuckles, “you did great star … now its my turn.”
   he look behind him to see the chair in the same place, he pulled themselves down on the chair as he squeezed her ass in his hands, “make me cum.” moonjin, still recovering from her high, looks behind her as yeosang leaned back down on the chair; waiting for her to move. She sat between his legs,his cock still resting inside her. Her hands each side on his thighs as she started to pick up her pace. 
   she started bouncing herself on yeosang, hips moving effortlessly to meet his. the view was what yeosang dreamed, watching her ass jiggles each time she comes back down–best part? Seeing how her hole swallow his cock down to the base made him throw his head back, gripping her waist before bucking his hips up, stammering by the pleasure running down his veins as he pump his seeds inside her clamp walls. 
  when yeosang came down from his high, moonjin gradually remove herself; bending over with one hand spreading her ass to expose her puckered pussy which slowly spewed his cum. yeosang bit his lip, cock laying on his stomach twitch at the sight, “i– fuck that’s so hot, star.” 
   moonjin stood up, pulling her skirt down fixing her uniform, turning around to look at yeosang; her face red as a tomato not from the compliment but from the tiresome exertion to the extent of wanting to sleep on the spot but they have to clean up, “yeo come on, let’s clean up.”
   yeosang look at her as his chest, heaves still in his post-nut clarity, “5 minutes …” moonjin shakes her head, grabbing her littered panty on the floor when she felt a hand smacking her ass causing her to yelp, spinning to see yeosang smirking at her. he was leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees, tongue moisting his lips, “nice ass by the way.” 
   moonjin scoffed,“yeah thanks to you, my butt is probably sore tomorrow.” she mumbled, directing the blame squarely at him. yeosang laugh at her amusedly, “you should be used to this by now.” 
   she pouts at him, rolling her eyes dramatically, “yeah so does the slapping my ass whenever we bump into each other …” he extended his hands out with a ‘what’ look, “at least they know i can only tap that ass.”  “shut it doberman!”
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  their ruckus continue as they clean up their mess, yeosang has to run back to his locker to change his pants which moonjin covered her embarrass face but yeosang praised her for that. the playful bickering dissolved into comfortable silence, the setting sun casting long shadows over the silent classroom. they idle near the open window, letting the cold breeze whish its way in, blowing their hair gently.
   yeosang leaned against the chair, mesmerised by the celestial canvas unfolding before him. the whispers of the wind carried the scent of salt and sun-kissed sand, weaving a lullaby around him–  the soft blush of the clouds, the swaying symphony of cherry blossom dancing against the fading light. he turned, gaze landing on moonjin, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. she stood a few feet away, leaning against the wooden table with an air of quiet contemplation. her hair, a cascade of sun-kissed gold, seemed to catch the last rays of light, turning her into a radiant silhouette against the fiery backdrop.
   yeosang's breath hitched, his heart suddenly doing a double take in his chest. the scene – moonjin, framed by the fiery sunset, her quiet silhouette exuding an ethereal beauty – struck him with the force of a tidal wave. it was as if the world had paused, painted in vibrant hues just for his eyes, with moonjin as the captivating centrepiece. 
    He knew how beautiful she is–heck he witnessed how she went from being the nerdy looking limp kid back in 4th grade then evolving to an athletic appealing young woman she is today.  his gaze traced the line of her neck, the way it curved gracefully where it met her shoulder, her figure down to her milky skin. each detail, bathed in the golden hour's glow, amplified his admiration, sending a tingle through his fingertips.
  he wanted to capture this moment, freeze it in time like a precious butterfly caught in amber. he wanted to step closer, whisper her name into the fading light, and bask in the quiet magic that seemed to swirl around them. but his feet remained rooted to the spot, his words imprisoned in his throat. the fear of shattering the delicate bubble of their shared stillness held him back, a silent observer in his own unfolding dream.
  as the last whispers of the sun faded, moonjin turned, her eyes catching him in a fleeting moment. there was a surprise in her gaze, a flicker of something unspoken that mirrored the storm brewing within him.
     and then, just as quickly, her lips curved into a soft smile, the warmth reaching his eyes even before her words did. "what is it?" she murmured, her voice a gentle echo in the twilight, yeosang swallowed, finding his voice at last. "noth–" he breathed, his gaze never leaving hers. "you–," he hesitated, a soft smile curling his lips, "you look beautiful"
  moonjin's cheeks flushed a delicate pink, the setting sun mirroring the blush on her skin. but her eyes, sparkling with amusement, held his gaze unflinchingly.iIn that moment, under the fading light of the setting sun, yeosang knew that these feelings he had to her were not just any infatuation– they’re more than that and he is sure of those feelings. 
     and he hopes that maybe one day or someday when the time is right, he gets to express those bottled up feelings to her and maybe a pinch of hope if she feels the same way. 
         with moonjin as the captivating muse to his every whispered verse, he’s willing to do more than this.
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taglist: @jonghostie , @tigressnamsoon
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mrsdesade · 4 months
1 character x 10 songs x 10 headcanons
Loki (MCU)
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Songs that I think they might be perfect for our fav God of Mischief because today is Tom's birthday! 🌿 I also leave the LOKI PLAYLIST I've created for him!
The End of the World - Celldweller
If I do, will I be exiled?
I can't base my actions on whether I'm loved or reviled.
Hard to pretend that I'm ok when my heart is breaking. […]
Sold on a dream of a future serene,
Then why does this feel like the end of the world?
Hopes in a dream are not what they seem,
And now it feels like the end of the world.
hc: The whole song has his vibes, the melody, the aesthetic, the words, the tone with which they are pronounced. Heartbreaking and full of hope. I can clearly hear the "The sun will shine on us again, I promise." quotes from it.
2. Fill the Void - Lily-Rose Depp & The Weeknd
Be my voice and I choose you to fill the void. […]
I choose you to fill my void.
I choose you to tell me, you to tell me,
I choose you to fill my void.
