#sleepy azriel is the best azriel
florencemtrash · 1 month
He Feels Safe With You — Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel's sleeping habits begin to worry you, but after a conversation with Cassian, you realize you've misinterpreted the entire situation.
Warnings: Major fluff. Like tooth-rotting sweetness. Sleepy Az.
Author's note: I should be sleeping because I have work tomorrow but instead I've chosen to write this oneshot and I have no regrets.
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It was starting to become a problem now. 
You cocked your head to the side, cradling a cup of tea in your hands and watching Azriel as he continued to sleep soundly in your bed. You had the windows cracked open and the early Autumn breeze swirled indoors with the scent of lavender, bergamot, and the strawberry jam you’d slathered over your toast. You checked the time once again on the glossy marble clock face. The arrow-shaped hour hand clicked ever closer to 11am, the minute hand close to overtaking its competitor. 
10:55am and Azriel was still asleep. 
The sheets clustered loose and low around his waist, mimicking the curling of his shadows up and down the ridges of his spine and across the delicate membrane of his wings. His wings hung loose and relaxed, stretching off the edges of your bed and caressing the floor with a lover’s touch. You blushed at the sight. When you and Azriel had first started courting each other three years ago, you’d thought through the mechanics of housing an Illyrian warrior in your bed — should you buy a new bed frame and mattress? Did you even have space for it in your apartment? The answer had been no to both, and yet Azriel loved when your daytime activities ended here instead of at the townhouse. If he cared about having to walk sideways to avoid the bookshelves in the halls or having to crouch to avoid the overhang above the staircase, he didn’t mention it. 
Three hours ago you’d woken up beneath the gentle weight of his wings, untangled yourself from Azriel’s greedy limbs, and crept down the stairs to your kitchen, bleary eyed but well rested. But that was three hours ago! Since then you’d brushed your teeth, washed your face, and eaten breakfast, and still the Shadowsinger hadn’t stirred. You were beginning to question whether he truly was the Spymaster of the Night Court as you sat in your velvet chair and admired your lover. You traced all the subtle movements of his body as he muddled through dreams you could only wonder at — the creasing of his brow, the slack line of his lips as he breathed, the twitching of his fingertips as he reached for some phantom object. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, gathering your plates but leaving Azriel’s pile of toast, butter, and honey alone. You also left the teapot and its mismatched cup, blowing magic over its lid in a silent command to keep its contents hot until Azriel awoke. 
“I’ll be down in the shop,” you whispered to his shadows, trusting that they would relay the message when their master finally decided to grace the daytime with his presence. 
One by one, shadows slipped off Azriel’s skin, curling around your ankles and wrists in a silent plea to stay. You shook them off like one might a needy child, promising you’d only be two floors down. 
The artists’ corner in Velaris was an eclectic array of compact townhouses, each outwardly dressed in their unique, dazzling finery. Your townhouse was squished between a painting studio and a luthier’s. The painting studio’s owner seemed intent on changing the color of the wooden sidings every other day and the drawings scribbled over the windows every other week. Today it was periwinkle blue to match the hydrangeas overflowing from the window boxes. 
You nodded in approval as you flipped the apothecary sign over from “Much apologies, please try another time” to “You’ve caught us! We’re open!” The blue would match your tulip yellow sidings and the clean white accents of the luthier’s. Last week it had been red and that had looked gods-awful. 
You busied yourself in the shop, crushing up lavender and herbs and boiling mugwort in fire-stained glassware in between flurries of customers until the medicinal stench in the air grew thick and strong. You were used to it by now. It smelled clean. Like home. 
You were finishing tying up a bundle of teabags when Cassian came in carrying a sturdy wooden box under one arm like it weighed five pounds instead of fifty. You snapped out the wrinkles of a cloth bag, dropping the teabags and five vials of sleep serum for the nightingale-winged nymph in front of you. 
“Four feathers and three strands of hair, as we bargained for,” you said, sliding the bag across the counter. 
The nymph nodded in approval, extending out a wing and shoving her fingers into the pillowy softness. She tested for loose feathers ready to pull.
“You’re a godsend, Y/n, has anyone ever told you that?” She pulled out three feathers, closed her wing, and started testing the feathers on the other side. “Finnigan’s was asking me for ten. Ten! Can you believe that? If I hadn’t found you in time I’d have been reduced to a plucked chicken.” She was much less precious about her mousey brown hair and yanked out three strands at random. “Oops, you get an extra strand today,” she sang, dropping the feathers and hair into the jars you held out. 
“Well it’s a good thing you found me then, Moricka.” 
“Honestly! I understand he’s got a large studio space he’s renting in the thick of the Palace, and even I will admit the ambiance is rather professional—” 
Cassian raised his brow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his scarred lips as he continued to stand motionless in the doorway. It was true your space was more… homey than Finnigan’s, but your expertise shined in intimate spaces. You liked the control and the familiarity that came from running a smaller business and you wouldn’t give it up for the world. 
“But I do think the success is getting to his head. You both studied under Lady Madja so I don’t see why—” 
You nodded absentmindedly. It was always like this with Moricka. The songbird in her made it difficult for her to stop talking, but at least her voice was pleasant. 
She threw her hands up in the air before finally catching wind of another presence in the room. Cassian waved at her with a wink and an orange blush creeped onto her full cheeks. He tended to have that effect on fae with his towering size and the wild beauty of his chiseled jaw and smattering of scars over his cheeks and brow. 
“Oh… oh dear, I didn’t realize you had another customer. Oh my goodness I’ve been talking your ear off all this time and you’ve been too kind to say anything. You’re a godsend, Y/n. A godsend! I don’t know what I would do without you, although I should really be letting you go now.” She grabbed her things and sidestepped the range of Cassian’s wings, trying and failing now to gawk. “I’ll see you soon enough again I’m sure.” 
“I’ll be here.” You sighed in relief when the doorbell rang behind her petite frame, the inoffensive smile you offered all your customers sliding off your face like oil on water. Cassian chuckled, dropping the box onto the countertop with a dull thud. 
“Long day?” 
You pulled out a stepstool and began rummaging around through the box, pulling out jars of squid ink, bark trimmings, buttons, and one particularly nasty jar containing a large eye suspended in yellow goo. “It’s not even three.” 
“Did I stutter?”
You tapped the glass and the eye swiveled around to look at you, pupil enlarging and constricting with a stutter. “Yes, yes very good,” you muttered your praise and Cassian fought hard not to shiver. He had a stomach for a great many things, but some of the specimens you handled tested his resilience.
“Thank you for bringing all of this. You’ve saved me a great deal of trouble.” 
“Perhaps you could do the same for me and tell me where my brother is? I’ve been looking for him all day.” Cassian leaned forward on the counter, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Are you holding him hostage, Y/n? Are you using your feminine powers to bring the poor male to his knees? I must admit, I didn’t imagine you as the kind capable of kidnapping. Or shadow-napping, shall we say?”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m hardly holding him hostage.” You gestured down the hallway past the bookshelves and the cases of empty glassware where the light from the staircase glowed like an iron eye. “He’s upstairs sleeping.” 
Cassian furrowed his brows, stepping around and past you. He kept his wings tucked closer to his shoulder blades, careful not to upset the cramped organization you maintained in your shop. 
He smirked. “Still? Are you sure you didn't work your feminine powers last night?” 
You glanced out the store window. A few fae lingered outside the coffee shop across the street clutching takeaway boxes against their chest as they chatted and sipped their drinks. The street was otherwise empty. For now, you wouldn’t have to deal with any customers. 
You looked back at Cassian. “I actually wanted to ask you about that.”
His brows furrowed. “About feminine powers?” He'd meant that as a joke.
“Gods, Cassian let that go.” You wrung your hands. “I wanted to ask if Azriel was alright? Has he seemed… normal to you?”
“I don’t know, has he?” Cassian lowered his voice, sinking into one of the stools by the clear glass medicine cabinet. “From what I can tell he seems well. Happy.” 
Although happy was an understatement. Ever since you’d stumbled into their lives with Madja’s accolades and your wry humor, Azriel had been a goner. You’d pulled emotions from him as deftly as a spinster with a pile of wool, reduced him to a reverential, lovesick mess, and imbued his existence with a color not even Feyre could mix up. Which made it all the more confusing why you looked so nervous.
“You’ve seen more of him than I have, Y/n.” Cassian said. He braced his elbows against his knees, turning serious. The faint bags under his hazel eyes hinted at sleepless nights spent fussing over Neera. It was their fault really, any daughter of Nesta and Cassian was destined to be restless and particular.
“He just… he’s been sleeping more. Falling into bed early, but waking up late. Sometimes we’ll be reading together or just existing side by side and when I turn to face him, he’s dead asleep on the couch.” 
Cassian’s lips twitched, slowly stretching into a smile. You plucked a hemp bag off one of the wall shelves at random, tossing its contents into a mortar and beginning to grind just so you could have something to do with your hands. 
“At first I brushed it off, but it’s gotten to a point where I’ll be talking to him — mindless things, but regardless — and I’ll catch him dozing off. He’s always very apologetic after but I…” The mortar and pestle clattered to a stop. “I worry that he’s growing bored of me. Or that he’s sick in a way I can’t help.” 
“Y/n.” There was a smile in Cassian’s voice, and indeed when you looked at him, his teeth were glistening in the soft afternoon haze. His eyes shined knowingly, as if the answer were obvious.
You paused. “Yes?”
“He feels safe with you.” 
You blinked once. Twice. 
Cassian tipped back in his seat, knocking his head against the cabinet with a rattle of jars and glass as he laughed. “He’s sleeping so much because he feels safe with you. It’s probably why he prefers to spend time here instead of at the townhouse and why he’s still dead asleep while we’re sitting here gossiping about him. Three years ago you couldn’t even whisper his name in a crowded room without him appearing from the shadows as if summoned.” 
You felt heat rise in your cheeks. “Oh... I see.” 
Cassian was grinning. “Y/n, I promise you he’s not bored of you. Azriel sleeping is a good thing. The gods know he could use more rest. I think he might be the worst of us when it comes to taking care of ourselves.” 
Something about Cassian’s words had a crack splintering in your chest. You knew about his past. You knew of the horrors burned into the ruined skin of his hands and the weight his duties deposited on his shoulders.
And here you’d been worried over him sleeping past noon. 
Shadows slipped down the stairs, pooling around your feet in a neat circle and kissing the exposed skin of your ankles. Azriel followed closely behind, still wearing his rumpled hair and pants and a shirt he’d hastily shoved his neck and arms into. He hadn’t even buttoned up the slits below his wings, opting to let the fabric swing free and loose and expose flashes of skin as he walked. 
He jutted his chin out in acknowledgement of Cassian and then folded himself over your back, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and dropping his face into the crook of your neck where he breathed in the scent of lemon and lavender and medicine. 
“You weren’t there when I woke up,” he said, frowning. There was a slur to his words.
“It’s past three, brother.” 
Azriel snapped his head up in surprise, squinting at the window and the afternoon sunlight streaking in. The pale cobblestones shone like they’d been drenched in honey. 
Cassian rolled his eyes, patting Azriel’s back fondly and mussing up your hair before walking towards the door. He flipped the sign from “You’ve caught us! We’re open!” to “Much apologies, please try another time.” 
“Goodnight, you two!" He called from over his back. "Remember we’re meeting at Rhys’s for dinner tonight.” He turned, bracing his arms against the top of the doorway and leaning forward like he meant to share a secret. “8pm sharp. Don’t be too late or we’ll get the wrong idea about what you two are up to.” He winked, then whistled down the street, letting the door close on its own behind him. 
Azriel sighed, going back to nuzzling his face in your neck. He peppered the sensitive skin there with kisses. 
“Will you be coming back upstairs then?” He murmured hopefully. "Now that you're finished with work?"
You bit your lip and decided rather quickly that the world would not end because you closed a few hours early. 
You led him up the stairs, past the kitchen and living room on the second floor, and then up to the third floor — your bedroom. The window was still open, the hustle and bustle of the city and the smell of coffee from across the street wafting in. Steam no longer poured from the lip of the teapot, so you knew Azriel had had something to drink, and where you’d left toast on his plate this morning lay only crumbs. 
Azriel dropped to his knees, untying your laces and helping you out of your boots. Then he straightened and tugged at the belt loops of your trousers, silently asking for permission before unbuttoning them and sliding them off your legs. Your shirt, then his shirt, and then his trousers joined the pile of crumpled clothing on the floor.
He gently pushed you back onto the bed, falling face first after you with a sigh. This was his favorite position to sleep in — you comfortable on your back and him laying with his hips slotted in between your legs and his head resting over your heart. 
You sank your fingers into his velvety, black hair. His hums of satisfaction flowed through your body, lighting every nerve with a comforting buzz. 
“Azriel?” You asked him, before sleep could finally claim him once more. 
“Do you feel safe with me?” 
He pressed his face further into the soft flesh of your chest, bringing his arms up and around your waist before allowing his wings to do the same. The thin membranes glowed red as hot coals, blocking out the most offensive rays of light from outside. 
“When I am with you, I forget that I was ever that boy whose hands got burned. When I am with you, the hundreds of years I spent feeling alone and worthless in this world melt away into nothing. When I am with you — when I am in this place that smells and feels so strongly of you — I can imagine a future that is good and pure and perfect.” He sighed deeply, seemingly ignorant to the pounding of your heart and the waves of feeling flooding your system. “So yes, my love — my Y/n — I do feel safe with you.”
“I feel safe with you too,” you murmured. “I love you, Azriel.” 
You kissed the crown of his head, earning one last smile and a slurred, “I love you, Y/n,” before his jaw went slack and the room went silent save for the mixing of your breaths and the stirring of shadows.
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mischiefmanagers · 4 months
Azriel Fic Rec Library pt. 2 🦇💙
I'm back with another list of one hundred Azriel x Reader and Azriel x OC fics for the Azriel lovers out there! these are in no particular order. enjoy!! ✨
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @ellievickstar
River Side Confessions 💞
by @itsphoenix0724
Peony 💞
Gardenia 🥀💞🌼
Hold Me Gently 🥀🔥
by @azrielslostshadow
I see you 💞
lemon tart 💞🌼
by @imaginesmai
i love you 🥀
right around the corner 🌼
Something new 🔥
by @daycourtofficial
Cassian is a Nosy Busybody Who Can’t Keep to Himself 💞
We’re Bumping Booties, Having Us a Ball 💞
Prophesize Me 💞
Love Potion No. 9 💞
Everything is Not As it Seems 🥀
Your Love is My Drug 🔥💞
by @lidiasloca
even in sickness 💞
by @bubbles-for-all-of-us
only you my girl 💞
Pretty like the wind 💞🥀🌼
by @gothicbabydollz
more than a distraction 🥀🔥
by @azrielslightintheshadows
Princess 🥀
Best mistake 💞
Scary mate 💞
Failed proposal 💞🥀
Oops 💞
by @thesunloveschips
Eye of the Storm🌼
by @azriels-shadowsinger
Confessions 🥀
by @writingcroissant
As a Trophy 🥀🔥
by @tadpolesonalgae
Milestones 💞
The Secret World of Borrowing
Unchained 🔥
The Dregs of Tragedy
by @spellbookd
Little Mouse 🔥
by @serpentandlily
Untouchable 🥀
Mystique 💞🌼
Arcane 💞🌼
Scared to be Happier 🥀🔥
by @angelshadowsinger
Assistance 🔥
by @batboylover
mating bond snaps with a stranger 💞
Rhysand's Sister 🥀
protective w/ pregnant mate 💞
degradation gone wrong 🔥🥀
by @sxnktaalxna
by @mika-no-sekai-blog
Mirror, Mirror 🥀
Not my cup of tea 🥀💞
by @florencemtrash
The Artificer 💞
by @readychilledwine
Losing Forever 🥀
Love and 100 Other Lies 🥀💞🌼
Cat and Mouse
Whispers in the Dark 🔥
The Last Cabin on the Left 💞
Past and Future - Threefold 💞
Breathe 🔥
by @sarahs-library
Forgotten 🥀
by @parkerslatte
Drawn to You 🥀💞
Strings That Bind Us 🥀💞
Not Fated 🔥🥀
by @fieldofdaisiies
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart 🥀💞
by @fairydustblossom
losing control 🥀💞
encroaching promises 🥀🌼
by @mxigo
soul sick 🥀
by @leafsandstarlight
Bad Idea, Right? 🔥🌼
Never the One 🥀
Inadvertently Yours
by @jeannineee
Resolve 🥀
by @lure-of-writing
forgotten anniversary 🥀
by @danikamariewrites
Binx 💞
I Just Feel You 💞
Back Off 🥀💞
Alone? 💞
I'm Married 💞
Combined Aesthetics 💞🌼
by @theostrophywife
in my head. 🔥
by @cosmic-whispers
Control 🥀
by @artists-ally
Only Me and the Devil Know🔥
Train Wreck 🥀🌼
Smoke on the Water
by @soulessjourney
Autumn's Whispered Secrets 💞
by @aroseinvelaris
Guardian Angel 💞
by @pricklepearbloom
Late for Dinner 🥀
Baked With Love 🥀💞
by @moonlightazriel
Fake it until you make it… 🥀💞
by @lalacliffthorne
sleepy in the library 💞
sunday mornings 💞
when Azriel has a nightmare 🥀💞
by @whisperingmidnights
To Long-Forgotten Gods 💞🔥
by @sapchat
We Are Not Our Fathers 💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
Don't grieve 🥀
Babysitting 💞
by @throneofsapphics
bad idea 💞
by @throneofsmut
Size Difference 🔥
Hunter/Prey 🔥
by @shadowdaddies
The Greatest Casualty 🥀
by @fever-fluff
Cats Out of the Bag, Claws and All 🥀
Take my Hand 🥀💞
by @thevanserrras
Tricks For Treats 💞🔥
by @moonlightazriel
Mask Off
by @azsazz
Midnight Muse 🥀💞🌼
by @acourtofmenandthirst
Love You In The Dark 🥀
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
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gossip | azriel
summary; feyre has her first visit to the night court and cassian just has to tell his best friends all of the gossip, even if it means interrupting their morning plans...
word count; 2951
notes; honesty, this was just a cute little mindless idea I had. no relevance or anything, honestly. dedicated to @azsazz.
