#so flew himself into the sun bc it was too much to live with
spideystevie · 1 year
💘 hellooo, i’m so excited for your valentine’s house party! so here’s my prompt, hope you feel inspired w this one bc it’s giving me butterflies tbh “trying to hide a blush in the mornings because their morning/sleepy voice is a little too nice to listen to” from the fourth list with our guy rooster <3 idk why but roommate!rooster just hits real hard for me
this prompt was sooo cute and so real, i was so excited to write it. roommate!rooster hits hard for me too anon! and i hope i did him justice <3 - [0.7k] | join the party!
You weren’t too keen on the idea of a roommate initially. Especially when you had only just recently moved to a new city. But your friend knew a friend who had a spare room you could have and the rent was cheaper than anywhere else you’d looked. 
When you moved in, you hadn’t expected your roommate to be so, well, pretty. He was tall, his skin a golden sunkissed shade and his hair looked equally so. His eyes were warm and inviting like his smile and he had a neatly trimmed mustache sitting just above the curve of his upper lip. 
Your friend had also neglected to mention that he was a naval aviator. You weren’t sure why the fact that he flew around in giant, expensive hunks of metal for a living made him the slightest bit more attractive to you. 
Rooster, as your friend knew him, had come to prove himself to be arguably the best roommate you’d ever had. You hadn’t quite expected that. In fact, you had mentally prepared yourself that he’d be messy and gross and awful just to be pleasantly surprised in the end. 
The one downfall that came to living with Rooster was that goddamn voice of his in the morning. You could handle the low hanging sweats or plaid pajama pants and tight fitting black t-shirts he’d wear, just barely. But his voice in the morning almost felt like a deal breaker. 
Maybe you were just being dramatic. But hearing him say your name through a yawn and wish you a good morning with his voice shrouded in sleep was enough to have you falling to the floor.
Okay, you were definitely being dramatic. 
It’s a Saturday morning and you’ve woken up before him which is unusual. You use it as an opportunity to make the two of you breakfast, feeling ambitious when you find the pancake mix in the cupboards. The sun’s fully above the horizon, birds chirping outside the windows when you hear him come down the hall. 
He’s wearing plaid pajama pants this morning and an old navy t-shirt that seems to fit smaller than it once did. He yawns and tries to stifle it with one of his fists. A pinch forms between his eyebrows when he sees you cooking in the kitchen. 
“Morning, Rooster,” you greet, flipping a pancake on the griddle. There’s still traces of sleep on his face as he passes by to the coffee machine, the smallest smile on his face. 
“You know you can call me Bradley, right?” he asks and there it is. His voice is thick, still heavy from a good night’s sleep. It’s almost gravelly, rough around the edges and a notch deeper than usual. You chew on the inside of your cheek. As much as it drove you insane, it was almost too sweet to listen to. 
“Right. Bradley,” you say. You’re trying to fight off the rapidly arising butterflies in your stomach purely just from the sound of his morning voice. He comes to stand by you just as you’re sliding the pancakes off the griddle and onto a clean plate nearby. 
The proximity is making your heart race and you hope he can’t hear it. 
“These for me?” he asks. You glance at him briefly and then at the small stack of pancakes and nod, smiling at him. You can feel a heavy warmth rising in your face and up to your ears, down to your chest at the sound of his voice. God, you needed to get a grip. 
Bradley picks up the plate and in a split second decision, presses a chaste kiss against your cheek, his lips soft and his mustache brushing against your skin. It’s over as soon as it starts but it sets your heart and mind ablaze.
You freeze for a moment and your face feels scalding now. You hope he couldn’t tell just how warm your skin was when he kissed it. 
He sits at one of the kitchen barstools, facing where you stand pouring the rest of the pancake batter onto the griddle for your own breakfast. A pleased groan gets caught in his throat when he takes a bite. 
“This is so good,” he praises and you press your lips together to contain a grin. Your chin tucks against your chest only just, hoping it’ll hide whatever kind of blush or bashful look you’ve got right now.
His eyes twinkle as he looks at you, unbeknownst to you, a smile toying at his lips.
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Hi dear! How are you? How have you been?I'm sorry for bothering, but can I request Chuuya and Dazai fighting for y/n? And how would it be? You can ignore this if you want!
Thank you for reading this, have a lovely day!!<3
Ok ok ok I'm back! Hello! Sorry for not posting, shits been wierd. Anywho, I had to write this as chaotic mafia trio Dazai and Chuuya bc two petty teenagers who are also super powerful? The chaos is endless. Hope you enjoy this and come back soon :))
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The three of you weren't kids anymore. That much was completely obvious. But you weren't adults, either. You had entered the acne prone, awkward crushes, too-long limbs and growing pains era of your lives. That's right;
the unholy trinity of the port mafia had become true teenagers.
While never truly disciplined the way the rest of the mafia was, the three of you still took orders. That changed, to Mori's growing irritation, the older you got. At nineteen, the three of you were all but flipping him the finger any chance you felt you could get away with it. (Always.) But aside from making Mori wished he could shoot all of you in the foot, the boys had their own problems. And that problem had a name that meant death by the time it was 15; that problem had bright eyes and a wicked smile and smelled like the sweet cold of a winter morning.
Y/n L/n, final third of the mafia's prodigies, was a problem. And it just so happened that today was your birthday.
Like always, you were up with the sun; and no, you didn't get up. But the light from the sun was gentle through your windows, the sheets were perfect on your skin, and-
and there was a thud coming from outside your door.
Only two people in the world would dare make that much noise this early. And when you swung the door open, you were faced with the cheeky smile of one Osamu Dazai.
"Goooood morning y/n!!" He sang as he presented an arm of roses to you with a grandiose bow. "And happy birthday!" Stepping into your room, he leaned in while you shut the door behind you. "We're gonna get so fucked up today."
For all of his bravado, though, he could still feel his heart in his throat when you pulled his shirt front and muttered, "for both your sakes, I don't want to be able to walk straight for a week after today."
"Oh y/n," he laughed, "you'll be lucky if we're done celebrating a week after today. Now pack your bags; we wont be back."
An hour later, freshly showered and dressed, you sat with a coffee outside a small cafe when idiot number two appeared. Similarly to the first, he was trying to hide the blush on his cheeks when you smiled at him, oblivious to what you were doing to him. Gently, he pressed a small black box into your hands and kept his eyes on yours as they widened. The knives were stunning- long handled and perfectly crafted, the tips on the blades so fine their promised to draw blood at the smallest touch. But at the base of the hilt, two silver letters curved through the metal, studded with diamonds so small and delicate you nearly thought them one solid stone. Your initials in diamonds, on the most beautiful knives you'd ever seen.
Chuuya couldn't stop himself from raising his middle finger behind your back to the bench Dazai was spying from not too far way as you hugged him.
The well off drink champagne at birthday dinners.
The wealthy drank cognac and whiskey.
But three extravagant 20 year olds had found themselves in the vineyards of Italy, surrounded by pyramids of rainbow bubbles, wines, and amber liquids just begging to be tasted. All through the surrounding olive trees, small golden lights flashed to peculiar rhythms, all set around a round table set with the richest food you could imagine. Once again, Chuuya had Dazai beat- the wine fanatics dinner arrangements were nothing short of impeccable. But after hours eating, laughing, drinking, (and running from club to club until three in the morning) it was Dazai's turn again. Back on a plane you went, sleep overtaking you as you flew south. When you woke up again, the world had changed into a tropical paradise; one you would find out Dazai had taken the liberty of reserving for the three of you.
Two days on the island had treated you well; you sighed happily as you stretched out, the sun beaming down on your now-glowing skin. Down at the water, Dazai and Chuuya tried to pretend like each wasn't watching the other watch you.
"Private island? really?" Chuuya's voice was full of comtempt as he tried to shove Dazai under the crystal blue waves.
"You're one to talk, Mr. Monogrammed knives."
"At least I opened with something better than roses. What movie did you get that cliche from, asshole?"
"Oh just wait." Dazai's smirk meant whatever it was, Chuuya wouldn't like it. "Once the sun goes down, it's over for you, Nakahara."
Feet bare, you stepped onto the sleek boat, the water turning gold with the last shreds of sun. As your island became smaller and smaller, the water grew darker and darker around you. The stars came out, the moon appeared, and then, just as the boat had slowed, you dipped your feet into the waves.
And the water lit up.
When your feet touched the warm surface, it lit up in fluorescent blue. Gasping, you swept your hand through to the same effect- hearing your laugh, Dazai knew you'd seen, and held your shoulders while you leaned over the edge.
"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Your amazed laugh was all the response he needed. With renewed fervor, the boat moved through the waves, sending light across the rippling ocean. You stayed there for hours- floating in the calm sea of the coast of your island, swimming in the perfect waves, and falling asleep all over one another on the way back.
Both were respecting to go back to their own cabins after saying goodnight to you- after arguing over who'd done better this year of course, but you didn't give them the chance. One second, you were laughing like kids again, the next, all three of you were passed out, Dazai's head on your lap and your head resting on chuuya's shoulder.
And right then, it didn't matter who loved who- it was just you and your friends and three people always ready to kill, die, and party like the world was ending.
But only if you got to do it together.
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wanderersbell · 1 year
Hi can you write something for scara and his s/o growing old? Well scara can't age but his s/o can! I would prefer it to be kinda cute but also sad.
until death do us part
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wanderer x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst, hurt no comfort
warnings: major character death, very sad ending
word count: 2491
✧.* a/n: took me a while to get to this bc i kept crying thinking about it but here it is! i am so sorry in advance this is really sad, but enjoy!
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nothing would make him regret getting to spend your life with you, not even the day he’d inevitably lose you. 
no amount of wishing or praying would stop you from returning to the soil of the earth one day and becoming nothing but another memory. the wanderer knew that eventually, he’d lose you too. just like everyone else he had once loved, you were no exception to the passages of time that sow life and death within the fate of humanity. 
the first time he met you, this thought passed through his mind in a fleeting whisper when your magnetic pull started to reel him in against his will. the soothing trill of your laughter and the kindness in your eyes reminded him so much of a time before pain was all he knew, that he could already picture the way the light would fade out of your eyes if he let his guard down and flew too close to the sun again. 
but no matter how hard he tried to avoid it, every path he went down lead him right back to you in the end. you who insisted with utmost sincerity that he come over for tea since he so graciously helped your grandpa harvest crops the other week. you who would pour him a cup, strong and bitter just the way he liked it, and sit across from him to tell all of the wild stories and legends you heard from the elders in town growing up, never bothered in the slightest when he didn’t have much to contribute to the conversation. 
you who slowly crept into every one of his thoughts until he could no longer fight the urge to see you, even though he truly did try to put up a fight. his feet would unconsciously bring him all the way to your doorstep after a long day, the only thing on his mind being the rush of warmth he gets whenever you look into his eyes and smile. 
he remembers when you’d open the door to the sight of him with tousled hair and dirt streaked on his skin and pull him inside without a second thought. he’d lean against your kitchen counter as you dabbed a soft damp cloth against his skin, your touch gentle but steady. you’d frown all the while as you cleaned him up, shushing and chastising him for never being careful. 
the wanderer was never actually hurt, and he could’ve easily dealt with the issue without so much as a scratch reaching him, but he loved the way you fussed over him. the stubborn crease between your brows, the jut of your lower lip, the brush of your featherlight fingertips—though nothing compared to the unfiltered and honest look of concern and worry in your eyes. 
It had been a long, long time since someone had looked at him in such a way. him, just as he was, with no purpose or usefulness to hide behind. a part of him felt annoyed by your insistence to care for him, and by the fact that he allowed you to perceive him as weak. but the other, louder part of him craved and so deeply desired the way you made him feel like he mattered.
and even still, you would never pry. you’d never pester him about why he would show up in such a state in the first place. in the months you had known him, he hadn’t told you anything. not even his name. you knew him only as a wanderer with no destination, and for this he was thankful. he was sure that if you know who he was, the things he had done, the lives he had taken—you would never look at him the same again. 
he made no move to hide anything about himself from you, but he also didn’t go out of his way to tell you either. if someone were to tell you, he would make no move to stop them. 
but nobody knew him. 
nobody until you. 
long ago the wanderer swore he would never find companionship again, but by the time he noticed the way he had grown attached to you, it was already too late to turn back. 
the existence of his past that had once felt like an eternity became nothing but a ghost in the back of his mind as you became a part of his present. he should’ve known he was in too deep the day he finally agreed to start taking you with him on his travels, but he was too distracted by the hope and excitement on your face as you proposed the idea to him. 
he knew it was risky. you couldn’t fight, didn’t know how to lie with a straight face, and refused to butcher and eat an animal even if it meant life or death; but he didn’t have it in himself to say no to you. you, who truly had no bad intentions or motives. you, who listened to every word he had to say with an open mind and no judgment in your heart. you, who reminded him why he had once been so fond of humans. 
how foolish he was, to get caught up in the fragile web of a mortal life again. but there was no stopping when he started falling for you. 
the first time he had ever snapped at you, raised his voice and said cruel things born from the anguish in his chest, you barely reacted. even as insults left his lips and he told you to get lost, you gazed at him with steady, understanding eyes and waited until he ran out of hurtful things to say. 
as his chest heaved with anger and his fingernails dig into his palms where they were clenched into fists, you waited patiently. when he came back to himself and saw the wetness of unshed tears in your eyes, the guilt and regret that followed nearly knocked him off of his feet. 
it was cowardly of him, but in that moment all he could do was turn on his foot and flee. he couldn’t bear to see that look on your face, knowing it was all his own doing. he spent until the sun began to set dragging his feet around, picturing the way you would regard him like the monster he was from this point onward. 
when he returned to you, he expected to find you upset and disgusted with him. but instead, when he tentatively stepped into your home, he found you sitting half asleep at your kitchen table with a pot of his favorite tea that had long gone cold waiting for him. 
you sat up quickly when you saw him cross the threshold, suddenly alert and awake. he could tell you were hesitant to say something, unsure of what state of mind the wanderer might be in right then, so he put extra effort into moving calmly as he approached the table and sat down as not to scare you. 
that night, he told you everything. you held his hands tightly between yours and listened from beginning to end, letting him retell the devastating tale of the life he’d lived as a heartless puppet. you cried for him. you told him how sorry you were that he had to experience all of that, how sad you were that it’d been so long since he’d felt wanted. you accepted him, his sins, his selfishness and greed. 
no matter how far he jumped, you always met him halfway. he was undeniably, pathetically in love with you. 
eventually, almost like it was always meant to happen, the two of you fell into each others arms as seamlessly as a stream flows. it had been a little over a year since the day he met you that you leaned in and kissed him for the first time. the wanderer was only shocked for a moment before he melted into it and realized that there was nothing more he wanted in this world than to be with you. 
he was happy, happier than he could remember being in centuries. there was nothing he had to hide around you, nobody he had to pretend to be that he wasn’t. it was as easy as ever to fall into a natural rhythm with you, wandering around teyvat and experiencing everything together. even the things he had already done before felt new and memorable with you. 
everywhere you went, it was together. the wanderer had been given a chance to see the world through a clear lens again, though it had become rose tinted over time from the intensity of your affection. 
the many sights he saw with you were indescribable, but his eyes always returned to you no matter how breathtaking it was. home was wherever you were, and so the two of you found home everywhere.  
but there came a day when he was forced to face reality yet again. many years passed by your side, and even though it was only a short amount of time to him, it was a huge chunk of your lifetime. when your skin began to show wrinkles and people began to mistake him for your son, the terrifying thought crossed his mind. 
you wouldn’t be around forever, your time was running out, and it rooted a deep seed of dread into his chest that threatened to bloom into something worse. it dug up old feelings that the wanderer hadn’t felt in years, ones that gripped their icy claws into his head until they were impossible to ignore. 
just like everyone else, you would leave him too. 
why? why did he only find happiness and belonging in the things that wouldn’t last? he didn’t want to be alone again. it was unfair, and never more than in that moment had he longed to be a normal human. 
did it bother you that he would never be able to grow old with you? that people would assume him your grandson and pass judgment if they knew the truth? things would soon begin to grow complicated and people who had known you both would notice that he didn’t age. 
you knew this as well as he did, and after a long and painful conversation about it, you insisted it didn’t bother you and made him promise to move forward even when you were gone. you knew he was afraid and that he had already lost so much, that there was a huge possibility that he would lose himself when you left. you feared that he had become too reliant on you. 
that in itself was what had him making an oath to himself that he wouldn’t let you leave this world feeling worried about him. and he didn’t have it in him to break a promise to you. 
when walking up steps became a difficult task for you, he’d wrap an arm around you and help you make it to the top. when you got worn out more easily and couldn’t keep up with traveling around anymore, he suggested the two of you finally settle down and return to your old house. 
as you grew weaker every year and had to rely on him more, the wanderer never once complained or treated it like an inconvenience. he was there for you, just as he had promised he always would be. you never stopped being beautiful in his eyes, even when your hair turned gray and your joints achy. you still had the same sweet smile, the same captivating eyes, the same comforting smell. you were still you, and you were his. 
eventually, when your skin had become pale and sallow and your hands too shaky and weak to hold anything, you had slowly reached up and brushed his hair out of his eyes with a sad smile. 