I speak my voice and I choose you to fill the void,
Tell me why, tell me why do I feel so free when I'm dead?
hc: Being chosen by him is already an immense honor and privilege, even more so If he considers you the missing piece to fill the eternal void in his chest. This duet is so strangely romantic.
3. The Apparition - Sleep Token
Why are you never real? Whenever you appear,
You leave me with that grace, I am trembling with fear.
But I know that you will disappear […]
Well, I believe that somewhere in the past,
Something was between you and I my dear,
And it remains with me to this day.
hc: Something has separated you two, and your memories have been erased (TVA vibes) but the feeling you have is so deep that crosses space and time, and although there is only dust remaining, you are always pulled in each other's direction.
4. GODDESS - Written by Wolves
You're like a goddess in disguise, I'm drowning slowly in your eyes
It's like you kill me by design, you're all I desire. […]
I'll do anything for you, my temptress, even if I'm innocent.
Kill to watch you undress,
Feel your body close pressed up, against mine
Heart beats, in time.
Feel your chest rise, you're all I desire.
hc: This song is pure devotion, he would do anything for you, you are his light, you're the only force that moves his actions and feelings.
5. Interlinked - Lonely Lies & GOLDKID$
hc: There are no lyrics, just music, but the romantic synth and the electronic base give this melody the right vibes to be the soundtrack to a film/series about Loki and his love interest. (hope to be me honestly)
6. Funeral Derangements - Ice Nine Kills
I'll see you on the other side.
But I'd kill to bring you back tonight,
Don't give up, don't let go,
I'll make this right. […]
They say that time heals all, but I won't heed the call.
Buried in misery.
Spare me the eulogy.
hc: Aggressive and desperate, in this version of the story, he lost you because of Thanos and he will do anything to bring you back to life, even challenging primordial forces such as Death itself.
7. Starlight - STARSET
Stardust, in you and in me.
Fuse us, into unity.
We're coupled, born from the universe.
The void is calling, don't fear.
It's ok, I promise. […]
Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite.
I'll think of you each time they wash me in their light.
And I'll fall in love with you again, I will find you. […]
Don't leave me lost here forever,
I need your starlight and pull me through,
Bring me back to you.
hc: You are the one who loved the God of Stories, and this song is his dedication to you, his eternal love is engraved in these words.
8. Broken - Falling in Reverse
We are the broken, hoping for a change of heart.
We are the chosen, praying for a shooting star.
And even if the sky comes crashing down,
Even if the world was ending now,
We are the broken, but don't cry for me.
hc: Ouch, bad ending for you, there is nothing left to save, the Apocalypse will erase everything, and you two are embraced seeing the Sun fall on the Earth. He will hold you close until the last moment, until the true end.
9. VILLAIN - Neoni
Won't make amends, 'cause you did this, yeah
I'm the monster you invented. […]
All the king's horses and all the king's men.
Couldn't undo all the damage I did.
You call me mad but I make perfect sense.
If I can't be your hero, I'll be your villain.
hc: There's not much to say, If your romance happened during 2012, you would have a cruel God loving you, Avengers Loki has definitely his reasons and his charm.
10. KNIVES - Neoni
No heroes, no villains.
No sympathy, just venom. […]
No heroes, no villains.
Just do it for the thrill and,
Sharpen up your knives.
If you wanna make it through the night.
You better remember that you,
Can never trust nobody.
hc: Let's end with a bit of spice, I couldn't not mention this song, I would definitely associate knife kink to him. Can't change my mind.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to suggest more characters, when I'm done with my comfort characters I'll be delighted to please you with music about yours 🤍
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sassykattery · 8 months
Dollface Pt. 7
What's a smut fic in October without a lil monsterfucking?
CW: Main Character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC shows body insecurity. Profanity. Smut scene: oral (f! receiving), piv, creampie. Use of gendered terms: reader called "Good girl" "little girl". Size kink. Monsterfucking.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Sex. Smut. Diavolo x fem! MC.
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo. Satan. Mammon.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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Once he was in her room, he gently kicked the door shut and locked it. He walked over to her bed and laid her back against the mattress gently, like she was his most prized porcelain doll.
"I-I, um, want you like... like this," she stated. He hummed approvingly and nodded, walking away to turn off the light, but then she called out to him again. "You can leave it on..." She sounded uncertain.
"You're sure?" He walked back to her, standing in front of her knees that dangled off the edge of the bed.
She looked away and back at him.
"I've noticed you prefer this in the dark," he added.
"I just... I don't look like you or most other people, humans, I mean. I know I'm not conventionally attractive," she replied, sounding disheartened.
"Darling," he murmured, climbing on top of her. "Though you can't see, I can when we're in the dark. I see every inch of this form, and I truly love every curve and how soft you are. You have nothing to worry about." He kissed her sweetly then, his tongue lapping at hers before breaking away. "So, it is my duty, I believe, to worship you in hopes you'll believe me."
Slowly, he crawled back and then came off the bed. At his full height, he stood and began to strip. His chains and fur fell to the floor in a heap, followed by his harem pants and boots next to it. He stood like a god before her, and when he looked down at her, he could feel, with his heightened senses, her arousal bleaching him like the most illustrious perfume.
"You're so... ethereal," she declared in a whisper. He crawled on top of her again, nudging her up the bed to lay in the middle.
"I think you are better suited for such a word, my darling. Seeing you when you first wake up is a privilege. All of my love tied up in this one body before me. It's almost too much to think about how much I love and adore you."
Her eyes began to shine then, her emotions peaking with his words.
"I love you too," she mumbled, pulling him down for more kisses. He gladly gave them to her, feeling her touch all over his body.
And thus began a slow series of rolls and turns as he helped rid her of her sleepwear, tossing it all aside lackadaisically. Their hands continued to busy themselves with all the groping and grabbing, massaging and squeezing, that they could get. Her hands greedily went for his new appendages, his wings and horns, to explore their texture and discover their sensitivity. Anytime she grabbed his horn, he groaned and leaned into her touch. But when she caressed his wings, that made him moan outright, never letting another have him like this.