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It was unusual that you were the first to rise in the mornings. Azriel’s shadows tended to wake him several times during the night, whether he wanted them to or not, with little alerts and updates, which only became more frequent in the mornings. This morning, however, was one of those rare times you were. One of the few times when the halls in the House of Wind were quiet, the street and roads at the bottom of the mountain silent, barely even a breeze blowing from outside or a bird chirping. 
Many times, your love had woken you with kisses and sweet words, rising you with the rays of the sun and sleepy smiles that threatened to shine even brighter, so it only felt fair to return that favour now. With one arm still slung over your waist, wings slumped happily behind him across the ridiculous expanse of the comfy, luxurious mattress, Azriel was a slight to behold. With tousled hair, lips forming a sweet pout, hardly visible freckles glowing in the morning sun and long lashes that fluttered with his dreams, he was like artwork. 
You only wished you were skilled enough to paint this, or knew somebody who could capture the image for you. Instead, it would live only in your memories.
Leaning close enough to press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, it scrunched, twitching lightly in his sleep when you repeated the action, before moving to the cheek that wasn’t pressed into the pillows. A soft kiss right in the centre, one on his cheekbone under his eye, another over his brow. More kisses, several to follow across his forehead as he began to stir, up to his hairline as that pout became a soft smile. 
The sheets rustled around you both as he stretched, legs that had been tangled with yours flexing out to their full length, the hand that had been sitting idly over your body now pressing warm and flat to your lower back. He let out a grunt, a garbled sound that you were sure was supposed to resemble a ‘good morning’ of some kind, to gravelly and deep to make out. As your lips pressed again to his closed lids, his cheekbone, the bridge of his nose and the tip, his hand from your back began a languid trail up your body and over your shoulder. 
As your lips met his warm cheek once again, long and calloused fingers pinched your jaw on either side, a strong grip, to tug your chin down until his lips met your own. The moment your mouths brushed, a soft sigh was leaving your lips, spilling across his own as his lashes now tickled your cheeks when he pressed in. Lazy and slow and sweet, his mouth moved over your own in deliberate strokes, his tongue sweeping an unhurried lick along the seam of your mouth. Another greeting, one of actions and not words, as his hand slipped back under the covers to squeeze at your hip encouragingly. 
You took a breath, barely, his lips dragging over your chin in hardly-formed kisses before your mouths were meeting again, his tongue sweeping happily into your mouth, and the groan he gave was swallowed by your gasp at a sensation that never grew old. Raising a hand to tangle into his hair, the covers dragged, your back now meeting the mattress as he rolled you over slowly, noses bumping together in uncoordinated and clumsy movements, the glorious haze of sleep still clinging to you both like the warmth of whiskey on hazy nights at Rita’s. It was like being drunk, utterly intoxicated on one another. 
Azriel’s mouth detached from your own, a series of kisses growing wetter and hotter as they were trailed across your jaw, your neck, one of Azriel’s thick thighs slotting between your own as he shifted full over you now. Whispered words that ranged from ‘good morning’ to ‘you’re beautiful’, whispered into your skin like reverent praises, like holy prayers, even though everything on his lips sounded like sin. 
With a single sharp tug on his hair, his head rose up, glistening and swollen lips parted for shallow breaths, honey-eyes shallowed entirely by the dark as his gaze met your own, knowing exactly what you wanted. Surging forward, your mouths collided once again, your whimpers crashing against his breathy moans, his weight all but collapsing down against you and wings flaring as your bodies pressed together. 
It was hot, and tender, and needy, the hand that wasn’t holding him up now sliding over your hip, down over your bare thigh, to hitch it up around his waist for his body to slot between and-
“Good morning!”
A yelp almost tore from your lips, a spike of adrenaline setting your heart racing for an entirely different reason. You recognised that overly enthusiastic chirp, the deep and rumbling voice it had come from, and Azriel’s usual frown was replaced by a menacing scowl, as he reluctantly rolled his body off of your own, draping a wing over you as he shifted to sit propped-up at your side instead. He barely had time to retract that wing any further before Cassian was all but throwing himself down onto the bed beside you both. 
“Get out.” It was the first real, discernible words Azriel had spoken yet this morning, not including the ones he’d whispered into your skin minutes prior, and a snicker of a laugh left your lips. 
“How are my two favourite sickeningly in-love best friends doing, this morning?” Cassian crossed his legs at the ankles, obviously far too comfy as he toed off his slippers, still clad in his own pyjamas. You raised a brow, and Azriel only growled a menacing sound. 
“Get out.”
“Oh, Az,” Cassian tutted, and you sighed, hauling yourself up from where you’d been lay in the pillows to sit a little more comfortably, leaning forwards long enough to let Azriel begin to situate himself first. It was clear that the General had no intentions of leaving any time soon. “I’m just preparing you for what it’ll be like when you two eventually have kids.”
“No, because my kids will be well-trained.” As he settled comfortably, one arm looped around your shoulders, over your collar to tug you back into his body, stretching out across the pillows, and the other landed on your thigh under the covers. A reassuring squeeze, a stroke of his hand above your knee. You smiled. “My kids will know not to burst into the room when daddy is lay on top of mommy, or else he’ll be in a bad mood all day.”
“Nope.” Cassian offered no explanation, popping the ‘p’ just to rib Azriel a little more. “Don’t care, and neither will your kids.” He shifted, your eyes widening a little as Cassian snuggled down happily, fluffing the pillows behind his body and tucking his legs under the covers, tugging on them until he could get enough from you both to cover himself. 
“Cass, why are you in our bed?” You questioned, your friend’s head turning to you both, a wicked glint of mischief and excitement in his eyes.
“Well, you two were taking too long to invite me into it, so I invited myself.” He wiggled his brows teasingly, your laughter bouncing off of the walls. Azriel’s hand slipped back up from the cushions, cupping over your mouth to muffle your amusement as he tipped your head back onto his shoulder.
“Stop laughing, you’ll encourage him. He’s like a rash, he’ll keep coming back.” That only furthered your amusement, and despite his groan, a flare of matching entertainment from him tugged in your chest, and he placed a kiss on your temple, before slipping his hand away from your mouth. “So, why are you here, ruining our morning?”
“I happen to have some very important information, and I thought the spymaster of the court ought to know about it.”
“You’re here to gossip.” Azriel deadpanned, dropping his head down until his nose was brushing your hair, to hide the smile you knew he would be wearing. Despite all his constant complaining and the tone of his voice, Azriel loved gossip. 
“Precisely.” Cassian seemed to know it just as much as you did, because as he shuffled onto his side, head supported on his fist as his elbow dug into the pillows, Az’s grip on your thigh tightened subconsciously with excitement. “It’s gossip about our beloved High Lord.”
“Even juicer.” You settled a little further back into your lover’s chest, his lips brushing a series of soft kisses along your temple as you did, both of your attentions now fixed gleefully and expectantly on your unexpected guest.
“So, today Rhys had told me to ensure my evening was free, because he wanted me to stop by so we could crack open a few bottles of his best whiskey and get, in his words, ‘rip-roaringly drunk’. He didn’t say way, I figured he’d just tell me when I got there, so-”
“Why wasn’t I invited?”
“Shh.” You mumbled, already invested in the story just from the sheer enthusiasm Cassian was telling with, and you received a pinch to your thigh in response, a giggle falling from your lips as you slapped his hand away from over the top of the covers.
“As I was saying,” He huffed, and Azriel didn’t bother to interrupt again. “So, I was just minding my own business, on my way to get some breakfast and try to plan what to do with the day before that, when Rhys shows up in my bedroom.”
“His poor eyes, your morning hair looks like a bird’s nest.” You muttered.
“His poor nose, your morning breath is awful.” Your friend only shot a growl at both you and Azriel, even as you reached out to pat down some of the ridiculously messy locks of hair that were tangled atop his head.
“I doubt he even noticed, because he was freaking out. He was frantic, like I’ve never seen him. He all but threw a suitcase at me and told me to pack a week’s worth of stuff and to come get you guys, before giving this weird, patchy speech about why.” Cass shrugged, your brows shooting up your forehead as he just stopped talking.
“Well? What was the speech?” The words burst out of Azriel behind you, as though he’d read your mind, both of you pinning him with matching stares as you awaited more.
“Something about a wedding and a bargain and finally having his shot. All I know is that we have to clear out for a week to the townhouse.”
“Oh, my Gods..” The puzzle pieces all seemed to click together, your mind whirring into action as your sleep-addled brain started to catch up with the day. “Feyre, the girl Rhys made a bargain with. The Cursebreaker. He never cashed in on that bargain, I never really questioned it because it’s been so busy around here since he got back. But, she’s marrying Tamlin. Today.”
Cassian’s jaw dropped into a wide O-shape, thick brows shooting up, and the rumble of Azriel’s contemplative hum buzzed against your chest. Dipping down, he left a soft kiss in the crook of your neck, and another over the shell of your ear, just to mumble; “It’s hot when you do clever spy work and deduction, my love.”
“Stop flirting! I haven’t even gotten to the best part of the story yet!” 
“Well, hurry up, then! You’re gonna’ fucking kill us.”
“So, I packed my bag and all, and I was on my way down to see you both when I heard shouting. I investigated, and you’re right. I have never seen such a hideous wedding dress. It was all ruffles and puffed-up lace and she had these gloves on.” Cassian pulled a face, his nose scrunching up as he recalled whatever monstrosity the poor girl had likely been forced into for a big Spring Court tradition. “She was arguing with Rhys for finally coming to cash in the bargain, and then when he walked away from her, she took off her shoe and threw it at him.”
“Mother above..”
“Did it hit him?” There was something hilariously cheeky laced through Azriel’s question, the kind of joy only true brothers can get at the idea of one another being hit by flying footwear.
“Right on the back of the head.”
“Good shot. Go Feyre.” Cassian only laughed his agreement, and you huffed, shuffling onto your side to press a little further into the warmth of your mate’s body, the chill in the air from Cassian’s constant shuffling was making a breeze sweep in under the covers. “Twenty gold marks says they’re fucking by the end of the year.” 
The vibrations of his voice were a steady thrum under your cheek on his chest, and you swatted idly at his side, a scoff tumbling from your lips as your eyes closed happily once again. Cassian’s laughter only boomed, and he cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle it, not wanting to give his presence away to Feyre, wherever she was currently hiding out in the mountaintop palace you all called home.
“They won’t be fucking!” Azriel’s laughter was hidden in your hair as he dipped his head down, arms tightening around your body to squeeze you close as he shook beneath you in amusement. “It was literally her wedding day! To Tamlin! Gods, what a mess that’ll be when she goes back… What do you think will happen?”
You couldn't help it, slipping into a slight bit of gossip and hypothesising; Cassian had always been so good at dragging this devious side out of you both. It was shameful, really. It was even more shameful how much you secretly loved it. The two males fell silent around you, mulling it over slowly, and you could practically feel the energy change in the room, picturing Cassian’s shit-eating grin before he even spoke. 
“Forty gold marks says they’re fucking within three months.”
Azriel broke out in fits of very un-warrior-like hysterics with his best friend once again, bursts of joyous laughter filling your chest and plucking the bond with so much warmth that eventually giggles fell from your own lips too. “You two are awful.”
“Oh, c’mon, my love…” Azriel places a sweet kiss on the edge of your temple, smoothing one hand up and down your spine, twice, before resting it again just above the curve of your ass under the covers. “Think of the fantastic date we’ll be going on with Cassian’s money when he loses.”
“When you put it like that…” 
“Oh, my. Where will we be going on this fancy date?” The bubble popped once again, with Cassian holding the metaphorical needle, wielded proudly like the greatest sword.
“Somewhere you’ll never find us.” He scoffed at Azriel’s words, and you twisted enough to press a kiss over the thudding heart contained under golden skin and thick muscles where you rested. 
“Don’t be so mean to me! I’ve already been made temporarily homeless, and now you’re rejecting me? I can’t bear it.” He folded his wings in tight, only shuffling down even more into the pillows that you’d once called your side of the bed, now resting happily atop Azriel as you crowded into his side.
“So, you’re not leaving, then?” You fired back.
“Preferably now,” Azriel added with a mutter, fingers inching a few millimetres further down, just enough to hint to you that he had absolutely not forgotten your activities before Cassian had arrived.
“Of course not. I’m not going anywhere.” Twin groans from you and Azriel made Cassian laugh. Finally, you turned back to face him, eyes cracking open to observe. He was now laying on his back, settled in and looking cosier than ever amongst the blankets and pillows, truly and completely making himself at home. Uninvited. “Can’t go anywhere ‘til Rhys says we’re clear of bumping into the Cursebreaker in the halls. Then, we all get kicked out to stay at the Town House for a week. Doesn’t that sound great? Might as well get used to it, it’ll be fun!”
His tone change at ‘fun’ had Azriel’s breath holding in his chest, eyes narrowing at Cassian’s wiggling brows, and your stomach dropped at the thought. 
“We’re not gonna’ have any alone time for a whole week.” Azriel was exasperated, as though finally realising that it wasn’t going to happen, his hand sliding back up to sit at a safe space. All the way up, until he was threading it into your hair instead, fingertips kneading your scalp subconsciously.
“I have nothing to do except make sure that by this time next week, your balls are so blue they could disappear in the night sky, Az.”
Your mate’s body tightened fractionally underneath you at the threat, squirming a little as though he could already feel the frustration and cock-blocking his best friend would unleash upon him. Cassian, the complete opposite, was looking ridiculously proud of himself, and you hoped your smile at the pair’s antics wasn’t showing.
“Don’t worry, Az,” You reached up, dragging a finger down your lovers’ jaw, his fingers twitching on your body as you did. Layering on the seduction in your voice, just to make a point, “I’ll take real good care of your balls, honey.”
His head twisted, nipping at the tip of your finger playfully, and Cassian made a show of clearing his throat in a rather disgusting and pointed series of spluttering coughs.
“So, who wants to hear about the time my big toe got infected because of a splinter?”
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itsphoenix0724 · 2 days
On Call (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: Your intern year in surgery is awful. Of course, sometimes it helps that you can find time with your attending in the On-Call room.
Warnings: Suggestive content, allusions to sex
Word Count: 674
A/N: A small blurb to get me back into writing inspired by my Grey's Anatomy binge.
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A surgeon’s intern year is often seen as the most grueling, tiring, terrible experience they go through in their entire career. You’re run ragged by residents, barely eat, and of course, you barely sleep. 
Your back slams against the door to the on-call room, you’ve officially been up for 36 hours, and your neuro-attending is currently undoing the ties holding up your scrub pants. Azriel’s lips trail down your neck as you chuck his lab coat to the ground. His hands wander down to your ass and he lifts in one swift movement and you're in the air. His shirt comes off quicker than you can blink, and you’re moved to the bed. The cheap sheets scratch your back, but you sink into the mattress and your eyes flutter shut. You want nothing more than to work off the stress from work, but the bed is so inviting…
“Are you falling asleep?” Azriel lifts his head from where he’s been kissing his way down your stomach, hazel eyes fixing on you with an amused expression. “Am I not entertaining enough for you?” He brings his hands up to rub tickling circles into the skin of your stomach and you laugh despite yourself as your body attempts to shut down. 
“I’m sorry but I had rounds with Lady Death, then had to cover the ER, then I had to do my charts and skills lab, and I have been up for thirty-six hours.” You whine, dropping your head back down against the pillows, and you run a hand through the crown of Azriel’s inky black hair. He places a sympathetic kiss on your sternum. 
“I have a craniotomy later, would scrubbing in make you feel better?” The way he smiles at you feels like sunshine splitting the clouds and your brain turns to mush in your head. 
“You can’t just give me surgeries because you’re my boyfriend, the other interns will want to spike my head on the fence outside.” Azriel rolls his eyes and kisses his way back up your body. 