“i will come back to you,” you promised weakly, eyes focusing and unfocusing on his face. “no matter how many times, no matter what form i take, my soul will always return to you.”
even as his heart got caught in his throat and tears spilled over his cheeks, the wanderer nodded weakly at your words. 
during your final days, it took everything in him to hold it together. he spoon fed you as often as you’d let him, breath hitching every time you struggled to swallow. he stayed by your side and held your frail hands in his steady ones, planting soft kisses against your knuckles and whispering his love for you into your skin. 
by the final evening, he wasn’t even sure if you could hear him anymore. still, he laid next to you the bed you shared and retold the old stories he remembers from the very beginning of your time together. it was hard to talk without breaking down when he knew you wouldn’t respond. only the sound of your shallow breathing filled the silence, growing slower and slower by the hour. 
losing you was something he had long since been preparing for, but was never truly ready to experience. he had felt grief many times in the past, but it had never hurt this deeply. it was like a sheet of anguish clinging to him, weighing him down and piercing him with nails. 
quiet, lonely, and cold, there was a giant gaping hole in his chest that you had once filled. a void that your existence managed to soothe, but it was there again. loud, unforgiving, and so, so unbearably painful. 
he cried more than he ever thought himself capable of in the weeks that followed. everywhere he looked, he could only see where you should’ve been. the wind was lonely without the sound of your voice, and the sky dull. maybe it was just his imagination, but even the birds and bugs seemed less lively without you. 
there was a suffocating stillness clouding his perception of reality. he didn’t want to acknowledge that time was passing without you, or that he would never feel your warmth next to him anymore, but he knew you were gone. there was nothing he could do. 
it hurt. it hurt so badly that he could still hear his own guttural sobs even over the deafening downpour of rain as it soaked him to the bone where he sat hunched over in front of where you had been buried not long before. 
he missed you so much. even though he had gone so long being alone before he met you, it was as if he was experiencing it all for the first time again. his lungs burned and his chest ached as he choked on humid air, wishing you were still there to comfort him like you always had been.  
“please,” he called softly into the wind, willing himself to hold on to even the smallest shard of hope. “keep your promise.”
there was no response. 
he was alone again. 
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
Omg...latest chapter of the river…
I let out an eagle wail </3
I just want them to be happy for 24 hours. Coriolanus Snow, when I catch you…
But AHH! It was so sad to read both of their arguments!! Because ofc Finn is concerned about her wellbeing and help her as much as he can!! BUT THEN OFC SWEET GIRL IS NOT 100% RECOVERED SO SHE’S GONNA HAVE IRRATIONAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVE SO! It’s such battle for both of them :(( AGAIN, SNOW…WHEN I CATCH YOU!!
And the flashbacks omg :(( His reactions to everything broke my HEART, like he really can’t live without her :((( and tft he harbors sm guilt for just being in her life and blames himself for her being in the games in the first place PLEASE But the wedding scene!! YEARNING IS BACK!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT!! It was SO CUTE. I was kicking my feet and blushing hehe
I wanted to make a separate ask of all the songs that reminded me of this chapter, so I shall be back shortly 🫡
for real, snow better be watching his back bc when I get my hands on him, it's over
yes 😭 and finnick is so worried about his sweet girl that he's started just coddling her to a degree that's almost suffocating, his instinct is avoid anything that could be slightly triggering, protect her at all costs. reader's finally letting herself be cared for and sometimes he just over does it, of course she's frustrated because she's trying to be herself again and he's treating her like she's fragile, which she is, but not the extent he sometimes brings it too. and he's not perfect so of course he's struggling trying to find the line between how to help her and what's too helicoptery. additionally though she is still struggling trying to place herself in reality, so she's unconsciously searching for things that feed into the hijacked narrative. so things that might just usually slightly upset her, suddenly become fuel to the fire.
finnick odair literally cannot fathom a life where his sweet girl isn't breathing in the same oxygen, he'd rather fade into oblivion then imagine it. he got one taste and is so addicted to her, but like he knows it's ruined her life. being near him as burned her, they flew too close to the sun, and it feels like he's watching his punishment at her expense.
oh to be perceived by someone the way finnick perceives his sweet girl, isn't that the dream smh
see you soon once again, pookie ily 🫡❤️
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langliblade · 1 year
xiao chiye's first and last love
"I am a man burning with ambitions, and Qudu is the teacher that taught me to restrain all those desires. My encounter with Lanzhou did not happen by accident. He was the last line of defense when I was about to hit my limit and lose it. He is also the indulgence and freedom I lost and regained."
**if anyone ever reads this (i doubt it unless i share this on my twt) and anything in here is familiar ...it's bc i rephrased some of my tweets while typing this. anyway.....
desire has always been xiao chiye's shackle.
xiao chiye's haughty young master act was a defense. it was a way to be on guard and to hide his true feelings and intentions. still, it's not like he faked all of that. he's admitted to himself multiple times that he gets pretty crazy about things and he has always been someone unrestrained.
to the criticizing eye of the noble clans and court officials in qudu, they think that xiao chiye has a short temper and is the usual entitled young master especially when he's always with li jianheng. they go to donglong street almost every night to enjoy themselves, to drink and chat until the sun rises, to surround themselves with beautiful women.
so it isn't really surprising that they think xiao chiye is a crazy dude when it comes to sex. of course i say "crazy" as in he's crazy in whatever standards they had.
what no one would believe, or even consider, is that xiao chiye's greatest desire has always only been libei. being sent to qudu wasn't just being separated from his family and his home-- it was also losing his first love.
and isn't it crazy that probably his first experience with love is loss? add that to the fact that the night he slept with lanzhou in the room, the night he thought "wow i am really filled with immense desire for this man", was the night he thought back to his shifu, zuo qianqiu's tragic story. how he loved and how he had to win a battle by letting go of that love.
to him, desire is something that will someday hinder his ambition. it will hinder his comeback to libei, it will be an obstacle for his goal of standing on equals with his father and eldest brother.
"I attempted to survey the horizons for a glimpse of Libei from the top of the tallest building in Qudu, but even Meng could not see it when it flew up into the clouds. It was then I understood for the first time how much of a remote possibility it was to return home."
after the autumn hunt, he realized that it was a mistake to "put all his eggs in one basket" and show off his capability. he thought it would be enough for him to go home, but it only tightened his cage. now that everyone knows he isn't just a haughty young master, they are now even more scared to let him go. they refuse to let him go home and be an even bigger problem in the future.
he has given up on his desire and chose to kept it in.
and then he meets shen zechuan.
shen wei's son that was made to bear the guilt of a hundred thousand deaths. the powerless man who has no one in this world. he too is in his own cage. despite all that, xiao chiye sees that this man still has the desire to live on even if it's "more of an agony than dying".
xiao chiye recognizes himself in him, he sees how he's also just smiling and bearing it for the sake of something else. for the sake of revenge? to go back home? whatever it is, he sees that they're in a similar kind of pain.
"He was the last line of defense when I was about to hit my limit and lose it. He is also the indulgence and freedom I lost and regained." he saw that to have desire is to be human. it isn't just a hindrance, it could also be a way forward. simply by meeting shen lanzhou, by recognizing their shared pain, by understanding him, he had been changed.
his first love was libei, and he lost it.
so the next time he experiences a similar feeling he used to get taming eagles and horses, when riding freely in the open grass, when being a wolf in his nature-- it's not a shock that he becomes obsessed with that feeling immediately. it's not a shock that it starts from lust mingled with the painful grasping for a feeling similar to happiness. it's not a shock that he finds the love he lost in shen zechuan.
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mighticsta · 2 years
okay but arishem bringing ikaris back, full mind wipe etc, in an attempt to continue using him as this perfect soldier but the eternals sabotage that in an attempt to free him from that hold.
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
a rose for rashomon.
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PAIRING: akutagawa ryuunosuke x reader
GENRE: sfw. meet-cute, a liberal twist on the florist x tattoo artist trope (it’s now florist x mafia member LOL.) strangers to something more, perhaps?
TW/CW: teensy mention of blood towards the end, but that’s it
A/N: ok so i found this lying abandoned in my drafts and was like ‘yeah this is pretty fun let’s refurbish it!!’ it was initially supposed to be a longer story with multiple chaps but i kinda,,, forgot it existed and left it there for almost a year,,,, aNYWAYS i just thought it would be fun to have akutagawa and flowers bc pretty flowers are for pretty people!!! as with all fics involving flowers, there is flower language here so if you understand what it means then,,, ;D
“A flower for you, good sir?"
The question was poised so innocently and sweetly, hanging in the air like an airy thread of silk. It was a question that Akutagawa rarely heard from the florists of Yokohama, who watched over their wares like dragons guarding gold, and it was certainly not a question that would be directed at him, of all people.
"Do I seem like the kind of man who would be interested in flowers?" He asked dryly; surely, you were some sort of newcomer to Yokohama who hadn’t heard of the reputation that the city held. There was no way you could not recognise the distinct aura of the influence of the Port Mafia— the distinct aura of its bloodthirsty Mad Dog, to be precise.
Completely unfazed, you gave him a cheeky smile from behind baskets filled with blooms of various sizes and colours. "Who doesn't like flowers, sir? And if you’re allergic to them, why, I’ve got fake ones too."
"They merely wither away and die after a few days, so it seems to me that they aren’t that much use. Good day." Akutagwa’s tone was cold and reserved, the sort of tone of voice one used with persistent salesmen who couldn’t take the hint; with that bleak answer you would see him as disinterested, and that would be the end of the matter. He turned away, ready to forget about this encounter and prepare himself for the next day, and the next day, and the next—
A pair of gardening scissors flew past his ear faster than he could anticipate, grazing it ever so slightly.
"I’ll have you know that there happens to be many uses for flowers, sir."
With a pair of shears in one hand and a rose in the other, you smiled amiably as you approached Akutagawa. "The world is certainly a cruel and evil place, and we humans have to find ways to make it more bearable to live in. For some it is art, and for others it is books." The sound of your shoes echoed as you came to a stop before the young man, the sharp blades of your shears gleaming wickedly in the light of the setting sun. "And for me, it just so happens to be flowers."
Rashomon writhed within the shadows of his coat in a horrifying mixture of fear and anticipation; was this a worthy opponent that the beast could devour today? Akutagawa himself could feel the blood rushing, his muscles aching for a fight. Every cell in his body began to ask the same, almost ridiculous question— would defeating this florist prove his strength?
But no; despite its brutal methods and practices, the Port Mafia avoided civilian casualties as much as possible. You hadn't technically hit him yet, so there was no proper reason to kill you.
Which meant he just had to provoke you into making the first move, if he really wanted to fight you.
"And what part of you loving flowers justifies throwing a pair of scissors at my head?" Akutagawa replied bluntly, stepping forward to meet you head-on.
"You may shame my name, and you may shame my family. But please,” You shook your head, a look of mock-pity crossing your features. “Do not shame my flowers, good sir. They are all I have in this big, lonely city."
"....How interesting."
The beast squirmed even more feverishly in the folds of black cloth, its jaws yearning for a worthy opponent to devour; it seemed that Rashomon had also come to the conclusion that you were no ordinary florist.
“Well, the day is over, and I must tend to my children lest they wilt overnight.” You said cheerily, putting the shears down next to a potted shrub. “Oh, but before I forget. This one’s for you.”
He tensed up, ready for some sort of surprise attack; but no, you merely slipped the rose into his hand, closing his fingers over it with your other hand. Its thornless stem felt fragile, the vibrant red of its petals such a different hue from the crimson that usually adorned Akutagawa’s hands— it felt almost wrong for someone like him to hold something so delicate.
“It was nice chatting with you, sir.” A sly smile curved on your lips as you leaned close, your eyes a deep well full of secrets that Akutagawa could not fathom. “Perhaps if you come next time, you can tell me if flowers are really as useless as you think. They can communicate in ways no human can— ability-user or otherwise.”
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wigglebox · 2 years
I don’t go here but I’ve seen so much of the discourse on this Misha stuff on my dash that I’d like to chime in: I think what’s happened is that so many people have projected onto this actor so many incongruous things and applied to, again, this *actor* so much built up fan lore that every time reality comes crashing down, everything splinters for these fans creating a dissonance they can’t handle. “How could this ACTOR not live up to the projections and speculation I slapped on him, which he clearly has no way of possibly knowing!! He’s clearly terrible! Even though what I’m really mad at is a figment of a person I made up in my head because I have no idea who this actor is in real life!”
So much of it, respectfully, reads like that. It’s a huge trap I’ve seen fans fall into for years now- this building up a fantastical personality around someone they will never even meet, and then rock-bottom disappointment when it cracks.
It seems he does have a lot of interaction with fans through social media, but in this day and age actors, especially B-list actors, are almost required to maintain that stuff to get work and promote the jobs they get on- they kinda don’t have a choice. All social media for actors is part of their job- it’s not some sort of personal one-on-one time with anyone.
In these moments where the veneer seems to crack, I think it’s a good opportunity to adjust one’s self, as a fan, to tether back to reality. Grab onto the dissonance and let it ground you. As fans, folks do not actually know this person, nor will they ever. We don’t know him. He’s doing his job going to cons to make a little money until the next gig rolls around and bask in a little past glory hoping folks will stick around for what’s to come. It’s also a challenge keeping the balance of all that- which this incident seems to drill home. Marketing is hard, and as an actor expected to do it for yourself personally even harder. Sometimes you fuck it up a little. Ah well- live, apologize, learn, and do better next time.
Because he’s just an actor trying to keep himself relevant at the end of the day- it’s just his job. We aren’t perfect. It’s fine. Whatever.
I hope that makes sense. Please excuse the anon bc I respect how strong y’all are. Anyway, thank you for letting me write too much in your inbox.
Hey nonny! I agree with most of this, though I wouldn't characterize him interacting with us and talking to us as him just trying to make money or keep his job or just that it is his job -- if you're not in the fandom i guess maybe it's harder to see but he truly does care about his fans and gives us the time of day and actually pushes us to do better in our day to day lives and stuff.
i will say though i think this is a problem across all fandoms of people making these actors their personality, or just parasocializing a little too closely, or, in lieu of true support IRL, has latched onto him in a support kind of way. Which is fine I mean I'm a fan too -- but there does come a point we have to draw the line.
But since you're not in the fandom or anything I will say that maybe Misha relied on us a little too much too, at least publically. That is to say, both sides kinda flew too close to the sun here but I feel like as a fandom it felt worse for us because there's so many of us.
I do think we were a comfortable place for him to chat about things -- not everything but he's chatted about personal things and shares with us his journeys when learning things or wanting people to understand something, politics, charities, etc etc.
but i do think it's always important to remember at the end of the day, be it a celebrity, actor, public figure or not, he's really just a person. and even if you think he should be held to a higher standard [a standard, i may add, he likely holds himself to as well], you still have to factor in he's still a human being prone to mistakes or prone to confusion or prone to attachment and emotions and everything. like just because he has to be held to some kind of higher standard doesn't erase human nature.
i find now, a full week since this started, fandom's problems right now are mostly with each other. the misha thing is like, the middle of it or the inciting incident but we were at each other's throats since Friday night, literally. and that's on us. not on him. the man got up there and was vulnerable and read his poems and talked with us and had no idea this was happening.
i think it would be good for fandom to take a collective breath, stop being mean to each other, stop being mean to him because he's never been mean to us before and has always been kind and when he misspoke or misstepped, he's apologized and we know it's sincere because he learns and he listens.
so yeah i disagree he just does social media and interacts with us because it's his job, because he's not just an actor with an acting career he does a lot of other things and he likes community and talking with people truly -- but i agree that sometimes fandoms, across the board not just us, can get a little too much sometimes or maybe demand too much perfection or demand too much or this or another. another human being can't read your mind or be everything you need them to be. that's too much pressure, even more so when it's thousands of people doing it.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Hey, so I'm having a really rough time rn (dealing with bs from my friend group, we have to take my really old dog to the vet today bc we found blood in her pee and we're scared that she won't make it this time, I'm struggling with my mental health, I'm just kinda goin thru it rn ig) so I would love a comfort fic with the sbi maybe with the reader as their sibling where the reader is the one that always comforts the fam, but hides their emotions until (1/2, very sorry about splitting it)
(2/2) something happens that makes the reader have a full on breakdown? I'll leave the rest to you, it can be a good or bad ending, headcanons or one shots, anything. You can ignore this request if you want/if it makes you uncomfortable. Please don't feel pressured/guilt tripped to write anything from this, your mental health comes first and I'm sure you're already really busy. Reminder to eat something today if you haven't yet and get a drink of water <3
We are family - Reader and SBI!Brothers
Pairings: none
Characters included: Wilbur, Technoblade, Tommy, (mentioned) Niki, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Y/N came back from an errand and surprises their brothers with their weird behavior. Trying to put on their usual smile, trying to hide away their real emotions but their brothers know them better than they inititally suspected. They could immediately tell that something must have happened.