"What else can your magic do?" She asked playfully, looking at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes.
"Where have you always wanted to have sex at?" He asked in the same manner, grinning at her.
"Hmm..." she hummed thoughtfully. "I wouldn't mind maybe something like an under the stars thing."
"Close your eyes."
As told, she did, and then in the next moment, he tapped her shoulder.
Her eyes opened to see a dark sky glittering with so many stars she had never seen in her life. Plagued by light pollution and low viewing areas, she had never seen such a sky full of the galaxy she learned about. She could see stardust, twinkling and pulsating lights, brilliant arrays of colors. To the right and left were mountain ranges with snowcapped peaks. The air was fresh and quiet, the evening's serenade of fauna filling the emptiness.
And, of course, he was enthralled with her reaction, feeling her breathing nearly stop and her hands tighten their hold on him.
"Tell me you didn't just teleport us," she murmured, still gawking at the sky above.
He chuckled. "No, love. This is an illusion, but this is a real place I had been to in Japan and saw this very sky myself."
"It's beautiful." One of her hands reached down to feel her sheets still beneath them, but she couldn't see if they were laying on her bed or if they were on something else.
"I thought it was definitely one of the most beautiful things I'd seen in my lifetime," he replied in a murmur. "That was... until I met you."
She finally looked back at him, his golden eyes glittering.
"You continue to amaze me," she said, shaking her head.
"I haven't even shown you my best tricks yet," he murmured.
"Show me a little more," she mumbled before kissing him passionately, her hands coming to rest on either side of his head.
He groaned approvingly and reciprocated, eventually moving to her neck and the rest of her body, trailing down further and further until he stopped at her core.
"May I?" He asked, looking up at her and sliding her leg onto his shoulder.
She nodded and spread her other leg out for him. His dominant hand came to rub his fingers against her lower lips, spreading them open to gaze at the glistening slick accumulating there.
"I've been craving the taste of you for a while now. One taste is not enough," he commented before placing a kiss on her heat. She squirmed slightly, and her hand came to grip the sheets. He took that hand away and placed it on his head again. "Grab onto me instead," he commanded.
Lowering his head, he pressed his mouth against her spread cunt and began to lick it enthusiastically. His tongue took swipes at her clit, making her moan out, finally, with her hips bucking up into him. His other hand took hold of her hip, his thumb running back and forth across her skin. Her fingers curled into his fiery locks and pulled slightly. Seeing that as a clue of her enjoyment, he brought his lips up to suck her clit, his fingers moving away from her lips to drop lower and prod at her entrance. Feeling his finger get sucked in, he sunk in all the way to the hilt of his digit in one go.
"Ahh!" She called out, her face wrecked with pleasure already.
He moaned back to her, the sound vibrating against her heat. That only made her climb higher as the bliss lapped at her in waves. His finger then began to pump in and out, and soon enough, he added a second digit to start scissoring her open.
"Yes, yes, yes! Fuck! Diavolo you feel so good, fuck, I love you! I love this!" She began to actually babble for the first time. A rapturous smile adorned her face, and it sent his body racing with adrenaline to keep it going. With her like this, he couldn't stop anytime soon.
Taking away his hand, he tilted his face down slightly to sink his tongue into her quivering pussy. She twitched and slurred slightly, feeling his presence inside her. But what made her look down was when his tongue didn't stop sliding in. It felt enormously thick and longer, unlike what she had remembered from the first time they did this.
He kept his eyes on her, and when she had stared at him blankly for so long, he flicked the muscle against her walls, and she was sent to another level of pleasure. Her back arched deeply, and her other hand came to curl into his hair as well.
"Oh shit–" she gasped when she felt him wriggling more inside her. "Oh fuck, don't stop now. Pleeeeease don't stop. Whatever this is, keep going." Her voice had dropped in pitch and into a low groan. A burning fire started deep within her, a heat pooling in her center as he began fucking her with his tongue, sliding in and out and still continuously rubbing her walls incessantly.
Feeling brave, her hands finally took purchase of his horns, and the Demon Lord's eyes widened. The heat of her hands there, her essence on his tongue, bathing in her scent, it was all too much for him. His hips wanted to rut against the sheets, ready to take her, but he demonstrated great patience thus far; he wasn't going to ruin it now.
Diavolo took hold of her hips as he ravenously ate her out, bringing her closer and closer to ecstasy. Her body began to tremble as that singular flame in her core began to catch, spreading to the rest of her body. He noticed her breathing becoming shallow, little gasps escaping her throat between lewd moans. She was creaming around him, more of her slick coating his tongue. Her own body started to tigthen up, her thighs trying to collapse around his head.
"Please," she gasped, gripping his horns tighter. A traitorous tear ran down her cheek. His hands kept a death grip on her hips, seeking to bring her to her climax.
That's it, so close, he thought as he tried to sink his tongue as deep as it'd go into her pulsing cunt.
"Dia!" She gasped once more, heat dancing up her limbs and tracing back to her throbbing center. She cried as her orgasm overtook her, making her writhe under his hands, her thighs clamped around his head. Her cum flowed right onto his tongue and dripped out over his lips and chin. He drank every bit of her up, a growl vibrating in his chest at her sweet taste.
When her orgasm ceased, she instantly fell limp, breathing harshly and twitching. Finishing up his, well, "breakfast," he climbed up and laid himself on her, taking her weak arms and placing them over his shoulders to then hold her tightly. He gave her the time to recover as he listened to her breath rate slow, her heart not pounding quite so hard.
She hummed and turned her head, nuzzling his cheek. Lifting himself up, he looked down at her to find her gazing at him dreamily.
"That was a pretty good trick," she mumbled. He huffed air through his nose in amusement and kissed her cheek. Though, she became a bit more greedy as she kissed his lips, her legs wrapping around his waist.
"Naughty little girl," he grumbled against her lips. "Already wanting more?"
"I always want more of you," she whispered. Biting his earlobe, she whispered, "Fuck me, please."
"Mm, I thought you wanted me to make love to you," he murmured in reply, stroking her shoulders.
