#so it’s more domestic
midkarma · 1 year
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aki and fiend reader….
he would find you SO annoying. and ohhh you make him hate himself because of how attractive he finds you. since the first day that you joined the hayakawa household it’s like you’ve been trying your best to be a thorn in his side. and the worst part? you’re not even doing anything wrong.
you pick up after yourself, you’re generally well mannered (apart from sometimes referring to him as “human” or “mortal”), and you’re able to calm down the ever rowdy power and denji. they look up to you like an older sibling, especially when they hide behind you to shield themselves from a pissed off aki. he hates it. he hates how much they trust you.
and he hates how amazingly you follow orders. you kill curses easily and with an efficiency that even the highest ranking public safety officers can’t compete with. you clean off your weapons in the living room, always taking care to sharpen and buffer when needed. you even offer to clean off his sword. maybe you should offer to clean off those daggers he’s been glaring at you, too.
the worst part is when you start looking after aki in the same way you look after power and denji. what used to be limited interaction between yourself and aki, has now become you hanging up his laundry to dry, cooking meals you know he likes, and keeping the duo off his back. aki will never admit it, but he loves that you care about him as well.
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reyenii · 27 days
a) charles and edwin’s safe place is their office:
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b) this scene was so domestic. charles is wearing his white tank top. edwin is wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons on his top collar unbuttoned. he’s sitting on the couch in a comfortable pose.
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c) but we don’t see anything like this when the boys are in port townsend. they "hide" behind their clothes almost all the time cause this is a new “place” for them which is not safe to be in
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taytei · 2 years
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trios of assholes are my favorite - especially of the sibling variety
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sensitiveheartless · 5 months
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(Zoomed-in images under the readmore)
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melonberriable · 9 days
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oh no I’ve domesticated them :O
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ursaribbon · 9 months
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source @incorrectphineasandferbquotes
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willowser · 3 months
please 🥺 whenever you complete some kind of personal goal, bakugou will hook an arm around your neck and tug you into his chest and press his lips into your hair an murmur a quiet, "proud of you," 🥺
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celestialwrites · 1 year
OHHH I LOVE YOUR PROMPTSSS PLEASE WRITE GRUMPY X SUNSHINE PROMPTS!! But like - the grump is not mean, he's just stern, and quite but actually grows soft for sunshine and loves to hear her talk? I'm sorry ik it's very specific😭😭😭
TY<;3 (grumpy x sunshine is honestly one of the best tropes!!)
ೃ⁀➷ grumpy x sunshine prompts
��� he could listen to her talk for hours. actual hours. he would sit with that sweet little smile that only she has the gift of seeing and he would just listen.
✩ the sunshine gives him a stern look of fake anger and his nose just scrunches up and he has the softest little smile that makes her heart burst.
✩ “what are you doing?” “looking at you.” “okay, but why?” “because you’re gorgeous.”
✩ he normally doesn’t like to be touched but he always snuggles up to her.
✩ whenever he’s angry/anxious his first reaction is to call her, letting the sound of her voice sooth him.
✩ “are you still paying attention?” “of course” “i’ve been talking about (insert thing he doesn’t like)” “i love the sound of your voice nonetheless.”
✩ he will call her at just to most random times just to hear her voice.
✩ laying in bed and talking might just be his favourite part of the day, the way her face just lights up when she’s encountering a memory of the day makes his heart do funny things.
✩ “i’m going to sleep.” “no, don’t.” “why not?” “just keep talking…please?”
✩ the look he gives people when they interrupt her whilst she’s talking, it’s deadly.
✩ she loves telling him about her day just to see the stars in his eyes and the million dollar smile he has.
✩ the sunshine will specifically try and send voice messages instead of texts&lt;3
(feel free to change up the pronouns!)
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@celestialwrites for more
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pigeonpeach · 6 months
More Arlecchino Husbandry!
Cw: implied violence or possible violence: FMAB reader! Reader is called mother! Slight yandere themes (not full on though)
summary: continuation of Arlecchino Husbandry with more of a domestic focus
To say the children were estatic to know you would be a permanent member of the house hearth and you are officially their mother is a understatement. They threw a party. Even those you haven’t raised and were already grown when you arrived can recognize your importance both to their siblings and to their father: needless to say you essentially have alot of bodyguards now. Each of those children are determined to keep you safe, both out of devotion and gratitude and because it was Arlecchino’s orders to do so. And so on.
As for Arlecchino she’s quite happy to have you. She keeps you in her office on your downtime, sat nicely on her lap as she goes through paperwork so your presence can keep her calm. Occasionally she’ll press a kiss to your neck. In moments like these you two often don’t speak, rather you may be knitting or reading s book or writting ideas down for fun activities for the kids.