Words count: 2060
Authors Note: I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you and your dog are doing better! 💙 I wish I could give you more than words of encouragement and that I managed to get faster to this request, I apologize Please make sure to take care of yourself, alright? Take time for yourself to deal with the stress and anxiety! Make sure to stay hydrated and remember to eat! Even if it’s just something small!
Once again I apologize for the long wait, I felt really bad already and then I kinda put it off because I felt bad.
adhd hit hard again and haven’t checked for typos yet, but will get on it as soon as I can o7
On another note if you want to read another comfort fic; I have a small series called “A Painful Reminder” which is more angsty but the 2nd part is more about the comfort, if that is something for you 
Living in the SMP was chaotic, turbulent and at times downright painful.
Most people tended to gravitate to one cause or other people to deal with this. Holding on to something so they don’t get pulled under. Get buried beneath the chaos and the violence.
So having people like Y/N around was like a godsend. They were one of the few people that seemed to be able to withstand the constant waves of misfortune and stand strong. Be the rock to hold onto when everything got too overwhelming.
Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy loved their sibling for it.
After Wilbur and Tommy got exiled with Y/N out of L’Manberg, they were there and cheered both of their siblings up. Immediately making plans on how to set up a safe home and collecting ideas on how to get back. They were the one who managed to get a message out to Technoblade and asked him to visit them. Maybe help them.
Wilbur often jokingly said that Y/N was the glue that held the family together, to which they would always reply with the warmest of smiles “I’m glad.”
And what he said was true. Whenever the family fell on hard times and they began to drift apart it was Y/N who pulled all of them back. Pulling them back to reality and giving solutions for their problems if needed.
Sitting down with Wilbur when things got to much. Listening to his thoughts and worries, letting his emotion run freely without judgement. While they looked worried for him, their comforting smile never faltered. Offering him solutions to problems if he wanted it, otherwise they gave him the chance to just air his own thoughts out. To be angry with him. Sad with him.
Working with Tommy on his own projects. Listening to his ideas and giving him a different perspective that could improve some things but also respecting it when Tommy wanted to do this his way. And while he liked to brag and pretend that some things didn’t hit him that hard, they were still patiently listening to him as he spoke about his own pain in a more roundabout way. Telling him that he was not alone and making him feel heard.
Talking to Technoblade whenever the voices got too loud or out of hand again. He would just walk over to them and nudge them away, asking them to talk about something, no matter what. He just needed to hear their voice and be able to concentrate on it. Tune out the garbled voices in his head with a familiar sound that calmed him down no matter what. Leaning against them, slowly falling asleep as Y/N told all about how they were happily working on their own farm and what shenanigans they got up to.
Y/N really was like the warm sun on a cold day. Warming them up and protecting them.
Yes, Y/N was strong. So strong that even Technoblade considered them stronger than him. Maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.
A clanging of metal rung through the cave. Techno was training with Wilbur while Tommy was just watching. Cheering on Techno.
It wasn’t an unusual situation and something Y/N expected to see as they made their way down the staircase. Wilbur in full iron armor and weapon while Techno just fought back with his own iron sword.
“Hey, Y/N! Welcome back!” Wilbur breathed out. Sweat running down the side of his face as he stopped attacking his brother.
The three men looked happily over to their sibling who slowly walked towards them but soon their expressions fell. Something was off about Y/N and it confused the three.
Their smile was as always plastered on their face but it looked strained. Their eyes wide open, trying to look sincere and loving but the glassy look of them gave off a different picture.
“Y/N? You okay?” Tommy asked as he stood up from the ground. Taking a step closer to them which made them in return stop in their tracks.
Y/N was hugging themself, shakily opening up their mouth to answer but nothing came out. It was then when Techno got very aware of how they were shaking in general.
This all seemed so wrong. This shouldn’t be possible. It just didn’t seem to register fully inside their minds.
Wilbur made sure to get rid off his sword and armor as fast as he could, walking over to his sibling, trying to get a better look at them but they just avoided his gaze.
Staring at the ground, slowly shaking their head “It’s- It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You aren’t. You really aren’t. What happened? Did they find you?” Techno asked, his voice full with worry. A bit of anger hidden as well.
Y/N had their own little farm in order to support Pogtopia. The potatoes from Techno were great but variety is important after all. Though they also had an abundance of wheat they usually tried to smuggle into Manberg for Niki. Trying to help her out as much as possible with her taxes and work.
This time Y/N nodded “They did… It’s fine though. I’m fine. I’m not hurt. It’s all good.”
Wilbur’s frown deepened “Usually when people have to be so adamant about being okay something isn’t alright.”
Tommy nodded, supporting his statement only to whisper to himself “Adamant? What does-“
But Wilbur continued “We are your family, talk to us.”
Y/N licked their chapped lips “I’m-“
The tears finally escaped their eyes and begun streaming down their face. Sobbing they fell down on the ground. Wilbur immediately followed suit, laying his arm around them and pulling them against his chest. His hand flew up to their head and begun going through their hair, trying to calm them down. Humming a soft tune from their childhood.
It was the first time in their lives they saw Y/N break down like that and it was quite frankly shocking.
Unsure what to do with himself Tommy squatted down “Um, uh, what- what happened?”
Techno was still gripping the iron sword in his hand. Pacing up and down. Manberg found them? What the hell did they do to make Y/N break down like that? His own sibling! Whatever it was he would make sure to pay it back a thousand times over.
“Tommy can you grab them some water?” Wilbur laid his chin on top of Y/N’s head, rubbing circles now on their back.
He didn’t even hesitate, jumping up to run towards one of the chests with food items that Y/N had always ready for them. Grabbing a water bottle and running back over. Happy that he could do something else besides staring.
Tommy then pushed the bottle towards Y/N who gratefully took it, putting some space between them and Wilbur as they drank some of the cold liquid which helped them to calm down.
“You ready to tell us what happened?” Techno stopped pacing around. His gaze purely trained on his crying sibling. Anger still rising in him just like the voices.
Screaming things like “Technosib! How dare they hurt them! Protect them! I love Y/N so much! Why would anyone hurt Y/N! They always help us! Let’s help them for a change! Technosib! Let’s go out and fight them! Yeah! Blood for the Blood God and Y/N!”
Y/N’s voice was still wavering and a bit scratchy from their sobbing as they begun speaking “Hey, hey! Techno don’t concentrate on the voices. Listen to me. It’s all good.”
This somehow made Techno angry. He threw the sword away and finally knelt down next to them as well so his face was on the same eye level as theirs “Stop. Please. Stop thinking about us for one second. Stop trying to not make us uncomfortable or worried! Tell us what happened! Please.”
He was basically begging at the last part. All his worry packed into it.
“Yeah, honestly you trying to make sure everything is okay for us makes us even more worried.” It surprised the others a bit that this came from Tommy but he was correct.
Tears fell down their face again “I- I was just delivering more wheat to Niki and someone must have followed me. They followed me back to my farm and- and- they burned my fields down. There were explosions. I- it was just my farm. I did not harm. Just, why does it always have to end like this. Why do all the good things always end like this. Why can’t this place let something be. There is always something.”
The farm was so important to Y/N. It was their little project they put so much sweat, love and work into. It was their home away from home. A place to retreat and enjoy some peace. This obviously was devastating. It was their one thing they had for themself. The one thing that wasn’t there for anyone else but them.
It was also clear that this seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and it broke the three a bit that they only now seemed to notice this. That it took that long and their whole farm being destroyed for the realize this was heartbreaking.
“Who?” Techno urged but Y/N shook their head.
“I don’t know. Everything went so fast and I tried to save as much as I could but- but it’s all gone. It’s all gone.” Their voice jumped up an octave at the end, burying their face against Wilbur’s shoulder again. Silently sobbing.
It should have been impossible but Wilbur’s frown deepened and his expression turned more grim “Don’t worry. We will get back at them. We will get our revenge. They will see firsthand what they did to you, I promise.”
Shocked Y/N looked up, their red and puffy eyes wide open “Wil, that’s not what I- no revenge. There is already too much misery going around I just want this to stop. I just want all of us being able to live in peace.”
Wilbur should have known that Y/N was too good natured for that but he couldn’t help himself. He was just so angry. Angry at Schlatt and Manberg. That they went for him was one thing but to go out of their way to treat Y/N like this? Let’s just say he put it on the list in bold letters with reasonings on why he will get back at the Manberg faction.
“Listen Y/N.” Techno begun, his voice now calm again “Stop it. Just for once think about yourself. Stop thinking about others for once. You are also worthy of the same care you give us. Let us at least help rebuild your farm. You always help us with our projects, let us help you with yours.”
Tommy seemed to lit up at that “That sounds like a good idea! We could build towers around your new farm and make sure no one gets in! We could put down traps and all!”
He really wasn’t sure how to react but that was at least something he could do for them. As the past General’s right hand man, this should be something he can do. If he couldn’t protect his sibling how could he ever hope to get L’Manberg back.
Wilbur seemed to think about it for a bit but agreed “Yeah, how does that sound?” Though the dark glint in his eyes stayed. The cogs in head still running off with his own thoughts.
“You guys would? Since when can you guys build?” a dry laugh escaped them but it was a laugh nonetheless.
Both Tommy and Wilbur looked almost appalled at that claim while Techno just shrugged and nodded. Just looking around Pogtopia was more functioning than good looking after all. Y/N tried to pretty it up a bit but usually something always happened around here.
“Also Y/N, please talk to us more. Don’t bottle everything up. Please. We worry a lot about you and we love you. You always do so much for us, let us do the same.” Wilbur pushed Y/N a bit off of him and looked them deep into their eyes, hoping that this would really hammer in that this was a genuine plea.
As a respone Y/N wiped the tears off their face “I understand. I’ll try to remember that.”
“Don’t try just do it.”
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 4
A/N: what's this? jimmy may be finally leaving denial station? and gray-aroace jimmy because i said so? hell yeah. also more seablings pog!! i do also have the next chapter written already bc it has one of the scenes that was basically the whole reason i wrote this fic, but i'm gonna wait until tomorrow to post it (mostly bc i wanna make sure i have the chapter after that one written bc of... reasons >:) the next chapter is a tad cliffhanger-y and i just don't want y'all to have to wait too long)
Warnings: teasing/banter, flirting, realization of feelings
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
The invitation for the House Blossom Ball arrived, with a separate handwritten note along with it from Katherine that very pointedly reminded Jimmy to dress up and maybe lose the cod head. Something about how it wasn’t “fancy enough” or whatever. Jimmy felt the cod head was acceptable for any occasion, not to mention he felt weird with his whole head being in view- but maybe he could compromise for Katherine. He’d have to figure out some sort of other headpiece… but the ball wasn’t for a few days anyway. Jimmy had plenty of time to figure out an outfit. In the meantime, he had some work to do on his slime farm. And of course, who else should be there but Scott when Jimmy came up from his farm. He was sitting on the roof of the slime farm entrance, legs swinging idly.
“What are you doing here,” Jimmy asked with a tired sigh, really hoping that he wouldn’t have to deal with another fight with Scott. Scott hopped down from the roof, gliding a bit before landing in front of Jimmy.
“Oh same as always, I was bored and you’re fun to bother,” Scott said with a shrug and a playful grin. Jimmy glowered at him, putting his hands on his hips.
“Oh no, not today! I’m not letting you get under my skin anymore!” Jimmy said, determination in his tone. Scott raised an eyebrow as his grin morphed into a smirk, and there was that squirming, fluttery feeling from their fight again.
“Are you sure about that?” Scott crooned, a clear challenge in his voice. Jimmy shut his eyes, taking a deep breath before shifting his expression into something more neutral.
“Absolutely,” he said firmly, walking past Scott towards his base. Scott seemed surprised for a moment, before getting his bearings and following after Jimmy.
"Not even over this?" Scott asked, walking beside Jimmy and tossing something green up in the air before catching it again. Jimmy stopped walking, brows furrowed in confusion. Scott stopped too, looking him in the eyes as he tossed the object again- a slimeball.
"How- where- when did you- where did you get that from?!" Jimmy demanded. The only way people got slime was from his empire.
“Got it from one of your chests- thought you wouldn’t mind,” Scott replied with a shrug, that smirk still irritatingly present on his face.
“I very much do mind! Give that back!” Jimmy demanded, lunging forward to try and grab the slimeball from his hand. Scott darted back, flapping his wings and sending a gush of wind to push Jimmy back.
“You’re gonna have to catch me, fish boy,” Scott teased, before taking off into the sky. Jimmy grit his teeth in frustration.
“I’m the Codfather!” he protested, equipping his elytra and taking off after Scott. Scott laughed, dipping and twirling in the sky while Jimmy struggled to keep up. Going after someone who had actual wings while Jimmy only had an elytra was a definite disadvantage, but Jimmy was a little too stubborn to care. Scott climbed higher into the sky with ease, Jimmy following close after- and then the sun hit Scott’s wings and Jimmy just about fell out of the sky. The sun’s rays caught the gold tips of his wings, making them shimmer. But it wasn’t just the sunshine reflecting off his wings- it was the way Scott’s whole face seemed to shine like the sun with his smile and how the wind ruffled his usually neat hair. It was how his laugh sounded as if the shimmering of gold made a sound. It was how those icy blue eyes sparkled with mirth as he held the slimeball victoriously above his head. It was how Scott’s expression suddenly melted from that of a mischievous trickster to something almost fond. All of those things caused that pleasant flip-flopping feeling in his stomach to return, and Jimmy suddenly pitched down because of it. He quickly righted himself, flushing in embarrassment and glaring at Scott’s resulting smirk.
“Guess you aren’t one of those flying fish, huh,” he teased.
“Just give me the slimeball back!” Jimmy demanded. Scott laughed, and it felt like flowers blooming in Jimmy’s chest.
“You get so fussed over the littlest of things,” he said, still laughing. Jimmy got the feeling that he should have been angry at Scott’s teasing, he was making fun of him, after all! But instead, Jimmy couldn’t help but smile back. To Jimmy’s surprise, Scott seemed startled by that, eyes going wide and a half gasp, half laugh escaping his lips.
“Sometimes you gotta appreciate the little things in life! You miss those things when you fly above everything and live up and away from the world in the mountains,” Jimmy pointed out with a laugh. Scott pondered this, slowly floating back to the ground as he did so. Jimmy tilted his head to the side in confusion, coming to a landing beside him. Scott was staring at the slimeball in his hands with a mix of wonder and bafflement. Shaking his head, Scott reached out for Jimmy’s hand and pressed the slimeball into it, both hands clasping over Jimmy’s hand for a moment. Jimmy’s hand felt fever-warm at Scott’s touch, and his heart hammered in his chest.
“You can have this back. Sorry,” Scott said, quickly withdrawing his hands. Jimmy felt horrible instantly, he clearly struck a nerve with what he said. Before Scott got a chance to leave, Jimmy quickly grabbed his hands, giving the slimeball back.
“Keep it, I’ve got plenty. You- you should enjoy the little things in life too,” Jimmy said softly. Scott’s face tinged pink, all the way up to the tips of his ears.
“I- whatever,” Scott scoffed, trying to bring it back to their teasing back and forth from before, but failing miserably. Before Jimmy had a chance to reply, Scott drew his hands back, holding the slimeball close to his chest and taking off into the sky. This time around, Jimmy didn’t bother chasing after him. He was a little too busy wondering what on earth had just happened. One moment Jimmy was irritated by Scott’s presence, and the next his heart felt all fluttery and he willingly gave him a commodity from his empire. What was happening to him?! Jimmy had a sneaking suspicion… but he had to talk to Lizzie or Joel first. He just had to be sure.
Jimmy flew to Lizzie’s empire, spotting her and Joel sitting together on one of her giant lilypads. They both looked at him with concern when he landed in front of them, out of breath. Lizzie was the first to jump to her feet, hands reaching out towards him and searching for any injuries. Joel followed after her and hovered at her side, looking unsure of what to do.