“I don’t give you surgeries because you're my girlfriend. I give you surgeries because you’re talented,” he presses a kiss to your lips “and smart” a kiss to your jaw “and beautiful.” you laugh again your hands finding purchase on Az’s shoulders, “You just also happen to be my girlfriend.” You haul your mouth back to his and Azriel lets out a groan into your mouth. “We can sleep if you’re too tired. My surgery doesn’t start for another two hours.” 
“That would be amazing,” Azriel rolls you onto your side, pulling you back into his chest. You let the warmth of his skin against yours soothe your aching muscles. Your eyes start to flutter closed, feeling protected and safe in the arms of your boyfriend. You’re just about to finally fall into darkness when your pager goes off again. Your eyes shoot back open, you could cry. “It’s Dr. Archeron, 911 in PEDS I got to go,” Azriel brushes a mournful hand through your hair as you retie your pants and pull your shirt back on. 
“Just 12 more hours, and then you can sleep like the dead,” Azriel mutters, rolling onto his back.  
“I’m not sure that’s the best joke to be making in a hospital,” You laugh as you press another kiss into his mouth. Azriel huffs a sleepy laugh and you’re about to climb back into bed when the pager goes off again. “Okay, I really got to go, if she points at me again I think I’ll set on fire.” You pull your hair back into a quick bun and send Az a smile before you dart out the door and break off in a run to the PEDS floor. 
A surgeon’s intern year is the worst year of their life, you get no sleep, work grueling hours, and want to curl in a ball and cry most of the time. But the hospital is our home, it’s where we belong, so maybe it's not all so bad. 
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nocasdatsgay · 2 months
Even High Lords Need a Break:A Neapolitan Bonds Fic
Day Two of @polyacotarweek : Comfort
Summary: Eris is over working himself. You and Azriel decide to make him take the hounds for a walk.
MasterPost | Poly Week MasterPost| AO3 Link|
Pairings: Azriel/Eris/Reader | Rating: T| Word Count: 3629
Warnings: nonsexual nudity, Eris is in his head, POV Azriel and Eris
Tagging: @saltedcoffeescotch @hieragalbatorixdottir @ysmtttty @mybestfriendmademe
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Az woke to his shadows hissing in his ear. He tried to ignore them. Then they started physically nudging him. With a groaning sigh he buried his face in his pillow.
Our mate will not listen.
He will not come to bed.
That got his attention.
He lifted his head, blinking as he focused in the darkness. Beside him you were sleeping, facing away from him, his wing draped over you. He glanced further and realized the other side of the bed was indeed empty.
He needs rest.
“I’m going,” he whispered.
He used them to move off the bed silently so you wouldn’t wake. He stood by the bed and rubbed his eyes before following the shadows clearly showing him where to go. A light coming from his study was obvious in the dead of night. When Az came to the door, he watched shadows flurry around Eris. Eris was hunched over papers, waving his hand half heartedly to shoo them.
“They’ll stop if you come to bed,” Az said, his voice rougher from just waking up.
Eris’s head snapped up. His eyes meet Az’s then drop down his body.
“Put some pants on. You’re indecent.”
Az glanced down at himself. He was indeed nude. He forgot he hadn’t put pants on, so focused on getting the shadows to leave him alone.
“It’s the dead of night. If anyone besides us is in these chambers at this hour, they deserve what they get.” He crossed his arms. “It’s late. Come to bed.”
Eris propped his elbow on his desk and rubbed his eye. “I’m almost done reviewing these reports. I’ll come to bed in a few minutes.”
“You said that when you sent us to bed hours ago.” His shadows agreed. Hissing that Eris was a liar. “Whatever it is can wait.”
“No, it can’t,” he snapped. He paused immediately and took a breath. “What I mean is that these reports are important to the trade agreement. I have to make sure I don’t miss anything.”
“You have advisors for that. You have me for that.” Shadows hissed at him again. “My shadows aren’t going to let you stay up. So you can come willingly or I can come over there and force you.”
Eris leaned his elbows on the desk and started rubbing his temples. The shadows told Az to just be done with it and pick him up. His chuckle had Eris sighing loudly.
“Fine. But just so you know, I used to stay up all night doing this and I was fine.”
“You’re not three hundred years old anymore, Eris.”
“Neither are you,” he grumbled.
Az watched him straighten up his desk, tucking away reports while shadows kept a sharp eye on him. Once everything was sorted and he couldn’t stall longer, Eris brushed back his hair and sighed. Az tucked his wings in and stepped back into the corridor as Eris finally came out of the study.
“Don’t trust me to follow you,” he asked Az, a tired smirk gracing his lips.
“You know I don’t.”
When they both snuck back into the bedroom, his shadows allowed him to slip back into bed with ease. They didn’t provide Eris that same courtesy after he shed his own clothes. As soon as the bed moved, Az felt you move.
“Hmm?” Your sleepy hum came out like a whisper.
“It’s just me, love. Go back to sleep,” Eris whispered back.
You didn’t listen. You sat up on your elbows and Az did his best not to laugh.
“Er? What time is it?”
“Time for you to go back to sleep. Come here.”
You mumbled something even Az couldn’t understand but moved over to Eris. Az didn’t complain. That gave him more room to spread out his wings, scooting himself over as well to drape one over you and Eris. With his shadows settled he easily went back to sleep.
Az woke in the morning and Eris was already gone from bed.
Our mate is stubborn, the shadows whispered.
He was but there wasn’t much Az could do about it at that moment. What he could do is scoot closer to you and your end of the bed. A soft grumble escaped your lips when he wrapped his arm around you and draped his leg over yours.
“Morning,” Azriel buried his face in your hair. You groaned back. That made him chuckle. “We should take the puppies for a walk today.”
That woke you up. You inhaled sharply and let out a sigh as you rolled over in his arms.
“What time is it?” You reached up and rubbed one of your eyes.
“Past time to get up,” Az grinned.
You moved out of his grasp and sat up. He tried to not let his mind wander as he watched the blanket fall, your bare chest exposed to the chill air. He focused on how your hair stuck up at odd angles instead.
“Did Eris even come to bed last night?” You frowned.
He laughed. “You don’t remember? He woke you up.”
You scrunched up your face and made a noise. “It’s a free day, is he seriously working?”
You stretched your arms to the sky and Azriel’s gaze fell right back to your breasts. You yawned again, and dropped your arms, slumping forward.
“I can smell you,” you turned your head and sharply glared at him. “Are you ever not horny?”
“With you it’s hard not to be.”
He brushed the back of his fingers against your arm. For a moment you looked as if you’d take the bait, but you sighed again and threw back the covers.
“Let’s get dressed and go drag Eris for a walk,” you said getting off the bed.
His shadows agreed with him and nudged at him to get out of bed as well. Resigned, he rolled out of bed and stretched his wings. You both dressed, Az in his normal leather pants, dark blue top, and his boots; you in flowy brown trousers and deep rust blouse under a gold stay with your own leather boots.
“Where is he?”
Az turned to you, his expression asking the question for him. The shadows knew what you meant. One curled up by his ear and whispered Eris was in the High Lord’s office with the door locked. Azriel frowned.
“Office. We have to winnow in.”
The way sadness washed over you and poured into the bond- he knew you knew the door was locked and what that meant.
“It’s getting bad again, isn’t it?” You whispered. You came up and took his hand. Your fingers rubbed along Az’s own.
“Not like last time. He’s just a little overworked.”
A little was probably an understatement. Eris went through waves; he would balance his work and personal life, and slowly start to unbalance it. Azriel was used to it when it was just him. The first time it happened with you as part of the family, however- Azriel’s free hand twitched at the memory.
It was the only fight the three of you had since you’d been together. It got very ugly. Since then it’s happened three more times but you all managed to work through it. It didn’t stop you from immediately going back to that first one, remembering how bad it was. He and Eris would regret that for the rest of their lives.
“Come on baby, we will get him to go with us. He just needs a break.”
You squeezed his hand and he shadow walked you both into Eris’s office.
Eris felt like his eyes were crossing. He’d poured over this treaty ten times noting every possible loophole and vague wording that could cause misinterpretation. He run his hand through hair, brushing back unruly red locks. He’d been working on this treaty all week and felt no closer to finishing it. His inability to focus wasn’t helped by the cloudy skies. Days like these he wanted nothing more than to say in bed.
He looked over at the stack of reports he poured over until Azriel forced him to bed. He reached over and grabbed them while frustratation welled in him. There could have been something he missed. If Az and his shadows had simply left him alone, he would be done by now. Azriel never understood the pressure he was under.
After all this time, his father’s legacy still haunted him. They were still finding old laws set by Beron, missed during the reviews in the first years of Eris’s reign. He still felt the need to ensure Autumn subjects he was just and fair. And despite both of his mates’ skills, he was not going to burden them with it. As if summoned, the room darkened in front of his desk. It took all his might to not groan in annoyance when you and Azriel appeared in front of him.
“Yes, loves?” He put on an air of indifference and shoved down the other feelings.
You walked around his desk and stopped by his chair.
“We are going for a walk. The three of us.” You put your hands on your hips.
“I’m busy, my love. Go on without me.”
You scowled at him. “No. It’s a free day; the end of the week. We are taking the puppies for a walk and you’re going with us.”
“I don’t have time-“
“You’re making time.”
He cut his eyes to you as his anger burned in his gut because you cut him off but you didn’t falter. He felt the coolness of a shadow wrapped around his wrist, urging him to calm down. He glanced to Az who was stanced as if he was ready to grab you up if Eris lost it. That alone dampened any anger in him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair again.
“Where exactly are we taking our puppies, my stubborn fire?”
Eris hated how you and Azriel both visibly relaxed. Sometimes he felt like he didn’t deserve you both, especially when you had to weather his anger. But you smiled at him with genuine affection and he shoved those thoughts away.
“The mum field.” You held out your hand. “Let’s go.”
The second that the three of you winnowed into the kennels, the puppies started to bark. The other hounds were trained by Eris himself. The puppies were still learning; training with a handler daily. It took one whistle from Eris to get them to silence and sit at attention.
His prized smoke hounds sat behind the fenced wall, their sleek gray fur gleaming under the natural light of the windows. Of course when you approached the door, the new litter began to thump their tails despite not being commanded to be at ease.
“Have you been coming out here on your own?” Eris side-eyed you.
Your tone and the way you ducked your head and that told him everything he needed to know. Azriel of course snickered.
What was he going to do with you?
“These dogs are not house pets, Y/N.”
You sighed, unlatching the door. “They’re just puppies, Eris. You come and play with the others all the time.”
Play was a subjective term. He ran exercises with his hounds once a week. He did dote on them; he wasn’t a monster to withhold affection. New litters needed balance in order to retain training in their later years. He couldn’t stay mad, however. Not when you opened the door and he clicked twice for all of them to go at ease. The squeal of laughter you made when the puppies and other hounds ran up to you when you entered the kennel was worth it.
He and Azriel walked in, Az shutting the door behind him, as the hounds gathered around for attention. It was surprising how quickly they took to you and Az; though he was certain they could tell what you were to him. Eris in particular zoned in on Jora, mother to the current litter of pups.
“Hi, sweet girl,” he whispered. He knelt down, scratching her behind her floppy ear as she tried to lick at him. “Do you want to go for a walk with us?”
The hounds heard the word walk and immediately all of them became excited. Eris kissed Jora’s forehead and stood up, snapping his fingers. All silenced their yelping and stood still on all fours, tails still wagging. He ushered his mates out and with another signal, had the hounds follow behind them.
Leaving the kennels and walking along the trail had to be a sight to see. You jogged ahead a little ways, the litter of pups chasing after you and stumbling some on their feet. Azriel laughed each time a pup took a small tumble. Eris suppressed his own. He and Az walked side by side a bit behind you, the hounds in a formal line behind them as they were trained to do. Jora was allowed to walk beside him to keep an eye on her pups.
It was still cloudy when you reached the field.
The next few hours were spent in the meadow. Azriel eventually fell asleep lying on his stomach, wings spread out and warming under the sun once the clouds parted. Eris watched you play with the pups until you tired, shadows taking over and running all the hounds in circles using the shadows in the flowers and grass. Eris propped himself against a tree at the edge of the meadow.
You had come and sat in front of Eris, between his stretched out legs. You rested back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. He couldn’t remember the last time he sat with you like this. It was nice, the two of you sitting in silence together.
“Should we wake him?” You nodded your head to Az.
“Probably,” he mused and rested his chin on your shoulder. “He’s quite the baby when his wings get sunburned.”
You hummed, amusement in your tone. “Thank you,” you whispered. You put your hand over where his rested on your waist. “For coming with us.”
“Thank you for making me,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“You know we can help you. We don’t mind.” You turned your head and gave him a smirk. “I was one of the best emissaries before you stole me away.”
“It’s not stealing when you're willing.”
“Thesan disagrees.”
Thesan did in fact hold a slight grudge against Eris after the bond snapped. Not that he didn’t understand. You were damn good at what you did. Also why he offered you a reprieve after the mating ceremony. In that moment, Eris could see how he was being hypocritical. He offered you a break but never took one of his own. He didn’t further examine that thought- lest he ruin the moment the two of you were sharing. Instead he watched the hounds, including the pups, wander over to your area of the field and seek shade under the trees.
“We should wake Azriel.” He said. “Even the pups are tired.”
He looked over and tugged on the bond to Az. Azriel grumbled. You must have tugged as well, as he turned his head away from you both. When he didn’t get up, you shifted in Eris’s lap and gave him a wicked grin.
“What’s the signal for a playful attack?”
Eris grinned back. He let out a long whistle, alerting the hounds. Then he snapped his fingers and pointed at Azriel. Three of the closest hounds: Lo, Thebe, and Klaus, ran over to Azriel and immediately started to lick at his face. You erupted with laughter and Az jolted awake.
“What the fuck,” Az, shooed at the hounds but the were not deterred. “Okay I’m up, call them back.”
Eris whistled again and the hounds came bounding over.
“Good boy,” he scratched at Klaus’s ear, while you gave Lo and Thebe loving pets as well.
Az sat up in the field, and stretched both his arms and wings. He let out a yawn before getting up and walking over to the shade.
“Was that necessary?” He scowled, hands on his hips.
“Yes,” you replied. “You would get burned if you didn’t get up.”
”We both know what a baby you are when that happens,” Eris added.
Az sat down and made a gesture Eris was certain was vulgar in Illyria. Now that he was in the shade, his shadows came out. Two slithered around the sunlight shining through the trees and came around you and Eris. One went to his wrist, the other in your hair and both rested contently. The three of you sat in silence, before Azriel brought up some courtier gossip. You excitedly explained what you had heard on the same topic.
Eris sat there and listened, and anuncomfortable feeling sank into his chest. When was the last time he sat and listened to his mates? Even just to hear idle gossip about a court member he didn’t recognize. His mind kept spiraling. When was the last time he had dinner with the two of you? He had no idea what you both did with your time. Last night was the first time in weeks he’d been in bed and held you. The shadow tightened on his wrist and you turned in his lap, moving back to rest on your knees between his legs.
“Eris?” You and Azriel both were staring at him. “Where did you go?”
If Eris was capable of crying he would have. You and those eyes, searching him to see what past horrors were triggered when the truth was it was he who was the horror.
“No where,” he whispered. “I simply realized what a terrible mate I am.”
Something hit him in the head. He looked down to see an acorn rolling in the grass. He looked up to see Azriel glaring.
“Did you just hit me with an acorn?” Eris was truthfully too dumbfounded to do anything but gap at his mate.
“I’d punch you if Y/N wasn’t in the way.”
At that Eris heard Jora growl but not get up from where she laid with her pups. She recognized the empty threat, the smart hound she was. But she still didn’t like Az smarting off at him.
“Az-“ you tried to interject.
“No.” He jumped to his feet, wings flaring to balance him. “I'm not going to sit and listen to Eris feel sorry for himself.” His gaze turned to Eris. “You need a break. A real one.”
Eris remained silent. You had sat back on the grass, arms around your knees. He could feel sadness in your side of the bond. He locked his side down- he didn’t want to further your discomfort.
“He’s right Ere,” you said so softly he almost didn’t hear it over the breeze. “You’re slipping away from us again.”
That hurt him more than any physical blow he had endured. Now he really could cry. Why was he cursed? He didn’t deserve you or Azriel. And he was doing it again- burying himself in work and ignoring the two of you. He was a terrible husband and mate. He was so lost in his own thoughts, he startled when you moved up to him and put your hand on his cheek.
“We cannot help you if you don’t let us.” You said softly. “I know you’re set in your ways and think you have to do everything alone. But you don’t.”
“Do what you have to do tomorrow.” Az said. He could see him cross his arms, shadows still agitated but not as much. “Then we will spend three days together. Not working.”
“That caldron damned treaty is not going to be done by tomorrow.” Eris grumbled.
“And it won’t be done by the end of next week, either.” You pulled your hand back and missed your touch already. “Your governors still have to sign it before it even goes out to the other courts.”
“I hate when you're right.” He didn’t suppress the small smile forming on his lips. “Fine. I will finish it up tomorrow and we will take three days to ourselves.” You grinned, Azriel stood there smug. “Let me guess, you two have something planned?”
Your grin became wicked. “Maybe.”