"There's a difference?" She asked naively.
"I would say there is," he answered somewhat thoughtfully. "So which is it?"
"Maybe a mix of both," she replied, looking up into his eyes then.
"Both it is," he agreed.
The Demon Lord started slow, kissing her everywhere available to him, trailing all over her body to physically show her his love for her form. He planted love bites where he saw fit, even one on her shoulder that could show if she wasn't careful. His hands rested nowhere, too busy caressing all her curves and enjoying the feel of her velvety soft skin beneath his fingertips.
"You'll never understand what this does for me," he murmured, kissing her neck again. "I cannot be convinced that you weren't made for me. Every bit of you sends my body aflame, makes my heart skip, my mind stutters. Your beauty knows no bounds, in my eyes."
She wasn't sure what to say then, but really, she didn't have to say anything with the way she looked at him so adoringly. He knew her feelings were mutual and true.
It then occurred to him that he forgot to mention something.
"Ah, um, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm quite different in this form," he stated matter-of-factly.
"Yes?" She agreed, confused by the statement.
"Well, that extends to all parts of me," he added, trying to hint at something.
Her eyes instantly flickered down and back up. "How different is it?" She asked, knowing what he meant.
"Mostly size," he admitted.
Her brows knitted together, and she looked askance. "Just when I was getting used to the other one..." she mumbled.
"Don't worry too much. I will still go slow, and you can tell me to stop," he added. He paused for a minute and caught her gaze again. "I don't want to hurt you, and I can change back anytime."
"Let's just try. I wasn't sure about taking you before, and I did it," she replied. He nodded and kissed her forehead.
"That's my good girl."
His dominant hand reached down between them again to start rubbing her clit, making her mewl and hum softly. Not making her wait much longer, he slid in two fingers and began pumping into her again. Her face was wrecked with pleasure once more while she tried to keep her focus on his face, as he did in return.
"That's it, baby, I'm going to open you up," he murmured to her.
She nodded, so he slowly added a third digit, making her squirm slightly at the stretch. Three of his fingers were easily more than four of hers. He felt her slick start to drip out of her, letting him know she was close.
"Dia," she whimpered, "Give me your cock."
And how could he say no? He was satisfied with his prep, so he pulled his hand away to start stroking his cock with it, covering it in her essence. Rubbing the fat head up and down her clit had her moaning loudly then. He caught onto her entrance after guiding it downward, groaning as he sank in.
"Fuck," he rasped, holding himself over her to watch her expression. Her eyes were wide but not panicked, just surprised. There was some resistance as the head popped in, but with one short thrust, he had slid more of his fat cock into her.
He realized she wasn't just looking at his face but all over, especially at his horns and wings.
"Is this what you wanted?" He asked, curious to her demeanor.
"Yes... Oh, sorry, I just... I'm sorry for staring," she finally looked away shamefully.
"No, please, look at me," he murmured, using his hand to guide her face forward again.
"This is what I wanted. It's amazing," she finally stated.
He smiled down at her and lowered himself back onto her, wrapping arms beneath her back. "Ready?"
She nodded. Slowly, he started thrusting again, his cock stretching her open even further. The burn was only temporary, as the more he pumped himself in, the easier it became.
"Oh fuck, you're so big," she finally whimpered, the initial shock wearing off.
"You're doing so good for me, baby, taking all of me," he groaned in her ear. She turned her head to kiss him. Her fingers dug into his biceps with her claw-like nails pressing crescents into his flesh deliciously, he thought. "So tight," he added with a wicked grin.
Thrust for thrust, he felt his nature wanting to take over. The pride said to make her squeal like never before, the demon said to fuck her until she passed out, and his own heart said he wanted to make sure this was all she would be able to think about for the rest of their days.
"Baby," he called to her in a husky tone. His wings stood on end as he started thrusting faster.
"Fuck me," she replied seemingly to his thoughts.
Keeping a tight hold on her, he lifted her up as he sat upright on his knees, and without a moment of reprieve, he started rigorously bouncing her up and down on his cock while thrusting his hips up into her roughly. Her moans fell out in time with each bounce. Eagerly, he dove down for her tits and began lavishly lapping at them, sucking her nipples and using his teeth to scrape the tender nubs.
"Ah! Diavolo!" She gave a short scream. Her walls were already so tight, and he could feel her body start to go rigid.
"Cum for me, baby, let go," he growled into her chest. He turned his head back up to her shoulder and placed more kisses and bites on her skin. When he felt her tell-tale signs of an orgasm, the tremble, the short gasps, her hips rutting back into his, he sank his teeth into the junction of her neck and shoulder. This sent her over the edge as he continued to rail into her until he felt her fall limp again.
He gently fell forward to lay her back. She was just coming down from the high when he murmured,
"I can make you a promise, my little darling, one everlasting and binding to us both."
Her haze started to fade at his words, and she looked up at him blearily.
"What is it?"
"I can give you a ring, tying us together," he answered.
"Wait, are you–"
"No, love, but I'll happily oblige you in the near future. Using my magic, I can tie us together so that no matter where we may go, we are always unified," he replied with a chuckle.
"Sounds like proposing to me," she muttered.
He shook his head and kissed her hand that he brought up to his lips.
"How does it work?" She finally indulged her own curiosity.
"I seal a very small part of my magic within this ring that will go on a part of your body, of your choosing of course, and I will do the same to myself," he replied.
"I suppose I could go for that. Put it here," she held up her hand away from his face, which had incidently been her left hand he brought up. "On the ring finger," she added with a grin, wriggling the finger she meant.
"It would be my honor," Diavolo answered. He took a hold of her finger within two of his, and in a low pitch, so low she couldn't make out his words, he verbalized the encantation.
She watched her hand intently, waiting for any sign of the spell working. Suddenly, a black line began to slowly encircle her finger where a ring would sit. Shifting onto one arm, Diavolo held up his left hand to show the same magical ink threading across the same finger. Before them, a glittering golden string started from the ink on his finger, twirling its way over to hers. When the connection was made, there was a brief surge of heat in her hand before it dissipated just as quickly.