“What happened?! Are you hurt, were you attacked?!” Lizzie demanded, and Joel’s eyes shot to the skies as he put a hand on the hilt of his sword. Jimmy laughed, shaking his head.
“Guys, I’m fine! See, look! I’m all good. Just had to see you,” Jimmy said, holding his arms out to show that he was, in fact, uninjured. Lizzie and Joel breathed out a simultaneous sigh of relief.
“Oh thank goodness. Usually when you fly to one of us in a panic, you’re hurt or being chased, or something’s seriously wrong,” Joel said, the tension draining from his shoulders and hand dropping from the hilt of his sword. Jimmy’s smile turned sheepish.
“Well… something… might be wrong. But there’s something I’ve gotta ask you guys first,” Jimmy replied nervously. Lizzie and Joel exchanged confused glances. Lizzie stepped closer, putting a comforting hand on Jimmy’s shoulder.
“Of course, you can ask us anything,” she said softly. Jimmy took a deep breath, working up the nerve to say it.
“How did you know you were in love?” he asked timidly. Lizzie blinked in surprise, and Joel raised an eyebrow.
“Is this about Scott?” Joel asked. Jimmy’s face flushed in embarrassment.
“Please just answer the question,” he muttered. Thankfully, Joel didn’t seem to be in a teasing mood, and neither did Lizzie.
“For me it was her smile. Gave me butterflies the first time I saw it,” Joel said, unabashedly gazing at Lizzie. She giggled, and Joel’s fond expression increased tenfold.
“Butterflies?” Jimmy asked, a bit confused by the turn of phrase.
“You know, when your stomach gets all squirmy, but not in a bad way? Like a bunch of butterfly wings flapping inside you,” Joel explained, and Jimmy was hit with a sudden burst of clarity. Something in his expression must have shown it, because Lizzie gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
“You’re telling me that’s what love feels like? It’s that just… all the time?” Jimmy asked, his voice a little hollow with disbelief. At himself mostly, for not realizing it sooner. To be fair, he didn’t feel those sorts of feelings often. In fact, he felt it almost exclusively with Scott. So to realize this whole time what he had really been feeling wasn’t just hatred or irritation… he felt a little silly.
“Well, it’s not always like that, sometimes being around someone you love just makes you feel warm and cozy,” Lizzie added.
“Well… but I feel warm and cozy all the time with you guys!” Jimmy protested, still trying to deny that feeling just a little bit longer. Lizzie smiled, patient and understanding.
“Yes, but with this… hypothetical someone, it’s different, isn’t it,” she gently prodded. Jimmy finally gave in. It was different with Scott, and that honestly terrified him. He’d never felt this way about anyone, ever.
“Oh my god, I like him,” Jimmy breathed.
“About time you figured it out,” Joel muttered. Lizzie moved her hand from Jimmy’s shoulder to swat Joel’s arm. Jimmy was too busy having a bit of an existential crisis to really care.
“Oh my god I really like him. This whole time- but Scott hates me, what on earth am I supposed to- but he seemed kind of nice today…” Jimmy trailed off, beginning to pace back and forth. Lizzie gasped in excitement, rushing over to stand in front of Jimmy and grabbing his shoulders.
“You saw him today?! Tell. Me. Everything!” she demanded. Jimmy let out a sheepish laugh.
“Nothing really happened! He stole a slimeball from me, I chased him a bit in the sky- and oh god he was gorgeous in the sunlight- and then I said something to make him sad and let him keep the slimeball anyway. I- wow I really didn’t like seeing him sad,” Jimmy rambled, a disbelieving smile growing across his face. Joel made a mock-disgusted face.
“I think I liked it better when Jimmy was in denial, he’s getting all mushy now,” he teased. Lizzie rolled her eyes.
“Don’t listen to him, being mushy is a good look on you,” she insisted, getting a laugh out of Jimmy.
“I’m glad you think so, but maybe Joel is right. Cause now all I can think about is how Scott definitely doesn’t feel the same way,” Jimmy said with a sigh. A determined look came across Lizzie’s face, and distantly Jimmy was a little terrified.
“Oh no, you’ve activated her plotting look,” Joel said with the same distant terror that Jimmy was feeling.
“The ball is the perfect time to change Scott’s mind and show him that you are a catch, you’ve said so yourself,” Lizzie explained with a grin.
“Oh no, that is not happening, I just want the ball to be something fun, I don’t wanna make a scene,” Jimmy protested, but it came out a little weak.
“Us? Make a scene? Never. I was just thinking that we make sure to get you a snazzy outfit!” Lizzie said, and while Jimmy didn’t trust her for a second, he could concede that Lizzie had a better sense of style than he did.
“Oh, alright. As long as it’s just that,” Jimmy said firmly.
“Of course!” Lizzie said, far too innocently. Jimmy just chuckled and shook his head.
“And we should probably do something fancier than the cod head,” Joel added. Jimmy sighed, putting a hand over the cod head.
“Yeah, yeah, Katherine mentioned that too,” Jimmy said with a pout.
“Don’t worry, you’re in good hands!” Lizzie chirped, releasing Jimmy’s shoulders to instead grab his arm and pull him to where she and Joel had been sitting, rambling about outfit ideas all the while. Jimmy couldn’t help but smile and be a tiny bit hopeful. Maybe wearing something nice would catch Scott’s eye… but then what? Happily ever after? Was that how love even worked? Whatever the case, he was sure Lizzie would have a plan for that too. And maybe the ball could be the start of something beautiful.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello there Wolfie 💜 Can we get some post-mountain angry Jaskier? Geralt knows he’s messed up big time bc Jaskier is using his full name. We love Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde 🤣👌🏼
(And maybe they kiss and make up? 🥺)
Hiya Dani! Yes you absolutely can! Did I write this about a week ago and forget to post? Maybe... Geraskier, 1252 words.
CW: Much swearing
Jaskier sipped from his wine goblet, not looking up when the tavern went eerily silent and the doors flew open. He was well acquainted with this particular kind of silence. He’d followed Geralt around for more than half his life now. This silence was the kind that only occurred when a witcher walked into the room, and only two days after the blasted dragon hunt… he knew exactly which witcher it was.
His heart ached in his chest and he downed the last of his wine, poking his food around his plate with his fork. He couldn’t deal with Geralt right now, and if Geralt had meant his cruel words then he wouldn’t have to. Geralt didn’t want him, not even as a friend. What a fucking waste of his life? He couldn’t have found a kinder witcher to fall in love with, could he? Even Valdo Marx hadn’t been this cruel, and their falling out had been legendary. Oxenfurt students and faculty still spoke of it to this day.
“Jaskier?” Geralt’s low growl sent the usual shiver down his spine but he stoically ignored it, preferring instead to stab at his food.
“Guess you didn’t get your blessing,” he mumbled.
“Guess not.”
Jaskier hoped it would be the end of the conversation so he could lick his wounds in peace, but Geralt of fucking Rivia had other plans. The witcher slid onto the bench next to him and a fresh goblet of wine was pushed across the table. Jaskier looked up, flicking the fringe from his eyes so Geralt could see the full extent of his glare.
“Still here, witcher?”
Geralt hummed. At least he had the decency to look guilty, like a puppy that had been thrown from the house. “I’m…” he paused with a grimace and Jaskier scoffed. Of course he would struggle to apologise. He had no problem whatsoever in tearing Jaskier’s heart to shreds but one teensy apology had him stumbling over his words.
“You’re what?” Jaskier snapped “Sorry?” Another scoff. “What for, perhaps the punch in the gut when I’d done nothing wrong? Or maybe, witcher, you’re sorry for never admitting that we’re friends? Better yet, you’re sorry for almost tearing out my vocal coords with your ill-worded wish, oh and whilst we’re on the subject, Geralt Roger Eric Du-Haute!”
Geralt winced, looking smaller than Jaskier could ever remember seeing him.
“Fucking djinn wishes, fucking sorceresses,” tears were streaming down Jaskier’s cheeks now, but strangely enough it wasn’t the heartbreak causing them.
He was fucking livid. Years and years of pent up anger, making excuses and following the witcher around like a lost puppy, all coming to a head. He didn’t bother to wipe away the tears, instead he poked Geralt hard in the chest. “You have the audacity to blame your troubles on me when every single one traces. back. to. you!”
Jaskier was breathing heavily by the end of his rant. “I didn’t make you call the Law of Surprise, witcher,” he added more quietly, his anger subsiding as sobs threatened to take over.
Gods he was a fucking mess.
“I just thought.. if you could see me perform in court, at a Royal Court, you’d finally see me as more than a nuisance. I thought you would be proud of me,” his eyes darted across the room, flickering between the patrons and he told himself small stories about each one in his head.
The man in the corner with the jagged twisted scars down one arm, he’d rescued his lover from a burning building. They’d been childhood sweethearts and been married the following spring.
The barmaid, juggling an impossible amount of tankards and goblets on a tray. She had wanted to runaway and join the circus but her father had caught her in the middle of the night.
The pretty red-head with a long plait down their back and freckles dusting their cheeks. They had dreamed of swimming with mermaids…
... of the coast.
Jaskier’s heart clenched, and he had to bite down on the insides of his cheeks to stop himself from sobbing. His throat ached and his tears were now dripping onto the table like a fucking waterfall.
“And then you tied yourself to Yennefer, no wonder we could never fucking escape her,” he muttered bitterly. “I had to watch time and time again whilst you tore each other apart, but it wasn’t my fault, Geralt.”
“I know,”
Jaskier snorted. “You wanted the djinn, not me.”
“I know,” Geralt repeatedly earnestly “and fuck, Jask. If I could take it all back I would, but I can’t. Not even Yennefer’s magic is that powerful.”
Jaskier looked up at Geralt with watery eyes. “I only ever wanted you to see me.”
“I. I did,” Geralt admitted, reaching across the table to take Jaskier’s hand. The touch burnt his skin and he wanted to pull away, stay angry at the witcher, but dearest Melitele he was weak. He let Geralt touch him, hold his hand like it didn’t stab daggers into his hurt. “I could never look away. You were. You are my sun. Too bright. It blinded me. I could never hold you down, never darken your light.”
Jaskier, for the second time in two days, was speechless. He only managed a strangled laugh, running his hand through his hair in disbelief. “Fuck me,” he breathed. “I’m supposed to be the poet, Geralt.”
Geralt chuckled, rubbing small circles into Jaskier’s hand. “I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
“Good,” Jaskier said a little too quickly, but gripped Geralt’s hand tighter before he could pull away, lacing their fingers together. “I just need some time, my dear,” he added more softly.
Geralt nodded. “I know.”
“And you’d better treat me right this time,” Jaskier laughed, no real bite to his tone, it was a warning but one that he hoped Geralt didn’t need.
Perhaps he was being naive but he was in love, and Geralt had said he was sorry.
Geralt nodded, looking nothing but sincere, an adorable crease between his brows. “I swear.”
Jaskier flicked the fringe from his eyes, managing a weak smile. He could still feel the tear tracks on his cheeks. “Gods, look at me I’m a mess.”
Geralt just cupped his cheek, wiping the tears away. “You look beautiful.”
Jaskier scoffed, shaking his head and trying to hide his traitorous smile. “Don’t go soft on me now, Geralt.”
“Can I kiss you?” Geralt asked quietly, golden eyes shining with hope that was just too much for Jaskier’s poor heart.
He nodded without words, and Geralt pressed a soft, fucking ridiculously tender, kiss on Jaskier’s lips. Jaskier barely had time to close his eyes before Geralt pulled away, and yet it still had his head spinning. He fell forward slightly as Geralt’s lips left his, chasing the kiss he’d been dreaming of for decades. He felt as if his world had turned upside down, and there was a teensy part of him that was furious. He really had meant to stay mad at Geralt for longer, but when he opened his eyes and saw that stupidly soft smile on Geralt’s face… fuck if he wasn’t going to love this man for as long as he lived.
“Not forgiven you,” he muttered, trying desperately to hold on to his control of the situation. He needed that for his sanity.
Geralt hummed, and pressed their foreheads together. “Take as long as you need, Jask. I’ll wait for you."
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Watched Eternals!! Spoiler + Long Post
I feel like a generally average MCU fare in terms of plot and action pieces. First time they’ve really decided to include a Cliffhanger in the main part of the film, at least in terms of intro movies (except First Avenger but that was right before The Avengers so it made sense)… introduced a new big bad in The Celestials… I hear it wasn’t the big Celestials movie people were hoping for but it wasn’t as trash fire as some had led me to believe…
All that said, I enjoyed the cast. The Eternals themselves had a fun dynamic. But with so many new characters to introduce the audience, whilst also balancing the “we’ve known each other for centuries” group dynamic, the individual characterisation fell kind of flat and one-dimensional.
I love Gemma Cham but her character was so often just staring around conflicted and not actually doing anything except occasionally turning a rock into a butterfly (I exaggerate obvi). Her chemistry with her two love interests just didn’t feel as compelling as it could have been (which is why I get the obsession with Druig x Makari)… I was v interested in Gilgamesh and Thena and the fact he spent centuries doing what Black Widow became for the Hulk
Give me your hand vs The sun’s getting real low XD
Sprite was an interesting case but with so many characters, the more compelling elements of her story were lost in the bigness of the story. Like we see one scene of her trying to woo a guy, and then it’s revealed she’s got Tinkerbell syndrome and is in love with Ikaris and then she has a big spat with Sersi in the final battle before getting conked by Druig. And then all is forgiven and she becomes human?! Again an unfortunate product of a bunch of characters getting introduced in one story.
I loved Gilgamesh. If they find other Eternals and it’s a situation where they just look like the same but are “variants” then we can bring back best boi Don Lee aka Ma Dong-seok!!
Would love to see more of Druig and Makari and I guess we shall see them romping about the stars with Harry Styles aka Josh Brolin’s baby bro????
Faustus/Phostos however his name is spelt, I liked him. Him having a family was a lovely and having a male partner with an (adopted I’m assuming) son! Him mostly getting the better of Ikaris was nice.
Makari was a delight! More of her! Her and Druig were fun too. Good to see deaf representation and everyone just knowing sign language, demonstrating it is never something that impedes her.
I think they restrained Angelina Jolie’s natural star power well in making her Thena. And her ability to appear delicate but uncompromisingly fierce was great.
Who else? Ah yes the non-event comedic relief but also makes a compelling case for the moral grey area between the resolute and loyal to the directive, Ikaris, and the loves and appreciates the value of life, Sersi: Kingo.
He gives his reasons just fine for not being able to pick a side but then doesn’t join for the final fight in any capacity but then is shown to be taking charge of Human!Sprite and then is swept along anyway by Arishem. I’d like to see more of him but felt unfulfilled.
SPEAKING OF LACK OF FULFILMENT. DID IKARIS REALLY JUST LAUNCH HIMSELF INTO THE SUN?!? Apologises but doesn’t deal with any of the repercussions of his actions… I know “Icarus who flew too close to the sun blah blah” but his character was so much more interesting than that?! Like he actively chose to separate from the empathetic and nurturing Sersi who adored humanity bc he was loyal to the mission he had be indoctrinated into and when his whole purpose for being was threatened he killed Ajak, someone very dear to him, but still stuck by his beliefs despite it putting himself against someone he loves. And the Deviants were experiencing the same journey in that Arishem abandoned them as failures and the Eternals were complicit in their destruction despite just following orders and then evolving and having free will like living creatures are meant to have.
Could he have then become this morally ambiguous character trying to figure out which side he was on and embrace the natural human instinct of finding new purpose in his life? Kinda like that one dude in Dr Strange who realises The Ancient One used Dark Magic??? Yes! But instead he flew into the sun. Your symbolism didn’t land as well as you thought it did Marvel! Idk maybe he’ll come back but that was such a nonsensical resolution to his character arc. Not to mention, as soon as he appeared to Sprite and Sersi’s aide in London, I pegged him as the bad guy. Getting too predictable now.
Overall again this movie was ok. A good set-up movie for the many things coming up. But the pacing in the beginning was terrible, it was one character intro after another, really awkwardly placed flashback sequences, a butt ton of exposition, and then a very rude and unruly cliffhanger ending with two very cliffhanger end credits scenes. Eternals really didn’t try to be complete on its own.
There were beats I genuinely enjoyed. Like, funnily enough, the most interesting character to me was Kingo’s valet, Karun? A human among gods. He gets told to go home because the world is ending but for that same reason he chooses to stay because what is the point in returning with this knowledge of his impending doom. May as well watch their journey unfold.
Him thinking Kingo was a vampire, trying to stab him, then becoming Kingo’s closest confidante and companion in many ways?
Despite Kingo’s own beliefs about what the Eternals should do, he becomes the voice of humanity. “Hey, please save us? I would really appreciate it, but I’m probably biased”. Him leading the prayer for Gilgamesh’s funeral. Determinedly continuing to be a loyal cameraman and accepting the aggression of the Eternals at him trying to do his job in stride and even calling them out for being so angry.