That stirred something in him but he suppressed it. He huffed and rose to his feet, dusting off his pants. The hounds watched him, knowing he would signal them to do the same in a moment. You stood as well.
“Let’s go back,” he pointed between you and Azriel. “And you two can explain to me this plan of yours.”
“Deal.” Az smirked.
Eris tried to not roll his eyes at his mate. He gave the alert and all the hounds rose to their feet. Except for the pups. Eris signaled again and two of them whined but didn’t rise.
“Poor babies,” you cooed. You picked one up and placed them on your shoulder. The pup didn’t even wake. “So sleepy.”
“You’re spoiling them.” Eris scowled.
“They’re just babies,” Azriel retorted, picking up another and placing them on his shoulder. “It won’t hurt to carry them.”
Eris realized he wasn’t winning this battle. Azriel grabbed another to put over his other shoulder and with an exaggerated sigh, Eris picked up the last one. He refused to admit it was adorable how the puppy in his arm snuggled against his neck, no doubt loving the warmth he radiated. Jora watched them, head moving between the three of them to make sure her babies were fine. Eris knelt down and scratched her ear.
“It’s okay girl,” he said. He gave another signal for the hounds to follow. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
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scorpioriesling · 1 month
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Guilty as Sin?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Azriel x reader
Warnings: angsty asf
Summary: It wasn't hard to love your best friend; after all, you'd been through everything together. He'd seen every in-depth part of you, but now you were forced to give all of that up. All because of the stupid cauldron, and stupid fate.
SR’s Note: Brb going to get "mine" tatted on my upper thigh... this is so UGH anyways. I had to; I apologize in advance. This is one of my favorite new songs.
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The cauldron could boil itself at this point.
You weren't sure how to make the best of this situation; something you could normally do without fail. A talent everyone loved about you. However, that talent was failing you now.
Now that the bond had snapped, and there was no way out. No way of avoiding what you so desparetely wanted for years, and somehow it all ended up messed up in the end.
Lucien was a good male, you would give him that much; but that wasn't enough. Your life felt near over when your best friend revealed his hidden bond with the Archeron girl -- but now, you were in the same position. Somehow, you were cursed in more ways than one. Not only was your best friend mated to someone else -- but now so were you.
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"You're right, we should definitely get matching tattoos!" You laughed, bumping into Azriel's arm as you both stumbled down the Velaris streets. It was past midnight, and you were both buzzed from your night out at Rita's -- something you did at least once a week -- and the walk home turned into more of a walk through town.
He chuckled beside you, fingers curling around your elbow to help steady you. His wide smile was a sight you'd never tire of; he rarely let it show, but when he did, you made sure to illustrate it in your mind, holding onto the masterpiece forever.
"It isn't our worst idea..." he admitted, taking another swig from the bottle he held. You watched as his throat bobbed, swallowing the liquid and turning his attention back to you. You look toward the sky, trying and failing to pretend you weren't staring.
"What should we get?" You ask with a grin. He ponders for a moment, brow lifted in mockery. "Hmm.." he says. "What if we got eachother's handwriting?" You giggled, and he laughed with you.
"I'm serious!" He exclaimed. The tattoo parlor was coming into view, and you rolled your eyes. "I don't know if I trust you to literally write on me," you say. "We've been friends for far too long for me to put it past you to write something like "Azriel is so hot" or "Kiss my ass" on me-" You barely get it all out before laughing again, his gaze on you softening as he loops an arm around your shoulders.
"I promise I won't do something so vulgar," he says. You're now in front of the tattoo shop, the neon lights illuminating his face in a deep blue glow. He grabs the door handle and opens it, gesturing you to go inside.
"Ladies first." He smirks. You lightly smack his shoulder, and saunter your way inside.
"Fine -- but you have to go first." You throw over your shoulder. He enters behind you, and within minutes he's put in a chair and the tattoo artist is holding the needle gun over his forearm.
"Okkayyy, 'lil lady," he says, pulling up a stool to allow you to sit beside him. He hands you the gun, and places his hand over yours to help you with the process. "You ready?" he asks. You glance at Azriel, who now has his eyes lightly closed as he lays down on the bed in front of you.
"Are you ready, Azzie?" You say. He nods silently, a small smile playing on his lips. You release a breath as the gun whirrs to life, and the artist guides you to begin pressing into your best friend's skin. Stealing a glance at his face, you find him peacefully laying there, almost sleepy. That would make sense, seeing as you both drank a lot tonight.
After a few minutes of darkening the lines and wiping away the excess liquid, the artist powers down the needle and scoots back on his rolling chair. Your fingers lightly dance over the puffy black lines on his otherwise bare forearm, and he stirs at the sensation.
"Have a look," you say. He opens his eyes and sits up, delight overtaking his features as he sees your work.
"I choose you and me," he says aloud, reading over the ink now drying in his skin. He almost blushes, gazing at the ink and touching it lightly. His eyes meet yours, and in seconds he is hopping up and offerring you the bed. You sit on it, pulling the hem of your shorts up so it's easier to access.
"Heyy..." he starts. "You picked the spot for mine-" You huff.
"I want mine up here," you point to the upper part of your thigh, and he rolls his eyes. He shoots a look to the artist, and shakes his head.
"I've learned to just not argue with this one," he says, and you gasp at him. He laughs, his white teeth shining like stars inside the dim shop. The tattoo artist sighs, powering on the newly replaced tatto gun and handing it to Azriel. You place a hand on your leg, eyes wide.
"You're not gonna help him?" You ask the artist. He only shrugs at you.
"I've seen his work before -- he knows how to do a pretty damn good tattoo." Your eyes narrow toward your best friend, and he only grins down at you.
Sighing, you rest your head back against the cushion of the tattoo bed. "Az, you better not fuck this up-"
You're cut off by his fingers brushing against the skin of your leg, pulling on your shorts to move them slightly. Your breath catches in your throat, now staring wide-eyed down at the man you'd secretly fallen so madly in love with. His messy curls tickled the strips of skin between the hem of your baby tee and the top of your shorts as he stared intently at his work, needle lightly pressing into your skin. His other hand laid flat on your stomach, holding you gently in place.
You couldn't ever get rid of this sight unless someone quite literally ripped it from the archives of your mind.
He glanced up at you, noticing your labored breathing. His soft expression was one he only ever used with you; a stark contrast to the strong, unfazed front he presented to everyone else. You figured he was going to tell you to chill out -- little did he know you weren't focusing on the pain, but rather the striking male on top of you.
"Lay down -- you can't peek 'till I'm done."
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The air was warm as it rolled off the sidra, the salt air so familiar. You'd come down here for some peace; some time away. Since learning of the bond with Lucien, it was like you couldn't escape. You couldn't get away from the constant "Are you okay?"s and "Have you told Azriel?"s and "Do you think you'll accept the bond?"s. It was getting to be too much. No, you weren't okay. No, you did not want to accept the bond.
And fuck no, you did not tell Azriel. You remembered what happened last time when you found out his bond snapped, and you hadn't even seen him in months. There was no point -- it wouldn't change your situation.
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"I made you that strawberry cream cake, you know, your favorite?" Feyre's kind words filled the kitchen as you continued to pour glasses of lemonade, setting down the pitcher to meet her watercolor eyes. You gave her a soft smile.
"Thank you... but whatever for?" Her gaze dropped, fingers fiddling with one another as she looked around nervously. You arched a brow at her.
"Nothing, I just -- I thought you might like it. To celebrate the first day of Summer," she stuttered. You'd never seen her at a loss for words, but before you could think too long about it, Cassian barged into the room, eyes full of delight when he spotted the filled lemonade glasses.
"Ahh," he grabbed one and chugged it, putting it back on the counter after a few gulps as though it was a shot. You giggled, Feyre finding his interruption rather funny as well. He peered at you, sliding the glass over on the counter top.
"Fill 'er up -- Gods, it is so hot outside." He says, fingers fiddling with a small band tying his hair back. You top off his glass, and he takes it again, only sipping this time.
"Are you ladies joining us outside? Or what?" He asks giddily. You swear, if he wasn't a fae bat he would be a golden retriever.
"Absolutely," Feyre nods. He saunters out of the room, and within seconds you spy him by the edge of the Sidra tackling Rhysand into the river with him. They both come up within seconds, laughing and shaking their wet hair. Feyre peers out with you, and your heart catches when you see Azriel not joining in. He is sitting on one of the picnic blankets the group laid out, Elain's head in his lap as he leans back on his hands. She tenses, laughing at something he said. He gives her a smile; one you'd thought only he shared around you.
"I'll meet you outside in just a moment?" Feyre offers. She knew; she knew exactly how you'd felt for Azriel. But, she also knew that he was in some newfound, weird relationship since her sister arrived.
You tried to brush it off. Your best friend had lovers before; most of them only lasted a few weeks anyway, then they were gone. This one would be no different.
Finally making your way down to the river, tray of drinks in your hands, you were greeted by Mor as she helped pass out the drinks. She walked over to Feyre and Cassian; of course, leaving you to head over to Azriel.
You sighed, and walked over to the blanket where he sat. Her annoying laugh rang out again, and you winced. Azriel looked up, finally noting your presence and shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand. The unmistakable black writing on his forearm still reading "I choose you and me". Your heart swells just a bit.
"Y/N! Did you bring us drinks?" He asks nicely. You smile back, appreciating this side of him never failing to come out around his best friend.
"I just might have..." You say. Elain sits up upon hearing your voice, offerring a kind smile. You pass one glass to Azriel, and hold out another for her.
"Thank you Y/N! You must have known lemonade is my favorite," She takes it from you, beaming and turning to Azriel. He nods in agreement, sipping from his drink.
"Lucky guess." You say, grinding your teeth in a tight smile as you set down the empty tray on the grass. She giggles and continues conversing with Azriel, and you decide to not even try to engage this time.
You stalk over to the towel Mor is currently lounging on, her sunglasses set high on her nose. Your body creates a shadow, and she sits up grumbling.
"Ugh, Y/N, I'm trying to get a tan!" Her eyes finally adjust, seeing that you're stripping off your clothes, only a small emerald green bikini underneath. Her mouth pops open and she gasps, loud enough for everyone to hear. You're kicking off your shoes when she takes her glasses off and gapes at you.
"Girl, I'd let you stand over me any day -- you look good as fuck!" She squeals. You roll your eyes, her loud appraisal catching attention as she continues to compliment you.
"Seriously! Feyre, have you seen Y/N's suit? She is looking like fine wine-" She looks you up and down, and you notice behind her, Feyre has jogged over to where her friend Lucien has just arrived. Feyre turns her attention to you over Morrigan's whooping and hollering, giving you a thumbs up
"Looks good! I told you it would!" She shouts. She turns back to her Autumn court friend, but his eyes are drinking you in as though you are the wine itself. You steal a glance at Azriel, and boy are you glad you did -- he is pissed. He is glaring at Lucien as Elain babbles on, absentmindedly. She doesn't even realize he isn't listening to her anymore. You bend down, coming face to face with your bubbly blonde friend.
"Swim with me?" You say. She scoffs, tossing her sunglasses down and rising. You both walk to the bank of the Sidra, its gleaming water only inviting you in further.
"You know I'd never deny you, but I did want to lay out-" She is cut off by a strangled scream as Cassian yanks her in by the waist, her head reappearing moments later. Breathless, she pants.
"Cassian! Are you kidding?" Him and Rhysand only laugh, you shaking your head and chuckling along with them. You slowly enter the warm water, basking in the last few warm days the year has to offer. Mor wades past you, and makes to get out of the stream.
"Aww what! Where you goin'?" You whine pathetically. She runs her fingers through her soaked locks, huffing.
"I. Am not. Swimming. With those knuckleheads. Any longer." She stomps back over to her towel, and you stick your bottom lip out in feigned sadness.
"Aww, come on, Mor! You're already wet, just get back in and swim for a while!" You say. It isn't long before a splash to your left flings water near you, and you look around for a few moments before something grabs your ankles and drags you under. You come up a few moments later, Azriel resurfacing in front of you and laughing at your drenched complexion.
"I'll play." He says lowly. You shove his shoulder, and Mor waves a hand from her blanket, sunglasses already back on her face.
"Yes, yeah. Let Az play with you."
It isn't long before you're splashing around with your friends, everyone swimming besides Morrigan and Elain. Even Lucien has joined in, the water twirling his fiery locks over his shoulders. Maybe in another life, you'd fall in love with him.
But you're living this one, and you're still in love with your best friend.
"Hey, uhh," Azriel swims close to you, the sunset on the horizon illuminating his tanned skin. You can feel his hands creating water riplets around you to stay afloat, and you gaze at him. "Can we, like, swim over there? Maybe?" He asks, jerking his head toward the rocky alcove a few hundred feet away. Your eyes widen as you try not to think too hard about why he'd want you in there with him instead of his girlfriend; so you glance over to where everyone else is drying off and gathering their items. Elain is staring a hole into the side of your head.
"Sure," you say, timidly. Azriel grabs your hand under the water, his scarred fingers threading through yours with ease. You suck in a breath, and Azriel throws a smile towards Elain.
"We'll be in soon!" He shouts, and she returns the smile, almost a little smugly. She helps her sister collect the items from the grass, and Azriel stars swimming away, pulling you with him.
"Why did we need to come over here?" You ask, out of breath when he finally stops swimming behind a large rock. You can't see your friends anymore. You glance around nervously.
"Well, I had something I needed to talk to you about." He says. "Privately," he adds. Your cheeks heat. Its finally here, the moment has finally come.
"Oh, um. Okay. I think I have something I talk to you about too." You say. His eyebrows raise, and he smiles kindly at you.
"Oh! Alright. Well, why don't you go first then." He offers.
"I don't really... know... how to explain it." You fumble. The breeze blows over the water, pulling you away a bit. Azriel reaches for you, probably to hold you close but his hand grips onto your waist. He pulls a little too hard, and you're flush against his chest. His intense hazel eyes bore into yours, tiny water droplets dripping from the end of his onyx curls. Its silent for a moment, the mixed heavy breathing the only sound other than the nature around you. You gaze up at him, his eyes trailing down from your eyes... to your lips... then down to where your heaving chest rises and falls beneath the water's surface. Your eyes can't escape his full lips, and you snake your hands around his neck, pulling him in so impossibly close and close the gap.
Finally, after all these years, you get to taste those delicious lips on yours. You kiss him, softly, and when he pulls back, he looks at you with sorrow.
"Y/N... I..."
"I don't mind, Azriel. You know I love you; I want this. I would choose this. I choose you and me." Silver lines his eyes and you don't think you've ever seen him get so emotional. You pull him to you once more, kissing with more hunger this time, and he doesn't stop you. His hand scoops under your ass, squeezing and holding you tight, the other one flat against the side of your neck. His thumb brushes along your cheekbone as your fingers curl into his wet locks, when suddenly he rips away from you. He lets go as if he was a bug caught in a zapper, flinging himself away from you like you had electrocuted him. You instantly feel colder without his touch.
"W-what's wrong?" You ask, timidly. He runs a hand through his hair, and rubs his eyes with his palms, sighing.
"What is it, Azriel?" You ask, moving closer. He puts a hand out to stop you, and you begin to feel regret. No, not regret. Fear.
"Don't, Y/N." He says. You eyes close, near slits as you try and keep the sob rising in your throat at bay. He's never taken that tone with you before.
"Don't what? Be honest with you? Azriel, I love you, and-"
"I have a mate, Y/N." He cuts you off. You feel like you've been stabbed in the gut, thrown off a cliff; what was he talking about?
"W-what?" You ask. That sob is barely at bay, tears stinging your eyes as you try to keep from crying. He moves his hands to look at you, and immediately sighs and looks down at the water, hating to do this.
"Yeah... uh, Elain and I-"
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You huff a humorless laugh and a single tear slips free. You don't bother brushing it away; you just cross your arms instead. He narrows his eyes at you.
"What is your problem with her?" He asks. The sinking feeling in your chest only intensifies as he defends her. You begin to feel angry, angry your best friend, who you'd die for, would defend another dumb girl who didn't know him like you did. Not even in the slightest.
"What is the problem with me?" You ask. He shoots you a confused look, and you continue. "Am I not quite good enough for you? Is that it? I'm not an Archeron, I'm not High Fae; I'm not officially in the Inner Circle? I don't-" You breathe, gasping for air as tears run down your cheeks now. "I don't look like her? I get it Azriel. I fucking got it. Loud and clear-"
"Shhh, shh shh. Heyy," he swims close, offerring you his hand. You want more than anything to fall into his chest and cry, just cry it all out; but you don't. You won't. He doesn't want you. He never did.
"You know none of that is true-"
"Don't bother." You say sharply. He sighs, dropping his hands in the water.
"Y/N, look I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, okay? You know how important mating bonds are; I just wanted to make sure it was real, and it would work and Feyre would be okay with it-"
"You... you already told. Feyre?" You seethe. His eyes widen, realizing maybe he shouldn't have revealed that information.
"I, uh... yeah. I did. And once she knew, it kind of got out and everyone knew," he mumbles. You clench your hands into fists.
Your favorite cake.
Elain's smug smile.