"And now we belong to one another," he murmured, looking at their hands.
"I love you," she spoke in a rush, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him suddenly. He reciprocated immediately, holding her tightly.
Quickly, in a frenzy, they began to grope and grab at one another, their kiss devolving into being all tongue, teeth, and loud moans between them. He grabbed her legs and threw them onto his shoulders, folding her into a mating press. The way he pounded into her was loving and deep, making sure she felt every ounce of his desire and love for her.
"I love– agh, you too," he grunted.
"Fuck, baby!" She wailed, holding onto her legs then.
"Need you, need to make you mine," he spoke more animalistically then.
"I'm yours, take me," she whined back, tears openly starting to track down her face. "Let everyone know I belong to the Prince of the Devildom."
Those words threw him off the edge, pounding her harder and grunting like a mad demon. His grunts turned into growls and broken words of "Fuck," "Take it," and "I love you." His orgasm finally crashed like a tidal wave, forcing him to hold her tightly and still, growls and groans still escaping his lips. Hers came not too long after, her soft walls pulsating hard against his throbbing cock as he filled her with his cum.
It was quiet again, and Diavolo realized she was quieter than normal. He pulled back to see her eyes were shut, lips slightly parted, and breaths extremely shallow. The tear streaks on her face were noticeable, too
"My love," he murmured, stroking her face. She stirred only slightly with her body twitching.
Decidedly, he broke the illusion, leaving them in her bedroom once more, sprawled out on her bed. Though, he realized it was now broken, more than likely due to him, and he felt guilty for it. With careful movements, he put her legs back down on the mattress and pulled out of her, transforming back to his human form. Seeing as though she was still lost in limbo, he worked to clean her up, donning his clothes again and collecting hers to fold and lay beside her.
Soon enough, she stirred again, seemingly a bit more alive as she croaked out the prince's name,
"I'm here," he said, settling in beside her. She rolled into his embrace and nuzzled into his neck.
"That was amazing," she mumbled into his flesh. He grinned and stroked her back.
"Mm, it was. I'm glad you thought so, too. Are you hurt?" He murmured back, kissing the top of her head.
"A little sore, but I'm okay," she replied dreamily, her fingers dancing along his shoulder blades.
She dozed off like that, and soon enough, the demon prince pulled her blankets on top of them and found himself snoozing right along with her, both in pure bliss.
And that's how it was for several weeks. Diavolo made himself at home with her and her parents, who eventually gave up on the idea of making them sleep separately, especially after several episodes of them falling asleep on the couch together. They had realized the two lovebirds were young and infatuated, and it was a precious time to be in. The prince also managed to charm his way into her parents' hearts as well. He learned to help with dishes and do some of the house maintenance her father couldn't get to anymore with age. Though, these were all things he never thought he'd do in his realm, he learned to love the mundane living of humans. It was peaceful and simple, something he didn't know he enjoyed this much.
And, of course, there was her, the light of his life. He watched her finish up her higher education, so very proud when she ran straight into his arms after her finals, waving her test grades around joyously. Diavolo was sure to remind her when they were alone, just how proud he was of her accomplishments.
One afternoon, she and the Demon Lord were visiting her favorite coffee shop to grab a couple of treats. Diavolo had been waiting in her car while she went in and grabbed them when she was met with a stranger, a rather unique one that certainly stood out in the shop.
She had been waiting for their order to be finished when she heard a deep masculine voice suddenly speak to her.
"Apologies, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have a question."
She turned her head and cranked it back to stare into a set of green-blue eyes with bright blonde locks that stood out against his ivory skin. He was wearing a cream jacket with one sleeve left off, teal button-up, black jeans, and black loafers.
"Yes?" She asked suspiciously.
"I'm looking for someone, and I was wondering if you knew–"
Suddenly, her name was called out, but she remained still until another man barged into the store as well. He beelined straight for the man in front of her, who turned to face the other man. This one had white hair, golden brown skin, and what looked to be a designer track jacket.
"Oi, Satan, Beel just took off. We need to go," the white-haired one stated.
"One moment, Mammon, I was just–" and just as the one with golden blonde hair turned to look at her, she was gone. She had taken the moment to quickly grab her order and ran out the door to her car while the first one had his back turned.
"Mammon, she might've been who we were looking for. She looked like the woman from the photo we found of Diavolo in that security footage at the mall," Satan groaned. Mammon looked around out the windows and saw two cars trying to leave the parking lot.
"Well, it's gotta be one of those two cars," he replied, watching both drive off, memorizing their license plates.
"Did you get the license plates?" Satan asked, folding his arms.
"Yup. Now let's go get Beel," Mammon replied, walking out. Satan sighed again and followed his younger brother out the door.
Soon, Diavolo, we'll get you home. Soon.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @flemmingbamse @themythicaldisaster @attic-club-sandwich @biteable-pink-pixie @marvelous-maniac
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sillycoffeewizard · 4 months
honestly? i loved him at first sight
my sweet star boy, i will give him everything i have. my sugar comet, i will shower him with stardust with my full and shining love. he will be my stars, my galaxy and i will be the moon. maybe one day we will travel together, we will see so many magical things. I know he dreams of going to the stars, I will remember that and I promise his dream will come true. I want to hold him, stroke his head and ruffle his hair. I want us to snooze together, curled up like kittens. this sweet loveliness feels like powdered sugar, like star-shaped glitter, like the evening sky, like little lights, like the milky way
I'd like to go to Penacony just to see him, my sweet, funny, silly bellboy I want to smile warmly at him, to wait with excitement and bated breath for the moment when I can see him, maybe talk to him, even if that moment lasts only a few seconds. i want to hold his hands and forget myself in this dream filled with fanciful things, countless festivities, carnivals and fun, just with him. i will be calm as long as i know i can look into his beautiful eyes again
I want to shatter in his arms and shine in little star fragments
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santoschristos · 3 months
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The Great Comet Daily Guide: March - April 2024
A detailed guide to the night sky written by a NASA expert featuring full Moon lore, asteroid flybys, stars, galaxies, constellations, and more.