And then him just being generally affable and pleasant and naturally funny. There were some moments that clearly were gunning for a laugh but his role was genuinely fun.
Like the story was so big beyond its boundaries that it was nice to see such a simple but well-rounded character.
That said I do look forward to where they take this cast and hope we have more time to get to know them beyond what they struggled to convey in this one.
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seodami · 3 years
Dearest treasure | KTH
|PART1| |PART 2| |PART 3|
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Summary: Every kid in town was afraid of Kang Taehyun, the old -slightly creepy- man living alone for years and years in the same run down house. Every night he would go into his backyard with a shovel and dig a hole into the earth. No one knows why and there are kids rumouring about him burying people. Jungwon was a bright kid, wanting to find out the truth behind this widely spread rumour for a school project. And what he found out would change his life forever.
Genre: fluff, angst, flashbacks, story of life, snippets of life, tiny bit humour
Warning: old Taehyun, mention of death, mention of suicide/suicidal thoughts, death
Word count: 10152 (all 3 parts)
Pairing: Kang Taehyun x reader, (Yang Jungwon)
Note: Wow okay so this story took me a while to write and I listened to hours of das music to finish this🥺 this was honestly an emotional rollercoaster. But I’m so glad it’s finally finished so I can post it on here yayyy!!! I hope you like it an enjoooyy (please tell me if you cried I would really appreciate your responses haha bc I did)
Main masterlist
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2089 (present)
Deathly silence hung in the air as thick as smog. In Jungwons eyes pooled tears, ready to spill over the edges to fall into free fall and drop heavily onto his trousers. His heart was burning, not finding any suitable words of comfort or understanding for the old man in front of him. His throat felt like it was tied up so tightly, he couldn’t breathe. Oh, how didn’t he know? Oh, how could anyone talk bad behind his back? So much hurt…
Mr. Kangs head hung low, not daring to make any other noice than his sniffling nose. Hot tear drops were silently dropping down, it felt suffocating just watching him so full of hurt and sorrow. Suddenly Jungwon felt sorry to let him relive his whole life together with the terrible pain even the young boy could feel.
“I- I…I never could…forgive myself. It was my fault-“ the once handsome mans face was dark and the wrinkles now seemingly even deeper full of regrets and unspoken words. “You wouldn’t understand, boy-“
Jungwon couldn’t form any appropriate words at that moment and let the sadness let him take away just for a little longer. His story was heavy… he felt like he just heard something he shouldn’t have heard. Something so private and fragile. It had touched him more than he had thought.
“I didn’t want to live anymore… it was all worthless since then… I had no motivation to keep going.” His voice became a tad more stable, yet still quiet and weak. His tired eyes met the innocent boys and for a second the old man could see his younger self inside his big brown eyes. Sadness and nostalgia rolled over him and he averted his gaze.
“I tried ending my life many times since that day- it never worked no matter how much I wanted it… and then I just…I just mouldered…alone, broken- and just a shell of my old self. I wasn’t the once happy, bright, clever boy anymore. I could never be that again…”
Jungwons heart felt heavy, breathing wasn’t bearable. His hands unconsciously reached forward to the tiny lost figure sitting in his sunken mould. It was a simple touch but for Mr. Kang it was the first reassuring and comforting gesture he had received in a long long time. It made him tear up stronger, still staying silent. The young boy wanted to be there for the old man. He wanted to show him that he wasn’t alone in this.
Moments of depressing, yet healing silence passed, just the ticking of the old clock in the dark living room was heard. “I’m so sorry Mr. Kang…” Jungwon finally whispered, unsure if the man spoken to even heard it. He couldn’t do much but be there in this moment. Quite honestly he felt like crying himself. But he wanted to stay strong for him.
“One day-“ Mr. Kangs voice shook a little but he kept talking. “-I remembered the time capsule. My dearest treasure. So long ago. And I made it my life mission to find it. One last moment to hold onto and…look back to.” A thick single tear slowly rolled down Jungwons cheek. So that was it. That’s why… and everyone had dragged the vulnerable man down, putting even more dirt into his deep wounds.
“I-I searched everywhere. But…but i just…forgot. It’s my last wish before I finish this…” life he wanted to say. Finish his life. It made the school boy unbelievable sad. Oh how much he must’ve suffered his whole life. And before Jungwon could’ve decided differently, a strong feeling of wanting to help and support creeped up to him.
“I’m gonna help you Mr. Kang. We will find your treasure.” Jungwon reassuringly took the heavy, wrinkled hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. It was the first time since that day, that he felt hope again. Just a tiny tiny splinter but it was there. Hope.
The next hours, both of the males digged holes through the whole garden, not saving any sweat, too focused on finding the mans greatest desire. Mr. Kang had already reached his limit after three holes, following with the 14 year old boy leading him towards an old wooden garden bench to rest on. Jungwon on the other hand was full of verve and energy to fulfill his dearest wish. To find his dearest treasure. Mr. Kang watched him with surprise and thankfulness, never had anyone gone all the way out to help him with something so important to him. There was never someone who he could’ve went to. After that day, he had broken off all the contact with his old friends. He wanted to feel alone at some point. He deserved the pain. That’s what he had always told himself. But now he was old and weak and just wanted nothing more than to be finally reunited with his beloved family. He missed you everyday. He heard his daughters laughters everyday. And he saw his son running around outside in the garden everyday. He finally wanted to be with his family everyday.
It had already gotten dark and cold at this point, Mr. Kang had brought the hard working boy a jacket and a warm tea. The sun was already long gone, just the small lights from the veranda and from the street shined over towards them. Jungwon was still digging, his once tidy school clothes now full of dirt and dust and drenched in sweat. He couldn’t give up. He knew that. So he kept digging and digging. The moon was fondly watching at the pair below, shining just a tad brighter tonight for them. Short friendly small talk about school went quickly over to heartfelt conversations about life and this and that. Nobody, not even the moon, would’ve thought that the bitter, lonely 87 year old Taehyun and the bright, cheerful 14 year old Jungwon would’ve ever even crossed paths, yet life showed again how unpredictable and full of surprises it could be. This night, a tight bond between the two men was woven. So unexpected but yet so lovely.
The clock already told them it was 6 minutes before midnight when another noice cut through the silent night air. A metallic sound. Gasping, Jungwon threw the shovel away, excitement now rushing through his veins. He fell onto his knees, not caring about the moist soil on his trousers. His hands digged through the last part, brown earth now sticking behind his nails, and moments later, he pulled out a medium sized metal box, securely wrapped in plastic. Jungwon felt like he just won the Olympics, he felt like he did it. He did it…
A quick gaze onto the bench showed him the sleeping old man, now seeming even tinier than before. With shaky steps and a weird feeling of proudness and fulfilment, Jungwon waddled over to the sleeping form, gently waking him up. The box in his hands was tightly in his grasp, not letting go. Mr. Kangs heavy lidded eyes flew open in an instant when he saw the metal box in the boys arms. Tears burned in his thankful eyes, reaching towards it with shaking arms. Everything felt heavy, yet his heart felt the lightest it had felt in a long long time.
“Thank you…so much.” Tears were now unstoppable rolling down his cheeks. It squeezed Jungwons heart, knowing he could make this man happy again, fulfilling his last wish. The both of them moved up to the house again, warmth engulfing them with its now familiar scent. Comfort. The old man reassured the boy to stay but seeing the box being opened, Jungwon felt as if he got to see something way too private. But he stayed, looking over the sniffling mans shoulder when he pulled out a small pink toy dolphin. His hands were shaking. “This was my daughters. It was her favorite toy when she was…two years old.”
Taehyuns heart clenched, seeing all his treasures in front of him. He desperately pressed the small toy against his chest, letting all his emotions in. It was intense, yet it was all he ever wanted. Seeing the familiar drawings of a green giraffe, sitting on a cloud with a family next to it. He could read all their names above the figures. Oh Taehee…
Looking through the photographs, old memories surfaced and made the man tear up even heavier. He didn’t knew how much he really had missed them. It was as if his empty shell was slowly filled again, reliving all of your best and worst moments. He saw a picture on his old friends Hueningkais 18th birthday. All of his friends were there, cake smeared all across your faces, the brightest smiles someone could ever see. The day he had first met you… Another picture had all of your friends sitting around a small bonfire, being cuddled inside blankets. Taehyun saw his younger handsome self smiling unsure into the camera with you sitting beside him. He could only laugh sadly at the memories of your camping trip where he first had kissed you, the guilty feeling just as clear.
“She looks so happy here…” Taehyun noticed with a testy smile, gently touching your face on the picture, seeing you and him laying on a bed, arms tightly slung around your frame, as you held the camera. His large eyes showed nothing but the purest form of love as he looked over to you. Oh he was such a lovesick fool. “You were a pretty couple…” Jungwon whispered, glancing over the handsome young man and the pretty women. He wished to find someone in his life later, he could look at with just as much love as he did. Taehyun nodded, pulling out the next photo. It was the two of you kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, big smiles on both of your faces. Taehyun remembered, it was when he courageously decided to fly around half the globe to you to fix your relationship. He didn’t want to give you up, thank god he didn’t. Another photograph showed you holding your first ultrasound picture, tears streaming down your face. You were both so young and already on the way to becoming parents. It was scary, yes it was one of the most scary moments in life but it was all worth it. The next picture showed you in the hospital bed, looking weak, yet happy. Taehyun was kneeing down next to you, his gaze focused on you and the tiny newborn baby in four arms. A tear dropped down onto the photo but he quickly wiped it away. “Our little Taehee…”
The next picture showed a kissing couple dressed in a gorgeous white dress and a neat black suit. The priest between them was smiling fondly at the newlywed couple. On another one he could see the couple dancing in midst of their guests, white petals laying all over the place. Taehyun sobbed, holding a hand over his mouth. Jungwons hand reassuringly squeezed his shoulder. He was there for him. Taehyuns and your parents were dancing next to you, he could see his friend Yeonjun and Beomgyu dancing with each other playfully and many more of their closest circle. It had been so long. And he missed it. It was such a happy memory.
There were other photographs with you being pregnant, both of your baby pictures, your friends and your parents and a ton of little Taehee running around bubbly in her adorable dresses and overalls. Taehyun hadn’t seen these pictures in a while and it tore his heart into a million pieces. The last picture was inside your new house, the house he never could bring over him to leave. You were all sitting on the carpet, smiling into the camera. The little baby boy snuggling closer in his blanket and the girl pressing a soft kiss onto his tiny head. Taehyuns arms were slung around your frame, head laying on your shoulder relaxing. They were so happy. So happy.
He pulled out an edition of your favorite book with a hand written text inside: ‘For Taehee and Taejun- may they find wisdom and happiness in their long lives. From mum and dad’ Taehyun remembered. Oh he remembered everything. You two would always read this book together since your honeymoon, where you discovered it in one of the local bookstores. Since then it had always be your favorite book. And it hurt him seeing his children never got to read it. Their future was just robbed because of one moment. It was unfair. Why did he get to live when they couldn’t? He never understood.
The last thing Taehyun pulled out of the box was the pink letter littered with dozen of glitter stickers. ‘To my love’ stood on top of it in your cursive handwriting. He gulped, knowing exactly this was made for him personally. It was the letter he dreaded reading. The moment he waited for. The reason he wanted to find this box in the first place. His love. Jungwon stood stiff and still next to him, not daring to say a word. With shaking fingers, he carefully opened the envelope without tearing it. He could immediately recognise your pretty handwriting and already teared up when he read over the first sentence. ‘To my dear love Taehyun, whom I always love’ with another nod, he dared reading through the heartfelt letter.
‘So this is where life led us, what? To be quite honest with you, my 17 year old me would’ve never thought about marrying the handsome boy from Hueningkais birthday party, let alone have his children and buy our first house together. Life went wild with us, am I right Tae? But I regret nothing. Not even when I stole your favorite hoodie out of your closet without you knowing. Everyone was so done with my reckless personality and I often felt misunderstood in my younger days as you know. But you just always seemed to just see the best in me. Even when I felt like giving it all up. You were always there for me. And you were the only one to fully understand and accept me how I am. This is something I never told you in person but I can’t remember how life was without you before. In my mind, you were always there and I know that you will always be there for our family in our long future. I hope when you read this, we are both still happily married, watching our children and grandchildren laugh about all our ridiculous photos inside this box. And Taehee, oh she must be so happy to see her favorite toy again haha. Taehyun, you are my best friend, my first love, my first heartache, my true soulmate and the best husband in the whole world. You are and will always be my love, no matter how time will turn our lives around. We are always together. I love you always,
Your dearest wife Y/N
(P.S. don’t worry about getting old, you are still my handsome prince I fell in love with!)’
At this point, Taehyun was a sobbing mess, not caring what the young boy might think of him. This letter had touched his soul, his deepest heart. He felt every word you’ve written just as if it was you whispering each of them into his ear. He never felt the urge that strong before to be by your side, hug you, kiss you all over your face, tell you how beautiful you were and whisper how much he loved you and would forever. His life made sense only with his family by his side. There was nothing left to live anymore for Taehyun. And he knew that for a long time already.
Jungwon in this moment didn’t knew what to do anymore. He felt like he had fulfilled his mission, making the old man happy for a last time. With quiet steps, he took his video camera, he totally had forgotten and put it in his backpack laying on the floor abandoned. It was his sign to leave, let the man dwell in his emotions and memories. He was done here. With careful steps he went closer to the sobbing man again, softly putting his hand on his shoulder. He looked up as if he knew what the boy was about to say.
A small smile was on his wrinkled lips, clenching on the boys heart. He weakly pushed himself up just to pull the sweaty, in dirt covered student into a warm embrace. It was the first hug since ages it felt like. The hug remembered Jungwon of his own grandmother and tears stuck in his throat. He missed her. “Thank you so much, Jungwon. You are a wonderful kid. You’ve fulfilled my dearest wish. I will forever be thankful to you. May you be blessed forever. You were the only one willing to listen. Thank you.” Jungwon nodded in his shoulder, trying not to burst into tears on the spot but failed nevertheless in the end. He was so glad seeing the happy man in front of him, now seeming even younger than before. The deep sunken eyes didn’t seem frightening anymore. They were warm and welcoming. He could see sparkles of youth inside them. Yes, Jungwon did the right thing.
When the clock showed sharply half an hour past midnight, Jungwon bid his farewell to the man, he weirdly would consider his friend now, knowing he could sleep well tonight. Taehyun insisted on him keeping the jacket he gave him as well as one of the pictures inside the box for his school project and as a token of gratitude. On his quiet walk back home, he smiled endearingly down to the old photograph he carefully held in his hand. It was the last picture. Where the family of four smiled happily into the camera, sitting onto the fluffy rug Jungwon recognised now. He would treasure this picture forever. It was a generous gift, knowing how important it had been to Mr. Kang. He was so thankful.
The next day, Jungwon excitedly presented his project in class. Even though his mother yelled at him concerned where he was until this late, he managed to edit the video for his project, tearing up in the process but still felt motivated to keep going. It was important that he made this his best project. Not for him or his grade, no, it was for Mr. Kang. He was determined to change everyone’s horrible opinion about the old man.
It was eye opening for everyone. Even Park Jongsong, the scary older student, couldn’t come up with a counter attack and stared wide eyed at the screen in front of the class. It was freeing, knowing that just a bit of courage and kindness could lead you to such wonderful moments. He changed everyone’s opinion about ‘Killer Kang’. And he managed to make an old sad man happy again.
After school, the kind student hurried over to Mr. Kangs house. In bright daylight, the garden looked like a battlefield with tons and tons of freshly digged soil laying all around. Now with a much happier feeling, Jungwon crossed the chaotic lawn, knocking energetically onto the old wodden door. After a while he still hadn’t heard any steps so he tried knocking again. “Mr. Kang? It’s Jungwon. I wanted to show you the finished project. It went amazing.” The boy excitedly bounced on the balls of his feet, too giddy to stand still. There was still no answer, so Jungwon made his way towards the backyard, now being familiar with every inch. He had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomache.
And when he saw the open veranda, the old man sitting in his mould on the old couch, Jungwon let out a relieved breath. With careful steps not to step inside one of the many holes in the ground, he made its way over to Mr. Kang, not without knocking on the wall outside. Still no answer. Maybe he hasn’t heard it or he was sleeping. Jungwon waddled over to the familiar couch, seeing Mr. Kang sitting in his usual spot with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, Jungwon first thought the old man was sleeping tightly. Yet when there was still no answers or reactions from his side and when he noticed there was no movement of his upper body, he understood…
Mr. Kang passed away last night. Tears welled up in Jungwons eyes and he heavily let them flow when he saw all the contents of the metallic box scattered around the small desk in front of him. The photos, sorted into time accuracy, the book untouched, the adorable drawings of his young daughter, the green giraffe smiling cheekily at him. The pink letter was open and the neat handwriting was still the same as yesterday. And in Mr. Kangs hands, layed the pink toy dolphin.