"Let Az play with you," Mor had said.
They all knew. No one told you. Not even your best friend. They knew you'd be hurt and not a single one of them told you. A small cry reverberates in your chest and you turn away from Azriel.
"Please don't be mad at me, Y/N. You know you're my best friend, you know I'd do anyth-"
"Save it." You say, wading toward the water's edge. "We're done here."
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You hadn't seen him since he accepted his bond with Elain six months ago; you couldn't even bring yourself to sit through the entire ceremony they hosted. It was all too much.
That was the first crushing blow. But then, to find out that not only had he accepted the bond and been happy about it, but now you were bonded to someone you didn't want either?
What a joke. The mating bond was a joke -- it had to be. All these years of believing that bonds were so special... it was all bullshit.
As you sit near the bank, you hear footsteps approaching behind you. You didn't quite care who it was; after all, you were so deep in loathing that you had grown distant from all of your friends over the past few months. It didn't help that the last words you'd hurled at them were unkind, but... maybe it's what they needed to hear. They did keep a huge thing from you, and you haven't even begun to figure out how to move on yet.
Moving on from Azriel sounded like it would be the end for you. You didn't know how you'd ever do it -- it was always him. There never was anyone else for you. You only wanted him.
And now he was honeymooning with his mate. Fucking her. Loving her. Allowing her to know him on a level only you'd ever been on.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks when a whisper pulls you from your thoughts.
You turn slowly, the last person you'd expected to see standing behind you. His hair was windblown, his skin tan from the Summer court sun. He had a few light freckles dusting his nose.
Upon seeing your upset state, he slowly approached you, and sat down beside you. Staring out at the water, you continued to let the tears fall, chin resting on your bent knees. His gaze was hot as he stared at you, taking you in fully.
"Y/N... this isn't okay... you're-" his voice cracks. "You're not okay." He whispers the last part, and your eyes meet his. Tears stream down his cheeks, dripping onto the cream colored button-down he's sporting. Typical Summer court fashion, but you should expect that as he did just spend time there.
He grabs onto your shoulders, pulling you to his chest. You have no choice but to sink in, open sobs emitting from your broken hearted chest. He breaths deeply, resting his chin atop your head. A drop of water lands on your shoulder, a tear. It's from him.
He holds you for a few minutes, allowing you to release all your emotions. He sighs, the sun dipping low alolng the horizon. You finally pull back and look at him. Nothing was going to change about your situation.
Your eyes caught on the black letters still imprinting his arm, fresh tears brimming your eyes.
"I hate seeing you like this," he says, sniffing. "You're my best friend Y/N. You always find the good in every situation, in everyone... that's why everyone loves you so much. You saw the good in me when no one else did." He says, rubbing your shoulder. You train your eyes on the grass below.
"I hate this too. But I love you," you say, not looking to meet his eyes. "If this is what is making you happy, I love that for you." He takes one of your hands in his.
"Y/N, it's just... Gods, this is a mess." He says. You let out a humorless laugh.
"Yeah. Even more of a mess now that I have a mate too." His eyes widen, and you look up just in time to see something swimming in those hazel orbs.
"Oh." He says. He drops your hand, but you reach over and place yours on top of where his now rests in his lap.
"The difference is, I would still choose you and me." You say, and he wipes a tear from your cheek. "I would always choose you and me. Because you're my best friend Azriel; and I love you. I don't know how to stop." You say. You lean back, resting your head in the grass as he gets comfortable laying beside you. His fingertips graze over the spot where he'd written on you -- marked you -- years back, reiterating the sentiment he'd etched there.
"And you're mine, too."
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Part 2
172 notes · View notes
sapphicmsmarvel · 2 months
Azriel: Nightmares
Azriel was no stranger to a nightmare. 
He was used to them interrupting his dreams, one of the reasons he never slept more than a few hours a night. 
But then you came along. 
You loved to nap and be sleepy with your partner. So he pretended in the beginning that he’d sleep, just to see you at peace. Just to be able to hold you and love you with everything he had. 
But then he eventually felt safe with you. Enough to fall asleep. 
His nightmares slowed, they weren’t as common if you were next to him. He actually was able to deeply sleep a few times, which made him happy but also worried him because what if something happened to you and he didn’t wake up? 
You had assured him his shadows would not let him sleep through that. 
A common occurrence was when he’d have the nightmare and wake up, he would just watch you sleep. Sometimes, he’d lay his head on your chest just to listen to your heart beat, and feel your breaths. It was soothing. 
He always tried not to wake you up. But sometimes, it couldn’t be helped. 
This time, he jumped out of the worst kind of nightmare. 
The one where you’re in danger and no matter what he can’t get to you. It’s reoccurring. You’re on the battlefield and dying in his arms and there is nothing he can do to stop it and it terrifies him. 
Then some nights, it’s your make-believe children. He can’t recall their names inside the dream, but he knows they are his. They are yours. 
Those are his two worst ones. 
Tonight, it was your faceless, make-believe daughter dying. 
Your babygirl. 
She doesn’t exist yet, but he already loved her with all of his heart. She doesn’t exist yet, and he wants to hold her to reassure himself she’s okay. 
But she doesn’t exist. 
He feels like his heart is breaking all over again.
He looked over at you, your eyes full of love, concern and empathy. Your voice, his siren song, pulling him out of the nightmare. 
He shattered. 
You pulled him into you, cradling his head to your chest. “What happened, baby?”
He sniffed. “The nightmare involved our child. She didn’t have a name but I knew she was ours. She didn’t have a face and I knew she had your eyes and smile. I tried to save her and I-“ His voice cut off with a sob and you rocked him gently. “I couldn’t get to her. It scares me. What if I’m a shit dad? What kind of dad can’t save his child?” 
You kissed his head, he felt wetness land on his scalp and knew you were crying. “I’m sorry i’m weak. I shouldn’t be crying like this.” He was going to continue but your voice cut him off. 
“You are not weak Azriel.” Your voice was hard as stone. Firm. 
He sobbed a bit harder into your chest. You held him even tighter. “I have the nightmares too.” You whispered, “it’s our child and I can’t do anything to save them. You’re injured and I can’t save you. Our children don't even exist yet, but I love them with all my heart already.” You stroked his head. “You are not going to be a bad father, you are the best husband, the best mate I could ever ask for. When our children are here, they will be loved and cherished. Their daddy will make sure they’re okay.” You kissed his head. 
His sobs had slowed down during your speech, just gripping you tightly. 
“You are allowed to feel scared, sad, anguish. These are human emotions that you are allowed to feel. If you do not feel them, it will build up. I am honored that you love me so much, I’m so glad you love our children that don’t exist yet. It just shows me how good of a dad you are going to be. I do not think you are weak. You are loved, protected and cherished.” 
He felt himself breathe deeper with more freedom. “You are safe.” You breathed as you felt all his tension leave him. 
For the first time in his life, he truly believed that. 
309 notes · View notes
lalacliffthorne · 11 months
🦇 masterlist 🦇
Azriel 🗡
midnights - part I part II (fluff)
🌪 idiot 🌪 (smut, fluff)
⚔️ I don't think now's the best time ⚔️ (battlefield, fluff)
📃 the basic rules of friendship 📃 (fluff, smut)
🌫 if you go down then we go down together 🌫 (angst, smut, fluff)
Rhys 🦇
✨️ starshine ✨️ - part I part II part III part IV part V part VI (fluff, angst, smut)
Cassian ⚔️
coming soon
Feyre 🏹
💗 fuck it, let's do it again 💗 (smut)
drabbles 📄
Azriel 🗡
hickeys - payback - busted (fluff)
sick (fluff)
cheering up (fluff)
late nights (fluff, modern!Az)
got you now (fluff)
tired (fluff)
Cassian ⚔️
coming soon
modern!roommate!batboys - drabble series
modern!batboys as your roommates headcanons 🦇
modern!batboys halloween headcanons 🦇
modern!batboys christmas headcanons 🎀🦇💕
ride home (fluff, 🦇)
failed dates suck (lil angst, fluff, 🦇)
nightmare (fluff, 🦇)
bad days and library floors (fluff, 🦇)
a cold and a movie night (fluff, 🦇)
nap time (fluff, 🦇)
periods (fluff, 🦇)
snow (fluff, 🎀🦇💕)
grey days at christmas time (fluff, 🎀🦇💕)
new years (fluff, 🎀🦇💕)
midnight ride (fluff, 💕)
the one where they stop being idiots (fluff, headcanons, 💕)
sleepy in the library (fluff, 💕)
sunday mornings (fluff, 💕)
when Azriel has a nightmare (angst, fluff, 💕)
date night (fluff, 💕)
to warm up, one needs a shower. and Az. (fluff, 💕)
another drabble with Az and his motorcycle. (fluff, 💕)
🦇 = roommate!batboys centered
💕 = roommate!batboys!Azriel centered
🎀 = roommate!batboys christmas centered
mood boards ✨️
starshine mood board by @verena9003
starshine mood board
starshine aesthetic
dark faerie aesthetic
I don't take requests. sorry, loves, but most of the time, I can barely deal with needing to get my own ideas all exactly right. *hides behind laptop*
if you want to be on any taglist, hit me up - just comment or shoot me an ask or a message!
minors get outta here
709 notes · View notes
shadowdaddies · 5 months
Hello! Can i request a cassian x f!reader fic where its the night before cassian has to go on a dangerous mission and reader is really scared and anxious for him. they are sleeping at night but reader can sleep and is silently crying all worried for him. cassian wakes up and finds reader in her state and comforts her. lots of angst with comfort
oh this made me so sad, idk how I'd handle being mated to Cassian or Azriel with their dangerous missions🥺💜 but he's sweet and would comfort you
Stay a Little Longer
Cassian x Reader
warnings: mentions of death
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You awoke with a start, tears already streaming down your face, soaking your pillow. Silent sobs wracked through you, your body softly shaking as pieces of your nightmare flashed through your mind. 
Your heart and stomach lurched, anxiety roiling through you as the image of Cassian, dead in the grass, seared your brain. The agony in your soul must been so strong to have awoken your sleeping mate, Cassian rolling over towards you with a sleepy grumble, his broad arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you into his warmth.
Your chest shook, unable to steady your breathing as he felt the wet tears against his chest, rousing Cassian from his half-asleep state. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he whispered, voice raspy from sleep as Cassian tilted your head up to his. Your watering eyes and sniffles broke his heart, triggering his instinct to pull you close. You nuzzled into his chest, heartbeat slowing slightly at the comforting pressure of your love’s arms around you.
“What is it, my love?” Cassian whispered, calloused hand stroking through your hair, lips pressing softly against the top of your head. The question resurfaced those images, the horrifying scenario that felt too real - a life without Cassian. You pulled him closer, arms wound tight around his waist as you breathed in his scent.
“I had a dream, about your mission tomorrow,” you whispered, breaking into sobs again the moment the words left your lips. Cassian shushed you, pulling back as he peppered kisses all over your face, wiping away the salty tears as they fell.
Cassian rubbed his hand in soothing motions across your back, his voice softer than ever. “Do you want to talk about-“ 
“You died, Cassian. You died, and half of my soul went with you. It felt so real, Cassian. I can’t lose you, I can’t, I can’t-“ you tried into his chest until the corners of your eyes stung and you had no more tears left to give. You felt Cassian’s chest take a deep breath, in and out, but he didn’t move. Didn’t interrupt. Merely held you how you needed, remained present as you expressed your fears of his absence.
When you had exhausted yourself completely, Cassian lifted you into his arms, cradling you to his chest as the House produced a glass of water. Handing you the glass, Cassian watched you with adoration in his eyes, still rubbing your back as you drank. He took the glass from your hands, setting it aside where it vanished into thin air, drawing your attention back to the male next to you.
“I will never leave you. I used to be reckless, arrogant when I went into these missions. I thought myself a lowborn bastard whose best value was to die serving others.” He paused, brushing your hair behind your ear as he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he rested his face against yours.
“But then I met you, and my world changed. I don’t want to live to die, I want to live to be with you. No matter what happens, I am with you. You are my mate, and I will live with and for you in every lifetime. But I will hold onto you in this one until the Mother herself has to pry me away. You give me purpose greater than that which I have known before. My job is dangerous, but I promise to always come back to you. You will never lose me.”
Cassian spoke with such intensity, it brought you back to his vows from your mating ceremony. The fierceness with which this male would protect you and your life together. You nodded, shifting to straddle his hips as you continued to cling to Cassian. 
“I trust you. But hold me, stay with me for as long as you can before you go,” you whispered. Cassian leaned down, gently pulling your hair as he guided you to look at him.
Hazel eyes shone with a fierce, relentless love as he promised, “I am here until the last moment.”
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Pretty like the sun
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a/n the follow up chapter AND This is pretty like the wind series spin offs. This can be read as standalone all you need to know is that Azriel has two adoptive kids with OC - Zofie and Axel. Future stories related to them might include stories specifically decided to Azriel hence why I am taging it as Azriel story too. Don't come at me please. ✨
warning: none? A bit of fighting, blood.
Zofie's pov:
She had been beaming all morning. Not only had it been the best sleep of her life, but there was something so surreal about waking up in the arms of a man you had the biggest crush on. There was a moment when Zofie was sure that it was her sleepy brain playing a trick on her. That Nyx wasn't there with her. They weren't actually in the same situation. Limbs tangled. But Nyx's arms, which had quite a firm hold on her hips, felt all too real. His breathing did, too. So did his messy hair and slightly pouty lips.
How did one look so adorable in their sleep? Mother, he would be a frowning mess if she called him cute. But he was, and Zofie had to try really hard to suppress the giddy excitement that bubbled in her chest. Nuzzling back into the crook of Nyx's neck, she breathed in his scent. Feeling her body melt into it. Oh, how she missed him when he was away. How oddly lonely she felt. Truth be told, Zofie didn't have many friends. A couple of younger priestesses that Gwyn was teaching, yes, but they practically never talked. So... not friends. But Nyx had always been so keen on getting her attention. She was weary of him at first. He was the most talkative kid she had ever seen. But then Zofie only had a handful of traumatized sanctuary toddlers to compare him to. His bubbly side chipped away with the years, though. More often than not, the smile that was plastered on Nyx's face was nowhere near the smile he used to give her when they were younger.
"You're the cuddliest person I've come across in my entire life," Nyx grumbled, opening one eye to look at her. "So, if I pulled away now..." Zofie muttered, but Nyx's grip on her tightened immediately, "Don't you even think about it?" His morning voice was raspy and, oh, so delicious. "Got you," Zofie breathed out, shaking her head. He never denied her touch. She could watch him roll his eyes at Feyre kissing his cheek, but the next minute he would be right next to Zofie, his fingers subtly reaching for her as their palms brushed against one another.
"Do you think if I don't open my eyes, we can pretend that we don't have to go back?" Nyx muttered, and Zofie could sense the dread in his tone. "Your mom probably misses you a lot," she said softly. "Cause Ma always cries when Axel comes home, so I'm sure the high lady would..." "Don't." Nyx's whole body stiffened. Zofie frowned as specks of red fell onto the sheets. He was mad. Or frustrated, at least. "Did something happen?" Her voice grew weary, and Nyx's face grew ashamed. Hands pulling the girl back to his chest, "Promise it's nothing; I'm sorry, just tired," he breathed out. She didn't say anything after that. Letting the silence stretch over them both.
"My... The high lords are hosting a ball", and Nyx sounded as if this was the most dreadful thing he had to make himself think about once again. Zofie quickly cut in, "You don't want to go?". Nyx huffed, "Something like that." She never really understood if the high lords of the night court enjoyed the festivities themselves. Rhys, Nyx's dad, was a charmer, always quick to tell a joke. His grin never failed at balls and parties. But Zofie had caught him once. Head in hands. Messy hair. Wrinkled shirt. It was such a difference compared to that beaming smile she had seen on her high lord's face only moments ago. "Well, Axel and I will probably be there if our parents are going," Zofie breathed out, hoping to ease some of the tension, but Nyx simply shook his head. "I have a feeling it's the lordship shit," the heir growled before explaining even further, "Preppy parents in desperate need to marry off their children to form bonds between courts."
And here it was. This was the thing Nyx hated with a burning passion. All he wanted was to be normal. A young man still so full of life not some crystal gem for everyone to drool over. He cringed and frowned at all the titles people threw his way. And Zofie... Zofie hated every single female who felt entitled to come and touch him, pull at his hands, and rub at him like cats in heat. "Oh, Nyx," she breathed, her fingers carefully brushing through his hair. His fingers grazed her wrist tenderly. "Everyone is making such a big fuss over it too," he admitted as Zofie nodded in agreement. No wonder he was stressed. Especially if he was also to be left alone. Only with nobility to keep him company all night long.
"Bitch your way through it," Zofie muttered, and Nyx let out the most genuine chuckles she had heard in a while. But it had also died down as quickly as it started, "Will you tell me why you were by the river last night?" Zofie knew this was coming. Nyx had a hard time letting go of the topics he wanted to discuss. And he had been more than clear that he was going to get the answer out of her about this. So fighting this...