Make a wish!
As you watch a shooting star streak across the sky, make a wish, and remember: you, too, are made of a kind of holy, stardust-like matter, forever connected to everything that ever was and will be.
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amiaima · 5 months
Mr. Showtime (English Version)
Translation by amiaima
You know? I just can't make up my mind
It's so messed up I can't even think
It echoes in the stage where I'm alone
This monologue
Am I incapable of doing all this?
My thoughts swirl like a merry-go-round
The more I waste time doing nothing
The more I want to achieve
Always moving forward, getting stuck
A cul-de-sac in a labyrinth?
It's a dead end... but I won't ever give up!
Let's chase stardom!
Well, where's the fun in always being alone?
Let's gather the chaotic ones
And reach for the stars
I don't think I can
I can't reach out at all. To the stars I wished on
Set up a ladder,
And let's climb, come with me all dreamers!
I won't be afraid, I won't even flinch
It seems like a hopeless act
A reckless adventure, but an amusing show
Ain't no stopping me. Now, it's showtime!!
Hey, hold on, hold on. This is weird.
My next lines, it's like they're gone......
I got lost on the stage and
The curtain fell, what a pain
Why? How come? I'm pathetic......
Popcorn didn't pop
It's getting burned, and it tastes like defeat
It tastes so bitter
Being bothered by anxiety
Is this the long way? Is my effort fruitless?
The unexpected is
The best part of the show
Well, where's the fun in taking shortcuts all the time?
Go forward! Like a rollercoaster,
Ups and downs, go full speed!
This is not funny at all
I'm pathetic. I'm never satisfied
Our dreams are like fireworks,
Let's set them off, challengers!
Even if the sky's dark, even when I cry
Blow away my melancholy
Oh, claps and spotlights, please comfort me. See?
Lift up your chin, the show must go on!!
The greed of a commoner,
One who crawls to move forward
A narcissist who fools himself
Suck it up and act like you're a star
Slay it!
Bluffing's fine! But not confidence!
Jump higher. Move faster.
Bluff on stage, even if you get scolded,
Insatiable curiosity,
It's not under my control!
It's something words can't describe. These colorful balloons filled with nostalgic dreams
They carry them away and shine brightly in the galaxy
It's not done yet, I'm not done yet
Though, I think someday......
Until the clock hands strike dawn
Dance the night away
Sing the night away with the Stardust Parade
Our stories never end. Come on and let's play,
I won't ever forget, I won't let tears fall
This is not a "goodbye"
The reckless legend is here,
Loud and bold
Moves step by step
Shout out the crazy "Wonderhoy!"
I write him as
Mr. Showtime
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outpost51 · 7 months
Trick or treat? 👻🍬
ding dong
coin said:
an affection: helo my darling j, you’ve got such a knack with punchlines and let’s not forget that you singlehandedly made me fall in love with victus all over again <3 bless you
and a confection, of sorts:
There’s something at the window.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
You’ve tried to tell yourself, over and over, that there’s nothing at the window, but that noise—
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It’s just too persistent to be the walls settling, too close to be the bathroom faucet dripping.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It’s a branch. It’s just a branch. There’s no wind to disturb its rest like it’s disturbing yours, and the squirrels have far better things to do with winter on its way, but it’s just a branch.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It’s just a branch.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It’s just—
—a fucking—
With a deep breath — then a second, and a third — you throw back the covers, fling open the curtains, and—
There’s nothing at the window.
What might be — or might have been at some point, but that thought is far more disturbing — a bird has flown full-tilt at the window and latched itself onto the screen. A small bundle dangles in its left foot.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It waits a while after pecking the glass, tilting its head back and forth as its ink-black feathers rustle in some unseen wind.
(Unseen to you, because the trees are unnaturally still outside. Unseen to it, because it has no eyes.)
Not ink-black, you realize, unsure how long you’ve been staring — you shouldn’t stare, something whispers in the back of your mind — but like the possibly-a-bird was formed from the night sky itself. Pinpricks of light twinkle across its wings, its back, like little mites made of stardust, and what you thought was iridescence seems to be clouds of space dust, galaxies forming in a tiny galactic nursery.
Tikk. Tikk. Tikk.
It makes a sound like some far-off star, impatient and insistent, and you carefully shimmy the window open and carefully pry off the screen — it weighs nothing, this maybe-bird, and that’s all the more reason to treat it like porcelain. Eldritch being or not, it still deserves respect, right?
No sooner has the bundle dropped heavily onto your windowsill, the almost-bird is gone. Vanished without so much as casting a breeze your way with a wingflap.
A single feather remains on the sill, though, the only sign it was ever there.
That, and the bundle, which is steaming through the bandana wrapped around it. You untie the knot, and the fabric flutters apart, revealing what was so important you needed to be woken at three in the morning — a warm dish of poutine, piled high with cheese curds.
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gmanwhore · 1 year
…. What Zircon saw beyond the door sent surging electricity through every nerve in xir body.
A thin figure was seated in a comfortable armchair near the opposite wall, with an unlit cigarette in his left hand. He wore a sky blue suit, his hair reached his shoulders and was a vibrant, fiery orange-red. His face, brushed with brightly coloured makeup, was strangely symmetrical and bore a thoughtful expression as he stared somewhere into the distance; he looked more like a doll than a living being, except for his eyes, which were a greenish gray, and contained a hopeful spark, with one pupil visibly bigger than the other. Zircon’s eyes darted to golden circle glittering brightly in his forehead: xe had seen this being before.
Xe had looked at him in awe in faded photographs, watched holographic images of him sing the songs that inspired xir career through speakers, emulated him in the mirror with an imaginary guitar in xir hands for decades, worried that xe might be copying his style a bit too closely…
But it simply couldn’t be. Ziggy Stardust was dead. His body was discovered in xir own universe over a century ago, with no signs of damage but undeniably deceased, his ashes were scattered across the Milky Way galaxy, it was all public information, and the world of music mourned. Zircon had mourned with it, crying xirself to sleep at the thought that the greatest musician in the universe, quite possibly in the Multiverse, would never release another album again, xe’d never see xir idol live, that of all the beings in the universe, it had to be him.