Jungwon went onto his knees beside him on the fluffy carpet, letting his hot tears fall freely without restrictions. He may had lost a friend today but he knew deep down, the old kind man was happily reunited with his family. He had gained everything he lost. And for that…how could Jungwon still be sad?
For now and forever, the courageous 14 year old boy, who acted righteous and kind, carried Kang Taehyuns life story out into the wide world, spread his last words so no one would forget the once mysterious man everyone feared to look at. Kang Taehyun, a man who got everything he wished for and then got it taken away from him. A man, who loved dearly. A man, whose story would never be forgotten.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) 司岚 SR 「欧洲纪行」 Clarence SR [Journey to Europe] Painting Story Translation: Of the Stonehenge and the Acropolis
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Card is from the [Ruins & Civilizations] series. *Yes, Clarence speaks really good English...
“Telling a story of a distant place.”
From England to Europe, he's just like a walking encyclopedia. But it's Clarence, so I suppose perfection is the norm; right?
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Three weeks later, I got my Visa and started my journey to Ancient Civilization.
First, I'll fly to Europe.
The first stop will be the prehistoric site of the United Kingdom.
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Regret didn't truly strike until I reached Stonehenge, and it did. Hard.
Being part of a TV Program wasn’t any sort of holiday at all; the work schedule starts the very moment we take off, and there wasn’t much time to rest either.
Starting last afternoon, we'd taken a plane to the airport in London, Heathrow, flying through the large part of the night; and then followed up with a bus ride to Wiltshire before we could even regain our bearings.
I felt a little dizzy and faint just gazing upon this large pile of rocks under the scorching rays of the sun…
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▷Choice: Jet-lag sucks…
Despite having fallen asleep on the plane here, the jet lag still made me rather uncomfortable…
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▷Choice: Long-distance flights suck…
The air was too stagnant for my taste, given that it was a long-distance flight. Plus, the economy-class seats were way too narrow. Hence, I didn’t sleep well at night...
Thinking about it now, Emerald had truly taken care of me well during all of my previous trips abroad. He’d buy me a flight ticket under the business-class, and even reserve plenty of time before the actual trip itself, enough so that I could recover from the jet lag.
I read the lines of the script that was to be recorded for the TV filming in a dead tone.
MC: Stonehenge is a renowned prehistoric monument made of bluestones in Europe. It was built between 4000~2000 BC, spanning an area of around 11 square meters…
Thankfully, my main job was painting. If I had to memorize this entire script, I'm afraid I'd fall asleep way before any of these words stuck to my brain…
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With that in mind, I snuck a glance over at Clarence, who was preparing to be on camera.
I heard that he'd come to Europe once during high school as an exchange student, and that his English capabilities were exceptional.
Hence, that was why he was in charge of explaining the whole story of the Ancient European Civilization.
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He listened intently to the Director's instructions, smiling as he stepped before the lens.
Clarence held an information booklet as he started delving into the explanation in front of Stonehenge.
What happened was truly something out of the realms of my expectations. Clarence had started with a paragraph of English narration.
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Clarence: What can it be?
Clarence: The place was all doors and pillars, some connected above by continuous architraves.
Clarence: It is Stonehenge! Older than the centuries; older than the d'Urbervilles.
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Clarence: In one of Britain's masterpieces, "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", this was the final destination of the runaway, Tess.
Clarence: The farmer girl Tess, who believed in god, laid to sleep peacefully atop the remains of the Altar built by the Druids.
Clarence: It is so solemn and lonely— after my great happiness with nothing but the sky above my face.
Clarence: It is at the very end of life, that all prayers, regrets, and pain comes to an end. Tess laid atop the Altar built by the Druids with only the sky above her head.
Clarence: That's right. This is the place where Tess had laid to sleep, entering a peaceful slumber. The people of ancient times had built their Altar here more than 2000 BC ago.
Clarence: As time passed, people started believing in the other gods and speaking other languages. Yet, the story of the vast sky that hung overhead and the towering rocks, are something that has been passed down from generation to generation...
Using "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" as an intro, Clarence delved into the main explanation of Stonehenge.
He subtly turned the topic back around, explaining the significance of Stonehenge in the histories of both architecture and astronomy alike.
He walked into the center of the stone monument as he spoke, explaining the principal axis of the pillars that made the Stonehenge. And about how the old path would fall in line with the morning sun of the summer solstice.
Meanwhile, the other two pillars paint in the direction of where the sun sets during the winter solstice.
Clarence's explanations were simple and easy to understand. It was intriguing enough that even I got enthralled by it despite how sleepy I initially felt.
Director: Amazing! Truly amazing! Your speech is way better than the script, Clarence!
Director: St. Shelter's University really did find a competent and suitable person for the job!
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I finally got the chance to talk to Clarence upon returning to the hotel in the afternoon.
He told me that he liked this whole plan about the Ancient Civilizations because he was once an exchange student here in Europe; hence, his familiarity with the European Ruins. He said that these ruins had managed to witness human civilization; and that this world only became much more interesting due to the footprints that humans leave behind.
——This view of his was similarly shared by Emerald himself.
Clarence: I was actually the one who suggested the next site to the Director and his team.
I glanced at the plane ticket.
MC: Athens, Greece…? Are we going to see the Acropolis?
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▷Choice: Athens is where the European Civilization originated from!
MC: The European Civilization originated from Greek. And I heard that the Acropolis of Athens is a marvelous historical place to behold.
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▷Choice: I once saw a show called “Saint X”...
MC: I once saw a show where all the Saints of X lived within a sanctuary, which happened to be the Acropolis.
MC: So, I think that the Acropolis should be a marvelous relic of history!
Clarence smiled wordlessly.
Clarence: You'll know once you get there.
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After a day’s rest, we flew off towards Athens, Greece.
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We then took a ferry from Piraeus Port to Rhode Island.
MC: I can’t believe that the Acropolis isn’t the historical relic of Greece… Fine. I should have known. I mean, you were smiling! But you never did reply to me...
MC: Still, how strange. What other historical remains are there on Rhode Island that are more valuable than the Acropolis itself?
Clarence: The Acropolis is indeed the largest ruin in Greece. However, I personally doubt that the ruins of civilization need to be shown through such grandeur.
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I was absolutely dumbfounded when Clarence walked right back to Rhode Island’s Port.
There was nothing else here… Other than the ordinary port and Castle erected by the later generations.
Clarence took one glance at the script before turning back up to face the cameras while explaining.
Clarence: This is Rhode Island. Standing here now, I can only see the peaceful harbor and the buildings built by the later generations.
Clarence: In 282 BC, a bronze statue of Helios, the Greek God of the Sun, was erected here. However, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake a mere 56 years later.
Clarence: Though it lasted for only a short period, it was still long enough for it to be recognized by Antipater, a traveler of the old, as one of the “Seven Wonders of the World” 
Clarence explained about "Rhode Island's Sun God Statue". Based on his description, it was a colossal statue that towered at the height of 33 meters. It was made entirely out of bronze. The torch in its hand acted as a lighthouse, and its two feet, each on one end of the shore, served as the Port’s entryway.
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Based on Clarence’s descriptions of the place, I let my thoughts wander, bringing me to Ancient Europe. The grand statue seemingly reappeared before my eyes.
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I raised my head to look at the statue. It stood between the blue sky and the sea, the torch in its hand blazing furiously, lighting the way for any passing ships and directing them towards the harbor...
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Clarence: After the fateful earthquake, the ruins of what remained of the God of the Sun laid there in silence for another thousand years.
Clarence: After that, Rhode Island was conquered by the Arabs, and the remains of the statue smuggled to Syria. The site of glory that was once behold became no more.
Clarence: Mankind creates miracles, yet destroys them all the same.
Clarence: We create prosperity alongside the development of Civilization, yet at the same time, we destroy what’s beautiful and well in light of our greed and desire.
I now know why he’d suggested Rhode Island instead for the filming location for the “European Civilization”.
The Acropolis was the origin of European Civilization.
However, the statue of the God of the Sun in Rhode Island tells us all, that no matter what Civilization it may be, it can all just be as easily erased by the hands of the very humans who built it.
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
played salty, playing sweet ||| seonghwa x reader
summary: you and seonghwa have a frenemies relationship—you’re friends, but boy do you bicker 24/7. one day though, seonghwa takes it a step too far. genre: angst! fluff at the end bc happy endings! warning(s): foul language at someone (2x f**k, 2x a**hole), a remark that makes fun of someone’s intelligence word count: 2390 an: sorry this is a bit late anon! i hope it was worth the wait though, i didn’t want to give you something that wasn’t quite good enough, so i figured an extra day wouldn’t hurt too much in the long term
“well at least i didn’t fail one of the easiest exams in the year.”
seonghwa had said it with a humorous glint in his eye. he’d turned away from you, watching the world outside go by aimlessly, all because he couldn’t handle looking at you too long, lest his heart fall out of his chest. you’d already caught him blushing once. it had been while eating ice cream in the park with hongjoong, when he’d spontaneously decided to tag along. as the drizzle rolled back yet left the odd heat behind, you’d made a mad dash for the truck, longing to do what you hadn’t done in so long. once the chocolate was in your hands, you had dived in while not paying attention, eyes fluttering off to the side to listen to hongjoong (seonghwa couldn’t remember what it was about, no doubt the exaggerated hundredth challenge eden had made him do back in predebut) and ended up with a dollop on your nose. the guffaw that fell from your lips was adorable, as you cackling, “what an idiot!” all while seonghwa stood, mesmerised by your happiness. he wished he could make it happen more often, and yet all that he could ever say was teasing remarks, which only ever worked on the odd occasion. 
trapped in his memory, the corners of his lips, that had risen to the point he was very nearly laughing all over, again didn’t twitch as his head whipped round at the slam of a door. 
eyes wary, seemingly aware of the wave of chaos that was about to crash upon the dorms, he looked to where you had been, and then nervously about the rest of the living room.
there was no sign of you. all that his eyes met was the disappointed glare of his bandmate, slouched and curled so small on the sofa he was entirely easy to miss.
“you gone fucked up, hwa,” hongjoong announced simply to him.
“what...?” he stared at him, elfin eyes wide watching him closely. all while he himself was still lagging behind. “wait what—”
“you should go after them.”
his face fell into stony fear as the dread sank into the pit of his stomach, as heavy as lead. the jigsaw pieces began to slowly fit together. “go after...? but, they...”
he looked back to the empty archway where your beautiful figure had been just seconds prior, a baggy clashing jumper pulled over mustard sleeves and a black denim pinafore. it wasn’t your favourite outfit, he knew that, but he had to admit it was one of his.  not that he’d ever gotten close to admitting a sliver of those thoughts to you. he’d never even harmlessly complimented you on it. or anything you wore, for that matter. 
“let me put it this way hwa. if you don’t go and treat my best friend right for once i will make you.”
he knew that the leader was pulling his stern-dad-face that wasn’t convincing nor terrifying in the slightest, but seonghwa didn’t care. he was too busy cursing and leaping to his feet. he didn’t even bid him goodbye as he tore past. 
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
you sat hunched on the park bench, wrung iron icy at your back while the sun seemed desperate to vex you, piercing through a convenient gap in the clouds and straight into your eyes.
with shudders heaving through your body your fist remained tight at your mouth. the faint hisses of your frantically silenced cries were growing louder and stronger, and yet the woman strolling with a push chair down the path nearby still did not retrieve her child from the old-fashioned pavilion. 
you shook your head slowly as you curled over, your forehead meeting your knees in a desperate attempt to keep quiet. the last thing you needed was a genuinely concerned stranger--their kindness would have you all-out balling like a child in an instant.
still, it would all come out at some point, in one form of another, and despite your wishes you didn’t get to dictate when. 
“why would you say that, why would you say that, why would you say that,” you wailed in a whisper to yourself, the face of the man who had spoken engraved in your mind beyond erasure. maybe it was the place you were in that made it so strong, since this had been the place where you had eaten ice cream during the summer. despite all of your doubts and worries and constant analysis of the words he teased you with, there was no other explanation to the smile he had that day. there was no teasing in the way he grinned, nor was there anything less than sheer tenderness within it, and it was the one thing that held you tethered to whether you could be more than just the bantering friends you clearly already were. on the other hand, maybe it was just your lovesick state, exaggerating the tiny inflections of incessantly replayed memories, as the latest thing he’d said surely would cancel all that sweetness out. 
a whimper released from your throat and you very nearly fell over the knife edge when your name was called over the late october air. 
your head flew up before you could stop it, gaze bleary and encrusted with tears as the voice you heard lifted your spirits, only to let them plummet again like a rollercoaster. 
he was running across the grass towards you, no coat to cover his arms, dark locks blustered about his face by the wind, before his feet were pounding the paving, coming to a slow and then a stop. 
“y/n, i—”
as soon as he was stood before you, catching his breath with blushed cheeks and his onyx eyes searching yours, all those cries that you had blockaded within you burst through. 
“you fucking asshole!” you screamed, words choked with sobs as you lurched to your feet. “you asshole! why the hell would you even go there?!” 
seonghwa looked more winded than you did, heart crushed at what he’d done to you. 
“do you forget i have feelings or something?!” you cried. your nails dug into your palms, the adrenaline pumping through your body beginning to shoot only up to your head. “do you know how hard i worked to study for that... that stupid... paper, i—”
it felt like all the blood in your body was trapped inside your skull at that moment. the realisation of rest of the world around you hit square in your gut, and your words gave way much like your feet did, leaving you to collapsed back onto the bench, your voice only giving sound to quiet sobs. 
for a minute, he stood at the other side of the path in silence, guilt eating him up as he looked at the consequences of his cowardice.  hongjoong’s words echoed in his head, as he despaired. there’s no way she’ll like you back now, he thought. taking a deep breath however, he made his way cautiously over to you, one step at a time. it was his fault, and it was time to take responsibility. he could still fix this situation, and that was much more important.
“y/n, i am so sorry,” he began gently, “back when your results came, i saw you smiling about it, laughing it off, i thought it was fair game...”
he reached the edge of the bench and the space left. it was big enough for him to fit, almost perfectly, but he continued to stand, a little distant to give you space. “i’m sorry, i should have listened to my intuition more, been more careful, should’ve paid closer attention.”
no matter how afraid i am to, he added in his head. 
“i never meant to hurt you, but that doesn’t mean that it’s... all ok,” he finished, apologising once again, chewing at the inside of his cheek as he nervously waited for any response.
even with your head bowed you were absolutely stunning, how your hair caught the bright autumn sun and accentuated the beautiful face he knew so well. tear stained only made the urge to hold you stronger, to make you laugh more powerful.  how had he gotten into this mess.
“why did you have to say that, seonghwa?” your words were threadbare, lilting like distant birdsong made up only of mountain echoes. your tears had not quite dried, cheeks rosy from the wind and his mistake, but your breath was more stable. “why do you always have to tease me? why can’t you... just say the nice things, the sweet things?” 
he wasn’t aware of just how much of a leap you had made, and how your heart threatened to burst from your ribs at the dangers you had proposed for yourself. with fortune on your side however, they did not come, and seonghwa continued, discarding the urge to back down against what he had done for so long prior.
“i want to say them, i always do,” he explained hesitantly, trying to push through the murk of the truth and continue with the revelation he had discovered, “i was just... so afraid.”
“of what?”
your question was so simple and yet he couldn’t answer straight away. swallowing thickly, with it heavy upon his tongue, he tried his best. “of you not liking me back. of being made to look like an idiot for thinking i had...”
the wind rustled the trees who gossiped about the scene below by their roots. your eyes glanced up to see the mother and child nowhere to be found and you couldn’t help but wonder at what point they decided to leave, or whether they fled from the drama at all.  you didn’t dwell on it though, there was no way you could with your crush stood waiting patiently for you to speak. he looked much like a kicked puppy, though he was trying to retain his cool by avoiding your gaze fully. although, he never looked away.