"I have a sister," Zofie breathed, her eyes falling to the crisp white sheets on the bed. Nyx shifted slightly, his hand dipping beneath the blanket to run soothingly up her thigh, "I hear a sad note in that," he muttered. And Zofie hated that. She hated that she was still upset over something she genuinely wanted. She didn't care much about having to share her parents' attention for a while. It was everything else that ticked her off. "She's perfect", Zofie let out a deep sigh, "Has wings, no flaws. She's perfectly Azriel's". Her voice died down, overpowered by the growl Nyx had let out. "Has that asshole?", "No, no, I just... it's me," Zofie shook her head, "I felt... irrelevant.".
The room fell silent. She watched as Nyx blinked a couple of times, letting her words sink in, "Don't you talk shit like that about yourself?" His voice had an edge to it. A powerful force. "But it's true; I'm Illyrian but have no wings," Zofie muttered, turning to play with her fingers instead. Admitting her fears and insecurities felt humiliating almost. "I'll always be your wings," Nyx's much bigger palm cupped hers, giving it a little squeeze. "What have I done to deserve you, huh?" Zofie chuckled slightly, hoping to mask the sting in her eyes. Nyx crooked his head to the side. Watching her for a moment, "You didn't have to do anything. I'm the one who's lucky that you were born.".
Nyx's pov:
They had laughed through the whole flight back to the city. And the closer they got, the more Nyx dreaded it. He didn't care much about the shit he was going to get from Rhys. But it's the letting go part that pressed against his chest. He knew, for a fact, that if not tonight, then by the next morning they would be ushered back into the camps up the mountain. Yes, he was happy to learn and to earn a rank, but leaving her here felt like a dreadful task. Not to mention that they weren't allowed to write letters while they were up there. Not to mention that Nyx had a whole box of letters he had written for Zofie. Ones he had written while up there. Ones that no one would ever see.
Zofie had asked him to drop her off at the edge of the forest near the house. "Better if you don't just walk in. You know my dad," she said. However, Nyx felt it the minute Zofie's legs hit the snow beneath her. He had barely let go of her when the claws of darkness pulled him back, nearly sending him to his feet. But he expected this. Escaping the spymaster under the protection of his father's wards was one thing. The moment they were on the perimeter of Velaris, well, let's say that was Azriel's hunting territory. And that male always hunted as if he were starving.
Nyx had seen Azriel pissed more than once, but the frown on his face this time was unmatched. And accompanied by the dark circles beneath his eyes. Yeah, he looked as if he was out for blood. "You forgot yours, young man," the spymaster said through gritted teeth as his shadows roped around the princeling's ankles and wrists.
"Dad, that's enough." Zofie stomped through the thick snow, trying to get in between the two of them. Nyx wished she wasn't there. He hated it when she was there to witness their snarls. "You lost all sense of fun, uncle," Nyx said mockingly. His own hands grew dark, seizing the spymaster's dark, as cold gloominess chased all of Azriel's shadows away. "You had no right to take her like that," Azliel bit back; his wings were arched in a warning, but Nyx didn't skip a beat, doing just the same.
"No one took me," Zofie growled with a huff. And it was the way Azriel had turned back to look down at her that broke the last sense of logic within Nyx. It was the way his big frame looked toward her when Azriel snared, "I wasn't speaking to you, young lady," that undid Nyx. "Why?", he asked bitterly, "Because you forgot that she existed? The new child has already taken too much of your time?". It felt as if the whole world had stopped. Even the snowflakes seemed to have seized in their fall. "Nyx..." he said, meeting Zofie's pleading eyes. Saw her shaking her head in disapproval. But he was truly seeing red. No one had a right to make her. Make his sunshine feel small.
"What did you just say?" Azriel frowned, slightly taken back, but his demeanor was still predatory. The princeling only growled back at the shadowsinger. "Nyx for fuck sake," Zofie pleaded, panic raising to her features as she moved closer to her dad in hopes of putting distance between them. But it was for nothing when Nyx muttered, "You heard me loud and clear, spymaster." Nyx managed to spare Zofie one look. One look before his vision was interrupted by black dots as his head was wiped to the side from the impact. Zofie's shriek pierced the silence, rippling over every surface.
Nyx knew that, in a way, he deserved it, so it didn't surprise him. He had been messing with the habitat of fae males. One who had just become a father. One who's instinct to protect was on such high alert. But he had to. Had to stand up for her. "Papa, please," Zofie pleaded. Nyx wiped the warm liquid trickling down the side of his lip. Oh, he was not going to go down without a fight. "Please, let's just go home. Please, I'm sorry". Her tiny hands were grasping at Azriel's hands, trying to pull him back. "Don't you apologize for him," Nyx snarled, but Zofie's firey eyes met his as she muttered, "Shut up." Only now did Nyx notice the tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Only now did he see the quiver in her chin.
"Zof," Nyx breathed out, but the girl had simply turned her back on him. "Come on, papa, please," she pleaded once more, and this time it was enough to get Azriel's attention. His chest was still heavy as he breathed through his anger. "If I ever catch you doing anything like this," Azriel snarled, stepping forward to look at Nyx, but Zofie pushed back, putting all of her weight against her dad. "Consider yourself fucking lucky." Azriel flapped his wings a couple of times before reaching for Zofie's hand, tugging her alongside him as the shadows swallowed them both.
Your pov:
Quite frankly, you knew something was wrong from the moment you looked up to see Zofie's pale face when Novie was born. And deep down, you knew that this insecurity that was quite clearly blooming right in front of you was inevitable. You just didn't know it would take a turn like that. Zofie had always been good about voicing her discomfort, and you had always encouraged her to speak her mind, but it seemed as if your love had been lost in the shuffle of it all.
You knocked on her bedroom door gently. It's been a couple of hours since she and Azriel got back home. Your mate, mostly thanks to his lack of sleep, assumed that you both hadn't noticed your girl not being home and, and then hadn't felt them coming home. It was the stench of anger that was dripping from Azriel that was enough to let you know that a fight must have happened. And this sort of frustration as of lately was only brought on by one person.
Without getting an answer, you just let yourself in after a while. Zofie was curled up in a ball, and the blanket Azriel had knitted for her was tightly wrapped around her. That fact must have slipped her mind, considering the fight the two have been in. Sitting down on the very edge, you let your fingers gently brush through Zofie's dark waves.
"Sweetness, why don't you eat up? It's lunchtime", you said gently, nodding towards the plate of warm food you had brought up for her. She simply shook her head, turning away from your touch. A sharp ache pierced your heart. If your children were hurting, so were you. You climbed into the bed, nudging her slightly as you moved to wrap your arms around the girl. Let her be the little spoon.
Zofie laid as still as a statue for a moment before her arms snaked around yours. "Now he will never love me again," Zofie's voice was barely a whisper, but you still managed to hear her perfectly well. "Who, baby?" you asked, running your fingers up and down her arm. She stilled for a moment before looking up to catch your gaze and saying, "Papa." A breath hitched in your throat. "Lovie," you muttered.
Zofie quickly shuffled, sitting up. "First, I don't have wings; now he thinks I'm sneaking behind his back with Nyx," she blurted out in a rush, "And I'm not, I promise." She caught your arm, shaking it slightly. You cupped her face softly and said, "There is nothing wrong with you falling in love." Her face scrunched up so hard that you almost had to laugh. "I'm not in love. I'm not", she stated. "Okay, okay," you muttered, tapping her cheek playfully.
"And Azriel loves you, Zo." Your tone was much firmer now. You understood the fears. Mother, even you still had them. Wondering why? Why had Azriel chosen you, and what did he see in you? So for a teenager to have emotions like that, "He had loved you from the moment he saw you," you added.
Zofie bit her lip as if contemplating her next words for a moment, "But his yellow is fading", she admitted. Her colors. She found comfort in them, but good things usually come with baggage. Understanding the amount of emotion there was still a hard task. "That doesn't mean he stopped loving you. Maybe the color is evolving. Shifting into something different", you said softly. You made a mental note to ask her tutor to find her a book about the colors of emotions to read. Well, one that she hadn't already devoured.
"Hate," those silent words, made your mind halt. You shook your head. "Love has different forms; you'll learn that along the way," You reached up to carefully take her necklace between your fingers. "Papa is on edge right now because a lot of things are changing. He's sensitive because he's lost so much already. Losing all of us would break him without repair." It felt like a lot to unload on her, but she had to see that Azriel's love hadn't just faltered or disappeared because of Novie. Thinking like wings, no wings, scars on no, even the blood bond didn't matter to Azriel. Zofie pinched her eyebrows. "Is he home?", she breathed, "I need to...", "He's out on his broody walk, but I'm sure he'll be back soon," you said softly, reaching for the plate and handing it to her. She was desperate to make sure that she had at least some food in her stomach.
Nyx pov:
He had lost track of how long he had been flying. Nor did he know where he was going, but regardless of his endless attempts to escape it, Nyx knew that he would have to go home eventually. A part of him hoped that Rhys wouldn't have been able to sniff this one out, but then Nyx had lost track of his uncle fairly early on. So Azriel could have already been stomping his foot in his father's office.
"Purple truly suits you." As if on cue, Rhys's voice rang out. He was seated in front of a fireplace. A drink in hand. His usual black button-up shirt hugged his skin. Nyx didn't hate his father. He hated the high-lord aspect of him. Yes, he was different from most. Mother, spare anyone from a father like Beron, but... he still valued his position a bit too much at times. Nyx simply shook his head, shifting to move toward the back patio, but his father's voice stopped him, "I don't remember letting you walk away.".
Nyx let out a bitter chuckle, "Oh, so now I am to obey you too, like a servant?" It was bitter; he knew it. But Nyx just wasn't in the mood—wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this right now. "You're my son," Rhys stated firmly, his purple eyes gleaming. "Doesn't that just suit your story?" Nyx barked back, matching his father's glare. "Nyx," Rhys said in a warning tone, but the princeling was already walking. "I'll be with Mom," he breathed over his shoulder.
The wind that hit his face as he stepped outside soothed his heated cheeks. He always loved the walk towards his mother's gallery. It had always been his favorite time of the day when the two of them would go there. Gods, did he need to clear his head. Anything. Everything. All he could think of was her. Yet... two hands clasped his shoulders, making Nyx quickly spin back, putting whoever was behind him in a chokehold.
"Well, dang, you're on edge, my man," a familiar voice rasped out, and Nyx instantly let go, pushing the figure forward. "What the hell are you doing here?", he whispered. Axel simply smirked before shrugging, even if his eyes lingered on the library door for a bit too long. "I came to see how my dad painted your face," Axel chuckled, "Pretty." Nyx simply flipped his friends off and said, "Fuck off." Yet the corners of his lips did twitch slightly. Axel always had that effect on him. It was hard to not smile around him.
"She's okay," Axel muttered, making Nyx's eyes snap up at him. Yet he refused to give in to it. "I don't care," he said simply. Axel raised one eyebrow at his friend, tilting his head to the side, and, "Right, so you wouldn't care if I told you that mom got her to eat, and she's much calmer now." Nyx's shoulders eased a bit. Eased almost immediately. A calmness like no other washed over him as he nodded in agreement.
"She asked about you." Now these words struck a chord with Nyx, and his big eyes were instantly searching for Axel. "Did she?", Nyx breathed out desperately. Axel simply chuckled, slowly shaking his head, "No, but I love proving a point." Nyx let out a growl, "I'm so kicking your ass on the sparring mat." But he couldn't help but smile now. Because Axel knew him. And in a way, this was his silent way of approving. Or at least not stepping between him and Zofie.
But Axel's eyes lingered behind his friend, and Nyx's eyes instantly followed suit. Only he caught sight of white robes slipping back inside the library. Nyx instantly turned back to face Axel. "What was that?", he questioned. Axel blinked a couple of times, "What was what?". Oh, but Nyx wasn't stupid. "That look," he muttered, motioning his hand towards Axel's face, "Are you fucking a prestress?" Axel frowned at the question instantly, his eyes finally moving to gaze at his friend, "What the hell, man, wash your mouth." Nyx chuckled slightly, but he knew deep down that the moment they were going to be better on the camp walls, he was going to get his answers one by one. Now all he needed was his sun. His Sunny and for some reason risking a black eye didn't seem that big of a sacrifice.
Taglist: @sirenpearldust @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @naturakaashi @stressed-reader @woodland-mist @goldenmagnolias @nocasdatsgay
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hellodarling1357 · 5 months
Could I request Cassian taking care of sick reader? Love your writing!
Sick Days - Cassian x Reader
Of course you can!
I've just realised every fic I've posted the past week has had Cassian in the kitchen cooking, clearly I have a type
Enjoy 🥰
Word Count: 2.7k
The sunlight filtering through the crack in the curtains had you groaning and shoving your head further into your pillow – well, Cassian’s pillow. You were currently sprawled across the bed, burying yourself into his scent and longing for the warmth he had left behind.
With another groan, you forced yourself to sit up, blankets heaping into a pile around your waist, as you blearily blinked and looked around the room in a stunned manner. The pounding in your head was throwing you off but you knew for certain that, despite the closed curtains, the light peaking through meant it was well past morning and you had somehow slept for a few too many hours and missed training.
You heaved yourself up, stumbling over the sheets that wrapped around your feet and made your way to the bathroom. The splash of cold water on your face helped to clear the haze that encompassed your mind, but you still found yourself blinking back at your reflection with a frown – you looked like shit.
Bloodshot, glassy eyes framed by dark circles and a sallow, pale complexion stared back at you. A shudder ran through your body and you felt physically pained at the mere thought of getting dressed.
Still, you should at least try to do something productive with your day.
Clumsily wrapping your dressing gown around yourself, you headed towards the kitchen, thinking that maybe some food would get you feeling right again. Your heart softened as you walked into the brightly lit space, finding your mate with his back to the doorway as he put together his usual post-training breakfast.
“Well good morning, sleepy head,” he greeted, still with his back turned but obviously sensing you were there.
You made a noncommittal noise in response as you slumped onto one of the bench stools and continued to watch Cassian potter around the kitchen.
“I tried getting you up this morning,” he continued, “but you wouldn’t budge. Figured it was best to let you catch up on some sleep rather than get my head bit off about it later.”
He turned to you then with a teasing smile that quickly changed to one of concern as he took in your appearance and miserable expression.
“What’s wrong?” Breakfast long forgotten, Cassian was by your side in an instant, but you just brushed him off.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled back, “Think I just slept weirdly or something.”
Still looking at you with a worried expression, Cassian let you sit in silence for a minute as he got you a glass of water, encouraging you to take at least a few sips despite your reluctance. It did help, but the coughing fit that hit you afterwards took you back a step or two. Cassian ran soothing circles across your back, eyes full of concern.
“Y/N,” Another set of coughs before he continued, “Sweetheart, you’re sick. Come on, let’s get you back to bed.”
“Cass, I’m fine. Besides, got things to do today.” You refused to accept that you could be sick, making a show of giving him a big, thoroughly unconvincing smile as if to prove it.
“You’re not fine. Go back to bed, or run a bath if you think it’ll help. I’ll let Rhys know we’re both off the next few days.”
You grabbed his hand as he made to turn away, no doubt to find Azriel to let him know as well.
“Please, I am fine. It’s just a small cold if anything. Stop fussing over me. I’ve got to– “A tickle in your throat set off another fit of coughs. “I’ve got to go finish off some work.”
And with that you quickly walked out of the kitchen before he could convince you otherwise and made your way to the small office you used in the House of Wind to finish off said paperwork.
Cassian let out a sigh as you left. You had been together for over three centuries, he knew exactly how this would pan out and knew there was no point in telling you what to do; firstly, you would refuse the fact that you were sick until it hit you full blast and you were barely functioning then, still in denial, you would claim that you were “just a little bit sleepy” and end up curled up against him for the next few days feeling completely miserable.
So, no. Cassian wouldn’t force you to go back to bed or to take a break while you still felt ‘fine’, if anything it would just make you even more determinedly stubborn. Instead, he set out doing little things that would help you in the long run; a pot of soup simmering away on the stove top, impromptu massages, cups of water, and lots and lots of tea.
Azriel had cleared out upon hearing you were unwell. For starters, he didn’t want to get sick, and, despite loving you dearly, he also knew what a pain in the ass you could be when you were unwell and decided that it was Cassian’s problem to deal with.
With the supply run done, and instructions for the house set in place, Cassian started on his ‘get-Y/N-resting’ routine by knocking on your office door to ask if you wanted to have lunch with him out on the balcony. Finding that you had started to lose focus on your work, absolutely not because you were sick, of course, you agreed and followed him out. Cassian smiled to himself; he could tick off food and fresh air for now.
An hour later, he knocked on your door again, steaming cup of tea in hand that he set down beside you, checking over the desk and noting that the house had been filling up the jug of water as you drank it. Good.
“What’re you working on?” He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of you head as he stood behind you, hands coming up to your shoulders as he started to kneed away the tension.
“Just some… paperwork.” You had already forgotten what you had been trying to read for the past 15 minutes, having barely gotten past the first two sentences before attempting to process the information all over again. Shutting your eyes, you lent your head back against him and focused on the way his fingers felt as they massaged your shoulders and neck.