And yet…
“You’ll be Zircon Moongazer, right? Kuria’s told me to expect you.”
Xe would know that voice, with the accent almost reminiscent of the one he often heard on Earth, anywhere. Zircon resisted the urge to pinch xirself; it couldn’t not be a dream, but xir own thumping hearts and the whirlwind of thoughts in xir mind could only be reality.
“Don’t be shy, you can come closer if you want.”
Zircon took a few nervous steps forward. Xe was only a meter or so away from him now. Ziggy got to his feet with a strange grace to his movement, dropping the still unlit cigarette into a nearby empty ashtray, and extended a faintly glittering hand for Zircon to shake. Even in his platform boots, he was considerably shorter than Zircon, who raised xir arm… and stopped, the excitement in xir fingers almost panic, almost painful.
“Go on!” Ziggy encouraged, with a nod.
Zircon reached out and grabbed the hand. Smooth. Smaller than xirs. Covered in a strange, soft powdery texture. Cold, but clearly not dead. Real. Undeniably alive.
The excited child in xir mind who had held that first record in xir hands with joyful tears in xir eyes broke loose, and xe shook his hand with all of the energy xe felt when xe had entered the room. Xe didn’t even notice the increasing speed in vigor with which xe moved xir hand up and down over the soaring feeling in xir chest. Ziggy Stardust was alive! Alive, and standing right in front of xir! Xe was shaking Ziggy Stardust’s hand! Xe was-
A little explosion of glittering space dust, like a tiny nebula, clouded Zircon’s vision for a couple of seconds.
Then, xir heart stopped.
Xe was still holding Ziggy’s hand, which had broken clean off at the elbow joint as Ziggy’s sky blue sleeve hung, loose and empty, from the elbow down. At the break, the arm seemed to be tightly packed full of that same multicolored glitter that was now settling everywhere including the floor, the armchair and the fronts of both Zircon’s and Ziggy’s clothes.
“Oh my stars! Holy crap! Mr Stardust I’m so sorry!”
Xe heard xir own voice break at squeaky, panicked peaks as xe yelled xir horrified apologies, but Ziggy only responded with a wide smile, revealing a set of slightly crooked teeth.
“No worries! Does that all the time.”
He took the left arm from Zircon’s hand with his right, nonchalantly inserting it back into his sleeve and twisting it slightly in place.
“Believe me, it’s gotten me in some way worse situations. I’ve learned to reinforce the fingers so I don’t accidentally slice them off playing guitar in the middle of a gig, but the elbow joints have always been a right piece of work. This body’s due for a replacement soon anyway.”
He tested the movement in his fingers, rolling them in sync in a single smooth motion as though strumming invisible guitar strings, despite the fact that, from what Zircon had just seen, there was not a bone nor a muscle in that hand.
He chuckled.
“I get that question a lot. Kuria and the Starman Eternal say you’re a trustworthy fellow, so I guess I can spill the whole truth. I happen to be something called an Okkina. My kind don’t have physical bodies at birth, so we drift in space and gather the dust of fallen stars to build a form for ourselves. Aside from being proof of my remarkable lack of naming creativity, this body isn’t really ‘me’, but it does contain ‘me’, if that makes any sort of sense.”
Zircon nodded.
“If one body’s destroyed, or I just feel like moving on from it, I can just hop out and make myself a new one. Regeneration takes a little while, but… I suppose that clears up the whole ‘legally dead in your universe’ thing, eh? Now, does this mean I can hypothetically live forever? Well, not under normal circumstances, consciousness tends to drift apart around the sixth millennium, but I happened to have an encounter with one ‘Keeper of Strings’ during my travels, and, well… let’s just say the Starman Eternal allowed it, and you needn’t ever worry about losing me again!”
Zircon remained silent for a moment, taking it all in.
“Mr Stardust, that’s… incredible… I…”
“Oh, cut the ‘Mr Stardust’ formalities, just ‘Ziggy’s fine! I didn’t come here to recount my life story, given the fact that you likely know most of it already and can fill in the gaps with what I’ve told you just now. I came here because I love your music, and I’d like to propose… let’s call it a collaboration!”
This time, Zircon actually did pinch xirself in the side, prompting another chuckle from Ziggy.
“Of course, Mr Star- I mean, Ziggy! I’d love to hear all of your suggestions!!”
(I’ll finish this later, I still have ideas)
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musicmushi · 1 year
Focus, Wandering, and needing to be Heard
I am not currently sure what I’m supposed to accomplish here. I have a list of things that I should be doing. A terrifying focus of should bes but never are. I should script, I should edit, I should focus on art, I should focus on family, pets, clean, focus, focus, focus…
Focus on what I need but what is a need when you live your life for others. For the focus and attention of others. The praise of loved ones or worse…strangers. What is a need without the knowledge that others would praise you for reaching it. Meeting it like an old friend or a new acquaintance in the sullen alleyway of yourself. Meeting an old aching need like agreeing to chat with a friend over coffee. The light jazz sprinkles our words with a special emphasis that says ‘this is here. This is now.’ Meeting aq new need that feels self-taught, self-created, innovated by the devil's idle hands. In the loneliness of quiet when there is no one to meet. No one to update but myself and the moon.
The moon feels like it could be a good listener. The waxing and waning crescents wipe away the old to gladly accept the new, the harvest at its fullest ready to sit and to ponder. To let the silence simmer and the stars shimmer in information shared like a secret betwixt lovers only to have the crescent become eager for knowledge once more. Am I afraid to continue shouting into the silence? Do I fear the moon not care for me anymore? The universe does not care for any one individual so then why must we be plagued by the desire to be heard. Why does the notion that the moon does not listen hurt? Why must I always hinge my creations on the praise of others? Of strangers?