“you looked like an idiot anyway,” you finally answered, waiting for him to respond with a retort and assume everything was ok. but he didn’t. he remained quiet, waiting for you to finish. “just for a different reason.”
he nodded at that. 
it never truly dawned on you that the play that you were enacting was actually for one, a confession, and two, real. that wouldn’t actually come until you opened your eyes an hour later after falling asleep upon that bench. instead, you continued to drift through reality, flowing with what felt right.
catching onto the fact he was waiting for your call, you shifted just slightly across the bench to beckon him to sit.
he perched on the edge of the iron at your side, a fair distance between you as he finally tore his eyes away, letting them settle across the small hills of the park. there wasn’t anyone in sight, the sun having gone in and leaving the cold to continue its infiltration into your bones.  
thus, you shuffled across the bench, a fair bit in reality that he didn’t notice until the very end, when you were about to lean into to him.
you rested your head on his shoulder, the warmth he seeped reigniting your icy skin and fending off the numbness that had taken root there without you knowing. it felt natural to be there, laying against him, and he seemed to think so too, as he made no effort at all to stop you. in fact, he shifted himself further back, giving you more room, and let out the air he had gathered in his lungs for a blow he never received.  
“i like...” you began, though you were stopped by the need to clear your throat, your sobbing having left it dry, “your leather jacket, back home. it looks so comfortable and... badass.”
you felt him look down to you, though you made no effort to crane your neck up to see what his expression was. you were quite comfortable enough where you were. soon though, he caught on. “i like your outfit today. it suits you really well.”
the joyous rush seonghwa felt after complimenting you was ineffable.
“your voice is really good. it’s so soft and clear.”
“i think your laugh is sweet. it’s adorable and i can’t help but smile when you i hear it.”
“i think you’re cute.”
“i think you’re gorgeous.”
a chill caught your shoulders and a shiver melded with your shy giggle that followed his words. within moments though, his arm is around you, holding you closer, protecting you from the autumn cold. it felt so right to finally be nice to one another, and tiredly staring off at the buffering canopies beyond, you regretted all the time you had wasted dancing around the subject in favour of the status quo. 
“isn’t this much better?” you murmured finally, glancing up to catch a glimpse of hi handsome face at a new angle. “playing sweet?”
he peered down to meet you, a small smile upon his plush lips. it wasn’t as grand as the one on that bright summer’s afternoon, but it felt sincere all the same—etched with nerves from where he had bitten anxiously, teasing at his cheeks, a box grin in the making. 
his hand, somehow hot against the approaching winter, rose to softly rest against your temple. he traced spirals into your skin there, delicately as if the wind could brush them away, before lifting to the corner of your eye. you’d long since finished crying, your eyes and nose tinted rouge—it would have been something that you would’ve been ashamed of, but the man’s doting caress was enough to push it far from your mind. despite the disappearance of your sorrow, the chrysalis of a tear, near complete, resided there. and so he wiped it away with the tip of his thumb.
shy at his touch, you ducked your head away from his tenderness, choosing to bury your nose in his neck instead. you felt his laugh roll through you, deep and calming, as his arms held you secure at his chest. and there, in the face of the cold autumn, you decided that you could stay like that for a bit longer.
an: idk if i like this yet. probably not.
once again i wrote this in drabble format thinking it would be short but then it was not. like always. why am i even surprised. 
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unstoppableforcce · 4 years
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CHAPTER ONE: simplicity
pairing: Poe Dameron x oc! Anya
next part | masterlist | oc art
a/n: this is set before the Force Awakens and is a rewrite and expansion of one of my first fics. it’s a big one, this part is 6.7k which might be the longest thing i’ve ever written lol, but i love my oc and the relationships and the plot of this, i hope yall do too bc i can’t wait to write more!!! 
He had forgotten how beautiful the galaxy could be. 
Before him, through the clear windshield of the dilapidated transport ship, laid an expanse of towering mountains of green, thick like the jungles of Yavin IV he knew so well, and vast like the breath of the galaxy he was only beginning to familiarize himself with. In the valleys that sat between the intimidating heights of the jungle were ponds and lakes, illuminated by the contrast of their soft pink hue and the sunlight from three suns beating down on them overhead. And within each jaw-dropping landscape they flew over, the lanky jungle trees stretched high and interwoven with each other and the depths of the gentle pink lakes, he caught glimpses of the hidden civilization. 
Stone buildings of dark brown granite hidden beneath the twisted green vines and thick, overgrown tree trunks, windows of reflective glass cascading like waterfalls built back into the shape of the mountains. From as high as they were, flying above in the shaky transport ship, he could make out the movement of the people through the trees and on wooden crescent boats out in the milky pink water of the lake, working as the suns bore down on their backs. 
Flying in his X-wing, he had mission objectives and responsibilities. He travelled from point A to point B and never lingered in one place for longer than he needed to, not with the First Order patrols cracking down across the galaxy. He couldn’t remember the last time he had travelled so slow, the last time he got to truly see the colors of the universe around him which normally passed in hyperspeed blurs. 
He had forgotten how beautiful the galaxy could be. 
“Wow…” the awe fell from his lips unconsciously as his eyes stayed wide, scanning the horizon not only out of necessity given their flight path, but because he couldn’t look anywhere else. The D’Qar jungle was said to be beautiful, as beautiful as this, but for the past months he had been tasked with growing their new base there, he saw the inside of buildings and the burn of haunting fluorescent lights more than he did the real greenery and sunlight. 
It was… breathtaking to say the least. 
“I thought I misremembered,” the calm and collected voice of the General sounded off over his shoulder as he slowed his speed to navigate a lofty bit of cloud cover that surrounded the tops of the mountainous valleys he navigated between. “I convinced myself somehow that no place in the galaxy could be as beautiful as I remembered but I was wrong.”
He couldn’t blame her. If he wasn’t seeing it with his own eyes as his hands gripped tight to the controls of the ship, he wasn’t sure he would have believed it either. 
Waterfalls of the lightest pink hue, the sparkling of the natural granite deposits in the rock which shined equally as bright as the city construction as they continued over it, the polished rock made into skyscrapers which rivaled the surrounding mountains in height, the natural overgrowth of green vines and thick canopy tree tops… the more he saw, the more Poe found himself overwhelmed by the beauty. 
“How far until the palace?” He hummed with a brief quirk of his jaw back over his shoulder to Leia as his eyes stayed trained on the intricate habitational design and fields woven between towering structures which shadowed over smaller homes which led to more fields and rivers, rocks and jungle. 
“Not far, it’s impossible to miss.”
It hadn’t made sense at that moment, but he refrained from asking her to expand, trusting that whatever she meant would be clear to him as they kept going. Within the following minute, his trust proved itself. 
The nose of the ship lifted slightly to get them over a particularly tall mountain top, and as the clouds cleared away while he nosed back into the valley below, he found the most gorgeous architectural and natural displays he had ever laid his eyes on. Built, like the hidden structures he had seen earlier, into the most commanding mountain of sparkling brown granite in the landscape before him, the palace was a delicate, yet proud masterpiece with spires as high as the clouds and a bustling marketplace pouring out the front of it, spilling towards the shore of the pink ocean before it. 
Banners of colors brighter than he even knew existed fluttered in the wind coming in off the coast throughout the marketplace, and as he brought the ship in to a stop at the surrounding rim of the mountain above the palace’s top spires where all the other ships sat, he began to notice the vibrant crowd which flowed from the boats in the water all the way through the palace gates. He loved his home with all his heart, but this was the most beautiful place in the galaxy. It had to be. 
He and Leia quickly unloaded from the non-descript ship, and Poe made sure to leave his blaster secure in the cockpit as Leia had instructed him earlier, taking only his jacket and communicator with him. A jacket he quickly realized he would not be needing as the two of them stepped out amongst the ships atop the mountain and felt the overwhelming heat from the suns above them. 
“Don’t be too in awe, we are here for a reason.” He glanced back from where he stood near the edge of the flattened mountain top to see Leia stood as regal as ever with her hands linked behind her back and her stare that of a careful mother. “An important reason,” she minded once more and he had no choice but to nod. 
As he reluctantly pulled away from teh edge and joined her at her side while they drew closer to the nearby lift and the mindlessly chatting guards stood around it, he couldn’t help but voice the one thought he couldn’t get out of his mind,“I can’t imagine a place like this ever allying with the First Order.” 
With a voice lowered closer to that of a whisper while they passed the guards, Leia carefully minded him again, “There is a complicated history to Haiki, as beautiful as it is.”
“All the briefing memo said was that they were great allies during the war, pacifists, but great allies.” He responded in an equally hushed tone until the doors to their lift shut and they began descending deep into the dark, sparkling rock. “You said their leader was a friend.”
“Their King and Queen were friends of mine while I was still living on Alderaan and fighting with the rebellion, unfortunately the queen died shortly after the Empire fell and their king has been sick for almost as long.” She explained as the thick walls of granite passed quickly by them as they continued to descend. 
“Who are we here to meet with then?”
The lift came to a stop at the bottom and the doors opened to a dense crowd of people, all dressed in vibrant colors of thick woven fabric, skin decorated with thick strokes of black ink in intricate designs that varied from body to body. But as much as Poe wished to step forward and immerse himself into the lively crowd of the market, Leia’s firm grip on the elbow of his jacket pulled him in the opposite direction, towards an open doorway outlined by beautiful branches and bright flowers as her words quickly pulled him back to the reality of their mission there. 
“We’re meeting with the Princess,” Leia answered as they continued down the hall illuminated by windows which brought cascades of bright light into the halls as they travelled in a direction which seemed to Poe as if it were going deeper into the rock of the mountain. “I’ve met her before, but she was young, now she runs the whole planet and, from what I can tell, is not as eager about our alliance as her parents were.”
“You think she’s fielding threats from the First Order? You said they were pacifists--”
“It’s not about weapons or defense, it’s about supplies.” Leia sighed as the two of them came to a halt in the middle of the hallway, allowing the few locals who were walking behind them to pass in front and leave them alone with the bright sunlight. “We need their support, the medicine they create, the food they grow… If we don’t get it, I don’t know how much longer we can survive.”
Poe nodded, his overgrown curls bouncing with the nod of his head as he glanced around the empty hall and began pulling his jacket off his already sweat-slicked back. 
He knew they were there for support, but the briefing memo had been vague on purpose. No one else could know they were there, no one could know why they were there. If there was a leak, if the First Order somehow found out that the Resistance was reliant on Hakian support to survive, they’d decimate the entire planet, strip mine them for their resources and slaughter their peaceful population. 
He trusted their people, and he knew Leia did too, but he also understood why he had to be kept in the dark until now. This was just too important. 
“When we get in to see her, you’ll call her only ‘princess’ or ‘dekka’, never by her first name unless she gives you permission. And make sure you keep your distance, be respectful,” Leia warned as they slowly began walking again, turning a corner and entering another well-lit hall still travelling deeper into the mountain it seemed. “They are sticklers for tradition here and we can’t afford to play around.”
“What does ‘dekka’ mean?” 
“Respected one.” She answered quickly, keeping her voice close to him as another person came into view at the end of the hall. 
The man towered just like the mountains they flew through did, taller than any human man Poe had seen in person, nearly wookie height if he was being honest. But there was nothing intimidating about him, he merely flashed a bright smile and opened his arms in a welcoming stance. 
“Princess Leia, it is an honor to see you again.” The man bellowed out, meeting them at the end of the hall where it let out into a gorgeous room of tall ceilings and windows that stretched from the polished granite floor all the way up to the tallest rafters of twisted vine and tree root, letting in an electric amount of natural light. 
Leia quickly unlinked her hands from behind her back and wrapped them around the man, who stood at nearly twice her height, in a solid embrace. “Elias, it’s an honor to see you as well.”
“I had no idea you were coming, whatever can I help you with?” His thick accent continued to cut through the air, louder than Leia could muster by several dozen decibels. His command over the basic language wasn’t too strong, but he certainly made up for his shortcomings with heart and confidence.
However, no amount of strength of heart could overwrite the confusion outlined by his words, leaving an unsettling feeling in Poe’s gut. Judging by the slight deflation in Leia’s commanding stance, it was clear he wasn’t the only one. 
“No idea…” Leia chuckled nervously, trailing off with a brief shake of her braids. “We were meant to meet with Dekka Anya-Va, is she not here?”
Elias’ chuckle was equally as unsettled, something was wrong. 
“She hasn’t been in all day,” he added as another rough chuckle escaped his lips, “I didn’t know she had schedule, she didn’t tell me…”
Seven hours. That’s how far away Haiki was from D’Qar when travelling as fast as possible in the only non-resistance ship available, an old, deteriorating transport ship. He spent seven hours behind the controls on a trembling, shaking ship, and the Princess they were supposed to be meeting with to secure necessary supplies for the resistance was not there? Was this some kind of joke?
If it was, he didn’t find it very funny. 
Leia glanced back over her shoulder, finding the waiting confusion that covered Poe’s face and turned back to Elias wearing a very similar look. “She hasn’t been in at all?”
“She’s been… cutting me off, isolating herself from her advisors… I don’t know…” He stuttered over each and every word, clearly pulling them from a particularly painful place in his chest. 
And on any other day, Poe might have cared about the way the towering man’s intimidating voice trembled in his explanation. The overwhelmingly empathetic heart that beat steadily in his chest was accustomed to feeling for anyone from anywhere across the galaxy, but in this moment, the weight of the resistance was too apparent on his shoulders. 
If Leia said they needed this Princess to save the resistance, then that was that. They needed this Princess, and hearing that she was circumventing her advisors as much as she was avoiding their meeting only increased the nerves in his unsettled stomach. 
“You are welcome to wait for her in the throne room, I will send her your way whenever I find her…” Elias made a desperate attempt to relight the smile that had fallen from Leia’s diplomatic lips, but it only succeeded somewhat, as much as Leia could muster, feeling the same weight that Poe felt sitting heavy on her shoulders. 
“Thank you, Elias.” Leia bowed her head, and Elias quickly did the same. 
But the second Leia turned away from him and began nudging Poe back in the direction they came from, her diplomatic disposition fell away, returning her harsh, commanding stare. 
“She’s avoiding us?” Poe was quick to question as their pace hastened back down the brightly illuminated halls leading back to the busy marketplace. 
Leia shook her head, keeping her voice low as the two of them walked, shoulder to shoulder. “Remember when you asked if I thought she was fielding First Order threats already? I think we just got our answer.”
“What do we do?”
As the two of them entered back out into the dense crowd of the marketplace, Leia gave a brief shrug, still tugging him along with her as she fought against the flow of tattooed people. “Now, we have to find her.”
“Do you know where to look?”
The stare Leia gave him was one he was all too familiar with. It was the same look he got when he asked questions about procedure he already knew the answer to, the same look he got when he asked questions he knew she wouldn’t answer. It was a look that meant one thing. The simplest answer, the easier answer, the obvious one that was punching him directly in the face, was the answer he should be looking for. 
And with Leia, when it came to asking if she knew anything, the answer was without a doubt, a resounding ‘yes’. 
Following the banners, each one a color more vibrant than the last, Leia continued to push him through the marketplace. As they exited the front gate of the palace, the market grew impossibly larger and the crowd more dense, every soul moving with a specific purpose, from stall to stall with shoulders carrying heavy bags and faces bright with electric smiles. 
Poe couldn’t remember the last time he saw so many smiles in such a densely packed region.
The sun was beating down hot on his back, slicking his curls to his forehead in a light coating of sweat, but everyone around him seemed oblivious to it, either too distracted by the spices piled high in the booths, wafting a plethora of new scents around the beautiful square, or the swaths of fabrics covered in intricate stitches and designs. Was this what life was like where the war didn’t touch? 
People could walk around, fully immersed in their own vibrant culture wearing smiles brighter than the multiple suns which hung above them, seemingly without a care in the world when it came to the slaughtering and genocide happening around the galaxy at the hands of the First Order? Did they even know? 
Did the parents who let their kids run around with tightly woven baskets piled high with spiky blue fruit even know about the children across the galaxy who were stolen from their families and conscripted as nameless troopers? Did the elderly who sat off to the side even know that just last week, a village of respected elders on Nantoo were mowed down indiscriminately by First Order officers looking to set up base on their sacred land? Did any of them even know about the war?
If he lived here, maybe he could understand it. Maybe… 
But Stars, was ignorance really bliss when millions were being slaughtered? 
“I knew she’d be here…” Leia sighed, pulling Poe’s attention back to her pursuit as the market began to thin out closer to the pink translucent shore packed with crescent shaped boats of dark wood unloading at the docks. He didn’t know where to let his stare fall however, the water immediately took his attention, but as Leia kept walking, he fought to both find her stare and follow it in the same direction. 
The shore wasn’t packed, but there were just enough bodies to keep him guessing even as he followed Leia’s focus. Where was she looking--
He found her.
Nothing had changed, he still didn’t know exactly where Leia’s stare was directed nor did he have any verbal confirmation that he was looking in the right direction, but he was sure of himself, overwhelmingly sure of himself as his stare landed on the detailed tattoos that covered the back of the lone woman sat on the damp shore, isolated from the crowd. 