“Riveting stuff.”
“Hmm.” Was all you could think to reply.
Cassian gave your shoulders a final squeeze, pressing another kiss to the top of your head before taking his leave.
For the next hour, Cassian gave you your space and attempted to catch up on some of his own paperwork, one eye steadily watching the clock. When the hands ticked over to a random 17 minutes past the hour, so as not to cause any suspicion, he jumped back up and grabbed the fresh mug of tea the house had made appear beside him.
He cautiously poked his head into the office when his knock had received no answer, heart fluttering at the sight of you face first on the desk, a slight snore escaping you. Quietly placing the mug down, Cassian crossed the room and gently scooped you into his arms. He stilled when you stirred against him, finally continuing towards your bedroom when all you did was nuzzle your face closer against his chest, letting out a sigh as you took in his scent.
Cassian gently placed you on the bed, changing you into one of his old shirts that you loved to sleep in, before tucking the blankets tightly around you. He stripped down whilst properly shutting the blinds so no light could creep in and then made his way back to bed where he settled down beside you, absentmindedly playing with your hair as he reached out to Rhys and asked if he would be able to organise for Madja to put together a tonic for you.
“Cassie?” Your sleep filled voice had him looking down at you with concern; you only ever called him that when you were drunk or feeling really unwell.
“I’m here, sweetheart.”
“Okay,” You shuffled further into him, “Cassie, I’m not feeling well. I think I’m… I think I’m just gonna sleep for a bit.” You mumbled, causing him to smile slightly as he shifted further down the bed and wrapped his arms around you.
“Love you, Cassie.” He almost missed your whispered words that sent his heart beating at a rapid pace.
“I love you too, doll. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Feeling you beginning to stir beside him, Cassian carefully detached himself from your embrace and headed to the kitchen to put together a tray of everything you might possibly need including water, tea, tissues, crackers, bread, and soup. He quietly re-entered the bedroom, placing the tray on the small table before gently sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Y/N?” You blinked up at him with a sleepy smile.
“Hi,” You croaked then frowned at the rasp in your voice, with a groan asking, “How long was I asleep?”
Cassian helped you sit up, piling the pillows behind your back so that you could comfortably lean against them.
“Just over five hours,” He watched you for a moment as you blinked the sleep from your eyes, opting for the glass of water he had set down next to you. “Feeling any better?”
“Mhm,” You replied, “I feel fi– “
“Please don’t say you feel fine,” Giving you a warning glance, Cassian picked up the bowl of soup. “Now, you either put away your pride and try to eat just a few mouthfuls of this, or I will sit here and feed it to you myself. Either way, you need to eat something.”
Grumbling, you took the bowl from him and reluctantly ate from it. You gave your mate a look, hoping to prove the point that you were, in fact, fine, but he just rolled his eyes at you and lent against the headboard, letting a comfortable silence fall.
However, the more food you ate, the worse you started to feel.
“Cass…” He was there in an instant, taking the bowl from you as he pressed a soothing hand against your forehead.
“Shit, you’re burning up. What do you need?” He was already guiding the glass of water to your lips before you had even needed to ask for it.
“Thanks,” you quietly said, missing the glazed look that took over Cassian’s eyes as he reached out to Rhys asking if he could drop off the tonic from Madja, he was not going to be leaving your side anytime soon.
Cassian placed the empty water glass on the bedside table and gently pulled you against him, arms wrapping tightly around you and running soothing trails up and down your back as you rested your head on his chest and let out a miserable sounding sigh.
“Rest, sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.”
And with that your eyes fluttered shut again, slowly falling into a deep sleep, lulled by the warmth and comfort of your mate.
You weren’t sure how long you had been out when the sound of whispered voices from the other side of the door brought you back to consciousness. You had just sat up when Cassian reappeared, doing his best to close the door without disturbing you.
He looked up, startled to find you awake. Smiling softly, Cassian made his way over, sitting on the side of the bed and placing a kiss to your forehead.
“Any better? You’ve got a bit of colour back.” He observed as he started fussing with the pillows and blankets around you.
You grabbed his hands to stop him from adjusting everything for the third time and asked, “Who was that?”
“Rhys. I asked him to drop off a tonic for you, from Madja. Here.” He removed the stopper from the bottle and handed it over to you, eyes assessing your expression for any sign of your previous I’m-not-sick-I’m-fine attitude. To his relief, you drank it without complaint, the slight grimace at the taste being the only sign of any discomfort.
You slumped back against the cushions, still holding onto Cassian’s hand as you looked around the room in disdain.
“I hate this.”
“I know.”
“No, really. It’s the worst.”
“And if you rest, and let me help you, you’ll be better in no time.”
Giving Cassian an unimpressed look, you let out another sigh. You were feeling a little bit better now that you had slept and eaten, but you still weren’t feeling great.
“What are you even doing here?” You suddenly asked.
Cassian almost looked offended at your comment, fixing you with a questioning raise of an eyebrow.
“I just mean… Why are you here, now you’re probably going to get sick too. I don’t want to get you sick.”
“You won’t get me sick. Well, you might, but I really don’t care. You’ll be here to look after me, right?” The wink he gave you had a small smile pulling at the corner of your mouth.
“So,” He continued, “for now, you’re going to let me take care of you–”
“You already have been.” You interjected; Cassian brushed your comment away and pressed a chaste kiss to your hand.
“And part of me taking care of you is telling you that I love you, so, so much. While also being able to tell you that you’ve been in bed all day, and you’re starting to smell which is why I’m going to run you a bath and clean all of this up, so that everything is nice and fresh for when we cuddle later.”
Ignoring his jibe about you, apparently, smelling, you teased back, “I wonder what all of your soldiers would think about you, their brave, strong, fearless General, putting aside time to cuddle.” It didn’t quite hit the mark when you burst into a fit of coughs that had you letting out a small whimper in annoyance.
“I think,” Cassian said, helping you get out of bed once you had caught your breath, “they would be incredibly impressed after realising I’ve had to deal with your stubborn ass for the past 300 years.”
You poked your tongue out at him but still gratefully took his arm and let him guide you to the bathroom when your head began to spin at the sudden movement.
Helping you to undress and then lowering you into the warm water, Cassian kissed the top of your head and said, “I’ll be right back.”
You could hear him moving about in the bedroom and you willed your eyes shut as you listened to him, deeply breathing in the steam and the smell of the soothing bath oils.
Cassian re-entered the bathroom, placing a pair of your coziest pajamas on the bench before kneeling behind you where he softly started to wash your hair. More than content to relax into the soothing feeling of his fingers working their way through your scalp, you lent into his hands and let your mind empty, only moving when you were prompted to “move forward a little bit” or to “sit up” as your mate continued to help bathe you.
Sleep started to wash over you again as the tonic kicked in, sensing this, Cassian helped you out of the bath, drying and dressing you, before he picked you up and carried you over to bed. He helped you lean against his chest so that he could comb through you wet hair, the only noise filling the room were the soft noises you made at the feel of it.
“You’re too good to me,” You sighed once he had finished, resting your head against the pillow as you watched him get ready for bed, “thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, despite your protest of not wanting to get him sick, and asked, “Can I do anything else?”
“Hold me?”
You closed your eyes as Cassian’s arms wrapped around you, content on letting yourself drift to sleep with Cassian slowly trailing off beside you.
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“don’t move yet, please.” azriel grumbled, a sleepy haze over both his eyes and voice as a scarred hand wrapped around you elbow to holt you from showering.
you couldn’t be upset at him for stopping you from your usual routine when he looked like this— his growing, black hair tossled from both his slumber and your hands running through it as you put him asleep last night, your fingers massaging his scalp like you had every night. his plump lips were parted, small breaths entering and leaving his mouth calmly, as if he didn’t have a single worry in the world other than sleep and you. although his eyes were gently shut, you could sense he was awake and awaiting your company to crawl back into the warmth of his wing before clinging onto his bare torso once more. speaking of which, the beautifully sculpted body of his was nearly on full display for you, the navy comforter hanging low enough for you to see the dimples on his lower back as his wings hung low, one drooping off of the mattress and comfortably grazing the floor.
his back muscles contorted at he tugged you gently, dreaming of leading you back into bed and under his glorious wing where you belonged at this time every morning. but, you softly resisted.
“azie, baby, i have to go wash up and get ready. i have a date with mor in an hour and last time-“
“last time, you weren’t objecting.” he reminded you, his oceanic deep voice rough with sleep and exhaustion.
you almost shuttered at the remembrance of that wonderful wondering where you woke up with your mate between your legs, giving you hours of pleasure with just his pretty mouth until you were practically screaming the safeword in overstimulation… your best friend was not pleased that she was waiting at rita’s for three hours.
“that’s beside the point, you perv.”
his lips upturned ever so slightly, enough for you to notice but no one else would have they not memorized his every feature.
“you love how dirty i am, admit it, princess.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at azriel, your chest filling with a warmth from the bond, his way of telling you that he loved moments like this between you.
you bent down slightly from your sitting position to give him a kiss, one that said ‘i love this too’.
as your lips met, his eyebrows rose up ever so softly, the movement of your gentle lips on his causing him to wake up a little more.
his tongue swiped the bottom of your top lip, asking for permission to enter the mouth he called paradise. when you parted your lips for him, he entered without hesitation, exploring every inch just as he always did.
you allowed him a few minutes to enjoy himself, savoring the taste of him before you had to leave for a couple hours and not see him until dinner. for any one else, this wouldn’t have been as much as agony as you made it seem. but, the mating bond made every moment that you both were separated, feel like years.
when his hands began to wonder across your sacred places, you broke the kiss before things got too carried away— like they always had.
he groaned softly at the loss, his eyes fluttering open to observe you one last time.
“i have to get ready, azie.” you softly explained, your hand suddenly combing through his hair. “but, you’re more than welcome to join me- as long as you behave, that is.”
he smirked before propping himself up on his strong arm, his eyes raking down your body as it hid underneath the sheer night dress he bought you.
“i will if you do.”
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essenceofelegance · 4 months
Omg please please please do a part 2 for ratatouille with a happy ending. Please let it just be a misunderstanding 😭
Ratatouille (Pt. 2)
(Azriel x f!reader)
pt. 1
❥= fluff
ʚɞ = angst
Warnings: not proof read
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Before she met Az, she lived in her own little apartment right outside the city. She had thought about selling it prior to moving in with Az, but right now, she was really glad she didn’t.
As she unlocked the door to her apartment, nostalgia hit her hard. Here, nearly a century ago, she had accepted the sacred bond. Here is where she had offered Azriel a meal.
This was how she had spent the past two months.
She would try her best to avoid the Inner Circle around Velaris, without fail. She had even considered going to a distant family in Day.
She would even pat herself on the shoulder for doing such a good job at avoiding the Circle.
But she could not avoid her longing for her mate, the ache in her chest.
⋆ ★
"Y/N, please just open the Gods-damned door!" She buried her head into her pillow. The sound of her best friend's banging had awoken her from her slumber. With no choice, she walked up to the door. Still in a sleepy haze, she slowly unlocked the door. "Mor, what are you doing? It's the middle of the night." Her best friend had already let herself in. "Gods, Y/N, your house is a mess," she said, picking at the pile of clothes on the wooden floor. "Y/N, you have to go see Az. He hasn't been himself, we're all worried about him. And I was right to worry about you. Look at you." The girl knew her best friend was right. She was a mess; she had tried to deny it, but she was not doing well away from her mate.
She ran her fingers through her disheveled hair. She closed her eyes as if considering something. After a moment, she said, "Let's go."
⋆ ★
She sensed him before she could see him.
Azriel had concealed himself in his shadows, his shadows frantic after sensing their owner's mated lover.
The friends peered through Azriel's door.
"He's been like this since you left. It seems impossible, but he's getting worse," the girl hummed.
"And what of Elaine?" she turned to her best friend. "Rhys is keeping her in the town house. We've all agreed that it would be best to keep them apart."
The girl chuckled. "So it took all of you to keep them away from each other,  huh?" Mor shook her head. "N/N, you know I didn't mean it like that. Just go talk to him, please. If not for you, then for the Circle." With that, her best friend stalked away, giving the girl a final pat on her shoulder.
⋆ ★
The moment she stepped into her mate's room, his shadows rushed over to her, covering the small of her back, pushing her towards her mate. "Az, it's me," she attempted, "I'm here now," slowly walking over to her mate, careful not to startle him. Slowly but steadily, she put her hands onto her mate's shoulders, rubbing small circles with her thumbs.
The male looked up at her with tired eyes. "Oh, Az..." the girl cradled Azriel's head into her chest, enveloping his body with hers, gently holding his head. "Love..." Azriel buried his head further into her chest. "I did not sleep with Elaine, I did not touch her." The girl did not know what to think. "I spent time with her because she was in a bad place. I know Nesta or Feyre could have taken her, but I had just..." she stared into those oh-so-beautiful hazel eyes. "I was so entranced by the idea of three brothers, three sisters. I did not mean to neglect you like that. Y/N, I cannot live without you." She observed his face, sincerity and love in those hazel eyes she loves. "I will change for you, I will do anything if it means I will earn your forgiveness." How could she ever say no to that face?
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@one-big-fangirl @peachcontour-blog @impossibelle
A/N: okay i have an excuse for my shit writing. i can justify it. english is not my first language. this is so bad i can’t even bring myself to proofread it.
Copyright © 2023 Emory Belrose. All rights reserved. 
Translation of my work of any kind is not allowed and will not be appreciated unless consented to.
Please do not re-upload my work on any platforms without permission.
Any reblogs, comments, likes, shares, and follows are appreciated.
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writingsbychlo · 11 months
how ‘bout a cheeky morning drabble I was thinking about last night before bed?
(I’m honestly so grateful I even remembered it, lol)
You awoke to the sound of your window pane sliding up, curtains rattling along the pole as they were shifted aside to let the silvery moonlight spill into your room. Despite your exhaustion and sleepiness, panic still shot through you, and you lay silently in your bed for one second, two, before the soothing caress of a shadow across your cheek put you at ease.
“Jus’ me.” Your best friend whispered, purposefully making noise with his entry to set you at ease. As he slid the window shut and locked again, he closed the curtains, plunging the room back into darkness, save for the glow of the siphons channelling his power. “Hey.”
“Az,” you groaned, rolling over and clutching your pillow a little closer to your chest. “It’s the middle of the fucking night.”
“I know, but I just got back.” He muttered, taking off his boots and lining them up neatly alongside your own.
“You stink, shower first.” You muttered, and he scoffed, disappearing from your bedroom with silent stealth a moment later.
It was unclear when exactly this tradition had started with your best friend, or why, you just knew that it now excited. More often than not, after missions of several days, you’d find Azriel coming to you on the evenings of his return, and he’d find himself in your bed afterwards, simply needing company. It happened so much, now, it was more like routine.
As he’d showered and cleaned himself up, you’d almost managed to doze back off, falling into that land between sleep and consciousness, where everything just felt a little hazy. However long it had been, Azriel smelled much better by the time he returned.
He smelled like lavender shampoo and your favourite sleep tea from the kitchen, which you picked up on his breath as he crawled across the mattress towards you.
He wasn’t shy with his demands anymore, only chuckling at the groan you let out as he grabbed for your hips, flipping you onto your back instead of your side. Under the blankets and snuggled into your chest, he let out a content sigh as you huffed.
“You’re a pain in my ass, shadowsinger.”
“Play with my hair.” He only met you with his demand, a shadow lifting your lazy wrist up to lay your hand across his head, fingertips burying in the still damp locks. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You caved, beginning to scratch through his hair lightly until he all but purred, the sound only putting you back on the brink of hazy sleep once again.
Burying your nose in the hair atop his head, you took several deep inhales, the mixed scents of him and your products washing over you like a soothing balm, and your fingers started feeling too heavy to even move properly anymore.
You twisted, every intent with your slow actions to leave a comforting kiss on his forehead, but that’s when he moved too. Tipping his head up, your lips met not his forehead, but the side of his mouth, his lips puckered against your own as you both froze for a second, hesitating, stuck in half a kiss and a lot of confusion.
And yet, there was no lightening strike of fear or panic. No horror that left you wife away and reeling with worry. There was comfort, and calm, and Azriel seemed to feel it too, and he only tipped his head millimetres more to the side as he came back in.
His lips pressed to your own again; soft and wet and warm, and you sighed against his mouth as you kissed him back. Slow drags, sleepy pulls, your fingers weaving through his hair one last time before he was letting out a content whine, and collapsing back down onto your chest.
Silence lingered for a few moments, your smiling lips tingling in the dark as unconsciousness hovered at the edges of your mind, ready to take you over once again.
“Is this a dream already?” He whispered into the dark at last, arms tightening around you, as though confirming you were real. “Should we talk about it?”
“Talk is for the morning, sleep is for now.” You replied, ticking your nose against the top of his head, and leaving the intended kiss to his hairline. He returned the gesture to your collarbone. Shadows settled around you both then, your heart beating slow and steady, but so much stronger now, feeling his even pulse doing the same. “Go to sleep, honey.”
He already had.