Why must we crave loved ones? Humanity has been built on community and the instinct of pack mentality. Being Shepard'd as one of the herd. One of the herd begging to be heard. It’d feel like a joke if it weren’t so tragic. I’ve seen people put trust in the stars. As if the galaxy could tell anyone anything about themselves and how they can judge others. I beg the moon to listen to my cries of loneliness and yet I know the moon does not care. The stars were not built out of empathy. There is not a fortune to be spelled out amongst the stardust that dances in the night sky. No matter how many stars you manage to count, there will never be an answer. You will not gain access to self-knowledge nor will the galaxies give you any excuse to belittle others.
If the star signs give you personal stories to tell, tell them with your full chest! However, you should never forget empathy. You must always maintain enough empathy to know that you will never truly know anyone enough to judge, berate, or belittle them for being different than you. Never let those giant balls of gas traveling at the speed of light, being the measures for light speed, they are not built with empathy. Never let the stardust excuse your ignorance and hurt you cause others. Never let the twinkling lights in the night explain away your monstrosities. Stars can mean quite a lot to a lot of people, but they do not give permission to ANYONE to abuse.
Anything that gives you self-hope should not also fuel your cruelties.
But who am I to say such things? I’m but a lone stranger writing my thoughts into the nether because I cannot think of anything else to focus on. Who am I to request to be listened to?
I don’t know what I crave from doing this. I wonder if I post it, perhaps someone will read it. Maybe someone can tell me that I did a good job? Perhaps I can be informed that I made some excellent points. That I’m truly well read and poignant and artistic and creative. That I truly am smart and wonderful and friendly and courageous and all the things we always secretly wish we are.
Or maybe I’m searching for empathy? I cast my message in a bottle and toss it out to sea with the vain hopes that this reaches someone else who only has themself and the moon to open to. Maybe I’m reaching for another soul that reads what I say and feels a sort of connection. Someone that would hopefully not feel as alone as when they started. Is that selfless? Or do I still just want validation from strangers. ‘Look at that young man! He reached out to the lonely and the broken! What a good man that is!!’
Is wanting to hear that selfish? Does that defeat the purpose of compassion, selflessness, and empathy?
…Do those answers matter?
I’m left to think about that episode of Sanders Sides where Janus (Deceit) emphasized the importance of self-care. Selfish is bad but self-ish behavior can be lifesaving. You should not wait for a catastrophe to remember that your own self matters just as much as others.
Selflessness and compassion are wonderful virtues but what happens when you focus so much on compassion for strangers or loved ones that you run out of energy for yourself? And when is there “enough” self-care?
When is it ever enough??
When will I feel heard?
When can I focus on others?
When does what I want or need matter?
When will I make a sound?
When, when, when, nothing but when buzzing around in my brain. A static buzz begging for a timeline. A set date where everything works out and finally falls into place. I know wanting such things is foolish but without power, all I have is wants. Foolish, stupid wants.
Let me put my line in the sand. My pencils are sharp enough; even the dull ones will make a mark. Fuck it, let's do this!
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traditionofwar · 1 year
♡⊹ ° . ˚ Good morning starshine, the earth says hello♡⊹ ° . ˚ 𖧷 · ° . ♡
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🛸     🌎 °  🌓 •  .°•   🚀 ✯    ★ *     °    🛰  °·                             🪐 .   • ° ★ •  ☄ ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▇▆▅▄▃▁▂.
you are beautiful and you are loved, even if only by a stranger, so every time you look into the mirror and wonder why you should go on- please remember that I am unconditionally in love with you.
I don't know who or how you love (or even if you do). I don't know how my lips might form your name or what color lights up your eyes. I don't know the unique curve of your handwriting. I don't know the liting sound of you talking in your home tongue.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
But I do know some things about me, about you, about us:
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎ I'm in love with being in love with a stranger. Tell me what you're afraid to even whisper to yourself at night and fall asleep gently because you know I will cradle it close to my chest until you want it back, and I'll love you even if you never do.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎ I adore that you love! I want to hear about the things that made you smile today and the things that embrace your heart in warmth. Please, ramble to me about your hobbies and niches and aesthetics and blorbos and everything else
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎ I've never been in love, and I never will be. I'm physically incapable of feeling sexually attracted or feel romantic attraction. That doesn't change how much you mean to me. Sometimes, scrolling through the endless entertainment here, I feel a sudden surge of wistfulness- an overwhelming call to fall ever so gently in love. Won't you let me cherish you?
  *☆   °  . ● . ★ ° . *   °  . * ● ¸ . ° :●. come fly away with me- i love you as you should be- wrapped in stardust and held ever so sweetly in my arms  *☆   °  . ● . ★ ° . *   °  . * ● ¸ . ° :●.
So please, starshine. Don't hate yourself! In this big galaxy, in this world with a sky full of stars, you are here now, in a time and place where I get to pass you in a subway or give you a smile or reblog a post of yours! Don't hate yourself! If you can not find it in your heart to love yourself, let me! Let a stranger love you because you know that if I can love someone I don't know
Signing off,
the stranger that loves every star in the sky <3
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thanirg-writes · 2 years
“Do the stars know we watch them?” He pondered, slowly stirring his nightly cup of tea.
I studied the motion, back and forth, back and forth. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“Do they know we look at them? Do they know we admire them?”
His eyes caught the shimmering lights, capturing them and making them his own. His freckles were an imitation of the sight above us, containing galaxies full of wonders.
A cool breeze swept through the night, bringing with it promises of warmt, of safety. I nuzzled deeper into the blanket and picked up my own cup.
“I don't think so,” I mumbled.
His gaze briefly met mine — a nebula; colours exploding, bleeding together, mixing stardust with empty space. A black hole; a force pulling me deeper, drawing me closer, holding me near, calling me — before returning to the sky.
“That's a shame.” He took a sip from his cup, the spoon clinking against the edge. “They should know it. I don't think they're told they're beautiful often enough.”
My eyes never left his profile.
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