The thin interwoven fabric of the maroon dress that cascaded down her form was exquisite in it’s intricately stitched details, but nothing compared to the thick, jet black ink stripes that crested over her back and arms, the extent of the skin he could see from the angle they were approaching with. Everyone he had seen so far on this planet had some form of similar markings, be it extensive designs sprawling up their arms or small delicate images drawn on their hands or necks, but none compared to what he saw on her skin. 
It was like the dark ink was woven around her, like a vine crawling it’s way up a tree. Or maybe more aptly, it was a web, drawn by a diligent insect or maybe even claw marks from a creature, thick where the wounds ran the deepest and thin at the start and ends of each mark. 
Haiku itself was one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy, but the woman before him was more beautiful than even that. 
It took an elbow in the side from Leia to snap him back to reality. 
“Why don’t you let me do most of the talking, yeah?” She countered, a knowing quirk to her brow as she nudged him again with her elbow. 
He wanted to argue back but Leia had already begun walking ahead of him and the second he moved to catch up, a large guard stepped up to block their path. 
This man was tall, like Elias back in the palace was, but he didn’t wear his intimidating height the same way. He was much broader in the shoulders, much wider in his stance, effectively blocking any line of sight either Poe or Leia had towards the princess. Yet unlike Elias, there was no friendly greeting, no real acknowledgement at all besides his narrowed scowl down towards the two of them. 
For a planet of self-proclaimed pacifists, Poe wasn’t really feeling at peace. 
Not until the soft hum of her voice flowed in from the gentle lull of the shore. “It’s alright, Xia, let them through.”
The wall of a man quickly stepped aside on her orders, revealing the exhausted collapse of her shoulders while she began to pull herself back up to her feet. The languid pull of her muscles was obvious with the delicate cut of the maroon dress across her skin, which contrasted the blood color of the fabric with a dark brown glow, not unlike the sparkle of the magnificent granite mountains under the overhead suns. 
“Dekka Anya-Va…” Leia addressed carefully but was quickly cut off by the return of her coarse hum of a voice. 
“I was hoping by not being at the palace that you would get the impression I didn’t want to meet with you,” her accent was thick, much like Elias’s but her comfort with the language was much more evident as it flowed much smoother from her lips despite the natural raspiness to her tone. It was a mesmerizing sound, complemented by the dulcet tone of the gentle waves, making it something he could easily get lost in if it wasn’t for his ability to still hear the words for what they were. 
Condescending. Nearly mocking if he was being honest. It just didn’t sit well with him, not when directed towards Leia. 
“We got the impression, we just ignored it,” Leia countered, pushing her careful tone to the side in favor of the tone she used when addressing her Commanders, a tone that commanded respect, even if the Princess seemed too aloof to provide it. 
She let out a rugged chuckle at that, jagged at the edges where it seemed to have fought through her throat and out from her perfectly shaped lips. “We…” she hummed, “I wasn’t aware you were bringing friends.”
The pointed tips of her words were sent like daggers with her stare as she turned from Leia to where Poe stood right beside her, hands linked behind his back and still holding his jacket in a tight grip. But as personal an assault it seemed, when he opened his lips to respond, Leia was quick to cut him off. 
“This is my pilot, Commander Dameron.”
As unamused as the princess seemed to be, she still did a lot of stone-faced laughter, and that theme held true as her stare held on Poe’s furrowed and focused face. “Does the Commander have a first name?”
With a quick glance to Leia, then back to the Princess, he finally spoke for himself, answering “Poe,” simply. 
He didn’t know what he thought throwing his name into the conversation would add, but he couldn’t determine any reason why not to add it, not until the Princess turned her stare back to Leia and shuddered her shoulders back into a steady stance with her chin raised. “Would you mind telling Poe he can go wait by your ship, I don’t imagine it will be a long conversation.”
There it was again. Aloof, condescending, mocking even. Poe couldn’t stand it. 
“Excuse me--”
“Actually, Dekka Va, I brought him so he could join our talks,” Leia explained, one of her hands shooting up quickly to keep him in place by her side as she felt the heat of his temper rise with her words. 
“He doesn’t seem like he’d be much for conversation.”
He realized his natural disposition may not have been the most diplomatic, he also realized that hot-headed and cocky weren’t necessarily the best qualities for negotiating delicate alliances, but if she was allowed to talk to him with the tone she was taking, he was having a hard time understanding why Leia was keeping him silent. Why even bring him along?
It was infuriating. She was infuriating. She wouldn’t meet them in the palace, she was hiding on the beach, she was biting back with each and every one of her responses. He understood the alliance between her planet and the resistance was important, he really did, but why in the kriff was he even there--
“Dekka Anya-Va, I assure you, Poe is one of my most trusted Commanders and when our discussion eventually turns to shipment methods, he is the only one I trust for routes and numbers--” Leia began, still holding her hand out carefully in front of Poe only to drop it the second the Princess shrugged her shoulders and cut her off the same way she had been cutting Poe off. 
“There will be no shipment discussions.”
“I apologize for avoiding the meeting, but it wasn’t accidental, I truly have no interest in meeting with you, General.” She continued, using the brief second they stood silent and frozen in shock to navigate around them and back towards the market. 
Leia was the first to break out of it, Poe trailing behind, but he still remained quiet, holding back his boiling temper as the General continued to argue. 
“It’s a rather important conversation that we need to have.”
The princess continued forward as if she barely noticed them following, and as the density of the market's population began to increase the closer they moved to the palace, she made no move to slow her careful and practiced step through the crowd to accommodate their trailing. Again, condescending and aloof.
Leia broke his train of thought again as she fought with a quickened pace to find her way to her side and continue her argument just within range of Poe’s ears. “A face-to-face meeting will allow us to discuss our deal more intimately, take away any fears you may have and--”
If she cut Leia off one more time, it wouldn’t matter that she was the most respected being on this planet, Poe wasn’t going to be able to keep quiet for much longer. 
“I’m not afraid of anything, General.”
Before either Leia or Poe, with his temper steadily boiling over, could mount another argument, the princess pulled one of her guards aside, retrieving a small pouch of golden coins from him and turning back to the stall that had caught her eye in the first place. It was the stall they had passed earlier, filled with children and the spiky blue fruits which had caught his eye as he thought about the rest of the galaxy. 
And it was exactly where the princess was kneeling down. 
Her rough tone of voice, coated in it’s natural raspiness, flowed out much easier in her native tongue as she let a genuine smile take over her lips. The kids running the booth were bouncing out of their boots as she lowered herself to their level, and their excitement only grew as they began talking to one another in the Hakian language. It would have been heartwarming if Poe weren’t so frustrated. 
He didn’t understand what they were saying and it was clear as he glanced toward Leia and saw her focused brow that she didn’t understand the words being spoken either, but from the shared interactions, he had a pretty decent idea what was transpiring. 
She asked a question, the kids nervously responded, shaking their heads and trying to offer their product for free before she convinced them to accept her coin. Again, a heartwarming display that he didn’t have time for. 
The sun was hot, boiling hot down the back of his neck, and the anger bubbling from within his chest was heating him up from the inside out, making the whole experience ten times worse. He didn’t need to see any heartwarming display, he needed to say something, and he was becoming increasingly overwhelmed with the feeling that when he did, things wouldn’t go well. 
Yet the moment seemed to be drawing closer and closer as the Princess stood back to full height with a bag full of the spiky fruit, passing her coins back to her guard. He was ready to open his mouth, to unload on her with the same hot-headed cockiness that Leia feared he would lead with, but he was again denied the chance as she silenced him by turning her back to the two of them and reentering the crowd, heading back towards the palace. 
It wasn’t until they were down an isolated hallway of the palace that she turned back, opening the bag of fruit and pulling three of the spiked fruit out easily. 
“Dekka--” Leia tried, but the princess silenced her, sticking one of the fruits into her hand before carelessly tossing one in Poe’s direction. 
She was making a point, and they had no choice but to stand there and take it. 
“This is Mewe, one of our planet’s sweetest fruits,” she hummed, holding up one of her own and turning it gently for them to admire even if all Poe could manage was a subtle roll of his eyes. “They cannot grow anywhere else, they require massive amounts of sunlight, and they are one of the most versatile fruits that exist anywhere in the galaxy, edible on their own, full of health, easily fermented, their juice can soothe sore throats and upset stomachs...”
Puncturing the tough, spiky skin with one of her nails, the vibrant teal juices began to drain quickly out of the shell, too quick for even her quick mouth to catch as she brought the fruit to her lips. The following bite she took was effortless following her brief struggle with the dripping juices, and as much as Poe hated whatever point she was trying to make with this display, as Leia followed her lead and took a bite, he had no choice but to do the same. 
And as desperate as he was to stay boiling with anger when he looked at her, even with teal juices dripping down around the corner of her mouth, his mind was flooded with a delicious distraction the second his tongue touched the inner meat of the vibrant fruit. It wasn’t enough for Haiki to be the most beautiful planet in the galaxy, nor was it enough for her to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in person, they also needed to have the most overwhelming natural fruits. 
Each hesitant chew he took sparked flavors across his tongue, wild, exotic, unlike anything he had ever tasted before. It wasn’t just that his diet had consisted of bland ration packs for the past few years, the taste was truly sweeter and more complex than anything he had ever had on his tongue. 
As much as he hated giving her the satisfaction, while he looked up from the greenish inside of the skin to find her careful stare, he could see that he was doing little to hide his overwhelming satisfaction with the flavor given her increasingly smug smirk. 
“Haiki is a special place, I don’t think you realize that.” The Princess continued carefully, shifting her stare back to Leia directly. 
“We do, Dekka, however--”
“I don’t think you do.” She was quick to counter. “You would have me pledge my sponsorship to your futile movement and sacrifice my planet and the millions of souls who live here to the wrath of the First Order with nothing to offer me in return. You must think my planet worthless.”
Leia shook her head, taking a brief second to swallow the rest of the fruit she held in her mouth and regain her composure in order to fight back, “We can offer your planet protection from the First Order--”
“Because that worked so well for Alderaan, Raysho, Cardota and Courtsilius?” Again, the princess, without hesitation, cut her off. And this time, Poe was done holding his tongue, the heat finally sending his anger boiling over. 
“And pledging your allegiance to a sociopathic regime of murderers is preferable?”
It was exactly what Leia had feared. It was the exact reason she had tried so hard to keep him quiet. Not because she feared he would shoot and miss, but because of his tone. 
Each word drenched in a level of disrespect he hadn’t earned with her, stepping over a line he didn’t even realize, but one Leia couldn’t help him back from, even as she reached up to grab hold of him to prevent his anger from carrying him closer to the Princess and making things worse. 
“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my planet.” She held her stance even as Poe stepped up, making no move but the slight uptick of her chin as he got closer. “As a peaceful planet, we have no options to arm ourselves outside of diplomacy and the First Order is being far more convincing.”
“Whatever they’ve said is lies, you can’t seriously consider trusting them.” He spoke like a man with no knowledge of his actions, entirely oblivious to the way her guard tightened their stances the closer he got, too blinded by his anger as she continued to argue back against him. 
“Because the resistance has never lied to us? Because you can be trusted implicitly on your word?”
With another step forward, eliminating any space between the two of them, Poe effectively cut Leia and her futile attempts to get him to back down out of the conversation. “What have they promised you? Safety? Isolation from the war? It’s only a matter of time before they are enslaving your people and stealing your resources--”
“They’ve promised me protection and have been nothing but cordial, unlike you and your failing resistance.” She scoffed, shaking her small bun of greying hair enough to let loose a few strands as she refused to back down. “So you’d do best to mind yourself before you overstep a boundary you can’t walk back from.”
There was a sense of finality to her tone as she ended her sentence, one Leia picked up on immediately, but even as she moved to grab more forcefully at Poe’s arm to pull him back to reality, he continued to fight his way out of it. Hot-headed, stubborn, cocky. She should have known better than to bring him along. She should have known things would go the way they were going. 
“You want me to play nice? People are dying.” 
Everything that happened next happened all too fast. The words came spewing from Poe’s lips and as the Princess turned away, no longer requiring herself to be subject to his cruel intonation, he reached out and grabbed her arm before he could be stopped. 
In the back of his mind, he could still hear the echoing warning Leia had provided him, telling him to keep his distance and speak with nothing but respect, but the flashes of war echoing in his head and the fire burning in his chest were crackling too loud for anything else to matter. A part of him knew it was out of line, that same part of him was begging for him to stop, and yet his hand still found the smooth, tattooed skin of her forearm, holding her in place as she moved to turn away in frustration. 
Leia took a strong hold on the sweat-soaked back of his shirt and yanked him back, but the damage had already been done. “Stand down, Dameron,” she tried out but by the time he released her arm, the guards had already descended upon him, gripping him by each arm and kicking the backs of his legs in to drop him to his knees. 
“I think the damage has been done, General.” Her voice was firm in her resolve and equally firm as her language switched and her tongue released a flurry of orders towards the guards who held the stubborn, fighting Dameron on his knees. 
“What the kriff-- I barely touched her--” He fought as their grips grew tighter, forcing him frozen where they held him. 
Leia tried again, this time not to hold Poe back but to carefully convince the princess, “Dekka Anya-Va, please…”
But her mind was made up and nothing either of them could do would change that. 
“We’ll let him think himself over with a sleep in our cells,” she explained to Leia as her stare then fell back to the squirming form of the curly haired and now defenseless pilot. “You can leave with him in the morning.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“No, but it seems you might be.” The rough, raspiness to her tone which had been so distracting as it filtered out her accent shifted to something nearly playful, as if the whole display before her was amusing. He was being restrained by a towering guard of thick muscle on each side and she had the audacity to chuckle so plainly in his face, only making him fight more even if he knew it was futile. 
Leia stepped forward carefully towards the princess but before she could muster any last defense, the princess gave a wave of her hand and the guards, with shoulders wide in intimidating bulk, heaved the fighting pilot to his feet and began backing him up, dragging him in the opposite direction. 
“Dekka Anya-Va, let me apologize for his actions--”
“Mensha?” Her raspy voice interrupted the General before any real defense could leave her lips, ushering a young maid out from the small crowd which gathered around the display. “Please escort the General to a room where she can wait, give her anything she needs.”
“Dekka Anya-Va--”
“I’m not my mother, General, the sooner you learn that, the better for all of us involved.”
The long walk back into the depths of the granite palace was all too lonely as the Princess dismissed each and every member of her staff which approached her, even waving away the genuine concern on Elias’ brow and leaving him in the halls as she continued to the throne room. Her back was screaming out from the straight form she maintained with each and every step, but she held her stance and walked on, shoulders firm and chin up, just as she was taught. If anyone passed her, they had to see her as what she was, their leader. 
And leaders didn’t waver, no matter how strong the vacuum of emptiness swirling within their chest was, not when there were eyes to see. 
But the second the towering doors of intricate dark oak shut behind her, leaving her alone in the expansive and empty throne room, her shoulders fell in, collapsing her perfect form as her chin fell to her chest. The weight which settled there was too great, and the hollow gorge that tore through her heart was too powerful. 
Did he really think it was that easy?
Her throat burned with the heat rising out of her chest and her legs grew weaker with each step until she collapsed back against the exquisite throne of dark, sparkling granite consumed by overgrown vines, the words from the hot-headed pilot echoing through her mind, latching onto every thought. 
Did he think it was all that simple? Did he think she saw the blood on the hands of the First Order and so easily ignored it? Did he think it was that easy?
A sociopathic, murderous regime… did he really think she didn’t realize what they were? 
The bubbling in her gut continued on as her thoughts swarmed with a buzzing around her mind and her head fell forward into her hands where her elbows rested on her knees. Her fingers made furious circles of her temples but it made no difference, his words were there, haunting her mind and inescapable. 
Did they really think she didn’t know right from wrong? 
With the responsibility for millions of souls resting heavy on her back, the fate of her kind in her hands, it just wasn’t as easy as good versus bad. No matter how badly she wished it was. 
“Dekka Anya-Va,” the faint voice of one of her staffed maids entered her thoughts as the small woman carefully tiptoed into the room. “The prisoner is… angrily shouting for a meeting with you.”
Her back straightened on instinct, sending a shooting pain up her spine with the quick pace of the change. A pain she could barely mask with her regal tone as turned her stare towards the young woman, “we’ll leave him to calm himself down for now.”
“Of course, Dekka.”
As the door shut again, leaving her alone with her thoughts again, a sigh of insurmountable exhaustion fell from her lips and she collapsed back into the uncomfortable shape of stone. 
If only things could be that simple...
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@cammisanders @rogueonestan @blacksquadron-rougetwo @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @trust-dreamcatcher @mistermiraclee @witchyavenger @randomness501​ @buckstaposition​
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