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anavixxx · 1 month
Elriel month, new beginnings:
'first I love you.'
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Elain looked up at Azriel, who was lying on a king size bed right next to her, with her sleepy brown eyes.
He smiled at her for what happened to be one second after he saw tears in her doe eyes. His smile fell from his face as he cradled his scarred palms into her light-brown hair, shadows shivering around their naked forms. Azriel stroked her head with his thumbs as he asked, “Is something wrong?”
Elain said nothing. Azriel thought how she was always quiet like this three years ago, when she had been turned into High-Fae.
Very quiet, very calm, very small, so fragile, so very sad looking… just like now. Except, now she was in his arms and she shouldn’t be, he remembered.
His eyes was suddenly sad too. Elain moved her one delicate hand from his chest to his silky hair. Shadows vanished from his face at the movement. Azriel had longer hair than normally and it wasn’t because he wanted, but he didn’t have time for himself. He worked hard, because if he wasn’t he’d think of Elain and how her mate keep courting her.. or worse. He’d get her and run away. On the continent, where she wants to go. He’d go with her, he promised. And when he wasn’t working he was sneaking with her, behind his brothers and her sister’s backs, behind everyone’s backs. It wasn’t fair. He wanted to give her everything. And he would, he promised again.
She moved strand of his black hair behind his right ear. Azriel started stroking Elain’s cheek in his large palm. There’re tears rolling down. She was crying quietly and he wondered if it was because she used to cried herself out loud to sleep before, that she now didn’t have enough strength to do so - crying loud.
Elain’s palm remained on his ear. Her pale fingertips tracing shape of his rounded ear. So opposite of her pointed ones and on the other hand exactly the same as people have.
Och, my Elain..
Azriel thought. He knew now.
She was touching his ear so gently he couldn’t tell if it was her or gentle breeze which were sneaking in through open windows, through which he crept in.
He opened his mouth to apologise. He didn’t even know why he wanted to, but he felt shattered. He wanted her to be happy here. Happy like her sisters.
But he stopped himself as Elain spoke, “I miss it.. sometimes,” she smiled sadly. He didn’t said anything. He knew she meant her life as a mortal woman.
“We lived poorly in our shack. Our father wasn’t exactly the best father, but he was our father. I think I was happy, I had everything I wanted.. selfishly. Garden, Nesta’s love, Feyre’s money, new clothes.. Nesta wasn’t suffering that much, I thought, because our mother was dead,” Elain snorted, still caressing Azriel’s ear.
Azriel’s shadows now loomed from behind his massive batwings. He felt them rustling. Listening carefully.
“Then we got estate from Tamlin. I organised balls, I had some new clothes, bigger garden even, fiancé.. We forgot about my little sister except Nesta.”
sorrowful.. melodic voice is sorrowful..
Shadows whispered through Elain’s fingers to his right ear. They’re dancing with her fingertips now. As if they wanted to comfort her, soothe her.
She continued, “I didn’t feel ashamed for the first time in my life, because I didn’t remember Feyre, what she went through thanks to us. About what I was thinking plenty back in our poor shack," Azriel was listening carefully with hazel eyes, more yellow than green tonight, big as a bumblebees which were visiting Elain’s garden.
“What I want to say is, I think it was the happiest time in my life, in that estate,” she whispered, tears didn’t stop rolling.
Azriel felt jealousy, anger, confusion, sadness. Because, he wanted to be the centre of happiest point in her life, because…she was his.
“I don’t want you to feel stressed about us. I know we’re both suffering. I’ll wait Azriel. Oh, mother, I want to wait for our happily ever after. I believe in it. I think.. I’d life the happiest life then," she moved closer to him and Azriel started sobbing.
Shadows shrouded them both. Caressing their faces, dancing across Elain’s pale cheeks and chest. soothed Azriel with gentle whispers.
Elain smiled at Azriel, her big dreamy eyes flickering with something.. She cupped his rounded ear. As she was leaving her past. Closing her old self. "I love you, Azriel." She whispered to him. Azriel closed his wet eyes and took a deep breath, before he opened them again.
"You’re the happiest point of my entire existence Elain, I’m so in love with you," she batted her long eyelashes at him and then she kissed him fiercely.
The End.
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azsazz · 1 year
Dead by Dawn (Part 2)
Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Summary: Zombie!AU: It’s been a while since the end of the world.
Warnings: Blood, gore, injury, graphic depictions of violence, eventual poly!relationship, undead, death.
Word Count: 2,789
(Part 1)
Night 189
You hate waking Feyre, you really do.
Neither of you hardly ever sleep these days, and for once on a mattress so soft, so inviting, so luxurious. You almost don’t wake her, jealousy rearing its hot head in your side that you won’t be able to rest on it.
“Fey?” You ask, softly shaking her shoulder.
You feel her body stiffen beneath your hand and you know instantly that she’s awake. The both of you have learned to become light sleepers, a survival tactic that was quickly picked up. That, and having someone to always keep watch.
Feyre sits up quickly, hand unconsciously reaching for her weapon as her eyes search frantically around the room, looking for signs of danger. She’s immediately on high alert.
She blinks once, twice, gathering herself after seeing no imminent threat. There’s a red mark on the side of her face from where she’d curled it under her cheek for a pillow. She studies you for a moment, taking in your furrowed brows and the way you’re tugging your lips between your teeth nervously. She understands that something isn’t right.
“What is it?” she slurs slightly. She feels like she’s been hit with a pile of bricks, and she’s exhausted. The plush mattress beneath her had been the best hug, and seeing that familiar look on your face the cushy bed beneath her turns suffocating. She clears her throat, and her voice loses its sleepy rasp as she slides her legs off of the mattress, tugging on her shoes as fast as she can. “Zoms?”
“Eh, no,” you scratch the back of your head, “S’people this time.”
Her hands still. “People?” Feyre looks up at you for confirmation.
You haven’t seen people in a long time.
“How many?”
She stands from the bed. “How big?”
“Bigger than us.”
Her brows furrow and a deep frown forms as she contemplates. The only weapons between the two of you are a short blade and a rusty gardening scythe. Odds aren’t looking good.
“Think we can take ‘em?”
“One of them is injured, I think, but it’s not a good idea.”
Feyre nods, chewing on her lip thoughtfully. She’s balancing the odds, you know. The situation isn’t ideal, but you’re running low on nearly all supplies, and maybe they have something that can be of use to the two of you. It’s nearly getting to the point of every woman for herself out here.
She fastens her holster tighter around her waist and nods, “Let’s go then.”
“What if they have guns, Fey?” The worry is as clear in your tone as it is on your face, with your eyebrows drawn together and your eyes widening. You try not to react to the spine tingling shudder clawing its way up your back as you think of the last time you’d encountered humans. It hadn’t gone well.
“We just have to be careful,” Feyre explains, “We’ve dealt with worse. Okay?”
You sigh, shaking your head sadly. There is no other choice, this town has been emptied of the resources that actually matter these days.
“(Y/N), I don’t want to do this either,” she starts. She’s only half lying, but she won’t let you see the way her hands shake at the thought of trying to overpower three men, even if one is injured. She’s hopeful, has been since you met her, and you’re worried it will be her downfall. She’s been lucky so far, unlike you. “But it’s a zom eat zom world out there, and we have to do this to survive.”
The same conclusion you’d come to. Hearing it out loud doesn’t lessen the incessant coiling in your stomach.
“I know,” you sigh. You, on the other hand, don’t trust easily, which is why she and you work well together. She might be a glutton for survival, brilliant in that aspect of the apocalypse, but you’re the voice of reason. Unfortunately, this isn’t a decision that offers an easier solution.
The two of you will do anything to survive.
Even if it means killing other humans.
“Hey,” she says softly, placing her hands on your shoulders, “We have to eat too, (Y/N).”
It’s times like these that you can’t believe you’ve only met her a few weeks ago. You’d quite literally run into each other, a horde of zoms chasing after the both of you. There hadn’t been time to grapple for weapons or try to wrestle the bag off of her back, instead clutching each other's arms tightly as the zoms crowded in. You remember the terror in her piercing gray eyes and had made the split decision to drag her down the only way the undead weren’t blocking.
She’d been with you ever since.
You release a breath and nod more firmly. You know that you’re in desperate need of food and water, as you had just shared your second to last can of beans. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
As Feyre readies herself – forcing her tired eyes wide open and giving her cheeks a couple of slaps – you brief her on the three figures you saw run into the store across the street, pointing to the run down building out the murky window.
“Fey,” you grab her arm as she steps out into the street, “What if he’s bit?”
“Then he should be happy about what we’re going to do,” she replies quickly, but the slight quiver to her tone tells you that it’s the last thing she wants.
Killing the live ones was just…different. Harder to forget.
She leads the way out the back of the clothing store. The door creaks on its rusty hinges and you cringe, but you’re ready all the same, watching Feyre’s back for zombies. She shoves the door shut quickly, cursing at the high pitched grind it makes as it swings closed. It’s not so loud that the three men across the block will be able to hear it, but it sounds like a scream compared to the eerily silent night.
“C’mon,” she whispers, taking the lead.
You creep through the back alley as quietly as you can. Feyre notices you limping slightly, your jaw clenched tightly against the pain and a sense of guilt washes over her. She should have let you rest first, maybe elevated your leg, but she’d given into her selfishness too easily today and let you take the first watch.
Her steps falter for a second and she almost turns to usher you back to the safety of the abandoned clothing store but at the last moment changes her mind. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts. You both needed resources more than rest.
“Alright (Y/N)?”
Only then do you realize she’s been whispering a plan to you.
She huffs a frustrated breath. Leave it to you to miss the plan.
Feyre counts to ten. She tries to calm herself but she’s pissed. She’d barely gotten any sleep, you’re both in constant danger, and you’re not helping by not listening.
She knows that she should give you the benefit of the doubt, but in such a time like this she can’t be bothered.
“You’re going up there first,” she points impatiently to the fire escape. “Wait for me and we’ll sneak in through the window. See? It’s already open.” 
You squint up to the second floor, where indeed, the window is missing. It must be an attic or a storage room of sorts. If it’s a cafe maybe there will be some sort of abandoned food. Your saliva thickens and your stomach growls loudly at the thought.
“Once we’re both up there, we split up. Hopefully they’ll be sleeping and it’ll be an easy kill. We go through their stuff and then we’re out of here. Got it?”
“Got it,” you whisper back. You tuck the knife back into your belt and then Feyre is there, helping boost you up to the lowest rung of the ladder. The bottom half has been broken off (or rusted away, you’re not completely sure but it’s nowhere to be seen on the ground).
You struggle for a moment, grappling with the metal as you try to support your own weight. There’s little muscle left on your arms, and they’re burning by the time you’ve caught your balance on the bottom rung. Peeking down at Feyre, you see her looking around the alley to make sure it’s still clear. When her gaze meets yours again and she catches you frozen in place, she waves frantically up at you, a signal that you better get your ass moving.
You make your way up the ladder as silently as you can. When it groans under your weight you pause and hold your breath. Your heart is in your throat and it’s difficult to hear anything but the raging drums in your ears. You strain to listen but there’s no sounds of warping metal or screws being stripped of their threads, so you continue your climb.
You only let out the breath you’re holding when the ladder turns into stairs.
Peering over the railing, you wave Feyre up.
The girl on the ground backs up a few steps before she’s sprinting forward and jumping to grab onto the first rung of the ladder. She’s always been athletic, or at least that’s what she told you, and she doesn’t have an injured knee, so it’s a fairly easy task for Feyre.
She pulls herself up with an ease that you’re jealous of, her ability to move so swiftly and silently.
Feyre nods towards you, a silent agreement of what you have to do.
You slide your knife from its home on your hip, and then Feyre’s slipping into the window.
You follow closely behind.
You’ve only just pulled your other foot inside of the room before someone’s knocking the weapon from your hand and slamming you up against the wall, a hand clasped around your throat.
Your head cracks against the brick wall and you see stars, stunned by the strength of whomever had grabbed you. Their hand is warm, calloused deeply, you can feel the warped texture of it against the smooth skin of your neck, clamped tightly over your pulse points.
You claw at their arm once the shock wears off and the adrenaline kicks in. You don’t care that you’re probably breaking skin. Good. You try to move further up the arm, over the bulging muscles to claw at their face but their reach is far longer than yours and you end up swiping at the air like a fool.
The breath is caught in your throat – not only from the firm grip they have around your esophagus – but also because of the man the large hand belongs to.
He towers over you, easily a whole foot taller than both you and Feyre. The moonlight casts through the open window, illuminating his dark features. His plump lips are set into a firm line and his eyes are blazing with anger and what you think might also be a tinge of fear. His inky black hair falls across his equally dark brows, the heat and effort from carrying his friend has the tendrils damp with sweat.
You know that you should be scared out of your wits, but if you’re dying you’re glad it’s by the hand of this handsome man and not by the hand (teeth) of a zom.
The ice cold barrel of a gun presses into your temple, an icy promise of death. Okay, now you’re scared out of your wits.
“Say goodbye,” he spits at you, cocking the gun back. His voice is like darkness and gravel, and you lie to yourself and say that the goose bumps pimpling over your flesh is from the gun and not his low timbre.
Your heart hammers in your chest and you feel dizzy. Where the fuck is Feyre?
You can’t help the little smirk that tugs at your lips as you watch his golden eyes widen slightly in fear as the curve of Feyre’s blade coils around his neck likes the whispers of fluid tattoos you’re just now noticing. The tip of her scythe comes to rest right below his Adam’s apple.
The hand wrapped around your throat loosens just slightly.
“Put the gun down,” Feyre’s voice is quiet yet firm, threatening, “Before I fucking slit your throat.”
You watch the man think through his options. His throat bobs and your gaze follows the slow trail of blood from the nick in his neck down to where it soaks into the collar of his dark shirt.
The gun is slowly removed from your head and you grab it in shaky hands before Feyre can tell you to. You slide out of his grip, shuffling a few steps away, aiming it right at the attractive man’s head.
“Don’t make any sudden moves,” you demand.
“No, you don’t make any sudden moves,” a new voice says, startling the both of you. Another man enters the room, his gun raised and aimed at Feyre. He’s shorter than the boy that was pinning you to the wall, but his stature exudes power. His hair is also dark, and you think that they could be related maybe, by the similar structure of their faces.
You immediately turn your gun to point it at him, but you spare a nervous glance to Feyre who’s gaze hasn’t left the man she’s got under knifepoint. Smart girl. That’s the last thing you want her to do, look over to the other handsome man. You don’t need her attention drawn so that the taller man can slip out of her grasp and take her down.
“You shoot her and I shoot you. Then I shoot your friend,” you find yourself saying, voice even. It surprises you.
The man with the gun seems stumped for a moment before he turns his gun on you. Your heart halts in your chest. “Then I’ll kill you.”
“And I’ll kill Shadow,” Feyre answers with a roll of her eyes, nodding at the man she’s holding captive.
The man makes a face at the nickname but stays otherwise still.
“Do it, Rhys,” the one in Feyre’s grasp replies harshly, kile he’ll do anything to keep the other boy safe.
“What? I’m not letting them kill you Az,” the man – Rhys – says desperately.
Az. You mouth his name and it tingles on your tongue.
Az pinches the bridge of his nose, “For fucks sake Rhys–”
“No,” Rhys cuts off his friend.
Their banter is annoying and you’re beginning to think it’s some sort of way to distract you and Feyre because there are three of them and only two are here with you in the room.
You jolt into action, taking one step closer to Az. You ignore the gun Rhys is pointing at your face.
“Go get his gun,” you tell Feyre quietly. She wears a questioning look on her face, her bright gaze flicking between you and Az’s broad shoulders.
With a nod of encouragement, she moves. She’ll ask later.
She pushes Az away from her but he’s so large that he hardly gives a step closer to you. Your gun stays locked on Rhys, but as soon as Feyre takes a step closer to him, it swings to land on her.
There’s a zip of electricity in the air as their gazes meet and it makes everyone’s spine straighten painfully.
Your gaze flicks to the man holding the gun to your friend. Rhys has deflated a little, no longer standing in a threatening pose with his chest puffed out. With the quick glance you take you catch the slight tremor in his hands and the fear in his eyes, despite the edge to his voice.
“Fey, get the gun. He’s not going to shoot you,” you order, calmly returning your stare to Az, who’s watching you through narrowed eyes.
“Like hell I won’t,” Rhys threatens as Feyre takes another cautious step forward. “Don’t come any closer, darling.”
“Fey,” you talk over him sternly. You’re not fucking around. Not this time.
“How do you know, (Y/N)?” Feyre questions, clearing her throat a little. Her voice sounds unlike her own, as if she’s watching herself from miles away.
I know because I’m not capable of shooting either. 
“Because if he does, I kill his friend, then him, then their friend downstairs.”
Both men turn to gape at you. Clearly they didn’t know that you’d seen them dragging their friend across the seemingly abandoned town.
Feyre takes the chance now that Rhys is caught off guard, lurching forward to grab the gun from his hands.
Only Rhys is too quick and pulls the trigger.
(Part 3)
Taglist: @writingsbychlo @kemillyfreitas
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