Arlecchino despite her deep affections fory you however is a possessive lover at her core. You’re just so fragile in the grand scheme of things. The children are protectors but if another harbinger decided to pursue you there is little they could do besides awkwardly stand by you. She knows her colleagues too well. She knows they’ll see your big heart as a weakness of hers. She knows you’re her weakness now, and in the eyes of the other harbingers it’s something they could exploit if necessary. So she simply refuses to bring you around them. Besides very few are even good company. The only harbinger you might see is Childe when he is visiting fontaine. He’s friendly to you but respectful knowing the Knave likely wouldnt like it if he was flirty with her beloved. Even so all it took was seeing him in your general direction to make her tense. Shooting him a dirty look as she quickly pulled you to her side and cut the conversation short.
In that case Childe just got glared at and scolded because he is a harbinger, she can’t kill him for something so minor. But if it was someone else who doesn’t have that sort of protection then there’s no guarantee she won’t. I wouldn’t describe this as yandere but simply a part of her job. Again you are her weakness, she cannot risk people possibly taking you from her or using you to get to her. Because that is a legit fear for her to have. So everywhere you go a underling accompanies you. Often the twins. Lynette and Lyney because they’re quite sociable and its easy for you to forget they’re your bodyguards. The children actually are very eager to accompany you because such trips are often like a day out with their mom. Its not uncommon you’ll treat them to lunch and or go shopping with them. This actually works as well because it helps you blend in easily amongst the crowd too. Sometimes you’ll bring one of the actual children with you as a fun activity to reward them for hard work. Often times you take them to get some toys or something special.
These trips are great as well, your motherly demeanor towards Lyney and Lynette often does scare away suitors but if it doesn’t Lyney is quick to intervene. And if the suitor gets aggressive from their rejection then its nothing they can’t handle. If the guards aren’t available then they could always just… kill them you know. Granted you often discourage that with the excuse of wanting to avoid legal troubles. But its a possibility.
Arlecchino herself hardly takes you to balls, she is fiercely loyal to you still, even refusing to dance with others for respect for you. This is both because the kids don’t like when you leave, and again: she doesn’t want you to become a target or too infamous because of her. She wants to keep you safe and protected.
As for gifts you can trust she won’t let you down there. She is a incredibly observant person. She knows the exact flavors, styles, items, and colors you would like. She studies your tastes diligently. It also helps she has dozens and dozens of little informants who also know your tastes. If she notices you seem overworked she books you a luxurious spa session. If she notices you’re a bit insecure them she’ll make it a point to hold you and kiss each curve and crevice of your skin. She knows you don’t have extravagant tastes but you do like things of quality and meaning. And her gifts do have meaning. If you like knitting then she’ll purchase a set of the most soft and vibrant wool. If you like reading then she’ll keep an eye on exclusive or high demand books to get you. if you’re a artist then you can guarantee you’ll never be short on paints and ever work will be framed and displayed proudly.
Also in terms of gifts you are utterly spoiled not just by your husbandwifey but your kids. They bring you trinkets and souvenirs from across the world. Often based on things that remind them of you.
Arlecchino however is a busy woman. As a harbinger she deals with stressful situations and stressful meetings. And as her new bride you do have the expectation of tending to her. My advice is to simply let her lay her head on your shoulder or lap. Embrace her gently and don’t ask for details. More often then not she cannot tell you what exactly has happened but it’s usually frustration from dealing with the other harbingers. Usually the males. You’ve heard her grievances and slander of each male at this point. If you really want to help her relax then just smile softly and nod along. Your compliance and obedience is a well needed relief to her. Then tell her good news of the kids, how their skills have improved, etc.
When you’re upset on the other hand, maybe shaken up from a failed kidnapping/assassination attempt you can bet she’ll come to you quickly. She’s wiling to ditch a meeting if she thinks its that severe. Before she gets to you however, you can bet the kids will also comfort you. Often holding you and fiercely protecting you. When she gets there they leave to give you two privacy and to stand outside to make sure no one comes by. Upon which she will hold you tighter than you’re used to her. Her nails almost digging into your skin as she breathes heavily. She waits till you’re collected to ask for details and assures you the perpetrator will not be spared or shown a slight of mercy. All those involved will be hunted down and eliminated. Until then she will personally keep you by her side. With a voice surprisingly shakey, a sound only you will hear and ONLY you: she proclaims her utter devotion to you. She proclaims that she loves you in a soft voice. This softness and weakness is a rare sight, its only done to comfort you and when she’s quite alarmed herself.
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toxooz · 2 years
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replaying rdr2 (mainly to just stay in ch2 shhh) and my Arthur infection has flared up again 🥺 there may b long haired Artar fanart in the future cause that look is growin on me 
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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slavhew · 2 months
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you win. try again?
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craacked-splatters · 9 months
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A lil mareach doodles perhaps?
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polinsated · 7 days
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pianokantzart · 5 months
We all know about how Luigi turns into a fox rather than a tanuki when he touches the super leaf, but I also want to talk about how he's the only one out of his friends who doesn't turn into a normal house cat when he touches the cat bell?
This is a bengal cat (a common house cat breed):
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This is an Asian leopard cat (looks like a house cat, but is shy and elusive in nature and requires an enormous outdoor enclosure):
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Look at Luigi's ears compared to the ears on everyone else!
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They're rounded!
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His ass is not a house cat.
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